#i consider my bullet journal an art journal
devnmon · 5 months
there will never be enough pages in the world for the art i want to create
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dashimba · 3 months
Bridgerton season 3
All right, I loved the season so far, but that's my take, what could be improved with storyline (there were lots of bad writting choices as well as good one, but I want to outline my thoughts). So, I'll try to sum up, what could be written or added, that could make narration style more elegant and truthful to the viewers. Free to disagree. Sorry for the mistakes in advance. English is not my first language.
Colin's character arc. A lot of the things we got was told through the dialogue or was subtle, but not in between. I had a feeling that they haven't developed him enough to really show his inner conflict. Sometimes he was a side-character in his own show(part 2 did him bad), while the thing he should be the main one, because it shows his dynamic with Penelope/Lady Whistledown and key to understand their dynamic as a couple and his character arc. Other leading male characters had that physiological touch/depth to their character, while Colin somehow didn't. What we needed: flashback to his travels and small plot about loosing himself there or maybe gaining false confidence(could be done with him alone reading the lines of his letters), study of the middle-child complex(scenes with small Colin and Antony, who was the father figure for him, or brother dynamics with parents that could outline his people pleaser arc), more journaling, including the scene we got, but also about his writting challangies, more details about his likes and dislikes as a writer(favourite authors, could be the scene with Benny, because writting and art is quiet close). Maybe, not him tellling of his jealousy, but again creating scene that show views that he feels inferior. All other thing they did alright, I guess.
Penelope's character arc. I guess I kinda like a lot of things, but I didn't like the ending with the message of 'woman couldn't have dreams, but their husbands could'. It doesn't matter for me was 'child; in the ending or not, but they should have given her character career arc plus. It might have been just a hint of her, talking about wrtitting a book or developing her gossip column into somethins more serious, like critique. Not her mentioning JUST editing Colin's book with a happy smile on her face, watching a newborn. That was the worst writting decision, because it proves Portia words. The whole point of Lady Whistledown was hiding under the mask and trying to gain control and power through her her, because Penelope was too afraid to bloom. In fact that power was within her, and although they did the choice of her uncovering face and name in the end, it didn't end well in her arc. It could have done way better, considering the point they made in the begining. I would also love to see more of her experience sexual awakening after episode five as a slow process of gaining that condifence and gaining control in bedroom(that will be my 3 bullet point about them together) by proceeding it through imagining, talking with friends or dreaming. Besides, I'd like to add that tv show would have benefited from scenes, where she's not only writting, but also looking at the mirror, kinda trying to see, what she really is every now and then(we had one of that scene in green dress). Could be in her bedroom before mirror scene, but after carriage one. It would have made sense, how perception of her body changed, and the mirror scene would have hit stronger. Could be done during her struggles of Whistledown reveal too.
Now let's focus on main couple, and what could have gone better, if writers didn't try to fit 10 storylines in 8 series and literally tried to write their leads attentively and thoughtfully. Polin. First and foremost, that talk about how they met (again bad creative decision, story should show, not hit right between your eyes) MUST have been a flashback. I don't take no as an aswer. It was the only part lacking through their development from season one. This one flshback could have fixed lots of things. + I think audience need a bit more warm-up with just the two of them in the first part of the show(more charming lessons, at least one more befoe the kiss, where Colin starts to get confused about his feelings, and it would have worked perfectly with all the other things). + him really going through the process of figuring out that she is Lady Whistledown. I feel like Luke played subtle emotions perfectly, but we didn't get build up of him, slowly noticing things from his POV(there were chances in the show and lines in the dialogues, ink scene, where they could have hinted on Colin's expression, even in the 1 part, that he could have found some of the Pen's action suspicious, but didn't question it or didn't want to believe in it because of the feelings, until finally he would have followed her to the dark streets of the town). Next thing, they should have shown the process of following her to raise the suspense, him hoping that was another person, her being in shadows in her cloackm, and that at the same time this build-up would have made Luck's acting incredible fulfilling and impactive) + after the reveal it's out of his character to leave her alone, and I guess writers lost themselves elsewhere + more dialogues with them not talking about their relationship, but art and craft of writting(again they share many common interests, why didn't they show us that before the fight and after they made up) + more dialogues with them being cute and teasy as in church and after the sex+ prolonging scene, where he reads her letters, but not just showing the letter, but hearing her voice in his ears + longing should have had more scenes and more touching and being hot and cold, not only him sleeping on the couch(this just one creative indea, but it's not enough, but by talking also), going back and forth after the fight, just the night encounter next to modiste and blue gown(in this particular one they didn't embodied the tension, my idea that although Colin wouldn't like the intimacy, when he is angry, but the stare wan't enough, he should have come, touched her and then made himself stop with a line or without it), these scenes were not enough to show their struggle there + longer scene of them making up after the ball and chage of sexual dynamic, because this is important to her character arc and him accepting her. This scene should have been the third long steamy scene, not 20 seconds with the attention to the details and how they do through trust and communicating with each other, it could have been wrtitten beautifully and releasing the tension of conflict between them by swapping roles, and Colin by that finding out he loves it, while Pen finally taking control as she wanted and as her real character is after revealing her indenty + having him coming to his senses before her speech and him holding her hand instead of her mother + the love confession which is not about just drama, but also bout them as friends and their dynamics
I am not sure I need to write the second part, about other nuanciens aspects and acrs, but this what I would have done if I had a chance to be in the writting room with them
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rainy-sel · 3 months
my interactions with mads at dallas fan expo 2024:
the photo op 11:30
I was there with my great grandma, and we went to the photo ops for mads mikkelsen. i was terrified. to make matters worse, when we were standing in line two, i realized i forgot something in the car, and that my great grandpa left with my dog so i couldn’t get it back. this was devastating but we’ll come back to it later. when it was my turn a crew member told me to put anything i didn’t want in the photo on a table, so i carefully put everything down and went into the curtained off room. there was a small line i waited in until it was my turn. when my turn came mads held his arm out for a side hug, and i had no idea where the camera was so i looked at the lighting umbrellas. then i ran off because i thought the photo was over but they called me back halfway through me grabbing my things. i tried to set them back down but they slipped off the table and onto the floor. i panicked but luckily my great grandma was there and she picked it up while i retook the photo. the camera man said look here and i took a breath*, then he took the picture. i slowly drifted away with my arm outstretched, he was reaching out to me too, it was like we were mirroring each other as i waited for the camera man to tell me the photo was good. my hand grazed his forearm and hand lightly, it was like a dream. then i got the ok and I dropped my arm and began to leave. as i glanced back he was smiling, and i ran off to collect and check in my things while buzzing with joy.
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the autograph 1:15-1:40
after the photo op i briefly looked around the vendors, then got in line at 1:15ish. i stood in line for about an hour and 30 minutes, while my great grandma found a chair to wait in. i feel a bit bad for mads considering some people in line were talking about getting refunded if they didn’t get an autograph** and he was still in the photo area with a bunch of photo groups all until a rumored time of 1:20, though he may have taken some photo groups sooner considering what time he got back to the autographs. mads made it to the autographs at about 1:15. once i was at the front of the line a nice crew lady ushered me to get my name spelled. i was excited and scared. i walked to the man writing and gave him my name and spelling (a-k-s-e-l) and he wrote it on a sticky note, placing it on my bullet journal and sent me to wait in the smaller line. i originally was going to do a section of duolingo*** and tell mads that i aspire to be like him as an actor, but having left my art in the car that i spent hours and hours to draw for him, i scrapped that plan and pulled the art up on my phone, thinking i’d have no chance to get it back and give it to him personally. i gave mads my journal to sign and told him my predicament. i showed him the art and asked if there was any way i could mail or email it to him. upon seeing it he said it looked nice and said i could get in contact with the people running the con and that they could get it to him. as he spoke he had a concerned look in his eyes, like he didn’t want my hard work to be all for naught. then he smiled and handed me my book as i said thank you with a relieved smile, taking my book and walking away.
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(image 1) journal with “lecter-graham butchery, est. 2015 ‘ethically sourced’” printed on the cover.
(image 2) inside cover of the journal in image 1 with “to aksel…” and mads mikkelsen so signature on it.
panel 2:45
my great grandma and i were general admission, but we got to sit in the front row because my great grandma was with me and the people on either side of us weren’t the type to call others out for breaking a rule like that. not much happened with me and mads during this panel, i didnt ask a question, but i did sit in his “look off into the distance and think” spot. he reacted to me once i think. near the beginning of the panel he looked at me and i raised my eyebrows at him, then he raised his eyebrows lightly back at me, but looked away before it could turn into a competition. this could’ve been him thinking about something and raising his brows once he got an idea or something but that’s my perspective.
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art gift! 3:25-4:01
after the panel i asked mads’ crew if he’d be back for more signings and they said yes, so my great grandma and i fast walked 5 blocks away from the convention center in dallas summer heat, which was about 99 degrees fahrenheit at the time, then my great grandpa drove us and dropped me off back at the con center, and i booked it inside and fast walked through security, the vendors and back to mads’ signing desk. it was 4:01 when i arrived and i was winded, standing there holding it at my chest, waiting to be noticed, unsure if i was too late. i’m pretty sure mads made eye contact with me then the group noticed another guy walking up behind me with a walker, and the nice lady from the autographs spoke with me while another spoke with them. she asked me if i wanted the art signed and i shook my head, trying to breathe, and said no, i just want to give it to mads, so she got permission for me as long as i kept it short and sweet and ushered me back to his table. the crew must not have realized i was trying to breathe, and thought i was scared again. one told me not to be scared or anxious, and i said, i’m not scared. i just ran 5 blocks outside, which while hyperbole, felt true to my lungs. i waited my turn and gave him the art, to which he smiled softly and said “it looks like my wife.” i think i said it was, then i thanked him for making my birthday wonderful. he did not respond. he was too busy looking at my art, then he looked up, smiled more genuinely, and thanked me while offering me his hand to shake. i think he’s left handed, because when i looked down at our hands, i saw mine had graphite on it****. i smiled and i think i nodded but i can’t be sure that i gave a verbal response. then, finally, i walked away.
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(image 3) top left corner says “mads og hanne er søde sammen” which should mean they are cute together, and to the right of the dog is it’s name from what i can tell: “messi”
real photo of me trudging away:
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ignore that other dude
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dailyrandomwriter · 23 days
Day 692
Tomorrow will officially be a year since I started bullet journaling. A statement I didn’t think I would actually get to say. 
That’s because the kind of journaling I do, both to help me get my life in order and because I take great satisfaction out of it, is very time consuming. The reason why I started was purely out of curiosity. I had already been doing stationery art for several months and decorative bullet journaling and stationery art has a lot of overlap. 
I stayed, because it turns out that journaling is a very good tool for me. 
Annoyingly so.
So annoyingly annoying that I spent a good several minutes one day being irritated. Irritated by the fact that putting dots on a simplistic analog calendar had helped me do regular self care tasks so quickly. Tasks, that I have been spending my entire fucking life trying to establish as a rountine.
But that wasn’t the only thing journaling did for me. It also brought to the surface issues I didn’t even realize were issues.
Before journaling, I just sort of did whatever my brain wanted to do at the time. This meant I cleaned rarely, and basics like dishes, laundry and the like were only done because if I didn’t I would run out of clean things to use. Complicating matters is that I zone out or get distracted a lot, to the point where I could tell someone I was going to make dinner and then not do it for 3 hours.
While journaling allowed me to keep myself on track in the early days, it also stressed me the fuck out at first. This was because I was slowly doing more and more things, but I didn’t necessarily have the capacity to do those things. Often due to me having to fight against my tendency to be distracted by my own brain. It would often be very late by the time my day ended, and it was awful. More so since what I was doing (and what I do now) is the bare minimum compared to my mother or co-workers who have children. 
It was also becoming very clear that I have terrible short term memory around basic tasks. I am the person who can pass by a pair of socks four times and forget to pick them up on the way upstairs each time. 
All the little things I did that were quirks that didn’t matter, suddenly became a problem when I wanted to get things done. Not just things I had to do as an adult, even things I wanted to do. Whether that was playing a game, watching a piece of gaming news or just watching something, there would be times I wouldn’t do it, and just not do anything. 
For years and years, I ran under the assumption that if I didn’t do something it must not have mattered to me, but now I knew it mattered to me, and I still had trouble just doing it. So when a conversation with my sister suddenly made it clear that this was probably ADHD (and theory confirmed where Were-Ah called me to yell, “I thought you knew!”), it occurred to me, I had to do something.
I still have bad days, days where it’s hard to do things. Days where I’ve used up all my capacity at work that I have none in my personal life afterwards. But… since the medication it's been a lot better now. I’ve only had a handful of times spent 3 hours making dinner. Falling asleep at work rarely happens and in fact I don’t remember the last time I fell asleep at home that wasn’t connected to being sick. I no longer scroll forever and a day through Youtube Shorts and I don’t think I’ve read a single piece of fanfiction during working hours since the medication.
In all honestly, I can’t imagine how (and really don’t want to, considering how heavy my workload has been lately) I functioned at work before. 
And all of this began because I was curious about journaling.
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noisytenant · 10 months
i started daily journaling/de facto bullet journaling in may and i've kept it up ever since with at most ~a week downtime. this might be the longest i've held onto one organizational habit. sharing my strategy in case it helps anyone else...
i purposefully bought multi-packs of really cheap crappy ~5x7 lined paperback journals (in my case moleskine, i know they're shit but that's the point) so i wouldn't feel any preciousness toward using them. i can take them anywhere in my bag and i don't care much if they get banged up (though they hold up well). i started numbering and dating them on the front as well.
they're both task journals (to-do lists etc) and personal journals. i scribble anything i want in there. i take notes from conversations and write down peoples' contacts in there. i write entries stating what i did during the day and sometimes i have neurotic breakdowns in there. it's like a boring survival horror diary LOL.
i will say this isn't an effective reflective/introspective journal. it's essentially notetaking on my own life; it isn't the kind of journal to meditate on and reach deep insights about my psyche. that's okay.
i think "journaling" is sometimes touted as a tool for self-expression and deep emotional healing, but that assumes a very particular mindset, approach, and skillset within the writer. personally, i can't think much about how i feel when all i can think about is what i need to do during the day, so the first step in taking better care of myself emotionally is simply equipping myself to get those things done--to free up mental space.
there's also a lot of talk about whether "introspection" as discussed in the modern day is a means of mindfully reflecting your inner experience, or more an attempt to individualistically define and externalize all aspects of yourself so you're an easier customer. i think it can be both, but the point is it isn't a universal good. ...but i digress.
the journal works because i don't try to preemptively filter my thoughts into different locations. oftentimes my feelings+experiences reflect actions/tasks and vice-versa. i don't think i could use a journal that was only to-do lists, or a journal that was only my feelings. but now most of my notable thoughts and experiences are all in one place.
anyways, for the to-do lists, i write one every night as one of the last things i do before the next day.
i rarely get everything on the list done, but i don't necessarily need to (consider adding ABC(DE) prioritization labels; i do this mentally). what i take from bullet journaling is that i reference the previous to-do list (and sometimes go a few lists back) and copy over relevant tasks while allowing myself to leave things unfinished and to drop tasks completely. if i do something i didn't plan on my list, i add it and immediately cross it off.
when you notice yourself rewriting the same tasks for several days, usually it's because there's some hidden step you're missing or a subconscious reason you're avoiding it. the art of defining and scoping tasks is a really important skill that i won't get into here, but the point isn't to get frustrated when something keeps getting kicked along--it's to get curious and to try different approaches.
in general, i think a lot of the skill is in striking a balance between what emotionally feels good for you (what triggers a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, what makes you feel insecure and demotivated) and what you need on a technical level to maintain progress. for example, you want to balance setting manageable task scopes with not overwhelming yourself. you want to celebrate the little things without feeling like you're fluffing up your list with inconsequential tasks. you want to figure out how much work you need to frontload without making the act of task-writing itself a chore. and you'll definitely need to plan for your practices to evolve based on your current needs.
something my friend told me when getting started is to start a to-do list with a box that says "make a to-do list" so you always have one thing checked off from the start LOL. i think trying little tricks like that helps you test the waters of what feels good for you.
if i were to add anything to my practice, i'd like to get into making a monthly backlog like what the original bullet journal guy suggested (IIRC), where i've recorded every task for the month in one page and i can review what hasn't been done by the end. sometimes i drop something because it can't be a priority for the next 1-3 days and then have to circle back, and it might be easier to do that if i referenced a more clean-cut page. but i can be neurotic about page space allocation so i've held off. maybe i'll start it this month o'december...
but yeah. it's kind of crazy to have been doing this for this long, and though i'm still often struggling with executive dysfunction, i feel it's borne some tangible benefits and generally has made me feel a lot more in control of my life during a difficult time. hope you can find something that works for you as well. smiles :)
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sunscreenstudies · 1 year
Summer Study Challenge!
If you’re like me and have a thesis due at the end of this month yet have no motivation whatsoever to complete it - then this is the post for you! I’ve created this vey adaptible and casual summer study challenge to give you an opportunity to set goals, stay motivated, and make significant progress in your academic pursuits during the sunny season (as well as hold myself accountible for my thesis!)
🌟 Setting Goals: Start by setting specific and achievable goals for the summer. What subjects do you want to focus on? Are there specific skills you wish to develop? Whether it's mastering a difficult concept, improving your writing skills, or completing a challenging project, define your objectives to give direction to your summer study journey. My Goal: Completing my Master’s thesis a week before the deadline.
📆 Time Frame: Determine the duration of your Summer Study Challenge. It could be a week, a month, or the entire summer break. Consider your availability, commitments, and the level of intensity you want to dedicate to this challenge. Remember, the key is to find a balance that keeps you engaged and motivated without overwhelming yourself. My Time Frame: July
📚 Choose Your Focus: Select the areas of study you want to prioritize during the challenge. It could be a specific subject, a series of textbooks, or a set of skills you want to master. Ensure your chosen focus aligns with your goals and interests, making your study sessions engaging and rewarding. My Focus: My thesis topic
🗓️ Study Schedule: Create a study schedule that outlines your daily or weekly study sessions. Set aside dedicated blocks of time for studying, reviewing, and completing assignments. Structure your schedule in a way that fits your lifestyle and commitments, and be sure to include breaks for rest and rejuvenation. My Schedule: 10am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, with Sunday’s free
📌 Track Your Progress: Keep track of your progress throughout the challenge. This can be done using a study journal, a digital tracker, or even a dedicated bullet journal spread. Record completed tasks, milestones achieved, and any insights or reflections you have along the way. Tracking your progress serves as a motivating visual reminder of your accomplishments. My Progress: Tracking each chapter of my thesis that I complete e.g. Intro, State of the Art, Methodology, etc.
🤝 Accountability and Support: Share your participation in the Summer Study Challenge with the studyblr community or a study buddy. Engage in conversations, ask for advice, and offer support to others embarking on their own challenges. Creating a sense of accountability and camaraderie can keep you motivated, inspire new ideas, and provide encouragement during moments of self-doubt. My Accountability: My lovely followers (no pressure guys!)
🌈 Bonus Challenges: Consider incorporating bonus challenges or themes into your study journey. It could involve studying in unique locations, exploring different study techniques, or engaging in interdisciplinary projects. These challenges add a fun and adventurous element to your summer study experience. My Bonus Challenge: Study in at least three places that are not my campus library
🎉 Celebrate Your Achievements: Celebrate your accomplishments throughout the Summer Study Challenge. Recognize and reward yourself for reaching milestones, completing challenging tasks, or making significant progress. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it's a day off, a special meal, or an outing to celebrate your hard work and dedication. My Achievements: Graduating with a master’s degree (I hope!)
Remember, the Summer Study Challenge is about personal growth, self-discovery, and enjoying the process of learning. Embrace the opportunity to expand your knowledge, develop valuable skills, and make lasting memories during this sunny season!
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james-beaufort · 6 months
15 Questions, 15 Friends
tagged by the lovely @katebeckets, @userbettycooper and @keensressler - thank you for tagging me <3
Are you named after anyone? nope - but i was given my name bc i was born on christmas
When was the last you cried? really cried idk tbh
Do you have kids? nope
What sports do you play/have you played? i am unathletic af, but like swimming and tennis.
Do you use sarcasm? sometimes
What is the first thing you notice about people? their face, what they're wearing
What is your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? why not have both????
Any talents? idk tbh, i used to love making art and practicing hand lettering in my bullet journal but don't consider myself particularly good lol and don't do it too much anymore. i also love baking and making unique flavoured cupcakes, so maybe that?
Where were you born? australia
What are your hobbies? tv/gifs/baking/listening to music
Do you have any pets? nope
How tall are you? i think like 5'1
Favorite subject in the school? in high school it was art and japanese, but in uni i studied psychology and loved it so much
Dream job? probably something in the psych field i studied (neuropsychology), or something arty like graphic design
tagging (no pressure ofc): @auroraphillip @ncutisgatwas @elena-gilbert @siobhans-roy @pascow and idk anyone who sees this and wants to do it i can't think of 15 people right now dsfladskf
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hornyforpoetry · 1 year
Reading journal // "1984" // George Orwell
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Genre: Dystopia, Political fiction, Social Science Fiction
Year of publication: 1949
Read between 03/07/2023 - 06/07/2023 (European calendar)
Review: I wouldn't know what to say about this book because the book itself doesn't tell us much. Even the things the book tells us may or may not be true. We don't know if Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia really exist. We don't know if Big Brother exists or not. We don't know if all of Winston's thoughts themselves are true or not. We don't know anything, we just choose to believe what the book tells us. If the book says it is, then it is.
The first thing I can say that struck me is the absolutely predictable ending. We are told from the beginning how the book will end. In ourselves we were probably hoping for something more. Perhaps that is why it is so frightening, that the human being, pessimist or optimist, expects anything but the predictable.
I was able to see some similarities between life inside the Party and contemporary life. You couldn't help but compare them, considering that the novel suggests the idea of the future. However, how did Orwell predict the future? He didn't, he says so in the book. All he did was read the past. From the past you can learn the future, because history is repetitive.
Orwell suggests what the future would look like if totalitarianism took over the entire human race. He died in 1950 of tuberculosis. Probably if he had managed to live another 10-20 years, the book would have looked different. He could not have predicted the shock the world went through when it learned of the Nazi horrors in the 1960s, the rise of the human rights movement. For someone who had caught WW2, the atomic bomb seemed like the end of the world in the 1950s. In my opinion, WW2 awakened in people the true sense of humanity, something that Orwell could not have guessed, because it had never happened before in history. There is something fiercer than atomic force, and that is the lack of humanity.
He guessed, however, that in the future, constant surveillance through technology will be possible. The universal currency is not labor, but information. And with information, you can change history as you wish. The past, the present, the future, Big Brother, in all kinds of guises, rewrites your history as he pleases.
The discussion about the general truth caught my attention. Two plus two makes four? I thought of Dostoevsky's anonymous protagonist from "Notes from the Underground". He used to say "Even without my free will, two with two will make four. Damn the free will!". It seems that Orwell read Dostoevsky and wanted to combat his hypothesis. I can see him saying "Even without my will, two with two I still don't know how much he does". It's amazing how current this book is, even though 1984 is a long time ago.
I try to imagine a future without art and without soul and I only see a desolate desert. The Party can destroy everything, including thinking, but can it destroy beauty? Is there beauty beyond human thought? Is there that beauty that lies outside the mind, in the outer reality? We have no way of knowing, since we have never lived except in the inner reality. I like to imagine that there are things that are beyond my powers of understanding. How wonderful it would be if beauty were beyond any human understanding. Good books always make me think of beauty. Probably because this is the thing I am looking for the most. I am looking for the truth about beauty, and it is probably right in front of me. It is always obvious and waiting for you in the corridor, while the bullet flies behind you.
Rating: 10/10
Summer Reading Challenge
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kquil · 1 year
🍙 please!
-Who from the marauders universe do you think you’d get along with better/why?
-What are your hobbies!?
Ofc don’t feel pressured to answer 🤍
uwahhh! thank you for asking about me, you're always such a sweetheart! and i don't feel pressured at all!
i. this is so difficult because i can see me getting along with them equally for different things (┳Д┳) with james, i can see us goofing around together and having small little inside jokes that we share only between us and use to confuse the others, with sirius, i love motorcycles and adore all sorts of music genres, i can see us both bonding over that, and with remus, i can see us having a lot of similar down time activities that we bond over, mainly reading, with peter and regulus, i have a lot of motherly instincts buried deep down the comes out around precious babies that need comfort and a little happiness in life, i'll definitely coddle these two XD (in my headcanon peter and regulus are both precious babies that are on different sides of a spectrum, i think you can understand how)
ii. oooo~ i like bullet journaling (if that's considered a hobby?) ; origami/paper crafting ; reading ; writing ; digital art ; skincare and selfcare ; baking ; consuming true crime and dark human psychology content ; listening to horror stories (i still can't stand horror movies though)
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crimswnred · 1 year
🤗 Would you please list five things that make you really happy? It can be anything that makes you smile. 💖
hiii!! awww thank you for asking 💞
1. my cats! I have THREE of the most beautiful cats that ever existed and they make me so so so happy.
2. taylor! I love her so much, since I was a teenage girl trying to buy 1989 from itunes! just looking at my the eras tour tickets makes me smile stupid.
3. arts and crafts. I used to keep a bullet journal, now I'm learning embroidery! (also I'm having a blast doing friendship bracelets)
4. fanfics / books. gosh, I love reading! and writing! and just chit-chatting with my girls on the writer's room too (yes, I consider this writing)
5. friends and family, especially my mom. honestly, they are my living and breathing. 💞 I'd die for every and each one of them.
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warriorcatsamino · 2 years
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“But will Poppypaw survive until she returns?” - Sorreltail to Jayfeather 
So, if you have at all read any of my posts here on Tumblr, you would know already about the creative clans on amino. However, I will explain once more for those still unfamiliar. Creative clans on amino are usually given a prompt or prompts that they must create a post around. These posts depend on which clan you are in, some clans focus on writing or artwork but sometimes they can focus on activities like bullet journaling or cooking! This assignment, a monthly (meaning prompts are assigned each month) created by @hollowwhiskerdesigns, was made for TimeClan. This was their ninth monthly and they didn’t like how the shading in the den turned out. The time taken for this piece was 1 hour and 24 minutes. The art program used was IbisPaintX.
TimeClan, according to their official wiki, “is a clan that is dedicated to identifying the timeline of a character, and then illustrating or writing about an event that occurred within that character’s life. At the end of the month, all assignments will be added to a post that links all assignments in chronological order, outlining that characters’ life in the form of art and writing.” The month of October’s character of the month was Sorreltail! Who exactly is Sorreltail? According to the Warriors Wiki, she was “a ThunderClan warrior under Firestar's leadership in the forest and the lake territories. She was born as Sorrelkit to Willowpelt and Whitestorm along with her brothers, Rainkit and Sootkit. As a kit, she followed Darkstripe when he snuck out of ThunderClan's camp to speak with Blackfoot of ShadowClan. To keep her quiet, he tricked Sorrelkit into eating deathberries, resulting in the young kit being close to death. Due to the hard work of Cinderpelt, she was able to survive and tell ThunderClan what Darkstripe had done. She later became an apprentice named Sorrelpaw and was given Sandstorm as a mentor. When Sandstorm left with Firestar on a journey, Dustpelt became her temporary mentor. Her warrior ceremony was held back after she was injured by a monster, however she recovered eventually and was named Sorreltail. She and Brackenfur became mates, and during her kitting, badgers attacked ThunderClan's camp, and her brother Sootfur was killed and Cinderpelt died while helping her. She gave birth to Poppykit, Molekit, Honeykit, and Cinderkit. She and Brackenfur later had a second litter, Lilykit and Seedkit. During the Great Battle she defended the nursery, but died of her wounds. She joined StarClan and was present at the leadership ceremony of Bramblestar.” 
The scene depicted here takes place in Power of Three. Poppypaw, Sorreltail’s daughter, becomes seriously ill and Jayfeather promises Sorreltail he’d save her. Jayfeather ends up going into Poppypaw’s memories to bring her back to life. Sorreltail thanks Jayfeather for saving her kit and Poppypaw & Jayfeather foster a friendship afterwards that lasts most of their lives. 
But me and the rest of the team wants to know what YOU think. Do you think Sorreltail was a good mother? Do you like the relationship between Poppyfrost & Jayfeather? Do you think Poppyfrost should have died? What consequences would that have in the storyline? Did Sorreltail deserve to die the way she did? Leave all your thoughts, opinions and feedback in the comments below. Did you like the art style of this piece? Consider leaving a like on the original post. Not only does your support let the artist know they are appreciated, it directly benefits this account. Likes & Follows serves as a reward for artists (and writers!) and motivates more of them to allow us to post their work. That, in turn, gives us (the team) more content to post! Are you strongly interested in Warriors? Want to be apart of a fun and active community? Want to share your own creative work with the world? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, I’d highly recommend checking out the Warriors Amino and joining! There are daily posts all about these battle cats we so adore.
Original Post linked here.
Original Artist linked here.
~ 🍵🥔
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metalhead-brainrot · 5 months
[Album of the day] Vulture - Sentinels
Germany || 2024 (04.12, today!) || Metal Blade Records
[Genres] speed metal
[Thoughts] Speed metalheads rejoice! I've been anxiously awaiting this release!* I found their last album, Dealin' Death (2021), very compelling and am very happy to report these krauts are continuing to put out complex, ripping riffs at high velocities.
One thing I appreciate about Vulture is their album art. I loved Dealin' Death's cover, done by Italian artist Velio Josto.** Sentinels is similarly eye-catching, this time commissioned by Guatemalan artist Mario Estuardo López Morales. Both of them have a huge repertoire of other albums, check out their pages for other releases you may recognize.
I find it difficult to encounter contemporary speed metal; it feels at times like the forgotten middle child between heavy and thrash. If you're reading this and have some speed metal to share, feel free to reblog; I'm always looking for more recs.
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* I even put it in my bullet journal, a high bar considering I barely have my shit together.
** I consistently use the giant swinging axe as a study for painting non-metallic metal (NMM) on my miniatures. Also, we just don't do swinging axes like we used to, and that's a shame. They remind me of the first videogame I ever played, Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights for the PS2. Which, by the way, I completed 100% over COVID, surely one of the crown jewels of my gaming career.
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starsbegantofall · 9 months
I've been busy and not posting (as much) the past week because I had a goal to finish a long fic and my monthly art before New Year's Day and then deciding it was time to start a bullet journal for 2024 lol. Since I am a beginner at bullet journaling, it took me a while to get started and I still made some mistakes, but I'm pretty happy with my setup so far. I am excited to share pictures, especially the funny pages. Everyone else's bullet journals are fairly neat and aesthetic and well-thought out with considered colors and themes, well, be prepared for the messiest, least organized gaudy chaos you will ever see!
Although I know no one cares much, and it seems to be a waste of effort in this world gone mad, but at least I will be using up this massive amount of washi tape I have that I literally never use.
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icharchivist · 10 months
I mean, yeah, obviously, Reddit videos are harmless fun and sometimes you just want some noise while you debate whether you're gonna take a nap or not, but thanks anyway.
And yeah, looks like you'd already familiarized yourself with Somerton's thoughts then, if you already read the stuff he's been plagiarizing.
You explained that really well btw, maybe you should also do investigative journalism 🤔
But it definitely feels like you dodged a bullet. I just feel bad for people who weren't so lucky and admired and even supported these creators. That's gotta be quite a shock.
I also agree on the plagiarism discussion being in the spotlight right now being a good thing. I just hope it stays there and doesn't just disappear again in two weeks, because it is an important topic and it doesn't get less important in times of Chat GPT and such, but I'm also rambling.
It was a good video and I was thoroughly entertained and yeah, I'll keep my eyes peeled from now on. Semi-related, but Somerton is a bad person on a lot of fronts, between the plagiarism, the victim complex, setting his co-writer up as the scapegoat and the misogyny. Just an all around despicable person.
If you haven't even watched a show, don't make content on it, you stupid idiot. May he find an office job now that his career has hopefully imploded.
yeah right! i just felt the need to reassure in case, it can be so easy to beat oneself down for some silly stuff like that, i felt the need to clarify ^^
And yeah lmao, quite wild turn of event, all things considered.
And aww thank you so much! i don't know if i could ever go into investigation journalism, it demands a whole lot more research and patience than i happen to have ahah. But for what it's worth i do have two diplomas centering around researching and analysing historical texts and various media analysis (mainly literature, but also cinema in general). One of those diploma is in French (which also involved philosophy analysis) and the other is in English (which involved translation and linguistic analysis) so yeah. (while at it i also have a general art diploma that also involved art history analysis for instance). Like i don't like to brag about it and all and i still think i have many blind spots, but it's kinda why i'm passionate about media analysis and about historical integrity in general. I don't think i'm doing things super well, but as Harris says in the video, this is the typical type of skill you don't realize you have because it's a second nature to analyse the stuff you run into that way. (i did get teachers tell me that i had a natural gift for analysis and incredible insight, but i haven't recovered from that at all and if i let myself talk i'll downplay it super bad lmao but that sure was a thing) So at least i do have the desire to dig into stuff on another level, it's the way i've interreacted with media both for fun and for my studies to start with. But i'm also very lazy about sourcing, mostly because i read a lot of things, forget where i read it, and then it becomes just my base knowledge so if i want to regurgitate it i'm just like weep. what is a source. so i have no pretension of doing it professionally and i encourage people to take everything i say with a grain of salt honestly.
but yeah, i definitely feel like i dodged a bullet but i feel horrible for the people the guy scammed. Like he was stealing the work of vastly more experienced creators, and even surface levels stuff are fine because there's a first to any topic you get into - and i think he specifically appealed to people who didn't have a lot of ressources to start with, so those things were brand new for them. We can't blame people for wanting to learn. It is however shocking to see someone using this desire for his own notoriety while trampling over the rest of the community he builds himself upon while stealing from it.
I sympathize a lot with the people who did use to follow him. It's harder to see the red flags when you feel your concern heard for once in your life and you have nowhere else to expend your horizons to. I truly hope the former fans are going to be okay, and i feel so much for those who actually paid money for all of this :(
and i agree, i hope the conversation about plagiarism stays there and is actually discussed in depth. I do worry people might scapegoat Somerton so much that they forget the main point about the plagiarism complains, but it is also hasty to make this remark now as everyone is heated by the content of the videos and it's normal for now they're talking about Somerton more than not. I do hope the conversation about plagiarism remains when everything else die down though. It is an important thing in our current landscape, especially with AI, as you say, and yea, as Harris also says
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shows how well you understood one of the purpose of the video that you saw this argument coming right ;D you should be proud of yourself for actually connecting the dots honestly.
I'm glad you liked the video though! truly!
And yeah Somerton is...truly problematic on various level. I do appreciate that Harris focused on the factual approach of plagiarism, the one thing people can't really go against. But the more you look into his general behavior, especially the stuff he adds when he goes off script from the plagiarism, the more it's bewildering. and honestly i feel horrible for the people he stole the words of, who had to have those disgusting addition added to their own personal experience. What a dreadful thing.
AND YEAH GOD how does he get the CONFIDENCE to talk about a show he didn't watch just from stealing from people!! and i have an imposter complex when i talk about things I HAPPEN TO KNOW VERY WELL because i'm constantly stressing out about "shit what if i misread it though"??? if anything thanks to this video for doing a number to beat down my inferiority complex. Like geez i might be an analysis fraud but at least i only engage MY OWN OPINIONS when i'm wrong! that's a win!
but i'm honestly glad to see the general reception to this video on tumblr, even from ex-Somerton fans. It shows the willingness to really look into things, the intellectual curiosity that is necessary to navigate this type of analytic corners.
I've seen a lot of Internet History fans on twitter being super mad at Harris for this video for being "an hypocrite" who "is only blasting IH because he's not a leftie" like...... tell me you didn't finish watching the video without telling me you didn't finish watching the video.... And it's bewildering to me how they're missing the plagiarism concerns because they're too busy supporting the political allignment of the guy who is accused of it.
This video is a reckoning honestly but good lord. what a mess.
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henlp · 1 year
Astria Ascending
I don’t know why this game has gotten so little attention, especially compared to others that’ve come out in recent years. While not breaking any molds or doing things uniquely, it’s a perfectly serviceable, functional turn-based RPG. 
Chances are that I’ll never pick it up again, and I didn’t 100% all the journal entries busywork, but I spent 20 bucks for it and was satisfied, and I’m sure you can get it for cheaper and enjoy the pretty art and straightforward experience.
As mentioned above, there’s not much I can say about the gameplay: combat uses an action boost system kinda like Octopath Traveler, and it’s fine; the overworld platforming and exploration skills are there; the bootleg Tetra Master minigame is fun enough as a post-endgame distraction to extend your playtime if you so choose.
The major complaints I have are: 1) the difficulty/challenge balance is non-existant, there was no work done besides numbers changing depending on your choice, and it’s no wonder that the devs allow you to change difficulty at any point;
 2) the bullet hell minigame that at times you have to do to progress is so token, it hurts, and is also affected by the crappy difficulty balance;
3) my BIGGEST gripe, which might also be the most petty, is how you have to choose where to assign each of the character’s three extra jobs, and not only are these locked to the slots chosen (main job, sub job, support job), and you can’t change it at all in a playthrough; but your choice of main job also removes your base job’s equipment options.
If this game was spectacular and quick, maybe it’d be understandable as a means to offer replayability. But I’m not gonna play it again, and I doubt many would. If you wanna limit things, then at least make it an endgame option to switch between jobs, or that you need to fill out a skill tree before you’re allowed to switch which job is assigned to each slot.
A small token acknowledgement that, at least on Switch, the game is a bit slow with its loading screens, in-between areas and getting in and out of combat. Nothing compared to fuckin’ Cris Tales, but still worth bringing up. Maybe it’s different on PC or other consoles, but I find it an important factor in turn-based games to be expedient and to not waste your time. 
Also, the game is severely lacking in its options menu, and some areas can be WAY too dark to make anything out. A serious problem, when considering there’s still some platforming elements to deal with.
Astria Ascending’s story is just there. It’s very basic, it’s not particularly engaging, and the characters don’t have enough to them that made me like them any more or less. Especially when you have 8 playable characters right out the gate, but you don’t have to use all of them, you get nothing to have you connect with the protagonists of this game.
That being said, SPOILERS: I find it kinda stupid/funny how the story is set in a totalitarian, dystopian world, where everyone must abide by the governing body’s mandates... and you’re playing as the enforcers of this system, without ever once questioning if their world and society is fucked up. A system where people are chosen to be given superpowers for three years, serve as enforcers, and then die, and if they refuse or attempt to flee, are hunted down. And that it all leads to the utter destruction of the whole thing. Nah, it’s the disinfranchised escapees not eating their brainwashing Harmelons that are the problem, not our authoritarian theocracy that’s giving rise to dangerous anarchists looking to burn it all down.
Zero self-awareness, and I can’t help but laugh. The complete opposite of a conventional JRPG story.
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hyakuoti · 2 years
Bio (everything you need and dont need to know about me)
hi my name is haya and i love echo overwatch (im a homosexual), im a mercy main (im a homosexual), im a boy (he/him), and i have the talent of sleeping in ungoldy enviroments.
im from turkey, my favorite food is yuvarlama (its a traditional food, look it up!), i hate cake, i hate any ice cream except vanilla, i like my pizza with few ingredients, im a very picky eater (as if that wasnt obvious) and i have autism.
i hate crowds, i love kids, i love origami, i have a sister that is 13 years older than me, i love diy arts, i love family bonding, i believe i have a good family, i dont like school, i dont like most of my (irl) friends, i have a family of strangers that have been with me for the past 4 years or so. my birthday is on january 20. im 5"7 (171 cm).
i am on many fandoms starting with overwatch, the quarry, until dawn, mha, d:bh, the stanley parable, tlou, val, ect. feel free to talk to me about your headcanons even if they're not here! i love hearing people talk. i love people in general.
i hate hiccups. they hurt my heart and throat. i really like broccoli, my favorite fruit is apple. i have thalassophobia. i hate fishing, my favorite subject is language arts, im really interested in poetry, i got a certificate of C1 level English at 12 years old, i hate most english teachers. i hate croissants, i love handmade gifts, my love language is quality time and gift giving.
my headcanons are so out of the canon world that at some point i start considering characters as ocs. i really like writing love notes, even though most of the times i do not feel particular romantic attraction to anyone. writing calms my mind. i keep several bullet journals. there's a lot of things in them, poetry, receipts, love notes, suicide notes, vents, rants, everything. im so glad that none of my peers understand english.
so many times they looked at my journals and i was afraid of them somehow understanding what i wrote. i try to write uncommon words in my journal for that specific reason. even though they barely understand basic preschool english. but still. i get nervous.
my journals are my everything. i write every single thing i see, hear, think, taste in them. them and my mind are one. i love my journals. the 'oti' in hyakuoti stands for "of the internet".
will add more stuff as it comes to my mind
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