#i cried alot while trying to write this
outcastpack · 1 year
Snippet for upcoming Thiam fic I'm "attempting" to write
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The idea for this fic came to me while listening to "ghost of you" by 5SOS
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pryllee · 3 months
Blade x Fem! Reader
Somnophilia, friends, degrading kink, hickeys, bruising, non-con / dubcon, switching, nosebleeds, first time! Kinda rlly short...
A/N: Again, please bare with the possible bad writing. Wrote this within like a hour on a school night too so I'm sorry if it's too rushed... Was planning to upload a ”fingers” one first but imagine deciding to try f blade as he sleeps but hes secretly awake and enjoying it...
How exactly did you find yourself in this situation, with him sleeping on your bed peacefully like a baby after coming to you since he'd finished up ’something’.
He fell asleep almost instantly which seemed a little suspicious... You periodically glanced at his face from time to time, considering something.
Pushing away the hair covering his other eye, admiring his porcelain-like skin. He was handsome with apparently alot of admirers like you, yet you wanted to steal him for yourself. After all, you guys are ”friends”.
Pondering for a few seconds, you again found yourself straddling his lap, him still apparently asleep.
You grazed your clothed sex against his, biting onto your bottom lip frustratingly. You kept the soft moans stuck in your throat as to prevent his wakening,
You finally decide to go through with it and unbuckle his pants, you blushed softly at his boxers, reconsidering it again before you say, ’Fuck it, I'll never have this chance again..." You slid his boxers down enough to reveal his shaft as you lowered yourself, sucking and licking at it till it hardened.
– 'Bit too big, will it really fit? –
You tried to thrust it in your mouth, looking up to see his reaction or at least a sound, yet he still remained unfazed, having you gag at his length filling up your mouth, you rubbed at your still clothed slit..
Bobbing your head at an awfully slow pace, feeling your panties dampen intensely till you stopped and catched your breathe...
– I guess I should put it in now... –
You went back to your original position, taking no time to slide your panty to the side, trying to align your hole with his hardened tip holding onto his broad chest slowly taking it in...
”Mmng—" You interrupted yourself, covering your mouth as you barely even took it all in yet felt your stomach tighten around it vigorously...
Accidentally somehow slipping, all of it slid in making your back arch as you almost fell into his chest head on,
You felt tears bubble up slightly with little drops of blood flowing down onto him.
Slowly moving up, you lost your strength halfway trembling crazily. You tried to find your composure yet your breathe hitched as if you were hyperventilating,
You decided to check his eyes, trying to recheck if he was awake... As you opened one of his eyes with two fingers, you jerked back almost violently falling onto the mattress behind when you saw it staring at you, yet he grabbed onto your wrists as you laid flat on your back.
His tip was still inside you—and he slammed it back in fully with force making you yelp, "Making a move on me when I'm sleeping, really?" He leaned in closer as the grip on your wrists tighten.
You started to try thrash your arms around to escape but failed due to his harsh grip on you, pinning you down as he started to thrust it in 'n out, "Ahngh– Blade! I—I'm sorrrr....rrrrryy!"
You cried out leading him to go at a faster pace, practically pounding you while you started to feel blood trickle down onto your mouth, and wrists feeling like it was gonna snap in half with his tightening grasp.
"Fuck—" He grunted, "Shut up and take my cock like the bitch you are." You could hear his breathe hitch, struggling to properly breathe as he pulled your upper half over to his lips, pulling you into a messy kiss feeling his hot breathe harshly hitting at your face throwing your arms around his head,
He moved his head lower as he bit on your neck, sliding a finger down to your clit, rubbing it in a circular motion stimulating you harshly, "B—Blaaad..ddeeee!- it hurts–Ngh..— stop pleeas–seee...." Your relays having short intervals, moans mixing in slightly as he let go one of your bruised wrist that was clenching and clawing at the air, it felt like your back was going to snap in euphoria.
"Such a slut—telling me to stop yet you continue to clench down on my cock so tightly down there," He tugged on your hair, throwing your head back as you felt yourself nearing your climax, your nose bleeding vigorously yet he just licked it up, planting on a kiss on it—
—till you felt yourself release liquid flowing down onto the bed sheets, and throwing your back violently almost falling into the bed if he didn't wrap his arm around your waist, eyes rolling yet he began his pace again
"Nnooo... 's too much—" Whining as you felt his pulsating cock, shutting you up with a kiss before biting you at the cheek, and chest leaving hickeys—again feeling something thick yet liquidy fill you up inside as he paused, before doing another harsh slam into you flipping you over,
"Shouldn't really interrupt my first sleep in a long time too, y'know... You should pay the price for doing so." He flipped you over, shoving your head into the bed like he was trying to suffocate you, he propped your ass up into the air as a harsh spank landed...
Gonna be a long night, won't it? He was planning to do this to you first if you weren't going to anyway. Not like you had a choice...
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s1nflower · 1 year
Kenny McCormick dating headcanos
Ofcourse, sorry if it took too long
🧡Kenny☠️ dating headcanons
Age: 16-19 ig
Warning: This is as SFW as it can be with Kenny, death and kinda angst? at the end.
I tried to make reader gn but i don't know how
It's well known that he flirts with every girl he ever saw, so it wasn't a suprise when he started flirting with you as well.
You just kinda brushed it off at first. You did like him but you didn't even assume he likes you back since he flirted with everyone.
He didn't give up tho, and after a while he realized he needs to try a bit harder so he did the most romantic thing he can afford.
He picked some flowers for you. He didn't buy them. He picked them off the ground.
You must admit they were pretty.
He saw you were still skeptical after that tho... "What do you mean you can't tell if i really like you? I got you a flowers! When else did you saw me give a girl flowers?"
So that's how you STARTED dating, here's some real dating headcanons
His love language is touch (sexual, non-sexual, doesn't matter) and gift giving/receiving.
I know he can't afford alot of things, by gifts i mean something like a shiny rock he found and gave to you or something like that, he also doesn't expect you to buy him things, just give him random things you find. (idk i think it's cute)
Your dates are usually just two of you hanging out at your or his place (you do that all the time so you don't know if it really counts as a date anymore) because he can't really pay for 'real' dates and refuses to let you pay.
Whenever you're together at (one of your) houses you just have to cuddle.
He loves to just lay on top of you and burry his head into your boobs (if you have them) while you stroke his hair. (this shouldn't be sexual btw)
He wouldn't let you go for a hours.
You need to go to the bathroom? No you don't.
He would let you go eventually, but would whine untill you come back.
Also, he always have his hands at your ass when you're cuddling.
When you're at his place you hang out with Karen together. (if you're a girl she sees you as her big sister)
For some reason he likes to sneak into your house.
It's not that your parents don't let him stay over... he just thinks it's fun.
He woke you up in the middle of the night quite a few times. (don't sleep with your window open)
When you're out, he always has his arm around your shoulders or your waist.
On your 'real' dates (when he takes you out to eat) few times happened that he didn't have enough money, and didn't want to let you pay so you just run out without paying and never came back to that place again. (lmao)
He's probably dyslexic. (not really a dating hc but here it is)
Lot's of sex jokes. (not all of them are jokes *wink*wink*)
You two flirt all the time, it's kinda competition about who will make the other more flustered. (he usually wins)
But if you really wanna see him blush, just give him a compliment. Not flirting, just a genuine compliment. (poor guy just doesn't know how to take them, he will just die there)
Speaking of dying (this is if you want to remember that he dies all the time) first time you saw him die you were devastated. You just couldn't believe he was gone forever, you cried all night.
Next day when he showed up at your door like nothing happened you freaked out even more.
You thought that you were hallucinating.
He was confused at first, then when you told him that you remember him dying yesterday, he was shocked that you actually remember
Then he had to explain to you how he dies all the time but noone remembers, and how it's normal and nothing to worry about
You didn't really see how it's normal or nothing to worry about, but you'll get used to it.
That's it ig.. I hope you like it, this was my first time writing headcanons and i really hope i didn't fuck it up🥹
I also wanted to write NSFW too but I don't know how so... tell me if you want me to write NSFW alphabet (i think it's easier)
Also... I'm sorry for poor grammar.
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radioisntdead · 3 months
Eeeeee oki, so I just finished watching boy swallows universe (an absolute masterpiece) and I was wondering what if the reader was like sold drugs or just did bad stuff for money for their family, like they grew up pretty fricking poor and did whatever they could for the extra cash (which is why they're in hell). They die somehow, land in hell and get treated like absolute dirt because they're small and they're wearing plain ass clothes, not powerful at all. Then comes Susan, and she's like "I'm so sick of the pathetic youth today, I'm taking you home with me" and just teaches them how to be proper and less shy and stuff, and to tear people with their teeth (yhey never got used to the whole eating people thing, Susan rolled her eyes and asked if she was a vagitarian or whatever it was called) and this reader hardly talks to anyone but Susan. Then they get introduced to Rosie and Alastor and it's just Susan simultaneously boasting about them telling them to stand up straight
Good evening my dear! This is definitely one of my favorite requests that I have gotten,
I finished boy swallows universe while writing this and I cried, I'm trying to convince my best friend to watch it now, it was very good.
I'm imagining the reader to be around the size of Niffty, maybe a little taller?
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Susan's grandkid
Susan & reader
Drug usage, child neglect, cannibalism, murder etc etc Susan kinda treats you as a stray pet in the beginning, not proofread so apologies for any spelling mistakes!
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You died young, tragically young, you died in the winter, cornered away curled into a ball, clutching your stomach, wearing a old thin sweater that your older brother gave you, overalls, flimsy socks with a couple of holes in them, and worn down sneakers, you were beaten and bruised, you wanted your mom to hold you and tell you that everything was alright but she wasn't coming,
Did she know where you were? How would she react knowing her kid was gone?
You were a good kid, you just made a couple of bad decisions for your family, you mimicked what you saw,
No one ever suspected the kid with a babyface was dealing, getting involved in shady stuff and horrible, horrible people who couldn't care less that you couldn't even drink yet.
You woke up with brimstone and sulfur around and a dingy old sign saying welcome to hell, It was unfair.
You wondered around aimlessly, you were small enough that most folks didn't notice you at first, and those that did well, they either ignored you completely, tried to kick or spit on you, or something else you didn't want to know.
You stumbled upon a mirror, you looked...
different from when you were alive, alot shorter, you kept the same clothes you died in though, it was a struggle the first few days but you managed to stay alive and relatively unharmed, you always were resourceful.
Eventually you ended up on the cusp of cannibal town, your overalls were covered in dirt and whatever else, you were curled up against to some wall when she found you, in all her old woman glory.
"Good grief youth today is pathetic, how'd you even get down here you little shit?" she tsked as she bent down and picked you up by your overalls, you barely had a chance to react before she put you on her hip and continued her way home.
She didn't put you down as she entered her home claiming that you'd get mud on her floors,
She filled up her bathtub with warm water and bubbles, she took off your shoes and plopped you right in the tub, she put a glob of shampoo into your hair and foamed it up like one would bathe a pet.
She left the bathroom as you looked around the bathroom , confused on why this random old lady just picked you up like a soggy stray dog and dunked you into warm water, and put soap in your hair.
You weren't complaining by any means but you were caught off-guard.
She came back within a few minutes carrying children's clothing like the other cannibals wore, she washed your hair and your back, scrubbing off the grime, she dried you off and put the clothes on you, the next few hours were a blur, she picked you up, sat you at a table and placed what looked to be part of a raw arm on your plate.
You stared at it while she went ahead and dug it,
She raised an eyebrow, "you one of those vegetable people?"
You shook your head, poking at the arm slice
"Speak up, are you mute?"
You look up at her, "No ma'am."
"Speak up you sound like a mouse, now use those teeth of yours and eat."
You simply nodded and opened your mouth to dig into the arm,
You'd rather not eat what you assumed to be another person but you hadn't eaten in days and well, it was rude to refuse a free meal, right?
After the meal Susan handed you a toothbrush and told you to brush, giving you a set of pajamas to change into before leaving you to do a night routine,
Once done she picked you up and tucked you into a bed, turning off the lights and closing the door leaving you in pitch black darkness.
Living with Susan wasn't particularly easy but it was better then when you were alive, you didn't have to worry where your next meal came from, or maybe you did considering Susan had a diet of sinner meat, you didn't have to worry about not making ends meet, about the possibility of the folks you dealt too coming for you,
You did miss your family terribly though, you wondered if they missed you, or if they've found your corpse yet, maybe you were permanently put as a missing person, maybe you were chopped up into pieces,You didn't want to know.
Susan would teach you how to properly eat someone, you already had sharp teeth so you were a quick learner in that regard [Although you did prefer normal food]
You would cower behind her and she'd grab you by your shoulder and move you Infront of her, telling you to stand up straight, smacking your lower back with her cane if needed, some days She'd place a book on your head and have you practice walking around with it to correct your posture.
You wouldn't talk much at first but soon became a chatterbox with Susan, and mostly only Susan, keeping talking to others at a minimum unless Susan made you, she paraded you around cannibal town getting you used to the tight-knit community.
You soon went from a rather timid and frankly weak child to a more confident person, Susan wasn't usually seen without you skipping along behind her, eventually once she deemed you as proper she took you to Rosie's Emporium to introduce you to her and obviously get some treats,
"This is [Name] I got them off the streets and I made em' into a proper member of society, [Name] stand up straight, say hello"
Susan said moving you to the front where Rosie was,
Rosie immediately adored you, after all you were small enough to put in her pocket, she leaned down to shake your hand, and in that time
Susan proceeded to accidentally left you at the emporium and Rosie saw her chance and took it,
"Well aren't you adorable! Let Auntie Rosie spoil you, okay?"
Within seconds you were sat in a comfy chair with a plate of cannibalistic desserts infront of you and Rosie across from you, chatting until Susan came back for you two hours later.
She knew she left you after like five minutes she just didn't want to make the trip back and let Rosie babysit you.
Another time she took you to Rosie's Emporium the infamous radio demon was there, and while you didn't particularly know much about overlords and the like since you mainly stuck with Susan, or in the safe parts of cannibal town, you did know that overlords were more or less dangerous,
Susan did not care though and immediately started insulting the radio demon,
"Why don't you have a wife yet? Do you not like woman? Then why don't you have a husband then??"
"Susan, I believe that's none of your-"
"It's because you don't brush your fucking teeth isn't it,"
"You probably blind all the ladies looking like Rudolph's nose"
"Excuse me?"
You quickly intervene before Susan ends up being the radio man's dinner, Alastor tilts his head at you and bends down,
"And who is this Little one?"
Susan moves you Infront of her and puts her cane between you and Alastor,
"My grandchild, they're very well-mannered unlike you now get away before you influence them to listen to your modern jazz music"
"̵̢̯̫͕̀̀̓̕M̷̧̧͎̬̹̦͚̺̼̳͊͒̽̌̅͑́̕͘ỹ̶̱̮͙̕ ̴͇̹̣͙̖̉̽̏̊͜m̸̡̧̱̲̱͔͉̲̫͋́̄̎̄̔̈̈́͠ö̵̢̢̙͍̩̩̮̺́̃̿̎ḑ̵̰̪͎̀̿̔͊̒͛̄ͅͅͅę̸̪́ř̴̛̳̥̭̼̌͊̄̉̑̽̇̚n̴͕̥̗̻͕̊̅͐̒̂̌͆̚̚͜͠ ̵̛̪̹̔̈́̈́͂͝͝Ẃ̸̽̓̈́̾͂ͅH̵̨̢̯̳̗̦͕̭̯̑̈͆̇̚̕̚Ḁ̸͍̱̩̠̼͚̾̉̚T̵̥̠͓͛͊"̸̛͎̼̺́̔̀̎͛̀̈̕͠
Thankfully Rosie soon appeared before Alastor and Susan could get into a brawl,
She handed you a lil' box of treats and sent you on your way with Susan.
A very polite way to get kicked out in your opinion,
The next time you see Alastor he brings Niffty, trying to get her to influence you enough to drive Susan to insanity.
It backfired.
You, on the rare occasions you roam outside of cannibal town you see someone you may have known during life, you usually don't interact with them, but sometimes they recognize you too, they give a look of mixed disbelief, pity and guilt or just indifference, you made similar decisions to them.
You saw a member of your family, trying to sell something on the streets one time, you went up to them with the confidence of Susan talking to Alastor,
You know they recognized you, you may look different but you were still you, just better then before.
Their face dropped seeing you, filled with guilt and shame, you weren't supposed to be down here, of all places, you should've gotten to live to be old and wrinkly, shaking their head they shoo'd you away in what you assumed was a way to tell you to move on, make the best of your afterlife.
"I don't know you, now shoo' go home."
When you got home to Susan making cannibal meatloaf, nagging you about getting home in a timely manner as you take off your shoes and place them by the door, it gives you a somewhat nostalgic feeling,
You may never seeing the majority of your family again, after all maybe they're in heaven or below with you,
They'll always be your family and while they weren't perfect but they loved you, and you loved them, and you always will even if you were apart.
And now you had a new family member, Your Grandma Susan,
And you loved her, and while she didn't outwardly say it, you knew through her actions of making you a scarf, bringing you a bowl of peeled or cut fruit, or something else, she loved you too.
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good evening folks! Hope you enjoyed this, I'm making my way through the requests now so tune on in later for those!
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dckweed · 1 year
Can you write a fic about Hangman and his friend from childhood and when she found out she was pregenat, her (former) bf broke up with her? You can make it as angsty or fluffy as you want.
absolutely love this! i had a couple of ideas and i hope you love the one that i landed on for this prompt! again guys, feel free to send in more, i love new ideas! this is honestly alot longer than i anticipated it to be and im so so so sorry but i got so wrapped up in it for some reason but hi how are you? also, would we want a part two to this maybe? make Jake and Babygirl a series? idk man i could vibe with it. anyway, comment, reblog, send in asks <3
warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abortion and guilt and shame.
disclaimer: I did not add in abortion to make a stance on pro choice, nor did i add it in to make a stand off to pro lifers. Please do not bring the matter of pro choice or pro life into my comments or you will be blocked from my blog. This is a topic that makes me incredibly angry as a woman, abortion may not be something thats for you or that you'll ever find yourself doing, but that doesn't mean that its not an option for other people. Not every person will make the same choices as you, can we please remember and respect that? Everyone has a different stance on this topic and that is okay, but theres no need to argue.
part two
'YOU'RE NOT ALONE, OKAY?' jake seresin.
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When Jake had called you last week, he had heard it in your voice immediately, even though you tried so desperately to hide it. The sadness, the fear. Before you had even finished telling him how much you missed him, he had cut you off with a: "What's wrong, babygirl?" Babygirl. He had called you that from the day he'd met you, and it had annoyed you greatly at first but over time it came to be second nature to respond to it and you had stopped rolling your eyes after a year or so. You and Jake had been stuck together like peanut butter and jelly from your very first day together. You were 13 when you had first moved into his hometown, your family had bought the ranch right next to his and his mama had made her happy way over to come say hello, a grumpy and annoyed Jake in tow.
You often laughed at the memory, Jake had come off as he usually did, ego-fueled and jackassy, though you later learned that it was just a front to survive in his big family of all boys, where he just happened to be the youngest and treated like the baby. You had even called him a jackass on that day, and he quickly followed it up. "Babygirl, has anyone ever told you that you're a brat?" Even at 13 he had the playboy names that he'd learned from watching his older brothers. He was appalled that you swung your arm back and popped him one right on the cheek, leaving his eye black for the next two weeks. He was enamored by you immediately and from that moment on was by your side every waking moment of the day.
Relationships had come and gone for both of you, both of you having your hearts broken more than once and seeking the other out for comfort, there had been many a night spent on one of the others living room couch with fuzzy blankets and cake while one of you cried. You and Jake were so bonded that most of your partners took it threateningly, girls he liked enough to bring around his family (including you) took offensively to you almost immediately, and your boyfriends took his presence in your life personally, and this time? Well, this time was no exception.
"..you still there?" You sobbed out a terrible cry that had him sitting up straight on his couch. You felt terrible immediately and tried to reel it all back in, you were calling to congratulate him on the permanent placement after the uranium mission, all of which you had heard details about every single night. "Y/N, what happened?"
"Jake..he left me.." You cry, trying not to snot all over yourself as you looked down at your bathroom counter, panic flooding your tone. It had been two weeks since he'd been gone, and you had been fine because you knew you didn't need him, but you were scared now. Scared for your future, scared to tell Jake about the two positive lines on the two pregnancy tests sitting on your sink, because what if he left you too? "I dont even remember what it was over," Him, always him. "but it just hurts so fucking bad because it's like two fucking years of my life wasted on this goddamn asshole and he went and..just..left."
He had left. Had taken every single one of the things he had kept at your home, and had even gone as far as blocking your number, all because you said you had wanted to go take a trip to see your best friend Jake when he was finished with his detachment, even though you had just seen him two months before. He had called you a whore when you first told him you thought you were pregnant, it hadn't been more than two weeks since you'd last seen Jake and he was absolutely convinced that you two had fucked, even though he had been with you the whole time. You couldn't understand why every guy you dated thought that there was something between you and the man who had always been your best friend, or why his girlfriends treat you the way they did, but you tried not to dwell on it for too long.
"Y/N." Jake sighs, the sounds coming from your end of the phone absolutely tearing him apart. It always tore him apart, the way that you would fret and cry over these..these boys that hadn't ever treat you in the way that you needed to be treated, or let alone loved you in the way that Jake knew you needed to be loved, because he did love you in a way that you would probably never know. He had always been to afraid to tell you, too afraid of it making you uncomfortable enough that you would leave his life. Maybe not immediately, but over time, and that thought scared him even more than telling you how he truly felt because goddamn he couldn't and wouldn't ever imagine a life without his babygirl in it.
Two hours of crying on the phone, of convincing you to calm down and to take your damn vacation like you had planned, because you deserved it, and 14 hours later, Jake had you in his arms, held tightly to his always muscular chest as he basked in the feel of you, the scent of your hair and perfume. You looked a mess, you were a mess he knew, but he didn't care.
"I missed you so much.." You sniffle, pulling away from him. You wipe your eyes as you look up at him, his usual charming smile plastered across his stupidly handsome face, you couldn't help the smile that spread across yours at the sight.
"No tears, babygirl, no tears.." He says, bringing a thumb up to help you wipe your eyes. You lean into his touch, as if that was all the comfort you needed in the world and you watched the way his face softened, you loved that.
"Happy tears, i promise." You chuckle, leaning against him as he lead you to the baggage claim carousel for your flight. Your suitcases were easy to see, he'd seen them a million times before and didn't even need to double check to make sure he was right, he recognized the small stain on the bottom by the wheel that had been his doing. "You don't have to carry my bags Jake, you've already done enough by coming to get me."
"I always pick you up from the airport whenever you visit," He says, looking down at you as if what you said was absolutely insane. He grabbed the cases with ease and started wheeling them away, letting you carry your carry on bag. "Besides, if my mama ever found out i didn't carry a woman's bags for her, she'd drag me out of work by my ear and give me a talking to." He says only half jokingly. Mama Seresin had been a strict woman, but a loving one and had instilled all the southern gentlemen charms in all of her boys, quite proudly she liked to say.
"I know, and i feel like it's alot to ask, I dont mind carrying my own bags, Jake.." You say, following after him. You wore a baggy sweatshirt and some shorts, you knew it was hot in the San Diego area but you weren't wanting to risk Jake asking if you'd gained weight if your normal clothes looked different, you weren't ready to tell him yet.
"And i feel like it's the least i could do, you literally sat on an airplane for four hours just to come see me, you dont need to carry your bags to the truck too.." He says in a way that told you not to argue about it any farther, so you don't.
The trip to his truck isn't too long, he managed to find decent parking not far from the arrivals gates and you had planned your flight for a time when you knew it wouldn't be massively busy, but the drive to his off base apartment felt like it took hours. Jake talked most of the time, making sure the A/C was blowing on you at full blast because you looked sweaty, telling you about his friends and how they couldn't wait to meet the girl he was always talking about, about how he was looking forward to having a permanent position at the TOP GUN academy, even though it meant he couldn't be close to you at home anymore.
You listened the whole way, but your mind was on the little thing in your womb now, growing by the moment. Your mind was on the man who had up and left you as soon as you said it might have been a possibility because he swore you were a whore. Your mind was on your own Mama, who had passed away many years ago, you wished she was here to tell you what to do. You knew you could go to Jake's mama, she had always been like your own in some ways but you also knew that she couldn't keep a secret to herself, Jake would be the first phone call as soon as you were out of earshot and you didn't want him to find out in that way. You didn't want him to find out at all, afraid of what he would say, of disappointing him, you hated that thought more than you hated the thought of your Daddy being disappointed at you.
You had contemplated making an appointment at planned Parenthood, you knew you weren't too far along, it was still a possibility for you, but you couldn't bare the thought of it, as upset as you were. The universe had given you this curveball for a reason, you had to believe that, even if you didn't agree with it. You had to believe that this accident had a purpose.
You hadn't noticed that Jake had pulled into a small parking lot, or that he had even parked the car at all until his hand waved in front of your face, snapping you out of your reverie. "...Earth to Y/N..." You blinked rapidly a few times, taking in a deep breath as you turned to look at him. "You good?"
You smile forcefully, and his eyebrows furrow. "Sorry, i spaced for a minute. It's been a long couple of weeks, my brain wasn't all the way with it.." You say, looking outside the windshield. "Why are we at the beach?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing now. A sandy strip of beach was in front of the truck, you could see the waves crashing against it and you could make out some people milling about, birds flying over head. If you squinted, you could make out a couple of surfers on the water, waiting for a decent swell to ride in.
"Because i live in the building right over there." Jake says softly, getting the feeling that something other than the breakup was bothering you. You were usually full of chatter, typically, jake couldn't get a word in edgewise when you were around, and he loved that about you, but today? Today it was all him and that worried him.
You glance towards the building to your right, confused. "Oh.." You shake your head and unbuckle your seatbelt, opening the door to his truck to get out when his large hand on your elbow stops you, his fingers wrapping around it and pulling you back towards him. "...Jake?"
He sighs, looking at you with that stern, but probing glance, as if he were looking into your soul. "..Are you sure you're okay?" He asks after a moment of hesitation, he wanted to know what was going on but he didn't want to push it too hard.
You could have cried right then and there, and you almost did as you could feel the tears welling in your eyes, your chin quivering as you tried desperately not to let them fall. You could only hope that he didn't notice. "Yeah," You nod, giving him the best smile that you possibly could, putting your other hand on top of his and giving it a squeeze. "I'm okay Jake, i promise.."
Jake doesn't believe you, not one bit but he knows that he'll figure out whats going on eventually, or you'll break down and tell him. You always did. He nods once, letting go of your arm before taking the keys out of the ignition and hopping out. You follow suit, having to jump down before joining him at the bed of the truck, where he lifts your bags out and sets them down.
The rest of the day goes smoothly, you settle into the guest room that he had made up for you, and you catch up with him on what he hadn't filled you in on over the phone. He made you lunch, and took you for a walk on the beach, letting you lean against him as you enjoyed the smell of the ocean.
Jake couldn't help but wish that he was able to do that with you all the time, hold you while you guys walked on the beach, or make lunch and eat it with you. He loved being with you all the time, and he always had, he just had never realized until it was much too late that it was because he loved you. He didn't like to dwell on it too much though, he didn't like the yearning and the sadness and anger it brought him. There was no need for it when you were with him now, even if only for a little while.
By the time sunset comes around you're starting to turn into the you that he's used to, the happy, goofy babygirl he had always known, and he can't help but think it's because you're happier here with him than you were with your ex, wishful thinking, he knew. But alas, a man could dream, couldn't he?
You were sat on the couch in Jake's living room, watching a game show like you used to when you were kids when you heard his phone ping with a text message. You chuckle as he groans grumpily, half asleep with your legs in his lap, and shifts to reach for his phone on the small table next to the couch.
You watch him roll his eyes and poke his tongue out as he types out a reply to whomever it was, you grin before poking him in the chest with your foot. "What was that eyeroll for?" You ask, half amused and half curious. You always were the nosey type. "Was it Rooster?" He had told you about how rocky their friendship was, but that it was getting better, you knew that Rooster could annoy the hell out of Jake without even trying and you thought it was absolutely hilarious because you knew that you used to do the same thing.
Jake sighs, looking at you with that million dollar smile of his. "If you must know, Babygirl," He starts and you cant help but giggle a little. "It was Phoenix, the squad are all heading to the Hard Deck and they wanted to know if I was coming." He says and you hum at him in response. "I'm telling them no, I'm sure you don't want to go and i don't want to leave you alone."
You think on it for a moment, staring at him before making your mind up. "Lets go." You say, sitting up and swinging your legs off of his lap. You miss the pout that he makes, his eyebrows furrowing at the loss of your touch. "I want to meet your other friends, i bet they could tell me some stories." You say with a giggle, going towards the guest room to change into better clothes.
Jake watches after you and stands with an exaggerated sigh after a moment. "Fine, but I'm only going so they tell you the good stories!" He says and you cackle knowing damn well that they would probably spin you some tales about the man you've known for a good portion of your life, you didn't mind because you could tell them some things that would make them piss themselves in return.
It wasn't long before the two of you are out the door, Jake locking it after you before walking with you to his truck. You were honestly feeling alot better about things with your ex after only being with him for a few hours, Jake always had that affect on you to make things feel better when it felt like the world was tumbling down around you.
You sing along to the country station as Jake drives, the windows down in his truck letting the ocean breeze flow through the cab as you guys go along the coast, and within a few moments you see the lights of the Hard Deck through the windshield and take note of the full parking lot.
"Damn Jake, is it always this busy?" You ask, slightly on edge by the amount of people that were probably in the bar, you put your hand on your tummy subconsciously, which Jake caught out of the corner of his eye as he found a parking space. That struck him as odd, you had never been the socially nervous person before.
That was Jake's first clue. You declining a chilled tequila in favor of water was his second, and honestly it was the only one that he needed to make the assumption. You never turned down tequila, especially after a breakup like this. Eyebrows furrowed in thought as he introduces you to his friends, Jake watches you throughout the night, merely sipping on his beer as he did, keeping an eye on you as moved throughout the bar.
Phoenix and Rooster absolutely loved you, they couldn't believe that you and Jake had been friends for as long as you had, or that you could stand to be around him and his ego. Bob had thought you were his long distance girlfriend from the way that he always talked about you, and the fact that he rarely every called you anything besides Babygirl. You chuckled at the trio, about to tell them that he had never once in your entire friendship called anything other than Babygirl if it wasn't absolutely necessary, when you felt your stomach lurch as Penny brought a plate of seafood around your area of the bar. Quickly, you excuse yourself, just barely making it to the bathroom before the vomit spews out of you.
Jake was hot on your tail, had even followed you into the bathroom to dutifully hold your hair for you, his large hand rubbing your back as you heaved the contents of your stomach into the toilet. "Jesus Y/N.." He says, a serious edge to his voice. He wasn't sure what he was upset about, the fact that you hadn't told him immediately, or that your boyfriend had left you. "How long?" He asks when you stand up, wiping your face with a paper towel he had handed you.
You let out a soft sigh, making your way to the sink where you splash your face with water, hoping that if you delayed the answer he would go away. He catches your eye through the mirror, arms crossed over his chest as he gives you that look of pure concern.
"..Two months, i think.." You finally say and Jake's jaw clenches. Your lip quivers, terrified that he's angry with you as scared tears well up in your eyes. "He..he called me a whore..he thought i slept with you and he called me a whore and he left and he took all of his things and he blocked my number and jake i dont know what to fucking do because this wasn't part of my plan!" You wail in one breath, completely breaking down in the bathroom of the bar.
Jake is almost startled by your outburst, but it quickly turns to anger at the words that left your mouth, at the accusation that your ex had made towards you. Jake knew you were a fiercely loyal person, you wouldn't have ever cheated on him, but he was more than certain that he would have cheated on you, how else could he have called you that so easily?
Jake swallows his anger, noticig your tears coming harder and faster down your face and crosses the small bathroom to pull you into his arms, letting you rest your face on his chest as he holds you, letting you sob all over his shirt. "It's okay, Babygirl.." He says, looking at the sight in the mirror. If there was one thing Jake Seresin knew for certain, it was that he was going to make sure you were cared for, it may not have been his baby but you absolutely weren't on your own in this, he wouldn't let you be. "You're not alone..i promise you.."
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heeheesang · 3 months
ₕᵢgₕ ₛcₕₒₒₗ cᵣᵤₛₕ! ₗₑₑ ₕₑₑ ₛₑᵤₙg.
twelve -> risks and chances. ( written + texts )
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“cold night, hm?” i said as i stood up in front of the black haired male after trying to find him. a wide smile appeared on his face as he stood up and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly as i returned the hug.
“i’ve missed you. alot.” heeseung cried as he buried his face into my neck, letting his sobs out as i let a few tears roll down my cheeks, “i missed you too, hee.” i smiled widely, letting him pick me off floor and spin me around.
pulling away from the hug, i placed my hands on his cheeks and wiped his tears away, “don’t cry handsome prince, you make me cry.” he smiled and wiped my tears, “it’s been a month since i saw my pretty princess, let me be.” we laughed and sat down on the bench, “how did you know i was missing?” heeseung asks as he took my hand and plays with it, “jungwon texted me. said a certain someone was going for a walk and disappeared into thin air, what happened hee?”
“alot. i’m just super stressed. coach won’t let me play this seasons’ matches unless i get my grades up, my next test is in two days, i barely studied half the chapter. gyuri’s on my back the whole time, riding off my money and threatening me to never talk to you, to my friends. she’s a sick psychopath. i’ve been working part time to get my money back ever since my parents left korea for work and i’m aloen with my grandma.” heeseung started and tears started to cloud his eyes again. i moved closer to him and hugged him, letting him cry on my shoulder.
“let it all out heeseung, i know how hard this can be on you… here’s what, i’ll help you.” i said and he immediately stopped crying, “you.. you can’t. she’ll hurt you princess…”
“lee heeseung. i’m done seeing you suffer alone, as someone close to you i’m not letting you go though all these alone. i don’t care about gyuri anymore, so what if she’ll hurt me? i don’t care, i’m done ignoring you, even i cry at home because i can’t talk to you. this is your last year here, you’ll pass your tests and win all your games and graduate with sunghoon. i’m willing to take the risks and chances if there are any.” i sternly said as heeseung smiled, “you cry at home alone? because you ignore me?”
my eyes widened, did i really say that… “anyways..! first let’s settle your studies! what subject is it?” he sighed and looked down on his lap, “english… yn i know you might not understand year two english—“
“are you looking down on me, lee heeseung?” i asked as i leaned closer to him, “and what if i am?” he leaned even closer, our noses almost touching each other. “i’ll have to kiss you then,” i joked and we both smiled, heeseung placing his hand on my chin as he closed the gap between us. our lips met in a matter of seconds and we both smiled into the kiss, melting even in the cold, windy weather.
i quickly pulled away and covered my face with my hair, “aw my pretty princess is all shy now,” heeseung joked and i slapped his arm. soon enough we got started on a plan, we were going to study at my house the whole day tomorrow, so we had to write a letter for our absence. i taught him everything he needed to know and even tested him like how jay tested me, with papers.
“you have exactly ten minut—“ “done!” no surprise it was all correct, he is ace lee heeseung anyways. now going onto our next problem, we came up with a solution to meet every evening at our place. we will pretend to not know one another in school but he found a way to send me home from school when i’m unwell, which was on his motorbike, while sunghoon distracted gyuri.
our last issue was his part time job, he worked as a barista at his aunt’s cafe. since the people i’m usually with have a huge fanbase or are popular, i asked them to come and take pictures of the cafe and upload it to social media to help them gain more customers, i was a regular of course.
so far, i was playing with my risks. i mean what were the chances gyuri would catch us anyway?
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taglist! @haechansbbg @saranghaohoshi @rosas-in-the-garden @yourssincerely-mimi @dimplewonie @jwnghyuns
hhs’ notes! soooo heeyn’s back! don’t get confused, they’re back to talking to actually in a relationship yet… also heeseung isn’t cheating on gyuri since he’s technically being forced into a relationship with her right..? the next few chapters will be more of heeyn and a special special appearance! as always, thank you for reading and supporting my smau🥹 i love each and everyone of you🤍 here’s a rose!! 🌷
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Hi hey hello halloween was 2 days ago so here are my southpark halloween headcanons cuz im a spooky gremlin all year (Possible part 1 cuz i write alot and idk if tumblr has a word limit)👍
His costume is either really extra or really basic because he forgot until last minute.
Its usually inflateable like a dinosaur, pizza or...other things.
Usually the one to pick the route they go on when trick or treating so he can get the most candy, but it backfires because of all the walking.
The type of mf to eat his candy while hes out trick or treating (me too, i get it)
He steals the entire take 1 bowl you cant change my mind. Also the type to grab aggressive fistfuls when someone says to just take one or two pieces of candy
Thinks haybales and haunted houses are gay
Will throw fake decorations at you as a joke, but the realistic ones that make you yell (severed hands, bugs, etc)
His house isnt that decorated since i KNOW Liane is the cool mom who gives out full sized candy bars but its the inside that counts
Takes pumpkin carving VERY seriously. But doesnt do that much, or he tries and gives up.
A dumbass when it comes to candy trading. Always falls for the tricks Kyles got
I love kyle, but you know hes dressing up as the most basic things every year...hes TRYING THO HES TRYING
Takes Ike with the boys when hes old enough
Tries to match costumes with Stan but stan always forgets
The BEST at carving pumpkins. Gut feeling Kyle is an art kid.
Thinks haybales are gay but is "ironically" scared of haunted houses
His mom is extra with decorations. You just know it
Secretly takes 3 pieces of candy from a take 1 bowl
Gives what he cant have to Stan since he cant eat pork n gelatin has pork in it 👍
Cartman tried nabbing his candy once and he whacked him with the candy filled pillow case he had
Expert candy tracker. That man knows which house has what and he is ON IT
Nightmare before christmas enjoyer, will i explain? No
Hes like Kyle with the basic costume thing, just worse. Way worse
He is a ghost...almost every single year cuz he forgets to go costume shopping and he just says "fuck it" and uses a white bedsheet
Takes what he can get; he knows Shelleys gonna steal his shit anyway
That doesnt stop him from trying to hide it
Likes haybales but TERRIFIED of haunted houses he will NOT get in one
Mediocre pumpkin carver at best
His house aint decorated nor does it have candy cuz of randys ass. Forgetful ahh
Cant really afford costumes so stan, kyle and cartman help him DIY costumes
Also the kind of mf to grab the entire take 1 bowl
Makes it his MISSION to get all the candy he can get
Kinda eh on Haybsles, LOVES haunted houses
His house is never decorated, his family cant afford that
Good at candy trading cuz he can do puppy eyes
Really good at pumpkin carving, he just cant be the one getting the pumpkins.
He dies a lot that day very sad for him
Rarely aloud to go out trick or treating, mans is ALWAYS grounded
When he CAN go out he cant ever stay out late which sucks so much
His costume is always something cute/creative, bro would probably go as like, an oc of his one year (projecting so hard i did this in the 4th or 5th grade)
Gets people to check his candy for him, hes scared of getting hurt or poisoned
Wants to go to the houses that have fruit or toothbrushes. It always goes like:
"Can we go to Ms Firkles house?" "The one that gives out apples?" "Yeah!" "Fuck is wrong with you?"
Loves Haybales, thinks theyre so fun
TERRIFIED of haunted houses, will not even STAND in a 100 ft radius of a haunted house
Flinches/Cries/Screams whenever a halloween decoration jumpscares him or is too loud
Horrified of horror moves
Not allowed to carve pumpkins, too dangerous. But he likes painting them!
Obeys the "take 1/2/3" rule like a good boy
His house is decently decorated, nothing extravagant
Oh you know he is a "this is my costume" mf
Either that or something space related
Always the first in front in his group (Tweek, Tolkien, Clyde, Jimmy and Himself) cuz hes pretty unphased by everything
Loves carving pumpkins, him and tweek do the cute pumpkin carving stuff couples do
Cant eat most of the candy since he has braces, but he gives it to Tweek so its not a waste
Will hold Tweeks hand during horror movies, haunted houses and haybales.
A six flags fright fest enjoyer
This mf will look you dead in the eye and pour an entire bowl of candy into his bag if there arent any cameras or signs
The kind of mf to joke inside a ghost tour and purposefully try to piss off the ghost by flipping it off
The most undecorated house ever. Its like halloween doesnt exist to the Tuckers
He buys cool costumes but his makeup is so shaky and rushed since his ass cant sit still
Chugging pumpkin spice like a maniac
Terrified of any and all halloween activities. Jumpscare him and he will scream
Doesnt take candy from people or bowls, he stands awkwardly behind everyone and investigates his candy thoroughly before putting it in the bag
Either that or he'll have craig triple check it
His house is always decorated since Tweek Bros always has halloween specials and stuff
Does not sleep for the entire month of halloween, he survives on pumpkin spice and pure anxiety
Helps around the coffee shop by refilling candy bowls and doing halloween chalkboards (they look like scribbled messes but whatever)
The middle man in the group, he doesnt feel safe in the front or back
Carries Pepper spray with him when trick or treating, always very cautious to the point his friends grill him for it a little. Better safe than sorry
Clinging onto Craig half the night, the insomnias getting to him
Legally not aloud to carve pumpkins. He will accidentally knick his fingers
Loves halloween baking though, he does burn at least something and panics.
Oh you know hes the kind of mf to dress up like the glow in the dark stickman
Grabs aggressive handfuls of candy regardless of if its from a bowl or person
An absolute crybaby. Will cry when he sees the decorations
They cant decorate his house since hes a baby
Likes the pumpkin carving tho!
Always runs to thr house with full sized candy bars
He is def going as an inflateable t rex/banana
Tells more jokes to people in hopes of getting more candy
Carves a wee wee into his pumpkin. He thinks its funny
Pretends to be scared on haybales to make Clyde feel better
His house is the one with custom decorations its so great
Scary movie enthusiast, joking and calling the characters dumb the whole time
He. Fucking. Loves. Frightfest
Hc that when hes older hes a scare actor part time
Admires the decorations
Bro probably got like, a ren faire costume yk? Like a count or something
Tolkien just seems likke the guy to go to ren faire every year
Expert pumpkin carver
Takess his friends to halloween fairs every year
The most overdecorated house (rich kid core)
Always saying the thank yous and happy halloweens when noone else will
Bro printed out a map of their trick or treat route
He takes some of his friends to ren faire too. Craig thinks its gay as shit
Likes the haybales, and the shit rides at the halloween fairs
Creeped out by haunted houses tho
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vasyandii · 8 months
Hi, Vasya! I’m sorry, if you wrote it somewhere and I just missed it, but I was wondering, what are Naks relationships with other Chimera members (ok, Krueger is obvious and I remember you writing about Syd). Is it ‘just business’ for her or are they her friends? What does she think of them? Thank you so much!
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Hi Thank you so much for the Ask!! Im going to section out by each individual operator if that's okay (I'm really bad at explaining things so please bear with me ;-;)
Beforehand: These are just my personal Headcanons from how I interpret their characters and voicelines!
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I briefly mentioned Syd being someone Nak views as an older sister figure in her Bio so I'd like to touch more on that-
Nak, She sees Syd as a sister because Syd's the first person she's comfortable enough to talk about her personal experiences and cares enough about her that Nak shows interest in what Syd as to say. For a long while didn't have a healthy support system before she fled Laos . Being introduced to Syd, she was reluctant and dismissive for the first week or so. However, seeing how Syd was trying to at least be on good terms with her, she thought it was safe enough to give it a chance.
Syd (from her voicelines) is outgoing, friendly, strong-willed, and determined. Nikolai probably asked her to intergrate Nak into the group. Both of them being from wealthy families of people with political/military influence is something they have in common. She understood to an extent why Nak had difficulty trusting people (Not including the whole Naga Trauma stuff) and was willing to take up the challenge.
They hang out during breaks, Nak gets to experience Normal life stuff like a Girls Night, doing her hair, going shopping.
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Yegor, having 3 kids himself, probably has an instinct to protect and look out for those who are younger in the field (from His interactions with Rodion and his discomfort with using children during interrogation). He's lowkey concerned abt Nak because she's one of the youngest members in the faction. He knows how people in their early 20s would act from his personal experience but Nak doesn't fit the mold and it's worrying, even if he doesn't say it.
Nak has cried because he called her "kid", she didn't even realize she was crying from that. It was like an inner child healing experience. She initially didn't like him because she felt like he was "treating her as if she's a child" but grew to respect him since they have pasts in organized crime and he feels like her idea of a dad.
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Nikolai is hard on Nak (alot of cleaning duties, etc.) Because she's one of the youngest people in the faction. " If you wann work here you gotta be good at your job" mindset. He knows that she's a good operator so he pushes her to do her best, with boundaries of course.
Nak thinks of Nikolai as a better version of Naga. She says he's a pain in the ass but really respects him; He got her a job, he accommodated for her issues with routine mental check ups, and his methods with missions is efficient and more her style. She's called him Dad on accident a handful of times, I don't think Nikolai bothered to correct her though.
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Iskra doesn't have an opinion on Nak, she respects Nak's ability as an operator but thinks she's a bit strange
Nak thinks Iskra is so cool. She doesn't know how to talk to her because she thinks Iskra is really pretty and admires her relationships with the other female operators. She wants to be friends with her.
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Farah doesn't have an opinion in Nak, doesn't know her that well.
Nak is a bit intimidated by Farah because of her Accomplishments, respects her as an operator
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She thinks he's stupid and dumb (they kiss)
If you made it this far thank you or reading, the post corrupted initially so that's why it's longer 😭😭
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wifey-ohara · 10 months
Hobie Brown & Younger Sibling!Reader
Thought of these while washing the dishes
Gen: some angst/fluff
A/n: idk if he he ran away or got kicked out, so i did both, and i made the spider bite hurtful asf (i did sreach for both but i didnt get clear answers)
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💙You two have the same mother, just different father.
🩵you're 2-3 years younger than him.
💙calls you, kid/lil'one/trouble that sort of thing.
🩵both cried over math homework together, now he just burns them over the stove.
💙bad family, so you two both kinda teamed up to protect one another.
🩵School was a game for both of you, if you had one big school from elementry/primary to high school, he would definitely flunk off, come to your class, stand at the door and calls for you saying stuff like "this is useless, n' y'know it get ova'ere" till the teacher closes the door.
💙If each school level is separate, he'd also flunk off comes to your school under your class's window and either have boards in which he writes the most random thing as you try not to laugh, or he'll yell the same sentences from above.
🩵if he ran away, he would come to you and tell you his plan, how much he loves you, and he'll try to keep on touch with you and meet you from time to time.
💙you refused to let him go, he was your brother, your best friend, your everything, so you decided to go with him.
🩵he tried to get you to stay, but then again he didn't have room to argue about it seeing that he's running as well.
💙if he got kicked out, you'd cause hectic in the house and leave.
🩵when you find him, he's shocked, also tries to get to return back home, he's more persistent this time, but you tell him it's home without you in it, to which he tears up, try to hide it bc obviously, and give you a tight hug, which you return.
💙he has his guitar, you have your beautiful voice.
🩵you often feature in his concerts.
💙once you sang "brother" by to him in a concert, and he almost cried right then and there (i wanna write a fic/drabble about it).
🩵you droped out of high school and started doing jobs, same for him.
💙and then the spider bit him.
🩵you weren't there when it happened, but you arrived shortly after.
💙you just held him to your chest as he screamed, cried and kicked from the pain of the bite, arms tight around himself (brabble-able).
🩵you sang him to sleep that night and a few nights after.
💙he was so scared that he'd hurt you and tried to push you away and even go back home, so lots of comfort.
🩵And then when he started fighting crime, he used the custom you drew him.
💙you help sometimes, he'll let you climb his back as he swings around, beating up bitches left and right.
🩵He bought you a double blade backpack.
💙so now he has his axe and you have your blades.
🩵he cusses and swears alot, you don't, and you actually lecture and scold him about it.
💙when the spider society tried to get him to join them, he refused to go anywhere without you, and threatened and attacked many spider people whenever they mentioned leaving you behind.
🩵miguel deemed you useful as you two usually work together and accepted hobie's condition of bringing you along.
💙turned out you were tech-smart and you helped alot around miguel's lab.
🩵you made adjustments to make you more useful to hobie on missions, to for hobie too.
💙you're now the tech-hero.
🩵tech-hero and spider-punk? Un-beatable!
💙you two are very, very close.
🩵your rooms are a wall apart, and contacted by the bathroom.
💙in-home concerts are almost a daily thing now.
🩵you two communicate your feelings alot by music.
💙once he wrote a song for you and one of lines were "i swear I'd die for you, little one" and you ignored him the whole day.
🩵when asked what's up, you broke down crying saying that you wouldn't want him to die, especially for you.
💙it became "i swore I'd live for you and i will".
🩵that became your reassuring phase.
💙as in physical reassuring, an arm over the other's shoulder + two squeezes means "I'm here for you", putting your hand over his + a squeeze means "back at you".
🩵then miles showed up..
💙you of course were on your brother's side, using your tech to help miles.
🩵you learnt, healing amd medical stuff just in case your brother got hurt.
💙after all of that, and rejoining the spider society, your lives returned to a normal rhythm,, somewhat, as normal as to hero siblings could get it to normal.
🩵you and hobie became friends with the other teens.
💙you'd have sleepovers with them, where you and hobie sing for them.
🩵you two annoy miguel to no end by pulling pranks.
💙hobie scares anyone that tries flirting or get with you, it pisses you off.
💙but if it's unwanted, he will hurt them.
🩵if anyone touches you, he'd cut their arm off.
💙you tease him about his love life, but if you sense the tiniest bit of a red flag from them, you'd take him to the side and tell him.
🩵he'll leave that person the moment he returns.
💙If your hair is long enough braids/locs/dreads all the time.
🩵if not then he'll play with your hair till you sleep, in return you'd sing him to sleep.
💙show binge nights all the time.
🩵happy life all around now:)).
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A/N2: this turned out longer than expected! But i love it<33,Imma start writing either miguel&teen!Reader Angst hcs or ben&child!Reader angst fluff hcs
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doraambrose · 4 months
I normally don't really feel comfortable discussing NSFW topics, but I've seen an increase in a very specific type of jason todd content, mostly from one user in particular, that, to me personally, is kind of weird and inaccurate.
Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to kink shame anyone or attack anyone. As long as it's consensual, legal, and not hurting anyone, do what makes you happy. This particular subject is just not for me and this post is going to be more about my headcannons that I've based on canon events as well as my own opinion of jason todd.
🚨Warning: NSFW topics such as:
choking, rough play, foreplay, controlling and dominant behaviors during sex, crying during sex, talking during sex, talking down to someone during sex, making fun of someone during sex, vaginal sex, oral sex (female and male), daddy and mommy kinks kinks. Submissive behaviors during sex.
I've never done a trigger warning so please let me know if I did this right.
So, I've seen an increase in a particular kind of jason content, mostly fueled by like 1 or 2 specific users, portraying jason as this real rough, dominant dude who likes to degrade and choke during sex. I don't really like blocking people, but I might have to block these users. Don't get me wrong, they're not doing anything wrong, it just makes me uncomfortable, personally, as someone who's not into choking or stuff like that. and they don't put the read more line so you kind of have to see it when you're scrolling. I also find it completely inaccurate. Like the people requesting these and writing these looked at one or two images of jason but don't really know anything about the character themselves. So, I'm gonna put some of my own headcannons as someone who has studied this dude for a few years now:
First, Judd Winnick has confirmed over Twitter that jason cries during sex. Now obviously, judd winnick doesn't own Jason and many writers have their own interpretation, but winnick is basically the father and creator of post resurrection Jason and kind of set the blueprint for his behaviors, beliefs, etc. So for that reason, when he posts his own headcannons about jason, I feel more obligated (if that's the right word) to kind of accept it as canon, even when it's really not.
It also just makes sense. It's not as widely talked about, but it's very normal and natural to cry after an orgasm. Sex for a lot of people is considered a very intimate act and an orgasm is like an explosion of pleasure. It can be a little much for people, especially those who haven't experienced it alot, and some people (like myself) don't always know how to handle that much stimulus and feeling all at once and crying is a normal reaction to that. And jason is someone who's not the most intimate person.
Second, I feel like Jason is inexperienced. A lot of these blurbs have him knowing exactly what to do, what spots to hit, totally experienced and "professional". We're talking about a guy who spent 12 years in poverty, 3 years as robin while also being in school, dead, and then training with the league while battling mental illness, ptsd, brain damage, etc. And then in under the red hood, he's very focused on his plan. Even after that in general, he's with the outlaws, on a case, you name it. Dude is always busy with something work wise. I don't see him having a lot of time and energy to be fucking enough to not be awkward.
Speaking of awkward, I've always headcannoned that dude has ZERO rizz. All the reasons I mentioned above, he's probably super socially awkward. That dude is definitely terrible at dirty talk like the stuff I see in those blurbs. I mean, even Isabel has canonically said jason is not a very good kisser.
Third, I DOUBT he's into choking or being rough. All the abuse and shit he's been through, i headcannon that he is more like the opposite. It's intimate, relaxed, soft, etc. He can get a little intense, but not rough or anything.
He's probably actually what some would consider "boring". Pretty standard missionary stuff, maybe sometimes he's getting ridden , probably has oral and stuff, but he does not strike me as a kinky guy
Dude also probably has a normal average dick. I've seen some "8 inches" type shit. Really? 8 inches? I don't remember exactly what the average is in the us, but I'm pretty sure it's like 5 or 6inches.
I can't explain this one, but it's a pretty common headcannon for no real reason, but the vibes, jason is an ass and thighs man. Enough said.
As much as I'd love to think he's the kind of guy who loves spooning and all that, I feel like he's actually the opposite. Bare minimum aftercare kind of stuff and then he's back in his own head again.
I apologize for the explicit subject matter. There's probably more that I'm not thinking of off the top of my head, but those are the big ones for me. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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slamdunkhcs · 1 year
Hello!!! Just wanted to say I love all your posts and dissections on the characters, I'm getting a lottt of sd brain rot and hopefully I can start writing for it soon!! Thank you for keeping the Fandom alive <3
ps. Top 3 characters?
Thank you so much, it makes me really happy hearing this. I haven’t been very active for a while but i will try responding to more requests. I’m not good at ranking characters but i will list out some of my favorites and why i like them
my favorite slam dunk characters
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Okay I haven’t made many posts with her included (which im gonna do 😂) but I LOVE Ayako
She’s very beautiful and i think in a way that’s unconventional compared to many mangas. Curly haired female characters are really uncommon in manga, so seeing a girl like ayako was really surprising. I think her features overall make her look really realistic. Like she looks morrocan or dominican, and the fact that she’s portrayed to be canonically beautiful makes it so that her features are portrayed in a positive light
Also she’s literally the backbone of the team? Part of why Miyagi stayed for hs basketball was because she encouraged the team so well. She’s been there since before the team was good, like how akagi and kogure were. And throughout the series, she gave the boys ALOT of support. Like girl was literally the one who taught Sakuragi the basics??
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If you don’t alr know, I love this boy sm. Like that’s my man right there
Sawakita is also very different from other sports manga rivals. I mean he gets made fun of by his own team, mf cries SM. He has fangirls and I think he treats them well (shown by how he wore a t shirt one of them gifted).
He’s not a bad person either, he even helped Rukawa up when he fell down. He was very encouraging towards his teammates too when he was benched. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS PARENTS?? He’s so respectful to them, boy was out there thanking them for everything when he was drunk on a plane. Plus from his backstory, i think it shows he really loves his dad. Some yall mfs could never LMAOOO
I think his dynamic with Rukawa and Sakuragi too. He was funny asl with Sakuragi. And I like that Sawakita was part of what pushed Rukawa to improving as a player (as well as Sendoh). ALL THAT AND HES GOOD LOOKING???
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He grew on me BIG time
Mf is funny asl?? Like his interactions with Sakuragi, especially when they went on that trip together?? I just know that mf is the class clown. I feel like he’s hella popular too because of how goofy he is
I feel like he’d treat a girl mad good too. Like he would be the type to make his gf’s sides hurt from laughing LMAO. And i think hed be really sweet and talk about his girl to everybody and get her gifts. He’d love me lets be fr
I like that he’s chaotic too. LIKE he gives me black airforce menace energy
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This boy is so cute and sweet i just know it
I like that he was a chill rival too. Like he was just so down to earth, he wasn’t an asshole to NOBODY (except maybe the fish). He aint insulted nobody, not rukawa, not sakuragi. He just minded his business and played basketball
His appearance had a big glow up through the series too. People like rukawa were always drawn as good looking ecen in the beginning but sendoh was drawn to be ugly?? Like he did NOT look good. But towards the end of the series, dude was honestly stunning asl. Like he needs to put me on to whoever threaded his eyebrows
Honestly he seems like such a chill person to be friends with?? He seems so open minded, i fr cant see him as the type to judge anybody or treat anybody badly. I think at his school everyone likes him for how down to earth he is (and his looks LOLLL)
Also, I really like Miyagi, Minami, Mitsui, Maki, Fukuda, Rukawa, and Haruko too, I’m not sure ill do a pt 2 tho
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rose-riot-johnson · 4 months
Hello my Tumblr Peeps👋😃 I have been trying to think of ideas for atleast the angst genre part of the fanfic for about a week and I've wanting to make a decision on which Blue Lock character to write about for the angst genre, so either the other day or yesterday, I figured for the ideas I have for the fanfic, Reo Mikage will be the staring character for this fanfic😃👍It maybe my 2nd time writing about him, however it will be my 1st time writing about him by himself😁👍He is 1 of the characters I like, honestly😃I just have my reasons why I feel the need to write this fanfic and I could relate to him🤔
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💍Please Give Me One More Chance...I Promise I will Make Things Right💍((Adult) Reo Mikage x Any Gender Reader)
Genres:Angst (Warning⚠️: Language and trigger warnings: break up plans and break up depending on the ending)
When you and Reo first met, he saw you were at one of his football matches (which some people refer as soccer (ball) games), which was when he first became a professional football (which some people call soccer) player and after the football match (which some people refer as soccer (ball) game) he was in, you came up to him before having a conversation with eachother. The both of you then exchanged cellphone numbers with eachother. After you and Reo had the first cellphone call with eachother, your relationship with him was official.
You had your relationship with Reo for five years and the both of you have been engaged for about a little longer than three years. You thought he was the best thing to ever happen to you, while you were the best thing to ever happen to him. You knew alot about him and he knew alot about you. Both you and Reo even decided to celebrate the five years that the both of you have been together.
One night, after Reo got done hanging out with his best friend Nagi, he was on his way to your home to celebrate the five years that the both of you have been together. He tried calling you to let you know that he's on his way to your place, however you never answered, as he assumed you were sleeping, so he sent you a text message that he's on his way to your place, as he sent his usual, "cute" emojis to you. Once he got to your place he tried calling, then he hung up since he just realized that you we outside waiting for him.
As you were walking up to Reo, he said "hi" to you and was mentioning about how happy he is to be with me, celebrating the five years he has been with you, and other happy stuff. Unfortunately before he could finish what he was saying, you slapped him across the face. He was upset and shocked about the fact that you slapped him in the face like you did. He then asked, "What's gotten into you and why did you slap me in the face like that?", with tears in his eyes. You shouted at him, as you replied, "I just don't know how much longer I can even, fucken stay in a relationship with someone who lets others tell him what to do! I don't know, when was the last time you had fought for me or our relationship together that I even fucken know of, Reo! Have you actually made any of your decisions as of late or did you let one or both of your parents dictate on what you can and can't do! I need someone who makes decisions on his own! Not let others run your life, Reo! I've been thinking about this, since earlier this morning, so I'm planning to break up with you!".
Reo wasn't sure what he was shocked about more. The fact you slapped him across the face or the reason why you slapped him or that you're planning to break up with him. He then pleaded and cried out, "I promise I was making some decisions for myself and my parents didn't even know some of the decisions I've made... I just didn't know you have been feeling this way about me... Things just have been busy outside of my football (some people refer as soccer) career... Please give me one more chance, (Any Gender Reader)? I will prove to you that I'm making my own decisions and not my parents... You have to believe me, (Any Gender Reader)! I have never meant to make you feel about what you're thinking and planning to do... If I did anything wrong to make you have any reasons and to leave me, because of how you are thinking and how you feel, then please forgive me? I will make things right! Outside of family, aside from my best friend Nagi, you're the only person I truly have! If you leave me, I won't know what I would ever do, without you!", before he started to sob. You saw on his face that he's feeling very hurt, where his heart is breaking second by second. You just know you had to make a decision on wheather or not you're actually going to go through with breaking up with him and breaking his heart to a million tiny pieces.
Now it's up to the reader to decide which ending they read based on their decision on what ending they pick...💔💝
Scroll down to ending A
Scroll down to ending B
Ending A...
Once you thought about what decision to make on wheather or not you break up with Reo, you then calmly said, "Hey Reo... I've been thinking about what you said and I have finally made my decision...", as you proceeded to walk up to him. Reo stopped sobbing, even tough he still has tears roll down his face and is confused, as he is unsure what you meant. "I've decided to... Change my mind and stay in the relationship with you... Be happy I'm giving you another chance for me to stay with you, Reo...", you said, proceeding to hug him tightly before you continued, "You better have meant every word you said, because my heart is telling that I should stay... So, don't think I did it out of pity or anything like that... Our souls must be entwined together and seems like we're meant to be...", as you then smiled.
Reo actually felt relieved and was surprised that you're willing to stay in the relationship with him, despite of your plan to break up with him earlier. He then said, "I will admit, (Any Gender Reader Name)... I'm going to worry about losing you and my chest will hurt for a while, however since I'm relieved that you will stay, my chest will feel better within only a week or two... I promise I won't let you down the way I did, again... I love you, (Any Gender Reader...", as he smiled. "I love you too, Reo Mikage...", you replied before kissing his lips, while hugging him tighter.
Years went by, Reo has never disappointed you after you decided to stay with him and never looking back. You were happy you changed your mind and stayed in the relationship with him. You and Reo Mikage are married now, and the both of you even lived in a new mansion together, where the both of you could have some alone time. Reo will even occasionally happily, say to you, "See, (Any Gender Reader Name)... I told you, I won't let you down, again...". (Up to reader's imagination, if the reader does ever have any children with Reo or not)
Go to the cursive "The End"...
Ending B...
You just weren't sure what else to do, aside from thinking about wheather or not you're making a mistake with considering on breaking up with, Reo. When you finally made your decision, you walked up to him and said, "Hey Reo! I made a decision!", as he stopped sobbing and smiled, before he asked, "I take it you changed your mind, (Any Gender Reader Name)?". You replied, "No, I didn't change my mind! What do you take me for!", as you slapped him in the face again, but only harder, than you did earlier, then took the engagement ring before throwing it at his forehead.
Reo was shocked that you would go this far to go through with hurting him the way you did, as if he was in despair and having horrible chest pains. The next you did was shout, "Fucken, pathetic! You actually believe I was actually going to give you another chance! Don't you dare try and get fucken, pity from me, because I don't fucken, feel bad for you! We're through, Reo! I'm done with you!", before walking away from him, then going inside of your house, slammed the door, and proceeded to lock the front door. After you locked the front door of your home, his heart was broken into a million pieces to the point his chest hurt worser than it was earlier. He then accepted the fact that you didn't want him, before walking away from your home to be on his back to his home.
A couple years passed by, you began to realize you made a mistake of breaking his heart, as you were noticing all of the other men you have either used you (some used during your relationship with them) and/or just come up with a petty excuse to reject you after you asked them out. One day you bumped into Reo, then tried convincing him to take you back and you even told him that you've made a mistake of going through breaking up with him. After your attempt pleading of taking him back, he said "As much as I want to take you back, you broke my heart years ago and now the first thing you did after seeing me again was you crawling back to me?! If you wouldn't have broke my heart the way you did, I would have considered and I would have shown you that I wouldn't have disappointed you!Unfortunately for you, I'm over you now, (Any Gender Reader Name)! I gave you a chance to consider staying! I'm not the same man I was years ago! You said "We're through" a couple years before! Remember?", before walking far away from you, as he can. Neither of you had any contact with eachother, eversince then...
Go to the cursive "The End"...
🌹🥀The End🥀🌹
I hope you enjoyed reading this Reo Mikage fanfic my Tumblr Peeps😃👍This is the 1st fanfic I put more than 1 ending in, in a while, to be honest😅 I honestly wanted to write both of the endings for this Reo fanfic, so I read 1 of the fanfics I worked on last year and remeber how to write both endings in the fanfic🪻I will admit 1 of the endings I have written is definitely much darker than the fanfic itself, while the other fanfic will have a happier ending. You can read both of the endings, if you like, however I just figured I'd write the fanfic out the way I did, especially about picking the endings to see which ending you would read first. Yes, I did write about the reader plans on breaking up with him, however I honestly like Reo and I just feel this is the type of fanfic I need to write💝💝💝💝💝
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ghostly-clown · 2 years
Living with slashers (sfw, head-cannons)
:will include:
Jason Voorhees, Sinclair brothers (as a group since they all live together anyway), Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, gohst face (Billy and Stu)
I'm writing this thinking about a platonic friendship in mind so yeah, also idk if I have to specify say this or not but request are open :)
Jason Voorhees
- you would probably have your own cabin at Camp Crystal Lake but Jason would always hang around it
- he wants to be room-mates with you 👉👈
- you will have to do chores otherwise the place is gonna go to (more) ruins
- one of those chores will be making sure Jason is looking after himself
-otherwise he will go days without any proper hygiene :(
- other than that it would be like living at a school camp but instead of classmates you have a murdering zombie friend
- plenty of stuff to do, but Jason would be upset if u do stuff without him (mans just wants to be included)
The Sinclair's
- the house is surprisingly clean
- Lester is mostly doing his own thing (basicly living in his truck)
- Vincent is either working on sculptures, sleeping, or just standing around watching cause I don't think he can social well 😞
- Bo is the only one who uses the house and I can imagine he's abit of a neat freak
- family game nights will happen at random so be ready (they would also be happy that theres a 4th person so teams can be even)
- you and Bo are gonna have to cook all the meals
- would be a fun experience as all the brothers would be happy to have another person to hang out with
- and they would get upset if you spend more time with a specific brother, they all want attention but they don't wanna ask
Thomas Hewitt
- I'm sorry I can't see this being a good house to live in
- Thomas would try and make it as comforting as he can but he can only do so much
- you will have to work around the farm no matter the weather or heat
- they will continue to eat people so I hope you can stomach it
- Thomas will spend alot of time in ur room, especially if he's upset
- actuly when he's not working he will hang out with you (alot of these slashers just want some genuine positive attention)
- I mean u can't leave even if u wanted too so get comfortable
Brahms Heelshire
- u know how this goes, ur a nanny
- cooking, cleaning, tending to everything Brahms needs
- it would be a simple life and you would still have time to do ur own thing, but ur basically living for Brahms
- and he knows this, he knows he's the boss and yet the one night you forget to tuck him in he cried for the rest of the day thinking you hated him
- he tries to be all tough but in truth he won't survive without you
- and please for all that is good make sure he showers everyday
- despite the house work and looking after a grown man, it's a nice large house on the country side so like... totally worth it 👌
Michael Myers
- he would be the roomate you didn't realise you had until you woke up one night and saw him in the living room and you can't just ask him to leave so you just have to say "cool new room mate"
- he won't do any chores unless you ask him to and even then if he doesn't want to do it. He won't
- he will scare you just by always standing in the most unexpected places, be on guard
- he won't admit it but he likes having you around as a room mate
- he will stand in your room while you sleep, he like Vincent dosnt know how to social very well
- he's either gonna be doing his own thing somewhere else or he's gonna be stuck to your side
- he would be an uncomfortable room mate at first but he'll grow on u as u will him
Ghost face (Billy + Stu)
- there won't be a moment of peace if they are your roomates
- Billy is always gonna be out or in his own room, but he will go to you when he just needs a breather but dosnt want to be alone
- Stu will hunt you down to hang out with you, his own thing is you, you are now what he does
- luckily Billy knows some good places Stu dosnt know about
- movie nights, game nights, trivia nights, any kind of hang out night there is there will be
- if you are extroverted this will be the perfect set up for you, cause they (mainly Stu) will always want to be around you
- they would also try to convince you to help them kill, they would even get a mask for you
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Alrighty Mötley WIPs that are currently in the works/that I just love. I'll give you guys a top ten. Warning poly!Crue and Crue! slash under the cut.
1. Eternally- if you've been on my Tumblr and checked out literally any of my fic stuff you'll know what eternally is all about but if you don't it's an afterlife AU for Mötley crüe where the boys are all banished to purgatory on a creepy demon infested farmhouse where they have to take care of the creatures and crops living there while also trying to figure out how to deal with having four guys in the house and one bathroom. Poly!Crue, this one will get pretty serious and there will be alot of explicit content mentioned. This is also currently in development hell, as I am unsatisfied with literally every draft I do of it. (14% finished)
2.Balancing act- A TommyMick/ MarLee story where Tommy tries to get Mick into meditation, thinking that it might help Mick with his back problems, but all it does is make Mick really good at seeking glances at Tommy while pretending his eyes are closed when Tommy is doing some chacra healing stuff on him. 2006-ish/red, white and crue era. (Haven't started this one yet so 0%)
3.Detective Mars - AU fic. Mick is a hardened La detective with a back injury that sends him into early retirement. He has one final case to solve before that though and it just so happens to be a missing persons case where the victim just poofed out of existence one night or so his bandmates claim. Mick doesn't really believe them however and decides to go undercover as a normal guitar player looking for a band so that he could scope out whether they'd commited the crime or not. The case quickly unravels in a much different way when a strange connection from his past, is somehow linked to this La club band and now his mission is to protect them at all costs, without them figuring out his identity.(20% finished) (Also poly!Crue but very subtle)
4.Don't have a title for this one but(I take suggestions), the ADHD Tommy/ autistic mick fic- Over the years Nikki has gotten used to the quirks of his bandmates, but it's only when he has a particularly heated conversation with his therapist that he starts to take a closer look at their daily actions and suddenly....years of differences start to make sense. So he decided to journal his findings. (0%)
5. Mötley omegaverse fic- yeah I'm not gonna electorate. (2%)
6. Spank bank- Nsft warning, pure smut, poly!crue fic it's literally about the guys... pleasing themselves in the same room and secretly stealing glances. (Sorry, I'm a degenerate) (6%)
7. Whitehorse- Mick Whitehorse era fic, basically what Mick's dinamic was like in that band and what the guys treated him like and his general journey to becoming Mick Mars and all the growing pains in between. (Also there's a story that they tell about all the guys having to sleep in the van one night and all of them could just, not stop farting and I am a child so I think that's hilarious and I wanna write it) (0%)
8. Always my fist choice- Tommy proposed to Mick the day they met and then every single night afterwards, as a joke obviously never truely, he was just messing around. But if asking Mick to marry him everyday meant that he'd one day say yes then he wasn't going to deny them a wedding now was he? This one is gonna be angsty, right off the bat it takes a pretty realistic approach and it has alot more plot then this but I'm to tired to get into it rn. TommyMick/ Marlee
9. Be my daddy- based on the Lana Del Rey song of the same name this is pure Nikkimick smut ft. Nikki's daddy issues. Pretty self-explanatory. (10% finished)
10. Don't have a title for this one but Mick generation swine era angst. I don't wanna give too much away but there's a scene where Mick cries infront of them for the first time.
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multifandomenjoyerr · 8 months
Hello hello it’s me again!! I saw that you know about eddsworld:,,,, Im a little shy to ask but do you think you could do the neighbors caregiver headcannons? Or just Eduardo if that’s easier!!
🥪 The neighbor's as CGS {Eddsworld} 🏡
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🎀 ;; of course! (-from someone who was a fan of Eddsworld since 2014.) That show is very goated! This would probably make 12 year old me happy jsjs. I wasn't sure if you wanted all of the neighbors or just Eduardo in particular, so I decided to do everyone but Eduardo has more Headcanons than the other two <3 I didn't add Todd since he isn't really in the show, but if you wish to see a headcanon with them I would be more than happy to write something about them:] anyways enjoy! Ty for requesting!
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Jon 👑!
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👑 ; probably the most sweetest out of the trio. He doesn't agree with any mischief you think of, but is too shy to stop you from doing it.
👑 ; howeverrr if this mischief ends up with you or someone in danger, then he steps in. He wants to act tough but can't if you are so gosh darn adorable
👑 ; dressups and play dates with stuffies. He always gets so excited when he's invited to these! Literally invite him with your stuffies, he will get just as excited as you and your stuffies are
👑 ; very childish, you could even mistake him as a little at times instead of a CG. But in his opinion he thinks it adds wholesomeness into your regression. Everyone needs wholesomeness right?
👑 ; princess/prince/princex/majesty is the most common petnames he will call you! Really anything involving royalty is your petnames. Besides the occasionally slipping in the petname "bunny"
👑 ; baby spoiler without knowing it. Want cookies? He will get you them. Want to stay up later than normal? He will let you. Want a stuffie from the store? He will get it for you. Just do the baby eyes and you get what you want. Sometimes just a "please" will win him over
👑 ; no thought. Just Jon ✨
👑 ; oh yeah, this man loves cuddles. can you tell?
Mark 💌!
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💌 ; full of himself with alot of mistakes in his caregiver life
💌 ; don't get me wrong. He isn't doing anything on purpose, but he's doing the good in the wrong ways
💌 ; with Eduardo's help and Jon's advice he is doing his best he could for his little
💌 ; though he isn't bad at his job! He isn't a baby spoiler, but he LOVES giving you physical attention
💌 ; combing/styling your hair (if you have any), dressing you up like you're at a concert, and doing mini fashion shows! In his opinion those are the best to do
💌 ; the type of caregiver to be like "where does this go..??" While holding a sippy cup of yours. He's trying I promise
💌 ; not big on petnames, however he refers to you as "little one" when talking about you
💌 ; more like a big brother who just wants to make their little sibling happy
💌 ; usually refuses to watch the shows you want to watch with him, but the second it's on he is glued to the TV
Eduardo 🦸
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🦸 ; when you asked for this man to be your caregiver my man CRIED. (Happy tears of course)
🦸 ; acts like he's a strict CG at first glance. But is very patient and sweet to you
🦸 ; not at all a spoiler, but if you did something to earn it he'll buy you anything you want.
🦸 ; loves LOVES super heros. He has a habit of rambling it to his little about it. And sometimes would encourage you to dress up as super heros with him
🦸 ; (general headcanon) he's autistic! And he stims alot, and it's most just sounds. Such as; "yippee!, Yay!, Eee!, Yeee!" Or sometimes just straight up screaming. He tries to cut back the yelling part, but sometimes he just can't help but get excited
🦸 ; collects figurines of heros you can play with, you just have to be a bit careful with them
🦸 ; moderates the amount of sugar you drink/eat, knowing it's important to limit things like this. Even if it is a pain, you'll thank him later
🦸 ; "bud/little one/sweetheart/kiddo" is what he calls you. Of course adding ones you wish to be called If anything at all. But he respects your decision if you don't want to be called petnames
🦸 ; matching pajamas! He squeals whenever you two end up matching together. It's one of his favorite things to do
🦸 ; once when you had to be away from him for a few days (let's say school, college, work, whatever) he was too emotional about it for an entire week. Once you came back regressed, he ran to you and hugged you before spinning you in the air. (He misses you alot)
🦸 ; reads you bedtime stories literally every night before bed. He can never do without it
🦸 ; like jon, he's a cuddler. As a cuddler, he is a huge big spoon. Occasionally a head rester when you are sitting in his lap. He likes being touchy if you were comfortable with it
🦸 ; doesn't mind any petnames you call him, but melts if you were to call him "my hero/hero" he would get all stimmy and happy for a whole week
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azrielfiend · 9 months
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if i could insert myself into any world you bet your ass im going to nevada (just kidding id die in an instant but how cool would it be to see deimos in action?)
a story below about how this topic is actually all connected to my current favorite friendgroup atp
we wouldve never met if it wasnt for someone on the meme account, big_chungles on instagram (yes really!) who wanted to make a madcom themed account and were asking people to join as admins. a few days pass and i see an account named sanfordtits! i followed and had a few laughs for them for a while. and they announced their public server, so i decided to join it. and to my surprised i was dunked and candle wax that was cheese flavored and got cannibalized by kon and niko. (thanks kon for doodling the feast image.) there were a few major events in that server. i also met alfred in that server. yuck. anyways, there was a talent show and i performed osu mania there. it was soooo embarrassing since it didnt capture my audio and my osu was glitching and lagging so hard the judges werent able to even watch me play. niko won that talent show. we had some sort of rivalry-friendship thing going on and would bicker at eachother. (this is important later, i promise.) he was given the supertitter role since normal members were just named titters. i eventually got one myself, and zardy also got one too. due to being active members of the server, we would greet new members, talk alot yada yada alot of stuff. we were also thinking of doing a dating sim where i was one of the routes, and there was a lore behind it, i wont spoil it of course but i drew alot of stuff for it, and some writing which can be see on a doc here. there was also an fnf mod which you can actually see i had the sprites/concept art for it here. theres a lot! let me tell you that. and we had around 3 bgs, completed around 5 characters worth of sprites, a few music and charts done... until. i started to notice something, there was this admin where they babied and constantly praised just because they were a partner of another admin in the server. there was an art channel there right? i often post my art there along with others, and their pencil sketches would get way, way more attention than everyone else in the whole server. i bought this issue up with my friends and wanted their opinions on it, before calmly confronting the admins. and their reactions were not expected. they acted harsher towards us and called me a lying prick (?) i cant remember their exact words, but when i wanted to speak out against this behavior theyre doing and they wanted to shut me up as soon as possible. they were announcing that the servers getting shut down, and they were trying to ban me off of the server. admittedly i did something stupid and made a "kys challenge" joke to them which, well, they got mad at me for. i shouldnt have said something so vile back then. i was emotionally very immature back then. i hope theyre doing well now. i eventually got banned from their server, and they put me on blast on their instagram, which resulted in me losing a very close friend because their story captioned something like "these people harrassed my partners, theyre so gross, please block them" which.. well. youre kind of right but not really? we didnt harrass that person, only called out the admins.....childish behavior. although i did missacted and made a kys joke there too, so im not surprised on why theyre mad. i do take accountability for it. i cried for a bit. we were both wrong in this. but eventually made a new server for the people that were on my side. first it was named something like.. landfill? not exactly appealing, hehe. but it was eventually became bunkers, and its still my strongest bonds with my friends ever. and what a wild journey its been hm? if all of that never happened i wouldve never met the great friends i have today and my amazing loving boyfriend @woopdeloopei <33 (love you btw) its crazy how that spiraled but it all ended up pretty good in the end. a few of my friends got out of their depression and is happier now. i guess we matured! but seriously, so much history for such a small friend group. im so thankful for them right now. if it wasnt for that madcom admin on that meme account.... ah! i wouldve been just dead! thanks for reading all the way through the story!
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