#i changed the gem from red to blue to cut down on colors
snowlyx · 7 months
Almost the Triple S Trio
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team Dark is now complete. I included Silver, now it’s the two “fakers”.
Silver’s weed head gave me issues but I think I got the hang of it.
Shadow’s rocket shoes also gave me issues, so did his hair spines. I gave him gloves more akin to his Boom counterpart because they kinda look cool, but also because lore surrounding my au. He has markings that are hidden, they came from his alien daddy.
I gave Silver this shawl thing. I tried to give him an innocent pose.
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snarky-art · 6 months
bbyyyy SOTLK dresses redesign?
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These were actually really interesting to work with, both in trying to keep colors and shapes from the original dresses combined with adding my own lore to it! Except for Aisha’s which wounded my so. I really wanted to keep her flowers but I just,, couldn’t get it to look right🥲 I added purple instead tho which is the color of the flower of andros, which is similar in appearance to a Camas Lily. They bloom in lush expansions all along the coast of the land of Androsia, where the mainland and sands meet.
More info on outfits below!
Musa: Tang dynasty influence. Did my best to keep some of the shapes from the og gown. The 2 red dots that I’ve featured a few times in either side of Musa’s mouth in different designs represent loudness and boldness and are commonly used symbols in a lot of melody, which are traits one would want to represent when holding as representation for the different cultures of Melody, proud of their heritage and great unbending will.
Aisha: mentioned some above about the purple additions to be the substitutes for actual flowers. Kept the split down the middle at the dress itself, just changed its length and shape, trying to keep the shape of the original one some with the purple bits below the corset tho
Tried to keep more true greens than teals too. She deserves more sleek satin fits also. Most of the stuff I draw her in I imagine there’s satin I just decided to do shading this time lol
Tecna: I decided before even designing this I wanted to keep that jacket on them at all costs. Happy with the shapes overall here and really love the colors. Probably my favorite of these looks. Shiny pants and silk featured because they look good on them. To me, they aren’t Tecna if they don’t have some weird heels too.
Flora: probably my least favorite design just because I feel like I need to get better at giving them more variety in their outfits, but I did what I could to keep a lot of the shapes present. Instead of those 2 long flower strands, I just had them replaced with the split full of flowers down the side.
Bloom: empire waistlines are very much the norm in Dominion fashion with not as many ruffles or as expanded a gown shape as featured here, but Bloom is new to this and her parents wanted her to be as comfortable as possible for the celebration. Bloom got to have direct input on the adjustments to the dress and is living the princess dream she’s always wanted currently. She intentionally looks a little awakward as a result, the stylists doing what they could to accommodate what she wanted and mesh it with traditional Dominion fashion styles to reiterate that Domino is what she represents. The slightly more formal front hairpiece with the additional 2 gold curls is present to make the statement that Domino is so back and Bloom is even wearing the golden headpiece that the heir wears to show this. It’s not until after the party she learns it was Daphne’s, and that leads to some Insecurities and the reality of what reviving Domino actually means for Bloom. More spirals coming in waves after this point. As always with Dominion garb the cyan gems are for those of the royal family and purples are for those that work with The Dragon Flame.
Stella: by this point in the story, Stella really starts to get more involved with Lunarian stuff and connect with her moon culture. It starts small in her presentation, with certain cuts of cloth (the slope of the fabric on the top part of the skirt) and the style of some of her jewelry, specifically the one with gems that is tilted to match the fabric shape and the incorporation of more blue gems. She also stops straightening her hair all the time (her hair is blonde from her mother, whom is Lunarian, but the saturation comes from her Solarian genetics, making the color look like it’s from Solarian genetics. Straightening it to match the majority of Solarian hair was a sure way to make sure she passed as Solarian until someone notices her pupils, which are Lunarian. She no longer fears if she’s passing or not. She is learning to take pride in her moon side).
Stella choosing to have the little blue gems on the bottom of her gold gem dress bit instead of gold or more orange is a bold move also she is starting her proper journey to doing joint work and advocating properly for systemic change for Lunaria.
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Eyes blazing red hot now turned to glare down at him. It was as if Hell itself opened their gated and unleashed their flaming fury from within those wide harrowing eyes. “I know of your kind, not very many of you are the trustworthy sort!” The Vampire King, however would keep his hellish gaze trained upon the newcomer, clawed fingers flexing, bones popping “....But, you have my attention. Tell me, how do you intend to deal with this matter?”
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As Crimson Embers weighed down upon the cloaked man, even tall as he was physically, he did not waver nor stagger... if anything, he stood his ground, as slate-colored eyes met the Vampire King's gaze...
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...a stony, resilient gaze that began to glow with an equal-yet-opposite bitter chill of Azure, flecked ever so slightly with an Amber akin to a predator's gaze... for while the being who stood at the foot of the throne of his Ally's Father-in-Law-to-Be was indeed a Fae, he was no ordinary one... rather, he was a Lord in his own right, of a heritage as noble and long-storied as the purest of Vampires', and tied to the root of his own kind's source as Dracula was in kind; a Fae Descendant of The Wild Hunt itself.
...All the same, while he did not bend or break, in will or in eye contact, the Lord of the Fae bowed politely all the same, if not so deeply as most, before he answered Dracula's query - speaking not as a rival or a supplicant, an adversary or a beggar, but as a respectful equal; one who understood the power and weariness alike of Lordship, and wished to offer his aid with grace and eloquence.
"...the boy is rough, boorish perhaps, but not a lost cause; and though he is rebellious and flippant, are not most children around that age, when they do not understand? I do not mean to presume, Sir, but as a parent I have no doubt you have dealt with some shade of that fact before... merely punish him, no matter how grievously, and he will resent it... but I have trained many of all ages over the many years and many faces of my past, and I understand that what he needs to change is not the stick, but the carrot... allow me to educate him, give him a new role model and mentor to look to, and I will not only occupy him against further misdemeanors but offer alternatives for him to focus upon."
The fellow Lord held out a hand to his side, as a small owl with oddly matte-blue eyes flew in, depositing a wooden staff covered in still-living foliage to its grasp, before resting atop its knotted tip... the Fae again speaking up once he held the twisted tree proudly, yet without aggression - for in its own right the act of using a tree as a staff was a part of his heritage, and a clue to the Vampire King as to his true nature and origins.
"...in truth, while his prior actions were rash and uninformed, Finn has already sworn to protect Alexander's family - both to make amends for his mistake as much as on the merits of his own ethics; punishing him further may make sense from one perspective, but from another simply wastes another resource that could be better spent protecting your progeny and her chosen partner; a gamble, for some, but not with my tutelage directing and refining the child. He already hosts a great power, not dissimilar to that of my own kind in nature, which is largely responsible for his survival thus far in light of your curse, but left unchecked there is no telling what he may do, much less become... and while cutting is always one option, there are other methods of polishing a rough gem until it shines. I merely wish to show my worth - my own Court is allied to that of your Daughter's Fiance, after all, so you may rest assured I have no reason to cross you, and every reason to reassure you that I wish you and your family no harm. I only ask you allow me to work with him properly in order to correct this current series of poor decisions before more are made."
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nyotasaimiri · 1 year
Arc Two (redux) 92
She was losing. Nyota could feel herself slowing down too much, too soon. Aroneus had not managed to catch her again after freezing her leg, but even an apex’s stamina did not last forever. It was near-impossible to find an opening as the small flying sentries dove at her, forcing her to dodge away instead of brace herself to aim and attack. Her breath clouded the air and froze into tiny snowflakes as she tried to catch her breath.  
“Need to do something about these damn birds,” she muttered, staring the warden down. Intimidation didn’t work on a being made of stone.
But bluffing did. She could feel Aroneus sizing her up, waiting for her to falter again. It never failed to punish what it saw as weakness.
Nyota took the gamble and shifted stance, pretended to stumble. Sure enough, one of the bird statues made a dive for her head. Nyota jerked back out of the way, abandoned caution, and grabbed it. The bird crackled with energy and sent pain lancing up her arms. Nyota ignored it. She’d had worse.
The other statue dove for her as if trying to rescue its comrade. Nyota grinned, fangs bared to the bitter chill. They avoided each other before. Let’s find out why.
Stone cracked on stone and numbed Nyota’s arm. No—it wasn’t numb. It was overwhelming. The two birds shattered as she swung one into the other like an improvised club. Purple energy seared her eyes, too accustomed to the dim lights. The same purple that had burst out of the chest before. It didn’t vanish this time. It just hung in the air, clung to her hands, like it was made of gel instead of light.
And it brought knowledge with it. Flickers of understanding. The first life to enter the Vault—to be placed in the Vault, by the Builders who shaped it. Watching that life grow, die, raise new life. And—something wrong. But not wrong. Nyota knew that in the instant she saw. But the memory did not. The life changed, adapted, grew. It was different. Aroneus hated it.
It had never been made to hate.
It had never been made to destroy.
The light surged in Nyota’s eyes. Or was it the memory of frost rising to cover and snuff out the aberrations?
Aroneus had been set here to protect life. To watch and preserve. A guardian, not a warden. Nyota locked eyes with the cold statue through the purple haze. “How far you have fallen.”
The purple surge rolled up her arms. Strike it with itself. She felt the thought press hard into her mind, half instinct and half more than that. Strike it and let it taste what it should have been.
Her spear was useless in cutting the stone, and her aching, cold hands could barely hold it. Nyota let it clatter to the floor and reached out. Gold formed in her hands, flared with red. The staff. Her staff. The blood-colored gems soaked up the murky violet light and stained deeper as flower-shaped energy manifested around her.
Nyota bared her fangs at Aroneus. “You will not like what I say, Warden, but you will listen to me.”
Sparks seared the stones in showers of red and blue. Gleaming petals ripped through Aroneus’s body, leaving heavy gouges in their wake. It faltered, listed in the air.
Then the air froze hard around her and sucked the breath from her lungs.
She couldn’t move. Couldn’t see. Fear gripped her harder than the ice. Something blurred past her, sudden motion. An attack. No—Green? Her earpiece burned hot, ice too thick for the reek of overheated plastic to reach her nostrils. Nothing but a surge of panic left. Move. Move. Move—
The ice shattered as she wrenched hard and Nyota collapsed backward. Grey blurred toward her—the bird again. It registered dull and hopeless in her tired brain. I missed one. Or it can make more. It didn’t matter too much. I lost. I’m sorry.
She didn’t have time for a goodbye this time.
Something warm and soft and strong caught her. Black and red surged in front and sent the grey smashing into the far wall. Nyota blinked hard, hot tears clearing the ice from her eyes.
Hadley turned back to grin at her. “Sorry we’re late, Captain. Paperwork, you know?”
Nyota tried to smile. Maybe she succeeded; she felt her face stiffen in the right places.
The person who held her leaned down to murmur in her ear. “I’m going to cover your eyes. Stay calm.”
Warm red settled over her cold aching eyes, almost too warm to bear after Aroneus’s bitter chill. It felt wonderful. Fabric tickled her nose and brought the scent of steel, steel and summer storms. A different warmth bloomed in Nyota’s chest, one that had nothing and everything to do with the warmth holding her. “Lana…”
“That’s right.” There was a smile in her voice. Nyota wanted to see it. “Your medic called us in.”
Lumen. “Thank you,” Nyota rasped. Her throat hurt. “Us…?”
The quiet rattling hum of Lana’s laugh. “The boy insisted.”
Another pair of arms shifted under her and Nyota felt the world tilt for a moment. A different scent brushed through the summer storms: stiff air and machine grease with the faintest brush of oranges. Home. Tarvei.
“Hey, sis.” Energy touched her aching back and began to soothe the pain away. “They’ll take it from here, don’t worry. You’re going to be fine.”
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Hell duckin yea he looks soooooo good!!! Thank you so much!!! But now I want to draw them and my adhd will likely not let me go through and find their character descriptions. Uh, would you mind if I asked if you would be so kind as to send them?? If not I’ll have to put my ADHD to the side, and that’s okay too
You got it Brosephine Broneparte ; below the cut.
Chat Noir
A shadow flickered and took form, melting into the shape of a man who stepped through the curtain of black and green flames. His normally unruly hair was delicately coiffed and parted to one side, its usual shade of golden blonde now an ashen platinum hue that bordered on white. Around his neck, a green scarf that seemed to glow with a fire all its own fluttered in the non-existent breeze as he stepped back into Paris. A black jacket with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow whipped behind him, the plush white lining visible with every step he took. The staccato footsteps of polished black boots echoed in the empty streets; his fingerless gloves clenched into fists at his side as he approached, glowing green eyes locked with a single minded focus on Hawkmoth. 
There was more black in the suit this time; the core, forearms, and lower legs were a brilliant crimson while the rest was a black as deep as the night sky. Gone were the smattering of polka-dots that had covered her frame for so many years except for a round Ladybug patterned circle in the center of her chest. Her hair was up in a long ponytail, fastened by long red ribbons that trailed behind her and seemed to float of their own accord, independent of the breeze that ruffled their hair. 
Monarch looked up to see the back of a flowing blue cape patterned like a peacock’s feathers billow in the wind as a figure fluttered down from the rooftops, landing in front of her in a low-crouch. A form-fitting blue and purple body-suit hugged his frame, disappearing into dark blue boots. His gloved hands were wrapped around the hilt of an enormous fan the size of a claymore and emblazoned with the same sparkling blue and purple pattern as his cape. It shimmered and sparkled in a dizzying and dazzling display of light that seemed to disorient the small contingent of Talon Troops that surrounded them. 
Queen Bee
The sleeves on Queen Bee's outfit were gone, exposing her strong, toned biceps and shoulders to the cool night air. Her gloves and boots appeared to be more reinforced with thick, shiny black and gold metal. Her ponytail had somehow been braided and was studded with dozens of glittering golden gems that shone and refracted the light in dozens of dazzling patterns. A thin, golden chain was wrapped around one wrist, ending in a spinning black and yellow top that ended in a glittering golden point.
“No...why would you-” The figure looked down at themselves, studying the lavender riding jacket and cream colored slacks they wore with surprise. Despite the fact that they had just crawled out of the river, their shiny black boots and perfectly pressed gloves didn't seem to have a speck of water on them. A pair of curious, brown eyes looked up at them from behind a wide, metallic butterfly mask as butterflies danced around her. "...ah. I see. Uh..."
Carapace (no major changes yet)
Rena Rouge
In all the mayhem of the previous day, Ladybug hadn't had the opportunity to see Rena Rouge's new outfit up close and personal. A hood accented with two vulpine ears covered her head and shaded her eyes as she turned to look at Ladybug. The rest of her outfit had undergone a similar evolution, with her formerly bright orange body-suit replaced by a coat with a sleeve on the back where her flute rested. Fingerless gloves ran halfway up her arms and her pants were tucked into her dark, soft-soled boots. 
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theblackestnight-ffxiv · 10 months
[ffxivwrite2023] prompt 6: ring
It was a simple thing. The metal itself gleamed bright white, while the stone it clasped was the color of lifesblood, or perhaps of deep night. Too dark for the tastes of most, and hard to tell what color the stone truly was, even expertly cut and set. The band itself had some ornamentation to it, with the metal splitting into two thinner bands that loosely entwined each other, the stone’s setting at the middle of this twist. Clever, how it dressed up what was still a simple design. It made the stone look as if it were embraced by the twine of the bands.
She had it memorized. The way it looked, the way it felt. The way the metal warmed from being held or warmed. The way the stone looked now-red now-violet as its facets captured the light. 
A strange shape, for a stone. D’zinhla was familiar with gemstone cuts, for all the work she’d done under Guildmaster Serendipity at the Goldsmith’s Guild. Her interest lay more in the metalwork for instruments, but delicate metal was delicate metal, and she’d learned well, even as she absorbed details of gem cutting. Determining the proper cut for a stone was of paramount importance, she learned, for each stone was unique, and just because a cut was popular didn’t mean it would best serve any given stone.
Despite this, she had selected a less-than-ideal stone. It wasn’t radially symmetrical, or even very close, so the cuts designed to best display a gem of that nature wouldn’t work for this one. It could have been heart-cut, but it was ultimately not of the right dimension for the upper lobes to be properly formed. It was instead somewhat of a hybrid shape, between triangle and heart. 
“There’s really better stones for a ring,” Serendipity had told her, kind face etched with confusion and concern. D’zinhla had thanked her and assured her that this stone was the one she wanted.
“I mean, it really won’t show off the color to its best. You’ll have a hard time telling what it is from a distance. It’ll look black, even.”
No, that was quite fine. Better, even, that it have that inherent darkness to it.
Serendipity had sighed. “Well, it’s your ring. Or, I guess it’s your partner’s ring. So my opinion isn’t the one that counts most!”
Gigi had been otherwise occupied, but D’zinhla knew the mammet would have given her an earful of opinions, well-weighted with judgments and critical words about her taste, skill, suitability, and good sense. She was glad she’d avoided that. There were some things too close, too delicate, too important to be forced to defend so publicly.
The white metal gleamed, in bright contrast to the night-blue skin beneath it. The stone was a familiar shape, a shape D’zinhla could trace with her eyes closed, the shape of a stone larger, that had changed the course of her life. Perfectly suited to be echoed in a stone that marked another turn of the course.
“You’re admiring it again, aren’t you?”
D’zinhla flushed, removed from her woolgathering by that warm voice. She looked up to meet a soft smile, and it made her flush even more. “I am,” she admitted, dropping her gaze with gentle abashedness. “It looks even lovelier on you than I had hoped for.”
“Mmm.” Airraim made frequent use of these, her wordless vocalizations that carried a wealth of meaning. This one was just for D’zinhla, all fondness and soft, enveloping, warm with reserved amusement from her compliment. “You’ve a fine eye for getting the details just right. This is one of your best.”
“It had to be,” D’zinhla murmured, burrowing her head back down to the pillow. “Nothing less for you.”
A pause, a half-skip of the low, almost inaudible thrum of contentment. It restarted swiftly, but she knew that moment had been there. “Well. You outdid yourself, my heart.”
She smiled and closed her eyes, feeling the gentle brush of Airraim’s plume-soft tail over her own.
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twistedoverbloat · 2 years
Sum funny with the Dracoian ( but Lilia is being dad here so no Romantic with him )
Yuu went shopping at the thrift store in the town close to the school and bought new clothes that is not hand-me-down from the guys in campus, and one is a very nice short sleeve black dress, the guys enter the Ramshackle and see her in that dress and blushed ( not Lilia, he's just see how it played out because he ship them with the magicless human )
Unaware for Yuu she is wearing a wedding dress that is from the Valley of Thorns
How are each of the guys reaction?
Since Lilia is being dad I think that Silver would see her as a little sister!
So Yuu didn't have a lot of dresses but Crewel gave her lots of money to got o a store to get some! Lilia decided to come too and show her a shop in the Thorn Valley. She agreed since she wanted to see his home land.
As they got to the shop they went straight to the dress section Lilia took 10dresses off and shoved her into the dressing room "Now my darling daughter! Try those one while I get more!" Yuu rolled her eyes and replied "OK dad!" Lilia chuckled and rushed off.
Yuu tried on a green, blue, pink, black, a maroon, and other different colors. But there was this one dress that really stood out to her. It was a white dress it was floor length, off the shoulder, and it had a few gems in it, with some butterfly sewn on. She tried it one and it fit like a glove!
She walled out and a few people gasped as she looked into the Mirror "Dad I think I should get this one!" When she did get a response she turned at saw Lilia holding back tears. She walked to him "Dad what's wrong?" Lilia hugged her and wiped his tears "You should get that one dear." Other customers agreed with him "Oh I liked the black and green one too!" Lilia nodded.
After purchasing the dresses they didn't hear the cashiers telling Lilia congratulations on his daughter getting married. Lilia simply smiled and thanked them.
When they got back Yuu rushed to Ramshackle to change and show the boys! Their going to love the white one! It makes her feel like a princess! When she finished all the boy's were in the living room. Lilia was the first too see her in it again "Oh my dear daughter you look so beautiful!" All the boy's turned to see Yuu slowly going down the stairs.
They all had their eyes on her. When she God down silver got up and held her hand bringing her to the center of the room. She smiled at them "What do you think? I really love this one!" Malleus was the first to react "You look just like a princess dear." Yuu smiled and thanked him.
The first years rushed up to her "You look so good!" Deuce said as he spinned her around. Jack nodded as his tail wagged fast, Sebek nodded too as he couldn't speak at the moment. Epel was clapping his hand "This was a real steal!" Ace didn't say anything too.
Kalim then walked up "You look like a bride!" Jamil shook his head "Kalim you can't just say that!" Riddle was Pink in the face "The Queen of Hearts would have wanted the dress red!" Yuu rolled her eyes at that. Floyd and Jade popped up behind her "You look like a lost princess here!" Floyd said Jade smiled "And the fact your at the Villian school makes it seemed as we kidnapped you." Yuu laughted "Please if I was kidnapped I would have escaped already." The boys chucked too.
Azul was stuttering "You could be a model! With that dress." Vil nodded "You do have the grace for it." Rook belted out different love poems and comprising of her to the moon. Leona smirked seeing her. "You look like a uppity princess." Ruggie rolled his eyes "Better than you." Idia was flushed. She looked like Persephone! Ortho was clapping his hands "You look amazing!" Yuu smiled at the boy and thanked him. Cater began to take so many photos, as Trey was complementing her hair.
Silver watched them all not to get close to his sister. He even did the head cutting motion. Yuu was oblivious to all of this. No one has the guts to tell her she was wearing a wedding dress.
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tenniskingssenerio · 2 years
Ryoma Hoshi x Jeweler S/O (extended oneshot)
Y/N:your name
L/SH/C: long or short hair color
F/C: Favorite color
S/C: Skin color
B/D: Birthday
E/C: Eye color
“Jeez… Our lives are now in the hands of some cheap build-a-bear reject” ,you thought with frustration as you worked on a watch for Kirumi. She stood behind you, alert and ready for any order you commanded. 
“I have noticed that you and Ryoma have gotten close, despite his words of disapproval.”, Kirumi said with curiosity.
You stopped all work as a faint blush appeared on your S/C  face. You recalled how you met. You felt safe near him, if not happy. Around Ryoma, you felt cared for and you showed the same to him.
  “I… I want nothing but to say that… he’s worthy and valid. At Least… to me. I'm planning to give him something to show him how I feel but, I don't think it's good enough. He IS a man of few pleasures, I think.”, you explain to Kirumi quietly. 
You were unaware of the tennis pro, who was listening at the doorway. You had no idea of just how much your words affected him. One could say you gave him hope, a reason to live. To put it shortly, Ryoma loves everything about you, your L/S/H/C, your deep E/C eyes, and soothing voice, plus was amazed at your talent.  If he could he would watch you forever, crafting with different jewels, gems and metals. Watching your concentration in bliss and how your eyes would sparkle as you doodled in your journal another idea.  He thought those chains of self doubt would forever pull him down. However, even he didn’t know you had that very key that freed him from doubt.
“Ryoma truly cares about you. He would love you for you, S/O.” Kirumi said with a smile, and gave you hope and determination.
“Thank you, Kirumi. That means a lot.”, you say as you fit her watch on her wrist. “And it's complete.”
“Thank you so much S/O. I’ll take my leave now.”, the ultimate maid bowed and left the jeweler to do your work. On the way out she locked eyes with Ryoma, and gave a smile and a thumbs up to him.
As Ryoma entered your research lab, he once again looked in awe at displays of your work, and replicas of other’s work were in their display cases.  He saw you walk out of the back, wiping your hands with a cloth, and took a seat at one of the display bars. 
“Ryoma? I'm surprised to see you here so early.”
“I wanted to stop by anyways. Besides, I can wait.” he replied pulling his hat down trying to hide his blush.
“I won’t keep you waiting then. I’ll be done soon.”, you happily smiled at him.
“S/O wait…”, He said abruptly as he grabbed you by your collar and kissed your cheek lightly.
If your E/C iris could change shape, it would be hearts. Your S/C turned to a deep red as you quickly ran to the back of your lab to clean your workplace, hiding your smile. Completely unaware that you left your design book with Ryoma. HE however, looked at your book with curious eyes. He ran his fingers over the F/C leather and began to open the book. Ryoma admired necklaces, watches, bracelets, rings and different stone cuts. What made him stop was a design of 2 dog tags with a blue rim engraved at the edges. Both had front and back at the top. Engraved on one titled “Top” was two tennis rackets with a ball under the hands, while the titled “Bottom” was engraved with “My Reason To Live” in cursive.
Ryoma was about to tear up as he read your confession. Looking at a heart around his name in F/C ink, until he read the footnotes. 
“Use steel from Hoshi’s ankle chain. If I ask nicely?”, Ryoma quoted with sweat falling from his brow.
“Sorry it took so long Ryom-” you said but stopped in your tracks as you noticed your book in his hands. 
Both of you looked at eachother with worry. Neither of you could tell eachother what you felt at that moment. You took a step forward, wanting your book, but wouldn't say. Ryoma, jumped from his seat, with your book in his hand, and alert like a feline.
“Wait S/O.. Let's just talk this out.” He gestured as he took a step back.
And soon the chase began.
The End
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sofia-not-sophie · 3 years
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[Click for the full image on the left, image ID and taglist under the cut]
I did swaps of daylight and eclipse for the drawings I did for my #toa weapons week cause I was bored. No I didn’t completely redraw them, I duplicated the work and changed the color scheme.
Reblogs are much appreciated!
[Image ID:
[Image ID:
ID for the left image: A digital drawing of Jim’s daylight sword from Trollhunters on a black background. There is a crystal pattern on the bottom of the image and the colors change from cyan to a medium blue to a red going down. The sword has a wide blade and a dark colored hilt. The hilt is decorated with blue gems and there are gray bands on the handle. The blade is gray in color with dark shadows on the left, and there is teardrop shaped cutout near the tip or the blade on that side. The rest of the balde has blue or cyan and white highlights. On the right side of the blade and behind the blade there are blue wisps that resemble flames that are lighter blue in the center of the wisps.
ID for the right image: A digital drawing of the eclipse amulet from Trollhunters. It is a circular amulet that has rings and hands inside resembling an astrolabe. Underneath the rings and hands there is a red colored background with some cloudy white and black designs on it, along with clearly drawn white lines and markings. On the upper left hand part of the rim there is a design of a creature peaking over the rim with both hands coming over. There is a different looking creature with long teeth on the upper right hand part of the rim. There are three bumps protruding from the lower left hand part of the rim. Around the rim the words “For the doom of Gunmar eclipse is mine to command,” are written in all caps The background is dark, but mostly covered by a red glow emitted by the amulet. Around the edged there are red crystals decorating the background. In each corner there are also some green crystals, and cyan crystals are on the center of each side.
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Happily Ever After - 19
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The Tower: Happily Ever After An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist | Character Refrence PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 3582
Warnings:  none
Synopsis: Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library at Columbia University, she and the Avengers are adapting to a near-immortal life together with their large brood of children.  Yet things aren’t perfect.  Life is moving on without them and they’re starting to discover who isolating being immortal can be.When Angela comes and asks Thor to take the throne of Asgard once more, the group leaves Earth in the hopes that they will find their Happily Ever After there.
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Chapter 19: Naming Day
When we reached the twins' naming day, I didn’t feel like I was ready at all.  There had been this brief rundown of the procedure that was lost in the middle of all the other things we had happening.
Thor reassured me it would be fine and as long as I just listened and followed instructions, things would be okay.
It would be my first appearance to the public as queen and mother to the heirs since Thour and Nova were born.  I was a little nervous but this kind of thing was becoming a little too normal for me now.  Things had changed a lot since I first bumped into Natasha all those years ago, that was for sure.
We were all dressed in white with gold accents.  No one’s clothing was exactly the same, but the men were all dressed in long white tunics with buttons up the front and high collars, while Natasha, Wanda, and I were in empire-cut dresses made from a light floaty fabric.  It was a change from the usual formal wear.  No one had any kind of armor, and usually, there was more color involved.  Loki explained that this was truly a peaceful event and that dressing for war to name a child was an ill omen.  We each wore crowns or circlets on our heads - mine had a blue gem on my forehead and delicate gold wings on the sides.  Some of us wore other pieces of jewelry too - Wanda had her usual array of rings, while Natasha and I had opted for bracelets and armbands.  Thor had the symbol of Mjolnir around his neck, and Tony wore a watch and a couple of rings.  Clint was wearing the most of all of us, with an ear cuff, choker, thick gold cuffs on his wrists and rings.
The babies were in long gowns of dark red and green.  “You don’t think we’re deciding which one is the evil one and which one is the good one by dressing them in these, are we?” Clint joked as Natasha and Steve dressed them.
Thor laughed loudly.  “I will make sure my brother does not hear that repeated,” he said.  “These are just royal colors, and it is important that they stand out above us today as this is their day.”
When we were ready a set of guards led us down to the courtyard of the palace where three carriages were waiting along with what appeared to be dozens of horses tacked and ready to ride.  I was led to the lead carriage with Thor, Steve, and the babies, while everyone else split themselves between the other two carriages.  The vulparev didn’t like to be separated from the twins by too much and so they jumped in with us, and while Thor and Steve cradled a twin each, the little animals curled up at their feet.
“It’s a shame we can’t all fit in the same carriage,” I said, looking back at the other two behind us.
“Yes, this is a unique situation,” Thor said.  “We discussed how to handle it.  I tried to talk them out of focusing on the children’s biology, but the elders were stuck on it.”
“What will Clarke do?”  I asked.  “She’s not exactly a spring chicken anymore.”
“She is riding in a litter with the elders,” Thor said.  “Do not worry.  We were always going to take care of your friend.”
“Where exactly are we going?”  Steve asked.
“To the roots of Ysgradil,” Thor said. “It is a bit of a journey, so get comfortable.”
When we were all in the carriages Billy brought Piper, Flynn, and Zac over.  “Loki said to put these guys in with you,” he said as he lifted them in.
“What about Ziggy and Anna?” I asked.
Billy pointed to where Fandral was helping Ziggy onto a white pony.  “Gonna try riding for a bit.  They may end up in here with you.  Sif said it’s a long ride.”
“Look at our grandchildren,” Steve said with a tender smile.  “They’re all growing up so fast.”
“Alright,” Billy said.  “You three, be good for your grandparents.”
“We wiwl,” Piper said, sitting up next to Thor.
“See you there,” Billy said.
“Are we ready?”  Riley called.  She sat on a large white horse by the gates.  A few shouts of confirmation came from the guards.  “Onward!”
She and Pietro took the lead and our large convoy followed after them.  Our carriage went next, followed by the other two.  Loki, Sif, the warriors three, and our children all rode their horses beside the carriages, and behind them the guards.
The convoy pulled out into the streets of the city.  People lined the roads cheering as we passed and then joined in at the end, and soon thousands of people on foot and riding weaved through the streets and out into the forest beyond.
As we moved along, up into the mountains people would approach and speak to us.  Thor was who they mostly sought out - mostly telling him that they were glad he was back, and congratulating him on the birth of the twins, though they did speak to me, Steve, and the little ones too, and I saw them walking alongside our children and having longer conversations.
It was a long trip and on the way up the twins were breastfed and fell asleep and Flynn, Piper, and Zak all got very hungry and restless.  We ended up making a little picnic for them on the floor of the carriage to help deal with both issues.  Thankfully having the vulparev with us helped to distract them and they spent a lot of time playing with the little animals.
As we reached the ruins of old Asgard where Sam and I had found the large free-standing door, Tommy pulled his horse up beside us.  “Oh my god, how long is it going to take to get there?”
“We are close now,” Thor assured him.  “Have some patience.”
“I could still be back at the palace taking a bath right now if I’d been allowed to run,” Tommy complained.  “And now my ass hurts.”
“That was a little too much information,” I teased and he made a face at me.  “Didn’t you want to hit on the Valkyries or something?”  I asked.  “There’s a whole group back there.”
He huffed.  “They talk to me like I’m a cute little kid or something.  It’s humiliating.  And you know what else is humiliating?  Being sent back to school and your sister who is eleven years younger than you being in the same classes as you and her being so much better at them.”
“There are few people who can compare themselves to Marya when it comes to book-smarts, Tommy,” Steve said.  “She got the genius genes.  She wouldn’t exactly expect to beat you at track and field.”
“I suppose,” he said.
“Having trouble fitting in?” I asked, reaching over the side of the carriage.
He took my hand and gave it a small squeeze before letting it go again.  “No.  I mean, maybe a little.  I’m alright.  I’m used to having to weed out people who are just trying to use me to touch fame or money.  But here the people who aren’t doing that are either super formal because I’m a prince or they see me as a little kid because they’re all thousands of years old.  But I’m sure they’re not all thousands of years old, so I’ll figure it out.”
“When they are more comfortable with you outside your ranking the age thing will no longer matter,” Thor said.  “We live so long that it becomes unimportant.  What is important is connections.”
“Yeah,” he said with a nod.  “I mean, Becca is there too, having to adjust to it.  I guess I’ll figure it out.”
“If you wish to take a step back from the classes that may be possible.  We can find a role for you,” Thor said.
“No, it’s okay.  I do like the idea of one day being an advisor to you,” he said.  “So I’m thinking of it like college where I am learning to do that.”
“That’s a good attitude, son,” Steve said.
“Just remember, what we want most is for you to be happy and thriving,” I said.  “If you aren’t, we’ll do whatever we can to make sure you are.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tommy said.  “I know.  I know.  Thanks, mom.”
The canopy above began to thicken and it wasn’t long until we had pulled up into a clearing in front of the largest tree I had ever seen in my life.  It was thicker around the base than a large house and looking up I couldn’t even see the top.  It had large branches that spread out covering the entire clearing and the base was gnarled and twisted, the roots twisting up around it before burying themselves deep in the ground below.
A flurry of activity began to take place in readiness for the ceremony.  As we climbed from the carriage a group of elders dismounted from their horses and began chanting below the tree, praying to the old gods and the tree itself.
The horses and carriages were moved out of sight, and around the edge of the clearing and through the center, tables were being set up with enough food to cater to everyone that had followed us here.
Those of us who were important to the ceremony were guided to the base of the tree where a series of circles had been made with colorful pebbles around the base.  While Steve and Thor held the babies, the rest of our children were guided to sit in the circles, leaving the two spots free at the front free.
When things seemed to have been set up and the large crowd had all gathered around, spreading out down the road we had traveled up to get here, one of the elders stepped up onto the roots of Ysgradil and began to speak.
“We gather here at the base of the world tree for this joyful and sacred occasion that is the first rite of passage we each make as Asgardians.  Let each soul truly be here that those gathered may be blended in one sacred space, with one purpose and one voice,” he called out, his voice carrying through the open space.
“Hail spirits of this sacred land, you whose beauty and power inspires us.  Spirits of the high skies that guide us to stretch and grow, ancestors of light that guide us and provide us with warmth, cloud spirits that paint the sky and nourish our lands, and the cool breeze providing us with the breath of life, provide us with your blessing for these children,” he said.  “Spirits of the dark soil that holds and feeds us; mud of our lands, rich and fertile which we so deeply root; rocks, stones, and gems that give us stability, plants, and creatures that make their home here with us on Asgard, provide us with your blessings for these children.”
As he spoke the elders had begun to build a shrine by the roots of the tree containing soil and gems, water, wine, plants, and things such as furs and feathers.  “Spirits of the open sea that wash over the edge of the world and lap at the shores; meandering rivers, guiding our direction, birthing springs of new life, deep still pools holding us upon our journey; you the tidal waters, emerging and receding, blood and rain, provide us with your blessings for these children.  Blessed be as blessed is.”
When the shrine had been finished and some incense was burning Thor and Steve were directed to place the babies in the last two circles.  Icy and Inky curled up beside them, their tails blanketing the little bundles.
“We gather together at the base of Ysgradil under the gaze of our ancestors to witness this sacred rite of naming and welcoming the sons and daughters of Thor, our king, and ruler of the nine realms,” the elder announced.  “We come to give thanks for the wonder of new life and to honor the task of raising these children to be our leaders.”
Two women stepped forward and moved to the opposite ends of the line of our children, one was very old and stooped, and the other I actually recognized.  It was Katveil who had done the Henhalda on me for our bonding ceremony.   She crouched in front of Pietro at the far end and with a fine paintbrush began to paint runes on his face.  The woman at the other end of the line was doing the same to Riley.
“To know where you have come from we must first honor those that have come first to this place.  Odin the Allfather and his wife Frigga.  Bor father of Odin and his wife Bestla.  Bor’s father Buri, first god and bringer of life to us all.  We honor you here at the world tree and ask for your blessings today for your grandchildren and those that will carry your legacy,” the elder said, as the artists moved up the line painting on each of our children.
“Thor and Elise, Steven and James, Clinton and Natasha, Anthony and Robert, Samuel and Wanda, you have brought your children to this place on the occasion of their first rite.  As their parents, you have principal responsibility for the wellbeing of their bodies and souls throughout the journey of their childhood.  Do you agree to hold this responsibility wholeheartedly, in freedom, with love and joy, with patience and trust?”  The elder asked.
“We do,” we said as one.
“Then let it be so,” the elder said.  The old lady and Katveil had reached the babies and they each kneeled beside them.
“Blessed by the power of creation, this child begins his journey of life, and for his path, he is offered a name.  As he grows and chooses his own way, he may accept or take another name for himself, but he is yet at the beginning of his journey.  There is power in a name.  It is an innovation and a prayer, a gift that is given with poignancy and emotion.  What is the name you now offer your son?” the elder asked.
“Nova Modi,” Thor answered and the old lady began painting Nova's face, making the little boy whine and wriggle in the circle.  Inky’s hackles went up, but rather than try and keep the woman away, he nuzzled and licked at Nova’s face to reassure the baby that things were okay.
“Nova Modi Skjodbærer, Son of Thor and his chosen consorts, prince of Asgard and tenth in line to the throne of Asgard, I present you to your people,” he said and lifted the infant into the air for everyone to see.  There was a loud cheer from all gathered that carried out back to those too far to see at all.
“Nova!  Welcome, Nova!” The crowd cheered.
The elder placed Nova back in his circle.  “Blessed by the power of creation, this child begins her journey of life, and for her path, she is offered a name.  As she grows and chooses her own way, she may accept or take another name for herself, but she is yet at the beginning of her journey.  There is power in a name.  It is an invocation and a prayer, a gift that is given with poignancy and emotion.  What is the name you now offer your daughter?”
“Thour Katherine,” Thor replied, and this time Katviel began to paint on her.  The little girl closed her eyes and made a soft ‘ahh’ sound.  Icy wagged his tails happily as the baby seemed to enjoy the soft touches of the paintbrush.
“Thour Katherine Skjodbærer, daughter of Thor and his chosen consorts, princess of Asgard and eleventh in line to the throne of Asgard, I present you to your people,” the elder said and lifted her above his head.
“Thour!” The crowd cheered.  “Welcome, Thour!”
A group of attendants approached our group and handed out goblets of mead and pieces of dense bread to everyone.  “In order to know in certainty that the flow of this rite is done, we share, while still under the sacred tree, a celebratory drink,” the elder said.  “Blessing upon each of you.”
We all took a drink and a bite of bread and then Thor whispered to me. “Take your cup to someone in the crowd, have the others follow.”
As I did that, handing my goblet and the bread to a woman in the crowd, Thor couched and dipped his thumb into the mead and pressed it to Nova’s lips. He repeated the action with Thour and then handed the goblet and bread to an old man.
As we took our places we watched as the bread and mead was passed down from person to person.  The attendants followed on filling the cups if they emptied and replacing the bread.  
“On behalf of Thor and his chosen, and also Thour, Nova, and their siblings whose names you all know but have only now been blessed, I give thanks to all those who have gathered here this day, in body and spirit, seen and unseen.  To the ancestors of this line that have come to witness this rite, we give you thanks for your presence and your blessings.  From the base of Ysgradil, we bid you hale and farewell.  To the spirits of the land, and air and water, we give you thanks for your presence and your blessings.  We bid you hale and farewell.  To the spirit of Ysgradil the world tree that holds all the nine realms in its roots and branches, we thank you and bid you hale and farewell.  Let us take a moment of silence and feel what has been gained today, that after our celebrations, we leave this place and take its gifts and memories with us and honor them fully as we honor these children.”
We all fell silent and lowered our heads.  Even with the large group who were still passing the bread and mead, the only sound was the children and the wind through the trees.  Finally, the elder broke the silence.  “Go in peace.  Blessed be as blessed is.”
Thor picked up the babies and the rest of our children got up and stretched.  “I wasn’t expecting the other kids to be involved,” I said, as I took Thour from him.
“They wanted them to have the blessings too, even though they already have their names,” Thor explained.
I kissed his cheek and went over to speak to Katveil.  “Hey, Kat, it’s been a long time,” I said.
“My lady,” Katveil said, lowering her head.
“Kat,” I scolded.  “We’ve talked about this.”
“I’m sorry,” she said with a shy smile.  “It has been a while.”
I hugged her.  “I would love to spend some time with you,” I said. “If you have any.  I only know Thor’s friends here.  I’d like to make some of my own.”
“Oh,” Katveil said.  “I would love that.”
“Will Thor know how to find you?” I asked.
“I’m sure he would,” she said with a nod, and then looking like she was summoning all her courage she reached over and played with Thour’s hand.  “She is very cute.”
“Thank you,” I said.  “She looks a lot like Steve.  And he is very pretty.”
She giggled.  “You are very attractive too.  I am sure I can see some of you there too.”
“Thank you,” I said.  “Come with me for a second would you?”
She nodded and I led her over to where Tommy was talking to Rebecca.  “Tommy, meet my friend, Katveil, this is Tommy.  Katveil did my body art back when I bonded with the rest of your parents.”
Tommy gave me a look that told me he knew exactly what I was doing and he would play along but he wasn’t happy about it.  “Hey, Katveil,” he said, offering her his hand.
“Hello,” she said.  “You can call me Kat.”
Tommy looked from Kat to me and then back to Kat, letting out a breath.   “Kat, did you want to get something to eat with me?  I am still learning what Asgardian food is good or not.”
That last bit was a blatant lie, but I appreciated that he was making the effort.
“It would be my pleasure,” she said, excitedly.  “Follow me.”
Tommy shot me one last resigned look and then followed Katveil to one of the long tables.
“Mom,” Rebecca said, tutting me.  “Setting up your kids.  For shame.”
“Oh hush,” I laughed.  “He told me that he’s having trouble fitting in and Kat is the sweetest person I’ve ever met.  I don’t expect them to get married. But she will be a good friend.”
“Aww, Tommy’s got no friends,” Rebecca teased.  “Needs mommy to find him some.”
“Hey you,” I scolded.  “Don’t think you’re too old for me to ground.”
“I think I am,” she laughed.  “But I won’t rub it in.  This is kind of a hard change.  It’s nice you’re trying to help.  Hope it doesn’t backfire.”
I looked over to where Tommy and Katveil were discussing the different foods.  Katveil pulled a face and Tommy threw his head back laughing.  I had a feeling that things were going to work out just fine with them.
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thecrenellations · 3 years
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Queen’s Thief Appreciation, Day 11: Favorite Outfit* - A study of Helen
Please come along with me and @storieswelove on a chronological journey through six of Helen’s outfits as they evolve ... from the sheepskin coat she wears as a nine-year-old (the first character we meet in the timeline of the series!) to clothes chosen by others with various motivations and clothes she chooses herself.
I drew the Helens, and Margaux came up with this concept, wrote the accompanying gems of missing scenes, and (along with Maggie) has infused my mind with fashion references over the past few months, in the best way, while encouraging my art always.
crossposted here on AO3
*ok, we did pick more than one outfit
“Eddis” Hunting Jacket
“High up in the mountains there was still quite a bit of snow, and she shivered even in her sheepskin jacket.” - “Eddis” (reference)
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“There you are, my dear,” Xanthe said as she buttoned Helen’s new coat. The little girl had grown since the fall, when the weather was last warm enough for a coat that only came to her knees. “Look how nice you look.” 
Helen stuck out her arms and looked at the coat. It was all right, she thought. The blue and white trim was pretty, but that just meant her mother or her aunts or Xanthe would chastise her when she inevitably got it dirty. She almost sighed. If they would just let her wear plain clothes maybe they wouldn’t fuss so much when they got dirty. But Xanthe was smiling at her expectantly, so Helen smiled back and, fibbing, said, “It’s a lovely coat.” 
If she didn’t care for the coat, she would be happy to have its warm mass when she snuck off with Nestor to go explore the temple soon. She had been planning all winter, and she was nearly ready to go…
Miserable Dress
“In her five-year reign she’d won the loyalty and love of her subjects. They thought she was beautiful, I told her, and they would be just as happy to see her in a a sack as in the elaborate costumes her dressers liked to bully her into.” - The Thief (reference, a beautiful dress but very not Helen)
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Gen laughed in her face. “Why are you wearing that?”
"What a lovely way to speak to your queen,” she said, wrinkling her nose at him. 
Gen pulled a face of mock solemnity, unable to keep the corners of his mouth from twitching. “My queen,” he said gravely, “why are you wearing that?” 
Rolling her eyes, she walked past him, doing her best to push down her discomfort. She hated this dress. 
As she walked away, her Thief called after her. “No one cares what you wear!”
War Trousers
“Eugenides wondered when she’d started wearing trousers again. Thinking about it, he couldn’t recall seeing her in a dress except at the formal dinners.” - The Queen of Attolia
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Helen stood, ready to be dressed by her attendants as they fluttered around her. She would be in meetings from the moment she left her rooms until evening. As she thought of the day ahead of her, hearing reports from her officers and making decision after decision that could alter the lives of her people, Helen began to wonder how much more she could take. She eyed the orange dress with ruffled sleeves that Selene had just brought out from her closet, and Helen realized she had found her limit. 
Holding up a hand to her attendant, she said wearily, “Trousers today. I need a break.”
Engagement Dress
“Her dress was of linen as fine as [Sounis’s] own. It had an overdress decorated in knotted cord and a waist of satin covered in tiny beads in the same pattern as the knots.” - A Conspiracy of Kings (reference)
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“Are you ready?” Gen said, legs swinging from atop her dresser as Eddis’s attendants twisted the last of the pins into her short hair and wordlessly drifted back to the antechamber, leaving the cousins alone. 
Helen smiled tightly. “I hope so.” 
“Helen,” Gen said softly, “he is going to understand.” 
Helen changed the subject. “Thank you for the dress,” she said. It was worlds better than anything her attendants would have chosen, and Helen always made sure to thank Gen for his gifts of clothes. She knew it mattered to him. 
“It’s an important day. You deserved to be free of their fussing.” 
Helen snorted. Her attendants had fussed anyway, of course. “I could have done without the gold in my hair though,” she said, idly fingering her curls and looking at the gold dust on her hand. 
Gen grinned and jumped down from the dresser, coming over to kiss her forehead before he left. “It’s for luck.” 
“I’ll show you luck,” Helen said, and wiped the gold powder onto his sleeve as he hissed.
Wedding Costume
“I had been sent to the palace in time to be an eyesore at the wedding of Sounis and Eddis. Instead I had been ill and slept through it.” - Return of the Thief (reference) (another reference)
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“Gods, I cannot wait to change,” Helen murmured so only Irene could hear. The sovereigns and their retinues were tucked away in an antechamber off of the dining hall, resting briefly between the temple ceremony and the feast. In the next room, heaping platters of fish and lamb, sugared almonds and honey cakes awaited them. 
“Your dress looks more comfortable than what I wore for my wedding,” Irene observed, turning in her chair to face her cousin beside her. 
Helen smiled. “There’s that, at least.” The day was hot, but not nearly as hot as it had been when Gen and Irene had married the summer before. Irene’s dress, all red and gold, had been made from layers of heavy fabrics. It must have been miserable. “It’s not the dress I mind,” Helen said. All things considered, the dress wasn’t bad. It was more ornate than most of her dresses, but that was to be expected for her wedding. It was a nod to traditional Eddisian wedding outfits but cut more to her liking, carefully chosen both for her personal comfort and to reinforce that she was still Eddis. And, neither her attendants nor her aunt had been involved in its selection. That had been the real blessing. “It’s these damned laurels,” she said, barely touching one of the delicate leaves jutting out from the floral wedding crown. “They itch, and if I scratch them I ruin my hair and my attendants will be after my head.” 
“Here,” Irene said, and leaned over to delicately adjust the worst offending leaves and flower stems to keep them from poking Helen’s head. Two attendants moved hurriedly over to help, but Attolia waved them off. “I know how to adjust a crown,” she mumbled to herself. Helen laughed.
Eddisian Uniform
“She was dressed in trousers and low boots, her over-tunic identical to her officers’ but embroidered in gold.” - The Queen of Attolia (with reference to Emily B. Martin’s official art and frogged tunics!)
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She watched as Sophos blushed. She grinned. She knew that look. “Surely you have seen me in uniform before?” 
He shook his head. “I have not,” he said, stepping toward her and fingering the ornate gold closures of her military tunic. He smiled slyly. “How easy are these frogs to undo?”
Thank you for reading! You can read it again here on AO3
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butterflies-dragons · 3 years
A list of Targaryen Imagery around Sansa Stark in A Song of Ice and Fire
Fire and Blood
Black and Red
Silver and Purple
Dragon's Tail
Dragon Wings
Dragon Eggs
Dragon Skulls
Golden Dragons
Dragon Knights
Valyrian Steel
Dance of the Dragons
Maegor the Cruel
Baelor the Blessed
Aegon the Unworthy
Prince Aemon the Dragonknight
Aerys the Mad King
Rhaegar the ast dragon
Bonus: Fiery Hair
Sansa slid off her mare, but she was too slow. Arya swung with both hands. There was a loud crack as the wood split against the back of the prince's head, and then everything happened at once before Sansa's horrified eyes. Joffrey staggered and whirled around, roaring curses. Mycah ran for the trees as fast as his legs would take him. Arya swung at the prince again, but this time Joffrey caught the blow on Lion's Tooth and sent her broken stick flying from her hands. The back of his head was all bloody and his eyes were on fire.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
The point of Ser Gregor's lance had snapped off in his neck, and his life's blood flowed out in slow pulses, each weaker than the one before. His armor was shiny new; a bright streak of fire ran down his outstretched arm, as the steel caught the light. Then the sun went behind a cloud, and it was gone. His cloak was blue, the color of the sky on a clear summer's day, trimmed with a border of crescent moons, but as his blood seeped into it, the cloth darkened and the moons turned red, one by one.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
The blood orange had left a blotchy red stain on the silk. "I hate her!" she screamed. She balled up the dress and flung it into the cold hearth, on top of the ashes of last night's fire. When she saw that the stain had bled through onto her underskirt, she began to sob despite herself. She ripped off the rest of her clothes wildly, threw herself into bed, and cried herself back to sleep.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
When the king's herald moved forward, Sansa realized the moment was almost at hand. She smoothed down the cloth of her skirt nervously. She was dressed in mourning, as a sign of respect for the dead king, but she had taken special care to make herself beautiful. Her gown was the ivory silk that the queen had given her, the one Arya had ruined, but she'd had them dye it black and you couldn't see the stain at all. She had fretted over her jewelry for hours and finally decided upon the elegant simplicity of a plain silver chain.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa V
Then she realized that the blood had soaked through the sheet into the featherbed, so she bundled that up as well, but it was big and cumbersome, hard to move. Sansa could get only half of it into the fire. She was on her knees, struggling to shove the mattress into the flames as thick grey smoke eddied around her and filled the room, when the door burst open and she heard her maid gasp.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
"The dwarf's wife did the murder with him," swore an archer in Lord Rowan's livery. "Afterward, she vanished from the hall in a puff of brimstone, and a ghostly direwolf was seen prowling the Red Keep, blood dripping from his jaws."
—A Storm of Swords - Jaime VII
As the boy's lips touched her own she found herself thinking of another kiss. She could still remember how it felt, when his cruel mouth pressed down on her own. He had come to Sansa in the darkness as green fire filled the sky. He took a song and a kiss, and left me nothing but a bloody cloak.
—A Feast for Crows - Alayne II
The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
Tyrion wore a doublet of black velvet covered with golden scrollwork, thigh-high boots that added three inches to his height, a chain of rubies and lions’ heads. But the gash across his face was raw and red, and his nose was a hideous scab. “You are very beautiful, Sansa,” he told her.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
Sansa closed the shutters and turned sharply away from the window. "You look very lovely today, my lady," Ser Arys said.
"Thank you, ser." Knowing that Joffrey would require her to attend the tourney in his honor, Sansa had taken special care with her face and clothes. She wore a gown of pale purple silk and a moonstone hair net that had been a gift from Joffrey. The gown had long sleeves to hide the bruises on her arms. Those were Joffrey's gifts as well. When they told him that Robb had been proclaimed King in the North, his rage had been a fearsome thing, and he had sent Ser Boros to beat her.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
"You've waited so long, be patient awhile longer. Here, I have something for you." Ser Dontos fumbled in his pouch and drew out a silvery spiderweb, dangling it between his thick fingers.
It was a hair net of fine-spun silver, the strands so thin and delicate the net seemed to weigh no more than a breath of air when Sansa took it in her fingers. Small gems were set wherever two strands crossed, so dark they drank the moonlight. "What stones are these?"
"Black amethysts from Asshai. The rarest kind, a deep true purple by daylight."
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VIII
Sansa wore a gown of silvery satin trimmed in vair, with dagged sleeves that almost touched the floor, lined in soft purple felt. Shae had arranged her hair artfully in a delicate silver net winking with dark purple gemstones. Tyrion had never seen her look more lovely, yet she wore sorrow on those long satin sleeves. "Lady Sansa," he told her, "you shall be the most beautiful woman in the hall tonight."
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII
Tyrion scarce touched his food, Sansa noticed, though he drank several cups of the wine. For herself, she tried a little of the Dornish eggs, but the peppers burned her mouth. Otherwise she only nibbled at the fruit and fish and honeycakes. Every time Joffrey looked at her, her tummy got so fluttery that she felt as though she'd swallowed a bat.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
"What wife?"
"I forgot, you've been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. But she left the dwarf behind and Cersei means to have his head."
—A Storm of Swords - Arya XIII
Butterbumps arrived before the food, dressed in a jester’s suit of green and yellow feathers with a floppy coxcomb. An immense round fat man, as big as three Moon Boys, he came cartwheeling into the hall, vaulted onto the table, and laid a gigantic egg right in front of Sansa. “Break it, my lady,” he commanded. When she did, a dozen yellow chicks escaped and began running in all directions. “Catch them!” Butterbumps exclaimed. Little Lady Bulwer snagged one and handed it to him, whereby he tilted back his head, popped it into his huge rubbery mouth, and seemed to swallow it whole. When he belched, tiny yellow feathers flew out his nose. Lady Bulwer began to wail in distress, but her tears turned into a sudden squeal of delight when the chick came squirming out of the sleeve of her gown and ran down her arm.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa I
In the Queen's Ballroom they broke their fast on honeycakes baked with blackberries and nuts, gammon steaks, bacon, fingerfish crisped in breadcrumbs, autumn pears, and a Dornish dish of onions, cheese, and chopped eggs cooked up with fiery peppers.
[…] Tyrion scarce touched his food, Sansa noticed, though he drank several cups of the wine. For herself, she tried a little of the Dornish eggs, but the peppers burned her mouth.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
The morning of King Joffrey's name day dawned bright and windy, with the long tail of the great comet visible through the high scuttling clouds. Sansa was watching it from her tower window when Ser Arys Oakheart arrived to escort her down to the tourney grounds. "What do you think it means?" she asked him.
"Glory to your betrothed," Ser Arys answered at once. "See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace's name day, as if the gods themselves had raised a banner in his honor. The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey's Comet."
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. "I've heard servants calling it the Dragon's Tail."
"King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son," Ser Arys said. "He is the dragon's heir—and crimson is the color of House Lannister, another sign. This comet is sent to herald Joffrey's ascent to the throne, I have no doubt. It means that he will triumph over his enemies."
Is it true? she wondered. Would the gods be so cruel? Her mother was one of Joffrey's enemies now, her brother Robb another. Her father had died by the king's command. Must Robb and her lady mother die next? The comet was red, but Joffrey was Baratheon as much as Lannister, and their sigil was a black stag on a golden field. Shouldn't the gods have sent Joff a golden comet?
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
Within, the dragon skulls were waiting, and so was Shae. “I thought m’lord had forgotten me.” Her dress was draped over a black tooth near as tall as she was, and she stood within the dragon’s jaws, nude. Balerion, he thought. Or was it Vhagar? One dragon skull looked much like another.
[...] After, as they lay entwined amongst the dragon skulls, he rested his head against her, inhaling the smooth clean smell of her hair. “We should go back,” he said reluctantly. “It must be near dawn. Sansa will be waking.
[...] The Others can take my guilt, he thought as he slipped his tunic over his head. Why should I be guilty? My wife wants no part of me, and most especially not the part that seems to want her. Perhaps he ought to tell her about Shae. It was not as though he was the first man ever to keep a concubine. Sansa’s own oh-so-honorable father had given her a bastard brother. For all he knew, his wife might be thrilled to learn that he was fucking Shae, so long as it spared her his unwelcome touch.
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VII
"The queen raised her voice. "A hundred golden dragons to the man who brings me its skin!”
“A costly pelt,” Robert grumbled. “I want no part of this, woman. You can damn well buy your furs with Lannister gold.”
[...] Shortly, Jory brought him Ice.
When it was over, he said, “Choose four men and have them take the body north. Bury her at Winterfell.”
“All that way?” Jory said, astonished.
“All that way,” Ned affirmed. “The Lannister woman shall never have this skin.”
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard III
"Petyr Baelish put a hand on the rail. "But first you’ll want your payment. Ten thousand dragons, was it?”
“Ten thousand.” Dontos rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand. “As you promised, my lord.”
[...] “But he saved me.”
“He sold you for a promise of ten thousand dragons.
[...]“Sansa felt sick. "He said he was my Florian.”
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa V
“Your sister’s had no difficulty finding witnesses to your guilt.” Ser Kevan rolled up the parchment. “Ser Addam has men hunting for your wife. Varys has offered a hundred stags for word of her whereabouts, and a hundred dragons for the girl herself. If the girl can be found she will be found, and I shall bring her to you. I see no harm in husband and wife sharing the same cell and giving comfort to one another.”
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion IX
Someplace no stag ever found … though a dragon might.
—A Feast for Crows - Brienne III
"A good melee is all a hedge knight can hope for, unless he stumbles on a bag of dragons. And that's not likely, is it?"
—The Winds of Winter - Alayne I
She shouted for Ser Dontos, for her brothers, for her dead father and her dead wolf, for gallant Ser Loras who had given her a red rose once, but none of them came. She called for the heroes from the songs, for Florian and Ser Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, but no one heard.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa IV
"True knights would never harm women and children." The words rang hollow in her ears even as she said them.
"True knights." The queen seemed to find that wonderfully amusing. "No doubt you're right. So why don't you just eat your broth like a good girl and wait for Symeon Star-Eyes and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight to come rescue you, sweetling. I'm sure it won't be very long now."
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa V
They continued down the serpentine and across a small sunken courtyard. Ser Dontos shoved open a heavy door and lit a taper. They were inside a long gallery. Along the walls stood empty suits of armor, dark and dusty, their helms crested with rows of scales that continued down their backs. As they hurried past, the taper's light made the shadows of each scale stretch and twist. The hollow knights are turning into dragons, she thought.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa V
Lord Tywin waited until last to present the king with his own gift: a longsword. Its scabbard was made of cherrywood, gold, and oiled red leather, studded with golden lions' heads. The lions had ruby eyes, she saw. The ballroom fell silent as Joffrey unsheathed the blade and thrust the sword above his head. Red and black ripples in the steel shimmered in the morning light.
[…] "A great sword must have a great name, my lords! What shall I call it?"
[…] The guests were shouting out names for the new blade. Joff dismissed a dozen before he heard one he liked. "Widow's Wail!" he cried.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
But she had another longsword hidden in her bedroll. She sat on the bed and took it out. Gold glimmered yellow in the candlelight and rubies smoldered red. When she slid Oathkeeper from the ornate scabbard, Brienne's breath caught in her throat. Black and red the ripples ran, deep within the steel. Valyrian steel, spell-forged. It was a sword fit for a hero. When she was small, her nurse had filled her ears with tales of valor, regaling her with the noble exploits of Ser Galladon of Morne, Florian the Fool, Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, and other champions. Each man bore a famous sword, and surely Oathkeeper belonged in their company, even if she herself did not. "You'll be defending Ned Stark's daughter with Ned Stark's own steel," Jaime had promised.
—A Feast for Crows - Brienne I
Later, while Sansa was off listening to a troupe of singers perform the complex round of interwoven ballads called the "Dance of the Dragons," Ned inspected the bruise himself. "I hope Forel is not being too hard on you," he said.
—A Game of Thrones - Eddard VII
He sang of the Dance of the Dragons, of fair Jonquil and her fool, of Jenny of Oldstones and the Prince of Dragonflies. He sang of betrayals, and murders most foul, of hanged men and bloody vengeance. He sang of grief and sadness.
—A Feast for Crows - Sansa I
The room where Sansa had been confined was at the top of the highest tower of Maegor's Holdfast.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
In the tower room at the heart of Maegor's Holdfast, Sansa gave herself to the darkness.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa VI
"Baelor starved himself to death, fasting," said Tyrion. "His uncle served him loyally as Hand, as he had served the Young Dragon before him. Viserys might only have reigned a year, but he ruled for fifteen, while Daeron warred and Baelor prayed." He made a sour face. "And if he did remove his nephew, can you blame him? Someone had to save the realm from Baelor's follies."
Sansa was shocked. "But Baelor the Blessed was a great king. He walked the Boneway barefoot to make peace with Dorne, and rescued the Dragonknight from a snakepit. The vipers refused to strike him because he was so pure and holy."
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa IV
Aegon the Unworthy had never harmed Queen Naerys, perhaps for fear of their brother the Dragonknight . . . but when another of his Kingsguard fell in love with one of his mistresses, the king had taken both their heads.
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa II
"A king can have other women. Whores. My father did. One of the Aegons did too. The third one, or the fourth. He had lots of whores and lots of bastards." As they whirled to the music, Joff gave her a moist kiss. "My uncle will bring you to my bed whenever I command it."
Sansa shook her head. "He won't."
"He will, or I'll have his head. That King Aegon, he had any woman he wanted, whether they were married or no."
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
He took her by the arm and led her away from the wheelhouse, and Sansa's spirits took flight. A whole day with her prince! She gazed at Joffrey worshipfully. He was so gallant, she thought. The way he had rescued her from Ser Ilyn and the Hound, why, it was almost like the songs, like the time Serwyn of the Mirror Shield saved the Princess Daeryssa from the giants, or Prince Aemon the Dragonknight championing Queen Naerys's honor against evil Ser Morgil's slanders.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"Father, I only just now remembered, I can't go away, I'm to marry Prince Joffrey." She tried to smile bravely for him. "I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, as much as Jonquil loved Ser Florian. I want to be his queen and have his babies."
"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
She pulled a chair close to the hearth, took down one of her favorite books, and lost herself in the stories of Florian and Jonquil, of Lady Shella and the Rainbow Knight, of valiant Prince Aemon and his doomed love for his brother's queen.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
For those who remained, a singer was brought forth to fill the hall with the sweet music of the high harp. He sang of Jonquil and Florian, of Prince Aemon the Dragonknight and his love for his brother's queen, of Nymeria's ten thousand ships. They were beautiful songs, but terribly sad. Several of the women began to weep, and Sansa felt her own eyes growing moist.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VI
"Ser Ilyn has not been feeling talkative these past fourteen years," Lord Renly commented with a sly smile.
Joffrey gave his uncle a look of pure loathing, then took Sansa's hands in his own. "Aerys Targaryen had his tongue ripped out with hot pincers."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"The battleground is right up ahead, where the river bends. That was where my father killed Rhaegar Targaryen, you know. He smashed in his chest, crunch, right through the armor." Joffrey swung an imaginary warhammer to show her how it was done. "Then my uncle Jaime killed old Aerys, and my father was king."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"You can't talk to me that way. The king can do as he likes."
"Aerys Targaryen did as he liked. Has your mother ever told you what happened to him?"
Ser Boros Blount harrumphed. "No man threatens His Grace in the presence of the Kingsguard."
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa III
"The battleground is right up ahead, where the river bends. That was where my father killed Rhaegar Targaryen, you know. He smashed in his chest, crunch, right through the armor." Joffrey swung an imaginary warhammer to show her how it was done.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
"My father told everyone my bedding had caught fire, and our maester gave me ointments. Ointments! Gregor got his ointments too. Four years later, they anointed him with the seven oils and he recited his knightly vows and Rhaegar Targaryen tapped him on the shoulder and said, 'Arise, Ser Gregor.'"
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair.
—A Game of Thrones - Arya I
"You will be the most beautiful woman in the hall tonight, as lovely as your lady mother at your age. I cannot seat you on the dais, but you'll have a place of honor above the salt and underneath a wall sconce. The fire will be shining in your hair, so everyone will see how fair of face you are. Keep a good long spoon on hand to beat the squires off, sweetling. You will not want green boys underfoot when the knights come round to beg you for your favor."
—The Winds of Winter - Alayne I
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danddymaro · 3 years
Playing with fire | Loki x Reader
Includes Enhanced Reader W/ fire manipulation, and a temper.
Basically Loki Being an Ass
Word Count : 2393
Playing with Fire
She smiled with satisfaction as she continued to clean the counter in small circles, the little powder blue rag leaving the surface with a nice shine that filled her with pride.
All the while, sweet, soft hums of happiness left her as she saw the lovely surface slowly bouncing the sight of what seemed like her reflection.
“You’ve certainly outdone yourself this time (f/n),” she said lowly, grinning at her work with fulfillment, executing joy-filled little claps as a mild cheer that lasted only a few seconds before she went back to work.
Tony walked past the doorway but whirled around as he caught sight of her, tisking at the sight, because, 
how many times has he told her now?
“- I told you, you don't have to do that,” He said with exasperation, pouting down at her as he coolly walked over to her, “ You don't have to pick up a finger here.” He continued, making himself comfortable by leaning his elbows onto the counter, looking at her with tired dark eyes throughout the entire time,
“In fact, even the toile-”
She stopped him by lifting up her hand in a halt sign, the other maintaining the same circular motion,
“I want to,” she said simply, looking over to him with a soft smile that was filled with peace. “It makes me happy,” she added with pleading (e/c) eyes, hoping he’d drop the argument.
“It brings me peace, so please... drop it?” she asked him, giving him the same sweet, begging eyes.
Rolling own his eyes, Stark shrugged, a heavy sigh accompanying the action, “I guess,” He mumbled, displeased nonetheless.
“If you continued to do it after the first few times, I don't know why I keep trying to convince you otherwise,” he added, a halfhearted glare directed at her, “Just don’t overwork yourself,” he pleaded her.
“ - I feel bad enough having you slaving around her,” he murmured with a sheepish upturn of his mouth.
Granted, he appreciated how tenderly she treated their home, but it was to the extent that he felt guilty, almost like he was taking advantage of her.
“Slaving?” she said with a quirked brow, “You have your drinking, and I have my cleaning… yet I’m the one in the wrong?” she said back to him, chuckling all while she shook her head, giggling even more as she saw his expression change at her words, a toothy grin etched onto his face as his eyes were squinted playfully,
“Really Red Hot?” He snickered, watching as she rolled her eyes at the address.
He opened his mouth to speak more when another voice cut through their merriment,
“Ah, Servant Girl,” Loki called out, beckoning the woman to go to him with a lift of his finger, causing her to instantly drop her happy, little expression down south,
“Servant...girl...?” she lowly, all while shooting the man a quick look that dared him to repeat the phrase.
“Yes. servant girl," The long-haired male said in a snobbish manner, “ Did I not just call you?” He questioned her, and by then the little rag in her hand combusted.
‘What is with this guy?’ She wondered while irked.
A seething hot glare was shot directly at the dark-haired prince as she destroyed her little rag, and it gave her all the more reason to be angry.
“Oh no, “ stark muttered, quickly placing a hand to her shoulder, directing her attention from Loki’s lasting gaze and turning her over to him instead,
“ he’s not worth blowing your cap off, just relax,” he advised feeling a cold sweat running down his forehead as his palms that had landed over her shoulders began to grow warmer, indicating that her temperature was rising.
He could feel her body begin to increase in heat, and he had to act fast, taking her mind off of the annoyance that triggered her,
“You don't want to ruin this pretty kitchen do you?” he asked anxiously, sweeping his arm to offer her the grand view of the luxury space.
“Besides...I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.” He further explained, hoping that it was the case, but not entirely too certain about it because after all, it was Loki.
-The same Loki that had in the past bated the Hulk out of Banner.
It was then that her ( e/c) eyes swept left and right to the little place she had dubbed her ‘safe space’ and after a good moment of reflection, she closed her eyes tightly, her harsh pants coming down to mellowing breathes that were both inhaled and exhaled through her nostrils.
“There we go, “ Tony said smiling with relief.
She gritted her teeth, “Okay...I’m fine..” She told him, soon releasing a low breath that seemed to make her deflate, her tense muscles with the blow of air.
“You sure?” he asked her, uncertain.
“Yeah,” She responded back with a lax voice, a slow smile beginning to pave way onto her face, “Sorry about that, “ She said sheepishly, her face glowing as she’d calmed to a state where she was easier to reason with.
‘Gotta be nice,’ She told herself. ‘Technically he’s a guest. One who’s not from here,’ She reasoned.
She then turned back to the prince, the same sweet expression present as she approached him, truly hoping he didn’t get the wrong impression of her.
‘I’m not a horrible person, you have to believe me,’ She thought to herself, ‘It’s just...sometimes...I’m too passionate.’ She went on.
‘I’m really sorry,’ She added while releasing a calmed breath, ‘You didn’t know any better,’ She mused, ‘I don’t know what got over me.’ 
“I’m so sorry about that,” She said with humility, nearly close to bowing her head in shame with how embarrassed she was.
“I’m (f/n) (l/n),” She introduced herself, her weary smile easing into a true, amiable grin.
 She then extended her hand out to him, kindly offering it,
“ I’m a part of the A-”
“- Avengers,” He finished for her, “Yes, I know,” He said while grinning at her, the words falling onto her and causing her to freeze, numbness soon overwhelming her as he took her hand.
‘He knows…’ She thought to herself, ‘Which means,’ She then droned on,
 ‘Which means he PURPOSELY called me that,’ She went on, the gears of her brain working at max capacity, coming to the conclusion in a manner of seconds.
 All while her face began to twitch with annoyance, she could see him slowly form a grin of amusement, one she took in with insult,
‘He thinks he’s so cute…’ She went on, soon glaring at him, ‘What’s his damn problem?!’ She added, hearing him chuckle, the sound of his velvety voice producing such an aggravating, yet warm sound that it frazzled her.
‘He’s doing this on purpose,’ She concluded, watching as every twitch of her face made his eyes glow furthermore, the gems married with amusement.
‘He’s trying to… to,’ stopping herself she bit her tongue, not knowing what his true aim was,  
‘What the hell is he even trying to do, get on my damn nerves?!’ She wondered with dismay.
‘So, You think it’s that easy huh?
You think I’m just some hotheaded punk that can’t stay fucking...uuugggggghhhhhhhh!’ She inwardly shrieked, fighting against the nature she assumed he wanted to become a spectator of.
‘I want to just wipe that stupid grin off his face!’ She thought with malice, ‘But if I do, the pretty boy wins,‘ She contemplated, her mind viscously jumbled, and throughout it all, much to her pleasure, she managed to hold herself steady, not letting the fiery strength take over.
“I hope I get to see more of you!” She chirped back, shoving out the words, subconsciously squeezing his hand.
‘- No I don’t,’ She inwardly added, wanting to wring his neck instead.
“I just know we’ll get along,” She then added with the same glee.
‘- I want you acres from me,’ She maundered darkly.
At the first elated peep, Loki’s brows rose, a chuckle escaping him as he eyed the saccharine smile that was in stark contrast to her vicious (e/c) colored eyes that clearly showed disdain, and it only gave him more reason to fuel her flame.
“(f/n) (l/n),” He then said, taking her warm hand in his before laying a little kiss to her first knuckle,
“A pleasure,“ He told her, enjoying the way her face morphed into complete, and utter shock that left her doe-eyed.
She was then left blubbering, her brain nearly fried by the simple action, not knowing how to take it,
‘Wh-who does he… think he is?’ she asked herself, unsure of just how to feel.
‘No one’s ever done that before,’ She thought to herself, ‘But that doesn’t mean i enjoyed it,’ She then added.
‘I just got caught off guard!’ She reasoned.
Tony chuckled lowly, having only seen the other man’s face throughout the entire exchange in greetings, completely missing her annoyed tick as well as her withheld aggression, only catching sight of the glowing enjoyment in the other man's eyes.
“I hope to see more of you,” Loki then added, withdrawing, and leaving her stunned.
‘Why...Why did he even want me in the first place?’ She asked herself, unsure of what had even transpired between them.
“- Looks like Reindeer Games likes you,” Tony then mused aloud, and it did nothing to help her.
The man alternated between bitter and sweet. 
He was charming even when he was a nuisance, and she detested the way he easily tweaked her. 
Anything he did was sure to make heat rise within her, from his annoying pestering that brought her close to combustion, to the sweet, charming second nature that made her face glow.
He pushed her on edge in more ways than one, and it made it all the more frustrating when he went out of his way to bother her, because sometimes she wanted to choke him, and other times,
‘Other times… I just want to...to do things with you that I don't even understand,’ She thought helplessly, having never felt so bothered by another being.
She was grateful to have learned how to properly control her powers to the degree that most of what he threw at her was shot back with sweetness,
‘Kill ‘em with kindness,’ That was the motto that, and until then, she’d followed to a T. 
But, everything had its breaking point, and as the second month rolled by she found hers,
“ Call me servant girl again you little shit,” She sneered, holding up a tightened fist before him, the little ball shaking with the furiousness she felt.
“ Oh? and what will you do, if I do ... little, servant girl?” he said snickering, nearing her with a confident strut, “Are you going to strike me?” He said while grinning, his two hands held behind his back as he leaned towards her, extending his jaw out subtly, all in a manner that dared her to do so,
“ Because I’d just love to see you try,” he said lowly, challenging her, his emerald eyes glowing as he looked down at her.
 Her already accelerated heart jumped at the glance, forcing a gasp out of her, one she was aware he found amusement in by the sly way he continued to tease her.
Her lips then twitched upwards, not in a show of amusement, but instead a nagging annoyance before she swung at him, which, of course, went straight through him.
“My...You're quite hot-headed,” he said while observing her, making her whip around to him with eyes that glowed just as fiercely as his did,
‘ Hot-headed…
She repeated the name over and over, detesting it.
The little nickname made her insides bubble, and as she dwelled in the nickname her body erupted into a heap of flames,
She screeched, launching herself towards him.
“- All of that foul language.." he muttered, his left hand capturing her wrist in a strong grip, soon pulling her to him before he spun her, forcing her back to his chest.
His right hand then gripped her lower jaw, holding it in a manner that made her lips pucker,
“Such a pretty mouth, and yet such ugly words,” he said amused, releasing the same sweet chuckle that made her insides bubble.
“- I hate you so much,” she said lowly, squirming all the while.
It was rare to be captured, much more, held down by someone else while in her current state, and while it scathed her, it touched her in a way that was indescribable,
‘Do you know how many people have run from me?’ She silently asked him, wondering just why he played with her so much, when she could lose control at any moment.
‘Do you know how many people I’ve hurt?’ She then added, shrinking with a touch of sadness at the remembrance, because she never forgot.
‘Because I’m this way…
Because no matter what I do… I always end up burning…’
“I hate you… so much,” She said in a weaker voice, wearing a small smile that held just a touch of fondness,
‘I hate you for being able to handle me...even at my worst.
I hate you for making me feel so small and weak next to you.
I hate always thinking about you.’
A low, sweet chuckle left him, and during then he wore a teasing little smirk she couldn't see, but could vividly imagine, because she had it ingrained in her mind.
“Ah…” He breathed, “ A shame…,” He murmured, “I love to play with your flame.” He admitted. 
“Your heat...” he then uttered, before falling into silence. His hold and presence disappeared all at once, leaving her wide-eyed and surprised, her face burning with embarrassment.
She whipped around, spinning like a curious dog chasing its tail, her eyes searching for the man with wide-eyed innocence.
“I just can’t stand him, “ She murmured, fuming, by then having been subdued into a less agitated state.
‘Because I can’t think of anything but him.
I want him to play with me as much as he wants, shape me in every way I can be molded.
Loki...why are you so unbearable....so unforgettable?’
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aggresivelyfriendly · 3 years
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‘Tis the Damn Season- Chapter 7 Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
Author’s Note- anybody still with me? If not, totally understand. This one is self edited- sorry I’m advance. Reblogs are still and always love!
“Are you sure I can't convince you to come home this Christmas?" Her mother's voice had just a tinge of loneliness, but Emma was set and certain.
"I think I would really like to have a Scandi Christmas this year mum! And I think the best present you could give me is to come and do it with me!"
They'd had this conversation eleventy million times. Emma knew her mum was doing so much better, and that her being in Holmes Chapel, even alone, would be ok, she'd be ok. Emma just knew they'd have so much fun in her newly reclaimed life abroad fusing old traditions with the ones they would make. Her mum was just resistant, she loved her home, was a certified home body, and now that it didn't hurt quite so bad, she loved the reminders of all the Christmases before. She was bathing in nostalgia with a smile on her face and a sweet ache inside.
Emma didn't feel the same. She'd had a fair few wonderful holidays in Holmes Chapel, but to many revolved around Harry Styles, and well, Emma's life did not revolve around Harry. Had never and didn't even have the axis centered around December 26 for a once a year moment any more.
She'd just really gotten back into her own life. Well, Emma patted herself on the back, she'd been living her way for 8 months now, that was almost as long as the 9 months she'd stayed in Holmes Chapel.
When her mother had assured her she was well enough that Emma could go to Iceland, the thought of ice capped fjords in summer thrilled her as though she was climbing them, not just studying them.
So she did.
She felt so much better, and her mother was better and she'd climbed to the top of her trail back to her own life, the one she'd made out of choice and ambition and only been sorry for in brief, lonely morning afters.
Emma wanted to share her life with her mother more than anything, certainly more than she wanted to spend a holiday in a place she now almost entirely associated with hurt. Heartache takes many forms, deep and abiding grief, the kind like she imagines phantom limbs give amputees years on. It also can hurt like a quick sharp mishap, a slip of the knife, full of crimson pain and stitches.
She'd had both together and then his deep cut on top of the other last Christmas. The wound was too fresh to go back at the moment. The good memories were still colored crimson. She needed to wait until her lover's memory flashed with true colors instead of red or blue. Her father's memory was cozier and longer, it was wrapped around the warm pink of her mother, but even it was still too tender.
She needed time.
Emma also had no idea where Harry was these days. She'd cut off all methods of inquiry.  She wasn't staying up late googling even, ever, not anything. Not his naked or Camille's. They'd be going on well into their second trip round the sun by now. Probably more deeply in love than he openly confessed to her. Emma didn't need evidence of it. It just opened the stitches she'd sewn herself.
So, no Holmes Chapel, no Google alerts or text messages. She'd blocked his number.
"Well, I suppose if you insist, we can try Amsterdam for Christmas." Her mother covered the sigh at the end of that sentence and Emma appreciated it. She suppressed a wry smile. Her mother could also still hear it in her reply she was sure.
"Oh mum! You won't regret it. It will be so lovely! I can't wait. I'll meet you at the airport, then we will go to my favorite cafe and take a snow walk. It will be picturesque. You'll fall in love, you'll see."
"Alright, darling. I'll give it a chance. I just hate to miss Anne's party two years in a row." Emma cringed and was happy this was not a video chat. She almost gasped and blew her cover when her mum said. "Won't you miss Anne's party? You're close with Gemma, and" she breathed while her mother hesitated, "and Harry?"
God, did everyone know?
"It'll be fine mum. I'll call Gemma. She'll understand."
She would, after they'd had that conversation the last time they'd spoken.
Gem had not really cornered her so much as insisted they get out of the house as often as possible from the day after Boxing Day until she'd left to head back to London.
She, the lovely friend that she was, didn't actually bring it up until she was back for Mother's Day. And she waited until Emma told her she was headed back to her program in the fall with a twinkle in her eyes even Emma knew had been long gone for too long.
Ever the blunt one, Gemma didn't even cozy up to the subject, "so did you break his heart or did he break yours?" She took a big sip of her cider and leveled her state over the rim at Emma.
Emma could feel her face blanching or heating or giving some indication who's heart was broken. Her elegant side step to that mine field was, "huh?" Then a moment later. "Who are you talking about?" To Gemma's patient silence.
"Alright, if that's how you want to be." Gemma playfully rolled her eyes. "You and my brother are not stealth, at all. You would make eyes at each other all night at my mum's and then disappear for the same amount of time. Remember I live with him."
"Do not." Emma didn't bother to deny it.
"I suppose not really, but as much as any one "lives"with him, I do over Christmas, and did for most of my life. I know when he's smitten with someone, and when he's got them around his little finger too." Gemma snorted and ate a chip. "His stupid walk even changes, all of a sudden he swaggers and walks hip first. It's gross!" Her face screwed up.
Emma tried to remember if she had ever seen this hip walk. She supposed she had when he'd walk towards her at the Boar's Head. Or occasionally when he'd corner her by the mistletoe.
"It's not gross." Slipped out.
"That right there," Gemma pointed. "Is gross. Your face all soft and flushed for my little brother. Bleach!" She sighed mixed with a bit of good humor. "But I suppose that means he broke your heart. I can't believe he just turned up with another lady. Did you at least know? I feel like I always know way to much about my brother's sex life."
"Huh?" Emma laughed.
"I just feel like I know way too much about his sex life, due to blind items and pap shots. Thought you might feel the same."
"It's not so simple as that, really. I knew because of that, about his girlfriend." Still couldn't say her name. "But I think he felt like I'd broken his heart, if I'm honest. And That's why he turned up with her. To hurt me back, in case I hadn't seen."
"Did you."
"Certainly not on purpose. My heart and head and life were in shambles, still are, and he made an assumption, and never let me explain."
"Why don't you explain to me."
So she did, haltingly, Emma talked about it all, tears on her cheeks about her dad and then her mum, and even Harry. The sad footnote of loss in a story of grief.
"Why didn't you just tell him?" Gemma asked the question Emma asked herself a lot.
"I guess, I couldn't say it and I couldn't text it. And it confirmed to me that he really only knew me so little, that he could think I'd take advantage of him."
"Did you ever think that was more to do with how other people have treated him than you? he's had to learn to expect the worst of people he wants to trust?"
"Don't make me feel bad for him. Remember? He broke my heart and found someone new. Had the audacity to move on before me!" Emma tried to joke.
"I think, I think you guys got into a mess and never bothered to clean it up until it was so unkempt you couldn't find the good parts." Gemma said after a quiet, mirthless moment.
"Oh no!" Emma tapped her head. "I kept all the good parts."
"Firstly, blech, I wish I could bleach that smile from my head, but 2nd-Is that enough?" Gemma asked.
"It'll have to be, I suppose." She swallowed the moisture in her eyes, "he told me he loves her. Straight to my broken face. Then piled on how he never got the time to love me."
Gem looked curious, then cautious, "I think he does. But it's cuz he wants to. Wants that desperately, to be in love. It may be some leftovers from you."
"Yeah?" Her eyes really pooled then and she bat her cheek to stop more from swarming. "Well I'll have to take that as cold comfort then, that she gets the seed of love he wanted to grow with me."
"I'm sorry. Sure he is too." Gemma sighed. "I'm so sorry for all of it."
"Yeah, yeah." Emma leaned on her friend, her only real one right then. "Me too."
And they left it at that. Emma's eyes were swimming and Gemma blinked a few times too rapidly. They hoisted their glasses. "To almosts!" Emma said.
"To dad's!" Gemma said. Then they both did cry.  Talked about Robin's diagnoses. Then it was Emma's turn to be the shoulder, to bolster.
Life went on, the way it always seems to do. Emma and her mom laughed more and then her mum even laughed on her own. By that summer, they both stood on their own two feet, without leaning on each other, except when they wanted to.
By June, there was no reason to stay.
"So, are your roommates excited to have you back?"
Her mum was making tea and packing her sandwiches.
"Mum, I actually had to find mew roommates. The others had to fill the room I was in." She could see the down turn of her mum's lips from the side. Guilt was heavy. "It's not a big deal. The people I'm rooming with are other grad students, I know them. And it's works for the budget. Mum, you know I'm not riding the bus to camp right? I don't need a sandwich. There will be food at the airport and on the plane?"
"Won't be home cooked." Was all she said.
This wasn't for her then. It was some sort of amends, or a thank you. Like the tea she had taken to bringing to her to her room when she woke up, and before bed.
"That's true." Emma kissed her cheek, "I'm gonna go finish packing." She ate the sandwich on the plane later.
Counting bags, she frowned. She'd acquired a lot. She sincerely hoped the bag wasn't as heavy as her heart.
Emma was going to miss Holmes Chapel.
She did, surprisingly as much as she missed school the first 6 months she was home. Maybe, those feelings were tangled up in other events, the other missing pieces of her former puzzle.
I'm any case, she found herself better at keeping in touch
"So, any cute boys in Amsterdam?" Gemma chuckled over the phone one mid December afternoon.
"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Was Emma's laughing response.
"I do, I really do." And Gemma, the blunt tongued, fierce hearted girl sounded suspiciously like a woman in love. Then she pretended to complain, because she was Gemma, about how They were both a little spoon, pretending to be annoyed about it.
"I'm really happy for you." Emma interrupted, meant it, even though she still didn't know if there were any cute boys in Amsterdam because she was still hung up on the cute boy who spent Christmas in Holmes Chapel.
Gemma must have picked up the stain of blue in her voice, "Hey, Emma, I think maybe I should tell you something-"
The buzz from her hallway door went then, and Gemma didn't get to finish.
"Hey Gem, my flat mate lost her key. I'll have to ring you back. Tell me then?"
And then it was Christmas, well Christmas Eve and she was at Schipol with a giant sign that said, "Katherine the great( est mum)!"
"Oh, bless you! Could you have made a bigger sign?"
"I'm sure I could have tried. Maybe found some glitter. Think a flat mate has the body sort somewhere." Her mum narrowed her eyes and pinched her cheek.
"Well, if you've finished embarrassing me, show me this dreadful country that's not England and all it has in terms of festive cheer."
"Let's go get some nuts then!" Emma laughed.
"I beg your pardon?" Her mum put on the prude and Emma laughed at her over the top expression as they made their way to the train to the city center.
Her famous Danish bakery was the first stop. "I thought we would have a taste test. We can rate them."
"Do you already have a favorite?" Her mum asked.
"Yeah." Emma thought about the trifle Harry's mum made and that he'd sneak to the boar's head to feed her in bed. It had only taken him watching her eat it once for him to recognize her glee. It was his favorite too. "But, I want to know what yours is!" Emma brought her memory and watering mouth to the present moment.
They ate their way through Christmas Eve And decorated her Kerstbomen. "Sorry the tree is already up. They were starting to disappear for purchase, but reappear in everyone else's windows! I had to grab one."
"Oh, no dear, it's alright. And actually, I brought a gift from Anne. I saw her the other day and had been complaining about you making me come all the way over here-"
"It's an hour flight!"
"Well, I suppose it will do, but it's not home."
Thank god.
"Anywho, she came by the day after and brought a present for your tree." Her smile was so expectant, Emma was expecting the worst. "It's so important to have good friends." Her smile was cryptic. What friends- Anne to her mum or Gemma to her? Who was the present actually from.
The box was festive. And wrapped beautifully just like Anne's house was always decorated so well. Emma set it aside, "I'll open it tomorrow mum, On christmas, at the proper time."
"Oh no! You must open it now. Gemma told her mom it was for your tree." Ah, mystery solved. Gemma was great at wrapping. When Emma opened it, her heart stopped a full beat.
At first she thought it was the frog, the one she'd gotten for him. That he was giving it back to her like a seal on their relationship that never was. But when she picked it up, she realized it was a proper ornament, not just ornamental. It was a frog, holding a heart.
What Did that mean, whose heart was it?
His for her? Or hers back where he decided it belonged.
"Where will you put it?" Her mother interrupted her train of thought.
"Um, dunno," she moved around the tree to an inconspicuous place. "I guess here." She shrugged.
"Oh no, dear. It's by far the cutest one we have." Her hand scanned over the other ornaments, a hodge podge of beloved ones and ones from Christmas markets. "It goes here." Her Mum stood and took the ornament from its hidden place, placed it front and center. "Let's get the rest up and take a picture."
She'd gotten her mother an aura frame for Mother's Day and she was now obsessed with adding to the Revolving cue of photos.
"Course, ok." Emma ripped her eyes from the frog, but they kept drifting back to it.
It was an hour of a little too much wine and her mother's cheer. It lightened her spirit and got her mind off it's wandery at Harry's intentions, until after silly smiley photos and teary eyed huggy ones, her mum said, "now let's take one for Anne and Gemma. Show them how nice it looks.
Emma thought she'd done a good job at the photo, at arranging her face the way it was supposed to look.
She must have been wrong.
Later, a number she knew by heart but had no current contact for came through. "Your smiles fake. Do you not like it at all?"
She didn't answer it on Boxing Day, or the day after, it wasn't until New Year's Day that she realized she'd blown her resolutions to Smithereens before they could even uphold their name.
All she'd texted back to his cold question was, "how come you're the only person who can always tell."
She may have never noticed she'd done it, with the way her group chats were going off, except he replied before her hangover even subsided.
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allrandomfandoms · 3 years
Ranking All the Winx’s Magix Transformations
The fairies of the Magical Dimension have a lot of fairy forms. These forms are either a type of fairy level or an additional power built onto their current transformation form. Due to all of this complex information, this series of articles will explain each fairy form. The Magix fairy form is the first transformation.
Origen: The first fairy transformation is called “Magix”, though another version of the show call it “Winx”. It’s named after the planet, Magix where the Alfea College for fairies is located.
Obtained: A fairy is usually able to transform when she has a strong enough will and fully believes in her magical capabilities.
Abilities: Upon gaining their first form, fairies can manifest their magic more easily than when they’re in their “civilian” or human form. In addition they’re also able to use more powerful spells. However, the transformation contains the most basic and standard fairy magic.
Style: The transformation form has the most simple style of all the forms with simple color schemes. A fairy’s wings are mostly plain with basic shapes. The clothing usually consist of dresses, mini skirts or shorts with tops. Shoes are often some type of boots or heels. Accessories are minimal too. Only a few things such as a headband, choker or wristbands.
1. Tecna: This might be shocking to some, but Tecna’s form deserves first place. Her outfit is a full-body suit from head-to-toe. Tecna’s color pallet is also a bit more diverse than the others. Rather than a solid color, Tecna’s suit consists of lilac and pastel purple color-blocking parts of her attire. She has two neon green gems on her outfit too, which really pop. Finally, I love Tecna’s unique wings. They look like neon-green lasers pretending to be wings on her back. Plus, when Tecna takes flight, her wings change into a laser grid in the shape of a glider.
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2. Musa: Her belly may be showing, but there’s sheer fabric over Musa’s skin. Yes, the sheer fabric is attached to the red mini-skirt and one-shoulder crop-top. Meaning, Musa is wearing a dress. Even though her outfit is one of the more simple looks and her wings are the most boring design out of all the Winx wing sets, I still like her style. The armband and headphones are cute accessories. Plus, her twin-pigtails are adorable!
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3. Aisha/Layla: This outfit has the second most creative design. I like how Aisha is wearing a skort. To me, the silver rings symbolize bubbles. Likewise, the use of loose fabric being tied together along with her flowing skirt wrap all resemble waves. Her sharp layerd wings are second place. Overall, Aisha's look reminds me of a water goddess.
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4. Flora: The dress looks like two pink flowers put together. The bodice resembles flower petals while the skirt is the flower bloom upside down. Flora literally appears as though she's a traditional flower fairy. At first, I thought there was no purpose to Flora's wings like most of the other transformations, but then I looked at them in a different perspective. Her wings are the shape of leaves. However, it would have been better to see the veins of the leafs.
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5. Bloom: All of the fairy forms are a bit revealing, but I wouldn't call them skimpy because no body parts are revealed. However, Bloom's form actively seems like it's staying to be the most sexy with her oddly cut top. She only made fifth place due to her golden tiara. In my opinion, most princesses need a bit of bling. Her outfit is a bit boring, but at least her wings have a design on them.
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5. Stella: Dang Stella's outfit is boring. I mean, her one-shoulder crop-top looks as though somebody took glittery fabric and tied it around her bodice before the end of her transformation. This actually makes sense if it were true because the shirt appears to be ripped based on the shriveled hem on the bottom. However, I like the touches of blue. It's a nice nod to Stella's moon and stars magic.
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What do you think? Do you agree with the ranking choices? If not, why? Please share with me!
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Trinkets, Rings, 3: Enough rings and bands to wear three on every finger and toe while still having dozens to spare. Rings, especially magic rings are a very common item of jewelry in fiction and roleplaying. From a basic ring of protection, to the life saving ring of regeneration, the ring of the Nibelungs, the rings of the lantern corps, the ring of Gyges, any wedding ring ever depicted, the ring of Solomon, Sir Perceval’s ring, Aladdin’s genie housing ring, the nine rings of mortal men and the precious one ring of power, these small circular pieces of gems, metal, wood or bone always add more to the story than the sum of their parts. None of these rings are intensely magical in their own right but can serve as basis for a magical or plot relevant ring. When a DM rolls a d100, the bog standard ring of protection +1 they were going to give out now has a unique look and personality rather than just a mechanical benefit.
A big heavy ring made of sterling silver. On the face of the ring is a skull the size of a large man’s thumb, run through with a lance and a flag fluttering around it. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize the sigil as that of the Mad Lancer’s an infamous cavalry unit that was a force of nature as much as a military company.
An onyx ring set with a shimmering opal, from which a thin line of black smoke continuously billows forth.
A shinning brass signet ring that proudly displays a raised fist against a red starburst. Knowledge PC's will recognize the sigil as the symbol of a paladin order known as the Boros Legion. There's a weight to it that belies its size, a weight of strength and of pride.
A cheap-looking tin ring that has a small dial adorned with letters of the alphabet that can be aligned with various strange pictographs. Knowledgeable PC's will recognize it as a decoder ring and can be used to decipher texts that were written using this specific ring or a twin of it.
A ring comprised of two interlocking bands, one gold engraved with a motifs of laughing faces and the other granite with a motif of faces set in stony silence.
A lead ring bearing engravings of an otherworldly entity spreading its unnatural gifts.
Ring of Fire Detection: A pure white ring set with a transparent red gemstone. The gemstone will light up and emit a piercing sound if the ring comes into direct contact with fire, magical or otherwise.
A simple black ring is polished to a shine, and written in gold lettering around the outer band is the phrase "I am better off healed than I ever was unbroken."
A crudely made gold ring set with a huge green gemstone that glows faintly even in full daylight.
An iron ring set with a dark ruby of great size and splendor. Within its heart flickers a mysterious flame, entrapped there in ages past by a masterful mage.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A big heavy ring made of sterling silver. On the face of the ring is a skull the size of a large man’s thumb, run through with a lance and a flag fluttering around it. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize the sigil as that of the Mad Lancer’s an infamous cavalry unit that was a force of nature as much as a military company.
An onyx ring set with a shimmering opal, from which a thin line of black smoke continuously billows forth.
A shinning brass signet ring that proudly displays a raised fist against a red starburst. Knowledge PC's will recognize the sigil as the symbol of a paladin order known as the Boros Legion. There's a weight to it that belies its size, a weight of strength and of pride.
A cheap-looking tin ring that has a small dial adorned with letters of the alphabet that can be aligned with various strange pictographs. Knowledgeable PC's will recognize it as a decoder ring and can be used to decipher texts that were written using this specific ring or a twin of it.
A ring comprised of two interlocking bands, one gold engraved with a motifs of laughing faces and the other granite with a motif of faces set in stony silence.
A lead ring bearing engravings of an otherworldly entity spreading its unnatural gifts.
Ring of Fire Detection: A pure white ring set with a transparent red gemstone. The gemstone will light up and emit a piercing sound if the ring comes into direct contact with fire, magical or otherwise.
A simple black ring is polished to a shine, and written in gold lettering around the outer band is the phrase "I am better off healed than I ever was unbroken."
A crudely made gold ring set with a huge green gemstone that glows faintly even in full daylight.
An iron ring set with a dark ruby of great size and splendor. Within its heart flickers a mysterious flame, entrapped there in ages past by a masterful mage.
A thin ring made of two intertwining strands of silver and gold, both ornate and simple in appearance.
A silver ring in the shape of a spider whose legs clasp around the wearer’s finger and whose body is a yellowish gem.
An unassuming copper ring clean and shiny like a new penny, it has dozens of smiling faces faintly carved into its surface.
A silver ring with golden ram's horns curling around the edge of its crown.
A bog iron ring with a poem in Druidic on the inside.
An onyx ring. When tapped three times, a faint blue light shows the symbol of an assassin’s guild.
A pair of black iron body piercing rings, with a chain linking them.
A copper ring with a small clear gem that shimmers slightly even in the dark. It is badly crafted with scuffs and scratches along the loop and yet there is something quaint about it that suggests more value than the first impression would suggest.
A silver banded ring with a single white gem encased in the center. Etched into the surface are ancient glyphs, binding its power to an individual to be used as a focus. The head of the ring is a flat surface which is adorned with an intricate ritualistic circle design.
A lavender ring with a cosmic gemstone faceted into it. The gem moves and glows like outer space, and has a spiral vortex pattern along its edges.
An iron signet ring whose symbol can be changed once per day by the bearer. The image must be something the bearer has seen and remembers clearly.
A crystalline ring in the shape of a dragon, that changes based on the bearer’s emotional state.
A gold ring whose Randomly Colored gemstone levitates just out of the socket, following wherever the ring goes.
A platinum ring that has a large blue sapphire embedded in the band. When the bearer looks into the stone, he can see a perfect reflection of himself that appears to have a life all of its own. Engraved on the inside of the band one can see a message that reads; "Never lose sight of your true self".
A single human tooth encased in a brass ring, inscribed with a twin-tailed comet. Knowledge PC’s will recognize it as a holy reliquary of a relatively famous prophet and devout follower of the God of the Outer Stars.
An oxidized copper ring etched with ancient hieroglyphs that tell a timeless fable.
A brass ring set with an oversized, round brown bezoar for a gemstone. Extremely ugly, by modern standards.
A heavy silver ring with a flat, round head. A cap lifts off the top, revealing a folded-down needle, which may be lifted into place, and the markings of a sundial around it. None of the marks, all twiggy, natural shapes, correspond to modern notation, save the fact there are 12.
A ruby ring, heavy, plain, and gold, set with a fat, badly cut ruby that's entirely stuck on a finger bone. In modern times, it would be a man’s thumb ring, though an ugly one. The band surrounds a thick finger bone and won’t come off (But could be chiseled out) as the knuckles are knobby and too wide. The bone is fragile with age, and conspicuously blackened.
A signet ring, quite wide, made of cast iron. The signet face is that of a beaked skull, one halfway between that of a human and a crow. The ring is too wide for a human to wear and seems to have been designed for a finger twice that size.
A horrific black ring that turns translucent when submerged in a water and uncoils into a slippery, leech-like tentacle when unworn.
A wide, red brass ring, that's plain, on the exterior. There is lettering inside the band, raised and sharp. If worn on a clenched fist, the lettering digs painfully into its finger, leaving the word "memento" imprinted in red welts.
A mithral ring, engraved with a pattern of rolling waves that encircles the entire band. The ring is immune to rust, both from natural oxidation and rust caused by magical effects.
A steel ring that carries the sign of an armorers’ guild: a stylized helmet with visor, two crossed swords and the rune “A” engraved beneath them.
A lapis colored gemstone embedded into a ring that is stylized with the alchemical symbol of a circle inside a square, inside a triangle, inside another circle.
A mysterious ring; ancient, covered in runes. After spending some minutes sniffing, touching, and examining the thing, the bearer can safely say it exudes an aura of magic. When worn is makes the bearer's hairs stand on end and sparks jump between the metal and his fingers.
A ring carved from a single solid gemstone that glows with an inner light and pulses with its wielder’s heartbeat.
A simple pale stone that sits atop a plain steel band, flickering every so often with unknown power.
A simple gold band studded with blue diamonds. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize it as a ring of office for the Grand Vizier, the highest advisor to a great rajah.
Ring of Bubbles: A delicate ring made of multicolored glass. When this ring is held between two fingers and dipped it into a solution of soap and water, a creature can blow through it to produce dozens of fist sized, glowing, technicolor bubbles which are difficult to pop and last for up to a minute.
Ring of the Firebuilder: A ring made of worked flint. When struck with a piece of steel, it sheds sparks that are able to ignite objects as normal. The sparks created from the ring never harm the bearer, who gains Advantage on igniting objects with the ring.
A ring crafted of simple silver. The band is etched with different letters from all languages of the realms, some unrecognizable to any living person.
A thickly banded ring made of black steel. It sits heavy on the bearer's finger never feeling fully comfortable.
A sapphire banded in gold with a loop of string around it to go around the bearer's neck. The inside of the gem appears to be filled with flowing water that swirls and sloshes magnificently inside the sapphire.
A pewter ring with an inlaid gold band that slowly rotates.
A band of tarnished silver bearing no ornament or inscription, but is icy cold to the touch. The patches of dark corrosion on the ring subtly move and change. This never occurs while anyone observes the ring, but happens constantly.
A gold ring shaped in the form of a manacle, uncomfortably tight regardless of how it's worn.
A brass band in the shape of a dragon’s claw, scuffed and tarnished with age and frequent use.
A ring made from woven lead and silver.
A brass ring, set with rubies and engraved with fire runes, holds a lens of orange-red crystal that has an esoteric circle lightly etched in the glass.
A ring of silver green mithril engraved with runes from the enchantment school of magic. Though plain looking, the edges of the band are decorated with an intricate design of miniaturized knotwork.
An oversized ancient golden ring bears the silver hawk crest of the Yragerne family line on its large flat top.
An ornate golden ring set with a perfect square-cut emerald. A noble insignia on both sides of the gem features two eagles flying in opposite directions.
A platinum ring in the shape of a coiled snake. Its eyes are two perfectly cut rubies. The ring has a mesmerizing aura that attracts the eyes of the greedy and the vain. Only a person with clear desires and unclouded wants is unaffected by its allure.
A dwarven-forged amethyst ring bearing the inscription “Cracked from the hammer of the Forge-Father”
A garnet ring that causes the bearer’s hand to appear to be clawed and demonic.
A signet ring that will magically re-size itself to fit the wearer, but only if the wearer is a direct descendant of the creator of the ring.
A rose gold ring that, when put on, periodically gives the wearer the distinct feeling that he or she is forgetting something important.
A platinum ring set with an opal cracked in a star pattern, like a tiny sun when the light passes through it.
A simple black ring polished to a shine, and written in gold lettering around the outer band is the phrase "Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon, and the Truth.
A bizarre looking ring that could easily be mistaken for a piece of forest debris. Its thorn covered surface throbs with the sensation of a beating heart when placed on the left ring finger.
Sphinx Ring: A small band with a little head of a lion, made of limestone. By stroking the band while worn, the lion whispers a riddle based on events which its bearer has witnessed, and the riddles can vary widely in difficulty, from simple riddles to questions only previous bearers could logically answer. If the answer is correct, the ring purrs, while if incorrect, it roars. It is mostly used to pass the time during long travels, but nobles have been known to use them in party games.
A transparent ring of blue-green resin that smells of strange magical forests. The band is slick to the touch, but never slips off of a finger accidentally.
An unassuming bronze ring that seems less than spectacular in every way and boasts no gems to speak of on its surface. However, within the band lies a diamond pressing softly against the bearer's skin.
A rusty iron ring that appears to show a dusty landscape within it, changing as it’s moved. The finger the ring is worn on always feels warm and dry.
A sealing ring, with the image of a smiling, winking imp.
A band carved from a single chunk of raw amethyst, capped with a black pearl in a truesilver setting. In darkness, the ring glows with a faint purple hue.
A ring whose outer edge has six flat edges, so that it presents a hexagonal appearance. One of the sides bears a setting carved of obsidian, topped by a small black diamond
A ring that is more like a wrap designed to completely encase the bearer’s finger. It is formed of what appears to be a thin sheet of platinum laced with spidery gold webbing. Once slid over a finger, the covering becomes as flexible as cloth and stays in place until the bearer removes it.
A ring consisting of a truesilver core surrounded by a torus of azure ice coated in a slick sheen, as though in the process of melting. The ring is cold to the touch and though the ice remains slippery, it never melts and the ring is never in danger of slipping off the finger unexpectedly.
A ring crafted from pure white gold encrusted with speck- sized fragments of diamond. When held to the light, it produces a prismatic effect, sparkling and gleaming with all the colors of the rainbow.
A ring made entirely of silver, intricately carved in fine patterns. Four small opals are set into the surface at regular intervals. When the ring is worn, they slowly orbit the finger without ever leaving the band.
A black ring made from a single piece of obsidian and bears a gold inlay design of chains.
A ring made up of filaments of bone and black iron of various thicknesses, twisted together in a strange mottled composite.  
A ring carved from moonstone in the shape of a miniature, cable-twisted torc. The end-caps of the "torc" rest where a signet would be, each mounting a tiny, curved feline claw cast from silver.
A signet ring made of heavy lead with a distinctively abnormal design carved into it.
A brass ring encasing a small, polished moldavite.
A silver ring made out of very fine wire worked into rather complicated decorative ornament.
An ornate brass signet ring with a coiled serpent design with two freshwater pearls for eyes. The ring has a poison pill compartment that is currently empty.
A small copper ring, inset with flawed pearls.
A ring made out of blond hair and porcelain braided together. Wearing it slowly causes the bearer to experience apathy towards everything.
A mysterious bronze ring, ancient and marked with eldritch signs.
A pewter ring in the shape of a crab with its claws pressed to its body and the legs forming the ring. The shell, claws, and legs of the crab are set with polished abalone and the eyes are tiny garnets.
An adamantine ring is set with a cabochon cut water opal.
A platinum ring set with a large diamond surrounded by a circle of smaller sapphires and rubies. The gems gleam brightly in even the dullest light. An inscription on the inside of the band reads simply “for Alenea” in Elven.
A larger than average ring that looks like sheets of gold woven together into a simple pattern. Despite its size, ring feels almost weightless. On the inside of the ring there is an engraved; "A.Z."
A silver ring encrusted with dark gems. Upon inspection the ring itself smells of earth, mud and worms.
A brass ring that is crudely constructed with dent marks and battle burns.
A lapis colored gemstone embedded into a ring that is stylized with the alchemical symbol of a circle inside a square, inside a triangle, inside another circle.
A simple bronze ring sized for a giant's finger.
A plain-looking wooden ring with no characteristic marks or engravings. It almost looks as though the carpenter who fashioned it never got around to finishing it.
A copper ring shaped like knotted brambles.
A copper ring shaped like a dragon clutching its own tail, holding a moonstone it its mouth.
A petrified stone fist wearing a golden ring. It is impossible to remove the ring without destroying the fist.
A silver ring shaped like rolled arrow.
A bone ring with a deep purple inlay, set with an onyx.
An emerald ring that gives the bearer an abnormally strong sense of balance. The bearer is rendered immune from mundane vertigo effects such as dizziness from heights or seasickness.
A black stone ring made for the middle finger of a man's hand. The band is carved in the shape of a vine with thorns.
An iron band flecked with onyx pieces and is always cold to the touch.
A rough-hewn silver band with a single purple stone inset. No matter how long it is held, it is cold to the touch. While worn, the bearer occasionally hears strange dissonant whispers in Deep Speech promising power and domination over others.
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