#i don't approve
sotofa · 1 year
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a-hoya-28 · 1 year
I'm not ok with this and I do NOT approve 😤 Shirt's are to be on your torso, not your hands sir 😤 @erebus-kingdom
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anothercomplaint · 16 days
this whole "having a full-time job" thing is really interrupting my "listening to Kendrick Lamar all day" hours
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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We’ve hit Spring Friday in the Chill Save, and you know what THAT means -- Love Day! :D A particularly busy one too, given that I’m now working with a polycule. So yes, we’re getting a double dose of love in this update --
Right after Victor puts out the fire from his latest Repairio fail. *facepalm* Yeah, it was a slightly rough morning. Not only did I have some trouble trying to update Alice’s new werewolf form the way I wanted in CAS (does the Werewolf Paint Mode not have the “mirror what you’re doing on the other side” option??), Victor of course was still having trouble with his first and only spell. Fortunately he was able to put out the fire quickly, and successfully Repairioed the now-scorched turbine, but damn. Can anyone blame Alice for deciding she very much needed some StrawFizz after all that? :p Good thing Smiler is always ready to pump someone up!
Once the situation with the turbine was taken care of, it was back to morning chores for the gang -- Victor weeded the greenhouse and fed and chatted with the chickens, while Smiler did some school stuff and some recycling and Alice -- well, Alice did some scavenging out in the yard to see if she could find any goodies. :p Hey, it’s all werewolf experience! Smiler headed to class shortly thereafter, and Victor presented Alice with a lily (which she rudely disliked for some reason -- at least even a failed gift counts toward the “Give Flowers” tradition) and asked her out on a date! But where to go on said date?
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irl-brad-tudabone · 4 months
Lloyd got aged up to a teen by magical tea. Yeah, he fought the embodiment of evil with a year after that.
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inkskinned · 6 months
the problem is that being single is seen as the consolidation prize, and not the natural neutral state of being-a-person. at the end of the movie or the book or the poetry, there is a person waiting for you at the altar, and they love you. if the play is a comedy, everyone gets married. the metaphor is about how you are not-whole. the metaphor is about how everyone is going to be happily-ever-after. the metaphor is that romantic love is the most important resource on the planet, not just all-love. all-love is not a thing, that is a disappointment. the treasure is not the friends we made along the way. the treasure is the girl you landed.
the metaphor is that you cannot be alone, that means you are broken. are you getting over someone? that is acceptable, you can be getting over someone, but not for long. you must be single because you would rather not be single. you must be single and looking to not-be-single. you must want to date, eventually.
friendship and community are never seen as being equal-to or even-better than romantic connection. that person is your one! you need to find them. you need to hunt through the sand particles until you can shift out some kind of gem. this is regardless to your own experience of the beach and the sun. you need to be somewhere with someone.
if you are taking this time alone to heal, that is so sad. everyone gives you this little pitying look. the understanding is that you are not actually happier than you were before you were single. it is seen as a sort of pity - oh, you are choosing yourself, making yourself the priority? - that isn't quite right. you must mean that you are making yourself ready for the right person. you are just laying the bed better this time. open up your heart. you'll find them, we promise!
what do you mean you're really-truly genuinely-very happy? you are probably misremembering what it was like to be in a relationship. and besides, once you meet your person, that time will look grey and bland and wasted. your person is the only way for you to see in color. so what if you have taken this time - for the first time in your entire life - to actually-for-real do the fucking work. you can be proud of yourself, sure. but the way we need to know that you got better is that you get a partner. you're healed enough for the next bad part!
people don't choose to be single, they just say they're choosing to be single - they actually mean "nobody wants to date me." it doesn't matter how many people you have gently rejected or how many times you've talked it over carefully in therapy. what matters is that you are single, and by all accounts - that means you are something worth our pity. your successes and life all seem pale in the sunlight. sure, you have done amazing things and finally found your way in life. what matters is that there wasn't a person in the room with you while you did it.
you want to tell them - that's the whole thing. i didn't know how to be alone in the room. i didn't know how to handle the silence. every moment was so sharp, and i kept choosing the wrong way to close the door. i have spent my entire life in the empty well, living in the ricochet of someone else's cruelty. for once i have built myself a ladder. for once everything i taste is all mine, every bite of sunshine and laughter. i have learned how to sleep out in the open with my memories. recently, they have started to purr.
your father rolls his eyes. listen. this isn't about you. i just want a grandchild in my future.
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
I recall saying this before, but it bears repeating:
There could be a billion trans people in the world and it still wouldn't be a bad thing because being trans is not a bad thing. Even if the rate of people discovering they are trans is "disproportionate" to trends from decades ago, that is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a natural consequence for there being more trans people being able to stay alive, and, overall, being able to live in a slightly more tolerant world. You'd only see that as a bad thing if you actively didn't want trans people to either live or live a life that facilitates wellness.
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jeeaark · 6 months
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Sometimes. You just gotta self-indulge and treat yourself to a little drawing expressing how much you love this *clenches fist* goshdarn friggin' Disaster Team AND SOMETIMES you just gotta express how much your goshdarn friggin' Disaster Team loves their professional Disaster of a team leader.
This was one of the first comics I was compelled draw, but I don't see why it can't be a fun little review of act 1 sillies while transitioning into Act 3 finally officially ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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seawhee · 2 years
Mosquitos had date night on my foot (2 bites close together)
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utilitycaster · 25 days
between the Assembly taking over Aeor and the Tishtan site and his behavior towards the Grim Verity and the fact that I bet they probably did the same to Pride's Call, I have to wonder if there's just a rag-tag group of furious historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists who are amassing to murder Ludinus Da'leth over that alone
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sotofa · 1 year
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scooplery · 9 months
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qqueenofhades · 10 months
May I present the best headline I've seen today:
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Look, the Fulton County people have already said they plan to give him the full works: fingerprinting, mugshot, perp walk, releasing height/weight, etc, all the usual criminal treatment that he's managed to avoid so far. So yeah, he's gonna fucking HATE it, and if I don't see the mugshot everywhere on everything and made into all the memes you can think of, the internet will have failed me.
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canisalbus · 7 months
The little Courage the cowardly dog-esque paws on this drawing just sent me for some reason I'm so sorry I just had to quickly doodle a little Machete the cowardly dog XD
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How does your Wheeljack feel about King-Kong?
I G1 one enjoyer I see, I get the references ;)
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Ok, but to answer the question, yes, he does in fact like King Kong, along with many other pieces of human cinema, especially the ones with giant monsters or dinosaurs. wheeljack is always looking for inspiration for new projects/inventions, and being on Earth has provided him with tons of new inspiration.
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petricorah · 1 year
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lee from the tea shop boutta get it (wip) [id in alt]
edit: completed illustration here
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