#i don’t think it’s the fault of the people who are actually behind the movies. disney or not. it almost certainly is a product of higher ups
univiresque · 1 year
there’s such a specific style of 3d animation that i despise and it is the way disney animation looks. really cannot fucking stand it. i think it’s because i have such an intense hatred for disney as a corporation and so the more entwined something is with their public image the harder it is for me to judge objectively without the looming knowledge of which company it was made under. but also i feel like that specific type of animation is seeping into other, non-disney works because the companies that THOSE are made under see the success of disney products and want to recreate that success to generally middling at best results. it’s an endless loop and it makes me so viscerally angry
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neiptune · 7 months
i got nothing to believe unless you're choosing me
cw: 2k wc, blank blogs don't interact, hurt no comfort (ish), something is wrong and tobio can't quite put his finger on it, excuse the angst i promise i like him
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Kageyama Tobio has never been particularly skilled at picking up on social cues but he’s certainly learned how to read your cues. It doesn’t mean he knows how to properly voice his concerns.
Your shoulders are tense when he describes how the training is going in agonizingly specific detail over dinner, the inflection clothing your good morning and have a good day hasn’t been particularly warm or affectionate lately, even when his body felt heavy from muscle fatigue, as if he was trying to move through mud, but he still suggested a comfortable movie night on the couch, you refused and went to bed early because you were tired. What could be possibly tiring you?
Tobio doesn’t mean to be an asshole but knows he can easily come off as one, so he doesn’t ask. He doesn’t get annoyed when you anticipate his usual goodbye kisses by briefly pressing your lips to his cheek, doesn’t investigate further when you start suspiciously timing your morning showers just perfectly to miss the exact moment he usually heads out. You still make him breakfast and pack his lunch and reply to his texts and pick up when he calls.
But you barely touch him anymore and it’s with a heavy heart that Tobio realizes that it’s almost never him that initiates physical contact anyway. It’s easy to melt in your hands and nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck and tighten his arms around your frame once you climb on top of him or gently cradle his face or start running your fingers through his hair.
You ask questions and reply when he asks about your day, friends, family, but you don’t smile as often and when you do it doesn’t even reach your eyes. He doesn’t remember the last time he heard your laugh.
There’s a weird feeling infiltrating his heart and it sucks that Tobio only realizes something is wrong when focusing becomes increasingly hard. He doesn’t see the ball or the court just as clearly, can’t think of how to run his team’s offense, suddenly forgets all the Italian vocabulary he’s worked so hard to master.
There’s an odd emotion that clutches his chest, it’s cold and it scares him because he knows that, whatever it may be, it’s his fault. Somehow, he has disappointed you. You, of all people. The person who moved across the freaking globe to support his career, who accepted to leave family and friends and life behind out of nothing but love. Fuck. What did he do? How did he do it?
Tobio wants to ask but he doesn’t know how. And suddenly his world seems on the edge of shattering, so much that he thinks leaving you alone and giving you time to figure it out on your own isn’t exactly proving to be a successful strategy. You’re drifting away and Tobio isn’t sure you aren’t already where he cannot reach you.
The apartment you share is significantly close to the gym and it came fully furnished. Yet you insisted on adding some little personal touches, dragging him to ikea over the weekend and asking him opinions on napkins, bath mats, duvet covers, dish towels. You’ve never been one of those people who ask for someone else’s thoughts only to follow your own taste in the end and that is why he actually felt invested enough to pick things he actually liked, albeit hesitating, hyper aware of just how differently you would’ve picked. But you never once faltered as he pointed towards the less exciting, not really colorful options.
“You’re back early” is the soft greeting Tobio gets as he takes his shoes off, leaves the gym bag by the door because he knows if he’s a second too late the courage will melt away and leave him a sweaty, timid, confused coward.
“I’m not very hungry but we have some leftovers you can heat up” your eyes have only shortly darted to him before settling on the show you’re watching on tv once more.
“I was hoping we could talk” he feels a weird lump in his throat and suddenly swallowing seems hard. Is his voice coming out weird too? It feels weird. Like he’s watching the whole scene from the outside, you turning to look at him as he mechanically makes his way to the couch, sits reasonably afar from you.
You look at him with what feels a weird mix of apprehension and distress. Are you anticipating the topic? Would you have preferred to be the one to bring this all up? But just how much longer did you want him to wait, exactly?
The tv is turned off.
“Yeah. Yes, we should talk”
Tobio recalls feeling nervous a couple of times in his life, maybe the worst anxiety he’s ever felt was the one creeping onto him the night before the 2021 Tokyo olympics. But this? This feels so much worse. It’s dreadful. There’s no outcome he can predict, only one he can pray against.
“Something is wrong and I want to know what it is” he knows he’s picked the wrong words, the wrong tone, from the sigh you heave. “I mean, I feel that something isn’t right. Please tell me how to fix it” and then, much more quietly, “I miss you”.
Your eyes soften at that but, much to his horror, also fill with fresh tears.
He’s made you cry before. Out of anger, frustration, petty arguments, sharp edged comebacks. But right in this moment Tobio feels you’re about to tell him there’s nothing to fix anymore, that it’s too late. Those are the kind of tears he’s never made you shed.
“What did I do?” his uniform sticks uncomfortably to his sweaty back, he didn’t shower in order to get home as fast as he could.
“You didn’t do anything, Tobio”
Well, that’s not exactly the truth, but he didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Nothing you haven’t been used to throughout the years spent together.
“Please. I really want to understand” it scares me he wants to add.
“This is nothing I can hold you accountable for. It’s always been like this, after all”
“What has always been like this?”
“My place in your life” you smile sadly with a slight shrug of the shoulders “I always come second. It’s fine, I know I do, really. I guess it has just been weighing extra heavy lately”
Tobio blinks once, twice, genuinely surprised and even more confused. “I love you” he articulates slowly, as if to express what should be the most obvious thing on earth “the only person I love as much as you is my sister. But it’s different, she’s family”
“I would never expect you to love me more than it” you carry on as if he never interrupted “volleyball was there first, I get it. Please know I actually get it. But it’s just… not always easy”
Tobio gets that feeling he sometimes gets when trying to fall asleep, the oh-no-I’m-plummeting-from-a-fucking-skyscraper one. His body jerks the same way, an involuntary contraction to the last words he was expecting to hear. “I don’t understand” because volleyball is different too. It’s a comparison his brain can’t process the right way. You’re the person he’s in love with, volleyball is the one thing he has dedicated his entire life to. He doesn’t dare put you both on a scale.
“I know you don’t” you reply softly, cheeks now stained with tears that put a knife through his heart “and maybe it’s on me because what else did I expect?”
“I love you” Tobio scoots closer now, takes your hands in his “I will be better at proving you how much I love you” it sounds desperate and pathetic even to him as you shake your head.
“And I love you, Tobio. But you’re just… never here. You’re either training or staying for extra trainings or on the road or playing, always playing. You forgot my birthday, which is no big deal because I know how tired you were and it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. But then you forgot our anniversary. You forget the promises you make. You don’t come home for dinner or meet me at the restaurant or pick up the groceries. You can barely keep your eyes open while I tell you about my day” he watches you choke up on your words and it’s like someone is toppling a bucket of iced water over his head. So he was right. It is his fault. But he did worse than disappointing you, he hurt you.
“I just think… I need to go home for a while. I miss my family, I miss my friends. And, well…”
“I promised we’d travel home for our anniversary” he murmurs, realization hurting his chest and twisting his insides. He tightens his hold over your hands.
“Yeah” you offer another grim smile “yeah, you did”
Tobio has no idea how to fix any of this. He just knows he might lose you forever if you step on that plane without him and the thought alone is enough to make his eyes fill with tears too. “Don’t go. Please, I’ll make arrangements, take some time off, and we can go together. I promise-” he shuts his eyes the second the word leaves his mouth, disgusted. This is what he has sounded like for the past months. He feels sick.
“I have my ticket ready. I need to go alone, I think it will do me good” your thumb travels over his uncharacteristically chapped knuckles “I might even surprise Suga at his school”
But all Tobio hears is that you’re leaving. Without him. “Don’t do this. I need you” he flinches when you free one of your hands to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye.
“I don’t think that’s true, Tobio. I think you have one priority in your life and that it’s unfair to ask everyone else to be okay with being eternal seconds”
“I don’t love it more than I love you” he bites “it’s a fucking stupid comparison. It’s a sport and you’re a person”
“Would you stop playing if I asked you to?”
He stays silent, petrified. That question also feels unfair and so unlike you. “You would never do such thing”
You chuckle but there’s no actual humor in your laugh. It’s empty and so exhausted. “You’re right, I’d never. But that still isn’t the answer I would’ve hoped to get”
“So what, if I don’t give up on my entire life it means I don’t love you enough? Is this the yardstick by which you’ll decide if you’ll break up with me or not?” he hopes he seems angry because he’s desperate more than anything else. He feels inadeguate and, for the first time, wrong for you. Like you’re a perfect match but a one-sided one. Could he ever be a match for anyone, honestly?
“But I did give up on my entire life, didn’t I?” you lean forward, press your forehead to his shoulder because looking into his pained eyes is torture “for something that now feels like the shell of what we once had. You say you miss me but I’ve been missing you for far longer, Tobio”
He aches for the way your body shakes as you try to muffle your sobs, his arms around you don’t feel nearly enough. Tobio wishes he could rip his chest cavity open and tuck you inside, right next to what’s sure is a bruised heart. Maybe then you’d believe how deeply sorry he is. Maybe then you’d feel loved once more, you’d be safe from his selfishness.
“Don’t leave me” Tobio whispers it into your neck, lips grazing your skin. He wants to be better, knows he can be better. “I wouldn’t be who I am without you”
“I don’t want to stay and end up hating this, or you. I want to shield the love I have for you and I can’t do that if I stay here. It's like I'm... fading” your voice isn’t but a murmur “you understand, right, Tobio?”
He shuts his eyes, time and space and his house and the room you’re both in cease to exist. He doesn't. But he thinks the least he can offer, at this point, is understanding.
“Yes. I do”
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
𝓝𝓨𝓒 & 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂𝔀𝓸𝓸𝓭
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: nine months ago, your best friend Davis took you to an afterparty for a movie premiere. nine months ago, you hooked up with Hollywood's newest "IT" girl...
warnings: semi-famous!reader, smut, mature language
a/n: honestly I just started writing whatever came to mind. so enjoy 👍🏾. Never in my whole fanfiction writing time have I written 5.1K words...NEVER! Also, the stuff Jenna does here does not reflect her actual character, this is just fiction and is for fanfic entertainment purposes.
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MARCH 2023
"Back the fuck up, move the fuck back, back the fuck up, move the fuck back” Your best friend, Davis shouted the lyrics at the top of his lungs. You were sitting next to him recording him for your YouTube channel trying to contain your laughter.
The two of you were on your way to the red carpet premiere of a new movie Davis was in, Scream 6. Usually, you tend to stay away from red-carpet premieres because it ain’t your thing but you wanted to support Davis. The two of you have been friends since the 1st grade. Through thick and thin, you’ve been through it all with each other.
He begged you to come with him to the red carpet, at first you declined but then he used puppy dog eyes and told you a vlog of the event will get you views. You caved in. He offered to get you a stylist and everything but you declined. You wanted to do it yourself and you don’t think you did that bad.
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( ^ your outfit )
“Don’t come to Bronx with that shit ‘cause we ain’t fuckin’ with that shit” Davis shouted into the camera just as the video stopped recording. You looked up and saw the driver kept glancing at y’all in the rearview mirror with a scowl on his face.
I guess you were to ghetto for him…ANYWAY.
Soon y’all pulled up to the place and immediately was hit with bright camera flashes and semi-screaming fans. Security got out first then Davis, then you, and then his manager Jerry. They led y'all to the carpet where fans were behind a barrier. You stayed next to Jerry while Davis went to take pictures with the fans.
“Damn these lights bright as fuck” You mumbled under your breath. You took out a pair of sunglasses you stole from Davis’ closet and put them on to shade your eyes from the light.
A few minutes later, Davis had to take pictures down the red carpet and do some interviews. But he motioned you over to come take pictures with him. Y’all did different poses, some serious and some funny. He also dragged you to an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
“Davis, congratulations on your first-ever major movie role. I have to ask, how did it feel being in a movie and with a cast like that?” The interviewer asked.
“It was such a blessing. I’m so blessed to have been around talented people like them. I learned so much from them and being in the movie was such a privilege and amazing learning experience” Davis flawlessly answered.
That media training coming in handy.
“Now I can’t help but notice the guest you brought. They look fly, who is that?” The interviewer asked.
Davis placed his arm around you and pulled you in next to him. “This is my best friend since 1st grade, Jahaziel. I’ve brought her here today so she can get out of the house and step into my world for a little. She even dressed herself.”
You took a step back and did a little pose but when you took a step back, you bumped into someone. You quickly turned around to see a slightly familiar face. You only see her on the poster for the movie. You think her name started with a G or J?
“My fault” You apologized.
“Jenna!” Davis shouted and hugged his co-star who returned his hug but she kept glancing at you.
“Jenna, this is my best friend Jahaziel. Jah this is Jenna” Davis introduced the two of you.
“How you doing” You greeted her and shook her hand.
“Hi, nice to meet you” Jenna replied politely.
Suddenly, Davis and Jenna had to take group pictures with the rest of the cast. Which meant you were stuck next to Jerry again at the other end waiting for Davis.
While you were waiting though, you took pictures and videos yourself of the cast for Davis on his phone and for the vlog on your camera. But as you were doing it, you kept catching Jenna glancing at you. At first, you thought she was looking for someone or something behind you so you moved out of the way out of respect. But that theory went out the window when her eyes followed you to your new spot.
It was time for everyone to head inside for the premiere. Jerry guided you to where you’ll be sitting and handed you a menu.
“Oh, you get five stars meals too? I might have to come to more premieres with him” You said to the camera with a wink. You picked something simple and waited for Davis.
While waiting, you decided to go over the footage you gathered already to give yourself an idea of how you gonna edit it.
“Let me guess, you’re a YouTuber?” A voice in front of you said. You looked up from your camera and saw Jenna standing there.
"I guess you could call me that. I’ve just recently started doing videos. I stream on Twitch a lot though" You answered.
"Twitch? Oh that live stream platform. My younger brother likes to watch that stuff. He watches that Kay Seenat or something, do you do the same things he does?" Jenna asked intrigued.
“Kay Seenat is crazy" You laughed.
“Oh my god, did I say it wrong? I’m so sorry” Jenna gasped.
You chuckled, “Nah you good but it’s Kai Cenat for future references and I sort of do the same thing. I mostly play games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, and horror games.”
Jenna hummed in response before sitting down next to you.
“Where are you from? I detect an accent" Jenna asked.
"Bronx-born and raised baby" You smirked at her. Jenna also smiled at you but before she could reply, her manager came up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. They spoke in a whisper and Jenna turned towards you with a slight frown on her.
"I have to go but I'll see you at the Afterparty right?" Jenna asked, hopeful.
"Nah yeah fo'sho, I'll see you there Hollywood" You nodded. A blush formed on Jenna's cheeks at the nickname as she got up from her seat and followed her manager. You may or may not stare at her backside while she walked away...respectfully though.
"Not you acting thirsty for my co-star" Davis plopped down in the seat Jenna was in.
"What? I ain't acting thirsty, you buggin'" You sucked your teeth and leaned back in the chair.
"Lying is sinful. I saw those eyes. That's not a path you want to go down B, I'm telling you" Davis said.
"What you mean? She got a stalker boyfriend or some shit?" You questioned. Your food was then placed down in front of you.
"Nah, Jenna is the good girl in Hollywood, despite the movies she's been in. Plus, her fans are mad crazy, her team is mad strict, and you don't exactly fit their expectations of someone she would mess with" Davis shrugged and stole some food off your plate. You hummed in response before looking at your food.
"Yo, why they give me prison portions?"
It was now time for the Afterparty. The food was shit at the premiere, it had no flavor, looked pale as hell, and the portion was small as hell. Mad was an understatement of how you felt.
"I still had to pay for that shit like are you fucking kidding me? I wanted to smack the shit out of the waiter but he ain’t do nothing wrong” You grumbled while spraying some cologne on your neck and wrists.
“No one ever orders the food at the premieres because 9/10 shit sucks” Davis chuckled.
“Yo fat ass could’ve told me that BEFORE I ordered it” You rolled your eyes.
“At least someone ate it, technically your money didn’t go to waste” Davis shrugged and grabbed his phone and wallet.
“Yeah, you right…I want my $72.65 back WITH interest” You said and held out your hand towards him.
“How about I pay you back in coochie? The number of women that’s gon be at this after party…man somebody is leaving that party pregnant” Davis smirked.
“Pregnant? Lord help us all if either one of us becomes parents” You joked. Davis laughed and the two of you exited the hotel.
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( ^ your after-party outfit )
The two of you quickly arrived at the lounge because it was a 10-minute walk from the hotel. It was a decent amount of people there and the music…was horrid but what you expect from a Manhattan lounge party.
You and Davis ordered some drinks and smoked some hookah before Davis went off to mingle with some girls. You, however, stayed in the booth and continued smoking hookah and scrolling through Instagram.
“Excuse me, mind if we sit here?” A voice said. You looked up from your phone and saw Davis’ other co-star Mason and a beautiful girl next to him.
“Go for it” You replied and scooted over a bit to make room for them.
“You look familiar…do you stream on Twitch?” Mason asked.
“Yeah, I do. I just started making mini vlogs of the Bronx” You answered.
“I knew it! I saw a few clips of you on TikTok. You’re hilarious. You did something for another YouTube channel…TalkNYC or something like that” Mason questioned.
“SideTalkNYC. No lie you watch that shit?” You asked with a smile.
“Honestly, I saw your clip and I just fell down a rabbit hole” Mason laughed.
You laughed with him.
Mason then looked to his girl who was paying no mind respectfully, “I’m sorry, how rude of me. This is my girlfriend Amenah” he introduced.
“Nice to meet you Amenah, I’m Jahaziel” You politely responded and waved at her.
“Jahaziel. That’s a strong name” Mason complimented.
“It’s Dominican. My dad is from Punta Cana and my mom is from Jamaica. Got Caribbean blood all through me” You smiled.
“Me too. But my great-grandfather was from Barbados” Mason responded.
“Nice. I got a brother living there” You replied.
“Sweet. Maybe your brother can hook us up with a trip there” Mason said.
“Oh, he’ll love that. He love showing people around the island” You nodded and took another hit of the hookah.
The two started to converse more and his girl even joined in a conversation. The three exchanged socials and the couple left to go dance. Davis didn’t return to the table because he was too busy rizzing up a nice-looking woman in the corner.
You were hungry. You needed food. Now.
You shot a quick text to Davis about heading out to get some food. He replied with a thumbs up. You head out of the lounge and start to make your way down the street. But a soft voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Where are you going?” Jenna asked.
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You smiled when you saw her, “Gon’ get some food. I’m starving. That food at the premiere was trash. Y’all gotta step y’all game up.”
“Do we? I’ll be sure to let the event planners know next time” Jenna smirked.
“Bet” You smiled.
You contemplated asking her to join you in your adventure. But you quickly gather up the courage to ask.
“Do you wanna join me?”
“Mind if I tag along?”
You both asked at the same time. The both of you laughed at the interaction.
“Come on, I know a good spot around here,” You said. She starts to walk but stops when she sees that you weren’t walking either.
“What happened?” She asked.
“You should tell your people where you going. I don’t feel like going to jail on kidnapping charges” You replied.
She chuckled but you were dead serious. She told her friends and manager where she was going. They insist on her bringing her security guard which you understood and had no problem with.
“How you doing? I’m Jahaziel, you can call me Jah if you want” You introduced yourself to the security guard. He shook your hand and told you his name, Big L.
The three of you started the adventure to the restaurant which was about a couple blocks away. You took Jenna to a little Mexican restaurant that sold some banging ass food.
You got a table and Big L decided to sit at a table beside the two of you to give you some privacy.
“I recommend getting their grilled veggie enchiladas. The enchiladas here are fire” You said while looking at the menu.
“You know I’m vegan?” Jenna questioned, impressed.
“Yeah…I may have looked you up while I was at the lounge. All I know is that you’re vegan and you’re from Cali. Which makes a lot of sense” You laughed.
Jenna laughed, “Yeah it does.”
You go back to looking at the menu while Jenna just stared at you. She was taking in your features. The way your hair was into a short curly afro, the way your glasses sat on your face enhanced your beauty. The way you occasionally licked your lips while zeroed in on something. She even noticed the tattoos under your hoodie. Her thoughts quickly turned into sinful thoughts and she had to tear her eyes away from you before she did something she regret.
Thankfully, the waiter came and took our orders for everything.
“So, Ms. Hollywood, tell me something I can’t find on Google,” You asked.
“Pretty hard question. My entire life is on Google truly.” Jenna said with a hint of sadness.
“Hmm…ion believe that. I believe that you want the world to think that they know everything about you but there are some things you keep to yourself” You replied.
Jenna smirked, “You think I’ll just willingly tell you right now? We barely know each other.”
“Duh, that’s why we’re having a conversation to get to know each other” You stated.
“Touchè” Jenna nodded.
You still can sense her hesitation so you decided to go first.
“I used to be in the military” You blurted out.
“Wait what? Seriously?” Jenna questioned.
“Yeah, I enlisted in the Marines right out of high school. I didn’t know what to do with myself. The options I had was garbage. I didn’t want to go college, I didn’t want to get a regular 9-5, and I just came from the streets I ain’t wanna end up back there. So the military was a decent option. Good benefits, the pay was good, and I was occupied” You explained.
"What made you get into Twitch?" Jenna asked.
"Well I started off with music but it quickly went nowhere so I turned to doing little comedy skits on Instagram. That gradually got me some followers then I was scrolling through Twitch one day and I stumbled upon this Twitch streamer who was making mad money off of gaming. I was like I can make bands off of just playing games say less. I got myself a PC and PS5 and I started grinding out streams but they weren't hitting like I thought they would. So I got discouraged and I went back into the military for another year, said fuck this shit, got honorable discharged, and went back to streaming." You explained.
The whole time you were talking, Jenna was engaged the entire time. She realized how much she loved how you explained things and told a story. It was entertaining as hell but also interesting.
“Wow” Was all Jenna could say. It wasn’t a bad wow either and you picked up on that. But you wanted to tease her a bit.
“Bad or good wow?” You teased.
“Good wow. Your story is inspiring. I have to watch your content now” Jenna smiled.
“Thank you I appreciate it” You replied.
The waiter brought your drinks and appetizers which you both devoured.
“Oh my god, that was so good. Best food I’ve had in a long time. I don’t think I even have room for my entrée” Jenna commented.
You chuckled, “We can always take it with us.”
Out of the blue, both of you hear a loud gasp. “Oh my god, it’s Jenna Ortega. Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you but can I get a picture real fast?” The fan asked excitedly.
You see her guard instantly go up around the fan. She glanced at you with apologetic eyes before standing up and taking a quick picture with the fan. The fan bid her goodbyes and ran off smiling hard.
“You okay?” You asked.
“Huh?” Jenna absentmindedly said.
“You okay? I saw how tense you got when she came up to you” You pointed out.
“Oh…yeah I’m fine just caught me off guard” Jenna lightly chuckled.
You saw it was a sensitive topic so you didn’t push further out of respect. The food came next and you saw how Jenna was a completely different person now. She was a lot more quiet and not flirtatious like before. The rest of the meal was only one-sided small talk. You got to go containers and paid for the meal even though Jenna insisted on paying.
You wanted to take her mind off whatever it was so you decided to bring her to the roof of a building that looked onto the Manhattan Bridge.
You both sat on the ledge, taking in the view.
“Um…are you sure you’re okay? You don’t have to tell me what’s bothering you but I just want to let you know that I’m a good listener if you wanted to like vent” You comforted her.
“Thanks…” She muttered quietly.
You nodded in response and looked back at the view.
“I felt…normal again. I felt like a normal human being again with you back at the restaurant. I haven’t felt like that lately especially, since the success of Wednesday, my new show, and Scream. Then a fan came up and reality snuck back in. I’m not even upset at the fan because she doesn’t know what I’m going through and it’s not her fault but I just wanted to cherish that feeling a little more” Jenna explained.
“I get it. I seen how hard the fame life can be. I saw it through Davis at one point. That shit can break you in ways that you didn’t know it could. I don’t wish it on my worse enemy” You empathized.
Jenna scooted closer to you and laid her head on your shoulder. You made the bold decision to interlock your fingers with hers.
“Even though we literally just met earlier this evening. I feel comfortable with you like we’ve known each other for years” Jenna said.
“Well, you can keep getting to know me more. You a cool girl Hollywood” You smirked.
Jenna rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. Before she looked up at you, her brown eyes piercing into your hazel ones. Neither acknowledges how your getting closer until the gap between you disappears and lips interlock. At first, the kiss started slow before Jenna placed her left hand on your neck and pulled you closer to deepen the kiss.
The kiss started to heat up rapidly, tongues were now involved and Jenna gripped your neck hairs tightly. Her body heated up at the intense make-out session.
Jenna pulled away, “My hotel is not that far from here.”
You nodded and the two of you rushed off the roof in a hurry to get to her hotel. You got a cab and the ride was only 10 minutes but it felt like forever. Neither of you wanted to touch each other inappropriately out of respect for everyone else. But the cab stopped in front of the hotel and the two of you quickly got out and ran inside. Big L was stuck with our food, unfortunately.
The two of you got in the elevator and once the doors closed. Jenna pounced on you, her lips locked onto yours feverishly. You pushed her up against the elevator wall. Your hands were on her waist, gripping her hips while her hands were on the back of your neck gripping the hair.
Your lips then made their way down to her neck. Nipping and sucking on the flesh until you found the sweet spot under her jaw. A low moan escaped her lips and it egged you to continue but the elevator doors dinged. The two of you pulled away quickly in case there were people but luckily there wasn’t. So you exited onto her floor and sped walk to her room. Your lips were together again before the door fully closed.
Jenna dropped her phone and the hotel key onto the floor. You pulled off your flannel shirt and hoodie and threw it somewhere. Jenna kicked off her shoes and so did you. You then hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around your hips.
You blindly led the two of you to the bed and laid Jenna on it. You sat up quickly and peeled off your white T-shirt showcasing the many tattoos on your body. You trailed kisses down her body, from her lips to her jaw, to her neck, and to the top of her breasts. A quiet whine escaped her lips while she worked to her top off.
Suddenly, she flipped the two of you over. She was now straddling your waist. The pressure of her body was now your crotch which was painfully restricted due to your jeans.
“Shit” You mumbled as she finally got her top off to reveal her perfect breasts. Instantly, you sat up and took one in your mouth. You started to suck softly as your tongue ran across her nipple. She twitched from the pleasure and you internally patted yourself on the back.
You flipped the two of you over again. You gave attention to the other breast while also unbuttoning her pants. The noises she was letting out were making your jeans tighter than ever. You kiss down her stomach while pushing her pants down her legs. You threw her pants behind you and kissed her bikini line.
“Take it off” She whined impatiently. You chuckled before she pulled off her underwear leaving completely nude to you.
You admired her body for a hot second before you settled in between her thighs. You were on your knees and you pulled her to the edge of the bed. You kissed both her inner thighs, teasing her a little more before you dove right in for the prize.
A loud gasp left her mouth and she slightly arched her back. Her hands quickly found their place tangled in your hair and the sheets. You licked up her slit slowly before wrapping your lips around her clit. You swiped your tongue over it a couple of times before sucking.
Damn, she tastes good.
“Oh, my god…” Jenna moaned, her grip on your head tightening. Her thighs also tightened around your head keeping you in place. You moved down and inserted your tongue into her hole. Your tongue was long and it brushed against certain spots pleasurable inside her.
Her breathing was starting to pick up and her moans increasing in volume. Knowing that hotel room walls are paper thin, you reached up and placed your hand over her mouth. Her right hand gripped your forearm, her nails were making indents in your skin.
You felt her tighten around your tongue before she arched her back high. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head while she orgasmed hard. Her screams of intense pleasure are muffled by your hand. Her body shook as she let go and wave off juices that splashed against your mouth and dripped down your chin. You lapped up as much as you could.
Even though she orgasmed, you continued your assault on her golden area. She hissed and pushed your head from her area, feeling overstimulated. You sat on your knees in front of her with a drenched mouth and chin. You kissed up her body once more before you collided your lips together.
She moaned into your mouth as she can taste herself on your tongue. She grabbed your chain around your neck and pulled you even closer. You used one hand to reach down and unbuckle your belt, throwing it somewhere. You undid the button and pushed your pants off.
Jenna pulled away from your lips and pushed your black boxer briefs off your hips. You watched as she gathered some saliva in her hand before wrapping her fingers around your length. All while never losing eye contact with you.
She’s a super freak, super freak, she’s super freaky…
You groaned as she started rubbing your length sensually. Her thumb brushed over your tip and precum leaked out, giving her extra lubricant. She started pumping you faster. You didn’t want to finish just yet so you grabbed her arms and placed them above her head. You took off the rest of your underwear and positioned yourself. You were leaning on your knuckles that were by her hips and you lined yourself up at her entrance.
Slowly, you pushed in. Her legs automatically wrapped around your waist.
“Mierda nena (Shit baby girl)” You moaned as you watched yourself disappeared inside her. At the sound of you speaking Spanish, you felt her slightly clench around you.
More Spanish speaking it is then.
Once you were fully inside, you paused for a second to let her get used to your size. After a moment, you started with some slow strokes.
“Faster…” She moaned out.
Obeying her request, you started to speed up. You found a suitable rhythm for both of you. It felt so good, you’ve been with your fair share of women but nothing compares to right now. You leaned down on your elbows close to her ear. Her fingernails scratched down your back and the heels of her feet digged into your cheeks.
Her moans and heavy panting were going straight through your ears and sending chills down your spine.
“Te sientes tan bien apretado a mi alrededor (You feel so good clenched around me)” You whispered into her ear. The low tone you spoke in brought out your accent more and it sent vibrations throughout her body straight to her core.
Even though she didn’t know what you said, it still turned her on massively.
You buried your face into her neck as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten. But suddenly, you were pushed away and flipped onto your back. Jenna was on top of you again but this time she had a new game plan in mind.
You slipped out of her while in the process of being flipped on your back. You watched as she undid her ponytail and let her hair flow, which was the sexiest thing ever. She then reached down and positioned herself over you before slowly sinking down.
“Oh my god…fuck” She moaned. She placed her hand on your lower stomach and began to ride you expertly.
You cursed out in pleasure and threw your head back against the pillows. Jenna grabbed your hands and interlocked your fingers for a minute before she placed them on her breasts. You massaged them rolling her hardened nipples in between your fingers.
“Te ves bien encima de mí (You look so good on top of me)” You licked your lips before pulling her down to you. You connected your lips with hers while bending her legs to get stable and wrapping an arm around her waist. You then started plowing into her.
The sound of slapping skin echoed through the room along with Jenna’s heavy breathing. The knot in your stomach got tighter and she clenched around you, letting you know that you were both close.
More profanities spilled out of Jenna’s mouth and her nails dug into your shoulders. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she stilled in your arms. You heard her suck in a breath and her nails dug deeper into your skin. She was cumming hard. Her body started convulsing. You felt the hot liquid around your stick and that sent you over the edge.
The knot in your stomach finally exploded. A deep groan left your body as you felt your member twitch inside of Jenna as you emptied out into her. Your hands gripped her hips aggressively until you felt you had nothing else left.
Jenna fell against you, completely exhausted but highly satisfied. The sweat made her baby hairs stick to her glistening forehead.
“God damn girl, I ain’t know you were like that” You complimented while trying to catch your breath.
Jenna laughed and slowly lifted herself off you and plopped next to you. She was exhausted, the recent activity draining her completely. The two of you were still catching your breaths before a phone ringing interrupted your blissful silence.
Neither of you acknowledged the phone, too tired to move. But whoever was calling, called again and the ringing was starting to get on your nerves. You got up and found whose phone it was. It was Jenna’s, you tossed it to her before you went into the bathroom and emptied out your bladder.
You cleaned yourself properly and headed out back into the room.
“Yeah, I’m back in my room…I know…okay bye” Jenna finished the conversation on the phone. She groaned and rubbed her hands down her face.
“You good?” You asked.
“Yeah…my friends are heading back here right now. I wanted you to stay and cuddle” She pouted.
You chuckled and started putting your clothes on, “You can always fly me out Hollywood. I never had a woman fly me out before.”
Jenna smiled and rolled her eyes playfully, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You grabbed her open phone and she watched as you as you entered your number in her contacts.
“Text me whenever you’re back in The City” You smirked at her.
“I definitely will” She blushed. You went to put your flannel shirt on but she stopped you.
“Wait…I hope this isn’t weird but can I have that?” She shyly asked while pointing to your flannel shirt.
You shrugged and handed it to her. She stood up, with shaking legs which you noticed.
“Shut up” She mumbled. Jenna placed the flannel shirt over her naked body. It was hella big on her. You stood at 6’1 so the flannel was down to her knees. She looked sexy.
“I don’t want you to leave” She whined and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Oh no I got you dickmitized. I gotta make my escape ASAP” You joked. You heard her suck her teeth and slap your arm. You bend down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. This kiss was slow and full of unacknowledged passion. You hate to admit it but you felt butterflies in your stomach and so did Jenna but neither of you addressed it.
“If you don’t leave now, I don’t think I can fully restrain myself to throw you on this bed again” Jenna whispered against your lips.
You laughed, “Ight Imma go.” You stole another kiss before leaving the hotel room.
“Best work trip ever” Jenna smirked.
Meanwhile, you make it to the elevator doors. They opened and three girls stepped out. But they were staring at you as they knew you. Now usually, you would’ve said something about the staring but you were too tired so you just ignored them and stepped onto the elevator.
“White people…” You mumbled and shook your head. 
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urcatslitterbox · 10 months
I can’t stop thinking about Sebastian crushing over his friend who is also an actress.
Cw: masturbation
Sebastian had just finished shooting the last scenes for an upcoming show before heading home. Since shooting just wrapped, he had some down time before interviews start.
He plopped down on his couch after showering and trading his clothes from the day for a pair of grey sweats and a loose t-shirt. He wanted to start his little break off right and what better way to do it than catch up on his ‘to watch’ list.
Sebastian’s friend, Y/n’s new movie had come out a week ago, and though he couldn’t wait to see it, he had just been too busy with his own work.
So getting comfortable he grabbed the converter and began to type in the name of the movie. Up popped the films title cover featuring a very attractive Y/n and another actor he didn’t recognize. The film seemed to be a romance of sorts, which excited Sebastian.
You see, Sebastian has had a crush on his dear friend pretty much since they met. But it’s not his fault! Anyone, and trust people do, would have a crush on her. In the public eye Y/n is beautiful and talented, and while of course she certainly is both of those things, Sebastian is lucky enough to know the true Y/n. He knows how kind and caring she is. How bright her real smile is and the way she throws her head back when she laughs really hard.
He knows how drop dead gorgeous she is in person. He’s seen how flawless each spot on her face is, how deep her eyes are, how soft her lips look-
Stop. Control yourself, she’s your friend.
Sebastian got about half way through the movie, and so far it’s pretty good, he’s enjoying it.
That is until y/n and her love interest kiss.
He feels a slight anger bubbling deep within him. He knows he has no right to feel angry. They aren’t together and the kiss isn’t even real. It doesn’t mean anything.
The scene is starting to get intense. The kiss becoming deeper and the two moving to the couch. Both Y/n and her co-star are panting and grasping each other.
Sebastian knows where this is going. He can feel himself getting slightly hard because of what’s happening on the screen. Normally he can handle sex scenes and they don’t affect him because he knows the ins and outs of what goes on behind the camera. However he’s having a hard time controlling himself this time because this one is with Y/n.
God he shouldn’t be feeling this way about her. She’s his friend for fuck sakes!
He actually prides himself on how well he’s holding back considering how enamoured with her he is. That is until she lets out a small whimper.
Oh fuck.
He knows it’s fake. He knows it’s just for the camera. He knows none of it is real.
But he’d be damned if he said she didn’t sound heavenly. Though he’s sure he could pull much prettier sounds from her.
Without realizing, his hand starts to move lower, palming himself through his sweats.
He really shouldn’t be doing this.
She lets out another whimper, louder this time.
He starts to rub himself harder within his pants. I mean this doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s not like she’s gonna know so what’s the harm really?
Y/n full out moans now.
Fuck it.
Sebastian pulls his cock out, red and already leaking precum. He starts spreading it with his thumb over his angry head. The moment he wrapped his hand around his length his head fell back as he let out a hiss.
God when was the last time he was this hard?
Gathering himself, Sebastian looks back up at the screen. Obviously it’s a movie, not a porno, so they can’t show everything. But what he can see, oh man. Y/n’s eyes are rolled back as she pants and moans.
His eyes travel lower, stroking himself slowly.
This is wrong. It’s so wrong but god does it feel right.
Her breast are in frame and fuck are they perfect. Nipples perky and looking so delicious. What he wouldn’t do just to suck on them. He groans at the thought, picking up his pace slightly. Again his eyes move lower, following the curves of her body down to her belly button, where it cuts off to keep it suitable for T.V.
The actor accompanying her leans in and kisses her harshly. She lets out a whine as her co-star moves to suck and kiss at her neck and jaw. Y/n’s nails rake down his back as he does so.
Sebastian outright moans at this. He wishes that were him so bad. He longs to mark her, to make her feel pleasure only he can provide.
He feels his balls tightening as he bucks up into his fist.
Fuck he’s not gonna last. Not with Y/n making her pretty sounds. Not with her looking so fucking delicious. So perfect.
His breaths quicken as he nears the edge.
“please..”, he begs into the open air.
God he’s so close, so goddamn close he just needs a little more. Then it happens. Y/n cries out as she ‘cums’.
There it is.
Sebastian cums with a loud groan of Y/n’s name. Chanting it as he comes down from his high, legs twitching with the force of his orgasm. His hand sticky with his own spend.
His head falls back once again as he attempts to catch his breath.
He closes his eyes and images of Y/n flash through his mind. He doesn’t know how much longer he can keep his feelings hidden. Especially after that.
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iwanthermidnightz · 11 months
Ahhh did you see the new rolling stone gaylor article ?? I'm so impressed.
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When Taylor Swift released the long-awaited rerecording of her genre-leaping album 1989, fans eagerly pored over vault tracks, theories of double albums, and limited edition vinyl releases that could predict Swift’s next re-record. But for Gaylors, a dedicated Swift fanbase that’s existed for over a decade, Swift’s prologue and a mention of her feelings surrounding speculation about her love life have dampened what should have been an exciting release.
Thinking about the 24-year-old she was when 1989 was released, Swift writes, “I swore off dating and decided to only focus on myself, my music, my growth, and my female friendships. If I only hung out with my female friends, people couldn’t sensationalize or sexualize that — right? I would learn later on that people could and people would.” Many users online interpreted that line as a subtle callout to Gaylors, supporters of the niche theory that Swift is queer or leaves queer messaging in her songs. But several members of the Gaylor community tell Rolling Stone they’re actually not convinced the callout is about them — and are receiving targeted and homophobic harassment in the process.
For those not extremely online, Gaylor is an unproven theory that Swift is queer and leaves messages alluding to past relationships in her work, a fan theory that originated on the blogging site Tumblr in the mid-2010s. It is also the fan name for groups of people who believe there are queer interpretations of Swift’s songs. (While Swift has been a vocal ally and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and representation, she has never publicly commented on Gaylor and has only been in public relationships with men.) Gabriela, a 27-year-old Gaylor, tells Rolling Stone she doesn’t believe Swift’s prologue is about the Gaylor fandom specifically, but she’s frustrated at the use of the word ‘sexualize,” which she says has long been co-opted by fans who think Gaylor is harmful or inherently rude.
“I think it’s a call-out yes, but more to the media at large, rather than just about the Gaylor subset of her fandom, which is only a small piece of her complaint. [Swift] doesn’t want to be assumed to be in a sexual, romantic relationship with anyone she is seen next to,” Gabriela says. “Hetlors [those who object to the Gaylor discourse] are cherry-picking to make it about her ‘shutting down gay rumors.’”
As an internationally beloved artist — one capable of selling more movie tickets than Martin Scorcese and convincing an entire fandom to rebuy her music her way — Swift professes an unusually close relationship with her followers. The lyricist often hides clues in her work and visuals, encouraging fans to decipher what coded messages and hints she’s leaving behind. But Swift has also verbalized how upset slut-shaming and assumptions about her love life make her. Anna, a 23-year-old Gaylor who uses they/them pronouns, agrees that the prologue wasn’t about Gaylor specifically but says they do think all Swift fans online could operate with more boundaries.
“Of course, I’m a little annoyed that people are pulling one or two lines of the prologue out of context and using it as a justification to be homophobic and send death threats to my friends, but I don’t think Taylor is at fault for people misconstruing her words and I think she has every right to call out things that make her uncomfortable,” Anna tells Rolling Stone. “’Shipping’ culture across the fandom seems to have gotten really ugly recently on all accounts. I’ve seen people speculate on her sex life, openly and graphically, track her location, insinuate that she wants/has children and just overall cross a lot of boundaries. It may be unpopular for me to say it, but I do think members on all sides needed to be put in their place a little bit.”
All of the Gaylor fans who spoke to Rolling Stone expressed that beyond the prologue, much of the reaction to them as a group has stemmed from a lack of understanding about why the fandom exists and has lasted for almost a decade. Liv, 26, says that the Gaylor community has been a large part of her life — it’s even how she met her current boyfriend. And she tells Rolling Stone the identity has allowed her to have a deeper understanding of Swift’s lyrics.
“It’s always fun for me to think about what inspired a song. So even if it’s not what happened in Taylor’s life, it’s interesting for me to think about a song through a queer lens, because I feel like it adds a lot of layers that a song about a guy might not have,” Liv says. “And I don’t really know any straight people who are that deeply obsessed with Emily Dickinson.”
The X account @gaylornews has over 12,000 followers. The admin behind the account declined to include her name but tells Rolling Stone Gaylor isn’t just a fun internet conspiracy theory, but means a lot to the community.
“Analyzing her lyrics through a queer perspective is more about defying heteronormative narratives and finding representation and not about invading Taylor’s privacy or sensationalizing her personal life,” the account owner says. “Gaylor is about queer people finding a safe space which straight people not only find but already have everywhere, is about all the things you never learned about yourself, is about feeling seen and genuinely understood.”
Regardless of what people think the prologue is about, Gaylors are worried about one thing: targeted harassment from more mainstream fans of Swift. In an April 2023 report from social media tracking firm Graphika, researchers found that Gaylors made up nine percent of active Swift fans on social media, but are often exiled and isolated from neutral fan spaces. The study also found that anti-Gaylor accounts, also referred to as Hetlors, “play a key role” in how the theory is presented to mainstream audiences and often misrepresent commonly held Gaylor beliefs, which can lead to the harassment and doxxing of neutral Gaylor accounts. Each of the Gaylors who spoke to Rolling Stone detailed targeted harassment, hate speech, and homophobia they’ve received online, something they all believe Swift would stand against.
“I think that people who are against Gaylors think we’re way more serious about it than we are. A lot of the things we say are jokes or ideas or possible theories,” Liv says. “And at the end of the day, none of us know what the truth is about her personal relationships. And we shouldn’t want to because [Taylor Swift] is entitled to her privacy.”
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron:
I was a Horse Girl TM, so I watched this movie a million times as a kid. It's honestly the best horse animation I've ever seen, all the backgrounds are gorgeous, and the soundtrack is incredible. Also the plot is anti-colonial/anti "taming of the west". Genuinely cannot pick a favorite scene, but I love the scene where Spirit commits many acts of violence against the US military <3
horsie :) I love how they use actual horse body language instead of just turning them into a dog. Also enjoy how the protags are easily understandable with just body language and neighs. Also the 2d and 3d animation blend seamless.
I cannot begin to tell you what makes this movie so good. It's a corner stone of animated media. The societal commentary. The incredible emotion of not only the story but the animation. The songs. Sound the Bugle makes me cry every time.
This movie was a key part of my childhood and “Sound the Bugle” still makes me tear up.
This is like the greatest horse movie of all time and I will not change my mind. I watched this movie so many times as a kid that both the VHS and first cd I had for it got ruined and we had to replace it with another cd LOL. I once convinced my teacher to let us watch it in class because it had a few scenes with Native Americans and we were learning about them at the time(It's about the old west and the expansion of the United States westward so it has some Native American characters but def not enough to make it a Native American film, but it does have positive representation I think?) The main character is the horse Spirit, a lead stallion for a herd of mustangs. His thoughts are narrated but he doesn't actively talk and the horse behaviors are pretty realistic, also the ART of it all, James Baxter was one of the lead animators for this film and his work is incredible, and hand done. Some of the behind the scenes stuff in the extras makes the animation look 3d its so good, and the camera work is also insane. As a horse obsessed child this movie was a staple for me, and I prefer it even over live action movies with actual horses. ALSO THE SOUNDTRACK OH MY GODDD how can I almost forget, the soundtrack for this movie goes so hard, I used to use some of the songs as hype music not even lying.
The Mitchells vs. the Machines:
It’s in its core about family, how we can drift and argue. Not because of one true fault, but because we are different. It shows how being weird and different don’t make you less of a family while not demonizing people who do have more stereotypical ‘perfect’ families. I think it portrays our humanity and the way we bond and what we do for those we love, what we sacrifice, so well. It’s so funny and so sweet.
It's funny and the family is neurodivergent and it's just really nice v good time it looks like anti technology at first but its clearly more of a criticism on capitalism I just really like that movie its pretty to look at.
It's funky!!! hang on, bullet point list time: - has such a unique and expressive animation style - has a lot of pop culture references that don't really feel overbearing - has honestly one of the best family dynamics in a movie I've seen???? - realistic characters!!! with realistic and interesting character arcs!!! - absolutely hilarious. makes me laugh every time i watch it :) - comedic villain! gotta love me one of those. also she's badass for a smartphone so - tHERE ARE FURBIES - basically it's very chaotic but also heartwarming, and it's honestly my favourite movie :D
Heartwarming story about family! Also kickass animation
Very good stylized animation. Well written and designed characters. Super funny and sooo heart warming. Fucking rad action scenes (again the animation is fantastic). The story comes together well, it's just quite well written. + Protective dad character who's not annoying as hell (that's rare!). I love every part of when they're at the dinosaur museum thing.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Pocket MCU - Iron Man 1/?
In Which Pocket and Tony Have a Video Call.
Word Count: 979
Scene In-Movie @ 10:30
So, I decided to re-watch Iron Man tonight, and I started thinking about how Pocket would fit into existing MCU narratives. So, here's a little bonus, taking place during the first Iron Man movie. This might turn into something, it might not. For now, just a little fun thing I did, mostly so I could write more Pocket/Tony (even though she hasn't been given the nickname 'Pocket' yet). Enjoy!
“Only you would fuck a girl who called you a war profiteer,” you told Tony over the video call from your office in New York. “She still upstairs?”
“Miss Potts should be taking care of her right now,” Tony said as he fiddled with the engine of his 1932 Ford Flathead Roadster in his Malibu garage. 
“How’s that working out, anyway?” you asked, your interest piqued. “She’s lasted loads longer than any of your other personal assistants.”
“She’s good,” Tony said, taking a piece of the car’s engine out and putting it aside. “Very efficient.”
“I like her,” you told him. “I think she’s been good for you.”
“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t need her if you just moved out here permanently,” he told you. 
“And just leave the New York office to Obadiah Stane? I don’t think so,” you said. 
“I don’t know why you hate him so much, Kiddo,” Tony said, turning his focus away from the car and fully onto you.
“He’s the one who hates me,” you clarified. “I’m just matching his energy.”
“I think you’re reading too much into it. He’s a little wary of you, that’s all.”
“He hates that you nominated me for Chief Technical Officer,” you said. “He officially opposed the nomination in front of the board.”
Tony frowned. “When the fuck did that happen? Why wasn’t I informed of it?”
You rolled your eyes. “Maybe if you spent a little less time shooting craps and fucking Vanity Fair reporters, and actually attended a board meeting every once in a while,” you said. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Tony assured you.
“No, don’t,” you protested. “It’s bad enough he thinks I’m just another one of your fangirls. The last thing I need is for you to make a demand on him for my sake.”
“Well, what do you want me to do?” he asked you. “This job is yours– it should be yours. You’ve earned it.”
You sighed. “And I appreciate you saying that. Thing is, I’m not going to prove that by having you tell people. Only way it’s going to happen is if they see what I’m capable of, and if I leave New York for Malibu, they never will.”
“Did I ever tell you you’re very annoying when you make a valid point that goes against what I want?” Tony asked you.
“Frequently. All the time. Why do you think I enjoy doing it so much?”
“You know, I think I liked you better when you were just a stripper,” he said.
You stuck your tongue out at him through the video feed. “Yeah, well, whose fault is it that I’m not anymore?”
“You could always join my flight crew, if you ever wanted back on the pole,” he teased.
“Please,” you scoffed at the suggestion. “You call them dancers? They should be ashamed of themselves.”
“Hey now, what they lack in rhythm, they make up for in other… areas,” Tony smirked. 
“Do you ever get tired of being a giant slut?” you asked affectionately.
“Not yet, but if I do, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Maybe second,” you told him.
“Whaddaya mean?”
“I don’t know– maybe you should tell Miss Potts first,” you grinned. You looked behind him to see the woman in question coming down the stairs through the glass door behind him. “Speaking of which, it’s her birthday today, so be nice.”
Tony’s eyes widened. “How the hell do you know that?” he asked you.
“I pay fucking attention, dumbass,” you said.
Pepper Potts entered the basement, talking on the phone. “You are supposed to be halfway around the world right now,” she said to Tony as she tapped something on her tablet.
“Hey, Pepper,” you called.
“(Y/N), hi,” the other woman said. “How’s the nomination going?”
You shrugged. “Oh, you know, just roadblocks from the patriarchy. No big deal.”
Pepper nodded understandingly at that.
“How’d she take it?” Tony asked Pepper, interrupting your conversation.
“Like a champ,” Pepper offered. 
“Which translates to ‘like an obnoxious bitch,” you chuckled. Pepper winked at you over Tony’s shoulder. “You owe her a raise, Boss,” you told Tony.
“You give a raise,” Tony said. He directed his next words to Pepper: “Why are you trying to hustle me out of here?” 
“Your flight was scheduled to leave an hour and a half ago,” she told him.
“That’s funny,” Tony said as he continued to play with the engine of the Roadster. “I thought with it being my plane and all, that it would just wait for me to get there.”
“This is the flight to Afghanistan?” you asked, and Pepper nodded at you.
“I mean,” Tony spoke over you, “doesn’t it defeat the whole purpose of having your own plane if it departs before you arrive?”
“Ignore him, Pepper,” you said, turning to face your computer monitor. “Tony, if you don’t get your ass to the airport right now, I’m going to hack into JARVIS’s system right now and swap all your playlists from metal to nineties bubblegum pop.”
“You wouldn’t.” Tony said, standing up and wiping his hands on a towel.
“Don’t test me, Boss,” you threatened. “This is a huge-ass contract.”
Inside Tony’s garage, the opening notes of Hanson’s MMMBop began to play.
“Fine, enough! You win, you tiny monster!’ Tony grunted, throwing his towel down. 
You immediately cut the music. “Get on that plane,” you warned him. “I’ll know if you don’t.” You gave him a Look. “And Pepper, tell him to stop pulling your pigtails, okay?”
Pepper blushed, but she just nodded.
“Give Rhodey a hug for me,” you told Tony, “and let me know when you land, you absolute dipshit.” You disconnected the call.
“You know,” said Tony, turning back to Pepper, “sometimes I regret ever meeting that kid.”
Pepper smiled. “No, you don’t.”
Tony grinned at her. “No, no I don’t. Not even for a second. Now, about that Jackson Pollock painting…”
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websterss · 1 year
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REQUEST: Smoking with Wes 🙏🙏
WARNING(S): none really, angsty, fluff, mentions of smoking????
PAIRING: Wes Bennett x fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! @biqherosix​ it’s done bby! Feedback is always welcomed!
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Wes had been reclined back in the lawn chair behind his house. The secret place, the only place really to give him any peace of mind. He inhaled the Swisher Sweet cigarette, then watched as a puff of smoke blew out past his lips. He was too lost in his own thoughts, that he missed that creak of the gate door being pushed open. 
“Thought that was you...” He blew out another puff as he turned to see the culprit who disrupted the quiet he was bathing in. 
“Hey?” He raised a brow, confused as to why you were suddenly in the Secret Area. “What are you doing here?” He sat upright.
“Saw the fairy lights on from my window...” You pointed in the direction of your house. “Thought I’d come say hi...so hi.” You breathe out a laugh, feeling awkward under his stare, you hadn’t missed the way his eyes raked you from head to toe. You looked away to avoid his awed expression. 
Wanting to cut the tension and silence with a knife, you looked up playfully, a smirk on your lips as you flaunted and posed in a funny way. “What do you think? I was going for How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and The Wedding Date?” You give him a little twirl.
“Really? Could’ve fooled me...I would’ve guessed What a Girl Wants.” He smirks. You roll your eyes as you walk over and plop into the chair beside him. You sigh feeling the heat from the firepit, thankful for the warmth you were provided. You reclined back into the seat, your gaze trailing up to the minimal stars in the sky tonight. Wes couldn’t help the faint smile as he watched you. Two people admiring something beautiful to them. He would’ve thought that you’d be at after prom, taking advantage of a fun night with the rest of the student body, but to his surprise, you were home, and now you were here...right beside him. “What time you’d go to prom? I didn’t see you there.” He took another drag. You turned away from the sky to find his eyes already on you. You almost gasped at how intensely his eyes met yours. You didn’t want to fully get into the awful night you were having, but you always felt the need to let yourself be just a little vulnerable in front of the curly-haired boy. 
“I...actually didn’t even go to prom.” You chuckled to ease your nerves. 
“What? What do you mean?” He sat upright once more. 
“Well, I wasn’t going to tell you but...you know how you usually see the protagonist or the best friend getting canceled at the last minute before the school dance in movies?
“Yeah...” He furrowed his brows.
“You expect it right? Because the climax of the movie makes it obvious, you expect it.” Wes nods a ‘yeah’ at you. Then it only takes a second for the obviousness to hit him like a truck.
“Don’t tell me...” He frowns.
“You just don’t expect it when your actual prom date says he’s taking someone else right before he’s supposed to pick you up. So there’s that...” You shrug. You exhale, feeling stupid and insecure. You shake your head, a chuckle spilling past your lips. “The worst part was that my mom was so excited, she had bought a disposal camera and everything. So imagine her disappointment when her daughter tells her, her date is suddenly taking someone else.”
“I’m sorry, Y/n...” Wes didn’t know what to say. 
“It’s not your fault.” You turn to him, eyes wide in sincerity. He reciprocated your smile. Not an inch of sadness written across your features, if you were consoling how you were really feeling, then you weren’t showing it. “It’s cool...besides I’m getting to spend my night with my favorite neighbor.” You nudge his sneaker with yours. 
“Me? I thought for sure that Liz would claim such a title.” He laughs.
“No...Not after Michael ditched me last minute to take her...but I guess I can’t be entirely mad, she did like him after all.” You finally confess. A careless shrug not missed by him. This had him sitting forward.
“Wait- Michael? As in Michael Young? Michael Young ditched you for Liz Bauxbum.”
“Saying his name three times in a row won’t soften the blow, Bennett...” You roll your eyes. “Yeah, he did. Gimme.” You motion to the cigar in his hands. He passes it over, watching as you take a drag out of it. Not as experienced as he was, you let out a cough as the smoke hits your lungs.
“What an ass.” Wes takes the cigar back from you.
“Eh, what else can a girl do? Cry over him?” You sigh. You dig the toe of your shoe into the dirt.
“That’s not right though. It’s your prom too. He ruined it.”
“Can’t ruin something that I wasn’t looking forward to in the first place Benett...besides he wasn’t the one who I really wanted to go with anyway. He too had a date.” You spare a glance at him, hoping he didn’t catch on. “It’s better this way, better to have stayed here than have gone alone. I don’t think I’d have had any fun anyway.” 
“Yeah no, I can’t accept that.” You watch baffled as he gets up and pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Come on.” He extends his hand out for you to grab.
“Come on get up.” He motions with his hand.
“Where are we going?”
“Okay...” You eye him questionably as you take his hand and stand. Once you're up he pulls you to one side of the fire pit. “What are we doing Bennett?” You laugh as he pockets his phone. 
“Michael’s an ass. You deserve at least one dance tonight.” He offers his hand to you again, not forcing you to take it this time. He gave you the option to choose for yourself. You’re taken back by his offer. You’re even more taken when Alina Baraz’s “Electric” featuring Khalid starts to play from his speaker. 
Darker than the ocean, deeper than the sea You got everything, you got what I need Touch me, you're electric, babe
Your head turns to the music filling your ears. Wes waiting patiently. It was quite odd to you. His behavior all of a sudden. Wes was kind, that wasn’t a lie, and he liked to mess with Liz any chance he got, he was playful, sometimes annoying, but he wasn’t always so forward with his feelings. Hell, the dude never really did a good job to hide his infatuation with the redhead that lived in between you two. You were sure he liked her, so you questioned this moment. Wondering why? Why would he care so much to ensure you got to have at least one dance? You didn’t even go to prom? Maybe he was just being nice. 
Wes was nice. He was nice and attractive and...
“You took Alex to prom...” You said out of the blue. The thought crossed your mind all of a sudden. 
“I-I did...” He took his hand back. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“You took Alex to prom but Liz didn’t have a date then. You took Alex to prom.” You stated out loud. “Liz was without a date so why wouldn’t you have asked her instead?” You turn around and walk a few steps away from him. Wes was confused about what you were trying to get at. “That doesn’t make sense to me. You’ve liked her since the second grade. I’ve watched you tease and torment her for years, and chase after her. You have room in your damn driveway, Bennett. You weren’t fooling anyone by taking her spot. It doesn’t make sense.” You pull at your hair. “The girl you've been in love with for years was right there, and you took Alex! What the fuck dude!” You exclaim. 
“Are you serious right now?” Wes’s shoulders drop. 
“Yeah, I am! It’s not like she had a date!” You had missed the hurt in his eyes as he looked at you. He could not believe what he was hearing. Had you really not noticed?
It looks like it.
“Yeah, she did!” He exclaimed louder than you.
“So the girl you really wanted to go with had a date? That’s what you’re going him. That’s your excuse?” You scoff at him. Hands crossed over your chest. 
“Yes! I don’t understand why we’re talking about Liz. She doesn’t matter right now. I wanted to dance with you.” The last sentence goes over your head entirely as you shout at him next.
“Because you’re being ridiculous. She was free and you just passed up the opp-”
“No, she wasn’t!” Wes grows frustrated with you.
“Liz didn’t have a date yet, Wes!” You try to reason.
“No, but you did!” He points at you. You freeze up.
“Wait what...” You mutter.
“I’m aware that Liz didn’t have a date, I am, but you did. So I took Alex instead...” He looks away. 
“You took Alex because I had a date?” His words slowly begin to register.
“Yeah, and imagine my surprise when you didn’t even show up.” He kicks out a rock. You furrow your brows. 
“But Liz-”
“What about Liz, Y/n? Who cares about Liz right now.” He lets out a chuckle.
“But I thought you- all the years you’ve- the frogs down her shirt?”
“Liz always had a knack for keeping you all to herself. The so-called teasing and tormenting was to try and get her to tell me something about you. The only thing she ever really told me willingly was that you were allergic to nuts.” He smiled as a memory invaded his mind. “I remember my mom used to get so mad at me for throwing out her pecan pies.” He chuckled, his twinkling eyes met your awed expression. “Just the thought of you even being near anything with nuts scared me.” He confessed, a faint smile painting his lips. 
“You knew about my allergy?” Your eyes glistened. 
“Since we were seven.” Wes nodded. 
“Is that why you never offered me Snickers or the yellow M&M’s, except to everyone else?” You breathe out a faint laugh. It was all making sense.
“Yeah...I didn’t want you to swell up or break out into hives. I couldn’t live with that on my conscience.”
“I just thought you had some vendetta against me or something.” You giggled. 
“With you? Never Y/L/N.” He shook his head. You nodded and looked down, then brought your gaze back up to him. 
“I never knew you did all that.” You smiled graciously. “I haven’t had an incident in years, except last month, but you’ve all but kept me nut free.” You joked. Wes perked up at the mention of you having a recent reaction.
“Last month?” Wes frowned.
“I guess you could say it was kind of a sign. Michael made me have a reaction.” You wince. 
“Were you okay?”
“Yeah, luckily Liz was there too. She knew where I kept my EpiPen.” You nodded. “If anything, you’ve taken my health more seriously than anyone else ever has. That alone I can’t thank you enough for.” You slowly walk up to him and go in for a peck on his cheek. But just to your luck he turned his head right as your lips were about to meet his skin. “Oh.” You gasped, as your lips were collided together for a mere second. You pull away slowly but get pulled back closer this time. Wes wraps a hand around one side of your waist and tugs you closer.
“I don’t know if you even remember this, but when we were six, you had a really bad reaction. I don’t recall what exactly it was, maybe something my mom gave all of us. I remember turning to look at you and you couldn’t breathe.” You furrow your brows trying to recall the memory. “I thought you were gonna die because you kept gasping for air and I just remember my parents rushing you over to your house. You were fine after an hour, but I knew then I never wanted to see that happen to you again.” He reached up to caress your cheek. “Since that day, your health has never mattered to me more.”
"It has?” Your eyes glistened again.
“Still does.” Those two little words welcomed a deeper meaning. It was all it took for you to reach forward and bring his lips down onto your own. He sighed in relief, as he wrapped his arms tighter around you. 
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Cold Water
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: best friends should always be honest with each other
Synopsis: You and your best friend are at odds when you learn that he kept his new girlfriend a secret from you on purpose
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: @fallon-carrington123 (I incorporated the first part of your request. Part 2 is where I’ll add the rest!)
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Read My Superstar first 
It had been maybe a week or so since you learned the news of Urban having a girlfriend for two months over an instagram post. Safe to say that you were hurt because he didn’t tell you and it didn’t seem as if he was going to mention it until he got caught.
You and Urban have been close since the time the two of you were 14 when you both met and you simply shared everything with him. Even if it had to do with your beloved husband.
You know had a three week break from tour and you were back at home with Jack and Urban. However, the tension in the house was at an all time high because you had been giving Urban the silent treatment. The rest of PG were also there and you were all sitting around having a movie marathon and eating some homemade pizza that you had made for them.
PG didn’t want to say anything regarding you and Urban and figured that the two of you would work it out yourselves.
You two literally couldn’t live without the other so they knew you would make up soon.
You got up to go into the kitchen to refill your lemonade when Urban walked in to confront you.
He was over you ignoring him and wanted to fix this or at least attempt to.
“This shit stops right now. We need to talk about this.” You heard him say from behind you as you were finishing pouring the lemonade in your cup. You rolled your eyes before turning around to look at him.
“You lied to me! We have been friends for ten years! I have never lied to you about anything or kept something from you because guess what? You’re my best friend and best friends don’t do that!”
“You want to know why I didn’t tell you? Honestly?”
“I’m all ears, Wyatt. The fact that you told the rest of them before me and they met her? You even told Neelam before me! Like what the actual fuck?”
“What?!? No, I haven't Urban! That is complete bullshit!”
“You sure about that? Let me pull the receipts.”
“Is it my fault that no one that you’ve dated has been good enough for you!? My best friend deserves the best!”
“How can I find that if you keep running them off?!”
“Urban, Jessica was rude as hell every time we went out and didn’t give two shits about her attitude. The way she would speak to people was insane.”
“Damn, sounds like you’re talking about yourself. I’m going to need for you to stop being a hypocrite.”
“Urb! I am not rude! I never have been!”
“But your attitude could use some work! You never see the fault in what you do! EVER!”
“THAT IS NOT TRUE! What about Reina?! She dated you only to become closer to Jack and I don’t know why that was her goal simply because he’s married to me! She wasn’t thinking about you! She did not have your best interest!”
“But you didn’t have to fight her either! Let’s not forget the girls you ran off because of how you act and the fact that they didn’t get your approval! It’s like they see how you are and run for the hills!”
“You’re my best friend and I am always going to protect you!”
“You can do that without constantly being on my ass all the time, Y/N! Like damn let me breathe! Last time I checked I was a grown ass man who could take care of himself!”
And that’s when the tears started to fall.
Meanwhile PG was standing to the side of the doorway out of both of your line of vision  listening to the heated exchange happening between you and Urban.
“Uhh, Jack? Maybe you should intervene.” 2fo said while looking over at him.
“Absolutely not. They need to work this out themselves. I can’t always run and save the day every time she has a disagreement with someone. She’s an adult. Now if anything disrespectful was said that’s a different story.”
“But, Urb is kinda making some valid points. She is very protective of all of us but especially him.” Shloob confessed with car keys in hand just in case he had to make a quick exit.
“True, like sometimes I don’t say certain things around her because I don’t know how she’s going to react.”
“We all know that she doesn’t tolerate bullshit and only wants the best for us.”
“Yeah, but like Urb said she has to let us breathe and not be on our backs all the time.”
“Urban! Why can’t you see how much I care about you?!”
“I do and I’m going to need for you to stop crying because you are always playing the victim and I’m tired of it. Any time someone says something you don’t like or they’re telling you about yourself you get upset and cry. Grow the fuck up. Don’t you think I eventually want what you and Jack have? How am I supposed to do that if you literally run off every girl that I show interest in?”
All you did was simply look at him speechless with tears rolling down your face.
Your intentions were always pure when it came to Urban or anybody in PG who had gotten a girlfriend. You wanted for them to be on the same level as them and not settle for less.
Your feelings were hurt to think that Urban believed that you would intentionally do that to him.
All you wanted was to see your best friend happy. 
“Then I’m sorry for caring and loving my best friend and wanting for him to have what he deserves. You won’t have to worry about me doing that anymore.”
“Wait, Y/N….”
Urban tried to catch your hand as you walked past him but you quickly snatched away from him. PG scrambled to go back to their places on the couches in the living room but you knew that they had been listening.
Jack saw your face full of tears and was now kind of annoyed with Urban for making you cry even if he had been right.
“I.. just need a minute.”
You went upstairs and simply laid down and cried at what just happened.
The two of you had never argued or gotten into disagreements the entire ten years that you had been friends.
This hurt and it was never your intention to keep Urban from finding someone to be with.
But if he felt that you weren't doing any good by hovering over him, consider it done.
You just wanted to make sure that it was someone who wanted Urban for him and not anything else. 
Why couldn’t he understand that?
It had been about another week or so since the huge blow up between you and Urban and it was safe to say that the silent treatment was continuing. 
Well you couldn’t exactly call it that seeing as if he asked you something, you did answer him but simply left it at that.
To avoid all of this Urban had been spending more time with Yasmin who you still had yet to meet.
You figured it would happen eventually, but you weren't in any rush since he told you that you had ruined every relationship that he had been in previously so you continued to keep your distance.
It was around 11 am when PG decided that they wanted to go play laser tag and wanted for you to join them.
“Y/N, I need you on my team because you're little and you can hide and do sneak attacks.” Ace said but you kept a neutral face.
“No, I’m already doing something.”
“Wait, what? You’ve been dodging us all week! Come with us!”
"If I wasn't already doing something, I would."
"Well if we get dinner later are you coming?"
You simply shrugged.
"If I get finished maybe but I don't know." You honestly answered before going back upstairs and getting ready to meet Megan in the studio.
You had written a song for her to put on her new album and wanted to record it today in the hopes of getting your mind off everything else.
Once you were out of earshot everyone turned towards Urban.
"Will you two make up already!? And you can tell she's upset!"
"I tried to explain why I did it but of course she doesn't see anything wrong in what she did."
"Urb, you know how she is. You more so than anyone else besides Jack."
"Just because I know how she is doesn't make it right. She's upset because I told her the truth and I also kind of told her to back off a little bit and stop hovering."
"Well damn. That's why she hasn't wanted to go out with us."
"I meant to stop hovering around me when it came to relationships, not hanging out with us in general."
You knew it would be awkward with both you and Urban there and you didn't want to add more fuel to the fire.
"Jack, fix this! I miss her cooking for all of us. Now she's all sad and shit and making us eat take out. I swear that I can’t eat another egg roll."
"It's not my problem to fix. It's between them. Urb does the same thing when me and her have disagreements. He remains neutral and that’s what I’m doing."
"Now you know how stubborn your wife is, she is not going to apologize first."
"I think that the both of you need to apologize. You for keeping Yasmin from her and she does too for running the girlfriends off in the past even if her intentions behind it were good.." Jack said being completely honest.
"But why am I apologizing if I'm not sorry? I guarantee that if I would have told her about Yasmin that we wouldn’t still be together because of how she is."
"Urb, just do it so we can get fed! We're about to turn to skin and bones around here!"
"Shloob, you're just scared that she'll pop off."
"Well she has been quiet all week. Maybe she's plotting something. First Lady is never quiet. Jack, just make sure you give the eulogy at Urb's funeral."
Jack took the steps two at a time to go and check on you. It definitely made him feel some type of way seeing his wife so sad, so he was trying to do his best to take your mind off of it. But, he knew the two of you couldn’t live without each other even if both of you were acting like dumbasses and not trying to fix the issue.
He found you sitting on the bed and scrolling through your phone with your shoes near you assuming that you were getting ready to leave.
"Now you know I'm staying neutral because the last thing I want to do is come between you two and pick sides but the two of you really need to fix this."
"I'm doing what he asked me to do. So I'm keeping my distance."
"That's not what he meant and you know it." Jack replied while coming to sit down next to you and pull you onto his lap.
"Well that's what it sounded like to me. Because apparently I ruin everything and run people off."
"Baby girl. I get that you're in your feelings because he kept it from you. However, he has a point as to why."
"Not you too." You muttered while rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
"I wouldn't be a good husband if I wasn't honest with my wife."
"I just… from what I saw from my perspective, none of them had his best interest and obviously in my mind I don't think anyone is good enough for my best friend. What's wrong with wanting to protect him from getting his heart broken?"
"Nothing at all but sometimes people need to learn on their own. You have to allow him to make mistakes. I feel like we're talking about our kid in a way." Jack said before laughing and it made you form a small smile on your face.
“That’s why I’m keeping my distance.”
“No, you need to find a good balance. This is such a thing as caring too much and you kind of take it overboard when it comes to Urban.”
“I just…. It really hurt what he said.”
“But there wasn’t any ill intent behind it, baby girl. Urban is hurt too. Don’t you think he wanted you to be the first person he told about Yasmin?”
“I thought he would do that regardless but, I… I don’t really want to talk about this anymore.”
“Baby, just think about it from his point of view, okay?”
“I’ll try.”
“Now where are you off to? You need to stop avoiding us.”
“I’m not avoiding anybody. I’m about to go spend time with Meg in the studio. I wrote something for her and we want to record it.”
“Fine, but this weekend you’re spending time with us too. I invited Yasmin over to formally meet you.”
“No thanks, I’m busy.”
“Baby! Stop doing that. Will you at least try for Urban?”
“Okay, fine. Try for me.”
“You didn’t say no so I’ll take it.”
You and Megan had just finished recording Budget and the two of you were just sitting around talking when the topic of Urban and Yasmin was brought up.
“Have you met her yet?”
“Nope and apparently I am this weekend because that husband of mine invited her over. I just can’t believe he literally lied to my face.”
“Well…. You kind of take it to the extreme when it comes to PG.”
“How so?”
“You are extremely protective and territorial over them. I know that they say no one gets to the first lady except through them but no one gets to the members of PG without going through the first lady. It goes both ways.”
“They’re my friends! I obviously want to protect them as much as I can!”
“Okay, you can do that without being a helicopter mom. Because that is definitely you.”
“I am not!”
“Listen to me for a second. I have heard a few of them say that certain things they don’t say in front of you because they don’t know how you’re going to react and they do keep things from you to not cause tension.”
“That makes me feel like I’m a horrible person. I want them to always be able to come to me about things and not have to hide.”
“You aren’t. You just have to allow yourself to have an open mind when it comes to things. I’m sure that they want to share a lot of things with you but they don’t because of your uhh… track record.”
“The only time I fight is if I have a good reason.”
“And I wholeheartedly believe you! However, there’s a time and place for everything so come whenever you meet her, go in there with an open mind and talk to Urban. Because even though you’re hurting, he probably is too.”
“Jack said the same thing.”
“It’ll all work out in the end, I promise. It’ll be like this entire thing never even happened.”
The weekend was now finally here and as promised for Jack and for Jack only you were playing host to Yasmin.
Everyone was sitting around the firepit in the backyard holding simple conversations and getting to know her while you had simply remained quiet.
You had a feeling that anything you said was going to piss Urban off so instead of causing tension, you decided that remaining quiet was the best option. 
There you were sitting on Jack’s lap and sipping on your red wine when you suddenly heard Yasmin call out to you.
“That pasta you made was really good. How’d you learn to cook so well? Did your mom or someone else teach you?”
“My mom did.” You kept your answer simple and noticed how Urban had rolled his eyes at your response, but you ignored it.
“Is there any dish that’s your favorite to make? Or only make on special occasions?”
“I don’t really have one. Anything they ask for, I make it.”
“Yasmin, wait until you try her mini strawberry cheesecakes or her sweet potato pies. We all have a running joke that she puts crack in it to keep us wanting more.” Shloob said while everyone laughed.
“I’m definitely looking forward to it.”
“I have a question for you, too.”
“Oh shit, it’s happening.” Quiiso whispered under his breath and everyone kind of looked on with wide eyes.
“Sure, go ahead.”
“What exactly is your job? No one has mentioned it seeing as I didn’t even know you existed until three weeks ago.”
“Oh, I’m a makeup artist. Still fairly new to the industry but I think the favorite person I’ve done work on is Dua Lipa. I know that the two of you are pretty close.”
“A little too close in my opinion.” Jack whispered in your ear, making you laugh.
“Hmm, how’d you meet Urban?”
“We actually ran into each other backstage at the VMA’s and then it just went from there.”
“What are your intentions? Is he your first boyfriend or no?”
“Y/N….” Urban said in a warning tone and you simply looked at him.
“Urb, you wanted me to get to know her right? And wanted for me to not ruin this seeing as you told me that I ruin every single relationship that you’ve been in so I’m doing my best.”
“Wait, what?” Yasmin curiously asked while looking between all of you and you heard Jack sigh from behind you.
“You can do your best without interrogating her, just like you did all the other ones before.” Urban replied while raising his voice.
“I’ve barely said anything to her all night! How am I supposed to get to know her if I don’t ask questions?”
“I really don’t mind answering them…” Yasmin said attempting to try and keep the peace since you and Urban were shooting daggers at each other.
“Should have known your ass was going to do this.”
“I didn’t even do anything!”
“Fine, Urban, if you are so bothered by me wanting the best for you then I don’t know why we’re still friends.”
“Now wait one got damn minute. Yall are not throwing away ten years of friendship over this. It is not that serious. Can the two of you just apologize and move on?” 2fo piped up and suddenly looked nervous.
“I’m not apologizing for something that I’m not sorry for.”
Damn that stung. 
“Well he told me I ruin everything concerning his relationships and that I’m a hypocrite because I mentioned one of those girlfriends having an attitude and he said mine could use some work.”
“Uhhh… well…”
“I mean…. That wasn’t totally a lie.”
“Are we seriously doing this right now? So everyone can list my faults but yall are perfect?”
“No one even said that and that’s what your problem is! You never listen when someone is trying to explain something to you and act like the victim!” Urban fired back at you and you could now tell that Yasmin was extremely uncomfortable.
“Will you two calm down?!” Jack exclaimed as his two best friends were going at it. As much as he didn’t want to intervene, this was getting out of hand. 
“I’m not acting like a victim!
“Umm right now you kind of are.” Ace confessed and you just stared at all of them in disbelief. 
“We’re your friends and we are supposed to be honest with you, no matter if it hurts. It’s better we tell you than to lie.”
“Oh, but you all did lie. In ten years, I have kept nothing from any of you and this was really a slap in my face but since I always act like the victim, I won’t say anymore about it. Yasmin, you seem really nice and I wish you and Urban the best. I have a headache so good night.”
Jack tried to pull you back as you attempted to stand up, but he wasn’t quick enough.
You made your way back into the house as it was now silent in the backyard.
“Well consider that our last meal from her probably until 2025. If she wasn’t acting distant before, she damn sure will be distant now.” Nemo said, breaking the silence.
“Jack, is this how it feels when she’s mad at you? Because I don’t really like this.” 2fo confessed.
“Somehow this feels worse.”
Just then Jack eyed Urban who was simply running a hand through his curls while Yasmin was sitting there awkwardly.
“All this shit could have been avoided if you would have told her.”
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ethereal-navi · 2 years
Wounded Feelings
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Pairing: Neteyam x Navi! Omatikaya! Reader
Summary: You tend to Neteyam’s wounds after the war party returns.
Content Warning: Nothing besides some minor swearing.
A/N: Hii So this is my first Avatar piece and I’ve been eager to write ever since I saw the new movie. Shit really brought back my avatar phase 😭
“Y/N, don’t forget to have everything prepared for when they return.”
“Yes ma’am.” You moved from your spot and carefully set up all the supplies necessary for healing around the Tsahik’s tent.
Training under Mo’at was no easy task and on days like this you were always on edge. Whenever the war party was out you had to pray to the Great Mother that everyone would come back in one piece and your healing wasn’t needed.
This time around two of your favorite people happened to be close to the battlefield. Neteyam and Lo’ak were tasked with air support today and hopefully if they followed their father’s instructions they shouldn’t be in any danger.
Mo’at could sense your distraction as she watched you mess up the placement of supplies.
“They’ll be fine, Y/N. You need to focus.”
Shaken out of your thoughts and brought back to reality. You quickly fixed your mistake before mentally kicking yourself.
“Yes of course. I’m sorry.”
Suddenly the sound of war cries rang through the cave and Tuk ran into the tent.
“They’re back! Y/N come on, come on!!” She ran out as quickly as she entered. Leaving you to look at Mo’at for approval.
“Go. But be back soon.”
You nodded with a thankful smile on your face. After leaving the tent you quickly met up with Tuk, Kiri and Spider. The four of you eagerly waited as the Ikrans landed near the cliffs.
As the warriors dismounted their Ikrans the four of you ran up to greet them. Tuk immediately running up to her mother while you and Kiri checked on the boys.
A gash on Neteyam’s chest distracted you from the scolding they were currently receiving.
“Oh Great Mother, what have you gotten into this time?” Your fingers lightly danced around the wound causing him to wince.
“Y/N, go help Mo’at with the wounded.” You turned to look at the Oletykan.
“Neteyam is wounded.” Your statement made Tuk look over her other brother in worry.
“It’s fine.” Neteyam bowed his head in submission towards his father. Clearly he thought this scolding was more important.
Jake exhaled roughly.
“Y/N, Kiri, Tuk, go now.”
The three of you sighed and made your way to the tent.
“It’s my fault sir-“
“You’re right, cause you’re the big brother and you gotta act like it.” Jake shook his head in disappointment and Neytiri stood behind her child.
“Ma Jake, your son is actually bleeding.”
“I’m fine, mom.”
Jake sighed and looked at the boy.
“Go get patched up. Dismissed.”
Lo’ak was then left to deal with Jake’s wrath alone. Not before getting a warning look from his mother.
Once the two of them entered the tent you immediately sat him down as Mo’at worked on paste for his wound.
“Skxawng. The hell were you thinking?? You and your brother, always getting into trouble.” You lightly hit the back of his head causing him to hiss.
“I know I know. We just bit off more than we could chew, that’s all.”
You sighed looking at him. If only he knew how much you worry about him while he’s out there.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t worse.” You accepted the bowl Mo’at handed you and began placing the paste on his wound, which caused him to yelp out in pain.
“Aww does the baby need a kiss on the boo boo?” Spider said as stood behind him, taunting him as Lo’ak finally came to join the group.
“I would use yamna bark.” Kiri interjected.
“Oh you would? And who is Tsahik?” Mo’at said while smiling at her granddaughter.
“You are grandmother-move.” She nudged her younger brother out of the way. “You are grandmother. But it stings less.”
You scoffed at her comment.
“I think he should remember this sting for when he wants to do something reckless.” The tent laughed as you continued to apply the medicine.
After things had settled down you sat yourself on the edge of the cave, looking out into the night. It didn’t take long for Neteyam to join on the edge. His thighs touching yours while his eyes scanned your face.
“What’s on your mind, yawntu?”
Your cheeks flush at the nickname. After all this time you still couldn’t get used to it.
“You could have gotten really hurt today Nete, Lo’ak too. Or worse-“
His hand moved to the back of your neck, making you turn to him.
“Hey, I’m okay. With the help of you and my grandmother’s painful remedy.” The two of you chuckled.
“You don’t need to worry. I’ll stay out of trouble, I wouldn’t want this pretty face to be stained with tears.” His thumb moved to gently stroke your cheek, making you smile.
Times like these you really thought he reciprocated your feelings. But he was just being nice, right?
Yawntu- loved one
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bassettmemes · 2 years
THEY’RE CREEPY AND THEY’RE KOOKY. ↳ a collection of lines from the first season of netflix’s wednesday. these are in no particular order and will contain spoilers for the show. some lines have been edited for clarity or to give options.
“those are all traits of great writers. and serial killers.”
“the first boy/girl/person i kiss would turn out to be a psychotic, serial-killing monster.”
“how do you feel about scary movies?”
“we work. we shouldn’t, but we do.”
“hummers stick together.”
“being your friend should come with a warning label.”
“you giggle when you text, which is a 24/7 addiction.”
“[name], the mark you have left on me is indelible.”
“i act as if i don’t care if people dislike me. deep down... i enjoy it.”
“are you really going to make me ask?”
“i want to assure you i remain as cold and heartless as the first day we met.”
“i’ll survive alone. i always do.”
“i could die alone!”
“we all die alone.”
“as soon as the dirt hits the coffin, i’m out.”
“[name] always looks half dead.”
“i actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets.”
“if you need me for anything, anything at all, i’m only a crystal ball away.”
“everyone would know i failed to get the job done.”
“not hugging is kind of our thing.”
“the only person who gets to torture my sibling is me.”
“you guys are making me nauseous. not in a good way.”
“my personal philosophy is kill or be killed.”
“you growl in your sleep.”
“i don’t know who etsy is, but i doubt she was an outcast settler.”
“if i am the monster, then why haven’t i killed you?”
“for some reason i cannot fathom or indulge, you seem to like me.”
“seriously, you could cut the tension with an executioner’s axe.”
“i’m not friend material, let alone more-than-friend material.”
“i will never fall in love, or be a housewife, or have a family.”
“i swear on my late scorpion’s soul, my hands are clean.”
“they couldn’t even spring for real pig’s blood. it’s only paint.”
“you know the old saying: never bring a knife to a swordfight. unless it’s concealed.”
“they want to turn me into a version of herself.”
“i find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.”
“it takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide.”
“emotions are a gateway trait. they lead to feelings, which trigger tears. i don’t do tears.”
“you’re really bad at cheering people up.”
“this reminds me of when you got your first grave-digging kit. you were so happy you nearly smiled.”
“there’s that biting sense of humor that i always adored.”
“if he breaks your heart, i’ll nail-gun his.”
“why would i share information about an ongoing investigation with a high school kid?”
“don’t you want eyes and ears behind those ivy-covered walls?”
“did you think i was going to judge you over some lousy prank?”
“i consistently stalk my parents.”
“i brought my pocket mace. the medieval kind.”
“it’s not my fault i can’t interpret your emotional morse code.”
“there’s nothing quite like the feeling of being proven right.”
“i’d rather stick needles in my eyes. i’ll probably do that anyway.”
“if you hear me screaming bloody murder, there’s a good chance i’m just enjoying myself.”
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innocentlymacabre · 3 months
They Bring Me Flowers
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Innocently Macabre Presents: Micro Monday Edition 2
tw death, grief, funeral
“They called me selfish, you know,” Ishaan said, settling down on the ground with his back resting against a tree. He took a heavy swig from the bottle of whiskey he had tucked under his arm and set it down next to him. “For not being there yesterday. You don’t think I’m selfish, do you?”
Ishaan didn’t know what to do with his pauses so he drank again. He followed the burning sensation trickling its way down his throat until it settled in his stomach and vanished instantly.
“No,” he finally said, prying the bottle away from his lips and answering his own question. “You don’t think I’m selfish. How could I have been there, man? Thirty years, we knew each other. Thirty fucking years. No one in that room had anything on us. None of ‘em could hold a candle to that kind of time.”
Despite himself, Ishaan chuckled involuntarily at his accidental joke and turned to face Aayush’s pyre for the first time since he sat down. “Guess you showed them, huh?” he said, looking at the candles arranged around the burning body. “Largest candle around.”
Ishaan paused to slowly sip on some more of the single malt. He wished it burned more, but he’d been drinking for so long his throat had been numbed.
“I always said I would never drink when sad. Didn’t want to make that association in my brain and whatnot. But what else am I meant to do right now, really? If you were here, I would have drank only half as much, so it’s your fault really. Guess something good did come of all this, eh? Free pass to blame the dead guy.”
Ishaan toasted with the spirits around him and drank some more. He wondered how much he would have to drink to actually start seeing ghosts, and then wondered if he would find out tonight. He knew the bottle with him wasn’t enough on its own, he needed more than that. His memory was already hazy though, so he couldn’t say with certainty how much he’d drank before he stumbled onto the funeral grounds.
He hadn’t intended to end up there. He just wanted to get out of the house. It was beginning to feel like the walls would cave in at any second and trap him underneath, suffocating him while he died a slow, agonising death.
But he wasn’t the one who was dead. Aayush was. He was here and Aayush was gone.
“I came, you know,” Ishaan declared, looking straight at the pyre. “None of them know this, but I was there. Briefly. For a moment. I was there. That hill behind us,” Ishaan pointed, turning around, “you could see everything from up there. I saw them light you on fire. I saw the fire grow and fade into the sky, and then I left. When I came back, there were only a few people left, but I stayed up there anyway. They milled about, not really saying much to each other, and I didn’t bother to try and make out who they were. It didn’t matter. None of them were me and you.
“Anyway, I stayed long after they left too. I stayed and I just…watched. I watched the fire take you over completely and I, I couldn’t do anything. I had to let you burn. What else could I have done? You don’t think I’m selfish, do you? I wasn’t meant to stop that or anything? Did you want to be buried? Nah, you wouldn’t want to rot away with the maggots and shit. Yeah, this was better.”
Ishaan didn’t say anything for a long time after that. He just stared into the fire fuelled by Aayush’s burning body and drank in silence, accompanied only by the occasional crackling of the pyre. The wind picked up and buffeted him so he scootched closer to the only source of warmth around.
Aayush burned with interesting patterns, Ishaan noted. All the little flames were various hues of orange, some deeper and angrier than others, but they all danced to their own beat. Ishaan wondered who the band was, but then remembered music was for weddings, not funerals. Unless you’re in a movie. Then everything gets a song.
Some of the little orange people danced in a circle, as if they were trying to raise the dead. Ishaan would have very much liked to join them. Others strung one another along in a strict, straight line and looked very serious, as if they had somewhere important to be. There were a few that seemed to have been cast out to the side. Ishaan reached out to touch these ones.
They were warm, but they didn’t burn. He liked dancing his fingertips across those little droplets of fire, playing the keys of an imaginary piano. If Aayush were there, he probably would have said something about that being the only piano Ishaan could play. But Aayush wasn’t there.
“It was meant to be us against the world, man. Till the very end,” Ishaan muttered. “You promised.”
Ishaan put the bottle to his lips and started gulping down the remains, not caring to pause even when he had the almost uncontrollable urge to cough up the liquor that had just been poured down. He stopped just short of the end of the bottle. He looked at the tiny volume left inside the tinted glass, and, for the first time in two days, a small smile appeared on his lips.
“Last sip’s yours, right? I’ve got a lifetime of last sips ahead of me, so I’ll let you have this one.”
Ishaan poured the remaining whiskey over the pyre and watched as it violently rose and cracked satisfactorily.
When it had calmed back down a little, he lay down next to Aayush, Ishaan and Aayush under the stars together one last time, and, unable to fight off the exhaustion any longer, gave in to sleep.
thanks for reading! if you want future installments sent directly to you way before the rest of the world sees it, hop on over to innocentlymacabre.com/#micro-monday!
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This argument
Summary:You and Matt got into a heated argument I was gonna say what happens next but I don’t wanna spoil it.
Authors note:I worked really hard about thinking about this while reading other fan fics so yea.I actually really love what i wrote and I hope y’all like it too🤍
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It was a late after you had overheard Matt talking about you to his brother.”Bro y/n is just so clingy all the time I hate it she’s just also been distant but when she is talking she’s annoying it’s been in my head for a while I love her a lot but when she started being distant because of school and stuff idk what happened but I still I’ve her I think”Matt states to nick and Chris.”Hey guys I’m gonna go home bye.” I tried not to sound annoyed or acting like I know anything about what he said.”I’ll come with” Matt says.This shocked me but I didn’t show any emotion I just shrugged saying “k”.We get into the car and Matt is driving I wasn’t looking at him but I was trying to seem normal when he talked to me.I lived not to far from their house it would be like a 20 minute ride.We arrived at the house I went to the bathroom getting ready for bed going to sleep and not facing him.I lived with my bsf Ariana(Greenblatt pretend)But she wasn’t home today she was out with her bf.Matt asked”Wanna watch a movie or a show?” “No” “Oh okay I just thought that maybe you wanted to but maybe we could go out to the gas station and get some snacks or something and hang out”Matt says “No” I say.”Okay what’s up with you are you okay?” He ask “No Matthew I’m not fine!” He is shocked by you calling him Matthew you only call him that when something’s wrong.
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“Well then what’s wrong y/n?” “Are you stupid Matt!?”I say while getting up off the bed.”Do you seriously not know anything?!” “What are you talking about?”he questions “I’m not stupid Matt and neither are you I know what you said about me being annoying distant and to clingy but your the one who’s to clingy and do you barely even love me anymore because you never talk to when we’re with other people you just act like I’m nothing am I just your toy that you need when you want to have sex!?Or was it for a bet or something because clearly you don’t wanna talk to me.And someone also told me that you had a girl in the house without telling me what were you doing cheating on me!?I wouldn’t be surprised because you don’t even know if you love me or not!You have to think you love me which is not reassuring.So stop acting stupid!” “I’m so so sorry baby I didn’t mean to hurt you but you are clingy and annoying..” “So first you wanna talk behind my back and second now you’re saying it to my face.wow” “And about the girl thing we were just hanging out it was Lindsey remember her from high school we were catching up” “The way that your just playing it off is crazy can you see that I’m upset and sad but clearly you don’t care because the only thing important to you is making me feel less then I should be” “It’s not my fault that your annoying”he starts raising his voice I slap him “It’s not my fault that we’re breaking up!”you answer.”Your being a big bitch and a brat”You gasp at this comment saying”Get the fuck out of my house now!”
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I’m still going over to their house but only to see nick and Chris.Right after the break up I go over to their house looking extra good because I want Matt to feel jealous.Matt looks me up and down raising his eyebrows before saying”can we talk please in private”he says in a soft tone.”sure I guess.”I say not having any tone”Look I really messed up and I’m so so sorry and I do really love you I don’t except you to forgive me but please I really love you I’ll do anything to make it up to you just please”he starts to let out a couple tears “well I’m sorry for slapping you”I state”I will forgive you and I will get back together with you but-“ I try to finish my sentence until Matt interrupts me saying”Really please please thank you”He was practically begging.”But if you ever talk behind my back again I will chop your dick off I would not hesitate.” I continued on”I’ll take those chances”Matt says he pulls me in for a big hug saying”I’m so sorry I love you.” I hug him back kissing him.
That was 6 years ago I remember it like it was yesterday.me and Matt are now married with 2 kids Myla and Meghan 2 girls,Myla is 2 and Meghan is 4.We haven’t fought since 4 years ago.Matt is still a YouTuber with his brothers.I’m a model and a actor.I haven’t chopped his dick off yet so things are going well.We live in a big house and we’re pretty rich I would say and yea Ariana still lives with me but now she has a bigger room in me and Matt’s house and nick and Chris live together.So yea life turned out great.
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miraculousmultifan · 7 months
Glitch - stranger things (taylor’s version)
prompt from @blubblesandink:
Steve/Eddie, Glitch, soulmate au/mutual pining
here you go! i hope you enjoy <3 (link to ao3 HERE)
Steve liked to think that being soulmates with someone actually meant something. His father said that he and Steve’s mother were soulmates, but considering the way they acted around each other, Steve didn’t really believe it.
He just wanted to believe that there was someone meant for him, made specifically for him by the universe, created by the same stardust and everything.
It wasn’t that big of a deal to him in highschool. There were billions of people out there, after all, and the chances the One was in Hawkins were slim. When Nancy didn’t turn out to be his soulmate, he didn’t let that affect him too bad.
Then, the Upside Down came and went. Twice.
Steve didn’t have too much faith in the universe after that, but he still held out hope. He started working at Scoops Ahoy, made a bad first impression on his coworker Robin Buckley, and tried to get through the summer without another incident.
However, after a brief, unintentional touch when passing Robin the next customer’s order, they were stuck together. It was just the tips of their fingers, but it confirmed what Steve had been waiting for. He did have a soulmate! Sure, he didn’t exactly have romantic feelings for her, but those would come, right?
It was only after the twenty four hours were up, after Robin came out to him in the Starcourt bathroom, that Steve realized soulmates could be platonic too.
That didn’t matter to him. He had what he wanted! Someone made specifically for him, who understood him no matter what. How could he ever wish for something else?
On the way to pick up Dustin from Hawkins High, Steve stopped at a red light and turned to look at Robin. “You know I still have to drop him off before we can have movie night, right?”
Robin rolled her eyes, “Of course I do, dingus. I rank one below Dustin on your favorite people list, I know.”
Scoffing, Steve returned his eyes to the road as he started driving again. “I’m currently late picking him up because I got you first. I think Dustin would claim the exact opposite.” He paused for dramatic effect. “And he would be right. You’re my soulmate, Robs. Everyone is below you on my favorite people list.”
Just as Robin opened her mouth to reply, Steve pulled into the parking lot and stepped out of the car. He walked over to where two people were arguing by one of the doors.
“You have to tell us if the charm person spell works, dude! You can’t just pretend like it does to fool us later.
“It makes for compelling storytelling, Henderson. None of you twerps doubted that Harigold the Brave was enchanted, and you never checked to make sure! That’s not my fault.”
Steve smiled lightly in amusement as he approached them. “Yeah, Henderson. Give Munson a break.”
Immediately, Dustin whipped around to face him, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “You’re late.”
Steve shrugged. “I had to pick up Robin for movie night.” He turned his attention to Eddie, who was leaning back against the wall casually. “Sorry for keeping you waiting, man. I didn’t think she would take that long getting ready.”
Coming up behind him, Robin shoved him in the shoulder. “Don’t drag me into this, dingus. You were late picking me up too.” When Steve made a face at her, she stuck her tongue out at him in return.
Eddie looked between the two of them before he smirked. He pushed himself off of the wall and turned the movement into a deep bow. “Far be it from a lowly peasant such as myself to criticize the King’s schedule. My time is your time, my Lord.” Eddie finished his little quip by scooping up Steve’s fingers into his own and pressing a kiss to his knuckles dramatically.
Steve opened and closed his mouth a couple times like a gaping fish, unsure what exactly was happening. He shared a glance with Robin, but she just shrugged, also confused by Eddie’s dramatics.
It was only when Eddie attempted to pull away that the problem arose.
Eddie frowned, his forehead creasing. “Dude, let go of my hand…”
Blinking, Steve looked down to see that Eddie was attempted to pull his hand back. And it wasn’t working. Every tug of Eddie’s arm pulled Steve along with it.
“This has to be a glitch,” Steve muttered to himself. He tried to pull his own hand away, his eyes only widening when the two of them stayed fastened as if someone had stitched them together. “Robin,” Steve said louder. “Robin, what the fuck is happening right now?”
Robin didn’t answer. But Dustin did.
“Oh my god. You guys are soulmates! This is great,” Dustin cheered, stepping closer to get a better look at their hands before he bounced his gaze between the two of them excitedly. “I’ve been trying to convince you guys to be friends for so long, and now you get to be soulmates!”
“We can have two soulmates?” Robin breathed, loud enough for the rest of them to hear.
Steve turned to look at her. “You think this is real? It’s not like… counterfeit or something?”
Before Robin could respond, Eddie tore his gaze away from their hands to gape at Steve. “How are you not losing your mind right now? Aren’t you straight?”
Huh. Steve furrowed his brows. “Oh. I hadn’t thought about that yet. I guess I’m not?”
Eddie’s jaw dropped at Steve’s nonchalance, and Robin took the opportunity to steal Steve’s attention.
“Think about it, Steve! We’re platonic soulmates, right? Maybe we’re just lucky enough to get two soulmates. One platonic and one romantic.”
Steve hummed. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Then he beamed, shaking Robin with his freehand. “Oh my god! Robin, you get another soulmate!”
Robin bounced up and down beside him, and Eddie sank down until he was sitting on the floor, one arm raised to stay attached to Steve.
“I’m a fucking homewrecker…” Eddie groaned to himself.
Once Steve accepted Robin’s theory, he realized just how horrible their situation must seem to Eddie. He flailed for a moment or two, not sure how he should go about calming Eddie down. An unfortunate idea forming in his mind, Steve turned back to Robin.
He tossed his car keys at her, snorting when she barely managed to catch them. “Take Dustin home for me, Robin? It looks like Eddie and I are having a sleepover tonight, and I can’t drive like this.”
She blanched. “Uh, I’m not sure you want me driving your fancy car. I don’t have a license.”
That was definitely an obstacle in Steve’s plan, but one glance at Dustin jumping up and down expectantly confirmed it for him. “Sorry, Robs, but it’s either you or Dustin, and I trust you with a motor vehicle more. Just go slow, and you’ll be fine. I promise.”
Leaving no room for argument, Steve sat next to Eddie on the sidewalk and shooed Robin and Dustin to his car.
Dustin pouted. “Aww, come on! I don’t get to hang out with you guys? This is literally a dream come true for me!”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Dusty, you can hang out with us after the twenty four hours is up. This is like… prime soulmate time, and I don’t need you butting in.”
Still silent, Eddie was staring intently at their hands, refusing to look away.
Finally, with Robin’s urging, Dustin conceded, following her to Steve’s beemer and fastening his seatbelt tight. Very slowly, Robin pulled out of Steve’s parking spot inch by inch. Steve watched, bemused, waiting until they were gone before he decided to clear the air with Eddie.
It took longer than he expected, but soon enough, Steve’s BMW was no longer in eyesight, puttering along at a snail’s pace.
Steve turned to Eddie and squeezed his fingers gently. “Hey, man. Are you okay?”
Eddie finally removed his gaze from their hands to raise an eyebrow at Steve. “Of course I’m not okay, man! I just found out my soulmate is Steve fucking Harrington! And! You already have a soulmate. The universe completely fucked me over, here.”
A part of Steve wilted. “Oh. Sorry.”
“How are you so calm right now?” Eddie asked, exasperated.
Instead of replying right away, still a little hurt, Steve suggested, “Why don’t we talk about this somewhere that isn’t the Hawkins High parking lot?”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, but he sighed in agreement. “Fine. Come on, my van’s just over there.”
Steve was grateful for the universe’s consideration when it registered that they’re hands were connected much like a hand-hold, and Eddie would still be able to drive since his right hand was connected to Steve’s left. Driving Steve’s car would have been a struggle.
Getting in the car, though… That was a nightmare. Steve had to climb over the center console with one arm behind his back in order to sit in the passenger seat. It was exhausting.
Throughout the drive, Steve couldn’t get a good read on Eddie. Instead of driving in silence, Eddie had turned up the volume on that screaming tape that Dustin had raved praises about. It seemed to be some kind of coping mechanism if Eddie’s slightly more relaxed disposition was anything to go by, but any reminder that he was firmly attached to Steve Harrington caused his shoulders to tense up visibly.
Steve didn’t understand. Was it really so bad to be soulmates with him? Why did Eddie seem so upset? Was he not attracted to men?
That was something Steve had to grapple with, but to be completely honest, it wasn’t that difficult. Robin liked women. If Eddie was his soulmate, Steve must also like men. Now that it was revealed to him, Steve had to admit that it made a lot of sense.
And Eddie was attractive! He had those slender fingers adorned with chunky silver rings, those curls framing his angular face, those pink, plump, kissable lips, and…
Steve could admit that he wasn’t upset to find out that Eddie Munson was his soulmate.
Maybe that’s why it hurt so much that Eddie didn’t feel the same.
Steve slouched in his seat, letting Eddie maneuver his hand whichever way he needed as he stared out the window. They were pulling up to Forest Hills Trailer Park.
Eddie parked and started getting out of the van, apparently forgetting about Steve as he just about yanked Steve’s arm out of its socket. Steve winced and scrambled to follow after him before Eddie tried to shut the door.
With all the enthusiasm of a man walking into hell, Eddie held out his free arm to gesture towards his trailer. “Welcome to the Munson abode. We hope you have a pleasant stay,” he drawled, deadpan.
Steve frowned, but didn’t comment as he followed Eddie inside. Eddie led them to the couch and plopped down on it unceremoniously.
“So.” Eddie raised one of his eyebrows at Steve expectantly. “You gonna answer my question now? How are you so calm?”
Steve averted his gaze to stare down at the floor, picking at the seam on the side of his jeans. “Oh, uh… Well, as I’m sure you heard, Robin and I are soulmates. But we established pretty early on that it’s completely platonic between us.” Steve swallowed thickly, uncomfortable being vulnerable with someone that clearly hated his guts. “I guess I just figured there was no one out there that would ever be made to love me. Romantically, I mean. So, uh… This is pretty great news for me, actually.”
“And what makes you think we’re romantic soulmates? This could be platonic too, you know,” Eddie said, matter-of-fact (and kind of harshly).
Steve’s chest clenched. “Right.” It didn’t fully register to him that he could find Eddie attractive, but Eddie might view Steve as an ugly thorn in his side. “Well, once the twenty four hours is done, I can get out of your hair. You never have to see me again if you don’t want to.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes. “You’re acting weird. If you don’t want to hang around the Freak, don’t pretend that it’s my fault.”
Some of that previous hurt bubbled into anger and frustration, and Steve rolled his eyes with a huff. “Right, because I’ve made sooooo many indications that you gross me out. You know, with the implying that I view you as my romantic soulmate, telling Dustin that he could hang out with us once we get unstuck, and telling you that getting stuck to you is great news. Isn’t it obvious that I hate your guts?” Steve spat sarcastically.
Leaning back and staring at Steve with disbelief, Eddie shook his head harshly as if he was trying to wake himself up from a dream. “Okay, let me see if I got this right. You, Steve Harrington, don’t mind the fact that you’re apparently soulmates with Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson?”
Steve blinked at Eddie blankly, giving him a look that implied he was being stupid. “Is this some sort of ploy to get me to stroke your ego? Eddie. Do you really think I would voluntarily be alone with you, sending away two of my friends in the process, if I minded?”
Eddie threw his hands up in the air, tossing Steve’s arm up in the process. “I don’t know, dude! I don’t understand how the minds of straight people work!”
“I thought we established that being your soulmate makes me not very straight,” Steve drawled.
“And I thought we established that we could be platonic soulmates,” Eddie countered.
Steve scowled. “Why are you so adamant that we could never be romantic soulmates? Am I really that revolting to you?”
“You’re hot as fuck, Harrington! There’s no way the universe decided that I’m the perfect partner for you,” Eddie shouted.
”You don’t get to decide that!” Steve shot back. “I will not let you push me away just because you don’t think you’re good enough. No one gets to talk about my soulmate like that, and that includes you.”
Eddie gaped, opening and closing his mouth with his eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t understand.”
With a huff, Steve ran his free hand through his hair. “You’re like… my exact type, Eddie. I am not upset at all about having you as a soulmate. So if you want this to just be platonic between us, I’ll respect that, but if you’re just deciding that for my sake, you need to cut that shit out.”
The trailer fell silent. Eddie stared at Steve as if he had two heads.
“Can you repeat that?”
Steve sighed. “I’m into you. I think you’re attractive. I want us to be romantic soulmates.”
Blinking once, then twice, Eddie flushed a deep, dark red. “Oh. Okay.”
Steve let out a little amused snort. “Okay? That’s all you’re going to say?”
“Give me a break, man, I’m processing!” Eddie crossed his arms in front of his chest defensively, bringing Steve’s hand with him. He relaxed and gave Steve his hand back (as best as he could, anyway). “And uh… I’d like us to be romantic soulmates too.”
Steve smiled and relaxed back into the couch with relief. “That’s good. Otherwise this would have been a very awkward twenty four hours.” He tilted his head to the side to look at Eddie without lifting his head from the cushions. “So… You wanna get to know each other a little?”
“That would be nice,” Eddie smiled shyly, pulling a lock of hair in front of his mouth with his free hand while the other one interlocked their fingers together and squeezed gently.
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cake-by-thepound · 7 months
After I saw the ask about Andy’s reaction to Danai calling herself bossy I came across an extract from an interview she gave, talking about how Andy was really the one who told her she needs to be a part of the (then) movies, he always wanted her to be a part of the Rick Grimes story and what a man! And I wanna be “careful“ and not fall into the trap of praising a man for something that should be a given or anything like that but it‘s still quite remarkable how he IS the lead of TWD and, especially considering how absolutely massive that show was, there doesn‘t seem to be too much ego at play there? During the whole run of the show, several cast members have talked about how he was always down to split the screen time if you will and have other people shine. It wasn‘t about making sure Rick (and thus, him) is at the center of everything. After fiftyleven seasons of being part of an ensemble cast (yes, the lead but still… and that cast kept growing and growing too), to get his own spin off? And instead of him being like yes, all Rick all the time, he actually goes, how do we bring Danai/Michonne in this?!
Sorry to say this during BHM 😂 but one of my white man fr fr ! It‘s not about wearing rose tainted glasses and thinking the guy is perfect, absolutely not, he has undoubtedly done wrong and has his faults, like everybody else, but from everything we do glimpse from the the “real“ person, Andy seems like a genuinely good guy?! I know I ultimately dont know him but if we ever found out something terrible about him, that would genuinely break my heart a bit.
I’m sorry, sis, I had to wait until February was over to post this one. 😂 But mainly because I absolutely agree. I love that Craig Tate called him a unicorn (respectfully) and remember when Danai used to say he hatched from an egg? I believe them! I also just love hearing more about how they work and how this show came into existence. (The story about Danai encouraging Matthew Jeffers, knowing she wanted to hire him? Ugh, my heart. 🥹) Andy knowing he was leaving the show, but not leaving behind these characters and Richonne’s story really does make me like him even more. I’m glad I don’t know any more about him than I do; I really wouldn’t want to. (I am so glad he’s not on social media.) But it’s nice when someone you admire and enjoy also seems to be genuinely thoughtful and kind and supportive of the people around him.
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ash5monster01 · 2 years
Best Kinds of Kisses
Pairing: TASM Peter Parker x FemReader
Warnings: self doubt, fluff
Summary: Based on the prompt “What are the best kinds of kisses?” and you ask your best friend Peter who answers your question and gives you an example.
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You had never been kissed. You figured it was because you hadn’t found the right person, no one was deserving enough the share a kiss with, and yet it still discouraged you to think it hadn’t happened yet. It was embarrassing to admit and now it was all that had consumed your thoughts. So much so you couldn’t focus on the movie playing in front of you or your bowl of soup that had to be cold as ice by now. Finally you couldn’t help yourself as you turned to your best friend beside you.
“What are the best kinds of kisses?” soup spluttered from the boys mouth as you asked the unexpected question. He coughed slightly as he tried to recollect himself and his thoughts as you asked this.
“What?” he asked, trying to make sure he had heard you correctly.
“You heard me, please don’t make me repeat myself” your cheeks were bright red and Peter now saw you were actually curious and not messing with him.
“Well, um, I don’t know” Peter had kissed many girls. Before and after Gwen. You had been by his side through all of it and yet this was the first time you had asked.
“You have to have a preference” you gave him a dumbfounded look, unconvinced of the fact he didn’t have an answer seeing as he had his first kiss at 11 and now you were both 22 and graduating college.
“Um, if I had to choose I guess it would be the unexpected ones” a nervous hand reached the back of his neck as he had admitted this fact.
“Why those?” you couldn’t help but delve further into his answer, wanting to feel like you had this kissing knowledge that he did.
“They have the best feeling behind it. Like you both have this magnetic pull between you and you don’t even have to question if they want to be kissed or not. You just know and then it happens and it feels so good” your heart fluttered at the thought behind that. You had felt the magnetic pull before but nothing ever came from it. The pull came from the guy beside you and you figured it was just a friend pull and nothing more.
“Wow” the emotions flooding you now were not the ones you had expected. You wanted relief and instead you felt more sad, angry, and annoyed that this moment hadn’t happened for you yet.
“When was the first time you had an unexpected kiss?” you felt yourself asking, needing to know how many years behind you were already.
“With Gwen, when we were 17. We were on the roof of her building and I just couldn’t stop it” jealousy bubbled in your stomach and you weren’t sure you were jealous of the kiss or Gwen who got to kiss him.
“Five years ago” half a decade behind. There had to be something wrong. Maybe your personality was off, or you were ugly, or no one could ever be attracted to you and that was just it.
“Y/N, why do you ask?” Peter may be your best friend but sometimes shame can make you hide parts of yourself from everyone including the people who thought they knew the most.
“I’ve just never been kissed” shock now flashed across the boys face as he looked at you. He knew you hadn’t really dated but he figured you’d at least been kissed.
“You’re kidding?” embarrassment flooded your features and he realized this took a lot for you to admit to him.
“Sadly no” you had to tear your eyes away from him, too embarrassed to sit in your truth.
“I’m sorry” he wasn’t sure it was the right thing to say, he didn’t know what to say at all. He just couldn’t believe no one had the opportunity to kiss you yet. What an absolute shame.
“It’s fine, it’s not your fault” you held up a hand and blinked back the unnecessary tears.
“It’ll happen when the time is right” he set a reassuring hand on your own and you felt your heart lurch at the contact.
“Will you kiss me?” Peters eyes widened as you asked an even more unexpected question.
“What? Y/N I can’t” he started to shake his head and you quickly slapped your other hand on top of the one that held yours.
“Peter you’re my friend and it just has to be quick. I need to get this over with” Peter felt saddened by your desperation behind this. You should never feel so desperate over something like this.
“You don’t get your first kiss over with. It happens when it happens Y/N. Whether it’s good or bad you do not deserve to get it over with” slowing down you realized he was right. Sighing you let go of his hand.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me” you told him and he nodded as he moved back to his spot on the couch.
“It’ll happen when you least expect it Y/N. I promise” smiling you nodded and grabbed your soup as you focused back on the movie you had now more than completely missed on the screen.
As Peter watched you scoot away he felt somewhat guilty even though his choice was made with your best interest at heart. In that moment he promised himself he would kiss you but he would do it when the time was right. So two months later as you stood in a bar after graduation he couldn’t help but notice how your smile had never left since you crossed that stage.
“You’re staring” a girl sat beside him piped up as he watched you mingle with your friends. “How long have you had a thing for her?”
“I don’t really remember” Peter answered unsure of why he even answered a strangers question in the first place.
“So she snuck up on you, those are the best ones” Peter nodded and took a sip from his drink.
“You think I should go talk to her?” he asked this as if he didn’t even know you but he needed a push from someone to go see if that magnetic pull was really real.
“I think you should’ve talked to her the moment you got here instead of staring” sighing Peter downed the rest of his drink and left the stranger to go to your side.
“Sorry to interrupt, I’m just gonna borrow Y/N a second” Peters hand snaked its way around your waist and pulled you away from your friends.
“Everything okay?” you asked, you’re painted red lips curving up at him. He was gonna cave before he could control it.
“Fine, I just wanted to see you” Peter said as you both left the bar and found yourself in the alley outside of it.
“In the alleywa-” your word was cut short as he pressed you up against him and swung you up into the sky. You gripped him tightly as he swung you until you landed a top the Empire State building. “Peter, you know I hate heights”
“I got you” looking up to meet his dough eyes you found yourself sucking in a breath. The pull was there, stronger than ever, and this time you were sure it wasn’t a just friends. You desperately wanted to kiss him and with the way he was looking back at you it made sense he wanted to kiss you too.
“Peter-” suddenly his lips were on yours and you couldn’t help but kiss feverishly back. There was no fear if you were a bad kisser or any doubts that this wasn’t right. It was unexpected and it was perfect. “You kissed me”
“Yeah well you asked me too” Peter grinned down at you. Your grip remained around him considering you were still on top of a large building and he had just kissed you.
“Yeah like two months ago” you chuckled and he shook his head and leaned down closer to your face.
“I had to make sure it was perfect” his eyes bore into yours and you felt your heart flutter. “Was it everything you imagined?”
“I don’t know, I guess we’ll have to try again” you said as you pulled his face in to seal another kiss. And just like the first time it was perfect. And unexpected.
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