#i don’t wanna start drama so i’m blocking every single one !
lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
there is a very specific part of astarions own personal groupies that makes me feel so physically unwell and triggers me so bad and i cannot block them all fast enough !!!!
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 3 years
The Midnight Coconuts
Summary: Bucky and his girl take a trip to the grocery store. Several things are involved, including coconuts, a 25cent gum-ball machine, Avengers branded Jell-O, chocolate milk straight from the jug, and tampons.  Characters: Bucky x Reader Words: 3k Warnings: Some swearing. Insane levels of fluff. Dangerously adorable Bucky. One (1) random reference to Not Another Teen Movie. 
A/N: Listen, I will never be over silly domestic Bucky! I originally started this story before TFATWS came out and when I imagined Sam had a niece, so just go with it. Part of me wrote this, because I needed to convince myself that I love grocery shopping (one can only eat takeaway and Trader Joe’s Orange Chicken for so long) and the other part wrote this because I firmly believe domestic routines can be the most romantic adventures out there.
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When the doors to the grocery store whoosh open with a gust of stale manufactured air, Bucky skids to an abrupt and dramatic stop.  
Behind him, you stumble in panic, fumbling with an armful of reusable grocery bags. Instantly you’re imagining spilled blood and stab wounds and clean ups on aisle three and god dammit, how can there be a problem? This is a grocery store at midnight on a Wednesday. Shouldn’t the forces of evil be sleeping? Why is it so impossible to get a day off work? Don’t they know you need rest? And peanut butter? And that you’re dangerously low on toilet paper?
The forces of evil are the worst.
Raising weary fists, you huff.
“What? Where is it?”
Bucky sidesteps toward a row of small red and green machines beside the entrance, falling to his knees and smushing his nose eagerly against the glass. Reaching a hand behind him, there are several impatient grabby motions, before he glances back.
“Babe, can you give me a quarter? I need a gum-ball.”
Planting a sneaker clad foot on his ass, you shove. Hard.  
“Bucky, we talked about this. Remember how you agreed to lower the drama and keep things in perspective? I thought we were under attack.”
“If I don’t get a green gum-ball,” he declares dramatically, “there will be an attack.”
Throwing the cloth bags at his face, you stomp off to retrieve a shopping cart, plunking your purse in the front and hunching over the handlebars.  
“I thought you said you were a millionaire now. Buy your own gum-ball.”
Bucky rolls his eyes.
“Like I carry loose change,” he scoffs. “C’mon, just one quarter. Please?”
This time, he gives you the Look. That patented Bucky Barnes stare, with the wide eyes and full pouty lips and faux innocent expression, and if this man wasn’t the love of your life you’d quite happily stab him in the heart.
Instead, you open your purse and fish out a quarter, flinging it at his frustratingly pretty face. It bounces off his forehead and he scoops it up with a grin.
“So just to clarify. You came to the grocery store covered in knives, but you forgot to bring money?”
Giving you an indulgent smile, he jams the quarter into the slot. With a twist and shake, a gum-ball rattles free, and Bucky crows with delight when he sees the green candy. He pops it in his mouth. 
“I didn’t forget. I made a conscious decision to remove the temptation. If I bring cash, I’ll spend it. You know I ain’t great with that whole self control thing.”
“How encouraging to hear, from the man with knives pouring out his ass.”  
Jumping to his feet, he throws an arm around your shoulders. 
“Ass knives sound painful.”
“Depends on how sharp they are,” you mumble, pulling a carefully folded sheet of paper from your jacket.
“Excuse you? My knives are always perfectly sharpened, thank you very much. What kind of expert assassin runs around with dull knives? Damn baby, it’s like you don’t even know me.”
Ignoring him, you flatten out the paper and smooth the edges, sighing happily at the block letters and structured diagrams drawn in deep blue ink. 
Here it is, your masterpiece. A monument to productivity. The gold standard by which all optimization models should be benchmarked. This isn’t just any list, this is The List.
Everything is grouped, first by aisle, then by product location within the aisle, and then from top to bottom shelf order, to maximize efficiency. This is the dream list. The kind that inspires jealousy. The kind people hold up at TED talks when they talk about time management techniques. Marie Kondo wishes she had this list. 
Bucky snorts when he sees the carefully printed boxes.  
“God, you’re such a square,” he says adoringly. He plants a sugary wet kiss on your temple and you grind an elbow into his ribs.
“We discussed this, Bucky. Don’t mock my lists.” 
“Sorry babe, I ain’t mocking. Your lists are beautiful, they always get me all hot and bothered,” he agrees, dipping lower to lick behind your ear. “And I really love that list you keep with all those dirty, filthy, sex things you wanna do to me.”
“I don’t have a list like that.”
“Yeah, I know,” Bucky sighs, “and I don’t know how many more hints I can drop here.”
Reaching under his shirt, you rub his belly consolingly. “Okay then. This weekend I’ll sit down and make you a special list. One so disgusting and dirty and depraved, it would make Wade Wilson cry.”
Bucky laughs and squeezes you tighter. 
“About damn time honey. I’m equally parts terrified and horny. So where’re we headed first?”
“Produce,” you answer promptly, plowing forward, Bucky still chuckling beside you.
The whole scenario was ironic, actually. There was no need to grocery shop - automatic ordering mechanisms  across the Avengers tower rendered the task meaningless - but sometimes it was a welcome relief to partake in such an ordinary thing. Unable to sleep after one particularly terrible mission, you found yourself wandering the aisles of your 24-hour supermarket, dressed in pineapple adorned pajama pants and one of Bucky’s rattier sweatshirts, searching for ice cream. The unexpected symmetry of products arranged along the shelves, the rainbow hued produce, the hint of baking bread wafting from the ovens, all those everyday trappings of normality, they washed over like a soothing balm. Soon enough, the boiling bad thoughts simmered to nothing more than a cache of blurry memories.
When you got home, sleep came fast, deep and dreamless.
One month later, the idea struck again.
After 36 hours of Bucky tossing and turning, dark shadows bruising beneath weary blue eyes, you took his hand and led him down the dark street for a midnight adventure. He was skeptical, disbelieving that something so simple could chase away the insomnia. But he dutifully followed you, strolling aimlessly through the aisles, throwing odds and ends into the cart. 
The tension gradually eased, he began to relax, and suddenly? 
He was hooked.
An hour later, after arguing the health benefits of frosted Cheerios over oatmeal, poking each hunk of cheese in the display, and loading the cart with every single flavor of spaghetti sauce on the shelf, the heavy weight of remembering began to ease. When he collapsed into bed, he slept for eight hours straight.
I don’t know what that was, he swore the next morning, munching through his third bowl of frosted Cheerios, but it was magic.
And with that, a midnight ritual was born. Sometimes you make the trek alone, sometimes Bucky does the same, but whenever life permits you go together. This small slice of domesticity brings a warm comfort to this strange life.   
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There is no doubt, this is your favorite area of the entire store.
Barrels filled with tart oranges and smooth red apples. Tables piled high with bananas, some just shy of yellow, others sunshine perfect, and a few with speckles of black (which are the best). Shelves lining the walls, overflowing with bundles of herbs and lettuce, all coated in a fine layer of mist. 
Heading straight for the apples, you plunge into the Gala pile, rummaging until you come up with ten perfect ones. Peaches follow, fingers rubbing along the delicate pinky-orange fuzz. Squeeze, smell, squeeze, smell. Five are chosen for a pie (Sam pleaded shamelessly until you agreed to make him one), and in the cart they go. Heading toward the wall of herbs, you’re reaching for the basil when a metallic bang makes you jump. Spinning around, you find Bucky lobbing coconuts into the cart.
“We need these.”
“We really don’t, Buck. I hate coconut, it tastes like suntan lotion.”
“They’re not for eating,” he grabs an apple, wipes it on his shirt, and takes a juicy bite. “They’re for security.”
Sticky juice drips from his lip, catching in his beard. When you reach over to swipe it away, he nips your finger with a grin.
“Explain please.”
“See it’s like this. We’re just here shopping, doin’ our thang -”
“Don’t say thang.”
“- when someone attacks. What happens? BAM. One of these furry beauties breaks their face. Problem solved.”
Giving him a slow perusal, you raise an eyebrow.
“Were the 47 knives you’re carrying not enough to deflect this attack?”
Finishing off the apple in three sloppy bites, he carefully tucks the price sticker in his pocket so he can scan it before leaving and sets the mangled core beside your purse.
“Babe, these are my back-up plan. A good soldier always has a back-up plan.”
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While you grab a bottle of extra-pulpy orange juice, Bucky picks two jugs of chocolate milk, snaps one open and takes a swing. Ever the thrifty shopper, he pulls a familiar bag from his back pocket, fishes out a crumpled piece of newspaper, and dangles it before you.
“Found a coupon for this,” he says gleefully. “Buy one, get one free. It’s called a BOGO. A BOGO. Hilarious, right? Fuck me, I love the future.”
Still laughing, he takes another long drink of chocolate milk and smacks his lips.
It was a lazy Sunday morning when you discovered this particular habit. Walking into the living room, you found Bucky buried in a sea of Sunday newspaper, tongue between his teeth and scissors in hand while he clipped coupons. He wasn’t picky, if it was remotely interesting, it went into the YES pile. It was one of those random things that brought him inordinate levels of joy, so of course you encouraged it. On his last birthday, you gifted him with a green zippered bag decorated with angry looking owls and official looking letters stitched across the front:
Bucky’s Coupon Bag  Thriftn’ Machine Since 1917
He laughed for five straight minutes and then stuffed it full. The bag accompanies you on every trip and the sight of Bucky excitedly rifling through his wad of coupons still makes your heart swell.  
Setting aside his BOGO, Bucky continues down the aisle, leaving you to pause in front of the yogurt. While you contemplate the merits of blackberry vs strawberry, Bucky slides over holding three cans of Reddi-Whip. 
“Are you actually planning to eat that? I thought you said whipped air is for, and I quote, ‘spineless, tasteless trash heathens’?”
Bucky shakes the can of spray whipped cream and wiggles his eyebrows, leveling you with a sultry stare. 
“Hell no I’m not eating it. This is for the bedroom. Last week I watched this god-awful movie where some blond guy - who looked exactly like Steve, by the way - made himself a whipped cream bikini for his girl. Decided I’m gonna do that for you. You’re welcome.”
“That sounds gross and unsanitary.” 
“If by gross and unsanitary you mean spicy and sexy, then yes. Yes it does.”
Whistling what sounds like the theme music from a bad porn, he adds two tubs of honey swirled Greek yogurt, pats your butt, and strolls ahead, throwing a roughish wink over his shoulder. Imagining the melted whipped cream soaking into your bedsheets, you mentally add more laundry detergent to the list.
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“Hang on, turn here.”
Tugging the cart behind him, Bucky stalks toward the feminine hygiene display. It takes him a minute to scan the products before squatting down to the bottom shelf. Grabbing two jumbo boxes of tampons, oddly enough the brand you prefer, he pops back to his feet.  
“Dare I ask why you need these?”
A faint pink flush crawls up his neck.  
“Well, you know, two reasons. They’re really great for stopping bloody noses, you know? Just poke ‘em up there and they soak it all up.”
 He mimes the execution and adds a thumbs up.
“And the second reason?”
Squinting at his boots, he shuffles his feet a bit. The pink flush deepens. 
“Um, you know - I know you’re out, since I stuck the last one up Steve’s nose last week, and yeah. Anyway. It’s about that time. Of the month. For you.”
Clearing his throat, he reaches for his chocolate milk, but you grab his wrist.  
“You know when my period’s going to start?”
He shrugs self-consciously and fiddles with a loose thread on his shirt.  
“Well yeah. You think it’s just a coincidence when all your favorite candy shows up every month?” Looking up, he shoots you a crooked smile and leans over the cart to kiss your forehead. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, you haul him in for a real kiss instead and his startled laughter tickles your lips. When you break away, those bright blue eyes are shining. 
“Thank you, Bucky,” you murmur.
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he whispers. 
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This is the aisle where the cart officially explodes.
Lasagna noodles.
Egg noodles.
Spaghetti noodles.
Literally one of every noodle is selected, because Bucky Barnes is a self-proclaimed noodle slut. 
As you organize the boxes and search for orzo, you see him furtively add an extra bag of elbow macaroni. A quiet cough hides your laughter.
The last time Sam’s four-year-old niece came to the tower, she and Bucky spent hours making glittery elbow macaroni necklaces, which they ceremoniously gifted to everyone. When Sam casually mentioned her enthusiastically telling everyone at pre-school about her friend Bucky and how much fun she had visiting him, Bucky ran to a craft store and bulk bought supplies of glue, string, paint, and glitter, just in case she comes over again.
Months later and the entire team are still finding puddles of glitter all over the tower, but the delight on Bucky’s face anytime someone mentions that arts and crafts afternoon? 
It’s worth the mess.     
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Gathering up brown sugar, instant oats, and chocolate chips, you turn to drop them in the cart when Bucky makes a strangled noise. Glancing over, you find him bouncing on his toes, vibrating with excitement.
“Babe. Babe. Are you making monster cookies?”
Adding a can of raisins, you search for the good vanilla. The kind that actually tastes like vanilla, not a cheap car wash air freshener. 
“I promised I would,” you remind him. Bucky plasters himself against your back, wrapping you in an enthusiastic hug and nuzzling his face against your neck.
“I love those fucking cookies,” he declares. “They’re my favorite thing ever. Next to you I mean.”
Finding the vanilla, you spin in his arms and return the squeeze.  
“I know you do. But you have to share them this time, okay? You can’t just eat them all yourself like the last two times. Agree?”
“Agree…to disagree. They’re wasted on other people, no one else loves as much. It’s for the best when I eat them all, it’s proof how much I love you. I’m doing it for you. I’m supporting you. Because I love you.”
“You’re completely full of shit,” you reply.
“I swear I’m not! Just listen!”
The excuses grow longer and wilder as Bucky outlines his rationale against sharing, walking backward and dragging the cart with him as he pleads his case. He’s diving into the science of super soldier metabolism levels and caloric requirements and the fact that his sister never shared anything with him, when he bumps into a tall display. 
He pulls up short, eyes narrowing. Plunking his fists on his hips, he growls a disgruntled sigh and glares at the rows of packaging. 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
Lined up in neat rows, you see boxes of Jell-O organized by color and flavor. On the cover of each are an assortment of familiar images.  
“Are these Avengers themed Jell-O?” you ask, picking up a box with Sam’s image and the words Wild Berry Wilson. The rows extend further, filled with Lime Green Hulk and Blue Raspberry Rogers and Black Cherry Widow and Strawberry Lemon Stark. Exasperated, Bucky grabs the Sparkling Orange Spider flavor. 
“Is this for real? The kid gets one and I didn’t? Someone in PR is getting fired.”
“Well there’re only so many flavors, Buck,” you point out practically, but Bucky’s not in the mood for logic. Instead, he swipes an entire shelf of Jell-O flavors into the cart.  
“I swear to god, I have to do everything around here. Fine then. I’ll make my own flavor, Blackberry Kiwi Soldier or Winter Watermelon Rainbow, or something.” He pauses thoughtfully. “Anyway, I’ll work on the name. But I’m bringing it to dinner tomorrow night and everyone is gonna eat it.”
He dumps in a bag of mini-marshmallows and grabs sprinkles for topping, before marching down the aisle. Cringing at the volume of sugar in the cart, you make another mental note to schedule a dentist appointment.
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“Go do your manly duty and find the meat. We need two 5lb rump roasts.”
“I like your rump roast,” he instantly responds and reaches over to smack your butt again. Anticipating the move, you catch his arm and twist it behind his back. He barks out a breathless laugh and you slap his ass in return.
“Your innuendos are tragic.”
Releasing him with a gentle shove, Bucky snatches up his three coconuts and ambles away, laughing while he juggles them. When he returns, he has the requested rump roasts, several packages of bacon, and a bundle of cocktail shrimp.
“If my innuendos get better, then can I touch your butt?”
“Maybe. But they better be real good.”
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An added benefit to shopping at midnight? Not a soul in line.
Loading everything onto the conveyer belt, you automatically organize for bagging. Boxes together, produce together, meat together. Bucky adds a pack of batteries, a tin of mints, and some trashy magazines.
The last three items in the cart are his coconuts. They rattle around until you toss them at him, motioning back to the produce department. 
“We made it out alive. Go put them back.”
Still chomping his tasteless green gum-ball, he shakes his head and plops them down. 
“Nah, I have another idea for them. Got all those craft supplies at home, I’m gonna make you something.”
“Should I even ask?”
Bucky blows a huge, wet bubble and looks you up and down.
“Have you every worn one of those coconut bras? Like on TV, with the ladies in grass skirts? I’m gonna make you one. I already have string and glue. And glitter.”
“I think you may be overestimating your crafting abilities.” Digging out your credit card, you wait for the final tally. 
“Well, if it’s terrible then you’ll just be naked. Either way, I win.”
Shaking out your grocery sacks, he packs everything with Tetris-like efficiency and slides all of them up the vibranium arm.   
“How about I make you a deal. I’ll wear a coconut bra, if you’ll make yourself something to wear as well.”
Bucky blows another sugary bubble, pondering the idea.
“Like a coconut man thong?”
“Exactly like a coconut man thong.”
“Deal. Add it to that special dirty list you’re making me honey. We got loads to do.” 
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Outside, the night air smells sweet and cool, the barest hint of a spring rain and fresh grass lingering on the breeze. Already, your eyes are feeling heavy, tonight’s quiet adventure ushering in that sought after peace. 
In your right hand, the three coconuts swing gently in their plastic sack. Humming under his breath, Bucky yawns, reaching for your other hand. His warm, calloused palm squeezes tight, his thumb stroking lightly over your skin.
He turns to you with a sleepy, lopsided smile.
Midnight and coconuts.  
It always does the trick.
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
Principal, Garfield Ladybird.
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Welcome to Bird High School!! I am of class 2025 and i am in my 10th year, just starting… shh dont tell anyone im not a teacher.. :))
I know this is a small school BUT we have 300 people here!!! its still a growing number!! and I honestly can’t wait to see what I do with this school blog <33 I wanna do so much and I know I haven’t done a lot, i’ve been having a lot of writers block but hopefully this will help being me back!! i mean the thing that got me to post and actually write a piece of fanfiction was the celebration I had for 100 and I honestly am really excited!! :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I love every single one of you!! :DD  you all are amazing!! AND to all of my mutuals, i love youu <33 && thank you, every single one of you have been an idol to me, even if we dont talk or talk a lot. I am so happy I get a be moots with so many amazing people <33. MUAH 😽
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rules — you can send in as many asks as you want, but make sure you send them separately! feel free to spam my inbox tho!!
I write both nsfw and sfw, though I haven’t posted anything smut wise. please send the drama class one separately if you have multiple ideas and/or different characters. you can send more than one, just know that it might take me time. 
anyone can participate (mutuals, followers, non-followers, anons) but please be patient :D
navigation // fandoms+characters // requesting info.
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ask away ?? <33
🫣 orientation; meet your friends • ask games!!! — cast your moots, would you rather, & fuck, marry, kill. && just ask me anything!!
🔒 locker combination; 616 • i’m getting a locker this year, so let’s make you one!! — send me this and I will make a moodboard based off the vibes you give me!! :)
📓 drama class; screenwriter • let me write your act while you do the work, huh ;) — give me a character(s) and an idea of what you want me to write (if you don’t, tell me if you want angst, fluff or smut, can also be weed related), and ill write it!!
📚 library; i’ve maxed out my book limit • so ill tell you who would be your lover, best friend, and enemy/rival!! — send in a description about yourself; personality, appearance too if you'd like, gender preference & fandom.
🏃🏻‍♀️ pe class; uncomfortable shorts & a baggy t-shirt • but at least you get to listen to music!! — i’ll give you a song from my playlist that reminds me of you & your blog <3
📝 math class; i’m actually good in math • not really, but i could be :)) — make an assumption about me and I'll tell you if you're right or wrong!!
ask away ?? <33
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‎© 𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖿𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽𝗌𝗅𝖺𝖽y𝖻𝗂𝗋𝖽 300 😽😽 — ​@ garfields 300.
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eclectickss · 3 years
Make Me Feel Special (1/2)
Pairing: Milf!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
Warnings: Mommy issues/kink, sexual implications, major age gap (reader is of age)
Summary: You are angry at your best friend for turning down the opportunity for something that you would give your life for: a mother.
Word Count: 3K?
Link to Part 2
A/N: Not grammar checked at all! A blurb gone big!(still at writers block on PGATW) But requests are open! I’ve never done one before but i’m willing to try. <3
You entered the apartment and placed your keys in the dish and jacket on it’s hook, making your way into the kitchen to place your to-go food in the fridge. Jane sat at the island on the computer you shared, and you smiled.
“Hey, I picked up sandwiches for dinner. Hope that’s cool.”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Your best friend didn’t look up, but it didn’t really bother you. Well, she was your only friend, but still.
You and Jane had been sharing the apartment for years now, The two of you working a good job to afford it and making a livable income. You had been close since high-school, due to your similar social status, but beyond the two of you, nobody was too good at making friends.
From what she had told you, Jane’s mom wasn’t around much when she was growing up. Jane was a teen pregnancy, and ever since she was born, her mom made no time for her daughter. Agatha, was her name.
Agatha came from a wealthy family, though. Her parents (Jane’s grandparents) wouldn’t allow her to use the family money for her child, much less anything else. She struggled with Jane, and therefore the two of them were ever close.
Agatha’s parents died when Jane was in high-school, so her mom inherited their wealth, but their relationship was past salvageable. At least in Jane’s eyes, it was.
Jane was always telling you about how bad of a mom Agatha was and about how you were lucky that you didn’t have to deal with someone like her. Jane didn’t understand though. You would had given anything to have someone like Agatha. Even if she wasn’t around to much, it was still better than nobody at all.
You were now setting the table for two as you pulled the sandwiches out of the fridge, also finding some strawberries to place at the table. You now were looking through the pantry for chips when you heard a knock at the door and Jane moving around to answer it.
“Mom?!” You heard at the door while you still had your head buried in the pantry. Your eyes widened at the name, never expecting to hear it in your life (in that context, at least). You thought Agatha was out of the picture. “What are you doing here?” You stayed silent as you listened from around the corner.
“Well, I think it’s long overdue that we had a talk, Jane, honey.” She sounded a little more raspy than you were expecting, but that doesn’t say much about someone who used to be an addict.
“We don’t do that, Mom. Anyways, now isn’t a good time.” You heard your friend sigh. The woman was your literal mother... you could at least give her five minutes, you thought.
“I want to start, honey. Please just let me in?”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“C’mon, kiddo.” She begged, and you felt a little bad for how Jane was acting. You know her mom wasn’t a great person, but she was still her mom.
You never got to have one of those.
“If this is just you on another one of your sobriety stunts...”
“I’m really trying this time, Jane! I know I fucked up, baby, but please.”
“Fine.” Your friend grumbled. You heard increasing footsteps and your heart raced as you were about to meet the source of Jane’s complaints and drama.
You hurried to sit at the kitchen counter before the two women caught you snooping, but your gaze snaps up just in time to see Agatha Harkness walk into the room.
Jane might have always mentioned that her mother was any and all variations of a bitch, but she failed to mention how attractive the woman was. Her messy brown hair sat on top of an old purple cardigan and worn out jeans, followed by a pair of well-used slip-on shoes. The look together was not extremely flattering, but Agatha somehow pulled it together in a way that made your stomach turn. Your eyes raked her down, but you think she caught you when you met her gaze again. She smirked softly.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you had guests!” She says as her own eyes follow your figure, and you wonder if she’s just doing it to mock you or flatter you. She looks back up with a glimmer in her eye, and you decide on the latter option. Your face goes red, but you try and brush her actions off, not wanting to mistake it for anything else.
“Didn’t I say that this was a bad time?” Jane grumbled.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Harkness. My name is YN.” You smiled as you held out your hand.
“Call me Agatha, darling.” She stared into your eyes. “It’s so nice to finally meet one of Jane’s friends.” You panic under her gaze.
“We were just about to sit down for dinner, if you want to join us. We don’t have any food for you, but-“
“Oh, thank you... I was hoping I could talk to Jane in private, though.” She walked over to the table and took a seat.
“Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it to YN, too.” The two of you joined Agatha at the table.
A long moment of awkward silence passsed between the three of you before your guest finally spoke up.
“I want you in my life, Jane. For real this time.”
Nobody says anything, and dishes stop clattering.
“I know I shoulda done this earlier... hell, I shoulda done this when I got claim to my parent’s money, but I want to look after you. I never got the chance to do that when you were young... cause of all the drinking and working... but I can do that now. I’m ready.”
Jane sat with her mouth open and a half eaten sandwich forgotten on her plate.
“No, Mom, you shoulda done this from the moment I was conceived. You don’t get a second chance with me. I’m not giving you a second chance, or a third or a fourth or whatever number you wanna give yourself. You wanna know why? It’s because I already did that. And you let me down every single time.”
Agatha looked a little speechless.
“Fine, then.” She sighed. “I won’t bother you again.” But it hurt you to watch a daughter turn away her mother, when that was an opportunity that you wanted so badly. “Is it alright if I stay the night, though? It’s a long drive back to my place.”
Jane rolled her eyes, knowing that her mother was being dramatic, but didn’t want to put up with any more of her antics. “I better not see you in the morning. YN can get blankets for the couch.”
“Hey, Jane,” You sighed as you entered her room.
“Hey, YN. I’m sorry you had to deal with the shit show that is my mother. I can’t believe she just walked in here and expected me to accept her pathetic invitation.”
“No, it’s ok. She’s not that bad with me.”
“Well she just met you. I just don’t understand why she thought showing up unannounced would magically make me want a mother again. It’s fucked up.” Jane said, but you couldn’t sit there and watch her tear down something that you wish you had.
“Yeah,” you mumbled and rushed out of her room before she could say anything else.
You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass, then headed over to the sink for some tap water. The cool liquid rushed down your throat as you held down your tears, thankful that nobody was around.
“Hey, Honey,”
Shit. You forgot that Agatha was on the couch.
You turn around to see her meeting your gaze, although her eyes quickly found the way to the rest of your body.
“You doing alright, babygirl?” The nickname made you heat up. She spoke with concern and care; something that Jane chose to ignore, which made you feel bad for Agatha. You wish that Jane wouldn’t take for granted what her mother was trying to offer her.
“Uh... yeah... I guess.” You sigh, hopping up to sit on the counter as you watch the other woman fill her own glass at the sink. “Jane is just... being a little hard right now.” You chose your words carefully, not wanting to lose the trust of your friend but also wanting to gain the trust of another.
“What do you mean?” You realize the situation you have put yourself in.
“It’s just... I didn’t have a mom at all growing up. Or a dad. I had my shitty uncle... until he tossed me into the foster system. I had it real rough... and it still kinda is... but Jane has been helping. That’s why we’re friends at least. She might view me as a charity project, but i’m desperate, I guess.”
“What does all of this have to do with Jane being hard, hon?” She leaned onto the counter across from you.
“She didn’t really have a mom, either... growing up. No offense.”
Agatha shrugged. “I know.”
“But now that she’s given an opportunity to have one, she turns it down... and it makes me jealous. Mad. Angry.” You pause. “I know I’ll never get the chance at a mom, but she has one. And fuck, I would give so much to have that.”
“To have someone like me? A recovering drunk who treated their teen pregnancy like a joke?”Agatha sighed into her hands, but her words meant so much more to you than she may ever know.
“Yeah. To have someone like you. Someone who cares.” At that, she looked up with a new light in her eyes, but you don’t meet her gaze. You don’t want her to see the blush or desire written on your face, so instead, you pull a cigarette out from your jacket pocket.
She watches you as you hop down from the counter to get the lighter out of the junk drawer, paying attention to the way your body moves. You notice how her eyes follow you, but you don’t call her out on it, knowing you would do the same if the roles were reversed.
“You want a hit?” You lift your eyebrow as you raise the smoke to meet her gaze. A glint of humor is caught on her face, and you smirk.
“Sure... why not.” She says as you join her in leaning up against the counter. You bring the cigarette up to your mouth and click the lighter.
“So,” Agatha starts again, both of you a few puffs in. “How did you end up here with Jane?”
“Uhh... we met senior year of high-school. I was fucked up. Shit grades. Wasn’t going to graduate. Drug money to pay off... no job. Jane used your money to pay off my debt. She found me a job. Tutored me. Like I said, I felt like a charity project. But at least I graduated. We both work now and pay for this place together. Maybe it’s not great but we’re both better off than we were a few years ago.”
“Why didn’t she accept anything I tried to give her? Did she tell you?” Agatha was prying, but you didn’t mind.
“You mean after high-school? She didn’t want any help from you. In her words exactly... ‘She wasn’t there for me for the first 18 years of my life, so why should she help out now...’”
“And what do you think about that?”
“I didn’t grow up poor, Agatha. I grew up with nothing. I would have taken any of your offers in a heartbeat, no matter how guilty they made me feel.”
“Good girl.” She nearly whispers, and you turned to face her, but you couldn’t make anything out of the expression written on her face. Your own skin was hot and something was burning in your core, and you didn’t know what to think.
“I’m sorry... what did you just say?” You watched as she put the cigarette out, now giving you her undivided attention.
“So tell me, honey, do you have a boyfriend? I’m assuming a pretty thing like you would have one. Tell me about him.” Part of you wondered where this conversation was going, but the other part assumed that she already knew which direction you leaned in.
“Uhh... not my type.” You stared at her with curiosity.
“So you got a girlfriend, then?” Her new confidence shocked you a little bit.
“Uhh... no.” You tilted your head, and she seemed to pick up on your confusion.
“Good girl.” Your mouth was dry. “You see, mommy doesn’t want you having a girlfriend... no, she wants you all to herself.”
Your eyes widen in shock, but your core aches and cheeks burn. You stare at the woman next to you as a hand slides onto your thigh.
“Oh come on, darling. You said you wanted a mommy, baby. I wanna take care of you. I see the way you look at me. Don’t deny you want me too.” She spins around and pins you to the counter, and you audibly gulp.
“But- Jane.” You whine, already being driven crazy by the proximity of Agatha’s body.
“Jane is kicking me out, baby girl. And you can come live with me. Mommy has a pretty house, honey. I can feed you, clothe you... make you feel good. I can make you feel special.” And God, your soul was ready to leave your body. You wanted this. You could hardly think as her soft lips grazed over the skin on your neck, and a soft moan escaped your throat. Her tongue and teeth pulled at the skin just below your ear, trying to pull a response out of you.
“Mom!” The both of you jumped at the third voice in the room. The two of you turn to Jane in shock. “What the FUCK are you doing!” She rushed over to the two of you, pulling Agatha off of your body. “You can’t just come into my life and try to fuck my friends after someone rejects you!” She pushes her mom back and turns to you.
“Oh my god, YN, are you ok? I cannot believe that she tried to touch you. God, that makes me sick.” She hugged you, but you still couldn’t say anything.
“Jane, honey, you don’t know-“
“Shut up! I can’t even look at you! Get out of my house, mom. I never want to see you again.” Jane’s face turned red with anger.
“Honey-“ Agatha met eyes with you, but you didn’t know what to do.
“Leave! Now.” She seethed and stomped back to the bedroom, expecting Agatha to be gone when she got back.
The woman in front of you moved silently while you still processed what just happened. When she returned with her belongings, she gave you a note, but headed out without saying a word.
After a few minutes, you finally looked at the piece of paper in hand.
If you ever make up your mind...
1286 Lincoln St NW
(673) 867-5309
“YN, are you sure you’re alright? I really never would have expected my mom to touch you or even make you feel uncomfortable. I’m so sorry.” Jane sighed as she sat on the bed.
“I’m fine, J. You don’t have to apologize on her behalf.” You replied, sitting on the chair opposite her.
“I mean what even happened. Why did she do that?”
“Umm... I don’t know. We were just talking and then she started that.”
“What we’re you talking about?”
“Oh, I was just explaining how we met.” You tentatively answered.
“YN you didn’t have to tell her that. I know it’s personal for you, I can’t believe she forced you to talk about it.
“I uhh- actually didn’t mind. I wasn’t forced.”
“Then why would you trust her with something like that? You know how she is.”
“Because...” You thought about your next words carefully. “She cares.” Jane scoffs.
“That must be a different woman we’re talking about, YN. My mom is a selfish bitch who only cares for herself.”
That tipped the iceberg for you.
“You know, Jane? I understand that you and her might never be besties like she wants you to be, but that doesn’t mean you get to fuck her over now that she’s trying.” Your friend looks up at you in shock.
“Well she fucked me over my entire life, so I don’t see why I can’t do the same.”
“Because! Jane! She’s changed! It’s only right that you give her one more shot in your life!”
She took a pause.
“I’m sorry, YN, are you defending my MOM? After everything she’s done to me, and everything i’ve done for you?!”
“Yes. It is sick watching you throw something away that I can only dream of.” You spat angrily.
“Geez, YN. Just- get out of my fucking house. Keep your rent money for the month. Pack your shit and get the hell out of here.” She nearly ran out of the room.
But you weren’t surprised. In fact, you expected this the moment you chose your side.
The knocks resonate through the large door attached to the even larger house. Agatha has money.
You thought Jane was over exaggerating a little bit, but now you understood that she wasn’t. You sighed as your cab sped away, and now all you could do was wait.
Agatha opened the door, slightly shocked to see you, but nevertheless happy.
“Hey baby, what is it?”
You took a deep breath, taking in the sight of the woman who stood in front of you.
“I want you to make me feel special, mommy.”
link to part 2
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starsinshadows · 2 years
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@firelightfables​ is probably making the smarter move here...
          " i don’t wanna know the details " eddie to steve
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    "Yeah, well I'm sure you'll be hearing all about it before the end of the day whether you want to or not," he offered up, tone flat and annoyed, but really, he was just tired. Fucking exhausted. It had been a shit week - a shit two WEEKS, if he was being honest with himself, but it was hard to keep track when the Upside Down came into play because a day dealing with those kinds of messes felt like a week on its own. He'd gotten back to school two days previous after taking a few days off and Friday was supposed to be a chill day before the blessed release of the weekend and doing fuck-all at home besides sleeping. That was, if he could sleep at all, since that had been an exercise in frustration the past few days. Every time he started to nod off, he dreamed of the tunnels, and there was nothing quite like that dark, enclosed nightmare to chase off any attempts at sleep.     It had made him stupider than usual, apparently, but it was hard to care all that much about high school drama right then. He'd known coming back with his face still swollen and bruised was going to draw attention, though he was screwed either way because if he didn't go to school all week, his parents would probably be getting a call. It was less of a threat than it might have been for other students, but he still just didn't have the energy to deal with his dad trying to be the disciplinarian or trying to explain to his mom why he'd skipped out on school for a week. So, here he was, and just his appearance was like blood in the water.     Billy Hargrove had taken a chunk out of King Steve, and not one, but two idiots in the past few days had decided to take a stab at beating the shit out of him to rise through the social hierarchy of shitty Hawkins High.     It had gone...better than Steve might have expected, in all fairness. The fact that he didn't give a single fuck didn't work in his favor, since he'd rolled his eyes, sighed and tried to walk away from both fights - one guy had grabbed him by his shirt and suckerpunched him to start things out, and the other had a friend who blocked his exit through the crowd and shoved him back into it. He'd planted his feet for the first, but he'd been off-balance for the second. Somehow, Billy's voice rang through his mind both times, taunting him about it, and he'd paid for trying to exit both times. He'd taken more abuse than the other guys both times, as well, on top of his already busted up face and ribs, but he'd dished out enough to make them both back off, and now here he was fresh from the second one and hoping for a bit of peace and quiet. Of course that meant that the bathroom he tried to sneak off to would have Eddie The Freak Munson smoking in it, but he was committed to the choice to get out of the halls and try to clean himself up. Let Munson get on his case if he really wanted to.     Dropping his bag on the floor by the sink, he twisted it on with the side of his hand, immediately forcing his knuckles under the cold water and hissing. It was absolutely not the worst of it, but he was pretty sure he'd caught Gary's tooth and didn't that just figure? "Nobody saw me come in here, but if you're worried, you should probably jet."
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Hi!! Happy New Year!! So....I had a request that I’ve been dying to ask for like the longest time. But what if the reader is a doctor and married to Gibbs, and when a member of the team is hurt, she operates/heals them? And then she comes out and comforts Gibbs like all fluffy and sweet? He’s just so in love with her?? Aahhhh makes my brain mush thinking about it xxxxx
happy new year to you too!!! thanks a lot for your request! i hope it’s what you were expecting!! much love and stay safe ✨💖
NCIS, Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader.
Being you
“Male in his thirties, gun shot in the abdomen. He lost conscious on the ride here, lost a lot of blood,” the paramedics announced to you.
As you took a look to the man laying there, all bloody, you realized it was your husband’s team member Timothy McGee. Although he was unconscious, you put your hand to his cheek, you let him know, “Tim, it’s me Y/N. You’re gonna fine okay? I’m taking care of you. Hang in there,”
Before you knew it, you were in surgery, taking the bullet off his abdomen. Tim gave you a big scare on the operating table, when his heart started to race, your assistant was scared it may stop. “Tim! don’t do this,” you took a warning ton, “Your boss won’t forgive me and he sure as hell won’t forgive you,”
You knew you had to think about your patient only, that Tim only should be in your mind but you couldn’t help but to think about your husband. You don’t know what happened exactly, how the gunshot took place but Gibbs must be in the worst state of mind right now.
The surgery lasted longer than you thought since it cause damages into Tim’s stomach. His healing will take time, and he would be out of action for months. As you were putting the last stitch on his scar, your assistant congratuled you as she always does. “Team work,” you smiled at her. You took a look at Tim’s face. He was peaceful but very pale. Once again, you put your hand on his cheek, “You did good, Tim.”
You made sure he was taken safely into the resuscitation room, and walked to the waiting room. You thought your husband would be there, standing and waiting but instead, you saw Abby, Ducky and Jimmy. The lab tech jumped into your arms, not caring about the blood you had all over your blouse, “Is he okay? Is Tim okay?”
“He’s fine, Abbs. Still unconscious, but you’ll be able to see him soon,” you softly smiled at her.
“I knew he was in good hand,” you heard the medical examiner telling you.
You hugged Ducky and Jimmy, before asking. “Where’s Jethro?”
“Chasing the man who did this. Safe to say that one won’t stop by your operating table,” Jimmy awkwardly laughed. Tipical Jimmy Palmer. Of course the man who shot Tim was a dead man.
Your shift was over hours ago, but as long as Jethro was still out there looking for the shooter, you stayed around to check on Tim. You know your husband isn’t a texter, but you kept checking your phone to see if he has answer your text.
Tim’s safe. How are you? And the team? You guys stay safe, okay? Want you to be there when I get home. I love you, J.
The morning rose. Tim was still out. Abby, Ducky and Jimmy made rounds to stay with him. “Doc! Already here or never left?” Your assistant greeted you in the locker room, as her new shift was about to start.
“I stayed with my husband’s team,” you tiredly smiled at her.
“Is his coworker still okay? No complications?”
“All is good for now,”
“You should go home. We got this. We’ll take a good care of him,”
“You’re sweet but I’ll go home when J has. It’s my duty to stay here,”
“Do you have a male version of yourself? Wouldn’t mind a partner like you,”
You chuckled at her words and thanked her for always being this awesome. You heard a certain brouhaha coming from the hallway, and as you rushed there, you realized it was coming from Tim’s room. Abby looked all freaked out at you, “He—he started to convulsed. Do something, Y/N, please,” she begged.
Thank god it wasn’t something too serious. A few minutes later, Tim’s vitals came back to normal and he started to gain conscious. “Morning, Warrior,” you smiled at him.
He was out of it, his body was in total pain but he giggled at your words. “T—Thank you doc Gibbs,” he managed to say.
“Go back to sleep before Abby gives you a lecture,”
He smiled and dozed off.
It’s late in the afternoon that you heard from your husband. Or at least, that Ducky told you he was home. You checked on last time on Tim, gave instructions, told everyone to call if needed and you went home to your husband.
The house was complete dark and you didn’t hear a single sound. Jethro was probably exhausted, so you didn’t turn on the lights, only using your phone’s flash. You found him laying on the couch, face buried in a pillow. You sat next to him, softly stroked his hair and when he moved his head to the side, you kissed his temple. “Hi my love,” you whispered. “How are you?”
He turned around and opened his arms for you to come laying on his chest. “Better now,” he said. You could hear his voice was about to crack. You were exhausted from the last 40 hours - your normal shift, plus Tim’s surgery and staying until now. But your husband’s mental health was all that mattered at this moment.
You stayed in his arms for a moment, enjoying the small circles his hand was doing in your back. Eventually you sat up and took him with you. “Hungry?” He shook his head no. “Wanna go into bed?” He did the same. “I got an idea then,” you kissed his forehead, “Stay here until I call you,” Jethro watched you going upstairs and wondered how he got this lucky.
You called him ten minutes later. Unexpectedly to him, you had prepared a bath. Warm, bubbly with candles. Without a word, you helped him undressed and told him to get into the bathtub. He did as told. “Come with me,” he whispered.
“In a minute,”
But first, you offered to massage his scalp and temples. Leaning into every touch, Jethro felt all the tensions for the past day fading away. Maybe all the tensions he ever had even. He doesn’t understand how he got you to fall in love with him. How could a woman like you marry him? He could never understand.
Still leaning into your touch, he repeated, “Come with me, Y/N,” he sounded so needy, you couldn’t refuse this time. You felt his blue eyes all on you as you undressed and joined him in the bathtub. He laid down and invited you to come rest on his chest, but you refused and made him spin around in the bathtub. He heard him giggle as his legs were blocked. You don’t get to hear his laugh often, and it made you fall in love with him a little more. Finally, he managed to spin and laid down on your chest. “What did I do?” You heard him say, as you were softly caressing his arms and chest, playing with his chest hair from time to time.
“What?” You asked.
“What did I do so you fell in love with me? And—married me?” He asked. It sounded like a genuine question.
“It would take me a book to answer this and you don’t read books,”
Jethro gets this. He got a commun point between you too; avoiding serious question about your feelings. So he let it slide. You and him stayed silent until the water got cold. You helped him wash, and so he did for you. Even if he told again he wasn’t hungry, you prepared two bowls of cereals and joined him on the couch, under blankets.
Still, he doesn’t understand. How in the world would a woman want to eat cereals in front of a tv that only has one channel. In black and white. But here you are, drinking your milk and watching the western movie as if it was the blockbuster of the year.
You were watching the tv, and Jethro was watching you when your phone buzzed. It was your coworker.
Could’ve warn me your friend was such a drama queen. He called, claiming he was dying because his stomach was making weird things. He was hungry.
You laughed at the text and read it to Jethro. “I’ll give him hard times if he gives some to your friends,” he chuckled, getting you closer to him and kissing your temple.
“Why didn’t you come see him?” You asked.
“Chased the man who did it,” he paused, “And I knew he was safe with you,”
Perhaps he did, but you could still on his face how worried he has been since yesterday. “Your cereals look like porridge,” you smiled.
“Sorry. Told you I wasn’t hungry,” Jethro said. He put his bowl on the coffee table and you felt his body curling on your side. You finished your milk, put the bowl away and opened your arms so his head could rest on your chest.
“Thank you,” you heard him whisper.
“What for?”
“Being you,”
You didn’t see the tear escaping your husband’s eye.
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yoddream · 3 years
part 1 is here
(TW: talks of weight and clothing size)
It had been a couple months since Jeno apologized. It had been rough at times, for he had missed out on a lot with not only you but your other friends as well. Renjun had also gotten into a relationship, so he wasn’t available as much, but he always made time for you guys, and sometimes one of you would invite his partner along.
Jaemin was back home for a family emergency, so he’d missed out on the initial reunion. He had returned not too long after, but when he did he’d given Jeno the cold shoulder for almost two weeks. everyone had felt it was a little excessive, but he stood his ground until he was ready.
Mark and Haechan had had a huge fight, resulting in them taking a break for about a month. It had resulted in you and Haechan eating a bunch of takeout while watching youtube videos multiple nights a week. Nobody knew what the fight was actually about, but it made everyone worried the couple would break up permanently.
Jisung and Chenle were the only ones that didn’t really have anything happen to them. They still attended class and hung out with the group, but that was it. It was almost as if they were immune to any drama.
When it seemed like everything had settled, you were worried about something else coming up to ruin everything. It seemed to good to be true for everything to feel right again. Was a random quiz going to pop up in one of your classes? Would your apartment flood? We’re your parents going to call you with bad news?
No. Instead, you ran into Yeeun.
You’d gone to the boba shop a few blocks away from your apartment to reward yourself for getting your essay done a couple days before it was due. Sure, you could’ve gone whenever, but rewarding yourself with it motivated you, and it made the drink taste that much better. Jeno was back at your place, still writing his paper, so you’d offered to get him some to keep going, which then turned into you offering to get some for Haechan and Mark as well.
When you walked into the shop, you almost bumped into Yeeun. She looked as put-together as usual, with her hair glossy and straight, an outfit that consisted of baggy jeans and a cropped cardigan, and perfect makeup to accentuate her big eyes. It reminded you of how despite her obviously looking upset the days after the break up, she still put herself together as if nothing had happened.
“O-oh. Hi Yeeun,” you said hesitantly.
She smiled brightly, which shocked you. “Hi, Y/N! How have you been?”
“I’ve been doing well. How—how have you been?” you asked.
“I’ve been doing okay. The break-up’s been rough, but my friends are helping me get through it. How’s Jeno been doing?”
“Not well. He’s been upset, but we’re doing everything we can to get his mind off it,” you explained.
“That’s good. Well, I have class in a few minutes, so I should get going.” As she walked around you, you spun around and called out her name. She turned to you with her eyebrows raised as she waited.
“Can I ask why you broke up with Jeno? None of us have been able to figure it out.”
She smiled sadly. “One time, he and I were eating lunch in the hall. You and your friends were sitting on the other side, looking over every once in a while until you picked up your phone and texted him. You had asked to hang out for movie night, but he said he already had plans with me. You just looked so sad and heartbroken, and I had remembered him talk about your movie nights and how special they were. Seeing how you reacted, I’d sneaked a look at his phone and saw that he’d turned you down almost every time you asked to hang out. I couldn’t get in the way of a friendship like that, especially knowing how close you were before I started dating him.”
“Why didn’t you just talk to him about it?” you asked genuinely.
“I thought about it, but something told me it wouldn’t have done anything,” she explained. When she looked at her watch, she cursed. “I really gotta go. You should text me, though! We can have a girls’ day!”
Once you’d gotten your order, you rushed back to your apartment and practically threw Jeno’s drink at him before rushing down the hall to Haechan’s room. With your free hand, you banged on the door while shouting “Code pink! Code pink!”
Code pink: ran into someone’s ex.
The door flew open, and you handed Mark his drink before pushing past him to grab Haechan. Dragging your roommate into your bedroom, you locked the door behind you and led him into your closet before closing the door behind you as well to assure nobody heard you talk.
“This story better be good enough for you to drag me back into the closet,” Haechan joked.
“Shut up, idiot. I ran into Yeeun.”
You shushed him harshly. “I don’t need those two breaking into my room trying to figure out what we’re talking about!”
“Tell. Me. Everything.”
So you did. The whole time you told your story, his eyes were wide as he took everything in. There were guesses as to why she’d broken up with Jeno, but nobody was close to the actual reason. And to hear that she wanted to stay in contact with you? It seemed impossible.
When you were done, Haechan sat there without saying a single word. What could he even say? Yeeun and Jeno had had a relationship that seemed perfectly fine. They weren’t toxic towards each other, and they weren’t nasty to each other’s friends.
“I never thought I’d hear about a couple breaking up to help someone outside of their relationship,” he finally said.
“Well, parents break up all the time because it’s better for their child,” you pointed out.
“But that kid is a part of the relationship. It’s their child. Breaking up because a friend is hurting? That’s new to me.”
There was a pause before you asked, “What do I do now?”
Haechan let out a big sigh. “I have no idea. If you wanna be friends with her, I don’t see why not. I would just wait a couple days before you text her. As for Jeno—well, there’s no way to tell how he would react.”
“Are you guys done? Hyuckie and I were supposed to watch a movie!” Mark called out.
Haechan rolled his eyes before muttering, “And everyone says I’m obsessed with him.”
“Go have your date night. I’m gonna see if Jeno needs help with his essay,” you said, shoving Haechan when he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
Haechan liked to joke that you and Jeno were dating, even though everyone knew you didn’t like each other. It had been an ongoing joke since you were in high school, but it’d stopped while Jeno and Yeeun were still together.
When you opened your bedroom door, Jeno and Mark were standing right there. Mark immediately grabbed Haechan and dragged him across the hall, leaving you with your best friend. He was staring at you with an unreadable expression, which worried you a little. Did he hear you?
“What are you hiding?” he asked, a smirk growing on his face.
You groaned loudly. “You asshole! I thought you were actually upset with me.”
“I’m just surprised that it’s a secret I’m not allowed to know,” he stated.
"I’ll tell you at some point. How’s your paper coming?”
Jeno frowned instead of responding. You immediately knew what he wanted. Jeno had always had a problem with expressing himself, so you learned how to read him. What he wanted right now? He wanted to cuddle. The only problem was that if you went with it, he’d never get his paper done. It was due tonight.
“Jeno, you better get that assignment done. Don’t make me regret buying that boba for you,” you said.
With his frown deepening, Jeno turned and headed back to the living room. You took a sip of your drink and closed the door. He was being dramatic; he knew he could come to you after he was done.
You snuggled into your bed and started watching a video on your phone. You could feel your eyelids getting heavy, but you did everything you could to fight against it. As time went on, it got harder and harder. By the time you were about to fall asleep, there was a soft knock on your door before it slowly creaked open. Jeno shuffled himself in and closed the door behind him before turning to you. Without a word, you lifted the edge of your comforter and let him crawl in. His long hair fell over his eyes by the time he settled, so you gently pushed it away. He threw an arm over your torso and pulled you close, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You felt your whole body melt; it was just like old times.
A couple weeks had passed since you’d run into Yeeun. The two of you texted, and you’d even hung out with her a few times. Jeno either hadn’t found out yet, or he didn’t care. You were hoping it was the latter, but there was a good chance that wasn’t the case. He still seemed to be pretty heartbroken.
“What about this one?” Yeeun asked, holding up a dress.
The two of you were at the mall, shopping for a party. You’d never really gone to one, so you had one idea what to wear. The last time you were invited to a party, you didn’t want to go, so the guys had gone without you. It was actually how Jeno had met Yeeun.
“It’s cute,” you said. The dress was a bodycon that had a ruffle along the bottom. The straps were tied on the tops of the shoulders, and the fabric was a light pink. You could already tell it would look really nice on her.
“Yeah...I just don’t know if it’ll be good enough for the party,” she mumbled with a pout.
“Honestly, Yeeun, I think you could wear whatever the hell you wanted and look good,” you told her.
She frowned. “I guess. Well, how about you try it on?”
“No way. I could never wear that,” you stated with a firm shake of your head.
“Of course you can! Look, they have it in your size.” She swapped the dresses on the rack and held it out to you. “You don’t have to get it, but you can totally try it on. It’s not going to hurt you.”
“It could hurt my self-esteem,” you mumbled.
Yeeun took a step forward and gently grabbed you by the shoulders. “I know it’s not something you’d normally wear, but it’s just for fun. You are absolutely stunning, even if you think you aren’t. Trying on clothing is to see how something fits, not how you look in the clothing. If it feels too tight in certain areas, then you try a size up to see how that feels. It’s based on your level of comfort, not how you look. That’s why we try on clothes. A medium dress from here could be an extra-large dress from another store. Also, this color would look pretty on you.”
You paused. “Didn’t you just say that it’s not based on how you look?”
She rolled her eyes with a smile. “When it comes to how it fits on your body, silly. Color is completely different. This shade of pink may look better with your skin tone than a different shade of pink. C’mon, please?”
Sighing, you took the dress and dragged your feet to the fitting room. When you closed the door and locked it, you took a deep breath before starting to undress. Avoiding your reflection, you took the dress off the hanger and stepped into it before sliding it up. Once your arms were completely through the straps and the dress was settled, you turned to your reflection and grimaced. Clearly, it was too small, but you tried to remember what Yeeun said.
A medium dress from here could be an extra-large dress from another store.
“Y/N? How does it feel?” Yeeun called out.
Taking another deep breath, you opened the door and stepped out. She looked up from her phone and frowned. Your heart felt heavy as your stomach dropped. Did you really look that bad?
“Let me get a size up. See, this is what I meant when I said sizes are different in each store!” she called out while running back to the rack. She came back with a smile on her face. “I know it’s difficult to ignore what size the tag says. Trust me, a lot of people worry about it. I used to all the time, and I still do it every once in a while. But just remember that companies suck and they’re always fucking somebody over, whether that’s somebody that has a body more like Tess Holliday or somebody with a body more like Winnie Harlow. Now, switch into this dress and see how it fits.”
You did as you were told and looked at your reflection once again. Trying to keep in mind what Yeeun said, you thought about how the dress fit. It wasn’t cutting into your underarms anymore, and you felt like you could breathe without popping a stitch. When you stepped out, she squealed and clasped her hands together.
“You look so hot, no lie! How do you feel?” she asked.
“Little uncomfortable, but mostly because I don’t usually wear bodycon dresses,” you admitted. “But...”
“But I think I could see myself wearing it. Maybe not to the party, but sometime in the near future.”
The grin on her face grew. “That’s what I like to hear.”
On the night of the party, Haechan was at Mark’s, leaving you alone with the apartment. You took your time getting ready, dancing around to the music that was playing on your phone. The party wasn’t for another couple hours, which gave you more than enough time to finish your makeup and hair. Your phone vibrated a couple times, but you figured it was just the group chat. They’d been blowing it up while you were in the shower, but you hadn’t read any of it.
You’d decided to wear the dress, telling yourself that you could leave if you felt uncomfortable. It was a big step for you, maybe even too big, but you wanted to try.
Once you were ready, you grabbed your bag and keys and opened your apartment door. On the other side was Jeno, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. You stumbled back a little in surprise, your eyes wide at the sudden appearance of your best friend.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” you asked.
“I texted you, asking if you wanted to get some ice cream. I figured I’d show up when you didn’t answer.” He looked you up and down with a smile. “You look very pretty. Where are you going?”
“Um, Yeeun actually invited me to her party,” you mumbled.
His eyebrows raised in shock. “Oh. I didn’t know you two were talking.”
“Yeah. I, uh, I ran into her when I went to pick up boba.”
He grinned. “Is that what that code pink was about?”
“Maybe. You aren’t mad, are you?”
“I’m a little upset that you didn’t tell me, but I understand why you didn’t. Besides, I’m almost over the breakup,” he assured you. “I can drop you off, if you want. I’ll be driving by the sorority on my way home, so it’s not like I’ll be going out of my way.”
“Fine, but only because I wanna drink but don’t want to take an Uber,” you reasoned.
The ride over was filled with Jeno’s soft playlist. He always listened to it when he was studying or trying to nap because it kept him calm, so you were surprised to hear it in the car. When you asked about it, he told you that he liked to listen to it when he was driving at night. “It kept the calm ambience,” was his short explanation.
“Call me if you need a ride home, okay?” he asked once he was parked by the curb. “Or text me if you don’t. Just—let me know you’re okay, yeah?”
You rolled your eyes with a grin. “Yes, Jeno. Thank you for the ride.”
You didn’t hear his car drive off until the front door was open. Stepping inside, you immediately felt lost. It was loud, it was crowded, and it smelled like alcohol. Looking around, you tried to find a familiar face, but nobody was standing out.
Turning to your left, your eyes landed on Yeeun. She was wear a red, strapless dress that hugged her figure. Her makeup was simple, but it didn’t matter when she was as gorgeous as she was. Her eyes lit up when she saw what you were wearing before she hurried over.
“You decided to wear the dress!” she shouted.
“I did,” you said with a smile.
“Well, you look absolutely stunning. Come on, let’s get you a drink, and then I’ll introduce you to my friends!”
Alcohol was just what you needed to loosen up. Soon, you were joking around with Yeeun and her friends, and then you were dancing, and then you were taking shots, and then you were stumbling. Sorn handed you another shot glass, which you downed despite Yeeun telling you to slow down. You ignored her and kept drinking.
The first thing you noticed was the smell of the room. It was familiar, but you didn’t know how. Then, it was how stiff your body felt. Finally, the headache. Could it even be considered a headache? It felt like someone just kept stabbing your skull. When you opened your eyes, the room was dark. The clock on the nightstand said that it was almost eleven, though, which meant the blackout curtains were drawn.
So, you were in Jeno’s room.
You slowly rolled over and knocked into the boy, groaning as your head seemed to hurt even more. Slowly, you turned until you were facing him. Well, facing his back. He was facing away from you, snoring away. Without hesitation, you threw your arm over his waist and clung to him as you buried your face into the back of his neck, which woke him up.
“Hm, good morning,” he mumbled.
“Hurts,” you whined.
“Yeah, you were almost passed out by the time I got to the sorority. Thank Yeeun for calling me,” he replied.
“She called you?” you asked, your stomach clenching. Was it from the hangover?
“Yup. Honestly, I was pretty shocked to see her name pop up when my phone rang, but I’m glad. She was worried something would happen to you, but she trusted me to take care of you.” He rolled over, and you could barely make out his face. You did see a frown, though. “That’s the last time I try helping you change without exposing or touching anything. Who knew you’d be the kind of drunk that tries to strip?”
“Oh my god,” you whispered while hiding your face in his chest.
“My reaction exactly.”
“You didn’t see anything, did you?”
“No. I managed to stop you as you untied the second strap.”
With a groan, you rolled away and sat on the edge of the bed. He laughed before following you, squeezing your shoulder as he got up. He promised to make you breakfast and get you painkillers while you showered. You took your time in the bathroom, making sure not a single centimeter of your body felt dirty and gross. When you were done, you got dressed in the same t-shirt and sweatpants before heading into the kitchen.
Jeno was facing the stove, cooking some eggs and hash. When he heard you shuffle in, his turned around with a smile, but it dropped almost immediately. You frowned, unsure of why he looked at you like that. Shutting off the stove, he put his spatula down and walked over. He stopped in front of you before slowly bending down and capturing your lips in a soft kiss. You froze in shock before relaxing, your whole body melting under his touch. When he pulled away, you opened your eyes and raised your eyebrows.
“Oh,” you said.
“What?” he asked.
“Well, that makes sense.”
Letting out a surprised laugh, he questioned, “What makes sense?”
“I don’t know. It just—it makes sense! You kissing me just makes sense!”
“You’re so weird,” he said with a grin before leaning down to kiss you again.
There was a lot that still needed to be talked about. Neither of you could simply enter a relationship before talking about your feelings and going on dates, but you decided to push that to the back of your mind while you enjoyed kissing Jeno.
(”Can we keep this a secret from the guys for a little bit?”
“How come?”
“Well, I wanna see the look on Haechan’s face when he makes that joke about us dating.”
“I’m sorry, he does what?”)
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andoqin · 3 years
Shows I've watched in 2021 pt 2
These are the shows that I watched and finished.... but man do I fucking regret doing that now for a lot of them. Often the show shat the bed or i just watched it and wasted my time and I should have just dropped it. There are some in here that I feel mostly blah about, that I finished mostly because i was heavily skipping through :(
The Veil - Nam Goong Min got *really* buff and roughed up for this one. And I like action-y shows and they made the smart decision not to make it 16 eps, but man, the mystery and writing was so blah, the plot points so forseeable and while I appreciate Nam Goong Min really transforming himself he also just got stuck in "Badass Mofo" mode and it kinda felt like I was seeing him struggle to act like that. I gave it a 6.5 bc he does try very hard and with 12 episodes and some skipping it's not a total chore.
The Silent Sea - Gong Yoo and Bae Doona doing a short Scifi show? Sign me tf up, AND Lee Joon is also there. The cast was fuckig stellar, but uh there were supposed to be smart people on the station and it *really* really didnt feel like there were. For plot convenience everyone got to be an idiot at least for some time and I honestly think that it would have been better off as a movie because some plot threads felt very "red headed stepchild". Plus as a movie I possibly wouldn't have started wondering how the presentation of the premise and the premise as a whole even work... 7/10 because the acting is good, the cgi is also pretty good and I wanna support scifi stuff and I'm maybe giving it a bump for Gong Yoo and Bae Doona that it doesn't quite deserve.
The Tasty Florida and You Make Me Dance - two outings from Koreas recent push into BL content that are blessedly short but also don't really offer anything new and the acting and writing is suspect at best sometimes. Thankfully both are blessedly short, so it's not like I wasted a lot of time. They both get 6.5 stars but I think YMMD does have better acting than TTF.
Hellbound - For a 6 episode show it sure knew how to tank after only 3 eps, I mean damn. Yoo Ah In sells his role pretty well, as is expected of him, but the shoddy CGI monsters just feel hilarious and weird and not scary. While I do think that the opening is very well done the tension just starts to bleed out and Kim Hyun Joo's character get's to be a badass... but also how? I mean I'm glad she got to kick ass but I just felt like the latter half expected me to just go with it in a way that made me go "uhhh nah". 7/10 but honestly only bc I did enjoy the first half the latter half is like a 4.5
LUCA: The Beginning - OH MY GOD where to fucking start with this show. 8 eps of all I wanted and then it just lobotomises Lee Da Hee's character and then the ending is just the fucking cherry on the shit sundae. I was honestly *really* vibing with the way this show was using its athmosphere to sell its story, and even the (completely nonsense lyric) OST song was a fucking banger and Kim Rae Won was great in the role, but my god the writing. The writing is the block of cement around the shoes of this drama, dragging it to its death. This plus the next entry really made me wary of livewatching anything in 2021 because christ. It gets 6.5 stars only because the first 8 eps were pretty much 9-10/10 for me and so strong but the last 4 eps are like a 2/10 at most.
Mr. Queen - Fuck this show and the homophobic horse it rode in on. 19 eps where Shin Hye Sun gets to deliver the role of a lifetime, just nailing every single beat and doing the silly (and very funny) humor with a gusto that is rarely seen, plus a slow developing romance between a king and his queen who changed so radically but finally also sees him for who he is, plus the show even had the king let go of his first love in a way that felt organic and believable. The bad guys were a bit eh, but the show was being hard carried by SHS acting her heart out as the modern cook Bong Hwan now caught in the body of a woman in the past. The slow emotional connection that Bong Hwan built up with the king was a highlight of the show for me and I really felt like they had captured the essence of the cdrama original, but well then ep 20 happened, well specifically the latter half and the show thrust me and its general audience the middle finger and expected me to believe the genuine connection between the king and Bong Hwan (who was influenced by the previous' souls feelings which I will believe) was... pretty much all the previous soul who was just hanging around in the body and when it came to ~skinship she came back out and it went pretty much uncommented in the latter half of the show.... Yeah no, I could write a wholeass rant why the show did not earn the ending it gave me. 3/10 only because I really liked the show previous to the ending.
The Uncanny Counter - This show is not as bad as the previous 2 entries, but the plot really wasn’t made for 16 episodes. The main character really began to grate on me and I felt like the villain(s) only got by for so long because the script demanded that our protagonists turn into idiots. I didn’t mind the found family stuff, in fact that was ace but I was also not really into the way the show struggled to make it work, because the main character had a life outside the found family. Once again the writing wasnt really strong enough to support it during its entire run and while it didnt shit the bed as badly as the previous entries this drama should have been 12 episodes at most. 7/10 but a very low 7 I’d say.
Dali and the cocky prince - Another show I felt struggled to support its 16 episode run, plus the ~mystery and plot was paper thin. I also found Dali as a character to be wholly frustrating (not to mention her hair) and Moo Hak really was making me cringe in second hand embarassment a lot. I did like their shenanigans and their romance was cute and the characters do feel like they belong with each other but theirs just wasnt a story that didnt vibe with mine. I felt myself nodding along with the “traitor” in the gallery more often than not because Dali really seemed like she had her head in the clouds to a lot of things and I guess rich airheads just don’t do it for me. 6.5/10
Squid Game - The drama that took the world by storm... for some reason. I’m a big fan of death game type stories and netflix put out Alice in Borderland last year which I loved (for the most part) but SG is just fucking stupid and everyone in it is an idiot. The hype about it didnt help, but I watched it before it became a Global Phenomenon so it’s not like that influenced my opinions. The fact that *none* of the hundreds of participants (other than I guess the best friend antagonist) thought about how to game the system seems mind-boggling to me. Coupled with the fact that there are only 3 very simple rules for each game and they’re always the same and they are literally shut in place with nothing to think about the rules and the games I would have liked some more ingenuity. Plus the games were kinda eh and then the last episode was terrible and turned Gi Hoon into a fucking asshole and still expected me to like him and I was like no thank you. I will not be watching the sequel since I doubt the writer has the chops to course correct if this is what SG looks like after he’s been thinking about it for 10 years. 5/10
Move to Heaven - This one wanted to be a big tearjerker and I have a big soft spot for Lee Je Hoon, but other than one episode (the first one iirc) none of the plots moved me even as I felt the writing desperately trying to tug at my heartstrings. Maybe it’s because I have the stellar Tatortreiniger a German half hour comedy as a comparison, where the poignancy is only ever hinted at and the script just full of gags that only creep up on you because in the end, cleaning up after a dead person is just a job. It can be moving, it can be touching but often it’s a bit mundane and the comedy is about that. Idk I guess I just like that view of it a lot more (Go watch Tatortreiniger if you can!) 6/10
Law School - I watched this on the strength of a few gifsets that crossed my dash and while I don’t regret it and I think the acting is fine it also didn’t really blow me away and I didn’t really retain anything from my watch. 6.5/10
Mad for Each Other - Well Netflix says I finished this. I don’t remember doing that. I do remember that I liked the way it treated trauma (in the beginning) and the way that two very damaged people could heal each other but then it began feeling rote and boring and that’s where I lost interest I guess. 5/10 because I can’t really rate sth I don’t remember all that well.
13 shows I finished, where I really hated 2 of them another 2 I had some big issues with/forgot halfway through that I watched them and the rest are watchable I guess but with big caveats. *sigh* 
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I have several questions The last time you and pierrete had problems you said it was because she was a minor and now you’re fighting with her again? You’re the adult here, why are you fighting with a her again?
And then you’re getting so worked up over kissing bro they were kissing not fucking and it was a cheek kiss you do realize people kiss their siblings on the check, so what the problem here, and you’re kind of reinforcing that you are the anon because they never accused you in any of the post I seen. I’m just confused.
Under read more due to length and drama.
She fucking started a witch hunt against me after her OC came into my inbox and bit my character, who responded with violence because from his perspective he'd been attacked by some weirdo he knew nothing about and decided to collaborate with purplecraze in online bullying, as per this when Saburo first encountered her.
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Her character doesn't fucking act 16, try 5. I'm an adult but so is she, apparently. She span the false narrative about my character torturing and nearly killing her to anyone who'd listen and vilifed my character to every Golden Wind RP blog I encountered. They're the ones shitting the bed over a single joke I made after anons that I repeat, were not me since I had blocked her made observations that Pierette and Giorno's actions had undertones of incest.
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Rather than talk to me about what happened as an adult and ask nicely "Hey, that joke isn't appropriate, please take it down", they vagueposted in my replies and then blocked me with no explanation. Perhaps the joke is tasteless, but comedy is fucking subjective.
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Then, purplecraze posts this nice little number.
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"Poke the eyes out of people who disagree" I think most people threatening physical violence towards people who have a different opinion towards you about sibling affection is very unhinged. I don't agree with half the shit Harley Queef over here does but I don't say "Lol she does stupid shit I'm gonna cut her toes off" because I'm not mentally unbalanced or insane.
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Then she goes on this rant about being ready to bite my head off, she doesn't get to be fucking angry after organizing her little witch hunt.
She's a complete narcissist who spins false narratives and then gives non apologies that read "I'm sorry if you were hurt by what happened" as in it's my fault I wasn't having fun. I don't care what sort of relationship her terrible OC has with that Giorno. If they wanna kiss and cuddle and whatever, fine. Whatever gets their rocks off, not my monkeys, not my problem. But people are entitled to think that's weird and they're allowed to comment their views without being harrassed or bullied or threatened, that's how a democratic society works. You can have your opinion, but in the same vein of free speech I am allowed to have opinions about that opinion, as is anon. If you're going to do weirdo shit, people are allowed to think you're weird for doing it. If you don't like that, that's your problem.
The fact that they all blocked me indicates they likely believe I'm the anon who sent the incest stuff. I'm not and I don't care enough to argue this anymore. I'm used to Harley Queef sending flying monkeys after me like she did back in June. She's toxic, her little friends are toxic for supporting her bullying campaign and I want them to fucking leave me alone. I'm done with their stupidity and I'm done talking about this shitfest. I don't like posting negativity or drama on my blog but I'm not going to allow the circus of cunts over there to attack me without response. They're blocked, I'm moving on. Fuck the lot of them. They're a bad memory and a bad taste in my mouth. I have other Jojo RPers, ones that aren't attached to a bad clown OC run by a narcissistic bitch who can't take a joke or a loss in an RP when someone says no to her character's behavior because of her frail little ego. So by all means, send this back to Harley Queef. If she wants to fight, I’ll give her one. I don’t tolerate disrespect from anyone.
Signing out from this bullshit fest. - Romana
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futuregws · 3 years
Hi, I just wanna write some things to clarify… I’ve seen your blog being the topic of a few asks on dayaspidey and probably on other blogs who don’t say your name, but they call you racist, misogyny and many other things, that are definitely not true.
I don’t personally know you, your thoughts and the color of your skin and it’s my business to know them, but your blog is literally one of the few (unfortunately they aren’t so many) who allows different opinions.
The tomdayas don’t accept different opinions, when you go to their blogs saying something that doesn’t go with what they say, and even if you say it in the best way you could, they call you anti, racist, saying your doing misogyny or you are not being respectful to Tom’s and Zendaya’s relationship. They block you, write paragraphs just to tell you this.
Have you ever considered the idea that the person who is writing to you might be a woman, maybe of color and just wanted to start a normal conversation, to receive some opinions or to clarify some doubts that she might has?
Obviously not everyone is nice, and most likely the shippers will not find this massage nice, considering my best to try to be the most directed I can be about this… but I’m also guessing they will not read all of this like they didn’t in so many of your asks… for example spideytea.
Well, we NEVER said she is trustworthy, we always say take everything with grant of salt, but if you have read everything you would have known by now.
What we talk about Zendaya, is not the color of her skin, but is her imagine, the way she portrays to be this perfect girl, that she isn’t… but she isn’t a perfect girl because she is mean or because we insecure or jealous? NO! Because the perfection doesn’t exist and she has to be treated in the say way actress who have her same talent are treated.
Every single time we talk about her, you defend her immediately, it’s understandable, cause she is your idol, but if she makes mistakes is the right thing to admit that she did. You always use the racism, jealousy and misogyny card to make us look horrible people and you the best.
Zendaya is NOT an awful person, she is a normal person, who is a celebrity, but she has strengths and weaknesses like any other normal person.
The environment that is on this fandom is toxic, why? Because Tom and Zendaya have “fans” who created an image of Tom, who is like a full who can’t dress himself alone, can’t live and do anything without her, and are the same people who know exactly in which hotel they are staying, how far way they are from each other when they are in the same country, who also know they name of every single person closed to them and stalk their social media activity, and the list goes on…
Regarding the misogyny part: if you call us misogyny against Zendaya explain us what you did and still do to Olivia and Nadia.
Let’s take for example what happened few weeks ago: the Bolton’s and Zoe were at Nikki’s for the weekend and during that weekend, Grace (who refollowed) and Zoe unfollowed Zendaya. Why? Only the two of them know the answer, but you called them bitter, salty, insecure, people who tried to shade and to create drama.
Another example is what you did to Olivia after the paps pictures, you called her ugly, said she was to old to date Tom because she looked like his aunt and sent her death treatments, you can find all of this in so many blogs here.
Regarding Nadia, she unfollowed many accounts after they posted about Zendaya, why she did it? Only her knows why, but you gave her and still give the same treatment. Have you ever considered the idea that maybe is because of your constantly comparing her to your idol one of the reasons?
What we worry about are Tom and Zendaya as human beings, and also about what could happen to their future partners… you have to consider the possibility that Tom and Zendaya could break one day, how do you think any new person would be able to live next to them if this is the treatment they receive? If you were them, would you be happy? Please, answer, I’m curious to know.
Some different people here, have said what they don’t like about Zendaya, like her characters or her acting and every single of them have explained why and no one of them offended her personally, but if you read everything you would know it.
If you don’t wanna waist your time reading all of this, then don’t waist it by searching blog like this.
What still surprises me is, how after so many years and people telling you how toxic all of this is, you don’t ask yourselves some questions… yes some of them might be antis but now all of them.
I’m sorry for this long message, but some things needed to be said.
Probably they will not read all of this, or if they will, they will talk about the “wrong parts” but they are free to do it, I’m curious to see.
Your blog and the others like yours are amazing, wish you and everyone a good day❤️
I definitely recommend everyone taking their time to read this ask bc fucking hell you're 10000% right and I don't even have anything else to add, thank you for sending this, it's basically everything I was thinking but couldn't put into words and also didn't have the energy to do so, thank you so so much I appreciate you, have an amazing day/night
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love-geeky-fangirl · 4 years
Ranking every teen drama I've watched
I have gotten really into teen dramas lately, because it's quarantine I can't go out and have fun, but I can still watch other people my age going out and having fun and doing things I don't get to do. Anyway I haven't seen all teen dramas, I was never interested in supernatural ones, so you won't find Vampire Diaries and similar shows on this list.
From worst to best:
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
I will never understand how this show ran for five seasons. It will forever remain a mystery to me. This show is so bad it's good. The writing resembles a wattpad story, Amy's pregnancy is inconsistent (like how was she five months pregnant for like five or six episodes, aren't the episodes supposed to be set a week apart?), the acting is bad (that is not to say that Molly Ringwald or Shailene Woodley are bad actresses, obviously they're not, I'm talking about Amy's sister that has the same facial expression no matter what her mood is supposed to be), some of the views this show expresses are very old-fashioned and damaging (the madonna-whore binary, the fact that they can't even utter the word abortion) and every single male character on this show is a creep and a cheater. I can't believe I watched like thirteen episodes of this. I will never get that time back.
Weirdest moment: "I'm a whore!" "Well, you're my whore." (Was this supposed to be romantic??)
Best moment: none
This is going to be unpopular and don't get me wrong, I like Glee, but I feel like the writers put much more thought into the musical numbers than the storylines. Again, Quinn's pregnancy is inconsistent (but I'm starting to think TV shows are always inconsistent about pregnancies), the characters don't look like they're in high school at all, the cheerleaders wear their uniforms 24/7 for no reason (Quinn even wore it to her sonogram, like seriously?) the whole celibacy club thing is weird and Mr Schue is a terrible teacher. However, the visuals and the musical numbers are great, Sue Sylvester is iconic (albeit also a terrible teacher) and some of the scenes are really emotional (Kurt singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand made my sister cry) so overall, it's pretty good.
Weirdest moment: Finn praying to grilled cheese (what??)
Best moment: Quinn giving birth to Bohemian Rhapsody, Kurt singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Dawson's Creek
I LOVE their 90s' outfits and Joey and Pacey are really otp material, but I just can't stand Dawson! He got mad that Joey didn't tell him about his mother's affair, as if it was her place to get involved. She was 15! It's understandible she didn't want to get tangled into that mess. He also slut-shamed Jen in a really gross way. He literally stopped talking to her for a day when he found out she isn't a virgin. Why are both Joey and Jen into this guy?? This would've been a much better show if it was called Joey's Creek or Pacey's Creek.
Weirdest moment: the way Dawson's mom confessed her affair to her husband. I don't think any irl human would use this choice of words. Also that scene where Dawson's father was teaching him how to kiss while Joey was watching. Cringe.
Best moment: any time Joey and Pacey are bickering. My shipper heart!
Pretty Little Liars
I loved the book version of this, but the TV version seems way too dramatic. First of all, they romanticized Aria and Ezra's relationship (ewww) and made the whole thing seem much more overdramatic. I don't know how to explain it, I mean the books are also dramatic but the TV show somehow took it to a whole new level. None of the girls look like they're in high school, but I love the way they dress and do their makeup. It's almost as though the writers put more thought into their outfits than storylines. I still loved watching it until Netflix took it off, though.
Weirdest moment: Spencer somehow trying to block A's number from her laptop in the middle of a park and then being confused that it didn't work. Weren't you supposed to be the smart one, Spencer?
Best moment: Haleb in the shower, hiding from Hanna's mom.
This is a classic. Effy is iconic (I somehow heard about her even before watching Skins) and the musical number at the end of season 1 was out of nowhere but still somehow fit perfectly into the story. I also give this show point for being one of the few TV shows where teen characters are actually played by real life teens. They look their age, talk their age (no "I reject reality" or other cringy lines like that) and aren't unrealistically perfect like characters from American teen dramas tend to be. They look like people you might actually meet in high school. However the show loses points for all the continuity errors (are 8 episodes supposed to be the whole school year??) and the number of unneccessary death/tragic accidents. It seemed kind of over-the-top and unneccessarily dark and brutal at times.
Weirdest moment: Chris's graphic death
Best moment: Wild World
The Gen Z American version of Skins, but with better visuals. Much better. I loved the aesthetic, the colors, the lighting and glitter. Zendaya's a great actress and I give this show points for casting an actual trans actress in the role of Jules. However I find it weird that all guys on this show are complete irredeemable assholes (except of Jules's dad and Ethan that is). Are we supposed to just root for the girls and not the guys? Also I find it hard to believe that any of these characters are actually 16/17. They have sex all the time (yeah teenagers have sex sometimes but on this show they treated Kat as some kind of a chaste nun for being a virgin at 16) and have seemingly no rules and no curfew. It would've been much more believable if they were in college.
Weirdest moment: Nate breaking into Tyler's house, beating him up and then taking a shower. The audacity this guy has!
Best moment: "You did this to me!" and Rue having an anxiety attack on the stage in theater class
Gossip Girl
I know this is also an unpopular opinion, because many claim Gossip Girl is the best teen drama ever, but for me it just got way too soapy as the seasons went on. The first two seasons were believable, even though they didn't really look like they were in high school, but after that it was just more and more weird plot points. I will give this show points for the fashion (I mean Blair's headbands and school uniform inspired a fashion line), the acting ("I killed someone"- iconic) and the choice of background music (Nate and Serena kissing to Paparazzi, Thanksgiving with Watcha Say). Despite the wild twists and turns of events, I just had to keep watching because this show had me hooked.
Weirdest moment: Bart Bass somehow flying off the building for no reason (seriously, what he did there had no logical explanation and defied laws of physics), Dan being Gossip Girl, Bart faking his death and returning more evil than before, Serena becoming Gossip Girl, the affidavit, everyone randomly stopping going to college... there are so many but Bart takes the cake I guess
Best moment: the Thanksgiving flashbacks from season 1, Dan placing a plastic crown on Blair's head
Freaks and Geeks
This is one of the few shows where high school is depicted realistically. It's not all glitter and parties and not everyone has sex and does drugs. Okay, I admit, the bullying was over the top and it was weird how no adults cared but other than that, it was pretty spot-on. It was emotional without being too dramatic and far-fetched and also had funny moments. Yes some of the characters may have been stereotypes but at least the show seemed self-aware of that. It's truly a shame we only got 18 episodes of this show, while The Secret Life of the American Teenager somehow got five seasons??? I don't get it.
Weirdest moment: when Cindy suddenly got super mean once she started dating Sam
Best moment: Daniel showing up at Kim's doorstep, Sam breaking down in tears in the end of 'Garage Door'
Gilmore Girls
I'm not sure this one counts as a teen drama, maybe it's more of a dramedy but I'm still including it here. It's funny, the dialogue is witty and full of obscure pop-culture references and the relationships between generations complex. Same as with Freaks and Geeks, the portrayal of high school is pretty realistic. Characters are shown studying and taking tests and not just partying all the time. However the show loses points for getting weirdly soapy in the 7th season. The dialogue wasn't as good and the camera angles were soap opera like and the storylines weren't very good either. You could really tell the show changed show-runners. The earlier seasons are the best. It's hard to explain but something about them feels cozy like a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate on a rainy day.
Weirdest moment: Lorelai marrying Chris and then making the whole "you're the man I want to want" speech, Lorelai defending and loving Dean for no reason
Best moment: Rory's graduation speech, Rory yelling at Chris and calling him out for not having been there for her, Then She Appeared, "Yes Emily, you may go first"... there are so many!
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spicasims · 4 years
Time and time again I wonder- why are we never included from the start?
Because I really wanna ask y’all this, and this is for everyone who reads this post: Who are you to speak on our experience? Who are you to speak on our struggle? 
I’m real tired of seeing white simblrs start some rant with “I’m not racist and I’m sorry if I accidentally do/say something offensive! We should do better!!! POC please educate me!!!!” And then proceed to talk about some other beef they have with the community. I see y’all, getting in your woke points without actually doing anything helpful.
This isn’t about any one person or post. It’s not even just about the post I’ve seen tonight. It’s about every single time some anon hops into someone's inbox with some stupid accusation and instead of hitting delete of block y’all make a spectacle, starting a new round of “drama”. And then everyone chimes in with their two cents, and then other vague post about the “toxic community” and then you all delete it in a day or two and move on.
There is not a day in my life that goes by that I don’t deal with racism. I cannot go outside without facing microaggressions or outright aggressions, I cannot go on the internet without seeing violently explicit videos of another black person getting beaten or killed. So when I see everyone getting all fired up again and I know that it’ll be old news by Friday, I get angry. I get that this is a “safe/happy space” for a lot of people, I really do. But I don't get to have that. I don’t get to forget about racism, ever. I don’t get to move on from the drama of the week.
I genuinely do not care about this berry community issue. I do not consider myself part of any sub community of the overall sims community. I mainly post berry sims for TS4 and regular sims for TS3. I have friends I talk to on here and discord. I have people I don’t interact with on here, not because of whatever beef others have going on, but because they’ve said or done something that made me uncomfortable. The racism in the berry community is the same racism in the entire sims community. We need to address this as a whole, not nitpick who does what worse. 
I’m not saying white people shouldn’t speak up. It’s good to see other people actually care but please stop acting like you’re the authority on racism. I certainly can’t speak for every POC and you especially can’t. Stop asking for us to educate you, you’re already on the internet, use it. And for fucks sake, if you only talking about racism? Stop tagging it as simblr drama. It’s not the same.
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ikleesfiction · 4 years
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Fandom : One Chicago Word count : 2,409 words Disclaimer
Previously on this fic : Part 1 🞂 Part 2 🞂 Part 3 🞂 Part 4 🞂 Part 5
Part 6
It's been a few days since your date night with Jay. It went much better than you expected. You knew from the start that Jay is a good guy and probably a sweet lover too. But after that night, you found out that there's more to him than his good look and easy-going attitude. Jay's gentleness soothes your insecurities. His understanding warms you from inside. It's hard to feel miserable when he's around. You cannot help but latch on to him.
You and Jay keep texting and calling each other every day, but you only got to meet him once since then. For a coffee date before he ran to work while you went for your PT session. His job doesn't leave a lot of spare time, so you relish all the time he spends with you.
You hear your phone rings when you have your lunch. There is a video call request from your best friend and work-mate, Alex. "Hey, you! I miss your stupid face!" you greet him.
"You know what's not stupid?" Alex ignores your greeting. "The new material I received this morning
He refers to an email you sent him last night. Instead of sleeping, you wrote some lines and tinkered some notes on your electric keyboard. It was still very rough, but you and Alex swap ideas all the time. They could be a bar of melodies or chord progressions. Or maybe a single line that you cannot get out of your head, even there's no context to it.
"Wanna work on it soon?" Alex proposes.
"Yeah, sure!" you easily agree.
"You know I'm gonna ask how you come up with that song idea, right?" Alex probes further. He got an idea about your sudden burst of inspiration, but you haven't told him anything yet so far.
"You can ask. I might not answer", you nonchalantly retort. "Are you asking now?"
"I would, but I just arrived at my parents' house for our weekly dinner", Alex turns his camera phone and shows you his family dining table. "Say hi to Y/N, Pop" He lets his parents know that you're on the phone.
"Hallo, Liefje" Alex's parents greet and wave at you. "I miss you, Y/N. How are you doing, darling?" Alex's mom squeals at you.
"I miss you guys too. I miss home," you utter mournfully.
"I saw your dad last week. He and your mom cannot wait to have you back home next month. As are we." Alex's dad informs you.
Your face gets even more upset. "I haven't told my parents yet, but it's gonna be another two months. It's not working out as good as they wanted"
Alex's parents let out a sympathetic noise. "Oh great, I still have two more months to hide all my chocolate from you" Alex teases you instead. He knows if he doesn't throw any humor here, you're going to weep. The family laughs at your offended look.
"Where's Sara?" you ask them when you didn't notice Alex's little sister on the table.
"She's getting ready for a date after dinner. Said they will go stargazing. Can you believe it?" Alex skeptically recounts to you.
"Hmm, that sounds romantic. Good for her." you hum your appreciation. Alex can see twinkles in your eyes.
"Of course, you thought it was charming", Alex sounds vexed.
"Why are you so grumpy about this? You have a hit song that compared someone's eyes with the moon", you remind him. "Last time I checked, that song already got more than 400 million streams on Spotify". Alex just grumbles incoherently, while you can hear his father's booming laugh in the background.
"Alex, would you please call your sister down for dinner?" Alex's mom orders him.
"Alright, ma. Gotta go, Y/N. I'll call you later when I'm back at the studio. Bye, sis!" Alex ends the call.
Kelly Severide comes to your place in the evening after he finished his shift. He called you on your cell several times, but you didn't pick them up. He knocked on your door for a few minutes without answers. Worried that something bad happened to you, he uses his key to open your apartment door. You gave him a spare when you began your recovery from the incident. Since you got nobody in town except for the 51 Family, you thought at least one of them should have access to your place, in case you need help.
Kelly sees you sitting on your corner desk with headphones on. Your head is nodding to the beat you're working on. Relieved to know you okay, but feels a bit annoyed, Kelly taps your shoulder lightly. You jump in surprise, almost fall from your chair if Kelly doesn't hold you down.
"Kelly! What..! Why are you..??" your heart is still pounding in shock, makes you unable to finish your thoughts properly.
"I knocked! And called you many times! Neither you answered! I was afraid that you fell and unconscious so I used my key", Kelly exclaims.
You check your phone and see seven missed calls from Kelly. "Sorry, I left my phone on mute, somehow"
Kelly goes to raid your fridge and takes a bottle of apple juice. "Your fridge needs beers" he judges. "Go, get ready! We'll hang out at Molly's. Everyone misses you", Kelly orders you.
"I'm working, Kelly. Just because my work has no shifts, doesn't mean I can go anytime you want", protest you.
"You work for your best friend, who's in another continent right now. You can slack off for a bit" he dismisses your complaint.
"I'm making big progress here. My writing juice is flowing", you point at your laptop.
"One hour. I give you one hour to work. Then I'm hauling you out of here. In the meantime, I'm gonna order take out for us", Kelly decides.
You only mumble your disagreement, knowing that you're gonna lost the argument anyway. So you just put your headphones back on your head. However, Kelly pokes you again five minutes later, with his phone on hand, "Hey, do you want Thai or Greek? I'm in the mood for Greek right now", Kelly playfully asks you.
"Yeah, Greek is fine" you start to feel bothered.
He leaves to order the food while you're back to do your work. Ten minutes passed, Kelly drags a chair from the kitchen island to your side. He knocks on the table to catch your attention.
"Hey, I just remember, Brett said they saw you rescued somebody at the swimming pool last week. How did that happen?" he questions.
You let out a desperate sigh. "You're not going to let me work in peace, are you?"
Kelly just grins. "C'mon, we haven't hung out for a while. Lots of drama to share"
You save your work in defeat and then move to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Kelly sits on the couch with legs resting on the coffee table. You place yourself next to Kelly.
"They extend my therapy for another month" you restlessly play with your bottle cap.
"Is it not going well?" Kelly asks in concern.
"I got cramps that day at the swimming pool. They worried I damaged something. So they prefer to be cautious" you fill him in.
"That's when you rescued Dr. Manning's son " Kelly tries to clarify.
"Well, I just pulled him out of the water. The pool guard was the one who helped him breathe" you shrug.
"You assisted. It still counts as a rescue", Kelly insists. "Bet if Dr. Manning knew, she would buy you drinks at Molly's forever"
"More like got invited to dinner at their place," you mutter.
"Hmm, that's probably true" Kelly pauses for a moment, thinking. "Wait, did you meet her?" he grills you.
"Yeah. And her fiancé. I came to the hospital to check on Owen. Then next thing I knew I'm having family dinner with Manning/Halstead clan", you convey to him.
Kelly's phone chirps interruptedly. "Food's here" He goes to pick up the food from the delivery guy. "Alright, let's eat then we can go to Molly's"
Jay is nursing his first beer as he watches Will bottoms up his third glass of whiskey. Will called him earlier in the evening, claimed that he needs bro night out after a shitty day at Med. Jay's initial plan to have dinner with you got scrapped before he even asked.
"Maybe you need to pace yourself, Will", Jay suggests to him as Will signs to Otis for a refill.
"Yeah, Doc. Maybe you want to switch? We have a nice Dutch craft beer chilling here", Otis offers. But Will is still holding out his empty glass to him, silently demanding for more. "Okay then" sighs Otis as he fills the glass.
Jay hears the commotions at the other end of the bar. He recognizes some people from Firehouse 51 there. Christopher Hermann is cackling, while Matt Casey grins widely. They pay attention to someone that is sitting among the group, but he cannot see who because Severide is blocking his view.
Jay checks his phone while he finishes his beer. He received a text from you beforehand, told him that she's going out to meet her friends tonight. He texted back, wishing her to enjoy her night out, but got no replies. Will notices Jay's scrolling on his phone and asks, "Do you need to go back to work?"
"Nah, just checking my texts" Jay puts his phone back in his pocket. "Are you feeling better now?"
"Not in the slightest. But I still have to go to work tomorrow. If I wanna do better than today, I cannot do that with a hangover" Will sulks. "Hey Gabby, I would like to try that craft beer Otis suggested" he requests to Gabby who passes by.
"Would you like one as well, Jay?" Gabby offers him.
"Alright, why not.." Jay accepts the new bottle.
"Is this a new batch? Don't think I ever have it here before", comments Will after his first sip.
"Yeah! Just start to come in this month. It's a friend's favorite. She hooked us up with a supplier directly from The Netherlands. You like it?" Gabby enthusiastically claims.
"It's good. But still not Bourbon", Will pouts. Jay lets out a snort while Gabby snickers.
Jay looks around the bar as he savors his beer. He paused when he thought he saw you sitting among the 51 Gang. Will notices and looks in the same direction. "Is that Y/N?" asks Will.
Jay stands up for his seat, "I'm gonna go say hi to her"
You feel a palm pressed to your back as you hear someone's saying from behind, "Didn't expect to see you here tonight"
You turn your back immediately as you realize whose voice it is, "Jay!" shout you excitedly. You open your arms to hug him. Jay lands a chaste kiss on your lips before hugs you back.
Kelly and Matt look at each other over your head with eyebrows raised. "Well, that's something I didn't expect" goads Kelly.
"Severide, Casey" Jay gives them an acknowledging nod with his hands stay on your hips.
"How do you know each other?" Matt asks curiously.
Jay opens his mouth to reply, but you hear Will's interruption, "You guys finally made it, huh?" Jay rolls his eyes at his brother.
"These guys have been sending heart-eyes at each other since they first met" Will tips off the 51 gang. "Which I arranged, by the way. But this result was unintentional"
"No, we're not!" you try to deny.
"I was there, Y/N, at your almost first kiss" Will divulges.
"Oh my god!" you hide your blushing face behind your palms. Jay smacks a kiss on the side of your head, amused while the group makes fun of you.
"I guess this happened after Y/N rescued Owen?" Sylvie asks to confirm.
"Ooooh yes, our next year candidate!" Hermann yells. The others just clap and whistle in response. You thud your head to the bar table, abashed.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed. We are proud of you" Casey remarks. "That said if you want to go to the academy..." he continues.
"Nuh-uh, I love my job, thank you very much" you quickly state.
You spend the rest of the night beside Jay, chatting and laughing with 51 Family and Halstead brothers until you let out a big yawn. "Tired?" Jay asks you softly.
You nod, "Beer always made me sleepy"
"Let me settle the tabs, then I'll take you home" Jay squeezes your shoulder as he stands up.
Kelly observes you and Jay throughout the night. When Jay left your side, he lowly speaks to you after making sure everyone else is busy conversing elsewhere. "So Jay Halstead is the one who got your juice's flowing, huh?"
"Kelly!" you slap his arm, agape.
"I mean your writing juice! You said it earlier!" Kelly yelps, but his smirk contradicts his words.
"You're the worst" you just shake your head.
Kelly's face turns serious for a moment, "Does he know about your situation?"
"What situation?" you try to sound innocent, but Kelly just gives you a look.
"Told him about the collapsing stage" you deflated.
"Have you told him that you're leaving in two months?" Kelly pushes.
"It's still too early. Who knows, Jay might end this soon", your voice sounds unsure.
"Don't think so. He looks quite smitten by you. Should probably tell him soon", Kelly disagrees.
"I'm happy right now, Kels. Can I just enjoy this for a while?" you start to lose patience with him.
"He deserves to know" Kelly persists.
You look down at the table, your fist is clenched in frustration. Jay comes back and notices the tense atmosphere. "Is everything okay?"
You reply with a forced smile, "Yeah, let's get out of here" then stand up from your seat and give Kelly a quick hug, "Thanks, Kels"
You move to say goodbye to the rest of the group, which takes a bit of time since everyone wants a hug or has something to tell you.
"C'mon guys, my boyfriend has waited long enough" you cry out when Sylvie and Gabby hold you back from going. The group guffaw even louder and playfully nudges Jay, who just beams brightly at you.
"Good night, guys!" you casually shout, finally getting away from the rest of the group, with Jay's hand in yours.
Next on this fic : Part 7
+x Taglist +x
@shipshipshipau @itsdesiree86 @thevelvetseries @annaallicce
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blackandmatte · 4 years
Psst, wanna read some Amillow angst w/ some slight Willumity?
Amity and Luz were pulled out of Willow's mind. The warmth inside Amity's heart felt like fire as she saw Willow sleeping there. Sure, they fixed the issue, but guilt still weighed heavily.
Luz looked around at the messy living room, "What happened here? What did you guys do with Gus?" Luz yelled.
"The kid's fine," Eda huffed walking to her nest, "He's just dead to us." She left the room with King in tow.
"Those... are very mixed messages." Luz noted before turning her attention to the sleeping girl.
Willow stirred and her eyes fluttered open. She yawned and sat up straight trying to remember what just happened.
"Willow!" Luz gasped, "Do you know who I am?" She desperately begged.
"Um, a friendly scarecrow?" She furrowed her brows.
Before the two could react Willow giggled, "Nah, I'm just messin'! I remember everything." She laughed.
"She's back folks!" Luz announced throwing herself into Willow's arms, "My girl's back!" She snuggled into the embrace.
"I'm gonna hug you so hard, you'll never forget me again!" Luz gripped tighter.
Luz looked up to see Amity wave shyly before heading to the door. When she opened the door to leave, it made enough noise to grab Willow's attention.
"Amity," Willow called out, "I remember what you did too!"
The girl cursed herself for not leaving faster. After so much Willow drama, she was ashamed to face the real one. She hesitantly turned around.
"I wanted to say thank you." Willow smiled causing Amity to blush.
"It was my fault anyway." Amity looked at the floor.
"And thank you for fixing it." Willow clasped her hands around Luz's, almost as if silently asking for support.
Luz decided to be there and squeezed her hands reassuringly.
"I'm sorry, Willow." Amity felt her breath hitch sharply.
"I forgive you." Willow inhaled sharply, "I can't say we'll ever be friends again though." She looked off to the side.
"What do you mean?" Luz asked. She wanted her 2 friends to get together, not further apart. "I thought you weren't mad anymore!"
Willow sighed sadly, "I'm not mad. I'm just done." Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes before being forced back down.
"Done?" Luz was in disbelief, "What do you mean done?" She moved to stand in front of Willow.
"I forgive her but we won't be friends. I'm not sure if we ever will be again." She explained.
"Why? You know, if you're doing it out of spite-" Luz was cut off.
"Luz!" Willow looked disappointed, "You should know that I'm not spiteful. Nothing I feel is spite or any type of anger!"
"I'm just... done." She sat down.
"I'm just so sorry." Amity hands trembled while regret filled her lungs, "I know I was a terrible person but I— I can change!" She defended.
"You can. I mean, you have changed since meeting Luz. I just... I just can't bring myself to ever trust you again." She tried to get rid of tears, this time failing.
"Is there something I forgot to do? Something I forgot to apologize for? I know I caused years of suffering and I'm sorry for that! I know I ignored you and-"
"Amity, you don't need to apologize for every single thing. I forgave you for all of it." Willow stopped her. She didn't want every sad thing that ever happened on display.
"Then why?" Amity couldn't focus on what attitude she wanted to maintain but desperation and hurt started to seep through. "Please don't punish me! Do you wanna hit me? Release all the rage from when we were kids, I won't stop you! I won't even fight back!" She held her arms up.
Willow got off the couch and Luz quickly blocked her path.
"Fighting won't solve anything!" Luz begged, holding her friend's arm.
"I know." Willow removed her arm from Luz's grip. "Amity." Willow sniffed, walking to the girl.
Amity braced herself before feeling a setting warmth on her body. Willow was hugging her. The two girls squeezed each other; tears running down their faces freely.
"I'm sorry Amity, but I can't do this to myself." She whispered.
Willow was the first to let go, Amity was very hesitant.
"I can make it up to you!" Amity cried into Willow's cowl. "I-If you'd just let me—"
"Please don't make this harder than it already is." Willow's voice vibrated with a soothing sorrow.
They both heard sniffles from the other side of the room. The two looked up, of course Luz was crying; she always does.
The door suddenly flew open with Gus shutting it behind him frantically. All 3 girls paused, watching him.
"Uh," Luz tried to wipe away tears, "Gus, are you ok?" She attempted to appear normal.
"I, uh—" he breathed heavily.
"Little dude?" The Owl screeched from outside.
"You went with Hooty?" Luz asked dumbfounded.
"It was a good idea at the time!" He felt the door shake.
Gus looked at the mess from earlier, then the two witches standing together. He started to process the tone of the room, seeing semi-dried tears on all their faces.
"I'm sorry, was this a bad time?" He felt the door behind him wobble once again.
"No!" Willow quickly straightened her posture, dusting off her clothes. "No, we were just— I mean, I'm getting ready to go. Did you wanna walk me?" Her voice shook.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah! We can go. I- I'll wait out there!" He sighed and begrudgingly opened the door, subjecting himself to the screeching tube.
"The things I do for love." He mumbled causing the 3 to chuckle slightly.
Willow stepped away from Amity, staring down at her boots.
"Are you really sure about this?" Luz walked over, grabbing both of their shoulders. "Maybe you need some time to think— I know it's still fresh now and—"
"Luz." Amity woefully sighed, "She's sure."
"Like I said, I truly am sorry. I understand your position." Amity balled her fists. "I just—" she felt a sharp prick in her throat. The words felt like they were gonna be vomit.
She suddenly wrapped her arms around the girl's waist, burying her face deep into the crook of her neck. She was met with the scent of fresh flowers. Something Willow always smelled like, even as kids. Her face grew warm and wet from the influx of tears pooling on Willow's clothes.
She felt Willow's arm around her neck and a hand rubbing the back of her head. That only caused Amity to cry harder.
"It feels like I just got you back and I'm losing you again." She sobbed quietly.
Now they both felt Luz joining in and squeezing them. She was sniffling harshly, trying to keep snot in her nose.
"I will always be here. Waiting for you to change your mind." Amity weakly snuggled into Willow's arms.
"Guyyyys!" Luz cried.
Willow nodded, "Goodbye, Amity."
Willow hesitated to break the hug. She kissed Amity's forehead and then Luz's before wiping her tears. She waved and went to the door to walk with Gus. As she closed the door behind her Amity fell to her knees. She sobbed harshly into her hands before Luz kneeled next to her, rubbing her back.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction to S/o Being a Ballet Dancer
A/n: I'm assuming this means like pointe dancer and/or principal dancer??? Anyway!!! Hope you like it bb!! I had fun doing this one!❤❤❤
Requested by: @desertofdessert​ (thank you bb! feel free to request again! this was so fun!!)
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Chan watched you gather up stuff and put it in the huge dance bag you carried. Unfortunately, you couldn’t spend Chan’s day off with him. It was just one of those times when your schedules didn’t match up. Chan totally understood. If you managed with his busy schedule than he could deal with yours. He also understood the expectations you were under as a principal dancer.
While he never was in the position himself, he has taken many ballet and modern dance classes when he was in Australia, so he knew how intense your job was. He also knew how short your performing career might be. “Why don’t you come with me?” Your voice brought him out of his thoughts. 
“To practice? Won’t I get in the way of the others.” 
You shook your head and tossed an extra water bottle over to him. “I’m just going for a solo run.” Chan smiled and jumped off the couch, following your out the door and to the studio your company rehearsed in. He watched in fascination as you stretched and slipped your pointe shoes on. For the next hour, Chan sat against the mirror and quietly watched in adoration as you danced across the floor. 
“You wanna try?” 
You had the brightest smile on your face as you pulled him up from the floor. You guided him through some steps and giggled as his technique was a little rusty. The two of you danced and laughed for the next couple of hours. You caught his eyes in the mirror as he held your waist to support your feet transition. A blush crept onto his cheek when you reached behind you and ghosted your hand over his cheek, coming down off your toes.
You did so in a way that was so graceful and almost like a dance move in itself. It sent chills down his spine. He loved seeing you in your element. You turned into a different person when you were dancing, he loved seeing you confident and moving without hesitation. He loved seeing your smile as he assisted you through a posse turn. You practically lit up the entire room.
I cant believe some people forget Chris has some classical dance training. I love thinking about him as modern dancer like wow
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Being a dancer himself, Minho loved how passionate you were about your art. He loved that he could have someone to go to the gym with and would understand having to go on crazy diets. It definitely helped his motivation with you to keep in him in check and vice versa.
However, what he didn’t like was your schedule. Usually, he came home late, and you left home early. He wasn’t the most touchy-feely person, but he did miss seeing you sometimes. So, he made a commitment to you that he would soon regret. There Minho was. At the studio with you. At five in the morning. “Only for you.” He muttered under his breath for the thousandth time. 
It was really his idea. So he was to blame. He was the one who asked you to teach him a routine. However, he had no idea spinning on his bare feet would hurt so much. “You wanna try a lift?” You said coming beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder. 
How were you not out of breath??????? Minho was sweating buckets under his jacket. “Hell yeah!” Why did he say that? That was not what he meant. He meant no. He meant let’s go back to bed like normal people. You explained to him how to do a pretty simple lift and how to get out of it. “Hold up. You want my hand where?” He asked with a mischievous smirk. You rolled your eyes and shoved him lightly. 
“It’s a simple move. Let’s try just once- without the coupe turn.” 
Minho laughed and nodded. He followed your instruction, watching in the mirror. As directed he placed his left hand around your abdomen and this right secured tightly over your right thigh. “Okay and now you lift up and dip.”
“Which way?”
“Forward and down. Duh.”
“You’ll do fine, Minho.” Carefully, he lifted you and he was surprised feeling the muscles of your stomach tighten and hold yourself up in his arms even as he dipped you. “See! You did awesome.” You laughed when you saw his terrified face in the mirror.
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Changbin was ecstatic when he found out you were a ballerina. He was so proud of you. After that, he never missed one of your shows. He was always seated front and center with the goofiest, most proud grin on his face waiting for the lights to go down. He also makes you sign his program for every show. He keeps every single one of the programs and he says he wants to make a collage to frame for you.
He does worry about you often, knowing how strict your career is. He knows your schedule almost better than he knows his own. He’ll constantly check up on you and send you a text reminding you that you have to change out your toe pads and drink water.
You smiled hearing your boyfriend’s ringtone as you exited the rehearsal room. “Hi, Binnie! Where are you?” You giggled hearing he was waiting outside for you. He greeted you with a sweet kiss and wrapped his arms around you, blocking the cold air from penetrating your thin sweater.
“I’m buying you dinner. Let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the nearest hole in the wall restaurant he could find. He frowned when you ordered so little to eat. He sent you a stern glare as the waiter took away your menu. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped when you saw his face.
“Bin, I’ve got a dress and corset to fit into! Don’t worry, I remember our rule.” When you and Bin started dating he came up with this rule he was adamant you follow, especially while you were prepping for a show. He had a rule that you couldn’t walk away from the table if there was still food on your plate. He instituted the rule when he figured out you weren’t finishing meals the closer a show was.
Towards the end of your meal, you smiled as Changbin placed a generous piece of his food onto your plate. You picked it up and ate it gratefully. You frowned when he placed another piece on your almost empty plate without looking up from his food. Again you ate the food, honoring his rule. This time your boyfriend held eye contact with you as he dropped a huge piece of food on your plate. 
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When Hyunjin met you he was instantly fascinated by you. When he found out you were a professional dancer the man was immediately whipped. However, he was so obsessed with the fact with the idea of being the perfect dancing couple he forgot to ask what kind of dancer you were. 
You had nothing to do today. Hyunjin was busy with schedules today and couldn’t come over. You had an audition coming up for the lead in Cinderella so you figured now would be a good time to practice. You had bought this apartment specifically for the fact that the living room was huge and had nice real wood floors. 
Pushing all the furniture out of the way you cleared a large enough space to dance in. Pulling out your semi-new pointe shoes you started prepping them. The room started to smell a little like burning fabric as you burned the frayed edges of your ribbons. A rich sound rang throughout your apartment as you banged the pleats of your shoes on the floor. 
Music filled your apartment as you went through your audition routine. You focused on your turnout, keeping it perfectly positioned throughout your movements. You pushed up on relevae and into an arabesque keeping your core tight and leg high and elegant.
You turned to find Hyunjin staring at you with his jaw dropped in shock. Turning off the music you walked over to your boyfriend with a smile and kissed his cheek. He still stood frozen like the drama queen he was. “Hi, honey! How are you?” He blinked and stared at you. He stepped away and took in all of you, his eyes lingering on your shoes. 
“This is not what I expected......but I am so impressed right now.”
You smiled and pulled him down to kiss you, but he stopped your motion. “Nuh-uh. That’s cheating. You gotta work for it now.” He smirked down at you. With a giggle you rose in your shoes and kissed him, tangling your fingers in his soft hair.
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Your relationship with Jisung was almost as old as the both of you. You had always been friends since before you could remember and Jisung could even remember you telling him about your very first dance class. You remembered him kissing you after your first lead performance and his cheeky smile when you and to stand on pointe to reach his lips at the time. 
Jisung loved to watch you dance. It was maybe one of his favorite things in the entire world. He was always proudest when he was watching you float across a dance floor or stage. He was captivated by how powerful you were and what you could make your body do. However, there was another side to it...
“Ji...” You said walking through the door of your shared apartment. Hearing his nickname he jumped off the couch and took your bag off your shoulders. As the days grew closer to your shows he made sure to always be home before you. Even if that meant him getting up at three or four am to go back to the studio. You kissed his cheek with a huge grin and watched with adoration as he put your stuff on the table and picked you up and hurried you over to the couch as carefully as possible.
“Baby, I’m not glass. I can walk!” 
When you were seated he grabbed the several ice packs from the freezer and made sure that he had enough to switch out later. You giggled watching him scramble to take care of you. Carefully, he took off your sneakers and winced at the red spots on your ankles and feet. “Ji- I can ice my own feet. I’ve been doing it for years-”
You laughed and pulled him to your lips by the collar of his shirt. You loved that he knew your schedule. Even before you had moved in together Ji had known your schedule after ballet. Ice, eat, ice, stretch, ice and review rehearsal footage, then sleep. “How was your day?” He asked pecking your lips again. You smiled and looked into his soft brown eyes. 
“Fantastic now.”
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Felix and you had been friends long before he made it big in the music industry. He always knew you danced, but until you started dating a couple months ago he had never really taken an interest in your dancing. Not because he didn’t care. He was just so god damn busy. He felt kind of bad that you didn’t even expect him to take an interest. 
You never asked him to come to a show. You never really talked about rehearsals unless it conflicted with setting up a date, and you never danced in front of him. So, he was determined to change that. You came to the JYP practice room straight from rehearsal as Felix had asked. 
You greeted the boys as the left the studio and found Felix standing by the mirror messing with his phone. He jumped when you wrapped your arms around his waist. “Ready to go, Lix?” You asked after kissing his cheek. “Actually,” He said turning around.
“We are gonna have our date here. You are gonna teach me about ballet!” You laughed and kissed him with a bright smile. You knew he wouldn’t last more than two hours. An hour later, Felix had shed his hoodie and was sweating through his tank top while you stood happily in your leggings and pointe shoes. You had to admit he was doing better than you thought.
“Oh my god! How do your feet open like that, you mutant!” Felix cried out trying to stay in first position. 
However, when it came to actually dancing, Felix was fascinated. It was so different from how he danced. Felix had surprisingly good extension and he got some pretty good air on a couple leaps. And he loved watching you dance-especially when you went up on your toes. He thought you looked beautiful and elegant. 
“That’s it I can’t take it. Take me home.”
“Great! Now I can teach you the second half of ballerina life.”
“What’s that?”
I've low-key wanted to do a Felix ballet au bc gosh darn he is just so elegant and wooooooooww ballet!felix
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Seungmin loved watching you dance. The two of you didn’t live together yet, so he took every opportunity to see you dance anytime he could. He came to all of your shows and you practically had to kick him out of your closed rehearsals. For his birthday (per his request) you choreographed and performed a routine to his favorite Day6 song. 
Date nights for the two of you usually happen after your rehearsals end and consist of your icing your body on the couch with Seungmin next to you, either watching a movie or talking and eating takeout. 
“Seungmin? Are you here?” You called out into your apartment. Sounds from the kitchen confirmed the presence of your boyfriend. “Minnie?” You dropped your bag by the door and took off your shoes. Seungmin shuffled out of your kitchen with two mugs of tea in hand. 
“What are we doing tonight?” He asked, setting the tea on your coffee table. He sighed when he saw the innocent smile on your face. “Really......again?” He laughed when you nodded excitedly. 
You cheered as he went to get ice packs and you pulled up Centerstage on Netflix. Seungmin was a good sport. This was probably the twenty-sixth time he had seen this film since dating you. He knew that the movie made you happy, especially if you had a rough day at rehearsals. 
“Man,  Cooper gets douchier and douchier every time we watch this.” Seungmin sighed, his arm around you. 
“Yeah and Charlie gets dreamier and dreamier.”
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Jeongin watched the video you sent him with a huge smile on his face. You were on tour with your company, so you couldn’t be with him for a few days. Even though you were still in the country, he really missed seeing you. 
It was so weird for him to not pick you up from practice. His eyes twinkled as he watched you dance across the backstage area of a venue. He smiled when he saw you rush back over to your phone and wave to him with a happy grin. The video was sent two days ago. You had talked earlier that day but he still missed you. 
“Jeongin,” His attention snapped away from his phone and to Chan towering above him. His hyung helped him stand up and clapped him on the back. “Ready to go back to practice?” Jeongin sighed and nodded. “Hey, I’ve got a surprise for you,” Chan said running to his bag. 
“Chan I’m just kind of depressed with Y/n away for so long.” 
“I know. That’s why we are going to Y/n’s next show.”
Jeongin’s eyes widened as he watched Chan pull out two tickets to your show, Giselle. After practice, Chan drove the two boys two hours away to your venue to see her perform. Jeongin watched you dance across the stage with bright eyes. He loved watching you become the character of Giselle, though he couldn’t help but be a little jealous of the man who played your fiance.
When he and Chan surprised you backstage, you jumped into his arms and kissed him all over. “Innie! You came!” He smiled and wouldn’t stop talking about how fantastic you were. 
“Y/n! Oh my god! You were so good! The whole leap thing, and your turns! And the thing with the lift- it was so cool! You did incredible baby!”
Requests are open! Just send an ask!
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itsapapisongo · 4 years
animam agere*
Pairing: JohnTen
Genre: Angst (sort of) | Fluff
Tropes: Character Death | Established Relationship | Non-Idol AU
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Character death, profanity
Summary: In a single blink, a normal day turns to tragedy. With a snap, everything turns to ashes.
Notes: * To have one’s last breath. | Once again, as it often happens, the despicable fiend known as Writer’s Block as arrived at my doorstep. Since I’ve been listening to Infinity War’s and Endgame’s soundtrack and planning on writing something involving the Infinity Stones and loss, I thought writing about the Decimation—or the Snap, if you prefer—was an interesting way to practice the Art of Angst. 
Warning: This is completely unedited mess. ‘Nuff said.
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“WHERE’S THE bottle opener thingie?”
Johnny closed his eyes and sighed, but he couldn’t quite conceal the small smile that spread across his face. He shook his head gently, chuckled, then turned to his boyfriend. Ten stood in their apartment’s small kitchen and titled his head in a this shouldn’t be this hard yet it is sort of way. A bottle of wine was in his left hand, the right gently placed on his waist as he read the label then glanced over his shoulder, toward the counter, as if whatever he was looking had magically appeared there. He bore a look of confusion in his face that Johnny found both adorable and amusing.
“You mean the corkscrew?”
Ten frowned, glanced at the bottle, then back at his boyfriend. “That’s what it’s called?” He asked, his voice laced with disgust. “Cockscrew?”
“Cork—“ Johnny enunciated slowly. “—screw.”
“Whoever named it that needs a swift kick in the ass.”
“Without them we wouldn’t be able to enjoy wine, though.” Johnny shrugged as he walked over and joined Ten in the kitchen. “So be thankful for it having a name.”
“Yeah, but ‘bottle opener’ works just fine.”
“It sure does.”
Ten clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, giving his back to Johnny. Though he did this quickly, Johnny caught a glimpse of that half-smile his boyfriend often had whenever he was being playful.
“So, Mr. I-Know-Big-Words . . .“ Ten placed the bottle on the counter and leaned on it, tilting his head to the side. “Where’s the damn bottle opener?”
“It’s in one of the drawers.” Johnny idly gestured towards the counter’s drawers behind Ten’s lower back. “Don’t know which one but it’s in there.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am.”
“Cool,” Ten exclaimed, clapping loudly. He leaned forward then, though he didn’t need to, stood on his tiptoes to gently peck Johnny’s lips. “Look for it then.”
“You do know that you’re abusing your power?” Johnny stood there, smiling and not entirely surprised. “You can’t do that every time you don’t wanna do something.”
“You wanna bet, Chicago?” Ten raised an eyebrow, smirking.
Johnny blinked and opened his mouth to respond but relented, smiling so wide that his eyes were crinkled and barely visible. He looked away, unable to contain his laughter, shaking his head and rubbing his forehead. He opened the drawer, found the corkscrew—pardon, bottle opener—and proceeded to open the bottle. He could hear Ten chuckling behind him then heard the faint but distinctive sound of phone’s camera.
“You look so whipped,” Ten said, his voice dripping with smugness. “Oh, wait—you are whipped.”
Johnny threw his head back, groaning then laughing. He glared at Ten for a second before softening and chuckling, eyes crinkled, smile wide. Ten leaned in, kissed him in the cheek, slapped his thigh, and took the bottle away as soon as it was uncorked. Before he could protest, Ten was pouring the wine on two glasses. When their eyes met, his boyfriend winked and blew him a kiss.
What little shit, he thought as clenched his jaw and bit his lower lip. His boyfriend sure knew that smirks and kisses often won him over. He know how to abuse his power well.
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AN HOUR or so later, the bottle was empty. They had opened another—Ten had reluctantly done the favor—and sat on the living room, not quite watching TV yet not quite ignoring it. They were too involved in a whispered conversation to care about the drama flick Johnny had insisted they watched. Tom Hank was putting on a damn good show and that for the most part was going to waste.
It had been a while since they had found time to just unwind—to be in each other’s arms or kiss or tease each other—because with Johnny working long days at the studio and Ten interning at the art gallery they rarely conceded these days. But these moments mattered and they were meant to be cherished and they had promised each other that they would do whatever it took to enjoy them. These moments were rare and neither of them was about to let them slip through their fingers.
The relationship had started behind everyone’s back—with only Kun and Yuta being in the know—and they had taken steps to solidify what had started as a leap of faith into the unknown. Having been pretty certain about his sexuality then suddenly feeling like he was still learning about himself, for Johnny it was uncharted territory. For Ten, on the other hand, who knew what he liked and disliked since puberty, this wasn’t exactly new but it wasn’t exactly something he had experienced in. Flings were nothing when compared to a committed relationship.
Almost a year had passed since their first date. Neither regretted their midnight escapades. Neither regretted holding hands in public, passing it off as friends being friendly and indulging in “skinship”. They knew who they were, where they stood, and who they loved. Once, during their fifth date, when a woman on a nearby table gave them a judgmental look and harrumphed at them, Ten smiled and waved at her. Through gritted teeth, he mumbled, “fuck this, fuck that, fuck it, and fuck the rest.”
And so they did. Why lose time and wallow in pity when you knew who you were, when you had embraced who you were? Love is love is love is love. That’s all that mattered.
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FUCK THIS, fuck that, fuck it, and fuck the rest.
“Why?” Johnny asked, doing his best not to look at the woman without feeling a mix of annoyance and delight.
“Because I love you,” Ten whispered, shrugging. “That’s why.”
His boyfriend shrugged again, unfazed. “You feel me?”
“I feel you.” He chuckled sheepishly. When Ten reached out and intertwined his hand with his, Johnny couldn’t help but feel loved. “I just feel you.”
“Good to hear, Chicago.” Ten half-smiled, caressing Johnny’s chin.
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TEN HAD laid his head on Johnny’s lap, his body sprawled across the couch. He was on his phone when he spoke up, a worried tone in his voice.
“New York is a mess,” he whispered.
“I mean it’s a big city and—“
“Not like that, you himbo.” Ten sat straight and showed him a video of Central Park. A figure clad in metal tones of red and iron fought a giant brute. A good chunk of the park was made a disaster in a matter of seconds. The video ended abruptly as though the phone had fallen to the ground. “Mark had mentioned a good part of Manhattan had to be evacuated but, shit, I thought he was exaggerating.”
Johnny frowned. Manhattan evacuated? Aliens in New York? It wasn’t exactly strange but it was surprising. Still after six years had since the Battle of New York, it was oddly and eerily surprising. Since then everything had drastically changed—the world had expanded and everyone was forced, one way or another, to forget what they knew yet ignored two truths: humanity wasn’t alone in the universe and something or someone out there was certainly watching.
“Is Mark okay?”
Ten shrugged, though the gesture was small. “He hasn’t responded in the group chat since, wow, almost six hours.”
“Should we worry?”
“I don’t—“ Ten paused, unsure. “Maybe. Let me just call him.”
Johnny nodded, offered a thumbs-up, and stood up. He took the empty wine bottle and walked to the kitchen, humming a tune that was familiar yet eluded him. He left the bottle on the sink, washed his hands, and opened the refrigerator. Something to eat would be nice, balance the alcohol high, keep things flowing, so he pulled a small cheese tray Taeil had given him the day prior. He glanced over his shoulder, saw that Ten was making the call, sheepishly opened the tray and popped in a grape.
“Hey,” he mumbled, his mouth full, “want a grape?”
“Yeah, sure,” his boyfriend replied, though it was clear he was distracted. He perked up, disgust in his voice. “Wait—did you just offer me grapes?”
“Oh, right.” Johnny nodded. “Fruits are a big no-no.”
“You better wash your teeth. I’m not kissing you with—shit, Mark, are you okay?” Ten stood up so fast he felt nauseous. “I just saw something online. New York’s a fucking mess. Where are you?”
A strings of impatient ‘uh-huh’s and worried ‘okay’s echoed in the apartment’s living room. His pacing was faint but Johnny could still hear it. For about a minute, there was silence. Though Ten had stopped moving, Johnny could hear his breathing. He heard in his boyfriend’s voice relief as he assumed that Mark told him he was safe, probably away from all the danger and the destruction that had been unleashed mere blocks from where Mark had been.
“Call me back as soon as you get to the airport.” Ten sighed. “Well, fuck, at the very least text me.”
Johnny popped in another grape, frowning. “Everything okay?”
Ten nodded, but it was an apprehensive nod. The kind of gesture that said yeah, for now. He raised a finger that said one second, nodded again, then hung up. He sighed and looked ashen but definitely relieved as he threw his phone on the couch.
“He’s getting on a flight back to Seoul.” Ten rubbed his left temple with his thumb. “Says it’s best if he enjoys the rest of his vacations here.”
“That’s good, right?”
“Better here than the super dangerous capital of the world.”
Johnny nodded. He reached for something on the tray and offered it. “Cheese?”
Ten scoffed. He walked to the small coffee table between the couch and the TV and picked up his glass and the second bottle of wine. “No, wine,” he said. “Now pour me another glass.”
“As you wish.” Johnny winked, taking the bottle. He popped in the piece of cheese his boyfriend had neglected and munched on it, humming that familiar yet elusive tune again. As he poured the wine, Ten held his glass and bit his lower lip. “Bottoms up.”
“And tops down.” Ten nodded, winked, and took a sip.
Johnny turned, smiling, feeling a bit better. A frowning Ten required cheering up. And he was up for the challenge of turning that frown upside down and what better way than to—
Something fell—glass shattered on the ground, wine splashing behind it—and Johnny whirled, worried and ready to help. Ten was frowning, his entire face contorted with confusion and uncertainty. Johnny blinked and saw that Ten’s right hand, up to his forearm, was gone . . . but that couldn’t be—or could it? Where there was once fingers was replaced by empty space and—were those ashes or was it dust? Ten looked up, the frown replaced by fear, sudden, real, overwhelming.
“Johnny?” He asked, his voice trembling. “What is—“
“Ten?” Johnny reached out for his left arm but it crumbled into dust—no, ashes—in his own palm. He tried to grasp him by his forearm but only managed end up with handful of ashes. “What is—no, no, what the fuck is going on?”
“I don’t—” Ten gasped.
Johnny reached out and pulled him close, felt his weight against his chest for a second—felt his breath, felt his warmth—until he didn’t anymore. He closed his eyes and was washed, head to toe, in ashes. He was grasping at nothing but air and a cloud of grayish-brown ashes. Johnny stood there, eyes closed, trembling, unsure of what had happened. 
He felt numb as though someone had thrown cold water over him; his legs gave out and he collapsed, his back and head sliding against the small space between the counter and refrigerator. He could only hear his breathing, uneven and loud, and the faint rumbling of thunder outside. The thunder echoed like the dull roar of a beast that had been awakened.
“I feel you,” Johnny whispered between sobs and sniffs. “I feel you, Chittaphon, I feel you.” He hugged himself, hyperventilating. “I only feel you.”
All he could think of was the look of terror in Ten’s face.
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