#i don't even have any weed to take the edge off
people really suck sometimes
i'm 95% sure my neighbors right next door have been ringing my doorbell/knocking almost every single day for a while now and instead of just. leaving me a note at the door or even in my mailbox. they keep doing it???
like. excuse me, but some of us are trying to have an anxiety disorder in peace
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: Anon request - "so can you maybe write a fanfic where the reader is in a relationship with Colby, but he cheats on her at a party, so to get him back, she cheats on him with Jake but when he finds them in a room getting busy he decides to join"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of drinking and smoking (weed and cigarettes), arguing, mean/hurtful things being said, Colby cheating on reader, reader getting even, threesome, choking, biting, hair pulling, scratching, rough unprotected sex, cream pieS, just filth
HUGE disclaimer: I KNOW Colby is a sweetie and wouldn't do any of the things I'm about to write, same with Jake so please don't take any of this serious. I'm already hurting writing them as assholes but also kinda excited. I also made up some people to make the one shot go smoothly - enjoy!
Word count: 7.2k | not edited
Part two
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
"Y/n. Are you about ready? With the traffic we're going be late." Colby peaks his head inside the door, smiling when you turn around, "Yeah. I'm ready."
"Wow." His eyes move up and down your body, "That dress looks amazing on you."
You can feel the heat in your cheeks riding up, "Oh.. thanks." He walks in, hands sliding over your hips, "You picked a good one." He presses his lips to your forehead, "Now come on. I can't wait to show you off."
Your hand slides into his as he pulls you towards the doorway. The last few days, something has been off.
Something in your gut telling you not to go to this party, but you didn't want to upset Colby. You knew he was looking forward to this for a while now, so you pushed the feelings away and went anyway.
As you're in the car heading to the party, Colby glances over at you, giving you a smile, "Are you excited?"
You shrug, the feeling in your gut returning, "Yeah." You smile with a nod, "Kind of."
"Kind of? Do you not want to go?" He frown slightly and you shake your head, "No, I want to. I just have this weird feeling that I can't seem to shake."
"I'm sure you'll be fine when you get drink or two in ya." He lays his hand on your knee, hand gripping the wheel as he takes off from the red light he was stopped at.
"Yeah, let's hope." You laugh slightly and look out the window. As you pull up, you can already tell it's going to be a packed house party.
"Maybe that's why." You mumble and Colby looks over at you after he parts, "What's why?"
"There's a lot of people." You look at him and he chuckles, "It's all people you know, baby. Now come on." He gets out, walking around to open your door.
Everything was going good.
"Ayooo." Sam yells from across the parking lot, Kat hanging on his arm, "Hey, y/n!" She waves and you wave back, taking Colby's hand into yours as you walk towards them, "How are you?"
Kat nods, "Better once I've gotten a drink." You nod, "I know what you mean." You walk in with the small group, looking around as the music fills your ears and the smell of weed fills your nose.
"This is going to be so much fun." Sam kisses Kat's cheek, "I'll go get you a drink." Colby looks down at you, "Whatcha want, babe?"
You smile, "Surprise me."
"Ooh, livin on the edge. I like it." Colby kisses your head and jogs to catch up to Sam.
"You two seem to be doing very good." Kat smiles and you nod, "Oh yeah. Never a dull moment, you know." She laughs, sitting down on the small couch, "Yeah, with Colby you never know what to expect."
You didn't really think that applied to your relationship, but you'd soon figure it out.
"Ain't that the truth." You laugh and look over as the boys walk back with the drinks, "Here you go." Colby hands you a drink and you sip it, "Mm. That's good."
"Fruit punch and vodka." He moves next to you, laying a hand on your back as he continues to talk to Sam.
You look at Kat, "We may as well be dating because it sure seems like our boyfriends are boyfriends."
She laughs and looks over at Sam, laughing harder as he looks at her, "Who has a boyfriend?" She points between him and Colby, "You guys."
Colby laughs, "I mean.. I don't mean to brag or anything but.." you all laugh and you shake your head, still sipping on your drink.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A little while later, you're inside, standing in a group with more people, Jake, Johnnie, and a few others you know well.
You've had a few cups and you were feeling tipsy, you had a small buzz going on. You were giggly with Kat and few of your other friends.
"Need another?" Colby asks and you look down at your half full cup, "No." you look back up at him, "I'm still good for now."
He nods, knocking back the rest of his, "Be right back." Colby walks away and Kat grabs your arm, "We should totally be partners in beer pong."
You nod, "Oh my god! Yes!"
She turns to Sam, "When Colby gets back, bring him over to the pong table so we can play against you guys."
He nods, "Okay. Where'd he go?" He looks around and nods when he sees him getting another drink, "Found him. Okay we'll he over."
Kat grabs your hand, pulling you over to the already set up table, "Okay, which end do you want?" You look and point to the other end, "That side."
You both move to the other end, perfecting the set up of the cups as they walk over, "Alright." Colby says with a smirk, "Who's ready to lose?"
"You guys apparently." You smirk, eyes on Colby, "Losers have to shotgun."
"Deal." Sam and Colby say in unison. Sam rolls a ball over, "Well shoot for who goes first. Good luck babe.”
Kat picks up the ball and tilts her head, "Thanks, you'll need it." She shoots her shot and makes it. Sam makes his and makes it.
"Alright. Our turn." Colby picks up his ball from the water cup and moves it around in his fingers, "Go ahead, babe."
You smile and shake your head, focusing on the cups. You make yours and Colby misses. Sam smacks his arm, "Dude. What the hell."
"Sorry. I was distracted." He winks at you and you roll your eyes as you smile, "Mhm."
Halfway into the game, each teach has two cups left and you've drawn a crowd, mainly for commentary on the playful and flirty trash talking.
Although, you're kind of distracted by Colby looking past you occasionally. You can tell he's looking in your direction, but not at you.
And that's not like him.
You glance behind you, seeing a girl with a smile plastered on her face. You follow her gaze and you know exactly who she's looking at.
You take a deep breath, focusing on the second to last cup - making your shot.
Kat shoots, missing hers, giving the guys a turn.
Colby shoots and misses, usually you'd say something to tease him but at this moment, you don't want to risk saying something that might actually embarrass him.
"What? No trash talk?" Colby holds his arms out to his sides and you just shrug. Kat nudges you and leans in, "Your whole mood just changed."
"I'll tell you then." You say as you catch the ball before it bounces off the table. You sniffle, holding the ball up to take your shot.
You miss and let out a sigh, "hurry up and end this game for us Kat."
They all laugh like you said a joke, but there was nothing funny about it.
Kat makes her shot, giving the boys each a redemption shot, which they both miss. You grab your empty cup, walking away from them as you make your way to the alcohol table in the kitchen.
"Hey. What's going on?" Kat follows you, walking up to your side, "You just got like really mad."
"Is it that noticeable?" You cringe and sigh, "Sorry."
"Whoa. Hi. Its me. Kat. I just won the game for us. Why are you-"
You cut her off, "Colby wasn't looking at me."
"What do you mean he wasn't looking at you?" She looks at you confused and you glance to the door, looking down at your full cup, "The girl behind us. He was looking in my direction but he wasn't looking at me."
"I don't think.." she shakes her head, "No. there's no way Colby would do that. Say something to him. Talk to him."
Sam and Colby walk through the door. Colby is silent as he nods his head for you to come off to the side. You take a silent breath and walk over, avoiding eye contact with him.
"What's going on?" His stare holds on you and you continue to stay quiet. He looks over at Sam and Kat, "Give us a sec guys."
They leave the kitchen and he rubs your arm, "Hey. Talk to me."
You look up at him, "Who were you looking at during the game?"
He looks at you confused, shaking his head slightly as he tries to comprehend what you just asked him, "Who was I what? What do you mean? I was looking at you."
You shake your head, clearing your throat as you try not to let the tears take over, "The girl.. behind Kat and I, she was watching you."
"Jake was standing behind you doing weird motions to try and throw me off." Colby laughs, "I can even go get him and have him-"
"No." You shake your head, "That's fine. I believe you."
"I only have eyes for you, y/n. You know that." He tilts your chin up, rubbing it gently with his fingers, "I love you."
You smile, nodding while his hand is still on your chin, "I love you." He leans in, pressing his lips to yours before leaning back, "Come on. Let's go watch Jake and Johnnie fuck shit up."
He lays his arm over your shoulders and you walk out with him.
Throughout the game, Colby would yell stuff to Jake and look down at you, rubbing your back as he smiled at you.
Maybe you overreacted?
Maybe you needed another drink.
You finish what's in your cup, "Do you need another?" Colby hands you his empty cup, "Please." He kisses your cheek and you smile, turning to go towards the kitchen.
"See." Kat says walking next to you, "Everything is fine. Plus, if he was looking at her, he was probably looking at how awful those extensions are."
You laugh, "Yeah, they are god awful aren't they?" You make the drinks, swirling them around a little to mix them up before you guys head back out.
Everyone is cheering as you walk up to Colby, "What happened?" Colby takes his cup, "They just made both balls in one cup which means they automatically win the game."
"Oh shit. Good for them!" You watch as Jake slowly spins with his arms out to his sides. He accidentally hits Johnnie in the head and you can tell he tells him not to stand there.
You laugh and shake your head as they walk up to you guys, "So. Who wants to play the winners?"
You look at Kat, "Why not?"
She laughs, "Alright. Well give it a go." She walks over to the table with you and Sam and Colby move closer to talk.
"Ladies first." Jake rolls the balls over the table and you smile, "Awe, how sweet of you ladies to let the prettier ones go first."
Jake's jaw drops and Johnnie looks at Jake, "You couldn't have just shot for the first turn? Idiot."
You and Kat laugh, making each of your shots and Jake stares at the table, "Oh fuck." He looks at Johnnie, "I think.. we're screwed."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"And that's game." You look at Kat, "We're good at this."
Kat laughs and nods, "I'd say so." She looks at Jake and Johnnie, "Good game, fellas." She grabs her cup and walks away.
"Let me know if you wanna get screwed again." You laugh and pick up your cup, walking to go find Colby. You see Sam and Kat, but don't see him anywhere.
"Where Colby?" You look at Sam and sip your drink. He shrugs as he bops to the music, "Last I knew he was  with a few people taking shots."
"Taking shots?" You scoff quietly and roll your eyes as you take a long drink, "Nice." You walk around, looking all over for him, but you still don't see him.
"Hey, have you seen Colby?" You ask Mason and he shakes his head, "No, sorry." You nod, moving back through the crowd.
You go back to Sam and Kat and lo and behold, Colby is standing there with two shots in his hands. He turns as Sam points to you and he smiles, clearly a lot drunker than when you left him to play another game of pong, "Hey baby! I got you this!"
You take the shot class from his hand, "What is it?"
He takes his, "Just take it."
You sigh and take it, almost gagging when you feel the burn of tequila in your throat, "Oh my god. Colby! That's teq-uila."
You lay your wrist over your mouth and he purses his lips, "Fuck, sorry. You don't like tequila, sorry. I forgot."
You give Kat a look and she nods, "Why don't we go dance?" She nudges Sam, obvious that she filled him in on why there was tension in the air with you.
Sam nods, "Yeah, Colby. Let's go shake some ass, brother." Colby laughs, "Fuck yeah. Let's do it." He reaches for your hand and you take it, smiling slightly.
You make your way onto the dance floor as Yeah! by Usher starts playing.
"This is my jam!" Colby yells out as he grips your hips, moving his own and you can't help but laugh. Sam watches in horror as Colby dances and Kat covers her mouth to not laugh.
"Go Colby!" Sam yells, waving his hand in the air, "Go Colby!"
Soon everyone around you was cheering Colby on, chanting, "Go Colby! Go Colby!"
the song ends and you shake your head, laughing as he walks up to you, "why didn't you dance?" You lay your hands on his chest and you laugh, "You were the star of that song, babe. Good job though."
He laughs and sighs, "I need another drink, do you?" You nod, "That would be nice, do you want me to come with you?" He shakes his head, "No because I'm going to make you a surprise drink." 
"No tequila please." You yell as he walks away and your attention is turned to Jake pulling Johnnie onto the floor and dancing around him like he's a stripper pole.
"These two fucking kill me." You say to Kat as you laugh. She nods while laughing, "Poor Johnnie."
Everyone starts cheering for Jake and he eventually starts laughing as walks off, leaving Johnnie to stand there clueless on what to do.
He soon walks off and you look over towards the kitchen, "What's taking him so long?" You mumble to yourself. You look to Kat, "I'll be right back."
She nods and watches you walk away. You walk into the kitchen - no Colby, but what you assume is your cup sitting there because it has the same color lipstick you're wearing printed on the lip of it.
"What the fuck?" You sigh, walking over to make your own drink. You turn around, looking side to side beside walking back out.
"Hey." You stop Jake and he looks at you, "What's up?" You look around, "Have you seen Colby?" You look back at him and he looks around, "I seen him go into the kitchen but not after that."
You nod, giving him a quiet, "Thanks." As you go to walk away, he grabs your arm, "Is everything okay? I've been picking up on some tension."
You laugh slightly, trying to make light of it, "You can feel that?"
"Honey, you can Scooby doo cut that shit like a pie and  serve it on a glass plate." He tilts his head, laughing at his own joke, "Yeah. I can."
"Scooby doo that that.." you laugh, "Yeah that's what I was afraid of."
"Come with me." He turns and walks towards the sliding glass doors and you give one last look before following him when you don't see Colby.
"Have a seat, miss. Talk to therapist Jake." He sits down and pulls a cigarette out of the pack. He extends his arm out and you shake your head, "I'm fine."
"Suit yourself." He lights it and takes a drag, "Now, when did, whatever is going on, start?"
You laugh and let out a sigh, "When we were playing beer pong. I swear he was staring at a girl who was standing behind me. But I talked to him and he said you were also standing behind me doing stuff to distract him."
Jake stares at you for a few seconds, "I was force feeding shots to Johnnie. I meant I came in towards the end but I wasn't standing behind you guys. I was more off to the side."
You clench your jaw, "Huh.. okay. Well that makes sense as to why I didn't see you then."
"What girl are we talking about?" He crosses his leg over the other and rests his elbow on the arm rest of the chair.
"I don't know who it is. All I know is that her extensions are horrific and she should sue her hair dresser." You raise your brows and huff, "She has brown hair, it was half up, half down. Wearing, I think a pinkish purplish two piece dress thing."
"I think you're talking about Casie. And if you are.." Jake takes another drag, "You don't have anything to worry about. Colby can't stand her."
You nod, "Well, that's a good thing.. I think." You finish your drink and crinkle the cup in your hand, "I just.. okay. I had this really weird gut feeling about coming here tonight and I just.."
You sigh and look at Jake. He leans forward, "Colby would be the absolute, most dumbest mother fucker in the world  if he did anything to ruin your guys relationship."
"Yeah." You nod, laughing as you convince yourself that you're just causing a bigger thing within your own mind, "You're right."
You sigh and stand up, "Thank you, therapist Jake."
He smiles and holds his hands out, "Anytime. Anytime."
You walk back inside and something is off. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it's just you, you can't shake it.
You walk into the kitchen, making yourself another drink before walking back out. For some reason, something tells you to walk to the back of the house.
As you round the corner, you stop in your tracks. Your hand crushes the liquid filled cup, a constant stream falling out of the split sides.
Colby has that girl against the wall, hands on her hips as his tongue is in her mouth. She opens her eyes, smirking at you as he starts to kiss down her neck.
You see her mouth, "uh oh" and giggle as Colby leans away. He looks at her then turns his head, eyes going wide as he realizes that he'd just been caught ruining the once perfect relationship.
You turn, walking away before he even steps towards you.
"He- whoa. Hey. Hey." Kat holds onto your arm as she stumbles with you, "y/n. Hey. Wha-"
"Colby was kissing that girl. Kissing down her neck while pinning her against the wall." Your anger bubbles up more as you repeat what you just saw, "Fucking asshole."
Kat is as a loss for words and you sigh, "I need a minute." You pull your arm away from her and she immediately rushes to Sam to tell him the awful news.
You go outside, walking down towards the cars as you try to hold it together. You bend down, laying a hand on the back of a car.
It just so happens to be Jake's car.
"There better not be puke on my car." He laughs slightly as he leans out of the door, quickly coming to the realization that you are in fact not puking.
"Hey. What's going on?" He gets out, bending down to get to your eye level. He brushes hair from your face and drops his hand, "He didn't."
You look at him and nod, "Mhm. Had her.. pinned up again the wall.. kissing on her neck. She was absolutely loving the fact that I caught them. Exactly what the bitch wanted, too."
You scoff, looking away as you shake your head.
"I'm- fuck. Im so sorry." Jake drags his finger over the rocks, "Can I do anything?" He shifts forward, resting on his knees, "What can I do?"
You look at Jake, locking eyes with him, "I-" you stop yourself from saying something you might possibly regret later, but right now, you weren't looking to flip out on Colby.
You weren't looking to be made a fool in front of the hundreds of people that were here.
You were looking for revenge.
"I want.. to get him back." You keep your stare on Jake and he shrugs, "I mean, if that's what you want to do.. then go talk to him. Get him back, girl." He laughs slightly and you shake your head, moving closer to him, "No.. I want to.."
Your eyes jump back and forth from his lips to his eyes before grabbing his blank tank top and pulling yourself into meet his lips with yours.
At first he's shocked, leans away and stares at you. He licks his lips, a slow smirk growing on his lips, "Yeah, fuck him."
He cups your face, pulling you back in to kiss him. Your lips move with his, moaning quietly against his as you feel a sense of power wash over you.
"Do they have empty rooms here?" You lean back, tilting your head and he raises his brows, "Oh, you want to take this all the way?"
You nod, "Only if you're okay with it."
"I've done worse things. I'll meet you upstairs." He quickly gets up, shutting his car door and makes his way inside.
You slowly stand up, looking around to see if anyone saw what just went down. Luckily, you didn't see anyone, but a part of you wishes someone had.
You wipe under your eyes, your mind on one thing right now.
Jake waiting for you upstairs.
As you walk in, rounding the corner, you run into someone. You step back looking up and instantly shake your head as you see Colby looking down at you.
"No. Mm. Not doing this here." You go to walk around him to the stairs but he grabs your arm, "Please.. can we just talk?"
"Talk? You want to talk?" You scoff, "okay. Fine. Let's talk." Your voice isn't quite a yell, but it's enough to get the attention of the people that are close to you, "let's talk about how we are now obviously not who we used to be."
Colby stands there, looking from everyone staring then back to you, "Y/n."
"You wanna know why we aren't who we used to be? Because you had to go.." you step towards him, "..and fucking cheat on me."
Colby frowns at your voice cracking, "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? For what? Not remembering that you have a girlfriend?" You lay a hand on your forehead and sigh, "You know what. Fuck you. Fuck you." You push him slightly, "How fucking could you?"
The tears are now on the verge of winning and your heart shatters more when you see Kat standing there with tears in her eyes.
Colby is silent. Unable to find the right words to say, not like there is any.
"Now, if you'll excuse me." Your voice goes almost silent as you walk away. Quickly making your way up the stairs case.
All of the doors are closed and you just pick one and walk in, shutting the door behind you. You turn around and jump slightly when you see Jake sitting on the bed, "Long time no see."
You laugh slightly as you wipe under your eyes, "I just slightly lost it on Colby."
"As you should." Jake tilts his head as he leans back, holding his body up with his arms extended behind him, "Should have clocked him too while you were at it." Jake bites his lip, "Now that would have been sexy as hell."
You laugh slightly as you walk over to him. You stand in front of him, looking up and down his body as you slowly move to straddle his waist.
He moves one hand forward, placing it on your thigh, "What do you want to do here, y/n."
You slowly push his tank top up his abdomen, "I think you know what I want to do." You look up at him and he nods, "Yeah." His hand drags up and down your bare thigh, "I think I have an idea."
You lean forward and his hands move to your ass as he lays back. You flip your hair behind you and lean in to kiss him.
The slow make out quickly turns into a heated, full of passion and revenge make out.
His hands slip under your dress, squeezing your ass as you grind down on his growing bulge. Your voice is quiet, "Fuck me, Jake."
He can't help but smirk as you kiss back his jaw and down his neck, "please." You beg in a whimpered tone, "I need you."
He rolls over, laying his body over yours and your hands immediately move to help him undo his pants.
He frees his cock, pushing your legs open more with his hips.
He pushes your panties to the side, running his fingers up and down your folds a few times, "Shit, you really want this don't you?"
You nod, "I've always found you hot. I can admit that now, right?" Your smirk goes away as soon as he pushes his fingers inside of you.
You whimper, trying to moan quietly as he slowly pulls them out and pushes them back in, "You're so much hotter to me now."
He leans down, lips crashing onto yours as his fingers work in and out. You lay your hand on his cheek as you reach down with the other one, gently wrapping your hand around his cock.
He pulls his fingers out and leans up, spitting into his hand so he can coat himself before rubbing the tip against your pussy.
He watches his cock go into you before leaning back down, lips brushing over your cheek as you moan, "Fuck." Your nails dig into the skin his tank top doesn't cover and you drag them outward, "Jake."
He groans lowly into your neck as he starts to slowly thrusts his hips. He kisses up, making his way back to your lips. Your fingers lace in his hair, tugging slightly as your leg lays over his back, "Yes, yes, yes!"
You were so in the moment you didn't hear the door open then close. You look over Jake's shoulder, smirking when you lock eyes with Colby, "Uh oh."
Jake leans up, looking at you confused before he follows your stare and quickly gets up, covering himself.
Colby's stare is on you.
"What the fuck is this?" He points between you and Jake and you shrug, "What the fuck was that downstairs?"
Colby sighs, "That wasn't.."
"What? Wasn't what it looked like? Because, correct me if I'm wrong but.." you sit up, "That definitely looked like you were cheating on me."
"It was a fucking kiss, y/n. I didn't put my fucking dick in her."
"Yeah, but I bet you wanted to." You lift your hand and drop it, "That was the goal, right? From the moment you stared at her through me at the pong table?"
He shakes his head, "No. none of it was planned okay."
"Then why were you kissing down her neck, pulling her closer to you? Doing all the things you do to me?" You cross your leg over the other, leaning back on the bed, "I am just so.. fucking mad at you. I wanted you to feel how I felt."
Colby stands there in silence, you can see his anger bubbling up, and you knew what he wanted to do.
But you weren't going to make it easy for him.
Jake points to the door, "I'm just go-" he starts walking towards the door but Colby's words make him stop, "No. Jake. Stay."
"Yeah, Jake. Stay. I'm not done yet." You look over at Jake and bite your lip.
Colby chuckles, "Mm. I see what's happening here. You want to what, punish me? Fine." He motions to Jake, "Punish away."
Jake stands there, thinking about the situation.
"Was she a good kisser?" You look at Colby and he shakes his head, "Not even slightly good." You raise your brows, "Mm."
"Come on, y/n. I don't know what you want me to do." Colby scoffs, laughing slightly, "Do you want me to watch you fuck Jake? Is that what you want?"
You shake your head, "No. I want you to share me with him as you tell me just how sorry you really are."
Jake's eyes are on you, leaving you alone with Colby wasn't happening.
Leaving you in general wasn't happening.
He wasn't done with you, either.
"Well, are you going to try and fix this. Or are you going to go down and ki-" Your words are cut off by Colby over and pressing his lips to yours. You wanted to throw him off, push him away.
Anything, but you couldn't.
You needed him.
You needed Jake.
You needed them both so bad you were aching. If this was the last time you were with Colby, might as well make it a good one.
For Jake, not Colby.
Your anger didn't just go away, you still wanted him to feel like his heart had been ripped out.
"Need you both." You gasp out as Colby sucks a mark into your neck. You look over at Jake, reaching out for him. He comes over, taking your hand into his.
Colby's hand slides down your body, slipping in between your thighs. Jake moves to sit down next to you, his hand lays on your neck, squeezing slowly as he leans down to kiss you.
You moan into his mouth as Colby's fingers slip inside of you. Your hand moves to Jake's half zipped jeans, gripping the waistline of them, "Please."
Jake lets go of your neck, moving his hands down to undo his jeans.
Colby clenches his jaw, pulling his fingers out as he tilts his head, watching you watch Jake. His eyes follow your hand as they wrap around his cock.
He doesn't like it.
Not even in the slightest little way.
You shift around, leaning forward so your ass is in the air. Jake focuses on you because he knows Colby isn't happy.
But as he should be, right?
You stick your tongue out, dragging it up the underside of Jake's cock, earning a low moan from him.
Colby shakes his head, looking away as he cocks his jaw. He clears his throat and you pay no attention. You wrap your lips around the head of Jake's cock, moaning slightly as you take more of him in.
"Fuck." He whispers lowly as he lays a hand on the back of your head, "Just like that." He pulls his lower lip between his teeth, tilting his head back slightly as he looks over at Colby.
If looks could kill, Jake would be dead.
Colby looks away, walking around to get behind you. His hands push your dress up more, moving it to around your waist before sliding his hands over your ass.
His hand lifts up, coming down in a hard slap, earning a whimper from your lips. You continue bobbing your head, swirling your tongue, putting all of your focus onto Jake.
Colby pulls your panties away from your body, holding the over with his thumb as he works on getting his cock freed with one hand.
You feel his spit run down over your folds and it drips onto the bed. He moves forward, rubbing his cock against your folds before slowly pushing it, a groan leaving his lips.
You dig your nails into Jake's thighs, fighting back the urge to moan.
You lift your head, a string of saliva still connecting you to Jake. He wipes the corner of your mouth and gets down, getting on his knees at the side of the bed.
His hands cup your cheeks, leaning in to kiss you as Colby’s hands grip your hips harsher. You whimper, failing at what you were trying not to do.
You moan into Jake’s mouth and push your hips back to meet Colby’s. Jake runs a hand through your hair, his other hand cupping your chin as his thumb lays over your lips.
You wrap your lips around his thumb, tilting your head back as Colby thrusts all the way in and holds himself there.
“You still want me?” Colby asks in a cocky tone. Your eyes meet Jake’s, “No. I want Jake.”
Jake looks at Colby and Colby chuckles as he pulls out, “I see, you wanna see who fucks you better.” You roll over onto your back, “Go fuck yourself, Colby.”
You reach up, pulling Jake down on top of you. Your knees resting on his hips.
“You know.. maybe I will.” Colby sits down and wraps a hand around his cock, “Go on. Don’t let me stop you.”
“You’re such a fucking asshole.” You roll your eyes, trying to focus on Jake and not let Colby get under your skin anymore than he already has.
Jake reaches down, holding his cock steady as he pushes into you with a low groan. You gasp, wrapping a leg around his waist as you moan, “Fuck.”
You really weren’t just moaning for show, Jake really knew what he was doing.
You can feel Colby’s heated stare on you as you drag your nails across Jake’s exposed shoulders.
Colby really didn’t like this, as to why he fixed himself and just sat there, but you both were too stubborn to just call it quits.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” Jake whispers in your ear and you move your head to kiss him, moaning against his lips.
Colby sat there in pure anger. Watching one of his closest friends fuck his girlfriend.
Ex. Girlfriend.
“Fuck, fuck.” You whimper, back arching off the bed, “so close.” You lace your fingers in Jake’s hair, tugging as you feel your orgasm roll in hard.
Your leg tightens around his waist as you clench his cock, pulling him closer to his own.
“Fuck, y/n.. you got-“ he reaches back taking one of your legs and pinning it up so he has room to pull out. He groans as his thrusts grow slightly sloppy, meaning he’s almost there.
You gasp when he pulls out, biting your lip as you feel his cum string over your thighs, running down to pool on the bed.
You turn your head, breathing heavy as you meet Colby’s stare with your own as Jake stands up to dress himself correctly.
“Are you happy?” Colby’s words are quiet and you laugh slightly, “You mean with Jake?” You nod as you sit up, “Yeah, I really am. He knows what he’s doing.”
“Mm.” Colby runs his hand over his face, “Can we have the room please. If you’re done.” He looks at Jake and Jake crosses his arms, “I don’t really feel comfortable leaving her with you.”
“I’m not going to fucking hurt her, asshole.” Colby shoots, “I just… we need to talk.”
“I don’t think we need to talk right now, Colby. Because the things I want to say to you, won’t be nice.” You wipe off and stand up, fixing yourself, “I just really want to go the fuck home. I should have never came to this fucking party in the first place.”
“Mm. So you’re just going to leave me here after the betrayal I just witnessed?” Colby scoffs, “I see how it is.”
“It really seems like you’re forgetting about what I witnessed downstairs.. if you really want to get technical, I guess it was a betrayal times two.” You roll your eyes, “I’m not doing this. Jake..” you turn to look at him, “Can you take me home?”
“You’re done? Just like that?” Colby asks and you look at him, “I was done the minute I saw you looking at her through me.”
You walk towards the door, Jake following you out as you make your way down the steps.
Eyes are on you, of course, and you hear people asking about the scratches on Jake’s shoulders, but you ignore it all.
You walk out, making your way to Jake’s car and getting in. You pull your phone out, laughing when you see the amount of missed calls you have from Colby.
Jake gets in, “So where to?”
“Colby’s, I need to get as much stuff as I can.” You look out the window as he drives forward.
“Then where?” Jake looks over at you and back to the road, “Do you have any family here or anything?”
“All a few hundred miles away.” You shrug letting out a sigh, “I’ll figure it out.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A week later
“So.. wait..” Kat shakes her head, “You and.. Jake? In front of Colby?” She rests her fingers on her forehead, “That’s.. actually crazy.”
“Colby didn’t tell Sam any of that?” You raise your brows as she shakes her head, “Nothing. He closed up completely after coming down that night. He didn’t speak to no one. Not even Sam.”
“Wow.. you know he’s bad when he doesn’t even talk to Sam.” You chew on your lip, “Did that girl and him..” you trail off, eyes moving to look at her and she shakes her head again, “No. she went up to him but he ignored her. She threw a drink on him and that was when he made Sam take him home.”
“She threw a drink on him?” You scoff, “What a bitch.”
Kat nods, “It literally took all I had and a few people telling me not to make a scene. I was ready to go to war for you.”
You smile, “That’s why you’re my best friend.” You sigh, “Thanks for letting me stay here.”
“As long as you need.” She reaches over to pat your hand and stands up, “I have to go meet Sam for lunch, do you want me to bring you anything back?”
You shrug, “You know what I like.”
She nods, “Call if you need anything, even if it’s just to talk.” You nod, “I’ll be fine, but thank you.”
She smiles as she leaves and you lay back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Your mind goes back to that night, thinking about Jake and Colby. Together.
You shake your head, not really wanting to be upset right now because a part of you does feel bad, but an even bigger part of you is glad you did it.
You’ve been talking to Jake everyday, mainly him asking you how you’re doing and just chatting about his new videos that he’s putting out soon.
Anything to keep Colby off of your mind.
Your phone rings and you sit up. You reach out to grab it and you freeze up when you see Colby’s name across the screen.
“Fuck.” You whisper and take a deep breath before picking up your phone. Your thumb shakes over the answer button and you hit it right before the call is about to end.
You’re silent as you wait for Colby to speak first but he’s doing the same thing you’re doing.
“I don’t know why I called.” He chuckles nervously, “I-I’m sorry.”
“I take it Sam left you to meet up with Kat for lunch?” Your voice is quiet and he sighs in relief at you speaking, “Yeah. Yeah.”
You pick at your nail polish, eyes searching the room as you think of what to say next, but nothing comes up that’s worth saying.
“I’m sorry.” Colby’s voice shakes, “We shouldn’t have went to that party. I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.”
“Doesn’t matter anymore.” You mumble, quickly swiping away a stray tear, “Everything is said and done and I-“
Colby cuts you off, “I just wish I could go back to that night. I know I can’t change anything but I’m willing to do anything it takes, y/n. I fucked up.” Colby sniffles, “I fucked up, big time.”
“Yeah. You did.” You bite your thumb nail and sigh, “I’m not sorry about what I did with Jake. I need you to know that.”
“No, no I don’t expect you to be.” He laughs slightly and you sigh, “What’s so funny, Colby?”
“Nothing it’s just..” he laughs and sighs, “Nothing.”
“Mm.” You nod your head and he sniffles again, “I was pissed, of course I was pissed but at the same time..” he trails off and your heart starts to race, “but at the same time? What Colby?”
“I was so fucking turned on with it.”
His words catch you off guard, “What did you just say?” You sit up slightly and he sighs, “I’m not repeating it. You heard me the first time.”
A small smirk toys with your lips, “which part?”
“All of it.” Colby answers quickly, “as soon as I walked in… seeing him on you.. seeing him in you..” he pauses for a second, “I just.. I wanted to kill him but seeing him give you that mu-“
“What are you saying?” You ask, “Are you saying you want me to call up Jake and have him meet us for another threesome?” You laugh because you think he’s joking but when he doesn’t say anything it clicks, “oh,” you lay your hand over your lips, “You’re serious.”
“If it will get you to come back to me, I’m willing to share you with Jake. I’m willing to do anything, y/n. I swear.”
You go quiet as you push a few buttons on your phone.
“You there, babe?” Colby asks and you smirk, “Yep, hang on.”
You add Jake into the call, “Jake, hey.”
“What’s up sugar lips?” Jake asks and you laugh, “Colby has something he wants to talk to you about.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Wowza. Okay. Please tell me how this was.. a part of me feels like it isn’t as good as it could have been but another part is like holy shit. I wrote this.
Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
you're not jonathan
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'no upside down au' rated t wc: 997 cw: recreational drug use, language tags: meet-ugly turned meet-cute, flirting, somewhat ambiguous ending but we all know what's gonna happen
Steve was not supposed to be the one picking up the drugs for the party.
He wasn't even going to the party.
But Jonathan couldn't get it from his usual guy, said he was back home in California for the summer, and it wasn't like Robin had a hookup.
Eddie Munson didn't technically deal anymore, but he made exceptions for previous customers, and Jonathan had been a regular during high school.
It wasn't shocking news to Steve, but what was shocking was hearing all these stories about how Eddie didn't even usually meet someone during daylight hours. Except today, apparently.
Steve tripped over another branch, barely caught himself before falling on his face.
"I better get so high off this shit," he said to himself.
"I only sell the good shit."
Steve froze.
Somehow, he'd missed a person walking up to him, probably when he nearly ate dirt.
"Is there any reason a hike is required to get some weed?" Steve asked, brushing his hands on his pants to get the remnants of the tree trunk he saved himself on.
Eddie crossed his arms in front of him, raising an unimpressed brow.
"No. Jonathan suggested the place."
Hard to believe the guy who hated being outside for more than a few minutes would have suggested a half mile trek into the woods, but Steve didn't really care to argue.
"O...kay. Well, I've got the cash if you wanna get this over with," Steve said as he reached into his pockets that were..."Fuck."
He started patting his pockets, his shirt, looking around him at the ground to try to find his wallet.
"Everything okay?" Eddie asked, coming closer.
"I lost my wallet. Shit!"
"Alright, I can help you look, man. It's not a big deal. Gotta be somewhere, right?" Eddie started looking around him, though it was half-hearted at best. "What's it look like?"
"It's brown. Um, leather?" Steve suddenly forgot any other details about his wallet. How convenient.
"Okay, so the color of the ground. Should be easy."
Steve snorted.
Eddie was smirking as he walked the way Steve came, checking the ground around him as he did so.
Steve followed behind, but he was pretty certain they wouldn't find it.
After ten minutes of looking, Eddie sighed.
"We should just smoke a bit. Take the edge off. Ya know?"
"I don't think that's a good idea. I can't pay you until I find my wallet," Steve said as he continued looking, bending down to get a closer look at a spot that seemed like the color of his wallet.
"On the house."
Steve stood straight up.
"Can't really kick ya when you're down, can I? Plus, I planned on smoking after you left anyway. We can share," Eddie shrugged, like it was no big deal.
Steve had never gotten high outside of house parties, the comfort of his own home or a friend's home soothing his anxieties about losing his inhibitions.
But out here? With Eddie? It didn't seem like a smart thing to do.
"Alright," Steve shrugged back.
Eddie must have sensed something about him, though, because he didn't let him take more than three puffs of the joint before he put it out and found a collection of boulders for them to sit on.
"You ever think about how trees are alive but they don't have ears?" Steve asked a minute later.
"Oh, you're that kind of high." Eddie poked his hand, making him look over at him. "You eat today?"
"Maybe. I've been busy. Do you think trees get hungry?" Steve replied.
Eddie searched his face before letting his pinky rest against Steve's hand on the rock.
It felt like fire.
"They do."
"But they don't have pancakes or cheeseburgers. Like, we can't grind it up and put it in the dirt for them, right?" Steve's jaw dropped. "Can we?"
Eddie watched as Steve looked over at some of the trees surrounding them.
"I don't think we can, no."
"A shame. They're missin' out. You know who else is missin' out? Jonathan! He made me come here and he didn't even tell me you had long hair or like the nicest eyelashes. Which is weird because he didn't shut up about anything else about you but he forgot about the eyelashes!" Steve's hand curled around Eddie's pinky. "And you look warm."
Eddie's brows raised.
He wasn't sure who Steve was. Jonathan had just insisted he was cool.
But Jonathan hadn't mentioned that his hair looked softer than silk, or that his eyes were wide and innocent despite his lip curling up in the corner in annoyance.
Jonathan seemed to have left a lot of things out.
"Well, it is summer. It's pretty warm," Eddie gulped. "But you do look a little cold."
"I get cold easy. Robin says it's because I don't eat enough red meat or something. Low irony or something."
Eddie was so endeared.
"I could help you stay warm? Walk you back to your car if you want?"
Eddie did not want that, but he knew Steve probably needed to walk off some of this high before his friends started to worry about him.
"Don't wanna walk," Steve leaned his head on Eddie's shoulder. "My head is walking."
"Should I try to head back and get one of your friends?"
Steve shook his head.
"Be fine in an hour."
"Okay," Eddie put his arm around Steve's shoulder, surprised to find that Steve was shivering. "Hey, you okay?"
"You do have good shit."
"That's not an answer," Eddie chuckled.
"I'm good. Best."
Eddie let him burrow further into his side and waited for his shivering to subside before he suggested heading back to his car again.
Steve still refused, and Eddie didn't have it in him to push.
Not when they were finding shapes in the clouds and he was holding Steve close.
He'd definitely owe Jonathan a lot of product if this went the way he wanted it to.
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sturnioloskyline · 7 months
smoke sesh
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing: dealer!chris x fem!reader
warnings: use of marijuana, awkwardness, making out, not proofread
summary: you decide it’s finally time to smoke weed. you’re inexperienced, but maybe your dealer, chris, can guide you through it.
a nervous pit began to form in y/n's stomach as she paced around her bedroom. for the first time in a while, she was expecting a guest.
y/n's personal life was rough at the moment. she just moved out of her parents' house to live on her own, she was struggling to find what she wanted to do with her life, and, on top of it all, her love life was going terribly.
she tried it all — dating apps, clubs, frat parties, coffee shops — y/n couldn't seem to find love anywhere. her friends even tried to set her up, but all of her dates ended the same: y/n either had no interest in the men she was set up with or got horribly mistreated by them. all that y/n had been dreaming of recently was a hot guy who also happened to not be an asshole, but that seemed to be a rarity these days.
overall, y/n had been down in the dumps and was in desperate need of a pick-me-up. that was when she remembered her best friend recommending a soothing solution.
"seriously, it just makes you feel... better," y/f/n explained, sitting next to y/n on her bed.
"i don't know. it just makes me nervous, i guess, losing control." y/n said to her friend. "like i want to be in full control of my brain and my body at all times."
"you are in control. you're just less scared," y/f/n smiled at y/n. "y'know, i think you would really benefit from smoking weed."
y/n scoffed. she was an adult now, and she had never tried any substances before. she wasn't against recreational drugs, she just never had the urge to partake in them. "yeah right. as if you'd catch me casually with a blunt in hand."
y/f/n giggled at the image of her friend smoking. "yeah. but you would be a lot less stressed. if you ever change your mind, i have a dealer, just saying…"
y/n rolled her eyes. "yeah. I'll keep you posted."
and now here y/n was, in the middle of the night, chewing on her fingernails as she waited for a response from the man whose snapchat she'd gotten from her friend the other day.
y/n's phone pinged and she immediately brought the screen to her face to read the notification.
chris sturniolo
yeah i can be there soon
y/n's heart raced in anticipation. surprisingly, she was more excited than nervous. she'd been so tense, she was looking forward to anything that could take the edge off. y/n hearted the message and made her way to the kitchen so she could wait closer to the door.
y/n didn't really know what to expect for the interaction she was about to have. she assumed that it would just be like any other transaction: he'd show her the options, she'd pay him, and that would be that.
but as she waited, y/n grew more nervous about the purchase. she quickly pulled out her phone to google "what happens when you buy weed from a guy on snapchat", before she caught a glimpse of a certain notification.
chris sturniolo sent you a snap
y/n curiously clicked the notification, opening to a picture of chris in the driver's seat of his car, taken from his lap. he face hung over the camera but his blue eyes were focused on the road in front of him. his soft brown hair stuck out slightly under the grey beanie he was wearing, and a silver chain dangled from his neck.
y/n was left in awe. she didn't really know what she expected him to look like, but it was definitely not that. this guy looked good, the kind of look that made y/n's cheeks heat up from just one picture. y/n was only more anxious about the whole situation now that she knew a really cute guy was involved. before she even had time to process the whole thing, another notification pops up at the top of her screen.
chris sturniolo is typing...
y/n hesitated for a second before opening her chats with chris. he had only sent one word.
chris sturniolo
y/n silently cursed herself for her impulsiveness in inviting chris over. she was way too eager, and now everything was becoming way too real. soon enough y/n could hear footsteps outside her door, and three rapid knocks echoed in her ears. she apprehensively made her way to the door, opening it to reveal chris standing there with a backpack slung over one shoulder.
"hi," y/n replied awkwardly, cracking her door farther open. chris took this as an invitation to step inside, and he walked in and glanced around the area.
"nice place." chris mumbled, making his way over to y/n's kitchen without any instruction. y/n just watched him as she locked her front door, unsure of what to do. chris took off his backpack and set it on the counter, beginning to take out various plastic baggies and laying them out.
"so... how does this work?" y/n asked, slowly approaching chris in the kitchen as she watched him move.
"um, what do you mean?" chris's eyebrows furrowed, but he kept his attention on the task at hand. y/n remained silent, unsure of how to answer. chris stopped and looked up at her. "have you ever bought weed before?"
"no..." y/n replied meekly, slightly embarrassed. chris chuckled and shook his head.
"well... do you know what you want?" chris asked. he tilted his head at y/n as she approached the counter, letting her take a look at the different strains, labeled by sharpie on the baggies.
“what’s the best one, for um, beginners?” y/n squeaked out, nervous under chris’s gaze.
chris walked up behind y/n, and placed his hands on the counter on either side of her waist. y/n breath hitched in her throat as she felt chris's abdomen press lightly against her back. he looked over y/n's shoulder at the bags on the counter sighing.
"i mean, personally, i don't think the strain matters," chris explained casually picking up a bag and examining the bud inside. "but i guess since you haven't tried anything before, you could try a hybrid first."
y/n nodded absentmindedly, not really focusing on what chris was saying. she was more focused on how his bicep slightly flexed as he flipped the bag of weed around in his hand, and the faint smell of cologne that wafted past her nose as she moved. her eyes drifted to his fingers, fiddling with the bag's seal. chris noticed, a small smile forming on his face.
"wanna try it right now?" chris asked, snapping y/n out of her trance.
"what? oh! um, yeah," y/n mumbled, stepping away from chris to face him. "uh, how much?"
chris chuckled and shook his head. "it's okay. on the house."
"oh no, you don't have to-"
"it's your first time, enjoy it." chris interrupted, setting the bag down on the counter and reaching into his bag for supplies.
y/n watched silently, butterflies swarming in her stomach. she had never felt this way about a guy before, let alone a guy she had just met who also happened to be dealing her drugs. it was something about the way chris's black tank top hugged his torso and the way his jeans hung low around his hips, revealing the waistline of his boxers. chris had undeniable sexual appeal, and y/n just couldn't help herself from feeling flustered around him.
chris pulled a grinder, rolling papers, filters and an ashtray out of his backpack. y/n finally ripped her eyes away from chris to focus on what he was doing. he took a bit of the weed and ground it down, turning his head quickly to glance back at y/n. he caught her watching him and flashed her a grin before focusing again. y/n blushed profusely.
a few minutes of comfortable silence passed as chris tightly rolled two joints, gliding his tongue along the wrapping paper to seal them. y/n was mesmerized, both by the meticulous process and the fact that chris was the one doing it. chris set down the joints and backed up from the counter.
"have you ever smoked anything before?" chris asked curiously, watching y/n's face. he could sense that she was nervous, from the way she was fidgeting to the way her voice was barely audible with every response she gave. y/n bit her cheek as she looked into chris's eyes, shaking her nead slowly. "do you want me to.. smoke with you?"
"would you?" y/n seemed to have a weight lifted off of her shoulders as soon as chris asked. the reaction made chris smile.
"yeah, of course," chris chuckled, sticking his hand in his jeans pocket and fishing out an orange lighter. "you're gonna want a water bottle or something."
y/n nodded, walking around to the fridge, grabbing two water bottles. she walked back over to chris's side, handing him a water bottle. chris flipped it in his hand effortlessly, thanking her soflty and picking up the ashtray, joints, and lighter in his other hand.
"is there a window we could sit by? don't wanna leave your place smelling too bad." chris looked around for a place to sit.
"yeah, here," y/n replied, turning around and leading chris to her living room. where she sat on a small couch just below a window. chris sat down next to her leaning over to the wall and helping her push the window open. they sat back down on the couch and faced each other as chris set down an ashtray on the coffee table in front of them. y/n took a deep breath as chris took a joint in his left hand, holding it between his thumb and pointer as he held his lighter in his other hand.
"okay. so," chris began explaining, looking at y/n's face as he did. y/n's eyes flicked up to meet his, and the two maintained eye contact as chris talked through the process. "i'll take puff first, i guess, to show you how."
y/n nodded, watching as chris brought the joint in front of his face and light it, bringing it down the tray and tapping it before bringing it between his pink lips. his cheeks hollowed as he took a long inhale. he took the joint out fo his mouth and passed it to y/n, who shakily took it in between her fingertips. chris's eyebrows furrowed from the slight sting of the smoke he was holding in his lung, watching y/n's hands to make sure that the joint stayed lit. he tilted his head to the window to release the smoke from his mouth, blowing it out into the night air. y/n watched the whole thing, only growing more anxious.
"so you just wanna inhale with it in your mouth, lightly," chris spoke, nodding to give y/n the go-ahead. y/n brought the joint up to her lips, her hand trembling. she stuck the joint in her mouth and tightly wrapped her lips around it.
"like this?" y/n mumbled around the joint. chris chuckled and brought his own hand to y/n's wrist.
"here, relax," chris moved y/n's hand away from her face a bit. "open your mouth more. just rest it there, gentle."
chris's voice was quiet as he readjusted y/n's form. she watched him as his face leaned in closer to her own. "better. now inhale."
y/n inhaled softly, feeling the smoke travel through her body, her throat scratching a bit.
"once it kinda burns, stop and hold it in your lungs." y/n brought the joint down, handing it to chris and holding her breath. her face scrunched up as she felt a burning sensation in her chest begin to grow. out of reflex, she quickly turned to the window and coughed out smoke. chris's hand flew out to her back for support. "woah! you okay?"
"yeah, just—" y/n cut herself off by coughing. chris kept his hand on the small of y/n back as she coughed. he set the joint down in the tray and reached over to grab a water bottle from the table, unscrewing it and bringing it up to y/n's lips, she reached out and took the bottle, taking a sip to sooth the fire in her lungs.
"it's okay, deep breaths, you'll be okay." chris murmured affirmations as y/n worked through her cough attack. eventually, y/n calmed down and brought her hand up to wipe the few tears that pricked at the corner of her eyes.
"i'm sorry, i think i inhaled too long," y/n chuckled awkwardly, embarrassed at herself for coughing like that in front of chris. it was then that y/n became hyperaware of chris's hand on her back, causing her to blush.
"it's okay, it happens to everyone," chris grinned at y/n, finding her shyness endearing. "we'll take it slow. you feelin' anything yet?"
"nope," y/n smiled awkwardly, watching as chris effortlessly took another hit. chris handed the joint back to her, and she took a short puff, blowing the smoke out the window with a few coughs.
"better!" chris grinned, causing y/n to giggle.
"thanks," y/n mumbled, taking another sip of water. chris tapped the joint against the ashtray and bringing it to his mouth. "so, when did you start smoking?"
chris chuckled at the icebreaker, smoke spewing out of his mouth. the two of them fell into small talk as they shared the joint, growing more and more comfortable with each other as they lazily passed the weed back and forth. suddenly y/n felt a wave wash over her, and her sensed heightened. her body stiffened, and chris noticed, his eyes flicking over her face.
"you okay?" chris asked for a second time, lightly reaching out and grazing his fingertips against y/n's arm.
"yeah..." y/n spoke lowly, her eyes landing on chris's. something about chris seemed different now. his features were more prominent and detailed, and she was definetly even more drawn to him. without thinking, she reached out and touched chris's silver chain, fiddling with it in her fingers, the sensation feeling unique. "chris?"
"yeah?" chris's voice was just above a whisper, his eyes not leaving y/n's face. something about the way her delicate hands pulled at his necklace made his breath hitch. he found himself craving her touch, but pushed the thought away, blaming it on the marijuana in his system.
"i think it's hitting me." y/n looked back up at chris, her eyes flicking between his. chris swallowed.
"how's it feel?"
"feels like... i'm in a dream," y/n spoke absentmindedly, not breaking eye contact with chris. chris smiled and nodded at her explanation. y/n couldn't help but smile back. "you're really sweet, chris."
"is that suprising?" chris asked, a heat slowly rising to his cheek at the compliment.
"yeah, kinda," y/n whispered. chris's eyes flicked to y/n's lips as she spoke, and before he could stop himself, chris was asking y/n a question.
"can i kiss you?"
y/n's jaw fell slightly open at the question, completely taken off guard. chris's own eyes widened, and he quickly pulled himself away from y/n, his face quickly reddening. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that out loud, i mean, i want to, i mean—!"
with a sudden boost of confidence, y/n leaned closer to chris and looked up at chris through her eyelashes, leaving chris too flustered to keep defending himself. "please kiss me."
chris needed no further encouragement, his hands finding y/n's face and pulling her up to meet him. his eyes quickly flicked to y/n's before he leaned in and pressed his lips to y/n's. his lips were surprisingly soft, moving slowly against y/n's. chris's tongue slipped past his lips, and y/n opened her mouth, allowing him in. y/n's hands moved to chris's neck, one of her hands travelling under his beanie to grip at his hair.
chris kept one of his hands on y/n's cheek, letting the other one fall down to hold her waist. he spread his legs apart, pulling y/n towards him. y/n broke the kiss to yelp in surprise, sending the both of them into a giggling fit. warmth spread throughout y/n's body as she watched the way chris's eyes crinkled as he laughed, flashing his teeth. the image only made her smile more. y/n leaned into chris, tucking her face into the crook of his neck. chris wrapped his arms around y/n's frame without a second thought.
it was all too natural, the way chris leaned back into the couch with y/n in his arms, holding her softly. y/n hummed in content, her eyelids suddenly struggling to stay open as chris sighed underneath her.
"thanks chris," y/n mumbled lazily, letting her eyelids flutter shut as she sunk deeper into the warmth of his body.
chris hummed back, peering at the girl on his chest. he was shocked he had ended up in this position, but lord, he was not complaining. chris smiled to himself before letting his own red eyes fall shut. the drugs in chris and y/n's systems lulled them both to sleep, and they stayed like that for the rest of the night.
author's note: wow that felt LONG. i need to smoke after that one. let me know if u want a (potentially smutty)part 2. 😚 love u bye!
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
thinking on this fine saturday about virgin!eddie getting his first ever handjob at one of king steve's parties <;3
tw: handjobs, tipsy fumbling.
"what're you... we can't go in here, steve will kill me," eddie's wide eyed, frazzled as he clenches onto his half empty beer bottle with one hand, the other gripping onto your waist, grounding you as you pepper little kisses up the side of his neck.
"shh, gotta be quiet or somebody'll hear, eddie," you're giggly, way beyond tipsy as you wind your fingers tight in eddie's shirt, backing him up into king steve's room blindly.
he lets you do it without anymore argument. stupid and too wound up on the alcohol and weed to care that he barely knows you. you pluck the bottle from his hand, placing it on steve's dresser with a small grin on your face.
you lean forward to kiss him and he melts into it, relishes in the tacky glide of your glossed lips against his own chapped and bitten ones, grabbing for a handful of your ass and you laugh again.
"i wanna, eddie," you pout as you pull away, playful and trying to hide your smile, hand slithering down the front of his pants to grasp at his painfully hard cock through his jeans, "don't you want me to make you feel good?"
"i do, i do!" eddie speaks all too fast, because of course he fucking does, he's wanted the touch of something more than his own right hand for too long — but he's trying to be a gentleman, even as a virgin he knows not to take advantage of a drunk girl, "we're both really, really drunk, sweetheart."
"don't care," you giggle, backing him up slowly towards the bed until the backs of his knees are knocking the edge and he's falling backwards rather ungracefully, perching himself up on his elbows, "i need to see you cum."
eddie swallows thickly, looking your curvy body up and down in your ruched satin dress, unable to hide his want anymore, his cock pressing up against his zipper, only a slight relief.
you climb onto the bed on top of him, trying for sexy but probably looking more like a baby cow trying to find it's footing, sitting low on his thighs as you bunch his shirt up, "let me make you feel good, please?"
your wandering hands have eddie folding pretty quickly, and he makes no move to stop you from unbuckling his belt and ripping his jeans open — hell, he even helps you pull them down by lifting his hips up, any worry turning to eagerness as need takes over him.
when his cock springs out from his tight boxers and slaps against his belly you gasp, rocking down into his thigh, "god, you're so big," your voice is awestruck, taking in every last bit of it — he's thick, bigger than average, uncut, curved ever so slightly to the right, and he's already smearing precum all over his belly, pooling into his bellybutton.
"it is?" he asks, stupid. he doesn't know any better, hadn't seen another cock before, not up close anyway. the guys locker room didn't count, everyone averted their eyes in there. "oh, you don't have to — holy fuck,"
eddie watches dumbly as you grab hold of the base of his cock, leaning forward and letting a glob of spit coat the pink head, getting him all nice and wet for your hand.
you slink off of him, opting to lay out at his side so that you can get a better grip on him and take the opportunity to push up against him tightly. you lean down, kissing wetly at his neck, "i'm gonna make you feel so good, promise." you whisper, glossy lips smearing against his flushed skin.
you start slowly, getting a feel for his cock and what he likes — listening for the changes in his breathing pattern, the slight hitch, the quiet moans as you twist your fist over his head.
"mmph," eddie grunts, squeezing his eyes shut and tilting his head back, losing himself in the feeling, "your hands are so soft."
you giggle quietly, squeezing his shaft slightly on the upstroke, "thanks for the compliment," you lean over to kiss his stubbled cheek gently, and he keens into it, "can i go faster?"
"fuck, please," he begs, turning to look at you with his pleading eyes, all wide and dark in the dull lighting of steve's room.
you do speed up, maybe a bit too much, as your spit slick hand starts to fly up and down his cock, squeezing beads of precum from the slit to add to the wetness. this is the first time you've ever touched an uncut cock, and you're pleasantly surprised by just how sensitive he seems.
you watch as eddie's tummy muscles begin to quiver, and you find a slight pride and need blooming in your tummy. the pride of knowing you're making him react like this — the need to watch him come undone for you.
“oh — shit slow down, m'so close,” he rasps, unable to tear his eyes away from where your slick, tight fist runs up and down the length of his cock, foreskin rippling as you move up towards the head, swiping away the small blurts of precum that pool there, bringing attention to his sheer need.
"really? does it feel that good?" you ask, voice sultry and smooth as you nip at the shell of his ear, rubbing yourself up against his side. your pussy throbs as you listen to his desperate whimpering, relishing in the way his hips kick up slightly.
eddie nods, gnawing on his bottom lip, losing it when you run your thumb on the underside of his tip, grazing that one little sensitive spot until he's moaning your name, grabbing your thigh tightly, "m'gonna cum — you're gonna make me cum, oh fuck, fuuuck—!"
you gasp and giggle into his ear, turning your head just in time to watch as he cums in thick ropes all over your fist, shooting up his tummy and painting his dark expanse of hair on his happy trail.
there's just so much of it, and he just keeps cumming, groans rumbling up his throat as you jerk him through it, until he's physically recoiling from you from the overstimulation, burying his face into your tits to hide his burning hot cheeks.
you do eventually let go of his spent cock, your hand so slick with his cum that you shiver, the intrusive thought of using it on your aching cunt flashing through your brain.
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jo-harrington · 7 months
Leave of Absence (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie has royally fucked everything up and he needs to fix it. But after an unexpected emergency back home, he steps up to be there for Reader, just like she's always there for him.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.05
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Slow burn, mutual pining, angsty, emotional, fluffy, family problems, death in the family, loss, grief, pain and comfort, road trip, avoidance of feelings, Minor religious themes, mention of Catholic Church/Reader's family is Catholic but no overarching catholicism (that's what my other story is for)
Note: Woof ok this was an uphill battle FOR A YEAR. I'm gonna say the reason that Store Manager Verse exists in its present form is because of THIS CHAPTER RIGHT HERE. Before I could bring my two silly babies here to this moment, they needed to have some serious foundations laid down. Is it the best chapter? Probably not. But I'm incredibly happy that it's here and it's done.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other Eddie stories.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
He was nervous.
Of course he was nervous.
And what did he do when he was nervous? He talked.
"Hey now, I'm wounded," Eddie laid a hand across his chest, trying to keep the cool guy exterior. "Calling me a freak? Did I or did I not just help you with that flat tire last week?"
He was surprised when Stacey paused, a barb surely caught on the end of her tongue. She even looked a little embarrassed for a moment before her own frosty expression returned and she had the decency to look down her nose at him.
Sticking to the status quo.
"I know you're trying to put my boss under a love spell or hypnosis or something," she rolled her eyes. "So don't act like you would have helped any other time if she hadn't asked. Gotta keep her buttered up so you can get in her pants. Gag."
The typical stab of insult was welcome; the rest of it...wasn't. Not when it came to you. Not after what happened on Sunday. Not when he was nervous.
What started out as a normal night for the two of you had quickly become a nightmare. For him at least.
Well...it had been a dream at first. Hanging out. Food, laughter, music; it was nothing out of the norm for a Sunday night together. But then he had to go and suggest a little weed, where you had some kind of...bad reaction. To try and get your mind off the panic that had quickly taken over your body...he'd done the first thing that came to mind.
The only thing that came to mind lately when you were around.
He kissed you.
And he kept kissing you because you hadn't pushed him away. In fact, you’d kissed him harder.
For minutes or hours, he couldn't quite tell, he was overjoyed and he basked in being surrounded by you, in finding pleasure with you.
Finding pleasure. God, there was that poet's heart Mrs. Mills always told him he had. Almost fucking. Grinding one out on his couch. But yeah...finding pleasure worked too. Because it wasn't just a meaningless romp; he was kind of crazy about you, so of course it was gonna be special. Poetic.
How long had he been on the edge about confessing his feelings and ruining your friendship? He was the only one to blame when it came to keeping his mouth shut; Kyle had been telling him to just ask you out and plant one on you forever. And then Eddie did and it was perfect.
Until it wasn't. Until Wayne came home and Eddie had seen the panic and the fear and the...realization in your eyes, and he knew how badly he'd fucked up. Let alone the fact that you immediately ran away.
You’d been avoiding him for a few days. “Avoiding him,” as though school and work hadn't been putting you on opposite schedules. Still, there were no phone calls. No waiting to take your breaks with him. Only awkward glances as he passed your store on the way to start his shift, or a strained smile as you passed each other in the parking lot as he was coming and you were going.
And now Stacey was…being Stacey.
Had you told her? Complained about him? Made it known to your employees that the two of you had made a huge mistake.
No you would never…
Still, his nerves got the better of him and although he didn’t want to seem desperate, especially around Stacey of all people, he was.
"...did she say that or..." He paused and shook his head. "Where is your boss anyway? She’s supposed to close tonight right?”
Stacey looked a little unsure again and this time it made his stomach turn.
People were usually nervous around Eddie, but he had grown plenty used to that reaction from a wide array of classmates and neighbors.
Once again, when it came to you, especially given the circumstances, things were different. Maybe that's what was happening here? Maybe Stacey knew something he didn't, and you'd told her not to say anything so you could let him down easily.
Eddie was generally a level-headed guy but sometimes...sometimes...it didn't matter if he had a level head because the entire world was tipping on its side.
Who had you told? Stacey for sure...maybe Chrissy? Chrissy always avoided him at school thanks to his resident freak status, Starcourt Mall be damned. What about Mindy? Mindy was your only other confidante outside of him; what did she know? Had she convinced you to...to what? Dump him as a friend? Take the time you needed to avoid him? Somewhere between Sunday and today, had you finally come to the realization that he had been dreading all along. That he wasn't worth your time?
"Um, yeah,” Stacey finally replied and Eddie blinked himself back to reality. She picked at her cuticles and avoided his eyes. Never a good sign. “Well she was supposed to but Mindy was here when I clocked in. She's sick or something, I don't know. Mindy wouldn't say exactly...but she never calls out so..."
“Well where’s Mindy now?” he asked, almost desperately.
“She’s finishing up her break in the back,” she explained with a nod. “I can go see if she’s done.”
She disappeared into the stockroom, leaving him alone in the store.
He was unsure how to feel. Relief coursed through him; you weren’t avoiding him, you were simply not here. But on the other hand, what if you weren't here because you were avoiding him?
What if Stacey didn't know anything but Mindy did. Because no, you never called off. Ever. A fact that you had told him when he suggested playing hooky one busy Saturday when you were overwhelmed by a never-ending mid shift.
“I never leave early. I never take a sick day.”
“Well, shit, did you have perfect attendance in school too?”
“Uhm,” you hesitated, biting your lip naughtily. “I’m not at will to say.”
“Oh, you bad girl.”
"If it isn't our resident Van Halen impersonator," Mindy greeted as she walked out of the stockroom. Her usual sing-songs mom voice replaced by a gentler one as she smiled at him solemnly. "She's taking a few sick days. Should be back in time for your night out on Sunday, I hope."
"She's sick?" Eddie asked skeptically. "Wasn’t she here yesterday, she looked fi--"
"Why don't you give her a call," she insisted. She glanced over to the stock room door and as Eddie tracked her gaze, he saw Stacey eavesdropping. "Actually I was gonna stop by after work. Why don't you go? That way it's not a game of telephone.
"I'm sure she could really use a friend right now."
Eddie had never been inside of your apartment before.
He knew where you lived, sure; he'd dropped you off or picked you up a few times, especially once the two of you started planning dates outings outside of the usual Sundays. He'd never even rang the bell, if he was being honest. You usually watched out the window eagerly when you were expecting him to arrive.
The realization hit him as he stood there at the little residential door between the bakery and the furniture store, staring at your name on a little Dymo punch label next to the buzzer that he'd just jammed his finger into, and it filled him with doubt.
You'd been to the trailer a few times. Seen all of his favorite places, tried all of his favorite foods. Listened patiently to his insecurities and issues. Still, you seemed to keep him at arms length, if he didn't even know what your apartment looked like; did you have posters on the walls or pictures of your family? What color was your couch? Or the towels in your bathroom?
He knew so much about you but did he really know you, and did you even want him to?
The door buzzed open and Eddie took the stairs up to your landing two at a time, all the while worrying and overthinking: You weren't expecting him and he was beginning to doubt that you even wanted him here in the first place. Sure, Mindy told him to go over...but was this taking it a step too far?
He started preparing an apology as he closed the final few distance to your door and it swung open--
"I'm sorry I fucked up, I didn't mean to break your trust. I'll do anything...anything...if you'll just forgive me. If you just give me another chance."
--and he saw the sorry state you were in.
Hair and clothes mussed, eyes bloodshot and puffy, a bundle of black fabric clenched tightly in your hands; the shine of tears and snot was accentuated by the incandescent lights in the hallway.
"Eddie," you whispered in a strained, broken voice, then you dropped the fabric to cross the threshold of your apartment and bury your face into his shirt. He panicked for a moment, arms held uselessly at his sides as your tears penetrated the worn fabric at his shoulder, but he quickly engulfed you in a hug.
"I'm sorry," you both spoke over one another, then you pulled back and stared him straight in the eye. "You're sorry? I'm sorry."
"No," you shook your head. "I'm sorry. I...I should have done better, I shouldn't have--"
"I crossed a line and I ruined our friendship and--"
You both continued talking over one another, each half-listening to what the other had to say as you got your own apologies out, until you both synced back up again.
"I fucked up and I'm sorry."
Your shoulders and chests heaved from the cacophony of emotion and a tense laugh was shared between the two of you. Then Eddie came to a realization.
"If you're sorry..." he frowned and let his eyes rake over you again. "If you thought that you hurt or scared me--which you didn't, by the way. It was...it was me, my mistake--why are you crying?"
You worried your lip for a second and a lone tear escaped your eye and trailed down your cheek; his hand immediately came up so he could thumb it away.
"Mindy told me you were sick," he muttered, taking advantage of the proximity to be a little gentler, a little smaller than he was used to being, so you could put your trust in him again. "What happened?"
"Uhm..." you croaked. "I'm not sick. I'm just taking a few sick days. Bereavement days...actually. Little leave of absence. Just through the end of the weekend."
The word was distantly familiar to him; the memories, though, would stay with him forever. Rick picking him up from school, a phone call from Wayne to his boss. An appointment for all three of them to get suits rented...and then some flowers ordered. Shiny shoes that he could see his teary-eyed reflection in.
He swallowed painfully and watched you do the same as you prepared your confession.
"My...uh...my grandpa died last night."
And before he knew it, it was 12 hours later. 12 hours that he spent relatively quietly.
He let you fill the silence; let you talk and cry, only opening his mouth to comfort you when the realization hit again and it got to be too much.
He helped you pack your bag for the trip back home. That was when your grief finally turned into anger.
Towards your family. Towards yourself.
"I feel like it's my fault," you sighed as you showed him how to find a pair of tights that didn’t have runs in them, whatever that meant. "I was the only one who took care of him. Doctor's appointments, took him on walks, made sure he didn't have the food he wasn't supposed to. The works. And I left. It's my fault he's gone. At least, that's the way Michael made it sound on the phone."
Eddie almost didn't catch the last part, said under your breath as you stuffed a shiny pair of shoes into your duffel bag, but he did. He wasn't going to let you do this to yourself; how many times over the years had he questioned how he might have been able to keep his mom from dying? On those days where he needed her most. He knew he couldn't stop you from those thoughts, at least not now but he could do his best to fight them away until you could do it yourself.
"Michael," he spoke up, startling you with the realization that he heard. "That's your brother right?"
"Older brother," you nodded slowly.
"Sounds like a shithead."
"Yeah," you let out the briefest laugh and then fiddled with the zipper tab. "He kind of is."
You complained about perfect Michael and his perfect life until your stomach rumbled and Eddie offered to order dinner for the two of you. When you mentioned that you hadn't eaten all day, he made sure you had more than your fill of beef lo mein and garlic string beans as Monty Hall played on the television.
At a certain point, your takeout carton made it to the coffee table and you started to doze off as your head rested on his shoulder. It was a relief, but only for a second, because you startled back awake and dumped all the clothes out of your bag again.
"I didn't pack the right dress," you muttered. "Aunt Amelia's gonna say something about it. I just know."
So Eddie stayed up with you all night as you packed and unpacked and packed again, uncaring that he had school in the morning or Hellfire that night. Fuck it all. It didn’t matter. None of the doubts and self-hatred and worry that had plagued him all week since Sunday night even crossed his mind. All that he worried about was making sure you weren't alone.
When dawn came, and you tiredly tried to wave him out of your apartment so that he could get ready for class and you could hit the road, he pulled you into his arms and just...held you.
He closed his eyes and rocked you back and forth as you hummed softly and gripped the back of his t-shirt tightly beneath his jacket.
He thought of all the things that he could say in that moment...
Drive safe, call me tonight so I know you got there, I'm sorry, take it easy on yourself, it's not your fault.
...but none of them were able to fall from his lips.
"Welp," you sighed. "This is it."
But neither of you moved.
"Thank you for coming over Eddie. I really really appreciate it."
Still nothing. No forward momentum, no motivation to move on to the rest of the day without one another, no reassuring words from him to give you the strength you needed to go forth alone, and no will for him to leave you.
You'd both be ready when you were ready, it seemed.
But as you finally pulled away from him, and he thought about you getting in your car and driving for what might be one of the toughest weekends of your life, all he managed to say...
"Why don't I come with you? I know it's not a road trip or fun or anything. I know I have school and work but...fuck it. We can stop at the trailer, I'll leave a note for Wayne and grab the nicest clothes I own, and...I'll come with you. I just...I don't want you doing this all alone."
...resulted in him sitting in the passenger's seat of your car for 5 hours as you zoomed down the highway away from his whole life in Indiana to the great unknown of Chicago.
You talked for a majority of the drive.
Eddie already knew some things about your family—strict parents, pesky brothers, too many cousins than he could keep track of—but you seemed to want to prepare him because he would effectively meet all of them.
"Big Catholic family and a funeral," you glanced at him from the corner of your eye and shot a tense smile. “It's a lot. You sure you still want to come?”
You’d done that throughout the drive too, asked him if he was sure he wanted to come with you. He’d joked several times already that you’d have to leave him on the side of the road, which you wouldn’t, or turn back altogether if he chickened out.
Besides, he already called Jeff when you stopped at his place to let him grab some clothes, and canceled Hellfire; he wouldn’t chicken out for anything. He needed to be here for you.
If he was being honest, yes he was nervous. He hadn’t met any girlfriends' families before or anything, and this whole situation wasn’t exactly the way he’d ever imagined meeting yours. As you crossed the state border into Illinois, though, your breath got shallow and your hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, and Eddie wondered if you were looking for a way out because you never wanted the two parts of your life—family and friends—to clash.
“I don’t, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I know I’m not someone that…families approve of or anything, if that's why you keep asking if I want to be here.”
"It's not that--" you tried to interject.
"And I know we're not dating or anything but..." he trailed off awkwardly and then cleared his throat.
Well that was one way of sticking his foot in his mouth.
Your head was half turned towards him, jaw dropped, eyes darting back and forth from the road to him.
The thought of opening the car door and bailing as you zoomed down the highway briefly crossed his mind because he fucked up. Why would he say something like that? It was because he was a big dingus, actually, the biggest.
"Uh, Eddie listen--"
"No," he interrupted you again. "Sweetheart I'm sorry, that's...that wasn't fair of me. I didn't mean...I just..."
"No it's ok, we should ta--"
"I just thought that...I know I pretty much intruded on this trip, but I wanted to be here for you. But if me being here is gonna cause more problems for you...I mean damn, I don't mind taking a Greyhound back to Hawkins even. But more than anything, I want to make sure you're alright."
He nervously picked at the loose threads on the holes at his knees and was surprised when you took a hand off the steering wheel and grabbed his.
"Do you know," you whispered, voice barely audible. "I think I would have turned back by now if I tried to come alone. Michael on the phone...god I don't know how my dad's gonna be...or my aunt. I don't want to have to deal with all of that. But I know I need to be there...it's for my Papa, I have to be there.
"It's hard to go home when you've moved someplace else. When you've started to find home somewhere else. And I wasn't gonna say anything. I wasn't gonna ask you--it's too much to ask--but I secretly kind of hoped that you would ask to come along. And I'll never be able to really thank you, Eddie, for wanting to be here. For me.
"But thank you," you shot him a smile and squeezed his hand tightly.
He swallowed thickly and squeezed right back.
"I'll be here for as long as you need me to be, sweetheart. As long as you want me to be."
The weekend was a whirlwind, and honestly, Eddie knew he wasn't going to be able to make heads or tails of it until the two of you got home on Sunday night.
The first surprise, shortly after your heartfelt moment in the car, was the fact that you didn't actually live in Chicago. You'd been approaching the city on I-90, you even pointed out the Sears Tower to him. Then you got on an exit and drove for another 20 minutes down North Avenue.
"I feel like I've been lied to," he sniffed petulantly.
"I told you I'm from the suburbs before," you chuckled at his antics. "And it might as well be Chicago, it's all Cook County."
"We're not even driving North, how is this North Avenue?"
"We don't have time for a history lesson, we'll be there soon."
Still, it was exciting. Not exactly what he pictured in his head from watching shows on TV or seeing news reels about the city, but nonetheless different from what he was used to in Hawkins and that was the part he liked.
At a certain point, you reached a stretch of road that featured certain destinations that would live in Eddie's imagination until he could ask you about them--KiddieLand Amusement Park, Riviera Lanes, and Winston Plaza--and Eddie noticed your hands started to shake.
"You ok? There's plenty of places to pull over," he suggested. "I can drive the rest of the way."
"No it's ok," you said and swung a left-hand turn onto a residential street with houses that sort-of all looked the same, sort-of all looked different. "We're here."
You parked on the street in front of a house that you noted belonged to your aunt, and then led him down a narrow sidewalk to the backyard of the neighboring house, where a kid gangly enough to rival Mike Wheeler sat in a plastic lawn chair with headphones on, arms crossed over his chest, and his eyes closed.
"Jimmy," you called to him and then kicked his foot. "Jimmy. James Joseph, wake up."
"I'm awake," he startled, knocked the headphones down so they sat around his neck, and stood up. Even with one hand rubbing his eye, your brother's resemblance to you was obvious, and a sense of dread washed over Eddie.
And so it began...meeting your family.
Jimmy was probably the best introduction of them all--there was an ease between the two of you, even with the snide jabs and banter back and forth--and that extended to Eddie. Especially when Jimmy realized that he and Eddie were wearing the same shirt.
"Don't let him fool you, he's a dweeb," you announced when Jimmy got excited over a shared love for Judas Priest, and Eddie hoped you meant your brother, but he couldn't be too sure you weren't referring to him.
There was a brief respite as you both rested for a minute, changed clothes, and ate a plate of some sort of casserole from the packed shelves of the avocado fridge in your grandpa's kitchen. Then it was an onslaught, a domino effect of faces and names that gradually got more important as you got back into the car to head towards the funeral home.
A sea of strange faces that smiled and hugged you and then looked over at Eddie in question, but not in an unwelcome way, and he was glad he'd pilfered a black scrunchie from your bag to tie his hair back respectfully.
You introduced him to this old coworker of your Papa and that great-aunt from Minneapolis and this cousin. He even got to meet your old store manager--a stern, short, blonde woman with victory rolls and shimmering black eyeshadow--who'd come to pay her respects after she saw your Papa's obituary in the newspaper; she honestly scared Eddie a little, but she made him laugh, which meant she was good in his book.
It was all reminiscent of meeting people after his mom died once upon a time, the only other funeral he'd ever been to. When people called and came out of the woodwork in an overwhelming number to offer their condolences. He had been young and sad then, but he was older, wiser, and tougher now. He shook hands and said "nice to meet you" and when people questioned whether he was a boyfriend, Eddie insisted he was just a friend who wanted to be here for you.
It wasn't a lie; still he got a skeptical gaze from at least two elderly women who tutted once they were out of earshot.
Eventually, you got to the front of the room, to the row of chairs that held your immediate family, and after a few tearful hugs, Eddie finally met your parents, your aunt and uncle, and your older brother.
He was surprised to hear "I've heard a lot about you" come from your mother's mouth, but was not surprised to hear the "no funny business under my roof" from your father after a clap on the shoulder. Your uncle said nothing after a short “hello”, just let your aunt do all the talking, and all she could talk about was your appearance.
"What are you doing, honey? What is this you're wearing? For Papa's wake? I hope you plan to wear something a little more modest for my father's funeral tomorrow. And your friend? A leather jacket? A little casual don't you think? What's that dear? Yes, nice to meet you too Edward. Thank you for coming."
Your brother Michael, though...Michael was a douchebag to put it in polite terms, and Eddie could tell that, unlike with Jimmy, the relationship between you was tense.
"You're late" he sniffed judgmentally instead of a greeting.
"We hit traffic and needed to change," you snarked right back.
"So you stopped off at home? Where's Jim? Why couldn't you get him here?"
"You know how he is at these things, he'll show up before they close up for the night. You remember how he was when Nana died. And now he's Mr. Tough Guy. He doesn't like to cry."
Back and forth the two of you went, Michael's accusations and your tense responses. Eddie could feel himself get more and more irritated the harsher it got, the angrier he felt you become. If it was anything other than a funeral--a wake, what was the difference--he would have started in on your brother several minutes ago to protect you.
And he was still tempted to.
But it was like a switch was flipped as someone else approached, and he watched as you changed right before his very eyes. As all the irritation and vulnerabilities left you, and in their place...was the Store Manager version of you he knew and sort of despised. Cold and stiff and everything he knew you weren't by the grace of becoming your friend.
Regardless, it was startling to see.
At the end of the night as Eddie settled into the second twin bed in what used to be Michael and Jimmy's shared room, Eddie realized that your customer service persona had been present for most of the evening, and had only slipped in the presence of those few family members that could see right past it.
Could they see past it? Or was it that you simply couldn't hide behind it with them?
For the whole time he'd known you, Eddie had often wondered what had driven you to Indiana. The job, sure, but...you'd left everything you'd known behind. And hell, for all the times that he wanted to get the hell out of Hawkins, he knew he couldn't leave Wayne or Rick for very long. In his heart he knew the day he finally left, he'd need to be back quite often to see them.
Now, though...when it came to you, he started to understand.
The next day, the day of the funeral, you couldn't stop shaking.
Eddie had been nervously second guessing the black jeans--the only non-ripped pair he owned--and Wayne's borrowed dress shirt when he saw you digging through your bag, trembling. It seemed like you were trying to hide it, kept your body moving and grabbing for something, but he noticed immediately,
He snatched the car keys out of your hands before you could get a solid grasp on them when it was time to go.
"It's alright," he reassured you. "Just tell me where I'm going and I'll get us there."
He thought it would be back to the funeral home, but instead you gave him directions to the church. A big old building with stained glass windows and a large statue of the Virgin Mary out in the front.
He could hear the organ music of the hymns emanating from within, and on the hour, the bells from the tower beside the chapel became deafening. For all the Catholic school girl jokes he made at your expense, he didn't realize you were Catholic Catholic.
"You sure I'm not gonna burst into flames if I set foot inside?" he joked to try and ease your nerves and his, but you just shook your head. He watched and suddenly felt helpless, as you began to shake more and worry your bottom lip with your teeth; he was supposed to be here to support you, to reassure you, and instead you looked ready to keel over. "Hey, it'll be ok."
"Yeah," you nodded tensely. "Yeah, let's just go inside."
You didn't make a move though, just rocked onto the toes of your shiny Mary Janes and looked on as tons of people filtered into the church.
Tons of people that, once again, reminded him of the people that had come to pay their respects for his mom. Eddie remembered being there, shaking in his shoes, trying to keep a straight-face, to be strong. To not be a baby because he was 10 years old.
It was just like you said about Jimmy the previous night; big tough guy, didn't want to cr--
Realization hit Eddie. The culmination of all the other realizations that had been mounting over the past what? 48 hours? Maybe the past week? The two of you were more alike than he realized. Eddie had just noticed how you'd put up this strong front since you'd been home; the comfortable, safe Store Manager facade was starting to crack. Hadn't he just told you the story about his mom's funeral? How he'd fallen in love with metal because Rick had realized that he needed to process his grief? That he needed to lash out? To cry?
Here he was, trying to get you to laugh, when instead he should have been doing the opposite. But how was he gonna get you to cry? You didn't even cry much at the wake when you'd placed your hand on top of the shiny casket that held your Papa within.
Maybe it just hadn't hit you yet?
Alright, change of plans.
"Your Papa knew a lot of people," Eddie noted, gesturing towards the funeral-goers.
"He did," you agreed, and he watched as your shoulders lost the slightest bit of tension. "He was...I mean you met my cousin last night. The one who wants to run for Mayor."
"Yeah, he's got that yuppie thing about him."
"Well, my Papa could have been Mayor if he wanted," you said with the most conviction he'd ever heard in your voice. "He just didn't want to. Which means he deserved it even more. He was the nicest neighbor, the best friend. He went and played competitive Bocce at the civic center and fundraised for charity and canned his own peaches to give to people."
On and on, you talked about Papa's recipe for this and his idea for that and...
"And the way he fucking chain smoked god damn it Eddie," you hit his arm as he pulled his cigarettes from the back pocket of his jeans.
Eddie thought that, at the very least, an emotional story would be the thing that would set you over the edge. Instead it was the pack of Marlboro Reds that he'd picked up when you had stopped for gas about halfway through the drive.
You hit his arm a few times, as you often did when you tried to playfully admonish him for this or that, then your face crumpled. Your shaking ceased as you collapsed against him and buried your face against his shoulder once again, just like you had when he first arrived at your apartment on Thursday night.
He dropped the cigarettes and folded his arms around you, pulled you into the safety of your friendship when it seemed like there wasn't anything safe out there for you right now; when you'd just lost one of the safe places you had in the world.
He whispered sweet words--comforts and reassurances--and he made you laugh once by threatening to punch your brother if he tried to make a scene.
"I'll do it," he goaded you. "I don't care if he's in mourning too. He's insufferable. Hate that guy. Never coming back to Chicago ever if he's still in town. You hear that? I might have to leave right now."
"No," you tugged him closer to you, and he reveled in the feeling. "You're staying right here. You promised."
"I did," he agreed.
The tense hold you had on him got looser and you hiccuped the last few tears you had.
A few yards away, a hearse pulled up to the curb in front of the church, and your brothers and several of your cousins went to start hauling the casket inside.
"You ready to go in?" Eddie asked. "You don't have to...but..."
"No," you shook your head and pulled back from him. "I'm ok. I'm ready."
He waited for you to make the first move once again, but before you did, you took his hand in yours and squeezed.
"He would have been...so happy to have met you, Eddie," you looked at him earnestly. "I told him all about you. I think it hurts a little more...knowing that he didn't get the chance."
He squeezed your hand right back and smiled.
"I'm sad I didn't get the chance either. Guess I'm gonna have to work extra hard not to go to Hell so I can shake his hand in Heaven."
You snorted and pushed him away with a soft jackass then pulled him into the church with you saying he would have made the same joke.
The next morning, you and Eddie made a stealthy getaway.
Your father had tried to get you both to go to church with them again and you politely declined.
"We need to get on the road so we don't get back too late. I have to open tomorrow," you made the excuse.
Honestly Eddie was grateful; all the sitting and standing and kneeling...he hadn't gotten that much exercise since gym class Freshman year.
But as you soared back down North Avenue, you made a detour.
"I know this wasn't supposed to be a fun trip," you explained. "If you're up for it, we can make the drive back whenever...maybe during spring break or something? The least I can do before we head back to Hawkins, to thank you for coming, is give you a taste of good Chicago food. Especially after casseroles and funeral home sandwiches all weekend.
"It is Sunday, after all."
And that's how Eddie found himself having his first authentic Chicago style hot dog. Sitting on a picnic bench outside, under a red and yellow striped umbrella, the ambient sounds of cars zooming and your banter back and forth the perfect backdrop.
"No ketchup, are you kidding me right now Eddie?" you swatted his hand.
"Why do they have ketchup if they don't want it on the hot dog," he argued.
"It's for the fries and the fries only. You need to have the whole experience. A hot dog with everything, and ketchup on the fries only."
He watched as you unwrapped your hotdog and began picking through the toppings. Hypocrite.
"Wait, I thought you said you needed to have the whole experience, why are you taking the peppers off."
"I don't like the peppers."
"Are you kidding me right now?" Eddie scoffed. "Gonna have to take your Chicago Card away. Oh wait, I'm sorry. Suburb card."
"Oh my god, just eat. Before I leave you here."
He took his first bite and his tastebuds sang, as you munched on a French fry with a cheeky smile.
And Eddie was happy. Happy to be here with you. Sundays were his favorite days, hands down, and he would do everything in his power to keep them that way.
It might not have been the happiest weekend, there might still be some unanswered questions between the two of you. But you were here with him and you were still friends, and after everything that had happened, that's all Eddie could ask for.
Next Part: Closing Time
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r4vn · 2 months
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kaı x reader
w.c: 3,066
disclaimers: nsfw, 18+, unprotected sex (stay safe out there guyz), fem!reader, withdrawals, praise kink, use of cannabis, da weed, tension, fingering, smexy time, missionary (bc we love intimacy)
—synopsis: you notice how irritable kai has been throughout the day, and it concerned you. later that evening, you make your way to his room, hoping you could help him out.
a/n: hola :D i am very slowly getting back into writing. this is a fic abt kai having withdrawals!! this is not my best work it feels so...meh. this was actually inspired by a post weeeeks ago by an account that deactivated BUT I KNOW @uch3na REPOSTED SO TY SWEETHEART.. but i hope you enjoy :) all love ♡
「divider by @/cafekitsune」
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everyone was off of the blue now. the air within the whole ship was heavy within this past week. new emotions and new feelings emerged to define everyone differently as the days passed. everyone began to show different personalities and likings. it sort of felt like, well, life was breathed back into them.
some kids ran the halls and some got ..busy with each other. you and your friend sela stuck to one another in the midst of the emotional chaos. you, her and a few others would keep up with your tasks and maintenance checks around the ship. chris, voted new leader, had a hard time trying to keep the troublemakers in check. the ones who would wander off during tasks or play around recklessly, affecting other's work.
"please, stop being idiots and get back to your plants." chris spoke firmly. zac dropped whatever he was holding in his hand and stepped to chris, scoffing.
"or what? are you going to throw me off the ship?" zachary taunted with a smirk.
"that can arranged." foretold chris, stepping even closer to the boy in front of him. zac's smile left his face after his words, wearing a more serious expression.
"enough! zac, take a break. chris, get back to your job at hand. for god sake, we don't need any more chaos." sela scolded while stepping in front of the two men. zachary reluctantly backed off, holding his hands up in a mocking tone. he walked off and the tension in the room immediately became lighter.
you looked at kai, who seemed to be on edge as he did his tasks. his forehead was glistened in cold sweat while tending to the vegetables. his fingers trembled ever so slightly. he looked agitated, anxious. you worried yes, but you decided not to bother him. you made a mental note to ask him later and walked away in the hall, sela catching up.
"hey, do you...you wanna do something ...risky?" you couldn't help but arch a brow. a smile threatened your lips and you nodded. sela immediately took your hand and began walking briskly in the halls. you two ended up going to richards room. you were amazed by all the things he had from earth such as photos, trinkets, and clothing. you knew nothing of this supposed beautiful planet and were amazed at the things he had.
"he showed me all these things, i don't know why. maybe because i'm chief medical officer, maybe i was most responsible." sela sighed before opening a medium-sized box of richards personal belongings. she dug under the photos to find an even smaller, wooden box and held it up with a grin. it was the size of her hand. you rose brow and grabbed it, opening the box to reveal rolled cylindrical wraps. an intense smell made your face scrunch up. it didn't smell particularly nice but it wasn't bad either. it had the slightest hint of floral notes.
there were 5 rolled, opaque cream-colored wraps with a grinded plant in it. you heard of it before, vaguely reading about it in your books. it was cannabis.
sela locked the door and turned on the room air filter. she then grabbed the box full of joints and the black lighter. you sat down on the floor against richards bed. it felt odd to you, to be in the room of the dead. richard's death was tragic, and it disturbed you whenever you thought about it. you pushed the thought away quickly.
sela placed the filtered end of the joint to her lips before lighting the opposite twisted end, igniting it. she inhaled slowly, pulling away from the joint to fully inhale to the back of her throat. her face tightened in discomfort before finally exhaling. she then coughed roughly, giving you thumbs up.
"im okay– i'm okay, it just burns." she strained.
"burns? what the hell is in it?" you asked, nervous at her reaction. you felt like a delinquent. you’ve never done anything like this before. "it's only dried cannabis. on earth, they'd dry the plant cannabis sativa or cannabis indica. when burned and inhaled, the active chemical, THC travels through the lungs to the bloodstream." sela passed the joint to you, causing a nerving ache to fill your chest.
"the decarboxylation process for the active chemical occurs between 200° and 245° fahrenheit." a staccato sigh escaped your lips, mentally hoping you don't die before you took a small hit of the joint. the hot air immediately hit the back of your throat and caused you to go into a huge coughing fit. your throat burned like hot coal and your eyes glazed over with tears.
"easy [y/n], easy. reel it back in, slowly," sela laughs at your reaction, slowly patting your back.
"clear your throat and take small breaths." you did as told, your hacking settling down to staccato coughs. you sniffled, wiping your teary eyes as you continued to clear the unscratchable itch in your throat.
"wow." you strained out, beginning to laugh. sela chuckled while taking another hit, holding it for a few seconds then exhaling.
"as i was saying," sela started jokingly. "the active chemical makes the human brain have psychedelic effects on the body." you get the joint again and take an even smaller hit, slowly blowing it out. "effects such as altered senses like slow movement and brighter colors, difficulty thinking, and psychosis when taking high doses."
you freeze and look at her with slight concern, glancing between her and the joint. the blonde giggles, taking the spliff out your hand so hit it.
"don't worry, this is a normal dose." she chuckled, blowing the fumes in the air above her. for the next ten minutes you share the spliff, occasionally tapping the ashes in the box.
the effects engulfed you like a warm fuzzy blanket. you quickly acclimated to taking bigger puffs, enjoying watching the smoke dance above you. as you continued, your eyelids began to feel heavy and your movement slowed. you and sela giggled every few seconds, feeling amazing physically. you felt like a cloud, but heavy like gravity was pulling you down.
"do you feel good?" sela asks, smiling with low eyes. you simply nod, suddenly beginning to laugh when realizing you didn't answer audibly.
"yes, i feel..good. i feel so warm and light." sela nodded and stood, stumbling with a giggle. she grinned and turned to you with a hand out. you grabbed it and forced yourself up, the blood rushing to your head. you took a deep breath to begin wondering how to look as sober as possible.
you were only 3 hallways down from your room, and you needed to look as normal as possible out there.
"thanks for this ..earth experience." sela nodded happily, opening the door for the two of you. you parted ways with her, and walked to your room in a slower pace. you walked closer to the ship walls to keep you from falling like an idiot. your gaze was low and you felt so suspicious. but you couldn't second guess yourself. you kept walking with your eyes to the floor. almost there..one last turn and–
your head collided with something firm, and warm. you stumbled backwards but due to being intoxicated you fell completely on your ass. your red, [e/c] eyes looked up at dark brown ones.
"kai?" you asked and stood up with a hand on the wall.
"watch where you're going." he replied roughly. you scan his person, noticing his shoulders moving up and down. his breathing was deep and rough, and sweat glistening on his face and neck. he looks distressed, and even more fidgety than earlier.
"are you ..okay?" you asked, ignoring his snarky tone. kai furrowed his brows, lips parted from panting ever so slightly. your low orbs trailed down to the beads of sweat on his neck, then too the veins of his forearms were more visible against the surface of his skin. your head buzzed and you gulped thickly, a warmth building up in your core.
"im fine–.." kai mumbled, blinking rapidly. "just...just watch where you're going." the brunette pushed past you, walking away.
you watched as he walked away, staring at his back.
he has a nice back...
you continued to walk and finally made it to your room with no more obstacles. sitting on your bed, you watched the stars out the window. they seemed much brighter, nearly shining in your eyes. you enjoyed this feeling. you felt euphoric and everything fell away from your troubles. finally laying down, you let the slumber take you.
waking up much more clear-minded, you blinked your eyes noticing they didn't feel as heavy as before. your mind immediately went back to kai. you couldn't help it. you immediately get up and out on your shoes, exiting your room.
you walked the halls silently. it was late in the evening and so no one was awake. you made your way towards kai's room and stood in front of the door. anxious filled you now, knowing that only a door is what separated you and the brunete. suddenly, his door immediately opened and were now facing kai himself. he immediately froze for a split second before slamming the door in your face.
your heart dropped before hurriedly spluttering over your words, knocking this time.
"kai– i know this is abrupt im sorry but–" you rambled.
"what do you want [y/n]?" he asks behind the door, voice laced with irritance.
"i–...i wanted to check up on you. i didn't think you'd be awake at this time heh– but you looked unwell all day today." you laugh sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers.
"im fine." he cuts in. you purse your lips and sigh, turning your nose up to the ceiling.
"heh, you suck at lying kai. just tell me what's wrong." there was a long pause. you were giving up on the door opening anytime soon and nearly took a step back before kai opened the door. he simultaneously turned away while doing so to walk to his bed. you enteted and closed door behind you rubbing your neck at the unbearable tense silence.
"..so," you sighed gently at kai's stubbornness not to look at you. "what's wrong?" kai doesnt turn around, nor answer.
you don't say anything else and instead examine what you can see. his breathing was still ragged and his hands clenched and unclenched into first every handful of seconds. the light from the low LEDs that trailed the space window gently outlined his figure. his nape was glistened from cold sweat. kai wasn't alright. something was wrong.
"..kai–?" you asked. kai groaned softly, rolling his neck out of agitation. your heart thumped loudly in your ears.
"[y/n]–.. i think– ..i feel weird. i-i feel hot." kai reluctantly explained. "ive been like this all day i– ive been irritated and uncomfortable all day. im sweaty and trembling and–..and my stomach right here feels.." he groans out, holding his core. it wasn't in a painful sense, but in a discomfort yet, yearning one. your body pulsed at the sound he made, causing you to take a step towards him.
"does it feel warm? too warm? do you feel a light fog in your head?" kai strained another whiny groan, holding his nape as he turned a 45° angle to look over his shoulder at you. he hesitantly nodded. he was trying so hard to be tough but had a needy look in his eyes, a gaze of hunger. you didn't know if it was the cannabis still in your system but you felt magnetized to him. the aura he radiated made you feel like small prey in front of an apex predator, but you enjoy the sense of thrill.
"well not to sound creepy but i've been sort of watching you all day. you seem to be having withdrawals, kai." you explained, walking towards him. his hand raised up to his forehead, humming. you placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling the brunette flinch then relax again. you then decided to walk around him so you faced his front now, your big [e/c] looking up at him. kai forced himself to look at you but it only worsened the warm feeling in his core.
"what are you feeling right now kai?" you questioned, your hand gently grabbing his hand to pull away from his face. he gulped, staring at you intensely. the way your hair was slightly tousled from waking up, how your skin looked so soft and supple and your eyes stared at him so enticingly.
"my head is all light, my abdomen burns, i have cold sweats, and–.." kai bites back his has words, looking away from you. you tilt your head and tenderly cup his cheek to turn him towards you again.
"and..?" you ask, genuinely concerned. kai swallowed thickly. he suddenly flushed a more prominent rose color across his face before replying
"and ...i'm so, horny [y/n]. god, you being here isn't helping." he breathed out. before you could even respond, both of his large hands cupped the sides of your head before kissing you deeply. you squeaked into his mouth, kissing back as your hands gripped onto the sides of his clothed torso. he moved closer to you which caused you to move back, falling onto the bed.
"i couldn't stand looking at you all day because i couldn't take this pent up feeling [y/n]," he gasped between kisses. "but i can't take it anymore now, i need you now." you blushed deeply as you began to fail at keeping up with his kissing pace.
kai slid in between your legs and pushed his warm body up against yours. he kissed down your face and neck, licking and sucking at your skin. you allowed him to do so before the two of you started pulling off each others shirts.
the tall brunette kissed hungrily down your chest as his hands roamed your torso. you gasped at the difference in body temperatures of you and him, closing your eyes in bliss.
"i've wanted to do this even on the blue. i just couldn't explain the feeling until i got off it." he mumbled against your skin. butterflies erupted in your stomach as he spoke in such a low, seductive tone. his hand slipped in between your thighs and you lost nearly all strength as he teased your already wet second pair of lips. he hummed into your neck as you let out needy gasps, the pleasure radiating throughout your body.
he entered two fingers, finally getting a broken moan out of you. you threw your head back onto the bed, nearly riding his fingers.
"good girl." he praised, leaving deeply colored bruises all over your skin as his fingers thrusted into you. you squeaked and moaned all over, trying to keep quiet due to it being so late. you could feel your walls pulsate around his long fingers, kai occasionally curling them to hit that one sweet spot.
"o-oh please– kai..kaiii–" you mewled, eyes watering from the amount of bliss you were in. he hushed you in a soft tone before slowly pulling his drenched fingers out of you. he lifted your head up to make eye contact with you and he licked his fingers clean.
"i'm right here [y/n]." he nuzzled his face into your cheek before planting a kiss. kai leaned up and pulled off his black pants and underwear, groaning as his hard-on bounced out from under the fabric. he stroked himself slowly to relieve some of the pressure before lining up at your entrance. brown orbs look up at you, silently asking for permission. you nodded eagerly, jaw slightly dropping as he pushed inside of you.
he was big, and thick. it burned ever so slightly but the pleasure overruled the pain. the ecstasy came in ways of pleasure as he slowly thrusted into you. your core tingled with warmth as he engulfed you. his sweat smelled like soft soap and you held onto his soft-toned arms for comfort.
"fuck–" he moaned out with a shudder. his eyes occasionally rolled back as he picked up speed. your moans became louder and you couldn't help it. you had never felt like this before. kai's hands trailed down to your hips and he leaned up to hold you in place as he rammed your insides.
"you're doing so good, [y/n]. there you go.." his voice felt like warm honey drenching your skin. it was like music to your ears and helped you edge closer to your climax.
"mmh– just like that, just like that–" you pleaded, nodding impatiently. you tilted your hips upward and it changed the feeling almost completely. kai was thrusting right up against your sweet spot. you moaned and whimpered and mewled all you could and became incoherent rather quickly. kai took notice of this and changed not a damn thing.
"you're so pretty under me [y/n]. i want you to finish all over me like a good girl, yeah?" he queried, a smile dancing on his pearly whites while erotic sounds occupied your mouth.
"yes. yes please– o-oh–" kai quickened his pace but kept his position, watching as you began to tremble. you made a face, signaling you were about to finish. watching you act so erotically made kai all pent up too. he tried his best to keep his pace, focusing only on you.
"oh god i– ..kai– ..i'm–" you cut yourself off with a loud shaky moan, your walls constricting around kai. your legs shook violently and your hips bucked wildly under his arms. your eyes flashed a brief white and you hear kai mumble a 'fuck' before feeling his cock puslate inside you.
"god–.." kai groaned, dropping his head below his shoulders.. his thrusts became shaky and eventually slowed to a stop. a comfortable silence fell over the room with only the sounds of panting occupying it. kai looked down at you, smiling cheekily. you couldn't help but giggle.
"you okay?" you asked, stroking his cheek with the pad of your thumb.
"yeah. i feel ..better," kai laughed at the slight coincidence. "round 2?"
you blushed and grinned, nodding before kissing the brunette above you again.
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
see yall later :")
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erensbabyy218 · 1 year
Problem solver
warnings: connie x black fem reader
oral, weed
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Connie believes that any problem can be solved with his head between his legs, tongue wrapping around your clit or you down on your knees as you take his dick in your mouth.
he forgot to pick you up from work cause he was smoking with the guys? head
"m'sorry ma, i was tryna leave but they wouldn't give me my keys back" he mumbles against your neck and its true, everytime he tried to get up and leave eren would hold out another blunt that connie didnt even see him roll, promising that this was the last one before he was taking the keys out of Connie's hand and depositing them into his pocket, and its not that eren didn't like you or anything but high connie was a different type of funny.
connie's hand is tugging at the waistband of your shorts, pushing them down your leg along with your panties, head disappearing between your legs.
your hand goes to his buzzed hair and you push his face deeper into your pussy, no longer upset about having to call an uber, all you can think about is the way connie's tongue flicks over your clit and the two fingers that's stretching you out just right.
you cant even remember what you were mad about in the first when you're cumming on his tonuge and he's slurping it down greedily.
You accidentally dropped all the weed he just brought cause you didnt see it when you let your body fall onto his lap.
Your throwing your hair up in a messy bun and dropping down to your knees, your hands sliding up and down his thighs.
“M’sorry daddy” you pout, pulling his sweats down just enough to free his half hard cock, taking it in your hands and pumping it till it’s fully erect.
Your press a quick peck to his tip before taking it into your mouth and sucking softly on the tip.
connie bucks his hips up, pushing more of his length into your mouth and hissing when you gag slightly.
“fuck baby your mouth feels s’fucking good” he grunts, a heavy hand coming to rest on the back of your head, pushing you down further onto his cock.
“fuckkkk” he groans as he cums down your throat, breathing heavily.
he ate the rest of your food in the middle of the night after smoking 5 blunts back to back, knowing you planned on taking it to work the next day? head
"you still mad at me?" he asks as he pokes his head through the door to your shared bedroom, you don't even bother to look at him, instead you finish applying your lips gloss, grabbing your phone and purse before you push past him and towards the steps. connie lets his hands find your waist and he pulls you flush against his chest "dont be mad at me ma, lemme make it up to you"
your pulled back into the bedroom and down onto the bed, your pants are pulled down your legs, dropping off the edge of the bed and onto the floor.
connie's head is between your legs in an instant, slurping at your cunt hungrily, tongue flicking back and forth against your clit.
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callsign-cacti · 1 month
Bet on it
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Finn x F.Reader 5.3k words
Summary: A missed meeting, a drugstore bag with a fake pregnancy test, a forgetful Kenny Roper, and intimate knowledge about a bet made by the STU baseball team. What could go wrong?
Rating: Mature: drug use, drinking, future chapters will be 18+.
Warnings: Mentions of faking a pregnancy for a prank/ revenge. If this triggers you, please don't read!
Part Two
You had made it a point to never step foot in either of the South Texas University Baseball houses. For any reason, be it for work or, other recreational purposes. However, here you stand, hand seconds away from banging on the front door of the house.
The neighbors probably thought that you were yet another scorned lover, come to beg for yet another piece of the baseball boys. Yet that couldn't be any farther from the truth.
Taking a moment, you recall all the anger from early as you had sat in the library, waiting for Kenny Roper to show up. And he never did.
As the minutes turned into an hour, and your anger continued to grow with the passage of time, you became more and more sure that today was the day. You had been holding onto this little nugget of information for when one of them truly pissed you off, and you knew that the bunch of idiots, would in fact, do something dumb enough to warrant this.
Kenny Roper was just the poor soul that pushed you over the edge.
So you felt no remorse as you banged on the door, not hesitating to throw it open, as you knew the dumbasses never locked it. You bit your lip as some of the boys yelped, all turning to see who was storming in. As soon as you crossed the threshold, you were assaulted with the stench of stale beer, weed, burnt food and B.O.
Wrinkling your nose, you scanned the room, taking in about half the team lounged about the living room. And then you found Roper, tucked behind McReynolds. Looks like he wasn't so dumb after all, if he immediately knew that you were here for him.
Finn recovered first, "Well look who it is, I thought you had taken a solem vow to never step foot in this cursed house!"
"Shut the fuck up Finn!" You snapped, eyes never leaving Roper. "Roper, where the hell have you been?"
As Roper pales, the rest of them start snickering.
"Actually, I don't give a shit where you have been, 'cause I don't want to hear your dumbass excuse! Upstairs, now!" You barked, knowing it would be easier to compose yourself in front of Roper then it would be with half the team watching you. And lord knows you would need some composure for what you were about to pull off.
As Roper silently led you to his bedroom, passing a door with a sign that read, Fornication. Under. Consent. of King, you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
Behind you, the boys began to whoop, Plumber was even dumb enough to shout, "Get it Rope!"
At that, you whirled, ripping the sign off the door and chucking it at Plums head, promptly shutting him up.
As Roper closed the door behind him, you heard shuffling coming from downstairs, the boys being as subtle as a pack of elephants in their snooping.
"I cannot believe that you didn't fucking show up Roper!" You yelled at him, beginning to pace back and forth. "I literally rearranged my whole schedule for you, and you don't even have the gall to show up! This class is quite literally the only thing that is keeping your ass off the bench!" You're screeching now, knowing that you need to be loud enough for the entire house to hear.
"Listen, I'm sorry I didn't show, but practice ran late, and then coach wanted to talk to me after. By the time I finished at the field, I figured that..."
"You figured what?" You bit out. No need to fake your anger for this part. You knew that the baseball boys felt entitled due to the treatment they recieved from students and professors alike, but this was on another level.
"You just figured that since you were a little late it would be okay to make me sit for an hour waiting on you? That since your on the goddamned team I would do the entire thing for you? That I would bend over backwards for you, yet again!"
"Just calm down!" He tries to placate, rising up off of his bed, hands outstreched in front of him as if you're a wounded animal that he's trying not to scare. You can practically hear the collective intake of breath from his teammates.
You're not sure if even Brumley is dumb enough to tell a woman to calm down when she's this mad.
"Calm down, you want me to fucking calm down?" You hiss at him, tone dangerously low. The realization that he is well and truly fucked washes over him, his face going pale, limbs tensing. Now he's the one taking a step back as you advance on him. Eventually, his legs hit the bed, leaving him to fall back onto it.
"How in the ever loving fuck am I supposed to calm down when I am stuck with your dumbass for the considerable future. When you can't even show up for a meeting for a class that would keep you on the team. Now that I know for sure that I can't trust you as far as I can throw you!"
Throughout your little speech, you had been gripping the bag tightly, using it as an extension of your hand as you waved it around. Now, you brought it up to your chest as you lowered your voice, Ropers eyes squinting as he tried to figure out it's contents.
"How am I supposed to calm down, when I just took this!" And with that, you fling the bag towards him. He just barely manages to catch it, holding it slightly away from his body as if it was going to bite him.
Cautiously, he opened it, squinting as he reaches down to pull it out. It's barely out of the bag before it's being dropped on the floor as if it's poisionous.
"What the hell is that" Fear has edged into his voice as he finally looks at you.
"You know exactly what it is!" Crossing your arms, you glare at him, not giving him an inch.
"But it's not mine right?"
"Well do you see anyone else in here with us dipshit?" You spat, pinching the inside of your elbow, desperatly trying to keep the laughter that was clawing it's way up your throat down.
"But, we've never... we didn't... did we?" He's reached back down to tenatively pick up the pregnancy test. He looks at you, then back at the test, then back at you, then shakes his head, as if trying to wake himself from a dream.
"You're shitting me Roper. You mean, you don't even fucking remember sleeping with me?" Your voice is dangerously high at this point, and your hoping that it will pass as you trying not to cry instead of you trying not to laugh. In the other room, something crashed, and you heard the whisper yelling at whoever had knocked it over, but your eyes never left Roper.
“I can’t believe this!” You screeched, throwing your hands up into the air.
“How the hell am I supposed to trust you with a baby if you can’t even remember the simplest fucking thing like a meeting, or the night that you fucking impregnated me!”
And with that, you threw the door open, not at all surprised to see the guys strewn about the hallway, desperately trying to look as if they hadn't been eavesdropping, and failing miserably.
You rushed down the stairs and flew through the back door, barely holding yourself together. It was only once you were outside that you allowed the laughter to escape.
This was the part of the plan that had taken you the longest to decide on. You knew that the money would come out very quickly, but did you want to let Roper stew in what was surely a full on crisis?
As tempting as it was, you also didn't want the rumor that you were pregnant getting around, let alone with Kenny fucking Ropers baby.
So, as soon as you composed yourself, which took a couple minutes, as the look on Kenny Ropers face was not something that you would be forgetting any time soon, you let yourself back into the house, went to the fridge, pulled out a beer and popped the top of.
Unfortunalty, you wouldn't get the full amount today, as only half the team was here, but you had the time to collect, and a pocket full of blackmail material.
Reaching into your bag, you pulled your camera out, and began to head for the stairs.
Once you got within eye sight, you began taking pictures. Finn was collecting the money, McRenyolds was sitting next to Roper on the bed, who was still clutching the pregnancy test in his hand. Plum and Dale were both on the ground laughing, and Coma was pulling out his wallet and counting bills.
As Coma put the bills in Finns hand, Plum collected himself enough to pull himself up off the floor.
"I mean, really dude, how the fuck did you forget sleeping with her?"
"Yeah, especially with that much money on the line." Coma chimed in, reluctantly placing his bills in Finns hand.
"I mean,first of all, she's hot as fuck..."
You raise your camera again as you speak and began to snap away.
"Well thanks Plum!" You say, a grin spread wide across your face. Most of the heads in the room, except for Roper and Plum snap towards you, and you beam as you capture the pure fear and confusion as it flits across their faces.
Plum, bless his heart, just continues on. "I mean, you guys literally told me about this bet on the first day of practice!" And just as the guys begin to violently shush him, he connects the dots on his own, his head whipping towards you.
Once you get a picture of his face, you lower the camera, tucking it into your bag as you take another sip of your beer. They all watch as you walk across the room towards Finn, taking the money from his hand and putting the beer in it's place.
Once you make sure it's all there, you shove it into your bag, and take your beer back from Finn.
Brumley, the dumbass, is the first one to break the silence.
"I don't think your supposed to drink if your pregnant. It's bad for the baby!" He exclaimes, nodding at the beer in your hand.
Rolling your eyes, you look around the room. You can see it in there faces who has figured it out, Finn, Dale and McRenyolds being the only ones who have figured it out. The rest are still looking between you and Roper in confusion.
"I'm not pregnant dickheads!" You hiss. "I mean, you think I'd touch him with a ten foot pole? Not fucking likely!"
When you don't get a response from anyone, you take one last drink from your can before shoving it back into Finns hand.
"Well, this has been fun, Roper, I'll see you Friday for our presentation!" And with that, you head for the stairs, pausing to look back over your shoulder. "And I expect to see you with the rest of my money. I know the whole team was in on it!"
And you left as pandemonium broke out upstairs.
They found you the next day in the dining hall at lunch. Heather, your roommate, had literally just walked out for her class, and you remained behind, having a few more minutes before you needed to leave for class.
Opening your book, you pulled out your pens as you lifted a fry off your plate, only to have your fry snatched from your hand as you watched someone else slide your book out from in front of you.
You looked up to see Finn munching on your fry as Dale closes your book. You smirk as Roper and McRenyolds pull out chairs in front of you, and flinch as the chair Nesbit is dragging over squeals on the tile floor.
They have you completely surrounded.
"Hello boys," You smirk, picking up another fry. "Come to give me the rest of my money?" Popping the rest of the fry into your mouth, you summon a smug smirk as you lord your win over the boys.
Finn chuckles as he throws his arm around the back of your chair.
"We'll give you the money."
'Perfect," You interrupt him, holding out your hand.
"If, you tell us who squealed to you about the bet." McRenyolds finishes for him as Finn high fiving you before reaching to steal yet another one of your fries.
"Nice try, a reporter never squeals on her sources!" Batting Dales hand away as he reaches for your plate.
"Come on, you owe me!" Roper states, leaning across the table to take your drink. You scrunch your nose as he puts it back down in front of you, and reach over the table push it back towards him.
"You can have it, I have no interest in catching whatever diseases you may carry!" Beside you, both Finn and Dale chuckle, and you lean back to cross your arms so that you can effectively death glare at Roper.
"And I owe you, owe you for what exactly?" You let all traces of humor drain from your tone.
"Umm, for yesterday?" Roper offers up weakly, well aware that he just fucked up.
"Oh, I owe you for completely rearranging my schedule to fit around yours, only for you to stand me up and leave me to do all the work on a project worth thirty percent of our grade. Oh, and lets not forget about the little bet that you started with the entire baseball team about who could sleep with me first. I owe you for that?"
"Well, I didn't fucking start it... W..." McRenyolds kicked him under the table, promptly shutting him up.
"What he means to say, is that he is truly and deeply sorry, that he regrets all of his actions. And that we would all truly appreciate it if you could, just this one time, fudge your morals a little bit, and tell us who ratted on us!" Finn proclaimed, as Roper nodded along with him.
"In fact, I think we all owe her an apology!" Finn stated, a grin stretching across his face.
"Y/n, I am very, very sorry about the bet! It was very wrong of us, and we will never do it again!"
"Your damn right you won't!" You mutter rolling your eyes at Finn. Dale and McRenyolds scoff at him, as Nesbit smothers "Asskisser" in a very fake cough.
“C’mon guys, you gotta be better then that, y’all gotta butter her up. Right now, she’s fifty bucks richer and still riding the high of Ropers embarrassment!” Finn chastises.
“She already took our money!” Dale whines. “C’mon, don’t you wanna be a good friend and tell us who squealed?”
You snort at this, throwing a fry from your plate at him. He catches it and winks as he throws it into his mouth.
"It's cute that you think we're friends!"
Now, Nes chimes in. “It was obviously someone who was least likely to win that squealed!”
“So, you!” Finn says, popping another fry into his mouth.
“Guys,  it was probably someone who already graduated. Figured they would sabotage the bet because they didn’t win.” Roper adds, looking at you with suspicion.
“I mean, statistically speaking, I’m the one who would win.” Finn says, tightening his arm around you. “Right honeybunch!”
This sends the guys into an uproar so loud they don't notice your low hum.
“Why the fuck do you think you would win!”
“Shut the hell up Finn!”
“Tell him he’s wrong!”
You scoff. “As if I’d touch any of you with a 10 foot pole. I’m very content not having any STDs thank you very much!”
“I mean, look at the rest of the guys she slept with…” Finn starts, before your turning to look at him.
“Keeping tabs on me Finnegan?”
And he doesn’t even hesitate. “Course I am. Gotta see who floats your boat, so I can imitate them, and subsequently win the bet.”
Rolling your eyes, you shove him off you. “You’re all disgusting!”
And as the rest of the guys begin to protest, you snatch your book off of Dales lap, shoving it into your bag, and ignoring Finns eyes on you as you walk away.
Your not even the least bit surprised when Finn finds you the next day, even though your tucked away in your little corner of the library.
“Ok, I know you’re the type of person who appreciates the whole, no bullshit thing,” which Finn and the team had learned the hard way when they had all attempted to flirt with you on your first team interview after a game last year.
Your response, listing off all of the simple mistakes they had made, and insinuating that they were all very, very small because of those dumbass mistakes.
That was the night the bet was born.
“So I’m just gonna come right out and say it. You’re a liar. A hypocrite, if the shoe fits.” You narrow your eyes as he finishes his statement with a flourish, bringing that stupid pipe to his lips. Leaning forward, you snatch it from his hands, throwing it down onto the table.
“You can’t smoke in the fucking library dipshit. And also, how dare you call me a liar. You don't know jack shit."
“But you don’t deny being one?” Finn was smart, you would give him that. It was a damn shame that he wasted it all on beer, baseball and pussy.
“And why would I lie Finn? Isn’t being with one of the baseball boys the goal? From what I’ve heard, I’m supposed to shout it from the rooftops, maybe even get it tattooed on my forehead. I slept with one of the baseball boys!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, that’s way too long to fit on your forehead. It would probably be better on your lower back, you know, like a tramp stamp!”He grins as he says it, leaning back into his chair, propping his feet up on the table, and crossing his arms behind his head. You try to ignore the way it makes his biceps look, and you definitely don’t notice the way it makes the veins on his forearms stand out.
“Did you come here for a reason Finn, or do you just find enjoyment in bugging me?" You snap at him, looking back down at your paper.
“Well, I clearly came for the pleasure of your company! And also, to… sate my curiosity, if you will.”
“Well, you asked your question, and I gave you an answer, now you can leave me alone so I can work on my paper!” It was a clear dismissal, but he didn’t move a fucking inch, continuing to stare. You kept your eyes on the paper, your hand moving to write down shitty sentences out of pure spite. You were definitely going to have to rewrite part of this paper.
“You know, I can go away real easy for the low price of just two words, a name is all it takes sweetheart!”
“I told you Finn, I have never slept with anyone on the baseball team, ever. Now leave me alone!”
“See sweetheart, the thing is I don’t believe you when you say that. You hesitated for too long yesterday, and quite frankly, we are all good looking guys. Well… most of us. And you cannot tell me that watching us play doesn’t get you all hot and bothered!”
“I have literally never been less turned on then I am when I am watching y’alls games.” You deadpanned. Which was a lie of course. He wasn’t wrong. The team had some very good looking guys, and those pants did wonders for their asses.
“Sweetheart, please, you can’t bullshit the bullshitter!” Rolling your eyes, you turn your attention back to your work, hoping that maybe if you stopped giving him your attention, then he would go away. He was silent for a few seconds, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him stand, only for him to pull out the chair your bag was in, drop it to the floor, and seat himself.
“Look, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way…”
“Shut the fuck up Finn, we aren’t in one of your stupid spy thrillers!”
“Please!” He begs, so loud that a few other students turn to look your way. The attention doesn’t seem to phase Finn, although you should have known that it wouldn’t. If anything the new eyes just egg him on.
“Why do you even want to know so bad huh? The bets over, no one won, it doesn’t matter!” You spat.
 A part of you debated on just telling him. He was as hard headed as you were, and the likelihood of him giving up was slim to none. There was always the option of just giving him the name of one of the seniors that had graduated, no harm no foul, but this was also Finn. If he found out that you had lied, then it was just going to make things worse.
You could revisit the idea of telling their coach. The probability of any of the players getting benched was slim to none, but you did have a little bit of pull, as you were the one writing half the articles the scouts were reading. You would never actually write untrue things about the guys and their game, for several reasons, but they didn’t need to know that.
You were jolted out of your thoughts by Finns snapping by your ears, flinching at the loud sound.
“How am I supposed to make my argument if you’re not even listening to me?” He pouted, leaning back in his seat once he was sure he had your attention.
“I don’t know Finn, maybe you could take the goddamned hint and leave me alone so I could get some work done?”
“I’m just saying, you had to find out from someone, and the team has been sworn to secrecy to never tell! The only thing I can think of was if someone was pussy..." He trailed off, remembering who he was talking too as he snapped his mouth shut.
“So you just wanna know who blabbed. This has nothing to do with me?” You innocently ask, batting your eyelids at him.
“Mm, exactly. See, you’re a smart girl, I knew you would…”
You lean forward, gesturing for him to come closer. Trailing your hand up his arm before cupping it around his ear as you leaned in to whisper a name.
"Walt Finnegan."
And that shuts him right up, allowing you to quickly shuffle your papers together and gather your bag, leaving a shocked Walt Finnegan left behind.
After Finn found you that morning in the library, Dale cornered you as you were coming out of class, demanding to know who told you. Then it was McRenyolds, who had shoved a girl off of him, before marching up to you, spouting some bullshit about the sancitity of secret keeping on the team, and how, as captain, he needed to know and some other crap.
The next day, you saw Nez coming out of the cafeteria, and you had to put up with his badgering the entire fifteen minute walk to class. The class that you shared with Coma. And you might as well have skipped it, seeing as you spent the entirety of the fifty five minutes shoving the notes from him off of your desk.
After class, you met up with Heather on the green, practically collapsing onto the blanket she had laid out.
"Rough day?" She asked, a smirk fully gracing her face as she took in her misery.
"Their tenacity is surprising. They have been bugging me all day!" You whine. "It almost makes it not worth it. Almost!"
After you explain your day to her, the two of you lay on the green in silence for a few minutes, before she begins packing up. She still has one more class to attend before she's released for the weekend. Once you confirm your plans for later, she is off.
Flopping back down onto the blanket, you pull out your book, letting out a content sigh.
It’s the first time in days that you aren’t doing homework, or writing articles, or being assaulted by the entire baseball team, or stressing about all three. Your laid out in one of your favorite corners of the green, sun shining down on you as you open your book.
You get five minutes of peace and quiet before Finn sits down next to you, effectively ruining your alone time.
“No!” You shout, the frustration in your tone clear. “No, not right now Finn. This is the first time in days where I haven’t been busy. I've been alone for like, five freaking minutes and…”
"Well, I could give you some peace and quiet if you just tell me the truth!" He says, that signature shit eating smile of his firmly in place. When you stay quiet, he nods. "That's what I thought!"
And then he surprises you, shifting so his back is against the tree next to your blanket, and lifts your legs, pulling them onto his lap. Without another glance at you, he pulls out his own book before opening it to the dog eared page.
Quickly, you snatch your legs back, moving to nail him in the leg, but he's faster then you, wrapping your ankle in a steel grip.
"Ah ah ah, you want peace and quiet don't you?" Then he's gently placing your legs back in his lap.
You gape at him, not quite comprehending what was happening, or what angle he was trying to play. But his focus never strayed from the page.
Now you were torn, if you said something, he would probably start in on you, and you were too tired to really fight him on this today.
Maybe you should just leave it alone, and not look a gift horse in the mouth. You really didn’t want to get up and go inside, and if he was being quiet, then who were you to protest. It also didn’t hurt that he looked really, really good with his dumb fluffy hair and stupid tight shirt that strained across his biceps.
Your decision was made for you as his hand begins sliding up your calf, kneading at the muscles there. You're barely able to catch the moan that threatens to escape.
Suddenly, your assaulted with visions of running your hands through that hair, finding out if it was really as soft as it had always looked invaded your mind, nails raking down that toned back…
“I can feel your staring!” He teased, breaking you out of your trance, and made you snap your attention back down to your book in an attempt to hide the blush that heated your face.
And you tried to focus on your book, you really did. Finn didn’t seem to have any problems paying attention to his. At least, that’s what you told yourself in an attempt to explain why his hand was crawling up your leg. His fingers moving higher as the patterns he was tracing got larger.
Yes, that was it. He was just distracted, and he didn’t realize what he was doing. And he also didn’t realize that you were making absolutely no effort to stop him.
But when you looked up from your book, you found his eyes on yours, a smug smile plastered on his face as he trailed his fingers dangerously high on your inner thigh.
“So, we’ve slept together huh?”
You hum, refusing to break eye contact with him. “Shame you don’t remember, although, with your performance, I’m not surprised you blocked it out.” You had fully intended for the comment to be biting enough to get him to back off. However, your voice came out unexpectedly breathy, undercutting the snark of your words.
A smirk grows on his face as he shifts his weight, bringing his face closer to yours so that he’s whispering right in your ear, his fingers dangerously high close to where your thighs meet.
“I know that’s a lie sweets. You wanna know how I know it’s a lie?”
You know you should push him off you. Finn was a fuck boy, and more then that, right now he was motivated, not to sleep with you, but to get some answers. But instead, you found yourself nodding, the sensible part of your brain having left the second his fingers made contact with you.
“There’s a few reasons. One, you could quite literally cut the tension between us with a knife, but somehow, your managing to keep your hands off me, which means I’ve yet to work my magic on you!”
Your moving to swat Finn away, the moment ruined by the return of Walt FInnegan to his natural state, a cocky asshole. But one again, he's moving too fast for you to comprehend, swinging your legs off of his lap and leaning over so that he's hovering above you, faces inches away from the other.
“Besides sweets, if we fucked, there’s no way in hell I would forget that.”
And then he’s standing, brushing off his jeans and winking before walking away.
You sit in shock for a second, watching as he fades into the throngs of people milling about campus.
Finn won that round, you can admit to that. But there’s no way he’s winning the war. Gathering your things, you plot the entire way back to your room, practically throwing the door open, grinning manically when you see Heather beat you back.
“Get up! Change of plans, we’re going out tonight!”
I still don't get why you won't just sleep with him!" Heather whines are she puts the finishing touches on your hair. With a flourish, she spins your around to the mirror, and you smile at what you see there.
"Thanks babe, your a godsend!" She just winks at you before moving to start on her own makeup.
Your original plan had been to stay in and do a movie night, but after Finns stunt earlier, you weren't content to let him have the upper hand for long.
So now, the two of you were getting ready for the Sound Machine, knowing that was the baseball boys party of choice when they weren't throwing their own or out of town.
And, to top it all off, James, a smarmy asshole from your English class had told you he would be there tonight. Which made him the perfect unknowing accomplice in your little game with Finn.
In the back of your head, you knew that you were walking a fine line, especially with Finn. When you had chosen to play that little prank with Roper, you severely underestimated the boys need to know who had told you.
And you never thought that Finn would take this much interest in getting to the bottom of it.
Although now, you were beginning to question if you would have done anything differently.
Your snapped out of your thoughts when Heather emerges from the bathroom, still ranting about the baseball boys.
"At this point Heath, it's a principle thing. I can't go sleeping with the athletes! I would lose all my credibility. Also, I have spent the last three years of my life insulting their very manhood. It would be hypocritical of me to fold now."
"And Walt Finnegan has spent the last three years panting after your ass babes!"
"Oh has he now, is this before or after he's stuck his tongue down three quarters of this school's female population?" You spit back at her.
Walt Finnegan didn't want you. He wanted to win the bet to rub it in his friends faces. He wanted you because he felt like you were unattainable.
And most importantly, he couldn't have wanted you that bad, because he had already had you, and he had forgotten about it.
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griefabyss69 · 5 months
Inside The Fall
Written for @steddiemicrofic!
[ AO3 ]
'FOOL' wc: 1987 | rated: T | cw: Mention of weed
(This is the April Fool's version of the prompt, it includes all of the words needed)
Steve's used to stepping up in life or death situations, but otherwise he's directionless. He isn't expecting Eddie to be so good at helping him figure out the other parts of his future.
(Continues after the readmore)
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"Step into my office," Eddie says with a guiding sweep of his arm.
"You mean your bedroom?" Steve asks just to be annoying.
Eddie's smile doesn't dim but his eyes narrow, all sharp and shit.
"Yes, well, sometimes you have to mix business and pleasure when you're waiting around on the sweet cash that's supposed to be coming in any day now," he says, shutting the door behind them.
Eddie's bedroom isn't really like the last one, though Steve had only seen that in the height of insanity, when it'd been newly deserted and then torn through in search of anti-Vecna music.
This one is neater, though still pretty chaotic. Steve can't help but like it, even though he has to wait for Eddie to clear off his desk before he can conduct his business.
"Come, make yourself comfortable," he says, gesturing at his unmade bed.
Steve ignores the thrill in his gut as he carefully sits down at the edge of it. He doesn't make a joke about cum, or about making himself more comfortable, or about Eddie offering up his bed. He's on his best behavior because otherwise he's going to go too far and Eddie's going to think he's still just a stupid jock who has bad jokes, despite all of the shit they went through together; old habits and all of that.
Once Eddie's cleared his desk, he moves to the other end of it, leaning against the wall but resting his ass against the stack of milk crates he uses for shelving. He nods at the chair, his smile all menacing as if Steve was one of his players and he was going to give him a hard battle.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," he says when Steve hesitates, pulling a box out of his pocket.
Steve has to laugh a little bit, and moves over to the chair, settling in with his elbows on the desk. He has to look up to meet Eddie's eyes, and that puts another thrill in him, this one is harder to ignore.
"Don't let me win," Steve says, smirking. He knows that's not how tarot cards work, but Eddie's laugh is worth it, like he gets the joke and doesn't think he’s actually stupid.
"I'd never do that," Eddie gasps, bending to spread the cards out on the desk. They're all face down, so Steve can only admire the cool design on the back, but maybe after Eddie's finished reading into his future or whatever he'll let him look through all of them.
He explains some of what he's doing, and it seems simple enough. He asks Eddie a question, Eddie gets him to shuffle the cards, then there’s some kind of sorting thing, then he pulls a few of them.
"What would you like to ask?"
He's tempted to ask something… easy. Something that doesn't matter, and doesn't show Eddie the inside of his head. But Eddie had offered this in the first place because Steve had admitted that his thoughts have been all fucked up, he's been pretty lost these days.
"What should I do with myself this summer?"
Eddie nods, considering that as he gestures to the cards.
Steve carefully shuffles them around in a big mess, as instructed. It's kind of fun, and he takes his time before sitting back, relaxing.
"Okay, that should be all mixed up," he says, stretching his legs out and crossing them at the ankles. He's determined to try to be comfortable, even with Eddie looming over him, his arms crossed over his chest.
He looks really good from here.
"Good," Eddie says, bends to corral the cards back into order, tapping it into neatness before he sets it down. "Split the deck in half for me."
Steve leans forward, meaning to find the exact center, but he ends up going with his gut and splits it closer to the bottom. For whatever reason, he's more curious about what's buried deeper.
"Thank you."
Eddie chews on his lip as he thinks, eyes going from Steve to the cards and back against a few times before he smiles.
"Draw three cards from here," he says, tapping the shorter stack. "Place them face down in a row."
Steve follows his instructions.
While he doesn't really believe that the cards are magic or whatever, he does believe in Eddie's ability to create an atmosphere. He's not even being dramatic or loud or anything, but he's bringing such an earnest seriousness to it that makes Steve decide to take it seriously too.
"Okay. If this doesn't answer your question at all, we can do another run of it, with more cards," he says, leaning his palms on the table. "Though usually unless a question involves a lot of people or a lot of moving parts, three is perfectly fine to answer it."
Steve starts to feel nervous, so he just nods and watches Eddie’s hands, thinks about how clean Eddie's new rings look, wondering when they'll start to get worn in by life like the last ones.
Eddie turns over the first card.
"The Knight of Swords," he says, his dimples coming out even as he tries to suppress a smile. "Other cards in this suit can be a warning, but this one is generally good."
Steve swallows. He knows he doesn't want bad news, but Eddie told him this all wasn't like, his destiny anyway. It's more of a guidance thing, like he can choose to take it's message or not.
Eddie flips the next one.
"The Seven of Wands."
He doesn't say anything else about it yet, just thinks for a moment before moving on, flipping the last one.
"The Fool."
Steve's eyebrows raise, because that doesn't sound good.
"Okay," Eddie says, leaning back against the wall, playing with one of his shiny rings. "What I'm getting for this is that you're restless, and that instead of all of the freaky monster adventures you've had, you really need a good adventure. Something new, maybe something a little different than you're used to, but ultimately you need to relax and just do what you want."
Steve looks at The Fool, about to walk off a cliff, and feels skeptical.
"Won't I end up like that?" he asks, pointing at it.
"Don't take the pictures so literally," Eddie says, and Steve has to sigh at him. "Your energy is high, like a magnet for good things," he elaborates, pointing at the Knight of Swords.
Next he points at the Seven of Wands.
"You're probably doubting yourself, dealing with a lot of fear and uncertainty, but good things are in store if you just do what you're scared of anyway. You need to remember that you're in charge of your life now."
Steve gets a lump in his throat. He hasn't ever felt in charge of his life.
"And our Fool here, what he says is that you need to pick something and try it out, whether it works or not. Do it thoughtfully, but you don't have to think that hard about it."
"Oh," Steve says. He hadn't expected to feel so… encouraged. Taken care of. "That's nice of him."
Eddie laughs, his voice quieter when he leans back down against the desk.
"It sounds like it'll be a good summer for you," he says.
After Eddie had cleaned up the cards and Steve had successfully kept himself from crying, they went off on the first nice adventure of Steve's summer.
Eddie had put a couple joints in with his smokes, and then they wandered off on a late afternoon walk, right into the shady forest, where it's not too dark yet.
"You know," Eddie begins as they walk side by side even though the path is kinda narrow. "I think you'd make a good Knight."
Steve thinks it's so not fair how much that makes him blush. He has to duck his head and grin at the ground just so he doesn't like, tackle Eddie and kiss him on the mouth and plummet off of the cliff of his own foolish behavior.
"Yeah? Do you think there'd a Knight for a baseball bat with nails in it?" he asks, looking back up to keep up his eyes on the area. Mostly it’s tree branches and nothing tougher than a squirrel.
Eddie laughs, nudges up against him as he moves, and because it's like, June, it's warm enough that he's just in his new Hellfire t-shirt, the sleeves rolled up. That means the skin of their arms brush together and Steve's brain lights right up.
"A nailbat is kind of like a sword," Eddie muses, the warm look in his eye doing irreparable damage to Steve's self control. "I might be more interested in what kind of Fool you are, though."
Steve blushes harder, mourning how it'd started to go back down just a moment ago. There's no way Eddie could've known what he'd been thinking of doing, but he knows and so do the blood vessels in his face.
"Uh, I'm not sure," he lies, shrugging. "I guess we'll find out."
Eddie beams, slides an arm around his shoulders as he says something that gets totally lost – Steve's brain has honed in on Eddie's body and only that, his feet starting to trip over themselves as he takes in the solid way they fit together.
"Easy," Eddie murmurs as he makes sure he doesn't face plant. "Is it too hard to walk this way?"
It's a little awkward, but there's no way Steve's letting him go.
"Nah, just had two left feet for a second," he says, turning his face to smile at Eddie and – Christ – he's right there. He has to go cross eyed to get a good look at him.
His gut pulls hard but he breathes through it. If anything, he knows how to be a gentleman and not just do whatever the hell he wants. Maybe his instinct for self protection is pretty busted by now, but at least he's not about to go around kissing random men just because he wants to.
Eddie laughs, and his eyes must be going cross eyed too, because they dip down to stare at his mouth instead, his long eyelashes showing off their thick, sweet curve.
"Girls would kill to have your eyelashes," he says, pleased when Eddie opens his eyes wide, shocked.
"What?" he laughs, glancing at the path before looking back at Steve. He's glad that one of them is looking out for tree roots, because Steve can't bring himself to care about anything but the feeling of Eddie's breath on his face.
"Your eyelashes, they're really long and nice," he says, less afraid to compliment him than he'd thought. "Most girls wear mascara to get theirs to look like yours."
"Oh." Eddie grins, turning his head to duck it all bashfully, and Jesus, Steve recognizes himself in that. "Thank you."
Steve can see the stones crumble from the cliff under his foot, knocking their way down the side until they disappear. He's about to do something really stupid – foolish – but his composure falls away under the force of every side of Eddie he sees.
"Eddie?" he asks, waiting until their eyes meet. "Will you kiss me?"
Eddie stumbles, barely catches himself from landing flat on his face, pulling Steve half down with him.
"Uh," he says, a nervous laugh chilling the air. "Why?"
Steve swallows hard, planting his ass on the ground so he's not halfway between straddling him or getting up.
"Because even though I'm scared, I should ask about what I want, right?"
"Oh, okay," Eddie’s voice is thin and strangled. "Sure."
It's a yes despite how Eddie looks scared now, so Steve leans in and crushes their mouths together, falling freely among the stones of his trepidation. Eddie kisses him back like they’re standing on solid ground.
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daytaker · 5 months
The Gang React to Weed
Happy 4/20, here's a thing.
(I'm imagining that demons have the same reactions to weed that humans do. I don't think they actually would have the same reactions, but theoretically...)
Oh, and to make my own bias clear: I'm not a fan, personally. I can't think about weed without thinking about the smell. The stink. So I'm not sure if the focus on the smell in these comes off as weird or not, but it's so powerful in my mind, it must be addressed.
Lucifer hates weed. Don't call that the Devil's lettuce, he wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. It smells like skunk. It's revolting. Don't use it in his house. Don't use it in his presence. Don't use it. It's antithetical to everything he believes in.
Mammon...would stone. I see him as someone who uses one of those vape pens on the DL (not nearly as smelly, so much safer to use in the House of Lamentation) but he'd also like gummies and weed brownies. Being stoned is just fun. It's pleasant. It's relaxing. Chill out, Lucifer, you're harshing the vibes, man.
Leviathan is nervous about weed. He has this idea that there's a way he's supposed to react to cannabis, and when he doesn't, he feels like there's something wrong with him. He's supposed to feel all chill and groovy, right? So why does he just feel dizzy? Why is he not relaxed? Why isn't he chill?! Why isn't he groovy?!?!?! He probably psyches himself out too much to enjoy it. He's too nervous about the social expectations.
Satan is kind of ambivalent to weed. He doesn't particularly enjoy it. I don't think he'd like feeling intoxicated in general because of the lack of control. But at the same time.... it pisses Lucifer off so much, how can he not appreciate that? He doesn't like the smell either, so if it wasn't for Lucifer, he'd be the one complaining about it, but as it stands, he's perfectly willing to enable his brothers who do like it.
Asmodeus doesn't mind it in moderation, and only in edibles. Again... the smell. He will not tolerate smelling like anything less than a bouquet of roses. He only really uses it socially.
Beelzebub can't have cannabis. And I know you know why. The cravings. You can't just take gluttony and make it hungrier. It Devours. Once, Mammon left some weed brownies unattended, and he was strung up by Lucifer for days, not because he brought pot into the house, but because Beelzebub ate them and went on a mindless rampage through the Devildom, eating his way through various businesses and even a few historic landmarks. Everything was game: stone, dirt, wood, you name it. The bottomless pit just became bottomless-er.
Belphegor likes it. Similar to Mammon, he doesn't want the hassle of Lucifer getting on his case, so he prefers the vape pen, since it's less smelly and also Beel-safe. It makes him feel cozy and relaxed, because if Belphie needs anything, it's something to help him fall asleep more easily.
Diavolo loves it! But since Lucifer hates it, he doesn't use it very often. I actually imagine he and Solomon occasionally hang out and smoke. Only very rarely, because he's much too busy to be fucking off with some tricksy wizard and getting high, but it happens from time to time.
Barbatos is indifferent to it. What's some intoxication in the face of millions of years of experiences and virtual omniscience? It won't affect him. But please, young master, if you must indulge, change your clothes after. The scent has a way of clinging to fabric...
Solomon loves weed! It's so fun. What a great way to take the edge off. Mind-altering substances are very fun for a guy who's seen it all, even if cannabis is relatively lowkey. When he senses that the moment is right, he'll whisk Diavolo away every now and then and hang out in some scenic location while smoking. He has a fantasy that one day, Diavolo will spontaneously suggest they make a pact during such an occasion. It hasn't happened yet.
Simeon isn't interested in getting high. It's not for him, or for any angels, really. I wish I had a more nuanced picture of him for this prompt, but I'm just picturing a meme with Simeon's face saying "Don't get high: get saved."
Luke is a literal child.
"What's that awful smell, Simeon?"
"Oh, that's just some Devil-grass burning. Some demons enjoy the sensations inhaling the smoke causes."
"Demons would like something like that!"
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eagerbby · 2 years
Linger | Part 1
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pairing| Eddie Munson x older!female reader
synopsis| A unknowing game of cat and mouse with your younger neighbor, who can't seem to hold on to his house key, leads to feelings you don't want to admit and actions you can't take back. Not that you'd want to, anyway.
an| admittedly I've been working on this far too long, since October to be exact. I wasn't seeing a lot of older!reader fics and as a 26 year old I wanted to explore a dynamic between Eddie and someone older. I hope you enjoy and be ready for part 2 which will be even more filthy than this!
warnings| 7k, eddie is 20-21, female masterbation, eddie is persistent as fuck, stubborn!R, drug use (weed), reader is kinda bitchy but eddie likes it. MDI
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“Hey, princess. It’s fucking freezing out here.” He smiles at you as a cold gust of wind blows past him and straight into your bones. Behind him the sun is setting into a tangerine colored, cotton candy sky. 
“Lose your key again?” You ask, shivering in only a shirt and shorts, huddled behind the screen door with your arms wrapped tight across your chest. 
Eddie shrugs sheepishly from the other side of the screen door, but his crooked grin tells you everything you need to know. 
"Yeah," he rubs the back of his neck as he peers up at you through his lashes with puppy dog eyes. "I think I forgot it at The Hideout last night."
With a sigh and a halfhearted roll of your eyes you motion him in, smiling to yourself as you walk back to the sudsy dish water you had been wrist deep in when he'd first knocked.
"Starting to think maybe you should tie that key of yours around your neck." You quip as he settles himself at the little dinner table tucked into the corner of your kitchen. 
It’s not a very big kitchen, smaller than your bedroom even, which means the ‘corner of the kitchen’ is only five feet from the L shaped counter. If you took two steps backwards you’d be in his lap. The thought has your stomach fluttering.
"Uncle Wayne said the same thing." He chuckles. "Says I'm costing him a fortune in key making." 
"This is a common occurrence for you, huh?"
"No, not common... maybe like the sixth time…this year." 
"Jesus Christ, Eddie." You laugh, wiping your hands off on the dish towel as you turn towards him. "Remind me not to ever hand you my keys." 
He smiles at you with this cheesy grin that makes your stomach flutter like a teenage girls, heat rushing to your face when you notice the way he's sitting. 
He’s leaned back in the walnut stained wooden chair, legs spread wide. His already tight black jeans stretched taut over his thick thighs and his worn Black Sabbath shirt has ridden up against the pale skin of his stomach, the dark line of his happy trail catching your eyes. It takes everything in you to look away, to not allow your eyes to stay glued to that sexy tuff of dark hair. 
You turn back to drain the sink, willing the heat in your face away. 
"Guess who's graduating this year?" He sounds jovial and you just can't help but tease him- just a little. Maybe it’ll ease the tension settling in the air of your kitchen. 
"Hello, Eddie. I'm fine, how are you?" You say while you begin wiping the counters down, stepping over his long outstretched legs. 
"Come on! Guess!" He urges, leaning forward to bump your elbow with his knuckles. You clench the rag in your hands tighter as you wipe down the stove. 
"Well, I don't know any high school boys, other than you, so I'm gonna need a list of names to run through first." 
"You're so mean to me." He says with high dramatics, taking the leather jacket he'd left here a couple days ago and tossing it over the back of a different chair.  
"Eddie, I let you hang out, smoke you up, and I feed your gangly ass. God, I'm such a horrible, evil person." Your voice runs an edge of seriousness as you tease him, throwing a look over your shoulder in the process. 
And, God, maybe you shouldn’t have looked back at him because he’s sitting there with his legs spread wide looking at you with that heavy simmer of his that you've started to notice and ignore. He's become a temptation, one you just can not fold to. It'd be wrong. You're older than him and he's still in high school, anything more than hanging out would leave you feeling dirty.
Unfortunately, you're not quite sure if it's a good kind of dirty or a bad kind. 
"You're the worst." He drawls, fiddling with his trusty zippo. "You devilish woman, you." 
The way he says it makes your spine tingle, makes you clench your thighs a little and hope he doesn't see. 
"You hungry, kid?" Maybe a change in subject will evaporate the building tension in your small kitchen. You dig through the fridge as he sits silently behind you. 
"You know I hate it when you call me that." His words mumbled when he finally speaks, sad almost, but he knows what you're doing. It wasn't like he couldn't feel the tension that was building between the two of you.
It starts off innocent enough. Three in the morning, dressed in only your silk robe and a pair of rain boots you'd found by your front door, you had trudged across the small gravel driveway between the two trailers and banged banged banged at the blue painted door. You didn't know your neighbor. You’d only lived in Hawkins a couple months at the time, but you did know that every night from 9 to 11 the sound of a wailing guitar was bound to rattle the fake crystal chandelier hung in your living room. Usually you could manage, put your tape deck on -drown it out- but that night the tinny punch didn't stop when the clock struck eleven or even at midnight. In fact it seemed to get even louder, like the person had turned the amp up, and you were fuming mad. 
The door swung open so hard and fast it startled you and before you could chastise the person for making such an unnecessary ruckus, they were already apologizing.
"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't realize how late it was." 
"You've been playing for hours, kid. Some of us have to work in the morning." 
That anger you had as you stomped over dissipated quickly as you looked at his frazzled expression. He was young, obviously a metal head considering the long hair and all black attire, but his big chocolate brown eyes begged for forgiveness as they blinked back at you.
"I really am sorry, Miss. I'm learning a new song and… I guess I just got carried away." God, poor kid looked like he was about to get cuffed and loaded into the back of a cop car.
"S'fine, just go back to your normal hours. That I can deal with." You start to step down the rickety porch steps before you turn quickly and point your manicured finger at him. His eyes widened. "And don't fucking call me Miss, my name's y/n."
After that he seemed to make it his mission to run into you whenever you weren't locked inside your trailer. From meeting at the mailbox, to offering to mow your grass -which you really didn't have much of- to sitting next to you as you tended to your garden. It wasn't until a stormy cold evening that you invited him in. He said he lost his key and his uncle worked at the plant all night and into the morning. You made him dinner, watched a movie, and set him up on the couch for the night. 
“Only this one time.” You'd said. “What do I look like letting a high schooler into my home?” 
Eddie loathes when you do that to him, even now, level him down to simply a high schooler. 
“I'm twenty.” He'd corrected, going as far as to show you his license. Sure enough he was, but you knew you couldn't let it go past a friendship. The town would think you'd corrupted him, they'd surely run you out with torches and pitchforks. Shit, they'd probably burn you at the stake. 
But something was starting to grow between you two. You thought at one point it was merely fondness for the strange kid who spoke in codes half the time and made a show out of everything he did. It didn't take you much longer after that, though, to realize what was really growing. Sprouting the weeds in your chest.
You wanted him.
God, did you feel horrible about that one.
It didn't matter that he was twenty, legal, an adult, there was such innocence inside him. Heart on his sleeve, kindness in his smile. Anything other than friendship was a no go. You'd ruin this kid, you just knew it. You didn't have the best track record with men and the last thing you wanted was to take this young man and break his heart before he could even experience what young love could feel like. 
Wasn't happening. It's what you kept telling yourself. It's why you'd call him kid, which he hated passionately and made sure to let you know. Why you wouldn't let him hug you like he begged and begged to do. Shit, it'd probably be easier to put on a chastity belt and call it a day. Every time you pushed him away, he'd barrel back head first. He was incredibly determined. 
You were playing a losing battle. 
"Sorry, bub. Forget sometimes." You toss halved tomatoes in a bowl of chopped lettuce, moving to place the cutting board and knife in the sink before going back to the fridge. 
You could feel his eyes boring into your ass as you bent to look through the crisper, hair standing up on end as you tried your hardest not to look back at him. You know what you'd see if you did and the last time you'd caught him staring the tarry blackness of his wide pupils almost knocked you to your knees. 
"Are you hungry, though?" You ask again, clearing your throat as you straighten your back and shut the fridge door. You make it a point not to look at him as you head back to the counter, an onion in one hand and a small pack of steaks in the other.
"Steak? Okay, I take back what I said before. You're an angel sent from heaven to save me." 
"Ha, maybe in your dreams." You try to joke back but you can feel his body heat again as he squats down beside you to grab the cast iron skillet from the cabinet. He puts it on the stove and smiles up at you. You hadn’t even heard him stand from the chair.
"Always in my dreams, sugar." 
His words send that sickly sweet rush of heat down into the pit of your belly. Your body so starved for a release it actually hurts. 
Why does he have to make this so hard? 
"So you're gonna graduate this year, huh?" Change the subject. Ignore the stupid fucking glint in his pretty brown eyes. It's starting to become a routine, really.
"I got a C in Mrs. O'Donnell's class, which isn't great I know, but it's enough for me to walk the stage." He raises back to his full height, looking down at you with that little smirk of his, watches as you peel the pale skin of the onion. "Will you come to graduation?"
You can't hide how his question surprises you, hands freezing against the clean cutting board, eyebrows furrowing together. 
"I really want you to." He adds, closing in on you. 
"Won't your uncle think it's weird some stranger is coming to watch his kid cross the stage?" 
"He knows about you." 
You drop the onion onto the board and it rolls off the counter when you turn to him.
"He knows about me? What's that mean?"
Eddie shrugs, so much closer than you expected him to be. You can smell the hint of smoke on his denim vest, see the deep vines of brown swirling his eyes. "I told him where I was that night I lost my key. He has this weird thing about me sleeping in my van, he hates it for some reason, so when he asked I just told him the truth."
"And nothing." He laughs. "Why are you worried about what my uncle thinks?" 
"Uh, because he's your guardian and I don't want him to think I'm taking advantage or-or corrupting you."
Eddie bursts out in laughter, head falling forward into your shoulder before he's leaning back and wiping under his eye as if there's a tear. 
"God, sweetheart, you should be worried about the opposite. You haven't heard?" He leans in and narrows his eyes menacingly. His breath wafts over your cheek as he speaks. "I'm the town pariah. The town freak. Nobody is worried about ‘The Corruption of Eddie Munson’." 
“That’s not true.” Your voice is a hush whisper as you answer back, trying your hardest not to choke on your own damn tongue. You’re locked onto his unwavering gaze, his body unyielding as he steps closer somehow. Fuck, he’s so close, if you just lean up a couple inches your lips could capture his. 
No. Nope. Not happening. 
You lean away as his hand comes up to brush a stray hair behind your ear and the simple touch -the simple intimacy of the gesture- sends shivers across your hot skin. 
“Eddie.” You warn softly and he grins sheepishly. 
“Sorry, I can’t help myself.” His breathing is still a little shallow.
“I’m sorry.” He takes a step back, far enough that he’s not almost pressed against you anymore but still close enough to feel the heat radiate off his body. 
“Can you rinse the onion for me?” 
With a nod he ducks to pluck the runaway vegetable from the floor before heading for the sink. He flips the tap on with a long finger and the hum of running water does nothing to drown the racing of your brain.
After a quiet dinner you find yourself sitting next to him on the couch, a rerun of Murder, She Wrote playing on the TV. Your brain is fuzzy from the weed he’d brought to share with you and you find yourself leaning against the backrest of the couch, eyes glued to him as he takes a big bong rip.
“You really want me to come?” You ask, voice soft and airy, and Eddie hacks as his head whips toward you. He looks like a cartoon bull with the way the smoke shoots from his nostrils.
“Huh?” He manages as he splutters, clutching the neckline of his shirt as if that would fill his lungs with air. 
“Do you really want me to come to graduation?” You ask again, handing your drink over to him and patting his back. He chugs the whole glass of Coca Cola, panting when he’s done. 
“Fuck, I hit that too hard.” 
“You’re about to be comatose off that hit.” You laugh, taking the glass as he hands it back to you. He settles back into the cushions with a lopsided grin on his face. 
“Just what I wanted.” He chimes, his black lashes fluttering against his cheeks as his eyes close. “What’d you ask me?” 
You go to repeat yourself before noticing just how soft his features have become, sleep inevitably pulling at him. You’ll talk to him tomorrow, you think as you stand from the couch.
“Go to sleep, Ed.” You whisper into the dim lit room, covering him with the blanket that had become balled up in his lap. 
“M’kay, nightie night.” He tucks his knees to his chest, nuzzling his face into the fabric of the couch and then he’s out, soft snores fluttering the stray string clinging to the blanket. 
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Sleep doesn’t come easy, like most nights. You spend hours laying there in the dark, watching the way the moon light reflects off your crystal window chime and sends arcs of purple candescent rays across your walls and ceiling. The tossing and turning comes next, an hour spent tracing the rays with your eyes has become boring and the lack of sleep makes your eyes heavy. Of course they aren’t heavy enough to allow you to succumb to the sleep you desperately long for.
Usually you’d reach for your little friend tucked away in your bedside drawer but with Eddie just down the very short hall, you don’t want to chance your noisy little friend waking up the meddlesome boy sleeping on your couch. 
Eddie. The reminder of him shoots through you like an arrow, mind hastily rewinding to the way he all but cornered you in the kitchen earlier. The way your heart stuttered in your chest and your fingers ached to pull him by the collar of that stupid ripped Black Sabbath shirt until his lips were pressed against yours.
Okay. Stop.
You can’t think about him this way. He’s young, a good couple years younger in fact, there was no way you could allow these thoughts. 
But if they are only thoughts, who do they really hurt? You won’t act on them, you know better than that. Know you can’t get wrapped up with the twenty year old super senior, not when you came here to specifically get away from the drama of your past. No. You have to be good. Have to resist his infallible charm. You need to turn over, close your eyes, and be good. 
Yet your hand still wanders past the hem of your panties, down across the silky skin that lays underneath them. Your fingertip finds your clit immediately and your body jerks at the sensitivity of that little bundle of nerves, a surprised gasp leaving your lips in a rush. 
Down the hall, bundled on the couch, Eddie coughs. 
In your bed you lay frozen, heart pounding and ears listening intently. There’s no way you woke him up, not with just a gasp. You continue to listen for any other noise for a minute or two, heart steadily thumping and your fingers twitching at the anticipation of what you’re about to do because let's be real here. If you don’t come soon, you might actually implode.  
Feeling safe to move forward in your little quest, you guide your fingers back down, teasing a trail through your wet folds. 
His fingers would feel so much better. It’s not a helpful thought, not when you’re trying to think of anyone but him.
Fuck, okay. 
Patrick Swayze in that tight black shirt in The Outsiders. No. Scratch that. Matt Dillion as Dallas in The Outsiders, all rough and tumble. Just what you like in a man. A little rough around the edges but a good soul.
You press tight circles on your aching bud, arch your chest into your hand as it slips under your loose nightie, pulling at your pebbled nipple. You can’t help the soft moan that floats out, can’t help the rut of your hips into your palm as you slip two fingers into your heat. You imagine Matt Dillon laying you down on the bed, burying his face between your thighs.
Oh, fuck, that’s so good. This isn’t a marathon; it’s a sprint.
Your body so pint up and begging for some sort of release you’re on the precipice in no time at all. Your body is on fire, hips canting wildly, you think maybe your bed is squeaking but you don’t care. Fuck, you can’t care. Not when you’re so close. Just a little closer. 
Your imaginary scenario shifts suddenly and unexpectedly in your mind. Sexy Matt Dillion erased as Eddie’s face engulfs your vision completely. His beautiful face, those big strong hands of his, the tattoos, that little strip of black hair that leads down down down into his pants. 
You come with a cry, shocking and loud, and you clamp your hand across your mouth as your eyes screw tightly, brow pinching together almost painfully. 
His words from earlier replay as your body rocks through your orgasm in one vicious wave after another. 
"You devilish women, you.” 
Your thighs, trembling and slick, clamp around your own hand when you’ve had too much. Body relaxes into your silk sheets as you breathe slowly. But you’re filled with this zing like pins and needles from your fingertips to your toes and your mind is racing, and why the fuck did your brain betray you like that? 
You feel it then, the soft call of sleep. The flutter of your eyes as you fight to keep them open. The trailer is silent besides the rough Illinois winds as they beat a lone branch against the roof. You roll over in your bed, nuzzle deep into the blankets. You’ll deal with whatever that was tomorrow or the next day. Or never. You take one last peek at your room, still a soft lavender hue, purple moonlight, before sleep takes over. 
You don’t even notice the fact that your bedroom door had been left open just a crack. 
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Eddie is gone when you wake up the next morning, the sun casting its early morning rays into your windows. The only proof he was even there is the blanket he slept with the night before sloppily folded on the arm of the couch. You don’t think much of his earlier departure. He’s a busy guy running full steam ahead towards his graduation. So you go about your day as normal. Coffee made, a small breakfast of yogurt and some berries you wished you’d grown on your own. You tidy up from the night before, washing the dinner dishes and making a list you shove into the depths of your purse. You need to stop by the store after work, get dinner for the next couple nights. 
The day goes on like so; slow and laborious. You try your hardest not to think about Eddie, try to place him at the back of your mind. You go through work at the Hawkins Journal mindlessly. Walk the colorful aisles of the grocery store with glazed eyes.
By the time you get home, you’re exhausted. It’s late, nearing seven, and the place where Eddie’s van calls home is empty. You assume he’s off doing ‘Eddie Things’ as you called his extracurricular activities that were not of the legal kind. 
You decide to start dinner instead, talking to your friend from back home as you cook. 
“Any new love interests?” She asks at one point, voice giddy with hope. It’d been a year or so since you broke up with your toxic ex and about nine months since you’d arrived in Hawkins with no interesting suitors. 
“Nope, not one.” You rattle off as you stir your boiling water and pasta.
“Bullshit.” She says under her breath before she repeats herself, louder this time. More accusatory. “That’s bullshit. Nine months and not one guy you’re interested in? Did moving to that Podunk town automatically make you a nun?” 
You laugh at this, rolling your eyes as if she could see. 
“No, it didn't make me a nun. But most of these guys are married. Or boring. Or married and boring. Or..” 
“Or?” She catches your avoidance, the tone you held as you trailed off from your former sentence. 
“Or… nothing.” You avoid it as you strain your pasta. 
“Babe.” She says sternly. 
“Fuck. Or they're too young.” You plop the strained pasta unceremoniously in the pasta sauce and throw the white plastic strainer into the sink.
“Young? How young are we talking?” Her voice is fully scandalized and you can only imagine the bright smile she's wearing. 
“20.” You sigh, leaning your hip against the counter as you stir with one hand and hold the phone against your ear with the other. “My neighbor. He’s…. He’s trouble.” 
“Oh, so he’s your type, is what you’re telling me.” She chimes and you roll your eyes once again.
“No. He’s trouble for me. He’s a good guy. Kid. Person.” Another sigh from you as your friend chuckles. 
“Oh, you are so bad off.” A giggle, then, “He’s legal, just go for it. You know, the world would be better if you got laid. You’d be less tense.” 
“No. He hasn’t even graduated high school yet.” You say. 
“He’s 20 and he hasn’t graduated high school?” 
“He’s not stupid.” 
“I didn’t say he was.” Her tone makes your skin crawl. She can tell -over the phone, miles away- just how defensive her question made you. 
“He’s just a kid.” You say again, mostly to yourself. 
“Babe, he’s twenty.” 
“So what, I should just fuck him?” Your voice is getting higher, temper is starting to build. There’s no reason to get so worked up, you know your friend means well, but you know you can’t go there with Eddie. You’d just ruin him. You weren’t good at relationships. 
“Calm down. I’m just saying. If you want it and he wants it and you are both legal consenting adults, what's the issue?”  
“It feels wrong. Like I’m taking advantage of him.” You mutter, abandoning your bubbling pasta to look out your window towards Eddie’s trailer. The van is still gone but now his uncle Wayne’s truck sits out front. 
“Jesus, babe. You’re clinging on to this warped moral high ground you have with your pinkies. Just let go. Live for once. I thought that's why you moved out there anyway. To live your own life however you want.” 
“It is.”
“Then fucking live it.” 
Your friends' words worm their way into your brain, spreading like a disease. You get high to quiet the voice but that doesn’t work like you want. You end the night curled up on the couch with your book, not even reading the words on the page. No. All you can do is think about Eddie and those four damned words. 
Then fucking live it
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The days fade into even colder nights. You don’t see Eddie as much as you normally do, but he comes over every now and then to catch you up on how busy he’s been. He’s looking at you differently now, eyes lingering for too long. You don’t notice it at first, his constant heavy stare, more intense then his usual playful one and always on you. 
He’s touching you more. Something your brain noticed after the fifth time the back of his hand grazed across your arm or hip or thigh. It made your whole body light up like a fucking Christmas tree. 
His birthday whirls around. 21. He gets so drunk you find him laid out on his porch on your trip to the mailbox the next morning. His uncle sits on the steps smoking a cigarette, a fond smile on his face. 
He’s back to losing his key and hanging around your trailer by the time graduation comes around. You watch him walk the stage in his green cap and gown, sitting right next to his uncle who sheds a silent tear. Eddie flips his principle the bird after snatching his diploma from his hands. A group of kids cheers rowdily to the left of you, whooping and hollering, and Eddie stands at the edge of the stage with his arms spread wide soaking it all in. 
You don’t expect to see him that night, figured he’d be too busy partying with his friends, so it comes as a shock when there's a knock at your door quarter past eleven. 
“Hey, princess.” He says when you answer the door. He’s leaning against your porch railing with a distinct smile on his face. It reads trouble and you are absolutely smitten. 
“Hey, you. What’s up?” The screen door between you two does nothing to block the early spring breeze from invading your trailer.
“Lost my key.” He says simply. 
“Oh, you did, huh?” You bite back the smile that wants to break across your face. You can tell he’s lying. Can see the little twinkle in his chocolate buttons eyes. 
“Misplaced the damn thing again.”
“You have a problem, Ed.” 
“I need your help, Miss.”
It nearly knocks you off your feet, the tremor in his voice, the desperate pleading cut with a playfulness that short circuits your brain. Eddie smirks, hand reaching towards the door handle. You beat him to it, locking the screen door as he goes to pull it open.
“What do you want, Eddie? I’m about to go to bed.” The tension is too much. If you let him in… 
If you let him in, nothing will be able to stop you. 
“You’re just gonna let me freeze out here?” He whines, dramatically shivering in his leather jacket, vest, and red flannel. 
“Nice try.” You step back, starting to close the inner door when his hand slaps against the aluminum siding of your trailer, trying his hardest to catch your attention before you fully shut him out. 
“I'm starving. I-I’ll sleep in my van but can I just borrow some bread, and peanut butter, and maybe some jelly?” 
And just like that, you finally feel some semblance of control over this boy who makes it his goal to drag the desire out of its dark hidey hole deep within your chest.
Except, it’s not that deeply hidden. Not now. Not after all this time fighting to not feel this way for him. You know you shouldn’t let him in. He’s in a mood, you could tell the second you saw him, and you’re so pent up and horny you're destined to snap. To give in to this unholy feeling that's slowly suffocating you.
But he’s hungry and he’s pouting and giving you those lost puppy eyes…
You unlock the screen door and walk to the kitchen, knowing he’ll trail behind. He always does. 
“Thank you, sweetheart. I thought my stomach was gonna eat itself.” 
You slam through your cabinets and fridge as he stands in the center of your small kitchen. You carry your small load to the kitchen table, dropping the food into a messy pile. Bread, lunch meat, lettuce and tomato, a jar of mayonnaise and a bottle of mustard. 
“You can make it yourself, ya?” You ask and Eddie nods happily. 
“So much better than a PB&J.” He says excitedly, sitting down at the table. You hand him a plate and a knife and decide now would be a good time to finish washing your dinner dishes. 
Time passes quietly. The steady voices from the TV, Eddie’s soft groaning as if this sandwich is the best thing he’s ever eaten. It’s not as difficult to control yourself as you thought it was. But of course, you two aren’t speaking. The mood changes when Eddie opens his mouth. 
“Can I have a drink?” He asks hesitantly, mouth half full and a piece of lettuce hanging out the corner of his mouth as he chews. 
You pop open the fridge and grab one of the sodas you’d bought for him a couple weeks ago. You set it in front of him with a gentle smile. 
It’s a quiet dance, the way his hand somehow brushes your bare leg as you walk back towards the sink. You know he hears the way your breath hitches. Know he has his eyes on you even with your back turned.
He’s cleaned up his mess by the time you’re done with the dishes, wiping your hands off on a dish towel when he makes his way back from the bathroom. You can faintly smell your mouth wash on his breath as he leans next to you to place his plate in the sink.
“I’ll wash it.” He says, looking down at you with a brazen look. The control you felt earlier instantly dissipates. 
“You look nice.” 
You roll your eyes at this, partially because it didn’t take him very long to fall back into his flirting but also because these little words really do something for you. All bets are off. If he pushes again there's no doubt you’ll give.
“Just a shirt and shorts.” You say back as he rinses the plate off. 
“Still,” When he’s down he collapses in the kitchen chair with a grunt, digging for his cigarettes he knows he can’t smoke in your house. “I think you look beautiful. Always.” 
“Are you full?” You decide to change the subject. 
“Very. Thank you.” He's quiet for a minute, flicking the wheel on his Zippo as he stares at you. And then, “I’d make you feel better than anyone ever has.” 
You hoist yourself up onto the counter, bare feet kicking against the pale yellow cabinet door, eyes lingering on him from where he sits. His legs are splayed wide, the muscles in his thighs straining against the overly washed black denim. 
“Getting ahead of yourself there, bud.” 
“Am I?” He asks as he sits up slowly, moves as lithe as a snake sizing up its prey. In an instant his whole demeanor has changed. He settles his elbows on his knees, levels you with a pensive look. His dark eyes narrow, but his grin widens and the contrast between the two makes you shiver. 
“You are.” 
“I’m not a virgin.” He says back quickly, a bite to his voice that doesn’t go amiss and you chuckle. He doesn’t like that, you can see it in the way his eyebrows wrinkle at the bridge of his nose. 
“Never said you were. You’re just young, Eddie, and I’m not a high school girl who doesn’t know any better.” Okay, so maybe you weren’t going to allow yourself to give in so easily. Where’s the fun in that?
He chuckles dryly as he raises from his seat. He steps in front of you, not touching, but his hands fist at his sides like he wants to. Like he longs for it. 
“Bold of you to assume I even mess with those high school girls.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, the groupies that hang out at The Hideout? Wait at the stage to tell you how good you are with your fingers?” There’s more bite to your words than you intend but if it fazes him he doesn’t seem to show it. His hot rough palms find the chilly hills of your kneecaps, his eyes flickering down to the exposed skin as he smooths his thumb there, before he’s locked back onto your withering gaze. 
“You sound jealous, Sweetheart.” 
And you laugh at this, a quick belly laugh that has your head falling back against the cabinet behind you. You laugh because you are fucking jealous and you hate yourself for it. You shouldn't be jealous of your freshly twenty-one year old neighbor burying his cock into a pussy that isn't yours. But fuck, it sears through you like a hot knife, made even worse as he eclipses the space that's left between you two. 
“I’m not jealous.” You scoff while your body is ravaged with the flames of his touch. “I’m sure you’ve fucked any girl that let you put your hands up her skirt. But I’m not some easy little girl.” 
“A woman.” His voice is entirely mocking as he ignores the hateful crassness in your words. 
“Yeah, a woman, and it takes more than some sloppy head and eager dick to make me come.” 
He settles himself between your legs, hands sliding up the expanse of your thighs until his fingertips dig into the flesh right below the hem of your little sleep shorts. He leans in, the smell of the weed he must have smoked before he came over lingering on his clothes and hair; the smell strong enough to have you feeling intoxicated. 
Or, maybe that was all him. 
“You have no idea what I’m capable of, sweetheart.” You want to wipe that smug grin away, slap him across his pretty face so he stops this before it goes too far, but one quick intrusive thought sends your mind into a tizzy. 
He’d like it. Little fucking masochist. 
“I’m not some innocent little kid, baby, I’d fuck you so good you wouldn’t remember your name.” 
As sexy as he sounds, as good as it sounds, you roll your eyes at his self assuredness. This sweet boy, the same boy that's confided in you about his past with tear filled eyes and spent hours blabbing about his DnD campaigns, saying he’d fuck you like an animal just feels so absurd. Yet it arouses you just as much, has your panties damp and sticking to your slick folds.
“You say that to all the girls you fuck?” 
“See; jealous.” He hisses back, eyes so dark and blown wide you can barely see their beautiful umber color.  
“Not jealous.” You shake your head, eyes begging to look away from his intense stare down, but you can’t. You’re trapped in his hypnotic slow blink as his eyes flash to your pursed lips. 
“I think you’re lying.” He argues, a harsh whisper as his head tips against yours. Your breath leaves in a choked rush when he nuzzles his nose into the side of your head, teeth nipping your earlobe. 
“Eddie.” You warn weakly, your hand splayed against his firm chest as you go to push him away, but Eddie has other ideas. He snatches your wrist up in a tight grip, guiding your hand slowly down his stomach until you're cupping his hard bulge. He’s hot under your touch and you both gasp in unison when he squeezes your hand against the heavy ridge of him under his denim. 
“Eddie…” You try again halfheartedly, head knocking against his as his cock twitches at the breathy whimper of his name. 
“Do you see what you do to me? You make me so hard." He rolls his hips up, drags his hard cock over your palm. His moan rumbles like thunder in his chest. “Want you so bad, I know you want me too.” 
“It’s not gonna happen, Eddie.” You whisper back, try with all your might to steel yourself, to make your words sound steady and sure. You want to. Fuck, you really really want to. But there's still that part of you attempting to resist the burning flames of desire. “You’re a kid.” 
“I’m not a fucking kid.” He growls, grips the underside of your knees to drag you further into him. You can feel him against the inside of your thigh, hot and pulsing and begging to be touched. 
“It’s wrong, Eddie, please.” Your hands are braced against the counter as he presses his forehead to yours, pushes against you until your back is arched. Your core presses against his cock in the most agonizing way in this new position, stealing the breath from your lungs as he hovers his lips over yours. 
“But it feels so good. Stop pushing me away. I’m a grown ass man, sweetheart.” His teeth drag quickly against your bottom lip and as he pulls away you chase after unconsciously, needing his touch -his taste- as much as he needs yours. 
“Fuck, you’re not making this easy for me. I have morals, you know.” You’re whining, head rolling to the side as he slowly starts to grind his hips into yours. 
“Oh, your poor morals.” His hand is gripping your jaw in an instant, fingertips digging almost too roughly into the soft hollow of your cheeks. “You’re so sure you’re gonna corrupt me, which is laughable. Don’t you see, baby?” Eddie soothes his thumb across your bottom lip, drags it down till it bounces gently back in place. 
“I want you to corrupt me. Use me. Teach me everything you know, everything you want, so you’ll never need anyone but me.” 
His words hit you square in the chest but he doesn’t give you a second to interrupt. He has a point to prove and nothing will stop him now. 
“I know you feel it, this thing between us that I felt the moment I saw you in that sexy little robe and your muddy rain boots. That night changed everything for me. You’re the only person who really sees me. I know it. Just like I know how hard it’s been for you. Resisting me, telling yourself how wrong it is and then moaning my name when you touch yourself in the dark of your room while I’m right down the hall. You can’t deny the cold hard truth, Sweetheart.” 
Your eyes widen as you pull away from him. He lets you create space, lets you digest the bomb he just dropped on you. He’d heard you that night. You’d been so careful, so quiet. At least you thought you had. 
“Tell me you want me. Let me make you feel good, baby. I know you need it. It’s been so long, hasn’t it? Since someone has touched you; since someone made you come.” He’s so sure of himself. So sure that he’s hit the proverbial nail on the head. That he’s got you all figured out. You’re torn between giving him credit for being so observant and being pissed that he’s using it against you. But he’s not wrong. It’s been so long since you’ve allowed yourself to be swept off your feet by someone. So long since you’ve felt a touch other than your own and here he was offering himself up on a silver platter with the promise of rocking your world. 
What was the use in fighting something that you both equally wanted? Two consenting adults giving in to the burning flames of desire. 
“Eddie-” He cuts you off quickly, his hips still against you, his hands digging into your fleshy hips. 
“Please, give me a chance.” His voice begs, thick with need and worry. He doesn’t want to go back to being alone if you say no. He’s well aware that the words leaving his mouth and the grip he has on you changes everything. 
“Eddie.” You grab him by the tattered collar of his flannel, pull him in until your lips brush his. “Shut up and kiss me already.”
He wastes no time slamming his lips to yours in an eager sloppy kiss. You kiss him back, waiting for him to slow his pace, to calm down a little, but he just presses himself closer and grips the back of your neck in a shaky hold. The blunt crescent of his fingernails digs into the sensitive skin of your neck. His other hand leaves its bruising grip on your hip to hold you tight to him, chest to chest, hearts pounding in tandem against one another. 
You let him lead, let him find his groove. Sloppy wet kisses turn slow and true, his nose bumping yours, his tongue licking into your mouth tantalizingly. The first time he does it you whimper, sure that if you had been standing you would have been weak in the knees. But you’re still locked onto the counter top, thighs clenched tightly around his waist, the heel of your foot digging into the backs of his thighs. You fought this for so long. One taste and now you’re not sure if you can let him go. 
But that’s something to think about another time and not when Eddie has a handful of your breast, thumb rolling tight circles around your pebbled nipple that pokes through the fabric of your shirt. 
“I knew you fucking wanted me.” He teases once he pulls away, a string of spit collected against kiss swollen lips. His breathing is heavy and his cheeks are ruddy and he looks so god damn beautiful in the soft lighting of your kitchen. 
You know there's no stopping you now. No going back. You were always just preventing the inevitable. You want him, you always have, and here he is serving himself up on a silver platter.
"Shut up and fuck me already, you punk."
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baby-yongbok · 8 months
Han Jisung x Fem!Reader
-`♡´- Genre: Angst? Fluff? Both? Yeah... both. [Supernatural themes]
-`♡´- Summary: Jisung is all that you have and you're all that he wants.
-`♡´- Word Count: 6k
-`♡´- Warnings: Mentions of Blood (Like, a lot, though no one ever bleeds), Supernatural themes (Jisung and Reader have supernatural abilities), Violence (Not the physical type), Mentions of smoking weed (While driving/ do not do this please) and drinking (Not while driving), Speeding (Please don't so that, drive safely.), It gets a bit suggestive for a second, Interaction with law enforcement. [I think that's all.]
-`♡´- A/N: So, I'm a perfectionist and I get nervous when I can't write or post when I want to. I just started a new job and I'm applying to new colleges so ya girl is stressed out. To top it all off I got sick with the worst Hay Fever I've ever had today and I can't breathe (Love that for me). Soooo I had to reach into my vault and see what I haven't posted yet and I found this! This story is something that I wasn't sure that anyone would actually like 😭. I wanted to take a shot at writing something supernatural so here it is! I hope that you don't think that it sucks!+ the reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡. All feedback is appreciated! Thanks for reading! 💗
-`♡´- Note - Hemokinesis or Blood Manipulation is the ability to control and manipulate blood.
-`♡´- Masterlist -`♡´-
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We should have never met but the fact that we did means that chaos is a naturally occurring thing in this world. Why do I say that? Let’s just say that Jisung and I are not the type of people that you want around. We’re the exact opposite. Degenerates. The evil in a good situation, and we whole heartedly don’t give a fuck about the damage we cause because the only thing that matters is the fact that we have each other. We’ll always have each other. Now, what could we possibly do that’s so bad? We manipulate, but not in the way that you’d expect.
“Hey, bubs?” Turning to face Jisung from my spot in front of my closet I feel my legs weaken beneath me as I stumble backwards a bit, using the door frame behind me to keep me up. The feeling is gone just as fast as it came and I take a second to ground myself before flashing a well deserved middle finger in Jisung’s direction.
“Fuck you with the iron manipulation.” He erupts into a fit of laughter as I abandon the task of trying to locate the bag that he lent me that I’m more than sure is buried in my closet. I was going to be nice and finally return it but after that stunt I think that I’ll keep it for a bit longer. “You think you’re so funny.” I sit on the edge of my bed, glaring at my best friend as his laughs intertwine with the music playing from my speakers. He always gets a kick out of using his abilities on me, he’s had his fun now I’ll have mine. I lift my hand towards Jisung and his laughter stops instantly. 
“Yeah?” With a grin Jisung looks around aimlessly. “Gonna take my sight away? You’re playing dirty now.” 
“Oh am I? Come get me, Ji.” Standing and backing away from my bed a bit, I keep my control over his sight as he reaches out in front of him, swatting his hand in an attempt to hit me. I mimic his earlier laughter as he struggles to navigate the newfound darkness. 
“Ya know, the good thing about my abilities is that, if I want them to, they apply to everyone in the room no matter if I can see you or not.” He clenches his fist and my body stiffens. “So now, you’re locked in place and I definitely can find you.” Standing carefully from the bed he holds his hands out to keep from banging into anything. I try to speak but the blood in my body is literally frozen under Jisung’s control, don’t ask me how I’m even still alive with one of the most important units of my life force frozen inside of me, I don’t know the answer. Nobody does. That’s why Jisung’s ability is so dangerous, it doesn’t make any sense. The only thing that I do know is that if I try to retaliate even a little I’ll be on Jesus’s doorstep. 
“Mmm, I can hear you breathing.” He chuckles a bit as he takes his final step before bumping right into me. Unclenching his fist and freeing my blood from his bind he catches me as my body gives out from the sudden blood rush. His sight restores itself as I release my bind on his vision. 
“Got ya” Looking up at him with angry eyes we both can’t help but to erupt into laughter. This is what we do, we use our powers to mess with each other and get what we want. There’s only a select few of us who can do the things we do, why would we want to waste it by doing what society wants us to? I understand that we can be troublesome from time to time like when we crash parties… or cars, but this isn’t our fault I swear.
If people didn’t think that we were monsters maybe we’d behave differently. If people didn’t think that Jisung was a criminal then maybe he’d be more willing to calm down. But no, because he is the only living person with hemokinesis in this city that we know of, he’s labeled as high risk and everyone is constantly on his back the moment he steps outside. There’s never been anyone willing to get to know him until he met me during our freshmen year of university. People aren’t too fond of me either, I guess having the ability to manipulate bodily function is scary? Seems pretty mundane to me. We were outcasts so naturally we gravitated towards each other and before we knew it we were best friends, partners in crime that promised to protect each other from everyone's nasty comments and condescending stares. That was short lived though because we both dropped out of university a month after we met. 
The sound of The Neighborhood playing blares through my room and cuts through our laughter as we start to dance a bit as I regain my composure and even out my breathing. He sways me as we dance hand in hand through my dim bedroom before pushing me back onto the mattress and plopping down next to me. 
“You know what would make this Friday night a real win?” He asks and I look over at him. “Weed and a couple of beers.” 
“Then what are we still doing here? You’re driving.” Sitting up and grabbing my sweater next to my bed I stand with Jisung as we put our shoes on and grab our stuff. We leave my bedroom and cut through the kitchen to avoid my brother and father in the living room. The worst thing about dropping out of college is having to still live with the little bit of family I have left. Rent costs an arm and a leg around here so right now my minimum wage job won’t cut it. 
“Going out.” I call to them.
We hear quick footsteps approach as I reach for the doorknob, before I can turn it completely my father appears to the left of us catching our attention. “Where are you headed?” He only wants to know so that he can listen out for any gossip later. He knows that Jisung and I will be the talk of the town if we do anything too extreme. I’ve learned that what everyone else finds to be extreme is very different from what we think. Death is extreme to us, a fire or a house crumbling to the ground, those are extreme events. To everyone else, either of us breathing is enough to get the damn president to send out the troops. 
“Not sure yet, gonna drive around a bit.” I notice my step-brother standing behind my dad glaring at Jisung from over his shoulder. “Oh, Ji didn’t you want to head by that store?” 
I take Jisung’s hand in mine and interlock our fingers. Both my father and brother’s eyes lock in on the gesture and they both seem to try and stop themselves from having a visceral reaction, they failed.  Jisung catches on quickly and joins in on my little game. “Yeah, I did, they have a huge parking lot and it’s always busy. I thought we could go and put on a show.” 
Jisung nudges me suggestively and I genuinely chuckle in response. What makes me laugh harder is my brother, San’s clenched jaw and my dads disgusted yet furious gaze locked on Jisung. I can tell that he’s praying that it’s a joke, praying that he and I aren’t really dating or fucking or anything like that. I’m sure that he would rather be stoned to death than hear me say that Jisung and I are dating. He’s so lucky that we’re not.
“Relax, I’m joking.”  Jisung says before opening the front door and placing his hand on the small of my back. “It’s always empty so it’ll be a private show.” 
I can’t help the laughter that escapes me as Jisung leads me out of the front door, swiftly closing it behind us. My dad calls after me but we just hurry over to his car like we didn’t hear him. “I’ll take good care of her.” Jisung yells back towards the house before sliding into the front seat and slamming the door closed. 
“You’re horrible.” I scoff as I buckle myself in.
“You started it.” He shrugs as he starts his horribly old pick up truck and pulls out of the driveway.
As funny as that was, I know that I’m going to hear an earful later, especially from San, he’d kill Jisung if he could and I know that for a fact. San despises anyone with abilities but he has a special hate for Jisung, he’s gone on endless rants over the years hoping that one day I’d suddenly agree that he’s right and that Jisung is a monster, that day hasn’t come and it never will. 
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“You grab the beer, I’ll stock up on snacks.”  Jisung says as he shuts his car off and steps into the gas station parking lot. 
“Roger that.” I coughed a bit before ashing the tip of the blunt we were sharing. I’d be lying if I said that the weed we’ve been smoking for the past fifteen minutes wasn’t starting to get to me. I have a much lower tolerance than Jisung but you would never be able to tell since I’ve mastered the art of hiding it. Doing recreational drugs isn’t exactly welcomed at my house with my father being a part of the city government. Oh, did I forget to mention that my dad is the city attorney? How else do you think that Jisung and I are still walking free after all of the shit we get into. My dad might hate the guy but he’s saved us both more times than I can count.
We waltz into the store and go our separate ways to complete our mission. I head right over to the fridge housing our desired golden liquid and grab two cases, one of my favorite brand and one of Jisung’s. As I’m walking up to the front of the store I hear what sounds like aggravated voices going back and forth, when did that start? It was silent a second ago. As I get closer I realize that it’s the store clerk ranting at a now very aggravated Jisung. Seriously? We just left the house. 
“All the stores in the area and this kid had to pick mine. We don’t serve the likes of you here.”  Jisung hasn’t said more than two words to the guy since I’ve been standing here. He just lets him go on and on since we’re very used to this type of thing happening. They complain, take our money, complain some more and then we leave. 
“If you’d let me pay I can leave.” Jisung states matter of factly as he slaps a twenty on the counter. “ I’ll take those cases too.” 
I walk up next to him and place the cases on the counter. “I got this” I slip in front of Jisung and smile at the man behind the counter. He’s pissing me off but he doesn’t have to know that. I often try to intervene before things get too out of hand, especially when Jisung is high. He already has a fairly short temper and for some reason it’s way worse when he’s under the influence. 
“This is all, sir.” I say to the clerk as I pick up the twenty and extend my arm towards him.
“You’re with that degenerate? Aren’t you Choi’s daughter?” Closing my eyes tightly I sigh keeping my arm extended towards him. Of course he recognises me, just wonderful. One of the downsides to being the city attorney’s daughter is that almost everyone knows your face. This is why I stopped going to those Godforsaken press conferences. “You’re gonna get yourself killed hanging with him.”
“No, it’s you that’s going to get yourself killed.” Jisung protests as he lifts his hand in that insufferable man’s direction. 
“Ji, come on” The clerk behind the counter instantly starts to moan in pain so I assume that he is using his Thermovariance, in other words, he’s boiling his fucking blood. Not enough to kill him, just enough to nearly get a steam rolling. 
“Han, seriously, let's just go.” He’s a sucker for me calling him Han, I never understood why but I don’t care as long as it gets me what I want.
He sighs, dropping his hand and rolling his eyes at me. He’s pissed off and I understand that but I’m not trying to build a criminal record at this age, maybe in my late twenties but not now. “Leave the cash, let's go before I empty him.” Placing the money down on the counter I grab some of the snacks and one of the cases of beer and leave the rest for Jisung to grab.
“Have a good night” I called over to the disoriented clerk before getting back into the car. 
“I’m way too high for this shit.”  Jisung groans as he lights a new blunt before starting the car. He takes a long drag before passing it to me and driving off. We get some ways down the road in comfortable silence before he breaks the barrier.
 “Why do you still hang out with me?” I can barely hear his question over the music but he looks at me expectantly anyway. I shrug as I stare forward and focus on the passing streetlights.
“To piss off my dad obviously.” Jisung scoffs, snatching the blunt from me and bringing it to his lips.
“I always knew you were using me.” He shakes his head as he blows a thick stream of smoke through his nose in a deep exhale. “Such a bitch.”
Neither of us can contain our laughter as we fan at the cloud of smoke surrounding us. He may have asked a serious question but he knew that I wouldn’t give him a serious answer. We save the serious stuff for when we’re so stoned that we can hear colors and taste sounds, this is only the beginning. 
“If I can’t use you for sex then I might as well use you for something.” 
“And why can’t you use me for sex?” He quips back with a light chuckle. My red eyes meet his for a split second before looking down at the blunt that he’s passing me. 
“Well first of all that’s disgusting and second of all I’m not trying to have my brother actually kill you. The only reason he hasn’t is because he knows that we’re just playing around.” I lean forward to ash the blunt on the dashboard and open the window to air out the car, the smoke mixed with the obvious sexual tension in here is suffocating. 
There wasn’t an ounce of truth to me saying that fucking Jisung would be disgusting and he knows that, we’ve talked about this more than once. He thinks I’m hot which I find hard to believe since I’m not really a reflection of the girls that he likes to date. I’m thick, a lot thicker than anyone he’s ever slept with but he’s gone on several rants about just how much he loves my body so I have no reason to doubt the validity of his statement. Jisung on the other hand is exactly my type, honey skin and soft brown hair with a beautifully toned body and an impossibly tiny waist. He’s unreal and he knows it. Despite his social status there are a slew of women who are dying to piss off their families by having him dick them down in the backseat of his car on any given tuesday. They use him as revenge bait and he knows it but he doesn’t care as long as he gets to nut. 
We’ve talked about things that friends normally discuss like when we lost our virginity or how many times we’ve touched ourselves thinking about each other, it’s all water under the bridge for us… I think. The tension between us always builds a bit higher on nights like this, I mean who doesn’t get horny when they’re high right? But on a serious note I can’t fuck Jisung no matter how attracted to him I might be because that would complicate things and he’s the only uncomplicated thing in my life. My dad and step-brother haven’t been the same since we lost my mom five years ago and then a week after that my sister fell to the same fate. My only remaining blood sibling wants nothing to do with any of us and San and I have an intricate relationship to say the least. Sleeping with my best friend would be like setting myself up for failure. 
“First of all, that’s rude and second of all your brother loves me.” The teasing tone in his voice fades into a chuckle that prompts an eye roll from me. 
“Do you want to kill everyone that you love?” He shrugs and hums lightly before glancing over at me with his eyebrows raised and his lips pulled into a thin line. “Fuck you, Ji.”
He laughs, eyes focused on the nearly empty street in front of him as we stop at a light. “I hope you know that I'd kill him before he kills me.” Jisung glances over at me, his features are cold and serious. I stare back at him, mirroring his expression the best I can before cracking a small smile. “I know where we can hide the body.”
“Fucking maniac.” He scoffs with a smile and I laugh with him. He turns onto the highway and I turn the radio up to a deafening volume. 
“Speed up, what’re ya scared?” I reach up and open the sunroof and Jisung watches me as he bops his head to the music. He lets down all of the windows as I stand on my seat and stick my upper half out of the sunroof just as he speeds up. He’s probably going ten over the limit right now but I don’t see any cops around and there are barely any cars on the road. He starts racing imaginary cars, weaving between lanes and effectively throwing me side to side as I try to enjoy the night breeze. This has been my thing since I was a kid, my mom would let me stand in the car as my dad sped down the highway, she’d let me climb onto the middle console and stick my arms up out of the sunroof while she held me in place. It was dangerous but it was so much fun, so freeing.
The vibration of the bass shook the car as it glided down the highway. My skirt blew in the wind rushing through the window as Jisung sped up bit by bit. Suddenly, I feel warmth on my thigh and all of my concentration goes to that spot. Jisung’s fingers trail up my leg and caress the skin peaking out in the diamonds of my fishnet stockings. Though he and I agree that we could never fuck each other the bond that we foster isn’t exactly conventional. We like to touch each other, he’ll rub my thigh or hold me from behind casually and I reciprocate his actions on a regular basis. This is our normal, the part that’s new to me is the slow trail that his hand is making towards my heat. I can hear him singing the song on the radio as he speeds up just a bit more, probably hitting 85 in the 60 by now. His hand continues up my thigh, moving to the side to trace the curve of my hip. 
“Fuck.” I hear him exasperate as I process the sound of police sirens behind us. I crawl back down into my seat and put my seatbelt on. We turn down the music completely and pull over to the shoulder of the highway. I reach into the glove compartment and hand Jisung his registration and we both take our licenses and ability identification cards and place them on the dashboard along with our open hands. When you get pulled over with an abilities like ours, some officers like to try and get a reaction out of you. The last time we got pulled over I was the only thing stopping Jisung from literally killing the officer that decided to get handsy with him.
The officer approaches the window like a snail crossing the street and we both sigh. We exchange knowing looks and I start silently praying to myself, please don’t let this man be an asshole. Once he reaches the window he looks us both over before silently reaching into the car to grab Jisung’s identification and registration “How are you doing tonight, kids.” He checks the registration then his License and lastly his ability card. Jisung and I opt to stay quiet and offer no more than a meek nod in his direction.
“What are you two doing out tonight?” The officer asks as he shines his flashlight in Jisung’s face. His eyes trail up and down Ji’s frame, sizing him up. 
“We’re going on a date.” Jisung shrugs as he makes eye contact with the officer. 
“A date, huh? Where to?”
“Well, sir, I’m trying to surprise my lovely girlfriend here so if it’s alright with you, I'll keep that to myself.” He smiles up at the officer teasingly. The less he knows the better.
“I see.”
“May I ask why we were stopped? Are we getting a ticket?” 
“You were going twenty over the speed limit, I’ll let you love birds off with a warning this time.” The officer pauses before looking over at me. “ I’ll warn you especially ma’am, be careful with this kid he’s dangerous.”
Satisfied with himself, the officer smiles down at the irritated man in the driver's seat. “You two be careful alright? There was some commotion over at the gas station some ways from here. You two wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would ya?” the officer drops all of the collected information into Ji’s lap as he looks between us. 
“Not at all, if we hear anything we’ll be sure to call the station.” I didn’t plan on lying to a cop tonight but I guess this is fine. He looks between us clearly trying to spook us but we’re unfazed, it’s gonna take a lot more than staring behind some black out shades to intimidate us.
“Alright, well then I’ll let you kids go, have a good night.” He starts to walk away but doubles back suddenly, bending down to the window. “And try to sober up a bit before heading home.”
He stalks away again, quicker than when he came and Jisung and I do our best not to laugh. “That was fucking close, is it that obvious that we’re stoned?”
I can’t help the laugh that erupts from my throat as I stuff my ID back into my wallet. Jisung stares at me in confusion as he mimics my actions.
“Dude, we have two cases of beer in the backseat and we literally hot boxed your car a couple of minutes ago. We smell like a dispensary and your eyes are glowing red.” He hurriedly looks into the rearview mirror and examines his appearance.
“ Fuck, you’re right.” He fixes the mirror and sighs, we sit in silence for a bit before he speaks up. “Can you pass me the eyedrops out of the glove compartment?”
“Yeah, sure.” I start searching through the glove compartment but I stop when a waft of smoke floats in my direction. I side eye Jisung as he takes a small drag of the blunt and blows it out of the window.
“Want a hit?” He offers me the blunt with raised brows and I scoff before continuing my search. 
“You’re an idiot.”
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“Which one is your favorite?” I ask Jisung as I raise my beer bottle to my lips. After some more aimless driving we ended up going to our favorite spot in some woods just outside of town. It’s the perfect spot for us to be left alone with our antics. We turn the car radio up and rotate between laying in the pick up bed of his car and sitting on a huge rock that we’ve claimed as our own. Right now the blankets spread out in the back of his pick up are way too cozy and inviting to pass up on since it’s gotten a bit chilly out.
“Which what?”
“Which part of your ability?” He looks over at me with a slight blush creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks. He takes a swig of his beer and swiftly follows with a drag of our third shared blunt. I suggested that we stop a long time ago but Jisung insisted on pushing the limits tonight. I’m pretty fucked up from the cross fade of weed and alcohol but I’ll never admit that and I wont have to because the rosy blush on my caramel skin is a dead giveaway.
“Why do you want to know?” A shy laugh slips from his lips and I shrug, it’s just a question why is he getting shy?
“Curious, If you tell me yours I’ll tell you mine.”
“I like that I can control blood flow, it comes in handy.” With furrowed brows I take a swig of my drink while racking my brain trying to figure out how such a thing could be useful. 
“How so?” 
“Ahh.. that, my dear, is something I’d have to show you and I don’t think you want me to show you what I use that for.” He explains turning to me slightly. I mimic his movements turning my body to him and giving him my full attention. 
“Show me.”
“Seriously, I don’t think - “
“What’re ya scared? I thought the Amazing- Bloodbending- Han Jisung wasn’t scared of anything?” My teasing seemed to get to him just a bit, so naturally I continued. “The Jisung that I’m always hearing about is some confident, daring and dangerous man who isn't scared of anything.”
“Fuck it.” He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him so that he can put his arm around me. He moves to put his beer down and free his other hand while I watch him in confusion. 
“What are you-” He rolls his eyes, turning back to face me.
“You begged for it and now you want to back out? What’re ya scared?” He mocks my previous question and now it’s my turn to roll my eyes.
“Shut up, I’m just confused.” 
“Trust me, bubs.” He looks me over slowly, too slowly. What's going on here? “Have I ever hurt you before? Okay, wait, don't answer that. Have I ever hurt you on purpose?” With a slight laugh I shake my head. 
“Then relax and let me know if you get uncomfortable.” Without another word from either of us and some rock indie rock song blasting on the radio Jisung takes a deep breath and rubs his fingers together. He then lightly touches my knee and guides my legs apart. I furrow my brows again before he places the palm of his hand over my pelvic bone and I start to feel a euphoric rush in my stomach and legs. The feeling works its way up and down to fill every inch of my body. My core starts to pulse and drip as Jisung watches me closely with his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“W- what are you -” 
“I increased blood flow to your… you know. It’s like an instant turn on.” The air around me feels thick and I find myself fighting the urge to whine at the building pressure, am I about to… no way, I can’t cum from this. Impossible. “This is my favorite part of my ability.” A shy smile crosses his blushed lips and I can’t help but to stare at them. I always stare but never when he can catch me, I always wonder how they’d feel against my lips and skin. I’ve always wanted to taste them. Woah, what the fuck? No, I can’t think things like that, not about him.
“Okay, cool you c-can stop now.” His eyes stare down at me with a heated gaze, boring holes into my skin. His eyes switch focus between my eyes and my lips as he reluctantly moves his hand. I sigh in relief as I feel my body start to cool down but it’s not enough, I still feel the blistering heat of need crawling under my skin. Fuck, why did he have to show me that? It’s bad enough that we’re out here ten minutes to midnight while I’m in a skimpy skirt and he’s in a tight black tank top. He let me borrow his jacket when the wind picked up and now I want nothing more than to give it back to maybe extinguish these hot and disgusting thoughts running through my head.
“Remember our deal about not fucking?” I stare up at him, wide eyed and feeling vulnerable. “What does that apply to?” 
“What do you… what do you mean?” Suddenly it feels like he never even moved his hand. My body feels hot all over again and I can feel myself clench around nothing desperately.
“I mean I just... Fuck.” He pauses as he takes a second to help me sit up and he picks up his drink and takes a long swig. That was definitely a courage shot, what the hell is he about to say? “I mean.. you have no idea how much I think about just… corrupting you. Manipulating your body, I’ve wanted to do that trick to you since I discovered it.” 
A small chuckle escapes him as he looks over at me trying to gauge my reaction.
“Ji, you know why we agreed to that. Sex leads to complicated relationships or dating or whatever and I can’t do that with you. I can’t risk losing you too.” 
“You wouldn’t.” Jisung's response is nearly a whisper, a desperate plea that came out weaker than he expected. “If we’re together then you’ve got me for life, bubs. You’re my best friend, nothing could ever change that. You’re the only person who doesn’t see me as a monster.”
Now it’s my turn to take a courage shot. I down the rest of my drink, avoiding eye contact like it could kill me. “I get it, you wanna fuck me, you don’t have to butter me up to get in my pants.”
“Hey hey hey, this is about way more than that. I don’t just want to fuck you, you’re so much more than a stupid notch in my belt. I want to be with you. I’ve wanted that for so long and you’ve wanted it too. I know you do. I see the way you look at me all the time, when I stay over at your place and we’re sleeping together and when I’m driving and you think that I don’t notice. You stare at me just like I stare at you, you have that same longing in your eyes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t lie to me.” He’s serious now, his tone is firm and it adds an extra beat to my already hammering heart. How does he know all of that? How long has it been since he’s noticed?
“Jisung, I don't have feelings for you. You’re hot, that's it.” I’m lying. I’m lying through my fucking teeth and he knows it. I’m a shit liar when I’m faded.
“Then let me kiss you.” He finishes his drink and puts his bottle to the side all while looking straight at me. “If I’m nothing more than your hot best friend, let me kiss you. If you pull away then you’re telling the truth but if you don’t then you feel the same way that I do.”
“I’m not doing that.” My eyes fall to his converse and I take a shaky inhale. There’s no way that this is happening, what is he thinking?
“You are.” He sounds like he’s pleading again, his words are careful but he means them, oh gosh. He leans forward, placing the bend of his pointer finger under my chin and lifting my head until my gaze meets his. “I’m sick of us pretending” He whispers, his voice full of emotion. I can’t look away, my heart is pounding in my chest and I take a deep breath. His other hand reaches for mine, taking it and pressing chaste kisses to my knuckles. His eyes squeeze shut with each kiss and I can’t help but to take in the sight of him, his features softened by emotion, his emotions for me. I let out a shaky breath and whisper back. 
"Han, we shouldn’t."
“Why not?” His eyes are still closed and he squeezes my hand as his lips move against the back of it. “I know you better than anyone on this earth. I love you more than anyone in this universe, you love me too, I know you do. What are you afraid of?”
“I told you, I can’t lose you.” My voice sounds more strained than I anticipated but I ignore it, it’s a reflection of how I feel. A verbal representation of the hurricane in my chest.
“If you’re so afraid to lose me then why won’t you be mine? Why won’t you let me have you?”
“Ji, stop it.” He drops the hand that he was kissing and moves his other hand to completely cup my cheek. We’re so close that his exhales are my inhales and I swear I can hear his heart pounding from here or maybe that’s mine.
“Let me kiss you.”
“Jisung” His name is merely a whisper as I exhale.
“Let me.” He whispers back and the sweet sound of his voice rings in my ears.
“Han.” I inhale the scent of him but it’s not the same, it's desperate, but it’s sweet. Much sweeter than usual.
“I’m going to kiss you.” He closes the gap between us and I hold my breath. His lips touch mine and the heat that I was feeling earlier multiplies with a spark of burning desire. He’s kissing me. My best friend is kissing me and only one word comes to mind. Perfect, this moment is perfect, he is perfect and I desperately don’t want him to be. His lips move against mine slowly, passionately, and I almost feel like I’m floating. I thought that I’d feel panic. I thought that I’d be scared but I’m not, he was right. Fuck it.
I sigh into the kiss as I melt into his touch, his fingers caress my cheek softly as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. His other hand rests on my hip, squeezing lightly and guiding me forward to straddle his lap. I climb onto him as I savor his taste. There's hints of beer and the blunt we shared but there’s a sweetness to it, it’s something that I can only describe as being him. It’s Jisung that I taste and he’s flooding my senses. 
“I knew it.” He whispers against my lips before pressing me back into a hungry kiss. Our lips abuse each other relentlessly as they move in tandem. I can’t seem to control the small whines that escape me but I don’t mind because each one of my whines is matched with a desperate groan from Jisung. 
“Be mine.” He whispers into my mouth and I sigh, content at the sound of it. He wants me, he wants to be with me… but what if I lose him?
“Ji.” I whisper back, trying my best to pull away but he holds me there. His hand on my cheek kept my lips on his. “Jisung” I lightly push at his chest, I can’t do this. We can’t do this. What if everything goes wrong? What if I lose him too? “Han.”
He stops, pulling away with heavy breath and dilated pupils. His blushed lips are more red than usual and he dips his tongue out to lick them quickly as he stares up at me. 
“I can’t…” There’s a hoarse scratch to my voice as I stare back at him. “I can’t lose… we can’t do this.”
“We just did.”
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yourgirlthingy · 1 year
Decided that Fezco deserved some love because I couldn't think of anyone else to write about and his character is just *chefs kiss*
Imagine: Fez and you are in his car high out of your minds talking about the future. The night sky is beautiful and you enjoy the fresh air... And things start to get a little bit heated -Wink-Wonk-
Warnings: Drug Abuse, Strong Language, Sexual themes, Angst kind of but not really, Vaping and Fez being an amazing boyfriend.
Word count: 816
The car was hot, a big contrast to the cold air of the night. The familiar smell of weed filling your noses. You must admit that the feeling of being high was nice, stripping you of any of your worries. It was quite late and Ash had finally agreed to go to sleep. Sometimes he is like a grown man trapped in a kids body, other times he actually acts his age. Like tonight when he put up a fight about going to bed early.
In all honestly the pair of you would usually let him stay up but the day had been stressful and you wanted time to yourselves. The edge being taken off by the drug really helping with the headache you had accumulated during the day. Your boyfriend lay next to you, eyes closed basking in his calm state.  
Leaning over, you press a kiss to his cheek causing him to open his eyes. Both of your eyes catching each others for a moment. Still bliss in this state of Euphoria. Taking another swig from the large bottle of alcohol and collapsing next to the gorgeous man. You turn on your side a sudden urge to be close to him washing over you.
Breaking the silence Fezco lets out a sigh "What do you think will happen in the future." You were slightly taken aback by the question. And although he didn't seem like it, he constantly wondered about what the future would hold. For a while you pondered about the question unsure of how to respond. Many thoughts went through your head.
Did you want to have kids? Would you still be living in this hell hole of a town? What would happen to Ash?
"I don't know," you responded honestly. He nodded somewhat agreeing with you. But there was something behind his glazed out eyes. "What do you want to happen?" Just that question set something off in him. You could tell he had an idea and you were sure it was going to be good. He let out a quick cough and began,
"I wanna get out of this town and start a family," a lazy smile was on his lips as he said this. He was thinking about what it would be like, it was obvious. "Me, you and Ash without all of the drugs and looking after my grandmother." The confession didn't shock you but just intrigued you more into his thinking. "I wanna get to a point where I can have a kid and not be worried for its life," He says with emotion clear in his voice at the end.
You just listen to him expectantly casually replying with a "Mhm," or "Yeah." He was quite optimistic but knew not to get his hopes up because anything could happen. Although you shouldn't, you couldn't help but think about how hot he looked in that moment. Eyes droopy while he talked about his future with you.
A sudden burst of energy ran over you as you leaned over and kissed him. Instinctively, he pulled you onto his lap - straddling him. This quick kiss turned into a heated make-out sesh between the two of you. The drugs coursing through your system making you feel like you're floating. Things went from zero to a hundred extremely fast. Both of you trying to get closer to each other. Like you had been starved of each others touch for far too long.
Discarding your jacket, you started to grind down onto him a muffled moan escaping your lips. You felt your body heat up more if that was even possible. Knowing that things were starting to get exciting, he flipped you onto your back on the back seat.
A surprised squeal left your lips as he began grinding down on to you adding back to the friction. "Don't start something you cant finish, mamas," he whispers in your ear. The windows steaming up from the heat in the metal box.
Tonight was definitely going to be one you remembered...
A/n: I'm going to admit, writing this made a little hot ya know. Anywho I wanna know who you want One Shots or headcanons of so my asks are always open!!!.
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 3 months
Home sweet Home Alone.
Tw: R@pe/break-in/assault/other icky stuff :3
I readied myself for bed as usual, my schedule was relatively the same every night.
At around 8 pm, I would wash my face and change into my silk night dress that only covered the middle of my body, I loved the cool feel of the fabric and it was very freeing so I didn't feel the need to wear anything under it.
I brushed my teeth and now it was 8:30, I decided to wind down and opened my window slightly to let in some air. Little did I know you were watching me through the bushes.
You watched and backed further into the brush as I opened the window, perfect for you to slip into later.
I sit on my bed and pull out my phone. I play some music on my Amazon Alexa on my nightstand. I didn't live around a bunch of people. You made sure of that when you followed me home one day from the store.
the music was relatively loud and would hide any small amounts of noise you couldn't hide with your hand or a sock in my mouth. your mind raced and your heart and cock throbbed as you watched me, every time my legs opened, you'd get a glimpse of my freshly shaved pussy. I had shaved it this morning before going out.
I pulled a preroll out of my bedside table and a pretty, pink, decorated lighter to go along with it, lighting the small joint and taking a puff.
"Perfect-", You thought to yourself, Soon I'd be high, cozy, and dazed enough to not even realize if he had snuck into the window.
I rolled over, facing away from the window, and scrolled on what you could now see was a porn sight. Looking at various animated and non-animated pornos, but from what you could see when I selected videos, they were pretty rough.
I had begun touching myself and you looked around my room, seeing a pair of my panties on the ground near the edge of the bed. reaching up carefully, you slid my window open further, slowly to ensure you weren't heard, and crept in through the gap.
you slipped into my room closed the window back to the gap it originally had and quietly made your way across the floor. You grabbed the pair of underwear and stayed low to the ground as you held them to your face. You breathed my scrnt in deeply and it caused your cock to throb roughly.
You heard my soft moans as I rubbed myself on the bed, now laying on my back, rubbing my clit as I watch the porn on my phone. "Mnh~ Fuck- Yes-", I gasped softly and you unzipped your jeans very slowly and pulled your cock out. You took a breath before readying the underwear in your hand and standing, pinning me down, and shoving the panties into my mouth. It all happens so fast that I don't have much time to react as you get my arms above my head.
I squirmed and writhed in your grip, crying out into the panties as they muffled my protests. You pushed my legs open and wriggled your jeans down further, pushing your cock into my wet pussy, now lubricated because of my fingers.
I called you all sorts of names and slurs through the panties, not to be heard as you forced yourself all the way in me, your cock so hard it pulsed as you entered my tight folds.
I screamed as you penetrated me but my back arched, It hurt but it felt so good to finally have something in me, and your cock was so real and warm I felt like all I could do was relax. My pussy dripped with my own slick, coating your shaft as you moved inside me.
A groan left your lips as you held onto my wrists with one hand, the other holding the panties in my mouth. I looked up at you, trying to gauge who you might be, but the weed and your dick fogged up my brain. I felt your cock throb inside of me as you got close, and my walls gripped around you tightly.
you held onto me tighter, I could feel that my wrists were going to bruise in the morning, fuck that's so hot. Whoever this man was, you felt like you needed this feeling, the adrenaline pumping through you as the imminent danger pent up in the back of your mind.
You pulled a knife from somewhere off to the side, maybe your jean pocket, even when you had let go of the panties in my mouth, I didn't feel the urge to move because I was so fucked out.
You held the knife to my throat as you pumped even rougher into me, you mumbled into my ear, "I'm going to cum, and you're going to have my fucking kids huh- I bet you'd be into that~", Finally spewing your hot cum into me and where I swear was against my cervix. As the blade touched my skin and you whispered to me, I squirted harshly against you.
(Aftercare scene, if you're not interested that's cool!)
I screamed into the panties as we finished, and you pulled out of me, slipping out of the rest of your clothes. You kissed me softly. "How was that for a CNC night?", I giggled and pulled my panties out of my mouth, swallowing hard.
"It was amazing- thank you so much!"
You picked me up and brought me into the bathroom and drew me up a bath, stripping me and placing me gently into the warm water. We spent the rest of the night talking about what we'd done and things that might make it better for next time and had agreed on a possible chase.
I went to sleep very happy.
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macgyvermedical · 22 days
Natasha patches Yelena up at a safe house after a fight.
Don't ask me where this intersects into canon, because I don't know.
Also, if anyone can tell me why it might not be a great idea in this particular situation to use the combination of medications recommended by Mason, you win the satisfaction of being right.
Also, this is how I teach WRFA students to pack wounds, not how I teach nursing students. There's a difference. Chill.
"You call this a safe house?" Yelena asked.
It was late in the day by the time they approached the entrance to the old dacha. It was a dirty brown color, weeds overgrowing it's visibly decaying chipboard siding. Natasha stopped and adjusted her grip on the arm Yelena had over her shoulder.
She had been taking an increasing amount of the younger widow's weight since the car they had commandeered had run out of fuel on their way to the safe house. By now it was dark enough that the details were missing from the landscape. Dark enough they didn't want to be out too much longer.
"I don't recall you finding anything better." She quipped back. She looked at the stairs leading to the door. Old boards that could have been as rotten as they looked. If she was right though- and she hoped she was- the house was as well maintained as any of Mason's properties.
"Oh- forgive me. I was only lying on ground bleeding to death."
Natasha raised an eyebrow. "You seem pretty alive to me. If the complaining is anything to go by." She shrugged Yelena off her shoulder and eased her onto the step. Then she set about fiddling with the combination lock set discreetly into the side of the house.
"Ow." Yelena said flatly.
Natasha entered the first combination, waited a moment, then did a second one. There were two faint clicks as the door unlocked itself.
"Come on, inside." Natasha said, hauling Yelena up again. She opened the door with her free hand. Inside it was pitch black. She felt along the wall for a light switch.
The lights flickered on, warmer than Natasha had expected. The house was older and smelled dusty. The decor was decidedly late Soviet. If someone had gotten in, they wouldn't have questioned it.
The house was a single story and three rooms- a living space, kitchen, and bedroom. Natasha helped Yelena to the bed and again eased her down to the edge.
"Ugh." Yelena let out a sigh and gingerly worked her way to a prone position over the covers.
"What, no complaint about the bed?" Natasha said.
"What? It's surprisingly comfy." Yelena replied, her face pressed into the quilt.
Natasha took a breath as she surreptitiously scanned her sister's body. Small shards of glass sparkled, embedded in the back of Yelena's vest. Below it, dark blood welled up. Some of it was dry, but some of it was still oozing through the fabric. She might not be bleeding to death as she had said, but she was still bleeding. She had also moved her leg to the top of the bed slowly and though she had tried to hide it, painfully too.
Natasha scanned down to her ankle. Nothing looked amiss, but that didn't mean much. Yelena would have had years of training ignoring pain, and the fact that she wasn't hiding it from Natasha meant she was either worse off than Natasha had calculated, or more trusting of Natasha than she was probably comfortable with.
Natasha went to the kitchen. Even though Mason had a variety of safe houses, he kept them all pretty universally stocked. Despite the age of the place, there were signs that he had been there, and fairly recently too. There was several weeks of food for two people, all in date. Not all of it looked particularly appetizing, but his preferred off brand of canned meat product had gotten Natasha through plenty worse than this.
The cabinet to the left of the sink was where the first aid kit was in every house Natasha had ever found herself. And unlike his meat products, first aid was a place Mason did not skimp.
Natasha pulled the large white metal kit from the cabinet and opened it on the kitchen table. She took stock. Inside was the same as she had always found- gloves, wound dressings, a thick instruction manual she knew from personal experience contained everything from bee stings to minor surgery, chest seals and darts, clotting agents, and meds.
The meds weren't prescription- even Mason with his list of contacts the length of his arm couldn't trust the black market on prescription medications. But you could do a lot more with OTCs than most people knew, and he had access to pharmacies in every country.
She pulled the med pack out and unfolded the instruction manual Mason included with it. She skimmed it to get to the pain control section, then dug in the med pack for 2 acetaminophen/codeine, 4 ibuprofen, and 2 diphenhydramine. It looked like a lot, but Natasha planned to dig glass out of Yelena's back. It was the least she could do to keep the kid comfy.
She pulled a two liter bottle of water out of the food cupboard and brought it and the handful of pills to Yelena, who hadn't moved since Natasha had left.
"Got something for you." Natasha said.
"Not hungry."
"Not food. Though there's that too if you want it." Natasha said. "If you like canned meat at least."
Yelena pushed herself carefully up on the bed, her curiosity getting the best of her.
"What am I, a horse?" She said, looking at the pills in Natasha's hand.
Natasha rolled her eyes. "You don't have to take them if you don't want them."
Yelena gave her a wary look. "I want them." She said matter of factly. "You going to tell me what they are?"
"Acetaminophen/codeine, ibuprofen, diphenhydramine." Natasha said, pointing to each of the pills in turn. Yelena's eyes narrowed.
"Why diphenhydramine?"
"It was on the list. You want to see the list?" Natasha asked.
"List for what?"
"Who's list?"
"Mason's. I trust him." Natasha said patiently. "When I cut my tracker out the wound got infected. Took something similar while Barton packed it." She knew trust was easier to borrow than to create out for oneself out of whole cloth. Yelena looked at Natasha's face, then to the tablets in her hand. Her eyes narrowed.
"Okay, okay, I'll take them. Gimme." Yelena had a flash of uncertainty- maybe guilt- cross her face. She reached out for the water and meds and swallowed them in one go.
"Great. I'll let those kick in and then I'll come pull glass out of your back."
"Sounds like fun." Yelena said sarcastically.
Natasha went back in the kitchen and spent some more time with the kit. She pulled out a set of hemostats, a few ABD pads, a packet of clotting agent and a package of gauze 4x4s. She also pulled another 2-liter of water out of the cabinet. Then she sat down for a while in the living room with the instruction manual.
Forty-five minutes went by and Yelena hadn't spoken in a while. Natasha collected the supplies and hauled them into the bedroom. Yelena's eyes were closed and she looked asleep.
"Come to hurt me now?" She said, not opening her eyes.
"Try not to scream too loudly." Natasha said, partially teasing. "Can you take your vest off?"
Still not opening her eyes, Yelena rolled onto her side and gingerly shrugged an arm out of one side of the vest. Natasha helped slowly pull the fabric away from her undershirt, taking some of the glass pieces with it. Yelena tensed but made no sound.
Under the vest, her formally white undershirt was soaked with blood. The glass pieces that had come out with the vest left small holes that welled up with fresh blood. Natasha put on some gloves and cut her way through the back of the shirt with trauma shears.
"Deep breath." She warned, cringing as she pulled some of the larger pieces with her fingers. Once again, Yelena said nothing and didn't move.
Natasha picked up the lamp on the bedside table and held it so she could see the glints of the smaller pieces of glass against the blood. She dribbled some water over the area. A few of the pieces washed away without too much issue. Yelena tensed again.
"You doing okay?"
"Fine, fine." Yelena retorted, still not opening her eyes.
The last couple of pieces yielded easily to the tweezers.
"Okay, gotta wash some of this blood off, you want to come to the bathroom, or?" Yelena finally opened her eyes, but it was to glare at Natasha pointedly.
"Right on the bed it is." Natasha relented. She got up to grab some towels and tucked them under Natasha's torso. She then poured the water over The area of her back that was soaked in drying blood. Fortunately, the blood that was still coming out of her was sluggish. The glass hadn't gotten so deep as to be concerning.
As the water washed away the blood, Natasha pressed gently on the multitude of bruises that became visible, making sure none of them had anything crunchy below them. Fortunately for Yelena, it didn't seem to be the case. When the blood was mostly washed away Natasha covered the area with gauze and then taped ABD pads over the area where blood still oozed from the glass cuts.
"Okay, what else hurts?" Natasha asked. Yelena was quiet for a moment. "Yelena?" Natasha asked.
"So you know when you mentioned your tracker wound getting infected?" She asked.
"Don't be mad, but I think mine is too."
Natasha's first reaction was to ask why she hadn't been told. But the difficulty Yelena had had while walking suddenly made a little more sense, and she was trying to build trust as much as she could.
"Show me." Natasha said instead. Yelena sat up slowly, easing her cargo pants down without standing up from the bed.
The cut was small and deep. It gaped about a half inch. All around it, hot, red, swollen skin extended an inch or more, and greenish-white pus oozed from it. The beginning of streaks were forming at the edges.
"How long has it looked like this?" Natasha asked.
"Ooh, it looked better this morning." Yelena said. "But pretty much a few days after I cut the tracker out."
"And you didn't think to tell me?"
"Wasn't a lot of time to sit down and chat, you know?" Yelena said. "Wasn't like 'oh by the way Natasha, I cut my tracker out with a dirty knife, can we pause this fight to unpack that'."
"Okay, okay." Natasha said. "I'll be right back."
Natasha went through the kit again, getting more gauze and another ABD pad. The only antibiotic in the kit was penicillin, with a note from Mason that if the pills didn't work in a few days, or an infection got worse, to seek real medical care promptly.
When she returned to the bedroom, Yelena was still sitting up, but looked like she would like nothing more but to go to sleep. Natasha popped the pills into her hand. This time she took them without question.
"Okay, this is going to hurt some." Natasha warned. She opened the gauze package and dumped some of the water on it, then squeezed it out in gloved hands. "Ready?"
Yelena frowned, bracing herself, but she nodded in agreement.
Natasha pushed the damp gauze into the wound as deep as she could get it, layer after layer. When the wound was full of gauze, she covered the top of the wound with another ABD and taped it into place.
"Better?" She asked.
"No. No it's not." Yelena said, a hint of a smile playing on her face.
"Anything else I need to address before you go to sleep?"
"Please no." Yelena said, easing herself to the bed.
"Okay. You want any canned meat, there's plenty." Natasha said, cleaning up
Yelena mumbled something in response, but by the time Natasha thought to ask about it, Yelena was asleep.
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