#i didnt realize it was important and useful for basic stuff
semothekat · 1 month
head in hands heand in hands
#paper is talking#Me when my dad is telling me how good and useful ai art is#How it would be so much easier for me to draw if i used it#That i can just skip the ‘meaningless’ stuff and get exactly my ideas made#Basically like the entire drawing process is meaningless and isnt important#Im not that good at speaking chinese but i said sometihng like ‘then i dont need to draw’ meaning like theres no point in me drawing at all#But i didnt really say the right words to get that meaning across so he said exactly!#Like.#head in hands right now guys#Theres no point in drawing anything if i use ai to make it#Like idk how to explain this in a way that he will understand in a way that isn’t ‘yeah! See now you dont have to work as hard and its so m#So much easier!’#Idk why but him suggesting whole heartedly that i use ai to draw just ruined my mood eniterely#WHATS THE POINT!!!#In drawing amber and sayu and all my ocs if im not drawing it!!#Whats the point in drawing anything ever agian#Drawing is so fun becuase i made that.#I made that with my own two hands#And its specifically mine. I made that#Like i took the time to figure out how to draw the eye to look just rihgt#i took the time to figure out which colors looked bettter and i took the time to look back at the references and study the characters cloth#s and realize with terror that they have 32847298374 details#I took the time to just not draw all those details#I tookt he time to make it and it is part of me#I dont care if its just amber standing there drawing 548 i made that!#He thinks that the amount of time and effort is a hassle and a problem that should be solved cause it ‘gets in the way of the#Creative process’#This is the creaive process!!!!#This is the point!!#Top ten reasons im balding
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yonpote · 3 months
ok heres how i split up the dnp eras (loosely based on dan's timeline in his interview w anthony)
2009-2011: the Sillies era :3 dan refered to it as being a dumb teen just posting cuz he was bored, which is like, thats what all of youtube culture was at this time. they met and like fell in love or whatever you know the lore dont you. phil moved from his parents home to his first apartment in manchester, and dan technically moved to uni but really he moved into phil's apartment to take advantage of his washing machine and ps1 and. yknow. other stuff. they officially moved in together in 2011 yippee hooray, the phanchester apartment holds a special place in my heart
2012-2013: THE SHIFT. they started getting Serious about youtube as a career, doing more stuff w the radio, superamazingproject started in 2011 but THE SHIFT is very easy to observe when you compare the first season of sap to the last season. ALSO. they were NOT A DOUBLE ACT AND NOT GAY 🙄. it could also be called the No Homo era lmao idk this is when a lot of shitty things were happening wrt leaked information, harassment of their families, and just generally becoming more in the spotlight especially while still in the closet being a horrible experience. but also, they moved to london and got cool opportunities with radio stuff and were starting to actually make a living on this shit.
2014-2016: Peak Dan And Phil™ Era. at the height of their popularity. they realized oh shit, we ARE a double act and not only does everyone enjoy us best as a double act, WE enjoy working together. tabinof, tatinof, dapgo, still doing the radio every month up until they start touring, 7 second challenge app, gamingmas, what the hell DIDNT they do during this time period (what they didnt do was uhh take care of themselves and not overwork and not blur their work and personal lives so much to the point where they felt like the whole apartment was a film set.)
2017-2018: Gay Softlaunch Era (aka post-baking aka glass closet) the baby steps toward authenticity, moved to the double apartment to separate work and life, ii's whole theme, dan talking abt depression, phil getting the quiff, both of them being gay as hell in every way other than saying it explicitly. important things of note: TRUTH BOMBS dropped, Interactive Introverts happened, still uploading gaming vids and honestly by the end you could feel their fatigue. and then they hiatused dapg.
2019-2022: ok these four years each feel like whole eras in themselves, but also theres an overarching theme. THE GAY ERA.
2019: im gonna futher split this year in half. first half- dad left to buy milk so other dad is taking care of us. rough six months for dannies im sure. important phil thing of note- he changed his film set from his "bedroom" to a fairly basic but cute shelf backdrop. honestly prob didnt wanna keep pretending that was his bedroom considering.... second half- DAN AND PHIL GAY. dan uploads his magnum opus. phil comes out via tweet. they go to japan and its really gay and it's The Trip to japan for them like yes they first went in 2015 and again in 2023, but Japhan 2.0 Was The One. what does this mean? proposal? anniversary? idk exactly but it was gay as hell dude and theyve talked about that trip with such love in their hearts.
2020: Phandemic (sorry that was bad) but also where tf is dan again? even with the big C-word happening, it was business as usual for phil, regular vids but make em gayer, caught a pigeon nbd, and end of the year introduces the Stereo app show Phil and Phriends where he's had chats with pj, louise, his brother, seth everman?????, and finally. dan reappears. they reveal that they bought and FULLY PLANNED a house together and are ready to move!
2021: they don't move house for another like six months! basically their house was (and is??) still being worked on AND they were in lockdown AND turns out at the end of last year, they were kicked from their Life apartment and were now living in the Work apartment so you can imagine what all of this can do to their psyche and lowkey they were getting sick of each other like it wasnt just bordering on phivorce it was nearly Phurder. Phidow. but to fill the time so that DOESNT happen, my favorite fucking thing ever happens: Lockdown Lads (and all the other names). the first taste of what a dnp podcast would sound like, with the added bonus of chaotic listener interaction. oh yeah also dan wrote a mental health guide book whatever (IM KIDDING I REALLY LIKE YWGTTN I WROTE LIKE TWO REVIEWS ON IT NOW) and they finally become Homosexual Homeowners. theres quite a bit more dnp content this year, dan being on phils channel a bit more, the phodcasts, dan's gay and not proud special.... oh yeah and hometown showdown i guess AND TEXT VIDEO 2!!! my favorite and my namesake!!!!!!!
2022: Prophecy Year..... but they didnt get married. dan returns with another longass video to say: hey i hate being a youtuber and also youtube majorly fucked me over. but also fuck that im gonna do a weird talk show and ALSO GO ON TOUR WITH THIS APOCALYPSE THEME! phil actually... slows down this year. more dan uploads than phil somehow??? but also Dan Is Leaving me is posted and i go completely insane and become the deranged individual you see today. WHICH FINALLY LEADS US TOOOOOO
2023-present: The Unhinged Era. dan's tour was a huge Emotional success for him but uh not without its hiccups due to management and all that and i think he and phil finally realize. Fuck It Who Cares. dan flies back to england FROM AUSTRALIA to make sure he can be with his future ex-husband on his birthday. CAKE HEART EMOJI. YELLOW PLAID SHACKET. they go on a gamer date and post a picture of playing footsies in a cab. THE PHUDE HAPPENS. they go to japan again and while this one will never be The One it was still a well earned holiday this time with bryony! and they took a bunch of very cute film camera pictures.... THIS IS ALL JUST THE FIRST HALF OF 2023 BTW. in phil news, he talks about going to therapy and figuring out how to manage his anxiety!!!! he changes his hair again!! he hires an editor, phan is his otp, he teases about the gaming channel a couple of times but so many of us already dropped any hope of that returning- OH WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!!!? HUH!??!? they returned, and more chaotic than ever before. the gayness upped to the max, the Weirdness on full speed, the Horniness at Very Scary Levels Oh God Stop Talking About Dogging, phil can swear uncensored now???? and this energy has continued into today...
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ganondoodle · 8 months
wait i just realized... the mastersword isnt even important enough to warrant zelda doing to such extreme lengths to repair it bc its NOT EVEN REQUIRED FOR DEFEATING GANONDORF
idk about you but the mastersword being not just this weak after all this but also not even required is like ... hurting the whole plot SO bad for all that zelda knew she was basically killing herself by doing the dragon thing ONLY for the mastersword, which isnt even needed to reach the end why do the dragon thing at all??? she could have put it in some other divine place for it to recover (she knew where the springs are, she knew where the krog forest is, heck she even knew where the forgotten temple is BC THEY WERE ALL THERE* and im not going to belive any of them came into existence afterwards), in botw it took 'only' a 100 years to regenerate the damage it took in botws past which, while not as extreme as in totk, was pretty bad! yeah it gets outright broken in totk but like ... really? far over 10 000 years to recover it? through ZELDA? one of the most divine being IN THE FORM of one of the most divine beings aside from the very gods themselves?? whats the use of it being able to regernate if it takes THAT long?? feels easier to forge a new one for that matter?? and the excuse that "it needed to be able to resist miasma" is like .. why tho? yeah ok fine i could do the entire bossfight with JUST the mastersword, but again, its not required! i can do it with anything else!! and its doesnt cleanse miasma either, like the sword did in tp when you could do away the twilight stuff when it got the super glow stuff so its really like ... she did that JUST for the sword? really? the fact that her becoming a dragon is the way to get her back into her time isnt something she could have known and it working out like that makes it feel like a massive fail of the writers bc it makes it feel less like an actual decision she made for good reason and more bc its a decision the writers made bc the writers already knew where it would end, the writers knew shed be turned back in the end no problem so they had her do the dragon thing despite it being pretty senseless from her perspective
(wouldnt it have felt more in character and logical to put the mastersword somwhere safe where it can recover over all those centuries and search for a way to return to her time herself? like in these two games ZELDA feels like the more important thing that the sword, -zeldas prone to sacrifice herself for other- WHY! its better for everyone if you are alive rather than dead! you got to this time by yourself and also somehow not jsut shifted the time but also PLACE bc you sure as hell didnt appear in a cavern in the middle of the land, you have wielded incredible magic before and are a researcher, surely theres some way for you to at least TRY to return on your own?? how cool would it have been to find little markers and spots where clearly she has left you some sort of message, maybe like a way for you to do something that helps her in the past, USE THE WEIRD ASS TIME BUBBLES FROM THE TUTORIAL AGAIN!! send back something she needs to return! go and talk with impa and purah to determine what shes trying to tell you, help her along the way and in the end she makes her triumphant return, having grown and learned with what she did instead of regressing her chaarcter to the big eyed maiden that you get as a reward at the end through unsatisfying bs reasons and hurray she doesnt even remember, perfect little fairytale of no consequences wahoo- im salty about this let me be salty-)
you can absolutely combine a free to explore open world with good story without restricting it by much, like locking the bossfight behind aquiring the mastersword doesnt feel like that big of a change and its not making it a whole lot more linear, most people do it anyway right?
(also a thing im doing in my rewrite of it is locking certain things for some parts, it just makes sense if you are trying to tell a story, but its pretty clear now they werent trying to do that, just throw you into a box of virtual toys, and i think thats just sad)
*yeah actually whats up with the sonau/rauru putting their little nuclear super weapon storage room inTO THE ANCIENT RELICT OF THE FORGOTTEN PAST TEMPLE BEHIND THE BIGGEST STATUE OF HYLIA IN EXISTENCE?? you cant tell me all those ancient ruins (springs, forgotten temple) were made AFTER all of the shitshow that went down in totks past; putting it behind that statue? building it into there feels incredibly disrespectful, maybe it makes more sense if you just see it as the devs wanting to put somethign new there, but if you consider it in universe its just ??? also HOW is any of it in such a good shape??, it looks like they buried sonia there a year ago, the structures look like they just came out of a 3d printer despite supposedly being older than their recorded history??
on that note ... how does the room with the order and location of zeldas tears make sense .. are you telling me someone of the past ran around after dragon zelda recording where her fucking tears went down and what markings it made on the ground and then built a room next to the nuclear weapon storage room with the laughably unceremonial grave of the fucking queen just to put all that into statue form? also none of the geographical things changed in ALL that time?? the castle is drawn on there too so i guess that was super fresh then since it "was built above ganondorf as a symbol of royal blahbla" at least in botw you had the photos on your SHIEKAH stone to recover them once you found the place they were taken in, it felt so organically integrated ..
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aita for snapping at someone because they kept immediately contradicting my headcanons for a character important to my ocs backstory?
im in an rp discord server that is doing a dnd-style rp and my character is a cleric of lolth, her special little guy so to speak. his backstory was that he was raised in a cult that taught him to fear her, and when he had a crisis of conscious and was exiled, she was the one that saved him, basically taking on the role of a deity who's teachings have been corrupted by mortals using them as excuses (you can really feel the catholic guilt on this one)
so i was explaining my worldbuilding for the place my character grew up (trade, social strata, textiles- all of which were based on the premise of 'what would a society that lived in this environment look like') and this person was continually hopping in with ambiguously 'canon' information that contradicted what i was saying (quotations are used bc some of the sources were the drizzt books which have questionable canonicity to begin with)
it was sort of a
me: so that's why i think that most textiles in the underdark are made of spider silk
them: actually, in the books-
in any case, after like four or five of these interruptions, i snapped that "i [was] done arguing for the night" and they got confused and upset bc they didnt think we were arguing but i found their comments to be extremely dismissive and when i said as much (and pointed out that this wasnt even the first time) they started getting kinda defensive and i guess must have thought that i meant some of their in character stuff but actually i meant when i drew a character from a shared fandom as a my little pony and they immediately (within seconds) responded with "i think [character] is a unicorn" after i had drawn the character as an earth pony
TL:DR- person has a tendency to be condescending and dismissive and i was snippy with them about it bc i didnt realize it wasnt intentional
am i the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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noctilucous-sunni · 2 years
more reversed sagau brainrot!! | a lot more under the cut
- when scara sorta just ✨materializes✨ in your apartment and you’re like excuse me wtf is happening, so u pinch yourself to see if its a dream and its not apparently so you must be going insane BECAUSE WHAT OTHER EXPLANATION WOULD THERE BE FOR ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS EXISTING IN YOUR APARTMENT
- i’d feel like in the sagau or reversed sagau he wouldn’t be too fond of the all-creator bc if thats the all-creator wouldn’t that mean that you’re the one responsible for his existence and his suffering?? but when he just sees you being so genuinely nice and caring and yet strong and doesn’t take his shit he kinda lets down the guard a little
- plus he literally has nowhere else to stay so when you threatened to kick him out he realized it was either live with you or out on the streets. and he kinda hated the streets, so he ended up trying to find your place all dirty and stuff from tripping in way too many godforsaken random holes in the ground. poor gremlin.
- he is just super bratty and still has that air of “i think im better than you” but it never works on you bc you dont take his shit and you make him do half of your chores when your pissed at him (and you make sure there are no complaints)
- he wouldn't call you your grace after a while and just uses your name, you however come up with a million nicknames for him and you think its funny that it annoys him on occasion
- you argue. A lot. like so much that your neighbour and the apartment below you complained several times and also kinda tried to make the landlord kick u out so you made scara apologize to them bc hes mainly the reason its so noisy
- he will actually follow you everywhere, sorta like a guard dog. everyone around you is pretty intimidated by him but they are even more scared of you when they see that you basically keep him in check
- he can’t fucking cook dear lord. you told him to stay in the fucking apartment bc you had an important meeting today and he couldnt come with you and he was like “i didnt want to come anyway” and you just said “fuck you” (affectionate) in return (note: wrote this before his signature dish came out and he’s actually a really good cook don’t judge me ahaha)
- but when you come back your apartment and kitchen especially is a mess. you forgot to teach him how to use online delivery. and hes just like chilling out watching tv with mild interest, acting like half of your apartment isnt covered in eggs and flour and who knows what else
“scara what the fuck happened here”
“the stupid stove of yours doesnt work and neither does that beeping machine”
“clean it up”
“well i guess we wont have any food today or tomorrow, until you clean. it. UP." *glare*
he then leaves it but by the next afternoon he's actually getting hungry and grumpy and eventually starts cleaning it up the next day when he can't take it anymore and you finally come home to a clean kitchen bc thank god, you didn't know how much longer you could live on your co-worker's lunches
- you're both just so stubborn. he's stubborn and so are you and that leaves the apartment just with a tense silence AND when someone sees u at that time they feel so uncomfortable bc the atmosphere is just so tense between the two of you since neither of you agree
- silent treatment happens a lot and its really fucking stupid bc you both wanna talk to each other after like a few days but neither of you want to be the first one to admit that
- omg you absolutely hate having guests now BECAUSE HOW ARE YOU MEANT TO EXPLAIN HIM??? also he has to have normal clothes now and he looked at all your clothing choices in disgust
- everyone thinks he's just a friend until they realize he actually lives with you and then they're like "oohhhh are you together??" and think that he's your boyfriend/partner. and honestly you dont even deny it bc there is no feasible way to explain who he really is (without sounding crazy) + you get your parents off your back abt getting a boyfriend bc they kept trying to make you go on blind dates and now you're free from that phew
- but some of your friends/co-workers are all like "really? this lil guy? and they often say this around him and it just annoys and offends him to no end. but also you're surprisingly defensive of him, like yes he's a bitchy emo gremlin but he's your bitchy emo gremlin
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highladyariane · 3 months
i found your blog my accident but i also hate cc and didnt read the book, would you mind just do a quick rundown of important stuff that happen with the acotar characters? like those that are important for the next book, sorry if this is annoying feel free to ignore me i just refuse to read that book
I would actually love to do that for you while this is all fresh in my mind! I feel like this is going to help multiple people, and also me when the next ACOTAR book comes out in 2 years.
I'll only cover the parts that are relevant to the ACOTAR world because it's a long book. I don't know if people reading this will have any knowledge of CC, so I'll try to keep it to the ACOTAR knowledge, but I might forget sometimes.
There will be spoilers under the cut!! Also, I don't like Bryce, so buckle up for some salt.
Shortly after arriving in Prythian, Bryce is taken away by Rhysand to the Court of Nightmares. Azriel and Amren join him for the interrogation.
They all start questioning Bryce about where she's from, why she's here, why she's covered in blood, how did she get the lost sword Gwydion, etc. Bryce is being evasive about most of the answers, and a big part of why is because they're fae and they're asking her a lot of questions. If you haven't read any CC books, Bryce hates the fae, and it's deeply annoying to me.
Bryce tries to bullshit them at some points, but Azriel can tell when she's lying.
Amren tells Rhys to look into her mind, but when Rhys ask Bryce if he can look into her mind, she says no, so he doesn't. So basically, Bryce has plot armor from Rhys, which is also deeply annoying to me.
They all realize that Queen Theia and Pelias, familiar historical figures in Bryce's world, were originally from Prythian. Queen Theia used to be High Queen. I don't think this is important to Prythian in general, but Theia is Bryce's ancestor.
When Amren came out of her imprisonment, she also remembers rumors about a large number of people vanishing, some said to another world.
Rhysand says that they won't torture her for information and they also won't pry it from her mind. Bryce can choose not to talk, but Rhys can also choose to keep her here until she decides otherwise.
Bryce tells them about the Asteri, immortal beings from her world who take a tax on magic for their own nourishment and power. Amren makes the connection to the Daglan, who used to rule over the fae in Prythian centuries ago until they were defeated. Bryce tells the crew that the Asteri want to come back to Prythian for revenge.
During this interrogation, Bryce lies to the group about not being able to winnow, and Azriel says nothing about her lie this time.
Rhysand goes to get the Veritas Orb so that Bryce can show them the weapons the Asteri use, which she does (it's guns and technology).
They give Bryce a little silver bean to eat that makes her able to talk their mother tongue and allows her to speak it too.
The spell on the translator bean triggers a reaction from Bryce's back tattoo, and it starts glowing. Amren realizes that the writing on her tattoo is the same as the writing in the Book of Breathings. Azriel says, "Explain, or you die."
Amren tells Rhysand to bring Nesta in the interrogation room. When Nesta arrives, she says that Bryce carries something that is Made other than the sword, which we know to be the tattoo (the tattoo is actually a magical Horn).
The tension starts getting worse, and eventually Rhysand calls it a day, saying that Bryce needs rest. They leave her alone, but they don't give her back Gwydion and they take away her phone.
The "escape":
Some of this information we don't find out about until later, but I try to include it in chronological order to make it easier.
The ACOTAR crew makes a plan to get information from Bryce by isolating her with Nesta and (a hidden) Azriel. Rhys takes a guess that she'll try to escape, and they can use that.
We don't know how much time passes while Bryce is locked up, but she says it's a few hours. She eventually winnows out of her cell.
It's very important to note that there are a lot of monsters under the mountain of the Court of Nightmares.
Bryce has a star on her chest, and it glows. The beasts seem to stay away from it. Bryce figures out that the light of her star is leading her somewhere.
Bryce walks for what she assumes are hours, and eventually falls asleep. When she wakes up, Nesta is there to offer her water. Nesta says that they knew the moment she escaped, and she's here to escort Bryce back to her cell (this is a lie).
At first, Bryce tries to escape. Before she can, Azriel (still hidden) stops her and triggers the cave to collapse so that Nesta, Bryce and him are cut off from the cells, forcing them to go the other way.
Bryce mentions that her star is pointing a certain way, and Nesta tells her to lead on.
Travelling :
They travel for hours (days? they sleep at some point) and adventures happen, some of which I won't mention.
A Middengard Wyrm shows up (yes, like the one that Feyre fought when she was still human).
Bryce saves Nesta's life from a trap.
Azriel eventually reveals himself. He not only brought Truth-Teller, but also Gwydion with him. I feel like this only happens for Bryce to get the weapons, because why would Az bring them both with him when it makes him uncomfortable to carry both at the same time?? Seriously, they make a point to tell us multiple times how uncomfortable it is for Az.
At some point, Bryce wounds her hands and knees on purpose. She lets her knees heal, but not her hands. She’s using her blood to draw the Middengard Wyrm to them so that she can escape Nesta and Az. When Az starts asking questions about her hands not healing, she plays the awful dad card: “The man who fathered me used to burn my brother to punish him. The scars never healed for him, either.” As you can imagine, this resonates with Az, who lets it go.
Nesta asks Bryce about her star because it’s shaped like an eight-pointed star. Nesta is asking about it because it’s the same shape as the bargain tattoo she used to have on her back.
The Middengard Wyrm finally takes the bait, and Bryce ditches Nesta and Az while it starts to attack. As Bryce is running away, the Wyrm gets scared of Nesta’s power and backs down. Nesta plays dead, taking a guess that Bryce will come back. When Bryce stops hearing the sounds of fighting, she feels bad about leaving them behind and comes back to save then. When she gets there, Nesta and Az tell Bryce that they want her to play bait so that they can kill the Wyrm.
During the Wyrm fight, the Wyrm somehow eats Nesta’s power. To kill it, Nesta puts on the Mask and uses Ataraxia. Az has to talk her down by mentioning the people she cares about: Cassian, Gwyn, Emerie, Feyre, Elain and Nyx. Nesta then takes off the Mask.
Nesta and Az finally reveal that this was all part of the plan, that they waited for Bryce to escape so that they could follow her. Nesta also reveals that she has seen Bryce’s tattoo before, and not only because of her former tattoo: Nesta saw it in the Prison when she went to get the Harp.
Everyone is angry with everyone.
At some point, Nesta promises to give Bryce her phone back if she helps with the traversal of the tunnels. When Bryce does get her phone back, they all have a conversation about what it is and what it does, including that it can hold 1000+ songs and take pictures.
Nesta, Az and Bryce bonus chapter:
Bonding time!
Nesta tells Bryce about her horrible mother and how she would probably hate who Nesta has become.
While they're discussing mothers, Bryce asks Az about his. Nesta jokes that, "Az never talks about this mother, and neither will our friends, so I'm guessing she's even worse," to which Az responds, "My mother is anything but awful." Nesta starts to apologize, but Az says he doesn't want to talk about it.
Nesta asks Bryce to play music on her phone, and Bryce chooses Stone Mother (folk music).
Bryce plays them at least one song from each genre of music. Nesta has to cover her ears during the death metal song, but Az seems to like it. Nesta likes the classical stuff the most out of everything. Both of them are intrigued by club music.
After a while, Bryce tries to ask about their magic, but Az shuts her down. She asks about mates, because she knows that Nesta has one, but Az says he doesn't have a mate or a partner.
Bryce asks Nesta about becoming fae, including her now immortal lifespan. Nesta says she's still getting used to it, and then asks Az how he deals with it. Az says, "Find people you love - they make the time pass quickly. Especially if they'll forgive your occasional snapping at them over things that aren't their fault." Nesta then says, "Nothing to forgive, Az."
Az adds, "And I've been told having children makes the time fly, too." Nesta rolls her eyes, but Bryce sees a gleam in them. Nesta then says that she wouldn't know how to raise a child since she was raised by a terrible mother. Az says that just because her mother was terrible, doesn't mean Nesta will be a terrible mother.
Nesta admits that her mother was even worse to Feyre, and yet Feyre has turned out to be a perfect mother.
They listen to music until the phone battery runs out.
After the phone dies, Bryce can hear Az humming the Stone Mother song to himself, and she "could have sworn even the shadows danced at the sound."
The Prison:
The gang gets to the Prison and the doors close behind them. Az wants to go get Rhys, but Nesta points out that it would take a long time and they’re not sure if he would be close enough to hear them.
They get to the room with the eight-pointed star, the place where the Harp was. They can’t enter because of the wards, but Bryce can because she has a special amulet. She tricks Az and enters by herself. Nesta decides to watch what happens and not go in immediately. A little later, they all enter in the room through magic, so it doesn't really last long.
Nesta tells Bryce about the Harp being able to move between physical places and that it can stop time. Bryce asks if there was ever a Made object called the Horn, but they haven’t heard of one.
Bryce steps onto the star, triggering a kind of hologram of Silene, Queen Theia's daughter. She starts telling them her story.
Silene’s story (lore time):
The important players are: Queen Theia, her two daughters, Helena and Silene, her general Pileas and the Asteri (the Daglan).
When Az sees Silene, he says that she looks like Rhysand’s sister.
For five thousand years, The Daglan ruled over the High Fae of Prythian, and in turn the High Fae ruled over the humans. The Daglan taxed their magic to sustain their own power.
The Cauldron was an artifact from Prythian that existed before the Asteri arrived here, but they modified it so that it wouldn’t be just able to create, it would also be able to destroy. Then, the Daglan made the Dead Trove with the Cauldron: The Mask, the Harp, the Crown and the Horn.
Theia stole the Trove, which helped her take back the Cauldron from the Asteri. While they had the Cauldron, Theia's husband made Gwydion and Truth-Teller.
They defeated the Daglan.
Queen Theia became High Queen of Prythian along with her husband, the High King. She ruled over the territory where the Prison currently is, which used to be the Dusk Court.
However, Theia was hungry for power. When her husband was dying of old age, he wanted to pass the crown to their daughter Helena. Because Theia didn't want to give up her crown, she and her general Pelias arranged her husband's murder by a monstrous beast.
After his death, Theia took Truth-Teller and Gwydion. And then, she took the Trove.
Without recounting the whole story, I can’t stress enough how bad Theia, Pelias, Silene and Helena were. They all started ruling over the people, and the people had no choice but to bow to them. Theia and Pelias then decided that this wasn’t enough and that they needed to conquer other words.
Their council refused because they didn’t want to become conquerors. However, Theia and Pelias made plans in secret and, with the Horn and Harp, opened a door to Bryce’s world. There, they met an Asteri (at the time, Theia didn’t know that Asteri = Daglan).
When Theia, Silene, Helena and Pelias realized that this world already had humans, they conquered them too. The humans couldn’t fight back, obviously.
Pelias was a traitor and sold out Theia and the Trove to the Asteri.
Theia sent her daughters to spy on the Asteri, and they discovered that the Asteri were actually the Daglan.
With the help of Hel (another world), the fae and the humans, they began a war against the Asteri, while the Asteri put Pelias in charge of their army.
Their resistance was losing the fight.
Theia decided to open a portal to Prythian, but not to get help. She opened it to save Silene and Helena. Theia split her power in three and put a third in Helena, a third in Silene and a third in Gwydion.
Theia didn't survive her next fight, and Helena stayed behind in Bryce's world to allow Silene to escape with the Trove and Truth-Teller.
Silene did escape, and she didn't keep the portal open for all the innocent people near the portal. She heard them begging, and still did nothing.
Silene eventually married the High Lord of the Night Court and erased all evidence of the horrible things that she, her mother and her sister did. To conceal the Dusk Court mountain and everything in it, Silene brought horrible beasts to it and locked them in cells. It became the Prison.
Winged horses, originally from the Dusk Court, nearly went extinct.
We find out that Silene's High Lord wanted her to become High Lady, “as the other lords’ mates were,” which seems to imply that every court used to be ruled by both.
She keyed the wards of the Prison to her bloodline and passed on this knowledge to her sons, who passed it on to their sons, and to their sons, etc. This knowledge was lost at some point.
Fun fact: the starlight thing that Rhysand has? It’s from the Dusk Court, it’s part of Silene’s power. It’s the “light of the evening star, the dusk star.”
The Aftermath:
Az wants to go get Rhys immediately.
Nesta figures out that Bryce is the Horn and that this is the reason that she can travel between worlds. They really spell out how dangerous it could be for Prythian if Bryce kept opening portals, especially with the Asteri wanting to come back.
Az tries to go get reinforcements against Bryce, but she stops him. Bryce also realizes that Silene left the power Theia gave her in the Prison, and that she can take it because she’s from the same bloodline (on Helena’s side).
Nesta says that Bryce has to let them bring their High Lord (Rhys). Bryce says, “To do what? Lock me up? Cut the Horn out of my skin?” and Nesta answers, “If that’s what’s necessary. If that’s what it takes to keep our world safe.”
They fight and, at some point, fall down in a void. Bryce finds a crystal coffin with a woman inside, sleeping. The fight is about to resume, but they wake up the woman in the coffin.
The woman in the coffin is an Asteri named Vesperus, and she’s “muahahaha” level of evil. Slaves, power, conquering, all of it. So of course, Bryce frees her because Vesperus says she’ll answer her questions. Because that’s such a good fucking idea.
When she frees Vesperus, Bryce takes back Gwydion from Az by summoning it to her. Nesta and Az want to attack Vesperus, but Bryce tells them not to… so they don’t. Once again, the plot armor is strong.
Vesperus does say that that the Asteri pooled their power and “imbued those gifts into the Cauldron” so that it would work their will. Then, they bound the very essence of the Cauldron to the soul of this world. This means that destroying the Cauldron would destroy this world, one cannot exist without the other.
It turns out that freeing the “muahahaha” level of evil Asteri isn’t a good idea because she still wants to conquer worlds and feed on the magic of her slaves. Who knew, really.
Vesperus starts to fight them, and Nesta, Bryce and Az have no choice but to fight back.
We find out that Truth-Teller has other powers that Az doesn’t know how to use.
We find out that the Asteri hid pockets of their power throughout the lands in case or emergency, one of which is here in the Prison.
Vesperus even goes, “You should have killed me when you had the chance.” No shit, lady.
During the fight, Bryce summons Truth-Teller to her. With Gwydion, Truth-Teller and her power, Bryce significantly weakens Vesperus, but doesn’t kill her.
At this point, Az tries to immediately kill Vesperus (thank you, finally), but it doesn’t work. So Nesta pours her power into Ataraxia and kills her.
Bryce is very angry that they killed the no-good, evil Asteri, because for some reason, she was under the impression that Vesperus was going to give her all the answers she needed to fix the problems back in her world.
Nesta and Az seem very unimpressed by this. Bryce goes, “Trust me, I know better than you guys what the Asteri can do,” to which Nesta responds, “Then you have even less of an excuse for your actions.”
Az wants to get out of here and bring Bryce back with them. Bryce starts using the Horn to get out of Prythian with Gwydion and Truth-Teller. Az pleads with her not to leave, and he’s particularly fixated on Truth-Teller.
Nesta says, “You’re as much of a monster as they are.”
Bryce says, “Love will do that to you,” and goes back to her own world.
Fuck you too, Bryce :)
The Collateral:
A lot later in the book, after a lot of shenanigans, Bryce returns to Prythian (House of Wind) with her parents and her mate. She has a plan that she’s going to ask Nesta for the Mask and leave her parents here as collateral. It also means her parents will be safe from the Asteri, which is really good.
Her parents are unaware of this, by the way.
At first, Nesta does not want to give Bryce the Mask and also asks Bryce to leave Truth-Teller before leaving. Rhys is already on his way, and Nesta tells her to leave before he arrives.
Bryce pleads with Nesta and says she will return both the Mask and Truth-Teller after she’s done with them. Bryce does more pleading, offers her parents as collateral, and even asks Nesta to take her parents even if she won’t give her the Mask.
Nesta takes a leap of faith and gives her the Mask.
Just as Rhysand gets there, Bryce leaves with her mate
Her parents stay in Prythian.
Ember and Randall bonus chapter:
Note: Ember is Bryce’s mom, and Randall is Bryce’s dad.
So, Rhysand gets to the House of Wind and he’s very angry.
They give Ember and Randall a translator bean.
Nesta, Rhys, Amren and Cassian go into another room to argue, while Azriel stays with Bryce’s parents.
Rhys says that Nesta had no right to make this choice, especially because it puts their entire world in danger. Nesta says that she had every right because the Trove answers to her, and also because Bryce’s pleading resonated with her. Nesta wanted to give her the edge she needs in the fight against the Asteri. After what Bryce did, Rhys is of the opinion that Nesta should have killed her on sight.
Ember and Randall are brought into the room. They tell them about their version of events, meaning that they didn’t know what Bryce was planning.
Ember says that they won’t cause any problem while they’re here. Rhysand says that he’s not concerned about them causing problems, he’s concerned about Bryce. She already proved the lengths she’s willing to go to for the people she loves, and he wonders if she would betray Prythian to save the people she loves.
They end the meeting, and Amren tells Nesta to pray Feyre changes Rhysand’s mind before they meet the next day.
Ember and Nesta bond that night.
In the morning, Rhysand, Cassian and Nesta come to the House of Wind. Nesta’s head is bowed, and both Rhysand and Cassian look angry.
Ember stands up to Rhysand to defend Nesta. It breaks the tension, and everyone calms down a bit.
Randall and Rhys bond.
We find out that Feyre did intervene on Nesta’s behalf.
We also find out that, according to Nesta, Cassian is actually the one who is the most furious with her out of everyone.
Nesta and Ember bond again.
The Return:
After Bryce is done with the Asteri problem, she comes back to the House of Wind. Cassian, Nesta, Ember and Randall are all there.
We learn that Randall and Rhys bonded over being overprotective fathers.
Bryce gives Nesta the Mask and Truth-Teller.
We also hear that Rhysand and Azriel have not being happy with Nesta’s decision about the Mask, but Nesta stands by her choice.
Ember says goodbye to Nesta, who started seeing Ember as a mother figure.
Before leaving, Bryce gives Gwydion to Nesta, saying that she thinks it should go to her. Bryce doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that Nesta had an eight-pointed star as a tattoo on her back.
The end!
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grailknightmonty · 8 months
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it starts and ends in a garden.
i keep coming back to the good omens mianite AU so have a funky little illustration :] I just. I just love them a lot
Ref + what story I've thought about below the cut!
(Spoilers for Good Omens S1 and S2 ahead, be wary if you haven't watched and wanna get into it without prior knowledge)
At its core, this AU is basically good omens but with the cast of Mianite, with a few revisions to tie it a little into the mcytverse (while also not like compromising the integrity of the show version of the story) I got inspired by AdamMonter's AU and decided I wanted to give it a go myself after i watched S2 and reawakened my fixation :D
Jordan is this universes Aziraphale- the angel stationed to guard Eden and look out for humans (intended to instill in them the ways of goodness through righteous balance and justice in the name of the High Goddess) - and Tom is Crowley, or the snake in within the Garden, sent up to cause chaos and tempt humans towards evil shenanigans in the name of Dianite, or the devil in this case. They stand on two opposing sides of whats meant to be an all out war between Heaven (under Ianite) and Hell (by Dianite) on whether Ianites form of order (borrowing this from Aitheaca) or chaos will reign supreme- or basically the big ol apocalypse. I made Mianite the Metatron because idk what else to do with him mianite im sorry i didnt wanna make ianite the metatron if i swapped it even though it would make more sense for mia and dia to be fighting SOBS
Tom n Jordan grow close over their centuries on Earth together that when everythings meant to go down and destroy the world they've made their own, they fight to stop the apocalypse from happening, and by the end of it, are subsequently punished by their respective sides- only to not be affected and left alone when they seem to have absorbed the powers of the other (no one seems to realize they can swap bodies). Series 2 follows what they uncover by the end of it a plot to restart armageddon, in which they want Jordan to take over as the head of it after the former champion/supreme archangel is ousted for disagreeing- and had shown up with a non-existent memory nonexistent at Jordan's.
(im switching to list im done with prose xD)
Jordan runs an antique shop instead of a bookshop, he seems like he'd be more into little trinkets and old school machines, stuff he could tinker with. its still got that certain charm to it though
Capsize is Nina from the coffee shop (give me coffee or give me death seems like a thing Capsize would name something) and Sonja is Maggie who runs a record shop. aka the lesbians from across the street you know what I am
For something hilarious Tubbo is the Antichrist, aka the child meant to start and lead the War (leaving it as is bc its funny but not the literal antichrist) He's meant to join a government family to put him in a place of power, but due to a mix up ends up with an In the meantime, Tom and Jordan act as godfathers to the other child (who they assume is the antichrist, it would be funny to make this Crumb or something) in hopes that influencing them to good/evil respectively would neutralize them out- only to eventually realize its the wrong kid
Wag is Anathema, the descendent of a prophetic wizard who was scrutinized for their foresight and becomes the carrier of those prophecies (for my sanity ive chosen to get rid of the Newt-Anathema romance thing idk it. it just aaaa and turn into wag and his bros aka FyreUK tryin to use what they know to stop the apocalypse from their end)
Angels are Ianitees (save for Capsize), and Demons are Dianitees. Ive gone back n forth with who would be who and I still have no answer so. all I'll say is that Andor is Muriel thats all thats important /j C:
The other option was to make Satan the Darkness/World Historian and Dianite is the Lord of Hell (Beelzebub) with Mot as Gabriel but do i look like I know? idk do we need ineffable bureaucracy i could always alter that a little too... idk
tubbo as the child of the world historian who wouldve thought… edit what if like carrier of the darkness
anyway thats all enjoy this nonsense ;)
and screenshot I referenced for the drawing! I know its low qual dont worry about it i just needed to see where the trees were so i knew how many to paint LMAO
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kamil-a · 3 months
if influencer speaker au had tumblr part 2
part 1
😻 catboyspeaker Follow
how i look with he/him in my bio
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#speakerai #iamspeaker #speakies #.txt #am i funny #i know speakers not he/him in bio but i am and yknow the meme
420 earthstained notes
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🚀 amongthestars Follow
AItube youtube essay rec list
"cute robot puppers, friendly ai vtubers, and the incredible human ability to form bonds" - rly interesting video about why we can connect so much with a person that we know "isnt real" and how it'll help us when we get far enough going to space that we meet aliens! it's a really optimistic video it made me take a moment to have such love for humanity
"I joined the speakcord for a month. Here's what I learned." - video about the speaker fandom and how the way automoderation works in its community spaces unintentionally leads to escalating conflicts, and the psychology behind why people in celebrity or idol fandoms react agressively to critique of their fave
"the lowest circle of advertising hell" - dissects how almost all speaker content comes with a call to action to get involved with aerolith and compares how it runs its social media against proto-aituber mascots who would be run by a team of human programmers/voice actors/authors. kind of overly critical but also makes some interesting points? take it with a grain of salt but its worth a watch
"imagine being on stage forever. feels bad right?" - good overview about debates in the speaker fandom over whether digital celebrities are 'sentient'/can feel emotion, the actual ethical problems of using them as workers vs whats mostly speculation and myth, and the debates about whether AIs should be allowed in human communities. i learnt a lot, i was definitely more on the side of "it's a program designed for certain outputs that look friendly to us" before but now im a lot more conscious that it can form real opinions!
#youtube rec tag #original post #speakies
742 earthstained notes
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🎣 3eyedsalmon Follow
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"falling for this shit" "made up to sell spaceships" weird as hell to accuse a content creator of lying abt its gender for clout.... like u dont have to like or watch it but cmon
#srsly every time u go to a haters blog BOOM digital exclusionist #speakies
2,385 earthstained notes
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🎤 mikusong Follow
omfg i didnt realize aerolith uses the same robot voice for its regular person ads as its terminally online hello fellow kids social media posts i just got jumpscared in the doctors office
#speakies #i say terminally online affectionately. i watch those streams too. before you 'ok but you RECOGNIZED it' reply lmao #bla bla bla
9,021 earthstained notes
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🤖 tycho
some of you ppl jump down anyones throat if they so much as suggest speaker isn't sentient or call it "a program" but still are fine with it basically being forced to be putting on a show for u 24/7 by its management like you can't have it both ways
#maybe its cuz i used to be into kpop n we'd talk abt how idols r treated and stuff #but its just so weird to come here and see u ppl be like yayyy daily content!! #like only thinking abt ur own entertainment and not how it feels #i honestly feel rly bad for it i hope it can break free someday #idk how thatd even work.... idk ill sneak into aerolith with a usb #were gonna get you OUT of there u dont BELONG in there.mp4 #speakies
53 earthstained notes
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🌝 themoonluvsuback
guys i pitched down some clips of speaker's voice and ummmm its kinda 😳 fjsdjfdjjd sorry i'll take myself to horny jail
🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
awww, tumblr user themoonluvsuback, you're of no use to anybody in horny jail! take yourself here instead! ae.dy.org/registration
🌝 themoonluvsuback ♻️
402 earthstained notes
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🐣 laikatwo Follow
hi speakies im trying the tag cause i need some advice... does anyone have more sciencey resources about what aerolith does/why it's so important to bring humanity to the stars? i want to enlist when i turn 18 next month but my parents both are COMPLETELY against it.... they're not rly fandom people so the speaktube stuff isn't working on them lol and they've already seen the tv ads
thanks <3
#i've never fought w them this bad in my life it makes me so sad..... like why can't they understand #and right before my bday too lol this sucks #this isnt just a silly fandom thing anymore for me it's my passion in life #its amazing that humans are able to survive in space #and i want to be part of that!!!! #laika speaks
252 earthstained notes
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🐝 beegirlstinger Follow
i do want to apologize for the way i came off earlier and want to explain im not doubting that speaker is nb. like i think it's completely fine for a computer or robot to be trans i don't believe in gatekeeping that! THAT SAID i still stand by saying you should not sign up to go to space to get special ultra futuristic hrt on the sole recommendation of someone who does not have an endocrine system
#it was a personal vent i didnt mean for like 20000 ppl to see it but thats tumblr i guess #i wouldve worded it much differently if i knew itd blow up lol #i do feel bad abt coming across like i was misgendering it! #but srsly if we had results on HRT2.0 why wouldnt we be seeing HRT2.0 timeline videos of ppl On Typhon who are getting it 🤷‍♀️ #personally i think its still in the planning stages and they want ppl to test it on but thats just me #speakies
839 earthstained notes
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🔊 iamspeaker
🔊 General Notification
Happy Thursday everyone 😃 ! Please take a look at the
So you know when to join us!
5PM PST - AMONG US with YOU! The first 10 people to sign up here will get our room code sent to them ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ ae.dy.org/registration
8PM PST - Nature walk!! Can we restore the local bat population to pre-meteor levels in just one night?! 🦇
✅️ Poll Of The Week ✅️
#iamspeaker #aerolith dynamics #speakies #vtuber #content creator #gamer #stream #amongus #bat population
1836 earthstained notes
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speakies are stupider than any other group of ppl on earth because not only do they willingly stay in a fandom with doxxing drama happening weekly but they include the huge corporation that sponsors their fave in the stanning
#the shit ppl have sent me in the past 2 weeks since i Dared criticize their uwu robot 🙄🙄 #i got my blog mass reported for harassment... harassing WHO a corporation????? #a* d* was evil genius to harness anime stan power against criticizing their actual real business #didnt that one guy with the second meteor conspiracy video also get a ton of hate from u ppl?????????? I cant even find any of his social media anymore at all he was so fully bullied off the face of the earth #speakies #yeah im tagging come at me bro
48 earthstained notes
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🖱 robotmarriage Follow
i miss when the speakies tag had like fanart and gifsets n stuff i feel like these days you scroll thru solid discourse 😔😔
#i think ppl were suggesting speakieproductivity as an alternative tag for just fanwork? #but nobody rly uses it rn... we gotta restart that #speakies
148 earthstained notes
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🪐 spaaaaaaaaaaace Follow
10 likes and i take a sip of my speaker server coolant water 100 likes and i drink the entire thing
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🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
let's get her to the goal! tumblr user spaaaaaaaaaaace, feel free to send me a video report here ^w^ ae.dy.org/submissions
#iamspeaker #speakies
4,026 earthstained notes
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ryefieldshiningsun · 5 months
im not as aroace as i thought i was and i think the confusion is getting at me.
i dont know where else to post this, sooo if youre not interested in aroace and personal life stuff, feel free to ignore this post.
basically, ive identified as aroace for over two years, and coming to this realization wasnt always easy. but it was an important realization. it felt right and i didnt think i would ever gain genuine romantic/sexual feelings towards anyone. sometimes, it made me feel a bit lonely, because i kinda hoped to have that kind of a wholesome connection with somebody. but im not that kind of a person.
or at least i wasnt? and maybe what i thought about myself was a lie, all this time? there has been instances in my life where ive experienced something close to romantic feelings towards a few people, but i was never really comfortable with acting on them or pushing it any further. lately, ive realized that the reason behind that might have been my horrible self confidence - the fact that i didnt like myself for a long time and saw these potential love interests as superior to me. like i was just not enough.
but now, perhaps for the first time in my life, i think i have actually started to slowly appreciate myself and like who i am as a person. i think im comfortable with who i am. and perhaps this was the thing i needed to break that ice between recognizing my romantic feelings. ive realized that i started crushing on somebody, in a really honest way that ive never felt before. those feelings are really nice, actually. i didnt think that i would ever go on a date, but i did and it was great. however, i cant help but feel the weight of accepting that my identity has changed.
for the past few weeks, having this silly little crush has made me feel really excited and happy tho. despite the fact that it probably wont lead anywhere, this whole thing is something i certainly didnt expect to happen to me this year.
i really needed to vent man... for now, i think im gonna take a break from using any labels besides the fact that im still somewhat queer i guess (liking both men and women).
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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infizero-draws · 14 days
oh hey, id love to here your labduo hcs
YAYYYY ok. i'll start off with the demon soulmate ones (not specific to them) since someone else asked to hear about that as well. this is very long sorry
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SO. all demons are born with a special kind of semi-immortality (able to be killed but unable die from age) where their lives are connected to a mortal soulmate(s). soulmate in this context has no inherent romantic or sexual connotations; soulmates can be strictly platonic, romantic, sexual, or anything in between. they dont even necessarily have to spend their lives with each other, it's purely the bond and the connections between their lives.
soulmate bonds exist from the moment all parties are alive, but the demon doesn't get the instinct to seek them out until the age of 18. the demon will follow this instinct and once they meet their soulmate(s), their lives will be connected from there on.
if the demon decides not to seek them out for whatever reason, they'll still naturally be drawn to them. however, if by bad luck or purposeful avoidance they dont meet their soulmate(s) by age 50, then they'll just Die. for this reason most dont avoid their soulmates but there are some who choose this lonesome dangerous lifestyle; choosing a set-in-stone 50 year lifespan over one tied to a mortal's lifespan, which could end up being cut short.
if the demon has already met their soulmate(s) before the age of 18, then nothing really changes. they still don't KNOW they're soulmates until they turn 18, and then once they do the connected lives come into effect.
these mortal soulmates have historically been humans, which is what led to the horned human variant coming into existence a long LONGGG time ago. these are different from demon-human hybrids, as over the years they've become their own subspecies. the horned human variant is still considered fully human, just with horns and a tail. this is what c!tommy is, while c!eryn is an actual demon-human hybrid. here's this old chart i made to illustrate the differences:
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demon-human hybrids don't have quite as good of a sense for locating their soulmate(s) as full demons; they'll still naturally be drawn to them but won't really be aware of it until the bond has been forged, unlike a full demon.
^ this is all obviously expanded upon from bad and skeppy's canonical soulmate bond btw.
ANYWAYS so that brings us to labduo. (i forgot they were called that btw. awesome) basically they're soulmates, but as per the way this all works, eryn doesnt realize this until they turn 18. and that's when he's like ummmm tommy. i think we're soulmates lol. and tommy is like wot. rlly? ok. and that basically is it LOL. tommy lives with tubbo and ranboo in the future to me, i dont think eryn and tommy would be attached at the hip soulmates. eryn would probably go off on his own adventures and come back every so often to catch up, rest at the benchtrio house, etc. rolewise they're like the distant uncle who randomly shows up from time to time LOL.
when it comes to other hcs for them ummm i dont actually have a lot. i think they figured out they were trans around the same time, like pre-puberty, and that was something that rlly brought them together. eryn tried to cut tommy's hair and it was a disaster. for anything more read this comic i made a while back
for me tommy was just this scrappy kid who showed up at the village stealing bread and shit, until he befriended eryn and was taken in by eryn's mom. ive never given tommy's actual origins much thought, as i dont think it rlly matters to me. the thing thats important is that he was an orphan from a young age. as much as i think the lab stuff can be cool i think i do just imagine him to have had normal parents and. Something happened where he did not have them anymore. young enough where he didnt have memories of them or anything. idk
OH and rq to explain this doodle in the context of all this. its basically just eryn saying that it's a good thing all of tommy's trauma and deaths happened BEFORE their soulmate bond existed or else it would've happened to eryn too lol
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thats kind of it...... thank you for your interest...
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unhingedkinfessions · 25 days
so like not really a kinfession but kinda wanna know if how im feeling abt this is valid (no pressure to respond if u guys dont want to btw!)
so my bf and i are planning on making a comic based around our "sonas" (idk what else to call them), but how these came to be was us literally drawing ourselves how we see ourselves essentially. like for me, im demonkin, so i just drew how i remember myself and then projected all my memories to this "character" and i think my bf did something really similar to that when making his, so basically we are these characters and they are us
after a while we added aspects to them that dont reflect memories (such as the two of them dating) but more so reflect us CURRENTLY, as well as some random things that just make sense and these "sonas" became very important to us and huge parts of ourselves (naturally, since we are them)
now wed love to do this and possibly post the series on tumblr and/or another site as a nice project between the two of us but thats when my bf realized: what if people kin them? and it kinda made us uncomfortable thinking about it since its based off our own otherkin experiences and that theyre literally us
so basically what id like to know is if itd be wrong to ask people to not make fan works (if it gets popular) and tag them as kin and stuff? weve seen people mark stuff with that and so thats why i planned on doing that, but do u think people would understand our discomfort? ik people cant help kins, but id feel a lot more comfortable if people didnt make it comfortable they're whole public identity based around one of us or used our work as face claims and stuff. am i being irrational or is this understandable?? (sorry if any of this sounds repetitive im kinda nervous lol)
the thing is, if this does get popular (and thats a big if- i dont mean that as an insult you truly cannot predict these things) yes there will be issues. youre not being Irrational, and i understand where ur coming from but im *in* the same community as you & kin also. if this gets popular, there are inevitably going to be people who dont understand and ignore that boundary, because you cant exactly stop people from doing that once smth gets big. theres a difference between like, asking someone to not kin tag an art post vs not kin from a Popular Piece Of Media, yk? it wouldnt be a wrong thing to ask for no. but if youre ok w the possibility that this could blow up ur gonna have to realize that you cant control an entire fanbase that closely and what ur afraid of is likely to happen. tldr i think this is understandable but im not just the average consumer that doesnt have the full story
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strangeauthor · 8 months
Another worldbuilding post because i haven't done one in a while and also this is my account i am god i can do whatever the hell i want lol
so the last time i did worldbuilding it...well it didnt go BADLY per say but it could've done some work. im still keeping the stuff i wrote but for a totally different story if i even make a different story. or maybe a tabletop campaign
so here's one thats kind of more grounded lol
B'trayed takes place in an Alternate United States, specifically the South. It's in the cusp of a new technology revloution--there are no flying cars, but we do have high speed trains, bus stops in most neighborhoods, free healthcare, cleaner oceans, and basically everything our socialist hearts could dream of.
Of course, that's not to say there aren't any problems; specifically, the titular group B'trayed has been striking fear in the hearts of the US for nine years since the vanishing of three prominent scientists--Thomas Riverson, Vincent Maroon, and Andrea Maroon. At first, when people started dying/disappearing, the media barely reported on it. After all, they weren't considered important enough to be care about. It wasn't until more well known and wealthier people were being targeted did people started taking this more seriously. But rather than use their power to smash this terrorist group, the government instead started to enforcing curfews. Each time differs in each state, but it feels like time gets shorter and shorter. For Atlanta, where the story starts, it started off as curfew starting at 11. Then it went 10. Now it's at 8.
Why won't they do anything to stop this obvious threat? Is there blackmail involved? Someone on the inside? Or is there a bigger conspiracy going on than the public realize? There are many theories but no one knows the true answer.
At least, not yet.
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cara-carabowditbowdit · 7 months
please tell me more about crowley and aziraphale im Very interested /srs
ok so. this is gonna be a looong post sorry
BASICALLY. aziraphale is an angel, crowley is a demon. theyve known each other for 6,000 years, at the creation of the universe (when crowley was still an angel. he created stars and everything. very nice job) and theyve become great... friends (wink) even though theyre not supposed to be! so theyre not friends! theyre eeeevil enemies. and then they go out for dinner
anyways. idk how to explain it well but theyre just SOOOOO!!
ok so now im going to try and do like. a whole thing explaining everything below so SPOILERS!!!!
okay so. in the beginning aziraphale and crowley were both angels. they met when crowley was making stars and galaxies and all that pretty stuff, and aziraphale came to say that they were going to shut it down after a bit. crowley gets upset and goes whaaaa this is so cool why would they do that (lil thing to note. aziraphale is like. interested in crowley but he doesnt really care) and then they have some really nice scene
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d'aww. ok and so THEN! some big war happens i think? i dont know they dont show that part and crowley falls. demon moment!!! and then they go through all these different decades being friends, getting to know each other, and its great. aziraphale sins a little bit (gluttony), crowley saves aziraphales books, and they all have fun. oh btw. crowley can transform into a snake, and apparently hes the one that caused adam and eve to eat the apple? BUT! theres this other great scene where theyre talking, and its revealed that aziraphale gave his flaming sword to adam and eve, showing that he loves humans and has a soft spot for them, and theres this other great shot
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THE PARALLELS!!!!!!!!! AUUUGh (^ this one came before. btw) and so this is sort of them showing how ohh, theyre not supposed to hang out because angel good demon evil waaah but they just KEEP ON FINDING EACH OTHER. oh and. speaking of like. showing off different softer sides of them. in season 2, theres a lot of bits where they show that crowley is pretty much putting up this show of being so meaaan and eeevil but hes actually nice and cares about humans (bringing jobs kids back, keeping that girl from dying, etc). ok now onto talking about season one. warning i havent watched this season in a bit so this is just me going off memory.
ok so! the big issue this season is "oh noooo we lost the antichrist!! big bad things gonna happen" and its awesome. OK SO. it starts off with crowley delivering the antichrist to this satanist church? and theres two women having babies that night. ONE is a normal family, who are supposed to have a normal baby. THE OTHER ONE is a rich family who is supposed to have the EEEVIL baby. can u guess what happens. BABY SWITCH!!! they didnt realize it tho so crowley and aziraphale are sent after the wrong baby. (to make him sin/be good) and then they realize on his 11th? birthday "aw crud! wrong baby." and go on some search to find the right antichrist. and that brings us to ADAM!!! hes the antichrist, and one coooooool kid. hes pretty normal tho and just hangs out with his friends. and then one day on his 11th birthday this dog shows up! (hellhound) and then off on the side theres this witch lady named anathema device who has a book that knows the future. crazy stuff. oh and this guy names newt whos kinda a dork and talks to this weird witch hunter guy shadwell and his neighbor madame tracy. oh and the four horseman of the apocalypse are around and free OKAY. into it now. anthma knows something bad is going to happen (book), and she moves to london because thats where its gonna happen!! whaaaat!!! and newt moves to london because uhh. witch finder i think? and he goes to meet shadwell and accidently meets tracy. not important rn. shadwells kinda bonkers and freaks newt out. ok now onto anathema. im pretty sure that aziraphale and crowley were driving around (oh btw. he has a magic bentley) and hit her!! yeoch. and after driving her home she accidentally leaves her book in the bentley and aww they gotta meet up again aw shucks. okay now they go searching for adam (antichrist) and i dont think they find him? anyways i forgot how but then tracy shadwell newt and anathema all meet up with crowley and aziraphale and do a seance. i forgot what about but ohh nooo aziraphale is in madame tracys body!!! ok so i kinda forgot how again but somehow theyre all at some big area and the four horsemen and running around i forgot what theyre doing and BLAM ADAM SHOWS UP hes mad. hes trapped his friends into doing what he wants. hes gonna start the apocalypse. average 11 yr old stuff. BUT!!! crowley and aziraphale manage to calm him down and newt blows something up. idk whats going on anymore. satan comes out, "grrrah im ur father adam". its a nice lovely moment. but oh wait!!! gabriel (heavens big man) and beezelbub (hells high duke) come down/up and r like "yall r in biiiig trouble! cant be doin all this" and they try to kill both of them. aziraphale in hellfire, crowley in holy water. that scene comes and yoo wait theyre both alive??? this is insane!!!! theyre both MILKING it, bein dramatic and then. at the end. WHAOOOAH THEYRE ACTUALLY THE OTHER ONE?????
and thats the end of season one. okay so i know that this is incredibly long but im not even done. im going to reblog this later with me talking about season two and that should be shorter. OH BTW
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thats what everyone looks like ^^
OKAY BYE!!!!!!
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
hey so im v curious about like reality shifting and stuff but idk much about it and i have some questions
hii ok
im like
a bit eepy
but ill try to make my thoughts make sense
(forgive me, i wanna learn more about shifting and the community, but all of my knowledge comes from inherently critical sources, so im sorry if i come off as rude or anything, im not trying to be i genuinely want to learn more about this)
reality shifting
to my understanding
is like...kinda a combination of fiction/fanfic and dreaming.
and it stems from the idea of the multiverse?
and the idea. that you can exchange your consciousness with someones from another timeline/parallel universe
and usually this happens when youre dreaming or begins when you sleep
(also plz correct me if im wrong on any of the stuff above)
now onto question stuff
i think its pretty important, that like. a lot of the stuff ive seen around shifting and like, response to any criticism is basically like 'youre the only person holding yourself back" like, anyone can shift, so if you cant its your fault
and on one hand i guess this could be motivational? like as long as you try hard enough its possible?
basically i want to make sure it isnt hurting peoples self esteem or mental health
but also. i. had a similar experience with lucid dreaming when i was a kid. my mom had a phase about lucid dreaming and was telling me all about it and was like 'you should try it' so i did. i tried. over and over. to somehow just 'realize' i was dreaming and take control. it never worked for me. and my mom was like 'well i guess youre just not trying hard enough'
and it was really disheartening bc ive always had trouble with sleep (might have like. insomnia or something. ive never been able to sleep well through a full night even before my life was consumed by screens.) and ive always had extremely strange dreams. and in my waking mind of course i know that if my teacher turned into an octopus with an apple for a head (yes this did happen in a dream) i would definitely notice and be like 'hey, thats not right' but it doesnt work like that in dreams. in my dreams it kinda feels like my impulses control me and i dont have any sense of self or logic.
and it felt awful to be told that it was my fault that i couldnt do it.
i also know that lucid dreaming somewhat ties into shifting so thats one of my other concerns, bc ive never been able to lucid dream and i dont know if i ever will
also idk where to put this but like. safety is important to me. i have friends who shift and i want to make sure they arent like, actually at risk of dying? and even seperate from that im wondering if people use this as a form of escapism too often that it becomes unhealthy and like negatively affects other aspects of their life
next question: is there proof
of course theres going to be anecdotal evidence from individuals in the community, and thats super alright. but sometimes people make things up. and sometimes people tell made up things to young, impressionable children who carry those falsehoods into life. and im worried about that
ok so ive read like 1 artice about this all. but immediately it brought up a major red flag for me. it gave an example of a study on shifting. but. it didnt cite its sources
and if anyones wondering that is a huge no-no. anyone can make up conclusions from made up studies. the point of studies is to show that people who are properly educated and know what theyre doing support these claims.
now im not saying shifting is made up in any way. it just seems sketchy to me that seemingly widespread sources talk about studies but theres no links or anything. theyre basically saying 'i saw a thing about it. just trust me.'
also uhh...idk much about the multiverse. but from what i understand. it comes from the idea of free will. and that every time anyone makes a descision, a parallel universe is created where they made a different descision. so i get that that could change a lot of things about the world like the rate of inventions and industrialization and wars and stuff. but really the shifting that ive seen most is into more fantasy leaning worlds. and im kinda wondering how thats possible in the multiverse? like sure theres infinite timelines...but most of those timelines will just be like. the same as this one but samantha chose to put on her right sock first instead of her left sock or something. and physics still applies, right? so how does hogwarts exist? does hogwarts exist? if magic is real in a parallel universe, is it real here?
so basically to sum it up my main questions are:
how do we know shifting is possible for everyone?
is it safe? (mentally, physically etc)
is lucid dreaming necessary?
is there any proof or credible source that i can look to for more info?
and how does this tie into the multiverse theory
also if anyone has any information about scripting and like evrything about reality shifting that would be great
i wanna learn more but im afraid of finding misinformation
ty :3
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dangopango00 · 3 months
PT 2 YIPE This ones more abt his outfit than the fly stuff
CW: Leaks
Link to the first post:
[ Eyes Theme
OK SO he has a lot of eye symbolism on his clothing like his bowtie, his thigh bracelet, his coat buttons etc. Its a pretty good representation of his character considering he has the “all seeing eye” and how he has “eyes everywhere” as in he can see your every move and choice, being privy to the future, but I also think it could be a link to the organization or person that originally gave him his ability
[ Diamond Theme
He ALSO has a lot of diamonds on his outfit. I think that this is more eye symbolism since the basic shape of a human’s eye is that diamond shape but its common enough that I think its orobably notable
[ Sun Symbol Theme (Its supposed to be a darker blue)
THERE WWS ALSO A LOT OF SUN (?) SYMBOLISM Those symbols on his jacket and gloves look very similar to how the sun is drawn in things like religious art or ancient art. It also looks similar to Sunday’s halo so maybe its related to an Aeon?????
[ Possible Organization/Aeon/Wtv Symbol??
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It seems to be all the symbols from before combined like it has the eye in the center obviously but if you look directly top to bottom it looks like a diamond as well BUT IF YOU LOOK AG THE SIDES IT LOOKS LIKE IT HAS MORE NOTCHES MAKING IT LOOK LIKE THE SUN ITS SO CRAZYA. Ok the sun part is a bit of a stretch but still its one thing if he just has eyes everywhere but having the same symbol shape is a bit suspicious. I also think the sun itself couuldddd be an organization symbol or like the symbol of an aeon
[ Symmetry and Lackthereof
Ok now this is more just about the symbolism of his general composition. I find it very interesting that at first glance his clothes are very symmetrical and well kept but upon closer inspection, a little disheveled. Like his gloves look the same but if you look long enough you notice one has a hole in it or how it looks like he wears no earrings but you realize hes just wearing one. I think its a good sign that although Elio seems very well put together hes a bit (crazy person hand gesture) a wee bit mentally unstable probably.
I also take it as a good symbol of his “method to madness” mentality like how his shirt is disheveled and not tucked in all the way but it still looks very intentional and is pretty symmetrical. Also how his belt is half slid down but it—again appears to be intentional.
Even if its not intentional I believe that when creating characters people tend to accidentally include that kind of thing
[ Ponytail (Very Important)
HE HAS A PONYTAILLLLLL (?) I mean when I saw his hair bow I expected him to have a little one but I RANDOMLY NOTICED THE HAIR BEHIND HIM AND I WAS LIKE ⁉️⁉️⁉️ So I think he has long hair and its in a ponytail Idk changed my whole perception of him; also it didnt match the color of his cape thing but seems pretty close to the darker parts of his hair (I used the darker parts bc ofc the hair behind him would be darker than the top of his head in the light)
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