#i did everything in SAI -_- which sucks for consistant colourings
didlivio · 1 year
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JERITZA VON HRYM && system » requested by @5seraphim
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rataltouille · 4 years
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GENRE: surrealism, literary fiction.
POV & TENSE: this little space is not enough for how wild the form is so i talk about this later!!
SETTING: a small desi village, 1924-25.
TONE: dreamy, unsettling, melancholic.
THEMES: faith vs reality, how people perceive others and how they perceive themselves, grief dealt the wrong way.
AESTHETICS: the splash of water on a quiet night, thick clouds obscuring the sky, rippling the moon’s reflection on the water. the intensity of a garden in spring, the emptiness of a dying town, the suffocation from being singled out. hands grazing lightly but never fully held. a lingering sadness behind your laugh. believing in things you shouldn't believe in. putting faith on a starless sky.
STAGE: completed first draft, 4085 words.
LOGLINE: a young boy, surrounded by loss, claims to talk to god. the story follows him and his conversations with this god, all while his village spies on him as he weaves his way around the two most crucial and lonely years of his life.
LITERAL LOGLINE: on today’s news let’s talk about a small backward town that hates sad little boys who worship god, even though the place is lowkey a cult!!
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THE SUMMER BOY: he’s around thirteen, and he’s very emotionally attached to his past. he lost his family at a young age to an unstable force, so he spends his time talking to himself. he’s a quiet, demure and sweet person, always willing to help others. he’s outwardly oblivious and sees only the good in people to a point where he doesn't understand when they’re trying to do him wrong. but! considering how the story [like a lot of my others] has themes of perception vs reality, it needs to be said that he isn't all that innocent. he’s rather impulsive and rash, never afraid of hurting himself [and thus accidentally harming others].
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A GOD: is he real? do we even know if he’s an actual god? a very elusive figure despite having a lot of screentime. he’s a surprisingly humanised character and arguably the one with the most empathy. he has a soft spot for the boy and the two have a deep bond which is not common for a human and a god to have. you don’t get insight to what the other gods are like, but they’re implied to exist. this story has a very messy and hazy view towards religion and godhood and their nature towards humanity, and this vague figure, a dreamlike character, is proof enough of that.
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THE VILLAGE: okay so in general these people suck. the village consists of, well, the village, but they’re very fluid in the way they appear in the story? as in for the most part they appear as a collective, a unit. one character, the summer boy’s “friend”, is somewhat separate considering he’s a pretty important character. it’s very hard describing this unit of a character but essentially they’re the main antagonistic force and they hate the protagonist for seemingly no reason.
sometime around this time, the boy chances upon meeting his “god”, this being who lives up in the clouds and whom he talks with often, except you don't know if this god is real or not. that’s one of the recurring themes of this story: what’s real and what isn’t. it’s :) a fun time :) for sure :)
essentially Things Happen And It Only Gets Weirder. i cannot even try describing what happens because it’s all very spoilery but let’s just say that this is a very sad story but not even in a “this makes me cry” manner, but rather in a “this is so fucked up wtf why”. the prose of this is very, very hazy and thick, in a manner that’s both smooth and suffocating. there’s also a lot of moon and water imagery which we love. i love the atmosphere + the setting—colonial india— as it’s a subtle but key element to the plot.
OKAY YES be prepared for the true colours of how unhinged i am. i apologize for the form brainrot.
POV: so in this story i really said “what if it had all three of the main povs... jk jk... unless 😳😳” and then proceeded to use all three povs. you’re probably wondering, how did i do that? WHY did i do that? and my answer to that is: 🙂
the first-person pov: the summer boy narrates in first person. his pov takes up about 40% of the story, and this is where we unlock family backstory + how he feels about the various forces playing into his life. he’s an extremely unreliable narrator and he knows it; his narration oscillates between very naive and very self-aware, and this effect is pretty disconcerting. the summer boy is kind of a walking contradiction and we love that conflict.
the second-person pov: a god narrates in second person. his pov takes around 20% of the story, and his scenes all involve his conversations with the boy. his pov is extremely detached, and suspends belief because he seems awfully made up. there’s an edge to the prose in his narration, where you know that something's off, but you can’t exactly pinpoint what.
the third-person pov: the villagers narrate, either as a collective, or as an individual figure, in third person. they take up the other 40% of the story, and there are so many different people and differing opinions with this, and every time we read a third person excerpt it’s a different person, and this is mostly used to add onto the different ways in which the boy is perceived. this is also where the structural part of the form gets really wacky.
STRUCTURE: if my story isn't told in vignettes is it my story though /j. gothm is told in vignettes, each one between 50 to 500 words. the first and second person bits are normal-ish vignettes, with straightforward narration. the third person vignettes, on the other hand, are super assorted. we have a lot of epistolaric sections— there’s a letter, a folk song [which was found around the summer boy], and most of the conversation is told as just plain dialogue without tags. there’s also a phone call transcript, and finally some normal chunks of prose. what am i doing wtf.
also to add onto this the story is told non-linearly. 😀 the only thing that keeps me from going insane is the fact that there are chronological tags before most vignettes [also the manner in which they're tagged differs from pov to pov. for example a few of the third person conversations are marked just as “sunday” or “thursday”, while the summer boy’s narration is marked with the full date and year]
in all this clownery i completely forgot to mention what the tense was [the way everything else was so complicated that i forgot tense was a thing lmao] and good news!! it’s the only sane thing about this story!! it’s told fully in present tense. thank everything.
okay i’m once again not sharing much because this will be submitted to litmags 🧞
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[The boy is scrawny as always. He carries an air of diswant— even death had rejected him when the plague killed only his grandmother— but walks like he doesn’t notice. He smiles at them, jitters, and wipes his hand across his knees. Blood comes away in thin, translucent lines. He saves it on the kerchief he keeps tucked in his shirt, careful to dirty the cloth even more. The villagers scrunch their noses in disgust; who knew how old and rotten the kerchief was, or how long it had carried blood like the unwashed sword of a warrior?]
also by the way this excerpt is in square brackets because it is a third-person interjection in a vignette that is otherwise first-person [at this point...]
this was inspired by a conversation i had with my grandfather, where he was telling me about how people used to sing songs to the skies, as a way of devotion to a specific god. he used the [loose translation of] the english word “yearning” to refer to the emotion the singers would invoke, and that sparked the concept of a disillusioned young boy who talks to the moon as a way to please the god he’s in love with. it’s a very softly disconcerting story and once again deals with the theme of “perception vs reality” which if you know me and my work, is the theme i’m forever obsessed with.
i really like how this turned out? the atmosphere is exactly how i wanted it to be, and there’s so much i have to add on as i edit and i’m really looking forward to that. this is also the only short story i’ve written where i knew which litmag i’d love for it to be published in? like i never write things with publishing in mind, but for some reason while writing this story it occurred to me that it would be a perfect fit for this specific magazine and i love that. anyway if you’ve made it through the post till here,,,, bless you and your braincells. and that’s all for today!!
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justimajin · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part ♜ Pt.3
➟ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
➟ Genre: Angst, Fluff, Eventual Smut
↳ (3k), Arranged Marriage AU
➟ Summary: If someone told you that you’d be marrying the Kim Namjoon, you would think you were being lied to, or worse, that you were hallucinating. However, fate seems to have it’s own ways of making the impossible possible and before you even know it, the title of Mrs. Kim is bestowed onto you. There’s just one problem: you’re not sure if Kim Namjoon is the person he says he is and the truth of your own identity is dangling by the strength of a mere thread.
➟ Warnings: 18+ rating, depictions of graphic violence
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gif credit.
➟ Previous Parts: Part 1 Part 2
➟ Next Update: Tuesday, January 5 
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Your feet pace back and forth. 
It must have been two, three‒maybe four days? You can’t recall anymore. All that remains in your memory is hours of roaming the long hallways of the house, nearly close to memorizing the amount of lights from the ceiling, or the multiple portraits set aside in one particular hall, lining together every head that came after Namjung. 
You know every room colour, every room door, every speck of dust that lingers behind, but you’re nowhere close to transparently knowing the shareholder’s inside out. 
Not having their favour means no communication. No communication means no reports are sent back, the static box still stored and hidden away. 
Your bottom lip has become battered from your constant chewing, losing track of how many circles you’ve paced at this point. 
And yet, it isn’t very difficult for you to decipher the exact reason for your distress. 
The shareholders don’t want you around. The moment you stayed during their meeting was off putting enough for them and Namjoon's sudden interest for you to be vocal about your father’s intentions had piercing glares thrown in your direction. 
But you’ve been assigned a task and you have to accomplish it, regardless of their desires. 
Sucking in a deep breath, the sound of the doors to your bedroom wrenching open completely fails your attempt to calm down. 
Swiveling around, Namjoon stands in front of you, eyes wide with delight. 
“Oh, you’re here!” He quickly enters, striding over to you in an instant. “Is everything alright?” 
Realizing that you’re simply gawking at his abrupt presence, you hastily shake your head. 
“I-I was just surprised to see you.” 
He smiles warmly and for some reason, you immediately flush at the gesture. You wonder if there will ever be a day where you can get used to the constant tenderness his eyes hold. 
He raises his hand and you simply stare, until he leans closer to signal you. 
“Come with me.” 
Blinking, you cautiously take his hand, and he tugs you away, far from the confines of your room and into a place that makes it easier to breathe. 
A gust of a wind immediately hits you, the brisk breeze feeling cold yet exhilarating at the same time. It’s strength blows and ruffles your clothes, the flowers at the bottom of your feet delicately brushing up against your skin. 
You spin around with knitted brows, facing Namjoon who stands a distance away from you. He’s still clad in the suit he was wearing from work, but his eyes are closed, as if he was trying to absorb and completely immerse himself with the wind. 
A question sits on the tip of your tongue. 
“Why did you bring me here?” You nearly have to yell, the sound of the wind and the distance not aiding with your voice projection. Namjoon dreamily opens his eyes, walking over to you. 
“It’s my mother's garden.” He points to the flowers, a cascade beginning with white, down to lilac purple and petal pink, “They have a calming effect, don’t you think?” 
A strained smile remains on your lips, “I guess…” 
Namjoon takes a step closer to you, “I’m sorry.” 
You turn to him, eyebrows raised, “For the way the shareholders acted with you during our meeting, for putting you on the spot like that, and then leaving you alone for so many days even though we just got married‒” 
He abruptly pauses, a pondering finger left on his lips. 
“Wait, I don’t think this is enough of an apology, just give me a moment.” 
Spinning around as if to leave, your arm involuntarily reaches out and latches onto his suit’s jacket. 
He glances at you with surprise and you let go right away, awkwardly stifling back a cough. 
“I-Its‒...it’s okay.” 
Namjoon is frozen, teeter tottering between remaining by your side and leaving at once. After a moment however, he makes up his mind and leaves, before hurrying back with what would be adjacent to a small tree in his hands. 
There’s a frown on your lips when he presents it to you. 
“It’s a bonsai tree.” He quickly clarifies, “I got it a while ago and have been maintaining it since.” 
You hum, leaning closer to observe it. It’s best description would be a miniature tree, although now you notice the string of ethereal pink that wraps around the branches. 
“It’s beautiful.” 
A warm, knowing smile crosses Namjoon’s lips. He gestures for you to sit down, still holding onto the small tree. 
“So you mentioned you were raised in the outskirts of the country? And then went to the imperial academy?” 
You nod right away, “What was it like?” 
“Um…” You attempt to wrack through your mind for an answer, “My family didn’t have much but tried their best to raise me. I ended up going to the academy because they assumed I would be the next L/N head.” 
“Did you want to be the next head?” 
“Not really…” You fiddle around with the hem of your shirt, “I just went because my parents wanted me to.” 
“So you didn’t want to be involved with the business and you didn’t want to go to the academy?” Namjoon repeats, like he was trying to memorize the facts, “What did you want to do then?” 
You blink, staring at him wide eyed, “I don’t know….” There’s a cloud brewing above your head, fog spreading, “I guess...I never figured out what that was.” 
“Come on, there must be something.” He raises the tree in his hands, “No bonsai trees to look after?” 
A wide grin spreads across his features, yet your expression remains stoic and confused. His smile begins to deflate, and he lowers his arms, but an unexpected smile cracks across your lips, morphing into a lop-sided one. 
“There was one bonsai tree, but it wasn’t a plant, or a mini tree for that matter.” 
Namjoon eyes you in intrigue, as if you were telling a story that he was enraptured in. A genuine smile surfaces on your lips, fond memories emerging from the depths of your mind. 
“I used to love reading....with my father, every Saturday morning.” There’s a spark within your eyes, recalling the day you first peered into his library much to his own joy, “It was something he initially picked up on as a hobby and then later introduced to me. I still remember days where I used to be buried beneath books and my mother would scold my father for the habit.” 
A snicker leaves your lips, “I got into so much trouble once, I didn’t attend my classes at the academy to keep reading and I’d never seen my mother so furious.” 
There’s a ray of euphoria splashing over your features, eyes brimming with excitement and bliss. You can’t believe you can still remember these memories, memories that are years old and only consist of absolutely innocent times. 
Times in which you were allowed to indulge your natural curiosity instead of exploiting it. 
At that, your smile falls and you turn to Namjoon to apologize for your abrupt rambling, but your breath hitches in your throat. He’s extremely close to you, only a mere inches away, and although there’s a small tree sitting in his arms, the look in his eyes is enough to draw your attention. 
You awkwardly cough, looking away with a flush spreading over your skin. 
“W-Why are you asking me all these questions?” 
Namjoon blinks, as if broken from a trance. 
He meekly smiles, “We’re married now, but there’s still so much I don’t know about you…” 
You swivel around, eyes completely wide. The loose dots clumsily connect, but it’s enough for you to understand his intention behind bringing you out here. 
He’s shared a piece of himself with you, in hopes that you’ll share a piece of yourself with him. 
Namjoon gets up holding the tree, offering you his hand. You stare at it for a mere moment, a thousand thoughts swimming through your mind. 
Cautiously taking his hand, you have to remind yourself that this is all a simple mission ‒ nothing more, nothing less. 
Namjoon takes you across the garden, pointing out the various flowers that he’s aware of, while you trail behind him and listen in. At one point his bonsai tree nearly falls from his hands when he trips over a sharp ledge, and you’re quick to offer your help in holding it. 
This results in your carrying of the small plant, and Namjoon’s deciding to let you know what he named it. 
“Cherry?” You repeat, knitting your brows together. 
Namjoon hums, “Like cherry blossom.” Pointing towards the string of pink you noticed before, you realize that the faint dust was indeed the emergence of new blossoms along the branch. “I have other ones too, and they all have names.” 
You perk your eyes up at that, continuing to slowly trail behind him. There’s something that uncomfortably itches at the back of your throat, the apprehensive feeling in your stomach increasing. 
The longer you’re here, following along with Namjoon and listening to his thoughtful words, the longer the mayhem increases. Red flares are exploding in your mind, and heaving ringing pounds through your skull, dragging you back before it’s too late. 
You suddenly jolt from the proximity, realizing you’ve stopped in your tracks and that Namjoon is gazing at you with troubled eyes. You’re about to shake it off, mutter that you were just lost in thought, when a loud blare rings through the air. 
“Sorry.” Namjoon winces, hurriedly taking out his phone and swiping away the piercing sound. “Hello?” 
You peer down at the tree in your hands, curiously holding a branch between your fingers. “The deal’s been finalized? Already, Yoongi?” 
At the sound of the shareholder’s name, your head snaps up. Namjoon goes silent for a moment, before his voice dips into a lower tone. 
“I-I understand...I’ll be there soon.” The line is cut off, and he looks up at you, an apologetic smile forming on his lips. 
“I have to leave, it’s for an urgent matter.” He takes the plant from your hands, “I’m sorry.” 
You instinctively shift as he moves, grabbing onto his suit jacket like before. “I‒…” 
He pauses, eyes rounding. The naive look he holds makes you grimace, the lie easily slipping from your lips. “I-I really don’t want to be alone here….” 
Confusion dawns on him and you gaze down at the ground, attempting your best to mimic a somber expression. 
Namjoon tilts his head to the side and places a finger on his lips, as if he were deeply pondering. 
“I-I understand…” Although his words suggest it, he struggles with the implication. Relief floods through you, hoping that your professing is enough to sway him. 
However, the last thing you expect emerges from Namjoon. 
His tone drops a register and his piercing eyes flicker at you, holding onto an alluring yet ominous ambience to them. It sends shivers down your spine and you instinctively want to back away from him, caught off guard. 
“It won’t be pretty.” He sharply enunciates. Swallowing hard, you can only nod in response.
Without another look, he gestures for you to follow him. 
It would be a lie to say that you’re not knowledgeable about the Kim’s. 
However, to say that you’re too knowledgeable about them, would be most accurate and a fact that you’ve always been careful to conceal. 
The Kim’s manufacture weapons. They have far more connections that an octopus would have limbs, and they spread out everywhere, making deals left and right. 
However, these are simple facts. Easy to memorize and remember. 
And hurdles away from reality. 
The building is far from Namjoon’s office, and exhibits a strange bluish grey hue, almost as if it were abandoned for decades. Yet when Namjoon hurriedly paces ahead and the steel door creaks open, your jaw drops. 
It’s massive ‒ assembly lines running parallel and forklifts moving along to put up the heavy bundles of steel. It becomes clear to you in that one exact moment, of how much wealth the Kim family truly reigns over your heads. 
Your dilated pupils glance in Namjoon’s direction again and he’s occupied with opening a separate door, far from the catastrophic noise raising in the room. Following him inside into an expansive hall, you’re again confronted with the four individuals that seem to despise your very existence. 
Hoseok is the first one to scorn, stepping forward immediately. 
“You brought her with you?” He spits, eyes throwing daggers at your form from across the room. Namjoon intervenes in an instant, raising his hand. 
“She’s staying.” 
Hoseok appears to want to protest more, but instead remains silent with only a twitch of his nose and another glare in your direction. You’re taken aback from how he’s rendered mute, but Taehyung crosses his arms and focuses on you. 
“You better keep your mouth shut.” Brushing past you, he turns to Namjoon, his demeanor shifting. “We’ve just received the samples today.” 
Yoongi takes out a large briefcase and places it on the table before sliding it in Namoon. As he works his way through the codes on it, Jungkook begins handing Yoongi more of them, and he slides them along. 
The moment the first one is open, your heart rate spikes up. 
A colossal gun is encased within the soft black styrofoam, nearly double the size of your arm. It’s distressing structure includes a handful of large bullets, one of which Namjoon picks up and inspects. 
Tapping the side of the copper metal, his gaze narrows in intriguement, as if the bullet in his hand were a mere lightbulb. “What is it made of?” 
“Lead and antimony.” Yoongi clarifies, “It has long distance range.” 
Namjoon hums and your fists tighten, nails digging into the flesh of your palms. You had never imagined the Kim’s would be exploring these kinds of weapons, a weapon so fatal when their business has only ever focused on producing simple handguns. 
Apart from the severity of the new knowledge you’ve just obtained though, for some reason the glint in Namjoon’s eyes as he views them seems to frighten you more. 
His next question drains colour away from your skin. 
“Do they work?” 
Yoongi smirks like it’s a question that shouldn’t even be asked. Taehyung reaches over, swiftly grabbing onto the abundant gun and lining it with his shoulder. 
“Would you like to see?” He ponders, and Namjoon nods, backing away from him. Taehyung cranks back the hammer and closes one eye, directing his aim for the wall. 
You patiently wait for him to release it, expecting to hear a sudden spike in the breeze accompanied by a loud boom. But that’s when Taehyung shifts his feet, changing his angle with a small smirk dancing on his lips. 
Aiming straight for you. 
Your heart pounds in your ribcage and before you say anything in opposition, he releases the bullet. 
“….if you ever are found out, Y/N….. 
....at the split second in discovering your true nature….
....the Kim’s will not hesitate….
...they will never hesitate at the opportunity to dispose of you….” 
The sound of your palpitating heartbeat blares through your eardrums, breath completely halting. Save for the frozen state your body has entered, the sight of having all eyes glued to your form barely draws your attention. 
The bullet has whizzed right by you, landing on the wall you are standing in front of. 
Taehyung snickers. 
“It’s hard not to show off these precious babies when you have a L/N in the room.” He remarks and from afar, Hoseok shares his knowing look. 
“That’s enough.” Namjoon stomps over in Taehyung’s direction, grabbing the gun from his hands with a scowl. 
“What?” Taehyung innocently questions, cocking his head to the side. “It’s not everyday that you get to see a L/N in here.” 
He gyrates, facing you, “I was hoping a demonstration would have helped you understand how the Kim’s operate.” 
“Taehyung.” Namjoon warns again, but he saunters over to you, not fazed in the slightest. 
“How was your father planning to save the company again? By letting it drown first or by setting all his assets on fire?” 
His sharp eyes twinkle with amusement, brows narrowed as if he were observing you. There’s a handful of words prepared to spew from you, ranging from how he was completely wrong and downright conceited, but you bite your tongue back, recalling why you’ve persuaded Namjoon to bring you along in the first place. 
You clear your throat instead. 
“Well you know what they say,” A small smirk curls on your lips as you meet his gaze, “The L/N’s never did understand true power.” 
There’s no naivety leftover in your expression, no hint of hesitation remaining anymore. The card you’ve pulled out is one you’ve been taught rather than naturally embodied, and it’s one you’ve been persistent to never use. 
But you’re running of time and the only one to carry out your mission, is to wholeheartedly agree. 
Taehyung appears taken aback, prepared for a giant fire to be thrown his way that ends up only drowsed in complete water. Your response has rendered him speechless, but it’s not long before a smile begins to tug on his lips, the dark look in his eyes commending you for the statement. 
When he steps back, you notice the look of intriguement surfacing on every individual present ‒ save for the man you’ve been married to. 
Although you’re content that you’ve captured their attention, it’s hard to ignore the stunned eyes Namjoon sends your way.
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
Adultrio with children (Illumi Version)
By the way, this one’s veeeery long, but I had too much fun 😅
You have been warned!
so, despite the usual push from the family for more future little assassins, Illumi isn’t really that thrilled by the idea
he seems like the type of person whose eyes and actions don’t really stray when he’s outside, especially on a mission or errand, whether personal or professional
that being said, the most likely way you’re going to meet Illumi is through others, whether that someone is Hisoka or his own family (but he doesn’t really trust Hisoka’s judgment when it comes to introducing someone to him, especially with the intent of getting together)
so, the family is the only viable option of meeting
Zeno is the one who comes up with a new option after several failed ones brought up by Silva and Kikyo
you, the granddaughter of an old friend and former partner of his, who used to be in charge of gathering information on the targets (not really a partner per se, but they participated in several missions together and became friends over the years)
smart, cute, close in age to Illumi and seemingly a lot more… empathetic and emotional-looking than our dear pincushion boy (who isn’t, though?)
Illumi is told about this and despite being asked for his opinion, it’s already decided nonetheless
unlike all the other candidates who were all asked - more like forced - into meeting formally and at the Zoldyck estate, you insist on meeting in a more casual place and fashion
Illumi, along with Kikyo, remain a bit shocked - Kikyo more than him because the audacity, but also the courage~
Silva doesn’t really care as long as they meet and Zeno laughs because he was expecting this from all the stories about you and your stubbornness and actions throughout the years that he heard from your grandfather
and it is settled: meeting in a quaint, little cat café in the town nearby, a little bit before lunch, no one else from your families except the two of you - coming with the promise that if you saw/sensed anyone keeping an eye on you two, you’d leave immediately and refuse any sort of contact from the family (again, shock because not many get to demand anything from the Zoldycks, but it seems that they already have a good feeling about you)
Illumi dresses up in some casual clothes (still with the flame pattern 🙄) and heads out, getting a pat on the back from Zeno and a good luck
when he enters the establishment and looks around, he sees you, next to a bookcase, with a very big and fluffy peach-coloured cat in your lap, both relaxed and watching the others around you
your eyes lock with Illumi’s when you sense his aura and you smile, beckoning him closer - cue Illumi raising an eyebrow because you’re not getting up to greet him and that’s rude, but he understands when you explain that you had to coax that cat with food and headpats for like 5 minutes until it stayed in your lap
so, he sits down next to you, petting the cat in your lap when its large, round, green eyes stare at him and next thing you know, you’ve got almost half of the other cats in the café flocking to Illumi, sitting on his lap and around him and purring loudly
the other customers can only stare, too afraid of his expressionless face to complain and when they see that the cats aren’t leaving him and returning to them, they’re slowly trickling out of the café until it's only the two of you (one of the staff members, who was apparently pushed by the other to come and talk to you, is quickly told, by you, that you’ll pay more by the end of the day to cover whatever losses they might acquire from the lack of clients, which makes them leave you two hurriedly)
you can only laugh when he stares at the cats and the empty room, then at you, almost clueless as to why you’re laughing
but you start talking and discover that you really like spending time with him
you talk about your families, your dreams, because he says that he doesn’t have any (liar), friends (again, liar) etc.
you really like that he cares about his family, even if it’s a bit twisted (good intentions, bad plan, especially when it comes to Killua)
since he was forced by his family to respect the tradition and become an assassin, he’s surprised when he finds out that despite the possibility of following the family tradition, you’re also allowed to make your own decisions, as long as you talk about them with your family
something that amuses you a lot is when Illumi receives a message from someone called Pain-in-the-Ass Clown, saying How’s your date going, Illumi-chan?  ⭐  ̄ ∀  ̄ 💧
and he explains that it’s someone really annoying who always bothers him
So, not your friend?
anyway, that was one of the first of many dates, with Illumi almost always letting you choose, mostly because you knew he’d choose some really fancy place and you wanted to have fun with him and get to know him naturally
despite his lack of expressions, he is having fun and likes that you’re happy (appreciates the fact that you are so... lively, you’re like complete opposites and apparently fit like two puzzle pieces)
Zeno is the one who pretty much declares that you’re the OTP
one of your dates definitely consisted in the two of you going on a mission together, just to see how you’d get along in a professional situation
100/10, no dilly-dally, professional from the beginning to the end of the mission, but you laughed and teased Illumi about how serious he was - as if it was just another normal day of meeting up after work... not after killing someone
the marriage proposal is more and more prominent in Illumi’s head and the rest of the Zoldycks and he’s wracking his brain trying to think of how to ask you
the two of you have bought an apartment and moved in to get used to living together and it’s going pretty well (definitely took a bit of convincing to get Illumi to agree, but he feels so human and happy with you that he just can’t say no and even his mother likes you, somewhat)
some nights are spent inside, watching movies, playing board games (he beats you here), video games (Illumi sucks at those) or cooking (he’s mostly watching and trying to remember everything, but man, too much work, he’s used to his butlers), while others involve you two going to bookstores, cafes, the zoo, even concerts/festivals
so, he decides on something that he read about on the holy Internet: Illumi had gone out that day and told you he’d come by later, but he actually bought you a puppy, who, as soon as it was put down, ran into the house when you squealed and picked it up to nuzzle it while it licked your face and wagged its tail; your fingers felt something on its collar and when you saw a ring, you froze, looking at Illumi without saying a word
he slowly approached you, face as expressionless as always (but he was so, SO nervous) and took the ring off the collar, getting on one knee and saying that you’ve made him feel happier and more human during those few months with you than he’s ever felt in all those years and he hopes that you’ll be willing to share your life with him and allow him to make sure you’ll always feel happy and loved
cue the tears because Illumi’s never said so many heartfelt words in one day and you’d be a monster to say no and extinguish that little sparkle of happiness in his eyes
so you put your puppy down and hug him tightly, kissing his face until he actually cracks a smile when the puppy whines because it wants your attention too
the wedding? Beautiful.
you? Gorgeous.
Illumi? He’s never been happier in his entire life
Hisoka cries at the wedding and is chosen as his best-man, along with Illumi’s brothers (even Killua accepted, especially after noticing the positive change you brought in the family and Illumi)
Alluka is your maid of honour along with Kalluto, because those two are attracted to you like moths to a flame
the reception is memorable, with various friends and family members congratulating you two and wishing you a long and happy marriage
things settle down a bit for a few weeks afterwards, especially after the honeymoon (which was spent somewhere where you could both enjoy some private time away from everyone as a newlywed couple)
and the biggest surprise was finding out that you’re pregnant (lucky~, that’s what Hisoka said when you texted him because yeah, you remained friends, somehow)
Illumi actually hugged you when you told him and kissed you because he was ecstatic
you definitely sat him down and told him that you need to talk with his family so they don’t get any ideas about torturing your child or children since you want them to have a normal, happy childhood
while a bit against it because that’s how he and all his siblings were raised, he definitely understands that it’s not only his decision to make and that he actually doesn’t really want anyone to go through what they did (especially after seeing that yes, even without training like his you can still be powerful and smart and somehow, his)
so, he agrees and tells the rest of the family (Zeno knew what your thoughts would be and never said anything, while Kikyo would probably be on the verge of having a stroke and Silva wouldn’t really care because they have Killua)
they can’t do much in terms of making you accept, especially because you don’t live at the estate and Illumi is loyal to his family, but now he’s got his own and he chooses you and your baby in the end
despite a few arguments with the Zoldycks, *cough* Kikyo *cough*, you still have the support of pretty much everyone else in the family and your own, so you actually can support yourselves just fine
Illumi insists on going shopping for baby clothes with you and is already looking at the variety of toys (he’s not gonna admit that he can’t wait to play with them when he’s spending time with his child because he wasn’t really allowed to have many toys or play with them so they wouldn’t make him stray from his path as an assassin)
likes talking to the baby bump and even sings to it (he’s got a beautiful singing voice and the baby always kicks when he sings something they like, which Illumi always take into account)
protective as hell whenever you’re out and about together and pretty much never lets you leave alone until you have a small argument that you can take care of yourself, after which he lets you be, but still insists on being called once an hour just to make sure and to have his heart put at ease
doesn’t even want to think about your weird craving because eww, some of them are gross (you know it, he knows it, the baby doesn’t care and when you’re hungry, neither do you)
will be there when you’re giving birth because he just wants to meet the baby faster and when he does, he smiles because there they are, his little bundle of joy
just stands and is fascinated by how small the baby is and how cute and squishy they look
it’s a girl, btw
almost always tells you to go to sleep when the baby wakes up in the middle of the night, especially because he can’t really sleep and he’s too happy and excited, plus he knows how tired you are
the baby’s first words are definitely dada and her little hands were just desperately reaching out to him (you practised with her whenever you could because you know how enamoured he is with his little girl)
Illumi actually breathed in deeply so he wouldn’t feel like crying anymore and just hugged you both while your daughter was patting his cheek
she inherits his long, black hair and they both spend the most amount of time in the bathroom taking care of it and brushing it
you’re the only one allowed to touch and braid their hair
she definitely likes all her uncles and aunts because they’re all so nice and doting and funny (Hisoka and Killua), while great-grandpa Zeno spoils her rotten
yes, Silva and Kikyo love her a lot as well, but inside they still want her to follow into their footsteps
you laugh at Illumi’s surprised face when your daughter asks you two for a brother or sister
oh boy... he’s gonna die from the cuteness and joy all these babies of yours are going to bring him
THAT was a lot, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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neonir · 3 years
D&D has a bunch of planes, these are essentially a whole list of universes within the universe, while most adventures will take place on the material, many will dive into some other planes, or at the very, very least will interact with some of their inhabitants.
Gunna go over a handful of them for now
Structure: What the plane looks like, it’s general layout
Inhabitants: Who lives there, what they do.
Main threats: What your tombstone will say
Notable things: Fun facts about a neat place!
Further reading: If you want some things to look into on your own time
These next two guys *hate each other*. The exaaact reason behind this can change on the setting, but essseeeentially a whole bunch of angels came down to act as vanguards against the abyss to stop demons from coming up and ruining everything. But it turns out, being in a super evil charged plane for extended periods of time, doing nothing but killing and being killed will do a number on you. Needless to say, they all kinda "fell" and are now devils, holding onto their old lawful nature, but replacing their good with evil and remain almost entirely dedicated to just killing every devil they can get their hands on
Demons meanwhile just kinda wanna ruin everything cause that's just what they like to do.
Anyways depending on the setting the blood war is either done and demons are in an even deeper pit for now, it never ended and they’re still at it to this day, or maybe it wasn’t called the blood war in that setting they just hate each other. Either way this is one of those wonderful cases where the guy you hate and the other guy you hate, both hate each other more, and constantly kick each others heads in. It’s swell.
Structure: There's 9 layers of it, each one is ruled by an archdevil. Each layer has a different theme, each theme is more or less based on the guy running it. Or vice versa. Don't ask me they're matchy is the point.
Inhabitants: This is where devils live. The Devil is in the details, because of this they make deals. Lawful evil. Bad guys, but when they agree to something, they'll keep their end of the deal. By the letter of the law, not the spirit. Again, ruled by Archdevils, which are just the most powerful (politically, magically and physically typically) of the inhabitants of that layer.
Main threats: Devils are rude and super duper want your souls. Also demons keep invading. Which the devils really, really, REALLY hate. Also each layer can be anywhere from "on fire" to "Literally colder than the antarctic" so just jot that down.
Notable things: Devils like to make deals for the souls of mortals, specifically because they can claim these souls and either use them as a fun alternative to firewood, or can have them turned into handy dandy devil soldiers to fight demons for eternity.
Further reading: Archdevils are each different types of interesting and have a lot of shared lore to play with. Asmodeus is the top dog and has a lot of drama history with pretty much every archdevil in the place.
Structure: Depends a little on the setting, but it can be anywhere from 99 layers to infinite layers, but it's essentially a big roiling pit of bad. Nothing is consistent and the only thing it exists for is to tear the rest of the cosmology apart. It's bad limbo, and limbo's already a mess.
Inhabitants: Demons live here, yes, that's different from devils. Chaotic evil. This is just a bunch of assholes. Literally looked up "How to be a dickhead" in the dictionary and then ate the book and spat on its writer because that's literally all they know how to do. They're ruled by Demon Lords, who are just kinda the biggest dicks of them all.
Main threats: This whole place is pretty much just the worst. Everything here just wants to ruin your whole deal. The only organization is enforced by big bad dude's literally beating the less big bad dudes into submission so they can order them to beat up less bad big dudes.
Notable things: Many powerful beings have carved out chunks of the abyss to call their own personal homes. These guys tend to freaking suck.
Further reading: Really you're gunna wanna investigate the river styx, it'll kinda cover a lot of useful stuff about how these guys go about stuff. More or less these guys are just bad for the sake of it.
So these two are just kinda "Raw chaos" and "Pure order" There's actually other similar planes that share a lot in common with each of them, Archeron and Pandemonium, but they're just kinda like "What if you had these two planes...but they were kinda BAD!!!!" And we've just covered the bad versions of law and chaos so screw that nonsense tbh.
Structure: A wonderfully designed infinite series of interlocking floating continent sized gears that are in constant motion, be it fast or slow all simultaneously fitting into one grand ever turning perfect machine. This'd probably be one of the most wonderful to behold things in the setting. Shame if you kick a rock over you might be sent to infinite jail.
Inhabitants: Modrons! The lovely little goofy mechanical box/ball boys who fly around with very specific tasks (Such as counting every single living thing alive in the entire universe) or just organizing things "The right way". Each one listens to the one above it, which comes to an ultimate point with Primus, the ultimate law in the realm of absolutes.  There are also some very cool dudes called "Inevitables" which are just the shit.
Main threats: Well, Primus likes for its shit to stay the way it put it. Don't make a mess. If you are here, be here the way it allows people to be here. Otherwise you get an inevitable on your ass and these guys *do not* fuck around. They literally can't.
Notable facts: Did you know you can go to get contracts done up in primus' halls to ensure legitimacy? Did you know if you try to break one of these contracts one of types of inevitable called a marut comes over and rather politely yanks you and the person whose contract you broke back to Primus. You may then attempt to justify WHY you thought it was a good idea to break your contract, and should it not be a good enough reason, the Marut will then proceed to beat you unerringly into a fine paste.
Further reading: Look into modrons and the plane itself mostly, it can be hard to find details on the inevitables so don't stress too much about that. Primus can be interesting to investigate depending on how much history you wanna look into.
Structure: Man fuck I ain't even gunna try. This place is a mess. It's literally whatever the fuck it happens to be at the time.
Inhabitants: A lot actually! Lots of folk call this place home from the very zen and chill Githzerai and their "Live and let live" jedi vibes, to the remarkably less chill Slaadi, who are big funky many coloured frog men who vary from "silly frog man" to "Sentient Hole in Reality" depending on how far up the pokemon style evolution chain they've climbed.
Main threats: Well, the whole place is more or less non euclidean mass of ever churning raw chaos. Aside from that, watch out for Slaad Lords, which themselves can vary from "Funky dude with god like powers who uses them to wander around doing whatever comes to mind" to "Lord of entropy who wants to more or less bring about the heat death of the universe"
Notable facts: With some force of will, one can actually instill some amount of order into this place, which is how the Githzerai make their homes, literally just concentrating on keeping an area of it "approximately home shaped" collectively defining the place they live as what it is.
Further reading: Honestly the slaad lords are equal parts fascinating, hilarious and on occasion a little dissapointing. The history of the slaad is neat (Primus is kinda responsible for their existence) and the plane itself has been through some stuff. The githzerai are one half of the race that once gave the mindflayers an unparalleled beating before turning their sights on each other and then bugging off in their separate ways.
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
Summary: draco x little miss perfect slytherin!reader where they constantly argue because he is always trying to get under her buttons and one day snape decided he’s had enough so they both get detention. of course, the reader is now even more mad at draco since her “perfect” reputation is now “tarnished”. things get a lil steamy during detention once snape steps out
Warnings: maybe one swear word
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: i hope you’re all staying safe right now and i’m sending you all my love. xoxox (Gif is from google)
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Although double Potions was usually quite enjoyable on your end, the migraine that was throbbing away under your skull was currently telling you today was not going to be as good. The dark corridors of the dungeons were helping the pain in your eyes, but the laughter and constant chatter that greeted you once your entered the class made you grimace. 
You sat in your usual seat at the front of the class, taking your Potions book out and patiently awaiting Professor Snape to get on with the lesson so you could leave sooner. You loved your classes, but today was just not going to be your day. 
A group of rowdy Slytherins led by Malfoy stormed into the room, laughing loudly and flicking paper balls at innocent students. You ducked your head down, hoping to stay out of sight until Snape arrived. Which thankfully, didn’t take long. 
“Good afternoon, Professor Snape,” you smiled kindly, almost missing the very faint, forced smile he shot back at you.
“Good afternoon, Miss Y/L/N.”
As the class became quiet, Snape began to instruct the class on what was going to happen in the lesson. You opened your book to the instructions for a Draught of Peace and looked over the ingredients briefly.
Seemed simple enough. You only hoped you’d be able to complete the potion quickly enough and could head to the hospital wing with intention of curing your blasting headache.
“Before you all get rushing around, I will be assigning partners,” Snape’s cold voice made you shut your book hastily.
Partners? Great.
“Finnigan, with Marshall. Johnson, you’re with Keagen,” Snape started reading names off of the list in front of him, and you could only pray you got a decent partner.
“Crabbe and Parkinson,” he read aloud. You rolled your eyes as you heard the two share a dramatic high five.
“Y/L/N, you’re with Malfoy,” Snape read, and you swore you could practically feel yourself failing the assignment already. Of all people, why Draco Malfoy? The platinum headed idiot was nowhere near as good at potions as he should be. Besides, he was way too focused on his stupid ego to even try.
Lord have Mercy.
“Well, what are you all waiting around for? Get moving,” Snape snapped, causing the class to stand up and find their partners. You, however, didn’t have to get up because Malfoy slid quickly into the seat next to you, an arrogant smirk on his face.
“You seem to know your way around a potion so I’m not worried,” he said cooly, leaning back in his chair.
You forced a smile, “As long as you cooperate, we’ll be fine.”
You figured it was no use snapping at him. If you ticked him off he’d make this class living hell, and that was the last thing you needed. You stood up quickly and walked over to the cabinet, grabbing the necessary ingredients in a little basket before walking back to your desk.
A thick, black cauldron now sat on top of it. You placed the basket down to prepare everything you needed.
“Can you crush up this moonstone, please?” you handed over the stone to Malfoy, who reluctantly stood up from his chair.
“Fine,” he muttered, “Don’t know why you’re taking this so seriously. This class is stupid anyways.”
You bit your lip, picking up the unicorn horn and beginning to slowly grate it, making sure that it was the perfect consistency.
“It’s not stupid,” you replied calmly, not facing him, “Potions are extremely useful. You never know when you’ll end up needing one, it’s good to pay attention to every part.”
Malfoy smirked, “Snape isn’t standing behind you, Y/N. You don’t need to kiss his ass.”
You dropped the unicorn horn, eyes bulging out of your head as you snapped your head up to face him, “What? I am not — that’s not—,”
“Relax,” he held up his hands in fake defence, chuckling lightly, “Take a joke.”
You let out a huff of annoyance, looking back down to the unicorn horn and letting your hair fall into your face to hide the pink on your cheeks. You knew Malfoy’s talent was getting under people’s skin but you weren’t about to let him do that to you.
“Just powder the moonstone, Malfoy,” you muttered as you started working on the unicorn horn once more.
After you poured the unicorn horn into the boiling water, you turned to check on Malfoy’s work, only to find he hadn’t even touched the moonstone. You could feel the anger bubbling inside of you.
“Why haven’t you crushed the stone?” you asked, placing your hands on your hips, “You can’t just sit around and let me do all the work.”
“Why not?” he crossed his arms, a challenging expression on his face, “You seem to know what you’re doing, miss Goody Two Shoes.”
“First off, don’t call me that,” you spoke through gritted teeth, trying not to catch the attention of fellow students, “There is nothing wrong with being good at learning. Secondly, this is a group project, in case your thick head hasn’t noticed. So, do your part, partner.”
He squinted at you, “A little bit more fiesty when you’re ticked off, aren’t you?”
You took a deep breath, turning over to grab the porcupine quills in the basket, “Just crush the moonstone, it’s not that hard.”
He let out a chuckle, picking up the moonstone and holding it between his two fingers as if he were analyzing it. You wanted to question what he was doing, but you also wanted to avoid any and all conversation from this moment forward, so you didn’t.
“Fine, I’ll powder your stupid rock,” he placed it back down on the chopping board and did as he was told, grunting every now and then when things weren’t working.
When you completed with your porcupine quills, you put them into the cauldron and he did the same with the moonstone, the two of you continuing to work in silence. Until, of course, he decided he had something else to say.
“Your nose gets scrunched up when you concentrate, you know,” he said calmly. You snapped your head up from the page you were double checking the instructions off of and stared at him blankly.
“And you’re pointing it out why?” you raised an eyebrow, trying to hide the strange fuzzy feeling that erupted in your stomach when he said it.
He shrugged, “No reason.” He began stirring the contents of the pot, ignoring how you were still looking at him, eyes a little wider than usual and your cheeks feeling a little warmer.
“Just stir the pot,” you grumbled, noticing how Snape was walking over to your desk to check out your potion.
“Yes, ma’am,” Malfoy grumbled right back, forcing a fake smile when Snape stopped in front of the two of you.
“Your potion looks acceptable,” Snape spoke cooly, looking down into the cauldron through the strands of black hair hanging in his vision, his expression unreadable as usual.
“Thank you, Professor,” you grinned, “I actually thought about grinding the porcupine quills smaller than usual, they dissolve quicker and the effect is still the same. I read about it in The Secrets to Succeeding in Potion Making.”
Snape turned to face you, squinting, “Although I usually discourage... risk-taking and experimenting in my classroom, I must admit myself impressed.”
You were positively beaming. It was rare Snape gave out compliments, and any time you got one, it rang through your head the entire day.
“Thank you,” you said again, “I’ve always wanted to make a Draught of Peace.”
Malfoy was looking back and forth between you and Snape, looking slightly disgusted. But, you brushed it off and smiled at the professor once more as he moved on to the group behind you, who had clearly done something wrong as their potion was bubbling a neon orange.
“That was quite possibly the worst case of sucking up I have ever seen,” Malfoy let out a low whistle, wiping the proud smile off your face.
“It’s not sucking up,” you defended yourself, not feeling like it was worth it but your stubbornness feeling otherwise, “I’m just genuinely interested in learning about potion making.”
He rolled his eyes, “Of course.”
You scowled at him, not thinking he was worth your effort, and turned back to face the potion, which was now the exact colour it was meant to be.
“Class dismissed, when we return next class you will be back in the same pairs and we will go through the step by step instructions and what many, many of you did wrong,” Snape addressed the class grimly, his lip curled in a disappointed frown.
You looked around, noticing students who were rolling their eyes and grimacing at their incorrect potions. Yours was pretty damn perfect, if you did say so yourself.
“Guess we’re back together next class, huh?” Malfoy smirked, “Great.”
You picked up your books and parchment, clutching them to your chest, “If you keep your mouth shut, it will go just fine.”
You stuck your nose in the air once more, walked out the class, and marched down the busy corridors to Transfiguration. You picked a seat next to a quiet looking Ravenclaw girl, hoping to avoid Malfoy’s commentary, and prepared yourself for another class.
— —
“We failed? But how?” you felt your heart sink to your stomach as you looked at the large F sitting on the paper with yours and Malfoy’s names. How could you have failed? You guys had done the potion perfectly, Snape even said he was impressed with your tactics. It didn’t make sense.
“Relax, Y/N,” Malfoy shrugged carelessly, “It’s not my first failure. It doesn’t actually affect you as much as you’d think.”
“No! I’m not going to relax! Professor Snape said he was impressed!” you groaned, slamming the paper down on the table, more frustrated than you cared to admit. Malfoy would think you were a fool if he knew how much that F had gotten under your skin.
You had never failed anything before, how could you have failed this? There had to be some sort of twisted, wrong explanation for this.
Before Malfoy could stop you, your hand shot straight up into the air, “Professor Snape!”
Snape, who was in the middle of handing back another grade, walked over to your desk with the permanent scowl still on his face.
“Yes, Miss Y/L/N?” he spoke slowly, eyebrow raised.
“I was just wondering why I — I mean, why we — failed,” you corrected yourself, eyeing Malfoy quickly before facing Snape once again, trying to be polite but also wanting answers.
“Because, Miss Y/L/N, and Mister Malfoy, you had placed the ingredients in the wrong order, therefore the porcupine quills did not blend with your moonstone the way it was intended,” he spoke cooly, “After class was dismissed, your potion turned a vulgar shade of green.”
You nodded sadly, watching him walk away with a swoosh of his robes. You sat down, a sunken expression on your face. You couldn’t believe you let Malfoy’s annoying-ness get under your skin to the point where you hadn’t even paid attention to the order of inserting the ingredients.
You felt like a total fool. Sinking back into your chair, a pout was now formed on your lips. You were devastated. How could you have been so distracted?
“It’s not a huge deal,” Malfoy faced you, clearly confused as to why this was bothering you so much.
“You don’t get it!” you snapped, “I have never failed — ever. This is my first failure and it was your fault. You couldn’t just grind your stupid moonstone and get on with the task, could you? Maybe we’d have been able to follow instructions better!”
He seemed taken aback by your outburst. You had even noticed a few students around you turn to face you guys, evesdropping to see what the fuss was about.
“Wait, you’re blaming me?” he asked, placing a hand on his chest, “You’re the one who had the instructions! You’re the one who was paying attention to every tiny detail. Don’t blame this on me. This is on you.”
You could feel the fumes bubbling under your skin, “Me? No, this isn’t on me. If it weren’t for me, you’d have killed yourself with that potion!”
By now, the entire class was looking over. And to your extreme misfortune, so was Snape.
“Miss Y/L/N, I am very disappointed in your outburst,” he spoke loudly, a hint of loathing in his voice, “Detention. Both of you. My office, tonight at eight.”
You sat down, defeated, letting a harsh sigh leave your lips. Detention. Your first failure and your first detention in the same day. You were so disappointed in yourself.
“Detention?” you mumbled quietly, looking down at your feet, “I’ve sunk low.”
“Yeah, you have,” Malfoy spoke up, his irritating voice making you clench your hands into fists one more, “Can’t wait to share detention with the lamest person in school.”
You scoffed, raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms, “I am not lame.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that.”
— —
As eight o’clock rolled around, you found yourself sitting in Snape’s office, deadly silent, with Malfoy sitting by your side. He was dressed casually, the first time you had actually seen him without his robes, and he looked quite awake for this late in the evening.
“See here?” Snape finally spoke up, pointing to the shelves behind him where all his ingredients were stored, “I need you to organize them and make a list of how much of everything remains in my inventory.”
“How would you like the list organized, sir?” you asked softly, looking over at the messy shelves, dreading how long this was going to take. There were a lot of jars. Some even had what looked like body parts in them. Hearts, eyes, hair. It was pretty disgusting.
“Does it matter?” Malfoy asked, “Just write it all down. Not everything has to be in a perfect little list with a bow on top.”
You bit your tongue, holding back a snide remark as Snape rolled his eyes, clearly fed up with your childish bickering.
“Just do what I’ve asked and you can leave,” Snape said once more before turning around slowly and leaving his office, going god knows where at this hour. Now that you thought about it, you weren’t even sure what your teachers got up to once school hours were over.
Did they all hang out? Did they sleep in the same quarters? Do they huddle around the fireplace and chat?
It was kind of weird thinking about your teachers’ personal lives.
“Hello?” Malfoy snapped, causing you to blink rapidly as you returned to the present moment, “I’m not doing this by myself.”
You glared at him, “You weren’t this rude in class, what changed?”
As you turned to the shelf behind you, noticing that the four bottles with hair in them were labeled the same thing, you put them into a little line so they were all together and easily accessible.
“Things changed once you were rude to me. Also, you got us detention. Couldn’t keep your temper under control, could you?” he replied without even looking over. You were about to reach for a tiny bottle of green bubbles, but his statement made you retract your hand and turn to face him.
“It’s not my fault I was rude,” you replied as he turned to face you, “You’re practically insufferable. You’ve been worshiped by your gang of cronies and now you go around thinking you’re some sort of royalty, it’s rather annoying, I must say. I don’t stand for people who better themselves.” Although you had never actually spoken back to him with such honesty to your words before, something about telling him off made you feel good.
He smirked at you — which was the last reaction you were expecting — and walked towards you slowly. Up until the point where your back was up against the shelves, but he didn’t slow down. Eventually, he stopped in front of you, his hands against the wooden shelves on either side of your head, and his face closer to you than it’s ever been.
You had never noticed the freckles on his cheekbones, or the scar he had above his lip. Or even the way there was a speck of green in his right eye. Or how being so close to him made your breath catch and your heart race.
Wait — what were you thinking?
“Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?” his smirk was still evident, but the only thing you could focus on was the proximity of your bodies. If Snape were to walk in...
“You’re — uh — I don’t—,” you couldn’t find the words to say as he looked from your eyes to your lips. You had never been in a position like this with anyone before. It felt so intimate, so personal.
“You know, I gotta say I find you quite endearing,” he said softly, eyes staring into yours with such intensity your knees were weak. What the hell was going on?
“You — you do?” you found yourself questioning, suddenly very aware that you had no idea what to do with your hands. Do you put them down?
You settled on crossing them across your chest, almost as if challenging Malfoy.
“Yeah, I do,” he nodded, “You’ve got this innocent, know-it-all air about you. And I can’t help but feel weirdly drawn to you. Not that I mind, of course. You’re lucky you’re gorgeous.” Heat rose to your cheeks and you knew he was loving it.
“You find me gorgeous?” you smiled lightly, trying to distract him from teasing your blush.
He grinned, “Course I do. Infuriating as hell, but gorgeous.” You lost all self control, and without thinking, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down so his lips crashed against yours.
He wasted no time in responding, placing his hands gently around your waist and pulling your body flush against his, his lips moving slowly yet forcefully against your own. He was surpringly passionate for someone who seemed to have such a hard edge.
You felt his tongue slide against your bottom lip before clashing with yours, the pure feeling of bliss and energy moulding between the two of you. It was as if ice and fire had met, and the result was calmness and passion.
“Draco—,” his lips moved away from your lips and down to your jaw, and even lower to your neck. He left soft kisses all the way down to your collarbone, leaving you with goosebumps all over your body. He was surprisingly really good at this. Even you had to admit you were enjoying this.
He reluctantly pulled away from you, his lips a dark shade of red and his hair a little wild. It was quite possibly the hottest he’s ever looked.
“Don’t let this change anything, I still find you a pain in the ass,” you mumbled as you raised your hand to fix your hair, hoping no one would notice that you had gotten busy with Malfoy in Snape’s office of all places.
“Right back at you, darling,” he winked at you, causing your heart to flutter, “Shall we get back to work?”
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evakuality · 3 years
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Hanna, episode 9
1.  Hanna is such a sweet character.  Occasionally it’s easy to forget that, but even in the face of her own hurt and justifiable anger at Matteo and what he’s done, as soon as she realises he’s going through some shit, she not only doesn’t pursue her anger but asks Jonas to hug him for her and give him best wishes.  Honestly, I love her so so so much.  I don’t actually much recall the way this scene goes in Eva’s season, but Eva always felt tougher (? I think that’s what I mean?) somehow.  I mean, I know Hanna doesn’t let it lie forever (good for her!) but she has so much compassion in this particular moment.
2.  I adore that Hanna is wearing this ‘stronger together; shirt when she’s talking with Jule.  This is always such a great moment - the girls realising that actually they need to stop tearing each other up and actually place blame where it needs to go.  This scene with Jule is also much nicer/better than the previous one.  I really do think that’s because the stuff with Leonie was SO emotional that the Jule thing had no time to breathe.  But here it’s a) much longer and b) is given the space it deserves, and Hanna is being so proactive in such a positive way.  Love this for her.  Also, look at this gorgeous yellow surrounding this scene.  It’s so warm and calm and it calls back to those soft colours of the early season, but it’s so much stronger and brighter.  I like that we’re kind of getting a return to Hanna’s true self (if that’s even a thing) but it’s not so washed out and pale.  My girl is getting stronger.
3.  Hanna and Jonas.  Awkwaaarrrrddddd.  But also this hallway/stairway they meet in is so cool.  I love how many different textures this place has.  Also, it’s a bit.... hmmmm.  I don’t know, it feel so artificial the way they are giving us this information about Matteo’s family.  It could arguably have come out (the stuff about his mother anyway) more organically earlier in the season.  It’s good to know, but the execution isn’t the best.  I do like the bit with Sam and Jonas.  I mean, not ‘like’ as in approve, but like as in I like the way it’s executed.  This is so real for this age, and it really felt like it could be genuine.  I also really really like how Hanna’s immediate reaction is to try to settle Jonas, to give him the same attention she used to, and how natural that also feels.  But of course, he’s still in pain and so it doesn’t work.  But it does show just how well connected they were - and lends weight to what Hanna was saying about how she has genuine feelings for Jonas.  It wasn’t just about stealing a boyfriend.  I really do like the way these clips bleed into each other, bits from one informing what comes into another.
4.  I do like these little girl squad moments.  And while Kiki really does get on my nerves, it’s nice that they are all thinking about and concerned about her.  It’s nice when they support each other.  Still.  She still really hasn’t grown up, and is still chasing that whole popularity thing at any cost.  She’s at risk of losing genuine friends, and of seriously damaging her health.  But we know that, and it sucks what’s going to be coming for her.  
5.  Ahh, the karaoke is so much fun!!  I really really do love this whole bit.  It reminds me of ho0w much fun we used to have doing it.  Though I was never good enough at singing or confident (or drunk!) enough to do it by myself, so full kudos to everyone here who did it.
6.  The thing with Matteo is also super well done.  The acting here, from both of them, is really great.  Her voice changes when she asks if he’s better and when she says he’s trustworthy you can see on his face that he knows that she’s caught him before she even has to say anything.  This is always a moment I like in these scenes - when the Isak character is so close to the verge of admitting that he likes the Jonas character, and the Eva character goes in an entirely wrong direction.  And it is really well done here.  His little face when he realises she hasn’t got it, and the absolute irritation in her voice when she says that’s no reason to be doing all this fucked up shit.  I’ve seen people saying they don’t like the way Matteo is acted in this season, but it’s very much consistent with how he develops later, particularly given the changes in his life situation rn.  It’s a lot in the face and the body language, and I guess again because Matteo is subtly different to Isak you might see that as ‘bad’ but I really like it.  I like that they’re two different characters who happen to go through a similar life path (and I did go over that at length in this series of posts starting here).  The acting really has been great this season imo.  Even when it was finding its feet early on, Hanna always resonated and rang true and it’s still true here.  And the really nice thing is, you can see here that they are and have been good friends.  So when she tells him she misses him in s3, you can believe it.  You can see it here, how upsetting this is for her.  
7.  I’d forgotten just how much is in this clip.  It’s roughly half of the entire episode!  And oh.  Kiki.  Again, I think the acting is so superb, from all of them.  But Lea infuses so much into Kiki, that as irritating and hard headed and just plain horrible as she can be sometimes, you can’t help but feel so much for her.  This moment is awful.  You can feel how lost and unhappy she is, and while the other characters are bemused (Amira’s face when she grabs the mic is amazing), I can’t help but feel so sad for her.  I also find the way Druck moves PoVs occasionally to be a strange choice.  But it does allow us to get this little insight into Mia before we’re with her fulltime (and ick.  Alex needs to learn boundaries and back off - how does he even have her number?  Do we find that out?  I don’t remember).  
8.  The whole thing with Hanna and Jonas is so painful, from the wistful looks between the two of them, to the scene together and how that all plays out, and I really like that the way it’s shot is so awkward and just a bit ‘off.  The fact that Jonas is singing a Matteo song (to Matteo, no less), and then ends up singing it to Hanna.   Then they’re not properly framed in the shot at the end, and it almost feels designed to make it uncomfortable.  They clearly have a great connection, but at the same time nothing has been talked about and so everything is just subtly ‘wrong’ and that’s why this whole bit works for me.  It’s all off, kind of difficult to parse, and leaves the episode in this place where things are not really right.  They’re not right with Mia and Kiki and they’re certainly not right with Hanna and Jonas.  
This is such a difficult episode in so many ways.  You can see why it’s called ‘crashes’ - so many things are crashing down for so many people.  So much is packed into this last clip too, that it must have been really intense when it aired.  And so we’re close to the end - one to go.  Which is a bit sad because I really really am going to miss this revisit of Hanna.  I’d forgotten just how much I love her because it’s been far too long since I watched her.
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amoosewritesfanfic · 5 years
One More Hit +18
[I own none of the characters nor any art posted.]
[smut warnings: alcohol, sex, language, non-consensual, rough sex, mind break, degrading, light bondage]
[Bakugou Katsuki X Female Reader]
[Mafia Bakugou X Stripper Reader]
[Synopsis: You work at a strip club that is often frequented by a very well known mafia gang, they always had different girls every time, but it was one short almost always… but one day you were called into that room… it was an equal ratio of the dancers to the gangsters. You had no idea why, but the infamous Bakugou Katsuki chose you out of all the girls.]
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In this bar the patrons got drunk fast, cheap drinks really have people excited, but the one thing they really pay for well was the girls, and fuck do they pay extremely well.
“C’mon Candy, I got more than usual tonight!~” you often get told as you worked the pole, before getting onto your knees so they could slip that large amount of money into your bra or in your thong.
You often gave them a little extra, touching every inch of your body to rile them up into them giving you more money.
Hell you even worked the pole as if it was their laps, moving up and down trailing your hands along your body and the pole.
And you were by far one of the most flexible girls in the entire club and you often showed that off, pulling your leg up high and even doing the splits working the floor too.
And on this night, the same mafia group walked in and asked for the usual amount for protection and ordered their girls for that night and as usual it looked like they were on girl short for the four men.
There was a red head who you’ve come to know as Kirishima, according to the girls he’s been with he’s gentle but always leaves little marks peppered on their skin.
There was another who had black hair, his name was Sero, he always was rough especially found of tying up his girls.
There was a yellow haired male who had a lightning mark on his hair, Denki… he was apparently found of having his girls do all the work.
But the final one… that final man with ash blonde hair and red coloured hues, he was a mystery, he was always just drinking at the bar talking to the bartender about business, but you noticed something odd, he went into the blue room.
Now within the blue room there were four other rooms just for the four of them to take girls into and fuck them senseless, of course they paid the girls very well so they never complained after all these girls are all trying to pay something off and you’re no different.
The ash blonde male… well he never ever used his room always saying he doesn’t need any girl to please him, well… that’s what you heard from the bartender, so seeing him follow his companions into the blue room you felt confused.
You finished off the last bit of your show and bid the patrons goodnight, but when you got to the changing room your ‘mother’ stopped you handing you a new set of clothes and she even told you to shower. You were confused, you never get called to the blue room, ever.
“Bakugou Katsuki wants you tonight. Don’t speak unless he gives you permission and give him the best service you can give, I don’t want to lose ya to that man.” Your ‘mother’ told you.
Of course, it took you a moment to figure who she was talking about, it was the ash blonde male with those piercing red eyes.
He wanted you…
Panic started to build up inside you, you never serviced any of the patrons in this way and the only reason this was happening was because well… You somehow caught the eye of one of the most infamous gangsters, he was dangerous and feared.
And he didn’t seem like the type to mess around with girls especially after everything you heard from the bartender.
Regardless you take a quick shower and reapply your make up, nothing too extravagant but not too little either, after you finish the makeup you slip into the outfit which consisted of one black laced bralette, a black thong with a green X in the front of it and it had a green outline on it.
It was accompanied by a pair of heeled knee-high combat boots and a pair of black thigh high stockings that hugged your thighs awfully well. Once you were done you made your way into the blue room, you were handed a tray with a bottle of the club’s finest whiskey and a crystal glass for the whiskey.
You knocked on the door lightly before you heard the voice of the male telling you to come in.
As you enter the room you are met by those bright red hues, trailing up and down your frame, you turned around to close the door which gave him a full few of your ass.
“Look at that. They even dressed you up for me just like a fucking present.” His voice before was muffled by the door, but hearing it now… it sent goosebumps along your skin.
“C’mere,” he motioned for you to approach him, which you did. Setting down the tray on the side table, because you couldn’t afford to drop the bottle.
“Smart choice Y/N.” Your heart dropped, when you heard your real name your body tensed up slightly, how did he know your name…?
None of the patrons no matter who they are should know any of the girl’s names.
“You scared of me Y/N? I mean it is only natural, a man who isn’t supposed to know your name…” a pause before he gripped your wrist and pulled you down into his lap, gripping your face so you could look at him.
“But I know everything princess.” He said smugly. “And I own you… since I own this club.” He growled as his hand wrapped around your throat, your breath hitched in your throat as his other hand started trailing along your body, stroking your skin in a sensual manner, it sent shivers up your spine and since you were straddling the male you could feel his arousal building up against your thigh.
“But I don’t have to have sex with you…” You said timidly, he had a gun and if you pissed him off he would most definitely shoot you. Laughter erupted from the ash blonde male.
“Baby, I could give a fuck less about your feelings, trust me by the end of this you’ll want me just as bad as I want your pretty little ass.” As he spoke, he gave your ass a firm smack which caused you to almost groan.
“Tough girl huh?” he hummed as he brought your face close to his so he could kiss you, but before his lips pressed to yours he spoke.
“That isn’t gonna last long princess, I’ll make sure I fuck that disobedience out of ya.”
With his lips now pressed against yours, you tried pulling back from him but his hand was squeezing the back of your neck forcing you to keep your lips against his, his hand trailed up your back before he groped your breast which earned a quiet muffled moan from you.
“Hmmn~” he hummed, pinching your nipple through your bralette which earned another muffled moan.
He broke this kiss trailing wet kisses along your jaw, his hand which rested on your neck moved up to grab a handful of your hair to pull your head back, trailing sloppy kisses along your neck before sucking on the skin, but as you tried to push him off his free hand which was tugging and pinching at your nipple immediately grabbed hold of your wrists pressing them to your back as he started leaving marks all over your neck and your chest.
“What a slutty body… No wonder all those men throw money at you.” He murmured against your skin before he bit your nipple over the bralette which caused you to gasp.
“N-no… please stop… I-… ah.” Before you could interject, he let go of your hair and grabbed you throat, pinning you down onto the couch, he was now in between your legs looking down at you with a smug look on his face.
“C’mon bitch, you gotta beg louder~ otherwise the big bad man is gonna fuck you silly.” As he spoke, he pulled out cable ties and tied your wrists to a pole that happened to be next to the couch.
You tried tugging them to get out but instead you felt them tighten around your wrists.
“Now let’s see more of that pretty body yeah?” he said as he raised his hand giving your cheek a firm smack causing you to whimper. His fingers trailed from your cheek, along your jaw and moved to your cleavage, his fingers leaving goosebumps.
The feeling made you squirm beneath him, it made him chuckle. With one hand teasing your nipple through your bralette the other hand slipped into his blazer pocket pulling out a pocket knife, your body tensed up and eyes widened as you looked between his face and the blade.
“Don’t worry princess, I won’t cut you… not unless you give me a reason to.” You felt the cold blade run along your skin causing you to whimper, he cut your bralette which instantly exposed your perky breasts, your face was flushed. You were use to people seeing your naked body, after all that was your job, but… with him it felt different, the way his hungry eyes stared at you as though you were prey sent shivers up your spine.
“Oh fuck princess what pretty tits.” He said as he groped both of them, squeezing the nipples before he smacked both of your breasts which caused you to whimper, you turned your head to look away from him.
His head dipped down, you felt his warm mouth take the erect nub into his mouth, his teeth tugging as his tongue flicked over it as his fingers pinched and tugged your other nipple, causing you to moan quietly, you’re hips almost bucking and you knew he was smiling from your reaction.
“What an honest body my slut has…~” he mumbled before he did the same to the other nipple. Once he was happy his tongue trailed down along your stomach causing your back to arch slightly.
“Let’s see what princess has going on down here…” he mumbled as he got face to face with that sweet spot, the blade trailing lightly against that spot, even bumping against your clit which caused you to moan again. “P-please not there… god please no not there… Katsuki…” He didn’t listen you your pleas, instead you felt him grip your panties, tugging them to press against your slick cunt making you whimper and gasp.
“Princess, your body really is fucking honest isn’t it? Your so wet for daddy~ I can’t believe it~” he teased. He cut the panty making you whimper again, nothing was hiding your wet pussy from his eyes, it made you flustered but your body was being too honest.
He leaned in running his tongue along your wet folds, tasting your love juices, he almost moaned from the flavor, you couldn’t bite back from your own moans which escaped your lips, your back arched slightly at the feeling of his tongue flicking over your clit.
“What a sweet little cunt~” he cooed before sliding his tongue into you, his tongue swirling around your hole, pressing against every inch of your cunt.
“N-no… there…” you moaned pulling at the restraints his hand squeezing your thighs before he gave your ass a firm smack which caused your walls to tighten around his tongue this caused him to chuckle a little before pulling back.
“My little bitch is so fucking eager to let me fuck her.” He said as he shifted remaining between your legs, his hands reached down and unzipped his trousers, pulling out his fully erect cock.
The sight of it… it scared you but it aroused you at the same time you didn’t know why.
“If you were a good slut and didn’t need to be tied up like a bitch in heat you would have enjoyed this so much better… I won’t lie… I really want to feel those soft hands tugging at my hair and leaving scratch marks all along my back as I fuck you senseless.” As he spoke, he rubbed his length against your soaked folds as means to lube himself up.
You couldn’t help but whimper at the sensation of his cock rubbing against you, he felt so big… was he gonna break you? It felt like he would break you with one thrust.
“Look at me kitten~” he cooed as his hand cupped your chin, forcing you to look at him, it caused you to whimper, but his expression was gentle which helped you relax you almost didn’t react to him slipping his tip inside you.
But with the size sliding into her hole it caused her to moan, her back arching slightly.
"Relax baby girl~" he cooed as he stroked your cheek, you whimpered quietly, but a moan soon followed as he gave one thrust, burying himself in the deepest parts of your pussy.
It felt like your brain became mush in that moment.
You moaned out, he lifted your legs and pinned them up against your chest, it made his cock go deeper inside you.
"F-fuck...~♡" you moaned, your head tilting back slightly.
Your voice and body betrayed you, you were feeling nothing more than pleasure from his cock which started moving within you his hips moving back and forth.
"Look at you, I've barely started moving and you're a drooling mess~" he teased you giving your ass a few firm snacks before he really started moving, slamming his hips into yours.
Your moans had become louder every time he had hit your sweet spot, he would groan from the warmth of your hole.
"Jesus fuck... your pussy is so fucking tight... one would swear you're a virgin... but fuck tight pussies are the best... don't you think? I bet you love squeezing... my cock like this." He groaned as one hand smacked your ass before he put your legs on his shoulders.
"Fuck... I-its so deep.. I'm gonna cum... you're gonna make me cum...~♡" you moaned out.
"Yeah? Who's gonna make you cum princess hmm?" He growled slamming his hips harder against yours making your hips buck but soon your walls clamped down onto his cock.
"You... you daddy...~♡" you moaned out.
"Louder!" He said smacking your ass. He put your legs around his waist thrusting deeper into you as his hand wrapped around your throat.
"Y-you... daddy... fuck.. you... you're gonna make cum all over your cock!!" Your tone in moans had changed when his hand wrapped around your throat, but more so because you started cumming.
Squirting your love juices all over his cock and stomach.
"Look at that pretty pussy squirt... hmm baby girl, look at that slutty pussy~" he had the biggest grin on his face.
He pulled out and stood up, he watched your twitching legs and shaking body as you tried coming down from that high.
"Hmm I can't believe this after so long I can finally play with my pretty little toy~" he hummed.
Honestly at that moment you had no clue what he meant, you didn't think much of it.
You never did... you couldn't focus on it because of how much ecstasy he was putting you through.
He cut you loose and pulled you onto the ground, forcing you to kneel in front of him as he smacked your face, causing you to whimper, but somehow you managed to maintain eye contact with the male.
"Pretty princesses clean up after they made a mess~ c'mon princess clean up daddy's cock with that pretty little mouth~" he said taking a hand full of your hair and pulling your head back.
"Y-yes daddy...~" you answered plainly and then opened your mouth nice and wide for the male, he aligned himself with your mouth and thrusted himself inside.
You couldn't help but gag slightly, but as he started to thrust down your throat all you could was hollow out your cheeks, saliva dripping down your chin and onto your breasts.
Your mind was spinning you couldn't help but rub yourself as a means to get off from him fucking your throat.
"Oh look at that~ while choking on some cock you're busy fingering yourself~ how fucking cute~" he groaned feeling your tongue rub against his length, you whimpered as his pace quickened.
With two very hard and fast thrusts, he buried himself deep inside your throat and let out his thick load.
You had now choice but to swallow every drop, but somehow you were happy about it. Your body felt thrilled.
When he pulled out you whined quietly sitting on the floor like a dog waiting for its next meal.
"Look at that... my little bitch in heat... is so eager for me~" he mumbled running his finger along your cheek.
"I think we're gonna have so much fun from here on out~" he said giving your face a smack once again, it earned a small groan, but you didn't stop looking at him.
"Let's take ya home yeah?~ don't worry I'll send some to pick up your belongings... from now on your my little bitch do I make myself clear?"
"Yes daddy... yes... anything for you~♡" you said eagerly.
"Dance for daddy little bitch~" he said, zipping his pants back up and pouring himself a drink before sitting down on the couch.
Motioning the stripper pole in the middle of the room, and you did as asked, gave him a show. Moving your body so he could see the pussy he stretched abd the mouth he violated.
Hell he could even see the bite marks and hand prints.
"Oh daddy's gonna have so much fun with you little one~" he cooed.
That was the last night you ever went back to the club. There was no need because you had become the person plaything of Bakugou Katsuki.
[If you liked this I'll try and make a part 2? Just dm me or something if you want a part 2 :3]
Part 2a
Part 2b
Part 3
Part 4
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improbablecarny · 4 years
A Post About Making Adrian Shephard Interesting
The Half-Life series is full of engaging characters, ranging from loveable, to love-to-hateable, to Adrian Shephard. Who is Adrian Shephard? He is a guy, who has a gun, which is extremely surprising for video games. He and his gun are the stars of Half-Life: Opposing Force, the first game’s first expansion, where he is sent into Black Mesa after it becomes an interdimensional shitshow, so he and his gun can shoot some aliens. 
The game sets him up as a foil/rival/antagonist to the iconic Dr. Gordon Freeman, as if we are about to play a thrilling game of cat-and-mouse with the feral physicist. This setup is a lie. Adrian encounters his sworn enemy once, immediately loses him, and gets distracted with putzing around on whatever tasks the plot puts in front of him until the G-Man shows up and says “I don’t really know what to do with you” and indefinitely stuffs him in cold storage, which is, incidentally, also what Valve did.
Despite this, Adrian still has a decent following of fans, mostly attributed to the fact that he is a guy with a gun in a video game. His defining feature as a character is that he always wears a gas mask. His only defining feature as a character is that he always wears a gas mask. Okay, that's not fair: he has a couple diary entries where he mostly talks about how he and his gun want to shoot stuff, which makes him relatable to gamers everywhere.
What I’m getting at here is that, in a series where the POV characters have ranged from everyone’s favourite perpetually put-upon physicist to rebellion leaders, Adrian stands out to me as a piece of limp bread.
But what if I told you he doesn’t have to be?
What if I told you that the limp bread we know is merely at one end of a breadcrumb trail that leads to a whole loaf?
Okay, so it isn’t a secret that I think “military guy who shoots stuff” is, perhaps, a little played out. I see a guy with a crew cut and my eyes glaze over. I hear a chopper and begin to snore. I can no longer perceive olivedrab as a colour. We could get into the nitty gritty of American nationalist/military propaganda and its relationship with video games, but that isn’t funny, so I’ll just say that it sucks and I hate it.
Half-Life 1 was not overtly kind to our pals, the Marines. By that I am referring to the fact that they were consistently portrayed as sadistic meatheads. My approach to Opposing Force was hesitant, as to suddenly make one of them the hero is to say “but what if the sadistic meatheads kind of had a point?”. Luckily, as the game opens with Adrian silently shooting the shit with a handful of tongue-in-cheek war movie stereotypes, I got the sense that this wouldn’t quite the case -- which is more or less confirmed when Adrian’s chopper goes down before he has the chance to receive his orders to do war crimes.
So we have our first ingredient: a macho kid with stars in his eyes who goes out on his first mission and is immediately blasted in the face with a healthy dose of...well, blasts, but also, uncomfortable truths.
Corporal Adrian Shephard has landed, the sole survivor of his unit, the quintessential badass, our gritty hero. Now the action begins, we think. He busts in, guns and wrenches blazing, and begins to kick some alien can. Right?
Well, he tries. But to his dismay, Black Mesa has a lot of doors, which as we all know, are impervious to guns.
Luckily, there is an aggressively Midwestern security guard wandering around who just happens to have the clearance Adrian needs. His name is Otis. There are actually multiple Otises (Otii?) because Black Mesa security guards have a bit of an esoteric relationship with reality, but let’s just pretend the ones that don’t die immediately in comedic scripted sequences are Otis Prime.
Otis is everything Adrian isn’t. Zombies stalk the halls and Otis is more upset with a wayward vending machine. Bullets fly and Otis jokes about how he should’ve taken the mall job instead. He’s an affable, goofy uncle of a man, and he’s not necessarily there to show us just how cool Adrian is in comparison... he’s there because Adrian needs his help.
And there we have our second ingredient: your coolguy action hero archetype isn’t maybe that effective as a lone wolf, and the unexpected kindness of strangers may be what he needs to pull through.
As many have pointed out, our pal Adrian develops a peculiar and hilarious habit: picking up random aliens and using them as weapons.
Opposing Force itself seems to be, more than anything, an exercise in showing off cool weaponry and cool enemies. Adrian’s fleshy new friends are just a means to a tech demo. But with the goggles of plot and characterization on, just as Adrian has a horrible barnacle grappling hook on his hand, we have something hilarious on ours: a flock of freaky friends there to help him on his journey.
And who doesn’t love the “head scritches for the spore launcher” animation?
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I don’t know if this is what they intended when they gave him (a mutation of) “shepherd” as a surname, but Adrian’s Multidimensional Menagerie is the third ingredient of incredible potential: your loose-cannon commando came in here to kill aliens and ended up adopting a bunch instead.
Keeping these three things in mind, a vision of Adrian begins to solidify, and it is one that doesn’t quite match the image of the elite commando power fantasy that the dudes in the comments section of all Opposing Force-related Youtube videos are clamoring for.
What is Adrian’s goal in this story? Well, first off he seems ready to track down Freeman -- but once the slippery scientist slides on through his fingers like a handful of bright orange soup, it’s mostly a matter of fighting some aliens, fighting some black ops dudes, disarming a nuke, and pissing off a giant terraforming alien so bad that it just gives up and leaves. What can we pull from this to make Adrian compelling?
It’s not that he’s the coolest dude with the baddest guns: He is set up like every other badass military shootman, only to be immediately humbled by the horrifying truth behind his mission and the alliances he needs to forge in order to survive. He befriends some of the creatures he was sent in to destroy. He disarms a nuke and repels the Gene Worm without killing it. Adrian carries with him the framework of a character whose purpose is to de-escalate. 
Then we begin to see him as an actual foil to Gordon: where the good doctor was unwillingly plunged headfirst into violence and chaos in order to survive, what if Adrian had to reject these things to survive -- despite everything he’d been trained to be?
And if he returns to this post-apocalyptic world, under the G-Man’s thumb, without an Otis in sight (but plenty of aliens)... where does he go from there?
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meanhoeforcb97 · 5 years
Say My Name
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut (and a bit of fluff at the end🙈)
Warnings: Hard Dom! Chan, Daddy/babygirl kink, oral (f), mentions of alchohol(??)
Words: 3.3k
I'm so embarrassed to post this eYE–
Let me know if you wanna see part 2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It was a lovely quite warm evening during the middle of March and your friend Leah had persuaded you into going out for a couple of drinks.
After your last relationship had come to a bad end a few months prior –almost a year– you hadn't been going out much as you weren't interested in a love life at the moment.
Which also ended up affecting your sex life and making it basically nonexistent.
So Leah was determined to change that.
She helped you pick out a dress and you both got ready at your house. She did your make up and you did hers, you were having a great time with one of your closest friends and you genuinely thought this would be a girls night. Little did you know what was about to take place only a few hours from now.
"Damn! You're fire!" You told Leah hyping her up and boosting her confidence. She was wearing a black, strapless and tight fitted dress with some fishnets and knee-high boots.
"You are not so bad yourself!" She said joking as she gestured towards your outfit which consisted of a red tight fitted off-the-shoulder dress that reached just a few inches above your knees and had a slit up your left thigh suggesting what was laying underneath paired with black stilettos.
You weren't really the type to dress up or go clubbing often but whenever you did, you honestly loved it! You loved how confident these sexy outfits made you feel. You loved the stares coming from men and women left and right. You loved the euphoric feeling of sex mixed with alcohol. Nights like these were the ones you strived to always remember.
So with one last check in the mirror you and your friend exited your house, locked the door behind you two and entered a passing cab. Both of you agreed that you wouldn't drive as you both planned to drink at least one glass. So to be safe, you called a taxi.
Arriving at the club, you both entered while holding hands as to not get lost between the sea of sweaty bodies grinding up against each other.
You hadn't even made it to the bar yet and you had already spotted a few hotties—this definitely wasn't gonna be a girl's night.
Leah sat on one of the stools and you sat right next to her and you both turned to the barman.
From the corner of your eye you notice how Leah was basically drooling, and in all honesty she had all the rights to. He was tall and incredibly gorgeous. He seemed to be quite young, at least younger than the two of you so you weren't planning on making any moves as for Leah, that's another story.
"So ... Hyunjin." She said reading his name tag.
"Yes miss, how could I help you?" He asked slightly leaning into the counter with a sky smirk on his face.
"My friend over here and I would like something to drink... give us your best drinks." She said placing some money on the counter and he looked at her hand pushing the bills.
"This one's on me, gorgeous." He said as he sent a wink her way and got to work.
She turned to you and you pouted, "What the actual fuck Leah? It hasn't even been 15 minutes since we entered and you already have found a hottie who will probably fuck the shit out of you later. What am I supposed to do?" You whined at her.
"Calm down okay? I'll help you! I'll find you a nice person to take care of you!" She said with a wink.
"How about this guy right there? The one with the blonde hair and green eyes? He looks fine!" She said and you bit your lip about to give in, but then saw a girl wrapping a hand around his waist and he leaned down and kissed her.
"Oh.." She let out dumbfounded and you sighed.
"Just forget it, I don't need any guy to show me fun! I can do it myself! I'm gonna dance!" You said trying to make her forget about it.
Just at that moment Hyunjin turned around and placed two glasses on the counter, you thanked him, grabbed yours and left right away.
The dance floor was busy with sweaty bodies dancing like crazy to the upbeat music blasting through the speakers.
Taking small and frequent sips of your drink, you found yourself letting loose to the music and your body moving according to the beat.
After a few of these drinks you were getting tipsy and you were dancing on your own for a long time now, deciding that was enough for now you went to leave when suddenly you almost bumped into a male figure.
And fuck, was he hot though?
"Oh oops, I'm sorry!" You said and went to leave.
"Its okay I wasn't looking! By the way love your dress!" He said as he winked at you and you smirked slyly.
"Well thank you, you look quite nice yourself." You said in a joking manner.
Being tipsy and all you continued to dance alone in front of the man's presence as he continued to talk with you.
And he couldn't help but stare in curiosity and lust.
You were so fucking hot he couldn't even comprehend how fuckable you looked all sweaty under the dim coloured lights of the club.
It made him think about you sweaty and under dim lights in a completely different scenario.
"So my names Chris, yours? Or should I call you gorgeous?" He asked in a flirting manner as he grabbed his lower lip between his teeth.
He proceeded to dance along to the music and waiting for an answer.
You couldn't help but scan the man from head to toe, his hair was a beautiful shade of dark brown matching with his eyes. His lips were plump and pink and he had adorable dimples that showed up whenever he smirked playfully at you. His body oh gosh his body was something you really wanted to explore. His exposed biceps were buff and veiny and it was obvious that the man worked out a lot.
You smirked and looked straight into his eyes and moved closer to his form still dancing.
"The names Y/n.. but you can call me whatever you want hottie" you said and proceeded to grind your ass against his thigh.
He bit his lip harder as his hands landed on the small of your waist.
"This is a dangerous game you're playing little girl.." he said through clenched teeth as he leaned so far in that your noses were almost touching and you could feel his breath fanning your lips. You leaned into his ear and let out a chuckle.
"Maybe this isn't the most dangerous it can get.." you said and captured his earlobe between your teeth.
Chris's grip on your waist tightened and his breath slightly hitched.
He pulled you back and kissed you on the lips. The kiss was rough and full of lust, your tongues fighting for dominance and yours winning for a second before he regained control. He bit and sucked on your lips and tongue making you let out tiny noises of satisfaction making him pull even closer to his body.
You were both a mess, making out in the middle of the dance floor and grinding against each other like wolves in heat.
"Wanna take this to my place?" He asked as he pulled away from your mouth panting.
You turned towards were your friend was sitting to see her still flirting with that Hyunjin guy. You took out your phone sent her a quick text and nodded at him.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you through the crowd, leading you outside he called a taxi and then turned to you and kissed you on the lips once again.
"You sure about this babygirl?" He asked making sure you were doing this with full consent.
"Babygirl huh?" You smirked slyly and leaned in towards his face.
"Sure thing daddy." You whispered into his mouth before biting his lip and he groaned in response grabbing your hips and bringing you closer.
You started making out in the parking lot and just when his hands travelled from your waist to the curve of your ass, the taxi arrived.
You both got in and continued making out at the backseat after Chris instructed the driver to get you two to his house.
Once the car came to a stop he paid for the ride and lead you inside by pulling on your hand.
Throwing your handbag by the door you turned to him only to have him pinning you up against the wall and sucking on your neck searching for your sweet spot.
Your legs immediately became wobbly and your hands found a tight grip on his biceps.
It took everything in you not to moan but when he sucked on that specific spot close to the center of your collarbones you couldn't help but let out a strangled whine.
You bit your hand embarrassed by the sound that came out of your mouth.
"Oh no babygirl! Let daddy hear your beautiful voice alright?" He said as he gave your lips a peck and moved his way downwards to your littered neck full of fresh marks.
Unzipping your dress and sliding it down, he stopped just above your stomach so your boobs would be freed.
He kissed on top of your cleavage and couldn't help but bury his face in them.
He quickly took off your bra throwing it somewhere in the livingroom.
He then proceeded to suck, lick and bite onto your right boob, paying extra attention to the erect nipple.
"Chris~" you couldn't help but moan his name as he worked wonders on your breasts.
"What was that babygirl?" He asked as he stopped.
"N-Nothing! Please don't stop!" You practically begged as you tried to pull his face close to your naked chest once again.
"I'm gonna let this slide just this once. But daddy won't be as generous next time! Understood?" He asked and you nodded desperately.
He had barely even touched you yet and you were already wet, your panties getting more and more soaked by the minute.
With a last squeeze and a kiss on your breasts he pulls away, took off his dress shirt and lead you to his bedroom.
The room was dimly lit by some side lamp on his desk and the bed was large, but that's just about everything you noticed before he pushed you on the bed and pinned your hands above you head.
Taking off the dress completely, he exposed your lower half which was covered by a thin layer of lace.
He smirked and licked his lips with lust and hunger mixed in his beautiful but dark irises.
"You planned on getting fucked tonight didn't you?" He asked as he pulled on the under garment's band and then let it slap against the beautiful and not to mention unmarked skin of your thighs.
"Well you ain't getting fucked by a little boy today, so why dont you let me show you how daddy fucks his little girl huh?" He said and you couldn't help but clench around thin air, your thighs closing and your butt squirming.
"Hmm, my  babygirl is so needy~" he cooed as he gripped your thighs and forcefully pulled them apart revealing your covered heat.
Chris quickly rid you of the last piece of clothing remaining on your body and his breath hitched in his throat as he saw your glistening wet flower.
He trailed kisses down the center of your chest to your tummy and lastly to your danger zone— but no! Chris wasnt gonna give it to you so easily.
He kissed all around your pussy and thighs avoiding your clit and entrance and kissing around it on the outer lips and inner thighs.
Leaving a few marks here and there as well your hips thrusted forward trying desperately to find some sort of friction.
He quickly pinned your hips down with his strong hands and finally looked straight into your eyes as he landed the first long and sharp lick across your slit.
You moaned loudly and he couldn't help but groan as he lapped up all of your arousal.
Focusing on your clit, he slipped one finger in your tight hole making you moan louder and pant heavier than before.
"Oh my gosh, keep going! Just like that!" You moaned as Chris hit your g-spot with his finger repeatedly.
He hummed against your clit causing the vibration to send waves of pleasure all over your body while at the same time he added a second finger.
All of the stimulation of your most sensitive parts soon enough drove you over the edge.
Chris sensed that you were close as your walls tightened around his fingers so he gave your clit one last strong suck and pulled his mouth and fingers away from you making you let out a cry of frustration as you lost your high.
"I swear to God if you don't finish what you started... I haven't had sex in freaking months!" You said as you sat up on your ass looking at Chris frustrated.
"Watch your mouth babygirl.." He said as he glared at you. You couldn't help but be intimidated by his naked and toned figure hovering over you.
"And don't worry I'm about to change that." He said with a smirk as he unbuckled his belt and proceeded to take off his jeans and briefs.
Once his member was out and free you couldn't help but squeeze your thighs together at the image of his red and angry dick standing tall against his toned stomach and leaking with pre-cum already.
"You caused this babygirl..." He growled as he came closer to you. "How do you feel about that?" He asked as gripped a fistful of your hair and tilted up your head to look straight into his eyes.
"Proud." Was all you said before he crashed your lips together in yet another sloppy make out session and he pushed you further into the bed.
You could feel his cock against your pussy and all you wanted and needed at that moment was him inside you and fucking you mercilessly.
"What do you want baby? Let me hear you.." He panted in your ear as he placed a condom around his erected cock.
"I want you Daddy! I want Daddy to fuck me till I cant think straight! To fuck me so good that I wont be able to walk for days!" You cried out and he groaned.
"Your wish is my demand..." he managed to growl out before plugging his thick and rock-hard cock into your swollen, wet cavern.
You both let out sighs of relief at the pleasure of him being inside you.
It was as if his cock was made just to be inside your pussy as he filled you to the brim and stretched you out oh so good.
Soon he started rocking his hips in the most delicious pace and your moans mixed with his.
The strong smell of sex inhabited the room and the sound of skin slapping against skin was loud.
He was fucking you so good. He was hitting all the right places and had you a moaning mess in no time.
"Faster daddy, faster!" You cried out as you felt your orgasm being just around the corner.
He groaned at the sound of your voice so desperate and so shamelessly begging for his cock.
Chris grabbed one of your legs and placed it over his shoulder. This new angle gave him the chance to explore your pussy in a whole different depth.
With this position you could feel him hitting your g-spot repeatedly once again making you basically scream in pleasure.
He looked at your beautiful face while trusting his hips deeply into your own and he couldnt help but moan at your fucked out expression and sweaty face. Your hair was disheveled and flying everywhere. And as his eyes travelled further down he watched as your boobs bounced from the hard rocking of his hips and just a little bit lower he saw as his dick was engulfed by your hungry vagina.
You were gorgeous.
He kissed your lips and sucked on your tongue as he brought a hand down to your entrance and rubbed inconsistent circles on your swollen clit.
You gasped and cried out at the newfound pleasure.
"Oh my gosh I'm so close! So close!" You managed to let out as you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten.
"Let go for daddy babygirl, let daddy see how much you enjoyed him fucking your tight little pussy." He said as he watched you intently and adding even more pressure to your clit.
You let out a strangled moan and gripped his biceps tightly slightly scratching him in a progress and came undone.
The orgasm was so intense that your body was shaking violently afterwards.
As you came, Chris could feel your walls tighten around his dick and his thrust got sloppier and sloppier as he continued fucking into you, chasing his own orgasm while at the same time helping you ride out yours.
To help him, you took down your leg from his shoulder and pulled him closer to you sucking on his neck leaving marks all over it.
He moaned in pleasure when you found his sweet spot and guided your hand to his balls, and you got the memo and massaged them.
He moaned even louder this time as his own orgasm wrecked his body. Coming into the condom he stopped his movements but stayed put inside you as he caught his breath.
Looking down at your face he leaned down to kiss you, both of your foreheads sweaty and with hair clinging onto your skin so he took a stranded and placed it behind your ear.
Placing his forehead on your own he sighed as he pulled his member out of your vagina and you squeezed your thighs together as your previously filled pussy lost its warmth and you trembled lightly.
He took off the condom and threw it away, he leaned down and placed a soft peck on your lips far different than the previous kisses you two shared.
"I'm gonna go grab something to clean you up alright? I'll be right back." He said and you nodded, he smiled and placed one last peck on your lips before leaving.
Laying there alone in his bed you felt your body slowly but surely start to drift in and out of conciousness as you felt completely and utterly exhausted.
At some point your eyes were closing in their own accord and you were almost asleep when suddenly the bed besides you dipped.
You forced your eyes open to see Chris sitting next to you, still completely naked, while holding a wet towel and a glass of water.
He helped you up to your butt and passed you the glass of water. You drank it all in one go and he took back the glass as he helped you lay down again.
"Such a good girl for me... taking my cock so well and cooperating with me.." he cooed at you as he grabbed the towel and placed it on your vagina softly.
The towel was warm making you relax under his gentle touch. He gently and carefully cleaned your vagina and thighs before folding the towel in half and with the clean side he proceeded to wipe the sides of your face, neck and chest.
He stood back up and pulled the duvet over you, placed a kiss on your forehead and left the room with the towel and the glass once again.
He came back soon after though and got under the duvet with you, you were turned away from him so he got this chance to hug you from behind and be the big spoon.
And at that you both fell into a peaceful dreamless sleep.
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passionate-reply · 3 years
What would Great Albums be, if not for defenses of albums lots of people hate? SPK’s Machine Age Voodoo is, of course, one of those albums, being the attempt of a noisy, drony early industrial group to make synthy disco magic. Did they succeed? Well, maybe not--but at least it’s interesting. Find out more by watching the video, or checking out the transcript under the break!
Welcome to Passionate Reply, and welcome to Great Albums! This time, I will be once again be coming to the defence of an album that’s been very divisive: Machine Age Voodoo by SPK, first released in 1984. Earlier in the 1980s, SPK had distinguished themselves as one of the most prominent figures of the nascent “noise music” movement, alongside acts like NON and Throbbing Gristle. Just two years before Machine Age Voodoo, they released their arguable magnum opus: Leichenschrei, an album that eschewed a traditional tracklisting, featured the mutilated visage of a victim of napalm burns on its cover, and sounded something like this:
Music: “Seite ((Klono))” / “Napalm (Terminal Patient)”
With their follow-up to Leichenschrei, SPK would take their sound in a very different direction. They abandoned the harsh, buzzing textures and nauseous, whirring drones of their earlier work, and set out in a remarkably more pop direction. While Machine Age Voodoo features verses and choruses, brighter synth textures, and winsome slap basslines, it still maintains a certain “industrial” identity, tying it into the same overarching web of related styles that SPK’s earlier work fell under. This album reminds me a bit of Depeche Mode’s mid-80s output, such as Some Great Reward, in its incorporation of both synth-pop structures as well as some accents of mechanistic clangs and bangs. Depeche Mode and SPK were, of course, passing by one another after coming from opposite directions on this spectrum, but the end results remain comparable.
Music: “Junk Funk” / “Machine Age Voodoo”
Listening to the album’s stomping opener, titled “Junk Funk” on most releases but made into the title track for the US market, I’m struck by just how upbeat of a track it is. Where many industrial acts are keen to portray modern labour as a punishing, soul-sucking, miserable endeavour, “Junk Funk” seems to make it into something of a party. Given that even Depeche Mode were penning tracks like “Everything Counts” with a dour outlook on capitalism, the seemingly playful aura surrounding this single really sets it apart--though not necessarily in a good way. As I mentioned earlier, *Machine Age Voodoo* has consistently been panned by fans of the group’s more aggressive earlier work, and I think the album’s affinities with light-hearted, and perhaps even silly, post-disco pop make it all the more easy to write off as ridiculous and asinine. But much like simply being in a style you don’t care for isn’t a reason to lambaste a work of art, simply being lighter in tone is no reason to reject something. Not all great art needs to be stone-serious, after all! While Machine Age Voodoo may not be a continuation of the classic SPK sound, I think it’s an album that has plenty of appeal for fans of lighter synth-pop, and one that I wish had managed to achieve a bit more renown among those who might be a bit more receptive to its style.
Naturally, the title of the album and the themes of its sometime title track invite us to consider the role that appropriation of “primitive” themes has to play. Ever since industrialization and colonialism began to create large separations between the lifestyles of “the West and the rest,��� Western artists from Picasso to Gauguin have found themselves fascinated by so-called “primitive” ways of life, found among communities of colour whom they believed to live closer to the natural or archaic state of humankind, uncorrupted by capitalism. But followers of the religion sometimes known as “Voodoo” are living in the modern world as much as anyone else is, and the use of their faith as a symbol of barbarism or the unrestrained id here is presumptuous at best, and bigoted at worst--particularly given the reference to “funk,” a music style that, like Voodoo, is strongly associated with Black culture. The love for things “primitive” has served an important cultural role in the West, offering an apparent alternative to the crushing death spiral of capitalism, and serving as an outlet for questioning the assumed status quo and the truth of human nature--but at the same time, I think we can fairly criticize it for offering a stereotyped and tokenized view of cultures outside of the West. Machine Age Voodoo offers another, very different, perspective on the Other on its second track, “With Love From China.”
Music: “With Love From China”
Compared to “Junk Funk,” “With Love From China” is distinguished as one of the album’s more plaintive and less dancefloor-oriented tracks, and, in contrast to “Junk Funk”’s joyful embrace of “high technology hoodoo,” “With Love From China” portrays the titular Communist power as something quite sinister. While a simple read of the lyrics suggests that it may be a triumphant hymn to the state, the track’s plodding, dirgelike melody makes it hang like an ominous cloud instead. Arguably the most successful state to be built upon Marxist ideals, China is a prominent feature of lots of early 80s synth-pop, where it and other Communist states saw varying portrayals as anywhere from dystopian to utopian. Like the appropriation of “voodoo” earlier, the dread romanticism applied to China by SPK on this track says more about them than it does about China itself. I think both tracks, taken together, paint a picture of a sort of “anywhere but here” ideology, defined less by any strong feelings for these particular cultures, and more by a desire for an escape to the exotic, and an abandonment of all that is sick about the West. Overall, though, “With Love From China” isn’t necessarily a fair representation of the average track on Machine Age Voodoo, as the album consists mostly of higher-energy tracks, like “Metal Dance.”
Music: “Metal Dance”
Perhaps the track most clearly aimed at nightclub rotation, “Metal Dance” feels like a logical choice for the album’s first single. Less of a pop tune and more of a floorfiller, “Metal Dance” still hums with industrial touches, propelled by clunking metallic percussion and chant-like shouts that prefigure the synthesis of machine music and club fare that EBM acts like Nitzer Ebb would achieve later in the 1980s. With its succinct title and a compelling hook that implores us to “synthesize our dreams away,” “Metal Dance” almost feels like a love letter to the sheer concept of electronic music for dancing to--a consummate paean to the discotheque, even if it comes from what may seem like an unlikely, and perhaps dishonest, source. A similar embrace of dance music qua dance music is found on “High Tension.”
Music: “High Tension”
If “Metal Dance” sounds like a preview of later industrial dance genres like EBM, then “High Tension” feels like a throwback to the first attempts to “synthesize” an electronic disco, with its dense, complex production style, prominent bass, and lyrics that promote “danc[ing] ‘til you drop” as a response to “bad times.” Despite its compelling use of a well-textured vocoder, “High Tension” veers away from the worship of the machine that was central to “Metal Dance,” and its straightforward celebration of dancing itself makes it feel like the most likely genuine crossover hit on the album--not that it really had any. It’s also worth noting that the track’s bridge contains an early reference to “hip-hop,” back when artists like Man Parrish were freely using the term to describe club-friendly electro that didn’t necessarily include rapping. Times have changed, of course, but I think “High Tension” fits right in with other works in that style--even if, again, it comes from a group that nobody would have expected to make music like this!
On the cover of Machine Age Voodoo, we see a fantasy cityscape, defined by a massive tower crowned with the band’s name accompanied by a Communist-inspired red star. It’s as firmly removed from the vile and shocking imagery of Leichenschrei as the music contained within. But, just as the music has retained some degree of industrial sentiments, the cover is not without its own sense of subversion--it is, after all, apparently enshrining the ostensibly dangerous, foreign ideology of Communism!
It’s tempting to compare this image to the futuristic imagery of Fritz Lang’s classic silent film, Metropolis, particularly given that there’s also a track on the album that shares that title. But I think that the visual style employed here, with its blocky, cubistic rendering of form and lively use of diagonals to enrich its composition, is perhaps more reminiscent of the work of the Russian avant-garde of the 1910s. Even before the Russian Revolution, pioneering abstract artists, like the “Rayonist” Natalia Goncharova, were looking towards the exciting potential of the future, and making art that celebrated the beauty of machines in motion. The early abstraction of painters like Goncharova would go on to influence the abstract art associated with the early days of the Soviet Union, which makes it a particularly fitting affinity given the themes of Machine Age Voodoo.
After Machine Age Voodoo, SPK never returned to making more melodic music--perhaps unsurprisingly, given the album’s simultaneous failure to achieve crossover success, or retain the interest of their existing fanbase. They returned in 1986 with Zamia Lehmanni: Songs of Byzantine Flowers, an album of dark ambient music that avoided slavishly copying earlier works like Leichenschrei, while still feeling like a worthy continuation of the spirit in which they had begun their career.
Music: “Invocation to Secular Heresies”
My favourite track on Machine Age Voodoo is “Seduction,” which is easy to overlook as it actually only appeared on the US release of the album. “Seduction” is striking for its blatant, wantonly sexual lyricism, which, when combined with SPK vocalist Sinan Leong’s competently sultry vocal style, recalls the best work of the experimental disco outfit Gina X Performance. And much like Gina X Performance, there’s a bit of subversively queer gender-bending to be had here, as a male backing vocalist repeats Leong’s line, “you call yourself a man?” I think that may be unintentional, a sort of happy accident, but I love it nonetheless. That’s all I have for today--thanks for listening!
Music: “Seduction”
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charlthotte · 4 years
Breaking Through the Iron Wall - Aone Takanobu x Reader
Chapter 14
Rising on the cool Tuesday morning, I couldn't curtail a sense of joyous anticipation, as that very day I would leave for our practice match in Tokyo. However, as I scanned over the contents of my overnight bag - a tiny sliver of timorousness crept inside my mind: I simply couldn't help thinking of the worst. What if Shiro would leave us while we were away? Relentlessly, I tried to shrink those thoughts to the back of my head - but only to a slight avail, as that thought lingered, latched onto my fibres of being.
Capering down the stairs, I was greeted by the warm smile of my pyjama-clad father. Obviously, he had only recently arisen from the depths of slumber - his hair ruffled by the happenings of the night - his glasses laying skewed upon the bridge of his nose. "Hey, kiddo!" He spoke joyously, holding his arms out wide, "How are we feeling today?"
A humble meal stood on the table in front of me, a simple breakfast - nothing more. "Morning, Dad. I think I'm okay, a bit nervous at that"
"Don't be nervous! You get to spend a whole night in Tokyo of all places!" He hesitated, taking in my anxious aura, "I'm sure everything will go along just beautifully, be hopeful, kiddo." Smiling goofily, he bounded towards me - wrapping my body in an over-zealous bear hug - almost throttling me.
Sighing, I replied, "I'll try, thanks Dad"
We ate breakfast, chatting nonchalantly until I had no choice but to depart. Bidding me a heartfelt goodbye, hugging me until I was close to imploding. As I walked away, my luggage on tow - he waved and hollered feverishly, a stream of 'Goodbyes' and "I love yous' cascading from between his lips. I laughed at his antics, equalling his words but in a less incandescent manner. Even if the trip would only span one night, I'd still miss him nonetheless.
Upon arriving at the train station, little time passed before my train cruised along the tracks before me - and per usual - Takanobu was situated in his usual seat, seeming much more tranquil compared to the prior day. No longer was his face as troubled, yet it still harnessed an essence of anxiousness - but for an understandable reason. Neither of us felt the need to greet each other - simply acknowledging the other's presence as we always did. However, as we departed the carriage in tandem - a certain somebody laid his grievances bare, "(Y/N), do you think Shiro will be okay?"
"I hope he will be, but I can't really say much more."
"Can you be sure?" With saying that, his voice broke slightly - only highlighting his demeanour of worry.
Sighing, I paused, unsure of how to answer what he had asked, "Truthfully, we can't be sure. We have to hope for the best - nothing more, nothing less." Hopeless words, they were - but I couldn't offer him anything more.
"Okay..." He let out a shaky, breathless laugh, "I'll try. Thanks, (Y/N)."
"Don't mention it, it's not something worthy of thanks." And with that, he didn't care to speak afterwards - letting both of us fall into a revelling pit of gaucheness. Even during classes and breaks, that silence carried on until the coach journey to Tokyo as school ended. Somehow, even Futakuchi managed to not break a word.
The drive was to take a gruelling four hours of doing hardly anything. Occasionally, I would give directions to Coach Oiwake, the rest of my time being occupied by a book, as always. That was, until I felt a sudden jolt ricochet through the back of my seat - which of course, was gifted graciously by the grimace sat behind me. "Your Majestyyyyy, how long until we get thereeee?"` Futakuchi whined like a little kid, pursing out his bottom lip - mimicking a needy baby.
Behind me, sat Futakuchi and Takanobu - the prior jesting his usual jests and the latter; gazing out of the window, his eyes travelling along the road - occasionally latching onto a building or animal in the background. "Just under two and a half hours. That's if there aren't any mishaps."
"Well that sucks, I guess I'll just take a nap, then." He declared, reclining in his seat - letting his legs fall underneath my chair. Immediately, he kicked his head backwards, clamping his eyes shut, "So don't be too rowdy, you two." Falling silent after his sarcastic articulation. Feeling no apparent need to reply to him, I buried my senses back into my book, wishing for the ride to terminate.
Hardly any time had passed before the faint sounds of Futakuchi snoring rang out through the faint buzz of the team's chatter. However, little after that - a scheming Kamasaki crept up behind his chair - his eyes twinkling with devilish delight. The Machiavellian jumped from where he stood, severely startling the slumbering teen. That was when the environment gained an intense ambiance of chaos. Futakuchi screaming a slew of obscenities at his attacker, the latter defending himself relentlessly, explaining how the whole ordeal was simply a bit of friendly banter. Every other member of the team - in some way - was trying to make the conflict die down. However, with one single glance from Takanobu - Futakuchi immediately curtailed his fighting spirit - becoming a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.
"Now... Everyone leave me alone. Please and thank you" He declared curtly, a scorn scowl taking residence upon his face.
Not a single objection was made to that statement, everyone staying silent in trepidation of catalysing another ruckus. The situation pretty much stayed like that for the rest of the drive there - except from the odd 'Shut up' coming from Futakuchi's mouth. Yet, it was still far from peaceful - the constant murmur of voices in the background, distracting me from my novel.
As we arrived at our accommodation for the night, I could sense the team's excitement rising - even if the practice match was early in the next morning. Even the grimace's cocky exterior had shifted and let a ray of giddiness outwards. A rare sight to say the least.
Most of the team rushed into the inn, not paying attention to their rowdiness that was highly apparent to every person passing by. Their escapades were swiftly ushered away by a sighing Moniwa, commanding them to calm their turbulence.
The scene surrounding me was purely picturesque, it certainly wasn't something that you would expect from being in a mostly modern region of Tokyo. A serene, little river trickled down the side of the narrow road - endowed with numerous water lilies of various hues of white and pink. The water flowing through it was rather dark, yet somehow comforting - as you couldn't see just how deep you were falling in. Standing sturdily over the stream, was a bridge - made of many differing stones - each one a different shape, colour and consistency to the next. Adorning the river's surroundings - were flora and foliage - offering a natural touch to its metropolitan environment. I could have sat, gazing at that sight for hours on end; something about it felt weirdly nostalgic and comforting - as if it held some sort of importance to me.
However, that could never be the case, as I followed the rest of the team into our rooms. Being the manager, I had the privilege of having a room to myself, as sharing a room with any member of the team would have surely been catastrophic. 
At that time, the mid-evening sky had begun to grow a relaxing shade of scarlet - wispy clouds floating through it. There was no apparent need for food, seeing as though everyone had eaten on the drive there - so I laid on my futon, a book in hand. Dappled light shone through the window panes - casting light in peculiar patterns across the floor. Shadows swam across the walls, twirling along with the wind. Perhaps Tokyo wasn't going to be that bad after all...
A sudden knock on the door echoed through the room, "Come in." I said reflexively. The hinges creaked shrilly, as the unknown figure made its way passed the doorway. My instincts told me that Takanobu would be standing there - but alas, it was the fawn-haired Futakuchi, wearing a padded, navy jacket and a grey scarf draped around his neck.
"So, (Y/N). Aone and I were wondering if you'd like to go on a little stroll with us? And, don't worry - Coach Oiwake already said we were okay to do so." Futakuchi asked, seemingly out of his little tantrum from earlier.
Taken aback, I stood up from my futon, smoothing down my clothes, "Oh... Uh, Sure - I guess." Hurling on my coat and shoes as I exited the room. It seemed strange that Futakuchi was asking me to do such a thing - especially since he called me by my name, instead of some stupid nickname - after all, he had never expressed interest in socialising normally with me.
Briefly, I made eye contact with Takanobu, only for him to avert his gaze instantly - a nervous disposition on his face, as he looked down to the floor - his hands fiddling with something inside his pockets.
Sensing the awkward air, Futakuchi attempted to start a conversation, "Where do you guys want to go? I was thinking of following that river to see where it goes, is that fine with you two?"
Neither of us offered any opposition to his suggestion, Takanobu only nodded - while I hummed a little sound of affirmation. I didn't have anything better to do. It didn't take long before Futakuchi started talking about the most random things - trying not to be awkward himself, "Sooooooo, (Y/N), how different is Miyagi to Hokkaido?"
"Well, the different dialects were strange at first. But it is nice not seeing snow all the time, life near the Kitami mountains wasn't exactly... Perfect."
Awkwardly laughing, Futakuchi carried on with the small talk, as if he was trying to stall, "I guess so. Why did you move here though?"
"My mother had a promotion, and that meant that we had to move here." I replied, nonchalantly - perplexed by his sudden 'interest' in my life. And for the next half hour or so, he kept asking questions - some generic and some bizarre. It was slightly obvious that he didn't really care about my answers but instead, only used them as a method of delaying something. As that happened, Takanobu sauntered beside us - never uttering a word, but still fiddling with whatever object he was hiding inside of his pockets.
Abruptly, Futakuchi stopped dead in his tracks - as we had somehow arrived back at the bridge from before. The evening sky illuminated the water perfectly - as the waning sunlight hit each droplet of the river, it reflected back into my eyes. It almost sparkled. Each lily bobbed up and down in a majestic rhythm, acting as the river's heartbeat.
"Now, you two - I'll be heading back - so don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." The fawn-haired teen acquiesced, his usual aura becoming rather apparent. Smirking back to Takanobu and I while strolling back into the inn. 
As soon as Futakuchi disappeared behind the inn's doors, I felt a timid tap at my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with an equally timid Takanobu. He drew his hand out from his pocket, holding a flower - specifically a hydrangea. A flower that was used to show someone's gratitude for being understood by another. The flower's complexity would mirror that of the person giving it - and how the recipient learned to accept and understand that complexity, and maybe love them for it.
Immediately, Takanobu's face flushed over with a crimson wash - seemingly embarrassed by the gesture. But, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he took the time to research into my interests, and use that knowledge to express the way he was feeling. To put it simply, I found it cute - adorable actually - the way that the man with the stoic and intimidating aura would appear so vulnerable in front of me. The inside of me was screaming with joy, that I tried my best to contain.
I held my right hand out to him, to indicate that I accepted his gesture - and as I took the flower from his, our hands brushed - only for an instant. His skin felt warm and clammy - as if his nervousness was running through his entire body.
 Through a bright smile, I began to speak, "Thank you, Takanobu. I'm happy that you can feel that way with me." A single tear of joy began to prick at my eye. Taking notice of that, Takanobu's arms scooped me into a comforting hug - without a single word.
Never before had I felt so unapologetically cheery. He was the first person to make me feel that way...
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thickenmyblood · 4 years
I love how you really put a lot of thought into how you regard and read fanfic as well as how you respond to questions about how you feel aout it. Can I ask what are some parts/ideas in fics that really made you go wow, this is well planned or like I never would have thought about this or I forgot that this plot point and device were even a thing! I hope this makes sense
I love you, kind stranger. Thank you for reading my delirious posts and giving me the chance to scream about fics, which is always a pleasure. 
Note: If your fic is in this post and you don’t want it to be, let me know and I’ll take it down. 
Zeitnot by thereshaegoes
I love the idea of time travel, so when I read this fic’s summary I bookmarked it instantly. At first, I thought it was going to be eight chapters of Laurent waking up the day of the battle of Marlas, but the author really surprised me.
I loved that someone died at the end of each chapter (at first, at least) but what really made me go ‘oh’ is when Lauret realizes the Damen from “this new reality” is, in fact, his Damen! 
Damen not being with Jokaste was weird to me, but I shrugged it off as a personal choice the author had made. Then, when Damen was talking about abolishing slavery, I was still in denial. ‘Oh, well, some people don’t like to write Damen as a slave owner, which is cool’. And then, when the big reveal finally came, I was just… amazed. I literally put my phone down and went, ‘okay, this person really knows what they’re doing when it comes to writing’. 
I love the little plot twists. In my head, a plot twist most basic example is ‘oh, X is a traitor’ but… this? This is so much better.
Between the Shadow and the Soul by Anonymous
This work was… insanely refreshing, innovative, transgressive, and outrageously good. It does feature a lot of sex scenes, but at the same time, it felt like sex was the least important part of the story. I don’t know how to explain myself when it comes to this fic (and God knows I’ve tried) but… The sex scenes aren’t there just for the smut of it all, if that makes any sense. 
Auguste as a narrator is so unusual, and yet it made the fic so painful and enjoyable! I loved the way it left you wondering just how accurate his POV was. I loved the sex scenes with actual characterization. This author never, not even for one second, stopped focusing on the dynamic between Laurent, Auguste, and Damen. It could be argued that the Laurent/Auguste bit weighted more than the overall OT3 bit, but still… I had literally forgotten what sex scenes were for until I read this fic.
Sex scenes, especially in this particular work, are not parentheses in the story. They’re not there for the reader to take a break from the “actual plot” or “narration”. They are what holds the story together, and they’re opportunities for the reader to learn more about the characters
Cherry Wine by SteeleStingray
Yes, I’m back on my bullshit. Yes, I’m talking about CW again. But I’ll make it short because there is no way you don’t know how I feel about this work. If you don’t, check out this comment (which, by the way, is not even a fraction of what I wanted to say to the author when I read the fic). 
What I found innovative and made me go “is this allowed?” about CW is not the idea of an OT3, but rather this particular take on a relationship that consists of three people. I’ve read a few published books that feature similar couples (all of them suck, and when I say they suck I mean it) so I was very hesitant to read this because of that reason. 
Usually, when people write OT3 they pepper in a lot of stuff I don’t like to read about: extreme jealousy, misunderstandings, cheating, weird dynamics that feel stilted, awkward sex scenes where one of the three just sits in a chair and watches the other two like some voyeur from Juan José Saer’s stories. Guess what doesn’t happen in CW? 
Another thing I liked about this work is that it reminded me that themes in fiction aren’t limited to one specific work. This author really likes nicknames. At the time, when I had only read CW, I thought it was just a one-time thing. Turns out, it’s not. An emerald-coloured nightmare also features nicknames. I like this idea that you can tell who wrote something based on little details and narrative choices. It’s like the author is winking at you, going ‘ha, did you get it?’
Ink on Paper by deripmaver
I don’t usually like fics with non-linear narrative because I’m a lazy bitch who can’t keep up. I’d never really seen the point in using flashbacks, scenes from the past, or anything like that because my writing style (oh, fuck off, my writing style, who the fuck do I think I am) is more about references. And then I read this fic. And I was like, ‘okay, I’ve seen the light of not writing everything linearly like an idiot’. 
The Mannequin Gallery by marrieddorks
Yes, I realize I’m talking about all my favorite fics. I feel no shame.
This fic is a Modern AU. Everyone who has ever written a Modern AU knows that one of the trickiest parts is finding characters professions that make sense with who they are/what they like/what they’re good at. This story features Damen as an influencer. That’s it, that’s my whole tweet. 
It reminded me that even when you’re writing a Modern AU (or any sort of AU, really) it’s important to know what the essence of the characters you’re writing is. The way even Jord’s job makes sense… And how it feels like the author didn’t just steal the characters’ names and use them to create a random story (which is valid, too)... and… Okay, this has nothing to do with a plot twist or a narrative device but have you read this Nicaise? Have you? You haven’t read Nicaise until you’ve read this fic.
(and that's why) you're so beautiful now by iwasgonegonegone
This fic is 612 words. It has no plot. One of the tags reads, “listen they're in love and they're cute and that's all i have to say” and I… yes. This fic inspired me to write plot-less stories again. Not only that, it made me enjoy writing them. 
Lately, I’ve been talking to a friend of mine about a new pairing we both like a lot. We go back and forth for hours sometimes just talking about what they’d do, details about the worldbuilding, a billion ‘what-ifs’... and I love it. If one of us sat down to write a story based on all our conversations, it would be a character study fic. It would have, maybe, some plot to it, but… Plot would feel like an excuse to talk about their relationship. And I love that. I fucking hate plot, I hate it, and this… Yes. This fic is like a little slice of life. The author has mentioned before that they enjoy writing poetry (more than longer pieces of fiction) and this story reads like a poem. You know when you read a poem and you get this weird tingly feeling? Read this and feel that, you’re welcome.
The Life We Live by homewithyou
I’ve said before that I don’t go looking for mpreg. Sometimes, mpreg has come looking for me, and I’ve closed my door on its face. I read this fic mainly because I never pay attention to the tags on AO3 (healthy, I know) and I was too busy making myself toast to read the summary. 
I was five paragraphs in and this bit hit me like a fucking electric hammer to the head: “...which had been going haywire more often than not since the pregnancy began five months ago.” I was like, ‘wait, did I—am I reading—why am I—’ and then I just shut my mouth and continued reading. I’m glad I did. I’m glad I didn’t let my narrowmindedness stop me from giving this fic a try. I’m glad people out there are writing stories that they enjoy, about topics a few others would deem controversial. 
This also applies to the Lamen/Auguste fic I mentioned above. What’s the point of writing if you’re not going to take risks and be honest about what you like to write about? It takes honesty and commitment to write anything that strays from the norm. And so I’m glad this person posted this story, because it changed me in a small way (‘what if I shut the fuck up and read more mpreg instead of instantly clicking out?’).
This is another perfect example of how plot is poison and you don’t need it in your life (unless you enjoy poison. In that case consume the plot, write the plot, sniff the plot. And die). A morning in bed, just nuzzling and talking… living life… Again, this made me realize that you can say a lot about two characters just from a morning in bed. It made me want to write 25 pages of dialogue in bed (this and Manuel Puig’s book titled Kiss of the spider woman, which I recommend fervently). 
Plot? In this house? We don’t know her. You’re a strong, independent writer. You don’t need no plot.
For a more general response, I’d say that Steele’s worldbuilding is impeccable and made me look at the setting of stories differently. 
Foreshadowing is always amazing, but I haven’t read a lot of fics where it’s a prominent element (which is not to say authors aren’t good at it, I just don’t read enough fics to give you a good example of this). 
I really like oxymorons and when writers use funny adverbs. GallaPlacidia’s adverbs are to die for, so definitely check out her stories if you’re interested in that. 
I also love the way xlydiadeetz writes archs. She does this thing where she divides the story into different… timelines? archs? I… don’t even know. Amazing.
I hope this answer made sense. 
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i wanna know what love is
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: sebastian is a bit of a prick in this one
A/N: uni is now at home, nothing do, cleaned to whole room three times and watched my guilty pleasure movie rock of ages. so i decided to write some fanfic about it. hope you enjoy it x
Next Chapter
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It had been the most prolonged four hours of her whole life. Between crying children to the man sat next to her, always trying his luck, Y/N had started to completely lose her sanity. Luckily for her, she now had her feet down on the ground, LA ground much to her excitement. She had finally managed to get her first interview with someone who was pretty much considered a rock god for most people with the magazine she’d grown up reading.
However, after standing outside the famous Vixen Bar for almost 3 hours in a memorable LA freezing night, she was starting to wonder if her editor in chief had just played a cruel joke on her. It wouldn’t be the first time Jason had sent her out to catch imaginary stories.
  - Excuse me. - she tapped the shoulder of one of the bouncer’s who made her jump once he turned to face her. He was tall enough to crush her with just one hand and the courage she had gathered to complain about her situation vanished. - I’m ... I’m with ...
 - Rolling Stone. - he said pointing at the lanyard she had around her neck with her carrying her Rolling Stone press pass. His face softened, which made her breath calm down significantly. - Why didn’t you say so, Miss ...
 - Wiley, Y/N Wiley. - she extender her hand to him, trying to be the most professional she could. She could do this, she was a good writer, she could write an article, she could do this. - I’m afraid it’s my first time ... here.
 - First time in LA? - he guided her onto the inside of the club, which was a drastic change from the outside. It was sweating hot inside without any sort of heating, people were clustered and bumping against each other, some even behind the bar, and the music was overwhelming. She could see the spirit bottles on the shelves moving and trembling due to how loud it was. Everywhere she looked, there were people dancing and people doing things which she would never dream of doing in public. The odd smell of smoke and MJ, along with sweat, seemed to be the only thing that her senses could pick up. This was definitely different from what she knew.
The bouncer guided her to the back where a few girls along with a man were clustered outside a wooden door with a red star that seemed to have slowly faded over time turning into a mix of wood and red colouring. The bouncer told her to wait where she was as he went to speak to the man in the middle of all the girls. He was short and chubby with a head of hair that seemed to be receding and balding on the top and a sense of style that looked taken straight of Hugh Hefner’s wardrobe.
 - Jeff Williams, mam. - he presented himself, giving her a toot aching smile and extending his hand which she shook. - Where’s Margaret?
 - Uhm Margaret is not coming. I’m Y/N Wiley, my editor sent me here to interview ...
 - Another new girl. - he rolled his eyes, turning on his back to walk to the red star door, giving it a few harsh knocks before popping his head in. The bouncer gestured her to come closer to the door, which was now fully open. She walked inside what looked like a fresher’s university room filled with empty bottles of whiskey, rum and beer along with bits of rolling tobacco sprinkled in some areas of the floor and some girls by the minibar. The man who had spoken to her before walked to the couch where a man was laying down, hat on top of his head seemingly sleeping. How was he sleeping in the middle of such a messy atmosphere she didn’t know, what she did know was that all of this was a far cry from what she had envisioned a rock star’s room to look like. After all, he certainly could afford to have someone at least vacuum the room. - Seb, Rolling Stone is here.
- You can’t just fucking leave me alone, can you? - he lazily pushed the hat off his face, locking eyes with Y/N. He had shoulder-length shaggier hair, much longer than what she had seen in old magazines, with dark bags under his electric blue eyes which seemed to want her more dead than alive. - Where’s Margaret? 
- They sent her they say her name is Wavey .. Whinney?
- Wiley. - Y/N cleared her throat, trying to gain as much courage as she possibly could. - My name’s Y/N Wiley, I was sent here by my editor to talk about your departure from Fever. 
- Well, I’ll leave you two to it. - Jeff turned to Sebastian, pointing the finger at him as to intimidate him, but it looked to have no effect. The man seemed to either not care or just fully drunk on what she guessed were the many empty bottles on the floor. - Play nice. 
He walked off the room, calling for the girls who whined as they followed the chubby man waving their goodbyes to the man standing in front of her. The door forcibly shut, making her hold onto her pad and recorder even tighter. She kept trying to tell herself she could do this, she had graduated top of her close, she was a good writer, and good writers can interview and write about everyone.
 - You’re too young to be a senior writer, who did you have to suck off to get this job? - he sat back on the couch, grabbing a half-empty bottle of what seemed to be rum. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to process if what she heard was what he had said. - Are you gonna be standing up all time?
 - I’m an intern. - she said sternly, taking place on a chair by a table full of more empty bottles. - However, Mr Stan, this interview is about you not about me.
 - 5 minutes. - he replied, eyes lingering over at his watch.
 - Sorry, what? - she opened her pad and pressed record on her recorder. He had to be joking.
 - You’re losing time, sweetheart. 
 - Right. - she looked over at the notes she had taken about him before it. Her hands were shaking and what she was once proud of calling her organised notes looked like pure rubbish to her now. - You ... you are one of the most famous figures in contemporary rock music, writing big hits which went on to sell millions of copies, why ... why did you decide to become a musician?
 - Felt like it. - he shrugged, taking another sip from his rum bottle. - Do you always dress like a child or ...
 - With such success with a band, why are you leaving now when the group is doing better than before? - she ignored his previous judgment, skipping ahead so she would have enough material to write about him when all she wanted to do is brand him as a cocky god complex owning idiot. 
 - Well, you see ... - he cleared his throat, grabbing the recorder from the table where it stood. - I think due to the constant change within the music industry, the difference in cultural trends and when you think of blah blah blah and blah blah blah ... Four minutes.
He broke into laughter, staring at her as if expecting her to laugh right back or rush out of the door, but she stood there. She stood there, holding onto her pass as if she wanted to rip it and strangle him with it.
 - You know, sweetheart, you are not good at this writing thing. 
 - You know, sweetheart ... - she mocked his tone. - Some people have said that you’ve become quite challenging to work with. That you’re consistently late, you’re reclusive, sometimes even nonsensical. 
 - And who are those people who are speaking about and what do they know about me?
 - Well, I’m talking about your band.
 - Let me tell you something, Miss Wiley. I know me better than anybody else. Better than my group, better than the media and much better than those stupid notes you have with you. I know me because I am me. Three minutes. 
- Do you think that because you’re shut off so many people in your life and avoided changing your behaviour that your only choice is to go solo? - she switched into attack mode which seemed to surprise the man standing next to her who placed the bottle right down with enough force to break it.
 - Is your daddy rich, is this why they gave you the job?
 - Right ... - she grounded herself once more, not expecting her very first job to be this harsh but understanding why no one else had tried to steal her place to interview Sebastian Stan. - You were born in Romania raised by a single mother. Dropped out of high school at 17. When you were 19 you met your ...
 - Time. - he looked at the clock, getting up from his seat. 
 - When you met your bandmates in this very club ...
 - I said time. - he stopped the recorder. He gestured the men who were guarding the door to open it. - You can go now and next time don’t dress like a school teacher. 
 - Final question. - Y/N got up following him as he walked to the bar to grab another bottle of the millions he had. He turned to face her, a red bottle in hand along with a look of pure carelessness. - What happens when you realise that you have become a joke for new coming artists?
 - You have no idea what’s it like to be me, Miss Wiley. - he snapped the cap of the bottle, pouring himself a shot and downing it in record time. She had to give it to him, it was a rather exciting time. 
 - Well then here’s your chance. What’s it like to be THE Sebastian Stan?
 - I don’t know honey, maybe you should check your notes or call someone who can do this job properly. 
At this moment the chubby man from before made a bee-line towards the two of them which were ready to start a brawl, except one of them was way too professional to do something.
 - Right, I hope you got everything you wanted you can ... - the man was interrupted by Y/N stepping forward, nerves straight off the window.
 - You are not misunderstood at all.
 - Why don’t you tell me what I am then? - he raised his brow at her, a smug smile on his face.
 - You’re a man-child stuck in a rut who refuses to acknowledge the fact that he lost his career due to careless behaviour.
 - I love it when you talk dirty.
 - You know Sebastian, you used to be great. All the musicians I know wanted to be you, but whatever made you great is far far gone. 
 - That’s right, give it to me rough. - he chuckled at her, not caring about anything of what she was saying.
 - Now you are just another rocker asleep at the wheel, singing the same songs you wrote years ago. And as long as you have this team that keeps supplying you with alcohol and girls, they’re gonna keep you asleep, and you’ll eventually drive off a cliff and be removed from music history.
 - Line crossed. - the chubby man grabbed her arm. - Time to go, Miss Wiley.
 - Don’t touch me. - she shook her arm away from him. - You used to write great songs, you used to be great ... What happened?
 - You know what, I’m calling your editor. - Jeff grabbed his phone from his pocket, dialling his number. - Jason, great guy, we’re friends. I’ll fix this for you, Sebastian. 
 - Get out. - he spoke in an almost whisper-like tone, eyes glued to hers virtually as if he didn’t dare to blink. 
 - My words exactly, mate. This interview is over. - Jeff put his hand over the phone, gesturing at one of the guards to come and grab her.
 - No, no, no. Not her. - he pointed at Jeff. - You. All of you.
 - Copy that. Everybody out. - he gave her an almost death threatening look as even the guards left the room, leaving the two of them completely alone. Sebastian scanned through his drink cabinet, grabbing a bottle and pouring two shots, sending one her way.
 - I don’t drink, thank you. - she pushed it right back to him, hearing him mutter ‘have it your way’ before downing both of them. - Are you gonna answer any of my questions or ... 
 - Off the record, you’d make an excellent groupie. - he said and like that the straw finally broke her back and she turned on her heels and stormed off the room. 
 - Wait ... Wiley ... - he followed her until the door. - WILEY! Come back tomorrow.
 - I’d rather not. - she turned on her heel, knowing precisely what to write once she got back to the hotel.
 - Promise it’ll be worth your while and maybe you’ll impress your editor. 
 - You’re a drunk, why should I trust you?
 - Because you’re an intern who wants to be a senior writer.
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yangsrose · 4 years
Blurbs of my WIPS
The order of these are not the order of them being released, but rather in a random order
if you would like to be added to the tag list for any of these please send an ask or reply to this post!!
WIP #1: Xiaojun Fic (heavily based off of the book "Son" by Lois Lowry)
Water. That’s all you felt around you. Water sloshing up and taking over every little part of you, leaving little to no air for you to breathe. You slowly felt your body get submerged by the harsh waves, and before you knew it, you were sucked into the black abyss. You closed your eyes to stop the harsh stings of the salt water, feeling a peaceful spirit come over you as you sunk deeper and deeper into the water.
The next thing you felt was a burning sensation in your lungs. Wanting to get rid of the water that was forcing its way up, you coughed out the cold, bitter liquid that was congesting your lungs. A pair of sweet, warm lips met yours, serving as a contrast to the sea water, and you felt air being forcefully pushed into your airways. You opened your eyes and blurrily saw a man towering over you, his small yet muscular frame hovering over you in worry. You closed your eyes once again, feeling tired from the effort put into taking out the water in your lungs and once again sunk into the familiar black abyss.
WIP #2: Ten FBI AU (based off of this time stamp)
Ten’s job was fairly easy. Or so he liked to believe that. I mean, all he did was just sit in front of a computer and monitor people as they surfed the internet on a daily basis, and make sure that they didn’t do anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. Since he was one of the newer recruits, he was scheduled to look over the more innocent people such as the ones who never searched up anything bad or out of the ordinary. His daily searches consisted of “how to bake a cake” or "how to make a necklace". Innocent stuff as these topics whizzed by his computer screen daily, leading for an easy job on his end. That however, changed when he got assigned to you.
Your searches weren’t… bad or anything, they were just more on the questionable side. In the beginning, your searches were always definitions to words, or just memes that you didn’t remember to save but really needed to send to a friend since you thought it was appropriate. For example, once you searched up “chicken with a knife meme”. Since your search included the word “knife”, Ten was alerted of it, but he dismissed it, not taking the search seriously since he too had that same meme saved as a contact picture for one of his friends.
It wasn’t until your searches became a bit more... progressive for a lack of better terms that Ten began to grow worried. Your searches started pretty innocently, such as “How to erase fingerprints from a surface” and he just suspected that you accidentally got fingerprints on a laptop screen and just wanted to erase them. But after a while, you began searching up things like “acids to get rid of blood stains” and “blunt surfaces that can cause a head trauma.” That caused him to become concerned. He began to monitor your searches more closely, and it wasn’t until recently one day when you searched something extremely concerning that he realised that you were someone that required to be monitored at all times.
Ten called for his boss, showing him the most recent search on your end. “Non-lethal stab wounds'' popped up on the bright screen, and Ten looked back at his boss to see a mirror expression of wide eyes looking back at him.
“I think we have to send you undercover.” Ten’s boss said. He simply nodded and got up from his seat, walking over to his apartment to get everything ready for his mission.
WIP #3: YangYang Zombie Apocalypse AU
"Wait wait wait don't shoot I'm a human I promise!" the young boy held up his hands and walked out from behind the wall the he was using as his hiding place. You refused to lower your weapon down, not wanting to let your guard down out of a fear of being tricked into your own death. You made eye contact with him and felt your hands shake, fearing that the worst might come to you.
As he walked closer, you realised that he was in fact who he claimed to be, the light tan colour of his skin glowing under the moonlight. You felt the gun drop from your hands and your body seemed to work on its own, causing you to run up to him and do the unthinkable.
You kissed him right on his lips.
WIP #4: Kun Astronaut AU
Being one of the only female biomedical engineers in NASA led to some pretty beneficial aspects of your workspace. For example, you were never asked to stay longer than an hour before sunset, out of a fear that you wouldn't be able to reach home safely. The only downside was the fact that you were the smallest one on the team, which put you in some... well, for a lack of better terms, unfortunate circumstances.
If anyone asked you how you ended up face to face in a underwater lab with your workplace crush, you would not be able to tell them why you were in this situation, but what you could tell them was that even after working strenuously underwater for the past 48 hours, Qian Kun still had the softest skin known to mankind.
WIP#5: YangYang Racer AU
why did this take so long to find an except that actually made sense😭
“You'll love YangYang trust me. He’s a first year just like you, and he’s single” Hendery said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Why does that matter.” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at the older boy’s antics.
“Just saying.” Hendery said, shrugging his shoulders. You sighed and shook your head, being hit with the smell of freshly roasted coffee as soon as you entered the cafe. Hendery looked around and spotted his roommate, whose back was currently faced towards the both of you. Hendery walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, causing the male to turn around. As you made eye contact with him, you felt your breath hitched up in your throat.
The boy in front of you was absolutely ethereal.
His dark brown hair swept over his forehead, parting a little in the middle. HIs wide eyes scanned over the both of you, scrunching up as his gummy smile overtook his face, standing up to greet you. He was absolutely adorable, resembling a small puppy or sheep with his fluffy hair flopping over his eyes. Hendery noticed your state and smiled before muttering a soft “whipped” under his breath before introducing him to you.
“This is my roommate YangYang. He’s studying automotive engineering as well but secretly he wants to be a formula one racer- OW why are you hitting me? That’s the truth, right?”
“No one’s supposed to know that!” the younger male gritted through his teeth, sending Hendery a fiery glare.
“Sorry about him, Hendery has trouble keeping his mouth shut.” YangYang said, glaring at Hendery in the process.
“I’m y/n.” You muttered, feeling shy all of a sudden. YangYang beamed and stuck his hand out to you to shake, which you took gratefully. You felt your hands get clammy at the thought of holding hands with him, and you felt as if you were stuck in some sort of a trance as you shook his hand.
“Okay love birds you both can hold each others hands at the table let’s get going come on now.” Hendery walked towards the table while turning back to smirk at the both of you. You and YangYang let go of each other's hands and followed Hendery to the table, feeling your faces grow warm at his comment. You gritted your teeth and walked over to the table, silently vowing to never let him use your notes the next time he asked for them.
WIP #6: YangYang Haunted House AU
"YangYang I swear if you try to scare me one more time I will leave you here all alone and I don't care if you're the only way that I can get out of here."
"Uhh y/n? That wasn't me. I'm over here." YangYang said, appearing from the small passageway that was in front of you.
"Wait. If you didn't tap my shoulder, then who did?" you asked, feeling the hair on the back of your neck raise. You turned around and found yourself face to face with a bloodied man holding a pickaxe who was currently swinging it uncomfortably close to you. You felt a scream rise up on your throat and you screamed while grabbing YangYang's arm, using all the strength in your body to pull him along with you. YangYang soon began running faster than you, and he started pulling you after him through the numerous twists and turns.
"Next time you ask me to go anywhere with you I'm saying no" you said, venom seeping through your voice along with deep gasps for air.
"Agreed" YangYang said, regretting every action that led up to his decision.
WIP #6: YangYang Gamer AU
"So you're saying you've never played a single game in your life."
"Do coolmath games count? Because if so I am a beast at fire boy and water girl." you said, your eyes lighting up at the fond memories of playing that game. YangYang sighed and rubbed his temples, feeling stressed at the fact that there was a lot more than he expected to have to teach you.
"Okay how about this. You, me, tomorrow after school in my dorms to learn how to play games because there is no way that I am letting my best friend go their entire life without knowing how to play anything other than coolmath games."
WIP #7: Sungchan Spider-Man AU
"You're Spider-Man. The one who was just on the news." you said, feeling your heart rate accelerate.
"No? What are you talking about? I think you had too much caffeine and too little sleep let's get you to bed now." Sungchan said, maneuvering you over to the door.
"Sungchan, I just saw you crawling on the ceiling and you just shot a web out of your wrist. I even pinched myself so I know for a fact that this was not a hallucination." you said, your speech accelerating with every word. Sungchan sighed and tried to look for a way to cover up his odd behaviour, but in the end opted against it when he realised he was still wearing his suit.
"Please tell no one." he pleaded, turning around to face you with the biggest puppy eyes.
"So it is true" you whispered, your eyes growing wide at the revelation. The last thing you remember was seeing Sungchan's panicked eyes as he lunged forward to catch you before darkness enveloped you.
WIP #8: Johnny Secret Agent AU
"What do you mean run?" you asked, turning to face your partner.
"I may or may not have accidentally set off a bomb timer somewhere around here and if we do not book it out of here in the next two minutes we are going to be like the toast that you had this morning."
"Hey! Just because I like my toast slightly burned does not mean that you can make fun of it."
"You call that slightly burnt? The whole bread was a different colour and the house smelled like smoke." you scoffed and rolled your eyes before turning away from Johnny, wondering why the both of you were still here.
"What's taking Mark so long?"
"Listen here Mark if I die I will haunt you in my sleep please find a way to get us out of here." Johnny said, speaking into the in ear that was directly connected to your "man in the chair" back at the headquarters. You heard frantic typing as Mark tried to find a way out of the room, but as every second passed, it was apparent to you that you and Johnny were one second closer to your great demise. Thinking quickly, you grabbed Johnny's hand and ran out of the room, hearing Mark's voice as he directed you throughout the area, leading you two to safety only a few mere seconds before the bomb went off.
WIP #9: WayV Social Media AU
You think your roommate is going to take you out sometime soon, but you don't know whether it's with a knife or on a date.
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Blackout - Part 8
A/N ha I’m not even going to try and say something about consistent posting. I am tired but I am sorry :( pls forgive, I hope this chapter makes up for the time it took to write xx enjoy
Part 8
Sirius’s head pounded painfully as he turned over on the couch, nearly falling off. The other three boys were lying in different states of disarray across the room. James was lying on his stomach, hair splayed around his head like a halo. Remus was curled into a ball around a couch pillow and Peter had fallen across the armchair, head lolling to one side.
Sirius groaned as he sat upright, a wave of nausea hitting him painfully. He took three steadying breaths and tried again, pushing himself up with his forearms and stumbled into the kitchen, beginning to rummage through his pantry for a bottle of anti-nausea potion he’d been saving for just this moment. His balance swayed and he felt himself sliding sideways as he quickly grabbed the bottle and the edge of the cabinet swung back into the side of his head.
“FUCK,” He swore loudly, leaning against the countertop and closing his eyes as the pounding in his head became worse. Sucking in a breath he took a swig from the potion. It took affect almost immediately, his entire body relaxing.
“What the fuck is going on?” Remus’s sleepy, angry voice came from the living room.
“Nothing.” Sirius brought the potion back into the living room and handed it to Remus who drank deeply and placed it beside James’s head. He snored loudly and nearly hit the bottle over.
“How are you feeling?” Remus sat up, leaning against the fireplace.
“Oh, real peachy,” Sirius snorted, sitting back down on the couch. “It’s all a bit of a blur.”
“Mmm,” Remus hummed, looking down at his dirty fingernails.
“What?” Sirius narrowed his eyes.
“You really don’t remember anything?”
“No… why, what did I do?”
Remus grimaced, running a hand through his hair.
“You made some calls.”
“Oh please, be more vague.”
Remus rolled his eyes and took in a deep breath.
“You made some calls to Lily… and Y/N.”
“Do I want to know what I said?”
“Something along the lines of professing your undying love for Y/N whilst your face was in her fireplace.”
Sirius closed his eyes and placed a hand over his forehead.
There was a loud banging on Lily’s front door and she grumbled loudly as she stumbled down the stairs and opened the door.
‘What?” Lily huffed, raising an eyebrow at the four rugged boys looking staring at her from the front steps.
“Is Y/N here?” James asked, rubbing his eyes as if he couldn’t see her properly. Which was likely due to the lack of glasses.
“No, you realise it’s 11am on a Tuesday, right?”
“Ahh, work.” Remus nodded sagely. He leaned slowly against the doorframe.
“Would you like to come in?”
There was a chorus of “Yes please.”
The boys traipsed inside, heading straight for the kitchen where James began pulling out the eggs and bacon and passing them to Sirius who pulled out the pots and pans. Peter slumped on the table.
“Sleep well?” Remus gave Lily a kiss on the cheek and a very sleepy smile.
“I did, I’ve been sleeping in so much lately you guys actually woke me up.”
“Merlin, I expected to be interrupting your day off, sorry we woke you.”
“I really should be up and about anyway,” Lily waved him off and joined the boys in the kitchen. “So do any of you want to explain last night?”
She smiled around the kitchen as the boys avoided her gaze.
“No? So you all just let Sirius get so destroyed he decided to call me?”
“In all fairness it was Y/N he was trying to reach.”
“Not helping Peter,” Sirius groaned. “I wanted to come over and apologise. I feel awful.”
“I’d say that’s the hangover,” James snorted, narrowly avoiding a slap on the back from Sirius.
“They were welcoming me back into town.” Remus chimed in, “Though I mean, classic Sirius to make it all about him.”
Remus winked and Sirius groaned louder.
“I actually hate all of you.”
“Breakfast is served!”
James placed two plates of eggs, bacon, spinach and tomatoes on the table and began handing out plates for the rest of them to start eating. Once they had finished, Lily squeezed Sirius’s arm and nodded towards the living room where he followed her.
“Are you ok?”
“I really don’t need the first degree right now, Lily.” Sirius rolled his eyes and lay on the couch.
“I’m honestly asking.” Lily gave him a look that always made Sirius uncomfortable. It was the one she gave him when he was burning his parent’s letters in the Gryffindor fireplace.
Sirius huffed and stared up at the ceiling. It was a pale blue colour. Sirius wondered for a moment why they had bothered painting it.
“I know you might not want to talk about it, but you don’t need to apologise to her.”
“I don’t?” Sirius still stared up at the ceiling but felt himself zoning back into Lily’s voice.
“She’s not a complete idiot, it’s not like she didn’t know you were still in love with her.”
“Definitely helping, Lils.”
“I mean that she wasn’t more freaked out by it. But you do need to bloody talk to her.”
“What do you thi-!” Sirius sat up to face her, narrowing his eyes.
“You’re not talking to her, you’re trying to bring back your old version of Y/N. You need to just talk to her, like a friend.”
Sirius looked at her momentarily. Like a friend. As if they were ever friends.
“She just needs people to trust right now, ok?”
Y/N arrived home around 7, finding James and Sirius lying on the floor of the living room and listening to a new muggle record, and Lily reading in the next room eating a large bowl of cereal.
“Welcome back,” Lily smiled up at her, placing a bookmark into the book and putting it on the table. “How was work?”
“Ok, I think. It’s weird getting my head around things I sort of know but sort of don’t. And I’m not really sure what they expect from me.”
“I’m sure they expect that you don’t know everything right after being in hospital,” Lily laughed, “Cereal?”
“Sure.” Y/N raised an eyebrow but joined her at the dining table all the same. “What are the boys listening to?”
“New joy division album, I picked it up this afternoon. Not too bad.”
Y/N just nodded her head, leaning back into the chair and watching through the doorway. Lily handed her a bowl of cereal and a spoon, returning to her book. The boys were humming along now, clearly having already listened to the record at least once over. Sirius’s face was soft and calm, hair surrounding his head in a halo of black curls. Y/N could see the glint of a gold earring in his right ear and felt up to where she had her own rounded gold earrings on.
“I think I’m going to head up to bed.” Y/N lifted up the bowl of cereal and turned to Lily.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty tired, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Y/N took her bag and bowl upstairs and closed the door so she couldn’t hear the music anymore, just the soft wind blowing from outside the window in the guest room. She lay back on the bed, digging into the bowl of Rice Krispies Lily had given her and munching down as she stared at the wall in front of her. Lily had decorated their guest room with wallpaper that moved around as she watched it, the stars slowly moving around the room and circling the large full moon on the roof.
Y/N found herself drifting in and out of sleep, consistently waking up with a jolt and sitting up in the now pitch black room. Around what she thought must be 2 or 3am she decided to finally get up and stretch her legs. The house was quiet, calming. Y/N made her way down the stairs and into the living room where the large back doors looked out into the yard and the clear night sky. She pulled open the back door and sucked in a breath of fresh air, stepping out into the garden.
“Hello?” A voice called from around the side of the house and Y/N jumped, creeping forward to look around to the garden chairs James had set out over the summer. Sirius was leaning forward, similarly caught off guard by Y/N’s appearance.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t realise… I can go.” Y/N smiled awkwardly at him but he shook his head.
“No, it’s ok. I mean if you don’t mind me being here.”
“No, of course not.”
A silence fell over them. Sirius moved over to give some room for Y/N to sit and she joined him, leaning back and looking up at the stars. They said nothing to each other for a few moments, just the noise of the cool breeze and Sirius’s breathing breaking the silence.
Y/N could feel Sirius glancing at him every few moments and so she turned to him.
“Sorry,” Sirius laughed, “I wasn’t sure whether or not I should offer you a cigarette.”
“Oh.” Y/N didn’t expect that. “Do I smoke?”
“No, I mean you smoked other things, but not cigarettes.” Sirius laughed, “But you sometimes liked one when you were stressed.”
“Right.” Y/N tried to remember the taste or smell, but all she could remember was watching Peter try one day at Hogwarts and coughing so much he began to gag.
“I’ll take that as a no, do you mind if I have one?”
“Go for it.” Y/N nodded her head towards him and he pulled out a packet and a lighter. He lit it and sucked in a breath, breathing out a spool of smoke into the air.
“How are you feeling after last night?” Y/N asked after a moment.
“Oh please, not you too.” Sirius placed his head in his hands, but Y/N laughed.
“I was very flattered, I promise.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Ok maybe a little embarrassed.”
“That’s more likely,” Sirius sat up and looked at her. Y/N was smiling at him. He felt his heart jump.
“Do you feel ok though? I am surprised you’re not more ill.”
“Peter has a knack for potions, he was feeding us anti-nausea all day.”
“Ahh, of course.” Y/N remembered Peter was found brewing a Polyjuice potion in his fourth year. A great potioneer, but not so great at hiding.
“So how was your first few days at work?” Sirius took another breath in from his cigarette, looking back towards the garden.
“Eh, ok. I don’t know, it all feels a bit weird, you know?” Y/N wasn’t sure he understood but he nodded sagely all the same.
“I think you just need to get back into the routine of it. You’ll figure out where you stand soon.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Sirius grinned, “I basically have a map to your future.”
“Oh really?” Y/N raised an eyebrow and felt herself relaxing into the chair, lifting a leg up and under herself.
“I can’t tell my secrets.” Sirius shook his head and pretended to lock his lips.
“You’re useless,” Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes at him.
They sat there talking for the next little while until Y/N began leaning more heavily against the chair and Sirius could see her eyes fluttering shut every few seconds.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Sirius put out his second cigarette and hooked an arm under her waist to lift her off the chair.
“Ok,” She mumbled, her head lolling slightly as she stumbled beside him, leaning into his arm, head against his chest. He brought her up to the guest room and into her bed, pulling the covers over her shoulders. She grabbed his arm as he turned to leave.
“For what?”
“I’m not sure yet.”
“Ok Y/N,” Sirius chuckled softly, “Good night.”
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