#i don't know that for certain but idk even if we wouldn't be making money off it idk if it falls under the category of a transformative wor
braxiatel · 7 months
Is your Fanlife series available to watch anywhere?
hi! We appreciate the interest, but unfortunately it is not. There are people playing in the game who do not feel comfortable sharing their voices online and we as a group obviously respect that completely.
That said, I know a few people talked about posting clips. There's also fanart (and maybe one or two fics that was mad epublically available? I'm not sure), and you can always ask about it! I know that plenty of us would be very happy to talk about our characters and their exploits!!
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lokideservesahug · 9 days
Bound to falling in love
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Mick Schumacher x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: None that I can see?
Notes: Unsurprisingly this won the vote. But I hope you like it :)
Summary: Mick Schumacher has been extremelyprivate with how soulmark his whole life. But what happens when the interest does ehat its best at, snooping. Well Mick Schumacher might just finally meet the celebrity that he doesn't at all have a tiny crush on...
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Yourusername: WE ARE SO BACK BABY!!🖤🖤 Mercedes CCH 2024 Incoming (I'm delusional)
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 756,986 others
View all 533 comments
User1: I knew Y/N was an F1 girlie but I didn't know she was a Mercedes girl🤔
↳Yourusername: Have been for ever🖤
User2: Y/N is like me fr eith that caption
↳User3: Fr though😭 Like wdym 2nd place in sprint doesn't mean Lewis will get his 8th!?
↳Yourusername: Maybe he performed so well just to improve his ex-husband
↳User4: LMAO Poor Nico
Lewishamilton: Glad to see your support lies in the right place💪
↳Yourusername: OH my gosh. Sir Lewis Hamilton. It is an honour to speak to you
↳Lewishamilton: Maybe you should come to the Mercedes garage some time. I think certain people would love your company👀
↳User5: I think he just killed Y/N
↳User6: Wa she talking about himself or someone else. George perhaps? I'M so nosy!!!
↳User7: Well Mick is in the likes so that's where my money is...
↳User8: Sure grandma, the mkst soul ate obsessed obsessed In existence is caught up over Y/N...
↳User7: I mean it is Y/N Y/L/N
↳User8: True...
User9: Mick being in the likes👀
↳User10: Meh even if he does have a thing for Y/N, he'll still stick to his soulmate like he has done for decades.
↳User11: Hear me out, Y/N is his soulmate...
↳User10: Girl actualy shut up
↳User11: Just look at that twitter thread
↳User10: Hmmm interesting. It looks like it could be possible but the chances are 0.001% of it being her. Just because one user recognised it doesn't mean it's her
User12: Is anyone else really confused by all this talk of the twitter thread and that "one reply"
Liked by Yourusername
↳User13: basically people are trying to find out who Mick's soulmate is and currently people think it's Y/N
↳User12: OH... how random
↳User13: Yeah but tell me they wouldn't make the perfect couple...
Liked by Yourusername
↳User14: Y/N liking this comment + its replies twice is wild and shows she's as curious as us...
Mick's phone
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Your phone | Mick's | Your phone
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Yourusername: This guy wouldn't leave me alone in Italy. He says he's in the family business of driving cars or smt
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 1,023,987 others
View all 674 comments
↳User2: Girl probably? Hopefully? Idk?
User3: We don't need confirmation now...but also we so do!!!
User4: Awww they really are perfect for each other!🥺🥰
Liked by Mickschumacher, Yourusername
Lewishamilton: Glad you two finally found the time to go on a proper date rather than letting Mick ogle you all day!
↳Mickschumacher: Thanks for that man...
↳Yourusername: Aww Micky, you stare at me all the time?
↳Mickschumacher: How can I not Schatz, you're the most gorgeous person in the whole world❤❤❤
↳Estabanocon: How sweet 🤢
↳Mickschumacher: Aww just let me be in love this once.
User5: Ugh he's so bf coded
Liked by Yourusername
User7: did you guys see Mick say love? Ooh is this a new word added to the equation or....
Liked by yourusername
New story from Mickschumacher
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(My darling, my soulmate. Finally all mine to love)
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist:@nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 4 months
Hello, fellow associates, I, local deranged man, bring you (by request of @ayansbff who said I should "go make a post and patent it fr." thank you, Naga <3) once again a theory as insane as whatever has been going on in the ASOIAF fandom in the last 10 years (but no, I'm not here to tell you Tan is a horse or New is a faceless man).
For this week's episode: Tan is New (but with some spice).
Pls beware, this will require a certain level of "bear with me", ok? Ok.
Also: long ass post, guys. Be prepared.
So, 1st things 1st: New is obviously studying abroad.
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This would mean that, in all the episodes we've seen of the flashback, we wouldn't have seen New. Because he's literally in a different country (cue theory: New is Mhok working as a cook in Hawaii ksksksk /j).
Nevertheless, in the latest events of the past storyline, Non has just gone M.I.A. Which is definitely something you'd tell the kid's brother about. I'd be pretty pissed if I was New and no one fucking told me about my brother vanishing.
(I think it could definitely be argued that their parents might try to hide the whole getting involved with money laundry and even the pedophilic child revenge porn sex tape on Twitter thing, especially their mother. bc, considering their treatment of Non this episode, it would definitely cross my mind that they'd think something along the lines of "New shouldn't be worried about what his fuck up of a brother is involved with, he should just focus on his study". And idk if Thailand's national news would arrive to New in the US just like that (maybe, maybe not, I won't try to speculate too much, I think it's too much of a wild card). YET, I still think, regardless, they'd have their limits even if the rest was true and they'd tell him about his brother being literally MISSING. So yeah...)
So back on track: sure, the police "think" Non has run away with Keng
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Or, was convinced by Tee's uncle to accept that storyline
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but Non's parents don't believe that shit
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("They're TRYING to make our son LOOK LIKE" not "They think our son HAS")
And I think the same feeling could've been passed to New by his parents or just by New himself. But even if not, I think it's pretty reasonable to assume he'd come back to Thailand after that news. Like, if my brother was missing, I'd feel pretty bad, my parents would feel pretty bad and I'd want to go back home and be with them a bit, follow things up close, at the very least.
So, assuming that's true, it's not weird to presume New could be back in Thailand by the time The Hidden Character (the film Non wrote, not the BOC reality show thing) airs. Which would lead us to:
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Now, I've seen people say it's Tan, I've seen people say it's White, I've seen people say it's Bible (?)... To me, that's Tan. The voice that calls "Phee" seems to me that's Mio's voice and the person we see in the door, albeit he does resemble Bible, reads to me as him as well.
Besides, we see him being introduced to the class in the ep.9 preview so, yeah, it could be to throw us off, but I genuinely think it's just bc it's Tan.
Regardless, even if not, Tan will appear next episode. So... There's that. Question is: why?
We see both Tan and Phee moving to the gang's class next episode, which the gang points out as "weird". Now, idk why it would be weird to see people change schools in 12th grade but fine, I'm not gonna argue, maybe they know something I don't. Ig you could argue it's bc it's the last year but I'd say people have issues all the time (being the last year of school doesn't change that) and people also move houses all the time. So I wouldn't question it but ok. Moving on.
We know Phee has a connection to Non (as his ex-boyfriend) but we don't know why Tan would be there too. Sure, we can argue Phee has to have friends. But, ngl, if my friend asked me to move schools bc he wants to find out what happened to his bf who mysteriously disappeared, I'd politely decline. I'd support him in his endeavours, of course, but I wouldn't change my entire life for it. I could even go as much as to help him befriend them and hang out with the fuckers but I wouldn't move schools, I think.
So Tan must have a bigger motive, right? And what bigger motive than being the brother of Non, am I right?
Furthermore, we have to consider legal matters. They're all minors. Phee's father, of course, knows about Phee being, at least, friends with Non. And, even if he told him to stay out of trouble and that he himself would not go around poking in the business for Phee's own safety, I think he'd be okay with Phee moving schools for grief reasons (a.k.a being close to Non because that was his school) or even bc he knew Phee was trying to talk to his friends (I don't think he suspects the kids too much and honestly that's a terrible lack of sight on his behalf but, I mean, they're kids, I think it's fair to assume they're innocent).
But what about Tan? Assuming Tan is not Non's brother, would his parents let him move schools to the school where all those nasty kids who keep appearing on the news study??? I don't think so. Sounds dangerous. Things change, of course, if Tan is not actually Tan but New.
Non's parents, despite their obvious lack of parenting skills, care about him. He's their son. They'd want to know what happened. And, sure, New getting involved would be terrible for them (bc he's their son and clearly the favourite child and god forbid he wastes his potential studying there bc of Non's failures AGAIN), but if New specifically requested that, would they go against it? Would they go against their talented son and his show of altruism and love for his brother?? Especially when the police are not doing anything and it's just trying to close the damn case??? I don't think so.
Thus: Tan is New.
"But what about his legal name???", I hear you say. "If they're siblings they'll have the same last name!!" And yeah. That's true. Especially in Thailand where most surnames are exclusive to a singular family. But I thin- "What about the age gap??? New is older than Non!! His mom even refers to him as Non's phi!!!" Yes. I know. That's where the spice comes in:
There, I dropped the bomb. This would mean that, maybe, his legal name wasn't changed from what it originally was. Sure, it could've, since he's now part of a different family but they also could've kept the original surname. Which is likely if New wasn't adopted in a normal fashion.
We have to consider how poor Non's family seems to be. Whether that's a new situation or it has always been like this we don't know. But that's something. Now, I'm not Thai nor do I live in Thailand but from what I read, income does factor a lot into whether or not a family can adopt a child (at least in theory). So I'd assume a poor family would struggle with it. Nevertheless, it seems Thai law puts a lot of value into family ties with the child so, maybe New was someone else's child originally like of a brother or a sister of one of Non's parents. Or maybe something else entirely, I don't know. I don't think it matters that much.
"That still doesn't explain the age gap though. Tan is only 2 months older than Non!!"
Well, that's still older. Would that qualify him as "phi", idk? Both Pimpa (Non and New's mother) and Non refer to him that way. But maybe that's just another way for the series to tell us there's a ver clear hierarchy between these brothers and Non comes second. Idk. (if you're Thai or know Thai culture well and would like to add input here, pls do)
Ok, yeah, I know. They make a compelling case.
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(I took the liberty to brighten them bc OMG WHY IS THIS SHOW SO DARK????)
And yes, in the picture further to the left it does seem like they have a huge age gap but also, in the picture right next to it, it doesn't seem so (in fact the kid in blue seems about the same age in both pics, only the other one doesn't). So maybe the kid in pic one is not Non, it's some other kid (could be, especially considering he's wearing blue and, as the fandom's most dear colour theorist @shannankle has pointed out on a lot of posts but most especially this one: Non's colour is red). Or maybe it is one of them and they just grew up at different paces, idk. It happens, man.
TBH I'm not greatly concerned about the pics. What I am concerned about is the narrative implications of this. That his parents's (and, as previously established, especially his mother's [who is the most present parent in his life, as stated by the parents themselves in ep.8])
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favourite kid is the one who isn't even theirs by blood. That their favourite son is the one that is not actually their son (I obviously do believe adopted kids are as much people's kids as biological ones, family is made not inherited, but I mean this as strictly talking about the blood relations of these people)! That no one ever loves Non enough to actually save him from doom (bc, like a fairytale princess, the thing that could prevent Non's demise was love).
If his peers had loved him enough he wouldn't have felt the need to cling to that awful gang. If Jin had loved him enough he would've helped him get away from Tee in this episode, at the very least. If his parents had loved him enough, they would've prevented him from falling prey to so many people or, at least, would've been trustworthy for him to talk to and helped him get out of the situations he was getting himself into.
This would also play well with the character's names:
Non. That which/whom isn't.
Who isn't seen, who isn't heard, who isn't loved, who isn't perfect, who isn't who people expected him to be, who isn't the gang's friend, who isn't his parent's perfect son (not blaming him but that's how they see it), who isn't the boyfriend Phee hoped he would be (not blaming him for the sexual assault he suffered, just seeing it through Phee's eyes, pls don't misinterpret).
New. That which/whom is fresh, original. That which just arrived.
Who is a prodigy, a talent, one of a kind. Who is so different from Non and his "crooked ways". Who arrived at the family later. Who just arrived in Thailand, who just arrived in Non's school. Who is a new person, who has a new identity, who has a new life goal.
So, yeah, it is a bit crazy and depends on a lot of circumstantial and potential facts that have not been hinted towards AT ALL by the show. And I recognize that. But I think this is what is fun about theories and speculation and, even if this is not true (likely), I still had fun crafting this and showing it to you guys. At the very least it's entertaining and keeps us thinking.
Pls feel free to add stuff or question stuff in this post, I'd love for us to work together as a community for our little murder gays show. Hehe.
Also, I'll leave you a question myself: if this is true, does it mean Phee and Tan are working together as the killers, only one of them is killing or neither is committing murder? 🤔
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dreamingcloudie · 1 year
❛❛ In which; Dottore as a streamer... ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ I'll have to admit, this character is quite... alluring.❜❜
Pairing(s): Streamer!Dottore x (kinda) Game-Character!GN!Reader (Mordern AU)
Genre/Format: N/A (headcanons)
Warning(s): wrote this at 6am without thinking straight so possible grammar mistakes and sentences that don't make sense
Notes: There really isn't much of x Reader here, sadly :( I might write more of this in the future but idk
I know i have requests to do but this idea came out of nowhere and it was too tempting to not write something for it— I've only written headcanon once so this is short. I have no idea if I'm doing this right 💀
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Let's be real, this guy would probably stream live torture on the darkest part of the internet
BUT, let's just pretend in this AU he's not an evil doctor man <3
He is a tired university student who majors in biology and thrives to earn a position in the medical field
And that means becoming a coffee addict and endless nights of staying up late to study 
Sleeping? What's that?
I can see him being so focused on his studies to the point where he doesn't interact with the internet much
If someone showed him a popular meme he wouldn't understand 
Due to how busy he is, he doesn't have the time to find a job
He lives off of the money his parents send him every month lol
That was until someone introduced him to the wonders of the internet…
One of his friends—Childe, told him something about a streaming platform and he should go check it out
And that night when he got home, he pulled his laptop out and searched for it
He also learnt that people can earn money streaming whatever
For instance, most of the people streams "let's plays"
He scrolled down a little and he found people streaming… questionable things, and he was baffled they get paid for it
So that means, he could stream anything he wants and he'd earn money from it, as long as he has a certain amount of viewers 
Say less
And an account was made 
This basically becomes his part-time job now
He usually streams to tutor struggling students and you best believe they were very thankful 
He'll sometime do "study with me" streams too
As he takes his fifteen minutes breaks from studying, he'd talk to his viewers 
And when I tell you this man has the driest humor ever—
That's what got his channel to grow
Viewers would clip his dry ass jokes and post them onto other social media platforms, which caused his view counts to blow up
As he got more and more popular, his viewers would beg him to do gaming streams
With how dry his humor is, they thought his commentary would be gold…
And they're absolutely correct, they get to see a different side of him too 
Surgeon simulator is the very first game he was introduced to by his fans, to get him interested in gaming
Man's cursing every time when he accidentally drops something
"Now, we put this lung over— Shit."
Cue chat spamming the Kek emote 
It's been months since he started to stream and things are going pretty well for him
He comes back home from his lectures today to find his Discord server is filled with loads of fans telling him to check a game out, mostly because of a certain character
The general chat is flooded with hundreds, and I mean hundreds of pictures of them
And Lo and Behold
It is you
The moment he first has his eyes on you, his jaw drops
Not to mention that harness you have on you—
He doesn't even know who you are or what game you're from
But man he's head over heels for you already 
The next time he starts his stream, the first thing he says is:
"Everyone was going crazy on Discord yesterday about a game character. And now my question is…
"Who are they and which game are they from?"
Babygirl took his first step into the world of simping <3
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
your point in your recent post is sooo true! but idk i don’t think the water is Acidic since Spider swam in it
Referencing this post:
Guys, please keep sending stuff like this, I love talking about the lore and world of Pandora!
Maybe calling it acidic was exaggerating on my part lol, but I know I read somewhere that the water, scientifically, wouldn't be good for humans. Sources vary depending on where you read them, but Pandoran water can damage human skin if exposed for too long. Something to do with the pH scale?
I'm gonna shamelessly plug in an excerpt from my fic (not because it's a viable source but just because. Bear with me):
Spider stood beside Max as Mo'at was handing him down some healing properties.
"Koaktutra," the tsahik placed a small wooden cup covered in a matching lid in Spider's hands.
Max noticed Kayla's confusion so he elaborates, "Goblin Thistle. Antibiotic balm."
Mo'at nodded to Max's explanation then handed another small mixture to Spider, "Pxorna'."
"Episoth," Max explained, "It's got amazing skin rejuvenation properties, and I think it'll help Spider when he goes into the water."
He takes the mixture from Spider and holds it up to the teenager's face, "As long as you remember to slather yourself in this stuff every night after a long day of swimming, it should help prevent skin cancer and chemical burns. These salves have proven to be safe for human use, I promise. If I happen to visit the island again and I don't see any changes to your skin, then maybe we'll be able to cut the episoth back to once a week and eventually even less so if your skin grows immunity to the pH levels. Until then, every night, bud. 'You got it?"
Spider huffs and rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I got it."
"Good. And just in case--" Max then holds up a remedy of his own, a small plastic yellow tube that makes Kayla snort with amusement at the sight of it. Sunscreen. 
Spider's upper lip twitched at the sight of the tube and half glared at Max, "Seriously?"
"Humor me."
I pulled Mo'at's healing mixtures from the book "James Cameron's Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide."
Apparently, these specific plants or healing ingredients do help anti-aging back on Earth and go for a lot of money (no surprise there), so I guess there are SOME elements on Pandora that help humans.
If we think about what happens on Earth: our oxygen cycles through our water and eventually goes back up into the air. What about Pandora? If the air is toxic to humans, wouldn't that filter into the water as well?
Then again, James Cameron has admitted that he's constantly changing lore and canon so sources that were once accurate before might not be now.
And it's possible that Spider is immune to certain elements on Pandora since he was born and raised there. Or he's just got tougher skin. We already know that he's canonically strong, but who knows!
More Avatar Questions!
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
We can admit that it's crazy to have people that hate the relationship of TZ, particularly when they claim to be a fan of one of them. But we also have to admit that there are some tomdayas that take it too far. Like the bunch of anons that want Z to fire Darnell so that he's no longer her live-in assistant. They just don't understand that most rich people have live-in staff and that has nothing to do with their romantic relationships. They live in huge houses and they can afford to have rooms for their closest staff. Or that get mad if Tom and/or Z are working and they can't be temporarily in the same place. Tom and Z are the ones in the relationship and they are the ones that should decide how to conduct it. They both have very close friends and family that can offer them advice. It's not worth it to get mad about the relationship of someone that doesn't know us
Yea Anon, it's true, even some shippers can take things a bit too far at times, and be a bit much, or think that things should be run a certain way, or feel that they should dictate Tom or Z's life, but that's crossing a line imo.
At the end of the day, someone's decision is their own decision, and we have to respect it. We may not always LIKE it, but we have to at least respect that they have their own autonomy and usually know each other better than any of us do. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: Darnell...
I will NEVER understand some fans and their complaints against Darnell working for Z. Shoooot..... LISTENNNN....If Darnell EVER decided to leave working for Zendaya, I would GLADLY take Darnell's spot, you hear me?? 😂😅
Let's see....uhhhh.....
I would get to live in a lovely mansion of a home in gorgeous sunny Southern California without having to pay a fraction of what the rent costs out there (I know Zendaya is NOT charging him the amount of rent that a landlord would charge in LA)
I would have job security (she's ALWAYS going to work and need an assistant)
I'd be able to fly all over the world (sometimes even on a private jet) for Zendaya's work events 😁✈️
I would get to meet, schmooze and hobnob with some of the biggest actresses and hottest actors in town 😌 💅🏽
I'd get to be on movie sets, watch how films are made (my DREAM!! 😁) and meet some really cool and amazing people! 😎
I'd have the finest of everything coz Zendaya has the finest of everything (her accommodations are MY accommodations)
Did I mention that I wouldn't have to worry about a roof over my head?? 😅
I'd get to spend lots of time with Tom lol 😍😍
Oh, and I'd be getting PAID 💰
Don't get me wrong, being an assistant of a Hollywood actor or actress is a LOT of hard work, but you also get many perks, and it's a pretty cool job imo. 😉
Idk why fans knock Darnell's hustle. He makes good money (I'm sure), and he does an honest day's hard work. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Why would you leave your employer if you're already getting so many benefits?
I don't understand why fans want Darnell to leave his good job so bad? 🥴
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douwatahima · 4 months
idk i'm feeling kinda riled up today and i want to talk about why the fight for ofmd is so important to me.
so listen. i've been in fandoms for a loooooong time. i remember when the sheer idea of a show (that wasn't something like, say, queer as folk) having any sort of lgbt representation was a major rarity. the idea of a random character suddenly coming out in your favourite sci fi/fantasy/action show? no way in hell. and those of us in fandom kinda came to accept that. we were queering the hell out of everything we came across, don't get me wrong, but it was because the idea of a series suddenly having a character textually be queer was just…not a thing that happened most of the time.
then came the age of queerbaiting. as someone who was in the supernatural fandom from very early on, i remember how those first few seasons of the ~great destiel saga~ felt to watch. they actively hinted at and joked about their relationship! they acknowledged the elephant in the room! surely they wouldn't do that unless it meant something!!! but then of course came the years and years of the cast and crew sneering at the people who had the audacity to…listen to the words that came out of the character's mouths and have thoughts about them. and yeah, eventually (like a decade later) cas told dean he loved him, but even now the people who worked on the show seem reluctant to say that that was a romantic moment. and that's just one example that i'm more intimately familiar with! there are so many others! just straight up gaslighting queer fans so they can keep making money off of us with no intention of actually giving us what we want; all while acting like they were doing us a favour by doing anything at all.
and it sucked! it clearly sucked! but the more time went on the less surprising it became. because at the end of the day it came down to what it always comes down to; money. there's this idea (not just in media) that there are certain people who are the "default". people whose experiences are universal and easy to understand. white people. straight people. cis people. when it comes to media, stories about these people are seen as something anyone can watch and understand. but when you try to tell stories about people who fall outside of these categories? well, now you're making niche content that only people who fall into that niche will be able to identify with.
and look, i know i'm preaching to the choir here. this is tumblr. we all know there's a lot of racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia in the world. my point is that the narrative around queerbaiting from an industry standpoint seemed to be "yeah, we want the ad revenue from all of these lgbt people watching our shows, but if we commit to actually making any of our characters queer we're going to isolate our straight audience and lose most of our viewers". and there was never any concrete way to disprove that. so yeah. we would occasionally be blessed by a ~very special show~ that actually depicted queerness (usually about younger people coming out, or about the tragedies that can and have faced people in our community), but the idea of branching out beyond that seemed like a no go.
and then along came our flag means death. a show about pirates that also talked about toxic masculinity and had characters who were casually queer in every different variety and also featured people with different body types who came from different cultures and who were all treated with kindness and grace. a show that didn't necessarily market itself specifically as ~a queer show~ (which, was probably in part due to trying to bury the lead which sucks, but the point still stands) but rather a fun show anyone could watch. that wasn't specifically about coming out or tragedy but was more so about joy, and community, and love. and here's the thing. here's the wild as fuck thing that happened. this show? it didn't lose all of its viewers when those last two episodes of season 1 aired and it confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that ed and stede were in love. the opposite happened. this show fucking soared into the stratosphere.
i remember the first time i saw those parrot analytics charts showing that ofmd was the most in demand new series; out performing marvel even. i was so overcome i legit broke down in tears. because it turns out all of those times i had been told to sit back and accept the scraps i was given because that was all my community was profitable enough to get, those people were wrong. we could've had this the whole time! WE COULD'VE HAD THIS THE WHOLE TIME!!! and as the weeks progressed and ofmd remained at the top of every chart, as the show continued to succeed, i felt such an immense amount of joy! those people were wrong! we can just have this and it'll do well!!!
and yeah, apparently that wasn't enough to convince the powers that be. they spent forever deciding whether to renew it and when they finally did the budget was cut nearly in half and the people at max decided they needed to oversee the show a lot more. all of this sucks. but the thing is they made season 2 and they fucking did it again! the show got even better critics scores than last time! the show was doing numbers better than season 3 of succession! the merch, only released in october, became some of the best selling merch of 2023 on the max shop! by max's own admission season 2 was one of the biggest hits of the year for them!!! like, what more is there? the show is a success!!!
so yeah. i'm not going to accept the fucking stupid excuses max gives as to why they cancelled it. saying that it didn't have the numbers (it did), or that they didn't know how to market violence (they do), or that it didn't have awards buzz (it has literally been nominated for awards and there's still active fyc ads the company itself made) just doesn't cut it. there was no reason to cancel it other than the idea that diverse media "doesn't sell". and max, by airing this show you have shown me that that fucking isn't true. it's never been true. so i'm going to keep fighting for this one until someone picks it up or until i'm old and grey because it isn't just about ofmd. it's about the belief that our stories, the stories of people who aren't "the default" are worth telling. by every metric they are worth telling. and that is something that i know is worth fighting for.
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naranjapetrificada · 11 months
Consider this your opportunity to be an Astrology Bitch and go off about Leo Stede!
(signed, a Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Capricorn rising who simultaneously is and is not an Astrology Bitch, more of a Tarot Bitch tbh)
Okay! You asked for it lol.
I should start by saying that I'm an August Leo sun. Stede is a July Leo, as confirmed by the show:
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July Leos are...different somehow? It's not a bad thing and it's not their fault, and if anybody else comes for them we August Leo's will throw down for our siblings, but there's something about the vibes! Maybe it's the Cancer proximity, idk. If anything my anecdata suggests that they're more well adjusted than the rest of us. 🦁❤️🦁
Anyway, I immediately sat up and noticed when they cut to the gravestones because it's second nature for me as an Astrology Gay. Obviously I didn't know Stede at the time and I don't actually know what went down as the character was developed, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I learned that at least one person in the writers room was a fellow Astrology Gay.
So I completely forgot about his birthdate because a) ADHD and b) swooniest romance I'd ever seen, but I started thinking about it again when I showed up like a year late to the fandom and saw people talk about whether they were Ed coded or Stede coded. I am heavily, heavily Stede coded for neurodivergent reasons, but he also exhibits certain Very Leo traits that I recognized immediately.
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Leo stereotypes:
Let's get the stereotypes out of the way because while they do apply sometimes (especially for Stede), there's no need to rehash them in detail.
Leadership, which he struggles with at first but a) takes up the mantle of it anyway and b) improves enough that by the end of the season the crew that wanted to mutiny saves his life.
Good hair. Nuff said.
The man has an auxiliary wardrobe for fucks sake.
His "theatrical instincts are finely honed" and while Izzy says it to encourage the fuckery, it's not a lie.
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The Revenge
If an 18th century Leo was going to custom build a pirate ship and money was no object, they would 1000% build the Revenge. I could see arguing that a Taurus might build something similar, but honestly I'm not sure a Taurus would become a pirate by choice. Maybe a Taurus might build like, a pleasure yacht or something. A Libra might build a ship that's as good-looking as the Revenge but sharing expensive tastes isn't enough to convince me either. Stede's money allowed him to build and decorate luxuriously, but plenty of rich people used to comfort didn't have ships like the Revenge. As Nigel says during his tour, it's just so incredibly him.
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Now for some feelings stuff:
Leos love it when other people are happy, and when we can be involved in fostering that at all for people we care about we are ON IT. Stede wants to create space for others to get what they need to make that happen. Literally in the first episode he talks about the Revenge as somewhere for his crew to work on their trauma and communicate their feelings.
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The above is also an extension of Stede's instinctive generosity. Canon doesn't tell us where Ed got his clothes for the French boat party in episode 5, but given that Stede has an auxiliary wardrobe (which he shared with Ed almost immediately) the most likely scenario seems like he loaned (or maybe even gave!) it to Ed. Another possibility is that it was on the ship where Frenchie found his and Oluwande's outfits, but the purple jacket in particular seems very extra in a way that says "Stede" to me.
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Speaking of episode 5, let's talk about the party game. Obviously the main takeaway is that Stede has enough of a handle on passive aggression to make the French assholes tear each other apart, but it's not just the passive aggression, it's in the delivery. With sufficient motivation (Ed's hurt feelings, if not his own) we see Stede command the room with confidence. He chooses his targets well. He knows just what to say to get them to agree to play the game at all. The fire wasn't part of the original plan but it shows just how powerful those hard-won skills are when he wants to apply them. (This doesn't feel like it merits its own bullet point but Leos are protective, ride-or-die friends, something else we see in this episode.)
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Stede's love language, imo, is quality time. There are arguments for others (there's also a really good meta about his love language causing miscommunication with our touchy-feely boy Ed, if I can find the link I'll edit) but quality time seems the most appropriate to me. Another part of the whole generosity of spirit thing is that he seems to enjoy what a friend of mine called "engineering experiences" for people i.e. crafting activities and jam sessions for the crew. The most obvious of these is the treasure hunt for Ed, which of course comes out of his fear of Ed leaving, but it's also a way for them to spend time together. I'm not at all surprised that a lonely, bullied kid would grow up to value quality time.
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I would also extend this to the clearly routine (but still extravagant) breakfast for two that we see Calico Jack crashing in episode 8. Not to mention the first breakfast he and Ed ever share up on the maintop in episode 4. It's not fancy, but he wakes Ed up to share in that moment because he's enjoying the sunrise and the marmalade, and I can't think of anything more Leo than enjoying something then immediately wanting to share it because someone else might enjoy it too.
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Stede's not perfect of course, despite all those seemingly positive things I just said. In the way of some Leos he is frequently thoughtless, up to and including when he didn't make to the dock. I can't speak for every Leo but I have definitely accidentally flirted with/been read as flirting with people before, whether I was attracted to them or not. And yeah his quarters are nice but he could have used some of that space for more crew quarters, right? And how could a Leo possibly misread "what makes Ed happy is you" as badly as he did?
Well I may be an Astrology Binch but I mostly like it (and anything else that puts personalities into discrete groups) as an analysis tool. It's just a fun lens to examine behaviors through, IRL and with fictional characters. Also, the show is clearly trying to examine things like trauma and self-loathing in ways that are gonna inform character behavior way more than a hypothetical astrology enthusiast in the (admittedly pretty queer) writers room. But the vibes? The vibes are so there.
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xatsperesso · 1 year
I made so search about Ifrit and I found some interesting things:
Ifrit, also spelled as efreet, afrit, and afreet is a powerful type of demon in Islamic mythology.
In Moroccan belief, the afarit form a more powerful type of demon, compared to the djinn and other supernatural creatures. With the aid of a magical ring, the afarit might be forced to perform certain orders. -Ifrit appears frequently in film and video games. In the Final Fantasy video game series, an ifrit appears as a summonable spirit or/and an enemy. Like its mythological counterpart, it is a spirit of fire and can use an iconic spell called Hell-Fire Demon Summonable Fire In Iruma universe, it probably meant that this family of demon has a history of being summoned by humanity. So much that they left a trace on history, folklore and myths like we see now in games and stuff like that.
It also mean that Ifrit is perfectly aware that humans exist. Even if he has not been summoned himself, his ancestors have been.
Imagine if Iruma's parents find the summoning circle of Ifrit after some shady searches. or maybe they weren't shady and that they used the first circle that they found in their searches and it happened to be the ifrit one.
So Ifrit-sensei is summoned, he literally dispear during a meeting with his coworkers.
And he appears in the human realm like "….really? it has been centuries since last time a member of my family has lived that. and that's my turn. Damn!"
Iruma BAD parents: "Hello mister demon, we summoned you for a affair!
Ifrit: …i hope that you don't call a demon for nothing because someone less patient than me could have been angry you know, especially that your circle is badly made. My ancestors would have eaten you on the spot ya know.
Iruma BAD parents: We want money
Ifrit: sigh humanity will never change, they were right. light up a cigarette I'm really disappointed now.
Iruma BAD parents: we give you our son as payment.
Ifrit: ….I'm sorry what?"
And the teachers of Babyls have a son now.
Omg that'd be so cute
Like i see it very vividly they'd all be very protective of him!
of course there'd be that one teacher who's like "can we eat him?" And the rest would be like "wtf no"
I can see ifrit being the wine aunt who'd fucking kill for iruma like just say the word sweetie and they're a goner
Kalego would pretend he doesn't like iruma but he's such a dad an so in denial and everyone would make fun of him
Of course balam would be a mother hen making sure iruma is ok from the trauma of his parents leaving him, meanwhile iruma is there like "this isn't as bad as i thought it'd be. I think I'll stay" ( ya know without all the bs sullivan pulled on him at the beginning and all these people making sure ma boi doesn't get caught and keeping him safe+well fed like why wouldn't he want to stay)
Sullivan would be watching them like "haha these demons antics" but then he'd have one interaction with iruma and he'd be like "he's mine now" and try kidnapping him
Iruma would just smile at opera like "nice to meet you, opera-san!" And opera would immediately help sullivan in kidnapping iruma
I cant help but see dantalion being a little shit who always messes with iruma idk why that's just his vibe
I feel like marbas would just be hanging around in the back like "iruma already has all these demons taking care of him he'll come to me if he needs anything" and then iruma goes to him in his very sweet iruma-way and halfway through marbas would be like i would die for this kid
It'd just be so cute
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julietasgf · 3 months
I'll answer more calmly all later but when I saw your reply I realized I forgot to add my new hc of how Marcus and Sejanus meet in the latam AU (although it could also serve to some extent in canon) 😔😔
So I started to ramble on about certain details of that great moment of gentleness between Sejanus and Marcus and I was like ok putting snow on someone's finger to get them uninjured is a bit unusual knowledge for a child and more so if they were so young. I'm sorry I've never seen snow but I'm sure if I lived in a place with snow at that age I and many other kids probably would have eaten it instead of using it that way so I came to the conclusion that Marcus' parents, well mother, I don't know I always visualized him as the son of a single mother IDK, but his mother probably had some knowledge in traditional medicine -huesera, like those ladies who know all about tea and herbs and ointments and move arms and weists😝
So Baby Marcus from a young age had some knowledge on how to take care of small injuries BUT WELL. What I thought for the latam au was; Imagine Baby Sejanus gets sick and they take him to the doctor and give him all kinds of treatments but nothing seems to work and Vesta is heartbroken but won't give up so even though she had to fight with Strabo (not much because he ended up giving in because that's his son and well it wouldn't hurt to try even if he feel untrust about these things but Vesta yelled at him and threatened him a little so he stopped arguing quickly, pls "Vesta DONT ask me the divorced 😭" "🙄") Vesta starts looking for alternatives and that's when someone from her neighbors tells her about Marcus' mother and she goes and asks for help
And they start treating baby Sejanus who actually gets better!!!! but here's the thing :)) because baby Marcus helped his mom maybe with little things like watching Sejanus while he was napping or changing his pañuelo to bring his temperature down (while Vesta and Marcus' mommy become friends <3 and support each other with Marcus' mommy comforting Vesta and giving her encouragement and I'm sure Vesta would bring her bread and candy and probably made a principle payment for Sejanus treatment).
But I kinda see Sejanus was with fever and very tired the first days and Marcus didn't get a chance to talk to him well and was very curious to meet him, wondering all the time who he was and then one day baby Sejanus wakes up and their eyes meet and 😳
And that's it hahaha, wait for my proper response to your reply later
I've read some works on ao3 that have marcus' mom as a doctor on D2, and I think that to be really sweet; I've also never seen snow in my life, but I agree lmao 😭 and I also agree, in my head it's is already canon he's the kid of a single mother. and LOVE the idea of marcus' mom knowing about traditional med (here we call these ladies benzedeiras, it's common in small towns for when children are sick for moms to take them for these ladies to pray and give them teas and herbs)
strabo is extremely skeptical, he's that kind of guy who just doesn't believe in anything, but he was willing to spend any amount of money to get bby sejanus healthy again. and still, nothing is working, and he's already running out of ideas; vesta was letting him have control of the situation, but she was getting more and more desperate (that's her baby, she can't lose him like that), and then it comes to the point she grows so impatient and stands by the fact that NOW she's going to decide which doctor they would get sejanus to, and she already settled her mind on asking marcus' mom over. and of course they fight, bc strabo thinks it's such a waste of time to invite this lady over because "these are just plants, it won't make him better", but in the end, he gives in (the divorce threat made me laugh 😭 that's what he deserves). and vesta grew up in a small village, she saw plenty of times her sisters being sick and getting better because of this kind of treatment, so she at least have to try.
BBY MARCUS GOING TO HELP HIS MOM IS JUST SO ADORABLE, and his mom is apologizing to vesta because she didn't want to bother but she promises marcus is a good kid, and vesta not only is absolutely okay with it, but she spoils marcus so much, giving him all kind of treats and sweets (at the end of the day marcus and his mama come back home with a bowl with vesta's homemade dulce de leche). and when his mom and vesta are chatting, and his mom is comforting her saying everything will be okay, he's watching sejanus. and when marcus is caring for sejanus, he sometimes talks to sejanus, muttering stuff like "just get good already, your ma is worried about you" and "and you get better, maybe we can play together, you have really fancy toys". and vesta promises marcus that once sejanus gets better, they can play together ("but mrs. plinth, what if he doesn't want to play with me?" "he WILL, it's not a matter of choice").
the moment sejanus finally wakes up and sees marcus in his room omg 🥹 and they stand there in silence for a while, until marcus finally opens his mouth to say that sejanus has the biggest brown eyes he have ever seen, and sejanus is like "...thanks? I guess?" but blushing so hard. and then there's the whole moment of vesta crying so hard and hugging sejanus and thanking on her knees to marcus' mama. she turns to marcus and promises him he'll ALWAYS be welcome on their house. but marcus doesn't come back until sejanus goes after him to knock on his door and ask him to go to his house to play and watch tv with him after school.
(I'm actually obsessed with this, tysm bc this will probably live in my mind rent free for the next weeks 😭)
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cowboyfatgum · 2 years
Hi hi hi, how are you? And how about a GN!MC who's like Al/Koko from Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle, Or Razor from Genshin Impact? Like an MC who's parents died and was raised by Wolves or some creature, and Solomon as MC's childhood friend and the one who taught MC.. "Human Stuff"?? (Even tho he's old but let's pretend he faked being a kid for a while /hj THOSE CHILDHOOD FRIEND SOLOMON STUFF EXISTS I ALWAYS JUST THOUGHT HE HAD SOME SPELL TO TURN HIMXINTO A KID) Like the language/vocabulary and how to walk on 2 legs (bc MC was taught to walk on all 4s by the wolves/creatures), can I have this with the brothers, dateables and luke? Like their reaction on MCs past and how Solomon was the one who taught them stuff
Demon Brothers, Dateables, And Luke With An MC Who Was Raised By Wolves ❤️💛💙💚💖🧡💜❤️💙🤍🤍
Hi! Thank you for being my first obey me request! I assume that because Solomon taught MC he doesn't need headcannons? But if you did want Solomon please let me know!
Lucifer ❤️
"Ah so that's why you get along with Cerberus so well."
Like most of his brothers he really wouldn't have a big reaction
It's not that he doesn't care
He's just got so much work to do
But on occasion he'll ask you to tell him something about your childhood ❤️
Mammon 💛
The main brother who makes a big deal out of it
He has so many questions
To the point where it keeps him up at night
So he likes to ask you questions
But not at normal times no no
At 3 in the morning, in the middle of class, just times when you're really busy
And you have to answer him
Because he won't stop nagging you about it until you do
Please I also feel like if he was in trouble with some random demons over money he'd say something like
" Y-You wanna beat ME up? Okay. But I'll have you know that my human was raised by wolves and they aren't forgiving!"💛
Leviathan 💙
He also makes a big deal about it
But not as much as mammon
When you tell him about it he'll probably call you a protag from a random anime that fits this exact situation that he knows
He'll probably make you reenact scenes from the anime, cosplay, things of that nature
He likes to listen to your stories to plot his own anime 💙
Satan 💚
Another man who doesn't make a big deal about it
He does like to study you though
I feel like he enjoys studying humans
So he wants to compare you to a book he has about people being raised by wolves
To see of the book is accurate or not 💚
Asmodeus 💖
I think he would mostly be curious on how your hair and skin was before Solomon taught you
And after he gets his answer he quickly forms a skincare routine for you because
"We have to do this before it's too late"
Late for what?
I don't know, it just seems like something he'd say in this case
But he'd also listen to your stories about your childhood when he's like painting his nails or something 💖
Beelzebub 🧡
Very curious on what you ate when you were in the wild
And how you got it
So he likes to listen to your hunting stories while you make the food your talking about in that specific story.
After listening to your stories, Beel tries to hunt himself
But after an hour he decides this isn't for him
Because he's hungry, and it takes forever to find one thing.🧡
Belphegor 💜
He likes listening to your stories before he goes to bed
Exactly like bedtime stories
It is mandatory now that you come into his room at a certain time to tell him a very interesting story about how you were raised by wolves
And if you are not there on time, be ready for a angry belphie tracking you down.💜
Diavolo ❤️
(You are allowed to yell at me if I spelled his name wrong)
Weirdly makes a big deal out of it.
Like at any chance he gets (kinda like mammon) he'll brag about how he has 2 special humans in his exchange program
Like he's trying to prove something (he might be idk)
Dia loves hearing your stories
Once he asked you to tell him one while he was working
And he got too into the story that he stopped working
Then Lucifer yelled at you because you were "distracting Lord Diavolo"❤️
Barbatos 💙
Also likes to listen to your stories while baking or working or something
Also likes to study you
Tries not to make a big deal about it 💙
How many times have I said "big deal" God I'm so annoying I'm sorry
Hella confused
How, what, when, why
So confused to the point where it keeps him up at night
So to stop his burning questions he asks you to tell him the story of how you were raised by wolves 🤍
Luke 🤍
":0 Now I'm not the only one that they'll call chiwawa anymore!"
So excited about that fact
Loves to hear your stories
He makes frequent trips to the house of lamentation just to hear them 🤍
I hope you enjoyed the headcannons and it wasn't the same thing over and over for each character. And as always if you have any requests or questions please feel free to send an ask!
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starlightiing · 23 days
I want to know about the inception au! Who is more like Arthur, who is more like Eames, what is their history, what are they doing that requires them to be dressed up... spill anything you want!
Oooh very good questions! I literally just put my brain together for the Inception AU last night so maybe we can all help me develop this one! I had a plot for the Inception AU with other drivers, but not for these two specifically.
Arthur and Eames have their own sort of complicated personalities. I think Esteban is more Eames - not afraid to be silly, wicked smart but hides it behind the silly and the aloof.
Comparing Pierre to Arthur is a little more difficult, because Arthur is VERY rigid, he's very proper, he's very posh, he's very...a lot of things Pierre really isn't. But Pierre is also not really like Eames at all - so I think his personality aligns more with Arthur's. He's particular, he wants things certain ways, he likes to be in control, ect ect.
This gets so long, my apologies.
If we stick with that comparison, that would of course make Pierre the Point-Man (idk how into Inception you are, but I've done extensive deep dives and used to write one of the characters for fun (Eames actually) so I did a ton of research on it and probably know more than even Christopher Nolan himself) but the point-man is the info guy. He does all the research, makes sure not a hair is out of place. Makes sure the team knows what to expect and how to expect it. He's kind of the biggest part in terms of set up and execution.
So that would leave Esteban as the forger which, in my opinion, oddly fits. The forger of course is the 'shapeshifter' who can manifest themselves to look like anyone they so choose inside of a dream. But it goes deeper than that, of course. If they are to play an important role (like someone close to the mark, the person they are invading) it isn't enough to look the part, you have to act the part. It comes down to studying the person you're going to forge, making sure you get the finest details, the smallest mannerisms, speak like them, ect. So basically he would be an actor!!! Who can change what he looks like in dreams to manipulate marks.
Why are they dressed up? Well, that's just because everyone in the movie is always dressed to the nines LOL They're running around with guns in suits and fancy outfits. I guess that wouldn't mean EVERYONE in the business does that, but its more fun that way, don't you think? Especially if they're doing really high-risk jobs for a shit ton of money.
Coming up with their history is going to be much more interesting. Arthur and Eames in the film NEVER go over what exactly happened between them. It's just snide comments. Cobb says, "I'm going after Eames" and Arthur is just like "what? no? he's in Mombasa." and Cobb goes there any picks him up anyway. Then in a conversation with Eames..
EAMES: It's perfectly possible. Just bloody difficult. COBB: That's what I keep saying to Arthur. EAMES: Arthur? You're still working with that stick-in-the-mud? COBB: He's a good point man. EAMES: The best. But he has no imagination. If you're going to perform inception, you need imagination.
Of course, then, there's the scene where they're all in their little team meeting coming up with the idea to plant in Robert's head...
Cobb : That might work. Arthur : Might? We're gonna need to do a little better than 'might'. Eames : Oh, thank you for your contribution, Arthur. Arthur : Forgive me for wanting a little specificity, Eames. Eames: Chuckling but also looking at him like ???? Arthur : Specificity?
And this gem:
Arthur : Eames, I am impressed. Eames : Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you.
And two parts later that are much more minor - Arthur pulling out a gun to shoot against some heavily armed security, Eames pushing him aside with this huge ass bazooka, "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." - the line that sailed the ship in the dwindling inception fandom ahaha.
And then later when Arthur puts them all to sleep in the hotel room so they can go down to the snow level. Eames says, "Security is going to run you down hard." and Arthur replies with, "And I will lead them on a merry chase." Eames: Be sure to be here in time for the kick. Arthur, aggravated: Go to sleep, Mr. Eames.
So that's really all the crumbs we get in terms of those two, with only the simple implication that they've PROBABLY worked together a time or two before (Probably more than that - because why does Arthur IMMEDIATELY know where Eames is when Cobb asks if they don't like each other? And why is Eames so readily able to admit that Arthur is the best at what he does, he just has no imagination?) They work VERY well together, their personalities just clash and they have some sort of disdain for each other. Though more than anything, Eames finds it very funny and Arthur kind of takes it a lot more personal/serious.
With all THAT said - we can assume, safely, that Pierre and Esteban probably used to run small jobs together back when they were younger. Dream sharing IS illegal, just in case anyone forgot, and not exactly the easiest thing to access. They probably got in around the same time, or Esteban pulled Pierre in after he'd been in it a year or two, and went from there. I'd say they probably had a few jobs go sour, sometimes because of Pierre and sometimes because of Esteban, sometimes because of someone else on the team - whatever. And these are high stakes jobs.
If you don't fulfill yours and your client's contract, they do come after you. Usually to kill. Hence why Arthur and Cobb were on the run after that first failed mission right away in the movie.
I would imagine it makes tensions build and eventually they just work together so much and get so sick of each other that it starts to cause fights, arguments, ect. I feel like something pretty major must have happened - maybe one of their team mates was killed, maybe a dream went horribly wrong and they were stuck in limbo together to the point of wanting to rip each other's throats out - I'm not really sure. Ideas and suggestions always welcome.
But whatever it may be - they CAN, at least, work together they would just rather not. So then being paired together on one of the biggest jobs of their lives, with the most at stake, the highest risk, also simultaneously the hardest thing they've ever done (because no one has achieved inception before aside from one person) - it causes a lot of tension. Some of it coming out in more...sexual and emotional ways.
Thoughts? Prayers? Let me know what you think! I feel like I've given you a fucking novel at this point, but this is LEGIT the process my brain goes through when I start formulating ideas - especially AUs based on movies and such. I have more to add I'm sure, I just have to stew on it a bit, toss some ideas around, figure out what exactly happened between the two...and then I can put it all together.
Thanks for reading (and for the ask!)
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darkaviarymc · 3 months
So why tf are you living with a zionist? And why tf did you get married to one in the first place?
I've gotten anons asking invasive questions about my relationship with Troy and why I have yet to end it, and I've deleted each one. I don't know if you're the same anon, but I'm guessing you follow me because my latest #aviisleaving post has no notes and was less than an hour old when I received this ask.
Due to recent events in this fandom, abuse has become a spotlight topic. I don't know if I would call my marriage abusive or not. But whether or not it is, my situation and my reasons for staying in it for the time being is similar to what abusive victims face. There are many reasons not to leave, to bide your time before leaving, and to not be able to leave at the time or even at all, and I think it's an important discussion to have.
I'll start by explaining why I'm with him in the first place. We used to be closer ideologically. He wasn't always this far right and (this is where I make a confession that idk if I'm actually ready to make, but here we go) I wasn't always this far left. Seven years does a lot to change people, for better or worse. I was a left-leaning centerist, he was a right-leaning centerist, and we met in the middle to either compromise or peacefully agree to disagree.
We were both nerdy autistic weirdos with the same taste in music, same sense of humor, and enough ideologically in common to make peace. He got along well with my daughter and was quick to let me know that, if we ever got married, he'd consider her his kid as if she was his own.
I'm hyper-romantic. I see romance basically everywhere I look, and I fall in love hard and fast. He wasn't used to having a woman (my egg hadn't cracked yet, we'll get to that) who wasn't an absolute bitch be interested in him, so he fell harder than he ever had. We also both hated our situation at home, and I wouldn't pretend that wasn't a factor. We rushed the relationship and got married before we'd been together a year.
Everything changed for me when I realized I was queer.
I found the community I'd been denying for my whole life, and I learned a lot. He was an ally then. A flawed one, but he was willing to try. He was supportive of me when I came out, first as bisexual and then as nonbinary.
But everything changed for him when the wreck happened. He was driving with our mutual best friend in the front passenger seat when he lost control on black ice and slid into oncoming traffic. Our friend died at the scene, and Troy's injuries left him permanently disabled. He's since regained his independence, but he'll always struggle with his left arm.
We both took solace in our faith (I'd still consider myself a Christian, feel how you feel about that, I've heard it all) but he got lost in Christian Reddit, then Christian TikTok. Christian TikTok led to Evangelical TikTok, which led to transphobic, homophobic, MAGA, and zionist TikTok.
He ate that shit up. He fucking chugged that kool-aid. It gave him something besides himself to be angry at.
Grief opened my mind and closed his. It softened my heart and hardened his.
It just went downhill from there.
And now I can't live with this. I know he can't either, and the only reason he hasn't initiated a separation is because 1) there's no biblical grounds for divorce because I haven't cheated on him, and 2) he doesn't think a fat, autistic, disabled nerd in his 30s with a small dick and $30,000 in medical debt could ever find a godly wife. His words, not mine.
So if I want what's best for myself, my daughter, and yes, even for Troy, I need to be the one to leave.
So why haven't I yet?
First and foremost, money. We live in a society blah blah blah. Our society isn't friendly single mothers, queer people, or disabled people, and I'm about to be all three. I need to be 100% certain that I can support not only myself, but a high support needs autistic teen daughter who will likely never be able to live independently.
We currently only have one working vehicle, and aren't in a financial place to remedy that. I will need my own form of transportation if I'm going to be on my own.
All of my preparations (housing, transportation, moving logistics, etc) will have to be enacted quickly and perfectly. Surgical precision packing, moving, and stocking up on groceries so I don't have to leave the house for a while within 24 hours. Why? Because his family can't have any forewarning. I would not be safe. Currently, I'm not safe emotionally, but if I mess up even one step off the plan, if I'm not perfect in my exit strategy, I won't be safe physically, and neither will my daughter. I won't elaborate further on that.
Not only do I have to leave perfectly, but I have to be 150% positive months in advance that I can keep perfect. Because he has friends and family in places that could be dangerous for me, not the least of which is CPS. I fully expect to have them at my door by the end of the first month. I can't give them cause to take my daughter, even if it's the smallest, stupidest thing. Especially since they'll already have a small, stupid thing. Namely, my queerness and my disability.
Because I'm under no impression whatsoever that Troy won't out me to every single person who I can't safely be out to the instant he gets the chance. I will have no more help from (and possibly no contact with) my family. I will be completely alone. My support system will be gone forever. I have to be emotionally, mentally, and financially ready for that.
And I am none of those things right now.
And until I am, I have to do whatever I can to keep myself safe enough to bide my time for the right opportunity.
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bitegore · 2 years
an au I made up and never wrote: (okay listen i've written one story set in there but it only pays basic lip service to the idea and basically nothing else. trust me. it counts its fine)
okay! this is "humanformers", but actually it's androids in disguise featuring "everyone is a pretender now" and "we only transform a little bit". i'm debating adding a magical girl element where they jump and spin and out come GIANT FUCKOFF CANNONS and MAGIC ARMOR. (all my beloved friends and followers who know more about magical girl anime than me can boo and hiss as they see fit about that but you can't tell me Megatron jumping into the air and getting a chainmail armor cape and metal stompy boots and his giant gun and a scale armor skirt wouldn't go hard. i do not believe you it would be very cool and also sexy)
We start out from the POV of our FAVORITE HUMAN SIDEKICK (FHS for short, because they don't have a name), meeting a very weird stranger. This stranger is SOUNDWAVE, walking computer bank and wireless hacking donglebrain extraordinaire. He is also Extraordinarily Fucking Weird.
Soundwave: Hello. Take me to your satellite dish array.
FSH, just a random person: ??????? bro r u lost?????? what the fuck
Soundwave: [pulls out a gun] Hello. Take me to your satellite dish array.
FSH: ?????????????????????
Soundwave: Hurry Up.
FSH: i don't Have a satellite dish array. I don't even have cable.
Soundwave, faceblind: So you mean you are not Secretary Of Defense of the United States Namey Namename?
FSH, trying to activate "emergency call" inside their coat pocket because they're pretty sure (correctly) Soundwave is a domestic terrorist: Uh. No. I work at a Target.
Emergency services: "This is 911, what is your emergency?"
Soundwave, hearing of a bat: Stranger. Hang up immediately.
FSH, not hanging up immediately: uhuh yup hanging up immediately. please don't shoot me. did you hear that, i said you have a gun, please do not shoot me, i am hanging up the phone now, aren't we lucky that they can't trace a call to a location, ha, ha, ha, ha
Soundwave: why are you speaking so loudly
FSH: idk sometimes people do that when they're stressed. please stop pointing a gun at me unless you're going to mug me or something
Soundwave: Why should I want to mug you.
FSH: ........for money? I mean, not that I-
Soundwave: Rest assured that if I wanted to have more money there are more efficient ways for me to get it than taking the wallets of strangers.
FSH: ....that is actually strangely reassuring but you are still pointing the gun at me. can i go home.
Soundwave: you are Certain that you are not Namey Namename of the Department of Defense. Give me your ID.
FSH: IS this a mugging?
Soundwave: no. now give me your wallet.
anyway after this happens Soundwave eventually is frightened off by the sirens, FSH speaks to the Authorities, and one Authority Cop Pig is like. hm. i am going to take you for further questioning off the record
and Pig Rude Officer Why-are-you-doing-this Loser (shortened PROWL) is like "you do not need a lawyer, this is off the record". FSH who knows their rights is like "NO NO NO i DEFINITELY need a lawyer wtf is this shit" and Prowl is like. Um. Please do not involve any more outsiders this is a domestic terrorism thing. FSH goes "I AM NOT A TERRORIST" loud enough to attract the attention of Bad Asshole Rude R-... fuck it i cant do this again. Barricade. Who is also there. Prowl and Barricade are both aware there's someone from either team in the building but they do not know who it is. You don't either. You're like "HEY. HELLO. HI. I NEED A LAWYER"
barricade, who barely believes in due process and thinks lawyers are for losers who dont believe in police brutality, makes eye contact with Prowl and pointedly walks away.
Prowl eventually finally gets FSH to chill out by offering to bring in an attorney. He calls Jazz, who is not at all an attorney. FSH is convinced by his fake business card and is like "yeah this weird guy pointed a gun at me on the street and wanted to know if i was Namelike Namesomething from the Department of Homeland Security or something like that, i don't know."
"You mean Namey Namename?" says Prowl, who knows everyone in the entire upper government and has files on all of them. "You do look remarkably similar." He is also faceblind as fuck because i think it's funny to make all the data analysis people struggle to differentiate between faces irl.
Jazz, about 2.5 seconds to look them up later: Prowl bro what the fuck are you talking about no they do not
FSH, a genius: ....your.... name is Prowl? What kind of name is that?
Prowl: Nickname.
Jazz: Nickname.
FSH: weird nickname. what are you, like, supposed to be batman or something?
Prowl: ......I like cats. What did Soundwave want?
FSH: ???soundwave???
Prowl: .....code...name. codename.
FSH: is that the guy i ran into???
Prowl: yes obviously keep up.
FSH: uh. a sattellite array? or something
Prowl and Jazz, in unison: OH NO, NOT THE SATELLITE ARRAY!!!
now we never see FSH again because their role in the story is OVER AND DONE. instead we have Prowl and Jazz fuck off out of the station really fast. Barricade, whomst we all know is a decepticon, is like "hm. suspicious behavior. better call my boss" and he calls Soundwave. He sends Soundwave their pictures. Soundwave, faceblind, is like "these resemble every single autobot and also everyone at your job. let me send them off to buzzsaw for analysis"
buzzsaw has wings. no one questions this because buzzsaw also has the emo fringe haircut and wears a silly looking jacket and as such looks at all times like he's trying to cosplay an anime character. he does this on purpose because it entertains him. buzzsaw is also really good at recognizing faces
"oh shit" says buzzsaw "thems autobots"
ANYWAY i havent got much past that but essentially the bots and cons are on earth, HAVE been on earth, and are in a race to the bottom for magical crystals (energon. legit just energon) that they use to power themselves and their augmentations. They're in a secret shadow war, and the government is not aware they exist but constantly trying to catch them because it's obvious something is up, they're just incompetents. multiple characters have removable boobs. drag strip cannot buy groceries without committing murder (written here, the only thing ive ever actually done in this au outside of draw vortex irritating motormaster on purpose once). thank you for listening to my ted talk now i need to turn off my computer and turn it back on again lmao
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I really think people that want Endeavor to die have an immature view on the situation. I understand that enji did terrible stuff but he has to pay for that. But how is he gonna pay for everything if he dies? Gonna waste Todoroki fam money on flowers for his grave?😭 Anyway. There is no situation where enji dying is a good writing. And if he lives he can still be useful as an old hag mentor like allmight, not only sit and suffer. Fans that want endeavor dead have that childish thought that person that they dislike should just die. Right now endeavor is being a good character after pussying out for villain hunt arc and I think it's great. We've seen him at his weakest most pathetic spot so when he drags afo's crusty ass through mountains and does badass stuff with fire we can have that feeling of happiness (I mean I did idk what others feel tho lmao).
I hope endeavor meets touya again and continues to help his family to have better lives and leave as he wanted in his dream
Okay, let me point out first where I don't agree with you and then where do I agree with you, okay?
First thing, I can't call immature the people who want Enji dead. I don't know what they have gone through, I can't know if they find in it a way of deal with their anger and trauma, I don't know. I talk a lot but at the end of the day, wanting a fictional character dead is not murdering a real person, you know?
They can hate Enji all they want.
I just disagree with them. If we speak in terms of narrative, Enji being alive is better for the story. If we talk about a projection from the real life into the situation, Enji dying could be equal parts the remedy and the poison. Maybe some of the Todorokis would heal after that, it is a possibility. Maybe they wouldn't. Maybe they could get worst, we don't know. Ultimately this all depends on what story Horikoshi wants to tell, but I'd rather have the current story where different victims have different responses to the abuse they were exposed to and they have different ways of healing. Dabi has the right to never again see Enji, but Fuyumi also has the right to build a relationship with her father, if she wants to.
Now, I agree Enji is a better person than he was. Not because he's good exactly, but because he recognized how bad he was and he's at least thinking about how he can fix what he broke. It's undeniable that he is on a redemption arc, it's undeniable that he is better, but it doesn't mean either us or the characters have to forgive him or forget his mistakes.
Enji has also always been a good character in terms of what he brings to the table with his character construction. Not good in moral terms, but written interestingly. His constant dancing between the villain and hero standards, how morally gray he is, that's amazing. A great way of making someone root for a certain character is giving them a character to root against. It happened with Deku and Bakugo at the beginning, for example. Not necessarily a villain, but an antagonist, someone who gets in the way of your hero.
I'm not particularly rooting for Enji to get better because of him, but because it'd serve the Todorokis narrative. Shouto doesn't need his dad to die at war. Touya hasn't solved his issues with Enji. And I mean, Enji was never there for Touya, so he should be there for his son now. Even if Touya tells him to go away and doesn't want to see him ever again, Enji has to try. For all the people who looked up to him, for all the people he let down, he has to try.
I wish the Todorokis to be happty and healthy. I want Endeavor to pay for his crimes. So if he changes and some part of the family accepts him back, as long as he's not causing more damage and as long as it is actually healing instead of hurting, I'll accept it.
That's my opinion on this matter.
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pacifymebby · 5 months
i think backgrounds is a thing but also kind of like what they stand for. R is rich and privileged living off her parents money (which is fine) and constantly jetting off to places lol (again fine) and doesn’t have a job or even need one tbh like that’s literally unheard of in the north like you literally need a job to afford a living
I get the crux of what you're saying here but I promise you there is a "posh" north and it's somehow even more horrifying than posh London
But aye those experiences are what shape your values
Thing is can any of us say we don't want to better our futures and give our kids better futures?
I for one hope that one day I'm well off enough that if my kids graduate uni and they don't know what to do with themselves and are trying to break into a tricky industry, they can come home to the family house and keep working on their goals? Like I wouldn't want me kids dossing but id fucking hate to think I'm working my arse off now so that one day in the future I can force my kids to slog it too?
Like I really get where all these anons are coming from about the culture clash and about like how it isn't fair that certain people have life so so much easier, and also like how it's weird that a man who's made a lot of being "rags to riches" is now seemingly dating someone with different principles so is kinda sacrificing his own BUT
1) it's only dating
2) no one in poverty wants to remain on the poverty line, I really don't blame him for "social climbing" he's having experiences that were barred from him by the class system for a long time and that can only be a good thing.
3) maybe he's not sacrificing his principles, I've seen very privileged women learn/grow when they've been in relationships with people from poorer backgrounds (relationships teach both people different things afterall)
4) he's not a hypocrite for shagging. He isn't sacrificing any principles by dating someone middle class. If anything it's weird to say that all working class people must remain completely true to their poverty stricken roots, that only reinforces class structure and makes certain things "not for us" like would you say it's sacrificing principles for a v working class lad from Stockport to go to Oxford? Is he a class traitor? Am I a class traitor for buying a gingerbread man in Morrisons or like idk Waitrose one time? Is it class traitory for working class people to go to art galleries, or listen to classical music, or learn to play the flute, or read lit fiction?
Do you see what I mean like, there's loads of things deemed middle class which have always been "not for the likes of us" but if we start saying any working class person who engages with those things is a traitor to their class then we're the ones reinforcing the structure that oppresses us?
Like idk, I tryyy very hard these days not to judge people who are middle class, because I do know nice people who are, my dad's got some lovely middle class friends... lots of the people I've met in Scotland that are southern English middle class snd have moved up here for cheap rent are nauseating cunts but idk, best to give people the benefit of the doubt until they actually start on the "i just dont see why we should give free school meals to children just because their parents smoke 40 a day and want the latest iphone" rant
The best situ for them is class divide causes misunderstandings and mild irritation but they are happy together anyway and it's not a deep problem. the worst is that the relationship falls apart because they can't understand eachother (this is usually what brings down all relationships though even ones that are class balanced? Is that a phrase that felt weird to write?) Like I grew to fucking despise my ex for being privileged and out of touch but I wouldn't wish that on anyone lol I lost a bestie and it sucked!!
Anyway my point is mostly just that you don't know them at all and to hold your horses accusing anyone of abandoning their principles just for dating someone from a different class background that's meh
Obvs btw anon not all of this is aimed at you in anyway because you aren't the one who has sent me all these things, it's just yours is so far one of the only ones that's on theme with the other anons that's polite enough to post. Some of the stuff in my inbox right now is harshhhh
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