#i did not yell at my television set no of course not
sachete · 1 year
hey @neil-gaiman i'm not mad i just wanna talk
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munchcorner · 5 months
Sukuna uses Yuji for his own benefit. Whenever Jin isn't around, he'll use Yuji to ask for someone's number, saying, "I'll stop bullying you for the day if you ask their number."
Of course, Yuji doesn't trust Sukuna, "Why should I? You won't harass them, right?"
Sukuna, not wanting to admit his interest, replies, "Your dad's asking for their number." Yuji stares at him with scepticism, "why would he need their number?"
"I don't know, man." Sukuna shrugs. Yuji tries to walk away, but Sukuna drags him back.
"We're not going home until you ask," Yuji tries to take his grip off him, but Sukuna's too strong.
"Fine, just please don't harass them or something." Yuji takes the number and gives it to Sukuna.
Like the lying uncle that he is, he still bullied Yuji that day.
Aside from using Yuji to ask for numbers, Sukuna also makes Yuji do the chores Jin asked him to do.
"Oh, yeah. Your dad said you should take out the trash." Sukuna says while watching wrestling on the television.
"I can't believe I'm stuck with you again," Yuji complains.
"I can hear you, brat."
"It's not like I was preventing you from hearing me," Yuji yells as he takes out the trash.
"Remember to clean the backyard after you return! Also, buy me some ice cream on your way here!" Yuji doesn't answer and slams the door.
Sometimes, Sukuna blames Yuji for something he did.
"Yuji, I told you not to play too rough. Look, you knocked down the trash can," Sukuna scolds when he sees Gojo approaching. "Your teacher would be disappointed if he sees it,"
Yuji's jaw drops after hearing Sukuna.
"But you were the one who kicked it down after getting pissed into an argument with a child!" Yuji complains, not noticing Gojo.
"Yuji, you know it's bad to lie, right?" Sukuna pretends to be disappointed.
"You're the one lying!" Yuji yells in disbelief.
"Gojo, I'm so sorry my nephew is acting this way. Please punish him," Sukuna clutches his chest in faux pain. It hurts to think about him being punished, but he needs some discipline, or this behaviour will continue."
Gojo only smiles, "don't worry about it. It's a problem that's easy to resolve. Since you're his uncle, why don't you set an example by cleaning it up? Hm? Maybe it'll teach Yuji to own up to his mistakes,"
Sukuna glares as Gojo walks away with Yuji while he's cleaning up.
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stevesbestgirl · 2 years
Their Girl - Game Day
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Soft!Daddy!Stucky X Little!F!Reader
Warnings: age regression, brief descriptions of food, passive alcohol consumption (nothing major), reader gets overstimulated, younger than usual regression, crybaby queen reader, reader’s hand gets swatted, but no real violence
4275 words
A/N: This is part of Season 2 of Their Girl! Season 2 is still in progress and won’t be posted until it’s finished, but there is a new character in this part that hasn’t technically been introduced yet. Rest assured, the remaining pieces will come in time, but it’s Super Bowl Sunday here in the U.S., so enjoy! 
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"Papa, I don't wanna watch football," you pouted as Steve pulled a Giants jersey over your head.
He cupped your chin, "Can I tell you a secret?" You gave a solemn nod and he cracked a half smile, brushing his thumb over the line of your jaw, "I don't really care about football either. But it makes Daddy happy and helps him get along with Uncle Tony. Do you think you can help me?"
"Can I take my game with me?"
Steve pressed his mouth into a thin line; he should have expected that. "Yes." Your face split into a grin, but Steve held up a finger, "But we're staying until the end of the game. And if I hear any complaining-"
You shook your head, "I won't."
He tapped your nose, "Good girl. Now let's get going." He hoisted you up on his hip, grabbing your backpack with his other hand.
You leaned out to watch him scoop it up, a curious look on your face. Steve chuckled, "What is it, sweetheart?"
Your cheeks warmed, "Daddy is strong." You never got tired of how easily he carried you around.
He squeezed your leg, "You like it when I carry you around?" You buried your face in his shoulder in lieu of answering. He pressed a kiss into the top of your head, "Good thing I like carrying my baby around too."
You smiled, still feeling shy as Bucky came into view, leaning against the couch. "Look at my girl," he grinned, pushing off and striding toward you. 
As Bucky reached for you, Steve spun you away, clearing his throat and puffing out his chest. Bucky grinned, changing course to cup the back of Steve's neck, "And my guy, of course."
Steve rolled his eyes, "Sure thing, Buck."
Bucky pulled him in for a kiss anyway. "Now c'mere, you," Bucky held his arms out and Steve handed you over. "Are you ready, doll?"
"Did you get my game, Papa?"
"Got it," Steve held it up before he zipped it up inside the backpack.
The three of you headed to the rec room, which Steve had promised would have fun things to do.
You could smell the rec room before Bucky even opened the door; the scent of pizza and chicken wings wafted out. The sound of chatter followed, growing exponentially louder as Bucky opened the door.
Inside, Peter and Wanda were making a racket at the foosball table. Tony, Thor, Loki, Nat and Bruce were seated at the ring of sofas that centered around the enormous television. To your surprise, there was another adult present, seated on the opposite end of Tony's sofa. It was your new friend from the office, Stephen Strange. You offered a shy wave, your comfort around him having dwindled since your last meeting.
"Thought you guys were gonna miss kickoff," Tony noted.
"It took a little bit of convincing to get everybody here," Bucky grimaced, setting you down.
Bruce held out an arm for a hug and you climbed onto the sofa next to him, tucking underneath and into his side, "Hi Bruce."
"Hey kiddo, how's it going?" You shrugged. "That bad, huh?"
"I don't like football."
"Why not?"
"Too much yelling."
He grimaced, "People get excited, huh?" You nodded. "What if you got excited too? Would it be okay then?"
You shrugged again, "Maybe."
"Why not give it a try? You might like it."
You stayed quiet; you didn't know if you wanted to like it.
Loki caught your eye from the sofa across from you, drawing a chuckle from Bruce, "Go on."
You hopped across the aisle to climb up next to Loki, "Do you like football?"
He shrugged, "Would be better with weapons."
You glanced at the TV again; you didn't think weapons were the problem, but you weren't going to argue with Loki. As one team kicked the ball all the way down the field to start the game and the crowd went crazy, you couldn't help but think that your daddies could have done a better job. But they were both watching the screen, even Steve, who had said he wasn't interested. 
"Did you bring your game?" Loki's gaze flicked from the screen to the group of adults, back to you.
You nodded, "In my backpack."
The corner of his mouth lifted, "Do you want to play?"
Glancing at Steve, you nibbled at your lower lip; it might be a bit early to ask. But you slipped off the couch and trotted over to Steve, hands clasped behind your back, "Papa, can I play my game with Loki please?"
He gave a soft chuckle, his gaze flicking to Loki on the other sofa, "It hasn't even been ten minutes, sweetheart."
You glanced over your shoulder at the TV, "But it's screen time, right?" You let your lip jut out a tiny bit, shuffling between Steve's legs. 
A little crease appeared between Steve's brows as Tony snorted a laugh, "She's not bad."
"You two can play, but not the whole time, alright angel?" Steve offered, ignoring Tony. He tipped his chin at the backpack by the sofa, "Go ahead."
You beamed, "Thank you!" Scuttling over, you rifled through the bag, pulling out your game and clamoring back onto the sofa beside Loki.
"Wait, I wanna play!" Wanda's voice piped up from the foosball table, a note of resentment at not being invited in her voice.
"Me too!" Peter echoed, scrambling to follow as Wanda grabbed her own game and climbed up next to you. 
Shuffling over to make room for her, you bumped shoulders with Loki, making him glance sharply away.
"Sorry," you murmured, pulling in to try giving him more space as Peter squeezed in between you and Wanda, crowding the sofa further.
"It's fine."
"Babydoll, do you want to sit with me?" Bucky patted his lap.
Nodding, you disentangled yourself from the others and scurried over to Bucky, who pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arm around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You looked to Loki, "Are you ready?"
He nodded, though he looked a bit displeased, his mouth pressed into a thin line as Peter and Wanda chattered beside him.
You played, but Loki no longer seemed in the mood for it. He kept glancing at Thor as though he wanted to go home, but Thor, whose face was painted and had a plate piled with food, didn't seem to be going anywhere soon.
When the Giants made a big play, the room exploded with noise, even Bucky, who was usually so soft-spoken. He threw his free hand in the air in a fist,  "YES, WHAT A THROW!"
You tensed, squeezing your eyes closed as though it would muffle the sound. For once, Bucky didn't notice- he was focused on the game. Stifling the threat of a pout, you set your game down and wriggled out of Bucky's grasp, expecting him to protest. But he let you go, his fingers grazing your arm absently. 
Since you'd already gotten up, you had to find something to do. You slunk over to the food table, appraising the snacks, but you weren't really hungry. Glancing over at your daddies, you wanted them to notice you. Usually, they were so attentive that you couldn't hide anything from them, but today you couldn't seem to compete.
"Too loud?"
You'd been so busy watching Steve and Bucky that you hadn't noticed Peter trotting up to you; it looked like game time had been abandoned. Wanda was snuggling in with Natasha and Loki was speaking urgently in Thor's ear.
You hesitated before nodding; Steve had said no complaining. But Peter gave a knowing nod, "Me too." He held out a hand, "C'mon."
You followed him over to the closet. Inside, board games, blankets, and spare snacks filled the shelves. Eyeing a thick comforter at the very top, Peter climbed the shelves with ease, never wavering as he pulled the blanket out with one hand and tossed it down, following with two others before leaping from the top to land on the newly cushioned floor. 
You watched him wide-eyed, breathing a soft, "Wow," as Peter grinned up at you from his dismount.
He began spreading the blankets out in a dense pile on the floor, carefully closing the closet door to muffle the noise as another cheer went up from the sofa area.
Once he was satisfied with his nest, he fixed a serious gaze on you, "I'm gonna go get our stuff. I'll be right back."
He grabbed the door knob, but you touched his hand, "Wait, um," your cheeks flushed with warmth, "Could you get my paci from my backpack?"
Peter smiled and nodded before disappearing, closing the door behind him. You decided it was kind of nice in here; the door muffled the sound nicely and the blankets didn't even smell like a closet. You took another from the shelf, wrapping yourself up as Peter returned, slyly slipping back in and closing the door without a peep.
"Here, pretty girl," he said with earnest enthusiasm as he gave you your things: your game, your paci, and your sippy cup, also from your backpack. He also gave you a cookie from the snack table and a pair of blue headphones.
"I don't like loud noises sometimes either," he said nonchalantly, as though that explained everything.
"Thank you," you murmured, suddenly feeling shy at his attention. Peter was always nice to you, but this was different. He was looking at you the way small children often looked at babies, or children smaller than them; like he was honor-bound to make sure you were cared for.
Part of you wanted to reject his help; you didn't want to be the baby of the group, but you supposed Peter knew what that was like too. So you slid the headphones over your ears, muffling the sounds of the game even further, before you put your paci in and played your game. 
Never being allowed to play your game for this long at home, you lost yourself in it. It wasn't until the closet door opened, Tony on the other side, that you remembered where you were.
"Found them. What are we doing, playing Seven Minutes in Heaven?" He smirked, "I get next round."
Feeling extra small, you just stared up at him, eyelashes fanning your cheeks as you blinked in the bright light.
"It was too loud, Daddy," Peter explained, placing himself resolutely between you and Tony. 
"Pete, you can't-"
"Tony found them, Steve, in the closet," Bucky was calling back over his shoulder. Peering over Tony's shoulder, his expression melted into a smile, "What are you doing in there, babydoll?" Registering the doe-eyed look on your face, he gave you an easier question, "You comfy?"
Nodding, a contented smile peeked out from behind the pacifier. 
Peter didn't budge from his place, "See? She's comfy. We're having fun!" His fists were balled up, even though no grown ups had demanded the closet be vacated.
Steve appeared over Bucky's shoulder, "What is she doing in-" Much like Bucky, Steve instantly softened his tone at the sight of you swaddled up and dewy eyed, "What are you doing in there, angel?" Bucky murmured something in Steve's ear before turning his attention back to you, "It's halftime, princess, do you want to come out for some pizza?" He paused to placate Peter, "You two can come back when the game starts again, if you want."
Peter nodded adamantly, but it was your nod Bucky was waiting for. You were feeling slow, like Bucky's string of words needed to be untangled before you understood what he'd asked you.
With a soft whisper in Peter's ear, Tony guided him back to the party, leaving Steve and Bucky with you. Steve knelt in the doorway, offering a hand, "You hungry, sweetness?"
You blinked at him once before messily untangling the nest of blankets you'd buried yourself in and clamoring over to his hand. But instead of accepting his help standing, you raised both arms, "Up?"
Steve grinned, hoisting you up under the arms and taking you out of the closet to sit on his hip. He removed the headphones Peter had loaned you, setting them back in the closet with your other things.
You babbled softly to yourself, suddenly entranced with the way Steve's blonde hair caught the light, your fingers drawn to the glistening gold. Steve and Bucky talked, though you didn't have enough capacity to truly listen. 
"You don't think something is wrong, do you?"
"She seems happy."
"She doesn't usually get so small, Buck-"
"I know, Stevie," Bucky said soothingly. "We'll talk to her when she lets us." He kissed Steve on the cheek and you on the forehead before he veered toward the snack table, "I'll get her something to eat."
Steve fixed you with a puzzled look, "Is everything okay, sweetheart?" 
He brushed hair away from your face and you leaned into his touch, "Papa." The word was slurred and barely audible, but Steve heard. 
Fingers still buried in the hair behind his ear, you smushed your face into his neck, granting him a sloppy kiss, accented by a muffled, "Mwah." You giggled to yourself as Steve took his seat back on the couch, cradling you carefully in his lap.
You returned your attention to Steve's hair, fingers quickly undoing any attempt he'd made at styling it. He allowed it without complaint; it wasn't a secret that Steve liked having your attention, especially with an audience. 
"Papa pretty," you declared, both hands shrouded in Steve's golden crown, now tousled and messy. Natasha laughed, drawing a derisive look from Wanda. Loki, who had been unsuccessful in convincing Thor to leave, looked miserly and disinterested, tucked into the corner of the sofa with his game, though he wasn't playing. 
"Oh no, I don't think so," Steve suddenly tutted, capturing both of your hands in his, "My baby is the pretty one." And he buried his face in your neck, kissing and nibbling and tickling, your giggles devolving into gasping breaths by the time Bucky returned with food. 
Steve relented, gathering you back into his arms to make room for Bucky, but before he could settle, you were straining against his grasp, trying to get to Bucky, "Dadadadada."
"Hold on," Steve chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you in place. "Wait just a minute, sweet pea-"
"Dadada," you insisted, undeterred by Steve's interference. Reaching insistently for Bucky, you were no match for Steve's strength, eyes welling with frustrated tears.
Once Bucky was settled, he moved the plate safely out of the way, pulling you into his lap from Steve's grasp. 
He cupped your chin, wiping a stray tear away, "No need for that, Daddy's right here, princess." You sniffled, urgency forgotten now that you had Bucky. He leaned in closer, cooing, "We know you're extra little, but try to tell us what you need with your big girl words, okay doll?"
To his surprise, you shook your head, "Uh-uh."
"You don't want to use big girl words?"
But you only babbled back at him, the sounds not quite forming all the way.
Steve caught Bucky's eye, but Bucky didn't push further, keeping a close eye on you as you grabbed a fistful of goldfish crackers from the plate he'd brought, sloppily spreading a trail of them from the end table to your seat on the sofa. 
Steve captured your fist in his hand, trying to work the crackers loose before crumbs ended up scattered all over the rec room, "Here sweetness, we'll feed you instead, hm?"
But you let out a squeal of protest, fist instinctively jerking away and scattering crackers across the floor. 
Before you could process, there was a sting to the top of your fist; Steve had given you a sharp tap, "Hey!"
As the realization set in, you stared at Steve with a wobbly lip, sucking in a breath, but before you could cry, Peter exclaimed, "That's not nice!"
"Pete-" Tony began, trying to shush Peter from the snack table, but Peter ducked his arm and charged over to the sofa, crossing his arms expectantly at Steve.
"Hitting is mean."
Now that the attention was on someone else, you buried your face in Bucky's shoulder with a soft whimper, watching Peter and Steve. 
"Peter, honey," Steve tried to explain, "I didn't hit-"
"Yes you did, I saw," Peter insisted, though he glanced at your face, verifying your watery eyes and sniffles before he challenged Steve for the second time. 
"I would-"
"I saw too," Loki chimed in. Wanda was quiet under Natasha's guidance, but she nodded her agreement.
Steve looked pained, "That wasn't to hurt-"
"Steve just needed to get her attention," Bucky tried to help.
But Peter wasn't having it, "Pretty girl is little, she doesn't know." Catching the note of ferocity in his own tone, Peter dialed it back, stealing a glance back at Tony to make sure he wasn't in trouble yet, "You're strong Uncle Steve, what if you did hurt her hand on accident?"
Steve took a deep, calming breath, "I would never hurt her on purpose. I'll be more careful, okay Pete?"
Peter didn't appear convinced, but he nodded. Steve urged him over closer, speaking low, "You're doing a good job looking out for her, okay buddy? I appreciate it."
Peter nodded again, stealing another glance at you to make sure you were really okay. But before he could return to Tony, who was still at the snack table chatting with Stephen, you held out your hand, offering the last goldfish cracker clutched there.
Politely accepting a cracker, Peter scuttled back to Tony, his courage depleted after standing up to a grown up. 
Steve turned his guilty gaze back to you. You stared at him, tucked into the safety of Bucky's chest. He captured your now empty hand, pressing kisses into the back of it, "I'm sorry if I surprised you, sweetheart. Will you let me feed you, please?"
You nodded slowly, making no move to lift your head from Bucky; he was rubbing your back and it was making you sleepy. 
"Buck, she won't sleep tonight if she naps now," Steve warned, taking the plate from Bucky's free hand and offering you a bite of pizza.
Bucky chuckled at your groan of protest as he removed his hand, propping you up in his lap so you could eat, "C'mon doll, eat something for us?"
You nibbled the pizza half-heartedly, but it was enough for them, both men raining praises on you for being so good. You only ate a little, but Steve and Bucky were more focused on keeping you calm and happy. 
Suddenly remembering the party, you peeked at the others. Wanda was laying with her head in Nat's lap, playing her game solo. Peter was with Tony and Stephen at the snack table still, looking a bit shy. Thor was engrossed in the halftime report on the TV, bringing a large flagon to his lips for a deep drink, oblivious to the thunderstorm of atmosphere surrounding Loki beside him. 
Loki looked miserable. His game was turned off, resting on the arm of the sofa. He had his knees pulled up, arms wrapped around them so his chin rested in the gap in between.
Tugging Bucky's sleeve, you pointed, "Dada?"
Bucky spoke gently in your ear, "What is it, princess?"
You struggled for the words, "He sad."
"He does look a little sad, huh?" he murmured, stealing a glance at Steve to see if he was listening, but he was chatting with Nat and Bruce. "You wanna help?"
You nodded and Bucky dutifully carried you over, patiently waiting for you to speak, "Loki?" It didn't sound like it usually did- the syllables were disjointed, but Loki was already paying attention.
"Yes," he replied plainly.
"I sit?"
Bucky settled you in between Loki and Thor, "Shout if you need me, okay baby?" He kissed your forehead before he returned to Steve, who urgently spoke in his ear, his gaze on you.
Loki didn't strike up a conversation. Words weren't your strong suit at the moment, so you just leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder, "Okay?" Loki gave a short hum that sounded like approval, so you closed your eyes. 
After a minute or two, Loki shifted, lowering his legs. You sat up as he readjusted, and he glanced at you, "You can stay- if you want."
Smiling, you leaned on him again as he grabbed his game. Lighting up further, you pointed, "I watch?"
He gave a tight nod, "Sure."
So you watched him play for a few minutes, disturbed only slightly when Thor finally stood to refill his mug and get more food. When Thor came back, plopping into his seat and shifting the sofa, you were pushed further into Loki, sliding down into his cushion with him.
You let out a soft, surprised squeal, fingers curling around Loki's arm for support. You saw the way Bucky's head snapped to you, instantly seeking you out to make sure you were okay. Steve, who had never stopped watching, narrowed his eyes.
"My apologies, little one, are you alright?" Thor patted your head.
Giggling, you nodded, allowing Bucky to relax as the game started again. As the ball was kicked again, everyone settled back into their seats to watch, although the noise quickly picked back up.
Before long, there was a collective inhale across the room and then all of the adults started shouting.
"Come on!"
"That was pass interference! Are the refs blind?"
Thor thumped his fist on the arm of the sofa, "Foul play!"
Peter caught your eye from his place next to Tony before he stood. Moments later, he was in front of you, the pair of blue headphones and your pacifier brought from the closet. 
Rather than hand them to you, Peter carefully put the headphones on your head, though they weren't plugged in, and held the paci up to your lips.
"Fank you," you slurred around it, grateful to Peter but suddenly shy at the attention.
Peter grinned proudly before climbing back up next to Tony, who ruffled his hair. 
Loki grabbed the end of the headphone cable, plugging it into his game so the sound would cover the noise.
Resting your head back on Loki's shoulder, you could hear the faint murmur of chatter and the occasional exclamation following a big play, but the sound wasn't so overwhelming. 
And despite the dull uptick in the volume after each play, your eyelids grew heavy, your cheek smushed against Loki's shoulder. 
You woke as your seat suddenly shifted again, the collective shout loud enough to pierce the protection of the headphones. 
Jolting up to see Thor jump off the sofa, his fists raised in the air, "YES! YES!" The other adults cheered with him, but the sudden change in atmosphere was a shock. With a single sniffle, you burst into tears, the sound muffled underneath the din. 
Before you could inhale for a wail, a pair of arms hoisted you up, Steve's scent soothing you before you'd even caught a glimpse of blonde hair. 
"I've got you, sweetness," he cooed in your ear, whisking you back to his place next to Bucky. 
You sniffled weakly, lip trembling, but no one other than Loki seemed to have noticed anything was wrong. By the time Bucky finished cheering and Thor sat back down, Steve had you cradled in his lap, Peter's headphones playing soft music in your ears. 
Bucky smiled at you, brushing his thumb idly over your ankle. You blinked at him and Bucky instantly noticed the glitter of tears on your lashes, giving your ankle a soft squeeze and lifting a headphone to talk to you, "You okay, babydoll? You need to go home?"
Sloppily rubbing an eye, you shook your head, "Daddy havin' fun." 
But Bucky shook his head, leaning in closer, "You tell me if you need to go, okay?" He cupped your chin, "My baby is more important, alright?"
Cheeks warming under the intensity of his gaze, you nodded. Looking satisfied, Bucky sat back, though he rested his palm on your ankle, his thumb resuming its path. 
You curled your fingers into Steve's jersey, watching the people run around on the screen for lack of anything else to focus on. With Bucky's thumb tracing over your ankle and Steve's warm palm tracing your back, watching the game wasn't so bad. 
As a man in blue ran down the field, another cheer went up, growing louder as his long strides carried him down into the very end of the field. Thor launched from his seat shouting again, oblivious to the sharp look he got from Steve. But you were ready for it this time, clapping along with everyone else.
The room quickly got quiet as all the players lined up by the goalposts, the tension obvious.
Bucky's fingers slowed on your ankle, squeezing softly as the play started. You struggled to keep track of the ball, but the room exploded in cheers again and Bucky hoisted you off Steve's lap as he jumped up to match Thor's enthusiasm.
Giggling, you clapped again, "Did we win, Daddy?"
Bucky grinned, looking as excited as you'd ever seen him, "We sure did, babydoll."
Bucky looked so happy to see you excited about something he liked, blue eyes lit up with little crinkles around the corners of his eyes. Maybe you could like football too.
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navybrat817 · 11 months
Home Video
Pairing: Dark!Nick Fowler x Female Reader
Summary: Nick has the perfect movie to watch with you.
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Implied NONCON/DUBCON, held hostage, possessive and obsessive behavior, light pussy slapping, voyeurism of sorts, Nick Fowler (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: The Basement Spouses Writing Challenge Week 3! Character: Nick Fowler. Length: 250-500 words. Prompt: "Test me one more time and I won’t hesitate to wring that pretty little neck of yours." ❤️ A small follow up to See Through You. Written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @saradika . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Nick fluffed your pillow with a smile as he finished setting the bedroom up for movie night. He told you he had a hectic day at work and needed to unwind. You glanced at the makeshift table beside the bed where the snacks and drinks were waiting, but made no move to grab anything. It wasn’t because you weren’t hungry.
It was because Nick decided to bind your hands before he did anything else.
He stretched out beside you, still dressed in his work clothes minus his jacket and shoes. You were completely naked, of course, since he liked you best without clothes. You missed being in your own bed, but you hadn’t been home since that fateful day at the carnival. It was difficult to even look at your own reflection without remembering how he fucked you in front of so many mirrors.
“I think you’re going to love this one,” Nick smiled as he pressed a couple of buttons on the remote, a familiar room showing up on the screen at the foot of the bed.
“Oh, my god,” you whispered as you saw yourself on the television, your body stretched out in your old bed as you touched yourself. You almost didn’t want to believe him when he admitted that he bugged your place. That he knew what you sounded like when you came. But his obsession and passion for you ran deep. “Nick-”
“Told you, sweetheart,” he groaned, palming himself as you tore your gaze away. “You make such pretty noises.”
“Turn it off,” you whispered, shutting your eyes when you heard yourself moan from the speakers. “Please.”
“Why would I do that? Listen to you,” he said, forcing your legs apart so he could slide his hand between them. You whimpered as he mimicked the motions he saw on the screen. His fingers were longer, his touch more possessive than your own. “Music to my fucking ears.”
“Stop touching me,” you demanded, trying to shut your legs.
“No, sweetheart,” he said as he turned the volume up, your cries building in the room.
“Shut it off!” you yelled over the sound. “Stop touching me!”
He took a breath before he removed his hand and licked his fingers in silence. Before you could sigh in relief, he brought it back with a hard smack to your pussy. You shrieked when he did it again. “Test me one more time and I won’t hesitate to wring that pretty little neck of yours.”
“Sorry,” you said immediately, shivering when brought his hand to your neck and rested it there. He promised he wouldn’t hurt you and you believed him. Was it a lie? “I’m sorry, Nick.”
A second passed before he chuckled, but you didn’t laugh with him. “Oh, sweetheart. I’d never hurt you,” he promised, groaning as he looked at the screen again. “But I will make you come harder than any of your toys ever could. And you’ll sound even prettier when you take my cock.”
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He's deranged and I love him. 😈 Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Nick Fowler Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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steddieasitgoes · 10 months
@steddiemas Day 4 Prompt: Questionable Holiday Movies
Like many, I chose Gremlins.
Tags: Post Season 4, Everyone Lives, Movie Nights At The Harrington's House, Established Relationship
wc: 1225 | Rating: T
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
When Eddie pulls up at the Harrington house he’s come to frequent in recent months, the driveway is full of bikes. Those damn little shits, Eddie thinks, shaking his head as he parks the van on the curb in front of Steve’s house. The curb where said bikes should be instead of taking up prime parking real-estate for actual cars. He’s going to get ahold of one of his damn sheep and scold them for their carelessness. It’s one thing to leave them littering the lawn, but the driveway? Have some decency!
Moseying his way to the front door, Eddie makes it all of a few steps onto the bike cluttered driveway before he hears familiar voices shouting at each other. All the blood drains from his body in an instant. Mind raising through a hundred and one ways that something might be wrong.
He was a pessimist before, but his brief stint with the Upside Down has really taken a toll.
Double-timing it, Eddie bursts through the front door and down the hallway into the Harrington’s open living room. Thankfully, he doesn’t find any signs of blood, floating bodies, or otherwise distressed children. Instead, his eyes land on Dustin and Steve who are glaring at each other by the television set.
“You’re uncultured!” Dustin shouts.
“Shut up, Henderson,” Steve snaps, hands on his hips. “I am not uncultured. You’re uncultured!”
Dustin gasps, more offended than he should be. He takes a step closer to Steve, puffing out his chest to make himself look bigger. “You take that back.”
As the heated argument morphs into a silent stare-down, Eddie takes a moment to assess the rest of the room. Robin, Max, and El are on the sofa, leisurely enjoying a bowl of popcorn. The rest of his Sheep are scattered around, attention focused on the mountain of Family Video rental tapes on the coffee table.
“What the hell did I walk into?” Eddie asks when he realizes no one is going to fill him in.
“Dingus and Dingus Jr. are arguing,” Robin supplies.
“S’nothing new,” Max agrees.
“We are not arguing,” Steve grumbles.
“That I can agree on,” Dustin says, nodding his head. “I am having a discussion with Steve and his lack of taste in Christmas movies.”
“First of all, Henderson, taste is subjective or whatever,” Steve says, hand abandoning his hips for a moment to flounder through the air. “Secondly, it’s not a discussion if you spend the entire time yelling at me for something you’re wrong about.”
“I’m not wrong! Dammit!”
There’s a part of Eddie that wants to see how this plays out. He’s no stranger to the epic Steve vs Dustin arguments conversations. There’s still a stain on the carpet in his own bedroom after an innocent debate over the best ice cream float combinations turned ugly. On the other hand, Eddie’s had a long day of getting yelled at my stupid customers, he could use some quiet.
“Gentleman,” Eddie says, clapping his hands. He moves between the two scowling men — well, man and teenager. Though, maybe Steve doesn’t deserve to be called a man right now either considering he’s arguing with Dustin in the first place. Whatever. He’s standing between them is all that matters. “What seems to be the issue today?”
“Why do you make it sound like we always have issues?” Steve asks at the same time Dustin snatches a VHS tape from the floor and practically shouts, “Steve says Gremlins isn’t a Christmas movie.”
“Because it’s not!”
“It takes place on Christmas Eve!”
“That doesn’t make it a Christmas movie!”
“Are you even listening to yourself, Steve? Of course that makes it a Christmas movie!”
“No, it doesn’t! It has nothing to do with Christmas!”
Eddie’s sandwiched between the two of them now, ears ringing from the volume their voices have reached. No one else seems to be interested in refereeing this particular argument and Eddie can’t really blame them. Maybe he should have let them hash it out themselves. Too late now.
“Alright, alright,” he sighs, nudging them both backward with his outstretched hands. “Valid points have been made on both sides.”
Eddie playing mediator does nothing to pull the scowls off Steve and Dustin’s faces. If anything, he thinks they might have deepened. He’s in too deep to stop now though, so he powers on.
“But unfortunately one of you is correct,” he says, clasping his hands together under his chin. He rocks on his feet, head swaying from side to side as he offers both Steve and Dustin apologetic gazes. “Stevie, sweetheart, I’m afraid Dustin is right on this one.”
“Ha!” Dustin shouts, throwing his hands up in victory. “I told you!”
Steve scoffs. “You’re a shithead, Henderson.”
“A shithead who is right!”
“You know what,” Steve says, trailing off.
Eddie catches the mischievous glint in his eyes. The same one he used to sport down the halls of Hawkins High with Carol and Tommy as they bitched about everything and anything. Eddie was never on the opposite end of Steve’s bitchy attitude, not important enough back then, but he certainly witnessed it more times than he can count.
Eddie’s willing to bet Steve gearing up for something that’s going to make Henderson retract his victory. Sure enough, he slinks up close to him and slings an arm around Eddie’s waist.
“Hey, baby,” Steve says, voice dripping in sweetness.
This isn’t going to be good for Eddie.
Steve's hand trails into Eddie’s back pocket and gives his boney ass a light tap before retreating.
“If you want more of this,” Steve says, slipping his hand into Eddie’s back pocket. He lets his hand hover there for a moment before he gives Eddie’s boney ass three lighthearted, teasing taps. “I suggest you join my side of this little discussion.”
A loud gasp escapes Eddie as Steve squeezes his ass cheek before withdrawing his hand completely. Glancing over, Eddie finds Steve staring at him with that same glint in his eyes and a cocky smirk on his face.
“No,” Dustin shouts, shaking his head. “No! That’s not fair. It’s illegal!”
“Sorry, Henderson,” Eddie says, genuinely apologetic in tone. He does think Gremlins is a Christmas movie, but the threat of not having Steve’s hands on him ever again? Well, that’s not worth defending Gizmo and the rest of those evil bastards. “I’ve had a change of thought. I don’t think it is a Christmas movie.”
“God dammit!” Dustin swears, stomping his foot. “See, this is why I didn’t want you two dating! You’re ruining my life!”
“Oh, quit being dramatic, Dustin,” Lucas says, rolling his eyes. “Let’s just pick something else.”
“Yeah! It’s just a movie, dude,” Mike chimes all.
“Screw all of you!”
As the room resumes its chaos in a different form — the boys arguing over what else they can watch seeing as Gremlins is out of the question. Eddie finds himself being ushered over to the recliner, where he’s promptly pulled into Steve’s lap.
“You know Henderson is right about that movie?” Eddie whispers, nuzzling into Steve’s chest.
Steve hums, closing his eyes for a moment as Eddie places a featherlight kiss to the two moles dotting his neck. “Don’t tell him, but I’ve actually never seen it.”
Eddie pulls away swiftly, nearly sending himself toppling off Steve’s lap. Thankfully, Steve’s reflexes are fast and he steadies Eddie with a firm around his torso. “You’re evil, Harrington,” he quietly chuckles, shaking his head.
“Gotta keep his ego in check somehow.”
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : THAT’S NOT MAMA!
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Your husband had just texted you from his at home studio that the official trailer for his movie, White Men Can’t Jump, was out.
You had suggested watching it together in the living room, kids included, to see their reaction to their dad doing something else other than music.
“Ugh dad I was playing.” Ez says grumpily.
“You’ll go back soon, let’s just watch this real quick.” The four of you are sitting across the television.
You’re biting your nails due to nerves. He did warn you about some specific scenes, but you told him you understood.
“Ohhh daddy, is this your movie?” Mia asks, the trailer already playing.
“Yeah bug, this is it.” Jack tells her proudly.
“What is a white girl in Whole Foods?” Ez asks.
You and Jack share a laugh but continue watching it, the kids asking little questions here and there.
“Boo-boo juice that’s funny and looks nasty daddy.”
“Yeah I don’t wanna drink that. Yuck.” Ezequiel pretends to barf.
Mia gasps, “Daddy, that’s not nice.”
“You making fun of his ears.”
“It’s part of the movie bug.” You tell her.
“Did you say sorry after?”
Jack nods, “I did princess.”
Once the trailer was over, you see Ezequiel whispering something in Mia’s ear. They both turn to look at Jack.
“Can we watch it again?” Mia asks him.
Of course Jack plays it again for them.
“STOP PAUSE.” Ez yells.
“What?” You ask him, getting worried.
“See Mia, there.” Ezequiel stands up and points to the television.
Mia stands up and walks towards her brother and they have a mini conversation you can’t hear. Both their little arms are making movements in the air.
Once they are done, they both turn to look at Jack and glare at him.
“W-what did I do?” He’s confused, looking at you then back at the kids.
“You can’t kiss other girls daddy, that’s bad bad, like really bad.” Mia tells him, her eyes are getting watery.
“Do you not love mommy?”
You cover your mouth with your hand, trying to muffle your laugh from the kids.
“What? Of course I love mommy.”
“Then why kiss other girl huh?” Ez asks him, his hands on his waist.
“It’s just a movie, little man, it’s fake.”
“Fake? I see it there, kissing her and laughing. It’s no funny.”
“Ezequiel, some movies or most movies aren’t real. It’s acting, you’ll understand more when you’re a bit older. But I promise you, I love your mommy.” Jack tries to reassure the kids.
“You okay momma?” Your sons come up to you, holding your hands.
You smile at him. “Yes my baby boy, I’m totally fine.”
“Okay.” He then walks to Jack. “Cool movie.” They fist bump and Ezequiel walks out the living room and back to the playroom.
Mia is standing by the television.
“You okay bug?” Jack asks her.
“You and mommy okay? You not moving houses like Nino Urby and Nina?”
“Oh baby.” Jack carries her to his chest. “I promise you, mommy and I are more than okay. We love each other so much, we’re not going anywhere.”
“That hurt my feelings, but you sound funny in your movie daddy. You’re a star.” Mia tells him, while playing with his beard.
“Thank you princess.” He kisses her head and sets her down.
“No more being sad baby, like daddy told Ez, it’s all part of the movie. Your daddy isn’t going anywhere.” You reassure your daughter.
“Okay mommy.” She hugs you. “Going to make sure Cheesy isn’t doing a mess.” She runs off to the playroom.
Jack is staring at you with raised eyebrows. “What Jackman?”
“Our kids were ready to knock me out.”
You chuckle. “No they were not.”
“Babe, yes they were, I was scared for my life. I thought Ezequiel was about to punch me.”
“You’re so dramatic.” You laugh, going up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m proud of you though.”
That makes him smile, he places his hands on your ass. “Yeah? Even with the kiss scene?”
“The kids gave you enough shit about it, I’ll save my comments to myself.” You play with his KY chain, your favorite chain on him.
“Oh so you did feel some type of way about it?” He squeezes both ass cheeks, smirking about it.
You roll your eyes and playful smack him on his chest. “You are loving this aren’t you?”
He nods, “It takes me back to when you first showed your jealous side.”
“We are not going there Jackman.” You glare at him, but then smile. “But I’ll get my revenge for it though, you just wait and see.”
“Wait what?”
“My next music video, let’s just say it’s not YouTube appropriate.”
“Y/N that’s not fair.”
“It’s okay baby, because it’s all fake right?” You smirk and get on your tippy toes to peck him. “But I am proud of you bubs, I can’t wait to watch it.”
“Maybe without the kids?” He suggests.
You laugh at that, “If you don’t want mini glares the entire time, then yes that’s best.”
You two share a kiss and you continue to tell him how proud you are of him. He gets shy whenever you praise him, so you enjoy it every single time.
You and Jack share a look and smile.
“DON’T WORRY MAMI.. DON’T WORRY MAMI. DON’T WORRY MAMI.” Ezequiel yells out plenty of times, probably to annoy his sister even more.
“What are you saying?” You laugh, walking into the playroom.
“It’s from daddy’s movie, his friend was saying it.” Ez shrugs, referring to Sinqua Walls' line.
“He’s being annoying dad.”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes, and it’s mommy not mami.” Mia huffles in annoyance. “You don’t even make sense.”
“Uncle Sunni calls the girls mami, so I do know.”
“Okay, enough kids.”
“Oh can I get a flame gun for Christmas? Like in your movie?”
“Maybe next time we won’t show them any of our future projects.” You suggest.
Jack nods, “Sounds like a plan.”
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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rowniebow · 1 year
Fic where Peter and reader are already dating and Peter is distant because of his obvious job which leaves reader hurt and angry and starts becoming distant and detached with Peter which causes Peter to get mad and then they fight and peter blurts out “are you cheating on me?” Which causes reader to get furious and start yelling which catches peter off guard and reader leaves, can take the story where you want past this. sorry if this is long and confusing or doesn’t make sense (Tom or andrews pete but you can do Tom if it really matters) ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
it can be okay | tom!peter parker x gn!reader
pairings: tom!peter parker x gn!reader
cw: littol bit o angst but not much
word count: 3.4k+
an: went with tom's because i've yet to write abt his peter but i feel like he was left with so much turmoil after no way home, his peter fits well with this prompt...... ANYWAY thank you so much for requesting and i apologize for my absence, esp if u were waiting around for this ! i appreciate you, please stay safe! sry 4 long an
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you felt an arm wrap around your waist. warmth and pressure spread over your back. you flipped around to wrap your own arms around the man that had climbed into bed with you.
"sorry," his breath found its way to your ear and pulled the hair on your spine up. his quiet whisper held gravel in the smooth concrete of his voice. "did i wake you up?"
"yeah, i'm glad."
"oh, good. i'm glad i woke you, too. get more time to hear your voice."
you hummed, sleep fighting your coherent words.
"how was your day?"
"it was fine. i missed you for our movie night."
petter stuttered out several different sounds, none of them making any real words.
your eyebrows twitched at his struggle.
"i-i'm so sorry, sweetheart, i completely forgot. i-i-i-i got so caught up with homework i didn't even think... it's that stupid biology class! i always have so much reading to do for it.
"yeah, it's okay," you moved closer to him, desperate for as much of his warmth as possible. "school is more important than movies! let me know next time, though."
"of course," he kissed the top of your head. he lingered with an exaggerated 'mwah'. "i'm so sorry, sweetheart."
you hummed and slurred out a reassurance.
"go back to sleep now, sweets."
and it was okay.
everything was so much louder when he wasn’t around.
the fridge’s song sung by instruments of kinetic energy hummed at the back of your head. the calm air against the glass window was practically visible with how loud it was. the dust that settled on the marble kitchen countertops and sunk it’s way into the fabric of your couch crunched and stretched the fibers of the masses. you couldn’t seem to turn the television up much higher than seven (you hoped the number might bring you luck to bring the man home).
sure, he’s missed nights that were supposed to be set aside for you two and his favorite star wars films. yes, you’ve noticed how he’s missed more than a few fairly important tests for his classes, causing him to fail (he was beginning to fall fairly far behind in his degree, but you weren’t going to comment on that. not yet, anyway).
but, he’d yet to miss out on a date.
he had yet to leave you waiting at your favorite shitty twenty-four hour diner in the middle of new york that was a forty minute walk from your apartment.
you wouldn’t deny to anyone other than peter that it bothered you a bit. your lip was raw and crumbs from a sad, newly empty plate of fries dusted your nicest clothes that you had put on just for him. your eyes wore heavy bags from how late you stayed up in hope that maybe he was just running a bit late.
however, when a bit late had become two in the morning, you gave up hope on that.
you looked outside at the nearly visible air and listened to the chill of the early morning crack at your window after you arrived back at your empty apartment at nearly three in the morning. you listened to the distant wind against the quickly moving vehicles. you listened to the retreating caw from a bird that didn’t sound like any you’d heard before. you listened to the dust float through the air and the television hum despite it being off. you listened to the deafening silence of the room and your mind.
cold three in the morning apartment air hit the back of your throat as you brought as much of the toxic oxygen into your lungs as you possibly could, and released it to be filtered and given to some other poor abandoned soul.
it was okay.
you understood his forgetful habits. you understood why he slept in and took so many naps. he has a lot on his plate. juggling school, and work, and the family issues that he’s mentioned from time to time.
it is okay.
maybe next time.
waking up alone after a warm night with peter seemed to hurt more than the missing arrangements.
the apartment's chill leaked under the blankets and burned your skin until you awoke. the emptiness of the space next to you in your bed was a sad physical representation of the emptiness in your gut.
the hole in your stomach that you awake with absorbs all the cereal you eat and leaves you feeling hungry for the rest of the day. it absorbs your joy and hope. it absorbs the warmth in your body (and especially in your smile).
your days are filled with sighs when you wake up with the hole of peter. with those deep exhales, you hope to breath out whatever haunts your stomach.
it sticks with you until the end of the day when you fall asleep alone. peter will climb in after you in the depths of the night and the ocean of your sheets. he'll whisper sweet nothings into your ear. he'll apologize if need be. he'll pepper you with kisses and hold you close.
and you'll be okay.
then he'll do it all over again.
it just so happened to be next time.
he promised to make the last time up to you and promised to see you the next friday night for dinner.
so there you sat, leg bouncing under the table at a restaurant that was all too fancy for your taste but peter had insisted on.
you were on your third glass of an odd color wine (that really didn’t even taste good) and you were nearing the second hour of waiting.
“would you like to order yet, sir?” the waiter asked for the fifth time that night.
perhaps it was the alcohol that brought a sting to your eyes when you checked the time on your phone. but you smiled and shook your head and asked for the check instead.
looking at the number on the check, you nearly sobbed at how much three glasses of wine cost you. but you sighed and gave an eighty percent tip anyway as reparations for the waiter having to pity you all night. you almost sobbed, again, when you could hear a couple that had gotten there after you comment to one another about how long you’d been there.
cheeks warm with embarrassment, you made your way back to your apartment. the chill of the late night spring mildly helped cool you down.
the pity in the waiter's eyes and the couple's comments haunted you all the way home. only when you undressed into your sleep clothes and climbed under the covers could you manage to excuse peter's actions.
peter must have simply gotten caught up in homework. he must have just fallen asleep.
it's okay.
perhaps he got the days mixed up and forgot it was friday. or he got his hours for work wrong and he ended up having to work.
it is okay.
you truly didn’t mean to lean away from his kiss when peter tried to wish you goodbye that evening.
but you did.
you leaned away as if it were a stranger that was trying to kiss you. you truly didn’t mean to. you also knew that you truly felt as though it was a stranger trying to kiss you, though.
you knew it hurt him. quite honestly it hurt you, too. whether it was the pain in his features that hurt you or the fact that you felt that way.
either way, your actions hurt the both of you, and you knew you should apologize. you nearly did right then and there.
"are you cheating on me?" the quiet whispers of words that he choked out hit you like lightning. the frown in his lips and the way he avoided your eyes made your heart crack before you could process the words he spoke. his broken voice distracted you from the content it delivered.
you felt your eyebrows pull together at first. you felt the apology creep in your throat and nearly spill out.
his hurt was a new language for you to learn. it forced you to think over each word and remember the meaning of it similar to how you did in spanish class in high school.
and as the syllables set in and your brain wrapped itself through the vowels and consonants, you scoffed. maybe even laughed.
did he really just say that? did he truly feel like he had the nerve to say that?
"am i cheating on you?" a glare made itself comfortable in your features.
it's not okay.
"...no?" peter’s stuttered, hesitant disagreement made his regret in his words clear. but how could you just brush over his accusation?
"peter parker, i should be asking you that question."
"wha-what do you mean?"
"you're the one who's hardly fucking here. you’re the one that’s left me waiting until the morning for you to come around. you’re the one who ‘forgets’ anytime we agree to hang out.”
it is not okay.
“i-i didn’t-,”
“‘you didn’t’ what? remember? show up?”
his silence was as loud as it is when he’s gone.
“where are you all day, peter?”
“where are you at night?”
“where are you right now. are you even here?”
“get out.”
“what? no - no, please, y/n, you gotta trust me on this.”
nothing is okay.
“i trusted you to be here!”
“i know, and i’m so sorry, but - ah - i can’t tell you. you just-just gotta trust me!”
“no, peter!”
“please, i’ll make it up to you, i swear!”
“you’ve had plenty of chances for that.”
“c’mon, y/n,”
“no! even if you’re not cheating on me, you obviously don’t have time for me!”
“i’ll make time for you,”
“you really should have already been doing that.”
“i’ll make more time for you!”
“you don’t get more time in a day, and you’re not getting anymore from me, parker. christ- are you going to leave?"
"no! y/n, please, let me make this right, i-i can't lose you, too."
"fuck. i will leave then, jesus!"
you slipped your shoes on, ignoring his words.
peter called your name as you opened the door.
"goodnight, peter."
you stayed at your parents house for a couple nights then came back to your empty apartment. the silence wasn't as loud as it normally was, but the intensity of the emptiness, both in the apartment and in the pit of your stomach, made up for the lack of overbearing volume.
you went about your life for two whole weeks with that emptiness haunting you. not a word from peter. about anything.
you went to your classes, studied in your room, went to work, came back and went to sleep: the college dream.
you hardly even noticed two weeks had passed with the way you had just been floating through the days.
with your mind blank without the joy and excitement of peter parker in your life, you filled it with the words from your humanities textbook to prepare for a final.
the jiggling of your apartment doorknob cut through the sound of the words in your head. your eyes immediately went wide. the air became thick as you heard the door squeak open slowly but surely.
your breath was stuck in your throat, but you found it in you to pick up your heavy textbook to toss if you needed.
you listened to the door creek shut and click closed.
perhaps someone just mistook your apartment for their own? maybe a new neighbor who's mixing it up? you're sure it's just a simple mistake and not some horrible, evil, scary, stronger-than-you criminal who wants to steal the little bits of items you have. certainly they won't murder you brutally, or kidnap you and sell you.
certainly not, right?
your mind ran wild with what-if's and dangers of the situation. what else was there to do in the face of danger, though? hide under your blankets and hope they don't come in?
no, you'd at least like to look death in the face before you go.
that didn't stop your racing heart and shaking hands, of course.
so you crept around your door frame and down the small hall that lead to your tiny living room. you could hear the person rattling through your pots and pans.
you stood behind the corner, telling yourself it'd be fine.
you can do it. just go and ask what's going on. you're sure this is probably just some huge mix up.
"hah!" you huffed as you turn the corner and toss the heavy book at the person.
they immediately turn around and catch the flying pages. your heart drops to your stomach. your only weapon failed.
"y/n? i didn't know you were home!"
your heart manages to repair itself in your chest as the voice and face process in your mind. "peter?" you practically shriek. "what are you doing here?" a breath (that you were fully aware you had been holding) left your lungs, your hands finding their way to cover your face from the stress.
"i-i-i didn't know you'd be home, i'm sorry,"
"so you sneak into my apartment when i'm not home?" the glare you sent him reminded him how snappy you get when you're upset.
"no, no, no, no, no-!"
your questioning glare had him pause his denial.
"well, yes,"
you groaned.
"but listen!"
"i don't want to listen to you when you just broke into my house, peter!"
"well, the door was open-,"
another groan.
"okay, yeah, i can...see...that..."
"leave, peter!"
"wait, wait, wait! okay, listen," he took a deep breath. "i can explain myself-,"
"which part: when you forgot about me constantly or when you broke into my house?"
"all of it! i can explain and i just want you to know that i haven't been telling you for your own safety."
"what the fuck are you talking about?"
"just-just come with me."
"it's a surprise!" his apologetic smile willed you to trust him.
you stared at him. his waves framed his face - his hair seemed to grow a lot in the last two weeks. his eyes were a whirlpool that sucked you in.
"jesus, peter." you shook your head, but found some shoes and a jacket to slip on anyway. the bright smile on peter's face made you want to forget about everything.
you followed him down the stairs to the quiet, three in the morning college town streets on a tuesday.
"how far away is it?" you asked. your eyes followed a plane as it blinked through the sky.
"kind of far," he moved in front of you to block your path. "but," he sung his vowel. "i know a quicker way to get there!"
"do we need to take the subway-?" you looked around, only for peter to wrap an arm around your waist. "what-?"
"it's going to be a little scary but you gotta trust me."
"what are you doing, pete?"
"you gotta hold on okay?" he guided your arms around his neck. "trust me, okay?" his sweet enchanting smile encouraged you to trust him despite everything. that didn't stop the groove between your brows from forming, though.
and you were in the air. screaming, obviously. you could hear his reassurance and apologies, willing you to keep holding on.
after several minutes of being in the air and coming to the consensus that you wouldn't fall even if you tried with peter's death grip on you, you took a glance around at your setting.
the street was far below you. cars and lights from down below smiled up and laughed at your fear. apartments on the thirtieth floors were eye level but passed so fast that you couldn't see who resided in them.
"isn't it nice?" peter whispered. he was your only lifeline; the only thing keeping you from falling to your death. "it's so peaceful up here." his quiet words didn't calm your racing heart or sooth your stressed features, but it brought you to stay present until your feet hit the solid ground again.
your legs shook you until your knees met the surface you stood on.
"what was that, parker?" you sparse breath made your voice come out as merely a squeak but peter knew all too well that you would be screaming at the top of your lungs if you could.
"it- well- i- uhm," the wind helped you push yourself off of your knees and back to sitting like a normal person rather than someone who thought their feet wouldn't ever touch the ground again. "i'm not really sure how to say this i-i-,"
"peter, i swear to god-,"
"i'm spider-man!" you looked up at his avoiding eyes that were as wide as yours. as if he couldn't believe he actually said that.
"excuse me?" you said after several moments of silence passed.
"i-i'm spider-man," his quiet voice was nearly drowned out by the blowing wind.
you laughed.
his eye brows came together in frustration. "why are you laughing?"
"you're not spider-man."
"i just swung us to the top of central park tower and you're going to deny that i'm spider-man?"
your smile slowly faded as you noticed where you were. that he was right. you were among the stars, the moon within inches of your fingers. the street glowed up at you, laughing once more. the usual honking screams from the cars could not be heard from how high you were. all you could hear was the growl of the wind and peter's shy voice.
"oh my god,"
"no-no, don't freak out!"
"i'm not freaking out, i never freak out. you're just spider-man and that's a thing and we're on top of the central park tower and i could totally fall right now but i'm not freaking out."
you were freaking out.
"doesn't spider-man have webs or something?"
peter stuck out his hand, and a white web came tumbling out after your hand that rested on the ground you still sat on. he tugged at the string that stuck itself to your hand and pulled you up with it. you stumbled into him, his hands steadying your shaking.
"that's insane."
"i know, and i'm so sorry. between juggling school and work and this, it's really difficult to keep track of everything. this doesn't have a schedule and gets in the way of you a lot more than i'd like it to."
"i-i guess i get why you didn't tell me."
a breath left through peter's lips. "i-i put together this as an apology, though." he motioned behind you to yet another thing you didn't notice throughout the stress of it all.
a blanket laid out with food from your favorite take out place scattered all over it. small electric candles flickered around the setting providing as the only light that wasn't coming from the city down below along with his laptop that was glowing and set up to browse through netflix for something to watch.
"i'm really sorry. i'm sorry i'm never there. i'm sorry it's taken me so long to see you again. i'm most of all sorry that i can't change it."
your eyes met his once again.
"if how i am is too much for you, i completely understand. you deserve someone who will treat you as good as you deserve and who will show up. but i want you to know that i miss you, and love you, and i will keep trying so hard to show up."
"you love me?"
"i-i-," peter's sure eyes suddenly fell to the floor and his hands found the back of his neck. "i mean, yeah," he stuttered. "but like it's okay, like, i get it, you know? i don't-,"
all the fears of being at the top of the central park tower and dating spider-man and what it means to date spider-man left you mind. all you could think about was how much you really did love peter despite his absent habits. maybe even more so now that you knew this huge secret and what that secret told about him as a person.
so you kissed him.
the heavenly feeling of his lips was something you didn't know you missed as much as you did. as soon as your lips met, tears pricked themselves at your eyes but you refused to let them fall.
you were okay.
peter was okay.
you were both okay.
it was all okay.
⭒ taglist ⭒
@fadedver @1ischai @djmalik52 @garlicforthewin @cryinked @armand0alg0 @softboi14
please dm me if you would like to be taken off of the taglist
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 months
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Cara Mia (My Beloved)
Pairing: Billionaire! Joel Miller x Alessia Romano (Joel Miller x F! OC)
Content Warning: Cussing, Angst, no outbreak, post break-up, age gap (Joel is 55-56. Alessia is 28 turning 29), Jealous Joel.
Indirect Character Mention: F! Reader Supermodel(21yrs)
Words: 1021
Masterlist Dividers
Note: Mood board is for Alessia Romano. Alessia Romano is an OC. Not a canon character. Sneak peek of Upcoming One-shot with bonus mood board.
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Alessia had decided to start up an onlyfans ever since he broke up with her, she needed the extra cash. It was one of the few ways she could earn it without the extra leg work. She spent that entire week getting ready for it, setting up her profile, taking photos and videos, and planning her content.
He broke up with her to go out with a young supermodel. She said go ahead and do it. Just don’t be shocked when I move on from you to someone else better than you.
Was it petty of her to add those last few words? Yes.
Did she care how it impacted him? Fuck no.
Why should she care about him after she ‘set him free’?
Joel decided the best course of action after she disappeared for a week was to yell at her, who remained passed out in her lime green hammock.
“Where the hell have you been?” he roared, the rage boiling within him mixing with the worry that had consumed him during her absence.
“Well. You said fuck off, right?” Alessia answered, causing him to grit his teeth even harder.
She took it literal as possible and fucked off, right after he told her to.
She didn't have a couch in her living room, but she did have a lime green hammock. Not only that, but she must have passed out on it after passing out after four cocktails at the bar.
The television still had The Simpsons playing, the DVDs on her coffee table against the red brick wall, the black curtains shut tight blocking the sun from taking a peek inside.
“You're drunk,” Joel stated, the disbelief in his voice palpable.
“Hungover, it means I was drunk 𝓎𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓎” she corrected him with a smirk, though her voice was groggy, her eyes were still half-closed.
Joel's eyes narrowed as he stepped closer to her, the wooden floorboards creaking under his weight. He grabbed the edge of the hammock, giving it a rough shake. “Do you have any idea what I've been through the past week?”
“Hey, you were the one who wanted to break up. Don't come walking over to my place because you saw me talking to another guy.” Alessia retorted. “What's the matter, your 21-year-old supermodel girlfriend not good enough for you?”
Alessia groaned as she got up to shove her pyjama top on, a men's graphic t-shirt with marvel heroes plastered over the front of it. The same one she wears to bed most nights. She didn't bother putting her pyjama bottoms back on as she walked into her small, tiny, kitchenette, taking out the leftover pizza from last night to have for breakfast.
“What's your problem?” Joel followed her, the anger still resonating in his voice.
Alessia ignored him to warm up her pizza, getting her leftover soft drink from the fridge and Joel continued to speak, “You're not even sorry? Do you know how worried I was? I called everyone, I looked everywhere!”
“Why the fuck do you care?” She snapped back at him. “You have everything you want. Leave me the fuck alone.”
“I care because you're still important to me, whether you like it or not,” Joel said, his voice cracking.
He slammed his fist on the kitchen counter, making the plates rattle. “I thought something had happened to you. I can't just turn that off because you decided to ghost me after I made a mistake!”
Joel had been told that Alessia started an onlyfans that week, she didn't know how he found or who told him about it. Was it Thomas? Did he tell him? Was it Ellie? Did she do it to spite her? Was it his new girlfriend that told him about it? Who told him? Why did they tell him about it? What did they have to gain from telling him what she was doing now?
Joel spoke up again, much to her dismay, “What's with the onlyfans bullshit, huh? Did you do that to get back at me?”
“No, I did it because I needed the money, and it’s my body, Joel. I can do what I want with it. If it’s not with you, then it’s with someone else. I’m sorry if that bruises your little man ego, but that’s not my problem anymore. You chose the supermodel over me, remember?”
Joel’s jaw tightened as he watched her take a bite of the pizza, the cheese stretching out in a long string. “So, you’re just going to whore yourself out because I made a mistake? That’s your solution?”
“Did I hurt your small feelings? ”Alessia sarcastically remarked. “Did I bruise that pathetic small ego of yours? I have a date this evening, so you better shove off before I call security on your dumb ass.”
A date? Joel was caught off guard by her nonchalant announcement. “You're seeing someone else already?” he asked, his voice laced with both anger and hurt.
“A great guy from where I grew up in Italy.” Alessia answered.
Joel felt a pang of jealousy stab through his chest. “Italy? How long have you been seeing him?”
“He's the guy that helps me with my onlyfans content.” Alessia answered indirectly.
This revelation hit Joel like a ton of bricks. The rage that had been simmering inside him began to boil over. He couldn't believe that not only had she moved on, but she was also flaunting it in his face.
He stepped closer to her, his eyes burning with fury. “You're going to let some stranger film you? After everything we've been through?”
“He is most definitely not the guy filming.” Alessia implied he was the guy acting in said onlyfans content with a smirk on her face, which only added more fuel to Joel's rage.
“You're fucking him?” Joel's voice grew louder, his face contorted into a mask of rage.
“Why do you care?” Alessia walked to her bedroom to get her outfit ready for that evening. “I'm finally moving on. You should be happy for me.” Alessia walked into her closet looking through her black dresses to wear that night.
She finally settled on her A-line black dress with leg slit, batwing sleeves, and bat hem line. She had bought it from a designer store for this exact purpose.
“You don't get it, do you?” Joel followed her, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation. “You're not just anyone to me, Alessia. You can't just replace me with some random guy from your past!”
“Watch me.”
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furthering my evil plan mwahahahahahahah 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
114 sentences for Ravi:
“Wait. What?”
“It’s called Hollywood Dream Homes,” Anil continues. “The network’s answer to Selling Sunset and Buying Beverly Hills.” 
“Wow,” Ravi exhales. 
He’s in utter disbelief. Namely because their father hates those kinds of shows. Says they’re embarrassing, unprofessional, you name it. Reality television in general, their parents just don’t get. What do their parents think? They often ask about literally any reality television star across almost every sub genre. He imagines that if Anil has told them about this, they already don’t approve. 
“Yeah, it’s kind of a huge deal,” Anil says. “They’re figuring out who they want to focus on, and it could be me. You know, I could be a main cast member.”
Every show needs a villain.
“Again, wow.” Ravi says. “But that still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
Or why being yelled at by literal firefighters didn’t run him out. 
“The producers want a story,” Anil sighs. 
“A story?” Ravi parrots. 
“Like a hook, for me. To make audiences connect.”
Because his personality is so abhorrent they can’t be sure audiences won’t wish for him to be set adrift on a sinking boat? 
“Again, what does this have to do with me?” Ravi asks.
Anil has the nerve to look sheepish as he speaks next. 
“Well, I was thinking… You know, our family went through a lot.”
“We grew up in Beverly Hills.” Ravi frowns.
“But with your cancer,” Anil says. “That was difficult.” 
Ravi blinks. “My cancer?”
“I’m sure you remember having it,” Anil says flatly. 
Ravi wants to defy the natural order of his profession and light his brother on fire.
“Of course I remember having cancer,” he snaps. “I only mean, what the fuck does that have to do with your reality show?”
“That could be the story!” Anil offers, like it makes perfect, easy sense. “How we rallied together as a family to support you. How that early childhood experience has impacted me, shaped who I am.”
Ravi’s jaw drops. 
“You’re kidding, right?” 
Anil furrows his brows. “I’m not.”
“Well, you should be.” Ravi replies coolly. “Because you’re crazy if you think I want that on a show about selling houses to C-List celebrities.”
Anil’s expression falters at this description of his show. But - and probably in the interest of accomplishing his goal - he lets it go. 
“It could be good for you, too.” Anil explains. “Get your face out there. Your name. You could appear in the show.”
Ravi shrugs. “I don’t need that. You’ll have to do it without my blessing or involvement.”
Anil groans. “I can’t.”
“You can’t?” 
“I talked to our parents about it.” Anil explains. “They’ll only agree to talk about it if you do. They say it’s up to you.”
Oh. Well. Isn’t that fucking interesting. Anil needs him. He needs him. He needs the part of Ravi he despises. The part of Ravi he resents. And for once, his parents aren’t giving into his whims. That’s… New. 
Ravi nods, feeling somewhat self-satisfied. “What an inconvenient time to have burnt a bridge.”
“Ravi, come on, man.” Anil tries. “I’ve never asked you for shit. And you know how stubborn they can be. How set in their ways.” 
Ravi scoffs. As if they can share their mutual woes over their parents. Like real brothers might. No fucking way. Ravi may have his issues with his parents. His grievances. His hurt, caused by them believing in Anil and ignoring the harm he does. But his parents are good people. They love him. Nothing they do, they do out of malice. Ravi can’t say the same about his brother.
“The answer is no,” Ravi says again. “And not just because I don’t care whether or not this is successful for you. But also because, even if I did care, the thought of reliving that for someone’s minor shot at celebrity makes me very uncomfortable. If you knew shit about me, you’d know that.”
“So that’s just it, then?” Anil demands. The shocked, pissed-off look in his brother’s eyes is as good as gold. “You’re going to ruin this for me?”
Ravi mock winces. “Guess that’s sort of what I do, right?” 
“Should’ve known better than to think you’d be anything but a jealous, toxic dickhead,” Anil shakes his head. 
And, normally, Ravi might have tried to refute this claim. Now, he just shrugs. What more can Anil do, really? He’s already alienated Ravi from one family. He tried and failed today with a second. Today, Ravi is the one with the upper hand.
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old-schoolgenz · 3 months
Chapter 5: Barcus and Bluey
After enlisting Aphmau's help Abby became much more manageable. But she wasn't joking when she'd described her as a “little Katelyn” his shoulder was beginning to ache with how many times the girl had punched his arm.
Still, he was able to admire just how good Aphmau was at parenting. Her patience with Abby was awe-inspiring, her tone was soft, caring, and being so in touch with her inner child helped with playing (and distracting) Abby while he made lunch for the three of them.
Normally he would make something more complicated if it was just Aph and himself, try out a new recipe or even attempt one of hers, but right now it was baloney sandwiches for Abby and only slightly more complicated sandwiches for the both of them. It was at least something he knew the girl would eat.
“Okay! Foods Done!” He yelled from the kitchen, and was met with Abby’s voice screaming back an “Okay!” trailed by Aphmau's “Coming!”
Abby ran in giggling, looking much happier than when she arrived. She grinned up at him, which made him feel slightly uncomfortable due to mischief that usually followed a grin like that.
“Thanks Aaron!” Aphmau came in a moment later, grabbing both plates of sandwiches and handing the smaller one to Abby, who was jumping in place.
“Yeah, thank you mister!” She was already buried into the sandwich, munching away happily, good, a smile looked better on the girl than the near permanent suspicious scowl she'd worn when she first arrived.
So yes, very much like a little Katelyn then.
Aphmau also buried herself in her sandwich, humming in contentment as she chuckled at Abby’s current antics, like trying to sneak feed Celestia bits of bologna.
“Are you even packed enough to stay here a few days?” Aaron found himself asking, thoughts drifting back to who was going to sleep where, and if Aphmau would even be comfortable at all staying in the house.
“Aaron I live basically across the street, if I need something I can go get it.” She looked unbothered by the situation. So Aaron took it upon himself to also be unbothered, if she wasn't making a big deal out of it, perhaps it wasn't.
“Auntie Aphmau, can you put my favorite show on? It's starting soon.” Abby had already finished and was dragging Aphmau by the hand from the table even though her sandwich was only half eaten.
“Woah, Abby slow down!” But she was laughing and shooting an apologetic glance at Aaron before being dragged off to his living room. The sound of a kids show followed soon after.
Aaron took the chance to finish setting up the guest room, taking the very few old toys he had and setting them around incase Abby wanted to play with them. Although he doubted it, it wasn't much except old toy cars and outdated action figures.
Aphmau was rather intently watching another episode of Bluey, she had to admit that the show had captivated her more than she'd ever thought, and she was grateful for the adult jokes and themes to keep her entertained too.
And Abby… well Abby seemed to just like the chaos the two sister characters put their parents through, she hoped she wasn't getting any idea's including her and Aaron.
Speaking of, he'd gone upstairs and hadn't come down yet, while she didn't think he'd leave her to watch Abby alone she did think that he may still be a bit overwhelmed, which was fair. He'd always been wary around people, and Abby could be… excitable.
“I'll be right back Abby, I'm gonna go check on Aaron.” She ruffled the young girls hair and felt her charge nod. Still engrossed in the television.
She made her way up the stairs, idly she thought about how she hadn't spent much time up here, as the only thing up here was the guest room and Aaron's bedroom, apart from the bathroom of course.
She checked his room first, half expecting him to be sitting on the bed but found him absent from the black fleece sheets. So she knocked hesitantly on the guest bedroom door only for it to creak open to find Aaron standing near the bed, trying to get the only plushie he had in his possession to sit up on the bed.
“Come on… work with me here.” She heard him mutter underneath his breath as he tried to gently coax the well-loved terrier plush into a sitting position without it falling over.
Aphmau couldn't help but smile at his efforts, digging out his old toys for Abby to play with was terribly sweet of him. Expessially the terrier plush he'd had as a baby. She was thankful Abby was usually gentle with toys that weren't hers, otherwise she probably would have told him to keep it out of sight.
Aaron would be a great dad. And she wasn't sure how she knew that but she did know. He had so much love to give, and it wasn't like she didn't know how badly he'd wanted a family of his own. He'd done everything but outright tell her that. Telling her about how terribly fucked up his childhood actually was without going into too much detail.
“Aph? How long have you been standing there?” Whoops, she'd gotten lost in her thoughts and stared at him like a dweeb, oh well.
“Sorry, I came up to check on you, you'd been up here awhile.” She glanced over at the plush, it was sitting finally.
“Oh. Yeah I wanted to finish setting up the room her her, dug out some old toys.” He gestured to the shelf of toy cars and action figures.
“And Barcus.”
Aaron immediately flushed red, regretting wholeheartedly in that moment he'd ever told her the name of the terrier plush, he glanced over at it, feeling the heat crawl up his back.
“He… always made me feel better whenever  I was in an unfamiliar place. I thought…” He grumbled off, far too embarrassed to continue whatever he was about to say.
“Oh Aaron that's so cute”
“It's sweet.” Is what she actually said, shuffling over to him and putting a hand on his back to lead him back downstairs.
“Now, come join us, Abby is probably still watching Bluey. Then maybe you can actually bond with her?” Aphmau smiled warmly at him, causing old butterflies to stir in his gut, if only for a second, before they quickly dissipated.
“You think?” He questioned lightly, still feeling the nerves of being ambushed by responsibility.
“Once she sees how sweet of a guy you are, she'll be all over you just like she is with her dad. Trust me.”
They find Abby downstairs, still watching the TV but cuddling in her other hand a turtle plushie, still looking pleased if not only a little somber.
Her face brightened up a little at the sight of them coming around the corner into the living room. And she started to hop on her place on the couch, gesturing the both of them to sit down.
Aaron stole a glance over at his best freind. Who elbowed him gently in the side while her mouth bubbled out a pleased laugh.
“See? It's not so bad.”
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jaidens · 1 year
Can you do an fic where maverick mitchell comforts the reader after something really bad happens and she struggles to take care of her mental health at that time
evermore (ft. bon iver) — taylor swift.
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pairing [s] : pete ‘maverick’ mitchell x reader
warning [s] : mentions of : mental health
a/n [s] : ty for the request!
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“Lieutenant L/N, you're grounded from today until the assigned therapist alerts that it's okay.”
Where you're sitting on the leather chair, staring at your higher-up as he tells you the news that will kill you. You always reach for the skies, and your fighter jet takes you there. Your sanity was based on how high up you could fly before the pressure began to hurt.
“I understand this news isn't what you wanted to hear today.”
Of course it wasn't. You were expecting another admiral to yell at you for your tricky behavior in the skies. How it was a million dollar project by the government and it doesn't give you the right to fly it childishly.
“Thank you. You're excused now.”
You stand up and it feels like the room is closing in and out on itself. You push the door open and walk outside. Goose and Maverick are standing against the wall, noses high in the air. Maverick was your (what you had believed) boyfriend. He had courted you a few times on base, somehow grasping you on the first day of the academy.
“Y/N, hey, what's happening? What did he tell you?”
Maverick falters from his position, and runs up next to where you're walking. You look over at him, and you can feel how your lip quivers. You could be yelled at a million times, you could take anything. But, when it came to your jet and the skies, it absolutely killed you.
“They grounded me.”
Maverick puts his hand on your arm, and bites his bottom lip and shakes his head. The tears blur your vision and you attempt to cover your face and wipe away the tears that gather.
“Here, come over to my place tonight. I have a surprise that'll make you feel better.”
Maverick tells you, kissing your cheek and he gives you a second-long hug before running back to where Goose is whispering across the hallway at him. You go to the locker room and pack up your things into your backpack. The flight suit that's in your locker makes you waver and you slam the door closed.
You drive home to your house, and fall to the couch. The picture of your jet and you makes you sick to see, you slam the picture down face down. You pull the blanket over you and curl up into yourself. All of your feelings start to pour out of you into the couch below you. Tears, anger, and sadness that was crushed up inside of you.
You stayed there. The television played some random TV show and all you did was stay there. You didn't get you for, had you guessed, three hours until you heard the knocks on the door. The sound of grocery bags and humming enters your house.
“Hey, I went to the store and got us a new tape, some greasy drive thru dinner, and a dessert.”
Pete walks in to the living carrying take out bags and CVS ones. You give him a small smile and sit up on the couch. He always made you feel a little better; how seeing his face made you smile. He walks over and sets the bags down on the coffee table. Pete sits and gives your temple a small kiss before pulling out the food.
“How are you feeling? I’ve been grounded before, it feels horrible.”
You frown and lay against Pete. He wraps his arms around you and you push into his chest. If you had to be honest, he smells like jet fuel and his rosemary-mint shampoo and conditioner. For some reason it was your favorite smell of yours, how it stayed on your bedsheets in the morning.
“It won't feel like this forever. Soon, you'll be back in the sky, somehow beating me in every damn race.”
Your lips tug into a smile and you laugh a bit. Pete gives you a smile, and rubs your back gently. The food is left forgotten as you lay against Pete.
“I’m thankful you're here. I probably would've just laid here, sad and lonely.”
Pete smiles at your confession.
“Don’t thank me. I’m here because I love you. I’ll take care of you until we're both old and wrinkly., still flying our jets high.”
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hey i have a request and its fine if you dont do it cause its a little different to your others! y/n is in a movie with scar, lizzie and flo, y/n sh’s but the others dont know that but one day they see the cuts on y/n’s wrist. i lovee your other oneshots btw
One Day At A Time
Pairings: Scarlett Johansson x gn!reader, Lizzie Olsen x gn!reader, Florence Pugh x gn!reader
Description: After a long day on set, y/n doesn’t notice their scars are visible.
Warnings: TW DO NOT READ THIS IF IT WILL MAKE YOU RELAPSE!!! self harm, mention of scars, angst, lots of comfort.
Words: 900
Prompt: Person A has scars and person B finds out about them
A/N: First of all, thank you for the love, I truly appreciate it! You all mean so much to me! I hope you enjoy, and like I’ve said before, my DMs are always open <3
It was weeks, nearly days since y/n had last self harmed. In all honesty, they were doing better than they had in a while. Since being cast in the up and coming Marvel television series, a spinoff of the Avengers, they had felt better. Happier.
They were with some of their best friends. Scarlett was like a mother to y/n, Lizzie and Florence were like sisters. They had become a family, the four of them. And since they were so close and spent so much time together, y/n barely even thought about self harming.
Of course the urge would come back once and awhile. But that wasn’t the problem. It was the scars. Y/n’s scars weren’t the freshest, but they were definitely still there. Their makeup artist who had been with them since the beginning knew how to cover them up, so no one else on set really knew about y/n’s scars. And it wasn’t like y/n’s costume was extremely revealing anyways.
Y/n sat in their trailer, finishing up their hair and zipping up the last bits of their costume.
“You almost ready babes?” Scarlett knocked on the door of the trailer.
“Yeah! I’ll be out in moment!” Y/n called.
“Good! We got you coffee,” Y/n could practically hear Florence wink.
“Thank you!”
When y/n had finished getting ready, they opened the door to their trailer and was greeted with three smiling faces and four cups of coffee. And a croissant, of course, Florence’s favourite.
“Director wants us in the studio by 8, if we run we can make it.” Lizzie said.
“Jesus Christ, why did no one tell me? Its 7:57!” Y/n’s face went pale.
“Run!” Florence yelled, taking off into a sprint, completely forgetting to give y/n their coffee.
Y/n looked down at their phone. 10:37 pm. They had been on set for nearly 15 hours, and all y/n wanted was to go back to their hotel room and sleep. Y/n barely noticed the lack of makeup on their forearm when they and the girls were walking back to their trailers.
“I didn’t know they added scars to your character. When did they do that?” Lizzie asked out of the blue, nodding towards y/n’s arm.
Y/n cocked their head for a moment, confused as to what Lizzie was talking about.
“Wait yeah, those are badass!” Scarlett added on.
The four reached the trailer section of the set. And it hit y/n. They were talking about their self harm scars.
“I-” Y/n started, too shocked to be able to form a sentence. Florence’s face was the first to drop. She smacked her hand over her mouth and whispered a muffled, “Lizzie.”
Lizzie realized within a split second, as did Scarlett. Scarlett was the first to speak.
“Oh baby, c’mere.” She said, holding her arms out for a hug. Y/n stood for a moment, then collapsed into Scarlett’s arms. Florence and Lizzie enveloped y/n in a big hug and the four were silent for a minute.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. If I had known I never would have said anything” Lizzie said when they broke apart.
Y/n stayed silent.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Florence said, taking y/n’s hand in hers.
Y/n was still silent. Then they took a deep breath.
“I don’t know. I just, I struggle sometimes. I’ve never been like, officially diagnosed or anything, but,” Y/n looked at their faces. Each one of them was focused entirely on them. “I just feel like there’s no way out sometimes. So I...” Y/n trailed off, gesturing to their arm as a conclusion to their sentence.
“Oh hun, I’m so sorry you have to go through that. That’s awful.” Lizzie said.
“It’s okay.” Y/n said, tears threatening to fall from their eyes.
“No, it’s not. You shouldn’t have to go through that. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, let alone a beautiful soul like yours,” Scarlett said. She took y/n’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’re here for you love, no matter what.”
Florence had stayed silent the whole time. It was confusing to y/n, Florence usually was the most supportive out of the three girls.
“Hey guys, can I just talk to y/n alone real quick. We’ll meet up with you after.” Florence asked.
“Yeah of course, we’ll see you back at the hotel?” Scarlett said.
Florence nodded, watching the two girls leave and then turning her attention to y/n.
“I understand how you feel.” Florence said.
“Thank you,” y/n said, not really realizing what Florence was really saying.
“No I mean, I really understand.” Florence stayed silent and looked at y/n. Y/n searched Florence’s eyes. And it clicked.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” Y/n said.
“Why? It’s been ages and I’m not ashamed. They’re my battle scars. I know it sounds cliche, but I went through a lot a couple years ago, and I like to think of them as a sign that it gets better. How long has it been?” Florence explained.
“Two weeks,” Y/n said.
“Two weeks is amazing y/n!” Florence watched as y/n smiled sheepishly. “Look, I’m not going to tell you to come to me whenever you feel like doing this, or tell you to bring me what you use or whatever you’ve heard before. Just take it one day at a time. Okay?”
“Okay.” Y/n said.
“I love you, y/n. We all do.”
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little-svt · 1 year
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FEMME-READER | FLUFF | Size regression
Wc: 2.2k+
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Run to You
By no means was Jeonghan out of shape or weak. He was known to be able to pull great athletic feats and have seemingly endless energy out of nowhere when the time arose. But most times, his stamina was short and he’d more than often rather be asleep, surviving on too much caffeine from a stream of never ending iced americano and his responsibility to you; his hyper little angel. And, God, did you like to keep him on his toes.
Thankfully, he wasn’t completely alone in looking after you, making sure you got out all your zoomies before bedtime. Every so often, he’d call up his dongsaengs and set up a playdate with a little who was sure to tire you out.
“Thanks, Jihoon-ah. Really… I love my little gremlin but I don't know how you handle yours.”, Jeonghan chuckled into his cell, pulling his lip between his teeth as he leaned back to peek around the corner, making sure you were still where he left you. The only time you seemed to sit still was when you were sitting in front of the television with your favorite snack.
Ending the call with a small smile, he finished getting his bag together, making sure his baby would have anything you could possibly need and some you didn’t for your afternoon at the park. When you were finished eating, he began the long process of chasing you around, yelling after your giggles that were surely insanity, and making sure you were ready in your play clothes. And he still had to figure out how to get ready himself. All the while, running in circles, he reminded himself that the pay off would be well worth it.
“Okay, angel. Up.”, Jeonghan shook his hair out of his eyes, tossing his bag over his shoulder with a huff and held his arms out. He enjoyed this part, trying not to grin at the way your face always lit up.
“Uppies!!”, you giggled, running toward his arms so he could lift you and prop you on his hip with a drawn-out groan as he straightened his back. Thank god it was only you around, he’d have to admit he was getting old.
“We are gonna go get Appa a coffee before we stop at the park. Think you can manage?”, he chuckled, carrying you out the door.
“Uh-huh! Can I hab a strawberry milk again?”, you asked, twirling and curling his soft, black hair around your fingers as he walked you down the hall.
None of his friends could ever understand why Jeonghan constantly ignored their advice. Especially when he so frequently, and annoyingly, one might add, complained about being tired and having a broken back. You were perfectly capable of feeding yourself, walking on your own, drinking from a cup, yet still, Jeonghan wouldn't hear of letting you do a single thing on your own. Sometimes he wondered if he needed you more than you needed him. Couldn’t he just find that in taking care of any of his dongsaengs? No. In fact, he’d rather die. (A joke of course). It was just you. The bond he had with you, the desire to be needed by you, to care for you, couldn’t be replicated in any way. He enjoyed helping you escape, wholeheartedly. You so greatly deserved it.
“You want more sugar? Didn’t Appa let you have cereal for breakfast because you didn’t want eggs?”, he asked, though there was no way he’d say ‘no’ to you. Not in the end anyways.
“I want cereal because Uncle Shuji says Appa cooking is stinky!!” You corrected him quite blatantly with a giggle. Cooking was not one of his many talents, he had to accept that. Still hurt, though.
Sighing with a shake of his head, he put you down in the elevator. After pressing the button for the ground floor, he made sure his wallet was in his pocket, you only wanted to lose that once and Mingyu had lost his enough times for all thirteen of them. Then Jeonghan held his arms out for you again once the elevator door dinged and opened. Not a single smile nor pout for him? So much for ‘your face always lit up’ when he called for you. Maybe he really did need you more than you needed him.
“Can we run to the shop, Appa?”, you asked innocently. Ah, there it was. Your head was always more in space than he could ever imagine it to be. Malicious was not a word in your vocabulary, even when it came to criticisms on his cooking. Your intentions were simple and pure.
Still, frowning at your rejection, Jeonghan looked out the elevator doors, trying to imagine the path to the shop. It was only a couple minutes down the road but he’d likely be chasing after you most of the day anyways.
“How about you save all your energy for Soonyoung-ah, yeah? You little boogers can run your hearts out when we get to the park.”, He prayed for mercy and thankfully, you complied.
With their busy schedules you only got to meet with Soonyoung, sometimes Mingyu, maybe once or twice a month at most. And exactly as he hoped, each time you’d fall asleep not long after he picked you up to carry you home for the evening. You’d be much more docile and cuddly the next couple of days once you’d tired yourself out. The little demon they called Hoshi always managed to be the best outlet for letting out all of your energy.
Jeonghan watched and chatted with you fondly as you pointed out little things during your walk to the park, picking up a rock you deemed was special or spotting a puppy on the streets around you. After stopping for a coffee and that strawberry milk, the two of you made it to your destination fairly quickly. Thankfully, Jihoon always agreed to meet closer to home so Jeonghan wouldn’t have to worry about traveling with you. Though maybe not so lucky for him when dealing with Hoshi.
“Appa~” you complained, sitting on the park bench hand-in-hand in front of the playground “when will Hoonie Soonie get heree??”
“‘Hoonie Soonie’, huh?” Jeonghan logged that one with a snicker before squinting at a Jihoon shaped man in baggy clothes, not that he was dressed much differently, “Oh, there-“
“HORANGHAEEE!!” You squealed, your hand tearing from Jeonghan’s as you ran excitedly across the playground to crash into Hoshi who bounced around with you, more than happy to match, even double your energy. Jeonghan was surprised he was able to dress the kid in two separate articles of clothing. Though it was just a T-shirt and overalls, most of the time it was a battle to get him out of his tiger onesie at all.
The two of you immediately took off in a game of tag while Jihoon found his spot next to Jeonghan, sighing as he leaned back as they watched their little ones, finally able to relax a little now that his little tiger was occupied. But maybe he jinxed himself. An hour full of giggles and squeals later, both you and Hoshi ran up to the bench giggling and covering your mouths.
“Appa…look what I found!” you moved your little hand from behind your back, opening your fist to show a particularly interesting shaped woodchip. After staring at it for a moment, not quite sure how he was meant to react, glancing at Jihoon who had no answer for him, he had no choice but to wing it.
“Wah… can Appa take a closer look? Where’d you find this, Angel? While you were playing by the slide?” Jeonghan smiled a bit too wide, convincing you that you were laying him right into the palm of your hand.
“We found it and this boy tried to-” Hoshi’s mouth was quickly covered by your free hand. Nothing suspicious at all. Jeonghan cracked a genuine smile, his little miss bossy pants.
“Isn’t it cool?? You can have it if you and Hoonie come play with us! But you have to chase us and then we get to chase you!!” You revealed your grand plan. Now how could they say no.
Victoriously, you pulled and tugged on Jeonghan’s sleeve, giggling as you urged him to get up quickly. Hoshi already had Jihoon up who was bickering and cursing under his breath, as expected. The only thing that finally freed them from endlessly circling the playground that seemed a bit too small for two grown men was Jihoon’s suggestion to get food. He knew his little rascal would be hungry sooner or later.
“I want bread! Bread! Bread!” Hoshi chanted, bouncing along as the four of you walked back to the bench to fetch your bags.
“What did we talk about? Real food. You can't just eat bread.” Jihoon threw his bag over his shoulder and held out his hand for the pouting tiger.
“Appa, I want bread too.” you whispered into his ear once Jeonghan picked you up and propped you on his hip again.
“Bread it is!” Jeonghan sometimes gave in a little too easily, but once you had your mind set, it was the path of least resistance. Of course insisting you ate something more nutritious before you could have your bread wasn’t totally giving in.
After dining in at a small restaurant nearby and making sure their two little ones had full tummies, Jeonghan and Jihoon were dragged back to the playground where they’d take part in all of your silly games. This time you and Hoshi were wild animals, a tiger and a bunny, the explorers had to catch in order to stop the end of the world. ‘How or why was the world ending’, you ask? They had no idea.
“That one looks like a fishy!” you pointed at the clouds passing overhead as you lay in Jeonghan’s lap.
The four of you had finally taken a rest on the green, more shaded area outside the playground after Jeonghan almost got on his knees to beg you. Cloud watching could be a pretty fun activity too. Especially on a random afternoon with your Appa and a full tummy at the park.
“That one looks like a tiger!!” Hoshi called out once he finished rolling across the grass back to your little group after attempting to do somersaults a safe distance from Jihoon’s head..
“Yah.. you can't call every cloud you see a tiger.” Jihoon lifted his head from the ground to see the cutest little hamster-like pout.
“Can too.” Hoshi grumbled, flopping on top of his Appa with a thud that had both you and Jeonghan cringing as Jihoon groaned.
“Yea that's enough. You obviously have more energy. I'm gonna go chase him around a bit more before it gets late. Comin’?” Jihoon asked Jeonghan while he sat Hoshi up and straightened out his clothes.
“I think we’re still cloud watching, aren't we Angel?” he smiled, brushing your hair out of your face as if he wasn’t begging for mercy telepathically and hoping you could hear him.
“Still watchin’! That one looks like Uncle Cheolie!!” you giggled.
Following your finger Jeonghan laughed to himself when he spotted the oddly shaped cloud, not quite sure how you’d come to that conclusion. Snapping a picture, he’d be sure to tease him about it later.
The breeze was hitting just right, a gentle wind sweeping through his hair as he watched you watching the sky, Hoshi’s laughter and Jihoon’s squabbling, even the hustle and bustle of the city outside was distant and somehow pleasant. The sun slowly began to lower in the sky, orange pinks, blues, purple and orange blooming through the fluffs of clouds above. Jeonghan’s eyes closed as he took a long, deep breath, opening them again before he dozed off. Much like the sweet, sleepy thing resting now in his lap.
“Asleep already?” Jihoon laughed, picking up his bag from the ground and adjusting Hoshi who he had on his back.
“Too tired to walk?”
“You’re right. But it works every time.” they grinned.
“Same time next week?” Jeonghan pulled you into his arms and stood up with his things, your head finding its home on his shoulder.
A hopeful sentiment really. It was more likely they wouldn't have another playdate for weeks to come. But they’d enjoy the payoff of this one while they had the chance. Jeonghan, tired and achy limbs and all, would still take the long way home as the light left the sky so he could hold his hyper little angel, asleep in his arms, just a little longer.
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🧸Endnote: HAPPY HANNIE DAY!! And happy late bday to me! [1001] Three-year-old size regression validation written for those littles who have deep childhood trauma and need help getting back safely. Also bc if Jeonghan actually tried to pick me up his twig paper mache bones would literally… 😭 wah anyways. I know i'll be very busy for the month of ocotober, i would like to be able to work on and post maybe a short halloween headcanon or drabble with Admin II so keep your eye out for that <3 ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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hyunsoolgc · 3 months
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In which Hyunsoo plays Sims 3 for the first time and it turns into a disaster.
It is never too late to give certain games a try. Hyunsoo has busied himself with browsing old titles he missed the boat on or was too disinterested ( and too young ) to check out at the time. It could very well be possible some of his audience feels the same way, or he can grab a view with a pinch of nostalgia. He puts a selection of them into a random generator. It flicks across countless names until it lands on the title The Sims 3, a game released when Hyunsoo was still barely in elementary school.
He has set up his camera to remain stagnant, while the rest of the video captures the television he is playing on. He sends a tepid wave to the audience and runs through his usual introduction.
"I know what your first thought is... Hyunsoo... you are about fifteen years behind to this! But..." he raises a finger. "I will be playing it for the first time anyway! I never was too keen on life simulators, so I thought I would give this a shot. This is my brother's copy, actually... and I am playing on an old console. Can you guess what it is?"
After his explanation and huffing out a short laugh, he presses the start button and a tune that would be familiar to many plays. The screen shifts, placing him in the bottom corner so the game takes the main stage.
While he creates his character, he motions to the cut out area around him. "By the way... do you like this set up? I recently decided to invest in a green screen! It would be nice if, someday, I could do some streams for you all... I will have to ask for that, of course."
He abandons the topic quickly to get back to the starting area.
"Hmm... Do I make my family? Maybe it would be better if I did it all on a randomizer," and he does just that, landing him a rather... wacky looking family of three with strange names. When it comes to picking a house for them, he settles on something of a modest size. "This is... nice! The thing is, the decorations are a bit..." He clicks around to the rather loud prints on some of the furniture and rugs.
After about an hour of playtime ( edited, of course ), he commands his sim to cook. What goes swimmingly so many past times is quick to turn into chaos, however. The stove sets on fire and the sim begins to yell and hop up and down.
"What?! What is going on?" He clicks rather frantically in an attempt to get all of the family out of the house. ( As is rational in real life. ) Unfortunately for him, they all marvel at the flames, even when a red firetruck pulls up to the house. The yellow clad firemen seem to have a difficult time finding the entrance, allowing more kitchen appliances to set aflame.
"No! I worked hard to get that fancy refrigerator!" He pouts and deflates in his chair." And if that isn't enough... the neighbors are all gathering outside to gawk at the disaster... I should have stuck to building things."
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Parental Control
Based on the old MTV show. Nan doesn’t like Gary’s girlfriend, so she throws away her dislike for tv- just long enough to prove there’s a better match for him out there.
Huge thank you to @rebelrayne for springing this idea in my head. I couldn’t not do it.
Also tags to @csmicletters, @bypine, @lasswithumor for being awesome 💛
Gary’s nan sat at the table they put her at in the bakery, watching the line get longer and longer as it stretched out the door. The cameraman posted next to her, and the producers instructed her to talk about why she was doing this, “It’s pretty simple, sonny.” She grinned with a playful tenacity, “I know my boy isn’t happy. He isn’t some bloke that likes to argue every day about something as simple as what to eat. Gary wants someone he can have a laugh with, not someone that yells at him to swill his coffee so she can pretend to make out images in it.”
Nan had met Marisol first, the law student, gauging the girl’s habit of analyzing and trying to ask invasive questions that had just enough wording to play off. She wasn’t a fan.
Priya was polite, but so high end. No surprise she was a fashion designer. Nan wasn’t willing to risk Gary thinking he wasn’t good enough because he couldn’t afford to support a lifestyle of so many name brands, even if the girl made her own money.
Hope struck her as too serious. She seemed to have a playful edge, but still far too appropriate, which made sense as a CEO of a toy company, and Nan knew that Gary was too much a lad.
Nan was almost impressed with Chelsea, but with everything Nan said, the girl gasped and nearly shouted something about it belonging a cushion. She thought maybe interiors designers just never left their job at work.
But eventually, Nan finally found the two girls.
Hannah was exactly the type Gary’s Mum would’ve picked. She was sweet as a sugar cookie, smart as a whip, and a little romantic at heart. A novelist to be. Gary’s Mum would’ve adored her.
But Nan was more excited about Matilda- Matty. She had sat down, paper in hand, and before Nan could greet her the first thing out of her mouth was, “This seems like a lot just for someone to buy a pastry.” Nan had been amused, this girl sat in line and filled out the questionnaire because she thought it was the line for the cupcakes? Nan liked her.
Gary knew his nan didn’t like his girlfriend. He wasn’t an idiot. He’d been dating Lottie for less than a handful of months, and Nan was constantly turning into her silent ‘You know better than this’ mode when the blonde would start arguments over petty things, or how she would raise an eyebrow when Lottie went off on her tangents about tarot and tea leaves.
What he didn’t expect was Nan to ignore her mistrust of television people to reach out to a show herself. He wasn’t warned ahead of time, wasn’t even aware it was hinted at, but he turned up to Nan’s house one day to find a camera set up in the living room. “Nan?”
“Gareth!” She called happily as she entered the room, tea tray in hand as she offered a cup to the people working around the camera. Gary couldn’t miss Lottie’s sour expression if he tried. “Bout time you made it here, you bloody knobhead.”
His brow furrowed as he looked around the room, “What’s, uh, what’s this?”
“Hi!” A brunette man popped up beside him, “You must be Gary.”
“Welcome to the show. I don’t know how familiar you are with it but-“
“What show?”
“Parental Control.” The man answers as if it was obvious, and Gary realized why Lottie looked pissed. He used to watch the show, and Nan had sat in on episodes with him while they heckled bad dates or wondered why the contestant would date someone their parents didn’t like. Gary didn’t realize Nan didn’t like Lottie that much. “Your nan has selected two dates for you today.”
“Nan, ya didn’t-“
“Course I did, boy.” She rolled her eyes, “I told you I don’t think this Lottie girl is good for you.”
“I’m right here, ya geezer.” Lottie curled his fists at her sides, glaring at the older woman.
“Good for you.” Nan scoffed before looking back at her grandson, “Just go on the dates, darling. Worst that can happen is that they don’t pan out. If you stick with Charlotte at the end, I’ll accept it.”
The producers let Gary and Lottie have a few minutes together, on camera, before the first date started, and she spent the whole time yelling and blaming him for the set up.
Nan rolled her eyes as they set up the camera to record the intro, “My name is Evelyn, though my friends call me Evie. I’m Gary’s nan, and I’ve helped raise my boy into the fine young man he’s become. He’s a lad- probably too much of a bloke, but he has a good heart and he’s always helping those who need it. He’s made his fair share of mistakes- probably more than his fair share that daft knob- but there’s only one mistake that still follows him. His girlfriend Lottie.” The producer called a cut, calling her a natural as she rolled her eyes again. Nan didn’t care for any of this, but if this helped Gary find a better fit for him then she was willing to suffer.
“We need to get clips of what you don’t like about Lottie.”
Nan sighed, waiting for their signal to start talking, “Lottie is a beautiful girl, or she would be if she wasn’t perpetually scowling like someone personally slated her or smirking like she won some secret game. She’s a make up artist by day and a wannabe vampire queen by night, not to mention her obsession with the occult. I can’t tell you how many I’ve heard her threaten to curse or hex my boy. It’s time he found his ray of sunshine to bathe in, not a speck of moonlight that sometimes deems him worthy of enjoying the glow.”
They sat Gary down next, in a different room, and the same man from before told him to talk about how his nan felt. “Well, I mean, I knew Nan wasn’t her biggest fan- Lottie can be fairly abrasive. But it’s because she hides behind a wall of sarcasm and sass to protect her insecurities- and she would hate that I shared that, but, mate, I need people to understand that the side people don’t like, it’s not the only side she has.”
The three of them sat on Nan’s pink sofa, the two of them bickering as Gary kind of stared of into the void. Lottie was being disrespectful, but Nan was just as disrespectful back, and Gary was torn on who to defend- if he should even defend either of them anymore.
Gary was antsy. Even if he didn’t like either of these girls, he would probably end up without Lottie. She was definitely not the forgiving type and definitely not okay with what he was doing. But this was for Nan. And Gary would do anything for Nan.
So here he sat, waiting, when the knock on the door echoed and Nan practically shoved Lottie back in her seat when the girl tried to hop up to open it herself. “Hannah! Welcome, come in lovely girl.” Nan smiled, ushering her into the house. But the older woman didn’t miss the way the girl seemed to shrink at Lottie’s glare, “This is my boy, Gary. Gareth, this is Hannah. I chose her because she is just who your mum would pick.”
“Hi, Gary.” He could admit she was pretty, with her long red braid and poise, but he saw her bright smile falter when her eyes flicked to the blonde beside him.
“And this is the witch that has him under her spell.”
“No spell here, you old bitty. Just my natural charms that won him over.” He sighed inwardly. This would be a long day. He pressed a kiss to the blonde’s cheek before following the redhead out the door, and he knew by the way she tensed as he pulled away that she was not pleased he didn’t give her a proper kiss.
The ride to the date location was awkward. The show had put champagne in the limo, but it wasn’t something he cared for. Gary wanted to give Hannah a fair shot, if Nan really thought his mum would’ve liked her then he needed to at least try. But she kept going on and on about how sweet it was that Nan would search for a girl for him, and how it was romantic and reminded her of Prince Charming sending his staff to search for Cinderella.
By the time they got to the location he was just confused. Looking out at the water that lapped the sandy beach, he looked at her, “I didn’t bring my trunks.”
“No trunks needed!“ She grinned, pointing toward where someone stood with two horses. Horses, with no saddles. Oh bloody hell.
It may have been the most painful date he’d been on. He’d ridden horses before, but never bare back. His whole body hurt, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to function properly again, but he still kissed her cheek politely when it concluded.
He did all but collapse back onto Nan’s sofa when they drove him back.
“So how was it?”
Gary found himself rolling his eyes at Lottie’s tone, but he still wanted to appease her, “She doesn’t have your spice, Lotta.”
Nan suppressed a groan at the satisfied smirk that curved those black painted lips. When the knock sounded on the door, she didn’t hesitate to shoot out of her seat with energy she hadn’t had in years, “Matilda!”
A beautiful laugh rang through the room, “I told you, Evelyn, call me Matty!” Gary glance over to see his Nan yanking the girl into a hug, and she was the most beautiful girl Gary had ever seen, especially as she smiled at his Nan.
“And I told you to call me Evie, darling.” Gary’s brows shot up to his hair. Nan never let anyone call her Evie or Nan if they weren’t family or the strictest of best friends. Dicky had even had his privileges revoked and returned a few different times when he’d gotten Gary into trouble.
Matilda’s eyes seemed to flick around the room as they walked over from the door, “Evie, your home is beautiful! I can feel the years of love built into it.” She admired an array of small porcelain figures his Nan had collected over the years, “My gran used to collect these! She left them to me. And I think…yeah, I could complete the collection for you.” Finally those bright green eyes met his bright blue ones, “This must be your boy, yeah? Nice to meet you, Gary. I’m Matty.”
“Matty?” His girlfriend scoffed.
But the girl with black hair and rainbow streaks didn’t miss a beat, or lose her beaming smile, “You can call me Matilda.” It gave Gary the funniest deja vu. The first Lottie had called his Nan Evie instead of Evelyn, she had the same reaction. And he could tell the moment registered to Lottie as she scowled in return. Nan just smirked.
Gary expected another awkward car ride, especially when he was preparing to pretend to enjoy champagne as she picked up the bottle. But then he was trying to keep from snorting as her nose scrunched up.
“You think they’d ask preferences for a day like this.” She laughed lightly, shaking her head with a smile as she put it back, “Good thing I come prepared.” She pulled her bag off her back, and it was the first time Gary had even looked at any part of her that wasn’t her face. Digging into it, she produced two bottles of…beer. Gary had to laugh, “What?” She asked, mirth dancing in her eyes, “Would you have preferred the champagne?”
“No, not at all. Just surprised.” She raised an eyebrow and he grinned at it, “You just strike me as the type of girl that would like the fine things.”
She tossed her head back with a laugh, “The fine things? I work in the rainforest for months at a time. The ‘fine things’ in my life are indoor plumbing, air conditioning, and refrigeration.”
“So you’re a blue collar girl?”
Matty hummed before giving him a smirk, “I’d consider myself more green collar.”
Gary couldn’t help himself. He howled in laughter at the absolutely terrible pun. This girl was something else.
They were dropped off as what looked like a maze, but with some larger open areas and different obstacles to climb on. “What are we gonna do exactly?”
Matilda grinned at him, nodding toward the trunk, which opened to reveal two sets of coveralls and paintball guns.
Gary was nervous as hell. No matter the decision, Lottie was not going to take it quietly. The producers told him to ask each girl to name a reason why he should choose them, and Lottie spoke up first with venom in her voice, “Think carefully, babes. I don’t do second chances.”
Hannah shuffled just a little further away as she spoke, “I just think with a chance you could be my prince. I know we have very different preferences, but I’m willing to learn yours. It could turn into true love.”
Matilda seemed to snort, but she covered it with a hard cough that had Nan looking amused, “I’ll be honest, I was shocked when I realized I was sat down to meet a woman about going on a blind date with her grandson. I just wanted a bloody cupcake. But after meeting Evie- how was I gonna say no? Anyone that she raised was worth a shot. And meeting you, I know I was right.”
Gary took a deep breath, before he sighed, “I have to send one of you home immediately, and I’m sorry, but…Hannah, it was nice to meet you.” The redhead nodded, offering him a hug before heading out the front door. Gary knew this was going to be the rough part. But he knew what he needed to do. What he wanted to do. Who he wanted to choose. “Matty, you are- to be honest my best mate would probably call you the bird version of me, but miles better looking.” Matty laughed, and Gary had to ignore Lottie’s glare to keep talking, “You are just a little too good to really be true. Lottie, I care about you so much. You can make me laugh, but you also spend just as much time arguing with me. You can’t get along with my Nan, and you don’t even try no matter how important you know she is to me.” He glanced at his Nan, but she just nodded. She was going to accept his decision. She had promised him that. “I need to choose this girl, because I need to choose the girl that I think understands me. The girl I might have a future with. So…I’m going to choose Matty.” Nan nearly did a fist pump, but she lost the joy when Lottie’s hand shot out and threw one of her figurines to the floor in a rage. But to their shock, Matty- who had been giving Gary a hug- flew to the floor and caught it.
And Gary knew he made the right choice.
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🌿how does creating make you feel? and 💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
I answered this question here!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Ok you are going to regret asking this because there’s a Star Wars fic I’m working on at the moment that has been living rent free in my brain for several months now, and given the opportunity I will yell about it in great detail to anyone who asks. Only @nebulouscoffee can attest to how insane I am about this WIP (and shout out to them for helping me flesh out this AU, and for coming up with so many great ideas for it!!! Bugs bunny *our* self-indulgent Star Wars AU etc etc)
Basically, it’s a fic/fic series that’s set in an AU where Padmé is force sensitive and Anakin isn’t, and I’m planning on retelling the entire story of the Star Wars based on that premise (well, the first six movies + The Clone Wars, at least. But I am eyeing the sequel trilogy like a vulture let me tell you because I’m desperate to give those films the AU treatment). It also ends up as a role swap for Luke and Leia as well, with Leia being raised on Tatooine and Luke on Alderaan (Leia gets to be a Jedi too, basically). But other than those role swap changes, I’m also going to address a bunch of things I wish the films had explored more/done better. So, rather than writing paragraph after paragraph elaborating on these changes, I will now present you with a bullet point list of “Things about the Jedi Padmé AU that make Fancy go insane”
Excessive Padmé character analysis
Explorations of the ethical issues of Clone rights (feat. A Clone OC that I’m incredibly attached to, his name is Tatao and I’m love him)
Said Clone OC is GNC af and is kind of punk rock about it
Slavery on Tatooine is kind of a much bigger deal
Maybe Naboo’s political system is kind of messed up??? Did you ever think about that George?????
Padmé’s handmaidens are important now!!! Because my favourite hobby is plucking female characters with no lines out of sci-fi properties and giving them ✨Depth✨
The destruction of Alderaan has much more weight than in the films
Han Solo cringefail compilation
Anakin still has no father, he just has two lesbian mums now (one of whom is trans 🏳️‍⚧️)
Obi-Wan actually facing the consequences of his actions for once
Luke dressing like David Bowie, Prince, Freddy Mercury, Elton John, and all the members of ABBA combined. Think disco Mark Hamill on German television
Explorations of whether the Jedi Order is actually a corrupt organisation (spoiler alert, it kind of is)
Obi-Wan getting to raise chaotic bantha child Leia
Skysolo for real ☀️
Ahsoka getting to be the cool Aunty to the twins like she always deserved
Trauma and violence and blood and killing and darkness and torment and hatred and guilt and improvised surgery on your boyfriend
The power of a childhood lullaby is something that can be so crucial to saving the galaxy, actually
And, just for good measure, here’s a preview of the very first chapter (which I will put under a ‘read more’ because this post is long enough as it is):
She had first felt it long ago, in the dark, in the nighttime, when she had woken from a nightmare to the sense of a soothing energy coursing through the air and stroking her cheek and drying her infantile tears. Good - it was always supposed to be good, pleasant and oh so very helpful, to reach out and make itself known to the little girl who lived so lonely with only her ambitions to guide her. Secret, a lovely secret, all to herself. If she shared it, it might leave her, and so she hid it in her heart night after night and day after day, even as she felt it in her blood and her bones and in all the little cracks and crevices of her thoughts.
Everywhere. The feeling is everywhere. And it is yours to treasure.
There were people out there in this wide world who shared her secret, or so she learned as she grew. The stories said that they were brave and strong and kind, good people with good powers and she could share her secret with them if she wished. So many times she had been tempted, to call upon the knights with their flashing swords and words of wisdom, to seek them out from their hiding place. Hiding place.
People suffered. People passed away. People rotted. People wept. So where were those knights with their flashing swords and their words of wisdom and their beautiful little secret now?
Nowhere. They will not come to aid you. Aid yourself, you do not need them.
Secret. A good secret. To keep it or not to keep it - yes, she would hide it. She learned that if she shared her secret the stagnant knights would find her, and now nothing could be worse than being drawn into their web of passivity. Yes, she would hide it. Keep it to herself. Grow her power inside of herself, practice and practice when no one was around to see her, in all the dark places that nobody would think to look.
Elsewhere. Find your power elsewhere. With me, my dear, plant the wretched seed and let it grow.
Someday soon, a beloved voice will call her name, and her secret will destroy the love and the life in him and return him to dust. Someday soon, a shattered heart will cry out vengeance and use her undead name as a battle cry for his own death wish. Someday soon, a girl of the sands will see the history inside her eyes and resurrect her withered and atrophied compassion.
All that would come to pass would be hers to create. But as that little girl settled back into sleep with a secret to keep her safe, all of it was a dream to her.
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