#i cant fuction
pizzapizzadickz · 1 year
#yeah! ill do thing#haha. i cant do anything today muchless feed myself#i cant fuction#personal#diary#i want to make a late or an espresso and theres nothing cleared off like my mom said it would so now idk what to do#i went from good morning to near meltdown in .5 seconds huh?#this is why i dont like it when someone says then tries to shut me up and doesnt do thing#like??? i didnt care id u cleared off infront of my espresso tbing that takes 5 seconds. but a peice of countertop???#yeah idk where i could even put anything#so yeah now i dont know what to do and am in pure stuck mode. bc i dont have space to make food either.#honestly i just hate everything so much. i hate life so much. im so tired i dont like this.#*david Attenborough voice* now look at this creature. utterly incapable of functioning without coffee. how useless.#ugh. seriously though. if i can just get through a morning and make coffee i can generally be more okay than i would otherwise#do you know how much it fucking sucks just waking up and being like#ugh. like i know this is probably in part bc i should be getting my period soon. but. its days like today i sorta wish i was dead#suicidal ideation#like. what am i supposed to do when it feels like the whole world is hostile. like. just one deviation from my plan and i cant handle ti#idk. it sucks really. im honestly not even asking for much anymore. i just wish i could at least play video games really.#if i could at least do that it wouldnt feel like such torture just existing. idk. i just want one thing.#idk. i know a lot of this is hormonal but even that sucks! why the fuck do i have to live like this.#idk. im really tired. really really tired. i still have to do work too this week. and honestly im so tired.#while i really do enjoy doing things n life n shit. i hate that like 90% of my life is just suffering. just pure suffering#...and yes i am wishing i am dead or something simply bc i couldnt make a latte like i planned#and no i will not be able to make myself breakfast now either. my morning is ruined now. so im unable to function#ugh. i just wanted to have a nice coffee and play splatoon today. but instead i got a nice case of yet again#idk. id be okay if there was just. nothing expected of me. if i didnt have to feed myself or work or shit.#like. me not wanting to exist is mostly just bc of the inconvenience i cause everyone around me#i have to be careful of what i say careful of what i do make sure i never bother anyone.#and so i just quietly cant functiom over here in a corner. just ugh. usually i can tidy shit up myself
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rainbowsans · 1 year
I see you don't like f/rans (which is great because frisk is FUCKING KID PEOPLE) so I take you're not a big fan of flowerfell either huh
you're correct on the first part, as for the second...
the og flowerfell au wasnt even a f/ans au to begin with (i thought it was at first glance bc that's literally all i saw of the au, until i read about what happened with the fans literally harassing the op who made the au to make it into f/ans, which they didn't want to and caused them to abandon the au. that deadass sucks ngl)
but tbh the ORIGINAL au literally has nothing interesting going on other than me thinking its funny seeing flowerfell sans have a breakdown if he even sees buttercups HAHAHAHFBHDSJBDSHJ
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taikanyohou · 2 years
some real twisted part of me so badly wanted/wants to see vegas ask pete. like. so how did it feel escaping and running away from me only to go back to the main family again? did it feel liberating like you thought it would? did it free you? make you feel human again? make you feel seen? did you slip back to how you were before? did you get what you wanted from it? did they think about you even once when you left, in the way i did when you left me?
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meimeikyu · 1 month
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illigrilltrash-blog · 2 years
Do you need to research actors, fanarts, edits, memes and everything about the fandom every time you discover new piece of media or are you normal?
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broe-v-wade · 2 years
was talkin to my hair dresser and we were talking about our struggles as being clocked as something we arent (ie shes always assumed to be lesbian when she isnt and im always assumed to be straight when im a lesbian) and she was like “oh i just dont get it, all the butches i know like the long pretty hair like yours :-)”
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katastrophic-n3vulaa · 3 months
the likelihood is no one cares, but im here to complain about my philosophy assessment.
so my school has a rule that the assessment notification needs to be given out at least 2 weeks before the due date, both hand-in and in-class assessments and assignments must abide by this
my philosophy teacher (who is AMAZING, but also the only philosophy teacher in the entire school, and he teaches elective philosophy and also ToK and other stuff for ~130 students, and my has 5 lessons a fortnight, each an hour long, and all the other students have that too, except 11 and 12s, who do more sometimes)
anyways, Dr. Hall is amazing but-
he mixed up the due date for my class' assessment w/ year 10s, so we got the notification 6 days from due date (tomorrow, 8/3).
but because he's amazing he halved the assessment. yay.
so all we needed to do was get references to answer a question we dont need to answer (yayayyayay)
the referencing was easy, and i did that all in class, but that was only the hand-in part of the assessment.
so the in-class bit is an evaluation of research methods and then what we call doing an OPVL of a source (origin, purpose, value, limitations)
ok- i'm good at opvls. but. what if words arent working tomorrow? so yeah.
we also get to take in the article that we are going to do the opvl for physically, but the printers have gone to shit, and also- the asshole that wrote the one i decided to do the opvl on (my other options were uni ads or some dude.) used SO MANY big and dumb words. like-ok. sure. i could just try and glue the meanings in my head overnight, but some days i dont remember to eat or drink so theres no way that'd work. so i put all the definitions in too. the problem is that the formatting on word is shit and a massive pain, so i just... copied the article into ao3 to get rid of all the unnecessary formatting (yay braincells)
but it also got rid of the formatting i wanted. :(
anyways so i redid all the formatting and definitions.
then i did my opvl on the side, but bc im basically incapable of doing notes that fuction as NOTES i pretty much did my entire opvl. which.
isnt allowed.
but im too tired now so imma edit it down in the morning. i hope.
see the masterpiece that looks depressingly short and i wish it looked like more but it doesnt so just know the struggle of doing this without adhd meds bc i had shit on in the afternoon:
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(top block of text is the evaluation of research in actual notes that is incorrect bc all i did was google and scroll for ~20 minutes but i cant say that its bad marks. the left blocks of text in the left section-bit is the article. the bits on the right are the opvl. no idk why i posted this either.)
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cpunkwitch · 7 months
im sending this ask to few people, so if youve seen it before, it would be great if you still answered!
ive seen this discussion that only physically disabled people fall under the term of cripplepunk. my question is (and i dont mean it cause i feel the need to be part of cripplepunk movement, its genuine question out of curiosity) DOES TOURETTES fall under the physical disability umbrella? is someone tourettic only welcome in cripplepunk movement?
again, its a genuine question and im just curious. thanks for answering!
i dont have tourettes so i cant say difinitively but if your tourettes syndrome is affecting your physical functions to the point you yourself consider it physically disabling then sure yeah its a physical disability.
if your tics prevent you from physical fuctions, maybe are the cause of or worsen chronic pain, maybe somehow effect your mobility or something
then i would count it
but im just an autistic person with stims, i dont have any expirience with tourettes, i cant tell you if this would make you physcally disabled.
if none of that is the case and youre still perfectly physically abled with your tourettes and tourettes alone, then no, i dont think you could benefit from or aid in any discussions happening in the cpunk movement or otherwise physically disbaled only spaces.
i think you should really look into talking about this with someone whos physically disabled and has tourettes, specifically someone who has more to their condition than tourettes or a tic disorder. its a discussion people with both tourettes and physical disability should get in on, asking people without tic disorders isnt going to get you insightful answers because people without tourettes or tic disorders dont have the expirience to answer that for you, same with how people without adhd dont have the expirience to tell someone with only adhd if they are or are not mentally disabled.
its great that you want to hear from voices of cripples/physdis ppl tho! /g
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shrimps-is · 4 days
pain-somnia to bad to sleep, trauma to fresh to shut my brain off, to much effort to cvt, not enough reason to live to even pretend it'll be better soon, but to much pain to get my pills either to oberdose or propper dose to reduce the pain except thr pills dont do anything except i had to csncle my appointmrnt to adjust them because i cvt because i dont have any reason to live so im in so muvh pain i cant fuction so pain-somnia 🔁
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zswackeyworld · 1 month
Im about to cry i swear
Im making a script for @/ theofficalmoriarty based off an ask they recived and i got a really funny end credit scene where the narrator intervenes and makes frank stop talking about bug facts so they can close off but i already had a whole damn page and i feel bad adding it 🥲🥲 if i cant add it to the actual script i might just post it here.
Whos knows
Edit: so update on whats happening with the script i forgot what i was gonna do with the narrator thing but im tired. My brain is to full of bug words to fuction..
good thing is the script is finished! I cant wait to get started on that plus my mona lisa for school and my presentaion about 2016! No i am not making that up.. i actullly had to do reaserch about that year and make a presentation.
Ima just take a power nap and hope i dont get a text about the script in that time :,)
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ch3rrycola444 · 2 months
i don’t want to eat but i literally cant fuction and i have an exam that i cannot fail
the universe hates me
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comvi · 3 months
This how you now i pulled up to the fuction
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Ive read this a few times now and i cant tell if its just me & my reading problems ,but i cannot decipher this text….,,, who is going to the function is it me or u. and if its u are you pulling a gun out on me…. ,,,
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dittolicous · 4 months
sighs. i have had so much free time because of my cut hours but its. still left me with nothing to do, since i have to save as much money as possible while looking for another job. so i sleep, wake up, look to see if there are any new job postings on indeed/linkedin/ziprecruit/monster/etc, dig farther into google for more sketchy job openings, think about what company sites i can check for direct jobs, check those sketchy 'surveys for money' sites,... and then i go back to sleep. because well. cant be hungry or waste money if ur asleep.
i just. im miserable. i have so much time but i cant even enjoy or use it because im going to start bleeding money i dont have soon. im fucking terrified of not being able to find a new job, of being stuck in this... dead end job. unable to get off this damn island. it makes me sick. so im bored and guilty and scared and i just gucking hate this!
im so fuckibg tired of living in this godforsaken world where you only deserve to live if you give up everything. honestly, i wish someone would just. fuckibg come beat me up. wish my parents had actually fucking hit me instead of just yelling and insults. wish i was missing limbs or brain fuction or just. anything. anything to get the world to see i cant function.
im an empty brained idiot. i dont have any passion or self. how am i suppose to live? id rather be a fucking shattered glass than an empty jar. but thats what i am.
god i just. how???? how????? how do people... live????? how do you create and make.... your brand or personality? i cant make any of that. im just here. breathing. not for any reason. thats how its always been. everytime i see jokes about what kind of 'weird kid' you were i want to cry. because ive never been fucking anything! i wasnt a horse girl or a cat girl or train person or dinosaur nut or a monster fan and never cared about Egypt or rome or didnt care for legos or cars or model building or WHATEVER. ive just! been here! with nothing! im not ANYTHING. i dont have hobbys. ive nev r had hobbies.
ive always been alone and empty. disconnected from the world. disconnected from the community. disconnected from everyone.
my life is nothing. has been nothing. just a waste of time and space. nothing to show but misery and anger. theres no escaping it. i wish i was an actual person instead of this empty sack of nothing.
get hobbies they say, thatll help, yeah surs. sure. hobbies. to store in my roach and rat infested house, where i hide away in a tiny room because its the only space i have that i can control. with the money that i dont have. alone. because im terrible at bonding with people. because why would any human wanna hang around me? and because i tire so fucking fast.
i just. i wish i was fucking dead. im tired of this stupid fucking world. thinking things might get bettrr jusy to have reality forced into my face. im a piece of garbage npc who would have been better never being born.
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cleaning-n-crew · 1 year
Sorry if this sounds a bit rude or might trigger some past drama but this is a question for Janny! How did Janny get that odd burnt part on their right eye? Thank you for answering if you did!
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O--ohmy aaa question for me- UHM,, H-hi stuffybun,.,! Thank very, thaank you very much for, your concern and, and dont worry at all as, as I didnt- didnt suffer any burns or any other injury....,, UHm WEll I did. sometimes,,while workin mostly but nothing regeneration cant cant fix.., Im gonna try and. explain what the Doctor told me Ehm, well you, you see I have, theese white stains since I was,, so small Before, I was born even, The Doctor cannot tell if something. happened to me when I was an egg or it was just a, a natural random mutation
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But what they discovered is that, they are not good news;;;., They, they look white because. The color cells in those- areas are damaged and dont absorb nor produce, ink Well they, do but its, its too little And the very little bit reacts anormally with them and that makes em look a different color. and also makes me unable to. to "use" it
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(metaphor to illustrate the point,)
And also it affects the the cells on my skin by also making them look, different and my eye Eyes need ink to fuction And mine barely has, and the little it has works weird so. So I cant see, anything at all...,, Doctor says that, what I have its called "Achromatism" and it will go only bigger and worse with the years and with the current growth speed I dont have that many left
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So they are they are working very hard on a cure for me, as soon as posible... They are very kind and always treats me very well and takes care of me I trust them very much with this.
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g0om · 7 months
im such a useless person tbh like i cant fuction
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borathae · 2 years
OKAY BUT IMAGINE CEO!HOSEOK AND YOU as the HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, WORK ENEMIES TO LOVERS where you and him always squarrel and fight because you are the type of department head who really loves to complain about everything to him (you pretend it's for the company's best but in reality you just want to see him get all riled up) and one night you and him are the only ones still at the office. Obviously you are ending up bickering again and Hoseok just kinda snaps, taking you right against the copy machine while your "bratty little mouth" is stuffed with your panties.
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