#i don't know if this *reads* as more unhinged than my normal writings
gillianthecat · 2 years
Bees in my head, there are so many bees in my head today 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
Anyway, I watched the first two episodes of Unintentional Love Story. Which I quite liked! And I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next. It's humorous and tropey but still with depth. I love the sunshine boy (I can't remember anyone's name yet) and how he is both genuinely sunshiny, and simultaneously using that charm out of desperation. The actor is bring wonderful nuance to the role. I'm less sure about the ceramicist, there's an awkwardness to him that I can't tell if it's the character or the actor, but I'm willing to wait and see. And I quite like the character, so even if his actor isn't up to the level of the other one, i don't think it will ruin the show for me.
I also like that he's a ceramicist! I'm getting a little tired of so many of the creative/artist characters being chefs. (Although there have been some writers too.) Part of it is a me thing about my own issues, but also variety is nice! I loved the scene at the kiln—it gave us a glimpse of the ceramicist being more relaxed and himself, plus sunshine's heart pot! 😻
I literally knew nothing about this going in besides @heretherebedork's screenshots of that loom (which was indeed an amazing loom, even better than I expected), which always makes for an interesting time at the beginning as I figure out what the tone and direction of the story are going to be. The beginning felt quite rapid fire, getting the characters into place to set the story in motion, realism be damned, but I don't mind the contrivance of the premise. I love an ethical dilemma derailed by falling for someone.
This series somehow feels more leisurely and expansive than most Korean BL that I've seen? More like a Thai BL, or a bigger budget mainstream (het) Kdrama. I think a big part of that feeling is that we're getting TWO! whole couples (I'm assuming). And I love all four characters already. Two variations on enemies to lovers! And all four of them seem like compelling people. Even the older ceramicist seems interesting enough. I only hate the smarmy senior colleague.
I haven't even checked how many episodes there are, so maybe it is a short series after all, but so far it doesn't feel cramped and truncated. Thirty minutes seems to be about the dividing line between a full episode and a condensed one, and these fall just on the long enough side.
Anyways I may write more about what I love about these characters later, after I look up their names. This was actually supposed to be a really short post just to note that I watched it, but then I got carried away.
Because I meant to talk about the bees in my head and how I'm mentally jumping all over the place right now, and how my wildly fluctuating attention span led me to read a post about Death Note, and then decide I needed to go watch it. Which I did. And, shh, confession time: this is the very first anime I've ever intentionally watched. I've seen bits and pieces of stuff, and been in the room with my nephews as the watched Pokémon and Naruto, but I've never deliberately sought it out. Am I getting kicked off of Tumblr for this?
The post that got me looking was poking fun at people who talk about the age gap between the two shipped characters being problematic when it's least troubling thing about them, and I was like, hmm... I'm kinda intrigued. One Netflix renewal later (I needed it anyway to watch The Glory season two) and here I am.
I'm intrigued so far? I may or may not share my thoughts on it later, but I will probably watch more episodes.
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a-canceled-stamp · 2 months
Hi Stamp!
For the ask game:
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love   ❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? 🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Hi again Rae!!! This answer is very very late, but thank you so much for the ask 🥺💞
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love  
IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION. But also a favorite. I shall choose 3 bc I can. buy back the secrets by sundiscus ( @vinelark ). TimKon fic feat. Identity Porn out the wazoo. I'm still obsessed with this one. It's so fricking good. It was the first fic we read in our book/fic club and y'all, let me tell you. We are still not okay. When chapter 6 drops all hell will break loose. A Premonition of Drift-Design by @shirokokuro. Amazing Tim & Bruce content. I first read this years ago when I first joined the fandom, and have been obsessed ever since. I reread it the other day for the memories and y'all. It is just as freaking good as I remember, if not better. The entire If That Happens, I'll Catch You and Secretary Tim (And Other Shenanigans) series are top notch tbh. Go read them rn, do it 🔫 And finally, a Malevolent fic bc this show is ruining my life [affectionate]. lacuna by @calamitxtum. I am 5 chapters in and have eaten my pillow. The mattress is next. I am so so so normal about these two. It doesn't help that Cal's writing is insanely good. NOMNOMNOM. The fic was completed the other day too so you can and should dive into it this instant. (Spoilers through ep 28 though). Go!!!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
This was an impossible question to answer. I have been staring at this draft for 30 min. But I finally have an answer. I love the Hidden Injuries trope and have started reading more fics focusing on Bruce and Jason's relationship. And honestly, there is no one I trust more with this dynamic than lemongarden. They are the one who wrote Stargazer, and bro. Brooooooo. Holy shit. It is fucking incredible. I wish I could bottle their characterizations of Jason and Bruce in a bottle and study them for science. Stargazer is so incredible near and dear to my heart, I almost get emotional talking about it ahdjkhskjd. This sort of turned into another rec but you know what those are always great.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Honestly any kind of comment at all, like just a goofy smiley goes a long way. But comments that make me kick my feet are the keyboard smash, all capital letters, unhinged rambles - those fill me with immense joy. Also, the liveblog-esque comments are to die for. And the analytical, deep dive into the reader's own interpretation of events is so much fun to read. I know that these take time tho so I really don't expect people to do that (I once spent an hour on a comment. AN HOUR. It was 1384 words rip).
Thank you again for the ask, Rae! Ily :smek:
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MAC. OH MY GOD. HEAD IN HANDS. HOLY SHIT. ashe is in college (normal college i think??) VYCNENT IS IN SUPERHERO COLLEGE!!!! wiwi fucking around in the woods..... dakota also in college i think??? idk that wasn't super clear 2 me but i think he's there IDK I WAS JUST SO EXCITED FOR ALL OF THEM TO BE LIKE. EXISTING IN THE SAME PLACE!!!! ashe oughhh ashe i missed u ashe <3 i like to think he still has the trickster's wings. thats canon 2 me idc. oh my godd they're doing like. relatively normal shit!!!!!! aaaa!!!! oh i need 2 write a fic about them in college. i got 2. i MUST. even just a oneshot idc i wanna do it!!!
THE IRL MARIOKART AGAIN!!!! LE FROG!!! WILLIAM'S FUNERAL!!!! THE SILLIES ARE BACK!!!!!!!! SHENANIGANS!!!! oh that was so good. that was SO GOOD!!!!! oh im going 2 cry. i didn't cry and then it got to dakota with his aunt and i teared up a lil and then it had william falling off the cliff and landin gin the dirt and just. holding the soil in his hands and feeling it and i actually cried a lil. man. also CANTRIP IS NOT IN THE SPIRIT WORLD!!! WHERE IS SHE!!! DOES THIS MEAN SHE'S ALIVE OR IS SHE A GHOST I DON'T KNOWWWW GOD I WANT 2 KNOW. I WANT 2!!!! and atlas being killed. an X being carved into him. XAVIER VILLAIN ARC????? 👀👀👀👀 PERHAPS??? god i hope so. i would love to see him as a villain. i rly like xavier actually and i think he deserves to go a little apeshit <3 SO EXCITED FOR WHATEVER THE FUCK IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH MAL!!! GUY WAS ALREADY FUCKED UP AND NOW HE'S EVEN MORE UNHINGED!!!!! i like mal a lot. he fucking sucks. terrible horrible awful little man. i love him so much he's such a cool fucking character i want to throw him out a window <3 idiot shit bastard man!!!!!! and william asking vyncent if he would come to ghim funeral. bro was like THIS CLOSE 2 asking him out. i am telling u. and btw william's fucking "vyncent did you realize anything while i was gone?" right ebfore vyncent just passes tf out in ep39 was so fucking. yeah. that's ghostknife!!!!!!! it always almost happens and then it fucking doesn't!!! i love that for them i hope they're ten times as gay and awkward in s3 <3
GOD. that was so good. finales always fuck me up dude. im so fucking emotional. i feel like my entire being is vibrating like a lightning rod or some shit. ALSO u gotta send me more trivia abt the episodes!!! i think the last one u sent me was for episode 15 of s2. GOD PLS SEND ME GREYSCALE AND DEADWOOD TRIVIA!!!!!! I WANT IT!!!!! I WANT 2 KNOW WHAT THE HELL CHARLIE WAS THINKING DURING GREYSCALE. WHAT WERE UR THOUGHTS KING!!! TELL ME MR SLMCL!!!!!!!!
man. im gonna listen 2 bitb next but i feel like i gotta take a few days first yk??? i gotta let that shit sink in. i hope ur havin a good time reading worm <3 i wil start worm soon!! i just wanna get thru jrwi first bc if i try to get into more than one thing at a time that i know will inhabit my entire brain i feel like my brain is melting. too many blorbo thoughts i gotta stick to one thing first. anyway yeah that was. fucking wild <3 ty for getting me into jrwi i regret nothing
HIIIIIIIIIII WHISKEY. SORRY I LET THIS SIT IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG I LOVE YOU.AUGH. PRIME DEFENDERS MY LOVE. every day i think about yakko showing up in cosplay . that made me so happy. ashe winters i love you so dearly. i have so many thoughts about post s2 ashe. if ashe isnt in s3 im going to fucking riot.
when i tell you that fucking part with the cliff made me UGLY CRY . like full on. "and you stay there" lives in my head forever.
EXTREMELY EXCITED ABOUT A POSSIBLE XAVIER VILLAIN ARC. LIKE. THATS GOTTA BE HIM RIGHT. THAT CANT NOT BE HIM. i wonder if allen is with him. fuck. AND WHERES CANTRIP. GOD. i miss her :( i think she deserves to go full vengeful spirit on williams ass and haunt him like a fucking poltergeist. god forbid women do anything.
dude finales fuck me up so bad too. god. 39 hurts me just a little bit more than 40 but 40 is still SOOOO insanely good to me. 40 was like the breath of fresh air we needed. i dont think 40 hit me as hard as a finale because i know we're getting a 3rd season so its not OVER yet. but something about it just made it feel so much more impactful than a regular season finale. god. i miss them so much.
IM SO GLAD YOU GOT INTO JRWI !!!!!!! ITS BEEN SO FUN SEEING YOU GUYS REACT TO EVERYTHING!!!!!! jrwi has been like. HUGE main hyperfix for me since like. last october. so im having sooooo much fun forever. hehehehe. me when my beloved mutuals and i are all into the same piece of media again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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strawberrypinky · 1 month
i. is there a ship you wouldn't write a whole fic for, but love in the background? If we're talking companion characters, I do like Bloodweave (aka Gale x Astarion) quite a bit, but as a woman, I don't feel comfortable writing about a (male) homosexual ship. Love seeing the content, but I'll stay on the outside, appreciating the amazing Bloodweave creators, such as @shellytheleo and @calolily I wouldn't say no to adding that relationship in the background though.
ii. Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it! Considering I currently only have one BG3 fic, I begrudgingly have to recommend fire and ice - a Gortash x Tav fic, beginning around five years before the canon events of BG3 start. Idk what I like about, but I love being as unhinged as I can be with Gort, lol. Here's a sneaky sneak peek for chapter two bc Gort is absolutely not normal: A drow had tickled Enver's fancy - the woman small and slight, though far more voluptuous than his soon-to-be wife. She was pretty enough, even if she would have been hardly worth a second glance outside the tawdry meat market of a place he had entered. Her body, while graceful and smooth, hardly aroused any desire in him. He imagined another entity entirely beneath him, with skin more white and hair that shimmered silver and a voice as sweet as a lullaby, begging Bane to let Enver fill her up. The whore, whose name Enver had forgotten as soon as he had paid for her services, almost looked offended when the name 'Elodie' spilt from his lips in place of hers, but a single look silenced her before she could begin to speak. Pathetic, he thought, before he left the chamber, knowing Elodie would have never submitted that easily.
iii. Rec someone else's BG3 fic and tell us what you like about it! Oh Lord. I've done some fic recs a while ago here, and I stand by @gufu-vire "O, Fortuna" (cannot recommend it enough!), as well as "His Star - His Queen" by @random-introverted-blog, and all the others I recommended a couple weeks back. I still love them all. In Gufu's words, I am 'woefully illiterate' these days (seriously, my tbr is endless) and don't have many fics to recommend BUT I did start reading "dealbreaker" by @goodgirlgonebard which I have really enjoyed! I like seeing various takes on Ascended!Astarion, because while I will forever prefer the spawn route, his ascended ending has incredible depth in terms of morality, abuse cycles and power dynamic.
"Dealbreaker" explores the dynamic between Tav and A!Astarion as they try to navigate their feelings for one another post breakup and post-brain, both with wishes and desires of their own. The exploration of their desires and motives is both gripping and logical and I enjoy seeing it all play out.
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chanis-banani · 1 year
Hi 👋 I wanted to know if you could write a night of s3x where there are mirrors (I think it's beautiful) with woodz? Thank you 🤍
HELL YEA I CAN (sorry, I'm just very excited about this concept)
Also maybe I got a little unhinged with it because this is my longest fic yet, hope that's ok oops
Pairing: WOODZ × afab reader
Synopsis: You decide to book a hotel for the night of Seungyoun's birthday. But after not looking at the photos very carefully, you're in for something a little more adventurous than intended.
Genre: s m u t . 18+
Contains: swearing, masturbation, voyeurism, dirty talk, fingering, oral, (unprotected) sex in front of a mirror, marking, more mirror sex, slight biting, slight hair pulling, creampie, did I mention mirror sex?
Word Count: (I'd rather not say) 5k words (yes it's almost all smut)
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☆ smut under the cut ☆
You turn the key in the lock and open the door to the hotel room. Seungyoun follows behind you, still wearing the little party hat you gave him. Since it is his birthday, you decided to celebrate it together by traveling to that little city you’ve always wanted to visit. In the afternoon, you walked around the center together to explore and you had dinner at a cute little bistro. You had given Seungyoun one of those little party hats as a joke, but he insisted on wearing it for the rest of the day. He had only taken it off inside the restaurant because the staff were giving him slightly hostile looks and he didn’t want to be rude, but as soon as you stepped outside after eating, he put it right back on again. Even while checking into the hotel, he kept wearing the little hat. The hotel staff were less judgemental and even seemed to like his shenanigans, congratulating him on his birthday.
Both of you closely inspect the room as you enter and Seungyoun throws his bags on the bed. The sheets are a red color and made of satin. The walls are also red, with a black decorative pattern made up of little roses. Next to the bathroom door is a big cabinet. Its wooden doors are closed, but you don't need to look inside to know what's in there, since it says "toys" in big letters on one of the doors. The bed is kingsized, with red little bed curtains surrounding it. On the other side of the room, right across from the bed, a huge mirror hangs on the wall.
You look around in shock. Seungyoun looks at you and raises an eyebrow. "Y/n? Did we just book ourselves a sex hotel?" You turn to him with big eyes and laugh a little nervously. “I swear this was not my intention!” you quickly come to your defense. “I even looked at photos of the hotels! Maybe I didn’t look at pictures of every individual room, but I just assumed they would be similar. This isn’t my fault! How could I know they would have a room like this?!”
He laughs and walks over to you to press a little kiss on your lips. The contrast between the deep red satin sheets on the bed and Seungyoun’s dumb, pastel little party hat makes the situation even more absurd. “Sshh, don’t be so worried,” he coos and he wraps his arms around you to pull you into a hug. You see your own reflection in the big mirror across the bed as he embraces you. It feels a little weird, but somehow seeing your love like this also brings little butterflies to your stomach. “This room is perfectly fine,” Seungyoun continues. “We can always leave that cabinet closed and then it’s almost like a normal room. Besides, a steamy room like this is kind of exciting, isn’t it?”
- - -
While Seungyoun takes a quick shower after a long day of exploring, you lay in bed with your favorite book. You try to read, but the room somehow keeps distracting you. The satin sheets are way too smooth and not really comfortable at all. Not to mention the discomfort you feel from the “toy” cabinet that almost seems to stare you down from the other side of the room. And worst of all - the mirror. You don’t know how to feel about it. As you sit upright in the bed, you feel the constant presence of your own reflection, causing a chaotic blend of intrigue, anxiety and excitement to pool in your stomach. It feels so naughty, so weird. So wrong to even think of looking at yourself in such a filthy way. Maybe it’s the energy of the room, but somehow you feel mostly excited. The big mirror in front of you gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from all kinds of angles, seeing every single inch of yourself. It’s like the mirror is calling to you, pulling you into your own reflection.
You slide a hand under your pajama shirt and watch yourself in the mirror as you run your fingers along your own belly, shivering a little at the touch. This new, extra kind of self awareness is making you more sensitive to your own fingers than you usually are. It feels so wrong to watch yourself like this, but fucking hell, does it turn you on.
You bring your fingers down to your clit and slowly start to stroke yourself, while looking at your own reflection. You look at your own lips, noticing how your mouth hangs open a little bit. Your shirt has been pulled up to reveal your breasts to yourself through the mirror. At this point, you’re starting to run out of patience. You just want to see more of yourself. Right now.
After sitting up, you take off your shirt and toss it into the room, quickly followed by your panties. Now you sit and take a moment to simply observe your own reflection. Very slowly, you spread your legs for yourself, like Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street. Only you're not doing it to seduce anyone else. You do it because you're feeling mesmerized by your own sexuality in a way you've never experienced before. The way you can watch how your own fingertips glide along your skin, how you can watch your own little reactions when you tease yourself a little, and the sight of your own sex all made you feel almost enchanted by yourself.
Very slowly, you insert your middle finger, watching closely how it disappears between your folds. God, you’re absolutely soaked. Your own reflection looks at you with a flustered expression as you realize how wet you became for yourself. It is so shameful and exciting at the same time, you don’t want to contain yourself anymore. You begin to pump your finger into yourself with more determination while bringing your other hand down to rub your clit. Soft moans escape your lips as you get lost in the sensation, and in the eye contact with your own reflection. You add another finger, watching excitedly how it gets engulfed by your soaked pussy, along with the other one. Being able to see how you’re stretching your own cunt to fit your fingers inside is so hypnotizing.
Just when you're about to add a third finger, you're snapped out of this hypnotized state of mind by Seungyoun's figure in the corner of your eye. He leans against the wall with his arms crossed and a dubious expression on his face. You immediately pull out your fingers, heart beating like crazy in your chest. How long had he been standing there? Was he watching you this whole time? His hair is still damp from the shower and he hadn’t bothered to put on a shirt or any pants. Just his boxers, which didn’t do much to hide his arousal.
“No no, don’t be embarrassed,” he says with a warm, sweet tone, as always, “Keep going. You seemed to be enjoying yourself.” The way he just about sings these words to you makes it obvious how much he had been enjoying the spectacle of you playing with yourself in front of the mirror. You wonder if he had secretly touched himself too while he watched.
“I’m not going to touch myself while you look!” you shriek. Seungyoun chuckles and shifts his weight so he’s no longer leaning against the wall. “Well… Why don’t I help you out then?”
Before you can protest, he’s already next to you in the bed and pulls you into his lap. Your back is pressed against his chest while he leans back against the headboard. You can clearly feel his erection poking into your lower back, making you quiver a little. A shiver goes down your spine as you feel his breath in your neck and he snakes his arms around your waist, gliding his right hand down to your vulva while using his left hand to cup your breast.
“Look at us,” he says with a husky voice while making eye contact with you through the mirror. Before you can even feel it, you see how he brings his lips to your ear and gently nibbles on your earlobe. “Aren’t we magnificent?”
You squirm nervously. Your heart beats like crazy in your chest due to a combination of anticipation, humiliation, and a deep love for the man who is currently stroking his finger along your entrance. “Look how wet you are,” he says, referring to the glistening arousal on your inner thighs. He drags his fingertip up between your folds, earning a wonderful moan from you. His lips curl into a horny grin and he doesn’t break eye contact for even a second.
“Do you have any idea how appetizing you look when you observe yourself like that?” His voice is lower and huskier than before. “It drives me a little crazy…” Upon these words, he slides his middle finger and ring finger into you at once, while simultaneously biting down on your earlobe. The sudden roughness causes you to let out a yelp and you tense up in his arms.
“That’s right, baby, just let it out,” he coos softly against your ear. His warm voice makes the little hairs in your neck stand upright. You bring one hand down to hold on to his wrist of the hand he’s fucking you with, and you bring your other hand up to grab the side of his head, desperately trying to find some way to regain stability.
“Seungyoun-” you manage to say under your breath. He lets go of your ear with his teeth to leave wet, hungry kisses on your jaw and down your neck. “Hmm?” he mumbles mid-hickey against your skin, while his fingers continue to pump in and out of you. “I just-” you continue nervously between your moans, “It’s weird…”
He pauses his hickey to look up at you through the mirror with a skeptical expression and he drastically slows down the movement of his fingers. “I’ll be the judge of that,” he grins at you, slowly pulling his fingers out of your sex to give you both a clear view of how filthy wet you are, pussy swollen from arousal and friction. “Now tell me what you were going to say,” he continues in a more stern, yet playful tone. You whimper from the sudden empty feeling and let out a defeated little sigh. “I just want to see us making love… Properly. In front of the mirror?”
Seungyoun doesn’t even look remotely surprised. It’s not like he wasn’t aware of how much you were intrigued by the mirror after your little show earlier. With a playful grin, he brings his fingers up to your mouth, those same fingers he fucked you with. Through the mirror, he gives you a look that makes it perfectly clear what he wants from you and you obediently part your lips for him. “So, you want to be fucked in front of the mirror? Is that right?” His fingers slither into your mouth while he says this. You are left with no choice but to nod in agreement with his fingers in your mouth, confronted with your own pathetic reflection while you are made to taste yourself.
There’s an eager twinkle in his eyes upon this sight of you. “God…” he whispers under his breath. He quickly tries to compose himself a little and he scrapes his throat. “Your wish is my command, my dearest. But first…” Suddenly he gets up from the bed and takes your hand in his. “...first I want to taste you.”
Before you know it, you are pulled to the foot end of the bed and he places you in an upright position, with your legs hanging over the edge. In the blink of an eye, he is kneeled before you on the ground, with his head between your thighs and the most excited expression on his face. The sight of him being so adorably enthusiastic, combined with the almost primal kind of hunger in his gaze brings a familiar type of warmth to your lower belly.
Being observed and cherished by him like this while also being observed by yourself through the mirror is a weird feeling, but far from an unpleasant one. You watch the movements of your own body as it responds to Seungyoun’s sudden kisses on your inner thigh. Through the mirror, you get a clear view of his back, beautifully showing off his tattoo for you. Somehow it turns you on that he’s still wearing his boxers. It shows that he is so excited to shower you with pleasure that he almost entirely forgets about his own desires.
The sensation of his teeth gently scraping along your skin causes you to jolt up a little, which leads him to let out satisfied little hums against your inner thigh. He places his hands on top of each of your thighs to hold them tightly so you don’t accidentally move too far away from him. Something which proves to be a good idea as soon as he decides to suddenly suck on your clit. With a little yelp, you dig your fingers into his hair and hold on to him tightly.
Thanks to the mirror, you can see his body react to the way you hold his hair. His muscles tighten and he slightly arches his back in enjoyment. He never minds if you’re a little rough with him. In fact: usually that is exactly what turns him on. There is nothing he likes more than making you feel good, so your body’s reactions are rather important to him. When he is covered in little scratches and other marks after making love to you, it tells him that he’s done a good job.
You hold on to his hair even more tightly to enjoy the view of his physical reaction and you pull him more closely towards you. Seungyoun gladly responds by sticking out his tongue for you, allowing you to rub yourself against it for him. As you watch yourself in the mirror, you aren’t sure whether you look pathetic or powerful, but it doesn’t matter, because all you know is that you’re insanely horny. And you’re not the only one.
As he eats you out, Seungyoun seems to be squirming to get the slightest bit of friction for himself as well, but without much success. You grin down at him and gently pull his right hand away from your thigh. At first, he gives you a confused look, but when you guide his hand down to his own crotch for him, it seems to click. “Go on,” you say with a kind smile and you stroke his head as if he were some kind of dog. “I want to see you touch yourself for me, Seungyoun.” 
The boy shudders at your words. He has that excited twinkle in his eyes again. “God, y/n, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispers under his breath before obediently sliding his own hand into his boxers. The little whimpers that come from him once he starts to pleasure himself vibrate wonderfully against your clit.
Seungyoun appears needier by the minute. He starts to get more rough with you, forcing his tongue as deep inside you as possible while digging his fingers into your thigh hard enough to leave marks. The feeling of his hot, wet tongue inside your cunt like this is enough to make you throw your head back in pleasure, your vision becoming blurred with stars. You spread your legs a little wider for him and with loud moans you start to rub yourself on his face.
His moans become louder as well, but when he suddenly calls your name, you become awakened from your own state of bliss for a second. “Y/n…” His voice is low and filled with need. He is showing you those eyebrows again. His hand is no longer in his boxers and his mouth and chin are completely wet, dripping with your arousal.The sight of him like this is nearly enough to make you cum on the spot.
You give him a curious look when he suddenly begins to chuckle. "What? Why are you laughing?" Without saying a word, Seungyoun just points up to the space above the bed. You turn and lean your head back to discover that he is pointing at a second mirror. This mirror above the bed is smaller than the one on the wall, but still big enough to have a clear view of the entire bed. All this time, the black bed curtains had hidden this second mirror from you. The only time you could have seen it was when you were laying on the bed before, if you hadn't been so obsessed with the one on the wall. "How many mirrors does a person need…" you mumbled, unsure of what else to say. The discovery of a second mirror caused you to feel that warmth in your stomach again.
When you turn your head back to Seungyoun, he's no longer kneeled down on the floor. By now he is standing and his boxers have already been tossed into a corner. He reaches a hand to you and pulls you off the bed and on your feet as well. He swiftly turns you to the mirror on the wall and places himself behind you. "Time to fulfill that wish of yours," he says, after which he begins to leave long, wet kisses on your shoulder.
You are met with your own reflection again, this time also seeing Seungyoun’s reflection behind you. From this angle, you are able to see a part of the gun tattoo on his belly and you reach your hand back to run your fingertips over his inked skin, earning a little gasp from him. Both of you are completely hot and bothered and you can already feel his erection poking your lower back again.
He guides your hips into an angle that gives him easy access and aligns himself with your entrance. You let out a hopeful little moan, but Seungyoun takes a moment to tease you before giving you what you want, taking his time to stroke his tip up and down your embarrassingly wet folds. 
At this point you’re so needy for him, you won’t wait any longer and you push your ass back a little, carefully pushing yourself onto him. He moans with surprise and you moan with delightment when his tip enters you. The sensation is warm and almost soothing in a way. Through the mirror, you can see how his look of surprise quickly makes room for a warm, loving smile and he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you tightly against him. You lean your head back against his shoulder and he presses a kiss on your cheek.
“Look at you…” he murmurs against your skin while stroking your lower belly with his hands, sending tingles throughout your entire body. “Y’know sometimes you give me goosebumps?” he says with a little grin. His voice is breathy and adrenalized. Thanks to these words, he isn’t the only one with goosebumps.
He pulls himself almost completely out of you and angles your bodies in such a way you get a proper view of where the two of you are connected. Both of you become fully focused on the sight as he very slowly pushes himself back inside you again, this time filling you up with his entire length, all at once. You can only gasp and hold your breath at the sudden full feeling, making your pathetic reflection stare at yourself with an open mouth.
You reach both of your arms back to him to hold on to his hips as he thrusts into you with very long, slow strokes. The look of an intoxicating kind of pleasure is written all over your faces. “I adore you,” you mumble in between your little gasps and whimpers. Through the mirror, you can clearly see how his face lights up when you say this, showing you that familiar little twinkle in his eyes again. 
He lays two fingers on your jaw and gently guides you to face him so he can press a clumsy, yet passionate kiss on your lips. His other hand is still on your belly and now creeps its way down to your heat while he kisses you. You moan blissfully against his lips when he begins to draw slow circles on your clit, and he hums lovingly in response.
While slightly picking up the pace of his thrusts, he lets his fingers travel the area between your thighs, delighting in the slippery sensation of your arousal. He breaks the kiss and looks at you with that everlasting smile of his, raising his eyebrows at you a little curiously. “You’re even more soaked than before,” he smirks at you. Feeling a little flustered, but too horny to care, you throw a cheeky grin at him and press a quick kiss on his cheek. “Well happy birthday I guess.”
The happy twinkle in his eyes makes room for a more bold expression and he turns your head back to face the mirror again. “God, you intoxicate me,” he pants and he pulls his cock almost completely out of you again, this time to plunge into you a lot harder than before. You cry out in surprise, but Seungyoun doesn’t give you any time to adjust to his new roughness. Greedy, like a wolf who hasn’t had a meal in days, he starts pumping himself into you at a quick pace, completely bottoming out with every thrust. 
Your mind is foggy and you’re barely even aware how loudly he makes you moan for him. With your head leaning back on his shoulder and your hand desperately clinging to his hips behind you, you try to regain some sense of stability. But his hard thrusts make it hard to even think clearly, not to mention the way he’s rubbing your clit. “Seungyoun-” you squeal just when he plunges into you particularly roughly. “I’m- Ah! Getting close…”
“Not yet,” he replies firmly and after a few more hard thrusts, he pulls out of you, giving you a chance to catch your breath.
He lifts you off your feet and in the blink of an eye, you are transported to the bed. A wave of relief hits you, knowing that you can at least lay down if he’s going to fuck you like this. The relief however, soon makes room for an almost shameful feeling as you look up at yourself through the mirror above the bed. You weren’t even aware that you had spread your legs as he laid you down, yet here you are confronted with a clear view of yourself: legs spread wide open for him, hair messy, face sweaty and a cunt so wet that the arousal has dripped all the way down your thighs.
It’s exhilarating. 
Seungyoun quickly joins you in the bed to get on top of you. He gives you a warm smile, but you are too distracted by the sight of his back as he hovers over you. The defined muscles, the line where his spine is, the way his curves slim down around his waist and most importantly: the tattoo between his shoulder blades. You are completely infatuated with this display of him, his breathtaking form on top of you like this.
He chuckles a little to see you enchanted like this and he presses a kiss on your lips. “Earth to y/n,” he grins, snapping you out of the hypnotized feeling. He lovingly strokes your cheek and kisses you again. You shudder a little as his hair tickles against your own forehead. “You’re just so beautiful…” you whisper against his lips, “Please, I need to feel you.”
Seungyoun seems to agree with this sentiment, because he immediately lines himself up with your entrance again. He gives you a little look, as if to say “ready?” and you nod excitedly without any need for an exchange of words.
You wrap your arms around his neck, making sure to hold on to him a bit higher so you don’t cover up the view of his tattoo and he pushes himself into you again. He kisses you at first, but keeps the kiss short to give you room to watch the mirror as he makes love to you. It’s hard to tell what is more intoxicating, the sensation of being loved, cherished and filled to the brim by your beloved, or the display of his magnificent body.
You watch how his muscles tense and relax as he thrusts his hips and you admire the curves of his body. Observing the two of you together like this makes you feel like you're making love to a Greek god. In this moment, your heart becomes filled with warmth upon becoming so hyper-aware of the beauty in the reflection coming from above the bed. It's like you're looking at a painting by Michelangelo. The Sistine Chapel is nothing compared to the two of you.
“You’re beautiful,” you say softly, tearing your gaze from the mirror to look him in the eyes.
“Enough looking,” he replies with a cocky smirk on his face, “I want to kiss you.”
He connects his lips to yours again in a feverish kiss and intensifies his thrusts, pounding into your sweet spot at a steady rhythm. With a delighted little cry, you wrap your legs around him and pull him more tightly against you.
As the way he’s thrusting into you becomes more rough, he disconnects his lips from yours  and brings them down to your jaw and neck. He starts to leave long, warm kisses all over your skin and slowly those begin to get more rough as well. Once again you look in the mirror, this time to see how enchanted he is by you. While you are finding pleasure in watching your love through the mirror, he is delighted by the feeling of his skin against yours. His lips travel along your jaw, neck and shoulder, letting you feel their softness all over. It’s like both of you are bathing in the pleasure of each other’s existence. 
“Don’t stop, keep going,” you whisper under your breath, unsure of why you’re even saying it. Seungyoun hadn’t left even the slightest impression of wanting to stop anytime soon. Still, it seems your words got him even more fired up, because his kisses turn into hickeys. He wraps his arms around your torso, clinging on to you while he scrapes his teeth along the side of your throat, sucking on it until you feel a stinging sensation. When he moves to the other side of your neck, you can clearly see the purple mark he left on your skin. You can’t help but feel the rush - the way he puts his lips on you, the way he burns you, like a kiss of fire.
The knot in your lower stomach is intensifying at a rapid pace under his burning touch. With every thrust, he invades you deeply, making both of you lose yourself completely in blissful desire. By the desperation in his movement, you can tell that both of you can tip over the edge any moment now.
You let go of his neck to cup his cheeks with your hands and he brings his hickeys to a halt to look up at you. His ears and cheeks are flushed a deep, red color and little pearls of sweat drip down his forehead, causing his messy hair to stick to his skin.
“Kiss me while we cum,” you breathe out.
You don’t need to ask him twice. Seungyoun presses his lips against yours again and soon you find his tongue brushing against yours. The vibrations of your combined moans against each other’s lips causes both of you to get delightful goosebumps and a little shiver goes down your spine.
Anguished moans begin to come from Seungyoun’s throat and you can feel him throbbing slightly inside of you. A few more times, he hammers himself into you entirely and so roughly it causes your vision to get completely blurred. Then one more loud cry escapes him and he plunges into you as deeply as possible.This final thrust is enough to push you over the edge and you come with him.
As you reach your climax, you cling so tightly to him it hurts. The wave of pleasure becomes vastly more intense because of the heavy pulsations of his cock inside you. You grip on to his hair, unable to moan or even breathe. Your whole body tenses up and trembles with pleasure and all you can do is gasp. Soft whimpers come from Seungyoun’s mouth as he feels how your walls continue to clench and pulsate around him for a moment after he’s already ridden out his orgasm. But it doesn’t stop him from stroking your hair and cooing gentle words to you.
When your body finally relaxes again, he strokes your cheek with a sweet, but tired smile, while you struggle to catch your breath. “Ssshh,” he coos softly and he presses his nose into your cheek, “Breathe for me baby.” You nod at him and try to take slow, deep breaths while stroking your fingers through his hair to calm down. You can’t help but look up at the mirror for a brief moment, seeing the two exhausted figures on the bed, both covered in sweat. But there is something intriguing about this sight. Despite their exhaustion, the two figures in the mirror look insanely happy, euphoric even. Their figures seem to be overflowing with affection and care as they lay in each other’s arms, reveling in each other’s presence.
You press your forehead against his and let out a satisfied little sigh. “I think we should buy ourselves a big mirror…” you say hazily.
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
Miles Kane & Alex Turner as the actual definition of Twin Flames
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So I read about twin flames and couldn't get these two out of my mind while doing so. Because of how the article seemed to be specifically about them. So here we are. Miles Kane and Alex Turner fitting all 11 signs of finding your "mirror soul" / twin flame (based on this arcticle. Quotes taken directly) I linked most sources within the screenshots/images themselves. This post could go on forever - so I had to stop at some point. Still, welcome to my most unhinged post yet! Enjoy!
Definition: A twin flame is an intense soul connection with someone thought to be a person's other half, sometimes called a "mirror soul." It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies.
1. When you met, there was instant recognition
When you first encounter your twin flame, Spinelli says there will be an intense sense of attraction, recognition, and longing. "Meeting a twin flame often feels like home," she notes. "They feel familiar—an undeniably intense bond as though you have known them before."
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[screenshot / translation from the lovely @i-m-a-leaf-on-the-wind's post / linked in the image] ____
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____ 2. You're very similar
You and your twin flame may find that you have a lot in common as far as values, past experiences, and interests, Spinelli adds. "Both of you will find that your past story has a lot of coincidences and similar experiences."
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And of course: similar taste in music, similar interests, similar goals & dreams & approach to life (still no wives / children? [Alex as the only one in AM] -> Oriented around their own lives/dreams/hobbies), similar sense of humor, kind of similar sense of style honestly (or complimentary) & tons more.
3. You complement each other
In those areas that you aren't similar, you'll find your differences complement each other, almost like yin and yang. Their shadow, for example, will be complemented by your light, and vice versa. And because a twin flame mirrors you, you're likely very aware of how your relationship highlights your shadows, and theirs.
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I know they've probably spoken about this / shown it much more. But this post is long enough on it's own. I think we all see they match / complete each other very well with their differences. Very well shown in TLSP - their music and lyrics are normally disctinctly their own style - but they come together and those differences make up something really magical (aka some of my very favorite music). And overall in personalities - where Miles is much more extraverted, outgoing. More talkative in interviews, a charmer with tons of friends. A performer first and foremost. Alex is more of a self-proclaimed introvert, on the calm, quieter side. Didn't even want to be the lead singer - wanted to write and play. Seems to enjoy process/studio more than performing.
4. Your insecurities and doubts are amplified
"The purpose of your twin flame is to support and help you with your divine mission and purpose," notes spiritual author Shannon Kaiser. "So, often this type of relationship will reflect your problems and deepest insecurities so you can work through them to heal and grow."
so obviously we don't know much about their private conversations and such. But honestly the way their differences complement one another (more on that below) - the way they've been friends for years (and close ones - constantly in contact/visiting each othert etc.) and have mentioned they can talk to each other about anything in their lives and also what I take away from some of their lyrics; with all that I just know this is true. Also quite literally they do support one another beautifully in their journeys and purpose in life (which yeah. I believe in big part is music and art). Truly believe there wouldn't be a TBHC or The Car without TLSP influences. Same with Miles' new stuff. (Also TLSP in itself is to me - their most valuable work of all). Also Imma leave some Miles Kane lyrics here. Make of them what you will.
Miscommunication Tailored altercations Sing to yourself at night So come a little closer, dear You know I find it kinda hard to hear When you are whispering like that And you're diving in the deep The world at your feet An oyster but you can't break the shell We're sitting on the carousel, bang, bang My God, I know this all too well
So let me save you from yourself because
Caroline, you're living on the edge this time But it ain't nothing personal, no, no It's something that you need to know It's problematic cosmological
Take my hand And go and lead the life that you've planned 'Cause you're gonna be just fine My Caroline My Caroline
5. They feel magnetic
From the moment you met and still to this day, you feel drawn to them physically when they're near you, as well as magnetically, when you're apart. It's as though their energy is always with you, always wanting to be closer.
UM... Do we even need me to even put any examples here? But ok, ok. Just a few little ones to not leave it empty
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and then, for the being apart part, of course:
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6. The relationship is tumultuous
Twin flame relationships aren't all smooth sailing, and actually, they're usually not. Being with a twin flame is like constantly being confronted by yourself, namely the parts of yourself you may not like. It can be incredibly challenging, but it's facilitating major growth for both of you.
Well there's:
which people say shows some tension between them (kind od agree) there's Miles' lyrics from his last two albums, which I am convinced are about Alex and could be taken as light diss tracks honestly. Either way - there've been theories about some tensions between the two around 2018ish? And maybe later. Seems like they've smoothed it out. But song lyrics can say a lot about potential hurt and love between the two. Also if you believe this twin flame thing is about romance - well then the fact they keep being in other relationships is the biggest thing (but still can't keep their hands off each other? potentially?) If you choose to see it as a deep platonic connection only - then just ignore the girlfriend-reference part above. For a bite-size example I'll leave you with some more Miles Kane lyrics here (I think these are most commonly & widely agreed upon to be about Alex). I'm gearing up to start doing some thorough MK lyric dissections / crazy theories soon!
You're walking around, your head in the clouds You're acting as if you're Mr. Johnny know-it-all Mister come and watch me fall
You're feeling alive, a Jekyll and Hyde You're riding the tides and everybody's just doing fine Leading that double life
I'll be right here, I'll see ya when I see ya I'll wait right here, I'll see ya when I see ya You're dancing with death in a bulletproof vest There's no other way to say it, brother Better watch your step Before all goes west
The king and the queen, the milk in your tea The partner in crime you only ever found once in life Don't let it pass you by
7. The relationship is very intense
There's a definite emotional charge between twin flames, says Spinelli, and they often develop quickly because you already feel so familiar. And as Kaiser adds, "Because you are so connected at a soul level, you feel things deeper together, which often makes for more intensity and passion."
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I mean here's another one where we don't really need much material, do we? It's just there. And also previous quotes are examples for this one too. About how quickly they became the closest of friends: long conversations on the phone, sleeping at each others houses, getting to know each other's parents etc. And then they write music together (stating that if they met earlier they'd have been a band together for sure) and hop onto a plane to record an album in the French countryside, spending all their time together there. As still relatively fresh friends at that point.
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I also needed to include this somewhere because I 100% also perceive Lennon/McCartney as twin flames - and think that this is where many of the comparisons between them lay (and also big part of why Miles & Alex can relate to the two on a deeper level) (we're not gonna talk about the sad ending for those two though. Okay? No).
-- And yeah. Also all that chemistry.
8. You keep coming back together
"The chase" is most definitely a part of the twin flame relationship. At some point, one of you may walk away, out of fear, anger—you name it. But you'll often come back.
"If you're in an 'on and off'-again-type relationship, it could be with your twin flame," Kaiser says. "You'll find that things just keep bringing you together in random ways. Could be months, years, even decades; you just always find your way back to one another."
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+See: many of the other things already stated above - but especially under point 6. Also the fact they're in each others lives since they were pretty much kids and still after years chose/choose to spend so much time together, practically living next to one another at one point (Miles moving to LA partially for Alex) and talking about how they never do more than 2 months without seeing each other (and that's caused by big stuff, like tours). Also... I think if someone belives there's more going on bewteen the two then yeah... This seems like a description of what it seems like from the outside (with one of the bigger "on-agains" being around EYCTE era? And off- around TBHC / CDG album eras?)
9. Your connection feels divine
When you find your twin flame, there's a certain larger-than-life quality that likely feels divine or predestined.
"There is a feeling that you have been brought together by a higher power," Spinelli notes, and that creates a very strong bond between the two of you. (These can also sometimes be karmic relationships.)
See stuff from other points: esp. 1 and 2 I guess. All of them though. And just the way they read each others minds... But that's for the next point.
10. You have an almost psychic connection
You and your twin flame can likely communicate with just a glance, and you always know what the other is thinking. You may even feel each other's emotions or symptoms, Spinelli adds.
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The way they finish each others sentences, connect via eye contact (like just glancing at the other and suddenly laughing knowingly?) all the mirroring and inside jokes. Yup. We all know all that, there's a lot. Too much. So just a symbolic amount of examples here.
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11. They push you to be and do better
Because twin flames act as mirrors, they challenge us to do better, and oftentimes, your purposes are aligned in a way that pushes both of you to new heights. It's a very expansive relationship that promotes a lot of growth.
“Sometimes it can be a pressure being the fella in the band who writes the songs. Getting together with Miles I’ve got someone to bounce ideas off and that is something new for me. Also, it gives me somewhere to hide because he’s up there singing with me. In the Arctic Monkeys, there’s nowhere for me to hide.” - Alex As stated in another point - Miles is the more extraverted / loud / cheerful one, while Alex seems calmer, more reserved and on the serious-or-even-sad side. Well guess what - when they're together they balance each other out - and Alex is much more happy and outgoing. Even in interviews - which he famously doesn't really enjoy/do well in. (Take this from a fellow anxious/shy/quiet person. It's a GIFT to find a peron who opens you up this way). Miles also definitely gains a lot from Alex's presence and contrasting way of being.
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I know that I could put so much more in here and it's driving me a little mad. There's quotes I have in my head but couldn't place and gave up on the search and stuff I probably just forgot too. But Imma let go of my perfectionism and leave this as is - because I believe it gets the message across. Hope you enjoy my insanity with me! XO
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inkedroplets · 5 months
tagged by @sideguitars Thank you for the tag!
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
I guess I've mostly focused on offramps from canon and expanding the scope of the world that I'm playing around in
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Supergirl for the most part but I have a few other fandoms I'm dabbling in: Warrior Nun, MCU and Killing Eve
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp. I guess it's more controversial than I ever realized? I've somehow been able to avoid or outright not see any of the discourse online which is probably for the best.
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
No but what is canon?
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
I would say either Xena or The X-Files. I think I'd have to give the win to the X-Files because I was much more certain that I would be abducted by aliens
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
Unhinged... Probably the MCU/Supergirl crossover I'm writing now. Lena gets yeeted to Earth-616. Not many days you get to see Matt Murdock and Kara Danvers having a conversation or Lena dancing with Peggy...
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
Funnily enough, I was quite ignorant about the existence of fandom content. I've always liked writing so it was a very short hop to start making stories that I wanted to see inbetween the bad poetry and short stories.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
My gf reads my stuff but beyond that I'm quiet private when it comes to my fandom creations.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
I feel like at its core that's what fandom is essentially. So to see these offshoots of someone's own work it's for the most part flattering. But I do see the other side of the coin where someone might feel protective of their work and find it difficult to give their blessing to it.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
I don't know if there would be a feeling above any of the others that I'm trying to evoke with my writing. I guess if I had to pick I might say I hope that it makes you cry. Angsty angsty tears
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
I've been very blessed to have a handful of people create art for some of my fics and that's maybe the biggest compliment I could ever hope to get. To see it come to life in a different way is really magical. But I would say that every compliment has really meant so much to me.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
I've been very blessed to get to see snippets from @sideguitars about fics they have in progress and those have all just been so deliciously angsty.
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
I'll give a grab bag of things in various states of chaos
Snippet from my Lena learns magic from Johanna Constantine fic
“Where the fuck is it?” the woman asked. She advanced on Lena, looming over her. Not content to simply tower over Lena she leaned over her and seized her by the shoulders, hard as if she meant to shake her if she didn’t get a favorable answer. Whatever anger she might have felt at being spoken to in such a way or to have this stranger lay hands on her was nothing compared to the fear that still held her in place. It had robbed her of not only her strength but it had stolen whatever scathing remark she would have normally had at the ready in response to the woman’s question. “Where’s what?” Lena managed to ask in a voice that at least sounded mostly like her own.  “The grimoire or scroll or whatever magical thing you’ve decided to fuck around with that lured a demon here.” The woman examined Lena carefully, a flicker of dull recognition coming alight in her eyes. “Fuck me,” she grumbled. “You’re Lena Luthor, aren’t you? Yeah, it’s you. I’d recognize that jawline anywhere.” The woman ran her hand along her own face in what Lena had to assume was a mocking gesture. “Why is it you rich people always want to muck around with the occult? You can’t be that bloody bored.”
The Lucifer Crossover that I don't feel is good enough to share
"Yes, I remember," Lena said sourly. "When I asked the devil for a favor I was under the assumption that the eventual repayment would come much later and be far less annoying.” "As did I,” Lucifer said, making a hard right that sent a bolt of pain through Lena’s temple. “Usually when I call in favors they’re a lot more fun for me. I’m the devil, not some wish-granting fairy-godmother.” He appeared to shudder at the thought and focused his attention back on the road. “I can assure you that Linda is the best of the best. She’s been my therapist for years now…” “So,” Lena said slowly, rattling the pill caddy before tossing it back into his lap. “This is you after years of therapy?”
and a peek at the MCU/Supergirl crossover brain rot
“You got my message,” Lena said, relieved to have an excuse to put her pen down. “I got your message,” Lillian said. “I also saw the news.” A flicker of annoyance passed over her face and Lena instinctively braced herself for whatever venom would come spilling out of her mouth. “Why?” she asked. She tilted her head at an insouciant angle as if trying to suss out Lena’s reasoning before she could answer. “I didn’t think people would sleep very well at night if they learned that out of nowhere that the sky ripped open and aliens from another Earth destroyed half the city.”
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
I really really love(d) Aftermath I just love how you brought Andrea into the fold (and called out that stupid nickname they gave her in the show)
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
I'm getting a lot better at it, just as I stopped reading so many fics. I like to pick out certain passages that really resonated with me or just thought were really well-written and tell the author why.
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I have about 15 WIP's that I really want to finish and a handful more that I'm more iffy on. The plan is to finish them all but if I'll ever actually do it... I hope so though.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
I'm too embarrassed to look at the last time I updated rich girl. Years. Or Year. Anyway, too fucking long. But I'm just about done. Sorry. Life was kind of kicking my ass majorly for a while.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
Define recently. All I See is You Lena's magic derails game night
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I'm quite lucky to get a wide variety of fanart that crosses my dash so I'll engage to the point of gushing about it in the tags.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
This very recent fic, To Want and to Have and to Hold that's caught my full attention by @eqt-95 Really can't say enough nice things about it and am eagerly awaiting an update
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
I hate tagging people. i feel like I'm bothering them but I will poke @rustingcat since I always want to hear more about what they're working on
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
hihi!! i thought this was funny and wanted to tell you😭
i was telling my friend about Goo and how i would absolutely marry him and they said that he needs their blessing. i asked what he can do to get their blessing and they said he needed to write them an essay about how much he loves me so, to entertain them, i wrote them an essay from Goo's perspective about why he wants to marry me with a 20 minute timer. it was 584 words in the end and I worked a miracle.
Moral of the story: Goo got the blessing😭so uhhh you can always write your way into someones life??
This tickled me, just imagining the unhinged ramblings from Goo POV mixed with your own. Drop it please.
Inbox clearing time! Non fic requests answered: 6. (Check it - plus my fave Lookism arcs!)
To the non-anon anon that I have not included and I don't know what to do with your message - No, I won't hold your hand while you poop. Good luck with that.
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Really?? I feel so... unhinged and nonsensical (even more so than usual) when I rant. Seriously thank you for reading!?!!?
PTJ did somewhat write women with more of a personality in his Life As A Loser Series so it seems more of a shame that he's lost his touch and catering much more towards teenage boys with his current series.
Which. Fine. Action manhwa - great. BUT if your target audience are teenage boys then yknow, wouldn't it be even BETTER to write some strong badass women so these impressionable youngsters realise that not all girls need saving, and oh look. Girls are human too. With their own ambitions and flaws and imperfections, just like everyone else.
If you must make them simp, form a harem. Also. FINE. At least give them something beyond that.
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Hey Black Anon! Sorry again for how long it took me to respond to your ask before, and hope it's going much better for yourself since your last request.
I'm muuuuch more responsive with DMs so if you ever wanna come out of anon - come shout at me in my DMs!!
HTF s2 is really... something. Completely lost the meaning of HTF and Viral Hit. Don't blame you for dropping it. Alas, the Taehoon grip on me is still going STRONG.
LOL. Me in a similar position, wondering if I should get into JJK.
Can I... recommend some of my fave arcs if you ever do decide to read Lookism? The ones I like are generally more story driven.
Vasco's backstory (prepare the tissues) - 52 - 57
Johan + Zack + Mira backstory (cult warning, another sad arc) - 132 - 138
Goddog (another pretty sad arc with Johan) - 199 - 213
Jacedichi Files (silly crime solving with Burn Knuckles) - 215 - 218
One Night (Johan + Jace!! Fun action) - 258 - 262
Workers (2A) (Rescuing Sinu. Honestly, I cry almost every time. Read Jake Kim's arc to appreciate this!) - 372 - 392
Let me know if you ever get into it!!!
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Me??? Mine????? I cannot write that guy so thank you - that means A LOT to me! I will try harder to write a decent Eli (that doesn't devolve into ranting about his current direction).
Thank you for reading and being so friggin CUTE!! 💖
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I feel a vaguely threatening tone from this.
Like something Goo would recite before walking into a darkened warehouse with a crowbar 🤔
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Baby there's nothing noble about this, but it is actually more satisfying than my normal job lol (lolling through tears).
Thank you so much for reading!! My single braincell has been firing quite well with these ideas.
Anon. Honestly this is adorable, I've screenshat this for a pick me up ahhhhhhh 🥹
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My dear 🕊️ anon, thank you for reading my DG fic! I also feel very little for DG but I will admit I am coming around to him.
YES!!! I LOVE the idea of someone getting close to James Lee in his younger years, and him being soft for the reader.
And then I also like angst so let's bring those 2 things together. Heh.
Eeeee I also added that Remember fic to my list of faves that I have written.
Please. I also have a list of fictional men I am unwell over. Let's start a support group! 🫠
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imtrashraccoon · 9 months
And the winner is....
With Cookie Dough coming in a close second and Oreo in third.
Thank you to everyone who voted! I didn't think even a dozen people would see it, let alone 68! I enjoyed reading the tags of those who reblogged my poll as well!
While I am disappointed I can't write the scene I had in mind for the bubblegum flavour for Bad Sansuary, I will likely save it for a much later chapter in The Nightmare of Apathy as it's too good to scrap completely. Killer gets to be slightly less unhinged, this time...
Updates to my writing projects and Bad Sansuary under the cut so this post isn't too long XD
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I have plotted out the entirety of the plot according to the prompts list for Bad Sansuary!
I think it will be fun as well as challenging to actually write, especially as I won't be winging it this time. Though I'm wondering if I should make an introductory post for my headcanons for the boys or if you guys going in blind would be just as fun. Not that there's anything too different from the normal interpretations anyways.
I aim to write the chapters ahead of time again so I have more time to focus on other projects and responsibilities. I plan for them to be longer as well but I'm not promising anything just yet.
I don't have much in the way of other updates, although I am nearly half done writing chapter 2 for The Nightmare of Apathy. The bad news is I probably won't have much time to finish it until the end of January.
I'm also nearly done writing another bonus chapter from the Self-Ship Underfell Papyrus challenge. Remember that? I'd like to post it sooner rather than later but I can't make that promise either.
As for my other projects? Who knows! I work on them whenever I have time and the inspiration. I have not forgotten The Hand We've Been Dealt or Baston and Hemlock, don't worry!
In the meantime, thank you for making this a great latter half of 2023 for me! I never imagined I'd have half as many people reading my garbage writing. Many of you have given me so much inspiration and motivation to keep going.
I'm not far from the 50 follower milestone and I kinda want to do something to celebrate. It depends how quickly it comes though and how busy I am. Still, I appreciate every one of you who read this far!
Thank you for making the end of my year awesome! You've made a raccoon very happy. (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
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lingy910y · 11 months
Gallavich Questionnaire
Thank you @energievie for tagging me to do this! I get too unhinged when talking about these two boys, so warning for very elaborate ramblings 🙏
1. What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
This fic is the prime example of why you should write a fic even if you think nobody’s going to read it, because it’s my favorite gallavich fic even though most people don’t want to read about them getting a divorce. But I do, okay, because a normal break-up doesn’t cut it (especially since we already see those in canon, but post-canon is up to our interpretation) and it’s just more serious. I think they will work out their issues before it gets too far in canon but it just hurts so fucking good. The reason for their divorce is so realistic too, in fact it’s not one but a lot of problems piled on top of each other. They think it’s only going to hurt everyone involved including their children, which is arguably true in context, but they can’t resist each other and it’s this back and forth push. There’s parallels to canon, the writing is so good without being drawn out, and there’s so much nuance, emotion, and subtly hinting at something beneath the surface. The pining is just delicious because it’s not “I don’t know if you feel this way about me” or “I’m not allowed to be with you,” it’s “I want to be with you so badly but I’m trying to resist that because it’s going to hurt everyone.” Then the trying so hard not to care because “we’re over, but you’re in trouble and I’m trying to move on and I’m never going to love someone else like I love you” 😭😭😭 anyway I actually had to stop myself from rereading too often for comfort because it was too much LOL
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the author said they were going to update it January of this year so I’ll be patiently waiting 😔
3. What's a headcanon you can't stop thinking about?
You know that post abt how when you're sleepy you imagine your favs sleepy? I keep imagining Ian wrapping their comforter around Mickey like a cocoon when he has a nightmare and cuddling him, it's cute
4. What's a fanart you love looking at?
The first image of this by @gallavichonly JUST GETS ME SO FERAL. THEIR FUCKING EXPRESSIONS.
5. What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I want to draw a character concept art sheet for their outfits/weapons/mechanics for kinda a zombie apocalypse AU. Designing that sounds fun but I need to research more
6. What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
The jealousy trope, especially jealous Mickey. I guess in other fandoms, people write jealousy in a really possessive, cringy way. Not saying gallavich aren't possessive as fuck but at least they earned it, you know? There's too many ships where one of them is breathing down the other person's love interest's neck but they don't even know you exist, like calm down 😭 Meanwhile gallavich tease and try to get each other to admit it first, and Mickey is biting his tongue trying not to say anything and then "Fucking cheat on me, Ian?!", "Whatcha doin' here then?" AND THEIR EXPRESSIONS WHEN THEY EACH SAY "WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW" ARUGHHHHHH I'M SO GONE
7. What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
Touched on this earlier but basically the more tragic/gritty ones—a huge argument, break-ups, unrequited love, falling out of love, hanahaki, amnesia, MCD...
10. What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
Eh I think we've dissected the shit out of every scene lmao, but probably their s4 reunion? The lap dance?
11. What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
Obviously "I'll take care of you. / It's rotten work. / Not to me. Not if it's you."
12. What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
I want Ian to go back to being an EMT no matter what :( but their current security gig fits Mickey a lot. Ian also gets really into gardening, he'll be so good to the point where he'll be known in the neighborhood. And Mickey has a little hobby for drawing. They'll adopt a pitbull because Mickey was actually enthusiastic about that idea, which meets Ian halfway by still giving him something to take care of. Now for the elephant in the room: I think it's okay if Mickey never wants a kid, and there's a lot of issues ingrained in them that unless they go to therapy for a couple of years, hinder them from becoming perfect parents tbh. Now I'm not saying they'll be bad, but will their best be enough? Will they be content? Idk, I don't have any experience and I see them with more issues/flaws than the majority of the fandom? Honestly I just don't see that future for them (but I do enjoy kid AUs because who doesn't.) They'll stay on the West Side because I want them to get out but not stray too far from their family. I also can't think about them getting old or I'll sob, but I wrote a fic about how they'll retire and just live comfortably because it's what they deserve, and they'll take tons of vacations when they save up enough money.
oh my god that was way too much but in my defense i rarely get to rant abt them ok!! anyway now that I went through the whole spectrum of emotions, i'm tagging @michellemisfit, @lupeloto, @jademickian & @softmick 🚶‍♀️
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joesmemes · 2 years
Assembled by @sheenathehyena.
I gave you a beach house now be normal
It's just so fucking ridiculous it circles back around to being poignant
I'm fine but what an inconsiderate toolbox
the fucking white boi who is trying to "find himself" that you meet all of once at the beginning
Yeah you want me to shoot my baby batter all over you cover you with almost - children
Not sure how to feel about talking to actual fucking yakuza members for entertainment purposes
On a scale of Balan Wonderworld to Silent Hill, how are you dealing with your trauma?
Roses are red, violets are blue, singular they is older than singular you
Concerned Ape noises
You ever think about the fact that [name] really said "the birds work for the bourgeoisie" & they were right
My patience for slipping over improperly spilled blood has run out.
If you can see the bones of your whipped pupil, you failed.
You know the healer's oath: Only do moderate harm to those who cross you.
Man I don't know if lack of shame is a blessing or a curse.
Parsooth m'lady but would you be so kind as to partake of the exquisite past time of role playing?
So they aren't DENYING the piss kink
uhm you need to be more of a doormat…..your boundaries are making me uncomfy 😦
That's HARLEQUIN NOVEL descriptors of sex
where is my mouse arrow? where is it holy fuck
fetishize urself ig
It's always people with feet fetishes or fat fetishes that be so open about it
Look at this unhinged mother fucker
Fuck you I hope your pice of shit family burn in a dumpster fire
Sorry you had to overshare about a tough time with some random chick in school but it's not relavent to my cat at all.
We're at a sword store and it's full of exactly what you'd expect.
Nobody was reading Lemony Snicket going "teehee they made Count Olaf bitch sauce"
Wikipedia I love you but your donation pleas sound like a lying teenager begging for money online
There's no right way to look at the guy that tossed his baby off a cliff and say "I think he needs to look cool for a minute there" is all I'm saying
Okay, wonderful. GREAT, take them all. Please leave immediately
one time I ran a server and I was being weird so I changed literally everyone's nickname to Frank
AKGHDLK I'm gonna SOB they asked if they could share their ticklefics
heavy meals always make me HONK MIMIMIMIMI
I found a fucking book of Mormon lmafo
lemme go take a dump and ill set it up
tell her it was you who farted, establish dominance
I have been hoarding vidya games for the three of us to play like a dragon
Nearly had a heart attack because I was poopin and saw blood but realized it was my period
Ok we need to get a big cardboard box and a vaguely feminine scarecrow dressed as a boyfriendless girl
Puts my head in your lap like a cat
Some Filipinos wanna buy your titty mousepads
the chris chan trials are about to be the depp vs heard trial for people who had unrestricted internet access at a young age
Now u will screenshot us talking shit and put it in the callout 😭
🙂 our fursona is gonna b friends with sonic
I both love and hate [name]’s writing. How they go from ancient purple prose to “oh shit oh fuck”
i guess you could say…. this was a triumph
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vincent-4ever · 1 year
What and who I write for (I only write fluff/angst/comfort basically anything but smut cus I'm a minor)
Tokyo revengers: Waka, Shinichiro, Inupi, Kokonoi, Taiju, Hanma, Yamagishi, Takuya, Makoto, Akkun, Takemichi, Mikey/Manjiro, Draken/ken, Senju, Smiley/Nahoya, Angry/Souya, Kazutora, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya + any requests (no literal kids like Luna and Mana and yes I also write for ryusei and hishi even though they're in the spinoff)
Haikyu: The Miya twins, Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Suga, Noya, Tanaka, Tsukishima, Daichi, Asahi, Suna + any requests
Jojo's bizzare adventure: Bruno, Abbachio, Joseph, Jonathan, Dio, Pucci, Jolyne, Anasui/Anastasia, Jotaro, Giorno, Fugo, Weather report/weather forecast, Josuke, Okuyasu+ any requests (I didn't read the manga and I'm not gonna write for literal children like Emporio)
Obey me! Shall we date?: Simeon, Diavolo, Thirteen, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Solomon + Any request (not writing for Luke cus he's a child)
Ouran Highschool host club: Kyoya, Mori, Tamaki, Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru + any requests (No children and not honey because while I know he is 17/18 he looks like a child and it makes me uncomfortable)
(update as of June 13th, 2024) Other animes I write for: Blue lock, blue period, blue exorcist (a lot of blues clearly), My hero academia, black butler, toilet bound hanako-kun, demon slayer, chainsaw man, saiki k, nana (I've seen more anime than this I just know these the best)
also, I don't write for literal children, still, so if they're under teenage age I won't be writing for them and I still don't write smut. u should know which characters I don't write for based off their age
I know ohshc wasn't in the poll but I love the anime! if you have any other anime/game suggestions, if I know the anime/game I'll gladly try to write for it! Thank you
my introduction:
HIII I'm Vincent (mochi to close friends)
I love Blue Lock, Tokyo revengers, Scott Pilgrim, sanrio, and nana I can talk about them for hours
I love making Spotify playlists with people 😭😭 I feel like someone's music taste says a lot about them
I am a minor, so if you wanna be friends just don't be weird 😭 I don't really care about how old my friends are but I get it's unsettling for a lot of people
I don't text first :') so if u wanna be friends don't be scared to text me cus I I love talking to new people but I'm to scared to strike up a convo
I'm normal at first but I can get unhinged during conversations 😭😭
My socials: Snap, Insta, Discord, x, zoom, Wattpad (no I dont upload on there I plan to), Spotify, Pinterest, smule
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generalsmemories · 11 months
hi hello!
ngl I'm not the one to send asks here, but I thought I might! (I did send a request/two of them for the 1k event - in which I think I forgot to congratulate for the event as well which has been eating me alive so CONGRATS here lol)
in such a short amount of time you became one of my favorite creators, I truly love your work (I even have the fucking notifications on for your blog - call me crazy idc), whenever I get the memo you posted I immediately go read, it makes my day/week. I love you approach to making JY/IL (especially JY ofc) true to their characters, I appreciate it greatly (ngl you spoiled me there for reading content from any other writers).
as you probs noticed I prefer commenting on your posts rather than sending asks (feels less "confrontational" and more like an audience member cheering you on enthusiastically - hope it doesn't bother you, my screaming on your posts)
forgot where I was heading with all this so to wrap it up, I love love loveee your work and attitude towards it all, how maturely you write your content (f.e. I am not a fan of angst, but your angst is solved and done in such a realistic 'normal' way, it is just beautiful), it is a breath of fresh air to read. moreover I can fully relate to your unhinged side about JY - I'm very much the same, it is nice to get hyped about seeing/hearing him in any aspect (I'm totally normal about HCQ lore, I totally don't know every single possible lore detail there is to know about HCQ... yeah.. totally..) and seeing someone else also be hyped about it makes me feel good :D
also any fluff or something loving (most of your work) with Jing Yuan actually warms my heart and feeds my delusions. thought I'd let you know, because I've been pondering on sending you an ask or not, I see many people sending them so I might as well give it a try.. hah, to let you know how much I enjoy what you do ☺
ps. anxiety was choking me as I wrote all this worrying if it is too long or annoying, had to keep reminding myself authors/writers need feedback and deserve positive praise
Hi hi!!
I do see your comments and occasional reblogs of my works, and I can't tell you enough how much it makes my day to hear some of my readers thoughts about it! As you said in your last lil paragraph but a lot of us writers do really enjoy getting feedback in terms of just commenting or just keyboard smashes on our works! HSR has been the fandom whose given me most engagement on any work and tbh it's been doing wonders on my overall approach and motivatoin to write for it! (I've previously stated in a lot of other sideblogs that I usually just post and dip, but HSR fandom has really made me connect more to my readers and just post random snippets and thoughts without second guessing so that's also a huge plus-)
even though i only write jing yuan content lmfao- i'm super thankful that you enjoy my works so much, and thank you for taking the extra time to send me an ask even if it did seem intimidating - i appreciate it a lot! (sometimes words can't express enough, but i have been reading this a few times throughout my work days to have a bit of a motivation boost hehe)
i hope i can keep you entertained with my writing though in the near future as well though buddy!
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scrollll · 2 months
For the fiction writing ask meme: 11, 36, 51, and 78!
I am so utterly shocked by this ask, ahhhh, okay, okay, hold on!
11: Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
I'm an extremely lazy person, but if jumping from scene to scene was a sport, you'd see me in Paris at the Olympics this year😅
Many stories start with a few snippets of random scenes, plot twists or even final moments in my head, but even when I have an idea, I often start jumping while writing the story. It helps a lot, but sometimes I end up at point F, then look back to point A (where I should be) and wonder just how the hell I'm supposed to get from A to F in a half-logic way.
36: What fic are you proudest of?
There's more than one story I'm incredibly proud of.... ahhhh, can't decide with my Playboy fics, both have a very special place in my heart♡ From another fandom, I'm going to go for one of my VegasPete fics where I gave Pete plenty of guns, enough reasons to kill an entire cartel, and let every thug in the story know why no one should mess with this couple (unhinged, protective badass mf Pete with equally protective and unhinged Vegas) Manhunt still needs one last chapter and I'm working on it, though I'm having a hard time coming up with a worthy ending for it....
51: Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Tbh, not very much, I think. Often I start writing because I really want to see a specific trope or portrayal of a character that doesn't exist yet or doesn't exist enough for my "reader heart", so I just write it myself. If I find someone else who loves similar tropes along the way, all the better :D (But there are also some tropes that I love reading but can't write myself atm, so I'm very glad for all the creativity and talent in the fandoms♡)
78: What motivates you during the writing process?
Comments. (Pardon my following little monologue: really, I LOVE THE PLAYBOYY AO3 READERS! I have gotten some of the most spectacular, insightful, beautiful and amazing commentary from them that makes my day better every time I reread it, which happens A LOT. They don't know just what perfect people they are, and I don't think they'll ever realize how much I love their brilliant minds and ideas!!!)
Comments keep my spirit alive, especially because I often start uploading before I've even finished writing the story. When I'm writing just for me: music. I love song recs and new lyrics that get the little gears going in my head. And last but not least: Spite.
Once a friend told me not to write such a drunk-ass story so I completly normal screached "WATCH ME!" and finished that whole thing in one night.
Thank you so much for the ask<3 I wish you lots of motivation and inspiration for your works! (And I am very excited for your playboyy wips!)
(Fanfiction writing ask game)
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walkawaytall · 1 year
For the fic ask game:
16. Is there a commonly held misconception about one of your stories that you’d like to correct for the masses? (I know of one and thought you might want an excuse to say it. 😎)
17. What does your editing process look like?
16. So, I think I actually may have touched on this answering number 20 (at least if I'm thinking of the same conversation that you are about Han's motivations in Purpose of Heritage thus far)? And, aside from that, I don't think there have been many widely-held misconceptions -- though there have definitely been different responses to certain things than I expected (like, more than one person saw Reconstitution as a bit of a downer and that was...the exact opposite of my intent with that story...but we all bring our own experiences to the stories we read, so I'm not going to say their reading is wrong per se, just that I intended for the ending of that rather melancholy fic to have a hopeful slant to it, even in the midst of life's imperfections).
Oh! Actually, I though of another one: there are moments in Purpose of Heritage specifically where Leia's straight-up wrong. Like, she is our heroine, our main character, our beloved space princes, but she's also 19/20/21 years old and traumatized and very specifically not dealing with said trauma in healthy ways at least 50% of the time (her eschewing therapy repeatedly is not supposed to be viewed as a super-great alternative to, you know, going to therapy), and there have been moments that people have clocked as Leia being a badass -- and they aren't wrong -- but I also see them as Leia's cool, together facade cracking in a way that isn't good technically.
Like, we love Leia, so the scene at the shooting range where she uses Varner Coy's blaster to shoot a line of bullseyes does feel badass and empowering and a little cathartic because that guy has been a jerk, but it's also Leia losing her cool entirely and giving into an impulsivity that I don't see as a good thing for someone in leadership to do. I didn't stick immediate consequences in there because I'm not writing an after-school special, but...just because Leia doesn't always have negative consequences for a thing doesn't mean that I included it with the intent that it was supposed to be seen as totally awesome, full-stop. Sometimes it's partially awesome, and partially a big red flag. And maybe I should be more obvious about this; I don't know. I just am not writing a morality tale exactly, so I don't want to steer the narrative into an area that makes it feel clunky or preachy.
17. For normal-length things like one-shots or Collateral, a multichapter with chapters that are a sane length (4K-6K words): I write the thing, I read the thing and edit as I read. I may or may not edit while I write; it depends on how long it is, how long it takes me to write, if any parts are giving me issues. (Like, if I get really, really stuck, I'll start on a fresh document and copy/paste different sentences and paragraphs until I can get back into a good rhythm, and in the midst of all of that, editing happens as well). I basically read and edit things several times until I'm either 1. Entirely happy with it (rare) or 2. Tired of looking at it and no longer debating about changing anything (more common).
For Purpose of Heritage, I did an unhinged and probably short-sighted thing where I wrote what was originally two chapters, decided I preferred them together, and combined them, setting a precedent for myself to write chapters that are 8K-10K words long (and that is legitimately where I've felt each chapter has a natural stopping point -- like, I'm not padding stuff to get to a certain word count. Most of the chapters, I suppose, could be split in half, but we're so far beyond that at this point, I'm just resigned to writing giant-ass chapters until this project is complete). I used to reread everything every time I set out to write a new chapter to try to ensure I didn't go off-the-rails tonally, but when that became too cumbersome, I think you were the one that mentioned having your phone read what you'd written aloud, and I use that not just to review past chapters, but also to edit (so, thank you for that suggestion if that was you, DP!). It helps me identify clunky wording and sometimes straight-up inconsistencies.
So, I usually write and edit as I write, then reread the whole chapter and edit, have my phone read it and mentally dogear what needs to be looked at and edit those pieces when I can, and then read it another time and occasionally have a beta reader (thanks for the times you've helped with this, by the way!) assure me that I haven't gone off the rails entirely if I keep worrying about one particular aspect, edit again with any beta reader suggestions in mind, and finally publish when I'm either as pleased as I'm going to be with it or I can't bring myself to read it again. I do usually try to make sure there is at least a night where I ignore the chapter entirely before doing one final editing pass-through before I post. Giving my brain a chance to not think about it helps me catch errors I missed on earlier read-throughs, and also usually helps me realize that I haven't, in fact, written a pile of garbage.
Thanks for the questions! Sorry these answers are so dang long!
fanfic writer asks
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baronfulmen · 2 years
Absolutely unhinged article from Wired
So there's this well known and very successful fantasy author named Brandon Sanderson. He wrote some of my favorite books. He's known for really good worldbuilding, interesting magic systems, and being extremely prolific. I mean it's nuts, he just cranks out books at an insane rate.
Some idiot from Wired magazine had to write an article about him and it is absolutely bizarre. Sanderson invited this guy into his home and spent what seems to be a lot of time entertaining and chatting with this guy and the whole article is just strange petty complaints and projection and insults and... it's ridiculous.
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This is his big complaint - Sanderson just isn't INTERESTING enough to write a good article about! He's lame, and boring, and bad at everything, and his clothes don't fit right, and he puts salt on his ramen, and he talks too much. It's honestly embarrassing to read.
He makes it clear that he was openly rude to Sanderson in the moment, as well:
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Hilariously, Sanderson agrees with this and acknowledges that on the sentence level his writing isn't great. This is accurate, honestly. It's better in some books (or parts of books) than others, but his strengths are with the larger story and sometimes his writing is a bit weak (but still very readable, in the way that a lot of YA stuff or beach reads are). Anyway then we move on to insulting his fans.
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Okay so his pale, fleshy, nerdy, man-child fans smell bad. Got it.
He paints a picture of a really idyllic life, one of not only success but of good times surrounded by friends and family. It's clear he's bothered by this because he doesn't think Sanderson deserves it due to bad writing and the fact that he's Mormon. The author of this article really really hates that Sanderson is Mormon. (Look, I have no love for the Mormon church but it's still super strange, it's like when you see stuff on a show and are like "oh the author has a fetish" or something. This writer has a hate-boner for Mormons that cannot just be explained by the normal and valid criticisms of the Mormon church, this is something personal and traumatic I think.)
Oh and he tries to convince Sanderson and his family to go to Evermore, which I find hilarious. They tell him it's run down and shitty but he insists and they later go, and yeah it's run down and shitty.
Anyway, as promised he ends up crying because this story isn't interesting enough which is for sure Sanderson's fault and not the fault of the article writer himself being bad at his job. Also because he hates Hugh Jackman.
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Oh and then he wants to cry again because they salt their food:
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Anyway he pesters Sanderson about being Mormon, focusing on the parallels in the books without for a second thinking about the ways where the comparison breaks down - imagine if, inspired by being raised Christian, I wrote something with a lot of Jesus parallels but also had a scene where the Jesus stand-in killed everyone and the heroes banded together to kill Jesus and take on the mantle of Son of God. But he gets something he can quote out of context to seem somewhat odd or egotistical so I guess he's pleased.
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So yeah, the whole thing is just a super bad article that's not worth reading. Sanderson responded, being way nicer than I would have.
If you want to know more, I wouldn't suggest reading the article. I don't think it needs more clicks. There's nothing of real interest I left out, but I know there's a YouTube video about it everyone is suggesting (and which I haven't watched) so if you want to know more I guess I'd say watch that.
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