#i dont care if that makes me a detransitioner
beefcliff · 1 year
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a little comic about gender, the forever road.
send me an ask.
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i see a lot of transphobes of varying kinds trying to prevent us from transitioning because we'll regret it after realizing that it's not the right option, but none of the detransitioners they present (with bad intentions, usually) even explain what those signs could be? there are many trans people helping eachother in figuring out whether we're really trans, but none of those people genuinely care about it and it shows. if detransitioners (who are already very rare) transition to escape misogyny, then what is a sign transitioning might not be for you? do you have any proof my desired physical traits are caused by experiences that don't connect to my gender dysphoria? if i'm trying to transition to avoid misogyny, or to gain privileges, or because i have trauma, for instance, then what are some genuine reasons that prove that might be true? if you really cared about us, youd give us kind detransitioning stories and an acknowledgement of our autonomy. it's almost never the detransitioners who are expressing their experiences, and if it is its shit like 'i began transitioning and i knew it wasn't right for me but i continued because i was forced to', and if that isn't transphobic then i dont know what is. everyone deserves the ability to transition or detransition if a certain transition makes them feel (un)happy. so before you try to control our decisions, why don't you just give us meaningful advice first?
Submitted April 27, 2023
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Look. All i'm going to say is that it is fucking embarrassing to see my own community focus literally solely on how white, skinny, and masculine they can become. I get it, I get it, you're all sick of experiencing misogyny. Guess what. Too fucking bad. Like actually too fucking bad. It is bizarre to me that so many people will throw their whole community down the drain to get the validation of cis people. They seek out "less attractive" or less passable trans people, especially trans women, and try to take out their anger on them. Are you fucking kidding me? How about you grow up. How about you don't become part of a community you think is full of worthless ugly people. Do you realize how you sound? You are stepping into a community that is about self expression and you are bringing your facist transphobic terf mindsets and expecting other transgender people to starve themselves and hate their reflection like you do. GROW UP. GROW UP. YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A FUCKING CHILD.
this is why so many fucking white cis women detransitioners exist. because they are trying to fix their problems by throwing money at doctors and then realizing that testosterone isn't a fucking sexy pill, its a regular fucking hormone. that turns you into a regular fucking man. and if you look around you, and you like men, that isn't a goddamn problem! do people understand that?! youre supposed to LIKE the gender you're transitioning to. why do you think starting a hormone that makes you go bald will make you lifke yourself more if you dont want to be bald. youre fucking ridiculous.
so many transmascs are just transhuman. sorry man, you cant buy yourself out of misogyny!!!!! its almost like we're stuck in a system that perpetuates this hate!!!!!! its almost like it was YOUR job to do something about it and instead you throw innocent transwomen under the bus because they don't hate themselves like yoyu do. a do us all a favor and go live in the fucking woods until you get over your weird body issues, or fucking die out there. i dont care which.
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dorkinlesbianlove · 1 year
I am upset annoyed confused. Had a talk about transphobia because my gf's friend randomly sent me a video about jk Rowling being transphobic and he wanted to see if I agree she is transphobic, but I dont. He asked if I believe it's his right as an American citizen to get HRT? That's confusing phrasing that I dont agree with, he wanted a yes or no but I explained people who medically need HRT should have it but its not your right as an American citizen. He told me he was so confused and upset by my responses, telling me he cried and wanted to talk on the phone to clarify.
This is where I get confused. We talk on the phone and after clarifying some stuff he feels better and that I'm not transphobic, except at the end he asks again about his right to HRT. I explain that people make mistakes so I dont believe medicine like HRT should be given out as a right. He doesn't like this and says i care more about the small population of detransitioners then the larger trans community. The convo ends when I explain I care about both equally, that the two groups issues need to be balanced. He left to go make dinner after that, seeming upset. I'm confused because it seems like such a reasonable thing for me to say and yet he seems upset by it. Im not good with handling conflict so I'm nervous he is gonna be mad at me for not agreeing 100% with him.
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radfae · 9 months
Hi i need like some advice or something or just to vent. Ive been iding as transmasc for a few years and been on t for a while and i really love the way i look and feel but ive been having a lot of uhh radfem thoughts lately. Kinda awkward cuz i have lots of trans friends but basically im starting to care a lot less how people perceive me and what they call me and what pronouns they use. I just feel a lot like a butch dyke and most ppl call me he and whatever and I do like that but at the same time i really dont want to let go of what it has meant to be a woman and a lesbian and i CANT let go of that. I feel very at home with butches and dykes and lesbians in general. What are ur thoughts on he/him/any pronouns butches/butches on testosterone? I just don’t give a fuck anymore and I don’t necessarily want the whole world to see me as a man even though I really like looking like one and people thinking I’m one. Im starting to realize how misogynistic this idea I’ve had for years that “i don’t want to be a woman I just want to be a person” shit is. At the end of the day I’m all for gender abolition more than anything but yeah I’m not sure where to go from here lmfao.
hey, i’m really sorry for the late response anon, i’ve been super busy lately T_T
i don’t think there’s any issue with using whatever pronouns you want, or better yet just whatever other people refer to you as. especially as someone who has transitioned and may appear a certain way to others. it may just be easier to do so. i would probably stop T. it’ll make it easier for you to accept your body as-is and you won’t have to deal with a lot of unnecessary time devoted to changing your physical makeup. if you don’t care how you appear to others, why go through so much effort to appear a different way? it might help you feel more connected to your womanhood and lesbianism to be off of it, too, though that would vary from person to person.
i’m glad you’re waking up. i’m not sure if this is the path that you want to go on yet, but if any detransitioners want to put in their two cents feel free.
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hardpacker · 2 years
it's like tragic that the overwhelming response to some guy(?)'s bad, shitty video is for all the hot trans posters and their cis friends to laugh and AGREE with the person's claims. "yes lol you are ugly and you must've been doing this whole thing wrong or you'd look like ME 😌" we keep reinventing the idea-- the bullying tactic-- that appearance equals morals and vice versa no matter how wickedly and, truly, in the correct usage of the word, harmful it is.
i don't care about this person in the video. he seems like a piece of shit and so is any detransitioner who makes Detransitioning their Brand and use themselves as a weapon against trans people.
but that's the thing! there are worse things about the claims in that video and communication with other reactionaries which reveal not only a type of radicalisation, it does also speak to (if we're to take them at their word, idk) a seeming lack of access to proper information or proper outlet for regret-- "any trans person would know this"-- so with that, there's even worse things here about the implications of social isolation and the sort of people whose entire brand is about targeting, further sequestering, and indoctrinating isolated persons. i mean sure, this person could be lying, which seems likely since TERFs are ultimately grifters (and, i'm not exactly following this closely.) but regardless of whether or not they believe what they say, we do know this doesn't happen on its own. transphobia/transandrophobia/transmisogyny are not innate, inborn qualities. and it doesn't reflect in a person's appearance! transitioning-- maleness, masculinity, whatever-- doesn't create it! despite what some may say, you CAN transition without community and not wind up a little asshole! and you can transition among fellow trans people and the security this affords can encourage vicious behaviour as much as it can encourage compassion! there's no monolithic "community," at all. there's only the ones we nurture. not everyone has the wherewithal/spoons to be community leaders, either, and people with different needs/abilities deserve security as well.
i've been trans for about 100 years now and i "don't" "look like" "other" trans guys; i also have 100 medical conditions that started either at birth or puberty and were neglected by doctors until very recently. conditions that modify the physical "results" of testosterone, conditions that impact my physical comfort (so i don't bind anymore,) and conditions that just... enhance my proclivities and i can't or don't really want change them. but doctors didn't know about a lot of this so being without information and experiencing unbalanced or inconsistent results of HRT was really upsetting, and i have a different trajectory than other trans people, and who knows if i'd be the same or very different. as far as balding, yeah there's a protocol for that but i can't do it because it brings back my awful period. but i wasn't told that, either. however, i did find other trans men talking about it, only when i learned which words to search for!
paraphrasing one twitter user's reaction, "i dont think he'd've been a cute girl either. some people are just homely." yeah, i don't really expect acceptance or celebration of my life or what i look like in it.
people are Doing Transness in different ways all the time, so saying this is what always happens when you try to transition alone just isn't true. not everyone is enmeshed in helpful communities. i've been asked for help and advice on transitioning only to be dropped when i no longer served that purpose or when my path or description deviated from what someone wanted to hear. this, also, happens.
to be extremely clear: transness is good. non-linear, interrupted, resumed, disabled and mad transness, transness in sources or mediums unrelated to HRT, hairy, hairless, fat transness, non-white and non-"western" transness... there's room. it's good. it can be hard, sure, but wasn't it hard "before" too? or was it instead just passively, mysteriously shitty?
it's much more difficult to find disgruntled, regretful trans people (especially where there's increased and less policed access to affirming care) unless you have a certain particular cause to seek out and weaponise those complaints against now and future trans people. this doesn't (or shouldn't) mean contemplating regret is forbidden-- the opposite actually; there should be as much room for productive, understanding conversations and resources for any fear, confusion, or shame as there is for positivity. medically, trans people are over-analysed and pressured to toe the perfect line of Not Wanting It Too Much and playing the role per medical expectation. so of course as much as we do want it and might even be very happy with ourselves, unrelenting attacks on transness means combating that with inflated positivity. that's not bad, because ultimately it's all true even if we're not fucking... ON!!!!! all the time. who can be?! the only thing these hyper-positive declarations obscure are the quieter, conflicted feelings that are genuinely difficult to untangle, especially publicly-- because the alternative to excitement and gratitude is weaponisation by transphobes and TERFs. it's very fucked up that dangerous people ingratiate themselves and their brand to isolated and invisibled persons.
but just... feeling sad or conflicted about interruptions in your sense of physical continuity? Um, Yeah. trans people understand this, babes.
it's really embarrassing seeing thin/fit, white, able, "properly" hairy or hairless trans people comment on how this is ALWAYS attainable. it isn't! it literally isn't! allowing yourself to be the spokesperson of concerns and groups you don't have and aren't part of is embarrassing! it's dehumanising to expect some kind of profound, objective, universally-recognisable "glow-up" from trans people no matter who that expectation is coming from. and the response to someone saying "i'm ugly, i can't believe this happened, my body's ruined, no one told me about these effects" really shouldn't be "yeah, you really are and you always would/will be!"
i have 0 affinity for the person in that video! i'm not talking about him. faggy bald transsexuals do deserve to hear they're hot because they are. no, it's not part of some gatekept Trans Agenda when this doesn't magically materialise. the gatekeeping is medical only (and we trans people can do very little to sway doctors even within the restrictive bounds doctors designed!!!!!!! we didn't design it.) maybe you're just kind of mean, and/or there are conditions outside of your control that keeps you from community. but also, we do know that in all of society-- including trans society, as subject to cishet society-- that certain features and bodies ARE prioritised. infinitely more bodies ARE shamed and marginalised in almost every sector with devastating consequences. it IS harder to find people who aren't just attracted to non-conventionally beautiful people, but even people who just like... tolerate them (their experiences, their concerns) in their friendgroups. and, of course, much of this outrage and disgust, from all sides, is around what's seen as proper or improper "masculine/masculinised" traits in ALL genders-- ESPECIALLY outside the bounds of social acceptance.
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ftmcutiepie · 1 year
Dont tag anything with detrans please. Detransition is not a fetish. They are real people
Sorry, I'm a bit confused about what you're asking me to do, exactly?
Is stuff that's tagged "detrans kink" and such showing up in the sfw detrans tag? If so, would it help to leave out the space and tag as "detranskink"?
If you mean I accidentally tagged a post just "detrans" please point me to it because I can't find it.
Please be assured I don't mean to make detransitioners feel uncomfortable with the way I engage in this kink online/publicly.
I don't particularly care about getting into ~discourse~ on here and maybe this is where this post should end but the second part of your message has made me want to express my thoughts on this. I'm putting it under a cut so everyone who doesn't want to see it can ignore it.
"Detransition is not a fetish"
I don't mean to sound condescending and yeah, maybe the correct term would be kink, which is what I am calling it, but I can't seem to remember the distinction(s) between the ~official~ definitions of those terms for the life of me. But. You can't deny that people get off on this.
Fantasizing about it, mostly, and there is no harm in doing that. I do not have the authority to judge if doing "more" than that is harmful, but I'd say that consenting adults tend to be responsible enough to keep it as safe as possible.
The people who get off on this are trans people, and from what I've gathered detransitioners, too. (I mean I guess there are some cis people on here/into this but I'm not here to debate their ~validity~ and as you came into my ask box and I am not cis I don't think it applies here anyways.)
Just because something makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean it's harmful and nobody should be allowed to do it.
I think there is a point to be made here that when people on here say "detransition kink" half of the time they just mean "feminization kink".
I guess you could argue that being into that is ~mysogynistic~ but in my humble opinion people are allowed to play around with their gender (expression) in kinky ways as they are allowed to do so in every other aspect of their life.
I think the term "detransition kink" came around and stuck to
1. Differentiate it from the aforementioned feminization kink / cis people that are into that
2. Include a CNC aspect with "Forced Detrans" kink.
"They are real people"
Yes, and this kink isn't about them (if they don't want it to be, as I mentioned, as far as I know there are detransitioners who are actually into this).
This kink is for trans people and detransitioners who want to engage with their fear/experiences sexually, in order to reclaim something that can be traumatic. Trauma often leads to kinks, and that's not a bad thing (trauma sucks, but let's face it, it's a part of life) if everyone involved engages with it safely.
I don't want to give the impression I don't care about or don't respect detransitioners. I'd assume I share some of their experiences, otherwise they probably wouldn't have transitioned in the first place. I don't mean them any harm.
So, yeah, of course I know they're real people.
I am a real trans person, too, and I still get off on being called a fakeboy and getting misgendered on here, lol. That doesn't mean I, or any other trans person, if they're into this kink or not, is not valid in their identity.
This is just playing pretend, or exploring yourself playfully.
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lostandfem · 2 years
@ your other ask, I wouldn't call detransitioners a loud minority tbh. Nobody wants to hear us speak, not TRAs, not hets, not activist groups. We have to make our own groups so we can talk about what happened to us. I haven't said a word, online or in real life, to anyone. I'm too ashamed - it was my choice, wasn't it? No one held me down and injected me. I can't even talk to my therapist about it, how could we ever be a loud minority loooool
yeah maybe the amount of “loudness” they interpret is how annoyed they are about the people that do speak out.
the amount of online sources trying to talk down the “detrans narrative”, how much hate you get just for being detrans and talking about it, how many weird glances you get from straight people for being wrong (“how could you do that to yourself if you werent sure??” people are really unsympathetic to choices made because of mental illness or coercion because it was still ‘technically your choice’). you get shut down or people just straight up dont care.
this study talks about some experiences including loss of support from medical professionals and the LGBTQ+ community if anyones curious. one of the things mentioned is more than 80% of the participants needed to hear other detrans stories (presumably to feel less alone in the process), so like… how can we be loud if we cant even find each other? youd think itd be easy if we talked about it so much and those stories were supported.
if those who speak up about it are loud, maybe its because we have to scream at the top of our lungs to be heard
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aikoiya · 6 months
only asked that cause i myself am a trans kid. 💀
i have diagnosed gender dysphoria and in the process of socially transitioning. i am not legally old enough to medically transition on my own, and i am fine with that.
the cases of people detransitioning after getting surgery are few and far between. just because it didn't work out for you doesn't mean it won't work out for others.
if you read my bio you would know im a trans kid, and yet you still followed me. you would also know that i am uncomfortable with nsfw, and yet your page is filled with it.
blocking you for my own comfort. im sure that, besides your ignorance and unwillingness to learn about actual trans people, that you are a good person. instead of focusing on the articles by detransitioners where it paints being trans as some sort of phase or illness, i would suggest reading and learning about how the probability of suicide, self harm, and eating disorders are greatly lowered if a child is allowed to socially transition. I myself could be used as a statistic, as, if i hadn't started presenting as how i felt, i would have killed myself in middle school.
or dont, if you'd rather have blood on your hands from keeping kids from being who they are. you do you.
Hey, dude. If you need to block me, then that's fine.
But to be fair, my page has MDNI on it for a reason. Just because I follow someone doesn't mean they have to follow me or even interact with me. It just means that I enjoy their content.
My problem isn't with the kids themselves & I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being prejudice against you in particular, because I'm not. But the fact that these stories exist to begin with, for me, is telling.
I hope that everything works out fantastically for you & if that means fully transitioning or just presenting, then good for you. Your life is yours, but being an adult means accepting one's choices & living with them.
And just as you say that I should listen to the words of the majority of transitioners, I also think that you should listen to the words of detransitioners too.
I'm not going to pretend to know everything about you or your situation because all I know is what I know & I can't know what I don't.
The evidence as I've been presented it, is what I have previously stated. I will continue to keep learning more, but as it stands, I stand by my words.
I'm sorry that my page makes you uncomfortable. That was never my intention.
If you're really just a kid, then please do block me. I don't want kids anywhere near my stuff.
I got into this sort of stuff as a young, curious, stupid kid & I regret it. Wish I could take it back, but I can't & I have to live with this... addiction for possibly the rest of my life.
It's something that I'm honestly ashamed of.
And the fact that you saw such content when you didn't need to if I'd been more diligent or had simply thought of applying the right tags, tears me up inside.
Again, I apologize.
So, please, get as far away from this sort of content as you can &, again, take care of yourself.
This goes double for ANY kid below the age of 18 following me.
Block. Me. Now.
Best wishes.
Also, you should filter out "nsft," "nsfw," & "mdni."
Hopefully, that helps.
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detransexual · 3 years
Its always weird to me when someone talks about the effects of Testosterone on the female body and someone brings up clitoral growth as a horrible, irreversible deformity lol?? Big clits are superb yall are just cowards lmao. Like if you're gonna talk about detrimental effects at least focus on the risk of painful hypersensitivity rather the aesthetic part? Because there are people who get so sensitive that wearing underwear gets uncomfortable and/or painful. I also saw someone claim that theres a big risk T will make ur clit "dead to sensations!" with absolutely no fuckin source other than "uhhh i heard someone say it on reddit once!" which i highly doubt is a statistically relevant risk lmao.
Idk man i just think its a really shit argument if you're trying to discuss the risks of Testosterone when there's actual health complications that are not just aesthetic.
You know what else is shitty? Fear mongering rather than trying to inform people of the actual risks and the liklihood of complications, as well as the uncertainty when it comes to long term consequences.
It is REALLY disingenuous to claim shit like "you WILL get a heart attack and cancer and DIE! Its GONNA HAPPEN its just a matter of when!!" when there's no scientific basis for that claim. There is scientific evidence of an increased risk, and that risk might turn out to be higher than it currently seems to be, but there is NO fucking basis to run around telling people they're 100% going to die young from cancer or a heart attack.
There is a risk of nipple grafts failing after a masectomy, but that chance is around 2%, so claiming shit like "nipple grafts almost ALWAYS die and fall off and its disgusting and horrifying!" is just flat out lies, the same way that claiming "you'll live with horrible nerve damage and pain for the rest of your life and your scars are gonna look horrible and you'll live the rest of your life as a sad, deformed freak!!" is also so blatantly transparent. Shoutout to the very compassionate radfems who tried to convince me of that when i was a 19 year old in excruciating pain despite being high on opioids recovering from a massive surgery, definitely feminist praxis to try to scare a teenager who's already gone through the surgery ur fearmongering about.
I WANT there to be more information about the negative effects and risks of transition! But that needs to be based in reality and scientific studies rather than your own personal disgust, which is all it is when you're just desperately trying to fear monger people out of transitioning rather than actually striving for people to have the ability to make fully informed decisions, which is not possible right now due to a lack of long term studies, but it certainly isnt helped by your personal moral panic.
This is a big part of why i dont give a shit what most radfems think/say about transition. Unless you have been through a transition yourself or work with detransitioners or do research about it i simply do not trust you to actually have the best interests of transitioners OR detransitioners at heart.
Stop with the fucking "oh woe is her she poisoned her feminine body with the evil hormones that are gonna give her cancer and heart disease at 27 and her nipples are gonna fall off and she's oh so tragically broken and repulsive and she's gonna die alone and in pain, wont someone stop this corruption of those naive and pitiful girls! A woman with an elarged clitoris? Excessive body hair? A deep voice? No breasts?? How REPULSIVE!" narrative lmao, you do NOT fucking care about ftms OR detransitioners, because if you DID you would support studies on the actual risks of transition and make an effort to make the most accurate information possible accessible to those transitioning or considering transition, rather than spread baseless claims that are explicitly designed to scary people into doing what YOU want them to do.
Its not your life or your body, the best we can do is strive to make accurate information available and question the narrative that transition is the only option, because as long as it is presented as the only treatment it does not matter jack squat how much you lie and fearmonger about risks.
Dysphoric teens arent gonna choose not to transition just because you fearmonger about the risks, they're just gonna do it anyway and live with the added stress of being convinced they're gonna die an early and painful death, because they'll still think its their only chance at a happier life.
Obviously in an ideal world i dont think irreversible parts of medical transition should be done before someone's brain is fully formed, and ideally even then its going to be the LAST resort, but we're not gonna get there by lying and making baseless claims, it only makes us look disingenuous and easier to disregard.
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transmascjfk · 3 years
i'm,, trans and hc chihiro to be a male..
i'm sorry, but i don't quite understand how that's transphobic. could you please explain how chihiro is transmisogynistic? (sorry if i come off as rude - that's not my intention and i genuinely just don't understand, though i would like to!!)
What is transmisoginy?
"Transmisogyny is a distinct category of transphobia in that transmisogyny mainly focuses on trans women and other transgender individuals who demonstrate femininity, whereas transphobia is a more general term, covering a broader spectrum of prejudice and discrimination towards transsexual and transgender individuals. Julia Serano states in Whipping Girl that "when the majority of jokes made at the expense of trans people center on 'men wearing dresses' or 'men who want their penises cut off' that is not transphobia – it is transmisogyny. When the majority of violence and sexual assaults committed against trans people is directed at trans women, that is not transphobia – it is transmisogyny." "
Chihiro is written to mock trans women, to say that in reality trans women are secretly men, she is a man who is weak and uses being trans as a way to escape her problems, this is a thing that is also said to trans men a lot, that theyre just trying to avoid the hard parts of being a woman by becoming a man. Even if the writters intended it to be like that or not (which they probably did because transphobia is a big thing that happens a lot, obviously) it's still transmisogynistic. Thats that on that
This is a pretty common transphobic trope actually, the "Turns out this one character was actually from the opposite sex??!!", theres more examples of this in other games outside Danganronpa.
But also her experience is pretty different from other examples, her experiences are way too similar with trans womens experiences.
This is mostly for the cis people who call her a crossdresser and refuse to change their mind, on it, sit down.
Written by a trans man.
Don't tell me whats transphobic and what it's not transphobic if you're cis. Just sit down and read.
Tw: transphobia, transmisoginy, death mentions and blood in the pictures.
The game implies a lot of stuff with her dialogue, it doesn't straight up says "I don't want to be a woman anymore, I'm a man" like everyone claims it does.
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[ Alt text 1:
Chihiro Fujisaki: I'm going to get stronger...and accept who I am... ]
[ Alt text 2:
Chihiro Fujisaki: Strong enough so that when someone says "even thought you're a boy" I'll be okay. I'll get better! ]
[ Alt text 3:
Chihiro Fujisaki: I wrapped myself in lies. I'm weak. I want to destroy that version of me forever! ]
[ Alt text 4:
Chihiro Fujisaki: ... I want to change. ]
[ Alt text 5:
Chihiro Fujisaki: I have to change. I don't want to be weak anymore ]
She goes to Mondo not because hes masculine, but because she admires him and his strength. She never once says it's because shes a man or because Mondo is a man.
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[ Alt text 1:
Chihiro Fujisaki: Maybe talking to Mondo about it will help give me some courage... ]
[ Alt text 2:
Chihiro Fujisaki: I admire... your strength... ]
These dialogues can be read in two ways, the first one being the one the game tries the hardest to put in your head thats shes a man, all of this guessed by other people btw not what she herself says. Which is really transphobic, because she was written as a trans woman and then theyre like "uh no actually hes a man, because he was born as one but hes a coward so he started to dress as a woman to hide from his problems. Because thats what people do right? People who dress as their oppossite gender are so pathetic, specially men amiright? Ahaha"
Reading it in this way really weird, you're doing a lot of mental gymnastics because you would literally call her a trans woman with all of this if the rest of the trial, that consists of cis people assuming shes a man, didn't happen. And sadly you're following transphobic ideas by this. Because the canon is transphobic and transmysoginistic.
And the other way is just read what she says, that she just wants to be stronger and stop lying to everyone, basically about being cis, because shes not, shes amab (assigned male at birth) and thats probably what she said to Mondo, but most people when a trans person who already passes or is in their transition comes out many people tend to think "oh so youre your gender assigned at birth and not the one you claim to be?", because they don't get what being trans is and they think only "biological gender" is a thing. Basically, misgendering and invalidating the trans person.
I can guess all of this just because of how vague they decided to make her dialogue, not even showing how she tells Mondo about being amab.
What did she said to Mondo? "I'm trans"? "I'm a man"? "I was born a man"? We dont know, because they didn't show it and she died right afterwards and then everyone was like "Chihiro was secretly a man" to solve the case and thats it. A lot of people in the discourse get their information from Monokuma who isn't either Chihiro or even Mondo. Monokuma knows many things but he can't read minds to know if she was really trans or not, only she could say it but she died so she couldn't explain if shes trans or not.
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A youtube comment by Gail Frisbee, posted 4 days ago, this comment was edited by the autor. The comment says:
"It's honestly increible to me when people try to argue that a scene in which a female-presenting character gets their genitals groped and then is posthumously referred to as a male from that point on can't be transphobic just because that character calls themselves a boy in some other side content later. It's on about the same level of intellectual honesty as claiming that Quiet from MGS5 isn't really fanservice because she totally breaths throught her skin you guys.
As it turns out, if you really dig down deep into the lore, Chihiro is a fictional character and the same people who wrote the genital investigation scene also wrote the lines that character says in the game as well. It's a shocking twist, I know." ]
Her fears of being outed and people founding out her secret (being trans) or being transphobic is used as a gross big twist. A trans woman being used as a mockery of trans people? Great totally normal (/sarcasm)
Read this post made by a trans woman. I'll be using this only part but it's still a great read.
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So. There is a lot to unpack here, but I want to start with something that specifically hurts me as a trans woman, and that's how the game flippantly uses real world horrors trans people face as shocking reveals and twists. You can go down the list for "worst nightmares" of trans people incluiding:
Threatening to be outed against your wishes
Outing yourself to a trusted friend and being met with rejection, or worse, violence
Having your body and privacy examined and invaded
Having your deadname used and being misgendered after death, when you can't correct them ]
Now, let's go to her backstory for a bit. I will be using the wiki for this. (Which sadly uses he/him for her 💔)
" When Chihiro was a child, he became the subject of harassment and bullying. He was always told to "be a man" and that he was "so weak despite being a boy", and because of that, Chihiro slowly but surely began to develop a "weakness complex". In order to escape the bullying, Chihiro began to dress as a girl so that people wouldn't bully him as a weak boy. "
This doesn't sound like a normal crossdresser, this sounds like a trans woman who was bullied for being different when she was younger, like many trans people, and then she decided to transition because she's a woman, she wanted to be more feminine and stop being seen as a person shes not. Specially after so many people tell her to basically man up when she doesn't want that, because shes not a man.
Have you ever heard of the classic stories of "since I was little i knew i was different, i was a boy who liked playing with dolls and was more feminine than the rest" or "i used to be a tomboy when i was little, i had mostly male friends, i liked playing with car toys and was more masculine than other kids" coming from trans people? This just sounds as these types of stories to me.
People also like to say that alter ego uses he/him pronouns and says shes a boy. Many trans people can misgender themselves for personal reasons too guys, she could've been trying to misgender herself because she didn't felt like she wasn't enough to be a real woman, this happens a lot to trans people. If people constantly tell you that you're not actually transgender or you just feel like you're faking it then you might actually believe it, thats were most "detransitioners" come from. And thats basically what they made her, a detransitioner.
Some of you might also don't get how shes trans because you think she doesn't perfect or exact trans stereotypes. Trans experiences can be similar on the feeling of not fitting in, dysphoria, etc. But trans experiences, stories, transitions and complete lifes can be very different, because we all (including cis people) live different lifes, experience, process and cope with things differently. So i can understand why you might not get her being trans coded at first, don't worry. But try instead of just not caring because you don't get it at the first try, to see what trans people say.
This whole discourse its mostly cis people talking over trans people about their own experiences (incluiding the dead trans coded characters experience) saying if theyre valid or not and denying stuff not wanting to learn anything, completely refusing to it because "In canon hes a boy" ok then in canon shes written in a transphobic way too but most of you don't care about that. You would rather call her a crossdresser than try to acknowledge how obviously trans coded she is and how thats used as transphobia.
The way most cis people act in this discourse is very transphobic to me to be honest, if you think you're a good ally but act like this then you should get more educated on the topic as a whole and about trans people too.
-the trans Chihiro flag to finish this up, she has a bit boobie! good for her! good for her.
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enjoyslurm · 4 years
sucks that detransitioners are made out to be the villains when actually they’re victims of a medical system which doesn’t always take the proper care before giving (often vulnerable, often LGB) teens/young adults hormones. now, i’m not against trans people. i’m not a radfem or a terf. but it’s important to realise that rates of detransition are increasing rapidly - and the most common detransitioners are young lesbians pressured into transition by society’s homophobia. (1/2)
(2/2) i’m not saying they were brainwashed into it by “the evil trans cult” or something lmao. but the fact it, doctors make a lot of money allowing young adults to medically transition, and they’re very frequently not given adequate therapy + resources beforehand. especially as most of them find that (while dysphoric) they’re actually not trans. just gnc (often butch) or affected by society’s misogyny i’m speaking from experience here. pls, try to be more empathetic to detransitioned people.
id first like to point out that nowhere in my initial post do i call for the 'silencing' of detransitioned people like im being accused of. i fully agree and believe detransitioned groups need + deserve a space to safely talk about their experiences and what theyve gone through so they can heal without judgement. however, it is extremely possible to detransition and accept that you are not transgender without blaming the transgender community for the choices that YOU made. what im talking about is creating in our society the freedom of expression and gender experimentation without the pressure from any side that makes people aggressively turn against the trans community and paint it as a manipulative and seductive cult that lures confused children & young adults into its clutches. allowing people to figure themselves out without the vitriol, without the vendetta. i understand that there are more detransitioners, i can see that. i dont have and have not seen the "stats" to back them up and i wouldnt trust any that you put in front of me seeing how easy data can be misconstrued. i know that some people who were actually gnc or something or other believed they were trans and many pursued hrt or something akin only to realize it was not for them. but, "pressured into transition" by "TRAs"? yeah? theres definitely a culture online, especially on THIS website, that encourages the idea that "being trans is cool". which it is. but its not for everyone! because not everyone is transgender! but its easy to blame others for your own problems looking within yourself and doing deep introspection, to blame an already scrutinized minority because theyre excited and loud about kind of maybe being a little more accepted than they were a decade ago. its easy to say that you were pressured, and its entirely possible that you were. by your peers and family, and like youve said, by your doctors. the medical field is all kinds of fucked and of course it needs to be reformed. and there are aspects of the trans community that absolutely need to be critiqued and criticized within it. but saying that to combat people being gay, theyre forcing them to be trans? you think cishet people prefer that people are transgenders versus homosexual? they hate us all, dude. that's ludicrous. its a misguided decision that people make that puts them in the hands of trans health doctors. thats a whole can of worms for a different discussion. in the end, its the individual choices that you make and the understanding that you had/have of yourself that you need to look at. im sorry for what youve gone through, im sorry that there wasnt a better safety net for you, and im sorry that the current state of medical practice failed you, but its not the "TRAs" that did that to you or other detransitioned people. being transgender isnt right for some people, but there is no universal experience for almost anything, certainly not gender. create positive spaces that allow gender experimentation, transition, and even detransition. now if youll excuse me im on my way to an endocrinologist appointment to get transgenderized.
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candyclan · 5 years
My HONEST opinion of Kalvin Garrah
Kalvin talks about how the reaction videos he does are purely based off his opinions and they aren’t meant to actually hurt people. While I feel like yes, that may not be his intent, he takes information from what he thinks he knows about them from what they say and draws wrongful conclusions. He applies the logic “well if you were really trans, you’d do XYZ” which is honestly not okay. Just because he feels like “he’s protecting the trans community” doesn’t give him the right to invalidate people he’s never even seen or talked to irl. That being said, I do think he is correct that there are people who do not experience dysphoria and therefore do not have a legitimate reason to transition (physically) who do, and realize it’s a mistake (that’s why there’s detransition videos out there). This is tragic, and honestly, could very well reflect badly on our community because of how conservatives may take it.
Kalvin promotes the idea that seeing a psychologist is SO important before physically transitioning and altering your body in PERMANENT ways. He also promotes that before settling on “Yup I’m trans” you should rule out every other possible explanation for issues with your body: like body dysmorphia or an eating disorder etc. I feel as if he has contempt for people who are identifying as transgender and don’t actively try to alleviate their dysphoria. I agree with a lot of people who are fairly neutral on this topic that there isn’t a really clear cut defined definition of what dysphoria feels like other than “discomfort” toward gendered aspects of what you were assigned at birth. For Kalvin because his dysphoria is so strong, he uses it as an identifier of his trans identity and an UN-identifier for others. Just because he experiences an extreme does not mean every trans person experiences that extreme as well, and it could be a manageable discomfort, almost like a paper cut (while still uncomfortable, and totally legitimate) compared to a bullet wound in his case.
Because dysphoria is so subjective, it isn’t fair to label someone as a “transtrender” just entirely and solely on how someone looks on the outside. They may have a higher sense of self-esteem than Kalvin did because of how heavily his dysphoria affects him. This may mean that while they identify genuinely as being trans and probably do actually experience dysphoria (even minor) they choose their preferred gender expression over the idea of “passing”. I understand this because I actually have some really stereotypical “feminine clothes” that actually cause me dysphoria to wear but I wear them anyway cause fuck people. The reason I have such a soft heart towards him is because he and I have a shit ton of things in common and also I watched him cry on his YouTube channel. Legit sob. I see his human in all of this. I see his flawed thinking, and his less than perfect expectations of “gender presentation” as a reflection of his own internal monologue “well I can’t wear this because it makes me look girly”
While I have those thoughts too, a LOT, I never project them on to people the way he does in the videos he makes of the “transtrenders” <—- the reason I put this in quotes is because I hate that word (and he admits he hates it too) there should be a nicer way of politely saying you used to identify as trans or thought you were, but actually aren’t. “Transtrenders” has such a negative base to it because it implies the individuals gender identity is illegitimate and perhaps a phase. While I actually do think there are people who may be confused and do mistakenly identify as being transgender, we should never imply another person is this because that’s FUCKED UP. ESPECIALLY IF YOU DONT PERSONALLY KNOW THAT PERSON TO A HEAVY EXTENT. Claiming, like Kalvin does, to have the “criteria to know if someone else is trans” is fucking bullshit. He makes a good point about it being in our brains and there ARE actually studies that prove that is a legitimate thing, he pushes so hard for it to be seen as a mental health issue so “Real Trans People™️” can be provided healthcare. He has correlated it to a mental health issue, and while I personally think: “Idgaf what it’s called just let me have it covered through insurance.” The fact that you would never in a million years tell someone they aren’t depressed/have anxiety because their symptoms aren’t as bad as yours or they don’t experience it the same way, that’s literally what he’s doing to trans people AND IT is FUCKED.
All of that aside, I didn’t know what being a transmed really was until I saw his videos. I didn’t have any real idea how little sense it made that if you don’t have dysphoria...how can you be trans? I hate how there’s such a stigma on the internet about how dysphoria is rooted in EXTREME MEGA DISCOMFORT when in reality, I can safely say in complete confidence that I didn’t have that huge issue like he did. I have top dysphoria but not so much bottom (unless I’m on shark week and then wellllll....death 0.0) ITS okay to not “hate” what you were given, and be in a better mind space about it than other people because WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT and experience dysphoria in different ways and we are all valid as fuck. I feel as if because so many people can experience body dysphoria and social dysphoria in so many ways literally in as many ways as there are people, in order for it to be considered a mental health issue and be covered by insurance there’s this push to try to come up with what dysphoria ISNT instead of the variety of experiences that is gender dysphoria.
So, in general, my thing is, only the individual can really tell (just like in depression and anxiety) whether or not they’re dysphoric based off their own feelings they have toward their AGAB and how it affects them. It’s almost as if he’s just like every other asshole out there that thinks their opinion matters because they’ve gone through SO MANY STEPS to be trans. His transtrender videos really are demonetized, and he claims to not do it for clickbait or shock factor to get people to watch it and that it’s his raw, unfiltered opinion about an issue he actually genuinely does care about a lot. I personally think the videos need to be taken down because it makes him look so much worse than he really is, and honestly what if the person that he’s talking about in those videos actually was trans and they killed themselves because of the hate his supporters dished. Showing their channel and saying that they don’t have dysphoria (in Kalvin’s eyes) labels them a target to abuse from the people that support Kalvin, whether or not that is his intent. I understand why this could upset someone. This upsets me. I feel a personal connection to someone that is using legitimate facts and points to validate his conclusion that some are worthy (that fit his personal idea of what being trans is) and some aren’t (those that don’t) this being said: That is not all that he is, I promise you. I believe “transtrender” is a thing dear god I’m highly uncomfortable with that word but there isn’t another one to use. I would never LABEL someone a transtrender under any circumstances because to do so would be honestly disrespectful to that persons identity and honestly denying their right to explore who they are. So what if you think you’re trans and then realize later that you weren’t??? As long as you didn’t medically transition, you literally didn’t do anything but explore who you are. It is never okay in my mind to label someone as that, especially if you don’t personally believe in how the person chooses to identify because like I said there’s as many ways to experience dysphoria and a disconnect towards your AGAB as there are people. It comes in different severities and different people prioritize change towards specific parts moreso than others.
That being said if you know you are 1000000% comfortable with your assigned gender at birth (not just learned to tolerate certain things/choose to accept the hand you’re dealt or live with it like me and my vag- how some trans people can), why would identify as being transgender? It’s when this “choice to go with the hand your dealt thing” really gets to Kalvin because he can’t imagine is transition being without the whole kitten kaboodle. Is perception of his gender honestly is a huge reason he can’t see why non-binary AFAB people could ever learn to embrace/tolerate certain aspects of their body. I don’t think he fully understands that binary gender roles that may moreso apply to TRANSGUYS don’t apply to non-binary people.
Non-binary people literally do not identify with one gender binary over another, so Kalvin has a hard time understanding them. It is important to note however, he still respects people even if he doesn’t understand. If he didn’t respect non-binary people as a whole, he would be preaching about how “non-binary isn’t even a thing” because he tends to NEED to think in logical terms with facts and data like the similar brain thing (mtf brains=more like cis female ftm=more like cis males) it becomes hard for him to understand the struggles of non-binary people. Non-binary people don’t fit his “mold” so to speak. Perhaps it’s because he once was a “non-binary SJW” in the past and then pulled a 180 and turned into this literal person that tells other people they aren’t trans even though he’s never met them irl and knows next to nothing about them. It’s funny how he claims that detransitioners turn into TERFS when his transition, which was supposed to help his mental state (perhaps it did idk), had him go from non-binary to low key for all intents and purposes a gatekeeper. He from his perspective claims to know it all because he’s trans. Consider this analogy: being transgender is like trauma. People can be united in that they suffer from it or that it affects them, but everyone’s situation is unique amongst all others so everyone has different “triggers”. I’m sorry if this analogy offended you it’s just I was trying to make sense of it the best I could in my mind
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nb-jesus · 5 years
this post is in regards to this post. it isnt letting me reblog the post from OP so im either blocked or my computer is funky. so, ive made my own post. @nondysphoric-enby here is my response :D
1) what does my age have to do with anything?
2) youre making me out to be condescending when i never was.
3) *cracks knuckles* here we go
this is what i presume to be an editorial on the credibility of the DSM 5 and the ICD-10. it features both pros and cons. its own sources are listed on the bottom of the page.
this is an opinion piece on the credibility of the DSM 5. its written by a man with a doctorate. if you look at the right side of this page, you can see he was the chair of the DSM 4 task force and is a professor at Duke.
this is a scientific study on the credibility of ICD-10 diagnoses. as mentioned in the editorial i linked, the ICD-10 is not a mental health diagnostic manual in itself, but features a chapter for mental health disorders instead. its used by more professionals than just psychiatrists and therapists, so it has to be general with its wording so that other professionals can understand it and are able to use it to diagnose mental disorders, which the editorial also brings up is a thing that happens.
it is true that Lamba legal says not all transgender people experience gender dysphoria, but the rest of the questions on the FAQ concern gender dysphoria and transitioning. Lambda legal, as far as i can tell, is a nonprofit organization that provides legal counsel for LGBT individuals. this being so, they can only really provide legal counsel to dysphoric individuals seeking healthcare (such as HRT and surgeries) because nondysphoric transgender people probably wont transition. to be gender nondysphoric means to not experience distress because of ones sex, right? is a nondysphoric trans person transitions, what is the point? if them transitioning “makes them more comfortable” then i would think they probably had dysphoria, but just didnt know so. transitioning exists to make ones body reflect ones gender, right? but if a nondysphoric trans person transitions while still comfortable with their natal sex, does that not mean they would develop dysphoria over this? there are a lot of cases of detransitioners who thought they were trans, and tried to transition, but ended up having to stop because they ultimately developed gender dysphoria. if you look at some radfem blogs on here, you can see they do indeed exist. my point is, why is a legal firm credible if they only provide services (which i would assume means only legal counseling a.k.a lawyers) to dysphoric trans people? correct me if im wrong, but legal counseling means “ A counsel or a counsellor at law is a person who gives advice and deals with various issues, particularly in legal matters. It is a title often used interchangeably with the title of lawyer.” according to google. let me reiterate the point of the definition, “a person who gives advice and deals with various issues, particularly in legal matters.” if theyre a credible source, would they not provide services to all transgender people? that question leads back to the question of why would nondysphoric transgender people transition if they are not distressed by their sex. do you see my point?
this is a report on the APA’s involvement in CIA torture after 9/11. this is an article about five (5) APA psychologists and their involvement in forced feeding tube feedings on prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. this is the APA’s code of ethics. it says in the general principles that “ Psychologists strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm.” there were revisions to this code in 2010 and 2016 as stated on the page itself. however, does this mean they did not believe this statement--and the others in the rest of the sections--before? to me, it appears not, because of the aforementioned links in this paragraph.
it is true transequality.org says that “ Not all transgender people have gender dysphoria. On its own, being transgender is not considered a medical condition. Many transgender people do not experience serious anxiety or stress associated with the difference between their gender identity and their gender of birth, and so may not have gender dysphoria.” i agree with the fact that transgenderism in itself isnt a medical condition. its gender dysphoria that is; more specifically, its a neurological condition. transgenderism is the symptom of gender dysphoria. that being said, my points in the paragraph about Lambda legal stand even more starkly.
it is also true the NHS gender clinics say “not all gender diverse people experience gender dysphoria”, but in the next paragraph, they list “androgynous” as a diverse identity they experience in their clinics. androgynous is a presentation descriptor label. cisgender people can be androgynous. they also list “gender neutral” as a diverse identity people experience in their clinics. gender neutral is very vague in meaning. do they mean agender people? androgynous people? cisgender people who just dont care what people call them? and so on and so forth. they use the Interim Gender Dysphoria Protocol and Service Guideline 2013/14 and the The Royal College of Psychiatry Good Practice Guidelines for the Assessment and Treatment of Adults with Gender Dysphoria 201 to help care for their patients. the Interim Gender Dysphoria protocol has a graphic early in the many pages that shows if someone does not get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, they are discharged or sent elsewhere for other treatment. it also shows that if a diagnosis couldnt be made, then more observation is done, and if no diagnosis is made, they are again discharged or sent elsewhere for other treatment (the graphic is on page 7). the Royal College of Psychiatry does indeed say not all “gender variant” people or gender-non-conforming people experience gender dysphoria (they say this on page 14). they never explicitly say transgender or transsexual in that paragraph, only stuff about diversity. “gender variant” doesnt make sense to me, personally, because transgender/transsexual are not dirty words. that is my personal opinion, so i dont know how others feel about it. in terms of counting gender-non-conforming people, that doesnt make sense either. cisgender people can be gender-non-conforming, and they dont need services from a gender identity clinic.
the WHO revised their definition of gender dysphoria and moved it from a mental health condition to a sexual health condition back in 2018, if i can recall correctly. i cant find the exact page where ive seen them say gender dysphoria isnt needed to be transgender, but i did find this. on that page, they say gender is the socially constructed characteristics of men and women. if gender is a social construct, which is what theyre saying but in simpler terms, then why is it so important for people to transition and alleviate gender dysphoria? if its to make them more comfortable in their bodies, why do the terms transgender/transsexual and gender dysphoria even exist, if gender is a social construct? would treatments for the discomfort transgender people experience with their bodies just be something else? or would there even be treatments at all? i know some of the questions ive asked in this whole thing can seem like reaches, but i really just want to stress the ideas that some people may think of if they hear of these things. to my knowledge, the WHO also listed gender-non-conforming people in their definition of transgender. though ive also heard they later say on that page that not all gender-non-conforming people are transgender, its weird they would even include it in the first place.
side note: terfs say gender is a social construct, too.
taking sources at face value (”why medical professionals shouldnt be trusted and how they dont actually mean what they said”) isnt really... the greatest thing to do. a common point yall tucutes make is that only you know your gender. if thats true, then why do yall take what medical professionals say about being transgender as 100% fact?
calling transmeds the “anti-vaxxers and flat earthers of the trans community” is gross. transmeds havent killed people because we havent gotten vaccinated.
if you respond, id appreciate it if you could be civil <3 thank you! i look forward to getting your response :D
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