#ugh. seriously though. if i can just get through a morning and make coffee i can generally be more okay than i would otherwise
pizzapizzadickz · 1 year
#yeah! ill do thing#haha. i cant do anything today muchless feed myself#i cant fuction#personal#diary#i want to make a late or an espresso and theres nothing cleared off like my mom said it would so now idk what to do#i went from good morning to near meltdown in .5 seconds huh?#this is why i dont like it when someone says then tries to shut me up and doesnt do thing#like??? i didnt care id u cleared off infront of my espresso tbing that takes 5 seconds. but a peice of countertop???#yeah idk where i could even put anything#so yeah now i dont know what to do and am in pure stuck mode. bc i dont have space to make food either.#honestly i just hate everything so much. i hate life so much. im so tired i dont like this.#*david Attenborough voice* now look at this creature. utterly incapable of functioning without coffee. how useless.#ugh. seriously though. if i can just get through a morning and make coffee i can generally be more okay than i would otherwise#do you know how much it fucking sucks just waking up and being like#ugh. like i know this is probably in part bc i should be getting my period soon. but. its days like today i sorta wish i was dead#suicidal ideation#like. what am i supposed to do when it feels like the whole world is hostile. like. just one deviation from my plan and i cant handle ti#idk. it sucks really. im honestly not even asking for much anymore. i just wish i could at least play video games really.#if i could at least do that it wouldnt feel like such torture just existing. idk. i just want one thing.#idk. i know a lot of this is hormonal but even that sucks! why the fuck do i have to live like this.#idk. im really tired. really really tired. i still have to do work too this week. and honestly im so tired.#while i really do enjoy doing things n life n shit. i hate that like 90% of my life is just suffering. just pure suffering#...and yes i am wishing i am dead or something simply bc i couldnt make a latte like i planned#and no i will not be able to make myself breakfast now either. my morning is ruined now. so im unable to function#ugh. i just wanted to have a nice coffee and play splatoon today. but instead i got a nice case of yet again#idk. id be okay if there was just. nothing expected of me. if i didnt have to feed myself or work or shit.#like. me not wanting to exist is mostly just bc of the inconvenience i cause everyone around me#i have to be careful of what i say careful of what i do make sure i never bother anyone.#and so i just quietly cant functiom over here in a corner. just ugh. usually i can tidy shit up myself
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borahaerhy · 1 year
Hey. This is my first time requesting an imagine from anyone really. I saw that your requests were open and I REALLY enjoyed the mine|jjk one you wrote. If I could, could I request an enemies to lovers jjk imagine with a possesive jungkook. I’ll leave the warnings to your own digression but can I request screaming at each other and praise links 💀😂
You're Pretty When You're Mad - jjk
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Genre: SMUT, angst, fluff, Lawyer!Jungkook
Warnings: Jungkook's a hotshot lawyer that takes credit for his female coworkers work and that's kinda infuriating, they're also defending someone who probably literally unalived their wife, Y/n's kinda mean, possessive!Jungkook, Jungkook's kinda mean, drinking, cursing, clothed sex, unprotected sex (no), multiple orgasms, Praise kink, slight Dom JK, he calls her princess, lmk if I missed something bc I'm sure I did lol
Word count: 3.9K
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It’s easily the worst day of the week. You just spent the past few days off and relaxing, spending time with family and friends; going out or staying in with a good movie or book to occupy your mind. 
But Monday started the week, the first day back and with no ending in sight. The misery that accompanies waking up at 5:30 on a Monday morning rivaled nothing. 
Except for maybe the hatred you had accumulated for Jeon Jungkook. 
You hadn’t always hated Monday’s to this extreme. I mean sure, like everyone else, you didn’t enjoy them or look forward to them, but they were just another day before. 
Not until you started working at your new job, an internship at the most reputable local law firm in the area; where Jungkook had been a partner, and a damn good one at that. 
He was good at his job, sure, but god was he cocky. Anyone that hired him had to pay big money, but they knew they were walking away with whatever they wanted. 
And you, the pretty little intern fresh out of law school, just happened to fall victim to the man's ego.
Most interns aren’t taken too seriously, they get coffee and make runs, sometimes they’ll be assigned with a bigger lawyer to help organize cases, and only after they’ve proven themselves will they get a case of their own. 
You, however, managed to prove yourself pretty quickly, or so you thought, whenever you’d been assigned to assist Jungkook in a case.
You read through everything while helping him get everything organized one night, and noticed something that he hadn’t; the alibi for one of the suspects didn’t check out, as a time-stamped video proved he was not only not where he said he was, but on the complete other side of the country. 
When you told Jungkook, he took all the credit. He said you helped, of course, but he was the one that obviously found the error, and won that case. 
And then it happened a second time. And a third, until Jungkook just insisted that you needed to be his little assistant, since you were so good at helping him stay organized so that he could focus on what was actually important. 
There was nothing you could do, really. The highest paid lawyer with the most cases won in the state, and you, someone who’s less than a year out of college and barely old enough to be taken seriously. There’s only one person they’d believe; and it’s your word against his. 
Not to mention he was just an asshole. 
“Goodmorning, Y/n. Have a good weekend?” Jungkook’s voice had a teasing tone to it, knowing just how much you hated having to work with him at this point; something he seemed to really enjoy. 
You glared over at him before you set your stuff down at your desk, which was now pushed into the corner of his office, per his request. He chuckled as you looked away from him, your exasperated sigh music to his ears as you plopped down in your seat. 
“I had a great weekend, thanks for asking. Well, I assume I did. I got drunk on Friday and woke up this morning, not remembering a goddamn thing the whole time. Did wake up with a few hickies though, so someone had fun,” Asshole. 
While he had plenty reason to be cocky because of his career, he was also cocky because of his looks, and because of the women they earned him. If you didn’t work for him, you in all honesty probably would have thrown yourself at him by now. You even remember being nervous the first time you were appointed to work with him because he was just so attractive. 
That really wore off fast, though. 
He was still hot, sure, but he was also the most infuriating person ever. 
“So I’m assuming you didn’t have time to go over the case you have this afternoon?” You didn’t bother looking at him as you took some papers out of your briefcase, something your family had gotten you as a graduation present to help you look more official. 
“No, but I’m lucky my lovely assistant no doubt already has everything organized and ready for me,” You stood up from your desk, a folder with his copy of everything he needed to walk into the courtroom in a few hours, barring his own personal notes about arguments he needs to make and points to drive his argument home. 
“I’m not your assistant,” You dropped the folder on his desk before you marched your way back to yours, arms crossed over your chest. 
The trial Jungkook had to attend today was for the defense of a man accused of killing his wife. It was obvious he did it; and even if he didn’t, it really looked like he did. His alibi was that he was camping in the woods with his brother, who testified for him, but that doesn’t offer much to the court seeing as family is never a reputable source when it comes to an alibi. 
He also already had a record, petty theft and a few DUI’s. All non-violent crimes, but it still doesn’t play very well in his favor.  There’s also a history of affairs according to friend and family testimony from both the victim and accused. 
At his bail hearing, he practically fucked himself when we regretfully put him on the stand. He showed no emotion, and forgot his cover story half-way through. 
“Oh yeah, this guy. What argument should I use?” You sighed, hating to give him the answers, but knowing that when applying to other firms, a history of wins, even if while partnered with a more experienced lawyer, could only be a bonus. 
“Someone else’s fingerprints were on the murder weapon, but his weren’t, and there was no evidence that he, or anyone, cleaned it off. He’s been having an affair with a woman named Joan Roberts. She’s going to be there today, and I’ve already asked her, she’s willing to testify that she was with him the night of the murder; you just need to convince him before we go in to break down on the stand and confess the truth: he lied previously because he felt so bad about cheating on his wife during her murder,” You paused to take a sip of your coffee, before you turned your attention back to the papers in front of you. 
“Drive home the murder weapon and act surprised when he breaks down on the stand; question him just thoroughly enough that it’s believable that you drilling him while also getting him out of there before he fucks himself into a life sentence, then call his mistress up. She seems a lot smarter than him but I’d be cautious of asking her too much. There’s a list of questions I have written out for both of them, along with questions to ask his brother if he bitches out of admitting to the affair,” 
Even Jungkook seemed impressed, an emotion he rarely showed while working with you. Most of the time, you just came to the same conclusions he would’ve; he’s still an amazing lawyer, he just found a way to not have to work as hard: and that’s you. 
He stood up from his desk and walked over to you, the case folder still in his hand. 
“Thanks babe,” He leaned down and swiftly kissed the top of your head, moving away quickly so as to avoid your clenched fist flying toward his face. 
“Not guilty.” 
The courtroom filled with chatter as the jury read their verdict, the judge hammering her gavel while the defense team all stood and celebrated with sweaty hugs and swift handshakes. You simply stood and exited, taking your things with you. 
It was the end of a long day, and you were looking forward to going home. 
“Y/n, wait!” You turned around after you were already halfway down the courthouses front steps; maybe 30 feet away from your car that could take you home, to your stand-offish cat and extremely comfortable bed. “Why don’t you come out with us tonight?” You looked at him suspiciously, his lip clutched between his teeth as he teetered back and forth from his heels to his toes. Why does he look like that? 
“Why would I want to do that?” You turned fully to face him, arms crossed over your chest and your hip cocked out to the side. 
“Because we just won what looked like an impossible case, and you definitely helped with that,” 
“Helped?” He smiled lightly at your aggravated tone, before he descended the steps so he could stand closer to you. 
“Okay, okay, you did all the work, but that’s why I think you should come celebrate with us. Just tonight, I’ll even pay for your drinks,” You thought for a moment, never really having been a person to turn down free drinks - well, free anything, actually.
“Fine, only for an hour though; then I’m going home,” You turned back around and continued down the steps, making a b-line for your car. 
 You stepped into the moderately crowded bar wearing the shortest black dress you owned, the plunging neckline really making sure everyone had their eyes on you. 
“Damn, Y/n. You know you look really good outside of a pantsuit?” You plastered on a sarcastic smile, turning to see Jungkook; who you hated to admit looked damn good. 
“Where’s my free drink?” The smirk on his face only grew wider as he raised his hands in defense, slowly backing up towards the bar. 
“Hey, Kev, get my friend one of your finest alcohol beverages, please,” You rolled your eyes.
“A beer please, whatever you have on tap,” He nodded and walked away, only staying gone for a few short moments before reappearing with a full drink in his hands. “Thanks.” 
“What do you even do in your free time? You never come out with us, and you showed up alone, which tells me you don’t have a man-” 
“I prefer to spend my time being productive rather than getting shitfaced on a Monday night,” He smirked, taking a sip of his drink. 
“So no boyfriend, then?” You sighed before taking a drink, probably a bit more than you needed for having just gotten there. 
“Why do you want to know, Jeon?” He raised his hands in defense again, not doing a very good job at hiding his attraction to you from his face. 
“Hey, I’m just making small talk,” He shook his head lightly, his cheeks tinted pink from the alcohol he’d already consumed. He leaned against the side of the bar you were now sitting at, his eyes moving all over your face, taking in each of your features carefully before moving on to the next. He’d always known you were pretty, but here, dressed like that and with a few drinks in his system, he could swear he’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life. 
“Why don’t you go away and come back in 5 minutes when I need a new drink,” He chuckled, letting his head fall slightly in defeat before he pushed himself from the counter and did what you asked. 
“Oh wow, didn’t think they made lawyers this hot,” You chuckled at his response, his hand drawing patterns into your thigh as he stood in front of you, you sitting backwards of the stool to face him, drink in hand. 
He wasn’t relationship material, by any means, but he’d do for the night. You had a lot of pent-up stress, and he could probably help out with that. Not to mention, Jungkook watching you leave with some random guy would probably knock him down a few pegs. 
“Mmm, and I didn’t know they made people as pretty as you this bad at flirting,” He feigned hurt, hand not slowly moving up the outside of your leg moved to clutch his chest before his smirk resumed, and his hand moved to the bar, effectively pinning you between it and him. 
“I might be bad at flirting, but let me show you something I’m good at,” his face was centimeters from yours, his fingers moving under your dress before they were abruptly ripped away from you, along with the rest of him. “What the hell, man?” 
Jungkook was in the man's face, both taller and bigger than him as he stared him down. 
“She’s not interested, go find someone else to hump,” His voice was so low you barely heard him, his eyes dark and muscles flexed as anger coursed through him. 
“Uh, she seemed pretty interested to me,” Jungkook pushed him, he pushed him hard. He stumbled back into a table, knocking over everything on it and causing a few people to jump up. 
You stood from your seat, no longer amused by the show in front of you. 
“What the fuck, Jungkook? What are you trying to do?” Jungkook turned back to look at you as you pulled on his arm, trying to get him to focus on anything other than the guy that he seemed about ready to beat the shit out of. 
“Hey, all of you, out.” 
You glared over at Jungkook as you grabbed your bag. You shot down the rest of your drink before you turned to walk out of the building along with the two men who seemed to be fighting over you, the security making sure you all get out. 
You opened your phone as soon as you were outside, opening the uber app as you were not about to drive home in your state. 
“I’ll drive you home,” You looked up to see Jungkook, a lot calmer than just minutes before with his hands in his pockets and his hair blowing around in the wind. 
“No thanks,” 
“Aren’t you drunk?” He sighed, looking you up and down. 
“I stopped drinking after you got here,” you furrowed your eyebrows. 
“Why would you do something like that?” 
“Do you want the ride or not?” You looked at him for a moment before you sighed and straightened yourself out, turning toward him, accepting his offer.
You stopped outside of your building, Jungkook’s car shutting off as you unbuckled your seatbelt. You looked over at him as he clicked his off too, and opened his door. 
“What are you doing?” 
“You live in a shitty neighborhood, I’m making sure you don’t get murdered on the way up.” 
“That’s fine, I literally do this everyday,” Jungkook rolled his eyes and got out of the car before he leaned back down to look at you. 
“Just get out of the car,” You huffed but obliged, not really wanting to stay in it anyway. 
You walked into the building and got into the elevator, which had a ways up to go before you got to your floor. 
“Is there a reason you decided to fight people?” You asked, the bravery from the alcohol still coursing through your veins, even now as you felt mostly sober. He sighed heavily, leaning his back against the wall. 
“I don’t really want to talk about it,” you scoffed, turning your body to face him fully. 
“Well that matters not at all, why the fuck did you feel the need to do that?” 
“I just didn’t like that guy, all right? He seemed sketchy,” His voice was raised as he answered, hands moving around with no real rhyme or reason. 
“He wasn’t, and even if he was, so are most guys you meet in bars on a Monday at 8pm,” 
“Yeah, no shit, that’s why I didn’t want that guy knowing where you lived or you going back to his place, that just has bad idea written all over it, Y/n,” 
“And? What gives you the right to make my decisions for me? You spend most of your time making my life a living hell and bragging about all the women you take home but I’m not allowed to go home with someone?” You were definitely yelling at this point, and the elevator doors were definitely open and on your floor. 
“No, you’re not!” He yelled back, and it honestly had you taken back a little bit. You scoffed before you stepped out of the elevator and started walking back to your apartment. 
“Y/n!” He followed you out of the elevator, walking just as briskly and angrily as you. 
“Why the fuck not?” You yelled, spinning around just in front of your door before you were pushed against it, strong arms closing you in and lips smothering yours in a way that you’d never experienced before. 
You were pissed, sure, but there was something that turned you on about being pressed up against your front door by the extremely hot man that regularly pissed you off to no end. 
You were quickly tangled together, one of your legs hiked up as he gripped your ass, his hips pushing you back into the door as he bit your lip, his tongue soothing it after before it quickly entered between your parted lips. 
“Keys,” He muttered against you after trying to open your locked door, his lips glued to your neck as you rummaged through your purse to find them. 
You quickly unlocked your door and rushed in, Jungkook quickly shoving you back against it to close it. You kicked your shoes off before he pulled your thighs up to wrap around his waist, your arms wrapped around his neck to hold you steady as he unbuckled his belt and pushed your panties to the side. 
Less than sixty seconds ago you were screaming at each other in an elevator, now he was sliding his admittedly massive dick into you while biting down on the base of your neck. 
“Fuck, princess, you’re so fucking wet,” You moaned lightly into his ear, his words and dick filling you perfectly as he fucked into you at a steady pace. His hands gripped your ass as his mouth left sloppy wet kisses on any exposed skin he could reach. “If fighting with me turns you on this much, I can only imagine the state you're in at work.” 
His thrusts speed up as your pussy swallows him whole, your fingers tangling in his hair and pulling it back, bringing his gaze to meet yours. 
“Do you want to fuck me or piss me off?” His smirk returns as he watches you hold back moans as he hits your g-spot roughly, the door shaking behind you so hard anyone in the hallway would definitely know what’s going on. 
“Both,” He pushed you further into the door, re-adjust himself to have a better grip on you before he pulled you away from it, legs still wrapped around him and his dick still in you. He turned around and walked straight over to your couch still fucking into you. 
You fall back onto your couch, Jungkook on top on you, dick thrusting furiously as his fingers wrapped snugly around your throat. 
“You’re so fucking pretty when you’re mad,” His free hand moved up your dress and cupped your breast, pinching your nipple and pulling it just as roughly as he fucks you. “Jesus christ, I don’t know how I’ve gone this long without bending you over my desk,” you moaned loudly, both hands gripping to the arm that held your throat as your eyes rolled back into your head. 
He pounded into you relentlessly, your pussy clenched around him as his dick begged you to cum. His fingers moved to be around your clit, pinching and circling it as he felt you nearing your orgasm. 
“You’re so good when you’re getting fucked, y’know that, baby?” You moaned as he thrust harder, his skilled fingers taking care of you easily, your orgasm overtaking you before he could even finish his thought. His pace slowed down considerably as he rode you through your high, fingers still moving for a few seconds before they moved to his mouth to be cleaned off, then to cup your cheek. 
“Just lay there and look pretty while I make you feel good,” Jungkook’s thrusts stopped as your orgasm subsided, your pussy still clenching around his dick that was still buried inside you. His lips were on yours with sloppy kisses, much slower than before; this time they almost felt as if they had depth to them, like they had feelings aside from desire and loathing. “Want me to make you feel good again, princess?” 
His hand rested on your chin, his thumb rubbing it as he looked back and forth between your eyes. You nodded softly, a soft ‘yeah’ escaping your lips as you looked at him the same way. 
“Yeah?” His voice soft as he mimicked you, making sure you wanted him to. You did. 
“Yeah,” though your words were inaudible to you, he must’ve heard them as his lips found yours again before he pulled out, and thrust back in hard and deep, deeper than he had been before. 
He fucked you differently this time. With less desperation and more compassion, his hands dancing across your skin delicately as he stripped you of your dress; his lips gently gliding across your burning skin as it became exposed to him before meeting yours again. He kissed you with passion, taking time to really drink you in as his hands caressed every part of you he could reach, as if he had to replicate you completely from memory later on. 
His hips moved with purpose, gliding in and out with rhythm and at a deliciously deep angle that he could feel how much you liked. 
“So beautiful,” the words whispered in your ear, his hot breath tingled against you, sending shivers everywhere. “So good for me,” he moaned before kissing the skin below your ear, soft whimpers embedded in the back of his throat as he sent you over the edge for a second time, this orgasm much more powerful than the last; and his followed soon after. 
Your bodies collapsed into each other, no longer having the strength to hold yourselves up anymore. His head laid on your chest as you gently brushed your fingers through his hair. Sleep soon came over you, the heat from Jungkook’s body covering you accompanied with the overwhelming sense of peace that followed your orgasm had no problem in knocking you out. 
Your soft snores only made Jungkook smile before he reluctantly pushed himself off of you. He moved the hair from your face, seeing you look so peaceful was something he wasn’t very used to seeing, but something he definitely wouldn’t mind becoming acquainted with. 
He got up and redressed himself, before scooping you up in his arms and carrying you back to your bedroom. As he laid you down and pulled the blankets over you, he wanted nothing more than to crawl in with you and drift off the peaceful land you’d already found yourself to be a part of, but he decided against it. 
He knew that if you’d wake up with him in your bed, it’d make you weird. You wouldn’t insult him, call him an idiot and tell him off. You’d be awkward, which he had to admit, he definitely missed from your early days at the firm, but it wasn’t the you he’d grown to respect and admire. 
So he left, knowing that the next day you’d walk into the office as if nothing happened. He’d be cocky, you’d get mad, and he could finally bend you over that desk like he’s always wanted.
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stories-and-chaos · 4 months
Tarnished pt 8
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved. 18+ rating for language, sex, violence, alcohol consumption, abuse, and general Hellaverse-ness]
[Part 8/?? Word count 3773
CW: child neglect, child death, problems with foster care, trafficking, implied noncon, prostitution]
Present Day
Blitzø woke to the odd combination of coffee and reheated pizza scents. Loona was chomping away at a slice from yesterday. She was at the table, flipping through a book on basic magick he’d had for years. He’d picked up a few to try to keep up with what Stolas was talking about with his work.
Unfortunately even Magick for Fucking Dumbasses and Basic Magick 101: Seriously This is Baby Shit couldn’t get him to keep up with all the jargon. The Hellhound girl seemed to be enjoying them though. She was ⅔ of the way through Magick for Fucking Dumbasses vol. 2, one that Blitzø hadn’t even opened before. Good to know someone was using it.
Loona seemed engrossed in the book. Her ears, normally on a swivel, were both turned to the book even though it was silent. She was eating methodically, refilling her jaws after each swallow. Occasionally she flipped back a few pages to reference as she read.
“Morning Loonie,” he waved at her over the couch back. She startled up and slammed the book shut. “Blitzø! You scared me.” He mumbled an apology as she continued “I made coffee, I don’t think I drank it all.”
There was still half a pot; hot coffee was meant to be bitter as dick, cold coffee was meant to be a candy bar in liquid form. “Thanks sweetie. Found some old books?”
She immediately withdrew, bringing up her phone. “Got bored, figured I’d skim through something.” Guess that was too much interest for her.
“Millie and Moxxie both agreed to work at I.M.P.” Loona knew pretty much his whole game plan; she’d corrected some spelling on his planning sheets even. “Field work, three of us should have that covered. Still need someone for reception and dispatch.” He’d originally gone looking for a Hellhound since whoever he hired would need to be able to make portals. The majority of imps didn’t have enough magick to do that, himself included. Hellhounds were more capable in that regard.
Then he adopted Loona and fell in love all over again. Nothing close to romance with the teen. It was the same feeling he had the first time Octavia, barely covered in baby down, reached out for him. He wanted his baby girl to have her choices. It would be easiest if she worked with him, but Blitzø could go looking for someone else.
“Do you? I mean, it’s why you got me.” She looked resentful and conflicted.
He tried to shrug casually. “If you’re up for it. It’s a very ‘people person’ job. And you’d be responsible for Stolas’ fancy ass book, making portals and all that magick shit.” He didn’t miss the flick of her ear. Blitzø hid his smile behind a sip of coffee.
“Guess I can do that. Not like I’m doing anything else right now.”
“You’ll do great Loonie Toonie,” ruffling her hair between her ears. “Ugh, Blitzø! You’re gonna mess it all up!” She grabbed the book and retreated back to her room. If Loona really was interested in this magick junk, it might be best to introduce her to Stolas. The owl demon was just starting to teach his daughter, maybe he’d be up to teaching Loona some too.
Loona shut her door firmly. She was still nervous about this whole “adoption” situation. It had only been a few months after all. She had been the last of her litter mates still at the agency when Blitzø showed up that day.
She and her four siblings couldn’t remember anywhere but those barred rooms and dull hallways. The biggest and strongest of them, a boy, had been adopted first, when they were about six. Not unexpected since orphan Hellhounds were often acquired for manual labor or guard work; that brother showed every sign of being beefy as an adult. About a year later almost every pup in the compound got sick. A good fourth of them died with one of her brothers among them. She couldn’t remember either of their names.
Her third brother, a lanky Hound named Arte, was adopted when they were eleven. He was back in six months. A couple weeks later he was gone again, only to return before they turned twelve. This went on for a few years. The longest he’d been gone was nine months while the shortest was a week and a half. Loona never was exactly sure what Arte was doing to be returned so often. She got the impression he was fighting with whoever brought him home, either with words or claws. Eventually he didn’t come back. Maybe he’d finally clicked with his adopter, maybe he’d run away, maybe he’d died too. No one ever told Loona and her last sibling.
Her only sister in the litter and the runt, Dina, was also in the kennels until they turned seventeen. Loona had done her best to keep her sister safe while Dina was able to charm the administrators to go easier on them. The girls expected to be together until they aged out and had been thinking of how to make their way together once they did. But a few months before their birthday, some shark demons working for a Sinner Overlord in the Pride Ring showed up.
They’d looked over all the Hounds older than seventeen. There wasn’t more than a dozen, mostly female, on the small side, or damaged. The demons “adopted” half of them; they picked the small and attractive ones. Which of course included Dina and excluded Loona. Everyone knew why those Hellhounds were picked. That Overlord had brothels that needed workers. Sinners were fair game during the yearly exterminations, but hellborn like Hounds were off limits from the angels. Snag a bunch ready to age out, provide them with “education” and “work opportunities” once they turned eighteen and you had a steady source of warm bodies in rented beds.
Loona snapped when they started to take Dina away. She and her sister were almost done with this shithole. She fought with teeth and claws and every dirty trick she’d learned in her lifetime of fighting for scraps. She almost thought she could manage it. She’d fight off all these bastards and make a run for it with Dina. Until someone managed to use an electric prod on her.
She woke up back in their barred kennel. But Dina wasn’t there. No amount of screaming and cursing brought her back. For a week she was left alone besides being given water and one meal a day. No one said anything to her. No one let her out during the daily exercise sessions. Eventually she had a new roommate, and with them a regular meal schedule. She actually had a series of them of various ages, exclusively male and aggressive. Loona gave them the same treatment as the bastards who took Dina away. But being of the same mold as her first brother to leave, they were all gone quickly and she constantly had to defend herself against another one.
Then Blitzø came along. She’d heard one of the female administrators guiding another demon through the halls. The hateful bitch mentioned showing the demon a “nice selection” of “family friendly” hounds, which meant they’d walk right past her. Her newest roommate meanwhile brandished a nail filled bat and tried to take her phone, one of the few personal possessions she had.
Loona let him know why she’d been in a kennel alone, knocking the younger Hound into the bars. Surprisingly, the imp had stopped at her kennel. She didn’t hear most of what was said, with her blood roaring in her ears. She pushed herself into the corner, sure that the administration bitch would cut back her meals again for the fight. “She’ll never amount to anything much,” she said in a dull disinterested tone. Through tears Loona got a glimpse of the small demon holding the bars.
Typical of imps, he had vibrant red skin, splotched with white over half his face. She couldn’t tell if that was scarring or natural. He (the widely striped horns confirmed the imp was male) was dressed in a suit. Fancier and better fitting than most demons who came here.
Except that Overlord’s group. Fuck fuck fuck, her brain started repeating. Out of everyone about to age out, Loona was in the best shape. If this imp was here for the same reason she would be top pick, despite her history of troublemaking. But the imp’s expression was of genuine concern. He looked like his heart was breaking for her. No way, no one would care about me now. It’s just an act so I trust him.
So as the imp said he wanted to adopt her, she made sure to stay wary. Throughout the adoption process, signing paperwork, paying fees, and pictures, she kept up the disdainful look only teenage girls are capable of. She didn’t respond to the fast talking imp beyond monosyllables. The trash filled van he opened for her did not inspire confidence. She chucked her backpack filled with everything she owned in before getting in the front seat.
The imp, Blitzø with a silent “o”, drove like a maniac. If Loona tried to jump out she’d lose both her topcoat and undercoat of fur, along with a couple layers of skin. When she realized they were heading to Pride, her ears pricked up despite herself. Overlords were only in Pride, as it was a social rank of Sinners. Maybe she could make a run for it and find Dina…
They didn’t go to the main population center, Pentagram City. Instead Blitzø took the exit to Imp City. He pulled up to an apartment building that looked identical to the dozens of others they’d passed. “Here we are Loona, home sweet home!” Getting out, he fell flat on his face after tripping on air. Before she could even react, he popped up. As if on cue, something popped under the van hood and steam leaked out. “Aw fuuuuuuuck! I did not need this, you mechanical cocksucker!” He opened the hood, letting out a billow of steam. “This would be more helpful if I knew how to fix an engine… fuck it, let’s get you settled in Loona before I try anything.”
Blitzø’s apartment was a one bedroom. Every strand of fur on her body stood on end until she realized the bedroom was completely empty of anything personal. There were pillows and blankets on the couch in the living area. “Room is all yours kiddo, I’m good with the couch and I only sleep here about half the time anyway.”
“Anyway, bedroom’s there, bathroom’s through that door. Sheets and blanket are new, there’s a couple boxes of stuff in the closet along with hangers. There’s a privacy lock on the bedroom door. Soda’s in the fridge, there’s some snacks too.” He pulled out a key ring from a kitchen drawer. “This one’s the building key, this one’s the apartment key. Can you drive?” At Loona’s head shake, he removed the car key. “No car key yet; I’ll teach you to drive whenever you’re up for it.” He placed the keys in her palm. From what she saw on the way here, she was going to have someone else teach her. “I’m going to look at the engine, you can put your stuff away and get comfortable.”
Loona could only stand there, keys in hand. She’d met this guy two hours ago and he had given her keys to his apartment. Who does that? She’d expected another day of fighting her roommate and just holding on until tomorrow, and tomorrow’s tomorrow. Instead she’d been adopted by an imp she’d never met who was treating her as his daughter. The adoption agency and the kennels she’d known her whole life were rings below her. She was in an apartment in the Pride Ring, one filled with more horse decor than she ever thought possible.
The bedroom didn’t have any of that at least. It was bland, sterile as if it was never used before. A quick sniff told her Blitzø came in very rarely. Apparently he really did prefer the couch. Or, no, he said he was only at the apartment half the time…
Whatever, it’s not like it matters what that weirdo does. So long as it doesn’t involve me… She just had a couple changes of clothes in her bag. Her phone was in her pocket. She had a notebook she’d managed to keep away from everyone else. Inside the cover was a sealed envelope; it held every piece of Dina’s fur she’d managed to find before the sheets on their bunks were changed.
Loona just dropped her bag on the bed. She didn’t want to unpack if she decided to ditch this place. He just let me have the keys. I could just run when he’s not here… Running with no plan in a city she knew nothing about was stupid though. She may not know much outside the kennels but that wasn’t hard to figure out. She wouldn’t unpack yet, not until she got some food and figured out her next step.
Before long Blitzø was back. “Well, I proved glaring at an engine doesn’t make me a fucking mechanic. And I’m hungry, want to get some pizza? Or I can bring some back.” Loona both did and didn’t want to go out; her ears flattened back and a whine escaped her throat before she could respond. “Oh shit you’re probably tired from all this.” Blitzø covered her noticeable distress with the lamest excuse. “I’ll grab a couple for us. Anything you want on it?”
Her ears flicked. She’d never been able to choose toppings. Loona thought back to some foods she’d liked before. “Sausage? And peppers?” Blitzø gave her a thumbs up and was gone again. She retreated to the bedroom, looking up her location on the Ring Maps app. Getting to Pentagram City, where Dina was likeliest to be, she’d need to drive or take a bus.
Blitzø was back with the promised pizzas. He’d gotten one with both her requested toppings and one with extra cheese. She’d actually meant one of each topping but the teen had missed enough meals to not complain; for all she knew the imp would just toss it all away if she did. It turned out to taste pretty good, even more so because it was fresh and well made. “Thanks for dinner,” she said quietly. It seemed appropriate.
“You’re welcome Loona. Oh! Got this for you too!” He produced a plain white cube, about five inches on each side. Loona had never seen anything like it. “What’s this?” she asked suspiciously.
“Figured you need a treat to celebrate your adoption.” She opened the box; it turned out to be made of stiff paper. Inside was…a cupcake. But just like the pizza was completely different than anything she’d had before, this was beyond any desert she’d seen. The wrapper was a shimmery grey; she could see white cake between the paper cup and frosting. It was topped with a swirl of black and purple frosting. Star shaped sprinkles we scattered on the top, glinting silver. Finally there was a white crescent moon topping it, stuck into the cake with a skewer. “I wanted to surprise you, so I went with vanilla. Can’t go wrong there. Happy adoption Loona, welcome to the family.”
Loona fought to not cry. She covered it by taking a bite. The cupcake had just the right sweetness and was pleasantly moist. “Thanks…Blitzø.” She managed to keep from crying until she was alone in her new room. Once the door was locked, she couldn’t help it. Loona couldn’t even say why exactly she was crying, just that she was. She kept the crescent moon though. Removed from the wooden skewer, it turned out to be made of stiff, iridescent paper. It was perfect for marking her spot in her notebook.
Blitzø had been right about being gone about half the time. He was doing… something across all the rings. Or a lot of somethings. Between that and his visits to the Goetian Prince, it really was about half the time. But for some reason he hired a babysitter for her! Not all the time but when he knew he was going to be gone overnight.
When she’d been introduced to the female imp, she blew up at her new adoptive parent. For her part, Millie the “babysitter” also laid into Blitzø verbally.
“Blitzø! She’s basically an adult! She don’t need a babysitter! Hell, I was doing babysitting jobs when I was younger than she is now.” Her country accent was heavy and getting more so with agitation. “I don’t mind gettin paid to watch yer house, but let the poor thing have some… I dunno, respect?”
“Look Mills, this is all new for Loona. She’d barely been out of the adoption agency before and needs time to adjust. Isn’t that right, Loonie Toonie?” He hugged her side and rumpled her hair.
Loona snapped her jaws at him. “I can take care of myself Blitzø! I don’t need somebody hovering over me!” She shoved him away roughly before going back to her room. Automatically she locked the door, pressing her back up against it and sliding to the floor. Over the last week she’d been getting more used to Blitzø giving her little hugs. It still spooked her, especially with how fast he was.
Through the door she could hear Blitzø and the imp woman talking about payment and schedule. The other imp kept saying that a nearly adult Hellhound didn’t need a nanny. Blitzø wouldn’t take no for an answer though. Things went quiet for a bit except for the pings of text messages. Eventually Loona heard Blitzø leave and Millie huff before settling in on the couch.
Ten minutes later, Loona peeked out of her room. Millie was on her phone. The imp spotted her and chirped, “Hi there! Sorry ‘bout the yellin earlier. Blitzø likes to go overboard on stuff, ya gotta know how to rein him in.” She popped up to hold out a hand. “I’m Millie.”
Loona shook the other woman’s hand once. Millie’s clawed fingers felt tiny in hers. “Loona. So how’d he convince you to stick around?”
“Ah,” Millie shrugged. “Blitzø mentioned you’re all alone and haven’t been out in this Ring at all. Besides, he told me to help you shop for more clothes if you’re up for it.”
Getting more than worn hand-me-downs perked her interest. But the downside would be if she could stuff new clothes in her bag in case she decided to run. “Maybe later,” she said tersely before retreating behind her lock again.
“Later” ended up being the next day. She emerged a few times to grab a snack and relieve herself. Each time she exchanged a few words with Millie. Not enough to be friends, not in a day, but she didn’t feel as spooked around the imp woman. She only got one outfit so she could still shove everything into her bag if she needed. Blitzø was back the day after.
That ended up being Loona’s routine for a couple more months. Either Blitzø or Millie would be around but they mostly gave her space. After the first week she started sleeping a lot; she hadn’t realized how tired she’d been up until now. But once some of the fatigue lifted, she started exploring the apartment.
So much horse decor and memorabilia. Just… it was almost disturbing how much Blitzø liked horses. Amid the weird horse junk, she found some books and movies. Most of the books looked and smelled barely touched. Sifting through them in their cardboard box, the back cover of one caught her eye.
“Learn to scry! Keep your stupid cappuccino hot! Find lost keys! Keep tabs on your enemies! These and more simple spells inside, you dumbasses! Satisfaction guaranteed or you really are a fucking moron.”
“What the dick?” Loona pulled out the book; Magick for Fucking Dumbasses vol. 2. “You can use magick…to find things…people?” Could I find Dina this way? Hope blossomed in her chest. She took the book back to her room and flipped to the relevant chapter.
Apparently you could find people with certain spells, you just needed something of theirs. Fortunately Loona had an envelope of ‘somethings’ tucked away. Unfortunately you needed way more comprehension on magick than Loona had at the moment. The spell she wanted was at the end of volume two, she’d need to read the first book. But then she had a chance to find her sister in crowded Pentagram City.
While Blitzø was in Greed, she worked her way through volume one and kept going. Despite her only goal being to find her sister, Loona realized she was enjoying herself. She felt…accomplished. Especially the first time she managed to levitate an object. It was just for twenty seconds, but it was real. After being told so often she was worthless, being able to learn and use a new skill felt amazing.
The tracking spell wasn’t too hard to understand. The problem was the power needed to fuel it, especially in populated areas like Pentagram City and Imp City. Loona was practicing; the only way to get more power was to use it, apparently like building muscles.
Then Blitzø, while discussing the receptionist position for his assassination company mentioned it would include using magick and being in charge of a grimoire, it was too good to pass up. She’d be able to practice as part of her job. And a grimoire like Stolas’ made the books she’d been reading look like baby books.
“Guess I can do that. Not like I’m doing anything else right now,” she said, doing her best to sound disinterested. Loona was getting used to Blitzø but she didn’t trust him yet. Not enough to let him know how much she was learning magick, much less the reason.
Back in her room, she pulled out her notebook. She was filling it with a mix of journal entries, doodles, and notes on her reading. She turned to the current page, neatly marked by the crescent moon. She levitated it slowly, counting the seconds she could hold it up. 68. 68 seconds wasn’t a lot, but it was more than yesterday. It fluttered down to the page as she noted the new time and made a short journal entry.
“I’ll keep working on it, Dina,” she said to the paper moon.
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bulletproofscales · 2 years
kinktober day 10 - lure (vmin)
This isn’t good. Taehyung thinks to himself, eyes squinting as he watches his boyfriend return from work only to grab an apple as his dinner. He knew he should've worried when Jimin announced that he wants to start watching over his health again;.
He was perfectly healthy already! Jimin just doesn’t have his college body back, neither does Taehyung!It's impossible to hide how chubby he got once past 25. But while everyone else acknowledged the roundness of a beer belly or softening of their edges, Jimin quickly began to jump on and off diets. Keeping his body in check enough till he thought he could go back to the horrid eating habits they all had (and some still have) in college. Then when the results of those habits showed, he’d go into a health kick. 
This was one of those. But having dated for so long now, Taehyung knew just what to do. 
Jimin was going to go on a jog, a jog.  It's 9 am on a sunday and Jimin has his cute little athleisure wear to leave Taehyung’s side on the bed, and jog. Not even the younger’s pout managed to lure him in; he just kissed Taerhyung’s forehead and told him he’d be back in an hour. Like he has been doing for the last week. 
And in that long hour, Taehyung reflects on all the ways he can finally put a stop to this. 
His next jog is the day after,luckily not in the morning so Taehyung doesn’t have to wake up early, all he has to do is stop by a bakery near their old college dorm on his walk home from work. Maybe he is being overconfident. But he’s seen Jimin crack and break his diets time and time again. 
This time, he’ll break it for good. 
“Hey, love.” Jimin’s voice sounds tired, even through the smile Taehyung sees in his face. He is loosening his tie walking in, the younger tries not to focus on that fact.. And rather on the fact Jimin will definitely be resting tonight. 
“Hi baby.” Taehyung is tired too, puckering his lips out to Jimin from the couch. Making Jimin lean in to peck his lips gently, small hand pressing to the softness that started to accumulate on taehyung’s chest. He takes his chance, holding onto Jimin’s wrists just to tug him down to the couch with him. Jimin’s squeaks never get old. 
“Aish…” He complains even though he is curling to Taehyung’s soft side. Hand still on his chest, not even his biggest sweater hides the softness of his pecs, or the curve of his belly; the hem of it usually barely clings to the lower half of his stomach. He is actively aware of it when Jimin’s hand begins to caress up from his chest to his belly slowly; not that he minds. “Missed me?” 
“Terribly.” He offers Jimin his biggest puppy eyes, he considers it a victory when the older smiles endeared. “How was your day?” An arm wraps over his shoulders. 
“Too long.” It's Jimin’s turn to pout. “And it's not over yet.” He pats Taehyung’s stomach trying to stand up but the younger whines, securing his arm around the small of Jimin’s back; their size difference only exacerbated now that Taehyung gained these extra pounds. 
“Come on, stay with me.” 
“Taehyung let go!” His complaints are hard to take seriously with the melodic giggles that slip out. “I have to go on my run!” HIs little hands push onto Taehyung’s torso, sinking slightly into the pudge in an attempt to escape. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to!” 
“Ugh but I do….” One of the hands leaves Taehyung’s stomach to cup his round cheek. “I’ve been keeping up really well. I think I’m going to pull through with this diet.” Oh he looks so hopeful, it makes Taehyung almost feel guilty. Almost. 
“I’ll be back in an hour and then we’ll have the night to ourselves, hm?” 
Taehyung sighs and lets go. “Alright. Enjoy your jog.” He gets one last kiss from Jimin’s lips before he stands up to rush to his room and change. That's when Taeyhyung has to act. 
By the time Jimin returns in those cute little running shorts of his, Taehyung has the distinct red velvet cake placed on the coffee table. Even if their eating habits are different, it is loud enough for Jimin to stop in his tracks and raise an eyebrow in his boyfriend's direction.
“Is that…?” He doesn’t have to finish the sentence, Taehyung knows. 
“I was feeling nostalgic on the way home.” His smile manages to stay casual, ever the performer. “Remember how we used to finish this thing in one night during finals?” Jimin nods looking at the cake, a little stunned. “I doubt there's room in your diet for this now, though.” 
“I mean…” Oh he is so easy. Taehyung begins to cut a piece ‘for himself’. “I haven't eaten anything like that the whole week.” His eyes avoid Taehyung as he shrugs too. “ I could have some before my run.” 
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to ruin your rhythm.” He is not ready to reveal his shtick just yet. 
“Yeah, it’ll be like… carb-loading, or something.” Jimin sounds so sure of himself, but Taehyung doubts that's right. Not that he cares. But he doesn’t hide the way his expression lights up. 
“Oh! Great then.” Even if it was just for a few seconds, it's liberating to be able to act genuine again. Grinning from ear to ear as he pats the space besides him on the couch. “You need energy for your run and you probably haven’t eaten since lunch.” Jiimin sits beside him with a guilty look. 
“It was really rich in protein!”
“Minnie, baby, you know that I don’t know what that means.”  He shows him the slice he just cut. “Have your cake.” 
“You’re such a bad influence.” He chuckles but digs in, humid and with thick layers of buttercream between each level. Jimin’s entire expression morphs. “Oh…Oh that's so much better than I remembered.” 
“Probably because you’ve been restricting yourself all week!” Even if he giggles, he means it. But quiets down when he eyes the way his boyfriend is going at the slice. Chewing it down before he can properly swallow it, cute cheeks stretched to the brim with red velvet; buttercream at the tip of his nose. He can’t believe how he finished it in record time. “Want another one?” 
“I really shouldn’t…” 
“You barely got to enjoy that one from how hungry you were.” Taehyung coos wiping at Jimin’s nose. “Here, have another one, but I’ll feed it so you don’t swallow it in three bites.” He cuts another, thicker slice and brings it to his boyfriend's lips. 
Slowly, yes, but the mouthful Taehyung pushes in is still big enough to make Jimin’s lips stretch around it. He only mildly complains about it though, letting the younger feed him at this leisured pace. Taehyung isn’t in a rush, the first slice will settle in soon enough. He can see it in the way Jimin’s lips begin to pout in between bites, chewing slowly, making his little frown look cute. 
“Won’t you have any?” His voice comes out muffled through the thick bite. Barely swallowing it before Taehyung is forcing more past his lips. 
“I’ll eat whatever you leave out.” He smiles shyly as he says it. “We both know I’ve kind of let go.” The confession hangs heavy in the air. But he is not saying anything they weren’t already thinking. “Not that I care but…” “Yeah. It shows.” There is not an ounce of malice in Jimin's face, grinning with redvelvet clinging to his teeth, and a light blush. The younger’s heart melts at the relief of finally being able to talk about it, even if it wasn’t a big deal. 
“Excuse you.” Taehyung grins snorting., silencing him with another mouthful. “Is that why you go on so many diets all the time? Don’t want to end like your fat boyfriend?” There’s only a little bit of aggression in his accusatory tone. Spreading the last bits of the slice across his lips. Whatever fits, fits, and whatever doesn't crumbles down Jimin’s chest. 
It takes a moment before he even has enough space in his stuffed cheeks to reply. “You have no self control, Taehyung.” 
The laugh that erupts from his chest is bubbly and so genuine. “Neither do you, baby!” He is delighted as he says it. Letting his arm wrap around Jimin’s waist just to pull him closer to him, his soft side pressing to the older’s. “Ditched your run just to stuff yourself with me. Just like it happened with every other one of your diets.” 
That, however, seems to stunt Jimin’s speech, even without any more cake being shoveled down his throat. “I–..I just-” “Why hold back?” He is able to whisper it now that their noses are close, Taehyung’s warm expression staring into Jimin’s shocked one. “Stay and enjoy yourself with me?” He bites his lip smiling. Giddy from the way Jimin’s reaction slowly grows into a timid smile of his own. 
“O-okay.” He smiles, “I’ll just catch up tomorrow.” But there's a secretiveness of his voice that tells Taehyung, he’ll be very able to lure him back inside tomorrow before his boyfriend’s daily jog.
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anos-sensei · 2 years
Imagine hc.
Mammon snaps.
Parts: one two three four
I hope you enjoy this.
I've had this hc for a LONG time bubbling in my head twisting and crunching up all the little space storage It had left.
Warning: strong language, cursing, mild angst, mammon centric. No mc.
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Mammon was tired to say the least, he was, in fact. Exhausted.
A few famillars of him had been catching anomalies up in the human worlds, people abusing of his blessings and his curses getting out of hand.
He had been working his ass off the past few weeks and today was FINALLY the day where he could sleep a bit.
Even though he was a demon, unlike Levi, who by simply raising the temperature of his room could stay awake months on end, or Lucifer who simply refused to sleep because of his fucked pride, he was semi normal. He needed sleep every once in a while.
And the witch that summoned him this morning didn't help, that BITCH pissed him off to no end.
How can they even expect him to act nice and docile when they KNEW he has been this busy.
He came home in the early afternoon, his head pounding from the incesant calls he had been having both in devildom and the human realms, his familars had been going insane from the sudden rupture of balance. And unfortunately for him, he didn't have the time to tell Lucifer before he had to go, it was an urgent matter and as much as he would've liked to delay it even he had some sense of importance.
Opening the door to his room he was expecting to find his ol' beautify room, goldie, framed on his bedside table his pretty pool table. Instead... His room was completely empty.
His heart sank.
What the fuck happened? He was only away for what? Maybe three weeks?
Sniffing the air he can still smell the presence of his belongings... And the smell and the strong smell of,
Sighing mammon drops his bag on the ground, making his way to the dining room where he most likely would find the oldest, sipping a cup of coffee with probably a paper in hand.
Entering the hall, just like expected Lucifer was seated at the end of the table, his aura proud and relaxed. To his surprise though, beel asmo Levi and satan were there too, each doing their own thing. Too tired to care though mammon walks in a straight line to Lucifer placing his hands on the table with a soft bang.
Hearing the noise the eldest looks up, his eyebrow rising at the sight of his younger brother.
"Give me back my stuff." Mammon says dryly.
And if it wasn't for his current mood, mammon would have laughed at that face.
Satan was watching with a slight smirk what was happening and asmo was already starting to feel annoyed.
"Ugh mammon, it's not a big deal you had too much stuff either way."
"Yeah, you should be happy we didn't sell it, you still owe me about 80.000 grimm." Levi added absentmindly, focused on his game.
The growl that escaped mammon shut asmo and Levi up immediately, surprising Satan too. They had never seen mammon in such a palpable mood.
Turning his head back to Lucifer he repeats, letter for letter his phrase.
"Shut it. I'm talking to Lucifer." Mammon whispers harshly, side eying asmo. His eyes glowing a cold blue. "Im not in the mood for you guy's worthless teasing and useless grudges." He stares coldly at his two younger siblings, for a moment asmo's blood runs cold, shievers running through his body and his being self feeling the urge to look down.
Mammon was still trying to keep his cool by supressing his aura, but it was getting hard.
"Give me back my stuff."
Lucifer's eye twitched at mammon's sour mood.
"You think you can act like this without consequences?"
Mammon straightens back up, pinching the bridge of his nose, a clear sign that he was reaching his last straw... If he wasn't already.
"Ya seriously think I give a shit about the consequences right now? I just want to take a fuckin' shower and pass out on my bed. Don't push it luci." The annoyed tone in his voice is clear but none of the brothers besides Levi had ever heard it.
Swiftly Levi swats asmo's phone down, getting the fifth born's attention.
"We have to leave" Levi whispers and signals it to Satan who was absolutely confused, but he trusted his brother's judgment.
"This isn't going to end well" he mouths, and Satan nods, his curiosity peeking but his concerns for beel were greater. He nudged beel getting the giant's attention.
"We've got to leave." Satan whispers and beel looks up, confusion on his face when he sees mammon.
"Mammon! You're back!" Beel exclaims excitedly, his little puppy eyes looking up to his big brother who's cold glowing eyes direct to him.
"Sleep well." Mammon says, source magic induced in his words.
With a single phrase beel was out cold, his massive body swaying to the side softly lying over another chair.
Satan's eyes widen when he finally realises the gravity of the situation, mammon had //never// used magic on one of his brothers. Especially not beel.
"You three, leave. Now. Take beel with you." Lucifer orders and the three of them can only agree, Levi transforming swiftly and taking beel with his tail. Ushering the two others outside.
"Mammon, try to calm down.." Levi whispers and quickly runs out when a fizzle of electricity sparks besides his head.
Levi hisses, shutting the door behind him.
"What just happened...?" Asmo asks, having seen the spark next to levi's head too.
"We're in for some violence... If you could even call that violence... I haven't seen mammon this angry since... " Levi sighs remembering the last time he had seen mammon this angry.
During their fall when one of the angels had injured belphie who was reaching his limit, the angel had mocked them and mammon went feral, going on a rampage killing hundreds of angels in the few minutes that followed.
And while his attention was turned away lilith got shot, which pushed mammon over the edge, forcing him to use source magic. Mammon's transformation as a demon had started then, horns already pushing through his skull, blood running over his face from ruptures formed by it.
Just thinking about that time send chills up leviathan's spine. He never wanted to see his brother like that again.
"Since?" Satan asks, having zero recollections of mammon being angry at all. Irritated, yes, crying, yes, annoyed, yes. But never angry he would always brush off things like these and beg for forgiveness.
Levi gives Satan a side eye, glancing at asmo who seems to get it. Asmo hadn't witnessed mammon in his full glory, but he had heard of it. After all rumors travel fast. The one who had corrupted destroyed and annihilated entire countries and civilisations, consumed by greed, his blessing enriching some countries and sinking others in the depths of poverty.
Asmo sighs and pushes Levi and Satan up to the attic.
"It's not important, let's go put beel to bed and try to get belphie to cast a resting spell on the dining room... If it not too late... At least."
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
can i make a request with aot girls + hange with a s/o who accidentally forgot about their anniversary?
AOT girls (+ Hanji) with a s/o who accidentally forgot about their anniversary
Paring: mikasa x reader, annie x reader, pieck x reader, hanji x reader
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“Y/n?” She said as you were making breakfast for you two. “Yes love?” You responded back to her, flipping the eggs. “A-are uhm… are you.. mad… at me?” She questioned hesitantly. You chuckled a bit, “Honey what are you talking about? Of course I’m not mad at you why would I be!” You reassure her smiling back at your wife. “Then uh- why haven’t we talked about.. you know our plans yet..?” Mikasa asked you. “Plans?” You stopped moving around the bacon, thinking. “Wait we had plans?” You looked at her over your shoulder confused.
“Y/n.. are you serious?” Your wife looked side to side, and after realizing with a while of you staring that you had not a clue what she was talking about she finally spoke up, “Our anniversary dinner? Where would you like to go tonight?” She explained. “OUR ANNIVERSARY-?!” Almost flipping the pan over on yourself you exclaimed, “ITS TODAY?!” you looked over at her as she gave a small chuckle and crossed her arms. “Yes love, our third anniversary together, As I’m married together,” she giggled at your surprise.
“WAIT WHAT HOLD- HUH- STOP DROP ROLL- WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS TODAY-“ A blush rose upon your face in embarrassment. “Yes love,” Mikasa jokingly rolled her eyes at you coming over to you and kissing you, cupping your cheeks in her hands while staring at your shocked and nervous face. “I SWEAR TO THE WALLS ITS NEXT WEEK-“.
“That’s funny because the walls are no longer standing,” Mikasa remarked, teasing you.
“Today’s the 15th babe,” she kissed your forehead, ruffling your hair. “Oh- my- god-“
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Sunlight shined in your face. Opening your eyes, you flipped over to your other side with a groan, sleepy and still tired. “You should start getting up babe, it’s almost twelve,” You heard your wife’s voice call out to you. “Mghh…. No…” you whined, “just a few more minutes,” the blonde sat at the vanity in front of the bed, she wore a lovely black dress that was a little bit longer than her knees.
Annie swiped on some lipgloss, smacking her lips together. “What are you getting dressed up for?” You asked her. Annie swung around in her chair and gave you a ‘wtf!?’ Look. “What the hell you mean ‘what am I getting ready for?’,” She mocked.
“Well you look really fancy and nice but why are you getting all dressed up? Especially at this day and hour..” you tucked the thick covers near your face, providing you with warmth. “Y/n are you fuckin’ serious,”
“Well yeah I mean I don’t get why you’re so dressed up you only do that on important days-“
“yeah like important days, LIKE OUR ANNIVERSARY!” she shouted and threw a plush bear at you, “Did you seriously forget!?”
“OWW WHAT THE- wait- ANNIVERSARY?!” You jolted up, eyes widened looking at the blonde. “yeah the fukin’ anniversary we have every year since we’ve been married!?” Annie said crossing her arms. “How the hell could you forget!” She scolded.
“DUMBASS IT IS THE 11TH-“ You both just stared at each other. “Oh my Gooddddd” Annie facepalmed. “Whatever I get to decide where we are eating now since you forgot,”
“BABY IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT IT WAS THE 6TH! I LOVE YOU!” You yelled at her as she slammed the door.
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Pieck had been going all week. First with the many hours of training, next planning her little cousins birthday party, then having paperwork to sign and do as a person of the nine, and then babysit Friday, and even many more responsibilities she had to do. It was already Wednesday and she was burnt out so you decided this morning to make Pieck some breakfast in bed.
All week she had worked so hard and she deserves a little break, at least for today. ‘Hmm.. I’ll make Pieck an omelet wrap and pancakes, ’ you thought.
Grabbing all the ingredients, you started first making the egg, and adding in the cheese, ham, and cut up greens to the egg mixture. You cooked the omelet just the way she likes it and wrapped it up in a tortilla wrap.
You got started on the pancakes, adding in berries of sorts and flipping them to a golden brown. The day was calm and settling, so peaceful. You poured her a cup of iced coffee from the carton and then placed it on the tray along with the omelet wrap and pancakes.
You carried it upstairs and placed a little knock on the door before coming in. Your wife still laid asleep in bed, sleeping with her hair all messed up in her face, and her hands to her side. She truly looked like an angel.
“Peck~” you softly called out her name, placing the tray on the bed. “Love~”
Pieck moaned, exhaustingly. You softly pet the hair out of her face before waking her up with kisses. “Wake up dear,” you giggled as she tried moving her head away from your kissing parade. Your wife finally opened her eyes and stared at you. “Good morning baby~” you smiled at her, kissing her on the forehead. “Mmm… good morning..”
“Here you go love,” you handed her the tray full of food as she sat up. She smiled and giggled a bit wiping her eyes, adjusting to the light.
“That’s a sweet anniversary gift ,” she smiled before kissing your cheek. You smiled back at her only to just realize what she said, “wait, anniversary?”
She looked at you as she was placing a bit of the pancakes in her mouth, “huh? Yeah dear our anniversary, you remembered.. right?.. that’s why you made me breakfast?” She looked a bit confused. A blush or embarrassment rose up on your face, “WAIT ITS OUR ANNIVERSARY?!” You were shocked, looking at Pieck like you’d just seen a ghost. “Uh, yeah love hehe,” she chuckled, “you forgot?”
“It’s okay love,” Pieck giggled at your sight, “I almost forgot it myself! This weeks been way to busy,” she sighed. “PIECK BABY I AM SO SORRY I SWEAR TO YOU ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU I PROMISE-“
“Love it’s okay!” Your wife laughed, “gosh I’m just happy we made it to three years,” she said jokingly. “I’m sorry really,” your eyes turned sad, “I thought today was the ninth I didn’t know it was the thirteenth,”
“It’s alright love, you can make it up to me by helping me finish this breakfast though!”
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“HELLLOOOO MY (princess/prince/Royal)!” Your partner barged into your shared room, swinging open the curtains and blinds, making light come in through. “Ugh…. Hanji..” you groaned, “get the light out of my face…” you whined. “NO WAY!” She said, rummaging through your both’s closet. They then pulled out a lovely black dress. It had a glimmered diamond belt across the waist and a diamond rose at the belt.
(If you’re a male or don’t wear this type stuff, hanji pulled out a brown blazer that matches with their own, and an elegant watch with a chain necklace to go with it, along with the black pants and a black turtle neck to go under)
“Hanji… what are you doing..” you said, irradiated by all the noise. “Wake up! We are going to have the time of our lives out in town today!” She said, “Cant we do that tommorow…” you whined.
“Wait what-“ you said.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” Hanji questioned. You sat up straight in bed, “IT’S TODAY!?” you grabbed your phone scrambled to see the date, “May 24th” it read. “HUH!?”
“I THOUGHT- I-“ you stood there in silence, questioning your existence (LMAO ME)
“But I-“
They cupped your cheeks that were bright red from embarrassment, looking you in the eye and smirking with a wink,
“But we’ll do more than party tonight,”
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luminari-mc · 3 years
4 Female with satan
Late Night Rescue (Satan x f!MC)
Prompt 4: “I know it’s 2 in the morning, but do you want to...”
Genre: Fluff, Slice of life
Warnings: N/A
A/N: First Satan piece! Coincidentally enough, he has been growing on me a lot more lately. I hope I get to work more on him in the future so I can explore other parts of his personality (I just think he's neat).
It was with a long, deep groan that MC's forehead met with the surface of her desk. Three long hours on this homework, and she still couldn't see the end of it. When the teacher had first said that the entire class was about to "taste true suffering" for getting a low score on the previous assignement, she didn't think he would actually be this serious. But what was she expecting, really, when it came from a demon teacher?
With a hand that had turned stiff from writing down notes since the beginning of her study session, MC grabbed her phone and slid it close to her face. She sighed upon seeing the time flash on her screen, reminding her of her grim reality.
"Aaah, and we have to wake up in 5 hours..." the hard truth fell from her lips as she painfully straightened herself in her chair. If Lucifer knew she was still awake at this hour, no doubt she would get a full-blown lecture after coming home from RAD tomorrow. She ran her hands over her face in an attempt to wake herself up as she groaned. She wasn't about to get any sleep tonight, was she?
"What's this coffee made out of, seriously?" Frowning, a pout birthed on her mouth upon looking down at her notes. The pile of books next to her only let her see how much more she would have to write before finalizing her assignment, and giving it back to the teacher tomorrow afternoon.
"It's not doing shit." MC propped her elbows on the desk- maybe a bit too loudly given the time-, and placed her head into her hands. If only she hadn't made a detour to the store with Asmo after school! But she had desperately needed new skincare products, and Asmo's puppy eyes had proven to be way too effective against her. Ugh, she could have been in bed already...
She felt her heart skip a bit when the phone under her hand began ringing, the soft ringtone she had set for nightly calls much welcomed to her ears. Although, a small knot took form in her throat as she began to wonder who could be calling her at such an hour. Maybe a wrong number?
She instantly placed the phone against her ear, her tired mind making her forget to check the name appearing on the screen. "Huh, hello?"
"Ah, so I was right. You are still awake after all." The voice, warm and affectionate in its tone, gave MC the impression that it was the first person she was speaking to in a week.
"Satan?" She asked, rubbing a wrist over her eyes.
"You know, I had a hunch it was going to take you some time to finish your work, after you've left dinner so quickly to close yourself in your room. But to still be going at it at this hour..." The demon clicked his tongue. "Did you even take a break since then?"
"No... I mean, I've finished most of my regular assignements. But I've been stuck on this one for a while now." MC replied as she turned around on her chair to stretch her legs, before curiosity took over her. "How did you guess?"
"I went to the kitchen to grab some water." The blonde answered over the phone. "That's when I noticed the light from under your door. I didn't want to bother you, in case you had fallen asleep with the lights on, so I didn't dare knocking."
Looking back at the door, MC felt lucky it had been Satan who called, and not another one of the demons. The Avatar of Wrath had always been one of the few men in the house who had always respected her boundaries whenever she asked to be left alone, especially more when it was to work on something. Yet, she couldn't help but clutch the phone a little more against her ear, feeling grateful that he was checking up on her in the middle of the night.
"Well, I'm definitely not sleeping right now." She giggled slightly. "But what about you, though? Were you asleep before going to the kitchen? I wouldn't want you to stay awake because of me."
Satan's laugh brought a warm feeling in her stomach as it entered her ear. "Actually, I wasn't. There's been a particular problem that's been keeping me awake, you see. So I've been trying to find an idea as to how I can resolve it."
"A problem?" MC blinked, her eyes opening a bit wider.
"You left dinner relatively early today, so you didn't catch up on it." Satan explains. "But I've recently noticed the presence of a kitten in the cemetary. It's been there for a few days now, and as far as I know, it doesn't seem that it left the area to return to a home, so it's just been taking shelter in one of the mausoleums. I told Lucifer about possibly bringing it inside to give him in a warm place so it can sleep and eat, but of course, he refused on the spot."
MC arched an eyebrow. "I thought you of all people wouldn't care about Lucifer's rules when it comes to cats."
The demon laughed in response.
"Oh trust me, I'd love nothing more than to defy his rules on a daily basis. But I've sneaked cats in the house in the past, and it usually doesn't end well for me, and the cats eventually have to leave. It also wouldn't be easy to bring this kitten inside, now that Lucifer knows about it." Satan sighs loud enough for MC to hear over the phone. "No doubt he would be on my tail if I were to try anything."
She mimicked the demon, letting a puff of air escape her nose in frustration. Lucifer was very stubborn when it came to having animals in the House of Lamentation, the only exception obviously being Henry 2.0 since he was a small goldfish. Even Mammon had been yelled at whenever his crows would enter through the windows to drop freshly stolen goods at his feet, but they'd usually only stay for a couple of minutes. So convincing the first-born to let Satan take care of a kitten... would prove to be challening, no doubt.
MC didn't have the time to offer her support, than Satan immediately started speaking again.
"But you know, MC." The smile in his voice seemed to have doubled in an instant. "I think I may have found a solution to this problem of mine. Now, I know you're still stuck on your homework... And I know it’s 2 in the morning, but do you want to..."
Satan let the end of his sentence unfinished, probably waiting for MC to guess it. Her mouth stayed agape for a few seconds, until she finally took the hint.
"Do I want to... help you?"
"We all know Lucifer has a soft spot for you." MC could hear Satan move around his room as he continued to explain his plan. "I take that if you and I were to go and bring this kitten to one of our rooms, he would be a bit more mellow than if I were to try on my own. Would you be up for it?"
MC weighted the ups and downs in her mind. On one hand, getting caught by Lucifer could result in a punishment her exhausted body wouldn't probably be able to take. But on the other hand, she was the only one at this hour who could help Satan with this predicament. And MC would be lying to herself, if she said she didn't want to see this kitten and give it a better home than a cold, damp mausoleum.
"Ah, and if you need a bit more convincing-" Satan's voice pulled her out of her thoughts, "I'll help you finish that assignement of yours tomorrow morning. Whatever it is, I can assure you we'll be done before lunch."
"You would?!" She found herself gasping as if she had just heard the best news of her life. "Satan, that would help so much!"
"It's for Curses and Hexes, isn't it?" Satan's chuckle felt like honey to her ears. "That teacher really is as sadistic as Lucifer, so no wonder you're having a hard time with it. Don't worry, I'll even complete the assignement for you if we need to."
"I'll help!" MC declared, practically jumping out of her chair to go grab her shoes near the door. "B-But, I was going to accept even before you offered me your help, just so you know!"
"Haha, I know MC. You are truly kind." Satan's words felt sincere. "Now then, shall we meet by the entrance? Be careful not to make any noise on your way there. This rescue mission depends entirely on our discretion, after all."
"I'll be so silent, Lucifer might as well think I turned into a ghost." MC grinned while crouching to put her shoes on. "See you soon, Satan. Let's help that kitten together."
"Thank you, MC. I'm really looking forward to do this with you. I will see you there." As Satan hung up, MC could swear all of the exhaustion she had previously acquired in the past few hours vanish in an instant. Who cared in the moment if her back ached a little? Something much more interesting than taking notes was about to take place.
As MC grabbed her jacket and flipped it around her shoulders, she found herself smiling upon stepping out of her room, this innocent but sneaky rescue mission with Satan making her the most excited she had been in weeks. And with him getting to help her tomorrow... it seemed like, for the first time in a while, her stubbornness had worked in her favor.
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citrinesparkles · 3 years
doctor todd.
jason todd x gender neutral vigilante!reader. 1,875 words. notes: requested by @jason-redhood as part of my hundred followers celebration! this got a lot longer than i intended, oopsies. thanks for requesting- hope you enjoy! warnings: tending wounds, mentions of food.
"y'know, lurking outside somebody's window is a good way to get yourself shot," jason called over his shoulder.
"i'll keep that in mind," you said, voice strained enough to shoot dread into his veins and draw his attention completely away from his work.
he set the gun he had been cleaning on the table and twisted around to find you gingerly sliding through the open window.
"hey," you mumbled, giving him a weak wave after your boots hit the floor. "sorry for not calling, i just..."
you were backlit, the glow of the city making it impossible to see your features from the dining area- but your posture alone was enough to have him shoving his chair back and crossing his apartment.
"how bad?" he asked, stopping a few steps back, now able to make out the tears in your suit and the bruises around your mask.
"pretty sure i sprained my wrist, and there's a poorly-bandaged gash on my leg, but otherwise i'm peachy."
"how bad's the leg?"
"i'm... not sure. bad enough that i think i need your help." you patted the windowsill with a gloved hand. "obviously."
he nodded and slid to your good side, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. "okay. c'mon, my stuff's in the bathroom."
"here." he handed you a pair of shorts and a large tank top. "change into this so i can get to the wounds, okay? i'll be right out here if you need anything."
"you're good!" you called.
he nudged the bathroom door back open and scooped your uniform up from the floor, carefully putting it in a canvas bag and tying the handles together before setting it in the tub to deal with later. "alright," he sighed, turning back to face you.
his clothes looked way too right on you, he realized, a wave of emotion he would vehemently deny surging through his chest and pushing heat to his neck and cheeks.
"okay. alright. uh-" he jerked a thumb at the counter- "up here, i guess, so i can see your leg."
you propped one foot on the toilet lid and braced your good hand against his shoulder, his hands instinctively coming up to hover around your waist as you pushed yourself up and settled next to the sink.
the grateful smile you gave him was enough to tug his lips into a smile of his own.
"you're up, doctor todd," you teased.
he stepped forward with a halfhearted eyeroll, fingers brushing the cloth tied hastily around your leg. "can i take this off?"
"go ahead."
he tugged gently at the knot, wincing when you inhaled sharply. "sorry."
the scrap fell away, revealing dried blood and an open wound on the outside of your thigh.
"yeesh, that is nasty," he said.
you scoffed lightly. "gee, thanks."
"hey, if you wanted a nice doctor, you probably should have gone somewhere else." he shifted to the side, grabbing a clean cloth and bottle of alcohol. "fair warning, you're really not gonna like me here in a minute."
your quick "i seriously doubt that." was greeted with a grin that felt a little too fond for his liking.
he told himself it was for your benefit.
...yeah, that sounded good.
he could live with that.
he made quick work of cleaning the gash, doing his best to distract you by making stupid small talk about the horrible movie he'd sat through that morning because the tv remote had been out of reach and the mediocre new coffee shop with dry blueberry muffins.
"was the coffee okay, at least?"
"okay, yeah, but not 'five-dollars-fifty' okay. if i hadn't been falling asleep in line i probably would have left when i saw the price."
"there's a nice one up by my place, they make the best blueberry muffins ever."
he hummed. "i'll keep that in mind, next time i'm over that way." he leaned back, studying your cut. "i think stitches would probably be smart."
you groaned. "of course they would."
"i'm okay to do them- i do them on myself- but if you want i can give you a lift to a hospital or something."
"no. if you can, i want you to do them. i trust you."
he sat with that for a minute, searching your face for any hesitation. when he found none, he nodded. "okay."
as you both expected, it sucked.
to make things worse, he was rapidly running out of mindless things to talk about.
how many times could two people really argue about pizza toppings before it got old?
"alright, done."
"holy shit, finally." you slumped back, leaning on your good hand for a moment before your head snapped back up. "no, not like- i meant thank you, you did great, i'm not being an ingrate-"
"i know, relax." he nudged your knee with a goofy smile. "here, gimme your wrist."
you pouted (which, yes, that was also adorable, much to his dismay), carefully stretching your bad arm out.
he took your hand gently, scooping it up in one of his and bracing your forearm up with his other. "it's actually not too bad, considering you hit hard enough to tear your glove. i'm gonna clean the scrapes here up, though, okay?"
"do i really get a choice?"
"it's your body, so, yeah."
you sighed dramatically. "fine, if you insist. go ahead, clean my wounds for me."
he was quiet this time, focusing intently on removing bits of dirt and stuff from your raw palm with a set of tweezers.
trying to ignore the way your eyes seemed to linger on him now that he was looking down.
he set the tweezers aside, glancing up at you to find you smiling at him thoughtfully, and dropped his gaze just as quickly as he had lifted it. "what, you enjoying making me do all the work?"
"you could say that, yeah."
he scoffed. "well, you're going to enjoy it a lot less in a second. time for the alcohol again."
he managed to dig up an old wrist brace in the back of his sock drawer. a little big for you, but it would work for now, he figured.
"may i?"
you nodded and held your arm back out for him to loop the brace over your thumb and tuck the velcro strap under and around, pulling it snug against your skin before sticking it to itself.
"last one, tough stuff." he pointed at your cheek, where a small patch of dried blood stained your skin. "ready?'
you nodded tiredly. "let's just get this over with. this counter isn't as comfortable as it looks."
he chuckled, dampening the softest cloth he had and wringing it out. "sorry, i didn't think i needed to get an apartment with counter cushions." he raised his left hand up, hovering an inch or so below your chin. "uh, can i..?"
your eyes widened, glancing at his hand. "oh, uh, sure. yeah."
he moved slowly, raising it to cup your chin softly with his middle and forefinger on one side and thumb on the other. "this okay?"
"mhm." your eyes slid shut and he could almost believe that you sank into his touch.
if it wasn't absolutely insane, anyway. his touch wasn't exactly the kind people sank into- much less people like you. people that good, that caring, that stunning? yeah, no.
he tilted your head to the side slightly, rubbing gentle circles across your cheekbone with the cloth and watching as the blood faded.
"so, who did this?" he asked softly, casually.
apparently not casually enough, though, because you snorted at him. "why, you think you need to go avenge me? defend my honor or something?"
"no! i'm just curious. just... making conversation."
your eyes opened, amusement dancing in them and threatening to hypnotize him. "good. i shouldn't have to tell you who won that fight, jay."
"well, i mean, you are missing a chunk of your thigh."
"aw, is the big bad vigilante worried about lil old me?"
he squeezed your face gently, pushing your cheeks up and forward into a goofy fish face. "it's rude to tease the guy tending to your wounds, babe."
he definitely didn't imagine your breath hitching. "babe, huh?" you asked playfully.
"shut up," he grumbled. "don't make me regret helping."
"alright, looks like that's the last scrape. you're all cleaned up."
"thanks, jason." you smiled up at him, soft and warm and genuine. "i really appreciate this."
"yeah, yeah." he squeezed your jaw again. "try not to make it a habit."
"mhm." a moment passed quietly before you spoke quietly. "so, you gonna do something here, or can i have my face back?"
he froze.
your mouth- which he was really trying not to look at- shifted into a confident smirk, a challenge written clearly in the angle of your lips.
your eyes, bright under the harsh lighting, told a different story. one of vulnerability, and want, and something close to fear.
"do you want me to?" his voice was hoarser than he'd intended, and he swore you could hear his heartbeat echoing in it.
your gaze dipped to his lips. "would it make everything super weird?"
"you just came crawling through my window in the middle of the night in a mask and kevlar. i think things are already weird."
he felt your hum under his fingers. "then why not?"
"do you really want me to answer that?"
"jason, will you please just kiss me already?"
"well, you did say please." he leaned in slowly, giving you every opportunity to slip away or yell 'sike!'
all you did was bring your good hand up to his collar and pull him towards you.
your lips were soft and gentle, and the way they pulled upwards slightly when his hand slid from your jaw to cup your cheek was something he'd be thinking about for weeks.
when he eventually pulled back, it took him a moment to open his eyes. he was half convinced that if he did, it would be to his bedroom ceiling, the past half an hour all a dream.
instead, he found your fond gaze.
he let out a huff of laughter, thumb running over your cheek. "you should stay here tonight."
"not like that," he clarified quickly. "you have stitches, you shouldn't go leaping across rooftops tonight. i can take the couch."
"hm." you smoothed out his shirt collar, the barely-there brush of your fingers against his shoulder almost tugging a whine out of him. "or i can take the couch, and then you can take me home in the morning and let me treat you to an actual blueberry muffin."
"are you asking me out?" it was a teasing comment, paired with a tiny smirk meant to fluster you.
but it was also a reality check.
you seemed to catch the second meaning. "yeah, i am. would you, please, let me take you out on a date?"
"i'll have to check my calenda-"
"you're so full of it."
"yeah, probably."
"is that a yes?"
he laughed, bringing his other hand up to squeeze your knee. "yeah, i can let you take me on a date. i could use a good muffin."
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theyscreamjade · 3 years
Some Keigo, Aizawa, Dabi and Shigaraki HCS where their S/O gives them this Puppy Eyes when they want something like a kiss, hug or even something material.
Also this the First request i leave here
Puppy Eyes
I seriously feel as if I’m being called out. I swear, I love me some SHIGGY, I dunno! Ugh, Why am I like this?! ANYWAY! I hope you like it Anon!
Tomura Shigaraki
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* I know for a fact, Tomura would fall for a sweetheart or absolute touchy person. Someone who likes to hug him at random times, watch him play his games when he’s busy, play with his hair and other things.
* But you fucking dangerous as him too.
* He may act as if he doesn’t like it when you’re so cute all the time, but he thinks you’re so fucking cute.
* Toga simply adores when you make your cute faces together and you two would often do it together.
* This includes those puppy eyes that he can’t resist when you hit him with those eyes. It strikes him in the heart every single time.
* You’d often do it when you guys are either driving back towards the hideout or walking through-out the night and you see something or smell a meal you can’t help but desire to have.
* Even if it’s an animal or a diamond necklace, just give him that look and he’s yours.
* *You and Shigaraki are walking back towards the headquarters as you see a beautiful necklace around a girl’s necklace*
* Y/N: babe! *you whined, holding his arm as he looked at you in confusion*
* SH: *sighs* Yes, Number Two?
* Y/N: I want her necklace...can we get it? *you asked before giving him that look as he blushed softly*
* SH: We’re in public, Someone will se..*he starts to say before seeing you pout a bit. He looked at the girl with her diamond necklace then at you* Alright...
* Trust and believe, that necklace is going around your neck later that night.
Shouta Aizawa
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* You are a devil with angel wings because you taught this trick to Eri.
* He may say no at first, but whine or pout and he’s yours too! You’ve made him blush in front of All Might and Present Mic, WHO STARED IN FULL BLOWN ASTONISHMENT AT THOSE POWERS YOU POSSESS.
* This is the way you can get him to come to sleep, give you attention, or let you guys have some fun for once.
* For example, This is how you convinced him to take you guys to the aquarium, even though it’s usually not his style.
* You and Eri had to beg him to come with you guys to the aquarium. Eri wanted to see underwater animals, including killer whales.
* Once there, he ended up enjoying it. From the dolphin’s kissing Eri’s nose to a killer whale having a staring contest with him.
* Please use that wonderful power you possess to get his ass to bed on fucking time, please? I know he doesn’t sleep at night for a fact.
* If he’s up, grab his arm and give him that look with the puppy eyes and he’s instantly yours.
* YN:*walks into his office and looks at the time* It’s almost four am...
* SA: I’m almost done, I-
* YN:*grabs his arm and looks at him with their puppy eyes*
* SA: Kitten, Give me a minute. I-..*looks at you before saving his work and sighing, standing up*
* YN:*smiles, leading him to the bedroom with a smile on their face*
Dabi Todoroki
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* He’s used to your cute ass, he doesn’t mind it when you act cute all the time.
* He was confused at first though, he’s never seen anyone pout for a sign of affection. He looked at you funny when you first did it.
* Nowadays, he instantly knows you either want a kiss, to be picked up, or something that caught your eye. You’re a spotter and there are things you’d want him to get you.
* OFTEN! You do want him to take a bath with you, even though it kinda hurts him so you made a sacrifice and took cold baths or showers with him in the morning which often woke you guys up.
* It is an unknown miracle you’ve made this man love you and words can’t describe how much he does. He knows when you pout, something’s wrong too.
* I think you guys relationship would be something Toga loves to see all the time and can’t help but imagine herself in it too.
* YN, Shiga, Dabi, and Toga:*driving down the street in a stolen car*
* YN:*gasps, seeing the green serine of Starbucks as the taste of coffee goodness engulfs their mind before turning to their boyfriend* Baabe!
* D:*knows that voice too well* Starbucks?
* YN:*nods quickly as he pulls in*
* Shigaraki:*rolls his eyes in the backseat* Simp.
* D:*looks back* Oh? I’m sorry, I thought a bitch said something.
Keigo Takami
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* How much you wanna bet that you two do this to each other?
* Oh no, honey. Do you think you’re the one who can make someone melt? He’s a damn pro and you can’t deny it.
* You both do it to each other and it’s honestly hilarious to see it happen because one does a puppy eyes at one just to have that LOOK right back at you.
* Like damn Keigo.
* Remember honey, you’re still powerful as fuck. Pout and sniff a bit and he will fold faster than a towel.
* Those are your big guns to get the exact item that you want. I mean exact item.
* For example~: You wanted to spend time with him, go out and have some fun for once since he WAS always goddamn working somewhere. Especially after his injury, he just stayed focused on saving others.
* On his supposed night-off, you gave him the best puppy eyes humanly possible just to have him stay and not work. It took you giving those eyes, whining, pouting, and sniffing as if you’re about to cry.
* But, there’s one thing you can’t get between though, and that’s his chicken.
* Good luck on that note.
* YN:*sighs, seeing another box of KFC on the table for the third time*
* Hawks:*takes a bite into a piece of chicken with a smile*
* YN: Why don’t we eat something e-
* Hawks: Don't even try it, I’m eating chicken.
* YN: Babe! We’ve had it for the past three days, Please~? *gives him the look*
* Hawks:*looks at you before tapping your nose* Nope.
* YN:*starts to whine a bit*
* Hawks:*tosses the bone into the trash before grabbing another piece*
* YN:*sighs* You know that’s cannibalism, you fucking bird. *mumbles in anger*
* Hawks: I committed that last night to you, you didn’t seem to mind though.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Chick Flick Before Dick
A/N: Sooo I know I’ve written tons of fics featuring reader worshiping Jax’s dick – and I do plan to continue – but we also know he’s all about the service 😜 Based on the below requests, here’s a fic about the wicked magic Mr. Teller can work over you, with those talented fingers and tongue of his...
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, teasing, edging (fingering + oral, fem receiving), semi-public setting (movie theater but no one else is there) Requests: 3 separate anon requests – 1 | 2 | 3
Word Count: ~2.9k
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“You say that shit to me one more time, bitch—I swear you’ll regret it the rest of your life.”
Oh, you don’t doubt it... Jax Teller has become more possessive than ever, since he claimed you as his wife. But today you have taken a stand, sticking to what you’ve planned; you’re not about to let him use some idle threat to get you out of it.
It never fails to make you smile, how your husband whines and grumbles like a child, when you turn down his cock to hang out with your friends every once in a while. 
Jax respects you too much to seriously hold it against you, and yet it’s no secret just how much he hates it when you ditch his dick to spend time with your girl crew. Leaving him high and dry, so horny he could die... alone with thoughts of all the dirty shit the two of you both love to do...
You tease your man about it for a minute, just for kicks. “Say what—‘chicks before dicks’...?”
He cringes and sticks out his tongue, as if hearing that phrase makes him physically sick. “Yeah, I mean, it’s just wrong. It’s insulting. Disgusting. The reigning queen of Charming shouldn’t say that to her king.”
“The queen says whatever she wants.”
“She better remember the king owns her cunt.”
“Well, now that’s what the king likes to think...” you taunt, though it’s a struggle to stay strong when his tone gets all dark and dominant.
Your husband knows just what you want. “Bitch, I know what you’re doing. You’re pissing me off on purpose ‘cause you’re desperate for some kind of punishment.”
You pretend to be appalled, although you really are aching for him to slam you up against the goddamn wall. “Behave, my king! Your lady would never do such a thing...”
“Cut the shit and run off to your ladies-in-waiting,” Jax says as he opens the car door for you to get in. Chivalry isn’t dead, though he’s less of a gentleman when you’re in bed. “Tomorrow you’ll spend the whole day as my personal plaything.”
Well, okay—fuck if that didn’t get you soaking wet. And yet tomorrow is a special day; your man has never missed special occasions ever since you started dating. “But did you forget—”
“That it’s our anniversary tomorrow? God, no,” he insists with a kiss on your forehead, amused that you thought he forgot. “Of course I didn’t, darlin’... but I said what I said. About you being my little plaything. Anniversary or not, won’t change a thing.”
It’s eleven-thirty on the morning of your anniversary... and your husband hasn’t even fucked you once yet. After finishing your second cup of coffee you’re still thirsty. Jax had cooked you a whole feast of chocolate chip pancakes and maple-glazed bacon and your favorite style of eggs, but until you have sex, you won’t feel fully fed.
“But I thought we were spending the whole day in bed...” you protest, as he drags your ass out of the house after breakfast.
“Now where’s the fun in that?” he huffs, promptly plopping you onto the back of his Harley and then speeding off. “Just ‘cause you’re spending the day as my slut, doesn’t mean we’ll be cooped up all day. Plenty of other places to play.”
Oh, boy. Just what he means to say... you’re not sure. Jax has fucked you in public before, but you don’t want the whole town of Charming to see him use you as his personal toy. His filthy little whore. What does he have in store...?
You don’t bother to ask where you’re going; you know him well, know he won’t tell. He loves feeling you squirm against him from behind as you agonize over not knowing. It’s literal hell.
And then, suddenly yet smoothly... his bike redirects and pulls up at the last place you’d ever expect: the movies.
What the hell? This early in the day? You can’t even remember when you and Jax last saw a movie together, out in theaters, and most certainly never a matinée. What kind of game is he trying to play...?
Scratch that—you definitely do remember the last time Jax Teller took you to the movies, at this same exact theater. Years ago on the day you first met. Day you’ll never forget. The first day of your last year in high school... that fall when you’d just moved to Charming, the new girl on campus that morning, fumbling through the halls like a fool... then you laid eyes on this guy who captured your heart without warning and had you drowning in a puddle of drool.
Needless to say, you played hooky on your very first day at Redwood Hills High. ‘Cause when Jax Fucking Teller offered you a ride on his bike... that was not something you were about to deny. Powerless to resist cutting class when he already owned your ass in every way. You were psyched. So damn psyched you could die.
And you did in fact die on that fine afternoon, when Jax took your ass out to the movies and spent the whole time ruining your pussy with his fingers and tongue and that huge monster cock till you came like a fucking monsoon.
Now here you are again. So much has changed since then, when your lifetime beside Jax began. Yet so much is the same. High school sweethearts, in love from the start... it’s been almost a decade and nothing can tear your apart. To this day you are still that same girl who repeatedly moaned out his name, in a movie theater with no fucking shame, as you came, came and came...
Your man can see the memories replaying in your head, as he removes your helmet. The sweetest little smirk lights up his gorgeous face. “Remember this place?”
You smile and nod, swooning just from the thought. “Yeah, it’s crazy that we’ve never been back here since our first date...”
“I figured it’d be cute to recreate.”
Ugh, this man is so perfect it’s rude. You playfully scrunch up your nose as the two of you hop off his ride, holding hands like teenagers as you head inside. “Since when do you do cute?”
“Since I met you, babe,” he coos, as you practically trip over your shoes, stumbling through the doorway. “What can I say, you put me in the mood...”
Jax knows already what he plans to see: some dumb romantic comedy. One that’s been out in theaters for months, so the space will be empty just like he wants. Picks up your tickets and  passes right by the popcorn since you both have had plenty of food. And since he’s bound to spend the whole film facedown in your cunt. His face is gonna be fucking glued.
Well, except for when he shifts position every so often to pound you with his massive dick. You already can’t wait for it. Hope he gets to it good and quick; you’re fucking desperate...
You have no clue, just yet, how much your man is gonna make you beg for it.
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“How many minutes of the movie do you think we managed to see on our first date?” Jax asks, as he sits his fine ass in the row farthest back. Looking like a damn snack. He’s all yours to attack, just as you are to him, and you can’t fucking wait. The lights dim, as the last of the trailers just played.
You’re the only two souls in this place, thankfully.
Scooting in beside him and all ready for him to devour your pussy, you think back to that day so long ago. “I don’t know... three?”
“Yeah, sounds right to me.”
“Let’s go for zero now, shall we...?”
“Nah, babe—that’s too easy,” he teases, resisting your hand as you reach toward the bulge in his pants to squeeze it. “We should give ourselves some kind of challenge, don’t you think? We were just kids back then. Now we’re the queen and king.”
“What’re you saying?” you mutter as you try and fail to grab hold of his dick. “Jax, please...”
“Think we should double it, at least. Let’s make it six.”
“You fucking serious?” you whimper like a spoiled little bitch. “You’re gonna make me sit through six whole minutes of this shit? You know I hate these sappy crappy chick flicks...”
“Shut up and watch,” he commands, slipping into his natural-born role of pure dominance. “Get your greedy whore hands off my crotch. I’ll tell you when you get to touch.”
Well, fuck. You know you shouldn’t push your luck, although you’re absolutely aching for his cock. You’ve never wanted anything so much.
Squirming in your seat, burning with need, you’re about to explode from the heat. You can’t be asked to keep your damn eyes on the screen, when Jax looks hotter right now than you’ve ever seen. Good enough to eat. Gawking at his chiseled profile limned by the light that projects, you just marvel at how he’s so totally perfect...
“You watching the movie, or me?”
As if he has to ask. You can’t wait till six minutes have passed. “What the fuck do you think? Don’t you wanna use me as your plaything...?”
“Sit back and obey your king.”
“Why are you being so mean...”
It’s no secret that Jax loves to torture his queen. But your juices are leaking all over the cheap fabric seat, and the mess that you’re making is fucking obscene.
That’s why you need his face to be down there to lick it all clean.
“Payback, bitch,” he replies with a devilish wink. The wink that always makes your pussy throb and twitch. It’s a whole fucking kink. “You know how it is...”
And with the words that Jax says next, denying you the privilege of having him between your legs—you understand exactly why he’s doing this. Dishing out punishment and getting off on it, because he knows that you deserve this shit. So savage and sadistic. After the way you spent yesterday pushing his buttons for kicks... now the king is the one playing tricks.
“Chick flick before dick.”
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“Jax, I think it’s been six—”
“I’m the one keeping count, bitch. Two more minutes.”
Fuck. Every minute feels infinite. With no luck, you struggle to think about anything other than Jax Teller’s cock. How he’s probably already hard as a rock, how your pussy is bursting and needs him to get all up in it...
Now you’re pretty sure it’s been another two minutes. Moaning like a slut, you know that you should keep your mouth shut, but it’s so hard to resist. Why can’t he just get down to business? You’ve already gone ahead and taken off your panties underneath your dress, to give your husband easy access. 
Forcing yourself to take your gaze off Jax, you lean your head back, close your eyes, and try to just ignore the flood between your thighs. His brutal punishment is pushing you right past your limits. Now it’s definitely been more than two minutes...
Oh shit—just then, you feel his touch upon your clit. Right here in this empty theater. You honestly couldn’t be wetter. “F-fuck, Teller… I need your dick…” “Know you do, bitch,” he snickers and wickedly curls up his fingers. “You just gotta wait till the end of the chick flick.”
Till the end of the—what?!? You groan out, needy and loud, unable to keep your mouth shut. “What the fuck...!”
Now he’s shifted position to kneel before you on the floor. The dim light in the room reflects off of the black of his kutte, as he seals your fate as his dirty little slut. Still the one in control, even down in his kneeling position, sending you reeling even deeper in submission as he uses his skillful fingers to service your soaking wet hole. “Thought you heard me before. You naughty fucking whore.”
Holy mother of shit. You’re already about to explode and can barely fight it. “Yeah, I did—”
“Then repeat it.”
You’ve never been so fucking heated, so wrecked in the head, as you echo the words he’d so cruelly said. “Chick flick before dick.”
“That’s a good girl,” Jax purrs as he slides his two fingers straight into you. Long and thick, stirring you up as they twirl, so damn sinful and slick. Growling in satisfaction, watching your reactions, enjoying the view, the sensation of you being so wet and tight. “You know what that means, right? Of course you do.”
God, this man is too good and too bad to be true... “B-but I didn’t think—”
“Bitch, I swear by the end of this flick you won’t be thinking anything,” Jax interrupts viciously, as two fingers become three. “Now sit back and be good. Let me use you like I said I would. As my filthy fucking plaything.”
Thirty seconds letter you are quaking. Heart aching. Feels like every fiber of your being is fucking breaking.
Although you know you shouldn’t dare cum without his permission... it’s harder and harder as Jax drives his digits in farther and farther, his every move sparking your fucking ignition. The tight coil of arousal inside you is past your control, as he ruthlessly ruins your hole, filling you to the core of your soul. 
And before you know what’s even happened, your body explodes with an orgasm more intense than anything you have ever imagined. Beyond your wildest dreams. The whole town of Charming can no doubt hear your screams, as you frantically shout out the name of your king, in this fucking theater, cunt spastically squirting all over the letters engraved in his thick metal rings.
“Such a sweet fucking cunt,” he grunts, watching your face with a devilish chuckle, as he slurps the taste of you off of his knuckles. “But you’re so disobedient. Cumming before I allowed it? Mmm, almost as if you want more fucking punishment... can’t live without it...”
Your whole body shivers and convulses, as your pussy quivers and pulses. “J-Jax...”
As you clumsily try to pull him toward you for a kiss, he pins down both your wrists. Has no patience for any of this. Jax’s dominance hits like a fucking attack. “Slut, I told you to shut up and sit... the fuck... back.”
The first time you came, only his hands were to blame; your sex god of a husband had not even started to use his mouth yet.
Now he starts. And the second his tongue hits your sensitive pussy, so swollen and juicy, unspeakably wet... you already feel ripped apart. Ripped to shreds. Already dead.
He’s licking at your slit, while sucking on your clit, and you’re losing your absolute shit.
You’re pretty sure you just came three times in less than a minute, but it’s not as if you’re in a state to keep track. You can’t bear to look down at him doing his thing, golden hair gleaming in the faint light as he feasts on your cunt like a king. You’ve always been his personal plaything. He has every right to eat you like a snack.
Yet he’s pushing you past every possible limit of orgasms and that’s a fact.
You just moan and gasp, losing what little grasp you have on sanity, slipping away from reality, throwing your head further back. “Jax—fuck, Jaxxx...!”
After his next round of wrecking, he finally pauses for just a few seconds. You need him to cut this shit out but can’t say it aloud; you don’t have any breath left for begging.
His flawless face is glistening in your juices, snickering as he gets off on putting you through this. Whenever the king and queen go to battle in the bedroom or any damn context involving sex... queen always loses.
Nothing could’ve prepared you for what Jax says next.
“You good?”
What the—did he just—
But before you can even attempt to protest, the bastard goes back at it like no man on earth ever should. ‘Cause of course he would. He fucking would.
The audacity?!?! You have officially lost any hope of regaining your sanity. Ever. 
FUCK Jax Fucking Teller. You should’ve known that you were doomed from the day you two first got together, right in this theater...
But then again, you fucking did. Of course you fucking knew it. Knew all along that this would happen. And that is exactly what you had imagined, what you had signed up for: to serve him forever, to let him destroy you whenever, wherever, use and abuse you as his own personal fucking whore.
Your soul doesn’t even belong to you anymore. Jax Fucking Teller just sucked it right out of you, several times over. He’s not even done yet. Won’t be till you’re dead. Your man is one goddamn savage motherfucker, but that is what makes him the most perfect lover.
Although you’re not sure if you’ll ever recover... you do know one thing for sure: by the end of this movie—even if your poor pussy physically can’t take an orgasm more, really, truly—you’re taking his dick. Dick is the only cure. You fucking live and die for Jax Teller’s dick. Fucking need it more than you can even afford.
And that is why from this day forward, you both know that no chicks—and sure as hell no goddamn chick flicks—will ever come before.
Hope you enjoyed this, and would love to hear if you did! 🤗❤️
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callivich · 3 years
This took me a while because I am terrible at coming up with prompts, but I wish you would write a fic where, Lip and Mickey acknowledge that they are friends and are important to each other. 🖤👬 I loved your post-anniversary fic and I just need more mickey & lip content!
Aww, thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoyed the post-anniversary fic. So, here’s a little sequel to that, set the morning after:
(This is canon-divergent as I’m changing it so either Frank doesn’t die or they aren’t informed until after this.)
Lip (8:42am): need me to come and get one of you to pick up the ambulance?
Mickey frowns at the message on his phone that had woken him up. It’s too early for this. Ian is, of course, already awake and….changing into his running clothes? Ugh. “Your brother texted.” Mickey mumbles, watching Ian pull on a t-shirt.
“You’re awake.” Ian smiles at him and throws himself on top of Mickey, kissing him softly. “Happy first day of our second year of marriage.”
“Mmm, yeah. Same to you. You seriously going on a run?” He hooks his fingers into the waistband of Ian’s shorts and begins to pull them down.
“Yeah, only because I thought you’d want to sleep for longer. Was gonna come back, wake you up nice and slow and then-”
“Well I’m awake now, no thanks to Lip.”
Ian fumbles for his own phone, smiling as Mickey’s hands go lower, he reads the message that Lip had sent to both of them. “I’ll go.”
“Nah, man, go run. I’ll pick up the ambulance. Haven’t got any pick-ups till 11, so,” he smacks Ian’s ass, “we can start this second year of marriage off with a bang. Literally.” He wiggles his eyebrows and bites his lip.
Ian smirks at Mickey’s cheesy line and kisses him, “Sounds good,” before rolling off him, and pulling his shorts back up. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Don’t shower when you get back. I like it when you’re all sweaty.”
Ian laughs as he leaves. Mickey grins as he thinks of the fun they’ll be having later.
Grabbing his phone, he fires off a quick text to Lip - (8:50): meet you out front in half an hour?
Lip (8:50): k
Mickey showers quickly, pulling on a pair of jeans and one of Ian’s hoodies, and drinking the cup of coffee Ian had left him on the counter in the kitchen - next to a note that says ‘🖤 love you :) 🖤’ Fucking dork, Mickey thinks, but he smiles and shoves the note in his pocket.
Lip is already waiting for Mickey when he makes it outside. In the past, he would dread spending any amount of time alone with Lip. But as he slides into the passenger seat, he finds that he doesn’t feel as annoyed as he usually does and Lip’s stupid smirking face doesn’t make him want to throw a punch. Maybe it’s the promise of sex with his husband that has put him in a good mood? Or maybe he doesn’t hate Lip as much as he thinks? Nah, that can’t be right.
“Morning. Surprised it’s you up this early and not Ian. Thought you’d be worn out after last night?” Lip begins the drive towards the Southside, his fingers tapping on the wheel.
“You really wanna know if I’m too tired after getting railed by your little brother?”
“Mickey.” Lip groans, “Fuck no. I was asking if you were hungover. You were wasted.”
“Oh. Nah. M’fine. Ian’s gone for a run. He was gonna let me sleep in but you woke me up with that text.”
“Hazard of having a baby, you forget everyone else isn’t awake at the crack of dawn everyday.”
Mickey shrugs, and they fall into a comfortable silence, and he notices that he’s still not feeling that familiar sense of annoyance that he usually does with Lip. He’s definitely going soft. Ian’s fault probably. He supposes that Lip has been alright recently - helping with the wedding anniversary as though it was no big deal, acting like it was normal that Mickey had asked him for help. There were no sarcastic comments or dirty looks like Mickey was intruding in the Gallagher family. No, he just asked what he could do and helped round up the other siblings to help too. He treated Mickey like he was part of the family. Even Mickey can reluctantly admit that. Even if it is through gritted teeth.
“Thanks for…y’know, driving us home last night and helping me organise the party.” Mickey is staring out the window, his voice low. He doesn’t know why he’s saying this, but he knows Ian would like that he did. And maybe there’s a tiny part of him that likes that he can say this and it doesn’t feel awful. “Especially after that…uh…fight.”
Mickey’s words take Lip by surprise and he’s speechless for a moment. He supposes this is as close to an apology as Mickey would ever give him. And to be fair, Lip knows he needs to say sorry too. But he realises he can’t quite say it either. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter. And it won’t happen again.”
Mickey snorts, “Don’t know how you can be sure of that.”
“Well, Ian said - and I quote - ‘hit my husband again, I’ll fucking kill you’. So. Yeah, ain’t gonna happen again. At least from my end. And he’s right. Shouldn’t be getting into it like that with family.”
Mickey is silent for a moment, sneaking a quick glance at Lip. “He said that?”
“Ok. Then, yeah, I won’t hit you again.” He says it easily, with a firm nod. “Probably. If you don’t do anything to piss me off.”
Lip rolls his eyes, “Yeah, because it’s me who’s the annoying fucker.”
“Glad you can admit that.”
And he can’t believe it, but he genuinely laughs at that. Lip can count on one hand the times he actually found Mickey funny. Most of the time he thinks he’s a dick, but lately….well, there’s been moments when he’s not been that bad and, dare he say it, he’s actually not minded being around Mickey. Sure, these have also been countered by moments when he absolutely wants to kill him but there are less and less of those. He must be adjusting to the fact that they’re family now - Mickey’s not some scary, dirty kid from the neighbourhood anymore, he’s not just Mandy’s brother, he’s Ian’s husband. He’s Lip’s brother-in-law. And that means something. So, yeah, he’s gonna treat him like a brother, like family. (As much as he can that is, because Lip isn’t a saint and sometimes Mickey really is very fucking annoying.) But he’s gonna try. That’s the important thing. And it seems like Mickey is going to try too.
“You’re a dick.”
“Yeah, well, got a reputation to uphold. Can’t let you think I’ve gone fucking soft or some shit.”
“Wouldn’t ever think in a million years that the guy who planned a romantic surprise anniversary party for his husband with accordion music and dancers was soft.”
“Fuck off.” But there’s no heat in his words, he’s just got a pleased look on his face. Probably thinking back to the night before.
They get stuck in traffic - due to roadworks where there seems to be less work and more standing around going on. Mickey checks his phone and scrolls through the pictures he took last night, that get steadily and steadily blurrier as the night goes on. It really was a great night. He feels his face flush in happiness just thinking about it. He can’t wait to get home.
Lip is tapping his fingers on the steering wheel again, Mickey notices he looks tired. He thinks back to Lip’s admission that he’d slipped up and had beer, and wonders if he’s had another slip. He could ask him straight out, Ian probably would, but that feels like a step too far. So he decides to hint at it.
“Everything alright with you and Tami?”
“Oh, yeah, you know….just a lot going on.”
“Right.” He shifts in his seat, glances towards his brother-in-law, and sighs. “Yeah, lot of difficult shit going on. Stressful shit.”
Mickey thinks he’s going to have to say it but apparently it’s obvious what he’s thinking. Lip stops tapping the steering wheel. “You fishing to see if I want a drink?”
“Do you?”
“I….sometimes. A bit. I’m going to meetings so.” He shrugs, avoiding Mickey’s eyes.
“Tami know?”
“Sort of.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“There’s just been so much going on. We’ve kinda talked but not properly.”
The traffic starts to move and soon they are almost at the Alibi. “Talking…communicating. All that shit, it fucking sucks but it’s important.” Mickey feels awkward talking to Lip like this, but strangely it doesn’t feel too uncomfortable. “Don’t put it off, it’ll be worse the longer you wait.”
“I know.” Lip pulls up in front of the ambulance. “Thanks.”
“Whatever.” He peers at Lip cautiously. “You’re not gonna tell me you love me again are you?”
“Was hoping you might not remember that considering how drunk you were last night.”
“You’re soft as hell. I’d stick around to make fun of you but I gotta hot date with my husband.” He moves to get out the car, “Thanks for the ride, man.” He gives Lip the finger and a cheeky smile as he walks over to the ambulance, shouting “see ya!” over his shoulder.
For the ask meme: I wish you would write a fic where….
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mieohmy · 3 years
𝖭𝗈 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖧𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖳𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾 𝖨𝗍 | 𝖭𝖺 𝖩𝖺𝖾𝗆𝗂𝗇
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PAIRING: na jaemin x reader
GENRE: too much fluff ugh, humor, established relationship! au
WC: 1k
NOTES: i KNOW someone has definitely wrote something similar ab this before?  
SUMMARY: your attempt to make breakfast for your boyfriend ends up with an unexpected surprise. 
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The decision was made. You were going to surprise jaemin with breakfast. That you made- all by yourself- with no help at all. 
Shocker, right? 
School had been especially stressful for him this last week, and you were desperately wanting to do some kind of surprise for your boyfriend -even if it was a small gesture like cooking a simple meal- to lift his spirits. 
Jaemin was the best boyfriend ever, seriously, and you simply wanted to give some love and appreciation back. And for some reason, your nerves were so on edge. Probably because you wanted everything to be perfect and prepared before he woke up.  Or could it be because you were absolute trash at cooking? ....nah.  
Well, there’s a first for everything. Especially when the main chef of the house was snoozing away in another room. You thanked the universe for at least giving him one day to sleep in and get some much-needed rest. 
You crack your knuckles, rolling your neck around in preparation. “Time to get started.”
It takes a lot longer than expected. And a lot more failed attempts as well. 
But after three broken eggs, one almost fire, and two hours later, you finally come up with somewhat of a breakfast- a cute egg omelet (with an additional kawaii face made with condiments) adorned with your boyfriend’s favorite side dishes. 
Honestly, you’re not sure how jaemin stayed asleep in all your ruckus. It makes you frown- he must’ve been exhausted... 
Then the sound of an alarm faintly rings throughout the house, and you begin panicking.
If jaemin’s alarm just went off, that means he’s going to wake up. If he wakes up, he’s gonna come out of your room to find you and ruin the surprise. The surprise you’re not exactly finished with yet. 
Heart pounding, you rush to grab a cup and pour the brewing coffee you prepared before he gets out of bed, and the whole plan is ruined. 
You dash to the fridge, cabinet, drawer- everywhere in a matter of seconds. Milk, sugar, spoon.
Once you get it safely placed on the tray and there’s no jaemin in sight just yet, you take a breather against the counter. That must’ve been your top record- coffee made in about.... 9 seconds? 
Then you cut your tiny rest short and grab everything delicately organized on the tray, so focused on carrying it carefully to your room where jaemin was hopefully awake now. 
Softly tapping on the door, you meticulously enter the room. 
A sleepy jaemin enters your vision, pout evident on his face and blankets still strewn across him and the bed. You can’t help but smile. Your favorite sight in the morning. 
He yawns, sitting up and getting a good look at what you were holding. “Sweetie, what is that?” 
Embarrassment abruptly washes over you. 
“You see, I-uh, made you breakfast.” You walk over to him, setting the tray down next to him gently and running your hands through his messy bed hair. 
“You’ve been working so hard lately- I wanted to do a little something for you since you’re always treating me.”
As you talk, jaemin stares at you with heart eyes. And you’re sure you do the same. But once you finish speaking, you glance down at your fingers, avoiding eye contact. “It’s not the best, you know I’m not good at cooking, but-“
“Thank you,” he interrupts, squeezing your hand. “I love it.” 
You soften, gesturing for him to try it. The nervousness rises back up again as you stare at him, very much anxious at his reaction to your food. 
Jaemin takes the coffee cup, cautiously raising it to his lips. 
“I didn’t make it too hot, don’t worry,” you reassure him. 
He takes a gulp. Swallows- and then stops, freezing for a second. 
His head promptly lowers, hiding his expression from you. You anxiously peer at jaemin, trying to gauge his reaction. It makes you nervous, heart racing as you ask, “what? how is it?” 
“Great,” he smiles painfully. “It’s delicious. Thank you, baby.” 
You don’t fail to notice the very small -anyone else would just miss it- flash of a grimace on his face before it quickly morphs into a delighted expression. 
This man can act to save his life, you think. 
You sigh, feeling down at his already negative reaction and fussing with the bedsheets in stress. “Jaemin, really, what is it? Considering how long we’ve been dating, you can’t hide your expressions from me that well.”
He coughs, a blush rising on his cheeks. Wordlessly, jaemin hands the mug to you. There’s was no point in hiding anything since you already figured it out... 
You frown, examining the dark brown liquid- where could someone go wrong with coffee? 
You look back at him hesitantly, suddenly afraid. “Why? What is it?” 
He nudges his head at you, a mysterious look on his face. “Try it yourself.” 
You sniff the warm liquid, but there’s no sort of discrepancy you can find. 
“It just smells like normal coffee, though?”
Jaemin whines, hand moving over yours to bring the cup closer to your lips. “No- you just have to taste it!” 
“Okay- now I don’t want to try it at all.” Ignoring your words, he eagerly positions the coffee at your lips, and you shoot him a look before timidly taking a small sip. 
Right as the coffee touches your tongue, you immediately clear your throat and softly set the cup back on the tray. 
There’s a moment of silence. 
“...i put salt instead of sugar, didn’t i?”
Jaemin laughs, hand rubs your cheek comfortingly, although his next words aren’t. Like, at all. 
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, at least you didn’t burn the house down while I was asleep?”
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heyheyloki · 3 years
The Thought Of You
Summary: Not remembering the night before, the reader distances himself from Loki.
Loki x M!Reader
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It was always one thing. Perhaps it was Tony and Steve arguing, or maybe Thor bothering Loki, and maybe it was you making fun of the spider boy. Whatever it was, it was exciting for others to watch. However, between all the fighting, Loki and you never did. It was odd to everyone else since they had this deep hatred for the God of Mischief. To you, you didn’t care, you enjoyed Loki’s presence and always knew if you needed a break from the others, you’d go to him. He was always there, even if the two of you started out on a bumpy road since he was hesitant of you when you first came around. 
Loki thought you’d be like everyone else, so it wasn’t totally personal. Though, after your many attempts to get to know him, his wall eventually fell around you and then, the bonding started.  Everyone around the two of you thought it was weird, after all, Loki was the man who wanted to take over Earth and sent an army onto New York City. Even with that fact, it never seemed to bother you.
Tony Stark always thought something would happen between the two of you, and Thor was more than supportive is it came to be. Steve had some issues since he was close to you as well and just wanted the best for you, and, well, he just didn’t think that ‘best’ was Loki. Nat and Clint seemed indifferent, but were happy with anything you decided. Banner, on the other hand, flipped from Tony and Steve’s perspective at times.
You always told them that Loki and you were just friends, but Loki never seemed to comment on it. In the back of your mind, you knew the god had looks but you cherished the relationship between you and him now. You didn’t need to progress it further since you were quite comfortable where it was. Though, perhaps that was about to change.
After a late night of drinking and dancing courtesy of Tony Stark, you were out for the count. By the time your hung over eyes had opened, you noticed it was almost noon. A groggy groan escaped your chest as you sat up from your rather large bed, again, courtesy of Tony Stark. Your body didn’t even take up half of it, and speaking of your body, when you gazed down at it you noticed your fluffy, grey night robe.
You didn’t exactly remember putting it on, but you didn’t care much. At least, you didn’t care then. When your ears started to work once more, you couldn’t help but notice the sound of your shower running. It was connected to your room and when you gazed towards the door that was shut, the light underneath was shining through.
“What did I drink last night?” You mumbled to yourself as you collapsed back into the bed, your body bouncing a bit.
As your mind tried to figure out what had happened the night before, you heard the shower faucet squeeze close and the water stop it’s pattering. You didn’t bother to look, not that you weren’t curious who you probably slept with last night, but you just didn’t care. It wasn’t common for you to have one-night stands but it wasn’t something you didn’t participate in from time to time.
You could hear the person turn the doorknob before it creaked open, their bare feet stepping across your hardwood tile getting louder as they stepped closer.
“Are you up yet, [Name]?” The stranger asked. Though, that voice wasn’t a stranger to your mind.
Your eyes fluttered open to get a look at a man half naked in your room, the towel around his waist poorly done as if he’d never done it before. The long, black hair he had was wet and textured with like curls. His body had little muscle but his thin figure made up for it, the muscle he did have off subtle lines about his body that was beyond a godly sight.
“Uh, Loki?” You mumbled out, his eyes looking at you as if waiting for you to continue moving your lips.
Though, when you didn’t, he answered with a confused, “Uh, that is my name.”
“Right, right.” You uttered, his words snapping you out of your mind. Without even a second thought, you hopped out of your bed. You quickly tied up your night robe since you didn’t seem to be wearing anything underneath except for a pair of boxers. “I’m, uh, gonna go talk to Tony.”
“Stark?” Loki questioned. “Why?”
“Oh, yanno, Avenger stuff.” You chuckled out as you slowly began to inch for the exit.
“I can occupy you, if you wish.”
“No!” You screamed. Your voice startling both you and him. You cleared your throat to quickly say, “I think he wants to do a few tests on me. You know how those are, very private. I’ll see you later, ya? Okay, bye!”
Your hand reached around for the door handle and slipped yourself into the hallway before slamming the door shut behind you. Your back soon going against it as you took in deep breaths. It could have been anyone else, anyone in the damn place and you would have been fine. But, Loki? Why did it have to be him that your drunken self choose?
“I’m so gonna get shit for this,” You uttered as you began to travel down the hallway towards the main area of the building.
“Morning, [Name].” Nat said as she and Clint sat on the couch watching movies.
You nodded in her direction before shuffling into the kitchen. You needed something cold, or hot. No in between for this one. As you were pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you heard footsteps make way towards you.
“What’s up with you?” You heard. Your eyes gazing over at Nat who stared at you with crossed arms.
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” she started out saying. Her body slowly making way towards yours. “Normally, every morning, you say good morning back. You never give a simple nod. So, what’s wrong with you?”
Your eyes blinked rapidly for a moment before letting out a sigh. You knew there was no way for you to get out of this one, but than again you didn’t want her to spill anything to Steve, Banner, or Clint. So, you gave a half lie.
“Just not to happy with who I found in my bed this morning.” You laughed off. “Nothing to worry about.”
Nat stared, her eyes moving up and down before giving a simple, “Okay. Just make sure whoever the mystery man is is out before Tony comes back.”
“He’s not here?”
“Nope. He went out for a bit, but he’ll be back soon.” Nat explained.
You nodded before grabbing your coffee and heading out. You weren’t sure where to go. You wanted to go back in your room, but you didn’t know if Loki was still there. You wanted to go sit in the living room, but you didn’t want questions from the others. So, you choose the next best thing. Wonder about the halls. It wasn’t as bad as you thought, in fact, it was quite therapeutic when gazing out at the birds that flew about. You seriously thought you’d get a break, well, that was until you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
You turned around, the soft smile on your lips dropping, your body grew hot at the God of Mischief that stared back.
“Are you alright?” Loki questioned. “You seem.. off.”
“Wha, um, what?” You asked, your throat going dry as your mind thought about what could have transpired the night before. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
Loki tilted his head as he eyed you up and down. You noticed every single, tiny detail about him to the point were you noticed the small flicker of his eyes, the tiny redness of the tips of ears. Not to mention the explosive feeling when his hand came to rest on your lower back way too casually.
You quickly grabbed his wrist, your grip tight but not tight enough for Loki to notice a difference. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” He questioned. For he first time since you’ve met him, he sounded completely innocent. “Would you like me to take you back your quarters? You look rather flushed, are you sick?”
“N-No, I’m not sick.” You stuttered out as you pushed his hand off of your body. The lingering effects causing your mind to turn foggy, it was the first time in a while that you felt such an effect from a simple touch of another. “I’ll go to my room by myself.”
“I don’t mind the trouble, really, allow me to occupy you.” Loki stated. His body ready to move right along side yours.
“No, seriously.” You stated as your hand came straight flush against his chest. The moment it hit, your words ceased to exist. It felt odd, to fell his heartbeat. You never thought in your lifetime would you be able to feel it, much less this clearly. Though, something was off with it cause you swore for a single second that you felt it skip a beat.
“I, um,” you hummed out as you placed your hand back at your side. “I’ll go by myself.”
When you turned away from the God of Mischief, it was like your entire body became cold. The feeling of him slowly slipping away from your presence was almost the worst feeling you’ve ever experienced before. It was like moving away towards the perfect, most handsome looking sun you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
When your back fell into the bed, it was like everything you were feeling hit you at once. All the things you kept towards the back of your mind came to the front, center stage. All these questions entered your mind.
What did you say to Loki while drunk?
You know he isn’t effected by Midgardian liquor, so, he was completely sober. If so, did he take advantage of your drunk state?
Sure, he was Loki and tried to take over Earth at one point. But you wouldn’t call him evil, at worse you’d give him the ‘bad boy’ label.
Did you really sleep with him?
“Shit,” you grumbled to yourself as you began to bite down on your bottom lip. You knew you had some kind of feelings for Loki, and yes you shut them down as quick as they came for obvious reasons, but you didn’t want everything to come undone just from some liquor. If anything, you at least wanted to tell him at the right time when you were sober.
Turning on your side, you pressing your knees into your chest. It really was nagging, this unknown feeling. You knew the only way you were going to get answers was from Loki himself. However, the thought of that was too much. It was like you were ripping off a bandage that you had just placed on. You were frightened that when it came undone, the painful ripping would completely tear away at what relationship was already there.
“Sir,” Jarvis called out. This wasn’t uncommon since Tony had made sure to install Jarvis in every aspect of this place. “Dinner is ready. Everyone is waiting on you.”
“Okay, thank you.” You hummed out as you gathered yourself before heading out once more. Was it too much for you to be left alone today?
When you made your appearance at the large set table, everyone finally began to eat. Steve made it top priority that everyone must be present before eating, for some reason unknown to Tony and you.
You were seated next to Tony and Thor, Loki sat across from you with Natasha and Steve on either side of him. The food that was presented to you was a simple meal. Take-out. You knew everyone had kitchen duty at least once a week, so you began to believe it was Tony’s week thanks to this being the third time take out was for dinner. Though, you were impressed how he managed to make simple take out so impressively set out like it was from a five-star restaurant.
“How was everyone’s morning?” Steve asked politely. This was routine.
“Fine, just woke up with a massive hangover.” Tony said with a funny-looking smirk that made most of the people sitting around him laugh in amusement.
“Same.” Natasha said. “Remind me never to drink at your parties.”
“Eh, it was still fun. Even if I don’t remember most of it.” You commented. Your eyes going off on their own for a moment before connecting with Loki. Except, his eyes were already on you. With no expression on his face and this certain look in his eyes while staring, it made you zip your mouth quickly. Your eyes darting back down towards your food.
Loki raised a brow quizzically before his attention was brought back to Natasha when she asked you, “Did you manage to get the mystery man out of your bed?”
“What?” You flinched, your hand even lost hold of the fork. The noise it created as it rang the glass plate caught more attention than Natasha’s comment.
“You okay, [Name]?” Steve asked with a curious look.
“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” You questioned back. If they didn’t know you, they’d drop it. However, they did know you.
“Is it someone we know?” Tony asked with a sly smirk. The look he gave made something turn uncomfortably in your stomach. “Or, maybe the same guy from last time?”
“No,” You lied. “He was a stranger.”
“That is quite exciting.” Thor chuckled as he tried to learn more about the human customs of ‘one night stands’. Something he, for some reason, doesn’t know.
“It really isn’t, but thanks.” You reassured.
“I would disagree.” Tony commented. “I think they’re rather.. thrilling.”
You rolled your eyes as you began to eat once more. Your eyes desperate for another peak at the man across from you. In the back of your mind, you told yourself no. It wasn’t worth it. Just ignore him. Though, your body denied itself to listen to your brain and gave into the desire. In that moment, everything froze. For some unknown reason, it was like everyone else in the room disappeared. The only ones left where Loki and yourself. That look in his eyes, the way his hand held up his head. Everything told you this was a dangerous game you were playing.
“[Name]?” Thor asked, his voice pulling you out of the void and back to reality. “Are you going to eat that?”
“What?” You mumbled before gazing down at the food that you haven’t eaten yet. You shook your head before pushing the plate towards the God of Thunder.
“You sure? You didn’t eat much.” Steve asked, his eyes growing to big puppy eyes filled with concern.
“Yeah, I’m not that hungry anyway.” You waved off. Your body soon standing up from your chair as you dismissed yourself from the others.
You didn’t bother to wait around for good nights or goodbyes from the others. Your feet aimlessly moved around until you rounded the corner. The quick footsteps that grew closer to you the furthest thing from your mind. So, when you felt your body get pressed into the wall, you couldn’t help but let out a loud gasp. Your mouth quickly getting covered by a rough, large hand.
Your eyes quickly began to analyze everything in front of you. Your mind processing the face and body that belonged to Loki, the hand that pressed against your mouth his. He eyed you down for what felt like a decade, that was until he broke it to gaze down the hall for any incoming Avengers. When he didn’t see anyone, he slowly released his hand from your face but still kept you pinned to the wall.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his question rough and demanding of answers.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Dont play dumb with me.” He hissed out. “You’ve been avoiding me all day, what is wrong with you?”
“I’m not avoiding you.”
Loki huffed, his patience wearing thin. “Then why did you run away this morning? Or when I saw you earlier, and how do you explain not even capable of holding eye contact with me at supper?”
“That was nothing.” You mumbled out, your head turning to the left and down so you didn’t have to look at him. Though, you suppose that was pointless.
His hand was quick to grab onto your chin to make you face him once more. “Don’t look away from me.”
You could feel your body temperature rise, the feeling brutal to the point were you had to bend your leg a bit and tap your fingers just to calm yourself a bit. Everything in your mind ran so quickly that you began to believe you would have a malfunction up there. Though, instead of a malfunction you ended up just blurting out, “Did we sleep together?”
You watched as nothing but pure confusion twisted in Loki’s face. You weren’t positive yet if that was good or bad, but something deep within your stomach told you not to make any false moves. Not to assume anything until you hear his words.
“Would that really be so bad?” He asked, his voice low.
“I don’t mean it like that.” You corrected. “I’m just asking cause I don’t remember anything from last night and when I wake up you were in my shower.”
Loki sighed, his body taking a step back to allow yours to breathe. “No, we didn’t.”
You wanted to desperately to let out a sign of relief. However, you were smart enough to read the look on his face and know this wasn’t the right time for that.
“Then, why were you there?” You asked.
Loki sighed, his eyes making contact with yours before beginning to explain. “I took you back to your room since you were probably more drunk than Stark. I didn’t mean to upset you if I have, I just thought it would be best to keep an eye on you until you fell asleep. I suppose at some point I did as well.”
“So, you took care of me.” You stated as you took an unconscious step closer.
“I suppose so, yes.” He said. “Was that wrong of me to do?”
“No, no.” You ushered out quickly. “That was fine. I’m glad you it was you.”
“You are?” He asked, his eyes staring into yours.
You nodded. Another step closer taken. Both pair of eyes danced with the other as each of you stared at the other. It was this moment of silence that you appreciated the most, cherished the most. It was an intoxicating feeling to sit in silence with Loki, to allow no sound of voice to flow between the both of you. The way your heart beat so intensity, the thoughts that crawled out that always made a shiver go up your spine, well, it was nothing but pure ecstasy.
“Come to my room.” You blurted out, the afterthought not even in question. You meant what you said, and Loki could see that as well by his silence nod and questionless lips.
As the two of your traveled, Loki following behind you in silence, your heart began to pound faster. The wonder of what would come to pass filling in your veins and by the time you came upon your room, you didn’t waste time to lock your door just in case.
“I want you to know something.” You said as you sat down next to Loki on the edge of your bed.
“What is it?” He questioned, his eyes never leaving yours for a second. After all, that would be too long for him.
“I wasn’t in regret or anything, I just wanted to know the truth.” You stated clearly. “If I ever did that with you, I rather remember the time clearly.”
You noticed the adam’s apple in Loki’s throat bob quickly after your words. The way his eyes now going frantic about your body without shame made your hand grip onto your pants. It was a new feeling, but one you enjoyed. Having him look at you felt nothing like anyone else in the past had done, when it was him and only him, you felt like he was looking at the stars.
“Allow me to be frank?” He asked, his question answered with a simple nod.
When Loki leaned in, he stabilized himself by moving one of his hands on top of yours, his fingers snaking in between the spaces in your hand. You felt him grip a bit harder, in a relaxing way before speaking his mind.
“I find myself thinking of you even at the most.. inopportune moments of the day. I feel as if a link exists between your heart and mine and should that link be broken either by distance or by time, my heart would cease to be and I would die.” Loki freely spoke. His voice soft, and low as he spoke so that only you would hear this side of him even if no other soul was nearby to hear. “And you.. you’d soon forget about me.”
You leaned your head, a plethora of emotions washing over you at once. Though, you needed to address this one thing as if life and death hanged in the balance. Your body scooted closer to the God, your hand that connected with his now placed on your lap before saying, “Loki. I’d never forget about you.”
The God let out a dry chuckle. “I acknowledge that. I just suppose that’s my fear speaking.”
“If we’re being so open, I’d like to say something as well.” You said, his eyes looking at you with such patience that you’ve never found before. “You make me feel.. you make me feel vulnerable. Every time your eyes meet mine I can feel you looking at my very soul, and I don’t like it. Do you know?”
“Do I know.. what?”
You smiled softly, your hand squeezing Loki’s as you ask, “Do you know what it’s like around you? It’s like.. It’s like I can’t breathe when you’re around and everything stops. When everything stops, I can only focus on you.”
You’ve never really seen Loki smile, but he had granted you the privilege of seeing a few times. However, you instantly knew this kind of smile, the soft and sweet kind he directed towards you was your favorite yet. Sure, the causally smirk or smile was nice, but this one was for you and you alone.
And you loved it.
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dakotacrisis · 3 years
Adrien’s Sick Day
(This dumb idea would not let me sleep. Adrien gets sick but refuses to miss school so chugs a bottle of Nyquil but starts crashing when he gets to school. Shoots back an energy drink to keep awake. Disassociates so hard he comes to with a new fencing trophy and a girlfriend.)
Adrien was sick. He never got sick easy but he was sicker than a dog today. His temperature was through the roof and the only medicine in the house was a bottle of Nyquil.
“Sounds like an easy day in.” Plagg said. “Chug it down and let’s get back to bed.”
Adrien shook his head. “I wanna go to school.”
“School?” Plagg rested on top of his head, “Kid, do you really want to attempt class today?”
“I have already missed normal human interaction for the first fifteen years of my life. I am not missing another day!” Adrien chugged down the Nyquil. “Let’s go!”
Despite Plagg’s protests to stay inside Adrien collected his bag and headed to school. He was doing well up until he stepped inside and the medicine really started kicking in. Right...the medicine wasn’t the non-drowsy kind.
“Hey dude,” Nino clapped him on the back to which Adrien almost fell face first into floor. “Dang, what’s wrong with you?”
“Fever. Medicine. Sleepy. Not missing class.” Adrien rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Got any coffee?”
“I have this.” Nino pulled out an energy drink from his bag. “You can have it if you really want it but I think you should just go home.”
“No, I’m fine. Hand it over.” Adrien took the drink and walked with Nino into class.
In the blink of an eye Adrien was no longer in class but back home in his room holding a half empty cup of boba. “What the...” Adrien looked around. “How did I...”
The sun was further down in the sky so it must be later. Oh god, where did he put his phone? On his desk was a new fencing trophy he didn’t remember earning. Hanging off the trophy’s miniature epee was the lucky charm Marinette had lent him.
This was strange. He checked the clock on his computer and was surprised to see that it was five in the evening. What had happened all day? He couldn’t remember a thing.
The sound of his phone ringing with a notification caught his attention. He rummaged around in his bag and pulled it out. The background on his phone had changed too. Instead of the picture of him and Nino it was him in his fencing uniform holding a trophy in one hand and his other arm wrapped around Marinette who was kissing his cheek.
Okay. What the heck happened today?
He went to his contacts and hit Nino’s number. Hopefully he could shed some light on this situation.
“Hey bro, what’s up?” Nino shouted over the roar of a crowd in the background, “You change your mind and want to come out to the party?”
“Party?” Adrien asked. “What party?”
“Well I guess it is turning more into a festival. I know Marinette said you should go home and rest but you sound a lot better. We’re currently out under the Eiffel Tower if you wanna stop by.”
“What festival? What’s going on?” Adrien couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was saying. He was fairly certain there wasn’t any parties or holidays today.
“Sorry dude, I can’t hear you.” Nino shouted over the noise, “Eiffel Tower! Come out! Have some fun!”
He hung up and Adrien was back at square one but with even more questions. Maybe there were some clues in his phone. He checked his pictures and saw that there were more pictures he had taken today. The picture he had set as his background was there. There was a group shot with the guys who held Adrien up on their shoulders. Those were taken around four.
Adrien checked his calendar and saw that he did have a fencing tournament today at three. So that’s where he must have been for that hour. And he ended up placing first while zonked out on cold medicine. Adrien wasn’t sure what to make of that. Either his opponents weren’t that great or he is just an amazing fencer when he’s blacked out. Neither sat right with him.
That’s still leaves the seven hours from school and the hour between when he won the tournament and when he got home. Wait! Plagg! Plagg was by his side the entire time! He’d know!
“Plagg!” Adrien called, “Plagg! Where are you?”
“Ugh, you said I could relax.” Plagg’s voice came from the cheese cabinet. Adrien opened it and saw Plagg nesting atop a large wheel of camembert. “Haven’t we done enough today?”
“Plagg, I don’t remember what happened today. You have to fill me in.”
“Seriously?” PLagg laughed, “You don’t remember a thing?”
“No! And it’s creeping me out!” Adrien pulled him out of the cabinet. “Please tell me what I did.”
“Well I don’t really know.”
“How do you not know? You hide in my bag all day!”
“I sleep in your bag all day. I only woke up for the akuma.”
“Akuma? When was there an akuma?”
“A bunch of akumas. We had another Scarlet Akuma pandemic going on before you ran off to go fencing. You and Ladybug were really struggling for a while there until your doppelgangers showed up. Something happened after the akumas got purified but I was tired and bored at that point and stopped paying attention.”
“No! Plagg, I need to know what happened! And what do you mean by doppelgangers?”
“Oh right, bunny girl brought future you and Ladybug back in time to help with the akumas.”
“My future self! Future Ladybug?!” Adrien was going to throw himself off a building. He had completely missed meeting his future self and seeing what Ladybug looked like grown up. She could have only gotten more beautiful.
“Yeah, it was trippy.” Plagg said. “That’s all I remember though. After you transformed back you had to go to fencing and I stayed in your locker resting.”
“So you don’t know anything else? Not even about this?” Adrien showed him the picture of Marinette kissing him.
“Awe, finally got that girlfriend of yours I see. But no. No idea.”
“You’re awfully helpful.” Adrien sighed. He needed answers. He wasn’t gonna be able to focus until he filled in the blanks from today. He got online and started combing through the footage from the akuma attack. Plagg wasn’t kidding. This was the most akumas Adrien had ever seen. It looked as if half of Paris had been infected.
Him, Ladybug, and some of the other heroes were fighting against them but losing ground fast. A shining portal opened up and...holy crap. It really was his future self walking alongside a grown up Ladybug. Bunnix also joined them. The footage sped by as the heroes, future and present fought side by side. Adrien had always thought that he and Ladybug were a well oiled machine but seeing their future counterparts fight made them look like fish flopping on a deck. It was as if they were thinking about each other’s moves five steps ahead.
There was an eruption of white butterflies as the akumas were purified. The people cheered. Future Chat grabbed Future Ladybug and spun her in the air in victory. And then...oh…present Ladybug grabbed present Chat and kissed him. Seriously?! Another kiss he couldn’t remember!
“Nothing did!” Plagg shouted back.
“How is this any different then the other times she kissed you and you forgot?”
“Y’know what--!”
“Can’t hear you. Napping.” Plagg started snoring loudly.
Adrien sighed. He turned his attention back to the screen.
There was only more cheering as the two kissed. Wait. So he kissed Ladybug and Ladybug kissed him back and they both remember so why had Marinette been kissing him in his fencing picture? Once again, more questions.
The future miraculous holders went back through the portal. His present self and Ladybug waved to the crowd then vaulted out of frame. According to the akuma report online that was from 12:40 to 2:55. Another two hours accounted for. Yet it was the minutes in between that seemed to hold all the answers.
Adrien grabbed his school bag and dumped it out looking for more answers. There had to be something else. All of it looked pretty normal. Books, homework assignments, a couple empty containers of camembert, and a few loose papers. He picked up one and saw it was an excerpt of a script. A Midsummer Night’s Dream? What was this doing in his bag? They were supposed to start their Shakespeare period in literature class so it wasn’t so out of place.
The assignment was to recreate a scene from one of Shakespeare’s plays. At the top of the page was Adrien’s name as well as Marinette’s. He guessed they must have gotten partnered up. Maybe he should try calling her to figure out what was going on.
He picked up his phone and searched for Marinette’s contact, her name in his phone had been changed to Girlfriend with a bunch of sparkly hearts around it. So apparently she was his girlfriend now, according to his phone at least. He called her but the call went to voicemail. Okay, maybe Alya knows. He called her next and was relieved when she answered.
“Hey lover boy!” Alya was shouting over the same crowd as Nino had been, “Nino said you called. Feeling better already?”
“Alya, you have to tell me what I did today.”
“What did I do while I was at school? I can’t remember.”
“How do you not remember?”
“I was zonked out on cold medicine! I don’t even know how I got home let alone how I won a fencing trophy and got a girlfriend in the past few hours.”
“Wow. Just...wow. I knew you were kinda loopy today but I figured you’d remember confessing to Marinette. Girl was over the moon.”
The memories tickled right in the back of Adrien’s brain but he just couldn’t get to them. They had been washed away in a tidal wave of medicine and energy drink. He needed answers. He needed to talk to Marinette. “Are you all still by the Eiffel Tower?” Adrien asked.
“Yeah, you coming out?”
“Yeah. I’ll be there in a few.” Adrien hung up and grabbed his coat. He felt much better physically than he had that morning which was nice. The walk to the Eiffel Tower gave him plenty of time to think about what it was he was missing. There was a significant piece of the puzzle missing, the one piece that would make the rest of the day make sense. If only he could figure out what it was!
He found his friends and everyone cheered when they saw him and pulled him into their circle. Standing with Alya was Marinette. Face alight with a smile and laughing. She turned when she felt Adrien’s eyes on her and her smile grew.
“Hey, I thought I told you to go home and rest. Or was it that you didn’t want to miss out on all the fun?” She grabbed his hands, “I suppose I’ll let it go this time seeing as how today was very taxing and we could do with some fun after that Scarlet Moth fiasco.”
“Yeah, about that,” Adrien said, “Can we talk somewhere a little quieter?”
“Sure,” She pulled on his hands as she led him away from the group. Their classmates whistled and teased as the couple left. When they were far enough away from the noise and people Marinette spoke to him, “What is it you want to talk about?”
“Right um…” Adrien felt heat climbing up his neck, “So I was kinda really sick this morning and I took a bunch of drowsy cold-medicine that I tried to counteract with an energy drink and now I don’t remember anything that happened today. Nothing whatsoever.”
Marinette stared at him, her wide, unblinking baby blue eyes piercing through his skull. “Are you joking?”
“No. I swear I am not. I’ve put together some of what happened but there are some things that I don’t understand like how um, you know, how you and I…” He looked down at his feet, mortified that he had to have this conversation with her. He felt like he was breaking her heart or something.
“You dumb kitty.” Marinette bonked the top of his head, “That explains a lot actually. I’ve always known you to be kinda spacey but today was something else. How is it that when you’re out of it you can still function as a human being?”
“Marinette?” Adrien looked up at her, “What did you call me?”
Marinette sighed and motioned for him to sit down on the bench. “Alright, so this morning when class started…”
*Earlier that day*
“Did that help at all?” Nino asked Adrien as they sat down for class.
“I guess we’ll see,” Adrien almost missed his seat when he went to sit down, “So far it is a rousing success!”
“I really think you should just go home, dude.” Nino shook his head. “I think the caffeine just made this worse.”
“Nah!” Adrien corrected himself and slid himself into his seat, “I am fine! Look how fine I am! I am super fine!”
“Sure are.” Nino snickered, he couldn’t help it. His best friend was essentially high as a kite right now.
Everyone took their seats as Ms. Bustier began the lesson. “For this unit we will be focusing on William Shakespeare. I figured we’d start off with something fun so I want everyone to get into pairs or small groups and perform a scene from any Shakespeare play you would like. Group up and figure out what you’re performing in class today. Go over your lines and we’ll do the actual performances tomorrow. Try not to do really long ones. Have fun!”
Immediately everyone around the room started pairing off. “Hey Adrien,” Alya grabbed his attention, “How’s about you and Marinette team up? You would make a wonderful Romeo and Juliet.”
“But I wanted us to do Romeo and Juliet, babe.” Nino pouted.
“That’s fine, Alya. You two can have Romeo and Juliet.” Marinette told her, her face tinted a cute pink. “Adrien and I can do something else.”
“Hernia!” Adrien shouted, “You can be Hernia and I’ll be Lightsaber!”
“What?” The other three teenagers stared at him. “What are you talking about?”
“You know, that play, the one with the donkey head?” Adrien mimicked large donkey ears on his head.
“Oh! I got it!” Marinette said, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream. You want us to be Hermia and Lysander.”
“Yeah! Those two!” Adrien nodded, “Hernia and Lightsaber.”
“Adrien, sweetie,” Alya looked at him with an amused smile, “Their names are Hermia and Lysander. Not Hernia and Lightsaber.”
“Got it. Got it.” Adrien continued nodding so hard he looked like a bobblehead. “We can be them.”
“Alright, I’ll find us a scene to do.” Marinette started looking for a good scene. They eventually agreed to do the opening scene when Hermia and Lysander plan to runaway together. Marinette was being super giggly through the reading which made Adrien start laughing which made her giggle more until they were in a perpetual loop of laughter.
When class ended everyone got up to move onto the next class. Nino and Alya went on ahead leaving Marinette and Adrien alone still chuckling over their inability to be serious during their scene.
“It may be the fact that I was laughing through the whole thing but I have to confess that I have no idea what Lysander was saying.” Adrien squinted at the text before shoving it in his bag. “Did you?”
“It’s pretty simple actually,” Marinette said, “The couple are lamenting that none of Hermia’s choices that she was given from Theseus let her be with Lysander. Lysander though figures that they don’t have to follow their rules and talks Hermia into leaving Athens with him and getting married where the Athenian laws don’t apply.”
“I wish I could do that.” Adrien sighed.
“Do what?”
“Runaway with the love of my life. I have this whole plan with an island and a hamster but I know you’d never go with me.” He slumped, looking utterly defeated. “Why don’t you wanna go with me?”
“Love--love--love--love of your what? Runaway? Me and you? To an island? With hamsters!” Marinette was stammering as she tried to piece together what it was Adrien had just confessed to her. Was this really happening?
“Oh wait,” Adrien frowned, “I meant my lady.”
“Ladybug is so pretty…” Adrien murmured dreamily, “She’s so awesome but she only sees me as a tomcat which--just--boo! I love her! Why doesn’t she see that?  My spotty lady! Buggy boo! I love her spots and her eyes and her pigtails…”
His green eyes turned to Marinette and batted a hand against Marinette’s hair. “Just like your pigtails.” He muttered, “You remind me a lot of Ladybug. You can be my Maribug!”
Tomcat? In love with Ladybug? No...there was no way. Surely someone like Adrien couldn’t also be her dorky partner in crime fighting.
“Hey Adrien,” Marinette smiled nervously, “Why do you think that Ladybug thinks you’re a tomcat?”
“Because I am a cat!” He stated proudly. Then his expression soured. “Or as Ladybug says, I’m a bad kitty that needs to stop flirting with her cause they’re working and she likes someone else. It’s sad that she likes someone else. I wish she could like me…”
Yep. Definitely Chat Noir. Although Marinette had never called him a bad kitty before. Chastised him for flirting an inappropriate moments? Yes. But she never berated him. She’d have to have a talk to him later as Ladybug.
WAIT! Chat Noir is Adrien! Adrien is Chat Noir! The love of her life is also her partner! Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy! Crap! Calm down, Marinette! More important things to focus on right now!
She looked over at Adrien who was still pouting like a sad little kitten. She put an arm around his shoulders. “Well I got some good news for you, kitty. I know who Ladybug is really in love with.”
“Really?!” Adrien looked at her with stars in her eyes, “Who? I’m gonna whoop their butt if they mistreat her!”
“Ladybug has a crush on Adrien Agreste.”
“Boo! He sucks!”
“Dummy, Adrien is you. Ladybug likes you.”
“Oh...SHE DOES?!” He nearly screamed and Marinette clamped a hand over his mouth. He moved his head away from her, gaping at the information. “How do you know that?”
“Because that’s who I have a crush on.” Marinette’s cheeks felt entirely too warm. When she looked at Adrien there was absolutely nothing going on behind those big green eyes of his.
“Adrien?” She waved a hand in front of his face? “Goodness, you silly kitty, you are really out of it, huh? Give it a moment. It’ll come to you.”
Marinette started counting in her head. She got to one hundred and seventeen before Adrien finally perked up like a meerkat. “Ladybug?!” He pointed at her.
“There it is.” She ruffled his hair, “I’m guessing you’re happy?”
“Then that’s when Scarlet Moth and all the other akumas hit and we went to got fight them. Our future selves showed up to help kick some butt. We kissed. Then we went back to school so you could get to your fencing tournament. You won. You looked pretty tired so I walked you home after but you insisted we stop for boba first so we kinda went on an impromptu boba date. Got you home then I came out to celebrate with everyone about today’s akuma win.” Marinette finished, “Did that fill you in well enough?”
“So you are…”
“And you like me?”
“Also yep.”
“And I somehow managed to do all this while disassociating to the point of amnesia?”
“Apparently so.”
“I am never mixing Nyquil and Red Bull again.”
“Turned out okay in the end though, right?” Marinette flashed him a bright smile.
As all the information settled within him Adrien smiled back and kissed her. She squeaked for a second not expecting it but eagerly kissed him back. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She giggled. She stood up and pulled him to his feet. “Come on, kitty, let’s go have some fun.”
*The next day*
“Hey bugaboo,” Adrien entered her room holding a hot cup of tea, “Sorry for getting you sick. Probably wasn’t a good idea to have kissed you so many times while I had a cold.”
Marinette blew her nose. “Worth it.”
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satendou · 4 years
⟼ if you can’t beat ‘em
⍣ clueless chemistry series | next
⇢  pairing: bokuto kotaro/f!reader/kuroo tetsuro
⇢ au: clueless chem!au, college!au, poly!au
⇢ summary: you and kuroo have it bad for each other, even though you’re dating bokuto. ignoring it for the sake of your relationships, it turns out bokuto isn’t as oblivious as you think.
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⇥  masterlist
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⇢  warnings: established relationship, polyamory, smut, double penetration in one hole, blowjobs, fingering, oral, unprotected sex
⇢  word count: 8k
⇢  a/n: idk how good this one actually is so we’ll see
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The front door opened as you were putting three frozen pizzas in the oven, a deep, amused voice calling out a greeting to you. Your heart dropped from your chest to your stomach, almost dropping the pizza in your surprise.
“Back again? Just can’t stay away, can you?” Kuroo asked, dropping his bag with a muffled thump* by the door. You could hear the sound of his shoes hitting the floor as well, and then it seemed like he was suddenly behind you. “Bokuto home yet?”
“Hey, Kuroo. No,” you answered, trying to keep the nerves singing in your stomach at bay. Had you known he would be here before Bokuto, you might have opted to stick around for Bo’s practice instead. “He should be home soon though.”
As if to prove your point, both your phones dinged at the same time. Kuroo unlocked his first, reading Bokuto’s message in the group chat saying he would be home in ten. 
“How were classes?” you asked as you checked your own texts. Bokuto had sent you a separate text full of heart emojis and an ‘eye love you’, to which you chuckled and typed back. There was a series of texts trying to determine meet up times for a group project in one of your classes, which you ignored for the time being. They would spend the next twelve hours trying to figure it out amongst themselves, so you had time. “The fuckin’ economy professor is killing me this semester.”
Kuroo laughed while you set the timer. His eyes lingered on the way your legs stretched out from underneath Bokuto’s old Fukurodani jersey before he winced.
The last thing he should be doing was eye-fucking his best friend’s girlfriend. He bit his lip and averted his eyes out the window, seriously considering all of his life choices, right down to the choice not to get a drink at the bar the night Bokuto met you.
Ugh, lucky bastard, he snarled in his head, but it was filled with amused aggravation at himself. Jealousy was unbecoming, especially when he was as envious of Bokuto as he was of you. What an awful friend he was. Up until the day Bokuto had met you, Kuroo had kept whatever feelings he’d had for Bokuto in check, refusing to linger or inspect them deeper than as a surface level platonic interest. He was afraid if he looked too closely at them, they would take root and flourish and then he would really be screwed.
But seeing the two of you together had really stuck in his craw and forced those dormant feelings to the forefront. At first, he hadn’t liked you because he was jealous. Yet, the longer he was forced to be in your presence and he saw how unbearably happy you made Bo, the more he just accepted that that was how things were meant to be. When he accepted that, it allowed him to start to get to know you.
And about that was around the time he realized he was actually, really, and truly fucked.
Turning back to you, he found you giving him a soft, pensive look that tugged at the fine strings holding his heart, which he chose to ignore for everyone’s sake. “Yeah, I had him last semester and it only gets worse. He’s gonna give you some insane project about halfway through the semester, so if you need help, let me know. I aced it, after all.”
You had quickly averted your eyes, cheeks flushing a light pink when he caught you staring, but you laughed into your hand. “Thanks, I appreciate that. Not gonna lie, I’m already kinda lost as it is. All the numbers and different...whatever. I need to really study if I’m gonna keep up, ugh.”
The offer to help was on the tip of his tongue when the door opened and Bokuto stumbled in, calling a raucous greeting, causing guilt to flood his system again. There was no reason to feel that way either, he was just going to offer you help, it wasn’t even an underhanded attempt to spend time alone with you, for fuck’s sake. Not that it wouldn’t be a perk but you were dating his best friend. He would reign in his urges for that if for no other reason.
Trying not to read too much into the way you scampered away from him, he watched you smile at Bokuto, who swept you up in a hug. The burning in his chest was a mix of affection and jealousy, and it left a bitter tang on his tongue as he looked away. The sun was mostly gone by that point, and the lights of Tokyo were starting to twinkle. 
For a brief moment he considered going out to find somewhere else to be for the night. Watching the two of you simper over each other all night would be enough to make him puke, and yet he found himself parked on the opposite end of the couch from you, watching Fight Club. Just as expected, you were curled up against Bo’s chest while he told the two of you about practice and classes, and the gap between you and Kuroo felt like a canyon.
“Where’s ‘Kaashi?” you asked at last, when the clock struck ten. The pizza was long gone by then and you were settled into Bokuto’s chest, his hand warm on your back through the jersey you wore. It was abnormal for him to be so late getting home, and you narrowed your eyes at Bokuto’s smirk.
He snickered into his hand, grinning knowingly. It was oddly devilish coming from your light-hearted partner. It did strange things to you, sending chills down your spine, and you shifted closer to him. “He’s out on a study-date, but I don’t think he’ll be coming home tonight.”
Kuroo scoffed on your other side before snickering. “Since when are you so observant, Ko?”
“I’m a lot more observant than you might think, Tetsu.” 
There was a strange, new edge to Bokuto’s voice when he answered, sending both of your hearts racing when you heard it. It set off something akin to alarm bells, and you and Kuroo looked at each other.
When you had first got together with Bokuto, you had been forthright with him. You liked him a lot, but you were someone who liked having multiple partners. Of course, Bokuto being Bokuto it hadn’t made a difference to him. 
“Alright, cool. Not sure I’m interested, but thanks for letting me know. Now how ‘bout we go get some ice cream?”
At the time, you hadn’t believed he truly understood what you meant, but after a few more conversations and hints, he finally got the big picture. And still didn’t seem to care. 
As he had said during that first conversation, he showed no interest in dating outside of you, and so it made you feel a bit guilty about going on any dates when he was almost single-mindedly devoted. Then again, it had taken you a decent while to get to the point where you wanted to date other people. Bokuto took up a lot of your time that wasn’t already taken up by classes and work. He was a ball of energy that left you no chance to even consider interest in anyone else.
Maybe that was why you had fallen for Kuroo. Besides Akaashi, he was the friend that you spent the most time with, but you didn’t care to date any of the other people you met. 
No, that wasn’t right. You didn’t date them for long, if one date could be called dating. It was fine--  you weren’t looking for anything. Just, sometimes you would agree to coffee or dinner and then ghost or be ghosted after that.
You still couldn’t pinpoint when you had fallen for Kuroo, either. With Bokuto, you had taken an instant liking to him, with his loud vibrance and undying enthusiasm. His more or less blind optimism and kindness towards everyone didn’t hurt either.
Kuroo, on the other hand, had started out a bit...abrasive. You couldn’t tell what were jokes; he was constantly picking and teasing, and it grated on your nerves for a while. A few of your other friends called him a “master of provocation” and it sounded stupid but you could also see what they meant. He was certainly good at getting under your skin.
Which was why it surprised you when you saw him one day and felt the familiar stir of emotions, your eyes starting to linger on him longer and seek him out. His teasing became less annoying and more endearing, your laughter coming more easily in response to it. You would guess it was around that time that his gaze started lingering on you longer than was appropriate, and that you began to catch his eyes.
The longer it went on, the more you realized a lot of things about Kuroo. How he liked his coffee-- black if he had an early morning class, but with a lot creamer if he wasn’t going anywhere-- and that his teasing was interlaced with a lot of good advice and kindness-- you just had to know where to look. He was smart, top of the class in most if not all the science courses, funny, handsome, and kind. And the way Bokuto talked about him, like Kuroo was some kind of saint with a sarcastic streak, really didn’t help.
It really wasn’t much of a surprise when you considered all that. But he was one of Bokuto’s best friends, strictly off limits. You were definitely not about to go and ruin their friendship because you couldn’t control yourself.
You weren’t going to be that selfish.
Neither was Kuroo, even though he never said as much. It wasn’t something either of you had ever even considered bringing up amongst yourselves, beyond weighing the pros and cons of doing so.
Pros: maybe you realized it wasn’t a crush after all and you could settle into a friendship.
Cons: you fucked up big time.
Pretty simple answer.
But no matter how hard you tried to ignore the feelings and treat each other as friends, it wasn’t that simple.
“What do you mean, Ko?” Kuroo asked, quirking his eyebrow at Bokuto. There was a small smile toying at the corners of his lips, but his narrowed eyes belied his concern.
You admired his ability to sound so calm and collected when your heart was racing so fast in your chest you were lightheaded. The accusatory tone in Bokuto’s voice wasn’t even fair when you hadn’t even done anything--
You remained tucked into Bokuto’s side, head craned up to look into your partner’s face, but you couldn’t get a read on him. Usually he was so open, betraying every emotion he was feeling in a given moment, but besides the narrow, calculating look in his eyes, there was nothing. 
“Ko?” you murmured, tentatively covering his hand with yours.
“Like you don’t know, Kuroo. I’ve seen the way you look at her,” Bokuto answered, slipping his hand out from under yours. You found yourself hoisted further up into his lap, planted sideways across his thighs, and your heart made its way into your throat. Tears burned your eyes as you looked at Kuroo, pleading with him to save this.
Kuroo looked right back at you, alarm evident in his eyes, before looking back up to Bokuto as he shook his head. “It isn’t like that, Ko. You know it isn’t. And she hasn’t-- we haven’t--”
So focused on Kuroo, you didn’t notice Bokuto’s arm sliding around your waist until it was pulling you back slightly, so that you were putting your weight on it. Bracing yourself on your leg wasn’t an option either because Bo had already hooked his other arm under your knee, pulling until you were splayed out before Kuroo, who had a sudden inkling this wasn’t going to go the way either of you expected.
Still, he kept his arms locked across his chest, legs crossed as he kept his eyes firmly on Bokuto’s unreadable yellow ones. He was actually a little concerned about how Bo was suddenly so good at that-- it made him uneasy, not being able to tell exactly what he was thinking. It had been years since Kuroo had learned all of Bokuto’s tells but he was seeing none whatsoever now.
“I know you haven’t, because I trust the both of you,” Bokuto responded, and finally looked down at you. His arm came out from under your knee so he could cradle your face, giving you the first soft smile you had seen since he had first started...whatever this was. It almost* eased the tightness in your chest, but you were still confused. Then he laughed, boisterous and full and loud and both you and Kuroo jumped a mile high. “Don’t worry, guys. I’m not mad. I mean, have you seen her? I’d be more concerned if you weren’t interested.”
You gaped like a fish and Kuroo’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, only making him laugh harder at the utter confusion all over both of your faces.
Kuroo was the first to recover, blinking wildly, and his concern for you was evident. “You mean you aren’t mad? We’ve never even talked about it let alone acted on it so I think we were both confused but--”
“Bro, Akaashi noticed ages ago how the two of you were acting and asked what was going on. Was super concerned but I told him it was cool and that we were open so I didn’t mind,” Bokuto explained, and his arm around you relaxed as he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. He smiled when you cuddled down into him, curling your knees up so that you were tucked close into his chest. “Sorry, baby. I just wanted to have a little fun.”
You couldn’t help the tears that welled up and spilled down your cheeks, and Bokuto was quick to ramp up his apologies, swiping at the tears with his thumbs while Kuroo chuckled from his seat. When you looked up at him, his pretty yellow eyes were swimming with regret, but you weren’t quite ready to forgive him yet.
“The hell, Ko? I was really scared. I thought you were gonna-- gonna leave me or--” You hiccupped, hiding your face in his shirt. Fingers curling into his shirt, you wiped your eyes on his shoulder, feeling his large, warm hands rubbing your back. You weren’t sure what the or was, but it had something to do with cutting you and maybe even Kuroo out of the picture. 
You were shaking against him and Bokuto was just starting to think he’d really fucked up when you pulled back and kissed him full on the mouth. He could feel your lips quirk up against his, taste the salt from your tears on his tongue, but then you were playfully smacking his chest while you huffed out a laugh.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he answered, glancing at Kuroo from the corner of his eyes. His friend was examining his perfectly filed nails with feigned disinterest, picking at nonexistent dirt underneath them, and he smirked. “Why didn’t you guys tell me about it, though? Or at least you, _____. You know I don’t mind.”
“Uh-- well--” you stuttered, and looked to Kuroo again. He looked mildly curious, and you realized he didn’t really know about yours and Bokuto’s arrangement either. Probably because Bokuto completely forgot to mention it, if you had to guess. Things like that slipped his mind often when they weren’t pressing. Sometimes even the important things did as well, but you couldn’t blame him. Much softer and a little shy, you continued, “He’s your friend, Ko. I didn’t want to do that. Especially to you and Kuroo.”
The corner of Kuroo’s mouth ticked up, affection for you flooding his system, and the soft look Bokuto gave you only made it worse. He wished he was on the receiving end of anything from either of you, but it wasn’t possible. But he was curious to know what you and Bo were talking about. You didn’t want to do what* that Ko didn’t care about? With him*?
But Bokuto was too busy showering you with affection to notice anything Kuroo was doing, so he contented himself to watch him whisper in your ear and listen to you giggle in return. Why he was still just sitting there was beyond him when he was suffering for it, wanting everything the two of you had. Jealousy flared in his ribs and spread down through his stomach, icy hot tendrils wrapping around his heart until he thought it might burst. He really was such an awful friend.
The couch shifted and you broke from Bokuto to look at Kuroo, who had stood up but was staring with fixed determination at the TV. The look on his face was twisting and turning, changing from anger to resignation to hurt and back again, as if he couldn’t figure out what he wanted to feel.
Scoffing at what was on the screen, he turned towards the hall. It was all well and good that the two of you could make up and move on, but the longer Kuroo sat and thought about it, the angrier he became at Bokuto’s ‘joke’. As if his feelings were just something to amuse him and he wasn’t about to sit here and be made fun of, but he wasn’t about to blow up on the two of you either. It wasn’t your fault he was...feeling like this.
Except it kind of was Bokuto’s but he wouldn’t understand.
“Where you goin’, Tetsu?” Bokuto asked, but his eyes were narrowed in amusement. Over the last few months of watching the two of you, he had learned more about Kuroo’s expressions and tells, things he had missed in the years that they had known each other. The way Kuroo’s eyes would narrow just before he said something he knew would tick someone off, the way his eyes would water just the tiniest bit before he told a joke he thought was hilarious, or how he would suck his lip in and nibble when he was holding his tongue on something-- which was rare-- were just a few.
He had also taken notice of the way he stared at not only you, but Bokuto himself. Now, Bokuto would be the first to admit that he wasn’t the most observant or the smartest, but he knew a wistful look when he saw one and he was the constant target of Kuroo’s. He was probably neck and neck with you, but he couldn’t be sure how much longer he’d been on the receiving end. When he asked Akaashi about it, he had only shrugged, commenting, “Maybe he likes you too. Have you thought of that?”
The answer was no, no he hadn’t. But that had started some weird gears turning in Bokuto’s volleyball addled brain and sooner rather than later he wondered if he hadn’t developed feelings for Kuroo in return. It wasn’t like he was oblivious to how attractive his friend was, but in Bokuto’s mind it didn’t work that way. He liked what he liked and Kuroo had been around for so long that he never thought about how deep his feelings might run. He was just such a constant in his life that it didn’t occur to him there might be more to it, not like when he had met you. His feelings for you were instantly recognizable, but the more he delved into watching Kuroo, the more he realized those same feelings applied.
It was all very confusing to Bokuto, who usually just lived by a run and gun mentality, and tonight he was shooting his shot.
Right now Kuroo was biting his tongue so hard Bokuto was sure it was bleeding inside his mouth, and he laughed again, his answer short and bitten out. “Just going to go to bed. It’s getting too lovey-dovey in here for my tastes.”
Your heart thumped painfully in your chest, knowing that Kuroo was hurting. None of this was fair to him, but what could you do? It wasn’t like it was fair to you either, nor was it fair to Bokuto. You had made your choice-- you loved Bo and that was all there was to it. “Kuroo, I’m sorry.”
Your words caused him to falter, soft and unbearably sweet. It took everything he had to stop himself from turning around because seeing you would just make it that much harder. Sighing, he said quietly, “It isn’t your fault, _____. None of this is anyone’s fault. Except maybe Bokuto’s for bringing you around.”
He snickered at the offended squawk that left his friend who, unbeknownst to him, leaned down and whispered something into your ear.
Your eyes widened in surprise and shock, and you couldn’t find it in you to ask if he meant it, so you just stared up at him without blinking. Was he being serious?
Bo smirked at the look on your face-- it was one he would never get tired of seeing, when he surprised you by telling you something you weren’t expecting and he was very good at it-- and nodded. Helping you to stand, he patted your butt to get you moving when you just stood there for another moment, still staring at him. He was sure you were expecting a trick but if you didn’t get a move on Kuroo was going to leave and make things a lot harder.
Walking as quietly as you could and avoiding that one creaky spot by the corner of the coffee table, you came up behind Kuroo, who was just hovering in the middle of the archway. He jumped when your hand came to rest on his back, but followed your persistent tugging for him to turn around. He was several inches taller than you, which made it a bit awkward, but when he was finally facing you you looped your arms around his neck and stared up at him.
He took in your wide, nervous eyes and the way your shoulders rose and fell far too fast, then looked over your head at Bokuto. He was splayed out and relaxed on the couch watching with a smirk on his face. Kuroo would swear there was lust in those golden eyes, like he was waiting for them to put on a show.
The smirk issued a challenge and posed a question, slowly sliding down to you. Kuroo set his hands on your hips and Bokuto nodded, eyes widening the slightest bit and Kuroo groaned low in his throat. The hell was he thinking? Was he actually offering you? For that matter, were you going along with it?
When he looked down to you, his breath was literally knocked out of him at the open, hopeful look in your eyes. You were so achingly beautiful to him, need and desire shimmering in the depths of that hope. He caved with little resistance, slotting his lips against yours sloppily. You whined, standing on your toes, tangling your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. It was as soft as you had always imagined, though your fingers did get tangled in the strands. He tasted soft and sweet, his tongue gliding against yours as if savoring every second of the kiss. He was a lot gentler than you expected of him, pulling you flush against his body as his mouth moved against yours.
“Holy shit,” Bokuto whispered, drawing you both from the moment. When Kuroo pulled away to look at him, there was definitely arousal pooling in his eyes, and he shifted in his seat. Catching Kuroo looking at him, a smug grin flitted across his face, then he looked at you.
You were still staring up at Kuroo with half-lidded eyes, lips parted and a need for more written clearly on your face. Before he could give in to your begging, Bokuto called for you.
It took you a moment to register, then you were pulling away to go to Bo, stumbling a little on your way and they were both concerned until he took your hand in his. His pretty face had finally lightened up into something you were used to, open and expressive and needy. His rough hands caressed the outside of your thighs, making you squirm with desire. You needed more.
“What’s wrong, princess?” Bokuto asked, catching Kuroo’s eye behind you. Inclining his head in invitation, he watched Kuroo shake his head in confusion. It made him feel a bit bad-- he had never seen Kuroo like this before, so torn up over something, but he was equally amused. He just loved surprising people. To you, he asked, “You need something?”
You flushed red from the tips of your ears all the way down to your chest, twisting the hem of your shirt in your fingers, and shook your head.
“No? Nothing’s wrong?” Bokuto teased, easing your fingers up from their death grip. He lifted your hand to his lips and kissed the tip of each finger. You were biting your lip and looking to the side, tension resting in your shoulders. When he had told you to go kiss Kuroo, the look on your face and in your eyes had been adorable, the sight of the two of you stirring something he hadn’t expected.
It had never been in his interests to have more than one partner, especially because relationships weren’t high on his list of priorities in the first place. You had come into his life like a bright flash of sunlight through the gap in a curtain, blinding him. There had been no hesitation in his pursuit of you, though it wasn’t much of a chase since you had agreed to a date right off the bat. It had been easy with you, for the most part, because he had never lied to you about how important volleyball was to him. After a few months, it became a rhythm to meet up after practice whenever you could, and you made it a point to be there for his games. Sometimes he felt guilty, that he was neglecting you, but whenever he brought it up you would sit him down and promise him you understood.
He was undoubtedly grateful for your support, no matter how fanatical he got about his passion, and it was one of the reasons he didn’t say anything about it when you brought up dating people besides himself. The way you explained it made sense to him-- but your needs were more complex than his, he had to admit. He felt no burden* from your need for attention, but if you needed more than he could give you, he would let you go. 
But you stuck around, and that was more than he could have hoped for given how busy he was. It seemed he might have the solution now, if you and Kuroo wanted it.
“Kotaro, what is all this about?” Kuroo asked, cutting into Bokuto’s pondering. First name use, huh? He was catching on. 
Bokuto smiled at him, happy and light and manipulative, causing Kuroo to sigh. If he was right, then he was going to get his number one wish of the last six months. A part of him was almost scared to find out what would come of it, but the other, louder part of him hardened in his slacks.
Bokuto snickered and urged you to turn around, preening when you did so willingly. Your head was still swimming with trepidation, your heart racing with hope and exhilaration. Kuroo seemed to have a better grasp of whatever Bokuto was getting at than you did, but it wasn’t hard to gather how far he was planning to let this go. His hands were warm on your thighs, sliding up, up, up, underneath his jersey that hung two times too large on your body.
Kuroo gulped, you could see his Adam’s apple bob in his slender throat as inch after inch of bare skin was revealed, and he took it all in with a hungry stare. He wasn’t even pretending he wasn’t interested, not now that Bokuto had all but spoken his consent.
You trusted him enough in that, and you had no interest in stopping him either.
There was an audible intake of breath from Kuroo when you took over pulling the shirt over your head. It hit the floor with a whisper of sound, easily obscured by the low groan emanating from Kuroo.
How many times had he pictured you like this, naked and so fucking willing for him, only to be flooded with shame immediately afterwards? Looking down at him as you rode him or up at him as you sucked his cock, lips stretched around him-- in any scenario you were fucked out and drooling, begging him for more.
There was no shame this time as he stared at you while Bokuto peeked over your shoulder wearing a smug expression that would have pissed Kuroo off in another situation. As it was, Kuroo was just itching to run his fingers all over your supple skin, leaving marks that would remind you of him come the morning. When Bokuto’s fingers started to toy with the waistband of the too short shorts you still wore, he took a step forward, but Bokuto stilled and shook his head.
“Ah, ah, not yet, Tetsu,” he said, and began to slide the fabric down. Your panties peeled away and both men could see the wetness on your folds before you began to rub your thighs together, but Bokuto wasn’t having that. “I want you to watch for a bit.”
He yanked you down into his lap, eliciting a panicked squeak, falling into his chest with your legs spread on either side of his. The silky fabric of his shorts did nothing to hide the erection grinding against your ass and you gasped.
Kuroo relaxed, trying to appear nonchalant as he leaned against the wall, but his eyes were sharp and focused on the way Bokuto’s fingers skimmed up your inner thighs all the way to your core, spreading your slick lips. “Since when are you such a tease, Ko?”
Bokuto gave his signature smirk, just one side of his mouth turning up as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “I’ve learned some things, Tetsu. Enjoying the view?” You squirmed with embarrassment in his hold, head turned to the side but it did nothing to hide the red flush on your cheeks. You were leaking all over his shorts as his thumb found your clit, swiping over it and you mewled. His other hand came up to cup one lush tit, tweaking your pretty nipple, and you clenched around nothing.
Kuroo could see the way your hole twitched, spread as it was by Bokuto’s fingers, slick dripping down the curve of your ass. He had to fight to resist the urge to palm himself, just to relieve something, and he swallowed thickly. Yes, yes he damn well was enjoying the view, and when one of Bokuto’s thick fingers slid into you, he moaned with need.
You jerked in his hold, eyes locked on Kuroo, who looked like he was going to collapse at any moment. His eyes were bright with arousal, the tent in his pants obvious though he tried to appear calm. It looked painful, but with Bokuto’s finger curling inside you while his thumb toyed with your clit, you weren’t in any position to help.
“Feel good, princess? Want another one?” Bokuto asked, snickering when you nodded mutely. The slick noises your hole was making filled the room, your head on the verge of falling back onto his shoulder, hips rocking ever so with his thrusts. When another finger was added you moaned, eyes fluttering closed and legs trying to squeeze closed around his. His lips blazed a trail up the side of your neck to underneath your jaw, teeth nipping sharply as he listened to you. “Tetsu, how does she look?”
The word tumbled out without thought, unable to look away from you. Though his cheeks flushed he absolutely meant it and he watched your head snap up to look at him with wide eyes. He was almost afraid he was dreaming, watching Bokuto pump his fingers in and out of you while you squirmed in his lap. Your eyes were glazed and needy, lips parted in a silent ‘o’ when he curled them up just right, your nails digging into his forearm in a white-knuckle grip. 
You whined when Bokuto pulled his fingers out of you, covered in your slick, lifting them to your lips. Bokuto perked up when Kuroo moaned, pinning him with an amused stare while your lips wrapped around them, lapping and sucking the taste of yourself.
“Want him to taste you, pretty girl?” he asked, loud enough that Kuroo could hear just to watch him perk up. There was no hesitation when you nodded, reaching out to him and he went in an instant, falling to his knees before you.
He grabbed you by the knees and pulled you down further, slinging your knees over his shoulder as he dove in. His tongue lapped at your outer lips to tease, your thighs tightening around his head every time he came close to your clit only to miss. When he looked up, your head was back on Bokuto’s shoulder, tits being fondled by your partner as he watched Kuroo eat you. 
He groaned, drinking in the taste of you and when one finger teased your entrance, you spasmed, jerking your hips up seeking more.
“Tetsu, please,” you whined, reaching one hand up into Bo’s hair while tangling the fingers of your other in Kuroo’s, urging him forward, and who was he to deny you when you asked oh so nicely?
Wrapping his lips around your neglected clit, he sunk in, moaning at just how fucking wet you were. You parted so easily for him that he dipped a second in and you squeezed his head between your thighs, moaning his name again.
“Fuck,” Bo whispered, voice hoarse as he watched Kuroo eat you out. He let go of your breasts to grip beneath your knees, holding you open and Kuroo glanced up, catching the way Bokuto stared with undisguised desire. “Why did we not do this sooner?”
Pulling back, he let loose a smug grin, his thumb replacing his lips around your clit. “Didn’t take you for a voyeur, Ko,” he said, thrusting his fingers up and grazing the soft spot inside you. 
“I wasn’t until just now,” he muttered, holding your trembling legs tighter. Your fingers were tugging at his hair harder, so he knew you were close, your juices leaking all over Kuroo’s hand and filling his ears with slick noises.
You gasped, feeling the coil tighten, ready to break and you let them know, eyes fluttering shut as you rocked your hips into his fingers. “Please, Tetsu, please, I wanna cum--”
“Then cum, pretty girl,” he growled, circling your clit harder. He could feel you fluttering around them, squeezing tight and your lips parted, a moan ripping out of you as heat washed through you, legs fighting against Bokuto’s hold. Kuroo kept it up as you cried out, riding you through it until you relaxed into Bo’s chest, panting. “Fuck, I knew you’d cum so pretty, kitten,” he rasped, pulling his fingers from you. 
Before he could lick your essence off of them, Bo grabbed his hand, drawing it slowly towards his mouth. Their eyes locked and you watched as Bo hesitated for a split second before drawing them between his lips, lapping at the pads of his fingers and further.
“Holy shit,” Kuroo whispered, eyes wide at the sight of his best friend swallowing his fingers. The look in his eyes made his cock twitch with want, imagining them wrapped around his thick shaft, lapping and sucking. Unable to handle it, he ripped his fingers away, carding them through his hair as he asked, “Can I-- Can I kiss you, Ko?”
Bokuto hummed, eyes thoughtful as he cupped his chin. Kuroo could tell he was teasing and quirked a brow at this new side to his friend.
“I’ve never kissed a dude before. Never really wanted to either,” Bokuto admitted, though he didn’t look or sound ashamed. In fact, he sounded curious, and Kuroo smirked.
“Not much different than kissing _____, though you might like it more,” he teased, guiding Bo’s head to hover just beneath his lips, caging you between the two of them. He waited, letting him make the decision and with his usual tenacity, he dove right in, sweeping his tongue across the seam of Kuroo’s lips. They parted and he was overwhelmed by the aftertaste of energy drinks and cherry chapstick. He had always imagined kissing Bo would be an experience, especially with how many times he had watched him makeout with you, but it was entirely different now. Kissing Bo felt like he was drowning in him, leaning in for more even though he wasn’t holding anything back.
When they pulled apart, Kuroo was panting, pupils blown wide. He followed after Bo, wanting more, but was stopped by a hand on his cheek. 
“I didn’t know you were so needy,” Bokuto said, and it was impossible to ignore the deep timbre giving away how affected he was. “I say we continue this in the bedroom, hm?” He looked down at you, and you nodded, still looking a little fuzzy from watching them kiss. “Good, let’s go.”
Kuroo helped you to your feet, drinking in the sight of you proudly naked, while Bo took your other hand. He pulled off his shirt as soon as your bedroom door was shut behind Kuroo, who almost choked at the sight. Bo was built like a Greek god, all bulky muscle; he couldn’t even think about moving without flexing. 
He felt fingers on the hem of his own shirt and looked down to find you tugging at it, and he let you pull it up and over his head, stooping down just so you could. Bokuto had already kicked his shorts off towards the laundry basket, missing by a mile while you undid the button of his pants. His cock throbbed when your fingers grazed over it as you pulled them and his boxers down, falling to your knees while they pooled at his ankles. 
A loud moan ripped from him when your hand gripped his base with your soft hand, head thumping back into the door. You started with light touches, nuzzling and kissing his cock like you were worshipping it and, when his eyes finally opened again, he found Bo staring, licking his lips. His hand was around his own cock, pumping slowly as he watched you take Kuroo into your mouth at last, and then he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.
His fingers tangled in your hair, just holding it back as you bobbed up and down his length, tongue tracing the vein and swirling around the head, not really giving him enough to cum but damn if it didn’t feel good. When he looked down at you again finally, he found you staring up at him, eyes bright and teary, and then Bo’s hands were on your cheeks, pulling you off of him.
“‘M startin’ to feel a little jealous, babe,” he whined, though Kuroo could detect no hint of it in his voice. If anything, he sounded antsy as he pulled you to your feet and kissed you, delving his tongue between your lips. Backing you into Kuroo, he hooked his arms underneath your knees and Kuroo took the hint, helping him lift you up so that your legs were spread wide, Bo’s length sliding against your wet slit. You weighed nothing to him and he often liked to use his strength to trap you, bouncing you on his cock at his whim. This time was no different, your whines music to their ears as he prodded at your slick hole.
“There’s something I’ve always wanted to try,” he grunted as he filled you, splitting you around his thick head. You were so tight, sucking him in and mewling in his ear for more, tugging at his hair as he seated himself fully inside of you. Kuroo watched the whole thing with a slack jaw, touching his cock just to ease the ache of watching you beg for Bokuto’s cock. “Think you could take both of us, baby?”
The noise of agreement you made went straight to Kuroo’s cock, his hand suddenly not enough for him. When you turned to look at him, yanked your head back by the hair and slammed his lips against yours. Breathless, he asked, “Are you sure? You don’t have to, we can wait--”
You cut him with a whiny plea against his lips. “Yes, yes, Tetsu, I want you both to fuck me.”
Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined this outcome, but as your cunt stretched around him, whining and clawing at Bokuto’s shoulders as you let him in too, it was his new favorite fantasy.
“Fuck,” he groaned when his hips met yours. You were crying, pussy fluttering around them at the fantastic stretch, and he stilled inside to let you get used to the feeling. You were limp between them, your head resting on Kuroo’s shoulder while they held you up. “So tight, princess, shit.”
You knew he had a filthy mouth, but hearing him now while he praised you made you whine, and Bokuto snickered.
“She just loves being told how good she feels, how pretty she is when she’s being fucked. She’ll do anything if you do, won’t you, baby?” he said. His hips began to rock, testing if you were ready, and your mouth opened in a silent cry when the crown of his cock ground past that sweet spot inside you. He couldn���t have missed it if he tried, and when he pushed back in, Kuroo pulled out.
They set up a steady rhythm, pounding into you so you were never empty, sometimes pushing back in at the same time just to hear you cry out. You could only let them use you as they wanted, nails perpetually digging into Bokuto’s broad shoulders and a litany of cries and moans fleeing your lips.
The heat was building up in your stomach and every time Bo’s hips met yours, he ground into your clit, forcing his cock just a little bit further. His fingers had a death grip on your ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh like Kuroo was doing to your tits, plucking and pulling your hard nipples as he whispered how good you felt into your ear.
“Ko, please-- Tetsu, I’m gonna--” you cried, tightening your thighs around Bokuto’s hips but you only spurred them on further, their hips slamming into yours at a faster pace. Your back locked, forcing your tits out and Bokuto’s eyes locked on the way they bounced, licking his lips.
“Come on,” he grunted, using some of his brute strength to make you bounce, your breasts jiggling with each hard thrust. When Kuroo’s hand slid down your ribs and over your stomach, your breathing hitched, the coil wound so tight it was painful. It snapped when his fingers grazed your clit at the same time they buried inside you.
You clapped your hand over your mouth to hold in the scream, hips jerking and twitching in their hold as Kuroo continued to assault your clit. He pulled out of you, leaving his cock achingly hard but it was worth it to see you ravaged by Bokuto’s insane pace when he set your back to the wall, your toes curled as he pounded into your overstimulated pussy. You were crying again, wailing his name until he stilled inside you with a grunt, massive frame curled down over yours as he spilled inside your cunt.
Panting, he pulled back to see Kuroo working his hand up and down his shaft, using your slick as lube with his lip pulled between his teeth as he watched you.
“Think you can take care of him still, baby?” Bokuto asked, setting you on your feet. 
You nodded, falling to your knees-- your legs weren’t going to hold you up anyway-- and beckoned Kuroo over to you. He stumbled in his haste to get to you, resting his arms against the wall above your head as you swallowed his cock in one fluid motion.
You were making the most obscene noises as you choked, working him down into your throat as fast as you could without hurting yourself, and Kuroo watched it all with wide, needy eyes. The sight of your nose burying in his curls was what did it, and he choked out a curse as he came down your throat. You swallowed around him and he thought he might lose his mind, gathering your hair up to hold you down until he was spent.
Helping you to your feet, the three of you stood there for several moments gathering your breath, staring at each other with amused wonder.
“Well, that was fun,” Bokuto said, the first to recover. He looked far too self-satisfied for Kuroo’s liking.
You snorted in amusement, limping over to your drawer to pull out another shirt, since the one you had been wearing was still out in the living room. You were in desperate need of a shower and sleep, and you had to hurry before Bo got a second wind.
“So what now?” Kuroo asked, watching you with a raised brow. There was smug pride in his smirk and it must have shown because you turned to glare at him.
“Dunno, what do you want?” Bokuto asked, sliding his boxers back on. He fully intended to join you in the shower, so he fetched a fresh pair from his own drawer, giving you a cheeky grin when you made a face. “If you want a relationship, I’m down.”
They both looked to you then, and you rolled your eyes. “I’ve liked Kuroo for ages, so you don’t even have to ask me.”
“Then it’s settled,” Bokuto said, clapping his hands. “Besides, I like the idea of her not being lonely, since I’m so busy with volleyball and all. And I know I can trust the two of you together.”
He said it with such confidence that both of you were filled with warm affection and happiness, knowing that he believed you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. And you wouldn’t-- you both loved him too much.
“Alright, shower and then bed. I’m exhausted,” you said, punctuating it with yawn. You stretched your arms over your head and heard an intake of air and, when you opened your eyes, you found them both wearing predatory expressions. “No, no no no. I am sore and tired and--”
“Awe, just one more,” Bokuto said, voice cajoling, and Kuroo nodded in agreement, following Bo as he crowded you against the dresser.
“I have class in the morning, I won’t be able to walk,” you whined, even as you let them pull your shirt back off. It hit the floor and was promptly forgotten as fingers danced up your thighs and over your ribs, more prodding your already abused hole still dripping cum. 
Kuroo snickered, his fingers sliding into your pussy again and you shuddered against him, still sensitive. “Ko can carry you, it’ll be fine*.”
“Oh fuck me,” you whined when Bo’s lips latched onto your nipple, and you tugged at his hair in a futile gesture. You were already gone and everyone knew it.
“That’s the plan, princess.”
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⇥  masterlist
⇥  taglist: @sluttony​, @visaintes​, @yunhosblackgf​, @super-noya​, @byebyes-world​, @newfriendjen​
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years
Through the Mirror: Part 1
my body, my music
Pairing/setting: Detective!Levi Ackerman x Female!Ghost!Reader, modern!AU within the Walls
Summary: When you’re murdered one Tuesday morning, can Levi piece together the true circumstances of your death with your help from beyond the grave?
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: dead body, descriptions of blood, swearing, mentions of violence
AN: Welcome to my new series because I have no self control and can’t finish projects before starting others! Lemme just start off by saying updates may come pretty irregularly because I do have a lot of other WIPs to work on, but! I’m really excited about this idea and have a whole lot planned:) I seriously hope you enjoy. After all, who doesn’t love a good murder mystery? Drop into my DMs/askbox/comments/reblogs to let me know what you think! Be kind to yourselves and others. ~valkyrie
“Ah, shit! Hello!? I’m standing right here!”
The woman completely ignores you, stepping carefully over the puddle of blood and across your tiny living room. You cross your arms and pout. She ignores that, too. 
“‘Scuse me, boys, let the experts take it from here,” she quips, gently pushing past the two detectives and crouching next to your body on the ground. 
It’s ugly, but she’s probably seen worse, you muse from where you’re leaning against the door jamb. It’s only been lying there for a couple of hours, so at least you haven’t bloated to something out of an NCIS episode. Must smell horrid, though, judging by the mask the head detective has pulled over his face.
“So, you said the landlady called at about 7 am?” the ME inquires, cocking her head up to look at the detectives, nylon gloved hands held at the ready.
“7:07 exactly. Said a neighbor made a noise complaint, she came up to check it out, found signs of a forced entry, and called us.” It’s the taller blonde who speaks up, reading from an off-brand pocket notepad in his left hand. The kind you’d find on sale at Staples after Back-to-School season.
Interesting. You lean your head against the wall, eyes trained on the trio. You’d pegged the ill-tempered shorter one as in charge. Maybe he’s just the quiet type. 
“Hmm, alright. Moblit, get off your ass and come take the pictures before we move her,” the woman calls to someone behind you, and you turn just in time to get a face full of Moblit’s chest as he walks towards you. 
You cringe back with a “God, seriously?” to no response.
“Yes, sorry, right away, Hange!” Moblit hurries past- no, through -you, sidestepping the ottoman and the blood. It feels weird, like a strong wind, but not altogether unpleasant to have someone walk through you, you suppose. You look down at your chest to watch your misty body re-settle into itself before looking back at the group in your living room.
Were it not for the gruesome accents of blood flecked up the walls and your body riddled with stab wounds, you’d chuckle at how all four of them struggled to navigate the space. It’s cramped enough when it’s just you, fitting only a couch, a chair, a coffee table, your fern (Boris), and a narrow IKEA bookshelf. With the four of them plus a dead body, it’s like watching a freaking clown car.
“Sorry, excuse me, Captain, oh, was that your toe—?” Moblit’s struggling the most, having to move to capture different angles with his bulky camera. When he steps on the shorter man’s toe, he positively blanches, fumbling over himself to apologize while the ME laughs openly.
“God, alright, just,” the Captain pinches his delicate nose between a thumb and forefinger, then decides it’s better to wait in the kitchen. “C’mon, Gin, let’s chat in there.”
The Captain and the blonde detective both pass through you on the way back to the kitchen, but you only sigh and shake the tingly feeling of being incorporeal out of your fingers before following them.
“So,” the man called Gin takes the initiative, flipping back through his notebook and standing by the fridge. “I got statements from the landlady and two of the neighbors, numbers 303 and 304 down the hall. 301, directly across the hall, didn’t answer, but I got contact info from the landlady.” He pauses to read and scratch at his whiskery beard. “It was 304 who made the noise complaint, said she heard yelling this morning at around 5:45, and that she normally wouldn’t’ve said anything but it was, quote, the fourth goddamn time this week and I work the goddamn night shift, I deserve some fucking rest, unquote.”
You grin. Mrs. Sheffield was never one to mince words, something you appreciated when your ex-boyfriend got too loud and she took it upon herself to give him a piece of her mind. You catch a glimmer of a smile on the ornery Captain’s face above where he’s pulled his mask down before he gestures for Gin to keep going, keeping his thoughtful gaze fixed on the floor and his back against your countertop.
“Then after she called the landlady, she went to bed, only to be woken by us two hours later.”
“You said she called the landlady at 5:45 and that she works the night shift?”
Gin double checks his notes. “That’s right.”
“And she works at the hospital?”
“Yes, as a scrub nurse on the night shift.”
“But the night shift at the hospital ends at 6:30.”
“It was her night off,” you and Gin say at the same time before you catch yourself. They can’t hear you, anyway. This’d be a lot easier if they could.
Gin plows ahead. “But she says she keeps the same sleep schedule so she doesn’t, ah, fuck up her circadian rhythm.”
The Captain practically snorts at this, itching for a second under his silk cravat (can someone say pretentious) before settling back into a listening silence.
“303 says he didn’t hear a thing. College kid, looked exhausted. Said he was asleep the whole night after he got in at,” a page flip, “11 o’clock last night. Wasn’t much help, but looked genuinely upset when we told him about the murder. Wanted to know if there was anything he could do. Oh, but he did, uh, hang on,” more page flips, “He did tell us that he heard her and her boyfriend arguing a lot. Which is consistent with what Mrs. Sheffield told us.”
“Ex-boyfriend,” you correct into thin air. 
“A lover’s spat gone wrong, then,” Mr. Pretentious Captain muses. You huff in annoyance. A lover’s spat. If that’s all that this is written off as you’ll have some serious PD haunting to do. Chris may have been an angry, loud, disruptive manipulator, but he wouldn’t murder you. He didn’t murder you. “Any info on the whereabouts of the boyfriend?”
Blondie cuts you off, “Not currently, but we do have a name: Chris Henderson, works in admin down at the University. Lives across town closer to the Bridge.”
“Send some uniforms to bring him in for questioning. No arrests yet, tell ‘em to keep it friendly.”
“Right, I’ll put Dreyse and Bodt on it.”
“Dreyse, really?” Captain Cravat gives Gin an incredulous look. 
“Hey, she may look like a ditz but she gets the job done. And she might get him to let down his guard,” Gin argues, grinning. 
“Fine. I’ll meet them at the station, you stay here and make sure that mousy-haired dunce doesn’t fuck up my crime scene.”
“Hey, who’re you callin’ mousy-haired, short stack?” Hange actually sticks her whole head through yours this time, to butt into the conversation, and you shriek and jump away to the other side of your tiny kitchen, now sandwiched between Blondie and Shortstack. The latter twitches and swats at the air by his ear, as though to dislodge a fly, narrowly missing yours. You give him a weird look then turn back to listen to the ME. She’s leaning into the kitchen at an alarming angle, one hand on the doorframe and the other on the end of the gurney you assume is carrying your body. You shudder at the thought of being toted around in a dark, musty, humid glorified coat bag. Ugh. 
“—takin’ this baby”-she slaps the gurney twice and you flinch-“back so I can get started on the autopsy, Moblit’s staying to take more pictures and collect forensics. If Eld’s stayin’ here with Mob, does that mean you’re catching a ride with me, Levi?” The question is addressed to Captain Grump on your right, who gives a heavy sigh and pushes off the counter. 
“I guess so. I get to choose music though.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” she’s wagging a finger, grinning. “My body, my music!”
“How about my body, my music?” you suggest, following Levi. “I deserve it after the day I’ve had.”
Again, Levi twitches and swats aggressively by his ear, nearly hitting you full in the face this time. 
“You hear that, Gin? This place got a mosquito problem or something?”
“I do not have a mosquito problem!” and “No, sir, I don’t hear anything.” overlap in the air. 
Captain Levi only grunts, then starts spouting instructions, which Gin notes down. “I want footage from any cameras in the building, and from the shops next door and across the street. I want statements from residents both upstairs and downstairs. I want names, addresses, and numbers of next of kin on my desk by noon, and lastly, I want no one, save for myself, you, shitty glasses, and mousy-hair, in or out of this apartment. Are we clear?”
“Crystal clear, sir.”
“Good. I’m leaving you Braus to help and to show her the ropes of this kind of thing. Even though she’s on the case, she will not set foot in this apartment. I don’t trust her not to leave breadcrumbs in the bloodstains.
“Yes, sir.”
“I expect an in-person report before shift-change this evening. See you then.” Then, he’s sweeping out of the kitchen in pursuit of Hange and the gurney, leaving you to scurry after. As you exit your home, he shoots a young auburn-haired woman in a crisp white blouse and wool slacks a look. “Braus. You’re with Gin. Don’t go in the apartment.”
She straightens up from leaning against the wall with a jolt and brushes croissant crumbs off her front. “Yes, Captain Levi, sir!” It’s slightly muffled by the pastry stuffed into her mouth.
It’s fascinating watching how Levi and Hange manage to navigate the gurney down the narrow, twisting stairs of your walk-up apartment building. They’re both clearly used to this sort of thing, communicating only in short phrases and grunts when they encounter an obstacle. Occasionally, you offer up a pointer and watch as Levi becomes increasingly irritated. 
“Watch out for Mr. Laslow’s cat, he likes to sneak up on ya!”
“Hange, do you hear— shit!” Levi hops to the side, narrowly avoiding the tabby tail as Tubbins McGee whisks past.
“It’s only a cat, Levi, dunno what’s got you so worked up today,” Hange teases, grin echoing your own as you chortle from the landing above them. 
Eventually, they spill out onto the sidewalk and into the bright mid-day, and Hange groans loudly, stretching with both hands on her back.
“Ugh. Remind me not to die in there, I’d hate to put someone else through that.”
“Boof, tell me about it,” you commiserate. 
“Noted,” Levi snarks. 
Hange removes jingling keys from her pocket and unlocks the ME’s van parked along the sidewalk with a beep, then opens the back doors and steps in. You follow, leaning against the cool metal siding to watch.
When they both load into the front seats and the engine turns over, you lean forward between them to listen in.
“So,” Hange starts, smoothly pulling out into the road behind a silver minivan. “I’ll be able to give you a more solid answer in a couple hours, but my initial estimated time of death would be around 5:45 this morning.”
Levi nods, staring out the passenger window while he answers. “That lines up with the neighbor’s story.”
“Theories so far?”
“Well, there’s the boyfriend,” he muses, lifting a hand to rub his chin.
“Too obvious,” you say dully, not bothering to amend the lack of “ex” yet again. “Next theory.”
He’s quiet for a moment, then mutter, almost too quietly for you to catch: “Too obvious, hmm? Next theory....”
You’re momentarily flabbergasted, hand falling through the faux-leather seat back in your shock. Can he actually hear you? You shake out your hand while it re-materializes, tuning in to the conversation as Hange’s responding. 
“—a little far-fetched, don’t you think? I mean, has there been any of that activity in this area recently?”
“Mm, I’ll have to touch base with Petra. If there has been, I think it’s worth looking into.”
“What is? Wait, go back,” you frantically plead, leaning further into his airspace. But Hange plows on. 
“Oh, it’s Petra, now, hmm? Not Raggedy Anne anymore?” Her tone is teasing, and she glances over to Levi for a reaction. 
He doesn’t give her one, just stares out the window pensively before reaching for the radio dial. The stereo blares up into an Oldies station, and you make a disgusted face along with Levi. 
“You listen to this shit?”
“Hey, my dead body, my music, sweetcheeks. Don’t like it, you can thumb it back to the PD.”
“How about my dead body, my music?” you suggest again, reaching for the dial at the same time as Levi does. Just as his slender fingers touch it, your hand passes through the whole front console and the oldies are replaced with a terrifyingly loud static screeching. 
“Christ, Levi, what’d you do?” Hange shrieks, lunging forward to punch the radio off as you remove your hand. 
“Nothing! It just went berserk!”
They bicker while you stare at your offending palm. “Huh. Didn’t know I could do that.”
If you can actually interact with objects, at least to some degree, and if it turns out Levi can hear you.... This whole thing might be easier than you thought.
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