#i don't watch the full episodes but i've seen a lot of clips and am generally familiar with what goes on in the show
wait, how does goro die in the anime?
Akechi is confronted by the cognition in a similar way, but the main difference is that Akechi kills the cognition with his first shot and then traps himself on the other side of the partition wall with a bunch of shadows. Then instead of just the two shots from himself and the cognition, for some godforsaken reason like a bazillion shots are fired, presumably from the shadows (stop! stop! he's already dead!) and Futaba says his signal is gone. So it's pretty similar but honestly just so much stupider in literally every way. Akechi being killed by Shido's cognition is the entire point and thematic endpoint to his arc, without it his death feels a lot more meaningless and random. Even ignoring how it doesn't make any sense plot-wise (why is there a need, however false of a pretense it might be, for Akechi to sacrifice himself/protect the Thieves from a horde of shadows? at least cognitive Akechi is an unknown and presumably incredibly dangerous threat so Akechi has some reason to trap himself and give the Thieves an escape route in the game), thematically it's incoherent. Akechi sealed his own fate. He isn't killed by random shadows, he's killed by the manifestation of his deceit and malice. Akechi allowed himself to become the corrupt puppet of an evil man and he's forced to face that truth and its consequences. It's deeply poetic and all of that meaning and nuance is lost for no fucking reason and I will die mad about it.
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tranquilpetrichor · 1 year
and if i write for boys planet trainees, then what..
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9leaguesofmirrors · 1 year
My Favourite Reece Shearsmith Characters
So it's Reece Shearsmith's birthday today, so I decided to celebrate this by sharing some of my favourite characters played by this fantastically talented actor
These are in no particular order
Gregory Brewster - Him Indoors
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Him Indoors is a short film about a serial killer with agoraphobia. Not only is the premise very interesting, Reece delivers a chilling yet very entertaining performance as the main character. It's on YouTube if you want to watch it, which I highly reccomend you do!
Tommy - Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room
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This HAD to be on the list! Reece's performance as Tommy is heartbreaking, we watch a man seems to put-together and serious slowly fall apart and lose control of his calm façade - impeccable work
Sean Stone - Chasing Shadows
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Admittedly, I don't know where the watch the full show, but I have seen clips and I knew I had to put it on this list because of Reece's portrayal of an autistic person. You can tell he put a lot of thought and research into it in order to give a realistic performance, which is a testament to his dedication and how much he truly cares about the roles he plays and who he's representing
Tyler - Riddle Of The Sphinx SPOILERS BELOW
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If there's one thing Reece is good at, it's how to play a chilling villain. Everything about Tyler is unnerving and he manages to be terrifying without being loud or angry all the time. It's measured and the emotion builds and builds - fantastic work!
Joseph Lisgoe - The League Of Gentlemen
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I've mentioned before that the debt collectors were underused, and I simply had to talk about how extraordinary Reece's performance as Lisgoe was. He completely dives into the roles he plays and this one was no exception, not even a light smashing on his closest friend stops him from carrying on a scene (just check out the outtakes!), he simply embodies the part and delivers a performance that terrifies the cast, crew and the audience
Laurence - Merrily Merrily SPOILERS BELOW
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Merrily Merrily is an Inside No. 9 episode that I can never rewatched because of how empty it made me feel - and I mean that in the best way possible! Laurence is wracked with pain over the loss of his late partner, and Reece delivers such a subtle yet haunting performance that I don't think I'll ever stop thinking about it
Ross Gaines - The League of Gentlemen
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Ross is such a fun character because of how manipulative, calculating and cold he is. Not only does it set him apart from the other inhabitants of Royston Vasey, it makes his scenes with Pauline all the more tense and entertaining - and Reece really does deliver in the role. I'm glad they decided to go with this casting choice
Aiden - Thinking Out Loud
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Like with Laurence, Reece delivers a hauntingly stellar performance. What makes this one really special is that it's a monologue. There's nobody for him to bounce off of or react to, he has to reach those emotions himself. And, as always, he nails it
Ollie Plimsolls - The League Of Gentlemen
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I've said before that I think Ollie is one of the most cleverly written League characters and I stand by that. As a representation of the Saviour Complex and self-righteousness of people in theatre, Ollie is a character that should be easy to hate... but because of Reece's expert comedic timing and delivery, he ends up being so funny that you can't help but laugh every time he's onscreen
SPECIAL MENTION: Gilbert - Betty Blue Eyes
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Reece Shearsmith said in an interview that he wasn't a great singer. Reece Shearsmith is a liar. Don't believe me? Listen to The Kind Of Man I Am from Betty Blue Eyes and thank me later
Also, if you can find it, there's a short bootleg of him in The Producers which is good too!
Of course, this are just a few of his performances and he's never delivered a bad one - whether he's playing a comedic character like Archie in The Bill or a more serious one like in Borley Rectory. And we haven't even touched on his writing skills, I can't wait to see what he does next!
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saltynsassy31 · 3 months
I am the tinniest bit afraid to make this post cuz, every time I take a peek at this fandom it's in full flames
But gosh darn it, if this ain't my blog to rant about things in my mind, idk what it
So here it goes
Helluva Boss, and specifically the ship Stoliz
Just to get things out of the way. I don't fully watch this show, I'm not invested in it, but I do follow it passively. Like, I watched a couple episodes, some clips, and videos breaking it down be it plot or design wise.
It's kind of hard to keep away from it because a lot of people I follow do enjoy this show, or love to hate it (I'm indifferent. I think it's a pretty great opening for other indie projects and I admire it for what it is, but the actual contents of it are "meh" for me). So I am aware that I am probably missing a LOT of context.
I watched the two latest episodes in parts, skipping around and not fully watching it cuz I didn't have the patience. But like....
Idk, I'm actually a bit frustrated by the reaction towards Blitz? Like, how everyone is putting all the responsibility on him (specifically in terms of his and Stolaz's relationship), likes he's all at fault???? And I just????? Can't see that?????
I can't put my thoughts into words and it is FRUSTRATING cuz I really want to like, talk to someone about this and I can't cuz no one I'm actually close to or talk to is all that into it. I'm not that into it, but now I got opinions over a show I don't even watch and idk what to do with it.
Can someone just, enlighten me? Talk to me?
I can't be the only one who feels weird about the power imbalance here, right? People say it was addressed but, to me, it felt brushed over? As in, all the dust got brushed from Stolaz's side of the room over to under Blitz carpet.
Am I saying that Blitz doesn't have fault here? Absolutely not, that mf is a dumpster fire ready to combust a second time
But I feel its pretty unfair to him that everyone's just ready to jump at him, or seeing people make his friends jump at him and berate him for stuff that wasn't fully his fault.
At least from what I've seen
Actually, I just-
I can't properly describe how I feel right now, pls don't jump at my throat stolitz fans, I come as a humble passive watcher just absolutely confused and conflicted 🥲
I think that this video by Sarcastic Chorus actually puts my thoughts much, much better into words than I ever could and this is mostly where I'm coming from with this post
Idk what I wanted to accomplish with this post tbh, I guess just to rant or vent, idk I'm just....I'm just so so conflicted right now
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jtl07 · 1 year
jt (finally) watches warrior nun - s1 e3 (pt 2)
First off, thanks to everyone who's been following along, especially reblogs - it's nice to know I'm not talking (too) crazy lol
Now onto the hug™ and the hallway scene! The more I look into these scenes, the more I love them and the more intrigued I am with the characters (especially Beatrice, of course).
For the hug™ scene, the thing that stood out to me was this idea of instincts in the body, and how sometimes our consciousness gets in the way. There's an interesting parallel between Ava stuck in the wall and the embrace: Ava gets stuck in the wall when her consciousness catches up with her, Bea pauses in the embrace when her consciousness catches up with her. Both were running (Ava literally) on instinct until those moments hit.
What I didn't know going into this episode - again because I've only seen clips and fanvids prior to this - was how Ava was Beatrice's singular focus in this scene. From the moment we see Beatrice and Vincent enter, she's locked onto Ava:
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She glances once at Mother Superion but it's very quick; she sees nothing but Ava. Then as soon they have some semblance of privacy, she reaches out to Ava - and actually initiates contact. Additionally, it looks like she was ready for the embrace - when Ava turns towards her, her left arm comes up to receive her:
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These actions all make me think that Beatrice was running on instinct here. Curious as to what made her brain catch up (or rather, her subconscious conditioning of shame et al to catch up) - maybe it was how completely trusting Ava was? How it wasn't just a lean but a full embrace? Or maybe it was that her touch was reciprocated in general? Huh maybe that's it - for someone who's been taught to hate herself, to have someone who not only accepts but trusts so completely, that definitely would have been a brain-glitching experience.
Also, can we talk about how Ava just completely trusts Beatrice here? Just moments before this, Mother Superion was rebuking Ava about her lack of trust. And yet here in this moment of pain and vulnerability, she allows herself to break down, not just in front of Beatrice but in her arms. I just - that's mindblowing to me.
This also reinforces to me the importance of the cafeteria scene - I don't think this would have been possible without it. This moment builds on top of that foundation (and then the hallway scene cements it or whatever the term is - why did I choose this analogy lol) and the fact that it's non-verbal is deeply meaningful as well, for both of them as they've not experienced a lot of gentleness.
Okay finally made it to the hallway scene - though side note: Does anyone else wonder how they separated from that embrace? Like, did Ava run, embarrassed? Did Bea try to comfort her? Maybe it was the former because Bea is the one who comes looking for her, and gosh how tentative she was in approaching, giving space literally and physically. And then when Ava speaks, immediately freezing, one foot on that step.
But what I really love here is how Bea's response is belief, trust. "Okay," she says, then goes into a sort of investigative mode, which is both a sign of "hey I'm on your side" and also Beatrice legitimately wanting to know, to help. As in, she doesn't ask, "what makes you think that" or try to convince Ava to think differently. "I believe you" is the subtext throughout this whole scene, and it feels like this whole scene is Beatrice trying so hard to make Ava believe that - this time in words.
And what's one of the ways she tries to get Ava to believe that she believes her? Through humor. Bea knows that Ava uses humor as a way to cope, but hasn't actually witnessed much of Ava's jokes. The only instance was, again, that scene in the cafeteria. (I wonder though if Lilith talked about Ava’s irreverence. In the cafeteria scene, you can see that there's conversation taking place all around Beatrice but she's not actually part in any of it - but I'm willing to bet she's someone who is listening to everything)
The thing with humor though, is that it's risky. Especially with someone new. From what we've seen of her so far, Beatrice doesn't seem like someone who takes risks unnecessarily (I say "seem" because my thoughts on that started to change in the next episode, which I'll talk about in the next post), so my thought here is that she's letting herself run on instinct here. And really, it's an extension again of the cafeteria scene. Yes, she started out cold there but when Ava got down on herself and says “I’m not her, you know,” Bea's immediate reaction was to reassure. The same here: She reassures with Ava with that initial "okay," again with her quiet, "perhaps the medical report was wrong" - and then that gentle, "don't let her get to you." She then follows that up with not only the sharing of Cruella DeJesus but also "I may have started it."
It's the last admission that really gets me. She didn't have to share that, and yet she did - as a moment of levity, of solidarity, and dare I say, pride. And I feel like it also is binds them with another connection: being able to find some bit of joy in a shitty situation, and through something not exactly appropriate. We see here a sort of hint of Beatrice's ability to be mean, to be angry, which I feel like the next episodes start to tap into more.
Also can I say just how young Beatrice seems here? Not just the giving of a mean nickname, but the way she smiles and leans in - like a little kid who's too eager to tell you a secret.
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And then we get the reward of Ava laughing despite herself - but not only that, we get Ava who feels safe enough to be vulnerable, to ask, "Do you believe me?" And gosh, again this is just after Mother Superion was admonishing Ava about trust, here we have Ava trusting Beatrice again, trusting her enough to ask that question. I've always thought this was a lovely scene but it's incredibly gentle in context with everything else.
Can we also take a moment to appreciate how entranced Beatrice is by Ava's small smile? I found myself smiling alongside Beatrice while also being entranced by her at the same time:
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(First: Ava's "thank you," Second: Bea noticing her expression, Third: Bea's "what?")
The thing with Beatrice here, she didn't have to go into any of her past with Ava. She could've dropped it. In fact, she takes a breath and holds it for a brief moment before talking about her parents (2:04 here) - it's different from the breath she takes before talking about how she took her vows young (1:55 here). There's a definite moment of hesitance, as if she started to speak then was going to take it back, then continues on. Again very small but a very nice touch, brilliantly acted by KTY.
The next moment that I love is the "I guess it kind of stuck" line - for me, this reminds me of the "I had a feeling she’d be a handful" line in ep 2. In that write up, I noted that line because of her making light of a shitty situation while also subtly kinda putting her own self down. She does the exact same thing here. And in her own way, she's also being vulnerable - and Ava, observant, smart Ava, notices. And yknow, I think it's because they have that similar joking coping mechanism that Ava knew to look closely, to be ... not "suspicious" because there's no danger, but rather to care, because she knows that kind of humor is there to hide pain.
(Ooh, maybe that's also part of why Bea chided her in the cafeteria scene? Because she recognized it in her own self?? Man, everything just goes back to that cafeteria scene)
I'll close this rambling post with a note about the small smiles Beatrice has - I mentioned it in the part 1 write up but KTY seems to have this habit of giving this little small pursed lips sort of smile when Ava seems to lose faith in herself. We saw it in the cafeteria when Ava says "It just isn't me," then in the hallway when she says "no one believes me anyway." Oh and actually, she does one before Ava speaks too (very hard to capture but it's there):
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A part of me thinks that last one was just a tick, not a conscious choice on KTY's part, but it's interesting to note nonetheless - something of sympathy, of wanting to reassure.
Oh I lied I have one more thing - Bea's last line of "There's always more." I've always loved it because of the inherent truth in it and how it sounds like not just an admission but also a promise - a promise that she'll explain it eventually, if Ava gives her time. But what's added an extra layer is again the context of this scene with the cafeteria scene. Bea says in the cafeteria, "We all have a past, Ava; secrets that are ours alone." This line, "There's always more," is both an extension of it and yet a prophetic contradiction: Bea will eventually share her secret with Ava, and she won't be alone.
Alright this is a good enough place to stop - lots to think about for the next couple episodes, plus an attempt to "rewrite" 5 and 6, similar to my rewrite ponderings for episode 3. Let me know what you think if you'd like, otherwise, stay tuned for more rambling lol
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blazehedgehog · 5 days
You hear about what's going on with Sam Procrastinates? What do you think of that?
I caught a whiff of it today, yeah. I'm sort of glad I'm mostly outside of that circle of influence. I know of a lot of those people, but I do not know them personally. I probably run my mouth on here too much and too freely for some of those types.
Especially seeing Sam get out there in front and be like "whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm trying to protect my business by distancing myself from leakers and bad actors" -- like, maybe I don't have the full context here, but trying to divorce yourself from leakers is a bit weird to me?
Keep in mind I'm coming at this from the perspective of being on Sonic Retro during the massive Sonic 4 leak, which lead Sega to partner with Sonic Retro. Some of the inroads paved during that partnership almost certainly lead to us getting Sonic Mania, given there are future Sonic Mania staff thanked in the credits for Sonic 4 Episode 2.
Like, I get trying to keep your nose clean. I try to do that, too. People get on my case for being spooked by emulation in my "Definitive Way to Play" videos, but people who really, actually know me, know that I've never had a problem with emulation ever in my entire life. Up until Tristan started buying me games to review for TSSZ, emulation was literally all I had. I could not afford games on my own, and I basically still can't. (I'm counting on next month's Twitch payout to cover my pre-order for Shadow Generations)
All of that is me trying to keep my nose clean. I've seen channels get shut down for talking too openly about emulation (particularly with setup tutorials), and even Discord servers are not as private as people think they are. The hammer can and will drop, and I'd rather my financial livelihood not be under it.
So I will never tell people to "just emulate it" in my videos and I have a rule against linking piracy material in my Discord. If you like me, and like my work, that's the way it's gotta be to protect that kind of stuff.
But that's on video. What I do in my personal life has no baring on that. I endeavor to capture all my footage from real consoles but I'm also living in a cramped little bedroom with maybe ten square feet of floor space right now, so I'm not digging out my Wii or my Saturn or my PS2 every time I have to capture footage of something. I emulate it.
I'm getting off topic. Shutting people out of your life because they don't align with your business is a bit extreme, to me. But again, I don't know the relationship there. At least in the clips Sam uses, he never seems very happy to have Shanny around, even though it's clear Shanny can and continued to join Sam's discord calls. I guess I just don't have any friends like that -- I either have personal friends, or... well, I just don't have very many "business friends." (Which depending on your view point, is or isn't a problem and one of the reasons my channel growth can be so sluggish)
So, like, whatever. Again, I dunno how a lot of that stuff goes. Ultimately, I guess I don't blame Sam for protecting his business, because again, I protect my business too, and it's clear Sam is more successful than I am.
I will say this, though, and I am about to step neck deep in the shit: I have never liked that Jaden Sonic Show dude. There was a time...
...Let's see... I had to dig around in Discord because I was so put off by this guy's videos I straight up erased them from my Youtube History, so this is the only way I even know I watched them:
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I watched two or three of his videos around this time and this dude's tendency to just make stuff up, believe in bad sources, and push the worst rumors was infuriating. I would say it's not a stretch to claim he is eroding the overall intelligence of the Sonic fandom with his sensationalist, reactionary, straight up false information. He reminds me of the way I used to think about the game industry when I was 13, which is to say: deeply, deeply, deeply incorrect.
This is where I was going to pivot and say, "and he makes more money than Sam and I combined," because he has 150k+ subscribers. But according to SocialBlade, that doesn't seem to be true. Despite having 3x as many subs as Sam, SocialBlade claims The Sonic Show seems to make less than Sam Procrastinates.
I guess there are benefits to keeping your nose clean.
(And given I have a Youtube channel of my own, I have a vague idea how accurate these numbers are -- which is to say: I am not making $122 a month from Youtube, but I wish I was. I also understand why Sam is so protective of his channel's earnings, too)
Anyway, all of this to say, Sam seems in the right here. I do get a whiff of, like, the puritan Japanese Idol culture from some of this, where if you're a J-Idol you can't be caught drinking, or smoking, or even swearing. You have to maintain total purity or else you fall victim to a witch hunt, and there's a weird amount of finger pointing going on here that I don't know if it was deserved. Sam shouldn't have even needed to make a video like this, but like I said, that Sonic Show guy kind of seems like a vulture.
I would not put stock in what that dude has to say.
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my friend just got me into Ted lasso earlier this month. slightly before 3×10 came out. it's already one of my favorite shows, which took me by surprise. the only sports shows I've ever liked before have been anime. technically i am half way through season 2 but I'm online so ive seen a lot of spoilers. including how they just handled the ot3 in the finale. and i have a couple thoughts.
before we started the first episode, one of my friends selling points was "there is an ot3 that might actually have a shot at going canon by the end and the end is soon" and before seeing any of it my answer was "you already sold me but don't get your hopes up. it's still made by two massive studios and studios are pussies. and then i watched the first episode and she showed me some clips of Roy and Jamie later in the series and some actor interview clips to explain the ot3 better and i said "I'll tell you exactly what is going to happen. they are going to pull a korrasami. it looks like the writers are writing towards it and the actors and everyone wants it to go that way, but they are at best going to get an episode close to the end where their 'friendship' develops with a few hints and then at the very end of the last episode they will throw an ambiguous bone that could go either way. because that is as far as those studios will allow" and i was exactly right. exactly fucking right.
and I'm happy we got as much as we did with them. it feels like the type of representation you get from a Hollywood movie in the 50s. subtextual but easily readable with a trained eye. and it feels natural for their development. even with the backslide of the fistfight. because real growth isn't linear and theirs has never been either. this feels like a very natural place for them to end and it feels like they are at the start of something that they as characters don't quite understand yet.
but there is a part of me that is still disappointed. the same way part of me was disappointed when i finished leverage and got korrasami'd by that ot3. it's always left ambiguous with polyamory. it's either an ambiguous ending that will go under the studios radar or it's basically a porn from the start (not that there is anything wrong with that side of it either, i just want more variety) Dani got to have 2 girlfriends. and they looked happy. and they were there for a few seconds and they were gone. and we don't know them. Roy and Jamie and Keeley have been at the center of the show since the start and they have been growing towards it the whole time. they deserve something more than being happy together at a celebration. something concrete. something that acknowledges where they are with each other properly.
I'm elated that we weren't told no. I'm elated that Keeley didn't let them make her choose. I'm elated that they looked happy in the end. that they were close. that something that would have been several episodes of drama in season 1 was solved with "fuck we're stupid".
but I'm devastated that it's happened again. that the comfort of the cishet target audience was valued over the narrative value of their growth together. that it's entirely my decision what the ending means yet again. that even in a show that has been bold with it's queer representation, polyamory with actual narrative strength and value is a step too far. that i fell into the same trap I've been falling into since i was a little kid watching avatar. that i saw it coming and was still hit with the full force of it. and I'm so tired.
but i can't wait to get properly caught up. i know it will be a gut punch, but i still love every second with these three. and with everyone else. this show has taken me by surprise in so many ways
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stxrliasfics · 6 months
I wanted to share my takes on the Pod Meets World ep and the new Quiet on Set documentary that is out. This is going to be a long-winded blog post. I'll put a keep reading divider up so that no one will be bombarded while scrolling through their dash. I'd like to have a civil, adult conversation about this so if you decide to join in, please keep it mature.
In light of recent events with the whole Pod Meets World episode and the Quiet on the Set documentary coming out, it really opened my eyes more. I think a lot of fans have parasocial relationships with these stars, holding them on a pedestal, and forgetting that they are still real human beings who are prone to doing shitty human things. This is a reminder for me too. This is something I definitely need to break out of. And I'm mentioning this because it really did hurt to hear Drake Bell's story and how he really didn't get an apology. If what he said was true about Will and Rider only coming out with their episode after being notified about the documentary, then they deserve all the heat that they get. At first, I commended them for telling their stories on that creep Brian Peck and discussing their feelings during the court case. But now it seems disingenuous. I haven't gotten to watch the documentary aside from tidbits because I don't have a streaming service that I could watch it on, unless it comes on cable. And I haven't gotten to see the full Pod Meets World episode apart from the clips of Will talking so I plan on catching up and educating myself as much as I can. The guys apparently weren't told what was going on in the case and were blindsided by this. In no way am I doubting that they were groomed as well. But Drake mentioned that they were told everything by Peck before they wrote the letters and still decided to write them. That's insane in itself. As a CSA survivor and someone who was groomed and sexually harassed by an older "friend", it was disheartening to hear that my favorite actors were pretty much complicit and trying to save themselves when they realized their dirty work was being unsealed. And I didn't want to believe it when I read more on the info last night but it served me a reminder that these were real people outside of the characters. Obviously I know that, but Boy Meets World is one of my comfort shows and obsessions so it hurt to hear that. Although I enjoy the characters, I have to keep reminding myself not to get attached to the actors and actresses who play them. I brought the parasocial relationship thing up because that's what it felt like was radiating from the BMW reddit forum as well. Some of the people there were up in arms to defend them, saying "It was a different time period. They were told that Drake was coming on to Peck." DOES THAT NOT SOUND INSANE?? I’m pretty sure that they were told Drake was underaged, I can't remember too much from the podcast clips. If they knew, how did they not question it more before coming to court and writing the letters?? Not to mention that other people were reached out to write a letter for Brian and many declined. Were they already told about the case?? Were they only given small details just like Will and Rider?? My guess is that they already sensed how weird Peck was and got a bad feeling from his request. I would've thought that Will and Rider would have more common sense in something like this. But again, I don't know these people personally. None of their fans do.
And I will repeat once again, I'm not invalidating the guys' experience with Peck either. I wouldn't put it past Hollywood that the cast of BMW were all groomed and violated when they were younger too. The adults could've even been violated just as easily as well. From the clips that I've seen of Will talking about Peck, he seemed very genuine and remorseful. I’m sure that they were regretful. It's just that after hearing what Drake said about them not apologizing and them making the episode after the doc announcement, it feels off. Will admitted that he would like to apologize to Drake personally and Drake apparently isn't interested in an apology. Who can blame him? Would I accept an apology from anyone who stood up for my abuser? I don't think so. And Will had time to reach out to Drake before. Was it embarrassment that stopped him? And Brian could’ve very well lied to them. My own groomer is still walking around lying and gaining support from others.
The best research I could do was from forums, comment sections, and small clips, so please bear with me. I will educate myself more on the matter. But I felt the pain of every child actor that was affected because it reminded me of my own experiences and I'm upset with this new knowledge. We, of course, know what Drake was convicted of. I'm not mentioning that to take away from his trauma nor side with what he's done. But I've seen some people bring up this point at the mention of his experience with Brian Peck, invalidating him being sexually assaulted by this man. Firstly, I think that's absurd. We can still feel sympathy for Drake even if he isn't a good person.
The fact that Dan Schneider and Brian Peck are able to walk free TO THIS FUCKING DAY MAKES ME SICK!!! How the fuck was Peck only given 16 months in jail?????? They would've both been a bag of fucking bones by now underneath the cement of the jail if they hurt my kid. My next question is, what do we do about the child stars who are apart of these companies now? The ones who are still getting deals with Disney and Nickelodeon?? Just because Schneider and Peck were called out doesn't mean that ALL of the pedos under these companies are gone. All of the children affected deserve justice.
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ruby2stardust · 2 years
I need to gush about this series it's so good I have never gone from not knowing what something is to being hyperfixated so incredibly fast.
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So Bocchi the Rock right? Yesterday I had no clue this series even existed. By the end of yesterday I had seen a few clips and heard a few people talking before watching one episode of it. Today I binged the other ten episodes and I am OBSESSED. This show had me rolling on the ground with laughter while simultaneously getting me invested in a story that normally I wouldn't find myself enjoying that much. So I'll just start from the beginning I guess this is a slice of life comedy show about social anxiety. I don't think I have to say much on that we all get it but the way it's portrayed here is just beyond words good. The presentation of this show is out of this world. It follows Hitori Gotoh a socially inept girl with a passion for playing guitar. She wants to start a band and get popular but just can't get herself out there. One day she brings her guitar into school hoping to get some attention to little success. However she is noticed by Nijika Ijichi who is just starting the Kessoku band and had her guitarist flake out on her five hours before a concert. Desoerate she drags Hitori along with her to join her band. It's a huge step for Hitori that she is not at all ready for and various shenanigans ensue from there. I could go on but this show is fantastic and I want people to watch it. I personally love how the show ties its drama and comedy together seamlessly. Whenever Hitori is stressed out about something the show goes wild changing up the animation style completely to represent her sudden panic attack which both puts you in her frame of mind and gets you to laugh.
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My personal favorite is this one where the animation just rapidly devolves into simple 3d models for all of 4ish seconds while Hitori is hurled through a wall to represent her fear of an upcoming performance. It's something that I think a lot of people can relate to having to present to a ton of people is nerve wracking while also just being incredibly fun to watch and there's a different style change every single time this happens I never know what to expect next and it always catches me off guard and makes me laugh! The show also has an actual plot going for it it isn't all just jokes with no substance these characters develop throughout and they do it quickly enough for a character's growth in the season to be clear. It doesn't take Hitori 20 episodes to overcome every issue she faces. She's just honest and works on herself bit by bit with things coming full circle from the start to the end. It's the small details that really bring everything together here. Little things that keep popping up as the show goes on that develop Hitori and her relationship with her bandmates.
Also the opening song is super good I've been listening to it on repeat for literally like 6 hours.
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homocidal-invader · 1 year
ok. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Well dang :V
1: What was the first episode you’ve seen? Episode 1 because I intentionally looked for the show to watch it after seeing clips of it online.
2: What’s your favorite episode? Episode 1. It's one of my favorite first episodes of a show ever and I really like how well it introduces everything. I love other episodes of the show of course I just think the first episode did a great job and should get more praise for that!
3: Favorite Irken? I like the main character a lot but if I had to choose a second favorite uhhh the Tallests as 1 entity I can't choose one over the other
4: Favorite Human? I like the other main character a lot also but as a second Professor Membrane bc he's funny and I had a mental image of him before watching the show
5: Favorite Other Race? There aren't really a lot of those to pick from :V
6: Any fan characters? Yesssss a few but this particular one I made several comics about
7: Favorite fanfiction? It's NSFW and I haven't actually finished the full series because it's long and I suck at reading! I might consider linking it at another point :V Favorite bc I took some inspiration from it for Est and I enjoy NSFW fics lol.
8: Favorite fanart?
I've got a few really inspirational ones on my computer! I recently made a long comment on the Irken propoganda poster fanart (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like the Corrupted Data 99% one (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like this sketch dump of Tallest Zims bc it's cool and bc of the comment "all I do is lie to myself" which I quote all the time now, this FnF song video that I keep trying to do a full version of because the OP said I could but haven't gotten around to it yet, and a bunch more I don't feel like tracking down lol.
9: Do you write for the fandom? Well I make comics but for fanfiction I've made one, short ZaDr fic but in character somehow
10: Do you draw for the fandom? Yes, here's my art tag for this blog and here's my askblog
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11: Would you be scared if Jhonen found your art/fanfics/blog? I've watched his Twitch streams (he might still be doing that every Monday?) and sometimes when he searches stuff up he ends up scrolling past fanart and doesn't acknowledge it lol. So not really, he's not as mean a guy as the fandom seems to demonize him wrongly as. I actually think meeting him would be pretty cool!
12: Do you like pairings? If so, which? I mean aside from ZaDr I like RaPr and basically am open to any if ppl write it in a way I like. Those two I just enjoy in particular.
13: Do you believe there are any canon pairings? Like, intended by the writers? I don't remember any prominent characters dating canonically no lol.
14: OTP? ZaDr. I watched episode 1 and shipped it immedietely after their first interaction XD If that's not a "One True Pairing" I'm not sure what is.
15: Favorite enemies? (Tak and Zim or Zim and Dib… etc) Does enemies to lovers count? Idk I am more of a HELPLESS ROMANTIC type I am only into enemies if it's charged in some way XD Otherwise it sticks out to me less so nothing really comes to mind that easily.
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16: Favorite Tallest of the four? I can't choose Red or Purple it changes every day! I like Miyuki and Spork but come on they don't have that much screentime and Red and Purple have far more changes to be funny lol
17: Favorite thing about Invader Zim? ADHD and artstyle
18: Least favorite thing about Invader Zim? that's hard. Even when the show disturbs me I take it as a positive. Uhhh. when ppl in the fandom are judgemental about other people's headcanons in a mean way lol
19: Do you have any blocked tags, relating to the fandom? probably but finding out would mean I'd have to look through my blocked tags! I frequently block people though.
20: Do you ever do crossovers? I had some Gravity Falls crossover sketches back in 2021, and I've done a few crossovers between characters in my own discord servers sometimes, but nothing large/prominent.
...Unless crossovers between zim askblogs count.
21: Any parts of show that actually scare you? Probably not scare but definitely disturb me. I'd need to rewatch it to remember.
22: Any parts of the fandom that actually scare you? I'm very sensitive as a person and have anxiety so people scare me easily!
23: Part that made you laugh the hardest… I'd need to go clip hunting for that! Good news though I recorded myself watching IZ with a friend in 2021 and am slowly editing the clips so I'll find out eventually.
24: Part that you could relate to… Zim very ADHD
25: Least favorite episode? I like all the episodes and I see grossing me out as a bonus bc rarely do things disturb me and it means that it succeeded but uhhhhhh I mean least likely to rewatch probably rise of the zitboy lol
26: Least favorite scene? Sometimes there's fatphobia in the show and that sucks :V
27: Do you like G.I.R.? YES I don't draw him as often as other characters but if you look around my askblog he makes it into tons of the posts lol
28: If you could be anyone from the show, you would choose….. Trying to send me to hell??? Rude.
29: Are the Tallest intelligent or not? Yeah they just don't care lol
30: What do you think an Irkens blood color is? I like it when it's either pink or matches their eye color. I want a rainbow blood smear of irkens after war. imagine it.
31: If you could write an episode, what would happen? I've thought of several fake episode scripts, like where Dib gets suspended for pushing Zim at school and goes to a better nicer school, then ends up back at normal school at the end of the episode because the world is built to hurt Dib, or an episode where Zim gets stuck in his elevator and can't get out bc his PAK legs are too long and his rockets are useless and GIR is useless.
If I could write an episode though it'd probably end up being gay shit tho ngl
32: If all the voice actors and artists were different, would you still want Invader Zim to come back? Well if the writers are the same... hmm, though a lot of what was good about IZ was the synnergy between all the writers, artists, and VAs, like Rikki who voiced GIR also being a background artist, and somehow a bunch of these ppl are still friends 20 years later.
I think it'd be fun to see it even if they totally and completely fuck it up though because then the fandom would tear it apart and it'd be funny
33: Do you consider any of the characters your ‘babies’? Depends on the day but I do love random navigator drone from Florpus. Baby bc Evv is totally based off of them XD Adopted!
34: Do you have any fancharacters that are the result of two canon characters getting together? Fankids? I'd say Wur, even though it's not Dib's biological kid he's still its dad XD
35: If you could meet any of the characters, who would it be and what would you say? Dib's insufferable but I think he just wants someone to listen to him lol
36: If you could meet any of the voice actors, who would it be and what would you say? Probably Richard bc I've seen lots of interviews with him and he just seems really friendly and nice to talk to!
37: Other than Zim, who is your favorite Irken Invader? Damn :V Well we don't really get to meet the other invaders much, do we? Like it's either Skoodge or you just REALLY like a background character lol
38: Professor Membrane: a good daddy or a neglectful cold father? I'd like him to be good but yk all the times he's good it could just be argued it's because his kids are science experiments XD When I write him he's neglectful and cold but more on accident than intentional abuse. He wants the best for his kids but he's just not equipped to deal with their emotions.
39: Favorite quote? I'd need to rewatch the show there's too many good ones lol
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40: Zim’s taken over the planet… Now what? Calls the Tallests to tell them about it and they're like..... We're not flying over there!!! Uh... we told you to watch it not take it over!!! uhhhh whatever, good job [disconnects].
Zim would have his fun being king for a day then things get back to normal by the end of the episode lol
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Moonlight Chicken Live Blogging
 GMMTV Youtube
Another GMMTV 2022 BL that's finally been released! I do like it when Disney+Hotstar releases the shows 2 eps a week because I get to binge the shows sooner (as long as they still put it up on Youtube...)
I avoided spoilers mostly except after watching My School President and kind of getting into GeminiFourth, I also got spoiler for almost their whole storyline last week haha Also, apparently it's not a cheating story as expected but rather Alan and ? Wen? are exes.
NLMG was up wonky in its last few episodes, so here's hoping another of my most anticipated shows from the 2022 lineup doesn't let me down.
Ep 1: Only You in the Full Moon Night (Mar 1)
ah they're talking about the effects of Covid on the economy - I think I remember somebody talking about the gentrification that happens or something?
Ah, I don't know if this is one take but I loveee the handheld (?) camera following around Jim as he travels from Leng to Li Ming to Gaipa, etc. It gives the impression of there's always something to do, something's always happening
lmfao jinxing Praew still having her period cuz I think she's gonna get pregnant, right?
oh this was filmed September 10 2022
(Linguistics) Jim is using -ha ending particles with the grandma
drunk driving with no seatbelts lmfao
ah the 2 of them just praying and wandering around the streets
plssss I've seen the clip of Wen walking into Li Ming's room before but I didn't realize it was like this, I'm crying
"It won't be complicated, right?" lmfao
there was a kiss on the back in NLMG as well
this is a lot for me tbh I keep wanting to skip but ah I won't, I'm nervous about missing things. I'm just watching it not on fullscreen
Very good start but do I finish up this episode before sleeping or do I do a LeetCode like I've been meaning to all day instead?
Okay, I did my leetcode (very badly rip) so I get to reward myself with part 2
gbye Wen playing with Jim's cat after their one night stand killing me so bad
ohhh this is the cat food PPL people were talking about lmfaooo
lol pls Gaipa's mom covering for him about the Sour Soup even though Leng was right when he said it wasn't his mom who gave it but Gaipa himself
please my poor Gaipa giving the mooncakes to Jim out of his crush on him but Jim just thinking about sharing one with Wen last night
ah Khaotung my most beloved boy, I missed seeing him on my screen
Wen's back at his own apartment and I know it's exes living together instead of cheating storyline apparently but :< I wish it was cheating. who would've thought I'd want that but Love Mechanics did a number on me I suppose
two chargers
I should go to sleep but part 2's preview showed Heart and Li Ming so... here I am instead
both of them keep thinking of that night
Li Ming is so boyish and trickster-y when he manages to get the keys to the motorbike and ride despite his license
lol Li Ming really left poor Heart with the broken glass
ah, I know so much about Heart and Li Ming already :< like Heart became deaf a few years ago and his parents don't let him go anywhere and haven't learned how to communicate with him
pls "We both took turns" "Hehe, that's my slutty boy"
(Linguistics) I've noticed Thai people sometimes say "chill chill" in English instead of just chill and now this guy used "pure pure" to describe pure sex. I wonder if this type of repetition is common in Thai as well and I just don't know it because I don't know Thai or if it's specifically with English words. Actually, I think plural is just repetition of the word at least sometimes? dek = child, dek dek = children, so it's not just English loanwords
Wen's avoiding his apartment?
who's Mrs. Jinata? oh is that Heart's mom
rip not only are Li Ming and Jim poorer than the officer, the officer is also obviously a cop. So they could ruin them
ah Li Ming's gonna work for Heart's family to pay it off 7k baht
How come Heart let Li Ming take the fall? I wonder if his parents are just not listening to him saying what he's trying to communicate or if Heart's a jerk and is letting Li Ming take the brunt of it all
Wen taking lessons about one night stands from his P'Gong and yet still showing up to Jim's to drink a beer lmao instead he even wants to waitstaff at the restaurant like bro what about your real job. then again what even is his job? he was at his apartment and the gym and he seems to spend money much more casually than Jim but what does he do to earn that money?
Very good, delightful episode with good acting, writing (in terms of characters and sensibility of events), and directing/cinematography. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the episodes.
Oh yeah another big spoiler that I didn't wanna put up there was that I've been saying ppl post behind photos of MLC and saying Gaipa's mother is gonna die. It's ep 6 been released and she hasn't died yet I don't think from the way the tweets are worded, so I'v been spoiled about something that hasn't even happened yet lmfao
Ep 2: The Temporary Chicken Rice (Mar 1)
not Leng's premonition dream about their daughter
Li Ming is soooo teenage boy here my god I wanna be him so bad
like he's rude to his uncle and doesn't let Heart get away with sitting around and it helps that Fourth was 17 when filming but it really is so 17 year old behaviour
lol Wen's not gonna let up
please Gaipa starting shit in Leng and Praew's relationship just for the hell of it
why does Gaipa handle the chicken and everything else with the same gloves T.T
Wen vs Gaipa over Jim's affections lmfao this awkwardness...
I wish I knew Wen and Gaipa's ages like how old are they supposed to be
Li Ming giving me the most random gender envy like I think I could be fixed if I was a 17-year-old boy who was playing soccer while shirtless with some other boys
so does Li Ming know he likes boys/is starting to realize he likes boys/knows he doesn't like girls? like was his disinterest in the girl because of his lack of attraction to her or is it because of his worries covered up by apathy about the future?
What's Li Ming watching on his phone?
okay just kidding I don't envy his grades nor his lack of direction for the future and his money troubles
also quick insert from after watching the ep: he got a 2/10 on his English but he wants to travel abroad for work to like America or Australia
A tiny truce between Li Ming and Heart
haiaiai Praew's now pregnant and her parents will want her and Leng to get married but he doesn't have the money for it rip the stress making them fight is the worst because they were so cute so far this ep
I don't fully get what's happening with the Car Insurance letter thing
oh instead of paying that bill he bought gold jewelry for Praew?
lol ofc he'd run into Wen
So I guess Wen makes enough to have some income to spend on some things but not like he's freely spending
ah Wen saying "I have so much time for you"
Li Ming's hopes of going on America or Australia bringing back immigration time memories even though I don't remember much. I know lots of international students who come to study here but you gotta be loaded for that; Li Ming as a young boy who doesn't know the language coming here would be so difficult it's actually making me already anxious. I want him to break out of the small town/restaurant if that's what he wants but coming to work in North America with little education, skills, and command of the language is its own version of hell
but maybe at least knowing Wen's relatives would help him
Note upon rewatch: lol I think someone on Discord mentioned it so I rewatched this part where I initially thought Heart looked around, didn't see Li Ming, then went on his phone but instead Heart saw Li Ming and immediately went on the phone to cover up the fact that he was looking for him and ignored him until he was touched lol silly boy
Heart wanting to watch a Thai movie that doesn't have Thai subs but ironically MLC also doesn't seem to have Thai subs
the pimples and bumps on Gemini's face I love you. reminds me slightly of watching Not Me and getting to see their faces not just blurry
ah Heart said thank you for being my ears
oof Heart's mom forbidding him from going out is so
ahh yeah Jim did indeed get it for Leng to give the necklace as Praew's dowry
pls not Leng saying "one during the day, another at night" about Jim with Gaipa and Wen
not a fucking mistake when reversing a car that sends ppl falling - my worst nightmare
fuckkk not Jim needing the car insurance after he bought the necklace instead of paying the insurance bill
are the couple faking it? did they purposely go behind the car and pretend to fall and make a big deal and just leave with the money?
bro Wen's saying yeah I just gave them 3k baht and it's okay, you don't need to pay me back? be so serious
so how much money does Wen actually have?
Jim tryna get a home and a kiss from Jim but Jim not wiling to provide either
This show shows something about the small pleasures of the poor/those struggling with money. Leng's cigarettes that cost 4 baht for 1 and Jim drinking 1 beer a day. People who aren't in that situation say to save that money as if that little will solve their problems; instead, the small pleasures and vices help people to get through the day
Ep 3: The Dream of Eternal Moon (Mar 1)
ah yeah Mix is working on the Marina food court ting that Jim and Gaipa were previously discussing
Are those Wen's photos with Jim's cat? or a diff one?
ahh they're negotiating the demolition of the place where Jim's restaurant is
ah fuck the team Wen's in spoke to Gaipa's mom because she's the owner of the chicken restaurant and got her to speak to other owners or whatever about something for them (selling their businesses, I think?) and got the contact for the person who owns the property where Moonlight Chicken is. However, they didn't tell her they're gonna demolish it so she doesn't know and is complaining that these people keep demolishing things and should instead be preserving ahhh.
Also, Gaipa and Wen's staring at each other in during that conversation because only the two of them know both the facts that 1) Wen works at Moonlight Chicken and 2) The demolition stuff will be happening
Giddy little Heart at Li Ming learning sign language and trying to speak with me. My poor boy who has been so isolated and neglected for the past few years T.T
oof Jim thinks Wen's worried because of monthly bills and payments
oh Papang's character used to be Jim's boyfriend
Papang yelling out loud about their love is making me nervous
oh smiley, happy Jim
lmfao so dumb to just have the person you're cheating with's phone call background be a cutesy photo of you and them + have your camera roll be filled with them wtf
so is the homophobic sister the same as Li Ming's mother?
rip Wen just learns more than Jim can even say he loves his diner and his history with it; the whole time, his company's planning on demolishing it
no like Li Ming so true because when you're rich or have status, you get endless free things or it's easier to get to borrow things whereas poor people or those who really need said free help/loan have to fight tooth and nail to get a portion
Wen has Jim as Chicken Stranger on his contacts
bro people pointed it out on Reddit and Discord that Earth sighs too much and now I'm noticing it too. Even Wen sometimes sighs too much
Finally some angst and conflict between Jim and Wen
pls Gaipa's "Na?" with the smile reminded me so much of Ayan
ah more of Jim and Li Ming's conflict
I fully get Jim's concern because what the hell do you mean you're gonna somehow acquire money to go to the US and somehow manage to get work there and then have no plans after that? While having no money, grades, connections, English? But I also get 17-year-old Li Ming who is desperate to get out of this fucking place
omg Li Ming is so fucking teenager. Doesn't tell anything to Uncle Jim because "he's so annoying, all our conversations end in a fight"
Leng and Praew are so cute to me
ah my beautiful Li Ming sitting and gazing out to water
the fucking chin tickle thing will actually kill me one of these days. Li Ming to Heart, Gun to Tinn, Fourth to Gemini
not Wen inviting Jim to a dinner with his father my goodness
underage drinking ah it's typical but it makes me nervous that it's happening at Heart's home + Li Ming originally got in trouble because of the alcohol
it's so typical teenager, to drink from their parents' alcohol and water it down to make it seem like it hasn't been drunk from. or maybe it's not really typical teenager behavior and is just based on the YA novels I've read but hasn't appeared much in BLs
Heart doesn't even know it's Loy Krathong today
ah happy babies
insane to call Jim as Loong in front of your father
"A hard life over there is better than living here" hmm I guess? maybe? Well actually idk but Li Ming's in a bad position even in Thailand, so I guess only way it can go is up. Just that he'll be lacking a lot of the things he has in Thailand including familiarity, family and support, language
why does Wen keep saying he lives paycheck to paycheck when it's not true?
Well at least Jim calls him out on it
Next year Loy Krathong pinky promise please I'll cry if Li Ming and Heart aren't together for that next year
my beautiful dancing boys T.T
ah Gaipa with his mom
"I can't wait to see who your lover will be" man all the ep 7 clips I've seen have been the characters in black, presumably at Gaipa's mom's funeral fml man and all the talks about how long they'll do this together
Heart and Li Ming sleep over T.T
ah flustered Heart turning away and going to sleep is so reminiscent of when Gun did a similar thing after the eye contact with Tinn scene
the whole entire scene with Wen at home, grabbing a beer that has significance to him and Jim, looking at random things on his phone while smiling - probably something to do with Jim - and then going to the bedroom with Alan sleeping is so aklsdfj I wonder what it would be like to watch this show with little to no knowledge. Not only did I know about Alan, I knew he'd appear at the end of the episode while in bed because 1) people said he was there for 2 seconds and 2) in people's archives, I saw gifs of this scene even though I was trying to avoid these
Ep 4: The Midnight of Lifetime (Mar 2)
ah my beloved cute heartliming and once again heart pretending he’s not looking at li ming ahhh so cute pretending to sleep
i too love li ming’s eyes so i get heart
the fucking legs what if i died
naurrr Alan’s arm over Wen and Wen just continues to look at him with such contempt. even that 0.2 second glance in the last episode was similar
this Wen and Alan convo so tense my god and yeah they’re still living together but not actually together
First is so freaking beautiful with those glasses and glossy lips
pls not the underage smoking as well tho Li Ming didn’t look experienced
ah fuck ofc everything is so tense between them and Li Ming walks in the moment Jim looks in his drawer
fucking fuck this scene between Li Ming and Uncle Jim killed me so bad
my lovely silly boys heart li ming
also now Heart tickling under Li Ming’s chin is soooo cute
pls Heart being dazed at shirtless wet Li Ming so funny
pls Li Ming is sooo rough teenage boy with the colour complain
Wen planning a surprise birthday goddamn
beautiful Li Ming with the sweetest face like truly congrats to Fourth for having the face he does
ah so indeed Wen is almost 30
keep calm and eat chicken
Wen really is endlessly persistant and forward lol
ah Wen approaching for a kiss and all Jim can think about is sex with Ben or whatever Papang’s character’s name is rip
beautiful Wen
this fucking cat product PPL pls
I can’t think of Alan objectively as a character like I’m just delighted to see First
ah what did Alan do without asking Wen that broke them?
also Alan really going to Gong to ask about Wen’s relationship status lol
ahh Alan in banking sees the man from Wen’s IG story. He’s interacting with Jim already knowing about him negatively and as a rival while Jim’s clueless
sucks that Jim can’t get a loan rip
please Gaipa and his mom are so delightful
mom supportive of gay love for a liiiiittle bit of aroacephobia lol i’m gonna choose to ignore it bc maybe she didn’t mean it that way
i fucking love Gaipa and his mom I’m gonna be so mad sad when she dies
the show is going by so fast, it was September in ep 1 and then Halloween time October in ep 2, Loy Khratong was in November in 2022 for ep 3, not almost Christmas for ep 4
Heart’s parents really speak 1 sentence to him a day and like they’re so uninterested in his life that he just has Li Ming in hiding and they suspect nothing
Heart Li Ming so cuteeee what if I died
I have a class and then a project meeting so I can’t watch part 4 for like 2 hours what if i was a villain
I ate while watching this so I didn't write anything but it's just
(Fave) all the way through
I loved the way we got to see Li Ming take Heart to the mass for deaf people, got a little info sharing PSA about life and treatment of deaf people, and then that old man's answer was the throughline for the other storylines like Alan Wen Jim, Gaipa and his mom, Leng and Praew, and ofc Heart Li Ming themselves
Also, so far, my love for First kept overtaking any other feelings I could have about the character in the first 3 parts because I kept seeing him but in this part, Alan has started to take a stronger form. At that store, that was little bitchy Alan
Also, the pawn shop form... Leng sold the gold necklace lol I knew that was a possibility as soon as Jim told him not to sell it. I wonder what he's gonna do with the money? Spending it on baby related stuff is one thing, I just hope he didn't put it in the lotto stuff
Also, I get why they didn't translate Heart's signing in the first 2 episodes to make us go through the same things as Li Ming but now that Li Ming understand Heart, we should be getting translations. It's like [speaking a foreign language] when the main character is also not supposed to understand is fine but saying that isn't fine when everybody in the conversation is supposed to understand the language. By ep 4, Li Ming understands and communicates with Heart and what Heart says back should be understood by the audience.
Ep 5: Wrong You In The Right Time (Mar 3)
(Fave) ahh cute 1st year anniversary Wen and Alan
they gaveth me FirstMix and then they taketh it away T.T
so they were together for 5 years but by Feb 2022, they were broken up and living together as 'friends' and Wen's reasoning was just falling out of love
oh fuckkkkkkk AlanWen slept together after breaking up bc Alan kept initiating and Wen says he felt bad for Alan, that's why they slept together rip fr
ahhh not Alan being like come here, I'll dress your wound. girl you caused it?
This confusingly civil conversation at the table like idek, Wen does even know, Alan doesn't even know
I guess Wen's keeping it civil till he can actually move out
bro Gaipa, don't give your mother's land as collateral to Jim to get a loan to buy out the restaurant T.T mans doesn't love you
messy as Li Ming, first shouting out Gaipa and now Wen to come to the same table with him and Jim
I think this part gave me like 7000 emotional damage
plss Li Ming asking Jim about Wen and saying he seems like an okay guy
last part was just so much emotional damage but now Heart and Li Ming are so cute and adorable >.<
Engineering or Com Sci <- lmfao Heart is my friend group except for the one person who is doing bio
agh Heart's mother not letting him go to school anymore
they're sooo cute in their big costumes T.T also Heart-Gemini reminds me of Barcode here, so cute
cute beloved Heart having fun with his drink
lmfao Li Ming is such trouble, mentioning to Wen that now Gaipa works at the restaurant
Wen being like wow these bitches gay
Li Ming so funny getting involved in Wen's gay business and then involving Wen in his own gay business
Alan and Jim at the bank goddamn Alan was tryna kill Jim with his stare and also is he suspicious that the title deed is actually fake or something?
"I wasn't aware I was taking it" "That's alright. Now that you're aware, just return what you took from me" sure is some dialogue my god
I need to seek help, Alan's being a dick but he had a little pout at 1:40 and I've died my beloved beautiful First ah
lol Wen seeing Jim ignore his call
lol "We broke up but live together. no biggie" about Alan who came to cause a scene at the restaurant is certainly a choice
no I get Jim fr though like I am not gonna be involved in this mess, thank you and goodbye
I thought Wen lived with Alan out of some sort of necessity but it really doesn't even seem to be the case. He's just unable to really let go and just leave for real?
not this beef and chicken convo. with them both having teary eyes
oof Wen losing his feelings probably had at least something to do with him eating beef despite him not liking it because Alan does (ie. making accommodations for Alan to his own detriment?)
damn Wen even saying he was also hoping they could work it out
P'Aof sighting
bro Wen even had some promise ring or something still? they really had such a murky relationship
ah they've finally really truly broken up i guess. also Alan really now knows that even if there was no Jim, Wen wouldn't love him again
also did Alan really not do anything? idk what was being hinted at last episode
Leng calling Li Ming nong rak
oh yeah Leng sold the gold chain, right?
not the gay couple in the gay chicken restaurant
H <3 and Ming :)
I'm so nervous bc they're gonna get into a motorcycle crash soon ah
bro I feel like you'd need special training to teach a deaf person how to ride a motorcycle bro tf and Li Ming doesn't have a license either
girl, not the crash and Shit! from Li Ming
Heart injured his hand ahh
I don't wanna watch this conversation with Heart's parents, Jim all present
okay good I thought they'd just get mad at Li Ming but I'm glad Heart's also getting to say his piece
(Fave) The conversation between Heart and his mother facilitated by Li Ming... his mom literally having to hear all of Heart's frustrations and thoughts through this kid they've known for a few months because she hasn't learned to communicate with him for 3 years
I didn't realize originally that Heart seemed hopeful for one second when his mother started doing hand gestures but then rolled his eyes when he realized it was her signing
sad Heart T.T
Li Ming so teenager once again like he was correct to me in the sneaking Heart out but letting him drive the motorcycle was too much and the way he was like you don't have to help me, I'll take responsibility because I'm grown to Jim is so teenager but also I get it because while Jim tries to support Li Ming in his own way, he’s constantly opposing all of Li Ming’s choices and decisions and hopes
This episode was just so much emotional damage and also really realizing just how much every other relationship is more interesting than Wen and Jim. Whether it be our side couples, Li Ming with Jim or Wen, Alan and Wen, Alan and Jim, Gaipa and his mom, Heart and his parents. Gaipa and Jim are meh as well because it's just awkward how much Jim doesn't reciprocate while Gaipa's trying so hard but it's meant to be that way.
Also I wish I knew how long Li Ming has lived with his uncle. Jim’s missteps are more understandable if it’s been like just a year and he wasn’t prepared to parent/be the guardian of a teenager rather than if it’s been like 5-6 years.
Ep 6: The Walk to Forgive and Forget (Mar 4)
she really knows nothing about her son my goodness
kinda parallels about Li Ming telling Heart's mom that actually Heart's quite communicative because Li Ming tells Jim nothing but is communicative with Wen
oof, yeah I read a comment (on discord?) that Jim's ex died
oof Alan's immature to not be able to just process Jim's loan but at least he told Jim to go elsewhere rather than sabotage it - and he was right when he was like why is Jim coming to my bank instead of any other?
ah fuck Gaipa confession, I don't wanna watch this
not Gaipa's teary eyes ah and drinking water and avoiding eye contact T.T
bro not Gaipa literally wiping off his tears and everything and Jim also returning the title deed when tf will this scene be done I can't, like I'm watching it via my peripherals
"Come on, we already talked about this" Wen is so funny because he finally left Alan where he consistently had to be like no romantic relationship to go to Jim's who keeps telling him I don't want a romantic relationship
damn Jim fr the other man
"We just fell in love with a selfish man" ah. I do find it somewhat refreshing when characters talk frankly about a dead person rather than put them on a pedestal because they're dead
Heart and Li Mingggg
ah pls Li Ming is so excited at Heart's voice like my guy what do you mean how can he speak T.T He used to speak as his main form of communication till 3 years ago
I've been looking forward to "You're poor and now you're gay too" since starting the show and finally Jim has seen them kiss
pls Heart Li Ming sooo cute
not Alan wearing both the rings
oh mans was drunk driving
Ep 7: My Heart Represents the Moon (Mar 5)
ah fuck Wen as Alan's caregiver is so... does Alan not have family nearby?
ah so he wasn't drunk driving, he was sitting at the back of someone's motorcycle while drunk
okayyy so Alan's sister is here, nice
Alan and Wen are decent and nice but working on extracting each other from themselves
naurrr sad Gaipa
adfsjlkasfj Gaipa's tears around Jim T.T
pls Gaipa's already so sad but at least his mom's there - soon she's gonna die T.T
ah Li Ming and his mom's conversation here and their different demeanours compared to MSP despite being the same people is so good
wait does Jim know his sister's in the house? no, right?
ah this discussion between Jim and Li Ming... interestingly, he didn't yell at Jim at all. was just so apathetic to Jim's scolding like bro who cares
I once again wonder how long Jim's had Li Ming. he's so unable to have a decent conversation with him or navigate any topic
no like Jim is cruel to Li Ming but that stems from the fact that he can foresee these conversations by society and his sister. He defends Li Ming to his sister saying he did nothing wrong but he acts that way with Li Ming because his life just got harder
okay she said Jim raised Li Ming. that's too long for Jim to not have figured out some sort of way to navigate conversations with him
ah his sister is kinda bribing Jim to convince Li Ming to go with her by giving him the title deed
ah so they do touch on abortion just a bit but since Praew's parents said they'll support the child, it's okay
so will we also talk about the pawn shop certificate or no
None of Wen's friends are gay? Gong's straight? oh wait he has a gf that we literally saw, I forgot but still idk why I was fully convinced he liked men as well
so indeed Jim spells out that he can accept Li Ming but is just worried about him because of the state of gay acceptance
another marriage equality PSA and also a mention of the dinosaurs dying - like in MSP ep 12 also
lol the convo about Wen chasing Jim for the longest and being like I might disappear one day you know like you know if this a longer series, it probably would be that way
why are all the interactions in this show so fun like I love Gaipa and Leng so much, just teasing each other non stop and causing problems
Gaipaaaaa T.T Gaipa's mom T.T
omg she was only 49 years old? that's too young
lmfao not the Gaipa and Alan meeting pls like I've been conflicted about the possibility ever since The Eclipse aired and KhaoFirst became popular and became aware that this happened when the last 2 eps came out but I just... how do I feel about it? like if this weren't KhaoFirst but just the characters themselves
okayyyy Heart's mom is speaking to him using sign as well
Heart Li Ming my loves actually like I love them so bad
Jim's not vocal approval but he's laid up on Li Ming as well
bro Beam's family also such dickheads. Beam had all the bank accounts and stuff in his name and so his family took it all
this Alan and Jim convo is so exhausting and I'm not even a part of it
ah so Li Ming's been with Jim for 5-6 years
ahhh shy Li Ming after saying that he loves Lung Jim T.T
lmfao Li Ming being offering beer by Jim
Jim and Li Ming lovely convo that didn't devolve into fighting, so true
being told "he knows how to jack off" by my uncle in front of my mother would actually send me into an early grave like i'd just pass away
anyway, I hope they support Li Ming's decisions in the future
happy Li Ming having happy dinner with his mom and Jim >.<
(Fave) damn the singing as Gaipa's crying is actually killing me wtf I teared up for the first time while watching this show
Also the dynamics of the funeral arewild because it's consistently Gaipa-Jim and Alan-Wen paired up with even some occasional crossover like Jim and Alan
Wen returning the apartment keys to Alan ah
damn this ep is end of so many chapters, including the Moonlight Chicken lease being up
Ep 8: The Self-Made House and Home (Mar 5/6)
I'm gonna need to take a break from shows for a few days after this show because why am I starting this ep instead of doing my assignment due tomorrow, doing my interview prep for tomorrow, getting some sleep since it's 12AM?
Yeah, both Jim and mom are worried about Li Ming but let's support him even if the world doesn't
I watched the title credits finally and yeah after listening to the song a few tmes in the show, it's a good one. I should add it to Spotify later
Li Ming and mom touching times aw
goodbye to Moonlight Chicken restaurant
Alan being okay with leaving behind the photos of their anniversary behind to show that he's finally moving on actually
so Heart's also going to America for university for deaf people - I did get spoiled that they're both going to the states but wasn't sure why Heart's gonig
ah parallels of Li Ming and Heart at the temple to back when Jim and Beam were were praying there
pls Li Ming saying "But I didn't copy you for sure" to Jim is so cute and funny
ah Jim being explicitly supportive of Li Ming T.T
I love Jim and Li Ming so much now T.T
watched first 2 parts, time to go to sleep now. 40 more minutes left for tomorrow.
Bro here I'm back almost 24 hours later after an interview, an assignment submitted, and another one discussed sigh
2 months later
Alan Gaipa everybody's beloveds, convince me too since KhaoFirst are my beloveds
well at least it's been 2 months since they first met and have had some time to get over their previous love/crush and develop affection for the new person
not Alan asking for Gaipa's chatID T.T shocked Gaipa like kab? and Alan terribly covering his ass talking bout some headquarter documents
not Alan's pen again lmfao
oh, he's got a food truck now
ah Leng, he's beloved to me too
oh we're getting a lot of resolutions in these last 30 mins I guess like we're going to Jim's sister's house and also Alan's gonna show up at the food truck
ah Jim introduces Wen as his boyfriend finally
I fucking love Li Ming's teeny nods like I first noticed it when he was talking with Wen in 3-3 where they were talking about Work and Travel at 9:40 I think? (after I wanna work and get paid for it) and now at 3:52/3:53 he gives the smallest nod like idk if it's a Fourth habit or if it's just something for Li Ming (since I don't know if Gun does it? I at least didn't notice it). omg again at 5:46 here
Li Ming talking to his mom about America and also she hasn't said anything bout Heart but I know she realizes
Heart and the child ahhhhh so cute
I still don't fully get the deal with Heart's speaking beyond deaf people sometimes are uncomfortable speaking when they can't hear themselves
Li Ming and Heart my beloveds
Jim supportive of Li Ming's America dream T.T lending him 30k baht T.T and going with him to sign documents and stuff
no it's so funny like Alan and Gaipa are meeting to 'discuss documents' at Jim's food truck
asdklf not Gaipa not even knowing about Alan and Wen omg
pls Alan about to wither away vs Gaipa early being like join us for dinner ^.^ without knowing the history
Leng is so meddlesome heh I continue to love Leng and Gaipa ahhh
ah everybody at this food truck including Heart-Liming, Alan-Gaipa, Leng-Praew with daughter
cute mini endings - hopeful for everybody
ah Wen did reject the job promotion
added the song to spotify, it's good
It's a good one! High quality with good acting and interesting storylines that are unique in BL. It didn't hit me as hard as it seemed to hit some other people though and I'm not thinking about it much at all since finishing. I think Jim/Wen's relationship was one of the weakest aspects of the show to me because I didn't care nor did I really feel anything.
I loved Heart and Li Ming, I enjoyed getting to see Jim grow and also how his relationship with Li Ming changed, I liked getting to see Wen and Alan's flashbacks and to present tense relationship, I like Gaipa showing up once in a while to be bright, I thought Gaipa and Leng's interactions were funny, I loved Li Ming as a character so much, I wished to be him so badly.
Rating: 7/10
Ep 2 HeartLiming (bg: Little Freak)
[Fave] TinnGun x HeartLiming (bg: About You by The 1975)
Mix and First characters
HeartLiming Dancing - not answering phone (bg: Fly Me To The Moon)
heartliming this is gay - pink shirt
li ming learning sign for heart
heartliming vs the world - compilation 
Gaipa and his cool mom 
Ep 1 - 5 Li Ming (bg: i’m so sick of seventeen)
New Trailer:
I watched the reaction with the cast and the trailer itself was okay, though it gave away too much, but it was fun seeing the cast being excited
Mock Trailer:
I've watched parts of this before but I hadn't actually watched it fully I think? Good enough for a mock trailer, definitely gave interesting story threads without giving too much away.
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Dropped Dramas in 2022
I saw @rain-hat's drop list and was inspire to make my own. I dropped a lot this year because I've been trying more drama genres outside my comfort zone and finding that...they are still outside my comfort zone. Urban fantasy kdramas and fantasy sageuks are where I thrive.
Since most of these were dropped due to my dislike, I will not be tagging this so that I keep my criticism out of the tags. List under the cut with progress in parentheses.
A Business Proposal (8/12) I normally don't like CEO romances because I'm not a fan of those types of power dynamics and gave it a shot after I saw gifsets of the "removing glasses" kiss. I found it enjoyable until the hiking scene for the 2nd couple because I love hiking and I personally would have left her on the mountain. I can't stand immature characters.
Between Us (2/12) I watched UMWA and it's a favorite of mine but I was really taken aback seeing Dean & Pharm in so many scenes when I've seen their story already. I started fast-forwarding the drama and by the end of episode 2, I no longer cared. I am watching Waan & Tul play out in gifsets though. I will probably binge this on fast-forward once it's done.
Blue Birthday (3/16) Too slow for me
Check out the Series (2/12) I loved the special Episode 0 but the full treatment was a mess and I didn't find anyone likeable.
Cherry Blossom After Winter (5/8) Too young for me and a lot of places it was cringey for me to watch. Sometimes highschool/college dramas are just too immature for me. I'm over 40.
Cutie Pie (5/12) Miscommunication as a plot driver is not for me when it's not written well, and they had that with both main couples. I'm also not a fan of this power dynamic. They had chemistry, I'll give them that. The actors for the 3rd/side couple have a drama coming out next year and that's on my to-watch list.
Enchante (7/10) Honestly, I was working a lot when this came out and I was behind most of the people watching and talking about it. By the time the ending rolled around, it seemed like a messy end, so I figure I ended on a high note by not finishing it. I enjoyed the hijinks up to that point.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (6/16) - I loved it! Except I was behind all of tumblr and basically was able to watch it all via gifsets and short clips without having to slog through the legal cases and mother drama. I only dropped it because I basically saw everything on social media and didn't see the need to watch the full episode when I got home from work. 10/10 recommended!!
First Love Again (3/6) I was bored. I also did not like the age gap or perhaps it was the boss/employee relationship.
Falling Into Your Smile (22/31) I just could not stand the way they wrote the leads' characters. There was a ton of sexual harassment of the FL on the part of the ML in their workplace and in the public and the writers tried to play it off as flirting. I would have filed a lawsuit. Jeez. Also, the director never let the FL emote. I know she can act as I've seen her in other projects. They even had her fall down the stairs at one point and her face never changed expression. This is a failure of the writers and directors.
In Your Heart (7/8) I stopped watching an episode before the sexual assault based on recommendations from reviewers on MDL.
KinnPorsche (8/14) As mentioned above, I'm not a fan of boss/employee relationships and I was tired of Kinn never having to apologize.
Love Mechanics (2/10) I would have loved to finish it but I don't have WeTV and was too lazy to look for it on a grey site and then forgot about it when it was released for non-subscribers. The chemistry and War's acting made my sternum ache. A++ acting on his part. I will finish this one day. (I did watch the original short version.)
My Bossy Wife (7/12) I was in it for a webdrama with a crime solving noblewoman but there was some serious homophobic plotlines and they hated GNC women too much.
My Tooth Your Love (6/12) Cute but I was creeped out by the doctor-patient relationship. I was getting sucked in and then would get hit with how unprofessional it was.
Once Upon a Small Town (8/12) Cute but I was bored. Everyone was pretty.
Our Blues (2/20) I started watching for Shim Dal Gi and her cute HS romance before I realized it was an ensemble drama. I dropped because of Lee Byung Hun. Why would the drama gods pair Shin Min Ah with him? She deserves a better acting partner.
Plus & Minus (4/12) I was behind a couple of weeks and spoiled myself on the messy break-up and reconciliation. I dropped before I could watch that.
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (5/8) Not my style. I could not stand Kaneda's character being so completely in panic mode at all times. I tried, I really did, to stick it out to see if he ever got over it, but he didn't by ep 5.
Sh**ting Stars (11/16) Loved the main couple but the 2nd couple ruined it for me. Yoo Sung with Ho Yeong was icky for me because of the working relationship and the age gap. I was rooting for Seunghyub (I should confess to being a fan of N.Flying) and I thought they were more suitable with their ages and their personalities. Dropping was not the fault of Lee Sung Kyung or Kim Young Dae who were great. I love their style of comedy.
Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart (3/8) I found Mek's character Khuafah unlikeable. Too bad, I liked Star in Your Mind (the first part of the series with JoongDunk).
The Eclipse (10/12) Perfect drama. Great chemistry. Loved this. I just hated the teachers and the school and noped out of that even though I ended up missing out on the couples getting together. There's always a supercut I can watch later. I will watch anything with Neo Trai in it. I hope he gets like a million lead roles down the line.
Vice Versa (6/12) Honestly? I'm just not a fan of Jimmy's acting (in this or in Bad Buddy) OR the way his character NEVER REVEALED HIS NAME UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE. Eff that. Talay deserved better. I do like Sea and his acting. I want to see more and I hope he doesn't become co-branded with Jimmy. As mentioned above, I will watch anything with Neo Trai in it. I got excited when his character said Phuwadol was his type. I'd love to see a dude pursue a Tom in a Thai drama. Also, I was desperate for screen time for Jeab Lalana who I've loved since Club Friday.
You're My Sky (7/12) Good and it gave authentically queer vibes. The track stars were stressing me out though. Cheating story lines are not for me and I dropped it. The jock/nerd duo were more my style but they had less screen time. I also was completely bored by all the basketball so I tuned out the main couple.
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todayimgonnaplay · 25 days
Today I'm Gonna Play: Granblue Fantasy -Relink-
I've never played or watched anything from this franchise other than seeing random clips and artwork of it. It looked pretty art wise, and I've heard great things about this game.
Right off the bat, I think this one of the most visually impressive anime games I've seen so far, on par or even better than games like Hoyoverse's Honkai Star Rail and Zenless Zone Zero. Animations don't feel stiff at all compared to many anime games I've played. Even dialogue cutscenes have some movement to them with different angles, which is very appreciated.
A lot of the character designs are also very appealing, featuring different races the series provides. There's not a lot of diversity, but I don't feel bothered by it as the characters look good enough for me. The only exception is that I feel that the female protagonist's base design looks a lot more bland compared to the male protagonist. Fortunately, she does get a glow up later on.
Speaking of protagonists, I really like the optional feature of being able to change gender at any time. I'm not sure if there are any dialogue differences as I ended up choosing male for the design the entire game, but this is a feature I don't see any downsides to if someone feels like changing from time to time. But weirdly enough, you cannot change party members during a quest. I find this to be an odd decision that limits the player's strategy especially when the combat system is designed around exploiting weaknesses.
Although as much as the designs are very colourful, their personalities aren't. Everyone's in their cookie cutter tropes which is fine, but they feel more or less the same with their goody goody personalities that have one fixation such as talking about being old, or liking machines. I couldn't connect with them as a result, even with the extra side episodes for each character detailing their backstory. However, that is a welcome decision for those who would be interested, and I also did enjoy the banter that plays in the field.
Another aspect I really like is the combat. It feels like a mix between Tales of Arise and Final Fantasy 16. There's a mix of combos, skills with a 4 party team that allows for duo and full party attacks. It's flashy yet functional at the same time. Every boss battle felt exciting to go through as if they were all treated with the same level of care (for the most part), which is a rare occasion for me. There are also some neat QoL features in terms of UX, such as summaries to provide for people wanting to skip cutscenes or view side episodes, optional auto skips for loading screens, and ease of navigation with skill trees. This feels refreshing to see after playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. Although I am confused by the purpose of adding in choice dialogues when they more or less lead to the same outcome, other than providing players an illusion of choice to insert themselves into the story.
Overall, this game shines in terms of its presentation and combat, as well as its music! I can't say much else for the rest, but sometimes having a simplistic heartfelt story (even if it's a direct sequel) is all one needs to wind down and have fun.
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jisungshotfirst · 2 years
Toku anon: so speaking of the Kpop survival show with Hui in it, I have some questions about Kpop survival/predebut shows in general.
1. Why does everything seem so dramatic whenever I see clips of these shows? Are they always like this? I think the least-toxic-feeling one I've seen clips of was the Stray Kids one. And even then, there were some tense moments.
2.a. I've noticed that a group doesn't always seem to debut from the shows? Like, there was a clip of predebut Ateez on a show called Mix-Nine, but I don't think that was their show? Because I was told only some of them got near the end. And the YG boss guy was there for some reason? (At least, I think it's him? It was the same dude that showed up in one of the SKZ survival show episodes.) So then which group was that show for?
2.b. and then there's that show that some of the Cravity guys were in, that led to X1, but apparently X1 disbanded. But it must have happened fast, because the Cravity guys looked almost the same in those clips as when they debuted in Cravity. So what's going on there?
3. Not exactly a survival show question, but what was happening in that predebut Seventeen show with the green basement? On the one hand, it wasn't scary the way the survival shows were (none of the evil edits and that type of drama). And I don't mind the low video quality (I've watched a couple toku shows at 144p). But there's just. Just something that doesn't sit right. As if at any moment some narrator would start saying that these videos were the start of an urban-legend creepypasta. But that never happens.
4. So how often do the "losing" trainees end up going to another company (and maybe debuting)? Because on the one hand, some of these shows have around 100 contestants. But on the other hand, it does seem to happen sometimes (again, seeing Ateez, and half of Cravity. Those are the only ones I know of though.)
5. How often do these Hui Moments happen? As in, a musician who's in an arguably-active group appears as a contestant.
Ahh<3 the world of survival shows<3 I shall answer all ur questions my friend 😎
1. They are edited and written that dramatically because it is reality tv 💔 drama needs to happen for it to be entertaining (subjective ofc! but to producers it needs to be) and again it's reality tv so it needs to at least Seem real. So the editors use what footage they have and dramatise the Heck out of it or some things will be scripted. It will fully depend on the situation and show as to how much the trainees are made aware of all of this (most of the time I feel they are not to have more 'realistic' emotional outbursts). They come in a whole range of toxicity<3 like in the skz one they do kick out felix and minho for drama despite the fact I'm sure jype had the full intention to debut them all. But yeah there can be a lot worse or just different. No mercy is the show that debuted monsta x and I have literally only seen a handful of clips from it because i hear it's one of the toughest to watch, I am not emotionally strong enough. Survival shows are often that dramatic because it's produced as a competition, but run-up-to-debut shows? A lot of them I fucking Love. Because there can be drama but it's not over elimination, the tasks are team building/training skills ! Oneus/onewe and ateez had very fun ones and my BELOVED flower snack .. which was tbz predebut show and it was just them running a restaurant. So nothing to do with performing skills but it was extremely entertaining and was just about team-building and getting to know the members personalities!
2a . There are survival/elimination shows of 2 kinds - one where trainees are from multiple different companies and winners debut in a temporary group together before going back to their companies (eg. Produce series, MixNine). And another where the trainees are from one company, or the show is run by one company, and there are eliminations and the winners debut in a fixed group (eg. treasure box, i-land). And then there are debut/predebut/run-up-to-debut shows with the lineup already fixed (eg. codename is ateez, flower snack). And then there are the few that are technically predebut shows with a fixed lineup but pretend there are eliminations for drama/ have temporary eliminations (eg. stray kids, pentagon maker). I will make a little list here of whos from what!! Official groups are ones made through winning the competition. Follow-on are ones with many losing trainees, or formed by winning contestants but After the temporary group disbands
produce (4 seasons) = [an mnet show - the most watched survival show]
official groups: I.O.I, wanna one, iz*one, x1
follow-on groups: ab6ix, cix, oneus, wei, cravity, bae173, ive, lesserafim, wekimeki +
mixnine = [a show made between yang hyunsuk (yg guy) and jtbc (tv producer)]
(No official group coz their debut was cancelled - yg SUCKS)
follow-on groups: ateez, oneus, onf, a.c.e, treasure, itzy, loona +
other shows
ateez = codename is ateez, treasure = treasure box, oneus/onewe = i will debut, pentagon = pentagon maker, enhypen = i-land, twice = sixteen
yes, some groups are listed multiple times<3 either members went through multiple shows or the group split themselves up between them all.
2.b. so... x1 jnfnd btw anything opinionated here is my personal opinion and people are welcome to disagree! but personally x1 disbanding to quickly improved my life tenfold. x1 was a group made of the 11 top trainees at the end of produce season 4. produce has had a lot of controversy to do with voting fraud (just in season 3 and 4 as far as im aware) so it's very unlikely that the iz*one and X1 lineups where the actual true winners. but iz*one were well debuted by the time it blew up but x1 were just debuted and it was decided that they'd disband and the members went back to their companies. there were 5 starship boys in produce season 4, 4 who are in cravity, and 2 of who got into x1. because x1 disbanded, the 2 x1 boys went back to starship and cravity were able to debut as 9 when they did! which ofc means the world to me because i love them so dearly as they are. and speed was of the essence to try debut and put out music as quickly as possible to make everyone forget about the controversies so it did happen super fast! (x1 disbanded jan 2020, vity debuted april 2020)
3. DFGJFGD no seventeen were just weird <3 not a survival show but not quite the official line up because there's footage from before all svt members joined and also of this kid samuel was training to be in svt but didn't end up doing that. (which kinda thank god because he was literally way too young. also he later was in produce season 2 and choreographed my favourite stage<3). those predebut svt clips are insanity... like they r being weird because they're svt and a big group of teenage boys but also pledis sucks so they were probably being driven insane too. but we got incredible memes<3
4. very often!! the world of entertainment companies is rly small it seems and trainees quite often jump around but especially through competitions and stuff! because they gain attention from other companies who offer a contract etc. a fun little case study for this is kang seokhwa <3 so seokhwa was a YG trainee and was in treasure box survival show and eliminated. he then left YG and entered produce season 4 as an individual with no company. during produce he befriends yohan of oui entertainment and yohan is like 'bro, come join my company and we can debut together!'. seokhwa agrees but yohan wins produce so is put in x1.... but THEN x1 disband. Yohan is shipped back to oui and oh? seokhwas here now! and then they debut together in wei!! but yeah. trainees can audition for different companies and companies can scout people from survival shows. this wasnt the fact with ateez tho! they went into mixnine as kq trainees and went back to kq when they lost. also with cravity, 4 of the 5 starshipz in produce went back to starship and debuted in cravity, the other guy went to rain company and debuted in ciipher!
5. so the hui thing... there have been similar occurences! i think beginning with produce season 2 when 4 of the 100 trainees were members of nu'est, so already debuted. however, they hadn't been active in a long time and had it Very tough trying to prevent disbandment so them joining produce was somewhat of a "last chance" - and it WORKED! minhyun got into wanna one and promoted with them for a year or so, and the rest of nu'est released music while waiting for him and they had an increase in fans from being on produce! this has since been replicated to varying degrees of success (victon, up10tion). there's a possibility that hui being in boysplanet was an attempt at the same thing (my initial understanding) and that it was some kind of strategical move but I be confused as to why because pentagon are not the same as nu'est victon and up10tion... its not the same situation, pentagon are comparatively much more popular. But i think now, hui might've just... decided to go himself. i can't remember exactly but it was something shinwon said about trusting hui to do what we wants to so now i'm not as mad at cube (i always am a bit tho) but im confuzzled by hui's existence. like what is that man thinking.
i hope all ur questions were answered!! if u have more or want me to elaborate on anything please just hit me. I love talking about this shit
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Let's Get Married (Preview)
Lee Do Hyun X Reader
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Words: 700
Summary : Fake marriage for reality tv to lovers.
Warning : Tooth rotting fluff, horribly slow burn, Lee Dohyun being a cutie over all.
Note: if you haven't seen the kshow "we got married" I would highly recommend watching a few eps before reading. It's fun I promise. The scarcity of kdrama actor fanfics is bothering. This is a full blown series. idk how many parts yet. I'm not delusional.
general masterlist pinned <3
We got married masterlist
"So, what made you do the show?" the interviewing staff asks you. 
You are a solo artist in the Kpop industry and also a newly debuted actor. You moved to Korea when you were around 18 y/o and all you wanted to do was make music. You got picked up by a company as trained for 4 years before debut. You still remember what your dad said to you “If you don’t make it you can always come back” they were very supportive of your music. They’d be the first ones to know what music you worked on. 
You were currently at a pre-show interview with the production staff of "Let's get married" that is a sequel of the show "We got Married" a popular show in Korea that had good ratings because the show brought two celebrities and showed the audience what it would be like if they 'got married'. They would do different tasks to bring the couple closer and end the show in 6 months. 
The show got cancelled because it turned out the show was too scripted. The reboot of the show however, the one you are a part of now, is a little different. The progression of the show as you and your 'husband' would be a lot more natural and will be given time to really get to know one another each other. 
The show also wanted a sneak peak into the domestic lives of the celebs mimicking shows like 'I live alone' and 'BTS in the soop'. There would be a few dates in the beginning, then you also get married and move in with your 'husband'. It would all be naturally documented and turned into a fun reality show.
The only catch is, you don't know your 'husband'. 
You’ll see who the staff picked out for you and who agreed to be on the show while shooting for the first date episode so the reactions of both parties are as genuine as possible for good TV. 
You giggle at the question, knowing your answer was going to be too real. "As a Kpop idol and now an actor, I don't really get time to date because I'm very busy with my schedule, but if this show lets me meet new men in the form of work, I thought why not" you smile sheepishly. The production staff also laughs at your answer. 
"What is your ideal type?" the interviewer asks you the next question. 
Your face lights up at that question and you shift in your chair. "I think I've always been very vocal about my ideal type, the closest I think is Lee Do hyun" You answer smiling brightly. 
"Why do you say that?" 
"I've seen his work, I'm a huge fan. I've also watched a lot of his interviews and variety show clips, if that’s who he is off camera as well, I think his extroverted personality would gel with my introverted personality, his sense of humour is exactly my style. He also looks like such a cute puppy.” you say like a schoolgirl talking about your crush. "I hope I'm not coming off as a stalker, believe me everyone, I am not” you giggle nervously while making an ‘x’ with your hands.
"Not at all, What do you want from the show? What do you expect to have at the end of this show, considering you will be living and eating with this person everyday for the next 6 months?” She asks you and that question makes you take a deep breath. 
“A friend” you ask in an unsure tone.  “I think, if not love, a friend, a companion, that’s enough for me. I believe if you live with someone, the least there is, is a sense of consideration, then slowly moving towards a friend, a companion” you nod while answering. 
The staff smiles at your answer. “This is the end of the interview, Thank you for your good work, see you in a weeks time at the shoot” 
“Good work today” you say to everyone and bow before leaving the set. The shoot started next week. You were excited. 
You were very curious to meet your ‘husband’. 
don't ask. tag list?
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bots-and-cons · 3 years
Hello love! Remember the Demon Slayer anon? It's me again (I LOVED reading your opinion)! Thank you for your recommendation by the way, I haven't had time to watch it because ew school, BUT I really am planning on watching it!
As for my request, I thought of this right after I sent the ask and decided to wait till your requests were open again.
So, what would happen if we had a demon slayer S/O stumble upon the autobots and protect the children from a demon? Do whatever you would like and choose who ever you want to write about! You have full reign :3
Don't be harsh on yourself and take breaks if you need to! That's all I ask for, thank you! ❤️
I haven't started the entertainment district arc yet, since I'm kinda saving the episodes so I can watch them all at once. I've been seeing a lot of clips and spoilers though, since I haven't been actively avoiding them, and it looks freaking great. I kinda added my own twist to this I guess, but at the same time it’s a crossover? Also it’s just reader and not an S/O (significant other). I did some of the bots, but not all, and I just kinda mashed them together
•Sure, there is weird stuff going on among the humans all the time, but since the demons can’t get any use out of giant robots, none had ever crossed his path before this, at least not so he had noticed
•The demons had just decided to stay away from the bots, since they know so little about them and they could possible get killed
•Though I’m sure someone who loves fighting (like Akaza), would try to take on a giant robot
•Anyway, you were passing through town on your hunt for demons and happened to find one, that was trying to eat some kids
•You were about to cut the demons neck, when you got pushed aside by something big
•You had jumped above the trouble trio and Bee just kinda got freaked out by some sword wielding crazy person near his friends so he pretty much smacked you to a wall
•You’re like, “What the hell was that?” because you were pretty sure the demon didn’t do that and when you look up the demon is gone and you’re left standing there with a giant robot and three cheering kids
•You put your sword away, because you don’t get a dangerous vibe from the situation and obviously you have a lot of questions, but you don’t really have time for that then
•You have a demon to slay and you need to find it before it does anymore damage
•So you give them a brief explanation on what just happened and what’s going on
•You also give your phone number to the girl of the group and off you go
•You’ve seen some weird crap in your time, but aliens? No fucking way
•When you get a call from the odd group you encountered, it’s a couple of days later
•You’re pretty on guard when you get picked up by a yellow and black car and you’re just driven to some place
•You have your sword with you, but you’re not really sure if you can stand against some alien robots with it, but that isn’t gonna stop you from trying if worse comes to worst
•You get the talk from the one that introduced himself as Optimus Prime and you’re like “good for you?”
•You also give quite a lengthy explanation to what’s going on with you and the whole demon thing
•Ratchet goes, “no, nope, not dealing with this” in his head, and he honestly looks like he’s about to pass out from the information you just dumped on them
•Arcee is pretty much the same, but she’s ready to throw hands with anyone who threatens her friends
•Bulk is also ready to throw down, but he would also like to know more about these demons
•You’re not really 100% sure if their blasters could kill demons, but you encourage them to try if the bots cross paths with one
•You continue on your way eventually, but that was also a lot of information to wrap your head around
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