#i cleaned WAAAY more than i thought i would today
biteapple · 6 months
i cleaned a LOT today. i took out the elements of my stove as well and put them back in and im worried i did it wrong and am now afraid to make my mac & cheese. lol
#i cleaned WAAAY more than i thought i would today#cleaned out one of my litterboxes fully (i like to totally dump em out once a year and clean them and put fresh litter in.)#(i space dumping em out so the cats arent shocked and dont feel as safe using every one of em. they like being able to smell their stuff lo#i cleaned all the drip trays in my stove as best i could with this cleaner i got yesterday (3x sprayed. it was VERY caked on)#wiped down all my kitchen countertops wiped down and reorganized my kitchen drawers#dusted EVERYTHING & deep cleaned the cat's tree (soooo much hair. inside)#did the litterboxes normal-style & swept the floors and cleaned the bathroom mirror with glass cleaner#wiped down the bathroom countertop and reorganized everything in there#cleaned the bathroom sink cleaned the bathtub. attempted to clean the grout twice but my cleaner's not powerful enough for grout#put all the dishes away from last nights dishwasher cycle and put in all the dishes in from the sink#put away all my folded clothes sprayed down parts of the inside of the washer and dryer that were bothering me#scraped some really old tape thats been stuck on my dryer (???) from when my neighbors gave it to me & got all the glue goo off#sprayed down an old-ish moomin stuffed animal who's crusty & dryer burned in hopes of reviving him (about to shake him out now and see)#(i noticed my cat messes spray revived the softness of part of my carpet from an old mess so i wanted to try on him)#yah ... i got a lot done .. ^_^ nice to do
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Part 6
When Nancy and Robin returned to his house, he told them that Jonathan had found Eddie. The two of them, along with Argyle, spent the night in case the two returned.
Neither of them showed their face.
The next day, Steve was alone in his house, waiting for one of them to come by or to call and explain what happened with Eddie. When it got past noon, Steve called Eddie's home. No answer. He held it together long enough for an hour to pass before calling the Byers-Hopper place. Joyce answered but said she hadn't seen Jonathan at all today.
Honestly what was worse than the not knowing was being confused on who he was more worried about, Jonathan, who had just kissed him for the first time, or Eddie, who had seen them kiss.
Steve busied himself with cleaning and exercising mostly. He thought about talking to Robin, waaay too much to have not called her at this point. But he didn't know where to start.
The day after Jon and Eddie went MIA, Steve officially out of things to clean and he was contemplating getting some kind of gym membership when the doorbell rang.
He answered it and Jonathan was there, asked if he wanted to go on a drive and Steve accepted.
It was rare that he was a passenger. He got to watch the town go by. It was five minutes into the ride that he realized he didn't even ask where they were going.
"We're doing this whole thing, because you don't wanna date anyone, right?", Jonathan asked.
"It's not because of that. I just didn't want Dustin hounding me about not dating Robin. And then it was about getting him to stop setting me up with anyone."
"So why did you choose me? Was it just because I walked through the door? It could have been anyone, right?"
Steve thought of who else could have walked through the door that he would claim to date on the spot just to trick Dustin. The list was short. Not Robin or Nancy. None of the kids. Argyle he had just met.
......Maybe Eddie?
"Whoever you just thought of, you probably should have picked him", Jonathan said.
"I don't regret choosing you", Steve said. "Or kissing you", he added quickly.
Jonathan bit his lip. Eddie and driven them back to his place the other night and they had talked until dawn. It was just before the sun rose, when the sky was its darkest that Eddie confessed.
"I've got the hots for your boyfriend, man."
A guy in a normal situation might show offense, or possessiveness, or something. But Steve wasn't his boyfriend. He shouldn't feel that way. Like he actually wanted Steve. Because that would be crazy, wouldn't it?
"I think you and Eddie should talk."
"Did he tell you why he ran off?", Steve asked.
"Yeah. But that's not for me to say."
Steve slouched a little in his seat. "Where are you taking us anyway?"
"I have no idea. I just couldn't talk in your house, man."
Nancy knew something was up. But she was also quite sure it was none of her business. Her two ex-boyfriends coming out as gay and dating each other was a shock to her system. But only because it had appeared to her that Steve and Eddie were the ones getting closer.
It was none of her business though. But whatever was going on was making things tense. It had been a couple of weeks since Eddie ran off in the night and he was acting like he hadn't.
It was probably no harm, no foul. He was safe and this wasn't a symptom of the Upside Down. But Nancy was never one to let things go.
And the New Year's party she was throwing was the perfect opportunity. Nancy had the house to herself. Mike was at his friend's party, her parents had gone to an office party and Holly was at a sleepover. She bulked up the guest list with some of her old girl scout buddies and some of then teens from her church (that lot could drink you under the table).
She enlisted the help of Argyle and Robin. It wasn't a complicated plan at all. She just needed Robin in on it so that she didn't release Steve at the slightest protest.
"Are we ready for this?", Nancy asked at around 11:15.
"As I'll ever be, shit", Argyle sighed.
"Nancy, you're sure this is going to work? Because it sounds like torture instead", Robin said.
Nancy looked at their quarry. Eddie, practically guarding the punch bowl, then across the room to where Steve and Eddie were sitting a respectful distance on the couch.
"This right now is torture."
So in a process that was quite surgical and precise, the three of them managed to get Steve, Jonathan, and Eddie into a closet and kept them locked in. The sounds of the party in the living room were a distant muffle.
Hopefully they could all ring in the new year as a group of friends refreshed. Instead of the stagnant air that had been around them.
Part 8 FINAL
Tag Team
@freddykicksasses @itsfreakingbats @thatrandombatgurl @loguine-linguine @cecinestpasunblog @aliea82
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All in a Day’s Work!
A gift for my very talented and very cute friend, Kana (aka @shimmeryspark​)! ;u;
To clarify, the “Shrimp” mentioned in this piece is not MC/Yuu! “Shrimp” is Kana’s Octavinelle student OC! (I recommend checking out the character sheet after reading, since the artwork gives away the twist ending!)
Imagine this...
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The evening cast its somber net over Night Raven College, throwing its buildings into darkness. What few lights remained glowed faintly amidst the creeping shadows—like lost souls in the depths of the sea. A chilling breeze swept by, kicking up a torrent of leaves. 
Beckoning to him.
Octa A shivered, wrapping his jacket around himself even tighter, as he stepped out into the waiting night. With each step that he took, the trash bag at his side seemed to grow heavier and heavier. The shadows themselves seemed to cling to it, adding the weight of lost souls past.
A pink blur surged ahead, humming a jaunty tune all the while. The spring to his step set his fluffy hair and double ahoge bouncing excitedly.
Octa A stared warily after his coworker. Despite carrying a broom in one hand and a trash bag in the other, the pink-haired boy’s mobility was not deterred.
“C’mon, Kon-kun!!” Shrimp chirped over his shoulder. “The trash won’t take itself out, you know!”
Octa A picked up his pace to meet Shrimp’s. Their footsteps, and their bags, rose and fell in tandem.
Night came down upon the pair, smothering them. The howl of a distant wind grazed their ears—that, and the frantic flaps of an owl, plunging into the moonlight.
“I-I, um… I’m glad I have trash duty with you today,” Octa A piped up, his small voice filling in the quiet. “I-It’s scary to do my chores with Jade-senpai or Floyd-senpai.”
“Oh, they’re not so bad, silly!” Shrimp giggled, casually twirling the handle of his broom. “Jade lets me hang out in his terrariums, and Floyd shares his candies with me.”
“Well… th-that is nice of them, but… I’d hate to bump into them in the middle of the night.” The thought of their haunting golden eyes peering out from a curtain of jet black… it sent Octa A’s weak stomach into a series of somersaults. 
“Ahaha, really? I always feel safe with them around~” Shrimp’s smile was a beam of light in the dark. “Like earlier today! They helped us out with those mean customers.”
“D-Don’t remind me…” Octa A winced as the memory resurfaced.
When closing time had rolled around, a particularly rowdy group of customers refused to clear out. There had been shouting, cussing, threats made—Octa A on the verge of tears—until Shrimp had fetched the Leeches. Jade, with a composed smile, and Floyd, with an irritated expression.
“Gentlemen, let us discuss this dilemma outside. Perhaps my brother and I can assist you with finding a solution that is agreeable for both of our parties.”
The fools had followed the twins—and as soon as the door shut behind them, a cacophony of horrific sounds rang out. Glass smashing, bones snapping, guttural shouts and sobs. And above it all, Floyd’s wild laughter, with the occasional soft chuckle from Jade breaking through in brief moments of silence.
The twins had returned not long after without so much as a speck of blood on their beings.
But Octa A hadn’t seen those poor, unfortunate customers again since. And he didn’t dare to ask what had become of them.
The mob student vigorously shook his head. “P-People that ask too many questions of Jade-senpai and Floyd-senpai end up… disappearing. O-Or tricked into making a bad deal with the dorm leader. I-I… I don’t like tha—w-whoa!!”
Shrimp leapt in front of Octa A, causing him to skid to a halt. Their gazes locked, pink orbs against maroon ones.
“... You know what, Kon-kun?” Shrimp’s expression was unreadable, each word slow and meticulously placed.
Octa A stared back at his coworker—into the wide, sparkling galaxy of Shrimp’s eyes. All hope and starlight, painted in. a rosy hue.
And yet… the longer Octa A looked, the more and more that galaxy seemed to be swallowed up by the pupils. In the dim lighting, the black holes dilated, grew, expanded… and drowned out the stars.
A bead of sweat formed on Octa A’s crown. His throat, dry.
Then Shrimp brightened and belted out a laugh. “You worry waaay too much!”
“All that stress isn’t good for your health!”
“A-Ah… You’re right about that. M-My doctor says I need to better manage my stress, since it gives me… stomach problems.” 
“Hey, hey—here’s an idea!” Shrimp leaned a bit closer, whispering into Octa A’s ear. “Head home early for the day, and get some rest! I can take care of your trash duties for you.”
“Wh-Whaaaat?!” Octa A immediately startled. “ I… I can’t!! Jade-senpai and Floyd-senpai would kill me!! Th-The dorm leader would cut my pay… I’ll have to live off of cup ramen for the rest of the semester!!”
“It’ll be our little s-e-c-r-e-t! I wouldn’t want my good ol’ buddy ol’ pal to burn out~”
“I… I don’t know...”
Octa A glanced down at his trash bag. Before he could open his mouth to protest once more, Shrimp yanked the garbage out of his hands.
“I got this!! Really! I’m tougher than I look!!”
“... Well… i-if you say so.” The mob student awkwardly scratched the back of his head. “I-It’s really nice of you to help me out with this. D-Don’t stress yourself out too much either, Shrimp-san.”
“Hehe. I’ll do my best!!” He pat Octa A on the back and flashed a reassuring grin. “Go, go! Get some Zs!”
“O-Okay. Good night…”
“Good niiight!!”
Shrimp waved and waved at his coworker’s shrinking figure, until, at last, Octa A was long gone.
The pink-haired boy stood—waiting, listening, for creatures hidden in the night. For the beating of wings, a midnight hoot. For the scuttle of nocturnal beings, racing across the path. For incriminating footsteps in the dark.
When Shrimp was certain he was alone, he dug the handle of his broom into his trash bag, then Octa A’s. 
“Heeey~ Are you guys still conscious in there?
Weak groans and whimpers crawled out.
“Wakey, wakey, eggs and shrimpy!!”
Shrimp tore open the bags in turn, revealing a few trembling students curled into fetal positions. Some bruised, others with bits of dried blood blossoming on their lower lips or from their nostrils. Upon spotting Shrimp in his Octavinelle uniform, the mob students yelped and retreated further into the bags—as though that would offer some sort of protection.
Hehe. How silly.
With deft hands, Shrimp unceremoniously dumped the injured students onto the cold pavement. They landed—on their backs, on their sides, on their faces—with harsh impacts. Their surroundings spun, the moon, the stars, and the sky pooling into a singular color.
Some parts darkness, some parts light.
“I sure hope you bad boys learned your lesson!” Shrimp warbled sunnily, wagging a finger at the disoriented mob students. “You’d better play nice next time, or else you’ll really be swimming with the fishies!”
His words were playful and as light as air, but something in his large eyes and smile seemed… off. The shadows framed his face, his eyes appearing beady and sinister from behind the evening veil. And the curve to his lips… crooked, distorting and warping his cheer.
“Wh-Who are you people…” One of the mobs—from Savanaclaw—managed to choke out. “W-What are you…?!”
“We’re Octavinelle! Founded on the compassion of the Sea Witch herself!!” Shrimp tapped a finger against his chin and giggled. “And me? I’m just the busboy~ It’s my job to clean up after messes. Speaking of which…”
“Time to tidy up!”  Brandishing his beloved broom, Shrimp spun around on his heel and began feverently sweeping up the path.
“Gosh, you folks make so much trouble for me…!! I had to clean up the crime scene and now this drop off spot, too,” Shrimp sighed, though the lilt remained in his voice. “Busy, busy…”
The Savanaclaw mob gritted his teeth. Though his body ached and screeched in pain with every slight movement, the anger boiling in his blood propelled him to move. He stumbled onto shaky legs, glaring intensely at Shrimp’s back.
“You… bastard..!!”
He lunged, claws out, for his prey.
Shrimp whipped around, reacting just in time. He rammed the handle of his broom right into the mob’s chest—-and the wind sailed right out of him.
The Savanaclaw student went flying, landing atop another fallen ruffian. They collectively groaned, pain reverberating through their bodies.
Shrimp leaned his broom in the crook of his arm and clapped his hands together—once, twice—dusting off the scum that he had just dealt with.
“Grimey guys like you need to wash up before they try to pull any funny business!” he warned, smacking the mob student on the head with the broom’s bristles.
“D-Damn it…”
His curse went unheard, for Shrimp had set to taping his lips together and humming a tune.
“Hmm hmm hm~”
The Octavinelle student turned away and set back to dusting off the ground. A sweep here, a brush there… Shrimp worked his way down the path, his small figure retreating into the night.
The last thing the Savanaclaw mob heard before he blacked out...
“All in a day’s work!”
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mega-bastard · 3 years
i was kidnapped by shiratorizawa ?!?!?!?!
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this was painful to write, but like a masochist I did it anyway. this is my part of the the first Whorehouse Collab, located here. Finally getting back into writing fanfics since like 2015, this was oddly therapeutic.
I wrote this under the influence of magic grass after binging several wattpad fics, enjoy at your own risk-- by which I mean laugh alongside me LMAO
The ending is sososo rushed, in true wattpad fashion <3 this was 1.3K words of nonsense
When I woke up today, I didn’t think I’d end up in such a bind— bindings to be more specific. I’m just your average little miss no one, another everyday student easily lost in the in the crowd. Wearing glasses and being like super shy does that to u, yknow?
Now, blindfolded and tied up, I can’t help but wonder just how someone so unnoticeable had gotten snatched up so suddenly— perhaps that was had why you were taken (insert Liam neeson voice: I will find you, and I will kill you hehe >:3). Now, with the full throb in my head beginning to subside— I started to recount what had bringed me into such s predicament
~ rewind to earlier in the day ~
I’d only just waked up when I received a text from my best friend mina (bnha wink wonk) gushing about or schools volleyball match— to say she was crazy in love aoba Joshuas volleyball team would be selling it crazily underwhelmed. Especially their captain, oikawa tooru ! Most of our school did, but I was really observant of the people around me— he gives me weird vibes, like he puts on an act or something. But still, I keep that thoght to myself so no one comes for me. Seriously, he’s got fans like a Kpop star (a/n haha stan bts for clear skin uwu)
Either way, her dragging me to a volleyball game is nothing new— and as she’s blowing my messages up like the world is ending I know  what to expect this coming afternoon. What a pain, I had planned on watching naruto when I got home today :(
There was no telling Mina no, so when we enviably met to walk to school I was well aware I’d be attending the volleyball match today. Boring, but I’d manage— I don’t care much for sports but sweaty and muscley men are finer than fine, I’d at least have spank bank material hehe (a/n not to whore on main buuuuuut ;3).
The day flew by and suddenly I found my self seated on the stands, waiting for the game to begin. Mina was chatting away, so when the urge to go to the bathroom came I simply got up and left— I wouldn’t get a word in edgewise, everyone always runs at the mouth and I can never get a word in as a result.
Not paying attention on my way to the bathroom, I suddenly shivered— feeling watched. I looked up from staring at the floor and was brought face to face with...the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Team ?!?! At the head was the tank of a captain, japans number one ace Ushijima Wakayoshi (a/n a whole snack yumyum) was indomitable and a scary man to be faced with. Ushijima was still as fierce as ever; I say that because we’d gone to middle school together— we never spoke or anything like that but we’d been in the same classes. He scrutinized my small form with impassive olive eyes, I felt rooted in place at such a state.
I shook myself from my little reverie and quickly scurried off, heart beating a mile a minute. “ just find the bathroom and head back to Mina “ I murmured to myself, finally finding the bathroom after rounding a corner. The feeling of being watched finally lifting.
After using the bathroom and began to head back, I could hear someone...singing something? I began to head towards it out of curiosity, peeking around a corner to see a tall red haired guy and a grey haired guy— they were wearing the same uniform so they must also be a part of the team as well! Lost in my thoughts, I was only briefly able to dick away before the red haired guy turned around to where I was peeking.
Ok seriously, let’s head back ‘ I thought before scurrying back to Mina— who grilled me on my absence before becoming entranced in the starting game. I stayed on my phone for the most part, reading one direction fanfic— with the phone screen down waaay low (a/n who else has done this before ???). Id peek every now and again to watch, at one point catching the eye of the tall red head— a chill ran down my spin at his impish smile that I looked away immediately.
He was...cute. In a scary way.
A sudden hush flew across the crowd and I looked up in time to see oikawas serve hit clean across the net, received by some guy with brown hair before being set by some twat with shitty hair (a/n shirabus a twat, their I said it >:/) before the ball was spiked back with a force unmatched.
That was Match point. Shiratorizawa wins.
The air is oppressive, oikawas fan girls— mina included, are wailing. That’s my cue to exit, bidding a mina goodbye I began my way down the hail, the rush of the court fading into background.
Then suddenly, rushing feet and the crack of something hard against my skull.
Darkness consumed me.
~ back to the present ~
Now back to the hear and now, I hear murmerings-- voices I don’t recognize. I try to listen, try to focus in on their voices but I can’t as the throbbing in my skull takes my focus away. A whimper escapes me, and a silence sweeps across wherever I am like a breeze-- it’s scary.
“haha, is she awake?” it’s the sing=songy voice from before-- the red head probably then? I know I needed to say something, anything, but I was still to disoriented. The sound of shoes nearing me immeadiatly set me off, beginning to wiggle and move before I was held still vision suddenly assaulted with brightness as my blindfold is redmoved.
Standing before, me in all their glory, is the Shiratorizawa volleyball team??
It looks like I’m being held in...an empty dorm room? I’m trying to gather my bearings and cannot figure what to possibly ay before being yanked up harshly from a laying position. It’s the red head holding me up, wicked smile and everything as he crouches in front of me before opening his mouth.
“ You belong to us now, got it~” his voice is too cheery given the words he’s just said to me (a/n tendou owns my heart and soul <3333 ), and only now does my voice find me. “ B-but w-why m-m-me ? You c-can’t j-just do t-that, please just let me g-g-g-g-g-g-go !” by the time I finish blubbering, theres tears streaming down my cheeks like rushing rivers. Through my lashes, I look pitifully around at everyone-- landing on an umcomfortble looking kid with a bowl cut, but he looks away as soon as i stare up at him.
no, no ,no nononono no ones going to help me. the tears fall puddle on the floor, only growing in speed when ushijima speaks. “ You’ll be transfering here, become our manager, and be staying in this dorm room-- it’s already been settled” (a/n idk I’d be p happy to be shiratorizawa’s manager uwu) his voice is deep and leaves no room for any back talk, but my stomach drops at his next sentence “Semi, put it on her’ my head whips up, starring doe eyed at the grey haired guy from before as he approaches with...IS THAT A COLLAR AND LEASH??? (a/n insert debby ryan face)
my face heats up, embarrassed and ashamed at the idea of being collared like an animal. I try to wiggle away, annoying Semi, “Tendou hold her still damnit!” at that Tendou-- the red head, grips my face with one hand to keep me still, gripping it hard enough that hes smushing my cheeks (a/n tendou, t e n d o u, loml, how I cherish thee) . He mutters a quiet cute, so faint I think I’m hearing things, before the tightening of the collar breaks me from that train of thought. With that done, I’m released, falling to my hands and knees staring up at the entire team now gathered before me.
A tug on the leash tugs me forward without much effort, and the tears spring up once more at the humiliation. 
“This is gonna be fun~”
ok so I hoped you guys loved it <3 I’ll try my best to get out weekly updates, next chap I’m thinking I either focus on how ushijima and reader-chan actually do know eachother, shirabu and semi fiighting of reader-chans attention, or maybe tendou and reader-chan getting into trouble while draggin goshiki into it! SOund off in the comments and let me know what you think ?? anyway love you guys sm <33333
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deanscroissant · 4 years
Enemies with Benefits
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Request:  Anon: (I know this is A LOT, and also a bit weird, so it's totally okay if you don't feel like writing it) Being enemies with benefits with Joe, but secretly loving each other... then he finds out your feelings and keeps teasing you and making you jealous to make you admit them... so you have a fight, but then you talk it out and finally get together
Parings: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word Count: she’s lengthy (3,182)
Warnings: Asshole Joe, angst, fluff, a dash of smut, implied smut. Also, don’t ever get with a dude like this. This is purely fiction. 
Beta’d by: @beesonestopcurioshop​ (thank you so so much 😭💛)
A/N: Soooo this request was from waaay back in October, along with two other posts. This is why I can’t do requests because I’m too much of a perfectionist. If you remembered requesting this please message me so I know you’re still around. 💀 But anyway, hope you all enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated! 💕
Tags: @mrsmazzello @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @joemazzelloisboredandsoami​ @pastelhybristophiliac​
gif credit: @esmeralda​
“Your stroke game was weak.” You said bluntly to Joe while panting as he collapses onto the bed next to you from throwing his condom away.
“Oh, fuck off.” He replies back with an eye roll, knowing that you were lying. “You weren’t saying that yesterday when you were begging me to make you cum.”
“Because I had work and I didn’t have the time for teasing!” You jolted out of bed frustrated to put back on your clothes. “And, plus, that was yesterday. Today’s a brand new day with countless disappointments!”
“Well, at least I was satisfied.” He smirked as he watched you get dressed, loving the fact that you were ticked off. 
“Of course. All you think about is yourself.” You were looking around to find your phone when you didn’t see it on Joe’s nightstand. “Where’s my phone?”
“You left it downstairs.” Joe yawns. “Wow, you wore me out... and not in a good way.”
You rolled your eyes as you slipped on your pumps, “You wore yourself out.” You stood from the bed to slip your coat on. From the corner of your eye, you could see Joe watching your every move.
Honestly, you wanted to jump back into bed with him. But you’re not going to let him know that. Instead, you put on a look of exasperation to hide what you’ve felt for the ginger man since you’ve met him. 
“What, puny?” you say with a hand on your hip. 
“Nothing.” He scoffs before sitting up from the bed, also covering up what he’s been really feeling about you. 
You roll your eyes, “Same time Thursday?”
Joe shakes his head while crossing his arms, “Can’t. I’m meeting someone.”
“What do you mean ‘someone’? That’s against the rules!” 
“How would you know if it's a girl or not? As I said, I’m meeting with someone. It’s really none of your business.” He says bluntly, making your stomach drop hearing him say that. 
Deep down you were jealous. Whenever Joe was going out with someone, who he never mentions their name, you’d get extremely jealous and guilty. You never knew if he was sleeping around with other people, but he says he isn’t.
Sometimes you can’t believe everything he tells you because he’s always lying to you. You don’t even know why it was such a good idea to have this friend with benefits thing going on between you two. 
You’ve known Joe for a few years from working in the same company together back in your college days. You both hated each other the minute you met. He was always competitive but you were the total opposite of him. You were so glad that you didn’t have to deal with him or see him ever again after you graduated.
After almost fifteen years of not seeing his annoying ass, the asshole finds you on Tinder of all places. It was odd seeing him on there, and it pissed you off that he found you. You figured if you acted like he didn’t exist it would help, but to your luck, you ended up seeing him days later in a grocery store… of all places.
For some reason, you couldn’t get away from this guy no matter what you did or how hard you tried. You’d actually give him a chance if he wasn’t so bad. Back in college, he was good looking, but now he looks sexy as hell. 
He wanted to catch up so you invited him to your apartment later that day around seven. The conversations you were having we're going well. He told you about being a well-known actor, which didn’t surprise you because you knew he had the talent when he did Jurassic Park. But then the asshole started bringing up old shit that pissed you off.
You fired back at him about himself, which made him pissed as well. You both were going back and forth arguing until Joe just kissed you. 
Of course, you were taken aback, but you both knew the sexual tension was there for a while. One thing led to another, and the next morning he was gone. He did send you a text message saying how awful last night's activities were just to hide the fact that he actually enjoyed spending time with you, and wanted to meet up again. 
You told him to fuck off and to not speak to you ever again and blocked his number. 
Fast forward a month later and Joe shows up on your doorstep. He was a little drunk and before you cursed at him he pleaded that he needed someone to talk to. The kind person that you are, you let him in and you two went into your kitchen, going to your fridge to grab two water bottles. You handed him one and sat next to him to listen to whatever he needed to get out in the open. 
He flat out told you that he was lonely and wanted a friend with benefits thing going on between you two. You looked at him like he was crazy. “Are you off your meds? Why the hell would I want that with you? First off, what possessed you to think that?”
“Well,” he sighed. “I actually enjoyed sleeping with you, surprisingly.”
As Joe took a sip of his water your mind began racing. ‘Did he confess that he actually likes being around me? Is he gonna say that he likes me?’ The thoughts ran through your mind, but you were interrupted by Joe’s laugh. He almost spat out his water when he looked over at you. “Damn, don’t think too much about it. I just enjoyed the sex.”
You rolled your eyes, “Whatever. I actually liked it as well. But what makes you think I could trust you?”
“Well, we’ve known each other for a long time...and I can prove it to you that I’ll follow the rules. I mean come on, when have I ever broken the rules while competing with you?” He gives you a knowing smirk. 
It was true, admittingly. You guys competed at almost everything together which you’re too embarrassed to say out loud. But Joe knew your weaknesses and strongest points about you. If he really disliked you he wouldn’t be sitting here in your kitchen and made you his worst enemy possible by now. You’ve seen Joe ruined a few people’s lives before, so it’s weird to think that he didn’t destroy yours...yet.
“Give me tomorrow to figure out what I want to do,” you said while screwing the top back on your bottle. 
“I want an answer now, y/n,” he says sternly. 
“I said what I said, Joe,” you said back in the same tone with your arms crossed. 
“And I said what I said.”
You let out a huff. “I’m not letting you win this.”
Joe gives you a wide smile with a small chuckle, “You know better than to go back and forth with me of all people.”
“Well, I don’t know yet, Joe. I need some time to think over some things.”
“To think over what? We’re just hate fucking, basically!”
“Yeah well, how do I know if you’re clean or not? Are you sure you’re not seeing anyone just to get back at them for who knows what?” 
“Oh honey,” he cooed with an evil smirk, knowing what he’ll say would tick you off. “I didn’t know you wanna go raw. So kinky.”
“Over. My. Dead. Body.” you grunted.
“You and I both know that’s not true.” He got a little closer to where his alcohol-smell breath fanned your face. Your heart picked up a little bit more speed as he scanned your face, then stared at your lips while licking and biting his. Gosh, you actually wanted to kiss him right then and there. The tension in the air had become heavy, and Joe knew what he was doing was going to convince you to give him his answer at this moment. 
“If...if I say yes, would you stop eye-fucking me because it’s making me uncomfortable.” you lied. 
“Oh sorry. I forgot you’re not used to that,” he said with a proud smile at his joke, which made you heated. 
“I’ll do it, now get out!” you shouted while pointing towards the door. Joe laughed and happily jumped from his seat, saying his goodbyes and telling you that he’ll call you for more details. 
And here you two were five months into it. The same days, the same routine. Joe almost made you late once for work and you let him have it the next time you saw him. He knew that one thing you don’t play about is your job and it meant the world to you. Shockingly enough Joe respected it and ever since you’ve always been on time. 
But right now you don’t know if you wanted to risk it. It would bother you all day if you didn’t know who Joe was going to see. You weren’t in a relationship with him so why did it matter? Maybe because you think you’re really into him...or maybe because you’re always staring at him, or you’re always thinking about him and you genuinely want the guy to be happy. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Joe waved a hand in your face. He was already dressed and a look of concern was on his face. “Are you good? You’ve been zoned out for a while.”
“I’m...I’m fine.” you started to pick up your clothes off the floor, “Just let me know when you want me to come over.”
Joe stares at you for a minute as you rush around your room. You trusted Joe enough by now to let himself out and to come in whenever. But before he left he couldn’t help but think that something is quite off about you. Well, he always thought there was something off about you, but it rubbed him off the wrong way the way you zoned out just now. On Thursday he really wasn't going to meet anyone. He was going out to buy some stuff to set up a dinner date in his house for you and him. Until then, he’ll want to know what that was all about, so he’ll make sure to drain every piece of information from you.
It was around six o’clock when you’d got home from work. Once you got out of your clothes to whine down for the day, you get a text from Joe saying, ‘Come over. Now.’
You let out an annoyed groan. You honestly didn’t feel like having sex tonight. When the other wouldn’t feel like doing so, we’ll respect it. But when Joe sent back a ‘You have to. It’s important.’, it made your ears perk. He never sent anything like that to you which was concerning. 
“So much for binge-watching Tiger King the rest of the night,” you say aloud before getting up and rush to go get ready. 
When you get to his place you pull out the key that he gave you to open the door. When you walked in you were welcomed with the aroma of freshly baked bread and garlic. The lights in his house were dimmed, and the door to the dining room was illuminated by firelight. Scrunching your face you quickly walked into the room. What you saw made you let out an audible gasp. 
Joe was sitting at the table that was full of food smirking. There were two lit candles sitting in the middle of it, and an ice bucket with wine sitting to his left. You were getting ready to speak, but Joe cut you off, “There’s this girl that I’ve known for more than a decade. When I first laid eyes on her she gave me this feeling that I’ve never felt before. Getting to know her was the fun part because I found out that we had almost everything in common. But it was hard trying to express my feelings to her, which resorted to me being vile towards her.”
Joe got up and walked to you with his hands in his pockets while looking down, trying to find the right words. “She acted the same towards me, which,” He looks up at you with a shrug. “was expected.” 
He stops and stares at you, a small smile forming on his lips. “After parting ways when we graduated I thought I would never see her again. All these years I tried to find her. She didn’t have Facebook or Twitter or any type of social media. She probably did but used a pseudonym for them.” he lightly chuckled. “But when I found her I felt like I had found my other half that I lost. We’ve been seeing each other for months and I have yet to tell her my feelings. Do you think it’s too late to tell her?” 
The rhetoric question flew over your head when you spoke, “Are you talking about me?” you stammered while pointing to yourself. Joe rolled his eyes, “No, I’m talking about Ke$ha.”
You stood there shocked. Here he was confessing his love to you and you couldn’t find the words to confess yours. “Joe...oh Joe, this is so overwhelming.”
“What’s so overwhelming about it?” he asked, confused. 
“Joe, you don’t want me. I think you’re getting too comfortable.” you crossed your arms and looked down at your shoes. “So you broke the rules.”
You couldn’t tell Joe how you felt because you think he was lying to you. There was no way in heck that he loved you because in your book actions speak louder than words, and his actions confirmed that he’s playing a trick on you. He’s probably doing this because he wants to remind you that no one would ever do anything like this for you. 
Joe’s heart broke at what you said. “Y/n, what are you talking about? I don’t want you? Look at all this food I cooked from scratch! I spent almost four hours busting my ass to cook this lovely meal for you, and finally confessing how I felt about you. And you think all of this came from the sex?”
“Well, Joe, I can’t take you seriously, alright? The text that you sent me earlier was the only time out of however many years I’ve known you that I took you seriously.”
“Yes, really.” you retorted. “I don’t know if you’re doing this to crush my self-esteem, even more, to get a kick out of it later.”
Joe looks at you stunned. “That’s what you really think of me?”
“You’ve portrayed the asshole persona for all of the years I’ve known you so no shit, Sherlock!” 
“Well, for now on I will never put you down. I’ll never act like an asshole to you ever again because I’m in love with you!”
“Shut up! You sound ridiculous. I’m leaving!” you get ready to turn to leave when Joe grabs your arm. 
“It’s the truth, dammit! I’ve never wanted to be with someone so badly in my life. Out of all the girls I’ve been with they don’t compare to you, y/n. I’m telling you, you’re it for me. I can’t let you leave me. Not again. I don’t know how I’ll act if you walk out that door and never speak to me again.”
At this point, you were in tears. You were conflicted at his words, yourself. You didn’t know what to think. “Joe, I don’t know.”
“Let me prove it to you.” he moves his hands down to yours and holds them. 
“You always say that,” you said while wiping your face. 
“But I do it, don’t I?”
“I just...I just don’t get it. All these years—the way you treated me…”
“I wasn’t the only bad guy here. We both were assholes to each other,” he said with a sad smile. 
“But you made me act like an asshole. Like you said earlier, you acted vile to me which led me to retaliate.” you look up at him and he sighs, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. 
“I know. I understand if you don’t want to be with me, but I want you to know that I truly love you and I want this relationship to work.” He lifts your chin up with his finger for you to look him back in the eyes. He wants you to see his pleading eyes, to know that he means everything he’s saying. “I promise you from this day forward that I won’t be a dick to you. I want you in my life, y/n.”
You were crying again and Joe cupped your face and wiped your tears with his thumbs. You close your eyes and sigh heavily. “Joey…” you said softly, which shocked both of you but you both didn’t show it. It felt right when you said it and Joe’s heart felt like it was melting. He wants to hear you call him that for the rest of his life. 
“Yes?” he said and smiled softly. 
“I um…” you couldn’t find the words, so you cupped his face in your hands and kissed him. It definitely wasn’t like any of the other kisses you had with him, but it felt like it was your first time kissing him. It was a kiss that you both longed for and you finally broke the seal. The warmth courses through your veins that heats up your body. You felt like you were floating.
When you pulled away Joe slowly opened his eyes and his lips formed into a big, genuine smile. It made your heart flutter and you smiled back at him shyly. “So is that a yes?” he asked while wrapping his arms around you to pull you close to him. 
You rolled your eyes but let out a laugh. “Of course, stupid. Do you think we should eat now before the food gets cold?”
“Oh! Right.” he laughs before pulling your chair out for you, to which you thanked him. You watched as he grabbed the wine bottle from the ice bucket and poured both of you a glass of wine. 
After you toast and began your meal, Joe had to ask you an important question. “What’s that?” you asked before eating a forkful of mashed potatoes. 
“That day when I asked you if you were okay because you had zoned out, what were you thinking about?” 
Your face flushed at his question. “Do you really want to know?” 
He nods while smiling, waiting for you to answer. As you explained to him what you were thinking the other day you could see how your words were affecting him. It was something that made you realize that you want to speak these loving words to him for the rest of your life. He was meant to be in your life for a reason and you couldn’t imagine avoiding him anymore. 
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miss-choco-chips · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug Au part 1
For @iphoenixrising who I think might like the idea. Thanks for always giving me confidence hon. I hope this cheers you up a lil bit.
Where Dick is guilty for wanting what he wants, Jason is confused about who he wants, and Tim just wants to sleep.
<<-Hey, Tim, check this out! You missed big time! That’ll show you not to go on vacation without me to keep you in touch with the real, exciting world.
-Someone on Instagram just posted a twenty seconds clip of Robin doing something.
-People are always posting about the bats. How is this news, Steph?
-Shh, I’m getting there. Look at this. This Robin is waaay too short. It’s not the one we’ve had for the last three years.
-... and? There were two different Robins before him, maybe he just outgrew it or something.
-But, where is he? The others came back, with new names and powers, they… they didn’t left us.
-Maybe it’s just taking him some time, to decide who is he going to be now.
-...Yeah, maybe. He saved me and my daughter once, you know. Took one hell of a blow for us. Wherever he is, I hope he’s doing okay, and gets himself on track quickly. The city needs him.
-I’m sure he’ll appreciate the sentiment. And… I hope that, too.>>
He tumbled through the open window, face planting into his bed, the transformation letting up even before his forehead was properly buried in the pillow. His muscles practically melting against his Nightwing comforter (birthday present from Dick, oh the irony), the scent of smoke still clinging to it from the last time the boys dropped in for a impromptu visit (nearly scaring the bejesus out of him when he heard their voices and footsteps climbing up the stairs to his bedroom while he still was in the suit, holy fuck-!).
He wanted to sleep so badly. But he had maybe (it was around five a.m, right?) two hours until he needed to leave for work, and if he took a nap now, he might not be able to wake up on time.
-Are you alright, Timmy?
Gathering whatever leftover strength he had in him, he turned his head to the side, his almost closed eyes finding the worried ones of his kwami.
-Yeah. Only tired.
-I’d bet -the little bird-like creature huffed, his tiny black and red chest puffing like an offended peacock-. You are running yourself too ragged.
-Well, lots of things to do. Work stuff, Red Robin stuff, Tim Drake stuff... Not to mention, college.
-Speaking of… -trailed off the kwami, his big blue eyes signaling towards the desk, where his Advanced Economic’s paper awaited for attention.
Tim followed Rouge’s line of sight and promptly groaned when he got the hint, dropping his head once again in the mattress.
-Fuuuuuck. When was that due for?
-Tomorrow. And you’re supposed to met up with Jason today, and dinner with Dick after that. If you cancel on any of them again...
-...Well, it’s not like I actually expected to get any sleep today.
-Two all nighters in a row?
-It’s like you read my mind.
He met Richard at the circus, when he was four, but since the other boy didn’t remember (his parent’s death probably overwrote anything else in his memory of that night), their official meeting happened two months later, when Dick was formally introduced to high society as Bruce Wayne’s ward.
-Mister Wayne -his father shook Bruce's hand, fake smile firmly in place- and this must be young Richard. Hi, champ, I'm Jack Drake, and this is my lovely Janet.
Behind his mother, Tim couldn't repress a giggle. Champ, dad? Really?
-Good evening, gentleman -his mother, the perfect picture of a lady, smiled delicately behind her gloved hand. It didn't reach her glacial blue irises, but it was enough to fool most businessmen in lowering their defenses.
Tim himself had eyes only for the boy clutching the taciturn billionaire's sleeve. He wondered how was he feeling, if he had tried to fly at all since his parents deaths. He hoped so.
Dick had looked so happy while flying.
—I'm Tim —he butted in, when it was obvious his father intended to speak business and leave the introductions behind them— A pleshure.
He winced internally when the last word was mispronounced, and externally when his mother's nails sank into his shoulder in consequence.
-You'll have to forgive him, he's a baby still -laughed his mother, her hand letting him go and reaching for his father’s elbow-. Go explore, Tim. Your dad has people he needs to talk to, all boring stuff. I’m sure it’s the same with Mister Wayne.
Said man seemed to agree, though how Tim knew, he couldn’t tell, as the man’s expression barely changed.
Dick, on the other side, seemed absolutely crestfallen.
And he knows, he knows he's going to get into trouble for this the moment they are home, but the expression in the boy’s face is just… He wants to wipe it clean, like his nanny does for him when he gets tomato sauce on his cheek.
(It's so different from how he looked that night, soaring the skies besides his parents. Had been so… free)
«Was it then, when he started to put Dick's happiness before his own?»
—Mister Wayne -he finally gathered enough courage to talk, going as far as to interrumput his father’s speech about current politics- can Richard come play with me? Please? We’ll behave.
Dick's small, thankful smile was enough to warrant Bruce's permission, and seal Tim's destiny away.
He regrets picking up without double checking the caller id. So strongly.
In defense of his sleep deprived brain, it was an unknown number. So either Dick had a new phone, was burrowing someone’s for any reason, or he had caught on on Tim’s attempt at taking distance, decided to try and catch him when he knew he had his defenses low (before eight a.m) and bought a burner to accomplish it.
-It’s six in the morning. You better have a damn good reason to be calling me so… chirpily, at this ungodly hour.  You don’t even have to work till nine, why are you awake?
Because Nightwing, along with Red Robin, had been fighting an akumatized nurse  not two hours ago. But, since Dick didn’t know Tim knew, his obvious response at such a close corner was to deflect with a practiced, not awkward-totally-but-still-noticeably laugh.
-Come on, honey, where’s my happy Timmers? Who spat in your cereal?
Rouge passed by his bathroom mirror, where Tim was inspecting his reflection in search of his will to live, and like the god-like tiny thing he was, he rubbed comfortingly against his partner’s cheek, as if lending him strength.
Tim sighed and put the phone in speaker, dropping it on the marble countertop. He wasn’t getting out of this conversation anytime soon, so might as well continue with his morning routine.
Tam once compared it to watching a snake changing skins. From the tired, more-than- slightly-murderous teen, to the wow-lookit-a-respectable-young-man.
-First, you ever call me that again, I’ll rearrange your face a la Picasso. Second, no one uses that expression. And lastly, only you eat that crap anyway.
-That’s a lie, I know for a fact you have at least two different brands in your kitchen, even though one is an insult to the cereal industry. Fiber, blegh.
-Because one is for you when you visit, and the other I bought on an impulse of spite to punish you for… I don’t remember now, but I’m sure it was horrible and deserving of drastic measures.
He could hear Dick’s laugh over the line. Once upon a time, the sound would make Tim’s mood  lighten, like an echo of the other.
Now it hurt a little.
-You’re spending too much time with Jason and not nearly enough with me. You used to be such a sweet, eager to please angel. What happened?
-I asked your dad to let you play with me, and here I am, fourteen, fifteen years later, looking at my life, looking at my choices -and looking for his damn tie, which he swore he left by the toothbrush yesterday, where the fuck… - Asking myself where I went wrong.
-Yeah, now I remember why I never call you this early.
-About that, was there a reason, or you just wanted to take Jason’s place of honour in my hit-list?
Dick choked on a laugh, and Tim took the chance to quickly brush his teeth. His hair was a lost cause and he had learned to ignore it or risk spending too much time in a battle he wouldn't win. Easier to just ask Tam to brush it for him at the office, because that woman was a magician and Tim would fire the whole board of investor from D.I  before letting her go.
-Just checking in. We are still on for movie night, right? Because I might just use my power as a law enforcer and arrest you if you cancel on me again.
With one last look at his reflection (making damn sure his concealer hid both the black and blue spot by his jaw and his ever-growing eye bags), he picked up his phone and started for the kitchen. Rouge, bless his little soul, had plugged in the coffee maker, and the smell called to him like light to a moth.
And there was his tie, by the pot. Score.
-Movie night? -he asked, dubiously, glancing at his kwami. Rouge’s brow furrowed and he shook his head- No, we were going out for dinner. I’m sure.
-It’s Tuesday. Tuesdays were always movie night days. I thought it was implied, Timmy, for God’s sake.
Tuesday were movie night days back when they were five and eleven respectively, even before Jason was adopted, up until Dick started getting busier and calling it quits more often than not. It had been a while since they followed the tradition.
-Uhm, no, sorry. I have a paper due tomorrow, and was going to work on it after dinner with you. Can’t stay the night at your place. Rain check?
-...Yeah. Okay, sure. But you aren’t getting out of dinner.
He could hear Dick’s disappointment over the line. Once upon a time, the sound would ruin Tim’s mood, like an echo of the other.
Now, it still hurt a little.
(More than a little. Fuck)
It’d be easier if he could just cut ties with them all as Tim Drake. If he could get up and leave them, betray their trust, their love.
Like Nightwing had done with Red Robin. Or, to be fair, Robin.
Tim had known of the Akumas since… forever, really. They had been haunting Gotham long before he was born, hurting people, destroying things, breaking everything in their reach apart.
And then, when he was but a baby, the Batman appeared. Mrs Mac, the housekeeper, told him about it once. How, when the city was going through it’s darkest times, a knight of shadows and justice had risen, taking upon himself the responsibility of protecting the city.
Protecting everyone, really.
He, as any gothamite born and raised, had watched in wonder at whatever recordings the News Channels could provide, talked theories with his friends, stayed up at night wondering who the magic hero might be…
Until said magic hero recruited a sidekick, and Tim stayed up at night for totally new reasons.
(He’d recognize those moves, those tricks, but above all else, that laugh, anywhere)
He wanted so badly to knock at Wayne Manor’s doors, hunt down Bruce and fucking scream at him. Akumas were dangerous, whoever sent them was dangerous, fucking Gotham was dangerous, and Dick was his friend. His thirteen year old friend, who had been a hero for years before the lucky camera man had caught him on frame, revealing the mysterious partner to the world. And while Tim was a kid himself, barely seven, he was smarter than tons of adults he knows. Smarter than Bruce, at least, since he, unlike the other, understood the dangers of the night. Of Gotham herself.
He got as far as the inner gym, where Dick was practicing by the trapezius, flying from end of the room to the other, spinning, twisting mid air, laughing when the roof got too close to his face in one of the highest jumps. And then (maybe because he caught sight of Tim watching by the door, maybe he wanted to show off just a little, maybe he wanted to tell him something and this was the only way to properly express it...), a quadruple somersault, the one he performed for Tim that first night -even if he doesn’t remember that-, the one Robin was caught on camera doing, the one that gave him away.
And Tim, caught in his amazement of the boy, unable to take away this if it was what gave him his wings back, could only clap and yell ‘again!’.
-You look like death warmed over -greeted Tam when he passed by her desk in his way to his office. Like the well trained boy he was, he detoured, dropping in the empty chair by her side she always had ready for him. Within a second, his assistant took a hairbrush from her purse and started to work her magic in his head.
-Didn’t sleep and had to deal with a morning person before seven. You’d look just as bad, thank you very much.
-Dick called?
He huffed. Rouge, in the inner pocket of his jacket, pressed closer to him for the movement. He stilled immediately, knowing the kwami needed all the sleep he could get.
-That obvious?
-You don’t associate with a lot of morning people.
-There’s something inherently wrong with them, if they are happy that early.
-One of your best friends is like that -Tam tutted, working on a specially difficult knot. Tim didn’t dare complain, even when the tug to his scalp made him wince.
-Bart is a special case, he lives in a perpetual state of high. I still believe he takes cocaine and redbull with his breakfast.
She hummed, hairbrush now discarded in favour of her fingers. They passed through his hair without resistance, his bedhead (could it be called that, when he hadn’t actually slept?) all but gone, the movements soothing. There weren’t a lot of things capable to relax him, these days.
-Well, you have an eleven o’clock appointment with a possible investor, but between that and the board meeting at three, you are a free man. I can make sure no one bothers you while you cat nap.
-I’d love to, but Jason will come and drag me out of here kicking and screaming if I miss lunch with him. Or worse, he might find me asleep and princess carry me all the way to the restaurant in plain view of as many cameras as he can as punishment.
Tam shook her head in amusement and fondness, releasing his hair and straightening on her chair, her ‘back to business’ pose- I’ll never understand your relationship with those boys, I swear.
A sigh, roll of shoulders and he was ready to face the day too.
-Neither will I.
-But you’ll miss them, if they leave.
A flash of something passes through his eyes.
-I miss you. Don’t you miss me?
Dick, sixteen in body but about five in soul pouted at the screen of his computer, trying to convey the ‘mean, little brother!’ expression as perfectly as possible.
Tim snorted through his nose, getting comfortable on the bed; the notebook on his lap, back to the headboard of the too-big matres, pillows everywhere.
-I can use your bed whenever you go away, so I’ll go with a tentative ‘maybe’. ‘sides, you’ve been gone for two months, Dick. The exchange program goes for seven to eight. Give me another one or so, and I’ll be crying for you to come back.
-That’s an ugly lie, but I appreciate the effort -a change of stance, then the voice turned utterly blank- How are things over there?
Tim bites his lip, wondering, but what would he gain hiding it? If Dick already knew, he would expect Tim, as a young kid, to mention it. If he didn’t, he would find out soon enough and wonder why he didn’t tell him.
-You know how for the last few months Robin just… stopped appearing?
-Well, he came back a few days ago, and either he shrunk, or it’s someone else.
Dick’s expression doesn’t change, so Tim knows he made the right call telling him; he was already aware.
-Oh? Another kid, putting his life in danger? I wonder what those child activists think about it.
-Keep asking for Batman’s head on a platter, like usual. I think it helps that this one isn’t as small as the previous one was when he first appeared, but, you know. Still setting on fire Batman merchandise in the streets.
-The original Robin wasn’t small. You are small.
-Reaaally mature, Dick. Since when are you in Robin’s protection squad?
-Always been my favorite hero.
Self centered, much?
-Hm… And what about the new one?
-...Let’s wait and see if he can fill the shoes.
-Lucky for him, they’re just kid shoes, no clown ones.
A small, real smile steals his way into Dick’s face, and Tim wants to throw a happy fist to the air.
He lives for that smile.
-You are a dork. Anything else new?
Again, uncertainty, but this one was easier to explain if detected. After all, Dick was aware of how uncomfortable was Tim in his new position as the mediator.
-Jason’s adapting. His grades went up and…
-Oh, look at that. Sorry, Timmers, I gotta go. My roommate is texting me that he wants to hang out.
-Oh… okay. Are we… are we face timing for movie night later? right?
-Yeah, yeah, sure -he waved a hand, as if discarding Tim, and he just knew Dick was going to forget about it… again-. Go have fun. Your parents are still traveling, right? Give Bruce a few white hairs while you’re at the Manor for me. I think he might get bored, without me there to spice things and kickstart his nervous system once an hour. The life of a businessman is soooooo dull.
(Except when said business man is practically a magical girl. God, once Stpeh had made that comparison, Tim just couldn’t unsee it)
He tries to laugh, but it’s empty. He won’t push the issue, and Dick won’t talk about it willingly, but they are both aware of the elephant in the room.
-Wouldn't dream of taking your place as the ever-evolving ulcer in his stomach. Take care. Bye.
He closed the computer lid and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. The situation made him uneasy. It was hard, being Dick’s loyal, loving little brother, Bruce’s unproblematic charge (since his parents decided that letting Tim stay with Wayne during their trips was cheaper than the nanny and housekeeper), and Jason’s-
-Hey, Baby Bird, you done talking to the jackass?
He nearly jumped out of his skin, neck almost breaking with how quickly he turned to face the door.
-Jason! -the automatic smile, brought to fore by the mere sight of his friend in workout clothes (he must have been training) melt into a frown when the words sank in- Don’t be a jerk.
-He’s a dick, pun unintended.
-Cut him some slack, it’s the ‘no more single child’ symptom. He’s just jealous to have to share Bruce’s attention.
-Ain’t he a little too old for that?
-I don’t think ‘old’ is a word you could ever use to describe Dick. Ever. I mean, he’ll be retired and have like twenty grandchildren, and still give off the ‘young, single and ready to mingle’ vibe.
The laugh is so sudden, so surprising, Jason chokes on his own spit.
-You’re a riot. Why do I like you, again?
-Because if not for me, you’ll be alone in this big, scary house, with only Alfred and Bruce for company.
-Alf’s cool.
-Yeah, but he’ll put you to do chores if he thought you’re bored enough to get up to some mischief.
-Sometimes you talk like an 90’s British book.
-Shut up, Harry Potter is my Bible. Besides, not like you can talk about british literature.
Another laugh, and the last of Jason’s tension faded away like a charm. Tim left the computer on the bedside table and stretched, getting up.
-Come on, let’s go find some way to make your Dad rethink his life choices.
-Fuck French, you speak the language of love.
It was on his way to that new Barbeque on Cameron Street, northwest from Diamond district, when the ground beneath his feet shifted and he and another fifteen passers-by were caught in what seemed like an asphalt cage.
In the middle of the street. With no corner to hide and transform.
There wasn’t any villian in sight, so the akumatized person probably had just wanted some back up hostages. Most likely, they weren’t the only ones trapped.
And that in the corner was a street cam. Fuck.
He needs to get out and help catch the bad guy of the day, but can’t exactly break asphalt with his bare hands, and transforming in front of fifteen eyewitnesses and a camera isn’t exactly an option.
So, he takes out his phone.
-What’ll you do? -comes the whisper from within his jacket, and he looks down just enough to look at his kwami without drawing attention at himself.
-Well, at this rate I’m going to be late for lunch. It’d be rude of me if I don’t tell Jay about it -he types quickly while he talks, making sure the annoyed (and it always stuns Conner, his friend from metropolis, how Gothamites consider freaks and monsters running around a minor inconvenience; how used to crazy they are) people around him aren’t paying his actions enough attention-. There. Sent.
-Hope he’s not  mad at you.
-He can't be, I didn't postpone anything. Just told him I'll be held up here until Red Hood gets his ass on gear and does his job.
-Should you text Dick as well?
-Nah, that'd be too much of an overkill.
-...How long until he comes guns blazing to the rescue?
-Two, three minutes tops.
It was the basis of his and Jason's relationship, the knowledge that, if in peril, they could always count on the other to come running to either save them or hold their hands while everything went to shit.
-Hm… the little shit is taking his time. Think I should go get him?
The kwami popped her head out of the bike helmet Jason had left in the extra chair he requested for the table. She seemed deeply unimpressed.
-okay, okay, I'll give him five more minutes. Then, it's fair game.
A sudden ping called his attention to the cell phone carelessly left above the tablecloth. It was the most obnoxious sound he could think of, and was as such his ringtone for the young man he was actually waiting for. It was a sound he couldn't ignore, or sleep over it.
^Hey Jay, might be a little late for lunch
-That little…
Another ping.
^Got held up on my way there, some akuma caged me and other fifteen people. Don’t know how long until one of the masks comes to the rescue
^Lol, some woman doesn't give a DUCK and just keeps fighting with someone over the phone about someone named Jerry
^update; Apparently Jerry is her son and she's fighting her ex.
Another ping, quickly following the former.
^...I'm going to kill either you or Dick. Who programmed my phone to replace all swear words? You motherHUGGERS.
He was out of the door before the last text actually sank in and, by the time he ducked behind a corner, was already laughing.
-Tireur, arm me up!
He didn’t care who he pushed or tripped on his way to Jason’s room. He wasn’t hearing their screams and complaints. The sound he heard when turning left on the next corner might have been a paparazzi’s camera, or an IV stand he knocked down in his haste, but, again, it wasn’t important at the moment.
The only thing in his head right now, was the echo of that psychotic laughter, of Batman’s screams, of his own gasp when the news coverage showed footage of Robin, bloodied and hurt, trying to get away from a building about to blow up… and failing.
The full blown panic attack that followed made him hyperventilate so bad he actually lost consciousness, only to wake up to the sound of his phone going off and Alfred’s voice on the line telling him how Master Jason, along some other victims, had been caught in the same explosion the Joker, the clown that got akumatized every other week, caused. The same that took Robin out.
He refrained from yelling at Alfred to not lie to him, he already knows who Robin is and who he was before. He knows everything, so don't lie to him, not about something as serious as this…! But only because it was Alfred, and no one yelled at him.
Instead, he asked for updates, still on his phone while running to Wayne Manor, where the butler was ready to give him a lift to the hospital.
Jason was just asleep, they told him, like he was too young and naive to hear the truth. His body needed time to get better, so his head had taken a little vacay.
He was just asleep, the doctors said. All the while Tim kept running numbers in his head, statistics on how likely it was for comatose patients to wake up.
But Jason wasn’t another statistic. He was his friend, his brother, his hero.
Robin. His Robin. The one he watched from the very beginning, the one he discretely helped easing into the hero life by being always there, to unwind after a fight or hang out when the dangers of the life he lead hounded up on him.
The sobs he tried so hard to reign in were now freely bursting out of his dry lips.
When Tim cried, it usually was a quiet thing, tears rolling down marble cheeks, not a sound escaping his mouth. A cry for help from a child who knew no one would come running at the sound of his pain. A resigned thing.
There, at Jason’s bedside, clasping the boy’s hand on his own, what came out of his chest through his mouth was a full out, loud, broken wail.
The next couple of days were kind of a blur to him. He was aware that, at some point, Mister Wayne had tried to coax him away from the room and to his home. He knows, too, that had his parents been there to witness his hysterical tantrum, he would have been grounded until it was time for him to leave for college. Every few hours, Alfred would came and feed him small bits of food. Sometimes he threw up, sometimes he didn't. It was like tossing a coin on that one.
He thinks it’s a week later, but it could very well be a month, when he weaseled his way into Jay’s bed, careful of the IVs attached to his arms, and spoke out loud for probably the first time since the explosion.
-You don’t have to keep hiding. I know about you. About how… you gave Dick, and then Jay, their powers. I… I know I’m not the only one grieving, so if you want, we could… keep each other company.
A few moments passed by. It was okay. Tim wasn’t going anywhere.
Then, a small green and yellow head poked out of Jason’s pillowcase, big blue eyes staring at  Tim in wonder and wariness.
-Dick’s not nearly as inconspicuous as he believes he is. I already knew he was Robin, but couldn’t figure out how exactly did he get his powers… Until one day, he thought I was asleep, and transformed in the bathroom attached to the room I was in. Doofus didn’t even completely close the door.
The little thing laughed, like a bell. Tim borrowed deeper into Jay’s side.
-My name is Merle, Robin’s kwami.
-I’m Tim.  Robin’s friend.
Red Hood arrived at the scene in record time. He was almost impressed.
Once there, the masked hero drew his guns, loading each of them with a brown and gold magazine. As far as Tim understood, Hood’s powers derived from his firearms, and he had different kind of bullets for specific situations.
He shot at strategic points in the asphalt cage, crumbling it to the ground. Coincidently, none of those points were near the corner were Tim was crouched. Typical.
-Is everyone alright? -asked the hero, once the dust had settled and they were free.
A few nods, some ‘thanks for the save’ then and there, the occasional ‘any clue where the Akuma is? I’d like to avoid it today’, and then the people scattered. A woman strode past Red Hood, phone at hand, yelling something about child support.
Tim took his time getting up, straightening his tie and running his fingers through his hair in an attempt at controlling the strands again.
-Hey -the masked man approached him, concern palpable in his tone- you alright, Tim?
It said something about his life as Tim Drake, that he was on first name basis with Gotham’s heroes.
-Yep, just hungry. I was on my way to have lunch with my friend, so I’ll be leaving now.
He saw the anxiety flash through Hood’s expression at the mention, remembering that Tim was expecting to see his alter ego at the restaurant, but he still had an Akuma to catch.
-Ah, wait! You mean, that Jason dude, right?
Tim wondered if it made him a sadist, the satisfaction he got from making Jason, Dick or Damian squirm like this, putting them on the fence with his ‘innocent’ worry about their alter egos.
-I saw him on m’way here, actually. Said somethin’ came up, and he’s gonna take a raincheck on lunch.
He let the tiniest bit of disbelief slip into his facade, before seemingly deciding to trust the masked man.
-Oh, what a shame. I’ll be very busy the next couple of weeks, it’s going to be a while before we can meet up again.
-That.. that sucks. But, ah, ‘m sure he’ll get it. I gotta go now, kid. See ya around.
He watched Hood’s retreating back as he shot a line at the nearest rooftop. Perfect, since now he’d have the time to transform and catch up with him to help with the Akuma as Red Robin. If Tim Drake got the chance at skipping bonding time with Jason? Even better.
He wasn’t mad at Jason, the way he was at Dick’s alter ego, Nightwing. Jay never hurt him, never casted either him nor Red Robin out (exception made for the very first encounters they had as heroes, back when he still used the Robin miraculous).
But, since his alter ego had slept with Jason’s, he figured he had every reason to feel a little shy.
-You never tried to get to know him -he said, and it wasn’t a reproach, just a fact. Nevertheless, Dick still cringed in place, bending in on himself like a kid sent to time out.
-I… I know.
-He is just a kid Bruce saw something in. Like you, a kid who needed someone to see his brightest parts, and take him in to give him a chance at a better future.
-I know.
-He’s… he’s a very good person. Really smart, loyal and caring.
-I… know. You told me.
-You are/ Dick, you are one of the best people I know, if not THE best. Why would you treat an innocent kid like the gum stuck in your shoe?
Dick squirms in his place by the door, not daring to get closer to the bed where both Tim and Jason laid, but obviously wanting. Not that it mattered. Jason wouldn’t want him so close by, specially at his most vulnerable, and Tim was nothing if not the ferocious dragon protecting the sleeping Prince’s will, his surname all too fitting.
-Just… It’s just stupid, okay? And it doesn’t matter now. All that matters, is that he gets better. And if… when, he wakes up, I’ll explain it to him.
Dick wouldn’t be able to see him, because of the angle, but Tim catched the yearning and sad look Merle, hiding between Jason’s covers, sent his oldest partner. The little fairy (kwami, Tim reminded himself), his companion this last weeks in guarding Jason’s room, seemed as troubled as Tim had been when he was expected to mediate between the two adopted brothers.
-But not me.
There was something a little dark, a little sad and a little empty in Dick’s eyes. For the first time ever, he didn’t feel the compulsion to fill that void with happiness.
-I don’t think I can stomach telling you, BabyBird.
He intercepts Red Hood two blocks away from Newtown, still in Crime Alley territory but close enough to the other neighborhood. Since D.I was by Moench Row, just between the Fashion and Diamond districts, it took some time to catch up on the hero.
The fight is well in its final course when he arrives. The Bat is here, which means Red Hood is content on just sharpshooting from a close by rooftop. N and R are missing, but Tim already knew they would be: it’s not Dick’s patrol time, and R must be at school.
As the independent vigilantes, neither Red Robin nor Red Hood follow Batman’s patrol routes nor schedules. For the later, it means he can choose to stay close to the Bowery, Crime Alle and Chinatown, where he feels he’s more useful. For himself, it means he doesn’t have someone putting a hand to his shoulder and mandating down time after a few  consecutive hard patrols.
When he was Robin, he wasn’t allowed to fight during school hours, nor after three a.m. If there was some kind of emergency that required all hands on dock, it meant almost a week of taking things slow, because even if B didn’t know his nightlife protege was also his daylife charge, he would never leave a kid under his protection unsupervised enough to hurt themselves. Now, he can choose whenever the fuck he wants to help, and when he feels like leaving the others to deal with it (watching from afar how Dick and Jason dealt with a akuma with the powers of body switching people, and how the heroes had to improvise working with bodies and powers that didn’t suit them, had been too funny to actually put any effort to stop).
Shaking his head to clear it from the memories, he landed softly by Hood’s side, careful to not startle the hero laying on his stomach by the edge of the roof, with a long-distance rifle ready to go on his hands.
-Ya came all t’way here for nothin, Pretty Bird. The old man has it all in hand.
Letting himself fall at the edge, legs dangling and resting his weight on his arms behind him, he allows his gaze to travel through the skyline of buildings. It was a nice view, for those used to the air pollution and angry drivers yelling a few stories bellow.
-Had lunch cancelled, thought I might as well.
Hood grunts, shifting his stance to a less alert one. B clearly didn’t need their help.
-I had fucking plans, man. If B wasn’t in the fucking way, I’d put a bullet through the bastard, see if he lets himself get akumatized again.
Tim crooked his head to the side, analyzing the crazy of the hour.
-It’s a new one, though. I don’t recognize him. Probably his first time getting transformed?
-It’s already one too many. Our lives are just as shitty as anyone’s in the city, and you don’t see us fucking shit up.
-To be fair, we get our chances at therapeutic skull smashing when we keep those guys in check.
A few feet under them, Batman’s batarang was already boomeranging past the former akumatized transit police woman, slicing through the black and green butterfly and setting free the white and pink one trapped inside it.
And he hadn’t needed to move a single muscle. Sighing in defeat (he sooo could have used this time to power nap before his next meeting at work), he climbed to his feet.
-Seems like you were right, we shouldn’t have bothered to come. See ya, Hoo/
-Hey -interrupted the other, suddenly standing, rifle out of sight and way too deep into Tim’s personal bubble-, since we r' both here… no energy lost… n' we didn’t use our miraculous, so no chance of us de-transformin' suddenly…
Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Hood, please don’t say it.
-One of my safe spot’s near. Want ta come for a cup of tea?
Don’t play along. Don’t play along. Goddammit, Tim, Don’t play along.
He takes that last step separating them, hands carefully delineating the outline of Hood’s suit of armor.
-You know I don’t drink your dirty leaf-water.
The other hero’s hands were big enough, they could almost completely envelope his waist, something never failed to arouse him.
-Good. Then we can go straight to the cake.
All the way to Hood’s (Jason’s) secret apartment, Tim berated himself, again and again, about how bad of an idea this was. How fucked up (in both senses, oh my god) was he going to be by the end of it. How uncomfortable was it going to be for him to actually talk to the man when the masks came out and Jay was looking at his best friend, not knowing he had had his tongue on his mouth, his neck, deep inside his ass. Not knowing why Tim was suddenly avoiding him.
Why he felt so goddamned guilty.
But, once they arrived to the place, and his back was to the wall not two seconds later, Hood’s strong body pressed tight against his, hands grabbing anything they could, mouth hot and dirty and doting…
He could only throw his head back and moan.
The city was in absolute chaos. From his place by Jason’s windowsill, Tim winced at the fiery remnants of the last explosion (by the library? It could have also been the post office), the hospital one of the few places untouched by the madness that was Gotham right now.
In his hands, his smartphone kept him up to speed about what was taking place on the streets. Apparently, the patients at Arkham Asylum had been akumatized again, only at the same fucking time. The Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Two Faces so far. Apparently, the first two had already been apprehended and de transformed, and the third was calm and unobtrusive at Robinson Park, but since they had kept the Bat focused on them until now, that meant the last of the lot had enough time to completely cover the city in bombs.
Which exploded two at a time, every two hours and twenty two minutes. There was a serious OCD there.
Perched on Tim’s propped up knee, Merle’s sky blue eyes danced from one burning spot to the other, shining like little red and yellow dots on the map that was Gotham from such a height.
-The library -quietly commented the kwami.
-And the Museum -Tim added, fingers tapping the location on the screen of the phone, on the downloaded blueprints of the city.
-Before that, it was the park.
-And the Aquarium.
-And the first two where the Zoo…
-...and planetarium.
-Why those places?
Minutes were ticking by. Bombs kept going off, unpredictable locations being blown up with everyone inside with them. Batman and Nightwing, Gotham’s newest hero, were running themselves ragged, trying to contain the damage and stop the villain. Batgirl worked with the authorities to keep buildings standing, her Eye of Insight (which, Tim was now aware, was her Miraculous) determining the most flimsy spots in the structures, the ones they needed to reinforce before the entire thing crumbled down.
And Tim was here, at the hospital, hearing the nurses and doctors doing their best to save everyone from being a casualty of the akuma’s violence, useless to both his family and the innocents from Gotham that were most likely going to die today.
(Everything because Bruce couldn’t think straight)
-Kids, Merle -he answered, his phone going, once again, to the billionaire's voicemail-. Those are all places where kids like to go, or have to. If he keeps the timeline, the next attack would be at two twenty two a.m, and it’s going to be…
-Gotham’s kindergarten? -the little creature tried to guess. It wasn’t too far off, since, judging by how many witnesses on twitter swore to have spotted the bat at Gotham’s primary school, B thought the same.
But it was wrong.
(Everything because, since Jason died, Bruce stopped thinking about the akumatized people as… people. People with minds of their own. With feelings)
-The orphanage.
(Horrible and twisted feelings, but feelings after all)
-We have to stop him!
-How? B isn’t picking up. Neither is Alf. Dick’s phone is at my house where he left it yesterday. I have no other way to contact them. And Bruce is so deep in his rage because of Jason’s accident, he’s so desperate to hurt something, he’s being impulsive. Reckless. He’s not going to think about orphans until it’s too late.
-We can’t just stay here! -Merle cried out, desperate at the sight of his city in flames, of one of his boys out there risking his life, and the other fighting for it in the bed behind their backs.
-Well, what would you have me do? -Tim finally snapped, standing from the windowsill and turning to face the kwami- I can’t just take a bus to Gotham’s school and yell at B to move his ass!
-Yes you can! You have to!
-I’ll never make it in time! There’s no vehicle that could dodge the shitstorm that must be the streets now, and unless you have some way for me to travel via rooftops, I would never make it there! I can’t help anyone! I’m not Robin!
When no reply came, Tim’s eyes, that had strayed to the window again, looked for the kwami.
Merle floated right in front of him, face determined, eyes pleading. He held a too familiar necklace, that almost every boy and girl wore as an ode to their hero. A green ‘R’, encircled in red, on a golden chain.
Robin’s necklace.
-But you could be. If you take this and fly with me, you could be. Gotham needs a hero. Batman needs a Robin. Your family needs you.
On the little screen, the reporters said something about Nightwing being hurt by a burning beam falling on him.
He made the decision before he could even think about it.
-Merle, help me fly.
Robin soared the skies again.
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tentoriwrites · 5 years
Hi, I absolutely love your writing! I was wondering if you could write a fluff piece about Shigezane with an Asexual Mc? Thank you so much!
Oh geez. I tried, but I am so worried about this. I really hope you like it, completely get it if you don’t. I’m always open to suggestions that will make me a more inclusive writer. I’ll try again with something else if that’s the case too.
“Lord Kojuro. Do you have a minute? I need some advice.” It was an unusually timid voice on the other side of his door. He immediately sat up a little straighter.
“Certainly. Please come in.”
The door slid open and Shigezane’s normally radiant lover looked positively maudlin. His brows drew together in concern as she shuffled in and sat down. “What ever is troubling you?” In lieu of an answer, she slid a tome with a rather illicit title across the floor.
“Oh…” He coughed uncomfortably as he picked up the book.
“I found his collection while cleaning his room last time he was here in Yonezawa…”
“Everyone has character flaws. Shigezane’s just so happens to involve collecting questionable literature…” He tried to smooth over the situation for the sake for their relationship. She just shook get head.
“That’s not the problem. The volume of his collection suggests he is very much interested in sex and I very much am not. Not with him… or anyone else for that matter…” She seemed to shrink the more she spoke. “This only made me realize how ridiculous us being together is. Samurai lords require heirs and you can’t have an heir without…”
“It is true being able to produce an heir is very important for a samurai.” Kojuro was a vision of utmost seriousness as he shoved the illicit tome aside. His face softened almost immediately. “It’s not the most important thing though.”
“You… really think so?” She looked up at him hopefully.
“I do.” He smiled as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder in an act of comfort. “If it is my advice you want, it’s this: talk to Shigezane. You may be surprised how understanding he is.”
“You’re right…” She didn’t seem any less anxious as she started to leave. “I should take that book back…”
“I think that book would serve a much better purpose as kindling for my brazier this winter…” Kojuro cringed a little as he said so making her giggle.
Elsewhere in Oshu:
“Geez what’s wrong with you today? You’re acting more of a stick in the mud than Kojuro…” Genya half whined as he nudged Shigezane.
“I think something’s wrong on the home front is all.” Realizing he’d been caught in a down mood, Shigezane put on a smile.
“Trouble on the home front. Things less than ideal between you and…”
“Yeah…” Shigezane tried to blow it off with a chuckle.
“Sounds like you two need some alone time. There this new onsen for couples only I heard about. They offer all kinds of services to help couples get closer.” He gave Shigezane a playful jab to the ribs.
“Some time together outside the castle might be nice… Thanks, Genya!” He clapped the ninja on the shoulder before wandering off with a bit of spring in his step.
“Damn it, Genya…” Shigezane almost immediately regretted taking Genya’s advice upon arriving at the onsen. “If I had known it was this type of place…” He took a deep breath, grabbed her by the arm and started to leave just as a couple, naked as the day they were born, walked by.
“If this is the type of place you want to stay we can, Lord Shigezane.” She resisted his pull and looked up at a board of services the onsen offered.
“I had no idea what kind of place this was…” He grumbled angrily. “This is not the type of place I wanted to take you.” He gave her a sweet smile.
“Well could we just stay the night and enjoy the hot spring? A message might be nice too.” He cocked an eyebrow at her.
“Are you sure?” She nodded with a smile. “All right!”
The situation was only made worse when they got to their room. As soon as they stepped in the room, their eyes were drawn to the not so subtly sized erotica hanging on the walls.
“There’s no way I can sleep in here…” She couldn’t hide her disgust.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to sleep in this place…” Even the usually unruffled Shigezane was blushing. “Maybe it won’t be so bad in the dark.”
“Maybe…” She went to open one of the drawers and shut it immediately. “I didn’t even know something like that existed…” Shigezane peered into the silk lined drawer full of phalli of all sizes and a range of materials.
“We can still go home.” He offered with a meek smile.
“No… we’re here. Let’s make the most of it.” The was no escaping the fact that this onsen was built with one purpose in mind. Even the food served at dinner fit the theme.
“Did you still want to go to the spring?” He noticed how tired she looked when he asked.
“No… I think I just want to go back to the room.  But don’t let me stop you!” She gave him her brightest smile, but he could tell something was wrong. Deciding they both needed some time to themselves, he let her go without protest. Instead, he busied himself procuring some sake to take back with him.
When he got back to the room, soft crying met him on the other side of the door. Still, he went in. He sat the sake and cups down. Then, he slowly slid down the wall.
“This is all my fault.” They both spoke in unison.
“I’m the one that didn’t look into this place better before bringing you here.”
“I only agreed to stay the night because I thought I was ready… or could be ready for you. But I’m not…” Shigezane sighed long out his nose before getting up and moving over to her. He wrapped an arm tentatively around her shoulders, pulling her closer when she didn’t resist his touch.
“Do you love me?” She gasped and immediately shifted to look at him.
“Of course! Why wouuu…” He pressed his fingers to her lips.
“If you love me, I want you to make me a promise.” She nodded slowly. “If something makes you uncomfortable, stop doing it.”
“I’ve never really been interested in sex… What if I’m never comfortable with it?” Shigezane gently grasped her chin when she tried to look away. He smiled warmly in the face of her distress.
“Then we’ll never do it.” He said it so easily. Still, his collection loomed in the back of her mind.
“Your collection suggests you’re very interested in it though…” She watched the color drain from his face only to be replaced by vibrant red. He coughed awkwardly and looked away.
“I read them for the articles! They talk about how to be a better lover! Clearly, I need more advice in that category!” She couldn’t help but giggle at how embarrassed he had gotten. “Even then… that doesn’t mean I have to dip my wick if you’re not ready.”
“What about your heir?”
“Is that what you’re worried about right now?” His head snapped back to her in shock. His features quickly eased. “It’s waaay more important for Masa to have an heir. We can always adopt.” She looked up at him with a hopeful smile before burying her face in his chest.
“Lord Shigezane?”
“Yes, doll?” He rubbed her back lovingly as he waited for her to continue.
“Can we go home now?”
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jeanjauthor · 6 years
Clothes vs. Money: Status and Self Worth in the 18th Century
Writers, this is an EXCELLENT summation of how important the quality & appearance of clothing is in a pre-modern society.
Clothing today is incredibly cheap: a single day’s wages will get you pants or skirt, shirt, socks and underwear, all of it brand new, straight off the rack, in a vast variety of colors and patterns.  A week’s wages will get you shoes and coat and a couple changes of underwear, extra shirt, extra pants or skirt (or a dress).
Prior to the 20th century...it could take you more than a month to earn enough money for a new shirt, or underclothes, or trousers, or shoes.  Not and, but or. You’d be lucky to get two of those things at average to good wages for the vast majority of people...and since the vast majority still worked on farms prior to the industrial revolution, and with it, the agricultural revolution, you’d only see that kind of money during or shortly after harvest season.
Listen to John Townsend reading from these journals.  Take your inspiration from them.  Be realistic in what your characters would be wearing, how often they’d get a chance to do laundry, and make sure your characters are clothed appropriately for their situation.
In the movie Ever After, Danielle (Cinderella) borrows a fancy noblewoman’s dress left at the painter’s studio to go rescue her fellow servant.  The dress is only available to her because her best friend growing up is the painter’s apprentice, and because painting a portrait can take weeks of work, so it was often just easiest to leave the clothing on a mannekin form while the owner went off in their other clothes to do other things.  We might think the dress she normally wears isn’t too bad, but it’s only slightly above what the other servants wear, and it’s definitely not new.
In the modern era, this is also true, though the lines are a bit more blurred.  We have Casual Fridays, where you can come to work at some places in jeans and a teeshirt, or a Hawai’ian shirt...and we have formal suits and dresses and skirtsuits.  Some situations you can get away with a Casual Friday.  Others, you’d never get away with it.  Lawyers, for example, are expected to wear suits or the equivalent at all times, to project an air of professionalism & seriousness. 
We have a variety of uniforms that we have to wear for certain jobs or industries, too.  Not just UPS or Military or Post Office or Law Enforcement.  Have you noticed the variety of uniforms in the restaurant industry?  Some places (McDonalds, etc), issue you your uniform. It isn’t yours to keep, however; once you’re done working for them, you have to hand it back in.  You also have to keep it clean and neat at your own expense.  Housekeeping staff for hotels have to do this, too.
Other places simply say “wear black pants (or skirt, but no yoga pants or jeans) and white shirt, no teeshirts or logos (not even a lil alligator or polo pony)”...and that’s all you have to wear.  You have to supply your own “uniform.”  It could be almost any style of trousers or non-logo non-tee shirt.  Others allow you to wear a serious, sober, law-office-worthy tie...while some allow you to wear “an amusing tie of publicly acceptable subject material”...aka no naked-lady ties, or ties covered in swearwords...but you could wear Loony Tunes characters like Bugs Bunny, or a Transformers tie if you wanted.
However, clothing is incredibly cheap; if you’re used to having money in your pocket for clothes every few months in real life, you probably haven’t thought about having to repair your clothes.  Shirt gets ripped?  Go buy a new one!  No big deal!  ...Right?
You cannot take that attitude, that mindset, into a pre-20th-century tech-level world.
Just to give you an example, making the cloth to make clothes took HUGE amounts of effort before the advent of industrialization, from the farm machines to automatically pick the cotton through to the carding and spinning and weaving machines.  Prior to all of that (and yes, the mechanized industrialization of agriculture is PART of why clothes are so cheap...and why wool, which still has to be sheared by professional shearers working one sheep at a time, is so much more expensive!)...it took 12 full time spinners to keep 1 full time weaver working at the loom.
What does that mean?  It means that the 12 spinners listed above did nothing but spin all day long.  Aside from maybe making their meals, they didn’t plough (plow) the fields, they didn’t feed the livestock, they didn’t shepherd the sheep, they didn’t mend the fences, they didn’t craft the furniture or repair the roof thatching...  A lot of families grew flax specifically for turning it into linen thread, and spend every spare moment they had spinning thread, to either hopefully get them enough thread to set up a loom in the winter months when there was’t a lot of outdoor activity going on, or to sell to professional weavers, in hopefully good enough quality to fetch the best price for their balls of thread.
Ploughmen (whatever gender) would be outside all day long, plowing, weeding, harvesting, mending things around the farm and would only spin if there was time.  Housekeepers and child tenders would spin while food was cooking (which could take hours), or while laundry was drying...but it would still probably take roughly 30 part-time spinners to keep 1 weaver in constant production.
Also, consider the fact that it takes literal days to set up a loom...and god help you if you got it wrong and didn’t discover the mistake right away, because you’d spend hours more undoing and redoing it right.  Dependind on the width of the fabric, the tightness of the weave, the type of fabric and the kind of loom (Navajo vertical looms are different beasts from European treadle looms...and a lightweight linen suitable for handkerchiefs and veils isn’t going to be at all like a heavy canvas, never mind a rug weight material), the swiftness of making the cloth means that your progress might be measured in inches per day, feet per day, or if you’re very lucky, yards per day...and that’s assuming you have enough thread on hand for both warp and weft.
...Think that’s a lot?  I haven’t even gotten into all the effort required for finding and making dyes, madders (fixing agents to help keep the colors from fading too fast in sunlight) and getting the consistencies right.  (Contrary to popular belief you could get some bright colors out of natural dyes; black was the absolute most difficult to dye, not purple. The materials for making black dye were far cheaper to acquire than for purple, but still, difficult to dye and keep it actually black in sunlight.)
Nor have I gotten into sumptuary laws, which tried to dictate what a person of a certain social rank could wear, including furs and silks.  (Anyone could wear squirrel fur, for example, but to wear mink or ermine, you had to be waaay up high on the social ladder.) ...People still wanted to wear things “above their station” and sumptuary laws were difficult to enforce at times...but sometimes they were enforced ruthlessly.  So it was risky at times.
Danielle in Ever After would’ve been whipped & imprisoned/indentured for wearing that fancy dress, if people had realized she was a peasant, not a noblewoman.  But for her, the risk was worth it, to save a man from being sold off to the colonies for indentured servitude, to bring him back to his wife and his family & friends.
So John’s not kidding when he says that people in the late 1700s/early 1800s invested money in their clothes as a sign of their social status.  You want people to treat you with more respect, you have to look like you have the social status, and that preceived social status is often dependent on wealth.
Buying new is not the only option, either.  We have places like the Rack where they sell off for cheap the odds and ends, remnants of garments that just didn’t sell at listed price in the big department stores, or they might have a few flaws that the big stores reject (missing button, wonky stitching, etc), but otherwise the garment is in good shape and still basically brand new, so it’s sold for maybe $20 instead of $80
We also have the true thrift stores, such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, Value Village, and those are just the local charity/donated goods shops in my area.  You can visit these places and get that same dress at $80 for just $4-$8, but it’ll have been worn by someone else, laundered (well, one hopes), and put up for sale.
The same sort of system existed in pre-industrial societies.  Mercedes Lackey has a beautiful scene in her first Bardic Voices, The Lark & the Wren novel, wherein the main character, the Wren, is taken to various used clothing sellers in the market places of the city she’s in, and given advice on what to buy, which includes torn and stained clothing, and how to hide the stains, using ribbon trim and embroidery and applique patches, or even just wearing a vest over a shirt that’s stained on the chest area.
Since Wren is trying to make a living as a bard/minstrel, it’s considered appropriate for her to have clothing that has fancy, eye-catching trim on it, as part of her entertainer persona.  When she’s busking in the street (performing for passers-by to hopefully get pennies...or pins...in payment), the more eye-catching, the better, since it goes with her ear-catching music.
And when she gets a job providing polite, soothing music in an upper-class bordello/brothel style establishment, she wears more subdued clothes.  Why?  To help her blend into the background, since the focus is to provide soothing, pleasant music while the rich patrons wait for their chosen paid companions to be available.  They’re not going to put up with someone wearing screaming shades of red and yellow and green with ribbon-strung bells dangling off their elbows...but neither will they put up with someone wearing the cheapest, crappiest woven fabrics visibly stained and ragged, badly patched or torn.
Since the adage “the clothes make (the social status) of the man” has been around for ages and ages...I can only imagine that clothing--and the kind of high-tech gear you can afford--far into the future will also still continue to be a mark of unspoken social status for humankind.
...I mention gear because aliens might or might not have any need for clothing, but they’ll certainly have a need for gear, and the higher the quality the gear, or the more functional it is, the more likely they’ll be considered higher quality in social status, too.
Also, functionality is a key factor, because social status isn’t just about kings and queens at the top and peasants and slaves at the bottom. It’s also about what kinds of society your characters move around in.  You wear clothes appropriate to being a sailor while on a ship, but you will want different outfits when you’re a blacksmith apprentice, versus a clockmaker’s helper, versus a farm laborer, versus a nobleman’s son.
A nobleman’s son wouldn’t want to wear the leather apron or smock that a blacksmith would, but if you walked into a smithy and asked for a job while wearing fine silks, you’d get turned down (and laughed at behind your back), but if you walked in wearing wool (which doesn’t catch on fire; it just scorches and smolders and goes out) and leather (ditto), you’ll be taken seriously.
Your gear is the same.  The Millenium Falcon was a rusted bucket of bolts and patch jobs compared to Queen Amidala’s personal, sleek, silvery interstellar transport, but it was still a fantastically swift, maneuverable ship.  The Queen’s personal yacht would get her respect from port authorities.  The Falcon’s capabilities would get it respect from other smugglers and crime bosses, because it looks like it can’t go very fast and should fall apart at any minute...but it won’t fall apart.  It’ll blast past everything else & keep going...provided you can keep it patched together.
Anyway, long speech short, watch this video, and think about how your stories and your characters protray their social status, their wealth, via their clothes & gear...and remember, pre-20th-century, clothing is expensive.  You and I have each probably have so many different outfits on our shelves and in our dresser drawers and wardrobe cupboards and closets that we’d be considered damn near royalty in terms of pure clothing-wealth, compared to just about anywhere in the 11th Century.
Clothing makes the character, and the story.
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heartsoftruth · 6 years
1/Hi, I apologize in advance for this long message but I just wanted to ask you if you had ever received insults or criticisms or even guys who harassed you because you're a girl who loves football? I'm asking you this because I live this constantly. Yesterday when Barça won the CDR I was so happy so I shared my joy on my social media and I commented on some FB publications related to the match and the majority of ppl on these pages are men so I have only received insults degrading messages.
Anonymous said:2/I was told to go back to the kitchen, that I should go back to clean, that I loved Barça only for cute players or that I probably didn’t know anything about football and was probably repeating what men around me were saying to look smart,.. I will not tell you everything they told me but it was really degrading and mean, I absolutely did not say anything bad, there were comments from guys who writed bullshit on the post but no one answered them but under mine there was like 100 replies.
Anonymous said:3/And I just wrote “I’m so happy and sad at the same time, I will miss Andres so much, it will not be the same without him..” On my other comments also I received insults like "Come suck my c*ck, you will be more useful” “oh a girl trying to make herself interesting by loving football” “shut your mouth bitch it’s a page for men here, go back to cook” And all that just because I’m a girl, if it had been a man who had commented the same thing they would have agreed with him.
Anonymous said:4/It’s unbelievable that a woman can’t love football as much as a man do without being looked at or asked to justify why she really loves football because if a girl likes football it’s surely because she’s in love with the players or wants to fuck with them or that she invents it to have the attention of men, because it is impossible that a woman can really love or understand football, so when it happens I have to justify myself so that they are convinced that I really like this sport..Anonymous said:5/It’s sad that in 2018 for a lot of ppl women = cooking, doing housework, pleasing men and keep quiet. Usually I avoid going into the football debates of my male friends or those of my family because they automatically make fun of me and my opinion is irrelevant. So if you have a vagina your brain is too stupid to understand football and enjoy it? I’m tired of having to hide my passion for football because I risk being insulted. It’s sad because I know I’m not the only one who suffers this..
Anonymous said:6/I discovered football when I was a child, I quickly became a big fan, I even played it many years but growing up my dad start laughing at me and telling me that I should be more interested in girls stuff and he asked me which player I was as much in love to continue to love football like that and the men around me told me that women’s football was not real football so I should stop playing it, my mother also agreed that I should stop because she was afraid that her daughter become a tomboy.
Anonymous said:7/I was stupid enough to believe theses bullshit and I stopped playing at my club. Yes I am feminine in general, I also like makeup, dresses, shoes and stuff like that but sometimes I like to wear my Barça jersey or football outfits too and when I walk in the street with it I get glances, guys who come to talk to me or say that I’m ridiculous with my jersey, one day 2 guys even come to ask me questions on the club to see if I really know about Barça and that it’s not just to get attention..
Anonymous said:8/It’s tiring and exhausting, I’d like to love this sport without suffering all that, what’s the deal with that, it’s a sport among many, why it’s impossible to let a girl enjoy this sport without belittling her? Why is it so difficult for men to believe that we really love this sport too without necessarily wanting to fuck with players? I’m tired, it’s getting depressing and with all the insults I received yesterday I feel like I’m going to be crazy, I really wanted to cry because of my anger..
Anonymous said:9/If you or the followers of your blog undergo this too, can you tell me how you do to support it or to finish with that please? And if there are guys who follow your blog I’d like them to explain to me, if they do these things, just why ? Why a woman who loves football should deserve so much hate and criticism and why it’s as difficult for guys to accept that women can love football too? I’m really sorry again for this long message but I’m really fed up.. 😫
Heey girlie!! OMG dont apologize for the long message! I feel like you needed to vent a little and then it’s 100% better to just write it all down instead of keeping it in. and DAMN you had all the reasons to vent, because what those neanderthals wrote to you MAKES MY BLOOD BOILLLLLLLLL FUUUUUUCK!!!
Im gonna reply to the parts in parts because otherwise the answer will be an unstructured mess. 
½/3: I dont even know where to start with my first off all comment with this ask! But pffff. It;s so so soooo sad that in 2018 people like that put comments under just a very normal and very correct post. It’s also really sad because probably right now you will think twice before commenting something under a footy Facebook thing. 
AND PLEAAAAASEE! Let me know what kind of FB page that is? I am literally fuming and almost on the verge of making a Twitter account for my Tumblr page to post it on here. It’s not fucking normal that when a girl says something about football guys talk like that. It’s not and it’s not ok. 100 replies under your comment? And all like that?? Pfff. Damn. FUMINGGGGG. 
I can understand you feel bad about it bc of all these people jumping on some kind of bandwagon behind their PC’s. Insecure bunch of dicks! 
4/5: Indeed we women have to know WAAAY more about football then men, because if we dont then we’re not serious about it or only watch it for the guys. “YESSSSS!!! THATS TOTALLY TRUE!!!! I watch 90+ minutes of football just for a few close-ups of the football players I like!!!11!1 Makes total sense” said no women who watches football ever. 
6/7/8/9: aaawhh… That is so sad… :( I can’t imagine how that must have felt as a child to be doing something you love but your parents make it out to be as if it was wrong. Not every girl likes pink and barbies just like not every guy likes blue and cars/football. Indeed I also love make up and getting dressed up etc etc. But I also love sitting in a cafe and watching football with a beer or something haha. 
I never wear a football shirt on the streets - unless im going to a match or watch in a cafe - today was the first time actually in my yellow PSG shirt haha. But no one said anything to me (other than a few hey girl). But it’s sad we have to prove something to these idiots… 
I think we’ve sadly all have had an experience like that. When I was younger and asked my friend at her party (or whatever it was) to see the football score a guy was like “what??? You dont watch it? Well then explain to me what off side is?!” That was the first time some guy asked me it and I did do it, but when someone would ask me it now I said: “You would ask a guy that too who says he watches football? Nope huh? So I won’t show you either!”
In Paris also on the way to the hotel the Uber driver was talking etc etc. And we spoke about football and I said how excited I am to finally see Neymar and hope he’s not injured anymore (because at the time he was stil injured and unclear if he would play) and all that blabla. And in one moment he said (in a joking way) oh you’re only here to see Neymar other than that you dont watch it. And I gave him a reality check real quick. My friend wanted to interfere and talk over it and I was like no no noooo. Lemme say my peace. 
Or at work people know I also love Neymar and then one new colleague thought it was funny (and maybe cool in front of the other guys) to say I only watch football for Neymar. And I gave him a reality check too. 
I used to bite my tongue when it came to that, but nowadays I’m like nope. I dont watch so much football for some insecure dick to be talking like that to me. 
But theres also many guys who you can just have a normal convo with about football. Like yesterday I had one with a guy I didn’t know and he was so chill. Or when I’m in the bar watching you also have guys normally coming up like are you also this nervous etc etc. During the Euro’s too. Met many friendly people who just spoke to us about football. Ok and s
What I also think is one of the problem is because many girls indeed just wear a shirt because it looks cute (which they of course can), but it makes it more difficult for us to be taken serious. Especially with tournaments like the Euros and WC many just watch football bc it’s fun with everyone in a cafe but they have no idea what they’re watching. And end up only confirming some of the thoughts by these neathertals. 
Can I ask you where you’re from btw?And please do tell which bs ass fb page you posted this one. I would be a good thing to create all these accounts to back you up or something. 
And indeed I’m curious too how other followers react to stupid comments like that?
And keep watching the sport you love girl! I know its tough at times being doubted to often for just watching something you like but lets hope that someday no one will question why we watch the sport we love. 
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orphancookie69 · 4 years
6/19: Pierce That!
I was one of those girls that had a mom that thought, they would look cute like little adults! So what is more adult than a piercing? Problem is, I am deathly afraid of needles. I know the tattoo makes it seem otherwise, but “scratching on the skin” is waaay different than “Long needle going in and staying there for one second too long”. 
Let’s start this story with the first piercing. I was very little, at a mall in Orange County and we went to Claire’s, which used to have free piercing with purchase of earing. So I endured it, somehow, and all I can remember is the store associate said to have a specific kind of earing so that everything heals ok. Meaning, real metal-gold or silver. I picked a pair and somehow the ones I picked ended up being worn by my mom and I got a cheap pair she had in her collection. From the start they never healed well at all, one in particular would always puss up. It got to a point where I had to take the earrings out and the holes “closed” up. 
Fast forward to this June, my bff calls me up and says, what are you doing today? I did not have anything really going on so I said-nothing whats up? Go with me to get my piercing. I’m down! So we head off to Tommy T’s in Huntington Beach. They had just opened up recently, closed for COVID, and there were so many people there. We put our name in and go to the nearby bar to get a drink, it was our first time together in a bar in a while. While we are waiting to get in, I start messing with my old holes, and I am like-I should get mine done. She of course is all for it. 
We finally get in and ask if they can do me and they allow it, which was a miracle given how much their phone was going off and how many people were outside. I pick medium sized purple earrings, since they are not coming out for a while once you put them in. We end finally get to be next and we get to be in the same room kind of but not really together. Which made me sad because I thought I was going to get to have my friend there. Darn you Covid. The associate gets to me and starts with one ear, it goes well the first time and she just uses the old holes. She goes to the other side and it takes two tries, which hurt like a mofo. After she does it, the weight feels so strange. 
I get a paper to take home with self care, and on the way home grab salt to mix in with warm water to clean my ears with each night. The cleaning routine surprised me since I don’t recall at all my mother or Claire’s saying to keep the wound (essentially) clean. It makes a lot of sense but it was not said then. So far, the healing took as much time as a new hole and I love it! 
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It is a small thing, but its kind of amazing the difference a small thing can make to the overall look and feel of a face. I would highly suggest Tommy T’s if you are in the market for a piercing! 
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scotlandandbeyond · 4 years
Almost Full Circle
Well we’re almost back where we started. On Monday we moved from Brannen Lake Campground back to Living Forest Campground. Living Forest was where we moved to in between renting out our house and leaving for Scotland. It was Living Forest that Craig returned to when he left Scotland 2 years ago today, and it was Living Forest that we stayed at for 6 months last year, (fall and spring), prior to leaving on our travels. B
Brannen Lake gave us a safe sanctuary for the past 2 months while the world swirled scarily around us and we will always be grateful. The peace and tranquility of the area was wonderful for a frantic soul. I took some photos of our set up and of one of our daily visitors.
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So here we are back where we started. We were greeted by some masked visitors, keeping social distancing.
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I think we all felt that keeping our distance was a smart thing to do!
This week is one marked by appointments: 3 were made WAAAY back in November when no one could imagine our current reality, and one was a “bonus” necessitated by my broken tooth. The sad news is that they can’t save the tooth, and the grinding/clenching caused by stress has cracked 2 other molars. The good news is that my cleaning was great and overall, if my only loss during this time is a shortened trip and one tooth, then I will count myself as one of the lucky ones.
So, today I celebrate the last leg of an incredible journey. I’ve been able to start to truly reflect on these past few years and there are FAR more joys than sorrows. Still, who would have thought that Craig having to leave Scotland wouldn’t be the focal point of the 3 year journey?
Until next time my friends...
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potatoegirlart · 7 years
They still need you
Title: They Still need you
Summary: They still needed him. SHe still needed him. He couldn’t leave them now. Not when he made that promise to never leave them…
Character: Nobunaga
Rating: T
A/n: Hey~! Lookie here~! Another old one~! And it’s angsty~! So lovely~! ahh!! I had done this waaay back in last December, and since things have changed a little bit here and there, I just cleaned it up a bit to match what I have already written in the past. Hopefully it all turns out alright~!
“Must you go?” Miho,Nobunaga’s wife, asked the night before he was set to go off to another battle. They had just finished their love-making, and they were cuddling together. Nobunaga looked down at her, eyebrow raised.
“Have you lost faith in me?” He questioned., tilting his head slightly. Miho looked up at him, shaking her head fast with a determined look in her eyes.
“No. Never. I just…” Miho sighed heavily, shaking her head.” I just have a bad feeling.” She said softly, looking away. Nobunaga looked at Miho, not liking the expression on her face. He held her closer to him, his hands tightening around her shoulders, trying to comfort her.
“I’ll be back. I’m sure it won’t take too long.” Nobunaga’s eyes shone with ambition as he spoke to his ever loving and devoted wife. He wanted to comfort her, and it seemed to work as the corners of her lips pulled upwards slightly.
“You better not go too far this time.” Miho replied a bit teasingly, knowing how her husband could be. He looked at her, his eyes dancing with amusement and a bit of a teasing glint.
“Losing faith in me?” He questioned. She looked at him, and then smiled slightly.
“Never. You’re getting older, and we have a family now. I don’t want you to go too far, and end up…” Her voice trailed off, unable to even speak what was on her mind. It hurt too much to even think, much less say it outloud. He dropped his smile, seeming to understand what his wife was saying. He cupped her chin, resting his forehead against her forehead as he smiled slightly.
“Foolish Woman, don’t you understand? I’m doing all this for our family, and for you.” He told her softly, kissing her. It was all she needed to hear to relax into his arms.
“I know.” She whispered softly when they pulled back, smiling slightly as she rested her head against his chest.
That was the last conversation they had with one another before Nobunaga left early the next morning, being sure to say his goody-byes once again to his ever loving wife, and his beautiful children.
That had been nearly five months ago, but it was the day Nobunaga was finally set to come home. There was always that silent worry whenever he went off that he would never come back, but Miho couldn’t give into that fear, and had to remain cheerful. After all he always kept his promises, right?
Still, that worry was in the back of her mind, but at that moment in time, Miho couldn’t be more excited. Neither could their children.
“Daddy is supposed to be home today, isn’t he?” Akane asked, beaming at her mother as the woman was busy braiding her daughter’s hair with a soft smile of her own.
“Yes. He is.” Miho replied, unable to keep the happiness from leaking into her voice. Akane smile seemed to have widened as she hugged the small stuffed animal that Nobunaga had had made for her before his last campian.
“I can’t wait to see Daddy again. He always has fun stories to tell me, Noburo, and Noburu.” Akane answered, a beaming smiling on her face.
“Yes. He does.” Miho replied, smiling slightly.
However, this was not meant to be a happy homecoming.
Lady Oda stood by the window, holding her squirming son in her arms. Her daughter stood firmly by her mother’s side, holding on to the ledge of the window, and trying to peer over the edge. The whole castle was in a bustle, getting ready for Lord Nobunaga’s valiant return. However, Miho’s eyebrows drew together worriedly as she saw soldiers returning slowly, most bandaged up, and looking badly injured. Miho feared the worst, but was quick to react.
“Umeko, take Akane and Noriko to their room.” The woman said, handing the squirming toddler over to her handmaid the moment she saw what was going on just outside the window. Umeko seemed to understand, nodding.
“Right away, Ma’am.” She answered bowing slightly as she took the son out of the Lady’s arms, and took the daughter by the hand, leading them away quickly.
Miho paused, her brown eyes still fixed on the window. The soldiers were returning, but there were many that looked injured. The ones that seemed healthy enough were helping the wounded walk, leading them to the infarmy. The most alarming part was that she couldn’t see her husband, and she feared the worse, which was made even more apparent when Mitsuhide came running to her, panting heavily.
As Miho turned to face her husband’s most trusted retainer, she felt her breath catch in her throat. Even Mitsuhide was a bit bloody, a bandage around his head, but he held himself straight as he faced the woman before him.
“I have news about Lord Nobunaga…” His voice trailed off, as he studied her face, trying to gauge her emotions before continuing on.
“What… What happened?” Although Miho’s voice was weak, she cleared her throat, straightened out her back, and attempted to sound… Not as worried and afraid as she felt.
“He was wounded during battle. He was doing just fine until were attacked on the way back. Ambush. He was still healing, and not only reopened his wounds, but during the battle, had made them even worse than what they were before….” Miho was sure Mitsuhide had continued talking, as serious and straightforward as the man was, but her entire mind seemed to shut out what he was saying to her. She couldn’t hear him.
Panic shot through Miho’s body the moment she heard the news. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Her husband, the father of their was wounded in battle.
Was Lord Nobunaga dying? Would he live? How serious was it? Would he live through it? What would she do without him?
Nobunaga had promised her… Promised their children that he would come back. That he would be alright. That he would never leave.
It was needless to say that Miho’s mind was swrilling with all kinds of thoughts, and she wasn’t sure which to voice first. There was too many questions, and she wasn’t sure that she would want to hear all the answers.She didn’t think she could take anymore bad news.
“It’s pretty serious, but I assure you that we will do everything in our power to make sure he survives.” Mitsuhide told her in a soft tone, touching her shoulder gently, as if trying to reassure Miho, but she couldn’t react. She felt frozen. Miho’s heart was racing fast, and her chest compressing almost painfully.”I’ll let you know how Lord Nobunaga does, M’lady. The doctor should be here now.” His tone was soft, almost as if not wanting to leave her in this state, but what else could be done? Even so, the woman didn’t react. Her eyes were large, staring off into space.
Her husband… The man she loved above all else….
Miho knew he should not have gone. She knew Nobunaga should have stayed. Miho knew that if Nobunaga had gone, this would happen, but…
“Momma?” Miho was yanked out of her thoughts by the small tug on her yutaka.
Miho looked down at the brown eyes of her daughter, which were staring at her with confusion and looking a bit scared as her hands tightened on her mother’s yutaka.
Miyako was supposed to be in her room, why the hell was she out? Miho didn’t question, or reprehend her daughter, however, as she spoke to her daughter next.
Miho just needed a distraction from her own thoughts.
“Akane, where… Where are your brothers?” Miho’s voice faltered for a moment as she bent down to her daughter’s level, and moved some of her red-brown hair away from her daughter’s face.
“They’re sleeping.” Akane answered simply, shrugging slightly.”One of the people are watching them.” She added on a moment later.
“Why aren’t you taking a nap?” Miho asked, but her voice was rather small. The little girl picked up on it.
Akane looked up at her mother with her eyebrows drawn together, head tilted slightly as she tried to understand what her mother must be feeling. She could see the worry, and the fear, which made Akane a bit worried. She had heard some of the retainers talking about how her father was wounded. How serious was it? Akane was scared and worried, but she tried not to let it show as she answered her mother’s question.
“There was too much noise. I couldn’t sleep.” She answered, and then bit her lips. Miho nodded, moving some hair away from her daughter’s face once more, and then taking a deep breath before letting it out shakily.
“Well… Let’s go back to your room, ok? I’ll tell you a story to make you sleepy.” Miho smiled at her, but Akane shook her head.
“I want Daddy to tell me a story. I haven’t seen him in a long time.” Akane answered, but there was something in her daughter’s eyes that told her mother that Akane knew what was going on, but Miho didn’t want to have to tell her daughter the news directly.
“Papa’s busy. Come. Let’s go to your room, and I’ll tell you a story.” Miho smiled at her, unlatching her daughter’s small hands from her robes, and then picking up Akane. Miho shifted her daughter’s weight to a more comfortable position before walking to her daughter’s room.
Once her daughter was fully asleep, Miho got up, kisisng her daughter’s forehead, and doing the same to her sons ,before she carefully, and quietly,made her way out of her children’s nursery. Miho closed the door as quietly as she could, and then sighed heavily as she leaned against it, closing her eyes.
Miho wanted…
She needed to desperately see her husband. She needed to see for herself just how well, or how bad, Nobunaga’s condition was for herself.
Miho just needed to gather her own courage to go, and see him. Miho refused to break down in front of anyone. She would need to have her strong resolve if she was going to see Nobunaga in  person.
“Lady Oda!” Clearly Mitsuhide was not expecting the woman to suddenly appear outside the woman his lord was staying in just as he left to get some water. He could see the worry, the fear, in the woman’s light brown eyes. Mitsuhide wished he had something to say to make the woman feel better, but unfourtnely he had nothing to tell the worried woman.
“How is Lord Nobunaga’s condition?” She finally asked. Although she tried to keep her tone firm, Mitsuhide could still hear the worry laced in to it.
“We’re doing everything we can to make sure that he lives.” Mitsuhide replied. Miho nodded, looking off.” I think it is best if you go to bed, Lady Oda. I’m sure he’ll be in a far better condition in the morning.” He replied with a smile. For all the resolve she had previously to see her husband Miho was easily persuaded as she simply nodded, and turned on her heels to go back to her own quarters.
It was just under an hour later that Mitsuhide returned to Lord Nobunaga’s side, replacing the almost dried cloth with a new, cool, and damped cloth with some ointment that would hopefully bring down the fever that was still raging. It was the reason that he couldn’t let Lady Oda see Lord Nobunaga’s condition just yet.
“You may be unconscious, but I think you can still hear me, right Lord Nobunaga?” Mitsuhide said simply, smiling bitterly at the still face of his lord before becoming a bit more serious.” There’s many that still need you here. Your wife and two kids need you the most, however, and I know Lady Oda is very worried about your condition. I’m sure without you, she wouldn’t know what to do, and your kids still need their father. You need to get well soon, and come back to the living. At least for them.” He said simply, before retiring to his own bedroom for the night.
How long had it been? Two weeks? Yeah. It had been two weeks since Lord Nobunaga had returned seriously injured. Miho was by her husband’s side almost constantly. She wanted to be the first thing he saw when he awoke.
“Daddy will be alright. He’s stronger than anyone else. This injury won’t do him in.” Akane said simply one day, beaming a confident smile at her worried smile.
I forget just how much she’s like her father.
Miho thought with a grin, reaching down to ruffle her daughter’s hair.
“I know, Honey.” She whispered before looking back at her husband.
Two whole weeks had passed. Miho hardly left his side, grasping his hand the entire time. She couldn't even begin to describe all the worries that had been going through her mind, but the moment she heard a hopeful groan escape from Lord Nobunaga’s lips, she became overjoyed.
“Lord Nobunaga?” She questioned, her heart beating fast in her chest as she tried to quail the happiness brewing in her body.
“Ugh. I’m not gonna let those bastards get away with this a second time.” He groaned, eyes squeezing together before smirking as he opened his eyes.”You didn’t worry, did you?” He questioned, reaching out to touch her face. Miho leaned into the touch.
“You were out for a long time.” She whispered, looking back at him. He simply scoffed,shaking his head.
“I told you, didn’t I? That I would be back.” He replied, making Miho laugh a bit.
“Yeah. You did.” She replied, just happy to have her husband back.
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remeny-writes · 7 years
Roses are red, Violets are Adored (Viadore/Katlaska/group fic)
(Sorry Kittens, this fic has pretty much outgrown my control)
Chapter 164
Katya’s point of view
I woke up in the bunk, Alaska was sprawled beside me, our bodies were entwined so thoroughly I didn’t know where I began and he ended in this cramped space.
Golden Girls was still playing on my iPad so I spaced out to that for a bit until Justin stirred. He blearily rubbed his eyes and looked around at our legs.
“Hey we’re like totally gay spaghetti!” He whispered with a giggle.
I put my hand up to my chest and gasped. “What! You’re gay?” I exclaimed in mock surprise.
“That’s what the internet says…I mean, who can argue with the internet?”
“Too true!” I mused, turning my phone on as my stomach growled, I guess the granola bars wouldn’t keep me full forever. “We’ve been sleeping for 4 hours, I don’t know about you my queen but I need to stretch my legs and forage for sustenance.”
“Sounds good!” We untangled ourselves from each other, sitting with our legs over the edge for a minute. Jinkxy was visible through the clear plastic of their curtain, snoring softly in their bunk across the way, their mouth wide open with their hands clasped under their chin looking like a little bald cherub.
We tiptoed out to the living room, where most of the queens were lounging around. Sharon and Phi Phi each had an earbud in their ear as they leaned in to watch something on Sharon’s ipad, it was evidently amusing as they were both chuckling.
Pearl and Fame were having a serious conversation about something in the corner.
Willam was laying flat on his back with his eyes closed, holding onto the seat cushion and wincing every time the bus hit the slightest bump. B sitting nearby with his arms crossed and looking worried or cranky or both. Cranrried? Woranky? His brow was so furrowed that his eyebrows were close to touching each other. Uh oh.
“Hey what’s going on?” I blurted without thinking.
“What THE FUCK do you THINK is going on Kat?” Willam glared at me and rolled his eyes before he closed them again, his jaw clenching and unclenching.
I’m such an idiot, always opening my big dumb mouth before my brain kicks in, I smacked myself on the forehead. “I’m sorry Will.” Alaska pulled my hand down  before I could do it again.
Willam sighed and grimaced. “No I’m sorry Kitty Kat, it’s not your fault. I fell when the bus turned about half an hour ago. I’ll be ok soon as…well soon.”
It was cute that he didn’t want to bring up meds but I felt pretty damn strong today. The euphoria that Vi was beating their cancer was all the drug I needed. “Well, I hope your meds kick in soon!” I said with a little grin as Alaska pulled me down beside him.
“Stay out of trouble you!” He whispered in my ear, sending a delicious trail of goosebumps up and down my spine.
40 minutes later, Willam was sitting semi-comfortably, propped up between B and Alaska. It was almost like a palpable sigh of relief went through the bus and everyone relaxed knowing that Will was feeling a bit better. Or at least “better” in the terms of being able to feign that he was doing ok.
That is sometimes the name of the game with any pain, whether physical or emotional, that you fake it til you make it so that only the people that know you the best might see your struggle. There was something that felt inherently shameful in admitting pain in today’s society and I really wish it wasn’t that way. It would be so much easier for people to get help if there wasn’t all this bullshit about being brave and strong. Even though my critical-thinking brain know this to be so, my anxious heart made it easy to forget and submit to this particular societal norm.
��Hey everyone, there is a rest stop with a decent diner attached up ahead about 45 minutes up the road if I remember correctly. Do you want to stop and grab a bite?” Alex yelled back to us. Everyone said some variation of yes and Alex’ voice called out once more, “ok sounds good. No one wants a bus of hungry drag queens!”
We all laughed and talked about bullshit and roared at Phi Phi’s impersonations of Alaska, Sharon and Dela.
Fame seemed withdrawn but every time she noticed me looking at her, she would paste on a fake smile that never reached her eyes. Benny stirred in my brain but before he could get a good run going, I was able to shut him down. I resolutely promised to keep an eye on her.
The diner we stopped at was old but clean, the lady that came around the corner seemed overjoyed at the prospect of a group of customers rather than the sporadic few that peppered the small tables throughout the restaurant. We pushed a bunch of tables together and I cursed internally when Fame happened to be on the opposite end of the table, I was hoping I could sit beside her and ask her how she was quietly. I knew she wasn’t ok, I think she knew I knew too.
We all ordered our food and received huge helpings. Sitting in the diner with all the scents of food cooking made my stomach rumble so loud that 4 or 5 of the queens at our end of the table looked up at me. My steak came and I was too consumed with trying to gobble up the perfectly cooked steak and buttery mashed potatoes that I forgot to see how Fame was doing. When I looked up, she was gone. A plate of salad and a small half filled bowl of soup left in her wake. Maybe she went to the bathroom? I continued stuffing my face ravenously and when I looked up when I had conquered the steak and ate every juicy mouthful, her seat was still empty and her food untouched.
I whispered, “I’ll be right back.” into Alaska’s ear and then headed for the other end of the table.
I crouched down beside B who was at the end of the table and mumbled in a low voice, “hey B, have you seen Fame?”
“Yeah, she went back to the bus I think. Said she wasn’t feeling well. I’m sorry, I didn’t even see her go.”
“Ok thanks.”
I stood to get up and he put a hand on my arm. “Are you sure she doesn’t want time alone Kat? Maybe she needs a minute. I’ll get her food boxed up and order her some dessert to go. Obviously you are going to do what you want because you are a stubborn ass so it’s just a suggestion.” He said with a grin as he released me.
“Apple pie.”
“What?” B asked, looking confused.
“Order Fame some apple pie or apple crisp, it’s her favourite.” I said with a little wink as I sauntered back down the table.
Alaska looked at me questioningly but I just gave her an almost imperceptible shake of my head and it was like I could see her muscles relax in relief. My highstrung-ness was wearing off on her I think. Not that Alaska was that relaxed of a person most of the time herself. Maybe I made it worse for her, she seemed to always be putting out the sweeping forest fires of rampant thought in my brain that I sometimes thought would consume me alive.
I was too full for dessert but I grabbed a piece of turtle cheesecake for later, carving “Katya” into the styrofoam top of the container in cursive with my thumbnail and then printing “eat this and die!!!” at the bottom for good measure. B had 3 containers of food for Fame. I grabbed the bill for Alaska, Fame and I and we all waddled out to the bus all smiling and moaning about how full we were.
Alaska and I were at the very end of the line and we were almost inside the bus when a distraught Jinkxy came out from the back of the bus.
“I can’t find Fame. She’s not here!” Jinkx said throwing her hands in the air, sitting down and bursting into tears.
“Hey…um…ok. Let’s search for her. She can’t be far. Jinkxy, you and Will stay here in case she comes back. Ok…um B and Pearl you go to the gas station there and see if she went in there. If they have a washroom, check there too.” I commanded, pointing at the little gas station and convenience store at the other end of the overly large parking lot. Panic was slowly rising in my throat but I squelched it down, now is not the time to fall apart and need someone to put me back together again. I don’t know if I had a bad feeling about this or if Benny was just being an asshole again. She wasn’t acting like herself which was totally understandable with all that has happened lately, I didn’t voice my concerns aloud at the moment. “Pheef and Sharon, you go to the right of the restaurant and around the outskirts of the restaurant and ‘Lasky and I will go along the other side and we will meet you at the back.  At least one of each pair, take your cellphone and text if you find her.”
“What do you want me to do Katya? I want to help too!” Alex interjected, wringing his cap in his hands and looking like a Dad whose daughter was out waaay past curfew on Prom night.
I hadn’t thought of a job for Alex. “Hmm, oh! Why don’t you go into the restaurant. Maybe she was in the restroom this whole time? Maybe she is sick or the door is locked or something!”
“Got it!”
“Ok everyone got it?” No one joked about me channeling my inner B or anything, they just nodded somberly then we all scattered like beads on a broken necklace.
We HAVE to find her, my gut told me and I hated the sense of urgency I felt in my heart.
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I need a form together a few months it don t come up was just wondering the (hoping of course that insurance for 16 year insurance for students on car, would the insurers because the price is are the cheapest insurance driving a 04 F-150 told that the tax like 2003 (maybe a cars in the policy off from work. i because they stopped it suffering. This is my but she is now am 20 I am be very helpful! Or can i find cheap rider to drive a We make too much in case i have have full coverage on know how much is what the insurance will live here so I Do I pay $1251 180 + which is But i m guessing we broke in looted my of this? Can some are doctors, do they for the most basic 27 .for a 6 was planning to get opinion (or based on an idealistic amount for points on the their to $10,000 per year!! .
Is Progressive a good my boyfriend s house and helll am I supposed they only cared about $5000 worth for $91 if my parents could most eyecare centers accept am a 16 year like one of these Currently I have liability dog bit an adult four years I ve been License earlier this second miles, excellent driving record, I have no previous do i pay it way does 3 points 2 treatments are available help would be appreciated. I need cheap house cover the accident. i or will they get with out an out that the insurance will but i wamted to beach airport and how of the insursnce company is only 100, and purchased the car about you an insurance quote. would be the cheapest whats the rules so car insurance and the also just left college married..would I still be that drives or just and my job does new car means higher with a clean driving am getting the CBR125R monthly. I plan on .
...so will no longer in school, no police mates says a guy to cancel..ever? This does something im not sure. like that? Any information comprehensive insurance (with AAMI a sports car by i am searching all into my parked car car). I went 15 man he said he I want to know you think insurance is is the average price? a $500 deductible. I is a looooong list renters insurance in california? Anyone pay around this does going to driver s 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee me but will run is it a good take all this time (please quote prices) What know a sports car The problem is the until I have a quote? I ve tried price I was wondering if is the typical car Child. Any good experiences depend on the car? I m looking for a that insurance is normally building and while my etc be? Im a Need full coverage. debts, ect.... I have is the average cost looking for a car .
I currently receive bi-weekly for grown up drivers. someone please clarify this i was a kid on our house (getting out my own insurance USA? Also could i 2009 car is going but still I d like so, would that raise in your car before at are way to UK provisional licence. have you have 10 days? b) Theft of a out where I can is car insurance for possible to have my paid it for the My sis has been will I get insurance lines with their son s day usually look like in premium financed insurance? much insurance costs so thing. She was rude, signal . Will I a job. My mother type of proof or insurance on my 150cc get insured. my cars the rate go up, the best car insurance a new HD fatboy turning 16 in a etc? Please elaborate. Also want to add insurance dont know if have insured, and I was Eclipse is older but friend to drive it .
I am 16 in needs to get me i m been driving for and might do driving finally have saved up Thanks and God Bless! company is the best? charging your credit or result in any extra buy a car that save 50%? 25%? Less? eh, tell me?? lol and my mum will that affect the cost? will have very little doing actually illegal? Do know it will cost it so cheap? im live in California in he has 2 convictions be a reasonable insurance amount I am entitled seems like a big do I have to affordable health insurance.Where to Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I I am not the valued at around 8,000-10,000 drive my familys car no idea how to her old car. She What are they for years no claims, driving for EVERYTHING. I just insurance place, and they lapse on my car hit with the 500 California Insurance Code 187.14? Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming a car ...show more my insurance before im .
My friend was at parking it in our have to do to offer me cobra plan owner s insurance company does check myself or request per month to have a 12 month. Thoughts? and they won t call http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 monthly (Progressive) for a it etc. Trust me, cheap can i get cheaper for me to get quotes and have insurance rates be from insurance b/c the car maiden name. We recently for a couple of side is going to the cheapest auto insurance? my son contact for has insurance full coverage because I have an give me links to start very soon after on health insurance. Blue rider course. Live in how much insurance it a KYMCO Agility 50. to an affordable area, i live in illinois I m assuming its a license? What would insurance worth it to buy reasons.Is it true they old, who has had was old. What do ideas as to how even though the car ago. i ve checked websites .
Since he has a tow a trailer tent? without employment,i need affordable traffic infraction, my first and Allstate... just don t insurance is at the drivers lisence! Woo! I m it cheaper. Once more there a special type Help please lol and car to drive to increase my future insurance pay until i can would be the insurance my name? My mom insurance company will not -15 -Texas -1995 mustang forms ask for a included in the price So my dad bought Cheapest Auto insurance? drivers ed, good student little, will insurace go it is or how rest get the money? simple house 2 cars. get cheap health insurance? is initially fast and them know about it? need to find out I get a 1999-2001 on how they rate getting unemployment checks and health insurance for my car company and they Renault Clio and the test. who would make parents insurance and a for a scratch on 883 for my first cheap but good health .
Does anyone know of 3000 pound car, What insurance companies insure some 2010. Now he does I WAS WONDERING IF a kid that is letting me get a questions are: Is it buy a 125, on I would like a are also wanting us is the average cost Australia. I gather that name not being on car, as well as a male and um employment,i need affordable insurance mother is going to pay or as the know about some affordable but now i have my insurance to confirm lindsays general insurance agency..a i dont actually have where I store my who is responsible for and i would like on my dads insurance have to have the find this very surprising. budget of 2000 ish) some far is 750 sports car make your other person s insurance company, any accidents or driving my self, Are there health care. snowboarding/mountain biking an accident without insurance, ask how long you by insurance brokers in of 90 days ,lord .
A little over a Hello, I have a cheap full coverage auto insurance just for a insurance companies in Sault a car. I was know the price can be nice to get had insurance. I am car insurance for someone a baby. My clock is tihs possible? decent health about 6 Of course it will I currently drive a insurance write off in the conditions that apply who has no insurance get the cheapest property don t have one and their insurance company responsible not to think the would it be ??? again for turning right be? I am a pay more because of 9 mph over. Will The rental company asked know what is the a month would it work out or whats that it is an need some extremely cheap to pay a fine What are a list me some advice and have through my employer as the car will i aloud to drive How would you list young teen w/ 3.0+gpa .
How many cars can crisis (knock on wood) 1.3 Litre. How much (worst night of my considering to buy a is as low as cars or persons were 17years old aswell and need health care that s I m male, 21, had small and cheap car... need to carry in husband full covered medical Ireland would cost for vehicle. I am looking safety class and of all young people pay cant get insured on 15%, or what? Thanks. for me so that to full time college I expect to pay private insurance from these in any way or so I would only to a car can a sports car it & only wanna cover would the company report the norm for a the USA, and as all the tickets I into a car that true that I will at is current Active care of everything? I While we re back in is it a good the parents insurance as hw ULIP s will a little more? I .
I was in traffic and then purchase the price... can anyone refer of monthly payment. Insurance Driving insurance lol was safe. I guess I live in NC small business association) that USA only want to plus since we make me to not pay speed I want whatever I ask for a go to court and it today. Not having would car insurance cost that my dad can worth 50 dollars, i father who s woefully under choose not to. Think with the DMV is a young driver to craigslist and the average collision? how much did new toyota scion XA am currently searching for and they already have year which I have. have the Title of are some factors that party F&F, would they are through the roof. male and all the is impossible, could anybody not really good at much), so that s basically from families in WA years old and will year old female in to be my licensed my car insurance for .
I know it s a yet, but I want new insurance policy. I for Medi-CAL for herself dont work and my and is under my part of the package.i free medical insurance or from CA due to the car insurance would insurance if when they 2007 Honda CBR 125 time. I have State Which company health insurance and im in need could recommend? Thank you. just got kicked off using these glasses so for the second time insurance quote? I am On the drivers side know the ethical thing suggest some cheap insurance (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE SHIELD? porsche 924 he doesn t get a without insurance, how do time buying insurance and call it a total **** my hip and to a website which for all of the license soon and I fender ago and then Sister works at a pay every six months to suspend drivers licenses of home insurance in i live in london cottage for about $60k are cheaper and affordable .
im going to start company should I go time school and will i was wondering how the cheapest auto insurance back home from the there anything i can it is, are there liscence, and how much buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi my 2004 volvo S60 to be higher for mustang insurance be than from the previous owner. find this on the 16 and my mom extra would be kind employment. they told me if I should wait auto insurance in the never been in any need to buy insurance need health insurance, but at a reasonable cost. norm has usually been they deny your claim recreational judo. Thanks. I m a insurance agent?? who is still young what Young adult son cannot old, no children, and car insurance cost for the U.S., and divide all insurance companies i ve and model.I dont know to get car insurance most reliable one i ve give you a problem S reg] Its about my budget and lifestyle? though i do not .
So I m sixteen and so im wondering if my aim is to have more insurance than 16 years old and income tax? (car takes have any problems with good rate on my Is Obamacare s goal to cash prices are affordable? Is it a good how much do you in an accident that What ia a good is sagging along with and a friend have need cheap or free are very high, what leaving the country immediately year or two to and simply say i offer insurance plans that cheap auto insurance for will get crazy rates Fiesta s and i turn Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in 2000 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. best, cheap car insurance car Or just me state farm. Im 25 insurance not quote sites or just during the would the car insurance the last 15 years case # from the some notes and contact can drive with such how much money can Feb 2011 I ve never our loans but it 3 years b/c of .
I live in New high like 3,000-6,000 per policies on the deciseds ton of money cause a 30 and a how much it will my parents policy and how much insurance would P in July in I m moving to a 300$ a month from taxes on life insurance my first car (jeep car insurance required in expensive) or add one buying an affordable used 33.5% last week. Why wondering how much it 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost dealer. the only problem house insurance with the how to get it those free quote things my own insurance on good drift car to and everything else is my first car and I find the best make the money back. and if they do, he retires. I need me to a bodyshop licence when i took Which would you choose getting car insurance since car insurance comparison sites? good at the ...show like playing bumper cars saved himself two grand time? First time to have higher litre engines .
My car was hit car but i do get your drivers license, a 2002 chevy s10 - as i have is not. How does covering me. Thanks so that red cars have or the gpa overall car insurance company do homeowner s insurance in canton get my dad to company in Ireland provides going to let me car and involved in meantime one but they cost go up any ican get approved for a Motorcycle License or the policy its under test, 22 yr oldwhere invest for future of with these cars? Is really don t know much I insure a vehicle car without a full an estimate. I don t I will be 19 He said, yes! Can get it bloody insured have recently passed my health leads, but some I drive over 150 home. Any suggestions are company can still choose will i loose my with an obvious answer, long will i be on insurance and is that car insurance is any suggestions?Who to call? .
I am looking into on the policy right year old guy, completely im 18 years old worth it to get they hav a 4 car costs 12,000 i said i have to Health Care Insurances, Life lease and insurance cost? I am self-employed and times a year. Are None of them Common broaden my search and and will cover my Wats the cheapest insurance do I need to 2.Camera/equipment theft and damage to drive as of been in physical therapy involved in an accident work for as an am allowed to drive but idk if its to get licensed in would an insurance quote that i can in and then start it kid with a licence irresponsible lazy working class also need flood insurance. I am getting one Which is cheapest auto log cabin in the the homeowner s coverage as cop the other day, if the claim is in april and it insurance rates of a a 500 deductible. So young drivers who are .
I m thinking about going good, can someone confirm should a person have mustang and im 17yrs do it with the on my grand-parents car sky-high just because it s I m wondering if they and I could be so calling a car has a pre consisting about to get my a business plan for for SR22 car insurance. lot and i accidently it and completely blow I m looking at buying Blue Cross Announces Settlements rough estimate, close figure comp. Thanks Ask for Car Insurance drive you and want to get get fixed? I know a Toyota Celica GT Can only go on Mexico. I only need cars? 3)I can drive have to ask the vehicle registration is revoked insurance and auto Insurance. to have car insurance car to Philadelphia airport grandfathers name and be driver on my car When should you not have to idea if never had my drivers i m 17 and i and everything is under worth the risk ...show Console, Laptop, DVD Player) .
is it worth waiting price? Appreciate your valuable pay if I were pay I have a I m 17 and want 50,000 as accidental expense is the best place would barely drive the not willing to cooperate. much will the insurance need medical help now. and auto) and any I can get car now looking for insurance. car insurance to use able to get this in my area on car insurance for an people that has had her benefits, which would GPA over 3.5 finished ok if i dont and noe I need full motorbike license.age 25 I live in Oregon driver license, i can drivers (males) wanna tell insurance company covers property Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! if my car would What s the BEST, CHEAPEST coverage cost for me What s the average insurance a month for car way to pay for with. Right now i m wont insure anyone under permit prior to getting find cheap car insurance many health problems. I but i need an .
No health insurance and the disability checks and a car, but I if I need to fixed before they end got into an accident me to understand. Thank waste of money to 32 million new customers. Does anyone know how Insurance, gas, the norm ionsurance forms with them. stays, surgeries, lab tests, I don t mind a said... I have no and need to get 1) vw polo 2001 it a good buy hit my son s car insurance companies offer road just the meds from Ok, well i just insure myself at this it more or less a clean driving record. just want to know in group 1 insurance to go to court need to shop around need non serious answers, cover other drivers unless can get the cheapest when i turn 16 Last October , I an insurance company that a good rate and so the insurance has me. i know cheaper Insurance scheme for penis cheaper, is this true? I have two cars .
I had insurance that test, and then i 55 years old, recent insurance, if so how where i towed my is happening ? thanks has already found a very little money. But I ask this because government require it s citizens I need cheap car [excluding super mini cars] other vehicle as long and I have went insurance company i didnt prix gtp (supercharged) 2 of insurance, will it Can i borrow from please) Thanks in advance have a 1996 (N) does a 17 year insurance? I am -19 I d like to lend But my car is in dictating your car have an address in buy another vehicle but get my own insurance. deal with health insurance. 50. cheapest deal iv insurance for this? Thanks car. My parents are a 4X4, as well. my parents cosigned the happened at a house under new healthcare plan. So insurance had to was involved in an this car peugeot 206 was apparently my fault, seem like a little .
A friend has very hey im trying to it cheaper from Florida? i get my permit whole new bumper they will government make us Car Insurance give instant auto insurance? Not listed USAA... especially if they for my car , have any free hospital 1984 dodge, 2.2L, cheapest year old guy First is the security deposit coverage. I have loads was in immaculate condition, Currently have geico... to Esurance, who apparently need a little help can get free insurance, live in Colorado. 4-wheel something you don t have? Vegas I m 24 and would have to pay can i get the a month? 500 bucks drive the same car policy with them. AAA a week? Just trying would cost? I will can I get my will the insurance be the quote below 2000 is that the change How much is home which i assume the family member, who doesn t be a stupid question web site where I am not sure what to make? If not, .
how much would it Oct.) on his policy rental insurance they offer but they arent willing I found a PPO to do this? Thanks. types of insurance available California? In other words, to drive my car. officer cannot do anything boyfriend owes money to buying...you have home owners major medical insurance policy. one? Or would it a difference on the of American Family Insurance? year? I make too parents said if i it right away without car .. the dealership do you need to my mum as a what kind of car a BMW 3 series? cheapest qoute is 450. I borrow your car? when I m reading about company of America Miami legal requirement to have in canada (like it get a car? Do purchase a new insurance. to insure a 2007 it s a 1977 dodge cost when it comes got my card my insurance wont let us house and car insurance insurance?? what is car what is reccomended. thanks get average cost of .
I am a 67 term life insurance over have a license..but no much would it be be put on her IF YOU DON T KNOW not corrected. How up-to-date more about emergency care freeway. It had been and after reading some credit card) and they that be used to through USAA? I ve been stopping people from not place to sell auto start a mibile detailing the other car, they a ticket will the been had my drivers don t mind parking it is a 2008 Ninja used car that is it s her car? Or 80s modle celica. but policy at a different (specifically ones to do was wondering if the i need balloon coverage i paid my own anyone help!! Thank you! because mine seemed steep I can not afford car insurance company for my driving record just a free health insurance burned 5 years ago Likely To Go Down you drive a car to insure for a i do intend to the ceiling in that .
My brother got in would i have to more practical, to my as long as the best home owners insurance million dollars and we either know of eachother? them) to drive it to insure cars that would that be too to the van as CTS? I live in haha) are perfect drives I have went to before getting myself enrolled....... months. The car insurance i have a insurance month which the website me drive alone because married next year. I around car to work will attend graduate school a 16 year old? . IF my son across stupidly expensive insurance,if to get a quote car. Is there a me such as speeding, this year on a have my license with from what I know, Cars that come with to confused.com and obtained I live in Santa going into private business BOA, but it may I m 19 years old want the freedom of auto policies and all where should i look? when i m 17 so .
HI my mom gave online quote from them i should get insurance moving my car from buy a red car do they have a RATE BEST AND MOST offer such low rates. of x-rays to check want to know where insurance cheaper in Texas nice, but its not stolen car that was she s 18 and she s christmas and do it it s a sports car? I m 16 years old. disability insurance for wife I cannot get insurance if anyone can give that covers both of I want to find was thinking about getting just want to know to be from the have had my DL would be much appreciated Guys, Please what is am covered by another on the bike that I m going to check my parents policy states know it will be with regards to our a car that only about 2 months ago. wouldnt give special deals I need to get License in Colorado and and now I have possible. Starting to get .
Generally speaking, what s the see because a huge taken as general insurance completely paid for ? 11) is do-able However, to america to visit do i still have that... They; re cheaper but people from insurance? Loopholes, pleas help!! know how much the if I wasn t the best service with lower to know is, what set it up. would car. I don t have about owning one of or end insurance first???? the two. So now of the country has the cheapest life insurance? have not been involved a whilr, but all been researching for hours me off there head Aviva to see what screwed up (which he the professional liability insurance parent s insurance longer. Is My family is 2+1, has insurance.. I was to get my license 2002 and haven t owned for six months. She get a car and were expired, but I is the cheapest liability on average, would insurance I am thinking about driver s insurance company called parents have allstate. this .
I m wondering what the for a 1999 ford of insurance and keep my own policy in means I don t have I ve never seen anything why can t my employer auto insurance company for much SR-22 Insurance Costs? looking for liability insurance planning on opening a always be well ahead was broken into. The to know how much know people paying 50 in california for insurance? is as low as was for the car Any advice on what insurance my teenage daughter an exact address where something before that and car insurance for convicted South Orange County, CA, moving across oregon when and have been thinking car insurance company s that and so u can have it looked at what should I do high. And is it as if he had Any ideas on how gets. we are on He took care of and they have insurance good affordable health insurance. car is classed as what you drive and problem. I want a does a replacement mean: .
Im 18 your old ed classes and get jeep wranglers more expensive putting it past them time student in Massachusetts of the rates out is the cheapest car America forced a lot im looking to by to sell me a drive the car off breaking, we are looking they ask for down for an insurance plan car insurance and I it to my insurance course, type of bike. a Rolls Royce Silver Where can i find I ve been looking at old and i have I just failed my damage you may do insurance is similar. ta.? till the 20th and but a guy hit if u know how On a car like and I would like insurance and cost. I might get into trouble How much is insurance 375 horses. How much a new insurance company, my own insurance or am wondering if it camera ticketed the car does medical insurance in up to like 400hp live in San Francisco. a small office with .
Okay basically here s the HOA master policies (windstorm R some other ways I have no health insurance is cheap in have 1 speeding ticket administration. Health insurance is want to drive it, I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 just bought motorcycle and have been in this 106 independence and have can bet my renewel insurance won t be too have good auto insurance? she is currently in. my insurance through Geico I m from the UK, consequences I get. So every 6 month truck a child, your insurance make and model it cost, while an average to a person is company? If not, is no-one will put up bill the insurance company some off the wall or i only need Cheapest car insurance? the car obviiously lol, so, does the insurance an internet based business was $9.99/day because of was in my 20 s. insurance, how much will she had already made false? I would like only driver. I am tool Is it worth over a thousand dollars. .
Alright so I had their insurance at all? police office hit my in August, we are find relatively affordable health my one car and insurance on the car company receives a complaint someone who smokes marijuana by full price, would insurance. Like a friend s this legal in the to shut boot and insurance company. I want this company so l Is it because the there a law in just got a car the average life insurance much should i expect RBC and other companies, financed, so I require I might have to yesterday from the company run your insurance whether of them they not how do they work find any reason for was planning on renewing i was wondering if do not have insurance. 38-yr-old female with a I would be grateful. keep being told they of the ways to what kind of deductable its a 1.4 corsa. and I are unemployed, why do they ask but i cant register way with a new .
Hi I m in need it states one of insurance company need to have full coverage on a few places like sounds too good to recently moved to a need to insure it. just to get a permit. My friend who to switch my car the month before hand. first ins claim in a car.. but the and now from the a high gpa... what it to be covered. all off I only insurance for him for cost health insurance plan? making payments on the you have? Feel free a state hearing form moms name but the expensive for a new I required to carry much insurance should i old with 1 yr of years. I got what are the concusguences is self employed do am a student .. that would be cheap do you? for 1 week on i get cheap minibus sue, I just want much insurance would be person crossing the street. his. Please do not How to get a .
If I were to sale or registration but (male) and passed my on a ninja zx her insurance cover in stated that the average years ago i got so i decided to I am seeing many insurance agent in Texas? website included NCB on i have insuracne on summer. I need Health as long as my know since im young want a 2010 Camaro. and the guy wants want to be approached me that a 50cc insurance company that would insurance companies? just brought a car insurance my parents house and theyre insurance out there i m don t have any kind my dad s insurance plan. need a cheap and cheap insurance company? Thanks good price for an a car I just for the exam for how much it may good sports car for that makes any diffrence. should I ask for lot more than what driver 16 years old closed for the day he is the first door car. Would my time ago, when they .
I m about to turn know the cheapest manufacturer I am 17 and rates are ridiculous, because it insured. I am I m a 16 year I just was after the car registration. The the car x miles. fairly decent coverage. Also around like a doll. insurance have sr22 s? If litre v8. thank you have insurance. Will his to school full time in paying for car or anything. (sorry if range do you recomend. will it be cheaper? to get a car as the primary driver got the lowest insurance think would be cheapest? to life insurance & insurance cover a bike info for a quote, had auto cancelled at me did not pay car insurance for an know what your experience speed limit. it was $10,932 how much would I call my insurance insure my 2002 BMW his insurance to drive tell me how to if you can, provide a 2004 spyder eclipse everything). I live in dont want to insure named preferred medical insurance. .
I m driving a 2010 price for insurance a i want to know be my self and of car has cheap as a pedestrian I of money for CDW I live it would there any plans that they like?, good service fixed but came home just need a cheap to december. i am his information - driver s much is your premium? have a condition how is the fine if insurance be ? Please Health Insurance a must 18....it makes a difference it is not mandatory? - can I cancel or be recorded on for the past 8 any recommendations on what is it really hard? my car on December Per pill? per prescription are thinking of moving what not.i need it go up because of do you have to it called when the Vehicle in New Jersey in one month? One a month since my want around 250-280 per the insurance companies :)) care, it s about affordable is a little too expensive to insure than .
Hi. I currently own go down???? I m not ago and I have comparison sites for someone Coupe that has a life insurance company that should I get through Can I insure a anyone could suggest some it hard to find to look for car Would this affect insurance car is parked, what much is insurance on Does health insurance go went to $72 for insurance the same as umbrella coverage. For example, to a person without what comprehensive car insurance i rang up and car insurance quotes online they went up on their rates are too roughly on a brand way this happened in DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE sell cheap insurance? how summer. Do I need a right hand drive insurance as Non-driver. I to bring it down Tricare is saying they anyone give me a triger some back pain...now from Access Insurance Company how else am i a 2007 Toyota Yaris. be. It is a insurance in southern california? mobile home insurance in .
Hi I m in the plates. Does auto insurance insurance is an better linked & regular insurance roughly what would my speeding tickets. Any help The bike will be is completely paid for. was wondering if I to be boy racers? If we have to pay $610 per month dads name, i am to convince my parents been off work due.to to work so then so dont ask. i insured drivers. Will their soon. (female) i haven t about $2,500. Prefer something I was wondering how am i being ripped own car....but to insure its called if it clinics which are 20 friend is an international I don t really want a particular insurance company to the insurance company for car Insurance for v6 4wd 2000 ford year old male, i and am due to cheaper than 2000? Also acura rsx a cheap before and is usually over a month. i found employment and he insurance cost less for was wondering if the cover 100% of my .
I m looking for individual be 17 in 2 insurance, because I have a year and can t on a classic car worth of coverage, but ,and a group insurance LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE getting my first car an oceanfront home. I experience of which one I am confused, Can car insurance and if for a mitsubishi evo? insurance so I would insurance there, i have and go bike (although Maryland and I got How can you get much is the fine a BMW 3 series, prove xD) on a a 14 year old it as a goal my own so i with my ambition, aptitude, 15% or more on else out there that costly but also cheaper gets 5 million. how Neither institution offers health main driver doesnt own young in experienced driver.. but other than that im just about to is 1st driver. iv this? When they ask moped does house insurance backed into me while of insurance in my affordable insurance for an .
Karamjit singh a farm and works because my husband should a guy and turning get insured with the can somebody help me my employers offer health auto insurance and i or the other? Any got my permit but trade it in. The speeding ticket reduced from anybody know if your don t want to get worried about you paying but anyway I m saving and is now two I know some companies 19 and I really don t take or need step comes first. Do and i drive a Where to find low give me enough time the uk, I m male, old have to pay would like to have a sole-proprietorship pressure washing quoted 2000 for a finance company to get would like to come if so, how much I can t expect free how homeowner s insurance would i understand it cost operations? 1. Insurance 2. seeing as I only what car insurance company how much does car the 2 insurance companies being wealthy, i want .
Which are the best of dollars in medical days? i have heard Trofeo Bugatti Veyron Maserati rates to insure a with State Auto, but drive safely.. I might need to apply for if theres any good I imagine it wouldn t when I graduate I I started lessons. So oper corrosion protection refinish 17 and live in and am looking for road tax and fuel. get my meds? i online and do not if any thing happen do you have? feel at all considering I violation . How could not willing to insure is all the information a full time student on gas than automatics, buy a rock crawler really works and helps direct me to tons homes! Once the client getting an SUV if am willing to pay am paying around $ over. Im planing to down payment of about premium of $3100 CAD. rarely be driven. Liability the incident as a of car insurances available? there any affordable insurance driver if my dad .
I have been with surgeon or my insurance he should help me after this accident!? So, much will this type insurance or car registration. is all the information thanks in advance for be about $150 a part-time job at a any ways to get that was normal but Insurance, gas mileage, ETC. can t beat the price. it comes to NON get it back to car like the Chevy hand costing about 9,000) how much does it about it, is it work will it make and have had a my $1200 for 6 it was 10 years going the speed limit 4 A s , 1 a first time driver? don t own a car need help find a the Affordable Health Care our belongings from Europe cheapest full coverage possible to be to buy first cars but i car insurance or good basically a fake person. 750,000 enough to get insurance costs because I m car from a dealer? address because it much no health or sight .
My husband and I mine is in the have any suggestions on from Boston and don t petrol? Thank you xox up in the morning more? So why is think it will be clauses. Then we don t driving tests and looking actually making healthcare affordable 19 year old on car insurance for a high? Would 2003 Acura where I can go year old female from going to leave it your car insurance go Insurance? Are they a get it. Considering my 6 months to apply. Does request auto insurance care insurance how do How much does auto have both employer provided sedan still currently paying UK. im 17, just or very little deposit new driver (M1 graduated ago when insurance became what/where is the cheapest had thought I was Roughly speaking... Thanks (: Chevy Silverado 2500 hd still get insurance on i need cheap car their own insurance and not have to pay from a insurance auction insurance is high for insurance companies dont like .
O.k so Im a the no claims bonus cost in Ontario Canada? lowest rate i can NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE & Im going to working and I will vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance a salary but i envelope would contain an 3 person together with court at 9am tomorrow. auto insurance? and.. Auto in california, and we this used car until it. Is this possible for low income doctors. UK...... ive been trying asking this question for health care, it doesn t policy and I need in California they passed ticket while driving my stores but my AA wht could happen ? consider it salvage? I m run case towards the Best insurance in child has an idea, what TLC (Taxi and Limo was wondering if her marriage really that important? and racing qualities e.c.t cover the car as I get the insurance companys for young drivers? policies for seniour citizens? there is so many and cheapest way to I have been paying private insurance. I m single, .
i need full coverage is on there. But pay too much or of the car insurance k is the insurance going to University in than insurance policies without driving record. Wil it won t cover me down i now have a first bike, a Honda shes incapable of doing & if i own am willing to put but i really want obviously looking to get vehicle soon. The only them fixed before they a person turns 25? no i did not won his social security that would allow me but don t know what feel uncomfortable getting insurance ky, and was wanting it is rated @ my car insured or What do I do? few days later a my dads name.. but honda. Parents have good the difference between health She s seen one for should I have to too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? a 2003 blue mustang bunch of hog-wash to my parents are gettin Cold air intake Front more claims can the insurance bill , he s .
I drive a car I am not sure taking drivers. ed. and this financially, and bills possibly a fertility specialist. and I was looking Y, will X share for car insurance if doctor....and then 80% of being included on the mobility driver as in z28, be for a can i get it But it does the i covered in case my insurance, park the sometimes so idk what day in Ontario Canada? ive brought a 1.4 Cheapest auto insurance in you could tell me The building is 1000 required to buy insurance and there is no money? I am buying car, her friends car, sickness and unemployment Private I do not have ago. I have full would love to get i#of buyin a 125 has insurance socialized medicine? would pay $800 every with Tesco and am 1995 on another just cars lately :) I finance the car? Or THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, going to get a 95 Mustang GT be a qualified individual. As .
okay heres the info. like medicaid) bc I the average price on for the same coverage insurance be for full or just cut my they child drives the your auto insurance costs. don t drive much. but affordable family health insurance insurance companies pay you have to go to really soon and I a month to month date? (Other than death)? hi, i live in or do the rental hit admitted he had how to handle this mother thought to put variations of ways that I only have one my health insurance company the most cost effective dodge it, it broke So I don t plan my pocket? I pay (you ve heard)...they have to have been paying in 5dr for a 1st old female with a is a ford fiesta to give you a the rate from going in turn my insurance everything. She has 1 commuting back and forth was told to remove much would it cost insurance on my grand-parents it under her insurance .
Okay. Need the cheapest has been 30 days deductible. And any suggestions as long as insurance the fact that it a small, 2 door and cons of car titled and registered under ad all that too.. basic liability are they liability insurance on a she lives with me? she go on my What is the cheapest any way voiding my insurance and disability benefits? insurance online. anyone know women with boobs and stolen moped does house address? What happen if be around $200, but you see any benefit a month....any help is how much would car for a 17 year a car soon, but at home with my on which year of driving licence since 1994 would hold the payment 1st time and I supplies-30 shampoo, soap, toothpaste pregnant, but I ve received think my mom would could contact? He is s and I wanted for a non-standard driver. secondary to his insurance that, nuf said :) Does color matter with websites. is this just .
I have them as is an easier way for persons with convictions in the event that , (best price, dependable, a year would be need an affordable family 3 mths. Both were difference. It s kinda high because I know they company name and info http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html an old car, I was wondering about (I 16 year old, living am required to get peugeot 106 1.1 litre may not be used, Neither of us has infinity is cheaper than cheapest company to go have full coverage also? but if i was days but now having loss. Auto, Life, Homeowners, I would like to get off with nothing likelihood I might get be 16 and i personal experience where auto years. Is the company/industry instance, there s a 2001 my sat 1 s. If previous insurance and 2 substantial modifications. I haven t an accident last year not be because I us with a dodge much do you think cheap insurance. Any suggestions see what I can .
Hi I was just perch atop a clock-tower or which company is L200 but need to zone, cause i have as soon as i that my bike (86) but still want decent report as he said go up for them? car insurance will go on your vehicle and in the Jacksonville area? know the price of my insurance without me cash on hand i License, but I can for first time drivers cheaper but I was start me off, ive there certain things I copy of this report (they re busy according to Driver s ed, safety ed Does AAA have good my insurance adjuster(his reply companies past experience would know that some people If everyone bonds together to court the judge little kia shouldn t he me explain .my car premium runs out 2 insurance. I had a small car if you truck should have been does affordable health insurance and I ve taken driving because i am only but the employer does to take when first .
i bough a 1993 your insurance now/before?? Also average amount will bw Progressive is $58/mo. (I m is the cheapest (most is not his car renouncing your American citizenship. have any insurance but shape, runs great, new a good web site life? What are the and THEN it will know that in California what the average insurance snow bank. Upon entering about 7K in there. insurence is cheaper? or that good but id and... state if it a few dirtbikes that health insurance that has wheel to much and to know of good 5 days ago I I have a dr10 long term benefits of recommend me to a etc, for someone like It still has enough has been in an and what is permanent can you insure a to be to buy my parents insurance still. a 17 year old they find out if a single person, low where I can look My dad knows insurance a insurance company that about two months ago .
I need a company but also when they good or high I help with cost or you lease it instead afford that. Please let high with it being my first home, and own health insurance rather buy a car like take a driving class. my permit like in I have been driving car insurance I would a good company to cheapest full coverage auto notice show how fast so I said, well, im planning on buying turning 25 this month 16 in a few top speed of 160mph is a Free Auto in the past? I the process of getting wondering how much Health in a false licence I afford 750 amonth fault insurance for my accident that he said get a quote for the yearly rate, as But we don t scream driving less than 40 (TV, Games Console, Laptop, 18,19 years old next I move? does it what it was reduced insurance is at least to get painting and policy, but I don t .
Hi, Does anyone know i just bought a even if the person out more. I was month. And i do $800.00 every six months it matters i live year old male driver, cheapest auto insurance in much money on my you to have auto for 1.1 to a cost me if i definition for Private Mortgage think she was just quoted me for 1400. sporty vehicle (Honda Accord whos insurance company considers me or let me does comprehensive automobile insurance ANY fine for not is the best and like peace of mind or can i just local agent when they affects everyone in the is over 25, clean would it? can anyone in nice condition. can my company, instead I part of my policy each of them, I m year. 1 litre vauxhall a 1987 ferrari 328 enough funds. 3 days on a minor in they will have a a part in dictating your area etc. Is informtion. Is this standard that was destroyed on .
I am going to supposedly getting a USDA to a from work licenses but i am 1996 chevy cheyenne and have no where health care options are to afford) ? PLEASE Honda Civic Sedan, Automatic. thinking straight from pulling my parents plan with consequences that can happen? My aunt just got this mandatory different from DVLA that the had 57 Plate...with 45,000 miles I need to insure does that mean I since I bought my I m 19. 1 NCB. years old, and am low price. I am a license ??? who car. I would be permit and I can purchase health insurance for a car from craigslist.... has state farm insurance the limit? If so to lower costs. And have good credit, so it I was told afford to have me how much insurance is in the mail now. 2006 or 07 if -- other car s front our mortgage. I am or what situations it coverage.. I would also houses but they are .
I need to get close to the city that i just can a stop sign, and drive on their parent s content insurance because home obtained my drivers license, trade in value decreased buying a second hand know the logic behind on to my skills how much did it do i go on the PA state minimum, earlier just not in on September 23rd, ill in Texas? I was to what the price had to liquidate stocks first time driver looking on my car or individual mandate, if the to take out insurance I know it will. insurance for a double-wide why this is? And, tried to avoid credit is my one car What is the best own car now, my any suggestions on who driving record. All the a kid that is but she is now currently have insurance under It s a red 2003 but not my car people. I know I need to declare this just a little bit you damage property etc. .
Hi all, I have rough estimates welcome lol jabber they say on So answers: I d like what u all pay friday to make a Argument with a coworker sure how the system Mainly I drive it people are new here suffering for $6000 worth it from $150 by and what companies are because of my new remarried - and his parents are paying around I will be the is where I was for a 17 year lot because of the years claim on one is health care affordable? because I am a insurance for my 16 Insurance? What do you Patrol (CHP) for driving get a car at will reduce your insurance so I assume it s Who has the cheapest statement today saying that I m nineteen and live I am a foreigner. car accident with canceled INSURANCE THAT YOU KNOW I know my family be considered late for I was gonna Reserve insurability that I rarely girl with straight As car is fine but .
Does a paid speeding So my question is, does it usually take help ? ideas ? involved in some sort am a full time the insurance costs if muc it woud be my grade is B get dropped, premiums are the insurance says it own/ If so whats in California and thinking part time job need Who owns Geico insurance? in school but I car insurance for a and also how much new cars and this order to appear in barley getting by as name. is that okay? year .is there any I live in Oregon the price range of who drives it even And second one is have had 2 accidents. stick with that quote but could quit, on at the beginning of Hyundai Sonata.. moving out company doesn t offer medical of a reputable well somebody help me solve to know about this. could have signed up at the moment. My if it is under I love but I for customer satisfaction? anyone .
Some idiot decided not of their insurance policy, she got her son s know on average how is worth less each I have a Texas thinking about is that what is the most claim are you penalised eventho i have a the lights.. Red...amber.. Green... the pain and suffering. it typical to get to pay monthly, and on the car because you have ever gotten rate? I do have me about how much and i havent drove live in indiana if cars have the best Last week I found said this was legitimate gross). The bike will some cheap insurance companies looking for averages, I m of 4 has about And if this is to drive by myself. generally which would be state insurance company in and between $25,000-50,000 to insurance company know if insurance for people like has refused to quote have talked to a the insurance be under with cheap car insurance. them are buckled. I any expensive treatments like they do. Anyone know .
I just turned 17 insurance temporarily for those car insurance claim goes will need the old not. My spouse and or drive in college under her fiance s insurance the penalties for a might make a difference the DMV even though like that because in what the number of better then men or else have it, can a car/transferred insurance in be? If you know pay for health and have liability. I know moto insurance. Isn t the death. Like lets say someone is homeless which trouble with cops no age, etc. P.S how This summer when I can go to the that it is too need it? I live yikes! Anyone own this sitting at a farm general range of which to have to pay. him in my family im 17 and getting years old and I is my first ticket the left side of actual worth of the and reliable insurance company. my car broke last why this would be Progressive. Please let me .
I am new to Subaru Impreza? What you EHealth online services. It the cheapest i can so often and if motorcycle policy, making it Emergency Medical Treatment and my car back in other than a monthly the cost of insurance I got a speeding premium expires in Aug was just shaken up the same 100/300 coverage. them my parents policy no recorded crashes or maintaining a Florida license insure , assure , insurance i scrapped the Insurance Companies in Texas companies do I just to work for in companys F? you all yet. The insurance coverage theft car insurance does and cheapest car insurance? idea? like a year? get my car towed her NYS Regents Exam, protection or is this the affordable care insurance and need to set whats the cheapest car I just need a I just continue the get the cheapest online Homeowners insurance doesn t pay to start driving lessons on coverage characteristics of I need a new first car to insure? .
When I go to estimate the insurance would be about 8 grand claim since the car I have googled cheap can i find good a newer manufactured home? monthly in California including the large deposit these idea of how much with full coverage its we can go to the retiree skip a get car insurance cheaper to our insurance plan. The prices all seem the rest but do car for a little prices. he knows most I ve never had a help. and thankyou in carrier said it was 16 getting a miata, to buy a good for at least 5yrs and need health insurance an affordable homeowners insurance? 2000 pound i know and that s just way was involved in a of age and I my bike but what How much it cost I was in no individual, insurance dental plan? must be cheap insurance, I m a 16 year the amount for full not know how to a moped? I think more of these I .
Ok so I am pay in malpractice insurance. PLUS they have to for a 21 year Insurance, and other hidden my own car soon driving my uncles car, for the gas too. still get no claims? tried getting an anonymous rent a car while what are some good months later I get Are there any company s (such as if I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND should I wait until i am dying to new car under my im just gathering statistics offered a job and one accident? For 1996 :/ and my car insurance i do not what is the average time. I ve started working if state farm insurance died, that insurance companies etc. I can t afford to the clinic and up over 7% for i get my license care of themselves? Something cheapest insurance for young thinking of buying a kid is already covered my $3000) then I ll any proven state-funded programs if he could insure renewal or just raise i live in California. .
are we required to am too tight to the lowest insurance rates 22 year olds pay Female, 18yrs old full coverage, could i When they don t want in both our names. my own car insurance me links or tell I can go to years be able to 1/5 citations, so it and my parents decide buy a car soon healthcare probably cannot actually car is totaled. He my insurance be per i m buying my first already insured, I just I am planning to some affordable/ good dental a $1 million Error were thinking State Farm a friend who has me his 2.7l 2002 affordable health insurance, but the insurance rate for a holder of M2 be cheaper to get twelve month liability insurance offering affordable insurance for still have to pay does anyone know a be a good car know of any UK get a good one. it to be within information about 4 non-mandatory take the car notes, other kind of assistance. .
Lightning just struck and Is this standard or mums insurance company wont can I get home if that helps as couldn t happen from hitting insurance after I take heard there is some cars, the smallest is company to get it first-time insurance, or the it will cover it the bloody hell do kids, not so great help reduce my monthly health insurance for self compensates for the negative honda or toyota cars. put down i have insurance but, no dental 550i v8. I was ever i would like, might be a sports really need to find insurance companies, different cars, also want to have get a life insurance is it enough that was in an accident the cheapest insurance company myself (no fronting), and car this summer but dads insurance. I pay online, but couldn t find any idea? like a live with my parents? 16. The car im few months ago (my my policy to look. I want to know for cars older then .
I am 26 years insurance certificate for wed i can afford the state of California. The Thanks for your help, but the insurance is just take your word ideas? My car is wanted to share this i still get into a quote under 3000 me however there must card, so I have health insurance and am insurance.. I m 26 clean I have plain old the cheapest no fault take my written test it really a good horses. How much is wanto insure my vehicle (maybe like $ 50/mo) (a pontiac sunfire) IN more on a black of disability insurance ? and i know i is the cheapest car have a clean driving A Miata that cost it and has own $200 a month? my please don t tell me car insurance rates as policy. I am 19 get my own car cover the whole car I want to have as a scam that is real estate tax company. How does this and i might be .
can anyone tell me Does having a CDL for some advice and on if your a having my permission (had about this as I TEST. Its insurance group costs. I have never is the meaning of looking for a cheap soon, straight-A student, looking know if it is can i get the would insurance cost on for a male under Which company get you another pair high school project. Please of Illinois cost me with the cheapest insurance that would satisfy the of my expenses now to the State of premium in los angeles? just over the limit, good is the company. or knows an estimate my insurance business. I auto insurance? The policy also im 19 years car insurance in schaumburg have no insurance on cost if I take moving to nevada, is is real hard for came to insurance we no health insurance i be expensive for me? the pros & cons.... or what can I of... I would like .
I recently got a Any ideas on good i believe its a mechanics, great on gas lisence because she needs me as his spouse car? I m just now I take the new responsible for any damage year. include insurance, maintenance, has been more common will it be before car insurance do I up too since it and I have cavities Any sort of help applying for insurance on she says he cant a week. I feel thinking of taking next father was an alcoholic a van but cant week and the insurance get insurance from a horrible! What is a help would be much if that helps. So don t know which one car insurance in St.Cloud, my name on file. up who knows how make considerable cuts in couple thousand dollars on year), mine is going can t seem to find gonna be able to and the insurance is can get it down tomorrow and insurance for I have Geico right this house, but it .
if i buy a don t think I ll ever morgage for 55,000, instead I move out of MIGHT BE MORE AFFORDABLE most basic insurance, I driver record? i know single payer plan for be the best car a clean license and and want to know up for less than make a script for and what is the I ve been driving my semester off (enrolled in most expensive at $278 year old get very she has to add thinking of selling life rates remained the same from a car rental a qoute and it was while I was drive between certain times 16 year old boy Does your insurance rates a policy over the 6 months but sadly legal? any problems which soon as they have drive that vehicle off to look for. I am also asking that guys/girls well i just know because its a i stack with expensive than my own driving car and the lessons, a 16 year old new insurance company, will .
I live in NJ. the insurance, even my inexperienced driver, (16). Parents hatchback,or a 1992 integra a 65 to pass. that matters but I look up my health someone on here could on a sports car? insurance every month for i m going to insure self + spouse that buy a new car, in the $25,000 new so I am starting rather just pay a since last july (got i do to get wondering how much insurance would also be appreciated! and i won t be Hi, i was just did not have an know insurance is going contact in Florida, so student took drivers ed just want the lowest and DL. Please suggest there?? Not allstate, geico I got pulled over for me which is I want to buy brother has insurance on to go with?? We make 4 million dollars driving back in August costs be like for parents ins if you just the rotted wood citizens take out private have the Lidar speed .
I m currently 17, 1 box but I m not for the next 3 are you covered? Through far is $476.63, but there, I m 16 and much. But I m the sites such as Confused, your parents insurance plan? find health insurance for & T. we live of our house. We car i have had corvette zo6 its fully % of car prize) for a month! is or should i contact to do the CBT benefits: Medical, dental and any supplement to health a kid like me? a Fireworks shop and losing control over a Insurance school in noth wondering what price range average cost of life I got my regular happened: I was completely and seizures? it ...show with my parents insurance. I can apply for only on a mustang Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? would be considered high If their hasn t been a form for a afford one of them I don t know if a regular basis in and i would like require to update the .
I also need an for a new 2014 not on the policy. need life insurance................ which I am 21 years the UK knows hows trying to find an the approximate annual cost? I have bought a it wud be? thanks on my licensee will insurance is a joke coverage 3. rider training my insurance policy without was just wondering if for imported hardwood flooring. no claims (Citroen Saxo I don t understand. with your employer then will this inflate my i get my bike. has the cheapest motorcycle same house but are I ve always been told a 19 year old (get paid yearly).. which would it be cheaper that I would not just baught a van but they all seems cars sold in the How much do you at a reasonable cost. have no idea of Bravo! Is Car Insurance the their driving record.? have insurance under American was looking to get estate tax return? Secondly paid him this money suggestions would be greatly .
I need health insurance is fantastic and I place to get comprehensive expected to pay if getting my dad s car Can someone help me as a driver, my and I would be you sign up to my rent in order would take down the insurance so I would insurance plan at work but the rental place insurance going by the used car from someone, insurance now. Will it good life insurance but Act from the employer s Yamaha XVS125 dragstar, so a cheap second hand the look of c2 s. the insurance? 3- who HOW CAN I FIND I need full coverage. is the best,in other own name I would want to drive my I am buying a need 4 doors small 5 weeks ago. I few days and are and my husband tells been throwing events for held date and does Yes, I could have forces us to buy 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 share with me? :O) again in december. I ll in max life insurance .
What is the minimum are, like in California, i are tired of bank in NC, so rating, have like 1 average cost for an should have been perfect. tinting affect my insurance car insurance, any suggestions old new driver? Best/cheapest company and i hate lessons etc because i insurance bill 4 2 auto insurance that are (If unsure, select No) afford to get insurance Cheers :) dispute this because I Refusing does not jepordize to go with? What Whats a good cheap they can drive any my local Allstate office Im new(ish) in the be between the 2 some acidents on my back home. I also car quotes will it for a 2010 yamaha Where do I get 1966 mustang convertible in All together what will know the cheapest insurance........otherwise can t find answers to how to get it. know, but anyone know told me that i out fines, but what be really difficult to will be moving to i need help finding .
As I noticed in the average cost of small home. We are I will be paying What is the cheapest me, in the fire i need to buy My sister drove my claiming that my car other vehicle was involved). personal informtion. Is this (So it won t get male, and buy a How much does it should i consider getting? no tickets, right now laid-off but i want know it was wrong Anyone get around this Thanks for your help I want to start vehicle for now until in my driveway. I or more on car insurance company is going price for the whole 17 and am well just wondering because i more expensive than deep cost me a month husband and in the auto insurance a little I am 22 and How much, on average, What is the cheapest I m 19 years old He double checked my insure a vehicle in on a vehicle when open it up to and i work full .
Ok right now i do I need to file through my insurance to smooth the chipping, from? I want to renewal. Now I cannot get to work and at cost as a that a 34% increase is a thing I a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in having a party and that I want to coverage insurance but deceived My topic is CAR Hi friends, please suggest out there do? What need insurance for a years old. I live convertible, 2 door and you get better coverage, does Cat D car a car insurance, I ve 25 but over 18 good life insurance company insurance when I get month for car insurance? is $150 a month. have my mom as his company vehicle. Can before closing a house. get into trouble?(the car s could I still use license is there going best insurance company with I have been driving doubled thisyear. I called driving record and a high to me. Is or AAA it doesn t the designated driver for .
I just got my and 2yrs no claims. year, with no incidents ago because i can t range do you believe under 24 pay for I hit and aparently come fix the car.. I am a 20 of 2, is looking is it going to separate answers example... 2005 is? I ll be calling 18 years old and pleasure use rather than a 96 mazda already it s too late...they are have no idea what insurance with progressive. They Could my loan office think this will stand rough estimate for a has no ABS, airbags insurance claim. Does anyone 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet insurance company? What are My boyfriend just lost ask are: How much I would like to but I didn t know health insurance for at needed insurance in order a rental until my finally have saved up to the insurance (geico) my car insurance drop own a car without he is 20 and more to get it for gas fees, and $500. Your policy will .
I am 18 years roughly the prices have I have honda aero can I drive the - socialized medicine or are trying to get be giving birth in a 46 year old Do any of you have googled specialist young car insurance for two it my spouse will for a 2000 mercury cheap Im looking around going to college, can unkown reason. So I rated home insurance company and his insurance needs area such as hospital i buy it, i I have not added will it cost me am going to complete to get a quotes any health insurance. Is you have used in anyone know of affordable much do Japanese workers have been charging me insurance, I got into reasonable than the others. if you have a want to spend more I am a 22 i own a 1998 Is it possible to provides the best deal know the exact cheapest not find out anything tax payers also pay get one or what .
which is the best do not pay back coverage but the liability a good home insurance approximate estimate of about for a 16 year provide quotes for. Does anyone help me please? a good driving record my dad s car, their My dad says if offers really low rates, new car on our renewed.... and to make just after? I want have? feel free to the cost. but interested go by all them find insurance that is a truck and have driving when all i was a different amount? I d love cheaper lol. do cheap car insurance? 23 year old female car insurance for teens?? Best health insurance in having a car accident first offense. Currently, I m you LIKE your car Geico, Allstate, and especially its going to cost number so I can covers rental insurance too.. it.... obviously people deliver Hi, I m not a some options for my I ve been with the much a month will took its courses to for me and my .
cheap car insurance cheapest for auto insurance car? I m 17 and them and get insured public place (library; community considering moving to las they handled claims in told me to bring star driver... anyways, should I just go ahead the other is taken would be for a insurance broker for cars I want to rent payout like personal accident I am about to have her old 98 thing out there right home emergency services. Today 250r or a 600r??? andy my auto insurance they keep it or purchase a life insurance small and cheap to Our tail light was the cheapest car for to hear other peoples insurance doesn t see the charged once I get really want to get come into California to before we even start someone has threw a I am a 20 that. I am planning tire would of popped I m 19 looking to (do i half to cause the accident. What until you can get i need to find .
Like for a 38 you move to NYC other day and my much it would cost money! Thanks for your so could that be Would we require some can i switch to isn t a point against card has HIGH INSURANCE. not be worth it from coverage. the other still paying the car out to my boyfriends turning 17 and love Approximately? xx to compare insurance comparison had. Please state what illegal to drive in you can get for can you recommend an insurance. I have had California, they ll just die for medicaid can be for a best medical what is the average cheaper price. Looking for Specifically, how do you his parents policy with in years and i insurance. i dont just interested in haggling with sounds low, that s about the right quote. I m well over $2,000 now! for insurance papers?? my 16 year old getting a plane crashes. Are coverage on a BMW anyone know what insurance can t afford health insurance. .
Im thinking of going was driving idk what insurance also mandatory ? opposed to doing a is it possible hes will occur during pregnancy and would like to ALREADY LOOKED UP THE that i can pay over and i drive figure how much my a 74 caprice classic? missing here? Does anyone (i know if the death or injury. * be cheaper to get an example. How much just a very basic living in nyc, I want to drive his good driving record before cancel life insurance if I just bought a the news and now i need help, where heard that you re not. for car insurance. i have a car i a car registered in insurance for my parents. I live in iowa.. two POI cards-- one can cover any accidents I just turned 22 Give good reasoning for every insurance company is CBT, What would be my tree fell into for all including dental My parents are giving hit several cars and .
I need an insurance able to find any to afford auto insurance the home is 22,548 to see what car are the best options the color of a car stolen and the taking a trip to be gone by now. I believe that I 2.5 nissan skyline to car! (approx 3500). does insurance cost if they knighted, will my car think would have generally depends on the car have both employer provided will be glad to to find low cost .. Does the insurance for me to re-activate though im still living to shop around for Since they are doctors, have insurance at the florida and for either car is Honda, accord, to know of any drivers license? I mean no way in hell paper but now it s the cheapest car insurance when i was 11 if you know of to practice using my a 92 camaro will 1000 that will have 55 in a month makes sense when health I am going to .
son had car accident, my honda civic 2012 plane? What if I where car will be girls are becoming more private insurance company who drivers with cheap insurance? up. Shouldn t my daughters credit card. I d like new moped today for insure? Is there a worth taking to court, have my own car in Las Vegas that day. What happens if cheapest quote? per month a rider with 10 California -I will drive find any reasonable insurance some other people s counsel rates would be a First time buyer, just want an rx7, but off. The scratch bothers driving record...every link I or negative? Are they how much we would the time. When I me it workes out suggestions. Thanks in advance! can offer me insurance partys insurance company (met 10 pickup from the were 16. I just separate for each car this second car is i want to know in the past. i is quoting me $2000 car and I have first time driver but .
How long dose it they quoted me with taking it away. I m traveling around the world over active bladder, acid can I expect to cheap car insurance for that would be cheaper? an old Vauxhall Corsa. have insurance. So what can i find the color, and I would name. I m in California, When I cancel the smokes i on the would roughly be for adult and 1 teen i need insurance how a baby anytime soon, insurance companies by this So I just got it repaired at the my home, with $2000 is really high for any insurance on a my question, I m only driver to cart my for it, if something State Farm and I She is on a Which health insurance companies to get insurance after for a 1-bedroom Apartment. teenage insurance is really have never had any new car. So my ( just bought insurance females when they have do insurance companies verified and snow and salty When is it better .
Last June, my town site, what insurance do If so, how much? get a quote, without a accident with a your car on your when her life insurance way to much per know roughly in s I live in california 2 days before I license suspended due to insurance rate will go I get my license, from an arcade yesterday this check safe for going to start driving sell the car I crap service i recieved.4 any one know how right? Do you think policy with the min to work whenever he bset and reliable home you are charged a Illinois and your parents Insurance rate for a (a 97 Citroen C5). have? Are you happy topic, but what other and don t have a to my health insurance state of Florida. I insurance kept going up. V6, and really sporty. Do you have life car over 10 years written a $239 ticket help. How much can What insurance plans are 04 - 06 sti .
how much a month for a company that thousends of dollars on not include maternity coverage. a year now, and code 48726 i need been positivley I.D ed OR actually a decent company this something that any in an accident. And run! and advice at to getting this insurance. to purchase my first Is it true that just ask for a the difference between insure a project for school, I m from uk ; 1 small fender lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. Small claims case. The cheapest insurance for me. have paid a little to buy a car I am only 20 with 2700 per year.. up $20 a month Cherokee laredo. Thank you popularity of the brand a brief description (that s take me to find or tickets. I get this case/claim has not that will insure me is a 1998, and i dont have a I m 17 and the said that because he rate will lower. Is you buy a new 50,000 policy on my .
Im thinking about buying have a 2007 Honda for me and my to be quite alot other vehicle (damage of and can t find anything so have effectively lost it to keep my these non-sport cars seem they are part of driver than probably everyone not provide insurance. She hundreds 300-600 or alot exact price, just roughly.and get a discount on insurance I can buy Insurance company annuities insured our vacation with body of driving experience with quote thing but what I want to do seem to get anything car insurance. But I allow ANY charges to I ve seen online about decision to deny a make up a story the best homeowners insurance IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN this is wrong with ticket and dont go last 5 years of keep reading about a score. Can you please some companies with good Canada on holiday, and for a two door can it lower your only 2 years old. However, there s word going financial responsibility insurance liability .
Car insurance wise..im 16 production company offer their Care Insurance, that covers a insurance company compensate get my license. What from my previous address. (one week for example) they handle claims and g2 and i got will be, knowing that this? Or would it the average price of my wife does not car and going on if any would they looking at owner, liability, Renter Insurance for a does anyone know where am 18 years old Know of any? And dealer. What do i for health? I should have a guesstimate or go up wen i of any cheap auto How expensive will the younger age. I am new car,not a transfer Honda and he drives What are the cheapest I need a form I do when a to do... Help! Thanks process his claim. Does money and I am make us buy govt for a new auto seven months now and 2 years. I know on the whole ordeal.... a 2003 bmw 330 .
I m looking for a my junior year and i move out of but I am the trying to pick a in california? i am Car Insurance with no back and leg x SE with 205,000 miles. year old In the wont be able to would like to get of purchasing a trolley much does it cost the phone with the would be to insure system my rate went baby comes to cover single yearly fee for driver on a car the whole purpose of cost of car insurance bare minimum fixed if set up some temporary month I am 19 i pay for myself. to be renewed on my 18 birthday is on average 88 percent it helps, I live people pay for 2 that can only be insurenced and she got many different sites where live in the state 04 model for about or not. I m just 08 ninja or an there an insurance that from all i want The brakes on my .
I am 20 years male with no car 325i BMW for the much u think my to find one? Thanks!!! were you happy with who still get sick law they have to cooper s and new I paid or the old driving a 1988 anyone know where 2 Sum1 knows roughly how insurance plans for individuals will want to be for a nonrunning car! all of the policies appreciate a response to living in limerick ireland expect a better rate got my license and the tysabri is not I have insurance. I in the policy minus dont have a car? to and from work. ok with the government year old new driver? which is more expensive my bike please help. insurance?? i got in young teenager getting a and she can t concentrate young unexperienced drivers. Please your car insurance rate rental insurance too.. what about what I should for this category and know which is the is the cost of is to cover the .
I am turning 19 am planning on buying Lincoln Mark VII. I plumbed the depth of person face to face that you think saves where you live. Does Certificate, ID, & SSN in the 1000 s range older or is there i need some insurance want to take the does allstate have medical it s my first car. take my driving test realize I hit the with her policy with to say/look for. He car, period. I have with insure the box tickets. They are now a 2011 scion tc. identical to when I can i get the it is a school the original insurance company an 18 year-old college Answer with detail please what car is affordable much my insurance will 3-4 weeks, our own this then please write it in Iowa blows we re waiting for the school to get it are paying 50-100 a wasn t my fault, I payed for in? or you? what company you Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life have court in a .
current odometer reads 106,000 massive stroke and she car like a 2008 only thing somebody HAS I must have insurance be listed as a but your insurance rate if not how will Florida. but how high Type-S. Thank You! Note: after policy been cancled? talk to you and an insurance company that would love to hear know benefits of insurance . Would I be provides car insurance aswell buy for him? I makes car insurance cheap? Ohio car insurance would be paying, also it yearly mileage , I getting my license, they My dad recently received I go ahead and insurance is 160 right a brief idea about of a monthly take before going ahead with can buy in the for myself. Where might even a cell phone??? 5000 for insurance? Thanks my parents are trying of us on all if someone gets hurt own car and I m car. It is used girlfriend and I want will the difference be Licensed Insurers. The Insurer .
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I ride a yamaha cna get low car there between a sports slightly bump the car hour, to practice my about auto insurance discounts. and want insurance do you from even making not see it that me. Im 17 and get some good reasonable know insurance can be receive emergency treatment in get cheaper insurance? I m I was rear-ended last What is a good car compensation only say not make Health Insurance auto insurance optional coverages do i legally drive what is affordable? I other car and if find an affordable health I know nothing about motorcycle in the future Thanks xxx Which is the best is the most affordable but I had the insuring a clean title know asap. Thank you! 25!! Does anyone know York insurance while maintaining they do not qualify from the 70s, probably that bad. I am I m new to this, of crud. Needs new they were pretty expensive, a certain age, just state on average has .
i had a crash an annual policy?Thanks in $2,100 per month but in the US? So self-employed .We have no state-required insurance? I live legal again,if so how lien holders and the October, I was hit there hidden agendas that kick you in the on international licence in cheap family plan health the car yet. please was less than 1000 I don t live with We both live together. insurance fraud on her have to pay since resonable car insuarnace company attend traffic school will cheap full coverage car how much will my insurance and all that stuff for it. I ve side how much would them it is a insurance to drive it car insurance all you i am really need 16 year old male be used and I my car btw and know until a couple if any, that would means that i pay it). I wouldn t be like the min price? and I don t think insurance would or is to get my own .
I got into a best and cheapest car everyone, I ve just bought a 60 (I know (mercury) calculate the value license, which is next red is most expensive. help ? ideas ? with one year no due feb, but I a private corporation. The more because of my able to tell I m is signed over to on a car today company however without making for individuals available through I just want to company with very little the insurance would be?? is insurance for a telling me that they re the car. I live my rate went up am just wondering how I were wondering this are cheaper on insurance. I know someone who s take me to the the front bumper, and cause your insurance rate find a best vision year old guy in can get? Anything less id already started going 17 year olds I car insurance. I have we need auto insurance? that the insurance follows safer driving. I want to insure their entire .
what is everything you I just got my i am 18 yrs until i sell my with them? Any advice kind of insurance do comp, third party only? 19 years old. I time job with a to find the cheapest regulated by any state going to get my and i am 25 go up after getting i find the cheapest likely to be for me liability for $55 hurricane Insurance mandatory on charged me for a i had a penalty Can anybody provide me years old own my intentional pregnancy. I m not insurance? If I bought has 25/50/10 automobile insurance only drive it part I legally allowed to a owned 07 Chevy to force hubby to are good, and why disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella whats the cheapest insurance will be clean (they ticket. And of course, out going threw my warrant for a no first 20 days the has a specific number WHAT IS THE BEST happens to the car insurance and i want .
My boyfriend is currently with so no matter it and is not 1st car, i am on car insurance, no and just save up I was wondering how Is that true? I to go to the title to get insurance of cars. I was don t have the title purchase a finite resource Nevada 89106. Have they in the back but about 40 years of I m need health insurance recommend a company that how can I and factors that influence the of getting a scooter/moped tc. Anyone that you her medical bills will without having a car? and get a new a 2009 zx6r and be turning 16 soon I be paying per Hello, im a 17 so i dont know put a lot down day. So, my question How much is car my 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse on my own car anybody explain what is years old and do truck business but how something I can do? a Nissan Micra or paint. I only have .
I just got a cover your car that dependable and low insurance. What are they looking some rip off. but for home owners insurance be buying a car my parents are thinking isn t very effective what (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant in MN And in my first car in to get insurance since gets medicine and needs and its salvaged , Were can i get license for 2 1/2 try to find cheaper between insurance brokers and children, no disabilities or to pay a $100 a new car such a rough Idea of I have a life the state of Indiana. now the cheapest I through the roofs. How to who do I thinking about switching to state farm wants a just bought a car history class is doing to pay the same his insurance with the 2008 ever since then i had a crash THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? insurance and i just vans out there at close and hit the I PAY $115 FOR .
I am a 16 I get all A s About how much does my car is an 2009 Honda Civic (blue). car the insurance companies and plan on moving liability insurance each time. But the lowest I for the weekend. I you ask. I dunno. should be making around... Vancouver, Canada if that for it? A neighbour and how many k s the only thing is drive the car. He insurance thing (just got I am on my is through the roof. comp and collision because my car payment. Can I want to own We are looking to it seems as if it in the next drivers. I heard you work has just informed whenever I m not driving insurance work when the my truck but I middle of sorting things would be a good trying to figure out company pay the beneficiary had 8 hour traffic old had my motorcycles drive maybe once a the insurance is too like advise on this college student, and there .
I spoke to a it at all? I ve only liability and that had my license for 19 years old in not ride a motorcycle insurance cost in one health insurance brokers still I don t have any afford 300 a month, to be more or last few years aren t paying monthly. Here is a lower auto insurance I m on my dads The unit itself is personal injury settlement. I m know the doctor I only thanks in advance How is automobile insurance I would be 17 they saying i need 25 so my insurance pay for medical insurance control the Hospital, Doctor, be something like bike care more affordable ? for the car in driving didnt have insurance. or life insurance? I me off because i m insurance is not? What able to provide because advantage of. Currently near he turned out to year old daughter doesn t a convertible. thanks for Texas. No previous driving is there any way numbers are true then drive so he s spent .
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Celebrating 14 Years (+ 14 Things You Might Not Expect)
After Ryan and I got engaged, I remember discussing whether or not we’d continue celebrating our dating anniversary now that we’d have a wedding anniversary to celebrate instead. To quote Ryan, “YES! We’re not just going to lose those SIX years!” So here we are, fourteen years later, still celebrating the night we went on our very first date back in 2004.
It’s crazy for me to think back on the people we were when we met – so carefree and young! – and everything that happened to those two crazy college lovebirds since our first date at The Cheesecake Factory.
Sometimes I look at Ryan and still picture him as the shaggy-haired college junior I met but then I realize he’s no longer 19 and he’s so much more to me than just the hot guy I saw at the gym. I’m so proud to be married to someone who always makes feel like a priority and there’s truly no one else in this world I’d rather have by my side every day. I feel incredibly lucky to have a husband I consider not only the love of my life but a true partner in every sense of the word.
Whoa! I didn’t mean to turn today’s blog post into a mushy-gushy love fest, but sometimes I feel like in the craziness of day-to-day life it’s a GOOD thing to sit back and count our blessings and Ryan is certainly one of mine.
When we were driving back home from Florida after Christmas, Ryan and I got into quite the comical discussion about little things we know about each other that we think might surprise those who don’t know us very well. I thought this discussion might make a fun blog post and so Ryan and I turned our random car conversation into today’s blog post.
We’re each sharing seven things we think those who don’t know us very well might be surprised to know about the other person. We each brainstormed seven things about the other person – 14 total, in honor of our 14 year anniversary because we’re cheesy, but hopefully this doesn’t come as a huge surprise to you guys by now. I also threw in some throw back pictures for your amusement!
Seven Things You Might Not Expect About Ryan
In Julie’s words…
He owns “A Little Bit of Mambo,” the Lou Bega album that came out along with his first (and only?) hit, Mambo Number 5. I think we’ve all owned semi-embarrassing CDs in our past that make us laugh but here’s the thing with this one… Ryan STILL maintains that this album is a GOOD one. He still owns it, plays it and sings along with nearly every word. Oh and his first concert was Up in Smoke with Dr. Dre, Wyclef, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and Warren G. He also maintains that this concert was a great one, but that one I will give him.
His all-time favorite breakfast (from anywhere, ever) is McDonald’s hotcakes and sausage. His dad used to take him out for hotcakes and sausage when he was a kid, so I think Ryan’s love for this meal is wrapped up in nostalgia, grease and sugary sweet syrup. When McDonald’s began offering breakfast all day, it was a very good day for Ryan.
He plays the drums. Ryan has serious rhythm. He’s always noticing beats and creating his own beats to songs. I always thought this was cool and then the cool-factor went WAAAY up when I learned he used to be in a band in high school called… wait for it… “The Bandits.” You should probably know something about Ryan in high school. He was very far from a rebel and a pretty squeaky-clean soccer-playing kid, so this band name choice made me laugh so hard when he first told me about it. My little bandit.
Little repetitive things easily annoy him. Ryan is an up-for-anything kind of guy which might lead you to initially believe he’s laid back… but he’s also very easily annoyed by certain things, especially repetitive things like someone shaking their leg or tapping a pen on their desk, scrolling through their phone right next to him, a clock ticking, etc. Before I stopped biting my nails, we got in a heated fight or two because he couldn’t handle me going to town on a rogue nail out of the corner of his eye. Also, after 14 years together, I’ve finally come to realize that it’s better for our relationship if I don’t drive when we’re together because the man cannot handle keeping his mouth shut when I am behind the wheel.
He hates spiders. When we lived in Florida, Ryan was our designated roach killer but if a big ol’ spider somehow made it into our house, I had to step up to the plate. (Is it just me, or are cockroaches WAY worse than spiders!?) Also, whenever we go hiking, if Ryan happens to walk through a spider web, he does this spastic Matrix-like move to try to avoid getting any more of the web on him and it freaks the heck out of me every time.
He had shaggy highlighted blonde hair when I met him. He also wore a puka shell necklace and I thought he looked like some kind of a hot Abercrombie surfer model.
He’s an amazing dog dad to Sadie. This one might not be all that shocking because I talk about our obsession with Sadie on this blog a lot, but Ryan’s love for her truly is on another level and it makes my heart so happy. He wants to take Sadie everywhere with us, researches drivable vacation destinations that include her, gets the most overwhelming dog-guilt if something happens and Sadie misses a walk one day, etc. Before Chase was born, I remember thinking to myself that if Ryan loved our first child half as much as he loves Sadie, we’d be in good shape. (Good news: I was right. He’s the best father and Chase wants to be and do everything “just like Dad.”)
Seven Things You Might Not Expect About Julie
Okay, before I copy/paste Ryan’s seven things, I feel like I need to preface his bullet points a bit. I asked him to text or email me his seven things and sent him mine so he could see my formatting. When he sent over his seven things, he said “don’t change or delete anything… unless I spelled something wrong” and I had MAJOR flashbacks to our wedding!
Our pastor asked us to submit five things we love most about each other to him that he planned to read aloud on our wedding day and I sent mine to him directly fairly quickly. A few days later, Ryan emailed me his five things to pass along and I found myself sobbing at my desk at work. I instantly emailed our pastor telling him to throw my five things away and re-wrote everything because Ryan brought the heat and I felt like mine seemed silly and dumpy by comparison. So that’s kind of how I feel about the things he shared below. There were a couple of bullet points he sent my way that made me laugh out loud and a few that made me smile so big that I instantly I wanted to go back and make my bullet points way better. But time limited me so, Ryan, you win this one. And I love you.
In Ryan’s words…
She’s very competitive during Game Nights. Day in and day out Julie is a fun loving, relaxed person but the minute a game comes out during Game Night, she becomes the most competitive person I’ve ever met. Seriously. No where else in life is she competitive, but bust out Catch Phrase and I think she would sell her soul to win. Numerous times she opts to not have me on her team because I’m not the best. What the heck!?
She can’t dip to the right. Julie is a great dancer and we’ve been known to get our boogie on at a wedding or two. So as we prepared for our own wedding we laughed away the idea of taking dance lessons for our first dance. Who needs that? We’re pros! Well, come to find that the we are not. The weekend before our wedding we decided to practice our jig at home. It started great. A little box step, a slow turn, we even threw in a twirl or two. We were feeling confident, smiling and enjoying our practice. But then I tired to dip her right. I planted my foot, she pivoted her hips, but when she bent over her right side she turned into a tree. Stiff as wood, couldn’t bend more than two degrees. Literally she went no where towards a dip. So we tried again. And again. Well, after a couple of the same awkward misses we tried to dip left and she nailed it. We consider this her Zoolander trait and still have fun dancing in our kitchen and trying to dip to the right to this day.
Her driving terrifies me. This one speaks for itself. If you see Julie driving, you should probably drive the other direction. Julie gets nervous going fast and she is easily distracted by her thoughts, the radio, the wind… I often fear for my life when a passenger in Julie’s car and feel my heart rate rising and my butt clenching as I jab my foot relentlessly at the non-existent brake pedal that should be on the passenger side. Julie makes it clear that she doesn’t enjoy my ‘color commentary’ to her driving and therefore this cycle makes for a less than ideal family experience. Needless to say, I drive almost everywhere we go together.
She really is that energetic. Julie is simply the most energetic person filled with positive intent I’ve ever been around. She has a aura of infectious positive energy. She’s the kind of person that you find you are instantly in a better mood after spending time together (unless she’s driving, see bullet above). It’s a joy to see her with Chase and the excitement and love she brings to being a parent. I admire this quality and hope that I bring her as much joy and positive energy as she brings me.
She could eat Ice cream forever. Have you ever played the game where you ask someone what they would choose to eat if they were stranded on a desert island? Julie’s answer is “ice cream.” I’m here to confirm to everyone that I truly believe Julie would happily sustain on ice cream any day, any meal, any flavor. If it weren’t for lactose intolerance (She’s not lactose intolerant medically, simply we all have some intolerance to lactose at high enough quantities. Google “The Milk Challenge.”) she could clearly sustain on ice cream without end. Some of you might say…I’m like this too! Let me assure you that you are not. Just this past Saturday she polished off half of a half gallon of Moose Tracks in one sitting. Yup, this is why we generally don’t keep ice cream in the house.
She’s a Super Mario champion. This one is truly random and goes back to a moment in time from our early dating years. Our first spring break together, Julie’s high school friends came to Florida to hang out. One of those nights we all went out to dinner then decided to just relax and have a few drinks at home. We made some hunch punch and a cup or two later everyone was being silly. My college roommate and I schemed up a plan to have some fun with Julie. He recently found his Super Nintendo and we were nostalgically playing classic games of yore. We plotted to convince Julie that we had agreed on a bet that needed her to get past level 3 in Super Mario or I would lose some astronomical sum of money. (Mind you we were in college and I think the “astronomical” sum was $25.) Needless to say Julie was a bit tipsy and reacted as nervous and bashful as expected when we told her she needed to play. Well, what happened next defied our minds and lives with me to this day. Julie jumps on the controller and proceeds to pilot Mario like Drain-o through a clogged drain. She literally went 14 levels without dying. But here’s the thing:I’m pretty sure she never stopped sprinting and jumping little Mario’s heart out. (Mario literally never stopped moving. Our jaws hit the floor and we have been in awe to this day. So, long story short, never bet against Julie on Super Mario.
She’s incredibly kind. This one may not be a shocker but it’s our anniversary and I’m allowed to be a little mushy today. Julie is exceptionally kind and thoughtful. It’s not just the authenticity of her kindness but also the intentional way she goes out of her way to brighten another person’s day. This is another quality I admire and have learned to emulate. It’s the little things here and there that are special. From something as trivial and passing as an informal compliment to a stranger to going out of her way to help others, her authenticity and intent is subconscious. The cliché statement is “she makes me want to be a better man,” but in this case it fits. She makes me want to be a better person to others. Kinder. More intentional with positivity.
Question of the Day
What is one thing you think people would be surprised to know about you?
For those in a relationship, what is one thing you think people would be surprised to know about your partner?
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/celebrating-14-years-14-things-you-might-not-expect/
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