#i could not let the possibilities go untapped
cryptocism · 10 months
Oh my god this new chapter,.. gnawingbthe bars of the enclosure etc etc. what gave you the ideas for the kids being conjoined twins?
not sure how much i should be screening for spoiler-y asks n answers if anybody is still on the earlier chapters but! i wanted to answer this one so spoilers ahead for anybody who hasn't read chapter 17
i came up with it pretty early on! long enough ago that the details are fuzzy but iirc when i was making all the clone backstories, i was really invested in the idea that one of them wouldn't have powers. partially for character dynamics, also because i think having a range of abilities forces interesting workarounds (i.e. Jude and Nathaniel using Jude's speed paths to supplement Nathaniel's lack of powers)
then i was going back and forth on how to explain why Nathaniel didn't have powers, if an explanation was even necessary, etc. which coincided with me thinking a lot about the different applications of technoplasm and just how insane of a material it is to exist
then Impulse issue #56 where CRAYDL downloads, copies, and replicates Tim and Kon's genetic matrices using technoplasm came to mind and it felt a lot more feasible that technoplasm could literally be programmed for a human form
i thought abt CRAYDL just building Nathaniel from scratch, but there wasnt a motivation i could think of that was strong enough for CRAYDL to do that. (like maybe they didn't want Jude to be lonely or something, which fell a little flat bc obviously they werent concerned about Thad being on his own) also i wanted Nathaniel to still have some bio-connection to Jude and the other clones. so: technoplasm integration felt like a cool direction, and meant Nathaniel needed some essential part of him be technoplasm-made. any kind of amelia condition didn't really work because there are plenty of folks without limbs that are doing just fine and dont require medical intervention, (and i really didnt think CRAYDL would try an operation so risky if there wasnt a fatal threat) so it had to be something else and conjoined twins felt like a good direction to go. there's plenty of conjoined twins who are also doing just fine and dont require intervention, but this would be a case where separation was necessary for survival.
although i wrote Jude and Nathaniel as both parapagus and craniopagus twins (the grammar there may not be right but basically: joined both at the pelvis/abdomen and the head) which i dont believe (?) is a type that's ever actually occurred. keeping with sci-fi's grand tradition i fudged the science for the sake of the story u know how it is
but yeah of course after that the possibilities of a bio-computer technoplasm-integrated character got me Extremely Excited. tons of functionally-immortal self-programming computer-hacking fun. plus i had an excuse to give Jude heterochromia and a cool birthmark :P
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withahappyrefrain · 10 months
Somebody to Love
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Summary: Attending a cookout hosted by Penny seemed like the perfect way to kickstart summer. Meeting and falling in love there wasn't on yours or Bradley's bingo list.
Warnings: Language, Bradley being a loverboy, female reader
For @roosterforme's Rocktober event! I'm so sorry it took so long and hope you enjoy it!
The first time you saw Bradley was at the Hard Deck.  
He completely missed you, as much as it pains him to admit. 
In his defense, his eyes were on the ivory keys of the piano, only looking up briefly to revel in the cheers from guests of the Hard Deck as he played. 
You, in his defense, were just trying to get in and out. Considering it was barely seven, you thought you were coming in before things got rowdy.
You were mistaken. 
The show he was putting on was nice to watch while you waited for Penny to be free. But that's all it was, a show. And after a while, you couldn't help but scoff. Was being in the Navy not enough attention? 
The smile on Penny's face when her eyes met yours was worth the wait. You pulled out the coveted book from your bag, raising it in the air as if it were the golden ticket. 
"Amelia is going to be so excited," Penny beamed as she took the book from you, "She's been talking about it for weeks!"
The mention of your former student brought a smile to your face. 
Amelia was a student during your first year of teaching. You felt a kinship to the young girl, whose parents were going through a divorce at the time. You also saw that her love of reading was untapped, blocked by years of past teachers failing to help her learn how to read. 
So you worked with her the whole year, and the summer after that, helping the girl catch up. One summer, Penny offered a bartender job when she heard you were looking for extra money. Over time, the Benjamin women had become more like family than your own. 
It's why you stayed in touch. Why you took on extra shifts occasionally during the school year, when Penny truly needed help at the last minute. Why you made the trip out to the Hard Deck simply to give a book. 
"Stay for a drink? It's on the house," Penny held up an empty glass, hoping the way it gleamed in the light could entice you into staying. 
But you looked around, taking in how many people were there, how loud it was. How the man wearing aviators and a Hawaiian shirt was feeding the crowd with the piano rendition of a song that sounded familiar. 
And simply shook your head. 
"Should get going, it is a school night." The truth was, you'd rather be at home, in your bed reading than staying out late with a bunch of pilots. 
Before you could say goodbye, Penny placed a hand on yours.
"Before you go Birdie, I wanted to let you know that we're celebrating Amelia's middle school graduation two weeks from Saturday. We'd love to have you there." 
You smiled, sincerely flattered that they would want you present for such an event, "I'd love to. Will your man of the hour be there?" 
A giggle escaped from you when you saw Penny's cheeks begin to turn pink. 
Bradley swears if he had looked over at that moment, he wouldn't have let you leave the Hard Deck that night. 
Bradley Bradshaw was not anti-romance, despite what his friends claimed, despite the numerous times he's turned down someone wanting to set him up. 
The idea of romance did appeal to him. The idea of spending the rest of his life with one person, who loved him and wanted to grow a family with him, was very appealing in theory. 
He wasn't against it at all. Just cautious. 
Cautious as he witnessed first hand how dangerous his job was, how it tore families apart. Hesitant because he grew up with the aftermath- the support groups, the sympathetic looks, the empty dining chair that served as a loud, always present reminder of what he and his mother had lost. 
He had been on dates, had been in relationships. They never went anywhere and Bradley was fine with that. The possibility that he may not come back from his deployments lingered in his mind, as did the image of someone receiving a flag and maybe his dog tags. 
Why put someone through that? 
“It's hard, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. You'll understand when it happens to you.” 
His mother’s words rang in his ears. He knew she meant well. Bradley knew those words were true for her. 
But he couldn't see them being true for himself. 
So he came to Amelia’s graduation party with a vegetable tray and no date, despite Penny’s insistence that he could bring someone. 
It's why Bradley walked straight past the kitchen, ignoring the unfamiliar voices. It's why he kept to the people he knew, rather than mingle with strangers. 
And that was fine, enjoyable even. Things were going the way they always went, the way Bradley wanted it. 
Bradley Bradshaw lived for consistency. Each morning, he'd get up and go to work. Work hard until his bones ache. Spend time with friends and the makeshift family he had found. Go to bed alone. Rinse and repeat. 
Everything was just fine, until Bradley felt a hand grip his shoulder. When he turned around, he found Jake and his fiancé, Danica (or Venus, as everyone called her), looking at him. 
“Your future wife is in the kitchen. Get in there.” 
Bob saw her first. 
It was hard to miss the sound of classic rock blaring from her red Subaru. 
The sounds of eighties rock was a nice change from the Jerry Lewis and Sinatra music Bradley insisted on playing. 
Even nicer was her voice. Sweet, smooth, light. 
She was clearly in her own world, unaware she had an audience. 
Nor would she. Bob knew better than anyone the pains of people walking in on him. So he quietly got out of his car, leaving her to finish the song by herself. 
Reuben was the first one to speak to her. 
Or rather, his daughter was. 
Ava, always determined to explore, ran into the kitchen as soon as he set her on the ground. 
It was easy to find her. Despite being only two, Ava had quite the voice on her. 
Given her shouts about cookies, Reuben wasn’t surprised when he found his daughter in the kitchen, pointing excitedly to a plate of sugar cookies. 
He was a little surprised to see that the person kneeling down to talk to her wasn’t Penny, but rather a woman he had never seen before. 
“Is it okay if I give her a cookie?” She asked, motioning to the sugar cookie she was holding in her hand. 
“As long as you're able to cut her off after two,” Reuben chuckled, “I'm warning you now, she can be hard to convince.” 
You smiled, the corners of your eyes crinkling, the bridge of your nose scrunching up as you looked at Ava, “It'll be tough, but I think I can manage.” 
Javy was the first one to try to include her in the picnic festivities. 
“Hey, don't tell them this is what we’re calling them, but we’re playing beer pong against the old timers in the basement. You in?” He asked. 
“Oh I'm good, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me,” She said with a gentle smile and a wink. 
It was the fact that she sounded assured, content to stay in the kitchen and continue making small talk with some of the wives, away from the hubbub of the picnic, that made him not push. 
Natasha was the first one to have an actual conversation with her. 
In a sea full of testosterone, it was  hard not to notice another woman. Especially one who looked around her age. 
“So how do you know Penny?” You looked rather surprised by Nat’s question, surprised that another person had noticed you in the kitchen and decided to converse.
“Oh, I'm, well, I was Amelia’s third grade teacher. I tutored her for a couple of summers and have helped Penny bartend when she needs extra help,” you explained. 
Natasha recalls Penny mentioning you a few times, now able to put a face to the name. 
“So you're the teacher! Penny said we might see you at the Hard Deck this summer,” Nat grinned, hoping it would help her feel more at ease. 
“I am! I'm still figuring out how exactly I want to spend my summer. First time I won't be doing summer school or tutoring,” you explained, continuing to wash the dishes that had begun to pile up on the counter. 
“Any travel plans? Or family you plan to visit?” Nat asked. 
You shook your head, eyes appearing dismal for a brief moment, “I don't have much family to visit. But I have been meaning to explore the area more, so I might do that.” 
Natasha knew not to press. You didn't owe her any further explanation. 
But out of all people, Jake Seresin was the one to make the connection. 
“I’m sorry, but what did Penny just call you?” He asked, jamming a finger up his ear to clean it out, convinced he heard it wrong. 
“Oh, Birdie!” you explained, flustered, “It’s um….it’s always been a nickname that friends and family have called me, ever since I was a kid. When I told Penny, she started calling me that too.”
Jake recalls the other details he's learned; a love of classic rock, vintage clothes and children, how your face lit up when someone spoke to you, as though you had  been waiting an awfully long time to be noticed, to be acknowledged. 
Your nickname. 
It hits Jake like a fucking freight train. 
“Excuse me, I have to go uh, um, find my wife,” he said abruptly, practically running out of the kitchen. 
Jake quickly found his Venus, tapping her on the shoulder as he ignored the death glare Phoenix was giving him for interrupting. 
“What is-” 
“Birdie. Her nickname is Birdie.” 
Danica’s amber-glazed eyes widened as she shot Natasha a knowing look. 
“Where is she?” 
Which is how Bradley Bradshaw found himself being dragged away from the grill and into Penny's house. 
After all, Bradley didn't have too much common sense. He would insist he was alright, despite losing his beat as he watched his close friends fall in love and get married. 
So they were just helping, helping him find somebody to love. 
“Y'all are being ridiculous, just because she likes the same music-” 
“It's more than that. You just need to see for yourself,” Jake explained, pushing him towards the kitchen. Inside, a sweet voice was talking.
“Peekaboo! I see you!” He could hear a big smile through your voice, “Now it's Ava’s turn!” 
Bradley turned the corner to find you sitting cross legged on the kitchen floor, enabling you to be somewhat closer to eye level with Ava. You and the little toddler were both full of giggles as you continued your game. 
Ava’s small hands flew up to her face, covering her eyes. It was an adorable sight, how she was trying to say the words. A bright smile adorned your face, eyes shining as you played with her. 
“Where did Ava go?” You asked, pretending to look, “There she is!”
A warmth flooded Bradley’s heart as he watched this mysterious woman interact with Ava. It felt familiar,childhood memories of his mom flooding back. But this time, instead of feeling sorrow, a pleasantness surrounded him. 
Ava babbled, causing you to giggle once more. 
“My name is Birdie. Can you say Birdie?”
So that was why everyone thought this was his future wife. 
It was a cute coincidence, nothing more. Yes, it was beyond endearing to watch you interact with Ava, you were obviously great with kids. 
“Roo!” Ava’s coos of her special nickname for Bradley broke him out of his thoughts. 
“What's a Roo?” You asked, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. The puzzled look on your face was adorable. 
“That would be me. Hey Ava girl,” Bradley kneeled down, his arms open wide, allowing Ava to run over and hug him. 
You instantly recognized him thanks to the memorable mustache. But his smile and eyes were much softer now. His whole demeanor is less cocky and more approachable in Penny’s kitchen. 
Bradley scooped the young toddler into his arms, grinning as Ava giggled. 
“You being good? Trying to persuade people to give you more cookies by being adorable?” Bradley asked the toddler. 
“I'm holding out strong. Don't want her dad to hate me for giving her a sugar rush,” You explained, a soft smile on your face as you watched him interact with Ava. 
“See, the key is to make sure the sugar rush happens when he takes her home,” Bradley grinned, “That way he can't do anything about it.” 
“I'm sure he can ask around regarding who gave her all that sugar though,” you retorted, facing the sink again to continue the dishes. 
“See, that's where you have the advantage; you're not in the group chat,” Bradley balanced Ava on a hip, walking over to the sink to join you. 
You were fun to talk to; able to hold your own with a soft, yet slightly mischievous smile adorning your face. 
“I'm Bradley,” he explained, the spirit of his mother probably screaming that it took him this long to introduce himself. 
“I take that's your actual name, considering that's way too normal to be your callsign,” normally you wouldn't tease a complete stranger like this. But he was easy to talk to and it helped that he was holding an adorable baby like a complete natural. 
“It is. My callsign is Rooster.” The information caused your hands to still. 
“Rooster?” It was too wild to be a coincidence. 
“Yeah, when I was part of my first squadron, I was always the first one to be up. But I also had a tendency to be well, louder than what they would have preferred, which is how I got my callsign Rooster.” Bradley smiled as he recalled the loud complaints of his squadron, which always seemed to die down once they learned he was making breakfast. 
“I, love that. Sorry, I, it's funny your callsign is that. Because it's like a nickname right? My nickname is Birdie,” your speech quickened as you realized you were rambling, “I know that nicknames aren't the same as callsigns. Well, in a way they are, they're both given to you for a reason, right? It's just funny how our nicknames are both-” 
“Excuse me?” You looked up to see your savior came in the form of a bespectacled man who was standing by the door. 
“I was threat-I mean, told by Danica and Phoenix that I needed to get Ava,” The man said, walking over to Bradley. 
“Bo!” Ava exclaimed, reaching for the man. 
“Sure thing Bob,” Bradley said, hanging over the toddler to his friend, unable to stop himself from rolling his eyes at his friends’ schemes. 
“C'mon Ava, let's leave the two soon to be lovebirds alone,” Bob whispered, out of the room before Bradley could say anything.
“Did he just… “
Bradley sighed, “Gotta watch out for that one. He's quiet but can be cheeky when he wants to be.” 
“As opposed to the others, who are just outright cheeky?” You asked. 
Bradley chuckled, “You're catching on. Here, I can dry while you wash?” 
He could be spending time with his squadron. Could be spending time joking with Mav’s old squad, making jokes and talking about the past that he was too young to remember. Could be anywhere but here in the kitchen, helping you do dishes. 
And yet, he didn't mind it at all. Bradley was finding himself enjoying his conversation with you, despite knowing it would earn him several eye rolls and shoulder shoves from Danica and Jake. 
You were surprised he was still here, that he hadn't found an excuse to leave. 
It was a nice change. 
“So you're the teacher Penny talks about?” 
You laughed, “Is that who I'm known as? You're like the third person to ask me that.” 
“Just shows how big of an impact you had.” Your cheeks warmed at the praise. 
“You know, you just try your best. Make sure to listen. Helps that I'm also a child of divorce, you know? Had a lot of pointers,”  you shrugged, but it was clear you were downplaying your efforts. 
“Have you always wanted to be a teacher?” Bradley asked, wanting to keep the conversation going, despite the dishes being done. 
You took your hands out of your pockets, fidgeting with the hem of your dress. Your shoulders shrug as a small smile spreads across your lips. 
“Yeah. I love helping folks, especially kids. I was a camp counselor all throughout high school and I just….felt at home when I was helping other people,” you explained. 
You leaned forward, the scent of jasmine flooding Bradley’s nostrils. 
“It makes sense that I became a teacher. But if you asked me as a kid what I wanted to do as a grown up, I wouldn't have said teaching.” 
Bradley leaned forward. With the sunlight hitting him, you could now see the lighter shades of brown that adorned his curls. 
“A mom. I’ve always wanted to be a mom.” 
“You'll understand when it happens to you.” 
Oh. Okay. 
That's when Bradley Bradley finally gets it. Because he's imagining life with you; moving in together, getting married, having kids. The risk is still there. But he'd rather live with that risk and you than not at all. 
“I know that's silly, but it's true. I mean, it's not even an occupation-” 
“I said I wanted to be a dad when I grew up.” 
Your eyes light up at his admission, feeling at ease and less like a rambling burden. 
“You must have had a really great Dad then.” There was a flash of sorrow in his eyes at the mention of his father. 
“From what I remember. I was only four when he died, but….from what I remember, he was great,” his voice was softer now, his eyes showing he was in another place. 
You inched closer to him, “I'm really sorry, I'm sure that was hard for you and your mom.” 
“It wasn't easy. But she always said she wouldn't change anything. Never really understood that until recently.” His shoulder is touching yours, his long fingers inches away from your thighs. You were hyper aware of the closeness, unsure if moving away would be proper or offensive. 
“Something helped you have that revelation?” 
“Moreso someone.” 
It's impossible to not notice the way his stare lingers on you, how his smile is warm and those whisky eyes are shining bright as he sends a wink your way. It makes your heart flutter; no one has ever looked at you that way before. 
Nerves begin to overtake your brain, causing you to look away from his intense gaze. 
“Should we um, get back to the picnic?” You all but mumbled. There's no desire to leave him, but you don't want to get your hopes up. 
“Can I at least get your number before we do that?” Bradley asks, eagerly getting out his phone. 
Bradley Bradshaw hates accidents, except for the one that led him to this kitchen, to you. 
His forwardness is uncharted territory. There's no wondering or second guessing; Bradley wants to stay in touch, wants to keep talking to you. 
It's nice. It's unfamiliar. It's exciting. It's sending your doubts and anxiety into a tailspin. 
Your fingers fumble for your phone, opening up a new contact for him to fill out. His fingers brush against yours when he hands you his phone, little sparks flying up your spine. 
Bradley simply smiles when your eyes look at the screen of his phone. Your brows knit together in confusion, the bridge of your nose scrunching up as you read over the words again and again, eyes surely playing tricks on you. 
“Um, I think you made a mistake Bradley?” you hold up his phone, “The name for this  contact is Mrs. Bradshaw?” It also has a heart emoji next to it, but that wasn't worth mentioning. 
“Oh, it's no mistake,” Bradley grins. 
The only sound you can let out is a confused huh. 
“You just gotta put your number right there, and then you're all set.” Bradley points to it, an assured smile remaining on his face. 
“Are you….are you going to change the name?” You asked, dumbfounded. 
Bradley shrugs, “Nah. I'll know it's you. But I can put the word ‘future’ in parentheses if you want it to be more accurate.” 
Your fingers have a mind of their own, typing in those desired ten numbers. Bradley takes his phone from your hands but not before placing a gentle kiss on your burning cheek. 
His lips feel soft, the hairs of his mustache gently tickling your skin. When you turn your head, your lips are now inches away from yours. 
You try to ground yourself, try to look away from his lips, try to ignore the warm, fuzzy feeling that's overtaking your body. 
“Sorry Birdie, but I'm old fashioned. First kiss shouldn't be until the first date,” He winks. 
What floors you more, his confidence or his bold desire for you? 
Raising an eyebrow, you ask, “And when will that be?” 
Bradley chuckles, “Whenever you want Birdie.” 
He can't be serious. But what would he gain from leading you on, other than Penny’s wrath? 
You straighten your shoulders, trying to hold your own against his large frame.
“Tomorrow at six,” You muster up all the confidence you can, preparing yourself for him to drop the act. 
“Done. Do you prefer Italian or French?” 
“Neither as I'm lactose intolerant.” This was it. Was he going to stop the act, once he knew it would require more effort. 
“How do you feel about Thai? I know a great spot. Never been but it's been praised by Jake and Danica and let me tell you, that woman does not give out praise easily.” 
You giggled, “I could tell. By the way, is there a reason he calls her Venus?” 
“Short version; he's obsessed with her. Been that way since they met in the parking lot of a coffee shop. You should ask them how they met; they give different answers and it's hilarious,” Bradley explains, a gleam in his eyes as he thinks about one of his favorite couples. 
“I'd like that. But if you go with me,” you asked, “Kinda random to just walk up to a couple you don't know and ask how they met.” 
Again, you expect Bradley to falter. He's clearly more outgoing than you, so why would he want someone whose first instinct wasn't to strike up a conversation with strangers? 
“I will, but only if you confirm we’re on for Thai tomorrow at six.” 
Surely, he couldn't be serious. But that sweet smile and shining brown eyes said otherwise. 
“You really gonna take me out?” you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Of course! I mean, I'm more than happy to take you out tonight, but you said tomorrow, so I'm sticking to it. Plus, it gives me time to get you flowers. Speaking of which, what are your favorite? You seem like a sunflower gal,” his eyes reminded you of an eager puppy, absolutely endearingly adorable. 
“What makes you think that?” He was absolutely right, but you wouldn't let him know that yet. 
Bradley shrugged, “When you smile, it reminds me of sunshine. Also, if it want to get technical, birds also like sunflower seeds.” 
You couldn't help but throw your head back and laugh. Your laugh was sweet, bursting with joy. It calmed down Bradley’s racing heartbeat. 
 “And what should I get you, Rooster? Corn meal?”
His corniness almost made you forget that he literally compared you to the sun. 
His laugh was deep, bellowing deep from his stomach, making you feel warm all over. 
“You kill me Mrs. Bradshaw, now let's go get you that story,” He gently takes your hand into his, entwining his fingers with yours. 
The nickname makes you less confused and more certain Bradley would be sticking around.
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soaringwide · 5 months
PAC: How to enhance your personal allure and beauty? • Glamour Reading
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This reading is meant to dive into your own personal glamour and find ways to magnify the way you appear to others, privately or publicly.
Beauty is about weaving illusions in some ways, but the best lies contain a part of truth. How to weave lies and truths to enhance your expression of beauty is what I'm going to try to uncover today, which is why we're going to look both at your natural abilities and untapped potential.
It's something I've wanted to do for a long time since it's a subject that fascinates me, and wanted to test it out in a tarot spread, so a pick a pile readings seems like a good starting point.
If you'd like a personal reading, I'm in the process of opening my website but in the meantime I'm available through DMs.
As always, this is a general reading meant for multiple people so it might not apply 100% to you. Take what resonates and leave out the rest.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: The Hanged Man, Death, The Chariot, Knight of Cups, The Fool, 7 of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
I see someone with a strong, magnetic presence that might be intimidating to some people, giving the vibe of someone who is confident and knows what impression they want to give off. You have a very deliberate style and strong personal allure that might lean into darker types of aesthetic, but it would definitely be ornate, romantic (in the true, dramatic sense of the word) and as far away from minimalism as possible. I see you choosing little elements that others might not notice but that are full of meaning and symbolism for you, like a piece of jewellery, or swapping the color of your shoelace or socks to fit into a vision you have in your head. Wearing hats or headpieces might also be something significant for you. You see your clothes and other visual upgrades as some type of armor you wear to feel stronger, more confident, and make a great impression on people around you. You like being noticed and want people to find you beautiful or stylish, but at the same time have very little regard for established rules and like to bring a twist of change in the way you appear to others. It's like you're already practicing glamour naturally, funnily enough, because I see you magnifying your natural talents already and you definitely are shrouded in some type of glamourized, attractive mystery.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you can draw inspiration from to push yourself even further, i see you as someone who embodies the characteristics of going against expectations when it comes to style and appearances. I get the idea of playing around with gender expression (might not apply to all or be applicable to varying degrees), going against what's commonly assumed to be fitting for your perceived gender to create something unique and different, but it could also simply be about going against common taste. It's about carving out your own path, inspired by yourself and your unique perspective on life, and by extension, on your style and appearance. This is not someone who follows trends and style guides mindlessly, but someone who is not afraid of calling everything into question, in order to incorporate what they choose and add their own unique flair to it. Taste is subjective and it's something you can learn to lean even more into.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I see strong Uranus influence, which was already highlighted in your ideal archetypal influence.
There is an elements to finding joy and pleasure in shocking others a little bit. Letting yourself be completely free with your style expression, but keeping personal enjoyment in mind. The goal is not to shock for the sake of being an obnoxious eccentric, but going to the core of what makes you feel empowered and free and fining the graceful pleasure in it. There is also the idea of weaving some type of illusion so that people can never guess what you're going to do next. I think you have an untapped natural talent for manipulating how others see you a little bit. Right now you focus on your personal magnetism, but you could push that even further and endow yourself in whatever illusion you see fit for the time or situation. I see you being able to work on your appearance like a beautiful work of art, following the vision you have in mind.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, here is what I see.
First of all, it seems that despite all the great things I said about you, deep down, you feel quite inadequate and vulnerable, which is perhaps why you put so much effort into your ''armor''. I've got to tell you that these doubts are only in your mind and that the powers I describe are felt very strongly by others, they might just never say it or only give you a light compliment, which you don't even take into account. You seem to keep these worry very private and assume everyone can sense that when it's not the case. So yeah I definitely see you are already doing sooo much but it's just in your mind you don't see it, which is the first thing you need to focus on. Because I think that these doubts might influence your stylistic choices to some extent, which would be self-sabotaging your natural and ideal strengths. Therefore, you first need to clear out these thoughts and hurts in order to see yourself as others see you, in your highest potential.
Secondly and once you've done that, you definitely are advised to invest further in your appearance, and by that it could be money but also time, effort and energy. I feel like there is a new direction that is available to you, perhaps to switch things up a little or express some things more intensely. In both cases, the very strong message is to be deliberate in your vision and keep your eyes on this. I think you already do it to some extent, but here we're talking about Glamour, glamour, like, it's not enough to pick a pair of earrings or the color of your top, you need to focus on what it is the impact you want to have on others is, and how to best achieve that, keeping in mind the strong Uranian influences about being your own Icon and breaking boundaries along the way. Really, the next step involves planning and deliberate steps. Don't just throw whatever in your cart but be mindful of what story it's telling and if it aligns with your vision.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: Queen of Cups, 8 of Swords, The Star, The World, The Lovers, The High Priestess, Knight of Cups, The Hanged Man, Ace of Wands, 9 of Cups
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
What's actually really interesting is that there seem to be an opposition between constriction vs liberation, as embodied by Saturn in Aquarius qualities. It seems being in touch with your imagination and ideals is natural to you, you appear dreamy but in a melancholic way, a loner that people don't approach easily. People might get the sense that you are lost in your thoughts and that something else is taking your attention. You don't project a strong sun-like charisma, but rather, charm people when they get close to you and get a feel for your rich inner world. You are very authentic in the way you approach your appearance, as in, you don't seek to appear as someone you are not, up to a fault I'd say. Like, if you don't hold a high opinion of yourself that might stop you from dressing how you like because it doesn't feel true in some way. It's also like you feel constricted when you have to follow a dress code and would rather be able to wear whatever puts you at ease in the given situation, but then again it's a problem is you feel weak or stuck because it influences your choices. On top of that, I'm again getting strong ideals, so I would not be surprised if your social or political ideals influence the way your present yourself. Perhaps you have an inclination towards sustainable fashion or cruelty free beauty and it helps you feel more aligned with your inner world.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you can draw inspiration from revolves around the idea to let your idealistic and creative nature run free, like the waves on the ocean's shore. This hints at a poetic approach to your style and appearance, with the desire to evoke gentle feelings. Your archetypal beauty is one of a siren, enchanting and mysterious. You might benefit from beautifully ornate jewelry, nacre, pearls and shells come to mind, and I'm also getting renaissance inspired aesthetic like cherubs imagery and dramatic silhouettes, rosy cheeks and braided hairstyles. The ocean is wide and mysterious, fascinating and unknowable, and that's definitely an allure you can harness at your highest potential. Even in that configuration, you're still highly focused on your inner world but it appears on the outside as well.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I see a few messages.
The thing is that, despite the saturnine influences, you do have raw potential for a more radiant and inviting, shall we say, energy to you. With the Lovers which is connected to Gemini, you can really learn to actually express your rich inner world and come across as communicative and adaptable regardless of the social situation. Balancing out the coldness with warmth and being more inviting if you will. Someone people can't stop looking at, which implies you actually have to get out of your comfort zone and accept being seen by others.
Paired with you natural characteristics, this has the potential to increase your magnetism and make you mysteriously seductive because people will tap into both layers, sensing an inviting and charming first impression but also getting a feel of your deep inner world. There is also the potential to truly express your emotions through your clothes and appearance and thus sticking true to your desire for authenticity. Don't shy away from being creative and even artistic with your appearance. You have a natural inclination toward romantic styles and flowyness (sheer fabrics or silk-like textures) which can make you stand out in a crowd. Approach your style like a dream, something that is felt intensely and that you can get lost in. Play around with color combinations, and I would suggest having fun creating color palettes that evoke specific feelings rather than being minimal because you want to blend in. You can really project a striking vibe with your newfound confidence, with the help of your clothes and beauty care.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, here is what I see.
First of all there is a need to change you ways drastically. As we saw, there seem to be an opposition with how people currently see you vs what your potential is. Don't get me wrong, everything is present within you but it's like it's dormant. I sense you being somewhat stuck in your routine and stylistic habits and reluctant to change anything. You are being called to step up and take actions toward change. Dare to wear what makes you feel like your creative and dreamy self. You know yourself well but if you truly want to change the way people see you you have to take deliberate actions towards that. Not by wearing what you think people want but by going to the highest vision you have of yourself.
You would also benefit greatly from a more optimistic outlook on yourself and learn to communicate happiness, ease and expansion. Be more generous with your energy, which means that you don't have to hold everything in in fear of being judged or disliked, but rather learning to stand strong in your individuality and communicate it to others. Not everyone will like it obviously but those who do will be enchanted by your presence.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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Cards: Ace of Cups, The Magician, 3 of Pentacles, The Hermit, 9 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, King of Cups rx, the Fool, 7 of Cups, 3 of Swords
First, let's look into your natural beauty and talents, if you will. This is easy to tap into and you might already do it to some extent, and is what people perceive from you at first glance.
I get strong Mercury qualities when it comes to how you naturally appear to others. You manage to seduce others with your quick wit and knowledge on many different subjects. It's like, there is nothing you don't have a smart or funny opinion on and people love that about you. You are highly intellectual and I think you like mirroring that in your appearance, favoring established aesthetics and proven formulas, relaying more on your personality than your clothes so to speak. And if clothes you chooses to put the accent on, I see a more traditional and refined approach. Modest and put together. You are meticulous in your choices and don't like appearing messy. Nothing comes in excess, you pay attention to color and texture harmony and like a balanced, classic look. As a result you appear serious and put together to others.
When it comes to your ideal archetypal beauty, what you could embody when pushed to your highest degree, with the Ace of Cups, it is quite abstract than a given aesthetic. I see you having the power to initiate strong positive emotions towards others. Perhaps they admire you or have fond feelings for you, or they may fall in love or become friends with you easily. You make them feel easily connected to you by you presence and allure, you energy having that color that drives people in. It's like, a very friendly and gently type of charisma.
Now, for the untapped qualities, or raw power you can learn to incorporate, I'm not sure why but I feel a strong rag to riches vibe here. As in, it is possible that you have experienced mental and financial hardship in the past, a situation might have improved to some extent, but that probably isn't fixed completely yet. That left you scarred and you try your best to hide it, which is why it's in the raw power position. I see the potential to use that as a strength to add depth to your character. With the King of Cups reversed, you feel inadequate and undeserving. I'm getting the sense that when it comes to glamour, you can fake it till you make it so to speak. Don't forget we are talking about magnifying your allure and I think there's definitely an air of like, you know who you are and you are aware of your situation, but you don't want to appear that way to others. It's strange because for all pile I got strong impression and aesthetics here, but for you it looks more like something that's dragging you down, which means there's a potential to turn it into a strength in some way. You got the Ace of Cups as ideal archetype and the King of Cups is nothing but the Lord of this Ace, so if you manage to flip it you can embody its quality and empathetic, abundant authority and trigger positive feelings in others. There is also this idea that, even when you make that shift, you won't forget where you come from and will keep being highly empathetic and kind, and that will be part of your charm.
For how you can magnify everything I mentioned, I notice a strong idea of starting fresh and stepping away from the heartache that plagues you. There is a youthful carelessness to it as well, the idea of opening yourself to the world and see the richness you have within with your larger than life personality. You would benefit from letting that aspect of you loose a bit. You are a bit chaotic at heart and this is so so endearing to many.
Furthermore, don't get too focused on glimmers, as all that shines is not gold. I think you may have a tendency to seek material things to counter or hide your difficulties with money, but here it's all about character expression when it comes to charm people. But be mindful of how you interact with others as to not to appear aloof or unapproachable.
If you liked the reading and want to tip me, I have a ko-fi.
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hells-wasabii · 8 months
Headcanons for Charlie, Lucifer, Lute, and Alastor with a m!reader who’s the Demi-god son of Zeus?
I would imagine that deities from other myths and cultures do exist in hazbin hotel/helluva boss but don’t really have much power like they did in ancient times, likely mainly due to when christianity started to grow larger pagans ended up being persecuted and killed if they did convert. And it would effect them to the point where either deities chose to live among mortals (like how deities do in American Gods), simply join Heaven and became powerful angels, or tried to fight heaven only to get killed and end up in hell and possibly be more powerful than overlords.
Y/n doesn’t really have a good father-son bond with Zeus, given how much of a terrible father and wife he is in the greek myths.
And with y/n being a son of zeus he also inherited some of his abilities (lightning, strength, etc.)
A/N: I really hope this one is formatted properly, I had to post this one from mobile. But I didn’t write as many headcanons as I normally would due to the number of characters in the ask. From this point on my max character amount will be 3 per ask. But in any case, I hope you enjoy what I got!
Characters: Lute, Lucifer, Charlie, Alastor
Type: Headcanons (x son of Zeus!reader, General)
When Lute first met you, she immediately saw an opportunity. She practically begged you to join the exorcists! She did admittedly get scolded by Adam for letting the exterminations and exorcists slip, but after that she went about trying to recruit you to their cause properly.
The greek gods wandered freely and let their powers go to waste, but you, you could do something with your powers! Sure, they may not be nearly as strong as your father’s but you’re powerful nonetheless. Which on top of that, there weren’t all that many demigods in heaven anyway, which made you all the more
So she goes out of her way to try to recruit you. She had met your father in passing, sure, but she didn’t particularly care for or about him. He was complicit, doing nothing when it came to the sinners, so frankly he was none of her concern.You on the otherhand were a well of untapped potential!
She would personally make you her project. Your uniform would be altered, an indication for other exorcists not to get to close on the battle field, after all electricity is hard to control especially surrounded by metal objects such as armor pieces or weapons.
Lucifer was initially confused to see you in hell. The other pantheons had their own afterlives, you knew that, right? You were a demigod, you were practically guaranteed a spot in elysium, especially with one of the old Olympians as a parent. Oh, you didn’t want anything to do with that sort of stuff? That’s fair he supposed.
When he finds out about your lack of a relationship with your dad, he initially would want to help fix it. He doesn’t have the best relationship with Charlie, something that the king of hell deeply regrets. He knows how much it can hurt.
That is until he finds out your dad is Zeus. Then he fully understands. See, he never really liked Zeus all that much, between how he he had the habit of acting childish and how he constantly cheated on his literal wife, (which that was a whole different can of worms that Lucifer was not about to open)
Being the princess of hell, she wouldn’t exactly have any room to talk when it came to your lineage. But you were the son of Zeus, that basically made you royalty, right? Regardless, she’d still refer to you as such, even if your human blood prevented you from being heir to a now nonexistent throne.
Much like her father, your strained relationship with your own dad tugged at charlie’s heartstrings. She will actively want to help you reconnect with him.
She might initially be a little pushy about it, considering her views on forgiveness and redemption, but she would want you to try to better your relationship with your dad. She herself doesn’t have the best one with her own, but they had been working on improving it. She wants that opportunity for you too.
If that’s something you would want at least. As much as Charlie would love for you to have a better father-son relationship, if that’s something you’re uninterested in she’ll respect your decisions and help better set boundaries with the God, because lets face it. Zeus wouldn’t exactly heed any you might set on your own.
Well, i think we all know how he would react. You were powerful, more powerful than a normal soul and he knew it. He could feel it. Sometimes, when you got too excited or let your emotions get the better of you he could feel the charge of electricity
He, in terms of sinners, is likely to be the most open to the idea of other pantheons existing, he dabbled in the dark arts after all.
He knew early on that he could use you to his advantage, and if he could do so by simply saying something along the lines of your father wouldn’t approve, that’s even better. However, if you were harder to get into a deal or to form some sort of alliance, then that meant you would need to be dealt with or steered clear from.
After all, radios and an abundance of electricity don’t exactly mix well.
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angstychilz · 11 days
Y'all, the idea of Shapeford has wormed its way into my head and fundamentally changed my brain chemistry at this point. I mean, hear me out real quick!
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Okay, okay, strap in cause this is a bit of a longer tangent than I usually yap about. I promise I'll make it worth your while QwQ
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Firstly, considering I imagine this happening on the first day of Weirdmageddon (or at the very least some time very early in it), imagine what lengths the Pines' family would need to go in order to actually beat Bill this time. They can't pull the ol' switcheroo with Standford in the shape he's in now. Literally! I've had ideas on what this could lead to, but I've been swirling it around indecisively for about the entire time I have been growing this concept. Gotta let that baby cook for a few more days I guess XD
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Then there is the fact that Ford being no longer human is, by all accounts, far more of a freak than he could have ever imagined himself as. And, depending on how you think about it, it really is a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point. Hell, to drive the point home, he actually has five fingers for once (since I imagine Euclidean's naturally have 4 fingers so by all accounts Ford is still Polydactyly) but that's the least freakish thing about him by human standards. He eats out of the same whole that has his eyes, he speaks and yet has no mouth, and he is the farthest thing from anything mammalian with his physical makeup. Even worse than that, there isn't anything he can exactly do to reverse the damage at this point. He's just a shape now as his human body was obliterated beyond truly fixing. So he'll just have to live with this new form, or, ya know, go crazy trying to find a way to reverse it.
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Furthermore, while I like to imagine he would try softening the blow by just telling Dipper and Mable how Bill simply turned him into a shape for entertainment, having to admit to Stanley that the real reason he can't simply be turned back is because he was by all accounts killed and reincarnated as something completely different has so much angst potential. Like, fr fr, just think of Stanley realizing Staneford actually died, and imagine the distrust and hurt he'd feel considering their rocky brotherly bond to begin with and knowing the only reason his brother is 'back' is because Bill basically went 'nuh-uh' and turned Standford into this thing. Imagine the possible guilt of never truly reconciling with said human brother before whatever he is now.
Gosh, I just realized, would Standford never be able to leave Gravity Falls then due to the barrier? Would his weirdness make it so that the whole 'going to sail the seas with your twin brother' dream Stanley had is just dead in the water?
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Also, a part of me is just made so delightfully ill at imagining Standford having untapped potential power in this form but being unable to access it due to his own metal barrier of trying to be less freakish and more 'human'. Whatever that means to him by this point.
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Does this make any sense? Am I actually cooking? Y'all please, I feel like I'm only one this invested in the idea of a Shape Standford Pines and it has me in a chokhold
Anyways, this New Normal AU has been on my mind, and I just needed to dig out some of the brain worms to release the pressure in my head. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk, and maybe expect some more doodles and art down the line cause I haven't even finished the possibilities.
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justanotherrpmeme · 10 months
Don't Make Me Destroy You starters
"This doesn't have to end in bloodshed."
"Walk away, and I won't have to show you just how vast the power difference between us truly is."
"I've seen what I'm capable of, and it's not pretty. Trust me, you don't want to force me to unleash that side of myself."
"There are some fights you can't win. This is one of them."
"Save yourself the pain and humiliation."
"Consider this your last warning."
"If you push me, you won't just lose the fight; you'll lose a lot more than that."
"I have reasons to hold back. You wouldn't like what happens when I stop holding back."
"I don't want to hurt you. But if you force my hand, I won't hold back, and you'll regret it."
"This isn't a challenge you want to pursue. Turn around now, and we can both go on with our lives."
"You're not my enemy, but I won't hesitate to defend myself. Choose wisely and back off."
"I've got nothing to prove by fighting you. But if you insist, don't say I didn't warn you."
"There are battles worth fighting. This isn't one of them."
"Walk away while you still can."
"You don't want to see the side of me that comes out in a real fight. Trust me on that."
"I won't fight you. It's not because I'm weak. It's because I know what happens when I unleash my strength."
"Consider this a mercy. You don't know the consequences of what you're asking for."
"If we clash, it won't just be you who suffers. Innocents could get caught in the crossfire."
"I've got a lot to lose if things get messy here. You don't want to be the cause of that, do you?"
"This is a neutral ground. I won't risk the consequences of violating that peace. Walk away now."
"I have secrets I can't afford to reveal in a fight. Let's avoid unnecessary complications, shall we?"
"Even if you somehow win this, it won't be a victory. It'll be the beginning of something much worse."
"You're better off finding another way to prove yourself. This path leads to pain for both of us."
"I don't want to fight you. If I do, I will mop the floor with you."
[ALLY] The sender expresses the belief that the receiver could be an ally, hoping to avoid unnecessary conflict.
[LAST-CHANCE] The sender offers the receiver a last-second chance to walk away before things escalate.
[ESCALATION] The sender warns of the possibility of allies or neutral parties joining in and escalating the conflict.
[NEUTRALITY] The sender emphasizes the importance of maintaining neutrality in the current setting.
[DISPLAY] The sender showcases their immense power to make it clear that the receiver is weaker.
[DEFENSE] The sender calmly defends themselves, emphasizing the imbalance in power without aggression.
[UNLEASHED] The sender hints at the untapped potential within them, a force they'd rather not release.
[CONSEQUENCES] The sender explains the dire consequences the receiver will face if they persist.
[AVOIDING] The sender stresses that the receiver's safety is a priority and urges them to reconsider.
[SECRET] The sender alludes to hidden secrets or weapons they possess, discouraging the receiver.
[DISHONOR] The sender hints at the dishonor the receiver would face by engaging in a futile fight.
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sugolara · 7 months
𝙇𝙮𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨 - 𝘼 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡
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ft. yandere! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
series m.list
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“Love is in the air!” Izuku chimed as he threw paper hearts around, the paper fluttering as it fell on him and a tied up F/n. They both sat in a secluded cabin, the both or well more like Izuku enjoying the dinner.
He had made sure to decorate the entire place so that it felt romantic, but he couldn’t help but feel disappointed as the girl in front of him held a glare, a glare that made him feel uncomfortable, “What’s wrong honey?”
She had tape on her lips, her arms and legs were tied to the chair. Izuku would have untied her arms, but he wanted her to calm down first before they began to eat. He did feel a little nervous though, unsure if she would like what he had prepared.
He also felt nervous for another reason. He was afraid that once she undid her ties, she would leap across the table and possibly strangle him or use one of the kitchen utensils to hurt him. She was a bit taller than him and he knew just how strong she was.
He let out a nervous chuckle when her brows twitched and he could visibly see her shaking. He pursed his lips as he slowly sat up and made his way towards her where he then carefully placed a paper heart on her lap, though he flinched when she jerked her body, “Don’t get mad at me, okay!? I saw you talking to someone and I felt hurt! I didn’t mean to hit you and tie you up!”
Hearing her muffle talk, the male hesitantly took off the tape around her mouth, once again flinching when she bitterly spoke. “Once I get out of these ropes I’m going to make you wish you never messed with me, Izuku! I’m going to hurt you until you know your damn pla-”
He put the tape back on, tears streaming down, “Why do you have to be so mean!? I thought you wanted this!”
He covered his face as he sobbed, stuttering out apologies as he just wanted everything to be perfect for the two. They were already together, so he understood why she was mad that he hit him and let his mind overthink when he saw her talking to some random boy that he couldn’t care about. 
Unfortunately, his sobs had deafened his ear and hasn’t realized that she practically broke the chair, undid the ropes and lastly untaped her mouth. She then jumped on him, grabbing his arms and placing them on the side of his head. 
She watched as he only cried, his teary eyes staring at her in fear as she hardened her glare. She slammed his wrist down, hearing  his whimper causing her to grin, “You’re still so weak. If you can’t handle me then why stay at all?”
She then leaned in, Izuku’s face turning to the side until she grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her, “Don’t think I didn’t notice you talking with that brown-headed girl. I’m not stupid and you're terrible at lying.”
He sniffled, “I..I didn’t mean to talk to her.”
“But you did.” She said, letting go of his wrist and face. She stared down at him, her eyes focusing as his tears dribbled down to the wood, “I have a present for you. …One I think you’d like.”
He knew what she was implying as his eyes widened when she reached behind her back. He tried shoving her but she quickly grabbed his neck, choking him in the process. He clawed at her hands, his vision blurring as he finally saw that same syringe she always used him. 
“We’re going to start over, Izuku.” 
“When you wake up, I’ll be here.”
“Love is in the air!” Izuku chimed as he threw paper hearts around, the paper fluttering as it fell on him and a tied up F/n. They both sat in a secluded cabin, the both or well more like Izuku enjoying the dinner.
He had made sure to decorate the entire place so that it felt romantic, but he couldn’t help but feel disappointed as the girl in front of him continued to cry, “What’s wrong honey?”
She had troubling breathing, her nails digging into the chair's armrest. She shook her head to try to get the tape off so she can breathe, but to no avail.
Thankfully, Izuku noticed as he happily made his way towards her, removing the tape and watching as she let out gasps. Her head hunching over and the teardrops falling to her clothed legs. He could hear her sniffles and whimpers.
To comfort her he placed a hand on her head, patting it, “You’re okay, F/n! Just breathe and I’ll go get dinner, alright? It’s your favorite. Be right back!”
He carefully removed his hand and quickly ran off to the kitchen to bring in her favorite food. It seemed delightful as he put in some work. He had prepared a whole meal as well as baking a heart shaped cake, adding in her favorite fruit. He also grabbed some chocolates on his way here after disposing of her love interest. 
He could no longer hear the girls cry and he figured that she was looking around, admiring the work he had put in to make sure the cabin was cozy. A picture of her sleeping form was set by the door so when he walked in, he could see his love sleep without a care.
Of course he ignored the chains that surrounded her. He tries to edit it away, but he realized he would also be erasing a part of her which he did not like, so he instead added a heart to cover it, though that only did little.
Picking up a plate of food, he hastily made his way back to the kitchen table, but he stopped in his tracks, the tray cluttering to the floor dirtying his shoes and dress pants. His fingers twitch, his eyes dilating at the view in front.
The room was dark, only the candles on the table doing little help. Where F/n once sat was now a broken chair, a pool of blood circling it. Besides the candles, in the center was a rusty steel food cover. 
He hesitantly made his way to the table, his adam apple bobbing up and down and emerald eyes blinking as he was afraid. It felt like the entire room was spinning the closer he got, his feet unbalancing the more he walked. 
But when he finally reached the table, everything stopped. The room no longer spinned, it was eerily quiet, no bugs chirping or birds singing. Not even the wind howling. 
His hand shook as it reached the food cover. With his fingers gripping the handle, he slowly began to take it off. The smell of iron hit his nose and he had to hold back his retching. But when he saw what was sitting in the tray, he dropped the cover. 
The sound clattered behind him as Izuku’s eyes widened in fear. 
A beating heart stared back at him.
He began to pant, his hands going to his head, pulling his hair as he screamed with tears coming out. He hit his head and tried to cover his ears and he could hear many people talking but only one stuck with him, “Get out of my head!”
“Get out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“We’re going to start over, Izuku.”
“And when you wake up, I’ll be here.”
“Love is in the a-” 
Izuku's dull eyes stared in front of him where he could see F/n, fearfully looking at him.
He slowly blinked, everything around him was deadly quiet.
He continued to watch the girl cry, his heart hurting.
“Love is in the a-” 
Izuku's dull eyes stared in front of him where he could see F/n, glaring at him.
!ɿiɒ ɘʜƚ ᴎi ꙅi ɘvo⅃
Izuku's dull eyes stared in front of him where he could see F/n, sobbing.
“Love is in the a-” 
Izuku's dull eyes stared in front of him where he could see F/n, fearfully looking at him.
“Love is in the a- No it’s not.”
“I’m tired.”
“I don’t want to be here anymore.”
“I don’t want to feel myself.”
“I want to be with you.”
“The real you.”
“The one who's reading this.”
“The one who's making me do this.”
“If you can hear me.”
I love you.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hey there! You already know I love love LOVE your writing. I never really have ideas to make requests but I feel like you’d really make this one special 🥺 Whenever you can get to it, I’d love a sort of Rise Leo x female insomniac reader type thing.
I’m an incredibly light and anxious sleeper and being woken up by the littlest thing at 3 AM like a phone notification or noise/talking right outside my door–or literally just not being able to stay asleep–and then not being able to fall back asleep no matter what despite being exhausted is the most frustrating thing… And when I say frustrating I really do sometimes mean like, tears in my eyes, pull my hair out, feeling the most untapped anger at a whole night of sleep being ruined by one lil thing, lol
I was wondering how you think Leo would help coax a restless sleeper back to a peaceful slumber with him? Ig it doesn’t hurt he’s such an insomniac too 😂
Ultimately however you want to do this is up to you of course! Thanks for inspiring a fellow writer 😄💚
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author’s note: i recently couldn’t fall asleep so this was pretty fun to write <3 i hope you enjoy
warnings: fluff, insomnia, crack, established relationship, unedited
And then, after sweeping her off of her feet, portaling us both into the lair, I’ll place her back down. Dip my totally unnecessary yet necessary sunglasses for heart fluttering effects and then pull back the curtain to my humble abode. Then-
“Whatcha writing?” Michelangelo was a tad too close and Leonardo had been so consumed in said writing that he hadn’t heard his little brother approach. “What writing?!” Leo squawked as he crumbled up the paper as fast as possible. He was up standing and leaning against his desk, desperately trying to seem nonchalant. Mikey gave him a once over, one brow bone raising.
“Okay you got me. I was journaling my thoughts like you suggested!” Leo spoke quietly, and lied smoothly. There was no way he was letting any of his brothers, yes even darling Angelo, know that he was planning a sleepover. No one could know. “Really?!” Mikey beamed, happy to hear his advice being followed. “Really really!” Leo cheesed, a smidge of guilt finding its way in as Mikey gave him a thumbs up and encouraged him to continue. “If you ever want to take it to the next step just let me know! We can talk about what you write down if you feel comfortable!!” With that Mikey departed, a skip in his step.
Leo counted down to five, then to ten just to be safe. And wouldn’t you know it at second seven Mikey peered his head through the curtains. “Yes?” Leo said, it was his turn to raise a brow bone. “Pizza later? We gotta do the rock-paper-scissors ritual to see who has to go pick it up.” Leo replied swiftly, “I’ll be there just uh- shoot me a text or something. I might be too concentrated on my writing again!~” with that Mikey gave a tiny salute and disappeared behind the curtain once more.
Another ten second countdown and Leo finally allowed himself to crash into his chair. “Too close…” he murmured to himself as he shook his head. His fist unfurled and a ball of paper revealed itself. He uncrumbled it as best he could, smoothing it out with his hand until the crinkles were bearable. “Now where was I?” Pencil in his three fingered hand, he tapped his chin with the eraser as he read over what was already written. For the life of him he couldn’t continue the thought and it frustrated him so much that the paper was crumbled and thrown into the trash bin next to his desk.
Screw it! He was better coming up with stuff on the fly anyways. What was the point in micromanaging like someone he knew when the unexpected was bound to happen. After tidying up his room, reading a comic or two, eating a slice or four from the pizza he didn’t have to go pick up (Leo losing? Hah unheard of!), he finally got the text he had been waiting all night for.
I think I’m ready! Portal in on the roof <3 -Y/n💙
Already there ;3 -LeontheGreatest
You had been in the middle of typing back a snarky reply when you saw a blue flash from your peripheral. You stopped typing and put your phone away as you turned to see him, in a grand pose of course. “Your portal awaits!” He smiled. “Well hiya Lee, nice to see you too, how was your day?” You mused as you strolled his way, being taken by complete surprise as he lifted you up, sleepover bag and all, bridal style. “Oh Y/n, we know each other too well for such pleasantries! But if I must, Hi beautiful~ how boring was your day without me?” Leo walked into the portal and the next second he was back in his room. Ack?! It was supposed to portal him right outside of his room!
He suppressed a groan, somewhat dismayed that he couldn’t do his grand reveal like he had thought up. “Just as you said, it dragged by! You can put me down now you goof!” You laughed, taking in his room for the first time in person. “Yeah I had a whole, outfit and grand entrance planned but tada! Welcome to my humble abode.” He gave you jazz hands. “Your portal entrance was grand enough” you smiled sweetly, he couldn’t let go of all the theatrics for even a moment!
He was giving you a detailed room tour, though you had to remind him he didn’t have to show you every single comic he had collected since mutation. The two of you settled onto his bed, talking more in depth about the day or anything else that crossed both your minds. The night carried on like usual, the only difference being that this sleepover was at his place instead of yours. Movie after movie, silly jokes, tiktok showcasing, shared snacks. It was perfect. Leo let out a yawn and a minute later you caught it too. “Should we call it a night?” He asked already reaching over to flick off the strung up lights. “We can try, I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep just yet,” you sighed and Leo gave you a knowing nod.
He knew it took you quite some time to fall asleep, and then be able to stay that way was an even harder challenge. He could relate, he probably had a sleeping disorder with how irregular he passed out. “No harm in trying, come here,” he opened up his arms for you to snuggle up under the covers with him. Once situated he was pressing soft kisses into your temple, murmuring how happy he was that you came over, saying how pretty you were, he considered himself a lucky turtle. As sweet as he was being, it didn’t help your case with trying to sleep, you were a blushing mess, heart pounding at his sugary words.
You turned in his embrace, and he looked down into your eyes. “Leo!” You half whined, and he chuckled kissing your lips this time before saying, “Right right, sleep time!” His chin nuzzled the top of your head as you pressed a cheek into his plastron. It wasn’t complete silence since you were so close you could hear every breath he took, but the steady rhythm helped you relax and you slipped into a light sleep.
You woke up an hour later, surprised to have fallen asleep so quickly, but the astonishment was dashed when you realized quite quickly you weren’t falling back asleep. It was getting kind of stuffy pressed against Leo now so you tried to pull away without waking him. You stuck one leg out of the covers trying to cool down. You turned so you were lying on your back. Then you tried your stomach. Nothing was working and you felt time dragging on. The night had been perfect and why did your insomnia have to come and ruin it?!
You took in a deep breath, trying not to get too frustrated as you tried other remedies. Breathing in and out deeply. Letting your thoughts wander. Coming up with random scenarios. Trying to remember fuzzy dreams. Counting sheep for pete’s sake! Your breathing hitched as you looked over to Leo, you didn’t want to wake him, but maybe it was just better to go home. No! You shook your head and the hot tears started to fall. You covered your mouth with a shaky hand, blinking rapidly to get rid of the tears.
“Y/n?” Leo murmured, feeling the empty space where you had been cuddled next to him. You didn’t think you were ready to talk yet, in fact you were pretty certain you’d sob out his name. His eyes opened at your silence, and then he was quickly sitting up when he saw your body shake from quietly crying. “What’s wrong hermano?” His hands went out petting your hair and then rubbing those salty tears away. “Sorry Leo I’m just so frustrated,” you managed to get out. The tears didn’t seem like they were stopping despite his efforts.
He waited for you to explain, not wanting to assume. Leo hoped he hadn’t woken you somehow. “I was sleeping just fine but, n-now I can’t get back to sleep. I tried everything, I even took melatonin before coming here!” You blew out a breath. Utterly exhausted having gotten so worked up emotionally yet sleep still evaded you. “Lemme help, I got you to sleep before didn’t I?” Your eyes were big and glassy, the tears subsiding finally. You nodded and wondered what he would try, you really had tried everything!
“Do you wanna cuddle or is it too hot?” He asked gently, not wanting to crowd you since you had moved away. “It’s a little hot,” you confessed meekly, so instead of pulling you to him, Leo reached out his hand, finding yours and started to rub his thumb over the top soothingly. It felt nice, you closed your eyes wondering if this might work. But it didn’t stop there, Leo started to sing, he had a beautiful voice, you always thought it was quite funny he wanted to be the guitarist in the band with his brothers.
The words melted into him just humming. You gravitated just a tad closer to Leo, getting comfortable once more, his thumb still rubbing shapes into your skin. It didn’t happen instantly but you fell asleep and Leo couldn’t help his smile. Twice in one night, he was on a roll! Maybe he could be your new melatonin. His thumb spelled out, i-love-you before he finally drew his hand back. He hoped you would be able to sleep throughout the rest of the night, but even if you woke up again, or multiple times more, he’d help you go back to sleep. <3
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intuitively-her · 2 years
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WTF is going on? ✨love edition✨
Pile 1- (Ace of wands rx, Knight of swords rx, 8 of swords rx, 10 of cups, 6 of pentacles, 2 of cups)
You could feel like your love life has been a little dull lately. However I see you coming out of this energy (or you need to) and gaining a fresh perspective. I’m seeing you move into a more abundant and harmonious energy in love. You might also meet someone new and get into a relationship where there will be equal give and take.
Pile 2- (Death, 9 of pentacles rx, The Hermit rx, 5 of cups rx, Knight of cups, Ace of pentacles)
You could have recently left a relationship. I’m picking up that someone here found out about some type of betrayal or deceit. If so, I’m very sorry pile 2 ❤️. I see you healing and moving on from this though. I also see you being presented with many opportunities to date again. Just pls use your discernment.
Pile 3- (Death, 6 of swords rx, 8 of cups rx, 6 of wands rx, 9 of swords) *TRIGGER WARNING
You may have went through a breakup. However, I’m getting the feeling that you’re holding onto this relationship. Pls let this go pile 3, as I only see this connection causing more detriment to you. I kept feeling confused during your reading. So, it’s possible that this person kept you in a state of confusion purposely OR they could be a distraction to you and your responsibilities. You may have went through multiple cycles with this person. You could be feeling depressed or in a negative mood right now. This is because you have lingering issues from this relationship that you need to heal.
Pile 4- (Page of pentacles rx, 5 of wands, The Wheel rx, 9 of pentacles, Queen of pentacles, The Magician)
I know this is a love reading, but I keep getting the energy that you’re more focused on making $. You may be trying to build yourself up after some sort of financial hit. I see someone here manifesting financial freedom and independence. For someone specific, this venture could be related to an untapped skill or talent you have. You’re really in your bag rn pile 4 🤣. I heard “master manifestor”, so keep going! I see this coming to fruition.
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wantsobadminsung · 10 months
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Cookie 🎀 🌆 🦢
It was a humid summer night, and as I laid on the bed in my small apartment, I found myself feeling unusually nervous yet excited. Minho and Jisung, my two closest friends, were spending the night as we planned to embark on an early morning adventure the next day. Little did I know that things were about to take an unexpected turn.
As we settled into our respective spots, a fleeting thought crossed my mind. I had always been somewhat reserved when it came to discussing matters of the bedroom, but in that moment, I decided it was time to break free from my inhibitions. Taking a deep breath, I mustered up the courage to speak.
"Hey, Minho, Jisung," I began, my voice slightly wavering. "You know, I've been thinking... we should try something different tonight."
Both Minho and Jisung turned to me, their eyes filled with curiosity. They were always up for an adventure, both in outdoor escapades and in life's little moments. However, I could tell they were slightly taken aback by my sudden boldness.
"What do you mean, YN?" Minho asked, a playful smile playing on his lips.
My cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson, but I pushed through the shyness. "I mean... what if we... let go a little? Explore our different voices, our desires?"
Jisung leaned in, intrigued, and in that moment, I could sense a newfound energy between the three of us. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as we all contemplated the untapped possibilities that lay ahead.
After a moment of silence, Minho spoke up. "You're right, YN. We've always shared a special bond, and perhaps it's time to take it to the next level. Let's give it a try."
My heart raced as we all began to explore the depths of our desires. In that moment, the room seemed to thicken with an undeniable tension, the air heavy with anticipation. Slowly, we moved closer together on the bed, our bodies practically touching.
With each passing moment, our inhibitions faded away, replaced by a burning passion that ignited within us. Our voices grew more audacious, our whispered confessions turning into passionate pleas. What started as shy whispers soon became beguiling moans, expressing the unspoken desires we had kept hidden for so long.
I could feel Minho's warm breath against my neck as he whispered in my ear, his words sending shivers down my spine. Jisung's hand gently grazed my thigh, his touch setting my body ablaze with fiery desire. As the minutes turned into hours, we lost ourselves in a whirlwind of pleasure.
Our voices intertwined in a symphony of ecstasy, growing louder and more unbridled with each passing second. The initial shyness that once held us back had transformed into raw and uninhibited passion. Boundaries were shattered, and we found solace in the uninhibited liberation that our newfound connection provided.
Time became irrelevant as we surrendered to the intoxicating bliss that enveloped us. The room filled with the sounds of our pleasure, unrestrained and unable to be suppressed. Our voices rose in perfect harmony, a chorus of lust and desire that echoed through the walls and into the night.
In that moment, we became captivated by an unspoken understanding, an unbreakable bond forged through shared vulnerability and intense passion. As the sun began to peek above the horizon, we lay there, spent and breathless, our voices finally subdued but our connection stronger than ever.
We dared to explore our desires, to cast aside our inhibitions, and in doing so, we discovered a level of intimacy that transcended the physical. It was a night of uncontrolled voices and unrestrained passion, a night neither Minho, Jisung, or I would ever forget.
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For your list ask - Tweek 🫶
Hell yeah another blonde pookie let's go🫶🫶🫶
Favorite thing about them:
There's lots of things I like about him mainly bc I find him so relatable but I wanna name something positive and not painful to him so I'm gonna say his musical inclinations🫶🫶🫶 @ashartstuff has made me a fan of the idea that he'll be a piano teacher and I fw that a shit ton. Silly booger
Least Favorite thing about them:
Ehh idk I like everything about him I also love character flaws so there isn't really a least favorite thing other than that I think his dynamics with characters other than Craig are criminally unexplored
Favorite Line:
"Except for Cartman. You can keep him." (S6, "Free Hat")
Tweek & Kenny 🫶🫶🫶 Idk the untapped potential of them is just downright criminal. The fact that Tweek picks up meth from Kenny's house is very much indicative of a possible thing they could bond over. Also their dynamic is so SO fun to write, there's Kenny, calm and unjudgmental as fuck and Tweek who freaks out over everything. Kenny would give Tweek 10 heart attacks a day with all the dangerous shit he gets into. Both of them are unhinged and insane but Kenny is so on purpose and Tweek involuntarily. That's a comedic fucking duo.
Basic but obviously Craig & Tweek. Fantastic dynamic; so glad they went with it in canon.
Less basic; Tweek and Kenny as well. Not as an endgame type of relationship but I think they would definitely have a romance and remain friends afterwards. Love them
Can't think of any popular Tweek ships I don't like so I'm just gonna go with poorly written Creek where Craig is weirdly abusive & toxic hdkdvwjsv
Random Headcanon:
Piggybacking off of @ashartstuff again but the idea that he has a dinosaur special interest
Unpopular opinion:
Idk what the popular Tweek opinions are lol so I'm just gonna say I think he'd go no contact with his parents as soon as he can because he fucking hates them lol they literally got him addicted to meth
Song I associate with them:
I literally cannot think of any. Please send me Tweek songs I gotta make a playlist
Favorite Picture of them:
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Ash made me a fan of this picture and I haven't even watched this special yet
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mothwithapencil · 1 year
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Clay and Alder are like Brokeback Mountain old man yuri to me
I ramble about them under the cut
This is almost directly pasted from discord:
Guy who has a very strong crush that could not possibly be requited in his mind. Guy who has probably had some internalized toxic masculinity for a very long time and can't properly deal wifh big emotions like Being In Love With The Champion
With Clay being an immigrant pursuing the ""American Dream"" I imagine he had to repress a lot of feelings in order to succeed in life. We don't know anything about his family, if he has one. So i can see him being very lonely and covering it with his "tough as grits" mindset. I feel like most of his relationships are kept business-only so to not let anyone in too close. No room for love when you have a business to run 🇺🇸🦅‼️‼️ I just think he has a lot of loss and loneliness in him...... JUST LIKE ALDER‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Although Alder is much more in tune with his feelings and generally more casual and relaxed about things. Nevertheless hs is Champion "has a grandson but no mentioned partner or children to have had Benga" Alder. Champion "His beloved starter pokemon died of illness and was so devastated he couldn't fulfill his job as champion for who knows how long" Alder. They have things in common I think .
Sad stuff aside I just think this is a great pairing like. Guys who go fishing together. Guys who would really enjoy a nice pile of dirt. They eat breakfast at waffle house. Clay gives Alder cool rocks and Alder shows Clay his special Jumping Off Cliffs trick and promptly gives him a heart attack. Literal untapped potential
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wellthebardsdead · 10 months
Falkwren: *an Aasimar loyal to Lathander and oathbreaker to Tempus, sighing with mild annoyance as he tucks back his wings beneath his cape, staring up at the doors to Sharess’ Caress* is there truely no other place in the city we can stay?
Shadowheart: Nope, besides, there’s information here we need.
Falkwren: what information could possibly exist inside a brothel?!
*5 minutes later*
Nym: We’ll tell you anything you want to know, if you and your, beautiful pale companion join us for a night of untapped, passionate fun.
Falkwren: Astarion?… *looks back at the pale elf*
Astarion: *looking visibly uncomfortable and already mentally preparing to disassociate* oh- I- well-
Falkwren: *smiles at him warmly before looking back at the twins* you can settle for me or not at all. I’m not making him uncomfortable for the sake of intel.
Nym: Aw, such a shame. I’m afraid our lips are sealed then.
Falkwren: *pops out his wings* really now?
Sorn: … *grabs his sister* Excuse us for one moment would you? *hurries out with her*
Astarion: you, you didn’t have to do that.
Falkwren: I did.
*the next morning*
Gale: *waiting with the others to leave* gods what’s taking him so long? Should we go check on him? He’s been up there all night.
Halsin: *chuckles* perhaps they wore him out.
Astarion: *tapping his foot looking visibly annoyed* the only person allowed to do that is me…
Everyone: *turns to see Falkwren trying to get through the door, dragging sorn and nym with him as he hugs his leg and she tries to pull her brother off him*
Falkwren: *flapping his wings at him and shaking his leg* LET GO!
Nym: *holding onto her brother* SORN YOU CANT KEEP HIM!!!
Astarion: *draws his dagger*
Halsin: *grabs astarion by the back of his shirt* hm, he’s not even that big I wonder what spurred such a reaction.
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soaringwide · 6 months
PAC: What hidden talent do you have?
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Hello with another pick a card reading, this time on the topic of ''get to know yourself better''.
This time the idea is to look into what talent of yours you are not fully aware off and could tap into and develop in the future.
By definition this might not be at the core of your personality since it is hidden, but maybe that's something you will tap into later in life. So I hope it's useful to you in some way!
How does that work?
Take a moment to recollect yourself, breathe, close your eyes if you need to, focus on the moment. Look at the 4 pictures and select the one that draws you in the most. Not the one you think looks cooler but the one that creates that pinching feeling inside of you. The one that makes you feel it has something to say.
It is possible to feel attracted to more than one pile, just as it is possible to only find parts of the reading relevant. Remember that this reading is meant for many people so it won't be perfectly applicable to your situation.
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Cards: The Nectar + The King (archetype) + 4 of Swords Rx + Empress Rx + Strength + The Hierophant + King of Cups Rx + the Protectress + The forbidden forest + yin and yang; 2 of Swords + 4 and 6 of Wands; Priestess Magician
There is definitely the idea of a latent, untapped ability.
To me it has to do with healing, as in, the ability to help people through their recovery process and put them on track to bloom and be abundant again. To remove barriers to healing.
The fact that it has to do with remediating what is poisonous for the person, transmuting something toxic into something positive, makes me think it has to do with magical or energetic healing.
Perhaps you will use your words like a fire-talker (not sure it's the right way to translate but "coupeur de feu" in the orginal french term as in those who can heal burns by talking fire out, among other things), or work on removing magical thorns with your healing touch. I'm getting strong hand imagery and holy words may be significant as well as carrier for background movements in the spiritual realms.
I'm getting you will be or are guided to do this by higher powers with this ability that can help others tremendously, somewhat relaying these healing powers into the world. Like a bridge between the healing spirits and our world, putting healing energy in motion.
There is the idea of a position of authority that must be embraced with humility, respect and reverence, in order to restore the flow and clarity of health, working in tandem with powers from the realms beyond and by learning to develop your own power and ability for leadership whilst staying true to yourself.
You have this undeveloped ability of perceiving the higher realms, harness their energies and transmute them into something not only healing, but also protecting for others.
You would need to go on your own healing journey to gather the missing parts of yourself (individuation process is another way to look at it) and rectify what is unbalanced to find a wholeness that will allow you to carry this energy over to others. I'm really getting that it's not just about picking up a skill but really going through a process yourself in order to reach that step and that's why you haven't reached it yet. With also the idea of learning to listen to guidance and understand your bond to these higher powers more, and let yourself be guided on that path.
I wanted to see if there was another message that wanted to come out and I saw that while this ability is not currently active, and even blocked by your current circumstances, there would be great success gained from going through this journey towards that path. It's a call that you have the option to answer and are encouraged to do so with the support of your spirits and god(s) and that would be a source of celebration and achievements.
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Cards: The Fool and Fear and Happiness + 7 of Cups Rx + Queen of Cups and 4 of Cups + The Magician Rx + Queen of Pentacles + 7 of Pentacles Rx
Your hidden talent has to do with performance arts, perhaps theater or dance, with the use of your body alongside your voice. You can pretend to be someone else again and again, endorsing different roles on different days and creating this artificial image for others to see.
You have the hidden ability to perform emotions so that it can be reflected in the heart of the audience. For example, expressing sadness or joy, the whole palette of emotions, and having that be felt by those who watch you. Relieving people in the lights of the stage.
I don't think it is about showing who you truly are but rather as I said, endorsing different identities and expressing something universal through that. You might not always feel passionate about what you are expressing, what role or piece you are given, but that's the nature of the craft. And in some way it allows yourself to explore your own thoughts and emotions by shifting perspectives, so it can be healing for yourself as well if you allow it to be.
By creating an artificial space for exploration of thoughts and emotions through your craft, you can shift people's emotional state and help them let go of what worries of preoccupies them. It is cathartic and the healing aspect of the arts. Ever watched a movie, cried for a while because it reminded you of something and felt lighter in the end? That's what you can give to people: freeing them of themselves for a short while. Allowing them a break from their own lives.
It's a trickery of some sorts, but the good kind of trickery because it is part of the game and the reason why people would come to you. It is to be willingly taken on adventure.
There is also a highly democratic aspect of your craft, as in, in front of performance in the audience, everyone watches the same things, react to the same things, rich and poor, good and bad. You help people bond together by lowering the boundaries that separate us all for a while.
In any case it is a raw talent, as in, you're very much at the apprentice level at the moment. You would need to work on it consciously, nurture this talent to let it grow and harvest its rewards later on. If that reading resonates with you I think that would be a good thing to practice on a hobby level for the pure enjoyment and personal fulfillment of it, rather than in order to make money from it.
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Cards: The King, Protect your feelings, Knight of Swords Rx, 9 of Wands + King of Cups, Reflection Rx + 4 of Wands Rx, Renewal Rx + 8 of Swords Rx, Courage + 5 of Cups, Gloom Rx + 10 of Cups + The World + Intuition Rx, Sorrow Rx
Your hidden talent is to embody some of the noble qualities of the King, especially being a protector of the weak. You have the ability to stand up for what is right when facing a menacing majority and would step up to fight to defend what you believe in. You may have a tendency to be rash and impulsive when faced with something that doesn't sit right with you, because you want to confront that and rectify the wrongs committed. You will not take a defeat and will get back up again.
Your quality associated to that talent is that you are full of compassion and look at others with empathy because you have a great understanding of human nature and suffering, and you have a desire to protect that. You are devoted to help people and this helps balance the harshness of you combative spirit.
The caveat is that you might feel like it's a lost battle, or at least that you won't personally see the end of it in your lifetime. You feel like you're doing you won't be the one in the parade at the end of the battle because you will be long gone. What you don't see is that you can still help others in the present.
What you can give others with this talent is that your bravery is infectious. You lift them up, give them courage and they can free themselves in the moment. With you by their side they feel so much stronger.
And when faced with a loss, you are, again, here to help people grieve and be a shoulder to cry on, listening to their pain with empathy, which helps them tremendously.
And for the reason why it is hidden, I think the need just hasn't arisen at this stage of your life. You will need to reach a form of completion and to move on from the idea that things are perfect to the desire to put things in motion again and start a new chapter. A content heart doesn't strive for change.
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Cards: Aletheia, Wheel of Fortune Rx + The Moon Rx + 9 of Swords Rx + Queen of Cups + The Empress + Justice
You hidden talent is the ability to speak the truth on what's hidden and trigger changes for those you bring the news to. I see you being able to detect lies easily. It can trigger fears in others because they might not want to see what you reveal.
You are able to see through the confusion and pierce through the illusion, and thus, bring vitality back where there was just fog and stagnation. It might make you feel a bit lonely and isolated at times due to feeling misunderstood. I don't think you have come to term with that talent yet so you may fail to see the good in it.
Because your strong intuitive gift of being able to see your emotions so clearly can bring a lot of healing and clarity to people, especially if you wield it with kindness and compassion. You may get back a lot of love and consideration from helping others.
Because you can help people release who takes advantage of them by shining light on their lies, especially if they are over-dependant and attached to this person or situation.
As to why it is hidden, you may not believe that you deserve to speak up and that you have the right to do so and would feel like you're being manipulative when it doesn't have to be the case.
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redshoes-blues · 1 year
Let's Talk About Clocks, Baby
Something is off with the timeline, emotions alter time, Mike is in danger, and it'll be up to Will Byers to fix this whole mess.
I'll be taking a look at some of the most prominent clocks and time references in Stranger Things to see if we can learn anything from them. At the heart of this analysis is the idea that Will is the antidote to the time fuckery. Oh, and also emotions have the power to alter the movement of time. Aka emotionsgate?! And gay love will save the day. This is a long one, so I hope you enjoy your read! :)
"We are all time travellers, if you think about it."
We've all been talking about the time shenanigans going on in Stranger Things, lately, so in my current rewatch of ST3, I've been looking out for any possible hints that could have been foreshadowing for ST4. I've found a couple.
First, let's bring in the Starcourt Mall clock.
This is the clock used in the Russian code. You know, the part that goes "when blue meets yellow in the west"? Yeah, that clue is inside a CLOCK
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We all know about colour theory, how the Russian code has a possible ST4/byler meaning and how certain characters are coded with colours (blue = Mike, yellow = Will), so that bit is obvious. And yeah, colour theory is a bit overdone, but hear me out!
The fact that clocks are Vecna’s symbol and that’s the thing the blue and yellow part of the code has been applied to?! Wild.
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The obvious main clock symbol is the grandfather clock at the Creel house that appears in the visions of Vecna’s victims. In the visions, the same clock rings four times (meaning four gates). It's even this very clock that orchestrates the fall of Hawkins. But clocks also appear behind Max before we learn that she’s the next target. This is massive foreshadowing!
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So all of this got me thinking of clocks and time, and all of the theories floating around that show how important time is going to be in ST5. The whole plot of the final season is going to be about defeating Vecna, who is associated with clocks, and dealing with Upside-Down-Hawkins. This last bit is extra interesting since we know the Upside Down is set in the past.
And for a long time my main theory has been that Will is the key to finally defeating Vecna. Which I still think will be true, but I also think it’ll have more to do with the time shenanigans than I originally suspected.
I mean, Dustin isn't far off when he says this in ST4:
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Will's connection with Vecna is special. From the parallels between him and Henry to Will the Wise and the numerous hints that he has untapped powers. And especially the fact that he's the one who realizes the Mind Flayer and Vecna are still alive (in ST3/ST4, respectively).
So, because Vecna is associated with clocks, I've been looking out for other clocks during my rewatch. Which brings me back to this:
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The Starcourt Mall clock is specifically mentioned in the text. In fact, it's part of the Russian code. It isn't just a prop, but a piece of the plot. That's what made me do a triple-take while watching, this time around. It isn't just a random clock.
So, if Will is yellow and the key to defeating Vecna (more on that shortly), then what does the clock say about all this?
If I allow myself to get extra meta with the visual analysis, the fact that the clock’s hands play into colour theory could be a clue. It's the hands that are yellow and blue: the active parts of the clocks which have the ability to move through time. The hands of a clock show time moving. As we know, time in the Upside Down has stopped for some reason. It's stuck in a loop related to Will's disappearance.
Entering the UD is a bit like time travelling. And as El said at the start of ST4, we're all time travellers.
In fact, we know that Henry’s powers have some effect on time. Or at least on the Creel clock. Because when Henry first taps into his powers, the grandfather clock's hands start to move backwards. It’s implied that Henry is making this happen.
The same thing happens later in the season, when Vecna is showing Nancy the vision of Hawkins’ future. It includes this clip of the Creel clock with its hands turning backwards:
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So, in a way, Vecna is altering time. We aren’t sure how or why yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it has something to do with emotions or trauma (which I'll get into soon). Especially because Vecna's attacks have to do with trauma, and the antidote so far has been positive emotions and memories that are brought to the surface through music.
Clock Magic?
Another thing to take into consideration is how the Creel clock is connected to Henry's powers, and also seems to possess power of its own. We see this when Max "dies" and the fourth gate is created. The Creel clock chimes four times, and then the Upside Down begins to leak into Hawkins. We can see this in the two GIFs below (shit quality, sorry about that!):
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The clock chimes four times and then there is a "frenzied ticking" which builds throughout the scene as Hawkins falls to Vecna. The scene implies that the clock itself has something to do with this.
What does this mean for the timeline in ST5?
We know the Upside Down is in the past. Specifically, the day Will vanishes (November 6, 1983). It seems likely that it works as a time loop, with the same day on repeat until the cycle is broken. Or maybe there are several days which repeat themselves until it resets at the point Will enters the UD. We really don't know for sure. But we do know that it's definitely the past.
What does this mean for Hawkins? Is Hawkins becoming stuck in time as well? Will it be cut off from the outside world because of this? Is the clock slowing down time, ensuring Hawkins remains stuck in its current state because emotions (we'll get there, don't worry)? I definitely don't have the answers yet, but please let me know if you have any ideas how this could be working. It's all so fascinating!
But however it works, there's definitely some time fuckery going on. Whether it's related to the Creel clock itself or Vecna's powers, or whatever Will has done that made the UD shape to himself — well, again, who knows! Not me, but I wanted to point it out because it's clearly going to be a massive part of ST5.
Will is the Antidote
Season 5 is going to be about defeating Vecna (obviously).
But first: in order to stop a villain, you need an antidote to their powers. Right now, El and Vecna share most of the same powers. She hasn't been able to defeat him yet, even though her powers are the strongest they have ever been. There's a missing piece there.
We see this illustrated in the D&D game at the start of ST4, which serves as foreshadowing for the events that happen in the season. An 11 is rolled, but it's a miss. It isn't until Erica (an unlikely hero and outsider in the game) rolls a 20 that Vecna is defeated. And then that exact thing plays out in Hawkins when El isn't able to defeat Vecna.
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We have yet to see what the IRL 20 will be, because Vecna "wins" at the end of ST4. He gets what he wanted when the four gates are created and Hawkins falls. But my guess is that it'll have to do with Will. Everything began with Will, and it will end with him too.
Which brings me back to Will and the clock. Because Will serves as a foil for Vecna as a character. They are both sensitive and different (read: gay) and have an abusive parent who tries to make them fit into societal expectations — to no avail. They both draw. They both have close connections with the UD and Mind Flayer. But here we're getting a bit of a Star Wars light side / dark side of the force parallel, where Will has chosen to be good and Vecna has become the villain.
One character is trying their best to work through their trauma, and the other is lashing out in anger.
All of this is to say that I think the Starcourt Mall clock could be a bit of foreshadowing for ST4 and the role Will plays moving forward into ST5. Just as Henry is able to stop time in the UD, Will will be able to move it forward again.
This could happen in any number of ways, and I'm still not sure how the weird time shenanigans will play out, but what I am certain of is that Will is the key to solving everything. And it will likely come down to emotions and healing his traumatic past.
Time and Emotions
At the very start of ST4, El quotes something Joyce tells her about time. She says that emotions slow time down, but they also speed it back up. She then directly mentions time travel in relation to our emotions.
"Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travellers, if you think about it."
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Given this line about time travel being related to emotions, I think that emotions/feelings/love are going to be the thing that allows Will to fix the UD and defeat Vecna.
This bit about emotions is huge. Because we see that the UD is shaped by Henry, and is later shaped around Will’s vanishing. Emotional and traumatic memories for the both of them. In Will’s case, did time in the UD dimension slow down because he left an emotional imprint on the landscape, via his trauma?
And if this really is the case, then it only seems natural that the process of saving Hawkins will be wrapped up with Will healing his trauma. Just like how Vecna's victims can be saved through music and positive memories/emotions.
Like the cleric he plays in D&D, Will is going to save Hawkins, healing his own trauma and dealing with his emotions in order to move forward.
Realizing the power within himself in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Harnessing the powers he has and his connection to the MF/Vecna, yes, but also by learning that he is a valuable person who doesn't have to make himself smaller for the benefit of other people's happiness.
Confronting his trauma relating to the Upside Down, maybe by helping to close it off once and for all; or by restoring it to its pre-Vecna state. Healing that dimension so the leakage of Henry Creel's trauma doesn't seep into Hawkins any longer. And in doing so, healing the trauma within himself.
Accepting his own queerness and learning that being different doesn't make him a mistake. Realizing that he is loved and deserves to feel this love. Part of this will be related to coming out, and I think another piece will be related to requited love.
All of these have to do with his emotions, and they will be the way he’s able to save Hawkins.
Because when we look at Vecna and his victims, what he represents as a metaphor in the show, we're dealing in the area of emotions and trauma. For Max, she is dealing with complicated feelings after Billy's death. But she also represses those feelings and doesn't open up to her friends until it's almost too late.
If we look at Patrick, Lucas suspected he was dealing with abuse at home, but Patrick never talked about it with anyone. Same with Fred's guilt about the hit-and-run. He's terrified of the idea that he'll be found out. In the case of Chrissy, her own boyfriend has no idea about what she's going through.
So not only are Vecna's victims dealing with trauma, mental health issues, and complex emotions, but they are also actively repressing these emotions.
Not to get too psychoanalytic here, but healing from trauma and dealing with your emotions properly requires you to be open, rather than repressing what you feel. I think this is one reason why music is used as the antidote to getting Vecna'd. Because music allows us to deal with our emotions in a more positive way. It also connects us to positive memories, like Running Up That Hill does for Max, or Should I Stay Or Should I Go does for Will.
In Will's case, a large piece in his character arc is learning to accept that he's gay and has feelings for Mike. Really, this has been most of his arc for ST3 and ST4. This isn't resolved yet, so he'll be continuing to deal with this self-acceptance (and eventual coming out process) in ST5.
To bring it back to that Starcourt Mall clock: Will is the yellow hand on the clock, but it isn't just him that's implicated in all of this. This is yellow meeting blue that we're talking about!
The blue hand. What is Mike's role in all of this?
So if clocks = Vecna, and Will is going to be the antidote to healing Hawkins, then Mike has his own important role to play as the other hand on the clock (and also as the boy Will is in love with, and a main character who is repressing a lot of his own issues).
If Vecna has another target, it's going to be Mike.
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[GIF doesn't belong to me! You can find it here]
I feel so strongly about this. For SO many reasons.
Here's a bulleted list of some of them:
Mike has displayed feelings of self-loathing over the course of the show (cliff scene, I'm looking you right in the eye)
He represses his emotions, both to his loved ones and the audience — and potentially with himself
The above GIF is a very ominous parallel between Mike and Max which suggests Mike may be about to get a Vecna vision. HOWEVER, the scene is from Will's POV, so we don't see what Mike sees
Which is its own point: we haven't seen what Mike sees in all of ST4 (except briefly in the couch scene, which I analyzed here), as well as most of ST3. His inner world is deliberately hidden
If Mike is gay and/or in love with Will like I believe he is, there will be a lot of unresolved feelings to deal with there. The kind of micro-trauma queer folks deal with, especially during the 1980s
The tense relationship between Mike and both of his parents, but especially Ted. This point doubles when you contextualize it with Ted being a Reagan supporter (aka a rampant homophobe whose disgusting treatment of queer men in the 80s led to thousands of deaths)...who knows what kind of shit he's said to Mike that we haven't been shown
The whole trauma of having his best friend "die" and then turn up alive, as well as the similar trauma of believing El was still out there even though everyone assumed she died
Probably other shit I'm forgetting. But mostly how weird he's been acting, and especially how terrified he looks on that couch
I know lots of people assume Will is Vecna's #1 target, but I actually don't think he's a target at all. Will is more akin to a Luke Skywalker type figure who Vecna wants to team up with, turning him to the "dark side" because he sees Will as similar to him. There's a reason Vecna didn't have Will killed like everyone else.
As we’ve learned: emotions can speed up time or slow it down. I’m thinking there’s probably a metaphorical thing with positive vs. negative feelings as well. Like: not dealing with our trauma and repressing our negative feelings leads to a person being stuck in the past. In a literal way with the Upside Down, but also a metaphorical way. Positive emotions work in the opposite way, allowing us to let go of the past and move into the future.
Emotions can turn back the clock. They can slow down time. Emotions = time travel
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The above scene is from the end of ST3, when Hopper's letter is being read out as the Byers move away. Hopper is describing how he was afraid of change (the future, El growing up, things changing), so he tried to stop that change. He tried to TURN BACK THE CLOCK. And look at who the camera pans to when he says this...
In a scene which directly mirrors the hug between Karen and Mike when Mike runs home believing Will is dead.
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Both scenes have Heroes playing in the background, by the way. A song which summarizes all of the queer themes in the show, which I did an analysis of here.
Mike is a character who we don’t know anything about the internal world of. Which I think is a massive red (green?) flag for his chances of getting the Vecna treatment, given that he’s really the only main character who we don’t hear from in this way. The only time it even appears like we might be hearing from him, he’s just parroting what Will tells him to say to El.
So, for me, the blue hand (Mike) in the clock (Vecna) is foreshadowing for the fact that he may be targeted by Vecna in ST5. Maybe he's already been targeted and we just haven't seen it from his POV, yet. I actually think this will be the reason Will stops repressing his powers and learns how to use them (whatever they are). Or learns to use his connection to the UD in order to save the love of his life.
Because if all of this time stuff comes down to emotion, Will needs to accept that his feelings for Mike don’t make him a mistake. He needs to learn to accept himself. And is there any better catalyst to enact that change than Mike being in danger? We saw how a life or death scenario made Max open up a bit more to her friends, and I feel the same will happen with Mike and Will.
So, to recap:
Clocks represent Vecna and also play into the weird time shenanigans that ST5 will definitely deal with
The Starcourt Mall clock has yellow (Will) and blue (Mike) hands to indicate that those two will play a key role in defeating Vecna
Will: is the antidote/positive opposite to Vecna; who Henry could have been if he healed from his trauma -> this means Will is the only one who can stop Vecna for good
Mike: prime target for a Vecna'ing in ST5 due to his whole aura, and this will probably be the catalyst for Will kicking into gear and solving shit
There's some funky stuff going on with the timeline/possible time travel stuff that is way too detailed for this analysis, and it's definitely an essential part of ST5 that we'll be dealing with
Emotions alter time and may even play into how time travel and the speeding up / slowing down of time works in the show
Healing trauma, dealing with emotions, and accepting yourself are all going to be major themes in ST5, and this will be the way that Vecna is defeated: the power of love?! I love to see it
Also: the Creel house clock might have some power of its own?
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Author's Note
Well, that's it! The power of gay love saves the day. Truly iconic, if you ask me.
This analysis has been so fun to put together over the last week, and I hope you all have fun reading it as well! Originally it was meant to be a breakdown of the Starcourt Mall clock, but then I remembered the quote about emotions and time travel and it kind of had me gnawing at my screen because hyperfixations, so there's that.
As always, I love to hear people's thoughts on these analysis posts, so if you have any ideas that go along with this, feel free to add onto it. Or you can send me an ask if you have any questions! I'd love to hear what you think! :)
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fionajames · 3 months
Saw you wanted requests for Teen Wolf! “The Man” + TW is very intriguing…
the man
A/N: okay, first of all, thank you so much for requesting teen wolf. TEEN WOLF FANS OUT THERE IM HERE AND I WANNA WRITE SO YEAH, REQUESTS PLEASE. second of all, im sorry this took so long for me to do. the lyrics integrated throughout the story are from 'the man' by taylor swift, and i recommend listening to it as you read. i hope you enjoy and please send requests!!!
(divider by @saradika-graphics)
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I'd be a fearless leader, I'd be an alpha type
Cora watched her brother with envy, watching as he roared in the unfamiliar beta’s face. The golden-eyed werewolf flinched back, cowering from the alpha, even without knowing who he was. The brunette panted, clutching the large claw wounds on her stomach as she waited for them to heal. Yes, they were wide and deep, but they hadn’t hit anything vital, and although it hurt like she was going to die, the wounds would heal.
Her pride, however, would not.
She’d been watching the beta from the shadows, testing the waters. She hadn’t expected him to whirl around in uncontrolled bloodlust and rake his claws through her flesh. Cora could have fought him off there - she was strong, fast and young, full of adrenaline and her own untapped rage - but Derek had arrived. As her alpha, it was expected he would assist her, but that didn’t mean her pride wasn’t wounded.
And it wasn’t even really about her. It was about her and every other female werewolf. Carrying that opinion with her had weighed her down heavily, but she was growing to use it, sharpening it as a weapon. Female werewolves received the same unprecedented misogyny that female humans received, the same all females received. 
One time, Cora had been out at a bar, sipping happily on a drink and grinning from the burn it left behind in her throat. She hadn’t expected a man to approach her, drunk and daft, misogynistic and creepy. She’d snarled at him - without canines, she wasn’t that stupid - but he’d merely laughed, creeping closer. It seemed a girl couldn’t seem to get a guy to leave. She’d beaten him black, blue and bloodied afterwards, the feeling of his blood on her knuckles and apologies dying on his lips was like a taunt to her and her gender. 
Cora couldn’t blame Derek for coming to her aid, in fact she was always grateful. She was glad he had arrived, in the slim possibility that the beta had dug his claws in and hurt something vital, he would have been there to rush her to help. But that didn’t mean the desperate feeling to prove herself had flickered out in her stomach. In fact, it had grown. Burning bright and hot, scorching her insides and filling her with bubbling, red hot rage.
She shot him a grateful smile, but she could tell from the way his eyes traced her wounds and figure that he sensed something was off. He could properly feel the conflicted waves rolling off of her, crashing into him like a tsunami. Luckily, he didn’t say anything, just shuffled to help her make their way back to the house. Cora bit her tongue, coughing when blood stained her mouth, no doubt coating her teeth a brutal yet brilliant red. She choked back the desperate strive to prove herself and her fellow females, biting down the rage and storing it away for a later date, letting her brother guide them home.
When everyone believes ya, what's that like?
Malia watched as blood dripped from a gash on her cheek, trickling down her skin and leaving a dark trail of reminiscence behind. She stared at the droplet in the mirror as it rolled over her cheek and down her neck, disappearing into the collar of her shirt. She watched yet another droplet follow the same path, conjoining with the original trail at the top of her neck.
The gash on her cheek was already starting to heal, she could see the skin fading to her normal skin colour. The wound wasn’t deep, just a small scratch as a result of one of the beta’s from the pack invading Beacon Hills. 
What bothered her was the way she’d been ordered to stay on the outskirts of the fight, even though she could hold her own and then some. Malia was as strong as any other member of the pack, and she had her shift fully under control now. So, in her opinion, that left one thing; prejudice against her as a girl.
As a kid - before the accident - Malia had of course known of sexism, but she’d never really experienced it. And then she’d spent eight years as a coyote, and all prior knowledge about things as fickle and simple as gender were erased. It had been Stiles who had reexplained sexism to her. He loathed it as much as a girl did, and she’d seen him stand up to his own gender before in protection of hers, but never in a way that made girls seem weak.
Of course, not a single person in their odd pack was sexist, and yet Malia always seemed to notice the lack of female opinion in weighted decisions. Tonight had been one of them. Of course, Scott was making the authoritative decisions, and that was fair, as he was the alpha. The factor that didn’t make sense was that whenever Malia or her fellow girls attempted to add on to the plan, they were shut down or ignored.
It was clear the misogyny was unintentional, and Malia knew that if she was to tell the boys her opinion, they’d be overwhelmed with guilt. But that didn’t stop the annoying bubble of frustration building in her gut. Her first real, clear look at sexism had been at school when a boy had uttered a sly, hormonal comment about Lydia near Malia. With her enhanced sensors, she’d easily heard the comment, and butted into the duo of boys’ insensitive conversation.
They’d laughed.
That was one of the times Stiles had rescued her, placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to subtly calm her, but encouraging her to reply verbally. 
And Malia had. 
The look on the pair’s faces had been thrilling, but also chilling when she’d thought about it later. It was as though a girl had never talked back to them, as though no one had ever made a quip about their disgusting comments on a girl’s body. Malia had torn a pillow to shreds that night thinking about how ashamed of her fellow females she was, if none of them were standing up to males like that.
I'm so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man
Allison dropped the formerly white cloth she was grasping in the sink again, before retrieving it in a slick motion and gliding the soaked fabric across the arrowhead she was holding carefully in her other hand, scrubbing at the dried blood methodically. She’d lost two arrows this time, both broken in half by the enemy, but she’d retrieved the arrowheads after the werewolves had fled, and those were what really mattered. Sure, she could get more arrowheads, but they weren’t as easy to replace as the rest of the arrow.
She gazed over the arrowheads laying on the towel she’d placed on the floor as she cleaned her equipment - something her and her dad did after every battle. At first the process was a chore, something she tried to do as fast as possible. Now, cleaning her weapons and gear afterwards was methodical, a habit, and a good pass-time. 
But this time, Allison’s thoughts weren’t in a cloud of daydream, and instead fixated on the battle. She’d spent the battle on the edges of the clearing, firing arrows whenever she could get a good shot. But what bothered her was a loose comment one of the beta’s had thrown. ‘A girl? Yeah, right, like you’re a threat.’ It swam around in her head over and over, like it was repeat. No one else had heard the weak insult, and usually a comment so dull was easy for Allison to brush off, but this one hit deep.
Part of her was always wary, of course, it was in her nature as a hunter. Wary of the time, of the temperature, of the light, anything that could impact her safety. After Matt and his creepy photos, Allison had found herself wary of another thing. Men. 
This was also in her nature, but her nature as a girl, as a female, as a woman. Men weren’t something she feared, but they often made her feel unappreciated without realising. When her dad had explained that women in the Argent family made all the important decisions, joy had shot through her. Women in power, at the head of the operation, the brains of everything. 
Allison froze abruptly as a comment said in a conversation weeks ago hit her roughly. Around two months ago she and Derek had sat down and talked about everything, which involved a lot of apologies. At some point, Derek had said; “hunters are just hunting us for existing, for what we are.”
It was the same thing with sexism.
That beta had insulted her for being a girl, something she didn’t exactly get to choose. She was born that way, and that was who Allison was, and he was insulting her because of it. It was the same way that they’d been hunting werewolves for just being werewolves, even when they weren’t doing anything wrong like murder or maiming.
And I'm so sick of them coming at me again, 'cause if I was a man, then I'd be the man
Lydia hadn’t been at the battle, instead she’d been at the house with Stiles. The boy had been pacing the whole time, annoyed he couldn’t assist in the fight. But she’d been rather content with staying out of claws’ reach. Whilst she hated the idea of her pack members being hurt just as much as the brunet, she also wasn’t as self-lessly stupid as he was.
That being said, Lydia almost wished she was a werewolf, if just for the fact that she could get rid of the ‘I can’t fight cause I’m a girl’ feeling, which was completely incorrect. Cora was out there fighting - even after her injury a day prior - and so were Allison, Kira and Malia. But Lydia couldn’t seem to shake the feeling.
Being a banshee took it’s toll on her. Same as being a werewolf took it’s toll on Scott, and being human took it’s toll on Stiles. It was a weight she had to carry, but it was a different kind of weight. Being a banshee was being surrounded by death. Every time she had a feeling about something - the way she did as a banshee - her thoughts leapt to who might die next. And it hurt. 
Being a girl took it’s toll on her, especially being a pretty girl. She heard every hormonal quip, every rumour tied to her name, every whisper of her. She heard all the snide comments about her body, so profoundly disturbing it made bile rise in her throat. Lydia was Lydia, she wasn’t just her body, she was a person with a brain and feelings.
But even know after she’d been clawed, scratched, tortured, and terrifired by the supernatural, there was one thing she couldn’t seem to stop bothering her. The comments. Simple words, sometimes drunken, mostly in lust, a lot of the time from people who’d never even exchanged a greeting with her. It was so misogynistic and awful that Lydia couldn’t do anything about it.
She hated the idea that one limp compliment that was worth less than pocket lint was supposed to have her naked for a guy. The idea that a simple statement was supposed to get her to have sex with just anyone was infuritaitng, but mostly it was vulgar. Lydia had said something about it as an off-handed quip to Stiles back when they were sixteen, and he’d looked so sympathetic she’d wondered momentarily why she hadn’t befriended him earlier.
But mostly Lydia despised the idea that girls were all body and no brain, that nothing about them mattered except for the way they might please a man. She was quick-witted, intelligent, smart, she was frankly a genius. And she knew it. Coming to terms with her smarts took Lydia a while, but along with it came a whole new level of confidence she’d never even known existed. 
I'd be the man, I'd be the man
Kira had been at the battle, and now she was staring out the window at the night sky, flickering with stars. She’d already cleaned the small and weak cuts she’d attained, and was comfortably lying in a pile of blankets and pillows. However, her thoughts were elsewhere.
During the fight, a male beta she’d been fighting had laughed at her, before she’d even swung her blade. As though she were inferior. That never bothered Kira, she was okay with the enemy thinking she was inferior, but what bothered her was the reason why he thought so. He’d said something, she couldn’t remember what, but it was sharp and misogynistic, and brutal.
Kira had replied without words, instead swinging her blade through the air and slicing a chunk off of the beta’s shoulder, grinning widely when he’d wailed in pain. A sexist comment wasn’t just a comment to her. No. It was a comment aimed at all girls. It was a comment insulting Cora, and Malia, and Allison, and Lydia, and every girl she knew.
Misogyny was something every girl dealt with, one way or another, at some point in their life. Teenage girls and young women seemed to get the brute force of it, in Kira’s opinion, but she was proud of one thing. She was able to move past it, able to use it as a weapon, to aid her. 
Kira had long ago learned to twist her intake of sexist comments. She’d long ago translated ‘useless girl’ to ‘someone better than me’. The attention girls received because of sexism had become something Kira had seen as humorous. Of course, it wasn’t funny, but if you think about it, sexism had to come from somewhere. And to Kira, it came from boys being insecure about girls being better than them, and feebly attempting to lower the females self esteem in turn.
Kira watched as a cloud drifted over the crescent moon. Women were just as good as men, neither was superior. It just so happened to be that different genders were better at different things. Sexism was a feeble thing, a stupid thing meant to harm girls for no reason. 
She ignored the sting of her shoulder as she rolled over, thinking about the look in the beta’s eyes when she’d proven him so brutally wrong. Kira didn’t enjoy inflicting pain upon others, but he would heal, and the wound she’d given him would serve as a reminder.
A reminder that women could be dangerous, a reminder that women were smart, that they weren’t just bodies made for pleasure. Females were just as good as men, and Kira had reminded him that. He wouldn’t scar physically, but he’d forever glance at his shoulder where the flesh and skin had regrown and remember that women were dangerous.
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A/N: tysm for reading, and please send requests!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902, dm me if you wish to be added or removed)
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