#i dont know where i got that idea though bc that would be really funny
this is such doctor behaviour by mulder do you think the doctor and him would get along
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prettywhenibleed · 1 year
Okay so, I got this idea from the song “Dont know what you got (till it’s gone)” by Cinderella when I was listening to it. What if in this scenario, (y/n) has always had feelings for Paul but never grows the confidence to tell him. And maybe there’s instances where Paul would just be too naive to even realize that reader has a massive crush on him.  Reader overhears a convo with Paul and marko, where marko asks if Paul would actually catch feelings for someone and he’s like “naahhh” so, that’s the readers last straw? Reader decides to go away for a while in hopes to just get over him bc how hurt they were and the entire time the reader is gone, Paul starts to realize everything the reader did for him and all the good times. Ofc he starts to miss them, and …realizes that he indeed also had feelings for them.
I hope you like it and it is what you wanted.
𝕯𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝕲𝖔𝖙 (Don't Know What You Got)
Fem!Reader x Paul
TW: Weed, nothing else except sad boy hours with Paul
This is a request from my old account that I did.
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You and Paul sat together on one of the beaten up couches in the cave, his arm laying across the back of the couch behind you as he took a hit from the joint he was holding. Blowing out the smoke, he passed it to you, to which you accepted and took your own hit. You and Paul would often just hang out together, smoke and listen to music, whether that was in the cave, out on the beach or under the boardwalk. You loved hanging out with Paul, he was so much fun, so sweet, funny and kind to you. Over the year that you had known him and the others for, you had developed feelings for him. Your feelings for him grew from just friends, to wanting more pretty quickly after meeting him for the first time. Though, you never told Paul about your feelings for him. You never had the confidence to. What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if you ruined your friendship by telling him? You couldn’t do that and you couldn’t take the rejection, not from him. 
Even though Paul had never realized it, the others did. It was pretty obvious to everyone except Paul that you had a massive crush on him. You thought that maybe one day he might see how much you cared for him and take the initiative and ask you out, but that never happened. Paul was too naive to even notice it. You were brought out of your thoughts by Paul nudging you. “Hey. You gonna pass that, sugar?” He asked, a goofy grin on his face as he watched your zoned out expression and you holding the joint in your hand. He just thought that you were really high and spacing out. You recovered by sending a grin back at him. “Sorry.” You said, laughing a little and passing it back to him. Paul took the joint off of you and gave you a shrug. “It’s all good, babe. I know you’re a weakling when it comes to my weed.” He teased, which promptly earned him a playful jab in his side from you as you feigned hurt. “Rude! I’m not a weakling!” You defended. The rest of the night went on and eventually ended with Paul dropping you off at your place. 
A few more days passed and you met up with the boys at the boardwalk. As soon as Paul spotted you walking up to them, he ran up to you, picking you up and spinning you around before putting you back on the ground. “Finally! We’ve been waiting for ages!” Paul whined, causing you to laugh. “Dude, we’ve only been waiting for like, ten minutes.” Marko said, laughing at his brother. You and Paul made your way over to the others, Paul’s arm slung over your shoulders. “Yeah well, it was ten minutes too long.” He said, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout, trying to gain some kind of sympathy from you and his brothers, to no avail. You turned to Paul. “Come on you big baby. Let’s get something to eat cause I’m starving.” You told him and the others. While they didn’t necessarily need to eat human food, they still enjoyed it. The five of you made your way to one of the food stalls to get some food. Marko and Paul were messing around in the line, playfully shoving each other and laughing, which caused a few people in the line to give them annoyed looks. 
You, Dwayne and David just watched on in amusement and their antics. Eventually, you all got to the front of the line and ordered. After getting your food, you all started to head back to the bikes, Marko and Paul starting up the shoving again. It would have been fine, if Marko didn’t shove him a little too hard, causing Paul to drop his food. He just stood there for a few moments, staring at his now dirt and sand covered food on the ground. Feeling bad for him and not being able to stand the sad look on his face, you handed your food over to Paul. “Here, have mine. I’ll go get some more.” You told him, giving him your food and as soon as he took it, you left to go get some more food before he could even thank you. While you were in line again waiting to reorder, the boys were standing in the same spot, waiting for you to get back. Paul was apparently so touched by your gesture, that he proceeded to cry as he ate the food that you had given him. Admittedly, he was also kinda really high too. 
When you got back to them, you gave Paul a concerned look. “Hey, Paulie. You okay?” You gently asked him as you watched him cry and eat. “Mhm.” Paul said as he nodded. “You’re just so nice to me, sugar! You were so hungry but you still gave me your food.” He said as he continued to cry. You pulled Paul into a hug, being careful of the food, to comfort him but you couldn’t help the giggle that came from you. “You’re welcome Paul but you don’t need to cry. It’s just food.” You told him. After you had all finished eating and Paul had finished crying, you guys went on some rides. By that you meant that you, Marko and Paul went on the rides while Dwayne and David just stood back and watched the three of you. The night went on and you all had a great time, as you always did and just like every night, Paul dropped you off at your house. He didn’t really have to, since you only lived about a fifteen minute walk from the boardwalk, but Paul always insisted since when you went back home, it was very late. 
The next night, Paul picked you up from your place and drove you to the boardwalk. You all went about with what you normally did. At some point, you, Paul and Marko ventured under the boardwalk to smoke but after a while, you told them that you would be right back as you needed to go get a drink. They offered to go with you but you told them that you would be fine. When you were headed back to them, drink in hand, you stopped. You were close enough that they hadn’t noticed you yet and close enough that you could hear a conversation that they were having. “Hey Paul?” Marko said, gaining Paul’s attention. “Yeah bud?” Paul replied, looking over at Marko. “Do you think you would ever catch feelings for someone?” Marko asked. Paul didn’t take too long to think of his answer. “Nah, I don’t think I would. Why?” Paul answered with a shrug. Marko gave Paul a shrug back. “No reason. Just wondering.”
It felt like a knife had just been plunged into your heart and you felt your body go ice cold. Paul would never have feelings for anyone. He would never have feelings for you. Tears started to well up in your eyes as you quietly turned around and walked away. Before, you at least had a little hope that maybe he could feel the same way about you as you felt about him but after hearing that, your worst fears were confirmed. Paul would never love you. How could you be so stupid as to think that he would even like you like that, let alone love you? You walked back up onto the boardwalk and made your way towards the exit. You couldn’t face them now. You couldn’t face him. That night, you walked home for the first time since you had started hanging out with the boys, crying the whole way and eventually, crying yourself to sleep. 
You were woken up by the sound of tapping on your window. You laid still for a few moments, listening and waiting, knowing it must be one of the boys. The voice that you heard only confirmed your suspicions. “Sugar? I know you’re in there. Why did you leave? Did something happen?” Paul asked through the window. You were glad that the curtains were drawn and the window was locked. You didn’t want to see or talk to him right now. Honestly, in all of your hurt that you were feeling right now, you didn’t know if you ever wanted to talk to him again. Paul continued to try and get you to talk to him and open up for a few hours before finally giving up and leaving you alone. 
The next couple days were a blur. You hadn’t been showing up to the boardwalk and had been ignoring the taps and calls from your window. You had had time to think and, as much as it pained you, you had decided that you needed to get away from Santa Carla. More specifically, away from a certain vampire. You had some family about five hours from here that had said that you could stay with them. After packing your things, you took one last look at your room before leaving and heading to the bus stop. You had decided it would be best if you left during the day, that way, you wouldn’t run into anyone that you were trying to avoid. You also decided to leave a note. In it, you explained your reason for leaving and told them that you loved them all and you would cherish their friendship forever. You also told Paul that, while you knew that he would never love you, you would always love him. 
That night, Paul woke up and headed straight to your house, intent on getting you to let him in or at the very least, talk to him through the window. Arriving at your house and finding your window cracked open, Paul was filled with relief. Finally, you were willing to let him in. Though, what he would find when he got into your bedroom, would leave him feeling something that he wouldn’t fully understand yet. After reading your letter, Paul didn’t know what to feel. He didn’t even know that you liked him in that way and if he was being honest, he never really thought about if he felt that way towards you. Paul left your house and headed back to the cave, suddenly not feeling like going to the boardwalk tonight. He now understood why you had suddenly left the other night and why you had locked yourself in your room, refusing to talk to him. You had overheard his conversation with Marko. To say the least, he felt horrible. He never wanted to hurt you, you were one of his best friends. He loved spending time with you. He loved making you laugh. He loved getting high with you, listening to music and talking about random things that, to others, may have seemed dumb. He loved that, even though he knew it to be kind of true, you never made him feel stupid. It was then that Paul realized what that feeling was. It was heartbreak.
The next few weeks were pure torture. Constantly reminiscing on all the good times he and you shared and there were many. All the little gestures, touches and compliments that you gave him, all the laughs you had together. Paul missed them all and it was over these few weeks that he realized something that he wished he had realized long ago. He was in love with you too and it killed him that it took losing you to realize it. The worst part was, he couldn’t even tell you any of this. He had no idea where you had gone and he had no way of getting into contact with you. As a way of torturing himself, Paul played Don’t know what you got (til it’s gone) by Cinderella on repeat, wallowing in his own self pity and thinking of you and all the things that he wished he could have said to you and would hopefully get to say to you one day if you ever came back. Luckily for him, and for the others who have had to deal with Paul sulking around, you did come back about a month later. 
Arriving back in Santa Carla was weird but it also filled you with butterflies. All the memories you had here with the boys still never failed to make you smile. Well, that is until you start to think about the reason you left in the first place. But you were back. It wasn’t long after you left that you started to regret your decision to leave. It felt like you had left a part of yourself here, though you tried to push those feelings away and focus on moving on. It didn’t work though. The longer you were away from here, away from your friends and away from Paul, your heart broke more and more. Finally, after almost two months, you admitted defeat and decided to come back. You would be lying if your first thought after getting back, wasn’t to go straight to the cave and see the boys. You missed them all so much but there was one particular boy you missed the most. Never being able to rid your mind of his goofy smile and contagious laugh. Or the way he made you feel. 
As you made your way onto the boardwalk, you rubbed your hands together out of nervousness. You were nervous to see them again and nervous to have to explain yourself and your letter. Walking through the crowd, you made your way over to where you knew their bikes would be and just like always, there they sat. Your heart fluttered at the sight but felt it sink a little when you saw a very miserable looking Paul. He wasn’t at all his usual, goofy, loud and wild self. Speeding up, you made a b-line for them and as you grew closer, you saw Paul’s head shoot up. He stared at you, his eyes wide and looking like he was in shock, though it didn’t last long as he quickly rushed to you and hauled you up into his arms. “Y/n! I can’t believe it’s you! You’re back!” He exclaimed, hugging you to him in a tight grip before pulling back slightly to look at you. “It really is you, right? I’m not hallucinating?” He didn’t give you time to answer before he pulled you back in. “Of course it’s you. God I’m so sorry, sugar. Please, please forgive me. I was so stupid. I didn’t mean to hurt you and I’ve done a lot of soul searching while you were gone and I realized that I love you too. I was just too stupid to realize it sooner.” Paul basically blurted all of this out in one go, you never getting a chance to respond, but you didn’t mind too much, as what he said last made your heart pound. He loved you too. 
Finally putting you down and pulling away slightly, you were able to speak. “Paul.” You said, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek, to which he leaned into. “You’re not stupid. I should have said something about how I felt. I should have talked to you instead of running off like that.” You told him. “I don’t care about any of that now. You're back and I’m not letting you go ever again.” He cooed at you as he brought you into a kiss. You were surprised at first, but quickly melted into the kiss. It was like a dream and if that was true, you never wanted to wake up from it. You wrapped your arms around Paul’s shoulders as his came down to wrap themselves around your waist. Lost in the kiss, you were both brought back to reality by obnoxious coughing from the boys. “Get a room you two.” 
Taglist: @6lostgirl6 @lovedtodeth @britany1997 @checkitoutmikey @bitchyexpertprincess @ghoulgeousimmaculate
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thegeminisage · 3 months
star trek update time! last night we watched ds9's "vortex" and "battle lines." mwah. every day i wish tng's pussy could pop like ds9's does.
vortex (ds9):
ANOTHER ODO EPISODE! was i not JUST saying i wish he had more to do
i really really really liked this one...i love that odo has such a strong sense of right and wrong. it would be wrong to take this's guy stone. it would be wrong to release a prisoner he was duty-bound to transport. it would also be wrong to orphan this man's daughter. he has a strict moral code, but it's his own moral code, not starfleet's.
AND it affects the people around him. that guy was totally gonna leave odo for dead and then changed his mind. LOVE that <3
obviously it's sad that this guy is lying, but it's only season 1...AND we got an official species name and a semi-alive stone odo can call "cousin" which is both sad and kind of funny
i liked how when odo wanted answers he went to quark and was threatening and quark was like brushing him off like girl i don't know ANYTHING til he saw odo was serious and then he also got serious. quark isn't always my favorite character bc i dont like the ferengi BUT i DO really like the way he can shift his energy to match the situation instead of remaining rigid - like getting scared when finding out his friends were his game pieces.
some of the alien's digs were sooo mean. my favorite was "THEY (the other changelings) don't keep a humanoid form." really speaks to odo feeling outside of his own community...which means now of course that he's my favoritest specialest little guy. where's that post about star trek characters with autism...he can join the autism gang with spock and data. i think when we get to the end of s1 i'll be ready to do a character rank.
battle lines (ds9):
THIS ONE FUCKED! before getting into the big obvious stuff i actually liked the minor character work it did for bashir - he volunteers to go because "its a slow day 😇" and then proves useful at both flying and repairing the ship, and EVEN got a few rare noncomedic moments in. as much as i love to giggle at this guy i really appreciate they gave him some serious stuff - both wondering if it was ethical to help these people die and then being absolutely disgusted when the folks in question wanted to turn his idea into a weapon for slaughter.
talking to these people is like TALKING TO A WALL. no wonder kira wanted to distance herself from them...and no wonder she recognized herself in them. this whole sitch was practically designed to trigger her ptsd. i love what a great actress she is - she wasn't just crying on cue, she was sobbing with like spit and everything, which is gross, but god damn
more o'brien this episode though imho still not enough. i wanted him to have more stuff to do on ds9. give him something to do!!!
i really really like kai opaka...i'm glad she's not Dead dead but she might as well be. i feel like she's the only kind of person who could get through to those people.
i like where they rolled credits bc it made both of us go DAMN HOLY SHIT aloud but i also wonder what will happen when they go back without the prophet...feels like there'll be hell to pay
TONIGHT, hopefully: tng's "the chase" and ds9's "the storyteller"
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Omg thanks to your "Eddie throws himself a funeral party" post I literally cannot stop thinking about Stripper! Steve. (absolutely no pressure to do anything with this btw! I'm just aaaa! at your idea)
Like omg. Did Steve get into stripping bc he got cut off and disowned by his parents and desperately needed any job that would take him? Did he seek the job out bc he thought it'd be fun? Why should he be ashamed of exercising, entertaining, looking hot, dancing, and then getting paid to do it??? Fuck yeah
Side note the image of best friend Robin stealing a pair of Steves clean tearaway pants bc she wants to know what it's like to rip them off is very funny to me. She has them on over her jeans. She's had a glass or two of wine and is standing in the middle of Steve's living room awkwardly trying to rip off a pair of tearaway pants that are far too big for her
AHAHHA!!! Please come join me!!! There’s enough stripper Steve for everyone! Funny story Robin actually got the call handler job first through a college friend but obviously platonic soul mates cannot be separated so Steve applied for a job there too. He wasn’t fussy about position, just handed his CV in and hoped he’d get to keep working with Robin.
The employers took one look at Steve when he came into the office and told him he has hired. As a stripper. He took a moment to adjust but thought if it means he gets to work with Robin, he’d do it. (That’s what he tells people, the truth is the ego stroke at the immediate job offer was enough to sway him. He thought it would be a fun job and he was tired of retail).
And Robin plays with ALL the stock! She’s got horrendously ugly nipple tassels that she stuck to Steve’s chest and they both ended up almost crying trying to take them off him without waxing his chest (Robin tears might have been from laughter shhhh). She’s got a feather boa that she loves and wears in the office because she feels it gives her a ‘better phone voice’ nobody’s argued with her yet.
As soon as Steve finished any gig he’s on the phone to her, giving her the run down of any drama or funny stories. She gets a little worried when she doesn’t hear back after the Munson party, tries to call the person who booked and gets Eddie on the phone ‘hello, Eddie’s fun funeral, Gareth speaking’ and Robin thinks she must have the wrong number, she must have written something down wrong but all her records tell her she’s right???
‘Hi. Um…im sorry, this is going to sound so insensitive and im so sorry but…did you hire a male stripper for your event?’ Robin is smacking herself in the face as she says it. Knows she’s going to get in trouble from her manager
‘Sure is! Can’t spell funeral without fun! He’s a little busy with the man of the hour though’ she can hear laughter and loud music through the receiver. Steve is stripping at a funeral, for the dead guy?
‘Ummm I’m sorry but I don’t think company policy allows for stripping for corpses. I’m going to have to refund your booking. Please send Steve back’ Robin is way out of her depth. What the fuck is going on? How did she let this happen?
‘Ah no dude he’s alive, very alive by the looks of things. And sos your employee. I dont know who’s having a better time to be honest’ Gareth sounds sane but Robin doesn’t know if she can really make that call over the phone for a guy who books strippers for funerals where people aren’t dead.
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emypony · 1 year
Honkai Idol AU
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this is all ur fault @spectral-claws IDOL FELIS BE UPON YE
I will now proceed to go ahead and post my rambles, thank you to @izzyandviolins for letting me ping her all the time and just dump all the brainrots I have whenever
Idk how much sense these will make AND i will put more specific stuff at the end for everyone else who would just like the general AU idea at the start
EDIT: This actually got hella long so I will be putting it under a read more, oh my god I am so sorry
Now for the groups:
1. there's obviously our 4 main girls: Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua
Himeko is the coach / choreographer, Tesla makes props and Einstein does Costumes / Makeup, Welt is the Manager (this is REALLY. im well aware theres a ton more ppl behind idol / kpop groups but you know its just. ITS JUST WHAT IT IS WITH THE CHARACTERS THAT WE HAVE, OKAY)
2. Senti's main group consisting of!! Senti (obviously), Sirin (HoV), Seele, Veliona (they're a package duo), Sushang and Carole (yes she is here, no I will not elaborate --- ok maybe I will)
3. A few flamechasers: Pardofelis (which is a!!! New Idol!! She's the main focus of this group atm since the stans love her to bits--- catgirl charm. I promise there is a reason for this statement) Elysia, Eden, Mobius (I am not that familiar with her so she would either be part of the group OR maybe act like the on-set medic or whichever), Sakura, Vill V AND Aponia (maybe, there's a 5th group I'm thinking about however it's kind of still an idea so I will leave her here for now)
4. The GuysTM: Kevin, Su (the most marketable out of all of them), Kalpas (shocking, I know. I hc he's in gacha debt from genshin impact) and MAYBE Adam and Lyle but only bc Carole is there I'm putting them with a ?
I don't know where to fit Kosma, Griseo and Teri or Durandal and Rita (im sorry fellas im not that acquainted with them but you're 100% free to suggest something for them)
Now a bit about relationships between members of the groups or other groups:
Seele and Bronya are Dating so Seele (and by extension Veliona) are always hanging out with Bronya's group (though Veli might stay behind sometimes because she gets on relatively alright with Senti)
Sirin and Senti have a one sided rivalry from Sirin because she wants to prove she's the best and always challenges Senti to dance battles or. whatever it is that Kpop / Idols do (idont know dont ask me) but Senti is distracted by her own one sided. Rivalry (and it is NOT towards Fu Hua LOL) They're just dummy but they are a nice combo together when dancing
Speaking of Senti and Fu Hua, I see them like a past dance Duo that was supposed to compliment each other however after Senti was mostly cast and categorized by the fans as a twin / copycat of Fu Hua, she got fed up and went to develop her own solo style. things were mostly tensioned between them however Fu Hua doesn't hold resentment over what Senti did and she also feels like her new spot with Kiana, Mei and Bronya is better, and she also really likes Senti's own evolution apart from her own. Whenever Senti gets dragged along to Kiana's group and meets up with her, she's a bit awkward, but Hua is able to get past that and manages to get her talking (Senti doesn't start a conversation when they meet up, even if she does seek out Hua more than Hua herself, although she doesn't mind. It doesn't take much to go "so what's the recent idol group news" and then Senti goes off abt things the media reports on and other things and. she just starts talking and doesn't stop. Hua listens and gives advice but mostly lets Senti talk about whatever she's dealing with and maybe figure things out on her own by voicing them out loud. She values her as a more awkward friend (compared to her original hard go getter attitude from when they were a duo together) so she doesn't mind listening to her (mostly funny and unhinged) rants about the world of idol / media since she doesnt keep up with whatever drama is going on
+ Senti has got a funny friendly rivalry with Kiana at least and they're able to enjoy themselves ((compared to Sirin and Kiana who have REALLY got their own more serious rivalry))
Mei hangs out with Ely and Eden frequently enough to hold a friendly relationship with them as well as the rest of the flame chasers group and the guys. Elysia keeps begging their managers to let Mei Collab with them much more often.
Carole and Fu Hua go way back before their Idol days and Carole isn't shy whatsoever in jumping Hua whenever she gets the chance. She's way more into fashion and makeup and skincare and all of that and while Hua loves that she's so energetic, she can get a bit much but thankfully Carole knows when to step back a little and focus her energy beam on someone else. (They are great friends that don't talk on the daily but they can catch up without issues)
Li Sushang has a more ... mmm whats the word. Cordial? Relationship with Fu Hua? I'm a bit lost where to place her, mostly because I see her as Fu Hua's dance duo that didn't work out so she got relocated to another group better suited for her style. Unsure if this was before or after Senti teamed up with Hua, but Sushang does hold a bit of animosity towards Senti for that (nothing too bad, but she does wonder how the hell could they have been a dance duo when Senti seems like the complete opposite of Hua in regards to what she does - because she is a little bit crazy at times especially if left alone with Carole). They do have a general ok relationship and Sushang enjoys hanging out with everyone
Senti finds Carole a bit much at times (shocking, I know) but she is fun to hang around with and do mischief (Especially when Veliona joins in. They are banned from the kitchen along with Kiana)
Most of the Flamechasers and the guys keep to themselves BUT Carole will bother Kalpas to no end and he's so pissed off about it except she works out and he cannot beat her in an arm wrestling contest or anything for that matter so he has to rightfully suffer the wrath of a girl with 17 steps of bedtime skincare routine <3
NOW HERE IS WHERE WE GET INTO THINGS THAT ARE INCREDIBLY SELF INDULGENT FOR ME mostly because they are Sentifelis so. I do apologize but also I tried to keep most of it towards the end
OK SO AS I'VE SAID PARDO IS A NEW ADDITION TO THE FLAMECHASERS IDOL GROUP AND THE STANS ARE OBSESSED WITH HER !!! She's literally a catgirl with a cute aesthetic, it's a recipe for success
the funniest part: SENTI HATES HER (at the beginning at least) because until her, she was kind of one of the top spots on the 'idol leaderboard' or whatever (idk if thats a thing, people like diff idols / kpop artists etc but like. POPULARITY POLL?) and she's out there with Elysia BUT AS SOON AS FELIS CAME SHE JUST BULLDOZED RIGHT THROUGH ALL OF THAT and she's UPSET (or thinks she is anyway)
Fans also started comparing them a lot because of their different dance styles - Senti has more of a street dance type, and Felis is good at doing very fluid motions (mostly because of her tail) and fans love them both
Felis actually admires Senti so much as a fellow idol and somehow even after working with the group for a while she doesn't get to meet Senti at all and that's kind of her dream she just wants to 🥺befriend Senti she thinks shes SO cool
Senti would rather die before admitting that she actually thinks that Felis is really cute and isn't surprised that she's garnered such a large fanbase even though she hasn't worked as an idol for as long as the others, she finds her dance moves really nice ESPECIALLY because of her tail. BUT SHE IS GOING TO DENY THESE TILL THE END OF TIME (or so she claims) -
Like Sirin will just come to her on the daily to ask to practice and dance battle and will get completely brushed aside. See:
Sirin: "Today i will!! finally be top center stage instead of Senti!! i will finally beat her in the popularity poll!" She tries to get a rise out of Senti by claiming she is better and such but there's nothing, because Senti is just. too busy scrolling on her FYP on Tik Tok.
Senti: "Can you believe people made Fancams of Pardofelis AGAIN??? WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T!! I HATE HER SO MUCH!!" (real 100% not clickbait) SHES TOO BUSY GOING OFF ABOUT "HATING" THE MEOW MEOW
Veliona: "you watched like 20 different fucking fancams. i thought you hated her"
Senti: "I DO I HATE HER SO MUCH ugh look at how they added a green sparkles and a neon cat ears and whiskers filter to this one. She looks way better in pink."
Veliona, giving a look to Seele who just smiles and waves her hand to leave them be (insert 'I know what you are' dog meme here): 🧍‍♀️
I'm not sure if this ever happens in kpop 'biz' but imagine the 4 groups end up under the same publishing company so now they will all be living closer to each other (I have no idea wtf housing looks like for kpop stars or idols LOL) and collab more often and just meet at the workplace. SENTI HATES THIS OBVIOUSLY and like!! Felis definitely notices the cold shoulder she is given 🥺. She tries to say hi to Senti because she's super excited but Senti thinks she's just there to. Like show off that she's somehow better?? With her cute flicking ears and waving tail and her painted nails and her mismatched stockings BYE Senti cannot deal with this (she is confused and just hides it all behind an unfriendly facade)
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Poor Felis is sad because she thinks she's done something wrong and she was so looking forward to meet Senti 😭😭😭
The same kind of behavior continues, because Senti can't really bring herself to be mean to Felis and tell her to get lost (especially when she's got that sad puppy look on her face) and always attempts to flee to another place instead. Their fellow idol coworkers DO notice, but most of them console Felis and say that's how Senti usually is with newcomers and that maybe she will warm up with time.
BONUS: There is a tiny part of the fandom shipping them - as you would and while they never got to get an interview from Felis about it, Senti is SHOCKED to find out that there's ppl making fics and fanart AND FANCAMS OF THEM (which are mostly taped together bc there's barely any interaction between them in media lmao). Like who in their right mind!! This is inconceivable to her!! She is so pissed about that too bc shes like "WHY ISNT PARDOFELIS SAYING ANYTHING TO THE PRESS ABOUT IT ... WE ARE NOT A THING!! WTF!! THIS IS ALL HER FAULT" (does not actually think its her fault and actually wonders where the fuck did fans get that impression but people will be people. ALSO no I don't condone rpf or any of that with actual real people, these r just fictional characters. and this is fanfiction inside a fanfiction)
Meanwhile I believe Felis would have a secret account on all social medias at least taking a look at that side of their fandom / fanbase and seeing what the people think in regards to that (she cant figure out why Senti won't be her friend, so maybe others will??? The theories and speculations people come up with are so funny though)
Afterwards, I would love to have them all taking a trip somewhere - to ... celebrate the fact that the companies and groups have merged or whatever (preferably the woods or. SOMEPLACE. Maybe with Caves? Yeah I'm pulling the 'stuck in a cave with no reception' trope on them, what will you do about it?) and that's how they finally get to have a 1 on 1 together, mostly because Felis is going to get a bit scared and thinks there's no way out of there.
Felis: "oh my god im too young to die!!! i didnt even get your autograph yet in my journal And I still have curry leftovers in my fridge that I didn't eat and I was so looking forward to them!!!"
Senti: "what."
Felis: "what ?"
Senti: "You...want my autograph?"
Felis: "Of course!! 🥺👉👈you're my biggest inspiration I admire your dance moves so much you look SO good on the screen and in concerts I I don't know how you do it I freak out all the time and think people can notice it BUT YOU LOOK SO CALM AND COMPOSED AND COOL-" and she has to stop herself because she's gushing dfjkghfd
With this they finally have a heart to heart and Senti apologizes for being so cold to Felis, she (begrudgingly) admits that she felt kind of threatened by Felis's onset popularity from the get go. Felis doesn't mind at all and is rather relieved that Senti doesn't ACTUALLY hate her and now they can be !!! friends!!! (Senti is actually overjoyed at their new friendship and hopes to hang out with her a lot more BUT she's incredibly trash at managing her feelings so it still comes off across as a little aloof and 'well, whatever...' but Felis doesn't seem to register that at all and has now resorted to holding Senti's hand because THEY ARE STILL TRAPPED IN A SCARY CAVE AND IT'S DARK
Obviously they are rescued a little while later because people noticed they were missing and such, and while still awkward around each other (mostly Senti, because she is now suddenly RECEIVING A LOT OF ATTENTION from a girl who she will never admit she finds cute, it's still a lot to get used to on day one but she powers through for the sake of it.
After this their friendship and such get better and Felis is no longer a stranger to their group, because she starts hanging out with Senti A LOT MORE once they get back. (and neither of them will tell the others what happened for that change)
Also I like to think Felis barges in Senti's room all the time to give her updates on the. ON THE FANS SPECULATION ABOUT THEM LOL
Senti: "what fic"
Felis: "OF COURSE I DO. SOME ARE REAL GOOD... Someone wrote an Alternate Universe where we're like magical knights fighting against some unknown forces called 'Honkai' !"
Senti: "These people will make up just about anything, I swear"
Felis: "Btw did you know our ship tag is called Sentifelis"
Senti: "Our what."
Would love to draw a few of them in idol / kpop like outfits.
me about to tag every honkai character known to man:
(jk i wont do it I know how tag spam works, I will do my best to be courteous and put the most important ones)
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intertexts · 12 days
ALSO OOPS I DONT THINK I EVER SENT YOU THE TRIVIA FOR 27?????? UH OH. OUT OF ORDER. this one is a lot shorter though so it's ok
- bizly opens this one in a baby voice "wewcome to just wolled wiff it!" absolutely insane
- charlie makes excuses for his cracked energy was because he was in the UK and tommy and ranboo were in the other room (TOMMYINNIT JUMPSCARE)
- Jesus is canon yet again. but only in vyncents world
- CONDI THOUGHT HAMSTER DANCE WAS A UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE AT MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCES. and not just like. a youtube video that everyone knows. they played hamster dance at his middle school dance.
- speaking of which they've been overlorded again because the hamster WAS NOT ORIGINALLY A HAMSTER bizly did that solely because he has never heard hamster dance and wanted to be in on the joke
- charlie gets so worked up over the william short leg thing again and it's REALLY funny. bizly is like "I'll stop bringing it up when you stop having hilarious overreactions to it"
- "why the fuck did william make ice copies of dakotas parents that's so dark man"
"HE DIDNT MEAN IT TO BE !!!!! i think william is not very emotionally intelligent especially when it comes to stuff like this and he wanted to do something sweet for dakota. 'i know. Christmas is a great time for him to see his parents again because it's family and it'll make him happy!' without thinking about the moral implications OR the fact that they would come alive and try to strangle him"
grizzly: "dakota probably doesn't even remember Christmas with his parents"
charlie, REALLY far away from his mic: "WELL FUCK ME THEN"
- that was CONFIRMED mal trying to brwak through the barrier! charlie is TERRIFIED for williams sake especially bc he can't use his powers anymore
- condi: "hes pissed william isn't a planeswalker anymore and thats all he wanted you for"
charlie: "yknow! I dunno if william is a planeswalker anymore! he might not be!"
- WILLIAM WAS ACTUALLY BORN WITH A POWER!!!!! I forgot about this omg. so the one he was born with is called true sight and it means he's always been naturally able to see ghosts and monsters that normal people usually can't. YIPPEE
- he's also still got Kemuri's (smoke guy) powers obv ("that he regrets deeply every day"). they ARE in the spirit world and usually william wouldn't need a guide but since the wisps left him their guide is now master cole! if he were to leave/abandon them or whatever they'd no longer be able to stay in the spirit world. even william
- there are full versions of the colestyle gaming videos hidden somewhere on the patreon. fun fact. they're also talking about now doing one where william plays phasmophobia. or doing one with all 4 of them playing a game and bizly being tide. i don't think they ever actually did that but GOD i would kill for it.
- charlie was being annoying and grizzly responded with "I hope william stays alive *forever*" which sounds like it should be a nice thing to say but the way he said it was so absolutely scathing . brutal.
- quick mac detour theyre back to the game thing charlie says he wants to do a video playing elden ring as gillion and i NEED THAT SOOOO BAD. I miss gillion so much :(
- speaking of gillion idk why there's so much gillion trivia rn but charlie says the inspiration for his voice was "a combination of the spongebob narrator and my himbo fantasy" hello?
HOW HAS BIZLY NEVER HEARD HAMSTER DANCE??????????? yes this is what i'm taking from this. hello. how.
im so delighted w/ william thinking it's a great idea to make ice copies of his friends dead parents. god. NONE of the fucking prime defenders are emotionally intelligent they all have so many problems. prime traumatic stress defenders!!
ive said it like a billion times but i'm so fucking excited for the mal shit!!! i can't waittt!!!!! shaking him back n forth!!! wiwi torment nexus now!!!! also him being born with true sight is REALLY cool actually i feel like. this has been referenced on n off but i didn't realize it was actually a thing.. huh. i wonder if that's why the wisps targeted him. except their entire thing Is being seen so i dunno.!! cool... god. wiwi i love u wiwi... i want to go to deadwood i have so many fucking questions!!! why is the trickster there!! rift between worlds thats just coincidentally in his hometown!!! also i was just thinking ab kemuri's smoke powers im so glad he still feels awful using them :]] "i hope william stays alive forever" MEAN TO HIM!!! holy shit!!! wheezing!!
im gonna have a great time w gillion whenever i get around 2 riptide btw thats so funny. help. spogebob narrator himbo fantasy........
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celestie0 · 23 days
hru bae???? good i hope?? i mean its only been a day but things happen fast yk !
bae i fear i might’ve angered the jjk fandom with this tiktok i made…. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLndcoEq/ 😓😓 LITTLE DO THEY KNOW I HAVE MORE IDEAS AHAHAAH (dont tell them i told u tho 🤫🤫)
ALSO OH MY GOD I SWEAR THE UNIVERSE HAS IT OUT FOR ME. i got covid 😭 idek how though 🫠 and i have so many upcoming plans 💔💔 I FEEL FINE THOUGH SO HOPEFULLY I’LL BE OKAY BY NEXT WEEK !!
and fr bae like leaving work, or graduating, or just leaving ppl who you care about is always so bittersweet ☹️ when i graduated i wrote my music teacher 2 letters (one from just me and one from all of the seniors) and she cried when she read them 😭 then we hugged and cried a bit more 😭 she also called me a menace for ending the one from all of the seniors with “Please don’t forget about us!” 🧍‍♀️ maybe that was a bit evil on my part but like…… a few of my friends jokingly yelled at me for it BUT IF THEY DIDNT WANT ME TO SAY THAT THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE LET ME WRITE THE LETTER.
anyway bae thats all for now 💗💗 i hope you’re doing better than i am and i love u soooo much !
much love,, your deer -🦌
(heh i stole from your pun 😆)
hiii bb i’m doing well!! got a lot of chores done today so i can chill tomorrow 😼 how are youuu?
OMG THATS A SAD TIKTOK PLS I WAS HAVING A GOOD NIGHT 😭😭 why would u DO THATT. i’m so sad i just wanna give yuuji a hug :(( he’s been through too much loss at such a young age
aaa no not covid omg i didnt know people still got that xD (im just joking bahha i saw a tiktok where someone said getting covid is so “out of style” now n i thought it was insane but kinda funny lol) i hope you feel better!! drink lots of fluids
AWW that’s such a sweet thing you did for her i bet she’ll always remember that :””) i would feel so happy if i was a teacher n my students did something like that. i baked cookies for my PI bc he really likes my cookies and he appreciate it LOL. yea goodbyes are always bittersweet
love u toooo my deerling please take care of yourself!! feel better soon <3 so much love from meeee
- ellie 🦢
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
hi, can you write a dico x fem!reader who is just like him. they are best friends but also a couple. they are always laughing & joking around, doing skits, having rap/roast battles, doing stunts, etc together. the others constantly teasing them about how they are same person and outsides would never be able to tell they are a couple.
that’s so fucking cheesy I’m so sorry AHHHH 😟
Tumblr media
THANK U SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING THIS IM A LITERAL SUCKER FOR DICO AHHHH and trust me nothing is ever too cheesy when it comes to me, i fucking loves cheese little romantic things like this, especially for someone who acts just like him. this is fueling my crush for him more and more 🤭🤭🤭🤭
u always had a little crush on dico
come on the guys funny and cute whats more there to love??
when u guys finally got together though its like u guys were just best friends
i mean u two were together CONSTANTLY
the guys started to get suspicious
“dico are u banging her or are u too just friends?” -bam
everyone genuinely couldnt tell if you were dating or not, hell ur the spitting image of eachother personality wise
when u too finally tell the guys the teasing begins
constant “oohs” and “aaahs” when u two would show anytype of affection towards eachother
the guys finally having something to tease brandon abt was a huge win for them
it was all fun and jokes
at first
then it started to be annoying so you and dico get together and start scheming
then it hits you two
to get back at the guys u decide to give them all their own little “hell days”
for bam u definitely wash all of his skateboards with soap and water on the grip side, hide some of his him cds, maybe even take the lambo out for a spin (for hours without telling him) u guys also fuck up his favorite shirts just for the hell of it
with ryan he really never picked on u guys a lot but just to make it equal u guys just do little psychological pranks on him, yk the whoopie cushion, fake shock gum, corny shit like that
with raab, dico and u probably just smack him in the face throughout the whole day, maybe take key key with u for a joy ride just to scare him a bit or burn his favorite beanie
oh god rake gets it the worst
being dicos best friend and all he made fun of yall CONSTANTLY ( prob to get back at dico for always bullying him)
dicos gonna get ruthless
woo de wolf impression all day, gay jokes upon gay jokes, probably tries to cut his hair and to top the day off, a gallon of yellow mustard on rakes head (DICO U BETTER RUN BITCH)
dico really wants to do rakes hell day by himself bc he loves fucking with him
you guys will get the nickname “diablos” (the devils twins) after all this
he probably is gonna get murdered for doing all this but hey nobody can stay mad at dico
hes too cute fr
will put u in his homemade video projects
imagine cudding with him while u too just crack jokes and hold eachother
“hey babe ive been working on this impression and i need your opinion on it”
you will try and kick his ass at mortal combat, and ultimately fail “they dont call me the record holder for nothing babe”
does like to take u out on sappy romantic dates sometimes but also just likes to hang out with u, just ur presence alone calms him
his his nose and watch his fave turn red ‼️
ROAST BATTLES TO THE MAX, put on a beat and you two will go at it for hours, constant back and forth of you guys dissing eachother then having it turn oddly sexual then having it turn into roasting rake then back to the beginning again
putting on masters of the universe and cuddling to sleep 😩
HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! i have no clue if u wanted a actual fic or not but im shit at writing so this is the best i got, and im not turning down this idea bc it makes me giggle and get all giddy tbh 🤭🤭🤭
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sammygender · 1 month
thinking about that bit in the s10 episode i just watched where dean (and sam but i think mostly dean) recounts john taking them to new york and how there was SO MUCH in it. everything made me feel so vindicated i love love looove when spn suddenly lines up with something ive been thinking about. so much there.
dean being 'really underage' so i was thinking like 15 (not that id even describe 15 as REALLY underage, but these are americans) and sneaking out to a sick rock venue... <33. coolest kid around i love him. i like the establishment that dean did do things like that - it both makes me feel happier for him and slightly vindicates me against the people who claim dean was more sam's parent than his brother. thats not true. sure, he raised him, but he also snuck out to go to bars and dumped sam at random places and acted like an idiot older brother. and im glad dean got to do that.
15 year old dean (or some other young dean) being intentionally gotten drunk and implied to be roofied or drugged or whatever by a bunch of girls who were immediately all over him... hello... thats AWFUL..... god he must've been such a looker and i like it when canon acknowledges that. i have this idea in my head of like. 'funny looking' kid dean who's about twelve when he suddenly graduates from funny-looking to like relentlessly beautiful by just growing perfectly into his features. dean is always so aware of the way hes percieved physically in any given situation and always uses it in this specific way, from flirting with every girl around to responding to male aggression by way of cops etc by also like fake flirting or pretending they're sexually interested in him..... i dont always know where i land on 'precanon dean did sex work' hcs but this is something that does intrigue me about it. plus the weird and very sweet protectiveness he always has about sex workers - also just watched that ep where hes like trying to talk the soul-wanting sex worker out of it. ANYWAY. and the extremely casual way dean recounts this like its just?? something that happens to him??? hello???
then dean telling john he'd embarrassed him and he hated him...... doesn't really stack with everything else we've ever heard of child/teenage dean, but it's kind of interesting to consider. i guess he was incredibly drunk/potentially drugged. also this is from dean's perspective, a dean who was intensely gone and probably barely remembers.
and then we get a classic early-seasons style moment where dean recounts something about john winchester and goes Ha! Classic dad! What a great guy! and sam's like Dude wtf?????? except sam isn't snarky anymore so he just does a Look. i mean come on dean. ten minutes ago you said 'john winchester isn't winning any parenting awards' and now you're saying 'he raised us right!'. Dude. You KNOW that is not true. sam also knows you know.
that being said. i like seeing a moment of john winchester just being... a human guy. taking his kids to new york bc they kept begging him to and seeing all the fun sights. scaring the hell out of a bunch of terrifying punk teenagers who got his teenage son drunk. its more interesting to me to think that john is, like, a decent guy, aside from the child abuse, and probably would've been a much better dad if it wasn't for the trauma and the hunting and mary's death (though. i have to say. The way he deals with it is still his character!!! Putting it all on your very young son and venting to him is still like. Not something that a hell of a lot of people would do, even if they got just as revenge-driven. i reckon that specific type of parentification/spousification would've still have happened to dean. mary would've probably done it too.). the young john we see seems like a cool guy and he has strong as hell opinions about his future self's parenting (admittedly while not knowing it's his future self, lol). i reckon, on one level, john and dean did actually really get on. that makes the awfulness of it all so much more interesting to me <3
this post is all over the place but like. what an interesting scene. ill replay it and actually talk about in more depth and a more structured way someday.
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nihiltism · 1 month
oh btw re the oc post i made earlier, additional content 1: i submitted a writing about them for creative writing one time and it was bad dont ask me to share. but i sure did do it.
2: timetravel rules in my verse Do Exist but only if i want them to and in the context of mack and mortys relationship specifically it kindof doesnt matter. theyll always meet one way or another it does not matter which time they meet at theyll catch back up like nothing happened. morp has a godawful memory so there isnt any concerns about "you knowing __ in the future will fuck everything up". the rules are probably stricter with like anyone else though. morty is absolutely not the type of person to try and change the future at all so its fine.
2.5. mack can run into past versions of himself but he tries to avoid them if he can help it nowadays because of one time where he ran into a pre-Domestication Arc I Guess version of him that got bored and really really really wanted to see what would happen if he fought himself and it was Not Fun For Him In The Slightest and he super lost. probably fun for the other him though.
3: morty has a playlist, its really nice and cozy,
3.5: but as i put this down i realize i need to give some context for the last 2 songs so uhhhhh. lore time. Back In The Day i used to be a shovel knight roleplayer but i got 1. really really attached to my interpretation of an incredibly minor character that was almost indecipherable from the canon character and 2. kind of annoyed with the general community (and also how my character was misinterpreted despite them uh. being more canon accurate.). so i kindof just stole the character and made them blue instead. bc it was a good idea i shouldnt give that credit to shovel knight that should go to Me. anyway thats the deep lore morty is a colorswapped gall specteroftorment. i think i have like, 3 mutuals from skt so hi guys.
3.7: this is not the only one of my ocs i colorswapped from a sot character i used to roleplay but the other one has a much more deranged history there.
3.9: remember that the character theyre based on is named gall this will become deeply funny to only me later when i explain their relation to my other oc hero and their questlines with them
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peachiseas · 9 months
I'm also someone who didn't understand Baxter's hold on everyone. I get it, it's full of drama and angst. You've got an LI who can be your ex and you can play it up on his route. He's flirty, sweet, and smooth but deep down he's hurt and traumatized. These kinds of flavors appeal to a lot of people. Realistically, I could never go back or talk to someone who told me to fuck off and cut contact with me for 5 years. No matter what the reason was.
Derek suffers from being absent for 10 years, but dude at least bothers with phone calls and occasional visits (according to the in-betweens). I also get that his family get in the way a lot but they're endearing (Jorge being my favorite) and welcome you with open arms.
The other reason why some didn't enjoy the DLC much bc it starts at Step 2 where you're both 13 and that's probably not as exciting for them bc all you do is slight flirting and being all blushy and shy, unlike in Step 3 where you get to do more than that. That kind of reason though irritates me. I didn't hear anyone complaining when they flirted with Cove at 13 but Derek? nah that's boring. It's all about experiencing the joys of young love and being silly teens!
Tbh... I'm going to be honest, Baxter in game is literally word for word one of those love interests you would read about in a cheesy melodramatic korean romance webtoon. And you know those work well for that audience, but in Our Life? It really doesn't hold up especially when all of his issues stem from being "too rich" which gives off a woe is me attitude and "my parents are too controlling" which is more acceptable but it also gives off a woe is me issue especially because once again. His family is ultra wealthy. It sounded more of an inconvenience than it did a legitimate problem for him in step 3 because he easily had the finances to break away from that, or that could have been just shoddy writing. And then ofc you have the random shoehorned "my parents are super bigoted" line that boils my fucking skin cause it feels so fucking weird to just have that in there and then move on like nothing happened and you got to sit with the information that real world racism and homophobia exists in a game like OL still.
It's just so very weird and very mishandled, and I feel bad cause I like the idea of Baxter actually trying to struggle to get his independence, but we get. None of that.
Also, people who complain about Derek's dlc in that regard are usually extremely biased, and I do not take any of that criticism because it's not even genuine criticism. You could say, "I think i would have loved to spend more time with Derek solo," and that would be fine. But to say "I dont like his family because their boring" or "We dont get to make out with Derek or do anything of that sort in step 2" and dismiss his DLC cause of that? Yea, that's the bias showing. Which is funny too cause Derek's makeout scene is leagues better than all of Baxter's makeout scenes combined but whatever
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melancholiaenthroned · 8 months
BERNARD for the ask game >:)
first impression: ok i got into comics right around the time tim came out so my first impression was very much the general publics of "robin has a boyfriend!" i read the urban legends story about that first and thought it was fine! i liked it well enough. then bc it mentioned that bernard was a friend was high school i went back and read his original appearences and idk i just loved him... he was silly and he was posturing and nobody really liked him except tim LOL. his friendship and crush on darla was also rlly rlly sweet and i got rlly attached to the trio of them. i also rlly liked his og design w the longer hair and sunglasses. i thought the conspiracy theorist thing was rlly fun esp w how close hed get to the truth and tim would have to be like "what ur so crazy hahaha where would batman get MULTIPLE robins".
impression now: im gonna be honest my peak bernard phase was before tim drake robin started when i was really really excited to see more of this character id gotten attached to... erm. in a post tdr world ive kind of distanced myself from him bc he feels like an entirely different guy. which is fine! presumably hes aged and i wouldnt want to live like my high school self forever. that being said, the ways that he is the same feel a bit like a parody now. his conspiracies r way more outlandish and supernaturally based than they used to be, and they way theyve kind of written it so seems like he knew he was gay/bi back in highschool which doesnt rlly read as true to me having read those highschool appearances. hes just tims boyfriend, who knew he was gay before tim did and was just kind of waiting for him, i guess. i do like the chaos cult, i like that in the unspecified time away from tim his life was like. completely fucked. but now that tim is there it feels like hes just been flattened back out. the last few issues of tdr actually started focusing more on his issues specifically w his parents and the cult but. you know. cancelled.
favorite moment: he was so so scared to talk to darla he was like "losers like us cant talk to cool girls like her tim... shes friends with jocks" and then tim goes up to her and the jocks are all nice and polite normal guys and darlas like yeah u guys seem fun. and its just like. he was completely overreacting. like so much for his claims of being a social chameleon 😭 and then next issue darlas just a part of their group and theyre acting like theyve been best friends forever. i think for as much as he pretends to be like. a cool guy who doesnt care that he has no friends. its a rlly nice moment of showing that hes actually really anxious and self conscious and he wishes he could reach out to people but once he has the opportunity he latches on to ppl and doesnt let go. and i also rlly like when darla comes back and he finds out she has powers and his first reaction is like. my life sucks so bad can i come and be ur sidekick. like man:-( he was funny for it though! shoot ur shot
idea for a story: ok this is for a hypothetical "possible in comics" story and not like. a fic. so its not super bernard focused BUT they need to bring darla back now im not joking anymore where is she. idk what the status of shadowpact is post rebirth i dont think it exists anymore? but whatever. tim gets a case that leads him back to louis grieve where we can get a recap for ppl who didnt read or dont remember what happened back then. he can be like heres where i met bernard^_^ also the horrors. anyway the case has smth to do w the mob&darlas family and so he manages to get in contact w her and obviously shes like. i have no connection to that life anymore im not helping and i dont want to remember this. but reluctant team up👍 anyway bernard plays into this bc i think tim keeps it from him whats going on in the case bc he doesnt know that bernard was actually the first to know when darla came back and he doesnt want to upset him by bringing up old memories bc they Never talk about the shooting. and laura obviously isnt telling bernard bc she has no idea he and tim r dating so hes kept completely out of the loop and tim and darla/laura r NOT getting along. he keeps calling her darla and hes whinier than she remembers and theyre getting nowhere in the case bc they dont work very well together. i would also rlly want an issue where it goes over how each of them experienced the day of the shooting and there r small differences in each one to highlight how time has warped their memories and how theyre all a little unreliable. and each of them would be done by different artists 👍 anyway eventually bernard stumbles upon the case and hes pissed off at tim for keeping from him "darla was my friend too" you know. and smth he remembers about that day but the others dont (too caught up in the gang war/being robin) helps solve the case^_^ and hes able to help tim and laura get along again and they part on good terms w bernard and laura staying in touch. and at some point while he and tim r fighting he confronts tim for fucking off after the shooting and not reaching out to bernard until years later, and how bernard was completely left alone after one his best friends died and the other immediately moved away.
unpopular opinion: whyyyy does he want to be a chef its stupid sorry. emt or nurse bernard is the most important thing in the world to me i have no idea why they chose "chef" for his career path but it annoys me to no end. its another thing that just feels flat about his new character. like even if instead of being motivated by his history with unable to save darla from the shooting+the cult he was scared of wounds and violence and avoided it... why chef? idk itd be fun if he wanted to be like a radio host or smth that actually fit his personality. i think money should also be a bigger motivater for him bc he always read as like. upper middle class new money to me whos parents cut him off when he came out. like maybe if they showed him working as a line cook or an actual job i could understand him growing a passion for it but hes just like. a rich foodie. like what.
favorite relationship: he and tim i guess LOL who else does he have. him and darla for friendship and also i think it wouldve been cute if they had dated for a bit in highschool<3
favorite headcanon: i think he should be angrier at tim. for missing dates, for not telling him hes robin, for everything. hes too nice. or if theyre set on the nice thing i think it should be framed as him being a bit of a people pleaser/pushover post cult bc hes scared of tim leaving him and either way tim should have to address being kind of a shitty boyfriend. a nicer one is i think duke would be his favorite of tims siblings:-) hes not weird to bernard like i think the others would kind of be (shovel talk from dick would make me kms) and bernard never had any siblings so he kind of treats duke like a younger brother and tries to like, help duke with his homework, despite the fact that duke is definitely doing better in school than bernard did. i dont know if duke like. likes bernard but hell actually respond to his attempts at bonding unlike damian who has him blocked.
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ari<33 how was your day? how is it going? tell me tell me!! MY QUESTION IS what movies would be your movies with gojo n geto n shoko?? like something you're both always down to watch
i just thought about this bc i put jackass on for background noise (a totally normal thing to do i know) and i realized that jackass would absolutely be something me n gojo would bond over lmao i think he'd find it so funny and he'd react to everything sooo dramatically like he's crawling backwards over the couch he's gagging he's crying he's laughing and he will most definitely wanna fucking try some of the stunts............................ he's stupid and i love him
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY !!!!!!!! hihihi!!!!!!!!! so happy to see u here hehe. my day was good!!! 🌻🌻🌻 im trying to take advantage of my uni break to read and write a bunch!!! which is super fun :D i wanna check out more of ur stuff sometime soon too !!!!
what abt u mickey?? did u do anything fun??? i hope ur day was (or is!!) super duper lovely <33
AAAA AND. thats the cutest question ever im losing it im biting at the walls tysm for indulging my sashisu obsession….. this got long u have been warned ‼️
FIRST OF ALL i just wanna say i havent watched jackass so i cant comment as much as i want to 😔😔😔 bUT i trust u and agree w everything u say yep yep !!!! AND i 100% agree that gojo would do movie stunts w u THATS SO CUTE 😭😭 he would do the most complicated dangerous stunt just to impress u <333 and then break his ankle. and force u to nurse him back to health it was on purpose :/
ahhh but!!!! honestly mickey i dont watch as many movies as id like to……. (PLS GIVE ME RECS 🙏🙏🙏) i have some faves and genres that i love tho!! so here r just some general thoughts :3
gojo is canonically down to watch basically anything so i feel like we would hunt down the most awful/low quality/unintentionally hilarious movies we can n just lose it laughing. ALSO…. im not super into reality tv but i think gojo would LOVE that shit. obsessed w it. i would watch his silly little reality tv shows just to make him happy <333 i feel like he would have genuine beef w people on the show too PHDKDJD LIKE DAMN IS IT REALLY THAT SERIOUS… but it is. he’s out for blood.
….. also this is me being self indulgent lets be clear but: some part of me thinks gojo would love musicals <33 its the would-be theatre kid in him. i love and cherish the legally blonde musical and i know he would too. he sings along obnoxiously loud which would be super funny if he was tone deaf but sadly he has a beautiful voice LMAOO
NOW as for shoko …… she loves horror movies. loves them loves them. i think she’d actually prefer really bad horror movies though. bc she thinks the over-the-top effects are so funny… either way im suffering bc im a scaredy cat LOL. but i feel like she’d like that too <33 (i would cry and she would comfort me by explaining how splattered brains ACTUALLY look and that would make me cry more)
AH ALSO … i have literally no idea where this came from and its not a movie but!! i think shoko would be unreasonably obsessed w the office. its her hyperfixation. we would binge it together all the time <33 my favorite is michael but she would compare him to gojo (objectively correct comparison) and i would no longer be able to see him the same way
and then for sugu…….. he’s so pretentious mickey. i just know he is. ONLY watches good movies. if u ask nicely he’ll watch a bad movie w u but will silently judge it + ur taste the whole time i hate him. (i dont.) idk i just feel like he has way too much to say abt fight club and the godfather PSBDJBF TELL ME U SEE THE VISION…. will lowkey mainsplain them to u but its sugu so i think its fine <33
but jokes aside i think sugu just has Good taste. beyond the mainstream toxic man movies (and even w those i think he has genuinely good and interesting takes he’s simply Perfect)… i feel like he has a wide selection of lesser known movies that are actually really really good and he shares them w u <3 and gatekeeps them from everyone else im thinking like old monochrome french movies w really interesting plots …. indie gems …. etc etc.
but as i said im not knowledgeable abt movies at ALL so i think id just have to trust his taste n watch them w him 😭😭 i cant decide if he’s the type to pause the movie every two minutes to explain something or give u side eye if u talk while its playing PDBDJDJ EITHER WAY… i love him.
OH BUT BUT BUT …. i think sugu would love mystery movies a lot!!! and they r my favorites ever ever ever. i love knives out & the 2009 sherlock holmes movies so i would force him to watch them w me. thankfully theyre super good so we’d both be happy :) yeah.
if u pay attention while reading u can tell the exact moment i started getting carried away i think PDBDJD THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION MICKEY ….. so fun to think abt. if u have any more thoughts on what u and gojo would watch PLS tell me i am itching to know 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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imunbreakabledude · 9 months
I know you haven't thought about Madelyn as much as Maeve and I don't know much about your take on the character yet but I was reading your tags on that post and got curious. You said that maybe valuing her child as hers rather than a Vought asset could potentially drive her away from the company. You think that could've happened with Teddy? I always wondered if she made the decision to make him a supe or if he was already one when she decided to take him but as far as I remember she definitely saw him as hers so I was wondering what would've happened if she had more time, especially with how weird HL was about that baby.
Second thought because that's what happens when you're on public transport for an hour with just your thoughts. I was thinking about how some people, even not Maeve fans, have imagined a scenario in which Maeve and Elena keep Ryan and thinking about Teddy made me think about one where they keep Teddy instead, since Ryan is already more grown and currently with two (bad) father figures.
I don't know, maybe an AU in which Stillwell asked Maeve to take him in her will or something knowing she was the strongest supe and the one that could protect him the most? Though she knew Maeve was a mess so I don't know how much she would've trusted her with her child lol but it was a random thought and imagining Maeve and Elena with a kid that can teleport made me laugh
It's funny you bring up Teddy, because Teddy is one of those things that makes me feel like I don't really "know" Madelyn all that well. I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how she is with Homelander/Maeve/other people at Vought because that's mostly how we see her on the show, and so I'm able to extrapolate in my head (for example, even tho we dont see her interact directly with maeve, I can easily imagine her with Maeve based on how she is with the others, plus a little of my own wishes sprinkled in lol)
but when Teddy popped up in season 3 with powers, I was confused. first because that kid kinda looked too old to me to be Teddy (even taking into account the 1 year gap from season 2-3 I swear that kid looked like, 4 or 5) but more relevantly because I was like - "why would Madelyn, knowing how horrible Homelander and the other Supes have it, want her child to go thru that?" Why would she have given her kid Compound V? I suppose the most logical answer is - as we saw an episode or two later in s3 with victoria neuman - that Madelyn probably gave Teddy V for protection's sake - knowing that Homelander or others might threaten him someday - and I mean, she was right in that regard... it paid off. In honesty, I think the Teddy reappearance was more of a follow up gag to s1 than meant to be like an honest exploration of Madelyn (and who knows if he'll come back)...
but that's what I mean, is that there isn't ENOUGH content on the show about Madelyn & Teddy away from Vought & Homelander, or other aspects of Madelyn's life, for me to feel like I know how she operates away from Vought. I could make it up if I wanted to... 'cuz that's what fandom is... but for me, I get most enticed to form headcanons and build if there's a TINY structure to go from rather than nothing - for example, going from Madelyn & Homelander's interactions to Madelyn & Maeve's likely interactions, or building a childhood for Maeve based off that one line about her dad lmao.
anyways back to the ACTUAL POINT. i agree with you I'm more enticed (in some ways) by the possibility of Maeve and Elena being called upon to raise Teddy vs. Ryan. I mean, for Maeve's part, I think she'd have an easier time getting on board with helping Madelyn's kid vs Homelander's kid. (on the other hand, the ryan scenario is in some ways easier for me to IMAGINE bc, as I was just saying, we know more about Ryan and thus can imagine what he needs & how Maeve might interact with him, vs Teddy being all but unknown). It's fun to imagine Madelyn leaving Teddy to Maeve but... honestly I think Madelyn would know Maeve well enough to not have her as a #1 choice of mother figure hahaha she'd have to REALLY have no options for that to be the best case. in-universe i suppose the fact that Teddy ended up at that Red River center implies that Madelyn didn't have any family or anyone set up to take him, or else maybe they didn't WANT a supe kid so sent him to the center. who knows
but anyway, tho its hard for me to picture I do wonder about that side of Madelyn. if she went out of her way to become a single mother in her 50s, yknow, she must have REALLY wanted a child. but also had to know continuing to do her current job while having a baby (especially given Homelander's whole... thing) would be really hard and risky. but chose to do it anyway. why? what circumstances were making her do that? or was it all just pride and thinking she can "do it all"?? i think these would be really interesting questions to answer if the show was about her. but she's a one-season antagonist. so. I'm not complaining, just musing :)
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Does Ingo magic Ever get UNblocked? Mayeb its an emergency and He overwhems the block trying to use it so hard bc Someone is in danger(maybe dying and he can heal them) or maybe its undone (Which I say Irida should have done the moment they gained his trust which makes me think that maybe its not very simple easy or possible)
The broken bond is gut-wrenching I cant stand it, maybe instead being in Hisui means hes too far to SUMMON Chandelure but Its still there,just faint and faded. A soul bond is a soul bond its not 'till death do them part' its 'Where you go I will follow' , a thing that goes beyond death which does lend it toward being more an ace only type of deal. The ONLY reason that Emmet knows Ingo is alive is that Chandelure is still there. Its empathetic tho so maybe pain or distress can filter through the bond as strained as it is which Does Not Reasure Emmet.
WELL, i mean i can't very well say he has this crazy powerful magic and then not ever let him use it, can i lol. the question is just... how.
though re: irida, i think it's also not so much a lack of trust as just like. i mean like i said before, it feels like playing catch with high explosives. like, ingo doesn't even remember where he learned light magic, what if he tries to use it one time and screws up and something goes horribly wrong?? what's the guarantee he can control it perfectly every time? that his instinctive memory of how to use it is guaranteed to be right? it just feels safer for everyone to not even try. plus it's not like he's ever complained about it so he must not mind, right? ...right?
i do love the idea that he can undo it himself tho and just... hasn't yet out of courtesy. i mean, thinking about it, someone must have been around to soulbond them with their aces the first time, and if light is another primal force on the level of space/time/sky, maybe they can just make that tap themselves. and i don't remember if i've really discussed this before but reshiram/zekrom are deeply humanistic gods, so it's entirely possible that unlike others, an accomplished light mage doesn't even need a divine object to act as a conduit. light magic is already so responsive to human desire. so ingo's left it as it is because irida's clearly concerned about it, but then he has very good reason to use magic and he just. rewrites his own personal truth to not include it, like it's nbd. and irida's like (suddenly even more terrified of him) YOU COULD DO THAT THIS WHOLE TIME??
though funny as that mental image is if he's just forcibly overpowering it like you described, i also feel like that would be very taxing. especially if he's also interfering with or working around his soulbond with sneasler (or whatever her name is in this world). like he succeeds in whatever healing magic he needed to do, and then passes out immediately afterwards. and now whoever was dying isn't anymore but he might be, they can't immediately tell, and everyone's got a lot of questions that apparently only irida can answer
...another option, if the original soulbond with chandelure isn't broken (maybe just like, repressed or very faint) is that in his moment of panic, it's actually chandelure it self (or emmet, through chandelure?) that reaches out through the soul link and undoes the block. and it's like, the first approximation of proper contact they've had with him since he disappeared, and their only new information from it is that someone not only fucked with chandelure's soul link but completely locked his magic, what the fuck are they doing to him?? whoever's doing it is pissed the hell off but the link isn't very stable so they really only have time to unlock it and for ingo to get a vibe that someone somewhere is Very Angry, and then it's gone and the link is dead again and he's got bigger problems.
[ Anonymous: I think I need to clarify when I said "Where u Go I will follow" bc its. Late and I wasn't quite thinking all my thoughts onto the page. Bonded dont die the moment thir other does. Its just like a broken heart that bleeds for them. Chandelure however Is a ggost and probably immediately follow just by nature of being ghostly. most creatures DO die of a broken heart bc Bonded are very close Partners. Not all. Some pick up the pieces and forge on but their is a grief to them for the rest of days. ]
i do think that if the bond is there, it should be so faint as to be almost imperceptible bc otherwise it gives too much away/leaves too much of an open lead re: ingo and his past, and especially considering the mechanics of adding more than one soulbond might interfere with his being a warden. unless it's so dim and repressed that irida didn't even notice it at the time. though thinking of it, that could be a potential answer to "why is ingo joining this party:" he's trying to pursue this vague lead as to his past, and figures traveling with them is as good a way to do it as any.
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chaoxfix · 1 year
Some Sonic HC's:
Sonic is inherently extremely clumsy. It's something he got from his father's side. He uses his super speed to hide this fact, but at least four people know the truth (Tails, Eggman, Shadow, and Knuckles.)
Sonic has a spice tolerance that would allow him to munch on Ghost Peppers as if they were candy, which he does.
Sonic is actually really, really smart. He just doesn't show it that often.
Sonic uses Contact lenses because his glasses "Make him look like a Nerd" (He is, in fact, a nerd)
Sonic is a huge fantasy geek and D&D nerd, and makes a great DM.
no, i disagree with most of these, sorry
i recommend making your own post for hcs, bc i’m not trying to embarrass you but i 100% disagree about the clumsiness, glasses, and nerdiness. and i’m not comfortable having an ask like this on my blog when i don’t support it. i usually ignore hcs that i don’t agree with but. you sent this directly to me in a way where i can’t answer without putting it on my blog… and i definitely don’t support having this here unchallenged. so. i kind of have to vocally disagree when normally i mind my business. sorry.
i think sonics super mutated by chaos radiation and any genetics he has would be pretty washed out/deteriorated by now — so i dont put stock in anything genetic for sonic. at this point, in my head most of his traits are unique to him. and if you aren’t implying clumsiness is genetic, i’m even more confused. i don’t think he knows anything about his parents, and certainly wasn’t raised by them for long, if at all. i doubt he would’ve picked up much. i’m really not sure how one would realistically inherit clumsiness, but both ways just feel odd to me. im also just not really invested in his canon parents. which is why i don’t feel great about giving him a trait and saying it’s from his parents. sorry.
as for the clumsiness… i think he’s way too competent at what he does, and is far too kinesthetically intelligent, to be clumsy in any stretch of the imagination. he’s been shown repeatedly to have excellent control of his body; saying he’s clumsy 100% flies in the face of canon. he’s too competent and has survived too many near-impossible life or death situations with only physical solutions to be that clumsy. and real clumsiness isn’t an on-off switch. so if he can save the world with his speed and coordination on a regular basis, nah. he’s not clumsy in his off time either.
i have no opinion of the ghost pepper hc unless it’s in a context where it’s funny
i agree that sonic is smart. but based on your other headcanons i don’t think it’s how you see it. this boy is survival smart and kinesthetically intelligent (knows innately how his body can react and move, and knows it’s limits and how to beat the odds and use his body and environment to his advantage; he’d be brilliant at parkour). i also think based on how he fights, he also has an innate understanding of physics and cause-and-effect and chain reactions. he doesn’t know anything about math or formulas or equations but he knows certain chemical symbols are dangerous and get more dangerous when exposed to air or mixed. he has also seen enough action that he’s familiar with how to survive and adapt to almost anything. he also likes to read but i don’t think he knows a ton of useless trivia or can recall it easily. his book choices seem to be for entertainment and adventure, not knowledge building.
i disagree that sonic is a nerd (he’s just never shown much interest in nerdy hobbies) and i disagree that he needs glasses. i also disagree that he would have the time and skill set to plan a D&D campaign though he certainly has the charisma for it.
listen. i don’t like shooting down ideas anymore than you liked hearing about them. so please in the future make your own post so i’m not forced to argue these in order to answer you.
also… seriously… if you’re going to blorbo-ify sonic this much and just make him into whatever you want rather than what canon supports …, can i recommend just picking a different character to project to? one you don’t have to melt down to fit this ‘smart clumsy nerdy’ role?
because tails is right there and matches these hcs a bit better.
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