#tigris deserved better too
the golden trio potential that was coryo, tigris and sejanus
if coriolanus wasn't an asshole, and sejanus wasn't dead
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quin-ns · 10 months
Eventually (Coriolanus Snow x Reader)
Word count: 6.7k
Summary: Coriolanus could appreciate irony, but the one person he desires more than anything wanting nothing to do with him pushes him to new territory
Tags: (18+), cw: noncon, dark!coriolanus, deeply implied stalker!coriolanus, unreliable narrator coriolanus (boy is delusional tbh, no one is doing more mental gymnastics than him), pre-mentor era, obsession, unprotected sex, choking (only for like a second), virginity status undisclosed but as I was writing I began to imagine this being the first time for both of them—it’s not even implied tho, so do with that what you will
A/N: a character as evil as him I couldn’t conceive writing fluff for. he’s bad and guess what I’m not gonna fix him, but I also can’t make him not-hot so… hehe. please read the tags and proceed with caution <3
hunger games masterlist
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You wanted nothing to do with him, and that made him crazy.
No, if anything, you were the crazy one. Coriolanus hadn’t done anything but try to be your friend, but you snubbed him without reason.
Coriolanus did a good job at keeping the financial situation of his family a secret. No one knew, and he doubted you were an exception. Yet, it was as if you looked down upon him.
Although, you’d grown fond of Sejanus, so even if you did know, status wasn’t a concern of yours. It was something he admired, yet questioned all at once. There had to be a reason for your dismissal. A reason you couldn’t bring yourself to even offer a smile back. It’s not like he was asking a lot.
It’s not like he wasn’t trying, either. He’d gotten used to trying to make people like him, to see him as better than he was, but it was never this hard. It would’ve been so much simpler if you just told him to his face what your problem was, but whenever he came around, mostly when you were talking to Sejanus—they were friends, it was the perfect excuse—you just went quiet. You’d greet him, make no effort to continue the conversation, then excuse yourself.
All Coriolanus wanted to know was why.
“You’re watching her again,” Clemensia whispered to him, eyes flicking between him and the paper in front of her.
They were class partners, but Coriolanus was beginning to think he spent too much time with her.
Clemensia let out a small chuckle, mocking him. The professor at the front of the class looked up, and Coriolanus quickly looked down at his paper, taking his eyes off of you.
“You’re too obvious,” she muttered, a smirk in her voice. “Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like you. Because you stare at her too much.”
She didn’t get a response—it didn’t deserve one. Coriolanus questioned why he ever told her anything. She made him sound like some sort of stalker. Which, for the record, he was not.
His eyes managing to find you frequently wasn’t a crime, and neither was crossing your path. Maybe it wasn’t a coincidence most of the time, but it’s not as if he was harming you by watching you. He doubted you noticed anyway.
Seeing you nearly everyday had been enough to keep him sated, but then Sejanus started talking about you. Through no fault of his own, Coriolanus learned things about you. What he came to know made him curious to discover more. Even if you did not seem keen to let him.
Being content with what he had didn’t keep its appeal for long. Not when you were right there, your presence taunting him. Making him want what you would not let him have.
“You just need to talk to her, Coryo,” Tigris told him one evening, when he revealed everything to her. “Not in class and not with Sejanus. Just you. Let her know the real you and I promise she’ll like what she sees.”
Coriolanus took his cousin’s advice to heart. She was much more empathetic than him, she had to be onto something, right?
Everything changed when Coriolanus sat across from you at a study table in the library.
As beautiful as you were from a distance, being up close was something else entirely. He could admire you for hours and never get tired.
You looked up at him, he smiled and said hello just like Tigris advised. The smile you returned seemed forced, and you ignored that he had spoken.
It upset him, but not as much as when you got up and walked out. It was the last straw. Coriolanus was following you into the hall before he could think better of it.
He caught up to you, dropping his hand to your shoulder to make you turn around and face him. When you did, you looked surprised. That wasn’t what made Coriolanus hesitate, but the realization that he had never been this close to you before. Not even sitting across from you compared to touching you.
His heart skipped a beat.
“What do you want?” you questioned, a level of annoyance he thought to be unearned in your voice.
His heart started again.
“Have I done something to you?” Coriolanus confronted you, feeling a familiar sense of agitation creep over him. He had to know. “To make you feel such distaste for me?”
“I don’t dislike you, Coriolanus,” you replied, calmly after recovering from your initial shock. “I’m just… indifferent to you.”
The answer confused him more than it did enrage him. He smothered the latter feeling as he observed you.
“You’re… indifferent,” he stated, not asking. His feet shifted beneath him. It hurt, for some reason. “Why?”
Your eyes narrowed ever so slightly, studying him. It was the same way you’d look at your books when you were struggling with a subject, lingering behind in class or the library until a triumphant smile crossed your face.
Only, that smile never came. Your expression just faded back to normal.
“You shouldn’t put so much weight on what other people think of you,” you advised, stepping closer to him. His breath caught in his chest. You smelled sweet, like flowers. “Especially not someone you don’t even know.”
It was then, he realized, you hadn’t moved closer to him with purpose. You’d been on your way moving past him. His eyes focused on your back as you walked away, figuring out what to say.
“I’d like to know you,” he announced earnestly, verbally trying to pull you back. “If you’d only give me a chance.”
You slowed to a stop, looking over your shoulder. Coriolanus felt as if he was on display as your eyes raked over him, determining for yourself his sincerity.
“You’re friends with Sejanus, aren’t you?” you wondered. It wasn’t what he expected, but Coriolanus nodded. You sighed, which irked him to think it was pity. “If you’d like to join us for lunch I wouldn’t be against that.”
“I’ll see you then,” he said, but you were already turning away. He kept to himself that he had already tried in the past.
His friend was nice. Too nice for his own good, truthfully. It wasn’t as if Sejanus completely abandoned him the moment he befriended you. It was more like he split his time, attending to both friendships. The only thing Coriolanus held against him was that he never tried to reintroduce the two of you. Maybe even put in a good word.
At lunch Coriolanus found you and Sejanus quickly, he knew where you liked to sit.
“Hey, Coryo,” Sejanus greeted, smiling. “About time you decided to join us.”
Coriolanus put on a smile as he sat down. “Well, I would’ve sooner, but I wasn’t sure I was welcome before.”
The comment made you smirk, in on the joke as Coriolanus looked at you.
“Who’s to say you are now?” you sarcastically replied, as if you hadn’t been the one to invite him.
Well, “invite” was being generous, but he still seized the opportunity nonetheless.
“Ignore her, she can’t help herself,” Sejanus said with a chuckle, used to your humor.
This time, when he tried to talk to you, you engaged. In between discussions of classes and assignments, Coriolanus had to dodge your quick wit.
He liked the challenge, and the next day, he went back for more. Even walked right past Clemanisa and Arachne, who tried to invite him to their table with Festus. You were waiting for him.
He noticed you and Sejanus already talking.
When he sat across from you, you raised your brows. “Seeking refuge?”
Before he could ask what you meant, you nodded your head towards the girls he’d left behind.
You knew about his friends?
“You could call it that,” he replied, a smile starting to appear.
You nodded and hummed.
“Well, what are your qualifications?”
“Excuse me?”
“You joke too much, Y/N,” Sejanus lightly scolded you, interrupting whatever path you were going down, which made you laugh. “He’s going to think you don’t like him.”
“He knows I don’t mean anything by it,” you assured, looking at Coriolanus. “I’m just trying to figure him out.”
Your tone was filled with confidence, but your face… Coriolanus wasn’t sure how to place your underlying expression. You had a shield up, he knew that much, but what did that have to do with him? Were you trying to figure out if you could let it down for him? Or something else?
“Of course,” Coriolanus answered, not taking his eyes off of you. “I’m an open book.”
“Are you, now?” You folded your arms on the table. “Your friends love to gossip, and I don’t think I’ve heard that about you.”
“It’s not my fault if they don’t know how to read,” Coriolanus quipped, proud of himself for being so quick.
None of his friends had wronged him, but the joke at their expense was worth it for what followed after.
He made you laugh. Not just smile, but truly laugh. It was exactly what he wanted, and it actually worked. Awe didn't begin to describe how it felt.
Joining your table for lunch became the best part of his day. Sometimes he forgot Sejanus was even there, far too eager to see you. He saw you all the time, of course. Watching you was a habit he had yet to break, but this was different. You were aware of his presence, and he was able to speak to you. It didn’t matter that you still seemed weary, it was enough.
Even if you didn’t like him, you still had conversations with him, so that was something.
Sometimes, if you were deep in a discussion, debating ethics—your favorite topic—it would continue beyond just the table. He’d walk you to class, wanting to hear your voice just a second longer.
“I want to meet this girl,” His grandmother declared one night, after Coriolanus drifted to the topic of you over dinner. He’d been doing it more recently.
Tigris gave him a look, a light frown. There was no way to do that without you coming to his home, and he wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Let Coryo decide that, Grandma‘am,” Tigris insisted, patting the older woman’s shoulder.
“Well, he has feelings for Y/N,” she argued, looking at Coriolanus. He used your name enough that she remembered it. “And she likes him too—doesn’t she?”
Coriolanus gave a tight smile. “Yes, she does.”
Keeping up appearances.
“Well, that settles it, then,” Grandma‘am decided.
“I think it’s time you get to bed,” Tigris intervened, getting their grandmother up from her chair.
Later, when they were alone, Tigris asked him, “Does she even know how you feel about her?” She knew him too well. He took too long to answer. “You should tell her. From what you’ve told us, you two should be together. But it won’t happen unless you make it known how you feel.”
Coriolanus’s dreams were filled with you, as they usually were, but something was different the morning he woke up after the conversation with Tigris.
All he had to do was prove himself to you, and he knew that now.
Coriolanus found you in the library a lot, often pretending to stumble upon you. This time, he didn’t put on a facade.
“I thought I’d find you here,” he acknowledged, sitting down beside you. Often he’d sit across, but he was testing the waters. Seeing if you were put off by the proximity. “Studying for Featherly’s class?”
“I’m terrified for his test,” you confided, rubbing your temples as you hunched down at your book. “I feel like my mind has no room for anything else. I’ve memorized nothing.”
With a sigh, you sat up and pushed the book away.
“I can help you,” Coriolanus insisted, reaching for the book. He read over the page you were on, knowing he’d already perfected the subject. “You should’ve asked for me sooner.”
Maybe it was a little spiteful, but he hadn’t purposely meant it to come out that way. You still noticed it, taking your book back.
“I’m not asking for your help now, Coriolanus,” you muttered, looking at him out of the corner of your eye.
You were the last of his friends to still call him that. Most everyone else called him ‘Coryo’. Not you. But you were stubborn in many ways. This too, apparently.
“I didn’t mean anything against you,” he said lightly, even chuckling a little. It was forced, but he wanted to show he wasn’t being that serious.
Using your own words on you did not have the desired effect.
“Mmmhmmm,” you hummed.
Coriolanus tilted his head down, trying to get you to meet his gaze. You gave in, facing him, looking unamused.
He wanted to wipe that look away, but didn’t know how. If he could just make you like him—
Suddenly, your watch began to beep.
“Test time,” you grumbled, taking back your book and getting up.
Coriolanus followed you down the hall and into class. The tests were already on the desks, waiting. You two were early—he noticed that because of the clock on the wall.
He walked you to your seat and wished you good luck. To his surprise, you offered the same in return. Then, he went to his own. Other students filed in quickly after, professor Featherly being the last to enter the room.
The professor declared, “Begin,” then sat at his desk in the middle of the room and began to read.
The test wasn’t easy, but Coriolanus knew what he was doing. One look around the classroom and he saw that wasn’t the case for most other students. He felt a sense of pride, until his gaze landed on you. You were one row down and four seats to the left. He’d counted before. You were fiddling with your pencil, struggling to come up with what to write down.
While he could’ve been the first to finish, Coriolanus let other students turn their tests in before him. An hour passed by, but it moved quickly.
There were only a few students left when you finally got up. You radiated an anxious energy, much like the others, but Coriolanus didn’t care about the others.
Clemensia stuck her hand up in the air, waiting for the professor to notice her, distracting Coriolanus briefly. When the professor looked up and noticed her, Clemansia got her wish.
Coriolanus considered himself lucky, convincing himself with his own mantra frequently. As he watched you leave your test on Featherly’s desk and rush from the room, he realized how he could help you.
He quickly marked down the rest of his answers, having stalled so he could leave when you did. The professor was making his way away from the desk, while Coriolanus got up and went in the opposite direction.
With a swift, hard kick to the leg, the professor's desk wobbled and papers spilled off on the other side. It looked like an accident.
Featherly looked over his shoulder at the noise.
“Sorry,” Coriolanus apologized, kneeling down behind the desk to collect the papers.
Without anyone watching, he found your test. He had no time to change the written questions, but he made quick work of erasing and re-doing the multiple choice, with his own test and knowledge as reference.
He had to give you credit for getting a decent amount correct, but not enough for a passing grade.
When Coriolanus fixed that, he stacked together the papers and placed them back on the desk and exited.
Everyone was waiting in the hall. Against tradition, the professor graded tests directly after and would call students in to give the results. It was time consuming, and kept everyone on campus after hours, which was against the rules, but perhaps he’d gotten some kind of exception.
You were leaning against the wall opposite of the classroom, talking to some girl from the class—Coriolanus didn’t bother to learn her name. He wanted to go to you, but Sejanus got to him first instead.
“How do you think you did?”
Coriolanus shrugged, looking down at his friend. “Fine, I think.” That was the humble answer, right? “How about you?”
“Not perfect, but I passed.”
Clemensia trotted out then, a confident look on her face.
“What was so important you had to ask during the test?” Coriolanus couldn’t help but wonder. She’d unknowingly helped him, after all.
“Just clarity on a question, wanted to make sure I got it right,” she answered with ease.
“And did you?”
She gave Sejanus a look.
“Yes, of course.”
The last person exited the class, and professor Featherly closed the door. And so the grading began.
One by one, the professor called people in. There was no method to the order, it seemed likely he shuffled the papers or chose which one to grade next at random.
Time passed, Coriolanus didn’t know how much exactly, but it was beginning to get dark outside. Tigris would be worried until he got home, but she’d understand. His studies came first.
Eventually, Coriolanus realized it was dwindling down to be just you and him left. He was lucky today.
The third to last student was in the classroom, leaving you across the hall from one another.
You pressed your lips together before speaking.
“Do you think you did alright?”
The corner of Coriolanus’s lip twitched up at the sound of your voice.
“Yes, I think so,” he answered humbly. “What about you?”
You let out a self deprecating laugh. “When I said I was terrified, I wasn’t being dramatic.” You sighed, accepting your fate. “I’ll have to do perfect on the next one, I guess.”
“I can help you with that,” Coriolanus offered.
The smile he gave you spawned a mirror reaction. He knew he was charming, he had to be, and this time you actually seemed receptive to it.
“Maybe you can.”
The sound of a door opening made Coriolanus turn. Arachne was leaving, a smug look on her face as she thanked the professor.
Then the door closed, and the professor graded another test. There were only two left.
“I wish he wouldn’t do it like this,” you filled the silence. “The others don’t make us wait like this.”
“It builds suspense, I suppose,” Coriolanus mused. “Keeps us on our toes.”
“That’s not something I need right now.”
“At least you have good company,” he noted flirtatiously. He couldn’t help but grin at his own words, especially when you bite your lip to keep yourself from smiling.
“Could be worse, I supposed,” you retorted.
More time passed. The door opened again.
“Coriolanus Snow,” the professor addressed him next. “Your turn.”
As expected, Coriolanus did close to perfect. One answer off. Best in the class.
Back in the hallway, when he was done, Coriolanus waited with you. He didn’t announce he was staying, he just returned to his spot against the wall.
“Don’t keep a girl waiting. How did you do?” you asked, departing from the wall.
Coriolanus wondered where you were going, but then, you stood next to him, leaning back against the wall. There was still an arms length between the two of you, but it was something. You’d gone to him for once.
“You’ll think I’m full of myself if I tell you,” he teased lightly, which made you roll your eyes.
“Maybe I already think that, so just tell me,” you insisted.
The comment made him falter.
“Best in the class,” he divulged.
You almost looked impressed. “Good for you.”
The door opened.
“Y/N L/N, you’re up.”
“Wish me luck,” you said under your breath before following Featherly in.
“Good luck.”
Coriolanus waited for you, just like before. He tapped his foot. The professor didn’t actually go over the answers, he just told you the grade. You’d have no way of knowing what he did for you, but he’d be there to share in your excitement when you discovered how well you’d done.
Or, how well he’d done for you.
Not long later, you and the professor exited the class together.
“Wasn’t expecting you to still be here,” Featherly addressed Coriolanus. “You should get going. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
Then, he left you and Coriolanus alone in the hall, presumably leaving the building.
“So,” Coriolanus began with a smile. “How did you do?”
“He asked if I’d been studying with you. Apparently we had all the same answers,” you told him, crossing your arms. “Except when I asked him to show me my exam—which I did great on, apparently—I saw answers circled that weren’t mine.”
Coriolanus hadn’t expected you to find out so quickly, but a part of him was relieved you did. It meant he got to take credit, and he could show you that he really did want the best for you.
Or, he could always lie.
“You weren scared of failing,” he finally admitted. He offered a sympathetic smile. “So I helped.”
“No, you cheated!” you accused, causing his eyes to go wide. “You’ve implicated us both. If anyone finds out…”
“Don’t be so loud,” he hissed out in a whisper, stepping closer to you. The professor could still be in the building. He doubted anyone else would be. “I just wanted to help you, okay? You needed it, so I—“
“You helped, I get it. But I didn’t ask you to do that for me, Coriolanus. I have never asked you to do anything for me,” you sneered, somewhere between offended and betrayed.
He saw the way you scanned his face—his eyes. The pleading was beginning to seep through.
A wave of realization washed over you before he even opened his mouth.
“You didn’t have to ask me to,” Coriolanus said meaningfully, stepping closer to you. “I wanted to. I wanted to help you.”
You back hit the wall. The hallway was so empty it seemed as if the subtle sound still echoed.
“I’d do anything for you, don’t you get that?”
The sound of a large door closing carried from a distance.
Coriolanus reached for your face, wishing he could take away the concern that riddled your expression. Instead, he brushed a stray piece of hair from your face.
You swallowed. Why did you look so nervous around him? You were friends now, weren’t you? You never looked scared around anyone else. Why him? Why now? His own questions frustrated him.
“We’re not supposed to be on campus after hours,” you said calmly. It was the same tone you used when you first described your indifference to him. Coriolanus thought about that moment a lot. “Featherly already left. We should leave before we get caught.”
The corners of his lips twitched down.
“We’re still talking, though, aren’t we?”
You let out a shallow breath. You had no reason to look as scared as you did.
“I think we’re done.”
Coriolanus thought back to his cousin’s advice. He could’ve followed it better if she’d written it down, perchance.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Coriolanus pondered, smiling to himself at the sight of you. “You caught my eye from the beginning and I—I couldn’t figure out why you wanted nothing to do with me.” You watched him carefully. He wondered if you could sense the dejectedness brewing. “Did you see something in me? Is that it?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted under your breath. “People like you, and you’ve been making an effort to be my friend, so I don’t know what told me to stay away from you, but something did. I’ve tried to ignore it, but I still…” you swallowed. “I don’t know.”
The confession should’ve been a relief. That’s what he imagined it would be. That you would admit the truth, and he could fix whatever misconceptions you had.
Coriolanus did not know what to do with “I don’t know”.
Staring down at you, Coriolanus noticed your back was against the wall. Literally. He hadn’t meant to put you there, but he had.
It got you to listen, didn’t it? He’d gotten an answer?
“Can we start over?” Coriolanus suggested, even throwing in a smile that would charm most anyone. It worked on you before. “We can forget all this mess.”
You blinked. You didn’t believe him.
For most people, he wouldn’t simply let numerous slights go, but for you, if it would fix whatever this was, if it meant the two of you could have a real chance, then he’d overcome his instincts—old and new.
“I’m afraid my memory is too good for that,” you finally said, looking up at him with defiance.
Defying what, was the question. It wasn’t as if you were enemies.
The thought made his jaw clench. He let out a laugh that was sharp. It lacked any sense of humor.
“Why can’t you just accept my apology?”
Your brows arched up, questioning him.
“That was supposed to be an apology?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “But it’s not as if I owe you one.”
“I never said you did. I never said anything. You took it upon yourself to insert yourself into my life and now you are not happy with your place in it. You’ve overstepped, and you need to let me leave.”
Coriolanus frowned.
“You act like I’m keeping you here by force.”
You look up at him, silently telling him you believed he was.
That frustrated him further.
In an act that jarred even him, Coriolanus pressed his palms against your shoulders and pushed you back against the wall when you tried to move away.
“This is force,” he declared sternly, leaning down, making you maintain his gaze.
Everyone liked control, but he hadn’t used it in such a physical way before. It thrilled him in an odd way.
“Get your hands off me.”
“Why should I? You already think so poorly of me, why not let you be right?”
You moved again then, trying to catch him off guard and squirm away. But Coriolanus was quick to shove you back against the wall.
“We can still start over. If you would give me a chance, I think we can be good together.”
He let one hand rise to rest on your cheek. Your skin was so smooth. He inhaled deeply, resolve slipping further as his eyes fell to your lips.
If Coriolanus could just prove it to you, he was sure you’d understand what he meant.
He leaned in cautiously, gauging your reaction. You didn’t flinch away. You tilted your chin up, even. That familiar skip of his heart returned.
Coriolanus’s lips only just brushed against yours before you reacted. He had a second of relief before you brought your knee up, jabbing him in the lower stomach, although he doubted that was where you were aiming. It was still enough of a shock to throw him off his game. He stumbled back, and in a flash, you were gone. You were running down the hall—trying to get away from him, like usual.
Only this time, he didn’t feel like letting you go.
Something he had slowly come to learn was when he wanted something, it wasn’t just going to be handed to him. Vying for the Plinth Prize highlighted that, alongside his childhood.
He caught you easily, hand snapping out like a snake to grip your arm and yank you back to him. You collided with his chest. It was like you weren’t even trying. Not really. Just toying with him.
“Am I a game to you?” Coriolanus hissed into your ear, wrapping you in his arms. “Something for you to play?”
“I haven’t done anything to you! I hardly even know you!” you defended, but it just made him hold you tighter.
“I know you,” he implored, fighting against your squirming. He lost balance and when you fell to the ground, you took him with you. Coriolanus got you onto your back, sitting on your thighs, gripping your wrists in his hands to keep you from swinging at him. You let out panicked breaths, staring up at him. “I know more than you think.”
Something about the position made the front of his pants begin to feel constricting.
“Coriolanus, you’re frightening me,” you enunciated, as if trying to reason with him.
“I’m not being unreasonable,” Coriolanus grit out, working to maintain his composure.
“What?” you questioned, brows pinching together, a deep frown on your face. Confused and scared. Coriolanus used to feel that way. “Just let me go.”
“And then what? You go back to ignoring me? No I can’t… I can’t go back to that. If you just give me a chance I can show you.”
Coriolanus didn’t know what happened next.
Tigris told him it was like he left his own head, sometimes. She said he’d get so caught up, he wouldn’t notice things. At the time he had laughed. If anyone stayed aware, it was him.
It wasn’t that he left his head, but got lost in it. Lost in his own inner monologue to realize what he was doing.
In this case, what he’d done.
Far too busy thinking of ways to convey everything he wanted to say to you, how to make you understand, visualizing your reaction, he’d already acted.
Maybe there were two people living in his mind. One with a conscience, one without. Or perhaps that was just something he used to justify his less than decent actions. An excuse. He’d never let himself know the truth. Not really. Not yet.
What he did know was what he could see. You, beneath him, clothes torn from your body. The only thing left was a shirt. Too much effort, apparently. Your wrists were snatched together in one of his hands.
The power stirred something within him.
One might say he was out of excuses when he reached for the zipper of his pants, but no one else was here, were they?
Your mouth was moving. Speaking. Maybe even yelling. Looking at him, looking around the room. He couldn’t hear a sound but his own heart thumping in his ears paired with his own eager breaths. Was that normal?
He moved, wedging himself between your legs, nudging them apart to make room for himself.
“It’s just us,” Coriolanus spoke, loud enough to hear himself. You flinched. “No one’s here.”
He gripped himself, stroking his cock, lining himself up with your entrance. His patience was running incredibly thin.
Tears pricked in your eyes. You stopped struggling at his words, accepting it for what it was. Good.
“Why are you doing this?”
He heard your voice clearly, that time, despite the strain in your tone.
Coriolanus observed you carefully, squeezing your wrists together in one hand and lovingly caressing your hip with the other.
He finally understood the answer you’d given before. He found it fitting now.
“I don’t know.”
To him, it was the truth.
The moment Coriolanus pressed himself inside of you, it was as if the rest of the world disappeared. After so long of wanting you in every way, shape, or form, this was long overdue.
“You’re perfect for me,” he breathed out. Coriolanus gave a shove of his hips, his gaze falling to your mouth as an unwilling yelp slipped out. “I knew you would be.”
You were tight, too tight, even. Unwelcoming. Yet still, you felt like home.
His hand—the one that was on your hip—drifted between your legs. He found your clit, running his thumb in small circles, trying to ease the pressure you must’ve been feeling.
Coriolanus did not want to hurt you.
He looked into unfocused eyes. Where were you? Were you trying to be somewhere else?
He let your hands go. You didn’t move to slap him or shove him or anything. You were learning.
He leaned over you more, reaching for you face with his now free hand, and ran his thumb over your cheek, encouraging your gaze to actually meet his. He smiled softly when you did. You got more beautiful every second he looked at you. It was even better when he could see you were present.
Coriolanus found himself unable to resist it, so he gave into the urge to press his lips to yours. A real kiss, this time.
Your lips were softer than he’d imagined. You made a noise when his tongue tasted your mouth. His kiss was hungry—aggressive, even. But he’d waited so long he didn’t know how to contain himself.
Your body reacted to his touch. Your bent knees inched up his hips to accommodate him, and your walls were becoming slick, accepting the invasion.
A deep moan escaped him, cock throbbing inside you at the feel. The sound was muffled by his lips pressed to yours, but he still felt vulnerable, giving himself to you in this way.
Coriolanus pulled back from the kiss, only to rest his forehead against yours and breathe out a small puff of air from his lips.
“I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you. Not even the Plinth Prize,” he confessed in a whisper.
“What’s the difference?” You finally spoke, voice wavering. “You have to earn the prize?” The accusing tone felt like a slap.
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Coriolanus muttered, eyes boring into yours. “You’ll see.”
He gave you one more searing kiss before moving his hips.
A gasp that morphed into a moan clawed its way up your throat. The sound was like music to his ears. He wanted to hear it again.
He began to move more consistently, finding a pace that suited him. Rough enough to keep you present, but not so harsh as to hurt you. He wanted you to enjoy yourself, even if you were trying to avoid it.
Still figuring you out, Coriolanus found your sweet spot with a hard thrust, causing you to wince. Instinctively, you tried to push him away, just like you had before, not wanting to surrender.
You stilled when you felt his hand. He hardly realized how he’d reacted until he felt your throat bob beneath his palm.
Coriolanus retracted his hand, like your skin and shot a volt through him. His movements slowed to a stop.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized earnestly, brushing the hand through your hair gently. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
Your chest heaved as you breathed shaky breaths through your nose. Your lips pressed together in a line.
You weren’t going to dignify him with a response. In a way, he understood.
Coriolanus locked his arms under your body and in a surge of strength, pulled you from the ground and into his lap. He hugged you against him, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Forgive me,” he requested softly.
You shifted in his lap, adjusting yourself to find comfort in the new position. You did not speak.
He slammed his hips up, forcing a gasp from your lips. That was something, wasn’t it?
You pulled back, and he did it again. And again. And again.
You fell against him, jarred by the change in his movements as he thrust into you. He liked it, feeling you in his lap, your chest against his, leaving you no choice but to hold onto him.
His lips latched onto the skin of your neck as he moved, barring his teeth and nipping the skin. You reacted as if he were venomous, straining away from him, but he’d left his mark.
You could pretend all you wanted that you didn’t like him, but Coriolanus could feel your body reacting to his. He could feel the way your walls squeezed around him, drawing him in, and how your body quivered as he pushed you closer to your edge.
“Just let go,” Coriolanus whispered, holding you tighter. He cradled the back of your head against him as he moved inside of you. Soothing and rough at the same time. “It’s okay, I know you want to.”
“Shut up,” you hissed into his neck, hands finding his chest.
Were you really going to try and get away from him? It was a bit late for that.
Coriolanus moved his hand between your bodies, finding your clit with the pad of his thumb, speeding along the process.
“What was that?” he taunted, feeling your legs start to shake.
A moan tore from your throat as you came around him, body slumping against his as he shoved himself deeper inside you. He wanted to feel your body tensed around him.
“That’s it,” he drawled, pressing his face to the side of your head. He inhaled, letting your scent flood him. Every sense was overwhelmed by you and if anything, it made him hunger for even more.
You became more pliable in your daze, going easily when Coriolanus laid you back down on the cold ground. He planted one hand on the ground near your head, where he held most of his weight, while the other rested on the base of your neck. Not squeezing, just resting. Reminding you of before.
Now that he’d taken care of you, made you realize the pleasure he could inflict upon you, it was his turn. Coriolanus was relentless with the thrust of his cock inside you, stretching you around him, groaning with nearly every movement. You felt so good, he never wanted to leave the warmth of your body.
You shifted beneath him, squirming as the intense feeling. Coriolanus was tempted to drag it out, to watch your face as the pleasure became too much for you to handle.
If it wasn’t for the desire to fill you, to claim you, he would’ve. There would be more times after this, he’d ensure it. He didn’t own a lot, but he treasured the things that he did.
“I can’t let you go, not now.” He meant to keep it inside his head, but the words spilled out. “You’re the only thing I want.”
At that moment, it was true.
Coriolanus gave one final shove of his hips before spilling inside of you. It crashed over him in an unexpected wave. His whole body shivered with pleasure at the feel of your body milking him. You wanted him. Your denial would eventually fade. He was sure of it.
Coriolanus let out a heavy sigh of your name as he watched your face. You’d turned your head, wincing as he filled you to the brim.
“Hey,” Coriolanus said when he finished, voice low. He ran a delicate hand over your face, persuading you to open your eyes. “We’re okay.”
As much as he didn’t want to, Coriolanus withdrew from you. You’d given up fighting against him, so he took the opportunity to help you redress. You were so pliant, it was like dressing a doll.
You rested your arms on your knees when he made you sit up. He wasn’t keeping you from moving from the floor, you chose not to.
Coriolanus watched you cautiously, searching for the same fire in you before, trying to figure out if he’d somehow snuffed it out.
There was a nagging in his gut. It was only for a brief second, but his confidence wavered.
“Can you talk to me?” he pressed, laying a hand on your shoulder and he knelt across from you, pants readjusted.
It was as if nothing happened, but you both knew that was untrue.
“Why should I?” You wrinkled your nose as you focused on the ground.
“Because, I care about you,” Coriolanus replied without thought, gaze softening. “I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I don’t think you care for me,” you said in a tone so hushed, Coriolanus wasn’t sure if you even meant for him to hear. Then, you met his eyes. The fire had only been dulled, not put out. “I think you’re a liar, Coriolanus Snow.”
His hands fell to clasp yours. He brought one to his lips, pressing a small kiss to the back of your palm. You eyed him as if he were some sort of predator, but he managed a smile nonetheless.
“Let me prove it to you, and you’ll come to learn you’ve been wrong about me all along.”
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perlelune · 8 months
no body, no crime | Coriolanus Snow | ix.
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Your childhood friend returns from his exile in district 12, but he's not the sweet, quiet boy you once knew anymore.
Warnings: NON-CON, Plinth!Reader, Gaslighting, Drugging, Murder, Forced Marriage, Forced Pregnancy, Loss of Virginity, Somnophilia
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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You fiddle with the hem of your sleeve in the back of the car. You glance at the driver. His eyes are peeled on the road, silence filling the air. You’re thankful. You’re in no mood for small talk. Your eyes travel outside the car window. Behind you, the Corso and the Snow’s apartment is getting smaller and smaller.
Still, the weight in your chest isn’t alleviated. Not one bit. Despite heading home, not an ounce of joy finds its way inside your heart.
Your mind was at war with itself at the Snows’ penthouse. You couldn’t settle on a decision. In fact, you considered going back inside the apartment. Because that at least was simple, easy…natural almost. If it weren’t for Tigris pressing you to get inside the car and physically nudging you inside it, you’re not entirely sure you’d have even made it here.
And now…guilt consumes you.
You should be back in the room, dutifully waiting for Coriolanus ‘ return as he instructed. You’re breaking the rules. His rules.
Your stomach aches. You want to puke. What have you done? You almost find yourself wishing you were still back there. 
In a twisted way, Coriolanus has become a scourge you’ve grown familiar with, a woe that blends so well with all the others. He terrifies you…but he also knows you. So well. All your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your insecurities. It’s more than you can say for anyone in your life. Even William. He thinks you’re that perfect, pure, resilient girl. You never had the heart to burst his bubble.
A deep breath makes his way inside your lungs. 
No. No.
Coriolanus is bad. Coriolanus hurt you. You keep reminding yourself of that, replaying every moment when he made you feel small, powerless.
Besides, you miss your mother. Ma’s soothing words. Her gentle voice. Her warm embrace. Ma always makes things better despite struggling to understand you sometimes. 
You need her and you bet she probably needs you to. 
You even started to long for your father’s stern brow and disapproving stares.
As for William…truth be told, you’re beginning to ponder if you ever deserved him. He was always too good for you. Too kind. Too sweet.
You girdle a fresh rush of tears.. He should find someone who won’t lie to him, hide from him, betray him. Someone better than you.
It was naive of you to even pretend you could marry a man as wonderful as him.
The car halts in front of your parents’ house. 
The driver’s cheerful voice tugs you back to reality. 
“We’re here, miss.” he says. Astonishment draws a gasp from you. The drive flew by in a quick blur. Knee deep in the sea of your somber thoughts, you failed to notice you were approaching your childhood home. You fetch a bill inside your pocket but the man waves a dismissive hand at you. “Please, Miss Snow already took care of everything.” He gives a sympathetic smile. You wonder if he’s guessed anything or if he’s just picking up on the air of gloominess hovering around you. “Just take care of yourself, darlin’.”
Nodding, you mumble a quiet ‘thank you’. You exit the car and anxiously shuffle up the porch stairs. A warm breeze flutters through your chest at the sight of the familiar building. 
You’re finally home. 
Your gaze drifts to the garden. Surprise trickles inside you as you note that your roses are still thriving despite your absence. You wonder who you’ll have to thank for that. This batch has needed meticulous care ever since you planted the flowers. Neglecting them, even for a few days, could cause them to wither and perish.
Engulfed in contemplation, you’re startled when the front door abruptly opens.
You’re faced with Demetria’s bright smile and tearful gaze.
“Oh sweetie,” your mother exclaims, wrapping her arms around you.
You blink, taken aback by your mother’s sudden embrace. For a while, you’re unmoving, afloat in sheer disbelief. 
Then quiet words fall from your tongue.
“Hey, ma.” You relax a little, your eyes closing as you hug her back. You bask in the homey scent of Ma’s perfume, worry pulsing through you when you notice how much weight she has lost since the last time you saw her. Your mother’s hardly more than bones and flesh. You shiver. Perhaps, this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been gone so long. You’d have ensured Ma takes good care of herself, that she eats and doesn’t sink in a well made of her own grief.
It’s what you used to do before your world fell apart. You failed your mother. Again.
You and Ma enter the house together. You bask in your surroundings, soaking in every detail. Tears almost spill, a surge of emotion mounting inside you, but you blink them away. You’ve wept enough, been scared enough. He cannot get to you here. You wish to enjoy the fact that you’re safe and sound without turning into a puddle of tears. 
Arm threaded with yours, Ma leads you to the sunroom. Colorful strips of sunlight pour from the stained glass, dousing the room in warmth. The two of you sit and, some moments later, tea and cakes are brought to the table. Your insides clutch as your eyes land on a spot on the couch. You and Coriolanus had so many conversations here. In that very same spot, he held you in his arms and listened to you as you spilled your heart out.
Your mother starts prattling on about the house and what Strabo’s been up to while you weren’t here. You’re a bit flabbergasted that she’s not questioning where you’ve been all this time, her tone airy and casual, but you don’t have the heart to interrupt. You’re just elated that you can be with her again.
When your father enters the sunroom, you nearly drop your cup. He makes his way to you, on the cusp of tears for the first time since you’ve known him. 
You melt in his arms when he hugs you. He cradles the back of your head like when you were little. The tears you held hostage before now roam freely down your cheeks.
“Dad,” you whisper, sniffling.
He holds you in his arms a long time before his embrace slackens. He gauges you, relief dawning on his features. He smiles. Warmth rushes to your chest. You haven’t seen your dad smile in a long time. He rubs your arms and says, “Sweetheart, We weren’t expecting you so soon.” He cups your cheek. You almost flinch at the loving touch. But then you remember. This is your father. He wouldn’t hurt you. You’re safe. “But it’s a really nice surprise.”
A watery laugh spills from your lips.
“What? But…But I’ve been gone for weeks.”
Strabo’s shoulders sag, sympathy oozing from his tone.
“Yes, but we know that…it was easier for you to stay with the Snows for a while, sweetheart. We understand.” Befuddlement wells up within you. You glance between your dad and your mother. The compassion written on their faces mirror each other. Your father pats your arm, aiming to reassure you as he adds, “Coriolanus explained everything in his letters.”
A sinking feeling grows in the pit of your stomach.
Your tremulous voice swells in the room, edging on a scream.
“What do you mean by everything, dad?”
“Sweetheart, we know. And we aren’t judging you. I promise you. Your mother and I have been young too and-”
“Can I see those letters?” you snap, dread flaring along your spine.
Strabo’s brows furrow in confusion.
“Well they’re in my study, but-”
You don’t let him finish, racing through the house and making a beeline for your father’s study. Your parents trail behind you, concern etched on their faces.
“Sweetie? What’s going on?” Ma calls.
You don’t look at them, busy rummaging through your father’s desk. Your frustration grows as you open and close every drawer.
“I need to see them. Now,” you absently reply.
“I think you need to-”
“Now, dad!”
“Alright, alright. Here.” Heaving out a weary sigh, your father strolls to a cabinet on the other side of the room. The frantic uproar of your heart fills your ears. Strabo flips through several folders before retrieving a stack of letters beneath a bunch of other files. He brings them to you and you snatch them from his hands, ignoring his shocked expression. 
“Are you okay, kiddo?” he murmurs. 
Your gaze falls on Coriolanus’ neat, precise handwriting. The ink blurs in your sight as you register his words, frantically flipping through the pages. Only bits and pieces sink into your mind as your eyes hop from one sentence to another. By the second, you grow more and more horrified.
Your daughter is safe with me, you have my word. 
Our feelings have grown too strong for us to pretend.
As the preparations for our wedding have taken much of our time…
She is terrified you will disown her but I will speak to her. 
…will return when she is ready.
…for however long it takes, do not worry.
…as she is too embarrassed to announce our love to the entire capitol.
Your daughter is well and misses you dearly.
I shall do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy, now and forever.
Safe and happy. Now and…forever?
Your heart sinks to your feet.
Your mouth wobbles as your eyes rise to meet your father’s.
“No, dad. I-I don’t think I am.”
The room starts dimming around you, your knees buckling as you struggle to keep yourself upright. Your father rushes to your side. 
Then all is darkness.
When your eyes quake open, you’re greeted by the comforting sight of your bedroom. The same plushies you’ve had since you were five sit on the shelves. Pictures of your family adorn the wall beneath fairy lights. Your wardrobe is against the wall at the exact same spot and so is the antique full length mirror you received on your fourteenth birthday. 
Everything’s exactly where it should be. And it drapes a balm on your wounded spirit. 
At least nothing about your bedroom has changed.
You never should have left those familiar walls,  succumbed to boyish smiles and honeyed lies. You should have stayed right here, drowning in your own tears and choking on your pain. It beats the hell you’re experiencing now.
Your mother strokes your cheek.
“You haven’t been eating,” she says.
You sit up in your bed.
“Neither have you, Ma,” you retaliate, your brows squeezing together as you scrutinize her.
She sends you a sad smile.
“We can eat together.”
You nod. “I’d like that.”
Your gaze travels outside your window, where you get a glimpse of the rose bushes, the blushing petals brighter than ever.
“Who took care of my roses?” you mumble without thinking.
“I did.”
Your mouth falls open. “But you hate gardening.”
Ma snorts, caressing your hair. “And you’d have been sad if they’d have died while you were gone.”
Your heart swells. Your mother hasn’t stepped foot in the garden once before. She harbors a disdain for any kind of manual labor since your family left District 2. You’re in awe that she still took it upon herself to care for the flowers because she knows how much it means to you.
“I've missed you, Ma,” you say, pulling her against you for a tight hug.
“I've missed you too,” she replies, rubbing your back. “You really gave us a scare, child.”
Her long exhale flows against your shoulder. “Like I said, we understand why you had to stay away. You and Coriolanus needed time together. I just wish you felt comfortable enough to tell Dad and I the truth.”
You freeze. You’re suddenly struck with the remembrance of what occurred before you passed out and landed in your bedroom. The letters. The ghastly, dreadful letters. Or rather Coriolanus’ dizzying tower of lies. It’s no wonder your parents didn’t seek you out.
He peddled a fairytale to them. One where you’re the princess and he’s the prince coming to your rescue. Star-crossed lovers thwarted by fate. Indignation sears through you. 
Your brows knit as you lean back.
“Ma, about Coriolanus-”
Your sentence is curtailed by a bashful knock on the door. Your mother urges whoever’s on the other side to enter. A maid appears, bowing in apology.
“Mr. William is here to see you, miss,” she announces.
Your heart skips a beat.
Your fingers clench, your nails digging into your palm. It was bound to happen at some point or another.
Ma seizes your shoulder, her forehead scrunched in concern.
“Do you want me to come with you, sweetie?”
You shake your head. “No. I’ve hidden enough.” You give a feeble smile. Inwards, your heart is steadily shrinking. “I’ll talk to him. Alone.”
“Are you sure? Your father and I are here if you need anything.” Her frown accentuates. “You shouldn’t let anyone get in the way of your happiness.”
You shrivel at her words. How do you even tell her and Dad? Where to even start? And most importantly, how to do it in a way that wouldn’t break their hearts?
You’re aware of the void Coriolanus has filled for them since Sejanus’ passing. While he was a brother to you, he was a son to them. 
Your father’s taken him under his wing, funding his tuition and even teaching him about his business. Your mother’s grown fond of him, regularly inviting him to lunches and even baking for him sometimes.
The Plinths and Snows have become entwined, tangled as branches growing from the same tree. And you’ve let it happen, unaware your parents were allowing a viper into their home.
You want to come clean, deliver your full truth. But the fear of causing them more hurt stitches your lips shut.
Electing to set the matter aside to focus on the one currently before you, you drag your feet downstairs. You can figure out a way to talk to your parents later. 
Right now, there is one person that demands your full attention. 
You’re stunned to see him standing in the lobby. It’s been so long. A lifetime ago it seems. He’s as boyishly handsome as you remember him, dark curls framing his face and vibrant forest orbs sparkling with longing at the sight of you. 
“William,” you greet weakly.
He wastes no time in running to you and wrapping his arms around you. 
“Baby, I’ve missed you so much.” 
Nuzzling the crook of your neck, he takes a long minute to soak in your scent. Your chest twinges.
He steps back from you, his gaze narrowed in suspicion.
“Something’s wrong,” he finally says.
“Maybe we should sit-”
“I’m fine standing up,” he counters. He lifts your chin. “Just talk to me.” Your lips squeeze as your pulse quickens. So many words sizzle your tongue yet none will burst forth. William scoffs in frustration. “I haven’t seen you in weeks. I’ve been going crazy thinking about what possible reasons you could have to stay in Coriolanus Snow’s house of all people. You owe me that at least.”
You give a slow nod.
“You’re right.” 
You swallow the lump in your throat before meeting his gaze.
“William, the truth is…I can’t be with you anymore.”
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littlemissmiller · 4 months
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓉𝒽 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓏𝑒
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Pairing: dark!coriolanus snow x fem!himbo!reader
Summary: snow got rid of highbottom before he could reveal his secrets to winning the games and with with lucy gray back in twelve, all he wants is you. with the victory of the games done, there is only one thing left, the Plinth family fortune. at the award dinner however, coriolanus thinks you’re not behaving just how he’d like it, so he decides to do something about it….
Warning: 21+ (drinking), smut, praise kink, dom!snow, sub! reader, degeneration (use of whore, slut), spanking, p in v, oral (m receiving), cum play, rough sex, dirty talk, possession, jealousy, slight obsession, reader is innocent (but not a virgin)
Word count: 7k
A/N: y’all….y’all this one is spiccccy like 🌶️🔥🥵 idk where this came from but another one just sitting in the vault…and i also realized that i wrote this before i wrote Bad Press and His Good Girl (go read those if you haven’t) and this one is kind of both of those stories combined. i think they walked so this one could run in a way because even some of these lines shocked me 🤭 so anyways strap in, buckle up, and enjoy ❦
Tonight will be perfect. The Plinth Prize dinner. To celebrate the young academy student who won the prestigious award. Coriolanus buttons his new, freshly pressed white linen shirt. It was custom made to his exact measurements and Tigris had taken it upon herself to adorn the shirt with a little color and design. A simple red rose on the shirt pocket. It worked well as a simple white button up, even with the rose hidden under a blazer or sports coat, the subtle design is perfect. He straightens up when he hears a small, repetitive knock at his door. So quiet and timid and afraid. He knows it’s you, but calls out asking who it is anyways. You open the door and peek inside.
“My love? The Grandma’am says breakfast is ready.”
Coriolanus looks over his shoulder. There you stand, halfway in the doorway. Your eyes wide and lips showing him a soft smile.
He smiles back and as he finishes the last button, he takes a seat on the edge of his bed. He laces up a pair of black dress shoes. You tentatively walk further into the room, your eyes simply admiring the man you get to call your own.
“You’re here early today, pet.” He smiles glancing up at you
“Of course. I want to soak in every possible moment I have with you today. Today is all about you. How smart you are.” You say taking a step towards him. “How clever and ambitious.” You take another couple of steps. Coriolanus is now swelling with so much pride he can barely contain himself. You know how your words stir him up.
“Come sit.” Coriolanus commands, patting his leg, taking a seat on the edge of his bed.
You glide over to him, landing softly in this thigh. You wrap your arms around his neck and instantly put his hand in on your body. His finger trails up and down your thigh slowly, gently back and forth.
“My life is about to change, dove. Soon The Snow’s will have a nicer penthouse, or a new home entirely. With a garden for the Grandma’am, and a studio for Tigris.” He whispers, beginning to place a soft kiss on your neck. “And for you. A beautiful bedroom, with a balcony and a bath. Big enough for us both to lay in. While our maid brings us posca to sip. Better yet, champagne. Would you like that?” He asks, his hot breath fanning your ear. You’re too caught up in the fantasy of you lying against him in a huge porcelain bath that you don’t respond at first. He tugs on your earlobe with his teeth to regain your attention.
“You want that don’t you?”
You nod “Yes Coryo, I want that.”
“Good. I’ve already started looking for new places and I think I might have found the perfect place. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Not until I officially have the Plinth fortune in my hands.”
“You deserve it. It’s like you say… Snow lands on top.”
“Snow lands on top.” He smiles. He turns your head to face him and he kisses you. His lips are so soft against yours. He takes his time with the kiss he places upon you. Slowly teasing and dragging it out, making you grow needy for him. His fingers graze your chin and the side of your jaw. He pulls back all too soon for you, giving you a devilish grin.
“You will be beautiful tonight. That black dress I bought you, will be stunning at the Plinth family table. You might get mistaken for the main course.” He breaths, trailing his fingers down your throat. His other hand starts to delicately touch your thigh again.
“Or maybe I’ll just save you for dessert later.” His hand trails under your skirt and to your clothed core. He grazes over your slit and you shudder “Mmm good girl.” He kisses your jaw “Now” he pats your thigh “will you be a sweetheart for me and fix up my plate? I’ll be out soon.”
“Of course. Looks like eggs, sausage links, and cubed potatoes.”
“Perfect.” He smiles, before pecking your lips. You hop off his lap, fix your skirt and walk out of his room, turning back to smile at him one last time before you went into the kitchen. Coriolanus feels good. You always make him feel like a man. A man who deserves everything he gets. A smart man who knows how to obtain power and keep it. And you’re so loyal to him. So caring as his woman should be. Attentive to his needs and desires. Yet, you still have much to prove.
Coriolanus was anticipating tonight for many reasons. The prize money that was finally his, to show to his peers at the Academy, and to an extent, Panem. To show that he is living up to his family name. That he was in fact not a poor hungry boy anymore and that this was just the beginning of his many fames and fortunes. Yet, another thought lingered in the back of the blonde headed boy’s mind. You. And how you would behave tonight. You’re not “bratty” per se, but it was no lie you had a fiery side to you, which Coriolanus was cautious of. You could be bold, and it was no lie you had an intimidating aura that surrounds you. Similar to Coriolanus and you appreciate the civility of your class. You know what’s expected of you in the high society of the Capital. So tonight, Coriolanus expects it to be a night where you could really prove yourself to him. Show him how ready you are to stand by his side and unequivocally show support as he takes his rightful first steps into power. He is ready.
As the day went by, the anticipation for dinner flooded his thoughts. Soon he would be in the possession of the most sought after wealth in all of Panem. It would be all his. Too bad high as a kite, Casca Highbottom, wasn’t here to witness it all go down. Coriolanus would have liked it if he had at least witnessed the moment he won the prize. Even though the announcement of the prize money came before his death, it would have been nice to shove it in his face. Meanwhile, in the reality of the lab, Coriolanus kept his head down in his work. He didn’t quite care much for getting hands-on in experiments, but as one Dr. Gaul’s personal favorite, Coriolanus was able to avoid such work and stick to research. He was a much better writer anyways.
“Snow! How are you my boy?” Dr. Gaul’s voice rings out as she walks toward him
“Doing well.”
“It’s a big day.” She hisses and Coriolanus nods
“Yes. I’m looking forward to this evening.” He agrees
“Much anticipated. I hope to meet the lovely woman I keep seeing accompanying you these days. She’s no Lucy Grey is she?”
Coriolanus pauses for a moment to gather himself and his anger with a half hearted chuckle.
“Well that’s because she’s not a means to an end this time Dr. Gaul.” He smirks, “I think you’ll find her to be charming.”
“Charming.” She repeats and walks off
Dr. Gaul was not wrong about you being no Lucy Gray, but that’s not why she was bringing his past up. Coriolanus knew it was meant to get under his skin. A way to remind him of that summer. The games and the girl he left behind. Coriolanus thought he had loved her, but once she got back to twelve, she was back to singing about her old lover and Coriolanus knew that she had played him as smoothly as her guitar. So he blocked her out, forgot about her and cleaned up her loose ends, which included taking care of Highbottom as soon as the games had ended. Then, with a new found sense of confidence he decided it was time to settle a long lasting urge. You. You had always been in his view. A long standing school boy crush that he could never quite seem to shake. You were perfect for him too. Your family had been historic in Panem. One of the few heirs of a family lineage that used to be famous back before Panem came to power. Coriolanus didn’t feel as if he was good enough back when you were schoolmates so he considered you to be an unattainable fantasy until he had more power and wealth. Yet, Lucy Gray had enchanted him, drawn his eyes away from you like a siren and he crashed his ship. He fell into a whirlwind of emotions he had never felt before, but it was all a lie.
The week after the games, Coriolanus took matters into his own hands. After his last encounter with Highbottom, he sought you out. And of course you said yes. How could you not say yes to his confession of love and off the heels of his victory? So tonight, he would show that not only was he over Lucy Gray, but he would be showing you off and he only hopes you wouldn’t make a fool of him. The announcement of his courtship of you had become semi-public, but most of Panem was still curious as to how the young Snow was holding up now that “his girl” was back in twelve. He would show them and he would show you.
As he dresses for this evening, he tries not to maul over Dr. Gaul’s words.
She’s no Lucy Gray…She’s no Lucy Gray…She’s no-
Coriolanus curses himself to shut up. He feels shameful for not flooding his thoughts with anything but you. You and your perfect body. Your elegant curves, your soft skin. Coriolanus tried to imagine you on his bed, your beautiful body spread completely naked for him. Since taking you as his own, Coriolanus had not found time for you and him to be together in that way. He wants you. He wants you bare beneath him, hands trailing your sides as you whimper and whine for him to give you more. And, oh how pretty you would look as he ravished and lapped up your wetness. Better yet, how pretty would you look on your knees, mouth agape and ready. Your glossy lips, so ready for him. His imagination seizes as soon as he hears a tapping at the door.
“Hey. Oh wow….” Tigris exclaims “Oh Coryo look at you!”
He looks back at her. Tigris is as equally well dressed as he. It’s clear she made her own dress tonight, a simple long sleeve, navy dress, with gold embroidery on the sleeve. Coriolanus turns to look at himself in the mirror. Slicking his hair back, he admires himself in his all black suit. Tigris approaches him, brushes off and lint from his shoulders, and pins a white rose to his lapel. He smiles and nods at her.
“Thank you. I wouldn’t have thought to add it.”
“Oh I would. Didn’t you see the inside of your jacket? She asks
Coriolanus had noticed that Tigris had modified his evening jacket with a sublet white stitching pattern, but hadn’t taken a close enough look. He pulls it back. Little white rose. So little and intricate it was practically hidden in plain sight.
“Always such clever craftsmanship, cousin.” He beams
“Oh Coryo” she sighs “You look so much like your father.”
Coriolanus smiles, once again admiring his handsome features and how good he looks with the new touches to his suit.
“Thank you. I wouldn’t be here without you and the Grandma’am.” He remarks not knowing what else to say
“Don’t sell yourself short. We’re so proud of you Coryo. I know that's cheesy but I had to say it before the night got away from us.”
Tigris leaves to help the Grandma’am get ready and Coriolanus lets his driver know he’s ready to go. They drive to your house, and Coriolanus is taken aback when he finally sees you. Your sleek, velvet dress hugs your body so perfectly. The back dips low and the front shows just enough cleavage to tease. And you have adorned yourself with beautiful silver jewelry. A necklace with a line pendant leading to your cleavage, several bracelets, and small hoop earrings.
Coriolanus keeps his hand deliberately on your thigh as you and him make your way to The University, where the dinner is being held. He glances over at you, and admires your soft features. The dip in your collarbone looks so inviting to kiss, your neck and jawline shaped perfectly by the sliver. You look so flawless, so ideal and to his liking, but Coriolanus was cautious with his compliments. He had told you that you look beautiful when he saw you, but that was all for now. If you behave as exceptionally as you look, then he’d be sure to reward you. As the grand pillars of The University draw closer into view, Coriolanus squeezes your thigh. You look over at him, smiling and he trails his fingers across your jaw. You desperately want to kiss him, so you lean in. He gives you a few small pecks on your lips and you smile. He gives you one last peck before pulling back. The car comes to a slow stop and you look out the window at the entryway to The University.
“Are you ready?” Coriolanus asks and you nod.
He exits the vehicle and pulls around to open your door. You step out of the car, taking the extended hand out to you. You and him walk inside and your stomach flutters. You feel nervous, not wanting to displease your boyfriend on one of his most important nights. You smooth out your dress and tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Coriolanus takes hold of your hand and you both walk into the venue. The entrance is adorned with white and gold banners, with rope lights hanging from the ceiling. There are round tables scattering the floor and a long table in the back of the room. Coriolanus ushers you both to the long table. Several heads turn as you and him walk up. The faint whispers and admiration swirls in the air around you. Once at the table, Coriolanus pulls up a seat for you.
Next to you, is Sejanus Plinth with the rest of the Plinth family. He waves to you and Coriolanus. You take it upon yourself to dive into conversation with him, seemingly unaware of how you are ignoring your boyfriend. He snakes a hand finger the table and onto your thigh. It causes you to glance over momentarily, you pause, smile at him, then soon return to your conversation with Sejanus. Soon enough, posca and wine is being served and Coriolanus takes a flute of posca off a server tray. You take a flute of champagne in contrast and so does Sejanus. Why are you drinking champagne with Sejanus and not posca with him? Are you trying to get drunk? Are you trying to get him drunk? Coriolanus decides to finally insert himself into the conversation and get your attention back. As he’s about to speak, Tigris and the Grandma’am make their arrival and sit next to him.
“Are we late?” Tigris asks
“No uh- you’re fine, you’re fine” he starts “darling why don’t we go make our way around the room?” He announces, turning to you suddenly. He takes your hand, stands up, and takes you off with him in no particular direction. You tell Sejanus that you’ll talk to him in a bit, which makes Coriolanus’s blood boil. He takes you to a group of students who you had never met. His hand finds the small of your back as he makes small talk with your fellow soon to be University classmates. You have never met Coriolanus friends and was almost certain he didn’t have any besides Sejanus. You find it curious at this moment then, why he has pulled you away to talk to who you always assumed were mere acquaintances. You occasionally glance at him, then around the room, hoping to see if you can politely excuse yourself to catch up with your own friends. He notices your inattentiveness, lightly squeezing on your hip whenever your eyes are drawn away from him and his company for too long.
You soon spot a girl from your book club and excuse yourself to go greet her. Coriolanus masks his disapproval in your decision and begrudgingly lets you go off. He continues his facade and turns his attention back to his group of peers. They are all very interested in him, yet Coriolanus couldn’t be less interested in them. They ask him questions about what he plans to do with his prize money, besides going to The University, and too many questions about the games.
She’s no Lucy Gray
The words echo in his mind again.
He glances at you, still chatting with your friend. He half mindedly answers another question about his plans to study politics, trying to refocus his attention back to the group. He was fuming on the inside and his need for politeness traps him to the spot. The small talk was getting to him. He didn’t expect to have to stand here and entertain these people for so long. After all he was only using them as a means to get you away from Sejanus, who unbeknownst to Coriolanus, is making his way back to you.
You, on the other hand, are finally enjoying yourself. Feeling free from the confines of your role as Coriolanus’s date. Even though your romantic relationship has only spanned the course of a few weeks, the expectations to be Coriolanus’s girlfriend has been challenging. His new found wealth, victory, and fame has set everything off. His attitude has changed, his image of himself, and the idea that he belongs on top has become the driving force of his life. You had a feeling that Coriolanus used to be much softer, more gentle, and more vulnerable. Now, you got this new side of him and you barely even knew what he was like before all this. He’s such a mystery to you. Your attention refocuses as Sejanus makes his way to you and your friend. You include him in the conversation, happy to be talking to one of the few people in the Capital who seem to be above the pomp and circumstance. Coriolanus is perfect for you, but he was a traditionalist and upheld the many social rules the Capitol citizens had manufactured. As did you, and you knew your place, but weren’t found if it. Having someone like Sejanus around made you feel less alone in your feelings. You let out a small laugh as Sejanus makes conversation with you which Coriolanus manages to pick up on.
He whips around to look at you. There you are, giggling like a pathetic little school girl at Sejanus. Didn’t you get the point? Why the hell are you trying to embarrass him like this? Coriolanus abruptly excuses himself. He swipes two glasses of posca and bee lines for you.
“Here my love. I notice your glass is empty.” He barges forward, taking the empty champagne flute from your hand and replacing it with the posca glass.
“Thank you dear.” You smile trying to mask the confusion you feel about his seemingly on edge behavior tonight. Coriolanus consciously sips on his own posca, looking at Sejanus. Senjanus however, is none the wiser. He gives Coriolanus a goofy smile, which sends his hand trailing down to clutch your hip. He rubs his thumb lightly against you, and you take a drink from your own glass, feeling slightly put off.
“I was going to make our way back to our seats before dinner is officially served. I think your father has a speech prepared for tonight.” He nods to Sejanus, before dragging you back to the table
“Coryo?!” You whisper, your confusion drawing to a peak and your frustration taking over.
Coriolanus stays silent, throwing fake smiles towards people as you make your way to the front of the room. He grips your hand, and you reclaim your seat. He glances at you, sneering slightly. You find Tigris’s face to see if she has picked up on his mood and of course she has. She gives you a concerning look, yet shakes her head as if she’s confused. You’re not sure if you find it reassuring or feel more worried.
“Coryo? Is there something wrong?”
“Later.” He sneered harshly
Just then, Dr. Gaul approaches the table. Coriolanus taps your leg, indicating for you to stand and greet her.
“Hello again Mr. Snow.”
“Dr. Gaul” he smiles and introduces you to her.
“Yes, I’m familiar with your family history. What an honor it must be to have such a name. I’m sad I never got to have you as my student. ”
“It’s a true honor” you lie, you could care less about your name and the history behind it to live a normal life.
“Well Mr. Snow you certainly are lucky to have such a pleasant date night.” She smirks, sounding as if she is revolted by your existence, but masks it well enough to toe the line.
You fake a smile and look at Coriolanus, holding his shoulder with pride.
“Yes we are having a wonderful evening too.”
“How nice. A word before dinner, Snow?”
Coriolanus nods and follows Dr. Gaul. Meanwhile Sejanus scoots closer to you to re-engages in conversation. Dr. Gaul leads Coriolanus to the bar where she orders a glass of posca.
“I just got word of an opportunity I wanted to tell you about.”
“Of course.”
“Would you, instead of mentoring this year’s hunger games, want to take a chance at playing game maker?”
“Game maker? You think I should.”
“You’re a wonderfully, brilliant boy Coriolanus. I can see so much more in Your ideas in your final semester essay that tells me everything I need to know. Think about it and if you write a decent enough application it’s yours.”
“Well thank you Dr. Gaul for letting me know. I will definitely be considering it.”
“Good. And oh your date…she’s very lovely. I see you two working well together…”
“I’m glad you found her charming then.”
“Oh…no Mr. Snow. Not quite yet, but she certainly seems to be charming the young Mr. Plinth over there.”
Coriolanus turns back around to see Senjanus cozying back up to you. He contains his anger as he excuses himself back to you, making sure to thank Dr. Gaul for presenting him the opportunity of game maker. He rushes back to his seat, squeezing in while you are still mid-conversation with Sejanus. He squeezes your thigh. The rest of the evening feels tense. Eventually, Strabo Plinth made a speech about the importance of Academic pursuits and ambitions. He mentioned the games, Coriolanus’s victory and what it meant to be an exemplary Panem citizen above all else. As he talks, Coriolanus is locked into every word, but makes sure to keep you in his sight. You too are locked in, your hand on top of your boyfriend’s thigh, squeezing it occasionally. Little do you know that for so many reasons at this moment, Coriolanus is still angry, but also turned on. Fueled by jealousy over Sejanus, but the words of Strabo’s speech in combination with your hand on him, was making his cock hard.
Despite embarrassing him earlier in the night, you now sat there beautifully by his side. You seem attentive and engaged, and the physical touch is all he needs to know that you’re there. He shifts in his seat and stands as Strabo calls him up to receive the prize. You stand with him, ever so proud. He kisses you, then walks up, shaking Strabo’s hand as he takes the velvet red envelope with the check for the prize money in hand. You tune everything out and focus on the gorgeous man in front of you. Even though you’re still somewhat confused, you can’t help but admire him like this. Confident and on the verge of greatness. His expression screams that nothing will stand in his way.
As the evening wraps up, Coriolanus finds himself wrapped in so many conversations he is starting to feel like a broken record. He stands not too far from you as you talk to Tigris.
“Was he nervous at home? Before he picked me up?” You ask
“No. I’m not quite sure what’s gotten into him to be honest dear. All the excitement perhaps.He seems better now that he has the award.
You sign, shrugging your shoulders. Sejanus returns back to his seat with two glasses of posca in his hand.
“You look like you could use a drink.”
“Perhaps one last one” you smirk
“Is everything ok?” He asks
“Yes. I’m enjoying the evening just…you’re close with Coryo…do you notice he’s acting on edge?”
“Slightly yeah. I’m not sure why.”
“Me either…” you hang your head and take a sip of your drink.
As if he was summoned by the mere mention of his name, he is standing behind you. You look up at him with innocent eyes and set your glass down.
“I’m ready to go. People are starting to leave.” He murmurs, holding his hand out. He bids Tigris a goodbye, promising to see her at home and gives the Grandma’am a kiss on the cheek goodbye, thanking them both for coming. Once in the car, Coriolanus is consumed in his emotions. His leg shakes furiously as he looks out the window. He hides part of his face with his mouth and ignores you. You roll up the driver partition and place a hand on his shaking leg.
“Coryo, please what’s wrong, love?”
He takes a deep breath and looks further into the window. You touch his shoulder and he turns to you.
“You really would rather be with Sejanus” He snaps
“I saw you around him. He’s not bad looking, I get it, he’s innocent right. Is that the appeal? Innocent little privileged district boy.”
“Coryo…you can’t be serious?”
“The future First Lady of Panem. Acting like you can flirt around and embarrass me. Tonight of all nights…” he mumbles not loud enough for you to hear.
When the car stops, it isn’t your house it pulls up to. Coriolanus exits the vehicle and swings around to open your door. You get out and he trails behind you. Once in his house he storms into the kitchen, and pours himself a glass of whiskey. He takes a sip and removes his sports coat, placing it on the back of a chain. You tentatively follow him, still keeping your distance. His back is turned to you, his chest rising and falling.
“He’s a friend.”
“He’s my friend too, but I wasn’t hanging around him all night.” He rolls his eyes
“Can I not make conversation with him? I support you through and through, but those types of events are so much. I’ve never enjoyed them, but I went for you.”
“And embarrassed me. Couldn’t you see him flirting with you. Getting you drinks, making you laugh. It was pathetic really.” He snaps, downing his whiskey and pouring himself another. Dr. Gaul sure noticed. Thought I was a fucking cuckhold. Now she thinks I can’t even hold my women down.”
“She said that?”
“She didn’t have to say anything. She saw you.” He huffs
“He’s nothing to me ok Coriolanus! You think I’d rather be with someone who still calls their mother Ma?” You bark back
Coriolanus looks at you for a moment and pauses. Then, he strides towards you, capturing your face, locking his lips with your own. It was the last thing you’d expect of him. As he moves his lips against yours, passion and hunger overtaking his mind. Feeling even more confused than at the dinner, you pull away and look at him. He pants, clearly needy for more.
“I don’t understand?”
“You think he’s beneath you?”
“I well…he’s not you. I’d rather have the boy with the prize than the boy whose namesake it belongs to.”
Coriolanus pulls you closer to him, he hooks his finger along the front line of your dress, his other hand cups your ass.
“And do you know who you belong to?” He sneers
“Good girl”
He pulls you back to him, his forehead pressing against yours. He pinches your chin, lets out a small smirk and kisses you again. He gropes your ass harshly, landing a fat smack. You yelp in surprise.
“I bet Sejanus just wishes he could feel you like this.”
“Shh it’s ok baby. He wants you. He wants you so bad, but he can’t have you….” He noted, grinding his crotch against you. “No he can’t. Because who do you belong to again?”
You close your eyes and rest your forehead again, his nodding, barely able to speak as your mind turns to jelly.
He grips your chin and cheeks, smooshing your face. “Look at me. Who. Do. You..belong to?”
“You” you whimper
He gives you a few light, little slaps to the face.
“That’s right you belong to me. Not Sejanus. You’re mine.”
You nod and he lets go of his grip on your face. He’s hungry for you, it's clear. His lust filled eyes are dark and needy.
“D-do you want to hurt me? Am I being punished?
“No baby, of course I don’t want to actually hurt you…” he coos, chucking slightly “but I think you need to be put in your place a little. Let me ask you something? Do you want to be First Lady of Panem? Stand by my side from this day and help me rise to the top? You want it too don’t you?” He chuckles
He wasn’t wrong. Despite your distaste for your family’s fame and history, to stand by Coriolanus’s side. It would be a dream. You had been fond of him for a while, but like Coriolanus, you thought it was too good to be true. You nod your head at his question and in response he wraps his hand under your chin.
“Tell me” he demands
“Yes, Coyro. I do.”
He pulls you in for another kiss, soft lips landing harshly against yours. He fights for dominance and you give in, letting his mouth consume your own. He pushes his tongue in, swirling it with yours. He breaks from the kiss to start attacking your neck. He nibbles and kisses down your throat, causing you to elicit a soft moan from your lips. He smirks against your skin, causing you to shutter.
“Coyro…a-a-are you sure you want out first time to be like this?”
“Yes doll, especially after tonight.” He hisses
“I-I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” You stutter
“I know and that’s exactly why I need to show you how to act. By showing you first who you belong to. To show you’re mine.
He dives for your neck, lips trailing down your skin.
“Do you not want me talking to anyone but you then?”
“No my dear, I just can’t have you making a fool of yourself anymore by letting men like Sejanus flirt with you. And once I mark you up a little…” he pauses, his hand coming up to cup under your chin. He rubs his thumb along the base of it. “They’ll know to back off.”
Coriolanus’s words sink in as harshly into you as his teeth do as he nibbles down on your neck. He sucks and bites, leaving beautiful wine red marks on you. He pulls back momentarily to admire his work. He lets out a soft sigh, pleased with himself. He trails his fingers around the spots he marked up and smirks. He dives back in, licking a long, broad stripe up your neck, and up to your ear. You whimper some more, the sensation of his tongue causing your cunt to drip. His hands snake down to cup your ass, he wants to carry you to his bedroom. He moves his arms to lift your legs around his waist. He hoists you up, causing your dress to ride up your thighs. You let out a soft yelp of surprise. He smacks your ass, causing you to let out a more clear squeal. He starts to move towards his bedroom, holding you tightly against his chest. You cling to him, your lips finding his neck and you place a few cautious kisses.
Once in his bedroom he flops you down on the bed, you gasp. Looking up at him, you shutter in excitement, but still feeling fearful. He notices, smirking at you again
“It’s ok my pet, be a good girl for me?” He demands, his tone a warning
You nod and he clicks his tongue at you.
“Tsk…” he has a seat at the edge of the bed. He pulls your ankles towards him, your ass sliding over his hips and settling onto his crotch. He pushes your dress further up your body and over your head. You grunt, arching your back. He tosses the dress on the ground, his hand touches you again, fingers trailing down your figure slowly. He admires you for a moment. Then, with a devilish grin taking over his handsome features, he squeezes your thigh and tosses it across your body. Laying on your stomach in anticipation, you feel exposed. He rolls up his sleeves, then rubs his hand over your ass. He readjusts your lacy black panties to expose more of your butt to him and he lands a firm slap on you. You squirm and yelp, his other hand holds you back down as he gives you another slap to the ass. He grips your hair, forcing your cheek up to his nose.
“I like good girls who know how to use their words. Now when I ask you something I want you to use your words. Got it?”
“Yes..” you whimper
He rubs your ass, his hand moving in slow, soft, big circles.
“Yes sir?”
“Yes sir” you bite your lip
Coriolanus proceeds to slap your ass over and over again, each cheek getting redder and redder. He gropes and massages you at the same time, making sure to occasionally dip his fingers over your clothed cunt and rub slowly. Each time you would try not to squirm, but it’s nearly impossible not to. He spreads your legs a little to gain better access to your pussy. Coriolanus moves your panties aside, spits on his hand, then dips his fingers into your aching slit. You cry out in surprise, landing you a fast, sharp slap this time.
“Don’t act surprised. Don’t act like you didn’t expect it. Any of it. Keep being my good girl and tell me who you belong to again…” he growls
“Y-you sir.”
“Again” he demands
“You. I belong to you Coriolanus.”
He gives you another slap, smiles to himself, then snakes his hand under your stomach through the back of your legs. He lifts you up as he stands, turning around and placing you on the bed, ass up, ready for him. You look behind you and watch him as he unbuckles his belt. You bite your lip in anticipation as he pulls his pants down, bringing his boxers with him. You gasp as you watch his cock spring out. He notices you staring and moves his hand to your hair. He shoves your face into the pillows.
“This isn’t for you to enjoy tonight. Another night we will do this properly, I’ll let you touch me, kiss me, but tonight, I’m in control.”
He moves your panties to the side and you bury your face into the mattress, forcing yourself to muffle your moans as his thick member spreads your core. He leaves you no time to let you adjust and he trusts in you, every so often slapping your ass. He doesn’t let up, chasing his pleasure like prey. You turn your head to breathe, gasping as he practically shoves you into the mattress.
“I’ll treat you how you deserve next time. I promise you my sweet. Because next time I know you won’t act up. Right. You won’t let Sejanus flirt with you.
“Yes sir” you squeal
“Ooooh goood girrrl” he purrs speeding up
The lewd sounds of his balls slapping against your pussy fills the entire room, along with your cries of pleasure. It only encourages him to grab your hair tighter. Tangling it up in his fingers, he pulls you close to him. He starts to fuck up into you like a toy and all you can do is take it. Your mind is numb, brain all fucked out.
“Seems like you know your place now hmm. Are you going to obey me, my love? Not flirt and flaunt around like a common whore?”
“N-no sir”
“Because this is how a common whore is treated. They get treated like a little naughty play thing. Like the filthy little sluts they are.” He snarls
He pounds into you like it’s the last time he’ll ever fuck you. His deliberate, hard thrusts are almost too much to bare and you feel your orgasm creep up on you. All the sudden, you clench and spasm around him. You cum hard, harder than you expect. He whispers continuously praises of “good girl” over and over until he finally finishes, dumping his thick seed into your hole. He fills you up, pulling out slowly and watching as his cum drips out of you. He admires you, his middle finger rubbing up your folds, and into you, shoving the cum back inside you. He pats your ass and you lower yourself. He strips himself of the rest of his clothes, crawling next to you on the bed. He leans against the headboard and you flip over, curling up to him.
“I promise next time it will be sweeter. I just can’t let you get away with that behavior and now…” he kisses your temple “you never will..”
“I promise I won’t let Sejanus flirt with me again.”
“Good. I’ll make sure to send my own message to him.” He smirks, his fingers dancing around your sore neck
“Coryo!” You exclaim in fear
“Shh baby it’s ok. He won’t get hurt, just tuck his tail and run home to his Ma” Coriolanus chuckles, his mocking tone making you laugh a little
“I promise I won’t let him do that again” you nod
“That’s my girl…now get on your knees.” He insists and you nod.
You crawl onto the floor, ushering yourself in between his legs.
“Mouth open, tongue out.” He instructs
You obey and look up at him. You flatten your tongue against your bottom lip and open wide. He coos at you, rubbing his length across your face, teasing his tip along parted lips. Then he pushes in, causing you to gag.
“Fucking suck it.”he sneered
You nod and bob your head, getting his cock nice and wet.
“Oh there you go.”
He holds the back of your head, moving his hips as you take more of him into your mouth. He bites his lip harshly, grunting aggressively. His cock hits the back of your throat over and over and over again. He pulls away for a moment, watching in awe as a line of saliva trails from your lips to the tip of his dick. He wipes it up, sticking his thumb in your mouth. Your lips wrap around it and suck. He smiles at you, slapping your face again. Your eyes water, small tears falling down your cheek from the sting of the pain. But you like this. You liked his dominance in a way that you didn’t expect or realize.
“You’re pretty. Do you like this cock in your mouth?
“Yes sir.”
“Yes Daddy?”
“Yes Daddy.” You nod and he shoves himself back into your mouth.
He lets out a long, staggering moan. He moves his hips more slowly this time, watching your little mouth stretch around him. He pulled away the way out, taking his length in his hand and slapping against your lips. He continues to let his greed overtake him, moving his balls close to your face. You suck them into your mouth and he let out a loud groan.
“Oh fuck you know how to make me feel amazing don’t you baby. S’good for me” he tosses his head back.
Your lips feel so soft and perfect around his cock it makes him want to bust again. You stroke him as you continue sucking on his balls, feeling that he’s close again. With a few more strokes, he finishes. He holds your chin and pressed the tip to your lips. You part them and let the white sticky cum paint the inside of your throat.
“Ohmygod baby girl…fuck look at you.” He pants and you swallow his load. It wasn’t as heavy going down your throat and you take it down with a loud gulp. He tilts your face up to look at him, his blue eyes clouded with lust.
“Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes Coriolanus”
“Good. Next time you’ll get what you actually deserve.”
You nodded, feeling fucked out and spent. You continue to nod and he pulls you up, kisses you fiercely, some of his cum pressing onto his lips.
He pulled away, whipping it off his lips and shoving it into your mouth.
“Yeah, you learn quickly don’t you. You’ll make a great First Lady.” He whispered
“I hope to be”
“Good. I think you will be. If you continue to learn like you do, this life will be easy on you pet”
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petrichor-han · 3 months
ALSO WAIT I HAVE ANOTHER IDEA i'm curious to know ur softest soft thots about coryo bc i feel like that'll be a challenge and i wanna see what you come up with. like he'd be so subtle with it you'd barely notice if you weren't paying attention but i am delusional enough to believe i could fix him (or make him worse) 💋
WC | 1.7k
WARNINGS | explicit language, kissing, (slightly) toxic relationship
A/N | OHOHO OKAY I HAVE THOUGHTS!! this kinda turned into “soft (and sorta angsty thoughts bc he has trauma) in a relationship with coryo” my bad :/ (but nothing too sad there’s happy endings) and this is also broken up into 3 sections because i think he’d react kinda differently depending on which era he’s in (academy, peacekeeper, president) <33 tysm for sending in requests bae, working on the other ones now!! (and as for everyone else seeing this, my requests are open until JULY 16!! please send one in if you're interested <3)
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academy!coryo is still quite shy and hesitant (in comparison to his other eras), especially when it comes to something like romance—something he doesn’t have much experience in at all. 
he likes to act all coy and smug, especially in the beginning of the relationship. this is a front that he puts up to hide his insecurities; from his lack of romantic experience to the secrets hidden inside the walls of his penthouse. 
in the beginning, you’d come to him. after all, he’s your boyfriend. even if he wasn’t much for PDA, he’d never turn down a hand hold or push you away if you stood to close to him—though that was about his limit. 
in private however, he’d let you do whatever you wanted. he secretly loved all of the kisses and cuddles even if he’d never admit it—even if he’d never show it. every time you tried to be affectionate with him, he’d stiffen slightly and stop any sort of reciprocation immediately. 
naturally, this hurt your feelings, so you stopped. he noticed immediately, realizing that instead of sitting in his lap and playing with his hair you elected to simply sit beside him, with a few inches of space between the two of you. 
he’d feel fear creeping into his veins almost immediately, thinking that this means you’re going to leave him, and it’d all be his fault for being unable to receive affection. 
however, coriolanus is also a stubborn man. he doesn’t want to budge, he doesn’t want to be the one reaching out to you, even if that’s how a healthy relationship works—mutual communication. 
instead, he starts doing little things for you, trying to show you affection through ways other than more traditional ones like physical touch or words of affirmation—the ones that you tended to resort to when it came to him. 
 he starts bringing you little gifts, little things that he could just place in your hands with a hesitant kiss to the forehead. a tiny folded paper crane, a four leaf clover, a shiny hair clip—the last one you’re almost sure once belonged to tigris or grandma’am. 
the gifts are never cheap; they’re simple. after all, you’re a girl that deserves the best, and even though coriolanus can’t afford the most luxurious trinkets for you, he makes sure that the ones he does gift you are up to par. he’d never let his lover be spotted wearing something cheap, tacky, or meaningless. 
he’s also very adept at picking up on your emotions, and he uses this to time his gifts to you precisely. for example, when you’re having a bad day, he’ll surprise you with a gift, trying to make you feel better. he might not be the best at comforting you or offering kind advice, but he lends a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a little extra something that he knows you’ll love. 
once you start showing him affection again, he allows himself to enjoy it. instead of pulling away when you kiss him on the cheek, he leans closer. when you drape your legs over his lap, he places a hand on your thigh instead of stiffening up and avoiding eye contact. 
it might be subtle, but you can tell that he really means it—and he really cares about you, despite his aloof exterior. 
peacekeeper!coryo is still quite similar to academy!coryo in the sense that he tries to make things up with simple little gifts instead of talking things out or expressing his emotions more outwardly, but the biggest difference is his attitude about it. 
while academy!coryo might have come off as cold, he really didn’t mean it—really, his aloofness was due to his fear and lack of experience. however, peacekeeper!coryo is cold—and he means it.
he doesn’t have time for anything completely serious, so he keeps you on the side. however, you’re well aware of this, and this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t treat you well—he’s still a gentleman, after all. he wasn’t raised to disrespect women like that. 
your time together mainly consists of wandering around the forest together (the only place in the district that you can get any privacy) or the barracks, when the other peacekeepers are out. the time in the barracks is rare, as he has to sneak away from training or whatever activity they have planned in order to come see you, so a majority of your rendezvous take place in the forest. 
this doesn’t stop him from making the most of the situation, however. the two of you could sit in a field bordering the forest and just talk for hours. no one understands him the way you do, and you feel similarly. 
he never tells you the truth about his past, but he doesn’t lie either—he settles for something in between, something that makes him appear better than he really is. he wants you to think highly of him, and the bitter truth gnaws at him as long as the two of you are together. 
in return, you’re so honest with him that it almost hurts his heart. you tell him about your family, your friends, how scared you are every time the hunger games come around again, not only for yourself but for everyone around you. you might not be a perfect person, but you don’t want to see unnecessary suffering either—something that sets you quite far apart from coriolanus. 
often, he’ll lay your head in your lap as you tell him a story or talk about something mundane in your everyday life—he finds your “boring” stories just as fascinating as the fairy tales that you can recite by heart—and listen quietly as his hands search the dewy grass below for four leaf clovers, which he will place in the palm of your hand gently with a rare shy smile. 
the smile will disappear every time there’s the threat of someone else seeing the two of you, and it won’t appear again for days. 
there’s nothing he fears more than being caught with the exact kind of person that he claims to hate. 
every now and then he’ll drop by your place, making sure to peek around the corner and check for any nosy fellow peacekeepers. he never stays for long and never accepts a cup of tea, but will begrudgingly take a small box of baked goods from you on the way out, even though he insists he could get “something way better” at the bakery down the road. 
the next time you see him again after give him the baked goods, he will tell you that they were really good through a mumbled, sheepish voice. 
president!coryo has it all—power, riches, fame, and you. you’re a picture perfect spouse for him, and you definitely appear as so in the media, which he admires deeply. 
even if the marriage were arranged, he has to admit to himself that there’s no better candidate for his spouse. your performance has enticed him, and he’s beginning to truly feel things for you. it’s changed him—and now he has the resources to spoil you as much as he wants to. 
he gives you any and everything you want, but he takes it away as soon as you upset him. this doesn’t happen often, but whenever you do something that he finds to be less than acceptable, your lovely things disappear as soon as you get them. 
he insists that this is how he shows affection, by training you to be better. not for him, but for yourself. 
in reality, it’s very obvious to you that this is some sort of power play—not his real affection. 
his real affection comes out once in a blue moon, when he’s feeling especially vulnerable. he’s yet to truly open up to you about his past, rather, electing to be vague about certain things so that you can’t piece everything together. 
when he’s in such a mood, he won’t beg for attention from you, but the signs are there. you can feel his intense, icy stare from across the room, burning into you as he wordlessly begs for you to come to him, to coddle him and treat him kinder than he deserves. 
he’s slightly more touchy, his hands lingering on you every chance he gets. his fingers will brush against yours as you hand him a teacup and saucer, and he’ll immediately meet your gaze, his brow furrowed as if he were incredibly desperate. then he’ll look away, clearing his throat and pulling away. he’ll act like you didn’t see his slip-up, his moment of weakness—his humanness. 
when you pick up on the little things, you can’t help but stare at him with your heart aching—how dreadful it must be to have so much weighing on you. perhaps he isn’t the perfect husband, but he’s far from the worst. you feel the urge to comfort him, so you do. you gently lay beside him in bed, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your lips to the soft skin of his neck. he won’t say anything, but he’ll lean into your touch, letting out the softest, quietest sigh of relief and pleasure as your lips dance across his skin. 
alternatively, when you’re having a bad day is when he likes to shower you with gifts. he uses them to reward your good behavior as well as to comfort you when you’re down. anything you mention is there within your grasp with a snap of his fingers. 
he doesn’t say anything too heartfelt, choosing a more subtle “you mentioned this, so I got it for you. hope you feel better” kind of vibe instead. 
but this is still touching, as it means that he’s really listening to you whenever you’re sitting with him and talking his ear off about whatever fun new thing you’ve seen that you want to try. 
coriolanus has never been one to show his emotions outwardly. he’s not much for long love letters or proclamations of love. but he knows how to find alternatives to show that he cares about you, in small ways that you almost take for granted until they’re taken from you. 
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© petrichor-han 2024, all rights reserved.
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we-re-more-than-that · 8 months
I haven't peeped much of it, but I did see people calling Sejanus a spoiled kid and I'm like I LOVE HIM EVEN MORE BC HE IS A SPOILED KID AND HE DIDN'T KNOW HUNGER AND HE STILL KNOWS THAT KEEPING THE STATUS QUO ISN'T THE WAY TO GO.
the empathy of this man
especially when you compare him to mf Coriolanus Snow who KNOWS hunger and STILL thinks people deserve this because they're not people but animals
the parallels between those two; Sejanus, kind because of his nature and nurturing of his mother, ten years in the Capitol and not letting those bullies erode his soul, not letting them harden him, he does NOT betray his kindness even as it could help him integrate better, no, he chooses loneliness no matter what over spoiling his soul
and over there is Coriolanus Snow, who does EVERYTHING for image and status, who fake befriends people on the basis of how they benefit him, having poor Tigris, the literal kindest baby, try to nurture him and pull something good out of him, and she just.. fails
and like, yes, Snow had trauma. but sorry it doesn't excuse becoming a dictator
Sejanus, too, had trauma. they all went through war. while, yes, Sejanus had food to eat, he was plagued by loneliness and guilt all his life and let me remind you this is a KID
people expecting him to be crafting plans just don't get it. he's a teenager that feels guilty as fuck and wants at least a few people to do better if he can't save everyone. because he can't, he can't stand by and watch more cruelties until he MAYBE inherits his father's money. and then what? he's not the only rich person in the Capitol.
either way, it's unlikely he could have led some revolutionary rebellion (he certainly had the grit and passion, though) because he had no backing and the ONE person who he trusted was a mf SNAKE and was actively sabotaging him
where was he gonna get allies for a rebellion? Capitol where he was hated because he wasn't like them? District 2 where he was hated because he didn't belong to them either? District 12 where he was a Peacekeeper, the police of the Capitol?
he was doomed from the start. he was too good and he couldn't play the long game because he was feeling so powerfully about everything and was NOT calculating like Snow. he was not the strategist Snow was.
he was a smart, kind, lonely boy who wanted to do good.
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coryosmin · 8 months
The idea of Coryo being with someone who is the complete opposite of him is just too funny to me. Someone who dresses in soft pastels, puts her hair in big silk ribbons. Someone who’s always feeding the strays in her area, talks to district children with the same tenderness she would capitol children, sips tea with Tigris and Grandma’am, talks about how lovely their roses are and is kind to every living creature that breaths. No ill intentions, no false motives. Just a girl who works at a bakery for fun, not because she needs the money, she doesn’t see herself as better than anyone else. She slips him bags of fresh pastries and tarts every morning, shares them the other classmates even though they don’t deserve them (Sejanus does but that boy be properly fed from his Ma how comes he gets cookies too!😭)
She is full of affection and all he can think is “Howww? There’s no such thing as a pure soul.” But then she smiles and bats her fluffy lashes and he’s like “Fuuuck me! My precious.” And just melts, loses his common sense, has a boner and plots to kill anyone that looks at her wrong. She gets a paper cut from Festus by accident and he’s ready to stab him with a pencil.
yes!! black cat coryo x golden retriever girlfriend. giggles
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softie-rain · 6 months
do you think if sej was dating a high ranked reader in the capitol and while being paired together academy coryo would want to take control and try to take her from sej as he is so fckin power hungry?
This isn't the best lol, I tried. Sorry for any grammar mistakes! 🫶🏻
First thing first, Coriolanus is in denial (as we all know) of his feelings for Sej. Whether you see them as platonic or romantic, Coriolanus spends the whole book lying to himself and saying things like, "I hate him." Still, one thing he truly hates about him is that he has everything when, in Coryo's eyes, he doesn't deserve it.
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So imagine if Sejanus got a girlfriend who's as rich and powerful as him [Sejanus]: Coriolanus would be furious. Why not him? What does Sej have that Coriolanus doesn't other than money?
He'll probably try to "steal you" by showing you what you're missing, though other than by showing off his best looks (he asks Tigris how to style his hair better lmao) he can't do much more. Especially because his wardrobe is limited, and he's too ashamed to undress in front of you (during gym, for example) because of his badly fed body.
He has to be subtle though, because Sejanus still considers him his friend. And Coriolanus would never steal his best friend's girlfriend!
Sejanus is also kind of naïve so if Coriolanus asked to join the two of you on a date or something, he'd probably say yes, thinking Coryo just wants to spend more time with him.
I've seen some fics where Sejanus lets Coriolanus fucks his girlfriend to "teach him" how to please her, but that one's a big no for me. Sejanus' naïve but not that dumb c'mon. Also, he knows how to please you on his own trust me
... but yeah he wouldn't notice if Coriolanus flirted with you. He'd probably think he's just being extremely nice and that's just how he is.
You, on the other hand, after some time understand what Coryo is trying to do. All the compliments he makes, how he's always trying to get your attention... You don't mind it, not really, especially if he's not really that invasive.
He stalks you, follows you home and make sure to go unnoticed so you don't know that.
After maybe, a year? That you and him know each other he'll ask you out.
"So, I was thinking... You and I never hang out together, do we?"
"I mean, we're friends only because you know Sejanus. Why would we?"
His heart broke a little. But you still accept to go out with him, maybe you just hang out in a park for example?
And that's how your relationship works: Coriolanus flirting with you, and trying to (subtly) have you to leave Sejanus. He'll slowly start to try and get more time alone with you, and eventually you'll get close to the point that you're as friends as Sejanus and Coryo are.
Once he gets you to become his close friend (a plan that takes two years minimum tbh. I feel like you and Sejanus started dating at 16, and Coriolanus is a perfectionist. He makes sure all his tactics, every single thing he says to you is carefully planned), this could either go with you leaving Sej for Coryo or stay with Sej. Personally I'd never leave Sejanus if he was my boyfriend BUT leaving this as an """open""" ending so you choose how it goes.
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It's really funny how Gale clearly has more haters than Snow.
It's strange how Snow has sympathizers even. Don't get me wrong, I love him, he's so well written and I thank Suzanne Collins' pen everyday but being a great character doesn't make him a good character...? Tom blyth did an excellent job and I have nothing but love for him. But people act like his Snow and Donald Sutherland's Snow are two different people. I personally don't think Snow had an ounce of goodness in him, or anything to question his fucked morals. That man made deliberate choices. He took the wrong actions on purpose. He chose himself over doing the right thing each time. Sure he was shaken up by Sejanus' death or killing for the first time in the arena (remember though, that made him feel powerful, that says a lot), but that didn't stop him from choosing to do that again. He got worse with time. He was always evil just not accustomed to the consequences I guess? There's not a lot of gray area when it comes to Coriolanus Snow. The sympathizers (there are SO MANY on twitter) often forget that Tigris went through the same things and still chose to be better. Snow was always a terrible person. I can't think of a suitable way to add his inner monologue to the movie but honestly that would have helped immensely because HIS THOUGHTS ARE ALWAYS INSANE and give so much insight into his growth...from a bad person to a far worse person.
Gale on the other hand is a product of war. War has no winners and Gale is the prime example of that. Sure he fought for the "right side", he fought for his people, he fought to save lives but that's didn't protect him from getting innocent blood on his hands. Gale also took the "wrong" actions I guess but unlike Snow, I don't think he had a choice. As Katniss said he's fire, like her. He fought because there was no other option, and he went in with all his heat. He got burned too. He lost a lot, putting aside Katniss, the PTSD and the trauma. He deserves to get shit for killing civilians but there was a lot behind that awful step than just "Gale evil, Gale wanted people (read Prim, most of the fandom would not have cared if it wasn't Prim but that's a topic for another day) dead."
Gale is a far more complex person than Snow (I didn't say character because I'm not talking about writing, ofc the villain is better written than a supporting character ) and he deserves respect for that. I think the early/mid 2010s shipping wars did a lot of damage to his rep. And all this is coming from an everlark shipper so just think about it for a second.
Ignore typos it's 3:31 AM. Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk. I do not respond well to constructive criticism.
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I promise I’m still alive and writing but I’ve been working a lot, I’m planning a vacation and I’m still not over the person that showed me how shitty people can be who I recently realized may have actually been cyberstalking me so it’s taking me longer than usual to do anything.
It did give me this AU tho:
The tributes are saved because they’ve been through so much shit it made them become expert therapists.
It all started when Lysistrata confided in Jessup about a bad friendship breakup she had and he not only reassured her that she dodged a massive bullet, but he ended up giving her some pretty good advice. When she told Coriolanus about this, he hesitantly opens up to Lucy Gray about his struggles and her compassion and good suggestions snowball (ha) into him getting his ass hauled to actual therapy. All hail his therapist, who works overtime to fix the mess that is Coriolanus Snow and is tipped generously once Tigris gets her fashion business off the ground.
Livia complains about the general mean girl/boy-ness of her friend group and Facet hesitantly but kindly informs her that she’s been gossiping about them behind their backs too and maybe she should try to work on herself so the better friend groups will want to hang out with her. Lo and behold once she shows her real self she gains a less toxic circle of people around her. Not even she knows when she started considering Facet part of it, but damn it all if she won’t use her mom’s bank connections to make sure she won’t lose the person who singlehandedly managed to change her life for the better.
Palmyra doesn’t think she’s mean, but Velvereen opens her eyes to the idea of passive meanness. Actions can be bad, but sometimes inaction is worse. Not telling her friends to stop insulting some poor kid isn’t being ‘neutral’, because silence is taking the side of the agressor. Velvereen only said it in regards to Palmyra’s social life, but it doesn’t take the mentor long to take a step back and apply that logic to the games. She doesn’t like them, but she sure as heck never did anything to stop them, did she? Maybe it was time to change that, and maybe it was time to share her newfound wisdom with her classmates.
Marcus doesn’t like Sejanus. Not at all. But he deserves better than this. So he points out all the ways in which Sejanus’s friends… kinda suck? Because they’re not as mean to him as other Capitol people but that doesn’t make them good. So he suggests owning the title of District Scum more than he already does and no longer doing anything for them so they realize how much he’s done for them despite their snotty attitudes. Sejanus tries it, and several people’s weeks are ruined because of how many nice guy things Sejanus was doing. He gains a lot more respect, and his voice suddenly has a whole lot more impact. Marcus didn’t foresee a sudden pushback to the games thanks to his little comment, but he’s not complaining. Not in the slightest.
Festus saw himself as a good individual. He had some less “savory” tastes like dog fighting, sure, but that didn’t make him a bad person. He was even feeding his tribute, because not doing so would be heartless. He’s a good person! Well, Coral rips that fantasy apart and enjoys his resulting metaphorical tears for breakfast when she breaks it to him after he asks her why she hates him so much: feeding her is less than the bare minimum, and he’s doing it with massive ulterior motives too. She lays out all the shitty things he’s done and wow does that force him to reflect. She may not have intended it, she was merely blowing off steam, but… that truly changes him. Because he suggested executing any District citizen that doesn’t watch the games… the games where their children are being murdered. Then he starts seeing, actually seeing the tributes instead of looking at them like circus animals, and he realizes they’re not being murdered by each other because none of them have a choice. They’re being murdered by the Capitol and everyone in it who only see the barbaric death and ignore the cause of it. Then he sees how close the tributes from 7 are, the kids from the district that brings his family money. The reason for his own wealth and status… maybe there’s more that Festus had been unable or unwilling to see, and while he’s working on figuring out how to end the games, maybe it’s worth asking about the conditions of the people who suffer for his comfort.
Pup Harrington knows about war. His dad’s a general, how could he not? But talking to Lamina gives him some insights he’d never had before. From the other side. War’s cruel, but he’d never wanted to realize it’s cruel for all sides. Even the one he doesn’t like. And when he sees her crying, he sees his own friends and family all those years ago. At first it annoyed him, but then when he confided in her in a moment of frustration, she opened up to him and showed her she understood him. Then he realized her tears annoyed him because they made it harder to distance himself from her. They made it harder to see her as an animal. From that moment on, he vows to get her out of these games. It only takes one more conversation with her for him to realize that if the most surefire way of achieving that goal is getting all the tributes out and stopping the games as a whole just to make her happy and ensure her safety, then the consequences be damned he’s gonna make it happen!
Arachne was happy with her tribute. She’s big and muscular and has a pretty good chance of winning. Not as good as Livia or Lysistrata or Clemensia, maybe, but good enough. But Brandy is district, so of course she’s gonna tease a little. At first the girl steals a knife and lunges for her throat, but she stops. For some reason, she has mercy. And then she talks. About home, about her troubles, her insecurities, all the things Arachne had never even thought district people would have because they weren’t human. When she’s done, Brandy turns to Arachne and sits down cross legged. “So, which one of these made you think bullying a starving child with food would make you better? How did you think this was a good idea in any way?” And Arachne has no answer because she hadn’t thought about it. She was Capitol and this girl was District, they both deserved what they’d gotten right? Arachne just did these things to people below her because… because why? Because that’s all she’s ever been taught to do. It’s how things were. And in a way it felt good to remind others (and herself) of her status. But this girl shared so many problems that Arachne could relate to… maybe it was worth asking a few more questions. And maybe it’s time for her to use her Crane status for a selfless goal for once.
Vipsania is competitive. Very competitive. Since a big part of her victory is going to be performance, she tries to figure out a way to exploit her tribute’s clear affinity for entertainment. It starts by forcing him go perform for food in the zoo, and things go according to plan for a while. That is until she gets into another fight with her parents about her plans for the future. They just don’t get it! When she rants about it to her classmates in the zoo, her tribute overhears and calls her over. She wasn’t here for him, she was just going along with her friends since they had plans for after this, and she hasn’t talked to her tribute since the interviews where he’d been chained to the table. Vipsania doesn’t know what made her decide to waste her time on this, but she does. He asks her why she’s so against the career paths her parents want for her, and it’s so stupid because isn’t it obvious?! She’s not them! But the boy, Treech, isn’t satisfied. He looks at her with stupidly soft sympathetic eyes as he asks her why she’d think going into those careers isn’t “her”. It’s stupid and it’s none of his business and he’s just a tool for her victory and she knows he knows that so why does he care? But she indulges him, if only to get it off her chest, and he listens. He listens to her rant and rave just quietly enough to not disturb anyone and by the end of it he’s far more understanding than anyone else she’s ever talked to. He doesn’t belittle her or try to get her to “see her parents’ perspective” like others have done, he validates her feelings instead. He tells her what she wanted to hear: she’s right to feel this way. But then he tells her what she needs to hear: “have you ever told them this? Have you explained to them why you feel this way instead of just stating that you do?” She hasn’t. Treech suggests she try, so she humors him. It works. Once she sits down with her parents and lays it all out the way Treech helped her figure out, they actually listen and change their minds. The whole situation gets her thinking about her view of her tribute. She hadn’t been subtle about how she views him, and still he went out of his way to help her. To be kind and supportive and helpful to someone who treated him badly. What did that say about what she’d been taught? What did that say about her? It doesn’t take her long to realize what she has to do. Vipsania is competitive, and she refused to lose Treech’s life to the Capitol’s (and her own) cruelty. She would repay his kindness no matter what.
And the list goes on. I’ll type out the other possible problems and give more depth at some point in the future but I need to go to bed lmao (also the tag limit is 30). Either way, the mentors get free therapy and a conscience for the lowly price of staging a coup. They sabotage the pre-game program to buy time and when Gaul orders the games to start her lab is suspiciously bombed, giving Felix the time to drop trying to convince the president to withdraw his support for the games and go full blackmail instead. The president is annoyed until he’s forced to meet Dill and starts making arrangements to get the tributes checked over in the hospital before sending them home with communicuffs to stay in contact with their mentors if they wish.
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stromuprisahat · 9 months
Coriolanus didn't kill Lucy out of fear of love
He doesn't want to live out of love, because for him it means NOT leaving a mark.
He turns against Lucy Gray, because she's the last loose end, tying him to murders (and clearly to rebels), when a bright new path to fame and success just opened up for him. He has a chance to use his name without shame again. He- the last Snow (alongside Tigris)- can bring his family fame again, give them back what he sees as rightfully theirs.
Letting his ambtition go wouldn't only mean admitting Capitol is wrong, but that everything he was taught to believe is.
That being Snow means nothing.
That he wasn't born better than the Districts, and all their mourned wealth wasn't earned, but taken at the expense of others- equally human-, and that Snows don't deserve it back simply because they're THEM.
You can see it on his perception of the 12th, on his Peacekeeper career, his view on Plinths- especially once they "adopt" him-, and finally on his inability to let Lucy Gray have the upper hand in any aspect of their relationship.
The Covey might not be District, but they'll never be Snows.
While fascinating, Lucy Gray will never be his equal in his eyes. Merely his.
Coriolanus did love her, but so selfishly, she had to go the moment, she got between him and his ambition. She was more expendable than his Capitol identity.
It's not about fear of vulnerability, but refusal of possibility that would eventually lead to it.
I don't think he'd let her go even if she didn't know about the murder.
I don't think he would let anyone else have her.
She saw too much of him already.
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julietasgf · 6 months
*I crawls into your inbox; crawling like a worm*
Guess who underestimated the homework his teachers would leave her before Easter?
It was me 😍 and I lived the great experience of sleeping 3 hours (I don't recommend it, don't be like me) but thank God Easter finally arrived. I don't know if this happen in Brazil but México is too catholic to exist and if you are a student you have 1 beautiful week off because Jesus did his thing Hehehehe
Fun fact about me. It took me years to realize that the USA bunnies and eggs were for Easter. Like my head couldn't comprehend that we celebrate in theory the same thing or something similar because here instead of chocolate eggs there is blood, destruction and rebirth and stuff like that hahaha
Well, I will stop rambling about that and I'd better start rambling about our eternal debates.
Every time Coriolanus saw Persephone I had to laugh. Im so sorry 😭😭😭😭, I understand that it was a really traumatic experience to see a man mutilate a body to commit anthropophagy and not only he did it, Baby Persefone also ate ate human flesh unknowingly (although that's the most tragic thing about it you know? it's implied that Nero Price resorted to such an extreme measure because he had a family to feed, and the man may be named Nero -you can deduce a lot of things from that-, but I can't help but want to give him a hug because no one deserves to have to live through such anguish, all to avoid Baby Perse dying of famine ahhhh) but I just can't help but laugh when the poor girl is just existing and Coriolanus is screaming in his head "she's going to eat me, she's going to eat me, she's going to eat me"
Like dude. Thats a teenager who lived through war and famine in her childhood, not Hannibal Lecter 😭😭😭😭😭
While we know very little about Persephone outside of that incident, she strikes me as a pretty sweet girl by Capitol standards. I don't recall us having a description where she had an overbearing attitude (like Juno, oh she lives in my head for free) or made dehumanizing comments concerning the tributes.
In fact she was quite sorry about Arachne's death, and even though Coryo was being a jerk to her, Persephone gave him a hug under the impression that he was one of those most affected by said event.
She sent food and water to Mizzen every time he asked for it and in abundance. She teamed up with Festus to put together a joint strategy for their tributes to have a better chance of getting out alive and when the drone mess happened she wanted to talk diplomatically with Dr. Gaul because they were hacked and what she sent to Mizzen didn't arrive (and later the boy died) 🥺
Also Persephone is one of those who asks about Coriolanus when he is sent to D12. And the thing is, yes, I think all the mentors have a lot of potential to explore but under the specific theme of "people from the academy who could have been friends with Sejanus", Persefone seems like a good choice to me.
Especially because they have a lot of similarities in their relationship with Coriolanus: he pretends to like Sejanus and Persephone when in reality he is terrified of both of them and has contempt for them.
Besides the fact that she is Coriolanus' neighbor offers a LOT OF POTENTIAL 🤭 does she even know or suspect the Snows situation?, does she know and get along with Tigris?, wouldn't you love a snowjanus fanfic where they secretly date but she is the only one who knows they are boyfriends because she has seen Sejanus there all the time? MY GIRL PERSE IS JUST WAITING TO BE NOTICED!!!!
Speaking of academy students I'M SO GLAD YOU SEE THE VIEW ON PUP 😭 It's a somewhat cruel hc because damn he's been to Sejanus' house, he's experienced first hand the kindness of the Plinth and yet he resents it. He resents it because his father forced him to spend time with the scum of the district, because he's met him and realized in a way that none of his other peers know how different and vulnerable Sejanus is. It's fucked up. Very fucked up.
🤣 On the contrary I think Strabo and Pliny could get along really well, which is terrible for the whole family but also a hc too much fun to pass up. Btw I think it would be realistic for Mr Harrington to meet Crassus. Pls get together from time to time to do hate hour club towards Crassus (they don't invite Casca because he is too stoned but if he was sober oh boi what they could have done and what Sejanus would have suffered from having THE DEAN be a bitchy about a dead men with his father LMAO...)
As I mentioned to Crassus and Casca I think this is the time to discuss it because BUDDIE I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. I love the very realistic aspect of absent or present parents, the past to say the least haunting and shaping the youth causing unintentionally events to repeat themselves - giving rise to very similar circumstances, continuing behaviors and ideologies (I wouldn't say History repeats itself because I'm a little historian in training and I get the pet peeve...)
The case of Coriolanus and Crassus is in my opinion one of the points that best reflects the discussion Suzanne mentioned wanting to explore with TBOSAS: nature vs. the environment. At what point does culture dictate nature and vice versa. Like Marina's song: Savages. Which is very deterministic in several aspects but I highlight this phrase:
Is it running in our blood? Is it running in our veins?
Is it running in our genes? Is it in our DNA?
Humans aren't gonna behave as we think we always should
Yeah, we can be bad as we can be good
Coriolanus did not know Crassus. And yet his influence over him is overwhelming. Which is quite striking when you consider that he knows NOTHING that tells him who his father really was, only the impression and roles that man played in other people's lives.
His grandmother told him of an exemplary son, a patriotic man, a Snow. Tigris spoke to him of a cold man, of someone full of hatred and terrifying. Casca spoke to him of the worst human being who ever walked the earth, of a traitor, cruel and wicked. And Strabo of someone who hated the people of the district and enigmatic.
All Coriolanus has are fragments and he has had to reconstruct his father from them.
That image is full of holes that Coriolanus had to actually fill in with himself. So while upbringing does influence character (the grandmother's role in Coriolanus' care, the woman who made Crassus, the Capitol itself and its ways), I think what ultimately determines his following in his father's footsteps is that he actually built him - his father - based on cultural and social aspects to which he had access so that being like him in such a similar way was something achievable.
I do not know if it is understood (and I think that the excess of homework made me lose my communication skills), but I mean that as Coriolanus does not really know who his father was, and can only try to define him through others who denounce him based on a social or cultural norm, to which he can aspire to pursue it is possible then that he can follow in his footsteps.
If Crassus were alive, if he were flesh and blood, capable of contradicting or affirming these denunciations on the basis of his coexistence with society, Coriolanus could not have been like him. He would have reacted to a living and unpredictable something because Crassus would be a flawless human.
And that mean something. Like Coriolanus idealizing his in a very strange way because she is dead, she is not a human anymore..., although all this argument is under the idea that your context shapes you. And we can't really ignore biology: Coriolanus bears a strong resemblance to Crassus physically. So how far do genetics go in determining character? When he was born blond and with blue eyes - the eyes of his father - was his fate sealed?
(As we know and you explained well when we discussed the choice of Coriolanus as protagonist: the final answer for Suzanne I think is a 50% - 50% and emphasizing that the important, the determining factor really lies in our own criteria and the choices we make and what each one of them implies and the responsibility we acquire of what socio-cultural ideas we decide to perpetuate).
Now my very personal opinion on Crassus and Casca.
While I like to slander the Snow's as much as anyone in this specific case I like to believe that there were no bad intentions because that makes it more fucked up lmao. I think Crassus genuinely liked Casca and actually believed he was doing his friend a favor since Casca mentions he was doing poorly in Dr. Gaul's class.
So think of it this way: Crassus knows his friend is in danger of missing class. They team up to do a paper in said class and on a night of drinking Casca is suddenly sharing a good idea, one that Dr. Gaul might specifically like!!!, it was his chance!!!!!
Crassus just needed to write a nice paper with what Casca his bestie already told him. "I'm sure Casca would thank me, I gave him the encouragement he needed to get his smart brain to think of something to avoid having a bad grade with dr. Gaul!!!!!" Yippee 😊
It's that horrible things happen because of good wills that to me is fascinating. Because Crassus had no way of knowing that they were going to go to war with the districts. Much less that the Capitol would win said war and that Dr. Gaul would implement the college project they did so they wouldn't lost grades
In what world would that happen?
I can tell you from experience but there is no more terrifying hotbed for atrocities than academia and its constant theorizing, hypothesizing, perhaps. People will say ABSOLUTELY WILD things as long as they view everything hypothetically.
Which is what Casca does. What Crassus sees and approves. And what Gaul implements because she knows best, how the world works. 
I think Casca / Crassus in any case is a parallel to Clemensia / Coriolanus because Coryo also didn't believe that doing Dr. Gaul's work and lying about Clemensia's participation in it was going to bring such fatal consequences for her. And if you notice all the mentors didn't believe that they were actually going to implement their ideas.
They were surprised that dr. Gaul told them it was a possibility: it was at that instant that they discovered that the idea could cross the mind's field and become real.
As an aside. I once saw on tiktok a very interesting question and it was exactly at what point Casca will have started to hate Crassus? We know they argued after that incident but Casca could not have condemned Crassus at that point for the reasons he later does (creating the hunger games).
Maybe he complained because he got him drunk!!!, because he didn't write the paper right!!!, or because he didn't need to be saved from losing a grade with Dr. Gaul!!! (And I can very well see Crassus getting upset because: "what is wrong with Casca?!!!!!! I helped him and this is how he repays ME? How ungrateful!) but not because he ruined his life and condemned the districts.
Nah. That came later. Maybe when the first games happened, a youthful bitterness turned into Casca eternal condemnation.
With this, I don't want to say that I am against Casca / Crassus and Sejanus / Coriolanus parallels. ON THE CONTRARY I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH!
In short, I can't help but wonder what Casca must have felt when he saw Sejanus blindly trusting a Snow. If he must have wanted to warn him or if every time he saw them together he thought of him and Crassus (the phrase "like a moth to the flame?," he projects himself). IT IS DELICIOUS AND CRUEL
A PART. See all the ideas we discussed about Sejanus' unfortunate fate if he had stayed in the Capitol?, most of them I got from Casca because I'm sure THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SEJANUS IF HE HAD STAYED.
Casca mentions that he tried to stop the games JULI!!! HE TRIED! AND MANY TIMES. We don't know what those attempts consisted of but we know they failed and not only that but they blew it. That man had a big guilt eating him alive and somehow everyone let him be a drug addict in an academy full of sons of the elite? I'm telling you that happened because they wanted it to happen!
Someone gave him morphiling. Someone gave him access to a dosis everyday. Someone let him become an addict without ever helping him get sober. Someone let him "embarrass" himself in front of other people, especially children.
Someone did everything they could so that NO ONE WOULD TAKE CASCA SERIOUSLY, so that he would self-destruct *I roll on the floor in consparanoia*
Well I'm normal again. I'll just say that this infodump is kind of like spoilers for the wedding fic because those are my headcanons and you'll ultimately see them there...
About the fandom and the movies:
Really the tribute actors deserve a lot of appreciation because they did wonders AND GOD YES I AM OBSESSED BY HOW AMAZING THE MARCUS ACTOR WAS. THE GUY DIDN'T EVEN SPEAK ONCE TO SEJANUS BUT HIS EXPRESSIVITY????! ughhh yes yes yes you are so right about the angeeer, the tiredness HE EXPRESS
😭😭 As you are also right about how much small changes contribute greatly to the quit any politic aspect of the films. Because even if they are one page or one line details, they were put there to help better convey the big message and getting rid of them, makes the story lose its intentions and strength (especially the choice of cast we already saw with Rue's case, that can provoke strong reactions and questioning, Katniss being played by someone POC would have raised a worse stir but at the same time would have forced an interesting questioning).
In def I think the biggest flaws of THG movies were the choice of main cast (except Peeta althought with this I dont mean I hate the main cast. I believe they were infredible!!! 🥺 but ugh the big message really feel and come a lot lest), focusing on the love triangle (that was so dumb... The triangle ITS LITERALLY ALMOST NON EXISTING IN THE BOOKS) and getting rid of the more disruptive parts (NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT DISABLE PEETA). I'm not surprised that happened, in fact that approach is the one that allowed the books to be adapted to the big screen: because those aspects respond to the market and its tastes.
It's the way you ensure a profit, a business, and although as people have grown older they have begun to appreciate THG more for its denouncing content, the truth is that I'm sure many of us approached the franchise because it seemed on the surface to be something far away and impossible, that had little to do with reality.
Because many products today are like that. Made by and for consumption, just like that.
Because you will see these people growing up reading extremely political books while consuming apolitical movies and then you find them in tiktok repeating propaganda and prejudices that the original work criticizes and denounces (both: 1. within the text. Perfect example: this point of people not understanding what Coriolanus does not despise privilege nor wealth but Sejanus having it and coming from the district -btw I agree with you on that. You EXPLAIN SO WELL WHAT REALLY HAPPEN AND MEANS.
2. Outside the text. Again LO DE RUE when her cast was announced???? Its a very sad but perfect example).
The human mind is fascinating. This thing you keep saying about the "death of the media's understanding", is a symptom of a larger issue that ends up clearly impacting how fans will interpret and interact with the text and the film, and that combines with each individual's experiences to get a particular albeit fucked up compression on what THG-TBOSAS means 😭 *scream*
I think we're all set to forget the angst and focus on the beautiful fix everything Latam Au. It's like happy hour, the candy world where no one gets ripped away from everything they know and forced to deal with violent xenophobia or engage in a macabre game to the death against other children that if you win will FUCK YOU FOREVER <3
I LOVE THAT LGB AND CORAL CAN UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER SO INTIMATELY ON SUCH A DIFFICULT SUBJECT AND HELP EACH OTHER!!!! Raising children as an adult is hard enough but you being both a child, a young person? My god the angst and panic and conflict 🥺 (I can imagine at one point LGB confesses to Coral that she has no idea what she's doing and it's weird to say it out loud because everyone thinks LGB somehow handles it well and is so cheerful and is always helping everyone but at nightfall it's hard, almost impossible to keep pretending and you know I think having Coral looking out for Mizzen around could be so refreshing not only because she could understand EXACTLY WHAT LGB WAS GOING THROUGH, but because I think that while Coral may seem tough and be very self-sufficient to someone like LGB who is so observant and intelligent she could see her struggle to keep going a lot of times and it's kind of like in seeing herself in someone else?? kind of like knowing that this other person who is going through the same thing not only shares the experience but have the same problems in dealing with it and it's like a relief because then bc LGB don't feel anymore like there's something wrong with her or some secret trick that she don't know about? Ah again I'm missing the point?  I hope it's understood jsjsjsjsjs)
🤧💜 A part I love it because that implies Maude Ivory and Mizzen alliance, pls get them together to annoy Coriolanus and Billy Taupe (Coral probably shitalk about them so Mizzen is like "they are my enemies yes" and Maude Ivory confirms it and tells him she will help him in the attack because blackmailing Coriolanus and helping LGB to kick out BT is not enough LMAO) pd: JSJSKS IM SCREAMING BUT I APPROVE ALL ABOUT CORYO AND HIS LITTLE SISTER AND MAUDE IVORY. THEY ARE HIS DEMONS. HIS HELL
Btw I need LGB one day to write a nice song in Spanish to Coral ~
My contribution to the world is to make Strabo afraid of his wife asking for a divorce 🙏🙏🙏🙏 it will never be a bad day to bring it up and pls one year at the infamous Christmas fight Vesta threatens Strabo with divorce IN FRONT OF EVERYONE BECAUSE SHE WANTED A NICE DINNER WITH FAMILY NOT A BATTLE FIELD AND HE'S THE ADULT!!!!
(Although she probably scolded Sejanus too. RIP THE PLINTH BOYS THAT DAY)
What you added to the Snow family story is also canon I have said!!! (Although god we need to hug Mom Snow on this. She got the worst part and I would need to redo the research but I one saw something about a several economic crises in argentina caused migration in 80s / 90s, so while I need to check the years well, I propose that is the reason they leave Argentina and when they arrive Crassus as you say makes THE WORST DECISIONS AND RIP SNOWS FORTUNE)
I AGREED 💀 grandma was the one who manipulated little Snow into assimilating so brutally and I'm sure when Tigris and the others realized what baby Coryo was doing she feigned insanity over the matter:
"I don't know where he got those ideas from although it's not so bad for him to do that either..."
BTW I love the potential of Coriolanus fighting for attention. <3 AND OH YES. THAT'S WHY HE'S SO AMBITIOUS. I'm sure everyone paid attention to him ONLY when he won diplomas and stuff, so he became obsessed with that because he thought that was the way he was going to get that attention - love. Let's make it more tragic with Tigris being the only one who notices and tries to show him that he dont has to be exceptional for him to be loved? Which is more tragic considering what you say 😭
Because the cousins are still close. Tigris always felt pressured not only to meet the expectations of her own parents (I don't think they were strict or cold but the type support her and are proud? Which is not a bad thing but makes her afraid of disappointing them so bad) and her own dreams AND to be a role model for Coriolanus, her baby cousin who looks up to her and who she knows feels ignored by his mother and only has the evil and delusional grandmother putting bad ideas in his head.
But once Tigris is there it is TOO MUCH. She tries to push her limits but maybe she got really sick from stress and had to accept that she couldn't. And it was such a blow because she was supposed to make her parents proud, she would be the perfect, smart girl she wanted to be and even more so she would be the role. THE MODEL that Coriolanus WANTED TO BE? And now she is none of that anymore??? 🥺
I can see how she would be too scared of the idea that if Coriolanus finds out he would not only be disappointed but at the same time let's say he would no longer love her for "be a fake / " Bc she knows he was trying SO HARD to achieve the same sucess that she "had" (and then if you think about she finding out Coriolanus still lies to people about his damn origin).
Tho that fear would ultimately increase with him living with her because even if Coriolanus relieved a lot of her loneliness and discomfort, now is THERE. He can found it.
Little scene: A friend from Argentina told me that apparently if you say thank you while they give you mate is the same as saying you don't want it anymore so pls Sejanus visiting them and they give him mate and HE OBVIOUSLY IS GOING TO SAY THANKS WHEN THEY GIVE IT TO HIM AND CORIOLANUS TAKES IT AWAY IN HIS FACE AND LEAVES HIM VERY CONFUSED AND Tigris is like CORYO HE DOESN'T KNOW BRING THE MATEEEE XDDDD jsjsjsjsjs
About college and stuff being drama kids:
🤭💖💖 it makes me so happy and proud that you are more willing to take care of you over homework and these things, that tells me you will probably had so much good for your time in college, and oh buddy I understand the horror of buses to get around campus. It's a mess
And yes the good thing is that besides learning a lot, getting lost eventually becomes a fun story to tell others (I have such memorable stories jsjskwjw). I hope you have been doing well this week. Anything you want to tell me please do!!!! And I hope this coming week if you have classes everything goes well and you enjoy it 🤗
That's shocking news to me lmao bc I was always a Burr girl. Wait for it really altered my brain chemistry at 14 😭😭😭😭 and HIS SONGS WERE ALWAYS MY FAVORITE although Non stop and Hurricane have special places in my little heart.
I appreciate the recommendation <3
I really liked both versions and this lines stayed with me and I think they IS SO SEJANUS CODED:
"Fica na minha sombra, eu posso ser teu rastro"
🤡... About my new recommensation. Um. I actually got one last snowjanus song in Spanish this week although it's good know I'll be able to recommend the ones in English next time JSJSKSJSB
Don - Miranda!
😈😈 I will see you soon Juli and yes you can call me Ika
(and also omg I FEEL YOU, it's unreal bc here before the easter is when the teachers pass even MORE assignments than the normal, IT'S SO CRUEL- I hope you're able to rest this week!!! take care, srsly)
((and also, mexico and brazil are siblings regarding this, each catholic holiday I wake up and I'm like "graças a deus nasci na américa latina 🙏"))
LSKLSKLSKLSKLS gonna be honest with you: when I was a child, I watched usamerican movies and stuff, and I was like "my god, how dumb these kids are to think that a BUNNY will bring them chocolate EGGS???" because here we do have the chocolate, but we all know it's our parents who buy it 😭 and ofc there's also the gore element associated with easter (mini me was terrified of the jesus image covered in blood and suffering like that)
CORIOLANUS WAS SO MEAN TO HERRRRRR (in his thoughts, ofc, but STILL). but yes!!!! I was watching recently sociedad de la nieve, and what horrified me the most in the movie (and tbf, in every single media that talks abt cannibalism for survival) is how DESPERATE, how HUNGRY you must be to decided to eat another human. and I'm going to be very, very honest here: if crassus snow was around during the war (in the snow household, I mean), I don't doubt he would do the same, taking desperate measures to feed his family. and in nero price's case, it goes even far, because he did it not only to feed himself, he did it to feed his daughter. how hungry baby persefone probably was for him to decide doing this? but you're so right, it was so freaking funny exactly because of how ABSURD it isKLSKLSKLSKL
(and also, on a more serious tone and disregarding how funny coriolanus' delusions are, it's also worth saying it highlights how coriolanus lacks empathy even for people who are from the same social circle as him, but he isn't close to)
and absolutely yes!!! persephone seemed very sweet to me, and I absolutely agree with everything you said, I couldn't have put it better!! and particularly, I wonder if the whole thing abt what her father done spread through the capitol social circle. after all, rich people hang out together, they talk together, they go to afternoon teas and everything. this kind of gossip spread quickly. I wonder if the other kids from the academy knew, if they pretended to like her just like coriolanus, or if she was also isolated. ANYWAY.
(AND OMG I FORGOT SHE WAS HIS NEIGHBOUR THAT'S TRUEEEEEEE that's such a good idea for a fanfic!!!! imagine persephone being so quiet, she's that kind of person who doesn't talk much, but she's always observing and looking around... but coriolanus doesn't even think about worrying about her looking through the window, so he isn't so careful when he invites sejanus over. but persephone sees, she notices, and she starts noticing other things in school that make things make even more sense... and every single time coriolanus and sejanus are sitting together, she's there like 👀)
and you're so right, it's so cruel 😭 because there are plenty of rumors regarding the plinth family on the wealthy social circle on the capitol, but pup knows these aren't truth, because he went inside their house, he ate from their food, he knew ma plinth's kindness and he knew that sejanus was sweet (bc sejanus actually tried to bond with him, despite the awkwardness; he was happy that pup liked some stuff he liked too), and still, pup participated in the vicious bullying campaign, he even said some of the mean rumors were true (even though he knew they weren't, he knew very well)
this is even more fucked up than the stuff arachne does, for example, because arachne never set foot on the plinths' apartment. pup did. pup knew. and still he went and did it.
NAHHH JUST IMAGINE IT, strabo inviting pliny's family to their apartment. poor vesta is there suffering bc his wife CLEARLY doesn't like her, sejanus and pup are in an awkward silence... and pliny and strabo are there chatting and having fun shittalking about other rich people from the capitol lmaoooo (AND POOR SEJANUS BRO 😭 he wouldn't even be able to take casca highbottom, THE casca highbottom, seriously anymore bc he looks at that man and all he can see is the guy who drinks in his couch with his pa and called crassus snow a whiny little bitch)
(before we get into crassus and casca, I just wanted to say that it's SO cool you're going to be a historian!!! srsly, it was my dream course when I was a child)
YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABT SAVAGES BY MARINA!!!! not only it really describes this whole discussion, but it's also a very tbosas-coded song, tbh!!
and YES YES YESSSS YOU PUT IT PERFECTLY INTO WORDS!!!!! coriolanus idolizes crassus because, despite knowing what other people said about him, he never knew him (this also may be a reach, but what coriolanus thinks of crassus is what he thinks as the ideal man, the ideal dad, the ideal person, the person coriolanus aims to be, and even a bit of himself; and all of that is also a mix of everything he hear about crassus: everything, including the bad things, and in the end, coriolanus molded himself into what he thought of crassus snow, but without ever knowing him). you know that phrase, "never meet your heroes"? sometimes, it's not just because they're straight up assholes, it's because they're humans with flaws, and therefore, they can't be idolized. we can't create a perfect version of them in our heads (because that's what we do with people we don't know, we never talked to; we create versions of them in our heads, as if they're characters).
and that's what coriolanus does with his dead father.
(and yes!!! I've seen a BRILLIANT post earlier where the person made comparisons between lgb, coriolanus and sejanus and the three mains philosophers who mold the tbosas narrative; but even though there are three main philosophers, there are also plenty of other debates sprinkled there. and one of the debates I can see is the determinism. right before the start, when we know that the main character is coriolanus snow, we can bring ourselves to ask: is it a matter of fate, of genetics, of nature? or is it purely choice, a matter of society, a matter of envinroment? and the answer is both... even though we know what weighs the most.)
I REALLY like your interpretation of crassus and casca, and actually, it makes things even more tragic and horrible. that's what they say, isn't it? that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. and also, this is even much more interesting because in the end, it's a big butterfly effect. imagine if casca never got drunk that day. it was a small thing, a small action that ended up causing the most terrifying and horrible event in panem, an event that keeps going and going for more than 70 YEARS. we're talking about 1701 dead children (and I didn't count the 75th quarter quell). and all because of a night casca got drunk... and what possibly was what crassus thought to be a good action.
specially because when you think better abt it, coriolanus did almost the same to clemensia (he put her name on a horrific assignment for the games where he said the most horrific things, things SHE didn't completely agree on) because she was mourning over arachne. and he did it much before knowing about what crassus had done.
this maybe doesn't mean anything. but it maybe does. it's just interesting to think abt.
and about the question about when casca started hating crassus: this makes things even worse because... even if casca was mad at first bc of the assignment, let's suppose he didn't hate casca right away (which I think he didn't; why would he hate him like that bc of that? it doesn't make sense to me, at least). that means he probably mourned over his death.
and this also means he probably hated crassus when he was dead, when he couldn't even scream on his face about how much of a DICK and an ASSHOLE and a HORRIBLE human being he was.
I'm sick.
I LOVE THIS THOUGHT, even though it's SO tragic and cruel. imagine casca seeing sejanus and coriolanus pairing up for a school work, and he immediately separates them and makes sejanus do the work with someone else. coriolanus thinks that it's because casca hates him, but it's actually other thing. it's fear. not only fear for sejanus and his fate, but if the first time what happened were the hunger games... then what the hell will happen on the second time? what's as bad as the hunger games, or even worse, that coriolanus snow could do?
and omg you're a GENIUS, BECAUXE EXACTLYYYYYY. because even if casca got addicted by himself, even if it were his choices... nobody helped. nobody did a thing. and it was definitely a choice to let him teach at the academy in his state, without anyone doing anything. if a new generation sees that man, that stoned and addicted man who constantly embarass himself, saying stuff about how the games are bad and yada yada yada... who'll believe him? who'll take him seriously? the new generation would never give in to these ideas.
the casting for tbosas is amazing, all of the actors give their lives for these characters, but the TRIBUTES, ALL OF THEM DESERVE EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING, REALLY.
and yessssssss!!!! I'm not really against casting actors who are different from the book characters, unless we're talking about whitewashing. the thing is, if they kept the descriptions we're given in the book AT LEAST about the seam characters, it would've made a HUGE different in the storytelling. and I agree, I DEFINITELY don't hate the main cast, in the end, I think they did a great job (specially josh hutcherson, he was such a good choice for peeta), but it really weakned some of the messages from the book... and abt the love triangle, the thing is, this was not even the most evil thing of the hunger games marketing from that time 😭 I know it's a common thing that the movie needs to make money, and that capitalism is a bitch, but idk, it's so WEIRD seeing some of the stuff that were marketed around the release time of the movies, specially when we're talking abt a movie like the hunger games.
(there was one thing that REALLY marked me, that was when the marketing team did a line of nail polish, and each color was inspired by a district + the capitol, and the announce had ppl dressed with capitol-like clothes and wigs. and like, it's not rlly a big deal, it's just nail polish, but idk, I wouldn't mind if it was the characters' names or something.... but this always unsettled me so much, it rlly sounded like something the capitol would do, like, "buy the nail polish of your favorite district!!!")
oh and absolutely 😭 SPECIALLY people who did the reverse way, and by that, I mean reading/watching divergent first and THEN reading/watching the hunger games. don't get me wrong, I'm not a 100% divergent hater (even tho I do have my beef with it), but the dystopia in the book is much more of a background thing than a way to denounce stuff. what matters the most is the romance and the characters... where in the hunger games, it's exactly opposite.
and you're so right!!!! even the way ppl talk about watching, reading, listening to thing, it's SO UNSETTLING. they don't say "I watch a lot of fantasy", they say "I CONSUME a lot of fantasy". the popularization of the word "content creator", too. and all of these are easy things, things to watch and ready quickly to pass on the next.
(and this leads me to reflect that nowadays, I feel like fandoms last so much less than older fandoms... exactly because people will move on quickly to the next new thing. they won't take their time to appreciate, to talk about the characters, to make fun memes and read fun fanfics and analyze characters, no, not anymore. but this is just an impression I have, I may be wrong... who knows, right?)
like, I SWEAR TO GOD, I've seen people saying that snow isn't the true villain from the hunger games, GALE is. and I'm not a big fan of gale, don't get me wrong, definitely not my favorite character... but how the hell they read three books about a horrible oppressive society and then decide that the oppressed, desperate teenager is the villain, and not the terrible, cruel dictator??? GOD SEND THE FLOOD ALREADY, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. and this is not even the WORST take I've seen about this kind of stuff. and yessssss exactly 😭 the rue one, specifically, got me SO shocked, because it really showed how people read the book, but they don't really read the book, they consume it. it was not even a matter of interpretation, it was on the TEXT, and still, people's first instinct was to read the text in a shallow way to the point they completely IGNORED a character's description and imagined them as white.
and as you said, this is a larger issue, because we see this everywhere, in every media that tries to be more political and send a message, because people can't bring themselves to THINK, to ABSORB, to ANALYZE stuff. this all is really concerning, thinking about the future and how fandom culture is slowly changing into a tiktokfication of it (ppl get into a new fandom, enjoy it quickly, don't stop to really think about the takes and stuff, and then move to the next shiny thing; everything is too quick-paced).
I complained too much, sorry 😭 it's just that I think a lot abt these stuff, hopes it made sense the things I said
BUT LET'S GOOO, LATAM AU <3 the only way I can be happy as a tbosas fan lmao
LUCY GRAY AND CORAL, MY BELOVEDSSSSSS, it's even more special bc like, coral feels out of place in the neighbourhood because she can't really relate to the people there, and even though lucy gray LOVES her neighbourhood, she loves the people there, there's no one else she can talk about this, it's a different and very specific type of loneliness. AND YESSSSSSS, they're two sides of the same coin!!! lucy gray always seem cheerful and happy to everyone, while coral seems tough, as if nothing scares her, as if she can handle everything. where, actually, they're struggling; they were barely adults when they started raising literal CHILDREN, and they feel so lost, and so alone even though they try to keep the facade that everything is okay and fine. but at least they have each other <3 and again, with coral, lucy gray doesn't feel like she's messing everything up, because she sees, she knows coral struggles just like her, so it's not like there's something wrong with her, it's not like she's doing everything wrong. I love this concept so much <3
YESSSS MAUDE IVORY AND MIZZEN WOULD BE SUCH A CHAOTIC DUO, they would make billy taupe's life HELL, but now they have a new victim and it's coriolanus 😭 coriolanus can't BELIEVE he's being bullied by two children. it started only with lucy gray, but it didn't take long for mizzen to tag along lmaoooooo
(LGB WRITING A SONG IN SPANISH TO CORAL OH MY GOD YESSSSSSSS make it even cuter if lucy gray is rehearsing it and coral listens to her by accident. but the thing is: coral doesn't know spanish, so she has no idea what the song is saying, just that it's very beautiful. she asks lucy gray what it means, and lucy gray simply answers that it's about someone very special. coral thinks it's about coriolanus and she comes back home that night fuming, poor girl)
THIS IS TO FUNNY I'M SCREAMINGKLKSLSKLSKLKLS BUT MA PLINTH SOUNDED SO SERIOUS WHEN THREATNING HIM, HE DIDN'T EVEN DARE TO SAY ANYTHING THE REST OF THE DINNER. and of course sejanus got his share of her fury, boy almost cried in despair because he never saw his ma SO angry
(at least they had the dinner in peace that night tho)
((and they actually didn't fight for, like, 3 months, it was a record))
mama snow REALLY got the worst 💔 and yes!!!! in the 80s/90s, a lot of south american countries were going through the same horrible economic crisis, because most of them were finally getting rid of the violent dictatorships funded by the usa, and this affected deeply the economy of said countries (I don't know if the same phenomenon happened in argie, but in brazil, specifically, inflation got SO bad that the staff at stores had to walk around with little machines to change the price tags of stuff because the price would rise by THE HOUR. you would buy something that in the morning costed, idk, let's say 5 dollars; by the night, the SAME THING would be costing 10 dollars, and in five days, the SAME thing could be costing 20 dollars). it makes A LOT of sense for crassus to decide to leave around that time.
I JUST KNOW THAT WOMAN WOULD PRETEND SHE WASN'T DOING ANYTHING. she would be like "uhhh idk where little coryo got these ideas from, maybe it's from his school :/"
I'M IN SO MUCH PAIN RIGHT NOW 💔 tigris being the one who tells him how special he is, how he's such a smart boy and he's already enough the way he is, he doesn't need to study like this, or push himself so hard like this... and he would turn to her and be like "no, tigris, the only way I'm worthy is by being exceptional!!! I want to be just like you!! I want to work hard and go to college, just like you!!!" and even though she knows that his overachiever thoughts are not really healthy, her heart melts, because coriolanus admires her so much, he wants to be like her, so she feels on the obligation of being the role model he adores. but everything fails, and she feels like a huge failure, even though her parents say it's fine and she can take her time, what matter it's her health, even though she talked to mrs. plinth about it and she reassured tigris that tigris is young, she has so much time ahead. and still, she feels like a failure. she feels like she failed, like she failed coriolanus, and EVEN MORE now that he goes to live with her, and when he asks about her college, and he says about how he loved talking about how his cousin was amazing and was studying in new york with an incredible scholarship, she can't even bring herself to look into his eyes bc of how ashamed she feels.
OMG coriolanus would lie and pretend he didn't miss eating alfajor, he would make a boring face like "meh", but HE MISSED IT OKAY, HE MISSED IT, IT TASTED LIKE HIS CHILDHOOD. he would NEVER admit it out loud, but tigris knows how to recognize his feelings and she's so happy <3
LSKSLSKLSKLKSLSKSLKLSKLS I'M SCREAMINGGGGGG 😭😭😭😭 now, coriolanus is like "he's in OUR house, OUR rules" and tigris is fighting with him bc LEAVE THE POOR BOY ALONE OH MY GOD, STOP BEING A DICK- and poor sejanus is just there, existing while the cousins bicker
tysmmmmmmm!!! 🥹 LSKSLSKLS the getting lost stories are always the best if we not consider the whole despair, it's really the definition of "we'll be all laughing of it at the future" 😭 thankfully this week have been good, despite very tiring, and thankfully this week I'll be FREE <3 but tysm for asking, and I really hope things are going good for you and your classes <3
AND YOU KNOW WHAT? THE IMAGE QUALITY IS NOT EVEN THE WORST, IT'S THE SOUND, because we ALREADY don't speak english 100%, and now w have to try to understand it with the sound ALL MESSED UP 😭😭😭😭 there were SO many times where I watched a video and the audio was so bad I couldn't understand SHIT, I was smiling and nodding all along pretending I was getting it, and when I saw someone from the fandom talking abt a line, I would get so confused
being an a.ham girlie unfortunately is the past I try to hideLSKSLKSLKLS but wait for it is SO good, when I heard it first it didn't affect me much, but listening to it after being older... IT HITS. IT HITS HARD. I AM THE ONE THING IN LIFE I CAN CONTROL, my GODDDDD. and hurricane got me HOOKED, I would listen to it over and over again.
PLEASE, MAKE A PHANTOM AU, I BEG YOU 🙏 (AND YESLSLSKSLSKLSKLS and also, there are so many other songs that could fit too!!! I was listening to popular in specific and imagining it and it got me cackling 😭)
I'm so happy you enjoyed the recs!!!! 🥹 AND YESSSSS THAT LINE IS SO SEJANUS CODED
I've listened to the song and all I could envision is: IT'S CORIOLANUS' POV OF THE LATAM AU. SRSLY, IT'S 100% CORIOLANUS' POV. I'M SCREAMINGGG
(and alsoLSKSLSKSL but I can't wait for the eng recs!!!)
(also, I wanted to recomment another song, hope it's okay: jão - idiota. LITERALLY SNOWJANUS. I won't even say much, it's just LITERALLY SNOWJANUS.)
take care ika!!! hope you're doing fine, see ya soon <3
EDIT: buddie I've just read your other ask with more calm, and OH MY GODDDDDDD I'M SHAKING!!!! THE WAY I LET OUT A LITTLE SCREAM!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 I holding myself back so hard now to not comment on it by just let me make you know that I'm SCREAMINGGG
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cgetbrmj · 10 months
hi hello I just woke up so I’m sorry if this is not coherent whatsoever!! Anyway, *throws my headcanons at you.*
Coriolanus Snow:
Literal definition of just a little guy. Does he go on to be an awful person? OK YES MAYBE but for now he’s a little guy
Probably like a baby regressor. I cannot be the only person who saw him in the hospital and was like ??? Are those children’s pyjamas ??? (It was a hospital gown and I know that now.)
Has such a strong hate towards regressing like he will actively avoid it,,,he’s probably never would’ve done it willingly if Sejanus didn’t talk him into it like a lot.
Def regresses because of trauma. He’s lived through a war and never really had a childhood!! *shakes your shoulders aggressively* HOW ARE WE SLEEPING ON THIS????
He is such a crybaby…but like in the way where he tries so hard to bottle everything up because he doesn’t want to inconvenience anyone (no I’m not projecting wtf are you talking about?? /sarc) anyway he fails every time
It’s also always a battle to get him to eat, you must act like this is the most yummy thing in the world then maybe just maybe he’ll take a bite.
Personal headcanon that he never actually gave the plinth family that photo, like he had full intentions too but dude kept it for himself and would get a little sad and small when he sees it :((
ANYWAY GOING BACK TO CANON NOT BEING REAL BECAUSE ITS SAD. Definitely like needs baby stuff like pacifiers and fluffy pyjamas and stuffed animals. Because first and foremost he’d look so cute with them and secondly Sejanus would so have the money for it like dude would probably build a nursery
Coryo is so anxious to use said baby stuff because he partially thinks he doesn’t deserve it and partially thinks that he shouldn’t be regressing in the first place which like :((
Final thoughts is that Sejanus is definitely main cg I mean hello?? And Lucy Gray and Tigris babysit him sometimes
Sejanus Plinth:
Caregiver. Fretting overprotective caregiver to an anxious crybaby Coryo. 
Definitely leans towards the sappier nicknames, “sweetheart, baby,” occasionally “kiddo.” 
Will spoil Coryo to hell and back. 
Not strict whatsoever, the biggest punishment this man would be willing to give would be a five minute time out. Realistically. He’s also morally against punishments so Coryo would probably have to do something absolutely awful to deserve that.
Definitely better with younger Littles, which is why him and Coryo fit so well together.
Realistically he won’t leave Coryo alone for even a second in headspace, one he’s just clingy like that, and two, he doesn’t want anything happening to him while he’s gone.
Brings Coryo his Ma’s homemade cookies. He knows this boy doesn’t eat as much as he should be.
:3 just felt a little silly goofy 
also love love love LOVE your hc so much thank you for feeding into my new obsession lol
Pretty sure we have opposite time zones then hahaha Thankyou for gracing me with your hcs!! Adding another break because I just kept ranting about them hahaha
obviously, Sejanus would spoil Little Coryo for sure - and I've definitely thought about Coryo being a regressor from trauma and lack of childhood because YES. ALSO THANKYOU!!! THE HOSPITAL SCENE??? So glad we have mutual feelings on that because he was giving some strong kiddo vibes there
I always get scared to hc characters as baby regressors - I personally regress in the baby/young toddler area and idk I just get worried I'm projecting too hard so that was a pleasant surprise to see you hc lol - I feel like Little Coryo would be in more of a toddler bracket most of the time but then slip younger when he's tired or emotional - or god forbid, sick.
also thankyou for totally understanding the crybaby thing - he's just an overwhelmed little kid - literally anything could be the thing to push him into a breakdown - he's trying his best!!
and YES can we PLEASE discuss Little Coryo's relationship with food because herbfi;erbfuibf - I think he's difficult no matter what, and I feel like it'd be one of the ONLY things he'd 'act out' about - I don't think Little Coryo would really understand why he feels weird about food - definitely whines about being hungry but then won't accept anything offered to him - says that he 'doesn't like' something when Sejanus knows for a FACT he does - stuff like that. Also (as someone who, no matter how badly wishes they did like it, I don't like basically any fruit ever 😭) HOWEVER, I just have a feeling based on nothing, that Little Coryo would love most fruit. Like it's one of the only consistent snack options that will work on him
Sejanus would 100% put together a nursery for Coryo and Coryo would 100% tell him to get rid of it immediately and then secretly adore it - the self hate Coryo would have over anything regression related is real
Coryo definitely plays very intricate imaginative storylines out with his stuffed animals and can never really explain it to Sejanus who would sit and watch and try to figure out what the hell is going on for half an hour
Sejanus my love - so overprotective - so gentle with Little Coryo. He absolutely uses 'sweetheart' and 'baby' all the time. In my opinion, he'd get so proud of anything Little Coryo does and would have such a hard time keeping his regression a secret because he'd just want to brag about his kiddo all the time. Drawings? Reading aloud? Eating? Looking cute? Sejanus is so proud of him! He wants everyone to know that Little Coryo is his! Sejanus would never do/say anything Coryo wouldn't want though - so he just makes sure to praise Little Coryo, all the time.
Completely agree - Sejanus would not be a strict caregiver at all - he does not see the point in punishing Coryo when he could explain why he shouldn't do something - especially when Coryo is going to feel guilty enough already for acting out
Also was thinking earlier about Little Coryo having a NEED to soak up all of Sejanus's attention and was thinking about how through his childhood Tigris had definitely looked out for him, but really they were leaning on each other - and also totally fending for themselves - Tigris was a wonderful cousin but she's barely that much older than Coryo - and then started thinking about how Coryo's mother died in labour, when he was already quite young, which would basically mean that most memories of his mother he has, she'd be pregnant. So pregnant mother and a father who's left to help fight the war when he's VERY young, then two dead parents, a grandmother who's pinning her faith on HIM, and a cousin who's doing her best to look after him, while he grows up scavenging and pretending he's not only fine, but actually living a perfect rich life??? The childhood trauma here is really unmatched - of course he's clingy and a bit of a cry baby when regressed, of COURSE he wants to steal every bit of Sejanus's attention!! When has he ever been the SOLE POINT of someone's attention? ughhh I can't stop thinking about all the fic opportunities.
anyway THANKYOU VERY MUCH for the hcs and I hope to scream about more of them soon with you lol <3
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marietheran · 7 months
TBoSaS movie - random first impressions:
Tigris looks sooo different than how I imagined her, not in a good way
Lucy Gray's actress... mmm, her appearance is okay, but she looks to old and I'm not a fan of the facial expressions she makes
The automatic "enjoy the show" as they enter the arena... whoa, haunting
Probably laughable of me to complain about too much murder when watching this franchise, but I'm not too comfortable with it.
Reaper arranging the burial is incredibly moving
^The glory of seeing the red flag of a dictatorship torn down, at least when you're my nationality...
Reaper and Jessup are my favourite characters here, I think. They deserved better :(
Lucy's district 12 fits are great
I still think The Hanging Tree works better as a song wholly unconnected to snow...
Is that the same lake as in Mockingjay?!
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sadculturee · 10 months
Ratings: 9.7/10
It was an emotionally conflicting experience watching President Snow's character development and eventual rise to power when they have freaking Tom Blyth playing the protagonist. I am going to need a few nights to render my thoughts and resolve my moral dilemma 🙂 ✌️. All throughout the film, I cannot help but imagine the Tumblr uproar if this were to be released in 2010-2014. I just know Tumblr girlies (me included) would be completely insufferable, simping over yet another problematic fictional man. 
Full disclaimer though, I haven't yet read the book (I will), so my whole review is going to be based on my first time experiencing his story and the film only. Minor Spoiler Alert!
Right off the bat, very surprising (but obviously expected) this film absolutely nailed it. Once again, a Hunger Games movie outmatched previous releases and broke the bad-sequel curse. It would've been a solid 10/10 from me if it didn't push me into a spiral of moral dilemma over Snow's actions and how GORGEOUS he looked when he was younger (/joke) (/but not really) (damn you, Tom Blyth).
Truly, Francis Lawrence did his magic once more, the whole deliverance of the story was a cinematic blessing. The fight scenes and the tension built up before and after the games had me on my feet, gripping the edge of my seat, terrified yet enthralled by what was about to happen. Having read and watched the trilogy, I have a slight notion of how the ending would be. Whatever happens, Snow will survive and rise as the most powerful victor in all of Panem. And to know that, whilst watching the games and his exile story played out, honestly terrifies me. 
Having the story laser-focused (and very well written) on the main villain had me occasionally losing myself in his emotions and perspective, I lost grip on the reality of the abuse and oppression The Capitol inflicted on all 12 districts and their people, with The Hunger Games as the peak reminder of their terrors, showing the people who're actually in power. I found myself empathizing with Snow's character during some of his vulnerable moments. For a moment I imagined if only people were nicer, if his circumstances were a little bit more ideal, Snow would have grown up to be a better person (which obviously was a terribly false assumption as this man is honestly devil reincarnated). 
ALSO, as a self-proclaimed musical addict, I simply cannot write this review without giving my highest praise to Rachel Zegler, Dave Cobb and James Newton Howard for perfecting the film with their music. Every time Zegler starts singing, I get goosebumps all over. Her verses and emotions took hold of my entire body and moved me to feel whatever emotions the creators wanted me to feel. Midway, I felt like Zegler's decision to pursue acting instead of singing should make hit singers grateful because she would sweep them away so quickly with that voice and talent 🥹.
The film perfectly mirrors how fights against oppression are often harshly labelled as unjust terrors or savage rebellions, deserving of brutal punishments by the ruling governments. Regardless of how these "rebellions" were simply a desperate attempt for the oppressed to survive another day. When the stakes are too high, beyond their control, and the prospect of a better future is bleak, they would have nothing more to lose. Fighting would be the only option they have. It would be either fight or die. A literal, real-life hunger game where the whole world is your arena. And considering current global events, the release of this film feels extremely fitting. Which raises one big question: "If you can stand with the rebels fighting for justice, against immoral and inhumane rulings in movies and books, why won't you stand for them in real life?"
The movie ended with Snow finally getting a spot in The Capitol, a near guarantee of a successful future, with his grandmother and Tigris by his side congratulating him. Not going to spoil the ending for anyone who hasn't watched the film, but I'm just gonna say that in that scene I so wish I could hear both Tigris and Snow's inner thoughts and emotions. 
In conclusion, I regret not watching this movie sooner and totally recommend all dystopian fiction fans to watch in the theaters! 
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Nadia Foundling Application;
Tumblr media
Name: Nadia Foundling.
Known Aliases: Nadia Genie, The Genie girl, Junior of the Storm Bringer, and Thing 1.
Hannah told us not to call her that.
It's a joke, Herlando. Calm down.
Would you consider it a joke if someone called you and Rian Thing 1 and Thing 2?
Fair point.
Nicknames or Other: Nadie, Nad, N, Little N, Little Lady, Little Genie, Nada, and N.F.
We really have to come up with better nicknames for her.
It's not our fault that Hannah gave her a bad name for nicknames.
Nadia is a wonderful name. Unlike Moxford.
Why you little-
Date of Birth or Best Guess: She's 3. Hannah came back with her and her sister around March 17th-ish, so let's go with that.
Place of Birth: Isle of the Lost.
Where else would she have been born?
Will you guys stop bringing that up?
No. A stupid question deserves a not so stupid answer.
Favorite Color: Purple.
Favorite Activity: Playing in the sand.
Favorite School Subject: She doesn't go to school yet. So probably art.
Father's Name (or alias): Dread the evil genie.
Mother's Name (or alias): Unknown.
Father's Profession: Evil Genie.
Mother's Profession: Unknown.
Who is your favorite of the first wave of VKs? There is no wrong answer.
I thought she'd pick Hannah but I guess Jay makes sense.
How?! He runs with you know who!
Because his dad was a genie briefly!
That's a stupid reason.
And she's 3.
In your own words, tell us why you want to come to Auradon. There is no wrong answer.
So she doesn't die before her 18th birthday.
So she can have fresh food.
So she can see Hannah again and use her magic. There ya happy? Or are you gonna cross that out too?
This was requested by @panthera-tigris-venenata .
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