#i don't know why this shit is spaced so weird but it's pissing me off
therealbrigeedarocks · 9 months
"people should make separate blogs for their interests so others can follow for specific things"
my dude
my guy
my pal buddy friend o'mine
once upon a time my main blog was supposed to strictly be for my art and art alone
and that shit went off the rails almost immediately
cuz the idea of having to cultivate that much made my brain ache
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corrodedcorpses · 2 years
Eddie x reader
Summary: You're being a brat and Eddie puts you in your place in a nice way
Warnings: this is not smut but there are some sexual themes so still 18+!!, reader is a brat, Eddie is a cute dom, light choking, they don't exactly talk about boundaries fully, reader has trouble eating sometimes
Word count: 1.5K
a/n: Idk where this came from but it's completely self indulgent and I've been in a weird mood recently and would love my own personal Eddie to take care of me like this! Hoping this gets me out of my writing slump
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Eddie runs his fingers through his messy hair, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips as you stalk past him to the bedroom, slamming the door as you go. You have been in a foul mood since you came over to his trailer. Yesterday you seemed fine, excited even to spend the afternoon with him even, but since you showed up today, just after lunch time, it’s like every little thing he does annoys you. 
You were weird when he hugged you hello, like you couldn’t think of anything worse than his touch, then you complained that he hadn’t been cuddling you enough while you were on the couch together just before. Then he was talking too much about his latest campaign even though you asked about it and then he wasn’t talking enough and it was like he was ignoring you. 
Whatever he did it just got under your skin, he couldn’t win. 
You’ve gotten into these moods before, usually when you want something from him. These moods usually end with you collapsed on the bed, sore and glistening with sweat. Throat and pussy swollen from taking Eddie so well. But he knows this mood is different. 
He leans his forehead against the door you just slammed. Wracking his brain for what to do to get back on your good side. Thinking of all the things you usually like, a lot of them would involve you letting him into the room first… but he does think of one thing, you love going out for milkshakes with him. 
That’s it, he thinks. He’ll take you to your favourite diner and share some milkshakes, maybe even get some food, you could also be cranky if you were hungry and Eddie knows you struggle to eat sometimes. 
Eddie bursts through the door suddenly, excited by his ingenious idea, startling you on the bed momentarily before you plaster the scour back on your face. 
All of Eddie’s excitement seems to vanish as he sees the look on your face, still he pushes through, determined to still have a good afternoon with you.  
“Get your stuff, we’re going,” Eddie says, almost cheerily. 
“What?” you question, unamused. 
“We’re going out,” he reiterates flatly, “get your stuff.” 
“No,” you respond, crossing your arms with a huff. “I’m obviously not in the mood, I’m not going.” 
The action made you look like a spoiled kid. Jesus you could be a brat. 
“Come on, I know you’re not in the mood but can you just trust me?” he was getting frustrated at this point, all afternoon he’d be trying everything just to make you smile, to make you happy and you couldn’t just do this one thing? This one thing he knows would make you at least a little bit happier?
“No, why would I? Your idea is stupid how is going out supposed to make me feel better? You obviously don’t know me at all.” You snap back. 
He shakes his head at you, a mix of a sigh and a laugh leaving his throat. There's no humour behind it. 
“I know you better than you think, princess.” He spits the last word like an insult, it has you seeing red. 
“You don’t know shit Munson. You’ve done nothing but piss me off all day, can you just fuck off?”
Eddie’s not sure what came over him, he was fed up with your attitude, your words reminding him of how much of a brat you would be in other situations, although those were a lot more playful. Still he takes his chances, striding over to you. 
He kneels in front of where you’re sitting, crowding into your space placing his hand gently against your throat. You move away automatically, lying back on the bed as Eddie follows until you’re trapped under him, his fingers giving your throat a light squeeze. You stare into his eyes, usually warm dark orbs now black and hard. 
You’ve seen this look on his face before, just never in this kind of situation. 
“I said,” he tried a again through gritted teeth, “get your stuff.” 
When he’s met with silence he studies your expression. Your mouth is slightly open, your eyes softened and slightly glazed over. You don’t seem alarmed so he continues. He applies more pressure before continuing in a firm tone. 
“I’m getting really sick of this bratty little attitude you’ve had all day and I feel like a milkshake,” he says nonchalantly, “so get your stuff. Now.” 
He keeps his hand on your throat, his eyes darting back and forwarth between yours. You seem to be enjoying this, although you do seem a little surprised. For his peace of mind he has to check, has to make sure he hasn’t crossed a line by taking the dominance he has sometimes used into a more casual setting. 
“Colour?” He asks softly, domineering act faltering slightly. 
“Green,” you breathe in response. Sounding much smaller and submissive than you had wanted. Fully intending to keep up the annoyance that had settled over you all day. 
“Good,” Eddie responds simply, before suddenly standing up again. You feel the loss of his body heat immediately and scurry to grab your things, fulfilling his request before your brain can even comprehend your movements. 
Eddie watches you with a smirk as you slightly stumble around, mind slightly hazy as you gather your things. Once you have your bag slung over your shoulder, you stand up straight in front of him, smoothing out your bottoms as if you’re trying to look presentable for him. 
He grabs his keys and walks outside silently, revelling in the way you follow, hot on his heels. You mentally curse your body for giving in to him so easily. 
Eddie hops in his van as you try to not feel so hurt by him not opening the door for you like he usually does. 
The drive to the diner is quiet, one of Eddie’s tapes playing softly is the only thing cutting through the silence. 
When you arrive you both find a quiet booth, not many people in the diner at this time of the afternoon, the lunch rush having already passed. 
The waitress passes both of you menus but Eddie takes yours from you before you can even spare it a glance. You look at him with a mix of anger, confusion and sadness on your face but he doesn't meet your eyes, he just continues to study his own menu. 
When the waitress comes back over to take your order you’re pleasantly surprised when Eddie proceeds to order most of your favourites from the menu as well as two large milkshakes. 
You continue to sit in silence, Eddie doodling on a napkin while you try to ignore the nagging pain in your stomach. You hadn’t realised just how hungry you were until you knew there was food on the way. You do this sometimes, it’s not like you mean to not eat, sometimes it was just hard to remember to. And you don’t realise how sad and cranky it makes you. 
Your stomach also twists with regret, you feel bad for the way you’ve acted all afternoon, taking all of your weird emotions out on Eddie. And now here he was, taking you to get all of your favourites just to try and make you happy. 
You thankfully don’t have to wallow in self pity for too long before the food arrives. You both thank the waitress before trying your best to not inhale everything in front of you, knowing you'll hurt your stomach if you eat as fast as you want to. 
You’re both about halfway finished when you speak up, guilt and silence becoming unbearable. 
“Eds?” You mumble quietly. 
He looks up at you, finally, with an unreadable expression on his face as he pops another fry into his mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” you say sincerely. 
He sighs, a small smile creeping onto his face. “S’okay sweetheart, you feeling better?” He asks in a tiny teasing tone. 
You nod, blushing. 
You take another bite before asking “hey, how did you know I was hungry? I didn’t say anything.” 
“Well, you were a brat, acting cranky all fucking afternoon,”  he says matter of factly “and you only do that when you’re hungry… or when you wanna fuck.” He adds the last part with a wicked smirk. 
You roll your eyes at him with a smile on your face, but you know he’s right. 
“Next time though, just tell me yeah? You know I love taking care of my girl.” 
You lean forward across the table, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Oh yeah, well I can think of a couple other ways you can take care of your girl.” 
Eddie leans towards you too, “hmmm you’re pushing your luck a bit there babe.” But his tone isn’t serious. 
You continue to stare at him with a smirk on your face, you know you have him. 
“Tell ya what,” he continues, leaning back, “be a good girl and finish all of this and I’ll think about fucking you silly in the back of my van, hmm?” 
You quickly pop a couple of fries in your mouth, earning a chuckle from Eddie. “Okay, master,” you say through a mouthful of food and a cheeky smile on your face. 
Tagging a couple mutuals: @andvys @wroteclassicaly @pxrxcxa @usedtobecooler @eddiemunsonfuxks @parkermunson @translatemunson @hammity-hammer @littledemondani @prettyboyeddiemunson
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Ok no I'm not done being weird yet, here's another idea for the marriage canon event stuff
Miguel and other Spiders are getting on your ass about, "oh, how old are you now? Why aren't you looking for a husband yet? Why are you spending so much time here?" And are, you know, your friends who love you and for your own good are trying to get you to complete your canon so you, you know, LIVE, but the way you see it is, being forced to do something like that and sacrifice yourself like that isn't living. You're not going to actively pursue and seek out a relationship, you want one to happen naturally, and nothing has felt natural to you and you're afraid of being hurt like that, of being rejected, of opening yourself up to someone and not being good enough, but, O'Hara and the Society don't really want to hear that. It's escalating over time. Little comments here and there, people randomly interjecting their personal anecdotes about their family and their kids into the conversation, "oh this is just like when me and Mary Jane--" "oh my kid loves this flavor, she gets so excited, I like to be naughty and get her these as a treat"
So you reach the point where you're fed up. This is so massively fucking inappropriate of them. There's no "set age" for this kind of thing so why are they harassing you like this, acting like, oh, you gotta hurry and pursue shit right now, it's for your own good? It's just pissing you off and pushing you away. You love traveling to different dimensions and exploring new places and experiencing things that are literally out of this world but if the trade-off for that is constantly being badgered with this stupid narrative of having to sacrifice yourself, you'll happily go home and break canon and die, because at least you'll be truly living and making a choice
So anyways to get to the meat of this post: you've decided you're leaving the Spider Society and you're not going to talk to any of these bitches anymore, just haven't fully decided on when, but like, you're literally thinking within the next week, but you're still, there. And one day you're in the lobby, trying to stand around because you're supposed to go on some sort of stupid assignment, Peter B and Jess with you, the parents talking about baby stuff as you roll your eyes and Peter suspiciously needs you to keep holding Mayday until you're literally refusing, "just put her on the ground or something, you let her climb on walls and shit anyways"
And because you're in the lobby, this big open space with tons of people passing through, suddenly in walks Miguel with. Another Miguel, completely unrelated to the mission you and the others are about to do, kind of just bumping into each other as they pass through. Miguel2 just got scouted by his counterpart that he met during chasing an anomaly, and they're getting to know each other, and at some point Miguel2 is like "can my wife come too 🥺👉👈 she's also a Spider and I can't be here without her" and everyone is a little confused because there's supposed to be the whole only 'one Spider per dimension' rule besides like family, like Peter and Mayday, and you'll just never guess whose alternate universe variant is his wife :) another you comes bounding in wearing casual baggy clothes but looks so radiant and happy, all "hubby 🥰" as she kisses her husband, you're just awkwardly sending glances to 'your' Miguel as you two are, understandably feeling awkward because, you're, coworkers, and here are two people who look exactly like you being all lovey dovey "princesa 🥰" "guapito 🥰"
This other you just seems so, VIBRANT and she's introducing herself and shaking hands and she sees Peter B, "oh my god you have a baby, I'm so happy for you, she's so cute!" And she's hugging him, and you watch Peter B's eyes go kind of wide and he looks down, "OH, you're like--" and Other You just kind of laughs and parts her coat, showing off her rounded tummy, "haha yeah, there's a baby in there! Number 3, we're so excited! 🥰" and you're just. Simultaneously feeling some sort of fucked up combination of the most visceral and extreme discomfort you've ever felt in your entire life and also some kind of. Envy. Because she has everything you thought you didn't want and she seems so, SO fucking happy, with a husband who loves her, she clearly loves her babies, and she's being accepted by all of your friends instantly, like they're all gathered around talking as you're just, basically on the outside of the circle, actively putting up distance, only standing around because, uh hey guys weren't we supposed to be doing something--
Your skin is crawling as Other You uses her own watch from her husband to zip back to her own dimension and comes back with her babies on each hip, twins that she's just so happy to introduce to her new friends, who are SUPPOSED to be YOUR friends, "THIS one is Gabriella, and this one is Gabriel. Aren't they so cute? 🥰 theyre both so chunky they almost killed me but it was SO worth it" And once she realizes you're you, or, you're her, she wants to immediately chat you up and be buddy-buddy and goes to hand one of her babies to you and you. Refuse. Absolutely refuse. Suddenly you're the pariah of the group, both Miguels are sending you looks. Why are you being so fucking rude? Just put your arms out??? But you won't. You're just, soul-suckingly disgusted by this entire scenario. Not only is it putting an unspoken pressure onto you, but, seeing this other you be so fucking happy AND accomplishing all the things your "friends" have been badgering you about makes you feel SO indescribably insecure
Fine. Let it be like a revolving door. Another you enters Spider Society, one of you leaves. But you're so bitter and hurt you can't help but get in a jab at her, wanting to tarnish her "fake" happiness, feeling so personally hurt and offended by her very presence and existence in the room. "Hey so wouldn't your babies also be Spiders and have to suffer through the canon events too? And since you don't have any other family members, your kids' canon events might be YOU or Miguel dying? Aren't you glad you gave birth to your kids only to die and leave them without a mom and dad and forever doom them to a narrative where they can never make their own choices and are cosmically destined to be unhappy just because YOU wanted a cute baby? Sorry I guess I'm just built different. Hey remember how when we were little girls and we used to feel like mom only gave birth to us because she wanted someone who would love her and we resented her for bringing us into the world to have such a harsh life, aren't you so happy that's EXACTLY how your kids are going to feel about YOU?"
Mom!You is instantly bursting into tears and holding her little belly for comfort as her husband looks ready to tear you to ribbons, FURIOUS, all the healthy people in the room understandably disappointed and upset with you, like what the FUCK girl, meanwhile you're opening up a portal to your home dimension and just chucking your watch straight into the floor. "Keep this. I won't be coming back" while everyone is kind of dismissive of how truly upset you are, kind of just like "come on, don't be like this 🙄" like you're throwing a tantrum when in actuality you're going home and are seriously considering selling Osborne or Doc Ock all of your radioactive eggs. You'll always be YOU before you're a Spider, and if they want to force you to put The Job above yourself your entire life, they're dead wrong.
Meanwhile after you leave, pulling each other aside for privacy, Miguel2 is asking your Miguel why he's risking breaking his own canon by not wife-ing you up yet and comparing notes from all of the other dimensions where you and him are together as your Miguel is shocked by the sheer number of same occurrences. Miguel is all on about, "what does this even mean, we're from entirely different dimensions", and Miguel2 over here just unapologetically, "so? My wife is also from another dimension, I just took her, she got used to it, it's totally fine bro, it's canon, just do it, just do whatever you want. it's fine bro I'M TELLING YOU--" and maybe even Mom!You is so, sucked into her own "it's ok I was initially forced into this because I'm happy now" world that she's even advocating, "oh gosh if I was her I'd be SO lonely, hearing how you two aren't even that close, especially not anymore, and you've all been avoiding her, and she doesn't even have a baby to care for and give her love 🥺 most 'me's are at least dating right now, so, i bet she's feeling so much pain, she NEEDS YOU right now 🥺"
Peter B is sent to give you another watch and tell you, it's ok, you can come back, they promise they're not gonna bug you about dating and stuff anymore, and you're just all "nah, I'm ok! :) you can keep it :) I've had enough of you guys :) dont let the door hit your ass on the way out :)" meanwhile Miguel 1 and 2 are comparing strategies, "see, when MY wife was refusing to come back to me, what I did was..."
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theycalledhimastar · 3 months
I may love Kyle, but I can totally admit when he acts like a total weirdo (he doesn't, he's perfect).
☄. *.
Alright, for starters, man takes up all the counter space with his stuff. Unlike Simon, he is very loyal to his brands and he has a longer face care routine than you do.
Just look at his perfect skin and tell me I'm wrong because you can't, that shit's flawless and he intends to keep it that way.
Every towel in the bathroom smells like him whether or not he's used it and you will never ever figure out why.
(It's because he probably used it-)
"Kyle, did you use my towel after your shower?"
"No, why?"
"Because it literally smells like your bodywash."
"How do I know you didn't just use my bodywash?"
Don't make this about me, Kyle Garrick. You know what you did, you're just lucky your shampoo is easy on the senses. He's the one task force member that seems to be able to differentiate between what smells good and what is altogether too much.
The type of guy to have long, gorgeous eyelashes and always, ALWAYS complain about them getting in his eyes.
Like suck it up pretty boy, you're literally living my dream here with those baby doll eyelashes of yours.
He also knows it pisses you off so he tries not to mention when it happens, so you'll just catch him sitting there on the couch blinking like a madman. Trying his darndest to get the annoying eyelash from his eye without drawing attention to it. Although really and truly this just makes it more noticeable and kinda funny to watch.
Applies Chapstick in that really weird way that guys do it where they make a duck face, except he's fully self aware, he just knows it weirds you out so he exaggerates it further.
"Babe what are you doing, that's not how you apply chapstick."
"What do you mean, there's no right way to do it." :0
Like thank you for sparing me from those absolute ice blocks, but like babe, that is unnatural. It is cruel and unusual and I will not stand for it!!
(Socks stay on during sex-)
Also prolly wears long sleeves and pants to bed regardless of how warm it is because he swears its more comfortable. Bro going to bed fully dressed, all he needs are shoes smh.
On a similar note, his hands are always cold, but instead of putting them in his front pockets or his jacket pockets like a normal guy, he walks around with his hands in his back pockets given the chance.
Doesn't think it's weird, but he walks around leaned back in order to do it and it looks goofy as hell.
Willing to advocate for you and it's really sweet, except it'll be for every single little thing. Like not just ketchup that you ordered but didn't get, if you off-handedly mention that whatever you ordered is kinda cold, he is on it immediately.
"Hey, uh, my Partner here says their food is a little cold, is there any way we could fix that please?"
Like he's not rude about it, but you still want to die inside because it's not a big deal and he doesn't seem to get that you really weren't complaining or trying to get him to fix it.
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imdead770 · 5 months
yours and soda's first argument
Sodapop Curtis x Reader - First Fight
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Authors Note - So sorry for not writing this sooner, I don't really have an excuse, I just never felt like it. Enjoy!
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• The fact the two of you even fought is crazy to me
• I think Soda is pretty good with communication
• Like he comes to you if he's hurt, you go to him, there's no secrets between either of you
• But there's one thing we all know
• Just because Sodapop has a partner doesn't mean the girls will leave him alone
• Maybe one of them go a bit too handsy while you were coincidentally at DX
• Poor Sodapop has no idea they're flirting because he's just like 'okay, they're touching my arm, weird but you do you'
• Then she gets more handsy
• And the thing that made you mad is Sodapop didn't do shit about it
• This random girl was practically feeling him up and he was just smiling and talking to her, trying to get customer service points
• I'd be mad too
• You know Soda would never cheat on you
• But still, if some random guy had his hand on your bicep you'd say something about it
• At least lean away
• But Sodapops just sitting there, all smiles.
• So eventually Soda comes back to the Curtis house where you often are, all excited to tell you about what Steve did today
• Only to be met with you
• His first thought is 'aw, she had a bad day'
• Which is so sweet holy shit
• But back to the beef
• You, obviously, confront him
"Hey.. how come you were letting that girl touch you like that?"
• He's gotta think for a second because he doesn't even remember any girl
• Then it clicks
• Shit, she was flirting??
• Aw fu-
"It ain't anythin' important"
• Right when he said it he regretted it
" What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It's nothing."
"What, you let hot girls feel you up and then come home to me all sunshiney?"
"It's not-.."
• This idiot
• His swore his brain wasn't working
"Why ya' gotta be so jealous?"
• Oh shit
• He could've sworn he heard a snap in your nervous system
"Look, darlin', I didn't-"
"Can you shut up for one second? What the hell do you mean?"
• He can't even respond
• He's still internally slapping himself on the forehead
"Are you gonna just stand there?"
• You just rolled your eyes (understandable) and walked off
• The moment you left he slapped him in the forehead with an audible 'pow'
• After that, if you're like me, you kept your distance
• Cause, for a good reason, you're pissed
• Sodapop goes to Darry for advice
• And of course Darrys response is
"Are you stupid?"
"I dropped outta school, Dar', course I'm stupid."
"Yeah but I didn't think you were that stupid"
• He tells Soda to give you your space
• And Soda tries, he really does
• But he just can't avoid you
• He's literally head over heels for you and he's supposed to just ignore you??
• So eventually he finally manages to track you down
• This man is practically on his knees begging you to forgive him
"I'm so sorry, I ain't never do it again, it was stupid I know-"
• If I were in your shoes I'd start laughing
• Or maybe you're still mad
• Or you're smiling at the apology, depends on who you are.
• But it's practically impossible not to forgive him
• He said "I'm sorry" at least 500 times by now
• He sounds like Eminem at this point
• So either you're
A) "I forgive you, Soda"
B) To stubborn to forgive so you just kiss him
• I'm personally a B but you do you
• It's the sweetest kiss ever
• Pure wattpad fanfiction kiss
• Soft and sweet with both of you smiling into it
• Especially Soda
• He hasn't tasted you in like.. 1 day
• That's practically an eternity
• In summary
• Arguments with Soda rarely happen
• And if they do they last for 3 days max
• Normally with Sodapop knocking at your window with some roses and his award winning smile
• And no matter how big the problem is
• You always end up making out
• Gotta love Soda
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sirens-sanctuary · 9 months
business casual
. miguel o'hara x fem!reader
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. TW: NSFW!, oral (female receiving), pubic sex?,
. the promised fic, i have a few more in the works- also not proofread so except a few typos lol
. masterlist, taglist, rules and a/n below~
. NSFW! below the cut
๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑ ๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑
you were never really around miguel at the spider society, but you had a crush on him as soon as you saw him. how could you not? well- you could see why no one else would because hes your boss... sort of? hes just kinda the guy in charge around here so like technically if you were to do whatever you wanted to him it wouldnt be bad, lol ok.
you often got lost in these conversations with yourself at your corner in the ss (spider society, i cannot bring myself to type it out every time lmao)
miguel never really paid any mind to you, he appreciated your work around the place but there wasn't anything too special about you...he liked that. you were simple, you weren't difficult to figure out, not difficult to talk to, you weren't complex like the other things he needed to deal with. he liked that. however— he didn't like how you distanced yourself from him, just as you were easy to read it was easy to see you keep your time with him limited. can't have that, he hates that. he wants you, wants to hear you speak. he sees you yap with your friends here at the ss, but you would say only a few words with him.
he has a plan.. nothing extravagant, just a simple, not complex plan.
it was almost the end of the day when all the other spiders left and went home, you were still in your corner, daydreaming about miguel- you couldn't help it. your thoughts were fuddled until your multiversal watch started to beep. you held up your wrist and a little hologram of miguel popped up.. you were surprised to say the least..a little flustered too? you didn't know... i don't either.
miguel said he needed your help with something..strange but ok. you got up from your desk and made your way to his office- floaty thingamajig?– whatever the hell that floating shit is what is that?? you don't know what that thing is and it really doesn't matter.. you were thinking of anything to take your mind off of your impending doom, even if it meant arguing with yourself in your head about useless things..
you finally made it there and stepped into the open space and behold— The floating rock of shit and stuff, and there he was his beautiful muscled back facing towards you. you're lucky he was facing away from you because if he was looking at you, you would've pissed yourself. deadbutt.
how do you let him know you're here without sounding weird? this is hard, talking is hard, shouldn't have to be this hard. You should learn sign language.
"you gonna stand there or come up here and help me?"
Goddamn doesn't he sound beautiful. you don't say anything and web yourself up to his platform. because youre a simple person you made a simple mistake and missed your footing when you landed and almost fell back. almost. miguel grabbed your waist and pulled you back up towards him. he did this slowly, drinking you in with his eyes, slowly dragging them across your figure. his grip on you was heavy and tight. when you were standing upright you took him in as well, god hes just so huge and delicious. you never got opportunities like this, ever. you were never around him long enough to just stare at him and admire him. you guys were staring at each other for a while with his arm, still around you radiating a hot warmth.
you were a simple person, you went with the punches and the rolls so when miguel leaned down and brought your lips in for a kiss you went with it.. not like youd oppose to kissing him anyways. the kiss was slow and steady at first but gradually got more and more intense. sooner or later you were on top of the control panel on his platform. you were trying to keep yourself quiet, little squeaks and whimpers came out of you as miguel nipped down your skin.
he grunted as he ripped open your suit to gain access. you let out a loud gasp and said his name out of shock.
"keep saying my name hermosa, i like it when you say it that way" ("beautiful")
you let out a soft moan as he talked to you, his voice was laced in lust his want for you practically dripping off his tongue. he pushed your panties (oo lala) to the side and slid his finger gently down your wet slit. he let out a short huff, his breath fanning on your heat.
"que linda carino" ("so so pretty darling")
his sweet talk might as well been enough to make you cum. he closed the space between him and your mouth, his tongue and lips working wonders on your clit. you tried your best to keep quiet, biting down on your lip to silence yourself. your hand found its way into miguels hair and you pushed his face further into you causing him to moan. it sent shivers up your spine and made you finally moan out. miguels big hands wrapped around your thighs and he pushed them closed, oh miguel likes to be squished... he looked up at you. this man cant get any prettier, he was soaked in your juices and the light from the orange screens beside you glistened oh so nicely against his skin.
you were done being quiet, miguels feasting got more and more intense there was no point in trying to stay quiet. your legs tightened around his head making him moan and grunt more. his tongue and lips working wonders, hitting all the right places. you threw your head back and let out a very vocal moan, pushing miguels head down. he slurped on your juices loudly and sloppily before getting up off his knees and wiping his mouth clean.
he stared down at you with a proud smirk on his face, he enjoyed staring at you twitch with your blissed out face.
"gotta get you cleaned up, now don't we mi novia?" ("my girl")
๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑ ๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑
. yes i know it's wednesday, i'm sorry lol i was working on this last weekend and then didn't finish it??? idky but i finished this so i hope it's alright, i'm still getting a bit used to writing smut /~\, erm anyways hope you guys liked it and i used google translate again so idk how accurate the spanish is lolll, i also have a few series i wanna start so stay tuned (if you're willing lmao) for those~♡
. masterlist | rules and fandoms | taglist |
๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑ ๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۩ ร𝓲ᖇᵉŇ. ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°°๑۞๑
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mixelation · 8 months
reborn au: sometimes tori should be allowed to win. as a little treat
iwa fails team 4, which is just funny. i was debating minato just promoting itachi bc he'd have the missions for it, but actually i think it'd be funnier if he went and took a formal exam in a way that somehow pre-empts deidara from doing it? idk how that could work, but i think it would be Fun if both deidara and itachi won the tournament in their exams, and for that they'd have to take them separately
(it might make more sense logistically if itachi was like "why do i care? i'm an ANBU captain. i already have the paycheck/security clearances" and then deidara solos the next exam and itachi is like ".....wait i can't let him win" and solos the NEXT one. but also i think the laws of the universe are such that itachi should advance first, because it would piss deidara off)
anyway the point is. tori applies for R&D immediately and spends all her free time slinking around & then complaining she's not allowed to do her own projects
minato after she's tried some insane manipulations to take over R&D: (squints at her) yeah, because you're a genin. just apply to be a chunin?
it has not once occurred to tori she could be promoted the regular way. she's used to just like.... infecting a space, like a fungus. and then people get used to her enough that she gets to do what she wants.
tori: what is rank to a fungus?
deidara: what the fuck are you talking about? just take the exam. you'll get a raise and then we can afford a nice ass apartment together
anyway tori signs up for the next chunin exam feeling extraordinarily like she's doing some sort of weird undercover mission. she's not a ninja in her mind, she just plays one on tv. then kushina is like "ohohoho so are you going to keep up the team reputation and win the tournament???" and tori is like ".....no?" but both deidara AND itachi make the same joke
tori: i think you're really overestimating me 8|
it's not that tori doesn't think she can't take on any task they might throw at a chunin, or that she won't pass. akatsuki had her doing missions as a civilian, okay, she can handle chaos and responsibility and the associated danger. she just never, ever picks "fight" as her first solution to a problem... and the chunin exam tournament is just a fight. there's no changing parameters or redefining your win condition to force the outcome in your favor. it's just.... a fight. which she's iffy at
kushina: oh, i get your problem. your baseline is whack
tori: no no, i'm pretty sure there's lots of thirteen year olds that could beat me up
kushina: do you know what makes a ninja good-- like, actually good? it's not being the strongest. it's being able to go up against someone who's stronger than you and winning anyway. and a lot of people won't ever be able to do that, but you definitely could
so tori goes and takes her exam and it turns out the average thirteen year old sucks!!! she wins easy!!!
tori: what the FUCK
then she goes home and is like "i won? i don't get it??" and two weeks later she's a special jounin* because minato wants her to have the associated permissions
minato: go on, go do fuinjutsu reearch to your heart's content
tori: ;^; i am going to make the MOST forbidden technique
minato: please don't
*special jounin in my mind is for people who have a specialized jounin-level skill but don't qualify for a full jounin promotion, because those people need increased security clearances and shit compared to a standard chunin. it's not EXACTLY a rank between chunin and jounin because there's a lot of variation in abilities within in it... like at this point tori would basically be an average chunin in terms of combat but also capable of making up s-rank techniques on the fly
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antianakin · 4 months
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You might have to be more specific than that. Most of what we see done with the Force is perfectly normal, like being able to block blaster bolts with a lightsaber and stuff, so I guess I'll try to hit on some of the bigger more controversial uses of the Force and see if these answer your questions. Keep in mind that the Force is generally a pretty SOFT magic system and while there are definitely some guidelines to it, there's a lot you can get away with via "rule of cool" here.
Somehow Palpatine returned: Arguably Palpatine living is actually perfectly within canon given that we have examples of Sith characters living through shit that should've killed them, most obviously Maul (something done by Lucas himself so we can't just blame it all on Disney bringing characters back). But within Disney canon there's also the Grand Inquisitor and Reva who both live through injuries that seem like they should've killed them by utilizing the dark side to sustain them. So Palpatine living is actually perfectly do-able within canon in terms of "how the Force works", regardless of how stupid it was NARRATIVELY and how annoying I find the trend in general.
Luke's Force projection: This doesn't seem like that weird to me, it's definitely NEW and not something we saw anybody else doing in prior films, but it's also not something anyone else would've truly benefited much from and given that it kills Luke almost immediately afterward, it's clearly a VERY last resort option and only really useful as a distraction anyway. It's not that far off of the whole Force Ghost idea to me and sort-of draws on the idea that the Jedi are empaths to some degree, so I'm not too fussed about this. It's fun and I appreciate all the clues about what's happening that are THERE if you look for them but not necessarily super obvious before the reveal.
Leia saving herself from the vacuum of space: I don't dislike this one either, actually. Leia's got a couple of seconds or so in which she can react to a warning from the Force somehow and while we don't see any other Jedi actively fighting in space without a suit or anything, we DO see Plo Koon fighting in space with nothing but his air mask which should still kill him and somehow doesn't, so it's not like Leia surviving this is completely out of the realm of possibility to me. Besides, it's the first super explicit use of the Force Leia got in the films and pissed off a lot of crybaby fanboys who were convinced Leia wasn't Force sensitive, so I'm willing to give it a lot of grace for that alone.
The Force dyad: I actually don't have an issue with the mechanics of the dyad and more have an issue with the way it's utilized in the narrative. Personally, I find it a little silly that some sort of extra special Force connection would exist between two people at THIS point in time and not like... when a literal child of prophecy was alive. If I was going to believe there was a special Force connection between ANYBODY, it would've been Anakin/Obi-Wan (narratively foiled anyway and involves a child of prophecy) or Luke/Leia (twin children of the child of prophecy separated at birth for their own safety). And of course, if it HAD to be in the Sequel trilogy for whatever reason, we all know it should've been Finnrey, for a MULTITUDE of reasons. The other issue I have with the dyad is that they change it from Snoke creating it specifically to mess with Kylo in TLJ to their connection being some sort of special prophecized thing by TROS, so it's not even clear in the narrative what precisely the damn thing even IS or why Rey and Kylo even HAVE IT because the stupid directors and studio execs couldn't agree on it I guess.
Force healing: I know some people have major issues with this one and I get why, but it honestly doesn't bother me that much. TROS explains it as being a byproduct of the dyad anyway, something ONLY these people can do because being connected the way they are allows them to access powers no one else could. It's one of the ways I think the dyad DOES work in the sense that if they're going to give these two characters this special connection then hey fuck it why not use it to let them have a special Force power a lot of fans want to see but that wouldn't really make sense in any other context? I'm obviously NOT a huge fan of "Force healing resurrection via True Love's Kiss" or whatever, but the general concept of Force healing coming from the dyad works fine for me. It's a little heavy handed and on the nose, but... it's fine.
Leia saving Kylo through... "Force whammy"?: This is the big one I hate, this is the one I cannot STAND. If Sith/Dark siders could just be Force whammied into not being evil anymore, WHY DID NOBODY DO THIS TO ANAKIN. Why isn't Obi-Wan trying this from Tatooine, why doesn't Ahsoka try this, why doesn't Yoda or Luke try this? Yes, it kills Leia to do it, but if it whammies Anakin away from being dark and turns him against the Emperor earlier, WHY NOT DO IT. And where would Leia have even LEARNED HOW TO DO THIS, why did she WAIT so long to do it if she knew how this whole time? But the biggest reason I hate this is because it fucks up the entire theme of Star Wars which is CHOICE. If the Sith and Darksiders can just be Force whammied into goodness again, it takes away the CHOICE they need to make to be good. It's SO SO VITALLY IMPORTANT that these characters CHOOSE TO BE GOOD AGAIN if that's the path they're going to go down. It's important that they chose to evil and it's important that they choose to be good again. A Force whammy isn't a fucking choice, it's Leia just... jumpstarting Kylo's brain or whatever. It's just wiping out the things causing him to be evil I guess so that it's just no longer a problem. It's cheating, it's STUPID. And if they'd gone with the idea that Kylo was genuinely being like mind-controlled by Snoke into doing the things he's doing and that none of this WAS his choice and so the Force whammy allows him to finally make his own choices again, that would be one thing, but both TFA and TLJ emphasize that this isn't the case, Kylo is MAKING THESE CHOICES ON HIS OWN and continues to make them no matter how many people offer him another chance to do better. It doesn't matter if it's his father or Rey or Luke, Kylo just KEEPS MAKING THE SAME CHOICES, even after Snoke is dead. A Force whammy should do NOTHING to Kylo because he's not being controlled and it takes away the entire point of Kylo's story being that he CHOSE TO BE EVIL and that he, unlike Anakin, cannot just be saved by love alone. This one stinks, this isn't how the Force works, and it's not how this narrative works.
The only other controversial thing I could think of was how quickly Rey learns to do things, but that's not so much a matter of "how the Force works" because everything she does is pretty basic Force skills like telepathy, telekinesis, and mind tricks.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hi there, can I request a part for eddie munson a/b/o fic where they have a kid. Where eddie goes into one of his mating ruts, the whole day he is acting weird and not letting reader kiss him or anything as he knew the consequences of it progressing and he didn't want reader to go through the pain. Sorry if this is too non-specific and if you don't feel like writing it, it's okay. Thank you ❤️
You sure can nature's ninja 💖
Eddie was being weird.
Like avoiding his mate weird.
And it was annoying (name) didn't appreciate Eddie actively leaving the room or making excuses.
"Are you two fighting or something?" Robin asked (name) who held a nine month old (sons name) "I don't think so... He just suddenly started acting like this the other day"
"Want me to talk to him?"
"Nah... I will deal with it tonight when he can't avoid me"
Robin laughed at this, knowing (name) was a force to be reckoned with and Eddie being suspicious was definitely a good reason.
Eddie normally always sat with (name) or have (name) sit on him but now he was beside Johnathan talking about god knows what, not feeling the intensity of (name)s stare but boy howdy could everyone else.
"(Name) I'm gonna uh stay back with Dustin and the others aight? Steve and Robbie are gonna drive you home" Eddie said at a small distance from (name) and when (name) took a step forward Eddie took a step back.
(Name) felt his heart drop at this, visibly upset at his actions and just stared at him with a heartbroken face and mumbled "fine... whatever" before turning and walking off and clutching the product of their love and Eddie realized he fucked up bad.
"Go fix it with my brother before I hit you with your own dnd binder" Dustin said and Eddie was already chasing after (name) who was strapping their son into Steve's car with tears rolling down his face.
"Baby..." Eddie said heartbroken, his alpha instincts kicking in to comfort his mate and Steve and Robbie gave them some space "what do you want, don't you have shit to do" (name) mumbled and refused to look at Eddie who looked like a kicked puppy "baby...I'm sorry"
"Why are you avoiding me." (Name) said skipping his apologies and demanding answers, justifiably pissed at his mate "I get it, I didn't bounce back perfectly and I got a lot of stretch marks and the scar and I'm not the prettiest rig---"
"Baby!" Eddie cut off, that was something they were also going to talk about "it's not you're sexy body but we are going to talk about you not loving the body that I find the sexist thing on this planet"
"Then why are you avoiding me! What did I do!"
"You didn't do anything!"
"Then why!"
"Because I'm entering pre-rut!" Eddie said looking stressed and embarrassed "what?"
"I'm in pre-rut"
"And you are avoiding me because of your pre-rut"
"Because I don't want you to put up with it"
"Babe I'm your god damn mate, you deal with my heats"
"Yes but with (sons name) they are paternal heats, alphas don't really have that" eddie explained and (name) made the realization "ooooh"
"And I don't want to put you through that, we know what rut me can be like with you"
Eddie was a biter when he was in rut.
"Well you should have spoken to me instead of avoiding and not kissing me and making me think you didn't want me!"
"I know I'm sorry, it was dumb as hell but I didn't know what to do!"
"Well I'm not apposed to sharing a rut, we just gotta find duckling here a sitter...maybe with my mom but if you really don't wanna I can just go stay with my mom" (name) said softly and Eddie felt like he fell in love with (name) all over again, always finding both options and Eddie loved him so much for it "are you sure? Last time I left you with some pretty nasty bites"
"Of course, were mates and mates stuck around during the feral and horny" (name) joked sweetly "lets go home baby"
"Don't you have a thing with the others?"
"Dustin would kill me if I walked back in right now"
"Fair" (name) giggled and unhooked the baby carrier and the two went to Eddie's car, the Alpha traded his old van for cooler car that had back seat doors, that was (name)s one demand in case they needed to get to their pup fast.
Which was fair.
The two situated (sons name) before driving home and when (name) got home he went and called his mom to set up the babysitting and when she agreed he smiled at his mate "she will come and get him tomorrow!"
"So that means during my pre rut I get to coherently fuck you into my rut?" Eddie said sneakily and (name) smiled "yup!"
"Well...till then let's talk about why you don't like your sexy body"
(Name) should have expected that.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 4 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 5
Summary: The cycle continues. Man from your shared past might be back to haunt you two again.
Warning: 18+, Steamy stuff, Rough language, , manipulative behaviour, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters. Dark themes.
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You were playing hide and seek with the other kids of the center, it was your turn to hide so you found a perfect place, the mess hall had the smallest little closet space under the sink. Nobody was there at the time so you hid yourself in there, hoping nobody will be able to catch you. You heard the sounds of people talking so you got scared for a moment but it wasn't any of those kids, you recognised those voices. It was Loki and Sister Natasha, you had kept the door a little open so you could peek out. 
You were just nine at the time, just a child, but even back then you hated it when Loki- your Lolo, gave attention to any other girl, you didn't know why you despised it so greatly, and sister Natasha was pretty, so pretty, she was a perfect woman, she was same age as Loki and you knew she liked him. How dare she ? When she knew you had a crush on him.
"You're so stressed aren't you?" She whispered and he chuckled in response, you could see them really well but they couldn't see you, she had a dress shirt on and he had a tshirt on with a matching set of pants, he wasn't the muscular guy like Brother Thor but he wasn't lanky either, he had the prettiest face and a mop of curls that kept falling onto his face. 
"Let me take it away.. Lolo"
"Fuck Nat don't call me that" He glared at her as he picked her up and placed her on the table, you didn't really understand what they were doing but you knew he liked her too because he kissed her, just how daddy used to kiss mommy before when he liked her.
"Why not Lolo?" 
"Because it's fucking weird, you know it's y/n's name for me" Natasha giggled as he said that, she unbuttoned her dress slowly, her bra clad figure came into your view, you looked under your shirt, feeling as disappointed as possible for not having anything in there like she did. Maybe that's why Lolo liked her
"She's soooo weird, she likes you" she whispered in his ear and it pissed him off.
"She's just a child, don't talk about her like that, what's wrong with you?" 
He asked her genuinely but she didn't respond for a while, she unzipped his pants instead and then you saw her moaning and convulsing, you didn't understand what they were doing but it did hurt you to watch him so close to her.
"Oh come on Loki, you know she wants to be your little girlfriend, she only talks about you, I have never seen a little girl be so obsessed with an older man but I get her, i am obsessed too" he continued to glare at her, he wanted to say a lot but he was too lost in the feelings she was giving him. She cupped his cheeks to kiss him again, then  she looked right at you as she spoke
"Besides you know master Odin's ultimate plan for her right? She's the key to the eternity" 
You woke up suddenly, your breathing was heavier and your body felt lighter. It felt like a nightmare, the last part when she looked at you had never happened in reality, they didn't know that you were there. It must be the incident last night that had made you think about it again. You groaned as you thought about him fucking Wanda yesterday, you remembered getting shit faced drunk but you didn't remember much after that. You looked around, you were in his room, you had a nightgown on that you didn't remember putting on, he must have done it. You just hoped you haven't created much of a scene.
Your head felt as if it was pounding so you got off the bed and stepped out of his room, he was in the kitchen and as you came into the view he looked at you intently, you looked at his bruised and scratched chest, he seemed as if he had been beaten up but you knew where he got that all these bruises from. 
"You enjoyed your birthday huh" you mumbled as you stepped inside the kitchen and he let out a small defeated sigh. What was he thinking you would do? Apologize? Cuddle him? Cling to him after the night you two had and the present you gave him? He knew it won't be hard for him to slip into the soft nurturing nature if you'd demand that from him but he also knew you, he knew how easily he'd lose your interest once he had given you every part of himself, you would be bored and you'd find someone who'd treat you awfully, who would make you chase for his affection like he was doing now. 
"I definitely enjoyed it darling, that Wanda chick? Such a wild cat in bed" you rolled your eyes as you grabbed a bottle of water, you could sense the mocking tone really well.
"What happened here? The dent?" You asked him but he didn't respond so you decided to irk him further.
"Do you ever miss Sister Natasha?" you could tell the wind was knocked out of his chest at the mention of her name.
"Why would I miss her?" You smiled.
"I don't know..buttttt if I have to guess it could maybe because you enjoyed fucking her?" 
His jaw clenched as you said that so he walked towards you and gripped your hair in his fist, you couldn't help but moan at the reaction, he was so sexy like this, there were times where you did or said something just to annoy him so he'd be in a closer proximity to you, you didn't really care what he did after that, he could do anything he wanted and you'd allow him.
"Don't talk about shit you don't understand, you hear me?" You chuckled as he said that 
"But I do, you fucked her, am I wrong? Knowing that she was master's whore you fucked her" his eyes teared up, you just didn't know if he was angry or upset. You were taking things too far, maybe because of him fucking Wanda again and you having to hear that had triggered this reaction but you just wanted to piss him off at the moment.
"Do not address that wretched scamp in that manner, you're the dumbest girl I have ever known in my life sweetheart" he let go of your hair and you smiled.
"Oh btw yes I did fuck her behind your loving master's back and I do miss her because atleast she knew what she was doing unlike you, you're just a child who's damaged from so deep within that she can't even differentiate what's right and what's wrong now" it was your turn to flinch and grimace at his words, he knew you hated it when he was so mean like this "Feed yourself I'm out of here" he went to his room and then he stormed out of the apartment after a few minutes, that's when you allowed yourself to cry.
You dished it out but you couldn't take it in return. 
He didn't come back all day, you called him too but he didn't pick up. He texted instead to ask if you were safe so you responded with a simple yes. You didn't want him to worry too much.
You slept early that night because you had to be at the shoot the next morning, you couldn't afford a puffy face and swollen eyes on your first day. 
On the way to the set he wasn't saying anything, you looked him up and down, he looked handsome like always, a dark gray tee paired with a leather jacket and black jeans, you squeezed his shoulder with your fingers then they inched up and caressed his neck, he didn't deny your touch but he was still not paying you any attention, as you two reached the location you took your seat belt off and climbed on his lap, he glared at you as you sat on top of him .
"Are you still mad daddy?" 
"Don't call me that" 
"So the answer is yes hmm?" You kissed his cheek softly and he wrapped his hand around your throat like a necklace, the action turned you on immediately, he just knew what to do to make you run after him like a puppy.
"You're not at all apologetic about your behaviour..are you?" His voice was rough, he enunciated every word clearly as if you were too dumb to understand him otherwise.
"I am daddy I promise" you mumbled softly but his grip tightened around your throat.
"You know what he did to you right? To your mother? Me? Us? Do you remember that or not?" 
"I do..I'll never forget " he raised his thumb upwards to rub your lips and it made you moan.
"And you take that rascal's name just to hurt me? Just to make me upset?" 
"I just wanted to piss you off daddy, I didn't mean to hurt you" he snickered as you said that, his chest heaved up and down due to frustration that he was feeling at the moment,
"If you dare use his name again to spite me then I swear on my mother's grave that I will fucking obliviate you darling you hear me?" 
How fucked up you had to be to feel turned on by such a threat? Because you were unbelievably aroused, it wasn't just what he said but how he said it, the anger in his eyes, that sharp jaw clenching and his teeth gritting together gave you several mental images to think of at night. Maybe it also excited you because you knew he'd never hurt you like that no matter what happens. He wasn't Odin. He could never be.
"I do daddy..I'm so sorry please forgive me" your arms wrapped around his neck and you put your head between the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent to calm yourself, the light kisses on his skin also managed to bring his bubbling anger down. 
"Get off my lap darling" he said to you so you groaned before you went back to your seat, your eyes fell upon the scar on his wrist and the initials he had gotten tattooed on it, you had the same initials so you couldn't help but wonder if it was your name but why would he get your initials tattooed?
You had asked him about the tattoo but he always deflected, mocked or was just plain mean about it.
You were about to get out of the car but he grabbed your hand,
"Do well today, don't be nervous" you nodded as he said that. 
As you reached the set, you were taken away to get your hair and make up done. Loki was your agent but he wasn't just your agent, he also made sure you stayed out of trouble so he accompanied you everywhere. Literally everywhere. You weren't allowed to go anywhere without him.  
"That's your boyfriend, the guy you came with?" You looked at your hair stylist from the mirror as she questioned you. You wanted to roll your eyes so badly because you knew why she was interested in the status of your relationship suddenly.
"Nope. He's my agent, my assistant, my boss, my roomie and he takes care of me" you nodded at the end of your sentence and she seemed confused.
"Take care in what sense?" She asked you so you smiled at her 
"In every way" 
You felt nervous, extremely nervous before your first shot, you have been on camera before but not like this, thankfully it was just a side character so the focus really wasn't on you, your first scene was with Peter and he kept fucking it up. 
He took a few minutes of break every few minutes and that only annoyed you but you also felt bad for him, nepotism can't make you act unfortunately. You looked at Loki, he was busy having a rousing discussion with the horny hair stylist. Your eyes met with him so he walked towards you, 
"You're doing good, stay focused" he kissed the top of your head then he kissed your forehead, you looked at the hair stylist you didn't bother knowing the name of and she looked away, people always judged your relationship with him. As they should.
"Like you're focused? What's her name?" You asked him and he smiled.
"Don't worry I'm not going to fuck her, wouldn't want scorned negative energy on the set, you have to work here" you crossed your arms as he said that, the character you were playing was of a college girl in the 80s, the whole getup made you look adorable but he wasn't going to tell you that.
As Parker returned you both started the scene again,
"Okay press her against the locker and kiss her, look disinterested as if she doesn't mean anything to you" you both heard director's instruction and it made you smile 
"Act disinterested Parker, I know it's going to be difficult when you're so attracted towards me" you whispered in his ear and he chuckled in response.
"I'll try my best," he winked at you. 
Loki kept his eyes on you two, the way he grabbed you and kissed you made him fume, the way you responded to his kiss made him even angrier. He knew it was just acting but he didn't trust you to not get carried away. 
After hours of shooting, you finally got done for the day, as you came out of the dressing room you bumped into Peter, he grabbed your arms and pressed you against the wall. He had you trapped between him and the wall, you smirked as you looked at him, he wasn't tall like Loki so you didn't have to look up at him 
"Thanks babe for making it easier today" he mumbled softly so you smiled.
"That's how you thank a girl?" He smiled as you flirted with him, you really hoped Loki was watching, you really wanted him to watch.
"How else do you want me to thank you?" He asked you so you chuckled in response, you pressed a kiss on the cheek then you pushed him away from you.
"Figure it out handsome" you winked at him and you could feel his eyes on you as you walked away.
"Done for the day? Should we go or you want to be his slut for the night?" Loki asked you as you walked towards him so you chuckled again.
"He's cute isn't he? I'll let him chase me, I'm not a whore like you" You sauntered away from him making him roll his eyes. He had to put a stop to this, he can't deal with this, he can't lose you to someone else. He took you out for dinner and then home, you quickly went to your room so you could shower, your body felt tired, your legs ached as you spent most of the time on your feet today. After showering you changed into a sexy night dress. When you came out, you found Loki in the living room, arms all out on the head of the couch, his head resting on them, he just had sweatpants on, perfect sight. You sat down on his lap so he put his head up to look at you 
"What do you want?" He asked you sternly, you placed your hands on his shoulders and massaged it slowly.
"My legs are aching daddy" you whispered softly before you placed a kiss on the side of his neck. 
"Lie down" he whispered in your ear so you got off his lap and laid down on the couch, he turned his body towards you and grabbed your thighs to pull you closer towards him, your dressed pulled up because of his action revealing the black panty you had underneath but none of you cared, it's not as if he hasn't seen it before. 
He placed your legs on his shoulders before he started to message them slowly, from your ankle to your shin and calves then he moved up to your thighs. You couldn't stop yourself from moaning as his fingers inched closer to your heat once in a while but he never touched you there. 
"Feels good?" He asked as he turned his head to place a soft innocuous kiss on your shin.
"Mmmmmhmm so good daddy" he grabbed your hands to lift you up again so you were back into the sitting position.
"Hands up princess" he commanded so you raised your arms and he took the dress off your body, then he asked you to lie on your front as if the sight of your bare bosom didn't faze him at all.
But only he knew the truth was far from it, the level of control he had to have in such situations was nothing short of a miracle.
"I'll be back..stay here" he told you firmly, so you stayed there, almost naked for him to see, with just a panty on. When he came back, his fingers pulled your hair to the side, you gasped as you felt the oil dripping over your exposed skin. He massaged your back like a pro, you couldn't help but squirm as his fingers inched down, you couldn't stop moaning because how could you? This was the man of your dreams touching you so sensuously.
His fingers hooked into the waistband of your underwear then he pulled them up, you moaned as the fabric tightened between your cheeks, rubbing perfectly against your clit. 
He cupped the flesh between his palms giving them a light squeeze before he started to massage them gently, you felt thankful that he couldn't see your face at the moment. 
"Dadddy" you could barely whisper but he heard you, so he leaned over you and pressed a small kiss on your shoulder
"What baby? What do you want?" He cooed in your ears, your fist clenched around the material of the couch in frustration.
"Nothing Daddy..I just..thank you" 
"Mmmhmm? Don't want to be a brat now?" 
"Nooo..just thank you..I promise..I'm so thankful " he heard the whining tone and chuckled, as his hands lowered towards your hamstring you let out a sigh of disappointment.
"You're beautiful, you know that right?" he whispered a praise in your ear.
"Really baby, you're the prettiest girl there ever could be" 
"Mmm you're just saying it to manipulate me aren't you?" He snickered as you said that.
"What if I am? Would you let me do that? Would you allow me to manipulate your pretty little head?" You gulped as he said that.
"Yess daddy" There was no other way around it.
"Good girl, so good" he gripped your hair in his fist to pull your head up, his other hand continued to massage your cheeks down there, he placed a soft kiss on the side of your neck, making you moan and bite on your lips mindlessly.
"You're not going to fuck that boy are you?" 
"Nooo daddy"
"You'll be a good girl right, won't let him see you like this yeah?" 
"Yessss..I'll be good" 
"You know he'll just use you right? He doesn't care about you" he whispered in your ear, you felt his hard bulge rubbing between your ass cheeks.
"I know daddy I know " 
"Who cares about you hmm?" His voice was getting rougher with every sentence and you could feel yourself dripping.
"You do..only you do" 
"That's right baby..that's right" you whined again as he said that.
"Daddy do you think I'm sexy? Sexier than all those women you fuck?" he snickered again as you questioned him.
"Nooo baby" your eyes teared up as he said that but then he made up for it. "There's no competition, you're not one of them, you could never be. You're important, you're different, you are fucking special to me and FYI I do not miss Natasha, the girl I always cared about is right here" 
Your eyes teared up more as he said that, you didn't know if he was still playing with you or not, but you didn't care, you just loved hearing those things even if it was all lies. 
"I love you daddy" 
"I know baby" his lips lingered on your cheek as he pressed a long kiss then in a second he got off your body and he left for his room, leaving you immensely turned on and frustrated. 
"Goddd I hate you" you mumbled under your breath as you groaned.
He won this time, like always, but you won't let him rejoice for long, now you knew that he didn't want you to fuck Peter so you'd use it to hurt him. 
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"Are you done? We have to be at the set around 3, it's thirty past two already, hurry the fuck up" 
He yelled from the living room so you yelled back in response. He sighed as he sat down on the couch, his phone started to ring so he took it out of his pocket. His eyes widened at the name, why was Steve calling him? 
"What's wrong?" He asked as soon as he picked up.
"Lokii don't get hyper but–" 
"Where is he?" 
"Where the fuck is Odin?" He raised his voice this time around, his gut feeling was never wrong in such situations.
"He escaped the Asylum this morning, we have a bolo out for him but–" 
"Morning? And you're informing me now??" 
"Look there's no reason to be worried..he doesn't know where you two are" Steve tried to calm him down but it was impossible in this situation.
"Oh definitely, no need to worry because it's not as if it's impossible to get private information these days" 
"The cops are alert, his face will be everywhere, he'll be caught, he can't run forever" 
Loki hung up on the call, he knew someday he'd see this day, Odin should have been hanged for what he did with all those people, what he was going to do with you, but he got away on the account of insanity plea. 
He turned the tv on immediately and the news was all over, you stepped out of the room and as your eyes fell upon the tv screen you felt your whole world spinning.
"In the current news, The infamous self proclaimed God, known as the Master of the Center of Valhalla - Odin, has escaped from the psychiatry facility he was being treated at in New York City just this morning, the deranged killer was charged with the murders of several women and underaged girls. The sex cult was operating under the pretense of a wellness center for years before his own son Loki came forward to speak against the killer, learn more about the case that shook the nation twelve years ago on our primetime story tonight" 
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leefi · 9 months
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere Read-through | Part 1: Chapters 1-14
Part 1: 1-14 | Part 2: 14-22 | Part 3: 22-34 | Part 4: 34-64 | Part 5: 64-80 | Part 6: 81-90 | Part 7: 90-100 | Part 8: 100-127 (caught up here)
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Hi!!!! I've been reading through this webnovel after seeing @ot3's pitch for it and started writing down some thoughts on the characters and worldbuilding and imminent murdering. This story is very, very long and I only reacted up to about chapter 33, so most of my thoughts will involve the worldbuilding and less the murder mystery aspect -- so if you're looking for theorizing you won't find much of that here. Since I'll be continuing eventually, I wanted to post what I did make note of to revisit later!
Most of these are not marked by chapter/section because I was lazy and I'm not sure how easy it will be to follow as a result, but everything is chronological.
everyone here is hijabi mashallah
The visual I'm getting of the solar system/local system/dimension they inhabit is kind of a blend of steampunk and fantasy and uhh some secret third thing. With the walls of their "universe" painted in that puella dollhouse witch lair style. Does the sun bounce around like a screensaver. Does it orbit their earth or is it on a fixed axis flung out into “space”? Does “space” even exist anymore? I’m assuming they’re in an enclosed area that they've created. Do they actively use arcane resources to keep objects (ie star and planets) sustaining themselves, or have they made them self sufficient?
everyone is so mean to Ptolema leave her alone what the fuckk let a bimbo live i want to kill you all you’re so annoying. Ptolema I WOULD be your friend and not ask all these weird ass questions. and we would hold hands and skip and giggle
Yes shes an airhead nepo baby but you guys could try doing anything other than snickering and rolling your eyes whenever she says stupid shit. If she starts arguing back about government war crimes during the Revolution or something then you have my blessing to beat her ass!
I HATE kamsurepa i HATE her i HAYE Her and her stupid ass name
Ran and Su have no chemistry its insane that theyre always hanging out every conversation is like uhhh (awkward silence) (rude comment from Ran) *Su voice* wow she gets me so well. every time they talk im like what the fuck just happened.
Su’s internal narration is too self aware for me. it’s like she talks like she knows she’s a character? or something. it's self-deprecating in a very bizarre way
im sorry i don’t know if i can continue with this. i know too many med students irl and these characters are literally pissing me off. compliments to the author for realism you knocked it out of the park
Oh, thank you very much!" Kam said, reverting back to her smiley-diplomatic form for a moment before stepping away from the counter and continuing as she handed us the cards. "...as far as it seems to me, the desire to reproduce is essentially an immature form of pursuing life-extension - this idea that you'll 'live on through your children' that's patently pseudo-mysticism justifying what is ultimately an animal instinct." ⬇️ I’m going to grab her ginger head and swing her around like bowser in mario 64. SHUT UPPPPP SHUT UP please tell me shes the one that dies
You know," I mused idly, my eyes wandering. "I think this is actually the fourth glass ceiling I've seen today." "Mm, it's true that you don't see a lot of women working in Aetheromancy," ⬇️ I know this is a small nitpick but aren’t we really far into the future why do they keep using terms like this 😭 gendered stuff like this still exists billions? trillions? of years into the future?
Why has the disco elysium skill tree randomly started talking to su. Is this her future self nagging her. Is she pulling a han sooyoung. when do we get to the various utsushikome ego deaths
"prosognostic overlap"…do ppl repeat faces? Are most people cloned at this point? What triggered the need for cloning surely medicine is advanced enough that childbirth or test tube babies are feasible? Can bodies be cloned and reinhabited to inhibit aging? Is there some disturbing psychological element to seeing someone with the same face as you? Does it make your brain short circuit? Kam mentioned having children earlier which I assume means people still give birth or have test tube babies, so i don’t know if it’s the result of cloning…but it does sound like a sameface sort of thing. What else would it be if not that though?
Actually, if they’ve figured out teleportation (whatever it was called when they went up the aetherbridge) - let's say they can atomize a body and reforming it elsewhere (though we don't know for sure yet, could also be a fold in spacetime) - transferring consciousness to an empty clone of yourself (and therefore effectively doing away with aging or death wholesale) sounds a lot more efficient and technologically practical than maintaining an organic system that naturally decays. Why keep on finding ways to push the human body past its limits when you could simply transfer a person to a new, identical vessel?
I feel like the key to immortality isn’t maintaining an organic body, which naturally tends towards systems of entropy (being a biological thing, entropy=decay), but rather delineating and separating human consciousness from its host and replicating its original environment perfectly. I’m not talking about making a copy of consciousness, which is just glorified cloning - I’m talking about *transferring* a consciousness.
You could almost call dementia itself the mind's tendency towards its own kind of entropy?
Though if you transfer a consciousness to a younger body, the dementia issue could still potentially remain. Depends on if it the author sees it as a solely physical phenomena (atrophy/buildup of inhibitors of the brain) or there's some metaphysical anomaly about amassing too many memories/"existing" too long in general
The way spellwork is described is really cool and feels super believable. Optimizing multiple concurrent spells into one “function” is intricate and sophisticated, and you have to dedicate a lot of brainpower to doing the math in your head. It’s like they’re coding the real world. I love the way lurina describes this it's awesome.
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tulipsforvin · 19 days
oh alvin, it's all going wronggggg.
Me and loser boy had an argument about my crush yesterday after he confronted me about getting his number (I vaguely denied I had a crush on him and told him to mind his business but he then proceeded to accuse me of being "defensive") it was light hearted but I could tell he was low-key pissed and was aware that he was upsetting me. He has no right to be involved in my personal life anymore yet h keeps pushing himself in! Now, he's purposely making things between me and my crush awkward, like brining him over for no reason or doing weird stuff whenever we are talking.
What makes matters worse is that my crush is entertaining conversations about me to this loser boy and telling his friends about some of the stuff we talk about (I'm not bothered because it's not that deep and it's cute he tells things to his friends) but I don't like loser boy being in my business but I have no way in telling him that in case he doesn't already know about what happened between me and him so I don't cause drama.
Mentally, with everything that happened between me and loser boy I don't even think I'm ready for a relationship right now, because that argument I had just brought back all the horrible ways I've been feeling from two months ago. I genuinely just wanted to start talking to my crush as friends and build a friendship before ANYTHING else but now with all this intervention from his friends (who I don't even like that much) and that loser I feel like everything is going too fast and this isn't at all what I wanted.
We've only been messaging for a week and his friends are already asking him questions like "so like her then?" Whilst I'm right there and I'm just getting uncomfortable and overwhelmed. I'm not sure what to do now.
edit: i have a very doodoo mouth underneath the cut, pardon my strong language but i am pissed
what the FUCK ??? that bitch ass needs to have his shit rocked rn. who the fuck does he think he is? the nerve of that fucking loser to be running his mouth about YOUR interactions with YOUR crush ?? insane. fuck is he acting so entitled for. like back the fuck off. why is he trying to meddle in your life ?? there's no end to his bullshit. what a fucking joke of a human.
he has no right to be involved in your personal life or romantic pursuits, i have no idea why nobody's beaten the shit out of him yet. make it clear that your personal life is not his business. spineless fuckers like him are the worst because they're not going to back off unless they've been threatened or gotten their ass beaten atleast once. fuck is up with that huge ego of his? jesus christ. parasitic, pathetic asshole.
you need to lay down the law with these jackasses and put up some serious boundaries immediately. as for your crush, as difficult as it might be, i wish you'd let him know that you're finding this constant probing of his friends uncomfortable. your well-being is the only thing that matters right now, not their pathetic need to butt in and stick their asses in where it doesn't fucking belong. if you're not ready for a relationship with all the shit's that going on (rightfully so, no one will blame you. if someone does, they're a bitch who doesn't know any better) with your life, take a step back and breathe. don't overwhelm yourself — take a break and save some space and time for yourself ONLY. you are not a means of entertainment for anybody, you are your own person. no one can tell you what to do, especially not some fucking assholes who should be doing something productive with their lives instead of trying to make your's miserable. i've hyped up like a few friends of mine when they've had crushes or mentioned people they've been talking to and shit + been curious about them but not to the point that it makes the person uncomfortable, god fucking damn.
if this persists even after you've laid out your thoughts, which you should because it's only going to get worse if you don't say what's wrong, then imo you need to get the fuck out of there. for your sake.
other than that — please, please understand that i am on your side and always will be. don't wear yourself down. you are much better than this, you are more deserving than this. you are beautiful, you are magnificent and you are extraordinary. you have so much love to give and you are such a wonderful person in general. you are loved and appreciated. take care of yourself, genuinely.
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weaselbeaselpants · 7 months
K absolutely none of this is connected to her shows and her worker drama it's unrelated; but I'm not gonna lie Viv's Japan vacation where she's showing herself with a bunch of animal cafes is really starting to piss me off.
The deer being fed I think are wild, I don't have anything to say about that. But the owl cafes, the otter cafe, the marine park.
Look here! I'm not anti-captivity, honest (though AZA is hard to trust when they legit have an approval rating on Seaworld), but I really am skeeved out by so-called zoos and attractions that let you pet the animals, kind of especially if they aren't domesticated animals but exotics. Though, tbh even dog/cat pet shelters or whatever sound pretty hectic to eat at. Also, feels a little unsanitary. But even if that weren't a problem I just...kind of don't like anything where the animals are literally tied down and can't escape from you. It's the same reason I and a lot of other people don't like those pony-rides at fairs. The whole time you're worried about the animal's safety and happiness and also you aren't having any real connection to them.
Watching animals in an enclosure that's nice where they're just doing their thing >>> having to pet the animal. Not that I'm immune to propaganda and wouldn't absolutely volunteer to clean up scat if it meant I could hold a weasel being rehabilitated to the wild for a hot minute. I would 100% do that (it'd bite. Don't care). But there's that and then there's me getting to bond with a weasel that's shock collared or chained somehow and can't escape from me. That doesn't sit right.
And no. I don't care if it's in another country it's still wrong by a lot of global standards. In fact, I think it's kind of weird that people are doing the "respect other cultures"-thing only when it comes to Instagramable stories.
Ya'll have to realize it's not just yuppie American vegangelicals complaining. There are animal rights orgs in Thailand fighting elephant tourism, there ARE animal rights orgs in Japan and they do not like the animal cafes. Animal rights/welfare aren't some kind of 'annoying' American pastime. Why do you think Milo and Otis was controversial? Why do you think Padak exists? Respecting other cultures and their practices means: letting indigenous people hunt the animals they've been hunting for thousands of years, which of course isn't always going to be pretty cause that's what traditional hunting IS; it's allowing ritual animal slaughter in spaces and religions where that's done to feed the community and not as torture or sacrifice. And personally, as a mostly vegetarian, I say right on to both of those things.
Zoos, farms, petting zoos, aquariums and sanctuaries are YMMV, but I vouch for them in theory and usually in practice. Animal cafes and marine parks? I'm sorry but I can't not see those as being tourism and exploitive at best. Especially marine parks.
Viv straight up did a pic based on Blackfish but I guess that doesn't matter in Japan. I'm really disappointed in her as someone who loves animals. Because hey- when you as a human-animal love the other creatures of this earth, of course things like our rights come first. Humans are just that kind of animal and I don't think there's anything wrong with taxidermy or vulture culture. But, especially as an adult, you should know how to take care of animals and it should be your responsibility as their caretaker to give them the best care you have.
There's a petshop near where I (no longer in a few weeks) work. It used to hate that place cause I saw a rat eating another rat's baby alive among other abuses and the owner straight up didn't give a shit, not about the rat or that he was putting smaller reptiles in cages with monitor lizards. You can guess how that ended.
That place has new owners now. It mostly has animals there in transition. While they still have feeders (I know, that's prolly controversial to the reptile parents reading), their conditions have really improved. No crowding the rats, even the feeders, in unsafe unventilated places. They get REALLY mad if you tap the glass on the cages. No more keeping lovebirds apart from birds so that they're always calling. Betafish males get actual decorated tanks to themselves instead of those depressing bowls! If petstores and units where you pick up your expensive reptiles, fish and birds from HAVE to exist, I'd rather they be places like this. Places where the staff are trying and really do seem to love and want the best for their animals while expecting nothing fancy from the animals in return.
I'd love to be proven wrong on this- I remember seeing a yt vid for a bed and breakfast where you ate outside with the cows that made the dairy you're eating, and them being cows they of course wanted to come up and say hi to the guests. Of course I'd love that '' magical '' experience with an animal while I'm enjoying my coffee. But I just can't trust cafes and exotic petting zoos like this. My family has veterinarians, farmers, vegans and vegetarians, and FFA graduates in it. I'm just really concerned about the little things like this.
I know in my heart that of course Viv doesn't want to hurt any animals- but it bothers me.
Thoughts @chaifootsteps @derangedhyena-delphinidae?
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nitewrighter · 1 year
can we get some symmarah to celebrate?
Ooh! Good idea!
Now the question is, is this me filling in a vital point in their relationship as part of my fic continuity timeline (because god they're basically moved in together by the time Hanzo comes on the watchpoint)? Or just a U-Haul Lesbian joke? You decide!!!
"It's efficient," Pharah was sitting across from Cassidy in the Watchpoint mess hall, "It would free up the dormitories more for agents who don't permanently live on the watchpoint, and it would be a lot more comfortable for her, and I feel like it would be a better use of my apartment space."
"Right, because this is about efficiency," Cassidy sipped his coffee.
Pharah gave him a flat, furrowed brow look. "Satya's done a lot to patch the whole watchpoint up. I mean it's honestly crazy how much more livable it is--on a scale level. And that frees up the other admin apartment for you."
"Eh, I'd just trash the place, and you know I ain't got enough shit to fill it."
"Cole, that answer is way more depressing than you think it is."
Cassidy just shrugged. "You know this is weird, right? He thumbed the brim of his hat up slightly.
"What's weird?"
"You two have been bunking up for a good while now, and now you feel like you need to make some kind of... strategic, legal case for asking her to move in with ya. I'm pretty sure she has her own toothbrush at your place already."
"It's a big deal," said Pharah, firmly.
"We're squatters. Vigilantes on a big crazy rocket launch site or not, it's not like you're pulling her into a lease agreement. Plus, between all the missions and the personal shit people got going on, there's a reason why only a few of us have really permanently shacked up here."
"It's a big deal on a personal level. I don't want to freak her out."
"Oh, and nearly dying on missions all the time isn't freaky."
"Cole--" Pharah huffed and pressed her fingers to her forehead, "You don't get it. My mother... like, you know she was never good at the work-life balance."
"...pretty sure that last sentence you just said sums up about 86% of our conversations we had when you were a kid."
"So sue me for not wanting to make the same mistakes!" she huffed and took a gulp of her water, "I like her, Cole."
"You love her."
Pharah leveled her eyes at him.
"I was there on that drone-rodeo mission, 'Reeha. I heard you. I know you're trying to hedge your bets, trying not to get hurt like you've seen your mom get hurt, trying not to hurt like your mom has hurt others, but you're also trying to walk that shit back to 'like' when you're talking about asking Satya to move in with you after you've had your big damn love confession and at this pretty much half the watchpoint has caught her on her 'morning walks' suspiciously near your apartment."
Pharah's ears were burning on Satya's behalf, but she was quiet at this, sullenly taking a few more bites of her food.
"You're the Canadian, ain't you?" said Cassidy, "'Miss 100% of the shots you don't take' and all that?"
"Don't quote Gretzky at me," Pharah muttered. She glanced off out the window, "It's easy to say 'I love you' when you think you're going to die, it's another thing to live together."
"Hey, speaking from experience, you don't need to worry about her getting pissed about you leaving your socks on the floor. She'll just vaporize them."
"...sounds like that's on you for leaving dirty socks around the dormitory."
"See? You're perfect for each other."
"Cole, be serious."
"You want me to be serious? Fine. I think the fact that you're worrying about this is already a good sign," said Cole, resting his elbows on the table and interlacing his fingers in front of himself, "But... you gotta be willing to put yourself out there. Maybe you do get hurt. But hell, I'd rather you love someone as much as you can love someone and get hurt, than lose what you have because you're scared of gettin' hurt."
She saw there was a particular crinkle in his brow that he tended to only get when they were both talking about Ana. Even when she was a teenager railing against Ana she knew how much Cole respected her mother, constantly referring back to her as 'The Captain.' With things slowly and clumsily being patched up with her mother, a part of Pharah felt a little guilty about basically demanding he put himself in opposition to someone he respected so much to maintain their friendship, but that was a different conversation. But that crinkle was directed at her now, and it gave her a sore twist of stress in her stomach.
You're already making your mother's mistakes by letting this paralyze you.
Pharah furrowed her brow at him for a few seconds, still sitting with that sore twinge, then thought of Satya and felt the back of her neck burning. She pursed her lips and drew a long breath in and out. "Fine--" she said, and then, "Fine," again, and then "Whatever," and then "Fine," once more, pushing herself up from her seat, picking up her lunch tray.
"You've got this, Amari."
"Fine," she said, walking away.
"Say 'fine' again," Cole called after her.
"Shut up, Cole."
The initial plan was to ask Satya after a romantic (spontaneous!) date. The date would proceed as such: casual shopping trip for odd necessities on Gibraltar that would end (spontaneously!) at a reasonably priced but well-liked restaurant with good vegetarian options (Pharah had staked out 3 in her research depending on where the shopping trip would take them) and then, on the drive home she would (casually!) ask the question and the conversation only had to last the duration of the (not too long, not too short) car ride, giving them both an easy out to immediately part once they got back to the Watchpoint if everything ended up going down in flames. It was foolproof. And... also not viable as she and Symmetra were called off on a mission.
I can do it when we get back, Pharah thought, Not a big deal.
It was Cairo, nothing high combat, more of a combination of security and humanitarian efforts, both their wheelhouses. Satya would be helping to expand and improve living conditions in the refugee camp, and Pharah would be conferring with her former Helix agents to discuss illegal weapons trafficking that had been occurring within the camp--really mostly an exchange of intel. No doubt Talon supplying local gangs to sow more fear and concordantly more chaos among already displaced people and the locals who resented their presence. Brigitte was there both as a medic and to assist with other utility repairs around the camp, and, Pharah guessed, to have eyes on the situation that weren't biased in favor of Helix. The murmurings about possible Talon moles had been there since Doomfist broke out of prison, Pharah tried not to take it personally. It was strange still identifying with Helix even though she had somewhat always mentally acknowledged it was the organization she chose because Overwatch wasn't an option to her. They had still been her team, she had still seen them fight and lose their lives alongside her against Anubis.
Helix had set up four cramped portable buildings at the center of the camp. Pharah remembered butting heads with Mercy over their placement back before they had answered the Recall. She couldn't exactly blame Mercy for being resentful of a well-armed security force after all her time in Overwatch and after everything had gone as wrong as it had, but on a logistics level given the circumstances, these plain, beige portables were a symbol of law, order, and safety for the camp. Or maybe she just always told herself that because Helix was the next best thing when Overwatch went down in flames. To be honest, with the work Satya was putting in, the portables were looking increasingly shabby.
She didn't recognize half of the Helix officers she was meeting with. They had heard of her, though. They always had, even since she had joined Helix. She was the daughter of the legendary Ana Amari, after all. But now she wasn't sure whether Cairo was becoming an increasingly undesirable site of assignment for Helix, or whether Helix was just starting to recognize that this was a problem you couldn't solve with guns and Raptora suits. Her replacement, Security Chief Kamran Zakaria, looked annoyingly young--she had been young, too, but she had worked her ass off to get where she had been, and watched her superior die. And his haircut was not regulation. How lax had Helix gotten without her?
"Hakim being out of the way has made a big difference. People are still muttering about that damn cat vigilante. Makes us look bad. Not a friend of yours, I hope?" Kamran was only wearing the leg armor of the Raptora suit, leaning against the accessibility rail that bordered one of the portable buildings. There was a permanent grimace on his face from the stench of the camp.
"Not that I know of," said Pharah. She had seen a few blurry photos of the 'Bastet' vigilante, knew the hood and the particular way she moved with her rifle well, but hadn't pushed Ana on the subject.
"Well, whoever dismantled his operation, we can already see the effects, and we've been acting on it. There was a power vacuum for a bit, loud, sloppy, easy to trace and deal with."
"And Talon?" said Pharah.
"The usual trickle of weapons I showed you, but the serial numbers and shipping containers we've found them with suggest they're bouncing through Algeria, the United States, definitely, and Germany. Doesn't seem to be the same concerted effort as previously, so I guess you guys must be doing something right."
Or it's no longer strategic, Pharah mused internally, but she just rolled her grip on the railing, No, take the wins where you can.
"So, what are Overwatch's plans for this?" Kamran gestured out at the refugee camp.
"We have contacts in the Adawe Foundation. We can get about 15 to 20 visas a month to for refugees here live and work in Numbani, depending on their skills and family. Teachers, doctors, and engineers are in high demand, especially."
"That's it?" said Kamran, "You know we've got people still coming in, right? And if there's another major Null Sector attack, this whole camp might just boil over."
Pharah crinkled her brow at Kamran. "You know we're operating without the jurisdiction or the resources of the UN. And we're trying to respect the operations of local governments as much as we can."
"Well yeah, but one more group with just guns running around is... one more group with guns running around. Thought you guys took up that old name for a reason."
Pharah furrowed her brow at him, ready to hit him with 'I'm sorry, how long have you had this position?' or 'I'm not the one having a cat vigilante do my job for me' but before she could speak there was an audible cheer rising from the camp.
"The hell is it now?" Kamran vaulted over the railing and Pharah hustled after him.
They hurried through the winding corridors of the camp towards the source of the noise, at one point, Pharah could see Brigitte repairing an old woman's walker, with a line of several people with cybernetics or mobility aids lining up behind her. Brigitte caught Kamran's eye, too, but he hurried on, towards the source of the noise. Pharah saw more and more bits of Satya's handiwork throughout the camp--Hard-light trashcans with solid lids to keep refuse from blowing around and reduce smells, and a large patch of dirt where children had previously been playing now flattened with a more shock-absorbent layer of hard-light tinted dark green and marked out with lines for four-square, hopscotch, and even two hard-light goals at the furthermost ends for football.
Both Pharah and Kamran came to a halt at the sight of a crowd gathered round a blue-clothed figure. Pharah glanced around to see that many of the more dangerous or ineffective-looking tents had been carefully replaced by hard-light geodesic domes, clearer walking paths between tents had been marked out to keep debris out of the way. She had even put up signs pointing to the toilets and bathing stations that other humanitarian organizations had set up. But clearly from the excitement from the crowd, this was the big factor.
Pharah watched as Satya constructed several hard-light beams to support a massive solar panel shade structure being hauled into position by several camp workers. Satya's arms were spread, her shoulders flexed and legs lunging in an almost martial arts stance. Usually her movements seemed so effortless and dancer-like, but this was something else. There was intention behind her movements, and a more severe focus than Pharah had seen even in some of their combat missions. Those golden eyes fixed on her goal, that imperious mouth tensed with that expression of 'Just so' as the glittering support beams adjusted their height against the ground as the other camp workers moved the solar panel structure into place. There was the groan of metal and everyone squinted as wind kicked the Cairo dust up, when someone shouted something affirmative and a few other workers moved in and riveted the solar panel in place. Satya resumed her perfect posture and with a sweep of her arm, dissolved her hard-light support pillars. With a slight creak and a low puff of dust at everyone's heels, the solar shade structure settled, solid and strong. The cheer bubbled up from the crowded camp once more, and Pharah stared up at the shade structure in wonder. A combination of shade and power--something like this would mean less smoke from diesel generators, more lighting around the camp, meaning less thievery at night, a place for newer refugees to charge their phones and get in contact with friends or family abroad who might help them move out sooner, power for mini-fridges, meaning more stability for perishable food, and on top of all that, a precious source of shade and windbreak in the harsh dust of Cairo.
"Woah," Kamran said quietly. He looked over at Pharah, "It was going to be weeks until we had the manpower and equipment to see that thing installed."
"Well, we did say we came here to help," said Pharah.
"I thought Overwatch wasn't too fond of Vishkar?" he glanced over at her.
"She's not with Vishkar, she's with us," said Pharah with no lack of smugness, "We're not just one more group with guns running around, you know."
The ride home in the dropship was quiet. Some missions prompted that silence more than others. Pharah loved Cairo, but the fact that it had become a major hub for refugees, the fact that there were so many desperate people and that they could only help so many at a time, that they only that they only had so much power, made her heart sore. Brigitte was sitting behind her, busying herself by writing up a mission report on her tablet. Satya had her own tablet in the copilot's seat, apparently listing possible resources Overwatch could organize to be sent to the camp, and making further notes on living conditions. For this camp? For others?
Pharah's mind trailed back to the apartment question. 'Hey speaking of living situations, what are your thoughts on moving in?' No. Too flippant. No respect for all the people they had just worked with. Maybe ask her out for that deferred shopping trip she had initially planned on? No, they were all too tired to think about that now... She focused on steering for a while, but her gaze trailed back to Satya, noting the furrow in her brow as she tapped in notes on her tablet.
"How are you doing?" asked Pharah, rolling her grip on the controls as they sat next to each other.
"I'm... fine," Satya said after a few moments.
"Just fine?" Pharah tilted her head.
Satya lowered her tablet slightly. "It's just... familiar. I like building. I like giving people a clean and beautiful place to live, but this..." She looked out the window at the refugee camp shrinking in the distance behind them, "None of these people are here by choice." She paused, "I used to do this often with Vishkar."
"What do you mean?"
"I didn't see it until later but... when people would refuse to let Vishkar build a development... then... Talon would coincidentally strike, and all of a sudden Vishkar would seem so much safer. It would seem like the only option. So they would take up Vishkar's offer, usually now a lot more expensive, and giving Vishkar a lot more access to their resources and labor... and that's when the architechs would come in. That's where I would come in. I thought I was saving the world from Talon's chaos... but I was just helping all of them line their pockets and control more people's lives. When I'm doing it on my own it-- it doesn't feel like enough. It's not enough to make up for what I did with Vishkar."
Pharah wanted to hug her, but she was driving the dropship. She raised a hand toward her, hesitated, resumed her grip on the steering wheel, trying to assume that solid, clear voice of a leader.
"Satya, you made so many people's lives better today. I know they don't have a lot right now, but thanks to you they have electricity, cleaner water, safer ways to move around the camp, more protection for themselves and their belongings. No, their living situation isn't permanent but... you gave them dignity. Which means a lot." She paused and felt her own voice soften, "You know, you've done the same for the Watchpoint, too. People get so caught up in all the missions, they forget that the Watchpoint needs to be this central hub, that it needs to be somewhere safe, that we can rest and recover at. I know it's not supposed to be permanent either, but you still--"
"I want to move in with you," Satya said suddenly, setting her tablet down in her lap. Pharah froze in her seat.
This prompted Brigitte to glance up from her tablet, unbuckle her seatbelt, and clear her throat, muttering, "I'm just going to... check the inventory in back..." She moved about as quickly as one could in full armor on a moving aircraft.
"C-come again?" said Pharah.
"I want to move in with you," Satya said more firmly.
Pharah's own head was a log jam of 'Oh thank god I wasn't sure how to bring it up' and 'Yes, yes, I love you of course, do you think we should get new furniture?' and 'Oh god I'm so sorry I let you stay in that dormitory for so long.' But all that stammered out of her was, "Oh-Okay."
Satya seemed to take this as continued bewilderment rather than acceptance and went on. "I was going to ask when we got back but..." She fidgeted with her fingers slightly, "I--I didn't want you to think I-- I'm getting with you just for your apartment!"
Pharah blinked. "Satya, I don't think that at all. I would never think that."
"It's just more efficient!" Pharah could practically feel the heat blazing off of Satya's face as she said that, but the word 'Efficient,' made a sputter of giggles burgeon up from Pharah's chest. But then Satya suddenly splayed her fingers and a blue screen sparkled into existence next to her head, "There's multiple benefits, both mutually and to the watchpoint as a whole! I made a slideshow!"
"You made a slideshow on why you should move in?!" Pharah was cracking up now.
"I wasn't sure of the protocol for this," Satya's voice was taut and those golden eyes were deadly serious.
It took Pharah a few seconds to get over her own laughter before clearing her throat. "Satya, I would love if you moved in. You don't.. need to justify yourself all over the place. I would love to have more time to spend with you. Even if it's just... doing dishes, or dumping myself into bed next to you late at night because we've both been busy all day," she paused, "Especially if it's waking up next to you." The words seemed to come out of her so much more easily than 'This would free up more space in the dormitory' or 'This way you're not always walking or teleporting across the watchpoint to get your stuff.'
Satya was staring at her. "Truly?" she said.
"Well--Yeah! I love you, Satya," Pharah smiled, the low orange sunlight through the dropship's windshield catching in her gold hair beads, "I should have asked you... while ago, really. But... I was scared. I knew things were already such a big change from Vishkar and I didn't want to... scare you away or anything."
"Fareeha," Satya reached over and touched Pharah's arm, "You are the best thing that's happened to me since leaving Vishkar."
She leaned over in her seat and Pharah craned over as much as her seatbelt would allow. Satya was likely just going for a cheek kiss seeing as Pharah was driving, but Pharah wasn't going to end a 'We're moving in together' conversation with a cheek kiss. She met Satya's mouth with a bit of effort and felt Satya start slightly at the contact, then lean into it, cupping her hand at Pharah's jaw and playing with her hair beads slightly. They weren't sure how long they were kissing until a rattle of turbulence forced Pharah's attention back to the controls with a nervous giggle. "Eh--sorry--" she said, giving a shrug with both hands on the controls.
Satya just smiled and faced the same direction, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear.
"...You know, I'd still like to see the slideshow, later," said Pharah.
"Good. I worked very hard on it," said Satya, sitting up in her seat with a smug smile on her face.
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ask-artsy-oncie · 7 months
Something that really particularly pisses me off regarding the general sentiment of "Tumblr is the neurodivergent website" is that so much of this userbase STILL treats the western animation/cartoon fandoms like they're anomalous for existing.
Like there's somehow this culture of "cringe culture is dead! Enjoy cute little things and plushes and nostalgia and heal your inner child ♡" combined with this general reaction to cartoon fandom existing being "lol why is this trending? Why do so many people like this? Are you 3? Watch Adult Media for once lol" and I'm not kidding - I've seen both goddamned sentiments being pushed by the same people!! Our existence in the wider tumblr fandom space is largely disregarded or erased because, for whatever reason, people outside of these fandoms seem to respect us so little that they're genuinely confused by the fact that we exist at all. That includes the selective amnesia about how "weird" it was that x animated movie or show had "such a big fandom" because the implication is that western animation doesn't have fandoms. Not "normally". (This implication ignoring every other prominent animated fandom at the time that anyone on this side of tumblr could pretty easily tell you about).
Buddy, we are on opposite sides of tumblr. To me, it's "weird" when a post about Marvel or K-pop or Supernatural makes it onto my dash because that's buy-and-large not the kind of community I follow and keep up with. You don't see me constantly questioning the existence of these fandoms at all, and of course you don't. I'd look like a fucking nutjob to the wider fandom ecosystem. That's what yalls look like to me when you spout your bullshit, especially when you follow it up with how proud of your weirdness, your cringe, your authentic enjoyment of something is.
I'm not here to play the victim, I'm just so fucking sick of this shit. Just check yourselves!!! You do not get to tout "cringe culture is dead" and then go around and berate fandoms of western animated films, or whatever the current popular western cartoon fandom is, and constantly speculate on and laugh about how low their media literacy skills and brain capacity must be when you know literally none of them!!! Like you sound like a stock-standard bully, either fucking own it or grow the fuck up and get over yourself, but at the very least stop being a hypocrite.
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rotblut · 7 months
Likes and dislikes about Sweet Home S2? Saw you gave it 1 star on MDL (agree☠️) and I luv reading your opinions!
ok, first s2 was useless. in my humble opinion, at least 80% of the storyline was a waste of time and money. it felt more like filler scenes to me overall. the new minor side characters were flat, generic, annoying, and overall unlikeable and felt out of place? and it's not the actor's fault because all the actors that they got for the side characters are good fucking actors that know how to act and deliver a charming performance but the writing was annoying af for them all. like the first 3 eps span a time of a few days right? in ep4 there was a 3-year-ish timejump. you'd think that the people adapted to the change of lifestyle yet they acted so useless. THE NEW CHARS DIDN'T EVEN HAVE COOL ASS WEAPONS OR FIGHTING STYLES????????? BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially the female chars (not wanting to call it sexism but calling it like that) in that residence whatever that was were dumb bishes. instant skip. military homoeroticism subplot??????????? don't care. should have been left in the drafts. the whole science doctor subplot?????????? generic shit that's overused in that kind of drama. who carers about the scientific reason and how to get a cure or whatever they tried to find like??????????????? NO ONE GIVES A SINGLE FUCKING FUCK for the scientific side and they always push that side into the narrative fuck. it was an instant skip for me even tho i like oh jung se as well but that shit wasn't interesting enough or different to make me care and keep my attention focused. the fucking rapist istg instant skip was pissed off that he had all the scenes with song kang like i had to skip and when he died he came back ???????????? fuck was that for????????????? can he stay dead irl and in that drama?????? fuck
also didn't help that cha hyun soo's char for the majority of the season felt isolated and different. couldn't really connect with him because, in the first part, he had the most scenes with the rapist and was in that basement doing weird shit and being handcuffed. 2nd half definitely felt better with him being with other characters and especially with eunyoo and he was back to the guy we knew and cared about.
also lmaooooooooooooo the way they tried to include some key moments from the webtoon into season 2 but it felt flat because it made no sense and was confusing. like tthe whole title *sweet home* makes no sense anymore since the apartment complex they lived in was destroyed by the end of s1. never cared for drama jisu and webtoon jisu was a million times better but them killing drama jisu off in ep3 just like that was so underwhelming and anti-climatic and boring. it was expected ngl i knew she would be killed off but like YIKES. why even kill chars when the most annoying ass chars always come back???????????
firefighter woman and her story with renesmee????????? MESS. in a few minutes growing her belly and giving birth on top of a frozen lake, falling into that lake, idk how she pushed out that abomination and stayed alive after all that but lmaooooooo and her not giving a fuck about her daughter so daddy hyun soo had to step up and raise her only for her to want to be with her daughter again just to abuse and treat her horribly?????? ARE WE FRFR RIGHT NOW?? and i should feel some kind of love and care for her and that relationship?????? nah not on my watch. also i normally love the characters that kim shi ah plays in any drama or movie but the daughter character felt so generic and flat that i didn't give a fuck.
also the weird ass old grandpa guy with that young molester girl that was drugging chan young and pushing into his personal space???????? disliked them soooooooooo much. they were just a cheap and rude version of yuri and her old guy from s1.
more or less the writing really reused all the character tropes and relationship formats from season 1 in season 2.
perfect example was eunyoo and her subplot with park chan young (the warm and soft-hearted military guy that had million heart eyes for her). 90% of his scenes with eunyoo parallel the scenes that she had with eunhyuk in s1. literally will make a compilation set in the next few days. and don't get me wrong i kinda can see some form of *poetic parallelism* to that specific choice but it makes his character more of a eunhyuk replacement (even tho both characters are 100% different from each other when it comes to their personalities and the only common thing they have is wanting to protect eunyoo). but i still kinda wished that they went into a different way and made their scenes more original and not just a copy of her and eunhyuk's scenes from s1. but i did enjoy their dynamic compared to the other shit we got but the sparks were missing for most of their scenes. it was nice and the 2 of them together definitely carried the season overall. he was such a babygirl it was def cute the way he was just willing to support her even tho she pushed him a way all of the time. ngl i would have loved for her to have more flashbacks from s1 with her and eunhyuk or her alone in this season and that we haven't seen before. because I'm sure when they filmed s1 they filmed some more scenes that didn't make it. I feel like cha hyun soo was underused and he hardly showed up at all in a lot of the episodes. minshi definitely had the most screen time and i think was the true main character of this season because her goal and arc were consistent from start to finish whereas the other character arcs changed or stopped completely and felt flat.
also, i don't even complain about the cgi because for me that's just the aesthetic and vibe at this point and i feel like they embrace the tacky-looking cgi and honestly it was giving camp and really funny to me. the lil baby monster was cute i hope it shows up in s3. all the other monsters were whatever tho like wasn't really interested in them. and since people complained about the lack of monsters in s1 the director included a bunch just so people wouldn't complain this time around and tick it off from the list. the background ost was also better this time around i think. idk what else to write but yeah that's it for now.
ngl I'll be sat for summer 2024 and s3 just so i'll get full-time eunyoo+eunhyuk back on the menu. we're so fucking back!
tell me what was pissing you off as well and what you liked
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