#i do not get any work done. i literally am just listening and thinking abt them and kicking my feet and giggling and being sad also.
bytesie · 7 months
oh no my heart is being attacked by gay vampires............... my chest hurts...........
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usuibu · 8 months
more eren hcs pls! where his mom teases him ab the reader and he begged carla to stop bcs of his embarrassment
poor eren lol carla always teases him ab his ears turning red too
I literally am getting so lazy im not built strong enough to write one shots consistenly im so sorry (to whoever requested things before this one IM STILL WORKING ON THEM I SWEAR!!!) im so sorry for skipping the line and writing these hc instead😭😭😭
I love u aswell i love the dynamic of eren, carla and reader its so cute thankyou sm for requesting omg
Bf!eren headcanons
More headcanons/masterlist
Carla edition
- if carla arrives home after eren she’ll always ask why ur not over before even saying hi to him😭
- whenever eren is annoying to u (as always) she smacks him aggressively
- carlas always buying random things for u at the store which eren gets pissed about ‘she didnt even ask me if i wanted one she just said to give it to u’
- she likes to take facebook pictures promoting u and eren as a couple (shes ur biggest supporter frl💀) the pictures are always unfortunate angles tho but its the thought that counts😋
- while u guys were still getting to know each other,, eren 100% went to carla and armin for advice after jean i feel liek carla and armin are a cute little support duo for eren😭 he realises what bullshit jean gave him once he acc listens to them two tho
- ever since eren asked carla for advice tho she doesn’t let it drop and tugs at his ear to make fun of him when he denies things abt u
“Hows ur girlfriend?” His face and ears just heat up as he gets embarrassed “i said to stop calling her that shes not my gf yet”
- when u were meeting her for the first time she defo made it her mission to embarrass the fuck out of eren
- shes defo the type to embarrass him with personal medical stuff like start saying “eren did u remember your bowel medication?” “How is the ointment for your warts working?”
- u always leave eren half the time to help her make dinner and its ur main bonding time bc shes so cutie
- whenever u force eren to help with dinner she gets mad when he cant cut the vegetables properly or is forgetting to mix the pot or whatever she gets pissed smacking his head and gives up asking if you can do it instead
- shes always smacking him poor guy😭 everytime he does get smacked he gets overdramatic and start saying he thinks he just got a concussion or smt💀
- she makes it a point to tell u to make sure that eren doesnt bring down ur grades LMAO even if eren is smart academically she will still do so
- eren doesn’t mind being touchy w u even if his parents are around idk im too lazy now to think of more carla ones 😁🙌🙌
i cant stop thinking abt him tho help its so bad im going clinically insane
- as much as carla is a bit of a bully to eren she defo aggressively loves him,, like she aggressively pinches his cheek when he was a kid whenever he got some sort of achievement
-like the only reason eren is able to be sheepishly proud at stuff hes a bad at is bc carla was such a ‘OMG WELL DONE MY SWEET SWEET EREN😁😁😁😄’ mother when he got a singular gold star or smt😭😭
- as eren got older tho he started getting embarrassed abt how she was so proud of the smallest things (hes rude carlas lovely)
MY MIND IS BLANKING as much as i have eren brainrot i cant think of more😓😓
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific headcanons for eren or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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hehe..... ari.......... i am already here...... knife and fork in hand............... gimme food gimme lore. how did you and mister sweetheart mister laios mister oblivious meet?????? was it a meet-cute, or a meet-ugly perhaps???? like an accidental meet-ugly????? he bumped into you and spilled his food all over you???? i could see that i think it would be qwfully cute actually:333 anyway hehehehe please indulge me i really wanna know more abt the two of you!!!! - @teddybeartoji
MICKEY . you work fast ……. i have to respect it…….. BUT WAHHHH THIS MADE MY BRAIN SPIN SO FAST :(((((((( sniffle . i love him. I HAVE MANY THOUGHTSS pls bear with me my sweet sunflower…….
here is a snack for you while you read :33 🥪 and a kiss on the cheek. mwah!!
OKAY SO . i’m very fond of the meet-ugly idea….. thank you for the free lore i’m a tiny pigeon eating crumbs straight from ur hand 🐦🐦 NO BC. it feels so fitting doesn’t it…… a pair of losers stumbling into each other’s lives………. we’re both at some adventurer’s restaurant stop and i trip over his foot and drop my plate of food . and he apologizes. and i’m like . ah . he’s cute. (puppydog effect 💔)………. and i end up joining his party somehow. i don’t think it’d take a lot of convincing tbh i’m susceptible to manipulation and peer pressure at any given moment 🙏🙏 maybe it’s like… right after the falin thing. and they’re desperate to fill up their party. and i’m just like . okay yeah. bc i wanna see the dragon + laios has bewitched me 😔😔
….. actually this got me thinking abt . what kind of adventurer i’d be …. and as much as i love & adore playing as the knight-esque sword guy when it comes to rpgs….. realistically i feel like i’d be a magic user …. or a bowman ….. or a rogue like chilchuck . a bard ??? 👀 maybe ????? ANYWAYYYY that’s not important i just think it’s fun 2 think abt :333 (which class do u think you’d be mickey 🎤🎤 i need to know!!!!)
AND THEN . yeah. i’m just….. crushing on him. i think. and the more i get to know him the more i’m like. i need him to be happy. i need him to succeed. i want to stay by his side . etcetc…… down horrendous in other words <///3 and he’s just so oblivious yk???? marcille and chilchuck get it immediately and they’re both like . my condolences. he’s happily married to monsterkind 😐😐
BUT LAIOS IS JUST . he’s just so caring….. yk……….. makes me food and pats my head and drapes a blanket over me when i get sleepy . ik i’ve already said it but!!!! i rlly do see arilaio as a black cat/golden retriever kinda deal…… w me being . very eepy all the time . a little grumpy. i just feel like that side of me would peek out around him bc he’s big and safe and warm :3 i’m normal abt him btw .
i’m already starting to get 2 into it so i’ll stop myself BUT. i do also wanna say!!!! this is . a yapper/yapper dynamic…….. bc i feel like we’re both good listeners. but also yap a horrific amount when it comes to smth we love 😭😭 yk how he is abt monsters….. i’d be the exact same way but like . w books. or games. or whatever. so it’s just him teaching me abt monsters while i look up at him w hearts in my eyes + me rambling abt smth or another while he gives me Intense Eye Contact and asks follow up questions <3333333 OK I’M DONE . he just. he is….. the way he is . which is perfect . 😔😔
anyway !!!!! THANK YOU SM FOR THE QUESTION MICKEY….. 🥺🥺🥺 you’re the sweetest little guy ever and i hope you know i love you <3 i hope you’re resting a lot and soaking up the sunlight!!!! and i hope you sleep so well tonight :3 i’m tucking you gently into bed as we speak!!! bringing you extra blankets and fluffy pillows and a big cup of jasmine tea <33333
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this is literally arimickey + laios btw <333333
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silverlininghills · 6 months
7 + 1 twenty one pilots ask
i was tagged by @dasloddl!! ty!!
1. when/how did you discover them? + what was the first song you listened to? - either on the radio or on yt or at work or something like that, sometime in 2015. idk which song exactly but lets be honest, it was prolly stressed out 😅 or one of the other blurryface singles
2. have you been to any concert(s)? - no 😭 i totally would've seen them on the icy tour but they didn't come to my city 😭 but i'm hoping to go to at least one show on the next tour (either vancouver or, failing that, seattle), and hopefully also the DC show with my bestie!!
3. do you remember where you were when trench dropped (if you were a fan by then)? - weirdly, yes! it was like 9pm on october 4th, i was at home and got a spotify notification that twenty one pilots had released a new album. i listened to the first three songs, went "ehh", and stopped there 😅 which, in hindsight, is so tragic bc if i'd held out for just one more song i would've gotten to my blood, which is one of my absolute favourites!
4. favourite thing about the clique? - how smart and kind and inclusive everyone is!! like i know the clique's got it's share of toxic fans, just like any other fandom/community in general, but esp here on tumblr absolutely everyone i've met/interacted with has been sososo friendly and funny and smart and cool <3
5. any memorable/funny/interesting quote (from interviews/bts footage/…) you especially like? - i'm so bad at thinking up stuff like this off the cuff sldjskdljf there's always smth i think of later that i wish i'd said instead. for right now i'm gonna go with "two happy boys" (or any of the "two ____ boys" riffs that they do), as well as every single story abt how they met 😂
6. what would you want to ask/tell them if you got the chance? - FREAKING. SO MUCH. i'd want to thank them for rewarding us for looking deeper and caring more and sticking around. i'd want to tell them how what they've done w the dema/trench storyline is legitimately incredible and groundbreaking and to, in their own words, "never put a ceiling on their dreams". i'd also want to talk to them for roughly 6 hours abt death cab for cutie bc i Need To Know their thoughts abt literally everything sdlfkjsdkfl
7. which tattoo would you like to know the meaning of (if you do)? - i'm honestly fine w not knowing the meaning to any of their tattoos, bc i know they're v personal, but if i could know the meaning of one and have it be totally okay and willingly shared, it would be, for tyler, the symbols tattoo on the side of his forearm, and for josh, the astronaut-getting-beamed-up tattoo on his bicep.
+1. dasloddl's question for me: which album cover do you like best? - excellent question!! even tho i do love SAI's aesthetic, i think i'd have to go with blurryface on this one. there's just so much meaning behind it!! the pull-out blurry face is genius, the patterns are so fun, it's simple yet evocative. just, stellar art design.
additional question you want to ask the people you tagged: what do you think the genre/vibe of the next album is going to be?
aaaaand i am tagging @mx-misty-eyed @melxncholyman @timedyne @gonerbird and @re4lize-th4t-its-g0ne!!
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frick man
I love how when Rex called Echo was just like "jup on our way" even though Hunter was like ":/". He took charge and the rest of em just went with it. Love that for him
Also I was literally so worried for him during that shootout on the venator bc like,,, he don't have any armour anymore?? what if he gets shot?? (ik he has plot armour but I would love some real armour as well, thanks)
Chuchi was amazing!!!! I hope we get to see more of her!
In the end I did feel sorry for Rampart. Its true, he was following orders. He is just another plot device for the emperor to use so that his will is done. He wasn't innocent, but he was still made into a scapegoat
ALSO FCKING SHIT I HADE PALPATINE!!! Like, I knew the clones were gonna get decommissioned, but still, THEY ARE NOT DROIDS TO SIMPLY BE SHUT OFF!!
Am still loving the fact that Chuchi is fighting for their rights and how much "clone politics" we got these last two episodes. Makes me think that maybe Filoni was listening (makes me hope for canon Foxiyo ngl)
sorta sad thoughts time now
gonna tag @saturn-sends-hugs bc I wanna see her opinion on this too :')
First of all, sorry friend ik you didn't want this to happen
I've seen this issue on tumblr a lot, of people being scared that Echo will leave and I've stayed quiet abt it till now
But I actually saw it coming and,,, I approve
I just think it's who Echo is. I think it's just so him to care about the future of all clones, to care about larger scale issues in the galaxy, to want to stay in the big fight. The batch "abandoned" the big issues in the galaxy a while ago, but I know Echo. He believed in the Republic more than most other clones. Sure, almost all of them fought for the Republic, but we all know there were certain clones more patriotic than others (like Jesse, Cody and Rex). There were certain clones who put more emphasis on loyalty than any other quality, and I think Echo was one of them. Still is. I knew he wouldn't be able to stay out of the fight for long, I knew he would eventually split off from the batch and I think that's okay. He and Hunter are different people, with different goals and different futures. And I'm a 100% they'll be reunited eventually, but as Echo said, this is something he has to do. This is who he is, at his core. It's not who Hunter is, it's not who the batch is. The Batch have always been slightly,,, detached from the other clones, while Echo was always focused on the big picture, the unity and brotherhood that the clones shared. It only makes sense for him to leave now.
Think abt the beginning of the episode, where he tells Omega he doesn't like being alone, he got enough of that on Skako. Goes to show how he was used to always being surrounded by brothers, how much he loved it and them. Why abondon them when they need him most?
That being said, I do hate that we'll likely see less of him now, especially after he got so little development in recent eps
I am hopeful, however, that maybe this means we get to see him working together with Rex and his development happing apart form the batch but still on screen. Either way, I stand by what I said. This is where Echo needs to be right now.
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hii, could i rq a matchup with anyone from obey me, twst or kamisama kiss? ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
im a bi girl, 5'3, intp-t 4w5 + aquarius, id say im some kind of ambiverted like 60% awkward-reserved-anti-social introvert and 40% chaotic, rambly, all over the place, once i start i dont stop extrovert?? depends on my mood i think (˘∀˘) for some random traits i'm erratic, eccentric, conscientious, creative, empathetic, unserious, sarcastic, not a team player and definitely come across as strange to literally anyone not used to me
hmmmm some hobbies i have are baking, writing, editing and arts + crafts (drawing, painting, making my own random stuff like candles, soap, stickers) - very practical very fun 🧝‍♀️ i also like gaming when i have time which is basically always bc im lazy and hate work, i leave everything last minute and procrastinate so much bc i and i'd rather be doing what i want instead of boring stuff 😒👎 it all ends up rushed and low effort unless im passionate abt it. probably why i'm also never on time but that's also bc i love sleeping
if i had to pick a label for whatever my style's supposed to be {bc i just dress in whatever looks good tbh} i'd say a hybrid of grunge and indie maybe💪😘 i take pride in my dress sense actually i think its gojus (μ_μ)
i have collections/mini collections of a couple things - plushies, crystals, stickers, bracelets and i keep anything and everything people might give me, i've done it as long as i can remember, like not even gifts just if someone gives me a rock or a piece of stationery or origami etc it'll be in my possession forever i'm too sentimental to get rid of anything, i have so much scattered everywhere it's unfunny 🧍‍♀️ i think my love languages are physical affection bc i love closeness altho im crap with emotional stuff but words of affirmation and mushy fluffy stuff can be pretty neat {even if it's embarrassing and awkward xox} + gifts bc i love buying myself stuff and receiving presents, i also like giving them but i feel like i'm spending too little or too much or compare it to what they give back to me and feel like it's not good enough or what they'd want bc i'm usually either too stingy or spend too much and think too much + feel bad when it feels like i don't give back to people as much as they give to me in any sense?? | (• -•)|
i love purple, literature, rock/pop/dance/techno music, space, halloween, history, things that smell nice/scented stuff, philosophy, nature, horror, psychology, fantasy, sweet/sour/salty foods, and animals {especially my bunnies ofc, my pride and joy <3} so im working towards becoming a vet bc im good w science and i'd definitely rather look after them than humans bc i am not a people person i'd fail miserably xox
i don't like ppl who are ignorant or inconsiderate bc they're annoying and punchable, my family, the ocean bc it's scary and doing embarrassing stuff which tbh is basically everything smh
anyways i tried to condense whatever i could think of LMAO but i cba to do anymore 💀💌 thank u!!
The Kamisama requests always make me happy:')
I match you with..
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The most gentle and sweet lover in the whole world.
He matches you like CRAZY, soulmates real;
Loves being chaotic with you, getting caught up in shenanigans and being lovey dovey with you;
He just randomly snuggles up to you whether it's in his snake form or human form, if snake form let's out occasional cute bloops that you die for, he also does the cute snake yawn, he knows it's cute and he's doing it on PURPOSE;
I hc that mizuki is great at portraits and has painting sessions with you in which you 2 paint in peace and show eachother the piece;
You teach him how to properly bake so that he doesn't drop lizards in almost everything you bake-
"but-but it's for good luck:("
"Mizuki, no"
He encourages you not wanting to work and lazes off with you, if for no reason Tomoe comes over he annoyingly comments on how as your familiar mizuki shouldn't encourage this but who listens to him;
Spends mornings sleeping in with you, if you have to go to school he'll just transform into his snake form and accompany you there!
Loves your collection of crystals and other things, so he finds the most beautiful crystals just for you♡
Loves your bunnies and cradles them in his hands, your basically a family, your bunnies have a dad now;
So in all he's the perfect match for you, the most peaceful and loveable relationship ♡⁠˖
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week<3
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time-is-restored · 7 months
hello, mechanisms enjoyer. who is your favourite mechanism. what is your favourite album. what is your favourite song. what is your favourite photo. do you have a favourite live recording/have you been to a live show.
okay so my favourite mechanism is by FAR raphaella, her derth of backstory and absolutely nuts vocal range has utterly bewitched me. im also SO in love with her aesthetic, and any + all portrayals of her wings kick ASS
FAVOURITE SONG IS HARD... rn it is a very close tie between pieces and hellfire -- but atm hellfire wins out! i fucking LOVE the ominous sermon vibes it has; the organ in the beginning? the way the humming progresses into wailing in the harmonies? the fucking TRUMPET in the chorus*???????? the hair-raising whispered poem ABT arthurian legend in the second spoken section? jonny's Deranged Preacher Cackle??????? THE DTTM RECORDING WHERE YOU CAN HEAR THE WHOLE CROWD SCREAM 'BUT YOU'RE A LIAR'????????????? showstopping. breathtaking. absolutely no notes.
anyway if you couldn't tell my favourite album atm is high noon over camelot LMAO. i think the soundscape it creates is like. the most impressive + immersive out of all of mechs recordings -- the way they use the synth throughout is fucking MASTERFUL, and its such a PERFECT way to blend the genres of scifi + western, considering the mechs usual timbre lends itself extremely well to folky and old-fashioned. like, the absolutely BONE chilling reprise of hellfire during the heirophant goes CRAZY hard and ive never seen ANYONE mention it! and the whole album is full of moments like that! like each song transitions perfectly into a background hum for the narration and then back again, and its always so well balanced and !!!!!!!
favourite photo............. god there are some really fucking good ones out there but its Gotta be this raphaella shot:
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its just. So fucking ethereal. she <333333333333333
i have regrettably never been to a liveshow </3 i don't actually have a lot of knowledge of all the different recordings - i have a bunch of masterposts saved, but im super slow to work through them.
so i think ive gotta go with death to the mechanisms! while i do sometimes wish it captured the details a little better, its so awesome being able to see the majority of the band during each song :) in paticular, i LOVE getting to see kofi's acting, they're SO fucking expressive and they get so excited in the leadup to both thor and expert testimony and i just :D
thanks so much for the ask! i love talking abt the mechs and am stoked to do so at literally any and all times, LMAOOO
*side note: if you've never done a dedicated listen of hellfire where ur completely focused on the trump part, i am begging you to do so. holy shit. it adds So Much. ivy my BELOVEDDDD
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maruyaaya · 1 year
Hey Imeda! I am Low! I read your Pandalily fic recently and I adored it! I saw that you haven't had this account long and since I can't peruse/stalk your account to satiate my curiosity I've decided to inquire here :) I hope you don't mind.
Do you have any specific Pandora or Lily headcanons you can share? Do you have any WIPs in the works? Do you have any songs you are listening to on repeat right now? What are the top 5 ships that are giving you the most insistent brain rot currently?
And finally, I am done pestering you and I'm wishing you a day full of wonder <3
OMG HI LOW!! yes absolutely i am always happy to talk about pandalily they are my beloveds <3 yeah i set up this acc relatively recently bc i wanted a fresh start for my ao3 and i haven’t really had the chance to do much on it yet (i am unfortunately a full time university student) but i am so happy you sent an ask bc i am always excited to talk to ppl!! feel free to send more asks or even dm me for whatever reason!!
i’m gonna do the pandalily headcanons last bc i have so many of them, but firstly do i have any wips:
oh i ABSOLUTELY have wips. i actually am the worst at starting wips and never finishing them, but as for main ones i’m working on rn, i have a prongsfoot wip that’s currently around 50k words 75% done, a marauders x daisy jones & the six au, a (you have to hear me out on this one okay bc i know nobody ships this but me BUT HEAR ME OUT) friends with benefits sirius x barty fic that’s about half done, and another pandalily fic that is basically just taking shape but i don’t have much to say about it yet (im actually just the worst multishipper ever and i ship my favourite character, sirius, with every single person who dares to so much as breathe in his direction)
songs on repeat
ok so i am totally willing to just link my spotify, in fact: here and i have a pandalily playlist in the works here, but specifically, i’ve had never love an anchor by the crane wives, three by sleeping at last, and funeral by phoebe bridgers on loop over and over as well as the entire daisy jones & the six album.
top 5 ships giving me brainrot
1. PRONGSFOOT!! prongsfoot is forever in my head as one of my fav ships ever
2. pandalily! i absolutely adore their dynamic and the little version of them that i have created in my head
3. rosekiller. i think this is a relatively unpopular opinion but i am so intrigued by their dynamic and i’m currently in the process of drafting a LONG fic about them but i haven’t done much work on it yet
4. dorlene. UGH MY OG ENEMIES TO LOVERS i am forever obsessed with them and i can’t believe i haven’t written them yet
5. normally i’d have jegulus around here i think but currently i’ve been having intensive brainrot about the idea of a dynamic between barty and sirius. i think they’re two characters who are very similar and yet hate each other and i think it’s really interesting to explore a two sides of the same coin dynamic between them and idk i have a lot of thoughts about them i could absolutely rant for a very long time abt the sirius/barty dynamic i have in my head
bonus bc it isn’t a marauders ship but my favourite ship of ALL TIME is soukoku, aka dazai/chuuya from bungou stray dogs. i like them a Normal amount (i’m crazy abt them)
and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, here are a few of my pandalily headcanons that i can think of off the top of my head
first of all, my fav pandalily song is trouble by halsey. it’s literally them. that’s their dynamic to me
pandora’s much more open about her oddness and want for Blood while lily is more closed off about it. it’s still there—absolutely still there—but pandora kind of awakens it in her and helps her to realize that it’s okay to show that part of her
they met through james and regulus and often go on double dates with them
they absolutely get matching tattoos. probably ethel cain lyrics or something abt the inherent eroticism of cannibalism idk
my favourite headcanon is that pandora and evan are twins and evan tries to get lily the shovel talk when he meets her for the first time, but actually just ends up half in love with her bc he thinks she’s so cool
speaking of, evan and lily joke that they’re going to run away and elope so that evans name could be evan evans and pandora thinks it’s the funniest thing ever
bonus headcanon that evan is the older twin by a few minutes but pandora tells everyone that she is and he doesn’t correct her
they watched bones and all together and every 5 minutes they would whisper “this is so us” to each other
they absolutely LOVE baking together. they do it at least once a week and they make cookies or cupcakes or something and decorate them like pinterest photos and give them to their friends
they have two shared pinterest boards. one is really cutesy baking ideas and cute room decor inspo and the other is full of quotes abt cannibalism and blood and eating each other whole. they treasure both of these boards equally
lily is the biggest taylor swift fan ever and she makes pandora listen to her songs together. pandora moderately enjoys taylor swift, but will listen to her constantly to please lily. lily’s favourite song is this is me trying and pandora likes cowboy like me
they give each other flowers all the time (notably lilies ofc). pandora can’t stand to watch them die and always presses them and keeps them all in a little notebook with the date they got them
they’re obsessed with biting each other. like not even just during sex, they do it all the time. they’ll be watching a movie and pandora will just reach over and bite lily’s shoulder for fun
their favourite show to watch together is hannibal. they’re crazy about it. they rewatch it all the time to an unhealthy extent
they often say really strange declarations of love to each other in front of other people like “i want to eat you down to the bones” or “i want to rip open your skin and crawl inside your kidneys and sleep in there” and everyone around them just laughs nervously and can’t tell if they’re serious or not
i probably rambled much more than i needed to but i am always very excited to talk!!
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not-poignant · 1 year
hello pia! feel free to delete this if it’s too personal but i’d love to hear about your degree, what you learned from it, and how you think it has informed the way you write (whether it has or hasn’t!). i’m studying for a different degree, still humanities, but i’d love to hear about your degree since i.. well when i was in hs i didn’t know that it was an option. also if the above is too personal, please recommend some texts to learn abt mass comms .. thank you!
Hi anon,
I did my degree/s (Media Studies + Mass Communications majors, Scriptwriting (Drama, Film, Short Film) + Creative Writing (Poetry, Short Story, Literature, SFF) minors) back in 1999, so honestly, some of the information I learned then is out of date, and you're definitely better off looking at a university curriculum now for decent texts on mass communications. Even the Masters I did over 10 years ago, lol. I am an old.
You have to understand when I was in university for Mass Comm, the internet as we know it, and social media, literally didn't exist. And though 'Rupert Murdoch still owns a ton of Telcos' is still true, things like Wikipedia didn't exist, lol. The 'please don't use Wikipedia as a reference' didn't exist as a sentence, because Wikipedia just...didn't exist.
The media landscape has changed.
I've kept up with aspects of media studies that interest me (representations of mental health in the media, for example), but since the university texts still often cost hundreds of dollars, I can't get a ton of them every year and read them. You might be surprised what you can find in university bookstores in the clearance section, because books aren't in the curriculum anymore but are still likely to be 15 years more up-to-date than what I was taught with, lol.
I don't really know how to answer your specific questions though. There were a lot of different units within the degree, so I learned a lot from it, I don't know how to condense that down.
Probably the most important things I took with me are that media (fiction) does not have a 1:1 correlation with reality, and that we are not all mindless vessels with an inability to negotiate the media we watch (otherwise we'd buy everything in advertising ever), people who believe 'high art' is better than 'low art' are elitist ignorant dicks who don't actually understand art at all (if you've ever disparaged reality TV or soap operas, you are in this category, with soap operas giving you a side order of heavy misogyny to boot), media literacy is crucial and needs to be taught and prioritised on par (if not higher than) english fiction literacy (kids engage in more media than books, they should have more media literacy than book literacy), and that it's always important to know the politics and values of the people who own the news media you're watching (and that almost all news media is homogenised).
The biggest gift it gave me was to entirely remove my shame over watching or consuming any kind of media. I don't know what a guilty pleasure is, because guilty pleasures are a sign that you have some more work to do on unpacking your issues (often internalised misogyny believe it or not) over watching certain shows or listening to certain music etc. and finding joy in it. I feel NO shame in anything I watch, rewatch, love, get the most out of. Anon, I have done assignments on Big Brother and gotten high distinction/s for it. I've watched Misfits and gotten high distinction/s for it. I'm in the Golden Key Society because I watched a lot of Studio Ghibli and a lot of romcoms. Media studies does what creative writing doesn't - unpacks all your shame over enjoying different genres (sadly creative writing teaches a lot of that shame and can genre shame as well, it's extraordinarily outdated in many curriculums in that way).
It is so liberating to just watch whatever the fuck I want, and listen to whatever music I want, and not give a shit whoever knows I watch or listen to it. Like, I just... literally who cares. It's all art. It all means something and then I get to choose its further meaning. I get to decide what media I won't consume and why (usually around the politics and actions of the creator/s or actor/s, JKR can go to hell, or just not liking the show - I also feel no shame not liking things that everyone else likes), but it's never a choice based in shame or guilt. It is...truly, such a wonderful feeling when you realise there's literally no reason on this earth to have a guilty pleasure if you can think for yourself and understand why you've been conditioned to feel 'ashamed' for watching certain genres (surprise, it's usually racism or xenophobia or misogyny!)
Like, I did a unit called Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Cinema (Psych Psych and Cinema as we called it), which was a tremendous amount of fun and let me know that psychology is literally in everything but that representations of psychology in literally everything tends to be not great lmao. I did a unit called Postmodern Wetlands which literally analysed the relationship between swamp representation in mass media (particular horror films as relating to the monstrous feminine) and what that means for environmentalism which changed my entire relationship to my body and the environment permanently. Idk how to describe that unit to anyone who hasn't taken it, but it was literally life-changing, lol.
It definitely influences my writing style, partly because I write serials based off of like... scriptwriting techniques I was taught for television drama back then. In terms of how media studies influences it - well mass communications probably not so much, and then media studies a whole lot, lol. (Mass Comm =/= Media Studies. One focuses on telecommunications/telcos/ISP providers/internet cables even, politics and the vehicles with which we spread mass media, the second one focuses more on the analysis of the products/works/pieces of art that end up on that mass media. One is a lot more discussion of 'which television stations do China / Fairfax / Murdoch own' or 'how are those internet sea cables going and how's the terrorism around that?' vs. 'what messages does the TV on each of these stations send').
But media studies influences my writing a ton, but I couldn't tell you how anon, aside from those two units I specifically mention above lol. Oh and the fact that we had to take a mandatory philosophy unit called Critical Thinking, which should be mandatory for every degree. That definitely taught me how to think critically, which...a lot of people don't know how to do! I probably couldn't even tell you the rest of how it influenced me, if you asked me 2 decades ago when I was actively studying it. I'd like to think it just makes me a more nuanced writer, and absolutely Teflon when it comes to fanpol / antis / anti-shippers, lol. But who knows!
I still think looking at current university curriculums for Media Studies (also known as Media Analysis in some other countries) is probably the best place to find recs. But you can also check out the books on media in my Goodreads list and go by star rating.
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otrtbs · 2 years
literally ahb and ur tumblr made me want to study and learn more about art history and now i am absolutely fascinated.
ik ur probably asked abt ur favorite art pieces often so if you already answered this in a way tell me about a rly unique and unknown artwork your love :) or just like anything rly. you could ramble about any painting or art and i’ll listen to all of it bc it fascinates me.
ah hi! hello! :,) <33
im going to talk about Ukeles and her concept of maintenance art bc I feel like it's not well known outside of the art world but I adore it! Under the cut though because I ramble haha
Ukeles was a full time mother and artist and she felt that her time was split in two. Half the time she was a mother and the other half of the time she was an artist (she said this because she felt that the art world was not accommodating to mothers. you had to be 100% dedicated to your craft or no one would take you seriously. she also noted that her male artist colleagues never seemed to have this problem.) Eventually Ukeles grew. frustrated and said 'this is ridiculous. i am both at once. a mother and an artist.'
She thought that the best way to demonstrate this concept was to turn the maintenance aspects of life into art. She began with washing diapers (the cloth ones) in public and dressing her children in extra clothes to 'go outside'. she's also washed the steps of the Wadsworth Museum, and gone on routes with NYC sanitation workers to clean up trash with them. by documenting these tasks and by performing them for an audience, she elevated their everyday-ness to art.
This was done to make a statement. This idea of maintenance and general upkeep shouldn't be looked at as a chore but as a vital part of how we interact with the world, ourselves, and each other. The caring of our own humanness and our natural environment is a creative strategy. The act of maintaining our wellbeing is performance art in and of itself.
She's written a 4 page manifesto about maintenance artwork and her ideologies behind it but here's a quote I particularly love:
“I am an artist. I am a woman. I am a wife. I am a mother. (Random order) I do a hell of a lot of washing, cleaning, cooking, renewing, supporting, preserving, etc. Also, (up to now separately) I ‘do’ Art. Now I will simply do these everyday things, and flush them up to consciousness, exhibit them, as Art [...] MY WORKING WILL BE THE WORK”
I love this concept so much because when I get caught up in the mundane aspects of life (doing the dishes or laundry mainly haha) i think about how i am working to maintain my own wellbeing. and all across the planet, other people are doing the exact same thing as me and we're all in on this little piece of performance art together and suddenly washing my cups and forks and folding my clothes isn't so bad. <3
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
(okay so I apparently can’t send asks from my sideblog but I saw your asks post!)
13, 30, 60, 66
You get to choose the fic for the 60 and 66 ones because I bet you have something you’d like to say abt those particular ones <3
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
Yes! I have a playlist of Songs That Evoke The Right Sort Of Feels For Fic-Writing that I change up from time to time and some of them are there for inspiring one specific story and some are more generic. Recent adds to that have been from ongoing attempts to listen to some slightly-more-modern music by buying secondhand CDs of artists who were born in this century. I am weird about telling people what music I like, I always feel I will be judged, even more than I normally assume that, not sure why that is.
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I don't think I *do* edit, really? At least, there's no stage of going over things and rewriting beyond just fixing typos. By the end I'm usually like "well I spent AGES on this I am not changing any of it now, I don't want to have wasted those minutes thinking of each sentence." It's written, it's done, I'm not willing to change it now that it's in a form I like! Maybe that means I edit as I go? Does it?
60. In [insert fic], what inspired the idea for the plot?
I am gonna go with Forget-Me-Not, picked for being recent enough that I can remember why I wrote it. It was one of them "fandom-inspired" works because MCU fandom (what I know of it) seems to see Frigga entirely through the lens of how nurturing and comforting she is (or isn't, but usually is) to Loki and this is obviously quite reductive especially when there's only two women on Asgard who have names. And she gets used as the Perfect Loving Mother in contrast to Odin The Worst Parent Ever and like many fannish dichotemies this is both understandable and a bit reductive. So I decided I should write something where she is not the Best Parent Ever, but where she can justify everything she does as Good Parenting and so it's fucked up but the reader can see how she ended up there.
BTW when I say "spite" was my motivation for a fic this is usually what I mean - that something in fandom has annoyed me to the point where I want to write the opposite thing just to make a point. (Even a stupid and/or petty point is still a point!)
And also because I have read enough Historical Shite to know that everyone - everyone!!! - knows when a queen is pregnant. And yet I am seemingly expected to believe that Odin came home carrying a baby and Frigga wasn't pregnant and yet somehow Loki being adopted is not common knowledge? I had to plug that plothole for my own mental wellbeing! Frigga having mindwiped everyone including her own children kills two birds with one fucked-up stone!
66. What’s a fun fact about [insert fic]?
The bit with Donna and the chameleon arch in Continuity Errors (or, Five Things The TARDIS Half-Remembers) is something I'd been trying to turn into a fic since literally 2005, ie 'The Companion Becomes A Time Lord' Is Not Necessarily An Unreservedly Good Thing. I don't know how long I'd been trying to turn 'continuity errors' into an in-universe bit of jargon but that was Bloody Ages as well, I'm sure of it.
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smoosnoom · 1 year
Lately I've been having a hard time writing anything. I keep having ideas that I think are good then I sike myself out and go "Oh, someone else has probably already written that," which is weird, cause I'd read 500 fics of the same ship in the same coffeeshop!au and not even bat an eye. I don't care if I've read the same trope or setting or idea over and over (I like it, actually) but when I'm the one writing I feel like I have to do something totally unique and I think it's cause I'm worried of being compared to other better writers who just... write better (<- exhibit A) OR worse, accidentally plagiarize someone? Like without remembering that, oh I've already read this before this isn't an original thought at all?? But if it's an idea that hasn't been done before there's nothing to compare. Right. So. Therapy session over.
Do you ever worry about writing something that's already been written? Do you ever check AO3 tags to see if somethings been done before/too much/not enough, etc.? Or are you excited to write something that's been done and put your own spin on it?
Maybe I should do the complete opposite and find the most overpopulated tag and write that so it gets drowned in the others and then there's too many to compare! That's like.. can't beat 'em join 'em or smthin. Yeah.
UUUGH MOOON I knooooow all my ideas are unoriginal but so is everyone else's 1!! And everyone's basic and just wants to see two losers in love hold hands so I should just get over it !! Like I know this objectively but how do I make me feel it SUBJECTIVELY !!
idk, Moon. Today's just not that day u kno
ok . anon . i need u to look me in my eyes 👁👁 and please listen carefully to what im abt to say to u .
Everything Ever Has Already Been Written .
like every trope ever and every idea ever and every dynamic ever and every character ever and everything literally ever .
but uknow what hasnt been written ! these tropes ! by You !!!!!!
the way u write it is what makes it entirely unique . i absolutely worry about the things i write and if theyre even like . special in their way at all or if they even stand out in any possible manner but if u arent word-for-word copying something someone else has written, then yes !!! it will stand out !!!!! itll be something special and unique because its never been written the way u will !!!! that is literally it
so yea if u are worrying so much about the things ur writing and if theyve already been written then yes probably ! humans can only be so imaginative when it comes to tropes and stories but the way u write it and ur narration and turn of phrases and metaphors and adjective and dialogue have never been written the way u will, and thats what makes it good and great and amazing ! thats why people eat up the same au five hundred times !!!!! thats why people will eat up UR writing !!!!! ur going to do it in a way that just gets people going Oh my go d . u know what i mean ?
so yes i worry and i check and i feel absolutely terrible about it . but if i dont and i just feel great about writing Something at alll then it always turns out 1000% better because im not upset abt it ! readers can sometimes tell ur enthusiasm and passion being put into a work, and i think its best if u let it all go and write what ur heart is calling to . that by itself will make it all the special u need it to be
or dont idk im just . trying my best and sometimes it works out ! do what u want write what makes u proud eat what makes u full !!!!! and if u ever need someone to just . hit u with a hammer and let uknow that whatever ur writing is great and fantastic then I Am Here !
today has potential to get better ! tomorrow is on its way with a new beginning !!! u have me cheering u on !!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 good luck !!!!!!!!!
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troglobite · 1 year
haha guess today isn't a day where i can talk to or hang out with my mom!!!!
my stupid fucking laptop fell off my bed and broke its own charger--AGAIN.
and i'm tired, on my period, and uncomfortable and crabby.
so i go out to complain to my mom and ask for help
she immediately says do you want to look for a new charger
i spent DAYS looking for a charger for my stupid piece of shit macbook pro that is 1. compatible 2. lasts forever 3. doesn't randomly start fires
and i decided
this is too much money and not worth the pain in the ass
i'll just get another fucking apple charger. this one lasted fine, it's whatever.
except it gets here and it REEKS OF GASOLINE as MANY apple products have since fucking 2016!
i clean and clean and clean it to get rid of the smell and it NEVER GOES AWAY so we have to fucking return it
so she asks me
do i wanna look for another charger
no, i don't
i spent all that time and money on it before only to keep using the charger that was already "broken" anyway all this time
it's slightly more broken now but will still be functional
so no, i DON'T want to look for a charger when i am TIRED, CRABBY, ON MY PERIOD, AND DEEPLY PHYSICALLY UNCOMFORTABLE
but me expressing that? as best i can when i am TIRED AND HAVING DIFFICULTY WITH WORDS?
well apparently that's me "discounting everything she says"
so i try to fucking talk to her as she uses tools to straighten out the prong on the charger
and she just ignores me
she won't say ANYTHING
so i go to the bathroom and avoid HER
and it's fine, it's mostly straight now, it works
so i have to fucking text her to ask if she's mad at me for breaking the fucking charger
no, she says, "you just discount everything i say so i just have to keep my mouth shut"
and she doesn't respond. at all. nothing. she won't talk to me.
so it's just going to be one of those days and i'm fucking sick of her refusing to acknowledge when she's in a bad fucking mood and taking it out on me
i recognize it's not fun to have our first interaction of the day be me walking out and pissed off abt my stupid piece of shit laptop and its stupid fucking piece of shit twice broken charger
i'm so fucking tired and exhausted of this shit
it's unpredictable and annoying and she NEVER TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY OF IT!!!! NEVER!!!!!
literally the SECOND she's in a bad mood, i become An Evil Dictator Who Doesn't Let Her Do Anything or Listen To Her At All
and i'm so fucking tired of this shit
like it HURTS to be accused of that garbage WHEN IT'S NOT FUCKING TRUE
when my DAD is the one who would do that shit NOT ME
it's just always there lurking under the fucking surface, that she thinks i am my dad bc i'm disabled and need help, and bc of her own fucked up shit and trauma that she refuses to even LOOK at, she thinks that makes me an evil person bc SHE automatically does shit in response to someone being upset abt ANYTHING.
that's not my fucking responsibility and i'm FUCKING TIRED of having to be the one to DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCEDBFHJG,CNFMN,XHLJ,BXHKMRES
but noooooooo fuck looking at counselors for us to talk to
we're not going to do that until possibly may
if it ever even fucking happens!!!! HAHAHDLK JFACHDLIUAHIUWJZ
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a Buffy the vampire slayer, dc (I’d love a Batfam or like within gotham ship) and marvel (I noticed daredevil characters on your masterlist could I get one from those shows) matchup? My pronouns are she/her and I’m bisexual.
Personality: I originally come off as quiet, and aloof. It can seem standoffish but I don’t mean it too I just don’t trust very easily and am uncomfortable with strangers/new environments. I am my best when I am by myself or with my closest friends. With my closest friends I’m quite open, fun and talkative especially when talking abt things that interest me. Im quite the good listener as well when it comes to my more extroverted friends. Im also introverted, imaginative, creative, individualistic, reserved, structured and picky in my own way, all sprinkled with a little bit of sarcastic humor.
Hobbies: Digital Art is probably my biggest hobby. If I could I would spend all day at home with my trusty tablet and stylus drawing with an audiobook of my favorite novel/tv show running in the background. I also love gaming and creating video games! Apart from art I absolutely love working out. I kickbox and weight lift most days of the week. Lastly I love spending time at comic book stores and coffee shops.
Interests: I work in the digital media arts and love creative coding, interaction design, and computer graphics. I think my favorite thing is that combination between the artistic and the technological.
Love language: this one is definitely acts of service.
Thank you!
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋
Thank you so so much for participating! Btw you sound literally cool asf, like I would lOVE to hear more about your kickboxing and art !!!
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Sarcastic ⋆ Charming ⋆ Leader ⋆ Loyal ⋆ Brave
𝐁𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Angel! Okay, so hear me out. I actually didn’t like Angel in the Buffy series, but I’ve started watching his show and DUDE! He’s actually a pretty cool dude. 
・Meeting through his travels. You actually decided to go and see LA and he realised that he knew you. 
・Very stable relationship; I think he would love that you did kickboxing and that could’ve been a part of why 
・Grinning when he comes home and you’re listening to an audiobook and drawing. He feels so lucky to have someone who likes being home as much as he does
・He would protect you with his life man, absolutely adores your very being and wants you to feel safe with him
・He is literally THE KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR BRO, like the blue print. He doesn’t expect you to do things for his benefit, nEVER manipulates anyone, and wants everyone safe and happy
・Literally living your best life with him
・Drawing his portrait secretly and when it’s done you show him as a gift. He LOVES IT SO GODDAMN MUCH
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I actually fancast Rihanna as Ivy, but there aren’t any gifs that reflect that vibe/aesthetic so I’m just gonna go with the animated one!
I ship you with Poison Ivy!!! She’s so suave, but also passionate about those she cares about. Her great love is plants, and from what we see, she will give her heart and soul for what she believes in. 
・You guys so started off interacting with sarcastic comments and witty conversation. 
・She would leave lipstick kisses on your mirror, clothes, cheek etc. 
・I actually think your creativity would aid her in her schemes 
・Slow dancing <3 Playing with each other’s hands <3 
・OH GOD SHE LOVES IT WHEN YOU PLAY WITH HER HAIR, like twirl it around your fingers, braid it, brush it!!!
・She gives you this cheeky grin that absolutely drives you crazy
・Talking her out of world-ending plans
・Being friends with Harley Quinn and Selina <3 
・Learning how to make vegan food for her
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I ship you with Matt Murdock! I think he would be such a lovely significant other! Can you imagine how sweet, how caring he would be? Your creative and imaginative traits would really intrigue him (I mean he is a lawyer after all...)
・I think you guys would meet because you actually needed legal advice. Nothing major; maybe you were ticketed or speeding or it was a mistake that policeman didn’t want to own up to. 
・Either way, you nearly instantly formed a crush on Matt. I mean who wouldn’t? He’s handsome, kind, intuitive, empathetic, determined. He’s just so easy to like. 
・He would definitely come to you when he’s hurt/injured and needs patching up. 
“Matt go to a hospital! I have no formal medical training...” you had mumbled, trying your best to sew the deep gash on his upper arm. 
    “I can’t walk in like this. They’ll know who I am, what I do!” He grunted, eyes still covered my his mask. 
・Hand holding!
・Making each other tea or coffee in the morning!!
・Cheek, neck, forehead kisses!!!
・ He loves how you get along so well with Foggy and Karen. (I literally love Karen?? Idk why she got so much hate?) 
・Reading to Matt; I reckon his favourite book would be from Jane Austen???
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suxdixx4god · 2 months
i don't create a kosher kitchen or avoid chametz for passover
i live an inclusive life i share most of my resources time and spaces w other people and they aren't kosher or know what chametz is
i'd rather just read about the passover story on passover and observe awareness of the story
i can keep kosher to a certain level but like unless i lived and existed in a jewish only community or just was alone all the time there's literally no way for me to successfully perform the tradition correctly. it's not possible.
and i don't think religion is worth changing things abt my life like being socially focused and working w the public and being out in shared spaces and environments all the time.
i can only observe it to the point where it can fit into my daily life if it doesn't i modify the practice or observance of it and if anyone dislikes that i dislike them
and i don't believe in Kareth. If Hashem is real and connected to a person, Hashem should exist with you if you break a rule or not.
like how many traditions and rules have been written using god as a front to make ppl obey it. if hashem is this other dimensionly being that exists outside the mundane physical earth realm i don't think hashem would actually give a fuck if you ate bread or drank a pepsi zero. some things i think ppl do just to feel alive or like they have something they can do with other people.
i like leaving fruit out for sukkot cause i super fuck w that holiday.
passover tho like, i can read about what happened and absorb the information. i don't get what my stomach today has to do with their situation back then, because it doesn't have anything to do w it. :|
i'm abt that symbolic sh!t like lighting candles, that's cool. but i'ma eat my fucking breadrolls and i'm not gonna endure kareth.
nobody is going to endure kareth. any religious text that says you'll be punished eternally for not being good enough at something or doing something right, that's abusive. and if it rlly does work that way i know how to throw hands and tussle if i wake up in the fiery depths of a fucked up shouldn't be real law.
i think god is a dramatic such a fucking dramatic entity. if someone told me i have to act a specific way or my life will be cursed and i will suffer endless consequences i would beat the fuck out of them.
but that's why i always fucked w Lilith more anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️
i don't even think hashem is the main character of judaism i just think they're the fucking loudest one
bro thinks so too that's why they always like "oh don't seek out other entities besides me i only want u 2 like me and listen 2 me 👉🏼👈🏼" girl so ur admitting there are other relevant entities in the conversation let's open the doors set some seats out and work together why u so scared 4
TLDR i think i'm slowly overtime developing a type of judaism that is congruent w being in shared spaces and in public 24/7 cause as much as i appreciate jewry um
i can't stop my life for a mid tradition and i'm not going to unless it serves a rlly significant purpose
i am witchly i believe a lot of the stories from ancient history's past have also been misinterpreted for centuries
i've done spells before where in exchange for one thing i abstained from a different thing and they have basically worked
i think in the particular situation where communities were trying to flee and escape and asked hashem for divine power to enable the journey, i think something metaphysical had to occur to get that wheel turning and get them free.
but i'm not trying to do anything metaphysical on passover i'm probably on my computer doing work and chilling.
like they had to do what they had to do to get what they needed done, done. and it worked. but thousands of years later i just don't get why i would have to repeat the ritual. we're not stuck in that situation anymore. we can relax now. ?? sheesh if i have to flee a king that's forcibly holding my family hostage i'll do whatever divine hexing bullsh!t i have to do in that scenario but on passover this year i am just chilling on my computer.
i ain't omitting chametz curse me idgaf
technically a rabbi might choose to exempt me because i have a digestive disease and also autism so changing the foods i've decided are safe to eat could cause a medical crisis for me
but even if that was not the case i just don't fuck w Kareth. people should uphold the traditions and values that they resonate with.
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narwhalandchill · 11 months
Tag game: Current
got tagged by @begaydoalchemy !! thank u !!
- Current time: 9:45 (AM for you US peeps smh)
- Current activity: finished up prefarming blades traces to 6/8/8/8. double calyx drops events is a godsend. was listening to a video essay on the bg but the favorite song section made me go listen to stiny on repeat again bc i love inflicting emotional damage on myself so i guess thats what.
- Currently thinking about: so theres this person in the hsr leaks subreddit megathread doing daily renheng insanity ponderings since blades trailer dropped and ive been just losing my mind ever since reading them. anyway i wanted everyone here to get to see them too but didnt wanna repost em bc its just kinda ehhhh to do so. here u go!! suffer with me!!! click the links theres all 3!!! (spoilery warning tho. idr how many leaks refs there are in there exactly but expect some at least)
- Current favorite song: spotify most listened to top5 currently looking like NEON by raon, kissaki by reol, wildfire, cha cha cha (we will never forgive xx swedes watch out) and stiny from KALUSH & jerry heil.
but like let me be clear the only reason reol isnt number 1 is bc the full version of the song only came out like 2 weeks ago and the earlier released shorter anime ver of kissaki is literally 7th on the list.
- Currently reading: ...i mean mostly just renheng fanfic but uhhh. i did read where the crawdads sing from delia owens (just plucked it out from the bookshelf randomly bc i was bored) a month or so back. it was neat but no like particular strong feelings abt it. it was very well written and i liked the flow of the prose a lot. also waiting for crooked kingdom to get a finnish translation bc i got six of crows in finnish and i dont do book series as mixed language sets generally. (also the translation work itself was just like an absolute fucking banger with the imagery and metaphors used like chef kiss)
- Currently watching: no particular show (last thing was when i rewatched fmab a couple months ago) going on but like. random video essays or informative stuff on yt honestly and its mostly for bg noise.
- Current favorite character: gee i wonder. dan heng (past editions included), blade, (big gap here bc i tunnel vision on characters), bailu, luocha, jing yuan i think for specific ones from hsr for now. am looking out for jingliu and fu xuan too i need to study them. in genshin its like. yeah its mr childe ajax tartaglia all the way but i kinda just havent been feeling it for the game much so eh. tighnari, kazuha up there too n arlecchino obvi.
- Current WIPS: what kind of productive person do you take me for??? ig i like. opened word this week to type out some random passage drafts for a ficlet type thing relating to the post i made a while back abt belobogs temperatures wrt dan hengs potential terrible, horrible, no good, very bad scalie time with it but do Not expect any results from that or anything i s2g. ive finished one fic in my life and that was half poetry half madness full one sitting and be done with it type deal
im sorry i have no idea who to tag so like. anyone who wants to do it feel free, mutuals or followers!!! :]
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