#i don't particularly mind either way i'm simply curious
more like tinkerballs
I keep trying to come up with a funny response but the only thing I can think of is "she's tinkerballin!" and now I can't think of anything else
happy tinkerballin tuesday :)
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I have a little bit of an interesting question! I know you stated you like writing horror and NSFW, or at least you do not mind dabbling in them, so I'm curious to your opinion:
(Please, very important onto this, keep in mind that, when I ask about 'Yandere', while yes, I mean this lovesick, obsessed character who goes to kidnapping/harming others/threatening/killing etc extremes to get the object of their affection/obsession, there's many yandere types. I PERSONALLY like only a handful of them because I am very careful with TW (I do not like toxic relationships where the 'darling' is deprived of privacy, is mistreated, forced to do things, has hands laid on them, has their emotional well being messed up by demeaning words, etc, and I do not enjoy abuse depictions of the trope either, so I cherry-pick a lot (due to personal trauma). Yanderes are often portrayed as straight up abusive when they needn't be, there's delusional ones, lucid ones who do not want to feel the way they do, others who rather give themselves to the object of obsession/affection and would rather hurt themselves than ever upset them, others who lean more towards manipulation, etc.). I say this because TW are important and while this is 'just a question in a blog' I want to inform you that there is NO EXPECTATION for you to write abuse, toxicity or anything of the sort. While being WELL AWARE that yandere relationships WILL be unhealthy in nature, it is that kind of 'unhealthy possessive' vibe you can enjoy IN FICTION, and should NEVER allow in real life. Take care of yourselves ❤️)
Obviously, none of the characters are canonically yandere, but do you have any opinions on who could fit the bill? And how/what way/what category they'd fit into?
Please ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable in any way and even if you simply respond without any headcanons/just a little ramble, remember to put TW so people who blacklist yandere stuff or feel trigger by any of it continue having a safe space here! Love your blog and what you do! Keep up the amazing work, and congratulations on such endless artistic talent!!
I haven't done a whole lot with the Yandere trope. I have one unpublished fan fiction for another fandom entirely that involves a yandere character in an antagonistic role. I don't tend to romanticize it because of how problematic it can be.
So needless to say, ⚠️ trigger warnings ⚠️ ahead for this topic, some more than others (lookin' at you, Doffy).
I feel like Sanji could fit the bill of being the lucid, regretful yandere. He knows that his obsession with you could be problematic, but he just can't help it. He gets insecure and jealous easily, and may be inclined to threaten any other men that happen to get to close to his beloved, platonically or romantically. He wants you completely to himself. Would be apologetic about his behavior and feel sincerely guilty for it, but just unable to keep himself from doing so. He also feels his behavior is protecting you in a way from being taken advantage of, and that's the only justification he can make for it—even to himself.
Mihawk, while his confidence and ego mean he's not really the jealous type, would still be a worthy candidate. He wants you aware that you are his in every sense of the word. You, your love, your mind, your body, all belong to him. No one else. He may very well be violent about it, though not toward you—just toward anyone who dares challenge his ownership over you. Toward his lover, he would be particularly doting and gentle, treating you like a fragile and priceless work of art. He would be incredibly disinclined to allow you to go anywhere without him; and if he finds out anyone else is attempting to court your affections or, heaven forbid, hurt you, then their days are going to be numbered.
Next would be Crocodile. Getting more ⚠️triggery⚠️ here. Prime candidate for a possessive yandere. Even if he doesn't have much time for you, you're still his property. He'll expect you to have time for him, to adhere to his schedule and his whims. He'll have a list of rules that you have to follow—no speaking with other men without him present, no going out in public without him or a guard that he has personally assigned to you; this is as much for the sake of keeping you safe as it is to ensure that you don't do anything he would disapprove of. In exchange, he'll shower you with lavish gifts, and treat you like a princess when he is with you...but if you break the rules, there will be consequences.
And lastly, and by far the most triggery, Doflamingo. Congratulations, you've caught the attention of an absolutely sadistic and manipulative yandere! He values total control over all aspects of your life. But he's going to make you think you have some freedom at first. He'll pout a little if you want to go somewhere without him, but he'll allow it...on the surface, at least. Then he'll hire some thug or other criminal deviant to scare you right back into his arms, whether with idle threats or physical force. He'll make you feel like he's your only source of safety and comfort. Make you defend him to your concerned friends and family of your own volition, until you have absolutely no one left but him to turn to. He'll justify it by saying it absolutely is for your own safety, and he sincerely believes that to be true; even if he wasn't hiring people to frighten you, there's still every chance that you could be hurt or enticed to leave if you stray too far from his side, and he can't allow that. Whether he views you as a lover or just a plaything, no one else is allowed to touch you but him.
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inkedroplets · 3 months
what if. what if.
💘 for quakecorp
OK This grew unruly and will probably connect up with the MCU fic I'm working on so I'll only post a snippet. Fake dating for the best Luthor and this dork:
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Some things never change…
While it was maybe the furthest thing from funny, Lena still couldn’t help but find it amusing that even on an Earth so much different than her own, without the inescapable baggage of her name weighing her down, she was once again having to deal with another attempt on her life.
From the way Skye was watching the door like a hawk, reclining back in her chair as much as it would allow her to, Lena knew she must be waiting for someone. The self-satisfied smile that spread across her face instantly like a cat that had gulped down a particularly tasty canary made it abundantly clear that it was Lena she was waiting for. 
“Hello, Dear.”
“Sweetheart,” Lena replied without missing a beat, sitting down on her left. 
Jemma watched this exchange nervously, gaze flickering from Daisy to Lena and back again a number of times before finally settling on Coulson. “I really think we tabled the safehouse idea too quickly.” 
“We tabled it quickly because Lena refused,” May said. 
“Refused to entertain something so patently ridiculous,” Fitz said, repeating back what Lena said verbatim..
“If I went into hiding every time there was a threat on my life-”  
“I think an exception can be made this once,” Jemma reasoned. She looked around the table, hoping to rally support but only managed a halfhearted nod from Fitz on her second pass around which looked to upset her more than if he had simply avoided her gaze entirely. “She jabbed a finger at one of the screens that had Lena's would-be assassin’s dossier displayed. “His name is Bullseye for heaven's sake!” 
“I would like to avoid breathing the same air as someone with such a stupid name,” Lena said fairly. “But I’d also like this matter settled as soon as possible.” “To be fair, Poindexter isn’t that much better than Bullseye,” Daisy said fairly. 
Jemma gaped at the both of them. “I wouldn't classify a price on your head as trivial as a mere matter.” 
“I still can't believe you had other people trying to kill you back on your earth,” Fitz said, sounding genuinely mystified at the concept which Lena decided to take as a compliment. 
“The last one,” Lena said, taking a moment to think, “poisoned me.” 
“Tried to poison, you mean,” Fitz said.
“No, I don't,” Lena said darkly as the face of Morgan Edge floated to the surface of her mind. She wondered vaguely how close she had actually come to dying that time around. If not for Kara… She was struck by just how long ago that felt. A lifetime. Several lifetimes. 
“I’ll be fine, Jemma,” Lena assured her. “Not the first time someone’s wanted me dead. Not the last either.” She tried to ballpark the number of times there had been a credible threat on her life and figured it had to be well over a hundred by now, although she knew better than to tell Jemma that. “She will be fine,” Coulson said reassuringly. “We had Stark move his expo indoors so that Mr. Poindexter will need to get in close if he wants to get to Lena.” “How big of a fit did Stark end up throwing when you told him?” May asked, looking amused. 
“Not big at all. I promised I'd owe him a favor once everything is said and done,” Coulson said, clearly used to it being the other way around.
“My condolences,” May replied. 
“There will be agents in place disguised as guests. They’ve all been instructed to keep their distance until we can locate Mr. Poindexter.. We'll be watching every way into the building so we’ll know when he arrives. When he does, we’ll apprehend them. If all goes according to plan-” 
“Which is always the case,” Skye murmured under her breath.
“-Skye and Lena won't even lay eyes on him.” 
“And if they do?” Jemma asked, sounding more curious than worried, maybe hoping that Coulson had an ace up his sleeve. “Then they follow the plan to the letter.” Coulson explained, which didn’t seem to alleviate Jemma’s concerns in the slightest. “Lena, Skye?”he said, turning towards the both of them. “Yes?” “To. The. Letter. I don’t like putting either of you in the crosshairs but you insisted on doing it this way,” he said looking at Lena. “And we need someone close on the off-chance that they get close enough to engage.” “I still think May would be better suited for that, don’t you think?” Fitz asked. 
Coulson shook his head. “May’s a known entity. If he suspects something is off he might run and that would mean Lena looking over her shoulder until we could apprehend him. Skye’s been photographed together with Lena in the past a few times. Not such a stretch to think they could be dating.” “I don’t know,” Skye said, looking sideways at Lena. “I’ve lived with Lena a while now and considering the dates I’ve seen Lena bring home, I really don’t think I’m her type.”
“How many dates are you bringing home?” Jemma asked before she quickly began shaking her head. “Never mind. Pretend I didn’t ask.” “That means not engaging with Mr. Poindexter,” Coulson continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted, unless you’re forced to. Just get to Stark’s safe room. We’ll do the rest.” 
Skye giggled. “All alone in a safe room together. How romantic.” “I’ll try my best to control myself,” Lena said, rolling her eyes. 
God, Stark, does everything you do have to be so loud? 
As if Skye could read her mind she leaned close to her and said: “You know better than me. Are these events always so loud?” 
“No,” Lena said baldly as the canned overly rehearsed voice of Tony Stark blared out over the loudspeakers informing guests that he would make his appearance at nine on the dot. She glared up at the nearest one as if that alone might shame it into turning itself off. “This is…” The word asinine was what first came to mind but she held that back as a kindness. “Unorthodox,” she finished as she steered Skye back towards the center of the room.
They were supposed to keep as far away from the entrances as possible and Jemma had already chided them over their comms for (in her words) gadding about when they should be keeping their eyes peeled for the gun-for-hire.
“They’re normally quite dull,” Lena admitted. “Schmoozing and glad-handing while you try and make sure your smile doesn’t look too painted on gets old fast. Especially doing it in heels.”
Skye made a face. “Sounds like a bore,” she admitted before snatching a crab puff off the tray of a passing waiter.
“They could be,” Lena said fairly. “But that was a small price to pay for all the good it accomplished. And if these antics,” she said as another pre-recorded message from Tony began to blare overhead, “are what people have come to expect from a Tony Stark hosted gala  then I can't get too annoyed. Not too annoyed, anyway.”
“You miss it,” Skye marveled. “All this hoity-toity stuff. Rich girl,” she teased affectionately through a mouthful of crab puff. 
“I don't miss it exactly,” Lena said, although even to her own ears it sounded untrue. “But I was good at it and throwing a gala was devoid of the moral pitfalls that my other attempts at being a force for good were rife with.” “Vanity?” Skye asked, pointing at one of Tony's older suits on prominent display where a small crowd had gathered around as if it was an art exhibit. 
“If only,” Lena said drolly. “But that's hardly an appropriate topic for a date.” She pretended to try and get a better look at Tony’s old armor on display while she eyed the entrance, spotting one of the SHIELD agents milling about in the crowd. 
“Was there a list of approved conversation topics in that doorstop that Jemma prepared?” Skye asked. “I only made it through the first few pages. Goodbye insomnia…” “It’s called being thorough, Skye,” Jemma insisted, her voice filtering in smoothly through their comms. “Which is an exercise in futility if you don’t actually read the material.” 
“I read the whole thing,” Lena said kindly but a moment later caught Skye’s eye and shook her head, vowing to read it in its entirety later on. “Well,” Skye said, sneaking a peek at the time, “what’s the plan when the gala’s almost over and he still hasn’t shown himself?” “We find him without you two marching around like ducks at a shooting gallery.” “I don’t know if it would feel like a proper gala if somebody didn’t try to kill me.” “That’s not funny, Lena.” “It’s a little funny,” Skye whispered. “Lena!” “Not funny,” Coulson agreed, his voice joining Jemma’s in her ear. “We have eyes on Poindexter near the front entrance.”
“Just eyes?” Daisy asked. “No one’s going to move on him?”
“Too many bystanders,” May explained. “If he doesn’t spot you, we can pick him up when he tries to slip out.. “Saferoom,” Coulson ordered in his best don’t you dare try to argue voice.“You didn’t set all this up just to get me alone, did you?” Skye teased as they cut their way through the crowd.
“You got me,” Lena said, completely deadpan. “When we get inside I’m going to pretend to yawn and put my arm around your shoulder as well.”
“Classic,” Skye said approvingly as they began to walk a little faster. They slipped past a couple of guests who looked as if they had made very liberal use of the open bar, talking over one another as they held onto each other for balance, when a tiny wooden skewer whizzed past Lena’s head missing her by millimeters.
“Was that a fucking toothpick?” Skye asked as they dashed around a corner. As if in response to this, a fusillade of wooden skewers shattered against the wall where Lena had been just moments ago before turning the corner.
“You might want to send your date home early, Miss Luthor.” The voice was wholly unfamiliar but the man to whom it belonged to was not. Benjamin Poindexter strode towards them, not hurrying. He moved past the two inebriated men who were still engrossed in their overly loud conversation, not even noticing him. In fact, no one besides the SHIELD agents peppered throughout the crowd had noticed that there was a killer in their midst. Not so surprising considering his unconventional choice of weapon.
“Not such a bad idea,” Lena agreed, resisting the urge to peek around the corner to see how close he was to them, knowing that was likely to get her killed. “Chalk it up to a lack of chemistry.”
“Like hell,” Skye said dismissively as she pulled an I.C.E.R. from her concealed thigh holster. “I’m having a marvelous time.”
“That doesn’t sound like running,,” Coulson admonished. “Why aren’t you two running?”“Well, I’m not the one who insisted on wearing heels,” Skye replied.
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anxious-witch · 1 year
Also ANOTHER prompt because I'm unwell
Jance fic inspired by "What happens after we die?" dialogue in Midnight Mass
Robin you are killing me, oh my god. That's beautiful ajd heartwrenching. I love it.
Okay so I know this is tehnically not your first but the second prompt but I was having a lot of feelings about jance today so. Here it is. Very loosly inspired but I still hope you like it.
CW for mentions of death and religious musing in general
Jan really wasn't planning on ending up in Nace's apartment today. When he tugged him into the alley for a kiss, he wasn't planning on it turning into a makeout.
He definitely wasn't planning on a heavy rain, either. It just happened.
Nace's apartment was close and since neither of thek had an umbrella...well. Jan wasn't particularly keen on getting soaked to the bone.
So that's how he ended up on Nace's couch, sipping tea. Nace made him strip out of his wet shirt and threw firstly a towel and then a blanket at him. Usually, Jan would snap that he didn't need babying, but things between them felt more fragile lately.
What was meant to be a simply friends eith benefits-if they could have even been called friends at that point-was quickly turning into something else. And Jan didn't know how to behave towards him.
They didn't talk about it. Neither wanted to break the precarious balance their whole...thing was leaning on.
Jan stared out of the window, at the pouring rain. It didn't seem like it would stop anytime soon.
Nace sat on the opposite end of the couch. He sipped his own tea, but his eyes were fixated on Jan.
"Can I ask you something?"
His voice was quiet, almost hesitant. Jan didn't like the sound of that.
"Sure. What's up?"
"What do you think happens after we die?"
Jan stared at him. Was this some sort of joke? He out the cup down on the coffee table a bit too hard.
"I didn't mean-I know you don't believe in God or anything like that. I'm just...curious, I suppose. What do you think happens?"
He mulled it over for a moment. Nace looked genuine in his question, and he never tried to impose his views on Jan before.
He supposed that if there was ever a way to test if he ever would, now would be a perfect opportunity. So Jan answered honestly.
"I can't say I know what happens. I don't think anyone knows. I'd even say you are bullshitting if you say you know what happens for sure."
He gave Nace a pointed stare, waiting for him to disagree. When he stayed silent, he continued.
"What we know from science is that medical death happens first. The heart stops, you stop breathing, all that. And few minutes later, your brain dies too. But before it does, it releases a bunch of chemicals used for dreaming. So we dream the way we never had before."
Nace watched him intently and Jan, who usually always held his gaze, looked away. Beliefs weren't something he liked to talk about. In his mind, he had this one life to do what he wanted and be the best version of himself he could. That was it. No one held you accountable after.
"But what happens after?"
He shrugged.
"I suppose that depends what you believe in."
Jan looked over to him. Nace's brows furrowed.
"But what di you believe in? What happens when you die?"
Jan sighed, drumming his fingers against the couch.
"I think perhaps I stay at those five minutes forever. Living my life through memories and hopes and dreams. Sleeping. My body simply goes on decaying. Becoming...part of something bigger. Part of the earth. Just like it was before."
Nace's gaze turned soft, and his mouth fell open a bit, in what Jan could only describe as wonder. He looked like he was about to say something wonderful that would shatter their little balance.
So, Jan did one thing he could think of to cut him off.
"What do you think happens?"
And-shit. He wasn't planning on asking that. He could see shock flicker over Nace's face, too. They both knew Jan didn't give too fucks about God or Heaven and Hell.
He almost takes it back. But the way Nace thoughtfully chewed on his bottom lip, trying to form his thoughts in words changed his mind.
"Speaking for when I die...I think there is a light. You float up and you are surrounded by love, even before you see anything else. Just, that feeling you used to have as a kid, y'know? Of simply feeling loved."
Jan swallowed. He supposed that didn't sound too bad. He nodded.
Nace trailed his eyes to the window. There was a faint sound of the rain in the background. Other that that, silence.
"Then you look at you see everyone you ever lost. Everyone you ever loved. They are there and they are whole and healthy and just...they love you. There is a sense of belonging. True belonging. That's what I think true Heaven is."
He bit his lip as he met Jan's gaze.
"I know you don't...see it that way, but I find it easier to believe than in just...nothing. In dreams."
Jan wasn't sure what made him reach out and touch Nace's face. There was no real reason. He just wanted to comfort him.
"I just thought it'd be peaceful. Dreaming. And then nothingness. Relief. Being useful for other things that don't come with the burder of consciousness."
Nace turned his head and kissed Jan's palm. Jan's heart skipped a beat. No matter how suspecious he was and how much he tried to push his feelings away, Mace kept surprising him.
"I suppose not all dreams are bad," Nace whispered.
Jan kissed him, just so he wouldn't say anything else. Nace melted under his touch and pulled him closer. He was so trusting. He gave in so easily.
He pushed and Nace let him lay him down on his back. Even when Jan pulled away and sat back on his thighs, he didn't even try to get up. He simply lazily reached for him.
"Do you think there is Heaven for people like us?"
The question caught him by surprise. He tensed, waiting for a cliché, "God forgives everything", answer. But Nace didn't answer immediately. He took Jan's hand in his and played with his fingers for a moment.
"I don't know. I hope so. I don't see how feeling like thos could be wrong. But if there isn't, well. I hope I dream of that there is one."
I hope I dream of you, the thought came to Jan, passing through his mind before he could stop it. He leaned in, almost close enough for a kiss, so his lips brushed against Nace's when he spoke.
"In this specific case, I suppose I can agree."
Then he kissed him again and for a moment, he was sure there was a Heaven. Right in that moment in time, cocooned in Nace's living room. If he could take that one memory for whatever happened after, well. He'd be okay.
After that, he thought of nothing at all.
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
so i know your au focuses on bandee, but i was thinking of doing this for morpho magolor so i want your input
do you think it would be possible for morpho magolor to obtain a traitor form one way or another? i sketched a concept but i don;t know where it would fit
I'm just asking because you're the chrysalis au creator
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responding to these (i got your other messages too), and while i don't mind you asking my input, i will say you absolutely don't have to ask me or anything! especially because it can take me some time to reply!
chrysalis au is very specifically about the scenario wherein morpho possesses bandee in its attempts to get to kirby. that's about the beginning and end of the plot of it on my end! morpho 'possession' designs or plotlines as a whole are not something i have universal decree over, and there are plenty of other really cool ones out there!
also, for what it's worth i did eventually find that really banger morpho magolor design i'd mentioned seeing before, and it was by @deafeninggardenerpanda here and also here. i could not possibly design anything that slaps harder than this one does. the shape language. the colours. the fkn... the tails on the cloak. the style of the hood. the single antenna. delicious.
anyway. the fact that chrysalis au focuses on bandee because he is My favourite little guy (or at least tied for it, with magolor) is kind of the point! you can make your own aus about your own morpho magolor headcanons that have nothing to do with mine and aren't beholden to my ideas in any way!
if you're simply curious about what i would creatively do with magolor in this sort of situation wrt traitor magolor in particular, i don't see any reason why morpho couldn't obtain the traitor form. i'd probably go with either...
1: it simply arrives later and possesses traitor magolor. traitor magolor, and perhaps especially soul magolor, is arguably only passably alive in the first place, so i think the butterfly wouldn't have any difficulties with reaping him. he'd presumably also already be fighting kirby, so if morpho's goal is to battle kirby, easy segue. 2: it puppets the already possessed morpho magolor towards the crown and makes him put it on his head without permission. imo there's a high chance that morpho knows exactly what would happen, far more than magolor ever did, so it would likely engineer the circumstance to obtain the increase in power from the crown.
while i don't think the crown poses a risk to morpho itself, i'm not sure if it would particularly enjoy battling the master crown for control of the body it's possessing. the power hike would have to be well worth the effort. i suppose worst case scenario (for morpho at least) is that it would just ditch whatever was left of traitor/soul magolor, and go on to the next body.
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notanrp-system · 6 months
Ok...Lots of questions. If I don't specify who it's for, it's for whoever or general system related. Also, where I specify people, those are the specific people I'm curious about, but I'd be more than happy to hear from anyone/everyone..I'm very curious.
funniest out of context system quote?
what is switching like for you?
are there any hobbies you all have?
how easily does the system split?
what do your alters/headmates do in their free time? (Anyone can answer. As many as want to)
how did you discover your system?
What are you obsessed with right now? (Alastor, Angel, Dyns, Corvo)
Ever done any drugs? (Angel, Alastor, Dyns, Mammon)
What piercings do you want? (Angel, Dyns, Mammon, Corvo)
Describe your dream home. (Everyone/Anyone) How would you spend a million dollars? (Everyone/Anyone)
What tattoos do you want? (Angel, Dyns)
What’s your pet peeve? (Anyone/Everyone)
funniest out of context system quote?
I rather enjoyed hearing, "He's glitching not stupid".
what is switching like for you?
I shall walk you through the usual way of switching. Now, this isn't when we remove the host from front, this is the willing giving up of front.
You stand up from the 'captain's chair', and quite literally call out to see if anyone else wants front. Often, they do. Particularly myself or Angel recently. Then you simply step aside once they're at the chair. Sometimes it takes a moment for the switch to register and sometimes, particularly with the host, you have to really remove the helmet and cables with some effort. But really it's mostly just like changing who's driving.
are there any hobbies you all have?
We all enjoy Tumblr. I believe we all have at least one show we're willing to watch on television streaming services. That may be all however.
how easily does the system split?
Not as easily as recent history makes it seem. The host has, unfortunately, been under extreme duress recently causing more splits than usual. But previously he would go years without splitting.
how did you discover your system?
CAL learned about it when Mammon took over for him one night. And then a few nights later Jack did. Now, everyone had been there for some time, but it had been 'passive influence' with switching only happening in the most dire of instances. Once CAL had a couple of friends who were systems it became harder to not be tempted to front. And once everyone started no one seemed inclined to stop. Corvo spent quite a lot of time fronting once he formed.
For these I will be transcribing what others say as needed. Switching that much isn't feasible.
what do your alters/headmates do in their free time? (Anyone can answer. As many as want to)
Alastor- In my free time I listen to the radio and read. Particularly in headspace though the books are... lacking as they are only what anyone can recall about a book. I do the same when I front. It is my preference.
Angel- I like to mess around online. Ain't much to do but I still like it when I front. IN headspace I normally just chill in my room with Fat Nuggets. Sometimes play around with makeup if I'm bored.
What are you obsessed with right now? (Alastor, Angel, Dyns, Corvo)
Alastor- Obsessed is a strong word. I don't believe I am OBSESSED with anything. Now, I am ENJOYING Criminal Minds as well at The Help which I'm reading. I ENJOY petting CAL's ears and Angel's hair but again, not an obsession.
Angel- Hate to agree with Legs over there, but I ain't really obsessed with shit either. I got some songs I like to play on repeat but even I get annoyed at em sometimes. Not really found the show I wanna watch all the time yet.
Dyns- I like street art. We can't do it in the outerworld but I have an endless supply of paints in headspace and no cops here to stop me. So I've been doing that a lot. Super looking forward to trying bouldering or rock climbing sometime but that's when money's not an issue.
Corvo- I just need to keep CAL safe. There's too many people who would hurt him, in headspace especially, and I spend most of my time watching them. I miss my blade when I front and it's hard to find online to buy.
Ever done any drugs? (Angel, Alastor, Dyns, Mammon)
Angel- Bein' real specific here. The body, ain't never done anything. Tried to get high with weed once and the asthma kept it from working too damn well. Coughed everything up before it could barely get into the lungs. Now, if we're talkin headspace, that's a different story. I've done things in headspace. Once we're done here I might go do some right now since I ain't frontin' tonight anyway.
Alastor- Neither in headspace nor in the world. It never occurred to me as something to try. I like my alcohol just fine I don't need to add anything else.
Dyns- Nah. I've thought about it but I don't think it's a good idea to be high as fuck and trying to communicate when I can't speak.
Mammon- No.
What piercings do you want? (Angel, Dyns, Mammon, Corvo)
Angel- Nah. I'm good. Don't really need or want any.
Dyns- If I could make my ears more metal than skin I'd be happy. I've been thinking about an eyebrow piercing too. I need to research it more but yeah. All the ear piercings at least.
Mammon- No
Corvo- No
Describe your dream home. (Everyone/Anyone)
Host aside, the only person with any opinion is young Jack who says we need a slide in the house. CAL has a lot of opinions on a dream house.
CAL- Coastal Town, north east US. Butter yellow Victorian house with white shutters and wild roses up front. A white fenced in back yard and half fence in the front with a cute little gate. There has to be a widow's walk on the second floor. Finished attic with a circle window. Yellow kitchen that feels like warmth and home. One of those half circle towers, the bottom floor will be a parlor and the upper one a spare bedroom. There's at least 3 bedrooms though Ideally 4. Mine is a master with a walk in closet and a master bath which has a shower and a jaccusi tub thing. One bedroom is my office/art room. I would like one adult spare bedroom and ideally there's a second spare bedroom that's more for kids where Jack and Ellie can also play. Backyard has some rose bushes, marigolds, pansies, any other flowers I see that are pretty and at least 2 raised garden beds, this is aside from the potted herbs on the back porch. There's a cattio. At the very far end of the backyard there's a sectioned off area for wild. Just... whatever grows and lives there is welcome to it. We have maybe 6 chickens, and one hive of bees. There is no grass. I've replaced all the grass with a combination of clover and creeping thyme. So now mowing ever. All hardwood floors inside save for where there's tile. There's a fireplace. There's a proper dining room for guests but also a breakfast nook for normal day to day activities. We can walk to town from where we live but we don't live in a city. It's just a nice little town we're about a mile out of. It's close enough that I can take my bike to the store to pick up some things and bring them home in my basket. That's all I can think of.
How would you spend a million dollars? (Everyone/Anyone)
I recently answered this question. So allow me to let others answer.
Angel- Top surgery for the body. Some new clothes. Let's get a HOUSE bitches. Pay off some debts. Pay off some family and friend debts. Oh shit new makeup. Most of what we've got is WAY outta date. I want some shit for drag so I'll get some. Fill CALs savings so he don't gotta worry so much. Presents for anyone I want. I dunno. Just having the money to spend on whatever without worry.
Jack- I want a fish tank and I wanna see a quarium. And more stuffies. And stuff.
Ellie- PRINCESS DRESS and a magic wand
What tattoos do you want? (Angel, Dyns)
Angel- Oh man. I think a tramp stamp would be great. A nice black one with lots of swirls. Fuck I kinda want one on my thigh for Cherri. And maybe one on my collarbone for Husk.
Dyns- Only think I ever wanted as a tattoo was to match my boyfriends. They don't exist now so... I guess nothing? Maybe something on my chest or arm to remember them.
What’s your pet peeve? (Anyone/Everyone)
Alastor- My main pet peeve is being confronted in headspace. I find it rude and frustrating.
Angel- I'm good at being used, but I don't like someone actin like it's their right to do it. I decide who gets to fuck around with me and who don't.
Dyns- Trying to communicate out of headspace. We don't know ASL and no one else is patient enough to let me type.
Corvo- Smart mouths.
Mammon- Dicks
Claire- People hiding important information from others who deserve to know it.
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lavenoon · 2 years
So, we have talked a lot about the relationship between Sun/Moon and Robin, and Sun/Moon and Eclipse, but I'm curious to know how it is between Sun and Moon themselves. I know they choose to enter rest mode while the other is in control for their own peace of mind, and that the Eclipse mode they used previously felt safe because of how in sync they were. So they are clearly very important to each other, but they don't interact much aside from the times when they have to switch or when they need to discuss something important. Yet they clearly care for each other a lot as well. So I'm curious! How do they see each other?
They can't imagine a life without the other in their head. That's the short answer! But like I'd ever leave it at that <3
Sun and Moon were built as one, and that's simply life to them. They didn't use the Eclipse mode that often either - a couple times during some of Moon's security gigs, but usually... Usually people did not pick fights with the very sharp, very tall animatronic.
It's not a situation of conjoined twins, and it's not DID, because these concepts simply don't apply to someone who was built like that, on purpose. They're rare in their set-up, but by now in the timeline no longer unique.
They do see each other and themselves as individuals, but their life is simply much much more entwined than for anyone who doesn't share a body. They get recognized as individuals, and have had differing jobs before, and technically Moon never signed the rental agreement and is a freeloader. People, particularly humans, are still confused and the boys use loopholes where they can, getting away with things they shouldn't just because people don't know how to treat them. They did have to fight for shorter "shifts" - explain to the higher ups of the agency that they only have half a day each, and to expect the usual workload from both, individually, is simply impossible. So they just have to reach that quota together - which they do easily, and exceed it quickly, making them star agents.
As for how they feel about each other, because I can remember what people ask of me, against popular belief!
It's not quite a sibling dynamic on their own, and when talking about each other they usually just default to "counterpart". It's only with Eclipse in the mix that you might hear a "I have two brothers" (because "I have a brother and a counterpart" sounds weird, and frankly, they don't want to go around explaining their existence to people).
They can see some parallels to their relationship with Eclipse in their relationship, and it's definitely familial, but it's also different. There's the teasing, the subtle care - just earlier I talked about Empty Nest Syndrome, and how Sun coaxed Moon back out of his shell.
There's also this line from the same drabble -
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Sun worries, because Moon is so worried himself. Not about Robin! At this point, he thinks of them as a highly qualified fellow agent that his counterpart likes more than he would admit - but it's more like how a sibling who goes to another school would tease the other for their school crush. He just doesn't care as much about Robin as a person at that time, they're simply a way to tease Moon. (Remember - this is about half a year into the rivalry, and Sun is busier starting to fall for Y/N, whom he moved in with three months ago!)
They exist in each other's space constantly, even while one is in rest mode. One time, Moon only flung Sun's jacket over the back of a chair when he got dressed, and with the next time he became active he couldn't find the laces of his sneakers anywhere. They're menaces to each other, and like leaving little pranks for the other even if they can't be there for the reaction.
There's also this bit from the non canon reveal Catbird out of the Bag/ Dawning Realization that I think shows off their dynamic really well
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(The shoelaces again, sue me. Moon did not steal them from the president however)
To them, even being separated into two animatronics would be terrifying. They would still care for each other! But it's so different, they can't share memories, they can't talk inside their mind anymore, there's a part of them missing. Someone who was always there and could take over if it came to that, a fail safe, a counterpart. They would never consider separation as something desirable, and that was part of why Eclipse felt shut out - but that was different, and with time they can all admit that
They also live together, so they don't feel alone. They clean up little messes the other leaves behind, or put bookmarks between pages when one forgot to/ got distracted until the switch, and they know each other very intimately even if they can't talk a lot
While it's strange to share their memories (especially suddenly, without warning) (It feels like they experienced it, because it's literally the memory from their memory bank - but they didn't. It's disorienting when unexpected) they did it more freely while they still used their Eclipse mode. It felt better when they already had shared memories, but once they lost those... They tried to seek refuge in shared memories, tried to show each other what they did over the day/ night, but it felt too strange, to disconnected, so they fell out of the habit entirely.
Nowadays they simply use the time around the switch to talk, give each other updates on what happened, some funny stories, normal catching up. Then they get their privacy when the other slips into rest mode, even though they continue to be a two for one deal, always <3
Bonus because I'm already going through ao3, have some lines/ scenes I liked depicting their relationship and brief comments to elaborate!
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From Overtime - while mainly included for the funny haha "Moon thinks it's not the same situation when it actually is", it's also Moon, looking at how affected his counterpart was, and using that to convince Robin that surely there are people worried about them
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From Sick Day - while this started with jokes and teasing too, Sun acknowledges that Moon is justifiably on edge after Robin got stabbed, and concludes with a genuine reassurance
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From Catbird out of the Bag - Moon, any reveal he gets the chance: Okay but what if we pranked Sun about it
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From Dawning Realization - Y/N, human, alone in their head, feels bad about something that Moon would never even think to complain about
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Also from Dawning Realization - even amidst the mirth at Sun being speechless about the reveal, as soon as he dips into the realization that he waved off Y/N being stabbed, Moon reassures him immediately. No hesitation at all (even though it doesn't end up actually reaching Sun)
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From Shrapnel - they know each other's quirks, and care for each other even after having a metaphorical bomb dropped on them. They're a team, always.
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Also Shrapnel - the nostalgia of the lost eclipse mode
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From Settling Dust - Sun, with "a lot to think about": I need to tell Moon
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From Convergence - Moon, putting his own needs on hold so Sun can feel better about it, too
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From First Aid - Sun got his first bit of reassurance, and of course immediately wants to Moon to get that relief, too
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From Forging Flyways - many things implied here. The concern they have for each other, wanting to spare each other pain, feeling guilty for any they cause. How easily they understand each other due to their shared mind, where they can hide verbalized thoughts but not feelings from each other. How the eclipse mode lingers in their mind, and that bitter tasting irony.
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From Off Day Off - oh this one's layered. Moon knows that Sun is still not over the fallout of the reveal. He knows Sun is still on edge after feeling like he failed to do his job, in such a spectacular way, inadvertently causing the entire mess? He knows Sun shoulders too much, and won't let Moon take any of the burden. Moon doesn't get it, he met Robin, who had to be secretive. But Y/N was definitely open with a "civilian" for a secret agent, and he, another secret agent, totally missed every hint. And still Moon can't just tell Y/N, because that would be a breach of privacy and trust. So he tells them that yes, something is up - because Y/N definitely noticed - and just shrugs off any questions about details with a "You should try talking to him, maybe he'll let you help"
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From Domestic Bliss - Sun and Moon "Do you want to form an alliance with me" "Absolutely" and then metaphorically shook on it to get Y/N the fanciest bed they could get their hands on as soon as they'd let them
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From Fragile - despite the rest of the reply insinuating Y/N is the third, "Us three" are the brothers. It's just that he's in rest mode, and that's just normal, nothing Sun would feel lucky about. He'd hate to lose it of course! But he can't even imagine what it's like. Moon in his head is like breathing to a human, they don't mention it when talking about noteworthy things they did that day
And with that I'm unleashing this beast, have fun
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harmonyckrs · 6 months
DAY 5 in Twisted Strangetown: The One in Control
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Today marks the second day of staying with the Curious brothers in order to ease Pascal's worries. Due to this, we've had limited contact with the General, but I will assume that Boss has been able to resume communication with him.
My observations of the Smiths is that they are just normal (bruh). Further observation is needed. There's nothing particularly off putting about them that isn't any more off-putting about everyone else (you spent a whole day observing them with and your conclusion was this? This is why Ajay likes me more LOL). I admit it was nice to see other people with alien descent, though I wasn't a huge fan of the General talking about how all aliens were evil before proceeding to call Chloe and I "the exception." He was quite apologetic when he realized it offended me, however. I suppose he still has a lot to unlearn in regards to his alien biases.
I also overheard Pascal and Lazlo discussing a conversation they over heard Chloe having with Vidcund's kidnapper and her fuming over the riddle that he gave her in order to meet up with him in person. We've come to the conclusion that it might be an art museum, but it'll take some time to figure out which one. Either way, Chloe's recklessness may cause some hardships later (seriously? It ain't that big of a deal). We'll have to claim that the kidnapper was simply just trying to reach out to whichever family member will listen. Hopefully they will buy it.
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C: So how's the subject doing, Aktu?
A: His name is Vidcund, and he's doing fine. I explained everything to him, and I think he's starting to cooperate. How are you feeling?
C: Really tired. And my head still hurts, but I'm sure it'll be gone in some time. What happened to the hat you always wore with that suit?
A: Dropped it by accident.
C: You realize that they could track you with that, right?
A: They couldn't even figure out my riddle! I don't think they're smart enough to use my hat to trace me here.
C: Figuring out who a hat belongs to through collecting DNA from it and solving a riddle require two different skills. They probably have your name already.
A: Well, I...fuck.
C: Just lay low for a while, and don't do anything stupid. If he's calm enough, you can probably just let him go and give him one of the rings we have that'll keep him immune to mind control.
A: Are you sure? We only have so many of those.
C: Yeah. I'm sure he cares about his family, right? We can use him as our mole with the promise of helping the rest of his family.
A: Good point! I'll give that to him as soon as I can.
C: Good. I don't want to use up too much battery on this hologram machine, so I'm going to end our call here. Just remember what I said...
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I don't remember feeling this awful since having to leave Strangetown 20 years ago.
I was just a teenager! What was I thinking, going up against one of the most powerful people in all of Strangetown? And what was [REDACTED] thinking, fighting a fourteen year old for power? For the sake of the Watcher, I'm just a colony drone! I'm not powerful like the Birth Queens or Pollination Technicians!
And that's why I need to keep training. If I won that fight, then everyone would've been safe from [REDACTED]. And maybe I wouldn't feel as though they're always watching, even when we're miles away.
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A: The weather is pretty nice today. Do you want to go outside?
V: Aren't I a hostage?
A: You're a test subject, not a hostage. Plus, you're really far from Strangetown, and Cyd and I have connections in all of Bluewater village from getting rid of the other guy who used to live here.
V: Makes sense. Who was the other guy?
A: Oh, nobody important. Think his name was, like, Malcolm Lemongrab or something. I forgot.
V: Malcolm LANDGRAAB? The heir to the richest family in the world?
A: Oh, shoot! You know him? That explains why the police came by with all those annoying questions. Cyd had to pretend to be Malcolm over the phone and act like he got abducted by aliens in order to get them to go away!
V: ...You're the worst criminal ever.
A: Well, it's my first time. So is that a yes or a no on the outing?
V: Eh, sure. Why not?
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As I'm forced to remain in bed to recharge, I think about [REDACTED] and what they did. A part of me wonders what they have to gain from altering everyone's personalities. Power? Some sense of superiority that they have the ability to control everyone there? Fear of being discriminated against?
No matter. Once Aktu and I are done with this experiment, we'll be able to find a way to release Strangetown from the control of [REDACTED]. Peace will be restored, and Porthos and I can finally rest knowing that we've completed our mission.
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I think I'm ready to meet that subject now! What was his name again...Vincent or something? Ah, I'll figure it out.
Either way, it's a step closer to freeing Strangetown from [REDACTED]'s control.
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mothman-can-write · 6 months
heya! one of my fav questions to ask smut writers - would the characters you write most would ever fuck a clone (or AU or time travel) of themselves? alt and slightly more fun question - would they be in a threesome w/ their clone (other) and their current partner?
This is such a funny question lmao. Strangely enough I've never actually thought about it, and now that I am there is a bunch of different ways i could interpret this. I write fanfic, my hobby is basically just overthinking into a word document. So anyway, please enjoy a far more in depth thought process into my three main girls than you were probably expecting. Also to preface, I'm going off of MCU canon rather than anything shippy or the way I have actually written them in fanfics (if you ask me again a month from now my thoughts will probably have changed, I am incredibly inconsistent with character opinions like this lol)
Somehow, she was the first answer that came to mind. If you asked her straight up I think she'd say yes and follow through. Her reasoning would be that logically, who is going to know what she likes better than herself, plus she doesn't have to deal with all the social and emotional aspects of one night stands or relationships. It's efficient. Being the director of SHIELD doesn't make for a great sex life. As for a threesome, I think she'd probably say no and I don't know how to explain that one. She's not into the clone, so she doesn't need them there if she's already got another partner.
Just for fun, I think if Maria was introduced to a clone / forced to live with one in a regular context, she'd probably just recruit it to help her get work done and half her chores. Maybe they'd use each other for some cuddle therapy because god knows she's not emotionally mature enough to ask anyone else. Sex would maybe be a thing if she was particularly pent up, but purely in a physical way
Nat's a little harder, but I think if you asked her she'd say yes BUT if you actually gave her a clone she'd be wigged out. I don't think she'd sleep with a clone at all, but honestly I don't actually think she'd sleep with anyone unless she felt particularly safe with them (if we're talking Nat who has healed a little by the start of the MCU, past Nat who can barely function might be more likely to fall into past tricks)
A threesome is also out of the question, though somehow I think she'd think about that one a little longer. (She'd probably love to be in a Maria sandwhich though.)
As for simply living with a clone, I think she'd hate it. I think it would creep her out big time. That girl already has trust AND identity issues, she does NOT need another person who looks exactly like her running around. In the comics she literally has her identity stolen and misused MULTIPLE times, she does not need this in the MCU, even if the the clone is inherently good. She's not trusting it. If she is forced to live with it, she is ignoring it at hard as possible.
Wanda took me so long to decide on, and it might be because I haven't written much about her in a long time. I could honestly still be presuaded the either way so I'm going to look at both. Firstly, my brain says I just don't think she likes herself enough to put up with it in a lot of what we see of her. Especially post Wandavision, I think looking at the effects of the Darkhold would probably be painful. HOWEVER, maybe if you asked AoU Wanda she'd say yes, because she thinks it'd be fun to try it once. What could go wrong? It's only herself. Wandavision Wanda would probably say yes (I'm imagining Agatha asking her as a bond building game haha, and Agatha definitely says yes.) And maybe post DSMoM Wanda would say yes, because she believes that no one else would be safe around her, though I think sex is probably the last thing on her mind HAHA but, that's what the question's about so! Basically I think my thoughts come down to: Wanda is a very curious person, and if she's not too busy wallowing in selfhatred and depression, then she'd say yes because it'd be interesting to see what it's like.
As for a threesome, honestly I think she'd be down. Marvel could say she learnt how to duplicated herself just to make it more fun for Vision and I'd believe them. A clone is basically the same sich, right?
And finally, I don't think she could live with one. I think she'd probably just deny it's existence entirely which would probably also desintigrate it literally too. The worst case I can imagine is that she has to see herself doing things that she picked up from Pietro, seeing the way that he lives within her and reminding herself in a horribly roundabout way what it was like to live with him
Bonus round: Clint would say yes immediately to all of the above. For science.
Honestly I think I could write an entire essay for each character on this topic, thanks for asking!
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Hi Daisie. How do you know Harry is on medication for hair loss treatment? I don't mean to sound like I'm doubting you, I don't, I was just curious if there were noticeable signs he's getting something done?
Hi dear,
There's a receipt in the tags I linked, and beyond that, it's just common sense. He mentioned when he was very young and in 1D that he knew he'd be the 1st to go bald, bc he knows it's genetic in his family. So it's only logical that he'd seek out treatment given it's something that's preventable to an extent. Also, being a public figure, and a public figure whose image is highly linked to his hair, makes it even more imperative that he take the steps to take care of it. With that in mind, then you move to what treatment is: and the first step is prevention. In this case it's in the form of medication and PRP therapy (both linked in the post). There's just simply no reason for him not to do it, and when you know just a little bit about it it's obvious that he'd do it.
I think hair loss is super stigmatized for everyone, and most people try to hide or disguise it if they notice hair thinning/recession, when really there are steps you can take to prevent it to an extent, and options if your case is further along. Of course not everyone can afford all treatments or procedures, but I'd imagine that it is way more accessible than most people realize. Particularly in terms of it even being an option - I think many people aren't even aware that there are real and effective treatments available, so they don't even look for it.
Harry has all the access and money to get any sort of necessary treatment for this so there's seemingly no reason why he would not. It's also super duper common among celebs, especially male celebs, bc their appearance is normally a huge part of their branding and image, so I think nearly all male celebs would get some of these treatments or procedures (either as prevention or intervention) at some point in their lives.
Note: related to this
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deltaruminations · 2 years
:o !!! I don't think I recall seeing an answer for this, did your gaster always have one eye missing/drooping/etc? I'm so curious to learn more about himmm <3
yeah! i went back and forth on this for a while but i think i've settled on it being congenital, partly to make him more immediately readable as a headcanon gaster but also because i think it’s interesting to consider as part of his character. he can only see out of his left eye, the right socket is basically fused at a seam. i see it as one thing among a number of traits that he’s sort of had to learn ways around in order to function relatively "normally" (or at least in the ways he thinks he's supposed to be able to function).
aside from the impacts of disability, it also halves the amount of expression that can be communicated through his eyes, and kind of gives this visual impression that he’s perpetually winking, which i think adds an interesting layer of difficulty to accurate expression of emotion/intent. i think he’s self-conscious about how he looks and worries that it disgusts people.
i got onto some tangents lol but here are some more headcanon character notes. i love talking about this guy so thanks for asking!!!
in my mind a lot of his personal challenges revolve around like, trying to Fit In to a world (both materially and socially constructed) that isn’t really made for him in a lot of ways. it assumes a ton of things that simply can never be true of him — right-handedness, average height, effortless verbalization, abled eyesight and depth perception, unconscious eye contact and facial expressiveness, etc.
not that my gaster is never unconsciously & genuinely expressive — he doesn’t show his heart on his sleeve like papyrus, but he’s not nearly as stiff as sans, either. the difference with sans is that he has natural conversational grace; he’s effortlessly warm, spontaneous, funny. he reads people well and generally has good social intuition. he isn’t necessarily suave or cool so much as he knows how to navigate interpersonally in a way that makes him immensely likable to most people (the fact that he Isn’t suave or cool actually contributes to that— it makes him non-threatening and approachable). sans is generally pretty skilled at manipulating others' perceptions/reception of him.
papyrus, for his part, is constantly missing social cues and acting outside of social scripts, which doesn’t lend itself to… popularity or general likability… but he’s so obviously sincere about who he is and what he’s feeling that he’s still like, intelligible. papyrus’s perspectives are easy to know even if they’re weird as hell in-context. he isn’t great at achieving his desires for likability but he's also willing to be seen (in UT at least, maybe less so in DR) in his imperfect effort.
my gaster is like. weirdness of perspective filtered through a certain amount of learned sociability. he knows how to socialize in theory and understands the value of it, but his social skills aren't intuitive, they take effort, especially verbally, and he has a history of miscalculation, so he tends to either be on a "script" or just like. stalled/processing until he can get back on track lol. and in either case it tends to be hard to get a read on what’s actually happening with him internally. unlike sans or papyrus, he can be quite suave and elegant, but he also lacks their flexibility and fundamental confidence and is just. kind of fragile. like papyrus, he wants to be liked, but unlike papyrus he’s far more motivated by a fear of being disliked. i think he’d rather go unnoticed than risk being perceived badly.
he can loosen up to varying degrees depending on the context (ex. he can be relatively gregarious and even warm when he's in Teacher Mode or with a close friend) but i think the general impression this has on other characters is that he’s aloof, mysterious, unapproachable, even kind of intimidating. he can be charming and pleasant but he doesn't come off as particularly, idk, trustworthy?
like, the dude’s pretty freaking tall, he tends to dress sharply, he’s even fairly handsome, but in a way that's uncanny and feels kind of Wrong. he’s obviously wickedly book-smart and seems high-brow and cultured, like he's never heard a pop song in his life. in casual conversation he’s either silent or delivering stilted academic diction in a low, quiet monotone. he speaks haltingly and deliberately, with weird prosody, and his two main expressions are Blank Stare and Unnerving Smile. his vibes come off as calculating and performative — which is technically true, but not for the reasons others tend to assume. he isn’t thinking about how to one-up them or about how stupid they must be. he’s studying them both out of sincere fascination and to understand social patterns and validate them empirically.
i seem him as the kind of guy who actively enjoys being around people even if he struggles to be involved with them. he’s the guy who will stand awkwardly just outside of a conversation to listen but won’t actually muscle his way into the circle until invited in, and once he's in there he just looks uncomfortable and often has to have conversation dragged out of him when all he really wanted was to observe.
i like to think part of why he’s able to be close friends with alphys is that she meets this stoic-seeming IRL Tumblr Sexyman with an unintelligible uboa face and she’s like "well this guy will never in a million years be interested in me Like That" and any nervous crush impulses she might have had are so completely overridden that she’s just. normal around him. he likes listening and she likes to talk so she infodumps overeagerly about cartoons while he sits there quietly staring with genuine curiosity lol
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
Genuine question--why is 3 billboards white feminist in your opinion? I'm coming from a standpoint of I started watching it without knowing much about it & it was so triggering I had to stop halfway through. I did read a plot summary/reviews of how it finished but obviously I don't have a fully-formed opinion. Just curious on your take because I had a lot of bones to pick with it but White Feminism™ wasn't on the forefront of my mind. But would love to hear from someone who watched more than me
I actually had this discussion with a friend the other day, funny you should ask. It's a dark and not very taylor swift relevant conversation so I'm not particularly interested in getting into the specifics of the sociopolitical american climate in 2017, especially as it pertains to racism and violence against black people at the hands of police. However, this and this are two of the best summations of the entire saga of that movie's reception and ultimate damnation. They collect a lot of the opinions at the time for why this movie was so deeply offensive, and offer some of their own feelings about why the movie is a failure on top of being offensive, that i personally agree with. Ultimately, if you're not american, you might not understand the larger context of americans' specific rage pertaining to depictions of racism that center white people, specifically cops violence towards black people, and why setting the movie in Missouri was the cherry on top of a very offensive movie to make. the articles don't really outline that either as they're both american writers for liberal american websites so they assumed their readers were aware of the issues at the time and america's history of racism against black people. If you're indeed not american, it's okay if you don't have an opinion tbh. because as an outsider who is not involved, not affected by the situation, and has not experienced it yourself, your opinion doesn't really matter and if you do form one, nobody really needs to hear it because it won't be helpful at all as someone who barely understands the situation to begin with. sorry if that's harsh, i don't mean it to be mean, but its true and applies to all sensitive and personal situations where you're not involved. most times it's best to listen to someone who has experience tell their story and simply empathize with their plight and then go on with your day.
I didn't call the movie white feminist, but rather i called taylor a white feminist for liking it and openly praising it. Overall, this movie in the pantheon of Green Book and Crash and many other movies that american culture generally rejects now because of how atrociously they handle american racism. If you declare your love for these movies, it's seen as a bit like telling on yourself as someone who doesn't understand the real issues of racism in america and is guilty of having a white feminist mindset. White feminism a bit of a derogatory catchall these days to refer to a person who is unable to support or relate to sociopolitical issues she's not directly affected by unless she finds a way to center herself in the issue/narrative, pushing the marginalized people out of the spotlight to make it about herself. while originally a criticism of white women, it has since moved beyond gender and anyone can be guilty of this mindset. The writer himself is guilty of it and this movie is guilty of enabling that poor behavior in its white viewers, as it features a subplot about police violence against black people and centers it around empathizing with a white cop. The articles above get into more of the details and nuances of it's failings if you're looking to understand it better than i can, or should, articulate.
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ask-ikevamp-faust · 24 days
Ah, my darling, it’s a good thing that I can remedy those symptoms with a very simple prescription. I’ll give you as much time with me as you could ever want. Why don’t I come visit you tomorrow? I’ll bring you some dark chocolate brownies and offer to be your lab partner for the day, even if you just want me to sit on your desk and keep you company. After all, I could also use a break.
My week was exciting but rather stressful and busy. I found out that I have a meeting which could land me an important new research opportunity, so I’ve been preparing for that night and day. The only downside is that when I have something so important on my mind, I have a very hard time sleeping. My brain simply won’t stop running variables and assessing everything, but I think spending time with you will help. Your presence quiets my mind pleasantly, and I think I could find restful sleep in your bed.
Don’t worry, darling. Like all my friends, I care for Vlad and Charles, but you are my soul, the only one who I want to know intimately. However, I must admit that I find your overprotectiveness quite sweet. I adore knowing that you desire me so much. I’ll make a note of your wish to be the first one to taste all my new creations, but that could be difficult on days we don't see each other. Perhaps one day we will live together and that won't be an issue.
You're so sweet to me, my love. I adore the way you love me and listen to my ramblings so earnestly. I'll be glad to provide you as much light and warmth as you'd like. I'll also admit that I'm very curious about your new skill, but you should know that you already impress me every day. You're so loving and you show such wit and tenacity; you’re even able to pick up new talents so quickly and adjust to modern times. I wonder… I know you care for the children of the Church, but have you ever wanted children of your own? You say I’d be a wonderful mother, but I also think you’d be a wonderful father.
Oh, Johann… I want to grow closer to you and fall even more in love with you than I already am. I desire you so deeply that it almost hurts and you tempt me to fall even further under your spell with every passing day. I want you to bring me to bliss until your name is the only word on my lips; show me what it feels like to be completely ravished, body and soul, and I’ll do the same for you in return. Perhaps we should soundproof the lab or your bedroom… or both.
As for scenes I‘d want to recreate, I honestly tend to think the sexiest scenes are the ones that build up desire and lust between the characters to a breaking point. They don't always involve explicit sex, but I have a feeling we can quickly fix that problem. In addition to what we've already discussed, I've always found chapter forty-two of the book A Court of Mist and Fury to be particularly erotic, as well as the Past the Point of No Return scene from Phantom of the Opera. My last idea is a little more wicked, and I fear I'm blushing again while writing…. How would you feel about wearing a Ghostface mask during one of our little games of chase?
As for my somno hard limits, they'd be the same as my usual ones. Nothing that would permanently hurt/scar me or damage my reputation, and I'm all yours to take as you please. I trust you to care for me and keep me safe in everything we do. Goodness, you really do make me a flustered mess with every one of our exchanges. I don’t think you know the extent of the power you hold over me.
I very much enjoy pumpkin spice,especially in coffee, but my favorite fall treat is sweet potato pie. They're similar, but the sweet potato makes it even more delicious. Have you ever tried either of them? I'll have to make you a whole array of new fall treats to try. Actually, one of my favorite things to do is create a themed meal to go alongside a movie, and I've even done it to the extent that I make several meals to go throughout a whole marathon. Either way, I’d be delighted to have a movie night with you. Are there any movies or genres you’ve been curious to watch?
Is this offer still available? Some research with bacteria growing in the lungs kept me occupied this week. The hospital’s offer wasn’t up for negotiation as it was something related to a patient currently being treated. I have no scheduled outside research for the time being so I have more time available. I really would love to spend some time with you enjoying your desserts. 
That sounds exciting, a great new research opportunity. Did your meeting day pass already? If so, how did it go? I understand overthinking, the mind never stops, that’s why forced breaks are necessary sometimes. I apologize for not being able to help you relax this past week. If you’re up for it I have something planned for tomorrow night, it should help you unwind. 
I’m glad you don’t seem to mind my overprotectiveness, I’m not sure if sweet is the word to describe it though. Don’t worry, at this time tasting every single creation is not possible, I’ll settle for the days we’re together. However, as time goes on I will get greedier… I may just whisk you away and bring you to the castle forever. 
Ah yes, that new skill… Did you know that nowadays there are special lenses created to help with the light that comes from all this technology? I thought it was fascinating. Apparently it’s to help reduce the damage to the eyes. I bought a new pair of glasses specifically for when I’m on this digital stuff, I suppose it’s not as bad as I originally thought… Moving on, children hmmm… When you ask if I've ever desired children of my own do you mean for an experiment? For instance, to be the sperm donor to a female vampire and a female human to compare the pregnancy, labor, and child development? Or do you mean just to start a family?... I must admit, I’ve never fully thought about starting a family before and I’m not sure I’d make a good father. However, if you were the mother of my children, I’d feel more confident. Working together with you to guide our children would be wonderful. 
When you say things like that it reminds me that I should be thankful for modern day advancements. It led to the creation of this app which in turn made our meeting possible. Of all the people I could’ve met both online and in person, I had the privilege of finding you. I agree, I should invest in soundproofing my rooms… Although I may also invest in a separate property if it’s possible, I’ll have to check the process with Vlad.
You have some very interesting ideas, I love them. I will see if I can find these things, or at least the sections you are talking about so I can better understand. Also, I wouldn’t mind wearing the ghostface mask for one of our games, but I’d like to know why? Where does this interest stem from? It sounds interesting.
Very well I will keep this in mind, I’ll be sure to take care of and respect you. You’re absolutely right, I’m completely unaware of the extent of the power I hold over you… Therefore I must continue to test it out and observe all your entertaining reactions. 
I’ve never had pumpkin spice before, what does it taste like? And I believe I’ve had steamed sweet potato before, it was an interesting snack. If you’d like to make something so I can try these two things, I’d be more than willing to try anything you make. Movies and meals sound interesting… I’ll need to ask Vlad to occupy Charles, I don’t want him to interrupt and I’d prefer my first movie night experience to be with you only. As for movies, I was recommended a series called Resident Evil, is it good? For genres, I'm interested in seeing what different each one has to offer, but if I’m not enjoying the film I don’t want to waste time finishing it. 
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tsaritza-mika · 7 months
BG3 Shorties
I've written a few of these, but this is the only one that's ready to go for post. These fics are longer than drabbles, but don't feel long enough to be one-shots, so I'm just calling them 'Shorties'. Hope you enjoy! Summary: A strategic discussion during Act 1, after having taken out 2 of the 3 Goblin Leaders. Halsin still needs saving, but while the others look at supplies, Gale's thoughts wander Warnings: None Named Tav: Mika Suggested Listening: Seven Nation Army - VoicePlay feat. Anthony Gargiula (acapella cover) After The Drow Fell
The stench of Goblin permeated every inch of the dilapidated Selune temple they had made their base. So much so that Mika doubted if the orb in Gale's chest wouldn't be able to wipe the smell would clear quite so easily with how he'd described the resulting explosion. It wasn’t as if she’d never been around Goblins; that would have been particularly impressive during the time she’d lived on the streets of the Gate’s lower city, but these specific Goblins... Not only were they attempting to slaughter everyone who didn’t bow to this apparent new god called ‘The Absolute’, but the fact that if they succeeded and tore a bloody swath through the Grove, that they had the leadership to go even further. Of course, that possibility was getting slimmer by the minute, seeing as she and her other companions had already taken out two of them.
The only one left was the supposed ‘Goblin King’, Dror Razglin. From what they had glimpsed on the way back to see Minthara, it was now a question of whether or not they would be enough to take him out, or if it would be wiser to locate and release First Druid Halsin. The x-factor of course being that they had no idea the current health of the First Druid, and if he would be able and ready to assist in fighting his way out of captivity or not. Either way, he would be freed soon, but if he was able to assist, that could possibly give them the added edge when dealing with so many goblins all at once. But they would finish considering that after looking through their bags to see what everyone had available. “Hm, okay, I have a few acid arrows, some poison, a few scrolls...ugh, one health potion...”
Shadowheart frowned as she went through her own bag, not liking their chances the more they realized they didn’t have. “I’ve got a few spell scrolls that could be useful, a few possibly useful potions... I’m afraid that’s all that’s left; and we’ve already been going for a while today, I’m greatly limited in my spells right now...” 
“Let me guess, most would be your healing spells...”
“Unfortunately. Killing that giant phase spider and its brood took a lot of magic to keep us all going.”
“Shit, I was worried about that... Astarion, what have you got?”
“Similar to Shadowheart, but I’ve also got a single revival scroll, and... three power bombs.”
“Well that’s something...”
“Not enough to gamble my life on, dear. If I can put in my two copper, darling, since you’re so set on doing so, freeing the Druid first is looking like our best option, possibly injured or otherwise.”
“As much as I am loath to say it, Astarion may be right, Mika. If the First Druid is even in half good health, with how those at the Grove spoke of him, he’d still likely be a force to be welcomed.”
“Why Shadowheart, did you just agree with me?”
“Don’t get used to it, Astarion.” Giggling softly at the two, Mika turned to look over where Gale had seated himself, raising a brow at the curious look on his face.
“Gale? You still with us?”
“Oh! Ah, yes, yes of course I am. Apologies, I was merely drifting in thought.”
“Copper for your thoughts?”
“Well, I uh, I was merely pondering, if you don’t mind my asking of course-”
“While they’re still young would be nice, Gale...”
“What, it’s true!”
“Both of you, shush! You can argue when we get back alive!” Shaking her head at the two, Mika looked back over to Gale, nodding when he was free to continue.
“As I was getting to it, I was simply curious about when you had been speaking with the Drow earlier. I realize now that the entire exchange was meant to deceive her, of course, but I couldn’t help but also notice that it felt as if something else had seemed to anger you greatly. As I am, in the presence of two Elves and a Half Elf, I was merely wondering if perhaps it is something of a racial slur toward those of Elven blood by calling you a uh, a ‘Faerie’ as it were.”
Blinking at the question, Mika was a little surprised it had been obvious to anyone at all, especially since she hadn’t planned on allowing Minthara to slaughter those in the Grove anyway. Though really, seeing as she had been able to pick up on Shadowheart's worries about the artifact being discovered on her person via the tadpole, she shouldn't have been so surprised.  “You really noticed that, Gale?”
“There was nothing of note when she forced our minds to link up, surely, but your form seemed to become far more rigid than usual.”
“Hm? Been staring at our darling leader’s alluring figure a bit much, Gale?”
“Eh! Absolutely not!”
Rolling her eyes at him, Mika playfully smacked Astarion’s shoulder with a half-pout, “I can’t speak for everyone here, Gale, but as far as I’m aware, it’s only meant as an insult if it's presented that way.”
“Ah, I see. That’s good to-”
“Besides, if anyone treats those in our group, or myself as anything beneath them, I will readily and painfully spill every drop of their blood and dance upon their corpse.” Everyone seemed to pause in shock at that. The young, sweet Elven woman that had brought them all together and led them so far, the same one who sang softly and played her violin by the fire before bed, had just vowed a painful death upon those who would threaten or mistreat them. 
The mere promise of her wrath and retribution on behalf of the rest of them, or for herself, in one normally so bright and hopeful, somehow that was more frightening than any of the Goblin hordes beyond their shadowy corner. Still in a bit of shock, the three of them watched as Mika let out a calming breath, running a hand through the messy waves of her pale, ash-blond hair as she stood and shrugged on her bag. “Anyway, getting back to the task at hand, I feel I must agree; we should free Halsin before we finish clearing this place out. Let’s get going, I’d like to pick up some of that extra explosive power before we make any moves and locate his holding cell.”
Following her lead, Shadowheart and Astarion packed up and stood as Gale stumbled to his feet, still reeling after such a display. “Oh my, who would have ever guessed our sweet, darling little Mika was so...fiery...”
“Focus Astarion...”
“Oh but I am... In fact I have my eyes on every delicious inch...”
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scarrletmoon · 1 year
"the beauty of queer people is how often we can't be easily defined" - tag on a post ab trans men
to clarify first, i do not want to come off as confrontational, i'm just curious and idk if you have any interest in discussing this bc i dont know you but
i'm bi, a lot of my favorite people are gay or trans, and that comes off as a really weird statement? it's *the* beauty of, exclusively. what about when it's perfectly easy to define? a man saying, i exclusively like other men, for example?
why, and again i say this purely from a position of trying to get it, is being particularly undefinable an achievement? does confusing people help with something? is it more important in general for advocacy than ppl being simply gay? i'm kinda new to everything lgbtq+ online and trying to figure everything out
god sorry this is long but thanks for coming to this with an open mind
i said "often" and not "always" specifically because you're right. sometimes someone finds a label or identity that fits them, and is perfectly simple. that's fine!
i'd push back on "perfectly easy to define" though, bc that's often where i think people miss one of the most interesting parts of the queer community, which is how we challenge existing social "rules" by just existing. like, a lesbian is a woman attracted only to women, right? but feminists used to say that lesbians aren't women, bc you have to be attracted to men to be a woman. so are lesbians women? or a third gender? and who gets to define that (i'd argue, not homophobic feminists)?
you don't HAVE to know the nuances to identity as whatever makes sense for you, but what i'm talking about here is like, reading a book in high school vs specializing in a literary topic in graduate school. do you need a master's degree in Romantic Literature to understand Frankenstein? of course not. but it sure helps you dig out the nuances that weren't obvious to you until you learned more.
i also didn't say being undefinable is an achievement either, just an aspect of of queerness. any of our identities can be confusing -- me being a bi nb person who often presents femme but uses he/him pronouns confuses the shit out of some people, but not others. and who are my labels confusing to? the labels i use aren't always for other people to understand. they're how i communicate with other queer people. but they're mostly how i understand myself. cishet people don't have to understand me to respect me. my labels aren't for them. they're for me.
when i personally talk about "confusing" or "weird" labels, i'm assuming an audience of other like-minded queer people who're familiar with things like he/him lesbians and trans men who aren't men and people with neogenders. i didn't come out of the gate knowing any of this stuff. i learned about it by seeing weird stuff and thinking "i don't get it, but it's not my job to GET it and i can still respect this person even if i don't understand their identity". and eventually, it clicked. like, it took me years to understand neogenders. and once i did, it was fucking awesome! it's a way of looking at and playing with gender that made ME more free to mess around with gender and figure out how i feel
not everyone has to do this! if saying "im bi" works for you, fuckin cool! if saying "i'm a non-binary trans woman who uses cat/catself pronouns" that's awesome!
i guess what i'm trying to say is that queer identity isn't ALWAYS straightforward and i think we could learn a lot from each other by being open to weirdness. and like i said, you don't have to do any of that shit at all. most queer people aren't this deep into queer studies and they don't need to be in order to still be queer. i just think it's neat™️
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So I'm planning on getting a snake, specifically a hognose, once the pandemic eases up in my area and I feel safe looking for employment again, so I've been spending the meantime researching and planning. Part of that is I'm curious about the reptilink sausages, particularly the frog and frog & quail one- how good are they and is it worth feeding them as an exclusive diet. (1/2)
(reptilinks 2/2) the reason I'm considering the sausages instead of frozen/thawed rodents is twofold- firstly I think it'd help make having a snake around easier for the more squemish members of the household (myself a little included but I think I could suck it up for the snake's sake) and secondly since iirc hognose's are amphibian eaters in the wild, my instinct would be that its better to work with the snake's natural diet than against it, but I might be wrong there
Hello hello- I use Reptilinks sausages as treats, but I hesitate to endorse them as a snake's primary staple diet for a few reasons.
The first is just because Reptilinks are still so very new. I like the product, but they just haven't been around for long enough for us to get a good idea of how well they work as a staple food item. Most of my snakes that get Reptilinks as treats like them fine, but I've had a few have digestive issues after eating them - my guess is that the ground meat diet didn't sit well with them for whatever reason. They're just still too new to make a solid statement either way (though I do feel completely comfortable endorsing them as occasional treats or supplemental meals).
My second issue is specifically with their frog links, which are made only with frog legs. The issue there is that snakes really need to eat whole prey (bones, skin, organs, all of it) to stay healthy, and I'm concerned that their frog links just aren't providing that.
If you decide to go with feeding your eventual snake Reptilinks, I'd recommend the frog and quail ones over the frog ones, simply because those do include whole quail per the nutritional info on their website (but, again, I hesitate to recommend them as your snake's staple food). Also, be aware that a lot of hognoses simply won't take them - they can be picky little snakes under the best of circumstances.
I also wanted to put your mind at ease regarding the diet! Wild hognoses do eat a lot of amphibians, but depending on the specific population, amphibians actually don't make up as much of their diet as we used to think, and in many areas hognoses eat primarily turtle eggs (...good luck replicating that in captivity!). It's not really worth fussing about, though - if hognoses didn't do well on an all-rodent diet in captivity, we'd know by now. We'd expect to be seeing things like decreased lifespans, issues with bone growth, digestive issues, etc., and we're just not seeing any of that. Hognoses can thrive perfectly well on an all-rodent diet!
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