#i cannot proofread
diwns · 1 year
hi I hope you have great holidays (if you celebrate!) I love how your screenshots look, could you describe your editing progress in any chance? <3
definitely! my editing progress usually depends on the general feel of each photoset/screenshot so this is just a composed list of steps i generally take whenever i edit them.
the screenshot is taken with gshade (personal preset) and edited with ☠ photoshop CC 2019!
today we're working with this screenshot:
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yes i took it with the border shader in gshade. less things for me to do in photoshop and i can angle the frame how i see fit!
since i've planned to crop this into a square (based on how the border is set) so we'd do that. after cropping i'd run an action (that i called "base") composed of:
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in which the ☠ topaz clean and smart sharpen settings are taken from avonlea's actions. the camera raw filter is just there to add +5 clarity points. ☠ topaz denoise setting varies because unlike topaz clean, denoise pop up window will show up and let you edit it right at the moment. here's a before and after:
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here i'd use the liquify tool to smooth out the rough edges, or export it as .psd to procreate if i wanted some extensive edit and draw on, etc.. then import it back again in pts for the next step.
next i basically throw the screenshot into ☠ color efex & analog efex pro where i play around with the filters and spam the compare button until i'm satisfied.
the settings get changed every time so it'd be kind of useless for me to share them but these are the ones i mess with the most:
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then i'll use the camera raw filter again to hot-fix the screenshot (mostly saturation, hue, highlight, white points, clarity and texture), resizing the image to 1280px wide*, run an action (that i called "noise") and we'll end up with something like this:
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fyi: sharpen the screenshot after adding noise is a personal choice btw. sometimes i'd double sharpen the screenshot if i want it to be more sharp - run the unsharp mask option before the noise action itself.
*if the current width is lesser than 1280px i'd downsize it to 540px since upsizing a lower resolution image will make the details blurrier (there's rarely a case where my original screenshot after cropped is lesser 540px wide).
*if i use swre to hotsample my screenshots i'd resize the photo to 2160px wide instead. most of the 2160px width cases are fullbody shots in cas.
last step is to save/export the edited screenshot as PNG. the grand reveal:
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unfortunately the site for these ☠ programs was not in english, i downloaded them a long time ago i forgot which site i got them from so i couldn't send/link them here :(
— anyway i hope this editing process helps with what you're looking for!! (someway somehow)
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tmae3114 · 9 months
so I've been looking up advice about hand embroidering on velvet for a project idea I had and I just found an article that was ABSOLUTELY written via AI because, well
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hoshiina · 21 days
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: two secret admirers except he is actually insanely down bad for you its crazy
warnings: mentions the readers face 'flushing', it's kind of from hoshinas pov it's mostly his thoughts and voices, I cannot tell if hoshinas ooc but he's rather quiet with a whole ton of thoughts so idk if that's not it for you pls beware
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Unlike one would expect, he was rather one to just sit back and admire. This is not to say he'd let a random guy just snatch you away, but he often couldn't do much more than just admire. It even surprised himself whenever he caught himself watching from afar again, but it really did make sense. He was one of hard work that no one would see, for as long as he could remember. Attention was not something he was used to, nor was it something he craved intensely. So what you had going on was fine for him, he was the happiest he's been just working with you every day.
However, sometimes at night, he'd wonder what it would be like if the one he loved, loved him back. What if he could make you smile and get you flustered? He wanted to know, but he convinced himself he didn't need to, nor could he.
Yet, one day those humble thoughts did a complete 180. He couldn't help it anymore, you had to be his.
It was no special day, at least not until you came along at least. It wasn't that big of a deal— it really wasn't, but the way your face flushed when his hand accidentally grazed your cheek would never be forgotten.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," he had said, immediately. He spun you around and touched the place he grazed, asking if you were okay.
"I'm, I'm perfectly fine, thank you," you said avoiding eye contact. You didn't mean to be rude but you knew your face was bright red and you couldn't dare see his expression.
But you should've. You absolutely should've. His heart clenched at the sight and his eyes widened, he was undeniably in love with you, anyone could tell. He didn’t know if he had any effect on you, or if you were just not used to people touching your cheek, but he couldn’t care less at the moment. He would be damned to let anyone see that look on your face, let alone cause it, so there was no choice but to make you his. He wanted you so badly, but he just didn't know how.
Now all through the day, he found himself thinking about you— he didn't think it could possibly get worse. He noticed everything you did more than ever. He noticed how your horrible sleep schedule was finally a little better, he noticed how you noticed everyone's new achievements and always remembered to compliment them, he noticed how you'd still sneak out in the middle of the night to train when you just couldn't fall asleep. He knew all these things, and yet he didn't know what to do.
A few weeks had passed and he was training late into the night again, but his thoughts were filled with you. It was getting late and he was finally going to call it a night, and that was when he finally noticed you by the door. When your eyes first met, he truly thought he was hallucinating— thought that the fatigue and the constant thought of you had made him go insane. Until you spoke, that was.
“I apologize,” you said in a hurry, your eyes shooting around until they slowly met his again. “I didn’t mean to stare.”
‘Didn’t mean to stare’? ‘Stare’? How long had you been there for? You were waiting for him to say something, but that was not even on his mind at the moment. As smart as he was, there were constantly thoughts flooding his head and all he had were questions. Why were you here? Why did you stay? Why were you still up? Were you having a hard time sleeping? Did he wake you up? Was he making a lot of noise? No, your room should be far enough away from the training room. Then why were you all the way here? Did you want to train too? Was he in the way? Were you—
“I’ll um, leave you to your training,” you said quickly, snapping him out of his flood of thoughts. “Sorry to bother you.”
You were turning away to leave when he reached out for your wrist. His mind was still blank but naturally the question he wanted answers to the most slipped right out of his mouth.
“Why…” he asked softly, eyes wide with surprise. “Why… were you here?”
You were just as surprised and you also didn’t know how to respond. “I couldn’t sleep, unfortunately,” you said slowly. It wasn’t a lie, you really were struggling to sleep— however you did turn the corner in the hall to see if the lights in the training room were on, and you did hope he was the one still up late. Yet, to your surprise his expression relaxed and he almost looked disappointed as he carefully released the grip on your wrist.
“But you need to get some rest as well,” you said, wanting to say something, anything, to keep you in this moment.
“You’re absolutely right,” he said. He was getting no rest tonight, he knew he was going to be up late just thinking about you or thinking about how he’s mildly heartbroken. He was tired of being stuck in his thoughts though and, maybe from the fatigue, it slipped out of him. “I wish you were here to see me.”
He only realized what he had said after he heard himself say it. Immediately the thoughts were back. Oh but it was quiet… perhaps you hadn’t heard it? Not a chance. What does he say next? Does he play it off? That would be such a scummy move. Oh, why would he do that? He had gotten so far keeping his feelings to no one other than himself, keeping quiet, admiring from afar, why now?
“I was!” you said, immediately. “I was here to see you!”
What did you say?
“I was hoping you were the one still training. I was hoping I’d see you tonight,” you said clearly.
He was about to embrace you when he caught himself right before he threw his arms around you. His hands were placed on your shoulders and his face was so close to yours. “Sorry, I’m literally drenched in sweat,” he said. “That would’ve been disgusting.”
“I don’t mind, I can always shower again,” you said, more eager for the hug than anything else.
“No, you need to sleep, it’s late,” he said, but he had to admit that pulled at his heart.
“Okay, then this will have to suffice,” you said and kissed him quickly.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. Not to be dramatic, but this was the moment he had been dreaming of for so long now.
His head was hanging, avoiding any eye contact— he didn’t want you to see his face flushed.
“I am so insanely in love with you.”
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cherryxblossxms · 5 months
🔞 Letting Buggy fuck his frustrations into you~
[nsfw obviously, afab reader, oral (m receiving), some degradation, rough sex, some ass slapping, creampie, followed by fluffy aftercare; a lil devil fruit misuse; 1.6k ahahahaha this....... was intended to be short idk what happened]
He's extremely hesitant when you first bring it up because he knows he's strong, and he never wants to bring anger into the bedroom. He's already anxious when it comes to his relationship with you, he wonders how he ended up with someone like you and if he even deserves you. It's a thought that's on his mind on a near-constant basis, though it improves over time. So the first several times, he adamantly refuses.
He still tends to fall back on old habits and mannerisms and it takes a lot for him to rein himself back in, control it so he's not causing harm to you. He already feels awful when this causes a fight with you that he didn't intend. So even though you're the one bringing this subject up, he's still worried that he'll hurt you somehow, physically or emotionally or maybe even both, and he'd never forgive himself if it caused you to leave.
It takes a while to convince him. But eventually, there's one day where seemingly nothing was going right. Buggy and his crew dealt with a particularly annoying opponent, destroyed a town but didn't get much loot out of it, and none of the crew members could seem to do anything right. At this point, all he wants is to shut himself in his room with you and forget about the world.
And then he remembers your offer.
The second he gets back to the ship, he's dragging you back to his cabin. He doesn't say anything at first, but you can see the gears turning in his head, thinking of what he needs to say. When he finally does speak, it's clearly with much effort over thinly veiled desire and frustration, asking you if you're sure that you want this.
He asks you not once, not twice, but three times. Even as you move forward to kiss his jaw, as you trail your hands over his abdomen and down to cup his growing erection, as he lets you brush your lips over his, he's still asking in between to make absolutely sure you're okay with this, because once you give the okay, he's not letting you go and he's not going easy. And it's clear how much he's struggling not to take you right then and there.
Finally, once he's convinced you understand what you're asking for and established a safe word and a call sign in case things get out of control, it's like the floodgates open. He's ripping your shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. You're on your knees before you know what's happening, face to face with the straining tent in his pants, and Buggy's hand holding the back of your head to keep you close.
He has you undress him, exposing his fuzzy chest and watching as you undo and tug his pants down, and his cock is so eager that it slaps against your jaw, catching you with his dripping precum. It's always intoxicating being on your knees for your captain, but it's even moreso as he directs you on how to touch him, no hands allowed. But you're happy to oblige, teasing him with your tongue along the side of his shaft and along his heavy balls, drawing out a needy groan from his painted lips before he's gripping your hair, indicating his patience is waning quickly. And you're not one to want to anger your captain most days, or deprive him of what he needs. So you happily oblige, finally taking him into your mouth.
He's a struggle to fit in your mouth on a good day, blessed with a thick curved shaft that always manages to make you scream, and it's even harder now that you're doing this hands-free. But as Buggy directs your movements, bobbing your head on his dick, it's intoxicating letting him control your movement. It also doesn't help as you feel a hand suddenly grabbing your rear, having not even noticed he detached one. He temporarily lets go of your head to detach the other hand, using them to tug your pants and underwear down your thighs, before one hand comes back up to continue holding your head.
As you keep sucking him off, it shouldn't be a surprise as his one hand slides between your thighs, lightly brushing against your clit and sliding between your lower lips. What does surprise you both is how wet you are, and Buggy has no shame in pointing it out, commenting on how needy you are, what a slut you are to get off on being used like this. Buggy is no stranger to dirty talk, (it's hard to get him to stop talking about anything truly), but this time it's obvious how affected he is by everything.
He's quickly pumping one, two, three fingers between your legs, making you moan around his shaft as he preps you for the main event. With all the frustration built up in him, it's not long before he's twitching, already ready to cum, especially as he gets to listen to your noises. But he wants to finally take you. He pulls you off of him, dick coated in your spit, and you look fucked out already, making him chuckle. Once he reattaches the hand that was fingering you, he's finally completely removing your bottoms and hoisting you up in his arms, letting your legs wrap around his hips as he presses you to the cabin wall.
It's a struggle not to scream as he immediately pushes in, still causing some stretch even with all the prep. And although his thighs are shaking with the effort, he gives you just enough time to adjust before he's pounding you into the wood. If the ship wasn't already rocking with the sea, you're sure his movements alone would have made the place shake, the sounds of your wetness and skin slapping filling the air. At one point, he adjusts his position so your legs dangle over his forearms, effectively folding you like a lawn chair and allowing him to reach even deeper.
Your first orgasm blindsides you, making you scream and shake in his arms as Buggy keeps fucking you towards overstimulation, his movement barely halted as you suddenly clamp down on him. He slows his pace, but only barely, just enough to tell you how good you are for taking him like this... but that he's not done yet. You can barely register his words before you're on his bed, face down and ass up, thighs trembling from your orgasm and a cooling feeling between your legs as your cunt is exposed and presented.
You can only imagine what a mess it looks like, especially given the pounding he'd just given you, before a hand comes down on your ass, snapping you out of your thoughts and drawing a cry from your lips. Now this is not unusual for Buggy, whose hands are always finding their way to your ass. He loves the plush, the jiggle, and he especially loves the noises you make when he slaps it. But of course, even that's short-lived as he grinds his shaft against you, still hard and aching to cum already, before pushing in once more.
By now, although he hasn't cum yet, Buggy is actually feeling better already. Just having you cum for him, watching your expressions and feeling the way you hold onto him, eased much of his frustration, now mostly replaced by just his usual hunger for you. So he's quick to snap his hips against yours once more, making you moan against the sheets as he sets a brutal pace. Once again, one of his hands separates to keep up occasional slapping, making you tighten around him, before it eventually slides between your legs against to circle your clit.
The sensations are too much, and you're babbling as such before you realize it, but Buggy is quick to promise he's almost done, just a little bit longer, you're doing so good for him and he can't wait to fill you up. By now, his body is pressing down on yours, warm and sweaty and strong, his balls and thighs slapping against you with each thrust, and his detached hand still toying with your sensitive pearl, trying its hardest to make you cum again.
The combination of things finally drives you over the edge, and your orgasm triggers Buggy's this time, making you both moan in tandem as Buggy presses in close, cumming deep inside as your cunt tries to milk him for everything its worth. His moans echo in your ear, hot breath panting against your shoulder as you two struggle for breath. It takes much too long to separate, and the ache between your thighs tells you just how sore you'll be tomorrow. But as Buggy comes into your view, now seeking to check on your wellbeing after fucking your brains out, you can see that it'll be well worth it, his eyes only filled with love and worry now instead of their earlier anger.
Buggy always struggles a bit with aftercare, but he tries his best for you, finding the cleanest rag he can to clean between your legs. Once you're dressed in one of his shirts, he's quickly pulling you into his arms. It's sweet, if overbearing, how he's checking in with you and asking you about a hundred times if you're okay, if he was too rough, if there was anything you didn't like or if he scared you. You might have to interrupt him with a kiss to get him to stop for a moment, but once he's reassured about how you feel, he'll finally relax.
When you first brought up this offer, he was so scared about how it would turn out, afraid to hurt you and afraid to scare you off. But now that it's out of the way and he knows you're okay, he might be more willing to come to you more often with his... troubles.
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saetoshi · 1 year
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sae, surprisingly, is very fond of sleeping in.
it’s the reason he always clings to you when you sit up to get out of bed.
it is also the reason you’re late for your morning class.
“sae.” you frown, “let go.”
he groans, tightening his grip around your waist.
“sae.” you sigh, “i need to get ready.”
he blearily opens his eyes to glare up at you. “jus’ stay.”
“i can’t,” you try to wriggle out of his arms, “and you can’t, either.”
he makes a face.
“you’re gonna be late for practice.”
“‘s our day off.” he shifts closer to you.
“sae,” you whine, “i have class.”
“what do you mean no?” you bury your face in your hands.
“i mean,” he lifts his head up to squint at you, “just don’t go.”
you stare at him. he stares (he’s still squinting) back.
you huff, “you’re a horrible influence.”
“you knew that before we started dating,” he yawns, “you don’t get to complain.”
“you do this every time you don’t have practice.”
“i don’t force you to stay,” he trails off.
there’s a beat of silence. sae’s breathing evens out as his eyes close, soft snores leaving his lips.
you look at him. he doesn’t move. you slowly remove his arms from your waist, careful to not wake him up.
you’ve got one leg out of bed before you’re yanked back.
“sae!” you groan.
“where’re you going?” he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you against him.
you try to pry him off, “i thought you were sleeping!”
“you were gonna leave me while i slept?” he clicks his tongue.
“and people say i’m the mean one.” you can hear the shit-eating grin on his face.
“you’re meaner than me!” you laugh.
he doesn’t say anything. (not that he could defend himself even if he wanted to.) you would’ve thought he fell asleep again if he hadn’t tightened his grip around you when you tried scooting off the bed.
you fondly shake your head when you hear his muffled laughter and feel his arms shaking.
“stop trying to leave.” he sits up, resting his head on your shoulder.
“you’re already late anyway,” you can feel his smile against your skin, “might as well just stay here with me.”
you roll your eyes. he had a point. you are late, and even if you hurried to get changed you’d still arrive at class around the time it’s ended. (you’re not telling him, though. his head is big enough as is.)
“i guess i could stay,” you sigh, “i’ll just ask someone for the lecture notes.”
as soon as those words leave your lips sae flops back on the bed, pulling you along with him.
“you’re the stubbornest person i’ve ever met,” he nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck.
“shut up, you’re worse,” you yawn.
there’s a beat of silence.
“just go sleep already,” he huffs, “i’ve been awake long enough trying to get you to stay.”
“don’t expect this to happen again,” your eyes droop.
“you always say that,” he hums, his eyes drifting closed and a yawn leaving his lips, “yet you stay.”
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ender1821 · 6 months
behold. me coping with session 9 SL!shinyduo
— — —
The crackle of a lightning strike hits at the exact same moment Pearl hears a resounding crack from her neck. After she had been shot by Scar, the impact of the arrow led her to stumble down the ravine beside Scar’s base, leaving her at the bottom of the pit.
Well, at least it was quick.
She finds herself lying on the stone ground, a view of a clear blue sky above her.
The only thing she could do was let herself breathe. (Do ghosts even need to breathe? Eh, who knows.)
Her eyes close as she builds a steady rhythm with the rise and fall of her chest, willing for the aching and exhaustion riddled all throughout her body to somehow dissipate.
Aside from the sound of her breaths, she can pick up Scar’s voice off in the distance. It doesn’t sound much like a cheer, or a cry, or anything— but then again, Pearl’s not in a fit state to focus on whatever he’s saying.
Instead, she tries to think back on everything that just unfolded, all the deaths, the hunts…the duel. The zombie that had been creeping towards Scar before Pearl warned him.
She sighs, “I swear, if he dies to a zombie, after all that…”
Now, she wasn’t really expecting a reply.
Especially not a reply from a voice that’s so familiar.
“I know, right? It’d be embarrassing for both of us.”
Pearl’s eyes snap open in an instant, as though the answer gave her a surge of energy, overpowering the waves of numbing pain.
She looks…just like she used to, when they were red…together.
Pearl blinks, trying to focus on the figure looming over her. It’s only then, that she notices Gem’s body is slightly translucent, allowing rays of sunlight to pass through.
“Hey, Pearl.” Gem extends a greeting they both know far too well. She crouches down, tilting her head. “Are you going to keep lying on the ground, or…?”
“I might.” Pearl chuckles. “It’s pretty comfy down here, actually.”
“I can imagine.” Gem shifts to sitting cross-legged next to Pearl, which prompts her to try and actually sit upright as well.
Pearl grunts when she finally manages to move, scooting over to Gem. Sitting underneath the shades of a bit of overhang of the earth above, they find themselves situated in a corner of the ravine, now further ruined with scorch marks and splatters of blood on the walls.
Despite the destruction, sunlight casts shadows of sunflowers into the chasm. It must be the ones Scar has around his base.
Silence follows. Pearl tries her best to stare only at the walls around, but she ends up glancing at Gem a few too many times. She hopes Gem is too preoccupied to notice. (Pretty slim chance of that happening, considering the fact that there’s nothing of interest nearby but them.)
Eventually, though, something in Pearl pushes her to speak.
“So,” Pearl starts, “what’s got you wanting to give me a visit? I thought you’d be with Scott and Impulse.”
Gem jerks up at the sudden question, then turns away from Pearl. “I— I dunno, I just… We died pretty close to each other, you’re the first one I saw.”
If Pearl’s head had been a bit more clearer, maybe she would’ve questioned why Gem was so insistent on not facing Pearl when she answered. Instead, she accepts the answer with a nonchalant “Ah, I see.”
“Well, I appreciate the company. And…” Pearl adds, pausing as the following words get caught in her throat for a brief second:
“I’m sorry.”
That seemingly got Gem’s attention, causing her to look at Pearl once again.
Just today, Pearl was met with those same pair of eyes on multiple occasions. For some, they sparkled with a sense of joy. For others, they held a flurry of panic behind them.
At this moment, they were glazed with a whirlwind of emotions Pearl couldn’t even begin to decipher.
Pearl can see Gem obviously struggling to find something to say, or to piece together the thoughts in her head. Either way, Pearl waits.
“When you— when Scar was coming for me, you asked me if I wanted to duel it out with you, with swords.”
Pearl nods.
It’s such a simple question, really. Pearl knows exactly why she did it. Just as she knows why she went into the End earlier in the game to fight the dragon, why she rode a camel with the same person who’s killed her twice, why she couldn’t get a successful ambush when she’d been in the siege against Gem and the Scotts.
What leaves her lips is not the answer. Not a clear one, at least.
(It’s never easy, is it? When Scar and Gem had begun fighting, all Pearl wanted was a moment to think. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know why she began shooting, she just didn’t know. She couldn’t decide.)
“You said you didn’t want a bow fight.”
“But a sword fight, Pearl?” Gem pushes on in an instant. “I know you, Pearl, I know you prefer using an axe.”
“I do, yeah.” Pearl doesn’t give away any more than that, choosing to give Gem a noncommittal response.
“So— If Scar hadn’t— If I agreed, you—”
“You probably would’ve kicked my butt.” Pearl admits with a smile.
Gem takes a deep breath. Then, in the quietest voice Pearl has heard all day, Gem asks, “And you would’ve been fine with that?”
(I would’ve been more than fine with it.)
“You would’ve beat me fair and square, I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
“But you—” Gem cuts herself off with a groan, growing more and more frustrated with Pearl’s vague replies. It’s no use when they’re both dancing around the topic, even though all Gem wants is to ask: would you have let me kill you? Could we have stayed friends? What went wrong?
Gem recalls Pearl backing away after one swing of her sword, when she was fighting Scar, she caught a glimpse of Pearl leaving the fight to them. She remembers how Pearl could’ve pulled out her bow, could’ve ended her right there.
(Do I forgive you?)
A breeze blows past the Sunflower Valley, leading the flowers above, along with their shadows, into a gentle dance.
Nearly every question Gem has dies on the tip of her tongue, leaving only one:
“What now?”
Pearl gives it some quick pondering, before stretching her legs out and bracing herself to stand. “I wanna check on Mailbox and Matchbox.”
“Then,” She helps herself up by leaning on a wall. “I wanna see if I can find my Mounders anywhere.”
Lastly, she extends a hand out to Gem. “After that… I think I remember Scott saying something about a spare camel around Etho’s?”
Gem returns the smirk on Pearl’s face with one of her own. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“The Murder Camel rides once more!” Pearl cheers as she pulls Gem up with her.
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mclarenviolet · 10 months
New snarky hot vampire husband fic incoming soon 👀
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solidwater05 · 8 months
It's ADHD awareness month so l thought it'd be nice to explain why someone with ADHD might consciously make horrible decisions despite being aware of the consequences
So, let's image a situation. A person with ADHD is doing a mildly entertaining activity, let's say doomscrolling. This person also has a task to do. I made a graph where the brighter the color, the higher the satisfaction that the person gets from an activity
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[ID: A graph showing a line that divides into two separate lines. The main line, and the bottom line, are a dull yellow. The top line starts off black, and turns bright green as it gets further away from the bifurcation. /End ID]
So here, doomscrolling isn't super gratifying but hey, it's better than nothing. The person has the choice to keep doomscrolling, even though it's honestly pretty boring, or they could do the task they need to do. When they're done with that task, they'll feel a lot better, so they should do that, right? Just do the task because there's literally no cons? Well. Look at this other graph:
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[ID: The same graph as before, but cropped to only show the bifurcation itself. This way, the top line seems to be completely black. /End ID]
This is how a person with ADHD perceives the choice. They can logically know that they'll feel better if they do the task, but executive dysfunction makes it literally impossible to get any sort of motivation or satisfaction for gratification that doesn't currently exist. So the choice goes from 'feel meh or feel good later' to 'feel great in comparison or never feel good again'. And what's the obvious choice here?
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heartsoji · 1 year
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starring the bllk boys!
featuring kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, and bachira meguru
a/n: sigh some easy headcanons bc i simply cannot write anymore
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acts of service!
pls acts of service just screams him
hes your hero, after all! hes at your service
you're hungry? here, have some of his food!
on your period? chocolate and midol for you!
cant go to sleep? he has a bottle of melatonin and huge, snuggly arms
he will literally do anything you ask
he's def an 'actions speak louder than words' typa guy so he feels that when he does something for you, its proof of his love
ALSO something that i was thinking ab was yk how kunigami is ripped
if ur feet were tired, he'd carry you on his back with ease
'are you sure im not too heavy?' *looks back at you with disappointment and betrayal* 'hell no."
hes a sweetie
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words of affirmation!
hes a rizzler, ok
he says cheesey things with the same composure he'd have if he was taking a nice stroll in the park
"the stars, the sun, the moon. they're supposed to shine bright, but they pale in comparison to you" with a calm, soothing smile
ok sorry
he also provides really good comfort!
if you're crying from a rough day, he's there with you, rubbing your back, whispering sweet things into your ear
"it's ok, love. i know it feels like the end of the world now, but it was etc etc" WITH HIS SILKY SMOOTH VOICE UGH
ok i hc that after he gives you those cheesy poetic compliments, he makes you look him in the eyes and just lets you melt into putty in his arms
hes just so
(can u tell i love chigiri)
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quality time + physical touch!
he love love loves spending time w/ you
he plans the most fun dates ever and he always makes sure you have a great time
picnic dates, arcade dates, amusement park dates, you get it
hes just so thoughtful and his laughter is literally contagious
hes one of the guys who will be happy just by being with you (and his happiness is contagious so youre happy too)
also hes super touchy
big fan of back hugs. you'll be standing there when you suddenly feel him ram into you, arms circling around your waist
a big cuddler also
i could def see him being either a little or big spoon tbh
he just loves being close to you
sometimes you'l be laying in bed when you hear a "YAHOOO" (like mario) and suddenly hes ramming down on top of you as you let out a loud, "OW"
he has the tightest hugs ever
just grabs you and squeezes you and spins you around
also loves dancing with you
he'll put on some fun music and he just spins you around and laughs and has fun
pls hes so cute i love him
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heartsoji 𑁍 please do not steal, plagiarize, or repost onto any platform. thank you!
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strangersatellites · 1 year
pride, wrath, sloth, gluttony, greed, lust, ao3
Seven Deadly Sins Series (NSFW 18+)
envy (noun) - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
Logically, Steve knows it's not real.
He knows that. 
He knows Eddie loves him and that this is all work.
That doesn't make it any easier to watch supermodels hang all over his boyfriend. See lipstick stains pressed all over his neck, and jeweled hands dragging all over his body.
Eddie’s pretty, lazy smile doesn’t help either. 
Steve’s spent the better part of the morning sitting in a secluded corner of this studio and watching Eddie bark instructions at his manager and his bandmates and even the camera crew.
The video was going to be great, no doubt. The song was already amazing.
But couldn’t this shoot have been a little less…
He doesn’t know.
All he does know is that he would give anything to be in those girls’ place.
It’s not that he wants to be in the video. He doesn’t like that attention.
It’s not even that he wants to stake his claim over his boyfriend.
He just wants people to know. 
That Eddie’s taken. That he’s his.
But he can’t. And he knows that. Knows it’s not smart. That Steve’s got too much riding on his teaching career to be publicly linked to famed sex-symbol musician Eddie Munson.
It doesn’t make him want it any less.
Doesn’t make him not want those vinyl-covered legs around his waist. Ringed fingers tugging at his hair. 
But instead he sits. And he watches.
The ride home that night is tense. Steve feels it. He’s pretty sure their driver feels it if the lowered music and open window are anything to go by. 
No matter how hard he tries to shake it, the jealousy has dug its claws in deep. It's scratching at his chest and making him itch. Making him feel like he’s going to jump out of his skin.
But here Eddie is stretched across the seats and is smoking out the window without a care in the world. 
Cool it Steve. You’re being ridiculous.
He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to will the feeling away. But with his eyes closed he sees hands. Lipstick. Smiles that are all teeth.
He throws his head back with a groan as the driver opens the door when they’re home.
They’re hardly through the door when Steve’s got his hands on him. 
Got his hands shoved up over his head and his tongue in his mouth.
Eddie gasps against his lips, and there’s a question in the sound to which Steve responds “Mine.”
He feels Eddie’s hands shoving at his chest and he sees his eyebrows scrunch up in concern.
“Steve, what's wrong?” He asks and Steve hates that.
Hates that he’s worried about Steve and all he is is jealous.
He grabs both sides of Eddie’s face and thumbs at a bit of lipstick that’s still smudged against his cheek. Feels that jealousy flare up green and ugly once more.
He shakes his own head and furrows his brows when he whispers a quiet, shy, “Don’t like them touching you like that when I can’t.”
Eddie’s eyes soften and his own hands wrap around Steve’s wrist and he hums.
“Yeah, I know you don’t sweetheart,” he purrs, moving his arms up to wrap around Steve’s neck. “Got me all to yourself now though, hm?”
And maybe it's not right the way Eddie enables him. Maybe it's not healthy, maybe it's not good.
But it digs its claws in again and this time has Steve grabbing Eddie around the waist and hoisting him up and over his shoulder before stalking off toward their room.
He huffs a laugh through his nose and digs his fingers into the back of his thigh. “Sure do baby. And I’ve got nothing but time.”
A few minutes later has Eddie naked and writhing against the sheets as Steve torments him.
He’s got a cold cloth to scrub at the marks left on Eddie’s skin followed by Steve’s teeth leaving a mark of his own. 
By the time Eddie’s chest is marred with bruises he’s got his head thrown back in the pillows and his breathing is ragged.
Steve crawls back up his body and captures his lips with his own. It's all force, all teeth, all love. 
He brings a hand up to tilt Eddie’s chin higher and he whines in return. Steve smirks down at him and tilts his head in question.
“Who’s are you, baby?”
Eddie gasps and grabs at Steve’s hips grinding down against his own.
“Yours, Stevie. Fuck, I’m yours baby.”
Steve kisses him once more, all chaste and sweet before he’s back up on his knees.
And if Eddie enables his jealous streak, Steve enables his love of being manhandled.
“Legs up, babe,” he says and Eddie has the nerve to blush.
But then Steve’s got his hands in the creases of his thighs and drags him up and over his own lap and Eddie groans from deep in his chest. 
Steve laughs. “Those pretty girls can’t do all this, huh?”
Eddie rolls his eyes but he’s smiling and he’s so, so pretty like this. Covered in Steve’s bruises and hard against his stomach. Skin soft and marked with ink where he’s stretched out all for Steve to take. 
Steve loses himself a little in the sounds and the feeling of opening him up on his fingers. Always goes a little cross-eyed watching how much Eddie lets himself feel.
But then he sees Eddie slide a hand down his own chest to wrap around his dick and Steve snaps back into reality in an instant. He bats Eddie’s hand out of the way and shushes his affronted scoff.
“Thought you were all mine, sweetheart. That means this is just for me,” he purrs on an upward tug and a deep slide in.
Eddie rolls his eyes but grabs at his shoulders and drags him forward.
“Then fucking come on then, or I’ll find somebody else to fuck me.”
And he knows it's not real.
He knows that.
But it flares up green anyway and he’s got his teeth sunk into Eddie’s neck and his own hips pressing into him. In the back of his mind he can hear the pleased hiss that Eddie doesn’t manage to hold back, but the forefront of his head is louder, saying “Mine, mine, mine.” He thinks maybe his mouth is too.
Once again he loses himself in the feeling. In the tight heat of Eddie’s body and the circle of his arms around his neck. In the words he can feel Eddie whispering in his ear but can’t decipher. In the knowledge that they can look and they can touch but they can’t take from Eddie Munson. Not like Steve can.
He drags himself back down in time with a whine from the back of Eddie’s throat and snakes a hand back to tug him off.
Eddie’s eyes are watery and they sparkle deep and dark when they blink up at him. He tangles his hands in Steve’s hair and he presses his nose up against Steve’s own.
“‘M all yours sweetheart,” He gasps in time with a deep grind of Steve’s hips. “I’m all yours and nobody’s gonna take that away.”
If Steve wasn’t on the cusp of an earth-shattering orgasm he might have something sweet to say. But as it is, he’s still a little wrapped up in the ugly green feeling of jealousy, and it has him tugging Eddie’s hips back sharp and hard with a near-growl of “Nobody gets this but me.”
He thinks Eddie says something back before he’s coming up his own chest but Steve can’t hear it over the rushing white noise of release. 
When his breathing slows back down and his head is no longer spinning with lips and teeth and hands Eddie drags a hand through his hair where he’s laid against his chest.
“Hey baby?” He asks.
Steve hums in response.
“Do you know why our shoot took so long today?”
His brows furrow in confusion and he props his chin up against his hand.
“What do you mean?”
Eddie smiles at him, pretty and lazy, and Steve’s favorite.
“Video shoots usually only take a few hours. We were there all day because I couldn’t get my head on straight. They had to retake that close-up shot nine times because I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”
And that's just Eddie’s flattery at work. Steve rolls his eyes but he insists.
“I’m serious, Stevie! You think you can sit in on my shoot with girls climbing all over me looking soooo cool and soooo handsome in your ass jeans and my shirt and I’d be thinking about anything but you? Yeah fucking right, man.”
He feels his cheeks blush pink and he drops a kiss to Eddie’s collarbone.
“I love you,” he whispers.
Eddie’s smile is blinding and his dimple is deep. “I love you back, sweetheart. You’re all that’s ever on my mind.”
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
can plz I request homelander waking up reader in the middle of the night bcuz he’s hôrnyyy !!
18+, f!reader, somnophilia. Homelander doesn't need much sleep. Vought always chalked it up to being simply unnecessary, given the sheer amount of Compound V in his system. Whether he sleeps for two hours or eight, his powers function just the same. That was all that ever mattered to them. It was better that way. Fewer nightmares. And then you came along, and that began to change. The nightmares lessened. Nowadays, he generally sleeps however long you do, but old habits die hard. Tonight, Homelander finds himself wide awake at about three in the morning, cuddled up against your back.
Homelander sighs, nuzzling at the back of your neck, then your bare shoulder. The weight of you in his arms is a constant, warm comfort, the smell of you intoxicating. He's not even sure if he could sleep at all without you anymore. Even the way you snore endears him. Absently, he begins to run his hand along your naked side, tracing the slopes of your body from your ribs to your outer thigh, then back up. He's always run warmer than you. He can feel little goosebumps prickling along your skin where he touches you, featherlight and perhaps a little ticklish. He can't believe how soft you are. At times he feels like every curve of you was made for him. Given the chance, he can't help but explore you. You make a soft sound in your sleep, giving him pause. The corner of his mouth quirks slightly. Hmm... Homelander kisses the junction between your neck and your shoulder, ghosting his hand back down your body. On the slide back up, he cups your breast. He thumbs gently at your nipple, coaxing it hard. His cock gives an answering throb at the feel of it, of your body responding to him involuntarily, even in your sleep. "Babe," he whispers against your skin. No response. He licks his lips, his own heart rate picking up. It's beginning to feel like an exciting game of sorts. He moves his hand a touch more firmly down your body, over your stomach, and down further until his fingertips brush your clit. He begins rubbing slow, gentle circles while kissing a line from your shoulder to your throat. And then you moan so very sweetly, a breathy sound pulled from you, even as you sleep. Homelander bites down hard on his tongue, holding you against him as he grinds against the curve of your ass. He's achingly hard now, riled up by his little game far more than he expected to be. "Babe," he murmurs, louder now. "Honey... Wake up," he says, breath tickling the shell of your ear. He rubs a little firmer between your thighs, coaxing you in more ways than one. With a sharp inhale, you finally wake, bleary and confused. "Mmm, wha—Nnnngh..." you moan, reflexively grabbing him by the wrist. You feel hot all over, coming out of sleep with a feverish need already in full gear. Your mind practically runs a gauntlet to catch up. Homelander exhales a heated sigh along your neck. He uses the arm crooked under you to catch hold of your jaw and turn your head to face him, leaning over to kiss you fervently. "Need you," he murmurs between kisses. "Body so goddamn perfect, you know that? Fuck, couldn't help myself," he says, the words tumbling out in an urgent stream of hunger.
Still half asleep, you reach between your legs, beyond his hand, and grasp blindly at his cock, surprising a breathless little moan out of him. Parting your thighs, you guide his cock between them, and then tighten them back together. You press your hand overtop his. "Don't stop," you tell him, voice wrung with sleep and arousal in equal parts. Immediately, Homelander resumes massaging circles over your clit, stopping only briefly to bring his hand up to his lips, sucking them into his mouth to wet them before he puts them right back to work. Simultaneously, he starts thrusting against you, fucking the plush, warm space between your thighs, your cunt wet and perfectly soft along the top of his cock. "Uuhhnn, fuck, fuck," he moans, moving his hand from your jaw to your throat, holding you firm against him as his pace quickens, thrusts turning jagged the closer he climbs to his release. He's bringing you to the edge with him, fingering your clit with such deft precision that you're starting to feel lightheaded— though that could also be from the divine grip he has on your throat. "John," you whimper, clinging to both of his wrists, your skin pricking, pressure building. You're fully awake now, but helpless to the onslaught of pleasure. "Oh, god, John. That feels so f-fucking good, gonna make me— make me—" Homelander doesn't get to hear the rest of it, but he feels it. He feels your whole body lock up like a vice, your hold on his wrists tightening, your nails biting ineffective crescents into his invulnerable skin. He feels your clit throb wildly, but it's your pussy soaking and convulsing along the top of his cock that hurls him over the precipice of his own release. He comes messily into the space between your thighs, load after load spilling out from between them, dripping down your skin. He forgets to breathe for a solid minute, the orgasm shaking him to his core. Finally, he sucks in a shaky breath, exhaling roughly as he gently rocks his hips into the wet mess he's made of your thighs, relinquishing his hold on your throat, burying his face into your neck. The two of you spend a few moments just breathing, gradually floating down from the high of it, peaceful silence falling over you both. Homelander nuzzles you, smiling dreamily in the aftermath of his pleasure. "Good morning," he murmurs, kissing your neck. You lift your head just enough to catch a look at the clock. "Absolutely not," you respond, words half slurred. "It's barely 4AM. Get me a towel, I'm going back to sleep," you inform him, putting your head right back down on the pillow. Homelander laughs, adjusting his arms around you to embrace you, squeezing you briefly against him. "Pretty good way to wake up if you ask me." "Try it again in four hours," you respond, jelly-limbed in his arms. Homelander grins, broad and predatory. "Is that permission?" "Mmmhm," you hum, already forgetting about the mess between your legs as you fade back into sleep, walloped by one of the most intense orgasms of your life. "Perfect," Homelander purrs, kissing your cheek. "Sleep tight." Now he's really got something to look forward to.
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spaceshipkat · 20 days
peacetime like a liminal space [clegan fic]
After the war, Bucky tries to lose himself in New York City. Gale finds him anyway.
come and get ittttt! Bucky tries to get over Gale, Gale says, "HA! nice try, the receipt's already burned," and lets Bucky talk him into dancing. also featuring hotdogs, waffles, and cashmere robes.
read it here on ao3!
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hoshiina · 10 months
pairing: akatsuki hyoga x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: hyoga thinks very poorly of being in love, but he's in love with you
warnings: hyoga is a little sweet at the end
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Hyoga did not like the idea of love— it was only natural for someone who thought like he did. It was illogical and people acted irrationally because of it. If anything, he looked down on those in love because he genuinely thought they were losing their minds to some silly feelings. To him, love was always something for the weak, not for the strong who had things to be doing. Important things.
Which is why he thought you were so horribly stupid to be confessing to him. If one thing wasn't going to work, it was that. Yet, no matter how many times he told you that you were being silly and he wouldn't return your feelings, you just wouldn't back down. Almost daily, you'd find a way to tell him your feelings again.
He hated it so much, everything about it upset him, but somehow he wasn't able to push you away. Your daily greetings and conversations made him far happier than he would like to admit, and that annoyed him greatly. He was not supposed to be feeling joy from someone else, and definitely not supposed to be looking forward to seeing you. Illogical, irrational, thoughts.
These thoughts alone already annoyed him— he hadn't even dared to think he was in love. Never would he be in love, and definitely not with you. Yet, deep inside he knew. He knew that if you were to stop one day he'd probably give in and blurt out these emotions he's been hiding from even himself. He wasn't ready for that, but more importantly, he wasn't ready to see you give up on him. He knew he was being illogical and annoying, not wanting to admit his feelings to return yours, but also not wanting you to move on to someone else. He knew he was being hopelessly selfish, but he just didn't know what to do. He had never been in love before.
The next day when you confessed your love for him all over again, like it was the first and this hadn't been going on for weeks now, the thought alone that he might harbour feelings for you flustered him to no extent. He didn't mean to act so cold and push you away, but he just didn't know how to act. He had no idea what to do, but he knew he'd rather die than show it on his face.
"Hey, Hyoga?" you asked, voice serious.
He stopped to listen and turned his head your way.
"I know you're not fond of me doing this every day, but is it really a nuisance to you? If it is, I'll stop..." you said carefully.
You were trying not to cry, he could tell. He's heard you every day so he knew you well enough to know that much. But this was exactly what he was dreading and he brought it upon himself. Why couldn't he act like he normally did? Why were you affecting the way he acted? Everything irritated him until it made so much sense.
He was in love with you, and there was no denying it anymore.
"Please be blunt about it, I'll feel better that way," you said, but then smiled immediately after. "I guess I don't have to worry about that with you, though. You don't know how to sugarcoat your words anyway."
He didn't know what to say and how to tell you how he felt, so it came out blunt and honest, just like you had asked for it to be. It wasn't the kind that he liked— it came out far too uncollected and in a fluster, but it was his genuine thoughts.
"I think I'm in love with you, and that scares me to death," he said.
"What?" you ask, not believing your ears.
"I will not be repeating that," Hyoga said and turned away. He genuinely believed you were going to run after him and squeal like you always do, but you didn't.
"You won't take it back, though?" You said quietly and he immediately turned around. He knew you were crying. He didn't mean to make you cry— that was the last thing he wanted to do.
"You just said to be blunt, so I was," he said. "Please don't cry."
"I am so in love with you," you said, looking straight into his eyes.
"Even after I made you cry?"
"These are the happiest tears I will ever cry."
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b1gwings · 6 months
today's dndads was so fucking good and people are making good points about the parallels and cycles of Henry not being proud of Sparrow, and then Sparrow not being proud of Normal which is all so real and heartwrenching. I also noticed something in addition to that when they came back from the past and he started to walk into the woods.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about last episode when Normal said something to Scam about "I can't be around another adult who thinks they deserve to die." The twins are the main adults in his life that think like this, especially with Lark's whole "if someone's going to die for this, it's going to be me" attitude. One of my friends told me about a really good post they saw (although they couldn't find it :( ) about how this is an effect of the adults in Normal's life not wanting to take accountability. They want it to be fixed, but they'd rather die to punish themselves instead of stick around to help fix it.
Normal is sick of this behavior and this seniment. Lark, Sparrow, and the other kiddads ROYALLY fucked up everyone's life -- even though it's their fault Normal would rather see them do something about it. Which makes a lot of fucking sense? He's been around this his entire life, and since learning about Code Purple it's just gotten worse.
Which is why him trying to just walk out into the woods struck me as so interesting. Obviously, baby Normal was not responsible for releasing the flesh monster onto D.A.D.D.I.E.S HQ just like Lark was not responsible for releasting the Doodler. The way I see it, Lark blames himself wholeheartedly for this whole mess. Sparrow too. Their self-hatred only festers into an immensely heavy guilt. It's hard to get out from under those huge feelings. And, yeah, it would be easier to just die -- to punish themselves for fucking up so bad -- than having to figure out a way to fix it. It feels hopeless.
Normal has a moment with that guilt in this episode. He fully believes that it's his fault Code Purple ever happened, and that guilt makes him feel like he needs to isolate himself. It's the same principle of wanting to avoid whatever fucked up shit comes after. Normal can't help but feel that hopelessness that runs in his family -- he's not good enough for these awesome, helpful people because all he's done so far is fuck things up. And despite resenting this behavior from the adults in his life, he falls back into it. Because what is he supposed to do? He's just a kid who messes things up no matter how hard he tries to fix it. Why would his friends even want him around anyway? They're the ones who are actually saving the world.
I just really love the way dndads works with cycles. There are so many and they're all so good (and heartbreaking).
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horrorlesbians · 29 days
i had a dream a couple nights ago that i was on some reality dating tv show kinda like love is blind where the schtick was something like ' can love go beyond surface appearances or something and part of the show was getting a makeover and I was sitting in a salon chair and the guy started cutting a lot off my hair off like a really short bob and halfway through I freaked out like 'whoa whoa that's too much. i thought we were supposed to talk about this before hand' and that wasn't the case and he kept cutting and seemingly became vindictive and cut it super short into a pixie cut and dyed it blue and shaved half the side of it and shaved lines into the backside and I remember sitting in one of those confessional chairs sobbing because I've been growing out my hair since college freshman year (real) and it's all over and the show was trying to paint me as hysterical and too focused on appearances but all my progress was gone and I wanted to die. anyways on an unrelated note idk what to do with my hair
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ctrl-alt-cel · 1 year
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joukai week day 5: calamity / demons
mom said its MY turn on the kaijou halloween costume fanart!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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