#i could literally go on about this for hours btw.
catboydan · 8 months
your tags made me laugh "unfortunately he cannot stop talking". this is so true. he wants so badly for his relationship with Phil to be ambiguous but he makes it so obvious what's going on bc he just never shuts up about it. I think it's funny that Phil said Dan crushes on mysterious bad boys bc that's so clearly what he wants to be. Unfortunately Dan is an open book and Phil is the actual mysterious one
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^ tags in question for reference, on this post
omg yeah the fact that he yearns for the mysterious men is so funny like he wants what they have. unfortunately some facts about dan:
he over-explains because he doesn't like what he says to be misconstrued (me too bestie)
he was deeply anxious about his straight facade breaking but--
he doesn't like lying about himself to people because it feels inauthentic, something he values greatly
he doesn't want to have to explain everything but his need to control the narrative overwrote that want, up until recently
he just has a lot to say tbh. bit of a chatterbox. we love it
it's not even just about dnp's relationship either. that's why his videos like BIG and Why I Quit Youtube are so long. if he's diving into something, he has to break down every explanation he gives such that it can't possibly be construed in a way different than how he intends it. communication doesn't work that way tho and that's something he (and I) have both had to learn to accept.
unfortunately you can't be aloof and mysterious and also be authentic and up-front about yourself at the same time
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lazylittledragon · 10 months
don't you love when you Just stopped feeling guilty about eating the things you like and then one of your parents drops the "i'm concerned about your diet"
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boyfridged · 1 year
thinking about steph & jay parallels.
you've heard it all but i'm thinking about robin jay (half) jokingly saying that his calling is to be a medic. i'm thinking about robin steph's righteous anger blended with the need for being seen, about her drive for vengeance.
i'm thinking about steph's "rebirth" as a volunteer in the medical field aiding in humanitarian relief efforts. i'm thinking about post-res jay's international murder spree as an assassin in training, about his righteous anger blended with the need for being seen, about his drive for vengeance.
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snixx · 4 months
ok im sorry but i saw ur aro abed post and now i need to come into ur inbox and be absolutely insane about it because oh my god i actually cannot handle this
like coming out of the hunger games fandom and then the byler fandom where the main largely accepted opinion in fandom (including my opinion) was that katniss and and peeta and mike and will were allo and in love w/ eachother and now being in the community fandom like im actually going insane
bcs yeah a lot of ppl think trobed are romantically in love and i think romantic trobed is cute too but OMG like a widely accepted hc among fandom is that aro trobed in a qpr, like SO MANY PPL THINK THIS its actually insane and it makes me so happy and even tho my best friend is more annie coded than troy coded platonic trobed is literally so us abd im losing my mind ok i dont even know what im saying anymore im absolutely losing it
so yeah um oops in short: ARO ABED AND QPR TROBED FUCKING REAL
yes. yes. yesyesyesyesyesyesyes. i love my romantic trobed buT I LOVE QPR TROBED SO MUCH. ARO ABED MY BELOVED
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quaranmine · 1 month
(Spoilers for the Fourth "Letters from the Outlook") Wait, so if Grian's hands are damaged, then does that mean he cannot go back to his drafting job anymore? What does he do instead when he does eventually regain some movement and dexterity to his hands?
I basically answered this in the chapter notes, which is just that I did not intend for him to have long-term damage that permanently affected his function in a massive way. That's why he has physical therapy and a compression garmet and in the scene he says his doctor is fairly confident it won't be forever. Yes, it will probably affect how fast he can go back to the job (but also his mental health is going to affect that too) and perhaps he'll have to rest his hands more often. But basically it wasn't my intention to keep him from being able to hold a pencil forever, so I don't see why he can't go back to drafting in a while. He just couldn't hold it during that still-fairly-early scene because he hadn't regained a lot of grip strength.
Also his days of drafting are numbered anyway—by the 90s, architects started to use AutoCAD for their work instead of manual drafting :)
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redaynia · 5 months
Idk how people impulse buy shit i spend all day thinking about it buy it too late in the evening and then can't sleep because I'm insane
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knifegremliin · 3 months
sometimes i look at my laptop and i just think. god, imagine how you would be if you were windows 7.
to clarify, i fucking love my laptop (even if he keeps wanting to physically break on me). mik is my baby. he is the best running laptop i have ever owned in my entire life. going on 6 years and still going Strong. but imagine.... imagine if windows 7....
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anaalnathrakhs · 3 months
...i'm starting to wonder if i wasn't actually pretty often failed by the adults in my life as a young kid tbh.
#i'm always doubtful where to put the blame#in a morally neutral causality kind of way to be clear#because like. i dont know. if i was the adult. confronted to the opaque behavior of a child. would i have done better?#but also i can't help but think#why the fuck did they make me skip a grade (last grade of primary on top of that) when i was notorious for never doing my homework#and was incredibly inconsistent across topics#like i sucked at math. like ''needs to count on fingers to do a simple addition or substraction'' sucking at math.#like i never learned any multiplication tables sucking at math#like i never got how to pose divisions and still can't at age 18 because logicomathematics are completely counterintuitive to me#and just. the work was never done to make me Get It. my work or teachers' work who knows. but perhaps skipping a grade wasnt the solution#or like#apparently when i was three years old the pediatrician suspected smth was up with me#either autism directly or ''generally suspicious child'' we're not clear on that#but he told my parents. and everybody said ''we better test that'' and then. nothing. idk.#they filled a parental report of behaviors questionnaire for... adhd i think? autism maybe. and that's it. never fucking heard about it.#god. i just remembered my mom saying proudly they almost never put me in the nursery as a kid.#always either with a parent or family or a nanny.#and perhaps mother. you could have foreseen that a kid with no siblings no pets no kid neighbors no playdates. would end up socially fucked#i remember the teachers scolding late students and showing us that we were supposed to be in bed by 9:30 or something#and internally i was like BUDDY AT 9PM WE'RE HALFWAY THROUGH DINNER#MOM'S BEEN HOME FOR LESS THAN AN HOUR#and shit. i don't know. i was scared of the dark as a child. to the point that even with the compromise#of keeping the door ajar and lights in the hallway (which i had to fucking advocate for btw)#i still slept curled up in the bathroom on a towel sometimes when it got too scary#and i would cry and scream before going to bed. i would beg my mom for sleeping pills from a young age.#i would often find myself in the morning sleeping with my face smushed between the pages of the book i literally fell asleep on#because i read until my eyes gave out#and a couple years later when i got a 3ds i'd play at night and if my dad caught me he'd storm into my room and i'd hide under the comforte#and he'd punch a couple times and whisper-yell at me not to do that and go to sleep#it took until i was about 15yo for me to see a sleep specialist
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swagging-back-to · 3 months
i had a nightmare i was in the zombie apocalypse with my sister and she decided to pull off to the side of the road and 'wait out' the hoard coming right to us to get high and completely dismissed me the whole time I was begging to just keep moving until we got eaten.
ive upgraded to literally having nightmares about the night she did that at the rave. bc she ACTUALLY did that btw. she fought me for a whole hour about leaving while a guy with a gun was tweaking out LOOKING FOR US and knew we were on that bridge.
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munamania · 4 months
um yall… sam’s roommate pulled up to coffee like. um. dressed like this. btw. and their hair is just like. a better fluffier mullet. is this surprising
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#just wanna express what i’m dealing with btw because the hair thing sort of hit me like a truck earlier and then i was like#well girl wait… literally… come on lmao… also we both wore sweatervests hashtag twinem#it’s so chill though coffee was really fun#we ended up hanging for like two hours and then i was like fuckkkkk g2g to class and they walked w me partway there#and then almost dapped me up gave me a hug at the worst possible intersection there were so many people walking fuck the construction fr#but like. yeah it was chill im glad i reached out even tho like idk things r... ok.. w sam but we’re certainly not like 🤞#and i think they just had a semi recent breakup and drama and im like. um. largely unwell#and need 2 just get through this semester so i rlly forced myself to chill and go in with no expectations and it was just :-)#i was charmed by how passionate he was talking abt the weather and stuff like within minutes of meeting#i was listening to a very excited spiel about el nino and the tornadoes in wisconsin and etc oh and they came up w an ocean fact for me#and also ugh they played piano for so long growing up and can still like. do it. fucckcjkkk. and demonstrated#this rlly odd chord. um. like stretching and flexing their hand. srrryy lol i’m just giggling#lol and i mentioned my hair journey at one point and they were like ‘yeah? tell me about it’ shut UP… oh and also#knew exactly the stairwell i was talking abt when i described my favorite and we managed to chat abt that ugh it was so dorky#like. aw wow this person is just really cool#i also think they’re stupid hot but like idk since we actually um communicated and etc it's taken out a lot of the#tendency i had/have to be like 'sigh what if -' and er mythologize ppl. i suppose could be said. like aw we're just yapping and we're loyal#story likers now and if they ever want to just like make out sometime that’s so chill but regardless like we ball 💪#yayyyyyayyyyy me when i can be normal about things!!!!! 🫶🙈#abby talks
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
you ever just think about how if you didn't have to go to work and use up every last drop of your energy there your flat would be so clean. always. and you could eat healthier because you'd have time to cook. and maybe you would get to have a restful night's sleep for once. and you could finally establish a routine to deal with mental illness and executive dysfunction so you could actually work on your writing projects. ever think about that
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iheartmyipod · 2 years
dont understandhow people are able to get into 50000 things at once.my brain can only think of one single thing for 7-13 months and then i get so sad because it becomes like hot cheetos that you eat every day and its gross and weird now.....(dont eat exclusively hot cheetos for months btw.yu will never know peace in your.organs.) and then and only then does my brain decide to latch onto something else and the cycle continues...what will be my next victim...
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robertsbarbie · 9 months
i do really wanna study the phenomenon of people going to multiple shows of an artist and getting multiple meet and greets with an artist and feeling very entitled to said artist to the point they genuinely believe they’re friends with the artist and i know it goes along with parasocial relationships but like oh my god
#the band camino genuinely has some of the nicest fans#how fucking ever there were these two girls that like super pissed me off today#and they were like first in line first in line which whatever if no consequence#me and my friend went up trying to figure out the vip line situation#weren’t helpful super mean said it was all one line but they didn’t know they were just GA (a lie btw)#and me and friend were standing there (not even in line) just trying to figure it out#and we’re talking to other people trying to figure it out no one could agree#eventually a sweet girl came and i think we figured it out with her she was so helpful and nice#(bevause i think it did seem like we were cutting the line because people were lining ip behind us#as we tried to figure it out but we were like no no we’re just trying to understand)#and then one of the meaner girls from earlier was like ‘i’m sure they’ll check where you’re standing#and the nice girl said ‘i will make sure they come around the building)#like super nice genuinely and it was great#but no one did come get us until like the VERY end and we were rushing to check in even though we were there and hour and a half early#but then the way it worked out we formed a new like after touring the stage and me and my friend happened to be up front#the two mean girls from earlier fully cut (went under a bar instead of walking with the vip coordinator) which again whatevee i don’t care#during this vaguely heard they’ve been to 36 shows (which like respect but you got vip at all of them? how lmao and love the boys but theyre#very consistent you’ve seen it once you’ve seen it respectfully and then after the meet and greet i was behind them by the stage and i think#they were talking about me and my friend since we got to go relatively early to meet them#but again literally the last people in the meet and greet entering line lmao but i was visibly shaking from anxiety and like it wasn’t worth#it in the moment then they got barricade and were SHOUTING the boys names and holding up signs for songs THAT HAD ALRWADY BEEN PLAYED AT#SHOW THEY WENT TO (i know because the girl literally said so) and singing very sexually to the boys trying to get their attention#and just were so unpleasant and felt above everyone else#and it’s like! y’all aren’t friends with them! theyre never gonna fuck you! they recognize you because you go to a lot of shows and worm#your way to the barricade because you know the ins and outs of the vip process#but if y’all were really friends you would not have to pay HUNDREDS of dollars to see them and talk to them#i have friends who work in the music industry i have friends that are artists i have made friends with artists AT shows#you’ll be put on the guest list or brought backstage through a back door or they will go out of their way to the audience to talk to you and#you will hang out outside of shows when you’re able to#if you are regularly paying an exorbitant amount of money for five seconds? you’re not friends lmao
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vzajemnik · 1 year
auauuuuughvhvbvhhhggggaaaaaaaabg. btw.
#🗞️#feeling very aughhhggbghgghfggbgfggfgg at the moment#i should go to sleep i literally have a 9 hour train ride ahead of me tmr but noooooooo id rather be plagued by visions#aka wondering if i should drink at the parties im going to + thinking about my first 2 times at a club and about this girl#and how she pushed me in a bathroom stall.........and wanted to fuck me.......... :/#not :/ at the situation btw just. :/ bc im sad and i miss it but it was literally 2 years ago almost#and a guy ordered me a drink just bc he was sad and wanted to cry on my shoulder. like wheres this energy here. NOWHERE#big cities suck you only get this type of vibe in small towns where theres just only 1 club#kidding my hometown actually has 2. but like. the other one is also a restaurant and the good club part is only open in the summer#also kidding about the big cities suck part but i wish i could replicate the small town vibe here sometimes truly#like. heeey. who wants to push me into a stall. kidding actually i just realised the girls do always do that to me. and pull me by the tie.#and shit. maybe im very babygirlable.#the men though. oh god. wheres the energy of the guy buying me a drink just to have a shoulder to cry on . WHERE !!!!!!#noooo you have to suck cock in a tree to get anywhere with them. and then theres silence. rigghhttttt#i need to stop sucking cock behind a tree btw. or in the tree for that matter. they should get rid of that tree#the tree is the problem not me 🫶#what is this rant even about i have no clue but im laughing at myself so thats good#i do miss my hometown club though. maybe ill go there this summer who knows. probs not. but. maybe.
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m0e-ru · 2 years
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hey you need to come here 👉 🧠 (my brain) here i'll hold the door open 🧍🚪
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mushiishrooms · 2 years
Jobs that hire you on the spot, have no contract and don’t tell you anything will really violate the hell out of you huh.
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