#then the whole born evil bs
wc-confessions · 2 years
i have a question for you. what’s your fav warrior cat. if so, tell me about them…
tigerclaw. ramble under the cut but basically hes a cool villain i think a lot about how he could have been better if the erins and the publishers werent pussies
anyway hes such a complex character and the result of how living by the code so devotedly can fuck up your views and just how terrible clan life is. there are many cats who are examples of this but tigerclaw is so special to me in his way of exhibiting this. if you really consider it, he truly believed he was doing something good and bringing the clans to how they should be. like he grew up with the code being heavily enforced and the adults around him that he idolized and trusted selfishly using the code to justify their actions and beliefs. like its not only thistleclaw if you think about the enviornment he lived in. whats more doesnt really help that he was already seen as a threat or a nuisance as a freaking kitten. of course hes going to grow older and assume theres a certain path for him, and that he should trust and encourage the code no matter what. i also dont believe him wanting to be leader or deputy was him being selfish or knowingly evil, rather, him believing he was truly meant for those roles. therefore it was only right for him to do what he must to get his way to make things as they should be. he viewed himself as someone rightously abiding by the rules established by his ancestors, someone worthy to set the clans in their places and lead them to rightousness. then having to witness changes to the clans def prbly set him off further, and he just knew in his head he was the one. i can admit that his actions seemed hypocritical considering his relationship with sasha and the way he went about things, but i truly believe they were like more than they seemed. for one i dont think he believed he was going against his beliefs or perhaps he recognized this but didnt think it was a bad thing if he was still making 'right'. then i think he also had this mindset that his actions were a part of a greater plan or what he believed to be a part of his plan, that he jad to do certain things make choices to reach his goal. additionally, becaise of the way he grew up, i think he believed it was better to sort of repress his emotions. like i think a lot of his actions were driven by his inner emotions and there are times where he kind of breaks the whole cold frame and we get kind of a different character (my Favourite scene is when he kind of expresses like a different, emotional side after meeting his kids again even if he doesnt outright share his feelings and for a moment as he witnesses this firestar sees him as a person not like the enemy in his story that drove him to that point. but then hes unsure if its some sort of ploy. then thats never brought up again bc the early wc the erins just Did That)(another scene i wanna talk abt is how prior to the reveal hes shown to be kind of fearful of ravenpaw giving away what hes done before he just plots to get rid of him does anyoneremeber when firestar catches him freaking out at the gathering and wonders why the fuck is he acting weird. i really think at some point he just got better at being evil lying cold etc it was never something he was good at or born with it it was developed and fed). it just makes you wonder if everything was better what kind of person would he have been. then his relationship with others ugh hes shown to be caring and hearty within the clan in the start even tho its SO MINOR. i believe it just says a lot about him. hes respected nd he likes his place he believes hes deserving of leading the clans to greatness he can do it and everyone makes him believe so but then there are those who want to change those ways theyre threatening him and his ideal way of the clans built so perfectly by the code and its pure people. i could go on and on but i dont want to make this too too long
but idk i feel like a lof of the things about tigerclaw early on are ignored because people focus on the depiction after tpb. in which hes another soulless power hungry bad guy also he hates his kids despite what we are shown before. because early on in the series you can see the erins wanted something interesting for him and his relationship with firestar with other characters, his way of thinking, the way he priorities the code, how his enviornment altered him. and yet thats all thrown away all the concepts are replaced its poorly developed and its just makes me go bangs my fist why why why we could have had it better fuck the erins
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belladonnakimdracula · 2 months
Some more Wild-Era Zelda bs…lol
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Idgaf if I’m hogging the Tauro tag, this mfer is my comfort character & I’ll draw him a million more times just so I can feel something. Take me away beautiful fish-pun history man!
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This is my interpretation of an older Link. Homie looks like he needs a hug, a massage, a good rest & a lifetime of peace. I’d like to think the older he gets the more he’ll look like a Viking, hence the sideburn braids & the nu-metal soul patch. Maybe I’ll do an even older version where he looks like he’s about to venture to Valhalla. Also the beads in his braids are a little tribute to the Champions.
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Like any other tumblr scoundrel I’m making a whole AU thing. In a spark of pure originality this Ganon is the lone Gerudo Male but this time, (…wait for it…) he’s not evil (HOW REVOLUTIONARY!). Since the Wilds-Era showcases a Gerudo society without a king I’d like to think back when Gerudo males were born they were presented the choice of becoming a king when they came of age. If they accept they rule as king & if they don’t a chief runs things.
In my dumb AU Ganon doesn’t wish to be king as he wants to travel the lands discovering the world around him. I made his design to be more casual than the ornate Gerudo attire. Homie is in his twenties & obviously cares for his home’s customs but his ambitions give him the ‘I’m in the pilot’s chair of my life’ vibe.
Lmao I’m giving a whole ass diatribe like y’all give a fuck. Listen I wanted to make a young beautiful Ganon who just lives his life as a cool dude who doesn’t want to fucking kill everyone.
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alicentsgf · 2 years
ok so fans who hate alicent LOVE to say shit like "book alicent was beefing with a child lol" totally unironically. and it just confuses me. like Bro... all f&b tells us is she Stopped Being Nice to rhaenyra after aegon was born (when viserys showed no sign of naming him heir). because, reportedly, she was originally kind to rhaenyra. apparently kind enough for at least one or two people to note a sudden change in demeanor.
and like im sorry. is it that crazy that when alicent began to understand rhaenyra and her own son were going to be pitted against each other in the future she chose aegon and distanced herself from rhaenyra? she wasnt "beefing with a child" like i feel thats so clearly just a little joke someone made thats been taken at face value and regurgitated. because its not true. or at least f&b gives us no indication of it - we're never told about her acting maliciously toward a young rhaenyra. in fact i dont think we're given much indication they really interacted at all. and anyway, wouldnt it have been worse for her to continue to keep rhaenyra close ? so she could try and manipulate her?? people make book alicent into this great seductress and manipulator and theres basically no textual evidence to support it. if anything i feel like alicent distancing herself shows she very possibly DID genuinely care about rhaenyra once, perhaps enough to worry her attachment might undermine her cause to prioritise aegon in some way. and this is only further supported by rhaenyra's decision to spare alicents life later when the rest of the greens became dragon snacks.
then theres the fact book alicent was the one who asked viserys to betroth aegon to rhaenyra. why would she do that? a woman from a house with such close ties to the faith no less. she asked when aegon was 6 and she must have known by that point viserys was likely never going to name aegon heir - imo she was exhausting options to try and protect her children. no matter what choices aegon made he had every chance of becoming a symbol others would use, forcing rhaenyra to make an example of him to maintain control. marrying them to each other would do a lot to avoid that eventuality. it was both a smart political match and what Targaryen tradition demanded. viserys was convinced alicent was only acting out of ambition which is why he rebuffed her, but we're repeatedly shown viserys is kind of an idiot. especially politically.
theres this Obsession with the idea alicents characterisation was changed so dramatically for the show. 'i wish they'd made her like book alicent' they did...? they made her a victim who is scared and anxious and bitter. theres nothing to suggest that wasnt who book alicent was. everything we know of her is filtered through layers of bias - her story told by men who dont give a shit what she felt or desired. and what? you dont like it because you wanted her to be some one dimensional villian? because doubling down of f&bs oft misogynistic, cardboard cutout representation of her would have been So great. like please, i get that so much of f&b can be interpreted a whole bunch of ways but 'alicent the evil step mother' is the most basic, boring interpretation. it shows no depth of thought at all. theres at least a few clues in there as to who she Actually might have been, if you bother to look.
its just insane to me honestly. you read that book and thought she was pure evil? this woman who doted on her daughter and grandchildren so completely that her grandson's murderers knew to find them in her rooms. this woman who spent her last moments embracing death, pining for her dead children and speaking fondly of the old man she used read to as a girl. its really not that hard to percieve book alicent as a trapped and embittered woman desperately scared for the lives of her children. seriously. where is the critical thought? the empathy?? im so tired.
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kaqura · 11 months
I apologise for asking this if it isn't something you want to talk about but do you know why there is so much hatred for Kagura from so many S*ssr*n shippers/HnY fans? I haven't seen HnY because I don't like sequels that take away the happy ending of the original so I only know a few spoilers through the grapevine, but the Kagura hate I've seen lately from some HnY fans reminds me of anti-Kikyou Inukag shippers from twenty years ago. But Inukag shippers are more supportive of Kikyou nowadays and fandom in general is less misogynistic than it used to be, so I don't understand why another woman being important to Sesshoumaru in the original Inuyasha series is so unacceptable that Kagura gets hate now. Even if people ship S*ssr*n, love isn't a finite resource? Sesshoumaru loving and wanting to avenge Kagura doesn't mean he can't love anyone else, it doesn't diminish his other relationships—especially because Rin was a literal eight-year-old child when Kagura was alive. It's not like Kagura was a yandere type who harmed Sesshoumaru or anyone else he cared about, either, after a while Rin knew she had nothing to fear from Kagura and was squee'ing about Kagura being in love with Sesshoumaru.
Again, I apologise for how long this question was and sending it on Anon, I just didn't want to get hate from S*ssr*n shippers or HnY fans. Kagura's my favourite Inuyasha character, so it made me sad to browse the Inuyasha reddit/tumblr and see people calling her a 'manipulative bitch' and such when I went looking for fanart and fic about her. It's especially strange coming from people who praise other former villain characters like Sesshoumaru, who did worse things than Kagura when he was evil.
hello buddy sorry this is late i literally did not see it??
but since i'm obviously on the opposite end of the spectrum in this situation & have only really been involved in the tumblr iy fandom for so many years, the only thing i know about any of that drama is that she's perceived as a threat to their yucky ship bc she was really the canon love interest for sesshomaru in the og series. and kagura is obviously the polar opposite of rin in literally every aspect. like, we have a demoness that was born from the body of the main villain who comes out the gate swinging on koga's entire family & is forced to beef with the whole inugang constantly and calls sesshomaru a bitch to his face the second time they meet. versus a cute lil baby who's a complete blank slate. so for people that don't care for her bc of their ship bias it's pretty easy to misinterpret her character & motivations and draw silly conclusions lmao. i'm not gonna say kagura isn't problematic in some ways but LITERALLY WHO CARES it's not that serious?? pretty much everyone in IY has done morally questionable shit. it's a fairy tale set in feudal japan, like. and it sucks that you're coming across negative bs when you're just trying to enjoy yourself in this fandom!! that happened to me too when i first got back into iy in 2020 bc i didn't know that kagura was like severely hated until i joined an iy group on fb (owned by you-know-who, unbeknownst to me) and saw all that weird shit lmao. but there's a lot of really great creators on tumblr, at least, that are anti-sr & pro-kagura, so i hope that you could at least enjoy yourself on this blog!! <3
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lanaisdoe · 2 years
"SAY IT." - ... Daemon Targaryen
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I mean, Vaemond had it coming. There has never been a greater fool born than the one who'd scream at DAEMON TARGARYEN's wife, call her children bastards and call her a whore in front of the whole court with DAEMON standing right there!!!
^ not sure what Vaemond was thinking, i mean, did he really think he was getting out of that hall alive after that? ...duuuude...
So here's where it all started getting heated, Daemon's watching the scene, Rhaenyra's turning her head slightly towards Daemon subconsciously, without really looking at him, just him being there is reassuring for her:
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And just as Vaemond starts with his BS for real, we see Daemon giving Rhaenyra this knowing look >>>
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^ to me it looks like Daemon being partly amused that the fool would dare, and also reassuring Rhaenyra with this look like 'i've got this babe, don't you worry'
And right after, Daemon redirects his attention to Vaemond in an ominous way, 'EVIL' written all over his face :D i'd shit my pants, Vaemond, how did you not get it?!
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And that's when Daemon graciously gives Vaemond ONE.LAST.CHANCE.
- "SAY IT"- Daemon says, basically hissing...
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for a moment it looks like Vaemond indeed is shitting his pants, his lip trembling (out of anger?) .... but then he ultimately signs his death warrant, oh the fool... does he think Daemon is kiddin' ??? he knew Daemon had murdered in cold blood without blinking an eye FOR MUCH LESS, not to mention, getting rid of his 1st wife to be able to marry the Rhaenyra this fool is just offending, i mean, what the hell, Vaemond ???
Suicidal Vaemond then turns to Daemon fully and SHOUTS at pregnant Rhaenyra's husband that "her children are baaaastaaaards"
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i can't help but laugh at Otto's reaction the moment Vaemond stops just seconds before (probably) attempting to call Rhaenyra a whore for the first time but hesitating for a second,
This is Otto's face when he sees Vaemond's attempt and Daemon's face :D :D :D
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there's horror and alert written all over Otto's face :D he knows that you do not mess with HUSBAND and DADDY DAEMON, calling his wife names, Otto's face is literally like "oh no oh no oh no Vaemond don't you dare, i still have use of you you old fool, stop it , stop right there, you don't wanna piss Daemon off, you don't wanna mess with his wife"
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also, i loved the shot of protective Jace here :") my sweet,
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and then it's as if Vaemond started believing in himself a little too much, cuz obviously he did not get Daemon's subtle message, and decided to go like "and SHE IS A WHOOORE" in front of pregnant Rhaenyra's husband and right to her father king's face, wtf Vaemond, you really are dumb >>>
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^^ and long story short, THOSE were the last words this foolish man had ever spoken :D head(s) started rolling... (one. for now.)
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I would also love to highlight Otto's reaction JUST BEFORE this moment and just AFTER Vaemond called Rhaenyra a whore :D :D OTTO totally KNEW that was IT. The way he took a deep breath and turned around and away from Vaemond like, oh why oh why, Vaemond.... oh yeah, this alliance was good while it lasted...
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also, the next pic Otto already low-key mourning Vaemond :D he knew that was IT for Vaemond :D
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And so when the head rolled, we got a really interesting pic of the Greens' reactions :D you gotta love their reactions, it speaks volumes about their characters
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Alicent worrying about her children,
Otto grumpy about the turn of events, couldn't hate Daemon more, but not surprised at all, kinda pissed at Vaemond too, for his stupidity, salty about having to scheme more, and harder...
Helaena poor bb shocked to death,
Aegon just disgusted and like 'yeah well...another day.'
and Aemond standing there in true awe, as if in that moment he decided to become Daemon when he grew up (just joking but anyway, i do think Aemond admired Daemon, and had things turned out differently between these two branches of families, i think Aemond and Daemon could have become good buddies and have a nice teacher-apprentice, uncle-nephew relationship, fly dragons to wars together, have each other's backs... Oh well... forever wishing we got a big strong united Targ family :"( ...)
Anyway... Daemon totally not sorry, staring down at dead Vaemond with contempt, casually leaning on his Dark sister like nothing's happened
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and he's proud of himself, too ...for the justice. "He can keep his tongue" Daemon's sass at its finest. Murdering for his family is the best kind of murdering. The satisfaction. No one's gonna call his wife a whore in his presence without losing a head
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Otto was kinda horrified after that, (fearing more heads were gonna roll while Daemon's at it?? Otto knew Daemon hated him with passion, and he knew Daemon knew how much of a scheming manipulative Rhaenyra and Viserys hating ass Otto was - perhaps he thought Daemon was gonna deal with all their haters at that point? so he just needed Daemon disarmed ASAP:
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Daemon couldn't've been calmer at that point :D calmly saying "no need" as he wiped the blood off his sword, using his own garments for that, wild
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BUT the look Daemon gave Otto after that!!! he knew Otto was shitting his pants. And Daemon was low-key making a point, JUST YOU DARE SAY A WORD AGAINST MY WIFE OR KIDS, heads gonna roll, Otto . For real.
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And... I'm just gonna say it was about time idiots started answering for treason, for constantly speaking against and disrespecting the future Queen and her children. Now Daemon was there, the defender of the Realm, his Queen and wife's protector, their children's daddy, and from now on NO ONE was gonna say shit about his wife without getting his head chopped off anymore. Daemon looked like he hoped he made himself clear and was pretty happy with himself.
Calm, sassy and contented Daemon. In his element. And with his loving family, NOW more powerful than EVER before.
This man just needed his Rhaenyra by his side and to create a happy family nest together with her :D make house Targaryen great again :")
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^ this is the same man that chops off heads.
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^ he chops off heads when you dare say shit about his WIFE and FAMILY.
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the-savage-garden · 1 year
Nitpicking ACOWAR Ch 9
The reason this gets long is mostly because I was copy-pasting from the book that irritated me lol. Like, finding out what all of Feyre's bs "plans" were was the worst, everything was such a mess. It becomes clear how there was so much writing that was pointless, like SJM was putting off things to do a "reveal" and meanders with her writing.
Chapter 9
-Ianthe is sticking around instead of going to her temple “a few miles away.” I didn’t realize they used miles in this world, interesting.
-Ianthe is still trying to get closer to Tamlin for some reason, I still don’t understand the politics of this world. She still thinks she has a chance after what happened with the whipping. I’m so lost.
-Feyre is still working on keeping the sentries on her side. I wonder when she goes back to the Night Court would the sentries feel betrayed by her?
-”...while the healer quietly patched him up.” Is the healer magical or not? I don’t even know how healing works in this world to be able to tell.
-”Then apologized that I hadn’t been able to prevent it…I meant every word…” Feyre, you’re the reason it happened in the first place, the hell is wrong with you?
-”If I had asked them, they would have handed me their own knives to slit their throats.” I REALLY hate Feyre.
-Everyone’s going to the wall this time. I don’t know why it matters though.
-Jurian is winking at Feyre again. I’ve decided I hate him too.
-I also hate Alis. I hate everyone in this book honestly.
-[“I know the feeling,” was all I said.] That is not the same Feyre, you were barely in the Night Court, Alis hasn’t been home in Summer for around 50 years. How is Night Court your “home” already?
-”Even her tree-bark skin seemed to blanch.” If Alis has tree-bark skin how could it blanch? This doesn’t make sense to me.
-”She knew which court I meant. And did not look afraid.” But it’s the Night Court! They literally have an evil reputation, why would Alis not be afraid of them? I don’t understand her character.
-The sentries won’t look at Tamlin, you’d think he’d notice. I remember when he used to be more observant from the 1st book, I miss that guy.
-”...a courtesy I knew none of the others had extended.” Maybe because the nameless sentry was punished for a crime you framed him committing?
-”...appearing eager to mend the rift the whipping had torn between us.” But you’re trying to “mend” it with Ianthe, who the sentries all hate now. What does this accomplish at this point?
-Feyre shares a tent with Ianthe, supposedly to spare Lucien from dealing with her.
-”Lying beside Ianthe without slitting her throat…” I forgot how murderous Feyre has become now. It makes me sad.
-”I repeated their names silently, over and over into the darkness.” I see someone was inspired by Game Of Thrones (except it was a kill list, I know).
-Feyre also names her sisters which I’m surprised by. They haven’t exactly gotten along, it just seems… too soon to get to that yet. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.
-”My goal was bigger than revenge. My purpose greater than personal retribution” Haha, funny joke Feyre. Wait, you’re serious? You’ve literally done nothing to Hybern this whole time you’ve been here, and you’ve been focusing on having your revenge on Spring instead. Ugh.
-”I wasn’t sure I’d been born with the ability to forgive. Not for terrors inflicted on those I loved.” I’m a little confused with Feyre’s character, I don’t remember this ever being brought up before.
-”For myself, I didn’t care—not nearly as much.” I guess this makes sense, Feyre did decide to hunt for her family so this at least tracks (I know it was because of a promise to her mother but I’d like to think Feyre did it because she cared even if she never thought it).
-”Could not stomach the idea of letting these people get away with what they’d done.” Who are “these people”? I get it with Ianthe but everyone else wanted to save Feyre from the Night Court because they believed she was in danger. Also no one you care about is dead, just injured, or in the case of your sisters are now immortal. So what exactly have they done to you?
-[“Hybern is not our enemy,” she said a tad breathlessly.] But they are Ianthe, what are you even talking about? I don’t get this character’s motivation at all. The Hybern royals think Ianthe is below them, shouldn’t she be worried about them?
-Also what’s the point of having Feyre “subtly” threaten Ianthe? Shouldn’t this tip off Ianthe that something’s wrong? These intimidating tactics make no sense to me.
-”Lucien and Tamlin showed the twins where the crack in the wall lay.” I’m still baffled that this is a plot point. It’s just… this is the best that SJM could come up with?
-”And as they had done with the first two, they spent hours surveying it, the surrounding land.” See what I mean? Why do they need to survey the wall for hours? I know the magic wall is going to go down but what’s the point of lingering on this part so much? Something else should be going on.
-”We’d played our little power games, established I could bite if I wished, but we’d tolerate each other.” I’m so lost. Hybern is framed to be the antagonists of the series but then they don’t do anything to Feyre. Is it because of the deal that Tamlin made that Hybern can’t harm anyone in Spring? I already can’t remember and I’m not going back.
-The weird twins discuss which hole is better. (I realized a funny joke about this.)
-For some reason we’re focusing on the fact that Feyre is eating an apple during this. Why?
-“Yes, but we’d have more access to the High Lord’s supplies.” I thought the deal with Hybern was leaving Spring alone while they go through? Why are supplies included? Why is this now being brought up when it should’ve been brought up earlier?
-”...and I had no idea whatsoever where Lucien or the sentries were.” That’s a rookie mistake on your part Feyre. How are you the one pulling the strings again? It feels like Feyre should be more out of her element than the book portrays it.
-”Good. Easier for me as I shoved the apple slice into my mouth…” What comedy bit am I about to read here? I’m dying inside.
-Why are the twins even listening to Feyre at all? I don’t get them at all.
-”I shrugged, cutting another piece of apple.” Note to self, don’t write someone eating while they’re talking, it’s annoying. And gross. And serves no purpose, unless I want to write someone being a piece of shit. In movies it’s usually done to make it obvious a character is an asshole.
-[“You two talk louder than you realize.” Shared accusatory glares between them.] The twins know that Feyre has mind powers, why are they being paranoid of each other?
-“Unless you want to risk the other courts having time to rally and intercepting you before you can cross to the strait, I’d pick this one.” That doesn’t even make any sense. These are all dumb writing choices.
-“But what do I know? You two have squatted on a little island for five hundred years. Clearly you know more about Prythian and moving armies than me.” I feel like SJM is basing this moment from a movie or something again. This quote is giving me deja vu.
-“This is not about armies, so I will trust you to keep that mouth shut until we have use for you.” Well, duh, they’re taking down the wall, not marching an army to the human lands because that would be pointless since humans are super weak against Fae.
-Feyre gets information out of Brannagh that I’ve already figured out. Why are the twins treated like they’re stupid? If it’s because “Fae are arrogant” I’m going to lose it.
-”It is for bringing down this hideous wall and reclaiming what we were.”  What does “reclaiming what you were” mean exactly?
-Does Feyre seriously get all the information she needs in one chapter? This brings me back to ACOMAF where we got one chapter of backstories. Ugh.
-”...Vallahan, Montesere, and Rask.” Got other places named.
-”Two hundred thousand. Mother save us” I don’t think SJM knows how troop numbers work.
-The twins should know that Feyre used to be human right? I just… I’m losing it.
-“The king had not yet found the Cauldron, despite years of searching. It served his purposes to let her be an experiment for how we might break these people. And served as good motivation for our allies on the continent to join us, knowing what would await them.” I hate this explanation.
-”I finished off my apple and chucked the core into the woods. They watched it fly like two hounds tracking a pheasant.” WHY? Why is this here?
-“So they’re all going to converge here? I’m supposed to play hostess to so many soldiers?” This is a stupid question.
-“Our own force will take care of Prythian before uniting with the others. Our commanders are preparing for it as we speak.” That’s obvious. Did Feyre seriously think that they’re going to have all of the arm forces in one place?
-Something about the stupid Cauldron. Hybern is using it to break the wall.
-“Probably. Though this mortal mind did manage to solve Amarantha’s riddle—and destroy her.” That’s not the brag you think it is Feyre, the answer was literally love. It wasn’t even a good riddle. I thought it was supposed to be stupid as an insult to Feyre honestly. And Tamlin was the one that destroyed her, not Feyre.
-“Why do you think Hybern let her live for so long in these lands? Better to have someone else do his dirty work.” What?
-”Not at me—but at who had given me those bruises. Who had picked Ianthe over them—and Hybern over their honor and people.” I wonder who caused that to happen.
-I’m sure I’m supposed to be happy that Feyre is leaving Spring but I’m not ready. I don’t want to read about the Night Court again.
-”The one I’d brought with me on every trip out to the wall, just in case.” In case of what? Leaving early? Feyre’s plans suck.
-”I had numbers, I had a purpose, I had a specific location, and the names of foreign territories.” The most obvious things are the answers? This is the info that Feyre was looking for? The only thing Feyre really needed was the location but it’s the place where Tamlin and Feyre went through in the 1st book so it feels that Feyre should’ve known already.
-”But more than that, I had a people who had lost faith in their High Priestess. I had sentries who were beginning to rebel against their High Lord. And as a result of those things, I had Hybern royals doubting the strength of their allies here. I’d primed this court to fall. Not from outside forces—but its own internal warring.” I want everyone to know I fucking hate this. This was the best plan Feyre could come up with to deal with Hybern? Spring isn’t even a true ally to Hybern, if the King thought that then he’s an idiot.
-”And to maintain that illusion of strength, Tamlin and Ianthe would lie about it—where I’d gone. And perhaps a day or two after that, one of these sentries would reveal the news, a carefully sprung trap that I’d coiled into his mind like one of my snares.” I hate this manipulative Feyre.
-”...the markings consistent with what Dagdan and Brannagh had already revealed to be their style.” When the twins attacked those humans? Did Feyre intend for that to happen?
-”I’d planted images in his head… How I ran for my life when Tamlin and Ianthe refused to intervene, to risk their alliance with Hybern.” I’m somehow supposed to see Feyre as a good person in all of this? That she does terrible things to do the right thing? But then she manipulates minds and creates false memories into people? I’m supposed to root for that?
-”And when the sentry revealed the truth, no longer able to stomach keeping quiet…” What the fuck Feyre? Does Feyre not realized how fucked up this is? She’s worse than Hybern! Hybern is at least honest with their shit.
-”There would be no further alliance. For there would be no sentry or denizen of this court who would stand with Tamlin or Ianthe after this. After me.” Alliance? You mean the deal that Tamlin made with Hybern to save you? And me? Feyre is so selfish, I know she was before, but this… Ugh.
-”A few seconds extra had me snatching Tamlin’s bandolier of knives…Illyrian fighting knives.” Why is Feyre stealing them? This doesn’t make sense. They were given to Tamlin (I think) and that doesn’t give Feyre the right to take them.
-”Keep going. They were distracted, horrible as it was.” Ah, yes, let’s leave your friend Lucien behind huh?
-”Keep going, keep going, keep going.” Don’t remind me of Finding Nemo, book. Ugh.
-[“I thought you’d seek me out after the Rite,” Ianthe purred.] So, Ianthe likes to have control over men by forcing herself on them. But I’m completely lost with how she words this.
-“I was obligated to perform the Rite,” Lucien snapped. “That night wasn’t the product of desire, believe me.” But everyone gives Tamlin a hard time from the 1st book because of the Rite. Neither Tamlin nor Lucien gets a choice on who they sleep with during the Rite. I just… have many questions for this that won’t get answered.
-”I’d primed everything to fall; I’d long since stopped feeling any sort of guilt or doubt about my plan.” I gotta reiterate how awful Feyre is.
-”I had done my job too well, provoked her jealousy too much with every instance I’d found ways to get Lucien to touch me in her presence, in Tamlin’s presence.” Jealousy? Why would Ianthe be jealous? She just wants control, doesn’t she? I also hate the way touching is used as a catalyst for this because Lucien and Feyre are supposedly friends, this shouldn’t mean much, at least to me.
-[“Do not touch me,” he growled. And then I was moving.] Oh, so now you suddenly care about your friend Feyre?
-”I masked the sound of my footfalls…” With magic or…?
-Ianthe restrains Lucien with some blue stone from Hybern that can magically nullify powers. In the 2nd book Rhys had also been chained up with the same stone. I just realized this but did SJM borrow the sea-stone thing from One Piece? I didn’t realize how much of an anime fan SJM was.
-”She slid a hand over the broad panes of his chest, his stomach.” I don’t like how this whole thing is framed. This is supposed to be horrifying, not sexy.
-”And Lucien’s eyes shot to me as I stepped between the trees, fear and humiliation reddening his golden skin.” The way this is written confuses me for some reason? Also we’ve got golden to describe skin again.
-”Her hand slid lower, not for his own pleasure, but simply to throw it in my face that she could—” Why is this directed at Feyre for? I thought Ianthe just likes having power over others but then why throw this into Feyre’s face. I don’t get Ianthe, this writing sucks.
-”A mask over a face of decay. That’s what it was like to go inside that beautiful head and find such hideous thoughts inside it.” I hate the way this is written.
-”Lucien’s skin drained of color as Ianthe obeyed me, her face queerly vacant, pliant.” I know Feyre is saving Lucien but I don’t like how she’s mind-controlling Ianthe.
-“Smash your hand with the rock as hard as you can until I tell you to stop.” This reminds me a lot of that villain from Jessica Jones, how is Feyre the good guy again?
-“You will not remember what happened here. You will tell the others that you fell.” Huh, that’s what an abuser usually says.
-“You are allowed to see a healer to set the bones. But not to erase the scarring…” Why bring up scarring like that?
-”I’ve debated it every single day since I learned you sold out my sisters to Hybern.” So, Feyre wanted to kill Ianthe because of what happened to her sisters. I get it but I dunno, all of this feels odd to me.
-Is Feyre not going to ask if Lucien is okay? Or do anything to reassure him? No? Okay.
-And now the weird twins show up.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
You know who I am I just can’t say this on my blog I’ll be attacked so here it is…
All these people should have 4 years saved to pay off their student loans but their dumb as fuck went out buying new cars wasting money then they will complain about the evil government
Woe is me I’m a poor innocent little baby
Grow up. Make the payments. Shut your mouth and work to pay off debt
didn't know right off, did by the third sentence tho lol.
There's the 800,000 people that got their debt cleared this week or somewhere around that because they faithfully paid their bill for the allotted time they were supposed to pay it for at the rate they agreed to when they signed for the loan.
$39 billion I think was the number I saw
Those were 20-25 years old, so it's not like this is anything new and people haven't been well aware of how messed up this system is for a long time, wild to see people walking in and saying 'how was I to know' bro we've been at this since before you were born, if you didn't know it's your fault at this point.
Smart enough to get into college you should be smart enough to know you will have to pay the money you borrowed to do that back.
The ethics of the whole thing and if it should be fully taxpayer funded or not is completely irrelevant here, that's a red herring argument meant to distract from the fact that even if that's true it still doesn't matter since you signed on the dotted line stating that you understand the obligation you're taking on.
This guy is extra smart
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Gets into harvard, stanford, yale, yada yada yada.
Says nope, I'm gonna graduate with my degree and no pile of debt.
Like I said before tho, people were yelling about the cost of college and the whole student loan trap when I was in high school in the mid 90's, even more widely known now, you only have yourself to blame.
In most cases, obviously there's exceptions but not a lot of them I'd wager.
CA will cover tuition for 2 years of community college, so here you can get your associates and big chunk of general ed out of the way and then do 2 years at a traditional college and have way less debt, that's always been a option.
And as for the current forgiveness kerfuffle I hope that this is the last time I have to remind people that
Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi screwed you over, they played the public in order to generate outrage at the Supreme Court for upholding the constitution.
They had 2 years of congressional sessions where the democratic party controlled congress and the white house, they could have passed something and they didn't, they had the authority and they did not take advantage of it.
Because they didn't want to, because they don't care about getting people out from under piles of debt if they can instead use that pile of debt to increase their level of control.
no need to get mad at Clarence Thomas, he did his job, nancy on the other hand didn't, instead she hid behind J6 nonsense and other Trump bs.
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radsplain · 1 year
All you radfems constantly shitting on trans people like you have nothing better to do in your life. Like. Have you ever even taken a minute to try to realize what it feels like to feel like your own body is wrong and awful and disgusting and you can’t stand another minute trapped in it? To starve yourself until you’re underweight just because that way you look less curvy and your breasts are smaller and you’re less feminine? To feel like you want to take a knife and cut off the parts of your body that you can’t stand to look at? Using drugs to cope with dysphoria and make your brain finally shut up? Feeling so completely isolated because no one in your life understand what it’s like to feel this way? Not being sure about any of the decisions because despite any surgery and hormone therapy in the world, you will still never be a *real* person of the other sex? As if the waiting lists aren’t months to years long anyway. You all talk like you can bring a child to a clinic and they’ll get hormones the next day. When in reality even for adults the process consists of visiting multiple mental health professionals, multiple doctors, it can all take years before you even get to start taking them? And also how it feels like having to hide your feelings from everybody because even your own family would be disgusted by you? You all act like trans people are just straight white males whose entire transition process consists of makeup and dresses and wigs and out of a desire to harass women. And yeah, those people exist. But not everyone is like that. The majority, who actually has a life outside of Twitter, isn’t like that. Not everyone is quite literally willingly letting their bodies be mutilated just to achieve what, flashing your genitals to a kid in a public bathroom? Real life is not like that at all. You’re so uneducated and naive on this topic yet talk like you’ know everything. Trans women are evil predators and trans men are poor victims of the manipulation and propaganda. Literally just read one actual trans person’s description of their life. And honestly fuck those tiktok kids inventing new genders because they want attention because you know that’s not what I’m talking about so don’t even try to use it as a talking point. There’s a fucking difference between dying your hair blue and wearing horrible “alt” clothes and going by she/they just because all your friends are doing so, and someone who has spent their entire life wishing they were born as a different sex and already showing it as a child but no one bothered to ever pay attention because kids are just quirky and weird like that. And never paying any attention to it in the rest of childhood and adolescence either, because why deal with a problem when you can easily ignore it? And yet I’ll most likely still never get to actually go through the medical or social process of transition due to societal pressure and the shitty place I live in. And I’m just one of the people with this experience that you keep mocking either due to your willful ignorance or complete lack of empathy, and I honestly don’t know which one is worse.
I mean this in the most genuine possible way, but please seek out therapy. It probably felt good to get all that out, but spilling out all of your anxieties onto random people is not going to help you with everything you listed here. This entire message literally proves my point about the gender cult and why people, especially TIFs, decide to transition. You're not "trans" (no one is, but that's a whole other post). Y'all literally just need therapy. REAL therapy, not that "gender-affirming" bs. So much of this message, especially the parts about feeling wrong and disgusting in your body and wanting to starve yourself until you're underweight to look "less feminine" is such a red flag. I'm not a doctor or psychologist, but babe you're not struggling with "gender dysphoria." You have massive body image and mental health issues that haven't been addressed and are being wrapped up in this ideology of being "trans."
I'm not going to respond to every single point you made here, but this massive tangent feels like it was more for you to let out your frustrations than for me. And that's fine, but just know nothing you said here has swayed my opinion. If anything, it's strengthened it. I do have empathy for what you're going through and I truly do wish you healing and happiness, but venting to random strangers on the internet like this really isn't going to help you.
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haljathefangirlcat · 10 months
Guess who's just watched the first 60 Anniversary episode and is being So Very Normal about it? I totally didn't cry, giggle, or have my mind stuck on alternating "DONNA DONNA DONNA DONNA :D" and "DONNA DONNA DONNA DONNA D:" loops. No, sir.
... okay, yeah, that's bs. I loved it so, so much. And cried.
Yes, there were A LOT of call-backs. Yes, I figured out the Meep was gonna turn out to be evil as soon as it started talking, because it was being just too straightforwardly adorable. Yes, we got not just one but two "oh, no! This character you love is dead/about to die! ... wait, no, just a false alarm" moments and in the end the resolution to the whole metacrisis thing was very, very easy. Yes, I know Rose's twist was a little weird, tho I'd like to point out that t wasn't weirder than River being born a Time Lady because a bunk bed could do nothing against two horny newlyweds. And I'm sure there's probably discourse I'm not really qualified to speak on about Rose and how she was handled, especially in regards to the references to Thirteen and what RTD's said about not having Ten regenerate in her clothes. But it just made me so happy.
I missed call-backs and references that, while not exactly subtle or not exactly fundamental for the plot, manage to be neither overwhelming and constantly lampshaded or flat and insignificant. And I missed themes and characters dug out of old installments and developed in ways that actually make sense. I could say so much about how good and natural it felt to be back with Donna and Sylvia, to get to know Shaun and Rose and see how well they fit into the family, and how much I liked this incarnation of Tennant's Doctor and his interactions with all of them. How I'd piled so many expectations on Catherine Tate while waiting for this moment and she, ofc, lived up to all of them. How my favorite Doctor-companion duo is just as wonderful as I remembered it.
And honestly, I'm just glad Donna got to have the family she wanted and her best friend and the memory of all the incredible things she did and lived through, and she didn't HAVE to die for any of it. I'm glad the scene right before the Doctor Donna had the Doctor actually listen to her and accepting her choice this time around, and that it somewhat paralleled Ten's last scene with Wilf but the ending of the whole thing didn't leave me heartbroken for him either. That both Donna and Rose got the chance to be fully human and took it, because it wasn't metacrisis that made Donna brilliant and she'd obviously throw hands with anyone who dismissed her daughter as "not the stuff of legends." That Wilf lives on.
... also, the Meep is just as adorable as a would-be tyrant trying to destroy London, tbh.
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supeskenobi · 2 years
Some thoughts about Episode Nine of HotD:
I've seen both praise and critique for the latest episode of HotD, an whilst it is by no means my favourite episode of the season (probably second least), I vehemently disagree with the notion that it is anything like the latter seasons of Game of Thrones:
I've seen people question Alicent's hesitancy to make Aegon King, despite the fact that two episodes ago she was all for it. In the period of time between these episodes, we have learnt (and Alicent has) that Aegon is a whorehomgering, alcoholic, r@pist, nonce. Why would she want him to be King? However, her being at Viserys' deathbed and hearing his "last words" about "the Prince Who Was Promised" and her misconstruing it to mean her son Aegon, and not the Conqueror, helps to justify the decision in her mind, as she believes her husband had a change of heart; and she is merely acting on his wishes. She was only outraged when she learned that the council had been conspiring against her husband's decision, which I doubt she could've foreseen. Her father? Yes. The whole council minus "Beesbury the GOAT"? No.
The other big moment (aside from Quentin "Clubfoot" Strong) was Rhaenys' escape on Maelys. I've seen people cry that she killed the commonfolk, and yeah that's not great, but it's almost as if GRRM has been writing about the effect war has on regular people for decades. In 'A Game of Thrones', Varys says to Ned "Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?” During the 'War of the Five Kings" countless smallfolk die due to Tywin Lannister's scorched Earth policy. A war that he was fighting to keep his grandson, an illegitimate, bastard born of incest as King. The Dance of the Dragons saw tens of thousands of smallfolk die. It's just an element of the story and always has been.
Another moment within that scene, is why didn't Rhaenys just kill "The Greens"? Look, this is not her war. It never has been. However by aligning her House to Rhaenerya's cause in the last episode, she has become a part of it. Yes she could've killed them all and saved everyone a hell of a time, but why draw first blood? If you want to show that your side aren't the bad guys (and don't give me any of that "don't kill smallfolk" bs, this is war, people die), you wait for them to strike first. Put the fear of God (or in this universes case the Gods) into them. Make them look the aggressors, that way your side looks like the lesser of two evils.
It also plays into another theme of the books. Mercy. Daeron II Taragaryen showed mercy to his bastard half brother, Daemon Blackfyre, married him off to a Tyroshi noblewoman, gave him some land and a keep. But Daemon rose in rebellion and triggered the 'First Blackfyre Rebellion). Years later, Aerys I Targaryen showed mercy to Aegor Rivers aka Bittersteel, after the "Third Blackfyre Rebellion" and had him sent to the Wall. However Bittersteel fled East, allowing him to plan the "Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion". In 'A Game of Thrones', Ned shows mercy to Cersei and her children, instead of having them arrested or murdered. His mercy, killed him and helped to kickstart the "War of the Five Kings". In the world of ASOIAF, showing mercy comes with great consequences, and obviously Rhaeneys mercy will do just that in the 'Dance of the Dragons'.
I'll admit, maybe these elements could've been handled better and executed better; but to say that any of this is anything at all like S5-8 Game of Thrones is ridiculous. If anything it's like Game of Thrones Episode 10 of Season Four. Some silliness, but still a good episode of television.
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neganium · 7 months
Oh good, at least they're not dwelling on it. Still no clarification, bc since it only just happened, it's very probable that people are making assumptions as to the end result. Tho it's probably true. Also, god, buddy is having a rough sort of day. Gets ragged on brutally the whole day, probably longer, for not being born into this class; he gets fucking framed for something he didn't do and had no way of predicting, and nobody's going to believe that he didn't do it on purpose, even though from his position he absolutely would not have a motive- bc he's a dirty commoner, so ofc he's guilty; also, his heavily contextually implied bf immediately cuts his arm off instead of doing literally anything else, like, idk, restraining him? redirecting the fire that got redirected in a dangerous fashion anyways?? nah we just jump straight to the potentially fatal violence, huh? Granted, from what little I've gathered, these guys are trained from a young age to kill what they perceive to be monsters, so it's not like they'd have the average form of (nominal) law-enforcement training. (I say nominal bc we all know that they don't teach them that way; not anymore, probably not ever- so a good mirror of irl ig!! So much for the noble "heroes of the realm" BS lmao. That's almost definitely the point.)
Still, this was... pretty rough. Not very graphic, but still exactly in the vein of what I was afraid of (tho the laser beam was a bit out of left field, coming from a sword of all things). Naturally the motive has got to be some form of self-righteous/self-serving classism, possibly even something well-meaning, in an incredibly terrible and unambiguously evil way.
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I'm really starting to doubt the whole " the anti-endo community is full of harmful evil people who judge your system" bs because despite being here in the depths for 2 years, I haven't seen even remotely a whiff of it. Nothing that wasn't correcting misinformation and even with maybe one or two responses being unkind due to trauma being triggered, nothing that wasn't kind and curdious. Like Ive not seen any of it and I'm not blind to bigotry either, I'm in the depths of it as well. I don't see the supposed wide spread racism (often claimed by white endos), I don't doubt it exists but I sure as hell haven't seen it as a triracial person. Racism apologizism is something I've seen endlessly in endo circles, just recently with tulpas getting called out again.
I'm honestly getting to the point where the only time I ever hear " anti-endos are mean 😠" is usually when an endo lied to a system about their origin then revealed themselves as an endo, usually by saying something insensitive or racist. Anti-endos don't generally give enough of a fuck to think about you and when they do, it's usually cause you said more medical misinformation or excused more racism in your community or misrepresented the did/osdd communities again by claiming were the "same as truscum because we only focus on our pain". When yeah, this is a mental disorder that is painful and born of pain. Its always us having to correct you guys for the four billionth time with another resource because you guys are essentially anti-vaxxers. Even cold hard medical evidence about did/osdd just gets waved away because you had one curt doctor therefore all doctors are evil conversion therapists who just want to gaslight and harm you and then we spill into the big conspiracy theory that doctors totally know endos exist but it'd hurt the status quo if everyone was plural/sar. None of this to invalidate medical trauma of course but it's not shocking the community that can't find validation in the medical community (because it's not a medical condition) dosent like the medical community.
Suspicious how endos only came about in reaction to did. Suspicious how endos only have the "fun" part of did and not the serious life altering symptoms. Suspicious how it's just young ones who wanna rp on a whole new level or whiny old ones who are too jaded to admit they were wrong. It's almost like your just a reaction to a serious fucking medical condition related to life altering trauma and not a thing all on its own because lets be real, you use this disorder for credibility (erroneously) and you wouldn't have a term in the world or even a shred of a community if you werent building it off the backs of trauma survivors and the doctors you hate so badly.
Suspicious how there's suddenly a boost in endo circles every time some new movie painting did in a shitty light comes out, suspicious how endos circles are supposedly dying "from sysmed attacks" when were in a nice period of no new "splits" or " crowded rooms". If there really is as many endos as you guys claim, why hasn't the medical field acknowledged you? In the hundreds of years it's acknowledged did? I think we both know the damn answer.
Redo your vocabulary and stop trying to rub shoulders with, what is often, your victims. We don't want you. The did/osdd communities don't want you. You fucked up the moment you said you didn't have our struggles proudly. Revel in your idiocy by your fucking selves and stop asking for our sympathy, you don't get it without respect.
Vent/No syscourse replies plz
🔇- Vent/No Discourse, other replies allowed
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sentofight · 1 month
ooc. brain squeezed a little bit of energy and wrote this. I wouldn't say this is a properly proofread and stuff but I kind of give up. It is considered a draft lol but hey i want to reward myself and my brain so good job brainy. my bs down here got hint of headcanon (leaning to the canon divergent area once i add Ai.Ni stuff so you are warned.)
also copy past what i had on the first post i drafted--my rant.
ooc. it is something i kept on the shelf for a while because help my brain it is getting so slow with stuff like this. timeline for date--aka ha/yato y/agyu. ofc it is headcanon thing since we dont perceive A/iNi for the crap they pulled about him. look it gave us older zuki and thank you for it but otherwise ... that heap of garbage fire about my man date no thanks. stop making everyone wait for him. lets face it, he is not worth the wait. everyone should've moved on and not 'wait' for him. and the whole lol i forgot, again~. please. stop toying with ppl like that. i feel bad for hitomi but i feel even bad for boss. the woman risked everything for him the first time you know. but the one who got actually devastated is zuki. he said he would be there for her--the new family, the new safe home and YET HE GOES MIA. damn i hate it. it's like they wanted to pull the 'let us kill the mentor move so the pupil can go on this self reflecting journey and grow stronger'. no homie it does not work like that. feeling abandoned is different. anyway. my attempt at this timeline thing. again, mostly headcanon and ofc canon divergent because of A/iNi crap.
Down the cut, yehaw.
Born in 3rd of August, 1977 to unnamed parents and was placed in an orphanage his whole teenage years. In the orphanage, Hayato was treated badly there. There are no actual stories or incidents but knowing how bad some orphanages can be in the real world, I’d headcanon he was beaten because of the simplest mistakes. I’d think there might be some sexual misconduct but I wouldn’t go that far, perhaps to some other orphans but maybe not Hayato due to how resilient and unyielding personality from a young age. It would be troublesome to try to tame someone like him in that way. It won’t break him but what would break him is seeing something like that is inflicted on someone weaker than him. Probably this is how he was ‘punished’ back then. The more stubborn he is, the more someone is going to get the end stick to penalize Hayato indirectly. Hence, why he grew up to lust and crave for justice. As we were told by Rohan Kumakura, prisoner 89 wanted to seek justice on ‘evils of the world’ whatever they are. if you fit the evil image in his mind, you are to be punished for it.
School days
During his time in the orphanage, Hayato went to school but due to the stigma of being a “throw away child”, he was not given that much of a chance to enjoy school life. He had a strict curfew so there was no chance for him to join a school club or hang out with ‘friends’ which he didn’t have. Despite that, he made sure to focus on one thing; how to get justice for himself and for everyone who were wronged, thus researching and figuring out his path after school and after leaving the orphanage—going to the police academy! Luckily, with enough school credits and doing his best to not get into fights, which at times were unavoidable due to how some would keep instigating the fights because of his upbringing. However, Hayato is smart. He’d know how to end the fight in his favor. It is something he had to learn in the orphanage (or actually he learned FROM the orphanage whenever any inspection coming, no one would see the abuse. They know how to hide the marks and injuries.) With that, Hayato managed to score enough to send application to the police academy to ensure his place is booked by the time he can leave the orphanage and no moment wasted. Not all orphans from his place got the chance to go to school, so whenever he is free, he’d teach the kids there what he knows. Mostly, how to protect themselves.
Leaving the Orphanage
On the 3rd of August 1995, the same day he turned 18 he immediately left the orphanage. There was no hesitation, no second thoughts. He was literally dying to leave that hellscape. To make sure his plan worked efficiently, he made sure all the steps were taken properly in his high school years. Hayato had saved up enough money to rent a room but because of the whole legal papers and all, he had some troubles but worked them out with some persuasion. After that, Hayato kept working part time jobs here and there waiting for his letter of acceptance. Hayato would join the police academy at the age of 18.
Police Academy
Being young and with little experience of life under his belt, he had to be careful around everyone. He kept everyone at an arm length and more. Being from an orphanage, he learned about the hierarchy the hard way. In there, who got the absolute word in any matter was the orphanage manager, then the workers, then the orphan seniors. Upset any of these and you’ll get one ticket to hell time. The seniors in particular were the toughest on the other orphans. The more they kept the ‘order’ the more rewards they get themselves. After all, they are most likely handpicked by the workers to make the work easier on them. You go against the seniors, then you are basically going against the workers. Hayato tried to understand the hierarchy in the police academy first then work his way up the ladder to be the highest. Technically, Hayato was accepted as a student not a cadet when he was 18  for two years he learned various things which he was not privileged to learn in normal school or from the orphanage [from character building to laws.] Officially, he joined when he became 20 about the legal age in J.apan. During these two years, Hayato spent it studying and working to achieve his dream. Just going into the police academy was not enough. He had to know which position he should aim for if he wants to ‘punish’ evil doers in the world. It was hard for him to figure out if he wants to do it by his own hands or through others. Though being fueled by nothing but anger and hatred, he had to go with the former—punish them himself. It wouldn’t feel right if someone else did it. Though at this point what he envisioned was through the law or he wouldn’t go through the trouble with going to the police academy.
Now he is in the ranks, he kept his same pace—work hard, keep everyone at a safe distance, and mark your targets. The training in the police academy was honestly a joke at first to him. What he had to go through in his orphanage years prepared him for the worst. Mental games the officers would pull on the cadets didn’t work on Hayato. If anything, it made him scoff and entice the anger of some officers with his snarky remarks. He excelled in whatever they thrown at him, after all he got a goal he works for. He was not liked among his peers but no one can hate him because they see him working twice harder than anyone because of his ‘background’. It did come to moments where he would bash someone’s head but is saved by none other than the new [friend] he managed to acquire—Shizue Kuranushi. Even if he was over his past, there were times certain flashbacks would get him.
Rivalry with Shizue Kuranushi
As mentioned before, Hayato didn’t have friends back in the police academy because to him, they are all rivals aiming for the position he wants. Though one in particular was almost head to head with his achievements and at times, surpassing him—Shizue. Their first meeting was not strange occurrence but she did leave a great impression on someone who does not even care to remember his senior officer’s name. The two would often challenge each other whether shooting, running, physical training etc. Sometimes she would come up over him and sometimes he would. That to say, these two dominated every training with unbreakable records for the poor peasants in their same class year. As they bonded together, Hayato confined to Shizue about a portion of his ‘plan’ which is to seek justice. That did resonate with Shizue’s own wish to climb the ladder to seek the same thing. However, she knew he had more to tell but there was nothing she can do to get the whole truth out of him--not even getting drunk at an ungodly hour on their day off. Hayato was careful to not let his inner thoughts slip for a second. It was dangerous. Years passed and the two graduated, Hayato went to his suitable job being a detective, and Shizue who conquered all odds and became a squad leader. Going by this chart,
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we see that Shizue is ranked above Hayato. Because this is the right way they chose to go by. Perhaps Shizue figured that Hayato was not going to fight her for this position thus made sure to keep him around her as a detective of her precinct. Honestly, Hayato might be ambiguous and enigmatic to all but Shizue; she could read him like an open book. Perhaps due to their shared struggles and all.
Rookie Detective
Hayato was the type to work on any case thrown at him. Being a rookie, he was belittled at first, especially with his background. He knew he had to gain the trust from these idiotic old farts who sit on their chairs and do nothing properly to get the big cases. It is the ‘play nice to get what you want’ kind of act. There were cases where he had seen the senior detectives give up on because it is pain in the ass to keep searching for evidence which didn’t help his inner passion for justice and society reform. He did get into trouble with bickering with senior detectives over cases but he had to dial it down at times. Though his hot flaming hot Cheetos brain would get the better of him and whack a detective or two yelling at them to do their job properly. That leads him to a couple of days out of service and cut in his salary but that didn’t bother him. If anything, whenever he comes back he has this smug face like ‘try again’. Even if someone wanted to take him out of the force, they couldn’t. One, his record at solving crimes is impressive and kicking him out would make everyone turn at them for questions. Two, the man got the squad leader as a friend. Do you know how that elevate his ‘social’ position? Shizue, even if she didn’t do anything, just people figuring out that she is Hayato’s friend would make some things easier for the detective. Who would want to cross the squad leader, huh? Little did they know that Shizue would never give a fuck about Hayato (because he is a big boy he can do his own ass wiping) and he would never ask her for a favor even if his life depended on it.           
Hayato Yagyu’s downfall happened when he was pursuing a criminal and followed him to the Harbor Warehouse District. This criminal is wanted for assaulting and murdering multiple women. This would be the breaking point for Hayato why? Because the criminal did something similar to what used to happen back in the orphanage. If a senior orphan hit a young orphan just because he wanted, the senior could get away from any punishment because he is on good terms with the workers. Basically, he got the connection to escape from any crime he committed or is committing or will commit. The fact that the criminal gloated that no matter what Hayato will do, the criminal’s connection will get him out in no time. The man didn’t choose the right time to rub that salt on Yagyu’s wound because the detective was holding his gun at the criminal. Feeling that the cycle is repeating over and over, the strong and with connection will come on top no matter what and the weak will be stepped on, Hayato didn’t feel himself but emptying his gun on the criminal. And as per usual, something of this scale would be reported heavily on. A detective becoming the judge, the jury and the execution, that is unheard of. Obviously, the police force had to cover this up whilst it sweep the whole force and by default open up some cans of worms which no one want to be opened. Thus, covering Hayato Yagyu’s case and manipulated and forged the evidence to present it as self-defense.
Hayato always knew he wanted to serve justice by his own hands but now, he is now sure than ever that justice is not served through the mainstream mean he thought he would do it—through the police work but ACTUALLY by his OWN hands. What he envisioned first was to do it via the proper channels and get it recognized by the legal system but now … pretty much fuck the legal system we bring justice by his own means. Hence, doing all the work by himself—killing the criminals he deem unworthy of a trial or a jail cell. Knowing how to cover up for his tracks, Hayato managed to kill more than 17 criminal. However, his gig was found by a group, a yakuza mob syndicate called the Kumakuras.
From Detective to Hitman
The reason why Hayato was found by this group is because he targeted one of their people. A guy called [X] and is important part of the Kumakuras. That did not go well with the chairman of the group and at that time it was Rohan. The chairman ordered that Yagyu to be brought in front of him. The faithful location of Yagyu gaining his new moonlight job and alias was the Kabasaki Chemical Plant. There, Rohan with his henchmen had Yagyu restrained and questioned about his strange and impressive past. Knowing Hayato kills the criminals yet when he looked over his record, there was no mention of these said killings. It means that this Hayato is the piece of pawn Rohan wanted for his group. Hayato was offered a position as an assassin and he had no choice but to accept since the other position is being 6 feet underground. His new moonlight job earned him the codename [Falco].Hayato would work normally in the morning as your local detective and by night when he is given an order by the Kumakuras, he’d turn into the assassin Falco. All this started in 2010ish so then Hayato Yagyu was in his thirties. This did a huge blow to his mindset, his values and certainly his ambition.
Breaking free?
His first hope of breaking from this vicious cycle he got himself into was his meeting with Hitomi Sagan. Their faithful meeting was when Hayato was following a target but he got the better of him and shot him in the stomach. Hayato assessing the situation, it would be foolishness to pursue in this case so he opt to escape and finally collapsed nearby Ikume Shrine. At that time, he thought that this is the end of him. All the things he had done is coming to bite him in the ass when someone came to his aid. The elementary teacher, Hitomi came to his rescue. She brought to a mob doctor called Dokuta Yogano after managing to flee the men pursing Hayato. (let’s not mention that he assaulted her by a kiss smh.) This was the spark Hayato needed to regain in 2013.
Because of their faithful encounter, Hayato became to meet Hitomi in secret because of his position and her position. It would look unfavorable for Hitomi’s look—a single mother suddenly bringing a strange man to her home. Not to mention her job as an elementary teacher, bad rep will affect her job. However, he never told her his real name just Falco. The little she knows about him, the less harm she can come her way, and if he managed to pull himself away from her, she… couldn’t find him. Though all that said and done, he was falling deeper and deeper in this peace and warmth that Hitomi had given him. The two went on dates and Hitomi realized how soft and adorable Falco actually is. Sharing another kiss and it is implied that the two grow closer about their backgrounds; Hitomi telling Falco about her best friend. Afterwards, Hitomi decided to introduce Falco to Iris who was 12 at that time. The two bonded quickly and she kept calling him uncle.
The Cyclops Serial Killings
Detective Yagyu was assigned to a new case which they dub as “Cyclops Serial Killings.” Four bodies of women were found missing their right eyes. During this time, Falco grew even closer to the Sagan family to which Iris suggested he marries her mom so he can become Dad and it was non other than Falco who gave Iris the idea of the name A-Set.
Because of this newfound feeling in his heart, Falco decided to do something almost crazy. He went to Rohan and asked him if he can stop being an assassin—to walk free from his job for the Kumakuras. Rohan was surprisingly ok with it but he asked him to do one last job which is to kill the Sagan family. The reason he wants to walk away from this life is the key to it. Of course, Falco had to accept because knowing his refusal means someone else will do the hit. To save his family, he finally gave up and went to seek Shizue’s help. He confessed to everything from A to Z. Surprisingly, as well, she was on his side. She told him about ABIS and the Psync Machine. The plan was simple, switch places with Rohan, issue command to leave the Sagans and then Falco would be able to save his family which he has now to …abandon them.
The plan was set in motion, Shizue brought Rohan to HQ, drugged him and took him to the psync room to swap with Hayato. The thing they didn’t expect was that Rohan and an accomplice—Saito Seijima were the killers they are looking for. To their shock, Rohan escaped in Hayato’s body and went to kill the Sagans. In the confrontation, Hayato (in Rohan’s body) shot at Rohan (in Hayato’s body) but Hitomi stepped in to save Hayato (Rohan.) That led to shooting Hitomi in her left arm and side which after the surgery made it unusable. Guilt eating him up, Hayato left them.
To finish what he started, Hayato went to the Kumakura to pose as Rohan and issue that the hit on the Sagans is off. Next, he went to meet up with Shizue so they can trick Saito Sejima for their investigation. Saito did confess of his crimes to Hayato/Rohan but then finds about that Rohan is not Rohan so he captures him and sends him to the Abandoned Chemical Plant. There, they tortured him and used truth serum to fess up with everything. Saito now knows about the Psync machina, the prototype in Chiba. He orders for it to be brought to him and after a while the machine is in Saito’s hands to abuse.
Not only Saito tortured Hayato but he forced a swap on him to take over Rohan’s body. For the swap to happen, Saito removed his own eye and Rohan’s and made the swap. Tragically, an error occurred and the body swap went through, however, the memories part didn’t transfer successfully. Making Hayato in Saito’s body and waking up with no recollection of what happened, he escaped after seeing a lot of men around him.
In his escape, Shizue found him but thought he was Saito himself but talking to him she realized that it is none other than Hayato but without his memories so she took him in and faked or made a new family registry for him with the help of someone you wouldn’t think of but So Seijima himself, Saito’s father and MPD. Then, Hayato who was Falco who turned to Rohan then swapped with Saito is now called Kaname Date, the new Psyncer for ABIS.
New Identity, new connections
With Hayato now being in Saito’s body and gaining a new identity which is Kaname Date, he is to the world the funny energetic detective that house the artificial intelligent aiball in his left eye—Aiba. The two met in 2014 (counting Hayato’s real age would be 37) and started working together. A problem come with being in Saito’s body is that Aiba had to keep an eye on his oxytocin level and supply it to his brain directly otherwise, well… he goes nuts. Allegedly. Because the game plot for saito is that he is born with this defect and not having oxytocin means he does not feel love. Funny thing that I looked over this and well. I was surprised by the thing I learned about oxytocin and what it actually means to have low level of it. 1) empathy in social situations and 2) and hanky panky. Actual segs stuff which leads to babies and breastfeeding and all that jazz. So where did the love for murder and not having it makes him nuts? Anyway plot potato thing.
During his time as Kaname Date, unlike his previous life, he made friends—Renju in particular and his wife Shoko. Hence, later on befriending their daughter Mizuki. This turn of personality be due to Saito’s influence and also Hayato’s deep need of connections—true and honest connections.
Renju confessed to Date about his past but that didn’t stop Date from being his friend. Yes, what he did was wrong but Renju had no hand in the actual murders themselves. Date admires the perseverance of Renju, something he needs to push himself to do.
I honestly, for my interpretation I see Date ‘tolerating’ Shoko. She may be not a strong friend to him but he can understand that she is going through a lot. But he does not understand that the need to resort to violence and against non-other than her daughter. Honestly, had Date is still Hayato, he might have done something to separate Mizuki from Shoko early on. No one knows what abuse is more than Hayato himself, no family, no friends nothing, just alone and he had to face lots of hardships on his own. Meanwhile, Mizuki got parents but they don’t love her properly like any parents should??? That’s crazy. She deserves better in his eyes. Thus why Date is trying to come around and understand Shoko a little bit. Yes, still no excuse to hit a child even if you are feeling like the whole weight of the world on you—you chose to give birth to her. She didn’t choose this life. Deal with it.
Being the daughter of his good and ok friends, she obviously was special to him. Again, just because he is in Saito’s body and without his Hayato’s memories didn’t mean he found himself always weak to kids. Date got a soft spot for her, perhaps due to what he knows about her parents and due to how she always presents herself as strong and capable of handling herself. It nags something inside of his soul deeeep inside. A soft voice saying ‘that’s you’ at one point in his life. The struggling, the pretending, the putting up fronts etc. Date just can’t help but look after her even if Renju didn’t ask him to take her if things were to go south.
A Guardian
When Renju and Shoko divorced in 2015 (38 years old Hayato), Date was automatically tasked with watching over Mizuki. Honestly, he had his doubts. If Renju couldn’t have time to be with her when they were living together and he is her father, what does he think that Date would have time to be with her? He’s a detective. He could go all over the place in search of evidence and clues and she would be all alone all over again. It bothered him but thankfully, Boss does not give him more than one case to work on so he can come back home on a reasonable time and be with Mizuki more.
True that their relationship took a while for it to develop with how hurt Mizuki is. Date cannot hope to win her trust that easily but he never gave up and kept pestering her day and night. Slowly, they come to accept each other. For her birthday he gave her adorabbit which she didn’t like at first but then grew attached to it. The adorable fact between them that they make each other like stuff the other didn’t know about or care about. Mizuki started collecting stickers which Date started helping her then she grew less interested in but Date kept collecting them for her.
Her time in school was rough for a young girl whose parents got divorced. Date suggested, with obviously calculated plan, to teach her the art of defending herself—martial arts. Of course, he just unlocked the beast inside of Zuki and since then she kept breaking his kneecaps. (jk)
The New CK
Since his new identity, it has been 6 years. The new case he got is the murder of his friend, Shoko—Mizuki’s mom, November 1st, 2019. Hayato is 42 and it has been five years since Mizuki started living with him.
Imma just summarize the routes because we know the true ending is the one so.
For Oda’s route and Mizuki’s route the only thing I can take from is his relationship with Mizuki growing up; befitting the found family image. [crying about zuki in date’s somsom]
For Iris’ route, it showcase that Date again got the soft spot for kids. Not to mention, the background that Date (Hayato) and Iris shared, it might influence Date why he would believe Iris even though she spit out hot flaming garbage about the Nianiaxtlolnonlon organization and the wadget system and brain wave take over or something. The fact Date just accepted Iris words and worked together to prove her claims. But in the end, losing her. Ouchie.
Destruction route…hello pain and suffering. Idk what to say except date is an idiot and he had a chance to fondle boss’ chest and he missed it lmao. Listen!!! Like that route is mind blowing like what happened to Hitomi okay? The fact that most puzzle pieces are coming together and voila you are not you is just big brain move. Kind of reminds me of the Delta ending in ZED—shooting the screen lol.
True ending..wonderful, amazing, immaculate we got our body back. God bless, now we can go back and date that wonderful teacher and seg---. Anyway. BODY is back. Hayato is back. No more Saito’s body because god forbid trying to hijack that body again without that handsome head which was …fireworked. This sit us at the end with Hayato in his real body and he is old fart of 42 years old (I’m thinking about that his birthday is on august and the case on November so he is 43?)
That’s as far as the first game. Quick recap
3rd of August 1977--Born
3rd of August 1995—Left orphanage, age 18
1995 ~ 2000—Police Academy years, age 23
2000~ 2010—Working as a Detective, age 33
2010~2013—Falco time, age 35
2014—New life, [Kaname Date]+ meeting Aiba, age Hayato 36, Saito 30
2015~2019—Living with Mizuki, age 39
2019—the start of the New Cyclops Killings ~ true ending, Hayato got his body back, age 39
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idkfitememate · 2 months
Who By Fire - Leonard Cohen
And who by fire
Who by water
Who in the sunshine
Who in the nighttime
Who by high ordeal
Who by common trial
Who in your merry, merry month of May
Who by very slow decay
And who shall I say is calling ?
Gorehound - Harley Poe (was censure here- TW for all that happen in horror movies)
She's always asking why I like watching people die,
And why I get my kicks while others scream and cry
And my friends think that I'm sick, or maybe uneducated
And my family doesn't want to admit that they are related
Now monsters and madmen who r*pe and mutile
Are perfect entertainment when I take her on a date
You can shove your sparkly vampires and family comedies,
Give me blood and beasts and b**bs; them sacred triple Bs
Don't ask me why,
Cause I don't know
Don't close your eyes;
Enjoy the show
Cause i'm a gorehound, hellbound, horror movie lover
I like my voyeurism with a glass of red rum
Cause i'm a gorehound, hellbound, horror movie lover
Good and evil are just colors on the spectrum
Harpy Hare - Yaelokre (don't know if I had already done it ? Anyways, I need that song in my veins-)
Harpy Hare, where have you buried all your children ?
Tell me so I say
Harpy Hare, where have you buried all your children ?
Tell me so I say
All the arrows that you've stolen
Split in half, now bum and broken
Like your heart that was so eager to be hid
You can't keep them all caged
They will fight and run away
Mother tell me, so I say
(La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la)
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Not even gonna lie I’ve missed these lmao-
Abbey - Mitski
I am hungry
I have been hungry
I was born hungry
What do I need?
I am something
I have been something
I was born something
What could I be?
There is a light that I can see
But only, it seems, when there's darkness in me
There is a dream that I sometimes see
That only appears in the dark of sleep
I am waiting
I have been waiting
I was born waiting
I was born waiting for that something
Just one something
I was born something
I was born
Sweet Hibiscus Tea - Penelope Scott
There's lukewarm herbal mango sweet hibiscus tea
On the hot garbage pile in which I fucking sleep
The walls are empty it's so ugly I could
Burn the whole place down
It wouldn't catch 'cause all the posters
Are on their way to my hometown
And I am not your protagonist
I'm not even my own
I don't know anything
I don't even know what I don't know
And if you look outside you'll see
Disintegrating trees
The artificial way the sunlight bounces
Off the glitching leaves
My wet heart catches on every thorn
You're already halfway out the door
And I'm so tiny and so old
And God it's never been so cold
And it is 85 degrees
I don't know what I need
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
I said make me love myself so that I might love you
Don't make me a liar, 'cause I swear to god
When I said it I thought it was true
Saint Calvin told me not to worry about you
But he's got his own things to deal with
There's really just one thing that we have in common
Neither of us will be missed
Saint Bernard sits at the top of the driveway
You always said how you loved dogs
I don't know if I count
But I'm trying my best
When I'm howling and barking these songs
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solardick · 3 months
Lovely portent that was. A redwing’s mate guiding me to eye contact. The redwings themselves not being aggressive. Pretty, awkward, blond and slim.
Aside from that on the fallowing day. I give up at life. 40 years is too much. I suspect I’m not survive much longer. I don’t want to be alive anymore. I can’t do this anymore. I’m done. All there is is evil in life. I don’t want a part of it. Anymore. It only grows stronger. They wont leave me alone. There’s nothing to do. I hate life. I fucken hate. All it wants is to hurt me. 40’years is too much. Im done.
Go get my bottle of liquer. Throw the noose over door, step off the chair. Thats my future. Unconscious in a few long painful seconds. Dead in a few more.
If i cant develop and grow on my own fucken terms. Im not living at all. Keep my locked up in is mind raping prison. Im done.
Maybe my death will give a pause with hesitation in the next abuse victim they have an aim for.
And the cops are hareaing me with rheir pressence today. Again. Fun fun.
And blocking me out of xbox. On a roll with fucking with me today.
Lets go see if i can buy another fycken dictionairy. Cant even learn a new language without nazi cockskrs perverting with slut faget bs.
I dont care what i say anymore. Im goign to be fucked with either way. Km just an asshole who needs to be reminded how much im someones bitch everyday. Only been 40 straight fucken years. Its the reason im born. Theres no getting away from it. So fuck you amd uou and uou. The world decided yo make me its enemy the day i was born so fuck you too.
Neither am i able to buy an actual russian dictionary. Its only bilingual dictionaries. Which are all lackluster. So much for creating a russian tarot deck. Uh, i dont know why i still try and do stuff. Im not allowed doug. Anythign but doing this. Fuck you and fuck and you.
Should make another card of policemen, and crime mobs, raping men, hold billy clibs and knifes with severed cocks in their hands, laughing with a poor mother trying to protect her son. Replace waites gay death card with it. Half the victims smiling amd the other half crying.
And then people will be like. No, i don’t want to die. I want to live.
Maybe temperance fallowing will make a little more sense. The death card and gold. The italiano is better. Removal of all resources. Temperance becomes a mandatory. Instead of being thrown around from one incompatible place to the next, from one abusive place to the next, one supervised conditioning place after the next manipulative place. Constant cues of inevitability, this will happen. None of this, this may happen. I almost died three times in the last couple years. Then its the devil card. Being all like do it, do it. On the superficial retard level spoken by the lowcuning, who have no temperance themselves. To the narsicists and sadists. A constant line of attack that never ceases and hasn’t ceased in decades. Turning from the up front aggressive, to the back, side, friendly but, none of it is real. Everyones playing an act. No real genuine communication from anyone. The odd couple txts now and a -long -gain. The gain gets highlighted but its pronunciation is wrong. It’s not strong enough to count very high.
All sources of information, perverted. Conditioning, a veil to side track attention. Little prison cell made to fell like nothing is to blame and this is how it is. It’s destiny. У.
So much for ever learning how to act. Nope. You don’t get to. Wish i could act. Then id be a two-faced asshole. The french call them crosseur. Or somethign spelt like that. The french never did make me feel welcome.
And the only places that ever did. Had an agenda. That is currently still in play. Thats what now? 8 years stolen? On that scene alone. The whole homo agenda scheme, all part of the picture leading years in before hand. Best decision i ever made. Fuck you.
What’s next gonna hit me even harder? Im just a punching bag. Always was. My narcissist father thinks that kid of thing is funny. Used to talk about it all the time. How much he loved his punching bag.
Keeping an open dialogue to this. Intentionally. Aggravating, frustrating, shaming, while pleading temperance?
Fuck this prison cell. Get me out. Maybe id have somethign positive to say. Maybe they’d be no righteous belligerence in the face of outsode forces m that have not once stoped ever. For any amount of time on that entire line. Maybe my attention would phase out to soemthign else. Maybe id have a healthier mentality. Maybe id have aome someblamce of a life of my own creation. But no. Not allowed. Just this. This is where i belong. Being beaten on from above. Whoch isn t hard considering im in the gutter.
I choose to fuck death. Go back to where i came from, hell. Im not human. Never was.
The next card is the father given his son a gun. And the mother is sucking him off while he does it.
Go “Temperate” son.
Maybe, i wouldn’t be so kind to people. Helpful and generous. Even to the very people fucken with me. Like i’m not aware. I don’t have the strength left for that last one anymore.
No positivity is better than fake positivity or, hopeful positivity.
Looking at america from an outside perspective. Uou got the states alpha prick. And you got canada right besides him. His little bitch. Who can’t raise its voice and has to live by their alpha fag. And fallow his news. More than their own. And then you got mexico on the other side, his personal drug dealer that he keeps his guard up around. The Us the ultimate wife beater.
The oilers losed?! What?! No shit. It happened. Course they were going to lose. Their canadian in their own field. And they’re named after petroleum. Not going to give hype to pollution and carbon gases. Like the games are ‘t fixed to begin with. And with that all the fans and the beer drinking men lost some pride, again. Oh, no, the masculine spreading and hoping for toxic waste. You lose.
Where’s my boyfriend(s), i want to defy nature, and get fucked tonight. And then feel disgusted with myself and a shamed, so i desire more. Afterwards.
Tarot… whats the point of temperance. You meet the devil and you lose anyway. Fuck inhate tarot.
Shame on you for wanting the oilers to win. Go get shame fucked. Even though its just a name and has nothing to do with sport. But that diesnt matter to the magical world of rainbow land. Shining your true colours after being stormed through and through.
Think i need another covid injection.
Cheers to suffering for the rest of my life with no one. Just me and enemies. Cause i won’t do it. I don’t want to be alive anymore. 25 straight years of being beaten in and manipulated. Vicious circle. I was born in hell.
Wonder what being human feels like. ´ast thing i want is a life based on sex. Thats all the world is. Sex and abuse. Im done.
I’m done. Im not talking to or being friendly with anyone anymore. I tried. Tried for 30 years with my family. But that was a waste of life. All
Life does is try and rule over me and cause me harm. Àways did. Always will. Im
Done. I dotn want to be alive anymore.
Ok, its back to being a concrete game plan. Again. With this added pressure. It may just pull through.
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hayleykiyopioids · 4 months
thinking about the family party I went to this weekend and the way that my Aunt S kept bringing up a bunch of female celebrities she believes were born male (why does it matter??) and how that whole side of the family believes so much out of pocket conservative bs and how homophobic and transphobic they are and how for some reason when I refer to myself as a uterus haver instead of a Girl my Aunt K thinks it's just a fun and quirky bit I'm doing but when people they believe to be trans or queer call themselves that then they're evil and poisoning the minds of children and how for some reason when it's their Cute Niece wearing target pride merch and men's clothing to the family function it's so normal and they're happy to see me but if they knew anything about my life or my friends or even saw me on the street and didn't know it was me they'd call me a satan worshipper and tell me I'm what's wrong with America these days
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