#i dont know that i'll do patton...
cyberniix · 3 months
You have designs for the other sides?
I draw Janus, Logan & Virgil primarily but I do have designs for the others.
This is in order of how much I draw them BTW
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(but because he's my favorite, my design for her tends to change every time i draw them)
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(I KNOOOW ive posted these already 💔 these are just my only "finished" drawings of him)
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(that second one was my FIRST EVER SANDERS SIDES DRAWING! i still love it)
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(second ones old as hell, might redraw it... also yes i know thats technically janus I DONT HAVE ANYTHJNG ELSE)
The Twins:
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(i seriously need to draw the twins more by g-d)
anyways yeah GUESS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER! totally isnt janus
I've been needing something to work on as I take a road trip... I have no motivation to work on Albion right now so maybe I'll make a hight chart... just for you dear tumblr mutual of mine! (^_-)☆
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asksanderssides · 10 months
Hello, i feel like causing chaos.
*takes remus out of the shirt and puts virgil in there*
Behave or i destroy Romans Disney collection and virgils headphones
*puts logan and janus in a shirt*
No fighting or janus your hat will burn logan so will your books
*buts remus with patton in a shirt*
Behave REMUS! i know patton will. If you dont remus youll get soap and ill tickle patton!!
I wanna see what happens (maybe a kiss??? Maybe cuddles???? Maybe i die????)
Roman: NOOOOO! Not my Disney collection!!
Virgil: Yeesh. If you keep shouting like that, I'll need my headphones just to drown you out.
Roman: Shut up, you love me, emo.
Virgil: You shut up.
Logan: I find fighting to be an unproductive use of time anyway. Janus, do you want to get some wine instead?
Janus: If we can move in this shirt, sure.
Remus: Hey, look at this cool worm I found!
Patton: Aaaah- I mean, uh, that's..... nice Remus. Can I get out now?
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copyrightcreep · 1 month
For the oc question thingy, all questions, and id say for all ocs bit if thats too much then patton and robynn
thank you for the ask! i'll reblog this inital post witc eahc of myOC's :P now let's start with Patton!
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? 20 minutes. 2 hours of she isn't feeling herself.
How easy is it for your character to laugh? not that easy, 1 because she's a robot that learned emotions by observing humans. and 2 she's not a very happy animatronic
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) she always lets her gaze go over the room, all aspects of it. before shutting down.
How easy is it to earn their trust? not very easy, she'd assume it was another test. it will be at least 2 weeks of showing no ill intent before she stops assuming it's a test.
How easy is it to earn their mistrust? you breathe wrong and she starts being cagey.
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? so the fun thing is, Patton has never been outside. girl does not know what laws are. she thinks the rules of the pizzaria are very flexible though.
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? the table TM. and no she doesn't.
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child when they were still learning. her program would often try to interfere. by making kids laugh isntead of cry. and try to influence the system so kids would be happy. she was quickly told off for this. and by that i mean they shut her down for 3 weeks as punishment.
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word? fuck. she says fuck. because it's the first word she learned trough actual human interaction.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? "i'm okay Spirit" and yes it does. she wonders how things would eb affected if she didn't lie to Spirit so much.
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? she tries to ask for clarification. if there's no one around she might try to find out herself.
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? she uh. she's an animatornic. no itchy skin for her.
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? she's a black and orange bear. if they try to give her any clothing she probabl wont even wear it. and if she oes. i think its unlikely anything would fit her pattern pfff
What animal do they fear most? rats. she doesnt like rats. thy get into holes thy shouldn't and chew cables. she's not a fan.
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? the way Patton's program works is that it plays some scenarious in her head. with different dialogue and how it could turn out. but she ususally just blurts out the first thig she thinks of.
What makes their stomach turn? i'll give slight story soilers. but Patton has met William Afton 3 times. and those times haunt her.
Are they easily embarrassed? nope! hard for her to now what it's like. and i don't think she would.
What embarrasses them? the incident TM. Patton almost took out the security door once.
What is their favorite number? 8. she really likes the number 8.
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so? very badly, she has little concept of these things. she hardly knows what love is. let alone different variatons of it.
Why do they get up in the morning?  programming
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?  "she doesn't know what this feeling is. clawing at her. he was her best friend. not his. never his. before a moment passed. her eyes went fully black. he will feel what it is to miss someone." oopsies, i accidently dropped some lore :D.
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?  they really dont't understand envy. you get what you get and not anything else right. the techs give her all that she deserves. thats how that works right?
 Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?  the techies tried once to give sex ed to Patton and Spirit. both of them just stared confusingly at their powerpoint presentation. and just kinda shurgged and said "i don't get it. doesn't look fun at all"
 What are their thoughts on marriage?  Patton tilted her head. "what does Married mean". even when seh didn't like this techie, her curiosity got the better of her. he froze for a moment. "it means you're bonded together until death takes one away. it means you're bound" his voice was mostly calm until hissing the last part. he turned around, wrench in hand. his eyes claculating, like they were looking trough her. she doesnt understand and is afraid to ask.
 What is their preferred mode of transportation?  she only knows walking and trolley. and cnsidering they need like 4 people to push her. she usually walks.
 What causes them to feel dread?  HIS uniform and those eyes. and that chilling voice.
 Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?  they would like the truth, always.
 Do they usually live up to their own ideals?  poor baby doesnt know how to live for herself. she's barely figuring out herself.
 Who do they most regret meeting?  fazbear upper management.
 Who are they the most glad to have met?  Spirit and Micheal.
 Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?  she'll often say 'my programming does not know this notion' in a very different voice then her ususal.
 Could they be considered lazy?  nope, she's always busy and always thinking.
 How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?  she doesnt udnerstand why she woudnt hang onto the feeling. you were supposed to learnr ight. what betetr ay to learn then hang onto these feelings forever and nooo i'm defintely fine Spirit don't look at me like that.
 How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?  any time her friends are excited she'll let them talk and get it all out and then give them a high five and big grin.
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?  she doesnt like romance very much.
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?  p r o g r am m i n g. everything iss tored in her memory banks.
What memory do they revisit the most often?  the one of Spirit walking for the 1st time and tripping. it's very funny to her.
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?  she gets all her information from people. she usually knows ad is wary about people's flaws. you never know what cold set someone off after all.
How sensitive are they to their own flaws? pretty much worries about it all the time
How do they feel about children?  she ikes performing for them, but prefers one on one interactions.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?  she doesnt even know her end goal. shes just chilling
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?  i dont know, i'm a self learning program in a animatornic suit. how am i suppsoed to know.
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estradasphere · 11 months
started listening to high castle teleorkestra because of you and IM LOSING MY MIND. this Fucks so Hard
do you have any more band recs??
YESS ANOTHER HCT FAN theyre working on another album rn btw :]
as for music recs... hmmm ... im not very good at those cuz i dont listen to a ton of different bands LOL... if you know HCT you probably already know about Estradasphere / Mr Bungle / Umlaut too, but i'll still rec those here just in case you havent (in particular, Palace of Mirrors / California / self-titled are their most HCT-like albums respectively and fuck super hard. Umlaut is pretty different from the other two, more quaint and electronic-y, but their influence on HCT's sound shines through in some places, especially the title track / aramchek accusation / valisystem A imo)
what else...... if you dig the traditional romanian influences on the sound of HCT and Esphere then check out Fishtank Ensemble; the esphere guitarist's band Orange Tulip Conspiracy(later known as Atomic Ape) is very HCT/Palace of Mirrors esque, proggy and eclectic; and oh yeah check out The Deserts of Traun too. wait this just turned into me listing Estradasphere satellite groups sorry i have brainworms. I guess the problem is that not much else sounds like HCT, theyre super unique!!
branching out a bit, if you're just looking for more eclectic experimental shit in general... Sleepytime Gorilla Museum is fucking awesome, very dark and heavy avant-metal sound, essential listening imo, I'd start with their album Of Natural History; similarly, check out The Book of Knots too (especially Garden of Fainting Stars); Fantomas (esp. The Director's Cut) and Kaada/Patton also have this kinda dark and heavy orchestral cinematic sound; Sebkha-Chott is a truly bizarre avant-prog/metal/jazz(???) fit that never sticks to one musical idea for more than like 60 seconds, they're awesome, I'd say start with Tapisseries Fines En... etc, long album title; OH OH check out öOoOoOoOoOo and Pin-Up Went Down too for more French experimental metal/jazz shit (though they're also pretty poppy and catchy!), I love them a lot; X-Legged Sally is some awesome Belgian jazz/prog/occassionally-metal-ish stuff; and if you want something lighter and simpler to cleanse the palate then Tin Hat is some beautiful chamber jazz/klezmer, my fav album of theirs is Book of Silk.
You may also like bands like Dog Fashion Disco, Polkadot Cadaver, Stolen Babies, and ESPECIALLY Secret Chiefs 3 - i've seen those as avant-metal recs a lot, but they don't really click with me personally, unfortunately! I hope you end up liking them though!
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transfemlogan · 10 months
Texting Headcanons
Patton: using emojis 24/7. Literally every text will have some sort of emoji, even if it doesn't fit the original message. Texts like a dad & a mom combined. Uses grammar occassionally. Usually types in all caps, because he doesn't know how to turn them off. Sends the laughing emoji when he laughs at something. Prefers talking in person if he can.
Roman: uses emojis occassionally. Types in caps when he's excited. Uses capital letters when necessary and never any time else. Shorten words and uses popular acronyms. Says "ROLF" and "LMAO" when he laughs at texts. Uses the sparkle emoji constantly. Loves to facetime. Double texts like CRAZY
"Helloooo~ ✨️✨️ romans here!! A REMINDER for all of u 2 tell me what u thought of the script ASAP bcus thomas NEEEDDS it by tmrw!!!!"
Virgil: shorten every word ever even if its not readable. Types in all lower case with 0 grammar. Sends 💀 or "lol" when he inhales through his nose at something. Keysmashes when he finds something really funny. Prefers to text above all else & will cry if you try to call him. Spelling mistakes all over the place. Hard 2 tell if something is supoosed to be an acronym or if its a mistake?
"im not rding ur stpjd script roman also twll thomas not 2g2 that dumb party on sat or i swear 2 god ill bloqk all of u ok bye also hi pat"
Logan: proper grammar all of the time. Probably ends his messages with "sincerely, logan" (he knows theyre not letters or emails, but he can't help himself.) Says "that was funny" when he finds something funny (very rare). Prefers in person communication or calling, as he is usually busy working and can't text if he's using his hands. Doesn't use emojis ever & finds them so so stupid but will SOMETIMES use the heart emoji if he's comforting virgil or trying to be nice. Learns about tone indicators after virgil tells him & now he uses them all the time. Will start to let loose if he's comfortable around you. Looking at his msgs with virgil is almost like an entirely different person.
"Hello, all. I have read your script, Roman, and will be sending you my edits soon. I find it to be very long and wordy and full of mistakes. /neg You are lucky you have me to help you. Also, Virge, I'll try to get Thomas to not go to that party /srs, as he has many responsibilities that day, such as: cleaning his room, recording, and doing his laundry. Here is a link to my plan for next week. Please let me know if there's any complaints. Sincerely, Logan."
(Virgil: thnk u L . m not reading ur plsn ethr
Logan: Hi Virgil. That is alright. I'll just let you know next time we "hang out". Sincerely Logan.)
Janus: also texts all lower case & never uses commas but does use periods. Loves to use ":)" and "<3" (<- in a mean sarcastic way most of the time). Doesn't express laughter anytime anywhere. Prefers facetime or in person communication. Doesn't text often. Also doesn't respond often. Will leave you on read, he has other things to do. Uses tone indicators only if he is personally texting logan and no one else. Will sometimes not even respond to what you said in the first place.
"oh of course logan let's have thomas work all the time and never ever get any rest. sounds very healthy :). roman i read your script. hi patton".
(Roman: aand jan? What did u think??
Janus: Read 2:43 pm)
Remus: sends nudes in chat. And the most random gore vids he can find. Types in all caps willingly. Sends very strange emojis that dont match up with anything. Responds lightning quick but also ignores everything you say in order 2 send what he wants 2 talk abt so it doesnt even matter. Homestuck speak. Has never read homestuck.
"H3Y0 🦿🍒🛝😝 CHECK OUT TH12 PHOTO I JUST T00K RN. (Sends a dick pic)"
- Virgil has left the group chat -
Logan: Hello, Remus. That does not look very healthy. We should send you to a physician to get that checked out. Sincerely, Logan.
Janus: read 2:48 pm)
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Creativitwins not feeling good enough hurt/comfort for writing prompts?
Not Good Enough For You
Remus and Roman are struggling to cope with their own issues alone, but maybe, if they were only to bring it up, they could help each other.
| AO3 |
-Just Remus typical stuff
-Roman not taking proper care of himself.
-Food mentions
-Copious mentions of mould.
If there's anything else let me know!
Pairings: Platonic/famelial Creativitwins
Word Count: 2856
See! Superhuman speed, I told you! Did this in only a few hours!! Thanks for the prompt, random Tumblr anon!
If anyone reading has a prompt in mind, feel free to throw it at me on! I'll do most things :) No NSFW though! I'll put a more specific list of do's and dont's on an intro post when I eventually get round to it.
I love them being good brothers so much. You have no idea how much my heart longs for more Roman & Remus interaction in the actual series, I love them so much.
The creative flow was suffering, Thomas wasn't having nearly as many ideas as usual and none of the ones he did have ever seemed good enough. All of the sides could see that Roman had overworked himself. They had noticed him being gone in the imagination for longer and longer every time he went, they noticed the dark circles under his eyes.
Any of the sides with an ounce of observational skills could see that Roman wasn't ok.
Even though they all noticed, not one of them stopped to ask if he needed anything though, in fact, they were all too busy with their own things to help him.
Logan was too busy to brainstorm, Patton was too busy to watch a movie, Janus was too busy doing whatever it was he did all day- Roman never wanted to bother him. And at this point, he was certain Virgil was tired of Roman hanging out in his room when he was feeling a little down.
Everyone knew that Roman was suffering, but no one knew what to do about it.
What everyone seemed to forget was that Roman was only half of a whole, and the work suffering wasn’t all Roman.
Only one side noticed that Remus wasn’t ok either.
Roman was having an especially bad day today.
He was pretty sure the root of that bad day was the once again completely unproductive meeting with Thomas. Or maybe it was because he hadn’t eaten yet today and it was almost time for dinner, could it be that he hadn’t showered in a week?
Shaking his head, Roman refocused on the blank document in front of him, he had to get something down, come on, there must be something he could get down on the page. Surely he could produce something? Something to show that he wasn’t as worthless as he felt.
Because seriously? What was he without the stories he created? What was he without the witty nicknames and the poses and snide remarks, who was he without the costume and the sword, really?
He may be creativity, but he was nothing more than his creations, the Prince persona he had fashioned for himself. What was he without that?
Useless, he thought, he was useless without that. Useless to Thomas and to the other sides. Useless to himself.
He needed help, he realised, and he'd exhausted all of his options. He'd gone to sink out before realising that he couldn't be seen by the others in the sorry state he was in, hoodie and sweatpants, greasy hair and disgusting, ugly face.
He couldn't be seen by them and besides, Patton and Logan were doing something together right now, Janus was busy as always and Roman didn't want the snake's help anyway, and Virgil was definitely tired of his endless issues.
This left one option, one that sent a spike of anxiety through his heart, but at this point, Roman just sighed. It was the only option he had left and who knows, maybe his brother would actually be helpful for once.
He sank out to Remus' room.
Remus stared at his- completely clean and tidy- room in confusion.
Now don’t let this fool you, Remus’ room was never clean and tidy, just like him. Remus couldn’t stand the smell of cleaning products and he was even allergic to soap itself, he never cleaned his room, let alone himself. Usually, it was a hot garbage pile on which he fucking slept. He liked to keep the place stinking of mould with puddles of slime and weird little bugs that scuttled around his floor. He enjoyed the broken glass that usually littered the floor, poised just right to take out your foot if you stepped slightly wrong.
Remus never cleaned, never, unless… unless he was in a much worse place than usual.
And he’d even showered this time. Which was… absolutely shit, now his skin was itchy and red from the soap, but his hair wasn’t slick with oil for once and he didn’t smell like mould and dung,
He wasn’t in a good place, he never really was- being the embodiment of intrusive thoughts and all but this was an even worse place than he was usually in, and that was a feat in itself. Ever since Jan-Jan had let him fuck around with the light sides directly he’d been feeling… weird.
“Yes Remus, lovely lyrics, well done,” Logan had said, and why had that made his chest feel tight and his heart flutter at the- sarcastic, he knew it was sarcastic- compliment.
“You have importance,” Logan again, and how difficult it had been to keep ignoring the guy when he said something like that, Remus had felt the urge to glomp Logan when he had spoken, but he’d needed to get his point across, so for once, he’d restrained from doing something he wanted to do.
It was weird because Remus never got compliments, those two were the only two times he could think of- recently anyway- that he’d had something even relatively nice said to him. Usually, it was “Go away, Remus!” “Shut up Remus!” “That’s disgusting, Remus!” which… well that last one he usually took as a compliment, but the first two…
Even as the embodiment of intrusive thoughts- yes, those things everyone wanted to get rid of- Remus couldn’t help but feel like shit when the others said that they hated him or told him to go away, he loved talking and sharing all his fun ideas! He was blunt and truthful and interesting too! Or at least, Snakey had told him that. The others didn’t seem to agree though and that was his problem, the others. This yucky gross feeling had only started when he’d been allowed to talk to them. When they started hurling the insults directly at him instead of randomly into the void. It was like they forgot that he was creativity too. His ideas formed the base for Roman’s. Roman created all the details, the funny bits, and filtered out all the gore and grossness to make something presentable and useful to Thomas. Remus provided the raw material, the substance, the big bits and pieces that would put the idea there in the first place.
Without Roman, nothing he created was worth anything, and without him? Without him, Roman couldn’t create at all.
He thought it was a little unfair, to be honest, Roman seemed to hate him so much yet relied on him to do his job. Where he realised it or not? And… then we get back to the cleaning.
His messy room was often his source of inspiration, he saw a particularly interesting-shaped piece of mould growing out of his bedpost and thought ‘Woah wouldn’t that make an awesome monster?’ or… something. See? Remus was too out of it to even think of thinking of an idea! And now all his mould and grossness was gone, and he was sad and cold and lonely- yes that’s what it was- he craved something but he wasn’t even sure what, he wanted positive reinforcement, maybe a ‘that’s a good idea’ once in a while! Was it too much to ask to even consider his contributions?
Remus groaned and flopped back on his clean, laundry-detergent-smelling bedsheets and tried very, very hard not to cry.
Remus shot up, eyes wide only to see his brother, whose face seemed to reflect his own in its shockedness. Here Roman stood- pristine, perfect, pretty boy Roman, in all of his sweatpants and greasy depressing glory.
“You look like a mess,” Remus said, it was the truth, Roman looked nothing like he did usually, which… wasn’t right. It wasn’t right at all, in fact, it seemed just as wrong as his room being clean. And not only was Roman a mess, but he wasn’t wearing the prince outfit he literally lived in, so… what the hell else was Remus supposed to say.
“Oh hoho-” Roman said with none of his usual dramatics as he looked at Remus, “Oh how the turns have tabled.”
And Remus laughed, he laughed too loud and too high, sounding like scraping metal on ceramic, but why not laugh at something that was funny, especially with Roman’s deadbeat tone? The exhausted look on his brother’s face turned into something that was almost a smile.
“Seriously though Ro-bro,” Remus said, bouncing to stand up, “You ok? You never let yourself get this gross, that’s my thing,”
“No,” Roman said simply, not looking him in the eye, without so much as a hesitation, “I’m not ok,”
“Are you ok?” Roman asked before he could continue, “You’re room’s clean,”
“I’m not ok- but- but when am I ever ok? Intrusive thoughts!” Remus said with a laugh that felt too fake after he’d been able to let out that real one, Roman looked at him and… Remus felt himself deflate, “No… I’m… even less ok than usual,”
“Ok,” Roman nodded, Remus couldn’t help but stare.
“Yeah that’s- that’s ok,” Roman said, now he was looking at him properly, “Is there anything I can do to help you?”
“Is there anything I can do to help you ?” Remus asked back, leaning much further into Roman’s space than he should.
“Hey! I asked you first!” Roman cried, offended, but he didn’t push Remus away.
“Yeah but I asked with more emphasis !” Remus retaliated with a grin, "I even used italics!"
“Yeah- well- I-” Roman stopped, before drooping with a sigh, “Ok fine, you win,”
“Fuck yeah now go take a shower, asshole,” Remus yelled, shoving Roman in the direction of his bathroom- which had also been cleaned, so Roman was lucky for once. His brother went without a fuss and closed the door to the bathroom. Whilst he was gone, Remus attempted to bring some mess back into his room, he’d leave the bathroom for now, though.
“So… I’ve done something, now it’s your turn, what do you need?” Roman asked once he returned, he was adamantly ignoring the tiny amounts of mould that had managed to grow back into the corners.
“Oh- um…” Remus trailed off, it was rare that he had nothing to say, even rarer were moments when he was afraid to say something, Roman didn’t push him though, he just waited, shifting a little awkwardly, “Can… you give me a hug?”
“‘Course,” Roman said with a nod, he opened his arms, “As long as there’s no slime involved,”
“No slime, pinkie promise,” Remus said before launching himself into Roman’s arms. He hadn’t gotten a hug in so long he’d almost forgotten what it felt like, his brother was so warm- were people usually that warm? Or was that just because he hadn’t had a hug in so long he’d forgotten what it felt like?
“I’m so useless, Re,” Roman muttered into his shoulder after a long moment of silence which Roman must've been using to think himself into a dark shadowy pit, “I’m- I’m such a pathetic little-”
“Hey!” Remus interrupted him, smacking him on the shoulder as hard as he could, “I’ll have to beat you up with my morningstar if you keep talking shit about my brother like that,”
Roman laughed, but it was wet and kind of sad and Remus realised a little too late that he was crying, “Thanks, Re…”
“You’re welcome! Now- who made you think that? I just wanna talk,” Remus said in a way that was as threatening as possible even as he stood in the middle of the room hugging his tearful brother.
“No one, I suppose, myself, maybe,” Roman said quietly, “I just… can’t put anything down on paper that’s good enough, you know? I’m the one they expect to come up with all the great ideas and there’s just… nothing there,”
“That…” Remus said quietly, “Um, might actually be my fault, which by definition would make me the one who isn’t good enough,”
“No, absolutely not,” Roman said, smacking him in the same way as him, “If I don’t get to be self-deprecating neither do you, brother,”
“That just takes out all the fun!” Remus whined, “Maybe we’re both just useless fucks,”
“Yeah… maybe,”
“You were supposed to disagree with me, dickhead,” Remus smacked him again, the physical contact from the hug was nice and… well he could get used to this, It may be the one secret he’d take to his grave, but he actually really missed being close with his brother, Maybe he could let himself dare to hope that this would be the beginning of getting that back.
“Here’s an idea,” Roman said quietly, pulling back from the hug a little- but not quite enough for Remus to get annoyed with the loss of his human furnace brother, “What if we worked together? We could- I dunno- help each other brainstorm or something. Maybe? I mean- I don’t want to be annoying or anything so if you don’t wan-”
“Roman,” Remus said, “Shut the fuck up and remember who you’re talking to, you’re not the annoying one, that’s my job,”
“So… brainstorming?” Roman asked, the hopeful look on his face almost making Remus want to vomit with something that wasn’t negative, though he couldn’t quite identify the feeling either.
“You’re never getting rid of me now, RoRo,” Remus grinned. Before he heard Roman’s stomach make a noise that more befitted a great beast, their eyes met slowly, “Ro… how long has it been since you last ate?”
“I… um…” Roman said before he began to mumble and count on his fingers, “Yesterday… lunchtime? Maybe… I can’t remember,”
Remus shook his head, fishing something out from his pocket, “Unacceptable, here, have a deodorant stick,”
“Remus I can’t eat this,” Roman said, giving him a look, Remus rolled his eyes so far he was pretty sure he saw the inside of his brain.
“ Fine ,” He pouted, snatching the stick back, “But don’t think you’re getting out of eating that easily, c’mon we’re gonna raid the kitchen!”
And, in a feat of childish dramatics that only Roman could pull off, he dropped to the floor in a heap, the back of his hand pressed against his forehead as he mimicked a woeful expression.
“I can’t,” Roman said, voice breathlessly, “I mustn't I’m simply far too tired and hug-deprived,”
“Dork,” Remus shook his head before tutting, “We’re going whether you like it or not,”
Remus bent down and in one easy sweep grabbed Roman’s ankles, by which he dragged his brother out of the door. Thankfully Roman didn’t struggle, just let himself be dragged along the hallway with a pouty face and crossed arms. Remus deposited him on the floor in the kitchen before striding over to the fridge to begin attempting to work out what the hell normal people ate- he usually just ate deodorant with the occasional mouldy bread or gone off milk (it added to the flavour).
In the end, he’d emerged from the fridge with an amalgamation of foodstuffs. A tub of ice cream, a packet of apples and a block of cheese. Next, he searched the cupboards, finding some non-mouldy bread, a banana, an entire basket draw of crisp packets and a packet of chocolate-coated biscuits. It wasn’t his style, but he was sure Roman would be fine with it.
“You’re gonna have to get yourself to the couch,” Remus said, kicking Roman’s leg on his way as his arms were full, “I’m gonna find some shit on the TV to put on.”
“Mkay…” Roman mumbled, picking himself up from the floor and wandering over to the couch, snapping some blankets into existence. Remus managed to find a channel that was only playing Family Guy reruns for the next five hours and put those on, thinking they could both use a bit of a laugh at stupid slightly controversial jokes.
Together they sat on the sofa, picking at the horrible range of snacks Remus had found until Roman fell asleep and Remus took a moment to wonder when his brother had slept last. Remus might be used to having the worst sleep schedule in the mindscape, but that didn’t mean he wanted the same for his brother. Thinking about sleep he should probably do that too, but his room still smelled disgustingly clean so he couldn’t go back there and besides, it was comfy and warm here.
In the end, he decided he would just lie down on top of his brother and fall asleep there, it was better than nothing, right?
Both of their days had ended on a far better note than they had started, just from helping each other out just that little bit. Roman thought that he should really check up on his brother more often. Remus lay on top of him in the dark commons, snoring loudly and drooling a little onto the blanket, which was disgusting but… Roman could tolerate it. Going to Remus today might have been the best thing he could have done and maybe…
Maybe their broken relationship was mendable after all.
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Virgil: A Love Language Analysis
Logan’s | Roman’s |
Tags: @karalora, @astrologically-indecent, @k9cat, @shattereddreamsamongotherthings, @romanasanders
So this has been quite a long time coming. My sincere apologies for the wait. Real life and other writing caused me to postpone working on this analysis longer than I had originally wanted to. Before I begin, though, a quick shout-out to the awesome @logan-exe for his help in talking this analysis out a bit. 
If you’re just now joining us, you can read more about love languages here but basically, there are five ways that people generally either express or understand love the best: words of affirmation, acts of service, gift giving, quality time, and physical touch. You can read my analysis and interpretation of Logan and Roman in the links at the top of this post. But now, we come to the third Side I’d like to talk about: Virgil.
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Specifically, this analysis will be looking at why I believe Virgil’s predominant Love Language to be Quality Time. Turns out, I have quite a lot to say about it.  Let us begin.
Admittedly, Virgil spending “quality time” with the other Sides is hard to differentiate between other time spent with the Sides. To explain this complication, I want to look at the first video he appears in: “Taking on ANXIETY with Lilly Singh!!”. 
In the beginning of this video, Thomas explains that he’s feeling “relaxed” only for Virgil, as the embodiment of anxiety, to show up very suddenly.
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V: Hey.
T: What the heck?!
V: [sarcastically] Oh, I’m sorry. Was I not wanted at this exact second?
At his very first appearance, it already becomes unclear the exact motive Virgil has for appearing. Thomas feels anxious, so Virgil shows up; reciprocally, Virgil showing up causes Thomas to feel anxious. Through the early Sides episodes, this complicated dynamic continues to appear and makes it challenging to differentiate whether Virgil has much control over whether--and when--he may appear in a video. I personally lean towards believing that, at least in the case of this first video, Virgil is more or less summoned by Thomas already feeling anxious given this brief exchange:
T: I was even saying how relaxed I was feeling!
V: Ah, but that’s when you start wondering why you do feel all relaxed. You don’t usually feel this way, so what are you doing different? What are you doing wrong? What are you forgetting to do?
Since it is implied that Thomas feeling anxious is why Virgil appeared, his appearance in this first video may not exactly count as “quality time” because it is not even “voluntary time”, so to speak. But his appearance--and the reaction to his presence--helps frame this interpretation of Virgil’s struggle with speaking his love language that eventually led to the events of Accepting Anxiety (which I will talk more about in a bit)
A couple lines in particular speak to the rejection of his presence felt strongly by Thomas (and Roman):
Thomas: But sometimes it just shows up [...] out of no where and ruins whatever peace I had! Like, I’m kinda getting fed up with it. There has got to be some way out of it!
Roman: Okay, I can’t stand that guy.
Thomas: Tell me about it.
This is important in understanding Virgil’s Love Language as quality time because it articulates how his presence around others had been seen as a negative thing. I will come back to this dynamic when I address the Accepting Anxiety arc.
The next video I want to look at in regards to Virgil and Quality Time is “The Dark Side of Disney!” video. The biggest reason why I feel this video is particularly noteworthy in this discussion is because of the following dialogue exchange: 
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Virgil: Did someone say ‘atrocious’?
Roman: Are you kidding me? We have expelled you from the last two videos. Do you know how rude it is to interrupt a vlog?
Thomas: Well, um, okay. Well, Anxiety, I gotta admit: I don’t know why you are here.
Virgil: Simple. I, too, am a Disney fan.
The fact that Thomas expresses that he does not know why Virgil is there indicates that his presence is not related, in this case, to a feeling Thomas is experiencing. Therefore, Virgil is there entirely of his own accord. It would only be fair to note that the reason Virgil claims to appear for this video is more in relation to subject matter than persons involved, Virgil is nevertheless choosing to spend time with Thomas and another Side out of that shared interest. For that reason, I believe that this video is indicative of Virgil’s love language being quality time even if he may not yet feel an affection for Roman. A quick note that I do believe that Virgil feels a kind of love for Thomas that is shared among the Sides, and therefore “The Dark Side of Disney!” could very well be taken as Virgil attempting to speak the quality time love language with Thomas specifically in such a way that does not diminish his “dark persona”. 
The next video I want to look at in analyzing Virgil’s Love Language is, of course, “Alone on VALENTINE’S DAY!”. Specifically, Virgil’s “answer” for Thomas finding a relationship is indicative of quality time being a principle love language for Virgil:
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V: Ugh, this whole thing is pointless!
Thomas: Yes, we all know your point of view.
V: All I’m saying is this is just a waste of time. Psyching yourself out over cheap tactics that have never been useful to you before. I mean seriously, Thomas. In any past relationship you’ve ever been in, haven’t they always developed when you least expected them to?
T: Huh. You actually have a point.
L: You were never actively searching for someone.
P: You met someone, got to know them casually, and the feeling started there.
R: The romance came about naturally.
V: I wasn’t trying to help.
Virgil’s distaste for the romantic gestures advocated for by the other Sides, and Patton’s acknowledgement of getting to “know them casually” indicates Virgil advocating for quality time as a love language Thomas may want to think about speaking. Spending time with a person he may care about as a means of developing the relationship further. As with Logan and Roman, I do not want this analysis to be given too much particularity to romantic love, but thought this moment was worth mentioning briefly seeing as it points, in some ways, to quality time as a love language for Virgil. 
Very quickly, I want to take a look at a brief, passing moment in “My Personality Q&A” that speaks to the continuing development of Virgil coming to believe, through reactions to his presence, that his presence is not desired at all:
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T: Let’s just move on to the next question.
R: I’m ready.
T: This one is for Anxiety.
R: What?
V: [appearing] What?
When asked a question by one of Thomas’s followers, Virgil seems just as surprised as Roman that his presence is being actually sought out now. Even When Thomas explains “there’s a question for you”, Virgil’s response is a confused “me?”. This brief moment helps to illustrate the continuing development of Virgil feeling limited in his ability to speak his love language and be heard because his presence has become understood by him to be an undesirable thing based on previous reaction to his presence (a reaction that is perpetuated by Roman’s impatient response of “just answer it so we can move on”).
It might also be noted that Virgil getting to answer other questions and begin to feel appreciated is why he is the last Side who wants to leave. He is feeling loved (in a way) and therefore feels he can more fully speak his own love language (until exiting a moment later to avoid answering an uncomfortable question). 
The next video I want to take a look at is at the end of “My NEGATIVE Thinking”. 
Virgil: Save your insults. I’m just gonna deck out.
Logan: Actually, um, I was going to tell you that was a good debate today.
V: What? Wha--what do you mean?
L: I mean you did a good job.
V: How? I was barely trying. I hissed at you.
L: Yes, I must admit that is a fairly uncommon debate tactic. But despite you clearly not enjoying taking part, you still participated, you offered your points, and you even reasoned in your own way. And all of that is commendable. [...]
V: I gotta say, I don’t really know how to react to you complimenting me. Kinda thought you didn’t like me. Especially after last time when you called me a defeatist. 
L: Well, you are wrong about a lot of things. But I don’t necessarily mind your company. The other two can bring in a whole lot of sunshine, and that can be unbearable. And I can’t imagine having a debate with either one of them. 
V: I-I guess I just kind of assumed that--
L: You jumped to a conclusion. [...]
V: Touche. Thanks.
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Once again, Virgil expresses surprise and doubt when his presence isn’t completely rejected or detested. In fact, the moment the debate is over and Logan has helped assuage the feeling of anxiety in Thomas that is keeping Virgil there, he claims he is going to “deck out”: he is not going to spend quality time because he does not think Logan cares for him due to previous encounters. When Logan calmly explains that “I don’t necessarily mind your company” and expresses that he even prefers Virgil as a debate partner, Virgil is likely hearing a certain permission being granted to him from Logan to speak his love language of quality time with the Logical Side. This isn’t to say that his moment is a deep reconciliation of the two, but the brief moment and Virgil’s reaction to it helps illustrate Virgil’s preference for quality time as a love language and his complicated relationship in speaking it with the other Sides. 
Now, I can’t talk about Virgil’s love language being quality time and not discuss the “Accepting Anxiety” arc. Accepting Anxiety Parts 1 and 2 covers the moment that Virgil is granted the freedom to more freely speak his love language without the rejection he’d been conditioned to associate with doing so. 
When Virgil elects to “duck out” (quack), he is deciding to no longer express love to the other Sides because he feels that such love is not being reciprocated. This causation becomes clear when, in Accepting Anxiety Part 2, Virgil says:
V: I removed myself from the equation. I quit. Decided it wasn’t worth it anymore.
T: Why would you do that?
V: Well, it didn’t seem like I was wanted. You all made that pretty clear, anytime I showed up.
Despite the complication between Virgil’s limited ability to show up or not show up given how Thomas is feeling (a trait that seems relatively unique to Virgil given his function), there were clear moments in which Virgil appeared because he desired to be a part of the group in some way--to spend quality time with them. The fact that Virgil was often (not exclusively, but often) met with rejection or disdain made it increasingly harder for Virgil to speak his love language and feel it spoken in return. 
So Virgil gave up trying, and even began to believe that such rejection of his love language was reasonable given his function:
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V: Look, I can’t say it isn’t nice to hear you all groveling. But... I actually think you were right to not want me around. I’ve always aimed to protect you, but lately... it feels like I’ve been keeping you from doing anything. [...] Putting on a dark persona is the best way to get anyone’s guard up. But all this reflecting and working on your issues with us has gotten me to think that... I overdo it. 
The Sides intervene shortly thereafter (starting with Logan) in expressing and explaining the ways that Virgil’s presence contributes to Thomas, each Side’s contribution focusing on the ways Virgil’s presence and interaction assists with their own function.
L: You’re what made Thomas double and triple check things he needed to study before taking tests and--
P: Also you’re that feeling of tingling-ness after achieving something he didn’t think was possible [...]
T: Anxiety, in small doses, you’re what pressures me to get out of bed. To get moving, and doing stuff. I’m lucky to have you the way that I do [...]
R: Anxiety, you’re... what pushes Thomas to rehearse and rehearse before performances. You are that nervousness he feels right before going on stage, but just as he does so... you ease up. And you let his excitement and passion for performance take over. I think that’s as good a sign as any that you’re willing to work as a team. And that you make us better.
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With Virgil’s presence and interaction with the other Sides and Thomas being given so much affirmation, Virgil feels an acceptance and freedom to speak his love language by the end of Accepting Anxiety Part 2. As a result, subsequent videos show Virgil spending quality time with the Sides and Thomas more freely and openly. 
We see evidence of this the very next video, even. “Fitting In (Hogwarts Houses!” demonstrates in some ways how Virgil feels more at ease in showing his love for the Sides and Thomas by spending quality time with them. Though Virgil is summoned by Thomas (or at least has his presence requested) to offer his opinion of the purple hair, Virgil remains for the subsequent and unrelated debate on who ought to be in which Hogwarts House. 
Even though the focus of the video is about sorting Virgil, his reaction to being the center of attention is largely one of disdain:
V: So what’s the plan here?
T: We’re gonna sort you!
V: Sort me?
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However, despite expressing distaste about the premise of the exercise, Virgil remains for the video--presumably because he wishes to spend quality time with the other four now that his presence is no longer being rejected or seen as undesirable. In fact, Virgil demonstrates an ease with that particular understanding at the end of the video when he elects to not choose a Hogwarts House:
V: I don’t need to belong to a particular Hogwarts House to know I belong with you guys. 
In “The Sanders Sides 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!” video--the next one I’d like to look at with regards to the concept of Virgil and quality time--we see Virgil even going outside his comfort zone to spend quality time with the Sides. 
If you’ll recall, back in the Sanders Sides Q&A video, when asked to choose a favorite Disney movie and sing something from it, Virgil chose Black Cauldron with the implied reason that he chose it to avoid having to sing. Much like Logan, Virgil generally elects not to sing of his own accord. (I recognize that he sings in “A New Year of Lying to Myself”, but so does Logan. I digress on that video.)
However, in the Christmas video, Virgil agrees to go sing with the Sides. Although Virgil is reluctant to sing the random line about shrimp because he “[doesn’t] really get it”, he is still present in the moment and does not leave when he otherwise could. Virgil wants to spend quality time with the Sides.  Even when he asks at the beginning of the video if he can “go back to [his] room now”, there doesn’t appear to be any reason why Virgil wouldn’t be able to leave of his own accord. Instead, Virgil elects to stay and spend quality time with the Sides. 
Finally, I’d like to talk about “Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?”. Specifically, the end-card. 
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V: Whatcha up to over there, Patton?
Virgil has no reason other than personal investment to be spending time with Patton seemingly “outside of a video” so to speak. Virgil is acting independently in this moment, could be in any number of places, and has specifically chosen to spend this time with Patton. Virgil is calm, perhaps even peaceful, in this end-card moment. Perhaps this is because he is finally able to feel completely at ease in speaking and feeling heard in his love language of quality time. 
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princeanxious · 4 years
Have you ever drawn a floaral Patton type of thing?
Lukas: maybe like a year ago I drew Patton in a floral pattered dress?? But no ive not drawn a floral patton piece, no? To my knowledge theres at least one amazingly talented artist in the fandom that recently did a piece if that's what your looking for? But that artist isnt me. ^^;
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coconut-cluster · 2 years
I recently went back and binged your whole Uni au and !!!!! Absbsbzhxjxkxhejh 💕 i forgot how much i loved your writing!! Logan and Janus are,,,, so stupid i love them. And ofc Patton and Remus <3<3<3<3 (Patton puts up with So Much in this au. The pining around him will never cease)
I know this isn't a blog you use often anymore but i was wondering (and obviously no pressure nor expectations!!) if you could post what you have written for the logan and Janus make up scene ?? Again obv no pressure the boys have simply been living in my head!!! And the most recent scene leaves no closure 😭
Idk what you're planning on doing with the au, if anything (or if you even still have the draft,) but i would take even the most choppy half written scene/bullet fic to know what happens next !!!
And if u dont wanna thats ok too 👍 Trust that I'll be going back through the rest of your works very soon!!
check back in three days :)
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oh-theatre · 2 years
Objection!: Chapter 31
Chapter title: Soon
A/n: Stands awkwardly. Hi! Okay so, i know its been two years since the previous chapter and I honestly did not think I would be writing a new one. But this story deserves an ending so I do intend to finish it to all those still out there who read it. So whoever is still here, thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapter <3
First | Previous | Next
words: 1511
summary: Pattons finally recovering, where does everyone go from here?
pairings: Logicality, Prinxiety, platonic Demus, romantic Remile
warnings: Hospital mention, Courthouse/Law mentions
Ao3 Link  
“I'm cleared!” Patton announces, a tired whoop from the crowded room makes him giggle. Logan grunts in approval, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. “I get to go home” He explains quietly to the sleeping twins resting on his bed, his fingers carding through their hair.
“And while we’re all ela-” Roman pauses, yawning “-ted, it's far too early” Virgil nods, looking sadly at his now empty cup of coffee. 
“He should be able to be checked out around noon today, we want to go over some home care, medicines he’ll need to be taking…” Patton nods along, not sure where the doctor's instructions fell out of tune but Roman was right it really was too early. Once she had finished, given an extra copy of instructions to Logan and taken her leave, the two made their way out.
“Work and stuff” Virgil had, oh so kindly explained, taking his leave with Roman sleepily guiding him the right way. The lawyer couldn't help but smile, glad his friends finally put the puzzle pieces back together. 
“Hmm” Logan hummed next to him, “I'll be back around noon to pick you up, Emile and Remy have agreed to take the kids for a bit so you'll only have to worry about rest” He explained through his own suppressed yawn. Patton flashes a grateful smile to the detective and his partner, receiving two thumbs up from Remy. He watches as the couple gently lift the sleeping children, waving t​​hem off. “And while I love you” Logan continued “I have work to get to” 
“Aw shucks, you sure you dont wanna hang out with me and my Friends reruns?” Patton teases, Logan lips turn up slightly, signs of an amused smile. “Go, be a lawyer, I'll see you at noon” He assures, tugging the taller down only a bit to plant a kiss.
“Noon then” He confirms before joining the others and leaving Patton alone once more. 
“Finally” he stretches. Don't get him wrong, he loved his friends, he loved Logan, his kids. But finally, eyes weren't constantly watching him, he could breathe. He only hoped this refreshing feeling continued at home. He was finally feeling like himself again, his fingers itching to be back in the courthouse, standing in front of a judge fighting for something, for someone. “George!” He exclaims to himself, rushing for his phone on his nightstand. He practically punches in the number. “George” He smiles, the other line connects instantly. He hears apologetic rambles at first listening as they turn into worries for the lawyer then a burning anger of vengeance. Christ, Patton could barely get a word in. “Ge-” He tries, cant blame him for not being heard over what he thinks is the man shouting at the tv for…existing? He can't help but laugh, shaking his head. “George,” He states firmly, finally receiving silence. He knows, knows you should never judge solely by a cover. Any man can fake who they are, any person can smile while hiding a sinister secret. But Patton couldn't help it, this man wasn't capable of what he'd been accused of.  “I'd love to meet up” 
~~~ “Too early” Virgil complains again, “Early early early” He shakes in defiance. Roman finishes checking himself and his guest into the courthouse, wrapping up a polite conversation with Jenny. 
“Honey” He begins, Virgil's soft “Early”s continuing “Ho-ney” he enunciates, taking his partner's hand. “Coffee?” He offers, allowing himself to ignore just how many the detective had already consumed. Suddenly, like magic, Virgil brightens. Or, as much as he could. After all, he needed some coffee in him. “Come along then, my treat”
“Well I'd sure hope so” the shorter quips, nudging Roman.
“You are spoiled” he decides, lifting up Virgil's hand to kiss it sweetly, regardless of his words.
“Blasphemy, I am so unspoiled, in fact i a-” And before Virgil can continue whatever tangent he planned, Roman saves himself and his ears, he kisses his partner swallowing up whatever words he had. “Cheater” “Work smarter, not harder” Roman grins. And even with Virgil's mumbles of rejection, he was smiling. 
“Is that what you teach my kid when you babysit?” Virgil sighs, though his disappointment is only an act. 
“Absolutely!” Roman nods, his smile wider than ever. “I tell him, I say ‘Damian. Listen, when you're in math class, simply use a calculator’ and oh does he smile” 
“Oh my god, you're a terrible influence” Virgil laughs, feeling his chest bubble with warmth. “He needs to learn how to do math without the calculator” “Virgil” Roman turns, taking the detective's face in his hands. “Mi amor” He starts, Virgil rolls his eyes covering his obvious blush. “When, literally when, will he ever have to do math where a calculator is not available” Romans eyes are stern.
“That's so not the point, it's good for him to have the skill” Virgil rebuts
“The answer is never! Never is he going to be an adult, doing math that requires a calculator, where a calculator is not available” He turns back to the path, stopping by the coffee stand, ordering two cups. 
“You're impossible” Virgil whispers, with absolutely zero malicious intent, watching his breath in the cold air. He joins the judges side, thanking him for the coffee. 
Strolling the courthouse, both fully aware there was no destination, made him happy. Being by Romans side, even in silence, made him happy.
Virgil was happy. 
The guilt washed away with ease. Every ounce that had been shoving him to his knees, grinding them to pieces, let him go. Patton was okay, he was going home, safe. Liam hadn't bothered the group since Logan put him in his place. Remy and him had been forgiven, by both Patton and Logan. James, may he rot, was in jail. And Roman was his. All his to love for however long he was permitted to, a small- no, a big part hoped it was forever. At this bright hour of 8:05 AM, Virgil allowed himself this moment of self indulgence. This moment to be selfish, coffee in one hand, Roman in the other.
He was happy. 
“I am not happy, Tolentino” Heard, processed, and instantly forgotten. Logan's head was killing him, the last thing he needed was a scolding and running on no coffee as well. “I think we need to have a discussion about your recent work ethic”
“Mhm” Logan was barely listening, honestly, his mind was nowhere at the moment. His boss could be firing him from the firm, but he was far too tired to care. After another lecture, Logan was dismissed, giving him ample opportunity to find the nearest coffee booth and consume all of it. 
He had been skeptical of the firm working out of the courthouse at first. Lawyers coming in and out, cases he wasn't on though dying to participate happening just next door, the judges bothering him, it had a recipe for disaster written all over it. But it ended up being perfect. It was exactly the place he wanted to work at. If his stuffy office ever got too much, just a quick stroll and he could find himself in the courtyard, listening to the steady fountain flow. 
It was perfect.
Plus, this is where he met Patton. Fell in love with him, proposed to him, and watched him everyday.
That wasn't so bad. 
He smiled, lifting the coffee to his lips, sipping carefully at the hot beverage. One could argue the worst things also happened here, and they wouldn't be wrong. But the good for Logan, far outweighed the bad. The love of his life walked these halls everyday, lighting up his path as he smiled. Hm, he thought to himself, he should call Patton. He missed his fiancee, and noon was so far away.
“Patton Hart!” A familiar yet welcome warmth creeped on Logan.
“Whos taking whos last name” Well. That was definitely not how he wanted to start the conversation. 
“Well,” Patton thought for a moment, considering Logan's question with sincerity. “Patton Tolentino”
Logan would blame the red tint of his cheeks on the cold air. 
“Its not bad…but I like my last name!” Patton chirps, Logan nods, covering his mouth “And it's the kids last name” It is, Logan's mind was gone once more. Patton Tolentino, Patton Tolentino, the name ran through his mind. “Lo?”
“Present” A soft giggle resonated through the phone “Logan Hart” He repeats, it felt odd falling off his tongue at first. “Loooogan Hart” He tried once more, it wasn't bad. However, could such a sweet name, filled with adoration, suit him. With his mind busy, he hadn't noticed the other line had gone quiet. “Honeybee?” He inquires softly
“Can't we just get married already” Had he not been listening so intently, Logan would have missed the whisper of desperation. 
“What about combining them?” He proposes. A laugh rings through, approving the idea. They continue an idle conversation, but Patton's question continues to play over and over in his mind.
Soon, I promise. 
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callemreine · 3 years
Ok here goes nothing
Guilty Tears 5 wtf
!! This is mostly just pointing out details in the background that are too far into the shadows to be seen clearly !!
CW // basically just a narration of the video / biblical references / blood / swearing
The video starts with Thomas on the staircase showing the mess similar to the ones in WTIT. When he goes down the staircase, we clearly see the storybook from Roman's video. So its either Remus is causing this string of nightmares where the episodes of Guilty tears take place or Remus just keeps the book around to remind Thomas about how Roman's story goes to prevent him from believing any "deceptions Roman puts up or displays him"
"But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ."(2 Corinthians 11:3) Im not that religious but I tried my best to find the meaning of this verse. Basically the "I" is Paul who was afraid that the false apostles were just as deceitful as the snake that tempted Eve and that they disguise theselves as servants of righteousness like how Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
I dont know who the "I" could be from the sides. But I do think that its either one of the dark sides, including Virgil, or Thomas. And the "false apostles" are the light sides because they act as if they are important and always helps Thomas in a good way, but in reality, they're just as worse as the dark sides and puts Thomas down the same way as the others do(?)
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I edited it to look more brighter and also to see the word the blood forms on the blinds. It clearly says "UNHELPFUL" Also for a moment, I kinda see Janus as the shadow cuz theres a little bump on the side of the head which might resemble as his hat. Or maybe not and its just probably just some random person XD
Im also kinda confused on why Thomas didnt go up to see who it was cuz thats kinda what he did in WTIT in the closet scene
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Theres the "BE GOOD" that I couldnt really say much about... Who wrote it? Could be Remus. Could be someone else seeing that Remus might have not done anything yet based on what he says at the end of the video
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Ok now here is where things kinda gets more confusing. Theres Logan's monitor from the first episode and Patton's cutout from the third episode right behind the monitor. This reinforces the Remus creates the nightmares theory or the Remus keeps things as a reminder for Thomas(or for the sides) theory. Also the closet door is open with green light referencing WTIT once again. It kinda made me think that this is the mindpalace of the darksides for some reason.
The knocking continues but it switches from the window to the front door. Its very clear cuz I was wearing earphones and theres this thing where the audio moves around that makes it seem like its coming from a certain direction
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Now I need to emphasize the difference between these two photos. The first one is when we first pan to the bookshelf. The second one is right after the glitch from the phone. Now I would like to direct your attention to the barely visible area on the right side of the two images. The wall went from wall color to red after the glitch. I zoomed in and there were some random scribbles that I probably stared at for far too long. The only thing I could make out was the word 'proud' and a very very vague 'I hope' just above it. I promise Im not crazy, its just far too late for me to be awake. But here I'll show you
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Oh and theres Virgil and the oatmeal and Nico's number from WTIT or whatever /j
Theres not really much I could point out anymore that is significant from that point on other than how fucking creepy Remus was at the end. Though there is a part of me that believes that none of this(and the others' videos) was Remus' work and that he just materialized the other sides' fears but not actually making his own intrusive thoughts to scare Thomas with his own intention. Hence, his dialogue at the end
Also if the shadow isnt Janus, then Janus isnt anywhere to be found in this episode. And I dont really know what that implies. Gosh Im so excited for his turn
Me: *makes an analysis*
Also me: *hyperfocuses on a wall*
Its fucking 2 am
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goodieghosty · 3 years
Ooooh! Just realized that Ro and V kinda sought each other out. If v didn't want to be around you, he could avoid you and Ro could very much do the same. The fact that they argued so much that it drove Patton to the point of forcing them to work together means something.
During the project.
Ro: "okay I know you couldn't care less about me..."
V emberassed because his rumblings were just added to their project and he is not sure how to feel.: "that's not true."
Ro speechless
V:"if I didn't care I would let you break your own heart as often as you like, I would've let Patton deal with your pregnancy...
I... I can tell you are a good guy Roman. You have the makings of a great God. We got off on a rocky start, I do not like being woed by someone who doesnt know me. But... I dont know. I have a soft spot for clueless idiots," smirk and shove.
Roman pouts but decides to return the sincerity. "Well I had been fascinated by you for a long time before we met.
It's not that I knew nothing. I knew that while most gods will accept any offering, you prefer handmade gifts. No matter how humble. I knew that you take it seriously when someone is in your care. And then I saw you... I might have been a bit too much. I'll hand you that... it's not an excuse, but it is how I was raised sort off..." virgil's eyes narrow. "Those people didn't deserve to have you in their lives,"
Blushing. "Thanks. And everyone who can call you their friend is lucky."
"Well... gues you are lucky then,"
Virgil calling Roman his friend ;A; ahhhhh!a my heart!
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roman: what are you doing with that?
remus, packing a bag full of various outdoor spraypaints and a sealer for his art: gonna go trash that new guilt trippy pro-life billboard on the boulevard
roman: call me if you get caught, that thing is atrocious; i'll bail you
remus: if i get caught i'm calling janus because he's a fucking lawyer, roman
roman: can you afford janus? you know he doesnt work pro bono
remus: well i'm not calling fucking patton, nothing ruins a tough guy image like calling in a lawyer known for crying through his cases
roman: and winning.
remus: yeah, janus took losing that case a bit hard. anyway, you can just pay him with my supposed potential bail money.
roman: better idea! dont get caught
remus: righy-o! well, i'm off tp wreak havoc in the world. ""constructively.""
roman: and i'm thankful for that every day. that chick fil a still hasnt opened back up after whatever you did to their kitchen.
remus: trust me, you dont want to know.
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estradasphere · 6 months
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tagged by @charlottan for 6 albums ive been listening to recently ^-^ thanks!!!
1. gangpol und mit - the hopelessly sad story of the hideous end of the world (bitpop / glitch pop)
thanks baxter for making me aware of this one. very very charming and catchy and unique!! love the cute quirky bleeps n bloops and robovocals contrasted with the kinda dark story. very surreal katamari-esque vibe to me. not always in the mood to listen to this one but i've been replaying it a lot lately. (...i wish i could find a copy of this album art that isn't JPEG'd to hell, but regardless.) favorite song: the only sure thing about luck is that it will change
2. radiation 4 - wonderland (mathcore / avant-garde metal)
found this one a bit ago from doing one of the "5 obscure bands" hyhtb posts. not really doing anything that other mathcore bands haven't, but still has found a special place in my heart. i just can't help but love obscure myspace-era bands with little/no high-quality footage. and they dressed in labcoats onstage! - how can you not love that!!!!!!! one of the few Very Loud And Screamy albums that i am somehow always in the mood for despite generally not liking that sound (along with tub ring - zoo hypothesis). favorite song: love through tapeworm hooks
3. humming urban stereo - very very nice! and short cake (lounge)
found through one of tumblr user kitschke's daily reviews. her thoughts ended up being about the same as mine - it's nice lounge with some eccentric sounds/samples. except i'm not as put off about scully doesn't know being on the album 3 times because that's my favorite song on it :p not much to say, i just like it! relaxing favorite song: scully doesn't know (korean version)
4. general patton vs. the x-ecutioners self-titled (experimental hip-hop)
wait, this album isn't called joint special operations task force? shit ive had it tagged wrong this entire time. anyway, i've been revisiting this one lately... not a hiphop buff so im not sure how to describe it but i love the glitchy scratchy parts and loads of sample usage and the little shining parts of Actual Song (we'll paint this town / wake me up in heaven / fire in the hole / etc) to grasp onto before it goes right back to being a mess of samples and glitchiness. basically the spasmodic nature of fantomas except its hiphop. whats not to love favorite song: "we'll paint this town" -- throat and phonograph fire support coordination measures (TPFSCM)
5. portishead - dummy (trip hop)
listened to as part of an album exchange thingy in char's server (thanks eve!). i looove the atmosphere, so much that i dont mind that the album as a whole feels kinda samey to me? its got this kinda dark and gloomy feel to it but its also so dreamy and vibey and... yeah! beats are good vocals are great. just let it wash over u favorite song: sour times
6. high castle teleorkestra - the egg that never opened (avant-prog)
obviously not a recent discovery, but i'm never Not listening to it. in case you somehow have been following me without knowing what this band is, it shares 3 members with estradasphere and is one of the best things ive ever damn heard (EXTREMELY biased). i'll try not to gush about it too much here but its so complex and beautiful and simultaneously retro and innovative and i love the scifi themes and yeah!!!!!!!!! HCT SECOND ALBUM PLEASE I NEED IT. favorite song: the days of blue jeans were gone
whoever wants to do this do it!!!! i have tagged you in spirit. go forth
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babysizedfics · 4 years
papa bear and baby cub
pls accept this messy concept that i literally just copy pasted from mine and livs 5am convo
imagine baby and papa are hanging out vee is half regressed, and at one point vee looks at pat and says "papa bear?" and patton nods and is like yes baby im papa bear! then vee looks at the ground thinking very hard ... then looks back up and whispers "papa... papa grr bear? bear?" and holds her kitten mitten paw hands up
and pattons like oh no dont worry baby papa isnt really a bear!! but then vee tears up and goes "wan b bear cubble.. papa bear? bear peas?"
and patton rlly softly goes Oh i see.. alright!
and he breaks out the gentle roororooars and snuffles and pretends to be sniffing the baby but hes just tickling his nose over vees neck and tummy :((
literally vee on the blankie om the floor and pat crawling around her and makin bear growls n snuffles and rubbing his nose over babies legs and tummy and neck and cheeks and vee squeakng with giggles and her eyes are just happy u know when she looks up at papa bear in anticipation of more nose tickles her eyes are sparkly and squinty bc shes smiling so hard behind her paci
but also vee gets nervous when people are silent so patton also adds dialogue like "whats this little cub doing here! and wheres all her fur! ooh is this fur?" and 'paws' at her hair gently "and wont her legs get cold without any fur on? i'll warm them up with bear kisses!" and snuffles and smooches over her legs and vee gets so giggly and giddy and wiggly
and eventually vee gets to ride the bear like pat was on his knees and scooped vee onto his back but he has to stand up bc he has bad hips and cant crawl with her on his back but he like walks around the house with her on his back but he still pretends to be a bear
and like goes up to mama saying who is this handsome furless mama bear! and logan pauses and frowns and looks down at himself and says "i thought remy said i was a twink"
side note, wow patton is a papa bear and a pretend bear AND a gay bear.... triple threat
ohhh my gosh but he's. hes such a good papa bear and he's takin care of his lil cub :ccccc
and vees wearing the kitten paws n when he puts her down again fae's just plopping all over the place making the whisperiest little rorrorors WAAAH
p: grr fffnfl roarr
v, tryin to copy: g g gaga r wowowo *giggle*
kitten mittens WAHHH she was only half little before but pattons bear tickles turned her into a teeny tiny baby and she babbles and pettons oop haha have we got a tiny babygirl ? and lowers her down gently and crouches to her and vee is SO FAR GONE fae is just babbling and wiggling and papping around the blankie so cuuute
n Patton follows faer like "oooh what a playful little baby cub!" like "GASP the baby cub is learning to walk!" bc shes crawling
jdfhhdsj this is so sweet if this is a day where vee is lil and playful but roman cant be little w faer but papa bear patton is hear to save the day w lots of silliness
inspired by this tweet, and also i totally imagine faer wearing this dress during this hshshd
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
If I had a soul I would be willing to sell it for more Logan hcs. (you mentioned that asks are slower so I thought it wouldn't be a bad time to ask) Hope you have a good morning/day/night time zones are weird
Ok so i dont have any hcs but i do have a lil scenario between him and Patton i was JUST thinking about
Since Patton and Lo live close to each other, Patton is constantly going to Logan's place
And its always super sudden most of the time Patton just texts him "hey im outside open up"
And Logan immediately answers cause hes the type of guy to have different ringtones for each of his friends so he knows its Patton and goes to open the door right away
But this time Logan doesnt even sees Pat's texts
So Patton stays outside for like 15 minutes still texting Logan in hopes the spam of messages will make him check his phone
He groans especially cause he knows Logan is home. He didnt have a shift at work today
And even if something last minute had happen like idk Roman asked him to hang out Logan would STILL check his phone
And Patton is not going back to his home his dad is there ew
And after some other 5 minutes of him tapping his foot in annoyance he goes fuck it and enters through the kitchen's window
"You spend the whole day on your phone why not now? Ive been out for like an hour " He yells. No response
"Logan???" Nothing
He goes up the stairs and hears music blasting from Logan's room. Ah. Maybe thats why
"If youre dancing like an idiot im not gonna have mercy this time and im gonna record you!"
Once Patton gets there Logan is nowhere to be seen.
His phone is charging and the music is BLASTING from Logan's tv and its so loud Patton had to turn it down a little
"Okay NOW im getting worried" Pattom says to himself as he leaves the room and starts going down the hallways checking every room looking for his friend
"Logan???" He calls one last time
Then Logan's head pops down FROM THE CEILING and it took Patton a solid second to realize he was in the attic
"JOHNATHAN!" Logan calls very enthusiastically yet nearly giving Patton a heart attack
"What are you doing up there?"
"Im checking out my dad's stuff! Theres TONS of instruments here! Come up, check it out!!!"
As Patton goes uo the stairs to the attic Logan starts explaining "I was rather tired of playing just my guitar and i thought that maybe my dad had some instrument saved up in here i could try. He used to be a musician, you know? So i gave it a shot and came up here and theres so many of them! And theyre all in perfect state! Im taking the bass, the electric guitar, the keyboard, and i found a kalimba, i left it somewhere...im taking them all to my room to learn how to play them"
"I think youre getting just a tad obsessed with music, Lo" Patton mentions with a teasing smile
"I cant help it!" Logan replies with a smile as well "Its so fun, and interesting, and fascinating...I...I havent picked up a book in a good while now, I just cant get music out of my head" and for some reason Lo sounds a little embarrassed about it
"Well thats great. Youre our music guy now." Pat smiles "Still a nerd, though. Our music nerd"
And then Patton starts checking out the things in the attic as well, and just like Logan said, theres indeed TONS of instruments there, all in perfect condition"
"How about you learn how to play the banjo? thatd be pretty cool" Pat jokes at one point. And he chuckles when Logan says "oh DEFINITELY. Just let me get the hang of the bass and electric guitar first and i'll get my hands on that banjo". Especially because he sounded genuinely serious
After a while, Patton finds a big case
"Whats that big one?" He asks
"Oh? Oh. Thats my dad's drum kit"
"And you dont wanna try it out?" He asks, getiing closer to it
"I dont think i have enough coordination to play it. That and i think its too loud, at least for me" Logan shrugs
"I could use some loudness back at my house, if im honest"
"Do you wanna keep it?" Logan asks
"The drum kit. You could take it home and learn how to play it" he replies "You definitely have the coordination, and, i dont know, since hitting things helps you let some anger out, this could help. You could, like, pretend its your dad's face or something"
"That sounds very tempting" Patton replies, and both him and Logan chuckle a little bit
"No, but seriously, i mean it"
"Logan, no. Its your dad's"
"He gave up on these instruments a while ago. He only plays piano and my guitar if he feels like it. Im sure hes okay with it!"
"Even so, if my dad sees this on my room he will get rid of it the moment i leave my room!"
"Then we can just keep it here and you can come to practice whenever you want!"
Patton just gives him an unconvincing glare
"Come onnn... lets be music buddies, Pat!"
And after a while of Patton eyeing the drum set, he sighs. It does sounds very tempting
"Okay. But ask your dad if hes okay with it"
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