#i do have names for his siblings that I'll add if I feel like it (and if this is well-received)
noahtally-famous · 1 year
some Dave family & childhood/adolescence headcanons:
bc I wanna dissect this guy and his mind fr-
(fyi I'm desi (a person of South Asian descent born in another country), and I'm like 99% sure Dave is desi as well, so this is just a note for ppl so y'all are aware that I'm an Indian too! however, if anything at all mentioned below doesn't sound right (and not opinions, though I'd love to hear those too, I mean like actual info) pls lmk!)
uh, also mentions of homophobia, internalized homophobia, and trauma relating to mysophobia
some of these might be subject to change or tweak here and there, but overall, I'm satisfied with what I have!
- his father is a prestigious businessman who was born in Canada—he worked his way from the ground up as his parents (Dave’s grandparents) were immigrants from India; his reputation is everything to him, and he sees his family as a way to enhance said reputation so that he doesn’t lose face.
- his mother is descended from a wealthy family—she likes to say her great-grandfather was a Baron who’d resided on the India-Nepal border—and she was born in London. It was her grandparents (Dave’s great-grandparents) who emigrated from India to the UK. She’s artistic and the lower level of their house is her own studio.
- Dave’s parents marriage was more of an ‘alliance’ than anything. It’s little details that are also glaringly obvious that signified to him that his parents really didn’t love each other in that way—and if they did, it isn’t a priority; things like his mother hyphenating her last name and not fully taking his fathers, the distance in the way they interact, just slight emotional ticks that let him know their love was more of a facade.
- since then, Dave vowed that if he ever found someone, the love they’d share would be real and genuine—ironically, he became a bit of a romantic (okay, a huge romantic). Obv his parents weren’t good role models in the romance department but all those movies he’d watched are!
- anyway back to the family; Dave’s father spent long hours either at the office or traveling for business. Whenever he’s away, their house feels a bit more like a home—his mother unfurls like a flower and her already overprotective nature due to his weak immune system heightens, and Dave let’s himself believe he’s a normal guy in a normal family when this happens.
- but eventually his father returns and the emotional distance ensues, the high expectations, his mother retreating back into her shell, and the reality hits that he just can’t ever be ordinary.
- only one person has brought up the topic of a divorce and it’s his older brother; it’s mentioned half-heartedly too as though he knew she’ll disagree. It’s a funny thing; Dave’s mother does love his father and maybe that feeling is returned, but there’s so much weight and expectations and pressure they’d placed upon themselves that whatever affection is straining.
- his father reacts to this by overworking himself; his mother by retreating.
- (Dave also vowed that him and his lover won’t have a relationship this complicated. It’ll be simple, cliche, normal, and perfect.)
- Dave has Middle Child Syndrome. He has three other siblings and he’s not just the middle kid, but also the kid who doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing (in other words, who doesn’t seem to be able to ‘enhance the family name rep’. He’s just…There.)
- perhaps that’s why he and his father are so distant—more than his siblings are. No matter how hard he tries to impress his father with anything, it goes awry and/or his father never seems to give him more than a curt nod.
- there’s his older sister: she’s graduated from law school, is 25, and is currently an attorney for their fathers business. She goes with him on his business trips, and Dave is so not jealous. She’s strong, bold, and isn’t afraid to look assholes, sexism, and racism in the eye and shoot them down with her words and expressions. She’s like the shield, a mature presence in the siblings’ lives.
- his older brother is second. A double-major in history and business, and 22 years old. At first, he was meant to take on the mantle of their fathers business when the time was right. However, that took a drastic turn when news got out that his brother was fully and utterly homosexual. Naturally the equation in his fathers head was: ‘homosexuality = hate = losing precious reputation’ and the following arguments that spawned between the two of them from this were some of the nastiest. That’s when Dave, listening in keyholes, over banisters, and in other random locations, found out one huge thing: his father is a homophobe.
- (not that that mattered to him. He’s straight, he liked only girls. Right?)
- anyway, their father told his brother to ‘hide his gayness’ and pretend he’s straight. His brother said that’s bullshit and that everything rich ppl do is ‘pretend’. Long story short, his brother moved out. Currently, he lives in Europe and owns an art gallery that his mother sends her artwork to (his father found out abt that once, and that resulting fight was a mess too--but dw she still does it and he can't stop her).
- Dave hates him. He wants to hate him so fucking badly for leaving him behind, for not listening to their dad and pretending to be straight, for being gay in the first place! Bc he and his brother were tight; they were super close and he’s the one guy Dave felt he could rely on and now?? He’s in another damn continent and Dave’s stuck in this suffocating atmosphere and ugh, goddammit he wants to hate him but he can’t bc he’s his brother and he loves him. So yeah. He def has mixed feelings lmao
- (this is also when his internalized homophobia started. He doesn’t care who other ppl love, he just cares who he loves. He’s not making the same mistake his brother did.)
- his younger sister, 14-15 years old, going into high school. Unlike the rest of their siblings, she doesn't want to be bogged down by office work or business drags. With a foot in every sport imaginable and an expert breakdancer, she's already got her sights set on making it professional in the sports category or becoming a famous dancer (maybe both, depending on how good she is, and she is good). She may only be in 9th grade, but words already spread that she's been scouted to go pro. She takes self-defense classes, helps coach soccer and softball for the younger kids during summers, and basically whatever her siblings didn't do in the athletic field, she's making do with flying colors.
- so yeah. After all this, you can see why Dave feels as lost as he does. Whichever way he turns, there's one or more of his siblings achieving great things, and he's just there...doing nothing...not being recognized because he's good at nothing. Just average. At every goddamn thing.
- normally he'd be fine with that, considering that's what ordinary ppl feel and that's what he wants to be, but it goes at odds with the side of him who wants to impress his father, make his mother proud, also stay at the same level as his siblings are.
- he's just so confused, he doesn't know what to do, and he's too scared to take a step forward. He's just some sheltered rich kid who doesn't understand/know cues in society, what good is that?
- onto his childhood/adolescence; boarding schools. That's basically all he's known. And ofc it has to be fancy boarding schools that the parents of other rich kids send them bc despite Dave being so average, his father will be damned if he sends him off to some middle-grade school.
- boarding schools left their own respective impressions on him as well. He used to be made fun of, teased, and even bullied bc rich ppl are nasty and they don't hold back—even to one of their own (especially to one of their own). One stark incident that left a huge mark on him was when he was eleven and his bullies took things a bit too far--you can't put a bunch of kids whose parents are competitive maniacs in a harsh cooperative and/or political world together and expect nothing crazy to happen; this was one of those crazy incidents. Long story short: some older kids took advantage of the fact that Dave has a weak immune system, lots of dirt was involved, a near burying-alive incident, lots of name-calling and taunting, and, as a result, on top of his immune system problems, he developed mysophobia too—which added more to his germaphobic tendencies.
- Whenever he's in a situation similar to the one that triggered this phobia, he falls into a panic. Those first few weeks, months, couple of years, it was horrible; only his siblings (mainly his younger sister and older brother bc his older sister was away a lot) and his best friend at the time would make any headway pulling him out of that trauma. Overtime (and the only time Dave was actively determined to do smth) he forced himself, his mind, his body reactions, to tune in with his thoughts so that if he ever got into a panic, he'd have a greater chance of pulling himself out instead of relying on someone else.
- but yeah. He has mysophobia, is a germaphobe, and has a weak immune system (smth his father considered a weakness) so him asking if smth is unhealthy or dangerous or "of questionable origin" isn't just him being a hypochondriac.
- that wasn't the only thing he went through in boarding schools. But, before we get to that, imma just say after that incident, he learned his lesson—he learned that rich kids are nasty pieces of shit and he's not gonna get anywhere the way he's being right now. So he excels in the art of people-watching, of careful observation that over time just becomes a habit/instinct—scoping out the opposition. He knows who's the assholes, who're worth interacting with, what to do to stay under the radar. Like magic, the lack of bullies dwindles once he starts doing that, and he finds out that everyone rlly does have something to hide—but he's not a blackmailer, he just observes, gives a mental nod, and moves on with his life.
- he often fluctuates with what his father would expect of him, and what he expects from himself; one of them is the lengths to go to stay on top. For example, despite knowing he's not a blackmailer, he'll still hesitate bc it's "what his father would've wanted".
- anyway, he's switched boarding schools twice—the first bc of the dirt incident, the second bc that's when he got his sexual awakening:
- his best friend in that boarding school—the only person he lets loose around—ends up also being someone he, to his horror, gets a crush on. Why horror, you might ask? Simple: his best friend is a guy.
- see: Dave's internalized homophobia. My dude already has fluctuating feelings abt impressing his dad, if he comes out as liking guys, he just knows that's not gonna be well-received. Literally, the one thing he thought wouldn't ever happen does. So he reacts in typical Dave-fashion: he panics, and does what his mum would do: retreat. He basically runs away from the problem lmfao, he ignores his best friend—which he still feels guilty for to a degree bc the one person who accepted him for who he was and supported him, and he just...stomped on him bc of a sexuality crisis lmao. And that's not the worst of it: he actually nails the head in the coffin by asking his dad to switch him to another boarding school bc his roommate is gay. (And yeah, ofc, they were roommates lmao).
- not his best moment, everyone's well aware.
- (and try as he might, his bisexuality (though he doesn't know that he's bisexual yet) isn't "gone" like he hoped it was; it's more so repressed, buried, deep within him, but in a manner that one tilt off-axis will send him spiraling into another sexuality crisis)
- anyway, he's in his third boarding school when he comes across the Total Drama audition flyer online, and decides why the heck not lmao.
- before his younger sister was born, Dave spent most of his early childhood at his aunts place—his mother's younger sister. The utter normalcy of the place compared to what he’s used to astounds little him, and his visits there leave a great impact on him. His aunt, an art teacher at a local school, had a small, modest house filled with sketches, paintings, murals, and the various designs and bright colors were mesmerizing to him. They took him to a world where only colors mattered and nothing else. His aunt doted on him too, and Dave loved spending his days in that house more than his own place.
- Unfortunately, when he was seven, his aunt died—a mundane way to die for a mundane young lady, he couldn’t help thinking; (I'm thinking either getting hit by a car while crossing the street or what is a 'simple viral infection' which turned out to actually be a tumor). As mentioned though, those times left a great impact on him. Made him realize that it is possible to an extent to lead an ordinary life even while connected to such extraordinary. It also made him harbor a love for art—any and all kind of it (except maybe pottery bc it’s messy, as well as the unconventional types like using dirt and the outdoors as tools).
- her death, if I wanna go the tumor route, will emphasize his germaphobic tendencies and his mysophobia. Depending on which road I wanna take, if I do this, the dirt incident at the boarding school won’t have happened, maybe?? not quite sure 🤔
- given all this, it's no wonder he has attachment issues. Usually, he's standoffish, he keeps to himself, he still interacts with ppl but he doesn't trust or get close to ppl easily. But when he does, when he finds someone who he actually vibes with, he sorta just...latches to them bc of this worry that they might leave him, or the other shoe will drop, or smth bad will happen to them. Basically, it's hard for him to let go. He's capable of it, but it's difficult for him to process—heightened depending on how strong the bond is with the other person.
- being ordinary is the center point of this guy's persona—his core existence. it's why when he auditioned for Total Drama, he's labeled as "A Normal Guy". He didn't mention anything abt his family and if he had to, it was the bare minimum; no one knows who his parents are, who he's connected to, they just know him as a germaphobic average joe.
bonus stuff:
- for his last name, I'm thinking Jha??? idk I rlly like it and I think it suits him.
- vegetarian, due to his cultural background.
- hates horror movies, he's the guy to cling onto your hand or arm if you're watching one with him, and def the type to scream at the jump scares and then curse up a storm.
- gore is a no. it's too messy and makes his stomach twist; same with zombies bc uh...the effects are basically overkill for him. (Shawn dared him during one of their scavengings that if he won the show, Dave would watch a bit of The Walking Dead with him. Rip Dave lmao.)
- he can tolerate horror and gory movies, btw, he just doesn't prefer it.
- I've this standing silly hc that he and Noah are family friends; as a desi, let me tell you, we've a lot of family friends lmao. The opposites of his and Noah's home lives only serve to prove that it is possible to lead a normal life where your emotions aren't secondary to the public.
- despite leading a variety of lives, Dave and his siblings are pretty close! When they were little, they used to have tree-climbing contests, which is why, even if his arms might look chickeny, his legs are pretty strong stamina-wise. They might be more distant now with a lot more differences between them, but they're capable of standing together when need be.
- speaks English and Hindi; due to his upbringing, he's fluent in several other languages too.
- obv closet disaster bi; his main fear is someone will find out and his sexuality will be exposed on international television
- likes to garden, but only if he's wearing gardening gloves; he also feels productive when doing so bc it makes him feel strong tackling the dirt to let beautiful plants grow—like facing his fears to let smth else grow there instead. He has several potted plants in his house.
- while he seems standoffish and 'colder' at first, ironically, he also has the tendency to get emotional easily. Especially when it comes to rejection—he's not very good at handling that. Basically he's a mix of nervousness and distant—he can be quick to judge, especially when it comes to ppl who have different quirks like Beardo and Leonard.
- he learned coding bc that’s what his dad wanted him to do. All he got from his father was the usual ‘curt nods’ so he thinks he’s just average at it. Whenever his dad gives him one of those nods, Dave just assumes that means he’s not particularly exceptional at whatever it is he’s currently doing—even if that may not be the case.
- the attachment issues and emotional detachment of his family are one of the main reasons for his snarky self-aware yet also lack of self-awareness (and, at times, rude) personality; I want to say it's like a shield--the snarkiness, I mean--but it's also basically an ingrained habit.
- doesn't like being called David. his father (and his mother, oftentimes) tend to call him that, and hearing the name reminds him of them and the expectations and pressure and everything he cannot be. He much prefers Dave.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
Excerpt from an in-progress DP x DC soulmate AU starring Jazz Fenton, a very unfortunate mugger, and a smoothie. Oh, and I guess Jason is there too.
Jazz meets her soulmate in, of all places, Park Row. Or as the locals call it, Crime Alley.
Seems about right for her life, she decides as she kicks the shit out of the guy who was trying to stab him for his wallet fifteen seconds ago. Her soulmate watches her curiously, seeming unconcerned by the fuss, and takes a sip of his smoothie.
Also seems about right, for her soulmate. A guy who got too nervous when necessary violence happened was not going to survive Thanksgiving in Amity Park, much less Christmas.
Well, it is Gotham.
"Hi," he says.
"Hi, sorry, one sec," Jazz says, then leans over the groaning mugger and offers him a card to the best local crisis center she's managed to track down via research and word of mouth in the four months she's been in Gotham. Not her card, obviously, since she just roundhouse-kicked the guy in the head to protect her soulmate from him and that's arguably a conflict of interest. Or close enough, anyway. "So you should check these guys out, they've got a very high success rate in their job program and there's an associated food bank and rent assistance, if you qualify."
"What?" the mugger says dazedly.
"Also if you ever touch my soulmate again I'll make you wish for the cold mercy of the Infinite Realms," Jazz adds pleasantly. The guy goes very, very pale. Then he snatches the card from her and runs for his life and eternal soul.
"This is the nicest thing the universe has ever done to me," her soulmate muses, taking another sip of his smoothie.
"Getting you mugged?" Jazz asks wryly, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Are you religious? Do you want kids?" her soulmate asks. "Also, who's your favorite Bat?"
"Robin, obviously," Jazz says. "The overdramatic and feral little stabby one, I mean. He reminds me of my little brother. Makes me feel a little bit maternal, to be honest. So that answers two out of three, and as far as religion goes, I only believe in Psychology Today, highly customized guns, and my mom's ninth-degree black belt."
"This better not awaken anything in me," her soulmate mutters under his breath.
"That seems unlikely, or we wouldn't be soulmates," Jazz says.
"Point," he says, sipping his smoothie again. Jazz didn't even know anywhere in Crime Alley sold smoothies, but she is new around here. "Wanna go break my bed? Or maybe go get coffee?"
"You've already got a smoothie," Jazz says.
"So I do," he says.
Jazz looks him over. He's her soulmate, so she's not surprised to find him gorgeous. She wasn't ever expecting a familial soulmate–Danny is a very intense sibling to have, and her parents are very intense parents to have, not to mention everything about Dani, and "soulcousins" aren't typically a thing–and she's never been especially interested in keeping around too many close friends, so considering all that, she was already expecting her soulmate to be a romantic one. If they are platonic, it's definitely only going to be because her soulmate is an aromantic asexual. Which he probably isn't, since he already asked about kids and religion and if she wanted to go break his bed.
Then again, she's met people who'll posture worse than that. Especially guys, and especially ace ones with a clear investment in their masculinity, and given this particular guy is built like a brick house could only dream to be, chances are he has some feelings about his masculinity. Though he's also drinking a visibly pink smoothie, not a neutral-colored protein shake or generic black coffee, so . . . fifty-fifty there, maybe?
Further inquiry will probably be required.
"I'm Jazz," she tells him. "What's your name?"
"Robin," he says. Then he–pauses. Blinks. "I mean–Robin."
He looks very confused for a second, and Jazz blinks too, and refocuses her eyes a bit. Oh, is he–
"Are you overshadowing that guy?" she assumes. For the love of–of course her soulmate would be a ghost, she thinks dryly. Who'd want a soulmate their mom and dad wouldn't want to grill for information and ask a thousand invasive questions, after all? "I mean, he's really hot, don't get me wrong, he looks good on you, but I'd rather meet you for real."
"'Overshadowing'?" Robin looks bemused.
"I'm Danny's sister," Jazz clarifies. Robin does not look less bemused. "You know, the new king?"
"What?" Robin says. Jazz frowns a little, feeling a bit bemused herself.
"Do you not get out much?" she asks.
"Never, actually, but also yes and constantly and way too often," Robin says. "My job is kind of demanding that way."
"What's your job?" Jazz asks curiously. Ghosts' jobs are always interesting, even if only for how they interact and manifest with their Obsessions. She wonders what his Obsession is, actually, because smoothies seem like an unlikely option but she doesn't have much else to go on here.
Can't be weirder than Box Ghost, either way.
"I'm a Bat," Robin says, then looks absolutely alarmed and also absolutely horrified.
"Huh," Jazz says, tilting her head. He seems really big to be one of the Robins, and a little too old besides. A year or two younger than her, maybe, and even the older Robin she's pretty sure is at best Danny's age. Though that's assuming this body is the one he fights crime in, admittedly. Although it's kinda funny if one of the Bats is just named Robin. Must get annoying on patrol, though. "I didn't know any of you were dead, but I guess that's not actually a surprise either, given the profession."
"Why did I say that to you?" Robin asks tightly.
"I told you, I'm the new king's sister," Jazz says. "You know, it's the royal family thing. Technically I'm his regent, legally speaking, but only because I'm better at paperwork and he doesn't count as a legal adult in the Infinite Realms yet. Hasn't been dead long enough, you know how it is. But I've been alive long enough to, apparently? But his 'being alive' technically stopped tracking at fourteen. It's complicated, basically."
"What the fuck does that mean?!" Robin demands.
"It means you can't lie to me because you're one of my brother's subjects," Jazz says, really not understanding his reaction. Every ghost knows this, after all. The only ones who wouldn't know it are too young to be away from their guardians' haunts or even leave the Infinite Realms at all. Definitely a ghost who knows how to overshadow someone this thoroughly and fully is old enough and experienced enough to know it, though. "Whose body is that, anyway?"
"It's my father's," Robin says. Jazz's eyes widen a little and she has several very concerned internal reactions before he chokes and sputters–"I mean–it's not–he's not–!"
"You realize there is no healthy way to mean that, right?" Jazz says. Robin looks frustrated and freaked out and she feels bad about it, because she didn't mean or want to upset him, but she clearly has. "Sorry. I mean, I still secretly feel like I'm the one parenting my parents half the time, you're not the only one with weird feelings about yours."
"I'm his," Robin says, then grits his teeth in visible pain. He's this close to crushing the smoothie cup he's holding but hasn't actually done it. Jazz wonders if that's an example of deliberate self-control or subconscious restraint.
She's pretty sure Robin didn't mean to say that, though.
"Are you okay?" she asks, a little concerned. Normally ghosts just stop talking about things they want to lie about, when they realize who she is.
"No," Robin says. "I'm just his. I've always been his, I always will be, his good soldier, his worst mistake, not his actual fucking son, why am I telling you this?!"
"I don't know," Jazz says, frowning in increased concern. "Usually people can work around the inability to lie a little bit, but you sound like you're being compelled to speak. Increasingly like, actually. Hm. What's your Obsession? And what kind of core do you have?"
"What?" he says.
"They might be making you unstable, is all," Jazz says. "I don't think it'd be a soulmate thing but to be fair I don't really know how that works. Are you dead, or are you a manifestation of something?"
"I'm dead," Robin says, staring at her. "That bastard clown beat my head in with a crowbar and blew up what was left of me. I woke up in my grave and–I–how did you know that?"
"Well, I didn't, that's why I asked," Jazz says reasonably, idly wondering why the Joker isn't dead yet, since this is Gotham and obviously it wouldn't be another "bastard clown" Robin was referencing, even if he wasn't a Bat. But like, at least dead via the court system, if nothing else. The Joker is insane, yes, but no one can argue he doesn't know right from wrong at this point. Does New Jersey just not have the death penalty, maybe? She hasn't thought to check. "Maybe it's the guy you're in? He's not drunk or high or anything, is he?"
"I hate drugs," Robin says, gritting his teeth again; tightening his grip on the smoothie again. He's trembling, just barely. "I hate them. I'd never touch them. I don't know what you are. You're scaring me. Please stop."
He definitely didn't mean to say that, Jazz can tell.
But . . . he doesn't know what she is.
He doesn't know.
Well, that's a problem.
"Robin," she says gently, and for some reason his face twists painfully at the sound of his own name. "Can I see your core? Please?"
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eliluvschan · 6 months
My Eternity
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 2.098
warnings: cutie channie explaining his relationship & like one curse word?
genre: fluff
a/n: when i tell you i've never had a boyfriend would you believe me? lmaoo i blame the 4am thoughts for this one. took me 4 hours to write this with like 7 mental breakdowns through? i was listening to WOW and i reeeaally wanted to add Jisung's; jeogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseoyo? but rlly didn't know how lmao + i'm addicted to this small lettertype so imma use it from now on ;) okay now i'll let you go read. enjoooooy ♡
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i’ve known you ever since the day when we were kids.
- we’ve been neighbours since childhood. you moved to my hometown, went to my class and blended in. everyone liked you, how could i not?
the happiest moment to ever exist.
- i was always happy when you sat beside me and my friends, not wanting to make friends with the others in high school.
check my bucket list, oh, you were on the list.
- before i met you, i didn’t have a bucket list. you just kind of became my best friend and we made a bucket list together. i never showed you mine, cause you were on the list.
i’m living the dream, somebody heard my wish.
- it has always been my dream to have someone like you by my side, so understanding, so beautiful with such an amazing soul. my wish has been heard and i’ve been the happiest ever since.
call out your name.
- my Y/nnie, princess, little one, baby girl, sweetheart, darling, love, honey, baby, jagiya, sweetie, future wifey, koala bear, cuddle bug and many more sweet names. i can give you a million nicknames.
you do the same.
- Channie, future husband, baby, jagiya, sweetheart, cutie, sweetie, boyfriend, darling, baby boy, prince, hottie, kangaroo, Chris, Christopher, Bahng. you never run out of nicknames for me and they always make me blush, laugh and flutter.
hug you all day.
- you love hugging me and so do i. it’s the best part of when i come home after a tiring day of practice and engulf you in a big hug like it’s the last time i’ll ever hug you.
i hope this’ll never end for eternity.
- i love you like the person you are, how your nose and brows scrunch together when you can’t open something and always ask me, or how you silently hug me from behind or the side when i’m busy producing songs. i don’t ever want to leave your side.
— ❀ —
i just want all time to stop.
- time has always been an issue. whether it’s morning or evening. i won’t ever get tired of you. the way you whine in the mornings for five more minutes, or evenings when you cling to me like my little koala bear.
— ❀ —
i’m never letting go.
- i am never letting go of you. you’re stuck with me jagiya. now until eternity.
let’s go on a little walk, see the world outside.
- i always have to drag you outside, or else you want to stay inside most of the times we're together. it's cute.
don't wanna let you go.
- never ever will i leave you. my eyes always find you in a crowd, at concerts or fan-meetings. one small smile and i feel like i can achieve anything in this big, scary world.
the way that you give me your hands, i'll fly.
- the first time you gave me your hand, was when your date dumped you at prom. you were so sad and i wanted to punch the bastard right then and there. even though i wanted to be the one who took you to prom in the first place.
at times when i feel down or empty.
- the times when i'm stressed with work, or when i have writers-block, you're always there to distract me. even without me saying anything, makes me love you even more.
you're always beside me.
- you're always there to catch me at my lowest moment. when i feel like a bad leader, or when i feel like i'm not enough for you, the boys or my siblings back in australia. you're just there doing something random with Jisung or Hyunjin and it brings the hugest smile to my face, making me forget all my worries.
promise that i'll love you plenty.
- i promise that i'll always love you. even when i don't show it or say it enough, my heart only beats for you. the way you joke around with Changbin, Felix and I.N. or play savage with Lee Know or Seungmin. it just fills my heart even more than i thought it could.
i hope this'll never end for eternity.
- i'm sure i tell you this lots but the way you always fiddle with the strings of your (my) hoodie or the way you put your hands in your or my holes in our jeans when you're anxious. it's adorable.
— ❀ —
when i look at you i know that you're the only one.
- i have never been in serious relationships but this one with you is something else. i want you to know that i want you as my first and last for everything.
the only one yeah.
- you're the only one that can make me do things i usually hate and the only one that can calm me down in your own magical way.
nothing in the world could beat our little special bond.
- nothing in the world can try and break our bond. with each other we can be crazy in our own way and none of us would judge each other for that.
'cause we are one.
- we are one. you complete me just as i complete you. you know everything of me like i know everything about you.
run around and make a mess, we don't even have to rest.
- the boys are always loud and a mess so i guess i need you to help me clean after them. being a dad of 7 is a tiring job. luckily i have you and together we can do anything.
every moment is a precious memory.
- every moment together or with the boys are precious. like dancing with danceracha until the early mornings, rapping sessions with 3racha in the studio or just joking around with vocalracha when they have nothing to do.
the way you wake me up in bed, yeah, i hope this never ends.
- you always lave little kisses around my face or just stare at me, staying in my embrace. it's mainly me waking you up cause you love your sleep and always ask for 5 more minutes to lazy around in bed.
i'm lucky that you're my best friend so.
- my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, significant other, my future wife, my girlfriend, my everything. there aren't enough words to describe my love for you. guess we should thank your parents for moving right next to us when you were 10.
— ❀ —
i just want all time to stop.
- those last 16 years went by so fast, it's crazy how fast time flies. i'll never forget our first encounter at school. you bumping into me and then scolding me for accidentally dropping my juice box on your blouse. i felt bad and handed you my shirt. and had a huge smile each time i saw you wearing my shirt that day around school.
— ❀ —
i'm never letting go.
- the time i confessed, and you didn't reply, i thought you'd hate me. instead you grabbed my face and gave me a long and passionate kiss. you were barely 17. i was 20. yet it was the best decision i had made that day.
let's go on a little walk, see the world outside.
- our first date was a walk around the beach. your hand was safely in mine as it was a little over 12 am. our phones full of missed calls from our parents as we enjoyed each other's company.
don't wanna let you go.
- when we told our parents about our relationship, they were over the moon. they never expected us to end up together and your father gave me a firm handshake and told me to speak to him later. never had i feared for my life more than the glare he gave me.
the way that you'll give me your hands, i'll fly.
- the way your hands fit perfectly in mine. it's a sign huh? you're my soulmate now and forever. or how you moved to seoul for me because you couldn't stand the long distance, not realising it would be lonely for you. but then again, i forgot what a social butterfly you are and became friends with half the Kpop industry as you were a dance teacher yourself, teaching dances to little kids who were passionate about dancing.
at times when i feel down or empty.
- there's always times when i feel down or empty. like how i worry about if Berry might forget me after not seeing me for a long time and you reassuring me that she won't. because that's who you are, always reassuring me and the others if one of us is feeling stressed.
you're always beside me.
- you've always been beside me. when i was a trainee, when i debuted, when i wasn't sure about my career and all the other choices i made in these last 16 years. you could read me like an open book and knew all my struggles back then and now.
promise that i'll love you plenty.
- the boys are always complaining how mushy i get when they mention you. they've also mentioned a million times when i'll propose to you, not knowing i've started planning way ahead and am planning to ask you very soon.
i hope this'll never end for eternity.
- you always bring me and the boys lunch on your free days or in the weekend. knowing that we all love your cooked foods. and then like to hang around and even dance together with us to choreo's that Lee Know teaches us. or how you even made some changes to the dances cause you thought they could use another movement.
— ❀ —
ah-ooh (eternity)
- you'll always be my eternity.
— ❀ —
you make me call out your name.
- a little after 5 pm you arrive home. immediately jumping into my arms as you dump your shoes, coat and bag somewhere in the hallway. ''i missed you jagiya.'' i smile in your neck as you hum in response, telling me you missed me too.
you do the same.
- the way you always call my name when i come back home late. telling you not to wait up, yet every time you still do, attacking me in a tight hug and whine cutely telling me to take a quick shower before we head to bed.
hug you all day.
- the door opens and a few seconds later you're in the hallway with two heavy bags of groceries that you picked up on your way home. while you're cooking, i hug you from behind and we stay in each other's presence as you cook a delicious home made dish.
i hope this'll never end.
- even after a long, tiring day at work, you never fail to amaze me with the amazing dishes you learn from the internet, my mother or yours. the praises i give you aren't enough, so i'll feed you too.
— ❀ —
i'm never letting go.
- you've teased me a lot about going to my 'side-hoes' even though i've never had eyes for someone other than you. of course in those 6 years that we've been together we've had multiple fights. but we always went and apologised even if the fight wasn't that serious. we also have an unspoken rule to never go to bed upset and always communicate things with each other before accusing without proof.
let's go on a little walk, see the world outside.
- i'm planning on asking you on the beach. the exact same one where we had our first date years ago. i've got the perfect plan in mind to get you there and the best way to ask you. i can't wait to see your reaction to this song i wrote for you and the reaction you'll have when i go down on one knee and ask you to be mine for eternity.
don't wanna let you go.
- today, i asked your parents your hand in marriage. they were thrilled to see their little girl getting married to her first boyfriend from 16 years ago. 6 years ago your father glared at me for being the boyfriend of his daughter. today, he gave me a hug and told me he trusted me as your husband.
the way that you'll give me your hands, i'll fly.
- you're never getting rid of me, jagiya. i'll always love and cherish you for who you are. and so will the boys. they were so happy when i told them i'm finally proposing and wanted to be part of the plan too.
- you're sleeping in my arms right now, not realising that the ring i'm planning to slip on your finger soon, is safely in it's box in my right hand, while my left arm is tightly wrapped around your fragile body, holding you close to me, your head on my chest right where my heart is beating just for you.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Genshin Men headcanon? With a cute Obedient Wive/Girlfriend.
I don't want to put it in too details so I'll just keep it short and simple, basically it's a family thing where the wife have to be obedient with their spouse, but they can break following the spouse order if the spouse request is unreasonable, dangerous and etc. :)
Also can you add Cyno? Thanks
Awe housewife vibes! Also thank you for making it simple for me! Sometimes I find it difficult to understand longer requests so I really appreciate it, I hope you enjoy <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Obedient wife~༺}
CW: Just fluff!, established relationships and reader uses she/her pronouns! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon chérie and my love, Kazuha: Dearest, Neuvillette: Mon amour, Cyno: Beautiful)
(Includes: Lyney, Kazuha, Wanderer, Neuvillette, and Cyno!)
Lyney walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and hiding his face in the crook of your neck, his eyes lingering on the table set with your delicious cooking, "Thank you my love for preparing this for everyone...it all looks perfect." He placed a gentle kiss against your skin, making your face blush that perfect shade of pink he adored so much...he always knew how to get you flustered, "Anything for you dearest, speaking of which, do you need your clothes ironed? How about your hat, have you organised the tricks in it recently?" You awaited his response eagerly, wanting to do the best for your wonderful husband.
He chuckled softly, placing another sweet kiss on your cheek, "Mon chérie, you've done everything I could ask for, right now the only thing left is to spend time with me while we wait for my siblings...if you'd like to of course." You turned to face him, kissing his lips as if the answer were so obvious...cause it was, "There's nothing else Id rather do."
"Dearest, could you bring me my sword? Make sure to be careful, even a sheath cannot always contain the blade...I don't want you getting hurt." Kazuha glanced at you from his workstation, flashing that soft sweet smile that always made you swoon and gesturing to his sword not far from you. Even though you didn't know much about weapons, you liked helping him, following his instructions and being the most perfect wife you could be.
You carefully retrieved his sword, watching him with admiration as he sharpened the edges and repaired the handle, by the time he was finished it looked like new again and you were in awe. "You look amazed..., I promise this isn't as impressive as how I handle the blade. " He gently moved your hair away from your face and kissed your forehead, hoping to impress you even more later on.
You loved Wanderer with all your heart, you enjoyed pleasing him with home cooked meals, a clean house, but most of all you enjoyed his little requests he'd make. Most of them when the two of you were alone, he'd ask you to sit in his lap and talk with him about his day, or he'd ask for many kisses because he was truthfully addicted to them at this point.
Only issue was, every now and again when the two of you were in public and he was feeling particularly jealous he'd request...more forward things, not that consent was a issue, the two of you were married after all, but with so many people around...you had a hard time giving him what he wanted.
"Come on...just one extra deep kiss, I want to make sure everyone knows you're my wife, especially that annoying server who kept eyeing you." Your face was more than a little blushed, the server and most of the customers watching the two of you like you were modern day entertainment...but there wasn't anything wrong with what wanderer wanted...so you couldn't just say no...
"Very well...one more kiss..."
You set a stack of documents on Neuvillettes desk, straightening out any other loose papers for him and taking his crystal clear cup so you refill it with some more water, "Neuvillette, can I get you anything else?" He looked up from his work, his eyes instantly filling with warmth when they met yours...sometimes he got so wrapped up in his cases he forgot how gorgeous and sweet you were, "Mon amour...I apologize for not saying thank you earlier...I was to focused on my work. You've done more than enough for me, I appreciate it immensely...in fact I'm not sure what I would do without you."
You blushed at his kind words and leaned in to give him a kiss, his hand intertwining with yours while the other touched your cheek, "I love you Neuvillette."
"I love you too."
Cyno held your hand softly, walking with you around the many shops in Sumeru city, keeping a eye out for any wrong doers while you picked out fresh food for dinner. This time you held up a water melon for him, wondering if he'd like it for dessert... "Hmm what about this for desert honey?" He looked at the fruit for a moment, smiling in a way you knew meant he had a joke he wanted to tell you, "I'd have to arrest you for a melony if you don't make that for desert...get it? Melony, felony?"
You giggled happily and reached over to grab some more vegetables, holding up a carrot with a mischievous smile, "I get it...but I'm afraid I do not carrot all for your joke." You winked at him and he had to stand there for a minute to recuperate, he was actually dazed from falling for you so hard...all over again, "I...I love you so much. Never leave me..."
"Your wish is my command my love."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
Hi lovie! Could you do a drabble of maybe Enzo? Where the reader is on the beach or something w a friend, and runs into a little kid that's lost. Reader decides to help the kid, and this ends up being a good idea for the reader- the kids brother is fine
Anyways I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense, the idea started off as one of my (many) hopeless romantic delusions, and I'd love to see it written out, but my head refuses to come up with any more of the plot😔
Summer Kisses
pairing - lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
warnings - fluff, reader has siblings and hair, not proofread
a/n - I loved this one so much I couldn't stop myself, sorry it ended up being a little longer, I just had to add some stuff 💕💕 also, I have one more drabble request to do but I probably won't get to it before next week because I'm celebrating my birthday this weekend 🫣 I'll get it done first thing next week though!
wordcount - 2k
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You squinted against the glare of the sun as you walked along the sandy shore, your siblings scattered across their towels behind you, enjoying the warm day at the beach. The sound of crashing waves and children's laughter filled the air, the warm sand feeling soft beneath your feet. As you strolled along the water, your gaze caught sight of a small figure sitting alone, tears streaming down his face.
Approaching cautiously, you knelt beside the distraught child. "Hey there, what's wrong?" you asked gently.
The boy hiccupped, wiping his tears with sandy hands. "I-I can't find my parents or my brother," he whimpered. “I don’t know where I am.”
Your heart went out to him and you tried to put on your warmest smile, hoping it would help calm him down a little. "Why don’t I help you look for them? Don't worry, we'll find them together, okay?"
Taking his hand, you led him along the shoreline, scanning the area for any signs of his family. Time seemed to stretch as you searched, but just as panic about not finding them began to set in, you spotted someone fitting the boy’s descriptions running down the beach.
"Enzo!" the little boy called out at the same time you turned to point the person out, his voice tinged with relief as he dropped your hand.
Turning around, you found yourself face to face with who you assumed to be the older brother he had told you about. His brown eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene before him and he quickly sped up to meet the little boy halfway.
“There you are! Where did you run off to?” the boy with the messy brown hair knelt down to check his little brother over before his eyes fell back onto you, still awkwardly standing and watching them.
“She helped me find you,” the little boy pointed back at you, wiping at the last of his tears. “I was so scared.”
"Thank you so much for helping him," he said, his voice smooth and warm like melted caramel. He ruffled through his brother’s hair, pulling him against his side before stretching out a hand towards you with a charming smile. “I’m Enzo, by the way.”
You suddenly self-conscious under his gaze, quickly wiping your hand on your shorts before taking his and stammering out your own name. "It was no problem, really."
Enzo smiled gratefully, his charm radiating effortlessly. "I owe you one. How about I treat you to some ice cream as a thank you?"
Your heart skipped a beat at the offer, your cheeks flushing even more. "I-I would like that," you mumbled, trying to regain your composure. You hadn’t been prepared to meet a boy this cute today, and you were painfully aware of the itchy sand clinging to your skin and the horrendous state your hair was most likely in. No, this was definitely not the time to embarrass yourself in front of him any further. “But my siblings are probably waiting for me.”
As you parted ways with Enzo and the boy, you couldn't help but mentally kick yourself for your awkwardness. Regrouping with your siblings, you replayed the encounter in your mind, cursing your inability to keep your cool around someone as captivating as Enzo. You didn’t know which was worse, the thought of him forgetting about you instantly, or the possibility of him keeping the image of you all flustered in his mind.
Little did you anticipate that your evening was about to take an unexpected turn. After a leisurely dinner with your family, your siblings dragged you to the hotel bar, insisting on some nighttime fun. Despite your protests, you found yourself being swept along, the lively atmosphere of the bar pulling you in.
As the night wore on and the drinks flowed, the bar's host announced an impromptu karaoke session. Your siblings egged you on, pushing you towards the stage with mischievous grins. Reluctantly, you stepped onto the platform, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on you. Curse those damned drinks, you should have never agreed to this.
To your horror, the host then called for another volunteer, a partner for a duet. Before you could protest, your hand was grabbed and you were pulled towards the center of the stage. Your heart sank as you realized who had seized your hand, turning around to find the same warm brown eyes from the beach staring down at you.
Your cheeks burned as you stood beside him, the spotlight highlighting your discomfort. Enzo, however, seemed unfazed, his easy smile never faltering. With a reassuring look, he whispered, "We've got this."
You mentioned for him to choose a song, still trying to get your breathing back to normal from the shock of seeing him again. "How about this one?" he suggested, scrolling through the karaoke options until he settled on a familiar tune.
Your heart skipped a beat as the opening notes of "Material Girl" by Madonna filled the room. You couldn't believe your luck – or perhaps misfortune – as you he reached out to grab your hand again, laughing as he playfully twirled you under his arm.
Despite your initial shock, you couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. With a resigned shrug, you joined Enzo in the song, your voices blending surprisingly well as you sang.
As the chorus approached, Enzo threw himself into the performance, striking exaggerated poses and winking at the audience. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, the embarrassment of performing in front of a room of strangers already forgotten.
By the time the song ended, the crowd erupted into applause once again, cheering for the unexpected duo. As you stepped off the stage, you still felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins, the rush of performing with Enzo leaving you exhilarated.
But before you could catch your breath, Enzo had pulled you off stage, turning to you with a wide grin. Just as he was about to say something, your sisters swooped in, gushing about the cute guy you had just sung with. Their excited chatter filled the air as they bombarded you with questions, completely oblivious to your own swirling thoughts.
Your head swirled around, trying to sent him an apologetic smile, leaving him standing alone in the crowd. As you got dragged away to get another round of drinks, you couldn't help but feel a pang of regret at missing the chance to talk to Enzo further. Deep down, you hoped that this wasn't the last you would see of him.
The next day, you had finally managed to get some time to yourself lounging in a quiet spot by the pool. Stretching out on a lounge chair, you closed your eyes, allowing the warmth of the sun to wash over you, hoping to relax and clear your mind.
However, your peaceful moment was interrupted by a sudden shadow looming over you. Startled, you opened your eyes to find Enzo standing there, a playful grin on his face.
"Mind if I join you?" he asked, gesturing to the empty chair next to yours.
Your heart sped up at his unexpected appearance, but you managed to nod, trying to conceal the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "Sure, go ahead," you replied, sitting up and pushing your sunglasses up to rest on your hair.
Enzo settled into his chair lazily, turning onto his side and resting his head on his hand, facing you. He was looking just as charming as ever, eyes shining in the sun and his hair tousled adorably.
You found yourself relaxing in his presence, the initial awkwardness melting away as you chatted about everything from your favorite books to your shared love of music.
But as the conversation flowed, you couldn't shake the feeling of your siblings' eyes on you. Glancing over, you caught them sending you thumbs ups and miming kissing behind Enzo's back, causing you to stifle a laugh.
Despite their antics, you found yourself enjoying the moment, grateful for the chance to spend time with Enzo without the distractions of karaoke or crowded bars.
The poolside was quiet now, the sun beginning its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden hue over the water. You had decided to take advantage of the peaceful atmosphere and indulge in a solitary swim.
As you glided through the water, your mind wandered, the events of the past few days replaying in your thoughts. You couldn't shake the memory of singing karaoke with Enzo, or the way your heart had fluttered every time he leaned closer as he shamelessly flirted with you just earlier that day.
Lost in thought, you didn't notice when the boy in question approached, his footsteps silent against the pool deck until he was standing at the edge of the water, a playful grin on his face.
"Might be a sign that we keep running into each other like this," he joked, dipping his toes into the water.
You chuckled at his comment, feeling a rush of warmth at his presence. "Seems like fate has its own plans," you replied, flashing him a playful smile.
Enzo mirrored your smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, who am I to argue with fate?" he quipped, wading further into the water until he was swimming beside you.
As the two of you swam side by side, the conversation flowed effortlessly, alternating between playful banter and moments of quiet reflection. You found yourself drawn to Enzo's easy charm and infectious laughter, each moment spent with him feeling like a breath of fresh air.
Eventually, you reached the edge of the pool, the water lapping gently against the tiles. But instead of parting ways, Enzo surprised you by reaching out and gently pressing you back against the wall of the pool, his hands on either side of you.
Your breath got caught in your throat at the sudden closeness. Enzo's eyes held a warmth and intensity that sent a shiver down your spine, his gaze roaming over your features as if committing every detail to memory.
"You know," he murmured, his voice low and intimate, "you're really something."
You couldn't help but blush at his words, feeling a rush of warmth spread through your body at the sincerity in his tone. "You're not so bad yourself," you replied, unable to suppress the smile tugging at your lips.
Enzo's smile widened at your response, his gaze never leaving yours. "I mean it," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're beautiful."
The words hung in the air between you, a tangible electricity crackling between your bodies. You felt your heart race in your chest, anticipation humming in the air as you waited for what would come next.
And then, in a move that took your breath away, Enzo leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours. "Is it okay if I kiss you?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the sound of your pounding heart.
You nodded, at a loss for words, the anticipation almost unbearable. With a soft smile, Enzo closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a gentle, tender kiss.
In that moment, everything else faded away, the world narrowing down to the feel of his lips against yours. Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the sensation of his lips moving against yours, each touch sending a surge of electricity through your veins.
When you finally pulled apart, breathless and flushed, you found yourself gazing into Enzo's eyes, your cheeks aching from how wide you were smiling.
Enzo's smile was soft and tender as he brushed a stray strand of hair from your face, his fingers lingering against your skin. "You're amazing.”
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Enzo Taglist - @slytherinboysappreciation @urmomsgirlfriend1 @starsval @gillyweeds @sir-elian @harryslittlebitch @gayforyelena @whoreforfictionalmen18 @ravenclawprincess33 @sbrn0905 @helpimhopelesslyinlove @Yhiiil @themarauderswife7 @moonlightreader649 @ihatemyexs @chgrch @nat1221 @thestarlithideout @iamaslytherin0 @bath1lda @ohmaigwad @pinkposttragedy @allshitsangiggles @hoeforvinniehackerrr @mildly-delulu @h3artz4soph @sunasbbie @marsbars09 @vcosette @meepycheep @aglady13 @rinalouu @floswife @ariensversion @agent-tempest @s0urw00lf @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @pinkestfloyd @xlinxdax0704 @chulabeans @l0v3do11 @unstablereader @acourtoflostandwanderingstars @catiwinky @wolfstar-marvelsfan @captainstanksblog @istill-dream-ofyou @pinktreee @ceehance @lizhub @theadventuresofanartist @iamgayforyourmom1501 @feistyfox47 @nat1221 @i-think-you-are-gr8 @cas-planet @csmt_m @selyselyselyse @mrsriddles-blog @the-sylver-dragon @poppysrin @camille-1019 @laniirackssss @slvtfortheo @chosenoneslver @txzii @c0rnf1akessss @yourenogoodforme @opheliamalfoy236
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captainlunaxmen · 8 months
Bill Weasley x Fem!reader
This was a request, not for me, but I got permission to write it so... here it is.
The request: Hi! Can I request some Bill Weasley
x reader with prompts:
'If there was ever anybody meant for me, it's
"The closest thing to love at first sight l've
ever experienced happened when I first laid
eyes on you.
Where reader is best friends with
the twins so they invite her to
spend the summer at the Burrow.
Bill is also there and when they met
he's instantly attracted to her, they
spend time together and he starts
to fall for her but he doesn't think
reader would like him because of
the scars, but obviously with fluffy
ending, please? Thanks!
I changed it just a little to fit. Hope the anon who asked this will read it and will like it.❤️❤️
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I always loved it when the twins invited me over, whether it was for Christmas or summer.
It always feels like home.
When I was not at Hogwarts, I lived in an orphanage, so experiencing the Wealseys, experiencing a family, definitely felt good.
Maybe this is why they invite me so often, and I'm grateful for that. I usually spend time with Arthur, explaining the muggle world to him, or with the twins and their siblings playing Quidditch, or helping Molly cooking. Which is exactly what I'm doing now.
"Yes, exactly dear. Then you fold it towards you carefully." She instructs me as I knead the dough for the pie.
"Are you done stealing our friend, mom?" One of the twins asks as they both enter the kitchen, and I notice Molly playfully rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, mom, she is our friend." George agrees with his brother.
"She didn't steal me!" I defend, "I asked if I could help her."
"You don't need to do that." Fred tells me.
"Yeah, she already loves you." George adds, "probably more than she loves us."
"Oh shut up, you two." Molly laughs, waving them off.
"See? She is not denying it!" George feigns offence.
"I'm just spending time with my favourite assistant." Molly explains.
I smile at her as I finally finish my own pie.
"You're done." Fred notices, "C'mon, let's go."
"Why?" I ask, wiping my hands on a towel.
"You're our partner."
"And we have business to discuss."
I roll my eyes and look at Molly with an apologetic smile.
"Don't worry, dear. Humour them." She laughs again with that sweet motherly smile that always warms my heart.
"I'll come back later." I tell her.
I have no idea how I, mostly quiet and reserved, got friends with the loudest people at Hogwarts. But it happened, and now I basically help them run their shop in Diagon Alley.
Now, more than ever, I want to help them keep the shop open in this hard and dark time, that... after Dumbledore's death, will probably get worse.
I follow the twins to their room.
I take my seat next to Fred on his bed, and George sits on his.
"So... what was so urgent?" I ask.
"Oh nothing," Fred smiles proudly.
"I hate you." I say.
"You love us." George chimes in, "but we wanted to discuss the new products."
"Alright, alright. " I chuckle.
So we start to discuss what kind of things to start selling, at what price, how to organise the shelf and stands.
A good hour and a half, or a bit more, passes because Molly calls everyone down for dinner.
Finally, I'd say, I'm starving... especially for Molly's cooking.
"About time!" Fred exclaims.
"I'm starving!" George voices loudly, too.
"Same." I groan, following them down.
As we get down, I see the other Weasleys gathering around the table.
There's a new face, though, someone I've never seen before.
"Oh, look who finally decided to join us!" Fred says in his usual teasing tone.
"He's the missing one." George tells me, "you can finally say you've met the whole family."
"Bill!" George calls the tall man.
"Hi, George." The guy named Bill turns to George with a playfully annoyed face, and I notice an earring with a fang dangling from his ear.
"Meet our friend." Fred chimes in, "she's met everyone except you... and we've been friends for years and years and years and years -"
"I get it, Freddie, thanks." Bill laughs.
"Come, Y/n." George calls.
As soon as his brown eyes meet mine, he freezes, I see him opening and closing his mouth without letting out a sound.
I'm quite confused.
"Hi." I gently wave at him, "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you."
I extend my hand towards him, and he watches it for a moment before taking it and shaking it.
"Likewise, I'm William... but, of course, you can call me Bill." He says, a little flustered.
"I like the earring." I tell him to maybe make him feel more at ease.
"Oh," he laughs, "Thank you. See, mom? It's appreciated."
"I give up." I hear Molly saying.
I stop for a second, noticing just now the scars on his face, and I wonder how he got them.
He notices me looking at them and quickly turns his head.
"Well, it was really nice to meet you, Y/n. I hope to see you around." He says before taking a seat at the table.
"Yeah, me too." I say quietly, sitting next to George.
I hope I didn't offend him...
I sit outside, enjoying the early breeze, and I read a book. These moments are my favourite. After all these years, the Wealsey silently adopted me basically, which means I do have a family. But the first times I was invited, I would just sit here in the quiet of the mornings and pretend I belong here.
"I thought I was the only early riser." A chuckle snaps me out of my thoughts, Bill closes the door and wraps a small blanket around himself against the early cold.
"You thought wrong." I smile at him and move a little aside to let him sit.
"Aren't you cold?" He asks, sitting down.
"I'm fine, thank you." I say, I see him giving me a sceptical look and putting half of the blanket around me too.
"Sure." He says, and I laugh.
We stay in a comfortable silence for a while before he speaks up.
"Egypt?" He asks.
"Uh?" I turn to him, and he motion to my book, "Oh. Yeah, I always find it so fascinating, for some reason."
"It really is." He agrees, "I got the chance to explore it because of my job, and I have to say it deserves the appeal."
"Really? What kind of job?" I ask, genuinely curious. The twins never talk a lot about their siblings.
"Curse-breaker." He says with a shy smile.
"Oh wow..." I sigh, "that's really cool."
"Is it?" He laughs.
"Yes!" I reply, surprised he doesn't agree, "you don't like it?"
"No, no, it's not that." He says, "most thinks it's pretentious."
"Nah, don't listen to them. They must be idiots." I tell him.
"Fred and George mostly." He adds.
"Doesn't make my statement false." I kid, and he laughs.
"I can see why they like you so much." He chuckles.
"I wasn't like this when I first met them..." I start, "so I really don't understand why they wanted to be my friends in the first place."
"Like what? Funny?" He asks, "or cute?" He adds so quietly I could barely hear it.
"Uhm... I... I don't know..." I stutter out.
"Sorry... sorry, I didn't mean to... it just came out... I'm sorry." He shakes his head, "Uhm... but tell me... uh, how did you meet the two idiots?"
"Well..." I clear my throat, smiling shyly at him, "they kind of bumped into me... while running from Filch."
"Yeah... I can definitely see that." He laughs again, I'm glad he doesn't feel so awkward anymore.
"Then... I kind of helped them hide." I say.
"Well, now I'm surprised." He teases sweetly, making me feel warm inside... it's a new sensation and... weird, but in a good way.
"Yep." I chuckle, "later that week they found me in the library and just... wanted to thank me, so they just stuck around, and now we're here."
"Thankfully." He says, and I look up at him, "Uhm..." he quickly averts his eyes, "I mean, everyone seems to love you so much... and I'm sure mom's happy she gained another daughter."
"Well," I let out a small laugh, "I gained a mother so... it's a win-win situation."
He looks back at me, a confused smile on his face.
"What do you mean?"
"I live... well, lived in an orphanage... so no parents." I tell him with a shrug.
"Oh..." he softly sighs.
"Oh, please, no. I'm sorry... don't feel bad." I softly laugh to let him know it's not a big deal, "yeah, it was harder when I was younger, but now... now I'm fine. Really. Your family welcomed me with open arms. Wide open arms, actually."
I see him smiling, thankfully. The last thing I wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable... again.
"I'm glad they managed to make you feel at home, then." He says, "among the caos, I mean."
"Oh, trust me, the caos is part of the charm." I gently nudges his shoulder.
"Yeah, I have to agree." He nods, "when I spend so much time away, I do miss this caothic environment."
"I bet."
I look up at him, finding him already looking to me. His eyes are even more beautiful up close. As we start to naturally lean in towards each other, Molly's voice breaks the silence.
"Stop testing your products in my kitchen!" She yells to Fred and George... for sure.
Bill and I move away from each other. I clear my throat with an awkward chuckle and stand up.
"I should... I should probably help the twins with their things... so they won't burn the whole house down." I say.
"Yeah... of course." He avoids my eyes as he nods.
"I'll see you." I gently say and he nods once again so I just get back inside.
Later in the day more members of the Order arrive, with the intention of discussing the plan of moving Harry from his muggle house to the Wealsey's.
"That's the plan." Lupin says, once Moody stopped explaining the plan of having people drinking polyjuice potion to turn into Harry and confuse any deatheater in case there would be an attack.
"Sounds like fun." George comments.
"We're not asking you to participate, so if any of you isn't sure about it, can back down." Lupin explains with a heavy heart, "only whoever volunteers will drink the potion. And only if you're of age."
Everyone looks at each other, I catch eyes with the twins, I nod at them and they stand up.
"We're in." They say in unison.
"Me too." I stand, too.
"Of course we are too." Hermione says gesturing towards herself and Ron who nods.
I unconsciously search Bill's eyes across the room. He meets my gaze and I notice something in his look, he's worried. Of course he is... three of his brothers just volunteer for a very risky mission, but the way he looks at me with those brown eyes...
I mouth 'it's gonna be okay' and he nods, subtly, but his worried look remains.
"Mundungus too." Moody says, interrupting our silent conversation, and Fletcher just nods defeated.
"Let's pair up." Lupin claps his hands. "Each 'Potter' will be assigned to a protector."
"How would we do that?" I ask, curiosity taking the best of me.
"Using same old pieces of papers with names on." He smiles shrugging, "Everyone, write your name down."
"I want to be the one to bring Harry here. The real one." Hagrid chimes in, "it fair."
Lupin nods, he then takes two bowls, gently offered by Mrs Weasley.
"Here the Harrys," he brings up the bowl in his left hand, "and here the protectors." He lifts the one in the right one.
We all do as he instructed.
He then sits down and starts taking out names.
Each one is assigned and only four people are left.
"Hermione, you'll be assigned to... Kingslay." Remus announces.
I see Kingslay sending Hermione a reassuring nod and she gives one back.
"So that leaves Y/n and... oh, Bill." Lupin says.
"Okay, everyone knows their places, right? We're leaving in an hour." Moody announces, sternly.
Everyone scatter around to get ready, so I take the opportunity to just step outside and take a big breath.
I'm not sure how I got tangled in this whole magic war, but I'm glad I did... even though it's scary.
"Are you okay?" I hear Bill's voice getting closer.
"Yeah, of course." I nod.
"You don't have to do it, you know?" He tells me.
"I know." I smile at him, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared, so scared I'm surprised I can still move."
He softly laughs.
"You're really brave." He then tells me.
"I'm no braver then the others," I reply, shrugging.
"You don't give yourself enough credit, I think." He nudges my shoulder.
"Thank you." I say softly, "I'm glad I got paired up with you."
"Me too. I promise to bring you home safe and sound."
"I promise too."
His soft smile makes me almost melt, if it wasn't for the cold breeze, it makes me feel safe, feels like home.
"Did the Twins warn you about the wedding?" He then asks.
"Charlie's? Yes, they did." I nod, "I think... is there something I should know?"
"No, well... if you can, try to avoid aunt Muriel." He whispers, as if he's afraid she might be here to hear it.
"I'll just stick to your side, then, you're my protector after all." I kid and I see his face getting a bit red.
"Well.. uh... of course." He stutters, "I'd rather fight deatheaters than deal with her anyway."
I genuinely laugh, unconsciously I lean my head on his shoulder and I feel him tense.
"Sorry." I say and straighten up.
I just look up at him and he does the same.
"No worries," he swallows.
He seems nervous, but not uncomfortable.
I don't know why I feel this pull towards him everytime we talk, but it's a nice feeling. I just hope I'm not making him uneasy or anything.
I catch his eyes looking down at my lips and mine falls to his.
Suddenly, he moves back, bringing a hand up to cover his scars, I can't help but look at him confused.
"Sorry," he lets out a nervous chuckle and stands, "I..."
He doesn't say anything more and just gets back inside, leaving me dumbfounded.
The clouds don't help spotting the bunch of deatheaters chasing us, I try to keep as many eyes out as I can, so I can help Bill who also has to guide the thestral.
Suddenly, I spot three hooded figures flying towards us.
"There are three coming!" I warn Bill.
I cast spells like never before, trying to stop them from coming any closer.
Some deatheater manages to hit me, luckily it's nothing major, but I let out a scream nonetheless.
"Are you okay?" Bill asks, blindly reaching behind him to check on me.
"Yes, don't worry."
I look around, and I can vaguely see Madeye and Mundungus far from us.
I stare at them, ready to interfere in case they need it, when I see a dark figure appearing...
"Shit!" I exclaim.
"He's here." I say.
"Fuck! Hold onto me." He says before turning the thestral around abruptly, but something catches my eyes.
"Wait!" I tell him.
"What's wrong?" He asks, breathless.
"Madeye he-" I start, but get interrupted by one more deatheater flying to us.
I got to cast one last spell to take down the last enemy I can see, before Bill starts to bring us down... ready to reach the portkey.
"What did you say?" Bill asks again, reaching behind again to be sure I'm still here.
"Madeye, I saw him falling from his broom." I tell him, tears already forming in my eyes.
"What? How?"
"I think, Mundungus tried to get away as soon as he saw him appearing... Madeye tried to keep him from going anywhere, but... you-know-who killed him." I say, trying to keep my breath as steady as I can, "I say a green light..."
"Ssh, sshh, it's okay." He tries to calm me down as we arrive to the portkey.
"I'm sorry.." I mutter.
"About what?" He asks, sadly turning to face me, "it wasn't your fault, you know?"
"What if I warned you earlier? What if I..." I lower my eyes to my hands.
"Hey, hey, look at me," he says, and I do, "it was no one's fault. We couldn't know."
He gently takes one of my hands and caress it gently.
"He wouldn't want you to cry for him, right?" He says, smiling in hope to make me smile too.
"He would probably scold me for it." I let out a weak laugh.
"Exactly." He kisses the back of my hand and then rides towards the portkey, that teleports us in front of the Burrow.
We see almost everyone else already here.
I can see Remus and Tonks close to each other, Harry, Ron and Hermione too. I spot Kingslay, I think I can see Hagrid inside, but there's something wrong.
I can't see Mr Weasley or Fred, maybe they're just not here yet... but Remus is here, so... where's George?
I get down from the magical horse and run into the house, as I do I lock eyes with Remus' guilty expression and I just run faster.
I rush into the house and spot Molly caressing George's hair, as I get close I notice the blood on him.
"George..?" I weakly call and Molly turns to me, she sends a sad smile towards me and I kneel in front of the sofa to take a better look at George.
"George." I call again.
"He's alive, dear... just a dark spell..." she reassures me.
"How?" I shakily ask, more to George than Molly.
I hear fast footsteps rushing in too and Fred is just beside me. This makes me feel so much better.
They're both still alive.
"How are feeling, Georgie?" Fred asks his twin.
George slowly open and closes his mouth before speaking.
"Saintlike..." he says, and I let out a relieved laugh, "I'm holey, I'm holey, Fred. You get it?"
"With the whole wide world of ear-related humour, you go for 'I'm holey'. Pathetic." Fred teases back, I notice he says this finally letting his shoulder relax.
"Well, Y/n still finds me the most handsome of the pair, I reckon." He subtly winks in my direction.
"I'm letting this one slide because you're hurt. And clearly brain damaged, if you make that joke of all you could choose from." I chuckle moving my hand out to caress his.
I notice now that everyone has gotten inside, i spot Bill's tense, yet relieved expression.
"Madeye is dead." He says and everybody looks at him.
"You-know-who killed him." I say. "Mundungus disappeared and he was caught off guard... I think."
I sense George's and Fred's hands on mine, for comfort and solidarity.
A wedding sounds absurd considering the times we're living, yet it seems exactly what we need.
A knock on the door catches my attention.
"Are you decent?" Fred's teasing voice calls from the other side.
"Sure." I laugh and he comes in.
"Are you ready?" He asks.
"Yap." I say, turning to look at him, "oh, look at you, never seen you so cleaned up."
"I take offence in that." He feigns hurt, "take it back."
"Oh, you know you're always so stylish." I stick my tongue out to him.
"That's what I thought." He winks, "I'm the most handsome of the pair."
"Sure." I laugh and sit on the bed to put on my shoes. "Is everything ready downstairs?"
"Yap, all guests are here. The party is ready to begin." He declares.
"Nice." I nod.
"Are you okay?" He asks, I can hear a hint of worry in his voice.
"C'mon," he says sitting next to me, "tell Freddie what's bothering you."
"It's nothing, Fred, really." I try to divert the subject.
"You don't fool me, young lady." He slightly glare at me.
I sigh.
"Plotting without me?" I look up to see George standing by the door, the bandages on his head as a reminder of the night before...
"We could never." I say.
"Our Y/n here has something on her mind." Fred is quick to say.
"I don't..." I say... not very convincing.
"Uh uh. Tell us." George sit on the other side of me.
"Do you think... uh... did I do something wrong to Bill?" I ask, quietly.
I can sense them sharing a look.
"Whatever do you mean, love?" George asks.
"It's just... sometimes it's like he wants to be anywhere else but near me... and maybe I did something to him... but I don't know what." I explain.
"Do you have a crush on our brother, L/n?" Fred asks teasingly.
"What? No, no... I just ... ugh!" I say laying back down on the bad covering my face with my arms. I hear them softly laughing.
"I'm sure you did nothing wrong." George says, "Bill's just... Bill."
"Yeah, whatever it is, I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. Stop worrying your pretty little head." Fred nudges me.
I nod, understanding, not entirely convinced, but I appreciate their effort.
"And..." George's teasing tone makes me glare at him, already knowing what he wants to say, "if you have a crush on him, we could help you..."
"I'm sure we really should be going, you know, plus I'll see if Molly need any help." I say standing up and quickly make my way downstairs.
As I rush down the stairs I bump into someone.
"Oh, I'm so so sorry." I say.
"No worries." Bill says and I instantly look up at him, feeling a little embarrassed since I've been talking about him with the twins a few minutes ago.
"Uh... sorry" I repeat, looking away.
"It's no problem. Really." He smiles at me.
"I... I was looking for... for you mother..." I stutter out, "to see if she needed any help."
"Oh she was just outside, still congratulating Charlie and... crying too." He lets out a soft chuckle and I do too.
"Then I'll go congratulate him too, didn't get the chance yet." I smile at him and start walking out, looking for Charlie and Mrs Weasley and I find them right outside the big tent.
"Hey," I say as I near them, "congratulations, Charlie."
"Aahh, Y/n! Thank you!" He says cheerfully, once I'm close enough he brings me in for a big hug, which I reciprocate.
"I'm so happy for you." I tell him, "she seems like a sweet person... or... better a patient one." I tease.
"Alright, that's it." He says letting me go, "you're spending too much time with the twins. I'm adopting you."
"That's my duty," Molly chimes in, linking arms with me.
"Exactly, Charlie, stop stealing your mother's job." I jokingly glare at him, he smiles at me and then his eyes move to something behind me. I turn around seeing Bill walking to us.
"Congratulations, mate." Bill hugs Charlie and pat his back.
"Aah thank you! I'm so happy." Charlie has the biggest smile on his face right now, and it fills me with joy.
"You deserve it. I've never seen you so in love." Bill says.
"Well, I just hope you will experience it too, mate." Charlie sighs, "it's really the best feeling."
I smile at his words, he really loves his family... everyone in this family loves each other so much, it makes me feel at peace.
"Yeah... I can tell." I hear Bill say, I notice Charlie looking at me with a weird look.
"I'm sure you do," he then adds.
"Oh! Charles!" A voice calls from behind us, an old lady is walking towards us.
Molly is gone immediately, and Bill gently takes my arm to lead me away.
"That's... aunt Muriel." He whispers to me.
"Oh..." I chuckle, "thanks."
"No problem, I am your protector." He tells me and we enter the tent.
"Oh wow.." I say, "it looks really good."
"Yeah, I think despite the situation, Charlie got a great wedding anyway. Which makes me very happy." He tells me, and I notice just now he's sort of caressing my arm with his fingers.
"Yeah... I... I think he deserves it. You know, this is how I always wanted my wedding to look like, if I'm being honest." I say, "that... if I ever got married, that is."
"What do you mean 'if'?"
"Well, to get married you would need to find someone you love and someone who loves you" I explain with a shrug and a heavy heart.
"I'm sure.... I'm sure, you will have no problem in that." He tells me.
"I'm not so sure." I say, shrugging.
We reach a table and we both sit down, and I go back at looking around.
"It really is beautiful." I breath, "you all did a great job."
I turn to look at Bill, once again, already finding him looking at me.
"I think anyone would be lucky to marry you." He softly says, and it takes me a little off guard that my cheeks suddenly feel warm and I look away from him.
The music suddenly starts and we both turn to look at Charlie and his wife dancing for the first time as husband and wife. It's such a happy moment I don't want to miss one bit of it.
Soon enough more people join the happy couple and I too start to slightly move my feet to the rhythm. A hand is suddenly on top of mine, gaining my attention.
"Do you...do you want to d-dance?" Bill asks, stuttering a bit.
"Yes." I simply say.
We stand and walk towards the other people dancing, he carefully put his hands on my waist and I shyly put mine on his shoulders and we start moving with the music.
"This is my favourite parts of weddings." I casually say, to break the awkward silence.
"The dancing?"
"Yeah, everyone looks so happy, and it's the most peaceful part of it." I explain, "you know, everything coming before the 'yes' is like tense and uncertain. 'What if they change their mind?' Or 'what if something happens?', it's all about 'what ifs'. But the dancing... is when everything is settled and everyone is happy and can let out a sigh of relief. Does it make sense?" I chuckle.
"Makes complete sense. I kind of agree with you." He smiles, "I'll tell you a secret... Charlie was so nervous since he asked her."
"What? Really?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yeah!" He laughs, "he was so afraid she would change her mind any moment. There was one day I was visiting him, he told me he was actually waiting an owl to deliver him a letter saying she wouldn't marry him anymore. That's how tense he was."
"Oh, poor thing." I laugh, looking to Charlie dancing with his mother now, how happy he looks now.
"Yeah, took me several hours to convince him that was not the case." He tells me.
We laugh together for a moment before our eyes lock for the millionth time.
"Can..." I start, "can I ask you something?"
"Of course." He nods.
"Have I... have I made you uncomfortable in some ways?" I ask.
"What? No... of course not." He answers quickly.
"Are you sure?" I check, "I mean, you can tell me. Really it's no problem."
"I'm sure. You didn't do anything to make me feel uncomfortable." He replies, "I promise."
"Okay..." I nod, with small smile. "If I did something, though, I'm sorry."
"I promise, you have nothing to be sorry for." He reassuringly smiles at me, I smile back.
We stay in silence, looking at each other and, again, I feel the same pull towards I felt before, but this time, before anything could remotely happen, Kingslay's patronus appears.
It says the minister is dead and that the deatheaters are coming here...
The caos emerges as soon as the enemy arrives.
I look up at Bill.
"Stay close to me." He tells me and I nod.
We start fighting along the others, most guests disappear, most remains and fight.
I cast as many protection spells as I can while Bill and the other defends.
I can see Harry, Ron and Hermione disappear. Thankfully. But my attention is caught by another red-haired fighting far from me.
I rush to Ginny without even thinking and stand beside her, Lupin joins us soon.
A caos of "stupeficium" "expelliarmus" and "protego" surrounds us.
I spot someone aiming at a distracted Ginny, instinctively I step in between them, I try to yell, but too late.
I feel myself falling to the ground.
It's dark, I can hardly open my eyes, but I hear voices around me.
"She's gonna be fine." I hear someone says.
"Are you sure?" A pair of voices, this time, asks.
"Yes, I am."
I weakly open my eyes and move to sit up.
"Hey, hey, careful there." I recognise Bill's voice.
"What... what happened?" I ask, finally being able to look around. Noticing Fred and George too, I notice this is not a room I recognise.
"What happened?!" George asks shocked, "what happened she asks!"
"Unbelievable!" Fred agrees.
"So..?" I urge.
"You took a stunner for Ginny. A dark one." Bill explains.
"What were you thinking?!" Fred asks.
"I just saw him aiming at your sister and went on autopilot, I think." I say.
"What if it was a killing curse?" George basically yells.
"Could you not shout please?" I ask weakly.
They both sigh heavily and look at each other.
"You're okay." Bill chimes in from his place by the door, "that's important." He says this last bit more to the twins than to me.
"You scared the hell out of us." George says.
"Yeah, we thought we lost you." Fred nods.
"I'm sorry..." I mutter.
"No, we're sorry for yelling." Fred sighs, "we're thankful you're okay... and thank you for protecting Ginny."
I open my arms, asking them for a hug and they do, careful not to hurt me too much they wrap their arms around me.
"Where are we?" I ask, once they pulled away.
"Shell cottage." They both answer.
"In Cornwall." George keeps going, "it's by the sea."
"Oh... Nice."
"Yeah, we'll be using it as a refuge for a while." Freds explain.
"Especially until you feel better." Bill adds.
"We know you like the sea, so maybe it would help your recovery." George says, hopeful.
"I hope so." I smile at them.
"Let's leave her, boys, she need her rest not you two pestering her." Bill teases his brothers.
"We're not!" They both say, standing up and heading to the door.
"A little." I joke.
"You better rest well, young lady." Fred scolds me before following his brother out.
"I'll bring up some tea. Now rest." With this Bill exits and closes the door.
I lay back down, take a deep breath and close my eyes, hoping to get some sleep.
The sweet smell of the tea gently wakes me up.
I slowly open my eyes, noticing some rays of sun peaking through the windows.
I sit up, determined to stand up and walk downstairs. I put some clothes on and weakly walk out the room, holding onto the wall just in case.
I make my way downstairs, happy to hear voices coming from what I can imagine is the kitchen.
"Why don't you just tell her, mate?" Fred, I think, says.
"What do you mean why?" Bill asks back.
"What do you mean, what do we mean why?" George replies, "do you like her?"
"Of course, he does!" Fred intervenes.
"Then why don't you freaking tell her?" George repeats the question.
Now, I can't help but eavesdrop. Curiosity taking the best of me.
"Have you seen me recently?" Bill snaps.
"Bill..." George starts, but he's interrupted.
"No, George." Bill's serious tone, makes my heart ache, "how could she like me back when I look like this? Uh?"
"Bill, do you think she cares?" Fred's tone got more gentle.
"We know her, mate." George tries to reassure him.
"No." Bill firmly states, "she deserves better. You should know it, she deserves someone who doesn't look like a freak, and most definitely she doesn't deserve a werewolf in her life. What if I hurt her? What if..." he chokes. I can't see him, but I can tell he's crying.
"You love her, don't you?" Fred asks... or rather, states.
"Of course, he does." George confirms, "look how scared he is!"
"Of course, I'm scared!" Bill snaps again, "The closest thing to love at first sight l've ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on her... and it pains me how much I want to be with her, but knowing she doesn't deserve to end up with someone like me..."
That's enough, I walk up to them and their head turn up to look at me, Bill's eyes widening at my sight.
"I think that's up to me to decide." I tell him, looking him dead in the eyes.
"I..." He's at loss words.
"We'll leave you to it." The twins says and walk out.
I sit down, so I can face Bill, I slightly wince as I do.
"Careful..." he whispers, "you... you should be resting."
"You'll soon realise I don't usually do what I'm supposed to do." I smile at him.
We stay silent, none of us knowing what to say.
"Sorry." He then says.
"What for?" I ask.
"I..." he lets out a nervous chuckle, "I don't even know..."
"Was that true?" I finally ask.
"I'm afraid so..." he sighs.
"Then, I'm afraid you're stuck with me." I say, feeling bold enough to take his hand.
"I..." he look at our hands, "you mean...?"
"But... you don't have to... I know you deserve something better than this." He tries to make me... reason I think, I softly laugh at this.
"Better than a hot, long-haired, curse-breaker with the kindest smile eyes I've ever seen? I'm not so sure about it." I grin at him, "what you felt the first time we met... I'm pretty sure I felt it too."
"Of course, I think if there was ever anybody meant for me, it's you."
He looks at me with the biggest smile, lets out a relieved laugh and comes closer to kiss me.
I'm a little taken aback, but I quickly kiss him back, my hand moves up to his cheek softly caressing his scars while his is in my hair gently playing with it.
Once we pull away we hear cheering from the other room, and we laugh watching Fred and George coming into view clapping their hands.
"Good job!"
"Go away you two!" Bill scolds them.
"Hey!" They call, "no naughtinesses while we're here, alright!"
They go away and leave us officially alone.
I look at Bill and he does the same.
"I love you." He whispers, coming closer once again.
"I love you too" I say before kissing him again.
And again.
And again.
And... again.
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strayseraphine · 3 months
I regret saying that I love you | one shot
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pairing: choi san x fem!reader
summary: Being in a "more than friends less than a couple" relationship is hard for you, especially when the person you're with is one of the most wonderful you've ever met. Despite your best efforts, you can't handle it, so you make a heartbreaking decision. mostly angst, a bit of fluff in the end, hurt/comfort
3 426 words
the one shot is also avaliable on ao3
This might not be the best what I have written, but I had to. I did it for myself to have a happy ending that I might not have in real life, I just had to get some tings off my chest.
choi san masterlist | general masterlist | stranger things masterlist
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"What's up, dear?" San's voice broke the silence. His warm hand gently glided up and down your arm, fingertips barely touching it yet you felt as if they were leaving a burning trail behind. It burned as much as your throat tightened from the lump that grew and caused tears to fill your eyes. Despite how hard you tried to bear it all, despite how hard you tried to push your feelings aside...you couldn't handle it anymore. It was too strong.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go now." You stood up and started picking up clothes from the floor. "I feel sick."
"Hey, in that case, you should stay, let me take care of you." he said grabbing your wrist. Although the room was dark, you could see the gentle pout on his face, which squeezed your heart even tighter. You snatched your wrist from his hand, dressed quickly, and left his apartment saying only a weak "sorry" goodbye.
Your phone didn't stop buzzing in the cab, you knew it was him, but you didn't dare answer it. When you entered your apartment, you saw 7 missed calls and even more messages you didn't read.
you: just entered the house, I'm going to bed. Good night.
After sending the message, you turned off the phone and immediately moved towards your bed, where you felt safe enough to finally let out the emotions that were tearing you apart from the inside. 
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You sat on the big leather couch listening to the samples that Hongjoong planned to add to the new songs, you knew each other since childhood, he knew he could trust you, so before and during the debut and long after it you were always present in his life, you were like siblings to each other. This is how you met San. San, whose name appeared on your phone screen for the tenth time today. The memory of last night was still fresh and painful. You locked your phone and put it face down. Hongjoong stopped the music and looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"Have you suddenly become a billionaire or do these constant phone calls have to do with the San asking everyone if they know what you're doing and where you are?" he asked.
You didn't answer.
"y/n... we've known each other since forever, do you think I'm that stupid and blind not to notice that there's something between you two?" he didn't let go.
"I don't know what to tell you..." you said quietly looking at the floor. You knew that what was between you and a member of his group would not please him, because both you and San were like family to him. You didn't want to put him between a hammer and an anvil.
"I really don't want to pressure you, but-"
Hongjoong didn't have time to finish his sentence when San appeared in the doorway.
"y/n please talk to me," he said, ignoring the leader.
"I'll leave you two alone."
As the door closed behind your friend the atmosphere started to get too tense. Your heart was pounding like crazy and starting to hurt. The pain you felt was connected to the realization that this is the end. Everything is going to end right here and now.
San sat next to you on the couch, but did not look in your direction. He too was aware that today would not have its happy ending.
"What do you want to know?" you asked quietly.
"What's going on? Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" the questions came from his mouth awfully fast, you knew he had been thinking about them since the night before, you knew that, like you, he hadn't slept a wink through it, you knew he was worried, and that was killing you even more.
"I can't take it anymore San..." you said, interrupting his verbosity. "It's already too much for me. I thought I could handle it, that I was strong enough, but I can't. I can't do this anymore."
Hearing your breaking voice, his heart slowly began to break as well. He thought that what was between you gave you joy, but now he realized that he was also hurting you, and that was the last thing he wanted to do to you. "Talk to me please, we've always been able to talk about problems, it's something that makes us strong, remember? Our strength." He turned to face you. His eyes were filled with tears.
"Do you remember when we started to be much closer with each other?" you asked.
"Of course."
"Back then I thought a relationship was the last thing I wanted. I didn't feel ready, the very thought of letting someone close made me scared and uncomfortable. But then suddenly something changed between us. You showed me that not every guy in the world is a complete asshole. You made me feel accepted, not judged, appreciated, you made me feel loved, San. You were an amazing friend to me, and when we started spending more time together...when we listened to music together, played games together, watched anime and dramas, the way you devoted your free time to me made me feel important. Even when you were on the tour and we were hundreds of miles apart, our online conversations, falling asleep together with the stupid cam on, the way you started calling me all those pet names, writing good morning and good night messages, the way you didn't hide it and reminded me that you were thinking of me, that you liked looking at my pictures, when you reminded me that I was important to you..." You didn't know if each word brought you relief or more pain. "I don't even remember when our innocent hugging turned into all those kisses, and it went even further, it all happened so terribly fast, but I wanted it so badly... The worst part is that it wasn't just because of that that I fell in love with you, I fell in love with you seeing what a wonderful person you are, and that hurts me even more."
"Y/n... I thought we already talked about this..."
"I know we talked about it, but you wanted to hear everything."
"Okay, go on."
"You have a heart of gold, San. Sometimes too good, and in truth you deserve the best of everything. The goodness you have in you is huge, and I feel damn grateful to have you in my life, but there is one thing I regret."
"What?" He, too, was no longer able to hold back tears.
"I regret saying that I love you."
This sentence was like a powerful punch to his stomach. 
"Before I said anything you never held back your affection toward me, and since I did, I've noticed that it's much less, less often, and I can't stand how it hurts anymore. You gave me something beautiful, and then it was less and less..."
"No. Maybe it's stupid but do you remember what bedtime messages from you looked like in the beginning? As time went on, you stopped using even silly hearts, and later you didn't even let me know if you were going to bed at all anymore. You know me San, you know that I pay attention to details, you know that I notice changes in behavior and you know how it affects me, so you know perfectly well that in your case, especially in your case, I won't miss it either."
"I'm sorry..."
"When I confessed to you how I felt and asked you who you thought we were, you said more than friends but less than a couple. And I agreed with you because that's what we are, but I can't do it anymore. Especially since I did it there are times when you don't respond to my affection. It hurts San, it hurts more than the rejection because I don't know what's going on, I feel lost at that point. I feel like the closer you get to know me the less you like me just don't know how to tell me. I feel like you were driven by a momentary fascination with me in the beginning and now it's slowly disappearing, but still, sometimes there are flashes. These flashes every time make me forget this awful feeling and I am happy again, I cling so terribly to these moments of closeness and warmth that you are able to give me... I understand your situation and I understand that you don't want to be in a relationship with me, but I can no longer maintain the kind of relationship we are in." San looked at you with pain in his eyes. His silence spoke more than a thousand words. "Y/n, I never wanted you to feel hurt," he said.
"That's not the point, San, I just can't live in uncertainty any longer. Sooner or later you'll find someone, and I won't be able to stand by and watch if I don't get rid of the feelings I have for you right now."
He lowered his gaze, and his shoulders slumped inertly. "I understand," he whispered. "I didn't want to hurt you. I always wanted to be a support for you, someone you could count on."
"I appreciate that, I really do, and you were that person for me. You were a wonderful friend, but that's what happens when friends start acting like a couple without being one. You're a great person, San, and to be clear... I don't regret what happened between us, because you really opened my eyes in some aspects. The only thing I regret is that I wasn't able to keep my feelings secret, if it wasn't for that, your behavior wouldn't have changed and maybe somehow things would have turned out differently, maybe I would have been able to hold out longer, but the fact that you are aware of my feelings and we can't do anything about it is too hard for me to bear."
The silence between you was long and heavy. San finally raised his eyes "Can we still be just friends? I need you in my life y/n." he asked quietly. "I still have you in my heart."
"For this moment, no. I'm sorry."
"y/n, please don't leave-"
"I'm sorry." You said running out of the studio.
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Days passed, and he felt increasingly lonely. He recalled every moment spent with you, your laughs together, your conversations, the nights spent on the webcam when you were far away from each other. He would give up a lot now to be able to call you and fall asleep seeing each other on the small cell phone screen. Every day without you was a void he couldn't fill. Your absence was like a wound that refused to heal. He tried to focus on his work, on his music, but everything seemed pointless. Every song he tried to write, every note he played, reminded him of you. He began to realize that his world was incomplete without you. He missed your presence, your smile, your voice, your warmth. 
He was sitting in his room, going through your old messages and shared photos. You were right - the further he scrolled, the fewer of them there were. 
San: You deserve someone who hugs you when you're down, who reciprocate your love language, who brushes your hair and appreciates you
San: I appreciate you so so much and you deserve every good thing coming your way
San: Communicating with you is really easy, being able to communicate and being understanding makes us strong 🩷 Overall I'm very happy with u and appreciate your personality a lot
San: Just know that you are loved, your feelings are valid, I appreciate you a lot and you get all the affection I could give 🩷 sleep tight and nice dreams only tonight!
San: Okay but since we gotta go I really want to finish this on a positive note, you're such a beautiful person with a pretty personality. I'm glad we got closer like this, I appreciate you so so much, you've become a comfort person for me, stay how you are 🩷 Good night and sleep tight, much love!
San: I’m thinking of you all the time 24/7, every day of the week
Why did he stop?
His feelings for you never changed, so why did he limit showing how important you are to him from the moment you confessed your feelings to him? The further he went, the more apparent it became that the effort put into your relationship appeared mostly on your part. His were sporadic, sudden, definitely not as frequent as in the beginning.  He could not understand it. After all, the realization that someone loved and missed him was filled with positive feelings, it was not scary for him, not when he thought of you. Maybe it was because he knew he couldn't give you what you wanted? That he couldn't give you more? But actually why couldn't he? After all, he wanted to. He wanted you to be his, he wanted to be yours, he wanted to remind you without restraint how important you were to him and hold you in his arms whenever he had the chance to do so.
Why couldn't he see earlier how much he loved you?
Slowly he began to analyze your entire relationship. With each memory, he began to realize that his feelings for you were deeper than he ever wanted to admit. All those moments when he thought he was just protecting you were actually moments when he was hiding his true feelings. You never had a problem reminding him that, according to you, he was a wonderful person, and ironically you couldn't see that wonderfulness in yourself.
You were always there for him when he needed you. When others turned away from him, you were always ready to listen to him and wipe away his tears. At times when disagreements arose between you, you were always able to talk about everything and clarify. He remembered how your words were able to comfort him, how your messages were something that made him feel not alone on the other side of the world.
you: I hope you are having sweet dreams right now, remember that you are a wonderful person with a heart of gold, you deserve to be happy, you deserve the best. You are loved and you are not alone, when you read this in the morning... have a happy Friday Sannie 🩷
you: remember that you are loved and you deserve everything what's best, nasty mood happens but it will pass, it is not permanent, I am here for you
Simple words. However, he knew that they always came straight from your heart, that they were sincere and genuine. They were the ones that always made his heart wrap itself in pleasant warmth. You also deserved such messages, and the fact that he stopped writing them to you even when you needed them made him feel even worse. He let you down, somewhere along the way he stopped showing how he felt thinking it was obvious, but even if it was obvious, that was no reason to stop showing it. 
Now that he lost you, he couldn't stop thinking about how your laughter filled his heart with joy. Every small gesture, every warm word - all of it reminded him how special you were and how much it hurt him not to have you.
He realized that his fears and anxieties were irrational. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to give you what you wanted, but in reality, it was you who gave him more than he could ever imagine. Your love and devotion were priceless. However, sometimes we fail to appreciate the treasure we have unless we lose it.
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San sat in his room, looking at his phone, which still lay idle in his hand. He stared at the black screen hoping that your name would immediately appear on the screen. He felt overwhelmed with emotion and helplessness. 
"San, you need to pull yourself together," Hongjoong said one evening as they sat in the studio. "It can't keep going on like this."
He shrugged his shoulders without raising his eyes. "It's okay, I just need some time." Pretending to handle the situation was becoming increasingly difficult for him.
"It's not just 'some time,'" Wooyoung said. "You're shutting yourself away, avoiding everyone, and it's clear that this situation is wearing you down."
San finally raised his gaze, and his eyes were full of pain. "It's too late now. I have destroyed everything. I wanted the best for her, and instead I broke her heart."
Yunho, who was always a good listener, put his hand on his shoulder. "Maybe it's not too late. You need to talk to her. If you love her, you have to give yourself one last chance, everything can be fixed."
"I failed her." he whispered.
Jongho interjected firmly. "Everyone makes mistakes, San. But true love deserves to be fought for. Think about how much y/n means to you. Do you really want to lose her because you're afraid? Do you remember how many times she fought for you? When you were having worse times and she sensed that you might be drifting apart? Then she always fought to make sure it didn't happen, now it's your turn."
"Now the situation is different..."
"Bullshit." Hongjoong interjected. "I didn't like the idea of you two together, but what happens when you're apart is even worse. Y/n doesn't deserve a part of your heart, she deserves it and you in full, if you know you are able to give it to her, if you want to give it to her, do something about it. Do something before it's too late."
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A few days later, San gathered his courage. He went to your apartment, ready to be honest. When he stood in front of your door, his heart was beating like crazy. He pressed the bell and waited, feeling how every second seemed like an eternity. You opened the door, and your surprise was obvious. "San? What are you doing here?"
"We need to talk, y/n," he said, looking you straight in the eye. "Please, give me a moment to explain."
You invited him inside, and he sat down on the couch, feeling the tension rising. "I realized that I love you, but I was afraid of this feeling. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to give you everything you wanted. But now I know that I want to be with you. I want to give you everything I have. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. Please give me one more chance."
"I am so sorry, y/n."
"San, I need to know that you can be honest and open about our feelings. I need to know that you are sure of what you are saying."
He took your hands in his, looking deeply into your eyes. "I promise I will be. I want us to build our future together. I love you, y/n, and I never want to lose you again. I know it won't be easy, but I want to try. I am more than sure of it, y/n, you are worth it, you are worth everything."
You were silent for a moment, listening to him with mixed emotions in your heart. His words sounded sincere however, you could not forget the pain you had experienced, but at the same time you saw and appreciated how hard San was trying to explain his feelings.
"San... It was very difficult for me. I thought I had lost you forever."
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't want you to suffer. I was a coward because I was afraid I wasn't ready for the kind of relationship you deserve."
You nodded, trying to deal with your emotions. "I still love you, Sannie." you whispered after a moment.
He lifted your hands to his lips and kissed them gently. "I promise to try to be better for you."
You took his face in your hands and wiped the tears from your cheeks with your thumbs, then moved closer to him and rested your forehead against his. "Just be yourself."
A slight smile appeared on his face, and a moment later his lips found yours. Finally, everything was in the right place.
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bones4thecats · 1 month
Hi maybe the transformers prime megatron, starscream and shockwave having a lute (hazbin hotel) s/o who is their second in command and is always by their side
TFP! Decepticons with a 'Con-Lute! S/O
Characters: Megatron, Starscream, and Shockwave (Transformers Prime) Requester: ❣️Anon A/N: Anons, please add emojis when requesting. I made a whole announcement on this. I don't mean to be rude, but just add an emoji when you do this! Thank you. Also, I'll give you an emoji, you'll be ❣️Anon, and I do hope you like this, it is mainly what they like about the Reader and how they bonded. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of war and physically harming someone ⚠️
Disclaimer: This includes spoilers for Season One of Hazbin Hotel
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╚═════ Megatron ══════════════════════════════╝
👑 As a former Gladiator within the Pits of Kaon and a former member of the Cybertronian Air Force, you were trained to be strict and highly dangerous. And that is always on full-display whenever you went against the Autobots
👑 You would wield your sword against the 'Bots while your sparkmate, the Decepticon-Warlord Megatron, would watch from the Nemesis as you handed your enemies their afts
👑 Whenever you are not out fighting and leading your own part of the Decepticon army, you would be right by Megatron's side. You would be walking alongside him, your arms folded behind your back like your lover
👑 He likes watching you fight and defend the Decepticon cause. Especially whenever it revolves around Starscream attempting to offline Megatron or you. But, whenever he tries attacking you, Megatron would intimidate him into submission again
👑 You're useful to the cause. And your savagery is very useful against your shared enemies, such as when Arcee attacked you and you managed to slice one of her optics in half, rendering her vision half-as-good as it once was
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╚═════ Starscream ════════════════════════════╝
💫 Starscream adores you. And I mean that.
💫 You are known far and wide for your mastery using your weapons, whether it be a sword or even a bomb, you would put use to everything around you at moment's notice
💫 Starscream initially found you to be helpful with getting his status up and keeping him safe from any who opposed him. But, over time you proved to be quite the loyal 'Con, using your fighting skills against anyone who proved a danger
💫 His feelings finally came to his processor when you stabbed an Autobot fighter from behind when he tried attacking the Seeker from behind during the start of the war
💫 Anyways, he uses his own mental tactics to get what he wants, you on the other hand use physical force more often. But, after spending enough time around the Cybertronian Seeker, you began to pick up some styles of mental manipulation, which made him proud
💫 You're his shield. I have no other way to put it. Like, he doesn't want to seem like he finds you useless, but he's built so tiny while you're like him, but have the strength of Wreckers like Bulkhead because of your training
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╚═════ Shockwave ═════════════════════════════╝
🧪 When Shockwave first met you, he was slightly surprised to see just how disciplined you were. He liked silence when working, so you would stand by his lab's door not making a sound while he walked around a worked. After all, Decepticons naturally have no care for other's opinions
🧪 He was also curious on how much you knew on his experiments. Hell, one time you had brought him an energon cube - as he was in dire need of it - and asked if you could question him on an alien species he had encased in a jar
🧪 When he told you their common name, believing you wouldn't know anymore about them, he heard you say their scientific one and begin to speak about how much you knew about their biology
"When I first studied them with one of my siblings back on Cybertron, since they were studying to be a scientist in the Council, I was surprised to see how their spinal system connected to their long Simmons-like tail."
🧪 Shockwave began to ask you to give him some mixtures of CNA and fossils, which began to bring you guys closer together as the days passed. And when the Predacons were created, they saw both you and Shockwave as their 'creators', as you gave them life
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what if i told you heaven's not a place but a feeling?
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Am I post blocked? -> Not yet bitches ^^
long intro below the cut
07/15/24 update: name + pronoun change :3
click here for follower event or search up # 100 stars join the sky
Finn/Quinn/Jess • he/she • audhd + madd + bpd • genderfluid + bisexual + polyamorous • minor • chronically confused I don't really care what names or pronouns you use, just mix it up please Nicknames include but aren't limited to: finnie boy, finnterest, shark finn, star, finn the human boy, finndus the crow king, finnie, finnalicious, finjestinn, jesserescogot, jessie, quintonton, quintum physics, and quinnie. (feel free to add more)
current hyperfixation: dead gay wizards spam sideblog: @hewhoswallowedthemoon i like to write, read, draw, and design things
gryffindor + cabin 11 + intp
harry potter
outer banks
hunger games
maze runner
high class homos
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dm me (unless we're mutuals or you have express permission)
dm me constantly
be hateful/rude on my posts
use passive aggressive tones/remarks
interact with my posts
talk to me via asks, reblogs, or comments
use tonetags (mostly during jokes)
send me asks for ask games
anything but the don'ts, really
sexists (especially misandrists)
anyone else who supports hateful/immoral things
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tagging system:
# the stars answer the call <- i answer asks
# the stars are rambling <- i shitpost
# the stars fade away <- i log off
# the stars aren't so bright tonight <- i vent post
# the stars find one of their own <- ask game
# the stars are musing <- random thoughts of mine
# the stars are writing <- my writing
love you all to bits and pieces but i'll just tag a few
@darrencrissishotasfuck <- my wife, lovely person <3
@themortalityofundyingstars <- my dad, favorite person on here
@aesthetic-writer18 <- my soon to be wife, james to my sirius
@murderous-butterfly <- my favorite dove here <3
@vivusmortuusexcrucior <- awesomesauce loser <33
@rheas-chaos-motivation <- shakespearan rival who has yet to sue me in court
@moon-sun-star-rat <- my favorite beta and lowkey aspire to be him
@tequilaqueen <- getting secretly unhinged older sister vibes from her
@picklerab23 <- not active rn but still a huge sweetheart <33
@jamespotterbbg <- I LIVE FOR HER MICROFICS
@prongspie <- feral dog vibes but he's cool
@ang3lic-t3ars <- supplies me with the foffers, pretty awesome sauce for that
@definitionoffuckup <- bro is ridiculously nice
@justaboymadeofhoneyandglass <- GAY (also cool)
@totalcharliespringsimp <- fellow richie tozier AND kit connor simp (he got me frfr)
sorry if i didnt tag you, you can ask to be added if you want
shoutout to my 3 lame ass siblings
luis (i forgot how to spell his name)
jarp who is Gender Personified
made by @gildy-locks
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made by @aesthetic-writer18
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made by @strawberryapologist
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made by @cheekyboybeth
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made by @moon-sun-star-rat
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made by @jamespotterbbg
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made by @wistfulenchantress
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made by @stars-on-my-bedroom-ceiling
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drawings of me
made by @definitionoffuckup
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kisscara · 1 year
a special surprise just for you! [scaramouche x gn!spouse!reader] ⎯⎯ + baby kuzushi, modern au, teeny bit of angst, fluff, mona x fischl x scara sibling au, mother ei au
(p/n) = parent name
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"he's not eating anything," mona talks to her brother on the phone, considering the state of his son. kuzushi is upset. no, upset is an understatement. kuzushi is heartbroken. how could you and scaramouche just leave him at aunt mona's house without an explanation?
kuzushi is a two-year-old, bound to be three soon, with indigo hair tied back in a tiny ponytail and big, bright violet eyes. he inherits your skin tone and patient personality. but he hasn't been very patient as of late. he's slouching on the couch in the living room like a sad, sad potato.
mona whisper-shouts, "i've tried everything, kunikuzushi! you know i'm not good with children and he's kind of scaring me now..." she peeks from the kitchen door frame to take a look at the baby's depressing aura.
scaramouche answers from the other side of the line after a long pause of silence, "put him on the phone, i'll talk to him." mona sucks a sharp breath through her teeth before muttering, "alright." she heads into the living room with a smile. "kuzushi, your father wants to talk to you."
kuzushi perks up and instantly stands up on the couch, eager. mona gives him the phone and guides him to put it against the side of his face using his hand. "how are you, sweetheart? are you eating well?" scaramouche's gentle tone quite literally moves kuzushi to tears.
"nooo, want you and (p/n)," kuzushi whimpers, wiping at his snot with his free hand. scaramouche sighs, "i know, baby, but we're going to be back in two days, i promise. for now, just listen to auntie mona and eat and drink a lot, okay?"
kuzushi pouts and furrows his brows together. "p-pinky promise?" at kuzushi's inquiry, scaramouche chuckles. "i pinky promise. i love you, kuzushi." kuzushi sniffles and nods, "mkay. love you, papa."
that day, kuzushi did everything his father told him to. he just wanted you and scaramouche to come back already. mona is nice, sure, but her house is so different from kuzushi's usual comfort space with you and his father, playing games and coddling him.
the closest he had to solace with mona were her hugs and forehead kisses. but it still wasn't the same. scaramouche would place a kiss on the right side of kuzushi's face while you would place one on the left. it was basically routine before kuzushi went to bed.
kuzushi let out a long exhale while eating the sandwich mona made for him. she sat next to him at the dinner table, eating lasagna. who would have known that dinner with a two-year-old would be this tense?
"so, kuzushi!" mona adds, "when you're done, i'll brush your teeth and give you a bath. after that, i can read you a bedtime story. do you want that?" kuzushi merely shrugs. mona gives him a gaze of pity, feeling bad for the predicament of her nephew being homesick and missing his parents at the same time.
the rest of the evening felt long and draining to both mona and kuzushi. even though he's listening to scaramouche's orders, he's still as sad as ever. after tucking kuzushi into the crib in mona's guest bedroom, she practically flopped onto the bed out of exhaustion.
she barely did anything but at the same time, kuzushi's glum mood was effecting her as well. kuzushi tosses and turns all night while quietly whining. his crib back at home is lower than this and the mattress is much more thin. he eventually gave up and climbed out of the crib.
he struggled at first, with how high it is, but gradually got down. kuzushi adjusts his pajama onesie and walks to the bed by the crib where mona is sleeping. if he were at home with you and scaramouche, you'd usually be awake at this time, reading a book with scaramouche's arms around your waist while he slept soundly.
whenever kuzushi couldn't sleep or suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, you'd let him join you two on the bed and he'd fall asleep in no time.
mona stirs in her sleep upon feeling kuzushi gently tap at her shoulder. she looks at him with half-awake eyes and he whispers, "me sleep here?" mona mumbles, closing her eyes while making space for him on the bed, "of course, sweetie." kuzushi lays by her and she gives him some of the blanket.
he scooches a little closer to her and rests his head against her chest. this earns a very startled noise from mona as he murmurs, "soft pillow..." she laughs and pecks a kiss onto his forehead. "goodnight, kuzushi. sleep well."
after that night, things changed.
kuzushi may or may not have found a comfort in mona's oddly huge home. the numerous rooms overwhelm him, but she's always there to hold his hand so that he doesn't get lost. he starts talking to her and seeks her whenever he needs comfort from his absent parents.
"today's finally the day!" mona proudly flaunts the living room, which she decorated with a whole lot of pink stuff and a banner overhead. kuzushi tightly hugs his stuffed giraffe and takes a long look at the banner. "auntie, what it say?" he asks.
he already figured it's to celebrate the return of his parents, but why is it such a big deal that mona has to do all of this? mona clasps her hands together and tries to avoid answering his question. "that," she boops his nose, making him blink. "is a surprise for later."
kuzushi giggles and mona smiles. "auntie fischl is also arriving at any time now and granny ei has been staying with your (p/n) and papa." she sets out the cutlery onto the dining room table and kuzushi gasps, "why granny ei stay?" mona gives him a wink, saying, "that's also a part of the surprise."
kuzushi opens his mouth to interrogate her once more but the doorbell reaches him first. mona calls out, "i'm coming!" she flattens her attire and heads towards the sound as kuzushi waddles after her. mona opens the door and tsks. "you're finally here. how come you couldn't arrive earlier?"
fischl exclaims, "spare me, sister! i, for one, have been occupying myself with the gift buying for the little one here." she giddily enters the house and greets kuzushi. kuzushi observes her appearance. fischl wears a ton of accessories. in fact, there's so many that kuzushi finds it hard where to look next.
as fischl makes her way over to kuzushi, she hands a wrapped up present to mona, whispering, "kuzushi may open it once he goes home." she claps her hands, cooing, "my, you have grown since i last laid my eyes upon you, kuzushi." fischl bends down to gently pinch his chubby cheek.
kuzushi widely smiles and nods his head. mona scoffs, "save him the whole dialogue, fischl. come and help me bring out the food, the special guests are going to be arriving soon." fischl stands back up and hums, "right away!~"
kuzushi tightens his arms around his giraffe and goes back into the kitchen to join his two aunts. one thing about him is that he doesn't enjoy being alone.
although, he has to admit, he's very happy that you and scaramouche are coming back. he's planning on mentioning that he ate everything mona gave him and that he uses a different shampoo here, so now his hair smells different but in a good way.
when all of the preparing is done and over with, mona and fischl are resting on the couch. "so much work," mona groans, her head thrown back. fischl wearily sighs as a reply. kuzushi plays with some of the old toys mona brought up from her basement.
he babbles, "giraffe, here." placing his giraffe on the toy car, he starts moving around the living room to push the car forward. but all of his playtime is forgotten when the front door opens. he notices scaramouche and ei first and he instantly cries out.
"papa!" kuzushi cries and loudly wails as he rushes to his father (not without tripping a few times). scaramouche crouches down and welcomes him with open arms. "i missed you, sweetheart. have you been a good boy?"
scaramouche laughs as kuzushi cries even louder. ei pats kuzushi's head, "there, there, you wouldn't want to wake her up."
kuzushi wipes his tears and snot onto scaramouche's shirt and looks up at ei. mona and fischl watch from the living room with big grins. the next thing he knows, you're standing there with a bundle of pink blankets in your arms.
you smile, "kuzushi..." he's still sitting in scaramouche's lap, speechless. you kneel onto the floor and sit with both him and scaramouche. "this is kaede. you're a big brother now, sweetheart." kuzushi immediately leans over to peer at the sleeping baby out of curiosity.
she has faint traces of your hair color and her eyes, still closed, have their color from you as well. this time, she inherits scaramouche's skin tone. you carefully hand her to him and scaramouche aids kuzushi in holding her.
kuzushi's eyes go wide when the baby sneezes and starts crying. you give kuzushi a baby bottle, allowing him to feed his little sister. he's practically trembling, scared to hurt her while he prods the bottle at her lips. kaede accepts it and her soft sobs gradually quiet down.
fischl giggles, "are you happy to be a big brother, kuzushi? your father knows all about it!" scaramouche sighs, "it's going to be an interesting experience, that's for sure." kuzushi pauses before smiling. "mhm, i'm-i'm kaede's friend." he places a kiss on the newborn's forehead, earning a prolonged squeal of cuteness overload from mona.
ei chuckles, "i'm sure you will be, kuzushi. and unlike your father and his sisters, i'm positive you won't start fights, hm?" kuzushi rapidly nods, a little bit afraid of his grandmother's tone on the last part.
"kuzushi, are you upset with us?" you softly ask, brushing a few strands of hair away from his face. kuzushi instantly exclaims, "no! jus' sad..." he frowns, "want you 'nd papa here." scaramouche kisses him on the head. "we're here now, kuzushi. and we're going home with you and kaede."
later that night, after the dinner and the celebration, kuzushi was finally back home. as soon as scaramouche opens the door, the two-year-old is all over the place, greeting his toys and shoving his face into the couch.
"is kaede sleep, m-my crib?" kuzushi queries out of excitement, his big eyes sparkling as he excitedly kicks his feet on the bed. scaramouche replies, "she'll be using your crib. but for now, you'll be sleeping on the big bed with me and (p/n)." he looks over to where you're changing kaede's diaper.
"do you need help, my love?" scaramouche asks. you shake your head, "it's quite alright, dear. i'm finished anyways." you pick up kaede and gently place her into the crib. kuzushi reaches out to scaramouche with grabby hands and he picks him up.
scaramouche stands by the crib, letting kuzushi watch the baby nod off into another nap as you feed her milk from a bottle. when she's done, you put the bottle aside and get ready to join your two favourite boys on the bed.
kuzushi is laying in between you and scaramouche, snuggling against the comfy mattress. scaramouche soothingly rubs your knuckles before bringing your hand up to his lips. you give him a tired smile, "we truly have the best children in the world, don't we?"
scaramouche chuckles, "best is an understatement, darling." he leans in and pushes his lips onto yours. kuzushi tugs at your shirt. "(p/n), my kiss." his quiet demand makes you giggle. scaramouche jokingly rolls his eyes as you kiss kuzushi on the cheek.
"hey now, what about me?" scaramouche kisses kuzushi on his other cheek, emitting a squeal from kuzushi. kuzushi rests his head upon the pillows and at once, falls asleep. "poor thing, he seems exhausted," you whisper, stroking his hair.
scaramouche flatly says, "this is nothing. he'll know true exhaustion when kaede starts annoying him." you laugh and tilt your head, "only time will be able to tell."
the next day, you and scaramouche wake up to kuzushi's crying. "kaede, kaede crying! dunno' what do..." he continues to bawl his eyes out and scaramouche sits up, placing the fussy child in his lap. you rush towards kaede and stop in your tracks when you find her bottle on the floor, right next to her crib.
you pick it up and look over to kuzushi. "did you try feeding her, sweetheart?" you query with a laugh while giving kaede her need of milk. kuzushi wipes at his tears with his chubby fist, murmuring, "i couldn't reach."
scaramouche chuckles, "wake us up next time, alright? even though it's nice of you to try and take care of her, you're still too young to do all of that." you smile and sit next to them with kaede in your arms. scaramouche profoundly gazes at the baby, reaching forward to gently caress her face.
kuzushi sucks on his fingers, babbling, "me too, papa." scaramouche playfully scoffs and bounces kuzushi in his lap. "i guess my little girl and my little boy both need some of my love, hm?" scaramouche ruffles kuzushi's hair and he whines, "(p/n), he mess it!"
kuzushi pouts and gives his father an angry glare before crawling to your side. you giggle at scaramouche, "you know he doesn't like getting his hair all tangled up." scaramouche sighs as he crosses his arms, "he's lucky he's too cute to get away with looking at me like that though."
kuzushi hugs your side and sticks out his tongue at scaramouche. scaramouche sticks out his tongue as well but with a more teasing air to it. kuzushi cries to you, "he's mean." scaramouche gawks, "he started it first!"
© kisscara
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queenofthedisneyverse · 4 months
Finally! Meet my spidersona, SPIDERBEAT!
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Here's Omari without the skirt
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(Click for better quality)
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As always, feel free to ask questions about him. Likes, comments, reblogs are always appreciated! And yes, you can draw them if you wish
Special thanks to @cherryvampiro for the tutorial and for giving me anough inspiration/confidence to finally draw her!
P.S Omari was originally going to be a girl, but then I wanted her to be a boy, then I thought...why not both?
I'll be adding more to this post (or I might do separate posts) so stay tuned!
Text (In case it was hard to see):
Omari Jewel Octavious is from earth 222A is Spiderbeats - A beat dropping, bars spitting, melodic singing, dress making, y2k sensation.
She's super optimistic and friendly, maybe a little sassy and snarky. Just think Poppy from trolls, Charlotte from princess and the frog, Veruca from Willy Wonka, Darla Dimple from "Cat's don't dance", and Bugs bunny. 
 Omari also has the ability to sing in two different tones, masculine and feminine. He started practicing at nine just for fun and now he uses his two different voices for singing and rapping. She also uses these tones whenever he is feeling masc or fem. 
Omari's parents are Olivia Octavious and Maxwell Dillon. Olivia is a scientist and Maxwell own's an Electric company. Omari also has an older brother named Marcus (19) who is studying to be a lawyer, and two younger twin siblings, Olivia (girl) and Micha (boy), who are both eight.
Right before omari was about to perform on stage he got bitten by a radioactive Orb Weaver Spider. (A CIA experiment lab was training spiders to act based on certain sounds. Over time, with a little biological adjusting, they started making webs that created music. Each strand had a different note attached to it and the spider would make sounds similar to songs they would hear the scientists play.) 
What makes him different?
The spider venom caused his brain  to change how he hears things. Giving him a version of MES “Musical ear syndrome” if you will. His brain now creates music in various ways and types.
When it comes to people he knows like family or friends she’ll hear their “theme song”. Basically just sounds/beats his mind makes up corresponding to the person's vibe. But the theme songs are always the same when it comes to a specific person, never changing. 
The theme songs are at a low velocity in the back of her mind like how we hear music in our brains but just a smidge louder. Villains also have a theme song of their own in her brain. But they are very loud, almost overwhelming (it works as a constant spidey-sense until the battle is over). The reason for this is because he’s going through an intense and frustrating moment so the music will be intense and frustrating in his mind. 
He can still hear regular music and even change it to her liking. She can add lyrics, switch lyrics to different songs, switch beats as well as even add and control different instruments. He can even speed it up or slow it down. 
She can make it stop but only if he manages to calm down and focus. Or if that doesn't work she'll use her headset. 
Why the headset?
Sometimes the noise becomes too much for him so the headphones are just noise cancellers. But they can also be used to drown out other noise so his spidey senses are the only thing she can hear/focus on. 
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jamiekb · 6 months
Exploring the new Welcome Home Update
So here's my journey through the new update and the little details that it has, this will be a very long post and of course full of spoilers.
Look at the new design for the loading screen, so Christmas-y! I particularly love the antlers on Home's chimney.
Looking good Wally! And now we have new little doodles that seem to go with the holiday.
Ok so according to the admins no more bugs so wonder what will be different this time. Onto the news page then
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Also I'm really digging the new background
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Ok starting the FAQ now and some questions and answers are interesting. So they've been receiving more material covered in goop. They kinda adress in universe the move of the website, due to malicious material and in the code of the page.
And there is one new hidden message in the answers (I think) "The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can't see them" So do we have to look for numbers now?
Took a detour through the stickers and they have new ones! There is Wally making a Home out of snow, sleeping Julie, I think Frank singing Carols to a butterfly, Poppy with a Jello thing, Eddie with a ton of presents to deliver, Howdy with some relatives, Sally as the star of a Christmas tree and Barnaby with a snowman.
Also with the "Welcome Home" banners two are a bit more desaturated now. And now that I think about it there are some stains in the main banner too
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Anyway unto the Neighborhood! Looks so cute although I'll be honest the clock tower is a bit weird and the trees feel a bit more intense at the edges or maybe that's just me
Eddie seems quite normal though now apparantly he has a mother, I'm confident that didn't use to be there. Is it weird that other than Wally hes the only one that didn't add anything new to his home for the season?
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I think Howdy's description also changed a bit but nothing alarming. His store now seems to have signs welcoming his family for the holidays.
Checking Barnaby's description they seem to all have a bit more background info, since he apparently left his farm life to come to Home. Ok what does "Barnaby’s middle initial was often rotated in terms of what it stood for" mean???
Poppy is so cute! Is she holding cupcakes decorated like the characters or did she already do that? Ok but her new details feel very interesting: she claims to be able to fly but it's never shown and she never leaves her house to the point of being excluded from some events (like Wally's Homewarming party I guess)
Sallys is fine. She's besties with Poppy I guess and she can shine??? How do you make a puppet shine?? Were they roommates maybe?
Oh Julie got quite a backstory. Named siblings, she has paws and used to live in the forest on the outskirts of Home in a cave with her family. And she hibernates that's too cute!
Great my dear Frank still gets no background info (which is very interesting) but he goes get forced heteronormativity.
Ok and Wally is kinda similar, no background info just very dedicated to Home. And I''l see about coming back to the As above so below page since I can't seem to click it, might just be me. You can still see the goop at the doorstep though
Ok so first off the Merchandise page has a different background to the rest, some colorful static and took a bit to load.
oooh they even changed the layout for the phone since you could hear Wallys call, that's such a cool detail
Maybe I'll go back and see if Eddies or Sally's stories have been changed in the audio or transcipt but I'll stick to the new stuff for now. Now that i think about maybe Sally's doesn't have the bit where the transcript couldnt understand it.
Finally reached the wish book and I love it so much, this is so much work all around! My favorites are the Frank and Wally pillows, Eddie Dear Lil' Mailman's Kit, the Home Clock and specially the tree skirt! I now have to make those cute neighbors
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Oh my god the record has the perfect Santa voice. And.. interesting that the ad cuts off when we get to Eddie. I'm not really surprised thought it would do something when it got to him or Frank, still suspicious.
Homewarming Story
The sound editing for all this new items is amazing!
I love the bit of the characters tripping up the narrators, this one just hasn't been able to get it right.
Hey is it me or in this one they've been a bit more insistent that Frank is a bit too literal but in a not so good way, not that much more intense but can't help but notice it. Seems a bit meaner
The return of Walliford!
Good to know Home uses he/him I guess
excuse me the fuck was that sound distortion???
and then it ends kinda abruptly, so that's that...
Where's my Eddie by the way, they didn't ask him and didn't find him while out on the town. I better hear him at some point or I will riot.
We have a code!
Ok so I was skimming the rest of the material before choosing what to listen to next and saw the cereal and craft at the back! So I guess now I have to find all the little drawings in the page and see when come from that
So I did listen to a few more songs, nice to see Eddie and Frank interacting as always, and noticed that in the transcript pages there are some entries for Mistery Audio, which are actually three of the previously hidden videos so that's interesting
Also not all the pages have four drawings some only one, so I've been trying to keep track which symbols i found where in case it matters. Still don't know what they're for just going around collecting them
Ok nvm I was doing things out of order and now that I got to media can see they are mentioned there
So after finally getting all the little things and going back to tumblr cause honestly I didnt really get what to do, I'm guessing it leads to a website, since one of the pages just has www as the code, so I'll try that I guess since I saw that there is a secret website somewhere. If it takes me too long I'll just look it up
Secret website
Nvm I'm too impatient at this point and I think i was missing a few letters so I just looked it up
Ok so that's interesting, so this person is kinda like the one behind the scenes talking to us along with whatever had infected the website before. They mention how the curator got sick (???) but is better now and that they'll try to update this website with the weird things they find
So the phone is one, like the weird glitched audio from Wally. This audio is interesting cause it plays out technically in real life but Wally speaks as if they are living out their lives...
And then moving on to the commercial they are speaking again of being compelled to know more, to see and wait. I'm sure some is curiosity but that can't be all
ohmygod this is more than 20 minutes long, the effort it must have taken Clown and team is monumental
that little animation is so cute!!!
fast forward many commercials and we have Eddie!!! And even a whole hand helping Poppy or something.
god the tobacco comercial of course they would have one
My poor Eddie boy is so anxious and depressed, why is no one talking to you bud? Like not getting him a present is a thing but not even Julie called him to play... and now is he's spiraling and even mad, that's unusual for sure. Also what's with the perspective of his videos, everything is a commercial or in the case of the secret videos it's interactions with other neighbors. This is more like the secret videos that we're seeing from someones POV, but not even that, we're observing him not looking through his eyes
Oh my poor Eddie is certainly going through it, who let them expose him to The Horrors? The horror aspect of this ARG sure has started to pick up speed, even I picked up some anxiety from that last segment
Also I did notice that Frank eventually dropped the Mr Dear for Eddie when he got more worried, almost like hes more worried than for an act that he has to put up huh?
So that was the newest Welcome home update. I can say it was everything I hoped for and more!!! The team behind it really gave it their all. From VAs for the audios to all the visual and graphic artists for the commercials its all so wonderful
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twinkleteaparty · 5 months
Speeding Bonds: A Sainz Siblings Story
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This is my first F1 fanfiction, and I'm excited to share it with you all! It's a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Your feedback means a lot to me, so if you like what you read, let me know! If there's interest, I'll definitely add more to the story. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!
Character: Name: Ji-min Sainz Age: 23
Background: Ji-min was adopted from South Korea into the Sainz family when she was just a baby. Growing up in Spain, she was immersed in Spanish culture but always felt a connection to her Korean roots. She has a warm relationship with her adoptive family.
Ji-min discovered her passion for music at a young age and pursued it fervently. She auditioned for a talent agency in Barcelona and was selected to be a part of a five-member girl group called "Eclipse." Despite her busy schedule as a K-pop idol.
Meanwhile, her older Carlos Sainz Jr. was making a name for himself in the world of Formula 1 racing. Their paths rarely crossed due to their different careers and lifestyles, but Ji-min secretly followed Carlos's races, feeling proud of his achievements yet also envious of the attention and recognition he received.
As Ji-min's popularity as a K-pop idol soared, she kept her family background a secret, fearing that it might overshadow her own accomplishments and potentially cause unwanted attention. However, deep down, she yearned to connect with her brother.
The story:
Ji-min: Hey Carlos, it's Ji-min. Hope you're doing awesome today! 🌟
Carlos: Ji-min! What's up, little sis? 😄 Everything good on your end?
Ji-min: Yeah, all good here! Hey, I was actually wondering... would it be cool if I came to one of your races? I've been dying to see you in action, big bro! 🏎️💨
Carlos: Of course it's cool, Ji-min! I'd love to have you there cheering me on. But... are you okay with everyone knowing we're family? I mean, it's kind of a big deal to go public with this stuff.
Ji-min: Totally cool with it, Carli! I've been wanting to shout it from the rooftops for ages. 😄 Plus, I'm super proud of you, big bro! Let's show the world what the Sains siblings are made of!
Carlos: Haha, you're the best, Ji-min! Thanks for always having my back. 😊 Alright then, I'll hook you up with a pass for the race. Get ready for the full VIP treatment!
Ji-min: Woo-hoo! VIP treatment, here I come! 🌟 Thanks a million, Carli. You're the best big bro a girl could ask for!
Carlos: Anytime, Ji-min! Can't wait to see you at the race, little sis. Get ready for some serious fun!
Ji-min: Counting down the days big bro! Vamos!
The day of the race:
At the Australian Grand Prix 2024
Ji-min made her way through the bustling crowds, the sun beating down on her as she walked. She was dressed in a simple sundress, a soft pastel blue that fluttered gently in the warm breeze. The fabric flowed loosely around her figure, offering comfort and ease as she navigated through the throngs of people.
A pair of oversized sunglasses shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight, partially concealing her face and adding a touch of mystery to her appearance. She pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail, strands of dark hair framing her delicate features.
Despite the casual attire, Ji-min moved with a graceful confidence, her steps light and purposeful as she weaved her way through the crowd. She kept her head down slightly, avoiding direct eye contact to minimize attention as she made her way towards the VIP area.
Occasionally, she caught snippets of excited chatter from nearby fans discussing the upcoming race and the drivers competing in it. Ji-min couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through her veins as she neared the entrance, her heart pounding with anticipation.
As she reached the designated entrance for VIP guests, Ji-min took a deep breath, her excitement bubbling beneath the surface. With a confident smile, she presented her pass to the security personnel and stepped inside, ready to witness her big brother's momentous victory firsthand.
Her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of her brother. She was so absorbed in her search that she didn't notice the people around her, her gaze moving to her phone screen as she typed out a message to Carlos.
"Hey Carli, just arrived. Where are you? "
Lost in her phone, Ji-min didn't notice the figure approaching until it was too late. With a sudden jolt, she collided with someone, nearly dropping her phone in the process.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, looking up to see who she had bumped into.
Standing before her was none other than Lando Norris, one of the drivers competing in the race. Ji-min's eyes widened in surprise, recognizing him instantly from his racing gear and signature smile.
Lando grinned apologetically, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "No worries! "
Ji-min nodded, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks. Sorry for not paying attention."
Lando chuckled, waving off her apology. "Not a problem at all." giving her a friendly nod before continuing on his way.
As Ji-min watched him disappear into the crowd, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through her veins. Little did she know, her encounter with Lando was just the beginning of an unforgettable day at the races.
Ji-min's heart raced as she finally spotted her brother amidst the hustle and bustle of the Ferrari garage. Carlos stood surrounded by his team, his familiar smile lighting up his face as he greeted them with enthusiasm.
"Carli!" Ji-min exclaimed, weaving her way through the crowd until she reached him. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you."
Carlos turned towards her, his eyes lighting up with delight as he caught sight of his little sister. "Ji-min! I'm so glad you made it!" he exclaimed, pulling her into a tight embrace.
Wrapped in her brother's arms, Ji-min felt a rush of warmth and contentment wash over her. It had been too long since they last saw each other, and she cherished every moment they spent together.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Ji-min replied, pulling back to look at Carlos with a beaming smile.
They spent the next few minutes catching up, exchanging stories and sharing laughs as they soaked in the atmosphere of the race day. Ji-min couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as she watched her brother interact with his team, his passion for racing shining through in every word and gesture.
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pjsk-headcanons · 2 months
hi! i thought a blog like this would be fun. i was inspired by @/projectsekaitakes.
layout by @/syanji here
blog run by @kaitos-big-naturals
you can submit through asks!
(apologies in advance if i ever misinterpret something you tell me, im either distracted or very tired while queueing thingswww. you can tell me in asks or messages if i get something wrong!)
You are not allowed to have more than 5 headcanons in the queue. dont feel too stressed or guilty about this, its not really a big deal. if you lose track, just wait about a day and you should be fine.
You are not allowed to complain or hate on the headcanons in the replies or reblogs. you are, however, allowed to give your own.
I. e., "Honami can't stand the smell of car exhaust." can have people in the replies saying, "i always thought she would hate the smell of lemons"
You are not allowed to submit headcanons exclusively about gender/sexuality/romanticism. those can get oversaturated really quickly, so to avoid it ive decided to not allow them, sorry. you can send shit like "akito is a little whore slut babygirl" and I'll probably post that since it doesnt really have to do with actual identity or orientation.
Don't misgender Mizuki or erase their representation.
No sexual headcanons. sorry! I'm okay with that stuff, but im also aware that many people aren't so let's not do that here! again, more jokey submissions are okay (read: akito is a little whore slut babygirl) since that isnt really explicit but I'd rather not do anything past that.
No asks that perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
No use of the word "Latinx". you can use latine or latino instead!
AU headcanons are allowed! in fact, i would love them! all i ask is you make a lil note about it before the actual headcanon so people have Context
please notify me if i don't tag something correctly! I'll try to add trigger warnings for everything but i might make mistakes!
if a hc includes a ship, I'll tag that ship. i may tag a group of two or more characters that dont have a name (i.e. shinonome siblings, white day trio, etc.) with "[ship name] hc" (looks at akian) but ill only tag things with the actual ship tag if the characters are explicitly stated to be something other than friends
if submissions get repetitive or follow the same topic/character a lot, i wont queue them and wait until it dies down to put it in the queue. i won't ever delete an ask unless it breaks a rule above!
in the tags of the post, i, blog runner, will share my thoughts on the headcanon. i wont be negative, i promise!
[note: the tag for kohane headcanons is #kohampster hc]
most of all, have fun! that's what fandom is about!
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raihann1 · 3 days
hey do you think you can do a post of ASL have a baby sister around the age of 10, Ace and Luffy raised her and she joins Luffy and goes with him to Marineford, role reversal and their little sister takes Ace’s place and dies in his place. do u think u can do a one shot of it but with more characters like the crew, the Marines, pirates (like law, mihawk, shanks, marco, blackbeard), garp showing their feelings to the tragedy of her death also i would l really like to see how akainu would react to killing her like would he have no regrets? Even if garp brought her to the base when she was a toddler and he actually met her and like her? I wanna see how everyone would react to her death and I wanna see if asl would kill akainu if given the chance or garp and I wanna see how the straw hat crew would react given how they actually met her and know her more and I definitely wanna see how the Marines react and the big time pirates if you could also show a scene where someone was trash talking and i mean dirty and trashy the kind and lets you know the person talking like that is evil about his sister and luffy killed him also could you give her a name something you think luffy would give and if you could add that scene of him naming her that would be cute i Definitely wanna see everyone reaction to her death please make it as detailed as possible I would really appreciate it if you could if not please let me know
Was this destiny? ★
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NOTES: thanks for requesting! I will be adding as much detail as possible but i will not be adding Extra characters like Mihawk since it wouldn't make sense and would be changing it up a bit, hope you don't mind but I want this to make sense alright enjoy!
PAIRING: ASL x little!Sister reader
"Im coming Y/N just wait!" Luffy thought to himself as he ran across Impel down, his little sister was captured and now he and Ace were going to rescue her.
It originally happened when Ace and Y/N had met Luffy at Alabasta, both siblings joining Whitebeard's crew and now on a mission too hunt someone named "Blackbeard" unfortunate for them, Y/N took the time too let Ace flee while she was captured and now, about to be executed.
He could not lose another sibling, no not after Sabo, he just couldn't..
It all started when she was 10, lost naive and awfully snappy. She bonded with the brothers and spent time with them, she remembered when she explained how much she wanted a name. Luffy then named her "y/n" out of pure fun, it stuck around and it was now her most cherished posession.
"Please, I need too rescue you sister." Luffy thought as he ran quicker then he could actually mantain too.
"This is it, am dying." You said smiling eyes closed as you tried to not let the hot tears fall, you knew garp was there. You knew the man you once viewd as a grandpa, a role model could do nothing but wait for the blow.
You then saw, the moby dick and gasped, your crew was here too save you and a sudden spark of hope burst into you, alonside you saw luffy.
Wait, LUFFY?
Everythung happened so fast, first you accepted death now you wanted to seize it. You smiled happy tears falling from your E/C eyes.
"Dont worry! N/N I'LL SAVE YOU!"
He was so close, so close by you. He grabbed you and you both began running laughing as tears welled from both eyes, that was untill you felt something, something hot. A burning sensation and it hurt.
It hurt.
It hurt..
Blood fell out of your mouth as you choked and coughed gasping for air.
Luffys face fell and his eyes widened.
What did he do.
He fell down too his knees and watched you die.
"T-thank you luffy.. for being my brother!"
He screamed, terror guilt all emotions floading in. How could he. His sister.
Marco seemed too hold back emotions as he yelled for them too save luffy, as it would be disrespect for y/n if they left him.
You knew.
He would
The king
Of the pirates
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charms-cat · 13 days
Nitpicking Kaos
Aka "Is it so hard to have 10 seconds of Googling?"
Dislaimer: I'm not a follower of the Greek pantheon nor am I the most avid "fan" of Greek myth (putting that in quotes bcs there are still worshippers today), but oh my God. Is it so difficult to keep the most basic of information correct? I'm not gonna nitpick on how they twist certain myths (e.g. how Orpheus gets to and gets Eurydice out of the underworld) bcs it's fine, it serves the plot they're telling so it's not like they're doing it for no reason. But the names of gods? Their titles? The fact that Hera is probably the only goddess who has remained faithful to her spouse? Is it too much to ask?
EDIT: just realised just how negative this all sounds, but I did genuinely enjoy the show and its plot. It was interesting enough to captivate me for 8 whole eps, the character dynamics were intriguing, and the portrayal of the gods was cruel and I loved it since it hammers in the disconnect/lack of empathy that they feel for mortals
Anyway, here's a list of nitpicks [SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT] feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
Heracles, not Hercules
Why do people keep getting this wrong? The name of a literal Greek Goddess (Hera) is part of his name. How are you gonna make Zeus praise him, but still get his name wrong
Why is Hestia reduced to being a fucking dog????????? Not just any dog either, she's Zeus's dog that already died, absolutely no chance of an appearance of his fifth sibling unless you wanna make it that Zeus was such a dick that he named his dog after his sister. It's not like she has a "useless" domain. She's one of the three most well-known virgin goddesses. She's the goddess of the home and hearth and of the sacrificial fire. She's the one who receives the first offering at a (domestic) sacrifice so why is she just a dog??
If I had a nickel for every time I read a retelling where she cheats on Zeus with his brother, I'd have two nickels (the first was Lore Olympus, if you're curious). Hera is supposed to represent the ideal wife, the literal goddess of lawful marriage so how the fuck can you make her be unfaithful?????????
Not so much a nitpick than a question, said question being "why are we acting like Poseidon doesn't have a wife, the nereid Amphitrite, queen of the seas" did they get divorced? Is that why he's lusting after Hera
He's the god of THE DEAD. Thanatos is the god of death ffs; he's the literal personification of death. Thanatos takes mortal souls, and Hades presides over said dead souls. It would've taken only a few seconds to change Hades's title card and for Persephone to call him "god of the dead" instead of the "god of death". Nothing about Hades's position even hints to him presiding over death itself. We only ever see him running the underworld (Y'know, where all the dead are?). They literally had to change nothing but his title card and what Persephone calls him
This isn't really a nitpick on her character, but.... if she's in the underworld, shouldn't it be winter? It doesn't matter that she truly loves Hades or that she went willingly, Part of what fueled Demeter's winter is her grief over losing/being away from her daughter so why is it so damn sunny when we cut to the mortal world
Again, not a nitpick but a definite downplay of his musical abilities considering the fact that the song he sung to convince Hades and Persephone had literally stopped the underworld in its tracks
Not an egregious change, but I'll say it anyway: Wasn't he freed by Heracles during his 12 labours? It's not like he needs to be chained up, pretty sure the resentment that comes from centuries or millenia of having your liver pecked out and eaten would sustain his hatred for an equal amount of time
Their decision to make him a president instead of a king is not only unnecessary, but it makes him look like the Greek ver of Putin. I mean, they really didn't need to add in the part where Ariadne(?) says something along the lines of "you should let the people vote, they'd choose you anyway". Just... the implication that he simply declared himself president is dumb as hell. Despite Athens being the birthplace of democracy, I don't think they even had presidents in Ancient Greece. You could literally just call Minos a king and virtually nothing about the plot would even change so why bother. Is this really just their attempt at "modernising" their world/setting? It's not like we don't have kings in this day and age
It's true that Glaucus is a sibling of Ariadne, but the Minotaur is a whole separate sibling. The Minotaur even has his own name: Asterion/Asterius. Just another case of "why did they have to change this?" Literally just swap out the name "Glaucus" for "Asterion" and not only will (yet again) virtually nothing about the plot change, but it would be more mythologically accurate and less confusing for people who do know the myths. In fact, it could've been a fun hint for people who know the myths to clock what really happened to "Glaucus" early on, but still have them questioning "how did he become the Minotaur in this version?"
Ngl I'm kinda sad that Pas seems to be just a normal mortal woman bcs, in Greek myth, she was a sorceress-goddess, the daughter of Helios. Plus, although I think it's kinda fucked up that she was forced to fuck/be fucked by the Cretan bull (bcs being "made to fall in love" is not the same as "falling in love"), I think it would've been interesting to explore not only her grief over losing a child, but the grief that comes from realising that he never was and never could be accepted by either Gods or mortals. Also, it would've made her obsession over him look slightly less selfish (and lowkey creepy) if we found out that part of the reason was that she knew her son could never live among humans as half-man, half-bull so she resorted to making wax figures that would've at least let her imagine what it would've been like if he wasn't the result of divine punishment
Was literally just an Easter egg. Downgraded from a prince of Athens to a Cretan bodyguard. Didn't even do his most notable act (killing the Minotaur) or even get sent to the Labyrinth in the first place. Makes him feel very much like a character that the writers added just to say, "Look! Look, we know Greek myth!" Especially since Theseus disappeared into thin air after the Trojan 7 were arrested. I don't think they even showed him in the crowd with Andromache, mourning Astyanax
Non-character Nitpicks (yeah, I got more)
Not really bothered by this, but I'm pretty sure that bees aren't even one of Hera's sacred animals. They could've made it peacocks, make the birds wander the grounds and when the reveal drops, the symbol of opulence turns into an unabashed display of cruelty
Admittedly, the colour of ichor in Ancient Greek texts has always been ambiguous. But I feel like it would've been an interesting visual for their blood to be a non-red colour; maybe the popular gold, for example. Bcs it would've A) drawn a clear line between Gods and mortals and further "validated" the Gods' hubris by serving as visual proof that there's an undeniable difference between them and the mortals; and B) would've really caused Zeus to panic when he saw that his blood was red instead of gold, make him think that he's becoming mortal, vulnerable, weak
Minor nitpick, but isn't the sentence for not being able to pay the toll only 100 years, not 200? Why the extra 100 years? Why even change this? If they really wanted to make it feel like a long sentence, then they should've gone for 500 or 1000 years. Living even just 100 years of doing the same thing with no variation or even the choice to opt out, or even being able to taste anything, would start feeling hellish sooner than you might think
This might just be the aromantic in me, but why is there so much romance???? And it's between couples that never existed in the OG myths
1. Hera/Poseidon - why??? I've already talked about how it goes against Hera's character, but if they really wanted them to have a "deep" relationship, they're literally siblings?? They could just bond over having to be the ones that keep Zeus in line or being the only ones responsible for actually ruling their realms (bcs Amphitrite is nowhere to be found). They didn't need to insult Hera's character like that
2. Theseus/Astyanax - I'd have less problem with this if it didn't seem like Theseus wanted Ari to only save Nax instead of all 7 Trojans. It makes it feel like they're fueling the idea that a person would only be desperate to save the person they love romantically. E.g., a husband saving his wife, but not someone saving their best friend
3. Prometheus/Charon - same problem as the Theseus/Nax ship, especially with the added line that Prometheus needs to rely on "someone who will do anything for you" (or sumn like that). Like,,,, you can do that for your friend too, y'know. It's not out of the realm of possibility to miss your friend or love them so deeply that you'd do anything for them. It's literally a well-known joke(?) that there are friends who'd help you hide the body. It'd just be a more intense ver of that between Charon and Prometheus. They didn't need to be romantic to showcase Charon's trust in and dedication to helping Prometheus
4. Caeneus/Eurydice - I'm so tired of people falling in love in less than a week (I don't think this relationship even reached a full three days). Iirc y'all had a grand total of 6 conversations - first at the Frame, second meeting when Riddy introduces herself as a diver, third at the party, fourth when they're sitting on the bench, fifth when they have their short escapade to the Nothing, sixth in Caeneus's bedroom.
I mean,,,,, I get that they shared meaningful conversations, but I swear none of said conversations even lasted more than 5 minutes so where on Earth is this "love" coming from?? Y'all have barely scratched the surface of what you know of each other but you think you're connected??? Get real
Ending on a positive note
I actually love the Furies and the Fates. The Furies more for their looks and their vibe and especially the Fates for their (literal) know-it-all nonchalant attitude. I hope they come back next season.
The set design and colouring is also top tier, from the underworld filtered in black and white and looking industrial and office-like to the vibrant colours and festivity of Earth to the opulence of Olympus
Some actual trans and disability rep! I've been burned before with the trans rep since the Netflix adaptation of "Alice in Borderlands" has a cis woman playing a transfem, but Misia Butler is an actual transmasc! [Nobody argue that AIB couldn't have an actual transfem bcs of Japan's transphobia bcs I can tell you what's not helping trans rights: having cis women play transfem roles, thinking it makes no difference anyway. Good rep can pave the way for acceptance]
The disability rep in actors is so fucking bad that I genuinely thought most people with disabilities just didn't become actors. I only knew that the daughter in "A Quiet Place" was actually deaf bcs I went to look it up. Anyway, hope Mat Fraser (Daedalus aka only decent father figure) comes back bcs no way he actually got eaten, right? Right????
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