#i didnt really want to post this bc i was like. nobody give a shit about my ocs
lovphobic · 1 year
i was tagged by @nuclearstorms umm three weeks ago (oops) to do THIS uquiz for my ocs! thank u bestie mwah mwah mwah
i am not sure who to tag because ummm all of my oc mutuals either tag me in these or are tagged with me in these. so. um. if u have ocs and want to do this then i tag u :)
— 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞?
𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 . . . 𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯
your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? is your fortress of ice self-made? are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. you will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒕 . . . 𝘢 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴
who are you without the company of others? you aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. you are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. it can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. you deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. you don’t have to be everything to everyone.
𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒚𝒔 . . . 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳, 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩
your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. you are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. you have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒂 . . . 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯, 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦
your heart has been torn before, chipped and maybe even shattered. some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. but it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. you don’t have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
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choccy-milky · 4 months
Soooooo rereading the fic and I’m back to chapter 33, and it totally popped into my head that they are IN THE VICTORIAN ERA and do ya know what was super popular after the engagement ring that Queen Victoria was given by Prince Albert? A SNAKE RING
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫣😂
LMFAOO YESS TRUST ME, IVE SEEN THIS AFTER DOING MY OWN RESEARCH ABOUT VICTORIAN RINGS, ITS SO PERFECT!! AND THE FACT THAT ITS GREEN TOO LMAO, prince albert was a possessive slytherin confirmed!!🤪 but yea ill DEFS be incorporating a snake into the final design of cloras ring HAHA. i basically HAVE to...yknow, for period accuracy 🥰
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WOO YAY im glad i could inspire you to start writing!!!🙏and i get it, writing fanfic is defs self indulgent and for ourselves first and foremost, but obvs nobody wants to release their work into the void😩 as for how my own fic got popular, one of the main things is defs timing. i published the first chap basically within the first week of the game being out (it came out on the 10th and my chap was on the 18th) so it was there right at the peak/start of the fandom. but i also dont wanna attribute it all to timing BAHHA cuz i think im a pretty good writer and that helps....my fic also didnt get popular right away, but i was consistently posting every single week + eventually started adding art every single week, and was just really dedicated to not only writing but also drawing art for it (which is also obvs another huge factor/probs the biggest factor). ive had so many ppl tell me they started reading my fic bc they saw my art on pinterest or something LOL, and some ppl have even read it fandom-blind bc they were into the seb/clora dynamic??? which is another point actually. i always joke about how i love my cliches and good girl+bad boy dynamics, and that im unashamed about loving them LOL, but also...they're cliches for a reason!!! lots of us eat that shit up!!!😤so i think thats defs another factor, vs if my fic was a bit more niche and avant garde LOL the fandom is also (understandably) a lot slower than it was at the beginning of the year so itll be harder in general, but maybe you could commission art to go with your fanfic? ive seen a lot of other HL fanfic writers do it, and i think it defs helps to draw attention! GOOD LUCK and i hope you keep writing!!!🫡💖💖💖🙌
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huh??? go with the tide pods instead, THAT shit looks bussin😩😩
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AWW TYY😭😭I LOVE THAT HAHAH AND IM GLAD U THINK SO💖💖 my friend also asked me this question after seeing my recent ask, and i STILL have no idea what i would have named it instead LMAOO, thats how bad i am at naming things. even a year later im like bruh idk!!! clora and sebs bizarre adventures??? i guess id probs make it something light/dark themed in retrospect, or something more specific to the ancient magic, but i still have no idea what LOL
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autogynocrat · 1 year
So what’d it take to accept yourself as being trans and stop giving a shit about the potential repercussions that might’ve come out of that?
i had been grappling with the existential dread for years that "one of these days you will be too old to be a femboy, people won't think it's cute for a 35 year old man to dress feminine, they'll think its creepy. you're getting older and aging like a man more every year and soon you will be just like the sissies boomers in poorly fitting dresses that make you so uncomfortable.
you're going to have to give up and become a regular man soon" in 2019 i thought i had accepted my fate, and hoped i could at least age gracefully. i had previously suffered from recurring boughts of discomfort and disconnect with my body, particularly the shape of my jaw, shoulders, and the beard(the beard was the worst thing, it would leave me paralyzed for weeks during the summer every year, ever since around age 20 i have wanted laser hair removal). but it was the though of having to give up and live the rest of my life as a man that was the straw that broke the camels back for me.
but only one year later thinking about it started giving me a really bad identity crisis, i started crying and panicking whenever i thought about how i would have to live as a man for the rest of my life, it was genuinely horrifying, and i felt like "twinkdeath" was creeping up on me, and i found that if I actually wanted hormones it was extremely easy for me to obtain them with just a little bit of my discretionary spending.
i had been talking with some of my trans friends about my issues with gender, that i didnt really feel comfortable as a man, even though at the time i felt like i could never be a woman, some suggested i could be nonbinary. i remember before i finally bit the bullet i talked to a friend who was a transwoman about my gender issues, and after finding that what i was going through felt very similar to what she went through before transitioning, i decided "well, theres nothing wrong with me at least trying hormones, if i dont feel better i'll just stop, its better than being forced to live as a man for the rest of my life"
during the early months of my transition, maybe even the first year and a half, i still kinda identified as a "hrt femboy" or a "nonbinary bigender boygirl" bc i did not feel like i was a real woman or anything, i was just taking estrogen because it alleviated the bad feelings and made me feel happier with my body. i wasnt sure about having boobs yet but i considered it an acceptable tradeoff because everything else made me feel good about my body. i did however, look into SERMs(a type of hormone regulator that can supposedly block estrogenic activity in the breasts) and even briefly used some.
HOWEVER, july of my first year on hrt i got my fateful job at mcdonalds. this period i actually unironically feel like shaped my gender identity to some degree. during the pandemic we all had to wear masks so nobody saw my clocky man chin or anything like that, they just saw my effeminate estrogenized little tits and my beautiful eyes. i got she'd a lot, called pretty, told i was a sweet girl by customers who liked me, and even customers who didn't like me still acted like i was a girl, as they called me a stupid bitch, and said shit like "she got my order wrong" "she was rushing me" stuff like that. being perceived as a woman felt good...i started to identify more with that
a couple times i doubted i was really trans, had some kind of imposter syndrome, that A)i was a fake trans because i denied it for so long, or B) that i didn't DESERVE to be trans because i used to be kind transphobic at times. i tried to stop hrt. every time it didn't take long before i became super dysphoric and decided go to back on it. after a few attempts i kinda realized i belonged on hrt. and when my tits became smaller from attempting to stop i actually felt sad about it, thats how i realized, hey i actually like having boobs, its not a trade off, its one of the benefits
and then bridget came out in guilty gear strive. VERY CONTROVERSIAL thing because suddenly the femboy everyone liked was trans. but. the thing is. i found that very relatable. bc i was also the femboy everyone liked as a femboy, but was kinda trans now, and people who thought i was "based" before, were disgusted at me now. idk. i had a "shes just like me fr" moment and decided i didnt want to keep hiding behind being nonbinary or "hrt femboy" anymore, i wanted to be a girl too. so i just came out and was like yeah i'm she/her pls and my followers who still liked me were like "yeah everyone already saw this coming lol u arent surprising anybody"
anyways yeah the tl;dr is that i basically realized at 25 i could not bear to live with being a man for the rest of my life and i would rather transition than have to be a man, i would rather risk being hated, would rather risk infertility, rather than have to be a man,and it led me to talk to other trans people privately and realize oh hey its not normal for having stubble to send me into a massive depressive episode and thats actually gender dysphoria.
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
Had this long post typed out explaining why I was so pissy yesterday but the tldr is that we were very short staffed, and so NewLady was told to do grocery. She says she won't do it if no one else is gonna help her (meaning me. She didnt want me to be able to stay in the clothing dept if SHE couldn't.) She was told it was 6 pallets. Still fusses. I get told to help.
I then did 3 pallets (one I just put back in the steel, one was 3 items (and only 1 was for that area, got to offload the other 2 to health and beauty), and one was baby wipes. Heavy but doable.)
It took me 20 min. It took NewLady like 90min-2 hours to finish her 3 pallets. I could tell she was SEETHING lmaooo like bitch I said I would HELP you do them, I did half. Go fuck yourself 🤗
Oh and I was in the middle of a major move, very visibly, and oh yeah I ONLY WORK 4 HOURS. Like bitch first of all, no one likes you here so stop giving us more reasons. Second of all, your job is not soley clothing. And finally, they know you're gonna be there 8 hours, that I'm there 4, it makes more sense to ask you.
I was just WAITING for her to say something bc I was gonna unleash hell on her. Like bitch when I get mad, I get MEAN. I was kinda hoping she'd give me a reason to be a bitch lmaoo I was READY
I'm gonna put it under a cut, but I spent the rest of my shift thinking of things to say just in case (like I said I get MEAN)
"So are you like this because no one here likes you, or is the reason no one here likes you your nasty attitude?"
"So are you like this in your home life too, or are we just the lucky ones who get to see you like this?"
"See, THIS is why nobody here likes you. NOBODY." (Seriously everyone fucking hates her)
"I know being an unlovable asshole is hard, but you don't need to make it OUR problem."
This one would HURT her I'm sure lmao: "y'know for allegedly having had been a manager at target, you REALLY have absolutely 0 people skills."
(And the continuation I would have to be absolutely extremely beyond livid to add: "it's really amazing that you lasted long enough there to retire. I mean seriously, with no people skills, you bitch at and make enemies of every fucking person you work with, and you can't handle being told what to do. Guess they let anyone become a manager at that target huh?" )
"You are the one person here who doesn't actually need to be, you were retired for God's sake! Just LEAVE already! Just quit!"
"I don't know what the fuck your problems are outside of work, nor do I care, but stop making them MY problem. Stop ruining my fucking day EVERYDAY!"
"You're either a special kind of stupid or the most arrogant dumbass in the world to constantly shit where you eat." (She starts shit with whoever the hell she works with and was moved from front end to clothing bc she pissed EVERYONE there off)
Feel free to add your own insults :)
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sick-ada · 9 months
bc i keep forgetting that i havent actually put much abt my agents on my tumblr and i need to expose the max number of people to my blorbos as i can
going under the readmore cause this is gonna get longg
(this has been in my drafts for over a month)
CB-808 (agent 8, she/her) and Bubbles (agent 8 AGAIN, a SECOND TIME, CAN YOU TELL EIGHT IS MY FAV, he/him)
they're "twins", meaning they both woke up without any memories, saw that they were the only two nearby who looked similar (being the only non-sanitized octolings in the metro) and assumed that meant they were twins
they do all of the tests in octo expansion as a duo! this makes some tests easier (like girl power station) and others much harder (like the one with the dualie squelchers and the grindrails, since they have to share the weapon between them)
this kinda fucks with the computer systems and all their mem cakes are blended (lmao) together. they have to work together to figure out whose memories are whose, to varying success levels
very very very codependent. theyll get anxious if you take the other to another room where they cant see each other. proto (cap3) convinced them to do one test separately and CB got so worked up she punched the side of the carriage and permanently dented it
they didnt try a second time
ON THE TOPIC OF CB DENTING THE METAL: shes freakishly strong, in an artificially-modified way rather than a very-strong-but-normal way
after the splatoon 1 campaign, elite soldiers deserted en masse since nearly all of them were at the concert/final-battle, leaving a gaping hole in the octarian military. in an attempt to fill that gap as quickly as possible, volunteers were "purposed" to become enhanced super-soldiers
(ill probably make a dedicated post abt it when i remember but "purposing" is what they do to make octarians (the stubby tentacle guys) into all the different forms you see in-game. debateably ethical to begin with, SUPER unethical to do to actual octolings)
im bad at timelining but she signs up to this when she's like,,, 13. still kinda blobby
functionally, what it did to her was make her freakishly strong (she breaks the handles on doors ridiculously often) and about 50% more resistance to enemy ink. girls a tank. however, she has trouble regulating her strength and therefore cant superjump accurately since she overshoots her target every time
it's also super painful. she permanently lost her voice from screaming too much and cant speak any louder than a whisper, but she knows octarian and inklish sign languages so she gets along fine
her name is CB-808 bc that was the serial number printed on a livestock tag in her ear
BUBBLES ON THE OTHER HAND. not physically fucked up. mentally though................
his parents were some of the elites who deserted after hearing the Inkantation (in my headcanons it's something that can be resisted, but only temporarily). he wanted their approval more than anything so them leaving him was devastating
hes not actually a dude he just think he/him is a cool set of pronouns. heard someone say "him" once and absorbed it into his gender
he lied abt his age to become a scout/reconnaisance (how you spell that??), even if nobody was really gonna check given the situation after splat1
where CB is built like a tank, he's tall and lanky, and also scarily smart. combined with his lack of filter he'll literally just stare at you for 5 seconds before saying some shit like "oh i see. youre scared of us because of our competence and your perception of our alleigances compared to urs"
captain 3 is scared by him more than CB. as they should be.
his name is Bubbles because he has circular markings on his upper arms and CB is not very good at coming up with names (shes an amnesiac teenager give her a break)
theyre both 15 during octo expansion, and 20 by splatoon3
after reaching the surface they move in with flora (4) and his roommate bola (oc) to form the Leftovers Squad, an inksports team and maybe-gang
these two are wonderfully terrible influences and teach the two of them how to defy authority n shit, it's great, ill talk abt it more in their specific sections
CB mains the dynamo but plays it like a splat roller because she's so strong she can swing it with about that speed. Bubbles mains the e-liter and has nutty aim. the kind of duo that makes people realize theyre ex-soldiers
both of them are too obedient to authority, leftover habits from the military even if they don't fully remember their time there. CB is much worse in this regard, since she was more heavily conditioned to follow orders and Bubbles is observant enough to realize when theyre being taken advantage of
FLORA (agent 4, he/she used interchangeably)
part of the Leftovers Squad! a young punk squid that revels in rebellion and violence and showing people what's what
almost entirely deaf. he had pretty bad hearing to begin with, but loud raves without ear protection worsened it significantly. his hero headset functions as hearing aids but he doesnt usually wear them unless he's on NSS missions or patrols or w/e
came to inkopolis when she was 14, but it wasnt intentional. her parents were the kind of awful perfectionists that expected their children to be equally as perfect, so decided to leave flora in inkopolis bc she did awful in school
he was taken under Bola's fin (get it it's a fish pun theyre fish im hilarious) and became enamoured with the adrenaline-fueled, bloody-mouthed rush of fighting, in and out of inksports
the best way i can describe her is "violent for the sake of violence and gleeful about it". she starts a fight with someone twice her size just for the fun of attacking and taking a beating. probably something wrong with her. i love her with every fibre of my being
has absolutely zero respect or trust in authority -- especially adults, which includes Marie since she's 19 in splat2 and he's only 16
still goes along with her whole "hey go save the zapfish" spiel because A) she cant actually hear what marie is saying B) marie gave her some free fancy hearing aids so she GUESSES she has to return the favour somehow C) she wants to fight some octarian soldiers D) she wants to steal her own zapfish (she succeeds, it gets a tank in Leftover Squad's living room) and E) she thinks itll be REALLY funny to fuck with marie
shes right btw. its hilarious
she only follows orders when it's funnier than disobeying them. she puts zapfishes back in levels she wants to complete a second time. she teaches octolings how to play poker (and how to cheat at poker). she lets a squee-g splat her "to see what it feels like"
if callie wasn't missing marie would NOT put up with his bullshit, but alas.
respects agent 3 even less than marie, when they meet, since at least marie has a sense of humour
he's the one who suggests that CB and Bubbles move in with him and Bola after Octo Expansion. less out of his own goodwill and more out of a combination of morbid curiousity and a sense of "bola has a habit of taking weird inkfish under their fin, walking in with two soldiers will be really funny"
gets hypnoshaded 5 years post-splat2 (during the splat3 campaign) and has to be rescued by the leftover Leftovers (lmao) and Off the Hook. octavio doesnt really convince her to put them on, theres no realistic way he could do that, so he physically overpowers her and puts the shades on
he gets rescued tho! so it's all good and absolutely no interpersonal issues come from it i swear (lying)
Bola (they/them, not an agent)
another member of Leftovers Squad and, arguably, its leader
is about as comfortable with violence as flora (read: very comfortable) but, unlike him, doesn't enjoy it for its own sake. when they do a violence, it's for a specific aim and a purpose, even if that purpose seems inane or petty
theyre the leader of the leftovers mostly because theyre the only one with a goal or any sort of purpose. also because theyre by far the most charismatic of the bunch but mostly bc theyre the only one with any direction in life. the other three are happy to just help with that
(calling it a purpose is doing it too much justice, it's a grudge. a massive fucking grudge against Squidforce as a brand and an institution and a company. they want that thing obliterated)
when they first came to inkopolis (they were like 12), they werent a citizen of inkadia so they had no ID and weren't allowed to do official Squidforce battles, so they went to unofficial/illegal/unregulated turf wars to make some cash
this got shut down by squidforce
they decided "no. fuck this. fuck you, im gonna fuck every single one of you over, die." and swore vengeance about as dramatically as a then-13 year old could. luckily, bola was a very dramatic, kinda blobby 13 year old
they met flora when he came to inkopolis and introduced him to the concept of You Can Just Fight These People If You Don't Like Them
would have agreed to housing CB and Bubbles if Flora had just asked but this is fine they guess
theyll be the last to admit they have a compassionate streak, but they have a soft spot for the underbelly of inkopolis and everyone who lives there, most of which are underrepresented or downtrodden by the system that squidforce upholds
theyre an octoling but not an octarian (citizen of octaria, the nation that lost the great turf war and now lives in the domes) like CB and Bubbles are
instead, theyre a weird subspecies of octoling that went back in the water while the "normal" species of inkfish stayed on the surface. they still have most of the same features as an inkfish, like the shapeshifting, but have more aquatic adaptations like gills and razor sharp teeth and being able to swim in water unharmed (ik inkfish dying in water is only dubiously canon but for my headcanons normal inkfish dissolve like ingame if they fall into water)
they also have sepiism! better described in this post this means their ink/tentacle colours are limited to blacks and browns. their subspecies is more prone to this colour mutation than other inkfish since black is a pretty good camoflague colour if youre in the deep ocean. idk i wanted an excuse to make them look cool dont think abt it too hard
they absolutely despise proto (captain 3). aint no world where theyd trust the militaristic authority figure that orders around the two ex-soldiers theyre trying to teach how to be independent
not to mention the grudge they form against the captain after the hypnoshading incident that i will elaborate on i PROMISE its in the next section
when they meet, post octo expansion, the twins are 15 and the punks are 16, so theyre 20 and 21 respectively by the time splat3 rolls around
flora gets squidnapped just after splat3 campaign (which lasts like a day for reasons that will be evident once i get to neo 3 and "little" buddy), so proto and the squid sisters are in alterna monitoring the situation and doing cleanup while it happens. this will be relevant later. foreshadowing is a technique where--
a couple months after the twins move in, CB discovers inksports and makes the biggest saddest puppy dog eyes at the rest of the squad until they agree to making a league team together. it's also called the leftovers
CB and Flora love it because they enjoy physically fighting people (CB likes that she doesnt have to be permanently hurting people during it, Flora would like it better if there was a lil permanent injury tbh). Bubbles enjoys it because his sister enjoys it and also because he enjoys using his big brain to do sick predicts and snipe people from across the map where he's nice and safe. Bola only joins at first because telling the ex-soldier, who theyve been trying to convince that you dont need peoples permission to do things, "no" would be counterproductive. they hate every moment they have to fight in a squidforce battle. but then once the team gets well-known they realise that squidforce cant get rid of them anymore and uses their platform to absolutely troll the shit out of squidforce
like when they go on interviews and stuff they constantly mention how shitty squidforce is and "yeah i personally prefer [smaller organisation]'s inksports, they have way better maps and modes, squidforce just has a monopoly so..." and squidforce cant do shit bc theyre the charismatic face of this popular new team and itd be bad publicity
CB and Bubbles dont have real IDs cause theyre amnesiac teenagers who made up their own names. flora and bola get them fake IDs that claim CB stands for Courtney Blitz, making bubbles into Bubbles Blitz
CB often gets called Clam Blitz. CB does NOT appreciate this. Bubbles thinks it's hilarious and only answers people who call him "Blam Blitz" for like a week
Bubbles mains the E-liter but likes lots of different anchors, CB exclusively plays her "splat roller" (a dynamo swung really fast), Flora learnt how to play every weapon from the splat2 campaign and can play basically anything (but usually goes for something close-range so his bloodlust gets put to good use. heavy weapons tend to turn into bludgeons in his hands) i dont know what bola would use tbh. i wanna say a splatana but this is set mainly in splat2 so they wouldnt have those. if anyone is still reading this far pls make suggestions in the notes 👍
CB and Bubbles dont have any sense of money (in my hcs, the domes work more on a communal property + bartering system) so they have no reason to object to pearl giving them inordinate amounts of money. bola and flora have to have a conversation where they ask whether pearl is their sugar daddy. this is agonising for everyone involved.
they used the money to buy an unreasonably large bed that they all sleep on together bc theyre my ocs i make the rules
i promised it was proto next. here *throws them like a javelin through the screen
Proto (captain 3, they/them)
i shld probably start at the beginning for them bc their actions through all the games are the catalyst for a Lot of plot
they were raised in calamari county, their parents were friends with callie and maries parents so they hung out a bunch when they were kids. basically the third squid sister, though they get way too bad stage fright to become idols like the other two
hanging out with those two so much also meant a lot of exposure to cap'n cuttlefish. proto idolised him to no end, decided they wanted to be just like him when they grew up
when the squisters went to inkopolis to become idols, proto became their manager. they were also recruited alongside callie and marie into the NSS when craig decided to reform it. ive never actually watched a playthrough of splat1 so i dont actually know how the plot works other than "craig is there and then callie & marie are there" so the next part is probably gonna be more canon parallel than canon adjacent
also because im just making up random shit about splat1. thats probably also a factor
in this version of canon, the octarians dont steal every zapfish you grab at the end of the levels, only the ones used for the boss levels. all the rest are ones owned by the octarians, mostly bred in captivity cause where tf else are you gonna get the power for running the domes
proto isnt an active agent in splat1, it's callie and marie who go in and do the fighting while proto is the one coordinating them and making plans. their plan is to steal all these extra zapfish to strain the domes' resources and then perform the inkantation during the final confrontation to make the maximum number of soldiers (especially elites) desert, all so they become incapable of stealing more zapfish or launching a retaliatory strike
and cap'n cuttlefish approves so surely that means that this is a good plan and any suffering caused is a necessary evil and it's not like this paranoid old man has any biases or grudges that would impede his judgement. surely not
side note: instead of inner agent 3, CB and Bubbles have to fight inner agents 1 & 2. inner-callie targets CB and inner-marie targets Bubbles because i think the roller-charger parallel is cool
the plan works! elites and soldiers desert in droves, neutering the octarian military capability, and octaria has to focus what resources it has on not starving (which it barely achieves, theres a famine regardless) rather than attacking back. it also creates the conditions for bubbles' parents to leave him and for CB to undergo the extremely painful and inhumane procedures to become an enhanced supersoldier but proto doesnt learn this til octo expansion
the squid sister stories proceed basically like canon, but proto dedicates themselves to agent work while marie focuses on the radio and callie focuses on acting. theyre out investigating the metro with craig when callie gets squidnapped so they dont find out until octo expansion finishes (like a few weeks after she gets rescued)
they dont fight CB and Bubbles, theyre a terrible fighter and a bit of a wimp (and those two are kinda terrifying), instead they watch when they get overpowered and captured by a squad of sanitized octolings (those two got sent to investigate since people kept vanishing when they went that way). they still get the same "youre down here because of me" guilt since they chose to watch rather than intervene
they later got into the metro proper and found those same people but like super amnesia'd and a little traumatised already, even if theyre not sure how much of that was already there, and then they get even MORE fucked up because the metro is fucking Like That
also guilt bc they dont actually help with the tests beyond advice thru the comms. can never have too much of that
they get CB and Bubbles out of the blender by removing their special limiter and spamming splashdown on the top til it breaks, getting exhausted and passing out afterwards, letting tartar control them
the hole in the ceiling gets made by CB throwing a bit of broken blender really hard
usually they would get their ass kicked by either CB or Bubbles, let alone both at once, but the two of them are so exhausted and fucked up and a little injured that the fight is closer than anyone would like. the fight ends when CB grabs them by the ankle and slams them into the floor. think that one scene from the avengers with the hulk and loki
unfortunately, since CB is way too scared and full of adrenaline to properly regulate her strength, she completely crushes their ankle and lower leg. since it doesnt splat them, they dont respawn, and everyone is too preoccupied with destroying the NILs statue to get them to a hospital, the leg wasnt salvageable and they had to get it amputated below the knee
theyre an ambulatory wheelchair user, after that. sometimes crutches instead, but they tend to go for the chair in alterna bc crutches and ice do NOT mix trust me on this. i only had crutches for a couple months but i fell on my ass SO much
anyway they reconnect with callie and marie and things are fine and good and theyre totally not avoiding the twins because marina kept updating them on relevant files she found during OE and theyre struggling to reconcile the idea that these are enemies with the undeniable truth that nobody has had a greater negative impact on their lives than them.
probably would be worse if marina told them the twins were 15. good thing she doesnt!
oh yeah i forgot ages. proto is 17 in splat1, 19 in splat2/OE and 24 by splat3
anyway yeah in their efforts to avoid the twins so that they dont have to think about the wide-reaching consequences of their past actions, they dont actually leave them with any way to contact them while they go check out the Crater. itll only be a quick mission, right? no need to worry about it
alterna happens
then they and the squid sisters come back to cuttlefish cabin to find it completely empty, then discover that flora is still in the hospital after having the shit kicked out of him because he was hypnoshaded and they didnt have any low-tide ink because marie wasnt there and they couldnt contact her and they tried and they tried and why didnt anyone answer and
theres a big cool dramatic confrontation where CB and Bubbles reveal they got all their mem cakes and know exactly who proto is and what they did and would have forgiven if they had been honest but now they cant trust their captain and formally quit the NSS
honestly theres more stuff for proto after this but i ahvent actually figured it out yet.
personality-wise, theyre overconfident in their own abilities and underconfident in the abilities of everyone else, they struggle to give control of anything over to someone else. because why would they allow someone else to be in charge when they know that their own plans are automatically so much better?
as they learn about the actual consequences of their splat1 plan via CB and Bubbles' descriptions of their mem cakes, this confidence falters a bit. they spent so long with that plan being one of their greatest achievements that they cant reconcile with the reality that it had devastating consequences for innocent people
this is not at all helped by Flora, who makes no secret of his opinion on proto. at first he's just fucking with them for the sake of fucking with them, the same way he does for marie, but it gets more antagonistic when proto reacts with genuine anger rather than the good humour marie does. flora absolutely does not take kindly to people trying to exert authority over her so she aims to piss off proto at every opportunity
it is very easy for flora to piss proto off
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miiilowo · 1 year
same anon from earlier here, just finished reading the post and I love it! I’ve gone through some of your other Vanny posts and I agree she’s very cringefail (<3) but also the thought of her red eyes standing out in the complete darkness of a much grittier pizzaplex is scary and cool, would make for pretty good jumpscares too without it being too in your face. I could talk more about how cool I think the Vanny rewrite is here but it’d be too long. Leaning more into liminality for the pizzaplex would also make it scarier, kind of giving the vibe that you’re not supposed to be there. Also I agree about the animatronics, they seemed too lively in the game, and though I love them it always confused me. Anyways, in case I send another ask I should come up with some sort of name so I don’t have to keep saying “anon from earlier” since it might get confusing, I’m not great with ask stuff since they usually make me anxious but I think in case I send another one I’ll say something like “—🐰 anon”. Idk, sorry if this is too long btw
thank you :3 i went through it very recently (like a few hours ago) so all the rewrite stuff is fresh in my brain. very correct about the eyes in the dark, i was picturing that but didnt say it so its fun that that still got across
i dont really tag anons bc . my blog organization is a bit shit and i like to keep it that way HOWEVER. if you want to use the bunny go ahead bc im like 95% sure nobody else is. still identifies you and all that
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ok its been literally 15 minutes since the finale ended and im getting off the TOH tag.
I am SO DISAPPOINTED in a certain side of this fandom.
it took less than FIFTEEN MINUTES to see enough "lollllll lumity went canon and huntlow didn't, get WRECKED YOU STINKY STRAIGHTS LOL BURY UR GAYS UNO REVERSE LMAOOOOO HOW DOES IT FEEL NASTY ICKY BAD STRAIGHT SHIPPERS" posts to make me actually consider whether I'd rather the show have had a sad ending.
not bc of huntlow, i ship it but never put any hope or weight on it going canon. I'm not "anti-lumity" or whateverthefuck, I don't really think about ships that much in 99.9% of fandoms.
...yall are just extremely fucking
I'm queer. I understand how much pain we've dealt with even SOLELY in terms of media rep. I even understand the glee at the concept of "straightbaiting" actually being a thing that happened here.
I also understand the EXTREMELY JUSTIFIED concern and anger around some parts of the fandom seeming to abandon the BIPOC WLW main character/main ship in favor of the Sad Greasy White Boy Of The Week And His White Straight Girlfriend.
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why so many "fans" are taking this EXTREMELY POSITIVE, LITERALLY GROUNDBREAKING and immediately turning it against their fellow fans. All this amazing rep, characterization, EVERYTHING and you still find a way to be cruel to your fellow fans.
this isn't a contest.
Lumity is canon.
Huntlow is not.
Huntlow was not a focus of the finale.
I can guarantee you that after that finale, NOBODY was thinking about Huntlow until yall started being fucking mean about it.
YOU brought up the thing you claimed to want the fandom to stop focusing on, for the SINGULAR PURPOSE of enacting some sort of "revenge" on shippers that you projected a whoooole lot of Racism, Homophobia, and Evil onto, despite:
Bi Hunter, Transmasc Hunter, Transfemme Willow, and T4T Huntlow all being EXTREMELY popular hcs/themes in and out of shipping context
A fair chunk of the fandom seeing Willow as BIPOC/East Asian -coded
ALL of the masc presenting queers w parental and/or religious trauma who have spoken out about how seen they feel bc of Hunter
I'm not saying Hunter was a perfect character. He definitely wasn't the main character, or even close.
I'm saying that yall have demonized this part of the fandom SO MUCH that after THAT FINALE.
I was having a really fun, good, genuine amazing time freaking my shit over Titan!Luz, and Lumity, and Raeda, and King and The Collector and TITAN LUZ!!!!!
yknow. all the stuff the finale was actually about.
and now I'm thinking mainly of huntlow (or at least the discourse around it), angry, and extremely sad that my experience of this finale has been ruined
and that this fandom is the latest to fall into the trap of "blame other fans for actual systemic oppression, regardless of whether or not they are actually upholding it."
I don't know how to get it through your heads that a heavily T4T-headcanoned, likely biracial-coded ship that is CANONICALLY a healing narrative for trauma survivors
is not fucking reylo.
this Evil In Fandom you're angry at 1000% exists but it sure as fuck isn't here.
unless there's a Secret Second Huntlow Fandom That Is Evil And Racist And Hates Lumity that idk abt, this is just a group of sad queer kids sitting next to your own group of sad queer kids
you, whatever side of the fandom is doing this (I honestly don't know who is making these posts) aren't proving, winning, fixing or righting anything
you're going over to another side of the fandom whose ship didnt go canon
you're making them feel like shit for it.
yall "won". you won as much as you can possibly win here. everybody loves the finale. nobody is giving anything but overwhelming love, happy tears, joy and awe to "your" win.
but you still felt the need to make sure someone, somewhere, knew that they "lost".
sry im just so angry at this rn. i was having so much fun. what the fuck is this kind of behavior supposed to prove?
YOU SUCK!!!!!! Thanks for ruining this fantastic experience for me by being a piece of shit on main over some "shipper" crap im not even in.
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i dont really agree with your post about white people in fandom not talking about race, partly because i dont feel like online fandom discussions of these topics are particularly nuanced or productive in the first place and throwing white people who dont feel confident or educated in what theyre saying into the mix and are posting out of social obligation is the opposite of helpful, but mostly because of the inferences you made about the willingness/unwillingness those people have to learn. definitely some of them are uninterested in learning about the topic enough to discuss but ive known plenty of people who preferred to sit back in discussions of race where it wasnt vitally important that they speak up precisely because they were still actively working on unlearning racism/transphobia/etc and didnt want to say something that would hurt me or someone else they cared about by saying something careless, and i really dont see a reason to issue a blanket discouragement of this instinct that i would say most people who care have, especially just to get them to engage in something as inconsequential as fandom discourse.
oh yeah no i definitely agree! that post tho was more abt character analysis and metas and not like, discourse and drama. like basically it was the “if your interpretation of a character doesn’t consider that character’s race, your interpretation is incomplete” convo, i wasn’t trying to say “white fans should jump into every fandom discussion abt race ever.” bc yeah ur definitely right, sometimes it’s better to sit back and work on unlearning shit before we try to insert ourselves into certain conversations!
but also when it comes to the specific convo i was commenting on aka Character Analysis… i mean, white is a race. like, this is an ofmd blog, so i’m gonna relate this to ofmd: there is a LOT to dig into when it comes to whiteness in ofmd, imo most prominently with the main character (stede) and the main antagonist (izzy) but definitely in other characters and throughout the entire show itself. i see no reason why white ofmd fans should feel so insecure in their ability to discuss race that they won’t make surface-level observations abt how race effects the white characters. so that is the kind of situation where im rolling my eyes when fans say things like “i don’t want to overstep or make a mistake, so i just don’t talk abt race in X media ever.” which i HAVE seen, manyyyyy many times, over many years.
ngl it’s been kinda weird to see that kinda oldish post start randomly getting all these notes, but im glad at least that the version w my reblog is the one that’s circulating bc honestly that’s the only part of the post that really matters, imo. i mean, it matters bc it’s a much bigger point than just fandom stuff, it’s advice for pretty much. all of life.
you are allowed to move on and try to do better without everyone forgiving you for messing up! nobody is obligated to forgive you, ever, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on growing and learning! not everyone in the world is going to love you, and that’s okay!
^important stuff for pretty much everyone to learn, me included
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dballzposting · 2 years
Dear Diary. I think that Goten and Palace-chan and Trunks could do a throuple or polycule or whatever. I think they could do it FOR LIFE. Truth is Trunks has nothing else going on. After a certain point hes just not interested in the hassle of meeting new people and trying to nail down a date. He doesnt care. He doesnt care about having a girlfriend and it's not like hes especially attracted to guys in any discernible way either. (Saying this bc GT Trunks still gives me those light aroace vibes..). When it comes to a lifelong partner, he feels he needs one, but it doesnt need to be "romantic" by any social definition, there just needs to be intimacy and security and support. This is where Goten, whom he already knows and is well-bonded with, comes in. Trunks is just not interested in taking the time to forge a deep connection with somebody else .. he already did that. Theres really no reason to do it again.
Goten however always thought that hed have a wife and kids someday and he cant shake that desire and shouodnt have to. What's more he NEEEDS a gf like he LOVES having a gf. He loves having romance with sweet women. Fuck yeah. If he and his buddy Trunks started dating it would be really easy bc they already love eachother and the affection comes naturally but it would be hard too becasue even though it's fulfilling in the moment, Goten worries about his maidenless future ...
And so eventually Trunks would cut him loose becasue he knows what's good for him and it's sad becasue remmeber Trunks has nothing else going on except for Goten but it's actually not sad becasue theyre still best friends so what is he actually losing? It feels bitter and scary in the moment however, when you start trying to push or pull the people in your life to fit into roles that may or may not even involve you in the end.
However Palace-chan would love to have two boyfriends if they were cute. And I think she'd think that Trunks is cute becasue why wouldnt she .. all the other ladies do. I think that theyd get along really well..!!!! I always thought that and maybe it's just because shes his BFF's GF so they have to get along but think about it ... Think about it.
Trunks didnt want to take the time to meet new people so he just sticks with who he has and that was a great investment becasue now Goten has introduced him to a lovely lady whom he gets along really well with. They talk candidly, and in all of her airheadedness, shes used to adapting to things she didnt know before; whether it's the existence of ice cream or the existence of aliens, she'll respond to and readily accept all sorts of info . And she's great to talk to for that reason bc she'll be surprised by what you're saying and then she'll ask for more details and now you get to talk abt yourself and she'll listen and be like "wow I didnt know that" and like Literally nobody has EVER let Trunks talk about robot shit for an hour and a half before but by god Palace did. Both parties compromising to reach an understanding between the broad disparity of their knowledge. Sorry I'm just musing uselessly let's get back to the post
So they all get along really well and they all like each other a lot and they all feel loved and theres support and care between them all. Palace-chan is like Trunks's other BFF. Goten is his actual BFF whom he thinks is cute (but he wont say that to anyone but Goten and Palace). He thinks Palace-chan is adorable too becasue that is an objective fact. Trunks and Palace are like Goten's girlfriends (this is what Goten says and Trunks always jabs him for this.) Palace is Goten's darling and they will wed one day and when they do Trunks will live with them. And one day Trunks asked "am I going to help you raise the kids? Are they going to be, like, my kids? Am I going to be another dad or am I just going to be, like, some guy?" and Goten responds "you'll be like a Piccolo to them" and they have a sensible chuckle but it doesnt really answer the question. The true question of course being, what does Trunks want to be in this equation? It takes a while to occur to any of them but eventually Palace brings up that if she has a kid with Goten, could she have a kid with Trunks too? And Trunks is thrown by this and is like, "dude, Goten, then our kids would be siblings, man" and Goten is like "I know thatd be so weird like, our fathers are rivals and their grandkids are siblings? That's crazy man" and Trunks is like "DUDE. Our fathers are the only true-blooded saiyans left , shouldnt you and I consider it our duty to stop their bloodlines from running into eachother and fizzling out? Or, alternatively, shoukdnt we have kids of our own who dont share a mother so that they can potentially copulate and keep the saiyan blood strong?" to which Goten responds "You want our kids to not be siblings so thag they can copulate? That's fucked up man. Why dont we just skip the middleman and have you and I copulate." and here Palace interrupts and says almost sadly "oh, is there another woman you want to be the mother of your children...?" and they're both like "No no no this is all hypothetical..." and that's when Trunks realizes that theres really nothing he can do to stop Vegeta's bloodline from ending with Kakarot's at just the third generation down. It's up to Bra to keep the bloodlines separate and thriving now ....
Trunks isnt Palace's BF but he is her BF's BFF and they do all kiss and stuff and she thinks hes cute and she loves him. And if they're hanging out just the two of them and people mistake them to be a couple they absolutely go with it. Trunks isnt her boyfriend and she isnt his girlfriend but they are eachother's Sweetheart. She admires him a lot and probably defaults to "-san" (while with her beloved Goten shes comfortable using -kun or really -senpai) and Trunks always tells her that she doesnt need to use a suffix at all but she thinks that's strange. And he probably calls her -kun in public and -chan when theyre all hanging out together. Goten will call them both -chan becasue thats the kind of guy he is.
And they all love each other the end....
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zeenbean · 1 month
yapping about school, again
a lot as happened since my last ranty post, like that i have gotten B on my final grade from english(as a secondary language) but nobody really follows this blog so much so they would actually know what am i talking about.
in multiple posts ive been whining about my secondary laungage english teacher bcs shes dumb af and doesnt even know english past average 9yo vocabulary(except the slang💀) so when i use my fancy fancy worlds on her(telling her that taking drgs is NOT silly) she ofc gets mad. and that is, how she made my final grade from exact 9 marks from the second semester. 2 of them were group activities(two A`s), 5 quick tests(one A, one B& three Ds) and the rest unit reviews(one A and one B, but the b was my falut bcs im not gonna remember in front of what words u put the, a or nothing. but that were the weird ones like i dunno i cant remember bcs the only ones i remember are the ones that are obvious ones help) im a person who to function needs to have EVERYTHING planned. also when the teachers are all extremely chaotic i cant focus when i have to sit in place where i dont normally sit(i sit there for four years there, last place on the left but idk how other classrooms are build so it differs) its even worse. like this btch will be like so okey i know i said were gonna write the test tomorrow but i dont feel like it so were gonna do it today and than theres me who had planned to study today afternoon bcs it works for this types of tests best for me, also i had to practice on my saxophone yesterday bcs i ALSO had some MORE IMPORTANT EXAMS so now the whole thing is messed up & i have the saxophone exam today but im gonna be stressed form this test and it will completely ruin my day and maybe even a week.
im gonna browse more on the school system in hour school bcs its really messed up. like i wanted to transfer for this year but some therapist-not-therapist who is payed by the school told my mum that that is a not good idea bcs "every school has its dark side" yes. i know. but i asked my friend a simple question. "do your teacher provide materials from the lessons ex. presentations" and she was like EVERY TEACHER DOES THAT. HEAVEN ON EARTH.
like yeah only three from 20+ teachers does that in our school. and were really small school, only one building, the friends school has SIX.
it kinda is related to this and its really me problem but i struggle to keep writing notes in class. like one time i couldnt even get myself to hold the pencil bcs i had a bit dirty notebook(my bottle cracked and everything got wet and as it dried i had stains. so i couldnt write notes in the name notebook but i didnt wanted to buy a new one so i just wrote it who knows where and i was always loosing it. but i feel that the whole idea of notes doest suit me and some other people. i can pay attention, can write it dow beautifully like when i want to i can have the best looking notes in class but WHAT FOR. like it genuinely doesnt help me a bit. i can rewrite it like with the blurting technique but i still forget everything the next hour. and that isnt even with notes, thats with textbooks, some like non fiction books(i love books about like space or sum but i remember shit. like i can remember that on the page five there was this "in some insignificant galaxy(milky way) in some insignificant arm of the galaxy(orion arm)(btw i had to search it up bcs i dont know the exact term in english and it hurts my soul that there in the recommended questions there was "are we in the milky way rn)were rotating around some insignificant star(the sun) and living on some insignificant planet(the earth)" but i dont remember ANYTHING ELSE. LIKE THIS RANDOM THING BUT NOT THE REST OF THE A LOT MORE SIGNIFICANT THINGS?(if anyone recognizes the quote pls don judge me im halp asleep)
okey im not gonna get mad by my inability to absorb information
than when the teacher doesnt even want to help me by giving me like the presentation or like the book where they take these exercises from than its har to be motivated to learn and like in some cases even not able to properly learn the things. i have a friend(that one who i asked about her school) who i literally wish i had her brain bcs were on about the same level of inteligence but she can absorb information like a average human being. like pls help me.
but back to the teacher, there is this one who is really weird, he doesnt really like me but when you email him about anything related to geography he will explain, give sources and you can always ask for like a graded presentation(kinda rare there for someone to give you request presentation). thank you for being the most insufferable person on the whole school but who somehow does his job.
i shouldn't even talk about our principal who is like the embodiment of satan and god of gaslighting in one if someone like that exists. bro will be like "were the BEST school in town!" and than hires a known person who hase fake degrees and has been accused of being predatory towards students. like bro pick i side.(fun fact i one time i got so mad that i went to his facebook under a fake name and started to like spit some real good arguments under his homophobic and transphobic posts and one time i got extra silly and made a bit personal joke and he blocked me💔)
like im so so so much sorry for his ELEVEN FREAKING KIDS and especially the girls bcs he said(in a very insignificant physics lesson) that theyre mistakes. bro how can you be so fucking disgusting towards your own children that you sometimes even bring to school. in front of the whole class.
hey so this is probably it bcs im getting more and more tired and tomorrow i have to wake up really early
also i know my spelling here is completely diabolical but who cares int the internet does anybody here seen th post about how bad english technically doesnt exist? think of that now
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juniestar · 8 months
Bro yesterday i got a covid booster and it gave me a fever that didnt break til 7 am today so i didnt sleep til 7 am today and i wake up and go to work and i walk in and my coworker (who’s on my close friends because their partner is a good friend and was showing them everything anyway) is like “ARE YOU ABOUT TO GET ANOTHER JOB?” Bc I posted on my close friends story abt a full time creative job possibly wanting me. Why is the OFFICE THE PLACE YOU DECIDE BRING THIS UP? I refuse to act ashamed about it so I talk abt the possibility w them loud as hell while privately fuming. Anyways it’s a rainy day today and my coworker who runs a classroom w me is out so I have to keep the kids inside all day and I show up and they’re already screaming and fighting so I make them stand in the hall til they’re quiet. Then i assign seating and get them all to play this game where each table makes up a restaurant and a menu and all that and myself and one other student come through as customers. I also tell the kids that if they’re good they’ll get to go hang out with their friends an hour or two into the class.
They’re fucking awful. My boss is there helping me but I have to scream every other sentence because when I try to talk these kids don’t even look at me, one kid tries to sell heroin out of his restaurant and starts crying after because he’s so bored and he doesn’t get why everything’s taking so long (I tell him it’s him and the classroom’s fault, things shouldn’t have taken this long but nobody there has any respect for me or each other so we have to do things the hard way), one kid steals a pen or something from another and screams when asked what happened, kids switch tables constantly, the dumbest little boy I’ve known in my entire life steals the same yoga ball from the same child so many times that I end up screaming at him, my coworkers keep sending me their kids without checking in so random groups of kids keep popping up at my door, and one kid STABS ANOTHER KID IN THE FACE WITH A PENCIL. Literally spent half of my day screaming. One of the kids who’s usually disruptive and was awful during the beginning of the day (he’s usually such a handful that I sigh when I see him walk into my space) ended up being sweet and understanding towards the end. Shit was THAT bad. Eventually they get so rowdy and rulebreaky that I give up and just have them read or do homework or go on computers.
After work I go grocery shopping, the same coworker who spilled my business and also sent me kids without asking drives me there so I can’t be mad at him but I am taking him and his partner off of my close friends story bc they can’t keep shit to themselves, and it’s a whole foods so the stupid shit store doesn’t have plastic bags. I have to take two buses to get home. Whatever, that’s fine, but between buses my bag disintegrates, i drop this onion jam i was really excited to try in a FLOOD, my second bus purposefully skips me and I chase it for half a block asking them to stop before shrieking “fuck you” and screaming so loud that the guy who was singing “no church in the wild” at the top of his lungs across the street ran away. And then I accidentally drop my english muffins and my mint tea in the flood too and they get swept under a car so I grab the onion jam from where it lies in the road and throw it down so the glass’ll go everywhere. And then I start wailing but I can’t tell if I’m crying because it’s raining that hard. Oh my god also in the middle of all that my period started but it was really light so I just didn’t deal with it til I got home.
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me writing my fanfic
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honestly though i frequently think abt how many details i reference as truth are like actual canon things but theyre more obscure details from peripheral materials rather than in the anime.
but also some details i made up. would love to talk about my reasonings for those details. some of them are esoteric. but some of them are just based on reality to me. i refuse to call yuris mom "origa" bc it was the artist name of that one russian singer whose real name was olga and whos just known in japan for a bunch of anime collabs
its also my truth (but not totally unreasonable imo) that olga immigrated to sternbild and her surname is just "petrov" specifically due to simplifications for required forms/some minor mixups. not even petrova and nothing given wrt patronymic vs surname but i dont think sternbilds legislative system wouldve understood patronymics and its not rly important.
what is interesting to me is that olga petrova was a real person (well. im sure this has been the name of many people. but bear with me), a vaudeville performer, who actually adopted the name as a stage name. ive always felt that olga was running from something and wouldve explained why she has nobody else to care for her than her son. and nobody had ever heard of her either.
olga petrov is a bit of a fake name isnt it...
being a woman with no family nor connections in an unfamiliar city is such a ripe ground for getting an abusive fuck of a husband. i really doubt that mr. legend suddenly became abusive once his NEXT power started failing. i just think olga didnt have anyone else and she was willing to overlook all of his flaws for that long as someone who was rich and famous and kept a roof over her head etc
what choice does she have? also gives more basis to how nobody seems to ever acknowledge olga (or yuri) exist. i feel like mr. legend couldve just presented olga as his girlfriend of the day (who has a son) to maverick and he wouldve been like okay so...whatever...
and they never talked bc olga ~kept out of the way~ when her husband has people over or is on the phone etc. and this dynamic gets worsened when mr. legend starts to lose his powers bc he might not have a NEXT power anymore but what he has is total control and power over olga.
^ruminations of an unwell person who thinks narratives actually care about woman characters. objectively the name was given bc the writers had heard origa once LMFAO and petrov is a common surname
anyway. personally i still think it would be interesting if gregory sunshine was yuris real biological father (insert that theory post i made pre-cour 2) and olga just managed to get into a rlship with mr.legend so quickly she could pass yuri as his son. (or mr. legend was okay with the fact at least initially. doesnt matter). and that also adds to her plight of being stuck with mr.legend, and im sure she was also in love with him, but she didnt have any other choice... nobody to help her. heroes arent real
wouldve explained why olga was running and suspectible to shit freaks like mr. legend. i would be inclined to say nothing megaweird happened and gregory was just olgas weird creep boyfriend bc i dont want to torture olga for funsies. more of a situation where she got pregnant accidentally and was like fuck i cant raise a child with a total criminal freak... not that she was raped by him bc olga rly has enough bad shit in her life without that:/
gregory is a creep for sure considering even the scene where he makes ryan lose control (which is. really weird lets be real. the kotetsu scene mirrors it) but still.
AND would also explain why olga blames yuri so strongly for Everything...doesnt excuse her ofc but like. i also understand it. her life sucked. tfw women could be more than Mothers and perhaps even lead full and nuanced lives that explain their actions
this is irrelevant to my fanfic btw (kinda) though i explore yuris and olgas rlship in it. olga is someone who tries but she is so crushed by her circumstances that sometimes her best try isnt enough. its a tragedy is all.
and also interesting how gregory never showed up in sternbild before s2. like olga chose a good place to run to (in the case she had). ripping my hair out ahhh ahhh ahhhh the lore... its so deep (the lore i made up in my head that is)
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shkspr · 3 years
hi. on your post where you may or may not have ended on 'moffat is either your angel or your devil' did you have maybe an elaboration on that somewhere that i could possibly hear about. i'm very much a capaldi era stan and i've never tried to defend the matt smith era even though it had delightful moments sometimes so i wonder where that puts me. i'd love to hear your perspective on moffat as a person with your political perspective. -nicole
hi ok sorry i took so long to respond to this but i dont think you know how LOADED this question is for me but i am so happy to elaborate on that for you. first a few grains of salt to flavor your understanding of the whole situation: a. im unfairly biased against moffat bc im a davies stan and a tennant stan; b. i still very much enjoy and appreciate moffat era who for many reasons; and c. i hate moffat on a personal level far more than i could ever hate his work.
the thing is that its all always gonna be a bit mixed up bc i have to say a bunch of seemingly contradictory things in a row. for instance, a few moffat episodes are some of my absolute favorites of the rtd era, AND the show went way downhill when moffat took over, AND the really good episodes he wrote during the rtd era contained the seeds of his destruction.
like i made that post about the empty child/the doctor dances and it holds true for blink and thats about it bc the girl in the fireplace and silence in the library/forest of the dead are good but not nearly on the same level, and despite the fact that i like them at least nominally, they are also great examples of everything i hate about moffat and how he approached dw as a whole.
basically. doctor who is about people. there are many things about moffats tenure as showrunner that i think are a step up from rtd era who! actual gay people, for one! but i think that can likely be attributed mostly to an evolving Society as opposed to something inherent to him and his work, seeing as rtd is literally gay, and the existence of queer characters in moffats work doesnt mean the existence of good queer characters (ill give him bill but thats it!)
i have a few Primary Grievances with moffat and how he ran dw. all of them are things that got better with capaldi, but didnt go away. they are as follows:
moffat projects his own god complex onto the doctor
rtd era who had a doctor with a god complex. you cant ever be the doctor and not have a god complex. the problem with moffats era specifically is that the god complex was constant and unrepentant and was seen as a fundamental personality trait of the doctor rather than a demon he has to fight. he has the Momence where you feel bad for him, the Momence where he shows his humility or whatever and youre reminded that he doesnt want to be the lonely god, but those are just. moments. in a story where the doctor thinks hes the main character. rtd era doctor was aware that he wasnt the main character. he had to be an authority sometimes and he had to be the loner and he had to be sad about it, but he ultimately understood that he was expendable in a narrative sense.
this is how you get lines like “were the thin fat gay married anglican marines, why would we need names as well?” from the same show that gave you the gut punch moment at the end of midnight when they realize that nobody asked the hostess for her name. and on the one hand, thats a small sticking point, but on the other hand, its just one small example of the simple disregard that moffat has for humanity.
incidentally, this is a huge part of why sherlock sucked so bad: moffats main characters are special bc theyre so much bigger and better than all the normal people, and thats his downfall as a showrunner. he thinks that his audience wants fucking sheldon cooper when what they want is people.
like, ok. think of how many fantastic rtd era eps are based in the scenario “what if the doctor wasnt there? what if he was just out of commission for a bit?” and how those eps are the heart of the show!! bc theyre about people being people!! the thing is that all of the rtd era companions would have died for the doctor but he understood and the story understood that it wasnt about him.
this is like. nine sending rose home to save her life and sacrifice his own vs clara literally metaphysically entwining her existence w the doctor. ten also sending rose with her family to save her life vs river being raised from infancy to be obsessed w the doctor and then falling in love w him. martha leaving bc she values herself enough to make that decision vs amy being treated like a piece of meat.
and this is simultaneously a great callback to when i said that moffats episodes during the rtd era sometimes had the same problems as his show running (bc girl in the fireplace reeks of this), and a great segue into the next grievance.
moffat hates women
he hates women so fucking much. g-d, does steven moffat ever hate women. holy shit, he hates women. especially normal human women who prioritize their normal human lives on an equal or higher level than the doctor. moffat hated rose bc she wasnt special by his standards. the empty child/the doctor dances is the nicest he ever treated her, and she really didnt do much in those eps beyond a fuck ton of flirting.
girl in the fireplace is another shining example of this. youve got rose (who once again has another man to keep her busy, bc moffat doesnt think shes good enough for the doctor) sidelined for no reason only to be saved by the doctor at the last second or whatever. and then youve got reinette, who is pretty and powerful and special!
its just. moffat thinks that the doctor is as shallow and selfish as he is. thats why he thinks the doctor would stay in one place with reinette and not with rose. bc moffat is shallow and sees himself in the doctor and doesnt think he should have to settle for someone boring and normal.
not to mention rose met the doctor as an adult and chose to stay with him whereas reinette is. hm. introduced to the doctor as a child and grows up obsessed with him.
does that sound familiar? it should! bc it is also true of amy and river. and all of them are treated as viable romantic pairings. bc the only women who deserve the doctor are the ones whose entire existence revolves around him. which includes clara as well.
genuinely i think that at least on some level, not even necessarily consciously, that bill was a lesbian in part bc capaldi was too old to appeal to mainstream shippers. like twelve/clara is still a thing but not as universally appealing as eleven/clara but i am just spitballing. but i think they weighed the pros and cons of appealing to the woke crowd over the het shippers and found that gay companion was more profitable. anyway the point is to segue into the next point, which is that moffat hates permanent consequences.
moffat hates permanent consequences
steven moffat does not know how to kill a character. honestly it feels like hes doing it on purpose after a certain point, like he knows he has this habit and hes trying to riff on it to meme his own shit, but it doesnt work. it isnt funny and it isnt harmless, its bad writing.
the end of the doctor dances is so poignant and so meaningful and so fucking good bc its just this once! everybody lives, just this once! and then he does p much the same thing in forest of the dead - this one i could forgive, bc i do think that preserving those peoples consciousnesses did something for the doctor as a character, it wasnt completely meaningless. but everything after that kinda was.
rory died so many times its like. get a hobby lol. amy died at least once iirc but it was all a dream or something. clara died and was erased from the doctors memory. river was in prison and also died. bill? died. all of them sugarcoated or undone or ignored by the narrative to the point of having effectively no impact on the story. the point of a major character death is that its supposed to have a point. and you could argue that a piece of art could be making a point with a pointless death, ie. to put perspective on it and remind you that bad shit just happens, but with moffat the underlying message is always “i can do whatever i want, nothing is permanent or has lasting impact ever.”
basically, with moffat, tragedy exists to be undone. and this was a really brilliant, really wonderful thing in the doctor dances specifically bc it was the doctor clearly having seen his fair share of tragedy that couldnt be helped, now looking on his One Win with pride and delight bc he doesnt get wins like this! and then moffat proceeded to give him the same win over and over and over and over. nobody is ever dead. nobody is ever unable to be saved. and if they are, really truly dead and/or gone, then thats okay bc moffat has decided that [insert mitigating factor here]*
*the mitigating factor is usually some sort of computerized database of souls.
i can hear the moffat stans falling over themselves to remind me that amy and rory definitely died, and they did - after a long and happy life together, they died of old age. i dont consider that a character death any more than any other character choosing to permanently leave the tardis.
and its not just character deaths either, its like, everything. the destruction of gallifrey? never mind lol! character development? scrapped! the same episode four times? lets give it a fifth try and hope nobody notices. bc he doesnt know how to not make the doctor either an omnipotent savior or a self-pitying failure.
it is in nature of doctor who, i believe, for the doctor to win most of the time. like, it wouldnt be a very good show if he didnt win most of the time. but it also wouldnt be a very good show if he won all of the time. my point is that moffats doctor wins too often, and when he doesnt win, it feels empty and hollow rather than genuinely humbling, and you know hes not gonna grow from it pretty much at all.
so like. again, i like all of doctor who i enjoy all of it very much. i just think that steven moffat is a bad show runner and a decent writer at times. and it is frustrating. and im not here to convince or convert anyone im just living my truth. thank you for listening.
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emetkoto · 2 years
idk man I just really like your style of rambling about them ig? like I find peoples' enthusiasm for things very sweet and infectious sometimes and your emetkoto posts defs hit that spot for me? like your joy and love for them seeps through and infects me too it's great. emetkoto good. anyway tell us about after vauthry. do it. give us the deets.
well thank you very much, it makes me happy to hear that ive had that effect on you 🥺🥺🥺 thats exactly what i hope to do with my posts about them but i do have bad demon brain so sometimes im like hmm. 'am i just being unbearably annoying instead actually???' and ofc sometimes its 'oh this is not original at all nobody wants to read this' so its always nice to have a little reassurance like this ghsljgsfd….
cracks my fingers so hard they all break anyway now for that essay you asked for
RIGHT SO LIKE right before vauthry, literally the night before that fight is when emet selch takes k'oto to the tempest to marry him and seubsequently erase his memory of it to "keep things fair" or whatever (basically he still had tiny little pangs of doubt about how things would turn out bc of yknow the whole being tempered for 12k+ years situation and he wanted to make sure that if it like. came to them having to fight. k'oto wouldnt hesitate bc he had smth like that holding him back :,) little did he know that he tried to hesitate in the end anyway and was only stopped from sparing him by ardbert) but thats a whole like other thing i still have to finish writing the worlds longest stupidest hardest to read post about so im physically restraining myself from going on about this anymore right this moment as much as i want to repeat myself forever about it bc GOD. God. god.
but anyway he was full of love and hope for k'oto, so much hope that he would be able to hold the light and prove mankinds worth so he could lay his mission to rest and stay by his side (and undo the spell holding his memories of the wedding) he was so SO ready for it and then. it just. all came crashing down :,) he'd allowed himself to let his guard down and put his duty aside and have hope in humanity again one last time and fall in love and k'oto just couldnt do it! even with his subtle help holding the light back he couldnt handle it, he was still too weak at 7 rejoinings and that shit hurted bad!!! he succumbed to the tempering and grief and rage and disappointment and closed himself off again…from there its probably the more canon adjacent bit of their story, graha tia acting embarassment, back to the tempest (altho k'oto doesnt remember having been there once before AUGH), amaurot, dying gasp :,)
throughout it all k'oto is trying desperately to get him to listen to him again but emet selch keeps cutting him off and ignoring him which hurts A LOT and ofc he says some. mean things to try and get him to just leave it be and accept what has to be done and stop talking about it bc HE didnt wanna think about it anymore EITHER obviously here but k'oto doesnt give up he keeps trying all the way to the very end….he never planned to kill emet selch, he just wanted to weaken him enough that he would take a moment to stop and think and listen , a last ditch effort to fix things but ardbert (and everyone else really) saw that it was like. too late for that. there was no way in hell emet selch was hearing reason anymore and if k'oto let him live there was a pretty high chance he would just kill him when he tried to get close to him so he took control of his body and made sure that axe killed, oops! way to kill a dudes soulmate and then be absorbed into his soul so you can never actually apologize for it…when the dust settled and k'oto realized what had happened he. was. A MESS!!
the only thing stopping him from breaking down right away was emet selch shushing him like 'let me enjoy this last moment with you in peace and quiet'……remember us and all that (although 'us' had a very obvious double meaning here
anyway tldr; WEHHHHHHH,,,,,,,
sorry for unreadability i very much wrote it exactly as it came out of my brain which is a long run on thought with no consideration for line or paragraph breaks. i tried to turn it into a few chunks for you
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chromes-corner · 2 years
Filling out my cacao storyline bingo card + explanations and stuff
(Spoilers under cut)
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BINGO!!!!! 🥳
Okay I’m going to go through every square and talk about them bc I have too much time on my hands (ones marked in red were ones I marked in my bingo card)
Espressoleine hint/tease
Thank god there was none of that
Dark Choco redemption/hinting at redemption
So, I think this once speaks for itself. It’s less of a redemption and more of the start of the redemption. I’m marking it down.
Affogato is a villain or at least morally grey
Self explanatory
Dark cacao/affogato ship art
Surprisingly, I haven’t seen a ton of it. I really thought a bunch of people would jumping on that wagon haha
Espresso dialogue
UGHHHH I WISH HE AND AFFOGATO INTERACTED!!!! I did like his little thing with the destroyed coffee tribe village in 13 tho
new bonds
That shits so disappointing like cmon
Insufficient Caramel Arrow story involvement
YESSS!!!! THEY DIDNT SHAFT MY GIRL!!!!!!!! I would’ve liked to hear more about her relationship with Choco but that little bit about him teaching her to fight sated my thirst pretty well lol
WHYYYYY DEVSIS!!! YOU GIVE US COOL FUCKING LORE AND DESIGNS AND YOU DONT USE IT????? I want to know more about the black and white dragons so fucking badly. I’m assuming they’ll never have story relevance now which makes me SO MAD!!!! They’re everywhere on the cacao kingdom architecture!!!! Please tell us more about them and their significance to cacao culture!!!!! I will never not be pissed about that :/
Dark enchantress involvement
She wasn’t there lol
Cacao in disguise
Very glad they didn’t go the “omg he’s disguised nobody knows who he is” route. I like that it took him a while to get into his armor. I really hope we get the robes as a costume :)
Lack of Dark Enchantress involvement
Like, she wasn’t there in person is what I was going for with that one.
Dark Choco is kicked from the meta since Cacao is meta
Now, I almost didn’t mark this one, but I’m counting it since I hardly see Choco in arena anymore. Personally I still prefer him for stuff like guild battles and bosses, but yeah having used cacao he’s like way better lol
Dark cacao thirst
It’s my free space but still. I’ve seen it. You’ve seen it. God has seen it.
Impossible boss
Yeah uhhhhh that 14-30 kinda…… um…… let’s just say I miss raspberry
F2P players shafted
Yeah lol I did the math on like the first day. Sorry f2p homies 😔
Coffee tribe mention
Well, at least they were mentioned…? Still would’ve liked more. Devsis fucking sucks at worldbuilding :(
No CoD storyline mention
Arena saturation
Yeah self explanatory
Dark Choco has no plot relevance
Emotionally absent father
Okay I was on the fence about marking this one but tbh this is how I interpreted it. Cacao seemingly only trained his son for battle and never really was a “father” to him, yknow?
No info about golden cheese
Kill me
No trauma resolution
I was also on the fence about this one but I decided that yeah it happened. Cacao realizing where he went wrong in fatherhood was probably as far as it could go anyway since the damage had already been done, and Choco, well, that’s an entire other post
Gingerbrave on his dumb shit
SURPRISINGLY DIDNT HAPPEN!!!!! Really happy about that. Happy about gingergangs entirely separate involvement in the plot this time. I liked seeing the others work it out on their own without fireteam mcguffin butting in with their “you have depression? Just smile :)” bullshit
Surprised that there were no flashbacks. Well there was one VERY brief one but I’m not counting it. Wish we saw more cacao and young Choco interactions so we could fully understand their relationship :/
Glimpse of milk tribe
Thank you for this crumb of sustenance devsis. It will tide me over until we get some golden cheese info or another ovenbreak legendary :)
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bobataeminsuga · 3 years
everyone's talking about music in your asks so i wanna know what your music hcs are for the genshin boys 👉👈
anon im so sorry for taking so long to reply but i really thought about it... and this is the first time ive ever made like a list of hcs so bear with me
i didnt know whether you meant hcs for the type of music they listened to or like them as musicians so i kinda did both
Genshin boy’s music headcannons under the cut!!
characters: kaeya, diluc, venti, albedo, bennett, razor, xingqiu, chongyun, zhongli, childe, xiao, scaramouche, aether, dainsleif
I get big sweater weather by the neighbourhood vibes from him
bi icon i guess
He loves the neighbourhood
Daddy issues by the neighbourhood yessir
He can play the guitar. his voice is okay, he’s not bad, he can sing and its really nice but its not the prettiest out of all the genshin boys
he loves serenading people and it just works bro, he knows exactly how to make people fall for him
a lot of ppl say he would listen to like emo music or something but he listens to classical music
i mean he's a nobleman after all
he grew up learning the piano so he fell in love with classical music at a young age
unlike kaeya, he doesnt serenade people, instead you can find him playing piano at midnight, very captivating (i think i said this in a previous post lol)
hates it when kaeya gets control over the music
definitely the "pop music is so annoying and meaningless" bitch
nicki Minaj
I dont know why but nicki Minaj
Maybe doja cat too ngl
tbh venti just loves every genre of music
but he really loves everything the nameless bard has ever sung to him - whether it was an original song or not
Learnt every instrument just so he could play the nameless bard’s music wherever he went - venti loves him and his music very much
Something magical
ghibli soundtracks maybe?
he likes merry-go-round from howls moving castle that's for sure
maybe chill vibey music
Luke chiang, maybe?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he could play the piano too but violin me thinks… or maybe viola just to prove how much better he is at music theory oooh so fancy he can read alto clef even though violas suck
Only sings lullabies to klee, doesnt sing otherwise, but he has a very calming and pretty singing voice, everyone wishes he sang more (khoi dao singing :,) )
number one victory royale- no jk he doesn't listen to that shit unironically
bennett likes Wilbur Soot
really likes your new boyfriend
but other than that he really likes music with deep lyrics, he likes meaningful things
he also really likes singing, he's not that great at it but he loves it and he wants to get better at it
would probably be a band kid, probably plays the trumpet or something
razor doesn't really understand music
he doesn't have a favourite genre or artist or song
but he really likes bennett's singing
even if bennett thinks he's bad, razor likes listening to him sing, he thinks bennett is the best singer in all of teyvet
he doesn't know this wilbur soot guy, he thinks those are bennett’s songs and that bennett wrote im in love with an egirl about fischl and doesn’t know how to feel about that
Razor cant play any instruments but if he did maybe drums??? Hm… 
everyone thinks he likes classical music - which he does, its just not his favourite
he listens to cavetown me thinks
like i think he listens to cavetown if you get what im saying
Sings lemon boy to chongyun even if he isnt a good singer
He plays the flute, not the best, he’s still learning
his older brother plays the violin and they often argue about which is the better/worse instrument
rnb? I get an rnb vibe from him
maybe krnb? like junny and crush
Chongyun is very swaggy imo so i feel like he’d like swaggy chill music therefore krnb
Not the biggest fan of cavetown but if xingqiu is listening to this is home then chongyun knows he has to be there to comfort him and sits through the song anyways 
Chongyun doesnt play any instruments, he sings all the time without realizing it though
he has a very nice voice and xingqiu always tells him this but he doesnt believe this (kinsens singing voice ;-;)
yet another classical music enjoyer
doesnt really mind other genres but he doesnt really like rap
also really likes old rock
journey, the Beatles, queen, he loves it all
but his favourite song is the song guizhong sings to the glaze lilies, nothing can replace that
Cant sing for shit, which is why he cant pick glaze lilies himself
Cant play any instruments either, playing music was always guizhong’s thing, not really his so he never bothered learning
pop music, whatever’s on the radio im sorry white boy
but also… hayloft? I feel like he would listen to hayloft but the question is would he listen to hayloft?
Surprisingly listens to rich brian bc he heard scaramouche listening once and loved it
Can sing, like he gets the notes right and stuff, nobody wants to hear it though (im so sorry griffin burns)
But sometimes he sings lullabies to tonia, anton, and teucer and :,)
Knows a little bit of piano - he had to teach tonia a bit back home bc they couldnt afford a piano teacher for her until he became a harbinger
my chemical romance- nah I'm just joking he likes calming music, mcr and music like that would actually get on his nerves
he likes whatever venti plays
which makes him another big fan of the nameless bard - he doesnt know the songs aren’t venti’s though
I think he likes joji, slow dancing in the dark and like you do are his favourites
Agoraphobic by corpse husband
Wishes he knew more about music but whenever venti offers to teach him he gets all “an adeptus doesn’t need to know such things”
He only sings to venti and the traveler whenever he thinks they’re asleep or sings them to sleep but he has sUCH A NICE VOICE (orz kinsen) - traveler and venti team up to get him to sing more
Corpse husband.
literally just loud music with heavy bass I can see scaramouche listening to that
blasts that shit at the zapolyarny palace so that everyone knows he's there
signora hates it - childe, not so much but finds it a bit annoying sometimes
This man cant sing, he refuses to and he refuses to play an instrument
Cheating is a crime by takayan is his anthem
He likes whatever reminds him most of home, whatever makes him nostalgic
butterfly by bts
Youth by troye sivan
how to save a life by the fray
Mr loverman by ricky montgomery?
yeah sad music, he doesn't know where his sister is, he wants to go home, of course he'd be sad
Aether likes troye sivan, he gives me that vibe
Ukulele boy aether :o
He used to play the ukulele and sing with lumine (luyin kana’s voice :”) )
abyss prince aether tho hmmm… might be a different story, i feel like he wouldnt be a ukulele boy but he would still listen to sad music me thinks
He doesn’t listen to music
Knows about music, but doesn’t listen to it
They say long ago he used to sing a lot, rumour has it he was one of the best singers in Khaenri'ah, he doesnt sing anymore
Hears aether singing and gets sad about lumine (or vice versa)
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