#i did not proof read to make sure everything was spelled correctly so
yasur-sketches · 11 months
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Songs that remind me of Lloyd (in ninjargon so uncovering the titles is like a game)
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alicanta77 · 3 years
How to adult: writing a resume
A resume is quite possibly the most important thing when applying for a job. Statistics show that an employer can decide within 6 seconds if they want to throw out your resume or not. I’m not saying that to scare you, I’m saying it so you know how important it is, and that you don’t rush this part of the application process or not spend enough time on it. 
In the UK a resume is called a CV which stands for Curriculum Vitae which in Latin means “course of life”, and in contrast, resume in French means “summary”. In the UK a resume and CV are the same things, but that may differ around the world and it’s good to check what it is that your employer is asking for. 
The layout will be the first thing that your potential employer will see, and that is what is going to need to differentiate you from other candidates. Whether someone is willing to put the effort into making their resume look appealing, says a lot more about them than you may think. If it’s boring or a mess, employers may think you’re lazy and wonder that, if you can’t put the effort in for something like this, what can you bring to the job?
First thing to remember: appearance is important
I’ve attached photos of a layout of my CV, and added false information so that you guys can get an idea of what I mean. (i will elaborate on what you can put in each section later on)
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How to write it
When you are writing your resume and talking about yourself, remember, you are the most perfect person for the job and a fantastic individual. You need to make yourself seem incredible. Use words like “driven, optimistic, professional etc.” to describe yourself, and, if you know what job your applying for, cater your resume towards them. For example, if you’re applying for restaurant or bar work, then talk about how you’re good at acting under pressure and capable of learning things quickly. Know what the challenges of the job may be and put in qualities that would make you be able to deal with them.
An employer will always see and read a CV/resume before they meet you. This means that this is their first impression of you as a person, and it already needs to impress them. This begins with the layout but also continues very much through the writing.
Use some more inventive words to describe yourself rather than sticking to stereotypical ones, especially if you’re applying for a competitive job. Employers will be looking for someone who stands out from the crowd due to their resume. This doesn’t mean use a thesaurus on every word and make it sound ludicrous, but do try to expand the vocab you’re using. 
Check multiple times for spelling or grammar mistakes. Then download grammarly and have that check it for you. Then get someone else to read it. Then check it again yourself. The last thing you want is a spelling error or typo, this could make your employer think that you were too lazy to even proof read, or that you’re not as professional or thorough as you make yourself sound.
I cannot stress this enough. If you don’t have experience in a certain area, do not lie and say that you do. I have gotten work as a waitress/bartender without having any waiting or bartending experience. Apply for jobs where experience is either not necessary or listed as preferred. That way they won’t throw out your application simply because you don’t have experience. 
If you don’t work well under pressure, don’t say that you do. Instead list a different quality, talk about how your dedicated to doing things correctly and like to make sure that things are done to the best of their ability. Or say how you work best with a team around you where each worker can support each other.
But do not give your employer the impression that you’re a master mixologist or as calm as a rock if you’re not. You’re not a sims character, you can’t master a skill in two days and you can’t cheat your way out of a stressful situation. You’re going to make mistakes, you’re going to get stressed and you’re going to receive a lot more support if you’re honest about being stressed in a new environment.
Do not waffle. Keep it short and to the point. This is who I am, this is why I’m great, this is what I’ve done, this is why you should want me. Simple.
If you waffle, you risk boring your employer with too much information. List things that are relevant. If you’re applying for a job as an Operations Manager, no one wants to hear that you used to play netball when you were 16. That only matters if you were captain of a team as that shows leadership skills. 
Your employer does not care about every little thing you’ve done in your life that may possibly be of relevance, they care about why you can do the job you’ve applied for, and if they have to dig through loads of unnecessary information to find that, they may not want to put in the effort. Try to write nothing more than a couple of lines to each paragraph.
What to include
As I said before, attached above is a layout of what my CV looks like. It is up to you what sections you include, but again, try to not to keep it too long, and make sure it’s tailored towards the area you want to work in. I applied for hospitality (restaurant and bar work).
In the photos I have briefly written about what you can write 
Professional Summary:
This is a chance for you to sum up you as a professional. This should be tailored towards the job field you are applying for. Make yourself sound perfect. Everything you say should make them want to hire you. Never list weaknesses, they will probably ask about them in the interview. If you want to say “Can be stubborn but...” or “Struggles with organisation but...” don’t. Seriously, NO. You can explain that in person, but never waste the small space you have to talk about why they shouldn’t hire you. 
This I bullet pointed to change up the layout. It’s a chance to list one or two more skills that make you suited for the job without taking up too much space in your professional summary. You can list some of the same things you’ve already listed, but make sure that over 50% of them are new. If all you can name are the same skills, your employer will think that that’s all there is too you. You should not run out of reasons as to why you’re perfect for the job. 
Any experience you have should be listed here. When applying for a first job especially, it doesn’t matter if it’s relevant or not. Any experience is good experience, especially when you’re young. Make sure to list the company you worked for, the date you worked and the location.
Include a small description of what you did in that job. Make sure it is no more than a few sentences, and that should be about your part of the job. Don’t talk about what the company does, talk about what you did for them.
This section can also include any interning you do, so if you’ve done work experience, put it here as interning. Same as before, include the date and location of where you worked. If you interned for a short amount of time, such as a week, then just put the month and year e.g. Intern - 04/19
For first jobs, this section can be nerve wracking. Just take a deep breath and think back over you life. You’ve always done more than you think. 
Your school/uni. Include the name, location and any exams that you took there. You will also want to list the grades you received. Whatever your most recent exam was, list those subjects individually with their grades and any others just list the grades. e.g. GCSE - 2018 (A*-B) A Levels - 2020 - Maths (A) English (A) French (A)
The above is obviously tailored to England, so that may differ depending on the exams you take and it would be best to check that with someone who understands your education system.
Any volunteer work you’ve done can be listed here. Try not to overload it, and keep it concise. Same as before, include the title, date and location and a sentence or two about what you did. If you were a school officer, put that down, or captain of a sports team then put that down. Also talk about your duties such as, organising team meetings, running sports drills, being responsible for a group of people etc.
These do not have to be related to the job your applying for, but the qualities that they should you have, do need to be.
Keep it short and to the point.
Use an eye catching layout.
Only describe yourself positively.
Do not lie.
All experience is good experience.
And most importantly: You are perfect for the job, now make them believe it.
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funkwhistle · 4 years
Barbie Bell
Pairing: Micah Bell x GN!reader
Notes: Micah needs a new shirt and struggles to find a new one - my contribution to Barbie Bell :)
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(photo is mine - don’t reupload without credit :)) & this is my last Micah photo I’ve been too lazy to upload them atm XD
Micah had been expecting a parcel for weeks now, from the tailor in Blackwater. His old red shirt, the well-loved one he wore all the time, had finally worn too thin, showing everything under it and was irreversibly stained with blood. Even Miss Grimshaw, under Micah's pleading looks, had tried to scrub it clean, but after wearing it for months he'd decided to order a new one. 
Micah being Micah, he obviously couldn't do anything by halves; no he wanted the exact shirt again, so you and him went hunting around the local tailors trying to find a replacement. But wherever you went he'd find something wrong with an alternative.
“Can't you see, these buttons aren't good enough-”
“No, no, this is not the right red,”
“It's too long and my old one had a nicer collar,” 
You'd even taken the train over to Strawberry to check the general store there, in a last ditch attempt to find it. But whichever tailor you had asked, they all said they didn't have an exact copy of it, yet Micah was adamant he'd find one. While you knew if you told him where he'd be able to find it, he'd run over there, unfortunately the large bounty on his head stopped him from returning from the Blackwater tailors alive. 
So, he'd opted for ordering it, as you often did with your clothes; you hated nothing more than sitting in a tailor, you'd rather have to stitch it to fit you instead. A few weeks ago, the both of you sat by the campfire, measuring him correctly and writing a letter to the Blackwater tailor, signed as a certain Mr Kilgore. When you first went to run one of the tape measures the girls used for sewing across the back of his shoulder, he had tensed up, saying he could guess well enough until Susan yelled across camp that he was an idiot, and suddenly, he didn't mind it, intimidated by the older woman. 
You'd never seen Micah so excited, once the letter had been posted he was positively beaming, buzzing about the prospect of his new shirt. The pair of you had said it needed to be red, and attached an old photo of him wearing the shirt for reference, reassuring him that the tailor just needed to see the style of the shirt, it wouldn't matter if it faded. Once you'd exited the post office, Micah looped his hand in yours, something he never did, walking back through Saint Denis with an unusual skip in his step; even going as far as to buy the both of your food in the salon. 
And here it was, he'd been avidly visiting the post office for weeks since the tailor replied he'd do his best, becoming a nuisance to the station clerk. It was wrapped carefully in brown paper, and you had to stop him from ripping it open in the station itself, he was far too excited. Micah was fidgeting the entire ride back to camp, knowing he would want to try it on right away, so you kept it on your lap, swatting his hands away as you rode. 
“Right, go open it then,” you said when you got to camp, passing him the parcel carefully. His face lit up, and he snatched the parcel from you, disappearing into the house to get changed. 
Micah took a while to change, you anticipated he'd be out quickly, happy with the new shirt, but he didn't; and after nearly twenty minutes you knocked tentatively on the room he was changing in. 
“You alright in there?” you asked, creaking open the door a little to look at him. He was stood on the opposite side of the room, no shirt on, looking down at the opened package on the floor in front of him as he read a note. Hesitantly, you entered the room, shutting the door behind you and walking over to him. As you approached, he looked up at you, looking deflated and upset about something, and you didn't have the chance to look at the contents of the package before he'd pulled you to him and buried his head in the crook of your neck. 
Wrapping your arms comfortingly around him, you hushed him, feeling the side of your neck getting damp from his silent tears of disappointment. Wondering what was so bad, you looked over his shoulder, shuffling, so you could see the ripped parcel on the floor. Spilling out of it was a hot pink shirt, nothing like the red he'd tried to describe. While he was upset, you couldn't contain your laughter, knowing his childish excitement about what it would look like. 
“'m being stupid ain't I?” he said, moving out of your embrace and wiping the tears from his eyes when he saw you looking at him. You shook your head briefly in reassurance. 
“What did the note say?” you asked, reaching to try to grab it from his hands.
“They didn't do the red no more, so he sent the next best. 'm sorry darlin, it's not like me-” he rambled, showing you the note. Clear as day, the tailor had written his apologies, and had given Micah a small discount on the price, and yet Micah — the feared outlaw — was stood here, tears trickling from the corners of his eyes in disappointment. 
“How about ya try it? Can't be that bad, right?” you said, pulling it from the wrapping and holding it up to him. Smiling weakly, he took in from you, pulling it on while you watched. 
You felt awful for him, this was all he'd spoken about for weeks now, and, like a child, had been devastated when it had not lived up to his expectations. And of course, you were sympathetic, but also you'd tried to warn him not to get his hopes up, that nothing is ever perfect, and yet he chose to ignore you still. His hands were almost at the final button, having to take breaks to wipe his eyes or blow his nose.
Once it was on, you stood back and admired hm for a moment. You knew he wouldn't like it, but you thought the pink suited him well, bringing out the life in his cheeks and making his hair seem that little blonder. 
“Well?” you asked, indicating for him to spin. 
“It ain't what I wanted-” he started, spinning willingly for you.
“-but?” you probed further, approaching him and straightening the shirt for him.
“I ain't mad at it,” he shrugged, pressing a light kiss on your forehead. “You reckon the gang'll laugh?” It was your turn to shrug, smiling a little at his concerned look.
“If they do, then they do, nothing you can do 'bout it,” you said, moving closer to him. “But I-” you pressed a kiss on his collarbone, “-think you look-” a kiss placed on his jaw, “goddamed handsome Mr Bell,” a kiss on his lips, which he deepened immediately, grinning madly into the kiss.
“You really think so?” he sounded doubtful as he leant his forehead on yours as your hands ran themselves through the clean fabric. 
“I know so Micah,” you said, “Now shut up and kiss me again,”
Micah was only too happy to oblige, grabbing you by your waist and bruising your lips onto his, making you squeal slightly in shock, not that you were complaining. 
He wore the shirt around camp nearly as much as his old red one, and sure, at first, there had been teasing, asking if he was in fancy dress, but eventually the gang got used to it. In fact, you caught Lenny wearing pink socks a few weeks later, and Hosea began to favour pinker neck ties. And Micah, confiding this in complete secrecy to you, had said he had considered ordering another one, he loved the colour so much. Nothing had made you happier than the first time you saw him wear the shirt on a job, even if it did come back stained again, just the fact that he'd put in the effort because he knew you liked the shirt was enough. 
A/N: Well I shocked myself for getting this done I was not expecting to - let me know if the spelling is off bc guess who proof read vv fast. 
@mallr4ts​ @mister-dude​
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weasleymalfoypotter · 4 years
the half blood princess
harry potter x fem! reader
word count : 3.4k
warnings : daddy issues, crying, angst, loneliness, father/daughter arguments, fluff, let me know if i missed something
summary : the reader is snapes daughter, he was never fully present and never fully showed her love, and it didn’t help that all of her peers refused to give her a chance because they all thought she was just like him, until harry potter realizes there’s more to her
A/N : so sorry i haven’t been active in so long, school has been kicking my butt. this was so fun to write though and i know it seems like i’m always writing characters that are related to pre existing characters but i swear i have different stuff coming. also if there are spelling mistakes i’m sorry i tried to get this out soon so i didn’t do as many proof reads as usual
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y/n snape was her fathers biggest disappointment and longest regret. she was everything he resented. a young gryffindor and, she wasn’t lily potter’s. she was a constant reminder to him that he could never have who he wanted and instead he was stuck with a version of a one night stand he never cared about. he always thought if he were to have a daughter it would be with lily. but no. y/n showed up on his doorstep as a baby with a note from her mother saying she couldn’t take care of her and he was the father. a muggle DNA test did confirm that she was telling the truth. all of these factors lead to snape being the kind of father who did not neglect a child financially or materialistically, but did neglect a child emotionally, developmentally, and mentally. he did not like her and it showed. he treated her as if she were a burden, one that he longed not to carry, but that he had to none the less.
despite being a disappointment to her father and never being allowed to forget it, y/n snape was kind. she was an enigma, not just to those at hogwarts, but to herself. she knew her personality did not match her upbringing and, and she knew it definitely did not come from the man whom she shared 23 chromosomes with. she knew that most people who were hated by the one person they wanted love from their whole lives didn’t turn out to be lovely people. she knew that most people with daddy issues defined themselves by it and made it their personal permanent problem that their fathers didn’t love them correctly. she however did not do that. from the time she was a child she could not care any less what her father thought of her. she knew she was more than what he said she was. and she wasn’t going to let him get to her, which ultimately got to him more than anything. she was good hearted, intelligent, brave, and charismatic. however this didn’t stop people from judging her based on her last name. the slytherins didnt like her because she wasn’t one of them, the ravenclaws were intimidated by her from the moment she was confirmed to be the greasy haired potions teachers daughter, the hufflepuffs feared her like they feared severus simply because they didn’t know better, and the gryffindors wouldn’t claim her because she wasn’t one of them either. all of this, simply because her last name was snape.
she sat in transfiguration listening intently and taking notes while mcgonagall taught. the only other person in the class of 5th years doing such was hermione. hermione was never openly rude to y/n nor was she scared of her, and y/n took this to heart. they weren’t friends and had barely ever spoken, but y/n still appreciated the neutral attitude nonetheless. the bell rung and she gathered her things before mcgonagall approached her.
“Ms. snape may i talk to you for a moment?” she hated that the teachers called students by their last names.
“of course, is everything alright?” the girl questioned
“everything is fine dear, it’s just that one of your fellow peers is falling a little bit behind in the class and i think it would help if he had study sessions with you during the week if you’re up for it” the professor answered
“of course i am, who is it?”
“Mr. potter, i’m afraid he gets distracted easily and this subject isn’t his strong suit” she explained while talking with her hands. y/n’s face fell a little. if there was anyone who had prejudged her more than anyone else, it was harry potter. she didn’t completely blame him, her father was horrible to him, but still.
“o-oh umm.. are you sure he would be okay with working with me? why not hermione?” she asked, hoping to find a way out of this
“i don’t like to pair up friends with friends, they tend to get distracted, and i think he would be thrilled to get the chance to get his grade up. i’ve told him i would find someone to help him so meet him in the library at 7:00 tonight after dinner” she said before smiling and clapping her hands. “good day Ms. snape” she said before walking away and into her office attached to her classroom.
y/n sat through dinner at the edge of the gryffindor table a few feet away from some first years. out of the corner of her eye she saw the golden trio laughing with each other, while seamus finnigan kept tossing carrots at dean thomas and neville longbottom. she’d seen the group of the other gryffindors have moments like this her whole life. she looked up to the staff table at her father who was speaking to umbridge, and she was filled with a sadness. sadness because she would never have what the other gryffindors would have. sadness because her last name had ruined her years at hogwarts. sadness because she would never have a relationship with her father who had never and would never give her a chance.
she walked into the library with her bag slung over her shoulder. she looked around for the boy with the messy hair and round glasses and spotted him at a table in a corner reading a book that was not about transfiguration.
“i don’t think that will be of much help to our study session” she said with a strained smile before sitting down across from him. his eyebrows furrowed and he looked slightly panicked.
“you’re the partner mcgonagall set me up with?” he asked. she nodded her head. after a moment of silence and him looking anywhere but her, while slowly nodding his head she asked
“is that a problem?” only with a slight attitude
“n-no no not at all, just not what i was expecting” he choked out
“right. well we’d better get started” she went through her bag to get her books out and he started at her.
“right right. umm you know, i know you’re busy so if you don’t want to do this i can get help from hermione and just tell mcgonagall that it was you” he said only slightly nervous. she stopped turning pages in her book and paused before looking at him.
“i’m not” he looked at her quizzically so she continued “busy. i’m not busy, i’ve caught up on all of my other work and i’ve gotten enough O.W.L. studying in, so i’m not busy.” she slammed the book closed and leaned after a pause. “why don’t you want to work with me?” her words subtly laced with anger. he looked in her eyes then looked away.
“i- i don’t know, it’s just well um” he stuttered
“it’s my father isn’t it” she blinked at him “you don’t like me simply because of my father, right?” he stared at her trying to find words to make this any better.
“it’s not that i don’t like you...” he trailed off
“you don’t trust me? you don’t think i’m smart? you think i’m evil like him?” she asked with raise eyebrows.
“did you just call your own father evil?” he sort of laughed out.
“well yes, he hates me and always has, he a jerk. i’m surprised you’d think i like him, he treats me worse than any of you” she said.
“i never thought about that, i just figured-“
“that i was just like him?” she cut him off
“maybe if you all would have taken the chance to get to know me instead of assuming who i am you would have realized” she said slowly. you could hear in her voice that she was agitated. he didn’t know what to say. she looked at him and opened her book again. “let’s just get started” he nodded and opened his book. the rest of the study session was awkward and neither of them made eye contact. they went their separate ways and agreed to meet again in two days.
the next time they met it was civilized and professional. she made sure everything they talked about was about transfiguration. she didn’t want to talk about anything because she thought it wouldn’t be real. she thought he would just be talking to her out of guilt or pity and she wasn’t interested, so she kept it strictly educational.
harry however wanted to talk to her about anything other than transfiguration. after that first time they met he realized she was right, there was more to her. he had no idea what it was but for some reason he really wanted to. he wanted to know what made her smile, what music made her heart dance, what colors she wanted to paint her eyes, what she wanted to do with her life, what she thought about death and youth and the construct of time. he wanted to know so many things, and none of them out of pity or guilt, he wanted to know out of pure curiosity and infatuation.
the next two weeks were full of studying and talking only about transfiguration, much to harry’s dismay. he didn’t know how to change the subject no matter how much he wanted to. he had no idea how to talk to girls. especially ones he liked. although he didn’t even know he liked her, in his mind he just wanted to know more. he decided it was time to go for it, he couldn’t take any more talk about how dangerous transfiguring live animals could be. as they were about to go their separate ways leaving the library, he grabbed her wrist to turn her to face him before she walked away. she looked down at his hand
“listen, i was wondering if maybe you’d want to sit with me at lunch tomorrow? or breakfast, or dinner, or all three really” she looked at him, visibly confused
“i- umm yeah yeah sure” she replied. he smiled and let go of her wrist when he realized he’d been holding it the whole time.
when she walked into the great hall the next day she saw harry’s head tilt up and smile at her. she walked to him and sat on his left with hermione, ron, fred, and george across from her, ginny and dean to her right, and seamus and neville on harry’s other side. as she was sitting a chorus of slightly awkward hellos greeted her.
“everyone this is y/n, y/n this is..well everybody” harry said sweetly
“nice to formally meet you all” she said with an appreciative smile
“harry’s told me all about your transfiguration lessons, we need to study together sometime, i hear you’re a genius” hermione exclaimed excitedly
“i wouldn’t say genius, but i would love to study with you” y/n replied. she smiled at everyone as the conversations continued, everyone keeping her involved. they were kind, and she wondered what harry had told them. they were so warm. a feeling she never felt at home.
“what have you been doing associating with potter?” her father asked her. she was in his classroom looking for a book she’d left there. she rolled her eyes since her back was to him before she responded.
“i’ve just been tutoring him and transfiguration, it’s not a big deal” she explained as she turned to face him
“i saw you with his friends today, don’t lie to me” he sneered
“I’m not lying and what’s it to you anyway? it’s not like you care, and why do you hate him so much? he and his friends have been nothing but pleasant which has been a good change of pace for me, or do you want me to miserable during my hogwarts years like you were?” she quipped back at him. this was how conversations went between the two of them usually. the funny thing was, she had no attitude. she simply said what she had to say, but she was almost sweet while saying it, which was an oxymoron.
“i care because potter will corrupt you, i don’t like him because he thinks he can strut around here and get away with anything, and it’s not my fault you’re miserable” he replied
“it’s most definitely your fault” she muttered under her breath as she gathered her things, but before she could leave he raised his voice and blocked her path
“what did you say to me?” he asked angrily. he always got upset when she spoke under her breath at him
“i said it’s most definitely your fault. it’s your fault that i’m miserable. it’s your fault that no one likes me. it’s your fault i don’t fit into my own house, and it is most definitely your fault that i have never know a fathers love” she was obviously upset now. she stormed out of the room shoving past her dad and he just sighed and watched her leave. he couldn’t even be upset because she was right, he was annoyed because she finally voiced it.
in all their years of squabbling and fighting she never said something so true and painful. she only took quick jabs that were true but not as hurtful. it was more hurtful to her than to her father because once she said it, she had to accept the fact that it was true.
she went to the corroded hidden at the top of the school where she was sure no one would find her. people never came this way after dinner, and she knew because she spent quite a lot of time hiding out up there. she slid down the wall and cried. she laid her head down on her knees as she pulled them up to her chest. at the sound of footsteps her head shot up and her hands darted to dry her eyes, but she looked in the opposite direction of whoever was coming. she was surprised to hear his voice.
“y/n? a-are you okay?” harry’s voice was calm and cool, but if you listened hard enough you could hear the concern in her voice. he kneeled down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“i-im fine, really, you can go back to what you were doing” she said with a quarter hearted smile. she couldn’t make it to half hearted. he shook his head and sat fully down right next to her.
“i’m not leaving unless you physically force me too” he turned his head and finally got a good look at her tear stained cheeks “do you want to talk about it?”
“you don’t have to do this” she said, looking at the floor
“i’m not doing anything except checking up on my friend”
“friend?” she asked with smirk
“absolutely” he said
“it’s just my dad” she explained while still holding eye contact with the boy
“care to elaborate?”
she explained the whole fight to him and he listened intently. it was nice for her, having someone that listened. he enjoyed hearing her open up but his heart broke for her when she talked about how her life at school had been sad. he hurt when she talked about her pain and how lonely and unloved she’d felt her whole life. that’s when he realized he liked her. he wanted to make it better, he wanted to make her feel loved and heard and seen and beautiful and so much more.
the next few nights were spent in that empty corridor. he showed her the marauders map so they could watch while they talked to make sure they didn’t get caught. she learned all about his life and it wasn’t that easy being harry potter. he learned all about her life and the things that made her smile, the music made her heart dance, the colors she wanted to paint her eyes, what she wanted to do with her life, what she thought about death and youth and the construct of time. he loved every minute of it.
he wasn’t the only one. she absolutely adored learning about him and his little quirks. she loved the way his eyes lit up when he talked about quidditch and her heart broke for him when he spoke of life at privet drive. needless to say she was head over heels for the boy.
they spent meals together and the trio warmly welcomed her into the group after a few months of being friends. y/n and hermione became very close and ron loved having her around because he thought she was hilarious. she hadn’t talked to her father much, but when she did it was all about school or quidditch.
harry found her in the corridor on a thursday night reading.
“hello love” he said while sitting next to her. her heart leaped at the nick name.
“hey bub” she replied without looking up
“can talk to you something?” he said
“of course” she closed her book and turned to face him, crossing her legs
“this is probably going to be a little blunt but i want to get straight to the point ”she nodded at him “and if this is weird or awkward then just tell me to shut up and we’ll forget it and everything will go back to normal” she kept nodding “and it’s totally fine if that what you want, but y/n i really like you and i really want to kiss you and take you on a date an-“ she cut of his rambling with a kiss. he was startled at first but quickly leaned into it, deepening the kiss and putting his hans on her waist. they broke apart after a moment and stared at each other.
“that um- th- that yeah that’s where i was going with that” he stuttered out
“you’re cute when you ramble” he blushed.
they stayed up that whole night talking in the corridor before making their way to their dorms and giving one another a kiss goodnight. they went to bed that night separately but also as a couple. they walked into the great hall the next morning, hand in hand, as a couple. the whole school now knew that harry potter and y/n snape were, in fact, a couple. all of them were surprised but none as surprised as the black haired wizard at the staff table.
her father kept her after her potions class which he spent mocking and teasing harry, even more relentlessly than before.
“you’re not to see him anymore” he said simply to the girl. she scoffed
“you don’t get to decide that”
“actually i do, i’m your father” he sneered
“really? i had absolutely no idea, you sure as hell don’t act like it” she replied. she was confident today
“YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!” he bellowed. she didn’t even flinch. her face didn’t show a reaction and he sighed in frustration.
“can i leave now?” she asked monotonously
“no” he answered “you will not be with that boy and be my daughter, i will not allow it. if you are to live under my roof outside of this school, you will not see him.”
“then i’m done” she said. tears started to prick at her eyes
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“it means that i won’t live under your roof, i won’t be a financial burden anymore, i won’t be your daughter” he blinked at her “well it’s what you seem to want, you’ve always wanted me out of your house, it would be a weight lifted off of your shoulders”
“y/n stop this is nonsense”
“it’s not nonsense! it’s the truth! you’ve said it for as long as i can remember, except you never said it. you showed it” tears fell down her face “you never wanted me, you never loved me. i was never right. i didn’t have the right mother, i wasn’t sorted into the right house, i didn’t do anything right in your eyes” she tried to breathe but it was getting hard “i never knew love, not from you, not from a mother, not from friends. i had no idea what it felt like, until now. and i refuse to let it go just because you forgot what love felt like. so if you want me to leave, if you don’t want me to be your family anymore, then fine. i never was anyway” she finished before storming out of his classroom.
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Don’t Bet what You’re not willing to Lose: Haikyuu Coffee Shop AU
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AN: Normally I don’t write an intro for their first meeting but I think it may be warranted in this case. Atsumu and Osamu’s First Meeting will be the same; however, their stories will change based on who you choose. Hope you enjoy this!
There was always a quiet lull in between big games; however, today was different. It was a quiet mid-afternoon. Only a few regulars hung around the bar or in the booths near the entrance. None of them came to get a cup of coffee or any of the pastries. Carrie was also out so this left the staff quiet and bored. 
“Have you decided if you’re going to the game tonight?” asked one of the part time hires. He normally worked on days that I had off so I hadn’t had a chance to learn his name. Everything I’ve heard about him was from Carrie herself. She said he’s a dedicated worker who needed to make some part time money. “A few of my friends were going to go but one dropped out earlier.”
“I’ll decide closer to the game,” I chuckle while picking up the nearest broom. “I may need to close tonight if most of the staff decides to take you up on your ticket.”
The man chuckled where his eyes sparkled when he talked. “I’ll go check to see if anyone else wants to take it.” With those words, he left to the back to check with the other new hire who was still watching the training videos in the back. 
I shook my head and went to go sweep the already clean floor. Slow days made working in customer service less enjoyable than it already was. As I was sweeping the backcorner, the bell for the door rang. I turned my head to see two people who looked the same in appearance and stature. The only difference was the color of both of their hair. 
“Welcome to the No Doze Cafe,” I called them. “I’ll be with you in one moment.” I sweep the remaining fluff into the dust pan. Tossing the remaining dust into the trash can, I set the broom down long enough to go and meet the two guys who were standing at the register.
They were both heated in a conversion. The blonde seemed to be the louder of the two as his voice boomed across the small cafe. The other twin only seemed to engage in the constant discussion whenever it would get under the skin of his brother. “Hello,” I say after reaching the register. “How may I help you?”
“You need to settle a bet between us,” said the blonde. “Osamu overheard that our friend Kita started working here. I bet him that I’d buy his coffee if he was here.”
“Kita,” I mumble trying to remember the names of the three new hires. I tap the outside of the old register to think. It didn’t help that I kept getting lost in the blonde’s affectionate smile or scouring the broad shoulders of the grey one. “Let me go into the back and check the schedule. I’ll be right back.”
My escape was needed otherwise the burning sensation of my cheeks was going to give away my extended excitement for the twins being here. Walking into the back, I noticed that the one ticket was gone along with the two employees. I checked the clock only to see that their shift had ended ten minutes ago. 
A quickly written note was left apologizing for leaving so soon after shift. The author of the note explained that the game would be starting soon and he has to watch his friend play. I peeled the note from the corkboard and read the name: Kita Shinsuke.
A smile crossed my face as I’d get to give them the news that their friend does work here. I take the note as confirmation. 
I could hear the blonde’s voice even before I exited the backroom. They were still locked in debate but this conversation seemed different than before. Once we made eye contact, the two became eerily silent. However, the intense side eyes exchange by each twin could be felt across the whole cafe. 
“I was able to get your answer,” I say while holding up the note as if it was proof. “You’re looking for Kita Shinsuke, right?”
“Yes,” said the grey haired twin. His counterpart nodded in agreement. 
I hand over the piece of paper. “He’s a new hire. You just missed him. He kept trying to get some of the staff to go to the volleyball game down the road. You’ll have to meet him there.”
The grey twin grabbed the note and scoured it for the name. “I told you he worked here.”
“Shinsuke is going to my game?” questioned the blonde. 
“He may have wanted to surprise you.”
“Then your dumbass decided to make this bet ruined the surprise. “
“My dumbass? If you would have believed me then it wouldn’t have been ruined. You owe me coffee too. So pay up.”
Their bickering feud left me with a breathless laugh. “So what will it be fellas?” I interrupt. 
“Your number?” said the blonde while leaning onto the bar. “Or is that too forward.” His twin massaged his temple as if this wasn’t the first time his brother has done something like this.
“Don’t listen to him. I’ll take a regular coffee. ‘Sumu’s lucky that I don’t like sugary drinks. I should have bet that’d he pay for a week’s worth of rice at the shop.” I started to pick up one of our regular type cups and lid. 
The blonde’s face scrunched before turning back to mine. “I’m being serious though. I’d gladly take your number any day. A few of my team members have talked about you yet I didn’t know how beautiful you actually were.” His voice dropped with every word he spoke. A slow sultry one that tested out the water. “Name’s Atsumu.”
“Osamu,” said the other twin. As he pointed to the cup. “That’s what you should put there.” He actively ignored Atsumu in favor of the cup in front of him. “If you need to spell it, its 307-”
“-Don’t give her your number. That’s not part of the deal,” said Atsumu. 
“The deal was the first person she texted,” replied Osamu. “Not getting her number. Learn your own rules of the game.”
I allowed the bickering to continue as I went to fill up the cup with house-made coffee. Their yelling was getting louder by the second; however, I would say that it is a nice change. Burning liquid about spilled over the side as I was lost in thought of which twin I’d actually want to give their number. 
As I turned to face them one more time, they were too busy to notice my returned presence. “Take it. It’s on the house,” I say holding out the cup. The twins finally notice me. The coffee was held directly in the middle of them. Osamu takes the cup with a polite nod. “Now, get out your phones because I’ll only say it once.”
Both men were shocked before they reached into their pockets to find the device. The momentary pause made my heart swell in mild excitement. I recited my number. Atsumu looked at his brother’s phone to make sure he had it down correctly. Osamu tried to hide his phone while sending a text and not spilling the hot coffee. It was like a madhouse show. 
I shook my head before going back to grab the broom. “You can text me later. Plus I don’t use my phone until after my shift.” I did one more up and down of them before going back to my chores from before. Beyond my warning, I still felt two faint buzzes before the twins left the cafe. The only question left was which one I would respond to.
Osamu Part 2
Atsumu Part 2
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blue-bird-on-a-wire · 4 years
Mav (Free)
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Part 3 of the Gar Cuyir Yaim series
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,340
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x (Y/n) with she/her pronouns
Warnings: Jabba’s slave culture, mentioned kidnapping/child kidnapping, insecure (Y/n), hinted/implied abuse of (Y/n)
Summary: (Y/n) represses memories from her past after Paz explains how he knows her.
Updates: Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm MT
A/N: Hello! You can also find this fic on Ao3 under B1ue_Bird_0n_A_Wire. Please feel free to give me feedback, as I don’t have a beta reader and often miss spelling mistakes. If you feel there need to be more warnings/other warnings, feel free to DM me! I don’t bite 😊. Enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterlist
“What?” I asked, not sure I heard Paz correctly.
You were a foundling.
I was not a foundling. Foundlings were the adoptive children of the Mandalorians, raised to be strong warriors. I was not strong nor a warrior, let alone raised by Paz’s kind. He must have been mistranslating.
Paz continued to stare at me like he was frozen in carbonite.
“That can’t be right. I’ve never met a Mandalorian before you,” I whispered.
He just kept looking at me, and it started to make my skin crawl. Was he mad at me? Was he considering taking me back? What did this all mean for him? I wasn’t a foundling and never had been. He needed to look again.
“...That’s why I recognized you,” Paz muttered, more to himself than to me. “You disappeared after the Shereshir be Ade.”
“...the...the what?”
Paz quickly stood up, taking a step toward me. “The Kidnapping of Children,” he said, as though that would explain everything. “I never thought I would see you again.”
I took a hesitant step back. He was mistaken. If he took a look at the holo again, he would see I wasn’t a foundling. I never was.
I couldn't bring myself to believe I could have been one of him. The Mandalorians were just stories to me until a few days ago.
“I-I... I don’t know who you are, Paz,” I said. “I-I’m sorry.”
Paz’s steps abruptly stopped. His shoulders tensed and I could hear his breath hitch through the modulator.
“I’ve belonged to Jabba for as long as I can remember,” I continued. “I don’t even know what planet I was born on, or who brought me to him.”
A pause. This silence from him was making me more and more nervous.
“...I’ve only heard of Mandalorians through stories from bounty hunters. You must be mistaking me for someone else, and I’m so sorry I mislead you-”
“We were playing in the covert. You wanted to play some hiding game, and I was looking for you… You couldn't stop laughing,” Paz’s shoulders deflated. “Then there was a loud boom - an explosion - and we were running through the tunnels. But you were so small. I didn’t-” Paz’s helmet tilted to the side, away from me. “I hadn't even noticed how far behind you were-”
“Y-you’re think- thinking of someone else. I-I wasn’t-” I could feel the tears building behind my eyes.
This was freaking me out. He said he knew me? Or at least he thought he knew me. I didn’t know anyone. I had grown up alone - raised by other slaves and taught two things. There are the rulers and the ruled. You are determined for either destiny and are good for nothing else.
This was turning my whole galaxy around.
“Our covert was attacked and in the aftermath, we couldn't find several of our children,” Paz explained, looking back at me and taking another step forward. “I couldn't find you.”
My breathing was shallow as I struggled to keep from crying. This couldn't have been happening. I wasn’t who he said I was. There wasn’t any other path I could have lived. My slavery was inevitable. I wasn’t once the very thing I had longed to be since I was younger. I hadn't… I couldn't of-
“(Y/n),” said Paz. “Ni ceta.”
“I-I don’t know wha- what that means,” I whimpered. “I-I’m just- just a slave. You-you’re thinking of- of the wrong per-person,” I choked out. “But I-I can’t eve-even read to show you it-it’s no-not true,” I gestured to my collar.
I wasn’t. I wasn’t. I wasn’t.
I didn’t know this man. He was wrong about me. He thought I was someone I wasn’t. Someone he mistook for a childhood friend.
Everything was crashing down around me because I do remember feeling cold. I remember feeling afraid, and lost, and alone. I could never picture any of it but I always remembered how it felt. It felt abandoned.
Being forced to leave wherever I came from, only to be thrown into the grubby hands of Jabba felt… like I had been ripped from whatever home had come before.
But I couldn't remember, and my experience must have been different from whoever this Mandalorian was talking about. No matter how similar it might have been.
Paz reached behind him for the collar with its holo still displaying. He thrust it toward me, pointing at things with his gloved fingers.
“Right here,” Paz explained, “It says you were gifted, not bought. You were proof of eradication of a Mandalorian covert. That’s why you were given to Jabba. You were the false proof of a job well done.”
I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks, or the whimpers that left my mouth. I couldn't remember these things. He wanted me to remember, and I couldn't do that.
“... I-I can’t read, Paz…”
I must have looked even more pathetic to him if he thought I was once a foundling. Balling my eyes out like I wasn’t in the presence of a Mandalorian.
My back finally hit the wall behind me, and I hadn't realized till that moment just how far I had moved away from him.
“I-I’m sorry that I-I’m not who- who you think I am…”
Paz remained silent.
“I’m sor-sorry you have the wrong per-person.”
He continued to stare at me. I could see his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.
He was going to hit me soon, I was sure of it.
But he never did.
Maybe I was supposed to play along. Maybe he wanted me to pretend to be this other person because I looked vaguely like them.
All of a sudden, Paz lurched forward and stormed up the ladder to the cockpit.
I held my breath at the sound of his boots, only taking in air once I heard the door to the cockpit close.
I was left alone, with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company.
Nothing but my thoughts to drown in.
~ ~ ~
The more I dwelled on it, the more I felt these vague images and feelings bubbling to the surface.
I remember bars.
And it was dark.
I remember being yelled at. Being told to quiet down and stop squirming.
But I don’t recall any faces. Just noise and feelings.
There had been a smell of something metallic.
I didn’t want to think about these things. I didn’t like to acknowledge these things. They implied that somewhere in my lifetime I had not been a slave. That I was taken or abducted from somewhere. I did not like to think that if something had changed - maybe I ate something else that morning or slept in a little later - then I might not have ever been a slave.
False memories. That’s what I decided to chalk these things up to, even though these things had existed in the back of my mind long before Paz entered Jabba’s Palace.
Yes, false memories was all that they were. I had simply made them up.
But I was not dreaming. My neck still throbbed with pain, even as the bacta gel absorbed into my skin. It had been a few hours, I assumed. Maybe the pain would go away in a few more.
I lifted my head from my arms, which rested on my folded-up knees.
Corners were nice. I liked corners. They made me feel secure and safe. All I had to worry about was what was in front of me, not behind.
Jabba’s Palace was sort of like a corner. I knew what to expect. I knew what to look out for.
Paz was like sitting in the middle of an open room with doors on every wall… Maybe the room was even a circle, and the doors were identical just to make it more confusing. I felt like being here with Paz was so full of uncertainty. Any door might open at any second, and who knew what would lie behind it.
Maybe a Rancor. Maybe a Jawa.
Or maybe it would be stars.
Having raised my head, I took a puffy-eyed glance around the hull. The first thing that caught my attention was the round window from before.
I had never seen anything so breathtaking. What was this? Why were there streaks of light - blues and whites - flying past us.
I couldn't help myself.
Rising up on sore muscles and blistered feet, I shuffled my way to the window’s ledge. I lifted a hand and placed a few fingers on the lip, the cool glass feeling nice on my warm skin.
It was truly mesmerizing. Was this space? Was that truly what the galaxy looked like? Just a blur of little stars and planets, flying by so fast they looked like thin threads.
I would make something keen to a blanket from those threads. It would be blue, white, and black. It would look just as beautiful as the scenery beyond the glass. I would sleep under it - under thousands of stars. No one would touch me under my little blanket. I would be too lost in the galaxy for them to find me anyhow.
I jumped, spun on my feet and pulled my hands to my chest.
Paz stood at the bottom of the ladder. I hadn't even heard him come down.
He held a bundle of clothes in one hand, and in the other was my collar which no longer displayed the holo.
“You’ll get cold in what you’re wearing, so I thought you might like to change,” Paz said.
He had brought me clothes? From the looks of it, they were big and made from thick looking wool. They must have been his.
Of course! This whole time he had been dressed from head to toe in armor, while I was still clad in that skimpy dancer’s outfit. I must have been making him uncomfortable.
“... Um. I can set them in the ‘fresher for you.”
Oh. I should say something. “That’s ok,” I said, taking a few steps toward him. “You don’t have to do that.”
My eyes must have been puffy. I wanted to rub at them.
Paz handed me the clothes.
“Thank you,” I said. I took one last glance at him before I started walking away. I tried my best not to let on to my hurt feet. I had already been given more care from him than I ever had from anyone else before. I didn’t want to bother him.
Stepping into the refresher, I didn’t quite know what to do with myself.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I had good hygiene habits and was always keeping myself clean - I had just never used a shower with water before. Sonic showers were all that was allowed at Jabba’s. Tatooine was a planet with so little water it had to be carefully extracted from the air. Water showers were considered wasteful luxuries very few could afford.
Should I ask Paz how this worked? Maybe not, he must have been busy. I could just skip the shower all together, but I would still be covered in a layer of sweat and sand. Then again, what if I started to fiddle with something and ended up breaking his nice shower? That didn’t sound too great either. Hmm…
Welp… I suppose the worst that could happen was a bruised cheek and unanswered question.
Clutching his clothes tightly to my chest, I turned around and poked my head out from the doorway.
Sitting on a crate on the other end of the hull was the big blue Mandalorian. He was fiddling with my collar, taking it apart and organizing the parts.
I wondered what that red blinking thing was.
“Paz?” I called, my voice feeling small and unsure.
His head shot up and he immediately stopped what he was doing. “Yes, Sarad?”
I would ask what that meant another time.
“Um, I-I don’t know how to use your shower,” I weakly admitted.
Paz stood up and slowly walked over to me.
I flinched as he passed, not having expected him to actually enter the small room. He must not have thought my question was that dumb after all.
Paz gestured to a few knobs and switches on the wall.
“This one,” he pointed. “Turns the water on while this other one controls the temperature.”
“Temperature?” I muttered, more to myself than to him.
Paz turned his head to look at me. “The hot water doesn't last very long though, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.”
“Oh…” Then I wouldn't waste his hot water.
What would a hot shower feel like? Sonic showers were the same temperature as the air in the rooms they were in. They had no temperature control. Could I make this shower have cold water?
“These other switches are for the lights, but you don’t have to worry about those for now either,” Paz explained.
“Thank you,” I said, setting his clothes onto the small counter.
I felt something brush against my shoulder, and I tensed.
“I hope this won’t scar,” whispered Paz, running a gloved finger just under the skin of my irritated neck. “Though it would be a show of your strength. Resilience.”
My strength?
“...Have...Have you ever had a slave before? Owned one, I mean.”
Paz’s hand immediately retreated to his side. “No.”
A curt answer. Short and to the point. I supposed I should have elaborated.
“Well, I don’t mean to be-” Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I shouldn’t have opened my mouth. “-Overbearing, or anything. But, what would a Mandalorian want with a slave?”
“... Excuse me?”
Yep, this wasn’t a good idea. I shouldn’t have asked. I should have kept my mouth shut and-
“Is that what you still think you are? Do you think you’re my slave?” Paz asked, though I don’t think I was supposed to answer. Was it malice in his voice or disappointment?
Maybe I wasn’t his slave, but rather he was taking me to someone else. Perhaps he didn’t like that word - slave - and wanted to call me something different. Or maybe-
Oh. That’s right. He thought I was someone from his childhood. Someone he had lost.
“You, (Y/n), are not a slave. You never will be again, do you understand?”
I weakly nodded my head.
“I need you to say it. You are not a slave.”
“...I’m not a slave,” I said, though I didn’t actually believe those words. There must have been a catch to this.
“You can go wherever you want and do whatever you want. If you want me to drop you off on the closest planet, just tell me. If you want to say what’s on your mind, say it. You are not in chains anymore, and you certainly don’t belong to anyone. You are free,” Paz said, his voice was firm.
I’m not a slave. I can do what I want. I can say what I want… I-
“I am free,” I whispered. I felt a lump forming in my throat.
I did not belong to Paz. He had freed me. He was giving me this opportunity to start over.
All I could do was nod my head while my throat closed up and I tried to keep the waterworks from starting. I could feel my lip starting to quiver and I hoped the big blue Mandalorian would leave before the dam broke.
Paz nodded his head, “Good. No one can tell you what to do ever again.” He then brushed past me and into the hull. The door closed behind him.
I stood there for a moment, focused on my breathing and not my racing heart.
I turned on the water like Paz showed me and started taking off my- Oola’s clothes.
I stepped into the shower, muscles tensing at the cold temperature. I intentionally set it that way so I wouldn't waste any warm water.
I felt the droplets cascade down my face. It soon became difficult to tell what water was from the shower and what came from my silent crying.
I felt so overwhelmed with happiness and fear. I was ecstatic at the prospect of no longer being a slave. Paz said no one could tell me what to do anymore. I liked that. I didn’t want to be forced into anything ever again.
However, this brought forth so many new questions. What was I going to do with myself? Where would I go? Would Paz want me around? Did I even want to stay with Paz? I didn’t even know how to survive on my own. If Paz dropped me off on some foreign planet, I would have no idea how to make a life for myself.
Damn the maker, I couldn't even read!
Stepping out of the shower and turning it off, I took a look at myself in the mirror.
Who was that? I had never seen myself all wet before. My hair looked a shade darker and was weighed down by all the water it had soaked up. Was this what people normally looked like after getting wet?
I had never felt so clean. I was refreshed and much calmer than I had been before. I decided I would never use a sonic shower again if I could avoid it.
Water showers were much nicer.
I took the clothes Paz had given me and put them on. They were far too big. The black long-sleeved shirt was more like a dress on me. The sleeves hung past my fingers in a way that made me feel like I could gently slap something with them. The pants, on the other hand, were gray loose-fitting sweats, likely meant more for lounging than for bounty hunter work. They were also much too long, so I rolled them up till I could see my feet.
These must have been clothes that Paz slept in.
I had to reuse the undergarments that came with Oola’s outfit. Maybe I could ask Paz to take me someplace where I could get my own.
Maybe… Or I could just rewash these and not bother him with it. What would be worse, asking for new clothes or asking for a place to wash these? Hmm… I didn’t know what would be less trouble for him.
Walking out of the ‘fresher, I saw Paz had once again been working on my collar. I wondered what he was doing with it.
I had my- Oola’s clothes folded and clutched to my chest. I stood there awkwardly.
What would I do now?
“Um, thank you,” I said.
Paz looked up from where he sat.
“For everything, I mean… I’ve never taken a shower with water before. It’s really nice.”
Paz nodded his head. “You should get some rest. It’s been a long day and I’m sure you're tired.”
I was. My feet still hurt and so did my neck. Would this Mandalorian go to sleep as well?
“Ok,” I said.
I remember Paz saying I could sleep in his bed, so I made my way to his quarters.
Opening the door and walking it, the room was much smaller than I imagined it would be for such a big Mandalorian.
In fact, it wasn’t even really a room. It was only a bed and took up the whole space.
I crawled inside and shuffled around to pull back the sheets. I layed down on the only pillow, leaving the door up as to not feel boxed in.
Then I realized my damp hair was making the pillow wet so I pushed the pillow aside and layed down without it.
How did Paz fit in here? There was no way I could imagine him sleeping comfortably in such a tight space.
Regardless, this was the best thing I had ever laid on. It was much nicer than a soiled mattress with only a thin blanket.
It was warm too. Much warmer than what I was used to. Everything was soft and cozy. I felt safe here.
Safe enough to fall asleep.
(Part 4 coming soon!)
Mandoa Translations:
“Shereshir be Ade” - “Kidnapping of Children”
“Ni ceta” - an apology (rare)
“Sarad” - “Flower”
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@abysshaven​ | @maddie-madz | @lovely-lil-creme​ | @courageinthemidst​ | @remmysbounty​ | @sacredmirrxrs | @honimello​ 
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“The Sickening Proof” || YEAR 3 – Ch.37 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
<-- Last Chapter                          Next Chapter -->
Day posted: 1/8/2021
Word count: 3, 076
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
 The next chapter will be posted either later today or early tomorrow! :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Snape might as well have been a terrifying shrieking shack ghost. He certainly got the right type of reaction from everyone.
Hermione let off a loud, shrill scream. Lupin jumped a foot in the air and turned. Harry went white as a sheet, though not as white as Ron. Sirius Black whirled so fast Heather thought he’d make himself puke. She just stared, dumb-founded at her Head of House for not only catching them out after hours, but outside of Hogwarts grounds after hours and outside of Hogsmeade visits. Maybe she’d be the one puking.
Snape moved slowly in a hunched crouch, inching towards Lupin as he aimed at his heart, arm fully extended and unwavering. He was a predator ready to strike and it stilled the air around them. “Thank you, Potters, for leaving the cloak behind for me. It came very useful.”
As still and calculated as Snape looked, he spoke from breaths. Heather could see it was a great struggle to contain his look of triumph, though she could still see it plainly in his eyes.
“Not expecting me, Lupin?” Snape’s eyes glittered as he continued to hold their silent attention perfectly. “You’d forgotten to take your Potion tonight, Lupin – not surprising considering how relentlessly unreliable you prove to be. And… like the responsible dog-sitter I am… I took a gobletful along with me to your office. How very lucky was I, that there, open on your desk, was a certain map.”
Snape’s eyes flickered to Harry and Heather for a second, letting them know they never had him fooled. Heather swallowed and began to shiver with fear. Surely, this was their last year attending Hogwarts… whether they made it through tonight or not.
“One glance,” Snape continued, “and I knew everything I needed to know. I saw you run along the passage and out of sight.”
Lupin licked his lips and began speaking with a quiver. “Severus – ”
“I’ve told the Headmaster again. And again,” Snape spat the words out like venom. “That you’ve been the one helping Black into the castle. And here’s the proof. If only I had guessed you’d be using this old place as your hideout – Only I never dreamed you’d have the nerve.”
“Severus, you’re making a mistake,” Lupin held his hand down and out, as if trying to physically lower Snape’s anger. “You haven’t heard it all – I can explain everything – Sirius was never going to kill Harry or Heather – ”
“I’ll be the one to call and let them know they’ll be needing TWO cells in Azkaban tonight.” Snape’s eyes gleamed fanatically. “I shall be interested to see how Dumbledore takes this… He was quite convinced you were harmless… A tame werewolf – ”
Lupin shook his head and took a step back. “You fool…” he said softly. “Would you really put an innocent man back in Azkaban over a schoolboy grudge – ”
Thin, green, snakelike cords shot out from the tip of Snape’s ready wand and wrapped themselves around Lupin’s head, shutting his mouth tight. More twisted themselves around Lupin’s wrists and ankles, unbalancing him and knocking him to the floor. He fell with a heavy thump and groaned.
Black growled furiously and started to lunge at Snape. Snape snapped his wrist to Black and held his wand tip right between Sirius Black’s eyes, stopping him mid motion.
“Give me a reason,” Snape whispered. “Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will.”
Heather didn’t doubt for a second that whatever it was, Snape really would do it. Nor did she doubt, that at the first chance Sirius Black saw, he’d turn into that horrible dog and rip Snape’s throat out in one quick tear. It was plainly obvious to her, that in the presence of one another, they were only both still alive by some miracle.
“Professor,” Heather whispered, trembling.
He did not take his eyes off Black. She looked around and saw Hermione pressing her hands to her mouth and turned away. Harry stood frozen, looking wide-eyed between Lupin and Snape. Ron was looking even paler and was sweating as he continued to struggle with Scabbers in his grip.
She turned back to the terrifying display of lethal hatred Snape and Black were somehow managing to rein in and remembered Professor Trelawney’s words. Tonight was the night Voldemort’s servant would return to him, and Sirius Black was the only one so far accused, no matter how much Lupin was trying to convince them of his innocence.
Hermione creaked along the floorboard to Heather, steady, so as to not make either man jump or flinch at the noise. “Professor Snape – m-maybe – it wouldn’t hurt to listen to them – to what they’re trying to explain?”
“You four are already facing certain expulsion from this school,” Snape spat. “Not only, but also currently in the presence of a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your LIVES – hold, your tongues – however hard that might BE, Granger.”
“B-but i-if – if there was a mistake – ”
“SILENCE, YOU STUPID GIRL!” Sparks were sizzling out of the end of Snape’s wand as he seethed, looking very deranged. “DON’T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!”
Black did not seem to flinch at the threat of Snape’s attack, still waiting for an opening with deadly patience. Hermione fell silent and stepped back.
“Vengeance is very sweet,” Snape breathed. “I did hope I would be the one to catch you…”
Black forced a laugh that deepened Snape’s glare. “Joke’s on you again. Severus. As long as this boy takes his rat up to the castle I’ll come quietly.”
Snape’s mouth twitched up in amusement. “The castle?” he said silkily. “We won’t need to go that far… All I have to do is call the dementors once we get out of the Willow. They’ll be so pleased. They’ve been so eager to see you, Black… I wonder how long they would hold off on giving you their long-awaited kiss… Seconds? Minutes perhaps?”
Sirius Black’s color went from grey-white to egg-white at the mention. “Severus – You’ve got to hear me out,” he croaked. “The rat – look at the rat – ”
Heather stared into Snape’s eyes, wondering to see if the man’s desperate pleas would change anything in Snape’s certainty, but all she could see was a mad glint she’d never seen in anyone before.
Snape snapped his fingers and the ends of Lupin’s serpent-y ropes flew to his hands. “Come on. All of you. I’ll drag the werewolf. Perhaps the dementors will have a kiss for him too.” His eyes flicked to Heather. “Potter. Open the door.”
Heather nodded, hoping beyond hope that this was all the prophecy working itself out correctly. She edged passed Sirius Black and put a hand on the doorknob. She looked down and twisted it, but before it could open even a centimeter, a body had rammed into her and the door had slammed shut.
She looked up at Harry with shock.
“Get out of the way, Potter. You’re in enough trouble as it is,” he snarled. “If I hadn’t been here to save your skin – ”
“But Professor Lupin could have killed me about a hundred times this year! I’ve been alone with him loads of times – same with Heather. If he was working with Black, why didn’t he finish us off then?”
He had a point, maybe that truly wasn’t the intention…
“I wouldn’t fathom to understand the way a werewolf’s mind works,” Snape hissed. “Now get out of the way, Potter.”
Or maybe all Black wanted was to make sure he knew where the boy who defeated his master was. So that when he went back to Voldemort, he could tell him everything. Then Lupin wouldn’t have needed to kill them at all. He would have only needed to help Black hide until the day he needed to return…
“Harry,” Heather shoved him away hard, making him stumble back. “Sirius Black was Voldemort’s servant and he still is! Please… We’ll all just leave and go back to the castle and nothing bad will happen tonight, alright? Please?”
Harry looked at her, and back down to Lupin, up at Black, and finally back at Snape. After a moment, he took his place at the door again. “No.”
“Potter,” Snape gave a warning growl. “I will not listen to you or these – ”
“YOU’RE PATHETIC!” Harry staggered forward with the weight of his words. He meant it with all his being. “JUST BECAUSE THEY MADE A FOOL OF YOU AT SCHOOL YOU WON’T LISTEN – ”
“QUIET! I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT!” Snape looked like he’d had enough of everything. The sparks started up again on the ends of his wand like a frayed wire ready to start a large uncontrollable fire. “Like father, like son, Potter! I’ve just saved your neck; you should be thanking me on hands and knees! You would have been well served if he’d killed you! You’d have died like your father, too arrogant to believe you might be mistaken in Black – Now get out of my way, or I. Will. Make. You. GET OUT OF THE WAY POTTER!”
Before Heather could think she raised her wand, and at the same time as Harry yelled ‘Expelliarmus,’ she yelled “Flipendo!” right at Snape’s heaving chest, putting all of her pain and anger into the words.
Both Harry and Heather’s spells blasted out of their wands and hit Snape square in his chest, lifting him off the ground and sent him flying onto the wall with a thunderous thump. He fell onto the bed below him, making Ron dive for the floor. Snape’s wand had been blasted out of his hand and landed with a rolling click down at Harry’s feet.
Heather was at the bed in an instant, checking to see if Snape was alive. There was a trickle of blood oozing from under his hair. She gasped and pressed her hands to her mouth. She was shaking, trembling so hard she might have fallen if she wasn’t kneeling on the bed besides Snape’s still body.
Sirius Black gave a quick, victorious laugh that snapped Heather back into the moment.
“Don’t worry. He’s only knocked out.” Black glanced at Ron and back at Harry and Heather. “You two really should have left him to me…”
This was wrong. This was so horribly wrong. Snape was knocked out and Sirius Black, convicted murderer, servant of Voldemort, was free and loose. She had been so angry she had completely lost her mind after hearing him say those awful things. She wanted to hurt him, make him regret saying Harry should have died. She could care less what he’d said about their father. Harry was everything she had. And now… this night could end in her worst fear.
“We attacked a teacher…” Hermione was shaking her head furiously, staring at Snape’s body. “We – we attacked a teacher!”
Heather sniffed. She’d have run and hugged Hermione if this was any other situation. It had really only been Harry and her that attacked him.
“We’re going to be in so much trouble – !”
“We were already going to get expelled, Hermione,” Ron groaned from the floor.
Sirius Black had managed to untie Lupin and they both stood quickly.
Lupin rubbed his wrists and mouth. “Thank you, Heather, Harry.”
Heather shook her head, regretting her actions immensely.
“This doesn’t mean we believe you,” Harry replied.
“No, of course not.” Lupin nodded. “I think it’s time we show you the proof.”
Black turned to Ron. “Give me Peter. Now.”
Ron held Scabbers closer to his chest. “Come off it,” he whimpered. “Are you trying to tell us he broke out of Azkaban just to get his hands on Scabbers? That’s just… That’s mental,” he said weakly. “Peter can turn into a rat – there are millions of them! How’s he know this one is Peter if he was locked up in Azkaban!”
Lupin turned to Black with a puzzled look that made Heather’s heart stop and her stomach flip.
“How DID you find out he was here?” Lupin asked with a slight frown.
Black stared at Lupin as he extended out his hand like a claw. He bent his elbow and in one exasperated motion pulled out a wrinkled paper from an inside pocket. He smiled and handed it to Lupin, who took it and smoothed it out.
Harry inched closer and Heather followed suit, peering around Lupin’s shoulder to look down at the very same photograph Heather and Harry had seen of the Weasleys the previous summer holiday. It was a Daily Prophet clipping of Ron and his family posing to show off the vacation they had won, and Scabbers was clinging to Ron’s shoulder.
“What is it?” Ron croaked.
“Your family on vacation,” Heather whispered, stepping back.
“Mental!” Ron yelled.
“How did you come by this?” Lupin asked Black, thunderstruck.
Black gritted his teeth. “Fudge. When he came down to inspect Azkaban, he gave me his paper.” Black laughed weakly. “And there he was. Right on the front page. On this boy’s shoulder… I knew him at once… How many times had I seen him transform? And the caption… it said he was going back to Hogwarts… Back where Harry and Heather were…”
Lupin stared at Sirius black with wide-eyes and in total disbelief. Heather felt sick.
Lupin looked back at the picture and pointed. “Merlin...” He looked from the picture to Scabbers and back. “His paw.”
Black nodded.
“What about it!” Ron looked down at Scabbers.
“He’s got a tow missing,” Black said flatly.
Lupin looked at Scabbers incredulously. “Of course… So brilliant. He cut it off himself.”
“Right when I cornered him. Right before he transformed. He yelled for the whole street to hear. Before I could curse him he blew apart the street and killed everyone within twenty feet of him… and sped down the sewer with the other filthy rats.”
“Scabbers probably got in a fight with another rat!” Ron looked to Hermione, Heather, and Harry for support, but they all stayed very quiet. “He can’t be Peter, he’s been in my family for – ”
“Twelve years, isn’t that right?” Black snapped.
“Rats don’t live that long, Ron.” Lupin looked down at Scabbers. “That’s an abnormally long time for even magical rats.”
“No, we’ve just been taking good care of him!”
“He looks sick and underweight. I’m guessing he started getting like this right around the time when he heard Sirius had finally escaped.”
Ron was shaking his head. “No. No. It was that cat! That monster! He’s been scaring Scabbers ill! That mad cat!”
“He’s not mad.” Black bent down and pet Crookshanks as he purred between his legs. “He recognized him for what he was immediately. He even tried to help me. Tried to bring him to me and couldn’t. Then he tried to bring ME to him. Stole the Gryffindor passwords for me.”
Poor Neville. Heather was feeling a little less ill as everything was slowly getting clearer, to her immense and relieving surprise.
“He tried relentlessly for me. Then he said Peter faked his death – bit himself and left blood on the bed – he must have supposed if it worked once it could work again – ”
Something clicked and Heather felt like puking again. She shook her head. “He really is Peter… And he knew you’d come to finish him off – ”
“That’s why he faked his death! Why he’s been running!” Harry yelled, coming to the same conclusion Heather had just come to. “He knew you’d murder him like you murdered our parents!”
“I will murder him!” Black yelled back.
“We should have let Snape take you – ”
“Harry – ” Lupin put up his hands quickly. “All this time we’ve thought Sirius betrayed them and Peter tracked him down – But it was the other way around! Peter betrayed them, and Sirius tracked him down!”
Heather stepped forward, refusing to let Lupin continue with the lies. “No. We know Sirius was their Secret-Keeper, Peter couldn’t have betrayed them. Only HE could. Only the Secret-Keeper could betray them.”
“Precisely.” Lupin stared at her.
She blinked several times. “Peter wasn’t their Secret-Keeper…”
“I persuaded Lily and James to change to Peter at the last moment.” Black’s sunken eyes darkened with pained regret and he looked down as he continued. “I Persuaded them to use him as their Secret-Keeper instead of me… The night they died I had arranged to check on Peter. To make sure he was still safe. But when I got to his hiding place he wasn’t there. There wasn’t any sign of a struggle. I got scared and headed to your parent’s house right away… That’s when I saw it had been destroyed… and their bodies… I realized what Peter must have done… He betrayed them… But it’s my fault they’re dead. I as good as killed them – ” his voice caught and he turned away.
Lupin, looking down, shook his head. “Enough… Let’s really prove what happened. Ron,” he stepped over to Ron and extended his hand. “Give me that rat. I’ll force him to show himself. It won’t hurt him if he really is a rat.”
Scabbers was struggling like crazy in Ron’s grip. Ron looked down at him, and finally handed him over to Lupin. Scabbers started squeaking and squealing at the top of his tiny lungs, thrashing and twisting in Lupin’s hands.
Lupin turned to Sirius, who was back to his ferocious-looking self, teeth bared and all. “Ready, Sirius?”
Black nodded.
Lupin handed Sirius his wand. “Do the honors.”
Black snatched it from him at once. “Gladly!” He pointed the wand and a bright flash of white-blue light erupted from the tip, engulfing Scabbers’ body.
Lupin had let go and jumped away, and for a moment Scabbers was suspended mid-air and thrashing wildly. Ron yelled. And the rat hit the floor.
For a few seconds nothing happened, and then the rat started growing. It arched its spine and held his ears down. His tail began to shrink as his head and hands grew and turned from worm-pink to pale-pink. In a quick blink the rat turned into a grotesque child-sized creature and in another quick blink there was a man cowering in the very spot Scabbers had been.
Heather quickly turned and threw up under one of the farther boarded up windows, clutching her stomach and holding back her hair as she did.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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rebelbyrdie · 4 years
Swan Queen Fic:  The Looking Glass (2 of 3)
More Parallel Universe Shenanigans with a big dose of cuteness.  Oh and a trigger warning for mentions of suicide/suicidal ideation.
No editing.  No beta.  This is true BS writing.
Mother was gone, again.  Dead by her own hand.  Regina was curled up in her bed. She was cold but couldn’t make herself move to pull back the covers.  She was aching from head to toe.  Inside and out.  
Everything was lost.  She had nothing and no one.  She was more alone now then she’d ever been.  
Mother, Father, Daniel. Maleficent.  Tinkerbelle. Everyone she loved was gone. Perhaps it was better that Henry left. He was young, sweet and good.  She was cancer.  She could only poison him.  Again.  She’d already almost killed him once.  
Evil Queen.  She destroyed everything she touched.  She killed everyone she loved.  She had no soul.  Evil Queen.
Perhaps it was time that the Evil Queen joined her loved ones.  It was certainly not the first time she’d entertained the thought of suicide.  It had been a sort of morbid fascination of hers for years.  Since the night she’d felt Daniel grow cold and stiff in her arms.  She had tried a few times, but had survived.  
Father had found her just after the wedding and had forced her to vomit the liqour and nightshade she’d drank.
Tinkerbelle had caught her before her leap from the balcony had come to a sudden end.
Snow’s pity and conscience had gotten the better of her and she’d stopped the arrows at her execution.
There was no one to stop her this time.  No reason to stop her.  
Regina rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling.  Suicidal ideation had been the background radiation of her life for so many years that the thought of finally ending it all was almost comforting.  Peace.  She would finally have peace.
The town would probably declare it a holiday, complete with a ticker-tape parade.  Children would be excused from school.  There might even be a festival.  They might even burn her in effigy every year and set off fireworks.  Storyrbooke’s version of Bonfire Night.
Father would offer her wine and would keep her company until what he called her meloncholia had passed. He would tell her stories of his homeland and sing to her in Spanish until she fell asleep.
Mother would call her weak.  Between torture and manipulation she would twist her suicidal thoughts into homicidal ones then release her onto an unsuspecting and defenceless Storybrooke.
Tinkerbelle would get her up and moving.  Drag her out to drink and socialize.  Make her see that there was something positive in the world left to see and do.
Daniel would hold her close.  Call her sweetheart.  Make her laugh and smile until the tears stopped.
Maleficent would lay in bed with her.  They would get drunk, or perhaps high.  Sometimes they had sex, sometimes not.  She rarely said anything. She would stay, though.  She always until she was sure Regina was stable again.
They were all gone, though,  Regina was alone.  If God, or Gods, or Fate or Destiny or whatever wanted her to live, they needed to send her a sign.
Regina had screamed this, or something similar, out into the void countless times.  She’d never gotten an answer and didn’t expect one now.
Several things happened in rapid succession.  The mirror in the corner of her bedroom started to shake.  She turned her head just in time to see the glass ripple and violet smoke start to pour out of it.  A small shadow came through the glass.  Then the mirror shattered.  Glass fell everywhere and the shadow started to scream and cry.
A child’s cry.  Her instincts reacted before her brain did.  She jerked out of the bed and turned on the lamp in one move.  She hit her feet and scooped the tiny figure off of the mirror covered floor.  Then she breathed.  The lamp filled the room with a little warm light.
The shadow in her arms was a child.  A little girl, to be precise.  She was screaming, crying and clinging to her fiercely.  
It had been years since Regina had held and soothed a toddler.  She had no idea what had happened or who the girl was, but that didn’t matter. She was here and she clearly needed someone to take care of her.  How could anybody, even an Evil Queen, do anything else?  So she shushed the girl, and rocked her. 
Regina stepped around the glass then, belatedly, remembered that she had magic.  She cleared the mess away with a flick of her hand. Then she returned her attention to the girl.
“It’s okay, princess.”  She didn’t know the girls name so she improvised.  “You’re safe.  Whatevers happened is all over now.  You’re safe.  No one is going to hurt you here.  I’ve got you.”
When Henry had been this age, that was often all he’d needed to hear.  His Mommy had him and would keep him safe.  
Regina started to humm as she stroked the child’s back and carded her fingers through her tangled curls.  She hummed an old lullaby.  The same one she’d used with Henry.  The same one her father had sang to her.  She didn’t remember the words anymore, but she did know the tune.
Slowly, after several minutes of humming and rocking, the baby started to speak.  Her voice was small and shaky but Regina could hear and understand her.
“Hair, Mommy.”
The girl looked up and Regina was struck by her eye.  They were a haunting mix of blue and green.  They were familiar, but she couldn’t quite place how.  
“Where hair?”
Regina hadn’t been called Mommy in years.  She had no idea why this tiny stranger was calling her that, but it didn’t matter at the moment.
“My hair?”
She regarded the girl.  Children were odd little creatures at the best of times.  This girl was small, but based on her speech and the fact that she was not (as far as Regina could tell) wearing a diaper, she had to be around three or so.  
Big tears started to form and fall from the baby’s eyes.  “Hair.  Hair.  Hair.”  She reached up and tried to hold onto Regina’s dark hair.  It was too short for much of a grip, though.
The little girl’s breathing started to hitch and wheeze.  Regina blinked and jerked when she realized that the girl sounded like she was about to have an asthma attack.  Regina knew because she’d been afflicted with asthma when she’d been small too.
She didn’t have an inhaler.  They’d have to go to the hospital.  Her brian started to go into overdrive.  
“Hair!”  The girl was crying and her breathing was becoming worse.  She was starting to panic and Regina had no idea why.  
So she closed her eyes, concentrated and let her magic do the work.  Her hair, kept short for years, started to grow.  Her magic allowed her hair to grow long and thick quickly.  It hit then spilled over her shoulders in seconds.  Now weighed down her hair started to wave, curl, then spiral.  It kept growing.  If she had a mirror, she was sure that it would be astonishing to see.  
Little hands grabbed on and wrapped around her hair.  A little face hid against it.  The girl slowly calmed down again.  Her sobs turned to sniffles and her wheezing returned to a calm and normal breathing pattern.  Not asthma, Regina realized, panic.  The toddler had been having a panic attack and her hair was acting like a security blanket.
She stopped the spell when the girl finally calmed all the way down.  Her hair was now as long as it had been when she’d been a girl.  It was more then waist long and if she wasn’t careful, she would sit on it.  
“Mommy.”  The girl spoke quietly.  After the ordeal she had tired herself out.  “The scary lady not here?”
Most people would say that Regina was a scary lady.  This little girl obviously disagreed.  
“No, my little princess, she’s not here.”
It was such a sad and scary thing for a three year old to ask.  Regina’s heart hurt and she wondered what the girl had seen and lived through.  What had she been through to make her so scared?
“You’re safe with me.  We’re safe here.”
The baby yawned.  “Kay.  Mama sent.”
That didn’t make much sense, of course three year olds weren’t exactly fountains of information either.  
The girl pulled a  folded piece of paper out of the oversized tunic she was wearing.  
“Read please.”
Regina unfolded the paper and squinted at the writing.  She didn’t have her glasses, but even without them, she recognized thee handwriting.  It was her own.
//Dear Regina,
There is not much time now.  This is Helena.  She turns three on November the eighth//
So Regina had guessed correctly.  She was almost three, but she was very small for her age.  She was reading out loud in a slow and soft voice.  She pointed at each word.  
She had read to Henry that way too.  He’d loved being read to.  Of course she had read him Curious George and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.  
//There is war here and we are being hunted.  Helena is not safe here so we are sending her to you.  To me.  To us.
To simplify things, I am you and you are me.  The difference is that you cast the Dark Curse and I did not.  Marcus DeLawl was right about parallel realms.//
Really?  She’d read his books and theories years ago.  Most people had considered him to be an idiot or a madman.  She had thought it was plausible.  There were separate realms:  Oz, Wonderland, The World Without Magic.  Why not alternates?  She had seen countless television shows and movies about it.  She had even read about string theory and the theoretical physics that surrounded it.  Of course she now had living and breathing proof of alternate realities.
“You-”  She looked at the girl curled up on her lap.  She-Helena- was sucking her thumb and playing with Regina’s hair.  “-are from a parallel universe?”
Helena didn’t answer, but Regina hadn’t expected her to.
//Protect her.  She is the only good thing I’ve ever done.//
She recognized her signature at the bottom.  Her heart went out to this other Regina.  They were different.  That Regina had not cast the Curse.  They were the same, they were both mothers who just wanted to protect their babies.
Her baby, Henry, was across town.  He would be an amazing brother.  It was funny.  Helena looked a bit like Henry when he was her age.  It was the shape of her nose and ears.  It was the shape of her front teeth and the way that her little incisors were a little crooked.  Henry had sucked his thumb too.  
Helena was asleep.  A sleeping baby was the most calming thing in the world.  She very carefully stood to pull the covers back from the bed so she could ease Helena into the middle of the bed.  She arranged the pillows on the far side of the bed to make sure she didn’t roll.  
She’d done the same for Henry.  She had co-slept with him for longer than the books recommended.  He had been such a cuddly little boy.  She missed him, desperately.  It was a physical pain in her chest.  
Regina looked down at the girl, Helena.  Her heart lurched in her chest.  A daughter.  A little trans-dimensional angel.  She already loved her.
Regina wanted to hide Helena away.  She wanted to keep her safe and secret.  She knew that would lead to disaster.  Emma, Henry and the Two Idiots would never leave her alone.  It would only be a matter of time.  They would eventually demand something, or blame something on her.  They would come knocking and when they saw Helena it would be war.  
Not to mention that children did not do well when they were cooped up.  No.  Helena was here now and for who knew how long.  While she was in Storybrooke, Regina wanted her to enjoy herself.  She wanted to show the little girl everything this world had to offer.
So they were going to Granny’s for Helena’s first breakfast.  After that she was taking her to the toy store.  Then they needed to get her clothes and some furniture.  Regina needed to convert one of the guest bedrooms.  Helena deserved a bedroom fit for well, a princess.
Regina dressed carefully, conservatively.  She layered fabrics like armor.  She wore a three piece suit, complete with waist coat, all black.  She put on a dark purple blouse beneath. She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror with a critical eye. She would need to do a full makeup job today.  To hide the lack of sleep and the fact that she had spent most of last night crying, mourning.  She was wearing mourning colors.  It was appropriate, she supposed. Mother had only died yesterday, after all.  
Regina paused.  If Helena had arrived even a day earlier then Cora would have seen her.  Met her.  Hurt her.  Regina wrapped her arms around herself.  The dichotomy of pain and relief was wreaking havoc with her emotions.  
“Up.”  Helena tugged on her pants leg.  “Please.”
The little girl was very quiet and nervous.  She took everything in with wide eyes but asked very few questions.  
That worried Regina  Three year olds were practically 90% questions.  Henry had been, at least.  The girl had to be confused by what she saw around her.  Regina had spent hours in the bathroom alone in the first days of the curse.  It had all been fascinating and new.  She’d wanted to know everything.
She didn’t want to intimidate the girl, though.  She was only a baby, and had already been through enough trauma.
She sat her on the counter between the two sinks.  “Well, Princess.  What shall you wear today?”  
The little dressing gown she wore might have been acceptable in The Enchanted Forest, but it would never do in Maine.  
Helena didn’t answer.  She was playing with Regina’s hair instead.  
“Helena.”  She wasn’t sure how to talk to the girl.  She was so different then Henry.  “Do you want a dress or breeches and a tunic?”  She was careful to use words that Helena would recognize.
The girl looked up from Regina’s hair.
“You’re not wearing a dress.”  
Regina nodded.  “Today I’m wearing breeches because I want to.”
“Mama likes breetches.”
Regina frowned at the word.  She switched between Mommy and Mama occasionally.  Regina wasn’t sure if she was trying to differentiate between her and the other universe’s Regina or not.
The girl still seemed unsure, scared.  There had been so many fast and drastic changes in her little life.  
Regina smiled.  “Or we can do both?”  A dress and tights might be a good compromise.  It would, perhaps, make the decision easier and it would ensure that Helena was warm enough.  “What is your favorite color?”
Surely she knew her colors.  This alternate version of herself would have taught her that at least.
“Yellow.”  Helena answered immediately.
Regina smiled and booped the girl on the nose with a single finger.  “I like yellow too.”
She closed her eyes, pictured a little girl’s clothes in her head and conjured them. They appeared on the counter with a small purple swirl.  Helena didn’t seem surprised or impressed with the magic.  She did, however, like the dress.  It was bright yellow with a sequined duck on the front and ruffled sleeves.  White tights and underpants, and tiny yellow canvas shoes.  
“Okay, Princess.  Lets get you dressed.”
She had to adjust the sizes a little as they went, but overall it was a painless process.  
Helena grabbed a hairbrush, something the same in both worlds.
“Of course, darling.  Do you want one braid or two?”
Helena’s hair, one braid like Mommy apparently, was quick, easy and topped off with a yellow bow.  Her own, much longer, hair took more time.
Helena’s hair was the same curl and texture as her own, but a couple of shades lighter.  The same went for her skintone.  It was lighter than Regina’s own.  Who had her father been?  Daniel? No she was far too young for that.  Graham, perhaps?  The timing was closer to correct.  Had there been someone else? 
“Who is you father, Helena?”
She asked while she was trying to deal with her hair.  Now she remembered why she’d kept a couple of handmaidens around as Queen.  
Helena answer came in the form of a giggle.  “No! You silly!”
Tired of fighting with her hair, she used magic to secure the rest of the intricate braid and pinned all but a small section up and back.  She left a braided section down and over her shoulder so Helena had something to hold on to.
“No, you’re the silly one!”  
Duckies.  Regina decided as she scooped the girl up.  She would need to buy rubber duckies for her.  Henry had preferred dinosaurs and, oddly, cows as his bathtime companions.  Helena would have an entire family of ducks to play with.  Bubble bath.  Children’s shampoo.  Detangling spray.  
They had so much to buy!  
“Come on.  Let’s go face the day.”
Helena grabbed onto her braid as an answer.
Regina decided that the car was too much to explain to a three year old who had never seen anything more advanced then a carriage.  So she put on her peacoat and conjured Helena a matching one in yellow.
Yesterday she had been on a rampage in town with her mother.  Today she was going shopping with her daughter from another world.  Regina was reasonably sure that shock was what allowed her to keep moving forward. She was well and truley numb to the emotional implications of everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours.  Eventually she would probably crumble.  
Right now was not that time.
“This is Storybrooke, Helena.  You are safe here.”  
She walked with Helena on her hip.  The closer she got to town, the more people there were.  Some stared.  Some ran.  
Regina held her head up high and ignored them.  Helena tugged on her braid and said nothing.  
“We are going to break our fasts at an inn.”  She had to force herself to use language and phrases that she had abandoned years ago.  She didn’t want to confuse the girl.
“Then we are going to go to some shops to buy some clothes and toys for you.”
Helena turned and hid her face in Regina’s neck.  She was overwhelmed.
Regina had purposely waited until after the usual morning rush to go to Granny’s.  She hoped it would be quiet.  She entered and was relieved to see that only a few people were scattered through the restaurant.  
She made a bee-line to one of the booths furthest from the door.  Granny stood in the middle of the aisle, arms crossed and glaring at her.  Regina was shocked that she didn’t have her crossbow.
“You’ve got some nerve Your Majes-”  Eugenia stopped mid-word.  “Who’s this?”
The woman was many thighs, but she wasn’t cruel.  She could see a tiny child in her arms.
“Mrs. Lucas.  This is Helena and before you run off to call the cavalcade of heroes, sit down and I will explain.”
Granny huffed and narrowed her eyes, but let Regina pass.
“Sit.”  She paused before sitting across from Regina.  “Does the little one need a booster?”
Regina shook her head.  She was very sure that getting Helena off of her lap would be an impossible task.
“Darling, we’re going to sit down.  I have someone I’d like you to meet.”  She quickly removed Helena’s coat and then her own overcoat.  
She and Helena settled into the booth seat.  
“Helena, this is Mrs-Granny.  This is Granny.  Granny, this is Helena.  She just arrived last night.”  
Helena didn’t hide her face, but she kept a tight grip on Regina’s braid.
“Manners, please, Helena.”
The little girl straitened up.  “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Granny.” 
It was the longest sentence Regina had heard the girl say.  It was also, obviously, practiced.  
“And a pleasure to meet you, Helena.”
Granny looked between the two of them and Regina could see the cogs turning in her head.
“She arrived through my mirror last night.”  Regina pulled the letter from her inside blazer pocket.  “She had this with her.”  She handed the letter to Granny.  “She calls me Mommy and is absolutely terrified.”
It was, Regina knew, an outrageous story.  She also knew that her credibility was not exactly stellar.
Granny read over the note then looked at the two of them.  “That explains the smell.”
Regina raised a brow.  
“The little princess reeks of the old world, magic and something odd.  Sometime I’ve never smelled before.  Another world could explain it.”   
Said princess was currently staring at Granny with her head cocked to the side. Almost as if she recognized her, but not quite.
“But you don’t recognize her?”  Regina knew it was a ridiculous question, but she had to ask.
“No.  She favors you, though.  Your father too, for that matter.  Not so much your moth-”  Granny stopped abruptly.  “My condolences, Regina.  I don’t have any nice words to say about her, but she was your mother.”  Her mouth twisted.  “Lost a mother and gained a daughter on the same day.  The universe works in mysterious ways.”
Regina blinked.  She hadn’t expected any of this.  Not the condolences.  Not for someone to call Helena her daughter.  Not the kindness nor the understanding.
“What are you going to do?”  Granny smiled.  “Besides get this baby some breakfast?”
Regina remembered this.  Granny had been kind to her like this before.  When Henry had been small and she had been struggling to learn how to be a mother.
“I-”  She didn’t know.  “-am going to buy her some things.  I don’t know how long she’ll be here.  I want to take care of her while she is.”
Granny nodded.  “And in the grand scheme of things?”
Regina chuckled.  It was a dark and bitter sound.  “I have no idea.”
She had no idea where the honesty was coming from.  “It will only be a matter of time before everyone knows about her and then.”  She sighed.  “I don’t know.  I just don’t know.”
Granny nodded.  “Red!”  
Her grandaughter instantly jerked around and scurried over.  She got about halfway there when she sped up to an almost run.  She’d obviously spotted Regina and was about to rescue her grandmother from the Evil Quen.
Regina could tell, right down to the second, when she saw Helena.  Ruby almost tripped over her own feet.
“Is that a kid?”
Helena suddenly stood up.  Her feet dug into Reginas thighs painfully.
“Auntie Red?”  She finally let Regina’s braid go. “You has two eyes.”
Everyone went silent.
“Where’s my Bell-Bell?”
Regina was absolutely flabbergasted.  Had she just called Ruby her aunt and asked for Belle French?
“What the fu-”
Granny’s glare stopped the curse from coming out of Ruby’s mouth.
“-ddle is going on?”
“Do you know her, Ruby?”
Ruby shook her head.  “She looks like you and smells weird.”
Regina could not believe what was happening.
“I’ll go get some pancakes.”  Granny stood up.  “While you bring Ruby up to speed.”
The explanation was short and Ruby nodded along.
“Princess?”  Regina held Helena’s little hands in her own.  “You know Ruby-I mean Red?  Can you tell me.”
“Silly Mommy.”  Helena rolled her eyes.  It was like watching a miniature of herself be sarcastic.  It was odd yet endearing.  “Safe is Mommy, Mama, Abuelo, Auntie Red and Bell Bell.”  
Again it sounded practiced, like something that had been drilled into the toddler.
“If no safe be Jane.”
“Jane?”  Regina didn’t understand.
“If no safe then I Jane.  Jane from Potter Field.  Mommy gone.  Daddy farm.”
A three year old had been taught to lie about her identity?  Wait.  Abuelo?
“You know your Abuelo, Princess?”  
Helena shook her head, almost amused by Regina’s questions.  “Him Henry.  With Bell Bell.”
Her father was alive.  Of course.  If she hadn’t cast the curse then she hadn’t murdered him.  He was alive.  He had a grandchild that he got to meet and know.
Completely unaffected by Regina’s emotions and Red’s confusion, Helena kept speaking.
“Red.  How you get two eyes?”  She covered her left eye with her hand.  “Awoos?”
She looked around, far more alert and interested in her surroundings now.  “Abuelo and Bell Bell here too?”
Regina felt her heart crack and tears burn in her eyes.  “No.”  She had to push the word out around the lump in her throat.  “No, Baby, Abuelo isn’t here.”
Granny came back by with a mug of coffee and a cup of milk.
“Here you go.”
Regina tried to pick up the mug but her hand was shaking.
“She knows about my wolf.”  Red sounded amazed.  “And keeps asking for Belle.”  Ruby paused.  “And her paternal grandfather.  This is weird.  Even for Storybrooke, and that is saying something.”
Now comfortable and seemingly happy, Helena took a drink of milk, which gave her a large milk mustache.
“Oh my god she is so cute.  She looks just like Hen when he was that age.”  Ruby all but squealed.  “I remember when you guys would come in just like this.  He was a lap baby too.  Oh.  I mean.  Sorry, Regina.”
Ruby blinked and had an odd look on her face.  Like she had forgotten that they had all remembered.  For a second everything had been normal again.
“Jeeze this is weird.  Just.  So.  Weird.”
The enormity of the situation was hitting Regina now.  The numbness was fading.  Pain and fear were creeping in.  
“Are we supposed to fight now?”
Ruby sounded genuinely confused.  Like she had just stepped through a mirror into an alternate world too.  Regina felt that way too.  Everything was twisting, turning and warping.  She didn’t know what to say next.  
Regina didn’t have any fight left in her.  She wasn’t even sure she would be out of bed if not for Helena.  The next time she asked the universe for a sign, she would be more specific.
“Please, no.”
Red was loyal to Snow, and Regina knew that the woman was itching to run to her friend.
Wait.  Red was loyal to Snow.  Why would she be a safe person for Helena?  She and Snow were bitter enemies.  Therefore so were she and Red.  Was the other world that different?
The bell over the diner door rang and Ruby turned her head to see who it was.  Regina didn’t bother to look.  She didn’t care.  She had too much to worry about already.
Suddenly, Helena jumped up again.  She clambored onto the table and then jumped down. 
She ran as fast as her little legs could go and crashed right into the newcomer.
Regina stood to go get her and apologize when the word Mama registered in her mind.  Then she looked up and saw a very bewildered Emma Swan.
The stress of the last two days.  The death of her mother.  The apperance of her daughter.  An alternate world.  Now this.  Emma Swan was the mama, the other mother, of her child.  Again.
She felt like she was under water.  She was moving, but slowly.  She could see people speaking, but couldn’t hear them.  She couldn’t breath.
Dark dots danced in her eyes then she was gone.
One normal day.  That was all Emma wanted.  One day without witches, goblins, dragons or magical shenanigans.  She just wanted coffee, a doughnut (or three), and some peace and quiet.
She had a lot on her mind.  Like more than she’d ever had to fit in her brain at the same time ever.  
Neal, like the jackass who had knocked up, framed up and fucked her all up, was Rumplestiltskin’s son.  He was a fucking fairytale character too.  Who had abandoned her for her destiny, or so he said.  She called bullshit, but whatever.
Snow.  She had withdrawl into her bed and was acting like a zombie.  Which was sort of ridiculous, if you asked Emma.  It hadn’t been her Mom that had died.  Not that Emma was pro Cora or anything, but still.  Snow had been way out of line and was now acting like she was the victim.  David was fawning over her too.  Emma didn’t think any of it was right or sane.  What did she know though, she was new to all of this fairy tale bullshit.
Henry.  She had a kid.  Who relied on her and wanted her to be his parent.  Like, full time.  She was starting to realize that she didn’t know how to be a parent.  She was the cool, fun, cut class and eat pizza mom.  She didn’t know how to do homework or laundry or, like, groceries.  She could barely take care of herself.  She was currently living with her own parents for fucks sake.  She had exactly no idea what she was doing.  The Kid kne that too, because he’d grown up with a perfect mom.  Regina.
Regina.  Good God, Regina.  She was.  Well, Emma wasn’t even sure how to describe Regina.  Regina punched me in then face once, it was awesome.  Emma rolled her eyes at her own stupid brain joke.  Seriously, though, Regina did pack a punch.  She also loved Henry with every bit of her batshit insane heart and soul.  She also loved her mother.  Which Emma sort of understood.  People with abusive parents (and she had no doubts that Cora had abused Regina) still loved them.  Now Cora was dead and Regina was alone.  Like, totally alone. Emma hated that she felt guilty.  She knew she hadn’t killed Cora, but she certainly hadn’t helped either.
She had even threatened Regina, had hurt her.  A fight was a fight and Regina had given as good as she’d got.  Emma wasn’t sure why she felt so shitty about the whole thing.
Because.  She reminded herself.  You have a big ol’ lesbian crush on her.
Emma really needed to stop binge watching old movies.  Movie quote or not, it was true.  She did, sort of, have a thing for Regina.  A tiny thing.  Like lust with some extras.  Not love or anything.  Not that.  Just intense interest and worry and stuff.
So yeah.  She had a lot on her plate.  So she just wanted to fill up an actual plate with sugar and carbs.  She wanted five damn minutes to think.  She wanted to not be the savior anymore.  She wasn’t even sure she wanted to be the Sheriff either.  She just wanted a day, an hour, a damn minute, to herself.  
So when she walked into Granny’s, of course all hell broke lose.  
Hell came in the form of a toddler running at her.
“Mama!”  A kid, a very tiny human, launched themselves at her legs and squeezed like their little life depended on it.
“Mama!  Up!”
Emma didn’t know what the hell to do.  When a kid, no a tot really, asked to be picked up, you had to do it.  It was, like, the law or something.  She picked up the tot, a girl, and took a good look at her.  
The little girl was dressed in yellow, had dark curly hair and.  Emma felt the rug being pulled out from under her.  The world turned upside down and inside out.  The tot had her eyes.  Same shape, same color, same everything.
She looked away from the girl.  Regina was standing there, staring at them.
Regina, of course it was Regina.  Why wouldn’t it be her?
She opened her mouth to say something.  To demand an explanation.  To ask her if she was okay.  To ask who this tot really was. Emma didn’t get to say anything.
Regina’s eyes fluttered, rolled back and then she fell.  She fainted and would have smacked the ground if Ruby hadn’t been right there to catch her.
“Mommy!”  The girl screamed and squirmed.  “Mommy!”  She was fighting to get out of Emma’s arms.  So she put the girl down.  Shewent right to Regina.  “Mommy.”  She grabbed Regina’s hair and tugged on it.  “Mommy!”  She was starting to cry.
Emma felt completely and utterly helpless.  Regina was a mommy again.  Henry’s and now, apparently, Helena’s mommy.  A mommy who had fainted.  Her baby mommy?
“What.”  Emma choked out.  “The.  Hell.”
Ruby picked Regina up like she weighed nothing.  “C’mon.  I’ve got the Queen.  You get the princess.”  Ruby shook her head.  “Freaking Wierd.”
Emma followed Ruby back into the Inn’s parlor.  Regina was unconcious.  The kidlet was squealing.  Emma had no idea what was going on and already hated it.
Ruby arranged Regina on the couch and frowned down at her.  “Probably hasn’t eaten in a while.  Since, uh, you know.”
Sure.  Yeah.
“Go ahead and sit down, Ems.  I’ll catch you up.”  She motioned to one of the nearby overstuffed chairs.  “Trust me, you’re gonna want to sit for this.”
The tot went to Regina.  She fussed around with her hair and grabbed a chunk of it.  Emma blinked.  A big chunk.  Regina’s hair had grown by like five times since she’d last seen her.  Which made about the same amount of sense as anything else.
“So.  We’re kind of pieceing this together as we go.”  Ruby sighed.  “But pretty much.  This is Helena and we’re pretty sure she’s your and Regina’s daughter from another dimension sent here to escape a war.  She got here last night through a magical mirror portal.  She calls me Auntie Red and might know Belle too.  Regina’s uh-”
Ruby looked at the unconscious woman.  “Handling it pretty well, or she was until the whole fainting thing.”
Emma frowned.  Regina had fainted.  That wasn’t right, right?  Like it wasn’t healthy.  Also the tot was super upset about it.  She should do something?  Right?
She looked at Ruby for answers, but the other woman seemed just as clueless.
Emma stood up and went over the the couch.  She carefully patted Regina’s shoulder.
“Um, Regina?”  She patted her again.  “You okay?”
Regina didn’t stir an inch.  Emma sank down to the carpet beside the couch.  She looked over at the kid.  “So, Tatertot, I guess we’re going to wait until Mommy wakes up.”
“Kiss, Mama.  Kiss.  Wake up Mommy.”  She tugged on Emma’s sleeve.  “Kiss!”
Granny came in with a couple of plates.  
“Apparently you and Regina were a couple in her world.  She believes in true love.”  
Well the Tatertot was way wrong.  In this world she and Regina weren’t lovers, in love or even like.  Regina hated her and Emma had confusing feelings.  Not exactly a true love scenario.
“Here, Little One.”  Granny brought her a plate of silver-dollar pancakes with a smiley face made out of whipped cream.  “Your Mommy wanted you to eat.”
Emma watched the girl.  She looked at the plate with big hungry eyes, but she hadn’t let go of Regina’s hair.  It was like her teddy bear or something.
“Hey.  I’ve got Mommy.  I’m right here to keep her and you safe.  You eat and then we’ll figure out the rest.”
Emma looked over Regina’s still face.  Despite the makeup, she could see that she was exhausted.  At this angle she tell that Regina had lost weight.  It showed in her hollow cheeks and slender-gone bony hands.  She had felt thin in Emma’s arms yesterday, almost boney - fragile in more ways than one.
God, Emma didn’t want to think about that.
Well, she didn’t have time to think.  Now she had to figure out what to say and fast.
“My head.”
“Mommy!”  Helena immediately jumped into action.  She put a little hand each of Regina’s cheeks.  “Safe.  Mama here.”
Regina’s eyes darted to the side to see Emma.  “You’re Helena’s other mother?”
It was freakishly like the first time they’d met.  “Um.”  Emma hadn’t known what to say that night with Henry either.  “Hi?”
So one thing had lead to another and after everyone had been properly fed and caffeinated, Emma walked with Regina and Helena to every store in town.  Like it was a normal, every day, situation.
Like having a magical-lesbians-daughter from another dimension was totally normal.  Sure! 
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Savior (Series 81) - Erik Černák
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(This GIF is mine, but feel free to share his beautiful smile. *wink*)
I whish you a wonderful day. I decided to finally post this thing. It is the very first part of a little project of mine. I named it Series 81 (yes very creative of me, sue me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and it is a serie of oneshots, which should make sense without reading the other parts. I am creating a new universe for this serie and all of the Series 81 oneshots will be from the same AU. Does that make sense? No? Too bad.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 1 of Series 81
Word count: 2577
Noise, lights, people and alcohol.
Loud music bouncing off of the isolated underground walls, to prevent the noise complaints from coming, is blending together with the voices of dancers. Dancers, who would stubbornly claim, that the sound was actually singing. If you asked anyone else, they would tell you the exact opposite.
Flashing lights could cause more than one seizure to an epileptic, but make no worries to the tipsy dancers. The dance floor is flooded by not the smallest amount of bodies per say. Only one spot remains almost empty. In the very corner, next to the DJ booth. Just a few seconds prior it was occupied by a group of young girls, dancing their night away. Gradually they slipped away to go god knows where. Safe for one.
Little blond girl is suddenly left all alone, her friends excusing themselves with a promise to be right back. They aren't. But the creepy looking guy, who's been eyeing her the entire night, is. Now he is trying to get closer to her, but she's not having any of that. She makes the bee-line for their table. However, the table is now claimed by some strangers with drinks in hands. She huffs and turns on her heel. He's still looking. More like staring.
She fidgets with her phone and clicks the contact icon. No signal. Is this some kind of a sick joke or bad karma? She thinks. She runs up the stairs and next to the very entrance, the signal is back.
The number is dialed and it rings.
She doesn't pick up.
"Why the hell can't she pick up the damn phone when I need her?" she mumbles desperately under her breath. Suddenly she remembers. Her jacket. It was left forgotten in the booth filled with strangers. She goes back. Speed-walking by the pair of eyes making her skin crawl. She asks for her jacket. When she is handed the jacket she makes a run for the bathroom. In the tiny space she splashes her face with water. It’s times like these she is really grateful for not wearing any make up at all.
She stays there for a little longer than necessary, hoping that by the time she leaves her friends will have returned already.
When she emerges and walks over to the dance floor she is met only with the disgusting stare again. She turns on her heel to leave, but is met with a hard surface she is pretty sure wasn't here couple of seconds ago. A yelp escapes her mouth and she takes a step back.
"I'm sorry, are you alright?"
The hard surface is in fact a broad chest of a tall man standing in front of her. She takes in his features. Light hair, or so she assumes since it is pretty dark in the club, besides the flashing lights. His shoulders are wide and that face...
Recognition flashes in her eyes. Her lips form an "o".
The voice speaks again. This time in English instead of her native language.
"I am fine." She finally responds, in Slovak. "I'm sorry I didn't see you I was... " she trails off. Trying to get away from that creepy dude over here. She thinks.
"Which one?" he looks around.
"That creepy guy. Is that him?" he jabs his chin behind her. She looks over her shoulder briefly.
"Yeah," she nods.
"I'm Erik, by the way." says the not so mysterious man and extends his hand to her.
"Lucia," she accepts his hand.
"So, you want some help getting rid of him?"
"I- yeah, actually yes." She mentally face palms for tripping over her own words. He only smiles.
"Would you like to dance?" He offers. She gives him a small nod. She is led towards the dance floor with her hand in his, which makes her heart rate quicken. But not the same way like when she was followed by the creepy gaze. The blaring music pulses trough her veins while she does her best to forget the weird guy. Having Erik as a distraction right in front of her helps a lot, though. The way his eyes stay glued on her face makes her insides warm. His gaze flicks behind her and he reaches for her. He grabs her waist and leans in.
"He's looking." He talks over the music.
"So you're doing it only because he is watching us and you are definitely not using the situation to your advantage." She muses.
"I might be." A smirk stretches on his lips.
Her hands wrap around his neck and her smirk mirrors his own. The roaring noise makes her almost deaf, yet she swears she can hear her heart beating in her ears. That's what his cocky little smirk and touch do to her. She might have just met him, but she's realised one thing the moment she met his gaze. She's fucked and under his spell. She might be a little shy, but she sure as hell ain't giving up that easily. Two can play this game.
Her palm slides down his chest and back up to his arm. She traces the muscles on his arm all the way down towards his wrist. She grabs it and brings it in the air. She makes him twirl like men do to women while they dance. Erik laughs, but plays along. A smile makes its way on her features. He takes her hands. He turns her in his arms, with her arms crossed over her chest. He leans down to her ear.
"Why are you here alone?" his breath fans her neck, making a shiver run down her back.
"I am not alone," she turns and pushes his chest. His hand reaches for her wrist before she can get too far.
He spins her and brings her back to him. Putting his hands on her waist she places her small ones on his broad shoulders.
"I take it there is no boyfriend to worry about."
"If I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't need you in the first place," she answers confidently.
He squeezes her hips dragging her closer. His lips grazing the delicate skin of her exposed neck while he speaks his next words."You sure do run your mouth."
The breath gets caught in her throat. "But you like it," he doesn't miss the teasing in her words. A deep groan rumbles in his chest. She might not hear it, but she does feel it under her fingers.
A familiar song comes through the speakers and she pulls away a bit. She grabs his hands and smiles big. She starts waving around their conjoined hands like a mad person. Apparently this is her dance style.
When his gaze falls upon her moving figure he smiles just as wide. He's just gotten back home from Tampa and decided to blow off some steam in a club with his friends. It's been a long season and corona delaying the playoffs sure as hell made this summer different. Thank goodness for having the bars and clubs open, with limited capacity of course. Tonight he won't be thinking about hockey, though.
Who would have thought that after everything that is happening around him he would quite literally stumble upon a woman like Lucia.
Behind Erik she spots her friends coming back in. They haven't noticed her yet, but are looking around. She slips away from his grip.
"I have to go." She looks away from his piercing gaze and makes a move to step around him.
"Wait," he catches her arm gently. "Don't run away from me. Even Cinderella left a shoe behind," he smiles.
"Smooth." The corner of her lips tugs up into a devilish smirk. "Give me your best pick-up line and I just might leave something behind."
He pauses, thinking. Then he opens his mouth as he speaks. "I've got one, but it's in English," he rubs the back of his neck. Suddenly seeming out of place.
"Try me."
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
This one is her favourite. If it's finished correctly, that is.
"No, I actually crawled from hell," she gives him an innocent smile. This is the part where she tests him.
"So that's why you're so damn hot." If it wasn't his words, then it was the smirk what did it for her. Lucia motions for Erik to hand her his phone. He happily obliges. She goes to his apps and adds herself on snapchat. He didn't think he would get her number that easily, did he?
"Here," she pushes the small box into his palm. She stands on her tiptoes and leans on his shoulder. She quickly presses a kiss to his cheek and disappears as if she's never been there. But she was. And the proof is now in his phone.
"There you are. Where were you?" one of her friends, a short brunette, asks her as soon as she approaches their group.
"Me? All of you disappeared and left me here alone. Which reminds me. Where the fuck were you?" She jumps into the defence mode immediately.
"I told you I went out to buy cigarettes. Calm down," the girl resists to roll her eyes.
"Wanna dance?" a tall equally brown-haired girl asks.
"Sure," all of them answer as one. The girls make their way to the dance floor. From the very center where they managed to squeeze in, Lucia catches a familiar par of eyes. And then another, one she would rather forget. She fixes him with a glare and resumes her dance moves. Her favourite song comes up and she squeals. She leans toward her friends. "This is my song." She yells over the loud music. They all laugh, but scream the lyrics on the top of their lungs with her.
Suddenly Lucia feels a presence behind her. She tenses, her eyes crying for help.  But her friends are too busy to actually notice that. Hands settling on her waist finally get a reaction out of her. She spins pushing his chest. She is in the middle of the process of raising her hand when she realises who it is.
"Do riti Erik! You scared me!"
"I'm sorry, but that guy was getting close again so I thought I'd give you a hand, " he smiles innocently.
"Or two hands on my waist, right?" she raises her brows, a smirk stretching on her lips.
"Didn't think you'd mind,"mirroring her expression he extends his arm towards her. "Shall we dance?"
Before she has the chance to grab his outstretched hand her friends are dragging her away. She grimaces kind of apologetically.
"I'll see you,"she mouths. Yeah, in the friking TV. She thinks bitterly.
After a rather long walk through the town they finally get to the bus stop. Maybe and maybe not four police cars go by and maybe and maybe not one of them actually stops to ask if everything is okay. Because maybe and maybe not some of the girls were dancing on the bus stop.
When Lucia finally gets on the bus she fishes her phone out of her purse. She takes a pic of the darkness behind the bus window and posts it on snapchat.
Are you going by bus?
Are you alone in a bus at night??
I mean, there are some people in the bus...
What bus are you on?
N1 why?
Do you get off on the terminus?
If anything happens during the bus ride text me okay?
He is worried about me?
Why, yes. Erik is indeed worried about Lucia. Finding out a pretty girl from the club is going home alone in the dark, sure does make one feel unsettling to say the least.
The bus ride goes rather smoothly. It's just the fact that the guy sitting a few rows in front of Lucia on a seat facing her keeps looking at her. To say it makes her stomach bubble with uneasiness would be an understatement. The closer to the terminus the bus gets the emptier the bus is.
When it's time to get off it's only her and another older lady sitting in the very back. She steps outside into the dark of the night and looks around to make sure no danger is waiting around.
A tall male figure is standing near the lamp post. His hair is indeed blond, just like she assumed before. She approaches him with a rather quiet "ahoj".
"Hi. Where to?" he asks.
She rises her eyebrows with an amused smile playing on her lips. "At least ask me out first."
"I might. If you are nice." He smirks.
"Too bad. I am a very mean person." She shrugs.
"Are you now?" He lifts his brow.
"Yeah." She moves her shoulders again. "Come on it's kinda cold." She gestures with her hand and starts walking.
"Is that an invitation?" He follows.
"Don't push your luck Erik."
After a minute or so Erik's deep voice cuts through the quiet air of Košice. "Watcha doin' next week?"
She smirks."I am going out with this hot guy I met recently." She answers nonchalantly.
"Really? And who that might be?"He catches on her intentions quickly.
"You see he lives in Florida, you probably don't know him." She shakes her head. Just as the chilly breeze wraps its arms around her a shiver runs through her body. Soon a denim-like hoodie is placed on her shoulders.
"I though he was some local or something." He states as if he didn't just give her the only layer of his clothing other than the tight T-shirt.
"He's a Košice born guy actually." She shrugs. "Won't you be cold?" She looks up at him, but pulls the hoodie tighter.
"Nah, I can hear your teeth clattering. Keep it." He shakes his head. "So when are the two of you going out?"
"Monday at two I guess." She shrugs again. She sure does shrug a lot.
"Good." He nods.
They stop in front of an old flat and she turns around to face him."Thanks for walking me home and making sure and I didn't die along the way."She laughs. He likes her laugh. He really does.
"Mom would be ashamed of me if I let a pretty lady go home alone at night. "She chuckles again. A shiver runs down his spine when the wind blows again. She makes a move to return him the hoodie, but he extends his hand and shakes his head lightly.
"I'll get it back later."
She laughs shaking her head."You guys always let us have your clothes just to see us again."
He smirks. "You caught me."
"Just try not to freeze to death."
"I'll try to stay alive till Monday. Your smile will keep me warm." He winks.
"Gosh you're cheesy." She couldn't help, but roll her eyes.
He takes a step closer."I am glad I met you."
Lucia's confident facade wavers for a second."Same here."
They just stand there looking at each other not letting out a single tone slip past their lips. Erik leans closer, his hot breath fanning over her cold cheeks. Lucia inches towards him, but not connecting their lips yet. She wants him to take the last step. And so he does, slightly leaning in meeting the pink lips of the girl he quite literally ran into.
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mxndanemagic · 3 years
When Ozwald had appeared at Ella's door one day - questioning if her passport was good to use - the witch wondered where she'd been summoned to. It wasn't always common to have one of Moira's assistants drop by. The half vampire usually tended to the higher ups matters on her own. No use asking too many questions when it cane to Moira's instructions.
"Work in an efficient and practical way." Ella recalled Ozwald muttering as he looked around her home. "You don't need to pack. She also mentioned not to try telling anyone you're going anywhere. Not like you would." He gives a shake of his head - running a single finger across the surface of a shelf. His brows had furrowed at the smallest amount of dust that had gathered. "You should sweep here more often."
Ella just remembered nodding and grabbing what she was allowed to bring: phone, passport, and the jewel pendant she'd always been seen wearing. "Why are we traveling by plane anyway? If you know where we're going we can just use a teleportation spell."
Ozwald had shrugged and answered with an exhausted tone. Commenting how he wish it were that simple but Moira had mentioned that they needed to keep the magic usage to a minimum. Something about tracking their whereabouts with any remnants of spellcasting. They couldn't afford risking the location of who they were seeing. Too many "traitors" looking for a chance to strike. The witch could feel her confusion growing - who in the world was Moira having her see? "Should be a familiar face. At least by name." Ozwald chuckled. "Ever ride on a private plane, Nowell?"
Everything had been set at private location - automated car to where they'd board the plane. Couldn't trust anyone according to Moira and parroted by Ozwald. The secrecy to this sudden trip had Ella becoming concerned. She had easily agreed to go with Ozwald to meet Moira who knows where. Had they discovered what she had been up to? Would it be something regarding Evelynn? Why would they want her...
"Do you remember the Ambers?" Ozwald's question brings her out of her festering panic. "Their representative was at the last meeting between the heads of each coven. Though if I remember correctly, Scarlet hasn't handed over that title to you, yet." he smiles with amusement. "It's hard competing when you've got siblings, huh?"
Ella returns a polite smile, tucking loose strands of hair behind her hair. "It's a little early to be luring out gossip, Oz. As for the Ambers - afraid they flew under the radar for me." Just play dumb - see what she can get him to spill during the flight. Ozwald's surprised expression is all Ella needs to know he's fallen for her bait.
"You're usually read up on all the families, Nowell. Keeping tabs on things? Well, no worries - you wouldn't have found much. The Ambers are pretty good at keeping a down low profile. Surely you know of their ties to your late grandmother..."
Ella had her suspicions of Evelynn's relations to the Ambers- had tried skimming any source she could find. Yet the Ambers were nobodies and somebody at any given moment depending on who you spoke to. They hadn't been relevant among the other covens in years according to her cousin. "Don't bother with them." Astra had advised sternly before returning to her seclusion within her manor when Ella had visited.
"The actual head of the family hasn't been seen in decades. Rumors say he took his life when his son was killed."
She's quiet at the information shared - he did say it was rumors but Ella was certain she heard of the family falling to disgrace because of taboo magic. The head of the family had had taken his life due to that...at least she assumed that was the case. "What does this have to do with Evelynn?"
It's Ozwald's turn to return the same polite smile she had given to him before. "Can't share too much now can I, Ella?" he sits back against his seat and is silent the rest of the flight.
When they arrived at the destination, Ella had no clue where it was. It felt like she had gone back in time. The homes appeared dated - lacking any sign of modern design as dense forests surrounded the nearby area. She could spot livestock roaming about and occupants of the home busying thenselves with farming and...old magic? The methods of then still in use? Hadn't that been phased out with lack of resources? Ozwald lets out a yawn, shoving hands into his pockets before hailing down a villager that appears a bit startled at the sight of them.
"Pardon, my companion and I are looking for the highest estate of this village. We've been summoned by him." He explains in a matter of fact tone. 
"Are ya outsiders, child? What proof do you have of your business here?" The villager sneers, glancing over at Ella before looking back to Ozwald. "That's no pureblood - what games are you playing?" They continue their interrogation. Other residents of the village begin to watch and listen - not so welcoming gazes settling on them.
Ozwald scoffs and dismisses the villagers accusations. He motions for Ella to come over and retrieves a switchblade from his pocket. "Listen you damn geezer - Ella give me your palm." He instructs promptly. What was the blade even f-
"What the hell Ozwald!" A sting across her fingers has the witch trying to yank her hand back. Ozwald holds the limb firmly in place though as a clean cut forms and fresh drops of blood drip out. The blood is dark red as it hits the dirt covered ground only to darken further with each drop.
"See? Witch's blood. Fresh as you can get it." Ozwald smirks, letting go of Ella's hand. "Now, may we get directions to see the man of the hour or do you need further demonstrations?"
The villager gives a huff and gives him a light push to the side. They approach Ella and hand her a small pouch - patting her on the arm with their other hand. "For your troubles little witch. My apologies for doubting. That should heal your cut nicely." They look over to Ozwald once more, grumbling complaints before providing the info they're looking for. "What trouble are you two in to be seen by that man?" they ask. Ozwald hesitates to answer, his gaze looks over the villager and surveys if the other occupants of the area are no longer listening. Something seems to have caught his eye, briskly moving past the villager to grab Ella's hand.
"Nice try but we have somewhere to be. Don't think you'd want Moira to report to him about you being nosy." He counters before leading Ella along the path ahead. Once they're a bit away from any curious residents - Ozwald lets go of her hand and continues forward. "Good thing we were prepared, huh?"
"You could have told me what you were up to. I would have provided a sample of my blood on my own." Ella complains. "What was that all about anyway? What's up with this place...it's all-"
"Frozen in time? Yeah you can say he has an attachment to for what used to be. Those old town geezers are hungry for any signs of a witch that's being brought to trial. Don't worry about yourself, though. We wouldn't be escorting you this nicely to your demise." Ozwald laughs. "Try not to look so annoyed - we need to look professional for our little visit." he adds, playful demeanor disappearing instantly. "I brought up the Ambers for a reason, Nowell. The person we're seeing is someone you don't want to make an enemy of. Unfortunately due to circumstances, your current standing with them isn't entirely in your favor."
"Enough with the secrecy, Oz. Who is it we're seeing?"
"I'm sure you're aware that only a select few know the identity of the High Priest. He's kept himself hidden and governs things from the shadows in a domain that's never move forward in time." He answers.
Ella's walking stops, wondering if she's hearing Ozwald correctly. "You can't possibly mean all of this..." she gestures to their surroundings. "Is because of him?"
"Correct and I can say for certain he isn't going to be happy to see you. That's out of your hands though - you got stuck sharing some similarities with his grand daughter."
Ozwald looks over his shoulder with a grin. "You catch on fast. Good! Saves me time and I can get out of here faster. Sorry I can't stick around but you'll be fine. Moira would have my head if this all went downhill. You're lucky! She hasn't even got to meet him face to face."
The witch wanted to go home. . .
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willow-salix · 4 years
New chapter is up. You can read the previous ones here.
The man could only be seen in profile, the room he sat in so dark that you could make out nothing of his features, even his voice was carefully neutral, leading them to believe that he was using some kind of voice modifier. 
It didn't matter to them who he was though, just that he was the one paying them ridiculous amounts of money to follow his instructions to the letter. They never questioned the reasons behind their clients instructions, it wasn't their place to, they were just there to do the job. 
He could still picture the scene perfectly, even though he tried to avoid doing so. No one wanted to be reminded of the day their world had come crashing down around them and changed forever. 
She had been everything to him, the only family he had ever known and truthfully the only family he had ever felt he needed. She had never remarried, nor had he ever known her to even go out on a date. Her whole world had revolved around him. 
He had gotten used to the taunts, the sneering chants of "mama's boy, mama's boy" every time he had broken down in tears, the bullying getting to be too much. It hadn't been his fault that he didn't have the latest fashions on his feet or the newest phone in his pocket, his mother worked long hours in a job she hated just to keep the roof over their heads and just enough food in the cupboards to fill their bellies. 
But they had been happy, she had been the very best mother that a boy could ever have wanted. Caring and kind to a fault, cherishing him above all others. She had never blamed him for ruining her life or for holding her back from the things that she would have liked to have done had he not existed. She had showered him with love and affection. 
He had only asked her once where his father was, but the sadness in her eyes had made sure he never asked again. 
"Your father was a good man," she had smiled. "And I loved him very much. “
"Then why did he leave us?" he had asked with all the innocence of childhood, not knowing just how painful his question would be. 
"He didn't leave us, Bayi, he died." 
"I want to know all about him, Beguk," he had demanded. His mother had laughed, she had the sweetest laugh, like the tinkling of a bell, and ruffled his hair, kissing him softly on the forehead. 
"When, you're older, Bayi, when you're older."
But he never got a chance to ask her again. A fatal seizure from undiagnosed Epilepsy had made sure of that. 
He'd walked home from school for lunch, it being cheaper for him to eat at home, and found her in their kitchen, her right arm blistered, the now cold and empty kettle beside her on the floor. 
The doctor had said that her dizzy spells had been far more serious than she had ever believed, although lack of funds had meant that she had never visited a doctor, 
She had been cremated with little ceremony and he had become a ward of the state, spending the years between 8 and 18 as an orphan with no known family. 
The day after his eighteenth birthday he had been called into the office of the orphanage that had been his home for the past ten years. He was handed a box of his mother's belongings, a small amount of money and the keys to a room in a hostel and was instructed to pack his meagre belongings. 
He was on his own. 
He had spent his first night alone with nothing but the bare essentials in his room and a box of memories. In it he had discovered things about his mother that he had never known before, finding her birth certificate and his, her passport, a number of letters from her to her family, all returned unopened, and two from the man that his mother had loved so much along with a picture of his heavily pregnant mother and the man who had fathered him. 
"You have your orders, you know what to do. You will do everything in your power to bring International Rescue to the scene, and when you do, we shall be watching them. We know the mistakes of the past made by those who wished to bring about their downfall, they thought too small. The world is bigger than just their operation, they are just the tip of the iceberg, but they are one of the  biggest cogs in the wheel, but by no means the only one."
Twelve faces on twelve screens nodded their understanding. 
"You will not engage, you will not attack, you will simply observe. Many a battle has been lost through underestimating your enemy. These and the coming months are nothing but a fact finding mission. I want to know everything about them, even the things you may deem insignificant. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and we shall be keeping the closest of eyes on them. Do you understand your orders?"
Again they nodded. 
"End transmission." 
The screens went dark as he cut the feed. 
"I don't care! I'm not listening!" 
"You have to care, because it's a fact! You can't change it, it's been this way for over fifty years!
"Fifty years? Is that all? Just because a bunch of scientists and astronomers suddenly decided it doesn't count?" 
"I'm one of those astronomers!" 
"And I don't care! I don't give two shits what you and your little space buddies say, I refuse to acknowledge it." 
Selene stomped through the lounge from the sleeping quarters, John following closely behind. 
"You have to care, because you're wrong!" 
She spun around to face him, both of them seemingly oblivious to the fact that they had an audience, and a very captive audience at that. They had never seen Selene and John argue like this, John never yelled. 
"Ha! And I say it again, ha! Because that's what I think of your opinion. You say it's wrong, so that's the way it has to be. What you say goes. You always have to be right."
"I always have to be right? Have you met yourself?" 
"I have, and I'm fabulous. You on the other hand, are annoying."
"What are they arguing about?" Gordon whispered to Scott, who shrugged. 
"I'm annoying? You're the one arguing scientific facts based on what? Come on, give me one good reason. Just one." He crossed his arms, bestowing a glare on her that had beaten down untold numbers of unhelpful officials and rescuees over the years, but had zero impact on the love of his life. 
"I have one very good reason."
Scott and Gordon actually leaned closer, waiting to see what her one good reason was, even Jeff had put down his tablet to see what all the fuss was about. 
"And that is?" He couldn't think of a single thing that could be a valid argument. 
"I refuse to piss off the Lord of the Underworld."
"Must be something to do with the wedding," Scott whispered back to Gordon, "some pagan thing? Weddings can make anyone stressed."
John blinked. Had he heard her right? 
"Can you repeat that?" Because I don't think I heard you correctly."
"Oh you heard me, you just didn't want to listen. I know you." 
"The reason you give for arguing that Pluto is a planet is that you refuse to piss off a god?"
Scott burst out laughing, he couldn't hold it in any longer. 
"That's right. I am not prepared to risk it. Hades is a fair god, even though he gets a bad rap, but I'm still not willing to tell one of the big three that he's been demoted. Pluto is a planet, it's a forgotten planet, but a planet none the less and nothing you can say or do will change my mind."
"I have proof!" 
Selene waved her hand dismissively. "And I don't want to see your proof. It's boring and I don't care. You do you, boo."
"It's a dwarf planet, a dwarf. There is scientific proof, it does not meet the the criteria to be classified as a planet."
"Did you just say that Hades is too small to count?" The shocked look on her face was hilarious to behold. "You keep your little scientific knowledge and I'll keep the favour of the one that will decide my fate when I die. You wanna be stuck in Tartarus for eternity, go for it. Me, I'll be living my best afterlife, I'm going straight to the good times, baby!"
"Did you really need to emphasise that with a hip swivel?" 
"Yep," she popped the P loudly. "I'll need me a new husband by that point because he'll have let Cerburus eat you." She bumped her hip against his and walked away. 
"We are not done with this discussion!" 
She flipped him the bird, not looking back. 
"Give it up, bro. You're never going to win against her," Scott commiserated. 
John flopped down on the couch with an exasperated sigh. "I'll never understand that woman, never."
"Welcome to the world of women, son, "Jeff added.
"How can she argue with facts?" 
"Because women have their own unique logic that we are not privy to and never will be," Jeff answered. "Let me bestow upon you the wisdom my father once told me."
All three sons gave him their full attention, ready to partake of his genius. 
"Women don't care about facts, they deal in feelings and they are ruthless, often bringing out their greatest weapons."
"And they are?" 
"Tears, breasts and the withholding of sexual favours. Most of the time it's not worth arguing with them, but if you insist on being an idiot, protect your balls."
Gordon howled with laughter, Scott joining in a second later. 
"Thanks for that, Dad. Remind me again why I'm getting married?" 
"Nothing to do with me, son. I wasn't even here when you asked her, that's all on you."
"I'm beginning -" John's comm beeped. "Yes, EOS?" 
"Hello, John, you said to report anything where International Rescue might be of use. There is a breaking news report on almost every channel, though we have not received any calls for it as yet."
"Thanks, EOS, keep monitoring for me."
Jeff was already moving to turn on the holoprojector. 
"Early reports can not confirm the origin of the explosion that rocked the Clifton Mall in San Diego, and police are unwilling to comment on the possibility that it may be counted as a terrorist attack. Local rescue crews are on the scene and doing all they can to help the walking wounded as they await permission to enter the building as well as out of area teams as back up crews. "
They all watched as the camera panned away from the news anchor to show the devastating scene. Flames were licking at the roof of the building, or at least what was left of it, smoke billowing out of ragged holes that had been blasted outward. What looked like hundreds of people milled around, dodging between or climbing over piles of rubble, some standing out as emergency services but others were obviously civilians. A sea of people in torn and bloody clothes, their desperate screams and wailing sobs could be clearly heard as they searched frantically for their lost family members. 
"Selene! Alan! Virgil!" Scott yelled, already running for his launch chute, not waiting for Jeff to issue the order. 
All three arrived around the same time, rushing into the lounge from various directions, skidding to a halt when they saw the news.
"Gordon, Alan, let's move," Virgil ordered, his booted feet thumping the floor as he walked. 
"I'm going too," Selene announced. 
"No you aren't," John insisted, grabbing her arm as she passed by. 
"Who made you the boss of me?" she snapped back, shaking off his hand. "There are families down there and if there's anything I can do to help them, I'm going to be there."
"Now is not the time to start another argument," Jeff stepped in. "You're both going, it's all hands on deck for this one."
"But won't you need me help here?" John asked, clearly worried about both his system and the state of the rescue.
"Your Grandma can help, and we have that computer of yours-"
"EOS," John interrupted, "her name is EOS and she's far more than a computer."
Selene took his hand, their previous argument forgotten, giving it a quick squeeze. "Babe, we'll do this later, come on, we don't have a lot of time."
John nodded, accepting the wisdom of her words, but he didn't look happy about it.
Together they followed after Gordon and Alan to get suited up.
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 5 – Frankenstein’s Shadow
‘He wouldn’t give me that murderous glare of his just because it took only 2 days for me to get back here, would he?’ Thought Lunark as she fingered her hair once again, which she had brushed with care.
Although she came with a valid reason – Adne managed to unlock one of Ignes’s files less than 24 hours ago – she could not help getting worriedly conscious of the fact that the new file’s volume was so small compared to that of the first file she had delivered. So small she was not sure if this one even deserved to be labeled a file.
Fortunately for her, she was met with another reason not to chicken out and scram from Frankenstein’s island, upon picking up someone’s presence and tracking it down.
Lunark exclaimed, identifying a very familiar man sitting by a tree perfumed with mosses.
“It’s been a while, 5th Elder. I mean, Lady Lunark.”
Lunark could feel her brain burning cold as soon as she assessed 3rd Elder’s face as he stood, for she had been dying to run into him.
“Sorry for not recognizing you for a sec. You’re missing a cloak.”
“...Well, on this island I’m not an elder of the Union.”
And no need for the clarification, thanks.
Lunark uttered an inner scorn as she scanned 3rd Elder’s outfit – black long-sleeved t-shirt and white pants. He looked so plain, so ordinary, so unlike a Union’s elder who at the same time used to be the right-hand man of the apex of the Union.
“Frankenstein told me everything. If I remember correctly, from now on you’ll be regularly stopping by in order to collect his old research data, to make use for treatment and rehab of werewolves that survived from... (The 3rd Elder winced ever-so-subtly before continuing.) From Maduke’s experiments... As well as invasion initiated by me and the 1st Elder.”
Lunark curtly nodded to show approval for the excuse she and Frankenstein devised for her visit, on the day she first arrived.
“Indeed. And thanks to a certain someone, Frankenstein and I have turned quite busy. I’m sure you’d know that neither of us has a lot of free time.”
No agreement or disagreement came from the 3rd Elder. He merely let his eyes escalate downwards to his feet.
“Anyways, what are you doing here? Seems to me you were moping or something.”
“Moping, huh...? Yes, maybe I was moping.”
“Really? The 3rd Elder? Moping? But too bad. The only interpretation I can make out of your confession is that you are bluffing in order to hide what you’ve been really up to. I know what you are like. And what you’ve done.”
The 3rd raised his eyes back to Lunark’s face in response to her sneer. However, he did not unzip his lips even a bit, perhaps because he knew he was in no position to prove her words wrong.
“While I’m at it, let me make one thing clear. Since Frankenstein chose to keep you close, I will not lay my hands on you. That I can promise. But in other words, that’s the only reason why I will ever leave you in one piece in the first place. Trust me – whenever I think about what you and the 1st Elder did to my people, I must fight my own urge to rip you into shreds this instant.”
Her audience stood frozen, taking in every syllable of her disdainful speech.
“If you ever plot something against Frankenstein, play hindrance in whatever he does, or take advantage of his hospitality, I WILL make you pay. And if he ever suffers a loss or damage because of you, I swear – I will make sure from then on, you won’t get to lift anything heavier than a spoon for the rest of your life.”
As she warned the 3rd Elder, Lunark’s face was surprisingly placid, her voice toned in its normal pitch. Still, the 3rd Elder could see she was as serious as she could be, for he felt as if he were up against a wrathful wolf about to lunge for its prey’s head.
Ironically, that was exactly what inclined him to point out what he just hypothesized.
“What’s funny?”
“Please don’t get me wrong – I fully understand what you are saying. It’s just that... It sounded like you were giving a personal warning as ‘a woman caring for Frankenstein,’ not as ‘a werewolf warrior representing the entire wolfkind.’”
At once, Lunark’s pink eyes shuddered as if she were hit by a bullet.
“And it appears there is something more than comradeship or generosity at the basis of your words. Do you... Do you happen to harbor feelings for him?”
“Why would you care?!”
Lunark ended up stunning herself, her retort fashioned much sharper than she had intended.
“Does he know about this?”
And just like that, he completely turned the table on her.
“I’m not sure since when you have developed feelings for him, but I’m afraid your feelings will not be reciprocated. If I dare say, there’s a good chance your heart will wait endlessly for a single touch of light, only to wither into none, just like this nameless flower that has made poor haven under the shadow of this tree.”
“Did you take liking in reading poetry during free time? Moping is one thing, and now here you are, monologuing about flowers and shadow.”
“Yes, I did frame it a bit too fancy, but I was trying to be considerate. Apparently there’s a shadow in Frankenstein’s heart. Ever since we moved into this island, he has been leading an unusually reclusive life. I assume he tends to research and data categorization on this island and accommodates himself somewhere else.”
“...Why would you ‘assume’ that’s what he does?”
“Because he leaves every night and returns next morning, and I have no knowledge of what he does during his absence. I can only assume he fulfills his basic needs outside, since each time he returns in a new attire.”
The corner of Lunark’s eyes creased slightly upon unexpected discovery.
‘I did tell him to beware of the 3rd Elder, but... This is not exactly what I had in mind.’
It did not take long for Lunark to decide that her warning had nothing to do with Frankenstein’s behaviors. After all, Frankenstein and the 3rd Elder had been occupying this island before Muzaka made her his “secret agent.”
‘But why? There’s nothing strange in his caution against his enemy-turned-ally, but why would he choose the inconvenience of lodging himself away from a safehouse that comes with a perfect housing system?’ Lunark inwardly muttered to herself, reminiscing how awestruck she was during her tour of Frankenstein’s safehouse, impeccably furnished in terms of residential aspects that she even suspected he hired an expert designer for the job.
She was momentarily impelled to acquire more information on the matter, but she aborted the idea.
For the 3rd Elder learned something that could work against her in the future, there was no guarantee that continuing the conversation would be beneficial for her.
Therefore, she steeled her voice as she tried to conceal her fluster.
“So what? Like I said, it’s none of your business whether I have a crush on him or not. And what was that about my feelings and flowers? If you have time to come up with stupid metaphors and make yourself sound like 12th Elder before having dinner, just go back to your so-called moping session!”
Lunark turned herself away as coldly as possible. She had to refrain from telling him that if Frankenstein hears a word about this, she will murder him – that would only demonstrate how strong her feelings have grown.
As she kept her back straight and walked on, something caught her eyes. The next moment, her legs stopped altogether upon perceiving she was looking at a flower species she was highly familiar with.
‘This must be wolfsbane. Its color differs from the ones on our land, but the shape it blossomed into tells me it’s definitely a species of wolfsbane.’
As beautiful as it may be, wolfsbane possesses deadly poison, hidden behind aesthetic colors and contours that have won immense popularity among flower-lovers.
Ancient humans evidently were aware of wolfsbane’s toxicity, incorporating its poison in mythology as the beloved invention of Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft and the guardian deity of witches, and historically employing it as a kit to hunt wolves (a fact reflected in the flower’s etymology).
Thus in a way, wolfsbane is a botanical counterpart of a siren; let the creature cast its spell, and one may be irrevocably destroyed by its true nature.
‘And I guess for me, this flower is just like him...’
Lunark sighed heavily, emitting all the air supply she had been stocking, a proof that her life these days has become a total mess thanks to a certain blonde human.
‘I still can’t believe I was actually late to my lord’s recoronation because of him.’
The day Muzaka reclaimed the throne, Lunark was supposed to be in the very front of the werewolf attendants, as a warrior of wolfkind and one of Muzaka’s right-hand servants.  
Alas, she was late to the ceremony because of Frankenstein.
At the time, she planned to attend the ceremony as soon as she was done talking to Frankenstein for one last time. Or rather, to be precise, she called KSA so that she could ask the KSA staff to relay her thank-you message for all the hard work he had done.
To her shock and dismay, she was met with a news that Frankenstein was gone, and even KSA had lost communications with him.
Out of severe alarm, she instantaneously requested communication with Tao and asked him what happened to Frankenstein. Tao filled her in about the reason why Frankenstein was gone, but not even he provided her with his location and plan, which were what really mattered to her.
After wasting her time talking to more people than she had in mind, as well as trying to restitch her mind, she realized she was late.
And until next day, until Frankenstein showed himself on the communications monitor out of blue to hand over his communicative coordinates for emergency use, she was on the edge of her seat for every second, like a job seeker waiting for the result of the very last job interview of her life after failing to hear back from dozens of potential employers.
Lunark knew very well that anything concerning the werewolf lord comes in as the top priority for a werewolf warrior.
‘But back then, I couldn’t think of the coronation ceremony at all because of him. Seriously... What have you done to me, Frankenstein?’
Yet she knew what was happening to her. She knew since who-knows-when, Frankenstein had taken property of every seam and corner of her heart.
‘This flower happens to be purple like him. Or rather, purple like that cursed weapon he wields.’
Great, now I think of him even when I see the color purple, thought Lunark, as she once again confirmed she was exhibiting one of those symptoms of love.
“Hopeless... This is just hopeless.”
“What is hopeless?”
Lunark jumped like a cat that spotted a cucumber at its rear end as she turned around in a flash. Luckily, Frankenstein dodged her hair fast enough and avoided getting slapped in the face.
“W-what are you doing here?”
“Says a guest to the owner of an island.”
Frankenstein shrugged, as if he had just heard the funniest thing in the world. And a mere shrug, with the push of his smile, was more than enough to shatter Lunark’s heart once again. Which was why she suffered a delay in noticing that he was not empty-handed.
He was holding a plastic case safekeeping a pair of sanitary gloves and plastic bags for sampling, along with a dirty yet well-honed gardening utensil, which hinted her what he was here for.
“I’m sure you have no interest in pressing flowers or gardening. Are you using this flower for your experiment or something?”
“Not an experiment. It’s for a personal need,” replied Frankenstein, as he kneeled and started poking and shoving around a wolfsbane’s root in a very professional manner.
“Why would you take a wolfsbane plant for a personal need? I don’t count myself as one of those lab people, but I do know that most of flower species classified under the category of wolfsbane come with poison. Well, though I doubt that its poison will be lethal for modified humans or non-humans, even if it is ingested entirely as a raw plant.”
“Right. And some wolfsbane species are so venomous that even a minimum touch on skin can cause traumatizing and even life-threatening effect on human body. However, wolfsbane is also available for medical use. Even these days, wolfsbane is used as painkiller and, depending on the situation, cardiac stimulant in traditional Korean and Chinese medicine.”
Frankenstein answered with a tone only expected from most popular lecturers in doctorate chemistry lectures. Nevertheless, Lunark’s face darkened even before he could finish his words.
“So are you going for the former or the latter? Are you ill? So ill you must carry a painkiller or cardiac drug all the time?”
“If I were to choose, I would say it’s the latter. But not exactly. And don’t worry – I don’t have any pain or heart issue.”
Frankenstein glanced at Lunark and was left with bewilderment as a result. She was staring at him as if he were just sentenced to death.
“...No need to give me that look. Remember that I told you a wolfsbane can be used to create drugs that stimulate heart functions? I have modified and adjusted the use and processing of a cardiac stimulant to instead use this flower as a source of a nerve stimulant.”
“It’s for keeping me awake as long as its effect lasts, without any need for sleep.”
Frankenstein was hoping to relieve her of concerns, but Lunark did not look happy at all. Her forehead furrowed deeply, now her face so dark that in other circumstances, Frankenstein would have concluded one of her kith and kin met demise.  
“Are you saying you haven’t slept at all ever since you moved into this island? Just how busy can you be? Do you have to stay awake for whatever you have at hand?”
“...I’m in no situation to indulge in sleep or dreams.”
Lunark bit her lips as the fact sank that she was wrong. When she talked to the 3rd Elder, she was glad Frankenstein was seemingly getting some sleep, at the very least. But he was not.
Lunark was about to amplify her voice to shriek what on Earth he would do outside this island, before she managed to hold her tongue.
Confronting Frankenstein about his activities outside would make him curious of the source of her intelligence, which would lead to a discussion on the discussion she had with the 3rd Elder. And Lunark was not sure if she could lie about her previous conversation, let alone her feelings for him.
In addition, knowing his personality, she could swear he would not listen even if she were to be a mom for him just this once. Given up on reasoning with him, she directed his attention to a speculation that just came up.
“I remember how you drank something from your flask when I first got here. Was that a drug you made with wolfsbane flowers?”
Frankenstein’s hands paused for a second in reaction.
Frankenstein remembered what he gave her as a reply when she inquired what he was drinking; he kept his answer as vague and not-worthy-of-attention as he could. And he surely did not mention to her in what form the tonic came in. Yet here he was, marveling once again that there was a reason why Lunark was made an elder of the Union.
“Yep. That was it.”
“I didn’t think this was what you meant when you said it’s like coffee to you. And I bet you were the one who came up with the recipe to cook up that drug.”
“Of course. The other uses for wolfsbane plant include fever reducer at the most, and apart from the use of wolfsbane, it’s been centuries since human medicine last had its effect on me. And speaking of which, I must go through a revision of my cookbook. The number of wolfsbane plant on this island is decreasing as we speak, so I won’t be able to make any more effective tonic unless I modify the amount of poison to be used.”
“So you’ve been basically feeding on this flower.”
“Yes, but it’s also partially because this island was never densely populated by this flower. Now I basically have to hunt for a needle in a haystack in order to find a wholesome plant.”
“...Want me to bring them to you?”
Frankenstein stopped his hands from pulling out a wolfsbane flower to gape at her.
“Well, there is this enormous colony of wolfsbane flowers near the boundaries of our territory. And no one has ever touched it as far as I know, since we’ve never imagined using this flower for medicinal purpose. And trust me – this colony is big enough to cover the entire Pacific. The thing is, the wolfsbane in our land is probably a different species from this one, because its flower is pink. I’m not sure if you can use it for your ‘recipe,’ but I can fetch one as a sample for my next visit. What do you say?”
Frankenstein was silent. His ears did prick at her suggestion; he could actually hear Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 echoing in his head.
‘But if I say yes... I’ll end up running into her more often.’
Opposed to the obvious outcome, he briefly tried to come up with a way to very courteously turn down her offer, with a legitimate reason that will not hurt her feelings.
But of course, he knew he had no choice. He was aware of the ill effect he will bring upon himself if he were to say no.
“It’s fine. It’s all good as long as it comes under wolfsbane category.”
“So you mean...”
“From now on, bring me three separate wolfsbane flowers, if you please. And each flower must come with complete roots as well, undamaged, and hopefully in a sample bag like this one.”
“Okay. No biggie.”
Lunark had to control her voice so she would not sound too excited for having another defensible excuse to visit Frankenstein. Fighting against her glee, she forced the corner of her lips to stay uncrooked.
Partially due to her mind-numbing elation, and partially due to the fact that Frankenstein turned away as he invited her over to the safehouse, Lunark failed to notice that the shadow on his face thickened by a very slim shade.
That night, Frankenstein walked through the corridor of another island he owned. He was at a stranded island dozens of kilometers away from his lab-slash-safehouse. Unlike the aforementioned island, this island housed not a single speck of green, an unparalleled embodiment of Lunark’s description of “a sandless desert with a gigantic cement appendage jutting out of the ground, prisoned by water at all sides.”
And this is where Frankenstein had been taking care of his basic human needs. And more importantly, this is where he had been secretly endeavoring to handle a dilemma that had lately cast a new shadow upon him.
Finally arriving at the special chamber at the heart of the building, he securely fastened the door in order to face the said dilemma once again.
“Answer to my call... Dark Spear.”
(next chapter)
Aaaaand here it is - the flower from which I came up with the title of this fanfic.
I didn’t plan on naming this fanfic Wolfsbane since the beginning. During the brainstorming stage, I landed upon some details about wolfsbane by pure accident, and as I read about this plant, I came to think this is exactly what represents the relationship of Frankie and Lunark and the progress they will make in this fic (and it’s related to wolf lol). The line in this chapter that says “let the creature cast its spell, and one may be irrevocably destroyed by its true nature” is what I had in mind as I sketched this fanfic.
By the way, there are two things about this chapter that isn’t canon in real life: (1) the fact that wolfsbane is used as a nerve stimulant and (2) the pink wolfsbane that can be found in nature. It is true that in traditional Korean and Chinese medicine, wolfsbane can be used as cardiac stimulant or painkiller. But in reality it is not used as a nerve stimulant; that part is my creation. In addition, pink wolfsbane does exist, but only as human-cultivated species; pink wolfsbane does not naturally occur. So for this fic, I created a wolfsbane species of my own (the purple wolfsbane that you would commonly see upon googling is Aconitum jaluense. The pink wolfsbane species that is introduced in this fic is Aconitum crescentonum). Hope that clarifies!
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alindakb · 5 years
Letters to my Parents - Sunday 20 February 1994 - by Alinda
Sunday 20 February 1994
Dear mom and dad,
My Patronus lessons aren’t going as great as I would like. Draco has no problem conjuring his Patronus. The Tigress is beautiful and always drives the Dementor away. I, on the other hand, are only capable of producing an indistinct, silvery shadow that won’t do anything. It just makes the Dementor hover in place, draining me until I almost pass out. Draco gives me disappointing looks after each lesson. I think he knows that I secretly desire to hear your voices again. Professor Lupin is really proud of both of us. He told me that it’s a huge achievement for a thirteen-year-old wizard to produce an indistinct Patronus. He had complete confidence in me, that I would be okay during the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Well, I was, but not thanks to my Patronus, no it was Draco that saved me.
Professor Lupin told us about the Dementor’s Kiss. I don’t think he really wanted to, but I asked him what was under the hood of a Dementor. When a Dementor kisses you it sucks out your soul. It sounds horrible. You won’t be dead, just soulless. You’ll have no more sense of self or any memories. And your soul will be lost forever. Hermione once said something about the importance of souls, that our magic is connected to our souls somehow. I can’t remember it correctly anymore. Lupin said that the Ministry plans to give Sirius Black the Dementor’s Kiss when they find him. I told Lupin he deserves it. Lupin was really shocked when I said that. Draco took my hand and squeezed it tightly then, forcing me to shut my mouth. I was not supposed to know about how Black had betrayed both of you.
That same day I also got my hands again on my Firebolt. Professor Snape told us that there was nothing wrong with it at all and that I have a very good friend somewhere. I couldn’t believe it when it was in my hands again. Draco was stroking the twigs at the end, just as in awe as me. We took it down into our common room. The moment I stepped inside I was flooded by people wanting to see my Firebolt. Marcus asked if he could just touch it, to know that it’s really real. Adrian was sure we would win from Ravenclaw now with no problem since they are all on Cleansweep Sevens. It took forever, with the Firebolt being passed around and admired from every angle by the crowd before Draco and I could get to our dormitory.
Madam Hooch, who’s still overseeing our practices to make sure I don’t get killed, was also impressed with the Firebolt and gave us her professional opinion. She kept on going on about different brooms until Marcus asked if I could get my broom back so we could practice. Marcus informed us that Cho Chang was fit enough again to play as seeker in the game and that me being gay was a great advantage. I won’t be distracted by her good looks. I think Marcus thinks she’s pretty. She’s a fourth-year, so maybe a little too young for him, but the entire team agrees he has the hots for her.
After Marcus his little speech I could finally mount my Firebolt. And it was better than I’d ever dreamed. It turns with the lightest touch and seems to obey my thoughts rather than my grip. It’s so fast that the stadium turned into a green-and-grey blur. It was so easy to catch the snitch now that I had a broom this amazing. The other members of the team also seemed inspired by the presence of the Firebolt and performed their best moves faultlessly. After I got the snitch for the third time I just hovered in the air to see Draco fly and practice his moves. Because I braid his hair only at the front it still sweeps behind him when he flies and he looks so beautiful when he does. I wanted to fly up to him and jump him right then and there.
I’ve been thinking about it, touching Draco, seeing him without his clothes. Ever since Christmas. And during our Valentines date, I found out he thought about it too. We had a lovely picnic beside the lake. Draco had managed to get an order in for picnic food from Hogsmeade. It was lovely. After we finished the food we took a walk around the lake until we ended up at the Quidditch changing rooms. Draco pushed me inside and we started snugging. And before I knew it Draco was pushing my sweater over my head and stroking his hands all over my bare torso. Well, I’m sure you don’t want to read all the details. It ended with Draco’s shirt on the ground too and his hand down my trousers, wrapped around me. Fuck, that felt good, to have his hands on me. I repaid him the favour after the match against Ravenclaw and I can say it’s just as hot as having his hands on me.
On the day of the match, Marcus placed my Firebolt on the breakfast table. Most students loved how the other house stared at it jealously. Marcus was most pleased with Wood’s disbelieved reaction. They are both so determent to win the cup this year it’s has become a dangerous rivalry. I believe professor Snape had to stop the two from fighting in his class the other day. Wood thinks it’s unfair I fly a Firebolt, that it gives Slytherin an unfair advantage. Diggory, the team captain of Hufflepuff is a lot nicer. He came by to congratulate me on my new broom. He even apologised again for not realising I fell off my broom when he caught the snitch in our last game. I told him it was fine as long as he would lose all his other games. He laughed and said he couldn’t promise anything.
Nott and Crabbe had to say so stupid things before the match, asked me if the new broom came with a parachute, just in case the Dementors come near me. Draco told them to shut their mouth and pulled out his wand. Adrian and Miles also took out their wants and said it would be fun to hex them back into the dungeons. I’ve heard that Nott wanted to try out for the team this year for the seeker position and was that he’s been angry about me getting the spot without any try-outs.
The game started out good. Lee Jordan, a friend of Fred and George was commenting and had to be reminded a couple of times to stop advertising the Firebolt and focus on the game instead. I just flew around, looking for the golden snitch. Chang was a good flier and followed me around the pitch. The most fun in the game was every time I passed Draco, seeing he was in possession of the Quaffle and he would blow me a small kiss. He scored the first goal of the game and most of the goals for Slytherin after that. He’s really the star of our team and I’m so proud of him.
It was hard to find the snitch. Every time I saw it and tried to go for it, either a Bludger or Chang would block my way. Marcus yelled at me to stop being a gentleman and just knock Chang of her broom. His crush completely forgotten. I followed his advice and did a nice dive, Chang followed me and struggled to get out of the dive when I did. Then I saw the snitch and accelerated towards it. Chang was falling far behind and I knew I was going to get it. Then Chang screamed and I looked around quickly. There were a couple of Dementors looking at me and without thinking I pulled out my wand to perform the Patronus charm, only Draco beat me and his beautiful Tigress charged at the Dementors. I turned back to the snitch, didn’t even wait to watch what would happen to the Dementors. I just wanted to win this match, so I reached out and grabbed the snitch. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and in seconds Draco’s mouth was on mine. He kissed me midair to loud chairs of all the Slytherins. I knew they chaired because we had won, but still, it was amazing. The rest of the team joined us in the air and they all hugged me. Marcus kept yelling that he knew the gay duo was the best.
When we got down to the ground the Slytherin supporters came sprinting towards us, all shouting and chairing. Blaise was so happy because he had a bet going with Luna on who would win. Professor Snape was also between the students and congratulated us on the win and told Draco he showed some proper spell work with his Patronus charm. His eyes kept flickering between me and Draco and it felt like he was worried. I said the Dementors didn’t even affect me this time and that’s when Professor Snape showed us who the Dementors had been. It was Wood, the team captain of Gryffindor, together with Nott and Crabbe. Professor McGonagall was shouting at them and gave them all detention. Unfortunately, she also took 100 points from our house because of it. When Marcus saw Wood struggling to remove himself from a long, black, hooded robe he just stormed away, screaming something about that Wood was a pussy for trying to sabotage the Slytherin team.
After that day, Nott and Crabbe avoid the common room and sit alone during meals. None of the other Slytherins like it that they almost destroyed our chances to win the Quidditch Cup this year. Draco says it’s deserved after everything they did to me, but I feel sorry for them. I know how hard it is when the rest of your house hates you. I hope everyone just forgets about it soon and things go back to normal.
On our way back to the castle Hermione came to congratulate us on our win. She told me her friendship with Ron is totally history now. She never wants to talk to Ron again. He accused her cat Crookshanks of eating his rat Scabbers. She had a whole speech for Draco and I that Ron has no proof that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers and that Ron has been prejudiced against her cat ever since Crookshanks had landed on Ron’s head in the Magical Menagerie.  When I later talked to Neville, he explained that Ron hasn’t found Scabbers as of yet and that he has solid proof. It turns out his sheet had blood on it, and Crookshanks’ hairs were found at the scene. I told Hermione that maybe Ron was right and she just yelled at me. That off course all of it was her fault and that I should just leave her alone. I think her massive workload is catching up with her. She didn’t even want to join the party we had after the Quidditch match, said she had to read a book for Muggle studies before Monday. So after our last Transfiguration lesson this week, I waited till everyone left the classroom and told Professor McGonagall that I’m worried about Hermione taking on to many classes. She said she would have a talk with Hermione and make sure she’s fine. I hope Hermione won’t hate me for looking out for her, I just miss my best friend. Remember that I was supposed to meet up with her after my last letter, well she never showed up. She had fallen asleep on her books in the Gryffindor common room.
The day after the match we heard that Black and broken into Gryffindor tower. He had torn Ron’s bed hangings. Neville told us all about it, said Black had a knife and that it was all his fault. He had lost the piece of paper with the passwords for that week and that is how Black had gotten into Gryffindor tower. He’s banned from any more Hogsmeade visits this year. I felt really sorry for him when he got a howler from his grandmother.
Ever since that night, there are more security measures. Filch is boarding up every little crack in the walls he can find. It’s kind of funny to watch. Also, we had a little meeting with our Slytherin friends. We didn’t invite Hermione and Luna, not sure if they will agree to help or even keep their mouth shut. We are working on a plan to find Black and give him the punishment he deserves. Daphne and Greg had some very good ideas and Blaise wondered if he could get some tips from his mother on how to best kill Black. Really, Blaise and his mom their relationship is a mystery to me. Who would ask his own mother on tips of how to kill someone? But more to the point, we have a plan at the ready, we just need to get all our supplies during our next trip to Hogsmeade.
Draco is really confused as to why Black went for the Gryffindor tower and Ron. Keeps muttering there needs to be an explanation as to why Black isn’t going after me. That by now Black most have realised I’m not in Gryffindor but in Slytherin. He’ll figure it out soon enough and enlighten me about it all, until then I know it’s best to just let him stew on it.
I’m going off to bed now. Love you both,
Harry James Potter.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Teen Titans Spotlight #14: Nightwing
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So that's why I finally dropped this series: they dropped the "on:".
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You might have forgotten that the biggest gang in Gotham in 1987 were the Jewish Surrealists.
I don't even care how many people don't know what the fuck I'm on about. Did you know this world is on fire? Batman is busting a cocaine shipment into Gotham in the prologue of this comic book. According to the cover, he's about to be crucified. I guess the Jewish Surrealists are still micro-managed by Caesar's Hand. Speaking of unbelievable things in comics (this segue works because I believe I was speaking about it fifteen hundred commentaries ago when Nightwing drove a motorcycle up the wall of a building), how does Batman always wind up unconscious and in some form of complicated trap and yet, in all the time it takes to put him there, nobody ever takes the mask off. Not one henchman is curious? Not one henchman binding Batman to the cross ever thinks, "If I knew Batman's identity, I could quit this henchman gig, sell the information, and retire"? I don't believe it. My theory is that thousands of henchmen have tried this plan but Alfred intercepted all of the blackmail notices, hired Jason Bard to find who sent them, and then hired Tommy Monaghan to kill them. I would just like it on the record that I spelled Tommy's last name correctly before looking it up. The Jewish Surrealists capture Batman because they had a sniper with a tranquilizer gun on overwatch during the deal. Batman gets drugged, blackjacked, and spit upon before nobody thinks to take off his mask.
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At least I hope that's spit.
I guess if that isn't spit, I now understand why nobody took his mask off.
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"Are ya kiddin' me, Rudy?! Put yer fuckin' dick away and help me schlep this bastard into tha van! The boss can take tha fuckin' mask off. Ugh."
Alfred calls up Dick Grayson when Bruce doesn't show up for morning stitches. Dick sighs, hangs up the phone, and goes off to do a literally thankless job because Batman thinks expecting people to be there for him is the same thing as gratitude. I hate complaining about the art because I never complain about the art. So when I finally complain about the art, that means I really fucking think the art sucks. And, well, I'm complaining about the art now.
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"Fuck dinosaur references! I got this!" -- Stan Woch
This is some of Woch's earliest work with DC so I shouldn't be too hard on him. Plus he's still alive and he might read this. Although wouldn't it be worse if I were criticizing the work of a dead man? Also, he draws a pretty decent studio apartment and jizz dribble. Nightwing heads off to save Batman even though he knows Batman doesn't need saving. If Batman seems to need saving, it's only because Batman misses Nightwing and this is the only way he can see him without admitting that he misses him. "Oh no!" says Batman as he tries to remember what it's like to feel sleepy from tranquilizers or to feel concussed from a blackjack to the back of the head. "My legs are all, um, wobbly? I'm, um, falling now, right? OH! I'm helpless! I just peed a little too!" Then he lets the bad guys kidnap him and waits for Alfred to worry way too soon and call for backup. And of course Batman would choose a night when Jason Todd is off in California and Superman is off on Oa and Wonder Woman has her anniversary dinner with Steve Trevor.
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Oh, just because he's suddenly half-robot, I'm supposed to believe some high school football star can now design high tech contact lenses?! Fuck you, comic books.
Dick finds a vial of acid left behind as Batman as a clue to who murdered him. I mean kidnapped him, probably! Who would kill Batman when they had the chance? I mean if they actually had a chance and Batman wasn't completely faking and ready to start breaking kneecaps the second somebody tugs at his cowl or tries to put a bullet in his brain. Anyway, the acid vial reminds Dick of that one case which was the only one ever in which Batman used a vial of acid which leads him to Drakkar, a Gotham drug lord. This is less evidence that Batman was in trouble and realized Nightwing would come looking for him and more evidence that Batman wasn't in trouble at all and was expecting Nightwing to come looking for him because Batman misses him.
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With all the Batman themed stuff in this picture, that marquee obviously says Debbie Does Batman.
Nightwing threatens to beat up some cowardly punk named Skates who Batman apparently beats up every time he needs information. And even though Skates always gives up the information, he somehow hasn't been killed by any other Gotham criminal. Skates tells Nightwing that Batman is going to be killed at midnight in the graveyard. It's going to be a huge party. But instead of thinking, "I'll go to the graveyard and stop this!", Dick wastes precious time tailing Skates hoping he'll lead him to Batman or Drakkar. When Nightwing loses him due to Nightwing's fandom crowding around him, Nightwing thinks, "Wait. What did Skates say? Oh yeah! He gave me everything I needed to know! But now it's so close to midnight, I might not make it in time! Shoot!" Drakkar's plan is to auction off the right to unmask Batman and put a bullet in his brain. So, you know, almost the plan I proposed when they first knocked him unconscious! Stupid greedy thugs! Now Drakkar won't be rid of Batman or rich because Nightwing has found him! And he saves Batman in the nick of time! Time for hugs and demonstrations of familial love and intimacy!
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Oh Batman!
Nightwing should know Batman cares because he didn't disappear the instant Nightwing looked away. Batman does smile at the end but not until Dick leaves. Only the reader gets to know Batman is capable of the tiniest bit of joy! And that joy probably wasn't due to Nightwing telling Batman that he's proud to have been Robin. The joy was probably in getting away with not thanking somebody for saving him yet again. Teen Titans Spotlight #14: Nightwing Rating: C+. If I had written this issue, it would have been from Batman's point of view. And all along the way, Batman would be thinking things like, "I'll drop this acid vial which will remind Dick of the Great Dragon caper which will lead him to Drakkar and the subway graveyard where I'm certain Drakkar will take me to kill me!" Then Batman will think, "I bet Dick and Alfred are brainstorming how to find me right now!" And later, as the gun is being put to Batman's head, he'd be all, "The lights should go out just about now! Dick will save me in the nick of time which I'll totally razz him over. Should I say, 'Cutting it pretty close, Boy Wonder' or 'Jason would have been here five minutes sooner'?" Then the final panel of Batman's life will be a bullet passing through his head as he's unmasked. The final page would show Dick Grayson sitting in his apartment listening to Cat's in the Cradle with the phone off the hook.
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icequeenjules26 · 6 years
You Light Me Up
Summary: From their 17th birthday on, wizards could try performing a spell to find their soulmate via marks on their arm. Phil was anxiously waiting for the day to perform it, but he never really expected it to fail...
Word Count: 8,5k
Tags: Hogwarts / Harry Potter AU; Soulmate AU; Hufflepuff!Phil, Gryffindor!Dan; Strangers to friends to lovers
A/n: Here finally comes a story I’ve been excited for for ages, the HP/Soulmates AU that nobody asked for! It’s written for the @phandomreversebang​ for the art by the bestest ever human being @jorzuela​, who I love very much. Beta’d by my bf @mateusz1912​, who did his very best to help me!
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Phil Lester loved the winter. Which was ironic, really, considering he also loved the warmth, but that was just the way it had always been. He didn’t even know what it was in particular that got him so fond over the winter, just that it was there - the snow, the crunching noises it made when you walked on it. The way it blurred the sharp edges of the world, made everything seem nice and inviting. That it was dark nearly all around the clock, but not completely dark, just dusky, warmed by the yellow glow of old lamps and fireplaces.
 Or maybe it was because of Christmases spent with his family, exciting new year’s celebrated with his friends. Saturdays huddled in Hogsmeade, the butterbeer warming his cold fingers. Cuddling with his friends in front of the fireplace in the common room, whispering lowly, providing comfort for the multiple plants around. Or it could be his birthday at the end of January, the comfortable get-together his friends planned for it. He was an introvert, sure, but he loved his friends, and sometimes, spending time with them was nice, even in bigger groups.
 Overall, his adoration for winter didn’t seem to fit the rest of his personality. He loved the sun, he loved plants, he loved coziness - he was a Hufflepuff through and through. But it was there. He had never had a reason for anxiety during the winter - until now.
 The winter before his seventeenth birthday he spent in an anxious anticipation, awaiting the thirtieth of January - his birthday. Not only would he be of legal age in the wizard society, it was also the day he would be able to finally perform the most important spell he’d ever perform: Indicare anima, the soulmate spell.
 Once they turned seventeen, all wizards could start trying the soulmate spell. It would take most of them a few tries to perform it correctly, since there was no way of practising that particular spell beforehand, but once they did, a pattern would appear on their non dominating arm from the wrist on upward, curling around it in a twirling matter.
 Phil was completely captured by the tattoos. They were delicate - beautiful even. Inside the twirls symbols were embedded that represented the soulmate, its colours spoke for their house or school, and the twirls and waves were sometimes broader, sometimes smaller; sometimes, they were formed as leaves or feathers or even blades.
 He had seen quite a few of these marks by now. Some in passing, peeping out of rucked up sleeves, some closer. Hogwarts students would often find their soulmate tattoo in house colours, like his brother Martyn, who had the blue - bronze tattoo of his Ravenclaw soulmate on his arm. But there were other colours. His mom had a purely black one, revealing her soulmate (his dad) as a squib (it could also mean a muggle). The tattoo of Cara, a fellow Hufflepuff, was of a blood red and dark green colour, indicating a Durmstrang student. There were a lot more, all pretty common, except -
 Except the one colour a wizard would not want to see in their soulmate mark.
 Not everything about the grey tattoos was uncovered yet. They happened, more commonly than people thought, but they were mostly useless since unreliable. There were too many different meanings. Sometimes the mark on the older soulmate would be grey simply because the other one hadn’t performed the spell yet. Sometimes it indicated a undecided soulmate who had already left school and now struggled in life, losing the connection to their former house or school. Sometimes it simply meant that their soulmate didn’t belong to the school they were in.
 And sometimes - sometimes it meant that the soulmate was already dead.
 Overall, Phil held a believe in the soulmate marks that few else possessed. His parents, his aunties and uncles, his cousins - his brother. They all had found their soulmate with the help of their marks, and they were all more than happy with the outcome. He could still remember the moment when Martyn’s mark had first touched the one of his soulmate Cornelia - both their marks had lit up, just for a second, proofing them as soulmates. Phil had been ecstatic. He loved his brother, and he loved Cornelia. He was the only Hufflepuff in his family except for some distant cousins, but neither his brother nor his soulmate had ever made a big deal out of it, and that meant a lot to him.
 Martyn and Cornelia had been a couple for over a year now, and whenever Phil saw them on trips home or when they met him in Hogsmeade they looked so happy Phil was sure they were glowing.
 He wanted that.
 And he strongly believed his soulmate spell would get him there.
 So it really wasn’t a surprise he was this anxious to perform the spell. Concentrating on schoolwork was basically impossible for days. He was glad he had one of his best friends, Hikari, with him in all of his curses, to keep him somewhat focused and preventing him from losing it completely, but in all honesty they were just lucky the teachers were cutting him some slack - for obvious reasons. They were used to it.
 His birthday was on a Sunday this year. Hika and Will, his other best friend, had asked him if he wanted to wait, wanted to get the supervision of a teacher. Mrs. Sprout, their Herbology teacher and head of the house, assured her students almost daily how happy she was to help with soulmate spells, and she seemed to be particularly fond of Phil and his friends, but he had decided to do it alone - or, well, alone with his best friend.
 Phil, Hika, and the rest of their friends spent the Saturday in Hogsmeade. It had snowed heavily during the night, so the snow was still mostly untouched by the time they started their walk over, and Phil found himself relaxing almost unwillingly at the scenery. He was clad in a fluffy beanie his mom had knitted him for Christmas. It was proudly displaying the Hufflepuff colours (yellow and black), and it meant a lot to him. His mom had never outrightly shown her disappointment in his house, but he had been sure there had always been some underlying chagrin - until last Christmas. Speaking from the proud looks, Cornelia had knocked some sense into her future mother-in-law, but that was just a suspicion.
 He was trudging along the bridge towards Hogsmeade, Hika on his one arm, Olli on the other one, their friends Addie and Will behind them. They were a colourful group this morning, no doubt about it, and Phil took silent pride in them basically showcasing a rainbow. On his left side, Hika wore a bright green scarf his mom had given her for Christmas in honour of her soulmate - they were a Gryffindor, not a Slytherin, but one of the symbols embedded in the ornaments was a tree, so she had declared green her soulmate’s colour until further notice. On his right, Olli had chosen a pink wig this morning - she did that, sometimes. She was genderfluid, so she tried to make it easy for her friends by wearing a strikingly blue or pink accessory. Behind them, Phil knew Addie had her signature lilac beanie on her head, and Will closed the circle with the blue jacket Phil’s mum had given him for his last birthday.
 “Oh, look who it is. Hufflepuff’s little rainbow,” a voice from their right sneered and the whole group turned in the direction. It was Rina, captain of Slytherin’s quidditch team, accompanied by their Seeker Nico and another player Phil didn’t know by name. As always, she wore a snarky looking grin on her face, but neither of the Hufflepuffs were really scared of her. Rina was rascal at best, but never outrightly vicious or cruel.
 Will, who had stepped to Olli’s side to have a better look at the group - Nico in particular, Phil thought giddily and had to stifle a giggle - shot the group a wide grin. “Rina! Have you gotten over the defeat Gryffindor caused you by now? I heard you had to avoid the Slytherin common room for a while.” Nico shot Will a pointed glance. His lips didn’t move, but Phil could see the light in his eyes, and he wondered if Will had something to tell the group. He’d ask him tonight in the common room, he decided.
 Olli, one of Hufflepuff’s beaters, giggled uncontrollably before bringing her eyes to Nico. “No offense to you, Nico, you’re a great seeker, but the rest of your team is useless,” she said, a conspiratorial tone in her voice that made it seem like she was sharing a secret with him.
 “I’ve noticed,” he answered drily, and Phil just lost it. He started laughing, making the whole group laugh along with him, and when she noticed Nico grinning at Will brightly Rika’s face became an unhealthy shade of red.
 Hika turned her face into Phil's chest, barely staying upright, and Phil had to clutch to her to not topple over. Will, being the best friend he was, had expected them to fall, and moved behind them to lend a hand if needed, and Olli and Addie hugged each other in silent laughter somewhere next to him.
 Unfortunately, that left Phil open for attacks.
 He heard Nico getting out a warning “Rina -”, then his head was suddenly uncomfortably cold. He blinked, unsure of what just happened, and needed a moment to assess the situation. Rina snickered wickedly, and when his sight finally cleared he saw Nico reaching out for something Rina held high in her left hand. Unfortunately for him, he was quite short and therefore unable to reach it.
 When Phil finally realized it was his beanie she had taken he could feel his face shifting into anger almost immediately.
 “Rina, give it back. That's childish and we both know it,” Nico gritted out, eyes somewhere behind the girl. Phil would've checked had he not been so fixated on her.
 Nico had an aura of power around him like few else, and it made Rina’s minion, who had already moved to help her, yelp and step away from the scene, clearly scared of the consequences. No one wanted to cross Nico.
 Even Rina halted in her movements. “It's just a stupid beanie, Nico -”
 That's where she got cut off. A Gryffindor - apparent due to his house scarf - had stepped behind her unbeknownst to nearly all of them, snatching the beanie from her hand. He had held a silent conversation with Nico, Phil noticed unconsciously, but he didn't pay it much attention.
 He was blinking at the guy that had snatched the beanie from her. “You won't avenge your devastating loss by picking on a Hufflepuff of all people, Rina,” he said, grinning, before moving to give Nico a high five. He towered over him by at least twenty centimeters, but they still seemed like they belonged like this.
 Phil bristled for a second, flabbergasted, and tried to remember the name of the handsome guy with the dark locks. “Dan,” he breathed out when he remembered. “Dan Howell.”
 They had met before, Phil was pretty sure, if only because their best friends were friends - or at least that was what Will called him and Nico, but they both knew that was half the truth at best - but they had probably never talked for longer then a few minutes. Phil would remember that, he was sure.
 Dan’s eyes met his and Phil felt like he was drowning in chocolate. For a second, he lost all ability to focus, then a smile appeared on Dan’s face and the connection broke. “Phil Lester, right?” He stepped forward, towards Phil, holding out his beanie.
 Phil nodded. “Thank you,” he answered, doing his best to sound unaffected. He offered Dan a smile back, who blushed.
 It was Olli who broke the scene. She had let go of Addie and now started pulling Will along towards Hogsmeade, shouting a quick “come on guys!” behind her. The wide, mischievous grin on her face told Phil she wanted information, and something told Phil she wanted them from Will. Hikari next to him giggled. “Poor Will.”
 Phil couldn’t help but agree.
 With the distractive presence of his friends the day went by much faster than he had anticipated, and before he knew it, it was Sunday.
 At breakfast the group surprised him with flowers and a very high-pitched (and flat) serenade that made him grin so wide his muscles started hurting. They spared him the presents, though, because they knew he couldn’t focus on them anyways, and promised him he’d get them after he’d perform the spell.
 Startlingly, Olli had not gotten the information out of Will she’d wanted the day prior. Will had stayed determined and Phil admired his best friend even more for it, but it had left Olli dissatisfied. The Gryffindor, now sporting a bright blue wristband, wanted gossip.
 And he wanted it now.
 He was dead set on going with Phil to perform the spell. Phil was hesitant to even let his best friends in and definitely didn’t want Olli there, who was a great friend, sure, but couldn’t keep a secret even if a life depended on it.
 As always, Will got Phil out of the situation, distracted Olli with stories about a Gryffindor who’d recently gotten his tattoo and was now searching for a Hufflepuff with a cat and an unnatural love for books and words. Over the table, he was making silent conversation with Phil, informing him they’d meet in an empty classroom they had assembled beforehand in ten minutes, so he got up, Hikari on his heels.
 Hika had agreed to watch the hallway while Phil was performing the spell, and Phil was glad that she seemed to understand the intentions behind it. They all knew they didn’t indispensably need someone to guard the door and look for possible intruders, but Phil wanted her there - without having her there.
 Will had a deeper understanding for Phil’s position than Hika had. She had performed the spell a few weeks ago, shortly before Christmas, and she’d never had the reservations and fears that Phil shared with Will. For her, the spell would work, or it wouldn’t - she looked forward to her soulmate, sure, but she had a lot going for her, and she didn’t need them. Not like Phil did.
 Will on the other hand - he was like Phil in the Soulmate department. They had talked about it for hours, in the night in front of the fireplace of the Hufflepuff common room, or cuddled in their beds. Their roommates both had a deep sleep, and Phil and Will were best friends who didn’t mind sharing a bed to talk.
 When they sat down on the ground in the empty classroom ten minutes later, Hika manned the door for them. While Phil tried to calm down enough to perform the spell correctly, Will told him what had happened. Knowing there weren’t many things that could distract Phil right now, he told him his secret like it was nothing. He would have anyways, with time, but now he did it because Phil needed him to.
 Phil really, really loved his best friend.
 So, while attempting to breathe evenly and empty his brain of all negative thoughts, he listened to Will laying out his heart.
 “Nico performed his spell two days ago. He’s waited after his birthday, out of anxiety, I guess,” he said, eyes carefully observing Phil, watching for any signs of negativity. “Anyways, he performed it, and it’s a Hufflepuff.”
 Phil stared at his best friend with wide eyes, urging him to go on, pointedly breathing in a calm manner. He hoped for good news. He could need some right about now.
 “There’s a snitch, so it’s definitely a Quidditch player. Possibly a seeker.” Will was Hufflepuff’s most celebrated seeker. There was hope soaring in Will’s eyes and Phil couldn’t help but grab his hand. “There’s a bunch of medical symbols, a healing plant. And a sun.”
 There was a wide grin spreading over Phil’s face, and he could feel his eyes sparkling. Will Solace was a genius in everything concerning healing, it was his biggest passion next to Quidditch. And his nickname since first grade had been Sunshine.
 “Oh my god, Will. That’s you. It has to be you.” The joy bubbling in his voice seemed to spread over to Will, who let a grin slip. “I’m trying to not get my hopes up here, Phil.”
 Phil just grinned back. “I don’t care what you say, it’s you. You’ll perform your spell in a few months and then we’ll know for sure.”
The smile on Will’s face was so warm Phil felt it down to his bones. “Thanks, Phil.”
 It was silent for a while. Phil’s breathing was even and calm and Will’s aura of Sunshine made warmth settling in his whole body. He was ready. Will nodded as if he’d read his mind and handed him his wand. “You can do this.”
 Phil nodded, determination settling in him, took the wand into a relaxed grip and took a deep breath, clearing his thoughts of everything but the hope for his soulmate.
 “Indicare Anima.”
 For a second, nothing happened, and Phil already thought he’d gotten it wrong somewhere. Then, from zero to full force, a fire started burning in his left wrist, and he lost all control over his body. He hissed, pained, and closed his eyes. The fire started spreading upwards, from his wrist up to his elbow, got less and less painful, and then it was gone.
 The first thing he saw were Will’s eyes, and the look in them made him halt. “No,” he breathed out, directing his eyes down to his left arm - and he almost blacked out, dread settling over him like a heavy blanket, making it hard to breath.
 His soulmate tattoo was grey.
 Surprisingly, Phil didn’t have as much struggle settling back into his life than he thought he’d have. Will dealt with the questions his friends had, and left Hika, who shared all classes with Phil, to do the same with teachers or fellow students.
 Overall, the three grew even closer together than before, if that was even possible. Aside from the classes they didn’t share Will hardly ever left Phil’s side, only for Quidditch training or games. Whenever he had to, Hika was there to take his place and often enough they were together, all three of them. Teachers started referring to them as the colourful trio, and with all the pain cursing through him on a daily basis Phil revelled in the feeling of safety and love his best friends provided him with.
 There was no doubt they were his safety net, his tower of strength. Whenever the dread or sadness threatened to overpower him, they were there, holding him upright and giving him the love he needed.
 He rarely ever looked at his tattoo, didn’t even try to decipher the symbols. The first time looking at it had shattered his heart into pieces, leaving him bleeding and broken, and he didn’t intend on bringing the intensity of the first time back anytime soon - if at all.
 He left it open purposefully sometimes, when he was alone with Hika and Will, to give them the chance to look at it, to start the search he had no strength to attempt. He knew that not all hope was lost, that there were multiple possible reasons for the colour, but the chances of finding his soulmate even if they were still alive were slim, and Phil didn’t dare to hope.
 About a month after he had performed the spell the next Quidditch game came up. Slytherin was playing Ravenclaw, and while Phil usually lacked the enthusiasm for the sports, Will made up for it times ten, especially with Nico on the pitch. Phil had to admit Slytherin’s seeker was a sight to behold, and with the feelings Will possessed for the small boy it wasn’t a wonder he wanted to see him in his element.
 It took some persuasion, but he decided to tag along to keep his mind off of things, and they both dragged Hikari along, even if she wasn’t really interested. Olli and Addie, who barely let go of each other’s hand by now, stayed back, and Phil and Will exchanged a meaningful look over that information.
 When they arrived at the stands they were already packed full. A tall, dark figure winked Will over though, and Phil recognized Dan when they came closer. He had a Gryffindor scarf wrapped around his neck and an obviously grumpy housemate at his side. “Will!”, he greeted the Hufflepuff with a grin and waved at Phil, a blush covering his cheeks. “Hi, Phil.”
 “Hey Dan,” Phil and Will retorted synchronously, turning around to pull Hika forward. “That’s Hikari, or Hika.”
 Dan turned around to his housemate. “That’s Takeru. He’s grumpy because he overslept breakfast, but don’t let him fool you, he’s too nice for his own good.”
 After the introductions were done the group fell into easy conversation. Dan and Will carried most of it, talking about Quidditch and the housecup, but they all got some retorts in, and it was nicer than Phil had anticipated. When Will had involved Takeru in a talk about Slytherin’s chances of winning today and Hika was busy staring at Takeru - was Phil sensing something there? - Dan took him aside.
 “You’re Will’s best friend, right?” he asked, leaning in, and Phil’s heart jumped. “Yeah,” he answered, raising an eyebrow questioningly. A new blush appeared on Dan’s cheeks and Phil couldn’t help but grin. An easily flustered Gryffindor, interesting.
 “Just - did he tell you about the tattoo?” he asked, seemingly not noticing Phil’s smugness.  
 A stab of pain flashed through Phil, but he pushed it down, pressing his nails into the palm of his hands to keep his breathing even. He nodded, letting the joy over his best friend’s probable soulmate overpower his dread. “You also think it’s Will?” he asked, but it almost sounded more like a statement than a question.
 Dan raised an eyebrow as if asking really?. “Obviously,” he stated matter-of-factly and the grin creeped back onto Phil’s face. If even Nico’s best friend saw it, who didn’t even know Will as good as Phil did…
 Suddenly, it got loud around them. Phil turned around to take a look at the pitch, where the players were taking positions. The Slytherin fanblock behind them started chanting Nico’s name, who waved in their general direction. To an clueless spectator it might have looked like he was waving at the fans, but Phil knew better. Will was slightly blushing and waved back with a grin on his face, and only then Nico turned his attention back to the words of Ms. Hooch, an expression of smug satisfaction on his face.
 “Will you bring him to the lake when he’s performed the spell?”
 Dan’s voice was suddenly incredibly close to his ear and Phil’s eyes went wide. He could feel Dan’s breath skimming over his skin, and he had to suppress a shudder. Holy fuck.
 He was so distracted by the feelings pushing through him, it took him a while to comprehend the words Dan had said. “Absolutely,” he answered then, turning to Dan and giving him a grin that made him blush yet again. “T-thanks,” he murmured, then he turned towards the pitch and Phil smirked. The Gryffindor was definitely cute.
 It was during a particularly risky move it happened. Nico had finally spotted the snitch somewhere between Slytherin’s rings and went for it without hesitation. Their beaters, only focussing on the Ravenclaw chaser aiming for the rings, quaffle in her hand, sent a bludger her way - only it went right past her, towards Nico…
The Slytherins behind Phil in the others were so anxious, pattering their feets, that one of them lost their footing, falling forwards, right onto Takeru. They managed to keep themselves upright, not toppling over, but they shoved Takeru right into Hika, who had been turned towards him to say something. Their left arms touched -
 Suddenly, a blinding light shone through both of their sleeves. They pulled them up to reveal their soulmate tattoos shining brightly, before the light went down again like nothing had happened.
 The pain in Phil’s chest was so harsh, so fierce it almost brought him to his knees. He almost toppled over, loosing his balance, but Will was there to catch him. “What happened?” he asked, clueless. “I was watching Nico, was scared he’d get hit - why did you fall?”
 “Hika,” Phil whispered, pain radiating through his chest. He was so, so happy for his friend. He was.
 But it also hurt, knowing - or at least believing he would never have that.
 It only took one look for Will to assess the situation. He looked back and forth between Phil and Hika, trying to analyze if it was more important to comfort Phil or congratulate Hika.
Before he had made a decision the pain in Phil’s chest subsided. That was the way it was, and he’d have to live with that - but his friend just had a revelation so severe it couldn’t leave her unaffected.
 And really, when both him and Will turned around Hika was already looking at them. With anxiety in her eyes she cradled her left arm to her chest like it was broken. Phil took a deep breath. His friend needed help, and he would be there for her, no matter what.
 It didn’t take much time for everything to settle down again. Slytherin had won the game, only slightly and because of Nico, but that had only been a sidenote to the day.
 Hikari had found her soulmate.
 She was spending more time with Takeru now, but she didn’t forget Phil or Will, and for that, he was glad. Will and her still made sure that one of them was around Phil at all times, and the ice pickle in his heart subsided slightly with every day.
 Around a month later Will’s birthday was coming up. After Hufflepuff’s game against Gryffindor - which Hufflepuff won, with Will catching the snitch and teasing both Nico and his best friend Dan about it - he didn’t have much to focus on, and he was getting more and more anxious by the day.
 Phil coped with it better than he’d have thought a few weeks prior. His soulmate tattoo prickled often, now, ensuring that he couldn’t keep his mind off of it anymore - and somehow, the pain got duller, like he had gotten numb. Which probably wasn’t the best coping mechanism, but it worked.
 Will and him spent a lot of time together, talking about nothing and everything, and Phil learned a lot - from Will, but also with him. One night, a few days before Will’s birthday, they were both lying in Phil’s bed, basically contemplating life, when Will started crying. It came more or less out of nowhere for Phil, and he was worried about his friend, but he assured him there was no reason to.
 “It’s just,” Will mumbled, staring up onto the ceiling, silent tears running down his face, “I’m so sorry to say that, to sound like I get profit from your misery…” He sobbed, quietly, and Phil sat up in his bed. “I think I… We needed that. You know I hurt along with you, I really do, but it made me realize… We’re worth enough ourselves, you know?”
 His words hit Phil like a brickwall. He was propped up on his elbows, slightly bend to the side to stare at his still crying best friend. “We… We don’t need soulmates,” he whispered, and it was like he saw the world clearly for the first time in forever. He didn’t need a soulmate. Having one would be nice, sure, but he was his own person. He didn’t require someone else to make his life hole.
 He knew his best friend had said the words he’d always needed to hear - needed to understand.
 I’m enough.
 It took him quite some time to calm his best friend down. Will was an incredibly compassionate and kindhearted person, and getting something out of a situation so hurtful for his best friend took its toll on him. In the end Phil was able to assure Will that he had been right, that he had both needed it. They learned a lesson through it, a lesson incredibly important to the both of them, and that was more than he could’ve hoped for. He knew that in a few days, Will’s soulmate would reveal themselves to be Nico, and he’d be so incredibly happy for his friend.
 There was still a sense of loss within him, sure. But now he knew he had the best friend imaginable. And that he’d be okay.
 On Will’s birthday they had classes in the morning, but after that they huddled together in an empty classroom to perform the spell. He had his reservations about it, determined to not perform the spell out of some strange sense of solidarity for Phil, but both Hika and Phil did some persuasion and convinced him to do it.
 This time it was Phil’s task to make Will be calm, and he did so by listing a number of reasons Phil was happy to have Will as his best friend, and how happy he’d be for him when he’d have Nico at his side as his soulmate.
 The first time he tried the spell nothing happened, but Phil had assumed as much with the way Will’s hand had been shaking. On the second try, though, it worked, and Phil got to observe how a shimmering light made its way from Will’s wrist up his bare arms. The light was so bright Phil had trouble focussing on it, but when it sizzled out and got dimm enough to allow a look he was mesmerized.
 The tattoo was beautiful. It was the first Slytherin one he got to see, and what he’d heard was true. The dark green made a beautiful contrast to the sparkling silver, especially on Will’s tanned skin. The swirls were bold and powerful with smaller ends, talking even without the symbols embedded, and that alone seemed to fit Nico’s personality so perfectly Phil could feel tears brimming his eyes.
 He looked up into Will’s face before he could succump to the temptation of analyzing the symbols without him. Will’s eyes were full of a sense of hopeful anxiety, and Phil’s face stretched into a grin out of its own accord.
 They had a silent conversation, then Will raised his arm and Phil took a hold of it to lead the search for symbols. The first they found was a snitch, almost hidden within an ending swirl.
 “Seeker,” Phil stated giddily and Will squeezed his arm as a motion of silent understanding.
 The next one they found was a cute little raven, sitting on a twirl like it was a branch. “Raven,” Phil said. He knew he needed to voice what he saw out loud. He knew Will needed his reassurance that he wasn’t hallucinating.
 His wand fell out of Will’s free hand with a clatter. He balled it to a fist, but Phil could still see it trembling. Nico had a pet Raven that he shared a special connection with.
 All the next three symbols pointed towards Nico as well - pretty specifically even. A musical note (Nico was particularly fond of muggle music). A rune that stood for the letter W (Nico’s favorite rune - what a surprise), a symbol shaped like a wavy M that they both knew stood for the human fast food chain McDonalds that Nico loved. An omega, a letter of the greek muggle alphabet that was Nico’s family crest.
 The search was surprisingly therapeutic for Phil, and he found himself growing more and more curious towards his own tattoo as it progressed. Even if he would never meet his soulmate, it would still be interesting to know what their symbols were.
 Again, it seemed like Will was able to read Phil’s mind. “Let’s check your tattoo, too.”
 Phil looked up, into his best friend’s striking blue eyes. “Later. First, we’re going to the lake.”
 Naturally, he ignored Will’s confusion and protests entirely.
 When they arrived at the lake Dan was already there, coming to meet them on the way. Phil could see Nico’s small figure sitting under a tree, eyes closed and relaxed, and he raised an eyebrow towards Dan. “I don’t think he slept tonight,” Dan explained, reading his silent question without any problem. A warmth shot through Phil that he couldn’t decipher.
 He nodded, pulling a clueless Will forwards that blinked between them, completely confused. “Huh?”, he asked, then Dan shoved his left sleeve out of the way, carefully inspecting the tattoo. When he raised his eyes to meet Phil’s there were tears shining in them, and again, they didn’t need words to communicate. The warmth’ intensity increased again and Phil frowned for a second. He wasn’t getting sick, was he?
 Dan turned around, moving towards Nico and shouting his name in the process, Phil and Will right behind him. He had let go of Will’s wrist now, he didn’t need to pull him anymore. Will had spotted Nico, and Phil could practically feel the hope radiating off of his best friend on his skin.
 Nico woke up, startled, and leaped onto his feet faster than Phil could blink. For a second, he seemed disorientated, then his eyes focused on Will’s and they were in their own little world.
 Dan and Phil stood back as their best friends approached each other, closely next to each other, and it took all of Phil’s willpower to not reach for Dan’s hand directly next to his. No, he did not want to hold Dan’s hand. Absolutely not.
 Dan didn’t seem to have gotten the memo. His pinky finger wrapped around Phil’s almost sneakily and for a second, both of their breathings hitched.
 Then the scene in front of them demanded their whole attention.
 While approaching, Will had pulled up the sleeve of his rope, holding his arm in front of him like an entrance card. His eyes were locked with Nico’s, who’s left arm was outstretched as well, and when they finally stood in front of each other and pushed their arms together they didn’t even need to look towards their tattoos. The light breaking through the skin was so bright Phil had to cover his eyes even a few meters away. When it got dimmer and he was able to see again, Nico and Will were kissing, so tenderly and lovingly his heart was bursting.
 There was a tear running down his face and Dan left to him had to suppress a sob.
 When Dan’s pinky squeezed his own it felt right, but he pretended he didn’t care.
 Because neither Will nor Nico were willing to cut down on the time with their best friends or each other Phil found himself in Dan’s company more often than not. Sometimes Hika and Takeru were there as well, sometimes Olli and Adie accompanied them, and sometimes the whole group went to the Honeyduke together and they had to push two tables together to fit them all.
 It was nice, it was comfortable and comforting and it became his routine so fast it was dizzying. His strange infatuation with Dan continued, but he refused to give it any mind, even when Will pointed out that some of the symbols of his soulmate tattoo that they had finally inspected together did seem to point towards the Gryffindor.
 At the start of May the next Quidditch match came up: Hufflepuff versus Slytherin. Will and Nico had been excited for weeks, and even the usually pretty calm Slytherin talked about it regularly. In all reality, they knew Slytherin probably didn’t stand a chance. Their team was mediocre at best, and Hufflepuff hadn’t lost at all yet this year.
 The rest of team Hufflepuff teased Will relentlessly about going against Nico, and even Phil had to admit the game had its excitements. He giggled frequently when the conversation stirred that way, and he loved seeing both Will and Nico becoming flustered about it. Dan’s sarcastic remarks thrown into the mix made it even more hilarious to watch.
 On the day of the game Phil found himself next to Dan on the stands. Hika and Takeru were there as well, holding hands, and Adie had placed herself next to Phil. As a beater, Oli was in more danger of getting hurt than the rest, and it wasn’t a wonder Adie was anxious about it.
For the first few minutes the game was spectacular but almost ridiculously boring in terms of the outcome. Hufflepuff basically rolled over Slytherin, and Hufflepuff’s keeper got bored pretty soon because he had nothing to do.
 When the game seemed almost decided already - Hufflepuff was leading 200 to 20 and even the snitch couldn’t have brought them the win - a Slytherin beater lost all self-control and mindlessly hit the bludger in the general direction of the first yellow robe he saw. Will and Nico had both momentarily halted mid-air after the snitch had disappeared beneath the stadium and were scanning the pitch intensely, not paying attention to the other players.
 The bludger hit Will into the back without a warning. Phil could hear the sickening sound of breaking bones, then a scream rung through the air, so loud and piercing it drowned out all other noises.
 Phil’s blood ran cold instantly. His pinky finger was clasping Dan’s, but he didn’t even realize; all he could see and hear and feel was his best friend falling, falling, falling.
 It was Nico’s desperation that probably saved Will’s life. He had been on the opposite site of the pitch and the attempt seemed completely futile, but he had given all he had, and he reached Will just in time before he met the ground. He was unable to get a correct hold of Will, to keep himself and an unconscious body up on his broom, but he slowed Will’s fall enough to give Madam Hooch the time to react. She caught Will in a spell and let him glide to the ground slowly.
 Even with the worst outcome prevented it was still obvious it was bad. Will was unconscious and the sound ringing out on impact of the bludger was most definitely embedded into Phil’s brain forever.
 He stood there, observing motionlessly as Will got carried away towards the hospital wing. Nico had landed, already in tears, and was soon out of sight, running after Will. Phil on the other hand couldn’t even comprehend what had just happened. His brain just replayed the sickening sound as well as the picture of his best friend falling over and over again and reality seemed further away than ever before.
 He couldn’t lose Will. He couldn’t.
 He went down almost in slow-motion, but strong arms caught him before he could hit the ground. They engulfed him, scaring away the pictures and sounds until there was nothing but darkness and a warm voice whispering sweet nothings.
  The burning sensation in his Soulmate tattoo during the embrace went by completely unnoticed.
 It took Will a long time to recover, but Madam Pomfrey told them he was lucky he was still alive. His spine and his ribs had taken some serious damage, but she had been able to repair it all without lasting effects. The healing process would just take a lot longer than with minor injuries.
 Both Nico and Phil were so relieved to hear he’d be okay they fell into a hug almost instantly. Nico was normally not a touchy person and acted uncaring, which made the state he was in after Will’s accident even more severe, and it make them form an emotional connection with each other that Phil never would have seen coming.
 Phil on his part felt like he couldn’t let go of either of them for weeks. He had to constantly make sure that Will was okay, and that included Nico, but his bond with Dan was surprising even himself. The Gryffindor had become such an emotional support, his personal power of strength, that leaving him seemed almost unmanageable at times - like at night, when they all had to go their separate ways. He settled for cuddling Will until they were both asleep to make up for it, an he basked in the feeling. Knowing his best friend was alive and well was something he’d never take for granted ever again.
  Even after Madam Pomfrey had assured them that Will would be okay Nico was still more than furious. When he encountered the Slytherin responsible for the Bludger his aura was so dark and powerful the beater didn’t speak for weeks afterwards. Thankfully, both Dan and Phil were there to keep Nico from doing anything worse, but it was a close call.   
 Still, it had brought the group closer than ever. After Will got released from the hospital wing they were hardly seen alone, sitting together even during meal times. After school or on the weekends they regularly sat outside near the lake, studying or talking or just doing nothing.
 The burning sensation in Phil’s soulmate tattoo was so constant by now he didn’t even pay it any mind anymore, instead he forgot about the issue almost entirely. When Nico and Dan both disappeared after classes, he didn’t even think too much about it. Will’s futile looks told him that it should make him peak up, but he refused to pay it any mind. They were back in time for dinner like nothing had happened, so Phil just forgot about it.
 The following Saturday they met up at the lake almost immediately after breakfast to study. Their end of the year exams were coming up and neither one of them felt ready for it, but studying together had worked so far, so they weren’t going to change that.
 Phil and Will were already there, sitting on a picnic rug and basking in the bright sunshine that pleased both of the Hufflepuffs, when Dan and Nico approached them. Nico sat down next to Will, so close they were touching, and Will greeted him with a kiss to the cheek. The Slytherin still blushed whenever Will showed him even a hinch of affection, and Phil couldn’t help but aw silently. They were too freaking adorable.
 Dan choose a place next to Phil, a rosy patch on his cheek appearing when Phil grinned over to him widely.
 Phil snickered and exchanged a look with Will, who raised an eyebrow. The silent question was clear, but Phil just tilted his head to the side a bit, indicating that he wasn’t sure. And really, he refused to think about it. At least right now.
 Then they started studying, and everything aside from Herbology completely left his mind.
 __ After he and Will had quizzed each other on Herbology he desperately needed a break. He closed his book with a loud thud, then he flopped over backwards, sprawling out his legs and looking up at the sky. Will, poking his leg with his foot, started laughing. “Same,” he said, then a quiet thump followed, indicating that Will was copying Phil’s current position.
A quiet giggle sounded from Phil’s left and a body laid down next to him, so close their shoulders were almost touching. He didn’t need to check to know that it was Dan.
 “Lazy sods,” a voice grumbled from the other side of the rug and then another thumping sound followed. Phil giggled.
 For a while they all just laid there, listening to the sounds of the waves and the chirping of birds. Phil was savouring the sun on the naked skin of his arms, on his face, on his closed eyelids, and thought that he could just stay like this forever.
 His arm moved over to Dan’s out of his own accord. It had just become so normal, so natural to wrap his pinky around Dan’s and he didn’t think -
 Suddenly, there was a burning in his arm, almost as strongly as months ago when he had performed the spell, and when he opened his eyes to look down on it there was a light so bright he had to close them again immediately.
 He squinted, trying to distinguish what was happening.
 “What -”
 The question caught in his throat. As the light got dimmer it was apparent it had come from his and Dan’s touching arms, but that wasn’t even what phased him that much -
 What really got him was the colour. He hadn’t seen Dan’s Soulmate tattoo before, maybe because it had always been pretty cold out; actually, he hadn’t even known he had one. Dan had never mentioned his birthday and Phil had completely forgotten about the whole ordeal with the spell and the greyness and the pain - and now it was gone. The pain, the greyness, gone. He only caught a quick glimpse of Dan’s colourless tattoo, then Hufflepuff’s warm shade of yellow coated his symbols like the first rays of sunshine on a snowfield.
 And it didn’t only happen to Dan’s. Phil’s own tattoo, previously grey and dull, almost sad, was suddenly coloured in. Particularly the centerpiece, a majestic, drawn lionhead, was proudly highlighted in a swirl of Gryffindor’s red and gold and Phil’s heart contracted almost painfully -
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Bloody hell.
 Gryffindor. A fucking Gryffindor with a love for words and the moon and stars and flying, possibly quidditch...
 Later, he’d find it hilarious that his brain analyzed the symbols first, that the fact that it was a Gryffindor made his thoughts go to Dan.
 As if the light hadn’t been proof enough.
 For some time he couldn’t do anything else but stay still and look down onto the tattoos, almost like in shock. He counted his pounding heartbeats - one, two, three, four, five - then he forced himself to take a deep breath and sit up. Next to him, Dan was doing the same, and their eyes met.
 It was like time itself stood still. Like the earth stopped spinning as the warm glow of dark chocolate enveloped him, engulfed him in a comforting embrace that he didn’t want to ever get out of.
 Then the sun came out from behind a single cloud, shining down on them with full force. Dark chocolate became milk chocolate, the brown curls over them shone brightly like a halo and the light got caught in the deep dimple next to plushy, dark lips. Dan had always been good looking to Phil, but in this moment he was the epitome of beauty.
 Again, his body seemed to move out of its own accord, and when his lips finally met Dan’s, it was like the sun came out in his heart as well.
With Will and Nico’s helf they took some time to inspect each other’s tattoo. The symbols in Dan’s representing Phil fit him like a glove, and it made his heart grow warm with love. The centerpiece was a dragon, for his love for magical creatures and dragons specifically, then there was a mandrake for his passion for herbology. A cloud with snowflakes as well as the sun displayed his love not only for snow and the winter, but the sun and the warmth as well. The last one was a triskelion, a celtic symbol that stood for family as well as the Isle of man specifically, where Phil’s dad owned a holiday cottage they often visited during the summer.
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Dan traced the pattern and symbols on Phil’s arm with his fingertips as they looked at them. A quill as well as a parchment scroll for his love for runes and words. A broom for flying and quidditch. The moon and some stars, which were kind of self-explanatory. And the centerpiece, the lionhead, almost glowing in its radiating red and golden colours.
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Afterwards, things settled into place like they had always meant to be this way. Their routines hardly changed at all, and it made Phil realize how close him and Dan had been even before their tattoos. Now, though, there were stolen kisses and cheesy declarations, touches and looks. Dan still got flustered when Phil send him a suggestive wink and he still took Nico’s side when they had a discussion, just like Will took Phil’s; and somehow, that made him happy the most. The knowledge that their tattoos hadn’t changed them, at least not too much, that he had found his soulmate without losing himself was comforting beyond anything else.
 Hufflepuff won the Housecup this year, mainly due to Will and his excellent skills as a seeker, which had won them every Quidditch match this year. They threw a big party and celebrated Will as well as the rest of the Team excessively, but Phil got his shoutout as well for all the points he had gained for the house during Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Naturally, the party was mainly attended by Hufflepuff’s, but Dan and Nico celebrated with them like the proud boyfriends/soulmates that they were, and it made a new wave of warmth shoot through Phil - a lot of things seemed to do that by now.
 During the summer holidays he introduced Dan to his parents and his brother as well as Cornelia, and they accepted him into the family immediately. His meeting of Dan’s parents and his brother also went well, and they were traveling between each other’s houses through the flee network almost daily. They met up with Will and Nico, had fun and relaxed, and it was the best summer Phil had ever had.
 At the end of it he was honestly looking forward to their last school year. It would be hard, definitely, but he would get through it, and he’d enjoy almost every step of the way. He wasn’t alone, he had a newly found friend, his best friend, and his soulmate, whom he loved with all his heart. He was content - and happier than he’d ever been.
22 notes · View notes
The Son Of Scheherazade, 24
Notes: As always, big thanks to my wonderful editors, Drucilla and BlueShifted!
This arc is going to be kind of... wonky? It's one of those things where I know point A and point C, but no idea how to tie them together via B. So, expect some making up of stuff as I go along. Hasn't hurt me so far, right?
Summary: With the last piece of the "map" in sight, Mickey and Minnie indulge in finding their own treasures. But love comes at a cost, and Mickey isn't willing to pay the price.
The crew bid goodbye and good riddance to Lotus Blossom, after she rejected Mickey's rather generous offer to drop her off at the nearest town – as she correctly guessed that Mickey planned to drop her into the first jail cell he could find – and they were off to the fishing town of Alnihayat. Mickey's guess about the map was, for now, still only a guess, as he had only one small piece of proof. No matter how you arranged the three pieces, they didn't fit in any map-like shape. Instead, as Mickey explained to the crew as he laid out the pieces in his room, they were shaped more like book pages. They appeared to fit together better when one was put on top of the other, and there was an old, sticky substance to the edges that could have been part of a book's binding. They still couldn't read a word of it, but Mickey figured they might not have to – that with the final piece, the spell would be complete, as per the Phantom Prince's plan.
But they could only tackle one problem at a time, and right now that was finding the final piece itself. Everyone was grateful to get back to that chase, as the inner demons of the Cave of Wants had tormented their minds plenty, and boy did they need a distraction. Nobody talked about what they saw, and nobody wanted to think about it, Mickey most of all. As disturbing as the whole thing had been, there had been one damming, undeniable thought he couldn't put away.
What good is controlling your anger after it's already happened?
He could be sorry all he wanted for his actions, and do his best to avoid losing his temper in the first place, but both of those meant squat if he was still continuing to hurt people. He needed to find a way to control himself once his anger was at its highest, and he suspected that his eventual final face-off with the Phantom Prince would make him the angriest he'd ever been. What to do, what to do...?
“Alnihayat is a pretty small town,” Goofy explained that day, when they were laying anchor to the sand and getting ready to depart. “And the locals are friendly, so we shouldn't have any trouble. No legends, no monsters, this town is as normal as normal can be.”
“No town is that normal,” Horace countered with a grumble. “It's probably got some deep dark secret that will pop open the second we step foot inside.”
Clarabelle punched his shoulder. “Oh, you're just upset Lotus stole your wallet.”
“Who steals a wallet from a guy trying to kill himself?!”
Minnie bit her lower lip as she watched everyone talk and discuss who would split off where. Truthfully, she had a slight ulterior motive – when she first heard the words “fishing town”, she had a fair assumption that the ocean would be there, and as someone who had never seen it, she felt an itch to take a look, especially after her revelation within the cave. It felt selfish to ask this, though, as this was a mission, but on the other hand, maybe the map piece was on the beach. Her newfound independence was a shaky thing, but it became stronger each time she used it. She opened her mouth -
“Can I take the beach?” Mickey asked, his voice tingling with excitement. “I've never seen the ocean before!” He then turned to Minnie, oblivious as always. “How about you, Minnie?”
Her first instinct was to say of course master, yes master, whatever you say master, oh happy day, her and Mickey were completely in sync! “I... I haven't seen it either, Ma... Mickey.” It had also been a struggle to say his name instead of his title, but this hadn't gone unnoticed. The first couple of days, it got proud smiles from everyone – save for Daisy, who always had to ruin things (“Aw, is the spice out of your relationship?”) and earned a good ponytail-yank from Mickey again. As she did it more and more the ship adjusted to it, but the one who kept smiling about it no matter what was Mickey. He grinned merrily, and there was an extra flick-flick-flick to his thin black tail. It was embarrassing, and even more embarrassing to admit to herself she enjoyed his reaction.
“Well!” Mickey slapped his hands on the table, unable to stop smiling. “That settles that! Me and Minnie will take the beach!”
“Why don't you take Pluto along with you?” Goofy suggested. “Poor pup's been cooped up here for so long, could use some time in the fresh air. I'll hang back today and guard the ship.”
Mickey's joy grew tenfold. “Aw, really? Thanks, Goofy! Why, I'll even take my flying carpet along, see if I can get it to work! I bet we'll find the last piece of the spell in no time flat!” Flashing one more gleeful grin to Minnie, he jogged off to his room, eager to tell Pluto and grab the carpet. In his room, after sharing the news with man's best friend, he rolled up the rug and tied it to Pluto who offered no complaint. After a few more minutes of planning, Mickey was ready to leave when he saw Donald standing in the doorway. “We're all set, Donald!”
“I figured,” Donald said, glancing this way and that before entering the room. Though Daisy had finally, reluctantly, shown she cared about others, she was still ready to tease and trick at the drop of a hat. Some conversations were better off private. “But I wanted to help you out before you go.”
Mickey raised his eyebrows. “Help with what?”
Donald lowered his voice, one hand to the side of his mouth. “You and Minnie, going together to the beach, a sight neither of you have ever seen before... that's totally a date.”
Mickey's entire face turned crimson, and on impulse he began to flail, his heart skipping several beats. “W-what?! No! No it isn't! It's just a...” Then again, what did he know? He who avoided every sappy lovey-dovey moment with his parents whenever possible? “... Huh. Is it a date?” He glanced at Pluto, in case he had the answers, and the dog shrugged.
“I may not know much about much,” Donald conceded. “But this spells out a date to me. So you gotta make it count! Who knows when another good chance like this will come up? If you want to be Minnie's suitor instead of her Master, you gotta do three things to make this a good date!”
Mickey was ready to learn, but he had to ask. “How do you know what a good date is?”
“I've done my homework,” Donald said, leaving out that he had asked Goofy for advice, as he didn't trust Daisy to be entirely truthful, Horace and Clarabelle would have argued about it, and gods know what kind of musical number Jose and Panchito would have done. After all, Goofy had, somehow, charmed his fair share of women, even if some of it was purely by mistake. “And as long as you do these three things, you've set yourself up for future dates. Number one, you gotta make it enjoyable.”
“Makes sense,” Mickey replied, arms crossed and head tilted. “I'm sure there are lots of fun things we can do at the beach. That's the easy part.”
“Number two,” Donald continued. “You have to learn more about each other. That way, you make sure you're compatible!”
There was a bit of hesitance on Mickey's part about this. “I... guess so...” He didn't care to share his father's bloody history, even if it was to come up someday, and Mickey himself was seemingly very dull. He hadn't gone on any big adventures until he met Minnie, so what could he tell her? On the other side, there was plenty he still didn't know about Minnie. What kind of places had she been to? What kind of masters had she gone through? What were her favorite stories, what were her favorite teas, what were her favorite type of jewels he could reasonably buy to make into earrings – it was fair to say that Mickey wanted to know everything and anything about Minnie, no matter how obscure and tiny the detail. “So what's number three?” Was it a kiss? He hoped it was a kiss.
“Set up the future,” Donald answered, dashing Mickey's silly hopes. “That's what ties the first two together! If you can always find a way to have fun and learn more things about each other, that means you two can be together for life. So make plans for what to next! You gotta think of the big picture, what to do once we beat the Phantom Prince and get your parents back!”
“Oh. Is that all?” Mickey was surprised at this, as that detail had been with him for ages. “Shoot, she'll just come home with me and my folks to live in the palace. Then we can spoil her rotten and give her the life she's always wanted.” It was a perfect, fool-proof plan!
“Oookay...” Donald was reluctant to burst Mickey's bubble, but as he had made it one of his life goals to repay Mickey for all his kindness, it was for his friend's own good. “Sounds nice, really does, just one tiny detail missing... have you asked Minnie if that's what she's always wanted?”
If there was a facial equivalent for a wooden boat crashing into sharp rocks, that was Mickey's face right that second. As the boat broke into tiny splinters, so did Mickey's plan, which ultimately made him the fool. “Uhhhhhhh...” He dragged the sound out, feeling his entire body shrink smaller and smaller. Here he'd been trying to plan for Minnie's freedom and there he went snatching it away. “I... mean... I just... kind of assumed...” And how did that make him any different from any of Minnie's previous masters? Doing whatever they wanted with her and not bothering to ask her opinion on it? He was a heel! He was the biggest heel to ever heel!
“Hey, hey, back into real time, buddy!” Donald poked Mickey's cheeks, trying to snap him out of his downward spiral of self-loathing. “It's okay! You meant well! You just have to talk to her about these things! Take a deep breath now...” In, out, in, out, everything was fine, just fine. “You're going to have a great date with Minnie, you'll learn more about each other, you'll ask her about the future, and in the mean-time, just remember you're not a bad guy. You're going to give her her freedom...” Donald trailed off. Come to think of it...
Mickey took one last deep breath through his nostrils and straightened up. “Okay! You got it, Donald! Pluto, let's head out!” He began to march forward.
Donald turned around, trying to catch him. “Actually, Mickey-”
“Not to worry, I can do this!”
“Yeah, you can, but I just wanted to-”
“I'll let you know how it goes!” And Mickey was gone, Pluto trailing along behind him.
Donald stood alone in Mickey's room, the unheard question still on his lips. Hm. Hm! Perhaps it could wait. Yes, surely someone as nice and kind-hearted as Mickey would figure it out on his own, and if he didn't, Minnie might bring it out of him. They were both wonderful people who deserved one another, and Donald wanted them to be together, as he felt they would be happier this way. He truly did love them both in his own way, like a brother and sister. And he wanted his brother and sister to be together!
“… Right, we tell no one that thought,” Donald said quietly, amazed he could humiliate himself without Daisy's help. “Ah, I'm worrying over nothing. They'll be fine.” He put his hands in his pockets and whistled, a little ray of cheerful sunshine basking over his head. For now, he took that question and tucked it away for another time.
Why was Minnie still a genie?
It was a warm day, with no clouds in the sky but a pleasant breeze would gently sway in from time to time. The group left the ship and entered the sleepy town before parting their separate ways, and at first Goofy's description won out. It was a tiny town, with only a handful of shops that weren't devoted to fish and the job of fishing, and even tiny children were selling necklaces made out of clean fish bones, yelling out in the wet streets about their wares. Mickey and Minnie were overwhelmed by the smell of the nearby ocean, and they didn't wait to say goodbye before suddenly rushing off in the direction of the boats, knowing their destination was close. Jose mused about young love, and Panchito bought six necklaces.
The two mice zigzagged their way around amused fishermen, Pluto yipping at their heels. They nearly tripped over wooden stairs that led down onto the hot sand, but they refused to stop running until the water was right at their feet. Mickey panted to catch his breath, but when he stood up straight, his breath was taken away again.
Mickey and Minnie had both pictured this mystical sight many times in their imaginations, but none of it could compare to the actual, real thing that brushed over their feet. White foam sparkled like diamonds, and the water wasn't just blue, it was green, it was dark, it was light, it was everything at once, a living thing that breathed in and out alongside Mickey's chest. It seemed to stretch on for ages, each ripple different than the last one.
It was beautiful. Everywhere they looked, it was beautiful. These children of the sand found it impossible to look away, to miss a second of this ever-changing landscape that pulled in and out without fail. But Mickey wasn't content to merely look and call it a day. With a gulp of air, he began to walk forward, his sandals squishing in wet sand.
Minnie was jolted out of her gazing. “What are you doing?”
Mickey glanced back at her with a grin. “You're not just going to stand there, are you? C'mon!” He offered her his hand.
Minnie reached out, but stopped, smirking. “Do you know how to swim?” “... No. Do you?”
“Not at all. So I can't save you if you drown.”
“Well then, I won't drown!” Mickey flashed his own toothy grin, swatting the water around him to splash at her.
Minnie shrieked, only out of surprise, not expecting the water to be that chilly. “It's so cold!”
“Now you're just making excuses! I bet you want me to drown so you can kiss me back to life.” He'd been practicing that line in his head for an hour and was very proud of himself for not stuttering once.
Minnie's eyes widened, and it was time for battle. “You – you're awful!” She laughed, and used both of her hands to splash right back.
Mickey yelped – that was cold! “Hey, take it easy! I gotta get used to it first!”
“Oh, you think you can tease me and get away with it, your highness?”
“What happened to saying my name!”
“I'll say whatever I like!”
It was a nonsensical argument that went around in circles, and it was one of the happiest talks they'd ever had, their splashing becoming wilder and more erratic. Pluto was tempted to join them, but decided it was too risky as the carpet might get wet. He was just grateful to be outside, and so used his time to dig up potential holes for potential bones. He figured he was having more fun than those two, who were now chasing each other up and down the shoreline, Mickey trying to scare Minnie with a piece of seaweed and pretending it was an eel, and Minnie retaliating by dropping a gooey mound of wet sand down the back of his shirt. It was a war with no winners, and they wound up soaked from head to toe.
They only stopped their chase when Mickey stubbed his toe on a spiky seashell, which made for a fascinating discovery. It was a completely foreign object to both of them, and they began collecting as many as they could find, comparing shapes and colors and trying to guess how they were formed. One fun time led to another, as Minnie realized that since wet sand stuck together, maybe it could be formed into shapes. At first they tried to create miniature statues, but they fell apart easily, and so the idea of creating buildings came next. Minnie enjoyed decorating them with the shells, while Mickey made up stories of those who lived within.
“The brave soldier has returned home!” Mickey declared as a skittish hermit crab climbed its way into the mouse-made castle. “At long last, he can put down his sword and rest.”
“And tell all his friends about the life he's led,” Minnie offered, digging a small hole in the interior for a makeshift swimming pool. “And stay up all night and day for every story he's got.”
“But he must also stay vigilant! For any moment, one of his former enemies could-” But Mickey's dramatic gestures knocked down one of the columns, interrupting his plot twist. “Whoops.” He quickly tried to build it back up.  “Sheesh, this stuff doesn't stay up for too long.”
Minnie sat down in the sand, curious. “Does your palace look like this?”
“Naw, it's kind of more... square-ish. If it were, my room would be right about... here,” He pointed out, drawing a line on the wall. “And it's got a balcony, where I can see the whole kingdom. And my parent's room would be right over this way, and this there would be Pete's room...” Mickey went on explaining where everything and everyone was, noting where the gardens flourished and how tall the highest tower was, his favorite places to hide when Pete was on the prowl, where the cooks hid their snacks and often shared with their favorite prince, and Mickey's voice grew more and more quiet as he talked. To think that so long ago life in the palace was dreadful, and now he missed it terribly.
Looking back on it now, the servants and the townsfolk never meant any harm when they called him the Son of Scheherazade. They just wanted to show their gratitude for his mother's selflessness and bravery, and since they couldn't constantly go to her and shower her with gifts and praises, he was the next best thing. Would any of that change if they learned what saved them wasn't her mind, but her Eye? Just as importantly, would they listen when Mickey would come home and stand up for himself? He sighed, and then shook his head. Dwelling on it wouldn't help, and this was a prime opportunity to take step two of Donald's plan. “Say, uh, you ever been to a lot of palaces?” Minnie nodded, having waited patiently for Mickey while he thought of his homeland. “I've been in all kinds of homes, from tiny shacks to grand castles... although with my powers, they didn't stay that way for long.” She plucked one shell off from the wall, this one pink and white. “They weren't all bad... One woman wished for flowers to grow every day in her house. Then she would cut them all and give them away as bouquets to her neighbors.” She smiled fondly at the memory, trying not to think of when the neighbors had gotten suspicious and eventually raided the poor woman's home to get their hands on Minnie. “And then there was the time I wound up in the hands of a little boy... he wished everything he touched would turn into candy.” She giggled, recalling how the boy soon had his favorite toys turned into taffy. “He had me undo it in ten minutes!”
Mickey snorted, able to see himself making a very similar wish at that age. “Sounds like you've been all over... and I've never even left my kingdom before. By now, you've probably got way more stories than my Ma. I bet she'll want to hear them all...” He hadn't meant to jump to step three so quickly, but here they were, and he didn't want to waste the chance. He nervously fidgeted with a sand dollar that had once been a door. “My... my folks will probably have a lot of work on their hands when they get home, since they've been gone for so long. And I'll do my best to help 'em out, even if I'm not sure what I can do. What... what do you think you'll do?” he lifted his head. “When this is all over... when you're free... what do you want to do?”
This was a question that used to fill Minnie with dread and keep her up at night. Yet as she hugged her knees, watching the hermit crab inspect his surroundings, she felt tranquil. “It's strange... I've been wanting freedom all my life, but... I'm not sure what I'll do. I'm not even sure what I'm good at, besides granting wishes... but... at the same time...” She smiled, brushing some sand off her arm. “It's kind of exciting, don't you think? Having all the choices but not knowing which ones to start with... I think no matter what I wind up doing or where I wind up going, I'll be happy. Because it'll be my own doing.”
All right, Mickey decided, time to ease into this slowly. Whatever you do, do not just blurt out YOU CAN COME LIVE WITH ME THAT'D BE SWELL. “Well, uh... you could, um, if you wanted...” Mickey's fingers tapped on the sand dollar, the question bouncing up and down in his throat and refusing to enter his mouth. “I know I just said we'd be busy and all, but... it'd be one of those 'we need all the help we can get' situations, right?” He found it difficult to look at her sweet eyes, and the stammering and stuttering increased tenfold. Because, from a certain point of view, this was, kind of, sort of, in a way, like a m-m-marriage proposal... Not that it WAS because it WASN'T and DANG IT DONALD LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!! “Y-y-y-you, um, that is, i-i-if you like, them, and me, if you liked all of us, together, then, m-m-maybe, possibly, there's room, there's always room, th-th-there's always room...”
Minnie could tell whatever Mickey wanted to say was going to take a while. As awful as it was, a laugh began to rise in her throat. How could she have ever thought the Mickey of the Mirror was the real one? Sillier still, why did she think she wanted him that way? Her lips trembled, and the urge was getting harder to fight. It wasn't her fault Mickey was ridiculously adorable! What would he have thought if he saw that “other” self in her dream? Envious or incredulous? She bit down on her lip, but lost the battle, and she wound up laughing so hard she had to hold her stomach. “I-I'm sorry!”
Mickey blushed deeply, deeply, deeply. “H-Hey! I'm tryin' to say something!”
“I-I know! It's not you, it's just... heehee... I can't explain... teehee... it's too much!”
“You can explain right now!” Mickey tried to grab Minnie, but miscalculated and landed belly-first on the castle. He winced, and then froze, hoping he hadn't squished the hermit crab – nope, it quickly crawled out and headed away from the nonsense. Naturally this made Minnie laugh much harder, and were their positions reversed, Mickey would have been fit to burst as well. “Aw, you're a real riot, Minnie! I could wish the truth right out of you!”
“Instead of wishing you could talk to me without stuttering?” she teased, lightly poking his forehead.
“I don't s-s-stutter... I don't s-s-s.... I D-D-DON'T...” She was going to be the death of him, he was going to be the first person to literally die of embarrassment. “Quit giggling! I wanted to ask you somethin', dang it!”
“I really am sorry.” And Minnie mostly meant it. “It's just... you wouldn't understand, it was the Cave of Wishes, what it made me see...”
Mickey finally began to get up. “What about it? I know exactly what you saw.”
Any remaining laughter died in Minnie's mouth. No he didn't. Surely he didn't. “What... do you mean?”
“I mean, isn't it obvious?” Mickey shrugged his shoulders. “I bet the entire crew knows what happened in your dream.”
What a fine way to turn those positions around – now Minnie was struck with the love arrow of denial. “Uh, no, I'm... very, very sure you all... didn't see anything...” She wasn't that obvious, was she?! Could all of them really guess that she wanted to sit in Mickey's lap while he caressed her with sweet nothings? No way, nooo way – Daisy would have never let it go!
“It's written all over your face,” Mickey went on, mortifying Minnie even more. “What else am I supposed to think?”
All over her face, even right now?! “W-well... I... I am...” Her voice died down, and she looked down at her twiddling thumbs, mumbling shyly. “I am a girl, after all, and...girls like to... hear certain things, sometimes...”
“What's being a girl got to do with it?” Mickey asked, dumbfounded. “I think anyone in your position would want the same thing – your freedom!”
… Well. He wasn't wrong, technically. She made sure to look away, a hard, fake chuckle forcing its way past her lips. “... Y-Yes, of course, that was it... that, and nothing else, absolutely nothing else...” Not Mickey kissing her neck and telling her she was beautiful, ha ha ha haaaaaa.
To Minnie's dismay, Mickey's obviousness wasn't as strong today. “Was there... something else in the dream?” What else could she possibly want? Was it something he could also grant?
It turned out the flight or fight instinct also lived in genies – rather than answer that, Minnie took to her feet and ran. Mickey stared and then chased after her. “HEY! What was in the dream?!”
Mickey never did get around to asking the important question, but at least he got step one and two down. Even with the two of them being humiliated in different ways, that was fun in its own frivolous way. Minnie never did tell him what the other part of her dream was, even when Mickey tackled her down and tickled her. She distracted him with the discovery of a sea star, and they spent many minutes mesmerized in feeling its bristles. Mickey recalled a story his mother once told of mermaids, and given her Eye there was a possibility they actually existed, and Minnie responded with stories of past masters, including one who had wished to breathe underwater.
Mickey was learning not to hold a pointy sea urchin in his hand after Minnie spoke of a master who wished to be faster than ten racing camels. “Gee, Minnie... you sure do remember a lot. Do you really remember each and every single one of your masters?”
“I do,” Minnie said with a notch of pride. “It might be part of my magic, but I recall every single day of all my many years. I remember every morning, noon, and night I spent with them, all as if it happened yesterday.”
“Shoot, sometimes I can't remember what I had for breakfast,” Mickey replied, fairly impressed. Such an ability sounded like both a blessing and a curse. He sat down in the sand, letting his feet get wet in the passing tide. He felt his next question was a simple one. “What was your first master like?”
And Minnie...
… couldn't remember.
She knew her earliest master, a dark-skinned gentleman who thought perhaps she was a goddess first, before understanding she was a servant. Yet a part of her knew that this was not the first master. A feeling, a dreadful feeling, a coldness deep in her bones told her not to go any further. “I don't... know...” she said softly, her eyes going over the water's horizon. “My... my first memories, I already knew who I was, and what I could do...” But how does any living creature know such things right away? How does all life come into being? Once more, the Imp's wickedly amused inquiry came to mind.
Do you remember how you were created?
Minnie shut her eyes, her mind flashing with pain. “I don't know!” she suddenly cried out, to the Imp and herself. “I don't know where I came from, or who made me... and every time I try to think about it, I get so scared... It's like... there's another me telling me I shouldn't.” But why? What was so awful about her birth? She wasn't a mortal, but she had understood this, lived with it, what anguished truth was being locked away? Would she ever know?
Mickey's hand clasped hers, warm despite being covered in cold ocean water. “It's okay,” he insisted, trying to put on a brave smile for her. “There are plenty of things I don't know either... and maybe we'll find out. Maybe we won't. That's not so bad.” He scooted in closer, and put an arm around her shoulders. “Whatever happens, we'll face it together. Long as you want me around, I'll be there. Whatever you wanna do once those shackles come off, I'll support it.” Not only because he loved her, not only because he promised her, but because most of all, it was the right thing to do. That, to Mickey, mattered most of all. The right thing should always be done, regardless of how it would affect him and his heart.
If the right thing meant letting Minnie go and never seeing her again... it would hurt. It might be a wound from which he might never recover. Yet he would do it. He heard Minnie whisper quiet words of thanks, her head tucked under his chin. Even with this closeness and tenderness, it was no absolute guarantee she would stay with him. The thought of it almost drove him to tears. When he freed his parents, he could lose her, but she deserved to be free and happy, whether it was with him or not. He had to ask her, even as the question now hurt his soul.
“Minnie... when you're free...” Dang it all, his eyes felt wet. Why hadn't his parents warned him that love could be as painful as it was wonderful? If it came to be that she told him no, and her days on the ship would be their last together, he still wouldn't trade the memories he had of her for anything in the world. Their time had made him a better person, he believed it, and he would treasure every second they spent, even the angry and confusing ones. “After everything is done, and my parents are free... If you want... Will you...”
Mickey paused, and rushed to wipe away the tears from his eyes. “Pluto, this is NOT a good time to ask for a treat!”
He whipped his body around, but Pluto wasn't interrupting for snack time. As the two mice had been sharing memories and trust, a few ner-do-wells from the docks had spotted Pluto's odd carpet attachment. Fabric like that was rare in this part of the world, and the three beagle-faced bandits had decided to take it for themselves, even if it meant taking the dog along. Mickey had turned just in time to see three grown men lifting Pluto up and away, with Pluto barking frantically for help.
“PLUTO!” Mickey yelped, on his feet in seconds as was Minnie. “Leave my dog alone!”
“Finders keepers, kiddo!” the head beagle snapped, and with his brothers they began to run towards the stairs back to the docks.
“Give him back!” Mickey yelled, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword and running after them, with Minnie in hot pursuit. “Don't you hurt him!” The beagles had a head-start on the hunt, and it didn't help that many busy fishermen had returned and were trying to unload their smelly wares. Mickey and Minnie had to leap over full fish nets, burst past ripped sails, and slip past soggy sailors. With so many obstacles in their way, it was getting difficult to catch up.
“Mickey!” Minnie shouted when it became harder to see the thieves. “Use a wish to stop them!”
“No!” Mickey objected automatically. “We'll find another way!” Think, think, there had to be a better way than to use a wish – they were entering the fisher's market, and there was a fresh crowd that made things all the harder to push through. “Come on...” Mickey's eyes flew around until he saw a lopsided banner advertising the world's mightiest minnows. “I got it!” He ran towards the falling banner and began to use it as a climbing rope, scrambling until he was on the rooftop. “I'll get the drop on 'em!” He backed up, and then sprang forward in a hot run, jumping from that building to the next.
“Mickey!” Minnie shrieked, yelling as loudly as she could to be heard over the crowd. “Stop! It's too dangerous! You'll get yourself killed! Use a wish!”
He didn't need a wish, he was fine! Mickey had trained under Horace and Clarabelle's watchful eye, and his stamina and speed had built up considerably. He would get ahead of the thieves and catch them from above! It would be as easy as -
As slipping on a loose stone and plummeting downward.
Mickey managed to catch himself by the skin of his teeth, or more literally, by clutching onto the decaying store rooftop with his fingers. But this store was in need of many repairs, including a crumbling roof, and Mickey could feel himself starting to slip, his ocean-wet fingers making it harder to stay on. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't fine.
“MICKEY!” Minnie was now screaming so loudly the entire shopping audience could hear, and now all were staring at the boy who was near death's door. “USE A WISH! Wish for the carpet, wish to fly, wish for the ground to be made of marshmallows, just wish for something!” Pluto, hearing all the distress, could feel the carpet wriggling fiercely under the tied knots, and he clawed desperately to free it if not himself.
“No!” Mickey said again despite all reason, teeth gritted, trying to climb back up but finding it impossible to do so. “I can't! I should only use wishes... for emergencies!”
Just because she was right didn't mean he had to concede anything! “I... I can't! I just can't!” His fingers were starting to ache fiercely...
“We've been in so many life-threatening situations before! The Cave, the Imp, and you still wouldn't use a wish! You can't keep doing this! Why am I still a genie if you aren't going to use my powers?!”
“Because... because...” He had his reasons! He needed to be ready for any emergency! He needed to save them for his parents! He didn't want to hurt her! He didn't want to waste an opportunity! But for each and every single reason he could think of, none of them held weight to the awful, real truth that he'd been trying to avoid. “Because I... I don't... I don't want... I don't want to let go!”
But he did. And down he went.
Instead of meeting the harsh, unforgiving ground, he met the soft, rather forgiving carpet. He blinked a few times to make sure this wasn't some sort of dying illusion – a pinch to his cheek proved the truth – and he rolled onto his stomach, staring at the familiar mix of colors. “Huh. Not quite how I wanted to test you out, but thanks!” Maybe it was just the near-death high messing with his eyes, or maybe the carpet's tassels actually gave him a thumbs-up. “Mind helping me down?”
The carpet gently glided downward, with the crowd backing up in surprise and wonder, talking excitedly to each other about the miracle they just witnessed. Once he was close enough, Mickey hopped off the carpet, and gave it an appreciate pet like he would've Pluto. “See, Minnie? It all worked out, everything is-”
A hard slap to his left cheek proved that, no, things were not whatever he'd been about to say.
Mickey slowly turned his head, touching his hurt cheek, to see Minnie trembling with anger, her hand still in the air. Her teeth were tight together, a sign that she was pushing back the urge to cry. Mickey gulped, sure he was in trouble but not quite sure why. At least, Mickey thought, things can't get any wor-NO, NO, NEVER THINK THAT, NEVER THINK THAT -
Too late. It had been thought, and just to prove him wrong, the man who'd they soon learn was the ringleader of the thieves stepped from the crowd, an all too familiar face. “Look who's come crawling back to the most magnificent man in the world!”
Mickey's stomach and jaw dropped together. “... Mortimer?”
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