#i dont know what this fucking image is please dont ask me why i felt compelled to make it
aothotties · 1 year
Drunk Texting
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Heyyyyy! Im Rachel, the other half of AOTHOTTIES. Like she said this is very much 18+ so minors DNI :)
I hope you enjoy this fic about your ex, Connie drunk texting you :)
CW: NSFW, oral (f. receiving), lil bit of overstimulation, pet names (daddy,papi,mami,baby, etc), creampie <3
also all the stuff in italics is flashback :)))) & there is a tiny crumb of Spanish in this cause Connie is literally Dominican idc.
Bitch fucj yoi
I hat evrythif about u 
Baby plse i muss you sm
I nevrw ment the things isaid to you
Fine syipid bitvh dont reply i literlt dont care 
Thats why i fckd spooo many bitcjes since i lefy your sorry ass
Y/N please answer me
You stared blankly at the multiple texts you received from your ex, Connie. You knew he was drunk, it seemed to be the only thing he did since you broke up. Messages like this were a common occurrence at this point.
Constance, get a fucking grip please 
You get a gril. You mak me sivk
Im begging you to get yourself together 
Shut up
I missyou sobmuch
Y/N im sorry
You’re fucking pathetic
Turning on DND, throwing your phone to the opposite end of the couch you decided you were done with this sorry ass conversation. This was every fucking day. Connie spends the morning completely unbothered by you but by nightfall, an influx of jumbled messages that get progressively worse as the night goes on. If you're lucky you'll get a 10-minute-long voicemail that ranges from sweet words of him expressing his love to you all the way down to him cursing your name as he explains how much he hates you. You understood the apologies and the million i-love-yous, you deserved it. You were the best thing to ever happen to him and you both knew it. It was the anger and hatred that got to you. It didn't hurt your feelings, but it pissed you off. How could he be angry when he's the one in the wrong? He was the one that hurt you and he didn't deserve to be angry, you did. 
“Why the fuck are YOU angry, dickhead. You make me so fucking mad”, you mumbled to yourself as you thought about the day you broke up
“Baby, text my mom and let her know i’ll meet her at the airport at 8am and remind her not to forget my passport this time. And do your best to say it in spanish you know her ass can't speak english”
You were sad your man was leaving you to go to DR but his grandfather had passed and he was going to his funeral and to spend time with his family. His parents invited you to tag along but you weren't able to get the time off work at such a short notice. 
“Ok so i tried my best but i promise you she probably will know its me trying to speak spanish”
You laughed as you placed his phone back on the charger next to you. He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled and he continued playing his game as you sat next to him watching him lose for the 3rd time
His phone dinged next to you. You picked it up assuming it was his mom, but it was from an unsaved number.
“ what she say?” he asked also thinking his mother had responded
“It's not her it's just a random number”“Who is it?”
“I don't know I'll look”
Papi, te extraño.
Y extraño el bicho que me diste la ultima vez
Your heart dropped into your stomach. You didn't speak Spanish, but he had taught you enough to understand exactly what was happening. You couldn’t believe what you were reading as you felt tears well up in your eyes. Before you could even speak another message came in. a picture of her ass in the smallest thong you’ve seen with “Connie ❤️” tattooed on the cheek. At this point you couldn't stop yourself from crying.
Remembering seeing that image on his phone brought you to tears. “Dirty cheating bastard” you mumbled while you got up to wash your face in the bathroom. You kept replaying that moment in your head no matter how much you hated it, it was a day you'd never forget.
“Connie what the fuck? Are you serious?” yelling as you tossed his phone at him. He paused his game and shot you a confusing look then you watched as a guilty look washed over his expression when he looked at the phone
“Mami please, i can explain”
“Nah. save it. Get all your shit and get the fuck out”
You unplugged his xbox and removed it from your dresser. You tore through every drawer grabbing anything that was his and tossed it directly at him 
“Y/N please listen to me. It's not what it looks like Y/N i promise you. Baby please, look at me, please listen”
His words went in one ear and out the other as pain boiled over into anger and rage. The closet contained most of his things and you yanked the door open and began tearing all his clothes off the hangars, some ripping in the process
“Oh my god, Y/N you have to hear me ou – “
“I don't have to hear shit” you cut him off not wanting to hear another word out his mouth. “What can you even tell me right now? You're just going to explain something I can clearly see. There’s some bitch in DR you fucked when you stayed with your grandparents over the summer. Right now, she's eagerly waiting on you, missing the dick you gave her last time.”
Connie looked shocked and sad at the same time. He’s never seen you so angry before, you've always handled your emotions so well but this was the first time seeing you completely blow up
“Oh you thought i wouldn't understand what she said?” you laughed in his face. “ i know enough to see you're a piece of shit, get your shit off the fucking floor and get out connie” you tried to walk out but he grabbed you and pushed you against the wall
“No Y/N let me explain,please” tears ran down his cheeks as he begged you to listen. You tried to squirm out of his grip but he was too strong
“ i don't want to hear –”
“No please listen”
There was no escaping his grasp and you found yourself stuck listening to what he had to say.
You stared at your pathetic expression in the mirror as water trickled down your face. Could you really be here crying over a cheater? Was it seriously still affecting you after 5 months? Defeated, you slid down the wall in the bathroom and pulled your knees to your chest. With your face buried in your hand the tears began spilling as you continued to relive one of the most heartbreaking moments of your life 
“Y/N i know it looks bad but this is a misunderstanding”
It made you sick just looking at him. A cheating piece of shit staring down at you trying to make up some lies to get him out of the situation. If it wasn't for him having you pushed up against the wall you would have walked out, not even caring to listen.
“Look ok, we broke up that summer, remember? And I was kind of upset, so  my uncle decided to take me out to clear my head and I met her at a club. Y/N i don’t even know her real name. She goes by a nickname and I never even talked to her enough to find out – “ he was interrupted by you getting even angrier than before.
“So you don't even know this bitch? You just stuck your dick in the first person you saw when you got there? And don't give me that “we broke up” bullshit, Connie we talked the entire summer you were there and you know this. You called me every day to tell me how much you miss me and couldn't wait to come back so we can work on ourselves, just for it to be lies. You obviously didn't miss me enough to stop fucking around.”
“This was before that, it was when I literally first got there. Before I called you that one night, remember when I called you and we spent the entire night on the phone? That's when we started talking again. I had met her before that night and it was dumb but yes, I slept with her. But it meant nothing baby i promise you”
He started crying again as he was explaining what happened. You felt nothing while watching him fall apart in front of you. Even though he was practically falling to his knees there was something in your gut that made you feel like this was so much deeper that what he tried to make it 
“It was still  wrong, connie!” ,you found yourself screaming at this point, “if you KNEW you were on the island fucking with someone why would you even call me again? You knew exactly what the fuck you were doing!”
“Y/N, please listen, it was nothing. It was a stupid summer fling –”
Just like that..he told on himself. The situation he tried to pass off as a one-time quick fuck was actually a long term fling that lasted the entire time he was on vacation. 
In that instance you felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. Tears began flooding from your eyes and you barely found the strength to whisper, “so it happened more than once?”
He swallowed hard before responding, “Yes Y/N, it did. And I know we were still talking but we still weren't technically together so i didn't think it was wrong. And she got the tattoo without even telling me, okay? She made it more important than what it really was. And when I came home I never spoke to her again. I can show you the messages i do not talk to this girl. I'm not even sure how she knows I'm coming again.”
With every word he spoke your heart broke more. He wanted to dismiss the situation and downplay it. This was obviously more than a summer fling to her and he must have given her reason to believe so. Connie was the love of your life and you never expected him to do something like this. You knew he was the one when you first met him. He treated you better than anyone ever had and no matter the ups and downs he was patient with you. He understood you were constantly at war with yourself, but he always calmed your storm and brought silence to your chaos. Yet here he was, standing in front of you, trying to justify infidelity. Anger arose in you again and you felt rage you've never felt before.
“Get your sorry ass out!”, you screamed as you slapped him across the face. He clenched his jaw and balled his fist and for a split second you though he was going to hit you back. But then he released the tension in his body and dawned a cold demeaner
“You know what Y/N, fuck you. And fuck this relationship. You're trying to make me the bad guy for acting single when i was….single. And as I'm here in front of you apologizing trying to show you that it was nothing, you act like the hard headed bitch you always are. I can't keep dealing with your bullshit, Y/N. so ill gladly get the fuck out because truthfully i fucking hate you.”
He grabbed your hand and slipped the ring off your finger then he turned to walk out of the closet as you stood there shocked. He had never spoken to you like this in the 4 years you were together. You had so much to say in that moment because how could he have the audacity to be angry right now, but you were unable to speak. You stood, dumbfounded, as you watched him grab his keys and walk out the door.
After that you didn't hear from him for 2 months straight. He reached out to you to genuinely check on you but in those months you had begun to heal and love yourself. You started therapy and worked closely with her to get over what he said and done. When you ignored the first message the angry, drunk, message started. 
You continued to sob on the floor. In these 5 months you gained so much strength, but you still had nights like this. Your broken heart still lingered no matter how much you thought you were over it and him. Every part of you still loved him and you wished you never saw the messages that day. You'd be married to the love of your life if you didn't. But instead of a happy life with him you were sitting on a cold floor crying so hard it was difficult to breathe. You decided to indulge in his coping mechanism. You pulled yourself up off the floor and went into the kitchen. You swung the freezer door open and grabbed the bottle of crown peach, it was his favorite and you avoided drinking it so as to not remind yourself of him. But you felt different tonight. In some sick way his favorite liquor made you feel as if you still had a part of him with you. The smooth liquor burned as you drank it straight from the bottle. As the liquor began coursing through your body you had an urge to text him. It was your turn to send the angry drunk texts and give him a taste of his own medicine. 
As you feverishly typed you heard your front door unlocking. Your best friend had a spare key but it wasn't like her to show up unexpected. You shrugged it off and locked your phone, taking her surprise visit as a sign you should just leave him alone. You heard footsteps through the hall that grew louder as they approached the kitchen. You turned to greet her but was shocked at the sight before. Connie, with bags under his eyes, was standing right in front of you, looking at you as if he’d seen an angel.  A few seconds of silence had passed as neither one of you knew what to say. A small part of you wanted to run into his arms, kiss him and tell him how much you missed him. But he cheated on you and told you he hated you. And he had to leave your house immediately.
“Connie leave. I forgot you still had your key, but you can leave it on the counter before you go”
There was no feeling in your voice and no expression on your face. You couldn't show him your hand and he had to believe you were over him. He started walking closer to you with tears pooling in his eyes.
“Y/N, i missed you so much. I'm sorry for barging in like this but I just had to see you.” words were spilling out of his mouth and he walked closer, “I'm a piece of shit okay? I know what i did was fucked up and not a day goes by that i don't regret it but baby i promise you she was nothing. I was wrong for being with her while promising you we’d get back together and I feel like such a dick. I hurt the only person I've ever loved and I'll never forgive myself for that but Y/N i can't stop loving you. I don't deserve it but please forgive me, please tell me you still love me as much as you did before this”, he sobbed, “i don't want to be with anyone else. I want you to marry me, Y/N. you're supposed to be my wife, we’re supposed to spend the rest of our lives together.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out the ring he had given you before. He grabbed your hand to put it on your finger but you pulled away. At this point you were crying too. Those are words you wanted to hear this whole time. You spent many nights crying into your pillow wishing he’d call you to say that exact same thing to you. You wanted to take him back but you knew better than to give in
“How can we be together again, Connie?”, you spoke through tears, “I'll never be able to trust you again. You broke me, and I don't know if I can forgive you.” 
He grabbed your hands, fell to his knees and looked up at you as he pleaded, “Y/N please! I need you, I can't go on without you. I'll apologize every day for the rest of my life so you’ll forgive me, mami please I'm so sorry. I never meant the things i said to you before i left, i could never hate you, mami, you're the love of my life. The drunk texts were stupid, and all lies. I haven’t been with anyone since you because I can't get you off my mind. Please, please give me another chance, baby i promise i wont fuck it up this time. Please, I'll do anything to get you to forgive me” his sobs were uncontrollable as he begged for your forgiveness.
You looked down at him as he begged and cried. Unsure if it was the liquor in you or the lack of dick since he left but you became aroused at the sight in front of you. This man looking so pathetic on his knees, crying and begging for you to be with him again made a pool of wetness form in your panties. You stepped closer to him until his face touched your pelvis and you quietly thanked yourself for not wearing pants. 
“Anything?’ you seductively asked. Connie grabbed your hips to pull you closer as he took a deep breath of your scent. A bulge formed in his pants as your sweet smell filled his nose. He began kissing your clothed clit. A soft moan escaped your lips from the pleasure and was in this moment you realized how much you missed having his face between your thighs. His tongue darted out of his mouth and he licked your cunt through your panties. You whined, desperately wanting to feel his tongue again.
Connie grew hungry and couldn't bother to take your panties off. He moved the soaked fabric to the side and attached his mouth to your swollen clit. You let out a high pitched “baby” as the pleasure consumed you. His tongue licked from your hole up to your clit then back down. He continued this as your moans grew louder. The sound of your wetness echoed through your kitchen and Connie's dick pressed hard against the fabric of his pants that were now wet from his precum. 
He started to fuck your hole slowly with his tongue and you moved you hips up and down, grinding yourself on his face. Connie knew you loved this and knew it would bring you to your peak.
“Mm papi, just like that. please don't stop” you begged as your budding orgasm came close to the edge. “Cum for me mami, right in my mouth," he responded between licks. You put your leg over his shoulder for balance as you drew closer to your climax. His hands squeezed your thighs as your cunt clenched around his tongue, he knew from that alone you were about to cum for him. “Fuck baby, im cumming ah –” you shivered as your cum spilled into his mouth. He licked your juices making sure to not waste a drop.
He stood up and crashed his lips on yours. Connie kissed you as if it were the first time, the passion was tense between the two of you. You missed each other and your bodies missed each other too. He grabbed your thighs and lifted you up. He started kissing the spot on your neck that he knew would make you melt. You threw your head back and moaned his name, knowing that would awaken the beast in him. He carried you to the room you once shared and laid you on the bed. You spread your thighs as he crawled between them. You could feel his dick pressing on your core and started grinding on him. 
“connie , i need it” you panted, grinding on him even faster.
“Un uh mami, you know you have to give me another one before i fuck you. Don't act like you forgot the rules”
He lifted your shirt and kissed from your neck to your chest. He brought his lips to your left nipple and pinched the right then switched to ensure they both got love. He planted kisses down your abdomen until he reached your cunt. He removed your panties wasting no time before latching again to your now sensitive clit. 
“Fuck mami you taste better than before. I missed tasting your sweet pussy every night” 
“ i m-missed squirting - mmm - on your face” you brokenly responded through your moans. You passed your fingers through his short silver hair, instinctively pushing his face deeper into your pussy. 
The overstimulation from his mouth was too much. “Connie baby! Too much – daddy please!” tears ran down your face as you squirmed under him. Your thighs tried to close to escape the stimulation, but he pinned your thighs to the mattress, “you can do it mami, one more time, just for papi. Can you give me another, princess?”, he slid his fingers in your cunt and curled them to hit your g-spot. His mouth found its way back to your clit as he finger fucked you harder. “Papi, ‘m gonna cum again” your body began shaking and your climax washed over you. You squirted on his face and he lapped it up as it spilled out of you. “good girl” he whispered as he came back up to kiss your cheek.
He slid off the bed and dropped his pants, taking his boxers down with them. Your mouth watered as you watched his dick spring out from its confines. He crawled back on top of you and lined his tip with your entrance, soaking it with your slick.
“Baby please don't tease” you begged as he rubbed his dick up and down your folds. Pleasure overcoming him, he slid into your cunt, sighing at the feeling of you clenching around his length. 
“Diablo, mami” he groaned as he came down to kiss you. He slipped his tongue in your mouth and deepened his strokes. You felt his tip hitting your cervix causing you to jump at the feeling.
“connie – fuck right there baby you're hitting it just right” you whined.
Hearing you say those words drove him insane. He picked up his pace and began bullying his dick into you. Your moans turned to slight screams and his groans grew louder.
“Oh mami”, he sighed, “i missed this pussy so much. You feel so good on my dick.”
Your walls began spasming as you reached your third orgasm for the night. Your hand clung to his back leaving scratches. Connie was fucking into you like a wild person. The look in his eyes was feral and the only thing on his mind was how good you felt taking his cock.
“ ‘M cumming papi, ah-, mm cant take it baby'.  you were a mess, tears staining your face, drool pooling on your chin. Your fucked out expression brought connie to his peak.
 “I'm gonna cum inside you baby. You want that? You want to feel me cum inside that tight little pussy?”
��Yes, cum inside me please baby, wan’ to feel your cum inside of me”
He groaned loudly as he came deep inside of you, hot ropes filling you to your brim. He slid himself out slowly and stared at your cunt, watching his sticky cum spill out of your fucked out hole. He rolled off and laid next to you. He pulled you to his chest and wrapped his arms around you
“ i really am sorry Y/N for everything” he said while tracing circles on your back
You grabbed his jaw and turned his face towards you then planted a sweet kiss on his lips.
“I know baby. Lets work on us, i want to be with you forever.” you whispered as you broke the kiss
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and closed his eyes to stop his tears from falling.
“I love you”, he whispered.
“I love you too” you responded as you drifted off to sleep with the love of your life
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fields-of-grimes · 2 years
Dirty Thoughts | Carl Grimes
Request: Could you possibly write a fanfic where Carl has a real big crush on the reader and thinks very ‘Adult’ things about her and the clothes she wears only makes it happen more, and the reader likes Carl back. But one day they are hanging out by themselves and he gets a boner but tries to hide it as much as possible but the reader notices and tried to talk about it then it turns into him confessing and the reader says she knew he liked her but not that much. Then it ends in something smutty. [ the reader is experienced, no pet names] IF YOU DONT ITS OKAY!!<3333(that’s very specific and I’m sorry:()
Carl grimes x fem!reader
CW: smut
Carl looked out his window, biting his lip as Y/N walked past his house in a crop top and shorts. His mind instantly became flooded with images of her lying on his bed, begging him to touch her.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his bedroom door, he jumped at the noise. He cleared his throat before walking to the door, he opened it and held back a gasp as Y/N was revealed on the other side.
“Hey Carl, whatcha doing?” You asked him. He swallowed quickly before answering, “Nothing much, what um what about you?” He asked trying his best to not sound so awkward.
You giggled slightly biting your lip looking into his eyes, you always had a crush on him ever since Rick saved you from Woodbury and brought you back to he prison, you and Carl instantly clicked and became best friends, somewhere along the line you caught feelings for him, you knew he liked you back but you thought it was only in a friendly type of way, you thought he could never like you back the way you liked him, maybe thats was why you dressed the way you did, to get him to see you the way you saw him.
You were brought back to reality by Carl’s hand waving in front of your face. “Hello? Earth to Y/N anyone home?” He asked laughing.
You blushed slightly and nodded. “Sorry i must’ve zoned out for a second, anyways i wanted to see if you wanted to hangout for a little bit?” You asked him smiling a little.
He nodded and moved out of the way so you could enter his room, he stared at your ass, as you walked to his bed. He shook his head a little attempting to rid his mind of the thoughts of fucking you right then and there, and sat next to you on his bed leaving a very noticeable gap between the two of you.
You leaned over to grab a comic, your shirt riding up showing a lot of under boob, Carl gasped as he felt himself getting hard. He quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it over his boner hoping you didn’t see it. He grabbed a comic and began reading it.
You bit your lip and slid a bit closer to him, leaving a smaller gap between the two of you, your arm accidentally hit the pillow moving it slightly, Carl didn’t notice that it had moved but when you began reading the first page of your comic, you saw his boner out of the corner of your eye. You began blushing and cleared your throat.
“Um Carl?” You asked looking over at him. He hummed slightly letting you know he was listening. “You’re um, you uh, i can see.” You stopped talking trying to find the words, he looked up at you confused. “English please?” He said laughing. You swallowed hard blushing even more before speaking. “You’re um well you’re pitching a tent.” You said motioning your eyes to his boner.
His eye followed your motion and he gasped before covering it and leaning over covering his face with his hands. “Oh my god im so sorry, i uh i read a sex page in my comic.” He said, you just sighed knowing he was lying. You got all of his comics for him since you were older by maybe 3 or 4 years, you kept all the explicit comics to yourself knowing Rick and Michonne would not appreciate you giving him rated R comics, even if he is old enough to know what sex is.
“Bullshit, i get your comics for you, i know what they are before you get them. Talk to me what caused it i wont laugh or make fun of you i promise.” You said rubbing his back comforting him.
He sighed and looked at you. “You caused it, i like you a lot Y/N, fuck i think im in love with you, and every time i see you i just want you touch me, and when you showed up in this wanting to hang out i just started thinking about how much i want to have sex with you, and i sound like a idiot, you must hate me now.” He said putting his face back into his hands.
You looked at him shocked, all this time you thought he only liked you as a friend, you never knew he thought about you that way. You put your comic down and looked at him. “Okay.” You said grabbing the pillow and throwing it off the bed. You bit your lip as you stared at his boner, you felt yourself becoming wet.
“What?” He asked looking at the pillow then back at you. “Y/N what are you doing?” He asked as he watched you move so you were straddling him.
“You said every time you see me you want to fuck me and you want me to touch you, so i can either suck you off and then we can fuck or we can just skip the foreplay and get straight to it.” You said as you rolled your hips on his erection moaning softly.
He bit his lip and placed his hands on your hips helping you move them, groaning softly himself. “Let’s do the first one please.” He said leaning his head back.
You got off of him and helped him take off his pants and boxers. Your eyes widened as ou were nearly smacked in the face by his erection. If anything Carl was definitely not on the small side. You wrapped your hands around his length pumping him softly before taking him into your mouth, bobbing you head up and down at a steady pac. He moaned loudly but quickly covered his mouth silencing his moans incase his dad or anyone else was home. You slowly started to massage his balls, bobbing your head faster as you felt him twitching in your mouth, he soon after came down your throat. You pulled away swallowing his cum.
He reached over you and opened his nightstand pulling out a condom, he sat back down and slid it on, helping you out of your clothes. You gave him a shocked looked. “Why do you have a condom in your drawer?” You asked. He blushed and looked away for a second then looked back at you. “I had a dream about this happening and stole some from Glenn incase this ever really did happen.” He said blushing harder as his eye fell to your breast.
You giggled and kissed him softly before straddling him, with one hand you grabbed his shaft positioning the tip at your entrance before sliding it into you, with the other hand you had it tightly gripped on his shoulder. You winced at the pain, this wasn’t your first time, you had a lot of experiencing unwillingly at Woodbury but Carl was most definitely on the larger side.
“You okay Y/N?” He asked as he was fully inside you noticing the pure look of discomfort on your face. “Yeah I’m okay, its just been awhile since ive done this.” You said as you started to bounce up and down at a steady pace, moaning softly. Carl’s hands were placed on your hips groaning in pleasure as he helped you bounce up and down.
Carl kissed you silencing both of your moans in fear of someone hearing. You moaned into his mouth, speeding your pace up, the feeling of your stomach tightening caused you to break the kiss, “Carl I’m close.” You said whining in pleasure wrapping your arms around him and pulling him closer. He held you tightly and nodded into your chest. “I think i am too.” He said sucking on your nipple, you moaned loudly before cumming all over his length, he shot his load into the condom before laying backwards taking you down with him.
You looked at him smiling, “This does mean we’re dating now right?” You asked him, he laughed before nodding. “Yes it does.” He said as he slid out of you, you laid next to him lying your head on his chest.
“Carl? Y/N?” You heard Rick’s voice coming from the hallway, you both quickly got dressed and sat on the bed just as the door opened. “Hey what’re you two up to?” Rick asked looking at the both of you.
You shrugged and looked up at him. “We’re just reading comics nothing to exciting.” You said before looking back down at your comic. “Alright well Maggie and Glenn are having us over for dinner, just wanted to let you guys know. Don’t have too much fun.” Rick said as he closed the door.
You and Carl looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.
I’M BACK!!!!!! Sorry for the shitty ending i didnt know how else to wrap it up
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miss-choi-park · 7 months
Sin never tasted so
Chapter 7 - Soft Nights
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A TXT Yeonjun Fanfiction from Mrs. Choi-Park
CEO/non-idol/dom/bully!Yeonjun! / Confident/sub/named/fem!Reader!
Previous Chapter:
[...] "Don't say fuck." She asked and I had to smile.
"What else?"
"Sex...that doesn't sound quite so derogatory."
That was kind of sweet. My heart warmed a little. Her honest eyes sparkled at me and I couldn't help but fall under her spell. Again.
I wrapped my arms around her a little tighter as I leaned forward. There were words on the tip of my tongue that would say more than any gesture in this world…words that were at the same time so risky that they stuck to my tongue.
It felt so good to have Sumi with me, so close, so intimate, so indescribably calming.
Warnings under the cut
Warnings: sex, rough language, sex language, kissing, Different positions, daddy Yeonjun, explicit explanation, naked touching?- I dont know, what else😅MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
Please remember that I fully respect the privacy of all K-Pop Idols and that this is just a fantasy. It's not my intention to harm anyone! (I've been a MOA since March 2023)
"Yeonjun?" I heard her soft voice that ran down my ear like honey and pulling me out of my dream land.
"Mh...?" I grumbled as I let my head fall onto her shoulder.
"Why are you suddenly getting hard again?"
I had to laugh. She really didn't seem to understand the effect she had on me.
"I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to have sex with you all night long." I said back and lifted my head from her shoulder again.
Sumi caught her lower lip between her teeth, which I would have liked to do for her.
"I have to go back to college tomorrow..." She said and I swear my heart exploded. She was so goddamn cute.
So my lips quickly found their way back to hers.
The kiss quickly became deeper. My hands flew down her back to her ass, which I gave a quick slap.
Sumi immediately tensed up and I smiled into the kiss.
She tasted so sweet, so sensually divine...I wanted her to move again. So I slapped her butt again. It wasn't strong, but the clap echoed through my apartment. Sumi moaned into my mouth and I willingly devoured her sound.
I remembered her request. She wanted me to be dominant...then she should get it!
“On all fours!" I demanded as we separated to take a breath.
I wanted to try every position with her, no matter how dirty it seemed...I wanted to take us both to heaven…nothing more and nothing less.
"What?" Sumi asked and we made eye contact. I swallowed and prayed to God she really wanted me to be dominant.
So I pushed her hips away from me so that I came out of her wonderfully hot center. Careful I wouldn't push her off of the couch, I pushed her to the side. Sumi fell onto the couch with her left shoulder and looked at me a little surprised.
I climbed back onto the couch with my legs, grabbed her hips and skillfully turned her so that her round and damn perfect ass was facing me.
"Yeonjun!" She uttered in surprise as I positioned myself behind her and clamped my hard cock between her butt cheeks.
"Baby, didn't we agree on a name?" I murmured before I began pushing and pulling my erection between her ass cheeks.
That alone felt almost too much. I caught my bottom lip between my teeth. The sight before me was way too sinful.
"You...you want to do it like that?" Sumi asked, turning her head back towards me. We made eye contact.
"On all fours!" I demanded again, making sure my voice sounded a little more threatening.
Sumi seemed to study me briefly before turning her head forward and pushing her hips up higher. Her chest remained on the sofa, which only made the image in front of me even more insane.
“Fuck, Sumi, you’re so incredibly sexy!" I whispered as I gave her another slap on the butt, now a little harder than before. I heard her whimper and I had to grin.
My hand flew around my erection. I couldn't resist moving it up and down as my second hand moved down Sumis back. "Say it! Who am I?"
I was surprised at her quick response. My hand on her stopped at the back of her neck. The ends of her hair there were damp. We were both sweating profusely.
"Good girl. Do you want Daddy to make you feel good?” I whispered. I was starting to like the idea of being called by that name.
"...Yes..." I heard Sumi quietly, so I leaned my upper body over her. While I made myself even harder with my hand.
"You need to speak louder." I whispered in her ear. I felt her thrust her hips towards me as she whimpered again.
"I...feel empty, Daddy." Sumi murmured, apparently a little shy. I licked my lips before letting my front teeth scrape across her shoulder.
I thought I heard her swearing.
"Poor girl, you feel empty? Got nothing in you, huh?” I whispered in her ear again and Sumi nodded.
Even though I didn't see her expression, I still knew what she must look like right now. Impatient, pleading... submissive sexy.
"Do you want Daddy to fill you so you can see stars?" I asked.
"God! Yes Yeon-...Daddy I need you!" Sumi moaned. I needed her too.
Immediately my hand on my cock positioned my tip at her entrance.
I arched my upper body back as I slowly pushed into her.
And God, the feeling of her welcoming me into her was heavenly.
Her soft, wet walls twitched around me. Her tight heat enclosed me perfectly. She really was made for me.
I quickly sank deeper and had to hang my head. On the one hand because I wanted to see myself disappearing into her and on the other hand because it felt so incredibly good...Like she was sucking me in.
"Shit Sumi, this is crazy!" I muttered as I closed my eyes to concentrate on not cumming too quickly. It took me a moment to get myself under control before I opened my eyes again and admired the sensual image before me. My fingers dug deeper into the skin of her hips on their own.
“Gooooooood Yeonjun!” she moaned as I slowly pulled out of her again.
"What was that?" I asked, signing my question with another slap on her butt. She immediately pushed her hips towards me more, bringing me a little deeper into her again.
"Daddy!" She moaned again and I had to grin. I would be lying if I said the name didn't turn me on, but she really really seemed to like it when I was dominant.
I thrust my pelvis forward again, deeper into her pulsating wetness.
Then I ran my hands down her sides until my chest touched her back.
Sumi whimpered like a wounded deer beneath me as I breathed into her ear and pulled my pelvis back again.
Damn I felt her so close and real to me. I felt her wet skin and the heat of her body. I was about to dive completely into her sensuality as my pelvis jerked forward again.
"Tell me your naughtiest fantasy, I'll make it come true!" I murmured in her ear as I pulled my pelvis back again.
The feeling inside me was difficult to describe. I was no longer just chasing my climax, but hers. I wanted her to feel so good that she would forget everything. I wanted her to cum so hard around me, that she would never think of any other boy than me.
My pelvis became faster as I braced myself on either side of her, no longer able to hold my body without support. Lost in her heat and her sounds, her smell and her body.
Sumi didn't answer and just as I was about to say something, I felt her small hand over mine. She pulled it far forward and finally bent it to her throat.
"Choke me!" I heard her and I lost touch to reality. The beast in me took over again. Instantly the pace of my pelvis doubled as I lined my hand to the base of her neck and squeezed lightly, experimentally.
Sumi immediately became louder. She lifted her head back and I buried my nose into her hair.
Fuck, that was by far...very far the best sex of my life.
I didn't squeeze her throat hard. When I thought it was getting too hard I immediately let go of her briefly, waited two breaths and enclosed her small throat again.
I noticed Sumi getting wetter than before and I felt myself starting to twitch uncontrollably inside her. I couldn't even breathe properly as Sumi throbbed around me more and more.
If the couch is moved tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised. I no longer had control of my pelvis. I fucked her so hard the sofa was shaking.
"So good-Ah! Fuck! Just a little more!" Sumi moaned. Her pelvis collided sinfully loudly with mine. The wet slaps of our bodies only turned me on even more.
"Cum! Cum around me!" I whispered into her red blushing ear.
“Oh god, Yeonjun-fuck-ah!” Sumi moaned so loudly that I was afraid my neighbors would hear her.
I squeezed her neck a little tighter again and started nibbling on her ear.
"Yeonjun-ah! I'm coming! Daddy! I-ah I cuUUUMM!" and I felt it clearly.
She twitched violently, my sign to let go, too. That didn't take very long. All it took was four or five thrusts to reach my own climax.
I could get used to the feeling of cumming deep inside her. The way her tight, twitching walls were...I couldn't describe it any other way...milking me was too good to be true. The way our juices mixed and my body reacted to it - incredible. So intense, so strong.
Sumis hips sank as I lowered my upper body onto her, gasping for air.
I felt my strength vanishing, my heart would have an attack if I continued to give in to this feeling inside me. In front of my closed eyes, things crackled brighter and darker every now and then.
"Yeonjun..." Sumi pulled me out of my world of strong feelings and I supported myself a little more.
Only then did I realize that I was still holding her throat. I quickly released my hand and rested it next to her shoulder.
As a result, I lifted up with the last of my strength in my arms and pulled myself out of her.
That was it...I didn't think I could get hard again. I quickly sat down because my arms felt like jelly.
"Is everything okay?" I asked as I wiped my damp hair from my forehead.
Sumi lay in front of me as if she were dead, the only thing that convinced me that she wasn't was her rapid breathing.
"I...hah...I'm...hah...fine." she gave me an answer and I had to smile. She was probably even weaker than I was right now.
After all, that was really good, intense sex.
Tonight I would be able to sleep well and I would somehow manage to get Sumi into my bed so that we could sleep together, because the feeling of having to hug her grew within me.
Sumi POV:
I saw stars. Everything around me was spinning. My muscles weren't really working anymore. I thought about getting up, but I couldn't. So I lay motionless on Yeonjun's sofa.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I heard his voice quietly. Then his hands on the backs of my knees, which slowly moved higher.
Oh no!
Please not another round!
I wouldn't be able to do that physically and mentally!
“Yeonjun, I...hah...can’t do it anymore!" I protested as I at least lifted my head and turned to him.
He smiled warmly at me: "Don't worry little one, me neither."
His hands went back down and then back up again. I allowed myself to close my eyes and hang my head again.
His touch was unexpectedly gentle and warming.
I heard Yeonjun's breathing slowly calming down. I also managed to quickly get my breathing back under control. But unfortunately I then noticed how incredibly tired my eyes were.
"Are you still hungry?" I heard Yeonjun as his hands got stuck in the back of my knees.
"Mhhh!" I simply replied, which made Yeonjun chuckle.
I heard him moving behind me, shortly afterwards I noticed something above me. Something fluffy that covered my entire body. Tired, I raised my head again and turned back to Yeonjun. A light, soft blanket lay over me and Yeonjun was just putting on his boxers.
"I'll order quickly." He muttered after adjusting his boxers and grabbing his phone.
The blanket above me gave me such an indescribably calming feeling that I found the strength to turn around on my back.
I didn't know what that was or what we had just done here again, but I didn't…really wanted to run away. I felt tired but safe. The big blanket above me was so cozy, so that I could fall asleep easily...and happily.
My eyes wouldn't leave the man at the end of the sofa. His hair was messy and damp at the back of his neck. Under the soft lighting in the room, his skin shone across his lean, muscular body.
Yeonjun's eyes found mine after a moment: "What pizza do you want?"
"Just order me a salami pizza." I said and Yeonjun grinned sideways before looking at his display again.
The moment just didn't seem real, as if we had just had incredible, breathtaking sex. It felt sureal.
When Yeonjun finally put his phone away, my head was flooding with thoughts again.
-Hopefully our parents would never find out!
-Why did that feel so good?
-Why was Yeonjun so incredibly attractive right now?
-Did I really just do that because of a deal?
"Hey!", Yeonjun brought me out of my thoughts, "Stop thinking so much."
His eyes were bigger than usual.
"If you think too much again, you'll regret it again." He said gently.
I smiled before closing my eyes and exhaling in defeat. Was I really that easy to read?
Shortly afterwards I felt a large hand on mine. I opened my eyes the moment Yeonjun leaned over me and placed my hand on his cheek.
"I don't want you to regret it, come on." He grumbled as his chest lowered to my thighs.
He rested his chin just above my middle: "Well, I thought it was great."
I giggled as I placed my second hand on his free cheek.
"Don't worry...I don't think I’ll regret that." I said and Yeonjuns eyes flashed.
He immediately raised himself to his forearms: "Really?"
Ok...that was...kinda sweet.
I simply nodded before brushing some strands of hair from his forehead.
There was a brief silence between us as I tried to fix his hair.
"Sumi?" He finally asked quietly as I pulled my hands out of his hair and we looked at each other.
"Slide over."
I raised an eyebrow as Yeonjun straightened further. I hesitantly moved a little closer to the back of the sofa.
He immediately climbed onto the spot which I had freed and layed down next to me.
I looked at him confused. I wasn't expecting that at all.
"What?" Yeonjun asked. The gentle smile on his lips invited me to snuggle up to him.
Wait…was I actually just thinking about that. Well I mean we just had sex…the line of physical contact...was overcome anyway.
"I heard girls were into aftercare." Yeonjun murmured and shortly afterwards I noticed his big hand above the blanket on my waist.
Somehow I knew what he was planning to do when he told me to make room. Plus, aftercare really sounded heavenly. That might make the sex seem even less like a quick fuck...
Feeling the warmth of his hand, I turned completely onto the side and closed my eyes.
Why not giving in?
I slowly jerked my head closer to Yeonjun.
It didn't take long before I felt his forehead against mine. His warm, calm breath gently brushed against my face. His hair tickled my forehead, but the feeling of snuggling even closer to him grew.
My head seemed to be the last part of my body that still felt uncomfortable being so close to him, but every cell in the rest of my body sank deeper into the warmth of his body, which was so close to me.
Yeonjun's arm slowly moved further around me.
"If you like, I can also run a bath." He murmured quietly and pulled me closer to him.
I finally buried my nose under his cheek and took a deep breath.
"I just want to lie here." I said. The words came out of my mouth in a blur. The tiredness inside me was only increased by his body heat. When Yeonjun finally started drawing small circles on my back, my eyes became so heavy that I could fell asleep right there.
I never thought I would feel...honestly...so…so comfortable in Yeonjun's arms.
"The pizza won't be here for another 30-40 minutes. You can sleep until then." Yeonjun whispered and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
My heart fluttered and I had to swallow my joy. I just felt so incredibly good, so liberated, so carefree, like I never have to worry about anything in the whole wide world ever again. The security that Yeonjun gave me in that moment was almost as satisfying as the sex.
With this good feeling, I felt myself sinking into dreamland with a smile on my lips.
"Sumi?" I heard a voice that enveloped my ear canal like soft velvets.
I blinked a few times as a warm hand lightly stroked my shoulder.
The first thing I saw was anything but a shock. Yeonjun was still lying next to me. A smile on his lips and eyes that looked at me so gently that I wanted to go back snuggling into his chest and continued sleeping, but Yeonjun interrupted my train of thought: "The pizza is here. You're probably still hungry, right?"
I blinked up at him sleepily: ''Hm?''
Yeonjun's smile widened a little before he straightened up and sat down with his back facing me.
''Pizza.'' he dragged out the word.
I rubbed my eyes as I slowly propped myself up on one forearm. My body felt sleepy.
''Here.'' Yeonjun said and I looked at him. He had a black clothing in his hand which he handed to me. ''Put something on, I want to eat and not get horny again.'' He murmured as he held the material closer to me. His eyes wandered down at me and only then I noticed that the blanket above me was no longer covering my breasts.
I quickly grabbed the black fabric and unfolded it.
I heard Yeonjun chuckle softly as he turned around and leaned over to the small coffee table.
While he was busy at the table, I put on the black T-shirt that was way too big for me and probably belonged to Yeonjun. He was also dressed, the same gray sweatpants with pieces of camouflage sewn into them and a white T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up a little.
Then an unknown smell hit my nose, which smelled a lot like pizza.
''I hope you drink Fanta.'' Yeonjun spoke up and turned to me.
''Hm? Yes, of course.'’ I retorted as I sit up. Since I still didn't have any underwear on, I pulled the blanket with me and finally put it around my waist, when my feet touched the ground.
On the small table in front of us were two pizza boxes that Yeonjun had already opened. And two glasses in which he just filled some Fanta.
''How long did I sleep?'' I asked as I ran my hand through my hair to fix it a bit. Yeonjun clicked on his phone next to his pizza box.
''It's 8:70 p.m. I don't know when you fell asleep.'' he said. My gaze lingered on him, even as he picked up his glass and took a sip.
So the idea of spending the night with him... seemed to become a reality after all.
Without saying a word, Yeonjun grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Shortly afterwards he looked at me and raised an eyebrow since my eyes were still on him.
''What?'' he asked and I had to shake my head briefly.
''Nothing...everything's good.'' I replied as my eyes fell on my salami pizza.
It was really surreal to fall asleep here on Yeonjun's sofa and wake up again next to him. I still don't have the feeling like I wanted to run away.
''Do you feel like watching a movie again?'' Yeonjun asked as I separated the first slice from my pizza.
''I do not care. Look at what you want, I just want to eat." I said before taking my first bite. Yeonjun had a broccoli and chicken pizza, with a lot of cheese that looked pretty tasty too.
''Do you want to taste it?'' he asked when he noticed my eyes on his pizza.
My eyes went back up to him as I took my second bite. Yeonjun started to smile.
''Yes or no?'' he asked and my eyes fell back on his pizza. Before I even said a word, Yeonjun separated a piece of his pizza and placed it on the spot of my pizza, whose piece I was currently holding in my hand. Immediately afterwards he tore off a piece of my pizza and put it in his box.
''Hey!'' I protested.
''I just gave you something of mine, I deserve a piece of yours!'' he mumbled back before taking a piece of his pizza and taking a bite.
My gaze lingered on him for a moment before I took my next bite.
''Were you serious before?'' I asked and Yeonjun's eyes shifted to me.
''What exactly?'' he asked and I put down my small remaining pizza slice.
''That...if we take over our parents' companies, we'll merge?''
Yeonjun began to grin with full cheeks before staring back at the TV.
''We already have merged.'' he said after swallowing his bite of pizza. I raised an eyebrow. Now what did he mean by that?
''I told you about the hook. If you liked it, we'll join forces," he said and I felt heat rising to my cheeks.
''I'm assuming you liked it.'' Yeonjun jokes, playfully poking me in the side as I grabbed my pizza slice again and stuffed it all in my mouth, in order not to respond to Yeonjun's statement.
I brushed my freshly blow-dried hair. Unfortunately, my hair smelled like men's shampoo, but I was glad that Yeonjun allowed me to wash my hair with his shampoo anyway. Then I wouldn't have to frantically do this in the dorm tomorrow morning. After all, I would be sleeping here tonight and probably arriving at the dorm at the last minute tomorrow. The black T-shirt that Yeonjun had given me earlier, which was far too big for me, hung loosely on my freshly showered body. I only wore my underwear underneath. I looked at myself in the mirror.
I already didn't like the dark red spot on my lower neck. I already didn't like the dark red spot on my lower neck. I'll have to hide it somehow for the next few days. Absent minded about what options there were to cover up this hickey, I touched the sore spot. My cheeks became noticeably redder as I almost felt Yeonjun's teeth in that spot again. I had to take a breath and drop my hand again.
Oh man! You're such an idiot, Sumi! Don't be so horny all the time!
I tried to concentrate on something else as I continued to brush through my already straight, tangled-free hair.
I had washed off my make-up, so the growing dark circles under my eyes were clearly visible. Yet the whites of my eyes shone clear and bright. My lips seemed darker than normal...so...to be honest I looked pretty good...even without make-up...which was pretty rare.
I had brushed my teeth with Yeonjun earlier. He was kind enough to give me his spare toothbrush, which was still packed. I took another deep breath and placed the brush in my hand down.
I would sleep in Yeonjun's bed...with Yeonjun right next to me. I never thought it would ever come to this. Still, deep down I seemed to like the idea. So it didn't feel like it was a quickie or I was a slut who gave herself up to everyone.
So I slowly turned around and walked towards the exit of the bathroom, which, like the rest of Yeonjun's apartment, was neat and nicely decorated.
I turned off the light and stepped out of the bathroom. The only light came from the bedroom, whose door was wide open and right next to the bathroom.
With bare feet I padded across the bright tiles and stopped in the entrance to the bedroom.
Yeonjun was lying on the bed, under the dark brown blanket, one arm tucked behind his head, the other scrolling through his phone. When he noticed me, he looked up.
His bed was big enough to fit three people. And the space next to him looked invitingly cozy.
''What is it potato? Not tired yet?'' Yeonjun asked, pulling my gaze from the free half of the bed to him. He grinned at me. The phone lay flat on his stomach, his hand over it.
''No...I...'' I mumbled, lost in thought as I carefully made my way further into the room, looking at the side of the bed that seemed to be intended for me.
Would I really lie down next to Yeonjun right now?
Well, I guessed...what we had already done was more intimate than laying down next to him and sleeping. Plus, the bed was big enough so there wouldn't be too much body contact.
''Close the door behind you.'' Yeonjun asked and I raised my gaze to him again. He just put his phone on the nightstand next to him.
''I sleep better when the door is closed.'' he continued as I was already closing the door and thus locked myself in here.
I gathered courage and walked quickly to the bed.
I folded the blanket over so I could lie down on the mattress and was surprised at how much it gave way under me. I couldn't stop the little surprised noise that escaped me. I heard Yeonjun giggle behind me.
''Oh yes, I should have warned you, this is a waterbed.'' he explained as I put my hand next to my hip and pressed on the mattress. Could you even call it that? Mattress...?
It gave in under my hand, rocking the pillows in the process. I had to smile. That felt good. Although I had never slept on a waterbed in my life, I was immediately sure that I would sleep well here.
''I thought you wouldn't come out of the bathroom at all.'' Yeonjun mumbled. I heard him turn next to me and I looked at him.
He had turned onto his right side and thus towards me. He had one arm tucked under his cheek. His pitch-black hair hung tangled over his pillow and over his forehead. His dark eyes seemed so inviting that I just had to fall into the pillows. With my back to him, of course.
His gaze was just too strangely warm that I had to avoid it. I snuggled up in the blanket and made myself comfortable on the large pillow, which was covered in a cream-colored cover and smelled like it had been freshly washed. The water mattress gave way beneath me, rocking my entire body back and forth.
''I won't turn off the light until you turn to me.'' I heard Yeonjun's quiet, deep voice. Immediately afterwards a hand above the blanket on my waist.
I narrowed my eyes. Even though Yeonjun's warmth on the couch earlier was so inviting and soothing...it seemed to be something different now.
At least that's what my head thought.
''I want to sleep and not cuddle with you.''
Then a short silence. Then I heard the rustling of bedding behind me. I jumped violently, when I suddenly felt Yeonjun's breathing in my ear.
''Little one...we had sex, do you think cuddling is that bad now?” he whispered softly in my ear. When I immediately felt his warm tongue on the outside of my ear, I suddenly turned on my back. My gaze was immediately caught by Yeonjun's dark, warm eyes.
''I don't want to risk you getting hard again.'' I said and put a hand on his chest. I would be lying if I said I wasn't turned on by the position of him currently towering over me at my side.
His hair fell fluffy over his forehead and ended just above his eyelashes. And those big, dark eyes were so damn inviting.
''We both have to accept the risk.'' he murmured as he got closer to my face. The warmth of his large body against my side gave me a pleasant goosebump.
Before I knew it, his warm, full lips were on mine. My eyes immediately closed. It was strange how quickly my body gave way under him and how my heart beat faster every time he is close to me.
The kiss wasn't deep or long, but it left me feeling like I was under hypnosis.
''Don't worry, I've had enough for today. I really just want to cuddle." He said as the tip of his nose traced small circles across my cheek. I couldn't help but smile.
I never thought Yeonjun would be such a softie.
''Okay, fine. Then spoon me from behind. I'm just lying comfortably." I gave in and opened my eyes again, as Yeonjun's body heat left me.
I just saw him curl onto his side of the bed and turn off the light switch on the wall.
The darkness immediately enveloped us. Not even a small light shone through the drawn curtains. Everything was so quiet except for the rolling and rustling that came from Yeonjun's direction. I also turned back onto my right side and immediately found a comfortable position.
Shortly afterwards I felt a cool breeze on my back. It was definitely the blanket that was lifting, because I felt Yeonjun's warm chest without a blanket between us, on my back. Shortly afterwards, his actually quite cold hand wrapped itself around my stomach and pressed me close to him.
I giggled as I felt the tips of his bangs against my neck.
''See. It's not so bad, huh?" Yeonjun murmured and pressed a small kiss to my left shoulder.
''Yes...if you stop talking now, I can even sleep." I mumbled back and Yeonjun giggled softly before I heard him take a deep breath. His arm around me relaxed slightly as his knees rose and tangled slightly with mine.
I couldn't get the smile off my face even if I tried. It was actually nice to lie with him like that. I felt...safe? Was that the best word to describe my emotional state?
Suddenly Yeonjuns fingers traced gentle patterns across my stomach and that's when I knew it.
It was the right word.
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
helloooo, you are like one of my fave writers!! I am requesting one with lhh where the reader feels very insecure and harry is comforting her and telling her she is absolutely beautiful and how in love he is with her and how he remembers the first time he saw her he knew she was the one and that he had never seen any one so breathtaking. And then they start kissing and it slowly escalates till harry tells he "let me show you how beautiful you are" or smth like that i dont really know and then the after careeee!!! OMG I WOULD DIEEE. Could you please write that?? THANK YOUUU!!!
Tumblr media
Baby your perfect.
Omg! Thank you for your lovely words it always means the world 🤭
And yessss! This concept!! 🫢 and lhh 😩
Im a tad sucky on writing smut/smutty-ish stuff so I hope this works for you and you enjoy! 🤎
Also this absolutely no hate to any of these women mentioned!!!! Especially Kendall Jenner/kardashians for story purposes only!! 👑
*Warnings*- struggling with body image, low self esteem, language, hint towards smut and adultish themes! ✌🏻
Y/n’s Life had felt like it’s been on the right track for a while now.
She’s finally enjoying her career, her friendships have never been better, her relationship with H is the her pride and joy, hence them nearing there 5 year anniversary.
The only downside to all of this is her social media.
Ever since a young age y/n struggled with social media and unrealistic beauty standards.
And when your boyfriends exes include the Looks of: Kendall Jenner, Taylor swift, Camille rowe, that feeling of ‘Not good enough’ Never really goes away.
Y/n found herself in there shared bathroom gazing at the mirror before her wondering why she looked the way she did.
She really wondered what H saw in her, all the models and actresses and he chose her.
She examined her body, suddenly getting this feeling that she felt when she was 15 wondering why she wasn’t as pretty as the other girls in school.
Apart from she was and she didn’t even know.
She spotted every insecurity, from the stretch marks around her hips, to the scars and marks she developed on her body.
Tears begun to form in the corner of her eyes, her reflection became unbearable.
She wanted to forget this night had even started like this.
She cosied in her shared bed awaiting Harry’s return from the studio, she pulled out her phone ready to text her love, when her twitter notifications distracted her.
Mistakenly she clicked on the app, and was left feeling lower then she already had.
“Former kardashian and Jenner star admitted to pleading for another chance with singer and songwriter Harry styles!”
She clicked on the thread to be greeted with many images and gifs of her.
Her perfect figure, eyes, face, everything, she had everything.
And that’s what Harry deserved, he deserves it all.
Without even thinking y/n finds herself angrily throwing her brush against the wall out of anger.
“Baby?” A familiar voice called.
‘Fuck’ she though to herself.
He’s home
“Y’alright darling” he said, voice getting louder and closer.
“M’Fine” she sighed, trying her best to hide her tears.
There shared room door gets pushed open.
“Baby” he gently Said.
“What’s going on?” He said placing his jacket on the back of the vanity chair and toeing his trainers off.
“Nothing” she said forcing a smile to persuade the man.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing” he said raising an eyebrow and joining her next to her on the bed.
She remained quiet, thinking of how to play this out.
“Baby, Jus’ me y’know its okay” he said running a hand through his long curly locks.
“I don’t understand why your with me” she breathes, avoiding eye contact.
“Y/n?” He asked confused as hell.
“Baby, where is this Coming from? What?” He asks placing his ringed hand on her exposed thigh.
“You don’t deserve me H” she said finally breathed making cold eye contact with him.
“You deserve someone prettier, skinner, and overall better, than..whatever i am” she Said tears threatening to leave her eyes.
“Baby Girl” he asks manoeuvring his palms up to girls cheeks and pulling her in closer.
“Where is this coming from?, y’my girl, my gorgeous girl” he said heart almost breaking at the sight and sound of his girl.
“Kendall” she mumbles, tears finally falling.
“Kendall?” He asks eyebrows knitted together.
“She wants You back H, and now the whole world knows it” she quietly cries leaning her forehead on his.
He finally gets it, it adds up all in his head.
“Baby” he speaks, pressing a kiss to her cold lips.
“Fuckin’ hell” he says kissing her cheek replacing the salty tears.
“Y’really think, I want her huh?” He smiles
“My silly girl” he sniffs, trying to make light of this situation.
He removes his hands and opened his arms signalling for her to get in.
She sits on his lap, almost koala style with both legs wrapped around his waist and both arms over his shoulders.
“Now that you’ve got me, y’won’t be getting rid of me” he said dancing his fingertips on her back.
“I just…I don’t get it” she sniffed
“Why me” she mumbled, snuggling her face into his neck.
“Why you huh?” He breathed
“Well, the first time saw you, the thing I saw was not only y’beauty, but m’future, m’life, Ive Never met someone as breathtaking as you m’love Call me a sap, but y’my muse now” he gently said.
“Not Kendall, Not no one else, jus’ you” he said kissing the side of Face.
“Can y’look at me darling?” He whispered.
She happily complied, lifting her face from his neck and revealing her beautiful glossy eyes but now with a small smile to her face.
“I love you” he says kissing her lips hard and straight forward.
“Y’never to forget that”
“Love you too H, I’m sorry for being silly” she smiles
“None of tha’ i get it”
Without being able to finish properly, the girl crashes her lips on his.
“I’m so in love with you” she mumbles against his lips.
“Y’make me crazy baby” he smirks
“Please Baby, let me Show you How much y’mean to me” he says going in again.
“Show How beautiful You Are angel”
“Mmhmm” she nods
— — — — —
The Girl lies hazily in there bathtub of there en-suite bathroom, reminiscing on tonight’s events.
God she was grateful to have H, no matter what rut she finds herself in, he manages to no matter what pull her out.
“Hey beautiful girl” he said coming in pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Fresh sheets and tea on the bedside” he said while placing the girls fresh Pyjamas ( his hoodie and Boxers) on the closed toilet lid.
“Thank you baby”
“I’ll join you in a sec” she added
“Take y’time love”
Once y/n’s bath was done, she slipped into her boyfriends clothes he prepared for her, and reunited with her lover in there shared bed.
“Y’feeling okay m’honey?” He asks putting his phone down and leaning into his girl.
“Mmhmm” she hummed slipping under the soft sheets.
“Y’the best” she sighed.
“Mm certainly am” he smirked.
“Ugh great I just fed your ego more” she joked playfully rolling her eyes.
“There’s my y/n back” he smiled pressing a kiss to her temple.
— — — — —
Again thank your for your request and please, please tell me of this is any good! 😩 again I’m sorry for skimming the smutty Part Bit im so awkward writing it 😭 love love loveeee you all ❤️
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slashers-gf · 2 years
Can you please do kokushibo 👹sm*t
This is smut so if your not 18+ then keep on scrolling (I know your not tho)
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You are a demon slayer and right now you were fighting a demon. You were a strong and powerful demon slayer but right now you were have trouble.
You were fighting against kokushibo known as a upper rank one of the twelve kizuki. You weren't trying to fight him cause even if you were know to be one of the greatest demon slayer, you knew you couldn't beat him. But you had no other choice but to fight him as he was going after you. 
You were losing to him. You had bruises and cuts all over you, heck you might even had broken bones but you just didn't know because of the adrenaline. You had to survive you just had to. You could not die like this. You had your family to get back to. That was that was going through your head. How would your mother be able to take care of her 5 children without you there to help and protect them from the monster.
Kokomo kick you in the stomach making you go flying into a tree. You coughed out blood. You were scared of what would happen to them, you didn't care about your life. But you just have to live to see them, you would do anything to make that happen.
Y/n pov
"Please s-stop" I coughed blood. He walked towards me ready to kill me. He was huge about 6 feet tall. (Damn he that tall image his 👁👁) He towered over me looking down at me. "I put your pathetic life at rest" he said while he was about to kill me with his sword. "Dont I cant die please I-I'm begging you" looking down'god I'm pathetic, how can someone like me begging a demon'
"And why is that" he seemed to be interested in what I have to say. "I just cant I have my family to protect, so please dont kill me." He laughed "thats real funny how about I kill them to after you" he smirked and was about to kill me "I'LL DO ANYTHING" he stop just centimeters away from my neck. "Anything" he asked. "Yes anything you want, I'll even give you my body" he bent down to my leave and picked my my chin to look at him. "Are you sure? Be careful of what you say little one"  he smirked at me. For some reason I didn't feel scared for my life I felt calm while I looked into his eyes. "Yes"
He looked at me and smirked. He smashed his lips on mine. I didn't move a muscle and just closed my eyes hopping the time would fly by. He suddenly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed at his the action. "HEY " he slapped my ass "dont yell you stupid human" he kept on walking. "Where are you taking me" I asked but he didn't answer. "hey im talking to you, I expect a answer" I was annoyed. "We're almost there" I can tell he was annoyed. I just stayed quiet so he wouldn't get mad and kill me on the spot.
He finally said "we're here" I didn't know what this place was. It seemed like a old haunted house. He entered the house he still hasn't put me down. The inside of the house didn't look old. It was clean it had stuff in there as if it was just a normal basic house. He walk to a room and threw me on the bed. "Hey wh-" his lips were on mine. He slip his tongue into my mouth, his tongue meet mine and we were fighting for dominance. He then started to strip me to nothing.
The sat on the bed and layed down signaling me to come and sit. I sat on his torso, he grabbed my hips pushing me towards his face. Once I understood what he was doing I grabbed his wrists "no I cant its embarrassing" he growled and griped me harder "shut up and do it before I kill you" I moved up slowly, I was hovering over his face. He suddenly pull me on to his face and he got to work. I moaned when I felt his tongue start to lick my folds. His tongue felt so good, he began to licker and suck on my sensitive bub. He gripped my thighs to pull me closer to his face. His tongue slipped pass my fold and started to lick my entrance. I stared moaning more when he did this. He pushed his tongue into my me and stated to tongue fuck me. "Im gonna cum" he keep fucking me with his tongue I could feel it wiggle inside me. I came into his mouth, he lapped it all up,getting every drop.
I slid down onto his chest. His face was  overed in my juices. He wiped chin with the back of his hand. I got off of his, my face was super red, I hid my face with my hands. "Dont hide your face " he pulled my hands away from my face and started to kiss on my neck. It tickled when he did that until he found a sertain spot on my neck. I moaned when he started to suck only that spot. He kept on abusing that stop until there was a dark shade of purple left. He pulled away to see his work and smirked. He moved to my boobs a took my nipple into his mouth and started to suck while me teased my other nipple with his fingers.
He pulled me on to his lap. He had one of his legs between my legs. I started to grind my hips on to his legs to get some friction, while he sucked on my boobs leaving marks. "Your such a naughty girl grinding your pussy on my thigh" all I could do was moan when he said that. He moved one hand to circle my clit. I stared to move fasted trying to reach my climax. "Are you close" I clung to him "yes so close" he stop his movement on my clit and pushed me onto my back on the bed. He took on pants and his boxers following. His member springed out, he was a lot bigger that I expected, shit he's the biggest I have been with and seen. He climbed over me and opened my legs wide. He position the tip at my entrance.
I started to breath heavily, I was scared that it was gonna hurt. I was closing my eyes preparing for the pain, then I felt a hand on my cheek. I open my eyes "it wont hurt a lot since your so wet" he slowly entered his tip inside me. I arched my back when I felt the stretch that his cock was causing me. He pushed more and more into me. My eyes rolled back "your so tight" my eyes started to water. Tears slipped pass my eyes and across my face. He wiped my eyes "shhh it's ok your doing good" I nodded. Once he was fully in I tried to adjust to the feeling. Once I was comfortable I started moving my hips. He moaned when I did that. I smirked and did it again. He growled "I won't be able to hold back if you keep doing that" I smirked and did it again. He gripped both my wrist with one hand and put them above my head. He pulled out and rammed back, we both moaned.
He did it again, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started to thrust his member in me. He kept thrusting while I was a moaning mess. While he was doing that he hit a spot that made me see stars. I moaned out loud and arched my back. "Yes right there kokushibo"  I was on cloud nine. I was close, he removed his hand from my wrists. I wrapped my hands around him clinging on to him. He was hitting that spot every time. "Im close" I was up against his chest. "Cum for me" that was all I need to to hear. I came, he followed not long after me.
I could feel his hot seeds in me. He pulled out. His cum was dripping from my hole. "What a beautiful sight to see, filled up with my cum" he smirked at me. I was tired, I closed my eyes. I felt him pick me up and I heard water coming from the bathroom before the I fell asleep.
The end
I hope you liked it, if you have any requests ask me. Sorry if I miss spelled some words I'm not really good at this.
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thx-sunsxts-addrxss · 11 months
a rant btw
when did it come to “I’m going to hit you” when I don’t come a minute after you call me?
because I swear, I don’t think it was like this.
I was practising dance, which, by the way, I have to perform today. And miss girl (my mom) calls me. I tell her ‘one second!’
then she says that.
I may be overreacting over this, and yeah, I probably am. I’m a dramatic little shit. That’s not new.
I know it’s probably an empty threat. I was never this scared of it 2 years ago.
2 years ago, my mom hit my sister for the first time.
as you all know, my sister’s 21. 2 years ago, she was 19. An adult. She wanted to go to this sleepover, mind you, just girls, and at her friend’s apartment. What was the issue here?
my dad was on a business trip btw
my mom kept saying no. Then she said, “you are still 19, and you will always be under my control!”
my sister got angry and slammed the door shut. And my mom got up and hit her.
I can’t forget the image of my sister huddled up in the blanket trembling. I can’t forget how I cried that night.
I was 12.
I don’t know what are empty threats anymore because what if she means it? What if she really will hit me? It scares me, down into my heart.
My mom has never been one to say sorry. She still didn’t say sorry for that incident. I remember talking with my sister after it happened.
she’d come to check on me. She’d come to me. Why did she have to come, when my cowardly self couldn’t go to check on her?
and she asked if I was okay.
why was she asking me? I didn’t have anything happen to me.
everything just felt like a stab to the stomach.
I’m 14 now. I’m still scared of my mother. Boards is next year. I have no idea what will happen to me if I do bad on that. My sister jokes about the incident all the time. And I try and laugh at it, but inside, I get mad at my mother all over again for making my bestest friend, my amazing sister cry like that.
everything’s been so hard recently. Study, study, eat, study, sleep, repeat. I’m so stressed right now and I really, really want a break.
not like I’ll ever have one.
two years ago, when I wanted to die, I’d ask in my mind: please kill me” then I’d add, “not really, I don’t want to die.”
now it’s, “god, please, please kill me”
I’m so fucking tired.
“Isn’t it hard being happy all the time? Why are you happy when the rest of us are dealing with something serious? Stop being happy!”
what? Are you happy now? Are you happy you’ve finally lost both daughters? Are you happy you’ve gotten rid of a disappointment?
good. At least what I did worked, didn’t it?
you guys are literally making my day better, each day. Thank you so much.
Well. Gonna go to practice. I’ll wipe away my tears I guess. Don’t want anybody to see me like this, do I?
I put on a smile.
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nathank77 · 5 months
3:52 p.m Edited and Added to 4:11 p.m
I fucked up and overslept why?
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So yea I took 1MG and couldn't sleep. I didn't even smoke weed before bed bc I didn't want to get high.... and I needed a fucking Hydroxyzine.... and I missed my fucking cardiologist. I'm so fucked, it could be months before I get my monitor now. I called but it's too late... I only woke up once at 9 a.m and peeded...
I hate that I struggle to fall asleep and that I have such bad circadian rhythm issues at this point that I can hardly make any appt if it isn't after 5 p.m... I hate that I can't fix any of my issues. I've had palpitations for days and I really needed to fucking go and I wake up at 3:30... 30 minutes later.
It isn't my fault I closed my eyes for over a hour and accomplished nothing... this is the issue. I should have prob taken Benadryl instead of a Hydroxyzine but it's too late now.
Idk how to fix anything, no one will help me all I can do is help myself.
Why can't doctors have 4 pms or 4:30s... why is everything so fucking early...
How am I supposed to fucking fix my circadian rhythm when I can't fucking fall asleep on a 1MG.... without keeping my eyes closed for over a hour...
Maybe it is a placebo but idk.
I don't even know If I should keep smoking weed. It seemed to make my thoughts more sloppy and then I mean I worry constantly... beyond that I see the fucked up creature more just too fucked to see the face or anything but I know what it is. And it didn't seem to help me sleep the other night...
I feel like such a fuck up missing my cardiologist appt... like what am I supposed to do. The 1mg felt like poop. I was barely tired at 7 a.m. I felt like i was on the 1/2 mg and I have to take it earlier on earlier appts so I can wake up early enough. Idk what to do anymore..
I'm not even scheduled and now i have to wait for them to fit me in, in a 3-3:45 p.m. I await the call feeling like a fuck up.
The last time I smoked weed was at 1 a.m and I didn't touch it before the Xanax... so I mean yea I didn't want to get high. Idk what to do. I am so fucking mad at myself. I really needed to be there.
I wish my circadian rhythm wasn't getting worse. Cause obviously it is. And why isn't xanax effective anymore, is it a placebo? Did she do the test wrong? Cause I mean... why wouldnt black hairy tongue heal, bacterial infection or yeast infection or Xanax? Yea Xanax prob isn't a placebo bc of black hairy tongue but I mean it's been fucking useless recently without other drugs and here I am using a Hydroxyzine with a 1mg..... and then it knocked me out until 9 a.m and I peeded and I was gone until 3:30..
Also I noticed my mental pictures with weed have been like, darker, Texas chainsaws massacre. And there was a dark room with a light.... and the light turned on it was a string light... so yea idk. None of it scared me and I love that shit but I want bright cartoon images. Maybe weed isn't going to work.. it scared me in the sense that they got darker and psychosis is dark and messes with your mental pictures.
I feel like such a fuck up. Why dont doctors have 4 or 4:30s... my testosterone shot is fucking Wednesday and I have to take another 1MG and I'll prob oversleep it's at 3:45.... I just can't cope, laying there with my eyes closed for over a hour and then ending up having to drug myself further just to hit sleep stage one...
Idk what to do anymore. I fucking hate how psychosis fucked up my whole life and now it could be until July or June for me to get another appt I'll sleep through. Disability is at 1:30 the 17th, my insomnia appt is at 3:15 Monday please tell me how I am supposed to lay there with my eyes closed for hours just to fall asleep without another drug and please tell me how I'm supposed to wake up on time when my stupid body won't fall asleep a little earlier.
Oh yea and I can't rely or depend on anyone, my mother was home i asked her to wake me up at 2 and she didnt i slept through my alarms and I can't depend on anyone to help me. It's all Nathan trying to do everything and me getting fucked cause I'm so alone and psychosis fucked up my entire life.
My only solution is trying to take my older Xanax mixing the biggest piece with the biggest smallest piece cause like it feels like a placebo at this point and idk why I'm not abusing it. I'll take that for me Testosterone shot...
Tonight going to be hard going back to a half MG... and yea I'm like dying inside thinking about what if they reschedule me and then I miss that one.... eventually they'll discharge me..... what if I miss my insomnia appt... the didn't have later than a fucking 3:15..
Disability only has 1:30s.... and I can't make anything on time. I feel like such a fuck up
0 notes
prince-tulip · 1 year
Im so terrified. I dont want to get hurt. Its not even been a month and i am so fucking obsessed and invested and i definitely want to be, i know what i feel and do want but its like damn I got hurt so fucking devastatingly bad this year that literally killed me, the levels of despair i cannot feel again, i am not strong enough for that, i barely have made it back to reality and its like as soon as i get the hang of things, things get crazy again and its like everything is exactly how ive always wanted them to be right now and i couldn't be more happy cause i truly know what i feel and when things are at its best, god its so fucking perfect but i feel im not able to talk to anyone yet or be more open about stuff cause i feel like a secret, like ill get casted out again..like i worry i am getting kept in the dark so i dont see or experience something bad, like for example they dont have me on their social media at all and i feel weird and scared about asking or getting on there and getting triggered by something and that maybe im just being used for validation and as a rebound because im so forgiving and easy to talk to or something.. in return its causing me to not know what's really happening, am i what they want? Are they talking to anyone else? Do they think so highly of me like i do them? Do they recognize the way we move together and talk to eachother? Is it as meaningful to them as it is me? Its like i know would lie about where they were or what they wang and their true intentions before, so why wouldn't they lie again? But at the same time thats not fair, cause its like i coukd very well be accused of being shitty too and still actually not be doing anything shitty and its like man..i feel like ive been living a honest and decent life, i maybe do keep to myself a bit much but i just enjoy my company and also not feeling like i have to explain myself caused ik people often times feel they have a say in things when they do not..i dont think bad things are happening behind my back the last two weeks or so and things have been magical and passionate and full of conversations, synchronized behavior, mutual understanding, growth, literally alway being able to meet in the middle on something, the dynamics i adore, we are so different but so much alike and I love it with all my being and im continuesly betting on the good things but that first week and a half idk..things seemed really off at certain moments that maybe hinted at things but again i can get very paranoid and of course cant control someone's actiona..I just dont want to throw awayy boundaries in attempts to please and i feel ive done that already in a lot of ways but by simultaneously finding such new perspectives and found love that was always there just stuck and idk i guess the feeling of trust has become so hard this year. Ever since January and in between i felt very used and thown away and lied to because i was to a degree i guess and even if ive done wrong in the past and yeah did i royally do some stupid fucking idiot type shit but ik it doesn't justify getting hurt back and i had to really come to terms with that. I had let go of that crazy person in me that would stay up two days straight crying and obsessing over what was and what is and whats happening without me, while drunk or high out of my mind constantly and go through the loneliness, the guilt, the shame, the loss all on my own in a small room with literally no one to talk to and forcing myself to come as close to dying as possible and finally move on from everything aweful in my life ever and do my best to block out every single god aweful image or notion in my head that i would get, causing insecurities and paranoia that i didn't know i was capable of...im really trying to make sense of everything cause everything is so fucking touchy right now but still having to push through and communicate and understand and love with all of my heart and vice versa I think wins every time and i feel life has been showing me that
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dxlltears · 2 years
Glad to see the black butler fandom is all mutually being destroyed by the ending of the recent chapter.
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*cha cha's real smooth into your inbox* can I request some sad Alastor? :'3 I live for some angst.
I'm so... so sorry Darling.
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"I'm sorry."
The words felt wrong coming from his mouth.
Alien, especially said in such earnest.
But at the moment, he'd never been more genuine about anything in his life.
You didn't look at him, just sitting on your bed, a photo from your first anniversary together.
You didn't say anything for a long time.
Alastor felt his skin crawl.
The once comforting sound of silence now being the most terrifying thing he'd ever heard.
The radio demon instantly perked up upon seeing you sit up.
In a voice that just broke his heart, You asked simply, "why?"
Alastor swallowed, his throat suddenly feeling sore. His throat aching as though he'd never graced it with water.
"I... I don't know." He began, his words weak, without strength or purpose.
"That's not good enough!" You snapped.
Standing up you turned around, eyes red from crying. "You... your Alastor. The Radio Demon..."
"From the moment I've met you, you've plan every meal, every drink, every step. Every Thing!"
"And just saying 'I don't know what happened', Is not a fucking good enough!"
Your took several deep breaths, angrily wiping your eyes.
Alastor just stood there, unable to meet your gaze, a storm of emotions swirling inside of him.
The Demon was so angry, and sad and frustrated, and he had no one to blame but himself.
Taking a deep breath, he walked over to your dresser, delicately inspecting his favourite image of the two of you.
You were pressed to his chest, the two of you staring at each other with just such utter love.
And he'd... he'd lost that...
He lost the only thing he'd ever truly cared about in all his time in Hell.
Placing down the frame he took a moment to acknowledge the Ring on his finger.
The Radio demon almost laughed, genuinely believing he'd never be wearing a wedding ring.
He turned to you, the demon was surprised at find his vision blurry, wiping it away he found... tears.
He'd never cried before.
It wasn't pleasant.
Turning to you, he released a deep sigh.
Walking over he took a seat, "I don't know why I did it." He began, the demon startled to find his own voice shaking, "He'd offered so many times. And while I usually ignored his overtly sexual appeals... that night, Angel..."
He put his head in his hands, such an overwhelming feeling of self loathing surged through him. "One moment he was flirting... and the next... we were in bed..."
He looked up, finding you staring at the ground. Your gaze was hollow, a heart wrenching amount of dew forming in your eyes.
The slightest hint of a scowl across your lips.
Turning around, you began rummaging through your draws. Turning around he found a collection of your clothes in your arms.
Placing them on the bed, you quickly pulled out a bag, shoving them inside.
You went about the room grabbing things, and once he realised what was happening he was on his feet.
"Darling please, can we talk abou-" He began reaching out to you. But as soon as he placed even a finger tip on you, you flip around.
You stared him down, agrier then he'd ever seen, growling out with bared teeth, "DONT. TOUCH. ME!"
Alastor took a step back, as much from surprise as fear.
You took several deep breaths, scowl standing strong across your face.
"I'm going to stay with my sister." You told him curtly, voice thick with frustration. "I need to thing about things."
Finishing your bag, you threw it over your shoulder. "Your a grown man." You told him shortly, "Hell, your more grown then me by a mile."
Alastor couldn't help but cringe.
His age had once been an inside joke.
Being much older then you and once been something you joked about insesantly, the two of you giving each other playful jabs at the face he was almost a century older then you.
But those jokes were long gone.
One more thing he'd ruined.
"So you should be able to handle being alone for a while." You growled out.
"Darling please... can't we talk-" again you cut him off, with the rising of a single finger.
Turning away from him, you placed a hand on the door frame.
Lowering your gaze you took your hand into the other.
You gently removed the silver band, you'd agreed on silver, agreeing the overly indulgent gold had no real class.
Holding the band in your palm, you told him softly, "I just can't Alastor... maybe one day we can talk a-and maybe I could even forgive you but... but not today... I can't look at you right now"
With that you dropped the ring, walking out of the room. Leaving him alone.
He used to like that.
Being alone.
He though he could never be happier then when he was alone, doing whatever he wanted whenever he wanted too.
And then he met you.
And he realised just how much joy and warmth, and love he could have in his after life.
And now he was alone.
With no one to blame but himself.
He balled his fists, desperate to keep it together, hot tears streaming down his face.
He little control as a flurry of dark tendril shot out, shredding the room.
Destroying your bed. Shattering Furniture and leaving refuse surrounding him.
Once it was all done he was left with silence.
That ear peircing silence you only got when alone.
Falling to his knees he stared ahead blanky, his eyes focusing just enough to see the glint of your wedding band.
His fingers felt numb as he reached forwards, delicately taking the silver ring into his hands.
Bringing it to his chest, gentle tear drops landed upon it, the demon hunching forwards, silent sobbs escaping him, the demon weakly letting out,
"I'm so sorry darling... please forgive me... I beg you, Please forgive me..."
The radio demon didn't get much sleep last night, curled up in the centre of your destroyed room, your ring clutched to his chest.
Hey Hey. I hope this was angsty enough for you.
Hope you enjoyed. Bye Bye.
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chifuyusfingers · 3 years
~Tokyo Revengers members reaction to their girlfriend overhears them calling her clingy~
M i k e y
Mikey stared at your figure on the couch, your hands tightly curled around the remote and your eyes glued to the movie on the television. Something was wrong but he could definitely feel it. He knew that there was something different about you but he didn’t know what. “Y/n?” he called out, awaiting your response. You didn’t even spare him a glance as you mumbled a ‘yes'. “Aren’t you gonna come and gimme a hug like always?” he asked, voice wavering. Mikey hated how he sounded but he finally realized what was causing him a bother, you hadn’t been greeting him when he arrived home anymore. “What’s wrong?” he asked right after realizing what was the problem. Normally you were the type of person to not just burst out your emotions like that but before you could collect yourself,. “I,,I-” you stopped for a second to collect your breath “-I overheard what you told draken and im sorry for being so clingy.” the tears were already dripping down your cheeks mikey's eyes wavered at your words “Baby I didn't mean it like that,,Im sorry that I made you feel that way I was stressed. I love how clingy you are, and I just love the way you love me,” Mikey softly spoke, pulling you in for a gentle hug.
D r a k e n
Draken loved how clingy you could be, some days he wanted nothing more than to be in your arms. Afterall, it wasn’t easy being the vice captain of toman. Your arms were a safe haven, the one place we he truly felt like he could relax and not have to worry about anything. However, when draken was truly feeling stressed about the whole pa-chin thing he would take the anger and worries out on things that didn’t make him angry. Which is how he ended up in the situation he was in. Tears burning your cheeks and eyes red and puffy. Your arms were tightly crossed around your chest as you struggled to get the words out. Draken hated seeing you this way and it pained him even more to know that it was his fault. “Y/n what you overheard was a private conversation with Mikey that I said under an enormous amount of stress and it wasn’t true,” he calmly explained. Your tears momentarily halted as you asked “Are you sure?” in reassurance. Draken didn’t say anything but opened his arms for you. Immediately you ran to his arms as he tightly held you “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
B a j i
Baji sighed as he rubbed his temples. There was so much going on his life and he just wanted to lay in bed and cuddle with you. But you were angry with him and he couldn’t figure out why. Between you and all his works he felt like he was being torn apart. Sighing heavily he looked up at you “Y/n I need you to tell me what’s wrong otherwise I can’t do anything about it,” Baji stated trying to help the situation. “Im just being less clingy, that’s what you wanted, right?’ you asked in a slightly sarcastic tone of voice. Baji's brows furrowed as he racked his brain for answers, why would you think--- chifuyu . “What did chifuyu tell you?” his anger was bubbling a little more. “chifuyu didn’t tell me anything. I went to the hideout to drop off some food when I heard you telling him I was annoyingly clingy so I left,” you explained. “Y/n, I guess I didn’t realize how much I love your clinginess until you stopped in. Im sorry I love your clinginess,” he sighed while the weight finally lifted from your shoulders. You smiled and opened your arms, missing giving your giant teddy bear of a boyfriend hugs.
M i t s u y a
He stared out the window with a blank look on his face. The image of your sadden expression burning into his mind. It was his fault, really. You guys got into a pretty bad fight and he was just upset over that. While ranting to Draken about you and the whole ordeal he said that you were “overly clingy to the point it was creepy.” What he did not expect was for you to go to draken's place to apologize for the fight, overhearing the comments he made. Your face shown pure agony, his heart breaking more every millisecond. Regret. He felt regret that he didn’t run after you to explain himself. “I'm creepy,,huh?” your voice sounded shattered as you spoke with no emotion. “Y/n,I didn’t mean it like that I was just upset. You’re not creepy and I don’t know why I even said that fuck it ,” Mitsuya said, now the one crying.”I mean at the time I meant it but now that i’ve calmed down I don’t,can you please forgive me? I just didn't know what came over me I'm so sorry” Mitsuya added hopelessly. Your whole body felt tired and like you’d spent the past hours running miles. You knew Mitsuya, that sometimes he said things he didn’t mean. You wrapped your arms around his sitting figure, his head resting in your chest. “Im glad you dont care that I m clingy”
C h i f u y u
Chifuyu stared at the menu as he continued to talk about his relationship. He confided in Takemichi with private and personal problems, and trusted his advice. Sat at a table a few rows back your grip on the coffee mug began to tighten the more he spoke. Sitting across from you, your dear friend watch with a saddened expression. “I thought things between you both were going good?,” she questioned, voice laced with obvious confusion. You didn’t say anything but placed some money on the table and sat up to leave. You couldn’t bare to stay there any longer, hearing the things Chifuyu was saying about you was really hurting you. Once you arrived at your house you laid in bed and quietly wept. After a few hours your phone lit up showing that Chifuyu was calling. Rolling to your side you ignored it, not wanting to talk to him. A few more hours had passed when Chifuyu barges into your house, confused and worried as to why you never answered his calls. “Y/n?,” he called our softly, carefully pushing the bedroom door open. Even in the dark room he could make out your silhouette in the bed. “Hey what’s wrong?,” he asked already knowing something was up. Despite wanting to yell at him you turned over and looked him dead in the eyes “Why are you being so clingy?” Was what you had asked with ill intentions. Immediately he understood your reasons behind not answering the phone. “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” he simply said. You felt the bed dip as he took a seat upon the comfy thing. “Yeah and what else haven’t I heard that I wasn’t supposed to? What else have you been saying?” Chifuyu could tell you were rightfully upset. “Y/n,I did mean it when I say you’re clingy, but If I had a problem with it wouldn’t I have told you? Im a straight up person,” Chifuyu confessed, hands reaching over towards your figure. "But I decided to fuck it up, I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry" It was silent for a moment as you processed his words. Sighing heavily you rolled to face him “Do you promise that it doesn’t bother you severely?’ you questioned earning a nod from Chifuyu. He leaned down a placed a gentle kiss on your cheek “I mean it.”
That would be all~ I'm so sorry I know I write like shit, besides it's my first time writing something~ #
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
Surprise, Surprise
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x F!reader
Warnings!: there are no warnings, im not telling you a single thing. It's a surprise. Just read and find out ;)
Also, as much as I love him, Jack does not exist in this story, wasn't really sure how to write him in.
Author's Note: I'm so sorry that I haven't written in a while, I have had no inspiration and my bf dumped me so... ya'know that was nice. Anyways, finally getting some inspo, hopefully I will be writing more. Hope you guys enjoy this one :) Also, the mood board is mine, but the images are all from pintrest.
Word count: 1.4 k words
This is an emotional roller coaster
You couldn't breathe.
You couldn't move, or speak.
Your knees gave out as you fell to the floor, sobs racking your body.
You felt arms wrap around you, but it didn't help. You were suffocating. He was your air, and he had just been ripped from your lungs. 
He was gone, dead.
Your husband.
The love of your life.
Aaron Hotchner was dead
* * *
You don't remember anything after the doctor uttered those words. You don't remember Rossi picking you up and holding you. You don't remember the sad glances, the tears shed by your teammates. You don't remember the car ride to your now empty shared apartment. You don't remember lying down and sobbing into the pillow for hours.
No, you only remember the pain. The unbearable pain of loss.
He was gone. Really gone.
You cried and cried for hours on end. Until you had no tears left to shed. 
Then you just lied there, staring at the wall, gripping his favorite shirt in your arms, remembering every little moment with him.
And it hurt like hell just thinking of everything you did with him. The day you met. Your first kiss, your first date. The day he proposed. Your wedding. Every little thing. 
And you wouldn't be able to do anything else. You wouldn't have kids with him. You guys had just talked about having a baby just the other day. He wanted one so bad. 
You shouldn't have waited.
Because now, now he was gone.
* * *
The next few days were a blur. You found yourself with home-cooked meals overflowing your fridge. A team member at your house every night. But it was all a blur.
All meaningless without Aaron.
The funeral was coming up. You didn't make any arrangements, you asked Rossi if he could handle it and he quickly agreed. 
He had taken care of finding the casket, picking a place, and finding a burial site. Everything. 
The only thing you had asked for was a closed casket.
You couldn't handle looking at him.
* * *
On the day of the funeral, the girls all came over to help you get ready. 
"Alright y/n, do you have a dress?" Penny asked as she walked out of kitchen.
"In the closet." You croaked. Your voice being hoarse from the crying and lack of speaking for the past two weeks.
"Okay I'll grab that, and shoes. Jj is going to make you breakfast and Em is going to do your hair okay?" You gave her a sad smile and a small okay.
Penny quickly walked back your hallway as Em began pulling your hair back in a low ponytail. You felt the tears begin slipping down your face once again.
Jj saw as she walked back in the room with a bagel and coffee.
"Oh sweetheart." And the dam broke. They comforted you the best they could. But they couldn't even imagine what you were going through, because he was gone.
* * *
The funeral was a blur. It seemed like everything was these days. 
It was a beautiful service. You don't remember much. Lots of hugs and 'sorry for your loss's.
It had gone quickly, and soon you found yourself in Rossi's living room. Everyone but the team had left, you sat alone. The rest were in the kitchen cleaning up.
You didn't move from your spot, sipping your wine.
Everyone walked in, and found spots around you.
It was silent. Not a single word was spoken.
"I'm taking a leave of absence." You spoke.
6 pairs of eyes shot to you, but they couldn't say they were surprised.
"It's just too much. I'm not ready to come back." Your voice was quiet. Rossi was the first to say anything.
"Take all the time you need." 
* * *
And you did. You spent about 3 months in that apartment, alone and sad and heartbroken. 
But you realized that Aaron would never want you to live like this. And you really needed to be able to pay the bills.
So after those 3 months, you gave Rossi a call. He had become until chief since you had left, and he instantly accepted you back to the team.
You were slowly getting better. 
Each passing case a distraction. 
Each one fixing you just a bit more. 
Each one giving your life a purpose, a meaning again.
And you felt better. You stopped crying yourself to sleep. You stopped sitting in silence for hours on end. You stopped crying every time you thought about him.
But you still visited him every week. You still thought about him everyday. You still wore your wedding rings, refusing to take them off.
But you were better. 
* * *
A few more months went by and you started going out with the team again. You spent more time with them. Almost every weekend. And you were somewhat okay.
And it wasn't until about 8 months after his death did your world come to another crashing halt.
You had been called in to the BAU, not entirely sure why, but you came in none the less. 
You figured it was a case, but Jj hadn't specified on the phone, which was strange.
You had walked up to the conference room, and were surprised to see the whole team sitting there ready to go. 
"Hey guys, do we have a case?" You asked, but Jj sent you a sad look causing you to grow worried.
"Y/n, you should sit down for this." You had no idea what was going on. What on earth was happening. "Peter Raymond recently resurfaced, and was taken into custody this morning about an hour ago. He resisted arrest and pulled a gun on an officer. He was shot and killed." Your heart hammered in your chest. He was gone. The bastard who killed your husband was gone. Rossi stood walking towards Jj.
A pit grew in your stomach, there was more, something you didn't know.
"8 months ago I made a decision that greatly affected this team. Aaron Hotchner received substantial injuries from the wounds he endured, but his surgery was a success and he was airlifted to an unknown location. His identity was changed in order to keep him safe. But he is alive." 
You couldn't believe your ears. He was alive. Alive? 
Your eyes shot to the door and there he stood. 
Aaron Hotchner. 
You couldn't breathe. 
You couldn't move or speak. 
He was alive, you should be ecstatic.
But you only felt anger.
Your eyes shot to Rossi.
"How dare you." You whispered out, surprising the team. You weren't an angry person, you never yelled at your teammates. But you, you were seething. "How could you do that. You knew he was alive and yet you let me suffer. You watched as I cried day and night. You watched as I let myself go, as I lost myself." You shook your head in anger.
Aaron stepped forward reaching out for you, but you shook your head.
"Dont touch me. Don't fucking touch me." You felt the tears fall down your face. Again. "You left me. You're dead. You're gone. Y-you left." You were shaking and crying and once again Aaron reached out for you, but this time you let him.
He brought you into a crushing hug, holding you like you had begged to be held for months. 
He was here, really here. You could smell and feel and see him. He was really here.
"Y-you bastard. You left me." You whispered desperately as you cried into his shirt. 
The team was quick to disperse. They too were mad at Rossi, and they wanted to reunite with Hotch. But they left you be, at least for now.
Aaron pulled back slightly, looking down at you.
"Sweetheart I'm so sorry. I wish I didn't have to. But he would have killed you and then he would have killed me." He had tears running down his face as well now. But you were so angry at him.
You pushed him away.
"I could have gone with you Aaron. You could have gone into witsec. You didn't need to fake your fucking death Aaron!" You yelled at him. you couldn't even believe you were eating this conversation.
"Y/n please, I'm so sorry." You were mad yeah, but you were so overwhelmingly relieved that it overpowered your anger. "I missed you sweetheart." He whispered out and you broke just a little bit more.
"You bastard. Y-you stupid man." You pulled him back to you and slammed your lips together. "You stupid, stupid man." You gasped out between kisses. 
"I know, I'm so sorry. I love you." He stated after you pulled away.
"I-I love you too." You were sobbing at this point.. "Don't ever do that to me again." He nodded, leaning in to kiss you again.
And you kissed your husband.
Because he wasn't gone. 
He was right here.
And god did it feel amazing to have him back
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! Currently I'm only taking requests from my prompt list, which is right here! School is starting up soon though, so i may not be writing very often, but i will definitely try! Anyways, if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
dancing with our hands tied - peter maximoff
here it is you guys... the ✨very spicy✨ sequel to delicate which can be read here <3 (had to keep the rep song title theme going here)
please for the love of god let me know how this is I’ve never written smut before so please go crazy with the asks/comments/reblogs on this one I’d really appreciate it😩😓
word count: 4k 😳 (it’s not all smut dont get too excited)
warnings: +18 content, sexy times, unprotected wrap it before you tap it, swearing, i tried to keep vulgarity on a low level but i decided to just commit towards the end lmao, insinuation to sex from the beginning , some fluff and a tiny bit of angst sprinkled in there too, wandavision spoilers
You can definitely read this as a stand alone but it’ll make more sense if you read delicate first !! enjoy <3
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The days you spent in WestView had been tiring. Wanda seemed to be losing her composure with each day that passed, you watched how she became more and more skeptical of Peter and found yourself growing all the more anxious with the situation you’d run head first into. But, you were with Peter, your mind and his mind were free of Wanda’s influence and she’d been kind enough to appoint the pair of you your own house in the neighbourhood, a few doors down from her own, so, you couldn’t complain too much.
Today was a relatively quiet day, but you had a feeling that just meant you were in the calm before the storm. Tonight was, apparently, Halloween. Despite the fact that it was nowhere near October, you were more than happy to play along with Wanda’s over the top festivities.
Peter and Tommy had just zoomed into your and Peter’s bedroom, sporting matching outfits and excited expressions as they looked at you expectantly, “Well? What’d ya think?” Peter asked, motioning between himself and Tommy. The littlest speedster awaited your answer with wide, hopeful eyes, wanting validation from his cool uncle’s even cooler ‘friend’.
Yeah, you’d made out on Wanda’s couch but you still hadn’t addressed the question of where exactly your relationship stood. It felt as though the pair of you were both actively avoiding the awkward conversation, opting instead to simply fall into bed together every single night and completely disregard the boundaries of friendship in favour of hearing each other moaning until the early hours of the morning.
With a smile you let out a low whistle, “Looking good boys. I gotta say, Tommy, I think you’re outshining your uncle right now.”
You had to laugh when Tommy smirked triumphantly at Peter, “I told you she liked me more than you.” He boasted proudly and your laughs grew louder when Peter huffed angrily. He crossed his arms over his chest and jutted his bottom lip out childishly.
“Y/n, tell him you like me more.” Peter demanded, again, childishly.
You only grinned, “No comment.” You told him airily, making your way to your closet and hesitantly pulling out the latex costume Wanda created for you off of the rail, holding it by the hanger skeptically.
It was Peter’s turn to let out a whistle when his eyes scanned the skimpy looking leotard suspended by the hanger. The fabric mimicked the design of Peter and Tommy’s outfits although it seemed Wanda had gone out of her way to make yours ever so slightly sexier. The leotard was strapless with a sweetheart neckline and a silver lightning bolt ran through the light blue material. The only saving grace was the silver tights that hung from the hanger as well, at least you’d have some kind coverage. With one last peek into the closet, your eyes landed on a pair of white, knee high gogo boots.
“Christ…” You muttered, eyebrows furrowing at the thought of wearing the ensemble out in public, if it was cold tonight Wanda would be in for an aggressive telling off. With a deep sigh you turned to the two speedsters who were both staring at you, waiting for you to say something. “I guess we’re all gonna be matching tonight.”
“Sweet!” Tommy exclaimed while Peter only smirked. Peter, with a lot of effort, moved his attention from your costume to his nephew.
“Why don’t you go hang out with your brother for a while? I gotta talk to Y/n for a sec.” Tommy welcomed the suggestion, only nodding his head before he had sped out of your house and back to his own.
A gust of wind hit your face as Peter sped himself in front of you, the man didn’t hide his intentions as he gripped your hips and pulled you flush against him. Swaying his body against yours and bringing his lips to the exposed skin of your neck. He trailed his lips up your neck, sucking and nipping, smirking when you let out small noises of approval. When his lips reached the spot behind your ear, he gave a final, harsh suck which had your breath hitching and whining when he pulled away.
To be honest, you’d love to be able to call him your boyfriend and be certain that he thought of you as his girlfriend, but at the moment you were perfectly happy with whatever the fuck the two of you had going on if it meant you could keep feeling him against you like this.
“I cannot wait to see you wearing that.” He all but groaned against your ear, his voice deep and gravelly. The butterflies in your stomach went feral at his words and you had to pull your bottom lip between your teeth to keep from letting out a moan from his tone of voice alone, not to mention the fact that his crotch was pressed up against yours, he was excited to say the least.
Your hands slid up his chest and settled on either side of Peter’s neck, you gently pulled his head out from the crook of your nape and teasingly raised an eyebrow at him, “Maybe later I’ll let you help me get out of it.”
A wicked grin spread across his lips, he squeezed your hips in response, tugging you into him even further for some kind of relief then pressed his lips to yours briefly, murmuring against them, “That’s definitely a plan I can get behind.”
Giving him one last kiss, you pried his hands from your hips and pushed him away, “Alright, get lost I need to get ready.”
“Meet me at Wanda’s?” You nodded at his question, letting out a deep sigh you hadn’t noticed you’d been holding when he finally sped out of the room.
After a second of cooling down, you pulled on the outfit and you’d be the first to admit; Wanda knew what she was doing with this one. You looked incredible, albeit a little stupid in the costume, but still incredible.
When you made your way over to Wanda’s to meet up with the others, you let out a laugh seeing as Wanda was essentially wearing the same outfit as you, only with the added extras of a cape and gloves.
“Hey! Why are you dressed the same as Uncle P and Tommy?” Billy asked you curiously, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he glanced between you and Peter for answers. The speedster in question was smirking proudly, his arm finding a spot wrapped around your shoulder.
“Because she’s totally obsessed with me.” He lied with an over dramatic sigh, causing Tommy to laugh.
You rolled your eyes, elbowing him in the ribs playfully before focusing your attention onto Wanda, “I think it’s safe to say that Wanda and I will be winning best couples costume.” Wanda gave you a knowing grin and a not at all subtle wink in response to your statement.
“Only the best for the best.” She replied, walking forward and linking her arm with yours, stealing you away from Peter who whined in protest, “Oh hush, you can have her back later.”
Telepathy definitely had its perks, one of those perks being you could tell there was more to Wanda than just being an evil puppeteer. The two of you got along extremely well, you were actually growing to see her as a friend. It helped that you knew her story, though. You sympathised with her, knowing full well that if you lost the love of your life you’d probably create a false reality to be with him too. You’d already followed him into a fake reality so you supposed it wasn’t really too much of a stretch to imagine yourself in Wanda’s position.
As the night went on, yourself, Wanda and Peter were sitting around in town square, the twins having run off somewhere. Tensions were high between the interreality siblings at the minute, Peter seemed to be having the time of his life getting on Wanda’s last nerve, poking and prodding at her lifestyle choices.
“Lay off, Pete.” You warned quietly, your stare serious as you felt Wanda becoming impatient with the mutant. Your breathing stopped for a moment and you let put a horrified gasp, your hand clapped over your mouth as you stared at the image in front of you.
Peter’s skin was grey, his eyes were milky and he was littered in what you could only assume to be bullet holes- he was dead- no, you realised as you caught Wanda’s pained expression, he was Pietro.
Wanda regained her composure after a few seconds but the sight of Peter dead was enough to shake you to your very core and you found yourself shaking where you stood.
You didn’t even have a chance to regain your composure before shit had hit the fan. It had happened in a blur, Billy and Tommy were frantic and worried about Vision being in trouble and next thing you knew Wanda was sending Peter flying with a ball of energy after he made a smartass comment about Vision not dying twice.
Quickly, you ran to Peter’s side, he was groaning in pain and looking up at you through squinted eyes, “What the hell was that all about?” He grumbled, hiding his head in your lap when you got down on your knees beside him.
With a sigh you let your body fold against his, wrapping your arms around him and letting your head rest against his shoulder, the image of him bleeding out still too fresh and real in your mind. You could berate him for his brash behaviour another time, for now though; you just needed him close.
“Come on, dumbass. Let’s get you home before you decide to cause more trouble.” You mumbled, pulling him up with you. Ignoring his whining while you led him home, your arm remained firmly around his waist the whole way despite the fact he’d recovered from the blast Wanda dealt him after only a few minutes.
When you got back to the house that Wanda had deemed yours upon your arrival, you finally allowed yourself to breathe. Peter was staring at you with a guilty expression as you released a heavy breath through your nose and shuffled into the kitchen, the heels of your boots scraping on the hardwood as you walked.
Like a lost puppy, Peter followed you. Once he reached you lent against the sink he wrapped his arms around you from behind. He knew you weren’t angry at him by the way your arms immediately moved to grip his and tug them tighter around you.
“You know, her real twin- Pietro… he died,” Peter’s face contorted in confusion when you began to speak, he listened with concern as he could already hear your voice beginning to shake, absentmindedly he caught himself tucking you closer against his chest. “For a second… you must have said something that hit a nerve but for a few seconds…” Your voice hitched and you shook your head in an attempt to knock the image out of your mind, though you had a feeling it would haunt you for as long as you lived. When Peter noticed you’d started chewing at your bottom lip, as you always did when something was causing you anxiety, he gently turned you around in his arms so that he could look at you, his arms remaining firmly around you, yours finding a place resting against his chest.
“What happened, sweetheart?” He cooed, his eyes very much alive and staring into yours.
Swallowing thickly you answered, “You looked like him. You were dead.” You told him quietly and he was sure the look of grief on your face, brought on by the thought of him dying, would haunt him for a lifetime.
Your eyes watered as you took in his face. Scanning every part of it, his brown eyes that made you melt, the dimples that could still be faintly seen even when he wasn’t smiling, the lips that took up the vast majority of your thoughts and that tiny furrow between his brows as he looked down at you with worry.
You loved him.
Of course, you’d known this for years. But you needed him to know, and even though you were already well aware the overwhelming feeling is mutual, you needed to hear him say it.
His thumb running under your eye pulled you from your thoughts, “I’m not going anywhere, baby.” He whispered softly, his hand cupping your cheek as his thumb ran back and forth over your cheek bone. Your stomach flipped at the pet name and you nuzzled against his touch.
“Good. I don’t want to lose you ever again.” You confessed, looking up at him through your lashes fondly as his lips formed an almost sad smile.
Gently, he brought his lips down to meet yours, pouring his heart into the kiss, hoping it would make up for the turmoil he felt responsible for causing you. Too soon, he pulled away.
“Believe me, I’m never leaving your side. I mean come on, I’m without you for like three days and I end up being mind controlled by my sister who isn’t even my sister.” He chuckled out, a grin growing on his face as you began to smile too. He let his eyes close blissfully when you brushed your nose against his, a toothy smile on your face.
“You, Peter Maximoff, are completely hopeless.” You whispered through your smile as he opened his eyes to look at you. His own face sporting an adoring smile.
Your heart skipped a beat the second his next words passed through his smiling lips, “Without you, Y/n L/n, yes I am.” Within a second your arms were around his shoulders and your lips were moving frantically against his. Peter’s hands wasted no time in sliding down to your thighs, gripping them and propping you up onto the kitchen counter.
Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist and your hands got lost in his hair, keeping him as close as humanly possible while his lips migrated to your jaw.
An appreciative hum left your throat as he lapped at the underside of your jaw, leaving a mark before trailing his lips back to your mouth. His tongue licked at your bottom lip as he kissed you, moving it into your mouth the first chance he got. Peter moaned into your mouth when you gave his tongue a light suck.
You grinned at the sound and leaned your weight forward so you were primarily resting against his body, your arms and legs wrapped tightly around his body, your ass barely resting on the counter by that point. Welcoming your movements, Peter’s hands glided up from your thighs to grip your ass and pull you from the counter completely.
He carried you clumsily through the halls of the house, bumping into furniture and pausing to press your body against walls, his eyes closed and lips never separating from yours. You were about a foot away from the stairs when you felt your back make contact with the plaster behind you, your chest heaving when Peter abandoned your lips in favour of littering wet kisses across your chest, no doubt leaving a trail of hickeys in his wake.
You let your head fall back against the wall, enjoying the sensation of Peter nipping and licking at your skin, the man diving back to your neck as soon as he realised that your head thrown back made it entirely exposed to him. You released a breathy moan when his lips ghosted over a sensitive patch of skin, he moved his tongue frantically and you shuddered at the feeling of his hot breath hitting your bruised skin.
“Peter…” You whined when he pushed his crotch up against yours, pressing you further into the wall smirking against your neck when you called his name.
“Yes?” He asked teasingly, rutting his hips against yours once more, deliberately attempting to pull another moan from you, he obviously succeeded. His smirk broadened when you let out a huff and tugged his hair so he’d look at you.
Peter swore he was in heaven when his eyes met yours again, your face was red and your eyes were half-lidded, pupils blown wide with lust as your chest heaved. He could’ve exploded on the spot when you tugged your bottom lip between your teeth and looked at him innocently, all the while grinding your hips slowly and firmly against his. Peter clenched his jaw and let his eyes fall shut, his hands gripping your hips so tightly that you were pretty certain the area would have bruises come tomorrow. You were struggling to care about that though, focusing your energy on the man who had you pinned against the wall.
You brought your lips to Peter’s neck, repaying the favour, not detaching until you left a dark, albeit small, purple bruise on the underside of his jaw. Deciding to prolong the teasing for a little while longer you moved your lips up and let them hover by his ear and you began to let out soft little moans in response to his grinding, the action caused Peter’s movements to become more frantic and your lips to form in a smirk as you felt him hardening against you.
His breath was laboured when he murmured, “Let’s take this upstairs, yeah?” Before you could even answer he had sped the pair of you to the bedroom and you let your feet return to the floor.
As he stood in front of you, you took him in, swollen lips and Halloween hair completely tossed, not to mention the tent in his trousers that was very visible despite the layers of his costume. When your bodies collided again, it was a frenzy of hands, the both of you practically tearing the fabric off the other until you were in nothing but your underwear, kissing sloppily and stumbling towards the bed.
Peter’s lips attached to your chest again the second your back hit the mattress. He groped at your right breast while his tongue sucked on the other, swapping over before you pulled him back up to you.
The way he slotted between your legs and how his forehead rested on yours felt so perfect, you couldn’t help but grin.
“You’re gorgeous, sweetheart.” He muttered between kisses against your lips, his hands kneading your breasts as he did.
You were practically dripping by the time his hand slid down your stomach and under the band of your underwear. For someone with super speed he was moving agonisingly slow at the moment, his hand rubbing languidly over your wet core while he swallowed your moans.
“Fuck- God, Peter please.” You whined, your hips bucking into his hand, desperate for more friction than he was giving you.
The sound of your voice, so needy for him, was all he needed before he was pulling your underwear off, tossing the thin material over his shoulder haphazardly and shimmying out of his own boxers, clumsily kicking them away from his ankles, earning a giggle from you.
When he kneeled on the bed between your bent and separated knees you sat yourself up, sliding one hand up his bare chest and resting it against his shoulder while the other slid downward, only stopping once it was wrapped around his shaft. Peter sucked in a harsh breath when your began pumping him softly, the man completely losing it when your thumb swiped over his tip collecting the precum that had gathered and using it to wet the length of his dick as you continued to fuck him with your hand.
As much as Peter was loving the image and feeling of you jacking him off, he knew if you carried on he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. Still, he didn’t have the heart to pull your hand away when you were making him feel so good. His head found it’s favourite spot in the crook of your neck and he groaned out against the skin that was littered with little purple and red marks from his earlier work, which he’d be sure to admire later, “Shit, Y/n-“ He croaked through a moan, hands gripping your hips as he fought the urge he had to thrust into your hand, “M’not gonna last much longer if you keep doing that.” He groaned out, almost reluctantly, not truly wanting you to stop while simultaneously craving more.
You stopped your motions at his statement, giggling when he let out a strangled noise of disappointment at the sudden lack of pleasure. Doing the honours, you lined him up with your entrance, letting him take over when his lips connected with yours.
Peter gently pushed you back until your head was resting against your pillow and your back was flush with the mattress. His lips continued to mesh with yours as he pushed into you inch by inch until he bottomed out. The deep groan he released was music to your ears and your hands gripped his biceps when he began to thrust in and out.
A symphony of moans filled the room as Peter had managed to set a steady pace, trying his best not to let his mutation get the best of him, as much as he wanted to just go to town he was determined to make you feel as good as you made him feel and judging by the way your head was thrown back and his name fell from your lips like a prayer; he guessed he was doing an okay job.
In only a few minutes Peter had you gasping and clutching onto him like your life depended on it as he picked up speed, one of his hands reaching down between your bodies to rub your clit, his hips snapping against yours. Soon enough, you felt the pressure in your stomach release, your walls clenching around Peter’s dick as your back arched and you released around him. After only a few more staggered strokes, Peter moaned your name against your lips, finishing inside of you and thrusting lazily, riding out his high and subsequently helping you ride out yours.
You let out a blissful sigh when Peter pulled out and rolled over to lay on his back beside you, his chest heavy and his blonde hair sticking slightly against his forehead.
“That- that was awesome.” He mumbled, intertwining his fingers with yours, holding your hand by his side.
Over the last couple of nights you and Peter had, admittedly, ended up in a similar position but neither of you intended for it to happen. It’d usually start off innocently enough, with cuddling or just talking and then one of you would move in just that little bit closer and things would escalate. But there was something about this time that felt a lot more emotional than the few times before. “It was.” You agreed with an airy giggle, squeezing his hand affectionately.
A gust of air shook you from your haze. Peter had taken it upon himself to clean up the mess the pair of you had left between your legs, a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts now adorned your body matching him as he wore the same.
He was on his side facing you, his arms holding you against his chest securely the same way they had the night you’d shown up in WestView and urged him to kiss you. When he took you in, he kicked himself for missing out on so much of you for so long.
He was certain, one of these days he’d actually speak the three words that followed him around whenever he thought about you, but as he watched your eyes flutter closed, he decided the words would be best spoken some other time. He was well aware you already knew, just as he was well aware that you loved him, it needed to be said. Eventually, but not quite yet.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n, tubbo and jack - we built a boat
requested: yes/no
this is part 10 to the great adventures series
you didn’t actually expect to be filming a vlog with tubbo and jack today, you were spending one of you last days away from home with lani at the beach, not knowing that tubbo and jack would make you join them. you ended up finding several rocks you liked and ran off to pick them up thinking tubbo would like them, so you put them in your pocket. whilst you were collecting rocks, lani was on the phone to tubbo letting him know you were actually at the beach if he wanted you to join him in the vlog.
“wait y/ns there? put them on the phone.”
“they’re in the water.”
“yeah they’re fighting Poseidon, where are you going to be? ill bring them to you.”
few minutes later you made your way to lani drenched in water.
“i fell…stop laughing!”
“im not!”
“you’re eyes are literally watering because you’re holding in your laughter, anyway look what i got you!”
you placed a clear quartz crystal and a piece of sea glass in lanis hand.
“thank you y/n!! wait this isn’t like your other rocks?”
“i know!! it’s clear quartz and sea glass. i felt like you should have it! i think it’s because i won the battle with Poseidon!”
“you fell.”
“shut up!”
“are you staying at ours again tonight?”
“think so… wanna turn the crystal into a necklace?”
lani ended up taking you to where tubbo was, but didn’t tell you what was happening, you only found out when you looked up to see jack recording you and lani.
“hold up, guest appearance.”
“oh hi lani…y/n, guess what?”
you looked down to see the boat.
“oh fuck no!”
you walked away laughing, tubbo followed after you dragging you back to the others.
“they said they can’t wait to go on the boat with us jack!”
“how likely is he to be able to build this?? how likely are me and y/n going to drown??”
“uhm good chances!”
“of what?”
“lani, am i going to live or die?”
you laughed as lani walked away shrugging.
“tubbo how much money did you spend on this…”
“oh great i’m drowning today!”
you stood next to jack tilting your head as tubbo attached the sail to the pole.
“just remember if you two die, i’m in your will.”
“i didn’t write a will.”
“well that was your first mistake y/n did!”
“tubbo gets my rock collection, tommy gets whatever he wants just not the rock collection, ranboo gets whatever tommy doesn’t want, and you get what ranboo doesn’t want.”
a few minutes later you helped tubbo put the sail up whilst jack stood filming you both.
“this looks unsafe..”
“and muddy.”
“it’s unsafe and muddy but we’re trying our best.”
“jack didn’t do anything.”
you stood next to lani trying to convince her to go on the boat so you didn’t have to as tubbo tried to lasso jack. after being told no several times, you stood with jack whilst tubbo began to tie a figure of 8, you watched as tubbo began teaching you how to actually tie a figure of 8 using a really morbid story.
“why was that so morbid?”
“we like death on the tubbo channel!”
“i want to go home!”
the three of you began to carry the boat out to the sea, however you crashed into something straight away.
“could be worse…could have hit a member of the public.”
“i can tell…it’s not good enough but i can tell.”
“my bad T bo!”
“what the fuck did you call me?”
as you were getting ready to go down the ramp, lani looked directly at you and tubbo who were now trying to push each other into the water.
“try not to hit little people in the water!”
“little people…”
“shall we waterproof up?”
you turned around a minute later only to have tubbo holding his phone up to your face after annoying jack with it .
“say hello.”
“hi there , please send help. i’m going to die!”
“ignore y/n, they’re just dramatic..i wouldn’t let them drown.”
you helped tubbo get the boat into the water as jack filmed the pair of you .
“it’s cold.”
“i’ve been in here before…i fell.”
“how cold was it?”
“the weed of the sea is in my feet.”
“ew! what the fuck!”
lani noticed you had all let go of the boat and yelled at you all to grab the boat before it left you all behind, jack, and tubbo got in the boat, however you refused as lani kept yelling that the trailer was on.
“oh we’ve left the trailer on.”
“that’s what lani has been saying.”
tubbo got off to untie the trailer and you stood nervously laughing as the wheel fell off .
“i'm actually going to die!”
“it’s fineee!”
you helped jack get out the boat, so you could all fix the boat.
“he thinks we could be doing better.”
“i think everyone could think that.”
jack got on the boat first, then tubbo, who then helped you get onto the boat.
“off we go!”
for the first five minutes, the three of you sat yelling at each other what you all should be doing to make the boat go forwards.
“i quite like this.”
“we’re not moving!”
soon enough you had figured it all out and waved goodbye to the others after they gave you a thumbs up.
“so now what do we do?”
“to what?”
“god..say your final goodbyes we’re going to die!”
“hey that rhymed, you’re a genius!”
at this point the boat had completely stopped moving, however tubbo didn’t think this was the case, and began trying to turn the boat around as it was apparently going to shore, despite the fact you and jack were telling him you all hadn’t moved.
“so what’s the sail for?”
“i mean jack has a point you are paddling.”
“y/n you talk to technoblade too much.”
“i’ve been saying heh before i met tommy, what the fuck?”
“jack go up to the front, so y/n can sit next to me.”
jack moved and you sat next to tubbo.
“so how long does it take to go to france?”
“ahh you know, about 20 minutes.”
“how fast do you think we’re going bud?”
“on a, on a, on a train.”
“how would you get the train?”
“i don’t think the train can go across this..”
rather than answering that question tubbo decided he made a hit list.
“we’re going to just go through here.”
“…through where?”
“between the people.”
“you’re creating unnecessary danger.”
you and tubbo started bickering about why he suddenly decided that he was going to hit a bunch of people with the boat for no reason.
“fine you take control y/n!”
“tubbo you were going to kill them!”
“that’s just part of the sailing life!”
you just stared at tubbo shaking your head slightly, trying to process what just happened, then all of a sudden tubbo got up and put you in charge of controlling the boat. you were surprisingly good at it, which was lucky for tubbo and jack who were now leaning out of the boat claiming that they were hiking. they only stopped when the boat began to go faster and noticed you had no idea what you were doing.
“y/n is going to be the reason we crash!”
“yeah i will!”
“why do you sound happy about that?”
“eta france?”
“any second now.”
you decided to focus on making sure the boat was going where you wanted it to go, whilst the others yelled out to the sea occasionally yelling phrases in french as they claimed they could see the french. well you think tubbo was yelling phrases in french, however halfway through you were convinced he started just yelling things in a french accent as he revealed he didn’t actually know french, resulting in jack asking to go to russia as he knows russian.
“y/n, sail is to russia!”
“you know what i don’t wanna drive here you go jack it’s your turn.”
“we’re sick of this shit aren’t we y/n, jack take that…you’re on the wrong side switch sides with us.”
you all swapped sides and you and tubbo sat with your arms around each other instructing jack how to sail .
“yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“thats good now turn us and we’ll be in the wind.”
“we’re about to catch the wind.”
you all swapped sides again and tubbo whispered in your ear, as you sat next to him, about making the boat capsize so jack would go into the water, jack ended up doing a lot better than you and tubbo did, and you all actually started going pretty fast. however, there was absolutely no way you’d get to land any time soon. you sat laughing with tubbo whilst jack yelled about how he was a fisherman, and that’s why he was doing so well and how he studied their fins so he could find out how fish swim.
“for a £50 boat it’s done us well, look we’re sailing, the water cleaned the boat.”
“we havent died.”
“im a little wet, but not too bad.”
“must be nice.”
“oh yeah you fell earlier.”
“they were fighting Poseidon.”
“they probably found a rock they liked and went to get it but it ended up in water.”
you all ended up catching the wind and tubbo decided to make you and jack do reaction images.
“help girl, i don’t know how to sail.”
“okay jack your turn, drive and film.”
“hey look i’m filming and driving!”
“no film me and y/n!”
jack filmed the pair of you, tubbo had his arm around you to prevent you from falling out of the boat as you had a habit of leaning out the boat to touch the water. you had no idea what to do so ended up copying tubbo, the pair of you took off your hats .
“tips fedora…what do you want to name our boat?”
“no way..”
it was around now you and tubbo claimed you were all drifting out to sea, and to just let the wind take you wherever it wants to, whereas jack claimed the boat wasn’t moving at all. you pointed at a boat which was moving a lot quicker than you were.
“he stole our wind.”
“we’re stranded jack,y/n.”
you noticed lani and waved out to her.
“jacks sailing, hes getting sailing tips from my cousins!”
“great can he take us to land?”
“i hope we don’t capsize..”
“why would we?”
tubbo looked at you and you nodded back at him.
“hey jack we’re gonna tip this boat!”
and with that the pair of you stood up and began tipping the boat over whilst laughing.
“tubbo i’m about to fall!”
tubbo grabbed your hand keeping you up on the boat with him, you both even managed to get back in the boat without getting wet.
“no, if i’m in you have to be in too.”
jack pushed tubbo into the water tubbo then went on to pull you into the water with him.
tubbo helped you onto the boat first as this was the second time you ended up in the water, and you were quite clearly cold, he got on after you. you sat on the boat as he filmed the outro and jumped back into the water. once jack ended the recording, you reached out your hand to tubbo helping him back onto the boat. the way back to shore was you and tubbo clinging onto each other trying to warm up, and the three of you making shit jokes, and enjoying each other’s company. you even made a few more plans for when ranboos in the uk. few hours later you had said goodbye to jack and went back to tubbos house, tubbo let you shower first while he stayed with lani as she streamed.
“chuck your clothes outside the door, i’ll put them in the dryer whilst you shower. you can change into these.”
tubbo gave you a hoodie from his merch collection that would be dropping soon, along with your pyjama pants, 30 minutes later you sat with lani whilst tubbo went off to shower, lani ended up finishing the stream after 15 minutes.
“wanna make the necklaces lani?”
“i’d love to!”
not long later tubbo joined the pair of you.
“oooh tubbo i got you some more rocks, they're over there with your phone.”
you ended up making a couple of them into necklaces for him, so the the three of you had something to help you remember the day.
“y/n, i hope you’re enjoying your stay, youll practically be living here for a few month soon.”
“wait their parents said yes?!”
“what are you all talking about?”
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
Quiet Music: Scherzo (Chapter Six; Part One)
Tumblr media
In collaboration with @bethanysnow
Dreams turn into reality on smokey breaths. Inner turmoil melts away with the touch from warm skin. Promises make the evening decisions go from complicated to deliciously easy.
Content | Fluff, slight smut warning, tw soft drugs (marijuana)
Pairing | fem!Reader x Damiano
Word Count | 4421
Taglist | @damianodavide @lizstans @unitersmoonshine @its-afucking-mess @ethaneskin @dont-let-me-drown-in-you @vampirtet @lividisuigomiti @juststalking @tabi-toast @ethan-torchio-angelo @cheese-toastie-11 @thewitchinthemountain @ethanesimp @sofckinelectric @man3skin @daddydamiano @finelinejpm @superchrystaldrug @ginny-lily @everythingisdefinitelynotfine @nientedaridere @rainbowmarta @tiaamberxx @shaunthesheesh @enjcltaire @rocketqueen @aleksanderwh0r3 @damianodavidhands @megann-duff @teatrodellavita @coven-daddy  @till-you-scream-and-cry @solasullabarca @fanfictionandfluff @makapaka11 @slave4yourlove @geklutst-ei @marriedwithmarktuan @bookish0918 @mehrmonga @kanevill @butterfly-skinnylegend @lidiyabest @killerqueen1985 @ccweasley @bluscryn @deluxeplanteater @ohtorchio @messyhairday-me @bidet-and-legolas @maybanksslut @katyldamusic​ @fuckim-so-gay @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @petit-poussin @fedorable-killjoys​ @luvbadass​ @buttercup-beeee​ @navs-bhat​ @etaerealboyv​ @tryymebitch​ @mell-bell​ @fenhakwe​ @solacestyles​ @softforlukescurls​ @vicsangel​ @theimpossiblehologramtree​ @alina-exe​ @cherricola66​
Soft skin against his fingers. A hand running down his chest to his pants. Heavy breathing filling the room. The flesh underneath him felt warm and welcoming, hot to the touch and begging for more. Her perfume filled his senses as she pulled him close. Nails running down his back. Whispers of "amore mio, just like that", "keep going,” “cara mia, vita mia, please".
A “Dami, fuck” leaving her lips as his hand started gripping her thighs. Running between them, as she threw her head back, fingers tangled in his hair, pulling on it. Biting her neck. Coaxing more moans out of him, on a mission to make him lose his mind. She was heaven on earth. Supple breasts moving with every breath as he let his mouth descend on them, one at a time, desperate to consume all of her. Kissing every inch of her, exploring her until he knew about every curve, every ridge, every little spot of her body. He wanted to know all the secrets she ever had. Drawing noises out of her that he wanted to keep hearing for the rest of his life. Her hands on his shoulders, on his back, on his arse. Pulling him further into her. Letting his mouth wander lower, getting wrapped up between her legs. She looked at him with dark eyes, nodding, and he was ready to suffocate in between her thighs.
Wait, was he actually suffocating on her thighs?
Damiano woke up with a start, face pressed deeply into the pillow, restricting his breathing in a way that was much less sexy than the one in his dream. A circle of drool had escaped his mouth and dropped onto the pillow. Well, that's embarrassing, he thought to himself.
He was in the middle of pushing himself up and out of bed, highly aware of the situation in his boxers - only to be interrupted when a knock on the door startled him. Trying to wrap the sheet around him, suddenly overly self-conscious of his state, he hastened to the door, almost tripping several times on the way. When he finally unlocked and opened it, he just about let his head appear in the opening, awkwardly hiding between the door still. Y/n’s face was painted in confusion. He forgot how stunning she really was, his brain not even coming close to painting her image in his dreams.
“Yes, hi, good morning, I’m up! I’ll be down in an hour!” He was rushing to finish his sentence, not giving her a chance to reply before he let the door fall back into its lock. A deep breath out. Her face instilled in his mind like a photograph, unable to be separated from the extremely vivid dream he’d just had. He felt bad. He had essentially slammed the door in her face while wrapped up in a bedsheet. Not a very good impression considering he liked the woman behind the door. This was going to be such a long day.
“Why are you so awkward?” Victoria nudged Damiano as they had settled on a couch on the bus. He had been looking off since she had first seen him that morning, which was odd. Especially considering he was usually more of an early bird than the rest of them. “Sleep badly? Bad dreams? Good dreams? Or did you scare Y/n away again with another morning wood incident.”
Damiano’s face burned up as if suddenly ignited, making Victoria gasp.
“Oh my god, did you?!” She smacked his chest with her hand as she let out a gasp.
“I wasn’t even aware you knew about the first time,” Damiano mumbled, slumping down deeper into the seat. Crawling into the shirt he was wearing. Anything to get out of this conversation.
“Word travels fast on tour, you should know that by now,” she giggled, repositioning so she had her legs spread across his thighs. “So what happened?”
“I’m not going to talk about that with you,” he scoffed. Victoria’s grin only spread further, though. She was loving this side of Damiano more than she would like to admit - shy, awkward, unsure of himself. He was one of the best people she knew, an amazing frontman, a talented musician, a loyal friend. Yet with one little addition to the team he had turned into a quivering mess.
“You know I’m just going to ask Y/n what happened, right?”
“Yeah good luck with that, she didn’t even notice. At least I hope not.”
“Wait - so you hid your boner from her? I mean, at least you didn’t traumatise her again. What happened though, did you have some good times before the wake-up call?” She once again nudged him obnoxiously, loving how uncomfortable she was making him. “Did you have a wet dream? Did- Oh my god, you’re blushing, you did have a wet dream! Tell me everything! Was it hot? Did she go down on you or something? Did you see her tits?”
“Fuck off Victoria, I’m not telling you anything, now stop! It’s no like-”
“Hi! Attention, everyone! I know it's early and everyone is probably still asleep. But - announcements! That includes you Thomas,” Y/n said pulling the curtain of the guitarist’s bunk back so he could listen too.
Victoria noticed how their assistant didn’t seem spooked by Damiano’s presence at all - it seemed like he had been right after all. She hadn’t noticed a thing. If only those two would stop playing cat and mouse and finally do something, anything, she thought.
"Now, I know we're all excited about going to Amsterdam today, and I'm not looking at anyone in particular here," she explained as she shot a pointed look at Damiano that no one missed. "But I have one ground rule: no weed before the show. You got tomorrow off, so whatever you do after the performance tonight is none of my business. But god help you if I find you with a joint in hand any time before that."
She smiled, but Victoria had no doubts she would be deadly serious if it came to it. Y/n passed out a map of the local area, highlighting the Leidseplein in the middle of town, and in red circles were the venue, the hotel they were staying at, restaurants, and several coffeeshops, all within easy walking distance.
“Do with that what you like,” she concluded. ”As long as you do it after the show.”
The band had gotten to the venue straight after lunch, excitedly discussing some new covers they were thinking about playing that night. Soundcheck consisted of a number of conversations all at once, trying to figure out how to change the setlist. Damiano found himself participating less, instead, staring down at Y/n sitting in the audience. She was busy writing in her notebook, the seats next to her taken up by her bag, folders, and laptop. He knew she needed a break. They all worked extremely hard all the time, so it wasn't difficult to spot the signs of a fellow overworked person. He made it his own personal mission to get her to go out with them that night. Spend some time outside of work, see the city, anything that made her put her phone down.
As day turned to night, the concert loomed on the horizon. As soon as they hit the stage, it was clear it was going to be a good night. Amsterdam was the best kind of crazy. Going from Zitti e Buoni into Billie Eilish's Bury a Friend, the crowd went wild. Damiano noticed with amusement that Y/n was absentmindedly dancing along from her spot on the side of the stage as well. His attention had only been diverted towards her for a second, he was sure, but it was enough to suddenly feel something hit his head. Soft, red fabric.
"Was wondering when the first of those would come around," Damiano chuckled into the microphone in between songs, swinging the bra around a few times, before draping it across his mic stand.
Yet as much as the energy of the audience rubbed off on the band, all of them felt like collapsing after the show, feeling like they'd given it more than their all. A perfect chance to unwind for the night, in a way only Amsterdam really knew how. It was legal, after all.
“I am absolutely not getting high with you lot.”
Everyone was gathered in Y/n’s hotel room more or less uninvited. It seemed like they were dying to drag her along on what was supposed to be one of the best nights out on that tour. After getting ready, they had simply stormed in as soon as she had opened her hotel door. Now they were perched on her bed, her desk, and her armchair, trying to convince her.
“I gave you all a map to see where you could go. I, for one, would like to stay in my room, just me and my bed, and sleep till my alarm in the morning. That sounds like a brilliant time in my book.”
“Boring!” Thomas shouted, hurling a pillow from the bed at her that she quickly caught and threw back with much less force.
“If you come out with us, we’ll be ready before your wake-up call for the rest of the week!” Victoria tried to bribe.
“If you come out with us, we’ll have breakfast ready for you every day!” Y/n shot a look at Thomas, knowing fully well this was not going to happen. The idea alone made her laugh.
“If you come out with us, you can keep me company while the other three go crazy?” Ethan finally offered. She knew she was close to giving in, no matter how wrong it seemed to blur the lines between working relationship and friendship. She barely even agreed to drinks when she was on the job, and technically, she considered herself to be on the job 24/7. Yet these four had grown close to her heart so much more than anticipated.
Out of nowhere Damiano appeared next to her, slinging his arm around her shoulder. The way his fingertips brushed her neck as he did so left goosebumps. “Come on, darling, I promise I’ll take care of you.”
It turned out, that was all she had needed to hear.
The coffeeshop didn’t differ much from the usual pubs and bars; people stuffed in every corner, a low murmur of talk with the occasional loud laughter over the music playing in the background, tables full of glasses and bottles. Only the smoke lingering in the air, its distinct smell, and the relaxed atmosphere let on that it was a slightly different kind of place. Y/n made short work of weaseling through the crowd and securing a table at the far end of the place, just enough space to accommodate all of them, as the others went to order.
“Do you want one as well?” Damiano asked as soon as he had let himself fall onto the couch next to her, already preparing to roll a joint.
“I think I’m getting a second-hand high just sitting here. Maybe take a puff of one of yours, but I won't be able to finish one myself."
Damiano nodded, licking the inside of the blanks as he prepared his joint. Victoria came bouncing in like a tidal wave - her usual fashion - and crashing into the others already sitting down. As soon as Damiano was happy with his creation, she snatched it out of his hand, making short work of lighting it and taking a drag.
“Hey, that was mine!”
“Make another one,” she grinned, obnoxiously blowing the smoke into his face. Rolling his eyes, Damiano quickly prepared another one for himself, everyone now happy and content with their smokes, until only Y/n was left holding at a glass of water.
She preferred to observe the scene from her little advantage point in the corner like she so often did. The mellow music in the background was loud enough to underline the atmosphere but quiet enough to easily talk to everyone around you without having to shout. She liked this much better than loud bars in the evening. Most people were minding their own business, in small groups or pairs, some on their own. Victoria was quick to start chatting to a pair of girls sitting at the table next to them. She wasn’t going to lie - while not her usual spot, she didn’t exactly feel uncomfortable.
A hand appeared in front of her face, seemingly out of nowhere, and it took her a second to realise it was Damiano, trying to pass her his joint. She hesitated - still not convinced whether she should be smoking at all, but one look into his eyes only proved to her that she was weak to his suggestions. Parting her lips ever so slightly, she let him push the blunt between them, his fingertips grazing her. She took a drag, careful not to breathe in too much too quickly, before releasing the joint. Damiano pulled it back towards himself immediately, putting it back between his own lips, and she felt hypnotised. The moment came to an abrupt end when a cough took hold of her.
“Easy, easy,” Ethan soothed from the other side, his hand on her upper back. “Breathe.”
Everyone around the table seemed to be looking at her now, but she quickly got her composure back, holding up her hands in a gesture that was meant to signal she was fine.
“Fuck,” Y/n choked, taking a drink from her glass to wet her throat. “This is why I don’t smoke.”
“Wrong,” Thomas threw in. “This is because you don’t smoke!”
Y/n shook her head, giggling at the guitarist and the know-it-all look in his eyes.
“Up to try again?” Damiano whispered in her ear as the attention had finally ceased to be on her. She found herself staring into his eyes once again, a fluttery feeling erupting in her stomach at having him watch her so intently, at being able to capture his attention so easily.
The look on his face was enough to get her to try again. And again. And again.
She couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but for once, she genuinely didn’t care. The people around them had changed, old ones leaving, new ones arriving, but the music stayed the same. She wasn’t quite sure what the joke Thomas was telling them was about, but she found herself giggling along nonetheless. This was the best she had felt in forever.
Unaware of what she was doing, she leaned back, finding Damiano’s arms carefully wrapping around her, holding her softly. To her own surprise, she was sinking into him.
“Having fun?” He asked in a voice so low she barely heard it. A voice so soft it made her heart melt. She nodded, slightly twisting around in his embrace to look at him again. She couldn’t get enough of his face. She’d stay and study it for all of eternity if he let her.
"Have you ever seen brown zircon?” She suddenly asked out of nowhere. “It's a gemstone that looks like they made sparkly salted caramel bonbons from rock. They mine it in Tanzania, I think? Your eyes sparkle just like that." She grinned at the man beside her. "I can attest to that from this angle at least. It’s like the one scene in Aladdin! 'She's got these eyes, and this hair and…’ Ah oh god, what am I doing?" She couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous she was being. She found her face resting on his shoulder, completely content. His eyes never wavered from her face, listening closely to what she had to say.
Then Y/n watched her hand brush Damiano’s hair to the front, attempting to style it in a slightly different way. “Did you mean to look like Eren Yeager or was that some sort of subconscious coincidence? Not that it doesn’t look good, of course.”
“You watch Attack on Titan?” Dami looked down at her with surprise.
“No I don’t, but my friends do. So you learn the names of the people they yell at through the TV screen very quickly,” she laughed, remembering the way her friends would huddle in the living room, shouting at whatever the characters were doing wrong in their opinion.
“The more I get to know you, the more I’m convinced you’re my kinda woman, you know?” he mumbled, a smile grazing his lips. The more she looked at him, the more she felt her brain shutting off and her heart taking over. Or was it the high? She wasn’t interested in trying to differentiate.
Once again, he pushed the joint between her lips, holding the eye contact and it felt so much more intimate than it should have. It felt like her nerves were on fire. When he pulled his hand back again, she wanted to grab onto it, keep him in place, keep the moment.
I could stay in this forever, Y/n thought to herself.
"Also, I'm not religious by any means, but whatever God was responsible for creating you sure took their sweet time doing it…" The words spilled from her mouth before she realized she was talking, eyes flicking back and forth between his. "You know?"
She caught herself looking at his lips. A small blush grew on her face as she looked away. Staring out into the room, out at the people sitting next to them at other tables. Something distracting to take the rising heat off.
Damiano could feel his defenses wearing away. All ideas of staying away completely vanished into the smoke that lulled them in as he was holding her in his arms, her back leaning against his chest. He could feel her breathing, giggling at nothing at all, or maybe something Victoria had said but he hadn’t heard.
“If anyone’s been made by the angels, it’s you, amore,” he mumbled more to himself than anything, but she had heard him. Another chuckle running through her body. The atmosphere was fogging up his brain. He watched in amusement as he let a finger run up her arms, from her wrist to her upper arm where the fabric of her shirt began, and goosebumps appeared as if standing tall in a row. He tried it again on the other arm, getting the same result.
“What are you doing?”
She was turning around in his arms, just enough to look at him without removing herself from his embrace. He wondered if it was the dim light or if she was always this radiant. His hands travelled to the elastic that was holding her hair together and carefully removed it, eyes on her. Her hair fell around her face, framing it beautifully in its typically wild manner.
“I…” Her eyes seemed to twinkle as the light of the bar reflected back at him through them. “I don’t know.”
He looked away, suddenly insecure. What was he doing? He wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he couldn’t keep his hands off her, now less than ever. He wanted her. Wanted her all to himself. Wanted to keep holding her like this forever. There was no denying that.
“You’re sweet.”
Her voice took a second to get through to him, but as it did, he turned his head as if in slow motion. All he had wanted to do was look at her again, but that wasn’t what happened. Instead, her lips were on his.
All Y/n had done was lean forward to press a kiss against his cheek. Now their lips were meeting and she didn’t know how she had gotten there. She wanted to pull back - no, actually she didn’t. But she thought she should. Though the spirit was willin - to pull away, that was -, the flesh was weak. Delving deeper into his arms, she found herself kissing him like she meant it. Her hands found his chest, feeling the rising heat from his skin. Being closer to him than ever before was driving her crazy. His soft, warm lips against hers. Just the tiniest movements, as if he was afraid of breaking her. She let herself enjoy it. For a moment. That was all her brain allowed before switching back to the rational part. She pulled back in surprise.
She moved out of his embrace, stiffening at the contact. All of the twinkling lights of romance that had just appeared around them now popped as the kiss ended.
I just kissed my boss. I just fucking went and kissed Damiano! I am so, so fucked.
Yet, she couldn't deny that she wanted to kiss him again. And again, and again until they ran out of air to breathe. She looked back at him and the expression on his face said it all. His lids lowered, a small smile appearing on his face. Eyes twinkling in the soft light. He hadn’t wanted the kiss to end either. Either that or the weed was affecting him more than she had thought.
But as cold air started to seep in between them he blinked a couple of times, only now noticing that she had pulled away.
"Sorry - about that. I was trying to- I wasn't trying to kiss you. Well, I was - but not on the mouth. That would have been very forward of me. I would never. That's not me. I don't know how that happened - sorry." Y/n rambled on, unable to stop talking.
Damiano smirked, pecking her cheek. "Y/n, it's fine, you're fine. I turned my head and we kissed. It happens." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. As if this was some sort of common occurrence. As if she was panicking for nothing. Was she?
Damiano desperately tried to hide the turmoil inside of him. It happens?! Damiano, what the hell are you thinking! Not the right thing to say in this situation! Now it just looks like you’d kiss anyone, great. He looked down at his hands, fumbling with his rings. Trying to get his breathing back under control. He needed to be cool.
"I mean - not that I didn't enjoy it. You kiss good!"
You kiss good? What the? That wasn’t even English. He was well and truly losing his mind.
Y/n took a deep breath, sitting back in her seat, making sure not to be as close to Damiano as she had been before. Victoria and Thomas had migrated to get more drinks and Ethan was deeply entrenched in some conversation with a man next to him. Luckily the rest of the band hadn't seen what just happened. Grabbing her glass once more, the cold wet condensation gave a stark contrast to her warm skin.
The kiss still left a tingly feeling on her lips. Quickly looking at Damiano, she met his eyes. He had not looked away yet, it seemed. She watched as he bit his lip in contemplation. Whatever was playing on his mind, Y/n didn't know. His words left her believing he wasn’t quite as put together as he tried to pretend. He certainly wasn’t making much sense. Although, she wouldn’t dismiss his compliment of her kissing abilities. She wondered if he would think similarly if they did it again, or did more than that…
Her wandering thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a loud crash. The culprit was quickly spotted. The middle of the coffeeshop, which had been empty of people until then, now had Thomas lying on his front, surrounded by liquid and broken glass.
Y/n didn’t hesitate, jumping up to offer her aid. The worry only lasted for a second though, until Thomas turned on his back, giggling maniacally. She barely managed to kick some shards out of the way before he could roll onto them.
She let out a deep sigh at the state of the guitarist, before quickly apologizing to the people at the bar.
“Everyone help me grab Thomas, I think this is our sign to call it a night.”
Y/n thought she’d have an easy time going to sleep. The effects of the joint were lingering, plus, the day had just been plain exhausting. Yet, as her head hit the pillow, she felt restless. Her mind kept circling around Damiano. The way he had looked at her. The way he had looked in general. She had seen him basically naked at this point, but she still thought about how it would be different up close and personal. She wished she had been able to read his eyes more. Had he been thinking about the same things she had? Had he wanted to kiss her again and again, get lost in that bubbling excitement of finally being close, finally let his hands wander to new places? She wanted to pull his hair. See what kind of sound would leave his mouth when doing so.
She wanted his hands and his lips, all of him really, badly. She wanted to know what he felt like when he really kissed her. What his fingers would be able to do to her. Biting and moaning. She desperately needed some release, wishing it would come from him, but knowing there was no chance, at least not tonight. Her hand wandered between her legs as she let her mind run wild. Imagining it was him instead, letting his fingers run along the inside of her thighs, exploring every inch of her. How he would treat her just right, hit all the right spots, do so much better than her own fingers ever could. The words he’d whisper in her ear, seducing her with his mother tongue, breath fanning her skin. How he would kiss her senseless. Feeling the rhythm of their bodies take over. Watch his tattoos start to glisten with a sheen of sweat from what they would be doing.
She found her release almost embarrassingly quickly, burying her face in her pillow. Her body felt more at ease, although her heart was still craving something more. She had almost calmed down, getting her breathing back under control. In a moment of clarity, she checked her phone to see when she had to wake up the next day, when the sound of a moan caught her attention. One that definitely wasn’t her own, but seemed to come from the room next door.
Damiano’s room.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Angel has Kai’s baby in their 3rd (last) year of highschool and Kai has no idea since she hid her pregnancy so 2 years later Kai breaks up with angel to focus on his “experiments” when Kai is sent to Tartarus the guards tell him that he has a visitor and there’s angel and his child and Kai starts to tear up
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"Eh...?" you could only mutter in disbelief as Kai read some papers with an unbothered expression.
"I know you for about five years (Y/n). I know you dont have any issues with your hearing." He muttered coldly before sighing and placing the papers on the desk.
"You... want to break up...? Why? What did I do?" You asked with trembling lips as he stared at your eyes.
"Is more about on what you can't and won't do." He pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose before waving it in the air "You know I am the future leader of the hassaikai. And having you near would be only a distraction to my experiments to give this place more credit. You would be like a rock on my path to gain some knowledge."
"You're kidding right?" You almost sobbed "You always told me I was like a safe place for you to go. What the hell happened to that? Or the promises you made for me for us to get married?" He blinked before answering.
"I was foolish. We have a life ahead of us and well, having you being clingy on my back would be a nuisance while working."
The ground could swallow you for all you cared... what the supposed love of your life just said was enough to leave you with eyes red and legs felling like they were trembling.
"Please dont cry. You're dropping them on the ground. And I dont even know if you're clean." You gritted your teeth before breathing in and looking at Kai Chisaki for what you swore for one last time.
"Very well. You want to break up because I'm only a bother to your path to greatness oh punny God? So be it." You walked until you felt him grabbing your wrist until you snatched it away from him.
"When the time is right, we can get back together." He spoke like he was in a fucking meeting in a company.
"No." You hissed "Chisaki I loved you, and I gave you everything of me even supporting your ideas. But then you want to break up with out of no where saying I would ruin your plans by simply existing neat you and to top it off you call me clingy and a nuisance?"
You could see a tad bit of remorse on his eyes as he pondered for a second his own words maybe, but before he could speak you sobbed and opened the door.
"Don't ever look for me Chisaki. And for your information..." you hesitated and gulped down the urge to just yell what you had discovered just earlier while clenching your purse where the pregnancy test lied on.
"What?" He asked, now no longer seeing to be bothered by your sadness and outburst.
"... good luck on your life. I hope you're happy with this obstacle getting away from you." You muttered before closing the door and walking out until you cursed and screamed while you ran as the rain started to make an appearance.
Not noticing the germophobic himself running out of the house with an umbrella to give it to you and soaked as well as he watched with a dread expression your figurine run away...
Ten years later...
"I swear Kaiyo... you gonna drive me crazy one of these days." You spoke heartedly as the boy with brow hair laughed in embarrassment while scrubbing the back of his head as you caught all the pieces of the broken chair on the ground.
"Sorry ma! I got carried away." You scoffed but soon smiled at his tiny hands and focused face morph the pieces and piece them back together and with a proud face show you the new constructed chair with a 'tad a!'
"Wow. Impressive sweety!" You patted his hair as he "complained", golden eyes shinning brightly at looking at you with a huge smile on.
Life sometimes was cruel to give the child you loved the exact same face as their father which teared your heart at pieces. But your love for your son was stronger than this stupid thing.
Kaiyo was your son. Not his.
"Ne ne ma? Father's day is coming up!" Kaiyo said and you froze for a moment before sighing while washing the dishes.
Here we go...
"Yes it is coming." You muttered as the boy sneak around and looked up at you.
"You know I dont really care about what the other kids say about me having only a mom but..." he rested his face on his crossed arms on the sink while shyly looking up at you "I was just curious... if I am going to meet mine..."
You sighed while placing the now dry plates on their place before giving your son the best smile you could get.
"Kaiyo, your father is just a very busy name. When we were together he had.. uh.. family business to take care of, so that's why we cant see him much." Kaiyo seemed a bit dissapointmented and it tore you apart.
You could have your own issues with Kai but that didn't mean you would make his son hate him...
"Well... Sato's also got a busy dad but.." he shook his head, messy brow bangs shaking along with his head, until he gave you a bright smile "That's okay! I just hope I get to meet him one day! And that he gets back to you and apologize foe being a dork! So us three can live together!"
A child can dream, right?
But you knew that Kai needed to know the existence of Kaiyo... you werent ignorant...
"Yeah kiddo. Let's hope for the best." You carresed his cheek before kissing it "Okay. Enough talk. Time for bed young man."
"Awww already?" He pouted as you giggled.
"How about that? You go get ready and I tell you stories about me and daddy while we were together?"
"Can I get my plushie of mr Nighteye?" You giggled. Something Kaiyo definitely wasn't equal to his father was his fascination with heroes.
"Sure honey. Now shoo! Go go go!" You squished his cheeks as he laughed and ran towards his room on the apartment.
You snorted at sign before preparing yourself for digging the past once again for the sake of your son.
"MOM!" You almost chopped your finger along with the carrot at the shout of Kaiyo before looking at him in worry to se ehkm pointing at the T.V with horror "The heroes-! The green hero with the girl-!"
You immediately went to his side only to widened your eyes at the image in front of you.
"Ma! He is a villain! A BIG ONE!"your son whimpered while going for you for a hug while stared in shock... "Ma? Why are you trembling?"
"H-Huh?" You let out until you gasped at seeing this teenager punching Chisaki square in the face...
"Ma?! You're okay?!"
You didn't know what to feel, but surely you weren't expecting tears to fall when this girl hand cuffed your ex boyfriend and the cops and heroes to put him into a van to surely got to the prison. Tartarus you bet.
You felt a hand rubbing your cheek and soon looked at your son wide teary eyes.
"M-Mommy...?" You hugged him close to your chest and holding his head close as your heart almost slammed out of your chest. "What happened? Are you okay?"
"I-i... I'm okay honey." You inhaled before looking into Kaiyo's golden eyes to see worry on them. "Hey, mommy's okay."
"That man looked like me..."
How long was he here? Months?
Didn't matter. Nothing mattered more... everything was taken from him. Including his own arms. Now he was just as useless as a cockroach.
Worst of all? His own father figurine on a damn hospital because of him...
'Is funny how things change' is what you used to say... he found himself scoffing while pressing the back of his head on the wall.
He hadn't stop thinking about you ever since the day he made the decision of breaking up with you. He did tried inumerous times to contact you when he took leadership of the Hassaikai... but he just gave up.
"Probably married with kids already... why are you even thinking about her on the first place..?" he murmured to himself as he felt his chest tighten in sadness.
Everything was just... what he deserved.
He sighed. Closing his eyes for just a split second until he heard banging on the door of his cell until a guard opened the window on it to glare daggers at him.
"Get up. You have visitors."
"Leave me in here. I thought your job was to take seriously enough to not make jokes." He spoke on a hoarse voice until the cell opened with two guards already on it.
"I cant understand why you have visitors as well but get your ass up already."
He just blinked until he got up, two guards in front of him and one behind as he walked.
He just hoped it was fast.
He entered the room, mirrors which surely was where cops were hidden as he sitted down on a chair and waited until the door of iron opened by another guard.
"Right here ma'am. And remember the rules please."
"Of course." His eyes widened and he snapped his head up to see if he hadn't got crazy.
But no. You were there.
Gosh.. you didn't change at all... was even more beautiful than what his mind could have remember.
He stood there in shock as you got in but along with you... holding your hand, was a boy. Dressed with clothes but he surely didn't looked content about being in here.
His face dropped at seing the kid... you had moved on.
"One hour." The guard said locking the door as you stood there awkwardly, while the kid holding onto to you was glaring at the ground.
He wanted to say something but nothing came out as he was still in shock at seeing out of all people you decided to visit him.
The heels you wore clicked on the ground as you walked towards the table and sit down and the boy right by your side on the other chair... not even once you made eye contact with him.
"... (y/n)..." he whispered, still looking at you as if you were some angelical creature.
"Hey... long time that we dont see each other right? Chisaki." You spoke... not with a smile but not with hatred.
It was a start.
"You... hadn't changed a... a bit." He spoke, voice scratching at his throat as your eyes finally met his, his heart was beating loudly on his chest.
It felt like he was in high school again...
"Should I take that as a compliment?"
"I.. I didn't meant to offend you. Apologies." He bowed his head a bit as you sighed, looking at him with wide eyes out of the sudden.
"Oh God what happened to your arms?!" You almost screamed as the kid also seemed to notice.
"Long story... just.. a business that went wrong." He explained with dread as you seemed to relax a but while nodding.
It remained quiet for a bit only for the sound of the clock on the wall until he decided to break the silence.
".. so.. er.." gosh he was horrible with this "how is your life? Any.. uh.. you got the degree you wanted? I remember how you talked about it..."
You sighed with dissapointment as you looked at everywhere but him.
"No. I haven't... but I see you got what you wanted before being arrested though." You muttered and he let out a bitter chuckle.
"Almost.. yeah." He tapped his foot twice until he spotted the kid glaring at him with similiar gold eyes... "Married?"
"No. I thought it would be a distraction while taking care of my son." You spoke abruptly... as you looked at the boy beside you... "Anyway... I need to give you this."
You showed to him a paper before putting on the desk.
"What.. what is this?"
"Is a DNA test." You spoke coldly "To prove that you do have a son."
His eyes widened at that as he looked at the paper... and then to the boy whose was glaring at him not moments ago...
"Wha... but... "
"Remember the day when we split off? Yeah... was the day I discovered."
"W... why didn't you said something?" He asked in oure horror as you giggled in sarcasm.
"For what? This would only trouble you right?" You said with such venom on your voice that he felt a sting to his chest before you breathed in slowly before exhaling "I'm here because I thought you had the right to know... even after ten years.."
He looked at the kid and soon could tell the similarly between him and the boy... you had to raise a child with his face on it alone and he had broken things because of his own selfishness...
"What... what is his name?"
You pondered for a second before sighing, caressing the boy's hair.
"Come on honey... introduce yourself to your dad..." the boy huffed before opening his eyes and looking at him.
"I'm (L/n) Kaiyo. I cant say is very nice to meet you but my mom told me to say it for respect." He almost cringed at the introduction as he saw you looking at him with anger.
"Kaiyo." You warned as the boy scoffed.
"Dont need to scold him. He is not exactly wrong..." he ended up saying while you looked at him.
"I raised Kaiyo to have respect though."
"Why should I have respect towards him in the first place?" He looked at the dark brow haired kid "Not only he abandoned you ma but he is a villain! A very bad one! That girl on the Tv should be the same age if not younger than me!" The boy gritted with a few tears escaping his face.
"Kaiyo please... "
"Incredible..." you and Kaiyo suddenly looked at him "Despite having my features you are just like your mother... I would be proud of it..."
"... I'm not proud of being a villain's son." He muttered while sniffing "You abandoned us. I know ma hadn't said a thing to you but now I do."
You bited on your lips as he looked at loss of words at what he just heard from a child...
"... I know it doesn't change a thing but... I never stopped thinking about... your mother. About you (Y/n)."
"DONT REFER TO MY MOM AS HER FIRST NAME!" Kaiyo banged his fists on the table before you took him in your arms as the boy sobbed "You never cared! You-You-! Grandpa said you called my ma a bother! You are a MURDER!" The kid cried.
"I'm sorry about that..." you mumbled as you cradled the crying boy in your arms "He didn't take well Mr. Nighteye death..."
"M-Ma-! I wanna go home!"
"But Kaiyo, your da-"
"He IS NOT MY DAD!" he cried in you as you sighed as Chisaki seemed to be dying little by little at each second this visit had.
"I'm... going to go. Another day we will visit. Take care, Chisaki." You spoke before he could hear it and he stood up abruptly from his chair.
"No! Wait-!"
The door closed...
Months later
"Ma look. Hawk's wings are healing." The kid pointed at the news and you smiled.
"That's amazing! We could use some good news!" You chirped as Kaiyo smiled until both of you heard the door bell of your apartment ring.
"Huh. Weird usually grandpa or grandma visits us on-" you opened the door and you almost screamed at the sign of that same green haired kid on your door but now he seemed so... broken...
"Ma'am.. I'm sorry to bother you, but he said he can crash a bit in here... later cops will come to get him. I'm sorry but I need to go." Your son walked and squealed at sign.
"A hero!" Your son smiled brightly at him and for once, Deku had showed a smile for real... until you saw Chisaki leaning bruised to the core resting on the wall next to your door...
"Chisaki..." you breathed out as your son looked at him in shock.
"I'm sorry. Both of you..." he muttered while looking at the storm outside.
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