#i don't know i just think in a parallel timeline where everything's okay
the golden trio potential that was coryo, tigris and sejanus
if coriolanus wasn't an asshole, and sejanus wasn't dead
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Ooooommmmgggg i love golden chain! Its so good, Jason keeps getting more and more toxic towards us, suffocating us but he doesn’t care because we have him and what else could we need? I just know he was seething at seeing replacement Robin there, trying to take you away from HIM and i KNOW seeing Batman trying to save you didn’t help anything.
Batman sending Robin there means that he either knew where we were and was jut waiting for a time to strike or Jason had slipped up somewhere, doesn’t matter now bc now he’s kept you away from Batman again and AAAAAAAAA the small parallels between how Joker treated Jason to how Jason keeps us. Snatched up under Batman’s nose, kept secluded in a place no one would expect, Jason giving you that necklace and being gentle but firm that you keep it on, like how he can’t escape his own brand you can’t escape Jasons love obsession, and even eventually chaining us to a chair after escaping Batman? Love it, he’s awful he’s never letting us go, Joker won’t leave him even if he’s dead and by god Jason will make sure it’s the same way with us
He also definitely didn’t let our friends Krystal, Destini, and Robbi live, trying to warn us like that? They’re dead im so sorry my lovelies hes crazy
Also BEAAAANNN please tell me he’s ok the poor little baby kitty don’t let harm befall him he’s innocent, i love your writing, if u continue this (and don’t feel pressured to!) i just wish for bean to be ok our little meow
Ah, nonnie!! I literally read this so many times!! I'm so glad you liked it! Omg, I'm actually smiling so wide! Thank you for taking the time to send this! 🥰🥰
Between you and me, I do plan on continuing the series, I don't have too much written down for it right now, but I'm planning on calling it A Glass City.
I'm so thrilled people picked up on the parallels between how Jason's treating you and how he was treated! It's angsty, and I actually made myself unwell over it.
I'm more or less following the games timeline, and right now, Batman has no idea who the Arkham Knight is. What Batman does know is that the Arkham Knight kidnapped Jason's best friend.
Batman thinks it's a way to get under his skin and show his failure over not saving his last Robin. He has no idea that you being taken has nothing to do with him and everything to do with you.
Robin being the one to save you was pure coincidence. (On Batman's part, intentional on mine) Bruce, again, has no idea that you're important to the Knight. He had no idea that AK was going to drop everything to get to you, because he assumed you were just a tiny part of the game.
Robin was the convenient one to send, and it definitely made Jason more volatile than he would have been if Nightwing went instead. (He probably wouldn't have jumped off a building with you)
Some light spoilers under the cut about Bean and your three friends:
Bean is okay and will return in chapter four!
Krystal, Destini, and Robbi are alive, I SWEAR, but he definitely scared them. Jason knows you like them, and it would only be a problem if he killed them.
Honestly, they've been really nice to you, and he knows they make you happy. If anything, he wants them to keep doing their job after this all blows over. (If he gets his way and wins)
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cupcakeslushie · 11 months
Okay. I've been tip-toeing around this AU for a while now, but I just got caught up, and now I think I have a (decent) grasp on what's going on. So I wanna go over everything I know so far to see if I'm right or wrong on anything. Don't know if you'd be willing to correct me or not. Either way, I hope my mistakes can help you understand what to clarify to other fans like me. But, I also have some questions. You probably won't be able to answer most of them, but it's at least worth a shot.
First, where's Venus? Like, why is she not in your comics that are (sort of) separate frome the canon now story. The ones that skip to the future way after all the turtles reunite. Did she die? Did she escape? Is it because she wasn't introduced yet when you made those comics?
Two, why do you keep on making references to the future timeline? I know you're planning on possibly making your own stuff leading up to the events of the movie. It just gives me a jumpscare when I see certain...imagery in those comics. I guess you're hinting at what your version of the future apocalypse would look like, but it just hurts to see. Specifically in the comic explaining both the events and aftermath of the movie and the bad future timeline. It's starting to really confuse my brain as to where this story is headed. What's meant to be the main focus? The Hamto's reuniting? The aftermath? Or the future?
Third, did you make all those min-comics before you started the actual AU? Or did you do them during?
Fourth, are any of those mini-comics relevant to the actual story now? Or have you changed your mind on a few things? It's just that everything is so all over the place, I don't really know whether to trust if they're accurate. I know most of them are just there for funzies, but the longer ones concern me. I guess I'm just not used to the storyteller doing sequel, start, prequel, start, sequel, prequel, prequel, sequel, and then end. Or maybe it's just me, and I'm sleep deprived.
My little observation speech is gonna take a while for me to get out in your asks because when I get theoretical, my speech gets long, and my proper English goes down the drain. So I'll be back. I appreciate your work very much. Despite the pain it causes me, it's still amazing.
I’ll try my best to clear up what confusion I can!
1. As far as Venus. The answer is kind of a mix of, I was still figuring out her design and backstory while coming out with some of those early comics, and then, once I had that down, I wanted the boys to grow strong bonds as a main cast. That’s why a lot of the side characters are only making small appearances in the Sep!AU Life stories, as those are mainly for the boys reconnecting. (Usagi shows up the most because I love him and am totally biased towards him).
This maybe hasn’t been stated outright, but I wasn’t really expecting so many ppl to like Vee as much as they do, and now im trying not to spoil too much of her story. It’ll unfortunately just take us a while to get to the meat of it. Since the boys reconnecting takes up a lot of the early s1s2 story, Im trying to follow the familiar Rise blueprint of Draxum, Shredder, Krang, and then in s3 we’ll have crazy fun new stories with the extra characters.
Ive also decided to take this little nugget from one of the Q&As, and use it for Venus instead of Jennika. It was a much needed bit of inspiration to explain why Venus sorta disappears for a while and will go through some major physical changes (not yet revealed) before the family can figure out a way to reach her.
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2. I’m not sure if you mean jump scared in a bad/triggering or neutral way, but if you need me to tag anything on those posts please let me know!
The glimpses of the future timeline, are being scattered throughout wherever they parallel the present story in little ways, but that’s only for now. As we get closer to the movie plot, bigger chunks of the future will be revealed, because the future versions of the boys will have a larger role to play in the present timeline. So we will need more backstory than what the canon got. And also I just enjoy drawing my future versions so sometimes I don’t think too hard on a reason. I just like throwing them at ppl with no warning or reason.
When s2 ends, I plan on collecting all the future related stuff that’s been released, and recapping it for easier reading. Right now, it’s just little sprinkles of foreshadowing to give ppl an idea that, ‘oh crap. The doomed timeline is a bummer’. In my mind, I guess i thought it’d be kinda like a fun scavenger hunt for clues, but maybe ppl don’t like that 😅
3. All of the side-stories were written as the main comic was/is being released. A lot of them resulted from asks that just spawned the need to expand on certain ideas, or a desire to give all the turtles their time to shine.
For instance, when I was doing Donnie’s section of the main comic, it was a good few months where we hardly saw anyone but him and Venus. I wanted to just mix it up, and give Raph some love with his ‘Raph Time’ short. When Leo was front and center in the main, we hardly saw the others, so Mikey and Donnie got their little ‘Secrets’ short (and it was also I fun thank you for EW making it so far in the tmnt sep competition).
4. Anything that has been reworked/revised or just plain dropped should have an ‘Edit’ note because yes—I have gone back and changed some things, but more so from the asks i got in the early days, and some movie idea drafts.
All the short comics done in the last year, especially the ones that are listed in my pinned post, are canon and fall somewhere in the timeline. They’re like supplemental reading though—extra meat to give the world and the characters more personality. They do have particular backstory plot and important info in them, but nothing that shouldn’t eventually be re-visited/repeated in the main story.
um I hope that cleared up some things! I know it’s kind of a crazy amount of lore. I’ve tried my best to organize it in the pinned post, huge timeline, and search bar tags, but I know it’s getting harder and harder for newer ppl to jump in as it just get bigger. Thanks for reading regardless!
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reashot · 1 year
Happy Mother's Day! Feat. Jaune's Future Children.
Ruby: You know Yang mother's day are coming...
Yang: Do you want to visit mom's grave afterward?
Ruby: Yes, I would like that...
Blake: (Damn this is getting dark all of a sudden. Where's Weiss when you need her.)
Then out from nowhere a girl around their age appears suddenly behind Ruby to loudly proclaim herself.
Scarlett: Hi mom it's me your favorite daughter! 😆
Ruby: Scarlett! And how do you even get here? 😮
Scarlett: Heh, heh... Trade secret. 😉
Ruby: So anyway. What brings you here? 🤨
Scarlett: We're here to meet you all, silly. 😜
Ruby: We, what do you mean by we?
Aurum: I think What little sister meant is that she's bringing us to celebrate mother's day.
Yang: OMG you remember about Mother's day. You're Aurum right. You're supposed to be my son from the future?
The man she's talking to tower over everyone in presence, much older than the rest of the group and encased in golden armor.
Aurum: That's right mother how have you been?
Yang: Oh fine... Shoot, I don't know how to act around you. You're supposed to be my son and all, but you're older than my dad.
Aurum: Ha, ha. I get that it would be confusing. But worry not Honored Mother. *kneels* No matter how you treated me I will always regard you with the up most respect.
Yang: Ah, please stop you're embarassing me...
Blake: Wait if Aurum and Scarlett are here then that means. My Dusky Wusky is here too!
Dusk: Mommy!!! *glomps on Blake*
Blake: *Squee* How is my beautiful baby girl. Your mama miss you so much!!!
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Dusk: I miss you too mommy but please stop it. You're hurting me.
Blake: No I will not. Because you will just leave me again. Mama will never let you go. I will love you and cares for you for the rest of your life!
Dusk: Umuh...
Ruby: Okay... So what brings you here. Or is it when? Ah it's confusing I don't get how time travel sentences works. 😵
Scarlett: We're here for Mother's day!!! 😇
Ruby: Wow okay, but I though we already established that we are not really your Mother. We're from different timeline. So you don't have to celebrate it for us. 😞
Blake: Fuck That! Dusky Wusky is my baby and no one will take her away from me again.
Aurum: Lady Blake. Hold thine tongue! There's children here.
Yang: Blake out burst aside. Why are you celebrating with us. Should you go celebrate it with your real mom?
Scarlett: Well we did that already. But seeing that what we been through last time. We all think it just felt wrong not to celebrate it without everyone....
And speaking of which where's dad? I mean, where's Jaune?
Wow that's super weird calling my dad by his first name. I mean his other version's name. Oh I hate how parallel reality works! 😩
Ruby: Jaune? Oh we haven't see him much lately. Whenever we tried to approach him. He Immediately ran away from us. Can you believe it? 😢
Yang: Can't say I blame him. After everything that just happened. It would be weirder that he acted like nothing happened.
Blake: Whatever it is we should give him some time to process what happened. If he doesn't want to see us anymore then it's fine. We will respect his choice...
Scarlett: I understand. But anyway to get back on topic we have present for everyone here. 😎
Ruby: Present! Well why didn't you start with that. Of course we would like present. 🤯
Scarlett: He, he. For Ruby Rose here is a beautiful Rose from my brother and me. 😘
Ruby: Oh it's so beautiful. I love it. You and Aurum shouldn't have. 🥰
Scarlett: it's not from Aurum, silly. It's from MY brother. You also have a son too mom. 🤭
Ruby: 😮
Dusk: And I also want to give you this mommy.
I made it with daddy with crayon and macaroni.
Blake: *Gasp* it's so beautiful... I have the greatest mother's day gift known to Faunus and man. *cry*
Aurum: And "mother" dearest from me. I do not know what you like but you did use to tell me that when you Were young you used to like to ride on your bike. Something bee? Any way I have for you a brand new motorcycle.
Yang: Oh my gods! Oh my gods! Oh my gods! A brand new bike. I can't believe it. You made all the their mother day's present look like trash I love you Son!....
Uh, I mean. It's not what the present that count but the thought that matters...
Blake: Did you just said my daughter Mother's day present is trash!
Yang: Hey it's not a competition. Although if it were a competition. A Motorcycle beat Macaroni art hands down.
Aurum: Mother please. You're making things worse.
Lady Blake. I would like to apologize on my mother's behalf. I meant no disrespect with my gift to my mother.
It's just that I have so many siblings that I felt I have to match it in size.
Yang: Wait, many siblings. How many are we talking about?
Aurum: Ah, only around 12 with me included of course.
Blake & Ruby:
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Yang: 12 Children! Curse my great child bearing hip.
Ruby: O-okay please stop! This is too much new informations to take. I can't. Wait a second isn't there supposed to be four of you?😱
Yang: Yeah the somehow even whiter version of Jaune. Victor. Weiss' son from the future.
Blake: As if that even possible. Jaune is pretty much as white as it can get.
Ruby: If this is a slander on my future baby's daddy then I would rather you keep it to yourself. 😠
Aurum: Not to worry Victor are also here to give his Mother's day present.
Yang: Didn't he tried to kill her the last time they met!?
Aurum: He gave me his word that he will not harm her.
Yang: H-he said that. And you just believed him?!
Aurum: Of course. He promise me after all.
Ruby: Wait. Where's Weiss?
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Victor: This is all your fault!!!!
Weiss: *choked* (Please someone save me. Ruby. Please save me Jaune...)
Anyway here is my sorta sequel to my last fic. Go ahead and read it you want.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Oh yeah and Scarlett have an older brother. And no I didn't just add him out off nowhere. He had an unnamed cameo in an intermission fic I made a while back when I still have 40 followers:
If anyone asking what he is like think Jaune but with none of his insecurity and self loathing. Also he inherited Ruby's silver eyes. Nothing I'm sure.
And I know that someone will be asking where is Jaune in all of this and why is he avoiding team RWBY?
Well the answer is....
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st4rshipr4nger · 2 months
I want to hear about your opinion on Umbrella Ben being Sparrow Ben if you don’t mind! Hope you are doing well honey :)
OKAY HELLO goodmorning i saw this earlier while i was making breakfast and almost burnt it LMAO
guys i love ben :( like my baby my baby i dont mind if the world spins faster..the musics louder and the waves crash harder?? 😿
ben isnt the exact same as he was in the first 2 timelines because he was raised different literally died had to watch his family as a ghost for 15 years yadayada but i love to be delusional and time travel is one of my favorite topics so i would loove to talk about this so that is what i will be doing !!
Ben was loved by his family, they say multiple times in the show that they stopped thinking everything was worth it after he died, as much as they're dysfunctional and not the greatest family they still are and it shows when you put them side by side in comparison to the sparrows, but back to Ben he always wanted to be with his family, he was protective over both his families in different ways because that's just who he is, you see him in the first 2 seasons yearning to be back with his siblings, following Klaus around and all that and yes while he absolutely is a little shit his love for his Umbrella family is so..filled with despair and pure love and its kind of lethargic to watch and witness?? It makes me feel so sick thinking about it because, you grow up with these people, and you die in some freak accident and your brother doesn't even tell the rest of your family that he can see you and interact with you for years!! And you follow them around for the rest of your afterlife, watching them make mistake after mistake and you can't do anything about it because you are just a spirit looming over them. They build you a statue and it fucking breaks because they can't get their shit together. You're stuck just outside their reach not being able to say anything to the people you miss so so much and you hold each other so dear to your heart and they don't even know you're there. "slay the darkness within you, find peace with the light" is engraved on his statue/grave and it breaks my heart??? Like what the fuck you guys. Ben was not some happy all the time little angel, he had his flaws just like his siblings and everyone else. He had so much trauma from literally having tentacles coming out of his stomach and he probably killed so many people on purpose or not. I don't like when people mischaracterize him in the way where they make him so..happy? because as much as I would want that he wasn't, Klaus literally describes him as "Dark rainy cloud on a bright sunny day" or something along the lines like I don't think a lot of people get it !!! He spent his whole afterlife just wanting his family, and was so protective over them in his own little way, he was too scared to move on to the light because he was scared he'd be alone and he'd rather be with his brothers and sister. You see him being mean to Klaus in the first 2 seasons and its so funny because it's like yeah he loves you but you are brothers and he's gonna bully the shit out of you and hurt your feelings, yeah you and your siblings were so close so when you possess one brother and go to another one because you finally have a grip, and something that you can use to connect with your siblings again even for a second.
Ben is a complex character just like the rest of his siblings, and you can see parallels between both Sparrow and Umbrella Ben in how he acts with his seperate families. He just wanted to be loved and seen by both of them and it is so gut wrenching. He is such a miserable character because he's longing and yearning just to be included, and be a part of his family. He has to prove himself in some way or another, he loves his siblings so much, all of them in all the timelines.
I thought of this theory that was lowkey self indulgent because I love time travel and paradoxes and all that in my heart and soul and my delusions Ben's love for the Umbrellas transcends through the timelines. No matter what variation of himself they are all so important to him. He was so so upset that he wasn't invited to the bachelor party because he finally has his family that doesn't care about place rankings, the numbers, the counts, any of that. They just care about him. And he can't handle that because Reginald raised the Sparrows and the Umbrellas so differently and Ben is right smack in the middle, torn in between the timelines. This isn't me being like "Oh he's like the EXACT same person like he has the same personality as other ben." Because oh definitely not. They have the same values and the same priorities for the most part but they definitely do not have the same personality as the other because Reginald raised them so differently. And I kind of believe that Reginald knew about Ben and realized how much of lost potential he was? So he raised him to be yknow the "greatest", number one. And then something goes wrong and he get's demoted to number two and yeah Sparrow Ben is definitely more...Stern? Aggressive?Not Aggressive but like I guess more aggravated I suppose because he was literally raised to be better than the umbrellas, he wasn't growing up knowing what it was like to be in such friendships with his siblings like he was before. And it really affected him. Yes, I think Umbrella Ben is still in there because Ben is genuinely a good person and I believe his love for his siblings ascends through the cosmos no matter what timelines, paradox, whatever.
In conclusion because I need to stop before I make this like way too long but Ben is Ben and he just wanted to be loved by his family throughout everything. That's all he wanted since day one was to be with his family and to be seen and heard
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tamtuliko · 28 days
Thoughts collected
4 minutes addition
So... tomorrow's is Friday. Finally, the end of the week. Unfortunately, I'm unable to watch the ep. 6 till Saturday morning, as I live in Japan and we are a few hrs forward, to put it simply while ep. 6 will be premiered. I'll be dreaming about this:
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Seriously, does anyone move from this scene?? Cause my dumbest didn't, and I'm not sure I'll ever be. Look, I'm still thinking about Alex and Henry's scene on deck. These two were so cutesy and shit.
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Sorry, I suddenly lost myself.
What I was saying is that it's really hard to move from the scene when the shit is happening in the series.
So I need to word vomit here.
I need to ask first:
Okay... let's see what we've got so far:
Great's timeline
Probably Tyme's timline
Tonklas timeline
In Greats timeline, he goes cardiac arrest at 11 o'clock. How he got at hospital we don't know. Yes, we saw him getting shot and bla bla bla, but don't forget this is after he re-do shit. Saved woman and this woman became his end. And dot forget, she is also his begging. She is the first re-do Great did. In his timeline we don't know what happened to Tyme. Is he alive running to Great? Or is he dying somewhere.
Tymes' timeline is more complicated cause we've seen Greats POV so far. I guess we will see Tymes from the next episode, and then we will have culmination. But just guess: Tymes plan was to get Great, I don't know fall in love or just befriend him and use him against his family or just use him for information, but he fall in love and that's where all shit goes down. In the end, we see Tyme run and his bloody nose appear and dissappear, I think we are shown 2 timelines, one is Greats, and another one is Tymes. Which is which hell knows. With Greats re-do, Tyme saved Nan and all good, but in Tymes timeline, nothing has changed, I think. The bloody nose in ep. 5 and Tyme being shot in ep. 1 can be seen as evidence. The place where he is shot looks like where illegal casino or Greats Fathers whearhouse is.
Tonklas timeline, the easy one, this kid got some serious problems. He went for revenge, his little brother never was saved, he was neglected by Korn, got new man, and became a murderer. I think his and Tymes' timeline can be seen as the same. Without Greats re-do. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty interested in how his character gonna help and how his choices gonna help the timelines and the world's, but his story is really boring for me. I am stunned by Fuaiz (Tonkla), he is a great actor, he does everything really well, but Tonkla as a character for me af this moment is very boring and just I don't know... I can't see him fitting.
Great goes cardiac arrest, Tyme runs to him
Tonkla killes Title, who killed his little brother
Tyme is shot while somewhere, maybe trying to save Nan.
2 and 3 can be same timelines. Great is still going to cardiac arrest.
And here is the main thing, if this is some suspense/ supernatural series, the worlds will collide, and we will have one timeline, everybody surviving or dying.
Like in 1 Tyme will experience the other Tymes' feelings and maybe even see all the shit. Again, I don't know about Tonkla. How is he fitting in this story? I can't wait to see it, really. Great is already experiencing different timelines, so we will se if he survives.
Wild guess, after watching Bible and Jes rehearsal for 1st meeting. It was like they were in the same place, but they couldn't reach each other, typical parallel worlds and different timelines. It was the same act in teaser as well. They met, fought, fell in love, separated, and in the end, they died.
One of them for sure will die. Or both of them. Bible in his interview said that a happy ending depends on person, how we see it. For someone, it can be these two surviving and continuing loving and living. For some, it can be them meeting again afterlife. Let's not forget that death is not the end, Albus Dumbledore said: "After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure".
I hope for a better end, but... they are going to be together in everytimelime, parallel , and the afterlife.
I don't know a shit.
I'm sleep deprived, and I need to see Jes being bullied by Bible.
Sorry if I didn't make a sense.
The whole series doesn't make sense anymore. Yet I'm still here, in my 10000 rewatch.
Is that dimples I see there??
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Soft, soft, soft
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These two kisses were everything. Tyme is scared, nervous, and unsure. You can see it in his eyes, Jes, the actor you are 😍
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Sorry, I just love this baby girl.
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See you on Saturday. I am fucking working on that day, I'm gonna get myself ship home if continue being distracted 😆btw...
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0rb0t · 9 months
oh man I did not realize how angry people were about the selfcest in loki. I LOVED it. I also tbh thought Loki may have seen Mobius as a father figure, the fact he's even got two sons, one who is a trouble maker and is younger, the other who is a BIT more responsible. THE PARALLELS DIDN'T GO UNNOTICED.
I missed all the trailers for the show, so if they were queerbaiting it went right over my head.
Sylvie and Loki were so cute, but so sad. You could tell they were very much at different points of their own stories, but still very much Loki. That terror she felt of opening up and perceiving betrayal.
But what I REALLY love is how every line they say to each other can also be taken as things they actually feel about themselves.
If Sylvie had just been anyone, Loki wouldn't have fallen in love, and I think the same is true for Sylvie. "I just want you to be okay", that was so meaningful AND can still be taken as Loki talking about himself especially after he's said he's been where she's been.
"I'm not you" she says and kicks him through the door, but it absolutely resonated because they ARE each other, and they DO KNOW one another and it's so tragic.
I LOOOOVE it. I love how desperately she wants to keep her life and choices and how paranoid she is. She never craved a throne because she never even had a chance to be IN that story, she craved having a life, being loved, everything that was taken from her.
But there's a special kind of loneliness for people who don't have a timeline anymore, and can only find love in themselves, too.
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fountainpenguin · 4 months
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
Warning for minor body horror (Mentions of players removing skins, which are like onesies in this 'fic universe + injury / dragon bites)
In my Pixels Imperfect universe, frustration that you're still holding onto manifests as a glowing scar. Specifically, a scar all the way down to your soul level, meaning it glows through any new skin you put on. This is called a soul wound.
Martyn's the poster child for soul wounds being visible, since this is his in-universe parallel of IRL Martyn's Eyes and Ears lore.
In this image I drew for Dog's Life Chapter 26, "Ignite," you can see Martyn's cheek and collarbone scars (paralleling 3rd Life and Double Life respectively).
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In a lore video, Martyn and his audience agreed that Martyn has his Last Life mark on the back of his right shoulder to represent being backstabbed (iirc), and we know from his Limited Life finale that he was cured of his right hand mark. His Secret Life mark hasn't happened at this point in the timeline, and also I don't think I know where it is.
In Eyes and Ears canon, I believe his scars glow purple to reflect the Watchers. In Pixels Imperfect, they glow white.
Cleo also has a wound, which is a massive dragon bite in her side. My pencil drawings don't make it obvious, but it's why her shirt hooks up like this and/or why she often takes off her shirt- the bite wound chafes sometimes and it just feels better to take it off.
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Cleo's wound isn't as exciting as it sounds: They were helping to build New Star Station in its starter base days, but strayed too close to the Slime Dragon's guppies and got bit. They're fine, but lost a chunk of vessel data. You can put your hand in it and there will be resistance, but if you push through it, it's empty.
Their body is kind of like a milk gallon in the sense that it's shaped different than a glass of milk. It still holds everything it needs to (i.e. their vessel holds their soul without leaking), but their soul now follows the shape of the "gallon," which has a gap in it (like a milk gallon does for a handle).
What this also means is that Cleo can pull their shirt down over the wound and the shirt will still respond to their body's shape, because the shirt still registers it as body even though it's white energy.
Scar's chronic glitch works the same way- He can still use his arm, leg, or any other body part that glows blue, but it strains him and causes soreness or pain until the glitch moves to a different part of his body. The limb is there and can function... but it hurts, is weaker than usual, and sometimes it's so hard to get it to function that the limb is effectively non-functional.
Cleo's wound doesn't shift like his glitch, but it's the same principle: it's a phantom zone that her body treats as if it's sort of there, but she's also not going to lie on that side long-term because it would get sore. It's like an open wound, so lying on the dirt risks dirt particles pushing through their wound and ending up inside their body. Most people would prefer that doesn't happen, but Cleo's okay because they're a zombie and have a thing for being buried alive.
BigB also got bitten by a dragon. However, he took damage in a sensitive area that makes it difficult to breathe. This is the reason why he modded from an illusioner into a moth hybrid, which breathes through spiracles down his sides instead of down the throat.
Impulse's scar was a brief point of tension in my one-shot "Like Newlyweds Do," when being soulmates gave Bdubs Impulse's soul wound:
And even in the twilight, with lanterns dim, he can see the little mark he's searching for in the proper place on his husband's arm, too. Bdubs stands before the mirror, craning his neck to see his reflected back. His fingers trace along his skin. Impulse watches from the bed, face half-buried in his folded arms. If his tail were out, it would be ticking back and forth, counting out the seconds before Bdubs asks him why he never fixed that scar behind his right shoulder. "I like it," Bdubs says, prodding the old gash with one finger. It's white, glowing faintly. "I've got a clock from you and you've got this from me." In that moment, Impulse wishes he could kill on green.
Pixels Bdubs is a very interesting character to me. He's loud, proud, and not easily shut down. He also denies his own issues all the time.
During Dog's Life, Bdubs gains a lip scar after he and Impulse have a huge fight about the Day 1 Crew alliance betrayal. Impulse cuts his lip with his sword; it's later revealed that Bdubs is confused as to why this scar is sticking, when he "doesn't think that fight was a big deal."
Here's Chapter 12 Bdubs (no lip scar) + Chapter 30 Bdubs:
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It's subtle, but it's there.
Etho's eye scar is part of his skin design- It's not a soul wound. Etho has no backstory for his scar because it's just always been there on the skins he wears. It's blue and doesn't glow (Injuries lead to energy leakage, and the energy is white or blue in this universe depending on depth).
Here's the image that goes with "Canadian Idiot"-
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And Joel's mark there was just "recent damage" because this was a Double Life 'fic about Etho's fox instincts and aggro kicking in through the soulbond when Joel takes damage, so Etho was lashing out at Joel and/or himself every time he got hurt.
I can't believe I wrote a huge 'fic centered around Etho repeatedly biting Joel's neck 2 months before we got the "neck kisses" gag. I'm so sorry, Joel... I was just writing about fox aggro and a fox's instinct involving teeth instead of a weapon, I swear... it wasn't supposed to have a double meaning...
In a one-shot titled "The Man He Sets His Spawn With," most of the cast stripped off their skins in the server hub's locker room / shower house and had Grian blast them with a power washer to rinse the Secret Life mod off. Bdubs was our POV character and we learned some interesting things:
He pushes forward. Souls blur together, blue and overlapping, and the glowing doesn't help with the identity stuff like at all. He can pick out Tango (facing away from him) by the enormous white gash scarred down his right shoulder. Not pointing fingers, but that one's a Bdubs original. You're welcome for helping you look so cool, you're turning heads. Martyn's got smaller scars - little diamonds - that glow in fragments here and there across his soul. There's an arrow wound in his belly, though that one's hard to see when he's wearing skins… or, y'know. Clothes. Can't take credit for that one, though, because that's all Scar from a particularly brutal perma-death back in 3rd Life that still leaves Martyn jumpy today (so Bdubs has self-observed). And Impulse has an arrow mark just like that behind his shoulder… but then, Impulse has scars and patched-up bits of code everywhere. That's nothing new. What's one more?
- Tango's got a soul wound from Bdubs betraying him in Last Life. He's totally buddy-buddy with Bdubs and they're friends, it's fine, but Tango hasn't quite let it go.
- Martyn has an arrow wound in his belly. This is a nod to Double Life. Shortly before Cleo drowned, taking their yellow life, Martyn saw Scar coming towards him, screamed, and took off as fast as he could, yelling "No, no, no!" and that he's "Not dying to you [Scar] again."
Interestingly enough, the only time Scar ever killed Martyn up to that point was when he perma-killed him in 3rd Life; Martyn's reaction seems to imply Character Martyn has trauma around that.
Bdubs doesn't seem to care that he's responsible for giving several of his friends soul wounds, which makes it funnier that he gets super annoyed in Dog's Life when he gets the lip scar.
Bdubs is the kind of person who'd see the scar and then spin around or walk backwards while slapping at his lip over and over, trying to wipe it off. He refuses to admit he has issues with it.
Bdubs actually has another scar, but it's somewhere on his back (and under his clothes) where he can't easily see it. The Phantom Dragon's whole thing is that she spreads her babies to all the server hubs by dropping them off and leaving, but little Bdubs refused to go, so he just clung to her the whole time until she finally did ditch him in Underdark Crossing, where he met Cleo.
If you ask him about it, he'll spin a story about how it was all his idea to go solo and that's what makes him a good captain. He has huge issues with it, though, because his mom totally dumped him and he's not over it.
Martyn's also a phantom, but he never went through that because he was adopted by hybrids as an egg. Bdubs gets very jealous when his friends talk about having a good relationship with their moms. Secretly, he likes how Etho's mom also picked him up by the scruff and dumped him in New Star. It's something they have in common, though Bdubs will never admit it.
Bdubs probably has a lot of deep-seeded resentment towards Martyn being adopted, because supposedly he's "told Martyn horror stories about the phantom nesting hub" and may or may not have played a role in poisoning Martyn's relationship with the Phantom Dragon.
Also, at the end of Dog's Life Chapter 32 ("Starve"), we learned that SnifferMyFeet has a huge X-shaped scar on his back from each shoulder to hip, crossing both his Grian and Joel halves. Still working through the good ol' body possession trauma.
Tango specializes in aesthetic mods and one of the things he does is help people make their scars more subtle. You can't scrap them forever - you have to let go of your frustration to do that - but you can lower their intensity.
As an allay hybrid / fey, Scott can gather your memories of what happened to cause a soul wound, but you'll never be able to work through the issues, so you'll be left with a scar and won't remember why it's there or how to get rid of it.
Hmm... Who do I know who has a backstory they want to forget and got confused when Scott referenced something from their past that they didn't have an answer for...?
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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polyhexian · 11 months
I like how the eventually AU gives Camila the opportunity to get another adult's perspective on Luz and the Boiling Isles during the human realm stay. Like, no offense to the kids, but when you're a parent and you're trying to determine if your child is in an okay situation, you're going to put a bit more value on the insights of a fellow adult than those of a bunch of teenagers. Let alone when the situation is that your kid had a secret summer-long stay in another dimension.
So I'm imagining one of the rare moments they get to talk when there's no kids around cuz they're all out trying to build a portal door or something, and it's like
Camila: I've just been so worried about Luz, she's always had trouble fitting in, she's never had any real friends, her teachers don't like her, it's hard for her to focus on things she's not interested in and she has trouble applying herself, I know she's smart but her grades are all over the place, she'd rather think about her fantasy worlds instead of do anything to engage with or prepare for living in the real one - except it turns out she's found a REAL fantasy world? And I'm not sure if that makes things better or worse.
Jasper: Uh, your daughter has made several very close friends and is generally accepted by the entire student body, she rediscovered an ancient type of magic usage that everyone forgot about ages ago, her teachers love her, she successfully convinced her principal to LET students study multiple tracks despite wild magic having been forbidden for fifty years, she's handled every adventure and scrape she's ever gotten into beautifully, she routinely surprises and impresses her mentor Eda the Owl Lady who was up until recently one of the most powerful people on the Isles, she broke Amity free of her parents' toxic influence and successfully deprogrammed my son out of a cult, she's friendly and creative and brilliant and everyone who knows her is extremely grateful to have her in their life.
Camila: …
Jasper: …
Both: Are we talking about the same kid?
Which is GREAT
what I love so much about Luz is how much she blossomed in this world and how much her old one stunted her. Makes me crazy that she finished human high school for whatever reason before moving permanently to the isles. I like to think Camila would see that her daughter belonged where she was happy, that the right place for her was, as much as it hurt, not here. And she would rather her be happy than be with her. Obviously she still sees her all the time but like. Luz is herself, all the way, without apology, in the world she found, and she is loved there and understood there. I think vee and Luz make such awesome- foils? Parallels? In that way. Both were brought up in these worlds that suffocated them and stepped into a place where they blossomed, where they could be genuinely truly happy. Vee had only lived in the human realm a few months when the rest of the crew showed up but she'd already fully adapted to human realm stuff! The same way Luz immediately just adapted to everything witchy. Amity and Willow panic at the sight of an alarm clock. Vee is already so familiar with this world she knows how fire extinguishers work, what human food is supposed to taste like, how to speak Spanish and use a cell phone and alarm clocks. The way Luz is like oh NO teenagers but vee just happily sits down and talks to them. These people are like her. They aren't like Luz. Luz is an outsider in the world she was born in and so was vee and it is so much better for them both that they found somewhere they could actually BE.
Anyway yeah lol this timeline Camila can really get the full perspective on how incredibly well Luz has done. From Camila's perspective her daughter ran away from home and when she came back she was wounded, traumatized and seriously depressed. She didn't see how genuinely happy and at peace Luz was there. She is totally reasonable in suspecting this place was Bad For Her.
But while Luz is unwilling to talk too much because she's depressed and all the kids have limited perspectives and probably aren't comfortable talking about luz to her mom anyway- jasper can fully be like yeah no dude you have no idea. She's a bright star people flock to. She's so confident and happy and optimistic and kind. She literally deprogrammed my child soldier son and rescued him from a cult. Won't lie to you ma'am, your daughter has put her life at risk many times and many people have tried to kill her- but they all failed because she is so strong and so loved that he is never alone. Luz is legitimately a hero.
What a wild thing to hear about your child. Both the danger she has been in but also... How much she has flourished within that danger. Your fifteen year old daughter's passion is in saving people from shark attacks or something. It's not just that she's happy, it's that she's strong, fulfilled, passionate, she's filled with a LIFE she never was before.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Another flashback, but we've reached the important part: Where I show up!
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We saw them as aspirational role models, but they just wanted out. There was so much that went unsaid during those years.
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We were young when they started to betray us. This was only "A few years later". We're like five in this flashback.
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What a raw deal of an offer.
Teaks explained to me how this works. There isn't a "more favorable" world out there. The multiverse consists of parallel timelines spinning out of Resh'an and Aephorul's conflict here.
There are three kinds of worlds: Worlds undergoing the same conflict we're fighting now, worlds where we lost and everything was consumed by a World Eater, and worlds where we won and the Guardian Gods now bar the Fleshmancer from touching them.
This conflict is the context that governs the multiverse. There is nothing outside of it. The only "more favorable" worlds are ones where we've already won.
And to be honest? I have my doubts that these jackasses can access one of those. Kinda seems like preventing such a thing from happening is the whole point of Guardian Gods, isn't it?
I had complicated feelings about Erlina and Bugraves before, especially after they ruined my fake birthday party. But those feelings are getting simpler by the moment. These guys played them for suckers.
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Hahahahahaha no
Can you imagine accepting that offer? "Sure, shady person; Not only will I take you at your word that you're going to give me a better life, but I'll also let you rewrite my memories however you see fit so that I think our deal was whatever you want me to think it was!"
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*deep breath* They told them about Torment. Okay, that's unsimplifying and recomplicating my feelings.
Torment was a checkmate of a Dweller. Absolutely. 100%. Its physical location, buried where the eclipse could never touch it, meant there was no way we were ever going to stop it. Even if we killed Woe and even if Strife didn't return, Torment would feed unimpeded until it became a World Eater.
No matter what we did, our timeline was doomed. We were only able to slay Torment because we had... whatever Serai is... with us. She's not a resource that the Solstice Warriors could ever have planned for. She doesn't factor into the calculus.
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...this is the first I'm hearing of that condition. When were they going to tell us about it?
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I kinda do. I get where you're coming from. Now more than ever.
But. Also? We killed Torment. I know killing Torment was impossible, but we did it. We killed Torment. So. Y'know. If you hadn't ruined my fake birthday then this would be over.
I don't think this is as simple as "right" answer or "wrong" answer. There was a meteor hurtling towards the planet, guaranteed to wipe out all life. Someone came to you and said, "Hey man, I can offer you and your loved ones passage on a spaceship to a new world if you'll help me set off nuclear armaggeddon ahead of the meteor's impact."
It's a moral conundrum. Let everyone die, or save the people you care about in exchange for everyone else dying faster. You're not really selling them out because they're screwed either way, but you are becoming personally responsible for their fate.
I get it. This isn't really about right or wrong.
But it is factional. You made your choice and we made ours. Either someone's going to have to budge, or someone's going to have to break.
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We're coming up on the castle now. All of the mushrooms have faces which, as a botanophobe, is a solid 10 on the OH FUCK THAT scale. Once we cross this marsh, we should be clear to enter the castle and confront the Acolytes... and Strife.
I hope they have windows in the castle. We don't have the element of surprise; They tried to stop us from reaching Pocket Eclipse so we should assume they know we have it. But we do have Pocket Eclipse, which is an advantage all on its own.
I feel good about this. We're screwed, but we're going to go down swinging.
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Someone seems to be living here. ...hey, wait a second. I just thought of something.
Didn't Teaks say that Yoyo lives in a swamp? Do you think she was talking about this swamp? This is the swampiest region of any island we've been to, save for Roro's swamp. We should keep an eye out for Yoyo.
Supposedly, she's super good at prophesizing. She might have some actually good prophecies for us.
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Oh, this has to be Yoyo's home. I can't wait to meet her!
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She's not exactly what I expected. But she's not not what I expected either, if that makes sense.
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Don't worry, I know all about you. The mystical embodiment of centrism itself. I have absolute confidence that you'll play me straight, because good or bad, you're allergic to the entire concept of agendas.
Not an ally but potentially a valuable resource. I know the drill.
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Okay, so we're not getting prophecies, then.
Well, we're on a pretty grand arc. Whole timeline could be decided by what happens in that castle. Do you have anything to share about that, at least?
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Damn. Well, at least we tried. Elder Mist and Oracle of Tides both gave us prophecies that we suck too hard to achieve, and Yoyo can only see "grand arcs". I'm beginning to think that divination is overrated as a school of magic.
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Or maybe we will get something? She seems pretty freaked out about TIA. Who, to be fair, is absolutely a person to be freaked out by for anyone who recognizes him.
Which is a lot. A lot of people seem to be recognizing him. Maybe this was a mistake, my guy.
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hysteriche · 5 months
anonymous annotations
"Small wonder he hated Babel with such vehemence. Griffin had been robbed of everything--a mother tongue, a motherland, a family."
"His touch was so forceful it hurt. 'You're the real thing. You're indispensable.' "
Babel, R.F. Kuang
Okay, several things here:
Griffin as a parallel to Altan; in different but the same way/s, both boys lost their homeland or at least their connection to it. And this has been shown to be a big contributor to their motives. For Altan, his need for revenge was masked by awesome righteousness and a "RAHHH JUSTICE FOR GOTHAM SPEER" attitude; I get a similar sense from Griffin--though Griffin seems a lot less unhinged than Altan.
Griffin as a parallel to Altan is something based on Robin's perspective and view of him but iN mY noT sO HumblE opiNion, I think they are pretty similar, if not the same characters just in different universes and timelines.
Griffin's "RAAAAHHH JUSTICE FOR GOTHAM OPPRESSED PEOPLE" motives/attitude; I'm calling it! I'm calling it! He's gonna go thru a disillusionment phase/moment where he's gonna realize his actions/the Hermes organization is not what he thought it was and then he's gonna go apeshit!
In all seriousness, while he is someone who the audience can actively root for, thiS iS pRobAblY THe saME thiNG We FElt whEN We firsT mET alTAn. And I think anyone who's read the Poppy War trilogy is well aware that rebels who are hot idealists tend to be abusive/downright manipulative with no remorse for their actions, regardless of who they affect. Altan cared about Rin, he still used her. Griffin gives glimpses of care for Robin. And still he uses him. So, as much as I can understand Griffin, I am also hesitant to fully like him because of his actions and what he stands for.
People often talk about the "Heroes would sacrifice you for the world, and villains would sacrifice the world for you" trope/line, but characters like Altan and Griffin are either the exception or the antithesis. Or just straight up the rebuttal to that trope/line. What they do makes them villains and they would gladly sacrifice their loved ones for the world they want to create.
Griffin and Robin's relationship; I can't with doomed siblings. Please bear in mind to whoever reads this that I have not yet finished the book and all of these posts are annotations that I can't leave on the pages because I only borrowed the book. Anyway.
I CANNOT with doomed duos or siblings. It hurts so bad it's good but also ouch. I can smell it from a mile away. Griffin is going to have a moment with Robin where he makes him choose between Babel and the Hermes organization OR JUST STRAIGHT UP HIM and Robin is going to choose him because he'll start having the same ideals as Griffin. It's just a guess but stiLL. ISTg iF thiS hAppENS.
In regards to their relationship as far as I've read, its complexity makes it so much more real. Griffin doesn't know Robin and Robin doesn't know Griffin. They cannot possibly develop a proper fraternal bond because they've been estranged for so long and because of the general dynamic. They don't trust in each other but Griffin is certainly reliant on Robin while Robin is in on his secret society thing because of personal reasons. It's a lose-lose thing as far as I have read.
SO YEAH thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
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crimsonwing62 · 2 years
Bruh, okay I just had this idea so bear with me...
I'm re-watching heartstopper. now i hyper fixated on this show last year and I'm currently hyper fixated on Stranger Things especially the Fanon of Steddie and The Fruity Four (Six?).
I had a thought - the parallels. The similarities...
Nick Nelson and Steve Harrington - Golden retriever sports king, chaotic bisexual, Heart of Gold, and expected by social structure to be a certain way, date a certain type of person. Meets someone and *learns some things*. Fixated on his hair. A smooth mf whose also a dork.
Charlie Spring and Eddie Munson - The outcast at school but comes out of his shell with his friends. uncertain when it comes to love because of previous experiences. Nerdy, Curly Hair, Smart, Musically inclined. ? Potential MH issues - depending who you ask
Darcy Olsen and Robin Buckley - Awkward, Chaotic Lesbian, Confident in herself, Rejects society by dressing however they want, also musically inclined, Possibly knows Charlie/Eddie via band. The scene on the rugby field where Darcy asks Charlie if him and nick are friends or *friends*, I think Robin would do the same.
Tara Jones and Nancy Wheeler - Confident badass, Observing everything. Less confident in her sexuality than Robin as she hasn't consciously known for long.
Also, The kiss when we were 13 and Stancy dating parallel.
Tao Xu and Jonathan Byers - Film/photography obsessed, not academically inclined but copes well at school and smart in other ways. protective of friends/family
Elle Argent and Argyle - okay there's hardly any parallels between these but I also don't know much about Jargyle.
Isaac Henderson and Will Byers - Quiet, out the way, creative, when they speak they mean what they say and when they relax they come out of their shells. doesn't quiet work with the Byler ship and AroAce Isaac but they're parallels not 100% match up.
Harry Greene and Tommy H - homophobic prick who may or may not be in love with their best friend. (not that Harry and Nick are friends but some friend group)
Ben Hope and Billy Hargrove? - abusive arseholes that hide behind macho bravado. Tries to date women to hide their fruity tendencies (The girl at the gate and Karen Wheeler)
Imogen Heaney and Carol Perkins? - only girl in an all male friend group. Or Tammy Thompson - Tries to woo Steve but fails bc he is in love with someone else (I know in canon timeline
Tori Spring and Max Mayfield - ignoring the age difference, Sarcastic, Observant, teasing, sibling like relationship
Oliver Spring and Dustin Henderson - okay personalities don't quiet match up buuut hyperactive, annoying younger sibling energy, that absolutely adores both Charlie/Eddie and Nick/Steve.
Mr Ajayi and Mr Hagan - kind, amazing teacher who actually cares about their students well being. offers a safe space in their classrooms.
Julio Spring and Wayne Munson - protective quiet presence in their children's lives. not seen much but we know they'll be ready to bat for their kid in a heartbeat if they asked.
Yan Xu and Jim Hopper - no reason other than they "leave the bedroom door open a tad" comment...
Idk that's all I got there's sooo many more characters I've missed but those are the ones my brains found so far.
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If you’re still doing the writers truth or dare ask game, how about 🍄 and 🧩?
oh, i absolutely am, let's do this. :)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
ooh, okay, this one was kind of hard, because i'm mostly neutral on most romantic ships. like, they're fine, i just don't think as much about them? and i couldn't think of a headcanon for any platonic/queerplatonic ships i have.
however! there is a headcanon i have for Bilal Belkebirs and Romane Berthauds from Parallels. i technically already posted it, but i like it, so i'm posting it again (spoilers for Parallels, i guess):
Romane's mom still dies in the timeline without Sam and Victor, and she gets separated from her sister. She's grieving, she's basically had her entire sense of security yanked out from underneath her, and she doesn't know what to do with herself.
So she tries to focus on schoolwork, because she needs to keep her grades up, and she's missed enough school trying to deal with everything. But she ends up leaning too far into that focus, and she gets into the habit of studying late at night. And that leads to her getting very little sleep, which leads to her focusing worse during the day, which leads back to her having to study at night more.
It's a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety. And she does eventually break out of it, but while she's stuck in it, Bilal makes a habit of bringing energy drinks to school for her. Romane didn't realize that he was bringing them specifically for her until she remembered that Bilal didn't even drink caffeine, and connected the dots.
Once she realizes, she's really touched and grateful (and feels the slightest bit guilty for no real reason) but she's also still kind of sleep deprived, so basically it's a lot of emotions and they end up hugging. And the whole thing is just a pretty significant memory for Romane later in that timeline, because the situation she was in really sucked, but there were things like that that reminded her that she hadn't lost everything.
wow, that headcanon was longer than i thought. but yeah, they have a nice dynamic, i like it whether it's romantic or platonic. (although this takes place in the timeline where they end up married, so there's that.)
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Okay, I've only seen this a few times, but like. When a fic is written in almost a screenplay-like format? Except without the cues and stuff, just like:
Name: Dialogue.
Other Name: More dialogue.
First Name: Dialogue again.
And it goes on for the entire fic, not just a few quotes. To each their own, obviously; I actually used to write in that format a long time ago, but it's just really hard for me to read now. So, yeah, not my thing.
thanks for the ask!! have a great day! :)
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brightmoontrigon · 1 year
for botw/totk: the barest minimum amount of tp references. Kind of. not really. I'd say the games reference Skyward Sword a lot more in their history and things, but otherwise they really are just kind of in their own little world.
Honestly I just approach the series like final fantasy at this point, where everything is mostly it's own thing (unless the continuity is directly notable, like with the wind waker/spirit tracks titles and such.) Nintendo/zelda team has made it clear that they actually just really don't care to think about such stuff even if they were toying with the ideas in the past.
ahh okay, thanks for the insight! I sorta figured as much, and @ taupewolfy also mentioned approaching it like final fantasy where references are made to past games mostly without chronological continuity or implications. but before today I didn't know some of the games besides BotW and TotK actually were direct sequels! I've always been interested in playing Majora's Mask too but perhaps I should look into playing Ocarina of Time first then, hm…
In any case I think it would be cool if they played a bit more directly with parallel timelines affecting each other or something. and also if they let Link be a wolf again. come on. let him indulge in wolf violence wednesday once more 🐺🐺🐺🐺
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My take on the prologue discourse is- Taylor is asking to just stop all relationship speculation. Not saying she disliked the speculation for one gender more than another but that ALL relationship speculation makes her uncomfortable.
I understand where she's coming from, she doesn't have any privacy and relationships can be difficult to navigate for non-famous people without onlookers analyzing every step, every date, every word.
I guess I struggle a little with the line she's drawing of no muse speculation for songs but writes so many love songs and has withdrawn from the public eye everything except her very very public 'relationship' (in quotes bc she hasn't defined it as such herself).
Her fans are interested in her, and knowing about her but the crumbs of her life she has left us recently have mostly been romantic relationship related, which leads to convos about her romantic relationships which she doesn't want! I don't think she cares to hear any of us tell her what she should be doing, and nor would I, if I were in her shoes. But I do feel that maybe if she were more public with her cats, or her hobbies outside of songwriting, or anything in addition to or besides romantic relationships, then conversations had between fans about her would shift to those topics away from discussing her romantic endeavors!
My final thoughts:
She's made it clear she wants no muse speculation, and specifically no creepy analysis of pap pictures or timelines with those muses finding lyrics relating to them. But lyrical analysis is still on the table, and I think queer (or non-queer) interpretation of her writing is also still okay. Finding parallels between different songs or albums and potential inspiration from other people's bodies of work is also okay for discussion. This leaves A TON that she is still okay with people discussing. Shes setting a boundary here and it's a totally reasonable boundary that still leaves a lot for us to talk about while making sure she's comfortable.
I saw one or two different posts from people expressing discomfort with lover being extremely queercoded yet she is not allowing queer speculation which would be really disgusting to have a queer album but not be queer herself. I think that take jumps the gun- she's not saying she's straight in the prologue! And we cannot demand a 'coming out' from her to 'allow' her to have a queer album. That's an unacceptable standard. She simply wants the extremely detailed and creepy following of her relationships and muses to stop.
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nellienellnell · 1 year
Okay, this isn't fanfic related but I am thinking about a Doctor Who fic I've been meaning to write and it has me thinking Big Thoughts about the show. Specifically, the season 2 finale Doomsday and how the show continues after that. This will be a long post so continue at your own risk lol
I remember reading an interview with RTD (I think?) who said that they stuck Rose in a parallel world with no way to get back because that was the only way she would ever stop travelling with The Doctor. She was so in love with him, she would have stayed until her end. And we know this because she literally says as much to him. So narratively, they needed to move on and this was how to write out Rose while being in character.
BUT I'm imagining a timeline where Rose doesn't go to Pete's world and can actually stay with The Doctor and I'm trying to guess how that would go. And as much of a happy ending it would seem for them, I can't help but think The Doctor would be upset. He loves Rose. More than most things at that time. She is everything to him and he would do anything for her. But he tried to convince her to go. To leave and never see him again so she could stay with her family. But she insisted she stay with him.
This is where I start to see something interesting in Rose. If she stayed, if she was able to leave behind her family, specifically her own mother that she loves, just to travel the stars, would that make her even more like him? The man who had to leave his planet behind, who decided to just keep looking forward after everyone he's lost. Rose wouldn't have any other ties after that. She was willing to lose everything to have him. To have adventure and excitement.
And this lines up perfectly with how companions are viewed, especially Rose. They help make The Doctor more human, more compassionate, but in turn he unwillingly makes them more like him. Makes them "soldiers" like it's said in Journeys End. And it's not that she can't make that decision for herself, but he doesn't want her to. He would rather her have family and friends. He doesn't want her to become like him.
I feel like this would set up an interesting dynamic if things continued on that way. Like Rose becoming a bit more cold and detached. How the rest of the seasons would go when introducing other companions (Martha, I am SO sorry sweetheart...).
And I think this is supported even more by the fact that in the actual canon, when she's in Pete's world, she joins Torchwood. She's still fighting for those who need saving, but it's not just her and The Doctor against the threat anymore. She has others to help her, and she still can go home to her family at the end of the day. And, of course, she eventually gets TenToo and can start a life with him.
I'm kinda just blabbering into the void with this. Maybe this is incredibly obvious to everyone but me, I don't know. I just had like a brainblast moment and felt like sharing.
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