#i dont even know if i shall actually mention everyone else whos involved
pasharuu · 2 years
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welps, since i got a little skrunkling in form of ararycan, lets talk about him. i hope it'll be a short one. (spoiler: no)
also to those who bumped onto my post in their or someone else's dash somehow: english is not my first language. so be ready for numerous "memories" and "forget" cuz my vocabulary is thin just like that. and some other weirdness of course.
first of all, i hate the dottore clone theory with every single cell in my body, and i want you to know that if you like it i dont care, so neither should you care about me hating it. im only speaking opinion here.
and also this is rather my headcanon just not to stay alongside with the mystery while theres a dottore theory around. i honestly dont believe in dottore theory, but i still cant prove it wrong properly due to lack of info, and that annoys me. but this headcanon doesnt attempt to debunk the theory somehow, these are just two completely different things not worth comparing.
but rlly, did anyone on that planet at least once look at ararycan's leaves more than once? cuz it feels like no one knows what is the form of the pattern. the theory followers say these are circles, on my plush these are rounded diamons. wtf dear fellow folks.
the headcanon is trying to explain ararycan's memory loss, as there is no information about this in the game. traveler and paimon just decide that "welp, aranara are forgetful sometimes" though its not really true, but its really odd of them to leave us on this cliffhanger. i once said that aranara never forget stuff unless they meet some certain condition. i didnt explain that well last time so lemme speak a word (although its gonna be long i fear, so once again, the orange text is not necessary)
in the beginning we were given with the idea that aranara dont forget anything, or at least dont forget anything as easily as we do. this was really the very first fact i learned about them since i found messily written notes very soon after i began my first walkthrough of aranyaka (funfact: in russian localization its not clear who is the author of these if you only see the first set of it, and i definitely remember that i was not able to read the next page at a place, so i bet i found it even before meeting arama in the very first time. i also found it in the second time only after completing the entire questline so imagine my face at that moment), and author of the notes says that he doesnt forget things easily, but still decides to make records because its fun to do. basically saying that these lads dont ever need to record things up cuz they remember it all by themselves.
then, during the part where we help guys in mawtiyima forest, we were told about the inscriptions on the walls. aragaru says that these are made only for humans, because aranara will not forget, while people have all the possibility to. all the other inscriptions on walls, if we keep the spoken idea in mind, are clearly made for humans as well. the only weirdness in this part is inscriptions in old vanarana, cuz the only one who needs these during the quest is arama, and its not really clear who these were written to in the first place. but we still cant say these were definitely written for aranara, or maybe i need to research more.
the events of agnihatora sutra and vimana agama are the ones that made people think that aranara are forgetful. the second one is the mystery we are trying to solve in this article, but the first one told you everything you need, but its absolutely understandable if you didnt get it in the first time (neither did i if u wonder). in agnihatora sutra the three are aware that the thing theyre going to commit is gonna make them forget everything, so they were hinting it for us carefully, yet not saying directly that they will forget us. in the very end of this questline they tell us about the sacrifice they're going to commit, and that sacrifice is actually their memories, even though its not shown on screen, unlike the sacrifice of arana's memories to get the bija. that is why we were later told that these guys dont emember us while everyone else do.
also there's the fact araja troubles to remember the events of the past, but this dude actually grew into a tree, and just like i said in the cinnamon arama article, that might be the reason of his memory loss. araja also didnt forget everything that he had expirienced before he became a tree, as sometimes he still recalls to some things as his own memories.
after all, aranara gain actual power with memories and it would be weird if you'd randomly forget stuff and lose yo power just like that. they cherish memories more than anything, either these are good or bad, and the idea of forgetting is terrifying to them (the most memorable to me was the moment when arama complained about alcohol cuz it makes people forget stuff. paimon said that sometimes there are things people want to forget, but arama was still negative about that). well, actually there is a thing they cherish more. this thing is called "friendship", and the idea is that even if you forget something, there will be friends who'll remind you, so thats why they are more dear to aranara, even more than the memories. this is as well the idea of "the forest will remember" thing, cuz aranara are friends to all the plants, animals, some humans and each other, so theres just no possibility for the entire forest (all of these things) to forget something. but that still doesnt remove the importance of memories cuz these are power and these are memories, it'll take a lot of time to gain them back, so losing them is only worth when its absolutely necessary. also remember that stories and memories are not the same, so just summarizing things up to someone wont work.
and that concludes my orange explaination, now back to vimana agama mystery!!!!
so my take is that ararycan mustve sacrificed his memories for something. if we'll try to recreate the chronological order of the events of the past, we'll see that aralohita, who possibly was some sort of a buddy to ararycan, disappears after ararycan lost his memories. or if he lost part of them, its possible that aralohita disappeared prior to that. both versions explain why ararycan still remembers the solution to aralohita's riddles.
ararycan once says that he was the one who brought the ruin golem part into the secret cave, but for now he doesnt seem to be as strong, he rather acts like a very brave weakling. as we know, aranara gain power with memories, so no wonder ararycan is a weakling now, not remembering everything. but still, his awareness about some things looking familiar makes me think that he might have lost part of his memories, but how come?
we know that ararycan most likely was the third one alongside royinjan and amadhiah in the past, so all the vamadhas, including the one that was sealing the secret base, most likely were set after the childhood of the two, which means that might happened not too long ago. that might line up with a fact that pir kavikavus accident happened around the same time, because vamadhas were obviously set for reason. i recall ararycan saying that vamadhas are set when aranara dont want nara to enter some certain places, but says that he doesnt know who set these. so i think that actually could be ararycan, but since he lost his memories, no wonder he doesnt remember about it. and so uh, setting these could be resulted in memory loss as it might take some power. he probably did know that amiti device might be used for no good by some foes, so vamadhas are only set in places that either have amiti device fragments in them or places related to it somehow (and nowhere else, by the way, so vamadha is for sure some kind of ararakalari that both ararycan and aralohita used to wield). we can see the direct memory loss from using ararakalari in case of arama, when the one hit one of ruin guards really hard and returned back to goofy. we dont know how the memories amount needed to do some action is measured, but if we connect the dots, it all seems possible.
the only question left is why the heck did ararycan move the detail into the cave and the answer is i dont know. it was def moved before the cave was sealed since roy (seemingly) confirms this place not changing at all since he was a kid, and probably even before the kids found this cave because otherwise someone said something like "dude, i recall this place empty, but then somehow this huge detail appeared here, no clue how tho i dont remember". but why did ararycan move it there is forever a mystery it seems, unless aralohita is confirmed to be his accompany most of the time and prolly found alive ofc. aralohita might say something about it in that case, unless he forgot everything as well. but its all just my silly wishes.
also arama, while summarizing the places we shall visit, says that ararycan may know something about the sus person we were looking for. ararycan later confirms he used to help kids in vimara village cuz arana asked him, but thats all he says, none of details were thrown after that. his wording that marana avatar is capable of the trouble feels weird, but marana avatar to aranara is many things, not only the actual marana avatar, so he could be calling fatui like that. i now think that ararycan could possibly help us with finding out who the sus person is but for whatever reason it was cut down by his own troubling.
and i know that at this moment it feels like im just coping but idc. once again, my speculations have nothing to do with the dottore clone theory, its just a thing im rather comfortable with. fact of the day: dottore is my least favorite character in the entire genshin impact (among some that are somehow major) and i'll be quite disappointed if my precious ararycan turns out to be his clone or creation or whatever. i wont argue with it, i'll only throw, tear and murder.
and that concludes my tractate. it took me the whole day to put in words and i feel empty rn, especially since i dont know many words, and if you ever ask me why am i speaking english if i could just use my first language - none of your business. if u ask me why i made this tractate - none of your business. till the next time.
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jodiie-leighanne · 2 years
Warnings. This one will not be everyone's cup of tea; it involves very detailed smut. Both between M/F and M/M if you're not into that dont read it. You have been warned.
"Good Evening Mr. Malfoy, Your usual I presume?" Smile gracing her lips as she twirled a pencil in between two fingers on her right hand, the left held a blue ringed notebook. 
Remaining leant back in the chair, head cocked to the side as I  drank her in. Absorbing everything she has to offer in that skin tight skirt. 
My god.
"Mr Malfoy?" Sights switching from calves back to her angelic face freckles scattered and wisps of brown mould her features. Brows creased at my silence. 
Masking it with a chuckle, moving out of my longued position, elbows leant on the table in poor manners. "Sorry Elisa. Yes, just the usual. Unless you have something .." Taking a sharp inhale, licking my lips at the wild thoughts. "Something else to bring to the table, that would please the palate?" 
Raising a brow as Elisa blushed hinting she got the innuendo. If she did, her professionalism didn't falter once as she straightened up her posture. 
"Actually, Chef is trying Mediterranean style chicken thighs, glazed and tender, with a side of seasoned rice" Pencil hoovered over the paper patiently waiting for my decision to be made. 
"Sounds divine. I'll have that thank you, and another scotch" Nodding she scuttles away, watching her leave is my favourite pastime. Every Friday eight pm sharp I'm here, my usual booth tucked in the far back corner. Clambering of chairs, drunken chatter and obnoxious laughter. A sea of suits on every table as the dimmed lights give a certain feel to the room, singers and dancers fill the stage front centre. Cigar smoke fogging the air. 
My marital partner had quite the word to say about my choice of dining. Preferring far more sophisticated settings. But this, this right here is exactly what I need after a week of gruelling business deals and fake smiles. 
A loud beep sounded, its time. Snickering as my padded thumb ran over my lips somewhat keeping me in check.. Staff of the establishment tapped their wands thrice chanting. Strong gusts brewed, warping the room. Grasping the edge of the table to keep steady as we swirled. The evident change in lighting from bright white to shaded maroon, made me giddy. 
Now the real fun begins.
The waitress returned in due time with the meal, and a change of attire now watershed was subsiding. I didn't know what looked more appetising than the steam food placed on the table, until my globes settled at the bare bodied brunette.  Smirking in appreciation of everything as her full breasts hung above the chicken, mindlessly hoping they would smear with sauce so I could clean her attentively. 
Ah, did I forget to mention this is a special kind of restaurant that has a required taste, which I could feast on. Welcome to Sirens, by day it's a five star prestigious diner. Oh, but by night the fine minxs of the world appear to be touched, teased or dominated.
Stage adorning a quaint band now replaced with an erect pole, females of all varieties dressed in barely there lingerie. Heels that reach skyscrapers bedazzled in jewels. 
Dabbing my chin and lips with a napkin as I push my clean dish to the side. I all but inhaled my meal, the quicker it's finished the quicker i can get to why im really here. Elisa pops back up out of air, wiggling her chest as she does. Clicking her fingers vanishing the plates and cutlery. Laying down a tablet which is the equivalent to a small computer on the table cloth.
"Is dessert on the cards tonight?" She speaks suggestively. 
Smirking wide, I shoot my greys to her. Amusement filling my expression. "Of course, I've always had a sweet tooth"
"Hmmm, well let's make sure you get a cavity tonight then shall we?.."
"I don't know why you bother with this menu, you know exactly what, no should we say who I want" And it's not the woman before me. Don't get me wrong, her creamy skin makes me want a taste. Not tonight though, the one I sink my teeth into is just the top tier, the creme de la creme of sweet innocent tight cunt…
"I'm sorry she isn't available tonight" 
I'm a brat being an only child and I will always get what I want. "Impossible, she never breaks our schedule"
"Sir, I know. But she is with someone.."
"I'll double his payment"
"Sir please.."
"There's plenty of others.."
"No, I want her" Tone sharp and demanding, the girl jolts back at the volume. Sighing,I try a different approach.  Reaching a gentle hand out to glide up her forearm "Come on Lissy.. don't you want to please me"
This time her shield drops beetroot in colour, thighs rubbing as her breath hitches. 
"Of course I'll see what I can do" As she runs off to solve this issue, I rise from my seat in search of the one my cock is heavy for. 
They call her Victoria, I call her my secret.
Drifting round tables to the black leather doors, nodding at Seb the bouncer as I push open the entrance. Heading for her room, Last door to the right. I know it like the back of my hand. Not bothering to knock, I enter, there she is. 
Fucking hell. 
Hips jutting on top of a man sprawled on the mattress bound to the bed. Mask covering his sight, seeing as he didn't budge when I entered, she must have deafened him. She takes sight, hearing, and movement. I know this because the first time we met she did the same to me. Victoria is the only woman here strong enough to be in control. To belittle, humiliate and undignify arrogant fuck wits; like myself. Earning her a fuck tone of galleons. 
The crowd favourite and mine. 
A chuckle flees her lips as she realises I'm here, my cologne is distinctive, "I wondered when you bust your way in here?"
"Am I that predictable?" Shoulder pressed to the door frame as I took in her outfit. Leather smothered skin, stockings that are begging to be torn apart by my teeth. 
"And some"
With that she lashed her riding crop to his chest, speaking in her native tongue. As the bloke beneath tenses and gurgles from thrill. Rippling muscles defining, strands of jet black dripped with sweat. Faulting in my stance at the erotic scene. That's when I notice the dragon's tale twisting around his bicep, a red smaug portrayed on strong shoulder blades. Back not visible but I knew because I had one identical to the man before me. 
Knuckles blanching white as my fist clenched. Stare following his left hand a silver band nestled three fingers in. 
Hoarse snarls left my throat, "Did you know" 
The fire haired bitch throws her head back, grinding her hips down harder. Sounds of moisture echo. "Of course I knew, quite the covert operation you two have" 
"Undo the spells.." 
"Now why would i"
"Undo the-fucking-spells" Edging forward to loom over them, as Victoria cussed wandlessly lifting her magical ties. As the blindfold vanished before doe eyes which remained squeezed shut. Smiling brightly with a groan. Despite my vexation, the woman continued doing what she is paid to do. 
Grasping her hips, he pushed into her. Until I cleared my throat, dragging him from the pits of pleasure to the fire resonating in my irises. Lashes fluttering to identify who else was with them. One last groaned sentence of pleasure before the shock hit. 
"Fuck, you are something.. shit" Now he sees me. 
"Hello Darling, how are you?" Kneeling down beside the bed on my hunches, to stroke lean digits through his dishevelled locks. What an interesting turn of events it is. 
"Love, it's not what it looks like.." He cowered back, a quake to his breathing.
"Funny that, looks like the dick of my gay husband is inside a woman"
Surprise, surprise I have a husband. Didn't expect that, did you? Draco Malfoy himself is dating a man. Basically, after fucking my way through school woman just didnt tickle my pickle like they used to. During college I may or may not have dabbled in the changing room with a quarterback. Eventually i came to terms with my bisexuality, i embraced it fully. 
The man buried deep in a glorious fuck hole well he wasnt just a one night stand he meant far more. When my heart beat and throbbed as hard as my length I knew this was my destiny. Grant Robins, a tanned, ebony haired English major stole my morals and beliefs and squashed them beneath alligator loafers. He was my professor only a few years my senior, wicked smart. Not to mention absolutely fucking gorgeous, when i fell behind and took extra classes it was innocent until it wasnt,. That fine Monday after hours when I was stuffed to the hilt of cock, down on my knees pleading for his load to taint me. That day I found myself screaming for daddy and I'm not talking about Lucius. 
We are both switches, over the years I've taken on the role of dom and he is my little deer. Happy, satisfied in our marriage and sex life. So, how did we both end up unfaithfully fucking the same girl. 
"Tut-tut boys, seems you clearly have a lot more in common then you thought" 
"You shut up" I    ndex pointed at the pouty beauty that corrupted our souls, slits narrowed as I eyed up the slit in between her legs. Shaking my head, flincing forward to grasp my lover's jaw in my grips. Growling, against his lips the reminstents of metal and juices smothering them. 
Naughty deer. 
"Whilst that display was interesting, I know you can scream for me baby, can't you?" Grant's hues searched my face for an answer,”Want me to take you like the man you are, yeah?" His skin crawled with goosebumps so i continued, "Slip your cock into my tight arss, whilst I ride you just like she did, hmm?" Breathy feminime moans cut through i'm assuming from the twitching cock being hugged by her walls. 
"Love, ple-please" 
"There he is, good boy" Rising to my feet, i signal to Victoria to move causing my man to groan in loss of warmth “Go sit on the sofa would you sweetheart” Smirking she glides to the couch, leaning into it winking as she guides her knees up heels pressed into the suede material. Two fingers sucked into her mouth, I can feel myself straining. She is a filthy, filthy girl. As soon as they entered her drench hole, I lost it. Casting a vanishing spell on my clothes cock slapping the skin off my stomach as its unleashed weeping with want, lip pulled into my teeth as i take a palm to stroke some tension away , shifting gazes down to the squirming form beneath me, lust drooping his eyes, I'm going to make them disappear to his skull.
 Leaning down as he chants murmured pleas, palms pushing his legs wide pushed to his chest. I let a trail of spit hit his cock admiring the veins bulging, sculpting it to a masterpiece. I am way above average but when i say the girth on him is intimidating i mean it. The saliva slid slowly down his balls landing right where I hoped it would, on his puckered hole. Electricity soared through me as I felt my own watton hole mositen, a giggle came from my reaction. The harlot in the corner cast a lubrication spell.
Taking that as a push, I straddled my husband. “Do you want this darling? You want me to help you ruin me?” Rapidly nodding he sighed a `please`. Lifting up I lined his still hard dick against me, sinking down to break the barrier, wincing at the burn. Grunting at the stretch, god i'm a whore for him. Flitting my eyes to Victoria her jaw slacken, fingers now at a third pumping fast sights never leaving us. 
Grants hues disappeared, his breaths picked up rapidly thundering as I swallowed him whole. Sack rested on his abdomen, beginning a steady grind. Nails from his fingertips cut through skin as he held me tight. Neither of us every lasted long the attraction was too deep, the want to fuck eachothers brains out hourly too raw. 
Slapping of skin sounded as Grant's legs wrapped into mine, keeping me there, keeping me on him. Chest leaning down to capture his whining lips, his cries of sheer pleasure. At that moment it was us as our abs signed rubbing one another. Teeth grazing, clashing, inhaling each noise that slipped out right now the world could burn and I wouldn't care if it was just us, me and him. 
“Please-Please Draco - oh fuck” The husk in his moans as he calls for me is enough to make me cum unaided. Sweat dripping onto each other, a scream emits from the sofa. Reminding me we are not alone. Both our eyes followed to see the cause of this triangle, spurts of arousal drenching her surroundings, Nippes tugged and twisted between picnher grips. My speed became animalistic i fucked that dick limp, growling grant came hot and rapid inside me as his hand tugged me free of the pain i felt from the hardened muscle. My release hit me like a freight train spasming out of control at the hands of him. White thick seed soaking his skin. Whilst he paints my insides. 
Collapsing onto his heaving body, heads tucked into crooks of each other's necks. Musty aromas suffocate the air. 
Patronising claps break the calm silence. "Bravo draco, bravo" 
"Now that you've brought your hubby to a whimpering wreck let's get some things established" Digits dig into the tendrils of my hair yanking it back to face the mistress. 
Tongue darting out to lick a stripe from my neck to my jaw, nipping the tight skin before pushing my face closer to Grant, following the movement she whispers directed to the shuddering dark haired man,"See him?” Hinting to myself “Your oh so macho, strong and fucking godly husband?" Grant's eyes flicker back and forth between us, "It's a lie, isn't it. He likes to show off but really he is a pathetic little puppy" Shoving my head away she cackles, Striding to the centre of the room "Kneel for me Draco". Exhaustedly I push myself up and drop as requested. "Good, that's my good boy" 
"You, Kneel beside him" On shaking legs my husband joins me. 
"Fucking hell this is a sight gentlemen I must say" I bet it is “Seperate your knees” in sync we do, hands behind our backs. Gazes cast down to the wooden floor, wincing as my sensitive tip grazes the cold floor.
“Now now, my obedient babies, let's see who can make my vocals shatter” The brazen female steps forward, plush thighs touching both our cheeks. As she smirks down, “On your back Draco your mouths on me, and you darling dove, Wrap your lips around him”
And that's how the night continued in to the wee hours of Saturday morning. 
Victoria was the missing piece we never knew we needed. 
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Urahara Kisuke: "Come on baby, I know the law" But Actually Illegal
Hello and welcome to Coco has Too Many Feelings Hour. Today, it’s a character analysis of Urahara Kisuke because what gave him the fucking right to be so cool? WHAT GAVE HIM THE RIGHT?
Anyway. This is going to be half based on his dialogue, and half based on general action patterns, since both are damn interesting. There will be spoilers for most things but I’ll try to keep things after the Aizen arc vague. Also, it should go without saying that this is all my interpretation and very biased (extra biased because I Love Him). 
[AKA: This is like, just my opinion, man.]
Now before we begin can we just pause to appreciate how beautiful he is? If you haven’t, stare at this picture for at least a minute. Go on, I’ll time you. 
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Now we can move on. 
Kisuke is, in a word, complicated. If I had to describe him (and considering that’s the point of this entire goddamn document, I better try), I’d say he’s a man with unstoppable curiosity and a heart that is far too soft to handle the fallout of his own invention. 
No matter where you put him, no matter what time he’s born into, he will create a weapon he shouldn’t have. He has this strange bit of naïveté about his science at first, but it fades as he sees what his science has done to people he cares for. He has a good heart-- a soft heart, under it all-- so he can’t just accept the damage he’s done and move on. He turns that genius to invention, so that he can fix the things he broke. He wants to help everyone he can, because he hurt so many. 
But that doesn’t ever make the guilt go away, and it doesn’t stop him from using people when he has to— we see this happen with Ichigo in the Soul Society invasion arc. Kisuke uses him to achieve his goals, but he is far from happy about it and apologizes afterwards. 
Alright, into the meat of his character. I’m going to skim over the fact that he is arguably one of the strongest characters in the entire show, a man who plans for every eventuality compulsively because he understands that people die in battle (people die when they are killed), and so intelligent that he was one of the few people Aizen actually was wary of. I’m skimming it, because otherwise this already too long essay would be three times as long and wax rhapsodic about every way that he is, in fact, an incredible badass. 
He will and does help people, but he’s very guarded. It makes a terrible kind of sense, because he worked in the Omnitsukidō, and I don’t think anyone can come out of a spy and assassination agency without some jadedness. The exile doesn’t help either, because now he’s been forced to deal with the fallout from a betrayal and the loss of his home too. 
That being said, the exile also made him more of his own man. Freer, in many ways. More able to be the eccentric self he wants to, better adapted to life, more likely to see how people could use him and less likely to let it happen. I think the living world suits him in a way that Soul Society never really did. 
At his core he's a good person, but he built walls upon walls around himself. And those walls never come down, and some of them are mirrors, and some of them are smokescreens that don’t look like walls, because he can never be simple and he doesn’t want to be understood. And even if someone does see part of who he is, he wants them to only see that particular part. 
He is an eccentric free spirit whose drive for invention cost him more dearly than anything else. His will to create, his truest self— the scientist, with inventions to make and the world to explore— started a war. It ruined the lives of people he wanted to be friends, and people who were friends. 
And as a scientist, that’s the greatest blow of all. It’s like Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb. He created a weapon he couldn’t control, but he did it with something he loved with his whole heart. It hurts twice as deeply, when it comes from love. 
He’s also a follower more than a leader. Kisuke is the support type, for all his fighting skill— he’s ready with backup plans and transportation and research, but he needs a person to follow into battle. For a long time that was Yoruichi. Then he stood on his own as a captain, but the way he did it was by structuring his division into a support division rather than a truly fighting one (his own way of coping with new leadership, imo. He turned the 12th into the division he wanted it to be, rather than really learning how to lead a fighting division). 
Then he had to stand on his own, in exile, and he did. I imagine this was mostly fueled by guilt and determination, because he had to fix the mess he had helped create and defeat Aizen. But even still, he still kept to the shadows and planned Aizen’s downfall, rather than stepping on the battlefield and doing it himself (for many reasons, of course— Aizen was still in Soul Society’s good graces and it would have been suicide, Kisuke is not a foolish man who would throw away the best chance at success for a fight). 
And at last, he chose Ichigo to follow. But this is doubly interesting because at first he is uses Ichigo to achieve his goals. Supposedly, Kisuke himself couldn’t have gone to Soul Society to rescue Rukia (because of the exile, though let’s face it Kubo’s world building doesn’t explain how Yoruichi could go so who really knows. And Kisuke being Kisuke, would have found a way into Soul Society if he thought it would help their fight against Aizen. Anyone who doesn’t believe that can see the TYBW arc and Fight Me). 
But there were many people who had a better chance of going in his stead, and many ways to save Rukia that didn’t involve a straightforward invasion. This is not to mention that Kisuke used Rukia too, with the intention of forcing Aizen’s hand. 
So when Ichigo and Kisuke first meet, he views Ichigo as a tool (and a person, because he’s a good man and never free of the guilt).  
But with each battle, we see how Kisuke trusts Ichigo more and more. This progression continues until the last battle with Aizen, and then after that Kisuke stands behind Ichigo with absolutely no hesitation. Throughout the last arc, throughout the remainder of the manga, when Ichigo needed him, Kisuke was there— with supplies, with research, with a path to Hueco Mundo, hell even with a path to the big palace up in the sky. And Kisuke trusted Ichigo absolutely— see the panel where Ichigo asks Kisuke to hold out until he gets there, and everything will be alright because Ichigo will handle it. And Kisuke’s response to that is just a smile and a single word— “Understood.” 
The trust between them is absolute. This is surprising, if you think of how few people Kisuke has really trusted over the years, and how few he trusts to this extent. 
[It’s also very interesting that of all the people Ichigo choses to tell to “wait for me,” it’s Kisuke but that’s just my loyalty kink showing up don’t mind me.]
Once the guilt of using him was gone, Kisuke could follow the leader he’d chosen. And he did, endlessly. 
On that note, Kisuke’s dialogue choice with Ichigo develops in a very interesting way. In the beginning its challenging and on the ruthless side (“don’t use her as an excuse to kill yourself,” for example), into something much more trusting and less challenging (the “understood” for instance, or the “what would you like me to do” ). This evolution tracks with the evolution of Kisuke’s changing attitude towards Ichigo. 
We move from Kisuke only promising to help when he extracts something in return (“Do you really think, there is no way to get to Soul Society? I’ll tell you, on one condition.”) to Kisuke offering to help Ichigo before being asked (“My my, you guys sure are having an interesting conversation. So, this Hueco Mundo trip. Shall I arrange it?”).
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[Imagine how much literally anyone else would pay to have a scientist of Kisuke’s caliber basically on retainer. And Ichigo gets it for the low low price of absolutely free.]
All this is to say, that I think that Kisuke can and is always ready for any eventuality but that it’s only after his trust is earned by Ichigo that he gives his plans so easily to other people. He has chosen a king, so to speak. 
[Don’t call out my power kink or I will personally end you.]
Moving on to dialogue in general, we see many damn interesting patterns. Perhaps intentionally, Kisuke's a bit on a different wavelength, and no one expects the answers he gives to any questions. Its eccentricity, but honed into a weapon and very self-aware. He often interprets questions in different ways than expected, like he’s purposefully setting people off guard. 
Consider the following response he gives to an enemy in later chapters (TYBW arc): 
“Asking me such a personal question, is really more of a second date thing.”
He’s never met this person before in his life, and his response is to just, straight up flirt. THIS IS FLIRTING. KISUKE. WHY ARE YOU FLIRTING. HE’S NOT EVEN HOT. 
Anyway. In general, Kisuke has two broad categories of speech patterns: completely serious and teasing-playful-fake-humble.  Unlike many other characters who use a baiting tone and words against enemies (Frankenstein from Noblesse comes to mind as an example), Kisuke uses them on friends and enemies alike. And his tone isn’t really mocking but fake-humble and fake-playful.
Examples of this—
“Oh? You know of me. What an honor.” (Said behind fan)
“It’s wedged in their rather fatally, Yoruichi-san!” (Said to Yoruichi’s ass)
[Seriously, who does this asshole think he is? Yoruichi kicks him and I’m glad she does.]
He's very often cheerful, and usually smiling as he speaks. I’d say his eyes are the biggest giveaway to his emotion because they dont really ever soften. (And because Kubo has a Thing for drawing them covered in shadows and looking badass, see Exhibit: Oh No He’s Hot, pictured below)
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In this playful mode, even when he apologizes it’s usually in a way that somehow makes it worse. He’s constantly either annoying people or throwing them off guard or a combination, but in a much more cheerful eccentric way than say, Frankenstein. For example, after he says the line above to Yoruichi (in the middle of a battle, I might add), he says this:
“Why would you kick me? I came to help. I’m sorry, perhaps the expression “wedged in” was a bit vulgar.” 
He’s managed to repeat the thing that made her kick him, in a way that almost makes it worse, but in a way that makes it seem like hes trying to apologize. It’s very clever, and also ideal for pissing people off, intentional or not. (But who are we kidding, this is Kisuke. It’s definitely intentional). 
But he can also switch to a serious mode quite quickly, seemingly able to interweave the two modes without really needing to break between them. This most often comes out when there is someone to save or protect.
[Because he's secretly a softie, as mentioned above, god I love him]
For example, when Masaki is in danger, even tho he's never met her or the soul reapers before (and when his very existence should make him avoid Isshin), he says this:
“We dont have time to waste. Both of you, please come with me. I will tell you the choices you have to save her.”
It’s to the point, succinct, polite, and also filled with a desire to save. It’s also completely at odds with his playful tone when he speaks in other times. I think this dichotomy is the core of Kisuke. Of course he's playful and eccentric— and this makes him the delightful character he is— but at his core he's a man who cares about people and wants to help. He doesn’t hesitate to apologize when he is in the wrong either, kneeling before Ichigo after the Soul Society arc and not asking for forgiveness but explaining why he is sorry. (Ichigo forgives him, because Ichigo will always forgive him, and that hurts even more). 
But even when there are threats to life, if they've been dealt with and he's in a controlled environment, he pulls out the playful act again, though it often has an edge. For example, after he saves Ichigo for the first time he says this:
“What? You sound upset. Didn’t you want to be saved?”
It’s on the edge of teasing but its also much more pointed than anything else he's said to Ichigo at this point. It’s followed by some of the rawest and cruelest lines of dialogue I’ve ever read, because Kisuke doesn’t flinch back from being harsh when he has to be. 
Even his cruelty, when he is forced to use it, comes from a place of care and a desire to help. Doesn’t stop it from stinging like hell. 
It’s at this point where I descended into crying about Kisuke and how good he was and how much I love him, and so decided to stop.
In summary: Kisuke is a good man who couldn’t stop himself from inventing the most destructive weapon to exist. But he’s a good man, and so he spent a century crafting his own penance. 
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General Kisuke Dialogue I’ve collected, in case people find it useful:
Stop fighting, you two. It’s my fault, I should have disposed of it. 
We have no choice. We’ve got to find it and neutralize it before it causes any trouble. 
No way, accidents happen! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. There now, its okay. 
Good, let’s move! Operation “recall”
Well look here. We finally find you, and you’re already incapacitated. What a waste. We lugged all this stuff here for nothing. 
I’m going to destroy it. Hmm. I’m not sure how to answer that. 
This is serious. I won’t take the fall for you. 
No no, Kurosaki-san. Your wounds have barely closed. If you move around too much, you’ll die <3. 
Do you really think, there is no way to get to Soul Society?
I’ll tell you, on one condition. For the next ten days, you must allow me to train you. 
You don’t understand. What I’m trying to tell you is they’ll kill you.Could you win? If you fought them as you are? I allowed you to fight them this time, because I thought it would make it easier for you to understand. At your current level of ability, you wouldn’t stand a chance in soul society. You’re weak. For you to venture into enemy territory now would be suicide. You want to save Kuchiki-san? Don’t make me laugh. Don’t use her as an excuse to kill yourself. 
Of course. If you wish to save Kuchiki-san with your whole heart, then you have at your disposal a power stronger than iron. But if your resolve is half-hearted, forget it. For the next ten days, I’m going to put you through the wringer. 
What? You sound upset. Didn’t you want to be saved?
He went home. His wound bled a lot, but it wasn’t severe. 
Couldn’t you have come up with anything better? [how lame]
Looks like I was a step too late.
What would you like me to do? Shall I book a ticket to reiokyu? It may take me some time though. [to ichigo]
We dont have time to waste. Both of you, please come with me. I will tell you the choices you have to save her. 
My my, you guys sure are having an interesting conversation. So, this Hueco Mundo trip. Shall I arrange it?
[I] its usually like this with Urahara. [K] you know me too well <3
Oh? You know of me. What an honor. (Said behind fan)
To be included in such an esteemed group, I don’t know what to say. Its an honor, but he’s giving me too much credit.
It’s wedged in their rather fatally, Yoruichi-san!
Why would you kick me? I came to help. I’m sorry, perhaps the expression “wedged in” was a bit vulgar (makes fake apologies a lot)
Asking me such a personal question, is really more of a second date thing.
You see, even if I don’t tell you, you’ll be up close and personal with it soon enough.
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thesameasbe4 · 3 years
Red Boots
Part 1
Part 2
The frigid air ripped into her bare legs as the bike tore down the road with relentless speed. Sav squeezed her eyes shut and continued to cling tightly to the figure sat in front of her. At first she thought she could hear the roar of other bikes behind them, but she soon became overwhelmed with the sensations bombarding her and lost track of the pursuers behind them. The man in front of her maneuvered the bike well, winding in and out of alleys and side streets. Finally after what felt like hours he slowed to a halt, the bike idling in an alley that Sav was unfamiliar with.
She dismounted and pulled her helmet off, handing it back to the man. “Thanks,” she said cautiously, unsure if she was any safer with him than with those other men, her eyes continuing to search his clothing for an indication of affiliation with a motorcycle club, but she couldn’t find anything in the damp darkness of the night.
“Do you know where we are?” The man asked. Sav shook her head. He cut the engine and dismounted as well, moving to stand next to her. Gently he guided her to the entrance of alley and pointed to a building a few blocks down. Sav swallowed hard. A handful of men from the gang at the bar were loitering in front of what she now recognized as her apartment building. She stepped back further into the shadows, her body trembling more from fear than the cold. What had she stepped into? What did they want with her? How did they know where she lived? And where was she supposed to go?
It was clear to Bucky that she didn’t have a plan and had no idea what to do next. Hell, he didn’t really know what to do either. It had been a long time since he had spent time with anyone who wasn’t capable of caring for themselves in crises like this. He realized he didn’t really know how to act around her. He had a strong urge to touch her, hold her hand, give her a hug, something like that. But he wasn’t sure she would want that, and what if she felt his arm? Surely she would be turned off by that. It was most important now to get her to a place she felt safe for the night.
“Hem hem,” Bucky cleared his throat softly, causing her to turn her face up to his. “So, do you have a friend you can stay with for a little while?” He asked. She shook her head.
“Not this side of the Mason-Dixon Line I don’t,” she said, “and I’m not going back no matter how many bikers are waiting outside my apartment.”
“What about a hotel? Could I take you to a hotel for the night?” Again she shook her head, this time scrunching her nose up.
“Not on my wages.” They stood there silently for a few more minutes before Bucky handed her the helmet again.
“Alright then,” he said, cocking his head to the side, “I guess you will have to come home with me, though I’m warning you, my couch isn’t that comfortable.” This time she had more of a chance to catch her balance on the bike, and Bucky took care to let her settle behind him, pulling her arms more securely around his waist before maneuvering the bike back onto the street.
Bucky knew this was a bad decision on his part, not only was he ignoring the promise he had made to himself that he would not involve regular people in his life, he was also taking on someone else’s problem. He didn’t even know why these men were following the bar tender, what could she be caught up in that he was stepping into by coming to her aide? The woman behind him adjusted her hands wrapped around his torso and he felt a warmth spread through him at the reminder of her touch. It had been so long since he had had any real personal connection with anyone. Maybe it would be alright, he had been observing her every Friday for a few months now, she was just a normal person… No, he knew better than to think optimistically. Everyone has shit in their past, deceit and manipulation are normal. And she had the look of someone running. She was clearly a transplant, living in the tumultuous world of New York night life, has all the signs of living a rough and stressful life, and now she was being inexplicably being pursued by a group of bikers.
Bucky pulled up to the back of his apartment building and cut the engine, helping the woman down before he swung his leg over the bike.
“Well, I guess if we are gonna be roommates, we should know each other’s names at least,” the woman said, holding her hand out. “My name is Sav.”
Hesitantly, Bucky took the cold, bony hand she offered him, “James.”
Bucky was embarrassed even before they got to his flat, thinking about the dishes in the sink and the lack of, well, most conventional things that homes have. But he had come this far and he didn’t really see a way out of this one, so he took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Sav didn’t say anything as she stood just inside the threshold of the room, worrying her long coat still wrapped tightly around her. Remembering his manners he stepped toward her again, “uh, can I take your coat?”
Sav didn’t move to take it off, “um, I’m a little chilly actually,” she said. Bucky nodded, stepping back again, remembering that underneath her coat was much too little clothing for a New York winter. He gave her a tour of the small space, just two rooms but also a bathroom with a claw foot tub. Something the landlord mentioned several times to him before he signed the lease. He cranked the heater up as Sav returned to stand on a spot just inside of the door.
“Look,” Bucky said, “I dont really know whats going on with you, and I don’t really want to know. I don’t even really know why I offered to help you out back there except that you are a good bar tender and those guys are jerks.”
Sav smiled for the first time that night, “well you didn’t really offer, its more like you swooped in.”
Bucky looked at his boots, “yeah, I’m sure you probably could have handled it by yourself. You didn’t need me poking my nose in your business, and now here I am telling you not to pull me in when I’ve already done that myself.” Bucky continued to look down as he worried the hair at the nape of his neck.
Sav gently laid her hands on his shoulders and bending her knees, she tried to catch his eye. “I am really glad you were there tonight, James, I don’t know what else I would have done.” Bucky looked up at her now with bright eyes. “And truly, I don’t know who those guys are, I had seen them a couple of times in the bar before, but never thought anything of it… Why were they at my house?”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders, “I dunno that one, but what do you say that we forget about it for a little while? I can give you some fresh clothes if you want to take a bath.” Sav nodded and smiled.
It was very intimate to be wearing this strange man’s clothes, Sav thought as she looked at herself in the small bathroom mirror. She looked extra petite in the t shirt and sweat pants, but they were warm and dry and they smelled like James. She rolled her eyes at herself as she pulled her wet hair into a knot on the top of her head. Stepping out of the bathroom she let out a little squeak of surprise. Faster than she thought humanly possible, James was standing next to her.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked in a panicked voice.
It was Sav’s turn to look sheepish. “Oh, didn’t mean to alarm you, I just… the floor is much colder out here than in the bathroom.” Before she even finished the sentence Bucky had lifted her off the ground. Causing yet another squeak to leave her mouth again. Bucky froze with her in his arms, Sav’s hands clinging to his neck in nervous response to losing her footing so immediately.
“Well, lets find you some socks shall we?” Bucky stuttered as he walked her to a dark blue love seat next to a window. He set her down gently and backed away respectfully. Or thats what Sav would have called it had he not previously scooped her up without warning. Bucky retreated to the other room, and Sav took a few moments to collect herself, shrugging off the exposed feeling of not only being in what was essentially a stranger’s house but also wearing his clothes, being surrounded by his scent and the messiness (she didn’t mind) of his daily existence.
Bucky returned not long after with an arm full of blankets and warm clothes. Sav almost had to bat him away to keep him from dressing her himself. On went a sweater, two pairs of socks, and she finished with a fuzzy blanked which she used to tuck herself firmly into the corner of the love seat.
With the lights off and his unexpected house guest asleep in the front room, Bucky pulled his shirt off, his metal arm catching the light of a street lamp from the window. Bucky rubbed the area where the metal met the flesh of his shoulder thoughtfully. Sav would sleep here tonight and he would get rid of her in the morning, help her get to a friends house or bring her to a police station, something, and he would never have to address the fact that he was a reformed killing machine with a robotic arm.
With his metal arm weighing heavy at his side he fell into a restless sleep.
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To Stir a Magic Cauldron of Farce
This article was recommended to us by reader who we shall keep anonymous.
This mod would like to be the first to say, we are very much a believing sort when people say they have conversations with their gods.  We like to think they are honest and their beautiful experiences are ones of earnest.  That said we must ask...is that the best you could do?
We must say this article from @smarmykemeticpagan is a desperate bit of pageantry.  This is not a devotee recording a transcript of a conversation with their beloved god.  This is putting on a mask and impersonating a god to manufacture an aire of authority.  This is a bold faced attempt to make oneself a cult leader.  This is a lie, a con, a trick, a false pretense to claim “well all the gods in our pantheon support every word I say so you can’t argue against me, you literally argue against our gods!!!” Be not deceived precious kemetic friends.  This con-artist tries but has no authority, unless you surrender to it, do not be seduced.
That her political tirades are “divinely supported” as if to make them more unassailable.  This is a desperate power move to seize some vestige of spiritual backing where none actually exists.  This is putting your words in a gods mouth and pretending its them talking.  This is pure propaganda of the most transparent sort.  This mod is not impressed nor moved.  We would like to state we are just disappointed, we expected you to try harder to make it seem genuine.
The gods may not be pleased with how humans treat humans, but they have already prescribed their desires for us to live.  We as humans must live by that or not.  What smarmy has done here is shoved her ideological beliefs into a Set mask and pretended it was Set himself endorsing it.  This is dangerous, disingenuous, and a plain lie to everyone who supports her.  The obviousness of this suggests to this mod, smarmy does not consider the intelligence of her supporters and audience to be very high.  We must inform you, that a rather damning prospect.
This mod weeps for the gods to be slandered with such trivial garbage, professed as their own words.  We see smarmy tries to install herself as a legitimate “outlaw priest” we think someone has been playing too much Red Dead.  We were not impressed with all the veiled threats being stuffed into Set’s mouth either.  These are the actions of someone desperate to mask the Enemy, as Trusted Friend.  We advise the community to not be fooled and not to buy into these maddened ravings of a lunatic cultist desperate for power.
“You don’t let a snake into your home and assume it’s not going to act like a snake. Fuck’s sake, even baby humans know that.“
We would like to inform you how ironic it is you warn people of this.
This mod would dig deeper into every line of how this entire interview is a complete farce, but it proves that itself.  We would like to remind you smarmy, be sure to take your medication, dear, this article shows us you’ve been lax.
Good GODS this is one of the most cringeworthy things I have ever read. This is a one-woman circle-jerk; a narcissistic manifesto from Smarmy disguised as divine revelation. If Set had any involvement in this debacle, I’ll eat my hat!
“You make me look so cool.” -_- WTF. Set’s already cool; he doesn’t need your bitch ass, Smarmy. What on earth have you done to be “relentless surgeon cutting out a tumor?” You have a blog where you spread a hateful, destructive ideology that has killed millions wherever it’s been attempted. Whoop-de-fuckin’-do. What a brave activist! /s
Here’s something that Set has taught me. Things have never, ever been okay. Before the Industrial Revolution, life was most certainly as described by Thomas Hobbes: nasty, brutish, and short. Life expectancy was extremely low because of childhood diseases, societies were often just a few bad harvests away from starvation, and other tribes or countries constantly warred with one another over limited resources. Humans have made advancements to overcome these conditions, but like how you mentioned Rome, the collapse of civilization and infrastructure can and does happen. Nothing in life is guaranteed; it can all come crashing down in an instant. 
You had Set say in your little diatribe how having barbaric order is worse than chaos. What you fail to realize is that both order and chaos can be barbaric. I remind you that Nature abhors a vacuum. If you could actually abolish the society and leaders we currently have, someone else will take their place. They may be worse than the people you dispose. Think carefully before starting a revolution. The Russians did that in 1917. It’s estimated that 100 million people died from various countries trying to implement the ideas of Marx and Lenin.
Ra almighty, it gets even worse the longer you read. Apparently Set has more miracles for Smarmy that even *He* won’t let her know about. Then “he” (I’m going with lower-case here because this is so obviously Smarmy speaking as Set) threatens every one who opposes Smarmy. Who do you think Set is, Smarmy, Liam Neeson? 
Just, ugh. You never learn, kid. How can you think of yourself as a great priestess battling the forces of darkness if you never reflect on your own darkness? When you stare into the abyss, it also gazes into you. And when you put words into Set’s mouth saying he’s going to destroy all the people you hate, whether they’re really racist or just on a different part of the political spectrum, you are NOT being compassionate. You’re just a blind asshat spreading your own hate around. Way to further a/pep, you moron.
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terramythos · 6 years
My commentary on October Daye #10 or "Whodunnit: non-Electric Boogaloo" OR "Golly there sure are a lot of references to book 3 in this one. For some reason. I'm sure it's just a coincidence and theres no reason for that at all".
This is the first one that's just a liveblog, not a reread. And there's 2 more after this one. Which I'm told are just devastating. Woo!
-Holy shit, 10 books in and we got a map!
A map!
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An honest to God fantasy map!
-Quentin/Dean is.. cute. Again, I like that Dean will probably get more development now that he's more relevant to the plot.
-So. Yeah. Last book introduced the goddamn cure for elf shot, which is A Big Deal Gamechanger. So this whole book is dedicated to like.. the political implications of that
-High King Aethlin Sollys: *shows up*
Me: well crap
-Aethlin: how dare you go behind my back and use the elf shot cure after I expressly said no
Toby, dear toby, literal changeling street rat: I mean, this whole situation IS technically your fault
Everyone in the room:
Aethlin: that's fair
-Oh yay The Luidaeg is going to be involved in this one. I missed her last volume. And since this is about the whole elf shot cure thing, Walther will ALSO be involved :>>
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God I love The Luidaeg.
-Interesting backstory re: Quentin's parents. Which explains why they're so cavalier about a changeling training and raising the fucking crown prince 🤔
-Aethlin: I met the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life
Maida: I had pox scars on my face and chicken shit in my hair
Aethlin: you hit me with a broom
Maida: I hit you with a broom.
-Lol @ Colorado being called Highmountain
-its interesting to see monarchs and characters from other parts of the US, since we've pretty much only experienced San Francisco and Portland.
-Power move is Arden acknowledging Tybalt as a King and unsettling all the racist fucks in the audience 👀
-think I found some retcon? Cause according to book 5 connor died to elf shot because he was shot in the heart. But this one is saying that elf shot is fatal to all selkies because they're basically human. Whatisthetruth.png
-The Luidaeg just consistently protects and helps children, huh. Here she's super kind and gentle to Karen even though it briefly cracks her badass intimidation facade in front of a bunch of people. She personally carries one of the kidnapped Undersea kids back home. She uhhh literally helps Toby kill her brother Blind Michael, a literal child predator, way back in book 3. And she rescued Toby when she figured out what Amandine was doing to her. I mean. It all makes sense based on her backstory but BOY is that a consistent trait.
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I took this pic on a plane but omg
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-King Antonio: *dies*
Oh no... I uhhh hate when assholes I just met get killed off suddenly
-That being said, getting a glimpse into what it's like to be a Candela with those Merry Dancers as constant, loving companions. Definitely interesting enough that I hope we get more Candela in the series.
-Night haunts night haunts NIGHT HAUNTS their scenes are always cool.
-And Antonio's disoriented "where are my girls?" Talking about the Merry Dancers, when he emerges as a night haunt. That's pretty oof. :(
-OK so night haunts keep the form of the person they eat for as long as that person was alive. So imagine if The Luidaeg had perma died in book 8? The lucky sonofabitch night haunt that got to eat her would have a solid form for tens of thousands of years? That's bonkers. That's bananas.
- That's assuming Firstborn even get eaten @ all. I mean, Blind Michael got killed in book 3 and we haven't seen him with the flock.
- ....... 😳 UH. WAIT. Hold up. Hold the fuck up. No. I'm not exploring that line of thought.
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-Neeeeew MONTH NAME! September, Sylvester's dead sister, just got mentioned. I know she's shown up/been mentioned in some of the short stories, buuuuut...
-month names so far: January, April, May, August, September, October
Not introduced (yet): February, March, June, July, November, December
And we still dont know what is with the FUCKING month names. Only connection is they are all female characters and they all seem to be related in some way to Sylvester slash The Torquills. Some (like May) are a stretch there, but...
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Oh lore?? OH LORE?
- Simon and Patrick were BFFs? 🤔🤔
-That.. had to have been introduced for a reason. Come on.
-Of course Raj likes romantic comedies. Of course he does
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I LOVE the Luidaeg. Have I mentioned. This bit is even funnier knowing she can't lie. Which means she has an actual hierarchy of how much she wants to stab everyone she knows
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This is gonna take some unpacking. Most notable here is IS THIS THE SAME RIDE FROM BOOK 3? You know, Blind Michael's Ride, the Halloween horror show where he kidnaps kids and forcibly turns them into monsters? What is this flashback supposed to imply? The Ride used to be something else? The MONARCHS of ancient Faerie actually did kidnap kids like in the stories and Blind Michael took it over when they disappeared? The Ride maybe CAUSED them to disappear? What the fuck?
(Also my vampire crack theory gains more ground. Just look at that first paragraph. And then a couple pages later Toby sees the room covered in her blood and mentions feeling hungry looking @ it. Come on.)
-Support for my theory that this reminds me of: both the Dochas Sidhe we know of have the smell of blood as a part of their magical signature. Toby is initially "cut grass and copper" but as she gains power it becomes "cut grass and bloody copper". Amandine is "blood and roses" (which, interestingly, is what Toby tastes when she wakes up in this scene?) August and Gillian are the only other two characters we know of that have Dochas Sidhe heritage, and who knows what their magic smells like...
-The Luidaeg calling Shakespeare "a fucking dumbass" in a series full of Shakespeare references and motifs is, in fact, hilarious.
-Tybalt getting (basically) mortally wounded, so Toby tastes some of his blood. And sees herself from his perspective and how much he loves her. BIG OOF.
-Also interesting that the more powerful Toby becomes as the series progresses she's now the one saving Tybalt's ass. Was the polar opposite for the first 6 or so books.
-Colorado rep -- Highmountain are the big bads. Lmfao
-Well Toby is *actually* immortal. Like how else do you explain the shit that happens in this series lmao. (Also, turns out being that hard to kill is the shittiest superpower)
-Aw Toby forgave Sylvester... we will see if he actually redeems himself, I guess.
-You can tell Toby is embracing the "hero" role with that whole rousing and surprisingly coherent speech at the end.
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This is just a real good character development vignette. We've come so far ;-;
-And of course the cure gets greenlit cause.. of course. But The Luidaeg's line "none of those assholes wanted to think about how confused they'd be if they missed a hundred years of internet memes" is, shall I say, Iconique
-multiple people have asked toby and tybalt to get married @ their house. And now the high king and queen fucking asked. Lmfao
-So this book was... interesting. I liked the political drama aspect. It was another whodunnit which we pretty much got a fill of with book 2. The conflict seemed to just kinda be.. there? I'd call it a filler book, but a lot of like.. lore got established, and we got some of what I assume are big hints/setups. Guess we'll see.
-to be fair books 1 and 2 also seemed like filler and turned out to be Super Fucking Important actually. So
-also there is just straight up a 70 page novella starring Arden at the end so I'll see if anything major happens in it.
-it's mostly a character study of Arden, turns out. But we DO learn that Cassandra, Karen's sister, is also a Seer, which... could be relevant (also I mean come on of course she is, did you see her name). Also Walther and The Luidaeg show up so thats fun.
-And it's funny to see what other characters think of October. Mostly she's a train wreck/practical joke that's somehow become extremely relevant to the surprise of literally everyone
-me seeing the total page count is 420: nice
-Anyway. The next two books sound like a gut punch conga line so let's get reading them
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devintrinidad · 6 years
10 GIFs of Anime that You Love, Then Tag 10 People
Just got tagged by @chemicalflashes.
One of the first few anime I watched. I adored how the intricate stories were intertwined with others; how a bystander in one scene could be a hero or a villain in another. A choice that one makes can easily have devestaring consequences. And of course, the mastermind himself: Orihara Izaya.
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Death Note
Oldie, yes. Overrated, probably. Completely worth watching and still able to discuss a decade after completion? Along with a few movies, musical adaptations, and a live action remake? Oh, yes!
Favorite characters are Near and Misa. The former for his cool nature that resembles L’s, but ultimately serves as a better allegory for Justice because he doesn’t find Kira for fun. No, he captures and probably would have him imprisoned for life because it’s his duty as L’s successor. He’s also heavily under-appreciated by the fandom. The latter for her adaptability and unpredictability in situations. Did you guys watch the Yorsuba arc? The girl was calculating how cute she was going to be. Plus, she’s not mentally well (her parents were murdered in front of her), but she still managed to handle herself SO WELL during her time as a prisoner under L’s inhuman methods to seek out the Second Kira. Again, she’s under-appreciated.
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Death Parade
Brilliant idea. Has a possible tie in to Death Note. The opening was laughably so misleading!
There are some flaws, like plot holes and unfinished storylines, but it held up pretty well. We learned about the characters through how they interact with one another—especially when put under pressure. The Arbiters are amazing in that they can’t question the system, and yet, in the end, Decim tries to understand and formulate how Chiyuki is going to be finally put to rest.
If nothing else, just watch for the skating scene and the opening sequence.
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Cells at Work (Hataraku Saibou)
How could I not add this show??? I’m not that great science, but I have been intimately acquainted with how the body works (I’m frankly disappointed no one has called 1146 a granulocyte yet and we haven’t seen any neurons in the manga 😞). Also...3803 is basically me: I’m terrible at directions, I’m continuously learning new things because I moved away, and the way she met 1146...is kind of how I met my best friend, hehehe.
That said, I’m really in love with this anime/manga fandom and hope to continue writing for it. (Insert self promotion: please read my fanfics on my main platform which is ffnet!)
Another reason why I love CAW...
The neutrophil squad.
...and wbc x rbc...and by that, I mean any or all of those wbc squad can get paired with 3803. Because I have a soft spot for reverse harems. *cough Ouran High School Host Club*
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Hetalia: Axis Powers
This show made me love geography and my country so much. It’s funny, it’s hilarious, and it’s so heartwarming how the fandom likes to make all sorts of fanmade stuff to expand on what Hima-papa gives us. (YES, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2018, I SHALL REFER TO HIMARYU-SENSEI AS HIMA-PAPA. FIGHT ME.)
Is Hetalia dead? I don’t know, but the fandom and one particular FanFiction by @cultureandseptember really helped me out a few years back.
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Bungou Stray Dogs
I love literature, good looking animation, and smarmy little know-it-alls who like to play the fool. Hehehe, I’m planning on reading No Longer Human when I get the time. Does that mean Osamu Dazai is my favorite character? Well...
Can you blame me if I said yes? He’s so charming and enigmatic that you can’t help but love him. However, I think I really love him because I struggle with dark thoughts and suicidal ideation from time to time. I haven’t actively sought it out quite like he has in the past, but well... hehehe! I can also relate because he’s kind of like an outsider in the Agency due to his past—he’s different because he can’t actively cancel out your abilities, which always makes him a threat.
Anywhoozles, I’m still waiting to see the movie...Le sigh.
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K Project
This. This is not the best anime out there. Seriously.
The animation gets wonky here and there, they do the women in here a huge disservice, and they put too much emphasis on how great Mikoto Suoh. Like, he’s great and all, but the dude has no effect on the story except for the last season.
With that said, I think the main selling point here isn’t the anime, but the side materials like the manga/novels. You get to appreciate the backstories of so many of the characters and you get to feel for them because some of them have suffered so much! (Read: Fushimi Saruhiko).
I think you can get the same amount of enjoyment if you stick to the novels/manga.
Favorite characters: Scepter 4 Alphabet Squad. They are the best boys. Also, Lieutenant Awashima Seri. And Fushimi Saruhiko. You know what? Just put down Blue Clan here. They’re all nerds and they enjoy it.
Also: Domyoiji Andy reminds me of U-4989 from CAW. So...
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Violet Evergarden
Remember how I said that I liked literature? This entire anime is about the power of not only the written word, but of also the act of writing, sending, and receiving those words. The anime may be episodic in nature, but you can really connect with the character through her terrible backstory and really feel for her when she realizes that she needs to face her past. PTSD is real and I think the anime really handled the post war aspect of this torn down world really well.
I’m also a sucker for typewriters, steam punk, and characters that don’t really know how to function in society (but learn over the course of the story).
Watch this if you want feels...and get ready for episode ten.
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Samurai Champloo
This takes place in feudal era Japan.
But there’s rapping.
And breakdancing.
And guys spraying paint everywhere.
Also, there’s a sunflower samurai we gotta look for???
Hahahah, while episodic in nature, this was a joy to watch. You never get to know the characters really well and when we reach our mission’s end, it seems to fall short, but it’s not about that. The journey is what makes this anime worth it simply because the characters interactions are rife with hilarity and all three mains balance each other out. There’s a fanfic out there that describes them in detail, but in a succinct manner that had me melting. (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2351750/1/The-Order-of-Things) check it out when you have the time.
Anyway, for those of you who have watched it, I sincerely hope that they meet again in the future.
(But, let’s be real. They probably didn’t).
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Tokyo Mew Mew
This isn’t a joke.
I have a soft spot for this anime because this was my first ever anime I watched where I realized that this was anime. This was like my gateway anime. Not Sailor Moon. Not Naruto.
Looking back on this, it wasn’t the best—it’s your typical monster of the week deal with some environmental activism involved but for what it’s worth...it’s good??? Like, even the 4Kids dub (DONT CRUCIFY ME) even added some songs that were really great??? Bree Sharp’s Don’t Wake Me Up was my jam??? It fit better than the original Japanese counterpart???
TMM also introduced me to shipping, FanFiction, and amvs. That’s right, without this little gem, I would be writing/writing/thinking about FanFiction. I probably wouldn’t have been an anime watcher without this magical girl anime from the early 2000s.
So, yeah. This anime will always have a place in my heart because without it, I probably wouldn’t have become the person I am today. Thank you, Tokyo Mew Mew.
(This was also the birth of my first OTP before I knew what OTPs were: Kisshu/Ichigo...although nowadays, people are calling them Quiche/Strawberry? Hehehe, there’s so many things wrong here, I only like interactions, not the implications. That’s why I’m completely okay with Aoyama/Ichigo being endgame—and they’re actually really cute in the sequel manga???)
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Honorable mentions (because I only thought of these now after I wrote analyses and gifs):
Five Centimeters Per Second
Ouran High School Host Club
Kimi no Nawa
Wolf Children
Psycho Pass
(There’s like a dozen more, but nah. I’m good).
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap!!!
I’m tagging everyone who reads this! MWUAJAHAHAH!
I’m kidding; I don’t have that many friends here (if any) who are into anime so, umm...try it!
Thanks to @chemicalflashes for this amazing opportunity to find out why I love anime so much!
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notimeliketoday · 7 years
More responses (I'm doing this a lot today) || Reasons
Well, I’m not sure if any of the arguments stated are the ‘old’ ones you mentioned (I haven’t had an argument in a long time, I tend to avoid them), although they are rather common amongst us who don’t ship SS.
My main issue with SS isn’t the fact that Sasuke is away. Far from it. I think that could’ve been worked in his favour. My issue is the lack of communication, which I realise is a common argument. It isn’t necessarily the ships fault though, I acknowledge this as bad writing.
Sasuke didn’t know  what Sarada looked like when he first saw her. He didn’t recognise her. This is such a dick move on Kishi’s part because I’m utterly unconvinced a man of Sasuke’s power and status is unable of communicating with his family because its ‘unsafe’.
He’s the one with the power to travel through space and yet he doesn’t show up even once in 10 years to see his child. 
Surely you can acknowledge how messed up this is? 
And for my personal reasons; well, I believe the key to a successful relationship is communication and familiarity, and I don’t believe the build up towards their marriage was done well or correctly. 
Sasuke left on his trip to redemption right after the war, and somehow decided he could just return, marry, procreate and then leave? Isn’t that selfish? If he believed he didn’t deserve happiness like you put it, then why? Why did he do this to Sakura? I don’t think it makes her happy to be a single mother whose husband is never able to be home for a reason or another. And what about Sarada? I would think he out of everyone would understand what its like to grow up without a father, and yet he’s never there to train her or impart traditional uchiha secrets on her.
This is all keeping in mind it was his choice to have her before finishing his journey. 
Old me that used to ship them hated this so much, she couldn’t stomach it and moved on to more fulfilling ships.
And gods, I was so bitter! For a while I hated them so much just seeing art of them made me cringe and would ruin my day. I’m doing better now though, I’ve learned to stomach the fanon version again through reading the amazing fic A Twist in Time by the lovely wolf08. 
So I reiterate; my problem is canon and kishi, not the people. Not the fandoms. Fanon SS is brilliant, well written, well plotted, well delivered. 
Canon? It’s trash. Bad writing. How I wish Kishi left the ending at 699. That there was never a sequel. He’s ruined his own work and I don’t say this because I dislike the ships but because he ruined so many other things.
I don’t care that Sasuke has to be away, or that this was as much his choice as it was hers, all I know is this is their story and it’s sad, unfulfilling and makes me more miserable than happy. I can’t ship this, and I can’t for one second imagine Sakura could be happy with this. 
And if you’ve read this, and you feel like I’m still irrational? I’m sorry, but this is just how I feel. You said you didn’t ship KakaSaku and I don’t even require reasons to understand that it’s perfectly okay for you to dislike them. I know what set of problems accompanies my ship and how some people tend to view it and I accept its not everyone’s cup of tea. I do stress one fact though, because people assume this all the time, I DONT ship underage KS, I don’t support it, I can’t stomach it, all the obvious reasons. So if you shall state your opinion like I stated mine, please avoid the common misplaced accusation of pedophilia. Because then I’d be inclined to disregard everything else you’ve said.
Good day.
Submitted by @bouncyirwin
My main issue with SS isn’t the fact that Sasuke is away. Far from it. I think that could’ve been worked in his favour. My issue is the lack of communication, which I realise is a common argument. It isn’t necessarily the ships fault though, I acknowledge this as bad writing. 
I have to make it clear that although we are shown in Gaiden that they did not communicate because Sarada believes it is so, it doesn’t mean that they really did not communicate at all. Gaiden is written in Sarada’s perspective as the protagonist of that story. Obviously, we are only shown what she believes to be true.
I can’t blame people for reaching the conclusion that they did that Sasuke and Sakura didn’t communicate at all but I wished that they wouldn’t have just jump straight into believing things without considering what we did get in canon (unless you’re delusional antis).
Now we know that Sasuke at least communicated with Naruto as part of reporting his findings to the Hokage. But what people didn’t consider is that just because only Naruto is stated to be the one he keeps in contact with doesn’t mean that Sakura herself is out of the loop like Sarada does. If you pay attention to the first chapters of Gaiden, Sakura is acting secretively and her answers are vague as if she’s hiding something. Many people believe it has something to do with the truth regarding Sasuke during his stint as a missing-nin but I believe it overlooks another obvious reason stated by Sasuke himself.
When Sasuke volunteered to search for entities like Kaguya, he wanted no one who was not present during the Kage meeting to know what he was doing. Sakura is very much present in this meeting so she is not part of those who are excluded from knowing Sasuke’s mission.
That is why it is more probable to say that while Naruto is the one to keep correspondence with him, the former will update Sakura of his latest movement. With Naruto as the medium, they can easily write to each other. She in turn will try to satisfy her daughter’s curiosity for as long as she could without spilling the whole truth.
Sasuke didn’t know  what Sarada looked like when he first saw her. He didn’t recognise her. This is such a dick move on Kishi’s part because I’m utterly unconvinced a man of Sasuke’s power and status is unable of communicating with his family because its ‘unsafe’. 
Sasuke is obviously not away for 12 years. Let me just say this first. At the very least, he was still present when Sarada was 4-5 years old (a bit before the flashback scene of her asking her mother where her father was). However, you fail to consider that as Sarada grows older, she no longer looks the same as she once did. There are actual cases where children don’t look anything like how they used to back when they were still very young. So it’s also very much safe to assume that he didn’t recognize her at first because she wasn’t how he remember her to be. I very much believe this is the case, since he also didn’t know who Boruto was the first time he saw him. Knowing Naruto, he can’t not show his child to his most precious people, therefore Sasuke had seen Boruto as a young child, regardless if Boruto remembered their encounter or not.
Aside from that, he also expects Sarada to be inside the village and not wandering around. Couple that with the threat of the Shins, Sasuke is on high alert for possible clones. Sarada unfortunately gets caught in the crossfire.
Now why didn’t they send pictures to him?
That is what made it unsafe. It should be obvious right?
He’s the one with the power to travel through space and yet he doesn’t show up even once in 10 years to see his child.
Surely you can acknowledge how messed up this is?
You fail to grasp the gravity of Sasuke’s mission. You are only looking at how it affected his relationship with his family but you did not look at the bigger picture.
Kaguya’s presence threatened the existence of the entire humanity. It did not only involve shinobi, it involve all beings with chakra. Imagine finding the possibility of an even more dangerous entity than the one who already managed to put the entire world to near extinction. He simply cannot afford to slack and getting distracted when the fate of the entire world, as well as that of his own family, is at stake.
By focusing his mission above anything else, Sasuke did nothing wrong especially since it is directly stated in the Shinobi Rule #4: A shinobi must always put the mission first.
Sakura understands this. Didn’t she recite the shinobi rules while crying over Sasuke’s injured form during the battle with Zabuza and Haku? Then it stands to reason why Sasuke never visited even once and she no doubt don’t resent him for it when she saw firsthand how dangerous Kaguya was and how crucial it is for him to focus on his mission above his need to see his family, as well as her own experience. You’re acting as if Sakura is not a ninja and unfamiliar of how they work.
This is not messed up. This is Sasuke putting the safety of his family and the world above his desires to be with them. After all, it is worth sacrificing all he had just to ensure their safety. He can easily make up for the lost years bonding with them after the mission right?
The only drawback is he didn’t count how Sarada would be affected by his decision to hide things from her. That is why he didn’t allow Sakura to apologize for her behavior because he knows that he is more to blame than her.
And for my personal reasons; well, I believe the key to a successful relationship is communication and familiarity, and I don’t believe the build up towards their marriage was done well or correctly.
Now this is one of the reasons I hate antis. You only place things in realistic standards only when it concerns Sasusaku. Stop with the double standards please. Naruto was never a realistic show with its themes and concepts. You should not apply your own standards to it. Not only that but they showed understanding, familiarity and successful communication be it only with their body language, eye contact (eye smex) or words as far back as part one and continued in their marriage. Sasuke’s departure for the mission did not hinder their relationship as husband and wife at all. There was no problem with their bond. Only Sarada’s doubts made people believe otherwise.
Sasuke left on his trip to redemption right after the war, and somehow decided he could just return, marry, procreate and then leave? Isn’t that selfish? If he believed he didn’t deserve happiness like you put it, then why? Why did he do this to Sakura? I don’t think it makes her happy to be a single mother whose husband is never able to be home for a reason or another. And what about Sarada? I would think he out of everyone would understand what its like to grow up without a father, and yet he’s never there to train her or impart traditional uchiha secrets on her. 
And do you think it would be ideal to their relationship if Sasuke just up and proceed to enter in a relationship with Sakura while carrying heavy emotional baggage? I don’t think you paid attention to details but the reason Sasuke could not fully give in to the feelings of love he already harbored for her and fall for her completely prior to his defection was because his revenge and emotional turmoil was hindering them. He could not enjoy life at all not until he fully avenged the clan and fulfilled his goal. Instead, he went to believe that bonds made him weak.
Now once again he was saved from this but instead, is now atoning for his sins. If he just ignored the impulse to go on a journey of atonement, he would be unable to reciprocate her feelings in full once again. That would be detrimental, and something anti sasusaku fans wants to happen right? He would be almost like how you people see him: an uncaring husband and father who can’t stay for no reason at all other than his own conflicting feelings, except that he does care about them but doesn’t have the heart to stay out of guilt.
Kishi made the right decision to make Sasuke go on that journey and later implied that they traveled together afterwards and build their relationship even further. That way, their relationship is much healthier as we actually do see in Gaiden.
Once again, you trivialize Sasuke’s mission as something to be dismissed in the guise of him as a husband “ who is never able to be home for a reason or another” when he was away not because he wanted to but because he had to. There is a difference.
Sasuke doesn’t care about clan traditions, not when he already vowed during the final battle in VoTE that he will destroy and rebuild everything as well as cast off the past. I don’t see him changing that soon when he still fulfills his idea of “ruling in the shadows” to an extent.
This is all keeping in mind it was his choice to have her before finishing his journey. 
Sakura wanted to go with him during his first ever journey but he told her “you are not part of my sins” and poked her forehead instead as a promise. He did not make any move without her consent. When he did get back, they travel together and get married in the process and gave birth to Sarada in Orochimaru’s hideout.
Now take note: Sasuke haven’t yet discovered the existence of the other Ootsutsuki headaches out there when they went on this journey together as they traveled prior to Naruto’s inauguration as Hokage. It can be sure that the situation is far different that is why they can afford to get married and have a child at that point in time.
Old me that used to ship them hated this so much, she couldn’t stomach it and moved on to more fulfilling ships.
And gods, I was so bitter! For a while I hated them so much just seeing art of them made me cringe and would ruin my day. I’m doing better now though, I’ve learned to stomach the fanon version again through reading the amazing fic A Twist in Time by the lovely wolf08.
Yeah, because if you actually took the time to think more critically, you would have seen what we loyal Sasusaku fans still see until this day. And if you actually did look at Kakasaku more critically starting their genin days and not because Kakashi actually supported Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke (SS ship captain right there), you would’ve seen that Kakasaku is actually worse in comparison.
But that is a discussion I will put on a separate post.
So I reiterate; my problem is canon and kishi, not the people. Not the fandoms. Fanon SS is brilliant, well written, well plotted, well delivered.
Canon? It’s trash. Bad writing. How I wish Kishi left the ending at 699. That there was never a sequel. He��s ruined his own work and I don’t say this because I dislike the ships but because he ruined so many other things.
To some extent I acknowledge bad writing. But give Kishi credit. After all, the reason why Sasusaku is so popular is the complexity of their relationship. You can literally fit Sasusaku in all genre and still make it in character. You can even easily find many songs, poems, and scenes that will bring you back to them.
That is how well-done their love story is.
I don’t care that Sasuke has to be away, or that this was as much his choice as it was hers, all I know is this is their story and it’s sad, unfulfilling and makes me more miserable than happy. I can’t ship this, and I can’t for one second imagine Sakura could be happy with this. 
It’s funny, because Sakura didn’t show she is actually unhappy in Gaiden. Sure, she misses her husband but she was able to smile and assure her daughter of their bond. I’m not sad at all, for while Sasuke did went back to his mission once again, he was finally back for real. The Boruto movie and novel went so far as to imply that they had sex when he got back for real and Sarada teased her mother about it in a subtle way.
What’s there to be sad about?
And if you’ve read this, and you feel like I’m still irrational? I’m sorry, but this is just how I feel. You said you didn’t ship KakaSaku and I don’t even require reasons to understand that it’s perfectly okay for you to dislike them. I know what set of problems accompanies my ship and how some people tend to view it and I accept its not everyone’s cup of tea. I do stress one fact though, because people assume this all the time, I DONT ship underage KS, I don’t support it, I can’t stomach it, all the obvious reasons. So if you shall state your opinion like I stated mine, please avoid the common misplaced accusation of pedophilia. Because then I’d be inclined to disregard everything else you’ve said.
Why yes. With how your line of reasoning fared against mine, it’s unfortunate but sorry YOU. ARE. IRRATIONAL. I don’t care much about the age gap Kakashi and Sakura are supposed to have when you ship it or whatever realistic standards it broke. All I care is how their relationship was shown in the series from start to finish. I’m sorry to tell you because I found them lacking no matter how aesthetically pleasing the two of them are.
I’m even disgusted why this ship gets a pass just because Kakashi supported Sakura’s feelings. But did he actually cared about her as a person and not just a former member of his squad? That is the question
Other crack pairings are forgivable because they’re crack and already impossible to begin with. (not counting the mess that is SK)
You will know my point why I never considered Kakasaku at all. But that’s for later.
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wrathofthelichwitch · 5 years
Anaheim California, October 2008.
***User "theLichKing" has entered the chat.*** [theLichKing]: Hey [theLichKing]: Anyone there? [theLichKing]: *drums fingers* ***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has entered the chat.*** [theLichKing]: Hey man. [Kel’Thuz4d]: my liege [theLichKing]: Listen, there's this thing I need you to do for me [Kel’Thuz4d]: anything my liege [Kel’Thuz4d]: what army must i lay to waste [Kel’Thuz4d]: whose lands shall i decimate for ur glory [theLichKing]: Um, yeah, I'm good on decimation for today. We're going to hold off on the decimation for, like, a week or so. [Kel’Thuz4d]: ok? [theLichKing]: I was thinking. How much trouble do you think it would be to have a thermostat installed in the Throne Room? [Kel’Thuz4d]: ... [Kel’Thuz4d]: y? [theLichKing]: It's really really cold in here. [theLichKing]: I'm Lord of the Scourge. I think I should get a thermostat. [Kel’Thuz4d]: no its a frozen throne [theLichKing]: Right [theLichKing]: See that's exactly what I'm talking about. The throne is frozen. The chair that I sit on all day? Literally a block of ice. [theLichKing]: It is so very, very cold. [theLichKing]: I actually cannot over-emphasize how cold I am on a daily basis. [Kel’Thuz4d]: but its supposed to be frozen [Kel’Thuz4d]: its the source of ur power [theLichKing]: About that. Can I get my power transferred to some other source? [theLichKing]: Something that isn't made out of ice that I then have to literally sit on? [theLichKing]: Someone dropped the ball there. [Kel’Thuz4d]: ok so like what should it be then [Kel’Thuz4d]: like a ring? [theLichKing]: A ring? [theLichKing]: Seriously, a ring. [theLichKing]: Do you _read_ history? [Kel’Thuz4d]: so what then [theLichKing]: I don't know. I'll think about it. Maybe an armoire. [Kel’Thuz4d]: armor? [theLichKing]: No, not armor. An armoire. The furniture. [theLichKing]: Oh but speaking of armor [theLichKing]: I have skulls on my kneecaps. [Kel’Thuz4d]: ok? [theLichKing]: No, it is _not_ okay. [theLichKing]: I have skulls. [theLichKing]: On my _kneecaps_. [Kel’Thuz4d]: well for the thermostat i think u need approval from a supervisor [Kel’Thuz4d]: ill just get kiljaeden in here and well sort it out [theLichKing]: No! [Kel’Thuz4d]: no its cool [theLichKing]: No, don't... [theLichKing]: Ugh, my old boss. I hate this guy. [theLichKing]: Ok I'll just...I'll act casual. Like old times. ***User "Killzone'jaeden" has entered the chat.*** [Killzone’jaeden]: This had better be important. [Kel’Thuz4d]: yeah lich king here just wants a warmer throne room is all [Killzone’jaeden]: Warmer? [theLichKing]: No it's really not necessary sir [Killzone’jaeden]: You want a warmer throne room? [Kel’Thuz4d]: yeah [theLichKing]: No [Kel’Thuz4d]: yeah he does [theLichKing]: I really don't. [Killzone’jaeden]: Ok sure let me just get right on that [Killzone’jaeden]: I actually know these guys, they're really great, literally made out of fire [Killzone’jaeden]: They could heat your room right up for you [Killzone’jaeden]: They're called the Burning Legion...why don't I just invite them to Azeroth so they can come and [Killzone’jaeden]: OH WAIT [Killzone’jaeden]: Someone's too busy being Chatty Cathy to PREPARE HIS WORLD FOR AN APOCALYPSE [theLichKing]: So sorry sir [Kel’Thuz4d]: hey cmon though its not like weve just been sitting around [Kel’Thuz4d]: were spreading plague and stuff [Kel’Thuz4d]: we totally spread a lot of plague [Kel’Thuz4d]: and dont forget the spider war [theLichKing]: Actually I wouldn't mention that... [Killzone’jaeden]: Oh yes. The "Spider War." [Killzone’jaeden]: The "war" where you spent ten years getting rid [Killzone’jaeden]: OF SPIDERS [Killzone’jaeden]: Check it out, I had a Mosquito War last night. Mosquito lands on me, I squish it. Done. Two seconds. [Killzone’jaeden]: Didn't take me ten years [Killzone’jaeden]: BECAUSE I'M NOT AN IDIOT [theLichKing]: Yes sir [theLichKing]: Very sorry sir. [theLichKing]: I'm on it. [Killzone’jaeden]: Y'know what, you know who else might want to hear about this [Killzone’jaeden]: Maybe I shold get Sargeras in here [Kel’Thuz4d]: sure [theLichKing]: NO! That's not necessary [Killzone’jaeden]: Hold on I'll go get him. ***User "Killzone'jaeden" has left the chat.*** [theLichKing]: ARE YOU CRAZY [theLichKing]: "Sure"? Do you know who Sargeras actually is?? [Kel’Thuz4d]: i think so hes alliance right [theLichKing]: ... [Kel’Thuz4d]: horde? [theLichKing]: *headdesk* ***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.*** [An00b’arak]: hay guise whats goin on in dis chat [Kel’Thuz4d]: sup [An00b’arak]: sup [Kel’Thuz4d]: sup [An00b’arak]: sup [Kel’Thuz4d]: whaaaazzzzaaaaaap [An00b’arak]: what are yoooooou doing [theLichKing]: GUYS [theLichKing]: SERIOUSLY [An00b’arak]: whats his problem [Kel’Thuz4d]: hes cold [An00b’arak]: well yeah he sits on a frozen throne inside of icecrown glacier with a sword named frostmorn [An00b’arak]: the name icecrown glacier can only imply that among glaciers, which are themselves made of ice, this one is especially icy [An00b’arak]: its possible there is some coldness involved [theLichKing]: _Thank_ you! [theLichKing]: Ok, so install me a thermostat pl0x. [Kel’Thuz4d]: uh boss ixnay on asking him to install stuff [An00b’arak]: what is that supposed to mean?? [Kel’Thuz4d]: uh [An00b’arak]: oh i get it [An00b’arak]: bc im an arachnid????? [An00b’arak]: and how could i possibly install a thermostat without thumbs [An00b’arak]: racist [Kel’Thuz4d]: no no no [Kel’Thuz4d]: well ok yeah how would that actually work [An00b’arak]: im sure i dont know...im just an arachnid [An00b’arak]: guess what im not ashamed of what i am [An00b’arak]: >8< spider pride ***User "An00b'arak" has left the chat.*** [Kel’Thuz4d]: thank god ***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.*** [Kel’Thuz4d]: oh god [An00b’arak]: im lodging a formal protest [An00b’arak]: i am going to let every1 know the scourge is not an equal opportunity employer [An00b’arak]: and i am being discriminated against due to race [An00b’arak]: and species [An00b’arak]: and phylum [theLichKing]: Ok, look, there's no need to get upset [An00b’arak]: omg [An00b’arak]: dont apologize for him arthas ***User "Killzone'jaeden" has entered the chat.*** [Killzone’jaeden]: Sargeras is logging on now. [theLichKing]: Aw hell. [Killzone’jaeden]: Precisely. [theLichKing]: Listen, I wasn't complaining earlier, the temperature is fine... [An00b’arak]: kiljaeden?? [Killzone’jaeden]: Excuse me, who is this? I'm *Lord* Jaeden to anybody that's not a Dreadlord. [An00b’arak]: listen killy there is some phylumism going down in this piece [Killzone’jaeden]: Killy? Oh you do want to die don't you. [Killzone’jaeden]: Also does nobody capitalize anymore?! [Killzone’jaeden]: I didn't spend seven aeons feasting on the souls of the righteous just so I could play typing games with the functionally illiterate. [An00b’arak]: no im serious this is a real issue [Killzone’jaeden]: *What* is a real issue? [An00b’arak]: phylum [An00b’arak]: ism [Killzone’jaeden]: You best start talking some English [Killzone’jaeden]: Where the hell is Sargeras? [theLichKing]: Precisely. [Killzone’jaeden]: Don't get cute. [An00b’arak]: i am being discriminated against on the basis of my spinal condition [Killzone’jaeden]: What is your spinal condition? [An00b’arak]: i dont have 1 [Killzone’jaeden]: What? [An00b’arak]: im an arachnid [An00b’arak]: >8< spider power [Killzone’jaeden]: Hey LK I thought you squished all of them already. You spent ten years on these morons and you didn't even finish the job? [An00b’arak]: what [theLichKing]: Yeah I reanimated him. I'm the Lich King, it's sort of what I do. [Killzone’jaeden]: So you smashed a bunch of bugs [Killzone’jaeden]: And then you were like, [Killzone’jaeden]: "Huh! I sure would like to have those bugs back again!" [Killzone’jaeden]: Is your brain frozen or what? [theLichKing]: Ok that's kind of what I was getting at before. [Killzone’jaeden]: That you're an idiot? [An00b’arak]: ur horrible [An00b’arak]: ur a phylumist [Killzone’jaeden]: Oh no, I'm horrible. Why don't you go and tell all my demon friends how horrible I am. They will be shocked. [An00b’arak]: phylumist phylumist phulymst phylimist [An00b’arak]: that gets hard to type after a while though ***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "An00b'arak" from the chat.*** [Kel’Thuz4d]: thank god ***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.*** [Kel’Thuz4d]: oh god [Kel’Thuz4d]: go back to your hole [theLichKing]: Yeah get out of here [Killzone’jaeden]: Go back to your hole, spider [An00b’arak]: p [An00b’arak]: h [An00b’arak]: y [Kel’Thuz4d]: lolwut [An00b’arak]: l [An00b’arak]: u [Killzone’jaeden]: Shut. Up. [An00b’arak]: m [Killzone’jaeden]: Dude get rid of this guy. [An00b’arak]: i ***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "An00b'arak" from the chat.*** ***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.*** [An00b’arak]: sts ***User "An00b'arak" has left the chat.*** [Killzone’jaeden]: Finally [Killzone’jaeden]: Where the hell is Sargeras [theLichKing]: It's really not necessary, I withdraw my request completely. [Kel’Thuz4d]: no he wants armor [theLichKing]: An *armoire.* [theLichKing]: Of power. [Killzone’jaeden]: I cannot express how much I hate both of you. [Killzone’jaeden]: And this is coming from someone whose lungs are made out of solidified hate. ***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has entered the chat.*** [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: hey everyone ^_^ [theLichKing]: How did you get in here?! [theLichKing]: This is a private chat! [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: lol :) [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: i hacked admin :) ***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "~*`Sylvanas'*~" from the chat.*** [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: lol lol lol [Killzone’jaeden]: TIE fighters [theLichKing]: What? [Killzone’jaeden]: Nothing. Can't you kick her out? [theLichKing]: I just tried [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: admin guys lol [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: :) ^___^ [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: oh plus i can chat under ur names check this out [theLichKing]: im a little girl and i like ponies lol [theLichKing]: What! I hate ponies! [Killzone’jaeden]: ROFLMAO [Kel’Thuz4d]: she hax0red you dude [theLichKing]: This isn't funny! [theLichKing]: i play with dolls [theLichKing]: and bake cookies with my mommy [theLichKing]: Untrue! I deny everything [Killzone’jaeden]: Hahaha [theLichKing]: Ok guys this is lame let's just go to a different chat room [Killzone’jaeden]: NO! [Killzone’jaeden]: We're waiting for Sargeras! [Killzone’jaeden]: It's next to impossible to get him into these things anyway [Killzone’jaeden]: I'm not going to confuse him [theLichKing]: im a little teapot short and stout [Killzone’jaeden]: Besides this is hilarious [Killzone’jaeden]: Sargeras is going to get here and you'll be singing about teapots...you'll get pwned [Killzone’jaeden]: Maybe he'll buy you a "pwny" [Killzone’jaeden]: Hahaha see what I did there [Kel’Thuz4d]: i dont get it [Kel’Thuz4d]: wait ok but thats dumb [Killzone’jaeden]: Wordplay. Look it up. [Killzone’jaeden]: i like to dress up like a girl [Killzone’jaeden]: Oh now she's doing it to me too [Killzone’jaeden]: i like to put on women's clothes [Killzone’jaeden]: and pretend im a woman ***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has left the chat.*** [Killzone’jaeden]: and look at myself in the mirror all pretty [Killzone’jaeden]: and call myself the prettiest prettiest princess [theLichKing]: Umm she's not here anymore [theLichKing]: Are you just typing that stuff yourself? [Kel’Thuz4d]: ... [theLichKing]: ... [Killzone’jaeden]: ... [Killzone’jaeden]: WHERE THE HELL IS SARGERAS ***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has entered the chat.*** [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: heeeeeee~ [Kel’Thuz4d]: omg wtf this sux [Kel’Thuz4d]: i have a dungeon to run [Kel’Thuz4d]: pcs are going to be like raiding me and shiz [theLichKing]: Oh please. The expansion is called "Wrath of the Lich King." It's got my _name_ in it. You don't think a few guilds are going to be farming me as soon as I'm a fightable boss? [theLichKing]: probably not because i suck so much [theLichKing]: DAMMIT SYLVANAS [Kel’Thuz4d]: ok and now my cat is 8fwhwe8ufhffweeexvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv [Kel’Thuz4d]: walking on my keyboard [Kel’Thuz4d]: hold on afk [theLichKing]: You have a cat? [theLichKing]: Seriously? [theLichKing]: You're a freaking skeleton lord. Why do you have a cat? [Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah why *do* you have a cat? [Kel’Thuz4d]: back, had to put the cat out [Kel’Thuz4d]: and ok [Kel’Thuz4d]: two things [Kel’Thuz4d]: first, cats are awesome [Kel’Thuz4d]: second, RACISM?? [Kel’Thuz4d]: "freaking skeleton lord" [Killzone’jaeden]: WTF is wrong with you people? [Kel’Thuz4d]: hey! what do you mean..."you people" [Killzone’jaeden]: What do YOU mean, "you people"? [Kel’Thuz4d]: hahahaha [Killzone’jaeden]: Hahahaha...Tropic Thunder, great movie. [Killzone’jaeden]: i like to poop [theLichKing]: ... [Killzone’jaeden]: Ok that one I actually did not say, that was Sylvanas that time [theLichKing]: ... [Killzone’jaeden]: No seriously this time it was her [Kel’Thuz4d]: "this time"? [Kel’Thuz4d]: wait so u really do like to wear womens clothes [theLichKing]: You are, in fact, the prettiest prettiest princess? [Killzone’jaeden]: No, of course not [Kel’Thuz4d]: do u have a panty drawer [Killzone’jaeden]: No! I wear boxers. With thorns on them. [Killzone’jaeden]: And skulls. [theLichKing]: Ok were the skulls on the kneecaps YOUR idea then?? [Killzone’jaeden]: Wait what? [Kel’Thuz4d]: yeah dont change the subject ***User "SARGERAS" has entered the chat.*** [SARGERAS]: I WILL CONSUME ALL HTE WORLDS!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [SARGERAS]: I AM INVINICBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SARGERAS]: I AM HTE DARK TITAN!!!111111!1! [Killzone’jaeden]: oh god [SARGERAS]: I WILL CONSUM ALL TEH WORLDS!!!!!1!!!!!! [theLichKing]: You actually said that already [Killzone’jaeden]: He spelled it different though. [Killzone’jaeden]: Dark Lord, there is an issue we need you to resolve [SARGERAS]: NOTHING CAN DEFET ME BECUASE I AM DEFEAT EVERONE!!!!!!!!!! [SARGERAS]: I AM SARGERAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SARGERAS]: TEH DARK TIT AN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Killzone’jaeden]: Right [Killzone’jaeden]: But what we're going for is [theLichKing]: Yeah I'm confident he'll be able to resolve this [Killzone’jaeden]: The Lich King has this complaint... [SARGERAS]: I AM DESTORYING ALL WORLDS RIGT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SARGERAS]: i wear little pink girly panties [Kel’Thuz4d]: omg [SARGERAS]: WHATTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [theLichKing]: hahahahaha [Kel’Thuz4d]: pwned [SARGERAS]: I DID NTO SAY THAT!11111111111111111111 [Kel’Thuz4d]: i dunno about you guys but im kinda turned on right now [theLichKing]: Rule 34 [SARGERAS]: yeah, you like that, there's more where that came from [SARGERAS]: *twirls hair seductively* [SARGERAS]: I DID NOT SYA THAT EITHERR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SARGERAS]: I WILL DESTROY ALL TEH WORLDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SARGERAS]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SARGERAS]: ! [Kel’Thuz4d]: *dies laughing* [Killzone’jaeden]: Ok I'm done [Killzone’jaeden]: F this [Killzone’jaeden]: I'm outta here [Killzone’jaeden]: I hate Azeroth [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: aw dont go :) ***User "Killzone'jaeden" has left the chat.*** [~*`Sylvanas’*~]: byeee~ [SARGERAS]: I USE SUPER ULTIMATE ATTACK FOR EIGHT MILLION POINS!!!!11 [theLichKing]: Hey I think he spelled all the words right in that one [Kel’Thuz4d]: missed a t [theLichKing]: Aw, yeah [theLichKing]: So close ***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has left the chat.*** [Kel’Thuz4d]: ok im out too [theLichKing]: Ugh fine [theLichKing]: TTYL [Kel’Thuz4d]: ttyl ***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has left the chat.*** [SARGERAS]: GAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! [theLichKing]: This is the worst chat ever. [theLichKing]: The worst. [theLichKing]: The worst. [theLichKing]: Whatevs, titan dude. I'm done. [theLichKing]: Still freezing my ass off though. [theLichKing]: *wrath* ***User "theLichKing" has left the chat.*** [SARGERAS]: *looks around* [SARGERAS]: Chat empty? [SARGERAS]: ... [SARGERAS]: I have eaten [SARGERAS]: the plums [SARGERAS]: that were in [SARGERAS]: the icebox [SARGERAS]: and which [SARGERAS]: you were probably [SARGERAS]: saving [SARGERAS]: for breakfast [SARGERAS]: Forgive me [SARGERAS]: they were delicious [SARGERAS]: so sweet [SARGERAS]: and so cold [SARGERAS]: ;-)
0 notes
Insurance Underwriting: Anybody know of any companies that would underwrite and brand a home insurance policy?
"Insurance Underwriting: Anybody know of any companies that would underwrite and brand a home insurance policy?
I am with a home improvement magazine which specializes in advertisements and we are interested in finding an underwriter that would be willing to brand a product  a home insurance policy. The underwriter will handle all daily operations regarding the insurance in itself, and in turn, we would divert all applicable traffic to you via our publications. Our magazine has an extremely large following, and is trusted and well respected.  I am interested in names and phone numbers from probable companies which may be able to assist us. Please, valid answers only. Thanks!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How is charging insurance based on age and gender NOT discrimination?
Car insurance and health insurance always use your age and gender for a basis on how much your charged along with other factors. How is this not discrimination?
i paid this guy 130 for insurance, he put down all wrong details on the policy so that i am like 30 years old, that's why it was so cheap. wont reply to my emails or pick up the phone. told him i was going to call the police and tell the insurance company if he didnt refund me. this is the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i do now??""
Health and life insurance?
im needing to look into health and lfie insurance for myself, and was wondering where to start? What is everyone using? i need something reasonable and something where i dont get the run around with!! Any help appreciated!""
Will my speeding Ticket affect my insurance rates?
I live in Iowa, I am 17 years old, and I just got a speeding ticket from a state trooper for going 84mph in a 65 zone. I am insured with State Farm and have no history of any accedents or tickets. Right now I am recieving the good students discount and the safe driver discount and I was woundering if this would affect my insurance rates on a 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks""
How can a college student find an affordable therapist?
I'm 18 and still under my parent's insurance coverage. I have loads of issues including social anxiety, and I think that I'm starting down the path to clinical ...show more""
Paying car insurance 2 days late?
What happens if you pay your car insurance 2 days late? I have it automatically debited out of my account on the 15th of every month, and I get paid every 2 weeks. This month I get paid on the 17th...two days short of my due date. So what do I do? I have paid my insurance late before (3 days) and they didnt even mention it to me, they just took it out when I had the funds available. and I have Liberty Mutual car insurance by the way...""
Insurance rate on 2010 camaro v6?
Hey ive jus finished drivers ed, and im turning 16 in the fall. Im planning on buying a v6 camaro in the spring and i want to know how much insurance would cost a month. (i live in canada)""
What's the cheapest a new driver could pay for car insurance (NY)?
I wanna buy a car I just passed my road test I want toi get a car but I know insurance is going to be high I'm from new york... Does anyone know how much ill pay around and does anyone have any tips on who would be the cheapest... Thanks
Are there any good arguments for requiring health insurance. Ive only heard arguments against it?
Ive heard the car insurance one, not very solid. I also have heard there will be hardship exemptions and certain levels of income earned that will determine how much help will be given in purchasing insurance. Just looking for somethings to note when someone brings up this part of the bill""
Can I go on my fathers insurance?
hi, I am 24 and I have just passed my driving test. I was wondering if I bought a car, would i be able to insure it on my fathers car insurance. I don't want to use his car though, I want a car of my own. How would i do it? and will it be cheaper?""
Does anyone know a good insurance company that will insure a young driver on a sports car?
i'm buying a convertible with a 1.8 engine i'm having trouble finding quotes below 4000, if anyone could suggest some cheap insurance companies that would be great!""
How can I tax my car without insurance?
I am planning on selling my car, which doesn't have tax or insurance as I haven't passed my driving test yet. I have some interest in the car but as it isn't taxed, people ...show more""
Will my insurance rate go up because of a non-moving suspension?
My license was suspended for 2 years because of a fix-it ticket that I was told was taken care of (by my mother; I was a minor at the time of the incident). It recently has been taken care of, and the case was actually dismissed by the judge. I didn't even have to pay a court fee. I'm wondering if I need to report this suspension when I am applying for insurance. I also would like to know if this will increase my rates.""
Ohio Dental Health Insurance Companies?
Provide the List of Dental Insurance Companies in Ohio
Things that could lower my insurance rate?
I am most likely buying a 2001 ford mustang: -v6 engine, 5 speed manual 140,000k miles 2 seater it has a stage 4 racing clutch, its blacked out.. paint, rims, tinted windows, (headlights might have a tint idk tho) i am a sophomore in highschool, i have never received anything lower than a B, and my gpa is a 3.75. i want to know as many things that i can get done to this car in order to force the insurance rate down: iv heard of theft systems and keeping grades low.. but what else? i was thinking of getting a bluetooth? thanks""
My friend got in a car accident he only had a permit did not have car insurance what will happen im court?
He went and hot his license an got car insurance now
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Choosing the most affordable insurance company?
I'm currently staying in Texas and I am shopping for an auto Insurance for my Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. I'm 22 years old and I started driving for the past 9 months, and also had received my Texas drivers license 9 months ago. I never had an accident of any kind or received any tickets. I need to find an auto insurance company that's affordable, I understand that because i'm a new driver and young I will be paying more. But I would like to get any tips on getting a cheap quote while satisfying all minimum state requirements for bodilly injury liability, property damage, motorist and etc. plus a $500 deductable for both comprehensive and collision coverage. Also if im asked how old I was when I received my drivers license, would it make a difference in my auto insurance monthly payment if I lied and said I been driving since I was 20 instead of 22?""
What insurances do I need as a home-owner?
And any advices on insurance providers? Good service and price?
How can I get antidepressants without insurance?
Is it possible to get them through the hospital or a clinic? Or do I need to have a family doctor or GP I'm 18 and have no insurance **I am not a junkie either
How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket?
I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada
Cheap insurance?
i am looking to buy a chevy camaro RS and i know the insurance will be high does anyone know how much it will be? if there is a way to get less then i will buy the Z28 which would be more because of the V8 right?
Is insurance expensive if i buy a 2005 scion tc??
I am turning 18 in a week, and am looking to buy a car. I love the scion tc, but they are new cars (they came out in 20050 so i dont know if it is affordable for me. Ive never been in a car accident so my insurance is at its normal level right now, but how much will the insurance be?""
Are SUVs more expensive to insure?
I know you can't tell me for sure whether or not one will be more expensive. But, generally speaking is a small SUV such as a Ford Escape more expensive to insure than say a midsized car like a Honda Accord.""
""What will happen to my car insurance - first time, minor accidental scratch?""
Very icy weather, I was going 20 km/hr (honestly) and when I made a right turn the ice dragged me out into the opposite lane. (It was kind of painful to watch - because I was going to SO slowly into the other car and I kept pumping the breaks but nothing) By the time I hit the car I was about 2 seconds from a complete stop already. Will this hurt my insurance? I've never been in a collision before. There was a litte peeling of paint and a scratch on the other car. Should I call them and offer to pay for it and not get my insurance involved? That's what I heard to do.""
Insurance Underwriting: Anybody know of any companies that would underwrite and brand a home insurance policy?
I am with a home improvement magazine which specializes in advertisements and we are interested in finding an underwriter that would be willing to brand a product  a home insurance policy. The underwriter will handle all daily operations regarding the insurance in itself, and in turn, we would divert all applicable traffic to you via our publications. Our magazine has an extremely large following, and is trusted and well respected.  I am interested in names and phone numbers from probable companies which may be able to assist us. Please, valid answers only. Thanks!
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
Can you deny the other parent taking the kids because of no car insurance?
I have a friend who recently found out that his ex-wife doesn't have car insurance. He's telling her that she cannot come pick up the kids because not having insurance is illegal. It's stupid and petty, but would it hold water in court?""
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
How much is teen auto insurance?
i normally have bs and as and rarely cs for school. About how much would auto insurance be?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
What is the vehicle code in california that requires automobile insurance?
What is the vehicle code in california that requires automobile insurance?
Diminished Value - Dealing with Car Insurance?
I was in an accident where someone side swiped me ($5.5k worth of damage). Their insurance company paid and I just got my car back (2007 Lexus IS 250 - 29k miles). I had just purchased the car 4 weeks prior to the accident from CarMax for $27k. Out of curiosity I went back to see what CarMax would give me and they offered $18k. The car is now only 7 weeks old in my name and 3 weeks of it was in the repair shop! Does anyone have experience with dealing with car insurance companies and diminished value? I live in NC and know that it is one of the states that has diminished value. I want to recoup as much of the difference as possible and since the car is so new (to me), I am willing to get rid of it to show the loss so I don't deal with this years from now. Any advice is appreciated.""
Is It A Good Idea To Get Rental Car Insurance?
I was posed that question yesterday when I rented a car.
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
Car accident and insurance/how much in repairs?
I got into a minor car accident yesterday afternoon while I was parallel parking on Walnut Street in Philadelphia. I was backing up and I hit the curb. The front end of my vehicle was still sticking our quite a bit, so I pulled out a little bit so I could pull in the rest of the way. The person behind me thought that I was done parking so pulled around me and I ended up hitting her. Her fender and her door skin need to be replaced. Does anyone know around how much this would cost to repair? She had the police come so I am assuming that she wants the insurance company to cover the damage, however I would rather pay for it out of pocket. Obviously, my insurance company is going to find out about the accident, but after the insurance companies decide the breakdown of the fault, would I be able to pay for my part of the damages without my rates going up? Or at that point would it not matter, my rates are going up anyways? I ask this because I'm 19 years old and would prefer to not have my rates go up.""
What is a good life insurance?
Does anyone know a good life insurance that they would recommend? and would you recommened term or whole?
Selling my car without insurance?
Hi, I live in fayette county, lexington ky, and was wanting to sell my car, but on my local dmv website, it says I have to have a liability insurance, but I don't have one and can't afford it. What should I do?""
What is the fastest and best looking insurance group 4 or 5 car i can get?
looking for a newer car to buy that is not just quick but looks good.
Can i sue my car insurance company.?
I have had an car accident and made a claim through my car insurance, however they have failed to compensate me for the accident and rather than compensating me they have cancelled my policy claiming that i had provided them with incorrect information, which were genuine minor mistakes on my part, however i did not find out about any of these indiscripancies until my accident as my insurance company had not initially provided me with documents showing all the information i had provided to them to make sure everything was correct, they only provided me with the certificate. Since they didn't provide me with these details and a form to sign to say all the information is correct. Are they allowed to cancel my policy as i wouldve corrected this information if i had found out about it. And do i have any grounds to complain to the financial ombudman.""
What's the best way to get a lower rate when it's time to renew my auto insurance?
my insurance is due next month, but I think I deserve a lower rate, and shouldn't just renew""
Why do insurance companies charge first and last?
I had a nice Allstate agent call me and discuss my insurance with me, give me a lower rate and then come pay time, tell me that they require first and last. When I asked her why the last, she could not provide a good answer. I know not all insurance companies do this, but what is the point? When asked when I would get the last back, she said when I cancel my policy some day!! What if I don't want to cancel..ever? This does not make sense to me at all. Why keep my money there for nothing? When one does cancel the policy, do they get the money back with interest on that? Once confronted with these questions, the agent was not so nice any more. Can someone please answer the above?""
Appeals for insurance company?
i was wondering on average how long does it take for a car insurance company to process appeals if someone knows it would be greatly appreciated
I live in pensacola fl and just bought a car how much will the tag and insurance cost?
i just want a estimate also the car is old
Do you have to get health insurance under obamacare?
I'm 19 I have no job no money.. would I have to get health insurance ?
Urgent question: car accident/ no insurance?
Let say someone gets into an accident but did not have insurance on it( it is a long story but the car needed to be repair and be sold, so he was driving it to get it fix so he can sell, unfortunatly, while he was on the highway, he tries to stop just to realisethat the brake was not working and he bumps into another car. well the car is complety a mess and the air bag even came out. As it is for the other car no need to say that it back was mess up too) ok my question now what is going to happen, can he take a lawyer to defend him and how much do you think it might be to fix the other car. Please let me know I am so worried. the person lives in dallas, Texas. Thank you for your time ( the police came and said they are are going to court, the other car has insurance)""
Will my son be turned down for insurance?
I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?""
HELP whats the Cheapest place to ge car insurance in ontario?
im a 18 male just got my g1 not to long ago, i have had/drove cars be4 But i am not doin the driving school thing as i dnt have $500 to Blow! so im just gonna wait the 12months to get my g2 (so ill be 19 goin on 20 when i have my g2), i just started saving for a car tht i plan on puttin on the road after i have my g2 (i can get cars for a fair price so im not worried about tht), but where can i get cheaap Car insurance in Belleviille Ontario?, as i dnt make alot of money right no and nobody else n my family has a license lmao so i cant go under their insurance. and i did a online thing sayin i had a 99 z24 nd it said ill have to pay $1013 a month wht is wayy to much money!! and i have already had a 96 cavailer, 93 mx6 (but i drove em with no license or anything) but now i either wana get a honda civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 or acura, 95 and up""
I have liability insurance on my vehicle...?
and early this morning as I was driving out of a parking structure I hit a light that I didn't see. I got out out of the vehicle to see any damages, there ware scratches on the front bumper, and the light appears to be fine but inside the light compartment, it was damaged, the bulb fell out of its place, the whole inside of the light was cracked. Will my insurance cover this? I tried calling my insurance and they're aren't answering. If they do, what do I do next? Go to a repairshop? Go to my insurance agent? WHAT?! If they won't, how much do you think it will cost to repair the light and the bumper? There are not dents, just scratches.""
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
Is there such a thing as divorce insurance?
My parents are getting a divorce and, since it's California, the courts favor the female. Even though my mom and dad earn about the same money, my dad has to pay this huge amount to my mom for child support because she got more time with my younger brother. He's 12 and he told the mediator that he would rather live my dad full time, but the court gave my mom more time and made her the custodial parent. How old do you have to be to tell the court which parent you want to live with all the time? Also, just like there is medical insurance, has anyone ever heard of divorce insurance? It would kick in if you're ever stuck with child or spousal support. I haven't found anything on the internet yet.""
Insurance Underwriting: Anybody know of any companies that would underwrite and brand a home insurance policy?
I am with a home improvement magazine which specializes in advertisements and we are interested in finding an underwriter that would be willing to brand a product  a home insurance policy. The underwriter will handle all daily operations regarding the insurance in itself, and in turn, we would divert all applicable traffic to you via our publications. Our magazine has an extremely large following, and is trusted and well respected.  I am interested in names and phone numbers from probable companies which may be able to assist us. Please, valid answers only. Thanks!
Car insurance do i have to tell them ??
am trying to fill in a form for a quote, i was involed in a crash which wasnt my fault, the other person admitted responsability, do i have to declare this as a claim ?? or do i not mention this, am trying to get a quote for this years car insurance Thanks""
Car insurance.......?
hey guys, i was just wondering how much car insurance would be for me. i am 20 years old and just recently starting driving and when i say recently i mean like today haha!. but anyones i DO know that to get a real SET price i would have to call and get a quote but i was hoping to here from some of yall about how much YOU pay each month, how old you are and what kind of car you drive, just to get an ideal of how much its going to be for me ya know? thanks for the help""
Why does car insurance go down after you've had a license for over a year ?
OK it seems really strange to me that after having a license for over a year and not driving at all that insurance prices drop down ? It would make more sense for insurance to be cheaper the day you pass your test as you are well practised at driving after not driving for a year or 2 years or more your driving skill will have dropped significantly and yet insurance companies think you will be a safer driver ???
Start up restaurant in chicago need insurance.?
I'm looking for affordable insurance that want break the bank.
Car Insurance?
My daughter is going to be 17 soon and is looking to buy a small car, ie corsa. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get car insurance for young drivers. She would prefer to have the insurance in her own name to build up no claims discount.""
Car Insurance?
I got a ticket 15 monthes ago and didn't told my parents, but they aren't that hard on me but the car insurance is going up now why is that.""
Why do most people try to scare young drivers with large insurance costs?
I am a responsible teen. Why do some people try to tell me I'm not? I hate generalization.
Health insurance eligibility event?
how would employer or insurance company be able to verify wheather your spouse had switched jobs or lost coverage? to make it be considered an event...I NEED HELP
Why do NEW drivers complain about how much it costs to insure there cars.?
Numbers DO NOT tell lies! my Sister works at a car insurance brokers and she told me The number of new drivers who are involved in accidents is UNREAL You CANT actually drive a car correctly when you have just passed your test (I know you think you can but you cant) So therefore you are a liability to other road users and therefore have to pay more to insure your car.
Car insurance for 20 year old female?
I've been told a Ford KA is the cheapest to insure. So I've found a Ford KA Year 2000 1,3 ltr. Sale price is 660. 80,000 miles. I will be doing roughly 4 - 5,000 miles a year. I'm just a simple standard first time driver applicant... No convictions, health issues or NCB. Why are insurance companies quoting me over 5,000 a year online??? I'm 20, female and have just passed my test. 21 in august. What's the cheapest way to get insured?? 1ltr car??""
I'm planning on getting affordable coverage for my dog. what would be best recommended?
okay well the question explains most of it. I'm currently doing some research on what company has the most afforable coverage for my dog. But there is so many to chose from: ...show more
What is the best life insurance for seniors?
age 53, will retire in 2010 - federal employee""
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Dental Insurances in California...?
I live in California. What is the difference between HMO vs PPO? Meaning there cost and coverage. I know that HMO has a very small selection of Dentists and PPO means you can pick from a larger selection, but I am asking about costy and coverage. I am in need of either Dentures, Bridge work, and eventually Dental Implants badly. 2 emergency dentists that I have seen have mentioned something about... if I have a PPO then they will cover everything, but when I ask them to explain, they tell me to look it up because they don't have time to explain it to me. I have tried to look it up, but I can't seem to figure out what they are talking about. What did the dentist mean by... they will cover everything? As in I will not have to pay anything out of pocket? One dentist even said that if I have a PPO then he can do the work while I wait for the insurance to start, pay him directly, then he will give me back my money when the insurance pays him. But what does that mean? All the PPO and HMO plans I see say that I would still have to pay 50% of the cost. I am unemployed so money is a huge problem, but with my current problems with my teeth, I can not go on interviews. What is the best Dental Insurance in California I can get to cover the most of the expenses of the work I need done??? Free clinics have a 1-2 year waiting list and won't handle problems like mine. Please help!!!""
I am leaving country for couple of months. I want to cancel my car insurance. Is it possible?
I am paying my insurance monthly and it's very high. I won't be using car for couple of months, so I want to cancel it for some months and take it again after I come back. Is it possible?""
Do red light camera tickets increase your insurance rates?
Do they go on your driving record and increase your insurance rates or do you just have to pay the fine and that's all there is to it? I live in Washington State.
""Maximums for lawsuits in California have been capped at $250,000 for many years, and insurance costs haven't?
...gone down one bit. Lawsuits are only 5% of insurance companies costs - it's been proven many times including during the 2004 Presidential debates. Why is this the only suggestion they ever have?
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
Do insurance companies insure a boat for its value or insure it for what you paid for it?
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
Estimated car insurance premium for a Camaro/Corvette?
I am looking to buy either a 2002 Camaro (5.7L V8) or a 2000 - 2002 Corvette (5.7L V8). I am wondering how much insurance will cost me. The detailed information and questions are as below: 1. Age: 34 2. Have been driving in the States for little less than 4 years. No accident at all. Only one speeding ticket about 3 years ago. (I had been driving for 10 years in Seoul, Korea with no accident at all, but it didn't count) 3. I used to drive a 2007 Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), which I sold a few days ago. I paid about 450 dollars/6 months for full coverage. Questions: 1. How much would it cost me if I buy either one mentioned above? (even ballpark number would be appreciated) 2. Do year and purchasing price (or resale value) affect premium? For example, buying a 2008 brand new Corvette or a 2000 used Corvette makes a difference? 3. I know it would be higher to have a sports car, but do my age and driving record affect premium? If yes, how much do they affect?""
Car insurance for people who commute by train. Who does this?
I saw an ad on the underground advertising cheaper car insurance for people who commute by train mon-fri. Does anyone know who does this? Thanks
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
What's the point of car insurance?
I pay insurance for my car. Shouldn't car insurance cover anything needing fixed on your car? What is the point of paying for insurance, when the insurance doesn't even cover repairs? I pay for supposed FULL COVERAGE , shouldn't this cover everything, ITS A BIG F-ING SCAM!!!""
Can I register my car without insurance in Utah?
my registeration on my car lapsed in april, I do not drive the car but in Utah you can not even park it out on the street without it being registered. so I was wondering since some of my neighbors are wanting my parking spot since they are moving in can I just register my car since I have enough money to get it registered but I do not want to pay the monthly insurance on it since I am not driving it I am just holding on to it until my daughter turns of age to take it.... thanks.....""
Teen insurance for a car!!!!!! 10pts?
Ok. For Christmas.. I'm getting a 2007 Toyota Camry. I Live in Florida, I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance I could get ? I don't want to pay for expensive insurance.. I will need full coverage I'm guessing? I'm 16. If I just add my car too my grandmothers insurance will that be cheaper ?? Thanks ????""
Insurance Underwriting: Anybody know of any companies that would underwrite and brand a home insurance policy?
I am with a home improvement magazine which specializes in advertisements and we are interested in finding an underwriter that would be willing to brand a product  a home insurance policy. The underwriter will handle all daily operations regarding the insurance in itself, and in turn, we would divert all applicable traffic to you via our publications. Our magazine has an extremely large following, and is trusted and well respected.  I am interested in names and phone numbers from probable companies which may be able to assist us. Please, valid answers only. Thanks!
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old on parents insurance?
I don't want any witty Too expensive, thats how much it is answers. I will be 17 this July, and my dad is going to insure me on his insurance, he has had his license for 55+ years and the car will probably be a Ford Fiesta. We just need rough estimates. Thanks, George.""
Should my 85 year old grandparents but life insurance?
I am very upset with this insurance company who sold my 85 year old grandfather some life insurance. He gets $5000 worth for $91 per month! what a rip-off! They REALLY want to buy some insurance . does anyone know the best option for them? Please help!
Uninspected car covered by insurance in MA?
I've been driving my car uninspected for a while now because I haven't had the money (or the time to fix it on my own) and I know it will fail inspection. Does anybody know if my car would be covered by insurance anyways. (I have USAA)
Does My job Have to Give me health insurance? New York?
I am employed in new york. My job offers health insurance to some higher up employees, but not to full time hourly employees. I heard from someone that the law was that if a business offers health insurance to an employee, they have to offer it to all. is this right?""
How do i switch my auto insurance policy before my term is up?
I currently have Direct Auto insurance, but i would like to switch companies to get a cheaper rate. i never had to cancel my insurance before the term is up, and my term isnt up till november 2010. my question is, how do i do that (if i can), and will i be charged for it?""
Whats the best motorcycle insurance in ottawa for an 18 year old?
Whats the best motorcycle insurance in ottawa for an 18 year old?
Car Insurance for a friend?
I have a friend (single mom of 2) and she needs to get cheap car insurance on her ford explore. She let it lapse for 6 months and now her loan company wants to repo her car, even though she has made every car payment. (she leases her car)...(kinda like rent to own) She got a quote from my agent, but it was going to be way too much for her. I am guessing since she still owes on the car she has to have full coverage. And can only afford less than $100.00 a month on it. She is a renter, she is going to school, and has bad credit. Are there any companies out there that she can get a good deal or at least get coverage for 6 months and re-apply with a better company?? The only one I have found out there was the general.com. And they seem to be ok...but I don't know what other options she has. Thanks for reading this!! 10 points to the best answer!!""
16 year old insurance for a moped UK?
Hey, i'm thinking of buying a moped but before i buy one, i need to make sure that the insurance won't be too expensive otherwise i won't be able to afford it. I will basically be using the moped to get to college and back home. Any ideas as to how much insurance will cost on average? I am currently 16 years of age and will be turning 17 in December 2013. I live out of london if that helps. Thanks in advance :)""
The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is:?
In California is? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks!""
Is insure.com legit?
I was wondering if the site insure.com is legit and If they have good rates
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I'm 18 and want to get insured. How much would it be? I've been passed since July? What if I get my dad the registered keeper and me second driver? My mate she's 18 and she's got insurance. Come on, there must be a way!""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
How much does credit affect the amount paid for car insurance?
How much does credit affect the amount paid for car insurance?
Cost of 350z insurance for 18 year old.?
Hi, I was playing around with insurance quotes form Geico and in order to insure a 270hp sportscar costs as much as a regular family sedan? It gave me a quote for 158$ per month which seems low. IS this actualy the price of insurance for a car like this?""
How does having a salvaged title affect insurance?
Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title.
Which auto insurence is the cheaper?
i whan insurance may car but which one is cheaper
What insurance company is THE cheapest? but has great coverage or provides the same services as other insurance?
Insurance for modified first car?
I've bought my first car, it is lowered but has no performance enhancing mods..I'm on a learner permit with no previous insurance. Will I be able to ge insured??? Im half afraid to tell them when looking for a quote in case they all blank refuse me. I would rather tell them though. I wouldnt mind paying a bit extra as long as its not a huge amount. Does anyone have experience with this? Did you just get refused, or did it just go up...and if it did, by how much did it go up? Thanks.""
What is the cheapest insurance group?
I'm 17, girl, doing my driving lessons and am planning to get a car soon. Not bothered which car, i just want a cheap, affordable one. I've been hearing about insurance groups recently which is confusing me because no one around me can adequately explain it. So, i just would like to know what the cheeapest insurance group is and if you could also please explain a little more on insurance groups so that i'm a bit more informed.. thank you""
Sporty cars with low insurance group?
Hi, ive just turned 15 and im planning on getting a job if i can in January, my aim is to save up to buy a car, my dream car is a subaru impreza wrx sti, but although the used cars are resonably cheap and after a while i can afford it, the insurance is incredibly high!, so im looking for a good looking, resonably fast good looking car that can hold 4 people or 5, this is obviously a tricky task but if you could help id appriciate it!, I was also looking at the 350z but althogh insurance is cheaper its only 2 seats, and as i turn 17 at the start of sixth form, i will be 1 of the first to hopefully get a car, meaning, transporting friends to town at lunch is a key thing :D, Thanks alot Mike PS:, please let it be sporty, i dont want to moddify anything, maybe a nice spoiler and scurts, thank you!!!! :)""
I live in NC and I cant afford my car insurance; I'm on disability and I can't drive.?
Can someone else get insurance and use my car and take me to appts.?
How much is car insurance for a range rover sport 2010?
I have a friend how is looking to get a 2st hand range rover sport 2010 but Is worried about the insurance. What is the range of car insurance prices for the basic driver
Financing a new car and with no insurance?
could I finance a new car then have it sit in my drive way with no plates or registration to avoid paying for insurance ontill I pay the car off
Can I buy an expensive sports car and insurance under my moms name?
I want to purchase a brand new Nissan GTR from the dealership (I have the money ready) and want to buy get full coverage car insurance for it too. However, Since I am male (I'm 28 years old) the car insurace is way too expensive. If I were to have my mom come purchase the car for me as her being the primary legal owner with me being the co signer (I am paying for it with my own money upfront) and have her be the primary legal full coverage driver on that car in the insurance policy with me being able to drive it too with full coverage will this work in order to get a drastically lower monthly insurance payment? It's perfectly fine with my mom being the legal owner as long as my mouth is shut to the insurance company. I also don't mind paying for the both of us on this car as long as my insurance payment is lower. What do you think? Isn't it a brilliant idea?""
How can i get cheap insurance?
I'am going to be 17 soon and i going to buy a car so i was wondering what car should i buy or what shoul i do to get cheap insurance, because at the moment it's cost about 3.500 and that just too expensive... help please""
Insurance Underwriting: Anybody know of any companies that would underwrite and brand a home insurance policy?
I am with a home improvement magazine which specializes in advertisements and we are interested in finding an underwriter that would be willing to brand a product  a home insurance policy. The underwriter will handle all daily operations regarding the insurance in itself, and in turn, we would divert all applicable traffic to you via our publications. Our magazine has an extremely large following, and is trusted and well respected.  I am interested in names and phone numbers from probable companies which may be able to assist us. Please, valid answers only. Thanks!
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