#i dont think there will be tho bc hes MY kind of special freak and doesnt necessarily appeal to a wide audience lolol
ssspringroll · 5 months
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new outfits for baby boy 👏👏👏
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wc-confessions · 2 years
i have a question for you. what’s your fav warrior cat. if so, tell me about them…
tigerclaw. ramble under the cut but basically hes a cool villain i think a lot about how he could have been better if the erins and the publishers werent pussies
anyway hes such a complex character and the result of how living by the code so devotedly can fuck up your views and just how terrible clan life is. there are many cats who are examples of this but tigerclaw is so special to me in his way of exhibiting this. if you really consider it, he truly believed he was doing something good and bringing the clans to how they should be. like he grew up with the code being heavily enforced and the adults around him that he idolized and trusted selfishly using the code to justify their actions and beliefs. like its not only thistleclaw if you think about the enviornment he lived in. whats more doesnt really help that he was already seen as a threat or a nuisance as a freaking kitten. of course hes going to grow older and assume theres a certain path for him, and that he should trust and encourage the code no matter what. i also dont believe him wanting to be leader or deputy was him being selfish or knowingly evil, rather, him believing he was truly meant for those roles. therefore it was only right for him to do what he must to get his way to make things as they should be. he viewed himself as someone rightously abiding by the rules established by his ancestors, someone worthy to set the clans in their places and lead them to rightousness. then having to witness changes to the clans def prbly set him off further, and he just knew in his head he was the one. i can admit that his actions seemed hypocritical considering his relationship with sasha and the way he went about things, but i truly believe they were like more than they seemed. for one i dont think he believed he was going against his beliefs or perhaps he recognized this but didnt think it was a bad thing if he was still making 'right'. then i think he also had this mindset that his actions were a part of a greater plan or what he believed to be a part of his plan, that he jad to do certain things make choices to reach his goal. additionally, becaise of the way he grew up, i think he believed it was better to sort of repress his emotions. like i think a lot of his actions were driven by his inner emotions and there are times where he kind of breaks the whole cold frame and we get kind of a different character (my Favourite scene is when he kind of expresses like a different, emotional side after meeting his kids again even if he doesnt outright share his feelings and for a moment as he witnesses this firestar sees him as a person not like the enemy in his story that drove him to that point. but then hes unsure if its some sort of ploy. then thats never brought up again bc the early wc the erins just Did That)(another scene i wanna talk abt is how prior to the reveal hes shown to be kind of fearful of ravenpaw giving away what hes done before he just plots to get rid of him does anyoneremeber when firestar catches him freaking out at the gathering and wonders why the fuck is he acting weird. i really think at some point he just got better at being evil lying cold etc it was never something he was good at or born with it it was developed and fed). it just makes you wonder if everything was better what kind of person would he have been. then his relationship with others ugh hes shown to be caring and hearty within the clan in the start even tho its SO MINOR. i believe it just says a lot about him. hes respected nd he likes his place he believes hes deserving of leading the clans to greatness he can do it and everyone makes him believe so but then there are those who want to change those ways theyre threatening him and his ideal way of the clans built so perfectly by the code and its pure people. i could go on and on but i dont want to make this too too long
but idk i feel like a lof of the things about tigerclaw early on are ignored because people focus on the depiction after tpb. in which hes another soulless power hungry bad guy also he hates his kids despite what we are shown before. because early on in the series you can see the erins wanted something interesting for him and his relationship with firestar with other characters, his way of thinking, the way he priorities the code, how his enviornment altered him. and yet thats all thrown away all the concepts are replaced its poorly developed and its just makes me go bangs my fist why why why we could have had it better fuck the erins
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Caleb said "our gifts are so rare, so special" as if not every ghost can do it, plus when Willie looked surprised after Alex said he could become visible playing with Julie.
However, my vision on Caleb is that he is a liar manipulative predator. so obviously he'd try to make the boys feel special and unique before trapping them into a spell.
So i think ghosts can have tons of abilities that all they need is time and practice to control, like when Alex learned how to hold things properly. So here is a list of things i think ghosts can do in the jatp universe:
Transportation: ofc. we've seen it. they poof in. They poof out. No biggie. Except how far it goes? How many ghosts can they transport? Can they transport lifers? it's probably the easiest ghost skills to have.
Objects Summoning: sure they can summon their instruments bc is attached to their souls but i doubt they can't learn to summom any object they put their mind to, if they can play it, they can conjure it. Could be learned through concentration, bc it might sound easy like poofing from place to place, but it'd involve traveling actual material objects through space, and since touching and holding stuff is also something u need to put your mind to it, certainly it also needs concentration.
Energy Control: Willie can flick the cop's vehicle lights. and flicking lights has always been a ghost thing. They could definitely learn that skill for special stage effects, watch the tv w/o touching the remote, pass messages, freak someone out, create a distraction, infinite possibilities. I also think they could absorb that energy within themselves and release it somewhere else.* It could be learned through concentrating and finding the right timing (i think Alex would master it.)
* if ghosts are made of energy and air there's no way they can't interact with other kinds of energy. magic and science are just like batman and bruce wayne.
Levitating: Caleb can levitate, other ghosts might as well. i think they could achieve by meditating and learning to clear their mind. (Reggie would kill it y'all) they could also lift other objects without actual touch them. imagine their final battle with Caleb and just as they are going to lose, Caleb falls on his face bc someone (reggie) tried to catch a heavy object and it accidentally hit Caleb's head?
Becoming Visible/Tangible: They can do it, we've seen it. ofc it was a magic move after a power of friendship moment, But, i believe they could figure out how to control who can see/touch them and who can't, my guess is that they'd have to visualize and wish to be perceived by someone. same goes for being heard or not. (Luke can work this one easy bc he has a need to be perceived) and since Caleb can make a whole bunch of ghosts appear and disappear, im sure Alex could make Willie visible for Julie.
Possession: im gonna guess this is some unethical shit bc u can actually damage someone's soul by trying to hijack their body. but im sure they could impersonate someone and absorb their energy, so u can control them better. Caleb is putting it off tho.
Energy Sharing: this one is very oc if im being honest. but imagine a ghost having such positive or negative energy from feelings he suppressed or expressed vividly before they died, so they could project that energy in a way that could affect people and ghosts around them? It might not be the best power bc its kinda nonconsenting, but it can also be hard to acknowledge they have a power like that.
That's mostly it. I dont think Willie knows all of the ghosts skills, i guess Caleb just lied to him as he did to the others, but he can groq out of it and learn. Sure some of these requires some focus and that might be hard for Alex, but learning skills can go different for everyone. sure one is gotta get it easier than others but these boys are musicians, they're used to combining their different skills together.
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josephtrohman · 2 months
Thank you so much for bumping some bottom!Joe Joetrick god bless 🙏🏼🫡 It’s wild, you’d think the pairing with self-described needy love bug Joe with the biggest, wettest sad European eyes and that cute short control freak would pop off and write itself (I’m well aware sex is infinitely more nuanced than this but for these (horny) purposes (sweet sweet bottom!Joe) normally it doesn’t take much for a fandom to run away with things, lol. But then Joetrick is criminally small anyway ☹️)
ANYWAYS. Your writing style is so sweet, I love domestic married husbands who bicker and still find each other hot as fuck, as they absolutely should <3 I’d say Patrick, ah, expressed, his desire all over those gorgeous back dimples in just the right way 😊 Thank you for your service you are literally the savior of us all (the clamoring army of the DOZENS of Joetrickers online) 🫡
my lovely anon, this message is such a beautiful message to receive and i was like. kicking my feet and blushing just reading, especially bc i think this marks my first anon about a fic of mine so very special in that regard :-3 thank you in general for your kind words, and i agree with what you say and Also had a lot to say here beyond just saying thank you so i put my thoughts under the cut LMAO (warning: some parts veer into insane)
i totally agree about bottom joe joetrick just making so much sense given what we know about the individuals involved, for exactly the reasons you said (patrick, who needs control, and joe, who just wants to be told he's doing a good job and etc). and Yes as you said, there's nuance in sex dynamics, so i think there's somehting to be said for the compelling nature of really any way you could write them tho too, and the push and pull between the dynamics. like joe both is soft and schmoopy and wants to be wanted and has a real submissive-ness to his personality, but Also has a steely exterior and like you know. his bdsm-ladden tumblr likes LMAO. and then there's patrick who has also said that he likes to be needed etc in addition to the control thing lol. this kind of push and pull is a reason why in this day and age i maintain that i will thoroughly enjoy either dynamic of those two fucking, and in my head they Would be the type that likes to switch off to fulfill these different needs and stuff (and i usually have this notion in my fics but anyways)
as an aside but i think of. well. dynamics more than just personality to of like...dick size discussions too like...no i dont believe joe is packing a micro or a "tuna-can dick" or whatever other silly things he says but you know. i do bet that patrick packs more than joe does cuz i can Visually SEE IT so another factor to like. more bottom joe in the world (especially playing into this, and playing into clear insecurity, something almost like sph, of like SORRY EXPLICIT BUT "oh that's it? clearly you were made to take cock then" 😵‍💫)
i think that though my focus is so on joe, the aspects of what goes into preferences for patrick is also very interesting. i used to be more opinionated about this, so much so that i was a part of "bottom patrick net" in 2015 (embarrassing i know) and i would often nope out of a fic for being top patrick in this era, which is so weird idk why i cared so much but yeah. lmao. i think that yes patrick does act very innocent, and there was a lot of patrick uwu smol bean driving this, but idk it just has me thinking a lot about it all but i dont really have coherent thoughts. peterick i think is a fascinating case study because the fandom at large Has made the shift from this heavy emphasis/preference of bottom patrick where it was virtually impossible to find top patrick peterick, but NOW if you even THINK about making pete top people will be very angry at you (im just kidding but people take it very very seriously lol which is all good. people have their passions and i do love that for them). i can hope that the tides can turn for joetrick too, to at least be Slightly more equal--like i dont expect a total bottom joe revolution or anything, especially bc i have contributed to top joe joetrick as well and have a fic idea here and there that i will still probably write more and contribute more to top joe. also one thing i almost forgot to say is that i bet part of the reason of the former intense prevalence of top pete (beyond the smol bean patrick) thing is like how outspoken pete was about like thinking dicks are nasty but joe is always saying things about dicks that is kinda fruity like even if jokes this mf wont stop talking about sucking dick!!!! (largely on the real life sci fi podcast lolol)
i also just want to say another thing about bottom patrick specifically, and it's that i find it very interesting the overlap of the fandom as it was with the bottom patrick preference, because Most of the fandom is made up of patrickgirls, and obviously this is like oversimplifying it bc not everyone who is a patrickgirl wants him inside of them but walk with me for a moment, but like Personally part of the reason that i still like to cling onto top joe is that theres something sexy about picturing him Fucking rather than being Fucked cuz it's like i want him. badly. and sometimes my collab fic with my friend of top joe still has me like 😵‍💫 AND I WROTE IT!!!! anyways sorry.
i also find it compelling to play into these ideas and dynamics in different ways too, because there's something kind of fun and sexy and stuff about the idea of like a useless top joe, or a bottoming from the top kind of joe (and people love playing into the power bottom patrick VERYYYY heavily like sometimes too much where it's like why is he literally a bitch but). like being instructed exactly how to use his dick, and he gets off on it extra because he wants so badly to be a good boy, to be told he's doing a good job. cough hack wheeze. i have brain worms.
this is all to say i have a few other bottom joe wips and the world needs more bottom joe…someone please give that man an earth-shattering prostrate orgasm (i didn’t have that in this fic, but in some of my wips this will happen do not worry).
sorry for typing an essay about top/bottom dynamics on your ask for no reason anon LMFAO but i will respond to the rest of your message and say: yes for the bickering/hot as fuck thing!!! idk how to phrase this without it sounding condescending but i do Not mean it that way, but i really am into pulling from your own experiences for realism in a fic. i have been with my partner for 7 years now and so much about long term relationships are that dynamic of Yes you have so much love and attraction for the other person but also you've gotta bicker sometimes, you gotta make jokes at their expense, sometimes the things they do annoy you...but all of these things do Not take away the fact that they're still your person that you desire carnally!!!! lolol i remember there being a tweet where it said “fuck marry kill but it’s all one person” and this is just being in a long term relationship and i always try to bring aspects of this into any established relationship fic lolol
AND HELP ME the phrasing of expressing his desire all over them well. yup 🫡 i can’t even think of something funny to say cuz there’s nothing more to say other than that i am obsessed with your brain anon
joetrick nation may be teeny tiny but i aim to serve...there really are Dozens of us but we must rise up…happy to champion for joetrick nation and bottom joe joetrick and also i love you my fellow joetricker brother in arms 🫡💖
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yj-98 · 11 months
Summer of last year ago I wrote an oc very similar to city boy inspired by both my religious experiences w genus loci & dark knight/dark city, & now dc is writing both city boy & old school barbathos and sometimes I wonder if someone from editorial was reading my headcanons blog and stole them bc it's toooo similar... fucks w my head a lot actually. Are the city boy comics good? I'm low-key afraid to read them incase it freaks me out more <3 dc stop stealing my ideas challenge...
oh help its always so weird when you recognize a character from your own head in a character thats in published media. your oc sounds so cool tho! they should be paying u dividends rn
the city boy comics are, and i mean it, SO good. greg pak and minkyu jung did phenomenally honestly! i Really want cameron to have a solo :) hes got a really intriguing backstory and i enjoy that hes sort of morally neutral. very much "not nice, but kind" personality, where hes pragmatic but wants to be nicer despite internalizing that hes inherently bad. hes also just had. really fun dynamics with other established characters so far! nightwing, clark, and swamp thing :)
he first shows up in a short story in the wildstorm 30th anniversary special, then gets an introductory teaser one shot in lazarus planet: legends reborn. his mini has 5 (of 6) issues out rn!! i would recommend his stuff bc ultimately its very short and i think that its important to show support for the creators :]
to cite a friends experience who recently read the mini: if youve sort of lost faith in dc's storytelling in modern comics, give city boy 2023 a try :)
sorry this turned into an advert but i dont want to spoil things and i also just. love cameron kim. i think everyone should take the time to read the 7 issues that are out rn!!!!!
anyway. i hope u like it!! im sorry it freaks you out tho because i understand 😭 but i really do think youll like it!!!!!!!
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
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"My Name is Cat-face...and im a demon, but the name you gave me is way better"
"Even if I called you munchies?"
"Please. Call me munchies..."
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Cat-face "Vica"
Also known as: Munchies, The Void That Purss Back, Void.
They are a lowly demon who uses a black kitten as host, they scaped from being sacrificed by other demons since theyve been labeled "weak" they have self steem issues and slowly comforms with being a house cat in the brooklynn house.
Bast doesnt quite like Vica as they grow bcs she can start sensing the chaos energy the cat has, but says nothing in order to not freak the brooklynn house (specially bcs my s/I would be very upset).
So, she gives Vica a collar with the bast symbol (since she is the goddess of cats). To protect my s/I.
One day, while my s/I was running away from some mages who sided with Sarah Jacobi Vica managed to turn into his demon form like bast did with muffin in the first book. They protect her and they have this talk of
"i...am so sorry I didnt tell you sooner"
My s/I cups the demons cheeks like she used to do with her cat" well. If you wanted me dead Id be dead already"
Vica laughed loudly "I wish I had the strenght you think i have" they sighed "no, jeri, im a lowly demon, I know basic fighting, but I have no magic or powers, youre so kind that I thought you might Keep me"
"Aww vica youre still my little black kitten! Come here" Shes gets on her tiptoes and hugs them"lets get your catfood and go home"
"But bast-- Carter!"
"Ill deal with them...come on!"
Eventually s/I tells the brooklynn house about Vica and well, they take some warm up to eachother but vica is the sweetest thing ever. So they stay.
And though vica is terrifed of meeting my s/is god bfs they all end up liking them. Even amos is like "okay....I see the appeal"
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Some more technical Info:
Height: 9.5 inches (cat form) 7'5 (demon form)
Favorite treat: chicken everything, loves eating nuggets.( Even tho they shoudlnt)
Favorite toy: laser pointer.
Favorite spot to nap: ontop of desk, windowsill when they are Open, handraill of the balcony amongst the plants.
Favorite TKC f/o:
•fem: defenetly bast
•male: Amos (hes the sweetest, lets him nap on his lap whenever hes on the throne room)
Favorite Collar
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•Purrs way too loud.
•likes to use the scratch post near the kitchenette so they can have a liddle treat.
•aciddentally almost kills horus while he was on birb form. (Horus is still scared of them, only pets them when s/I is around).
Demon Form:
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Pictures of the moodboard dont belong to me. The moodboard does.
Only Moots okay to rb.
🌻Taglist: @tex-treasures @aeliusinclairs @samsbeckett @lilacslovers
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kalofi · 3 years
Hey mx lofi I know nothing about sk8 so could u tell me if it’s genuinely worth watching or legit just gaybait?
ok i have a few things to say abt this
i LOVE sk8 i thought it was such a fun and exciting show and one(if not the only?) shounen-y skateboarding animes out there so obv it has moments of skateboard skills that r just not humanly possible but its an anime so. lmfao. but overall it stays p true to the heart of skateboarding!! awesome animation cool characters (except. well. we'll get to him) and just an overall eye catching aesthetic ❤️ v cool v swag v epic
there is ONE character whom i hate so dearly 🥰 i hope to kill him until he dies hes basically the hisoka of sk8 in which he is obsessed with a child due to their "skill" but its played in an almost romantic way and he calls them the EVE to his ADAM (his name is adam btw). so yea hes a freak i hate him sm if shit like that makes u uncomfy just. steer clear of this show i know there were some parts where i had to pause and take a walk around my bedroom bc i was so angry and uncomfortable when he was in a scene
putting THAT to the side, the show is also p focused on the whole bromance narrative so there r limited female characters and the one girlboss we DO get just putters around for a few episodes then gets kicked out like wtf 💀 its not my biggest gripe but it made me a lil salty lol
but id say despite that it is a v worth while watch tbh!!! i had so much fun binging the first couple episodes, then consequently waiting one week for every new one BDJFKNSKDOD i got hooked real fast, the main characters (reki (reki my beloved) and langa) have such good chemistry they r so fun and sweet together and the ensemble cast is amazing too, joe n cherry n miya n shadow deserve the world and more. ALSO. sk8 has made me laugh out loud so many times there r loads of silly moments to giggle at 🙏🏽
now moving onto the topic of queerbaiting...
first things first. there is a post out there somewhere talking abt this in better detail but i couldnt find it so i'll try to put it into my own words. u shouldn't rly look at sk8 thru a western viewpoint of whats queerbaiting or not.
in the western world, while still not as prominent or accepted as cishet relationships, lgbtq relationships r a lot more present, mainly bc they r allowed to b. now this is not to say that its sooooo easy to make queer relationships appear on the big screen, they still face a lot of backlash from ppl even IF the entertainment industry has made good steps in being inclusive. with this im just trying to point out that while still not normalized completely yet, lgbtq representation is easier to produce/consume
in this way, i personally dont believe sk8 was gaybaiting or queerbaiting at ALL. pls feel free to correct me if im wrong, im not the most knowledgeable on the subject, but it is arguably harder to produce or animate queer relationships in Japan, especially if its meant to be a shounen-type anime.
thru claiming sk8 is queerbaiting by not animating their two leads kissing or confessing to each other or whatever, u r discrediting everything else that makes reki and langas relationship so special. no they do not profess their love for each other under the light of the moon, but they are shown time and time again to care very deeply for each other, to push each other to b and do their best, they are shown to b very physically affection, to have have a strong bond built not only on a mutual love of skateboarding, but a mutual respect for one another
if u RLY wanna get shippy tho (not judging) there are a few moments that rly cement how much they like/care abt the other sprinkled throughout the show. i wont get into too much detail to avoid spoilers, but while one of the main characters is talking to his mom, she thinks he is asking her how to confess to a girl when he says he "likes the person." the same main character tells the other he wants to "skate infinitely" with him. which is pretty gay in and of itself if u ask me
so, from all that, i would say the producers, directors, animators, voice actors, and everyone who worked on this show did the best they could in terms of getting the ship as close to canon as they could what with all the restrictions they had to tiptoe around. i was pretty satisfied with the ending (bar the small complaints mentioned previously) and i know a lot of other ppl were too!! again, deffos worth watching in my opinion
this got kind of rambly so sorry for that but i hope this clears some stuff up, and if u end up watching it i hope u enjoy!
p.s. if u truly r desperate for ship content (again, not judging) u can always check the dub and the content that comes with it! the english VAs r very vocal abt their love for the ships in the show so u can get ur share of that from there ❤️
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
I CANT REMEMVER THE FIEST PART BUT BASCALLY. there was this prison, right? a lot of characters were there, including some of the main cast as wardens. one day, tsunade was walking around when she saw these three dudes.... she asked if she could join them in whatever they were doing!! although rather upset, they agreed.
"we're gonna be busting out of here tonight, and it'll be helpful to have one of the greatest ninjas on our team!! remember, we were in her class as kids and havent seen her since then!!" they thought.
.....heres the thing they didnt know, tho. tsunade was actually the prisons head warden 😭😭😭😭 they were gonna try to bust out with the Head Warden On Their Team whats wrong w them
anyways shino, another warden, also showed up after a while to "help with the escape". i guess this nameless trio were absolute ignorant fools bc they.... still didnt realize?? and honestly at this point i felt like it was a genjutsu or smth bc they were acting so stupid HFKSJFKDKKX. bc THEN NARUTO HIMSELF SHOWS UP!!!!! i dont think he was a warden or anything, but he was.... going bald. so this dream takes place in. In boruto era
since narutos here, i think tsunade ends up leaving bc she.... cant really just leave the prison unattended even if it is to stop some escapees, so its up to naruto and shino now. the three escapees start to scale the wall, naruto and shino w them. theyve just about reached the top after a while!!
when suddenly, a flash of yellow. the trio falls back over the wall, never to be seen again. but theres someone else hanging over the wall now.
Boruto. apparently in this, hes never even.... met his dad? or smth??? bc narutos clearly having a moment even tho borutos gripping the edge of the wall with 1 hand, about to fall too, but he looks so freaking mad at naruto. "whyd you leave, dad?"
so shino turns out to be a TRAITOR and he kicks naruto or something. naruto manages to grab his son's hand, desperate to at least do one thing right and save his son's life. "just hang on, boruto!" his hand starts to slip. "i guess i'll die with you!!"
...........boruto erupts into a cloud of crows. so does shino. "naruto........youve always been too kind." calls out a voice from above, that even i know.
naruto's eyes go wide as more crows pick him up from the edge and bring him to the sky. Sasuke.
it was a fucking genjutsu I WAS RIGHT. oh my god. sasuke. stands behind naruto facing his back on this platform of crows, puts his arms around. Naruto's waist from behind and kinda. rested his head on naruto's shoulder and. looks at him.
"you've got to stop testing me, sasuke!! why do we still fight?? i brought you back to the leaf village, and pardoned the uchiha chan, so why are you still suffering with anger in your heart???"
"bc.... i need to be your most special bond, naruto. i need more than just forgiveness from you." sasuke fucking like. Sensually Whispered or something which was weird bc they were old
and then i got mad at homosexuality and woke up.
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johnsbleu · 3 years
this might be a hard question but do you have a favourite chapter of hold my hand?
this is like asking which child is my favorite fdsjkl;fj god honestly i do have a few that always stick out to me. this is gonna be so long just a warning bc i dont know when to shut up. i'm gonna put it under a read more now that i think about it bc i did just ramble. my bad. fjdsklf
i love the chapter where they get engaged. i just love how romantic john is and how much thought went into the proposal. i love that it wasn't something simple (even tho she would have loved it either way) it just shows how much he loves her and how he wanted to make her feel so special for that big day. he literally got her a whole ass outfit to wear just for the proposal. honestly, best man ever. also it was so fun to write. i was talking everything through with a friend to make sure every clue made sense and made sure every clue had meaning to them (the hotel: where he told her he loved her for the first time, the bookshop: they now own together. the restaurant where they had their first date) so that was a fun one tbh.
i have a lot of callbacks to their time in italy and they always say that the treehouse changed everything for them and those were really fun to write. i love writing them going to different countries and stuff bc i love to research everything and watch vlogs fjskdl;fjl so those treehouse chapters were really fun. (also they are going out the country again soon!) OH! i loved writing them watching harper and benji. i remember writing those and being like "hmmm perhaps we should give john a baby!"
their wedding was really fun to write too! i remember originally i was gonna have some girl show up and kind of be like "IM IN LOVE WITH JOHN!" but then i was like bitch wtf no (even though i would LOVE to see reader jealous asf). i liked that their wedding ended up being really good. i already had some big drama at tess' wedding (that was really fun to write as well) so i wanted john and reader's wedding to be really good! and i loved how romantic it was and how they were so focused on each other.
honestly another chapter that i really like and actually still reread sometimes (yes i reread chapters sometimes fjsdklf;j) is the chapter where she suffers from her hemorrhage. seeing john just immediately get her to the hospital, him knowing her blood type (weirdly cute tbh), him knowing every detail of her pregnancy, just seeing how he freaking loves her!!! i loved it. they didn't know what was going to happen, and his first thought was that he couldn't lose his wife. i think about 49543 thoughts went through his head. a lot of ptsd from losing helen as well. losing reader (y/n, peach, whatever you want to call her) was the worst thing that could happen to him and he was living a nightmare until he knew she was okay. he just loves her sooooo much. i love how much he loves her. i love how much they love each other.
and another chapter that i love is a chapter coming up (*laughs maniacally*) it's the chapter when we finally get our newest little addition to the Wick family. i did something a little different with the chapter which really isn't that big of a deal but it was fun. it was fun to write her going through her labor with john by her side the entire time (best man ever, remember?) and their joy over holding their baby for the first time literally makes me cry every single time i read it. it's really sweet and i can't wait to share it with you all!
if you made it reading this far, just know that i love u and i'm hugging u right now. also do you have any chapters that you really love? it'd be cool to know!
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childhoodgrave · 4 years
whats dtl about ifff ud like 2 talk abt it i see cute sprites & decide i wanna know things.. hehe the top hat n cape guy gif is in sync w my music hehe
IM SO GLAD U ASKED this game is probsbly my favorite game ever its been a special interest if mine since i was 7 and i dont think its a GOOD game per se bt i love it a lot and it impacted me a lot as a little kid w a mild interest in art :)
so basically the game is a little 2d adventure platformer where u get to draw and design the character u play as. its p clunky and the way ur character moves looks rlly silly bt again this game was released in like 2010 on the ds so its ok .. the game also gave u templates to go off of and use too just in case u didnt want to design a character from scratch
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the story of the first game is abt this world that was drawn into existence by “the creator” in the book of life. u hav this little sequence where u get to draw the world, and the forrests and the creatures tht wld inhabit it. the creatures tht inhabit the world are callec raposa and they r little fox creature w funny ears :)
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like this guy (his name is zsasha and hes a thief but hes like a bad one who ends up returning all of the stuff he steals and also watching over a little orphan girl who he basically adopts LOL)
in the universe if the game the “creator” eventually went silent and the raposa lost hope in them ever returning. the world was slowly shrouded in darkness and gradually all of the raposa inhabiting this little village were either lost or left on purpose bc it was slowly falling apart. the game starts when one of the remaining raposa, mari, prays to u, the creator, to come back and help restore her village, saying that everyone else has lost hope but she still believes you can return to her. u can answer, and either say that u will help or you wont, but either way u end up agreeing to help her and she goes to tell her dad, the mayor, abt it. you create a “hero” to be the vessel you will speak thru, and thats the character u end up designing and playing as. the game is abt going to various areas from the village and rescuing all of the raposa that are lost there, as well as restoring the village to what it used to be and drawing in bits of the landscape, like the sun and plants and stuff.
the villain of the story is a guy named wilfre, who was another villager in the town who ended up drawing in the book of life bc he wanted to create things the way the creator had. he ended up making these big inky monsters and got consumed by them, and when u meet him at the beginning of the game he tears up a bunch of pages in the book of life which get scattered across the land and you have to collect them in order to restore the village.
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so u basically just go around saving villagers, collecting pages of the book of life, and redrawing bits of the town that were lost to wilfres shadows. eventually wilfre ends up like, killing maris dad (the mayor) and then after youve restored a majority of the village you enter his realm and kill him!! yay :)
throughout the game you also meet these two weird npcs called heather and mike. heather is a little raposa girl who has half of her face covered in shadows, and shes mostly mute. shes found early on in the game and is taken care of by another one of the main characters named jowee
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mike is a character u end up rescuing later on in the game, hes p confused and doesnt know how he got where he is, and hes also different from the other raposa bc he doesnt have ears like they do and kind of just looks like a normal human (even tho none of the raposa know what that is and they just think he looks rlly weird)
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in the first game heather is shown to take a liking to mike but it isnt explained why and she doesnt talk to its left unexplained
so yah the first game ends with you, the hero, defeating wilfre. mari takes on the role of her father and becomes mayor of the town, and all of the raposa (+ mike) live happily in the town youve restored. the hero goes dormant because theyre no longer needed and u get a scene at the end of the game w them sitting by the ghost of maris father.
the SECOND game takes place a while after the first game, in which wilfre returns and captures heather at the beginning of the game. he also kidnaps a bunch of the other villagers and transports them somewhere else, and he drains the color out of the village the raposa were in. they end up fleeing on a giant turtle with an abandoned town on its back that appears while the color is draining from the village. inside mari and jowee find another mannequin similar to the one the creator had drawn the hero on in the first game. they pray to the creator for help and thats when u draw the hero u get to play as for that game!! the hero doesnt seem to remember mari and jowee or any of the events of the first game, but they agree to help them rescue heather and all of the villagers wilfre stole.
jowee also has like, this magic pendant that belonged to heather that he found after wilfre took her, which seems to be leading them to where heather is. they use that to navigate the turtle thru the ocean to a bunch of other islands on the world. the second game is basically about traveling to different islands and helping them restore the color thats been drained out of them by wilfre. you also meet these two characters, salem
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who is a villain in the first island u travel to, and sock
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who is a villager on the first island u visit who ends up befriending jowee and traveling with them while they try to save heather.
so ur doing all of that but THEN, halfway thru the game mari is shown to be talking to wilfre, and then she dissapears. jowee assumes wilfre has captured her too, but shes later seen on the turtle again, and rips out a bunch of pages in the book of life the way wilfre did in the first game, and then wilfre appears to take her away and says that shes working with him now. jowee is heartbroken but resolves to get her back as well as heather
THEN, sock, jowees friend from the first island whos been tagging along and helping out, is ALSO revealed to be wilfre in disguise and he betrays jowee and steals heathers pendent, leaving jowee with basically no means of finding heather and wikfre and mari by extension.
so eventually they do end up finding where wilfre is and mari is like “jowee you dont understand wilfre has shown me the truth of our world and who the creator is and thats why im helping him” and jowee is like “i cant believe yoy are helping him how could you i cant believe you bla bla bla” and so wilfre is like “FINE ill show you the TRUTH of this world” and takes jowee and then the hero is kind of left ln their own for a bit to like wander around the world and try to keep rescuing ppl and such. and eventually jowee comes back and is like shaken up but kind of vague abt what wilfre showed him, but he still decides to side with the hero and the creator and eventually mari is convinced by him to join them again as well
so u fight wilfre again and EVENTUALLY wilfre reveals that if you defeat him basically the entire world will dissapear and thats what hes been trying to avoid by fucking w things and messing with the book of life. so all of the raposa have a bunch existential crisis abt them ceasing to exist if they go thru with this but then they decide to to it anyway bc the alternative is just as bad blah blah and u go and kill wilfre and he does this when he dies which is cool
[the gif was fuckjng broken im sorry but like look up his sprites and youll fjnd it 💔]
and now heather is back!! and her and mari and jowee are all talking about mike and how important he is and meanwhile mike has no clue whats going on and is kind of freaked out by all of this, but theyre all like “mike you need to wake up” as theyre all fading out of existence and shit around him and eventually him and heather are the only ones left and they dissapear too
and THATS when you get the ending and find out it was all like a dream mike was having while he was in a coma after a car crash anx this plays while the credits role lol https://youtu.be/Kur0qaYM1jM
^ they ended up releasing different versions oft he game w a less dark (but still w the whole ‘it was all a dream twist’) and thats it!!
there was also another game released for the wii that like gave wilfre a girlfriend kind of but i never played it to completion bc it used the wii remotes motion controls to like draw and shit and it was rly janky and hard so i never finished it and most ppl did the same. i kind of rlly want to try playing it again tho bc it was a p cute looking game even if the controls were fucked up
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AND YEA thats drawn to life its a weird silly little series tht i was obsessed w when i was a kid and it still holds a special place in my heart :) i basicaly just spoiled the entire series i guess but if u have a ds or a 3ds (bc the game is backwards complatible ! ) id still suggest like getting a cartidge off ebay or something and playing it bc its honestly a rlly sweet and beautiful looking game and i think a lot of it still homds up even if the controls r rlly janky now
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ambitionsource · 4 years
Any Asher Lucas head canons I really love their friendship?
hello anon i am back as promised with the second half of answers to the lucasher asks i got a handful of weeks ago!! seeing as its the tail end of asher’s appreciation day, i am here to deliver on discussing their friendship
so to start, i would say that marking dylan as an outlier and not to be counted (especially on asher’s end), both of them would without a doubt call the other their best friend. asher flexes a bit on this, as jade is also arguably his bestie, but for lucas there’s absolutely no contest. asher is his best friend -- he even said so in 209, which took a lot of emotional vulnerability for him to manage to verbalize -- and that title really means something to him.
to that point, though, i think it took the events of s2 for that to really cement. as we know, lucas has issues with connecting with + trusting others, and so he kind of keeps people at arm’s length. i think asher has always been a bit of an exception to this rule (which i’ll explain in a bit), but lucas was mentally able to still keep him removed emotionally in his mind bc he was like... you know, his inferior in rank / his lieutenant rather than an equal. i don’t mean that he like thought of asher as inferior, because he doesn’t -- lucas hates himself so he thinks everyone is better than him anyway lmao, but he’s also had a lot of respect for asher -- but there was able to be this... mental barrier in his head, if that makes sense. but when asher finally stood up to him, multiple times (in 207 with their argument and then in 208 when he Truly put his foot down and basically walked out of his life), that put them on equal footing on all levels and broke that barrier in his brain. and, thusly, is part of the reason lucas was suddenly able to articulate it in the following ep
but, on that note, one thing that i think makes them such good friends is that they’re both very like... not mushy. at least, not with each other. they both don’t mind side-stepping more complicated emotions and just assuming things are unspoken but understood, but are getting better at knowing the moments where something should be said
but they’re like equally weird about the same stuff, like they both don’t like birthdays + being paid attention to on their bday bc they don’t know how to process it (sans the exception of dylan, who of course asher will allow to be extra on his birthday), so they will straight up just like not tell each other happy birthday on their bdays and people are like doesn’t that upset you?? did he forget?? and they’re like no actually lucas / asher is my favorite person bc he ignores my birthday fDSJLFKGSJKGLJSGL like... they’re so fucking weird
asher is constantly trying to improve lucas’s fashion sense + design sensibility and it does not work. like nothing sticks. asher will spend an hour casually (but actually very intently) telling lucas about the nuances in color between shades and then later when he asks him a question about which shade of red they should use in the set design lucas goes “idk they look the same to me just pick one” and asher is like. bitch ur jokin... it’s lowkey funny that he keeps trying tho like lmao
so in terms of asher being slightly different than others even early on, the way this most manifests is that i think for whatever reason, asher feels safe to lucas. its an inexplicable thing, and something i dont think lucas even really realizes consciously. but he starts their friendship being like oh i’m gonna protect asher the strong must protect the sweet this lame nerd needs me, but then what it actually ends up being is more that lucas needed asher. like yes he gets asher to loosen up and let out more of his authentic self, but asher gave lucas a friendship to anchor to, someone who seemed to genuinely like him not because he was reckless or cool but just because of who he is. and even when he fucked up, asher still seemed to believe he could be better / saw him as more than that, and lucas had never had anyone in his life before like that, let alone someone where it felt that way (i.e. dylan also sees lucas that way especially now, but something about asher just made it so pointedly clear)
and how this ends up changing things is that lucas finds that like... he wants to talk to asher. he wants to be real with him, not put up the defensive, aloof façade. so you have lucas going to convince him to sneak out freshman and sophomore year so they could hang out just the two of them (a thing featured briefly in the “younger” sequence in 208), and those were the moments where he got in those conversations. and asher liked those nights too because they made him feel special, like all the people lucas could choose to hang out with and he chose him to bother and coax out into the night... for a kid like asher, younger than everyone else and an anxious mess and nerdy and he knows it, that’s like. the craziest thing ever. so those one-on-one hangouts meant a lot to both of them, though for different reasons
what’s nice too is that their friendship definitely matured and grew with them the longer it lasted, because there was an element of hero worship on asher’s end and almost belittling underestimation on lucas’s end when their dynamic started, but then it grew organically past that. and when they actually got to know one another, for all their complexities, it made them better friends. and now those misconceptions are long gone, but they still hold a lot of respect for one another.
also to this point, i do not remember if i’ve said this yet on the blog or not but so major point here -- asher was actually lucas’s first (and only, pre-riley) crush. being demisexual, he has to form a deep emotional connection with someone before he really falls for them (riley being semi the exception to this because even though he didn’t really fall for her until they became friends from the get-go he was like okay so she pretty....... whatever tho idc like uh huh sure lucas). and like late in freshman year, maybe even early that summer, lucas and asher had become pretty good friends and were spending a lot of nights hanging out together and talking, and one of those nights they were talking about something semi-serious, and lucas was just looking at him and just realized like wow hm i could kiss asher... and then he was like WAIT HUH?!?!?!?!?!?! cause he’d NEVER had thoughts like that before and suddenly he was having them about his best friend, and that best friend was dating his other good friend and it just FREAKED him out he was like HELLO BAD WEIRD WRONG??? so he stifled that deep down and lowkey ignored asher for like two weeks until it passed -- which of course made asher worried he did something wrong or pissed him off, but thankfully that passed without much commentary or further discussion. lucas has mostly forgotten about it now.
that being said, if you ever told asher he was lucas’s first crush, he would never ever believe you.
they really enjoy discussing / debating each other, especially since lucas is truly equally as clever as asher, but it’s a really careful line because one wrong comment from either of them can send them tipping into actual argument bc they’re also very good at pushing each other’s buttons. this is why dylan’s presence is extremely helpful at keeping them balanced.
and this is kind of a key trait to their best friendship, which is that they make awesome best friends, but my god they would make TERRIBLE romantic partners. they cannot communicate when it really matters (especially about stuff that makes them embarrassed like romance, which they can barely do with their actual partners); they push each other’s buttons; they love each other’s flaws as friends but would drive each other crazy as lovers. like the people they’re with for love are exactly the people they need, understanding, soft, patient, and good at communicating. if lucas and asher dated, they would kill each other within the first week.
one of the first times dylan, asher, and lucas really hung out as a trio involved “wilding” asher, which meant dressing him like lucas and getting him to be more reckless and freewheeling for an afternoon. they didn’t do anything crazy, but lucas let asher borrow one of his t-shirts and snapbacks for the occasion. asher still has both buried in his closet, mainly because he keeps forgetting about it but also because there’s a sentimentality to them. not that he would ever ever wear them again -- yuck. asher would rather vomit
it should not be understated that the first people lucas verbally said i love you to were asher and dylan. it’s important. don’t ever forget it.
-- Maggie
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warzofstarz · 5 years
star wars Thoughts at 4 am
ok so rise of skywalker happened,,, and i have mixed feelings. i didn’t hate it but i didn’t love it either (and i usually love star wars movies), so i am in desperate need of a little rant about both the good and the bad in the conclusion of the saga
1. JJ ABRAMS DISREGARDING ALL OF THE DEVELOPMENT WE EXPERIENCED DURING LAST JEDI. this is what i am most upset about. you don’t have to like tlj, but you can’t pretend it never happened. it’s like he was trying to completely backtrack on everything that happened in tlj bc it was ~his~ vision for the franchise. i think that is disrespectful to not only rian, but to fans who grew attached to the development of the characters. we see finn revert back to first movie finn (lovesick puppy lowkey), rey become an invincible child of the sith, the end of the skywalker family line, complete abandonment of rose, and a total shift in the message of the trilogy. all jammed last second into the film. the next few points all have to do w this
2. the fact that in tlj it is revealed that rey is truly nobody- she’s not some all-powerful descendant or some with royal blood- and tros completely ignores this and makes her a palpatine. the whole point before was that she’s normal, but that doesn’t make her any less powerful, smart, or strong. the message from the first two movies was that you don’t have to be in these elite categories to be special and powerful, which is an important message to every single child and adult watching. it empowers us as viewers to believe that we have the capability to be great, no matter our status, birth name, ethnicity, class, or where we are from. you can find family when you have none. you have the power to change your life. when jj decide LAST SECOND to make her a palpatine, with no clues thrown into the first two movies to lead us to believe this, it feels like a joke. the rey we had come to sympathize with is suddenly an all-powerful sith, seeming stronger than even anakin and yoda, even though she had never even completed training. this reveal is not emotional and literally loses respect rather than gaining any from the audience. a cop out. i felt less emotionally attached to rey than in the previous two films bc of her sheer perfect power
3. rose being 100% sidelined even though her character was incredible in last jedi. her arc was one that i truly couldn’t wait to see finish and sadly we never got it because she was completely abandoned so it could just be a trio once more. i love her. the disrespect.
4. the sudden introduction of zorri just so that poe has someone to flirt with??? like if you wanted to prove he was heterosexual make him flirt w someone he has actual on screen history and chemistry with, like uhhhh idk? rey?????? dont get me wrong tho she is a badass and i love how she shuts poe down!! queen
5. how they throw it in there that finn is force sensitive but don’t fully explain it?? and he never even tells rey??? this is SUCH a cool concept yet it’s never even hinted at until the third movie and its not further developed as to why. likewise i wish we saw the stormtroopers before they left the first order. see what they dealt with and the abuse they endured bc it’s such an important facet of the trilogy and literally drives finns character
6. how we never touch on why poe felt it when rey was tortured?
7. i wish leia hadn’t died and she rallied support w lando
8. if they are a dyad why didn’t rey and ben fight palpatine together?? then no one would have died??
9. i’m just really sad that they chose to kill ben because even though rey takes their name, the skywalker bloodline is gone, while a palpatine lives on. the entire purpose of the first six movies is anakin bringing balance by defeating palpatine. somehow, palpatine survived this (never explained!!!!), which completely defeated the purpose of the first six films and strips anakins chosen one status and ultimate sacrifice of any true importance. in the end of tros, the palpatine bloodline lives on while the skywalker bloodline is gone, and i can’t help but to feel like that contradicts the theme of the original saga in which the skywalkers defeat palpatine and hope lives on.
10. lastly, i just don’t think george lucas would have wanted ben to die. when people kill off main characters to make the movie more emotional, he has literally said “i don’t like that and i don’t believe that” he goes on to say that he hates when main characters are killed, stating “the whole point of the film, the whole emotion that i am trying to get at the end of the film, is for you to be real uplifted, emotionally and spiritually, and feel absolutely good about life. that is the greatest thing we could ever possibly do.” so, i’m sure some of you could see why i have a little issue with killing someone who has finally recognized the error of their ways and wants to be better. yes, he has done awful things that cannot be separated from his new identity as ben, but i think that it would have been even more impactful to make him live with the crimes he has committed and still make him keep fighting his demons to join his legacy on the light side. overall, bens death left a sour taste in my mouth, and for that reason i don’t walk out feeling uplifted. i just wish i knew what george lucas is thinking right now.
1. ben solo’s arc and han. now, before some of you pop off at me, i still think he was awful and horrible and didn’t deserve instant forgiveness, but i also think that someone who has grown up his entire life being treated like the spawn of satan by all adults who are supposed to love him would fuck him up majorly, like it would to anyone else in that situation. i think that he deserved another chance at experiencing love and happiness, and i absolutely adored the scene with him and han solo. it was honestly one of the best parts of the whole movie. thank you harrison ford. the whole “i don’t think i’m strong enough” and him tearing up to his dad CUT DEEP. AND THE “dad-“ “i know” LIKE LITERALLY MY HEART. bringing back the “i love you” “i know” so they are LITERALLY TELLING EACH OTHER THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! i’m at peace. adam driver’s acting was absolutely phenomenal. so much respect for him. truly incredible.
2. i loved poe and rey’s bickering. lowkey thought it built some chemistry between them. and how poe seemed quite jealous that finn knew stuff about rey that he didn’t, literally asking him more than once (1nce) about it, like???? han leia vibes. tea. but also poe and finn
3. i really liked jannah SOOO much (and i usually am not one for introducing a character so late) but, like i explained in detail above, i wish they had built that backstory better and introduced her a little bit sooner with more screen time. but i loved her and finns connection and understanding of their trauma.
4. FINN AND POE BEING THE CUTEST HUMANS EVER. that’s all. i just love how they care so very much about each other like stop. cogenerals.
6. i honestly think that’s all. i don’t have anything more
7. OH WAIT HUX BEING THE SPY. i ate that shit up. yes. we stan. AND the hint that he was going along w poe’s phone call in tlj so that the resistance could escape (that’s how poe KNEW it) like YES
8. the animation of young luke and leia made my heart weep
9. that lil sketchy bitch babu and the new cone droid that talks,, mmm
11. this is so sad that i am putting this in my “like” parts but the fact that they didn’t kill chewie and that they showed him being so torn up about leias death
13. rey burying the skywalker lightsabers and looking into the sunset, perfectly tying back to luke doing the same 42 years ago
overall, if i don’t think too hard, i did like it and felt kind of at peace. BUT it could’ve been much better @ JJ :/ i feel like it didn’t do the saga justice as the “conclusion of the saga” bc there is still so much left unanswered. but, like i said, i did enjoy it a lot and have so much love for this world. rant over. i love u star wars. thank u for everything. <3
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oh-shit-a-baby · 5 years
A complete compilation of my thoughts throughout the musicals second half,,, this bois going to be real long bc I have a lot of thoughts lol
Now without @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces :(
Yep dumbledore can still sing
Omg his voice
This song is going to make me cry aaaaa
Becky: you don’t look at all the same as I remember
Me: yeah no shit dumbledore grew a beard
Jesus,,,,, theyre just going to go for it right there,,,,,, ookay
Wtaf is this movie they’re watching
Idk if this is an unpopular opinion bc no one has an opinion yet but Becky and toms song is the cutest one ever and a bop and I love it
Jesus they payed for a balcony and they’re going to fucking use it aren’t they
The black and white isn’t that what lexs sister was on about
Wiggly is the king u wot m8
President kurt knows nothing about anything and that’s a mood
So if the next movie isn’t about ‘13 years ago’ imma freak
^^^president kurt quotes
In short, mr president, we are trying to stop the birth
*dramatic piano*
Of a god.
It’s good score tho 10/10
Sherman young
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Nuff said
After today’s great battle???
Faith in the one true god!! All hail wiggly!!!
My new religion lol
*cue joey and Robert just screaming wiggly for like 5 mins straight*
Yeah Gerald
She pronounces Cinnabon as see-nah-bohn what’s up with that lol
*cue people dying and their mics stopping working*
Holy fuck they all wanna kill Hannah now (lexs sister gets a name now apparently)
I would kneel before villain Lauren any day
I will deestroy everything, and then I will deestroy everything, and then I will deestroy everything and then I will oh shit it’s Gerald.
While I don’t want you to think for yourselves I do want you to understand what I mean when I say my evil shit
I’m sorry that choreo is a yike
He’s in the black and white now we’ll that sounds like shit
Hannah is the unsung hero of this musical so far
*said in wiggly voice* well, webby (Hannah’s spider imaginary friend who I think is gonna be the deus ex machina of this thing) is a stupid bitch!
Rotten little banana. I’m going to peel you. I’m going to split you in two. I’m going to eat you Hannah. I’m going to eat you right now. *all said in dramatic wiggly voice*
Aaand their mics broke again
We don’t get tricked! We’re grown ups!
And Becky and Tom are immediately evil the second they see the wiggly bc of course they are
Jesus beckys the villain???????
Welcome to the musical where everyone gets a villain song AND a hero song??????
Her voice is still beautiful
*Prancing around* DO YOU WANT SOME CANDYYYYY??????
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She’s still wearing ethans hat my heart is going to go oh my god
And he just,,,,, leaves Becky to die?????
President Kurt in a space suit oh my god
And America is great again is playing in the background
Yeah no president kurt can’t do foreign policy
His name is like howie or something but imma call him president kurt just like Tom was dumbledore for like the first half of this mess
Oh fuck joeys character is here and he’s gonna FUCK PREZ KURT UP
He’s eating an apple that means he’s a asshole
Holy fuck joeys character is like the ultimate capitalist
And also terrifying holy shit
Joeys character: Do you think that in the Netherlands they’d care about some toy??? Nah!!! They’re too busy with their free vacations and FREE healthcare!!
(When I refer to joeys character I mean the evil one he just doesn’t have a name yet so idk what to call him)
And joey can still sing I love him
His voice is so good and this whole villain is giving me spies are forever flashbacks
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I have absolutely no fuckin clue what’s going on rn
Holy fuck joeys voice is so beautiful and his range is killing me
I take back what I said earlier this song is the best one bc joey
Holy fuck someone just hit like a high d and I have no clue who it was bc the video quality is not the greatest
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Wiggly is so scary because he speaks like a child and those are scary
Joeys voice and acting is gonna kill me
Yeah made in America is the shit
Also the black and white is a dumb as shit name for an alternate reality
*wiggly voice* Uh-oh mr prezzy-wez. It seems you’ve misplaced your bomby-womb.
Well shits about to go down
I’m calling it the bomb bombed the White House
Oop no they’ve only gone and lost Moscow
Well fuck here comes ww3 I guess
And prez kurt is definitely insane in the brain
Jesus Sherman is a weird fuck and lex is kinda clever I guess it’s a shame we haven’t seen her for most of the musical
Lex: Is this what I live for? To be choked in a toy store?
Lexs beautiful song is this musicals version of not your seed but depression
And her voice is /pretty/
I’m sorry lex and Hannah can do what
Jeffs voice kills me him and joey need a duet and that would be the end of me
What did lex just do in so confused
And we’re back with Tom
Oh fuck lex is gonna shoot tom
Hold up Tom names his son Tim
Wiggly is playing mind tricks now yikes
Tom: wat
So the doll can only fuck with adults not kids???
Jesus Christ this is depressing
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U wot lex
Holy fuck this shit is deep
Wait lex still doesn’t know about Ethan oh my god
And Dylan gets another hero song holy fuck just give Robert a song already everyone else has one
At the same time though this is S a d
I’m not crying you’re crying
Tom: in fact you’re real fuckin ugly
Me: yeah no shit
Lex: FUCK YEAH!!!! Should i move these boxes first?
*cue very clever scene change*
Yeah Gerald no one wants to talk to u
Oh my god Linda leave Hannah and ethans hat alone my heart is breaking for Hannah
Linda: is this some kind of a jooooke?????
They’re gonna set one of their dolls on fire ok ok ok this is fine
More villain songs ookay
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If someone could tell me what the fuck is going on in this scene I’d be very impressed
Evil yoga
The choreo is...... interesting
Cue Robert not-Corey and Lauren being the only good dancers and getting special choreo
Ookay so everyone’s on fire this is fine
Emma and Paul ex machina
paul is family third wheeling
*audience fucking looses their shit*
Paul is having an existential crisi because he sHOULD HAVE WORN A WATCH
Someone’s gonna fall of that staircase by the end of this performance
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It’s the what if tomorrow comes bit!!!!!!!
Okay again this choreo is interesting but the vocals are all S t u n n i n g
They’re literally counting down until the end of the show imma loose my shit that’s the least subtle they’ve been during the entire show
Hang on hang on hang on hang on haaaaang on right there
Did lex just never find out that her boyfriend died we were deprived of a heart wrenching moment when she found out about Ethan
Like jeez I cried and I barely knew him she was dating the guy and just... didn’t ask about him????
That’s it!!!!! Those were my thoughts the first time I watched this through!!!!!!!
Scream at me in the notes with any questions and I’ll try answer them :)
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sanchoyo · 4 years
Mira, Aqua, Persimmon 🍄🍂 Also 🌼 for Cara
Aohhohoho thank you sm I’m so excited to talk abt my kids
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
mira: she loves sweets!! her fav snacks are any kind of tiny cakes or soft, creamy kinds of candies (she isnt rly huge on hard candy) her comfort food is def like, just cake. (since becoming a mew she has random grain/wheat cravings lol) I..think she’s okay in the kitchen? she def has experience bc she always hangs around the cafe, even pre-mew stuff, so a lot of that time is her loitering around in the kitchen with keiichiro jajksdfh
aqua: as a robot she doesn’t really..eat or anything... I think after a while she would ask ryou to make her taste buds and some kind of eating stuff tho? she’d be happy to try anything! I think she’d lean towards cold foods like ice cream bc not only are they yummy, but they keep her system cool x) also, she WOULD be good at cooking, she could just. download cookbooks to her memory banks. altho some of the more delicate stuff like cracking eggs might be hard..she strong
persimmon: her fav earth snack is like. hot chips. her comfort food would prob be an alien dish that would be impossible to recreate on earth which is :( she would not enjoy baking and would 100% be godawful at it, shes never cooked in her life. buuut working at the cafe, she has to stay in the kitchen so customers dont Freak Out abt Alien, so she ...gets better... (lot of dish washing to start...)
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
mira: huggy, yes hug. do hug. her love language is Making Stuff and verbal praising ppl, like. She will call you cool and make you lil crafts. if she RECEIVES the affection shes quick to get flustered, esp if its a cute girl. she prefers to make the first moves, and gets real red when anyone else does. expect her to hide her face and mumble a ‘thank you’ very quietly
aqua: YES VERY MUCH HUGGY.  her affection/love language is very much touch based or just. very affectionate and will do acts of service for ppl she loves and wants to help them as much as possible!! when someone else gives HER affection, shes way more chipper/happy/excitable all day and glowing, like u can see it on her face!! she’ll thank the person very genuinely and try to hug them uwu
persimmon: not really huggy unless shes In The Mood for one, or knows the person well enough. her love language is very much Buying Things and showering people with gifts. she ..isnt very verbal about it unless shes close to the person. or just Spending time tbh means she likes u (on the flip side, if she doesnt shes just very Avoidant) when she recieves affection shes very ‘of COURSE you love me ;)’ confident, borderline arrogant abt it, but secretly she super appreciates it and gets a lil embarrassed? she gets a lot of compliments on her appearance, but if you compliment smth else (like..personality, or smth she actually worked hard on) she’ll like that a lot but brush you off verbally and act a lil nonchalant. 
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
*aggressively trying to answer this for cara without spoilers...*
okay SO her “”friends”” among the aliens would probably be Arilla (queen’s assistant) Saguaro and Pereskia (two of queen’s top brass) Sapote, and Sapote’s older sister. So, basically, half queen’s crew sort of hates or looks down on her for being The Human, but Pereskia finds that sort of thing irrelevant and is only interested in how strong Cara could potentially be, and happily trains with her (sometimes pushing her way too far :| ) But she considers her..someone to learn from, which is close enough as she’ll let anyone. 
Arilla is somewhat protective over Cara as she reminds him of someone and tries to keep her out of trouble (does not succeed) hes got those dad friend instincts tho. but being the extremely uptight professional he is, she takes a while to realize hes been lookin out for her. 
Sapote’s sister is actually in charge of the kid’s area on the ship and kinda functions as a babysitter for all the kids, and its kind of become a safe area for Cara to go and just. Decompress. Sapote’s sister is kind of a pushover and cries easily, so Cara more or less..just..demands to be allowed in and the kids do kinda. love her and shes like ‘??? why???’ but. puts up with them (secretly enjoys it)
 Sapote very much adores Cara, she sees her as a little sister figure and doesnt CARE if shes human, she wants to tease and protect her bc theyre Both the Mews on Queens side, treated as lab rats, and she wants to take the brunt of that. Cara doesnt really realize how much she and the other aliens who like her protect her until later :) 
Saguaro is..a special case. They are  pretty heavily indoctrinated into the Deep Blue Worship Cult, so they think humans are divine, being descended from db. So. you can imagine cara is like. hmm. can use this and take a lil advantage. not great but :/ she has a hard time seein any of these people as genuine friends at the start, and she has a really hard time letting people in in general...that wasn’t always the case.
for a romantic partner she has a Type. 
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theday · 7 years
tagged by @ikyh and @younghyuuns ill be doing both sets !! :D thank you both for tagging me!! this got long so yall dont hav 2 read <3
ru?? rushee’s set!! me: wow ru does not sound like rushee at all ? djsjdhhjd im dumb but i realize now
i. do u believe in astrology? whats ur sign and do u line up with the features usually attributed to it?
fucc... i guess i do ;-0...... and yeah i think?????? like they say capricorns are cold bitches and funny nd im like ya thats me... but they also say we’re hard workers and im like uh.. dont know abt that karen !
ii. what’s ur favorite pair of socks?
bbbbbbb..... socks huh...... i guess my ankle ones? there are also socks that have actual designs on them and those r usually thicker.. keep my feets safe! most of them have pkmn designs bc.. yeah... love the poke mans
iii. what’s a food that reminds you of a specific moment/memory?
i could think of anythiing and get reminded of one situation if that makes sense.. but i thought of pineapple..pizza... anyway the memory isnt anythngn special its just me staring at my delicious hawaiian pizza..... at my favourite pizza place.... love that shit
iv. what’s the longest you’ve gone without sleeping?
i dont have the actual hours but the latest ive stayed up.. like willingly would be until 2am
v. how has ur taste in music changed throughout ur life?
went from 1d to 5so/s + other bands to utaite.... they cover vocaloid songs ig i never kno how2 explain what utaites r then 2 kpop.. but i still listen 2 bands + kpop and utaites.... so nothing much has changed ive just gone broader.. wider... expanded my tastes... 
vi. who’s ur fashion icon?
oh definitely kim wonpil
vii. what’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done without realizing?
i breathe dumbass particles.. i cant think of one bc my brain probably blocked off all access to my horrifying past but ive been thinking abt how i used 2 send the boy i used 2 like 1d songs....................... 12 y/o old me rly thought. he’d listen.... 12 y/o me thought spamming him was a good idea glad ive learnt from that! 
viii. what’s something you want to brag about?
my grades but it didnt get me into psychology so nvm ! its still good though i didnt expect to get an A1 (hghest grade) for combined humanities since ive had a B my whole life without it i wouldnt be able to move on education wise lmao so thank god for that thanks cambridge thanks bell curve sunbaenim 
ix. when you imagine urself being happy in the future, where exactly are you (like the location!)?
oh definitely an apartment somewhere where its always windy and the curtains are always Moving and the sun just Shines in the room but its not that hot either its just full of warmth and yeah thats the dream maybe also walks in the park without having 2 worry abt sweating my pits out u kno! tldr anywhere but here
x. what’s something you’ve always wanted to own?
let me Think.... i dont need a lot/?? but id love hm.............. i want stability but realistically i want all the hh pcs from the code albums. 
xi. how’ve you been lately?
good good! i finished my *** fic and its. im proud of it though i know its not that good nd i can do better but its done ! and hm i could be going to see mx but asking my mum is stressing me out speaking of her she wont stop Coughing and she refuses to see the doctor ;-/ love those sleepless nights ! other than that i just want 2 get out and feel the sun ???/ wanna get out of this house yea but i need to be.. shady with my money i cant get a job because school is starting in a month and im going overseas again sometime next month so ! no ones gonna hire someone who can only work for 2 weeks at most dhzjhhs shouldve worked when i had the time dumbasses only
ok now falen
1. what’s been on your mind??
hm redacted feeling towards my mum but i cant say them bc itd be insensitive 
2. what are you looking forward to? 
mx? possibly but also finishing my enrolment papers
3. story time!: how and when did you get into day6!!!!!
fuck...... listen up LADS. 
ive told the same story like 10 times but im never gonna get tired of saying this shit bc i love miss boxy so much nd she deserves the appreciation anywy she introduced me 2 day6 after i saw this one (1) picture of brian in minion glasses and instantly i knew in that Fucking moment thatd id die for him. so i asked for the name of my murderer and was introduced to day6 whom frankly id never heard of b4 bdjhjh she sent me all their mvs and i still remember the night . i remember walking out of this japanese restaurant, twitter open, chat wiht boxy there and i was like.. interesting ill go listen when im home so i Did! and my mind was blown away bitch? i honest 2 god expected them to be a boy group,,, dancing and shit yknow? i didnt know k bands existed ! so as a previous 5/sos stan i was like wow. this??? this shit is 10/10 a fucking BANGER thats what i felt listening 2 i smile and just going :O over the fucking instruments so idk if how can i say was the last or second song but Damn. .. it made me scream thanks mister j** he rly dragged me by the collar of my shirt and threw me face first into Heaven so i watched everything i asked my friend for video recommendations and after boxy sent me a page with their face and names i was like this jae kid is 182 cm? wow gotta stan now im stupid and stupid for glasses and tall people so ! it happened bithc,, ugh i lov eday6 so much i remember binge watchng all their vlives after the july after party live (that being the first vlive i watched Ever in my entire life and i laghed so hard despite not understanding a damn thing) please id giv my heart and soul2 day6 im so happy with the way ive progressed as a myday :^( 
bonus when i first started stanning it was 26th june and shortly after i made a stan acc teasers were being dropped but i didnt kno why ppl were freaking out i remmeber seeing jae’s teaser nd going ? ok? its just a pic damn ;-/ and then eveeryone was like: dowoon! choker! me: wdhs? what
4. ????do you have any allergies????
did u think of jae and no i used to be allergic 2 dairy products but thats disappeared
5. a fond memory???
bowling with friends and im just a disaster of a friend im always so loud with them and i thank god everyday that they handle my energy ? i would cheer for them even if they got a gutter or whatever and when they got a strike id go clap like crazy i love my friends i also went i have the power of god and anime on my side before flinging the ball and theyd laugh despite not knowing what vine that was from i love my friends... psg if ur out there yall are the best x i miss hanigng out with them as a trio.. three of us :( 
6. do you paint your nails?? if so, what are your fave colors to use?? if not, why??  
thats so.. tiresome.......... dont u have 2 wait for it 2 dry and shit ? my mums always worried abt ruining the colour or some sht nd im like !!! okY!!!!!!! tldr its a pain in the ass
7. what are your favorite colors?? what are your fave colors to wear??
i like hte colour of the sky... all the colours........ yeah love that bithc and lately ive been wearing a lot of black shirts finally went out of my embarrassing colourful phase ! 
8. what languages would you like to learn?? for what reason(s)??
japanese nd korean jp because i listen to a lot of things in japanese and korean for the same reason but my priority would be jp even tho id love to communicate with my faves i just... yeah although im not exactly making an effort 2 learn bc im lazy but if i Could.... itd be those two
9. when you get stickers, do you use them or do you keep them??
10. are there any groups that you might get into/want to get into?
hm... well theres knk ive learnt their names and im finally able to put name 2 face so thats nice svt too if htey didnt have such large numbers... thats all for now i think?? i love evry girl group though i love gIRLS... 
11. how are you???
idk im constantly just fine?? not the im sad but im fine kind of fine im literally just neutral half the time wjhddshs wild 
both of your questions were really unique and i loved answering them thank you so much for tagging me and if youve read until the end thank you i hope you have a good day!
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