#i don't normally ask and I don't want you to feel obligated to comment but seriously i was writing this post for hours...... :0
seapomelo · 2 months
At first, my girl didn't like what I had in store for her. She was a prude, sex was boring and only after she gave me explicit consent. I had to carefully shape her personality so that she would enjoy it. Doing the little things over time, so that her perception of things changed. Now I can take her anytime, anywhere, in any hole, and she sees nothing wrong with it. Here are some things I did so that she changed.
Explaining things to her that I knew she knew, so that she felt stupid. Gradually she stopped trying to understand, because if something is important, I will explain it to her in easy to understand words. Thanks to that, she became much dumber and agreeable - if I show her how the world works, how can she fight with me? And now the things I explain are how to properly suck cock, the best ways to make her cunt available and methods for her to condition herself even more for my enjoyment.
You have to normalize casual sexual interactions. Giving her a massage? Don't forget to also grope her ass during it! Cuddling? Feel free to touch her breasts. Watching a movie? From time to time touch her pussy. Are you both under a shower? Offer to wash her back, do it, but while doing it also touch her. This in itself doesn't do much, besides making sexual interactions normal, which is useful in other forms of training. After a while she'll say something like "I'm stupid", and you have to reward her for that, by giving some attention to her cunt.
Sometimes, when she made mistakes, I bullied her a little for them. She forgot to unpack the groceries? Tell her that she must be a bit dumb. Getting something wrong during cooking? Comment it appropriately. Figure out what treat she likes, and then buy it for yourself. Grope her while bullying her. That way she will learn to accept the degradation and get off of it. After a while, tell her that the best way for apologizing is offering herself sexually. She forgot to do the thing you asked for? Tell her she must accept the punishment and spank her.
Initially she was a prude woman who didn't wear short skirts or exposing tops and was adamant to not do anything sexual in public places. I groped her from time to time, normalizing this. Sometimes I would raise her skirt just enough so that she wouldn't be exposed, but she would notice. Ask her to feel out my hard cock while on a train. After a long period, she's open to doing more things in public. Last week I asked her to blow me at night in a park, and she happily obliged. A few days ago, I took her on a walk with a collar and a leash on. Now she sometimes offers to show her boobs without me asking while we're out.
Give her rewards. Nothing changes the chemistry of a cunt's brain as much as appreciation, treats and gifts. She was a nice hole for a few days? Buy her the dildo that you know she wants, or a maid outfit that fits her. Cook a meal she likes, and tell her she can eat it after she sucks your cock. After she offers herself anally of her own volition for the first time, take her on a nice date (of course after stuffing her holes with remote controlled toys you can activate just as she starts talking to the waiter!)
These are only a few ways of training your slut! What are yours? If you're a slut, how were you trained, or how you wish to be trained?
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satoruxx · 8 months
sorry to go feral in your inbox but ghostface!miguel who is crazy about you (in a good way I promise) and does everything in his power to protect you and keep those horrible college guys from your classes away from you but you only know him as the mysterious gravelly voice who calls you every night that you’ve grown fond of as your personal lullaby-
pairing: miguel o'hara x fem!reader | 1.5k words summary: ghostface!miguel, stalking, possessive miguel, violence, death, killing, obsessive behavior, suggestive, killer miguel ofc, reader is WAY too trusting, miggy just loves you so much !! rheya’s note: NONNIE BABES YOU GENIUS !! he absolutely would oh my fucking god. i am so normal about this (going feral) i was literally squealing while writing this it was rough. why is this concept hot? do i need therapy? probably. anyways he's a creep in this but in a good way? (the way this ask literally got me inspired to draw ghostface!miguel UGH) anyways ENJOY !!
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miguel isn't a bad guy. he's not. he's one of the good guys actually, a hero. he's always been a hero.
it's not his fault that there are some assholes in the world that are fucked up, preying on innocent people who just want to live their lives.
sweet, innocent people like you.
how a girl as sweet and precious as you managed to get yourself surrounded by such horrible people is beyond him. and you're so nice too, always assuming that nobody has it out for you or that everyone has some good in them. with that mindset, you were just asking to be put in danger.
so, being the hero that he is, it's his obligation to look out for you, right?
it starts off quietly. he doesn't make an effort to connect with you, choosing to watch you from the shadows as he silently tracks your day. miguel is nothing if not observant, mentally noting every single person you interact with or looks your way. and if they get a little too close, a little too comfortable? well, then he'd just have to take care of that for you, wouldn't he?
he hates that one flirty coworker of yours, always leaning a little too close to you and chatting like he's your fucking boyfriend. miguel can see the little crease of discomfort in your brows whenever that coworker is nearby, and he decides that he hates that expression on you. but you feel fine afterwards, because when your coworker goes missing the next day, you send a quick thank you to the heavens, trying to push down your guilt.
he finds out that you try to make some extra money by tutoring a guy at your school. and when miguel watches the two of you through the windows of the library he feels hatred like no other run through his veins because he doesn't like how this guy looks at you. that asshole probably didn't even need tutoring to begin with, using it as a pathetic excuse to get close to you. what a fucking joke. but you don't have to stress about tutoring anymore because the next day you get a text saying the kid has transferred schools. you never hear from him again.
oh but the worst ones are the ones who ask you out on dates. they don't even know how lucky they are, getting to see you all dolled up and pretty for them, only to absolutely destroy your hopes for a good time. it makes miguel so angry he sees red. every fucking time one of those losers makes a comment that has your shoulders slumping with disappointment, a miserable frown on your pretty lips by the end of the night, he feels sick to his stomach. but he hopes that when you see your date's body on the news the next morning, you won't be so disappointed anymore.
only after watching over you for a while does miguel decide to finally talk to you, finding the perfect hiding spot to watch you through your window as you pick up your ringing phone. he has to stop himself from groaning because your voice sounds so much sweeter when it's in his ear, smooth and precious as you ask who it is. and he can't resist playing with you, dying to hear more as he sighs behind his mask.
"tell me your name and maybe i'll tell you mine." miguel answers, gravelly voice practically purring through the speaker. he can see the confusion on your face as you pace your kitchen, reaching for a bag of chips before walking back to your couch and settling in to watch a movie. he hears the screams from the tv and bites his lip. "what's that noise?"
"a movie." you reply, the expression on your face getting less guarded as you listen to his voice.
"a scary movie?" he asks, leaning against the edge of the roof so that he's got the perfect view of you. you take a chip and pop it in your mouth, chewing quietly, and he follows the movement of your lips with eager eyes.
"mhm," you nod, and miguel thinks it's so fucking cute the way you move your head even though you think he can't see you.
"you like scary movies?" he asks with a hum, and you voice out a yes. his eyes remain hooded and attentive as he effortlessly continues the conversation. "you got a favorite, sweetheart?"
he catches the way you melt under his sweet words, and miguel decides then and there that he's never letting you go. he listens to your answers with a grin, tucking his knife away and watching you animatedly talk to him for the remainder of the night.
and the rest is history.
you tell him about a guy who's bothering you? he'll bury him. someone made you cry? he'll break their legs. your date stood you up? he'll stab them so many times he loses count. and then after all of that, he'll call you like he always does, rumbling honeylike words into his phone as he casually watches you from behind his mask.
"and how was your day today, sweetheart?" he'll drawl out, late at night as he perches on the neighboring roof to your apartment. with the way he's angled he can perfectly see the innocent little smile on your face as you settle in bed, talking on the phone like you're not scared of him at all.
and you shouldn't be, because he'd never hurt you, of course.
some nights you'll giddily tell him about the most exciting parts of your day, smiling and giggling until you fall asleep without a care in the world. but on the nights when you complain or whine about somebody that's made you upset, wronged you, or god forbid, showed interest in you? well, those are the nights miguel has to grit his teeth and clench his fists, trying to control the flare of pure rage that courses through him. he lulls you to sleep with sweet words, trying to keep his cool but still vibrating with anger because who the fuck do they think they are, getting near you like that?
"don't worry, pretty girl," he sighs into the phone, twirling his knife between his fingers. "i'm sure they'll stop bothering you soon enough."
and they do. but you being the precious oblivious little thing you are, assume that you're just lucky. a guardian angel, you had said, was watching over you. miguel had just chuckled into the phone, deep and rich as he smirked at you from the roof once again.
"guardian angel? well lucky you, huh?" he had asked, feeling all too pleased with himself. you agreed with a nod.
well, if that's what you wanted to see him as he had no problem playing guardian angel for you.
and no he doesn't even want you to find out, because the last thing he wants to do is scare you. no no, he'd much rather protect you from the shadows, eliminating every single threat could ever harm a hair on your pretty little head. his reward comes in the form of you living your life, carefree smiles and all.
and granted he feels much more rewarded when he calls you late at night, deep voice teasing with an underlying sense of possessiveness as he speaks to you about anything and everything. he doesn't understand why and how you decided that he was safe to talk to, but you do, laughing and sighing into the phone until you've dozed off.
and if you've accidentally left your windows open, well of course being the gentleman he is, miguel will close them for you. but not before he stands at your bedside, raising his mask to watch you sleep peacefully. such a pretty little thing, so sweet and gentle. and after pulling himself away from your sleeping form, he quietly shuts the window behind him, yanking his mask back down with a smirk because he doesn't want anyone else to see you all vulnerable like that.
you were too trusting to begin with, but you trusting him is alright. after all he's the only one who's been looking out for you. anyone else tries to get near you and he'll have no choice but to tear their limbs off. they could be a threat to you, right?
but that's why he'll never let you out of his sight.
you're his after all.
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readychilledwine · 2 months
Rhys w a small reader with a big mouth?
Little Girl, Big Mouth
Rhys with a mouthy reader headcanons
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Warnings - implied smut, reader could be seen as trashy but Rhys loves it
A/n - This anon actually came from an IRL friend. She texted me about it, and I had her clarify if she meant a gossip or big mouth as in a girl who is prone to talking shit and fighting. It was talking shit and fighting, so thanks, Sammie 💕💕
Ps- I will figure out what your username is 👀 but you're very sweet for doing this the way the rest of my followers do instead of just texting me first😭
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You aren't a doormat. He refuses to let you be seen as one. Even if that means you get into a verbal argument here and there.
Those verbal arguments have gotten physical.
My baby daddy always tells me not to write a check he can't cash (if you don't know what that means, it means don't start a fight that he can't finsh.) You don't have that problem with Rhysand.
If you stand, mouth firing off insults as someone else is, he will stand too. Ride or die, he won't let you fight without him.
And that is if the man isn’t already behind you, warning the male standing over you without even having to speak that if he lays a hand on you or speaks out of line, he will be finding out why Rhysand is proud to be half illyrian.
You do know time and place, but if someone insults your male, your family, or your court first, all bets are off.
Your mouth is equal opportunity. High fae, lower, male, female, high lord? You don't care. All bets are off the table with you. No one is safe.
Beron? Constantly roasting him. Asking him if beating his wife helps him feel like a real male. Keir? Verbally torn apart. How pathetic he must be to think he has some pull when he lost out on being high lord.
Hell, illyrian males aren't even safe from you. Not when three immediately are behind you the second they feel your mood change.
And it isn't that you can't fight. You are well trained and can more than hold your own. He just prefers you let him.
He's only held you back once. It was from Amren, and he hardly caught you in time before you jumped on her.
Cassian was disappointed. He wanted to watch two tiny females wrestle it out. He said it would be better if pretty lacy outfits were involved, but he was ready to settle for you in your dress and Amren in her two piece outfit.
Rhys did not stop you, nor Amren, from tackling Cassian for that comment.
He will throw you over his shoulder, ignoring you as you scream for him to put you down while still running your mouth as you're carried out of the room. But only if family is involved.
Mother knows they are no exception. You all get on each other's nerves from time to time. Besides Azriel. You could never fight Azriel.
Rhys loves it. He loves how spicy you are. He loves how much fight and sass you have. He loves how it's always to people who are mean.
He does love fighting for you as well. Sometimes, he asks you to pick fights when it's someone he has been itching to get his hands on.
He rewards you throughly when you oblige him.
"Where's that big mouth now, darling?" While your back is arched off the bed, and your mind is just a haze. "Thought you had so much to say earlier."
He loves making his girl with so much to say and so many opinions go dumb for him.
He loves it when all you can think to say is his name and barely thrown together words.
He loves putting your mouth to other uses if you start in on him, too.
He'd keep you tucked under his desk for hours, putting your mouth towards something actually useful if you two fight.
And that's rare. Your opinions are normally shared and mutual. It's why you two work. Otherwise, you would be constantly at each other's throats with how vocally dominant you both like to be.
Overall, he'd change nothing about how sassy you can be. He loves you as is. Even if it means you bandaging his hands after a trip to Illyria.
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seokka0o · 11 months
Bestfriendinpublic!crushinprivate!!6-heeseung please
6 -"You're humping on my pillow?" 
이희승 - HeeSeung // humping //fingering
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You didn't mean to be completely wrong, or how everything always seems to turn to your complete doom. It was convenient, heeseung said you could sleep in his room if you were tired as he just stayed in the living room playing video games, you completely lost track of it for a second, laying your head on his pillow and smelling that all too common shampoo smell he uses, that smell that makes your skin crawl and then in seconds you are without your part under your clothes to be able to rub it on the pillowcase fabric, trying to contain your few moans that insisted on leaving without your authorization. It was certain that this could go wrong, Heeseung has an instinct worth a hundred men, when he heard the first moan he thought maybe it was because you were dreaming or something. However, starting to become frequent like that, he felt obliged to leave the game running so he could go to his bedroom door and leave you rubbing against the pillow "You're humping on my pillow?" Questioned heeseung, that standard expression of having caught you in the jump, eyes bright of a predator, he was seeing your expression of despair, the heat run through your body as he entered the room "I-I...s-sorry hee I don't I managed to control myself" maybe the humiliation was too great to mention, but Heeseung had an aura that was different from what could be considered a normal reaction and it made you anxious "you're so thoughtless Y/n, I thought we were friends" Heeseung wouldn't if you delay, his hand found your intimacy very quickly to be honest "spread your legs" he whispered to you and then you obeyed, opening your legs for him and then heeseung touched you with his long fingers, collecting all your liquid already plentiful and then circled your entry "so desperate for my dick huh?" He said dedicated, slowly entering your entrance, making you moan softly "y-yes...please I need you" you pleaded, feeling ashamed. heeseung felt your insides squeeze his fingers desperately and not feeling that it was enough he put another one, so he could start stimulating you, scissor movements and back and forth, he started to caress your insides. Gradually the sensation began to fade, leaving you to enjoy the way he moved his fingers inside you, delicate, precise, your heart racing in your chest, your noises growing again as hemaintained the stimuli. Heeseung kept his eyes fixed on your reactions, smiling every time he saw you squirm, calling him by his so affectionately given nickname "do you want to come honey?" He asks when he notices how you start to feel euphoric "y-yes, please" you comment feeling short of breath, heeseung getting the message just continues with what he's doing, playing with his fingers inside you, while the thumb stroked softly over your clit, then allowed you to pour yourself over it.
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writingfandomfeels · 7 months
Anakin Skywalker - Drunken Doppelganger Discovery
Summary: You're drunkenly rambling to a stranger that you don't realize is THEE Anakin Skywalker, and he makes sure you get home safely. Timeline is roughly Clone Wars ish.
Word count: 965
Content Warnings: Drinking, briefly one creepy guy
The heavy beat of the music in the club pulsed through your body as you danced. Lights of every color flashed in time to the rhythm, accentuating the movements of the other dancers around you. Their silhouettes swirled in your vision, no face ever clear enough to see, just a blur of dark then colorfully bright then dark again.
Realizing that your glass was now empty, you turned to make your way back to the bar. Your destination in sight, it took all of your focus to concentrate on successfully walking toward it. Your body swayed as if on a ship at sea, but you simply leaned into it, letting the feeling make you giggle in amusement.
You plunked yourself down on a stool, waiting for the bartender, who looked like a walking booger. He seemed to be too occupied filling the multiple orders of others to notice you, so you decided to get comfortable and get to know the person seated next to you. You turned to your left to look at him and were immediately struck by his luscious long curls and chiseled jaw.
“Holy shit, you’re hot.” You say, not entirely sure if it was out loud or in your head as you had intended it.
The blond man turned to look at you, clearly taken aback at your comment. The slight curve of a smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he considered if you really just said that to him.
You looked him over, taking in his leather outfit now too. “Hey you know who you look like? Oh what’s his name- that, that jedi… uhh… Anakin Skywalker!” You said, pointing to him, thinking how uncanny the resemblance was. You then turned back to locate the bartender. “Hottest jedi in the galaxy.” Finding that the bartender was now pouring a long line of shots, you turned your attention back to your neighbor. “You know I always thought the jedi were just born old. You know? Like it just feels like they’re always just a bunch of old men. Old religious men I suppose. Yeah, not normally my cup of tea but that Skywalker?” You laughed, “Pretty sure anybody would take a cup of that.” You began waving at the bartender, trying to get his attention, but nevertheless continuing your drunken rambling. “You know I heard they can’t get laid. The jedi.” You clarified. “But if you ask me, I think that’s just because a bunch of old men were pissed that a hottie like Anakin fucking Skywalker could just come along and not only steal their thunder with being better than them at their woo woo force shit and their voom voom lightsabers,” you said, gesturing with your hands for emphasis “but he also literally could get anybody he wanted.”
By now that slight smirk had turned into a hardly contained grin of amusement. You didn’t notice though as you finally locked eyes with the booger bartender and he made his way over to you.
“Finally.” You complained.
Anakin’s gaze darted from you to the bartender and back.
As he arrived, you started your order, “I’ll get a-”
“You just want water.” Anakin cut you off, waving his hand.
“I just want water.” You said to the bartender, who obliged.
You drank from the glass, thirstier than you’d thought. The ice tingled your lips and cooled you as you swallowed. You blinked a moment, staring into the glass and wondering how you ended up with water instead of the cocktail you’d craved earlier.
“You’re going to go home now.” The voice to your left said.
You thought of your home and how comfy your bed would be right about now. “I’m going to go home now.” You said, imagining your soft pillows, feeling like there was nothing in the world you wanted more right now. You stood, approaching the exit.
“I’ll come too,” a nearby Devaronian growled, eyeing you in a predatory way as he went to follow you.
Anakin jumped from his seat, stepping in front of the Devaronian. “No, you’re not.” He stared threateningly, flashing the hilt of his lightsaber.
The Devaronian grumbled and walked off.
Deciding he needed to ensure your safety now, Anakin exited the club to find you. Luckily, you hadn’t made it too far as he found you sitting slumped on the curb, pouting.
“I thought you were going home?” He asked.
“I can’t.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because my shoe is broke.” You held up the broken heel to him. “Now I can’t walk anywhere.” You let out a dramatic sigh. “I guess I’ll just have to stay here forever. I live here now. This is my home.”
A moment passed as you stared sadly at your broken shoe, and Anakin stared at you. Seeing no other alternative, he scooped you up into his arms and began carrying you down the street. 
“Where do you live?” He asked. 
You smiled, pleasantly surprised to be held in such muscular arms, you almost forgot to answer his question. 
“Oh, just past the mini mart.” 
He gave a nod, confirming he knew where that was.
You stared a moment longer at your hero’s face. “I like you.” You said, playfully poking his nose with your index finger. “You saved me from shoes. Maybe you don’t save the galaxy like your look-alike but you’re still nice.” You let your head lean back against him and closed your eyes, beginning to feel very sleepy. “And pretty. Very pretty.” You added.
His chest moved against you as he softly chuckled. 
“Mmmm,” you hummed, trying so hard to fight off the oncoming sleep, “what’d you say your name was?”
“I didn’t.”
As the sleep began to take hold of you, you hardly heard the last thing he said. 
“It’s Anakin.” 
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
Hello, hello! Congrats on making the 300 follower milestone!👍 Well done! For the event, can I request prompt no. 17 with Riddle, Leona and Jamil, please? Thank you and kudos!
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17. Kissing under the fireworks
Thank you friend! Very on brand request for Jamil ha ha. I accidentally made Leona's part angsty I am so sorry
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, Riddle is a bit awkward, references to the events at the very end of Ch. 5/beginning of Ch. 6 (Leona- hurt with heavy focus on comfort), references to the events of the Firelit Sky Event (Jamil- nothing too specific). Check out the rest of the requests on my masterlist here.
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"Are you ok Riddle? You're really tense." You ask and wonder if it was smart, the comment makes Riddle even more rigid to a degree that has to be painful. "I can let go of your hand-"
"No!" You shouldn't be so surprised how loudly he protests, emphasizing his point by intertwining your fingers without his usual embarrassment. "We are on a date so we are holding hands." Seeing that this does not persuade you he less certainly adds: "I want to hold your hand."
"I want to hold your hand too." You reassure him, squeezing his hand to emphasize the point making Riddle practically glow with happiness. He squeezes your hand as you both settle into the colosseum bleachers waiting for the fireworks show to begin. There is a part of you that wonders what Riddle has planned, he always has some sort of itinerary when you go on dates which sounds annoying but in practice is sort of cute. Riddle needs structure to feel comfortable, and if he needs to make a mental checklist to feel comfortable holding your hand you don't mind. He's relaxing into you the longer you spend together, eventually that checklist will fade into habit and Riddle will be able to hold your hand without looking smug every time he looks down at your intertwined fingers.
Fireworks burst into the sky illuminating that smug smile and the flicker of uncertainty as his blue grey eyes focus on your lips. A normal person might not think of giving their partner a kiss as a rule, but Riddle does. Clumsily he closes the distance and bumps more than he kisses your cheek, immediately sending his mind into a panic when you turn to him confused.
But then you smile, happiness bathed in red, blue, green as you lean forward to help him achieve his goal. You kiss him and melt away all thoughts of rules and obligation under a wave of wonder and happiness.
It's strange to see Leona up this late. Stranger still that this is, apparently, completely of his own free will. "I'm surprised you asked me to come, I thought you'd hate stuff like this."
"And I'm surprised you're this excited over somethin' this simple." He neither confirms or denies your accusation, instead settling himself close to your side on the shockingly nice blanket he had insisted on bringing onto the green.
"I've never seen magic fireworks before." You mutter, and Leona is merciful enough not to laugh out loud. It's weird, this soft way he's treating you. Not that you're complaining exactly, after the incident with Grim you barely got a chance to really enjoy any of the culture fair. You didn't go out to see any of the booths past Riddle's tour until Leona dragged you out of bed this afternoon in a trope reversal that stunned you too much to properly protest. There's a part of you that wonders, well more like worries, that Leona's only really taken you around today out of some misguided sense of obligation; you can't see him ever doing anything out of pity.
Not when he braces you against his chest just before the show begins, not when he makes sure you are comfortable with the level of noise, or how he makes sure not to put too much pressure on your wound when he nuzzles himself into your neck as the show truly starts. No, there's nothing resembling pity in the way Leona looks at you.
"Beautiful, aren't they?" He contentedly murmurs in your ear, pressing a brief kiss to your cheek before you drag him back to you for a longer one on your lips.
No, there's nothing resembling pity in the way Leona looks at you; just love, and maybe an annoyingly smug sense of satisfaction.
"Before you start, I know what I said last year and I do not want to hear about it." You aren't certain why Jamil is bringing this up now when he hadn't while inviting you. Maybe because the last time you were under these canopies you weren't friends, so the numerous less than kind things he's said about you are whirling around in his mind.
You wonder what that Jamil would think if he saw this Jamil holding you in his lap while you wait for the show to start. He'd probably have a stroke.
"I don't really remember what you're talking about." You had been really excited about seeing fireworks and having fun dressing up to really think about Jamil being, well, a bit of a sourpuss. "Besides it can't be worse than anything else you've ever said about me." Jamil is far from sour now, the smile on his face as he pulls you up to your feet to begin dancing in tune with the show is exceptionally mischievous.
"It wasn't about you really, even if I wasn't conscious of it I knew I wanted to bring you back here someday." That's news to you, sure he said he felt bad about making more work for you and had made sure to dance with you during that show, but it's not like he'd had his eye on you before his overblot. As if he could read your mind, or maybe to be more accurate as if he had been trying to provoke that exact thought, he makes sure to dance more intimately than he did last time, reaching to hold you in his arms as the climax of the show explodes above you. The first kiss is brief, a gentle peck because he wants to get a good look at you in your outfit bathed in the firelit sky before the second.
It had been an idle thought then, but if that Jamil could see this one his smug satisfaction would outweigh the embarrassment. To be anyone's first choice was a win, to be yours? A complete and total victory.
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Tag Game Instructions and Ediquette
This post is for anyone who wants to get involved in tag games but isn't sure how they work. I hope this helps<3
Instructions for some popular games and other things to keep in mind are beneath the cut.
If you guys could share this around to help some friends out that would be great!
Last Line Tag
Share the last line you wrote for a WIP. "Line" is a pretty lose term, it can mean anything from a paragraph to a sentence depending on your personal definition, or depending on how much you feel like sharing. It can also come from any WIP, and normally people share prose but sometimes if they haven't written prose recently you'll see them sharing bullet points from outlines or worldbuilding documents.
Heads Up Seven Up
Pretty much the same as Last Line Tag but, instead of one line, you share the last seven you wrote. Once again, a "line" can be anything from a paragraph to a sentence, they can come from any WIP (you could even have, say 3 lines from one WIP and 4 from another if you want to share both), and it is normally prose but sometimes you'll see people sharing outlines or worldbuilding. It is also very informal. If you want to share eight lines or five lines instead of seven you are completely welcome to do so.
Six Sentence Sunday
Another similar tag. On a Sunday (in your time zone), share the last six sentences you wrote. Again, they can come from any WIP (or multiple WIPs), it is normally prose but can be from other things, and you can share three sentences or ten sentences instead if it please you.
Find the Word Tag
The person who tagged you will have given you four words to find in your manuscript. Ctrl+F your document for instances of those words and share one (if there is more than one) of the lines where they appear. If you don't have the word, you can change it to something similar (for example, you can change giggle to laugh if you don't have giggle in your document) or you can just say you did not have the word and leave it blank. You'll need to pick for new words for the people you tag to find. Try to pick common words, but not too common. Everyone will have a bajillion "said" in their draft but will likely have only two or three "screamed". Pick a mix of nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and an adverb if you want to be spicy.
A few last things about tag game etiquette:
You are under no obligation to do any of the tags you've been tagged in. You are allowed to save them for a month from now, do them tomorrow, or just ignore them entirely. No one is holding you accountable to it.
When tagging someone, especially newer writeblrs, it is generally good etiquette to specify that they are under no pressure to do your tag. Something like "tagging (but no pressure)" is fine.
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marchsfreakshow · 4 months
Only Me [John B]
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You're planning to head out to John B's boat with him, but halfway through your outfit decision, he just can't help himself.
Um, Christ yeah. Another obx fic I'm not sorry I'm slightly obsessed with this man. Cover made by me and yes that is me in the cover, do not comment on my body. Prepare to be blocked if you do.
Warnings!: Possessive John B, dub-con (almost), praise & degredation, PnV, nearly Dark!John B, fem!Reader (but that's obvious), crud smut writing :p
No one's perspective.
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You adjusted the belt in front of the mirror, tugging at it a bit. Letting out a sigh, and cocking your head, you looked over to John B, who just seemed to be staring at you. A regular sight for you. Trying on an outfit in front of the floor-length mirror, and he'd be sitting there staring and admiring you with half-lidded eyes. Lust was what the man felt whenever you got changed regularly. Seeing how different clothes of yours fit you, and they encuatined parts of your body.
The jeans you were adjusting once belonged to your mom, she was a bit bigger than you, so you both figured these old jeans would fit you fine. They hugged your butt almost perfectly, making it seem more perky than it already was. They fit around your thighs the way you wanted and flared at the bottom a bit. The knee area was slightly discoloured from wear after the years, but to you, that made it look better. Constantly staring and posing slightly made you huff, and you turned around to John B. "What should I do with these? Like, what top?"
"Hm?" He shook his head out of whatever fantasy he was thinking deeply about and shrugged. "I don't mind, everything looks good on you." The sentence was ended with a wink, which you rolled your eyes at. At the moment you were just wearing a pyjama top, so you went through your tops drawer and picked out a normal, sage t-shirt, and a light blue tank top. A few holes near the top of it, but you didn't mind. No one would care really. That's what John B thought anyway, to you everyone would probably stare at you, positively or negatively.
You switched your pyjama top for the sage one and figured it would look better once you actually put a bra on. Your head swished around to your boyfriend again. "Does this one look okay?" You ask, doing mini poses while going back to yourself in the mirror.
"You know the answer to that." He winked at you again, immediately melting you inside. That wink-and-smile combo could kill you at any given point. It earned a giggle out of you, so you took the t-shirt off and replaced it with a tank top. The small poses started again and you hummed as you checked yourself out. "Fuck.." John B let out a small whine, but loud enough so you heard. You turned around and walked a bit closer to your boyfriend.
"You okay darl'?" You asked. He stood up and looked at you darkly. Before any other words could be said he grabbed the button of your jeans, pulling you close. A blush appeared as your body was immediately pulled to his. Harsh kisses were exchanged and as soon as you pulled away, "Fuck, what, was that?"
"you're wearing this outfit for me only. Understand?" He whispered harshly in your ear. His hands were wrapped around your waist, and your fingers gripped at the loose shirt he wore. You nodded as you gulped thickly. Just as quickly as you took a breath, John B stole it away from you and kissed you again just like he did a second ago. Instinctively, you sort of hobbled backwards, your legs hitting the back of your bed. "Mine." He hissed as you were pushed onto the bed.
He hastily undid your trousers, yanking them off you. It made you let out a small groan at the feeling, but you happily let it happen. "These,, are mine." He gripped your thighs, referencing the fact that the jeans curved around your butt and thighs perfectly. "Hips up." You obliged as soon as he said the words hips and pulled your underwear off.
"John B.." you whined as a knee was placed between your thighs. It took every ounce of self-control in you to not grind against his knee, your own desire for him growing with every kiss he placed on your neck. He stared into your eyes, his soul-baring into yours, as he threw his top in one direction and his shorts in the other.
"Such a good slut, wet already and I haven't even touched you." He chuckled lowly, leaning over you. He was telling the truth. Seeing John B so possessive and horny for one simple outfit made you feel warm and wet. His own feelings didn't help when he was looking down at you. Your hair spayed in all directions, your hands resting around the crooks of his neck, and your legs spread wide already for him.
In response, you nodded, but he tutted and took hold of your chin, pulling you up. Your noses were touching and your elbows helped you up. "You're so wet, aren't you? Who fucking for?" He asked "Huh? Tell me." He impatiently waited for an answer.
"you, John B. I'm wet, for you." You breathed heavily. He let go of your chin, and you threw yourself back down onto the mattress.
"good girl."
Those two words made a groan escape your lips, and you impatiently pulled him down to kiss him again. "Pup.." John B chuckled, reaching down to his cock. Every word that left him drove you crazy and the desire for him just grew.
Heavy and breathy kisses were exchanged as John B was jerking himself off. Almost painstakingly slowly, it felt like torture. A grin plastered on his face while you desperately kissed him. You knew he was revelling in the fact that he had this effect on you. So desperate for his dick, practically humping his thigh, just for some pressure on your clit. "awe, so cute." The man on top of you chuckled.
His chuckle sent a shiver down your spine, but it was interrupted by a loud moan. He finally thrust deep into you, and your reaction could have been in porn. How quick and deep he went into you, and how your back arched. A hand immediately slapped over your mouth. "not so loudly. You want the others to hear you?"
You shook your head as you muffled your moans into John B's large hand. "Words pup."
"No...no I don't." You groaned out as he continued to thrust into you, almost drilling you as he stretched your pretty cunt out.
"such a good puppy." His brown curls landed on your neck, and his face was hidden by your skin. Occasionally small bites made you let out a little 'yeowch-' In-between your moans. Marks left in the subtle crooks and crevices of your neck, so people would know you were John B's girl.
Quicker and harder.
It was becoming difficult to be quiet, your knees pushed to your stomach, tears threatening to leave your eyes. You knew your limits, he knew his. His pace wouldn't slow unless he saw an uncomfortable look on your face. In fact, it was the opposite, you were biting the blanket you stuffed in your mouth, eyes practically gone into the top of your head, and your hands gripping any fabric or skin they could find.
"You feel so good pup." He groaned as he thrust up harder than he had before, and you felt his nails dig into you. "Fuck...Gon.. gonna come." The man on top of you whimpered, it sent a jolt of pleasure through you, hearing the usually dominant man whimper that he was gonna cum.
Those pretty little moans of him overwhelmed you. Your orgasm came and ended quick. But he felt your cunt throbbing, every throb sending him closer. His own urge to edge himself, and make you come twice, backed down once the ropes of cum ended up in you.
As you lowered your arched back, you felt John B's weight on top of you. "I love you." You sleepily whispered, reaching a tired hand to John B's hair. He let out a happy sigh, laying on top of you. But not a few minutes went by, before he pulled out of you, and immediately grabbed a small random towel off the floor, cleaning you up.
"I love you too my puppy." He whispered, smiling widely at you.
"You still want to go out to the boat?"
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tag: @slvt4jamesmarch
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redamoureux · 10 months
Dating Hank HCs? Also do you have some rules for oneshot/hc requests?
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General Hank J. Wimbleton Dating & Marriage Headcanons
↳ content warning:
• genre: romantic
• a/n: I decided to make this into one, i hope you don't mind it! And for the ask, i'm not really sure? Any basic rules i suppose, you could also write your plot so i can have better idea on what to write ^^ art by: @MA17_MD
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To start it off, it'll take him awhile to get accustomed to show his more "vulnerable" side especially during the first few stages of your relationship. Some could even mistake that the you two were just comrades.
So he'll likely only become affectionate when the two of you are alone.
Though slowly but surely he's going to be bold enough to start holding hands with you infront of the other crews and even hugging with blood stained hands. It may sound like he's overdramatic with these entire thing but to him it means that he trusted you enough.
Hank has a odd habit of just staring generally, so he'll probably space out while you explain something.
If you happen to work as a medic in the base, expect him to come frequently either with heavy injuries, as you're stitching his wounds and scolding him, he'll only stare in adoration at you holding him so gently.
Using his stealth he also likes to surprise you from behind like when you're trying to reach for something on a shelf, he'll simply put his hands around your waist before picking you up and making you yelp.
Since he doesn't often open his mask, hank prefers kissing you on the forehead
He also enjoys training with you, sometimes letting you win on purpose to see your bright confident smile.
This is the phrase where hank's already feeling alot more comfortable with showing affections and thinking it's time to step up in the relationship.
Though he doesn't feel like even doing what a normally proper wedding would look like, eager to just put the ring on your finger and officially call you his.
Doc had to explain to him that it is somewhat a necessary to do so, making hank rethink before obliging and doc began helping him with the arragement.
Now it's nevada and hank we're talking about, so of course the wedding certainly isn't going to be like most. Hank goes all his way throughout the city to search for the perfect type of ring and attire you'd love.
When he did finally found all of that, hank's going to be stimming alot on the way back, it's hard to tell if he's actually feeling nervous or really excited.
All while the team are busy helping with planning and arranging the entire thing. It's not like hank's not working either though! No, no, this place is going to be where your special day takes place, hank wants to make sure that everything has to be perfect as possible.
Usually he's not a perfectionist and while even confusing other members in the base, aswell as creeping them from the behind and staring as they shakily hung some decorations up as if they placed something wrong even just a bit he's going to twist their arm.
Could you blame a raging mass murderer man who's just so in love though?
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miimo96 · 3 days
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 5
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I love how Wholesome this Clark is, at 1st it looked like he wasn't really into attending the contest, but as soon as he heard that it was going to be Donating money to the children's hospital, he immediately made up his mind, Showing us once again Why this Show is Amazing, Because they Know how to HANDLE Superman
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Aaaaahhh!! We're Finally being introduced to Kara, Omg She looks Soooo good I can't wait to see how they handle her and her relationship with Clark, maybe we might actually get see the "Sibling" Dynamic I talked about not to long ago ^^; (also is it me or does kara look kinda familiar, I don't know she just looks someone I've seen before I just can't put my finger on it, hmmmmm 🤔 eh it's probably nothing )
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Annnd just like that Love at 1st sight, in all seriousnes I really love Jimmy's character and how he's handled throughout this show, It's clear that he does feel Guilty for What happened last episode, after all He was the one who gave Lex the "motivation" to do what he is doing So I understand that he does feel responsible in someway, plus he did bring Clark to Expo in the 1st place which led to Superman being framed when the Villains attacked, but C'mon, you Didn't know that would happen or that Lex would be there, or that you guy's would have a TED TALK discussing the "Dangers" of Superman, You have No reason to feel guilty or have any obligation to Fix this because it wasn't your Fault, just sit down and talk to your boy and for crying out loud Omg 😫
Also Clark using his X-ray vision to immediately see who was running is extremely funny to me for some reason idk why lol 😅
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Ok 2 things, 1 Lois throughout this episode was really infuriating to me, Lois's ego was really shining here I mean she really feels that there's Nothing Specail about her, and that it would be completely unlikely for a guy like Superman to ever be interested in a person like her, because "who would ever be interested in the reporter right" even though they made entire episode last season focusing on the LOL/ League of Lois Lanes and how Lois lane is DESTINED to be with Superman in every reality, so it really Grinds my gears when she starts getting jealous when she sees Superman acting single around other contestants/girls, and wants act all salty and question if they're even "right" for each other and that maybe he should be with someone who is more Special than her when in reality that's exactly WHY he fell for you in the 1st place, because you are Different and because you Makes him feel Normal, also you're the 1 that Told him to "act" single in the 1st place like Wtf!? Also I find it hilarious that Clark immediately waves as they're talking about who could Superman's identity be, like it's LITERALLY right in front of them 😂
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Judging by this scene it feels like she's never been on Earth before whatsoever, from her being to foriegn to stuff like what Ice cream and hot dogs are, to earlier with her wanting to immediately square up with a Truck, It's pretty clear that THIS Is her 1st time being on earth, leaving the question Now to where has she been all this time, and who is her father? Because as far as I'm aware I thought only her and Kal were last 2 kryptonians that made it off Krypton, So who could her "father" be? Well there's only 1 option, but I'll save that for a later scene ;)
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So as I was watching this I kept wondering on who the heck the other contestants were, as far as my knowledge of comic books go it's Not really that good, since I mainly grew up with cartoons and only read a few comics from time to time and Superman was the 1 thing that I Never really kept up with all that time, So forgive me I don't really know who most of the people are on here other than Hank Hanshaw AKA Cyborg Superman, if y'all happen to know feel free to lemme know in the comments or just Ask me in the submissions Thx ^^;
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Also can Clark Not come up with a good excuse to change into Superman, I mean how hard is it to say "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back" also saying you're going somewhere and then immediately having Superman show up is completely Sus as hell, how has no one else figured out Who the heck he really is yet ?😅
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Ah the Jealous girlfriend face 🤣🤣 also the scene here with Hank talking about just how dangerous Superman is and how he is literally a weapon waiting to go off just shows how much Lex is affecting people and how he already has people thinking he's right; This is stuff that will Definitely be brought up in season 3, I can already see the "Earth is for Earthlings" Hashtags 😅also I don't know about you but to me there's definitely something suspicious about Silver from the way she's acting, idk but to me I'm thinking that maybe Silver may not be as sweet as we think she is, hmmmm 🧐
I love the callback from Last episode with her saying "everything" when Jimmy asks what she wanted to see, just like how he did when Clark asked him the same question, also between this and the Jimmy from the Supergirl TV show on CW, Jimmy really has a knack for pulling Strong powerful women, Nice ^_^
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I Really love how Devoted kara already is to Jimmy, the fact that she immediately was ready to go and completely DESTROY Whoever hurt Jimmy tells you just how much she Already cares about him just from being on this planet for like idk 3 hours maybe, bro really knows how to pull the Baddies, Ngl I ship them ^^
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She's LITERALLY the embodiment of this
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Bruh Kara is really talking crazy here, to me this Not how kryptonians Speak, as far as I'm aware kryptonians are usually intelligent chill people with only a few of them being like soldiers, they're Not effing Conquerors, tbh this Version of them sounds more like Sayains than anything, Damn they're really going in on the whole Anime theme this season huh, which leads me to my Next topic; I think I Know who Kara's father supposedly is, here me out but what if it's Freaking ZOD, think about it, what if before she left krypton Zod kidnapped her as a baby and raised her to make her Think that she was his own, hence why she has this mindset and Why she's talking like this; after all Besides Kal only Zod and her would be last 2 kryptonians, So it's possible he could've raised her and molded her into the warrior/ conquer she is today Similar to him, and if you still don't believe me, then take a Good look at what She says here Next
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I rest my effing Case ^^ also OMG WTF IT WAS HER THE ENTIRE F#%KING TIME!? 🤯
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Ok 3 things: 1 she beat the Absolute Shit out of him my god she showed No mercy even to her Own cousin Wow, 2 the Animation for this fight scene in this episode was Wild omg I loved every minute of it, They have Not missed a Beat this season when it's come down to the Animation whatsoever, and finally 3 Her design for this Suit looks Just effing incredible, Omfg I love the Red and black color scheme they got going on here and the Symbol, aside from Bulky ass Shoulder pads, everything just looks So effing CLEAN, Man I can't wait to see the Fanart from this Suit; Also it's clear that Brainiac is controlling her somehow judging by how she keeps hesitating and the way her eyes go completely blank after She receives her orders, So there may be hope for her Just yet, but in the end I know that even IF she turns good, Earth is going to be Completely against her and Superman by the end of this Season, So yeah...
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Wow it looks like we Gotten yet another New superpower for this man, Ngl, I'm not a fan at all, the last one we got from him was his Bio electric aura which at 1st I wasn't a fan of but once I thought about It some more and did a bit more research on it, It really started to grow on me, Since it's how he's able to Defy the impossible, THIS however I am just Not feeling it, this does make any sense for him to have and Never even once in my life have I ever seen this man Shoot effing energy from his Mouth, like what is even the Point of this power and what is it used for like Bruh, Sry but this is Definitely ain't for me, and is Not going to grow on me anytime soon ^^;
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No Please Not the Injustice FINISHER, Omg DON'T DO HIM LIKE THAT!! 😱😱😱
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Wow this episode was just Balls to the Walls insane, between this and the Reveal that Brainiac was the one She was referring to as "father" i have No idea what else to expect from this Season, and this is Just making me completely unsure about what's gonna happen next for the future of this show, Omg this Series is so good, Can't wait for the next one #SupermanSaturdays
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weirdworldofwinnie · 9 months
Oasis in a Desperate Land of Dark Desire - Part Four: Riding out the Storm
Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer x Female Wife Reader NSFW 18+ only
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Summary: Robert and you spend an electrically charged night camping out in the desert on his day off, hoping to rekindle and rebound after a somewhat challenging week.
Word Count: ~4,395
Warnings: Mostly smut (unprotected and oral sex), age gap, anxiety/fear pertaining to thunderstorms
Usual disclaimers apply, obviously NOT based on complete real life historical accuracy, this is essentially AU fantasy/fiction with Cillian as Oppenheimer.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Tag List: @forgottenpeakywriter, @frozenhuntress67, @immyowndefender, @szde8-blog, @bypurple, @irenethewoman, @uniquetacofun, @noirrose21-blog, @gridmouse86
If you'd like to be part of the tag list, let me know.
When the following Sunday came around, you were in far better spirits for your cycle had tapered off and the general mood in town was boosted by many of the scientists, including Robert, who had the day off from working. He had decided on going riding and camping out in the desert tonight for just the two of you and was currently saddling and packing up the horses outside as you came out to join him, getting up on your mare as soon as he was ready to go.
He smiled and kicked his stallion in the flank, trotting fast after you out of the barriers of town and into the desert, where you kept at a steady pace until he caught up beside you, bouncing lightly up and down in the saddle.
"Don't you want to race or are you too afraid to lose?" he called over the rushing wind in your ears and you glanced at him, feeling spurred on by that comment, so you slapped the reins and gave the horse a push to gallop, thundering hard across the land. You looked back over your shoulder with a triumphant laugh as you left him in the dust and his horse was gradually diminishing in sight, a brown blur dotting the expanse.
Eventually, you slowed and he caught up, carefully riding along the edge of a canyon and slowly trailing it for a while, listening to the soft stomps of the horse's hooves and heavy breathing.
"I allowed you to win back there, you know," he commented cockily with a smirk and you rolled your eyes, unimpressed.
"Oh, I'm so honored at your consideration, but I think you're just not acquainted with the prospect of losing."
"Only with you I am," he muttered and you laughed, tossing your head to feel the air and dipping down the trail, gradually winding through pine forests and around boulders, rocky outcroppings, and thoroughly riding for a long while, farther than you'd explored previously and for minutes you wondered if you and him had become truly lost... But then the ground leveled and once out of the rougher areas and into broader flatland, you picked up pace again.
It was all very emotionally beneficial to be out in the open away from town and work, whether it be Robert's or your own housekeeping and studying. Even the socializing was a kind of effort and having time to be just together, hardly talking, out in nature with no obligations until tomorrow was such a microcosmic blessing. The clean air procured a clean mind and the scent on the breeze was a complete refresher from the stale cigarette infused buildings.
You inhaled and exhaled, dismounting the horse and running a hand through your tresses while catching your breath as Robert came up behind you and did similar actions before taking your hand and tugging you to a brushy area with a few shrubs.
"Mind if I relieve myself right here?" he asked, detaching from your hand and loosening his belt, unzipping his fly, and promptly dropping his drawers. You smiled, stepping back and watching him urinate a steady stream straight into the shrub. He glanced at you as you giggled openly at his liquidized "performance" and cast a bit of skepticism.
"You're very immature sometimes. We're married and it's a perfectly normal biological function, I don't see what is so entertaining about it?"
"Did you know yours is the only one I've ever really been exposed to on a regular basis? I've never had another man's so often as yours," you commented and he looked down, flicking before pulling up the pants and tucking it back in with a zip.
"I'm sad to say that you haven't been the only woman I've had the pleasure of being so intimate with." He strode back over to the horses, gently catching your cheek with his fingers along the way, caressing for a second.
"Remember when you took my virginity?" you asked softly and his eyes raked down your body frame, the past flickering in his mind.
"I do quite well; you were such a tight little thing and very nervous, so inexperienced that it took us a few go arounds to loosen you up to me." He smiled fondly, going to tend to his horse by giving him water from one of the canteens.
"How was your very first time?" you asked curiously, for he had never discussed much of his life particularly as a young man coming of age long before he had met you and it was others who had told you more about his mental and emotional difficulties at Cambridge during his time studying abroad for his doctorate. For whatever personal reason, he had always neglected airing his vulnerabilities from that period of his youth in front of you and you saw him glance down now, visibly uneasy.
"It was very unglamorous, I actually cried," he muttered bitterly and you raised your eyebrows.
"Yes, she and I both did. It was shameful, but thankfully that was an awkward phase I grew exponentially out of. Experience is a great teacher, if not occasionally harsh, but I have much better now... I have you and that's a comfort I suppose." He sighed wistfully, tugging on the bridle, patting the stallion's neck and rubbing his fingers through the coarse dark brown mane. You wandered away to relieve yourself as well, finding a more secluded spot and putting an indentation into the dry soil to crouch over and wipe clean with tissues you packed in a bag. By the time you came back, Robert was waiting on his horse and starting to move.
"It'll be getting dark soon, so let's find a site to set up camp not too far off," he announced with a brisk change of attitude and you nodded, going to saddle your own horse and he led the way only a bit further to a clear spot on a hill surrounded by several sprawling bushes and stunted trees on either sides. You helped him with the army grade spacious tent and built a small fire, which kept petering out from the growing gusts of wind and was unlikely to provide much warmth to last the night. You unpacked the two ham and cheese sandwiches you'd brought in the knapsack along, but as usual, he neglected an appetite and resorted to smoking a lone cigarette outside the tent, sitting by himself and staring out at the hills with a deeply pensive expression.
"Do you want one?" you asked of him, but it was as if he never heard you, fixed intently on the skyline.
"Robert, please eat something before we hunker down for the night and stay hydrated, will you? Your mouth will be dryer than a day's ashtray."
You left the sandwich on his lap and went to grab a flask of water, coming back to see he hadn't touched it.
"Eat," you pressed, picking it up and pushing it towards his mouth, causing him to finally - reluctantly - take a bite into it before setting it down again. You took a swig from the flask and watched him just sit there until you grew too frustrated and snatched it off his lap and back into the bag.
"You're worried about me," he muttered quietly and you sighed, nodding.
"I am. Don't lose any more weight, it's frankly scaring me seeing how almost skeletal you've been becoming these past few months. People rely on you here, you can't become too frail and catch sickness."
"My energy levels and functionality are stable."
"Well, I don't know how you do it, but I wish you'd have more than primarily drinks and cigarettes. You ate pretty well when the children were over, couldn't you do more of that? That was the healthiest I've seen you and dare I say happiest?"
He just nodded hesitantly with nothing further and you leaned your head on his shoulder, listening to his rhythms and watching the thickening clouds gathering in the west.
"It looks like rain tonight," you observed and he agreed, pulling you towards the tent.
"We might have quite a show," he said and you automatically tensed.
"Maybe we should head back..." you wondered worriedly, but he shook his head firmly.
"No, no time for that. We stay here and let it roll over. I've weathered storms like this before and once the air cools overnight, it will be bright and fresh as new by dawn."
You closed the tent tightly, checking for any chance of holes or leaks as thunder rumbled distantly and rain began to sprinkle the dusty ground. The tent buffered the blowing wind and you prayed the pegs would be strong enough to hold it down as gusts were making concaves in the fabric and shaking the framework. Lighting the kerosene lantern, you placed it in the corner where it cast black shadows with an orange glow and you shivered, drawing your light jacket closer. You turned around to see Robert unbuttoning his pale blue shirt and fumbling with his belt buckle, fingers twitching anxiously.
"Here? During the storm?" you whispered with a quickly parching dry mouth and he paused in trepidation with his trousers halfway down.
"Why not...? Are you frightened?"
"I hate these storms, we've never stayed out to experience one so close like this, and it's making me very nervous."
"Frank and I have been caught out in worse, calm down. I thought we could have a good time since we've been busy and out here there is no threat of interruptions, so you can be as crazy as you want."
You felt a prick of arousal and you do want him badly, but your nerves were skyrocketing more importantly.
"I'm too stressed," you admitted and he waved his hand dismissively.
"What you're forgetting, though, is that sex can very much be a stress reliever, so I'd be doing you a great favor."
But you pulled your knees up to your chest defensively and he sighed, reluctantly tugging his pants back up to sit at his slim waist. You took another sip of water from the flask and flinched at the first bright flash of lightning, but Robert's blue orbs lit up with excitement and before you could stop him, he unzipped the tent and crawled out, holding his hat to his head.
"Wait, where are you going?!" you gasped, going to peer out cautiously from the opening and you clutched the tent material in your fists, taking breaths to calm your racing heartbeat.
He was standing under the dark sky and tilting his face up to feel the splashing rain assault his skin and soaking his hat completely as the storm began to rage, full of angry gray blackening clouds harboring bolts of heat lightning with subsequent rolling thunder.
"Get inside!" you called, cringing, and he turned back with a grin, gesturing at the sky with a shout.
"Isn't it a marvelously grand natural spectacle?!"
You couldn't disagree, for it was in a frightening way, but you also saw it was rolling almost right overhead and the lightning was strobing at a wincing frequency with thunder booming, making your teeth rattle and you could feel the vibration in your chest. This was terribly dangerous.
"Robert, get in here now!" you nearly screamed and finally he walked back to the tent, crouching down and folding his body inside, quickly closing the entrance up behind him. You pulled off his wet hat and flung it to a corner as he smiled, nearly giddy, and you were not the least bit comforted.
"I really don't like this," you whimpered and his ecstatic energy faded, coming close to cup your face as you laid down on the sleeping bag, closing your eyes and shaking at the continuously booms. He removed the rest of his clothing and you grabbed his shirt, which smelled of pungent tobacco and sweat, to wrap tightly around yourself as he tossed the trousers away to the side and was now only in his boxers.
"Let me distract you," he breathed, but you were as tightly wound as a coiled hose and he leaned back, breathing with anticipation as the lightning cracked across the sky outside.
You watched his bare chest rising and falling, his boxers pressed for containment of his already erecting cock and the more you stared at it, the less rigid you began to feel and a feverish heat struck you, beginning to make you moisten, so you threw off his shirt and quickly unbuttoned your blouse, stripping it off and sliding your riding pants down to expose the dainty band of white underwear teasing out from your waist.
"Robert, touch me," you suddenly urged as he looked on with an obvious ache.
"I'd be glad to," he replied in a whisper, scooting over to lean in and help remove the bra, fingers grazing over your supple flesh until you were exposed, nipples hardened with blood. He slipped a hand down to your panties and jerked them down, carefully sliding them down your legs with the light force of surgical precision, until eventually you were left completely naked on the sleeping bag, still quivering slightly. He gently caressed your body length from neck to ankles and hummed a tune in an effort to calm you. Another crash of thunder made you jolt, but he came down on top and kissed you with impressionable impact, crushing his tongue into yours and smooshing his nose against your face, swirling tongues. You whimpered and panting, he pulled away abruptly as your arms reached out, groping at a bag nearby.
"What is it?" he asked, bringing it closer and you dug in a side pocket to find the spearmint chewing gum you kept on hand for situations without toothpaste, handing him a stick and one for yourself.
"Ah, I see." He popped it in his mouth and chewed fast before spitting it out and you did the same, satisfied enough. You then dug your fingers into his clipped hair, feeling every bristly inch of his scalp and neck.
"I need you," you breathed seductively with much desperation.
"I do more," he whispered back, going to meet your mouth again (he tasted deliciously of mint and he licked off the accumulating drool drizzling out the corner of your bottom lip) and then you pressed your forehead to his, goosebumps peppering up your arms with anticipation and excitement. He cupped your breasts with his palms and rolled his thumbs over your stiff nipples, surprising you when he tweaked them between two fingers and a whine escaped, giving away any reservations. You sat up and pulled him close, straddling his lap and wrapping your legs around his lean midriff while nuzzling into his neck and ear, making his breathing quicken and he murmured sweet nothings to your hair, cradling the back of your neck with one hand and the other resting under your bottom, lightly squeezing your ass cheeks, and you squirmed restlessly around his crotch, barely listening to the storm outside. You closed your eyes shut tightly, dulling the occasional flashing illuminating the tent and he moved his hands down to his boxers, ridding himself free and he sprung out against your stomach, the head dripping in warm, gooey pre-cum.
"Do you want a taste?" he breathed lowly and you nodded, blindly moving down and feeling his body until you came to his cock and you gripped the shaft, bringing it to your lips and suckling on the end, swallowing his fluids as if it were nourishment and he shuddered with the action of you taking him orally, struggling to control his own impulses. You pulled out, tongue raking over his swollen member and the indigo veins pulsating with rushing blood. He groaned, so close, and you pulled back to fondle his balls, delicately compressing teasingly.
"Don't hit top so fast," you chastised as he flexed, dangerously near to squirting.
"Then you will have to stop touching altogether," he gasped, face pinkening with the strenuous effort of holding back.
"Then do me, darling... Bring me to where you are," you coaxed, shifting position so he could access your vagina, which was creating pockets of natural lubricant swelling at the lips in anticipation. The rain pattered the tent and his finger wormed into your opening, exploring and your walls enveloped it, making him smile at your high pitching whimpers.
"So easy... You don't even need me entirely," he whispered in observance.
"Oh, but I do..." you moaned, getting closer to where you wanted to be and he jammed up another finger, making you twitch instinctively and writhe with heat.
"Robert, no, I can't stop it - I-I'm gonna-"
"Go on, then," he ordered and you squealed in overloading pleasure, grinding with his hand.
"That's a girl, that's my love," he whispered in praise and your back arched, a muscle spasming in your foot as he slowly removed his fingers, wiping them on your vaginal opening, smearing cum all over the skin.
"Now it's my turn," he murmured, his weight that was hardly over 125 pounds hovering onto you, arms down behind your head as he went in to align and thrusted his hips as fast as he could without piercing you too painfully. All too shortly, he grunted and his semen spit into your cervix, filling you up and you clenched before swiftly pushing him back to the sleeping bag, rolling with him in the fabric to come out on top, letting his cock join your pussy and you rocked with him, jumping slightly at another loud clap of thunder, but the pleasure was more pressing than whatever Mother Nature was displaying outside and minutes later, you internally exploded into euphoria overtaking every other function of your being, yelping as loudly as possible and desperately clinging, digging, into his shoulder blades.
"Fuck, it feels so gooood..." you moaned, riding the waves of arousal cresting and ebbing.
"Well, it had better if I'm doing it and if not, then that's simply an impossibility otherwise," Robert replied too smugly and you playfully smacked his chest, grooving up and down with his cock. He grinned, flashing his white teeth in the yellow-orange light of the single lantern and relished in observing you enjoying him a few more times until you grew fatigued, legs aching and trembling from the exertions.
"I love your orgasms," he said softly as you panted, catching air.
"How do you know you love them? You can't feel what I do," you breathed densely, stroking his throat.
"I enjoy watching you experience them," he clarified with emphasis.
"If beauty were a feeling, this would most certainly be it," you decided with a smile and he echoed it, palming your cheek and rubbing a thumb on your tender earlobe.
"Beauty isn't a feeling, she's a person."
You blushed and his grin grew broader, tracing his thumb down your jaw and ending at your chin, which he pressed into lightly and you giggled, straddling his dick again.
When you hit your last climax, you collapsed onto his chest with his cock still twitching inside you and the sticky mess was gathering between his body and yours when he shifted, gradually squirming out of your hole and you closed your eyes, listening to the lessening storm moving off to the east and Robert held you close as you mumbled faintly to his shoulder.
"My father used to say when I was a child that thunder was the byproduct of the gods having a game of bowling."
"Then they're getting a lot of strikes tonight," he chuckled before speaking more seriously.
"Now, if we go by mythology alone, it would surely be the work of Astrapē and Brontē, unless Zeus is on the warpath again with his own thunderbolts that were actually fashioned by the Uranian Cyclopes, notably Brontes, Steropes, and Arges. Did you know brontē translates to thunder, the name 'Steropes' comes from steropē, meaning 'lightning bolt', and 'Arges' originates from argē, or 'flashing'?"
"Tell me about them all," you whispered sleepily and he began to recite from Greek, voice fading and tuning in and out like a poor radio broadcast as you drifted in and out of a state of sleep, disorienting your surroundings, but the one constant was him underneath you.
After a while and he had grown quiet, you groaned, getting off him with ears perked for noise of the storm, but there was only a steady rain trickling off outside, the light show and rock and roll done with, so you unzipped the tent and hurried outside. The fire had long gone out and the air had indeed cooled, moist on your skin and a balm to your lungs as you went to urinate over several feet away, letting some of the sexual fluids leak out, and as soon as you were finished, you scuttled back to the tent lightly soaked in rain and inside, Robert had made a comfortable nest out the sleeping bag and couple blankets, ready to rest with you. You snuggled in and he cupped your face, bringing you close to his side and you almost fell asleep instantly to dwell in a dark depth.
You were marked with a bit of relief when early morning came, the daylight breaking out over the mountains and you stumbled nude out of the tent, shivering from the chill and breathing in that stinging freshness of rain. You caught the first beam of sunlight coming up over the hills and you felt Robert come to hug you from behind and nuzzle into the side of your neck, him still unclothed as well. The thought of someone spotting the two of you out here bare as could be crossed your mind, but that was impossible for this was too remote. The sky was blissfully silent and pink clouds drifted lazily from the horizon, clearing out for another day.
"Have you ever had sexual intercourse during the course of a thunderstorm before?" you asked softly and he breathed out slowly, his warm breath blowing onto your neck and chin.
"I have done a great many unusual experiences, but none such as this with you. I would do it wholeheartedly a hundred times over."
"I think I would too," you replied sincerely and he spun you around to press his forehead to yours and cradle your head in a loving vice.
"I can't think of a more powerful way to express my love for you, Aphrodite," he murmured and you felt like crying for whatever reason. You blinked, lashes wet, and he pulled back to stare at you with a sort of fascination.
"We should dress," you pointed out and he glanced down at his bare appendages with a grin.
"What's the hurry?"
"The horses are watching," you said quietly and awkwardly, noticing both of them standing stock still and heads facing in your directions.
"Well, in that case..." Robert quickly ducked back into the tent, tugging you with him and falling to the sleeping bag with a grin.
"I'm ready for it, if you want a round two?" he asked with some excitement and then wasted no time as you let him feel you up before his cock pushed in again, but you weren't wet hardly enough and it made you wince at the brash roughness shoving into your semi-tight hole. He gripped the blanket pooling around your head and grunted, thrusting as you whimpered, attempting to shove him off.
"Robert, no, it hurts," you protested and upon seeing your visibly contorted face of pain, he immediately stopped trying, rolling off to the side and huffing.
"God, I'm sorry... I forget it's too fast sometimes, I suppose I should've brought lubrication," he apologized sheepishly and you sighed, cuddling into his slim body and resting a hand on his flat stomach.
"Do we have to go back to town? I think I could stay out here forever," you admitted and you could hear the prideful joy in his tone.
"I knew I could make it work, having combined my love for physics and the New Mexico countryside. Destiny, you reckon?"
"No, just hard work and the right connections," you answered flatly.
"Such a boring realist," he teased and you chuckled, lying in silence for a while with him until a glaring sunlight hit the tent walls, glowing up the space in a translucent light.
"Wait, what time is it?" you inquired pressingly and he checked his watch, the relaxation dimming into a grim seriousness.
"Time to pack up and ride back before they send the calvary to find us," he said, not covering his bit of disappointment and getting up to pull his boxers back on. You both redressed in the clothes from yesterday and folded up the tent, packing on the horses and you settled on yours to follow behind Robert on his out of the campsite and along the way you came from, give or take a certain pathway and few miles.
When you finally reached Los Alamos, it was broad daylight and military personnel were stationed as usual by the gate. Robert calmly nodded after checking in briefly and went clopping by the checkpoint first while you tried to ignore a few stares and some man actually whistled, making you feel entirely self-conscious, as though you were an open book and they could somehow know or likely assume all that had happened overnight, but that was absolutely absurd; security was tight here, but not that extreme to tail you out into the desert.
You trotted your horse up beside Robert's and he looked to you, raising eyebrows at your leery expression.
"Everything alright?" he asked curiously and you bit your lip, unable to voice your true doubts, so you downplayed it.
"It's really nothing, I'm just reacclimating to being in town after such a night. I'll tell you, even with that horrid storm, I didn't miss it much here."
He nodded nonchalantly and then gave you a cautious once-over, licking his lips.
"I'm already nostalgic for that wilderness journey. How about, if it's permitted, we do the same another time, just you and me again?" he proposed knowingly.
"It's a date, then." You smiled as the horses took you and him down the road towards home.
Thanks for reading, I always appreciate any feedback and the patience as I continue work on slowly developing this further. I will say there's going to be a party next chapter and I'll be adding Ernest Lawerence (Josh Hartnett) in, so maybe look forward to that ❤️
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 4 months
ᴛʀɪᴀɴɢʟᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ || ᴄʜᴀɴɢʙɪɴ (sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs) ɴɪɴᴛʜ!ғ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
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It's a special ferret boys' birthday! And two very special people are dying to give him the most special gift one could receive! But what happens when these two happen to be fated rivals for the ferrets love, and when this special gift suddenly goes missing?
ෆ contents - cursing towards the end, drags on a bit, arguing, fluff, crack?, kinda lazy writing
ෆ word count - 903
ෆ notes - can you tell i ran out of ideas 😭 i really tried my best with this one i swear, its just i dont really know binnie as well as the other members but that doesn't mean i dont love him im ot8 i promise🤞
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"When are you going to accept my feelings, Hyunjin-a.." Came the flirtatious words of a certain pig-rabbit. The latter braced himself for what he knew was about to happen. A well aimed plastic water bottle flew across the room and hit Casanova on his shoulder, "Ow! Okay that one was uncalled for, Ai!" The smirking maknae broke into a fit of giggles as she, once again, foiled Changbin's plan for Hyunjin's affections. Ever since Hyun and Ai had been confirmed to be dating, the interactions between the two and Changbin have become comedy gold. As previously mentioned, the rapper does any thing and everything to "flirt" with Hyunjin, from making comments, to romantic gestures, and even preventing other people, including Hyun's own girlfriend from stealing his affections. Obviously this is all a joke, Changbin would never do something so heinous, so Aiko never took is seriously and even bought into the joke. Now the three have become involved in some sort of love triangle.
Outside of fighting for Hyunjin's love, Changbin and Aiko often had small quarrels about other small things, not as much as Ai does with other members, but enough to earn a eyeroll from anyone within earshot. "I thought you had it!" "No! Chan told me you had it!" "Well obviously it's not in my hands, so why do you think I have it?!" "Guys! Arguing about it isn't going to find it!" Another day, another petty kindergarten argument. But it wasn't just a normal day, it was Hyunjin's birthday! And for the ferrets special day, Aiko and Changbin decided to pitch in and get a gift for him from the both of them. An art set that had a lot of supplies Hyunjin had been wanting for his artwork. They had both bought it and decided to give it to Channie to hold onto, because they were aware that one of them would be dumb enough to lose it. And they did.
"Hyunjin's party is in 30 minuets, what are we going to do? Show up with no gift?!" Aiko panicked, she personally didn't like it when things didn't go to plan, especially when it came to the love of her life's birthday. "Well, we'll just go out looking for it! It's not like it grew legs and walk away!" Changbin suggested, hopeful as always. "You're making it sound like that's what it did! Ugh, let's go look where Chan said he put it, it couldn't be far from there." The pair set off to the confined room, desperate to find the gift to prove who loved Hyunjin most once and for all.
While the two desperately searched, Hyunjin had already arrived. "Where's Ai and Changbin?" Hyunjin had asked, noticing the absence of his most valued admirers. "Oh! They're looking for a gi-" "They're looking for something! Don't worry, they'll be here shortly!" Han quickly hushed Chan, persistent on keeping the gift a secret. Hyunjin obviously didn't buy the act but obliged, he turned away and looked around, waiting to see what the two were doing, hoping that they weren't killing eachother in the process.
"Dammit! We're 30 minuets late looking for this cursed ass gift, we should just give up and show up fuckin' empty handed!" Aiko had enough, clearly, and her mouth spoke faster than what her brain could think. As his younger companion cursed angrily to herself in one corner of the room, Changbin searched frivolously, hoping to any God out there that he'd find this gift. Not only for himself, but for both Hyunjin and Aiko. "You don't think Chan hid it.. right?-" Aiko suspected, it was the only other explanation. "No, Chan isn't like that, there has to be another way this happened. The two sat against the wall in silent defeat, wondering what the hell they were going to do. Both had too much humility and guilt to just show up to one of their closest friend's party empty handed. As they sat in self pity, Aiko looked around and noticed pieces of paper and a few markers scattered around the nearby table, had someone.. set this up? "Oppa, I have an idea." Aiko got up to grab the paper from the table. Changbin looked over to see Ai start folding the paper the several ways. It didn't take long for Changbin to realize what she was doing, "Oh my god you're a genius! Let me get some too!" The two giggled to themselves and hurried to make their newest plan.
Downstairs, a certain birthday boy was still waiting for one of his closest friend and love of his life (though one can argue is both of them) make their way to the party that was slowly dying out. Without two of the loudest members there it was left to Han and Felix to keep up the mood. A sudden burst open of a door made everyone jump as the long awaited Dweakki-Cat duo loudly made their way to the party an hour late. "JAGI! LOOK WHAT I MADE FOR YOU! IT WAS MY IDEA!" Aiko exclaimed as she showed Hyunjin what she did, before being shoved aside by her more stronger older brother, "Nonsense! Mine are clearly more expertly crafted!- Ow!-" Changbin yelped as Aiko kicked him from below. As the two once again started they're usual banter, a fond smile was placed on Hyunjin's face, They had made him paper hearts.
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Always keep in mind that nothing in this series and in my posts are real! So anything that may seem 'out of character' should be considered as part of a fake universe! <3
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daenysx · 1 year
i'm not so sure about this but i wanted to write for modern!aegon, i hope you like it! i'll be waiting for your comments please share them with me. <3
requests are open!!
my masterlist
it gets too much for him and you are there to save his night with your cigarettes and your smile.
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it's too crowded.
aegon targaryen doesn't like crowded places.
it makes him feel like he can't breathe, like he is under the water and can't come up for air. he looks around nervously, watches people. why is everyone happy? why are they having such a great time? why can't he be like them?
well, first of all, his mother made it perfectly clear that if he drinks any kind of alcohol or consumes anything that messes with his head, he would face with the consequences. like not getting any money from his parents. he can't afford that right now.
so, he promised alicent. he will stay sober until the end of this night. he will act like the good son who stays by his parents' side and celebrates his father's birthday.
second of all, aemond stands too close to him. god forbid, if aegon does anything wrong or inappropriate his little brother should stop him because that's what a good son would do.
and finally, there is no one in this goddamn party who entertains him with some company. no one comes closer, no one talks to him besides saying hello. he can't decide if he should feel relieved for not being obligated to speak with stupid, pretentious people or he should feel sad for not having a person who thinks he is worth to talk.
the air in the room gets heavier as the number of people increase. he wants to go out for fresh air. he wants to feel numb and drunk again. he wants to be freed of this event and be like himself again.
he walks through the door and of course aemond is there, looks at him with a questioning look.
"i'm going outside. don't worry i won't try to steal people's drinks."
aemond hums. he doesn't look like he cares about aegon anyway. perfect opportunity and aegon leaves.
when he is outside, he takes a deep breath. there is a huge balcony and there are a few people who stands there, chatting and laughing. he doesn't dare to approach them, no need. he will stay here and try to clear his head as much as he can.
until he sees you.
you stand there with a little frown on your face, taking a drag from your cigarette. you blow the smoke and have this careless smile which looks like it's full of happiness and his heart skips a beat.
you see him.
he should say it back like a normal person. he swallows and looks at your face with uncertain eyes. "hey."
"you are aegon targaryen, right?"
"guilty as charged."
you say your name with a smile on your face. he thinks it's cute and dangerous. dangerous for his pathetic heart.
"why do you look so sad?" you ask.
"it's not the best party ever, right? you don't seem so enjoyed anyway."
"i mean, i didn't come here villingly but- i wouldn't like it if it would be the best party ever as well. i'm not good at that stuff."
he is having a hard time believing the fact that someone is talking to him. someone who claims not being 'good at that stuff' talks to him and seems happy with the conversation.
"would you like one?" you offer a cigarette to him.
he is not sure. do cigarettes count as one of the things he shouldn't consume? there are so many words of alicent in his mind with her trembling and disappointed voice, they are all blurry now. fuck it, even if aemond comes here and sees him smoking, who cares? he will not reject anything you offer.
a few minutes full of comfortable silence. he loves it. he takes a drag from the cigarette and the clouds in his mind slowly disappears. he stays there, hoping you won't leave him soon.
he knows you are here with your parents who work with viserys, your last name is familiar. you are here because they asked. he has never met you though, usually your brother would come to those kind of events.
the feel of a summer breeze awakens his thoughts. you only wear a dress, don't you feel cold? he quickly takes off his jacket and puts it on your shoulders without saying anything.
"thank you, aegon." there is that smile again. he can get addicted to make you smile.
he smiles back for a moment, enjoys the cool wind against his hair. he wants to hear you talk more, he wants to tell you about things. he doesn't even know you but he wants to spend his time with you.
"care to explain why you're pouting?"
your voice brings him back. he isn't even aware of his pouting face.
"sorry, it's nothing. you know, actually i'm funnier when i'm drunk."
you light up another cigarette. "so, you didn't drink tonight?"
"is this your way of saying you aren't having fun with me?" he jokes.
"no, you're fine. being with you here is far better than anything i can do at this party." you say with a warm smile. he feels the praise deep in his heart. it's such a beautiful feeling.
"i promised my mother not to drink and do stupid things tonight."
"do you do stupid things when you drink? you just said you'd be funnier."
he looks at your lips blowing the smoke. you look exquisite.
"i think i'm funnier, they think i'm insufferable. it's depends on your sense of being funny i guess."
"maybe one day, i'll see you drunk." you say.
"what kind of a person are you when you're drunk?" he asks curiously. he is happy that he can continue with the conversation. maybe he hasn't lost all of his abilities for being his charming self tonight.
"i'm mostly a happy drunk. i ask for people's attention, laugh too much and i know it can be annoying sometimes. there are moments when alcohol makes me cry though. not so great moments, especially when i drink alone." you answer truthfully like he is your friend. he likes your honesty.
"we should definitely get drunk together."
you nod. he smiles. "you look adorable when you smile like that." you say. he gives you a surprised face.
he can't believe what he just heard for a moment. "adorable?"
"yes." you say. he smiles again.
"no one has ever called me adorable before."
"well, it's their fault. you seem pretty adorable to me." you answer back.
he doesn't know if you actually mean it. "are you drunk right now?"
you chuckle, the best sound he has ever heard. "no, not drunk. i didn't drink that much, i'm just being honest."
"thank you. adorable." he says.
"would you like to go back inside?" you ask.
"i don't want to go back there but if you're cold-"
"no, no. i'm fine. we can stay here."
and he stays with you.
he doesn't know he just found the love of his life. the person who makes him want to be a better man. the person who gets drunk with him then tries to hold him, and he always opens his arms.
not only saving his dreadful night, you actually manage to save him from his own mind and he thinks he can settle for this. he has found you standing in a balcony, blowing smokes from your pretty lips with all your glory, and he will never let go of you.
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star-quill · 1 year
me normally: really big age gaps are not okay most of the time! the power dynamic is bad
me after reading that blurb: I want to be peter’s sweet seemingly innocent young little plaything
mmhm mmhm mmhm!!!!!!
maybe a few people around the neighbourhood find him attractive too, not knowing that you're his girl, the one he comes home to every night. you still stay at your place every so often but most nights you're in his bed, wearing his shirts, his dog tag necklace around your neck.
mornings with him were just heavenly. on the hot summer nights, the pair of you usually slept naked and peter still ran warm, but it was a nice kind of warm. when he wakes up, his arm starts to move, then his hand is roaming around your body. it finds its way between your legs and you then slowly wake up, whining when his fingers slide between your folds. he's kissing your shoulder, your whimpers in his ear are only egging him on.
but nights with him are even better. sitting on his lap, his hands on your waist while he's kissing you. to him, you're absolutely the prettiest thing he's ever seen. he's just absolutely obsessed with you, obsessed with everything about you.
it takes a while for you both to even really think about going out in public together as a couple, fearing the looks people might give you, or the comments people might make. it's not until a fourth of july barbecue at peter's that you kiss him in front of everyone. he's at the barbecue, flipping the chicken and the burgers and you go up to him, ask him if he needs anything. he asks if you can grab him a beer from the fridge inside and you happily oblige, leaning up to kiss his cheek. only a few people notice, but word gets around quick and you soon feel everyone's eyes on you. peter's about to put his hand around your waist before you run out the back gate and over to your place. he tells a friend to keep an eye on the food before he's gone to check on you. he finds you in your bedroom, crying into your pillow.
"baby.. hey, what's wrong?"
"everyone was staring.. everyone.."
he sat down beside you, his hand on your waist as you lay on your side, wiping your tears.
"they can look and stare all they want, you know it's just jealousy.."
"you'd be better off with any of the hot moms in the neighbourhood.. not me.."
"not true.. i hate the nights that you spend here, feels weird wakin' up to an empty bed without you there.."
you smile a little when he says that.
"i want you to come back to the barbecue.. i don't care who stares at us, i want you next to me.. you're my girl and i want the whole neighbourhood to know it.."
you just roll your eyes, smiling and taking his hand as he brings you back over to his. and you do as he says, you stand next to him, one of his arms around your shoulder while the other flips the meat around. a few of the moms are glaring at you but then you realise, you don't actually care. he could be fucking them, but he comes home to you (almost) every night. you then think of how to piss them off even more, getting back at all the times they've made fun of you for saying you think he's attractive. the food's all cooked and served and he's sitting on one of the garden sofas in the backyard. you walk past him and go inside, taking some of the cold food inside to keep cool. you don't even realise one of the moms has followed you until she turns you around.
"oh.. hi.."
"are you fucking him?"
"who? peter?"
you just smile and laugh a little.
"well.. yeah.. why?"
"why did he choose you?"
"well, for starters.. he wasn't going to fuck someone who didn't have a tight pussy.. plus, he thinks i'm cute.."
"you know he only sees you as some sort of plaything, someone he can fuck and throw away.."
"yeah? is that why he keeps coming over to mine so he can put his dick down my throat? or put his head between my legs? or push me down onto my bed and fuck me until i'm numb?"
she didn't even say anything then. you just smiled and walked back outside, sitting next to peter on the outdoor sofa, legs tucked underneath you as you lean into his side. his arm slid behind you and around your waist, his hand coming to rest on your hip. maybe at first you were a plaything, someone he could fuck just to let his frustrations out, but now you were well and truly his. more importantly, you were his girl.
but it didn't hurt to mention about being just a plaything to him when everyone was gone, straddling his lap while you grinded down into his lap.
"plaything, hm?"
"mmhm.. i can officially be your girlfriend but what if, on occasion, you fuck me just like that.."
"mmhm.. yeah.."
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hot-take-tournament · 5 months
Omg the reblog person is so real for that. I understand that Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm so liking doesn't functionally do anything but I get extremely anxious about reblogging so the guilt trips are really awful for me (and I assume it's the same for others with similar issues.)
Uh- bit of a tangent/rant below. For context I'm an "Audhd-er" (I think that's the term people use, it means I'm autistic and I have ADHD)
I understand most of the time they are over-exaggerating their feelings on the matter. In posts about reblogging stuff from writers and artists it's always kind of a "LIKES DO NOTHING SHOW YOUR LOVE WITH REBLOGS LIKES MEAN NOTHING"
I've always found that a bit odd. As someone with two mutuals (one of whom is rarely online) and 1 normal follower my reblogs really aren't gonna do much so I mostly reblog stuff my mutuals might like and occasionally make my own posts. (Keeping everything else private for the most part) When I get a like it always brings a warm fuzzy feeling because it means someone enjoyed my reblog or post enough to share with me that they liked it.
I've only had one post that breached containment and it was a fun weekend of checking out the blogs of people who liked it! All in all I think maybe people are just unaware of the anxieties that come with being online and the people who experience those anxieties are too anxious to really speak up about it. I mean look at me I'm chilling behind an anon mask rn (I rarely send an off anon ask lol.)
For a website dubbed by its users as the neurodivergent website, some people forget to consider that learning and working within the culture of a social media platform can be extremely stressful for many types of people, let alone an autistic person such as myself (the ADHD doesn't help either). Some of us would prefer to lurk in our private blogs, only coming out of our comfort zone when we feel ok to do so.
All in all, a reminder to reblog is perfectly fine, but please refrain from the guilt-tripping and social obligation type of thing— or at least be aware of it and try not to be offended if one of your mutuals struggles to reblog.
Now this is all my personal perspective, other people will likely have completely different experiences but I wanted to share in case people were confused on why it's an issue for some people. Thanks for reading this whole thing and I hope you have a lovely day <3
I think I get what you're saying -
For a lot of people it genuinely takes a surprising amount of guts to put themselves out there on the internet in any way, even if it's anonymously, and that includes things as simple as reblogging a post.
It's not just Tumblr either. You also see it on Reddit and Twitter, and in online games where people just want to keep to themselves and not interact with strangers. Some people just want to lurk, maybe liking or upvoting, but not commenting or reblogging, because that feels like making yourself more "visible" somehow, in a way simply liking posts doesn't.
It's difficult to put into words, but I feel it's kind of like being in a university lecture with 50+ strangers. Liking is sitting in the back quietly taking notes. Reblogging is like putting your hand up and giving an opinion when the professor asks for one.
It's true that only reblogging actually contributes anything functionally, but there are plenty of people, especially neurodivergent people, who might struggle with that kind of thing, but still want to show some appreciation, or just save it as a bookmark.
So, I think that's partly why that kind of guilt-tripping or threatening reblog bait can be so stressful. Tumblr is a comfort app for a lot of people, who just want to curate their own little private space. Reblog baits are like someone banging on your door, telling you that you're actively doing something wrong by keeping to yourself, and (in the case of "I'll block/unfollow you if you like/read but don't reblog" baits) people will hate you for doing it.
It also implicitly takes away the sense of control you have over your own personal online space. Ideally, you should be able to do whatever you want with your own blog - no one should dictate your own online experience. So, if you just want to reblog things you like or want to share, at whatever pace you feel comfortable with, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.
But reblog baits seem to suggest that you shouldn't have that control, and there are certain things that you have no choice but to put on your blog, and it has to be right now. And I feel that sense of having control suddenly snatched away from you without warning could also be a major source of anxiety for a lot of people who see Tumblr as a source of comfort.
With all that in mind, while I do believe that it's not quite this simple, considering artists and writers, and especially those who rely on commissions, do need exposure from reblogs, I also feel it's difficult to blame people for finding very aggressive reblog baits stressful, especially when you're suddenly blindsided with them.
At least, those are just my initial thoughts based on what you said, but absolutely let me know if you disagree with any of this or feel I misrepresented what you meant <3
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tgrailwar-zero · 7 months
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For those that follow me outside of here, you may have been present for my waffling as to whether to continue a few weeks back. And I've made a decision.
THGW-Zero will be continuing!
And while I don't play FGO anymore, I'm not against shamelessly using their assets for this.
Of course, there's a bit more than just that, so let's get into it!
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'Major updates' will occur weekly. They won't be just prompts for polls, though. Rather than somewhat-daily polls with a limited amount of options, the main posts will put into consideration as many of the asks, comments, and suggestions sent in throughout the week as possible- and the characters will respond. And then, generally at the end of the post there will be a poll pertaining to a major choice to vote on.
However, smaller one-day polls will occur during the week (mainly pertaining to item usage or smaller interactions). They'll also serve as ways to steer the narrative in the 'main post', giving players a chance to nudge things in either a more or less favorable direction. For the sake of simplicity, I'll probably give them a name like 'mini polls', or something.
(This means that some asks will show up during the week before the 'main post', and some will only show up when the 'main post' happens)
So, more akin to this. But hopefully with a better outcome.
This will be the main factor of story progression, and gives people more of a chance to think about what the next desired outcome is rather than feeling like you have to catch everything day-of in order to follow along. So, a 'main post' will be uploaded, a week will pass to discuss, send in asks to learn more about the situation, or give suggestions about what to do for the next 'main post', and then there will be a update a week later (give or take a day to write and gather responses). The day being a chance to gather together people's responses and write the next part of the story. This should help make things both less stressful (both for me and you guys), and easier to keep up with. No more accidentally missing a week and then suddenly everything's changed.
We'll call this a test run. If it doesn't work, we can always go back to normal!
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The HP/MP system is going to receive a facelift, as well as the 'success' system. I think a more overt 'gamification' ended up causing more undue stress, so I'm going to try forgoing that for a more narrative approach. Every action will have set pros and cons, some of which will be clearer than others. I want to prompt more exploration and communication, rather than simply 'get the most votes here and everything will be safe and fine forever'.
There will be stricter moderation regarding inter-player discussion. Doing some backreading, there were a lot of moments where I could have put a heavier hand down and cut things off before they got too intense.
And, considering how a recent Grail War got, in a word, 'nasty'- I'm not fond of recreating that. If you're displeased with a situation, then you can make that known without being condescending and unpleasant to other people- and if you're going to do it via anon, then be known that I'm not obligated to post it.
And… that's about it! Keep a lookout for a new 'Main Post' that'll briefly recap the details and push things forward! Hope you all have a good week!
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