#i completely forgot how tags work omg >< anyways it’s been way too long since i’ve written for jihoon !!!!!
minghaofilm · 3 years
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pairing: lee jihoon x gn!reader genre: comedy, established relationship wc: 0.5k
48. “you betrayed me.” ↳ part of ficscafe’s dialogue prompt event!
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You were sandwiched between Jihoon and Soonyoung for this round of Uno and if you were to say you weren’t afraid, it’d be a complete lie. If Jihoon won again, it’d be his third win of the night. As for Soonyoung, he was most likely going to end the night with zero wins, but he always made sure that someone suffered each round. Whether it be with his insane amount of plus twos, skips, or simply his relentless teasing.
“Uno!” Jihoon calls out as he puts down his second to last card.
Your jaw is slack as you stare at the pile of cards in front of you. There’s a chorus of intrigued hums along with murmurs; all in the meanwhile, you were filled with sadness, sorrow— pain.
“You betrayed me,” you whisper as you bring your cards to your chest. There’s a pang of hurt that resonates throughout your body, causing a frown to form on your face. Jihoon’s eyes are blown wide open as he scoffs in disbelief, motioning towards the disorganized pile of cards on the center table.
“That’s how you play this game!”
“You just threw away our relationship for a wild plus four!” You retort while scooting a bit further away from him. His lips are set in a subtle frown, but he points to the cards once again.
“Pick up your four,” he instructs you. You reluctantly grab your four cards, not missing the chance to send him a glare afterwards.
“You’re going to regret your decision, I hope you know that,” you mutter with your lips set in a pout. From beside you, Soonyoung silently cackles to himself. His action almost makes you believe he’s gone insane, but then you remember he’s a raging Gemini and the fact that he was on his third glass of whatever concoction Mingyu gave him.
He plucks out a card from his deck, twirls it between his fingers a few times, then tosses it onto the pile of cards, revealing its value. A blue reverse.
Your jaw drops for the second time that night, but this time, in a good way. Bless Kwon Soonyoung for placing down that card. You owe him.
“Now’s your chance,” he says with a sing-song voice, leaning onto the cushions behind him. A grin quickly makes it way onto your features as you scramble to grab a card.
You place down your best bet of getting revenge— a blue plus two. You were extremely lucky you managed to pull a blue card that would harm Jihoon, but you still wished you had the same card as him to give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Take that—“
Before you can even finish your sentence, Jihoon places down his last card: a yellow plus two.
“Jihoon wins first place. Again,” Seokmin sighs out with a disappointed look on his face, reaching out to pick up four cards to add to his deck. The entire group groans in dissatisfaction.
“I’m never playing Uno with you again,” you mumble, curling your knees up to your chest and hiding your cards from his view.
“It’s just a game!”
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
Hiii, i love your writing. I was wondering if you could do a remus lupin imagine. Were its mutual pinnin but they dont know the other like them. And sirus gets tired of it and takes pollyjuice to look like remus and get you to confess🥺
under the mistletoe // remus lupin
a/n: oh my god i’ve been non-stop reading atyd and it is my new obsession. it’s completely canon to me now. ty for ur request! i used they/them pronouns because you didn’t specify, so i hope that’s alright <3 oh! also! im gonna try this new thing w my fics to see if they flow better that way; instead of just jumping in time i’ll put a little indicator (-). wanted to try it out, dunno if i’ll keep using it. i’m so excited for christmas and this put me in an even more christmasy mood omg
summary: Staying at Hogwarts for the holidays seemed like the best way to avoid distractions, but with the Marauders there, distractions were guaranteed. Especially when your crush on Remus proves to be incredibly distracting.
cw: underage drinking (hangover vomiting), swearing (harmless, classic Sirius things)
(8k) (haven’t written this much in so long wow i forgot i could)
The Gryffindor common room was your most favorite place in Hogwarts. It was warm and comforting, and you had some of your best memories there. With just a glance around the room you could feel your entire school career in just one room. 
Though, now that you were in your sixth year, it wasn’t the leisurely place it used to be. 
All around you, books touched any bare surface there was. N.E.W.T.’s were sooner than you’d like, sooner than anyone liked, and you were filled with anxiety. You knew your strenuous studying was a bit soon, but you felt like you had the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You felt so stressed, in fact, that not even Lily Evans could convince you to go home for the holidays that Christmas. 
“Exams are months away, Y/n!” she sighed as you fell down onto the couch beside her, narrowly returning before curfew from the library, “You ought to enjoy Christmas.”
“I will enjoy it. Here,” you said, rolling your head back and closing your eyes.
You felt sore, as if you had run a marathon, but you had been locked away in the library all day. 
Part of you, the smallest part, blamed Remus Lupin for this newfound obsession. Your fellow Gryffindor, the most studious boy in your year, was the initial reason for your new studying habits. You had started going to the library in an attempt to steal glances at him, an innocent crush that you most definitely let overcome you.
Remus had always gone to the library, you knew that, but ever since your O.W.L.’s he seemed to take extra pride in his work. You couldn’t blame him for secluding himself in the library, for that was the only place on campus that it seemed his rowdy friends did not go. 
“You can’t enjoy Christmas alone,” Lily tutted, pulling the massive textbook off your lap and putting it on the table in front of you.
“You’re staying for the holidays, too?” 
Sirius had just bounded down the stairs from the boys dormitories, his usual mischievous smirk on his face. 
“Yes, they are,” Lily answered for you, turning to look at Sirius as he hovered behind you near the stairs.
“Well, that’s lucky,” he said, acting as if he had a secret he took pride in no one else knowing.
“Why is that, Sirius?” Lily sighed, becoming annoyed.
“Remus, James, Peter, and I are staying, too,” he said, smirk turning into a boyish smile.
“You are?” you opened your eyes and turned to face him, finally.
He met your gaze and nodded excitedly, seeming to already have the Christmas spirit in him.
“So you won’t be alone!” Lily said excitedly, then turned towards Sirius with a more dull tone, “Not the best company, but at least not alone.”
Sirius scoffed in mock offence, scrunching his face up with imaginary tears as he stomped back up the stairs. 
“God, that lot is so bizarre,” she groaned, turning back to you on the couch to see you dozing off.
Snow fell on the grounds of Hogwarts, and you gazed at it from a fogged up window in the library. 
Lily had gone, Mary had gone, Marlene had gone, just about everyone had gone. You had never stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays before, and you knew not many people did, but you expected more than there were. 
No Slytherins had stayed, which was a welcomed absence from those who did. You knew the two Hufflepuffs that remained, but only because you had classes with them in your fourth year. The Ravenclaws that stayed, there couldn’t have been more than five of them, were often holed up the in the library with you. There were the most Gryffindors, five, including you and the marauders. 
You were almost surprised that James had gone through with staying; Remus had mentioned wonderful things about the Potters and the Christmases they hosted. Still, he was here, cheerful as ever.
As your eyes blurred with tiredness and the window became nearly too fogged to see through, you sighed in frustration.
You missed your family, you missed home, and you really regretted staying at school. You decided to give yourself the day off from studying. With a glance down at your watch, you saw it was nearly lunch time anyways. You had slept in and missed breakfast, coming straight to the library, and your stomach felt empty.
You made your way to the common room, wanting to drop off the heavy books you had accumulated. Mumbling the password to the portrait, you stumbled through without noticing the rowdy conversation coming towards you.
You ran right into James’ chest, stumbling back and already mumbling an apology.
“Y/n?” he asked happily, as if he had been looking for you.
“Hey, guys,” you sighed, forcing a polite smile when all you really wanted to do was collapse on the couch and sleep for days.
“Sirius told us you were staying, but I’d thought you’d changed your mind. Haven’t seen you since the holiday started!” James’s booming and joyful voice made you want to cringe away, but you couldn’t manage anything less than a small smile at his kindness.
 “I’ve been in the library,” you explained, chuckling at the horrified look on three of the four faces.
“You’re worse than I’d thought,” Sirius started, cut off by a sharp elbow to the ribcage by Remus, which only seemed to encourage him.
“We can’t have that,” James finished for him, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Oi,” Remus started, casting a sympathetic smile at you as he tried to stop his friends from potentially insulting you.
“Why don’t you come have lunch with us?” Peter squeaked from behind James as he glanced at the two dark-headed boys for some sort of approval, “We were just on our way down.”
“What a great idea, Wormtail!” Sirius boomed, earning himself another elbow to the side from Remus.
You glanced nervously at the boys in front of you, trying to discern if they were setting you up for a joke or teasing you. 
“You don’t have to-” Remus blurted out, his cheeks pink, “-I mean, if you’re busy with your studies. I know how hard your working-”
“Nonsense, Moony!” James smiled, levitating your bag off your shoulder and easily landing it on the floor somewhere behind him, “they have to eat!”
You chuckled, ducking your head down as James slung his arm around your shoulder and escorted you back through the portrait hole. 
You felt lighter immediately. Whether it was the absence of your heavy bag, or the way the boys’ easy conversation and laughter felt so inviting and warm, you did not know. 
The self-pity you had been feeling only a moment ago seemed to go, too. James kept his brotherly arm around your shoulder all the way to the Great Hall, where he split his path and sat across from you. Sirius followed you down the isle, continuing his teasing conversation with Peter. James sat between Remus and Peter, his smile never faltering. He acted as if eating lunch with his mates and their tag-along was the best thing he had ever done. 
Remus was quiet, almost shy, but you knew that. You had known him your entire time at Hogwarts, and the crush you had on him seemed to last that whole time. You had seen him come out of his shell as the years went on, but he didn’t seem nearly as comfortable as when he was with his friends. 
You stifled your laughter with the back of your hand, blushing slightly at Sirius’s rude joke as he bumped his shoulder into yours. You looked down at your plate, pushing around the mashed potatoes that had grown cold.
“Sirius!” Peter yelped, his eyes wide in shock as he nervously glanced to you.
Sirius had made a crude joke, you knew that, but you hadn’t heard it. You and Remus had been meeting in short bursts of eye contact and the small action alone was making your spine shiver. 
You looked up from your potatoes, seeing the boys fading with laughter and delve back into their food. That was something you never understood about boys; they sat down, ate and ate until they were done, and then got to talking. You, Lily, Marlene, and Mary could talk for hours while you ate, but the boys seemed unable to do more than one thing at once.
The thought brought a fond smile to your face, and you felt something bump against your shin. Looking up from your plate, you met Remus’s eyes again. 
“What’s got you smiling?” he asked, his voice kind with a teasing nature behind it.
James looked up from his plate in the middle of shoving what had to be an entire chicken breast in his mouth, and began cooing at you as your cheeks flushed.
“’M just happy you lot stayed,” you blushed, refusing to meet Remus’s eyes, “would have been dreadful without your company.”
Sirius, without missing a beat, threw his arm around your shoulders and drew you into his chest. His large hand went to your head, ruffling up your hair. You cringed away, giggling and attempting to lay your hair smooth.
Everyone’s cheers in agreeance died down, and James roped Sirius into a heated discussion about Quidditch as Peter hung onto his every word. 
“‘M happy you stayed, too,” Remus mumbled from across the table, his head ducked down as a blush was creeping up the back of his neck.
You fought the urge to break the eye contact, giving him a smile so wide that your cheeks burned. 
You all returned to the common room with full stomachs and wide smiles, courtesy of James, who had just announced his newest plan at getting Lily’s attention. You just finished listing off all the reasons she would hate it, and he clambered through the portrait hole with a dazed smile that a lovesick puppy would have.
You trailed behind the boys, watching them all fall onto comfortable couches and armchairs. You looked at your limp backpack indignantly, choosing instead to follow them. 
You curled up in an armchair that was across a large couch occupied by James and Sirius and to the left of another armchair occupied by Peter. Peter leaned forwards to rest his elbows on his knees, setting up a new chess game for him and Remus to play. Remus sat on the ground, eyelevel with the board. He noticed you looking at him and gave you a kind smile that made you look away, blushing. 
The night was spent in leisure. You had barely wanted to get up for dinner, even Sirius suggested making Peter go down to the kitchens so they wouldn’t all have to go to the hall. In the end, you all went, having just as much of a good time as you did at lunch. 
You wished them a goodnight after you fell asleep watching Sirius and Remus levitating the most valuable things they could find in the room, sending Peter into anxious fits every time they pretended to loose their balance. You groggily walked up the stairs to the dormitories, leaving your homework downstairs with a satisfied sigh. 
For a few moments before you fell asleep again, Remus’s brilliant and bright smile was burned behind your eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Sirius groaned, throwing himself dramatically onto the couch with a huff.
“Shud up,” Remus groaned, falling into the armchair you had been sitting in. He could smell you on the chair, your scent floating into his nose like it was intoxicating.
“Really botched that one, mate,” James said with a chuckle, picking up a few of his Quidditch magazines off of the floor and putting them back on the coffee table, where Peter had accidentally knocked them off.
“Romance is confusing! How was I supposed to know?!” Remus groaned, lifting his head from his hands with a desperate look.
James gave him a knowing smirk, and Sirius groaned again.
“It was obvious! You always offer to walk a romantic interest home,” Sirius said, twirling his wand in his hand.
“They were just going upstairs,” Peter mumbled, seeming to agree with Remus.
“It’s alright, Moony,” James said, standing from the couch with a look of determination, “you’ve got all week to seduce them.”
“Shud up,” Remus groaned, repeating his request from earlier.
His eyes fell to the stairs you had climbed moments ago, remembering the peaceful look on your face as you slept, the adorable stretch you did once you woke up, the tired way you climbed the stairs, and that beautiful smile you gave them when you said goodnight.
Remus decided to stay in the common room for a bit longer once his friends had went upstairs, trying to force every second from the time you spent together that day into his memory permanently. 
You woke up feeling more rested than you had in weeks. The sun was barely in the sky when you opened the curtains, your unusually empty room flooded with orange light. You dressed quickly, donning muggle clothes that you found incredibly comfortable. 
You went down to the common room, seeing that the mess the boys had made last night was either cleaned by them or house elves. There was no sign of life in the Gryffindor tower, besides yourself, so you assumed the four were still soundly asleep upstairs. 
You found your backpack, overflowing with loose papers, and shrugged it onto your shoulders. You had decided to get some work done today, seeing as your day off the day before was not scheduled.
You ate a quick breakfast in the empty hall, finding it odd and strangely discomforting to be in such a large room by yourself. It felt as if you were out past curfew.
The library was the same case. Madam Pince was not even at her desk yet, and you settled into a table by the window. You opened it a sliver, enjoying the cold winter air that seeped into the room. The sunlight warmed you, and the wind was gentle enough to not rustle your papers. 
You dove into your work, feeling considerably better than yesterday, or the past month. Your muscles were loose, and the pressure you had been putting on yourself was no longer there. One night of fun proved to be harmless, and so did the marauders. 
You smiled at the thought of it, at the thought of your little day with Remus. He had been so kind to you, so funny and charming. You had never liked someone as much as you liked Remus. 
You found your gaze drifting out the window, looking past the castle and Hagrid’s hut and out into the Forbidden Forest. You couldn’t think of anything but the curly headed, dirty blonde boy. The way his eyes nervously darted to yours, his sheepish smile. The way he could easily make James, Sirius, and Peter fall into doubled-over laughter, almost as if good-naturedness came to him as easily as walking did. 
The sun rose in the sky, and it was almost time for lunch. Even with your mind distracted, you had gotten done more work than you had expected. You decided that if the boys asked you to have lunch with them again, you wouldn’t decline.
It was as if your thoughts were read, because just as you were organizing your papers to put them away, Remus walked into the library. You fumbled a bit, realizing you smudged some fresh ink on your newly written Potions notes. You didn’t care, though, smiling widely and waving Remus over.
“Alright?” he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes as if he had just woken up.
“Yeah, you?” you couldn’t help but stare at him. His voice was deep and thick with sleep, and he pulled the sleeves of his sweater over his slender hands. He had a muggle novel tucked under his arm, and he put it on the table as he sat down across from you.
“Eh,” he started, looking at you with slight amusement, “James woke up at the crack of dawn to go to the pitch, and he woke up Sirius when he did. Sirius is a git if he gets woken up before noon.”
“That’s not a surprising piece of information,” you chuckled, setting down your papers and getting comfortable in your seat again.
“Yeah, best to stay out of the dorm when Sirius is in a mood. Peter went to ask for some extension on a paper he forgot to do,” Remus smiled fondly at his friends flaws, opening his book and propping it on his knee, “so I figured I’d come find you.”
“You found me,” you opened your ink bottle and dipped your quill into it, going over your Potions notes and fixing the smudged ink.
You were a bit disappointed by Remus’s reasons for coming to see you. Part of you had hoped he missed you, or enjoyed your presence. But the truth was that you were his only other option for company. Your chest deflated slightly as you stole a glance at him only to find him deeply invested in his book. Many conversation starters bubbled in your throat but you couldn’t bring yourself to voice any of them.
It was about an hour of silence in the library before Remus suggested lunch. He helped you pack up your things, humming under his breath as he led the way out of the library. 
Lunch was soup, which you didn’t mind too much. Sirius was already at the table with James when you arrived. Remus sat next to you, across from his friends.
Sirius had his head propped up in his hand, lazily bringing soup to his mouth before dropping the spoon into the bowl with a clatter as his eyes fluttered shut. James rolled his eyes, shoving the bowl of soup away from him and wiping up the splattered mess from the table. 
James eagerly dove into a cheery conversation about his solo Quidditch practice, and Remus reluctantly listened. You felt as exhausted as Sirius looked, even though you had a wonderful nights sleep. You hadn’t felt so tired until your upsetting thoughts about Remus, but now you could barely keep your eyes open. You hadn’t been sitting for more than ten minutes, your soup was barely eaten, but you just wanted to curl up in your dorm.
Peter came into the hall, filing down the row where you had Remus were sitting. He was getting close, and you stood.
“Here, Peter, have my seat,” you said, slowly standing as James’ face contorted with confusion. You could see him working out pleas for you to stay, and your heart warmed a bit. 
“I’m gonna have a lay down,” you excused, not waiting for Sirius’s head to lift from his hand or for James to suggest all of you walking back together.
As you walked away, you heard Peter begin to chat about his essay extension. 
Remus knew he had done something wrong. He knew it. 
You had seemed happy to see him, you smiled at him, you were friendly, but at some point he said something to make you close off. He was looking forward to spending the morning in the library with you. He had made up the excuse of getting out of the dorm, knowing that with Pete and James gone and Sirius out cold, it would be fairly peaceful. Remus, however, wanted to see you. 
You looked heavenly dressed in casual muggle clothes with the morning sun lighting your face. He was happy to sit with you, but you didn’t seem happy to sit with him. 
He wondered if you were bothered by him and his friends. If yesterday hadn’t been as fun as he thought it was, and if you just wanted to be left alone. He felt a surge of annoyance with James for being so forward, but quickly drowned that out. It wasn’t James’s fault. 
Remus stared into his bowl of soup, not listening to Pete as he complained about the essay he had to write. 
James indulged Pete, listening to his complaints with sympathy as he dipped his bread into his soup. Sirius, however, could not be bothered. 
He had come to attention when you left the table, watching your hunched shoulders and nervous hands pushing your hair off your face. He had even caught your sad glance over you shoulder at Remus before you finally turned to go upstairs. Sirius was thinking, he was thinking hard. He could read you and Remus like an open book. He had known you liked Remus since you started showing up to the library whenever Remus did, no matter how subtle you thought you were being. 
Sirius looked at his friend, confusion knitted in his eyebrows as he hunched over his food. He gasped silently, catching James’s attention, as his eyes lit up with an idea. 
For the next couple of days, it was not hard to avoid your fellow housemates. James and Sirius seemed to be sneaking off as often as they could, clutching their cloaks close to them as if they had something underneath them. 
You avoided Remus, who presumably only had Pete to keep him company now, by staying in your dorm. The library wasn’t the only place you could study, and you spread your books all across Lily’s bed. You had begun to enjoy studying in your dorm, it was private and quiet, with no Madam Pince staring you down from her desk. 
It wasn’t that you disliked the marauders’ company, because you didn’t. You really liked hanging out with the boys. You had just wanted to prevent any more heartache when hanging out with Remus. You had obsessed over your last interaction in the library, convincing yourself it would be best to stay away from the boy as to not attach yourself any further. 
It was nearing the weekend, Christmas on the upcoming Saturday. You didn’t want to be in solitude on Christmas, but your pride prevented you from asking to hang out with the boys. You didn’t know what Sirius and James were up to, and you didn’t want to know. You didn’t feel like hanging out with Peter, because being in his presence alone made you just as anxious as he was. And Remus, Remus was an entirely different story. Just seeing Remus made your heart race unnervingly. 
On Thursday night, you crept down the dormitory stairs and into the common room. You stopped and waited to hear for Peter and Remus, but it seemed they were still in their room. You were going down for an early dinner, hoping to eat quickly before everyone else came down. 
You seemed to be successful, your plate was nearly cleared and there was no sign of anyone else. You were serving yourself pudding, your favorite pudding, when someone sat across from you.
You looked up. Your throat closed involuntarily, and your spoon froze on it’s way to your mouth. You straightened your back, eyes widening at the sight of him, and wiped your mouth nervously with your napkin.
“Hey, Remus,” you said, smiling politely at him as he began to dish himself food, “where are the rest of the boys?”
“Just me,” he said, his voice sounding a little higher than usual.
“Are you alright?” you watched him carefully as you noticed his posture was straighter than usual.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, looking at you now.
You looked at him, squinting your eyes. He seemed off, but you figured he could be nervous without his friends around.
“Okay,” you trailed off, returning to your pudding.
“Haven’t seen you much, recently,” he said confidently, the usual softness in his voice absent.
“I’ve just been up in my dorm,” you said, still gazing at him cautiously.
“Don’t want to spend time with Sirius, James, and I?”
You bit your lip, looking at him with a serious expression. Remus never excluded Peter when he was talking about his friends, but Sirius often did. You noted it, unsure what that could mean. Had Remus asked Sirius on advice at how to talk to you? The thought made you suppress nervous giggles. 
“No, it’s not that,” you felt your cheeks warm under his blatant stare, “you know how crazy I am about the N.E.W.T.’s.”
Remus chuckled under his breath, slowly eating his pudding. This was also weird, because Remus usually devoured any food in front of him as if he was a starving animal. 
“Remus, are you sure your alright?” you squinted at him, dropping your spoon and propping your chin up with your hand.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he said nonchalantly, squinting back at you.
He had remarkably less patience and ease than usual. 
“Okay, well, I’m done eating. I think I’ll go back to the tower now,” you stood slowly, watching his face contort with urgency.
“Wait!” he called, standing too, “wait, come sit for a second.”
You joined him again, clearly suspicious. You wondered if he was distracting you while the boys set up a prank.
“I need to ask you something,” he whispered seriously, leaning closer to you over the table.
“Do you fancy me?” he smirked at you, mischief in his eyes. 
At first you wanted to shrink away, blush madly and sputter out lies to conceal your true feelings. But you didn’t. You kept his stare, a blank face looking into his daring one. You decided to make a guess.
“Sirius?” you said confidently, so it didn’t sound like a wild guess. You knew it was crazy. Surely, Sirius would never transfigure into his best friend to eat dinner alone with you and ask him about your feelings for him. Surely.
“How did you know!?” he asked, his voice now completely Sirius’s instead of his weird imitation of Remus’s voice. 
“What!?” you questioned back, surprised that you were right, “It’s actually you, Sirius?”
Sirius’s face, well, still Remus’s face, dropped with disappointment, upset that he gave himself away. 
“Yes,” he mumbled, moving his hand to tuck his hair behind his ear, only to remember Remus’s hair wasn’t that long.
“What are you playing at? How did you do this?” you motioned your hands at him, sounding more amazed than angry. 
“Polyjuice Potion,” he said mischievously, his eyes meeting yours at the tone of your voice.
“That’s really advance stuff, Sirius,” you said, slightly impressed as you leaned back and crossed your arms.
“I had some help,” he said sneakily, and suddenly what he and James had been sneaking off for made sense.
“Are you two planning something? Testing out the costume on me?” you said excitedly, hoping the boys would let you in on whatever prank they had planned.
“Well, about that,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “you sort of were the plan.”
You looked at him, confused. It felt weird to be talking so casually with Remus, and you fought the urge to blush every time he looked at you, knowing it was actually Sirius.
“I know you fancy Remus,” Sirius said, sounding a bit guilty.
This time, you could not resist shrinking away and blushing. You looked down at your lap, feeling incredibly embarrassed.
“But,” Sirius started again, his voice oddly comforting and kind, “I know Remus likes you, too.”
Your eyes shot up to meet Sirius’s, your face becoming somehow even more flushed.
“You were trying to get me to admit it to you? That I like him?” you asked him, heart racing.
“I just wanted you to confirm it,” he said, sounding even more guilty, “I didn’t want to try and set you two up if you didn’t like him back-”
“Set us up?!” you interrupted, eyes wide.
“Yeah,” he said casually.
“How do you plan on doing that, then?” You tried to sound annoyed in an attempt to hide just how excited you were.
Sirius had waved over James immediately, who has hiding behind a pillar in the courtyard looking in on you and Sirius. The two began talking almost as animatedly as two schoolgirls stricken with an exciting prospect of romance. 
You watched, lazily propping your chin on your hand as they rambled on about the ways they thought you should confront Remus.
James had been quite keen on them influencing Remus to confront you, and Sirius reckoned you ought to “grow a pair” and kiss him yourself. James was nearly affronted by the idea, insisting on a classic and romantic gesture from Remus’s behalf. 
Either way, you couldn’t fight an embarrassed blush that seemed permanently glued onto your cheeks. You swallowed heavily at any mention of kissing, which was being discussed at length. You had half a mind to stop the hopeful ramblings, but James and Sirius were Remus’s best friends, they had to be somewhat right about his feelings for you.
The conversation got remarkably easier, too, once the potion had warn off and it was Sirius in front of you instead of a fake Remus.
You looked into the courtyard, enjoying the cold air lofting into the room through the open doors, when you noticed Remus and Peter entering the room. The cold air had been helping in cooling your cheeks, but at the sight of Remus’s wide and carefree smile, they warmed immediately. 
“Shut up!” you mumbled harshly to the still ranting dark-haired boys in front of you, kicking them each in the shin for good measure. 
They looked offended, but Sirius caught your eye and smirked once he realized why they were silenced.
“Have you guys eaten already?” Peter asked, sounding disappointed as he sat next to you and saw your empty bowl of pudding. 
“Just had an early lunch,” James said merrily, moving to scoop himself another bowl of pudding after he had eaten an entire lunch while he and Sirius were talking, “but we’ll stay while you guys eat.”
You swallowed hard, looking at James with wide eyes as he quirked an eyebrow at you. You were planning on leaving the second Remus sat between James and Sirius, right across from you, but now you couldn’t be so obvious. 
“Haven’t seen you in a while, Y/n,” Peter mumbled from beside you, stuffing his face with a large heaping of peas.
You looked to Remus almost automatically, only to see him looking questioningly at you. You couldn’t resist the small smile that flirted on your lips as he averted your gaze quickly.
“I can’t get much work done with you lot around,” you teased, clearing the table in front of you and resting your elbows there, “I’ve been in my dorm, most days.”
“What about for Christmas?” Peter pried curiously, “Will you leave your dorm for Christmas?”
“Of course they will!” James boomed from across the table, causing a few tired looking Ravenclaws who were just coming in to glare at him apprehensively, “Starting Christmas Eve, they won’t be able to get rid of us.”
“Oh,” you looked to him, eyebrows raised in entertainment, “I won’t?”
Remus looked between you and James with an excited smile.
“Of course not,” Sirius said for James, picking a carrot off of Peter’s plate from across the table.
“For a limited time,” James said mysteriously, “you will have the honor of becoming a temporary Marauder.”
“They what?” Peter said from his goblet of pumpkin juice, causing some to splash back in his face.
“Peter!” Sirius groaned, annoyed with the boy, “Get in the holiday spirit!”
“Don’t worry Pete, just for a limited time. The holidays are a season of extending great charity to others,” James said, talking with humor in his tone.
“Charity?” you repeated, an amused smile on your face.
“We don’t let in just anyone,” Remus said, looking only at you.
When your eyes met his, you felt all the air leave your lungs. Your jaw clenched in an attempt to gather some sort of consciousness, but all you could do was look back at Remus. 
“That’s true, ‘tis a great honor,” Sirius had raised his goblet in some sort of toast, and you had barely noticed until Remus was raising his glass.
You broke the contact, finally, and sputtered for a moment before you could find your goblet on the table. You rose it, hoping to lower it quickly as you noticed a slight tremble in your hand. Remus connected his goblet with yours gently, looking at you again while you were intent on avoiding his eyes. He had some sort of knowing smile on his face, and you felt very exposed to him. It felt like he was reaching in your chest and squeezing your heart for his own pleasure, and it scared you to know you could not tell him to stop. 
Christmas Eve was very celebrated amongst the boys. 
So celebrated, in fact, that Sirius insisted Christmas morning was a day for hangovers. 
He had brought out the firewhisky fairly early into the afternoon. James had looked at him with nervousness, but nonetheless took a heaping sip when offered a glass. You sipped casually, not feeling all too comfortable with the chaos that seemed to lurk in Sirius’s eyes. 
By the time the sun was beneath the horizon, Sirius and James were dancing some sort of Irish jig on a table, and Peter was very angrily talking to himself in a mirror. You and Remus, neither of you having very much to drink, sat comfortably on a couch, watching the night unfold.
“Why aren’t you drinking with them?” you asked Remus, glancing at his full cup and tensed shoulders.
He glanced down at you, nervously biting his lip and running a hand through his hair. Oh, how you wanted to touch his hair. 
“I don’t really feel like being hungover on Christmas,” he said, noticing your full cup as well, “what about you?”
“I don’t think Lily would ever forgive me if she found out I got drunk with you lot on Christmas Eve,” you teased, smiling to yourself at the fond thought of your friend.
“I miss Lily,” Remus remarked simply, bringing his cup to his lips and taking a large gulp.
“Me too,” you sighed, doing the same and hoping it would ease your nerves, “she wrote to me yesterday. She’s having a lovely Christmas. Her sister is being awful, but that’s per usual.”
You and Remus shared a knowing smile, both thinking of the complaints you had heard from Lily about her sister. 
“Have you written back yet?”
“No, not yet. I was going to wait until after Christmas,” you were waiting to write Lily back so you could thank her first for the undoubtedly wonderful present she got you. You didn’t know how, but Lily Evans always gave the most thoughtful presents. 
“When you do, tell her we miss her,” Remus said softly, his cheeks beginning to flush pink as he watched with a smile his friends dancing. 
You nodded, ducking your head to hide a smile.
“Oi!” James yelled, stopping his dance suddenly. 
You and Remus froze as he looked at the pair of you, each wearing an entertained smile. James hopped off the table with ease, as if he was not drunk out of his mind and as if the table wasn’t a good four feet off the ground.
“Come dance,” James said once he finally reached the both of you, though, only offering you his hand.
He waved his wand at a muggle radio they had in the corner, and the volume increased. Sirius smiled widely, refreshing his drink with the dwindling amount of firewhisky left. You cautiously took James’s hand, letting him spin you as you giggled.
James caught Remus’s eye, the blonde boy watching you with adoration. James pulled you close, resting one hand on your shoulder as the other held your hand, and leaned in close to your ear.
“Moony is watching you,” he slurred, sounding excited, “I reckon he’ll make a move tonight if Sirius doesn’t finish all the liquor for himself!”
James pulled away, giggling once again like a schoolgirl. You could not help his infectious laughter, your forehead falling onto his shoulder as you laughed loudly. As if on que, Remus stood and walked with determination to Sirius. He took Sirius’s goblet and downed it, smiling widely and accomplishedly afterwards. He climbed on the table with Sirius, who had long forgotten about his stolen alcohol, and began awkwardly moving his lanky body in a way that could be called dancing in the most generous of terms. This made you laugh even more, and James had to nearly fully support your weight as your knees buckled with your hard laughter.
It was shaping up to be a lovely Christmas Eve.
Christmas, as Sirius had predicted, was a morning for hangovers. You had barely glanced at your mounds of presents at the foot of your bed, instead throwing on your warmest sweater and going immediately to breakfast.
It had been decorated, as it had all week, with great care. Today, however, the tree had been alit with wonderful and delicate decorations, sparkling under the enchanted ceiling. The entire room somehow smelled of pine, and the warm feeling of a fireplace shot down your spine when you sat down.
You cradled a cup of tea, hunching over and fighting the urge to fall back asleep at the table. You couldn’t bear to look at food yet, regretting the glasses you drank once Sirius had found that second bottle of firewhisky. 
There was no sign of life in the castle, besides the lovely decorations, and you found yourself grateful. 
It was as if, however, that you cursed yourself the second you thought this.
“Merry Christmas, Y/n!” James shouted from the entry way of the castle, his loud voice assaulting your ears even from such a distance. Beside him, Peter, Sirius, and Remus cringed away in pain, shrinking down and walking past him into the hall.
“Bloody. Fucking. Hell,” Sirius groaned once he sat down next to you, his head hitting the table as soon as he was still.
Remus sat on the other side of you, going at once for heaping servings of the hot food. You swallowed the vomit in your throat at the sight of so much food, forcing your eyes deep into your tea. James happily sat down next to Peter on the other side of the table, patting his friend merrily on the back. Peter winced audibly, a pained look on his face.
“How are you not hungover?” you whispered once you were sure you would not vomit.
“He never gets hungover,” Remus groaned from beside you, his mouth full of beans.
“Never?” you repeated, wincing as you reached for more tea.
“Never!” James said happily, obviously enjoying his wonderful, wonderful gift.
“Oi!” Sirius groaned, his head still buried in his arms.
James smiled.
“Eating helps, really,” Remus said from beside you, glancing an earnest look at you as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Mmmmm,” you groaned in response, ducking your head down as Sirius was doing to avoid vomiting.
“What a lovely Christmas this will be!” James said, earning a unanimous groan in response.
Getting back to the tower was a slow and painful process that included many bathroom breaks and headaches. You and Sirius had both ducked into the loo twice each to vomit, and James supposed it had something to do with climbing the stairs. Peter was limping for some reason, though you could not remember him hurting either of his legs the night before. Remus was nearly as recovered as James, just looking a bit tired.
After you were sure you had emptied your stomach of the tea you drank for breakfast, you were feeling a bit better. Your legs felt a little wobbly, and Remus must have noticed, because he offered his arm for you to steady yourself on as you walked along. Your mind was so foggy you almost had not noticed, but his strong arm beneath your fingers was enough to clear you up a little. You held him close to you, hoping the hangover was excuse enough. James gave you and encouraging smile, nodding enthusiastically. You were sure Sirius would be giving you a smirk if he wasn’t basically crawling down the halls. 
Once you reached the common room, Remus had not retracted his arm. In fact, he had interlocked his hand with yours, still with your arms looped, and led you over to a couch. He sat very close to you and still did not remove himself from your grasp even as you were sitting. You felt so comfortable and warm next to him, you could not help but close your eyes and let your head fall on his shoulder. 
James retreated upstairs with Peter. Peter had wanted a quick and undisturbed nap, and James returned downstairs a few moments later with his practice Quidditch robes on. Sirius had collapsed on an armchair the second he crawled into the room, and showed no indication of life as he fell into a deep sleep. James gave Remus an encouraging smile and two thumbs up, but did not dare to speak in case you weren’t asleep. Remus rolled his eyes, but was truly quite happy with the position he had found himself in.  
Your arms were looped, hands intertwined, and your head rested delicately on his shoulder. He leaned his head against yours, breathing in the smell of your shampoo. 
He had wanted to stay there forever.
When they all awoke, James was out of his Quidditch robes and in a thick wool sweater. He was polishing his broom with what looked like a new polishing set, perched on the armrest of a couch across from you and Remus. You had woken up when Sirius did, his loud yawns and stretches filling the room. When you lifted your head, you bumped into Remus’s head, and he woke up. Your cheek felt sore from pressing into his strong shoulder, and you looked down at you hands to see them still interlocked. You were sweaty and tired, but Remus looked down at you sleepily with complete happiness.
“Happy Christmas, you lazy bones,” James tutted like a mother would, putting down his broom and standing.
“Happy Christmas,” Remus said, smiling widely. 
You sat up, removing yourself from Remus. He untangled your arms, removing his hand from yours. You felt sad at the absence, looking down at your lonely hand. Remus was looking too, and when you met his eyes he bit his bottom lip. With some slight hesitation, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in for a side hug. You lingered, and he made no move to pull away, so you stayed there, tucked under his arm.
“I never looked at my presents this morning,” Sirius said, standing from his chair and motioning for James to follow him.
“Neither did I,” you said to Remus only, hearing the other two retreating upstairs.
“Want me to walk you up to your dorm?” he offered, adjusting his body so he could see your face.
You uncurled from him, nodding excitedly.
You stood from the couch, walking over to the stairs. You waited for Remus, watching as he slowly stood and stretched. You leaned against the door frame, supporting yourself on your hands behind you. Remus came over to you, walking slowly with a sleepy and dazed look on his face.
“Happy Christmas,” he repeated, only to you this time.
“Happy Christmas,” you said, smiling at him as he leaned against the door frame opposite of you. 
It was a narrow space, and there were only a few inches between you two, but neither of you made any movement. You wanted to go upstairs and see what your family had sent, what Lily had given you, what all your friends had given you, but you couldn’t tear yourself from the handsome boy in front of you. 
Your eyes danced all over his face, admiring his curly and unkempt hair that fell into his dark and kind eyes, his sharp jaw that you wanted to run your fingers across, his soft lips.
You were both so entrance in each other, that neither of you had noticed the greenery sprouting from the door frame above you. It was mistletoe, sprouting from the wooden door frame between you and Remus. Remus noticed, his eyes darting up at it. He looked down at you, seeing you had not noticed it, and chuckled.
This seemed to snap you out of it, and you stood upright, coming closer to Remus. You looked up at the growing plant, eyes widening when you saw the red berry forming before your eyes.
“Mistletoe?” Remus chuckled, entertained as he reached up and brushed it delicately with his slender fingers.
“Is it?” you managed to say, watching his hand.
“It is,” he said, retracting his hand and bringing it to rest on your cheek.
He gently cupped your face, pulling you close to him until your chests met and neither of your backs were touching the door frame. You closed the distance, meeting his lips with urgency and desperation. You didn’t care if James thought Remus ought to kiss you, you wanted nothing more than to kiss Remus. And Remus wanted nothing more than to kiss you. His other hand came to your waist, pulling you flush against him as his hand on your cheek moved to the side of your neck. You reached up and slid your hands from his shoulders to this neck and into his hair, feeling the soft curls between your fingers as you had wanted to for so long.
Remus pulled you impossibly close to him, as if he wanted nothing to come between you, until his force was moving you to lean against the door frame. The feeling of the wood was unexpected, and you gasped into Remus’s mouth when you felt it. Remus took this as an invitation to deepen the kiss, and you allowed him, sighing softly as his tongue explored your mouth.  
You and Remus broke apart, his hands still on you even though your bodies were no longer touching. You both looked up the stairs, seeing James, Sirius, and Peter looking down at you.
Sirius had the most mischievous smirk you had ever seen, sure that it would make Lily’s skin crawl if she saw it. James seemed so content that you’d think he’d just been kissed and Peter anxiously twirled his fingers as he averted your eyes, obviously feeling bad for interrupting. 
“Mistletoe,” Remus said, his voice husk and his lips wet. It took a lot of will power to not sigh at the sight of him, or pull him in by his collar and kiss him again. Instead, you looked up at the boys like a deer caught in headlights.
“You owe me ten galleons,” James said to Sirius, causing Sirius to groan.
“How do you know he kissed them?!” Sirius complained, digging in his robe pockets for the money.
“He didn’t, I kissed him,” you said, looking up at Remus and licking your lips nervously.
“Hah! Hand it over, James,” Sirius gloated, removing his hand from his pocket and holding it out to James.
James groaned, still a smile on his lips, and handed Sirius the money.
“You didn’t think I’d kiss them first?” Remus asked Sirius, pulling you into his chest in a loving and protective way.
“Sorry, mate,” Sirius said with no remorse in his voice, climbing down the stairs and pushing past you and Remus.
James and Peter followed him, all fiddling with some new gift they had gotten. You looked up at Remus, deciding your Christmas presents could wait until Boxing Day, and pulled him out of the door way. You fell onto the couch, Remus following you, and you fell easily into conversation with the boys. Remus wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his chest. 
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nemuitoka · 4 years
What are your favorte jshk fanfics? also where do you like reading them the most?
Hi Anon!!! today is the day I can finally answer this question😈 ahaha you know how much I enjoy making fic recs so 👀 Let’s go!!!
To answer your second question first, I like reading them on AO3 the most! Mostly because I get almost unlimited number of characters to rant in the comment section........... 😆but also the tagging system is very helpful.
Okay, now to the fun part of this ask😏
You said JSHK, but I mostly read Hananene ones so all of my favs include that pairing... as  I already did a fic rec here of my favs, this list will continue that one, so please check that one first hehe ((I apologize in advance..., I would love for people to recommend me some mitsukou ones tbh... I’m really lost when it comes to other pairings orz)) 
If I’m completely honest with you anon-san, my favorite JSHK fic right now is the one Roxanne ( @istoleyourboat )  wrote based of my art and her snippet:
Star-Crossed and Falling- Where Stars Go to Die by lilaflo
Hanako is Princess Nene’s personal knight 👀. A tale of forbidden love. They slowly fall in love as they exchange a series of gifts, one that includes a pair of matching earrings that remind them of their love when they’re apart. Also, jelly Hanako of Nene’s suitors😏... Oh, but nothing lasts forever and those sweet moments will come to an end when they have to face their cruel reality, in this world, they don’t get to choose neither their battles or the ones they love.
Now more of Roxanne, because I seriously enjoy her work so much (I’m sure everyone knows by now lmao sdkj) 
Night of the Phantom King by lilaflo 
This one is a spooky one. Nene’s regret for never realizing who she truly loves takes her to mourn her deceased friend Amane and cry on his grave in a Halloween night, then suddenly the Phantom King comes to take her away👀 & he looks suspiciously familiar... Beautiful world building btw, also the ending is just, excellent. 
12 Year Romance by lilaflo
Amane meets Nene at the Tanabata festival, she’s older than him, but he falls for her instantly, fast forward, Amane is now in middle school, he’s a troublemaker, & gets constantly into fights, but he swears the new school nurse looks familiar... he then realizes it’s her and thinks it must be fate!!!... This one hits close to home bc I’ve been in this situation irl, so I can confirm all of Nene’s struggles are real (and ofc how a love with an age gap should be handled the correct way, this fic really teaches you many life lessons hahaha) 
took a sip then another sip, then you turned and said to me by chivalrousamour 
This autor has a bunch of good JSHK fics!! I recommend you check their AO3 out, bec you may find something you like for sure! But, this is my absolute fav from them. Nene is a mangaka, celebrating the finishing of her long serialized manga, while Amane is a delivery boy who happens to find her in a very questionable state in her house👀 (it’s all family friendly ofc, anon, I’m not a slimy pervert like some ghost boy)
Maid for Each Other by corologs ( @corologs )
Courtney has this amazing College AU collection series that I encourage you to check out!!! But Maid for each other is my fav!!! So it’s the Yugi twins birthday, and it’s Tsukasa’s turn to choose where they go to celebrate it... you can already tell where this is going... (let the chaos begin) & as the title said, it involves maids!!! (it has Kaicho wa maid sama vibes if you liked that anime~~)
If I Could Tell Her by corologs
What if the picture perfect arc plan was successful??? Well, this fic explores this idea, and it’s very interesting to read. I like how Amane and Hanako are two separate people here.
the horizon tries but it’s just not as kind on the eyes by sincerelyand ( @sunlightinourheadlights ) 
(Oh my sweet Karen, she writes such good fics, so go check her AO3 out as well!!) Amane and Yashiro are friends that share an apartment (& they were roommates-- OMG they were roommates), even if Amane has its complains, because Nene can be a handful sometimes (and in denial of her true feelings as always, are we even surprised at this point?) he loves her dearly anyways😭.
for real, this time by sourlemoncandy  ( @sour-lemon-candy )
Did somebody say fake dating AU?????? Because hell yeah I did asajj I loved reading this so much!! Nene and Amane are childhood friends, and Nene overhears some girls talking about Amane and how one of them plans to ask him out... but she senses these girls are up to no good so she... well, you gotta read it to find out more~~ it’s no fun If I tell ya everything hehe... so go go go!!
lemon cream by sourlemoncandy
Amane and Nene, just two good friends having a road trip and sharing donuts... what could go wrong??  😏 seriously, I loved this fic so much!! Instant fav! Also makes me wanna try some good sweet donuts...
Trip Down Memory Lane by insipidenvy ( @insipidenvy )
This fic is so sweet. I have such a huge attachment to it, because I read it when I really needed some fluff in my life hahaha. It’s sort of a collection of memories between Amane and Yashiro’s relationship over the years. So heartwarming... if you need the fluffs you’ll enjoy this very much!!
The Radish Princess and the Toilet Prince by insipidenvy
This is my favorite fic from insipidenvy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know how I am a slut for Royalty AUs so that’s why!!!!! Also Toilet Prince!! hahahaha such a good nickname lmao. I love how they bond over their insecurities, it’s very relatable tbh. 
Between Wind and Water by WingSongHalo  ( @wingsonghalo )
My beautiful Wing always delivering the good Hananene content, as she should!! This fic is so fun to read!! I laughed so hard at Nene and Hanako being awkward with each other!!! So you know how Hanako is super clingy with Nene, he’s always touching & hugging her, but this time something weird happens and he’s so distant~~ Nene doesn’t want to admit it at first, but she misses his clingy ghost boy~~ you’ll have a good time reading this for sure!  
The Monster's Bride by Hammsters ( @uglierdaikon )
Have you heard about the myth of Cupid and Psyche? Well this fic rewrites it in a very Hananene way <3 hehe I loved it so much (as I’m a huge fan of mythology~) To sum it up, Nene is fated to marry a monster that lives in the mountains so she’s devastated... to her surprise, her husband is far from what she expected... she only had one rule to obey and well... we all know how reckless Nene is so... you go find out what happens next now!! hehehe
Morning Reflections by FalalalaLa  ( @miss-sternennacht )
So you’ve heard of Hanako watching Nene sleep, but what about Nene watching Amane sleep???!! this fic offers you this and so much more fluff <3 Also Nene remembering how they met and how their relationship evolved during the years, aww <3 
Cursed Coin by DaikonSenpai  ( @daikonsenpai )
There’s a school dance, Yashiro’s supposed to be dancing with Kou (since she can’t go with Hanako, which causes him to be jelly~~ and bitter), but she loses a coin Aoi gave her for good luck so she goes out and searches for it on the last place she saw it, the school fountain. Suddenly Hanako spots her, what’s she doing outside??? is she drunk or something?? what happens next you may find out when you read it~~~
Between Love and Hope by Baronesscmd (SweeterThanYourDarkestSin) ( @baronesscmd )
Oh to be Nene and get to sleep between the Yugi twins... God really has favorites uh... ISTG, this collection of fics is so cute. I love how Nene loves the twins so much in this AU, they have their little cute family. She ofc is in love with Amane, but their relationship with Tsukasa is so tender... it’s mostly this trio having fluffy moments together to heal your soul... if you need some, you’ll get it here for sure hahaha. 
Ghost of You (And All the Futures We've Forgotten) by Indigo_Floof  milkteamoon  ( @indigosienna , @spades-queen )
So anon you may have been wondering, well this bitch likes fluff only???? how about some angst for a change, uh? DAMN, OKAY THEN, here you have some angst to rip your soul out and wish you never sent me this ask in the 1st place, bec of the emotional damage this fic will leave you sdajjsa, also if you liked “Erased”, you’ll love this fic too! 
Hanako of the Opera by zxrstan
Finally, but not less important, me being annoying about Hanako of the Opera & POTO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fic is based of the AU Aidairo created mostly, it’s really fun to read if you didn’t get much of what was happening during the Hanako of the Opera event, it has a nice ending also! very satisfying I must say. 
AAAAND THIS IS THE END OF MY ALL TIME FAV LIST OMG;;;; Kudos for me for searching through all my damn AO3 and Google Chrome history (from both my PC and phone, since I am a FOOL and forgot my AO3 password so I read a lot of these in the past as a guest before recovering my password LMAO, please be patient with me omg, and also if you see me bookmarking them now, you know why 😭) 
Kudos to all of my writer homies as well, I love and appreciate all of you so much!! you have no idea! 💖
I hope you find this list useful, anon!! Thank you for sending me this ask and have a wonderful day! 
Ps. Please everyone feel free to add more fics to this list if you want! this is all my personal picks, but I’m aware there are a lot more fics that I haven’t read and deserve as much recognition as the ones I listed!
224 notes · View notes
tobesobri · 4 years
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𝓞nly one more chapter to go after this omg!!!! Honestly, I considered giving up on posting this story so many times, but I’m really glad I didn’t because it’s been such an incredible experience thanks to all of you guys! This chapter is my personal favorite out of the entire series so I really hope you guys like it!
If you’d like a preview of Chapter 13 right now, you can join my patreon here! All current proceeds will be donated to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute. Thank you so much for all the love and support with this story ❤️
huge massive thank you to the incredible @youresogolden-h for editing ❤️
Harry and Y/N are friends…. with benefits, but not the kinds you’re thinking of.
When her phone rang the next morning, she didn’t exactly get to it very easily. Not when she tried to roll away from Harry and he groaned, holding onto her even tighter.
“Leave it,” he whispered in a raspy version of his voice, eyes still closed, arm still firmly curled around her waist.
“It’s probably Will,” she reminded him, attempting once again to move away from Harry.
But he just groaned again like he was some kind of possessive dog. She huffed, falling against his chest when he showed no signs of giving up. Which remained true until she dug her hands into his side and tickled him away from her.
“Oi! Stop it!” He whined, finally letting go and pushing her away from him until he rolled over on his side and she was free to answer her phone.
“You cheating fucker,” he mumbled half into his pillow while she sat on the edge of the bed and took care of Will’s call before it went to voicemail.
“Hey, you're still at Harry’s right?”
“I’m out front. Sorry I didn’t call before I got here, it’s just been hectic.”
She immediately shot up from her spot on his bed and Harry opened his eyes again, turning onto his back to watch her as she raced to retrieve her clothes.
“Oh, um... I was just going to get an uber or something.” She held her phone to her ear with her shoulder as she grabbed her bra and then her dress from Harry’s floor. 
“It’s no big deal. I’m headed back to pick up a few things anyways because I’m going to stay with Sasha the rest of the weekend.”
Y/N had been too lost in her panicking that she forgot why she’d ended up where she did last night in the first place. “Is she alright? Her mom I mean.”
Will sighed through the receiver, “Yeah. She was having chest pains yesterday. They kept her overnight for observation. I just got them home about an hour ago, but I’m literally still in my clothes from last night.”
Y/N glanced over her shoulder at Harry, who stared at her concerned, waiting himself to know what was going on and why it seemed like she was leaving him already.
“Okay, um, I’ll be there in a minute.”
And then Harry shut his eyes tight and wished they could just rewind and go back to sleep.
“He’s waiting outside.” She spoke softly and Harry opened his eyes to her, finding her phone in her hand instead of at her ear.
Harry nodded, knowing she didn’t have any other options. She stared at him for a moment, growing sadder by the second, before she reluctantly took her clothes to his bathroom with her and changed back into them.
When the bathroom door shut behind her, he rolled onto his stomach, pressing his face into his hands because her leaving was not at all in his plans for the morning. He had so much more to say to her, more kisses to give her. 
He didn’t want her to go home and never come back again because, in his experience, saying I love you wasn’t always enough to get someone to stay. 
She crawled onto the bed behind him once she was changed, placing his t-shirt onto his bare shoulder to get his attention. Once he looked at her, she smiled apologetically.
“I’ll be back, I promise.” She leaned down, pressing her lips to his. She pulled away quicker than he would have liked her to and she looked at him almost like she was about to cry when he pouted and reached for more. She hated leaving him like she was, with so many words hanging above them still, but Will left her no choice. 
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“Sorry for bailing on you like that.” Will said while he drove in a hurry, breaking the speed limit on every street it took to get back to their building. She couldn’t blame him though.
Shaking her head, she quickly shot him down. “Don’t worry about it.” And she really wished he wouldn’t. After the night she had, she should be thanking him for leaving her at the party. 
“Guess Harry owed you anyways for that one time he got drunk and you let him sleep in your bed.” Will smiled, glancing over at her while she nodded in agreement. Her heart fluttered thinking back to that time and how far she and Harry had come since then. She wondered if he’d liked her back then too, in the same way she had liked him, and just how long she was blind to it. 
Will explained everything that happened with Sasha the rest of the way and she listened quietly, respecting his need to release all the anxious thoughts even though she sometimes found herself getting distracted. It was Harry’s fault, she figured, he’d said he was in love with her, and kissed her when he was sober, and she didn't get the chance to say a single word to him yet.
Y/N and Will split ways when he rushed to his room to pack a bag and she sat on the edge of her bed, waiting until he left again before she called Harry. A text might have sufficed, asking what time she could come back, but she wanted to hear his voice again. Desperately.
Her phone dinged in her hands before she got the chance, however.
(Harry, 10:03 a.m.)
Just got called to a meeting until five. I can pick you up afterwards?
Her shoulders dropped and a frown pulled on her lips. Five o’clock was so far away she had no clue what she was going to do until then. She had no plans for the day besides spending the entire thing with Harry. 
(Y/N, 10:03 a.m.)
“I’ll be back tomorrow night.” Will poked his head in her room and she tried to pretend like she didn’t just get the worst news of her entire life. 
She nodded and he hesitated a moment before he left, wanting to ask if she’d be alright by herself in the apartment all weekend, but he refrained. She wasn’t a baby and he needed to stop worrying so much. His lips fell into another apologetic smile just before he took off. She listened to his footsteps and then eventually the front door as he shut it behind him.
Falling back on her bed, she already wished she was in Harry’s again. She still felt his arms around her, his lips on hers, his breath as he said those words. 
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When it was nearing five, she was just about ready. Harry had texted that he got out early and was on his way right as she got out of the shower. With her towel wrapped around her, she walked over to her dresser to figure out what to wear and put her focus on that, which calmed her nerves about seeing Harry again.
She dug through her underwear drawer first, realizing she hadn’t done laundry in a while when she only had a couple clean pairs left.  But in her attempts to choose between the bright purple pair with pictures of cats on them or the stripey one with ‘Wednesday’ printed on the back, her eyes fell to something much more appealing at the bottom of her drawer that she hadn’t seen or thought of in a long time. 
She’d never had a need for a nice set of lingerie, not even when she’d bought it just after graduating college. No one was going to see it besides her, but that really hadn’t mattered because it was for her. Picking the lace bra and panty set up in her hands now, it reminded her of when she’d first saw it online and then opened it up in person. When she tried it on and looked at herself in the mirror with all the hope in the world that it would make her see her body differently. It didn’t quite work out that way, however. It wasn’t an instant fix to her problems as she dreamed it would be, but even though she didn’t care for how she looked in it, it still made her feel better about herself, so she hung onto them. 
And she was glad for that because if something were to happen with Harry, she was not doing it in kitty cat undies and a bra she owned since freshman year. 
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She had no clue if they would even get to the point of Harry seeing what was underneath her clothes, but just the thought of it made her restless in the passenger seat of his car. Then there was just being in his car at all that had her in a fit of butterflies as well because it was the first time they’d been out in public like this together. They weren’t around friends, not in the comfort of either of their homes anymore and while it used to scare her to potentially be caught with Harry, now she was wishing someone would. It would make telling her roommates, and especially Will, that much easier. 
In order to keep her thoughts and her body under control, she focused on the mundane things instead. Everything she wanted to say to him was going to have to wait until they were at his house because that was the only place she felt comfortable enough to be completely vulnerable with him. 
“How was your meeting?” She asked after he pulled back onto the streets again and although it was a boring question, it still made her just as nervous, possibly because she knew it was just her stalling until they walked through his front doors.
“Alright,” he mumbled, “would have rather spent the day with you.”
Looking out her window instead of at him, she quickly hid the blush on her cheeks. The lingerie on her skin under her long-sleeve and jeans became all-too apparent again. She needed to calm down, that much she knew, because she didn't even know what Harry wanted yet and she definitely wasn’t doing anything until she’d said what she needed to say. 
She sighed shakily, “Well you can have me for the rest of the weekend.”
He grinned at her words, not sure if she was hiding an innuendo in them or not, but he didn’t risk asking. She was staying, at least until the weekend was over, and that’s all he cared about.
Once they’d reached his house, and she glared at the stupid For Sale sign again, she realized why she hated it so much. It wasn’t just a house to her anymore, it wasn’t some place that made her feel like a stranger. It held her most personal objects and most precious memories. It had become home to her, way more than her apartment ever did.
She placed her things down on the island in the kitchen and it was clear he had hired someone to clean up while he’d been gone. There was no chocolate cake smeared into the countertops and no empty bottles of beer laying around anymore. It was clean again with absolutely no telling if a party had even happened last night. She’d almost forgotten, too, since the only part of last night on her mind was when they’d gone upstairs together.
Watching him pour two glasses of water, it took her right back to their first night together. So much had changed since then. She wasn’t even the same person anymore, she was sure of that. 
Although she was possibly the most nervous she’d ever been, she knew she had to just spit it out. Rip the band-aid off and tell him everything she felt about him. She cleared her throat and hoped for the best.
“I liked you all this time too, you know.” Her confession wasn't nearly up to par with his, but he’d take it anyways. Grinning, he glanced at her sideways while closing the fridge.
“Could’ve fooled me.” He slipped her one of the glasses across the counter, knowing very well that she did, in fact, fool him into thinking otherwise. Until she kissed him this morning and promised she’d be back, he still hadn’t been convinced.
A slew of apologies rested on her face, in her furrowed brows and flared nostrils, “I didn’t think you liked me so it was easier for me to just push you away.”
He leaned onto the counter, facing her but not looking at her. His mind went in all different directions then. First to the time he told Will he thought he’d made his feelings for her obvious and now realized Will had been right. Then, and most prominently, his mind snapped to quite possibly the worst day of his life, or at least since he’d known her. His heart broke all over again when her previous words rang in his head as clear as they had several weeks ago. When she told him she didn’t care if he saw other people. When he cried in the exact same spot he was standing in now because he thought she didn’t have a single feeling for him at all. He never thought she just might be pushing him away in order to protect herself and he felt stupid for not realizing that.
But… hiding her emotions seemed to be Y/N’s specialty.
“You were really good at that… pushing me away.”
She sighed again and all the words in her brain finally just spilled out for him to hear and for the kitchen walls to absorb. “I’m really sorry about that Harry, I think I was just too afraid of you rejecting me… and you never really said anything either so I assumed… But I was heartbroken when I found out what you did in New York, I just,” she paused for a moment to look into his eyes again and the way he looked at her with so much care gave her enough confidence to continue, “I didn’t want you to think I liked you, or that I was jealous, because I didn’t think you would ever feel the same about me.”
Harry remained quiet when it was written all over her face that she still had more to say and all he wanted to do was listen. “But then, um,” she began once more, “then I didn't really want you to like me or for that song to be about me or any of it because I felt like you would be better off with someone else who could be more open with you.” Her next words came out in a whisper, “I just thought it was best to leave you alone.”
He nodded, averting his eyes to where he ran his fingertip over the edge of his glass, figuring out everything he wanted to say first but when he looked at her again, he realized that was part of their problem. Not just saying how they really felt without thinking of the consequences.
He took the two steps needed to stand right in front of her, to be able to reach out and tuck her hair behind her ear and fill his senses with everything he loved about her. Her soft skin when his thumb brushed past her cheek, her coconut-scented shampoo, and especially her eyes that cared about him and trusted him.
“That’s not what was best, I hope you know that.” He began softly and she nodded before he continued. “Also hope you know how sorry I am that it took me so long to say anything to you… but I realized I was falling in love with you after you told me about your past. So when you said you didn’t like relationships, I didn’t want to hurt you so I kept it to myself. But I still foolishly fell for you anyways, didn’t I?” He glanced between her eyes, watching the crinkles appear on the outside of them as she smiled.
“But Y/N?” He started up again and her smile faded when his did too, “There was never anyone else I wanted. I can’t even tell you how sorry I am for making you think that and upsetting you. That was never my intention.”
She hesitated a moment before swiping a few stray strands of hair from his forehead. “It’s okay. I know that now.”
There was still a look of uncertainty in his eyes, like he didn’t deserve to be forgiven and like he still wasn’t sure she was actually going to stay, and he wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t want to.
“I’m not going to leave again, Harry…” she assured, practically reading his mind in a way she had never been able to. “Not unless you want me to of course.” 
He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips as he grew closer, close enough to press his forehead to hers and swipe his thumb along her cheekbone, “No, I don’t want that. I never wanted that.”
Although he was still smiling, sadness fell over his eyes that he quickly hid by flicking them down to her lips. She had already been in love with the way he looked at her mouth, but if it was even possible, she liked it more now. Now that they weren’t being idiots and wasting time. Now that both of their mouths had said things they’d been meaning to for a long time now.
He glanced back to her yes, all sadness stripped from his face now, “S'alright if I--”
She cut him off, already nodding before he had a chance to ask. She didn’t want him to ask that question ever again. She didn’t want him to worry about being too forward, about hurting her, about crossing a line. There was no line for him to cross. She just wanted him to kiss her without thinking about it.
And he did. It took him another few moments, but his lips were on hers again and it felt just as amazing as it did last night and then again this morning. She hated that she could have been kissing him for a long time now, but she tried not to dwell on her mistakes too heavily. Not when he was kissing her the way he was and all she wanted to focus on was his lips and his tongue and his hands.
His hands that fled from her face moments after she brushed her tongue against his and things took a turn from innocent kissing in his kitchen to needy hands sliding up the back of her shirt and wet moans from his lips when she pressed into him. It helped her confidence knowing his fingertips were inching closer to her bra, the one she was grateful she had on right now.
And then she wrapped her hands around his forearms and backed away before he got any further. But when she saw the look on his face, she wasn’t sure that was the right move. He was absolutely terrified. He pulled his arms from her grasp quickly and put an inch or two of space between them again.
“I’m so sorry.”
Again, she put a halt to his train of thought with a simple gesture. She shook her head and reached her hand up to his face, wrapping it around the back of his neck and pressing her thumb where his dimple should be. 
“Don’t be… just meet me upstairs in ten minutes.” Her voice was soft, but her eyes might as well have been undressing him right there in the middle of his kitchen. Although that would have been nice, she really didn’t want him to see her in her lacy underwear in his fucking kitchen. The lights were too bright for her liking and she never got the chance to warm up to the space as much as she did his bedroom. 
His body eased and then he nodded slowly, never looking away from her while she pulled her hand from his face, grabbed her bag and walked away from him. 
Ten minutes was way too much time to be away from her and he spent the whole spanse of time staring at the clock, wishing it would go faster but also wishing it wouldn’t. He had no idea what she was up to and even though his mind went crazy with all the endless possibilities, he just hoped that whatever it was, she knew what she was doing. 
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She squeezed her hands around the arms of his chair when she heard him heading up the stairs. She didn’t move, however, just focused on her breathing as she convinced herself not to run into his bathroom and hide before he made it to her.
Ten minutes was four minutes too long. She sat down and realized that once every piece of her body was set aflame with anticipation. She knew what she wanted, but she still wasn’t sure about him. What if he didn’t want her? 
The events from last night flew past her eyelids. He kissed you because he wanted to, not because he was drunk, she reminded herself. And he kissed you again, moments ago in the kitchen, also not because he was drunk. She thought about his touch on her skin, slowly inching up her back. She thought about his words from last night and they settled her nerves down to a minimum.
That was until he appeared in the doorway to his bedroom.
He sucked in a breath of air seeing her in that familiar spot in the middle of his room. Sitting on her throne and looking out over Los Angeles like she owned it. But it was hardly what he expected when she told him to meet her here. Especially when she didn’t even look at him, just tensed up her shoulders and her grip on the chair when she noticed his presence.
“Everything alright?” He asked and she continued to just stare out the windows, nodding and trying to regain whatever courage she had in order to ask him to do this in the first place.
He furrowed his brows, confused as he walked over to his bedside table and removed his phone and wallet from his back pockets and then each of his rings from his fingers, knowing that whatever she was planning, he didn’t want anything weighing him down. It also gave them both a moment to relax.
Right when he began removing his watch, the last thing on him besides his shirt and jeans, she stood and took a few steps in his direction. He froze and looked at her while she hugged her arms around herself. He realized then that she was wearing a robe which looked an awful lot like one of his. If the lighting was better, he’d be able to make out the stitching on the left breast of his last name and confirm that she had, in fact, slipped into his robe while she made him wait downstairs.
“What are you--?”
He stopped talking, and stopped thinking and probably stopped breathing when she untied the belt around her waist and let both halves of the robe fall open to reveal what she’d been hiding underneath. His watch hit the floor instead of the table. 
He swallowed thickly, not sure how long was too long to stare at her like he currently was with his jaw slightly ajar and his eyes refusing to blink in case he might miss something. 
When he snapped out of it, he walked over to her finally, not giving a single shit about his watch.  He stood in front of her and kept his hands to himself even though it was painful to do so. Instead, his eyes flickered to the embroidery on the silky fabric draped over her shoulders and he grinned, “S’that my robe?” 
It was a dumb question, because of course it was his. It had his name stitched into it. 
“Hope it’s okay that I borrowed it.” She ran her fingers up the hem and made him light-headed. Her matching pink lace underwear was one thing, but the robe was almost too much for him to process.  
He dragged his eyes reluctantly from her breasts, the transparent material showing off more of her than he’d ever seen, and back up to her eyes. “If I say it isn’t, will you take it off?”
She smiled at him and then took one step closer. “Why don’t you,” she began, grabbing his hands and placing them on her bare hips, “take it off yourself?”
Her voice was shaky and even though her actions exuded confidence, he knew her anxiety must be through the roof. He knew her too well. He knew she didn’t like being touched, didn’t like being seen when she wasn’t covered. Didn’t like being open. It soothed his own nerves to know that all of the things she didn’t like became things she did, as long as it was with him. The only thing on his radar now was making her as comfortable as he possibly could.
When she let go of his hands, he kept them there, pulling her in to close the gap she’d left between them until his mouth found hers again. He’d daydreamed through his entire meeting about kissing her the entire rest of the night, but that was no match to the reality of it. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect her to be standing in front of him like she was, putting his hands on her body in a whole new way than ever before.
His fingers slid gently up to her shoulders where he slipped them under the silk until it fell right off her skin and gathered into a pool at her feet. He pulled away for a moment, resting his forehead on hers when she reached for more. He smirked at the way she pouted impatiently. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, bringing a hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear and he didn’t give her much of a chance to respond, but the blush on her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes said more than enough. 
Once his lips were on hers again, he backed her up slowly, stepping right on top of his, now irrelevant, robe until they reached the chair. 
She pulled away from him this time and when she spoke next, there wasn’t a stitch of hesitation in her voice, “I want you.”
Swallowing, he nodded in understanding. She knew exactly what she was doing and she wanted him. His hands were back on her hips as he gently coerced her into the chair.
“Sit,” he whispered and she did exactly what he said without a second thought. 
She was back in her chair in front of him, her hands gripping the armrests while she looked up into his eyes eagerly because she had no clue what he was planning but she trusted him to know that whatever it was, he wouldn’t hurt her. He was Harry and he’d never make her do something she didn’t want to. 
He sunk to his knees then and she already felt the pool between her legs before he even touched her. He never took his eyes off of her when he lifted his hands to her knees and slowly slid them apart to fit himself in the middle. He waited for any signs that he should stop, but when she glanced down at his hands that sat idly on her thighs, he figured it was a good time to move them.
“Is this alright?” He asked after he’d hooked his fingers under what little fabric there was of her panties and paused to make sure. When she nodded, he proceeded and began pulling them off. He went slow, almost painfully for her, but she was appreciative of it. If he went much faster she wasn’t sure how she’d respond and ruining everything right now was not on her agenda.
Again, his eyes stayed planted on hers as he tugged the lace over her hips when she adjusted slightly to give him room to do so. They went the rest of the way down her legs with ease until they, too, were on his bedroom floor. Her legs fell back into place around him as he slotted into his previous position. She focused on everything physically here and now as best she could, whether it was the way he looked at her, or the way the fabric of his shirt felt on her knees, the rough texture of his jeans on her calves. Just knowing that it was Harry sitting in front of her like this, while she was this exposed, calmed her right back down. Well, at least, it calmed the nerves, but she still felt the surge of butterflies in her stomach every time he made a slight movement and she could nearly puke with excitement.
“You okay?” He asked quietly, and her eyes bounced from his down to where their bodies connected and then back up and she nodded. It reassured him because even though she had said she wanted him, she had every right to change her mind.
“Let me know if you want me to stop.”
She nodded again, positive that if she opened her mouth to say something nothing would even come out. Her lack of ability to speak made him smile, though, as he slowly descended down her body. 
He kissed her from her collarbone down to her belly, pulling her legs out around his waist so that she slouched in the chair and gave him better access by the time he reached his destination. His hands gripped her thighs tight as he sat back on his knees and let his mouth do the talking.
She tensed up the second he licked the tip of his tongue into her and he immediately backed away staring up at her in shock that he’d already done something to hurt her.
Instead, she finally opened her own mouth, “I’m sorry, I’m fine. I just… didn’t expect… you can keep going.” 
He fell back into place hesitantly, but this time he kissed his way up her inner thigh, making sure to keep at least one eye on her at all times. When he had his tongue on her again, though, she sunk into her seat with a sigh and he wasn’t as worried. 
When he spread her open with both his hands planted on her inner thighs, his tongue explored even more to the point of finally managing a moan out of her. She didn’t give him a whole lot, but he didn’t really need it the way he watched her like a hawk to make absolutely sure she was really okay. 
And she did seem that way, she seemed more than okay, in fact. Everytime he flicked his tongue over just the right spot, her eyes rolled back into her head and so he made mental notes of everything she liked best. Even though she never closed her eyes completely, never looked away from him for more than a second, what she did do was more than enough. Although he normally got off on verbal praise, just the way her body reacted to him seemed to do all the tricks he needed it to. The way she moved against him, the way her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pouted and she sucked in shaky breaths, he didn’t need anything more than that.
What she did next had him moaning, however. She dug her fingernails into his scalp and tugged his curls, leaving him in stinging pain that felt so fucking incredible. It was just another reminder from her that what he was doing was good and that he made her feel good enough to have her hands at the back of his head trying to get more from him. He fidgeted and shifted his weight just to get some relief himself while he looked at her with darkened green eyes and his tongue suddenly picked up the pace.
She gasped and leaned back into the chair, her eyes fluttering shut. He let her do it for a moment until he slowed to a stop and pulled his mouth away just far enough to speak. 
“Open your eyes,” he whispered, catching his breath, and she felt the heat of it on the sensitive bits his tongue had just been getting to know. She, again, did as he asked without question. His voice wasn’t filled with anything but care for her so no matter what he asked, she’d probably do it.
“Don’t stop looking at me, okay?” 
She agreed, nonverbally, before he even considered continuing where he left off. It wasn’t that he needed to see her face, although that had been a huge factor in telling him what he needed to do. It was mostly that he didn’t want her to close her eyes and have a single stitch of an intrusive thought leak into her brain. He didn’t want her to see anything besides him, not the trauma she’d been through or the face of the asshole who had done it. He wanted her to see him; his green eyes, his dimples, his curly brown hair that tickled her skin and framed his sweaty forehead. He wanted her to see that it was him on his hands and knees in front of her and that his touches would not make her hate her body. They wouldn’t betray her or disrespect her. Her body was safe in his hands and he wanted her to see that.
When he knew she was close, he found her hands digging into the cushion below her and slipped his fingers through hers instead, letting her squeeze the life out of them and dig crescent shapes into his skin. By this point, he’d become obsessed with her body, in love with the way it said everything her mouth didn’t. He didn’t need her to say anything, though, he never really did. Just being near her had always been more than enough. The only thing he would need her to say now though, was if she wanted him to stop.
But those words never left her lips and he stopped expecting them to as he watched her face contort with pleasure. He wondered if anyone had ever made her feel as good as he was and it made him sad to think she’d gone so long never being treated the way she deserved. He adjusted again and gave her everything he was capable of.
Her body moved against him like a tidal wave and he’d probably let her drown him if it meant feeling her buck her hips up into his mouth the way she was and he’d most definitely die at the hands of her body if it meant feeling her heels dig into his back for an ounce of mercy. He didn’t give her very much though, mostly because the look on her face told him that if he stopped now, she might actually kill him. 
Even so, he worshiped the fuck out of her in every sense of the word. He never looked away, he watched her mouth as it fell open. He watched her eyebrows as they furrowed. And most importantly, he watched her eyes until she couldn’t take it anymore and they crossed back into her head, while her whole body shivered against him. He felt her coming more than he heard anything about it at first. 
But then she whispered and he completely forgot what he was doing. 
“I love you so much, Harry.”
He blinked, looking up at her so much more in love than he ever had been before. He wanted to kiss her, to hear her say it again ten more times at least. When her hips shifted upwards again, he snapped out of it and scooted closer to her to gain some control while she was losing it, using his forearms on her hips to keep her in place. That had only led her to squeeze his hands tighter than ever before while her thighs got him in a choke hold, but he loved every single second of it, which is why he didn’t take his tongue away from her until she settled down. 
She breathed heavily for a few moments while he watched her come down from her high as he rested his cheek against her thigh and stared up at her, still holding onto her hands and rubbing his thumb across the back of one of them. He heard her words over in his head again and they became his most favorite words ever.
“So you do love me?” He asked quietly, not wanting to miss too much of the sounds of her catching her breath because of what he’d just done to her body.
She laughed and fluttered her eyes shut again. After a moment, she shook her head and changed the subject, “Please don't ever leave this house.”
He chuckled, sending cool air against her core again while he leaned over to kiss her thigh softly, “Whatever you say.”
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Taglist: @afterstylesmadeit​ @cxnyon-moon-deactivated20200417​  @chrryblsms​ @whydontharry​ @harryinsweatersandbandanas​ @idkthisisjustforfanfic​ @teddysoldbird​ @shawnsblue​ @thurhomish​ @theasstour​ @hufflepuff-always-and-forever​ @staceystoleyourheart​ @granolagrannie​ @defineharry​ @iambabyharry​ @1142590m​ @ashtondene​ @smokeinherperfume​ @cherryyharryy​ @mellamolayla​ @chrryblsms​ @cassiopeiaskies​ @sunflowerjens​ @detroitkiwis​ @brwnskin-bunnyteeth​  @meetmeinfleetwood​ @harriesgolden​ @rachkon​ @caritocp​ @sspidermanss​ @forestliz​ @grandfunnyemopainter​ @metalmerida  @httpsmoony​ @iconicharry​ @cheesecakebagels​ @cronias13​ @dontyoucallhimbabby​  @brassharry​ @whothefudgeisharrystyles​ @damnigotadime​ if you’d like to be added, go here :)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Starcrossed Losers 2.IV (Josh Wheeler xF!Reader)
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long omg I’m the worst. Let me know if I forgot to tag you or if you wanna be tagged -Danny
Words: 2,022
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Listen to me!
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I guess you're all expecting me to say something about what happened. I should, after all, I hid this piece of information from you, not that I owe it to you, but I guess it's confusing...
'More than just a dream...'
Josh and I are still holding hands while we start the tour, and I wish I could say I was feeling bad about it but to be honest I'm still way too drunk on the bliss to be ashamed. I felt bad though, I did promise Nathan a date before everything went to hell. As a matter of fact, he was going to be my homecoming date.
Where to start? Perhaps you'd like to know who Nathan was in my group of friends? Easy.
*Throwback time*
Nathan was the 'popular' of our group. Do you know how there's always that one friend that seems to know everyone for really strange reasons? The one that 'knows a guy, that knows a guy, that has a cousin'... that's Nathan.
He was also the good looking guy of our group. I know I said Alex was attractive, but man, Nathan was the real deal, he had charisma and a great smile, try to beat that when you're sixteen and have zero social skills.
I didn't have a crush on him though, but it was a very well thought decision like I said before, I wasn't going to let someone close to me break my heart, and both Nathan and Alex were too close, so I buried those thoughts about him before I could even consider it.
I never had a thing for him until... well, until he asked me to homecoming. I never knew why he asked me, I mean sure we were good friends but he never tried to make a move (and this is not me being oblivious this is me saying Nathan never even commented on my looks not even once). While I do remember having said to him something along the lines of "you're so pretty you annoy me" one night while I was completely shitfaced.
He laughed it off then, not bringing it up to tease me the next morning. He knew he was attractive and I certainly used to dream about dashing men like him coming to take me out for a ride or a movie, but I never thought that it'd be him the one who would ask me out.
'All the days I waited for you You know the ones who said I'd never find someone like you'
Then the end of the world happened and we never went to homecoming, yet we remained on the same group until one day he just vanished. No notes, no nothing. He left. He was also the first one to go, followed by Aria, then Phillip, then Lily, until we were just Maya, Alex and I, you know the rest.
We heard about Nathan a few weeks later though, the first loner on Glendale (Josh was very good at keeping a low profile, we didn't know he was by himself) and I thought it was a great idea to do the same, you know, follow the loner's path until I had Katie back... and you know how that turned out.
My point is, how was I supposed to know he was going to come back and still ask me for a date? What kind of person does that?
"Here we have the Cheeramazon division," Josh pointed to the sports section of the mall. "We teach sign language for those who are interested in learning, it's also handy for communicating while we're outside on a Ghoulie area..."
"Why're they here?" Nathan asked in a voice that was completely unlike him. "I mean, I know their old place got trashed but why haven't they looked for a new place?"
"They don't have enough people or resources," I replied. "They'll wait here until enough girls decide to join them or until they get enough food to survive on their own."
"And you guys are okay with that?"
"Good relationships with old tribes are everything," I shrugged. "We want to keep it friendly with everyone, we don't want to start another war."
"Really? Because you seemed ready to go out and set houses on fire five minutes ago," Josh replied sternly.
"That's different!" I scoff. "Those kids need our help and you know it!"
"What kids?" Nathan asked in curiosity.
"Are you familiar with the AV club?" I ask him.
"The kids with the podcast?"
"Exactly! They've been kidnapped and I've been trying to convince my tribe to go out and look for them but they refuse–"
"Because we're barely recovering from Triumph," Josh interrupted. "Listen Y/N, we can't be heroes fighting against some kids in suits..."
"Here we have the gamer's layer," I continue, forcing them to leave the subject. "But you don't have to write that down, they're leaving in a few days to their old cave. Been here to help us with some tech stuff..."
"Those over there are the X-jocks," Josh points over a couple of kids playing and exercising at the other side of the mall, "they followed Turbo after he was kicked out. They're no longer Jocks, but they don't want to be called Daybreakers either."
"They don't wanna mingle with all the weirdos, apparently," I roll my eyes.
"We have a healers division, which is coordinated by Y/N," Josh puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles. "She's great... a training division that Wesley and Turbo handle... Am I missing something?"
"The Daybreakers, which are lead by this loser," I look at Josh with a smirk. "He schedules our vigilance system, the hunts– Oh, and the weekly competitions."
"What are those about?"
"We organize tournaments and the awards are free days from working or having to go outside, stuff like that."
"Okay," Nathan nods, writing everything down. "I think that's all..."
"Cool," Someone calls Josh and he looks back at us. "Can you finish the tour on your own?"
"I– Yeah, okay," I reply anxiously. "See you in a while..."
Josh gives me a quick kiss and leaves to where he's needed, leaving me alone with Mister 'U-owe-me-a-date'.
"So..." I awkwardly start.
"I think I owe you an apology," He replies immediately.
"I didn't know you and Josh... what I said was completely out of place anyway, who asks that kind of stuff to someone they haven't seen in months? I–"
"Nathan," I stop him, "It's okay, really, you didn't know, it's alright."
"I'm sorry," He repeats, this time calmer. "I ditch you and the group, I just... I don't know, I felt stuck..."
"I get that, we left too, eventually," I shrug. "Went to look for my sister, but... she died."
"Oh," He frowns. "I'm so sorry... was she–?"
"A Ghoulie, yeah," I sigh. "It's okay, I'm better now, I have this place and I have..."
"I was going to say I have a sledgehammer, but sure," I joke.
He smiles and suddenly I remember why I used to like his smile so much. It really is quite dreamy.
'And you were out of my league All the things I believed You were just the right kind Yeah, you were more than just a dream'
"Those kids..." He mentions. "The AV club?"
"Yeah?" My heart jumps at the mention. "Do you know anything about them? Anything that could help?"
"No, but Josh mentioned kids in suits? I think I've seen them–"
"Y/N!" Josh runs back to us in a hurry. "They found them!"
"What? Who?"
"The AV Club!" He replies.
I try to walk over to the gamer's layer but Josh stops me.
"Wait," He holds me in place. "It's an X-Pug zone."
"That, or the kids in suits want us to believe it is," I point out, "Josh let me go! I want to know where it is!"
"We're not taking anyone there! You know we can't, Y/N! We don't have enough people, who knows how many of those are out there..."
I want to argue back but I know that Josh is right.
"Fine," I let go of his arms and he does the same with me. "Can I at least take a look? Maybe one day we'll go and... and just take a look..."
Josh doesn't need me to end the sentence though, he understands.
"Okay," He starts walking when Nathan speaks up.
"Can I see?"
We turn to see him, both wearing the same confused expression.
"It's just..." He moves his weight from one foot to the other. "I was telling Y/N that I've seen those kids before and maybe... I could talk to Sam, maybe she'd like to help?"
I look at Josh with my best puppy eyes and he sighs in defeat, nodding along.
Nathan catches up with us and grins at me. What I shame I lost my chance with this guy, he looks like straight out of a fantasy, who knows, maybe he was the one meant to be with me if all this apocalypse stuff never happened in the first place...
'You were out of my league Got my heartbeat racing If I die, don't wake me 'Cause you are more than just a dream'
When we arrive Aria takes me directly to her laptop and points to the image in it. I hear her talk to Nathan for a moment while I see the streets and the directions and since I know the whole city by heart it takes me a minute to memorize the whole thing. I don't tell this to Josh, of course.
"Are you going to leave us alone now?" She asks irritatedly.
"Sure thing, you can leave during the night and I wouldn't even bat an eye at it," I reply, still looking at the screen. "Let me just..."
I pull out my phone and take a picture of the screen, is not perfect but it's quick and it's just in case. Josh gives me a warning look but I smile.
"Thank you for doing this," I step closer to him and put my arms around his neck. "See? It didn't kill us to find out, right?"
If I've learned anything in my short stupid life, is that flattery can take you places... and it distracts a boy's brain faster than anything else.
Josh smiles at me and I know I have his whole attention, so I quickly put my phone away.
"Anyway!" I break the spell and look at the gamers. "You guys did a good job, I'll leave you now. Nathan, let me walk you to the door..."
Halfway to the entrance, Nathan speaks.
"You're so not going to listen to what Josh told you to do. I know it, I can see it in your face."
"How long till I can hear from you and Sam?" I ask him in a business-like voice.
"A day, maybe two?"
"You think she'll help?"
"That if we can push Maya to a side."
"Don't mention my name and you'll have a bigger chance to succeed."
I stop at the door and turn to look at him decidedly.
"You have no idea how much this means to me."
"If you're risking your stay at the mall and your relationship with Josh, I assume a lot," He raises a brow.
"He won't kick me out for this," I roll my eyes.
"He's your leader, Y/N."
I remember that none of our feelings ever stopped Josh from kicking me out the first time. So he's not entirely wrong.
"Don't sweat it," Nathan shakes his head, "I'll do my best to keep everyone happy, just like you've been doing for the last few weeks. Consider this my thank you gift for all the hard work you've been doing, Vinchi."
"Oh," I cringe. "I don't really go by that nickname anymore..."
"Oh, sorry," He pouts. "Just Y/N, then?"
"Unless you have a new nickname for me," I grin.
Nathan tilts his head like he's considering what I'm saying.
"I'll think about it," He smiles.
"I'll see you in two days," I smile back.
'Yeah, you were more than just a dream...'
@letsbe-queer @slythermyg​ @loving-u-3000​ @one-loud-mind
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drabblesanddreams · 5 years
Accidents Happen- Atsushi Nakajima x Reader
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Hey everyone :D I’m back with another bsd imagine! I didn’t realize how much more comfortable i am with writing the characters compared to other shows. I had fun writing this albeit there is a cheesy ass ending lmfao sorry yall for unrealistic expectations. This also turned out longer then i wanted to again omg it was just supposed to be 500 words lololol whoops
Also dont be afraid to send in any requests for bsd:)
Fandom: Bungou Stray dogs
TW: None
Summary: Atsushi is dumb insecure boy and you just want to kiss him
Word count: 1.3k
Atsushi first met you a few weeks after joining the Armed Detective Agency.
It didn’t take long afterward for the tiger boy to develop feelings for you.
How could he not? You were such an optimistic and kind person, bringing so much light into the darkness that Atsushi had become accustomed to since his time in the orphanage. 
You always made the boy laugh as well, with your bold humour and sassy remarks that he’d watch you exchange with the other members of the detective agency. He admired your carefree persona; it was what opened his world a little more as you continued to show him your own.
Currently, the gray-haired teen was finishing up the paperwork that he had disregarded from the last mission in favour of tagging after one of your many adventures as you liked to call them. 
You were currently in the same position as him, both teenagers being the only signs of life in the office. Everyone had left for the day but you both had to stay back, seeing as you were unable to procrastinate any longer.
Atsushi winced at the thought of Kunikida-senpai scolding the both of you and demanding that you stay back and finish the mission reports. Shaking the consuming thoughts of you, Atsushi looked back down at his paperwork laid out in front of him.
 Picking up the pen from his desk, Atsushi went back to working with a small sigh. He would look up so very often to your figure splayed out on the communal couch. 
You had gone silent a few moments ago, declaring that if you worked any longer your mind would combust.
Suddenly, a loud exaggerated sigh broke the silence in the room and Atsushi glanced up once more to see you laying on your back with your arm resting across your eyes.
 When no further sound escaped you, Atsushi went back to his work. 
You then released another big dramatic sigh which drew Atsushi’s attention once more.
Deciding to humour you, Atushi smiled and said, “Are you alright (Y/N)-chan?”. Moving your arm from your face, you met Atsushi’s gaze with a child-like pout. He couldn’t help but feel his cheeks warm slightly from the eye contact.
 You were always so easily able to fluster the poor boy. “No,” (Y/N) whined, jutting out her bottom lip even further, “I’m so bored Atsushi-kun, why don’t you stop working as well and hang out with me over here.” You proposed to him.
As much as Atsushi would love to spend time in your company, he was scared in case Kunakida came in screaming once more.
 Otherwise, he may never be able to hang out with you again, seeing as he would be murdered by said man. “I’m sorry (Y/N)-chan, but we have to finish this, we’ve been putting it off for too long,” Atsushi said, declining her proposition.
 Briefly, his mind drifted to how it would be like to have you both cuddle in that couch, your body pressed flush against him as you would card your fingers through his hair. 
Snapping out of this thought, Atsushi was briefly horrified at his own mind.
 Of course, you would never do that sort of thing with him.
You were an incredibly amazing person who would no way settle for someone like him. Besides, Atsushi believed you deserved someone other than him, someone who wasn’t a completely useless failure.
You whined once more, effectively drawing his attention, and you held your arms in front of you, wriggling your fingers at the detective signaling that you wanted him to come to you on the couch. 
Atsushi felt himself lose his resolve as you looked at him with your big (e/c) that caused his cheeks to tint pink slightly. “Alright, alright,” Atsushi sighed, standing up from his chair, finding that he couldn’t deny you anything you requested. 
Once he reached your body, you reached further for him until you had both of his hands grasped in yours. 
Atsushi felt the familiar sensation of his heart racing rapidly, as it usually did when you initiated any sort of physical contact with him. 
You then shifted your hands so that they were intertwined with each of his, before beaming up at the boy from your rested position.
Atsushi’s heart almost stopped at that one, you were surely going to be the death of him one day.
 Sitting up to make room for Atsushi, you pulled him down so that he was next to you. 
Yelping, Atsushi felt his whole-body flush at the close proximation the two of you were in due to your movements.
 He found himself unable to make eye contact with you and turned his head away to one of the desks. He was surely a tomato by now, he was sure of it.
He saw you observing him from the corner of his eye with uncharacteristic silence.
Feeling your body shift slightly, “Are you alright?” (Y/n) asked with concern laced in their voice, “You look red, are you sick?”
“N-no! I’m fine (Y/n)-chan!” he denied quickly, not wanting you to worry over him. In order to diffuse your concern even further, Atsushi turned his head back to you.
However, Atsushi completely forgot about the proximity created between the both of you from your movements earlier. So, when his lips accidentally brushed against yours, he completely froze up feeling his cheeks completely ablaze. Jumping back, he looked at the other detective in complete horror.
No way, he hadn’t done what he thought he just did, did he? Unlinking their hands, Atsushi raised his fingers to his lips, looking at you with shock. You were staring back at him blankly which only caused his heart to completely go out of control.
“O-oh my god! (Y/N)_chan I didn’t mean to O-oh my god I swear it was an accident, I would never-“ Atsushi rambled out, blanching slightly as you continued to look back at him expressionless. 
Shit! He had said something wrong, “W-wait I didn’t mean I would never because of course I would! You’re really pretty and amazing and anyone would be lucky to kiss you!” The gray-haired boy quickly exclaimed before catching on to his unintentional confession.
 “I-I m-mean…” Atsushi stuttered. Holy hell what could he say at this point to defend himself?
Just as he was up and about to give you another explanation, you had cut him with a small giggle.
 Staring at you in disbelief, Atsushi watched as it turned into full-blown laughter. His heart sank slightly at this, who would really want to kiss him anyway?
Suddenly you stopped your laughter as you gave him a big grin, “You are such an idiot” you stated as your (e/c) twinkled in happiness. Before Atsushi could ponder on your words, you reached forward and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him forward so you could reattach your lips.
Atsushi widened his eyes at this, his mind unable to provide him with any coherent thought. 
The feel of your soft lips against his essentially gave his heart palpitations. When you released him, Atsushi gazed shyly at you, “Wait..does this mean..?” he trailed off. Your actions clearly eluded to your own feelings toward the boy, but he found himself still unable to believe it.
 Rolling your eyes, you nodded at him before moving forward to recapture his lips.
This time, Atsushi shut his eyes and felt himself focus on the kiss. He was absorbed by the thought of how soft your lips were, how they moved against his own inexperienced pair.
 Sparks ignited in his chest and he felt himself become consumed by your warmth. Atsushi placed his hands on your thighs with uncertainty as you moved your own to cup his face, tilting your head in order to gain better access.
 Feeling your tongue press slightly against his bottom lip, he let out a small gasp. This caused him to part his lips allowing your tongue to slip a little inside, clearly not wanting to overwhelm the nervous boy.
 Atsushi felt his body heat up with affection towards you as you both pulled away.
You stared at him with a small smile before grabbing hold of one of his hands, intertwining it as it was earlier. Staring down at your hands, you looked back at him, “Of course it was always you.”
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
Love Hurts/1
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Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline
Part 1
AU TVD/TO story
Premise:  One day Y/N receives a letter from a lawyer from New Orleans, which stated that she had inherited a part of a Plantation House and Estate there. She travels there to find out what it is about, and finds out that it is a place is also part owned by two brothers. Elijah and Klaus Mikaelson.
a/n: since sweet love is finishing - only one ch left. Here is something new. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading xoxo
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @goddessofthunder112 @captainshurley
Mystic Falls
"Hey"- Y/N said to Bonnie as she sat down at the table in the Grill. 
"You are late. You've just missed Stefan. Where were you?"
"I was on the phone to a lawyer from New Orleans. Here look- I received this today."- Y/N now showed a letter to her friend.Bonnie read it and then looked at her friend wide-eyed-
"What is this? A Will and Last Testament  reading? In New Orleans? Dahlia Mikaelson? Did you know any Dahlia Mikaelson?"
"No. That is why I had to call the lawyer's firm."- Y/N said continuing-"and - it turns out Dahlia Mikaelson, whoever she is, left me part of a Plantation house and a town house in New Orleans. It's crazy, isn't it?"
"It's mad"- Bonnie said."Yeah, but it is all true. Apparently it all checks out."
"What did your mom and dad say?""I tried to call them, but they are now somewhere in Brasil, and they don't always have good reception."- Y/N replied.
"I guess you will go down to New Orleans?"- Bonnie asked.
"Yeah. Made already an appointment for Monday. Come with me?"
"I can't. I promised Damon I would help him get the Boarding House running again"
"Ah, you did?"- Y/N smiled a little-"so, the kiss was very convincing?!"
Bonnie sighed a little-" Huh, I don't know what to do with him?"
"I think that you should give it a try. I know that Damon is a mess, but lately, he is really trying to get his act together."- Y/N said.
"I don't know. I will see how it goes."- Bomnie said-"anyway, let's google Dahlia Mikaelson."
"Ok"- Y/N said and the women now typed the name in the search engine.
New Orleans, that afternoon
"What do you mean, there is another person in the Will?"- Klaus looked at his brother Elijah gone out.
"Here. Read."- Elijah gave the letter to Klaus.
"Y/N-"- Klaus read out loud-"who the Hell is she?"4
"I don't know."- Elijah replied-"but we will soon find out. Camille said she is arriving on Monday."
"Aunt Dahlia was eccentric, but seriously, I never thought this much"'- Klaus said."We will buy her out"- Elijah said.
"Yeah, with what money?"- Klaus said-"did you forget that first the Hurricane and then the collapse of the banking system?"
"This house can be sold and she will get a good deal out of it."
"How about we contest the Will. Dahlia was not right in her mind for a long while, always going to that strange magic shop in Bourbon street."- Klaus said.
"That will bring more legal fees. It is cheaper to pay her out. Trust me. We also have to think of Hope. You will have enough money for her and her college one day."- Elijah said.
"You thought about everything?"- Klaus said."I always do."- Elijah said
.Elijah's phone went and he answered-"Hi Cami. Yes- ok. I will pick  you up at seven. Sure- it's fine. Yes. Ok. See you there. Love you-"
"Right. I will see you later. I have to go pick up Hope."- Klaus said.
 Elijah nodded a little and tossed his phone down on the desk. He rubbed his face with his hands feeling a slight headache come on. He looked at the photo of his mother and then at his aunt.   
They were two very passionate, extraordinary  women. And when Klaus said eccentric, he was not far off. But a lot of tragedy was behind the Mikaelson fame and fortune. He remembered his and his brother's happy childhood on the Plantation as well as the French Quarter, until the faithful moment of their mother's death. That frightful night, life changed in a lot of ways. His aunt had hard time accepting her sister's death, and suffered a small nervous breakdown. The two boys, who were age 9 and 7 were taken care for a while by the housekeeper Mary.
Mary now walked in with a tray of coffee and sandwiches.
 "You have not eaten anything today.- Mary said to both men .
 "I am going out with Camille. I will eat out."- Elijah said getting up.
"Everything will work itself out. It always has."- the housekeeper said.
Elijah gave the woman a little smile and said-"I really don't know. And you will be taken care of properly. I will make sure of that."
"My dearest boy, I really don't need much. Just make sure that you, your brother and your niece have a good new start."
"I never thought that we would have to say goodbye to this house."- Elijah said-"we had some great times here."
"Yes, we did."- Mary said-"I need to get back to the kitchen. I am making Hope's favourite tonight. She won the junior mathematics league."
"Omg. I completely forgot that this is today."- Elijah said-"Klaus should have reminded me"
"Unfortunately, he forgot himself. But she reminded him this morning. Now they were interrupted by a wiman that came in like a storm-"Hi - here you are. I got all different party things. I  spoke to Klaus and we have enough time to decorate the  lounge"- Genevieve said putting the bags on the sofa, taking out a few things, hanging a Congratulations hanger. 
Mary rolled her eyes a bit. Elijah nudged a bit with his head at Mary to let it be. He knew that Mary didn't like Genevieve's overbearing demeanor, but she was one of their childhood friends, and has always been there since Hope's mother, and Klaus' girlfriend Hayley died. Mary excused herself and went to the kitchen.
Elijah stayed on helping Genevieve with the decorations. Subsequently, he called Camille to join them, scrapping his night out with the lawyer.
In Mystic Falls, Y/N tried again to get in touch with her parents, but there was no reply. She left them a message and went to book herself a plane ticket to New Orleans.
 A couple of days later, she found herself in one of the most magical cities in the world, and it felt like she was entering a story book as she walked the streets of the French Quarter, looking for the house she was to inherit.   
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She felt the urge to ring and get in, but she stayed on the other side of the street, just looking at it. How and why was this woman giving her a part of this house, was a complete mystery. A few seconds later a man got out with a little girl, who seeing Y/N stare at the house now waved at her. 
Y/N waved back at the girl. Klaus looked now across the street himself at Y/N, who then put her hand down after a semi-wave. 
"Can I help you?"- Klaus asked. 
Y/N waved it off a little and then, as if something pushed her forward, she walked across the street to the man and the girl.
"Hi."- Y/N said. 
"Hi. I am Hope"- the girl said-"This is my dad Klaus"
"Hope? That's a nice name. I am Y/N."
Another man now got out of the house and walked to them.
 "Elijah, this is Y/N"- Klaus said now looking at his brother poignantly.
 "Y/N?"- Elijah said looking at her like hypnotized-"Y/N?"
Y/N nodded not leaving his stare. 
"Well, now that you are here, we can call Cami and get it done tonight."- Klaus said.
Elijah now snapped out of the stare and agreed, asking Y/N if she was fine with the change.
"Yes, it's fine with me."- Y/N agreed.
 Elijah excused himself and moved away a little to make a phone call.
"Cami- Camille O'Connor, the lawyer is also my brother's girlfriend, so- anyway, we are on our way to take Hope to h er friend's birthday party and get a drink. Want to join us?"- Klaus said.
"Oh, yeah. Ok."- Y/N said delightfully happy to accept the invitation.
Elijah now returned to them and said that Cami will come around the house later that night. And later that night, as the reading of the Will was over, Y/N walked out of the study into the back garden trying to grasp what she had just heard.
 She took her phone out and dialed her friend Bonnie's number.
"Hey you, how is it going down in NOLA?"- Bonnie asked- "Having a great time?"
"I've just - I was at the Will reading- I - don't believe it"
"What, Y/N?"- Bonnie said worried that something was very wrong.
"I - own- well, in equal share with Elijah and Klaus Mikaelson a town house and the Plantation. And there was a letter. I really don't get it. I still don't- "
"A letter? What letter? What is going on, Y/N?"- her friend wanted to know.
Inside the house, Elijah, Klaus and even Camille tried to understand what made Y/N so agitated after she read the letter addressed to her in privacy by the window, that made her run out like she was stung. 
They were also trying to get their heads around the fact that Dahlia had left Y/N the equal share of both properties not explaining her decision. Most interesting fact was that the Will was done 25 years ago.
"Go, talk to her"- Klaus then said to Elijah-"you're good at this kind of a thing.
"Elijah nodded a little and now went to the garden. There he found Y/N sitting on the bench staring at the letter, having finished her conversation with her friend.
"Ahm, are you all right-?" Elijah asked.
Y/N looked up at him, folding the letter up and shaking her head in negation, her eyes welling up with tears. Emotional as Y/N was she now saw a sweet comforting sparkle in the man's eyes and as he moved to put his hand on her arm, she went into a hug. 
Elijah startled at first stood taken in and then squeezed her a little saying-"Whatever it was in the letter, I am sure things can get sorted.
"Y/N now getting out of the momentary shock, realizing she was hugging a person  she barely knew, nodded a little apologizing for being so forward and mushy.
"I think we all need a drink. It's been quite an eventful evening"- Elijah suggested gesturing they go back in.
"Yeah"- Y/N slipped."
Aunt Dahlia left us a good old Bourbon, too."- he said, and they walked back to the house now.
In Mystic Falls, Bonnie was now thinking about the conversation she had just had  with Y/N and what she had shared with her earlier-"What do you mean your parents are not your parents?"
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Right Place, Right Time (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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Request for @dreamsofcaliforniaadventure: Congrats on the 2000!!!! That’s such an accomplishment and your blog def deserves it!! Can I possibly have a one shot? Either Peter Parker x female reader in college scenario, or Captain America x female reader (college age)? Whatever is easier! Can be fluffy or angsty, whatever is easier for you would be so appreciated!! My name’s Morgan if you need it! Thanks so much!!!!
Summer seemed to slip away regardless how much the season was cherished. There’s just never enough time to do everything you want to do on top of the things you have to. Spending time with the people you care for, doing all the fun summer activities, working a summer job, preparing for the following academic year, maybe rest was a little too much to ask for. But alas, you found yourself packing up the car once again within a blink of an eye.
They say that high school is supposed to be the best time of your life, you just found that fact to be totally unrealistic. Not that college life is all that much better, but the freedoms that came with it are much more desirable than a building based on a bell system.
You can remember the students that led your campus tours over dramatically hyping up the college experience to be this sort of escape where you find your true self, which is true for some, but you just haven’t found it yet. Yes, it is quite enjoyable not having to wake up at 6am every morning, but college was just way different than you expected. You found yourself bored in your classes, and not knowing what to do with your spare time. It can get a little lonely, being just another person in a large crowd. It seemed like everyone else around knew exactly what they were doing, so you just tried your best to fit in. Another thing you found yourself especially focused on was how different it was living with a roommate in a more confined space instead of your comfortable bedroom at home. Not that different is a bad thing, it just takes some getting used to.
You found yourself walking around campus on a crisp fall evening, just trying to clear your head. Honestly you probably could use the exercise too, you’ve watched the Freshman 15 effect so many other students, so you convinced yourself to leave your comfort zone a little bit by taking a leisurely stroll after class rather than heading straight back to your dorm.
You reprimanded yourself for not wearing your favorite sweatpants this morning while deciding to go on this adventure on a whim. This morning you thought it wouldn’t kill to try and look cute for once since you lived in the comfort of waking up 15 minutes before class and walking over in your favorite baggy T-Shirt and stretch pants. Today was not that day. The outfit was nothing special really, just a long maroon sweater with dark leggings and brown boots that rose to your mid-calf. It was comfortable, but just not as comfortable as your favorite sweatpants would be granted how chilly it was getting outside. It did feel good, however, to walk around and feel cute for once. The compliments you got from some of your classmates was an extra boost for the day.  
Walking past the student union you saw a few of your fellow classmates heading inside. Their laughter filled the space and you overheard that they were headed for the coffee shop. Something warm didn’t seem like such a bad idea as your fingers started to feel like they were turning to ice. It was too late in the day for coffee, you knew you’d be up all night if you had the caffeine, but you deserved a treat nevertheless.  
The smell of freshly baked pastries and bread overpowered the small cafe. You couldn’t believe that you had never been here before and made a mental note to come in more often, it seemed like a cute and quiet place to get some homework done instead of being wound up in your box of a dorm room all the time.
You stood as far back as possible from your classmates in line to make it seem like you hadn’t followed them in, it’s not like they knew you anyway but it would just be awkward to explain why you, the girl that sits in the back of their English class, were supposedly tagging along for their coffee get together without invitation. They didn’t seem to notice, which was good, but the guy in front of you caught your eye a little too long for comfort as you turned the corner. You immediately looked to the floor embarrassed and decided to take a seat at a table close by to make it seem like you were on your own mission. He was not hard on the eyes needless to say and had the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen, and you were afraid he noticed your entrancement before you looked to your shoes.
Retreated to your table, you watched as they bombarded the barista with their complicated orders, which you could relate to but customer service sucks in general. Your classmates were nice and all, but as customers they were rather picky and you didn’t want to be on the other end of it. You heard a bit of arguing from the peanut gallery as the new found hottie was up to order.
“No I insist guys, it’s on me this time. And a warm apple cider for me please, that will be all,” you heard him direct toward the barista.
“Seriously, Steve, you did not have to do that! It was my turn to pay,” one of the girls kind of whined. So called hottie had a name.
“Omg Jessica just say thank you and move on,” another girl snapped.
“Thanks pal,” one of the guys clapped Steve on the back.
“Anytime. Now I really have to run, I’ll see you guys later.”
You acted as natural as possible behind your laptop screen as Steve walked past you for the exit. You urged yourself not to look at him in fear that he would say something. You didn’t know why you were freaking out over a guy, a stranger even, but here you were following him and his friends into a coffee shop. His friends stayed around to finish their beverages, and you stayed and finished some homework which is rather unintended. As you wrapped up the final sentences of a rough draft you decided to grab a warm apple cider to go and continue your journey for the day.
Wandering around campus with no agenda was rather different than walking with a purpose to get to class. You started to really notice the little things along with the architecture and its beauty, as well as the progression that fall has made. The yellow, orange, and red colors popping up from the leaves, the sun that's setting a little earlier, the chill in the air, your eyes were just open in a different way. You found a little nature trail and decided to walk down it for the heck of it.
The leaves crunched beneath your feet and there were trees surrounding you on each side of the path. Honestly, it was a beautiful but simple place and you could hear the peaceful trickling from the stream coming from your left. You never took yourself to be the nature admirer, but you didn’t mind finding that out about yourself. You found an opening in the trees with a conveniently placed bench to overlook the water. Pulling out your book from your handbag, you indulged in a perfect reading spot.
After about ten minutes or so you felt an even cooler breeze rush by, as well as a flash of grey. You watched as a rather muscular male in a grey tight fit under armour shirt, black track pants, headphones in, and a baseball cap go farther into the distance. Nature walks and people watching was just becoming your new thing. It was relaxing and you felt detached from your overly stressful days for once. No matter how weird or creepy it may be, you were in no way judging your new found escape.
The only thing that you found weird was you kept seeing the same runner in grey flash by every so often. You swear you even saw him wave at you once, but you pretended that you weren’t looking. You were confused as to why he was running on this same path over and over, why wouldn’t he just go to the student rec center and run around the track if he wanted to do that? You marked your place in your book, shoving it in your handbag and began walking down the trail again. It was getting dark and cold without a jacket so you decided your adventure for the day should come to an end. You were lost in your train of thought and, despite the embarrassment, you felt really good. While following your crazy escapade of the day, it was still productive and you felt refreshed like someone hit a reset button on your week.
“On your left,” you heard a raspy and sort of out of breath voice boom out of nowhere from behind you.
You jumped out of your skin as the same runner flew past you causing goosebumps to form from the chill of the evening and breeze. You grew a little frustrated with the male figure and wondered why he felt it was necessary to scare the crap out of you when there was clearly no one else around. If he were to run by without saying anything it wouldn’t have been too big of a deal. The voice also sounded familiar, but you couldn’t place where from. You almost sped walked back to your dorm wrapping your arms around yourself and clutching onto your bag. As soon as your head hit the pillow, you were out. The overabundance of fresh air must have been the cure for your insomnia for the day.
The next day you decided to go to the coffee shop before classes. You didn’t order anything, because honestly you couldn’t afford a treat like that everyday, but you just enjoyed being in the environment. It was a good way to start the day and you felt like you could take on the day after living vicariously by watching people come alive after their first cups of coffee.
The next few hours you never would have expected. Since you decided to go with the flow yesterday, you forgot to check your planner when you got back to your dorm. Although you were productive, you completely forgot about your math exam and your big English paper that was due. You managed to make it through your exam just fine, but you were having a slight panic attack when your professor was going around collecting everyone’s printed copy of their paper. It felt like he reached your desk in slow motion.
“Where is your paper Ms?” His voice echoed sternly.
“I forgot to print it off, I can have it in your office by the end of the day if that’s okay…”
“I have a no late work policy, I can’t believe you’d think you would be an exception to that rule. I don’t reward laziness,” he looked down on you. You fumbled with your words and felt your voice shake from the nerves. You couldn’t believe this was happening.
“Sir it’s really not like that, I submitted it online as well if you would please…”
“Take the grade, no exceptions,” he almost yelled as he moved along.
You fought back the tears that were inevitably forming as your professor handed out the new writing assignment and started his lecture. You could feel people staring at you as the he emphasized the due date on the back of the guideline sheet. You weren’t paying much attention anyway so you gathered your things and bolted out the door to get yourself out of your misery.
You finally let the tears escape as you walked toward the coffee shop. Somehow you thought that being in that setting would take the awful weight bearing mood off your shoulders. It didn’t seem to work as you sat down at a table. The tears just kept coming. Normally things like this did not bother you that much, life happens. For some reason you were just feeling extra self aware today and that affected almost everything. Setting your head in your hands you didn’t notice the chair across from you being pulled out.
“Hey, are you alright?” You heard as you felt a gentle touch on your forearm. You slowly lifted your eyes to see who had sat down, and to your surprise it was Steve from the other day.
“Yeah, yeah of course,” you said as you wiped some stray tears from your face.
“Honestly, if it were me in your shoes I wouldn’t be okay so you have every right to say not to be I won’t judge. That professor was a little bit more than harsh, you didn’t do or say anything wrong and he should have heard you out,” he tried to reassure you.
“Really I’m fine. It’s more embarrassing to be crying over something like this, let alone crying in public so I just need to get myself together. He was right, laziness shouldn’t be rewarded. I should have just gone to the library and printed it when I finished instead of waiting until the next day when I’m bound to forget,” you started to ramble. Silence came over the two of you and just sat in each others company which gave you time to return to a state of normal and clear your mind of all the negativity. After a while Steve spoke up.
“I don’t believe we’ve formally met. I’m Steve Rogers.”
“Y/n, Y/n Y/L/n,” you replied as you shook hands. “I promise I’m not always this emotional,” you joked.
“No I totally get it. I’m so sorry but I’ve got a class in ten minutes, it was really nice to finally meet you, Y/n.”
“You too, see you around!”
Watching Steve leave felt a lot more like déjà vu than it probably should have. You felt even more awful after he left, you probably looked like such a fool. You barely knew the guy, but you knew that you blew any chance of ever seeing him again outside of class due to today. Nobody in their right mind would ever walk into something that seems complicated. You didn’t know why you cared so much, but you felt grateful that he came to check in you yet still very embarrassed. You dragged yourself out of the coffee shop after sitting there for nearly an hour dreading everything about the day. You felt like the barista was keeping tabs on you, like you were a character on a reality TV show ever since you walked in.
“Have a great day,” the barista faked a smile. You waved as you walked away trying not to gather more attention to yourself.
Your feet pushed yourself toward the spot you had discovered yesterday, and you couldn’t complain. You plopped down on the bench and crossed your leg as you looked out on the water. The water seemed to flow effortlessly, you wondered what that felt like. To live life effortlessly. You watched as the leaves fell into the stream and were carried away by the current. Despite the day you’ve had, you were starting to feel relaxed again.
“I had a feeling I’d find you here,” you turned your head to find Steve walking up to you. “Do you mind if I sit?”
“No not at all,” you scooched over for him. “What do you mean you’d find me here?”
“Oh um, it’s just a nice spot is all.” You looked over at him and noticed the baseball cap shadowing his face and gave him a cynical look. He laughed as he quickly took it off and shoved it in his bag.
“I thought you could use this,” he handed you a warm paper cup filled with nothing other than apple cider. His fingers grazed against yours a little as he handed you the beverage.
“Oh thank you, but you really didn’t have to,” you blushed.
“No big deal. I know that it’s something that makes me feel a little bit better on a crappy day, so why not share it with someone.”
You sat and talked with Steve for what felt like hours, and it felt really good to have someone that listens and makes good company. It feels like talking to a wall when communicating with your roommate so this was a step in the right direction. It turns out you have a lot in common and he’s as much of a bookworm as you are. You both ended up pulling out your books and reading for a little while. He just felt so genuine to be around, and there are not a lot of guys like that especially on a college campus. Your teeth started to chatter as the sun started to set again, you hadn’t realized how much time actually went by.
“Here.” Steve wrapped his jacket around your shoulders. “We should get out of here, I’ll walk you back to your dorm,” you smiled at the gesture and went to grab your things when you realized you didn’t have a bookmark.
Steve grinned as he pulled out a piece of notebook paper and scribbled the word “bookmark” on it and handed it to you.
“Thanks,” you blushed again. He grabbed your hand helping you up as you put your book away and to your surprise he didn’t let go.
You walked hand in hand until you reached your building. You honestly didn’t want this moment to end, it kind of felt like a scene from a movie.
“So I’ll see you around, Y/n?”
“For sure. See you around Steve,” you said as you swiped into your building. “Have a good night.” You opened the door just enough for you to get inside, leaving Steve out in the darkening fall night. You had butterflies in your stomach and when you got back to your room you flopped on the bed.
You decided to calm you never ending nerves by reading more of your book. Turning to the page with Steve’s homemade bookmark, you flip it over to find her didn’t just write “bookmark” after all.
“Call me - Steve <3”
You were left with a smile on your face as you made his contact in your phone. College wasn’t so bad after all.
Permanent Taglist: @allfandomxreader @smexylemony @keithseabrook27 @pureawesomeness001 @desuuuu2nd @allofthebitters @musicgirl234 @taronegertonlover
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500 Follower Ask Celebration :)
welp, here we are with 500 beautiful lovelies reading our fics. when we first started this blog, we never imagined such a wonderful response. everyone is the nicest & we both can’t express how grateful we are for every one of you.
thank you so much for sticking by us, even during our rough times. your support means the world to the both of us, & you all keep us going more than you think. you all inspire us every single day, & never fail to make us laugh.
you, yes all of you, are the best followers in the whole damn universe. you’re all irreplaceable & extremely dear to us. we love you guys so much. words can’t begin to describe how we feel.
and so, since we literally can’t come up with anything else to do on this momentous occasion, our original plan for 500 was to reblog a long ass ask list for you guys to send in numbers, but since that would all be complicated on the matter of the two of us answering, we decided to just answer all these 45 questions.
you’ll find the questions and our answers under the cut! enjoy!
 um she’s really lovely and sympathetic and true and magnificent and her name is summer and the most annoying thing about her is that she’s not annoying at all. -v
pretty much the fact that vic is better than me at  e v e r y t h i n g . she’s so much more caring and generous and beautiful and she’s always there for me whenever i’m having a bad day or if i’m just lonely or whenever i need someone to talk to. she’s also super polite and hilarious as hell. -s
2 • least favorite tv shows? 
oops sorry if i offend some people but i really don’t like vampire diaries, thirteen reasons why, gossip girl, or the uk version of the office. -v
i don’t, like,,,,, watch tv much so all honesty, i can’t really have an answer for this? sorry?? -s
3 • favorite moment with your best friend ( s ) ? 
oh omg i was texting summer a few weeks ago discussing and finalizing which fic requests we were each going to be taking and we had that one request asking for a connor imagine in which him and the reader take zoe to get her wisdom teeth out so i said something around the lines of “i can take connor and the wisdom teeth” and i literally froze before following that up with “omg that could be a name for a band”. summer freaks out and we’re both laughing hysterically over text and we stop everything and just spit out crappy band names that include connor and various body parts like “connor and the tonsils” and “connor and the funny bone” and even “connor and the fractured pelvis” and we’re absolutely dying because we can’t stop cackling at this stupid thing i brought up which made me laugh out loud a hundred times and i ended up scaring my own grandmother when she saw me giggling crazily with my phone. she ended up cutting me a slice of pie because she thought there was actually something wrong and the pie might help me calm down. so if the person who requested “connor and the wisdom teeth” is reading this right now i just wanna say thank you for requesting and your idea is amazing and your fic will forever be iconic ily. -v
oh my god, i was literally going to say the exact same thing vic did, but i guess i can choose a different memory.  one time vic posted a pic of a turtle on her sc story and i was like “girl omg” and she remembered that time she played the character Turtle in her school’s production of The Westing Game play and then we started reminiscing on our old nerdy memories like when a projected video didn’t work for her and she had to just say all the audio backstage, or the time after my school’s cheap ass production of the Wizard of Oz during curtain call i tried to quickly change from my farmhand costume to my tin man costume and i forgot to put my shoes on and i slipped and fell on my ass during curtain call (i also forgot to bow but unimPORTANT) and it was just so sweet and cute but honestly every moment with vic is the bEST. -s
4 • what’s one quality you would like to have? 
hm i’ve always wanted lighter eyes, mine are this boring brown color. whenever i’m in sunlight, they become shot through with these bits of gold and amber and it’s super pretty and that’s the only time they really lighten up. it would be really nice if they were like that all the time. -v
my big nose and thin hair have been the #1 qualities i’m most self conscious of, so i would really like to either have a smaller nose, or thicker hair. my face is already super oily as is, but my nose is the worst part, and i’ve always hated how my nostrils are almost as big has my eyes. as for the thin hair, you always have to be cautious about what you do with it, because there’s so little of it. like, i’m hella prone to sweating, which sucks, so if i sweat too much, my hair can easily build up enough grease to look like i just got out of the shower in a matter of minutes. or if i sleep on it the “wrong way”, and portions of are crinkled awkwardly or sticking out, then that’s how it’s going to look the entire day. and i can’t do any cute hairstyles with it because it all will fall out. -s
5 • name three people of the same sex you would kiss, marry, or fuck. 
kiss rachelle ann go, marry pippa soo, and fuck laura dreyfuss oops. -v
kiss pippa soo, marry eva noblezada, and as for the other one,,,, i’ll get back to you on that.. -s
6 • do you like your full name? 
hell no it sounds so boring and standard. -v
hahahahahah, no way. -s
7 • tell me your most embarrassing memory. 
erhm so many? how do i choose? i’ve tripped in front of crushes hundreds of times, i spelled a word wrong in a spelling bee that i really did know how to spell but my anxiety acted up and i panicked so badly, i ran into a sliding glass door literally yesterday, when i was little i sang in a public bathroom and everyone heard, i also fell out of a tree? does that make me evan hansen? -v
oh n o. there’s too much there, i swear. um, i got so nervous when someone asked me what my name was, i told them i was “helen”, but i think that was because i accidentally said “hell” too loud and tried to cover it up. i’ve tripped so many times on a flat ground. once i was crying in a public bathroom and a kid started banging on the door and told his mom that no one was in there, so before they got the staff to open the door, i panicked and hid my face in my sleeve as i ran out of there. omg there was also one time, a long ass time ago, someone asked me who my favorite member of one direction was and i didn’t know who they were because in my house we don’t listen to (at the time) contemporary music. not to mention anything in english?? but anyways, i’d heard of them but nothing about them, so me, trying desperately to fit in said “i like all four of them”. and they told me “there’s five”. there was also a time i was invited to this girl’s retreat thing in her youth group when we took a field trip to this pumpkin patch and they had this corn maze and we tried to go through it, but i got lost and nobody was around me and for some reason i thought everyone just left so i was terrified and crying and just started running straight through the corn. but then one of the other kids saw me and called me out to everyone and i was too embarrassed and anxious to say “i got lost”. there’s probably so many more memories and probably worse ones too, but in short, my life is a huge embarrassment. -s
8 • favorite color to wear? 
pastel baby blue is my number one. i have this off shoulder blouse that’s this pretty sky blue color and white and i think it’s my favorite item of clothing. -v
i can’t make a lot of colors look good on me so usually i turn to black, gray, or any dark shade. -s
9 • favorite restaurant? 
there’s a vietnamese place called “saigon diamond” in my city and it’s absolutely wonderful and i would go there every single day if i could. -v
i love this little place, it’s called “cafe vie” where they have boba tea, spring rolls, phở, all sorts of vietnamese food and it’s just so quaint and the food is the best there, honestly. i’m so hungry now. -s
10 • what would be a good first date for you? 
take me to a broadway show and then dinner and i will be the happiest girl in the world. -v
vic pretty much took it away at “broadway show” for me. and dinner is hella important, food is so good. i don’t have high standards, but if you really want to make an impression on me, then i’m literally the biggest sucker for romantic gestures. -s
11 • are you a good wrestler? 
thumb, yes. arm, no. full body contact, idk about that but i do know karate so i will fight you. -v
lmao, no. -s
12 • are you allergic to something? 
up until the time i was five or something i was allergic to grass and i had to wear pants whenever i went outside and it was honestly horrible because i couldn’t play tag or run around like other kids my age. -v
i honestly don’t know but most bug bites i get can get hella blisters and really gross even if i don’t touch them. -s
13 • would you be a good singer? 
i’ve been singing pretty much my entire life but it was only this year that i started gaining confidence with my voice so i guess i consider myself a good singer? i’m not completely there yet, though. -v
i really hope so. i’ve been a big choir nerd since i was 7 or 8 and i’m really passionate about singing, but that really has nothing to do with skill, i guess? i don’t really like the sound of my voice, but i’m pretty decent at harmonizing. -s
14 • who’s the last person you said “ i love you ” to? 
summer aka the shining light in this dark world. -v
victoire aka the actual light of my life?? love you, vic -s
15 • what car would you buy if you had enough money? 
um a porsche obviously because that shit is prime. -v
literally any car that doesn’t break down. as long as it can transport me from point a to point b without any troubles, then i am set. -s
16 • favorite cover of a song? 
currently it’s that cover of ben platt singing “ stay ” that’s floating around tumblr rn and i think i had an eargasm when i listened to it the first time i was so shook. -v
i can’t pickk a favv omg. everyone is so frickin talented it makes me actually want to curl up and yell. -s
17 • what was your last conversation about? 
coincidentally it was summer telling me we hit 500 and me proceeding to flip out. -v
hah, i don’t remember who it was with but i went around telling a couple people that my dad took my phone and i can only contact them from my crappy chromebook. -s
18 • where were you born? 
good ol’ michigan in the usa where i still live today. come visit us because we have chocolate fudge, cereal, and eminem if you like that kind of shit. we also have lots of lakes and pretty places and we’re so cool we’re shaped like a fucking mitten. -v
kansas, where i also still live today. maybe i don’t get out much, but it’s kinda boring here,, -s
19 • least favorite app? 
there’s this app on my uncle’s phone called “ chicken scream ” where this chicken has to jump onto platforms but to do that you have to scream and the octave of your voice determines how high the chicken jumps. seriously fucked up and i hate it but it’s hilarious watching people play it. -v
anything that can’t entertain me for more than two minutes. i have such a short attention span -s
20 • tell me two facts about the country of your birth. 
um we have the largest air force in the world and we sell enough pizza every day to cover one hundred whole acres and no i am not lying i read this in a book ok bye. -v
uhhh… its abbreviation, “USA” stands for the United States of America, and it’s made up of 50 states. -s
21 • do you like wearing sunglasses? 
actually i hate wearing sunglasses because they get tangled in my hair but if a pair looks good with my outfit then i will wear them for the sake of fashion. -v
i don’t wear sunglasses really at all, so i guess i can’t really have an opinion on them? -s
22 • when’s a good moment for a first kiss? 
goodbye kisses are the best, do not tell me otherwise. walk me home and then kiss me goodbye at the door and i will be thinking about you all the damn time and i’ll can’t wait to see you. -v
i think for a first kiss it should be a very important thing, so whoever you have it with should be really close to you, and someone you know that even if things don’t work out, you can always look back on it as a positive memory. but what would i know? -s
23 • what are your nationalities? 
i was born in america to immigrant parents who came from the philippines. along with the filipino blood, my great grandmother on my dad’s side was chinese, and my great grandparents on my mom’s side were spanish. -v
i was also born in america to immigrant parents, but they were from vietnam. my great grandparents on my mom’s side were chinese. -s
24 • what would make you drop college / university? 
ha are you kidding me if i ever dropped out of any sort of education my strict asian parents would probably disown me and mushu the dragon would appear out of nowhere and give me that whole “ dishonor ” speech. -v
^damn vic, i couldn’t have said it any better. -s
25 • a crossover between two shows ( any shows ) you would like to see? 
idk about any of you but a crossover between riverdale and doctor who sounds hella awesome. i’d definitely watch that. -v
frick;; i don’t watCH TV at like,,, all?? -s
26 • long or short hair? 
on me? honestly i prefer to have long hair but i’ll go shoulder length if i’m really feeling brave or something. when i was little i had super short hair with bangs so i was basically an asian dora the explorer. -v
short hair, for sure. i used to have hair down to my waist when i was younger and that was probably the grossest thing about me because it was so disproportionate to my head/face and made me look like if E.T. had two long strands of black yarn on its head. but even before that ofc i had a bowl cut. what asian kid doesn’t have a bowl cut, honetsly. although, over the summer i don’t cut my hair so i can dye the ends, then have it cut when school starts. the farthest it goes down is barely past my shoulders. -s
27 • a character from a book / tv show that shouldn’t of died? 
max lightwood from the mortal instruments book series was the purest bean, and he wasn’t even ten years old yet and that definitely broke my heart. as for tv characters, i sobbed for days on end when arthur from the bbc show merlin died. -v
um,,, crap idk. -s
28 • favorite movie scene? 
pitch perfect two where ben platt’s character benji musters up the courage to kiss emily before the bellas go on. idk why but it’s so cute? maybe it’s just ben? -v
sidenote: vic, i love that scene. anyways, maybe that final scene in heathers where martha gets her one line. idk. -s
29 • do you ship more fictitional characters or real people? 
fictional characters of course. who would i be without my otps? -v
definitely fictional characters. -s
30 • favorite country song? 
i seriously despise country music. i just don’t like it. it’s bleh. i don’t really know half the artists or their songs so i can’t have a favorite. -v
frickin “your man” by josh turner. i’m seriously kidding. i don’t listen to country music efiouhadjhdsilvb -s
31 • favorite john green book? 
it’s tied between “ paper towns “and ” looking for alaska “ because both are equally cryptic and beautiful at the same time and i love when books are like that. -v
heck, i really like “looking for alaska” -s
32 • least favorite ed sheeran song? 
oh come on. i love ed. you can’t expect me to pick a least favorite. but when it comes to the song i skip over most of the time it has to be ” even my dad does sometimes “ from multiply ( x ). -v
uhhhhmmmm… hell if i know -s
33 • favorite ship? 
malec from shadowhunters will always be my otp until the day i die. the ship is so diverse and has so much chemistry and if you read the books magnus and alec are so in love i can’t handle. -v
i don’t frickin knowwww. i’m honestly feeling so attacked right now. i’m so sorry if all of my answers are like this, i’m literally the most indecisive person in the actual world. -s
34 • how do you deal with sexual tension? 
uM -v
uM -s
35 • name a celebrity who died that you miss. 
our queen carrie fisher. i grew up with star wars always on my tv and when i heard of her passing i cried and rewatched ” the force awakens “ with blankets and two boxes of tissues. -v
there’s really too many to choose from, and thinking about all of the happy memories they’ve brought to me and everyone is just getting me so emotional. -s
36 • favorite harry potter spell? 
i’m really fucking basic but ” lumos “ is the best. it’s so simple. it’s light. and idk why that resonates with me but i just think everyone needs a little light these days. -v
i literally said “lumos” too, but now i’m going to choose “riddikulus” because turning boggarts into something funny proves that anyone can find humor in their biggest fear. -s
37 • something you are scared of losing? 
my family. there’s no way in hell i’d make it through life without my little brother or my grandparents who are there for me. -v
i’m terrified of losing the few friends i have. everyone i used to know didn’t have a single hesitation in forgetting me or even trying to lose contact with me. -s
38 • someone you regret meeting? 
i could make you a list and tell you what each one did to make me regret even looking at them but i don’t wanna go out on a full on bitch rant about these people who ended up wasting my time. but i’ll just say i’ve met my share of shitty human beings. -v
too many. there have been too many people who’ve hurt me or betrayed me or have honestly made me feel like a horrible person, and i really wish i could forget every last one of them. little tip: it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known a person, it doesn’t excuse any sort of bullshit or betrayal they’ve done. -s
39 • have you ever been hurt by someone you thought was your friend?
yes and it’s caused a lot of emotional and mental issues. i’ve been backstabbed and used so many times and i just wish i could stop being stupid and blind for not seeing it in the first place. -v
god, yes. i wish it didn’t take me this long and this much damage to realize i shouldn’t have been throwing around my trust or my yearning to be accepted so lightly. getting hurt by the people you thought cared about you most is the most awful feeling, especially knowing that every single act of kindness and sympathy and love to them meant nothing. -s
40 • do you easily open up to people? 
yes and no, actually. it ultimately depends on the person and whether i have a connection with them. -v
it’s really hard to open up to people in real life because i don’t know if they’re confidently lying to my face or will use my own words against me to people who also know me irl. but online it’s easy to open up to my friends there because i can find people who understand shit i go through and actually take the time to give a crap. -s
41 • what is a gift you love receiving? 
hugs. i love hugs. gimme all the hugs you got, boo. -v
damn, v knows exactly what i’m going to say. i love hugs so frickin much, but honestly any sort of affection is all i need, like, smooches? yes?? compliments? absoLUTELY?? cuddles??? MARRY ME?!?! -s
42 • what is something you could leave easily? 
erhm maybe my notebooks? i usually journal in them but not that often anymore. -v
probably hair clips. i really can’t do anything with them, and on me they’re really tacky. -s
43 • rant about what’s eating you up. 
i’d really rather skip this one if anyone doesn’t mind, i’m sure i’d go on for a hundred paragraphs about my stressful life plus i’m sure it would annoy you. and my problems are the kind of personal ones i’m not comfortable putting out in public yet. -v
i really agree with vic here, i don’t want to be a huge bother to y’all and it’s really a touchy and personal subject here. -s
44 • if you could make a phone call to anyone right now, who would it be and what would you say? 
i’d call ben platt, tell him how much i love him and how much i love the show and whole cast, all while screaming and shaking. -v
i was going to freaking say ben platt too, seriously. i wish i could thank him for how much his representation of evan and the build up of his character has made me find something to relate to and learn to appreciate myself more, even in the slightest. i’d also love to tell him that he shouldn’t have to feel apologetic for doing the things he does to take care of himself physically and mentally, and his fans should be more than supportive of him taking care of his well-being. i’d also ask him to tell the rest of the cast, creative, and standbys how much i seriously appreciate them, but honestly i’d be speechless if i knew he was on the other end of the line. -s
45 • are you easy to love? 
aw yes. people say i’m lovable. i’m been compared to a teddy bear before. it’s happened, trust me. -v
i should hope so, but not very many people like to stick around me. i mean, i try to be someone worth loving and i’m more than happy to spill out all of my love to anyone who just asks politely <3. -s
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my flea dream lol
My weird dream
I had a “flea” dream last night lol. Once my sister had a dream that she was a flea and killed mufasa?? And woke up and was terrified but like the content of the dream was not scary. I had one last night which right now is a little scary. OMG so it wasn’t a nightmare because it was scary, but it was intense and my heart was beating fast when I woke up. So it started out really weird and the direct result of me watching too many episodes of breaking polygamy. I was on a date with an FLDS looking woman in a restaurant that looked gross and I would never go there in real life. What’s weird is that I’ve had dreams in this restaurant before? Anyway I was wearing an amazing cute outfit with a blazer at this date and my weird amish looking date looked…. Amish. And the waiter took her order and then looked to me and goes “are you a man or a boy?” And I was immediately offended hahaha I was just like “what??” And the waiter was like “suit jackets are for men.” I immediately left the restaurant and there was no other sight of my weird date. I got in my car (which was my old gold Honda RIP) and who is inside??? MY EX GIRLFRIEND. That’s when this turned into a nightmare tbh. My least favorite version of her was her when we were in the car and she was driving. In my dream though we were not dating we were just friends after dating. But she was acting weird and possessive and stuff like we were still together. She drove us around being literally the most annoying version of herself. She spilled coffee, got us lost, was extra Vegan, and just generally very annoying. She like had this “I know I’m right attitude” that I used to hate or more like “I don’t care if I’m wrong” attitude. Terrible. As we were driving to my dream house I just got more and more miserable.
THEN the number one reason we broke up, she invited herself to a family party that was being thrown at my house. (Also weird thing about my house in this dream is that it was in the field that used to be there before they built a Walmart on winterpok rd. Also all the women in my family were lined up with red Pizza Hut uniforms and name tags and everyone had a fluffy twist out like they had blowdried their hair??? (Probably another side effect of me watching too much breaking polygamy lmao because they all wear their hair the same on there. I remember members of my family there but also members from the country church we used to go to like 15 years ago. Honestly who even knows why they were also there. I was immediately excited to see all of them and forgot to be annoyed at S. I remember singing “10-20-40” to them as I walked by. Literally so weird.)
SO. As we were driving S had stopped at Pizza Hut which was on the corner in the dream and my dream solution was to run home before she could find me, and get into my weird house before she saw me so that one of my family members would intercept her. It semi worked? I snuck into the basement locker room of my house to (take a shower I guess) and I hear her coming in the alternate entrance. (Random memory about this dream, she was dressed like jojo siwa. Which is odd but its also totally how she would have dressed in like, high school. Literally why did I date this woman) And I see her legs under like a weird stall door that leads to the basement locker room and we start having a screaming match about her even being in my house which is when I woke up with my heart beating fast. I’m trying to even remember what I said but I remember a few parts?
S: “I can’t believe you didn’t wait for me!” (I guess to come into my house? What’s weird about this argument is that I felt the same guilty sense of dread that I used to feel when I didn’t feel like hanging out with her. Cool. Love that for me)
Me: “I had a very not good day, which I know isn’t an excuse.” So eloquent of me. Brilliant grammar. I was referring to being called a man on my weird date, for some reason in my dream this really distressed me.
S: “That’s not an excuse!” (She had cut me off as I was saying the last part)
Me: “I JUST said it’s not an excuse and I’m fucking trying to apologize and you won’t let me!”
And that’s when I woke up. I wish I had stayed asleep longer because I was about to yell at her for 1. We aren’t dating anymore and she was no longer entitled to my time and 2. That she was always inviting herself into places that she just didn’t belong or didn’t fit. This would have gotten ugly so you know it’s probably for the best but still. lol.
So what do I do? I get up and read her reddit posts to make sure she’s still completely unrelateable and surprise surprise she is. So I am making it a vow to stop doing that because all it really does is just make me even more flabbergasted about why I even dated her for so long or even dated her at all. I know deep down that my reasoning was “eh, why not? I need girlfriend experience.” Instead of “wow I am actually interested in this person.” So yep. Never doing that again. And I know it’s terrible but I really want to date someone in my race next time. It’s just easier.
Also I have been thinking about downloading a dating app but I only want friends. I don’t feel like dating anyone right now and also I feel like in order to have a good time in a relationship I need to lose like 150 pounds. Anyway I typed this on my work laptop and I hope if someone reads this later they get a big kick out of it. Hahahah
Also! I text MB all day every day because I think we are both lonely. Yesterday on FT she said “I wish you were a man then we could date.” This really freaked me out. At first (like months ago) my brain was like “oh shit are we about to get a crush” but thank GOD I only feel friendship feelings for her. She’s just really young and very white and sometimes those things are glaringly obvious. It just freaked me out because it made me think like “oh should we be dating???” but the ultimate answer is no. not to mention a week or so ago we had a discussion where she thought i was always mad at her for being racist. But i have to call her out sometimes on the ignorant shit she says. Like ordinarily i would just let people get away with it but if we are gonna be as close of friends as we already are then you gotta know when you mess up. Sorry. But you do.
I was able to get a nintendo switch!! I am having a great time. I just wish my sister was able to get one too. I feel like I can’t be properly excited because she’s really bummed about not being able to get one. I am checking the site over and over again to see if I can get one for her. Also she’s bummed about her job role transitioning for the lend position. I would also be very upset but at the same time she should be just a little grateful for still having a job at this point. I would never say that though. And also i’m not in her shoes so I can’t really judge. I would be PISSED if I climbed my way up the ladder just to be stuck doing what I view as “non-degree work.”
This is terrible but finally the tables have turned in my favor? Hear me out ok. For years I’ve struggled with my health and my job. I was diagnosed with diabetes and high BP when I was 19. I graduated without a job, and worked 5 shitty and semi-shitty jobs for the past 5 years. Finally I have a job that I love (hopefully that lasts) that pays me decently, and I can afford my meds on my new insurance, I stay hydrated which makes me feel better and I’ve gotten really used to listening to my body. I also have accepted my health problems and I am really good at keeping a level head about things. Now though, all of the stuff I already went through and I am dealing with accordingly are happening to my sister and she is miserable. She had a shitty job change (it’s only temporary, but she is WALLOWING in it.) and was diagnosed with asthma. The inhaler gives her heart palpitations and she completely freaks out over them. I’m really not trying to be rude but at least you know they are a side effect and her heart isn’t just going crazy for no reason. But she has been in a terrible mood for weeks and every time she takes her inhaler she has like, an episode. First of all, my mom would have never let me get away with this behavior for so long because I’ve always been kind of sullen and panicky. But also I think sometimes my sister just really needs to grow up. Shitty things happen to everyone and you kind of just have to keep going forward.
AND speaking of growing up, we are trying to look at apartments in the same complex because I feel like honestly she will forget about me if we don’t live within walking distance of each other. I don’t know how much she gets paid but it can’t be much more than me. She’s looking at places with one bedroom that are like $1,500 a month.... like that’s the base rent price. She’s not even counting the security deposit and utilities. I tried to explain it to her and she’s like “I’m pretty sure all apartments cost this much around here.” I’m so sorry but no. They don’t. I’m not paying almost 2 grand a month to live where we do. That’s crazy to me. I found a place I like but she doesn’t seem to like it. I may just have to move there and just be sad for a while when she forgets to hang out with me.
Last thing I guess (since I should be working) I want to write a lesbian romance novel! I am in a bit of a book slump so why not write one of my own. Wouldn’t that be amazing if it could be published??? I have no idea how to write a book so honestly it’s a pipe dream but I was really good at writing fanfiction! It’s gotta be similar right?
0 notes