#i could also go the angst way and say that he wanted a child willing to stand up to the world government cause he knew what being the son of
aka-ichigo · 10 months
my bet is roger gave ace to garp cause he saw what being raised by garp did to dragon and he wanted to have a child that was that batshit crazy
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starless-nightz · 1 month
i sent this request to someone else about a year and a half ago and i went back to look at it but they never made it into a fic so i thought it’d ask you instead while also making some small changes to my old request
Eloise bridgerton x fem!royalty!reader where two women can get married as long as one of them is rich enough to support the both of them
reader has to soon take over the throne because she is an only child but she has to first get married so she goes to London to find a wife or a husband and Eloise accidentally makes reader laugh (like that one scene w queen charlotte) which makes Eloise catch readers eye and she tries to court Eloise but Eloise being herself decides to be stubborn and act as if she has no feelings for the reader
readers mother strictly reminds her that she has little time left to find a match which forces reader to move on and try to find someone else who’s more willing to marry
of course Eloise gets jealous which makes her realize her mistake and it end’s with Eloise confessing right before the day reader is about to propose to another girl saying something along the lines of “dont marry her”
happy ending pleaseeee
Eloise being courted by fem! royalty! reader
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note -> I absolutely love this idea! I made this into HCs and a scenario since I dont have any idea how to make it into a fic, sorry :[
warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff/angst, smitten reader, jealousy.
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You didnt want to get married, but you had to, as you knew your father was at the brink of death and you would soon need to ascend the throne, forcing you to marry
You disliked the girls this season, they only liked you for your power and money, you wanted someone who would genuienly love you
The moment your eyes layed on Eloise Bridgerton you knew you were smitten, and the way she talks and jokes always make you laugh
You tried to court her, always sending her, her mother and her sisters flowers and gifts, dancing with her at balls, reading and talking about her favorite books, even becoming close friends with some of her brothers
But Eloise did not want you, or at least she acted like it, so your mother forced you to find someone else
The girl wasn't too bad, but she wasn't Eloise, and you knew you could never love her, even if you tried, but she was the best choice from the ton, so you asked her father for her hand, which he agreed
You didnt understand why Eloise was so upset that you were courting another, she didn't want you, after all, but she proved you wrong the day before you were going to propose
"You cannot marry her! I wouldnt allow it!" Eloise said as she grabbed your arm, her eyes filled with guilt and jealousy.
"Why not? I wanted you, Eloise, but you made it quite clear you did not want me, and I must marry if I were to ascend the throne." you said as you looked back at her, you loved her, but she did not love you, so you have to marry another.
You freed your arm from her grip and you turned away to leave, until you heard her say-
"But I want you! I was wrong, i was stuborn, I want you and I do not wish to see you marry another!" she said, a tear running down her cheek, stopping you dead in your tracks.
You turned back to her, losing your breath, she wanted you? All along she wanted you?
"Are you certian you want me?" you asked her and she nodded, looking back up at you.
"I have loved you ever since you started courting me, but I was too stuborn to admit it, i have only realised it when you started courting another, please, i cant see you marry another." her voice broke as she spoke, her eyes begging and pleading for you.
"I could never imagine choosing another over you, especially now that I know you return my undying love." you said as you bringed her closer, pulling her in a kiss which she gladly returned.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Keep me Close
Past Jules Bianchi x reader, platonic Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: angst
Request: yepyep finally got me some angst things to write
Summary: Charles's new girlfriend can't understand why he's so attached to the reader
Warnings: talks of death, name calling, a table gets flipped
Notes: I definitely didn't cry writing this at one point. Also, no hate to Alex!! I know hardly anything about her, but I know her and Charles are currently together, and it fits the Timeline, so please bear with me.
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Your love for Jules was something you find in fairy tales. It was beautiful, and both of you felt connected on a level deeper than anything imaginable.
It started when you were both merely kids. You were six, and he was eight. The two of you had met at the wedding of a mutual friend. Dressed in nice clothing, he'd marched right up to you and claimed to be a knight looking for a princess.
You were inseparable after that. It was like you'd found your soulmate.
When you turned eighteen, Jules had immediately proposed. And when you countered by asking if you were both too young, he said, 'Why waste time when I know I'll love you forever?'"
You'd gotten close with Leclerc family. Specifically with Charles since Jules was named godfather. He spent a great deal of time with you and Jules.
Then 2014. Everyone was sure Jules was going to get a seat with Ferrari. It would be a crime if he didn't.
You remember kissing him, good luck. The last feeling of his lips on your before getting in the car.
You remember telling him to be safe with the rain; that you love him dearly. He replied with his signature wink and an 'I love you more and I always am.'
Then everything stopped. The world seemed to no longer spin. Time refused to move forward as you willed it to go back.
It couldn't be real. There was no way it had happened. You still thought that as you sat at his bedside faithfully for months. There wasn't a world you wanted to live in if it didn't have Jules.
Charles was similarly devastated. He'd lost someone dear to him. The boy spent all his free time sitting with you in the hospital. Even bringing around food that Pascale had made to keep you alive. Something you didn't want to be at that moment.
The bond you'd formed with Charles during this time is hard to explain. There is nothing romantic. He's family despite the age gap not being that large.
He was, and is still, family. You'd promised to still take care of him despite the loss of Jules, and he promised to do the same in his stead.
The start of the 2024bseason brings on an interesting turn of events. Charles had split with his girlfriend before the new year and is now with his new girlfriend Alex.
You like her. She's very sweet as far as you've been told. But there is something there that makes you worry. You just blame the fact that you want the best for Charles.
The first time you met her was at a family dinner. Charles brought Alex with him to introduce her to everyone.
You were actually the first person he introduced her to. You felt honored, but there was something behind her eyes that you couldn't quite pinpoint. But you kept it to yourself and made friendly conversation.
The next time you saw her was when she dropped by the Leclerc family home unannounced. The position she caught you in wasn't a bad one, but it probably didn't look good to her.
Charles had a rough race in Monaco, as per usual, and was laying with his head in your lap while you ran fingers through his hair. It's the same thing Jules had done when Charles was a child after a bad Karting race.
Alex definitely didn't look pleased with you. But she managed to put kn a smile and say hello.
It was awkward. Especially after Charles and her went into another room because you could hear them talking in hushed whispers.
Your fingers find the chain with your wedding ring on it. Your lips press against the cold metal as you hold the ring to your mouth. "I hope I'm doing this right, Jules. It's hard without you here."
The last time you saw Alex was at a birthday party. Your birthday party. Something you don't like having after Jules because he was the one who always made the day special.
Charles is a stubborn man though and decided it was necessary. Partly because this is his way of remembering that you are alive and with them, but it also gives him and excuse to drink and dance.
It wasn't anything massive. Or at least - not a massive as it could have been. There were a good number of people crowded into your Monaco home. The food is good, and the music is better. It definitely felt like a party Jules would have dragged you to in your youth.
It's not long until Charles appears at the door with Alex in tow. He comes to you, and you embrace him as usual. The smile on his face makes everything worth it. despite having to deal with a party for a few hours.
Pierre also finds you and starts up conversation. The three of you fail to notice the fourth becoming increasingly agitated.
A loud crashing sound pulls all of their attention. Alex flipped over the table in her agitation and is now sending chills down your spine with the look on her face.
"Why are you so determined to be some kind of homewrecker! Why can't you just stop being a creep to Charles and let us live in peace!" She screams. It hits your mind like a shadow. The world fades away, and your thoughts are filled with the doubts you have daily.
Tears fill your eyes, and your body goes rigid. "I'm Charles' godmother. Y/N Bianchi. I am no homewrecker." You choke.
Charles and Pierre take a protective step in front of you. "Get out!" Charles' voice drips with venom. Alex looks stunned. She doesn't move even as Charles shouts at her. "Nobody gets to speak like that to my family! Get out!"
Then she runs. Avoiding the gazes of disapproval.
Charles spins around and places his hands on your shoulders. His eyes scanning your face to assess the damage.
"I'm so sorry that happened. You're amazing. Always have been. And anyone who says differently is a fucking asshole."
Even through the tears, she smiles. Jules couldn't have left her in better hands.
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trippinsorrows · 1 month
with me + part four
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authors note: the love and response to this story continues to absolutely floor me. you guys are all so sweet! i was nervous about posting, but everyone has made me feel so happy that i did, so thank you!
couple of hints about things sprinkled through this one. the more i write, the more things are getting fleshed out, so idk how many parts this will be atp, nothing too crazy though!!!
also, some tags don't seem to work for some reason, like when i type it, the hyperlink doesn't appear so super sorry to those impacted by that!!!
warnings: angst, fluff, language, suggestive content
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
word count: 5.8k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @southerngirl41 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @wonderingfashion @shayaaaaaaa @usoholic @brokenglassslippers @gators-aid @dersha89 @southerngirl41 @empressdede
You couldn't eat. 
Couldn't sleep.
Could barely think straight.
All that consumed you, ate at you, gnawed at your sanity was one thought and one thought alone.
He wanted to take her from you. 
Joe wanted to take your daughter from you, your four year old daughter who still couldn't even go to sleep at night unless she got to see or speak to you.
The daughter who he'd only known existed just recently but was seemingly set on ripping away from you.
That thought destroyed you, made you raw from blistering agony at just the idea of not having Callie with you full time. It destroyed you to the point that you decided to throw some clothes on, hop in your car, and set your google maps for the hotel you knew he’d be staying at. Damn the fact that it was the middle of the night or that you were stupid as hell for being in that situation in the first place. None of that mattered. 
You needed to talk to him, and you needed to talk to him now. 
Joe opens the door with a forceful swing, looking as irritated and disheveled as you’d expect one to look at nearly 1am in the morning. However, when his eyes land on you, confusion meshes with irritation. “Y/N?”
“Hi.” It’s said in a breathy tone. You're struggling to remember the script you rehearsed the whole drive there. “I’m sorry. I know it’s late—”
“What the..….” He sighs heavily and steps aside, motioning for you to come in. “Get in here.”
You don’t need to be told twice, looking around the hotel room that looks so plain and undeserving of someone with Joe’s stature. But, you also know this area isn’t exactly saturated with 5 star hotels, far from it. This is probably the most elite one he could find with such short notice, and it’s not bad at all, just….basic.
He clears his throat, and you return your attention to the man who you just realized is also shirtless. If not for the pending mental breakdown you’re fighting to keep at bay, it would be extremely distracting. Joe is a lot of things, and fine as hell is at the top of that list.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” He sounds exhausted, and you can’t tell if it’s from the argument earlier that day or being woken up in the middle of the night. Probably both. 
“I just—I need to talk to you.”
Nodding, you continue. “I know….I know I messed up, okay? I should have told you, but I just—I need you to look at it from my perspective. I need you to just hear me out, and if—if you still feel the same way, then–then I’ll have to deal with that….but please.” 
He’s leaning back against the dresser, arms crossed, taking time to answer as he weighs your offer. Finally, he concedes, “you came all the way over here. I’m not just gonna send you away.”
You’re thankful for him being willing to at least hear some of what you have to say. “Callie.....she was conceived the last time we were together.” Not sure if that part was necessary or the best way to start out, you quickly move on to the next point. “I didn’t find out I was pregnant until two months later. And on top of not knowing what the fuck to feel, I barely knew what to do. I was pregnant by a married man that I’d been sleeping with for three years. A married, famous man at that. Who I finally decided I needed to move on from.” 
Revisiting this is harder than you expected, harder than when you rehearsed it on your drive here. “I was scared, Joe, okay? I was scared, so I—I did what I thought was best at that time, and clearly it was wrong. I 100% own up to that, and you get to be angry with me, but you don’t get to let that anger influence your decision making, because it is.” 
This is the part you debated so deeply on whether to say or not say, to potentially poke the already irate bear. But, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t speak up for yourself and your daughter. “You want a legal custody arrangement, and I understand why, but—Joe, your name isn’t even on her birth certificate, but to tell you the truth…..I wanted it to be. I did.” Whether he believes you or not is on him, but it’s true. Because while he wasn't present in her life, he was still her father. Nothing would change that. “They wouldn’t do it without you present and without a paternity test—”
“I could have been there,” he interrupts, sounding more hurt than anything. “I should have been there.” 
“You’re right, but you weren’t, and I’m sorry for that too. I’m not trying to make any excuses here, just lay out facts. And the fact is that you can get a paternity test, you can establish paternity, and you can try to secure joint custody, but we both know there’s no way you can take her on. You work nonstop, Joe, and she can’t be on the road like that. She’s four for fucks sake. Calista needs stability, and she has that with me. You know I’m right.”
And you can see that he sees you’re right, the wheels turning in his head as he takes in your sound predictions.
“And I know you don’t right now, and that’s okay, but I am asking you to please trust me enough to know that I will not get in the way of you getting to know Calista. Trust that I only want what’s best for her, I’ve only ever wanted what was best for her.”
“Why should I?” Despite his words, you can see and hear the crumbling of his defenses, of the brick and mortar wall he'd erected earlier during the first round of this conversation. “What’s different now?”
“Because she asked about you.” This is the part that crushes you the most, that makes you wonder if you’ll ever be able to forgive yourself for even putting her in that situation. “Because she thinks you’re not in her life because she’s not a good girl, and I will not have my child grow up thinking she wasn’t good enough for her father to want to be in her life.”
You won’t let her grow up like you.
Having this discussion, saying these things aloud, you’re slowly starting to recognize how some of your own unaddressed issues have contributed to this situation. How your refusal to confront buried trauma has bled into another generation. It’s…..uncomfortable, to say the least.
And something you definitely need to revisit, probably sooner rather than later. Just…not right now. 
You’ve got to sort this through first.
It’s after a few minutes of silence that he finally speaks, voice surprisingly calm. “You’re right.” You let out a deep breath, nearly falling back at his words. You knew he was wavering but not to the point where he would yield. “I know….I know our situation is complicated, and I’m sorry for being so cold with you. I just—fuck, I don’t know how to process all of this.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “Neither do I, but we can figure it out, because we can’t…..we can’t put her through a custody battle. I won’t do that.” Despite your very valid facts, you also recognize that while he probably wouldn’t win, he has access to the best legal team money can buy and would outlast you in court by miles. 
You won’t say it aloud, not even sure if you can, but you’d soon rather concede than put her through that. You’d give him whatever he asked for if it meant sparing her from that trauma. 
It’s a far cry from your stance hours earlier, but time and actually thinking things through made you realize the pain you’d experience at having Callie taken from you would be nothing compared to what that experience would do to her. You know custody disputes can be long and nasty, and though she was still young, you didn’t want to find out if they would question her. 
You’d sacrifice your soul and surrender. 
You loved her enough to let her go.
“You’re right.” He repeats himself, even and calm. It’s such a stark difference for both of you compared to the blowup from earlier. There’s actual communication occurring, talking with each other, instead of at each other. Listening to hear, not to react. “I—I couldn’t do that to you. I spoke out of anger. My schedule is crazy and she needs stability. You give her that.”
There’s an insurmountable amount of relief that washes over you at his words. It’s night and day from the angry—though rightfully—man that stood before you earlier today. And you couldn’t be more grateful. 
“Thank you.” There aren’t enough words to adequately express the depth of your gratitude. Joe is well within his right to be upset, and like you said, you’ll take whatever that is, so long as the both of you can agree that Callie being with you is for the best. For her, but for you too. You won’t deny that. Your daughter is your life, and the thought of being without her, even for a period of time makes you sick to your stomach. “I–” You wipe your eyes, completely unaware that you’d been crying at one point, the tears starting to dry up. “I’m taking off work tomorrow and keeping her home. You…you can come over once I pick her up from Mariah's."
His eyes light up with appreciation that matches your own for his willingness to look past his feelings to do what’s best for your child. “Yeah?”
You offer a small smile. “I’ll probably get her around 10 and text you when you can head over.”
He nods, and the excitement in his expression warms you. It’s so strange how you can go through so many emotions in such a short time regarding the man in front of you. He always has been able to evoke things out of you that no one else could.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
The way he takes you in, assessing you, it makes you shift your weight from one foot to another. Your hoodie suddenly feels too heavy, warmth climbing up to your cheeks. “I—” You gesture to the door with your thumb. “I should head out.” 
It’s when you turn to leave that he grabs your wrist to stop you. 
“Where are you going?”
Your brow lifts at his tone and words, confused by the quick change and his hand on your arm. “Umm, home?” 
“Like hell you are.” His dismissal is firm and final as he informs, “you'll crash here tonight.” Your face must be painted in defiance, because he explains, “it's almost 2 in the morning, and you look exhausted. I'm not letting you get on the road. Anything could happen.”
He lifts his hand, silencing you as he points to the middle of the room. “You can take the bed. It's uncomfortable anyway.”
Ironically, a small yawn escapes, further proving his point. You are exhausted, in several different ways. The idea of driving back home right now is not nearly as appealing as sleeping off the day's events. “Okay.” Remembering his comment, you add, “you could have picked one of those fancy hotels ya'll stay in, you know.”
“I don't think there's anything ‘fancy’ within 30 miles of here.” He's not entirely wrong, the town's local steakhouse is considered the definition of fine dining and hotspot for special occasions. 
“There were once rumors of a Hilton being built.”
He looks almost hopeful. “When was that?”
You bite down on your lip. “When I was in middle school.” A small laugh escapes at his look of exasperation. 
“You should take the bed. It's gotta be more comfortable than the alternative.” Truly, because the idea of Joe's big ass trying to sleep on a damn fold out sofa is both hilarious and tragic. “I just need a shirt.”
He looks at you. “A shirt?”
Rolling your eyes, you tug at your old college hoodie. “I can't sleep in this. It's uncomfortable as hell. I dress light at night. You know—” And you stop yourself, because he shouldn’t remember that you always sleep in either a big shirt or thin top and shorts, never more, oftentimes nothing at all when he was in town.
For obvious reasons.
You’re grateful when he turns away and digs through his bag, probably the only one he took with him. He always traveled lightly. He comes back, reaching you one of his black t-shirts. 
“Thanks.” Accepting the item, you walk over to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. Standing in the mirror, you take in your appearance. Joe was being nice by saying you look exhausted, cause you look like shit, every bit of the days events, loud and blaring. Blowing out a breath, you start removing your clothes but pause when you go to remove your bra.
Is that….is that too much? You haven’t slept in a bra in years. Not since puberty randomly hit you over the summer between freshman and sophomore year, where you went from a modest A cup to a whopping D. And post Callie body definitely wasn’t a D anymore. It just seems….it seems indecorous. 
Deciding to go with safe instead of sorry, you swallow your discomfort and keep your bra on. With the hair tie on your wrist, you do your best to pineapple your hair, knowing good and well it’ll be frizzfest when you wake up but not really caring. 
Another yawn leaves your mouth as you walk out the bathroom only to turn into a scowl as you find Joe sitting on the sofa on his phone.
If it wasn’t so late and you weren’t so tired, you’d argue with him why it’s stupid of you to take the bed. He’s at least a foot taller than you. But, you don’t have it in you so just mutter “stubborn asshole,” place your folded clothes on the dresser, and climb into the bed. 
You double check your alarm is still set for the right time and lean across the bed to place it on the nightstand. There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you for a couple of minutes, your eyes closing as you try to sleep, even if for a couple of hours before you have to get back on the road. 
“What is she like?”
Your eyes open at his question, unexpected but understood. You think about it, wondering how to answer, how to explain all of the wonderful things that is your child. Finally, you settle on an answer, soft and honest. 
“You'll find out for yourself tomorrow.” And turning on your side, you murmur, “goodnight, Joe.”
He doesn’t say anything after that.
But while you sleep with the hope of believing that this can be worked out between the two of you, Joe lies awake, taking his turn with mind running a mile a minute.
He knew this would be difficult, knew it was going to get ugly to some extent, but what he didn’t expect was how impacted he'd be by seeing you again.
There was a stark difference between seeing you in photos and seeing you in person. His anger at the situation helped him to not react as strongly, but not as much as he liked or needed it to.
Because regardless of all his outrage, he’d missed you.
Even with your deception, with your deceit and all of his confusing emotions toward you in this whole situation, he missed you. 
Joe might not be ready to admit it aloud, but he’s never gotten over you. And not for lack of trying. He’d had a period where he tried to fuck away his feelings, tried to busy himself in between the legs of other women, his favorite distraction when he was in his twenties. Tried to remind himself that it was never meant to turn into anything anyway, that it wasn’t a big deal. But his efforts were fruitless and a waste of time.
He cared about you, he cared about you, arguably, more than he’d ever cared about a woman. Even….even Jadah.
The night you ended things was still a sore spot for him, still something he plays over in his head trying to make sense of. On the surface level, it’s pretty plain and simple. You wanted more, he couldn’t give it to you, so you moved on. 1+1. He was legally married for fucks sake. He couldn’t blame you for wanting more, but there was also a part of him that wondered why you didn’t just ask him for more.
Then again, that went both ways. Why didn’t he ask you for more?
It’s easy to say it was because of Jadah, because of his marriage, and that was both true and untrue. On his part, anyway. Divorce was easy in name but far from it in every other area. And for him, meant being forced to confront demons he tried his best to keep at bay. Up until two months ago, at least
Joe closes his eyes. This is all too much. 
He came here ready to confront you, and he had, in fucked up way, even if partially deserved. He came here to meet his daughter, to begin to form a bond with her, and he will do that. He just has to push the complicated feelings for you to the side and place them on the backburner until he can sort through that mess.
Calista is his priority right now. Whatever this is between you and him can be figured out later.
“She can be shy until she gets to know you.”
The day seems to have escaped you, getting on the road early in the morning to drive back and prepare to pick up Callie. She’s thrilled to see you, and vice versa. The two of you spend the beginning of the morning together, stopping at a local diner to share a breakfast before heading back to your apartment. You spend a little more time together, one on one, before texting Joe to head over, staying true to your word. 
Especially since he informed you that he had to fly out tomorrow morning. You expected as such, knowing he’d probably already been gone longer than higher ups liked. He could only push the limits so much. 
You don’t even have to be looking at him to know he’s nervous, an understandable but strange thing. Weird almost. Joe’s a lot of things, but nervous has never been one of them. “But once she gets comfortable, she won’t shut up.” That makes him smile, and you’re grateful for that.  Sure enough, you find Callie in her playroom, which used to be your office space, but the more spoiled she became from your mom, the more you realized her room was too small for all of her stuff. “Hey, Callie Bear.”
Callie looks up, smile bright as she runs over to you. You lean down to meet her hug. She gives the best, loving hugs. “I’m making you something, mommy.”
You gasp. “You are? Well, I can’t wait to see it.”
“It’s a surprise, so no peeking!” She lifts her little finger, wagging it in your face. Laughing, you nod and push back some of her curls. Callie’s eyes then land on Joe’s massive frame standing near the doorway, silently observing. You can see the emotions so clearly on his face: surprise, shock, happiness.
Callie’s smile dims as she moves closer to you, holding you close, her stranger danger kicking in. A small part of you is grateful that even at almost five, she knows to be cautious. Then there’s the other part of you that’s saddened at the fact that the “stranger” she’s cautious of is her own father. “Baby, this is….this is….”
“I’m Joe,” he finishes for you, and you’re both grateful and annoyed. Conflicted because a small part of you wanted to be the one to tell her, but also grateful he ironically took that responsibility off of you. “I’m an old friend of your mom’s.”
That’s not….that’s not what you expected him to say, not what you two discussed. It wasn’t explicitly stated, but you were under the impression that they would tell her the truth. His statement isn’t exactly a lie, you did once consider Joe to be a friend, much more than that, but still. Joe’s role in Callie’s life is significantly more than that. 
This seems to ebb away some of Callie’s caution as she asks, “really?” Her eyes fall on you, almost looking for approval. With a tight smile, you nod, giving her the relief she needs to loosen her hold on you. “Do you like Disney?” That causes you to genuinely laugh, something your sweet child definitely inherited from both you and your mom was a love of Disney. 
“I do,” he answers, and you pause. Does he really? Perhaps. Regardless, it’s a smart answer for your Disney loving child. “Do you?”
Callie nods happily, grabbing your arm and twisting it to show the ‘remember who you are’ tattoo on your wrist. “Mommy and grandma have Disney tattoos, and mommy’s gonna get a Moana one for me!”
“Really?” Joe, now crouched down to be at her eye level, sounds genuinely interested, and maybe he is. Callie is impressively charismatic at only four. She’s also his daughter who he’s wanting to develop a relationship with, so it’s not far-fetched that she could be talking to him about the rate at which grass grows, and he would entertain it like he was watching a 49ers game. “You like Moana?”
Is water wet? “She’s the bestest! Right, mommy?” 
You chuckle, fixing her shirt. “She watches it almost every day.” You always found it interesting, ironic even, that your daughter instantly gravitated to Moana, unaware that the voice of freaking Maui is her cousin, that she too had pacific islander ancestry. Through her dad. The dad you kept from her. 
“You know I don’t know if I’ve seen that one—”
Callie’s mouth drops open as she looks at you, “mommy, can we watch it? Please? Please? Pleeeeaaassseeee?”
“Okay, okay, okay,” you relent after pretending to think about it. You like to limit her screentime to two hours, and even though she already watched The Princess and the Frog earlier for the 97th time this month, there was no way you were not gonna allow this bonding opportunity. 
Squealing, Callie surprises you by breaking away and moving over to Joe, reaching for his hand. “Let’s go, Joe!” She pulls on the sleeve of his hoodie, probably to lead him into the living room where Disney Plus is signed in. 
Alone in her playroom, you run over what just happened. You thought you would tell her the truth, tell her that this is the father she was asking about, the one she thought didn’t want her when in actuality, he wanted to know everything there was to know about her.
And for a second, you get pissed off. Why wasn’t Joe honest with her? Isn’t this what he wanted? To be in her life. It’s confusing. He is confusing. But….you try to give him the benefit of the doubt, certain that he must have some reason behind his actions. You just hope they’re damn good reasons.
“Mommy!” You know that tone of hers, the tone that tells you a request is to follow. 
You shout back, “yes?”
“Joe likes popcorn too! Can we have some?”
You laugh and shake your head, shouting out an ‘okay’. Walking out of the room and into the living room, you find Callie near the TV, arm outstretched as she explains every detail of Moana, even the most obvious ones. But, Joe is sitting on the sofa, watching and listening intently. His smile is stapled. 
He looks…..he looks so happy.
Moving into the kitchen, you move around quietly to not interrupt and to get their popcorn made.
Waiting for the popcorn to finish, you hear Callie ‘whisper’ to Joe, “Mommy can’t cook, but she makes good snacks.”
Amid his laughter, you walk near the living room, hands on her hips. “I heard that, little ms. ma’am.”
“That’s what Grandma says,” Callie defends with a shrug of her little shoulders. “She says mommy is pretty and smart and funny, but she burns water.” She looks off, confused, as if it’s finally registering to her that that doesn’t make sense. “Mommy, how do you burn water?”
Joe is on the sofa, hand over his mouth, fighting for his life. You also can’t help but laugh at the absolutely serious look on her face. “Finish your movie.” 
The microwave dings, so you grab two bowls and fill them up equally. Delivering them to both, you place hers on the coffee table as she’s back to narrating. “Popcorn, as requested.”
“Thank you.” Her eyes go wide with excitement as she suddenly asks, “will you watch it with us?”
Damn. You had a feeling she would ask but was hoping she wouldn’t. Disappointing her twice in one weekend felt criminal. “Callie, I'm super behind with work.”
“Pleeeeasssseeee.” She starts with the begging again and then looks at Joe to inform him, “mommy’s a teacher. Do you have a job?”
Joe chuckles. “I do.”
“What do you do?” She asks in a sing-song tone. You give him that ‘I told you she never shuts up’ look. 
“I’m a professional wrestler.”
She’s clearly intrigued, asking, “are you actually good?”
“Callie!” This little girl and her lack of filter sometimes never ceases to amaze you. Your mom swears up and down it’s your payback from how blunt you were as a child. 
You’re starting to believe it.
Joe gives a shrug, clearly loving every bit of this. You can tell he wants her to keep the questions coming. He’ll answer em’ all if it means getting to spend time with her. “I’m alright.”
At that, you give him a look and crouch down to her level. “He’s very good.” You take the remote and quickly pause the TV, adding on, “matter of fact, he’s the universal undisputed champion.” Joe gives you a look, and you can tell he’s surprised by you knowing this piece of information.
You don’t watch wrestling as much as you used to, partially due to what happened between the two of you, mostly because you don’t have the time, but even non-wrestling people know about Roman Reigns and his current, historic title reign. You’re not sure if you’d feel entirely comfortable saying it to him, but you’re massively proud of Joe and all he’s accomplished. You always knew he could do it.
Her eyes widen with excitement and curiosity as she looks at Joe for clarification. “Really?”
“That is true.” 
Head tilted, she moves away from you and climbs on the sofa to sit next to him. Her little legs crossed over as she continues with the questions. “What does undis—undis—”
He helps her out, also angling his body more toward her. “Undisputed?” 
“Yeah! What does that mean?”
You can see he’s taking a minute to decide how to answer. “It means I don’t lose. Ever.”
“Whoooaaaa,” she breathes, obviously impressed. “You must eat a lot of veggies. I don’t like them, but mommy says they make you big and strong.”
“Your mom is right,” he agrees and looks her over. “You’re a very smart little girl. How old are you again? Like 15?”
“No, I’m four!” She giggles and lifts up four fingers. “But, I’ll be five on May 19th!”
His gaze softens. “Your birthday is in May?” She nods, happily. His smile is warm, emotional. “So is mine.”
You still for a moment. You hadn’t even thought about that, that her birthday was just days away from his. There’s something strangely sweet and moving about this fact, both to you and definitely to him.
And that’s how it plays out for the rest of the day, a combination of Callie’s incessant questions, intermittent viewing of Moana and parts of Encanto. Lunch and dinner sprinkled somewhere in between. You’re even able to sneak off to do your lesson planning, Callie more than fine with just Joe to entertain her.
It warms your heart to see them connect almost instantaneously.
It’s why you wait as long as you can to interrupt, never wanting to do so, to invade their moment. But, you also know your daughter, know that she needs a certain amount of sleep to function the next day. And when you check in on them and catch her yawning, you know it’s unfortunately that time.
Sighing, you enter the living room with your arms crossed. “Callie Bear, it’s time to start getting ready for bed, mamas.”
“Nooo.” She whines. “I’m not tired.” Her groggy voice and scowl would indicate otherwise. 
“Of course, you’re not.” You bend down in front of her and reach for her hand. “Come on, we gotta tell Joe bye. He’s gotta get back to his hotel.” Despite her obvious objections, she climbs off the sofa and accepts your hand but not before looking at him. 
“Will you come over again tomorrow?” She asks with hopeful eyes and a voice of excitement, both things that make being honest with her that much harder.
He obviously doesn’t want to give her the truth, but it’s better than the alternative. With a frown, he answers, “I wish….but I’ve gotta get back to work tomorrow, Callie.”
Her smile drops, and sadness arises. “Why? Do you have to go?” Her quiet voice is comprised of disappointment and despondency. You can tell it hurts him. Her hope is dashed, replaced with sadness. “When will you come back?”
“As soon as he can.” You jump in to assist, hating the way he looks so devastated not having a specific date for her. Truth be told, you wouldn’t be surprised if he won’t be able to get away for another few weeks, if not more. “And you know what, you can use my iPad to Facetime him when he’s available anytime you want.”
Her eyes light up. “Really?” 
“Of course,” he assures. He reaches to push some hair out of her face. “I’ll call you whenever I can.”
She gives him a small smile. “You promise?” 
Joe swallows. “I promise, sweetheart.” 
Pleased and obviously ecstatic at this information, she surprises the both of you by tearing her hand from you to throw her little arms around him for an unexpected hug. You’re not sure why, but the sight makes your eyes water. His eyes close as he gently wraps his arms around her as well. You look away, almost uncomfortable interrupting this moment between the two of them.
When she pulls away, you swear you see disappointment reappear in his eyes. “Bye, Joe.” 
She returns to your side, and you gently direct her, “go put on your jammies and pick out a book. I’ll be right there in a few minutes, okay?” 
“Okay, mommy.” Without protest, she turns and heads back to her room. When it’s just the two of you, you turn to him, “she really likes you.” It feels silly saying such a thing. He’s her father. She should like him. She should love him.
But you also know better than anyone that being someone’s biological parent doesn’t automatically make them a parent. 
“That’s why you didn’t tell her, isn’t it? You want to gain her friendship first.” In watching and participating in the interaction between them, it dawned on you just why he didn’t tell her right away. Joe wanted to first establish a baseline with Callie, wanted her to get to know him just for him, to bond with him not because he was her dad, but because she wanted to. 
And clearly….clearly it worked. 
“She’s amazing,” he whispers. You see he’s still caught up in the emotion of it all, meeting his daughter for the first time, connecting with her as quickly and easily as he has.
“She is,” you agree, suddenly remembering why you’d dismissed Callie. “I–I uhh, I have something for you.” Standing back up—your knees were gonna hate you tomorrow—you pull the thumbdrive out of the back pocket of your jeans. He also stands with you. “I was that new mom who was intent on documenting every single thing my kid did, and I’m kinda glad I did now.” You reach and drop it in his open palm. “I got everything on video. Her first word, first time crawling, first time walking….all of it.” Suddenly uncomfortable with his silence, you add on, “I know it’s not the same as being there, but—”
“Thank you.” he interrupts in a quiet voice, immensely grateful to you at this moment. “Thank you, Y/N.” 
Emotion seems to be the keyword of the day, because yours are also all over the place, for a variety of reasons. It’s an experience that’s both overwhelming and confusing, but also….nice? You can’t necessarily describe it, but there’s something comforting about Joe having a role in Callie’s life.
But that doesn’t equate with your decision to not tell him about her in the first place, hence why you’re a hot ass, confused mess.
He’s making you feel things again, and you don’t like it. 
“I know getting back here won’t be easy, especially with the holidays rolling around. But, whenever you can come, you’re welcome. I mean it.” Thanksgiving is less than 3 weeks away. You’re highly doubtful he’ll be touching down before then. “Christmas is her favorite holiday. I know she’d love to have you here for that.”
“I’ll be back before Christmas and for Christmas.” You don’t know how, but you do know he’s convinced of it, and you don’t put it past him. He seems entirely determined. 
“Okay.” You walk him to the door, unsure why your bodies being so close to each other is an uncomfortable yet pleasing feeling. “Oh,” you suddenly remember something. “You need to make a Snapchat account.”
He scowls almost instantly. “A what?” A small laugh escapes you at his instant disgust. “I’m too old for that shit.”
“We both are, but it’s an easy way for me to share Callie and all her randomness with people. Make it and send me the username. I’ll add you.” It seems all it takes is for you to mention Callie, and he’s sold. He nods in agreement, all distaste washed away with the eagerness of receiving photos and videos of Callie on the regular. You keep your hand on the door, chewing on your lip, murmuring, “Goodnight, Joe.” 
He gives you a look, something unspoken in his eyes. “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
Closing the door behind you, you lock it and take a deep breath, unsure why your stomach is in knots. Not from anxiety or fear but happiness. 
You’re happy to have Joe back in your life, even with all of the bullshit that’s transpired in this single day. There’s something relieving about having him around, and you know it’s for Callie. It needs to be just for Callie, because what you can never do again is allow yourself to fall back into that situation. 
No matter how badly your heart and your head are clashing right now.
No matter how much you're starting to wonder if your heart ever really left that situation.
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neptuneiris · 10 months
for the crown (01/02)
what is more important in prince aemond targaryen life, the crown or you?
pairing: prince!aemond × lowborn!reader
summary: you gave yourself to him, you love him, he said that despite your low status at court, he will still marry you, because you are his, the woman who was his friend since childhood, until the war comes.
next part • series masterlist
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here with another story my beautiful people, where I have more warnings for you regarding this story hehe🤭 here aemond is mean and reader is very naive. this is not a story with happy moments and a happy ending, be warned.
this is something I came up with because I apparently love writing angst so much, so here it is, enjoy!
warnings: sex content, angst, denigration, abusive behavior, possessiveness.
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It all started as a children.
Him being a lonely child and judged for not owning a dragon as all Targaryen are accustomed to from birth by having a dragon egg placed next to them in the cradle so that eventually the egg will hatch and a dragon will be born.
And you being a child learning from an early age to become a woman and attend to the duties for your future husband.
Your mother died of a serious illness, your two older sisters eventually married men from the Vale and in the end your father, despite his house coming from a low status, got a place on the King's Small Council in King's Landing.
Having no one to take care of you, and seeing this as an opportunity to find you a future husband with more benefits and definitely more convincing, he decided to bring you with him and introduce you to the sons of noble men.
You remember since you were ten and twelve that even men who could be your father or even your grandsire, asked for your hand. But your father always politely turned them down.
You were not ready yet, you were still attending your lessons with the Septa and your father asked Queen Alicent if she could give him the opportunity to have his youngest daughter join as a lady-in-waiting for her daughter, Princess Helaena.
The Queen fortunately accepts and you soon find yourself making friends with Princess Helaena.
Although Helaena didn't really show any interest in you, she was still grateful to have some company. But in the end, no strong bonding happened between the two of you because the princess preferred to whisper to herself and get lost on her own thoughts.
When you were ten and three years of age, one night on your way to your chamber after attending your lessons with your Septa, you turned down one of the hallways and bumped into someone else and saw that it was Prince Aemond.
You could tell, not everyone had the silver hair characteristic of the Targaryen nor did anyone else have that eye patch.
You instantly apologized, when in the middle of your apology, he lowered his gaze and avoided looking you in the eye at all times, you instantly realized that something was wrong as you noticed his eye was red, swollen and watery.
"Are you all right, my prince?"
You had asked him politely and willing to help, but he wouldn't let you.
"If you will excuse me," he says to you in a low, serious tone without much emotion to step around you and continue on his way, leaving you behind.
You watch him walk away, noticing his wrinkled clothes and also the cloak on his shoulders, as if he had wanted to go undercover a few moments before. You don't know what happens to you that night, but the prince catches your attention, curiosity invading you.
You have never exchanged words with him before, nor with Prince Aegon, the future husband of Princess Helaena, of whom your father has warned you to be very careful if you meet him.
But your father has told you nothing of Prince Aemond.
You know a little of his history, such as that he lost his eye at the age of ten and eleven and that he claimed the largest dragon in the world on the exact same day he lost his eye.
You also hear around the Court how the prince at his young age is becoming an excellent knight and an impressive swordman. That is all you know.
But you wonder at that moment what has happened to the prince to make him cry. That night you can't really know anything and you resume your way to your chamber.
It is not three days later that you decide to flee your responsibilities even for a day and you take refuge in the library of the Keep, quickly entering the place to avoid being caught by your father, his guards or even your Septa.
When your movements draw the attention of someone already in the library.
A seated figure also instantly catches your attention and you are surprised to see that it is Prince Aemond, who is clearly watching you intently for interrupting his reading.
His presence makes you nervous but you quickly remember your manners and how you should behave before royalty.
"Prince Aemond," you bow your head to him, "Forgive me for interrupting you, my prince."
The prince immediately recognizes you, that girl who saw him crying after that horrible night that he still can't stop thinking about.
"Are you running away from someone?" he asks you attentively and curiously.
You lower your gaze, beginning to twist your fingers on your hands, nervous.
"No, not truly, my prince," you observe him, "I just wanted to let my lessons pass for a day, nothing more."
The prince continues to watch you attentively and curiously for a few moments without saying anything, while you don't know what to do, whether to stay or leave for having interrupted him.
Although the library is public and not reserved only for the royal family, you still decide to leave since you don't want to disturb him.
"I won't interrupt you anymore and let you continue to enjoy your time, my prince," you give him a small smile despite still feeling nervous and turn to leave the way you came.
Aemond lets out a long breath and doesn't think long to call out to you and stop you.
"Wait," he says and you stop before touching the doorknob.
Again nerves overtake you but curious, you slowly turn to him and show yourself at his disposal, where the prince now shows a more relaxed posture but continues to be attentive on you.
"Enjoy the reading, my lady?"
His question takes you by surprise, since women are not supposed to waste time on things that are not related to learning how to be a good wife in the future and how to please their husbands.
And along with that come everything that is expected of them after marriage, as loyalty, devotion and the heirs they are supposed to give birth to.
And yet with all this, in your four walls, where no one sees you and where no one can tell you what to do and what not, you secretly enjoy reading. But before you can answer the prince, he points to the book in your hands.
"You know the history of my family?"
"Not much, to be honest with you, my prince," you confess.
"And what do you read?" he asks you attentively.
"I enjoy reading a lot of everything, my prince. But lately I have been reading the stories of the First Men."
The prince continues to watch you intently, thinking about your words, then lets out a "hmm" and makes himself more comfortable in his chair, reopening the page of his book in his hands to resume his reading.
"Come. You can hide from your responsibilities here."
And from that moment, your friendship with Prince Aemond began.
Both he and you could not always avoid your responsibilities, but on the days that you did or in the small moments of the day, you both found each other and spent time together, whether it was in the library or in the gardens taking a walk.
Just as Prince Aemond expected, you learned more about the histories of his house and he learned a little more of yours, though there truly isn't much to learn coming from a small house that the truth is almost irrelevant.
You never left Helaena's side, but you began to accept that you enjoyed spending more time with Prince Aemond as you shared a taste for literature, so you distributed your time well to spend time with both of them.
As the years passed, the prince began to demand that you privately call him Aemond, as you began to be present at his training, watching as he gradually became a truly feared knight with impressive brutal skills.
Trust began to grow, so you dared to ask him to tell you about how he claimed the largest dragon in the whole world and he did, feeling proud of his story even though he lost his eye that very night.
The trust was there but he still wouldn't open up to you about how he lost his eye and you didn't bring up the subject either.
You were curious about it but you didn't want to make him upset by asking him something so personal, thinking that Aemond himself would talk to you about it when he felt ready and confident.
The friendship between the two of you did not go unnoticed by your father and Queen Alicent, nor by Otto Hightower, who were disinterested in the matter, knowing very well that Aemond could never marry you, a lady of such low status.
Prince Aemond is only a few moons older than you, so by the time he is ten and seven years of age, he begins to feel the pressure of his mother and grandsire to take a wife and fulfill his duty as prince of the Realm.
And that duty is to form alliances so that when the time comes and his father dies, they can put Aegon on the Throne since that is the right thing to do instead of his half-sister succeeding the Throne, after her succeeding his bastard nephews.
But for Aemond it is a constant war he has in mind. He doesn't want his half-sister, a woman, to succeed the Throne so that his bastards do as well, but he also knows that Aegon is not fit for the Throne.
But he is.
And he resents more the fact that his grandsire sees more for Aegon than he does for him, he who is more fit than Aegon to rule but no one sees that, not even his mother, supporting her first son more and seeing her second as support of the first to further secure his Throne.
And he hates that, hates it very much.
But when his grandsire starts putting on the table the ladys he could marry, all Lannister, Tyrell and Baratheon, Aemond hates it even more.
"I do not wish to marry yet," he tells him serious and disinterested.
"It is not a matter of whether you wish it or not, Aemond. You must do it because this is your duty to secure Aegon's throne," his grandsire reproaches him.
"And Aegon is fit to rule?" he inquires expectantly.
Otto lets out a long sigh.
"He is the king's first born son and that is all that matters," tells him annoyed, "Or is it that you wish Rhaenyra to sit on the Throne instead of him? So that later her bastard son sits next and Gods knows if the boy who took your eye sits as well?"
Aemond didn't know it at the time, but his grandsire's words were beginning to make him think eventually, and began to let himself be carried away by it.
But not only that, Aemond began to have a strong temper and to feel a pressure that made people fear him even more. You never feared him when you heard the rumors about his missing eye, let alone as the two of you began to grow up together.
But unfortunately, Aemond began to take his bad temper out on you.
You were walking through the hallways of the Keep, when a drunken Prince Aegon intercepted you and touched you to take you by force in a dark and lonely hallway. Fortunately you immediately reacted and hit him in the crook of his leg with your knee, quickly running away from him, crying.
You didn't want to cause a scene with the Queen nor was it a good idea to tell your father, who would probably go mad with the thought that his daughter could have been ruined when her maidenhead is the most indispensable thing to be able to marry you off.
So you seek comfort and help from your most trusted person in your entire life, Aemond.
As you enter his chamber, you know it's a bad idea since you can't be here, but your sobs and your body trembling with fear make you take courage and seek reassurance from your dearest friend.
But sadly Aemond didn't feel the same way.
When you explain to him what happened, Aemond watches you almost disinterested, still listening to you attentively.
"H-he touched me but h-he didn't manage to do anything," you tell him through your tears.
Aemond says nothing, rather he continues to watch you attentive and serious. And when he finally speaks, it was not what you expected him to say.
That's all he says.
You watch him painfully, not understanding his behavior when your state is proof enough that you're not lying, but Aemond thinks further, not truly realizing it, having the meetings he's forced to attend with his grandsire more on his mind than what just happened to you.
"So what did you do or say to my brother to make him take such a liberty with you?"
You look at him confused, trembling and with tears falling down your cheeks.
"E-excuse me?"
"You provoked him, didn't you?"
"N-no, Aemond," you look at him hurt, "I-I would never—
"I would not be surprised."
He interrupts you serious and this makes you look at him confused and in despair.
"Coming from such a low house with your father extremely desperate to marry you off, an event like this would make my mother reward your father with a convenient husband," he tells you watching you badly, "But if you want so much to be taken as a common whore, try the Street of Silk. But don't involve my brother to affect my family and our image Y/N."
His words are like a dagger to your heart, while you look at him completely hurt and bewildered by his words, that being your sign that you are alone in this and Aemond does not support you as he considers them to be vile rumors against his brother.
Humiliated and crying now because of the insensitivity of the one who supposedly is your dearest friend, you run out of his chamber, not even having the strength to look him in the eye because of his cruel words.
At this Aemond does not even flinch when you run out of his chamber and continues with his duties, unbothered.
It is not two days later that Aemond comes to his senses that he himself looks for you after you spend most of your time avoiding him as much as possible.
His words has deeply hurt you and are constantly repeating in your mind, feeling a sharp pain in your chest. And when he finally finds you, he apologizes for his behavior.
You thought you couldn't forgive him for what he said and how he made you feel, but inevitably you melt at his touch as he leaves a soft kiss on the back of your hand and hugs you to comfort you as he should have done at the beginning.
Aemond then goes to look for his brother, where he finds him in his bed with a Silk Street whore and all of him and his chamber stinking of wine.
Abruptly he pulls the sheets off him and he along with the woman wake up startled, but before Aegon can react, Aemond grabs him tightly by the collar and pulls him dangerously close to him watching him with the most menacing and deadly gaze.
"Try to touch Y/N again and I swear I'll cut off both of your hands myself, you fucking cunt."
Aegon does not understand anything, beginning to feel discomfort, but before he can say anything, Aemond releases him abruptly against the bed, to finally leave the chamber.
The weeks pass quickly and you turn seven and ten years of age, not being something that truly catches the attention of all the people in the Court, but for your father and Princess Helaena, yes.
The princess presents you with a pair of beautiful gold earrings and eventually Aemond also has something for you but he wait until the two of you are alone.
He enters your chamber and presents you with a beautiful silver necklace with a drop-shaped gem of an ocean blue sapphire, also a beautiful dress of the same color, letting you know that this is his favorite color.
That night, almost at the end of the night of your name day, Aemond is the one who claims your first kiss and also claims your maidenhead.
That same night you realized that you have always loved him, basically since you were children, since you started spending time together, getting to know each other and sharing the same tastes.
Besides, how could Aemond not be to your liking?
Prince or not, he is absolutely handsome, paying no attention to rumors, if he doesn't have an eye or that he is extremely brutal in combat, it doesn't matter to you, you don't care about anything but you and him and that's why you give yourself completely to him.
A forbidden action and that you should not have done, since your maidenhead is important to be able to get married, but you think that if you marry a man you do not love, why not give yourself to someone you truly do love?
You didn't care that this would bring serious consequences for you, that if your father found out, everything would probably fall apart.
You didn't care at least that night when you were in Aemond's arms and felt his caresses all over your body. He made you feel completely desired and made you experience in the act of lovemaking things you couldn't even imagine, wanting more from him in the moment.
"You're mine, aren't you?"
He murmurs huskily against your lips, as he enters you again with a firm, hard movement that makes you see stars and makes you cling completely to him, moaning.
"Yes, Aemond," you sigh, "I am yours. Completely yours."
"You will never leave my side, not when I have already claimed you, do you understand?"
You sigh again, dropping your head back, moaning.
"Say it," he demands, starting again with his back and forth, more steady and harder, "Say you understand."
"I understand," you say as best you can as you are being completely carried away by the pleasure.
Aemond smirks and begins to thrust in and out of you faster and harder, as you moan and try to be no too loud, as he brings his lips to your neck and begins to mark your skin, area by area.
Then he bites and sucks on your breasts, while you place your arms around his shoulders and pull him further into you, avoiding screaming loudly from all the pleasure, biting his shoulder, being more motivation for Aemond as he continues to fuck you hard.
That night he spills all his seed inside you with a grunt, filling you completely, as he wipes the tears from your eyes from the overstimulation and how he brought you to the peak several times.
You watch him with complete adoration, just as satisfied as he is, but terrified of what just happened.
"If the Queen finds out…" you tell him fearfully, "If my father finds out—
"Don't worry about that, my love," he murmurs to you, beginning to gently pull out of you, "You're never going to leave my side, remember?"
"No one's going to find out."
And you believe him, you truly do. And fortunately his word is kept.
The next morning no one notices the night you shared with the prince, not your maids by acting careful and certainly not your father by sharing breakfast with him.
You cover Aemond's marks on your body with dresses a little more covered in the collarbone area, hoping they will disappear soon and looking forward to sharing more nights with him despite being very risky.
And that same day in the library you meet Aemond, he makes you drink moon tea, telling you that this will be indispensable every time you both share a bed, as he doesn't want to sire any bastards and you certainly don't want that to happen either.
And the nights with your prince are a little more constant, with no one knowing about that little secret you share in the darkness of your chamber to the fortune of both of you.
And as a result of Aemond claiming your body, his behavior towards you becomes more… possessive.
On the name day of little Prince Jaehaerys and little Princess Jaehaera Targaryen, Queen Alicent prepares a grand feast in honor of the twins where the entire Court attends and other members of important houses in Westeros.
Your father sees this as a great opportunity for you to finally meet the sons of the nobles and asks you to wear your best dress and exaggerate your beauty to attract the attention of some of them.
And you do so even though you don't want to.
Once at the feast, you find Aemond at the table that belongs to all the royal family, while you share tables with all the other nobles. He also finds you among all the people and that is all that happens between you.
Immediately your father introduces you to the sons of the nobles and when the dance begins, you can't refuse their offers and very soon you find yourself dancing with some of them.
All the time you feel a piercing, burning gaze in which you don't need to try to figure out who it is, you know it's him. But you can't be rude to all those men, just like him, you must also do your duty and you don't want to make your father angry.
But you wouldn't have to do this if he asked for your hand.
You don't understand what keeps stopping Aemond from asking your father for his blessing, but for now, you must do this.
When on one of your trips for some fresh air and to stop feeling overwhelmed, wanting to calm your pressure with all those sons of nobles, suddenly a hand grabs your waist and another on your neck to slam you hard against one of the walls of the balcony, leaving you motionless.
You open your frightened eyes wide, about to scream but the hand on your waist goes up to silence your mouth, while you watch in surprise, in terror and without understanding at Aemond with a deadly and more than furious gaze towards you.
When he brings his lips to your ear.
"Next time I see you acting like I'm not in the same place as you and enjoying the company of other men right to my fucking face, I'm not going to be gentle with you Y/N, at all," he warns you, "Don't forget your place and who you belong to, or else I'm going to have to start beheading heads and your father's will be the first."
And without another word, Aemond releases you without tact and walks away leaving you behind, not even flinching at his behavior, while you watch him completely shocked and in horror, tears starting to want to spill out of your eyes.
After that night, your father begins to arrange an betrothal between you and a man from Highgarden, but you, thinking correctly, refuse the request for your hand and that of several other nobles.
Your father was furious, but you didn't care much, only thinking of Aemond, who again came in search of you after a few days, asking your forgiveness for his behavior.
"You must not make me angry again, Y/N. It wasn't smart at all what you did that night and you won't do it again, will you?"
You just nodded and again he claimed your body, as he is wont to do almost every night, claiming everything from you, because you are his, completely.
Again the years pass without any change and now both ten and nine years of age, all over the Court it is rumored that Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon are returning to the capital along with all their children to attend to the matter of a succession.
Immediately this causes Aemond to have an almost insufferable humor and behavior, especially with you.
But at the end of the day he comes back to you and apologizes even though you don't understand what it is that bothers him so much.
You don't ask him anything about his half-sister, and when the day comes and you don't meet Aemond anymore because he has to attend to all that matter, you wait for him to come back to you, not truly wanting to disturb him.
It's not until one night when you find yourself heading to your chamber after spending some time in the library that you accidentally overhear the conversation of some maids down the hallway, unnoticed by them.
"That was an intense fight."
"I don't think things between the princess and the Queen will mend after this."
"They never will," one of them says in a whisper, "Peace between the two families was never meant to happen after Prince Lucerys was the responsible for taking Prince Aemond's eye."
"And now the fight between Prince Aemond with Prince Jacaerys has made everything more difficult."
Such words leave you completely paralyzed and breathless, listening to it all with your lips parted and your eyes wide open, unable to believe what you are hearing.
Aemond has never told you about what happened that night, but you never ever imagined that his own nephew was responsible for that horrible event that marked his life forever, now also finding out that there was a fight now with prince Jacaerys.
And that is why you decide to go to him, instantly worrying and wanting to know if he is well and if you can help him in whatever he needs.
You make sure there are no important people in sight and after that, you make sure the guards don't see you and you quickly and carefully enter his chamber, where you see Aemond sitting near his fireplace with a tense posture and his back to you.
"Aemond?" you call softly to him, slowly approaching towards him, but he does not move an inch, "Are you alright?"
Instantly you reprimand yourself, since of course he's not alright.
With what you heard, you now understand his behavior since it was announced that his sister would be returning to King's Landing with her entire family, including the boy who took his eye.
You let out a long breath, observing him with some pity and understanding and then continue your slow walk towards him, observing him attentively.
"Do you need to talk?"
You watch as his hands make them into fists, continuing to watch the fire in the fireplace intently, his jaw clenched and his whole posture screaming danger.
"Get out," he orders you low and threatening.
But you don't want to leave him alone, you care about him.
"I just want to make sure you're all right," you insist softly, trying to convince him.
"I'm not going to repeat myself, Y/N."
You let out a long breath again, still not obeying his word.
"I know how you must be feeling," you tell him in understanding, finishing moving closer towards him, "But if you need to talk, I'm here to listen," you assure him, "I care about you and I just want….
Your words are suddenly interrupted violently when Aemond stands up in a quick movement that you don't have time to anticipate and surprisingly grabs your neck with one of his hands in a strong and brutal way to look at you more than angry and threatening.
All the fear consumes you and you watch him in horror, all your air in suspense, your eyes wide open and bringing your hands to his to try to free yourself with tears starting to run down your cheeks.
You try to speak to him, to tell him anything, desperately asking him to let you go, but Aemond continues to be blinded by his own madness and his own anger at what happened at that dinner.
You tap weakly at his chest, trying to breathe, but he won't let you, slowly making his grip tighter.
"I don't know where you heard it, but I don't need your pity nor do I need your sympathy."
He tells you serious and menacingly while you continue to try to free yourself from him
"I am the prince, the rider of the largest dragon in the world and the next time I order you to do something and you don't obey me… you're going to start learning the hard way and no one is going to save you, Y/N."
He squeezes your neck a little tighter, hard and watching you almost as if he dislikes you, while you can't take it anymore, not acknowledging him, basically not understanding anything.
When he finally lets go of you and you fall completely on the ground, gasping and catching your breath with tears streaming down your cheeks, feeling bad about yourself, feeling a sharp pain in your chest as you catch your breath and strength, watching him for a second completely scared.
Aemond doesn't dislike seeing you at his feet, but still the anger continues to consume him and he continues to stare at you as if you were nothing.
"'Get out. Now," he spits at you without any tact.
And you don't need him to repeat it one more time, you quickly get up and run away from him completely horrified, crying and feeling like a complete fool.
You want to tell yourself that it's all right, that he didn't mean it and will ask for your forgiveness, just this being another one of his bad days where he made the mistake of taking it out on you, as he always tells you.
But now… you expect nothing from him.
His action leaves you completely scared and terrified, not even wishing to see him nor wishing he would come to your chamber to ask for your forgiveness once he returns to himself.
This time it takes Aemond a full week until he does indeed search for you and finds you in your chamber, where taking your distance, with your face muffled and without much emotion, you greet him and continue with your embroidery, beginning to tremble slightly for fear that he will explode at you again.
This Aemond notices immediately and lets out a long breath, resignation overtaking him. Then he takes a step towards you and you stand very still, alert, not trusting and fearing for his next move.
Aemond at this stops and looks at the marks on your neck that are just beginning to fade, marks that you hid very well with your clothes, but considering that he has come in the middle of the night, you are wearing your night gown.
So he doesn't come any closer and instead extends one of his hands towards you, looking completely harmless and wanting to fix this, but you don't trust him at all yet.
"Come," he asks you kindly, waiting for you to take his hand.
You don't say anything to him, you continue to stare at his hand fearfully, trying to hide how terrified you feel, but you can't, considering you're both alone here and there's no one who can save you.
"I won't hurt you, I promise," he tells you again in a soft voice.
But you continue without moving and he doesn't press you, wanting to give you time until you feel comfortable and safe with him again.
Until eventually you too resign yourself, thinking that you must obey your prince's word and finally you take his hand, shaking but you do. Aemond immediately slowly begins to pull you closer to him, showing you that it's all right.
Until he finally has you in his arms and starts kissing your cheeks, comforting you, asking for forgiveness over and over again, caressing you, while you slowly start to let yourself be carried away by him.
You shouldn't, but you love him in spite of everything.
That night Aemond tells you everything, everything that happened that night after he claimed Vhagar and the years that followed after he lost his eye, everything he had to face and learn on his own at such a young age.
He tells you about his bastard nephews, about the danger Rhaenyra is to him and his family if she sits on the Throne and also what happened at that dinner that made him react in that brutal way against you, asking for your forgiveness over and over again.
Now you understand Aemond's side and let him once again take you, feeling just as wanted as ever, feeling how much Aemond needs you, just the same way you need him.
And that night, after he spills his seed inside you, you confess it to him, you tell him that you love him, not being able to go another day without him knowing it and not knowing how much he means to you, in spite of everything.
Aemond doesn't say anything to you after your confession, he just watches you and smiles softly, then kisses you and locks you in his arms, that being distraction enough to make you believe that he doesn't need to tell you that he loves you too when the actions speak for themselves.
And one day after another of the nights you share with Aemond, King Viserys dies and Prince Aegon is crowned as his successor.
Your father has no choice but to bend the knee to King Aegon while everyone knows that war will break out at any moment after Princess Rhaenys escapes from the Red Keep on her dragon by destroying DragonPit and bringing the news to Princess Rhaenyra.
Exactly that is what happens and then two sides are formed, the blacks and the greens. And you belong to the green ones.
Queen Alicent and the Hand begin to form their alliances, where these alliances is the duty to fulfill Aemond who in the end chooses to marry one of the daughters of Lord Borros Baratheon.
And he has no choice but to let you know what happens next.
"This is necessary. Securing this alliance for Aegon will give us more opportunity against my half-sister's forces. I cannot fail my family. I will win the loyalty of Lord Borros and I will win all of Storm's End."
You can't help but be filled with complete disappointment, feeling your heart shatter into pieces at Aemond's very firm and willing words.
"What about me?" you can't help but ask him in your weak, sad voice.
But he looks at you confused and uncomprehending.
"What do you mean?"
"You're never going to ask for my hand, are you?" you stare at him with tears beginning to fill your eyes, "You don't want to fail your family and in order not to fail them you have to marry one of Lord Borros' daughters."
He avoids looking completely annoyed by your behavior, annoyed that you don't understand that they are at war, that this is his duty and that it is necessary.
"We are at war, Y/N. I cannot afford to choose you over my duty. Besides this is nothing more than a marriage for political purposes to form alliances and strengthen my brother's Throne."
His words hurt you, completely, but still, you don't want to feel more humiliated than you already are and you nod slowly in his direction, lowering your gaze and holding back your tears, because it's not like you can do anything about it.
He's the prince, he has the power to do something about it, but in the end he won't do anything.
"Then I wish you a safe journey and good luck to your brother's cause, Prince Aemond."
Prince Aemond, not Aemond, just his title.
You continue embroidering, trying to make yourself forget his presence in your chamber, still holding back much as you can your tears, understanding that this is the end of what you had and that it can be no more.
Let alone that he will not ask for your hand as he has to marry for political purposes as is his duty.
But Aemond is not tolerating your attitude and behavior at all, so in an instant he stands in front of you and takes your chin with one of his hands, making you raise your gaze to him in a demanding manner and observe him.
At first you feared he was going to hurt you again and scare you like last time, but he continues to make you keep your gaze on him, him with his serious and determined look.
"I don't know what you're thinking Y/N," he tells you in warning, "But don't even believe for a moment that I'm going to leave you for a girl and for a marriage I don't even wish for."
He lets you know and your heart flips, watching him in surprise and definitely not expecting this, as he smirks and delights in your reaction.
"Or what? You truly thought I'd give all this up between you and I for an arranged marriage?"
You try to speak but he won't let you.
"Oh you silly little thing," he mutters without wiping away his amused grin, "You really thought about that? You should know better." he makes his grip on your jaw tighter, "You're mine, remember? And you're never going to leave my side, ever."
He tells you and then lets you go and walks out of your chamber while you are surprised and bewildered. You want to believe he didn't mean it, but he's right… maybe you should know better, because Aemond wasn't messing around at all.
And that same night, Aemond flies to Storm's End.
You found it hard to find sleep, all the time thinking about Aemond and what is going on with him on his journey, thinking about the daughters of Lord Borros, which one of them he chose to marry and how he must have gotten that alliance.
But not only you think about that, you also think about the war, about your father and how desperately he is trying to find you a good husband, telling you that the best thing would be for you to leave the Keep, wanting to put you safe for everything that is happening.
But you reject him at every turn, knowing full well that you cannot leave Aemond and fearing that if you obey your father, Aemond will do something against him and their secret relationship will be revealed.
When in the midst of your thoughts, suddenly your secret door opens and a drenched Aemond enters your chamber, completely pale and with an expression on his face that you have never seen on him before.
You quickly get up and go to him, asking him if he's all right, what has happened, asking him to tell you something, anything.
But he doesn't, he's thinking too much.
When he finally speaks up and tells you… he has killed his own nephew, Lucerys.
You freeze completely, listening in shock and disbelief to everything he tells you, as he really intended to scare him, not kill him. But Vhagar didn't obey him and lost control, killing his nephew, the boy who took his eye.
The first thing you instantly think of, is to comfort him and that's exactly what you do.
This time Aemond lets you be there for him and you let him vent, knowing full well that you could never judge him and that you understand, you understand what really happened despite the full gravity of the matter.
Because now the war has really begun.
Her action later leads to taking responsibility for the brutal murder of her nephew, Jaehaerys, all orchestrated by two people sent by Prince Daemon, taking revenge for the death of Lucerys.
Revenge that the now Queen Helaena has to pay for, slowly slipping into madness after witnessing the murder of her own son, where not even her mother could comfort her and be there for her.
During all these events, Aemond can't truly do much, only bear the consequences of his own actions and continue to support his brother to gain more allies, at all times seeking comfort in you.
Now Aemond takes his anger and frustration out on you by fucking you, not even being able to get enough of you while you let him by wanting to make him feel good and make him forget for a moment about everything that is happend outside.
But the war continues, more battles on the ground and also in the sky with the dragons, resulting Aemond and King Aegon victorious in the battle of Rook's Rest.
They brought with them the head of the dragon Maleys and announcing the death of an important ally of Rhaenyra, Rhaenys Targaryen.
But King Aegon is severely wounded with burns from the battle, as well as his dragon Sunfyre is wounded, which leads to someone else sitting on the Throne until the King's recovery and Aemond is the chosen one.
With the crown of Aegon the Conqueror on his head, Aemond becomes Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm.
This gives you hope, especially because now Aemond's word is law and everything he says has to be done.
Which results in you thinking about Aemond possibly finally asking your father for your hand, since his marriage to Lady Baratheon hasn't happened and it's a possibility that it's not going to happen soon because of the war.
But with you it could happen.
All the while you watch proudly as Aemond's desire for the crown happens, as he delights in all the nobles kneeling before him, him being the great voice of the whole Realm and the King for now.
Considering that Aegon is gravely ill, perhaps his drunken brother will not make it and so he will become the King. It is not as if he would wish death on his own brother, but there is no better person to rule than him, seeing on the side of the Realm.
As a consequence, the war still continues after the strong response of the Blacks to the loss of the great Rhaenys Targaryen. And this is why you begin to spend less time with Aemond due to his new and important position.
With so much to think about and plan for, Aemond is truly dedicated to his duty as Prince Regent, knowing that he can't even give himself a day off from leading his entire Small Council and the entire army at his disposal.
When you are finally able to spend even a moment alone with him in the middle of the night in his chamber, clearly without your father's knowledge.
He has asked you to run him a bath and you comply, always wanting to help him in whatever he needs, assisting him.
You finish helping him wash his magnificent silver hair while Aemond relaxes completely at your touch and feels that peace he needed so much since the crown was placed on his head.
You then help him dry off and dress him in his sleeping clothes, deciding to subtly bring up the subject.
"I know that matters about the war don't concern me, but what are you going to do now?" you ask him softly, "I have an intuition that you won't stay here forever."
He lets out a long breath, finishing pulling on his most comfortable pants.
"The blacks are gaining more ground than we are. I will have to move if I let them get too close to the capital. I have already sent a raven to Oldtown, my brother Daeron should be here soon to protect the Keep while I am gone."
You watch him intently, listening very carefully to his words.
"And will you take your entire army with you?'
"Certainly not. I will leave a part at Daeron's command. Only Cole and the Lannister army will have to come with me."
You let out a long breath, already hating the thought of Aemond leaving again like last time for battle.
All the while you lay awake until the Hour of the Wolf praying to the Seven for him, for his safety and health, that he would return to you.
And now you will be just as worried about him again, hoping for his soon return, fearing and thinking that you may never see him again. And that's what you fear the most.
"And where will you go?"
"I don't know yet, we're considering several important points on the map. But I shouldn't be too long with it, we can't give my half-sister nor my uncle any more time and chance."
"And will you also take Lord Borros' army with you?" you observe him attentively.
"No. They will stay here, protecting my family and you."
He tells you softly to then lift one of his hands and hold your left cheek, while you finish with his clothes and let yourself be completely carried away by his touch.
You close your eyes and let out a sigh, all of him completely invading you and feeling good, but at the same time fearing for his life as you really don't want to lose him.
Then you look at him again with some hope and longing, not wanting this to end so thinking of worst case scenarios, needing him to be yours and you to be his by law, before the Seven.
"Then your wedding to the Baratheon girl won't happen, will it?"
Then all that peace Aemond was feeling vanishes and you stop feeling his touch.
"And what does that matter?"
"It matters to me. You can marry me now. You are Prince Regent, no one could oppose the idea, least of all my father."
He lets out a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
"Of course no one could oppose it, Y/N," he tells you serious, "But still I can't afford to lose Lord Borros' entire army to please your whims," he tells you annoyed, "The betrothal to his daughter assures me of having him and all his men on my side and that is what matters."
His words again hurt you, hitting you hard to understand that you are no more important than an army of a thousand men.
You truly understand that there is a war, but you are not a man and you still have to do your duty, not having the time or the same privileges as he does.
You try not to dwell on his words too much and continue to insist.
"I am not telling you this to make you angry Aemond, truly," you clarify softly and pleadingly, "I am telling you this so as not to anger my father," you explain, "His patience is running thin and he is already upset enough with me for turning down very good suitors who asked for my hand."
"As you should."
He tells you serious and disinterested, while you say nothing for a few more seconds, watching him as if you don't know him and his comment not being able to make you more upset, also his attitude about it and how he doesn't care at all.
Because he does want you to understand his point, his position, his army and the war, but he can't understand yours.
"We are not all princes, Aemond!"
You exclaim to him annoyed, catching him off guard, instantly watching you attentively.
"It is my duty to marry too, that is what is expected of me and my father might even come to an agreement without consulting me first out of his desperation and wanting to keep me safe for all this, while I am here, wishing you to finally react and do something about it."
"You want me to do something about it?" he repeats to you serious, "Then what I will do is threaten your father not to give your hand to anyone and that you stay by my side until I wish otherwise. That is what I can do Y/N, but I cannot marry you."
He makes it clear to you as you feel him again breaking your heart without even caring, his words not being in any sense the right ones, while you want to yell at him and make him react, ask him if he even cares a little bit about you.
"You can't do that," you tell him as you hold back your tears, "Everyone will know about us and you'll put my maidenhead in question."
He lets out a sniffle, hurting you again to see how he truly doesn't care about you at all.
"That I can't do it? Just watch me."
And without another word to you, again completely disinterested, he heads out of the chamber to his bathroom, while you continue to hold back your tears and try to hold on to your dignity, following him and watching him completely firm with your words.
"If you do not wish me to leave your side, then marrying you is the only way," you tell him with a lump in your throat.
He looks at you in a curious, but still serious manner.
"Are you threatening me, love?"
"No! I'm doing no such thing, I'm just warning you!" you exclaim to him wearily and needing him to finally act.
"Then what the fuck do you want me to do, Y/N!?"
He finally reacts, but not in the way you expected, walking towards you annoyed and with all the frustration and anger, as well as again that weight feeling it again on his shoulders, looking at you really annoyed and tired of you.
"What don't you understand? For you it would be a great benefit but for me? Will your father give me a thousand men to fight and win the war or a fleet of ships?" he asks you again expectantly, "Your father cannot give me what I need, you are not convenient for me and that is why I cannot and do not wish to marry you!"
Then that is when Aemond again breaks your heart into pieces without even him realizing it and where all the realization hits you like a wave.
Now you truly understand the role you play here because of his words. And now you just feel an emptiness in your chest and watch him with total indifference.
You really don't want to regret having chosen him over your duty, to have risked giving yourself body and soul to him, because he doesn't lose anything, but you do and yet you did it because you love him.
But now by telling you those cruel words… now you no longer feel the need to make him react.
For him to let you know that you mean more to him than just warming his bed and supporting him in his bad moments as well as his good ones.
In times of war… you are not important to him and certainly not convenient. And even if the war wasn't on your mind, you wanted to believe that perhaps he would choose you over his duty, just as you did.
But how wrong you were.
And Aemond doesn't notice any of this because in an instant he again comes towards you and holds your chin with one of his hands firmly and tightly.
He makes you not dare to look away from him, while you do so with no expression on your face and your eyes completely empty.
"You're going to stop with this fucking foolishness, do you hear me? I don't need to also carry you on my shoulders when I already have enough."
He warns you between his teeth and extremely annoyed,
"You're going to stop harassing me with your fucking little girl whims, because I assure you that I have more important things to take care of, have you understood me?"
And you once you also have enough of all this, you have no choice but to hold back your tears and swallow the lump in your throat to answer him in the same way; without emotion.
"Yes, your Grace."
This takes him completely off guard, while you hold his gaze for only a few seconds longer, until you waste no more time and turn away from him to head out of the chamber, while Aemond watches you at all times attentive and even curious about your behavior.
And when the doors close, he finally lets out a long breath as he runs one of his hands over his face, deciding not to do anything else for the day and decides to sleep.
The next morning, Aemond doesn't see you all day, nor the next one, nor the next one after that, and continuously until a considerable number of days pass without your presence.
Still too occupied to do anything about it because of all the meetings he has to attend, yet he notices your absence and finds it strange that by the end of the day it is the maids who assist him when you used to do everything necessary for him.
Until one morning he asks one of the maids to discreetly look for you and let you know that he needs your assistance, threatening the poor girl that no one will listen to her when she says his orders to you and that you will be all alone.
The maid successfully carries out the order, but only to return to the prince and let him know that Lady Y/L/N is apparently unwell.
This immediately catches his attention, but again he is too occupied to attend to the matter.
While you… was not a lie what you told the maid who sent for you on Aemond's orders. After that night when you left his chamber, you never again felt even the desire to stand around him and look him in the eye.
It hurt.
Everything about him hurt.
You lost your appetite completely, preferring to stay in bed all day, not having the energy or the courage to face the world, let alone him. And that led you to start feeling the same way the next few days.
You didn't want to get out of bed, you didn't want to eat, you didn't even want to see daylight through your windows, you just wanted to lie there, thinking about Aemond's words that hurt you more and more.
This behavior was not allowed to pass by your father, who instantly ordered you to eat, not allowing that he would see you all the time pale, without energy and without any food in your stomach, always locked in your chamber.
Until one day, your behavior only got worse when your father let you know the unexpected news.
"I have accepted the offer to give your hand in marriage to a nobleman of House Redwyne, Sr. Ralph Redwyne, son of Rowan Redwyne."
You instantly look at him in complete surprise, your eyes wide open and your lips parted, as your father looks at you serious and firm with the news, making it clear to you that this decision is truly going to happen.
"I have already sent a raven to the Arbor where I have agreed to all of their terms. It is only a matter of time before they can let me know when you will be able to meet your betrothed."
"But why didn't you let me know before about this?" you ask him completely bewildered and alarmed.
"And for what? So that you could avoid your own betrothal?" he asks you serious, "I don't know what has happened to you in all these years Y/N, nor do I know what you were and are thinking, but I've had enough and this union is going to happen, do you understand?
You watch him silently, still shocked and incredulous at the news, while he watches you completely steady and determined, attentive to your reaction.
"We are lucky that a good man like him has asked for your hand," he tells you with a certain bitter tone, "His offer is generous and beneficial."
"I don't want to hear it," he interrupts you instantly, "This will happen, you understand? I'm already tired and I'm certainly not going to waste such an opportunity, just as it's in your best interest to not waste it either."
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As Aemond had told you one day, he would have to leave with part of his army and leave the Keep protected by his brother Daeron and his dragon Tessarion.
The blacks gain more and more ground, so the time comes to act and impose to win the war, where the final piece is positioned in Harrenhal.
Aemond orders days before that his army begins to prepare, taking Sr. Criston Cole with him to take the black castle, where according to his assumptions he will have more opportunity to attack his uncle Daemon.
With the death of Rhaenys Targaryen, killing her uncle may also be a possibility and Rhaenyra will lose another even more important piece of her chessboard and her life.
The news that the Prince Regent is leaving to go to battle reaches your ears, but still you continue locked in your chamber, trying not to let this news make you think too much, although in the end it is impossible.
You don't want to worry about him, you know he doesn't deserve it.
But at least you can pray for his safety, which is the only thing you allow yourself to do, and as much as you want that to give you some peace of mind, it still doesn't.
Then the day comes and you find yourself watching the army ready to march through your windows, all Lannister banners and you also recognize one specific group with that dark green on their banners, the color of the Hightower.
Then you assume that very soon you'll see Vhagar flying away across the skies.
When suddenly your doors open firmly and unexpectedly, to which you jump and are surprised to see Aemond enter with his armor on ready to leave, this drawing the attention of some maids passing through the hallway to see their Protector entering your chamber so suddenly.
You watch him completely bewildered, not understanding what he is doing here when he should already be leaving by now, while he walks towards you in that majestic way as only he knows how to do and determined, his firm eye set only on you.
This matters to you, but it also matters to you and alarms you more that he has just walked into your chamber through your front doors without any discretion at all, still leaving the doors open and in full view of anyone.
"What are you doing?"
You don't even greet him after so many days without seeing him, you just ask him directly what you want to know, attentive and alarmed, but of course he can't blame you because of his own behavior.
"Why haven't I seen you in days, my lady?"
He asks you strangely in a soft voice and watching you intently, to which you can't help but feel nervous about this,
"The maid said you were unwell. But I get the impression that besides that, you're avoiding me, aren't you?"
You swallow hard, remembering what had happened with him, again feeling that sharp pain in your chest and that sadness and disappointment invading you.
But again you hide it as you don't want to upset him again with your little girl whims, as he had told you.
"Aemond, what do you think you're doing? You should be leaving by now. And you shouldn't have come in like that, in fact you shouldn't even be here."
"You didn't answer my question."
You swallow hard again, nerves invading you at his words and his presence.
"If your mother or my father found out—
"They don't matter," he says without much ado and all the confusion and panic sweeps over you, "I'm actually here to take you with me to Harrenhal. Take everything you need, quickly, we should be heading to DragonPit by now."
You look at him completely flustered, bewildered and confused even though he is being more than clear with you, although you do understand.
What you don't understand is why he is doing this, that's why you start to panic, because of his determination to really take you with him.
"What? B-but…I-I don't understand—
He lets out a long breath, showing that he is beginning to lose his patience.
"Take whatever you need, Y/N. We should go now."
"But I can't leave," you insist with worry.
"I wasn't asking."
"You don't understand, my father has given my hand in marriage."
You knew that sooner or later Aemond would know, mostly because news among the Court spreads fast. But honestly you are relieved that he found out from you than from someone else.
However, Aemond's gaze changes completely to a hard, dark and utterly annoyed one.
You flinch a little at his reaction, fearing his behavior about it, but surprisingly Aemond remains still, though his look totally tells you that he's far from feeling good about it, not at all.
"We are waiting for the wedding discussions," you tell him rather fearfully and at this Aemond's gaze only darkens more.
Then you begin to alert yourself the moment he takes a step towards you, his posture completely tense and his whole look showing you that he was not at all pleased to hear this unexpected news.
"We?" he repeats to you in a deadly, low, threatening tone.
You let out a long breath, then swallow hard and watch him still a little nervous.
"My father did everything without consulting me, like I told you he probably would," you remind him in a soft voice so as not to upset him further.
"So you were waiting for the perfect opportunity for me to leave and not let me know about this," he tells you annoyed.
You bite your lips, holding back the real words you want to say to him, but which will probably only make him more upset; I told you so.
You practically warned him, but he didn't care because you're not convenient for him and now he wants you to go with him to Harrenhal, as if that wouldn't make a huge scandal and not only at Court, but also with his family and your father.
"And what could you do about it?" you ask him without much emotion, "I'm not convenient for you, you said it yourself. Or is it that you don't want me to marry anyone else but I'm not going to marry you either?"
Still annoyed, Aemond has no choice but to avert his gaze from yours for a moment as he lets out a long breath, resignation beginning to invade him, for which this gets your attention.
When suddenly he comes fully towards you and holds you by the waist, pulling you fully towards him, closing his eye and bringing his forehead together with yours.
"Forget what I said that night, my love."
He asks you in a soft voice, now his demeanor more than anything else completely getting your attention, not expecting it to go from one completely annoyed to this one more sympathetic to your words.
And though it surprises you, you really don't want to fall at his feet again because of his soft behavior after how he made you feel the last time you saw each other.
You don't want to be that weak, which is why you're neutral and don't hug him back, nor do you melt at his touch like you would have.
"I was angry and under a lot of pressure at the time, but you know you must not make me angrier when I find myself that way, that's why I said those cruel words to you."
He reminds you softly.
"Though I was honest on some matters Y/N," he tells you a little more serious, "I cannot lose Lord Borros' men nor his support by breaking off my betrothal to his daughter."
So there it is again…that pain and that feeling that you are not important to him than a thousand men ready to fight his war, that he has never really felt the same way you feel about him.
Instantly you try to subtly pull away from him, with the pain in your chest, but he quickly holds you firmly and prevents you from moving away, not letting you go.
"Listen to me Y/N…" he asks you, "I can't do it now but I can do it later, when the war is over."
So that's when you slowly stop putting up resistance and slowly begin to let yourself be led by him, listening more attentively to his words, watching him intently and almost curiously, as Aemond continues.
"I don't want any other man to take you, I want you all to myself," he murmurs to you, leaning down to your face, as you watch him intently and with your lips parted, "When the war is over, that's when I can marry you, I promise."
You continue to watch him completely attentively, almost not believing his words, with your heart beating very fast and all that hope being reborn within you, for those were just the words you wanted to hear so badly.
Still, you don't know if he is saying them just to convince you to go with him.
Then Aemond, just to be a little more convincing, leans in and leaves a soft kiss on your lips where at first you thought you wouldn't reciprocate, but you can't resist and melt under his touch.
He glues your body completely to him just in that way where he makes you feel completely desired by him, where you are his and he is not willing to let you go.
"You promise?" you repeat in a murmur against his lips, letting yourself be completely carried away by him, absorbed.
"Yes, I promise," he assures you softly.
He kisses you again, in a firmer, needier way, as you gasp into his mouth and place your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you if possible.
And when they pull apart and you look directly into his eye, you see only the honesty and how terribly serious he is being with you at that moment, almost watching you in a loving way, bringing one of his hands to your cheek to gently caress you.
Still, even though he has practically convinced you already that this is all you have ever wished for, you still think of your father and your marriage to Lord Beesbury.
"But what about my father and my marriage? He won't let me go with you," you say beginning to worry, "So will your family, your mother and grandsire, what will they think? The news will reach Storm's End if you take me with you."
"Don't worry about any of that. I am the Prince Regent, remember?" he says softly as he looks at you expectantly, "Now take what you need. We need to go now."
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
helloooo!! i was wondering if you could write a story about how law and the reader had a fight, but the reader feels really bad about it,, so they take a hit for him in an battle and almost die ?!!
i understand if you don’t feel comfortable with writing this,,, have a good day/night !!🫶🏻
OUGH I LOVE THAT TROPE TOO GOD LET'S BRING THE PAIN TRAIN but also love putting Law in situations. like bro if you didn't want to don't be so blorbo (borrowing a lil bit from one of my favorite books bc it has a scene like that and OOF)
[heads up!: angst, blood/injury]
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There's blood on his hands.
Thick and smelling of copper, it covers his tattoos, his fingertips, his palms. When he looks at his reflection, he distantly notes that it's spattered against his neck and his shirt, too.
There's so much of it, and none of it is his.
"Captain?" Bepo's voice is small and hollow, uncertain as he watches Law sway a little at the sink before he turns the handle and begins scrubbing at his hands. "Are you okay?"
Law wants to laugh. What a stupid question ㅡ but he isn't sure how to answer. Does Bepo mean physically? Mentally? Emotionally? He scrubs at his nails, watches his skin tint pink from the force. Watery red swirls down the drain. "I'm fine, Bepo."
They both know he's lying.
"I'm telling you, this is a bad idea!" Your eyes are narrowed, blazing with fury as you jab your finger into Law's chest for emphasis. "You know better than this. There's no way this will end well, Law. You're going to get someone killed!"
Law's temper flares, and he reaches to bat your hand away from him before he steps around you. "If you have such a problem with the way I lead this crew, then maybe you shouldn't be part of it."
Law won't let anyone else change your bandages.
He winds and unwinds them, an endless loop with peeks at skin knitted back together with thick black thread. His hands ache with the memory of sewing you back together, knowing he'd been actively trying to wrench death's bony fingers from around you.
Pulling back, his gaze drifts over the bandages to the steady rise and fall of your chest. If there's a god who takes requests, he's ready to offer up a plea for you to make it out of this. You have to. You need to.
He still has to apologize.
It takes almost a week before you open your eyes. It's the twitch of your fingers that alerts him first, the shift in your breathing ㅡ and then you're staring at him. Your expression is blank and your eyes are still a little cloudy from medicated sleep, but you're awake. You're alive.
There are a thousand things that Law could say and should, but what tumbles from his lips is nowhere close to any of them.
"You're an idiot."
You blink at him. "Your bedside manner is terrible," you croak, hissing when pain lances up your left side like a wildfire. "What happened? Did I get in a fight with a sea king and lose?"
Law doesn't laugh at your attempt at humor, terrible as it is. He lets his gaze drift, assessing your injuries from minor to major, as he's done for days now. He doesn't want to look at the biggest one, the one that almost took you from him ㅡ so he stares at the bandaid on your cheek. "You were right," he finally says. "About that informant."
You blink. "Oh." You try to move a little, trying to see what else hurts. "Could you repeat that? It's not every day that I hear you admit that I was right about something."
His eyes narrow as his temper flares. "Don't joke," he hisses, "you almost died because you just had to get in the way."
He's doing this all wrong, he knows that ㅡ but he can't quite control his tongue because somewhere he's still a child demanding to know why someone is willing to risk their life for him.
"You're right," you say, and when he looks up he finds you watching him, expression neutral. "I shouldn't joke. I'm sorry."
Law studies you for several long minutes before he speaks again. "Why did you do it?"
"What do you mean?"
His eyes narrow. "Don't play dumb, [Name]. You know what I mean."
You stare at the ceiling, counting the rivets. "Because the Heart Pirates are nothing without our captain," you say, "because we can't afford to lose you. And...I needed to apologize."
Law stares.
"...Apologize." He hears you mumble softly, paler than he's ever seen you as he gathers you up, clutches at you like that alone will stop you from bleeding to death before he ever gets a chance to try and save you.
"So you almost got yourself killed in order to apologize to me? That'sㅡ"
"Something an idiot would do," you interrupt. "Good to know I'm doing what's expected of me."
"Youㅡ" Law shuts his mouth with the click of teeth, jaw taut as he tries his best not to blow up on you before his shoulders sag with a sigh. "Just concentrate on healing. And don't pull a stupid stunt like this ever again." He reaches up, giving the brim of his hat a nervous tug. "I don't like almost losing crewmates."
He doesn't like almost losing you.
"Does that mean I'm still part of the Heart Pirates?" He's confused by your question before the crux of this entire ordeal comes back to him ㅡ the argument the two of you'd had. He doesn't know if you mean to turn the knife, but you do as you repeat his words to him. "If you have such a problem with the way I lead this crew, then maybe you shouldn't be part of it."
His stomach twists. "You're still part of this crew," he reassures you, "which is why I'm telling you that you're not allowed to pull stupid stunts like this again. Am I clear?"
Your eyes lock. "Yes, captain."
The expression on his face softens. "Good."
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
Reaction to mc saying she's pregnant? Like they had NO idea. It's their child, maybe she hide it with magic or something and they generally couldn't tell, if that is okay! It's okay if not,
I just think it's a cute conecpt, like just pretend barbs doesn't look into the future,
Again it's okay is not! No pressure,
Wolf !
Hi, wolf! Of course it's okay! I hope you like it
they find out mc is pregnant after hiding it
-> brothers and side characters x mc (no luke)
mc's gender is not mentioned, but is pregnant, not proof read (somebody lmk if the tag is wrong)
content warnings: pregnancy, mild angst
he's a little offended (??) hurt (??) that you hid it from him, were you afraid of his reaction or was he scary?
regardless, lucifer loves both you and the child to death from the moment he finds out they exist
he's going to take great care of you (though he might come off as a little overprotective)
if you are standing up for a minute too long he will let you sit down
oh no, you were play fighting just yesterday, did he accidentally hurt you or the baby?
when those worries ebb away, mammon is so happy he's telling everyone at rad about it
yes he's sad you hid it for a long time but the happiness is way stronger than the hurt
'mc I'm gonna go to the mall to get baby's first gold bar' 'mammon the baby isn't even born yet-'
of course you hid it for a long time, imagine you're the child and you find out your dad is a gross otaku
you're gonna have to calm him down
it takes levi a while to warm up to the idea, but when he does he's really excited for his baby
he's going to want to read tsl to your stomach as a bedtime story (if the baby is a boy he wants to name him henry too)
satan is kind of in denial, if you were pregnant he would have known right? why didn't you say something?
he's never thought about being a father, he needs a moment to let it sink and do research on babies
but he warms up to the idea eventually, and he'll be the softest you've ever seen
satan got little children's books and those cute music boxes for when the baby comes
out of everyone, asmo would me the most upset you tried to hide it
but he loves you and the baby so he forgives you soon
asmo might not know how to be a father at first, but he's willing to learn and raise the baby with you
plus he's going to want one of those maternity photoshoots, but if you don't it's okay
yes he's not happy you kept it from him but baby :))
beel would do anything to make you and them happy
he's really worried you're going to get hurt though, if you're cooking together beel does not let you pick up a spatula or get close to the stove
also beel loves to hug your stomach, it's basically what he does every night now
he's not happy about it at first because he honestly did not want a child
but seeing you pregnant, realising you'd make a great parent, it changed his mind
belphie gets the best pillows and blankets so you can be comfortable while sleeping
if the baby is keeping you awake belphie will try to calm them down
he understands why you hid it from him, imagine getting pregnant with the demon prince's child- oh no are you scared?
it doesn't matter whether you are actually scared or not, diavolo will take his time to show you all is well, he's really happy to welcome his child
he took a picture of you and your cute baby bump, made it his ddd wallpaper and stares at it when he doesn't want to work
it took him by surprise, but barbatos can adapt quickly
he's really happy to be having a baby with you, he's ready to give you anything you need to make the pregnancy easier
do you want tea, a massage or something else? barbatos has got you
he can't wait to meet his baby, he doesn't want to use his powers and spoil it for himself
...so that's why you could eat solomon's soup last week without getting sick
he forgives you for hiding it, surely you had a good reason
simeon loves the baby so much he sings lullabies he used to sing to luke for them already, this man's face physically softens every time he sees the baby bump
but really, maybe you should stay away from food that randomly appears in the fridge that simeon didn't make
he's a little upset but that's okay, in all his years he's never felt this happy
he can't wait to hold his little baby for the first time
being a human too, solomon knows plenty of stuff about human pregnancy so that's great
'simeon why are you stopping me I'm just going to offer mc a sandwich I made'
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
Expecting the Unexpected | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Angst but turns into fluff / Kind of smutish towards the end / Cursing if you squint.
A/N: Thanks to anon for requesting. Currently working on other requests so hopefully they will be posted soon. Hope you guys enjoy .xoxo
2 years of marriage. It went by very quickly but gosh it annoys me being asked that one question since the day we were married. When are you guys having a baby ?
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love kids and of course I want to see Kylian being a dad, but the idea of having a baby right now at the age of 23 wasn’t part of my plan. Studying a post graduate degree isn’t easy and especially going to work in between. I’ve heard it countless of times to drop work and studying because Kylian is there for me, but all I really want is independence and not having to hear one day that I used Kylian.
As family oriented as I am, I’ve come to a point where I try to avoid meeting any family - my own included - just to avoid being asked the dreaded question. I hate the idea that straight after getting married, all that’s left is to have kids… why can’t married couples enjoy their life for a few years at least before growing their family ?
Since Kylian’s season was over, my mother-in-law had invited Kylian and I for dinner. I was willing to go for dinner since I haven’t seen my in-laws in a while, but my mood turned sour when my boss instructed me that I needed to stay behind and do corrections to my work that was apparently incorrect.
Kylian had texted me asking me where I was and I replied back apologising that I won’t make it to dinner because my boss was holding me back to do extra work. He left me on read.
The corrections drove me insane because I did as I was told to do, but yet my boss gaslighted me saying that he told me to do something else. Asshole. I left work 2 hours later and went straight home, not knowing if Kylian was back from dinner or if he was still with his family.
As soon as I unlocked the door, I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter along with my bag. I could hear the TV playing and walked my way to the lounge. “Oh you’re here. Sorry I missed dinner. My boss was being such an ass and gaslighted me saying-“ “Save it” he cut me off as he continued to watch the TV. “Excuse me ? What do you mean save it ? I literally told you that my boss was holding me back to do extra work, I didn’t have a choice !” I raised my voice as I walked around the couch to stand in front of him with folded arms. His ‘don’t-care’ attitude was driving me insane, he literally had the audacity to continue watching TV.
“Kylian. I had a long day and the last thing I want is for us to argue” I toned down my voice. “I’m so done making excuses for you” he said as he finally met my gaze. “What excuse ? You didn’t even give me a chance to finish ! I was saying that my boss gaslighted me into thinking I did the wrong work when I literally followed his instructions. He held me back because he wanted me to correct it” I started to grow annoyed. “Lies lies and more lies. Just admit it (Y/N), you didn’t want to come to dinner because you’re worried about them asking you when we’re going to be parents. Do you know how embarrassing it is for me ? Our relationship looks so one sided” he raised his voice as he stood up and towered me.
“One sided ? You know that’s a lie. Also, enlighten me on how it’s embarrassing for you when I’m the one who’s expected to carry our child, not you ! So do tell me how you’re the one under pressure” I raised my brows. “How do I answer my mum when she asks me when will she be a grandmother ? What do you want me to say ? Oh don’t expect to be a grandmother any time soon because (Y/N) isn’t interested in having a child !” He yelled in my face.
“I- you know what, I can’t continue this conversation any further” I said calmly as possible before walking away from him. “No, we’re not done talking. Why do you keep running away from your problems ?” He asked as he followed me. “Can you just shut up ! Ugh !” I groaned as I walked to our room. With all my built up frustration and stress, I could feel tears start to pool at my eyes.
“(Y/N) answer me !” He said as I came to a halt. I looked up in hopes of getting rid of my tears, but the second I turned to look at Kylian the tears threatened to spill. His look softened when he saw the tears run down my face. He stepped closer and cupped my cheeks. “I’m sorry ma chérie” he said as he wiped my tears away with the pad of his thumb. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to try, and calm down. I walked away from him and walked to our en suite to lock myself in the bathroom.
He started knocking on the door and calling out,“Ma chérie, I’m so so sorry. Please forgive me. I hate fighting with you and seeing you cry. I’m just so frustrated from being asked the same question over and over.” I don’t know what came over me but I couldn’t stop crying to myself. I was so focused on my thoughts and emotions that Kylian’s words were inaudible.
After a minute the door had suddenly burst open. I looked up in shock to Kylian as he rushed to my side and pulled me in for a hug. “Please don’t scare me like that” he said softly. I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand and turned to look at him. “Are you crying ?” I asked as I half smiled. He nodded as I wiped away his tears. “Please talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. I hate being left in the dark, I don’t know what else to tell our family. Why can’t we have a baby ?” He asked.
“I love you Ky. I really do…but having a child after 2 years of being married wasn’t part of my family planning” I pouted. He pressed his lips together as a sign for me to continue.
He remained silent for me to get to my point. “Ky, if I barely spend time with you, why would I even think of us having a child right now ? I won’t lie that at times I did think that maybe us being parents would change things for the better but I kept holding back because I have too much on my hands right now” I said as I avoided his gaze. “Babe, then why don’t you drop studying and working ? Why put yourself through so much when I can be the one to provide for you and our baby” he said as he brushed a strand of hair away from my face. “It’s easy for you to say but I just happen to enjoy being independent. It’s how I’ve always been growing up, besides that, the last thing I want to hear is people calling me a gold digger or user blah blah. I didn’t marry you for your money, I married you because I love you” I pouted.
He broke into a smile as he cupped my cheeks and pulled me in for a sweet kiss. “Please don’t worry about what other people think. What’s mine is yours…I love you so so much. I’m sorry again for snapping at you, besides being asked that question so many times, I myself had questioned when will the day come that we’ll have our own mini us” he smiled at the thought. “I know you said that we barely spend time together, I’ll also take the blame for not spending more time with you when there were times that I could’ve made the effort. Again, I’m sorry for not being the greatest husband, I’ll try to do better” he said as he held my hands and rubbed small circles with his thumb.
“Please stop apologising. You’ve been such an amazing husband to me. I know this whole thing got blown out of proportion, we should have had this conversation sooner” I sighed as I pulled him along with me to sit at the edge of our bed. “I agree, but don’t feel pressured into doing anything. I get it” he said as he held my face with one hand. “This timing is really bad but I don’t think I can keep it a secret any longer. I’m pregnant” I pressed my lips together. “Stop playing with me babe” he half laughed. “Ky I’m serious. I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a dad !” I squealed.
“Wait. Really ?” He asked again. I nodded my head as he then screamed and jumped up whilst punching his hands in the air. Once again he cupped my cheeks and placed his lips on mine. He then lifted me up and spun us around the room. “I can’t explain to you how happy I am ! Why didn’t you tell me sooner and when did you find out ?” He asked eagerly.
“I found out about 2 days ago. I did a test because my period was late for about 2 weeks and I thought it was just one of those moments where it’s rarely late, I don’t know what made me take a test and a few minutes later I found out. I was planning to do a whole cute reveal for you but like I said, everything had gotten blown out of proportion. You didn’t know this, but I was actually looking forward to coming to dinner, I thought I could reveal it tonight just amongst our immediate family but then I was genuinely upset by my boss” I half smiled. “Oh no. Now I feel even more terrible. Babe I really am so sorry I just-“ I cut him off by grabbing his face and connecting our lips together.
Our lips moved in sync as he walked backwards to the edge of the bed. “Stop apologising” I said as I straddled his lap and broke away from our kiss. “I can’t believe we’re going to be parents. I can’t wait to be a dad. More especially, I can’t wait to see you grow and carry our baby. You’re already so sexy, I don’t know how I’ll contain myself seeing you from now on. I say that this calls for a celebration” he smirked. “I was hoping you’d say something like that” I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed the gap between us.
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bensonsbobblehead · 1 year
Mistakes— Spencer Reid x Mom!reader
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Summary: Spencer choosing to leave you when you were pregnant
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Mom!reader
Category: Angst & Fluff
Content Warnings: Pregnancy and abandonment
Word count: 1.9k
Spencer is the love of your life, you both had a deep connection among no other. He had known you inside and out. Spencer was your everything and you were his. You were both in school in Vegas and both had fell in love fairly quickly. Moving in together and you were the best versions of each other.
“Hey baby, I’m home!” Spencer shouted as he walked into the apartment. You were in the bathroom face drenched with tears. You were pregnant, and according to the ultrasound very pregnant. With you both in school and Spencer getting a job you could raise a child, you thought. You also knew he was waiting to hear back from the FBI.
Spencer talked about being a dad in the future all the time. It made you happy knowing you were the one he wanted to raise his children.
You quickly wiped your face and stuffed the test and ultrasound back into your bag. You opened the door to see a very smiley Spencer “I have great news, I got into the BAU!” he said excitedly “Well I more so had an interesting conversation with a man named Jason Gideon but still.” He ran to you hugging you. Your mind was completely scrambled.
“Oh my gosh, babe that’s so great! I’m so happy for you!” You said with a smile. You were genuinely happy for him. You knew where the FBI headquarters were, meaning you would have a transfer. You didn’t mind though if it meant starting a family with Spencer.
“Are you okay though? It looks like you’ve been crying” Spencer said with concern in his eyes.
“Spencer…I’m .. im pregnant.” You said in a whisper with a slight grin, and the blood drained from Spencer’s face.
“What? How?” He said in a blank tone. “I’m pregnant Spencer, one month exactly and you know how” rolling your eyes, He stared off, you were so nervous. It was silent for a few minutes before you spoke up.
“Spence say something.” You begged he turned towards you. “I’m sorry but .. I can’t have this baby with you, I just got into my dream job Y/N.” He said grabbing his keys and heading for the door.
You stood there completely in shock. You never thought he would react this way. You were willing to move with him. This was everything you wanted and he doesn’t want it. You started to quickly pack everything you could all the things that were important. You didn’t want to ruin his life and he made his choice.
Once you had a few bags packed you drove to a cousins house, somewhere Spencer couldn’t find you. Spencer broke your heart but you wanted this baby. You didn’t need him at all, you had your cousin. He didn’t deserve you and or your child.
He chose the job over your child. Spencer had been anything but a coward but he proved you wrong.
Spencer came home heartbroken and in tears. Noticing all your things were gone he couldn’t hold it together. All your books, the mug he gave you for your first anniversary, everything was gone. He blamed himself for you leaving.
He was ready to have the baby, he wanted to do everything with you. The job didn’t matter, he always wanted a family especially with you. He called you and your best friend and couldn’t get a hold of you. Spencer knew he fucked up big time.
Months later you were giving birth to your baby girl, Beatrix Marie. She was so healthy, she looked like a perfect mix of you and Spencer. You hated him even more now that she was here. Her perfect nose and eyes that are bound to be huge like Spencer’s. You can’t believe he didn’t want her, to raise her, and love her but he made his choice.
No matter how much you disliked Spencer Bea was every part of him. She was a curious baby and had such a goofy smile like him. Years later Bea was still such a sweetheart and it broke her heart when you moved her across the country.
“Mommy, why do we have to go to Virginia?” Bea said after as you both were watching Doctor Who, which was her favorite show even for a 6 year old.
You had to move to Virginia to finish school and your residency. The pay was decent so you worked at the bookstore which Bea loved. She would also get to see the Smithsonian which she ended up loving. The move was great, life was great, and Bea was amazing.
On her 7th birthday she asked to of course go to the Smithsonian Zoo and to her favorite book store to see her favorite Liberian. Bea was so smart, you didn’t want her to move up in school just yet, she enjoyed the grade she was in for right now. Spencer always lingered in the back of your head. You never knew if you were making the right decisions without him.
The Smithsonian was great, Bea squealed looking at the different animals. She had a love for books, sugar, and animals of course. The bookstore was your next stop, you didn’t even call to see if Ms. Willis, the old Liberian women that would read and watch Bea when you first got to Virginia was in today.
Bea ran off as soon as you hit the door. “Bea no running honey, and stop laughing so loud.” You said in a loud whisper. “Sorry mommy.” She giggled as she ran off. “Hey, Ty is Ms.Willis here? Bea wants her to read to her for her birthday.” Ty was the cashier and a sweetheart who would babysit Bea sometimes when you worked late.
“Yeah she’s in the back I’ll go get her!” Ty said walking to the back. You went to the section you knew Bea would be in. You faintly heard her laughing and smiled. That’s when you heard a man’s voice and your smile dropped. Thinking the worse you walked quickly to the voice and there he was.
Spencer Reid, with his legs folded reading to his daughter, your daughter. “Hey Bea, go up front with Ty and I’ll be right there.” You said looking at Bea and Spencer noticing how she looks more like him then ever before. “Butt mommy, he was just reading Charlotte’s Web from memory.” Bea whined, “Beatrix. Now” she quickly stood and walked off “Bye spencer” she said in a defeated tone.
“Bye Beatrix.” He smiled faintly, you knew how much this was hurting him. “Hey Y/N” he stood and was now standing in front of you. He was tall, he had a tab of weight on him but you liked it, with his perfect hair identical to Beatrixs.
“Hi Spencer. Don’t come anywhere near her again“ he cut you off “I’m so sorry I didn’t know what I was thinking. It was the biggest mistake of my life.… I’m sorry.” He said as you seen his eyes began to water.
“Spencer you downright told me you didn’t want her and now?” you had no words, you never thought you would see him again. You knew it was a possibility but you haven’t thought about it in so long.
“Beatrix Marie Reid, happy birthday to my favorite 7 year old!” Ms. Willis said loudly with a ballon and a book Bea been asking for. The look on Spencer’s face when he heard her full name. You still named her after him even after what he did.
“It’s her birthday today, Spencer I’m mad at you, I love you and you left me, you left us” You said quietly looking at him with tears forming in your eyes. Spencer wanted to be in Beas life, to read with her and take her to ice cream. He wanted you most of all, he was still madly in love with you.
“I’ll give you time to process but here’s my number and address so we can .. talk.” You passed him the note. You didn’t know why you gave it to him. Beatrix was a smart girl so she had questions about her dad.
“Why does Mariah have a dad but I don’t?” Bea asked while you both were eating breakfast. “You do have a dad baby .. you just don’t know him.” You wanted to be honest and open with Bea.
“Did he not want me?” She asked looking down with her hair falling in Her face. Spencer didn’t want Bea you knew that, you just hated seeing her like this.
“How about I’ll tell you the whole story when you’re a little older.” Pushing her brown curl behind her ear. She pushed her glasses off the bridge of her nose “I love you mommy.”
Beatrix had an amazing birthday she enjoyed it so much. It was always time for her last birthday request which was any horror movie of her choosing. To no surprise she chose The nightmare before Christmas her absolute favorite movie.
Bea had just showered and but on her pjs waiting on the couch for the popcorn. As your putting the popcorn in the bowl the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Bea hopped up fast knowing she wasn’t allowed to open the door. Making an exception this time cause her best friend was supposed to be coming over also.
She swung it open with you behind her quickly, “Spencer! How do you know where we live? Do you think you can read to me? After the movie please.” Bea rambled so fast you could barley understand.
“Of course only if it’s okay with your mom.” He smiled at her, even missing 7 years of her life he still looked at her with a love you never seen. “I’ll think about it B, go watch the movie.” Kissing her head and handing her the popcorn.
You and Spencer walked to the kitchen watching Bea from the island. The love was still there between you and Spencer.
“I won’t keep her away from you. She deserves to know you but you have to tell her why you left.” You said looking him dead in his eye.
“Okay. Let me explain to you wh—“ you interrupted “Spencer this is about you and Bea not you and me. You explain to her why you left. Now come on her favorite movie is on.” You said walking towards Bea as Spencer trailed behind.
They both talked through the entire movie. Bea asking every question and Spencer there with an answer. Bea laughed and laughed so much with him. 45 minutes later Beatrix was sleep. You quietly picked her up to walk her to her room with Spencer trailing behind.
You laid her down and tucked her in giving her one kiss on the forehead. Spencer watched the entire thing in awe of how amazing you were with her. He always knew you’d be the perfect mother.
As you walked out and turned out the light Bea whispered “Can spencer still read to me mommy?” In her sleepy voice. “Maybe next time B, Goodnight” you said walking out with Spencer in front of you.
Once you were in the living room the room fell silent. You both pick up the tv room and headed to the kitchen. “I want Beatrix to have the most normal upbringing I can give her.” You started catching his attention, “if you tell her there’s no backing down. You will not come in her life and leave her.” You said in a stern tone.
“I will never leave her or you again.” Spencer said knowing he meant it, he was ready for everything fatherhood had to offer.
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ashtheketchum · 1 month
Would you be willing to write a scenario for A New Family where Daryl and Y/N have a baby together, D/N becoming a big sister? Maybe the baby is a boy? D/N would definitely have questions about where babies come from😂
A new family member
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Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader
A/N: I hope you like this idea and how I implemented it! It's an incredibly cute idea! I can´t-! Thank you for your request!
Era: Alexandria (S5)
Summary: Daryl and (Y/N) are expecting a child and (Y/N) gives birth in Alexandria. The whole group is happy for the couple, but (D/N) is confused and a new question is on the tip of her tongue.
Warnings: Fluff, a little angst, mention of sex, mention of childbirth, Daryl is maybe a little bit ooc
Words: 2.4k
PoV (Y/N):
It was a terrible time. After that whole Terminus shit our group was badly beaten and we didn't know where to go. We ran out of food and hardly had anything to drink. And what didn't make things any better was the fact that I was pregnant. I was in my last months and it was getting harder and harder to keep up with the others. Daryl and (D/N) always stayed close to me and supported me. Sometimes it really took me emotionally to see how quickly she had grown and now she was going to be a big sister. But unlike her, her little sibling will grow up without violence from her father.
Daryl and I had planned it, of course, and after a lot of talking and planning we decided to have a child together. The embarrassing part was that we had to discuss everything with Rick and prepare everything. We had been given a private room, but Rick wanted to put guards outside the door. Luckily Daryl had said something against it, so we had peace and quiet. Daryl had also taken good care of me during the pregnancy.
(D/N), on the other hand, was always way too curious. She kept staring at my belly and I noticed that she had asked Michonne or Carol where the children came from. But both of them had repeatedly waved her off by saying that she should ask me and Daryl. Of course, Daryl noticed this too and he mentally prepared himself to have to answer the question.
At Terminus everything just got more stressful, the fear of being eaten by living people was frightening and I was incredibly afraid of losing (D/N). Carol came to save us just in time, but I had barely felt a kick from the baby since then. But now, whenever I ate something small, it would kick slightly, which made me sigh with relief every time.
After not even too long, Aaron found us and brought us to Alexandria. It was all set up so beautifully and safely that it felt like a dream at first. But when I was told that I could be taken to the infirmary, I pinched myself. And no, it was all real.
Daryl and (D/N) accompanied me to the doctor in this small town and everything was checked out. The baby was okay and would probably be born soon. I was suggested to stay at the infirmary until the baby came. Daryl was against it at first, but after I agreed, he remained silent and looked at everyone threateningly. (D/N) was also against it at first, but she didn't speak up either. She knew she didn't have a say in this case. So the two of them went to our new house that same evening to prepare everything there.
PoV Daryl:
We had prepared everything in the new house where we were going to live for a while. Everything was ready and some were already ready to rest. But even though everything was so full, I felt something empty inside me. It pissed me off. I love (Y/N), (D/N) and also our future child, but somehow it annoys me that I've become so soft with them. But I didn't want to change it, I was happy and nothing would change that. "Daryl?" I suddenly heard someone. I looked at (D/N). Her hair has grown and she has grown too. She looks more and more like her mother and she was just as strong as (Y/N). "Wha' is it, lil' brat?" I asked her.
She lets out a quiet sigh before she sits down on her sleeping bag. Between mine and (D/N)'s sleeping bag is actually always (Y/N)'s. Well, I put her sleeping bag between ours anyway, but her sleeping bag was empty and cold. "I have a question…" I had to swallow hard, the fear building up inside me again. Fuck, I hadn't thought up a lie yet. Should I tell her the truth? But she's not even 13 years old. I nod nervously at her before I sit down next to her. "Wha' is it…?" I asked, even though I already knew what it was about. (D/N) looked me seriously in the eyes before she sat down straight. "Where do children come from? How do you make children? How did you and Mom manage to get another child in her? And why does it have to be inside her before it can come out? Where does it come out from?"
She had so many questions, my head even started to spin slightly. Behind me I could hear Carol giggling, which made me look at her pissed off for a moment. But she just turned away innocently and then continued talking to Tara. Hissing, I then turned back to (D/N), who looked at me with determined eyes. Why was she so interested in knowing something like that? I'll probably never know. "Well… uh… ya know… ya have a cun-!" Before I could finish my sentence, Rick walked past me just behind me and he pulled my hair hard.
I growled as I watched him go, but he just gave me a pleading look. As if he knew I was about to tell (D/N) the truth. So I sighed quietly before turning back to (D/N). Her expression hadn't changed at all. "Well… uh…" I tried again, but this time with a lie. Even though I didn't like lying to her. "Yar motha and I… we love each other so hard that… aliens put a child in her stomach." Everyone around us went quiet and I could feel the confused and amused looks on me. "Aliens?" She asked again. "Yeh… aliens…" I mentally beat myself up, I had never said anything so stupid before. “I don’t think that aliens are real, Daryl…” “Have ya seen the dead people here?” Now (D/N) looked at me confused before looking at Carl. "Alright… cool… I guess…?" She just mumbled quietly.
Her (E/C) eyes just looked at me suspiciously. I was incredibly uncomfortable and my ears turned red. I quickly looked down so she couldn't see my expression. "And… how will the kid get out…?" My whole body tensed when (D/N) asked that. Little beads of sweat formed on my forehead and I had to swallow hard. What the hell was my problem? I could fight walkers, I could fight people, even kill them. And now I have damn problems explaining to a child what sex is for and how to have children? "W-well… Ask yar motha! I'm not the woman!" I then said, overwhelmed.
With quick movements I grabbed my crossbow and walked out of the house. My heart was still pounding wildly against my chest, but the fresh air felt very good and I calmed down a bit.
PoV (Y/N):
I lay awake in the hospital bed and let my hand slide over my baby's belly. Although I was tired, I just couldn't fall asleep. Too many thoughts were going through my head and I missed Daryl and (D/N). Actually, it was completely idiotic to miss them both, they only sleep a few houses away from me. "How should I name you…?" I then murmured quietly. I looked at my belly and the baby stepped right under my palm. Smiling, I kissed my fingertips gently before rubbing them on my belly. "Maybe DJ, if it's a boy…" I had to giggle at that thought. But my smile disappeared immediately when I heard a loud crack. My gaze went to the window, which was slightly open, only the curtains obscured the view into the room. Out of reflex, I reached next to me, where my knife usually lies, but it wasn't with me. Annoyed, I hissed quietly before holding my breath and staying as quiet as possible.
Swallowing hard, I saw a broad figure approach the window and gently push the curtains aside. "If you come in here, I'll call my husband. He'll bust your ass!" I shouted and the movements stopped for a moment. But after just a few seconds the curtain was pushed aside and Daryl looked at me, slightly confused but also a little embarrassed. I breathed a sigh of relief, but a certain shame also spread across my cheeks. "Yar husband? Since when are we married?" He asked amused.
I looked away from him, sulking, as the archer quietly climbed into the room. With quick but quiet steps he moved towards my bed and sat down next to me. He briefly kissed my baby belly before giving my forehead a kiss. "I messed up…" "Nah… you're doing great with all this…" Daryl just shook his head and I saw his cheeks turn bright red. Amused but also confused, I looked at him closely. "Daryl? What have you done?" "Nothin'… jus'… well…" He hesitated and then looked away, at my belly.
I slowly sat up and kissed him gently. “It’s okay… I won’t be mad, I promise…” “… I told (D/N) tha’ aliens put a baby in yar body…” My eyebrows shoot up and I look at Daryl in disbelief. As if I didn't believe that he really did that, but he didn't lie to me. In the whole time we were together, he had never lied to me. "You did what?" "I can explain…" We remained silent for a moment, my waiting gaze remaining on him. "… 'kay… I can't explain…" He then murmured quietly.
Sighing, I put my hands on my stomach before shaking my head slightly. "Okay… I-'m sure, we can handle this after the bi-!" Before I could finish my sentence, I was suddenly struck by a strong pain. My legs became wet and damp and my breath came out in jerks. In a panic, I reached into the bed frame and lay flat on the bed. Daryl saw me panicking, his hands at my sides. "G-go and get the doc!" I then shouted loudly. I clenched my jaw tightly while Daryl just nodded and then went out to get the doc. Breathing heavily, I squeezed my eyes shut so I could concentrate on the pain.
PoV Daryl:
As quickly as I could, I pulled the doc into the room, away from (Y/N), who was screaming louder and moaning in pain. The doc rubbed his eyes briefly before looking at (Y/N) with wide eyes. He immediately went next to her and pulled his tools towards him. "Daryl, wait outside." "Nah, fuck off, doc!" I shouted at the doc, but he just gave me a stern look while his hands spread (Y/N)'s legs. I looked at it uncertainly for a moment before I growled loudly and left the room. I closed the door only slightly so that I could at least hear everything.
While I listened to the doc talking to (Y/N) and (Y/N) always screaming loudly, my face sometimes twisted. I felt sorry that I could only listen, but why the hell wasn't I allowed in?
"What's happening here!?" I heard someone shout. I looked at the entrance door where (D/N) was standing. She looked at me in shock, but when she heard her mother, her eyes widened and she tried to go into the room. But I wrapped my arms tightly around her. "Stay here, damn kid!" I admonished her. But (D/N) hit my chest hard, hoping that I would let her go. But I didn't. "Daryl, let me go! Mom needs me!" "Nah! The doc is with her…"
She didn't listen to me, but kept trying to walk past me. God, she got her mother's stubbornness too. After several minutes, the screaming stopped and my whole body tensed. (D/N) also stopped when she no longer heard her mother and tears formed in her eyes. "Dary…" She spoke quietly to me, her voice very weak. I heard the doc walking around the room before he opened the door and looked at me. He just looked at me silently, his cold eyes boring deep into mine. "Mom!" (D/N) screamed and pulled herself from my arms.
Before I could even react, she was already next to (Y/N), who was lying in bed, breathing heavily. The baby was in her arms. Our baby. I stayed quiet for a moment before I walked past the doctor and went to (Y/N) and (D/N). I immediately sat down on the bed next to (Y/N). The baby was crying loudly and only had a thin blanket wrapped around its lower body. The umbilical cord was still on its belly button. Rick had told me about it, but somehow it still seemed so surreal and disgusting. "It's a boy by the way." I just heard the doctor say. Maybe I had misheard, but his voice sounded tired and annoyed, which is why I glared at him briefly. But my attention immediately went to (Y/N) and our son.
"Ya don´t really have a name for him, righ´?" I asked as I threw away the severed umbilical cord and then gave her a kiss. (D/N) had now calmed down again and she looked at her little brother admiringly. "Well… at first I thought about DJ… you know, because Daryl Jr…." I had to suppress a smile, but then I nodded slightly. “Wha not?” My question made (Y/N) look up at me, (D/N) took her brother in her arms and tried to calm him down. "What do you mean…?" "Wha shouldn´t we name him DJ?" "B-because well… I… don´t know…" She looks down at her hands and plays with them. I quickly put my hand on hers and kissed (Y/N) lovingly. "We´ll name him DJ…" I then murmured softly against her lips.
(Y/N) smiled lovingly at me before nodding and then looking at (D/N). "You are an alien baby, do you know that?" She whispered to her brother. Swallowing hard, I stared at the girl while I felt (Y/N)'s pissed off look on me. Maybe I should have just been honest with her.
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maggiedanikka · 1 year
Let Me Go || Part 10
Pairing: Hangman x f!reader, Rooster x f!reader
Warnings: ANGST (but you knew that), minor character death, Some Fluff
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Reader is married to and shares a child with Hangman. Life and circumstances drives reader into Rooster’s arms, but Hangman isn’t giving up that easily.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
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Author's Note: The long awaited Part 10. So this is the final part of the story, but there is still an epilogue coming (actually already started writing it as we speak or rather type). Sorry for the long wait once again, school and law school apps really got the best of me. But I did end up getting into law school with a great scholarship so yay! This chapter was so hard to write, I really kept going back and forth on how I was gonna end it and I know I'm not gonna make everyone happy with how I ended it but I think I went the best possible and realistic way that's healthy for all the characters involved. And I am really happy with what I came up with. I also had such a bad case of writer's block but thanks to some brainstorming with one of my best friends (who I forced to listen to the plot of the story). He helped me come up with an ending I was happy with. So thank you again for your patience and I also I wanna apologize to everyone who asked to be in the tag list that I didn't add, its impossible to keep track of who asked. But without further ado, here is Part 10 of Let Me Go!
You needed a moment to gather your thoughts before responding to Jake's plea. You took a deep breath and wiped the tears from your eyes.
"Jake, of course I still love you," you said, your voice quivering slightly. "But that's not the point. Love alone is not enough to fix what's broken between us."
"I know," Jake replied, his eyes downcast.
"You also have to understand that what I had with Bradley was not the same as what we have," you continued. 
"Yes I fell in love with him. How was I not supposed to? He loved me when it felt like you could not, he loved me selflessly and loved our daughter like his own. I can’t just ignore that.” 
"You fell in love with Rooster…." Jake repeated, voice low and full of despair.
“I thought it was you and me forever Sweets. I can’t believe you’d go back on our vows and leave me for Rooster!”
“And its not just you and me (y/n), we have a daughter! Imagine how confusing all of this is for her!” Jake was fuming once again, clearly jumping from the bargaining stage of grief back to anger. 
“You didn’t think about our daughter when you fucked that corpsman!” 
“That’s different (y/n)! She was a stranger, you fell in love with MY friend. Someone I thought was JUST your friend.”
“This is different," you said, feeling a mix of anger and frustration rise in your chest. "Rooster is not just a friend, he's someone I have a deep connection with. And I know it's hard for you to understand, but I can't just turn off my feelings for him."
Jake looked up at you, his expression a mixture of hurt and anger. "So what are you saying, that you want to be with him instead of me?"
"No, that's not what I'm saying," you replied firmly.
Jake's eyes widened as he processed your words. "So what is it? You're just going to leave me here, alone and broken?"
The anger began to rise in you as you spoke. "No, Jake, I'm not leaving you alone and broken. You did that to yourself when you cheated on me. You broke our trust and shattered the foundation of our relationship. And now you have to deal with the consequences."
Jake's face fell as your words hit him like a ton of bricks. "I know what I did was wrong," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you. I love you, (y/n), and I don't want to lose you."
Your anger began to boil over as you listened to Jake's pleas. "Love is not enough, Jake," you spat out. "It takes more than love to build a strong and healthy relationship. It takes trust, honesty, and respect. And you betrayed all of that when you cheated on me."
Jake hung his head in shame as you continued to speak. "I need time to heal and figure out if I can ever trust you again. And right now, that means being on my own. I can't just forgive you and forget what you did. It's not that simple."
“And I know you said that you’re willing to forgive my relationship with Bradley, but we both know that the hurt lives in you, you cannot just instantly forget what Bradley and I shared.”
Jake looked up at you, his eyes pleading. "Please, (y/n), don't do this. I know I messed up, I know we both did, but I'm willing to do anything to make it right. Please do this with me"
"We had your chance, Jake," you replied, your voice stern. "And we blew it. I shut you out rather than figure it out with you. I fell in love with someone else.We both need time to think and figure out what's best for ourselves and our daughter. And right now, for me,  that means being away from you."
Jake's eyes filled with tears as he realized the gravity of the situation. "Please don't do this," he pleaded, his voice breaking. "I need you, (y/n)."
But you stood firm in your decision. "I'm sorry, Jake. But we can't keep putting ourselves and our daughter through this pain. We need time apart to figure things out."
Jake looked at you, sadness etched on his face. "But what if we can't make things work? What if we can't get back together?"
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. "Then we have to accept that and do what's best for our daughter. We both love her, and we'll always be there for her."
“I love you (y/n), I always will, no matter what.”
“I know Jake.”
"We need to talk"
“Can I come over?”
His heart rate picked up as he replied, "Of course”
“I'll be there in 10 minutes."
Bradley quickly got up from bed, threw on a hoodie and pants, and sat on his couch as he waited for your arrival. The minutes felt like years as he tried to control the thoughts racing through his head. Was something wrong? Was everything okay with Jake and Astrid? He had to find out.
When he heard a knock on the door, he noticed that he forgot to turn the lights on, probably a result of his distracted thoughts. He opened the front door and waved for you to enter.
"Hey," you said, walking into the living room. "Thanks for letting me come over again, for the second time tonight. I know its late"
"Of course, what's going on?" Bradley asked, concern etched on his face.
You took a deep breath before speaking. "Jake and I are separating."
Bradley's heart dropped as he heard the news. He knew how much you loved Jake and how much you wanted to make things work with him, despite everything that had happened. But he also couldn’t forget your year together.
He knew he shouldn't feel happy that your marriage was falling apart, but a small part of him couldn't help feeling hopeful for what it might mean for him and you. But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that this was not the time or place for them.
 "I'm so sorry, (y/n). Are you okay?"
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "No, I'm not okay. But I need to be strong for Astrid.”
Bradley wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. "You don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you, (y/n). Whatever you need."
You shrugged off his embrace, which you have never done before. This action took Bradley by surprise, and he couldn’t lie hurt a little bit. But he knew that there was a large weight you holding on your shoulders, one that you were mustering up the courage to tell him.
“I need to leave, I’m moving back to San Diego. I’m going to take Astrid with me.” 
“You’re leaving?” Bradley couldn’t believe it
“But..how about us?” 
Bradley knew it was selfish asking about his standing with you after you told him that you and your husband were separated. But the thought of losing you and Astrid left his body feeling like its been hit by a truck. 
“Roo.. I love you.”
Surprise painted Bradley’s face upon hearing your words, you finally told him those 3 little words that he’s been desperately waiting for. 
“But I can’t be with you. Jake cheated on me with another woman. But I am not innocent in this situation. I fell in love with you knowing that there was another man that I promised my life to. He hurt me, but I’ve hurt him just as much. And its not okay.”
“I am so in love with you but I need to get away from here. I don't know what I want right now, and I need to figure things out on my own.” 
As the words left your mouth, Bradley felt like the ground beneath him had given way. He had hoped that this would be the moment when you would finally see him as more than just a friend, and he got his wish.  But now, it felt like the walls were closing in on him.
He tried to keep his voice steady as he responded, "I understand, (y/n). Take all the time you need." His eyes were burning, and he struggled to keep his composure. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you now, after all this time.
You looked at him with a sad smile, and his heart broke a little more. "Thank you, Bradley. You're a good friend."
Friend. The word echoed in his mind like a taunt. He had been fooling himself all along, thinking that he had a chance with you. He couldn't help but wonder if he had missed his shot.
Before you could leave, you turned to him and said, 
"I hope that there will be a time for us but not right now."
“I promise,maybe one day when my head is less fucked up, and I can give my entire self to you and I can give you all the love you deserve. When I’m ready, I will come back for you. If you’ll have me..”
Those words left him feeling even more uncertain. He didn't know when you would be ready, or what you would say when you finally did reach out. All he knew was that his heart was breaking, and he didn't know how to fix it.
As he watched you walk out of his apartment, he couldn't help but feel like everything was slipping through his fingers. He didn't know if he would ever get another chance with you, and that thought left him feeling empty and alone.
Bradley closed the door and leaned against it, taking a deep breath. He knew that he needed to give you the space you were asking for, but it felt like the hardest thing he had ever done. All he could do now was wait, and hope that one day you would come back to him.
After you returned home, you saw that Jake had some of his belongings packed in a bag. You made eye contact with him as he walked down the stairs, hating yourself for hurting not just him but Bradley as well. But you knew this is what you all needed. 
“Thank you for staying with her, while I went to talk to Bradley.”
Jake felt his throat get dry at the sound of his rival’s name, biting down the bitter remark that would leave his mouth, knowing that it would do nothing to help the situation. Choosing to plop himself down on the couch.
“I went to tell Pixie goodbye but she’s still asleep. Can you tell her for me?”
You gave him a small nod in response.
“I’m going to stay at a place on base, give you your space.” 
“Thanks Jake, I promise we’ll only be here for a few more days. Until I make arrangements for me and Astrid to get back to San Diego…. Penny said we could stay with her until we find our own place.” 
“Are you sure leaving is the best thing to do right now?”
“I think its the only thing that makes sense for me to do right now.” You replied, sternly. 
Silence hung in the air as Jake stared at you, processing your words. You could see the hurt and confusion etched on his face, and you wished that things could be different. You wished that you could turn back time and make different choices, but you knew that was impossible.
After a few moments, Jake nodded slowly. "I understand," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't like it, but I understand."
You let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. "Thank you," you said, your own voice barely above a whisper. "I just need some time to think things through."
Jake stood up from the couch, his eyes still fixed on you. "I'll give you all the time you need," he said. "But just know that I love you, and I'll always be here for you and our daughter."
You managed a small smile, grateful for Jake's words. "I know," you said. "And I love you too. But right now, I need to be on my own."
With that, Jake nodded and headed towards the door. Before he left, he turned back to look at you one last time. "Take care of yourself," he said softly.
You didn’t understand why but that exact moment you remembered the day of your wedding. 
The wedding took place on a the beach next to the Hard Deck, where you first met, with soft white sand and the sound of the waves crashing in the background. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the entire scene.
You wore a simple backless satin white gown with a slit and court train that flowed behind you as you walked down the aisle. Jake had never seen anymore radiant or breathtakingly beautiful.
Penny held your arm tight, as you both made your way down the white aisle in the sand. She was the closest thing you had to family since your mom died and it meant so much to you that she not only planned the whole event but also wanted to be the one to walk you down the aisle.
As you reached the altar, you looked up and locked eyes with Jake, a dashing naval aviator in his dress uniform. He wore his medals and insignia with pride, and the way he looked at you made yout heart skip a beat.
You and Jake agreed to not write vows, you knew how you felt about each other and you didn’t feel the need to have to express it with words. Which is why it surprised you when he pulled a piece of folded paper from his pocket and started reading. 
“My sweets,
I stand before you today, in my dress whites, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. As a naval aviator, I have flown through the skies and seen countless wonders, but nothing compares to the beauty of you. You are my everything, my anchor, my inspiration, my love.
From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you. Your spunky attitude, your unwavering ambition, and your stunning beauty captivated me from the start. I have never met anyone like you before, and I never want to let you go.
As we stand here today, I want to promise to always support you in your dreams, just as you have supported me in mine. I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin, in good times and in bad. I promise to cherish every moment we spend together, and to never take our love for granted.
I promise to be your rock, your confidant, and your partner for life. I vow to always make you feel loved, respected, and cherished. I will be there for you in every moment, whether it's sharing the highs of your accomplishments or the lows of your struggles.
Together, we will create a life full of adventure, joy, and love. I am so grateful to have you as my partner, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you more than words can express, and I promise to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me.
Yours forever,
You felt tears swell in your eyes at his admission, you had never felt this much love from anyone, and here is this man promising you love and devotion forever. None of it felt real. 
“Jake… I-i I didn’t have anything prepared…” You whispered cheeks red in embarrassment. 
“You don’t need to Sweets, I wanted you and everyone here to know I felt about you.”
“You show me how you love me every single day and that’s all I could ever want.”
You nodded, tears pooling in your eyes. 
You exchanged rings, Jake took your hand and lifted it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on your skin. Before he gently took your face in his hands placing a soft delicate kiss on your lips.
You smiled and blushed, feeling overwhelmed with love for your husband.
After the ceremony, both of you as husband and wife took a walk along the beach, hand in hand. Jake  swept you bride off your feet and carried her across a shallow part of the water, causing you to laugh and giggle like a child.
At the reception, You held each other tightly as you swayed to soft acoustic playing out of the speakers. You were surrounded by their family and friends, who toasted to your happiness and future together.
As the night drew to a close, Jake took your hand and led you away to a secluded spot on the beach. You sat down on a blanket and watched the stars twinkle in the sky, cuddling close to each other.
Jake whispered sweet nothings into you ear, telling you how much he loved you and how grateful he was to have you as his partner for life. You shared a tender kiss as the waves lapped at your feet, promising to love each other forever. 
That memory flashbacked in your mind, cracking your already broken heart even more that it already was. But you were set in your decision, you two were different people then. With different dreams, love untainted by time and circumstances. You don’t know if you could ever go back to the way you were.
You nodded, watching as he closed the door behind him. Alone in the quiet house, you let out a deep sigh and let the tears fall freely once again. You didn't know what the future held, but you knew that you needed to take things one day at a time. For now, all you could do was focus on yourself and your daughter, and try to heal from the pain and heartbreak that had consumed your life.
You are going to be okay. You and Astrid are going to be okay. 
“Mom! Hurry up! I’m supposed to be at practice in 10 minutes!”
Your 8 year daughter was such a stickler for punctuality, you honestly sometimes questioned if she really was your daughter. You had the tendency to be fashionably late (if fashionably was 30 minutes), taking your time to make your way to events. 
“The field is 5 minutes away Atty, you’ll be fine.” 
“That’s what you said last week, but I ended up being 10 minutes late to warm-ups!” 
She pouted as you walked out into the foyer pulling your shoes onto your feet.
“Coach wouldn’t let me play the first half!” She continued. 
“Well don’t worry Sweetie, you make such a pretty benchwarmer.” You joked pinching her cheeks. 
You were greeted by your daughters scowl, she looked absolutely terrifying for a little (*ahem* big) girl dressed in a bright yellow soccer uniform, pastel pink cleats, and pigtails. 
Her punctuality and her terrifying glare, two things she’s inherited from her father. 
You dropped her off at a mostly empty soccer field, with only the two coaches and 2 other players occupying the area. 
“Where is everyone?” 
“Coach moved practice to 30 minutes later.” Your devious daughter smiled coyly. 
“Astrid Eleanor Seresin…did you just lie to your mother?” You raised an eyebrow at her. 
She quickly opened the car door and rushed out. 
“Omission is not a lie!” She yelled as she ran away. 
“Casey’s mom is dropping me off at home!” 
“Okay! I’m gonna see Auntie Penny!” 
“Tell her her I said Hi!”
You chuckled as you watched her retreating figure get further into the field. What kind of 8 year old knew the word “omission”? She no doubtly learned that from her father. Classic Jake. 
You put your car back in drive and made your way to the Hard Deck. 
“Hey Sweet Pea! Where’s my sweet little goddaughter?” Penny asked from behind the counter as you walked into the bar. 
It was still early afternoon so the bar was occupied by the bar staff getting ready for a night of servicing navy men. 
“Soccer practice.” You replied. 
“You said putting her in sports will tire her out but its somehow made her more energetic.” You groaned taking a seat at the bar. 
“She is her father’s daughter.” You heard a voice quip originating from the supply closet. 
“Hey Mav.” You smiled at the captain, 
“Hey (y/n), you and Atty still coming for the barbeque on Thursday?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Atty says no one can grill em like you.” you responded. 
“That’s why shes my favorite.” Mav smiled with a toothy grin as he returned to the storage closet. 
“Sweet Pea, do you mind manning the bar for a second? I’m sure no one will come in, but just in case. Last time I left Pete unsupervised he dropped a whole pallet of beer.” Penny sighed. 
“It’s been a little while, but sure Penny.” 
“Anything for you.”
“Thanks Sweet Pea”
It was strange to be behind the bar, you and Astrid had been back at Fightertown for the past four years. 
It was really hard to explain to her the situation, but she was a smart child. She knew there was more going on between you, Bradley, and Jake than you let her in on. She knew that space from her Uncle Roo Roo and her Daddy was absolutely necessary for her mother’s well-being, and she was more than willing to be amenable to change if it meant you were happier. 
You eventually found a little one story house near Penny (and now Mav’s house), it was small but it was cozy and it was more than enough space for the two of you. You found a job in a nearby law firm, where you rose up the ranks and got your own corner office. 
You finally got the time to relax and breathe, to really focus on yourself, your dreams, and your daughter. And finally after 4 years, you finally felt at peace. 
The pain and the trauma will always live within but you have gotten to a place where you are content with your life and your past because it led you full circle. In Miramar, right where you belonged. 
As you stared down on the bar and wiped down the glasses reminiscing on your life, you didn’t notice the figure that walked into the empty bar. 
He plopped himself down in a stool in front of you and cleared his throat. 
You looked up and made eye contact with the figure and smiled. 
It honestly felt like coming home
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lowkeychenle · 4 months
Is It Over Now? [ZCL] fic teaser
Description: Your relationship with Chenle is nothing but fight after fight. Amidst the toxicity, infidelity comes into play--except you're determined to one up him...but is it ever truly over?
A/N: this is inspired by Taylor Swift's Is It Over Now? and I highly recommend listening to it because omg...but also...y'all voted for Jisung and this is what it was for so...................he is for real a willing accomplice that's so crazy chenji who
Genre: Smut/Angst (there is no smut in the teaser, the teaser contains an argument that can be triggering for some readers. PLEASE!!! Read with caution)
Content Warnings: This is very dirty idk y'all i'msosorry...but basically content warnings are infidelity (both reader & chenle, explicit on reader's part), some very crazy arguments (there are no physical fights but these can be triggering), explicit, unprotected sex, overall just a big, big crazy cluster fuck where these two are just trying to hurt each otherimsosorry
Expected Word Count: 10k
Release Date: 5pm EST 2023.3.2
Taglist: Open!! Please let me know if you want to be tagged when this comes out <3
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x fem!Reader | Park Jisung x fem!Reader
Juliet's Masterlist | Tell me what you think? :)
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Chenle downs the rest of whatever’s in his cup—it’s safe to assume what the bronze liquid is as he swallows and cringes. He doesn’t look at either of you.
“You should go.” Glancing at Jisung, you catch the worried gleam in his gaze.
“Will you be okay?” he asks.
“The fuck does that mean?” Chenle snaps. “Get the fuck out, Jisung.”
“Call me if you need me.” Jisung hesitantly leaves your side, and once the door closes behind him, you slide your hands in the back pockets of your jeans.
“Really?” Chenle finally breaks the silence. “You could’ve picked anyone, and you fuck Jisung?”
“That’s what you’re mad about?” You snort and walk over to the fridge to grab a water bottle. Untwisting the cap, you turn back to Chenle, unaccustomed to his glare being directed at you. “What? It’s okay for you to fuck anyone you want, but when I do it, it’s wrong?”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t fuck anyone but you.”
“You really think I didn’t see that?” You shake your head, anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach. “There were pictures, you dumbass. And now I can’t even act like I’m ignorant. I can’t act like you love me anymore, Chenle. Be serious right now.”
“Oh, right, because being seen with a girl has to mean I’m fucking her, yeah?” He runs his fingers through his hair. “You’re just insecure, (Y/N), and I can’t fucking help you with that. Did you think fucking Jisung would make me want you more? May as well add crazy to the list, too.”
Under different circumstances, you know those words would kill you. They’d be like bullets fragmenting in your heart, but today? For some reason, everything shut off. You don’t want him anymore, and your irritation sparks at the base of your spine.
“You putting this on me is fucking hilarious.” Your voice is sharp, and you hope you return his bullets as knives.
“We’re fucked.” He pours more liquor into his glass, a scowl on his face as he downs it. “Are you kidding me? I make a mistake one time, and you go out of your way to screw my friend? Did you think you could hurt me or something?”
“Don’t know.” You shrug.
“The sooner you admit we were over long before I ever slept with anyone else, the easier it’ll be for both of us. You’re being a child by inviting Jisung over here.” His grip on the counter tightens.
And just like that, something inside you snaps.
“You did this, Chenle. You fucked up, you ruined everything, you are a piece of shit.” You jab your finger in his direction. “At least I had the decency not to get caught in public. You don’t even care at all. Not even a little bit. And it’s so fucking frustrating because I do everything for you.”
“Bullshit,” he says.
“Was it over when you brought that girl here? Was it? Because you cried and begged for me to stay. You said it was a mistake, and you’d never be able to love anyone the same way you love me. You really think it was over, Chenle? Then what the fuck are you still doing here?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You fucking did it again!” you yell, hands tugging at your hair. “You want me to be the bad guy so bad, but all of this is on you. The blame is on you. You’re the one that can’t keep it in your pants. What are you searching all these beds for, huh? You want something better than me?”
“Fuck,” he shouts, hand swiping across the counter.
Time slows as his palm comes in contact with his glass, as he sends it flying into the cabinet, as it shatters beneath his force. How fucking ironic you relate to it.
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adventuringblind · 7 months
Joint Coping
Lestappen x Reader
Genre: Angst
Dialouge: "Help me understand."
Summary: Max helps his partners learn to cope in healthy ways
Warnings: Selh-harm, unhealthy Coping, blood, Ferrari, Max being the sane one of the group
Notes: I would like to emphasize that this is a thing that does happen. I know because I've done it. This specifically is not something to be glorified at all. Self-harm done in groups can become competitive. This is a pretty toned down version of things I've experienced and it's less toxic. THIS IS NOT REACHING OUT. Just wanted to clarify :)
This is part of my 1000 follower celebration! Requests are still open if you'd like to participate (the link will take you to the request form).
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Max knows something is wrong with his partners. It's like an itch in his brain he can't scratch. A sixth sense, if you will.
The two Ferrari drivers are struggling with their team. Every problem is their fault. They have become the Ferrari scapegoats. When they do poor, it's the driver. When they do good, it's the team and the car.
He's coming to the end of his patience. If he has to hear them self deprecate one more time he might actually consider making them stand in the mirror and say nice things about themselves. Can he fuck it out of them? Is that a possibility? He really doesn't know but is desperate and willing to try anything.
They both DNF at the next race. Max is a man on a mission through media and debrief. He needs to see that they are okay. At the very least not sitting through some kind of lecture a parent gives to a child.
He sprints to the Ferrari garage and runs into Carlos. Despite his injury that took him out of the season, he still comes to support his team and teammates.
"Carlos!" The Spainard spins around to face him. "Have you seen-?"
"They already left over an hour ago. Did they not text you?"
There are warning bells going off inside of his head. Something is clearly wrong and they aren't telling him about it. He's about to sprint away when Carlos stops him.
"Before you go, you should that there were some awful things said by their engineers and they looked really upset about it."
"Thanks Carlos."
Max is back at the hotel as fast as he can manage. He tried both their cells with no answer. It's killing him from the inside out with anxiety. He's probably just overthinking, but it'll feel better when he sees they are okay.
He keys the door open and doesn't bother taking off his shoes. The lights are off aside from the one in the bathroom. Maybe they decided a nice relaxing bath would do the trick. Max could also go for one. He pushes that thought aside for now.
He knocks gently on the door. "You two in there?" No response. Or at least - not one to him directly. There are a few hushed whispers, but nothing loud enough for him to hear.
He waits Aproximatley ten seconds before he can't handle it anymore and swings the door open. He expects to see fogged mirror and water on the floor. Instead he's met with the sight red wrists and thighs.
He's lost. Max Verstappen has no idea what to do.
They are stripped down to undergarments. Legs dangling over the side of tub. A switchblade in the hands of Charles. They both look teary eyed and doped out. Are they enjoying this?
God, he feels so stupid. Weeks of having Sex with no lights on, sweatshirts in hot weather, no swimming and doing private ice bathes away from trainers. He should've noticed. Max could've stopped this sooner. He wants to rewind and tell them to come to him instead of relying on this to get the through.
"Guess you caught us." Charles let's out a half assed laugh. "You gonna stare at us all night? Or can we get the yelling part over with? Last three partners left us when they caught it. I understand if it's to much. Not your burden."
Max had been a later addition. The two in the bathtub had been together since their teenage years. Had they been Coping like this for so long?
"Sorry about the mess. Relapses are hard. We made it all season until a month ago." She leans her head onto Charles' shoulder. How can they make this type of environment endearing? This is unreal and they need serious help. Which Max will eventually get them when he can get his act together.
He kneels on the floor in between them. Max is just now registering the tears on his cheeks. They'd been in pain for so long. It hurts him just thinking about it.
"I'm not going to yell-" he looks at one. "-I'm not going to leave-" he looks at the other. "But help me understand. I want to help."
"It's easier to do with someone else around. It's more therapeutic." The lopsided smile on the female's face is not helping Max. He has to many questions.
First, he gets them cleaned up. Neither of them flinch when he disenfects the wounds. They don't look at him as he wraps them in whatever gauz is in the first aid kit. They look ashamed as he puts the knife in his bag and rinses the tub.
The one that gets him, however, is the look of pure confusion when Max hugs them both so tightly. It's like they don't know how to respond.
They sit in a circle on the bed. It's comfortable and Max can see both their expressions clearly.
"I know the struggle." He starts. "Punishing yourself is better then someone else doing it, right? But I had Daniel there reminding me to reach out."
"It's just easier this way."
"Easier isn't better. Look at the state you're in. I'm not leaving, but I am getting the both of you help."
He followed through with this the next morning. Then looked supposed to see him when they woke up. He, and his childish mind, kissed all the cuts and scars. Every single one of them received proper treatment.
The female cried and thre her arms around Max. Charles had looked away in shame. The reasons they started this are still foreign to him, but that's not his priority.
He gets them help. All of them, mind you. They do group sessions as the three of them to find healthier ways to cope with each other.
Reasons seem to fade into the background because they don't matter as much. The important thing is that Max caught it in time. That he didn't lose them to their own minds. They are partners, and Max would be devistated to lost someone he loves to those dark places.
He rests easier now that the itch has been scratched. His partners are doing better. They smile and laugh at his stupid jokes again. A bit of confidence regained.
And Max reminds them daily that nothing is worth it if you have to destroy yourself for it. Drivers or not, he loves them regardless.
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hwanchaesong · 25 days
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━⁠☞🍽️ Eighth Course: If you squint, you'll effectively recognize the facts that everything about his new girl is... disgustingly similar to your image. Talk about serving it in a silver platter. 🥢
🎧: Olivia Rodrigo - Deja Vu
wc: 838
genre & warnings: angst, flashbacks, hints of betrayal/cheating, cursing, lovers to exes, Lia of ITZY is featured here, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The Sour Restaurant series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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You almost laughed at the man who was standing on your porch, looking like a poor child in need of assistance.
"Choi Jongho, what the fuck are you doing here?" you asked incredulously, crossing your arms in annoyance at this ridiculous situation.
He pouts at your aggressiveness, not used to this kind of attitude of yours towards him.
Normally, you'd be so sweet and nurturing, kissing his pout away and cooing at him, asking him what's wrong. But he guesses that disturbing your sleep and knowing that you still haven't forgiven him are good reasons for your change.
His silence further vexes you, raising your eyebrow along with your voice.
"Jongho, I asked you a damn question. Answer it! What are you doing here?!"
"I missed you." he mumbles and you nearly didn't hear him, but you did.. and you are absolutely, insanely furious at his audacity.
He comes barging in your life, causing a cyclone, then he leaves you in the middle of the storm, and he returns like nothing ever happened.
He's treating you like some kind of motel, and it's very disrespectful on your side.
"You missed me? Why? Did your new girl dump you?"
"No, but she resembles you so much that I can't help but remember you through her."
Lame. Lame fucking excuse but you somehow understand it.
Because you saw how she's basically you, a twin perhaps.
When you and Jongho broke up, which was a nasty one, it left you incredibly shattered. You were basically shaking as you picked up your pieces and tried to glue it back together so you'll be able to function like a human being again.
But you also went into the stages of grief, the worse one was the in-denial part.
You were about to throw your phone on the wall, an action that you will definitely regret later but your friend, Lia, thankfully stopped you from doing so.
"No! Y/N, calm down!" she yells, pinning you down on the mattress and doing her best to comfort you.
You let go of your phone, from your palm it landed on the sheets and Lia's eyes went over to it. Realizing that you're stalking Jongho's social media account.
She shakes her head in disappointment but she can't exactly blame you. She knows what you're going through and she's willing to take care of you until you can stand on your own feet again.
"Lia!" you wailed in her arms, bags in your eyes and hair turning greasy for not showering the whole day.
"I-I see his new girl and it's m-me! If he wants a girl like me then I'm here! Why does he need to look for others!?" you shouted and cried and she stayed there to listen to your rants.
Lia scans the phone again, lulling you into sleep and she can't help the cringe on her face.
Jongho's new girlfriend does seem like a clone of you.
Same hair, same facial features, same physical attributes, heck even the way she dresses.
If you are the standard that he's keen on keeping, then why would he leave you alone at the end of the altar while he meets other girls that will inevitably bring him back to you.
You do not, cannot, and will not accept such bullshit.
But that was back then, when you were too naive to realize that the world is a large place to explore. You had to be the bigger person, no, not forgive but you'd rather forget, and you did say to your family and friends that you wish Jongho well.
Now though, that he stands in front of you, all you could think of is how you should've wished him hell instead.
"Oh you've got to be bullshitting me, Jongho." you chuckled, tone full of mockery and irony, "I'm not dealing with this, I'm done with you."
Before you can shut the door on his face, he puts a foot in and it accidentally gets caught in the middle. You winced and almost apologized but you held yourself back, in the back of your head, he somehow deserves that pain.
"Ow!" he grumbles, but he straightens himself up in a mere second, "Y/N, please. We can talk this out."
If you hear one more begging, you think you'll have to choke yourself.
"Jongho, the 'talk' you're saying has been long overdue." you smile, truly infuriated, "Well then, go have fun recycling our routine to your new relationship."
You slammed the door, locking it— locking him out.
You have spent lots of sleepless nights thinking about the things that he's doing with his new girlfriend, the one that he easily replaced you with.
You have thought about them eating at the restaurants that you frequently went to, watching the movies that you have recommended to him before, singing their hearts out during late night drives.
It's maddening, and now that you're only starting to get some rest, you are not gonna allow him to ruin that.
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@acciocriativity @iarayara @stolasisyourparent @xdannix @nsixns @heartssol @vixensss @shakalakaboomboo
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
In regards to the post about reader dying in their arms, could I request something along the lines of once the upper moons die, reader was waiting for them so they could go to hell together?
Thank you!
Got it. This is also an interesting one since there would be [mentioned in some, to make my life easier] interactions with Koyuki, Daki and Shinobu. I would like to add that this last one wouldn't be a positive one, so sorry if you are a fan of Shinobu, but she is not liking reader so reader is not liking her neither.
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Uppermoon meets their male (tbh in this one is more GN, I just say male bc the other prev. ask was more explicit in the gender) demon S/O reader after dying before going to hell. Previous ask here. Also an incorrect quote inspired in the Douma hc.
Warnings: Manga Spoilers, A bit of angst (pk, maybe a tad more than a bit, but still), Mentioned dead/murder, Akaza and Douma have things going on with female characters, Gyokko and Douma are their own warnings, and Karaku starts making out with you the second he sees you.
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Gyutaro + Daki:
"Y/N! What is this place?! It's awful! Where is onii-chan?!" You hear a well known high pitched voice first, but the girl in front of you... you knew Daki was young, still a girl rather than a woman, when she was transformed, but this? She can't be older than fourteen. She looks so similar, and yet so different. Unlike you, she looks human and doesn't even seem aware of it. "Daki... stay close, we will find your brother." You say as you turn around, offering your hand whish she takes, feeling the light following you, almost heating up your back, as if telling you to hand over the girl to it. You only fix your grip as you look for Gyutaro in the nothing, and it doesn't take you that much to find him.
"Onii-chan!" Daki screams as she speeds up, still holding your hand to force you to do the same. It's a relief that Gyutaro looks the same as always, you missed that ugly face of his, as he puts his attention on his little sister as she complains and orders him to fix things. Then he looks at you. "Y/N... what are you doing here, ne?" You smile at him gently, he doesn't seem good, beyond the fact that he is dead. He looks... sad. "I was waiting for you, Gyutaro." You answer honestly as he turns around. "Make Ume go towards the light." Ume? Who is U- "What?! What do you mean?!" Oh......... oh...
You are still processing everything as the siblings fight, Gyutaro trying to scare Daki... Ume towards the light, saying hurtful things as she begs to not be left behind. Daki begging? It's just so wrong, but again... this is Ume, just a little girl that has the chance to not pay for more than a century of murder, in between other crimes. And she is the little sister of a young man who is nothing but willing to let her go in order to protect her, the same way he didn't hesitate to become nothing but an extension to her so she could get the lives she wanted and with him only there when she actually needs him. "You and I are not siblings anymore, you are nothing to me." "Gyutaro! We both know you don't mean that!" You have to shut him up after that, but he just sounds so defeated... "Daki, your Onii-chan wants to protect you, to have a better chance that we will. Do you want to go towards the light?" There is little to no people that asks them what they want, you were always the one to fix that.
Ume shakes her head as tears still fall from her face. "NO! I WON'T GO! IF ONII-CHAN DOESN'T GO THEN I DON'T WANT TO! HE PROMISED! HE PROMISED ME WE WOULD ALWAYS BE TOGETHER! HE PROMISED!" When Gyutaro turns around you already have her in your back, shutting her up by the surprise. "Take her hand, she will need her big brother by her side. I will take her there so you don't have to." So he doesn't have to feel the weight of being the one to bring his little sister, his beautiful child, to hell only because he doesn't have the strengh nor the ability to get her something better. "Ne... thank you, Y/N, for everything." He says as he takes her hand, and you step into the fire as she cries.
She probably doesn't even know why she is crying, but she is. You also tear a bit and when you look at your side, Gyutaro is crying too. It's the end, but at least you are together.
You don't have to say anything, just smirk as you arch one eyebrow as Gyokko's head appears in your hands. "Hey, Gyokko. So you died too, huh?" He barely showed any sympathy towards you when you were dying, and honestly... this is karma. "Urg. Y/N, you will not believe the night I just had!" He inmediately starts complaining, just like the good old times. Honestly, you don't know how much time you spent sitting in the... ground? Is this even a ground? Still, it's nice, you even massage his scalp with your fingers as he goes on. Alive, he could do this for hours, but now there is no time, no real worries, not even the damned sun.
"And everything has been so stressful since you left. Everyone else lacks taste and talent, don't know how to do anything! For the enlightened, I really should have protected you better..." he remains in silence after that, making eye contact with you, as you atill process how to take it. It's a confession or regret? An apology? An "I love you"? None of them? All of them? It still manage to turn your smirk into a brave smile. "I missed you a lot, I didn't really expect you to die but... I guess I really hoped we could be like this once again." He also smiles at that, probably remembering your last conversation when you were dying.
"I also missed you, don't ever go on your own again." "Will you miss me?" You asked that day, and you got the answer you hoped for a second time. "I'm also glad you haven't changed a bit, you are the same as always. The demon I fell in love with." "I love you, Gyokko. Never change" you told him, and he still remembers, you can see that by his facial expressions. Did he think about you the same way you thought about him, you want to ask but at the same time... you know exactly where you are. "Your body is not regenerating." You point out and he sighs in frustration. "I will probably have a full body again the second we step into hell... " there is a pause there, Gyokko is probably as scared as you are to get in that place.
"You know? I remembered that my parents died when I was a kid, their corpses were just in front of me, but I could only feel fascinated by them. I wanted to keep them in the hallways to always be able to contemplate them, but I wasn't allowed. People don't understand the beauty of death, if you had left something behind I would have kept it." It makes sense, maybe because you are still like a demon, but it makes sense. Keeping those you hold dear close even after death, if you need a corpse to do so, so be it. So be it... you stand up, holding Gyokko's head against your chest, protecting it with your arms as you walk into hell. "You will also need a body for me to keep you around." He looks at you a bit surprised, but relaxes and laughes "Well then, I trust you."
Hantengu inmediately starts a tantrum, throwing himself at the ground (can you even call it ground?) when he saw he was in front of the gates of hell, crying and screaming, trying to gain sympathy of beings that were not around. Just you, but he is so scared he hasn't noticed you yet. "Hantengu." You call him, making him turn around to see you before running straight towards you, hiding his hace in your chest as he wraps he arms around you to keep crying. "Y/N! Y/N! Oh, thank the gods you are here! Why are you in this awful place? It's so scary!" You pat his hunched back to comfort him as you smile, he hasn't changed one bit. "Hello to you too, Hantengu."
It's hard to say how long did you stay like this, Hantengu holds into you as if you were his last chance of salvation, but you were not able to even save yourself. The best you did was stay in this place, awful as he called it, to avoid stepping into hell. You know Hantegu's sanity, if there is any left, won't be able to handle the darkness and emptyness of this place. He is the first being you have seen in what it feels ages, and while you know having a dear face should make it easier... maybe the best is to keep going. Still, you only try to help him to feel better, not knowing how to voice out your opinion. "Please talk to me... say something, anything..."
So you talk, not of anything in particular, you tell him how much you missed him, how much you thought about him, how much you love him, as he rubs his face against you, looking for both physical and emotional comfort. You talk for an even longer time than he was crying, being listenes as he uses your voice as a medium to scape reality, to relax against you and pretend everything is fine. "And... Hantengu, I think we can't really stay here. Nobody is meant to be here." He sighs against you, keeping quiet before answering weakly. "I know, but it's so scary. Why must this happen to us? What did we do to deserve this?" You both know what you did.
You smile, ignoring Hantengu's attempt to fool everyone, himself included, that he's innocent. You only take one of his hands and put yourself behind him, covering his eyes with your free hand. "Do you trust me?" You asks as he trembles against your touch as you blind him, he has always been so paranoid... "I do." But you have always been his safespace, and so he leans on your hand as you guide him to hell, both of you together. There isn't much left to say, but it's ok... it's ok as long as you have your beloved by your side.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Sekido?" You aske before recieving a hit in the face that makes you fall down, Sekido is clearly angry at you still. "YOU! YOU DIED! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE AFTER ALL YOU PUT ME THROUGH?! YOU LITTLE SHIT! FUCKING BASTARD!" He is still the one to grab you to help force you to stand up before hugging you. "Fuck you, Y/N.... fuck you.... I'm so fucking pissed with you. I told you to not leave." You start to feel the tears in your shoulder, there are so many questions of how this is possible, but for you, the only important thing is that you have Sekido in your arms as you hug him back tightly. "Why did you have to leave?"
You pat his back to comfort him, you didn't want to leave him neither. You genuinely thought you would never see him again and didn't want to go to hell until you came in terms with that. But Sekido is here, so you grab his face softly, tears still falling off his eyes as you go for a kiss. "I missed you too, Sekido. I'm glad I was able to see you again." You smile at him as he begins to curse and avoid looking at you, trying to hide his crying face. "I'm sorry for hurting you" you say even though you know he won't say it back, but your priority is to make him feel better, or at least good enough so he won't hit you again. "Whatever.... I missed you too."
There is a lot going on in your mind right now. Is Sekido real? Or will he turn back into Hantengu the second you both step into hell? The idea scares you, and a lot. You just got him back and you don't want to lose him just now, not yet. You don't even dare to ask, you just want to spend a bit more with Sekido. He notices eventually as you just hug him in silence, he inhales deeply before pulling apart. "You have been here long enough." He takes your hand to guide you to hell, but you refuse to follow. "We will go.... later.... right now can we stay together? Just cuddle?" He sighs tired before hugging you "Fine, we will stay here for a while, but we have to go to hell sooner or later. I'll just wait for you... to feel better about it. But we can avoid it forever." and you say everything you wanted back then but couldn't because of time. You will go to hell eventually, but right now you just want your Sekido in your arms.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Karaku?" You ask before he takes softly the sides of you face to kiss you in this same position. He sucks into hour mouth as if he was a drunk with his favorite drink, hugging you as he wraps his free hand through tha back of your neck. He doens't pull apart for a while, but grins in a just so wholesome way when ge does. "Hey, hot-stuff~. It's been a while, hasn't it?" There are some tears accumulated in his eyes as he stands up and lunges forward to hug you again. "I missed you so much. You have no idea how glad I am to see you again." You really never thought you would see him again.
"I missed you too." He breathes in by the side of your neck before kissing you again, hungry for you as his arms remains wraped around your neck. There are slurping sounds as he slips his tongue in, making this as messy as he can, and you let him. As if you need this to prove that this is real, that Karaku is really here with you and is not leaving anytime soon. Maybe he also needs to convince himself that this is real, but the trail of saliva joining your tongues together definetely is. "Your kisses are still the sweatest." He says rubbing the liquids of both tears and saliva off his face before using his thumbs to do the same to you as you were to numb to do it yourself.
"What now?" You find yourself asking, because everything is so new and so scary. You don't want to lose Karaku again, and he seems to notice your fear, so he grins with confidence. "Well, Sekido would tell us to hurry up and go to hell, as we are supposed to be doing... but I'm not Sekido. I say we stay here for as long as you need, together." He kisses you again as be both start openly crying, none of you really know what you will do. Or if you even will ever be ready to go to hell... but you are together, chasing for a good time as always. There is no hurry, just enjoy the present if you think the future will take said gift away. Karaku will support you, so stay with him a little more.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Urogi?" You barely manage to ask before he jumps over you, making you fall down in your ass, wraping his arms and legs around you (around your neck and around your waist, like he used to do), using his wings to shield you both from everything. "Y/N! Y/N! YOU'RE HERE! YOU ARE ACTUALLY HERE!" He digs his talons into your skin as he digs his face in your neck, just under you jaw so you are careful with his head, speacially his horns. You can feel him smelling you as if yo make sure you are... there? That you are you? It's hard to tell, but you hug him back, just relieved you got to see him again. "Hey birdie. It's nice to see you. I missed you a lot."
He pull apart slightly to look at you, his face is full of tears as he keeps smiling. "I really missed you too. I missed you a lot. I missed you a million times!" He rambles, repeating phrases and making some expressions he probably doesn't understand as much. He is really all over you, crying and with knots in his nose, not caring of how he looks or if he gets any fluid over you, just that you are finally there after you left. "I love you so much. I don't want you to go like that again, ever. Promise me you won't leave again. Promise!" You can't help but chuckle, it's almost like a child making a tantrum. He is not behaving that different from a dog welcoming it's owner back home after this one left for more than a day. It's cute, but Urogi has always been cute to you.
But you can't help but fear... will you be able to keep that promise, if you make it, once you cross the path into hell? You are just so happy that you have Urogi right here, right now, and Urogi clearly feels the same way about you. But... will it end? Do you want to risk it? Of couse no, you know that you will have to go to hell eventually... "Baby bird... fill me up with what happened since the last time we have seen each other. I want to hear you talk and make up for lost time. Here and now..." he giggles as you rub the liquids off his face, nuzzling against your hands. You kiss his cheek "And once we are ready... will you fly me to hell?" His wings stand up at that, if he realized your fears you have no idea. "Yeah, we have a lot to make up. Specially that las flight! I'll give you the best flight ever after we finish!" He cuddles with you, and you hope it takes the longest time for him to give you what could be again the last flight.... just a little more, you want him for yourself... a little more.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Aizetsu?" "Y/N?" He just makes eye conctact with you for some seconds before standing up properly. "Hi... It's good to see you.... it's been a long time..." He says shyly, playing with his sleeves, and you just have to wrap your arms around him and dig your face on the side of his neck. "Aizetsu!" He instantly husg you back tightly, none of you let the other go, Aizetsu even lets some tears fall down into your shoulder. "I missed you so much. What happened? Are you ok? How are you here?"
Aizetsu doesn't answer for a while, he lets some more tears fall before rubbing them off his face, calming down, before speaking back to you. "I don't know how, we fused into Zohakuten when it happened, but... we died. Please don't feel... bad about it, I wasn't even aware it happened until I woke uo here. I do feel sad for Zohakuten and Hantengu, though..." he explains as sensible as he can, as always. "I just know my last thoughts, even if I couldn't physically have them, were about you, and suddenly you were actually there, pulling me from... I don't even know from what." That only leave one question. "Will you dissapear back into Hantengu once we cross hell?"
There are some minutes of silence before he answers "I don't know, sorry." He looks away, clearly uncomfortable with his own answer, wishing it was different. "Don't apologize. Maybe we could just... stay here... for a little longer." You cup his face in your hand as you offer the idea, having Aizetsu nodding. He closes his eyes and makes a pout with his lips, clearly asking for attention, so you give him a soft kiss. You can stay together for a little longer, hopefully you won't separate in hell... but your now you both just want each other, before the chance of never seeing the other again, this time for real. "Please more. Kiss the sadness away." You were never able to say "no" to Aizetsu.
After Nakime, you knew a thing or two about patience. For her, for music, for goals... you knew how to be patient. But now you were not being patient, with her Infinity Castle and her role on his (still scary to even think it out loud, even if you are already dead) side, you just never thought she would die. You were just... lost, not knowing what to do anymore, not really wanting to step into hell of all places, when she arrived. "Oh my- Nakime? Wha- How are you here?!" She looks at you, just as surpirsed, when you run to her side.
"I..." she starts softly, still as elegant as ever, even when she looks... defeated. "I'va lost..." How? Against who? No matter how hard you try, you can't even phantom how anyone would survive a fight against her interdimentional fortress. She can control it as her will, smashing anyone against walls and rooms, locking up others for as long as she wants, get the ones around to the other side of the castle with one note... nobody us supposed to defeat that. That is why he prefered her as his right hand instead of making her an Uppermoon the second he stablished the Kizuki. Because she was too important, too powerful, to something else to be put with his best fight hounds. It takes you a little to calm down before talking to her. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You give the most gentle and soft voice you have, just like you she never thought she would be able to die. Nakime looks so lost, so confused, maybe even scared without her fortress shifting at her will, protecting from everything and anything. You take her hands in yours as she slowly regains confidence to tell you everything, how the Hashira got into the castle the same time she got careless as he gave her his favor after she was the one to find their base. She became confident as she managed something not even Kokushibou and Akaza could do after more than two hundred years of searching. "I could... should have killed them with one cord.... but I let them sneak into me with the help of some.... random traitor..." You kiss tha back of her hands to comfort her.
You stay like this for a while, both of you knowing you must go to hell right now. You can feel the itch to move on, nothing compared to the crave od hacing her near that you felt since you fell in love with Nakime. "You did your best. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." She only shakes her head, clearly not wanting to talk about your own death. You just smile at her "Do you want to finish the journey? Or would you like to stay here a little longer?" She only looks at you for some seconds before walking to hell, still holding one of your hands. Even now you are the one following her, and you wouldn't want it any other way. "I love you, Nakime." Ypu day as you both step into the fire, she answers after a while. "I love you too, Y/N."
Just after you died you stayed in the fine line in between heaven and hell, not being properly able to move on, just like Akaza never did. The surprising part was that there was already someone there, waiting for him. A petite young girl, no older than 16 when she died, Koyuki. She was Akaza's, Hakuji's fiance, and wants to see him again. "Do you really think he will get here? He is Uppermoon Three and the reason there is a Kizuki system. There is no way he will die to the hands of slayers." You were partially right, he didn't die at the hand of slayers. He died at his and Koyuki's.
"Akaza?" You found him crying in her arms. You didn't take part in his defeat, you never would, no matter how much you wanted to see him again. You also wanted him to live. Maybe that is why Koyuki didn't, because the one alive was Akaza instead of Hakuji. "Y/N... you still look like a demon..." he looks torn between both of us, and you can't help but glance at his fiance. She won't go to hell like you both will, and even if she could sneak to it, she would not survive as good as you both could. You are his demon love and she is his human love, one was meant for heaven and another for hell. "I am a demon Akaza, or should I call you Hakuji?"
He looks at his human arms. In the end he chose to die for her instead of living for you. "I will head over to the dark, go when you are ready. I will be waiting, but she has already waited enough for you." You don't want to accept he is dead yet, he had long road to go. What about defeating Douma? Kokushibou? To be the stronger? That was his goal, a simple one but a goal you always supported him with, and that support was everything you left to him. But it doesn't matter anymore, as always, you just want his happiness. "Ok... ok... I'll meet you there.... I love you."
You smile at him and nod, you will say it back after you meet again. If you do... for now, you walk into hell by your own, as you should have all those years ago. Maybe it would be the best if he stayed as Hakuji, maybe is he stays here enough time he could. "Take your time." You are not saying goodbye, even if it feels like one. But you know by Koyuki he was already forcefully taken away from his human life and love, and you always supported him. No stopping now. You love him too much for that, so again, you will wait for something that is not meant to come. "Akaza..."
"Who the fuck are you?" You really need to curse right now. You stayed to be able to watch over Douma, sooner or later you should be able to have a glimpse lf something, and you knew he would kill a lot of people, but this is the first time anyone just pops out of nowhere in front of you. A Hashira of all humans, a short and young woman with a fake smile and a venomous gentleness. You can tell inmediately she despises you, and honestly? You are on the same page. Such a polite tone for sarcastic insults and toying with you, parts of you wants to kill her. "What the FUCK?!" You curse again when Douma's head also suddenly appears.... in front of her.
"Oh, hi Y/N!" It's all he says with those fake smiles of his and what- Why- HOW the FUCK is he here? He is Upper Two! Did he eat too much human food?! Did he step on the sun because he was bored?! You can't phantom what happened as that gets you worked up as you take his head away from her as the damn Hashira starts a monologue you don't give a damn about. "Douma WHAT happened?!" To what he smiles sheepishly "Oh, I was poisoned by that lovely woman over there and beheaded by a talented girl and Kotoha's son, Inosuke. Do you remember them? She was extrmely dumb but a sweetheart, and his son was just adorable, he has her face and eyes. But let me tell you, the girl was very rude." Inosuke? You barely remember him, it has been 14 years, but you do remember Kotoha. Douma adored her and she was a sweetheart. From the fact that that baby is alive to that Douma got decapitated, it's all too much to sink in at once.
The Hashira doesn't seem too happy to be ignored, so clears her throat and you let her finish her monologue, mostly because you are still processing everything Douma just told you. Then you snap out of it when you hear "I think I'm in love with you.", you turn and see he meant the Hashira... really? This woman? He didn't say this to Kotoha, but to her he does? "How about you come to hell with me?" Now you press his face against your chest as you turn to dhoield it with your body in disgust "No!" Thankfully, she looks as she hates the idea as much as you and sends Douma to fuck himself before leaving, if to heaven or hell, you have no idea, but she leaves you both alone.
"Douma?" You move his head, holding it gently, to your face level to make eye contact. "You have never been jealous before, did I make you uncomfortable?" You just chuckle as you shake your head. "You did make me uncomfortable." You admit, making him lose his smile, showing an empty face, just like the last time you saw him. "Sorry, it wasn't my intention. But what are you doing here? Don't tell me you were waiting for me." You can only nod at that, making him sigh as he laughs "Wow, you are as dumb as Kotoha. You could have stayed waiting forever like an idiot. That sounds boring, and you should now I wouldn't want that for you." You laugh with him, you are an idiot, you know that as you walk him to hell as you both talk. This is a better way to go down. "A lot has happened since you left, things have been emptier since that... I'll fill you up."
You will be honest, even though you were waiting... you really didn't expect Kokushibou to die, much less so soon. And yet the familiar three pair of eyes make tou freeze. What is he doing here? There is no way he actually died, is it? Uppermoon One? The most powerful Demon after the first one to exist? You don't even know what to say, if you should say something, more convinced this is an illusion caused by how much you miss Kokushibou that the chance that he is actually here. It's just not possible, that is why you are here instead of hell, because it wouldn't make a difference since in neither case you would see him again. You were not waiting, yearning yes, but not waiting. "Y/N." He is the dirst one to say anything after a while of uncomfortable eye contact.
It is his voice, but you still can't react. It's. Not. Possible. You rub your eyes thinking Kokushibou will dissapear, getting frustrated as he doesn't, on the opposite, Kokushibou walks closer to you. You tense as he is just three steps away from you, then holds your head, just the same way he did to secure you in his lap as you were dying. "Kokushibou?" You have to ask, and he seems pleased to be recognized by you. "What happened?" You really have to ask, because you still can't phantom how did he get here, with you, to the dead ones. He evades your gaze, clearly not wanting to talk about it. "It doesn't matter, I'm glad of seeing you again." You still don't know how to react. Kokushibou died, he actually died.
"Are you ok?" Is all you can ask after some moments of silence, usually you were the one talking between the two, and for the first time since you started your relationship, you don't know what else to say. He looks at you firmly after you asked, also not saying anything, just giving a deep sigh. "Yes... I wanted this." He says, but you know better than to believe that. "Don't lie to me, or even try to lie to yourself in front of me." You can tell, he never wanted any of this. He didn't want to die, he never wanted to die, even as demons you could tell, he feared death, but it was something none of you had to worry about. Until you died, and until now.
"I still need... time to think. I have been doing everything wrong for a long time... I will be better... maybe." Maybe... you really don't know what to make of that, but he offers his hand to you. "We should get going." You can see Kokushibou trembling, he is actually scared to cross... whatever this is. Only because of that is that you actually take his hands and walk before him, guiding him to hell. There is still a lot to think about... but you will have time later. "I missed you." You say as you fix your hold as you both walk through the flames, when you turn around Kokushibou seems fixated by them, to the point you don't know who is he talking to. "I missed you too."
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djarinsphere · 1 year
The help of a stranger | Din Djarin
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Din Djarin x female!reader
Summary: When you need it the most, a stranger is willing to help you out. The stranger becomes someone you love, but could he ever feel the same?
Warnings: mention of abuse (workplace related), canon-typical violence, angst, only partially proof-read
Words: 4.2k
A/N: This took me a while to write, but I hope all of you enjoy it. I love Din in this and I hope you do too! Lemme know what you think :)
Request | Masterlist
The Mandalorian was used to travelling alone. He wasn’t only used to it, he actually preferred it a lot. Whenever someone else was on his ship with him, it was usually a bounty and most of them were dead as soon as they entered his ship. 
But things had been different for quite a while. Since he met the little child next to him, to be precise. Grogu had turned his life around in more ways than one but even simple things like travel had become quite different. He now had a child on board with him at all times and had to care for it while also doing his job to make sure they had enough credits to get through the days. 
It would be a lie if he said he didn’t have any problems arising through this new situation. It was hard to navigate everything at the same time and still be able to do everything just as efficiently as before. That’s why he decided to finally get some help on the front of the kid at least. It was just hard to find someone suitable for that job. Someone that wasn’t going to rob him first chance they got. 
Din didn’t even know where to start with this. He wasn’t going to put an advertisement out that would say “Seeking Nanny for green child”. The thought alone made his cheeks turn red. 
It was a rather lucky incident that eventually lead him to finally find someone that would be able to care for Grogu. 
After securing another bounty on a remote jungle planet, he decided that all the canned and warmed-up food in the Razor Crest wasn’t anything they should eat today. Besides, Grogu seemed to be a lot hungrier these days, so he would allow himself and his little companion to eat something better than whatever he stored on his ship. 
The small cantina was filled with all kinds of people. Din could spot pilots from the New Republic, workers and a few people that kept their faces hidden with cloaks and masks. If he had to guess, he would have guessed that they were smugglers or bounty hunters. But smugglers was more likely.
“You’ll behave this time,” he told the green child that he carried with him. “I don’t want to cause a scene again like last time. You aren’t supposed to eat all the insects you can find.” While he had gotten rather used to Grogu’s strange eating habits, all the people around them didn’t know that the small kid could eat basically anything and that was normal. But Din found himself looking away every now and then when Grogu would put a particularly disgusting insect into his mouth. 
A waitress welcomed them shortly after they stepped through the door. She led them to a table in the back and brought a high chair for Grogu. As soon as the waitress had turned around again, hurrying off towards another table, Grogu grabbed the small salt shaker on the table and started pouring its contents into his mouth. 
Din was looking away in that moment, eyeing a table in the back where  a card game was being played, but pistols were laying on the table, clearly ready to be used. 
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You were tired of working in this cantina. Your boss was just ordering you around all day, making you do even more work since the droid he had used before broke down. The work wasn’t the only problem though. It was the constant delay of your payment, the customers that were always treating you like something inferior to them and you could not stand the horrible sanitary conditions in the kitchen. And there wasn’t much possibility to change anything since your boss was always monitoring everyone and if things weren’t done the right way, or the way he wanted them, hell would be let loose. 
Today, you were serving a Mandalorian warrior and a child that looked rather strange. You had never seen his species before, but you adored his huge green ears and his adorable eyes. After bringing them a high chair, you went back behind the counter to get  a datapad ready that would display the menu. With the sleeve of your shirt, you brushed off some dust from the device’s screen, letting out a small sigh. These also needed to be overhauled. It was an old edition and you already had to explain to your boss that some of the datapads didn’t even work properly at this point. A few of them couldn’t be turned on anymore either.
When you made your way back to their table, you saw the Mandalorian looking away from his child that was emptying the salt shaker right into his mouth. “Uh-“ you started, unsure if you would be allowed to do or say something about it, but you doubted that consuming so much salt could be healthy – for anyone. 
You gently tried to take the shaker from the little kid which made his ears drop almost immediately. He looked sad, frustrated and you instantly felt bad. 
By the time you placed the salt back onto the table, the Mandalorian was looking at you. A shiver ran down your spine, in fear. You could feel your throat drying up. This cantina had seen a lot of Mandalorians already and a lot of them had been looking for trouble, oftentimes not even stopping at the staff. It was always a challenge for you to be face to face with masked Mandalorians. Or masked people in general. How were you supposed to tell if they were upset or not? How were you supposed to prevent bigger mishaps?
“I’m sorry, I-“ you started, trying to explain yourself. Maybe it had been an issue that you stopped the child from emptying the entire shaker. What did you know about little green children with huge ears? 
“No, I’m sorry. He has to learn not to touch and eat literally everything,” the stranger interrupted you, taking the salt and pepper shakers further away from the baby. 
Relief washed over you. You weren’t just happy that you didn’t upset him, but also that you didn’t cause a scene and your boss would have another reason to come after you. You were pretty sure that you were on the verge of being fired and while this place was awful, you didn’t really have anywhere else to go and finding work these days was pretty hard. Most people earned their money by hunting bounties for guilds or the New Republic, but you weren’t very skilled with any weapons. You knew how to defend yourself with a blaster in a worst case scenario, but that was about it. 
You cleared your throat eventually, handing the Mandalorian the datapad. “You can find our menu on here. I will be back soon to take your orders,” you smiled friendly, trying to get back to the safety behind the counter. The Mandalorian simply nodded, before you turned away and made your  way back to the counter. You checked the window to the kitchen quickly, not seeing any new meals that needed to be carried to the tables, so you took the time to refill the bottles of blue milk. Lots of them had gone empty since your boss didn’t keep an eye on it and you were busy tending to the customers. 
You were about to close the second refilled bottle when your boss came around the corner, already an angry expression on his face. “Sir-“ you started, but he was quick to interrupt you. “Did I tell you to refill these?” His voice was loud, booming through the cantina as usual. You flinched visibly, immediately placing the bottle down on the counter again. “No, but I figured they might have to be refilled like usual,” you tried to explain yourself, heart beating wildly against your chest. You were frightened, again. You wanted nothing more than to get rid of this job. 
“But I didn’t tell you to do that now!” His voice just got louder. You could feel everyone’s stares on you already, all of that making your hands shake immediately. “I’m sorry, I-“ Your words weren’t more than nervous stammers. 
“This isn’t the first time you keep messing up. It’s always you that’s causing trouble.” All you had ever done here was try to get everything right. So many employees had already left but you didn’t and now this is what you got for all of it. Not that you could have afforded to leave. But during your time here, you still didn’t want to mess up. 
“Maybe I should finally get rid of you. This is your last shift.” 
You knew the shock was written on your face. An uncomfortable silence spread in the room that had been so loud just a few minutes earlier. Your heart threatened to stop as well. Where were you supposed to go? How were you supposed to survive? You didn’t have many savings, your rent was incredibly high and you had no idea where to find a new job. 
You were left standing in shock when your boss turned around and went back into the kitchen. You gulped, the world around you spinning for a second. Your hand found the counter to support you somehow, trying to prevent your fall. This was horrible. All of this was horrible. 
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You made sure to pack everything that belonged to you into your bag when the cantina closed later that evening. It wasn’t much. You had just kept a mug around to fill yourself a drink every now and then. And had left a jacket in the kitchen in case it would get colder than usual. Of course, you wouldn’t miss this place, but you would miss the money you received. How were you supposed to pay the bills now?
Your only hope might be a cleaning job in one of the New Republic office facilities. But you had to get off this planet for that first.
Your thoughts were interrupted though when you saw the Mandalorian standing outside the building, seemingly waiting for you. Was he waiting for you? 
He approached pretty quickly then and you could hear a small sigh leave his lips. “I saw what happened earlier.” Of course he did. Everyone did probably.  
“I think everyone did,” you replied, visibly frustrated at the memory. You didn’t only get fired, you got fired in front of so many people. 
“Probably,” the Mandalorian added, looking around for a moment. He seemed kind of nervous for some reason, putting one of his hands on his hip. “Do you already have an idea of where to go? Job-wise?” 
It was a strange question. From a stranger specifically. Yet you decided to answer it truthfully. “No. I have honestly no idea what I will do now.” Tears were making their way into your eyes, your hand coming up to cover your mouth. How could this get even more embarrassing? You were now even crying in front of a stranger. 
The Mandalorian seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by your reaction, looking around helplessly and almost avoiding your gaze. He seemed to think for an awful long time, a time where you could feel more and more shivers rising up in your body. 
Eventually, he spoke again. “I think I have a job for you. If you want.”
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Looking back, it might have been a bit foolish to just follow a bounty hunter you barely knew through the galaxy. But Din Djarin, as you had found out, never mistreated you even once. “The Job” you had been offered consisted of looking after the small child. It wasn’t the easiest job, especially since both Din and Grogu had a habit of getting into trouble quite often and you were the one that had to stick around and stitch them back together or make sure that Grogu didn’t get into too much danger. 
Almost a year had passed since you had left your old home behind and started to find a new one within the Razor Crest. Travelling the galaxy was intriguing and you got to see so many new places. Desert planets, jungle planets… things you couldn’t even imagine before. You had met new species, talked to more people than you probably had your entire life and tried so many new foods that you could barely keep track of them anymore. 
Din was a quiet travel companion but you noticed that with each passing month, he started to open up a bit more. First, your conversations consisted mostly of small talk and what mischief Grogu had been up to again. But then, he slowly started to tell you about some bounties he had done in the past, about planets he had visited and worries he had about your next destination. 
You also dared to open up more, especially about your time as a waitress, about everything that came before he gave you the chance to escape your miserable life back home. Din was a great listener. With time, your conversations got longer, the topics more meaningful and you sound found yourself talking about your biggest fears. Din was open with you about the fact that he was constantly worried about Grogu, that he had no idea how finding a Jedi was going to work out for him. You were honest with him about the fact that you didn’t really have anything but him, the child and your travels together. 
During all these talks, often happening late at night or while the stars were rushing by in hyperspace, you could feel yourself growing more and more fond of the Mandalorian. One night he told you about how he invented a rock game with other foundlings when he was a child, laughter making their way past his helmet. And every laugh left more butterflies in your stomach. Soon enough, you were filled with them, just like the smile was not able to leave your lips anymore. These conversations made you happy, let you feel safe and his voice started to become the most beautiful sound you could hear. And every time he retreated back to his bunk for the night, leaving you on your pile of blankets and pillows, you felt a sting in your chest, like something you loved dearly was gone again. 
With time, it became harder and harder for you to hide your feelings. You knew Din might be oblivious to some advances made by others – you had witnessed that yourself – but he would surely notice that your behaviour changed. Seeing each other every day, it would be inevitable. But you were determined to try your best at hiding whatever was going on inside you. 
Maybe it led to less late night talks, less meals spent together, but you were trying to save yourself from more hurt coming towards you. Not being able to act on your feelings was one thing, but being openly rejected would be another. At least you would be able to have the fantasies in your head. 
Today, you were sitting on the ramp of the Razor Crest, Grogu next to you, playing with his favourite toy – a ball. You watched him with a smile on your face. Din was out buying supplies and you decided to stay back and watch over Grogu here. It was like that a lot of the time. And sometimes Din would come back from a fight, armour dirty and sometimes even mildly injured. 
That was also one of the reasons why you didn’t dare to tell him about you how felt. He was a warrior, strong, brave and able to stand his ground. He had a presence, a strength, you could never match. You weren’t even able to hold your blaster properly sometimes. 
In your head, you imagined Din would like to have a partner, a riduur, that would be able to fight. Mandalorians were warriors and you were neither of these. Getting Din to open up had taken a long time, but learning how to fight for him would take even longer. 
You could only dream about being with him. 
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Din was carrying a large bag with supplies when he came back to the Razor Crest. He already saw the two of you from afar and something about the way you played with Grogu, eventually picking him up and placing him in your lap, made his chest feel warm. His entire body started to feel warm, cheeks included. If he wasn’t wearing the helmet, the blush in his face would have betrayed all that was going on inside him. 
You were simply wonderful in his eyes. There was also a certain calmness he felt whenever he saw you with Grogu. You were like a mother to the little green child, but you had also become his calm in a storm. The Razor Crest had never felt like home as much as it did with you in it. 
But how could he ever explain all of this to you? 
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A few more weeks passed and as did the stars in hyperspace. They were rushing past you on your way to a new planet, a new location, where Din had located a bounty he was after. You were sitting next to him in the cockpit, watching the different screens and buttons. One day you would finally at least get the courage to ask Din to show you the basics of flying. For now, you didn’t want to seem annoying. Not that he had ever given you the impression that he could be annoyed by you. 
It was just your own doubts. And the fact that you were probably not anything like an ideal travelling companion or partner for him. Other people surely knew how to navigate a ship, get rid of pirates and care for a child. 
“Do you already know what to expect?” You asked eventually, breaking the silence. Din turned his head towards you. You always wondered what eyes were hidden behind that helmet. Behind that dark visor that you couldn’t see past. 
“A bunch of smugglers that settled down in the woods. I’m supposed to bring their leader back to the client,” he explained, hand coming up to fix the armour on his shoulder. There was an urge in your fingertips to help him, but you held back. 
After months of living together, travelling together, you had learned to hold back, even though you wanted nothing more but to finally touch him. Just somehow. Somewhere. 
“Then I will already wish you good luck. I can wait here with Grogu again, if you want.” It was always easier for him to do his job without having Grogu, and now you, around. Not having to watch after a little kid while fighting was definitely a blessing you could get behind. So whenever it worked, you just stayed back on the ship with the little green one. 
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Din walked off into the forest as soon as you had landed. You left the ramp open again, but sat down on some tree stumps, letting Grogu play around in the grass. He was surely putting a few bugs into his mouth but as you had learned, it wasn’t harmful to him and he was never not hungry. 
You still kept an eye on him. Din had told you about how important Grogu seemed to be to some people, for his abilities, and that they wouldn’t shy away from getting to him at all costs. You never let him out of your sight at all. 
It seemed to take Din forever. The sun had gone down already, but he hadn’t returned yet and slowly, worries were starting to spread inside you. What if something happened to him? What if he was bleeding out somewhere and couldn’t make it back to the ship? What if he had gotten lost in the woods? So many questions, unanswered. 
With every passing minute, your worries just grew. The worst scenarios started to form in your head. You could almost see Din’s armour in front of you, the shiny beskar covered in blood and dirt. His painful groans echoed in your head without actually being there. Panic was rising inside you. He had never been gone for that long. 
You started to pace around, Grogu sensing your discomfort and sitting on a stump, watching you without much movement. You weren’t sure if you were confident enough in your skills to go looking for him. It had been hours since he had disappeared between the trees and there was no way you would be able to find your own way in those woods. You had no experience navigating anything beside a busy cantina. 
Hope rose inside you as you spotted a figure in the shadows though. Same height as Din, almost the same built. Almost. This person as a lot broader, face covered as well, but with a mask of a different kind. A hood was pulled into their face and your heart almost stopped. This wasn’t Din. Without standing around much longer, you grabbed Grogu, pressed him against your chest and wanted to make a run for the Razor Crest. 
But someone was also standing behind you, blocking the entry into your ship. You gulped, panic filling your body completely. What were you supposed to do? Your hands turned sweaty, but you knew you had to find a solution or else you and Grogu would be damned. You needed to make a move now. The man in front of you just kept coming closer and closer. With every step, he sent another shiver of fear through your body. 
Then you could feel your limbs again and everything in your head was screaming Run!. So you did. You ran into the woods, hearing fast steps behind you, but you were good at running at least. Grogu was hiding his face in your top, the little child shivering as you carried him through the unknown forest. Branches scratched against the exposed skin of your arms, leaving it bloody and red. 
It seemed like an eternity, running and running, and slowly, your lungs were starting to give in. You stumbled, again and again, until you met the hard ground, stone pushing into your hands, sending pain through your arm. Your knees hurt, scrapped open, your legs weak from the running while you were still desperately trying to breathe. 
Then there was the cold metal of a blaster against your head, tears streaming from your eyes. You were really going to die here. And you weren’t able to protect Grogu at all. He would be taken away, Din would come back and find you both gone. If he was still alive. 
“Please-” you started, already expecting the laser to hit you, but it never did. The pain never came, the sound never filled your ears. 
Instead, you heard a dull sound and the cold feeling on your head left. You turned around, looking at the Mandalorian. 
“Din,” you breathed out, more tears coming from your eyes. Relief. You were overcome with relief, the feeling taking control of your entire body. Grogu sat down on the ground as you leaned against a stone, trying to get your breathing even again. But your eyes never left the man in front of you. 
The person that had attacked you laid on the ground, motionless. But Din was staring at you, through the dark visor once more. “Are you alright?” He asked. The trembling of his voice could not be hidden. He was worried, worried sick. 
“Are you alright?” He asked again, sinking down in front of you. His gloved hands cupped your head, the rough leather moving over your cheeks. 
Even though you couldn’t see his face, his body language betrayed him. He was shivering slightly, his breath faster than usual and all calm had left him completely. 
“I’m alright. Just a few scratches,” you nodded, a hand finding its way on top of his. You gave his hand a slight squeeze and for a moment, he seemed to become even more tense. Until he wasn’t anymore. 
A weight fell off his shoulders and his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into him. His armour was hard against you, but you could hear the beating of his heart and for a moment, the pain in your limbs didn’t matter anymore. Nothing mattered. 
“I was so afraid to lose you. I-” He kept you in his arms, even as he spoke. “I have come to care for you a great deal. There are some feelings I can’t really put into words.” 
He didn’t have to say more. You understood. It filled you with warmth, head to toe, with butterflies in your stomach and a smile on your lips. The pain was something from the past for now. Knowing that Din seemed to feel the same about you was all you had wanted for so long. 
“I was worried about you too. You were gone for so long and… I also don’t want to see you hurt. Ever. I don’t want to walk the galaxy without you.”
Din let out a sigh, his gloved hand moving soothingly over your hair. 
“You will never have to go anywhere without me, cyar’ika. I’m here to protect you.” 
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