#i cannot wait to draw these guys for 6 hours a week at the least next year. literally the only guys i ever wanna draw 90% of the time.
starfacedstudio · 1 year
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Image ID: A lineup of cyclops characters in varying shapes and sizes. They are drawn in a specific art style with limited colors, bold lines, defined curls, and have areas filled in with black while other areas are filled using halftone dots. They're generally in rainbow order, ranging from a purple character on the far left to an orange character on the far right with other colors spanning in between. End ID.
school years over WOOOOOOO to celebrate i drew some of my characters from Visible Spectrum in the style of Killer Cupid, my junior film!
The film isn't quite ready to share yet, but it's damn well close! I have a single scene left to animate and then its compositing time (not excited for this part, i havent touched after effects in like a year oops), hoping to have it completely ready by June outside of any possible copyright or posting issues??? i really want it done but i dont wanna rush so we'll see
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
6 Shots of Coffee (Jaemin x you + Dreamies)
a/n: I am back! With a sudden wild oneshot. Please be aware that this is purely fan-fiction. Anything happening here is mere pure imagination. I did not intend to connect any disorders with the idols in real life.
Warning : characters with disorders, a lot of dozing off characters, character with slight adhd (i tried my best to picture them correctly but I’m sorry if everything is wrong, i only did a short research). Mentions of orphanage, drunk parents, and a broken family. HAPPY ENDING! 
CHARACTERS : dream (minus Hyuck and Mark), Taeyong, and Yuta also our brave (y/n)! 
here we go, 
If there are three things in life you hate, that will be Jaemin, Jaemin, and oh god another team assignment with Jaemin!
Jaemin has been the most excruciating classmate you ever have! Not only did he tease you about your freakin need of keeping things in their proper place and keeping things spotless, but he also keeps using you to help him pass his classes. Yet no teacher minds your complain, and all the school girls think you're a freak for being mad about sharing a group project with the handsome guy.
No you’re not sick or weird. You just love organizing things and you like clean things a bit too much. Why? Coz you've had some bad memories with dirty things. Okay Jaemin is just another naughty kid in your class who likes to play and have fun with others, but you certainly did not find his jokes funny.
“Come on calm down (y/n)! It's only coffee, we can clean that.” Jaemin tries to laugh it off despite seeing you standing completely frozen in front of him with an empty cup and you with a  brown uniform. Although you clearly see there is a slight worry in his eyes.
You hold yourself back. How come the worst day has to become worse?! You woke up to period cramps, you forgot a homework thanks to late night distracted room cleaning, and as you were about to rush to type your homework in the library, Jaemin decided to meddle and spill his coffee on your white uniform.
A part of you want to scream and yell and pull his hair apart, but you're too tired to talk with Jaemin. Let alone think about Jaemin, there's just so many things you hate related to Jaemin.
Despite him trying his best to apologize and to help you wash your clothes, which is something new… Jaemin never cared if he messed up with you. You ended up slapping his hand away when he wants to drag you to the office to ask a spare uniform.
“Go away! I have to rush,” you push him aside with your shoulder and run to the library. Knowing so well you'll probably get another minus score and a weird look from the library thanks to your stained uniform.
You hate the feeling of sitting down with this coffee stained shirt, and as much as you want to open that shirt and change into something else, you don’t have the energy. So, after sitting down on the table with the library's laptop you stare into the keyboard only to focus more on your uniform and the least wanted thing happens.
You cry. You cry by yourself in the corner of the room and you don’t really mind the stare they give. You just want to end life here, can anyone just stab you? Or can the ground split and swallow you?
There’s another thing you hate other than Jaemin meddling with your ugly life. It's dirt and unorganized objects. Why? Well you were once a very regular kid, always playing in the rain mud and all kinds of sand. You don’t mind having dirt all over your body you know when you go home you can shower. That's until you grow up and notice how your family is different. Your parents look like they are okay, but every night you hear them argue and argue. The argument gets stronger and scarier, they shout, scream, throw things down and you were always awaken to the no longer comfy homey house. You realize one day you woke up to seeing your dad getting drunk, your mother depressed, and the house super dirty like a tornado just hold a party. It’s awful to wake up to the smell of cigar and alcohols instead of bacons and eggs. You had to keep one plate with you or else it will end up like its friends, lifeless, prickly, sharp, on the ground.
Your maid stopped working, you're moved to a new school, this middle school where you meet Jaemin and some other annoying problematic students. Your once colorful life turned dark and gloomy. No longer you woke up to morning kiss and breakfast. You find yourself sitting alone in the dining room, preparing your own sandwich from some cheap dry bread. No more nutella and you're grateful for butter.
You tried to understand, keeping all to yourself as you grow up and noticed your family is broken. You thought everything will get better, one day mom and dad will love each other again and you'll be back with the bright family you love.
Life is not that kind. Life is cruel, on your 14th birthday your dad left for another woman and your mother dropped you off to an orphanage. She said she can no longer pay for your school and living fees. Heck she even had to borrow money to buy you your monthly pads.
The cheerful friendly you turned 180° into a mournful secretive teenager. You hate everyone who looks bright and you hate every single dirt. Seeing unorganized things and dirty objects just remind you of the dark memories you want to forget.
The orphanage found your smart talent and you got a scholarship making you still able to attend the school. The orphanage you live in has a rule where there is a schedule for cleaning up and preparing dish. You meet a similar boy who has the same problem with you; just that he looks like he had overcome his bitterness and chooses to live a happy life. Which you deadly want to do but cannot.
Renjun, is the only person you talk to in that house. The adults taking care over you, still cannot make you talk comfortably with him and you're not planning to do any sooner.
“Hey, it's me. Should we make a letter to the office and go home?” Renjun's soft voice comes to your ear and you look up to him with blood red eyes.
“How long have I been crying?” you sniffle.
He shrugs his shoulder “I just came an hour ago when I noticed you're missing Chemistry class and Jaemin too. I thought he was with you.”
You scowl “Why would I be with Jaemin?”
Renjun scratches his head “I don’t know… you were always assigned a team with him… I thought both of you are rushing a task.”
“I am having a bad day.” You exhale.
Renjun shakes his head “That is more than a bad day. Here, put this on that coffee is hot or cold?” he gives you his school blazer and you gladly put it over your stained uniform.
You sigh, of course Renjun noticed. He is also like you, despise any single speck of dust.
“Jaemin spilled his cold coffee on me. Now I am late to submit my work, I'll never get the essay done and I am skipping classes. GREAT! Looks like I will be kicked out of school next week.”
Renjun shakes his head again “Silly, you're dramatic. They won’t kick you just because of that. What about your achievements?”
You scoff “They can always find another better painter. I could barely tell difference in colors.”
Renjun smiles well that’s what makes you different. The school honors your brilliant talent of drawing although you have a hard time distinguishing colors. But your emotions are well delivered on every picture you paint. That gives honor to the school when the art teacher secretly sent your works to different curators and exhibitions.
“Come, we will go home. I'll make your letter. Can you wait for me in the lobby by yourself?” Renjun smooths your hair away.
You shake your head and clearly looks afraid “Can I join you?”
He nods and lets you go with him, blaming himself for ever offering you that option.
You got home, Renjun fixes your mood by giving you new clothes. Yes, as simple as that, and you’re already less scarier than before. He makes you tea when he saw the circled date on the calendar and drops you some pain killers.
“It's that month, sorry for not noticing had I known, I'd bring you home when I heard Jaemin looking for you around the school.”
You pause from cutting the potatoes, well you need to start cooking dinner for the others. “Jaemin looked around for me?”
Renjun nods “Uh huh that's also how I know something is not right. Jaemin never looked for you except when he needs your score.”
You curl your lips “Weird. He also wanted to bring me to the office, which he never did before.”
Your sudden emotional change is a regular thing to Renjun. Although at first he has to bear with your monthly exploding sensitivity since you're the first teenage girl in this house, Renjun manages to tame you down when he calmly offer you a cup of warm chamomile tea you love.
“Maybe it’s the coffee.” You shrug it off. Come to think of it, you never see the school selling coffee but Jaemin always brings his cup of super dark coffee.
“Oh home early?” Taeyong, the oldest son of the orphanage owner, greets you both. Well Taeyong is like the head matron here, every school letter directed to him and every new kid will meet him.
“It's not her day. I brought her home before she spent another day dozing off in the school's garden.” Renjun whispers to Taeyong and the older just nods his head.
“Oh! Did I mention to you we will have a new family tonight? Please be nice, he comes from this neighborhood and we actually had been waiting for his arrival since last month, but he always escaped before his vise parents want to drop him here.
You grow annoyed at this news. Well you don’t really like having to act kind and good in front of the others. Especially when meeting new members. Taeyong always asked you to at least be welcoming and less patronizing but you cannot keep your resting bitch face to yourself.
“I might as well skip dinner.” You taunt at Taeyong “No way I am acting kind in front of that person when I had a shitty day.”
Taeyong just hums to your threat, it is nothing new. You're a stone heart and he doesn’t want to have to slap you because of your stubbornness.
“I don’t mind. Just try to be welcoming, he had a rough time too.” Taeyong waves his hand and disappears behind his study room.
“I wonder who is going to join us. Our dining table is empty after Mark and Hyuck got adopted.” Renjun is excited to welcome the new family, maybe because he really likes it better here and therefore, he wants to make sure everyone else is welcomed.
Unlike you who still can't swallow the bitter truth. For you, your real family was the best, yet you didn’t know when everything started to fall apart.
The other comes home, you see Jisung, Jeno, and Chenle coming from the backyard and you hide yourself back on your room. Dinner is ready they just have to heat it up. The stew.
You close your window and come back to sit in front of your paper. Trying to remember what project you missed and have to do.
You look around the room, you used to have a bigger room, but after Taeyong knew you cannot stay still when there are mess, he moved you to a smaller room where you cannot store so many things. He said its for your own good. He doesn’t want you to stress yourself and distract your studies just to clean things up.
You feel your stomach rumbling but when you hear the noisy sound downstairs, you remember the new family. Actually, you are curious, so you sneak from your room and take a peek from the walls.
Your mind might be playing tricks on you, you rub your eyes and focus more to the familiar man in the same uniform as yours. You want to doubt it, but when you hear Jisung repeats his name you want to jump away from this house and run far away.
Life must have hated you so much to send Na Jaemin not only to your school but also to your “house".
Although you try to ignore him, your mind wonders what makes him come here. He looks like he is okay, only naughty, but he doesn’t look like an orphan.
“Dinner?” Yuta, Taeyong's younger brother asks you when he was about to go down and greet Jaemin.
You quickly gasp and shake your head before making a quick run to lock yourself in your room.
You try to think of any reason why Jaemin is here… from dinner to nine you cannot think of doing other thing rather than fiddling with your pen as you let your brain wonder and wonder.
Only around twelve did you suddenly jolt and realize you've wasted another night without doing your paper. You hear a step on the squeaky floor, and you have to stay quiet. Taeyong and Yuta wouldn’t like seeing you still awake this late. However, you don’t recognize the footsteps. Must be Jaemin’s.
The next morning, you escape earlier from the house. Leaving before breakfast for the sake of not meeting Jaemin. You're still mad at him and you hate him. You hate him for giving you hard times at school and now at “home".
You were waiting in the class when suddenly Jaemin comes into the class with a nervous face. You wonder did he just see a ghost? Jaemin really looks out of his place. Did he finally realize he is thrown away to the orphanage? Or did he finally realize you're secretly writing foot notes to the teacher that Jaemin is only leeching on your grades? Did he get called by the office?
You try your best to stop distracting your mind and continue working your essay. Thank goodness you can submit the work when the teacher leaves the class, only then did you see Jaemin's frozen state on his chair.
“Jaem?” you surprise yourself too for calling out his name. He also looks surprised.
“Yes?” he puts on his damn sickening pretty smile back like he always did to other students.
“Erase that smile. It's creepy.” You mutter and the other girls in your class is wanting to end you up there and then.
“Sorry, it’s just that… I … I didn’t get my coffee this morning.”
You raise your brow, oh right. Taeyong and Yuta are not giving us caffeine until we are 20.
You raise a brow “And? Can’t you skip once?”
His feet thump on the floor and he looks around nervously “You're right. I- don’t mind me.” He stands up and suddenly leaves you with bigger question mark in your head.
He sure is weird. What’s wrong with skipping one cup of that bitter liquid?
“(Y/n)! Come let's go home.” Renjun greets you on the lobby as you wait for the youngers to come too.
“Noona, you should meet Jaemin hyung! He is so sweet last night!” Jisung tugs on your uniform.
You frown and shudder your shoulder “Jisung, I hate that man.”
Jeno just laughs at your words and at Jisung's surprised expression “So, should we wait for him?”
You click your tongue “Actually that weird man left class after the first session and did not come back to class. Maybe he ran away. Let's go before it rains.” You start leaving the lobby, but no one follows you.
“Is it because of us?” Jisung worriedly asks his brothers.
Renjun thinks for a while “You mean what happened this morning?”
Jisung nods. Your ear can still hear them, for they start walking after you too. You have to hold yourself from turning around and asking them what happened this morning that made him weird!
When the five of you enter the house, that's when your brain finally clicked on what Jaemin must be suffering.
There in the middle of the living room, is Jaemin looking so uncomfortable as he forces his hand to write on a paper with a textbook opened by his side, but what comes out of his hand is just scribbles of lines and curves and he looks like he is painting instead of writing an essay.
“So damn hard to be productive!” he suddenly throws his pen and pulls his hair. All five of you are shocked to see this. Even you! You never see this side of Jaemin in school.  He always looks like the charming prince every girl’s crush, but this is definitely not the same man.
His lips are trembling, limbs unable to stop shaking and he looks in pain. And he starts to hit himself as if scolding his body for not cooperating.
You are in awe and you have to quickly usher Jisung and Chenle away.
“Jaemin! Calm down okay.” Jeno and Renjun quickly stand by his side and tries to keep the boy from hitting himself.
You bring Jisung and Chenle to their rooms while your head is quickly thinking of what to do. You sure see he is panicking and he's throwing tantrum. Taeyong and Yuta are not here yet but when you see your reflection on the window with a clean uniform suddenly your mind reminds you of the incident yesterday.
Coffee. Na Jaemin needs coffee. As silly as it sounds, you've read somewhere that coffee can help someone with ADHD or something like that. You're not sure, but you want to give it a chance. You run to your room, break your saving jar and pick out the bills you've been saving.
“Jaemin, how many shots?” you ask him when you pass through him.
Renjun and Jeno look at you with question in their face but Jaemin understands you and holds out a number with his hand.
Your eyes widen but you run to the nearest coffee shop, the one with the brand you always see Jaemin holding.
“Give me americano with six shots of espresso. Cold I don’t know with water or not.” You sound as mad as a hatter, but the barista seems to notice something.
“Are you by any chance taking an order for Jaemin?” he asks you nod your head baffled that he is a regular here until the shift knows his order and name.
“I was confused when the morning shift told me Jaemin skipped his coffee today. Alright i'll make it like how he always orders.” The man with a name tag Mark punches the bill and gives you the amount.
You don’t mind paying such high price for the black bitter drink you never like, as soon as Mark hands you the drink you walk as fast as you can back to the house.
You see Renjun waiting for you in the porch and he looks pale.
“Where did you go?! I was worried.” Renjun almost scolds you for leaving suddenly.
You walk past him “Jaemin! I have your coffee.” You yell at him, who is currently staring on the TV that's off. Jeno is still sitting next to him, afraid that Jaemin will do anything dangerous.
Jaemin's eyes widen as he quickly takes over the drink and gulp it down like his life depends on it.
All three of you wait for him to finish half of his drink and like magic, Jaemin looks calmer.
He closes his eyes and leans on the couch. His head rests on the small pillow Jeno tosses to him and you can see his usual self back.
After ten minutes, he opens his eyes stretches his body and like a robot who has his reset button pressed, Jaemin shoots a “what?” look to the three of you.
“Sorry if I freaked all of you out. I…” he shyly scratches his head “I have a minor ADHD and … coffee seems to be helping me focus and calm down.”
Now everything clicks. You understand why the teacher actually always assigned you with him, because no one else can handle Jaemin as patient as you and you're too blunt to notice he has his own trouble. You understand why he always brings a coffee to the class and why he looks calm when he has them. Unlike yesterday when he spilled it over you, you clearly see a slight terror in his eyes, and he disappeared from class. Maybe he was shy of showing his true self in class. You now know the reason he skipped class today because of the lack of caffeine and you just didn’t know he is also as wrecked as you guys.
That night, Jaemin knocks on your door and invites you to join dinner.
“You skipped dinner last night, I don’t know if it’s because I was there… and yesterday I was really ruining your day. I'm sorry I wasn’t a good friend too at school.” Jaemin speaks rather in a calm tone and you're taken aback he can speak in a soft kind voice and not the high pitch annoying teasing voice you regular get in school.
You're flustered, but you quickly put back your cold face “It's okay. T'was my fault too not looking the way.  Don’t worry I skipped dinner last night coz I am not hungry.” You lied.
No way you were going to spill the truth to him, not when you already know how hard his days are. He was not as bright and happy as he looks like.
“Renjun told me last night everything about you. I am so sorry…I didn’t know my jokes were very painful and disturbing to you. I should’ve stopped but you know I sometimes cannot hold my brain back.” Chuckles Jaemin nervously.
You sigh and place a hand on his shoulder “Life is hard right?” He nods his head and you squeeze his shoulder, “We also find it hard. But at least we're not alone now. We have each other and the others too. I am also sorry for picking on you to the teacher for leeching my score, but I promise I won’t do that again. I'll help you Jaemin.” You smile sincerely to him.
His face brightens “You're the best! I always have hard time focusing! Well coffee helps me, but still it's not healthy.”
You take his hand in yours “Na Jaemin, you're a part of our family now. Since we're family, we will get each other's back! Don’t worry things will be okay and you too will be okay!”
He Smiles and that is a new smile you've ever seen on him. A smile that's pure and true. That shows he too is also a human who can feel pain not just the angelic handsome boy in class.
“We should eat. The others are waiting,” Chenle's appearance in the hallway makes you and Jaemin turn your heads to him.
“She's right. We're family, now family eats dinner, together right? Come on! Taeyong hyung got us some pizzas for your welcome party.” Chenle drags the taller man's hand which automatically pulls you too.
A smile comes to your face when you realize just how perfect this imperfect family is!
Yes you also struggled focusing on a certain job, yes you also hate messy stuffs, yes it's true Renjun took three months to open his mouth and speak complete sentences, it also takes Jeno five months to be true about his feelings, and Jisung plus Chenle? They also have their fish to fry. Now Jaemin, is here with his own battle that will soon be shared within us.
Just like the famous quote, Ohana means family and family means no one is left behind.
Looking around the table, although you really wish you have a sister or a mother figure here, you're more than happy to call the 7 men your brothers and families.
please let me know if there are anything I can fix. I am trying a new genre and it’s a bit challenging but I am happy with finishing this. 
Contact or reach me out if you have any curiosity of what happens to the members or maybe you wonder what their problems are. 
Thank you for reading :D 🤗💖
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excelsi-or · 4 years
just a little sweeter (pt. 11)
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Double post today! Enjoy parts 10 & 11 :) 
BIPOC rec: I’ve recently read The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi. I don’t want to spoil anything. It’s excellent. The writing is detailed and amazing. It’s set in Paris in like the 1800s with magic and fun and a heist. It’s the first of a trilogy and the second one came out this year. I can’t wait to read it.
w.c. 2.1k (fluff, brief angst but it’s over pretty quick)
pt.1; pt.2; pt.3; pt.4; pt.5; pt.6; pt.7; pt.8; pt. 9; pt. 10
“You need to tell her.”
“Tell her what?” Jihoon demands. His eyes are going over the brief of the meeting. He cannot believe that it was brought up in front of everyone, making it everyone’s problem.
“That there’s evidence to out you guys,” Jeonghan says. “She deserves to know. Even though you already made your decision on the matter extremely clear.”
“The company’s buying the photos,” Jihoon points out.
“But there’s a possibility that they’ll make the decision to put the photos out anyway,” Jeonghan reminds him. “Seriously. Just to be a good boyfriend, mention it to her.”
Jihoon frowns, but tries to rearrange his expression into something else when he sees Eunha running down the hallway. She grabs his hand and pulls him back to the studio where she’d been colouring during the meeting. He ends the phone call of the phone on the table and sits down on the floor next to her things. Eunha begins walking him through a bear story, something akin to the Blue’s Clues episode they had watched. He had stumbled upon the show on YouTube and Eunha had taken a liking to it. While most of it is in English and he really only understands 60% of it, Eunha sings along to the songs and seems to know what’s going on.
Enough to give him a similar story anyway with a bear and ant as the lead characters.
The phone in his pocket starts singing the FaceTime ring tone. Eunha’s eyes widen and she climbs into his lap, immediately assuming it will be someone she knows. When he pulls the phone out, he helps Eunha sound out the name.
“Hey,” Jihoon says.
His second favourite smile in the world smiles back at him. “Hey.” She waves at Eunha. “Hi kiddo.”
Eunha holds the phone with both hands so she can put her face as close to the camera as she can. “Hello!”
“What’s up?” Jihoon asks, chuckling at his baby’s antics.
“Jeonghan oppa sent me a text telling me to call you when I had a chance.”
Jihoon restrains himself from rolling his eyes. Jeonghan isn’t usually one to meddle too much; that’s usually Seungkwan. Yet here he is. Meddling. “Yeah…”
“Is something wrong?”
“No.” He pauses. “Well, not really.” He glances at Eunha in the screen. “Can you hold on for one second?”
She glances up at something past the phone, probably an employee. “Sure.”
Jihoon puts the phone down and scoops Eunha up. “You’re going to play with Uncle Soonyoung for a little while, okay? Say goodbye.”
Eunha calls her goodbye and waves.
“Bye kiddo!”
Jihoon starts to walk out the door.
“Can I bring my colours?”
“Of course you can.” Jihoon goes back and picks up her things. “Hold this for me, okay?” He hands her the notebook, so he can hold the crayon box and juice box. Then he takes her to the practice room. Some of the members have a television shooting, which is likely why Jeonghan sent the message to her at all. Jihoon won’t be able to chew him out until later.
Luckily, Minghao and Jun are in the practice room. They’re going over choreography for the upcoming concerts. He doesn’t even bother to ask where Soonyoung is.
Jihoon sets Eunha down at the front of the room and looks between the two men. “Can you just watch her for a couple minutes? I have to take a phone call.”
Minghao smiles. “Yeah, sure, hyung.”
Jun is already squatting down next to her and asking about her art.
Jihoon hurries back to the phone. She’s humming as she types on her computer. He recognizes the tapping of the keys. “Hey.”
The sound slows before she turns back to him. “Give me one more second.”
Jihoon sits in his chair and then hears the audible whoosh of her email being sent. She leans into the camera, smiling. “Alright, I’m all yours. What’s up?”
“Jeonghanie hyung wanted me to talk to you about the meeting we had this morning.”
Her brow furrows slightly. “That seems kind of random, but okay. I’m listening.”
“It had something to do with you?”
“Me?” Her furrowed brow turns into a frown. “What about me?”
He clears his throat. “Apparently, there was a reporter following me and they happened to get a picture of us on our date last week.” He watches her eyes begin to widen in panic, so he attempts to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible. “But the meeting was about whether I wanted them posted. Sometimes they come through the company before photos get posted like that. Obviously, I said that it wasn’t me and that even if it were, I didn’t want the world to know. Jeonghan hyung just thought that you should know they exist and that it isn’t in my control if they get posted.”
Her expression is the epitome of shock. She stares blankly at the screen, as if she’s still processing all his words.
“Please say something.”
Her eyes close and she begins to speak, her voice coming out strangled. That’s not good. “So, you’re saying that photos that you don’t own of us are floating around in the ether and that you can’t control whether they get posted or not?”
“The company is trying to buy some of the photos off them, but who knows how many they have? Or if there are any that look exactly like me.”
“How much control do we get over them?”
“Well, honestly, not much control. If we get seen together more often and whatnot.”
She takes a deep breath. “So, I can’t go out with my boyfriend anymore, because I have to worry about people with cameras following him around?”
Jihoon’s hand fiddles with his ear. “Maybe.”
“I already have to worry about hiding my face when we have Eunha with us. Now I have to worry about just being with you in public?”
Jihoon can feel his heart sinking. “Yeah.”
“I—” Jihoon hears someone call her name. “I’ll be right there,” she responds. The door closes and she looks back at the screen, completely bewildered. “I… I need to think about this. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Bye.” She hangs up before he can say anything. He stares at his lock screen. It’s a photo of her and Eunha drawing in the apartment. She was teaching Eunha how to draw a bear.
He quickly sends off angry messages to Jeonghan before going back to the practice room to pick up Eunha. He peers into the room and can see her contentedly drawing while Jun and Minghao practice. He decides that maybe he can stew in his confusion and anger a little while longer alone in the studio.
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“Has she called you back?” Jeonghan asks that night.
The members caught him just as he was about to take Eunha home and they offered dinner at the dorms. She’s busy playing with Seungkwan and Soonyoung in the living room, so Jihoon doesn’t mind sounding pissed off.
“No. She hasn’t. And if you hadn’t told her that there was something I needed to say, she probably wouldn’t be mad right now.”
Jeonghan rolls his eyes. “She deserves to know the consequences of dating you.”
“I think the ‘biggest consequence’ of dating me is sitting in the living room right now.”
A soft voice and a tug on his sweatpants pull his attention away. Jihoon looks down and sees the hurt expression on Eunha’s face, though she doesn’t acknowledge it. “Uncle Seungkwan and Uncle Soonyoung want to know when dinner is ready.”
Jihoon takes a deep breath and squats down in front of her. “It’ll be done soon, okay?”
She spins on her heel and scampers out of the kitchen. Jihoon glares back at Jeonghan.
“You have a tiny daughter! I didn’t see her come in!” Jeonghan exclaims.
Mingyu, the one actually doing all the cooking, glances over his shoulder. “I think you need to apologize and explain to both the girls in your life what’s going on, hyung.”
“Since when did you get so enlightened?” Jihoon grumbles.
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When he puts Eunha to bed that evening, he sits cross-legged on the floor next to the bed. “Hi, little one.”
She pouts and stares at him. Her little arms are wrapped tightly around a bunny plushie Chan had gotten her for her birthday.
Jihoon runs a hand through her hair. “Did you hear me when I was talking to Uncle Hannie?”
“I don’t understand.”
“Ah. Okay.”
“But…” Her pout deepens. “It was mean.”
Jihoon holds his breath. “I didn’t mean what I said. Even if you didn’t understand, I shouldn’t have said those things.” He leans forward to kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry.”
Her voice softens. “Do you not like me anymore?”
God, he hates that Soonyoung taught her that phrase. The man says it so much around Jihoon, he should have known his intelligent child would learn how to use it.
“That’s not it.” He doesn’t know how to explain his feelings to her in a way she’ll understand. She’s using her entire vocabulary already by having this conversation. Jihoon rests his chin on the bed. “Life’s just hard.”
“‘Cause of me?”
“No. Not because of you.” He pecks her forehead again, and runs a hand over her head. “Never because of you.”
Eunha asks if it’s because of his girlfriend.
“Not because of her either. It’s all because of daddy. This is my fault.”
“It’s complicated. Is that okay?”
Eunha doesn’t know what complicated means, but she seems to accept his answer, because she snuggles beneath the covers.
He gets to his feet and gives her one more kiss. “I’m sorry again. I love you.”
“Love you,” she mumbles, already falling asleep.
Jihoon leaves the door open a crack. The actual baby monitor is on next to her. He makes sure that he can hear her breathing then he plops himself on the couch and stares at his phone. He debates calling, wondering if she’d call when she’s ready. It’s been at least twelve hours. She should be going to bed soon and they did agree to video chat tonight.
He doesn’t have to wonder too long, because she calls him instead.
Jihoon answers in a second.
“That was fast,” she mutters. “Thought I’d have a few more rings to pull myself together.”
She’s sat in bed. The only light coming from her phone screen.
There’s a long bout of silence he doesn’t know how to fill.
“How mad are you?” he finally asks.
“Not mad,” she clarifies. She must see the skepticism on his face. “Seriously, Jihoon, I’m not.”
“So why haven’t you talked to me all day?”
She tips her head back with a groan of frustration. “Because it’s hard to process what you told me this morning.” She meets his gaze. “There are so many rules. I don’t…” She shakes her head. “You’re high maintenance.”
He gets the jab. “Am I so high maintenance that this is over?”
“I don’t know.” She sighs. “I only get to see you in person a few times a month, and only once a month with just the two of us. Now we’re limited to staying in, because people are actually stalking you.”
Jihoon doesn’t mention that there was always the risk of people following them. “So, what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know. You can’t do anything about it. It’s not your fault you’re in a famous idol group and have a daughter. I knew that you came with those things when we started dating. I just… I didn’t realize how much of my life would have to change because of it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” She runs a hand through her hair and flips it. Jihoon loves when she does that, though he’s never told her. “I thought that I could keep it separate. My own life and then whatever our life together is. And I can, but when people in my life ask me about who I’m dating, what I’m up to, I’m so limited as to what I can say. Only my mom and Soobin know that we’re dating and that you even have a child. Everyone else thinks that I have an elusive boyfriend who doesn’t want to meet them.
“I just didn’t realize that when we got together that there would be a huge part of my life that I’d have to hide.”
Listening to her talk about it this way makes him wonder if it’s worth it for her. She sounds so discouraged with him and their situation. But she’s right; he can’t do anything about it. This is his life. But it doesn’t have to be hers.
Before he can even think about how to broach the topic of breaking up, she says, “But I adore you and I adore Eunha. I want this to work.”
Jihoon lifts an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Yeah, really. As of right now, I want to work through this with you.”
“Do you… want to come over?”
She glances down at her pajamas. “I’m in bed right now.”
“Come over and cuddle?”
Her eyebrows rise. “Tempting.”
“Come over, cuddle and watch Avengers?”
She laughs. “Give me 10.”
49 notes · View notes
lvlyhao · 3 years
A/N: guess who forgot to update lol they’re whipped i just— also two surprise appearances hehfjfhsjh
important: i can’t think of anything??? the general warnings are in the masterlist if you wanna be sure none of them is a trigger for you!
word count: 2.8K
pairing: qian kun x reader
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Cussing like a sailor, you trudge towards the man, who's catching his breath by the sidewalk. His glance instantly darts to your face, about to say something. You cut him short, though, too disturbed by the fear that still clouds your every action.
“We have to leave while we can. Like right now.”
“H-how do you know I’m not infected?”, he asks, abruptly realizing something even more critical. "How do I know you are not infected?"
He backs away, then, gorgeous features closing off in hesitance. While he stares at you, you think his voice is much, much more angelic than you thought. It drips with uncertainty but is beautiful enough to make you forget how to speak for a minute.
"Uhm”, you clear your throat, now looking for your weapons. It's a good attempt at escaping his piercing eyes, but it dawns on you. He has quite literally no reasons to agree with what you were planning.
"I'm immune, actually. My DNA has some mutation that I honestly cannot explain that well. You", you pause, scanning his defensive form before going back to putting away your knives. "You are definitely clean. It's been over 15 minutes since I arrived: no walker bit you or you would have, at least, screamed. If by some chance it happened and I was not aware of it, I would have seen it in your eyes by now. It's the first part of the process", you grimace.
The guy stays silent while you speak, taking everything you say into consideration. You find it makes sense to him if his relaxed posture is anything to go by.
Finishing up with your arrows, you promptly head back to where you came from, assuming your companion is close behind.
“Wait!”, he trots, halting in front of you. “I… I don’t think I can go with you.”
You could say it's the dumbest thing you have ever heard, but your yell from earlier begs to differ.
“I can see you don't trust me, and you have no reasons to, but this is how rescue missions go. I see someone in danger, I do my best to get them away, and we go to my settlement, where we can hopefully be stronger by numbers. We can get there if we run." Your voice is borderline dull, almost like you have made that same speech 500 times in the past few days. It would have made him laugh, under different circumstances. Yet, he plainly breathes, running a grimy hand through his hair. 
“It’s not that”, he peers around, lost. “I came to the pharmacy for medical supplies for one boy in my own settlement. He needs them as soon as possible, or I’m not sure I’ll be able to help him at all. Besides”, he tentatively lifts your dominant arm by the sleeve of your jacket, careful not to touch you. “We should clean that and put some bandages around it, even if I don’t have the time to stitch it up.”
You are not sure what part of his speech you should pay attention to first.
“You have a settlement?” The question bursts its way out of your mouth before you can think better, but he doesn't seem to mind. Lips curling into a proud smile, he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.
“Yeah, I’m currently the father of 6 children from the college I used to attend”, he snorts.
“That’s amazing! I’ve been mapping this area for some weeks now, and I never found anyone”, you smile. “I’m currently the parent of”, stopping, you count the names in your not-chewed fingers. “16 children? Around that. I swear there's a new name every time we make the roll call."
Studying his kind expression, warm under the red sunlight, you feel as if you could talk to him for hours. I'd never get bored. Your situation seems small, squeezed all the way in the back of your mind. It's clearly much less important than your attractive stranger.
Gasping quietly in realization, he sobers up. He pulls you by your jacket once more, just as delicately, and keeps you close.
“Listen, I understand you have people to take care of, but you said you could get there in time if you run. My boys are not too far from here. I think it would be safer for you to come with me for now, at least wait until morning. Otherwise", he gulps, "we will both be in more danger."
You reflect his words guardedly. You are painfully aware that the clock is ticking and each second spent here makes it a bit worse. When the sun goes down is when things get seriously nasty. The night would swallow you whole before you could get to the campus, and then your eyes would be useless. You wouldn't be able to see any walkers or even traps you came across. You'd be a sitting duck. 
Sighing, you know your decision has been made.
I can only hope Taeyong forgives me for this.
With a curt nod, your free hand gestures for him to lead the way. He seems awed by how fast you agreed but decides against mentioning it. Instead, he gives you a gracious smile and goes on. He stands just past the crushed glass, where you can now see a coffee-coloured messenger bag on the once-white floor. Something seems to be fidgeting inside of it, and you stiffen.
Before you can ask about it, he drops your wrist. Picking up the bag gently, he cradles it to his chest and looks at the inside softly. He coos, speaking in a language you know to be Mandarin. That’s when it pushes out—the little, furry snout of a puppy, licking his hand and whimpering. 
It's like your systems just crashed.
“You have a dog in your bag?”
Laughing briefly, he turns to you again. Cosy inside of the leather is a tiny Beagle, looking at you with bright eyes. You can't help but think it's ridiculously adorable.
“Well, not at all times. I found her wandering around here, but one of her ears was bleeding and she’s limping”, his voice lowers to a whisper, watching her with concern. “One of my boys is a vet student. I thought maybe we could help her.”
Choosing not to question it, you simply nod. The bleeding ear would explain why she stayed here even with the noise. Her hearing must be quite damaged.
“And I’m assuming the medicine or whatever you needed is also in there?”
He's serious once again, reminded of the primary reason for his trip.
“Yes, I placed it in separate pockets and smaller bags. We are good to go.”
A breeze swiftly races inside the barely lit building. It’s a warning of how fast the twilight is coming, and he takes it. His quick steps sound first, light on the ground, and he checks to see if you are coming. Understanding of his rush, you jog along.
���I didn’t forget about your hand, by the way. I know a safe spot close to here where we can stop for me to treat it.”
Staring at his broad shoulders, your breathing hitches as the throbbing in your fingers come back. Treatment would be useful before you have to amputate it, but...
“Do you know how to do that? Not to doubt your capacities or anything, but I can just clean it with some water later.”
Running to come up to his side, he playfully eyes you. He is moving so naturally along the streets you imagine he must know this route well.
“I am a med student. Uh, was, I guess.”
His striking traits are highlighted by the blue hour, hues of periwinkle ghosting over his nose, forehead, cheekbones and lips. He chuckles airily, and you are conscious of how surprised you must look.
“A med student. That’s pretty helpful, huh? I’m sure you care very well for your friends."
From the corner of your eye, you see pink spread over his face. He glances up to the sky, lost in his own head.
“I try to. Our youngest has just turned 20. I can’t imagine what it must be like to go through this at that age.”
You hum.
“I know how you feel. I’m watching over an 18-year-old”, sighing, you think back to the freshman dance student at the settlement. You pray he doesn't feel your absence so strongly, familiar to his tendency to cry.
Comfort sparks in the way your companion bumps his shoulders into yours, drawing you out of foggy thoughts. When your heart suddenly tries to break free from your ribcage, you swallow dry. Could I not find a worse moment to develop a crush?
Beating yourself over your feelings, you travel silently, sometimes admiring the starry skies. It feels nice to be like this, almost… at peace. Funny how you can feel that way around someone you barely know while touring a town full of bloodthirsty beasts.
“Ah”, he breaks the silence awkwardly. “I still don’t know your name.”
You wince at that, realizing you were forgetting about it. It's like I've known him for ages.
“Sorry. I’m Y/N”, your voice is soft, rivalling the autumn winds.
“Y/N... That’s a beautiful name”, he compliments, eyes finding yours. “You can call me Kun.”
You say his name out loud, testing it, and giggle. It feels nice in your lips.
The trip to the first hiding spot was fast, just a matter of minutes cruising under the starlight. The place is a dainty, small wooden cabin, right at the foot of the mountains that surround the city. All around you are bushes and fireflies, that blink over stray pieces of cars. How they got to here, in the forest, is a mystery to you, but then again, a lot of things do not make sense anymore. It's simpler to overlook it and get inside, plopping down on a rusty chair as Kun grabs a flashlight from a corner.
His hands work quickly, and with confidence, like medicine is in his blood. It's impressive, but, most of all, painless. His touch is even gentler than Tyong’s and feels warm against your cool skin. A tiny smile plays on your lips the entire time, watching him and the sleeping puppy discreetly.
After that, your wounded hand is snug against the white bandages and the sting lessened. You feel like you could go on for miles, but Kun only laughs and tells you to calm down. No way you two are running uphill to his house.
“Wait, you mean you guys live… up there?”, you point, and he follows your finger, contemplating the towering trees of the forest nonchalantly.
Seeing your dubious expression makes his heart crack a little. He understands how intimidating it is: the dark, unknown forest. Who could guess what lurks between the twigs, spying on the few, brave souls that dare cross their territory?
“I know hiding from zombies in the woods sounds a bit weird, but I promise it’s safe. They have a hard time traversing the trees because they’re so closely set. Also”, he studies the grass beneath his feet, feeling a mix of shame and hesitance himself. “We might have planted a few landmines around the perimeter.”
The sound you make then is something between a wheeze and a gasp.
“How did you…?”
“I preferred to not question when Yukhei showed up with them”, he breathes, sounding like a tired father. “There’s a protected path we’ll follow, though!” He makes a face at how he saved the most important detail for last. I have no idea what is wrong with me today.
But, Kun thinks, secretly relishing on the way you shine under the moon, if you’re scared, I’ll hold your hand.
The journey to his house is more serene than you guessed. There are no walkers you perceive. It's almost like this place is completely cut off from the world, far away from real danger. Although maybe that is just Kun's effect on you. You have not failed to notice how tranquillity seems to flow out of him in waves, wordlessly comforting your wild heart. It's nothing like you have ever felt.
I met him two hours ago.
Once again shaking off your feelings, you try to focus on the other things that surround you. The crickets, the faint crunch of the grass and fallen leaves, an owl, how smooth his skin could feel under your fingertips...
Oh my god, you cringe.
As you steady yourself against the trunk of an oak, your shoulders finally loosen. Not too far ahead, you can see something that resembles a ski cabin, surrounded by barbed wire, and with orange light pouring from the windows. The path you walk on is surrounded by sharp wooden stakes from both sides, but the place still feels homier than the campus. 
You don't notice your grin until he smiles back, taking your hand in his and continuing the walk. You remain quiet until the ground changes from grass, pebbles and mud to beaten earth, and you stand right outside the fence. It's far taller than you, with the metal glittering intimidatingly. If the landmines had not made you feel safe, this definitely has. 
Kun, still grasping your hand delicately, surrounds the house with an attentive look. He searches for something and stops a few meters from where you were. It’s always simple to find—the crossing point—and he spins to face you.
“If you don’t mind holding the bag, I can cross over first and then help you. Is that okay?”, he asks, looking for approval in your eyes.
Warmth takes over your heart at his caring nature, knowing he could have just gotten in and expected you to not hurt yourself.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” 
With no other words, you reach for the bag, and hug it against your chest, observing the sleeping dog in your arms. While you are distracted, Kun steps on the lower row of wire and carefully places his hands on the upper one, creating a space he can shimmy through. 
He pays close attention to where the barbs were, but does it calmly, and gets to the other side with a small sigh. He then gestures to the bag, stepping on the wire once again, and passing it over with even more care than he had for himself. 
The moment he takes the bag from you, you feel your fingers brushing. While you both pretend not to notice, the heat rushing to your cheeks speaks for itself. Neither one of you mention it.
Then, it's time for you to get in. You can admit you are a bit apprehensive. Kun’s frame is sturdier than yours, in general, and he was just fine, but the idea of sneaking through sharp thorns is not exactly exciting.
Kun seems to know what you feel, and gives you a sweet smile, hoping to calm your nerves. He places the bag on the ground gently, trying to keep the puppy asleep. The process, then, starts over. 
One foot over the first wire, a hand on the upper one and the other stretched out for you to grab. The wind picks up abruptly, and you can't tell if you shiver from it or from the grip of his fingers on yours.
“No need to hurry”, Kun whispers, eyes trained on where your body is concerning the barbs. He, time or another, tells you to bend a little lower or higher, and pulls more at the cable. To your relief, though, all is well. After a minute of wiggling, you touch the other side of the fence and allow yourself to rest. 
“You did good”, he praises, patting your hair kindly. You sort of feel like a kid, but maybe not in an unpleasant way. 
Tardily letting the tiredness from the day catch up to you, your brain slows down, and your limbs ache. You had not noticed Kun was already up on his feet with the bag until a hand shows up before your eyes, a silent offer. You take it without a second thought, letting him pull you up. 
From then on, your mind gave up on processing a lot of what you did. You were nearly sure you went up a row of stairs to a wooden deck, the floor squeaking under your boots. Your new friend still holds your hand securely, which you are thankful for when you trip on a loose board. His eyes examine you for a second, making sure you're alright before he turns to the door.
It is also made of wood but painted red and unyielding. Letting go of your fingers, he knocks 3 times, waits a couple seconds, and then 4 others. The house, so far still, erupts into hushed cheers and shouts. Kun can only shake his head, holding in a smile, and look up when the door flies open, candlelight spilling out. The slim figure that appears nearly throws himself in Kun’s arms, but freezes when he sees you and the bag.
“...You two know each other?”
final notes: don’t question the way the virus works. just don’t, ok
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spring-has-come · 5 years
RusAme Secret Santa 2019
Tumblr media
Yeehaw, another year let’s go. Yes I’m recycling this image. I’m sorry. I work fulltime. 
Below are the steps to joining this year’s RusAme Secret Santa/Gift Exchange event:
Step 1: Fill out this form before November 30th and submit it to me. Or message it to me, doesn’t matter. I just need to see it. (the form is tagged “form” if the link doesn’t work). There is also a google form for mobile users.
If you are seeing this post after November 30th, message me your name and I will add you into a “late submitters” pool. If there are enough late submissions, you will be entered into the second pool. If not, I apologize but you will have to wait until next year. But if there are enough for a second group, you will be notified before December 14 but that only give you ONE WEEK to work
Step 2: Wait up to 24 hours for me to confirm that I got your form and that everything is good and complete.
IMPORTANT: If your asks and messaging is turned off, you will not be able to get your confirmation OR your assigned person, so please turn it on. Asks will be sent via my main blog since side blogs can’t send asks. Also, if you have the private message setting that only allows blogs you follow, then follow this blog
Step 3: Once confirmed, wait patiently until December 1st-December 3rd for partner assignment
Step 4: Confirm to me that you got the form. This is very important. I need to know if you’re still participating and active. Those who do not respond may be replaced. You have until December 12th to respond. 
Step 5: Pick one of the wishes and work on your gift. If you want, you can combine the wishes together. Get creative!
If for any reason you are not well enough or in any way cannot complete your gift, notify me before December 18th
Step 6:  Post it from December 25th - December 30th and tag it as “rusame secret santa 2019″ or tag this blog if you want your work posted on this blog. Or if you are doing a private submission, screenshot that you sent your work to your recipient and send me the screenshots. 
Step 7: Receive your gift and thank the person for their work!
So that’s it! Have fun guys!
Reblog to spread the word!!!
Below the cut: Schedule, Rules, Requirements, and FAQ for mobile users:
Nov 3rd - Signup open
Dec 1 - Signup closed
Dec 1st-3rd - Partner assignment
Dec 3rd-25th - Working period
Dec 19th - Mandatory progress checkup
Dec 25th-30th - Submission
You MUST follow this blog. I need to be able to message you. After following, turn notifications on for this blog to get updates. I will post only when an update is needed. 
Do not tell your partner that you are their partner (if their anon is off and you want to ask them a question, I can be your middle man) 
Make sure to tag your person when you are done so they can see it! 
Put the word count, prompt, possible trigger warnings, and ratings at the beginning of writings 
Posting WIPs in Discord servers is allowed. Just be mindful of whether or not your partner is present, unless you don’t mind being revealed
This is not a judge of talent. The requirements are just here so everyone puts in equal effort. PLEASE let me know if you run into complications.
Below are the requirements:
One-shots and fics must be at least 2,000 words, max of 10,000 words. If you go over, that’s okay
Artwork must be colored and complete. No sketches
Video edits/AMVs/CMVs must be at least 30 seconds. Content MUST be your own. Do not use works(artworks, photographs, etc.) that you do not own. Music is an exception, of course
Comics should be a minimum of 3 pages. They don’t have to be colored but they should be at least lined, have a solid color, or color lined
Animations must be at least 8 seconds. Do not have to be colored
Film scripts must be at least 10 pages
Mixed media options:
a 1,500(1.5k) drabble with a roughly lined sketch
a 4 second animation with rough concept art sketches
a cosplay gifset (your own) with a 1k drabble
a storybook type drabble that includes several drawings throughout
or any other combination (ask me FIRST)
Reminder: Half ass plus half ass does not make a whole ass. Put your best effort into your gift!
Not allowed:
“Fanart gallery” type videos. The types where you throw 300 pictures into windows movie maker.
Commissions from others (Unless you are giving them the credit.)
Tracing someone else’s artwork (that’s art theft. Rotoscoping an anime/film and tracing real life people [as a ref] is allowed)
Plagiarism, aka copying and pasting someone else’s writing and changing the names and pronouns
Aesthetic posts/mood boards
Spotify playlists
What is this?
This is the secret santa/gift exchange event for the hetalia ship RusAme
Why do you need my email?
Google forms needs to collect emails so that at the end, you are given the option to have your form submitted emailed to you so you remember what you submitted. It also gives you the option to edit your form if you change your mind.
Why do you need my age?
Minors will not be allowed to receive or submit NSFW content.
Why are the requirements so strict?
To ensure that no one is “cheated” by being given an unsatisfactory gift. Your work does not have to be the Mono Lisa or Harry Potter. This is not a judge of talent. Just do your best and have fun.
Can I do more than one wish?
Go crazy, dude. I’m sure your partner would be ecstatic if you did more than one!
How do I submit my post on Christmas?
Your options are:
post it on your own tumblr and @ spring-has-come or put rusame secret santa 2019 in the tags
post it on fanfiction/ao3/wattpad/whatever and send me a link
send a direct submission to this blog for me to post
send it directly to your partner then screenshot the messages to me so I can confirm you did it
What is a pitch-hitter/backup Santa?
Someone who fills in for someone if someone drops out.
How will pitch-hitters be chosen?
All pitch-hitters will be given a number that I will choose at random with a random number generator. If the pitch-hitter denies the request, I choose another one at random.
What is a wish?
A wish is a prompt for what you would like to receive. They can be specific and detailed (like a story description with a planned plot) or something more loose (like a short prompt). VAGUE wishes are different from the specific ones. Vague wishes are short prompts that encompass a large amount of ideas. Examples below:
Wish 1: Alfred goes Christmas shopping and runs into Ivan and they fight over the last cartoon of spiked eggnog. They end up splitting it and spending Christmas together. (Fluff, comedy, PG)
Wish 2: Amelia and Anya baking cookies together with flour all over their faces.
Wish 3: Something based off “One Last Dance” by Us the Duo (angst, any rating)
Vague wish 1: something with fluff!
Vague wish 2: cardverse au
Can I resubmit my form?
Re-submissions WILL be allowed before December 1st
153 notes · View notes
celawrites · 4 years
Day 37
It’s 12am and my phone is buzzing and I cannot sleep. What the fuck is going on.
You have 20 new notifications
I click open our class chat first, and to my surprise, it’s all birthday messages.
Clown: Did you guys actually have to type me a whole essay? Thank you tho <3
Pebble: A well written essay!
Sam: Time well spent
My phone vibrates and I’m invited to a call from a handful of friends.
Joining Your Neighborhood Pizza delivery service’s call…
“It’s 12am let me sleep”
“Are you not happy that we’re wishing you happy birthday at 12am?”
“I am, it’s just I’m also exhausted for no reason”
“You’re going out for a McDonalds run right?”
“Yeah. You guys woke me up halfway through”
“I’m sorry it’s 12am and I really wanna know who’s in this call right now”
“Ah! It would be Estelle, Beanie, Min, “
“Your son”
“What the fuck are you guys doing awake?”
“Admiring the stars”
“Sure. Totally believe you”
“Cressie it’s your birthday.”
“One year closer to my demise I guess”
“You’re insane”
“So I’ve been told”
“Ah. Check your mailbox in the morning! There should be a couple things in there”
I yawn. 6 hours of sleep isn’t enough to run on.
“Alright get to bed. Sleep your last 3 hours and I’ll be waiting for you at 3am”
“Mint you’re the most punctual out of all of us why are you picking me up?”
“I’ve never had a McDonalds run with you. Besides, It’s Friday.”
“Alright I’m sleeping now good night”
“Good night birthday girl!”
“That’s so cheesy ksjdfalfa”
Sure enough, at 3am, I wake up and find Mint outside my door, vibing in his car. I shake my head and lock the door.
“Good morning Mint”
“You’re mean you know that?”
“Happy birthday Mint”
“Right back at you”
“My salty ass could never”
“Alright what do you want for your birthday?”
“Neither of us give anything-”
“Our Asian ass could never”
“Ah. I do have a present for you though”
My hand reaches into my backpack and I pull out a scrapbook.
“In true Crescent fashion, I present to you our scrapbook”
“A collection of all the photos we have together with little commentary along the way. This is now yours” I beam.
“You’re joking”
“I didn’t even get you anything like his I-”
“You don’t need to”
He snickers and hands me a small box.
“I found it while shopping online, and it reminded me of that one time A gave you a rainbow rose so I figured I would give you an eternal one”
I stare at the rose. It’s rainbow, and I was surprised he even remembered that his brother had given me one.  I tear up slightly, maybe its because I wasn’t used to getting gifts from him, or the sudden change of heart but I mean-
“I’m crying”
“You’re always crying”
My hands clink at the glass softly, and Mint hums in appreciation as he flips through the scrapbook.
“Where’s this photo from?”
“Hm?”  He points at a photo where both he and his brother are jumping on the trampoline while I’m sitting.
“Your mom sent it to my mom a few years back”
There’s a comfortable silence that passes over us, and I decide to answer all the texts that I had received about my birthday while he flipped through the book.
After about a dozen thank you!’s and 4 conversations, I finish. Mint snickers when he flips to the last page.
“You just had to put that one last huh?”
On the last page lies Mint and I at Junior prom last year. It was a tradition to go with eachother, and my friend had taken a photo where we were pretending to make out.
”Why? Don’t want your future wife seeing it?”
“No. It’s just you saved the best for last” he snorts.
“Of course” I hum.
“Alright what do you want from McDonalds?”
“Ice cream”
“You’re literally bleeding this week no”
“Uhhh. Fries?”
Mint starts his car and we head off. The sky is a calm blue. A dark shade that leaves you wondering if there’s more out there. It was ironic that I had met him so long ago. It was even more surprising when he moved here for junior and senior year. I was horribly confused, and the only explanation he could muster out was a job change for his parents. But I was pretty sure they just wanted to have A mature in a different environment.
“Lost in thought again?”
“Mhm. You never told me how and why you moved here in detail”
“Nothing really. It was a job change on my parents part, and a new path for A”
“What about you?”
“I wanted to chase the only person who never gave up on me”
“You’re disgusting”
“Better than confessing to my crush every day for a whole year”
“You’re the one who brought up how I chased you all the way to California”
“I still wonder how you can pin after someone like me”
“At some point I realized you saw me as a brother”
“I wish I could do that.”
“You’re a hopeless romantic. Have some fun every once in a while”
“Are you implying I should have a one night stand?”
“Once you’re a legal adult sure”
“Bad decision making except it’s Mint giving me bad advice as a joke”
“I hate you”
“Love you too~”
“You’re disgusting”
HE pulls up at the McDonalds drive-through and I scream.
“I’m here”
“Happy birthday Mint darling anyways what do you guys want?”
“The usual”
“Nothing new?”
“Alright! See you at the second window!”
“Cressie darling I got you a gift!”
“I- what?”
“Gift.” He tosses something through the car window and it lands in my hands.
“What is it?”
I click open the box and I find a small pendant with a moon.
“I thought you were a broke high school student?”
“But the boss gave me a raise and told me to get something nice for my lover and like I don’t have one so I mean-”
“I don’t deserve you” I sniff.
“Stop crying darling you’re scaring me”
I really hope you find yourself a lover this year or I will fight everyone around me I SWEAR”
“You’re being too loud again Cress”
He hands us our food and waves us goodbye. It was funny to me. I had so many friends around me now that I had grown.
“Are you gonna make a birthday post?”
“Oh for Serenity!” I gasp.
I type away and Mint steals a couple fries from me. I hiss at him while typing.
“Too bad” he shrugs.
School rolls around and I ‘m met with 20 happy birthdays and a couple gifts fro my other friends. Surprise surprise I have other friends. Z and Sun’s gift surprises me the most.
“Cress” Sun calls for me after school.
“Happy birthday” He hands a medium-sized box to me.
“You always make us scrapbooks for our birthdays so I thought I’d try to make one for you”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you-”
“You remind me pretty often but yeah”
I open the box and a seat little scrapbook sits inside. There’s a white pen, a silver one, and a gold pen rolling around next to it, and there’s a small letter. Z tackles me from behind and I crash into Sun’s chest.
“Z what the f-”
“Language” Sun glares.
“Your gift!” Z hands me a small photo sized box.
“You made a whole batch with notes on the back for me so I decided to print a bunch for you!”
“Thank you Z” I sniff slightly.
“What’s wrong! Do you not like it?”
“No no! I’m emotional haha” I muster up a smile. My cursed birthday luck was gonna catch up with me soon. I just felt it.
“No worries! It was the least I could do” Z smiles.
I nod in response. The rest of the day carries out like normal, and I find myself tired by the end of the day. My classmates threw me a party, and at the end of the day, my friends threw me another one. I enjoyed it, but I was waiting for my cursed birthday luck to catch up to me, I could never be happy until it occurred.
“If you’re thinking about that birthday curse of yours again, I’d advise you to know that with me, there’s no chance of having bad birthday luck” Mint hums. His birthdays had no bad things. It was like the universe favored him.
“I know. But I can’t truly calm down until I get to bed”
There’s a comfortable silence that settles down before Mint speaks up again.
“I’m sorry”
“Why so?”
“You had always wished me happy birthday so consistently, and I never replied and I just feel really bad and all-”
“Don’t worry about it.” I tap at the red solo cup in my hand. “I probably deserved all that”
“You don’t and that’s why I kind of. Um”
“Mint you’re my editor what did you do-”
“Bought tickets back home?” I gape at him. My jaw is dropped, and he seems to panic. “My home’s open and all! I know your house is rented out and the renters for my place just moved out and we have thanksgiving in a month so I figured I would take you back for the break and I’m sorry! I probably should’ve asked first and all but-”
A choked sob escapes my lips. I’m shocked, I hadn’t gone home in so long. How did he know? A stream of incoherent words escapes my lips and Mint tries to soothe me.
“You know.” I managed to force it out. “Some days I question why I stopped crushing on you. You spoil me rotten, and I don’t even deserve someone who cares for me and knows me like you and you always seem to know how I’m feeling and-”
Mint rubs soft circles on my back, and I let out my emotions. My birthday curse wasn’t a curse. It was a tradition. A tradition to cry at least once on my birthday, and for the first time, I was crying tears of joy. A couple minutes pass, and I feel my emotions slowly draw back.
“Thank you” I mumbled weakly.
Serenity made a new post!
It’s my birthday! Thank you to all of you who sent in birthday wishes (and death threats)! Another year has passed and I truly wish that I could thank you all face to face for the support!
Once again, my lovely editor Leaf shares a birthday with me so go ahead and send in some birthday wishes to him as well. For today’s gift from me, you all get a blast of joy! Much love!
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manggojooz · 5 years
Pick A Side (Part 10)
pairing: Taehyung x reader
word count: 2,040
genre: university!au; angst; romance; a bit a bit of thriller
warnings: slight references to voyeuristic behaviour
previous part: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
taglist: @destiel1597 @mila271 @hopetookmysoul @ximaginx @honeyursosweet @coffeecupyoongs@bangtanbaesstuff @annoyingpessimist @betysotelo18 @okaysoplshelpme @igot7bangs @tahaing @mochi-and-co
comment: sooooo i wanted this series to be like max 10 parts... guess it’s not really gonna be that way xD and this is a really dialogue-heavy chapter, hope y’all don’t mind it! as always, if you like it please leave a comment or help me reblog it <3 
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Instincts. Gut feeling. Sixth sense. People use these terms to describe the baseless sometimes inexplicable notions that humans are capable of perceiving. 
You once learnt during a photography workshop that some of the best pictures are not the ones which were taken after spending hours framing it, but are products of spontaneity. A good photographer is therefore not the one that can design his shots well, but one who has that baseless inexplicable tingly senses that can anticipate the iconic moment before it arises.  
“Finally found the both of you”, his tonality seems to never change but they sent tingles down your sides.  
“Hey Haejoong, I was just explaining to Y/N the situation...”, Jihyun perks up when she sees him in the room.  
Sudden echoes of the vibration from your handphone resting on a chair next to you startles you. You pick it up to see that Taehyung was calling.  
“Hey”, you answered the call.  
“Where are you?”, he anxiously asked without even a ‘hello’.  
“In the painting room. I'm here with Jihyun and Haejoong”, you see Jihyun’s eye flicker a little as she starts to have a hunch about who you were talking to on the phone. Haejoong on the other hand, continued to look at you with his usual gentle demeanour.  
You heard some mumbling from Taehyung on the other end, it sounded like he was swearing but you couldn’t hear him clearly at all.  
“What are you saying? I can’t hear you”, you quipped.  
“Wait there, I’m coming over”, he commanded.
Before you could object he had already hung up.  
You stammered awkwardly and looked at the two puzzled humans standing before you, “Umm Taehyung said he’s coming over... not sure why or what for but err...”
“Probably to pick you up”, Haejoong replied almost too nonchalantly before facing Jihyun and asking her, “would you rather leave or wait?” You wondered whether this was the same person you knew from a week ago.  
“Let’s go”, Jihyun answered exhaustedly.  
“Oh right Y/N, Hyesoo has been asking me whether we need to change our assignment group, given all that is going on right now. She said to let her know by this week. Maybe you could discuss with Taehyung and let’s come to a decision soon?”, Haejoong was suddenly reminded to ask you as he trailed behind Jihyun who wanted to leave before Taehyung reached.  
“Yeah, okay”, you barely managed to squeak out a response as the nagging tingly feeling keeps growing.   
You fiddled around with your phone until you heard footsteps stomping up to the door.  
“Hey”, he panted.  
“You ran here?”, you questioned.  
“Yeah, evidently”, he answered.  
“Why...”, you wondered, but suddenly you were reminded that perhaps you wouldn’t like the answer, “... no, don’t answer that.”
Taehyung tilts his head and his forehead lightly frowns in confusion, “Anyway, where’s Jihyun and Haejoong?”, his breath was still shallow.  
Did he run here to see Jihyun?  
“Jihyun left with Haejoong, I didn’t know if I should ask them to wait or...”, your words were just stumbling out of your mouth, “... I’m sorry, if I knew you wanted to catch her I would have-”  
“Hey hey, I'm not here to catch her”, Taehyung’s eyes were intensely observing you now.  
“Then why did you run all the way here? I thought it was because I mentioned she was with me”, your fingers pinched each other in this tiny moment of embarrassment and uncertainty. Embarrassed because you felt like you were phishing for an answer you wanted, uncertain because you still didn’t know if it would be the answer you wanted.  
“No...”, Taehyung hesitated, “... it’s because you mentioned Haejoong was with you.”  
Is this the answer you wanted?  
“Taehyung, Haejoong and I...”, you wanted to clarify that nothing is going on, at least not anymore.  
“Stay away from him”, Taehyung huffs.
“What?”, you were taken aback by his assertiveness all of a sudden.  
“Im Haejoong. Something’s up with him, I don’t know what... but Yoongi hyung just told me that he has always had a crush on Jihyun and even chose to take our pure arts class just to be in the same class as her... but he never acted that way... instead it felt like...”, his eyes quivered as he looked at you.  
“It felt like he liked me...”, you were shaking now. There were absolutely no signs that he liked Jihyun before.  
“Y/N are you ok? You look-”, Taehyung grew concerned.  
“He misled me to think that he wrote the post-its on my photos too...”, you mumbled.  
Taehyung’s eyes grew wider. Things are increasingly not adding up for this guy.  
“Just stay awa-”, Taehyung began.  
“I’m tired Taehyung, walk with me back to the hostel?”, you truly were drained by now.  
The journey was mostly undisturbed silence. There is a kind of connection in this world that need not be seen or heard.  
As the both of you strolled up to the hostel, a female voice calls out your name, drawing both of your attention.  
Turns out Helen from the student office had also just came around to look for you with a police officer in tow.
“Don’t worry, I’m just investigating into the matter. It's really cold out here at night, is it alright if we head up to your room to have a chat?”, the investigation officer requested. You agreed and as the group of you were heading up, Taehyung almost too naturally follows behind you.  
“Mr. Kim, I think we are good here. Maybe you should consider heading back?”, there was a slant of insistence in her question.  
Taehyung eyes you worriedly and you gave him a smile, “It’s ok, I can handle this. See you tomorrow?”  
He sighed reluctantly but gives you a brief nod, “Call me if anything happens”, he nagged before turning to head off.  
This was still the same caring man that you knew since day one.
After a round of questioning in your room, the officer was mostly satisfied. However, he stood up and headed to your window, parting the blinds to peep out into the opposite building, where Jihyun’s room was.  
“Is everything alright?”, Helen asked.  
“It’s just that, no matter how I look at it, it will take a really powerful camera zoom to get the kind of image in the videos. Ms. Helen, you too know that we have been to each room in this building, no matter how I see it, the angle just doesn’t seem right from any of the rooms either”, he muttered thoughtfully.  
“Well, how else can someone get a photo or video from this high a height? We are eight floors above ground, officer”, Helen was seemingly annoyed that she was still stuck here at such an hour.  
“What if it wasn’t taken from a building...”, the officer mumbles.  
Helen was right about to scoff when you suddenly bolt up from your bed, where you had been sitting during the questioning.  
“Maybe... a drone?”, you implored.  
It need not be seen or heard, but the connection had been drawn. The officer’s face hardens as he demands Helen bring him all the CCTV footages surrounding the hostel area, this time not just for the entrances of the hostels.  
“We need to talk”, you messaged Haejoong the next day after classes were done and you ended up meeting him at the rooftop where he was trying out his new Holga. 
“It’s you, isn’t it?”, you sputtered, feeling rather apprehensive.  
He turns around to face you while packing up his things. “What do you mean?”
“You took the photos of Jihyun and posted them online... right?”, you fought on.  
“Why would I do that?”, it sounded as though he was refuting your allegation but at the same time it also sounded as though he was challenging you to find out the answer yourself.  
“Exactly, why? My gut feeling says it’s you, but I just cannot logically figure out why you would do it. Especially, now that I know you actually like Jihyun, I just can’t understand what you are trying to do. Why did you get close to me, when you like her? Why-”, you ranted.
“How did you find out that I like her?”, he was momentarily stunned but quickly recovered, “Regardless... tell me honestly, did you at any point think that I liked you?”
It hurts your pride to admit it, but with the way he acted, how could you not have thought that way?  
Your silence though, was enough of an answer to the mild-mannered man.  
“I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you, but you had to be Taehyung’s ex-girlfriend, I had no choice”, for once there was a desperation starting to bloom in his voice.  
“You had no choice but to use me?”, your words were filled with exasperation.  
“I needed to show Jihyun that he doesn’t like her, that when he is forced to make a choice between you or her”, his eyes hardens and he does not complete that previous sentence, “It is obvious that his heart is still with you.”  
“That is not true, you just haven’t seen the number of times Taehyung-”, you argued back.  
“He doesn’t love her. If anyone’s using anyone, it’s not me, it’s him. He's using her to get over you and I cannot watch that happen to her”, he raised his voice at you just enough to show his disapproval.  
Your head was quivering in disbelief, “You couldn’t watch that happen to her but you went and posted those photos and videos of her?! I just don’t get it...”
“That is not me”, he replied coldly.  
“You are lying”, you insisted.  
“It’s not me”, he takes another step closer to you and puts his hands into the huge side pocket of your winter coat. He pulls out your handphone revealing that it was recording your conversation this whole time.  
“It’s not me”, he repeats for the third time, slowly, enunciating each word, as if making sure that the recording will pick up his words loud and clear.  
He stops the recording and you demand for your phone back as sternly as you could.  
“I thought we were at least friends, this is disappointing”, he blinks at you.  
He unexpectedly turns his back and starts to leave. You lunge at him to grab at your phone which he was now shoving into his own pocket. The moment you grabbed his arms he hurls you backward and you stumble back onto the concrete floor.  
“Like you said, if you can’t figure out the logical reason why I would do it then do you think anyone else would be able to come up with one? There is no use in just insisting that I did it, Y/N. In the end no one will believe you”, he surmised almost emotionlessly.  
You collected yourself and scrambled up but Haejoong casually walks through the doorway leading to the rooftop. He spins to see you dashing towards him again and promptly shuts and locks the door from the other side, leaving you in the freezing exterior.  
“IM HAEJOONG!”, you screamed. “Open the door now!”
“This is your time to make a choice Y/N. Will you take my side?”, Haejoong asks cryptically.  
“Are you freaking crazy?! Let me out now!”, you whimpered as you banged against the cold hard door.  
“I’m asking you one last time, will you take my side?”, there was even a coldness to his words now even though you could barely hear him through the thick barricade.  
“Haejoong-ah, stop it now please. You are going down the wrong side, you still have a chance to turn around now”, you tried a different tactic, pleading to him now.  
“You are wrong. If you are not on my side, all of you are wrong”, he bellows suddenly and crashes one of his fists into the door, shaking it so hard causing you to jump back. Immediately after was an eerie silence, with lingering echoes of the door being rattled.  
Some people are like photographs, they exhibit an image, which they spend time developing, but their true self is captured on film as negatives, which is the exact opposite of what they portray.  
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clericbyers · 5 years
im gonna say it - will as kindergarden teacher au and mike as a person who always picks up nancy’s child
“I’m off to pick up Nancy’s little brat from school,” Mike calls as he grabs car keys from the shelf by the door. “Be back in a sec.”
Lucas shrugs from tying at his computer. “Pick up some bread while you’re gone; I think we’re almost out of it.”
“Yeah, sure; just text me if you manage to think of something else we need while I’m gone.” He waves bye to his roommate and leaves the apartment with a whistle, keys jangling in his pocket.
Mike never really intended to be the one to pick up Julia from kindergarten, but he lives closer to the school than Nancy does and she hates leaving her daughter at the daycare while she’s at work when Julia can spend time with her “Uncle Mikey” instead. Mike doesn’t really mind anyway; he’s got a bit of a soft spot for the little tyke and Nancy always looks so happy seeing Mike bond with her daughter, so it’s a win-win situation.
The drive to the school goes as usual. Mike puts on a podcast, listens to the latest news from film critics about various upcoming festivals, takes a moment at the stoplight to think about his original screenplay that got picked up by the city’s theater troop, and then thinks about what his next project should be. The great thing about his job is the flexible hours, hence the ability to pick up Nancy’s little girl, but it does often mean he’s up late writing and trying to stuff ideas into coherent words before his manager and editorial crew start pestering him for an update.
Mike parks about a block from the school and climbs out his car stretching his arms up into the air. He yawns a little despite it being mid-afternoon–he spent all night working on editing a new script–and makes his way toward school grounds, adjusting his gray beanie on the way. Mike smiles at a few of the parents who have come to recognize him already, waves at a few of the kids who smile up at him, and then waits by the front gates for Julia. She’s a little later than usual, but her eyes are bright and she squeals as she runs to Mike and wraps her tiny little arms around his legs.
“Uncle Mikey!” she cheers, giggling when he bends down to pick her up and hoist her on his hip. She’s got Nancy’s big, expressive eyes and it always warms Mike’s heart when he can see happiness reflecting in them. “Today was so much fun! We did drawings of animals today!”
“Animals? Did you get to draw your favorite?”
“Yes! A giant doggy!” Julia squirms in Mike’s arms as she tries to reach her backpack. She frowns dejectedly. “I want to show you but it’s in my backpack.”
“You can show me when we get to your mom’s place, alright?” Mike boops her nose and the girl giggles happily.
“Hi,” a voice interrupts and Mike turns to scowl at the intruder, only for no words to slip from his mouth as he stares ahead.
The guy before him is, well, to be blunt, incredibly handsome and fine and Mike might just be falling in love already looking at the calm, gentle smile on his face and catching the way sunlight happens to sparkle in his green eyes.
“Mr. Byers!” Julia makes grabby hands toward him and the Byers guy laughs heartily. “Have you met my uncle?”
“Uncle Mikey, right?” Byers gives Mike a once over and Mike knows he’s blushing like a tomato right now. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Julia’s kindergarten teacher. I’m glad to put a face to the name now.”
“Uh,” Mike blubbers. “Yeah? I haven’t heard a thing about you. I mean, I have! Heard about you. In passing.”
Nice one, Michael.
Byers chuckles at that though, so Mike thinks he’s forgiven for the blunder. “It’s alright, there’s always time to get to know each other better.”
Did he just..? Mike blinks and adjusts Julia on his hip. “I, um? Yeah. Yeah, there’s time for that. What time, uh, what time works best for you?”
“6 PM this Thursday? Parent-Teacher conference.” And oh god, Mike is really blushing now because of course the guy wasn’t asking him out right after meeting him.
“I’m not..I’m not her parent; I’m sure her mom can get time off though.” Mike rubs at the back of his neck. “I just pick her up because I live closer.”
“And because you love me!”
Mike laughs. “Yes, and because I love you.”
“I love, you, too!” Julia wraps her arms around Mike’s neck, enough to choke a little, but she loosens up pretty quickly. “Mr. Byers, my uncle writes plays!”
“Oh, does he, now?” Byers raises a curious eyebrow but his lips are still curled in a soft smile just for Julia.
“Scripts. I write scripts. Sometimes they are plays, sometimes little indie movies for the university.” Mike shrugs. “Got a big one coming up in the city, though.”
“Really? That’s amazing; congrats!” Byers’ smile is so big and genuine and Mike is so, so wishing this dude is single and gay. “Julia, are your uncle’s plays worth the time to watch?”
“Absolutely!” she pats at Mike’s cheeks. “He’s the bestest play maker ever.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” chuckles Mike as he pulls her hands away.
“I can’t judge until I see it for myself.” The teacher pulls out his phone and hums to himself. “What dates is your show playing on?”
“Uh, the first one is in two weeks.” Mike feels a lump in his throat. “On a Friday night. It’s called ‘The Upside Down’ if you’re looking it up. Oh, and my name is Wheeler. Mike Wheeler. Michael Wheeler.”
Byers hums and then taps his phone a few times. “Consider my ticket purchased.” Mike’s eyes nearly bug out his head. “And my name is Will, by the way. Will Byers.”
“Okay. Yeah. That’s a, uh, that’s a nice name. Is it short for something? Like Michael is short for Mike. I mean, Mike is short for Michael.”
Will laughs heartily, a hand to his chest and Mike kinda melts inside. “It’s short for William, but no one ever calls me that.”
“Uncle Mikey, why are your cheeks so red?”
Mike swats Julia’s hands away. “Because you keep smacking my cheeks, that’s why!” He turns back to Will with an apologetic smile. “It was nice meeting you, but this little one is getting restless and I gotta take her to her mom.”
“It was nice meeting you, too, Mike.” Will waves bye to Julia. “I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow, Julia.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, too, Mr. Byers.”
The two stand watching Will walk back toward the school building and Mike lets out a deep sigh he didn’t even realize he was holding in. Julia squirms in his arms again so he lets her down to the ground and takes her hand in his as they walk back to his car. Julia starts talking about her day in detail but Mike can barely listen and he feels so bad for it, but he really cannot believe what just transpired five minutes ago.
“Have you met Julia’s teacher?” Mike asks when Nancy opens the door as she gets home from work. Julia bounces around her mom’s feet excitedly, trying to show her her new drawings.
Nancy shrugs. “Yeah, what about him?”
“Uncle Mikey’s cheeks kept going red while we we talking to Mr. Byers!”
Nancy slowly turns to Mike with curiously raised eyebrows and a smirk on her painted lips. Mike decides he’s done picking up his sister’s tratorious child. “You’re telling me my little brother saw a hot guy and turned into a pre-teen mess?”
“I did not.” Mike mumbles to the ground. “He bought a ticket to my play though. So I think he likes me.”
“Mike, I buy a ticket to your plays.”
“You’re obligated to as my sister. He has no obligation to fund my starving artist ways.” Mike leans back on the couch and hangs his head upside as he watches Nancy parce through the mail. “Do you think he’s interested though?”
“Sure, why not? He’s at least interested in your nerdy fantasy plays, so I’m sure he’d like you as a person.” She ruffles Mike’s hair and then turns to the kitchen. “You wanna stay for dinner? I don’t mind cooking extra.”
Mike smiles warmly, suddenly grateful that he gets to live in close vicinity with his sister still after all these years. “Yeah, lemme text Lucas that I’m staying out for a bit later tonight.”
Nancy grins and leans down to kiss Julia’s forehead. “C’mon, sweet pea, let’s go cook something delicious for Uncle Mikey. He’s finally getting back into dating.”
“Mommy, what’s dating?”
Mike laughs loudly as Nancy coughs around her answer. “Nothing you need to concern yourself with right now.”
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sabraeal · 5 years
We Seek That Which We Shall Not Find, Chapter 6
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Written for Trope Madness’s betting kitty winner, @ruleofexception! It’s been....over six months, but here is this HUGE BEAST of a chapter. I know I said I thought this would be the last Laxdo chapter, BUT...there’s gonna be at least one more!
There hadn’t been much in the way of entertainment, back in the country. At least, not the way Shirayuki’s constantly bombarded with it here, videos up on billboards and scrolling across phones on the subway. The B&B had a limping internet connection, and with the only television in the common room, she’d spent more time inside a book or outside the house than struggling to find a channel the other boarders would agree to.
So when Zen asked her to join D&D, when Kiki had teased her for not even knowing what she’d said yes to --
Well, she’d done her research. Not just the kind Izana gave her, reading source books and studying lore, but watching videos, listening to podcasts, finding the D&D episodes of popular shows -- anything that would give her something to expect. Nothing could have rivaled her disappointment or her relief when she realized costumes were optional; she hadn’t known how she would cobble together historically accurate, fourth century Welsh gown when even the SCA shrugged their shoulders at the idea, but, well...it was exactly the sort of challenge she would have risen to, if she had the excuse.
Still, she’d thought she had an idea of what to expect: roleplay, quick thinking, rich story, complicated feelings, improv, maybe even some funny voices, but --
Nothing had prepared her for the amount of planning.
“So that’s it?”
Shirayuki startles; she’d been deep into splitting healing duties with Mitsuhide. Paladins are only half spell casters, only good for buffs and an occasional off-heal, so all the curse removal duties fall to Lynet. Bedwyr is more or less moral support; unless the curse itself had some sort of permanent stat drain, there’s nothing he can do.
Zen isn’t invested in this conversation, of course; magi don’t have magic that can’t be applied to themselves or their weapon. Which is why he’s craning his neck toward Izana, incredulous. “We just cast a whole bunch of Remove Curse and then hit the road?”
Shirayuki isn’t an expert on Izana’s expressions, not when the difference between them is the angle of an eyebrow or the twitch of a lip, but she feels confident in calling this one positively withering. “Is that what you think you should do?”
The temperature of the room drops two degrees. That’s a question where everyone knows the answer.
“We still don’t know who started this,” Mitsuhide tries, haltingly, thick fingers worrying at the edge of his character sheet. From the dog-eared corners on every side, this isn’t a first-time occurrence. “It’s not a good habit to leave enemies behind us.”
“Not a healthy one, at least,” Kiki adds, leaning her knee against the table.
“But we don’t have any hints either.” Zen’s flushed, frustrated. “Do you guys just want to hang around here, waiting for him to come back? If he comes back?”
“Or her.” Kiki’s brow twitches, and Shirayuki’s not sure whether to read it as amusement or annoyance. Maybe both is the better bet. “Then again, you haven’t tried to woo any rescued damsels this session, so probably not a dread sorceress. Unless there’s something Shirayuki isn’t telling us.”
Kiki turns to her with an inquisitive look, and even though she knows she’s joking, even though she sees the quirk at the corner of her lips, Shirayuki’s cheeks flare fire-engine red.
“Hey!” Zen snaps, not looking much better. “Shirayuki--”
“Well.” Obi’s mouth cants, eyes catching hers from their corners. “I know Beaumains is under her spell.”
She can feel it, this moment of opportunity being flung open like a window, and -- and his wink is not helping matters. Not at all. Especially not when Kihal’s flirt back or make out with his face is burning a hole in her pocket, reminding her of what she was trying to do before plot carried her away. It’s just --
She can’t say something now. This isn’t Lynet and Beaumains, this is -- is them, Shirayuki and Obi, and that might mean something, and she doesn’t -- she isn’t --
Well, there’s just a huge difference between a flirtation and a boyfriend, probably. And she hardly knows if she wants the first, let alone -- that. Not with some college boy she’s known a week. He might play trumpet, for all she knows.
The moment stretches on, too long, and Kiki hums, amused. “I suppose that is some damning evidence.”
“Okay.” Zen’s folded himself into a huff, fuming so hard it’s an honest surprise smoke isn’t pouring out his ears. “So you all think we should just...hang around? Hope for some Big Bad to come wandering back to check his work?”
“Well.” The word bursts out of her, unbidden, but -- she’s committed now, with everyone watching her. “We do have, um, another reason.”
He blinks, some of his flush fading back to pink. “Oh?”
“I, uh, only prepared one Removed Curse at our last rest.” Her hands twist themselves in knots under the table, anxious. “But I can fix that at our next one! If this works like it should, then I should be able to get everyone on their feet in...a few days, maybe?”
Zen lets loose a whine that would make a puppy worry. “A few days.”
“Um, well...” Shirayuki squirms in her seat. “Give or take.”
Kiki’s eyes narrow. “Just how many spell slots do you have?”
“Um...” She flips through her sheet, squinting at the chart on the second page. “Three?”
Mitsuhide lets out a worried hum, too high-pitched for a man his size. “How many people are under this spell again?”
The question sits heavily at the table until Izana leans back, the picture of surprise, and asks, “Oh, are you asking me?”
Zen stares. “Is there someone else who would know?”
“It could have been rhetorical. A nice little thought exercise.” He shrugs, and Shirayuki does not miss the way his mouth twitches at a corner. “But the answer is: as many as it takes to make a castle of this size function.”
Zen groans.
“Oh, looks like we better get comfy, my liege,” Obi says with a wolfish grin. “We’re gonna be here a while.”
This night is your longest yet; you had thought the first interminable, when all the miasma of illness hung thick over the room, choking you even behind yours mask. Despair had clung to every wrinkle in your gown, tight like a child’s hand on a mother’s apron, always niggling, reminding you that time would run out, that perhaps no amount of your cleverness could save them.
But hope is worse.
There is no reason to pick the man you do -- or rather, the lack of one becomes it. With only a single brew, Bedwyr suggests that you spend it on the castle’s healer, but--
But this magic is familiar somehow. It slicks along your skin like a drop of oil in water, and though you cannot divine its maker, you do not trust it to act as it ought. Curse though it may be, there is a part of you that worries any cure that you brew will only add to your troubles.
You worry over that same thought for endless hours, trying to get to the marrow of it, to logic out why dread settles so firmly in your gut. There has never been an instance, not one, where your gifts have failed you, where the joy of victory has turned to ashes in your mouth. Except for the one, of course.
Despite your misgivings, the man wakes at dawn.
It is not a calm thing, oh no; he heaves into life, breath filling his chest so forcefully it arches him upright. He clutches at his breast, wide-eyed, but besides the atrophy expected of long illness and the shock of waking, he is healthy. So healthy he empties the first bowl of broth you give him, and the second, and when you bring the third he inquires after a heel of bread as well.
“Well, this certainly stands as a testament to your skill,” Arturius remarks, bemused, as the man sops up his bowl. You are tired, and for a moment you are tempted to ask if he had doubted it, but -- it would be picking a fight, and it is not the prince’s fault that his particular skills meant he slept, rather than wait.
“I brewed more last night,” you tell him. “Enough dose for three.”
“Our priority is the healer, of course.” He bites his lip, head tipped back in thought. “But the others...”
For the first time in hours, you feel your mouth lift into a smile. “I did have a thought about that...”
Izana blinks. “The dwarf?”
“He’s cursed, isn’t he?” She must be the only one that remembers; despite happening only hours ago, the rest of the party stares blankly at her. “Worse than anyone else, if I’m remembering right.”
“Oh,” Obi hums, thoughtful. “Yeah, I think I remember that. He’s human.”
“Oh, right.” Zen scoops up the dwarf’s figure, squinting hard at its shapeless features. “I thought he was going to be the Big Bad’s sidekick, honestly.”
“Mm, agreed.” Kiki leans over, giving the plastic the same skeptical look. “I was waiting for the backstab.”
“Such little faith in your fellow man,” Izana clucks, shaking his head.
She arches a brow, eloquent in her disdain. “It is your game.”
His mouth stretches, curling into a smile Shirayuki’s only ever seen on the Grinch. “That is fair.”
“Still.” The word drags Izana’s attention back to her, his eyes almost comically wide. “I want to give our friend at least one of these. After all, he’s been helping us this whole time.”
“Has he though?” Obi mutters, and without even thinking, Shirayuki puts an elbow straight in his side.
Every hair stands on end as she realizes what she’s done. She’s -- she’s practically scolded him, the boy she maybe-kind of-might want to flirt with. Or his character, at least. For, you know, fun.
When she dares a glance at him, his eyes have rounded, eyebrows practically up at his hairline, but -- but --
He almost looks impressed.
“Huh,” Izana huffs out, drawing her attention back to the topic at hand. “Do you now.”
It’s not a question, but she hasn’t gotten this far by letting him practice his rhetoric. “I do.”
He hums, tapping at his notes. “Well, I suppose you could...try.”
“Me?” The dwarf shifts on his spindly legs, wringing his thick-fingered hands over his belly. “But -- but there are others. Other who would be of much more use than me!”
“We have more than enough for your healer,” you assure him, though you have to grit your teeth as he dances.
There’s something strange, off-kilter about the way he moves, about the way his face changes, as if your mind is trying to make him into two different people entirely -- one which is familiar, and one which is entirely not. It is tiring to say the least.
You meet his eyes, those warm hazel-green, and say, “You have helped us immeasurably. Who else could be more important than you?”
“The head of the guard?” he supplies with a squeak. “The steward. The -- the cook? Anyone, my lady, would be more helpful that me.”
You lower yourself to a chair, coming to his height. “No one is more important here than the man who knows how this all came to be.”
His gaze is watery when he tears it from yours. “No, no,” he insists, voice ragged. “Spend it on the others. All of them are more deserving than me.”
"Welp.” Obi pops the ‘p’, annoyed, and it draws attention to his mouth, to the way it fits around the words he speaks and -- well, Shirayuki really didn’t need help with that. “We’re doing real good, solving this mystery.”
It’s been three in-game days, and with every awoken man, more questions are asked than answered. So far none of them can remember being cursed, and when they bring the dwarf in front of them --
Well, Shirayuki knows this is all pretend, that the dwarf is really just Izana bending his voice into something new, but the way his expression crumples as every soldier calls him a stranger -- it’s a lot.
“What is even happening here?” Zen groans, fingers pulling at his face. “The dwarf knows something, but he won’t tell us.”
“He can’t tell us.” It comes out a little sharper than she intends, but -- it’s an important distinction. “He’s cursed.”
“Right,” he agrees absently. “But also he won’t let us help him, so it’s pretty much the same thing.”
Her hands clench on her lap. “It’s really n--”
“Can’t you just cast it on him anyway?” Obi asks, chin in hand, drumming his fingers on the table. “Then bingo-bango-bongo: the whole problem is solved.”
Her jaw drops. “I’m not going to treat a patient without his consent!”
Obi rounds on her, eyes incredulously wide. “He’s not real.”
That...is a good point, she’ll give him that.
“Well, he’s real to Lynet,” she informs him primly, setting her hands flat on the table. “And she would never.”
For a moment is mouth goes flat, annoyed, but then -- then it curls, Obi leaning casual on one fist. “I’m sure Beaumains could be persuasive.”
Her mouth wraps around the word, silent. The look he gives her is too knowing, eyebrows lifted in invitation, and she’s so, so tempted to ask just what kind of persuasion Beaumains might be inspired to do--
“Even if Shirayuki cast it, he could still resist it with a Will save,” Mitsuhide interjects, sending the moment skittering. “If he wanted to, at least. And then we’d be out of a spell slot.”
“If we’re stuck here, we should be focusing on the Big Bad anyway.” Zen settles back in his chair, running a hand through his hair and leaving it adorably askew, like he’d just woken up. “Someone has to have said something interesting, right? And we’re not just thinking about it.”
Mitsuhide leans a chin in his hand, pondering the idea. “The head of the guard mentioned that a traveling caravan came through before this all happened.”
Kiki nods. “And the steward mentioned buying wood from traveling merchants. Probably the ones who supplied the logs with the Will debuff.”
Zen settles back, thoughtful. “So you think they were force to sell the wood?”
“They must have some leverage on them,” Mitsuhide agrees. “They didn’t mention any children--”
“Or maybe,” Kiki deadpans, “they were all bandits?”
Mitsuhide gapes. “But there were women in the caravan.”
“Oh my,” she hums, teeth flashing behind her lips. “You’re right. How silly of me. We all know a woman could never be dangerous, oh no.”
“T-that’s not what I meant!”
“Oh?” Kiki smiles, and the room drops an entire degree. Shirayuki practically shivers in the chill. “It better not be.”
Shirayuki blinks, and between one moment as the next, Kiki stabs her pen into the table, leaving it quivering like a knife.
Izana huffs in annoyance. “Kiki, please. The table didn’t do anything to you.”
“It’s just between the leaves.” She shift her character sheets, and there it is: pen nib wedged perfectly into the crevice. With nothing more than a sharp tug, it’s back out again, twirling between Kiki’s long fingers. “Besides, it’s not like this is some family heirloom.”
“No,” Izana agrees, “but it’s the principle of the thing.”
“Okay, aside from Princess Kiki’s love for violence, which, by the way--” Obi tosses her a wink, which absolutely does not send a jolt of disappointment spear through Shirayuki’s belly-- “hot. It looks like our only lead are these bandits.”
Mitsuhide grunts. “We don’t know if they’re bandits.”
“Fine, Schrödinger’s bandits,” he sighs. “We don’t--what?”
The table is quiet, wide-eyed -- even Izana -- and into the silence, Zen says, “You know Schrödinger?”
Obi huffs. “What? I go to college. I know memes.”
“Wow,” Kiki manages, drawling every letter.
“Anyway.” Zen wields the word like a knife, trying to cut through the distractions. “We should track down these bandits--”
Mitsuhide clears his throat.
“Potential bandits,” Zen amends, annoyed. “So while Shirayuki is tending to the people here, we can start canvassing the area.”
“Oh!” It slips out of her, like a punch to the gut. If she’s back at the castle, and Beaumains is out looking for bandits --
She shakes her head. That’s not what this game is about. It’s about saving her sister and having fun with her friends, not -- not practice flirting.
Unfortunately, it’s too late to take it back. Every eye at the table falls on her, and she squirms. “Um.”
“That isn’t very fair,” Kiki observes, dragging her gaze to Zen. “Shirayuki should get a chance to have an adventure too, not just heal in the background.”
“But we can’t take her with us.”
She hadn’t even minded being left behind -- Izana would give her something to do, and it wasn’t as if Lynet would feel strongly about bandit chasing -- but it stings, hearing it from his mouth. Zen had wanted her to be Gwenhwyfar, to be the one waving the handkerchief from the parapets. Instead she’d made Lynet -- an alchemist, an arcanist, an asset -- but even still he’s finding ways to keep her at Camelot, leaving her behind when the knights rode out.
Mitsuhide grunts, disapproving.
“She’s using her highest slots to do this curse thing,” Zen explains, and she gets it, she does, it just doesn’t help. “If we find the Big Bad--”
“--We should probably have our healer with us.” Obi’s mouth cants into a lop-sided smile, cajoling. “Come on, my liege. We don’t have to jump in the deep end the second we get a hint of where this guy is. We have plenty of time to give my lady here a heads up before we get ourselves neck-deep in trouble.”
He winks, and -- and maybe she’s just projecting, but it feels different from the one he gave Kiki. More...personal.
“Um.” Now is really not the time to blurt out, I’m more upset that I can’t flirt with your character, so she just nods, ducking her head so he can’t see her blush. “Okay! But I’ll need a day to swap out my spells.”
He’s just -- adjusting, she knows that, but his foot swipes right along the bottom of hers and every hair stands on end. Oh, goodness. “We’ll see what we can do, my lady.”
Each day, more men awake from their stupors; three at a time, all of them disoriented, groggy. You had hoped that when you woke the healer, he would at least be able to ease your burden, but all the cursed are emaciated, their muscles atrophied to the point that they must be helped to the chamber pot and back. It is up to you to brew the potions, to cook the broth and, eventually, heartier stews to strengthen them.
And still there are more chores; small things: opening windows and keeping your stores stocked, organizing and documenting the treatment of your patients. Each day blends into each other, sleep only coming in fits and starts and never restful. Still, it is enough. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, hands doing what you ask of them, until --
Until one day they don’t.
Most of the men have not been moved from the great hall, though now, at least, there is room between them to walk, not just bodies laid haphazardly across the stone. It is not a situation you find ideal, however -- it is not feasible to move so many, and in their fugue state, few will care about privacy or proximity. However, those awoken few have been moved to more private chambers; the weft of the curse is thick, as fine a weave as any linen, and you suspect it does not allow any inference, either magic or mundane. Those who lay dreaming are free from any ailment save the caster’s making, but the others --
Well, that many men pressed so close is just tinder waiting for a kindling.
There is a way within Laxdo’s halls to reach the dormitories from the great hall, however, a quick dash through the courtyard’s arcades cuts minutes off a day that already has too few to spare. You hurry through, gaze set ever forward, laden with yet another heavy box of supplies.
Your mind is not on your day, of course. Oh no, it has long wandered far into stranger lands. The dwarf is what plagues your thoughts, for with every man that wakes, their eyes passing over him with barely more than a curious glance and no flash of recognition, he fades a little further. One day, you fear, you will turn to see he is little more than a shadow, a suggestion rather than a reality.
Whoever he is, he must be much changed. Perhaps he is knight, strong bodied and deep-voice; or perhaps he is truly only a boy, and --
Your heel catches, so hard that your teeth jitter in their sockets. It snaps your spine straight, feet staggering beneath you to balance both your weight and the box’s.
All for naught; the shock jolts like lightning through your limbs, and the moment you right yourself, the box slips from boneless fingers, straight to the stone below.
There is a moment where your life flashes before your eyes. Or at least, the last week, which has felt like a lifetime. On shivering fawn legs, you bend, touching each bottle and jar as if they were the saints’ bones themselves. It is not the first inventory you have done with your heart lodged in your throat, but it is certainly the one where you had the most to lose. After all, it wasn’t as if the people of Castle Perilous would rely on their young mistress alone.
Your breath huffs out on a sigh. Misfortune’s bony fingers have no hooks in your skirts today. Not one cracked jar or one broken seal.
You get to your feet, hauling the box into you arms, but -- but you are made suddenly and terrifying aware that you have not slept for days. The world swings in a mad carousel around you, and with the momentum of your lift and the weight of the box you tilt back --
But never hit the ground.
“Oh,” Zen groans, flopping back in his seat. “Come on. Really?”
“Oooh, master, you just wish you had moves like me.” Obi’s hips give a sultry swivel in his seat as he scoops up his natural twenty. It absolutely does not give Shirayuki any -- any ideas. The room is just unnaturally warm for a basement.
“Careful, smooth moves,” Kiki deadpans. “K-pop impressions and bad pick-up lines won’t save you from not investing in your health.”
Obi huffs out a laugh with one of his devil-may-care shrugs. “I don’t invest in nerd things like hit points, I invest in being cool, and I stand by that decision. Besides,” he says, pink flaring high on his cheeks, “my pick-up lines are great.”
“Name one that worked.”
“I dunno.” His shoulders hunch, defensive. “All of them.”
Kiki’s eyebrows lift. “On who?”
Me. Shirayuki catches the word in her teeth, swallowing it down. It’s not -- it’s not even true. Beaumains has been using them on Lynet, and Lynet is the one interested, not -- not her. They’re different people. Probably.
“You know.” He sniffs. “People. You don’t know them.”
If anything, Kiki’s brows only raise higher. “Hmm.”
“If we’re quite done speculating about Obi’s romantic prowess,” Izana interjects smoothly. “I do believe we’re in the middle of something?”
Heat blooms across your back, the way it would when you sat at the hearth, tilting a book so it might not lay in shadow. It smolders along your side, not like a bonfire, but a brazier, or even a bed warmer --
Ah, now there is a thought your father would not appreciate you having.
Your gaze is fixed to your supplies, but it takes you a long moment to realize you are not holding them. No, it is a steady hand over you, sheathed in black leather, and in one, delirious moment, you realize that bare indigo must be pressed into your back, hooking just so at your hip. He doesn’t even shake.
“Careful there, my lady.” The words rumble against your ear, too intimate in the cage of his chest. ���Keep this up, and a man could get ideas.”
You lift your gaze, gold tangling with green, breath catching in your throat. He might have made a shoddy assassin, but as your protector, well --
“Do you think if it happens another time, you will believe it?”
He blinks, eyes as wide and gold as coins. “Believe what?”
With all the courage you can summon, you mimic his flirtatious smirk and say, “That I’m falling for you.”
If the birds still sang at Laxdo, then the air would not be so still, so silent. At it is, you could hear a pin drop, so long as it was louder than the throb of your heart.
In a single, staggering moment, you are back on your feet, and Beaumains shakes his head, hunching his shoulders against the cold. “You need to work on your delivery.”
Your jaw snaps shut. “What do you mean?”
“You’re not the flirting type, my lady.” He shrugs, a smirk peeking out from behind his cowl. “Too earnest, I think.”
Blood boils in your veins, and you know he can see it on your skin when you say, “It does not seem fair that you may make love as you wish, but yet I cannot.”
He huffs out a laugh, sweeping a step closer. Oh, he smells...nice. Leather and pine with a hint of brimstone. “You know what I have and you don’t, my lady?”
“What?” You wish it wasn’t so breathless.
He leans in, and unbidden, your eyes flutter to half-mast. “Charisma.”
“Wait.” Kiki snags his sheet, sliding it across the table. “How on earth is your charisma higher than your con?”
“I’m a rogue-sorcerer!” Obi squeaks, snatching it back. “It’s my casting stat.”
“This is ridiculous,” she decides. “Are you planning on using it any time soon?”
He gapes. “I use it all the time!”
“I mean besides for bad pick-up lines.”
“How do you think I snuck up on Shirayuki at all?” He waves his hands. “Obviously magic!”
“I mean...” Kiki shrugs. “There is a stealth stat for a reason. A good rogue wouldn’t need Invisibility--”
He sniffs. “There’s just no reasoning with you, Princess.”
“I thought you were supposed to be bandit hunting.” The words come out breathless, and you wish you were like Morgaine, who never sounds as if anything bothers her at all, instead of -- of this. A girl ripe to be teased, since she can never wear her heart anywhere but on her sleeve.
He looks out over the yard, eyes squinting into the distance, and it is a fine view for watching the smirk creep up the side of his face. “Seemed like my job was here, my lady.”
Warmth blooms in your chest, as suddenly and easily as if he had laid a hand over your heart. Still, you frown. “And you did not think to announce yourself?”
“You did well enough alone,” he tells you with a speculative glance, and the flash in his eyes makes you think he likes what he sees. That he is, perhaps, even a little impressed with you. “And anyway, it seemed like you understood well enough about hiding in plain sight.”
You do not miss the bite of censure in his words, the warmth spreading from your chest to your cheeks. He put space between you, but you close it as you say, “I am the only one who can do this work, I do not have the luxury of--”
“Peace, my lady.” He holds up his hands, as if he might ward you off like a bitch anxious over her pups. “I know well enough. Still...” He edges a step back, teeth flashing white against the dark of his face. “Should you not be wary of me?”
You stare, brows furrowed. “Wary? Has not Uther himself consigned me to your care?”
“That’s true enough,” he admits, hand raising to squeeze at his shoulder. An old injury must lay there, aggravated by the heavy weather. “Though I thought His Grace would fill your head with all sorts of things.”
“Speculations. Rumor.” He grins, sharp enough to cut, though it is not a blade faced outward. “Maybe even something close to the truth.”
“Beaumains.” You step closer, and he watches you now, not the quintain creaking in the distance. “I think my own thoughts, not those of Arturius. And I have never been wary of you.”
The arcade is so quiet, you can hear his breath rasp in his chest.
“Besides--” you let yourself share in some of his smile-- “I was the one who had you pinned.”
“My lady,” he protests, “I let you--”
“I think we can call this argument thoroughly explored,” Izana informs them. “Not that I do not enjoy the enthusiastic roleplay.”
“Oh!” Shirayuki chirps, hands clapping to cover her blush. “I’m sorry, I didn’t--”
“No need.” You do not miss the twitch of amusement at the corner of his lips. “Besides, I think we all know it was your tanglefoot bag that did the pinning.”
“In any case,” you continue, perhaps a little forcefully, “you have proven yourself to be a man worthy of trust in my eyes.”
Beaumains stares, inscrutable. “My lady...”
Whatever words he means to say are lost; he folds his lips around them and the moment carries them away.
“My lady,” he tries again, more sure. “You’re wearing yourself down.”
“I am fine--”
“Perhaps His Grace--”
“I am fine,” you insist, sharper than you intend. “There is no reason to worry Arturius. So you might as well not.”
The silence between you itches, and when those golden eyes look at you, when they stare through you as if you were a specimen under glass, you want to squirm out of your own skin. “Who says I have to listen to anything you say?”
Uther. The name bubbles up, unbidden. You would have to be a fool to speak it; what passed between assassin and king is known by them alone. To pretend you know either of their minds would be a mistake of the rarest form.
Instead, you take a step forward, skirt brushing over the toes of his boots. “You owe me.”
His eyes narrow, thoughtful. “Owe you?”
“Yes,” you breathe. “You do.”
He stares at you, and you know he remembers the same as you do: the botched assassination, him grabbing your wrists and pulling you under him, the way his skin had warmed so pleasantly against yours --
“Fine.” His gaze swivels away, chin turned so much your neck hurts just looking at it. “But...why keep it a secret, my lady?”
Teeth prick at your lips. You cannot just say, Arturius. Not when he has been so kind to you, when he has taken on this quest that no other would. But still, still -- you were barely allowed to come. If he were to know that you are weary, or weak, or, Father forfend, overwhelmed --
Well, you do not have to imagine what sort of behavior that might invite from His Grace.
“Because I can manage on my own,” you say instead, lifting the box from his hands.
Or at least, you would, if he would let go. “We’re only having this talk because you’re not managing, my lady.”
Ah, that is...a point. Your shoulders drop, grip loosening until it is once again only Beaumains that holds it. “I...”
“My lady?” You cannot meet his gaze, but you feel it on you, warm and inquisitive, perhaps even concerned.
“It’s only...”
He leans in. You can feet his heat against your skin.
“The dwarf,” you manage, a flush gathering at where your wimple meets your collar. “There’s something about him.”
“He’s short?” Beaumains offers, voice low, a pleasant rumble so close to you. “He’s cursed?”
Your mouth pulls thin. “That is not what a meant. However...” You shake your head, at a loss. “I only have this...this feeling. It is important that he be cured of his affliction. But...if he does not want to be saved before the others...”
Frustration tangles your tongue. If only you knew what words would convince him, what proof you needed to lay before him --
“Ah,” Beaumains sighs, mouth crooking into a grin. “Is that all?”
Izana blinks as his phone hoots at him, scanning the screen.
“Hm.” He sets it aside, laying it square on the table. “Obi, if you would come with me.”
Zen’s eyes narrow as they stand, gaze darting between them. “What are you doing?”
“Me and the big boss here have some business in hallway time,” Obi tells him with a grin even Shirayuki has to admit is insufferable. “Got a problem with it?”
He frowns. “Why do you need that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” With a waggle of his eyebrows, Obi skips around the corner of the stairs and is gone. The door above shuts with an almost jaunty click.
“Wha--?” Zen stares after him, sputtering. “That’s why I’m asking!”
It is quiet, for once. Only the moan of the wind outside and the scratch of your nib against parchment reach your ears, the crackle of the fire long faded into the background of your mind. It lulls you, the gentle sweep of your own hand, and you close your eyes -- just a blink --
Only to wake at the creak of your door.
You do not expect the prince to darken your door, not this late at night, but here he is, cloak dusted with snow, sword at his hip. He follows your gaze, and he seems shocked to find his blade there as well, as if he does not always keep it at his side.
“Arturius,” you say, rising to your feet. “I didn’t think to see you so late.”
“I needed to know something.” He sweeps a hand toward your bed. “Would you mind?”
You blink, and for a moment, he is a different man telling you to get to a bed, gaunleted hands reaching --
“Yes,” you gasp, shaking yourself. This is different. Arturius is a friend. You trust him. “Of course.”
Your legs dangle off the side of the bed, toes just brushing the floor, and he draws his chair up in front of you, holding your hand.
“Close your eyes,” he says. “I’m going to count.”
“Are you taking my pulse?” His fingers are not in the proper place for such a thing. At your wrist is truly--
“Please,” he laughs. “Just trust me.”
You do, and so your eyes flutter closed. For a moment, you are only aware of your breath, of his touch, and you --
Jolt awake, as the door flies open again.
“Beaumains!” Arturius snaps, dropping your hand as if it scalds. “What are you--?
It is only once he is in the room room that you can see -- there is someone behind him. A small someone.
The dwarf.
Beaumain’s smile stretches smugly from ear-to-ear. “Our friend here says he’ll do it.”
“What?” Zen squaws, glaring daggers at his brother before settling back on Obi. “How could you?”
“How could I what?” Obi grins, hooking his hands behind his head. “Get the job done?”
“Intimidate him!” He waves a hand vaguely towards the head of the table. “He’s our friend!”
Obi blinks. “Izana?”
“No, not -- I mean the dwarf!” He lets out a huff. “Izana is definitely not our friend.”
“Brother.” Izana presses a hand to his chest. “I’m wounded.”
“You’re like Rasputin,” Zen tells him. “You’ll get over it.”
“I didn’t intimidate either of them.” Obi darts a glance at her, hooking her with a grin. “I just used my raw charisma.”
Kiki groans. “Go home.”
“Are you certain?” You glance at Beaumains behind him, but there is no menace to the man, just an unseemly amount of gloating. “I will not force you.”
The dwarf hesitates, wringing his small hands over his belly, but in the end he nods, meeting your gaze with a confidence that is wholly new. “I am ready, my lady.”
Your hand shakes as his fingers cup the rounded bottom of the flask, as he pulls the glass from your grasp, and with a deep, steeling sigh, upends the entirety of the potion into his throat.
“Oh!” The sound hiccups out of you, and though you’ve worn a groove in your voice the shape of the warnings you give each time, they tangle in your mouth. It is too late to say, drink slowly, to say, stop if it does not feel right, and oh, you are usual say this to a man prone, insensate --
And yet, nothing happens.
It takes time, you know. Your palms itch, eager to reach for your notes, to see if this was too long an interval, if this was a sign that this geas was worse, that the caster was fighting your remedy --
A muscle twitches. The dwarf blinks, raising his hand -- his hand that is now large, now small, that cannot decide its size at all, which is fine since his whole body follows suit, growing and shrinking. His shoulders rounds as his spine stretches, as if he’s hit a wall, some sort of barrier --
And it shatters, like an egg’s shell, his body growing well beyond its confines, the proportion of his limbs and face changing, until --
“Oh!” You whirl around, putting your back to him. “Oh my!”
“Ah,” the man says, his voice reedy, yet not as high as you remember. “I had hoped that this might be better done.”
“Here.” Arturius tosses one of the sheets from the cots. “Cover yourself.”
“I thank you,” the man says, humiliation riding high in his tone. “My lady, please forgive me, I did not think--”
“You...you are--” it is hard to find the words with your cheeks as hot as this -- “you are the lord of Laxdo’s son!”
He lets out a single, pained laugh. “I am afraid I am more than that now, my lady. I am Laxdo’s lord.”
“Arturius!” Bedwyr sweeps into the room, ragged. “The men are all waking!”
“Wait, wait.” Shirayuki shakes her head, brow furrowed. “I removed his curse, and now everyone is healed?”
Izana lifts a hand in a lazy shrug. “So it would seem.”
“But...but...” She swivels, fixing on him. “But he didn’t want to be turned back! He wouldn’t let us, not until--” Shirayuki stops, her brain rushing to put the pieces together. “That was part of the compulsion. He wouldn’t let the curse be broken so that we -- so that I--”
She groans. “We could have done this in a day.”
“Welcome to Izanafinder,” Kiki deadpans. “He may not kill you, but he will make you wish you were dead.”
“My name is Shuuka,” the man says, better settled with the sheet around his hips. You still keep finding the wall just over his left shoulder fascinating. If only Bedwyr would be faster at locating the young lord’s costume. “I must admit, I had hoped you might remember it, my lady.”
You grimace. “I am...very bad with names. My father often despaired of it.”
And as in all his wishes, it bore very little fruit. 
“I think I remember that.” He laughs, weary. “It is no matter. I am in your debt regardless.”
“Pray, do not think on it,” you tell him, even as Arturius grunts. “I would not have a soul beholden to me.”
You do not miss Beaumain’s cough, nor the amused way he watches you from the door. Doubtlessly, he would find time to say his piece on that, but it will not be now.
“But, my lady--”
“What would help us most would be if you told us what happened,” Arturius says, oddly strangled. “Since you are the only one that seems to remember.”
Shuuka blinks, as if he had forgotten his prince sat mere steps away. “Of course. I shall explain it all to you.”
“That would be--”
“But first.” He slips his hand around yours, smiling shyly. “We must celebrate how you have saved us.”
“Oh,” you breathe, gaze flying to Arturius. A muscle in his jaw jumps. “I do not think--”
“Please, give me this,” Shuuka insists. “A banquet in your honor.”
You do not look at him, but you can feel Beaumain’s grin as a palpable touch. “Truly, it is not necessary. It was all of us who--”
“Ah yes, then in all your honor!” He squeezes your hand, and gives you a boyish smile that sends you straight back to girlhood. “All the men have been healed, and it would do them good to have a night of merriment.”
You cannot refute it would raise morale. Which would be much needed, once they took in the state of Laxdo’s disrepair. “I suppose...”
He leaps to his feet, thankfully taking the sheet with him. “Then a banquet it is!”
Shirayuki buries her face in her hands. “Oh my.”
“Oooh,” Obi croons. “Looks like you got some competition, my liege.”
Zen frowns. “Oh, shut up.”
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kelsmister · 5 years
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Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019 -- Artist Alley Review May 23-26 2019 *Thursday - Sunday* ==Opinions expressed are completely my own, and from my own record. If your experience differed, then good for you. This is how the event unfolded for me. You are more than welcome to write your own review, and even allowed to vend at this event. Keep in mind my opinions are again, of my own accord.== Once again I decided to brave the desert sun and venture out of my comfortable air conditioned room to sell my various wares in the hopes of making a decent buck. After my hard drive crashed two weeks ago I had high hopes this event could at least cover part of those expenses. Oh boy, did this show do a 180 and nose dive into the deep end of the pool without bracing for impact. Where to start? I’ve been doing PCC (as it was formerly known as before the lawsuit involving San Diego vs some weird event in Colorado), for about 6 ish years now. Maybe closer to 10 by now. Point is, I’ve seen this show go from great things to downright lousy. This year was one of the lousier ones. For those who don’t know, or plum forgot, around 2 years back a man brought in real weapons, real bullet proof armor, and had threatened the life of one of the guests at the con. Idiot posted said exploits online where his one and only online chum alerted authorities and he was swiftly apprehended before he could do such vile acts. The next day the con had to crack down hard on security, as the city pressured them to not have one of those ‘mass shootings’ happen in THEIR city. (Hey I don’t want to be shot at either!) The whole scramble to get metal detectors and REAL security personnel (not just teen volunteers) took it’s toll as lines stretched for hours around the buildings in 110+ sweltering heat. Some passed out, others drenched in sweat, it was bad. Many vowed never to return, as last year did show a slight decrease in attendance. However the damage was already done. Last year the increased costs for security left the con with empty wallets and almost zero budget, they fell seriously into the red nearly going bankrupt because of it. So this year they revamped everything by cutting corners wherever they could. First thing- entry points restricted to just 3. I believe the prior year it was 5, so right there it’s not as many personnel you need to hire, or rather pay the company to hire. Secondly, they moved registration back inside the building, so saving on rental tents and such. Third, they really cut corners with the artist alley. They added more artists. Pipe and drape were scraped. Tables were now side by side, no gaps no 2 feet of spacing between you and your neighbors. Now everyone resided in 8 table deep rectangles with taped down walkways behind everyone to ‘allow entry/exit’ for the middle tables with mini pipe and drape at the ends to block out the attendees. Did I mention more artists? Seriously, they squeezed in so many that the aisles did not match up with the vendor aisles. Row 900 was actually row 1000 in artist alley. This confused several attendees walking by who would look up to see a huge banner saying one thing but the ground saying another. Our once nicely printed up table signs, which use to hang off of the pipe and drape backings were now lazily stapled to the front of tables, which fell off rather easily fyi. The rectangle of selling for each cluster of artists left many to just push their now brought from home photo backdrops to the very edge of their space, some not caring at all and just going over these 1.5 feet of ‘walkway’. Many tri-pod legs stuck out, I myself kicked a few out of frustration and even had to yell at a neighbor behind me who somehow thought the double lines were ‘his’ space. Again, no one ever came by and demanded the space be free. If pipe and drape were used instead it wouldn’t have been an issue. But being right up against each neighbor was infuriating to say the least. You couldn’t hang anything on the sides of your display for fear people would think it was your neighbor’s work. Without the pipe and drape the sea of artists looked horrid. Random photo backdrops as far as the eye could see. Some looked good, but others yuck. For those who don’t have backdrops it looked just like a big yard sale. And a lot, and I mean A LOT of tables were left empty. At cons it’s common for a few people not to show up, emergencies happen, but heck even my neighbor didn’t show allowing me to stretch out onto his space (free of charge kind of nice). Besides this they never did closing announcements. You got one at 5 minutes till but nothing else. Not saying every con does this, but at a show this big, and a hall this grand, you have to warn the public. “Hey guys 1 hour until the vendor hall closes!” “Not to alarm you all but the hall closes in 30 minutes!” “Better make those last minute purchases, hall is closing in 10 minutes. Please start making your way to the exit!” Nope, none of this. Also, randomly, on Saturday around noon someone got a hold of the overhead PA system and started blaring music. It was so loud we all were covering our ears. After song number two started to play I rushed over to the exhibit hall manager booth where I kid you not an ARMY of angry vendors were ready to lynch someone. Eventually the music cut off and we all cheered, but never heard how that happened. Maybe a blu-tooth thing?
Security. Oh boy. They had MAJOR problems. This was supposedly the same company hired the prior year, but man they didn’t act like it. Prior year everything ran smoothly, never a problem, but this year it felt like rookies-r-us training camp or something. Day 0 I overheard one of them, as they searched me ask another “Uh.. what do I do again?” Not exactly encouraging to hear. I get not all of them can be trained veterans of this, but most acted like day 1 newbies. Each day their ‘allowed/not allowed’ list changed. Sometimes they allowed bottled water, other days nope toss it. Luckily being a vendor they allowed me all the bottles of soda and water and snacks, but I heard the rumors. Some said they had to toss their sealed Gatorade or sandwiches in bags. And sometimes I was allowed in any entry point, the last two days they forced me to the one furthest away. Again, you guys can’t change the rules EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Pick something stick with it. Heck on one day, I think Friday, I got in the specialty line but the staff pointed me to general and said it “would be quicker”. Ok whatever. So I hoped over, nope. It wasn’t. Guys in front of me reeked of BO, and this was at 9am, and of course had bags in a bag in a bag. So searching took FOREVER. As I’m waiting for my turn a supervisor approaches me and points to the other line saying “Madam vendors are supposed to go through the specialty line-” I cut her off “YES I know, YOUR employee sent me HERE. I’m not hopping lines, I’m staying here. Go yell at her.” She tried to make me go but gave up after a bit.  Never had this problem before. Makes me wonder what this company did to suddenly get a bunch of rookies working for them who haven’t got a clue. OH. With the weird ness too, some days they made me open the money box and shuffle through it, other days nope didn’t care! AGAIN IT WASN’T CONSISTENT. NOT ONE BIT. Bathrooms. Another disgusting beast. This convention center has multiple bathrooms, I’m thankful for that, but the one closest to me oh boy, it was busy almost every hour. It reeked by the end of day one and never lost that lovely wretched odor of feces, urine, and chlorine. Did I forget to mention that cleaning staff, fed up with doing their one job of cleaning, almost went on strike during this? They complained to the con saying the bathrooms were too hard to maintain during this crazy event, and had threatened to just up and close the downstairs restrooms as a consequence. Con luckily put their foot down, but it did explain why at one point I saw the barrier up around the bathroom while the cleaning crew gave me the stank eye as I had to walk further down to whiz. So, the take away, if you didn’t bother to read my lovely little rant. PROS: - 8 foot table - 3 badges per table - Largest show in AZ - Easy to get into (application wise) - Big attendance numbers - Several hotels near by - Easy walk from light-rail (public transit)
CONS: - Table cost over $300 (for inline) - Table cost varying $300-500+ (endcaps higher) - Security and flip flop rules - No ‘cheap’ food alternatives - No food trucks, only con center food court - Strict food ban (cannot bring in whole pizzas) - No free parking - Booth space reduced - Pipe and drape gone (possible cost in future) - TONS more artists now - Guests not best draws - Crowded but not a lot of buyers - Huge homeless problem (it is downtown) - Ticket scalpers, you have been warned - Aisles narrowed - Tables side by side (no exits for some)
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moontaeilll · 5 years
by twitter user @sugnsook​ // @yudotaeil 
Hello~ so i am not that good at explaining/vlogging or writing stuffs but in this thread? or blogpost or wherever u guys reading this, i will try to describe my experience as much as I can. Also for now, I am dividing this post, FAQ-style  according to several topics, and I will put a separate detailed post on my own Neo City: SEOUL experience. I hope this will help for u guys deciding to splurge a bit on concert/global package!
Disclaimer: In the past, I got a few ccs complaining about my fangirl related-expensive expenses, I just want to note earlier here that as the whole prior to the actual concert, I was a part time student & working 30+ hours a week, working every chances I get. It was also my last semester of undergrad studies & I have been wanting to attend NCT’s first ever concert since 2017 and been really saved up since then, so I consider the large expenses is pretty much a treat for myself.
Tl;dr: if you worked hard enough and really wanted to attend your faves event, just go for it, as it was really worth it.
— General
What is included in Global Package?
Concert ticket (depending on days u wanna go), a good quality hotel for your stay, return transportation to & from the concert venue - hotel, preorder access to official merchandises, NCT 127 theme global package-special merchandises, NCT 127 theme snack boxes (after the concert), One themed lunch, a half day tour with tour guide before the concert, special event (varies according to what concert) - for NCT127’s we got a photoshoot session with NCT127’s life-size standee in SM’s infamous practice room itself.
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How much does Global Package cost?
All i can say first thing first is….it IS costly. The ones I am paying is $949USD for Superior Single (Course C) as shown below:
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The difference between the prices & packages are it depends on which hotel they will locate you & your seating in the concert. They also have Course A, Course B & Course C which depends on the concert days you are attending. Because I am flying out to Seoul just for the purpose of concert so why not just buy the two days ticket? And yeah that is why I chose Course C.
When does the ticketing open?
Usually the global package ticketing will only open at least one month prior to the actual concert, just like the concert announcement itself.  Basically right after SM announce the concert, just be prepared as the ticketing will be shortly after it, right before the general ticketing starts. My advice is just, save up save up and save up as it is really well-known super costly.
How competitive the tickets are?
It is less competitive than general ticketing for sure, but pretty competitive in between ifans itself. When I bought mine, I initially planned for just economy ones but the ticket sold out WHEN i clicked “payment”. So, be quick or you might need to wait a bit more. I’m the type to be anxious if I dont have my ticket yet so I really want my ticketing matters to be settled up as soon as possible so-- when I figured out the economy package got sold out I quickly clicked on superior option - impulsively hehs.
During that ticketing, SM allows you to hold your payment up to 2 hours, as for twin package buyers can split payment. So if the tickets sold out, you might be able to get it after 2 hours. NOTE THAT: SM changed the policy from 2 hours to 30 mins now.
Eventually SM will release more packages and you CANNOT change your options once you have buy it. The packages will be available up until a week/or two before the concert, but the type of packages is really depends. I would say, Course C - Economy package sold out pretty quickly because that is what most people aiming for.  
*also, keep refreshing the page if you are buying at the exact ticketing open time! The ticketing for mine opened 3 mins before the actual time so yeah….
How is the payment made?
Paypal only. Just be sure you have signed up to smtown travel account, and link you cards or have paypal balance to get your payment completed smoothly. Your package will only be confirmed once you get the payment confirmation so, having a working payment method is important. SM’s cancellation policy is ridiculous so I recommend everyone who is interested to join GP to do a thorough research beforehand.
Can international fans join general ticketing?
Yes, but not really feasible, as Yes24 sites require verification, unless you have connections with korean verifications or buy from 3rd party. The downside of 3rd party is you might get even more expensive ticket collectively compared to what Global Package has offered.
How good the seats are?
It depends on your luck as you will only draw your ticket basically the day before the concert. The more you paid for the package, the better the seats. For standing you might get a better queue number and in korea concerts you strictly go in by queue number. I chose seating, so for luckily one of my seat was right next to extended stage, and another seat was on the other side but center view. Also i luckily got both sides of seating so I can enjoy the concert with both views.
It is possible to trade your ticket between other global package holders tho - bcs i saw people did this at my hotel lol but you cannot ask sm to change your ticket. The concert ticket will be written as “해외팬투어” (intl fans tour), instead of your name.
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My seat on the first day
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My seat on the second day, center view
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My seat on the second day, side view
Is there a customer service page i can rely to?
Yes. If there is one thing i would applaud SMtown travel for, it is for their customer service. I used a lot of their “Q&A” page and they typically will reply you within one business day. If you ask on weekend, they will respond to you as quick as on Monday. So if you have any like literally, ANY question about your package, just send a question to them and they will reply personally as soon as they can. And it is in english.
— Logistics
After you have bought your package, SM will update the logistics & schedule 2 WEEKS before the concert. So don’t worry if they ghosted you out before that 2 weeks lol.
Technically, they will divide the hotels according to the package type (dlx/superior/econ), then they will divide you into bus numbers, according whether you are seating/standing. Also your schedule will depends on the bus number you get. And this is non-exchangeable, as they prepared everything according to the list that they grouped you out.
How is the hotel?
For me, i got located at Ibis Styles Ambassador Hotel in Gangnam. Because I got single package, i got the whole hotel room for myself, lol what a new experience, as for my solo travels i only go for budget hostels 🤣. The hotel location is only 15~20mins subway away from the venue, and it is walking distance from COEX. There are a bunch cafes & convenience store nearby so it is pretty easy to get something. The only thing is SM’s booth opens at 8pm, so because I arrived early, I just roamed around until the booth opens. At SM’s booth, it is where you pick up your preordered merchs, sm’s merchs and most importantly draw your tickets. Also I took the chance when gathering with fellow global package goers to trade anything i needed to exchange while everyone is there.
I dont know where to put this under, but for GP, We were given a greeting card from the boys, bunch of stickers, a letter set (with colour pencil), L-holders, bunch of posters and nct127’s moodlight. For the letter set, you can decorate and write fanletter to the members and hand it to your tour guide at the time they ask you. I bought some masking tape and stickers beforehand to decorate my letter, u can prepare it ahead too and transfer it to the letter they give as the time frame is really short.
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Can I go to the concert by my own?
Yes you can~ Be sure to tell your tour guide so that they dont waste time waiting. You also have to tell them whether u want to go back to hotel with them or not, as that is when they will hand you the snack boxes. If you are not certain of travelling alone in Seoul, i recommend to travel by the bus they provide, because the tour guide will bring you right until the concert entrance. For me, I wanted to join fan-events and roam around the venue more, so I decided to go on my own. (Best thing about it was when you’re in a train with fellow NCTzens they just airdrop you a lot of nct related stuffs — including the selfies they airdropped at the venue!).
— Itinerary
How tight the schedules are?
It kinda not as tight as I thought? Except for pretty early schedule on the first day, also Maybe because I got a seating ticket so I dont go to venue after the tours right away (standing fans had to queue right away after the tour)
And for me, this was my schedule —
25th 8pm: pick up merchs, ticket etc from SM booth 26th 10am - gather at hotel lobby 10:30am - depart for lunch (at Bulgogi Brothers), it was NCT127-theme and they play nct’s songs! 11:50am - depart to COEX artium - u get 1 hr to roam around there, I chose to roam around smtown museum 1pm - depart to SM C&C building in cheongdam, for special event Around 2~ish - depart back to hotel
U get free time in between and gather back at 4:30pm to depart to concert venue as concert starts at 6. As concert ends around 8:30pm, they give you about 45mins~ to get back to the bus if you wanna go back with them. 27th Bus departs at around 2 pm if i recall, as concert starts at 4pm. I went out at 10am lols (also tell your tour guide!) and bus departs around 7:30pm after the concert. 28th - check out around 12pm.
Detailed itinerary will be updated in my experience post.
The best thing about the concert period was they give you discount on some SM-related stuffs. For example, they give 30% off (?) for beverages at sm cafe for ticket/GP holders, and also discounted smtown museum admission. There were also new merchs got released that time, and some other promotions going on.
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Snack box after the concert!
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Merchs I collected from kfans giveaways at the venue
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The best part was NCTZens spreading out the fanproject - sing Paradise during Encore; using Airdrop. NEO indeed 😎
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The amount of memes & stuffs being airdropped - lol 
— Budgeting
General budgeting for my trip:
Flight - around 1.6K MYR return trip with 20kg luggage & meal (AirAsia)
Hotel - i only went during my GP stay period so it was all inclusive (hotel + concert ticket) with that $949 USD
Other expenses (tmoney, food, additional merchs) - about $250 usd is enough for me for 4 days, considering I spent on buying cosmetics & merchs a lot. My own preordered merchs was separate amt too, it depends on what u do/willing to spend around that period.
— For Muslim Fans
Do they provide halal meals?
They dont provide halal meat, but you can request for vegetarian option or seafood. During lunch, I got vegetarian bibimbap set. And for the snack boxes, too bad SM provided ham/bacon in the sandwiches, which I am not confident in removing it so I decided to not eat, just eat the cookies. Also they offer late-night meals after the concert (separate pay), but I didnt opt for that one and only went to eat at nearby places.
Can I pray before the concert?
Yes~ as I mentioned earlier, there are a few hours gap before you depart to concert so you can pray at your hotel beforehand. Or if you dont mind, like I did as I went to venue early on the 2nd day, I went to pray at Olympic Park area itself, there are a lot of benches or u can walk a bit further to isolated places to pray. I just sat down at some bench and pray while sitting down.
These are what I can think of, and as I said earlier I do have another separate post regarding my own NEO CITY: Seoul experience, and I will update under a thread. If you have any questions feel free to contact me via twitter (@sugnsook/@yudotaeil) or  curiouscat.me/6sungjae.  Also for neo city fancams/random pics about my trip, it will be updated eventually under the main thread where this entry is posted :) Hope it helps!
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angelynrostrand · 5 years
Chapter 9
Summary:  To the outside world, nothing should connect shy girl Angel Monroe and popular boy Xavier Hazelwood. But that isn't entirely true. They both hold secrets. Behind both of them lie 2 separate wolf packs. Xavier is well on his way to Alpha status and running the pack. Angel is not a wolf but instead the last healer in the world. When the realization comes forward that they are connected by destiny, will they decide to fulfill it? Is their connection predetermined by fate or will they choose their hearts? Lives and packs cross and mingle while romance and conflict brews. The story of 2 opposite souls on a collision path. Will destiny win out? Even the most innocent face, has the darkest secrets.
Word Count: 3,139
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Both Trevor and Jesus were right. After a heavy meal and a normal 10 hours of sleep, I felt so much better but Xavier was still in the back of my mind. I shower thinking it would wash any thought of him. Nope. It didn’t work. I guess working at the infirmary caused me to forget about Xavier. I was too busy and occupied to cry over him. Now that I have the rest of the week off, I can only think about him. How I am a terrible person for lying to him. At school, I make sure I walk a different route so we don’t have to exchange any awkward glares. Brandon has been amazing. He calls or texts me making sure I amok. I think I really scared him when I almost passed out the other day. 
“You know he misses you,” Brandon says as he helps me with collecting fruit from my trees.
“I doubt it.” I carry my basket around. Lucky for me I can talk to Brandon and use him for muscle. After all the lies, I don’t even like me. I don’t like the person I have been lately. 
“Angel you are his mate. He misses your presence and he has just been grumpy for the past couple of days. So get back together so I can have my friend back to normal. I need this more than you do.” He says with his hand over his chest like if he was in pain. “Trust me.”
I rolled my eyes. “Can we please talk about something else?” I don’t feel right talking about Xavier with one of his friends. 
“Fine, but my question is what are you going to do with all this fruit?” He is holding 2 buckets and I have one cute basket. 
“I normally give it to my pack and their families. But since you helped so willingly,”
“You made come.” He cuts me off. We make our way to the back kitchen to clean them.
“Ya but you still came.” We laugh together. “I thought you and your family might want some.”
I place them in a recycle bag and handed them back to him. “Thank you. I know my mom and dad will love fresh fruit.” I walk him to his car and thank him once again for helping. “You know tomorrow is Friday?”
“Yes…?” What does he have in mind?
“Well, Jordan and I have a basketball tomorrow. Can you come?”
“Wait you guys play?” I believe Brandon but Jordan? Really?
“Yes I know I am amazing at every sport and Jordan may look uninterested in sports but he is good. Our father is a big basketball fan so he is pleased that both of his sons are on the team.”
“Do you guy use your wolf speed and strength during the game.?” I ask.
“Maybe. Sometimes. Yes, we do.” He gives up. I laugh from his effort. “Would you please come?”
“I will think about it.”
“I am going to accept that as a yes.” 
On Friday morning, I still have a lot of fruit leftover. I’ll just leave a basket for the front office ladies. I make my way through the front doors when the twins stop me.
“Hello. How are you? Still, have more to give out?” Brandon asked.
“Ya, I was going to leave some for the office ladies.”
“Also thank you, Angel, for the fruit. Our mom really appreciated it. So did I.” Jordan says as he holds up one of the oranges in his hands. 
“I am glad. Nice uniforms.” They are both dressed in blue and yellow basketball shirts. 
“Thank you.” They both said at the same time. “Are you coming. It starts at 6 in the main gym.” Jordan asks. I couldn’t answer do to another voice yelling at the twins.
“Hey, McGuire next time wait for me to park the car so we can…” Xavier stops talking when he sees me behind the twins. Their tall bodies were able to hide my figure. “Oh Angel, I didn’t see you there.”
I can do this. “It’s fine…” We all stay in an awkward silence. “I should get going. I need to hand these out.” I lift the basket. “I see you guys later,” I say to the twins.
“Wait are you coming tonight?” Brandon asked.
“Ya, I’ll see you there.” 
“Wait, Angel… Wait up.” Xavier speed walks towards me. “Can we please talk? I was an idiot. I know my temper can get the best of me, but let’s just talk.” 
“No, not here. Not today.” I had just started to feel better. “I am busy.” I walk to the front office lady. “Hello, I have fresh fruit. Is it ok if I leave it here?  It is for anyone who may want some.”
“Yes, of course, dear. Thank you.” She says. I nod and walk to my first class, now with Xavier by my side.
“Angel let’s just talk after school.” I look deep into his eyes. The last time I saw those beautiful brown eyes they were in pain and red from crying. 
“I can’t I’m going to the twin’s game. Plus I have  patients to worry about when I get home.” That was a lie. I know by now Jesus is healthy. I shake my head no. I need to stay strong. “I have class. Sorry.”
But before I could go to any outing I need my father’s agreement. I know it will be difficult to get.  I have to go. I already agreed to go and I don’t want to disappoint the twins. They seem to be excited, more Brandon than Jordan. But that’s because we spend more time together. It was surprising to see Jordan in color. He normally wears black on black. Xavier has the type of casual and simple style. But yet he could be a model, especially with his tall stature. He normally wears different shades of blue and green. I am more a sundress girl. I like loose and flowy outfits with floral design. I was interrupted in my fashion analysis by my classmate Sage. She is in my English and Art class. She is my new desk partner. 
“Angel I didn’t mean to overhear your conversation but are you also going to the game?” She asks. 
“Yes, I am. Are you?” Making friendly conversation for once.
“Ya. My gym teacher is one of the coaches. He said if we go we can get extra credit.” She says while wrapping her colored dyed hair around her pencil. This month her hair is red. We always have a class together because we both take a lot of AP and honors classes. I was able to experience her pink, blue, purple and now red hairstyle. “So do you want to go together? We don’t have to suffer too much.” She smiles.
“Ya, I would like that.” We exchange numbers by switching our phones to each other.  Now I don’t have to sit and watch the game by myself. Sage has always been nice to me and I never returned the favor. This could be a little thank you offer. 
At the end of class we both said “Bye.” and “I’ll see you later tonight.” “Text me.” Sage has the grunge style like Jordan but she is so much sweeter than how she looks. Now I really need to convince my father to let me go to the game.
I gather all my courage and knock heavily on his door. “Come in.” I open to find my brother and my father frustrated expression. 
“Hello father, can I talk to you. Do you have a minute?” He nods and I continue to talk. “Wait what is going on? Is everything alright?” 
“Father tell her…” Is it that bad enough my Alpha, my brother, isn’t brave enough to say it?
“We lost them. The men who attacked us. They are gone. No trace of scent or paw prints. Nothing. They are still out there.”
Whenever they are mentioned my brother seems to lose his ability to speak. It is a sensitive topic for him. He saw our mother murdered in front of him when he was 8 years old. Back then, mother told him to protect me. I was only an infant and he shielded me from watching the murder scene. He ran to my father with me in his arms. 
“But it is nothing for you to worry about. They don’t know about your abilities only our pack. And it must stay that way.” My father says, reassuring me to not tell anyone. Especially Xavier and his pack. “Is there anything you need?” He says, coming back to the reason why I am here.
“Ya. I was wondering if I can go to the basketball game?”
 Even though my father isn’t Mexican he must ask: “Who are you going with? Why? What times does it start? Where?” He must have gotten that from mom.
“I'm going with my friend Sage she is in my class. We are going for extra credit.” I use Sages same excuse. “It starts at 6 pm and it’s a home game.” 
“No. Sorry you cannot go.” 
“Father, please. I already told Sage I would go. Please.” 
“No. Sorry it is still dangerous with them out there.”
“Brother. Please. Help.” I redirect to Eric. 
“Sorry, father is right.” He is testing my patience. He notices my desperation and says, “But what if she goes with a bodyguard? Like one of the warriors?” 
“I will agree to that. You can go out if you have one of the warriors.” My father says crossing his arms.
I am not going to fight with my luck. I think this is going to be the best I can get. “Can I at least pick who it is?”
“Fine.” I hug him and thank him multiple times. I also hug Eric for not leaving me hanging. “Who do you have in mind?”
“Jesus Mendoza?” The same patient that I healed. He is kind and we are good friends.
“That is fine. I will call for him. I am going to talk to him. You need to finish your homework before you go to the game.” I voice my understanding and walk to my room.
I pulled out my phone to text Sage about the third wheel. I just tell her it is a friend. She replies a couple of seconds later saying “That’s fine! The more the merrier!” Sage is always easy going.
I don’t have homework. I don’t count my artwork homework, but I do need to finish it because it is due on Monday. We are practicing pencil shading. We have to pick an everyday object and draw it with a shadow behind it. I chose a simple sunflower. I started to get pencil markings on my hand. With each line I drew, I kept thinking about Xavier. Maybe the sappy love songs in the background are not helping. In the end, it’s unfair to him. I wish I was able to understand this connection bond Xavier and all wolves feel when they found their mates. But then again if I was able to feel it, it would make breaking away from him more painful. He must feel lonely. To be the only one to feel that pain. 
A knock wakes me up. Jesus walks in shortly after. “Hey, your father and Alpha Monroe want to talk to both of us. Over dinner.” I nod and clean my mess away. Jesus waits for me by my door so we can both go down together. 
“I hope you don’t mind coming with me to a high school game,” I ask as we walk through the hallway and down the stairs. 
“I don’t. I bet it will be fun but I know I am not duty. Plus it would better than walking around for 10 miles to make sure the area is safe.”
“Well, then I am glad. I do hope you have fun after the week you had.” Like a true gentleman he opens every door we pass through to get into the informal dining table.
“I must say I am more a football fan, but basketball is a good choice too.” He smiles. We walk in with my family sitting and waiting for our arrival. All the food is already on the table. Jesus pulled my chair out for me to sit.
“Thank you for getting Angel.” My brother says towards Jesus.
“Of course, Alpha.” We all hold hands to pray, then start to eat. 
During the meal, my father starts with “I just want this to be a reminder to the both of you. And Jesus I already talked about this with you. I want you guys to have fun but be safe. Angel, you must stay by Jesus. Don’t wander off without telling him where you are going.”
“Of course father.” I feel like a little kid all over again. With my father’s lecture complete, we are able to finish our dinner. 
Jesus and I hop in one of my father’s many cars. So unnecessary. Why must he do this? He can’t keep doing this. I won’t allow it when I go to college. Jesus was glad to be able to drive one of my father’s famous cars. I distract myself and text Sage saying we are on our way. She soon replies “Ok! I will be there soon” with a smiley face.
“I want to say thank you,” He says. I give him a confused look. “ When you asked for my request. It caught my commander’s attention. I think after this he will promote me. I am a first-year and I am escorting the Alpha’s sister.” He moves his eye off the road to me and says, “So thank you for the opportunity.” In his most sensitive voice, he says, “Thank you.”
“Jesus you are going to make me cry.” I give him a genuine smile. “Of course, you are the only I trust and feel comfortable to be around. So thank you for being a friend.” I smile. As we were driving the radio played “We Are Young” by Fun. Jesus and I looked at each other with increasing smiles. He turns the volume up and we both swayed or nod to the music. Minutes later we both start singing the chorus. We pull into my school laughing about our terrible singing voices. I laugh and laugh about how crazy we must look to other people passing by. Who are we? Who am I? I am normally the shy and small one. I don’t sing and get rallied up for a basketball game. Going to my first after school event in my senior year.  I feel good and free. Not worried about grades, family, the attack, or Xavier. The moment I think his name he notices my presence and I notice him. We catch him like a deer in the headlights. Jesus’s chest is still rising up and down. We are out of breath from both singing and laughing. My chest becomes still and steady, unlike Jesus. But the soon he realized my quiet state and also calms himself. Xavier is confused? Lost? Angry? He just walks away to the main gym.
“Who is that?” Jesus asks as we both unbuckle our seat belts and closed the doors.
“Xavier Hazelwood, my mate.” Jesus whips his head back to my direction as we walked side to side. 
“Hazelwood? As in Alpha Lucas Hazelwood’s son? From the Midnight Pack?” He asks. 
“Yup.” He must have studied their pack. It is well known by everyone that there are only two packs in one state. Very uncommon. I guess that’s why our packs are always arguing about whose territory it is. 
“That explains why you have been different.”
“Different?” I question.
“Lately you have been open and different. Maybe because your secret is out to the pack.”
“Yeah, it is a relief that I don’t have to hide or lie to my own pack. But Xavier doesn’t know so don’t say anything.” I warn him. He nods to agree aggressively and pretend to look intimidating. From me trying to be intimidating. We make it to the ticket booth and pay our way in. Before entering into the gym, I hear my name. 
“Angel Monroe?” An older woman asks as she waves for me and Jesus to walk over.
“Yes, that is me. I’m sorry. Who are you?” I have never seen this woman before.
“I’m sorry. I am Grace McGuire.”
McGuire..? “Are you Jordan and Brandon’s mother?” I ask. 
She quickly nods. “Yes. I just want to say thank you for all the fruit. It was delicious.” 
“It’s nothing. Brandon helped and I had too much to eat.” I smile. Her eyes drift towards my friends. “Oh, I am sorry. This is my friend Jesus,” I whisper, “from my pack. Jesus this is Grace McGuire from the Midnight pack. My friend’s mother.”  
“It is nice to meet you.”
“Ya, it is nice to meet you.” They both exchange a handshake. She must be apart of the basketball booster club. I assume so because of her over the top school spirit outfit. What a normal thing to do. Something I admire from the Midnight pack is they do their best to be apart of the community. They try to as normal as possible. They are more modern than my pack who like to be traditional and like to keep a low profile. “I am glad I was able to meet you, but go and get some good seats. I am on duty.” She points at the food table. 
“Thank you. Don’t work too hard.” Jesus and I turn around to find seats. We gaze over the crowd to find Sage. “Oh, there she is.” I point out and we walk over. 
“Hey Sage, this is my friend Jesus.” I give another introduction. “Jesus this is Sage. Now we are all friends.” I smile.
The loud buzzer made everyone in the gym jump. Including me, it was so foreign to me. This whole situation is foreign to me. I don’t know what to do, unlike Sage and Jesus who were cheering when both teams enter the court. I can see Brandon and Jordan. I waved at them and they look happy to see me. I finally get up and clap to support them. I smile and am ready to see their game. I can hear students on a higher level also yelling. I looked up and notice Xavier was a part of that group. We make eye contact and both of our smiles wipe away. I turn back around. The crowd calms down and we sit down. Let the game begin. 
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watchtoomuchtv · 6 years
A MARVELous Christmas - Part 5
Pairing: Mystery Avenger x Reader
Warnings: angst and fluff I guess
Summary: In the lead up to Christmas y/n is made aware of a secret admirer. Can she work out who the mystery avenger is in time for one important dance at Stark’s annual Christmas Eve party?
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Okay guys I need your help! After posting the last few chapters I’ve been second guessing the final pairing and I just cannot decide who would be best. So I was considering making a bunch of alternative endings with each of the pairings? Let me know your thoughts or who you want to end up with!! I really appreciate all feedback so keep it coming x Also let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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One Day Till Christmas Eve Party
One night left. One night to work out who it was. You tossed and turned as you took all options into consideration. Sam was probably the least likely in your mind at this point in time. You knew things with Clint had never been resolved, but your friendship with him was good and solid now. Neither of you had ever brought up the kiss and if you’re being honest sometimes you wondered if you’d just hallucinated it, you were quite drugged up. Next was Bucky. The gift that you lifted up seemed special, the night you had spent together seemed special. But Bucky? You’d never felt as though the two of you were anything more than friends. Finally Steve. When it came to America’s golden boy you truly had no idea what you were doing. You got along so well, but you’d barely seen him in the past week, not ideal for intel gathering.
You let out a groan in frustration, throwing your sheets off the bed and sitting up. This was all getting too much. Feeling the urge to visit your favourite spot in the tower you made your way out of your bed, grabbing a small jumper from your floor as it usually got chilly up there.
You looked down at your clock and realised it was almost midnight. Great. Now it was only mere hours until the party. You picked up your notebook that only had extra ticks, crosses, messy notes written in the borders, but no decisive indication as to who the mystery avenger was. Rolling your eyes at your own inability to understand others’ emotions or make a damn decision you ripped the page out and threw it into your bin as you exited your room.
There was no point anymore. When it came to the song, he, whoever he was, would be the one to ask you. If he didn’t then that was that. Stepping out of the elevator you looked over the skyline of New York City as the lights twinkled. Looking up to the night sky the one thing you missed was seeing the stars. But the fairy lights strung around the outdoor couch did brighten your mood. Deciding to get comfy on the plush cushions you made your way over to it.
As you got closer you realised you weren’t alone up here.
“Hey y/n” Steve said without even turning his head. Smiling to yourself you always loved how Steve was able to use his heightened hearing ability to tell exactly which member of the team was sneaking up behind him. It was something to do with heartbeat and foot pattern, Steve had tried to explain it to you at some point but of cause you couldn’t really remember all the details.
Steve was sketching in his notebook, of course. When you came around the couch and leant over to see what he was drawing he closed its pages, moving it away from you with a slight smirk on his face. “Come on Steve, you promised you’d show me some sketches!” you pleaded, falling down into the spare space next to him and slightly tugging at his bicep. He rolled his eyes playfully looking over to you, as you batted your eyes up at him and stuck your bottom lip out.
“Okay fine” a slight blush began to creep up his neck. Sliding a finger through the book he opened up to the page he was obviously just working on. You could see the details of the skylines traced out and the shading of the sky was spot on. You couldn’t help but let out a small gasp. He was so talented. You reached for the book taking it in your hands as you brought it closer to your face taking in even the smallest of details.
Steve smiled down at you, his nerves of finally showing someone his work slightly settling. However, as he saw you reach up to begin turning pages his nerves shot through the roof once again as he way too hastley snatched it out of your hands. Slightly taken aback you offered a small apology, feeling bad for getting ahead of yourself.
“You are so talented, Steve. Thank you for showing me.”
“Ah, thanks y/n. Sorry most are still a work in progress, I promise one day you’ll be able to look at more than one page.” He said letting out a small chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck.
Looking out to the view you had just seen in his sketchbook you began to feel the slight chill in the air. Instinctively you wrapped your arms around yourself and tucked your legs beneath you.
“So what’s got you up here so late?” Steve said looking at you from the corner of his eye.
Shifting in your seat you repositioned your body to face towards him leaning your elbow on the back of the seat and resting your head against it. “I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. So, you know this is my favourite spot to come and just clear my head. Something about seeing all the building, wondering what is happening in each room that has their light turned on excites me. I didn’t really anticipate for it to be so cold though-” before you could even finish your train of thought, well ramble, Steve was shrugging off his jacket. “Oh of course, sorry y/n I should have already offered”. He pulled it around you, holding onto the collar for a few moments longer than necessary.
You let out a laugh “no Steve, not at all. I wasn’t trying to guilt you. But thank you. You’re always so damn hot.” You snuggled into his jacket letting the warmth engulfed you. Looking over at Steve you found him already staring at you. His head was slightly tilted and mouth slightly agape.
Suddenly realising you’d just called Steve hot your eyes widened and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Which caused a deep laugh to erupt from Steve’s throat too. He rested his hand on your thigh as he continued to laugh, “well I’m not gonna take that back because it’s still valid.” you giggled, slightly sobering up with the contact of Steve’s skin to yours. You sat like that for a while. Sharing what you each thought was happening in the far off windows. Giggling at the absurd made up stories and sighing at the possibility of two strangers falling in love somewhere out there. While maybe some other loved ones were being reunited.
“It’s weird to think there is probably someone out there sleeping in Captain America bed sheets” you teased.
Looking over to Steve and the way the lights illuminated his face as he beamed from ear to ear with his head thrown back you felt a warmth in your chest. You realised you could have stayed up there the entire night watching him sketch and laugh. However, feeling sleep overcoming you you decided to head back down to your cosy bed.
Stretching your arms above your head and beginning to shrug off his jacket you told him it was time for you to try and get some sleep. You sensed a bit of disappointment as he reached out for the jacket.
“Ah let me walk down with you. I should probably get some sleep too.” He said getting up and reaching out his hand to help you up from your seat. Taking it you felt that strange sensation as when he touched your leg. Reluctantly letting it go as soon as you’d gotten to your feet you offered him a small smile and then walked towards the elevator. The ride down was filled with a comfortable silence.
When you reached your floor you were surprised when Steve continued walking with you towards your room. When you finally reached your room you paused before opening it. Turning to look up at Steve.
“Goodnight y/n.”
“Goodnight Steve. Thanks for tonight” you said turning around to unlock the door. You felt his hand wrap around your shoulder gently.
“Y/n?” You heard his voice come out as almost a whisper as he began to turn you around.
Facing him you realised he’d taken a step closer and you looked up to meet his gaze. He had a slight crease between his eyebrows and what seemed to be sadness behind his eyes. You raised your eyebrows expectantly, urging him to continue. His head ducked down, moving closer to your own. Suddenly your ears were flooded with a blaring noise as the tower alarm system began to sound from inside your room. “Agent y/l/n please report to the briefing room for an immediate mission briefing.”
“I guess I better go.” You breath out as Steve’s grip on you loosens. You’re legs were pushing you towards the briefing room and away from Captain America before your mind could begin comprehending what was about to happen.
- - -
Christmas Eve
It was officially Christmas Eve and you were quickly packing your bag for the solo mission you were being sent on.
“Don’t worry, you’ll make it back in time for the party.” Tony had reassured you. Not that you were sure it mattered anymore.
As you opened your door to leave you startled backwards as you walked into a solid figure blocking your way out. Finally composing yourself and regaining your balance, you looked up and your eyes were met with Sam’s. They were practically bulging out of his head. Busted.
“Oh hey! Thought you’d already left for the mission.”
“I am on my way now, can I help you?” You questioned looking down to his hands which held a small branch? Oh wait no. Mistletoe… Mistletoe?!
Before you could even open your mouth to question him, Sam was off down the hall in one direction whilst Tony was calling out to you from the other end. Stark lead you to the launch room, handing you the bag of supplies you would need and once again reassuring you he’d make sure you got back in time, apologising for the late notice. It sucked that you had to do this so close to Christmas but you knew you were the only one that could. You were the only Avenger that could still go unrecognised and this mission relied almost entirely on that.
Sitting in the Quinjet on the way to the mission you tried to rid your mind of all that had happened in the past week. However with the memory of Sam so fresh in your mind and with so many new questions arising your memory of decorating the Christmas tree came back to you. With his words ringing in your ears you realised you no longer cared who Tony meant when he challenged you to find out who wanted to dance with you, you only cared that you had kept your feelings buried for a certain someone for too long.
So for the first time, as you looked out the window at the clouds passing by a smile spread across your face as you realised exactly who you wanted to dance with. And that was what mattered. Suddenly you could not wait for tonight. But first you had to complete this mission.
To be continued…  
Tag List: @mcrvellouslystcrk @astronomicparker @beckastark
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latinegro · 6 years
Trigger Warning
I really believe that you can tell all about a person from the way they drive. Actually, I think I know everything I need to know by simply seeing a person operate a vehicle. You have those people who drive safely because they are conscious of the fact that there are rules of the road. They are the people who are too timid to change lanes for fear that anything than bigger than a jeep is going to bear down on them. Then you have the cavalier motherfuckers who give no fucks about you on the road.
It's those cavalier people that I really cannot stand. They’re the ones that will zig-zag on the Saw Mill Parkway just to avoid any kind of traffic as if there are more than two lanes. They are the fuckers who will ride your ass no matter if you’re in the fast lane or slow lane just so you can get out of the way. I really hate those people.
Sometimes, just for giggles I will slow down and pin them between lanes especially if abuela in the green caddy next to me is going 15 miles an hour on Fort Washington. Then you see how fast motherfuckers want to get by you by swerving into oncoming traffic.
So there is no wonder that I’m fuming right now that this asshole just took my parking spot. You know how long it takes to find parking in Washington Heights? Granted I had to go to Nyack today for a cookout. I wanted to get back in time to find parking but it’s a Saturday and no one is trying to move. I found a spot right across the street from my building and as I’m about to make a U-turn, this prick comes from behind and makes a fast U-turn into my spot as I’m about to pull into it.
He’s fucking dead wrong and he knows it. I call him an asshole and he shrugs it off and smiles. I watch him as he gets out the car and closes the front door. I feel all this anger boiling over. It has been a bad fucking week. I’ve had to handle a bunch of babies at work that cannot take the fact I’m younger than them and giving them orders. My girlfriend, Monica, texted me last night that we have to talk and I already know what that means. My student loans are about to kick back in big time because all my forbearances are used up. I’m so fucked and right now, it would’ve been nice if I had just this one thing go right for me.
It takes me another 45 minutes to find parking. I got lucky by finding a spot along Broadway and Dongan Place. Normally I have a strategy for all this. Sometimes I will just circle a 10 block radius to see if anyone is leaving. They have to eventually, it’s a Saturday night. People will leave to go wherever they go or I have to simply wait at a fire hydrant for someone who doesn’t live in the neighborhood to leave and go back home. Which eventually does happen as some white lady and her black boyfriend pulls out of a spot that I immediately take.
I turn off the car and just stare at my phone. Monica apparently doesn’t believe it has taken me over an hour to find parking. I forget that she doesn’t live around here. She is perfectly fine in her Syracuse apartment where all it does there is fucking snow. This is what I get for having a long distance relationship. She never trusts me and I can’t stand it. I’m almost thirty years old and I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt. Monica thinks I have a crush on one of her chapter sisters, Yesenia, which is absurd.
I walk down Broadway texting Monica reassuring her that I am indeed walking home. I even send her a snap chat proving my exact location. Yeah, I’m not even sure why I’m with her. She’s this very hot Peruvian woman I met when I was up there for a Career Fair. I don’t go up there to hit on college girls but the business suit she had on made me think twice about what I majored in. Of course, we exchange glances and then she gives me her resume. Monica was never actually qualified for the job. I work for the bank that buys other banks, so there is no way we were going to be remotely interested in a pre-med major. But what I was interested in was those legs.
I look up from my phone and there’s that car in that parking spot that I wanted. It is still there. A dirty red Chevy Sonic that’s parked wrong with the back tire on the curb. I stop to look at the car. You can tell there is a film of greenish soot like this dude parked under a tree for a week. I can still feel my anger bubbling over. This is what I get for being cheap and opting out of the monthly parking fee that building offers.
I should keep walking right?
I realize I look crazy standing here so I pull out my wireless headphones and connect them to my phone. If anyone comes walking by, I can at least pretend that I’m on the phone. This is New York City, it isn’t uncommon to see people talk to themselves but people will stare unless they think you’re on the phone. Then pedestrians will completely ignore you. But, this doesn’t solve my issue of what to do.
Should I pee on this car? That’s totally classless but I really do have to take a leak. I can just light up asshole’s car really good because it could use some liquid. It hasn’t rained in about three weeks which means this car is gonna smell too. The only real issue it that I have a problem with public urination. Imagine me pissing out in the street when I hate to see other people do it.
I put my hand in my pocket and pull out my keys. I should key this motherfucker’s car. I know all this shit seems real petty right now, but I really need to release this anger that I have. I could draw on this dude’s car right now and not give a fuck about it. I look around to make sure no one sees me. I would have to make this real quick. I’m not only looking out for this asshole but I’m looking out for the police too. I really don’t want to give them a reason to shoot another black man. They just killed a guy in his car a few weeks ago for refusing to leave it. Fuck that.
I’m classier than this. I have a corporate job. I work down by South Ferry. I make six figures and I live in the white part of Washington Heights. Why would I do this? More importantly, what would my dad do? Yup, he would walk away. My father was a disciplined Military man that took shit from nobody. God bless his soul. I tried my best to live up to the standards he instilled in me. I will just go upstairs and deal with my feelings.
I finally walk into my building and check the mail. Way too many bills but at least my new Playboy came in… you know, the magazine that doesn’t do nude pictures anymore. I may need to cancel my subscription to this crap. I walk into the elevator and push 6. I live on the top floor. This is not a penthouse apartment but it’s pretty decent for a two bedroom all to myself. I still hear the chimes coming from my phone. Monica is not giving this a rest. Ok, I will admit that I haven’t been the best boyfriend. That trip to Punta Cana was probably ill-advised but my buddy had his bachelor party there and what was I gonna do? Not go? Come on.
I get out of the elevator and I immediately get smacked with the aroma of arroz con gandules. Mrs Garcia must be at it again. That woman is the best cook in the building. I’m just fortunate that she offers her food since she knows I come home late from work every day. She doesn’t like the girlfriend because Monica doesn’t cook. Apparently, I remind her of her grandson.
I walk over to my apartment and let myself in. The lights are on in the living room but the rest of the apartment is dark with the exception for the bedroom. I can see a faint blue light coming from underneath the door. The television must be on. I put my keys on the hook by the door. I walk toward the living room as I kick off my shoes. I plop the mail on the couch.
I open the shades of the window and I can see the street below. I’m still looking at this asshole’s car. I was hoping that I would have distracted myself long enough that my aggravation would’ve passed. I text Monica again letting her know that I’m home and that after a shower I will call her. I toss my phone on the couch and unbutton my shirt. The one thing that I really enjoy about living alone is that I can do anything I want within these walls. If I want to walk around naked then I can do that.
I take off my pants and my shorts. The humidity in this city is crazy. I’m already sweating from that short walk from the car to the apartment. I walk to the over to the corner and pick up the one thing that is going to make me feel good, my Crosman Venom Nitro .22 Air Rifle. I open the window all the way before I take aim.
“Let me guess someone took your parking,” says a gentle and sweet voice. I wondered what took her so long to come out of the bedroom.
“I really did try to calm down,” I say as I take aim with the scope. I bought this thing at Walmart in New Jersey a few months ago. I use it for target practice to scare pigeons and cats. I’ve been getting really good at it. Every so often I may kill a bird or cat. Whatever.
I feel her naked breasts on my back as she places her chin on my left shoulder. “You’re determined to make me miss, huh?” I say as I smile and adjust my aim.
“You haven’t missed yet.”
I pull the trigger and the hear a faint shatter of his driver side windshield. I resume my aim again and fire. The rear driver windshield shatters. I look over to Yesenia and smile. She’s completely naked as she said she would be. I left her here this morning so I could go to Nyack. There was no way I was going to take her to that cookout so I decided to let her make herself at home.
“You’re right, I never seem to miss when you’re here.”
“I guess I should try harder”
Yesenia turns around and as I take aim once again. I try to concentrate as she presses her warm as against my hardening dick. Using a BB gun to shoot out windows of a car is hard enough, but to do while my dick is being stroked by such an incredible ass takes skill. I think she might just make me miss this time. 
As she normally does, she relaxes me so much that I don’t want to pull the trigger. I want to put this rifle down and enjoy her talent. But no, I’m determined to shoot out the front windshield. She must sense how determined I am, because she turns around, looks at me and grabs it. 
I remember that I met Yesenia on the same day I met Monica. She was also at the same career fair, however, she was qualified at so many things. I took her resume and she was hired by one of my colleagues. I didn’t realize they knew each other at the time.
Yesenia goes down on her knees and I recall her once telling me that she has no gag reflex. Once again she proves her case. 
As I adjust my aim, which is now shaky, I see people walking by the passenger side of the car. They have no way of knowing what just happened to this asshole’s car. But their presence forces me to wait. I look down at Yesenia and she winks. Yup, she is making it harder to concentrate. I hear the phone on the couch vibrating. It must be Monica. She still doesn’t trust me.
I don’t blame her. I pull the trigger.
3 notes · View notes
perfectlyrose · 7 years
wrong number, right person
Summary: Complete accident brings Rose and John into each other’s lives by way of a misdialed phone number but as they form a friendship that could bloom into love, it almost seems more like fate.
Pairing: Ten x Rose || Rating: All ages || Word Count: 4264
Note: For Day Seven of 31 Days of Ficmas: prompt “ring.” This is... so much longer than I intended it to be when I started writing lol. - tagging @doctorroseprompts for the event :)
Rose answered her phone without looking to see who was calling, assuming it was Jack for the third time that evening. “I told you Jack, I can’t come out tonight, I’ve got homework and a bloody astronomy exam tomorrow I need to revise for.”
“Um, I think I have the wrong number but I could probably give you some tips on astronomy if you need them,” a male voice on the other end of the line that was decidedly not Jack said.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry. My friend has been calling me non-stop trying to get me to go clubbing with him tonight and I just assumed he was trying again,” Rose said, cheeks heating.
“No need to apologize! I’m the one who dialed wrong and interrupted your revising,” the man said, very cheerful for someone talking to a stranger.
“It wasn’t going well, so I really don’t mind.”
“I meant it when I said I could give you some astronomy tips. I umm… I might have a doctorate in the subject.” The last sentence came out in a rush, like he was nervous about admitting it.
“Really? You sure you’re not trying to impress some random girl on the phone?” Rose teased.
“Honestly, astronomy and astrophysics don’t usually do the trick.”
“Got degrees in both?”
“Bit brilliant, aren’t you?”
Rose laughed. “Alright mystery doctor, want to give an impromptu intro to astronomy lecture over the phone to a stranger?”
“Love to, actually. What unit is your exam on?”
“Honestly, if you can make parallax equations make sense I will probably propose marriage at this point,” Rose admitted. “I’m really lost.”
He laughed. “Proposing to me and you don’t even know who I am. Bit hasty but I like it.”
“Hey, I just said I might propose, no promises. Besides, this is dependent on your teaching skills.”
“I’ll have to be impressive then.”
“You better be, I’d like to pass this exam,” she shot back. “I’m Rose, by the way.”
“John, but you can keep calling me Doctor, if you want.”
She raised her eyebrows even though he couldn’t see. “Alright, Doctor.”
Rose could practically hear his smile.
“Alright, ready to learn?”
“I guess. Last chance and all that.”
With that he launched into a lecture that was far more engaging than any of the actual classes Rose had attended. Her impromptu professor had a tendency to go off on tangents but also a knack for actually describing things in a way that made sense to her and by the end of the conversation, she actually felt like she might pass the test.
“Thank you so much,” she said, things winding to a close. They’d been talking for an hour at least. “You have definitely earned a potential marriage proposal.”
He laughed, the sound warm and low. “Wait and see if you actually pass that exam.”
“Seriously though, thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome.”
“I don’t know who you were trying to call but I’m really glad you rang me instead.”
“Me too.”
“Alight, goodnight then, Doctor.”
“Night, Rose.”
When Rose got her exam grade back and saw that she’d actually passed by more than a smidge, she quickly snapped a picture and texted it to her mystery caller.
Text to Space Doctor [5:32 pm]: <Image attached>
Text to Space Doctor [5:32 pm]: i passed! ready to accept my proposal?
Text to Starry Rose [5:36 pm]: Congratulations! Knew you could do it!
Text to Space Doctor [5:42 pm]: my prof is probably going to think i cheated
Text to Starry Rose [5:43 pm]: Nonsense! You’re brilliant!
Text to Space Doctor [5:45 pm]: science isn’t really my thing but thx
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: Feel free to call me up if you need help again. I’m happy to be of assistance.
Text to Starry Rose [5:54 pm]: If you want. That was probably weird to offer. Sorry. I just like to help and I enjoyed talking to you.
Text to Space Doctor [6:01 pm]: thatd be brilliant!!!! im def going to take you up on that
Text to Space Doctor [6:02 pm]: sorry cant chat rn. at my mums for dinner
Text to Starry Rose [6:02 pm]: Have fun! Look forward to talking again soon :)
Rose stowed her phone back in her purse and headed into the kitchen to help her mum with a smile on her face.
“You know, I never asked who you were trying to call when you ended up ringing me,” Rose said. “Last time, I mean. Obviously, since I called you this time.”
It was a couple weeks after that first call. They’d texted on and off about random things and Rose was really starting to consider him a friend despite never having laid eyes on him. With another exam looming, she’d called John up for another tutoring session.
“Oh, my sister, Donna. She wanted to try and talk me into coming to some dinner party so really you saved me,” he said, voice completely earnest.
“Happy to help.”
“Gracious of you. Ready to start?”
“Don’t need an offer of marriage beforehand?”
“I am a patient man, Rose,” he said loftily.
Rose snorted. “No you’re not. Even I could tell you that.”
“Teach me of the stars oh wise, patient Doctor,” she intoned, laying the sarcasm on thick.
“Still rude but I’ll let it slide this time.”
Text to Space Doctor [8:34 pm]: i looked up the going rate for tutors and i’m really glad you aren’t charging me anything
Text to Starry Rose [8:37 pm]: Who says I’m not logging hours to bill you later?
Text to Space Doctor [8:41 pm]: would have to find an address for me to bill me :)
Text to Starry Rose [8:43 pm]: That /is/ a dilemma.
Text to Space Doctor [8:47 pm]: besides… i already offered to marry you in exchange for your services as tutor. not my fault you didn’t take me up on that excellent deal
Text to Starry Rose [8:50 pm]: I still could.
Text to Space Doctor [8:51 pm]: nope too late now. missed ur chance ;)
Text to Starry Rose [8: 54 pm]: A true tragedy.
“Oi! Spaceman, are you listening to me at all?”
John whipped his head up to give Donna a sheepish expression. “Yes?”
“You weren’t. You had that goofy smile on your face that means you were texting that Rose girl.”
“I did not!”
“You so did. When are you going to actually ask her out?”
He sighed. “I don’t even know if she’s in London, Donna. Can’t exactly take her to dinner if she’s not in the city.”
“But you do want to take her to dinner!” Donna crowed.
John rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone after shooting off a quick text to Rose. “Yes, fine. I’d like to actually meet her in person and maybe eat while doing so. Happy?”
“For now.”
Text to Starry Rose [10:21 am]: I wish I was anywhere except this meeting right now.
Text to Space Doctor [10:22 am]: probs better than my astronomy lecture
Text to Space Doctor [10:23 am]: i swear this guy doesn’t realize half the class is asleep
Text to Starry Rose [10:25 am]: I would MUCH rather be in an astronomy lecture right now.
Text to Space Doctor [10:26 am]: nerd
“Ooh, are you texting your mystery man again, Rosie?” Jack asked, leaning closer to her. They were out at the pub and crammed into a booth with three other people.
Rose rolled her eyes. “He is not my mystery man. He’s just a friend who’s helping me pass astronomy.”
“You don’t even text me that much,” Jack said, eyebrows raised. “So, come on, spill the beans.”
Rose groaned and reached for her beer. “I might, might, have a crush on my mystery man.”
Jack cheered, drawing looks from everyone else at their table. “So make a move!”
“I don’t even know who he is, Jack! He probably doesn’t even live around here.”
“So that makes making a move a bit difficult, yeah?”
“You two lovebirds already have a great connection. What’s a bit of distance and putting a face to a name?”
“A lot.”
“Fine, fine. Just think about it though.”
Text to Space Doctor [1:47 am]: u stil up?
Text to Starry Rose [1:49 am]: Yes. Didn’t realize it was so late, actually.
Text to Space Doctor [1:52 am]: jack got me drynkj
Text to Space Doctor [1:53 am]: drunk. ha!
Text to Starry Rose [1:54 am]: All his fault?
Text to Space Doctor [1:56 am]: no
Text to Space Doctor [1:57 am]: ur falt too
Text to Starry Rose [2:00 am]: Really? How so?
Text to Starry Rose [2:05 am]: Rose?
Text to Starry Rose [2:11 am]: Are you alright? Do you need someone to come get you or anything? I’m in London but I can call a cab anywhere.
Text to Starry Rose [2:20 am]: I’m going to hope you just fell asleep or your phone died but let me know that you’re alright when you see these messages.
Text to Space Doctor [7:46 am]: remind me never to drink w/ jack again.
Text to Space Doctor [7:47 am]: my head is killing me
Text to Space Doctor [7:54 am]: sorry for worrying u last night. fell asleep
Text to Space Doctor [8:02 am]: also sorry for drunk texting you
Text to Starry Rose [9:13 am]: Glad you’re alright. You can text me whenever, you know that :)
Text to Space Doctor [9:14 am]: :) :) :)
“I still can’t believe you haven’t finished reading Harry Potter,” John complained. They’d been talking for almost three months now and, as far as she could tell, he had called tonight specifically to complain about her lack of Harry Potter knowledge.
“I’ve been a bit busy.”
“The last one has been out for ten years, Rose.”
“I’ll get there!”
“You’ve at least seen the movies, right?”
“The first couple. I’m waiting to read the books,” she said, grinning. This was too easy.
He groaned dramatically. “I’m not sure I can be friends with you.”
Rose laughed. “You know you are far too easy to wind up, right?”
“Doctor, I’ve read the whole series like three times and seen all the movies,” she admitted, still grinning as she moved into her kitchen to pour a glass of wine.
“I cannot believe you.”
“Still want to be friends?”
He sniffed, dramatic to the end. “I suppose, but you’re on thin ice.”
“Even if I tell you my theories on the Sorting Hat?”
“...I’m listening.”
Text to Space Doctor [3:34 pm]: i’m going to fail all my finals but especially astronomy
Text to Starry Rose [3:36 pm]: You’re going to do brilliantly. Want me to call tonight to help go over things?
Text to Space Doctor [3:39 pm]: please. i’ll be home around 7?
Text to Starry Rose [3:45 pm]: I’ll talk to you then!
Rose walked out of her astronomy final feeling cautiously optimistic about how she’d done. She quickly fished out her mobile and turned it back on to text John. She quickly shot off a message that she’d survived and then headed straight to Tesco’s to get a celebratory bottle of wine.
Jack wasn’t finished with his tests until tomorrow so they were going out then. Tonight was all hers and she had a date with Netflix and at least one bottle of wine.
She was settling down on her sofa when her mobile buzzed in her pocket. Rose quickly checked it and smiled when she saw it was a text from the Doctor.
Text to Starry Rose [6:52 pm]: Congratulations on making it through your class! I’m sure you aced the final!
Text to Space Doctor [6:54 pm]: SO glad to be done with that class
Text to Space Doctor [6:55 pm]: celebrating with alcohol and crap telly. any watching suggestions before i pick something?
Text to Starry Rose [6:59 pm]: Star Trek?
Text to Space Doctor [7:02 pm]: omg you are so predictable
She grinned and queued up the next episode of the comedy she’d started a week ago and settled in for a cozy night.
About three quarters of the way through her bottle of wine, Rose had the sudden realization that without astronomy class, she wouldn’t have a built-in excuse to call John anymore. She knew they were friends, but what if everything was built on that tutor relationship and things started crumbling.
She’d known for a while that she had a massive crush on her mysterious friend, despite having no clue what he looked like or any identifying details about him. She took a healthy sip of her wine and picked up her phone, quickly opening her conversation with John.
Maybe meeting in person was the next step. She’d wanted to for ages but something had held her back. Fear. The fear that he would be disappointed by who she was outside of their phone conversations or that maybe she would be disappointed in him, but she thought that scenario unlikely. The fear that actually meeting would somehow ruin the magic of their instant friendship.
That feeling was suppressed by red wine, showing up only as a tickle in the pit of her stomach as she started typing.
Text to Space Doctor [8:50 pm]: you know… we should meet up sometime. get chips or something
Text to Space Doctor [8:53 pm]: i’m in london too. don’t know if i ever told you that
Text to Space Doctor [8:56 pm]: but i’d really like to properly meet you.
Text to Space Doctor [9:00 pm]: only if you want tho
Rose stared down at her phone, biting her bottom lips as the television played on unnoticed. He usually answered faster than this. Had she made him uncomfortable? Oh god, what if she’d completely screwed things up?
She set her phone aside and tried to concentrate on her show and reclaim the celebratory mood she’d felt earlier but it was gone.
Soon the wine was as well.
John never texted back.
When Jack arrived at Rose’s flat the next afternoon, he expected to find his friend chipper and ready for a night out on the town now that they were done with the semester. Instead, she opened the door in sweats and an oversized t-shirt, expression drawn.
“Whoa there, Rosie. You feeling alright?” he asked, stepping into her flat and closing the door behind him.
“I’m fine,” she said, giving him a wan smile. “Just lost track of time. I’ll go get ready, you know where everything is.”
“Hey now,” he said, grabbing onto her arm so she didn’t get very far. “What’s wrong? Did you get a bad exam grade back or something? It’s not like you to be so down, especially when we’re free of classes for a bit!”
“I’m fine!”
“You’re not. Fight with your mystery boy?”
Rose looked away and Jack felt a protective anger rising in his chest.
“What did the jackass do?”
“Nothing, that’s the problem,” she said with a sigh, sagging back against the back of the sofa.
“Care to elaborate?”
“I’d texted him earlier last night to tell him I’d survived the astronomy final and everything seemed fine and then I had to go and open my stupid mouth after having a lot of wine.”
Jack raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.
She sighed. “I asked him if he wanted to meet up sometime, like in person. Get chips or something.”
“And he didn’t answer you?”
“S’like he fell off the face of the planet. I haven’t heard from him all day.”
“Aw, Rose, I’m sorry. I know you really like him.” Jack gathered her into a hug and his heart cracked a bit when he heard her sniffle.
“I really really do. Why won’t he answer me? He could just say no and we could stay phone friends at least.”
“I don’t know, Rosie. Your man’s an idiot.”
She laughed, a small watery thing but a laugh nonetheless. “Yeah he is.”
“Wanna stay in and watch cheesy chick flicks and eat ice cream?”
“I don’t want to ruin your night, Jack. You go ahead and go out without me,” she insisted, pulling back from the hug.
“Nope. I’m spending the night with you. We can go out another time when you’ll actually have fun.”
“I might have already eaten all my ice cream.”
“I’ll go get us some more while you pick out movies. Deal?”
“Throw in some wine and you’ve got one.”
They shook on it like they always did and then Jack kissed her forehead and waltzed back out the door.
John sped back to town, anxious to get to his flat where he would have both a charged mobile and service so he could use it. He’d gone on a stargazing trip and forgotten that he wouldn’t have any reception or power and he hadn’t told Rose that he was going off the grid.
Damn but he missed her. He was really hoping that she still wanted to be friends now that she didn’t need his astronomy knowledge any more. He thought that she would but there was still this niggling worry that maybe he thought they were better friends than they were. He could be blinded by the ginormous crush he had on her but he was almost positive that they were legitimately friends.
The moment he stepped into his flat he dropped his bag on the floor with a thud and made a beeline for the phone charger by his bed. Powering up his mobile, he winced at the number of texts he’d missed. A couple were from Donna but he went straight to his messages with Rose.
He couldn’t contain his grin when he read the first few, the ones that said she wanted to meet him. John couldn’t believe he’d missed these! Then his heart fell into his stomach as he kept reading.
Text to Space Doctor [10:34 am]: if you don’t want to meet up u can just say so
Text to Space Doctor [10:40 am]: i’m not going to hold it against you or anythin
Text to Space Doctor [5:45 pm]: i hope you’re alright. not like you not to text back.
Text to Space Doctor [6:02 pm]: sorry if i made things awkward
Text to Space Doctor [11:22 am]: you know what, fuck this. i really want to meet you because i really like you and you’re one of my best friends now. you don’t have to up and ghost me just out of the blue like this
Text to Space Doctor [1:30 pm]: please at least let me know that you’re okay
John swore profusely as he checked the time and realized that her last text was from four hours ago. She’d been texting him all weekend, thinking he was just ignoring her because he was an idiot and forgot to tell her he was going out of range.
Hands shaking, he hit the dial button and raised the phone to his ear, praying she’d actually pick up.
“Nice of you to finally answer me,” she said acidly when she picked up on what he thought was the last ring before it went to voicemail. “I do like to know that my friend isn’t dead in a ditch somewhere.”
“Rose, I’m so sorry,” he started.
“For worrying me or for being a prick or for something else?”
“Everything? I was on a stargazing trip and I forgot that I wouldn’t have service out there. And then my phone died and I’d forgotten to pack my charger and I just got back to my flat and saw your messages. I called right away. I’m so sorry.” The words spilled out of him, like if he got them out fast enough, Rose would believe him faster and they could move past this and get to the meeting up part that he really hoped she still wanted to do.
There was silence for a moment and then he heard Rose start laughing.
“Oh my god, I was worried that I’d scared you off and then that something had happened and you were just being your normal idiot self,” she said through her laughs.
“Um, yeah pretty much. And for the record, you proposed to me during our first conversation, I don’t think you’re scaring me off now,” he said, rubbing at the back of his neck with his free hand.
“Well, that’s good to hear.”
“So, chips? I’ll buy. I really want to meet you too.” He paused, heart racing as he worked on getting the words out. “I kinda really like you too,” he said.
“It’s a date,” Rose said. He could hear the smile in her voice and he grinned too.
“Are you free right now? I could murder a basket of chips right about now.”
“I am! Just have to wait for my phone to finish charging.”
“Perfect. I’ll text you the address of my favorite chippy?”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later then!”
John made a little happy noise and Rose laughed.
“I like the sound of that too,” she admitted.
“I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Bye, Doctor.”
“Bye Rose.”
They rang off and the Doctor just grinned down at his phone. He had a date with Rose! A real proper date!
His mobile buzzed and he quickly opened the message from Rose.
Text to Space Doctor [5:47 pm]: meet in an hour? this is the address.
Text to Space Doctor [5:47 pm]: <image attached>
Text to Space Doctor [5:48 pm]: and that’s me so you know who you’re looking for ;)
Text to Space Doctor [5:49 pm]: see you soon! xx
Text to Starry Rose [5:49 pm]: You are gorgeous.
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: <image attached>
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: One hour. See you soon :) xx
Within five minutes of meeting, neither of them could remember why they were so nervous about doing this. They talked as easily as they had over the phone and text for months but now, they could see the smiles they were drawing from the other person and brush fingers as they stole chips from each other.
Rose teased John endlessly about forgetting his wallet when he had promised to buy but said that they were definitely on him next time. His answering grin was so wide and bright that Rose thought she might pay for the chips all the time just to see it.
They reluctantly parted ways after a couple hours, heading in opposite directions outside of the shop. Rose had barely made it around the first corner when her phone vibrated in her hand.
Text to Starry Rose [9:15 pm]: Have plans for tomorrow?
Text to Space Doctor [9:16 pm]: miss me already? ;)
Text to Starry Rose [9:16 pm]: Yes.
Text to Space Doctor [9:16 pm]: big ol’ softie <3 i miss you too
Text to Space Doctor [9:17 pm]: and no i don’t have anything planned
Text to Starry Rose [9:18 pm]: Good. Want to hang out with me?
Text to Space Doctor [9:18 pm]: absolutely. give me the details when you know them?
Text to Starry Rose [9:20 pm]: Will do :)
Text to Space Doctor [11:15 pm]: so i figure i might as well put this out there before i see you tomorrow. i meant it when i said i really like you and you should know that it’s as more than just a friend. i’m hopin that you feel the same but if not than we can stay just friends
Text to Space Doctor [11:18 pm]: really what i’m trying to say is that if you’re not completely opposed to the idea i’m probably going to kiss you tomorrow
Text to Starry Rose [11:19 pm]: Honestly, I almost kissed you today when we hugged goodbye so I’m definitely not opposed and I feel the same way :)
Text to Space Doctor [11:20 pm]: !!!!
Text to Starry Rose [11:20 pm]: Haha, my feelings exactly!
Text to Space Doctor [11:22 pm]: so… do you want to just come over to mine tomorrow and watch netflix and maybe make out on the couch?
Text to Space Doctor [11:23 pm]: i might even let you convince me to watch star trek finally
Text to Starry Rose [11:23 pm]: Yes.
Text to Starry Rose [11:23 pm]: Also yes to the Star Trek. You’re going to love it!
Text to Space Doctor [11:24 pm]: your nerdery is catching, apparently
Text to Space Doctor [11:24 pm]: i only didn’t watch it before because i thought it would be more fun to watch it with you
Text to Starry Rose [11:25 pm]: Now who’s the big ol’ softie? :)) <3
Text to Space Doctor [11:25 pm]: the promise of make outs helps too
Text to Space Doctor [11:26 pm]: still you <3
Text to Starry Rose [11: 28 pm]: I’m going to get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow! xx
Text to Space Doctor [11:29 pm]: goodnight doctor <3 see you tomorrow xx
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shikkearu · 6 years
Irreplaceable Part 6: Moonlight and a parking lot
- ”Let's go grab something on our way. I don't want to wake the whole household by microwaving left-overs.” Mihawk huffed.
The microwafe didn't make that much noise, but it was known that Mihawk detested Morias cooking. He didn’t seem to like anyones cookings other than his own. After the first dinner, he had volunteered to do it during their stay. Tonight Moria had cooked something since they were running late. Mihawk and Perona had gotten halfway through the papers when they noticed it was dark. Way past the time they were supposed to leave.
- ”Ok, sounds good to me.” She was starving. ”I know this great place near by. They make amazing home-made-food. And the price isn't bad either. I used to go there a lot before I met your son.” - ”That was -what- five years ago. Are you sure it's still there?” Mihawk was sceptical. A restaurant with prices that a minimum wager thought was good. It couldn't possibly still be standing. - ”Hah!  We’re in luck. It's open till eleven.”
He didn't feel lucky at all. The restaurant was Makinos, a-well-known hanging out place of a certain red haired man. He wished he wouldn't be there that night. When they opened the door they were blasted with the sound of loud music and the smell of alchohol. He turned on his heels, but Perona dragged him in. - ”It's just like I remembered,” she shouted and looked radiant. He would do his best. He crooked his hat so people wouldn't see his face. But nonetheless he was bounced by the cheery drunkard. - ”Valiant effort my friend, but you cannot hide from me. Especially when you're with a beauty like her.” Shanks leaned over to Perona dragging Mihawk with him. ”Hello! I am Shanks the best friend of this guy.” - ”Nice to meet you, my name is Perona.” The old man has friends. Cute. - ”Very nice indeed. If you guys are shagging, I suggest you leave it at that. This guy makes an awfull husband.” Shanks sneered.
- ”Stop!” Mihawk shook himself free. ”She is the widow of my son!”
Silence. The whole restaurant had heard him. Perona looked like she was going to cry.
- ”We just came here to eat.” Mihawk sighed. - ”I'm sorry... Let me offer it to you.”
- ”Oh, so you two have been living together for three weeks now.” He looked at the two. It was clear that he was bothering them. But that had never stopped him before. - ”Yes, she'll stay with me until she has her future planned. Least I could do.” - ”Like I did when bratty bitch decided her career was worth more.” Shanks laughed. - ”Please, don't call her that.” - ”What happened?” Perona was interested to hear. - ”When his son was just a wee baby, his ex decided that it would be just Mihawks work to care for him. I did my best to help out, when she was modeling around the country. Even lived in his house!” Shanks laughed. Mihawk looked at him murderously. - ”She came once in awhile, had a nice laugh with the baby and left the dirty work to us.” Perona looked at Mihawk who was starting to look like he might explode. Yet he still had his general calm expression. She was getting better at reading the nuances of it.
- ”Hey, Shanks, what do you do for living?” she changed the subject. - ”I'm a photographer. Not your basic wedding photographer, though.” He smirked. ”I take photos and film extreme locations, wars, accidents that sort of stuff.” - ”Wow, that's cool.” - ”I know!” he had his nose up and pointed to his chest. ”I actually taught Mihawk how to take photos.” - ”Really?” - ”We were in the same photography club in highschool. He had to take it 'cos he failed arts.” - ”How can you fail arts?” - ”By never being in the class. I hated drawing.” Mihawk chuckled Perona near choked to her food. - ”Whaa-t? I loved arts.” - ”I like the finer arts of music and sword play.” He took a sip of water. He had lessened the amount of wine he consumed since Zoro and Perona had moved in. Though if anyone asked ,he would say he was driving.
- ”You two seem have been a good influence on each other.” Shanks smiled leaning into his hand. - ”What makes you think so?” Perona asked. - ”Hawky here was a mess two months back. You know when...” - ”We're not talking of that,” Mihawk said with a deep threatening voice. - ”Ah! Ok- ok! My mouth is sealed,” He made a motion of zipper closing over his mouth. “Sorry,“ he whispered to Perona.
She wished they had talked of it. What had Mihawk been like? What drove him to offer her his help? She really wanted to know.
Moria called worried. It was only half an hour till midnight and they still had over half of the drive to go. Perona told Moria that they had gone out to eat. She gave him Mihawks reasoning, but even Moria knew his food wasn't as good as Mihawks. It was still ok to eat, so he was a little bit hurt.
They sat in silence. Perona tried mustering courage to ask Mihawk why he had wanted to help her. She had wanted to ask back when they moved in with him, but had left it as is. She felt that now she could ask him more personal questions and not be thrown out. But it would still be a very scary thing to do.
Mihawk waited patiently. He was not going to say a word before she did. Not because he was scared, but he didn't know what she wanted him to tell her. She was better now, but he didn't feel that she was quite over it yet and didn't want to worry her with his emotions. Time and rest healed all wounds. But it would take longer if someone kept throwing salt at said wounds.
- ”Hey, Mihawk... uh nevermind.”
He wished she could just spit it out and be done with it. He was tensing up.
- ”Just tell me what to tell you, already.”
Perona was flabbergasted. Mihawk swore under his breath. He had said it outloud. He pulled into the parking lot of a gas station. He turned to look at her. They were going to have an heart to heart conversation now.
But Perona just stared at him, so he continued: - ”It's just us here. So it's okay-” - ”I'm not going to sleep with you!” Perona said before he could finish. - ”What?” - ”Not going to uh- have sex with you.” she blushed. Mihawk was shocked. - ”No no no. I was going to say: it's okay to talk now. What even made you think such a thing?” He shook his head. Peronas blush deepened and she looked away. - ”I had my first time on a parking lot like this. With your son...” Now Mihawk too was blushing. - ”I did not need to know that!” - ”You asked!” - ”It was a rhetorical question! I didn't want you to answer!”
A moment of silence before Mihawk started laughing loudly.
- ”My son really lacked tact, didn't he? A parking lot?” he covered his eyes with his hand. - ”In his defense, we we're drunk and the moonlight was beautiful!” Perona huffed. - ”And you couldn't wait till bed. Wahhahha! Been there done that.” He was wiping tears now. ”But to take a girls first time on a backseat of a car. Kukukuku.” - ”He was a virgin too! Stupid old man!” - ”Still he should have asked me or anyone for advice. That's not how you win a girl over.” - ”I did marry him, didn't I!” Perona crossed her arms. Mihawk laughed even harder.
Perona was too embarrassed to talk, so they drove to Morias. Mihawk was in a good mood and put the radio on. A rerun of an interview was coming: - ”Talking about personal life our information says you were married but are now divorced. Is that rigth? ” - ”Yes, that was a dark time for me. I was extremely depressed. You see my husband-” Mihawk changed the channel. A soothing piano started to play. He hummed to the melody, but it was clear his good mood was gone. Perona would have liked to hear the whole interview, but she was getting too tired to protest.
- ”Hey, the car ride is over.” He shook her by the shoulder. ”Time to wake up.” - ”Noo~!” she moaned and tied her arms around his neck. ”Carry me.” - ”I don't think I'm strong enough.” - ”Are you calling me fat?” He sighed. - ”Then use those manly muscles of yours,” she murmured and buried her face into his neck smelling his aftershave. - ”You smell different. Have you changed brand?” - ”I haven't.” - ”Why is it so different then? Did the manufacturer change it?” - ”I don't think so. They've only changed it twice during the twenty years I've used it.” - ”Twenty? Darling, you've barely been alive that long.” She chuckled. - ”Perona... I'm not your husband.”
She was fast asleep and didn't hear him. She had a dumb smile on her face. Mihawk settled her on her bed and checked up on Zoro, fast asleep on a make-shift crib. If only Moria let him get something better for him but he insisted that it would be a waste of money since Zoro spend so little time there. Zoro hadn't missed Perona much when they were gone. When he had, just hearing her voice on the phone had been enough to calm him down. Mihawk petted Zoro's head. The green color was wonderfully bizarre and Mihawk preferred it that way. It stopped him from thinking how much Zoro was like his son.
That first night when he had sat on the swing rocking Zoro to sleep, he had cried. It had been the first time in years. Even when he had found out about the accident, he had not shed a tear. But when he held Zoro and the boy fell asleep near instantly, he couldn't help but be filled with memories of the nights with his son crying on his arms, missing his mother. And those memories hurt him very much. There were other moments Zoro had acted like his son, but the stark green color kept him from making the connection. Something he was thankful of.
- ”Bab-ba!” Zoro looked at Mihawk. It was breakfast time. - ”No, Zoro. I'm Pappa,” Moria pleaded while feeding him mushed carrot and potato. - ”Yes, I would rather be called grandfather.” Mihawk added while reading the newspaper. - ”Bab-ba!” Zoro cheered when he heard him talk. Moria and Mihawk both sighed.
- ”What's with the weird call me father, thing? Your son did it and now you want Zoro to do it.” Perona huffed while slowly burning her omelet. - ”I like it better that way.” Mihawk looked at the smoke rising from her pan.”Do you want me to do your omelet?” he offered. - ”I like it better that way,” she said mockingly. ”Like it or not you're Pappa now.” - ”Babba!” Zoro shouted. - ”That's right, Zoro. Mihawk is your Pappa.” - ”Eat your burnt egg then,” Mihawk snarled. Perona threw the well burnt omelet on a plate and placed it before Mihawk. - ”No, you eat it!” Mihawk scrunched his nose and pushed the plate away. - ”It's me Zoro. I'm Pappa-Moria.” Moria cried. Zoro looked at him raising his brow. He would have looked very thoughtful if not for the drool coming from his mouth. - ”Mihawk, don't waste food.” Perona scolded him. - ”It's disgusting. Moria would do better.” He said as he threw the omelette away. - ”Oh thanks Mihawk,” Moria was cheered up by the compliment. - ”I'll make you another then,” Perona huffed. - ”Can I atleast give you some pointers?” Mihawk sighed. - ”You can't!” - ”Children, please. You're ruining this beautiful morning with your bickering.” - ”Don't you have work to go to?” - ”Oh, you're right!”
Moria petted Zoros forehead before giving him the spoon.
- ”We'll see next weekend, yes?” - ”Yeah. Have fun at work!” Perona waved. Moria petted her head too before leaving the room.
Suddenly Mihawk pressed against her with his side moving Perona away from the stove. Deftly he stole the pan from her. - ”Rude!” - ”I'll do the omelettes. You watch and learn.” - ”Will not!” She tried grasping the pan back from him only to be pinned against the counter. - ”Didn't your father teach you not to fool around the stove? ” he scoffed at her. - ”Look who's talking! Now let go of me.” She tried wriggling free, but to no avail. What she did free was a couple of eggs that fell on the floor. They both looked at the mess. - ”Your fault,” she faced Mihawk with the tip of her nose touching his. Mihawk, surpriced by the contact, leaped off of her hitting the table behind him. All the glasses and mugs toppled over and what content they had was all over the table. At the same time Perona moved her head backwards hitting the cupboard behind her. She howled with pain and held her head. The sudden chaos spooked Zoro and he started to cry. Mihawk tried to go comfort him, but slipped on the broken eggs. With a loud thud he hit his knee against the floor and let out a bunch of obscene swear words.
Moria appeared by the door: - ”Everything okay!? There was a lou-” He stopped midsentence, horrified. Zoro still crying, reached out to Moria and said: - ”Poopoo!”
- ”It's just an old injury acting up. Little bit of pain killers and I'll be fine.”
Mihawk was holding an icebag on his knee. Curled against his leg was Perona who looked at him sorry and hugged his leg. - ”That definetily isn't helping.” - ”Because of you two, I am late for work.” Moria walked in holding Zoro. ”Have you cleaned the kitchen yet?” They shook their heads. - ”Just do it before you go. If you do go.” Moria mumbled and set Zoro at their feet. Zoro quickly got up and hugged Mihawks leg. - ”Babba,” he bounced up and down. Mihawk looked at him in agony. - ”Not now.” Zoro puffed his cheeks. Something he picked up from his mother.
- ”Clean up and lock the door,” Moria reminded before leaving in a hurry. - ”Poopoo,” Zoro let out an adoring sigh as he looked Moria go. - ”Oh no,” Mihawk muttered and pinched his nose. - ”It's kind of clever though. Pappa-Moria to Poopoo.” - ”We need to teach him out of that,” Mihawk replied, ”Go clean the kitchen now, please.” - ”You too,” Perona pouted. Mihawk pointed at his knee with a pained expression. Perona slapped it before rising up. - ”Faker.”
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