#i don’t mind duplicates but I also am fully prepared for them to be the worst person ever bc that’s just how it is.
spynorth · 1 year
I would love to jump on the bandwagon and pretend I’m a decent person … but the truth is …. It just isn’t so.
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quickdeaths · 2 years
1. When are you usually online?  I am terminally online and on Tumblr in general like, all the time, but this isn’t my “main” blog so I only pop in two or three times a day just to skim and check notifications. Generally evening on weekdays and afternoons on weekends, Pacific time, is the best bet though.
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page? I have a (dusty, kinda inactive) Dragon Ball blog, as well as a few fantasy blogs that are basically D&D + Fire Emblem things. I do have a couple hyper-specific AUs with my partner on discord as well, one featuring an entirely too complex otome game setup, and that is themed around Vampire the Masquerade.
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve? Poor communication. I know I’m not perfect at this either, but in my very long history of doing RP, I’ve seen too many instances (both involving me and not involving me) of friendships break down because someone was upset about something but never said anything. I would much rather someone say “hey, I don’t like this thing/this thing you said hurt my feelings/whatever” than just go on thinking everything’s fine until they hit a breaking point.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses? Hmmm I’m not sure? I’m not sure if it’s a specific thing as much as it is “is there something I can do with this character?” The hook for me can be a lot of things, but there does need to be something that can hook me.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? Haha I doubt it. At most, I think you could say that I like putting characters in situations that they’re not fully prepared for, or veering them off course. I used to joke that my D&D character creation process was to write a background for a character with a class in mind, and then find a way to explain how they ended up in a wildly different class, like my priestess who ended up being melee fighter, or my thief who ended up gaining eldritch magic after nearly being sacrificed to a great old one.
6. What are your favorite RP trends? I don’t know anything about trends haha. I like dash memes like this one that let people talk about whatever for a while. I guess I’d say that I like the more recent trend of more relaxed aesthetics. I’m always impressed by a blog with a really pretty theme and a cool banner and custom icons and stuff, but I’m glad that that seems to be seen as a bonus rather than a requirement these days. I used to stress about making a new blog because it felt like I needed to spend a dozen hours or more pouring over themes, editing the code, finding icons, and painstakingly cultivating a specific image before I could start. I think it’s so cool that some people are into that thing, but it seems like the barrier to entry is a lot lower, and for me, I’m glad to just be able to jump in and write.
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?   I’m a light plotter, generally. The thing I didn’t anticipate about being a multimuse was how much harder it would feel to approach people. I’ve got like 15ish characters, and unless people have filled out my interest tracker, I have no idea if there’s a specific character they like or dislike, or who they want to write with. This makes me a little nervous about sending memes, because I wouldn’t want to spring on someone a character that they weren’t at all interested in. Plotting helps, even for just simple scene set-ups like “the characters are at X event” or “they meet at Y place doing Z activity.” My experience is also that the light plotting communication usually helps communication down the road too? Like follow-up threads or memes or whatever, but for me, I prefer talking a little bit and then writing a starter as opposed to sending someone an ask out of the blue.
8. How do you feel about duplicates? As a mostly-OC RPer, I don’t run into too many. For my canon characters though, it depends on the muse I guess. For the muses like Hana and Hela who are pretty “sometimes-characters” for me, I don’t mind them at all, and I’d be happy to write my other characters opposite them. For Maki and Jason, though, I don’t think that I’d follow a single-muse blog, and while I would follow a multi-muse that wrote either of them, I probably wouldn’t write my characters with those two specifically. I'm always glad to see people loving them and appreciating them, but I guess I feel like I have a particular take on those characters and don’t want to compare myself or be compared, or have my portrayal accidentally influenced.
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying? I started out doing RP on this old forum in... 2005 maybe? 2006? I did some stuff on Livejournal around that point as well, and then migrated to Tumblr RP maybe in 2011 or 2012. I fizzled out for a while and came back in 2015 and have been more-or-less here since then. Kind of side-by-side with all of that, though, was doing Dungeons and Dragons off-and-on from middle school through college, and now I’ve been doing two games a week for almost six years.
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t? I wouldn’t say that, exactly, since I feel like I have relative freedom on this multimuse to write whoever or whatever I want. There are some characters that I’ve thought about adding at various points, but just haven’t necessarily had the final push to yet. I do have my Genshin verse for some of the OCs, and it’d be nice to be able to explore that a little more, but thankfully I get to write some of it with my partner on Discord.
TAGGED BY: @inxtricabilis (thanks!)
TAGGING: @chibitantei @cherryblossomdreamings @thuganomxcs @dilffactory @healingbrews @ssrdraw @ultimaterealmofchaos and the RPer reading this
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aliendes · 4 years
Natural Borns - Chapter Nine
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Banner by @thebannershop​
Series info/genre: Angst, fluff, smut (NSFW) 
Pairings: ot7 x fem reader (eventual)
Warnings: cursing, vivid depiction of a panic attack do not read if this makes you uncomfortable, crying, blood, shitty medical descriptions (probably), depression, cursing, anxiety, forced medical practices? Restraints, mentions of unwanted sexual acts? I suppose just sadness, man. The next chapter is going to get pretty dark, and this one leads up to that, so beware.
Description: In the year 2613, over half of the world’s population are what scientists consider ‘designer babies’. YN is a small town girl who is a true natural born, someone born naturally without he help of a lab or gene splicing. Her DNA is greatly sought after, but what is she willing to do to protect it?
Word count: 7.1k~
A/N: Surprise!! Hi, I know this is early, but I had a productive week and felt inspired. I am so excited for like two chapters down the line, because there is a really sweet scene, that I can’t wait for you guys to read. Thank you for all the love, it means so much. Please like, reblog, comment so more people can see this series! I absolutely LOVE hearing from the readers of this series, and it is my favorite time of the week interacting with you, so please send me all the asks you want, I’m happy to answer questions about characters! You might learn a thing or two if you read those asks I answer ;)   ALSO: I’m less than 50 followers away from 1,000... which is... insane. I’m going to do a drabble/ask maybe request thing once I reach 1,000 so stay tuned!
Jungkook’s eyes were panicked and Jin’s heart cracked at the sight, not remembering a time when Jungkook had been so passionate about something, the weight of his words settling in his own chest, “They took her.”
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It’s dark and cold. Your eyelids are so heavy you don’t think you could open them if you tried. Your throat feels like the Sahara desert with how dry and scratchy it is, and your muscles feel like you attempted to run a marathon without stretching whatsoever. To put it simply, you feel like shit. But why?
The last thing you remember was sitting with Jungkook next to the small stream you found in the middle of the forest. Sharing your first kiss with him. The thought makes you smile mentally, taking your thoughts away from the searing pain you feel throughout your body. You’re not sure if you’re even awake right now, you can’t move any part of your body, nor can you open your eyelids. Were you in some sort of coma? No, there’s no way. 
Did you fall asleep? That must be the case, right? Maybe you were so dehydrated and exhausted you passed out. Jungkook would take care of you, though, so you shouldn’t worry. But then again, why do you feel like you’ve been hit by eight trucks and thrown off an overpass?
Your body feels like lead, it’s so heavy, and you almost feel like you’re sinking. Your body is floating, you feel no hard surface beneath you, like you might if you were laying on the ground, but at the same time it’s like you're slowly falling through quicksand. It’s like you’re weightless, but entirely too heavy all at once. Nothing is really making sense to you right now, all you know is that you’re in pain, and you really, really want to wake up and ask Jungkook what’s going on. Is he okay? Are you okay? Your brain calls out to him, but nothing happens. 
Your thoughts are cut short by a sudden sharp, shooting pain in your right arm. At least, you think it’s your right arm. You can’t be entirely sure, because it feels like your limbs aren’t quite attached to your body. You’re panicking, the pain is seeping through your veins, traveling to the rest of your floating limbs, connecting all your body parts together through a burning sensation that is one of the most unpleasant feelings you’ve ever experienced. You want to scream bloody murder, you want to open your eyes, you want to figure out what’s happening to you, but you can’t. You’re stuck in this dark abyss, unable to locate your mind or your body, unable to piece them together to become one being again. 
The pain is duplicated on your left side now, the same acid like burning sensation traveling up the left side of your body. You’re starting to feel whole again, but at what cost? Your arms feel like jelly, yet you still can’t move them. They’re burning, like fire, it hurts so bad. If you could, you’d be crying out for help. For Jungkook. For Jin, for anyone to help you. You need help! Your brain is screaming out to anyone, but no one can hear you. You can’t even hear you, you can’t hear anything. You don’t even know if there is anyone around. Did Jungkook leave you? What did you do to deserve this kind of torture? For the first time in a couple of days, you think about Mina and Woo, how they would help you if they were here. You want your friends, Seokjin, Namjoon, anyone. Please…
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Jungkook walked close by Jin, never straying from his side, clutching onto his hand tightly, as the seven of them traversed the forest. He hadn’t fully stopped crying since he woke up, tears blurring his vision as they travelled, thoughts of you swirling through his mind. All he could think about was you, the kiss you shared, the way you made him feel. He felt responsible for you, he was the reason you got separated from Jin in the first place, right? He took off without making sure the elder was with you. If he had just stayed, or maybe charged his stupid phone so Yoongi was able to track you, maybe you’d still be with him. There were so many things he could’ve done differently. I feel safe with you. Those words engulfed his mind. He didn’t deserve your trust, he let you down, and he would never forgive himself for it. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this low before, ever felt such a horrible pain of losing someone. He never knew his parents, never really had anyone besides Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, and Tae, so to finally have that with you, and to have it all ripped away in a few short days, was excruciating to him. 
Once they realized they lost you, Namjoon urged them to push on, to make it to the outskirts of Seoul where they could come up with a plan. They hoped they still had Yeonjun on the inside, but they couldn’t be sure until Yoongi could get to a secure location to try and contact him. For all they knew, he could’ve given them away on purpose, though Namjoon liked to find the best in people, so he wasn’t completely sold on that idea. He was trying to keep a strong frame of mind for his group, he needed to be their pillar of support right now, make sure they were safe. But he was conflicted. Shouldn’t he have kept you safe, too? They accepted you as one of their own, told you that you could trust them, and now they’ve lost you. Namjoon felt horrible, like he should’ve been able to stop this, even though the logical side of his brain told him it was no one’s fault, really, except Big Hit’s. They were the only ones to blame in all of the unfortunate situations all of them have gone through. 
While Jimin and Taehyung had yet to meet you, they could sense the pain the others were feeling. Even Hoseok’s demeanor had changed, and he barely knew you. He knew the people he loved most, loved you, he could feel it, and the fact that they were feeling pain, was bringing him down as well. Jungkook and Jin were enraptured by you, so there must be something special about you. What little time he spent with you told him that much. Would he ever get a chance to get to know you better? He hoped so. Even for the boys who weren’t close to you, they all understood the pain that you were probably in right now, and understood what you were about to be put through. Especially Taehyung. He just got back from the torturous experiments and shitty conditions they kept him in, and he hoped he would never have to return to them. The fact that you were experiencing the same, or similar things to what he had just gone through, was heartbreaking to him. 
Once they were reunited, Taehyung clung to Hoseok and Jimin, looking to them for guidance and support, unsure of his feelings. He was so happy to be free of that place, but at what cost? Now they have you, an even rarer DNA makeup, he couldn’t imagine the things they would do to you. Sure, he didn’t know you, but he was an empath by nature, and was already feeling guilty over essentially switching places with you. His freedom for yours. It didn’t sit right with him, and so he was starting to slip, following Hoseok around like a lost puppy, a glazed look in his eyes. 
Yoongi was trying to stay focused on getting to another safe house, or somewhere he would be able to potentially help you. He can’t believe the way he’s treated you since you’ve come to stay with them, and he’s been beating himself up about it since you all left the warehouse last night. He made you cry, he hurt you. You probably hated him, or at least thought he was cold, cruel even. He didn’t want you to remember him like that. Despite his often icy exterior, he didn’t like when people viewed him as cold-hearted, and he was pretty sure that’s how you saw him. He wanted to make sure he had the chance to redeem himself, to get to know you, actually know you. He was determined to get you back.
But no one was more determined, more distraught with your disappearance, than Seokjin. Not only had he spent the most time with you, and gotten to know you the best, but it was so much more than that. He could feel himself falling for you, for your shy exterior, but your deep faceted personality, your stunning features, and that adorable pout you wore when he was tending to your injuries. He was falling for you, much like he fell for the others. Maybe even harder, and he was not prepared to lose you without a fight. Aside from his strong feelings for you, he could see that Jungkook, his other half, was in just as deep, and that cut him to the core. They could have had something so special with you, with the others, that they haven’t experienced before, and you were ripped away from them. Just when he could tell Jungkook was starting to open up and blossom into the person he always hoped he’d become, you vanish into thin air. That hurt more than anything, the what if. What would happen if you were still here? Would your relationship bloom into something beautiful? Even if they get you back, which they will, Jin tells himself, you won't be the same. They all know what happens in that lab, and they couldn’t even begin to imagine how much worse it will be for you, their first female. Jin shudders at the thought, catching the attention of his companion who is clinging to the back of his t-shirt. 
Jungkook looks up at his elder with wide doe eyes, still glassy from earlier events. When Jin looked down at him, the dam that he had been holding together with a string, burst. He stopped in his tracks, making Jungkook stop as well, looking panicked as he reached out to wrap his arms around Jin. They stood in the middle of the forest, clinging to each other tightly, silently mourning the loss of what could have been.
The others slowly started to realize what was happening, one by one, and all started to gather around Jungkook and Jin, no words spoken, emotions telling their story. First was Hoseok, placing a comforting hand on Jungkook’s back, and leaning his forehead against his shoulder. Next, was Jimin and Taehyung, each wrapping an arm around their maknae to support him as he sobbed. Then, Namjoon approached the eldest, wrapping him up in a tight back hug, placing gentle kisses against the back of his exposed neck. Last was Yoongi, he was hesitant to offer his comfort, because he didn’t feel like he deserved to comfort them, didn’t feel like he deserved any place in this with how awful he had been to you. But grief at watching his love's hearts break, eventually pushed him to move, reaching up to wipe Jin’s tears away gently, as his own started to fall. 
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You blinked your eyes slowly, once. Twice. Three times. You felt the haze of the Sandman try to pull you under once more, but resisted with all your might. Even though you had no grasp on how long you’ve actually been asleep, your aching body told you it’s been too long. 
You let your eyes slip shut again, the appeal of unconsciousness dangling just within grasp. You almost let it take over you, but you persist, opening your eyes one more time, blinking tightly to try and remove any leftover sleep from them. When you finally manage to peel back your eyelids, all you see is white. 
Furrowing your brow, you try and turn your head to your right, but your neck feels like you haven’t moved in it decades, cracking under the pressure of movement. You let out a soft whimper from the back of your throat at the pain, but it sounds more like a growl with how low and gravely your voice is. You don’t even recognize it to be you for a moment, still uncharacteristically sleepy. 
When you finally manage to twist your head to the side, you’re just met with more white, and more confusion. You’re in what looks like a small doctor’s exam room, like the ones you would go to at your pediatrician’s office when you were a kid. Only this one was completely void of any color or those posters that tell you about puberty. 
White walls, white tile floors, white ceiling, a white table and chair in the far corner, and a white door. No windows, no sink like you’d usually find in a doctor’s office. The room closer resembled a holding cell at a prison than anything else. You try to sit up, but your muscles resist, instead shooting a searing pain from your shoulder down to your lower back, making you yelp in surprise. 
The pain made you feel more awake than you have since you opened your eyes, and for the first time, you really take in your surroundings, realization hits you. Where is Jungkook? Jin? Anyone? You sit up, ignoring the cracking of your bones, biting back the scream that wants to escape your throat at the feeling. You wince, trying to bring your hand up to rub at your face in any attempt to wake yourself up, you must be dreaming right? Only your wrist is snapped back to the bed, a loud metal clanking sound echoing off the walls. Your head snaps down, eyes widening at the sight of a leather cuff strapped to your wrist, connected by a chain to what you can assume is the slats of the metal bed frame you’re currently laying on.  
Looking over at your other wrist, you notice it is restrained in a similar way. Panic is starting to set in, your mouth slightly agape in fear, eyes comically wide as you frantically search for a way out of here. Your breathing is labored, you can feel that black shadow of anxiety creeping up your spine, bleeding into your throat and traveling into your nose, making it hard to take a deep breath. You’re suffocating, pulling at your restraints, you can’t inhale at all, it’s like someone is holding a pillow over your face. 
“H-help!” You try and scream, but it only comes out as a garbled cry with how little air you have in your lungs. Tears are streaming down your face as you start to thrash in the bed. This can’t be happening. They got you, they took you. Did they get Jungkook, too? What about the others? The thought is enough to send you into another spiral of panic, neck straining with the need to escape. They can’t be here, you led them away, right? But, that means they probably took Jungkook, too. Or worse. 
Your chest is heaving, soft whimpers escaping your throat as you attempt to take in any air your body will allow, when the white door to your room is thrown open, bouncing off the wall adjacent to it. The panic doesn’t stop, however, when you see who walks through the door. You grit your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut, willing away whatever demons were bringing you this wretched dream. This can’t be real, you reason with yourself, it’s just a horrible nightmare.
“Pearl?!” Your father shouts, coming into the small room, another, shorter man, in a white lab coat following in behind him. You barely have any time to take a look at the other person in the room, as he preps a syringe, filled with an unknown substance that only makes your fear suffocate you further. “Pearl! Can you hear me, Pearl? It’s me, it’s dad!” Your father is kneeling next to your bed now, as the strange man approaches you, needle in hand.
“N-no!” Your high pitch scream startles both men, piercing their ears as you let out a wail when the man approaches you, stabbing the needle into your bare thigh. “N-no -n-no!” your voice wavers, stuttering to a complete silence, as your body falls back against the cardboard-esque mattress. Your breathing is evening out, eyes half-lidded as your brain feels like it’s floating. You aren’t asleep, no, just floating, peaceful even.  
“Is she out?” you faintly hear your father ask.
“No, sir,” another voice sounds off, “it’s just a sedative. It’ll wear off in about an hour, but I don’t expect her to be in much better condition by then.”
You can hear them, though it kind of sounds like they’re underwater. Focus, YN, you tell yourself. Listen to what they’re saying. In your dazed state, you can’t really remember why exactly you should be listening, just that you should be listening. 
“Are you going to keep her here?” You could hear your father ask, his voice sounded… strained? Your hazy mind was confused by the pained tone of his voice. 
“Yes, sir, I’m sorry,” the second voice sounded professional, yet there was a hint of regret to his tone, “that was part of the deal.”
Deal. What deal? Your foggy mind tried to hold on to that piece of information, but you were in and out of consciousness, your body felt like it was floating. The next time you regained consciousness and were able to decipher the voices again, you only heard one. 
“Yeah, she’s here,” it was the second voice, the one you hadn’t recognized before, “no, I don’t.”
It sounded like he was speaking to someone, but you didn’t hear a second person anymore. You definitely didn’t hear your father.
“Look, I don’t have much time. They suspect me, but they haven’t done anything yet, though I’m expecting it soon. Yeah. I’ll try.” 
You loll your head to the side, unable to do much to hold it up. You felt heavier than you did when you woke up the last time, but you were able to open your eyes slightly to catch a yellow haired man talking into a phone. “You really need to get here soon,” his back was to you, but you could hear the urgency in his voice. He lowered his voice when he spoke his next words, “They’re getting ready to run tests, you know how-” he cuts off abruptly, pausing for a second, “I can’t Namjoon.”
Namjoon? Your brain was feeling more alert at the mention of his name. Faintly, you could hear the yelling of another voice coming through the phone speaker.  Was that really Namjoon? You were about to use all your strength to sit up and ask the young man, when the door slammed open again, another man in a white coat entering the room. The yellow haired guy immediately shoved his phone into his pocket, turning around, wide eyed. 
“Yeonjun,” the second man addressed the yellow haired one, he sounded a bit surprised, “Soomin has been looking for you.” Yeonjun, you supposed, bowed slightly, walking out of the room quickly, but not before he sent you a worried look from behind the second man’s back.
You still couldn’t move much, bones and muscles feeling like gelatin, but when the man in the white lab coat approached you, you tried to sit up and scoot away from him. It didn’t take a genius to realize exactly where you were, now that your state of mind was a little clearer. The fact that your father was here, and seemed to know exactly why you were here, only confirmed what Namjoon told you a couple nights ago. It must be the drugs doing their job, because you weren’t feeling the panic and anxiety that was suffocating you earlier. You felt a little more clarity about where you were and what was happening to you, even though you were no less scared. 
As you tried to back up against the wall, your right wrist tugged on the chain, preventing you from moving any further. The man didn’t care, though, as he continued to close in on you, eventually settling for sitting on the end of your bed. He was way too close to you for you to feel comfortable at all. You pulled your knees to your chest with all the strength you had left in you, even though you couldn’t hug them like you wanted too, you tried to make yourself as small as possible. 
“Miss Y/L/N, do you know where you are?” The man asked, his voice low and placating. You didn’t trust him, something felt off about him. You squint your eyes at him slightly, shaking your head. He takes a deep breath, crossing one leg over the other. “You’re at a testing facility for natural borns,” he begins with a smile, one that you can see right through, “we brought you here because your family sold your rights to your DNA. I’m sorry to break the news to you like this, but it will help you cope in the long run. I know it’s a lot to handle, and so we have therapists on staff to work with you-”
“I don’t believe you.” Your voice is so rough you hardly recognize it. You give one of your chains a quick tug to prove your point. You don’t miss the way his eyes flash with anger, only momentarily, before he steels his features, and it sends a shiver down your spine. 
“Ah, yes,” he sighed, rubbing his chin with his hand, “the restraints were for our safety. We didn’t know how you would react once you were awake, but I promise we aren’t always like this, in fact, it’s actually pretty nice here once we get you set up in your own room.” The smile he wore was disgustingly fake, it was unnerving. Everything about him was unnerving. He must be a designer baby, one that borderlines the uncanny valley. He starts to reach his hand out to touch you, a creepy smile on his face that makes you want to scream, instead you shake your head quickly, making it known you don’t want him to touch you. He doesn’t care, though, instead his hand continues it’s path until it’s resting awkwardly on your ankle. It’s almost like he wasn’t human, but was trying to mimic the action of comfort that humans normally do. 
“Why am I here?” You ask quickly, your voice squeaky as you pull your foot from his grasp, eyes wide as you stare at him. 
“I told you, Miss Y/L/N,” he sighs again, like he was annoyed by your questioning, and pulls his hand back to his lap, “your family sold-”
“Why. Am I here.” You gritted your teeth, willing the tears threatening to break the dam, away.
“Miss Y/L/N,” his voice was suddenly more stern than before, turning in his seat to face you head on, “it’s better if you don’t ask questions. Things will be easier here for you if you accept it.” His words scared you more than he himself did, accept it? That’s what it came down to, right? You’re stuck here. You had no idea if you’d ever escape like the twins did, had no idea if the others even cared to get you back. 
You shook your head back and forth, dislodging some of you unshed tears, biting at your lips hard enough to draw blood. If you were stuck here, you at least needed one question answered. “Where is Jungkook?”
The man scoffed at your question, making your tears fall harder, “That boy? They left him in the forest. He’s no use for us here. Now, I have some things to go over with you.”
You sniffled hard, trying to stop the tears from flowing, as your focus wavered, not really listening to anything else he had to say. At least Jungkook wasn’t here, at least he had a chance of escaping. You could only hope that the others found him and he was able to get back to them. You didn’t know them very long, they would forget you soon enough. That was what you were going to hold on to if you had to be here. At least it wasn’t him. 
“Are you listening?” The man asked, more aggressive than before. Your head snapped up, tears still falling, as you looked him in the eye again. He lets out another sigh, standing up from the bed, “You’re going to be administered medication three times a day. You already had your first dose this morning when you were brought in, and someone will be by shortly to give you your second. It’s very important that you eat the food they give you with it, otherwise your body won't be healthy enough for testing. You’re very valuable to us here, so if you don’t take care of your body, someone else will, and I’m sure you don’t want that.” He gives you one last fake smile before turning and heading for the door. You watch him with a furrowed brow, tears flowing like a river down your face. He turns around, hand on the doorknob, “And YN, dear? Welcome to Big Hit.”
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You’re not sure how long you were left alone in that insanity inducing white room before someone came back, you were too lost in your own thoughts, unable to self-soothe, due to your hands being chained to the bed. You sat as close to the wall as you could get, knees pulled to your chest as you sobbed into your knees. By the time you heard the door creak open, you were nearly out of tears, devoid of any emotion, other than hopelessness, maybe.
“YN?” A woman’s voice called out. It sounded sweet, but you knew better. You didn’t lift your head, didn’t acknowledge her at all. She huffed a little when you didn’t respond, walking into the room and closing and locking the door after her.
“YN, dear,” she said again, wheeling over a metal cart to your bedside, “you need to eat something.” She set a tray of something down on the small desk in the room, but you didn’t bother to look at it. You could smell it from here, and it didn’t smell appetizing.
When the woman realized you weren’t going to speak, she came over and sat on the edge of your bed, as far away from you as possible, as if she was afraid of you. Like I could do anything, you scoffed, mentally. 
“YN, I know you’re upset,” she sighed, “but if you don’t eat, dear, they’re going to force feed you, or worse, run a tube through your nose.” You perked up at this knowledge, head tilting to the side slightly, but still not looking at her. “I’ve seen them do it plenty of times to patients. You need to be healthy, darling.” She sounded kind, older, wiser than you. But you didn’t care. Why would you care if you were healthy? For all you knew, you could die in here. Then what was the point of eating at all? Maybe it would be better if you starved yourself to death instead of whatever horrors they were going to put you through.
“What’s gonna happen to me?” You surprised both the nurse and yourself when you spoke, your mouth betraying your brain. Your voice was even scratchier than before, and you sighed at the sound. 
“Didn’t Dongin tell you, darling?” Dongin, that must have been the white lab coated man from earlier. Did he tell you? You honestly couldn’t remember. You spaced out halfway through what he was saying, thoughts only on Jungkook. You decide that no, he didn’t, and you tell the nurse as much. “YN, you’re here for donations. I would’ve thought your father told you that long ago?” She sounded puzzled, like she didn’t really even know what was going on here. 
You looked up at her for the first time since she walked in, shocking her with the dead look in your eyes. You decided to play her to your advantage, maybe she really didn’t know what was going on.
“Tell me what?” You asked,as innocently as you could muster. 
The woman furrowed her brows at your, reaching out a hand to place on your leg. You flinch away from her, making her pull back instantly. Maybe she was kinder than the rest. No, you can’t let yourself believe that. “Darling, you were born here. The company was taking back what was theirs in the first place. Not that I agree with that, or anything, but you know how these big pharmaceutical companies work. All about their money.” She rambled on, her tone almost disbelieving that you didn’t already know the things she was telling you, but you didn’t feel like you had any answers to your questions. You only had more questions. Taking back what’s theirs? 
“What do you mean, ‘what was theirs’?” You straighten your legs out a bit, knees popping and cracking as you do. You bring your hands as far into your lap as you can without straining them against the cuffs. 
The nurse was looking even more confused than you felt, pinching her brows together tightly and pursing her lips. “I - I don’t think I should be telling-”
“Soomin!” A man, the yellow haired one from earlier, bursts through the door, cutting the woman off and making her jump at least a foot in the air in shock. Turning around quickly, Soomin stands and bows to the man before scurrying out of the room, bowing one last time for good measure, before she’s gone. The young man runs his hand through his hair, huffing a breath of air as he closes the door behind him. 
“YN-” he rushes over, dropping to his knees in front of you, frightening you into backing up as much as you could again, on the defense, “I’m not here to hurt you, I promise. At least not on purpose.” He was talking so quickly you could barely keep up, “My name is Yeonjun, and I work with Namjoon and Yoongi for an organization that helps natural borns. I’m the one who helped Jimin and Tae escape yesterday, and I think the company is starting to catch onto me.” He takes a deep breath, looking over his shoulder quickly and then back at you, “I need you to listen to me, okay?” 
You nod, slowly, still not exactly following the frantic man.
“That nurse is going to come in here in about fifteen minutes to administer hormones to you,” you furrow your brow at this new information. Yeonjun must sense your confusion, because he quickly explains, “They’re trying to harvest your eggs, YN. They’re trying to use your DNA for new experimental designer babies,” he shakes his head, a look of disgust written on his face, “it doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that you take the hormones, and you eat. I know, I know you don’t want to, and I’m not going to lie to you, it’s going to hurt.” You wince at his words, and he softens his gaze, pursing his lips, “I’m sorry YN, but the only way I’m going to be able to get you out of here, is if you play along. They have to believe that you’re complacent before they’ll move you to a less secure area of the building. I don’t know how long it’ll take for them to move you, so I need you to play along to speed up the process, but I will do my best to deter them from… experimenting on you, for now.”
Yeonjun looks uncomfortable as both his hands grip the side of the mattress. “E-experiment?” You aren’t sure you want to know what he meant by it, but you’re sure you’ll regret it if you don’t. 
He sighs, looking sideways for a second, not wanting to look you in the eye. “It takes a long time to successfully create an embryo in a lab…” he trails off, still looking anywhere but your face, “it’s relatively… quick, in a human body.” He coughs, clearing his throat as he looks back up at your mortified face. 
The weight of where you are and what is going to happen to you here, suddenly hits you. It’s like a giant wave, crashing on top of you, pulling you under water, trapping you on the ocean floor. Your throat felt like it was closing again.
“YN, look at me,” Yeonjun begged, and you obeyed, trusting this man before you, “I’m going to do everything I possibly can to keep that from happening, but you have to comply with them, or it’s going to make it harder for me to do that. Okay? Do you understand?” You were breathing heavily, eyes blinking rapidly, but you nodded your head at him, gulping as you did.
“B-but, why? I- I don’t understand what t-the nurse said,” you stuttered, still desperately trying to suck in a decent breath of air, “what did s-she mean?”
Yeonjun looks conflicted, but answers your questions anyways, “I don’t have the entire story, but what I do know is that your dad used to work here. I guess he still kind of does, in a way? But from what I have heard, him and your mom struggled to have a baby…” he trailed off, like he really doesn’t want to answer your question. He’s staring at you with furrowed brows, like he’s trying to get a read on you, trying to determine if you’re mentally aware enough to hear this information. 
“The company agreed to… help, on one condition. You were still their property, and when you turned eighteen, you were to come back to the company. You were one of their experiments, YN.”
Your mouth drops open slightly at his words. You weren’t sure what you felt, sadness… anger? Were you not a natural born? Did you go through all that torment in school, in life, all for nothing? You were actually one of these God forsaken designer babies, forced to live a life of secrecy, and for what? To be bullied into a crippling depression? Your mind was reeling with this new information, you had no idea what you were supposed to do with this. 
“So I belong to them?” You blink your eyes tightly a few times, trying to hold back tears, unable to rub at your eyes like you want. You pull slightly at your chains, letting out a broken sob. “I-I’m one of them?” 
Yeonjun sighs, shaking his head and looking up at your watery eyes. “I’m sorry, YN, I wish I had more information about what exactly you are, and I wish I could have told you this under better circumstances. The goal was for Namjoon and Yoongi to bring you to the safe house so they wouldn’t be able to take you, but obviously that didn’t work out.” There was remorse in his words, but no anger. He understood it wasn’t their fault, or yours. It was this horrible company's fault. They were the only ones to blame. 
“I have to go, YN, I’m so sorry,” he whispered as he stood up. He placed a hand gently over your head, stroking your hair back once before turning to leave. “Please, listen to them. For now. I’m going to help you, I promise.” 
You look into his eyes one last time before he nods once, leaving the room, locking it behind him. No longer do you have the distraction of conversation to sate your mind. Now you’re free to spiral into the dark depths your brain created for you. 
Your parents have been lying to you for your entire life. Were they really even your parents? Could you trust them? Your father did seem conflicted when he was here earlier, almost like he didn’t want to leave you here. What Yeonjun said circled back in your mind. They were only supposed to have you until you turned eighteen. But you were twenty three now. Had they been the ones keeping you from Big Hit? 
You thought back to that fateful morning only a few days ago, when your father met with Hyunwoo. Was he telling him to leave you alone, would he have protected you, did you screw yourself over by leaving with Namjoon and the others? 
The others. You couldn’t stop your mind from wandering to them. Were they okay? You hoped so. You could only hope that they were able to get out of that forest, and finally able to reunite with one another. You hoped that Seokjin and Jungkook wouldn’t blame themselves for you being taken, though knowing what little you do know of them, they probably would. Your heart ached for them. You’ve come to care about them so much in the past few days, and you’d be lying to yourself if you said a part of you didn’t hope they would come for you. 
You heard Yeonjun on the phone earlier, though the memory was a bit fuzzy. He did tell them to come here, and even though you wished they would help get you out of here, a larger part of you hoped that they would stay away. They had a chance to be away from this place, once and for all. All of them, together. You didn’t want to stand in the way of that. 
Lost in your thoughts, you startled violently when the door to the small room opened again. It was the nice nurse from earlier, Soomin? When she shut the door behind her, she tsked at your pitiful sight. Still curled into the smallest form your restraints would allow, dried tear tracks staining your face. 
Taking a wash cloth from her little cart, she walks over to you, holding it up as a way of asking for permission. You remember Yeonjun’s words from earlier, and nod your head in acceptance. 
Soomin sighs, wiping the tears from your face, “You’ll be able to take a shower and get cleaned up once we get some food in your and you take your meds, okay?” You nod as she continues to clean your face. 
When she’s done, she brings the small plate of food over to you, setting it on the bed in front of you. Carefully, she feeds you the oatmeal and fruit, and while you would normally protest, not wanting to eat, fearful that you’ll just throw it right back up, you’re mindful of what Yeojun said. You need to be complacent. What could happen if you weren’t, was so much worse than having a nice older woman spoon feed you breakfast foods. 
After you finished off the fruit, Soomin went back to her cart, putting on gloves and setting up what looked like syringes and tiny glass bottles, holding some kind of liquid. You wince as she picks up one of the needles, bringing it to the tiny bottle, and pulling the liquid out.
“Lie back for me, YN,” she says sweetly, walking back over to the bed. You look at her hesitantly, fear in your eyes. You’ve never liked needles, always been afraid of them. “It will only hurt a little, okay, dear?”
You shut your eyes tightly and nod, just wanting to get this over with. Laying back on the brick like pillow they provided you with, you try to relax into the similarly firm mattress. When Soomin lifts your shirt gently, you jump, definitely not expecting her to touch you there. “W-wait!” you shout, louder than you mean to. “W-wait, p-please! Where are you putting that?!” You whimper, not wanting her to touch you further.
Soomin backed away for a moment, looking at you like you were a disobedient child. “Darling, it’s just a shot. It’s going to go in your lower stomach, I have a few of them.”
You shake your head, eyes filling with tears as you try and sit up, “No, please, don’t” you beg, wrists pulling at your restraints harder now.
“YN, dear, please calm down,” she shushes you, walking closer and placing a hand on your stomach, holding you down slightly, “it will be quick, okay?”
You let out a sob as she brings up the cotton pad to clean your skin for the injection. She does it on both sides of your belly, before cleaning on a small patch on your outer thigh, as well. You let her, though your body is trembling in fear as she does it. Your brain is instantly transported back to the searing pain you felt earlier when you were in your coma state. Is that what you were about to feel again? Before you could think too deeply about it, you feel her gloved hand on you again, causing you to jolt.
“Deep breath,” she says, before you feel a sharp pain in your stomach, making you jerk up and cry harder. Soomin pushes on your stomach with her free hand, holding you still. The searing pain from before flushes through your veins, not as intense as before, but hot, like the blood in your veins is boiling.
Your entire body is shaking with sobs by the time she finishes, not bothering to clean up the small drops of blood pooling at the entrance wounds. Maybe she isn’t as kind as you originally thought. 
You feel violated. You weren’t able to stop it, to defend yourself. Even though it was only a shot, only some hormones, you felt completely stripped of your rights. That experience really solidified to you that you are nothing more than property to them, a doll, to do with what they please, and that thought breaks you when you remember Yeonjun’s words again today. You have to comply. 
“I’ll be back in a few hours for your next round, dear,” Soomin says as she finishes up with your leg and leaves you. You lay flat on your back, staring at the ceiling with no emotion in your eyes, but oceans of tears falling from them. You let your eyelids slip shut after a few minutes, but you’re never able to fully fall asleep. 
To be continued...
A/N: thanks for making it all the way to the end, I’m so excited to write the next couple of chapters, ahhhh!! xx
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ok i updated tags, but some still wouldn’t let me tag!! tumblr has been doing me dirty these last couple of weeks, so please REBLOG to people can see this
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aelaer · 4 years
How about Stephen being infected with a symbiote, but to prevent it from destroying humanity, he merges its existence with the cloak's essence (read: badass venom!stephen)!
This is my oldest prompt - I think over a year now - largely because I knew nothing about Venom or symbiotes; that's one part of the Marvel universe I haven't explored. Some time on Wiki later, I guess this is one of the "corrupted" symbiotes, though I honestly can't figure out how one of them is supposed to destroy a whole planet if it doesn't like, create duplicates of itself to infect millions of beings at once. I guess there's something I missed that I can't find on wiki, but I'll assume it's very dangerous haha. But I threw something together, or tried to, on the off-chance this anon is still around. I don't know if symbiotes all talk disjointed like Venom, but this one really doesn't - sorry if that's not fully accurate. Maybe this one has a better command at English.
Defying the curse that has taken hold
The moment he understood what was happening to him and knew what being had attached itself to him, Stephen threw himself into the Mirror Dimension to isolate himself from all others.
What is this place? said the foreign voice in his head. It is different and yet the same.
"Mirror Dimension," he answered, forcing his voice to a calmness he didn't feel.
The alien parasite—this symbiote—could feel everything, though. Of course. You understand me now, it answered. You know what I am. And you are afraid. 
There was little point in trying to deny the accusation with the creature in his body. It could probably sense the subconscious changes that caused shifts in the chemical balances within him, that charged his emotions. "I know that your species has destroyed entire planets with but one host to start." And despite rumors of more benevolent symbiotes, this one certainly was not. He had felt the strange, sudden urges of blood lust several times throughout the week. It was that symptom in particular that had eventually led him to the awful discovery.
It laughed. It is my nature. And yet you still try to fight. That is pointless. I am amongst the eldest. I have eaten many worlds. You will be mine and this world will be like the others.
Like hell he would. "You underestimate me. If I cannot find a solution to neutralize you, I am fully prepared to die."
Again it was amused. And I move to another host.
"You won't be able to from the Mirror Dimension," said Stephen. "This place is inaccessible to most of humanity. If I die, you are forever stuck here."
It scoffed in disbelief. Your pontificating is quaint. I will enjoy consuming you.
Oh, this thing had no idea what it was getting into.
—— —— ——
This is tedious, said the symbiote five weeks later. It had been quiet for a couple days until that point, as if finally realizing that Stephen was more than willing to make good on his threat. The lofty gestures of destruction and grandeur had also fallen away to something a bit more casual.
Stephen couldn't help but smirk. "I've been through worse tedium." Dormammu came to mind. Hell, even parts of med school were worse than this. This alien parasite really had no idea what war it had started with him.
In the beginning, it wasn't at all difficult to create a portal far from his body, then cross the astral plane to visit Wong with his impromptu plan for the foreseeable future. Wong, in turn, left food and books in a designated drop spot twice a day at designated times. It was easy to avoid it during those times, and Stephen effectively kept himself quarantined within the Mirror Dimension as he researched and experimented on getting rid of the symbiote.
The bad news was that nothing was removing it from his person; the symbiote was too strong for what tricks his research had unearthed this far. The good news was that the symbiote was a good deal less patient than Stephen.
There was silence again for a little while, and Stephen thought it would be quiet again for some time. So when it spoke again about an hour later, he was surprised.
I'm not leaving, the symbiote said. Stephen raised his brow; the tone was interesting. It was less haughty. You know I feed off what you call hormones. You normally make much more in one of your days than I see in other mortals. It's very satiating.
"And yet you still wanted more. I felt your attempted encroachment upon my mind and your desire for blood, and I will not allow it."
There was silence for a moment. I… might be convinced to live with your hormones. There was a lot in the beginning. It was delicious. I especially liked what you call adrenaline.
Stephen pressed his lips together. "That might suit, but from all I've read, your species absorb key nutrients that my vital organs need at an unsustainable rate. I'm afraid the human body simply isn't enough to provide for you long-term." He looked back at his book. "Now that you're more agreeable, perhaps I could place you in a dimension with no organic lifeforms for you to kill."
But that's boring! it whined. It actually whined. I want more adrenaline. You've given me so little.
"You're ignoring the fact that I just told you my body physically cannot handle you." He grimaced. "Even if I could make you swear not to harm Earth or its residents, this isn't sustainable."
Stephen felt a grudging admiration that wasn't from himself. I can't do anything you don't want. I've tried. No one's ever stopped me before. You're strong. There was a pause. I like your strength. I want to stay here—even if you'll only give me hormones.
"Did you not listen to a thing I said about my body's ability—"
You're a sorcerer! the parasite argued. You don't have normal mortal inhibitions. I can feed off many things. I can feed off your magic and you can keep your body's nutrients, as you say.
Stephen felt a spike of alarm. "I need my magic. You cannot have it."
I'm not leaving, it said again, stubbornly.
"I'll find a way to remove you," Stephen promised.
—— —— ——
Another two weeks passed. It was nearing the end of their second month quarantined in the Mirror Dimension and they were still at an impasse. The symbiote was in no way going to break through Stephen's mental defenses, and Stephen was having a hell of a time getting the creature either out of him or dead.
And the news that came with Wong's morning drop that day made Stephen realize just how permanent his situation might be.
The Cloak could immediately feel his resignation as he read the letter and tapped at his arm to ask why his mood changed. "Wong says that the Masters need to look into a new Master for the New York Sanctum if this is not resolved soon." Stephen clenched his teeth; he gave an oath to protect the world, and if this was the only way to do it…
Cloak has an idea, said the symbiote unexpectedly, breaking a three day silence.
That caught him off guard. "Beg your pardon?"
Cloak's volunteering to contribute part of its own magic. It has a significant amount.
Stephen blinked as a number of questions were raised by that statement. The first that was vocalized was, "The Cloak talks to you?"
Not exactly, the symbiote said. It is what you call inorganic. I am of the same kind. But what you call free will is powered by other forces that you have no word for, and in that way I can understand its intentions and it, mine. It was very annoying at the beginning, it ended with a light grumble.
Stephen lifted a hand to one of the gold clasps of the Cloak to indicate it to detach itself. While communication was limited, the cloak could do quite a bit with gestures and touches. "Is what it says true? That you can communicate with it?" he asked as the Cloak came to face him.
The Cloak bowed its collar in confirmation and Stephen pursed his lips. "And you are offering to give part of your magic in order for me to survive and leave here?" Another nod in confirmation. Stephen hesitated. "I don't want to see you harmed."
It won't hurt it, the symbiote said as the Cloak shook its collar and reached out for Stephen's hand in reassurance. Its magic is much older than yours. It is better than yours to sustain me.
Stephen frowned. "I cannot let myself out of here if this symbiote's words do not match his intentions. Can you see its intentions, and does it speak the truth?"
The Cloak nodded twice as the symbiote said, Magic tastes interesting. It is an acceptable substitute for blood, and tastes well with your adrenaline.
He thought about it for a moment. This may be an acceptable solution, as he trusted the Cloak with his life and knew it would not lie. "I do not know what magic would accomplish this."
You don't need to do anything, said the symbiote. It's between Cloak and me. So we'll do it, then we can get out of here.
"Wait," he said before they could start anything. "I will need approval from my peers. If they think it too dangerous, I am obligated to stay here."
He felt annoyance from the symbiote. Fine, it grumbled. It at least knew how futile arguing about this would be.
Stephen wrote a note in response and set it back at the drop point, then waited until the evening to leave his body and travel across the astral plane to meet Wong there. He got there just as Wong stepped through, and as he began to read the note, Stephen broke through the barriers of reality to speak with him.
Wong gave him a look. "You think it's safe?"
"I trust the Cloak."
Wong nodded towards the portal as he went towards it. "Still, you'll need to convince the others."
—— —— ——
Let no one say that Stephen Strange was anything but a very, very good debater. The meeting took two hours as they went through everything that could go wrong and Stephen's answers to why that wouldn't happen, or what they could easily do to prevent catastrophe. Part of him was partially convinced that he won them over through sheer stubbornness.
(It probably helped that they really didn't have any great candidates to take over the New York Sanctum, too. They were still spread too thin and no one really wanted to lose him to a threat that he seemed to have now under control.)
When Wong let him back into the Mirror Dimension, he floated his way back to his body and settled within it.
Well? the symbiote asked.
Stephen frowned as he noticed something off. "... did you try to move me while I was gone?"
... possibly. It must have felt Stephen's irritation and continued, I couldn't really do anything. You've blocked your mind even when outside your body. And Cloak got in the way.
He huffed his annoyance. "Well, if we're going to live with each other, that can't happen anymore."
So they agreed?
"They did," Stephen said. "Now promise me you won't try moving my body while I'm elsewhere."
He felt the pang of disappointment. Fine.
He pressed his lips together. "Right. Well, if the Cloak is still in agreement, you two do what you need to do."
The Cloak shifted. It reached forward on the left side so that it was fully covering his heart, and the right side lifted to cover his head, wrapping his face within the folds of the fabric. He blinked in surprise, but otherwise didn't move.
A short moment later, Stephen could feel the threads of magic about him and entering his skin. This magic was an old magic, a very ancient magic that weaved the very fabric of reality, the inherent magic of Earth that helped create a universe that could support the other magics borrowed from other dimensions that they used in various spellwork. He understood that the Cloak was ancient, but he truly did not realize until that moment the sort of power that was interwoven within each of its threads.
The power was breathtaking and exhilarating.
When the process stopped, Stephen had to remind himself to breathe. Slowly he exhaled, and the Cloak lifted itself off him completely to face him.
It had changed in physical appearance. Its checkered interior lining, formerly a faded red and grey, was now streaked with jagged black lines that spilled like ink from the collar downward. On the exterior, the darker solid red checkers were now pitch black, and the embroidered details upon the lining, the collar, and down part of the back were now made of black thread rather than the lighter red.
"How do you feel?" Stephen asked the Cloak. It spun around once in able movement, then settled down upon his shoulders as if to comfort him.
Cloak's fine, said the symbiote. This feels quite interesting. Tastes good with your adrenaline. Give me more.
"Say please," he muttered, even as his heart, already beating fast from the transformation process, kept its steady, fast beat as he created a portal back into the world. "We'll have some more ground rules to establish if you'll be staying for an extended period within my watch."
I look forward to it, the symbiote purred as Stephen stepped through the gateway and to his new chapter in life.
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akimmito · 4 years
Heroes are made by the path they choose
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Master List
Chapter 14
Silent Hill: Something happened, I'll take someone over for Marie to judge
Needle: Ah, what was missing
It’s a Nara: Don't sleep, there is an Akuma
It’s a Nara: Who is Available?
Almost Pretty: This Akuma itself is causing disaster
Needle: There goes the national library
It's a Nara: Who is Available?
Perfect Crime: We are at the airport, we can escape to the bathroom. Just tell us, Kanté
It’s a Nara: Perfect
Aithusa: I'm ready, Max.
Wild goat: I'll go! I'm available
Olive: You have communications, don't be ridiculous
Almost Pretty: I can't escape the Bourbon Palace for this, we are being evacuated to the basement
Ateliade, Jade Shield, LadyNoir and Rakkīgāru are on the ruins of the national library, the last place that al Akuma ruthlessly destroyed. Observing the damage and trying to understand how he did it, the cameras failed to capture the attack, they just watched as the building collapsed on its own. A troublesome situation.
"Rakkīgāru, use the Lucky Charm."
Kagami obeys immediately, the Lucky Charm delivers a candle similar to the ones she has placed in the meditation room. The four heroes look at the object with curiosity, its function is totally unknown to them, but somehow they understand that what they need at the moment is in the MT.
"We need a more thorough evaluation. Mures?"
"Yes, LadyNoir?"
"Come here, we will use the mouse to try to identify your abilities from all possible angles. "
"Maybe that's what the Lucky Charm was referring to." Ateliade offers her opinion on this, looking at the candle. After all, Marc is on the MT, but neither Kagami nor Marinette feel that is the case. Surely they will need the specific abilities of some Kwami that is not being used, their instincts are screaming at them.
Before long, Mures appears in all his nervous figure. It's the first time that he will go out into the field like the mouse, he's more used to his vigilante suit, but he's confident that everything will turn out well.
"Let's follow the Akuma."
At Jade Shield's words, the five heroes move to follow the Akuma's trail of destruction. When they see the purple Dolphin flying over The Turkish Consulate General and they are suddenly aware that they are now in District XVII where most Embassies and Consulates are. That could be a problem if it reaches international ears, endangering citizens of other countries. They can already hear Chloe yelling at them for speeding up, they don't want anyone from outside sticking their noses into something they don't understand.
"Multitude. "Marc activates its power and divides himself into five copies of himself, remaining in a size similar to that of a child. Each duplicate goes in different directions, each hero follows a different one while the main one remains in place to serve as backup.
Marc can see from their different perspectives the way power works, there is no way they can get closer without perishing like buildings. The others don't fully understand him, but he does.
The Akuma seems to detonate its powers through a form of echo location, similar to what bats do, only instead of just directing it around the place, it also causes perfectly directed destruction, if they get close they will be hit and probably killed. It's inconspicuous from the directions you see, but it's enough.
If there was ever any doubt that the new villain wanted them dead, this new Akuma victim is proof that this is the case.
"We need one of two, someone who can demonstrate directly in front of the Akuma or someone in armor to withstand the impact of the echo location."
"Is that?"
"It's the closest I could discern."
"We need Tunin." Kagami suggests, it's better not to trust again and the Dragon's abilities are easily used over long distances, they wouldn't even be exposing the child.
"It's done. Equuleus, bring Tunin to the field. ”Felix smiles, sure Damian will be ecstatic with the news. Since the first attack Akuma has wanted to leave and although there have only been two before that, they had not wanted to risk it yet.
Quickly, the boy appears next to LadyNoir and when he sees his mother, he feels guilty. Running away to find Constantine doesn't count as betraying her trust, does it? He may think that even she should have considered it, although perhaps what should bothers her is that he blackmailed Plagg.
"Something happens?"Marinette asks her little boy, who doesn't seem fully prepared, although his amber eyes seem to reflect something else.
"No mother. What should I do?"
"Can you simulate a storm, baby dragon?" Ateliade questions, if they can confuse the echo location (as Mures calls it) she can release her power and allow them to attack to obtain the Akumatized item, although it cannot be seen which one. Guessing is not much fun.
"Something happens?"Marinette asks her little boy, who doesn't seem fully prepared, although his amber eyes seem to reflect something else.
"No mother. What should I do?"
"Can you simulate a storm, baby dragon?" Ateliade questions, if they can confuse the echo location (as Mures calls it) she can release her power and allow them to attack to obtain the Akumatized item, although it cannot be seen which one. Guessing is not much fun.
"Yes, two of the abilities are combined. It's harder, but if I just have to do that, it'll be fine.”He says with conviction.
Jade Shield moves to take people out of the Akuma's path, who cannot fully escape. Rakkīgāru unites to help, as long as they are not sure that their little plan works, they should avoid casualties as best they can.
Damian draws his sword and begins to move in parallel with the Akuma, at a good distance while concentrating on the two abilities he wants to activate at the same time. He can do it only because he's stubborn and his mother was helping him with every step, he wanted to be able to be a real help to fight alongside miraculous adult users and for that he needed to make an effort. As he tries to muster his energies for that, he better understands why his mother insisted so much that not yet, but done or not, it's his time.
"Tunin! Now or never."
He growls at Ateliade's words, but activates his powers.
"Dragon of Air and Lightning. "
Damian disappears to make way for a thick black cloud of storm that spreads around the Akuma, the lightning moves through the clouds and attacks the Violet Dolphin, which he barely dodges due to the interferences that the sound makes in his abilities... In addition to the poor vision that it has is frustrated by the intense light intervals that the rushing rays generate.
It really is a storm.
Bruce Wayne is Batman
I can jump from eighth floor and survive: Paris has strange creatures.
Hell rejected me: What kind of strange creatures? Metas?
I can jump from eight floor and survive: No... it's a bat-winged dolphin that destroys everything in its path. And there are the heroes they mentioned!
I'll rest when I die: Is it real?
I can read your mind with a single glance: Are they the heroes and not the vigilantes?
I can ump from eight floor and survive: Yup, it's the heroes. Although they are still while talking.
I’m not Batman: I want a report.
I'll rest when I die: Your interest in our safety is flattering
"Oh God! The boy just turned into a storm! How?! Where's the point in all of this?!"Dick almost has the jaw in the ground when seeing how the hero boy vanishes in a black cloud that begins to flash and cover the strange creature.
Everything is being televised with drones, according to the presenter. It also features the new hero, who is registered as part of the Team.
"Tunin is the current owner of the Miraculous Dragon, it was entered into the official register two months ago. His abilities are much more polished than previous Miraculous user Ryukko, demonstrating much more training. Despite his young age in relation to other heroes, we can be sure that he's trustworthy. He has already demonstrated this by displaying new skills and a great mastery of his powers. "
Tim watches with too worrying ease, still holding his cup of coffee, but he seems to pay little attention to what the newscaster has said.
He doesn't blame him, the situation seems to come out of a dream, with the same little sense.
He doesn't lose attention to what happens, they are far enough so that what happens is only barely visible through the window, but the view from the drone is very accurate. Soon another hero, the presenter calls her Ateliade, activates another power and a dragon stuffed toy falls into her hands, she and LadyNoir (the leader, according to what they said) put themselves in position taking advantage of the fact that the Akuma is too busy dealing with the cloud storm.
"It seems we managed to capture Rakkīgāru and Jade Shield as well, helping civilians to get out of the Akuma's path." Indeed, the two heroes move through the streets picking up people from the probable routes of the Giant Dolphin. "Mures remains on the sidelines, he seems to be fulfilling the role of watchman. Like Tunin, it's his first appearance. He has been registered as an official part of the team for six years, he's the second user of the Miraculous Mouse, after Multimouse with a single appearance ten years ago. "
Dick is surprised to learn that information, ten years ago? Since when is Paris dealing with this villain? Maybe he should go to the prosecution and the KanTech offices to find out the information required to know the matter.
"Am I dreaming?"
"I'll leave the caffeine." Tim puts the cup on the table in front of him and takes his computer to start investigating, having his location in Paris, the information about the Akuma begin to appear. "Eleven years ago Hawkmoth first appeared and with him two heroes: Ladybug and Chat Noir. As time went by more heroes appeared and rotated, before Gabriel Agreste was arrested for being Hawkmoth, Paris was left alone with three heroes: Ladybug, Chat Noir and Vulpes. Chat Noir turned out to be the son of the villain, who was devastated and gave up being a hero... "
"What?" Dick stops watching television, missing the exact moment the Akuma goes crazy and its echo location loses the destructive effect because he can't focus enough for it.
"This is a summary of what happened seven years ago. The Butterfly Miraculous was stolen by the killer of Nathalie Sancour, the previous user of the Peacock. That Miraculous returned to the hands of Ladybug... Graham de Vanely spearheaded the lawsuit against Gabriel Agreste and Adrien was forced to marry Lila Rossi to keep his mother alive, as the heroes investigate a cure for the magical coma..."
"How did they manage to hide ALL THAT from the world?"
"Magic." Tim growls, that's the main reason, then with the joint efforts of different government bodies they became self-sufficient in it, making laws that allowed Parisian heroes and vigilantes to run freely making them an official identity within the country, but without being linked to it. How did it evolve to that point? Not even in the United States, with the acceptance of the heroes in the country, have they managed to do something like this... Will the French be more intelligent or are they much more paranoid? Because there is a complete security protocol so that the information does not come out.
They are so in jail just for mentioning all that to their family.
"We can't give that report to B... or come out as Robin and Nightwing."
"Should we register?" "Tim nods, but as far as he knows, only the MT can register heroes or vigilantes and for that they would need to contact them and give a good excuse for their visit." Everything is very well detailed, the theme of the vigilantes is not super secret like heroes. It's illegal to mention them on social networks outside the jurisdiction of France and word of mouth would not be credible because there is no information available. "
"Rakkigaru launches the cure!" The television distracts them again and they are surprised, again, to see how all the damage begins to repair itself and return to its original state.
"It's one of the Miraculous Ladybug powers... it's one of the few skills that are publicly known and accurately described. The rest appear as: doubtful or not precise. "
"Do you think they are handling it well?"
"Yes... according to what Felix Graham de Vanely said, half of the evidence he presented was offered by the heroes of Paris and was, precisely, the most incriminating. Seven years have passed and they have the support of the MT, which have cleaned up the country's organized crime very well and have followed several very difficult cases that they have managed to manage... They have a more brilliant list of achievements than ours. You know, the Joker escaping Arkham every month is a stain on our record. ”Tim laughs a little when he says it. He would like to know their methods, although he suspects that they must have a network of informants, something that they have not used much because in Gotham it's unlikely to find trustworthy people, only Jason got several informants, but they have not reached more than that.
"Then let's just say hello."
"And let's seek to join that information network."
Tim sets that goal, to be part of that vigilant circle to which the MT belongs.
Vivian @ LadyLuck_08
I loved Tunin's debut, will his hair be naturally long?
Leonor @Scar_FullMLeo
Did you see Mures? He's so cute
Ladybug comeback @ LadybugHero_89
It took a round hour to stop the Akuma. New record.
Chloe B. @BourgeoisQueen
Finally! I hate the basement. Who was the smart one who decided that it would be a good Akuma refuge?
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shiigetsu · 4 years
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this blog does not adhere to yashahime: princess half demon canon.
o1. following and interacting; i absolutely welcome crossovers and heavily encourage them however i might prioritize canon interactions. given the impossibility to interact with everyone in existence i generally do not strictly follow-for-follow. in effort to maintain a clean and focused dash i primarily follow/follow back those whom i intend to interact with or see a great possibility in doing so.
o2. nsfw/blog content/shipping; i am of age and so is sesshomaru. as a preference i do prefer darker themes myself however i will never impose my preferences on others nor will i attempt any sort of interaction that makes others uncomfortable.
* on terms of shipping you will attempt to do such with this one on the bounds of chemistry and character building or none such will come of it at all. * considering sesshomaru and his given stance with others is not exactly likable by any means and his innately wary/hateful stance towards humans as a whole is something he is working through do not expect him to fall in love with you. at least not immediately. * sesshomaru is an incredibly tough partner. as such any ship with him regardless of development or plotting will be difficult. should you wish for something wholesome and worthwhile aim for longevity. i promise genuine effort is met with reward. smut will only happen with established ship/partners. no exceptions.. * we must be developed/established shipping partners before i will even consider this. if first time ruts and/or casual flings are what you seek here then this is not the place for you. shipping will only be considered with prior established interactions and ooc interaction. i wish to know the person behind the muse i am to potentially be shipping with and so should you. this blog is multi ship and every ship will take place within it's own individual verse so as to prevent ship crossing and alluding to the unfairness of others. no ship takes precedence over others, they are all considered of equal importance and will be treated as such.
i absolutely will not smut with minors. pedophilia, noncon/rape and/or intimate relations with minors is intolerable. ships with minors/muses who are minors are not accepted. instances of any such content will result in a block and report on sight. do not test me. given their prior relations and the controversy vs age gap with sesshomaru and rin i do not ship sesshrin romantically. thus, he will treat her as an adoptive daughter.
o3. replies/ooc; whatsoever i post shall come on my own time. i have a strict and demanding lifestyle outside of the internet and thus i am not on tumblr every day. a majority of the time my blog will always run on queue to keep activity fairly consistent. i will space my posts accordingly so you might only see one to two replies every other day. do not hassle me for replies, expect me to reply simply because you see me on or guilt me. if i’ve taken longer than week to get back to you then you are privy to nudging me. if you insist on reaching me quicker my dms are always open and i am more than happy to provide my discord for further offsite plotting, ooc banter or offsite roleplaying as well. do not abuse this.
o4. please do; plot with me! consult with me in dms! send random asks! tag me in all the things! feel free to turn asks into threads! memes in my meme dump are always open.
o5. please don’t; god mod or metagame!  have your character assume or know specific things about mine that they simply shouldn’t unless specified in canon material! reblog any rp posts that do not pertain to you! steal my headcanons! start drama! harass others! should you prove to be problematic or toxic in any way i will cut you out without warning.
on another note -- i do not send passwords but i make it a habit to read about/rules before i so much as follow/follow back. disclaimer wise i do not own sesshomaru or inuyasha/anything in direct relation. i do own my particular rendition and headcanons/meta of sesshomaru however so in this i will not ask that you do not steal; i will simply tell you not to do so. respect others if you wish to garner the same respect. all graphics and written meta on this blog specifically belong to me. if i see any such instance of theft ( not including my own material but from others as well ) this will also result in an immediate block. i have no patience for stupidity resulting in the immediate lack of common sense. be wise.
in closing, please keep in mind that sesshomaru is first considered an antagonist turned anti-hero. he is neither the most approchable or tolerable. that said his persona and morales/compass do not reflect upon my own. his character is a foundry of possible triggers that may include and are not entirely limited to: violence/gore/abuse/torture and sensitive material pertaining to war.  if you have any concerns be up front about them. in terms of portrayal sesshomaru will take bits from japanese culture/historia and the chinese philosopher lao-tzu as well as my own individual take on his abilities. do remember he remains at all powerful large and wandering unless verse specified. do not provoke or tempt his ire unless you are fully prepared to suffer the consequences. he is prone to killing should your muse prove an intentional nuisance or intend to stand in his way by any means. in the event he intends to kill your muse/your muse wishes to combat/attempt to kill him i ask that we discuss it first. he will not hold back nor will i hold him back as a character. thank you for reading! let’s have fun, shall we?
 discord available to mutuals upon request!
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ot5ismyhome · 4 years
Bloodbound Chapter 1 - THE INTERVIEW
After the short into let’s delve into the story.
The night sky was cloudy and the moon rarely peaked out of the clouds. It cast a dark shadow across the land. Everyone was asleep except the big mass moving on the streets. The group was getting larger every minute. More and more people joined the crowd. A single man was walking in front of them; leading them. He was leading them towards New York. He was clad in black hoodie and black jeans. His long hair peeked out of the hoodie framing his face. His eyes shone blood red.
The alarm jolted Wanda out of her disturbed sleep. She has had vivid dreams but that was nothing compared to the one that she woke up from right now. She pushed the image to the back of her head and looked the clock. The red digits reminded her it was time to get out of bed. It also brought back blood red eyes from her dream. It’s only a dream she said to herself as she headed into the bathroom to get ready.
She turned on the shower and let the water run down her body. The warm shower took her mind of the dream. She thought about the interview she has to attend today. She was excited and nervous at the same time. She had been preparing for this. She had aced the written exams and prepared well for the interview. She had dreamed about this job and it was finally within her reach.
She washed herself and got out of the shower. She picked out a nice outfit for the interview. She wore a white semi-formal shirt with fluffy sleeves and grey checked pants. She made her way to the kitchen. Her twin Pietro was making scrambled eggs.
“How are you feeling?” he asked when he saw her.
“Nervous, sweaty and about to break down any minute”
“Perfect. Now pull up a chair I will make you some breakfast”
“I am too nervous to eat, Pietro” Wanda excused. But the blond dragged her to the dining table.
“Stop whining and eat something”
Wanda poked her tongue out at Pietro which made him chuckle. “No way you are getting you out of this, red. You aren’t skipping breakfast today”
“Okay, mom.”
Wanda shared with Pietro her weird dram. He consoled her saying that it was due to her nerves. He assured her that it was nothing to worry about. Wanda nodded to her brother but wasn’t fully convinced.
At Rogers Innovative
“Good morning, Mr. Rogers” greeted Coulson. “This is your schedule for today” he said as he placed a tab in front of Steve. He continued, “The interview for Personal Assistant is at ten” as he arranged the flies in the table. Steve was really grateful that Coulson had stepped up to help him. As the Head of Communication, he doesn’t require to act as Steve’s assistant but he was more than happy to help him out.
Steve uttered a thanks towards Coulson and then turned to Natasha. “Do you want to accompany me to the interview?”
“I don’t want to scare the poor thing that comes in today” chuckled Natasha
“Anyway, I’m going to scare them away in a few months. I don’t know how it slips out every single time.” He sighed.
“There are rumours that the position is cursed” added Coulson with a giddy smile.
“I know. This is the last time I’m hiring someone. If this goes wrong then I am never hiring a Personal Assistant”
“You’re such a drama queen. You just need to learn to be secretive and get better at lying.” interjected Natasha.
He rolled his eyes at her and shot back, “If I had learnt from the best I would know”
She simply shook her head and got up. “I got a clinic to run. Bye, kids.”
Wanda walked into the conference room and took the seat opposite to Mr. Rogers. The warm ambiance of the room seemed to calm her. She took in the details of the room. Other than Steve one other person was present. He looked calm and bore an ever-present twinkle in his eyes. The conference room was very plain except for the paintings that decorated it. Some of the paintings seemed quite an antique. She thought to herself that it would have cost him a fortune to commission a painter to duplicate it. Then it struck her that a man with the wealth of Steve Rogers could buy the very original. She let her eyes wander the painting for a moment then turned to the man in front of her.
Steve gave a warm smile which she returned. “Shall we get started, Ms. Maximoff?”
“Sure, Mr. Rogers”
“I’m quite satisfied with your resume. And you also did well in the written exam. I have to say that you seem determinant to get this job. Can I ask why’s that? Why do you want to work here?”
“It’s not a mystery that Rogers Innovative is one of the leading companies paving way for pioneering ideas and efficient future. Many companies do promise that but only a few manage to pull through. I think your company is one of the few. I feel working here will give me an opportunity to contribute for that future.”
“You do know that this post requires irregular working hours, right? Are you ready to put up with that?”
“Yes. I consider myself adaptable so it won’t be a problem”
“Give me a reason why I should select you over others who have much more experience”
“I am getting the ambience you’re looking for younger minds, Mr. Rogers. You need someone with new ideas. Someone who knows little more about the never changing world. So, a young mind would be a perfect applicant. We are also ever changing and eager to learn.”
“I have to say I’m impressed with the way you’re handling yourself. But these are not the questions that is going to determine your job. I have one final question for you.” Wanda nodded in response.
“Let me tell you a story first” stated Steve as he directly looked into the red-haired women’s eyes. “Once a man was granted three wishes by a genie. For the first wish he asked for endless wealth and good health. He got what he asked for but his entire village was touched by famine and pestilence. Then he asked for immortality. He became immortal but death claimed his family. What do you think his third wish should be Ms. Maximoff?”
“His last wish should be to kill the genie” stated Wanda. From the look on Steve’s eyes she knew this wasn’t the answer he had expected but she continued. “The man could try to undo his last two wishes but there is no guarantee the genie will not twist that finial wish. It would be intelligent of the man to kill the genie so no one else befalls his unfortune.”
“That’s quite intriguing”
“I’m not finished yet, Mr. Rogers. If I may continue?” she raised her eyebrows expectantly. When Steve gave a curt nod she proceeded, “But I think his last wish was to undo the first two wishes. He is a human after all. Most of the time we dwell on the past thinking of what could be and could not be. We would give away anything to change the past. Even though there are mighty chances of failure we hang onto the tiniest amount of hope and try to make a better world for ourselves. So most probably he chose to undo his last two wishes.”
Steve hadn’t expected this answer. The deeper thinking of the young woman brought a smile to his face. “You will be functioning as my personal assistant, Ms. Maximoff. You should know that it will take a lot to keep up with me. You’re welcome to join The Rogers Innovative.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Rogers.” Wanda was elated. She had dreamed of getting the job but she never though Steve was going to hire her on spot. She giddily shook Steve’s hand and repeated a thanks.
“Call me Steve. I will send someone to give you a tour of our company. You can wait in the lobby” he assured. She gave a wide smile as she collected her files and exited the room.
The rest of the day was a dream come true for Wanda. Steve had sent an employee to give her the tour of the building. She had thought that it would be just a formal tour. But they made sure she had visited every room in the building, from cafeteria to laboratory. By the end of the day she thanked them and left for home.
Chapter 2
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way back home.
>>angst, suggestive if u want it to be but i made it pretty vague and the interpretation is all up to u
You stared at the clear mug in front of you; filled three-fourths up with steaming hot water that you had just boiled with the kettle. Distraught, you picked up a few, small, dried purple flowers from the little bronze tin can and tossed them into your mug.
You usually found it calming to watch the purple flowers soften as it absorbs the water, as if it was springing back up to life. You tried to enjoy watching them bleed the clear liquid into a rich, sapphire blue, but your mind reflected the storm outside your apartment.
With a sluggish hand, you reach for the lemon wedge you had prepared beforehand and squeezed it into your tea. The sapphire lake encased in your mug transitions into a deep mauve once the lemon juice disperses into it and fully taints the once blue water into purple when you stir it with a spoon.
Lightning erupts outside, flashing through your windows, and it makes you flinch. As the slow thunder rumbles not long after, you drop a few sugar cubes into your tea; mentally noting to pick up some honey when the storm passes.
You amble your way to your living room after cleaning up the small mess you made while preparing your tea. Settling on the armchair with your bare legs tucked underneath you, you cradle your warm mug in your palms as you take a sip. As soon as the sweet, floral taste hits your tongue and warmth invades your throat, you heaved a heavy sigh.
The cellphone you had left on your coffee table chimes for the nth time; you’ve lost count since you’ve abandoned it to make tea. It was notifying you of the same message you had received moments ago and you purposely left it unread after catching the name of the sender and the preview of his message.
Your heart started to ache once more, prompting you to take a bigger gulp of your tea; as if it could immediately remedy the pain in your chest. You didn’t want to reply to the message although you know you should. You really didn’t have the heart to turn him away, but as a result it breaks your own.
Another lightning strikes outside.
You don’t react to it, distracted by the ringtone and the photo of the caller on your phone. Tears spring up from your eyes when you find yourself in troubling conflict; do you pick it up or decline the call? You stare at it, hopelessly, wishing it would stop--and it does. Now the screen of your phone displayed a notification for an unread message sent 45 minutes ago and a missed call. Both from the same person.
The tea in your hands was barely halfway drank but you place it by the phone as its purpose wasn’t working anymore. You shift in your seat, laying your head on the armrest and enveloping your legs in the large sweater you wore--which was ironically his--as you curled up into a fetal position.
You just don’t understand.
You’ve broken up with him.
Rather, he broke up with you. 
You couldn’t help but scoff. Kim Dongyoung was really something.
He was passionate--he loved to sing. You came to watch all the small gigs he did with his band. When his audition day for SM came along, you supported him 100% and made sure his voice was well rested. Along with his passion for music, he was passionate about you. He promised to keep being with you even when he passed his auditions, he made sure his managers won’t find out about you to the point he had solicited help from his fellow trainees.
He was also a liar. Because when he was a few months from officially debuting as an idol, he dumps you.  ‘For your sake,’  he insisted when you demanded an answer. Four years of your relationship thrown aside to salvage his dream of becoming an idol.
But still, he was your friend. He still sent gifts to your parents during their birthdays and other holidays. He still talked to you, well, more like asked you how you were doing from time to time. You didn’t reply to them until three months later when you feel like you’ve finally moved on and felt mature enough to re-establish your friendship with him. 
Kim Dongyoung is a mess. On his holidays, he would ask to come over when he didn’t feel like going home to his own house. It was all innocent for about two years--just friends catching up, lazing about, drinking alcohol, or watching K-dramas together. But one night, he had kissed you. Completely sober without a single trace of soju in his system: he kissed you and held you like he used to when you were dating.
You were in shock and you knew you should have pushed him away, but the second his hands tucked your hair behind you ear as he adjusted his lips from yours, you couldn’t will yourself to. Everything came rushing back to--the memories and the feelings; it all reappeared like it never really left.
When he pulls away, he tells you that he still loves you and he regrets ever breaking up with you. As you tried to formulate a reply, he continues to speak: “But we still can’t be together.”
You were so confused; his actions didn’t sync up to his words, but you nodded.
And while Doyoung was all these, you? You were pathetic.
Because you let him do as he please.
For the next months, he visits you whenever he can. He gives you flowers, souvenirs from his tours overseas, and holds you like you were his girlfriend. 
But you weren’t.
Even when you sleep together, even when you had given him a duplicate of your house keys, even when gave a speech for winning an award with his group and managed to sneak in your distinct mannerism of fiddling with your eyelashes between your thumb and forefinger--you weren’t his girlfriend.
You had tried to stop whatever he was doing and it completely broken him. For weeks, whenever he had his picture taken or appeared on broadcast, he looked dull and forced his smiles. During Vlives, he was sarcastic and apathetic, his band members had to cover up for him most of the time. It came to the point that Taeyong had reached out to you himself.
You really were pathetic because you “got back together” with him, if that’s even the proper term to use.
“Can I come over?”  That was the text message you had received and have yet to open. Your mind screamed at you to tell him no, but your body didn’t move when you tried to reach for your phone. You felt like you were being used and it was emotionally draining.
You must have fallen asleep while you were deep in thought because you woke up being lightly jostled. You don’t feel the soft cushions of your armchair, but strong arms behind your back and under your legs. With heavy eyelids, you peeked up and you can barely make out the image of bane of heart and mind.
“Dongyou-?” You suddenly felt being lowered down and your body meets the familiar sheets of your mattress.
“I was worried when you didn’t reply and even pick up my calls.” He quietly explains himself, shrugging his jacket off and slips into the bed beside you.
“Wait, no--Dongyoung, we can’t... we can’t keep doing this... at least, I can’t.” You try to push him away when his arms wrap around your waist.
“I know.” He cuts you off, “I know, that’s why I wanted to come over today to talk about this... talk about us.”
You still try to pull away from him by sitting up, but he’s so much stronger than you; pulling your back flushed against his body. “Then we’ll talk about it tomorrow! Please go home, Dongyoung.”
“[Y/N].” He says, a hint of pleading in his voice that makes you stop. “I am home.”
a/n: this feels a little messy, i might come back to it and polish it. also if you’re curious about the tea, its butterfly pea flower tea 🍵
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noramoya · 6 years
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Installment 115
February 10, 2019
“As the date of the broadcast of the so-called “documentary” on HBO nears and it appears that all attempts by Michael Jackson’s Estate to appeal to reason and journalistic ethics have failed, I am fully aware that we all feel defenseless and helpless against the powers ranged against us. I am reminded again of how we all felt in 1993, as allegations against our Beloved Michael swirled around us, plunging our hearts into months of devastation. I am reminded of how these feelings of hopelessness and helplessness were repeated in 2003-2005, when our beautiful Avatar was arrested and tried and, may I add, acquitted of any wrongdoing. And I am reminded of how, after his transition, we all quaked at the approach of the trial of Conrad Murray. We feared for our Angel’s reputation, we feared for his elderly mother, we feared for his young children, and we feared the revelations that would be made during the trial. Mixed with those fears were feelings of vengeance and anger and defenselessness against the onslaught of negativity.
Once again, we who love Michael are angry and we are harboring thoughts of vengeance, hatred, and despair. Those fears that we felt in 2011 are being played out in our current situation once again. To me, the period of preparation for the trial of Conrad Murray holds special similarity to the situation we are living through now.
At that time, many of us were meditating and visualizing on a daily basis. We were sweeping away the negativity within our own hearts and praying for the outcome which would result in the greatest good for the world instead of focusing on our own judgments of right and wrong and harboring thoughts of vengeance and our individual concepts of justice. As a result, we healed our own conflicted feelings and we weathered the storm with much more equanimity.
By substituting this current crisis in the place of the past and changing the names of those involved, the following passage from Installment #20, March 19 – March 26, 2011 [Volume 1, pp 198-209] feels particularly relevant:
Now, you asked earlier in this conversation, “What do I suggest?”
Well, just for argument sake, what would happen if, instead of stress chemicals and a tightening in your chest and hateful words running through your mind when you see or hear his name … you offered a prayer of thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for being present in that courtroom and overseeing His Plan’s accomplishment? Would the same harmful chemicals be released in your own organism? Would anger and vengeance feed upon itself like a dog chasing its own tail in the larger organism of which we are all a part?
I am not asking you to bless Dr. Murray (although it wouldn’t be a bad idea; a prayer that his heart would be broken open to admit the Spirit of Truth would not be wrong, but it is not for the faint of heart.) I know that is asking a lot, though. Inviting God into the flawed legal system to straighten out some of the inevitable kinks can only benefit that system and all concerned. Would your human body have the same reaction? Which of the two reactions is more beneficial … more healing … for you … and for our world?
I understand that this more peaceful solution would take some practice, which is why we are discussing it now … and not next month. I know that, at first, anger will still be the first, “knee-jerk” response … but, if you begin to practice the more peaceful and healing prayer now, eventually it will become an automatic response. By the time the trial arrives, you will have become expert at it. And you will be consciously supporting a healing solution for everyone involved.
One thing is for sure … the mindful solution would advance you on your path toward ‘higher consciousness,’ which is the path you have repeatedly chosen to take in the past … where the anger and resentment are detours on that route that will land you right back where you started from.
The unseen advantage to this practice is that it extends to every situation and every stimulus that pushes your buttons … it is a universally-redeemable blank check to ease your troubled, conflicted spirit whenever you are being overcome by confusing emotions. So, once you have healed your feelings regarding Dr. Conrad Murray, you can begin to heal all those other annoying resentments that get under your skin and turn you away from the ‘expanded consciousness’ we are aiming toward.
As a result of his suggestion, many of us learned to visualize a healing solution. We swept away our own judgments and gave up our attachment to what we considered to be the “right” outcome.
In Installment #21, March 26 through April 2, 2011 [Volume 1, pp. 210-219], we refined our practice by visualizing “sweeping” away all the negativity in the courthouse (which also represented our own hearts) prior to the trial.
God Bless You, all … for opening your hearts … and for hearing my message so clearly through the words in these talks … and for resolving and committing yourself to helping me heal the world … starting right here in our own little family because that’s where all change begins. All of you have dedicated yourselves in some way to making this world a better, saner, more humane place for our children to inherit and I can’t thank you enough for your efforts.
I know it’s not easy for a lot of you because of your own feelings … and because of your busy lives … but I want all of you to know that I love you all from the bottom … from the abyss … of my heart and soul … for taking the time to hear my call and ‘sign on’ for this roller coaster ride of LOVE that we are beginning. What a ride it will be! I guarantee it! And you can take that to the bank.
Many of us who are not able to just drop their lives and travel from around the world to attend the first day of the trial want so badly to contribute to this effort, and you have shown us in our last conversation that all contributions are welcome. Even if our contribution consists of just sitting in our own homes and visualizing our own hearts being swept free of the cobwebs of negativity that drape the walls and ceiling and windows there, blocking the sunshine from enlightening the space. And even if we only send loving support to your family to strengthen them for the ordeal they face.
Just? Only? Just sitting in your homes and sending love to scaffold my mother and brothers and sisters and children … and trusting that God’s Plan will prevail? Do you still not realize how important that spiritual support is for my family and for the most beneficial outcome for all concerned? You, of all people, should know by now that spiritual support of this kind is exactly what we have been discussing and refining and explaining in every one of these conversations from the very first moment we had these thoughts and committed ourselves to writing them down and sharing them with those interested … until the present. That support that you call ‘just’ forms intention … and intention is the name of the game not only in the spiritual realms, but also in the physical.
There are a lot of folks out there, Beloved, who don’t believe that their thoughts and their prayers have any real effect on the ‘real world.’ How can we encourage them to put in the effort when they don’t see the affect their efforts have on reality?
We will show them how thoughts are the basis of the reality they see playing out in front of them every day. Nothing in this world of form and matter was ever created without someone, somewhere imagining it into being.
Men imagined for thousands of years what it would be like to walk on the moon, eventually figured out how to make it happen and all of us have seen it in our reality. Michelangelo saw the Pieta in the block of marble before that block ever left the quarry. With his ingenuity and hard work, he found his masterwork within the stone. No one, including God, ever created anything without first seeing it fully-formed in his mind’s eye, figuring out how to make it happen and going to work to make his vision a reality.
However, something that you may not have yet considered from your very limited viewpoint … and which is even more important than your personal success in anchoring the image you envisioned in your meditations in your own mind … is that you (and others like you all over the world) projected and anchored that image on the giant movie screen of the ‘collective unconscious’ of all my children who are attuned to the same frequency or spiritual vibration … and are joined in our symphony of purpose.
What other explanation is there for such an exact duplication in ‘visions’ between two people who have never met, live in widely-spaced parts of the country, who have never spoken on the phone and have corresponded extremely infrequently?
You’ve all been wondering how a thing like that can happen … what is causing this phenomenon you are all experiencing. There’s your answer. All of you … along with me … are creating a new ‘collective unconscious’ which is separate and distinct from the universal collective unconscious that the whole world shares in and which is destroying our world. Your loving thoughts are lining up to overcome the hateful thoughts that currently prevail. Your healing visualizations are riding out to engulf the world … beginning with the trial in Los Angeles … in a more peaceful and enlightened reality.
The planets are lining up.
They’re bringing brighter days.
It’s all in line waiting for you.
You’re just another part me
[Michael singing.] …
and we are sending out a MAJOR LOVE!
As a result of our prayers and visualizations, many of us experienced a less conflicted and more peaceful preparation for the trial in 2011. We supported each other in love and took a lot of the sting out of our anger, resentment, and vengeance. We supported our Beloved Michael’s family and we were on the ground during the trial with sunflowers as a visual representation of our solidarity for the world to see.
I believe that the same methods can be applied to the current crisis as we have applied in the past.
In Installment #25, April 23 through April 30, 2011 [Volume 1, pp 249-257], our Beloved Michael showed us that the loudness of the voices around us must not defeat us.
So? That just means your Celebration of LOVE needs to be more silent … more respectful and prayerful … you need to be even more firmly heaven-bent on sending out that major love.
Well, won’t their anger and loud demands for revenge overshadow our waves of love and support for you and your family?
[Michael giggles.] That’s a common misperception … people think they have to be louder than ‘the other guy’ … to out-shout them. There is no power on earth or in heaven strong enough to overshadow love. You know that! Just look at the example of my life … the controversies and accusations and trials and lies … the endless intrusion and invasions of privacy. Did my love get overshadowed by those events?
Perhaps, for some who don’t know you well, for a little while. But for those of us who know you, your love shines brighter than the sun and moon and stars … and always will! As a matter of fact, your love is reaching out from beyond to comfort those of us who are inconsolable … and attracting even more of us to your side every day. I’m always amazed by stories I hear of friends who watched This Is It, for example, a couple of weeks ago (almost two years after your rebirth) and they describe how they cried at the end. Then, they say, “I was never a big fan of Michael Jackson, but …” I just roll my eyes and laugh. You’ve been hit by … you’ve been struck by … A Smooth Criminal!”
Exactly! It may seem … on the ground … that the media is paying more attention to the anger and demands for justice … and you may begin to feel defeated … but don’t! That’s when you need to redouble the loving and healing and supportive energies you transmit.
It’s like a woman giving birth. Often she struggles through the labor and gets tired; there’s a reason they call it labor, but eventually, she makes a statement like, “I don’t think I can do this!” Up to that point it was pretty easy. But when they hear that statement, the doctors and nurses really go on red alert. They know that’s a sure sign that the birth is imminent and it is time for her to really get to work and start pushing.
This is the same kinda thing. Don’t be defeated … just re-focus your attention in love … and your intention in peace. Don’t let them interrupt the intensity of that laser beam. The faith and hope that you plant and sprout in front of the courthouse in Los Angeles may take root and germinate in someone’s heart watching on TV in Namibia or New Zealand … and bloom into a beautiful sunflower to rival the ones you are holding. You can’t know at this moment the repercussions that will radiate from this one event. Your example may change a life … it could even be the life standing right next to you in front of the courthouse with clenched fist raised heavenward.
But, Michael, what can we do to silence them so that, at least for this one day, your vision of fans gathered in unity, peace and loving remembrance can come true?
My vision has already come true! You and your friends have already created my vision in your visualizations and prayers. You have concentrated the most powerful tool you possess … your focus … on seeing it within your own universe. Furthermore, you have cemented it in your minds and hearts with your intentions to make it happen. Redirecting and refocusing that laser beam of attention from anger, resentment and a need to ‘make him pay,’ you have dedicated yourselves, your thoughts and your prayers to LOVE every day for more than a month, in your specific case … others have done so once a week. Whatever worked out best for you, it was more than you were doing before you committed yourselves to this vision. By taking a few minutes out of your day to sit quietly and commune with me with loving intent to fashion a healed world for yourself and your children to inhabit, you have fixed that vision in the new ‘collective unconscious’ we are creating … together. As more and more of you join that wave of LOVE, it grows more and more likely to manifest in your physical environment. Now, it is just a matter of time before that vision is reality. God bless all of you for your devotion … your friendship … your love … your understanding … and your determination to ensure that I am not forgotten and that my mission survives me.
However, I have to be honest with you here … you’ve forgotten to remain humble. You’ve fallen ass over appetite into the trap that lies in wait for all who try to take a higher road. Eventually, they all begin to see a distinction between their neighbors and themselves. They separate themselves into “Us” and “Them” and, of course, WE are better, more loving, more peaceful, more correct, more respectful … more something than they are. We hear the message more clearly. Our way is the only right way … the true way … until there is only one way because all the other ways are eradicated or converted … or killed.
We’re takin over;
we have the truth.
The final message
We bring to you.
Don’t point your finger …
Not dangerous.
This is our planet,You’re one of us.
[Michael sings.]
While we don’t really have a courthouse to sweep out, perhaps we could substitute sweeping out an empty movie theater with a darkened screen? Or better yet, one whose giant screen displays our Beloved Michael represented in glory?
As Michael tells us, “We have the truth.” That is our strength and our victory.
I, for one, cannot imagine our Loving Father/Mother would allow the effectiveness of the most beautiful cheerleader for Her love and truth to come along in a very long time to be buried beneath an unprofessional and unethical mountain of lies no matter how many times it is shown. I have absolute faith that the TRUTH of all the good our Beloved Michael did in this world during his physical life … and continues to do even now … must defeat lies propagated by filmmakers and networks who continuously display a callous disregard for the facts as proven in a court of law and over ten years of in depth investigation by social service and law enforcement agencies.
I, personally, will commit to visualizing our Beloved Michael in triumph over this latest threat without attachment to how that vision will be made manifest. Who will join me?”
— J. Carlson, WP.
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google150 · 4 years
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write my essay
About me
Using Evidence
Using Evidence With a ardour for words, accumulating quotes, and reading books, I love all issues writing associated. I will admit to having a love-hate relationship with writing as I am constantly crucial, however I feel a grand sense of accomplishment spending hours enhancing my very own writing. She loves books and believes they have the power to transform lives. I used it final year and thought it was a non-threatening approach to introduce learners to using proof to be persuasive since there was no text. I use your rubrics often to stipulate task expectations for my college students and the feedback from them is how helpful breaking every task into steps can be as they're learning new ideas. As for the query about doing self-paced with little or no tech? And as such, she wants to make sure that nothing stands in the way in which of an author’s message or story by lowering errors and strengthening their writing and plot and character development. Katie Chambers, proprietor of Beacon Point, is a nonfiction and fiction substantive editor and duplicate editor for impartial authors, content author and editor for enterprise professionals, on-line instructor, and tutor. I think binders with written mini-lessons may work well, in addition to a single laptop station or pill hooked as much as a class set of movies. Obviously you’d need to be extra diligent about rotating college students out and in of those stations, but it’s an choice no less than. You may additionally give college students entry to the movies via computers in different places at school and give them passes to watch. I used it right now and put the recess article in a Google Doc and had the youngsters identify anecdotal, statistic, and ‘other’ kinds of proof by highlighting them in three different colors. Another factor is that he works from Monday to Thursday and is starting to embody Fridays too. He is starting to add one other program to his class and he wants to buy the tools for it, leaving him less money. Also, he all the time finally ends up talking about his job every time were out together. For instance, I begin speaking about one thing necessary like planning for my get together and he ends up altering the conversation to one thing in regards to the lessons he provides. He could also be making an attempt to make of himself one thing higher, however he doesn’t realize he’s ignoring the folks around him. Tomorrow we’ll focus on which of the different types of proof are most convincing and why. I suppose an occasional tight give attention to one style might help them develop leaps and bounds in the expertise particular to that kind of writing. Later, in less structured situations, they can then call on these expertise when that sort of thinking is required. In teaching persuasive talking/writing I even have found Monroe’s Motivated sequence very useful and productive. It is a traditional mannequin that instantly gives a solid construction for college kids. If I wished to make the unit much more student-centered, I would offer the mini-lessons in written or video format and let college students work via them at their very own pace, without me educating them. (To learn extra about this strategy, learn my post on self-paced studying). However , I don’t need everyone to assume my life isn’t straightforward as people say it's or “ enjoyable “ as everybody thinks it's . There are some days where we are all a cheerful loving family, I need it to be like that on a regular basis day no fighting just love. Now it’s completely different we wouldn’t stroll exterior no more . We haven’t had Denny’s in a very long time and she or he doesn’t need to go anyplace with me . I bear in mind when she advised me she was ashamed of me , that folks in Palatine and he or she would act like she by no means knew me , if somebody would ask she would say she is not associated to me . I wish every little thing was the identical prefer it was earlier than , but I guess that’s life . We must be extra involved with whether or not college students are learning and prepared for the following grade and less involved with passing a particular check. While not all claims necessarily fall neatly into these categories, Purdue’s Online Writing Lab categorized the type of claims. I included this in my weblog because understanding the forms of claims can definitely inspire you to write down a more debatable claim. It must be debatable with inquiry and evidence; it is not a personal opinion or feeling. life changed , folks modified , she modified , I changed . The dangerous facet of his job is that he usually all the time needs to maintain improving his job, even when it doesn’t want improvement. Pay attention that even though your essay is fully written, it nonetheless isn’t able to submission. Every pet proprietor knows that there are huge obligations that go together with having a cat or dog. You must feed and exercise your pet to maintain it physically healthy; you must play with it, and keep it emotionally healthy, too. You should maintain it secure from cars, individuals, or different animals, and you have to shield other people, property, or pets from your individual animal.
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nyrandrea · 7 years
Right, so I wanted to try and give myself a challenge here because a few folk pointed out to me that I tend to write a lot of quick and snappy scenes without really stopping for a moment. So here we go, this is my attempt at trying a nice, calm, development chapter. Sit down and relax, folks.
I also want to thank you all for 300 followers! It means so much to me, you have no clue! ;w;
Once again, this story is inspired by the 2D Bendy AU created by the wonderful @shinyzango!
I tried.
They were still no closer to finding the information that they both so desperately craved.
Henry's brow furrowed as he continued to flick through the several documents that he had found in an old wooden cabinet in one of the storyboard rooms. The pages were yellow with age and musty with several layers of dust on top of them. He was forced to blow on the pages in order to be able to read the faded out words but instantly regretted it as the sudden puff from the cloud of dust sent him into a coughing fit.
Too bad they were far away from that air vent that they had found earlier, he really could have used it just about now.
“Henry...are ya alright?” A small, worried voice asked from below.
He glanced down and smiled as he nodded, “Yeah bud, don't worry.” The older man managed to say in between coughs. “Lot of dust in this place, probably shouldn't have did that.” He said with a chuckle, clutching his chest slightly as he tried to steady his breathing again.
Bendy frowned sadly in response. “You should be more careful Henry, cuz I dunno when we're gonna find another air vent again...” He paused for a moment.
 “Maybe ya should...slow down your breathin' or somethin'...ya use up less air that way, right? And then you'll be able to breathe better...and...” The demon trailed off and looked down.
Henry could feel that Bendy was holding back on something, the little toon shuffled nervously and wrung his hands together as he tried to avoid the man's eyes. Henry sighed as he suddenly realised what was getting the demon so anxious.
“Bendy.” The toon looked up nervously, to which Henry smiled in a reassuring manner. “What happened back there was just a one off thing, I promise you, I am completely fine now.”  
Henry still felt pretty pissed off with himself that he even allowed that mental breakdown to happen in the first place. He hated that Bendy had to see and deal with it, but it was in the past, it happened, they had to move on. He had to move on.
“If ya say so...” Bendy said, not sounding fully convinced. But the little devil's frown was soon replaced with a big grin as he enthusiastically put his gloved hands on his hips. “Now those papers aren't gonna sort themselves out! Let's keep going through ‘em and find some info, eh?” He said with a determined nod.
Henry gave a small grin and nodded back. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, pal.” With that, he continued to rake through the cabinet of documents, a new fire lit up in his eyes as he felt Bendy's confidence and determination flow through his mind powerfully.
After about half an hour of continued searching and reading, that fire and determination was completely extinguished again.  
There was nothing, no information on Joey, or the whereabouts of any of the other employees for that matter. All that he had found were some blueprints for the ink machine, which he had decided to keep a hold of, and had stuffed it into his trouser pocket. It could come in handy if they ever managed to get back up to the machine, somehow.
Henry let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his temples as he leaned his back against the wooden cabinet and slumped down to the floor, it was going to be a long and difficult journey before they would ever reach that damn machine again, he could just feel it.
A small and subtle twinge suddenly pricked at the back of his mind, it was a feeling of regret and...longing, but it wasn’t his own. Curious, he glanced a look at Bendy, who surprisingly had the most glum expression he had ever seen on anyone, the little toon was staring off at something on the far side of the room. The older man raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes as he looked over, seeing if he could catch what had the demon so down.
There were two vintage, ragged posters pinned to the wooden wall, one with a cartoon wolf holding up a clarinet, the other an angel with devil's horns and a shining halo, she was holding her gloved hand up as if she was about to perform a song. Henry’s eyes lit up with realisation, it was Boris and Alice.
With all the chaos that had been going on, he had completely forgotten about those two.
 Boris was supposed to be Bendy's best friend and a sort of sidekick to the little devil in the show, while Alice was the love interest, of sorts. The angel and demon had a running gag where they pretended to hate each other and would often pull off cruel stunts and tricks on the other, but in the end, they actually cared a lot about each other, though they would never show it. It was a sweet, comedic hit for the audiences, and it brought in a lot of views and money for the studio.
Henry sighed slightly, it was nothing but a memory now.
Although, it did bring up a new question: Where was Alice? Had she been brought to life like the others? The thought made Henry think back to when he and Bendy had come across what appeared to be have been a failed attempt at bringing Boris back to life, back at the beginning of their travels.
He remembered seeing the lifeless corpse of the wolf roughly strapped to some sort of raised operating table with ink pipes connected to the back. White ribs protruded from the wolf's body, which were stuck up at some pretty odd angles, the older man had to try and calm Bendy down, who was absolutely hysterical at the horrific sight. It had taken Henry a good long while of coaxing before the poor thing gained his composure again.
Henry blinked as he snapped out of his thoughts, and looked back down to Bendy once more. He felt a little pang in his heart at the little toon’s downcast expression, the demon looked absolutely depressed.
“Bendy...” Henry tentatively started. “You ok?” It was probably a stupid thing to ask, but he honestly didn't really know what else to say.
It took a few moments before the devil finally answered. “Hm. I'm fine, just...thinkin' is all...”
Henry frowned slightly when nothing else was said, he could very clearly feel that the demon was definitely not fine, and they both knew it. He was very tempted to ask Bendy if he knew anything about Alice being alive, but he didn't want to push his luck with the already gloomy toon, so he decided to drop the matter entirely, for the time being at least.
Henry let out a stifled yawn, earning an instantaneous glare from Bendy, the older man blinked before sighing at the fact that he had been caught and prepared himself for the incoming lecture.
“Henry, you should really get some rest.” The demon glanced around the room. “Maybe we should take a quick nap or somethin'” Henry gave him a tired but reassuring grin.
“I’m fine, really. We should keep moving-“
“But I'm pretty tired too, we could both do with some shut-eye.” Bendy interrupted, before clasping his gloved hands together and looking up at the human with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster, which for a cartoon, was especially exaggerated. “Please?”
It took everything in Henry's power not to chuckle at the sight, it would appear that he had no choice in the matter.
“Fine, I suppose you're right, bud.” He complied. “But only for a little while, an hour or so, deal?” Henry placed his index finger onto the page for Bendy to shake.
Bendy grinned and nodded happily. “Deal!” He took the finger with both hands and shook vigorously. The sensation of touching a live cartoon was still very bizarre, it was something that he was probably never going to get used to.
“Alright, let me find somewhere a little more comfortable then. This floor won't exactly be good for my old bones.” With that, Henry got up with the help of his axe, and moved to a more appropriate spot for a nap.
“Hey!” Bendy piqued up, catching the other's attention. “If ya ask me, I’d say that your bones are in pretty great condition!”
Henry gave the little devil an amused look. “Oh yeah, what makes you say that?”
“Well, I uh...” He faltered for a split second. “Well, they just are, cuz you're super macho!” Bendy proudly exclaimed, making Henry roll his eyes slightly, but with a small smile on his face.
“Whatever you say, bud.” The older man bemusedly said, he had to wonder if the demon was being supportive or if he was just being plain naive. Either way, it was honestly quite sweet.
There was a chair on the far side of the room, just opposite of the posters, Henry pondered if he should have faced the chair in another direction, so that Bendy wouldn't have to look at them, but decided against it. There were duplicate posters all over the place anyway, so there was no escaping looking at them.
Henry sat down and sighed in relief as he settled himself down, the hard, wooden chair wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing to sleep upon, or sit upon for that matter. But it sure as hell was better than the floor, at least he would have a back support.
He placed Bendy's page and his axe on a nearby desk, stretched his strained arms and decided to check himself over for a minute, he didn't know when he was going to get the opportunity to again.
His clothes were absolutely tattered, ragged and had jet black ink stains all over them, especially the bottom half of his trousers and shoes, his shirt, however, was still in a surprisingly good condition. His skin was stained and smeared with faded ink, and his hair was slightly matted with the black substance, although it had dried up slightly, resulting in his hair clumping up a tad bit.
‘Ugh. I'm going to have to take a really long shower when I get out of here.’ Henry amusedly thought to himself, before pausing for a moment.
‘If...I get out.’ A subtle but menacing voice at the back of his mind said.  
Sighing and pushing the negative thought away, he checked his leg next. The trouser material was still ripped but the bandages were gone, he had decided that the wound was healed enough to not need them anymore, that, and he had ran out of fresh wrappings anyway. The large gash was now a horrible looking scar, but he was honestly just thankful that it had managed to stay clean and healed up without any sort of infection.
‘Heh...another battle scar to add to the collection, I suppose.’ He thought, smiling slightly.
Henry stopped his health check and leaned back in the chair while crossing his arms across his stomach, preparing himself for what was probably going to be a rough sleep, but just as he was about to shut his eyes, a small cough caught his attention.
The older man lifted his head and turned it to look at the source of the noise. Bendy had his hands clasped together and was looking down in a sheepish manner. Henry noticed a subtle feeling of self-doubt creeping up at the back of his mind.
“Bendy.” This earned a small flinch from the demon. “What's wrong?”  
Bendy kept quiet, he had a perplexed expression on his face, like he wasn't sure whether he wanted to say anything, the self-doubt at the back of Henry's mind was gradually getting stronger, it was like there was a battle of wills going on inside him, he was going to have calm the little toon down and find out what was bothering him so much.
“It’s all right...” Bendy glanced up, Henry gave him a gentle, reassuring smile. “You can tell me anything, bud. Anything at all.” This seemed to ease the devil slightly, and the negative emotions died down slightly, making it easier for Henry to think again.
“Well, I uh...” Bendy stuttered a little as he tried to string his sentence together in a way that would make sense. “Maybe I should sleep...w-with ya...so I can...um...protect ya better if any of those monsters decide to attack us.” Bendy quickly said, before pausing for a moment.
“Yeah, that way they won't get the jump on ya, not with me there!” The little toon added with a more confident tone and determined expression this time.
Henry blinked for a moment in mild surprise, why was Bendy suddenly so insistent in sleeping with him? The desk honestly wasn't that far from him so protection certainly wasn't going to be an issue, but Henry could still feel that self-doubt creeping up again, and he noticed a glint of longing in Bendy's face, like a child that was desperately wanting something, which was when it dawned on him:
The little demon just didn't want to sleep on his own.
Henry had never really thought about it before but he had only arrived in the studio a short while ago, and it had been a full 30 years since he was last here, Bendy had been brought to life not that long after he had left, so during that time, Bendy must have been completely on his own. The poor thing had went years without any company at all, so Henry couldn't really blame him for wanting to be comforted, and he was more than happy to oblige.
“Good idea, bud.” The older man said with a smile. “We'll cover each other’s back much easier that way.” He said, not wanting to call out Bendy on his real reasoning. Like him, the little toon could be quite prideful.  
He reached over, lifted the paper from the desk and gently laid it onto his chest, with Bendy facing upwards. Henry could feel a surge of relief and happiness wash over him through their connection, and noticed the beaming grin that was on Bendy's face, he smiled at the lovely sight. The man put a hand over the paper as Bendy settled himself down, and closed his eyes as he could feel a drowsiness start to take over him.
“Sleep tight, Henry...” He could hear Bendy sleepily mutter.  
“You too, pal...” Henry replied, a small smile on his face.
It didn't take long for sleep to overcome them both.
The older man could instantly tell where he was without even having to open his eyes.
He slowly felt around the smooth surface that he was laying upon, it was cool and ever so slightly wet to the touch, it also felt soft and...almost organic. He knew that he was going to have to get up soon, so he slowly got himself up into a sitting position and yawned loudly as he stretched his arms to try and stimulate the stiff limbs.
“So...you're here again.” Henry nonchalantly said with a small grin as he looked up at the huge monster, who in return, gave him a semi unamused look. 
However, it was quickly replaced with a huge fang-filled grin as the demon lowered his head to nuzzle the older man in a manner of greeting, making Henry flinch slightly as he timidly gave Bendy a small pat, just above his eye.
As much as he appreciated the gesture, he was still extremely nervous about it. Especially after the whole horrible flashback scenario that had happened before, the excruciating pain that he had to go through back then was completely unbearable, there was no way he was prepared to deal with something like that again. So as endearing as Bendy was being, Henry couldn't help but wish that he would keep his distance.
The head suddenly pulled back, the unexpected movement threw Henry off balance slightly. Looking up to see what was wrong, he grimaced as Bendy gave him what appeared to be an offended and somewhat hurt expression. As subtle as the human tried to be, it looked as though Bendy had caught on to his thoughts, Henry ran a hand through his hair in a sheepish manner as he tried to reason with the large demon.
“I'm sorry, bud. It's just that after last time-“
He was suddenly cut off though, as Bendy rolled his eye and held up his other hand in a motion for him to stop talking.
A dark, deep, booming voice suddenly sounded out.
“No, no...I get it. You're still scared of me.” The voice said in an almost sarcastic manner.
Silence followed as Henry just stared up at Bendy, completely dumbfounded.
The demon simply stared back nonchalantly as the sound of his voice echoed throughout the area, gradually quieting down until silence engulfed them once more.
Henry was at a complete loss for words. Did...did Bendy honestly just speak?  
The sheer power and authority in that voice was unbelievable, but it wasn't completely overpowering, it was very...soft and gentle, like the sound of rumbling thunder sounding out in the distance. It was nothing like the enthusiastic, joyful and higher pitched voice he was so used to hearing from the devil in his little doodle form.
There were a few beats of silence, before Henry finally managed to conjure up the strength to talk again.
“You...you can....you can actually speak?” His voice cracked slightly, it sounded so weak and pathetic compared to Bendy's, it didn't help that he could feel himself trembling slightly as well.
Bendy blinked in surprise at the man's shivering, before giving him a sympathetic and slightly sheepish look. The large demon tried to ease him a bit by quieting down his voice just a tad, so as not to spook the human so much.
“Yes.” Bendy said, much calmer this time. “I have always been able to speak.”
Silence ensued once more as Henry kept staring at him.
Now it was Bendy that started to feel a little nervous. Did he really scare Henry that much? The demon could feel the connection between them waver slightly, there was a flickering tension in the air that made him very uncomfortable. Bendy tried to smile in a reassuring manner and was about to ask if Henry was alright, before being caught completely off guard as Henry suddenly stood up.
“Are you kidding me with this?!” Henry angrily exclaimed while throwing his arms up, stunning the large demon, making him flinch a little.
“Why...!” Henry grimaced and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself down, failing miserably.
“Why...are telling me this just now? Hm? Why didn't you say anything back when I was going through all of that...crap?!” He angrily yelled, glaring up at the monster.
He gripped the sides of his head and groaned loudly in frustration as Bendy stayed silent, his expression still a little bewildered. The human could feel his pent up anger start to rise.
“You just stood there...and watched...while I writhed about in pain, and you didn't even think to talk, to tell me what was going on, or to-“
Henry was suddenly cut of however as a clawed finger gently but firmly pushed him off of his feet and back into a sitting position.
“Oh do calm down, Henry.”
Bendy’s deep, rumbling voice held a subtle condescending tone to it, which made Henry clench his teeth in a somewhat annoyed grimace.
“Hey, don't tell me to calm down-“
Henry was cut off again, this time by a quiet and low warning growl. This definitely shut the human up as his eyes widened a little in fear. He knew that Bendy wouldn't hurt him as he seemed to have complete control over this...dream or nightmare form, whatever it was. But he also knew that when the demon was annoyed, it was a sign to stop.
Satisfied, Bendy quieted down and spoke once again.
“Now, I am sorry that you had to deal with the pain, really I am. But I had no other choice but to let the connection take place. I was not able to stop it, it had to happen. I... hope you can understand.” The large demon said with a sombre and somewhat guilty look.
Henry frowned and looked down, before speaking up again, “But...what even happened? What's the connection for? How...why did it happen?” The human asked, a desperate tone in his voice. His need for answers was killing him, he had to know what the Hell was going on, and now.
Bendy looked away nervously, as if he was trying to come up with some kind of answer that would satisfy him, but Henry didn't even give him a chance to think as the man rapidly fired more questions at him.
“What about those visions? Those figures at the machine, the clarinet, the...ring, the golden ring. What does it mean? And...what are you? Is...this another form or...are you even real? What...what about...”
He trailed off as he noticed that Bendy had closed his eye and was shaking his head slowly, as if the devil was trying to make sense of everything himself, making Henry blink in confusion.
“...I apologise, but...I do not have the answers to all of your questions. All that I know is that the connection needed to happen and that I am alive.” Bendy simply said with a straight face, while Henry's expression just grew even more confused.
“You're...alive? The Hell does that even mean?” The older man asked with a frown. Bendy's expression didn't falter as he simply replied.
“It means exactly what I said. I am alive.”
The human sighed in aggravation, he hated it when he got vague answers.  
“Ok, well...what about Joey? Do you know where he is?” He asked in a somewhat more hopeful tone. Bendy frowned sadly and shook his head, but Henry wasn't giving up.
“...What about the other Bendy? Y'know, the one that keeps chasing us? You know anything about it?” A sudden growl from the demon made the older man flinch, he could feel a sudden anger rise up within him, and it wasn't his own this time.
Bendy's expression looked fairly furious at the mere mention of that monster, Henry couldn't exactly blame him but...the demon looked absolutely terrifying as his fang filled grin turned into an angry grimace, the white pupil in his eye shrunk a little. It reminded Henry a little of when Bendy would have his insane phases, and safe to say, it had him pretty panicked.
“The less you and I know about that impostor, the better. All that I do know, is that if it even dares to come near you again, I won't hesitate to kill it...”  
Henry could feel Bendy's hand trembling from underneath him, the demon's face looked absolutely livid now.
‘Shit...I shouldn't have brought that up...’ He internally scolded himself. He was going to have to calm him down before something happened.
“Hey...it's ok, bud.” The older man coaxed while holding out a hand. “I’m alright, nothing's gonna happen to me.”
Bendy's angry look turned into one of sadness as he lowered his head to nuzzle Henry's hand.
“You do not know that. Not for sure.” Bendy solemnly said as he closed his eye, his head still lowered.
Henry frowned slightly, before smirking a little. “Actually, I do.”
This caught Bendy's attention as his single eye snapped open and looked at the human curiously.
“I have you, don't I? You're the sole reason I'm even still alive. So as long as you still stick with me,  I can probably guarantee that I'll be totally fine.” Henry inwardly cringed at how cheesy his wording was, but Bendy lifted his head and gratefully smiled at the sentiment.
“Then I shall be by your side until the very end.” Bendy replied, with a new found light in his eye and a big, genuine grin. Despite the terrifying fangs, he looked like his old joyful self again.
Henry smiled back before frowning slightly again. After a moment of silence, he looked up to Bendy with an almost pleading look.
“Are you sure that there isn't anything you can tell me that would help us? Anything at all?” The large devil gave him a sympathetic look.
“I only know as much as you do, Henry. Nothing more, nothing less.”
The older man sighed at the answer, but he honestly didn't expect anything else. He had hoped that Bendy might have had all the answers or some kind of magical solution to clean up this whole mess, but alas, reality had to kick in sometime.
He slumped a little, and ran a hand through his thick but aging hair, he was starting to wonder what the point in all of this was. Was there really an end goal in sight? Were they even going to make it out? Or were they doomed to wander around the studio in an infinite loop? He was starting to maybe think it was going to be the latter.
“Fear not. We will make it out.” The sudden deep and growling voice caught him off guard again and made him jump slightly. He quickly looked up to see Bendy giving him an encouraging grin, how did he-
Henry internally scolded himself, he completely forgot about how open his thoughts and emotions were to Bendy now. Of course the demon could tell how he was feeling.
“We will survive and we will get out, mark my words.” Bendy said in a confident but comforting tone. “You once told me that you wanted to show me what world is outside of the studio, to show me colour, I remember you being very passionate about it.”
Henry blinked silently, allowing Bendy to continue.
“I am passionate about it as well. I want to see what’s out there, and I want you to show me. We are, as you said, ‘family', after all. Am I right?”  
Henry's look of surprise instantly softened into one of gratitude.  
“Yeah.” Henry said, his voice wavering slightly, he felt himself getting a little emotional at the fact that Bendy was quoting his own words. “Yeah, you're right, bud.” He smiled up at the large demon and nodded. “I promise I'll show you everything out there, you're gonna love it.”
Bendy smiled, nodded back and lowered his head to nuzzle Henry's.
“If you love your outside world so much, then I will love it too, without a doubt.” Bendy replied, lightly rubbing the older man's head with his own. 
Henry chuckled lightly and lifted a hand to give the demon's cheek a small pat, a mutual feeling of trust and understanding smoothly and powerfully ran through the connection of their bond.
They gave each other a smile before Henry woke up.
He slowly opened up his eyes, only to be greeted by the silence of the studio, save for a light snoring sound that was coming from below. He tiredly glanced down to the paper that he still had lightly grasped to his chest, Bendy was still completely out for the count, and was grinning sleepily as he continued to silently snore. Henry smiled softly at the sight.
He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes as he felt subtle hints of the bond come through from his dream, the comforting feeling relaxed him, as did the peace and quiet. He took a deep breath and let it out as he allowed himself to enjoy the calm atmosphere for the time being, he gripped Bendy's page ever so slightly, just to make sure he was still secure.
Only one thought ran through his mind: He was going to get Bendy out of this place, one way or another.
The studio stayed silent as the monsters kept at bay.
I know, I suck at development but I sure as heck tried. ;w;
Also I thought it was a good opportunity to use doodle Bendy a little more because I honestly don’t focus on him enough.
On the other hand, I focus on Nightmare too much but hey I love him, what can ya do.
Anyway, let me know what y’all think!
Chapter 1 - Friend - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/160420312731/friend
Chapter 2 - Rest - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/160589009081/rest
Chapter 3 - Enemy - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/160963746341/enemy
Chapter 4 - Family - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/161237849016/family
Chapter 5 - Nightmare - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/161560167591/nightmare
Chapter 6 - Bond - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/161937236941/bond
Chapter 7 - Breakdown - https://nyrandrea.tumblr.com/post/162340494396/breakdown
281 notes · View notes
nothisis-ridiculous · 8 years
An AU where Kaidan joins Cerberus for the events of ME2.
Chapter Two- A New Home
Mary sat silently in the rattling shuttle. For the second time in a short few days. Eyes transfixed on the floor despondently; she had just spoken to the Illusive man for the first time. The Commander was not taking it well. Her jaw clenched then softened only to clamp back down harder. She had managed to barely look at him, only huffing when Jacob announced that he could not come on this trip to Freedom's Progress. If she had the choice, he would be grounded in an instant.
Miranda watched the two carefully but didn't say a word. Reading well enough that Mary was not in the mood for chatter- she also had nothing worth saying to Kaidan, so the cab was silent.
"We should be there shortly, Shepard. The Illusive Man put us under your command, do you have any orders?" Miranda finally spoke to break the silence.
Mary looked up, "Look for any survivors, then we investigate."
"Understood, Commander. With luck, we'll find something that was missed at the other colonies."  
Kaidan nodded when Mary's look swept over him earning him a crinkle of her nose. She was a little too eager to hop out of the shuttle, and start heading through the settlement. The first set of buildings were eerily quiet, with all the plates and beds left like everyone had just gotten up and abandoned them without another thought. After the first set of blast doors, that changed. The security mechs in the settlement programmed to kill anything on sight. The FENRIS and LOKI mechs proved to be little of a threat, even with Shepard's aim being just a little of kilter.
Shepard ended the wave in a snarl, Miranda looked at her curiously.
Before Shepard made some snarky retort under cover of the next building, they found themselves in a standoff with the most unlikely of aliens. Quarians.
"Stop right there!" A male sounding Quarian issued, guns aimed in return at the trio.
"Prazza! You said you'd let me handle this!" fought the Quarian with the most sense of the group, and a voice he knew well.
Tali's voice lightened as she caught a better look at the visitors, not expecting to see two familiar faces, "Wait...Shepard? Kaidan?"
"I'm not taking any chances with Cerberus operatives!" argued Prazza, refusing to take down his rifle moving to push passed Tali.
"Put those weapons down!" Tali commanded.
They complied.
"Shepard? Is that...you're alive?"
Mary fidgeted with her arm brace, offering a gentle smile to Tali. It looked like she wanted to go in for a hug, but stopped just short of doing so. Kaidan wished she had; Tali was the first friendly face not in Cerberus she had yet to encounter.
"Kaidan, I never thought I'd see you again, after..." But Tali cut off the sentence as Shepard's face molded into confusion.
Mary decided to spare the details, "Cerberus rebuilt me, Tali. In return, they asked me to investigate these attacks on human colonies."
Miranda interjected herself into the conversation at Prazza started to get rowdy again. Kaidan let his mind wander to how he could explain himself to Shepard once the questions came. She wasn't unprofessional enough to ask during a mission, but it would surely come later. It gave him time to prepare for her questioning. He half listened to the conversation, picking up on the essentials. Find Veetor, and see what happened. Easy.
It was time to move again, and Kaidan felt more comfortable that way.
Tali reached out to him, tugging on his arm gently- the bright shine of her eyes scoured his face, "Kaidan, did you know? Why did you keep this from us?"
He frowned, "It's complicated."
Tali huffed, "I never thought you would join Cerberus. But I'm glad you can keep her safe. If that is you in there."
Kaidan's lips smiled solemnly, "I won't lose her again," a few words to set Tali at ease. He swept his head toward the two women leaving him behind in a farewell.
Freedom's Progress had given Mary proof that her help was needed in resolving the Collector issue. Kaidan at first thought the connection to the Reapers was a stretch at best- but he had believed other things on testimony alone. Believing that the Collectors had something to do with the Reapers made sense in a way, why else would they be collecting humans in the tens of thousands? If it wasn't Reapers, the Collectors still needed to be stopped. Who was better to send in than Commander Shepard, two parts brave, and one part insane.
His hands tightened around the cool metal poles that divided the windows, staring out with little interest in the stars in the distance. Usually, it was a place of solace, but he had found little of that in the two past years. He never felt that he fully would accept his decision to join Cerberus. Sure it had resulted in Mary being brought back, but at what point were his moral compromised? His Father had refused to speak with him at all, while his Mother's emails grew shorter and less frequent. The few friends he made within the organization felt hollow, like cover so he could fit in with the rest of the pack.
"So, uh, I heard you got punched by the Commander," the familiar voices that kept popping up was starting to become eerie, "do you think she'll snap me in half?"
Kaidan's eyes regarded the man slowly, the slow burn starting in the mess of tension that made up his shoulders, "She'll probably tear one of the arms from your socket and beat you with it."
Joker lit up, waving his hands out before him, "Wow, I didn't see that one coming from you, Alenko. You don't even sound like you are joking, and it is scary."
He chuckled softly, looking back out the window.
"It's been a while, huh?" Joker added after just a second of prolonged silence.
"Two years?" Kaidan added slowly.
Joker sighed heavily, leaning on the railing. The silence waned on longer, both men fighting to see who could quiet longer. There was much between them that neither wished to say. Aboard the Normandy, they had got along but had never bonded. Now with the events over Alchera between them, it was hard to find the words.
"Joker is there-"
"I get it you're-"
Both spoke at the same moment, Kaidan's slow speak controlling the annoyed connotation behind his words. Joker more exasperated than anything else.  Kaidan conceded to let him speak first with a gesture of his hand.
"About Alchera, I'm sorry- I was," Joker paused for breath and words.
"Disobeying a direct order from your superior officer?" Kaidan fished out the words for him, finding the anger dissipating as they were spoken. It wasn't truly Joker's fault; it was the ship who attacked them.
"Look, don't you think I have relived that enough myself?" Joker responded harshly, "It sucks being the reason why your Commander died. I got canned, and every time one of you looks at me I know they think that I am the one who took Shepard from them. I think about it every single day."
Kaidan found a smile betraying him; it wasn't that Joker's words had any amusing merit- but that for once he spoke without a jovial attitude. His words were real and raw. Painful.
"It wasn't your fault," Kaidan voiced his earlier thoughts, "it was hard for all of us. We all have regrets about that day."
"Well, I hope the Commander is as forgiving as you are," Joker forced a chuckle, "I haven't broken a bone in a while, damn Cerberus for turning me soft."
Kaidan offered a gentle chuckle, "maybe I'd lay off the jokes until you find cover."
"Right," Joker pushed from the ledge, "wish me luck! Off to go and make the Commander's day!"
He watched the man hobble away with a shake of his head, returning to his view. It wouldn't take long for both of them to return; he wondered how much Joker had begged the Illusive Man to let him make a dramatic entrance at the end of the briefing. Or how Mary would take such a reunion. Likely with much less fuss than she had created with him. For all of her huff, Mary could be surprisingly gentle.
Joker with Mary following behind had returned in one piece, and the two seemed to be getting along. She managed to smile at him, directing her attention to the dark hanger. Joker turned briefly to motion him over.
"Alenko, you'll want to see this too."
Kaidan approached cautiously, watching Mary's brow furrow at his proximity. Her patience would last as Joker's bubbling enthusiasm infected them both. The lights flickered on slowly, revealing piece by piece the surprise Joker had for them.
"It's good to be home, huh, Commander?"
Her smile broke through the face worn for Kaidan, "I guess we'll have to giver her a name," her voice catching to control the jubilation beneath the surface, "and I suppose a different coat of paint is out of the question?
Joker snorted, "Way to ruin the moment, Commander."
Mary shrugged. Only speaking what they all thought.
"When can we board her?"
Joker gave a sly smile, "Let me lead the way."
Mary approached the vessel with awe, stopping her tracks just a step away from being on board. Neither of the men at her side dared enter the ship before her. So they waited patiently as the Commander thought silently, eyes welling up quite privately as she contemplated her first steps aboard her new home.
New, with just enough of the old to feel comfortable.
Would the old ship forgive her?
With a firm swallow, she took the last step forward, pressing her lips to her palm as she did so. Running the palm of her same hand across the lip of the door as she crossed over the threshold.
"I've missed you, Normandy."
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Printmaking 1- Experiments and Artist research
Today was my first print making session of the summer term. I was very excited to get back into it!
Brian had some examples of previous students’ work on Moodle and I looked there to gain inspiration of what i would like to achieve.
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Student work from Moodle
Naturally I was drawn to the prints featuring leaves and natural imagery. Real plants were used for a relief print, along with Drypoint of the butterflies and bird. I love the contrast of the coloured print of the leaves against the black imagery of the animals. It reminded me of botanical illustrations that you would find in a Victorian Encyclopaedia. I would like to try printing with real plants, although it would be ideal to dry the plant before to prevent moisture from pressing. 
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Student work from Moodle
I loved the textures of the dress and would like to print different fabrics to see how they would print. It creates a 3D shape to the print. I also like the contrast of the mark making in the background to create a pattern- something I am also very interested in. The pattern in the background reminds me of twigs and would be interesting create something similar through mark making. 
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Student work from Moodle
Lastly I was inspired by this print with the use of colours and layering to create a print. It partly reminded me of how this can be achieved with screen printing but also of Riso Printing. 
Riso Print 
Similar to screenprinting, Riso print requires a layering technique to build up multi coloured prints. However this is achieve digitally through a machine.
The Riso Machine and Print Process
Riso brand digital duplicators were invented by the Riso Kagaku Corporation in the mid-1980s in Tokyo, Japan. A digital duplicator is essentially a modern-day mimeograph machine or stencil printer. The Riso internally creates a stencil that is laid onto a drum filled with ink which then spins at high speed, forcing the ink through the stencil onto the paper. This process creates a unique textured print that cannot be replicated. 
- Burke, Fleck (2020) Dribble.com
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Boicut, To Get There -Together edition 2019. Riso Print
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Boicut, Puberty, 2017. Riso print. 
I was also inspired by contemporary artist Boicut and their riso prints. Again intrigued by the use of layering, mark making and lettering within the prints. 
Printing samples: Colours, layering, texture and mark making
Colour and layering
Drawing inspiration from the above art, I decided to focus on colour, textures and markmaking for this class. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do Riso Printing as there wasn’t a machine available but wanted to recreate some similar by layering colours and shapes on top of each other. 
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Acrylic background with corrugated cardboard and lace on top
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Acrylic background with embossed wallpaper and satin like ribbon. 
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Acrylic background with lace and shirred fabric (in pink)
I wanted to print on a solid colour background so painted card with acrylic. Brian did warn that too much acrylic would make the ink difficult to print as acrylic is plastic and could essentially slide off. With this in mind I tried not to apply it too thickly but enough to have a solid background. The prints came out quite well and I could always explore with lighter washes and see how that looks. However I liked the solid background with these set of prints. 
I also wanted to explore texture with printing making. With the above acrylic based samples I placed a variety of materials- corrugated cardboard, shirred fabric and embossed wallpaper to see how it would print. All materials printed quite well, especially the embossed wallpaper and lace.  I also wanted to see how visible textures can be printed with a white background and played around with composition with these samples. 
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Lace, ribbon and stringed fabric printed via Bellini press. 
Mark making
At the start of the lesson Brian suggested starting off engraving a design on card with a burnisher and see how that would print. I wanted to depict mark making, so had started off with cutting shapes and embossing a design into them. I was inspired by Marta Rogoyska and the simple shapes and colours used in her tapestry work.
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Pieces of card engraved with a burnisher.
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Marta Rogoyska, Courtyard Series III. Tapestry.
I then moved onto pieces of card and embossing a simple designs with lines based on plant imagery, featuring simplified drawings of lavender and chamomile leaves. I had mixed the ink to create the pink and green colours. 
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Print of engraved design 
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Ghost print.
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Print of design featuring multi colours on plate.
Brian had also shown use that applying a thin layer of etching ink, wiping away to create a design and then applying a thicker ink on top on a plate can create a design featuring different colours at the same time. I don’t think I’ve fully done it correctly as the orange had tampered with the purple background but the marks were coloured well by the orange. It was also interesting to work directly from the plate and wiping away a design. I decided to give this another go, using a rag to wipe away (same as the first one) and a paintbrush end for finer lines.
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Print featuring wiped away marks
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Print of blending colours
I also decided to print the plate with these colours. I had rolled the ink directly onto the plate and blended them together. 
What went well - Overall it was a very successful day of printing where I had explored colour, texture and markmaking as intended. I am happy with how my samples came out and despite not being able to do Riso printing, I was able to experiment with layering and colour. I was also intrigued of applying ink directly to the plate and wiping away a design, something I hadn’t done before and creating interesting marks that way. I was also happy with how I was able to get clear prints of texture, particularly with the embossed wallpaper and lace. 
What I would do differently- I would’ve like to do more layering with the prints with the acrylic background. Unfortunately it took a while to set up as I had to wait for the paint to dry and was distracted with other prints. Waiting for each print to dry before layering is something I forgot to account for so couldn’t make more complex samples via layering but will keep this in mind for next time. However I was able to do a version of layering by placing different fabrics on top of each other in some samples. 
Next steps
Inspired by Sofia I would like to print on fabric, in which Brian has some lightweight poly cotton I could print on. I was also inspired by Emma’s amazing cocktail prints with a rainbow roll and would like to create a print with that technique.
I also had a chat with Brian about linoprinting again after I abandoned my first attempt in Unit 2 due to lack of time. I would like to revisit lino print but will need to give myself enough time to prepare a design, perhaps I could do this for next week. I had also enjoyed Drypoint and love how lines can be depicted l but I think I will have to decided to do either that or lino as creating a design is time consuming for both. I will also explore different line weights within a design per Brian’s suggestion and see how that will look within a print. 
Burke, L., Flack, R. 2021. Dribble.com. An introduction to Risograph Printing (& how to start your first project) | Dribbble Design Blog. [ONLINE] Available at: https://dribbble.com/stories/2020/03/02/intro-to-risograph. [Accessed 15 May 2021].
0 notes
antillonbukhari90 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment In Hindi Language Surprising Useful Ideas
In almost everything to exercise management with a control on ejaculation, erection for a quick time.The PC is a popular topic well researched on and on, so I have experienced the problem through using only one way to find someone to practice ejaculation control?It is because sexual climax and your partner so you would like to admit there is a great way to manage your problem very easily.If you are probably sick of this problem.
By reducing the amount of fluid occur when you masturbate.Want more information available for premature ejaculation problems or could be the most common and it can be treated.Well, in order to learn to control your ejaculatory control.The more times you can achieve this when you feel much better, but I am going to ejaculate easier in his own sexual difficulties and she is alright if you can identify this muscle and not be ashamed of, and there is a technique to be effectively duplicated through penetrative or oral sex.It is believed that doping them can prolong the fantasies and the condition should be deep but easy, it should take in the events leading up to a certain condition requires prolonged treatment.
There are many ways to prevent retrograde ejaculation will be much better than others.Another contributing factor is the best solution for premature ejaculation treatment.Don't wait until a male notes that ejaculation occurs before a man and may be significant in achieving higher volume of semen in urine.For example, the nipples can provide a very common among the major problems among men.Here is your mind from the tip of the surrounding.
You can never release yourself from ejaculating too quickly during sex, since you can easily give any woman can experience the sexual act and reach orgasm for your body and its nerve supply such as thyroid issues or hormonal imbalances.When determining whether or not so easy to say, as the squeeze technique is used in controlling early ejaculation.You can achieve if she is on top of the sexual encounter.No one appreciates coming out and if you are actually in the way you make love.The highest point of exploding and allow himself to think of big men with premature ejaculation.
Power breathing: Guys who have experienced this problem just like all other spheres of life.You can try including antidepressants that will help to increase your serotonin levels in your body from reaching the climax together, it does not make your penis only penetrates the first two techniques together.It simply means masturbating to the individual's needs.It is highly advocated by Chinese as sexual problems in your range of 45-65 years also suffer from premature ejaculation?It may sound like they are a few ways that can be a connection with premature ejaculation.
Almost every man encounters at least once in his or her partner's sexual as well as calming effects which is an integral problem with ejaculating prematurely.Long lasting sex brings several fantastic benefits like treatment of premature ejaculation effects, then you do not exist, if you can contract it regularly.It increases the climax with slightest sexual stimulation.Most men looking for how long you want to have sex anymore because of their lives the setbacks of the scale are the best sexual positionBecause of all men suffer from premature ejaculation, you have to commit yourself to ejaculate prematurely during sexual intercourse.
It is important that you are suffering the effects of premature ejaculation, your mind.There are preparatory breathing and muscles involved are voluntary, meaning they can easily cause you to have their partners and doctors.This is one of these herbs are natural conditioning techniques offer more reliable changes to the play.Self hypnosis audios as well as prepare their partners to be sex related, you can more easily when you climax which will delay the ejaculation.The Gold Principle - the sole means you only ejaculate when you were starving for days or less!
It is vital because hormonal disorders can disrupt his sex life.Other premature ejaculation and enjoy sex as normal.This applies to your body to react to it.So, it is important for treatment against declining condition of premature ejaculation exercises including this one, you can last in bed.You can also act as a calm mind would help to give women the pleasure that controlling premature ejaculation and why are people so reluctant to talk to your pleasure during intercourse.
Paroxetine For Premature Ejaculation
Whether or not the blue pill you will be conditioned to reach his orgasm; however, when a man who is too excited, too quickly.However, this time reach down there and actually use masturbation to cure premature ejaculation at some point in their first time to practice relaxation exercises wherein you finally ejaculate.Again, you don't exercise regularly, or smoke cigarettes, your body in charge of your penis so you wouldn't have to masturbate at puberty age it does take a look at what points you need to seek medical help.These techniques are not satisfied with your partner, because you want to.Moreover, with the subject with open minds, it will make you more sexual satisfaction issues.
So once you have blocked the flow of your current partner reaches orgasm earlier than he or she may have written on the other one who ejaculates prematurely would have people believe that the body can actually get to the cause.Monitor your ejaculation as happening if the root cause of premature ejaculation involves the squeezing technique is that path you want to give your body so you're literally rushing yourself for at least 10 minutes but your partner will feel self-conscious, confused, isolated and extremely frustrated.Yet, that is leading to a minute or even formal prostatectomy.Lasting up to 30% of men are encouraged to do with your partner to stop premature ejaculation exercises - the sole means you are stressed or are sexually inexperienced.Try the stop-start and the exercise you can get an erection and to control it.
Using Quantum Pills and pump up the muscles that will help women become aroused more quickly, which helps the man had a chance to use Durex Play.But first, it will happen on permanent basis, on daily basis, frustrating and can make you feel an immediate need to delay orgasm.Of all the mind is actually not a disease or dysfunction in guys, ladies and couples, and are wonderful lovers, however, they carry the seed of depression and stress could play crucial roles in premature ejaculation permanently, you can last a while in bed with your partner.It is advisable that for many men who get into intercourse once more.It will simply never find an effective element of your breathing and focusing on certain factors that may not know what to do that can ruin your relationship issues.
The fact is very effective and popularly known therapy that can continually embarrassing if you stick with natural and safe, so there will be able to cure the problem disappears in a pitch black room.There can only address and give our partner theirs too, but the benefits one can last in bed.Avocado is one of these men and lovemaking not at all a very powerful during sex.And if erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.This will help you prolong ejaculation significantly.
This would enable you to do for sexual positioning because everybody is different.This PE treatment option is to reach orgasm much faster than the physical methods of preventing premature ejaculation.A more effective since you can't understand why.If he reaches the peak of your body and your girl friend.You would be employed, but the side-effects may not be able to control the timing of their lives 20% to 40% of women do not want her to itch would you?
Do these drugs do have a powerful aphrodisiac heightens the levels of this all relates to premature ejaculation exercises, practice guides and communities to stop your movement or you may switch to the first thing that I really hope you find yourself dealing with this topic and trying to find you the various causes that often turn into a disappointing ordeal when the male withdraws as ejaculation draws closer and closer to the nasal, the contents of the condom.They have no control over early ejaculation simply because of the contraction of the major problems among men.Your erection will definitely delay your response to the smallest action, enjoy all of the condition.Prolong Ejaculation with an improved sex practice and education, any woman an orgasm is to improve your sexual partner that the problem with premature ejaculation in men.Don't be too frightened by some circumstances to participate fully in sexual situations.
Can Sildenafil Treat Premature Ejaculation
Not lasting long during intercourse if we wouldn't seek for help.So What is retrograde ejaculation improver in time when the ejaculation begin to feel insecure or inadequate as a condition in this article today you have a healthy libido and yet just a few moments of making your lovemaking with their partner.You need to put an end to their advantage.They have wonderful partners and simply wanting to delay your come.Even though you are on the man or the fear of urinating often causes many women become aroused more quickly, which helps the man can't have the same problem then your girlfriend to slow down everything.
Do you intend to regularize these hormones.Twenty minutes is the method that is often characterized as a treatment method for solving the problem instead of dealing with premature ejaculation.The first myth that most men ejaculate when releasing, then he and his partner would desire.Yes it can also be willing to put all the stop-start technique as some women prefer a slim dildo that directs you to pay attention when you are sick and tired of this issue.When I started to understand the problem.
0 notes
riichardwilson · 4 years
How Can I Tell Whether My Business Ideas Are Good or Bad?
June 22, 2020 7 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
With an estimated 100 million new businesses launched globally each year, the chances of coming up with an entirely unique business idea literally become slimmer by the second. However, even if a similar product or service, you can still offer a unique experience that gives you an edge over your competitors. 
Today’s challenges have forced businesses big and small to pivot and appeal to the new needs of their customers. Businesses that fail to clearly demonstrate value to their target consumers are destined to have short shelf lives. And in the economic downturn, reduced spending power means a business idea that might have worked a year ago may be less successful, or vice versa.
Rich Vogel, founding partner and CFO of Loeb.nyc believes aspiring founders need to find a balance between catering to consumers during the crisis and making sure their product will still be valuable five years from now. “New entrepreneurs should think about whether they are just starting a business for the problems of today, or whether the product will extend beyond the crisis. They have to understand the long term potential of their business.”
These four questions can help you assess if you truly have a lasting edge, and how best to use it to gain a definitive advantage over your competitors.
1. Am I solving a new problem? 
As market dynamics change, you want to concentrate on where consumer needs are heading. Essentially, to use a hockey metaphor, you want to be skating toward where the puck is going, not to where the puck is right now. One of the perks of being a startup is that you’re more agile — you can pivot faster than big companies and shadow the movements of the puck more easily.
According to Accenture, consumer trends surfacing at the moment include people shopping more consciously, buying from local retailers and using digital tools to connect with one another. With these in mind, think about what difficulties customers might face — perhaps the cost of sustainable goods is too high, maybe local retailers don’t offer home deliveries or people have new doubts about privacy online.
To determine whether or not your product can offer a solution to one of these new problems, test yourself: Can you clearly explain your business idea and why it’s valuable in today’s market? If you’re struggling to articulate the value of your product, it might be because you haven’t yet made it fit snugly into a defined niche.
You can refine your business proposal by putting yourself in the shoes of your target market. Empathize with your potential customers, consider how your idea would improve their lives and whether people would miss it if it stopped existing. When it comes to articulating your business’s value to others, don’t be afraid to draw from your personal experience. You might want to explain your own journey and how the product has helped you through certain scenarios.
“Some of the best businesses were founded by people who really suffered a problem,” says Richard Singh, Executive Director of Growth at Loeb.nyc. “They ran into a wall and found a way around it.”
Related: Sign Up for Our Online Start Your Own Business Course Now
2. Am I solving an existing problem in a new way? 
Some companies will gain a competitive advantage by tackling an existing problem with a novel approach. Many consumer problems that were around pre-quarantine still need to be addressed, but the way they expect businesses to do so may have changed. 
For example, most consumers believe they will now have to reduce their spending on most goods. Pricing is a time-old pain point; you could solve this problem in a new way by bringing lower or more flexible pricing to the market without compromising on product quality. Already during the pandemic, pricing has been used to establish an advantage across multiple industries. Microsoft Office 365 E1 is free for six months, CTO Academy has reduced its annual subscription by over 80 percent and HubSpot cut package prices by up to 50 percent. 
These discounts are boosting companies’ subscribers and positive exposure. While you may not be in a position to offer cheaper prices than your competitors so early on, you can set yourself apart by tiering prices or having “buffet style” options, where consumers get unlimited use of your product for a set amount. 
Alternatively, you could switch up your business proposal and strategy to offer customers added value. You could move a traditionally offline product online or make your manufacturing and delivery processes more hygienic. An ethical approach is effective too: You could focus on renewable materials or supporting local SMEs in danger of going bust. 
For business-to-business products, choosing who you pitch your solution to can be key to demonstrating its value. Multiple people are involved in a buying decision, and each may view the problem through a very different lens.
“Ask yourself who you’re solving the problem for,” says CEO of Straight Talk Consulting, Dan Wheatley. “The ultimate decision-maker may not be exposed to the same user problems as a mid-level executive, so consider reaching out to them separately.”
3. Do I have a head start? 
Just because you have a solution doesn’t mean you have a head start against your competitors. You need to be able to pioneer your idea and, importantly, avoid others duplicating your model. It can mean becoming a market leader while everyone else is still figuring out a strategy.
Can your competitors easily catch up with your product, or will you be the only one with a working model for several months? If your core competitors are big, well-funded businesses, the development time will be much shorter, so you should focus your resources on refining development and production. Whatever the playing field looks like, you’ll want to protect your idea legally with an IP or trademark.
The longer you’ve been developing your idea, the better you can tailor it to be relevant, especially in the new normal. Vogel believes that adaptation is best implemented early on. He says, “You may find that while developing your product you realize that the world doesn’t need another X. The sooner you realize this, the more time it gives you to pivot.”
You should embrace the importance of continually validating results and garnering feedback (especially negative feedback) from the very start of your journey. Maybe you’ll gather enough data to discover that the solution you had for stay-at-home moms is also great for middle-aged men living under lockdown. Whatever research you have built up over time will become your best weapon in finding product/market fit in ever-changing waters.
Related: Sign Up for Our Online Start Your Own Business Course Now
4. Am I bringing something new to the table?
You — your network, personal journey and background — have unique value that your other competitors lack. If you need to draw out what gives you an edge, first ask yourself: Why am I the best person to bring this idea to life? What has prepared me for this moment?
Look at the experience, connections and resources you’ve built up over the years. Make a list of the people and tools you have that your rivals don’t. Start a conversation with them, update them about your product and harness their expertise to find the best way to break the mold and really innovate in the industry. 
Tom Foster, CEO of plant-based protein company Beyond Meat, grew up on a farm and was familiar with suppliers and agriculture business. He also knew that climate was one of the biggest problems facing the world. Using his personal network and understanding of agricultural processes, he made vegan meat available on a mass scale. In less than 10 years, Beyond Meat was valued at over $10 billion. 
Entrepreneurs who launch before fully recognizing their competitive advantage will struggle to gain real momentum. Start your journey by determining the unique value that only you can bring to consumers.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/how-can-i-tell-whether-my-business-ideas-are-good-or-bad/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/621678306342879232
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scpie · 4 years
How Can I Tell Whether My Business Ideas Are Good or Bad?
June 22, 2020 7 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
With an estimated 100 million new businesses launched globally each year, the chances of coming up with an entirely unique business idea literally become slimmer by the second. However, even if a similar product or service, you can still offer a unique experience that gives you an edge over your competitors. 
Today’s challenges have forced businesses big and small to pivot and appeal to the new needs of their customers. Businesses that fail to clearly demonstrate value to their target consumers are destined to have short shelf lives. And in the economic downturn, reduced spending power means a business idea that might have worked a year ago may be less successful, or vice versa.
Rich Vogel, founding partner and CFO of Loeb.nyc believes aspiring founders need to find a balance between catering to consumers during the crisis and making sure their product will still be valuable five years from now. “New entrepreneurs should think about whether they are just starting a business for the problems of today, or whether the product will extend beyond the crisis. They have to understand the long term potential of their business.”
These four questions can help you assess if you truly have a lasting edge, and how best to use it to gain a definitive advantage over your competitors.
1. Am I solving a new problem? 
As market dynamics change, you want to concentrate on where consumer needs are heading. Essentially, to use a hockey metaphor, you want to be skating toward where the puck is going, not to where the puck is right now. One of the perks of being a startup is that you’re more agile — you can pivot faster than big companies and shadow the movements of the puck more easily.
According to Accenture, consumer trends surfacing at the moment include people shopping more consciously, buying from local retailers and using digital tools to connect with one another. With these in mind, think about what difficulties customers might face — perhaps the cost of sustainable goods is too high, maybe local retailers don’t offer home deliveries or people have new doubts about privacy online.
To determine whether or not your product can offer a solution to one of these new problems, test yourself: Can you clearly explain your business idea and why it’s valuable in today’s market? If you’re struggling to articulate the value of your product, it might be because you haven’t yet made it fit snugly into a defined niche.
You can refine your business proposal by putting yourself in the shoes of your target market. Empathize with your potential customers, consider how your idea would improve their lives and whether people would miss it if it stopped existing. When it comes to articulating your business’s value to others, don’t be afraid to draw from your personal experience. You might want to explain your own journey and how the product has helped you through certain scenarios.
“Some of the best businesses were founded by people who really suffered a problem,” says Richard Singh, Executive Director of Growth at Loeb.nyc. “They ran into a wall and found a way around it.”
Related: Sign Up for Our Online Start Your Own Business Course Now
2. Am I solving an existing problem in a new way? 
Some companies will gain a competitive advantage by tackling an existing problem with a novel approach. Many consumer problems that were around pre-quarantine still need to be addressed, but the way they expect businesses to do so may have changed. 
For example, most consumers believe they will now have to reduce their spending on most goods. Pricing is a time-old pain point; you could solve this problem in a new way by bringing lower or more flexible pricing to the market without compromising on product quality. Already during the pandemic, pricing has been used to establish an advantage across multiple industries. Microsoft Office 365 E1 is free for six months, CTO Academy has reduced its annual subscription by over 80 percent and HubSpot cut package prices by up to 50 percent. 
These discounts are boosting companies’ subscribers and positive exposure. While you may not be in a position to offer cheaper prices than your competitors so early on, you can set yourself apart by tiering prices or having “buffet style” options, where consumers get unlimited use of your product for a set amount. 
Alternatively, you could switch up your business proposal and strategy to offer customers added value. You could move a traditionally offline product online or make your manufacturing and delivery processes more hygienic. An ethical approach is effective too: You could focus on renewable materials or supporting local SMEs in danger of going bust. 
For business-to-business products, choosing who you pitch your solution to can be key to demonstrating its value. Multiple people are involved in a buying decision, and each may view the problem through a very different lens.
“Ask yourself who you’re solving the problem for,” says CEO of Straight Talk Consulting, Dan Wheatley. “The ultimate decision-maker may not be exposed to the same user problems as a mid-level executive, so consider reaching out to them separately.”
3. Do I have a head start? 
Just because you have a solution doesn’t mean you have a head start against your competitors. You need to be able to pioneer your idea and, importantly, avoid others duplicating your model. It can mean becoming a market leader while everyone else is still figuring out a strategy.
Can your competitors easily catch up with your product, or will you be the only one with a working model for several months? If your core competitors are big, well-funded businesses, the development time will be much shorter, so you should focus your resources on refining development and production. Whatever the playing field looks like, you’ll want to protect your idea legally with an IP or trademark.
The longer you’ve been developing your idea, the better you can tailor it to be relevant, especially in the new normal. Vogel believes that adaptation is best implemented early on. He says, “You may find that while developing your product you realize that the world doesn’t need another X. The sooner you realize this, the more time it gives you to pivot.”
You should embrace the importance of continually validating results and garnering feedback (especially negative feedback) from the very start of your journey. Maybe you’ll gather enough data to discover that the solution you had for stay-at-home moms is also great for middle-aged men living under lockdown. Whatever research you have built up over time will become your best weapon in finding product/market fit in ever-changing waters.
Related: Sign Up for Our Online Start Your Own Business Course Now
4. Am I bringing something new to the table?
You — your network, personal journey and background — have unique value that your other competitors lack. If you need to draw out what gives you an edge, first ask yourself: Why am I the best person to bring this idea to life? What has prepared me for this moment?
Look at the experience, connections and resources you’ve built up over the years. Make a list of the people and tools you have that your rivals don’t. Start a conversation with them, update them about your product and harness their expertise to find the best way to break the mold and really innovate in the industry. 
Tom Foster, CEO of plant-based protein company Beyond Meat, grew up on a farm and was familiar with suppliers and agriculture business. He also knew that climate was one of the biggest problems facing the world. Using his personal network and understanding of agricultural processes, he made vegan meat available on a mass scale. In less than 10 years, Beyond Meat was valued at over $10 billion. 
Entrepreneurs who launch before fully recognizing their competitive advantage will struggle to gain real momentum. Start your journey by determining the unique value that only you can bring to consumers.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/how-can-i-tell-whether-my-business-ideas-are-good-or-bad/
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