#i drew these at like 1 am in the dark at a friends house so im surprised they turned out nice
hyperfunnyblog · 6 months
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braxiatel · 6 months
An assortment of Grian appearance headcanons I’ve had on my mind lately!
(Obligatory mention that I’m talking about Grian the character and not Grian the youtuber, here’s your confirmation that this is not about real life guy Grian minecraft whose appearance is well documented, but rather it is about his minecraft roleplay character who is made out of pixels and blocks and whose appearance is very much up for discussion)
His eyes are that shade of brown that’s so dark it looks black
He wears glasses, and through experience he has learned that unless he wants to be replacing them about once a month he needs them to have a thick and sturdy frame
Grian has a whopping case of adhd and is extremely good at misplacing his belongings. His glasses are not exempt from this just because they help him see, and he has managed to lose every single pair he owns several times. At some point one of his friends (I'm leaning Pearl or Jimmy) got tired of hearing him complain about it, and got him a golden chain to keep them on. Grian pretends he’s just using it because it appeals to his love for shiny things, but in reality it actually helps him a lot and he would be very sad were he to lose it
Speaking of his adhd. This guy moves. He does not sit still, does not like to be doing nothing. He builds, he helps other hermits with stuff they don’t have time to do, and he is well known to do Grindy tasks. And you know what that means? Grian is strong. In fact, Grian is buff
This is related to some hybrid stuff I’ll get more into in a sec, but very specifically, Grian is a flyer and those natural wings need a lot of muscle around them to work. That means a lot of upper body strength, especially in the pectoral region. Yes, I said gritty rights.
I wish I could remember what artist originally drew Grian’s waffle as an undercut with a pattern because I love that headcanon so much. He varies what the rest of his hair looks like (he has a manbun in season 9) but the undercut stays no matter what
Tangentially, the reason Mumbo now has a waffle as well is that his hair just grows in that shape now. He has extremely specific alopecia, and it is unclear whether or not Grian is the same or if he just prefers to keep his hair that way.
Grian has clear and visible bald patches in his eyebrows. This is a product of him having had TNT blow up in his face one too many times, resulting in the follicles having been damaged
Along a similar vein, he is also missing somewhere in the realm of 1-3 fingers total on his hands
I don’t think of Grian as someone who is very particular with his hair or with stuff like makeup. Most days he’ll do the bare minimum of combing his hair to look presentable and that’s it
That said, he loooooooves shiny jewellery, and his wardrobe is by far the largest on the server. Due to aforementioned constant moving he need things that are practical to move in, but other than that he has no rules on what goes in there. You’ve got sequinned mini skirts next to permanently dirt-stained overalls next to rainbow bucket hats. This guy has it all.
He does sometimes wear a red sweater, but I am going to say something controversial here, guys. Look at that man's shirt. Look at that cleavage view. He’s wearing a v-neck
Okay so hybrid headcanons. I have several, mutually exclusive ideas here, but I will go with one I think is, frankly, very underutilised: gryphon hybrid Grian!
Want avian Grian for all of the historically present bird coding? Also want to acknowledge the fact that he has so much mischievous cat energy? Gryphon Grian! He’s half bird, half cat, half human, and all menace.
There are a couple of different bird species I think he could be.
House sparrow, for the noise levels, the tendency to travel in a pack, and the sheer gremlin energy these little bastards exhibit outside of my kitchen window on a daily basis.
I think he could definitely be some kind of corvid too. Maybe a magpie? Beautiful plumage (fight me), incredibly intelligent and likely to make that your problem, and with a call that lends itself very well to Grian’s screech-laughter
You all know my opinions on potoo Grian. It works, okay? Look into his horrible, haunted eyes, you know it to be true.
For a season 10 fisherman arc Grian I am very much leaning towards an oriental darter. There’s just something about the idea of Grian spearfishing for mending books, and sulking in the sun to dry his wings when he only catches fish that I enjoy very much
Owl for his cursed head movements
Okay so wings talk time! I headcanon that naturally avians simply do not have wings strong enough to fly with. They’re too short, and even for someone like Grian who flies A Lot the musculature to support a humanoid frame just isn’t there. That said, elytra are easily modified to function as a sort of wing extension/prosthetic, that allows them to gain much more power for less energy expended.
You would think, with me being the owner of three cats, that I would have some kind of idea for a specific breed of cat he might be. The thing is, my family have historically always kept the same breed (Norwegian forest cat mix c: ), so I know very much about those and no other cat breeds. He is simply cat :)
Biiiiig naughty tortie vibes. My sources for this is I have one of the latter and she is the same level of Problems a Grian
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This is the little madam caught in the act of doing something dastardly. She commits one hundred crimes every single day and we love her. Tell me that is not big Grian vibes right there. You can't, right? he is a naughty tortie
Other Grian hybrid options I also like: avian, watcher, robot!!, cod, enchanted armour stand come to life!, and fey!Grian
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core4writes · 1 year
Heyy , can you plz make a 'sam and colby x reader' , serial killer fic . Like the ghostface types from the movie scream . Sam and colby are the killers . Like they're yandere for her or something ? :) THANK YOU SO MUCH
did i make you scream?//sam and colby
A/N: @/golbrocklovely made a fic like this called we went mad just minus the yandere part but i will attempt this, also i LOVE scream!!
|| non-famous!sam and colby x reader
|| she/her pronouns
trigger warnings: mention of murder, curing, mentions of sex, mentions of Voyeurism, blood and slight gore,
Here I was at a police station, in an interrogation room. I have been sitting here for the past hour doing nothing, they just put me in here and said they will be with me “shortly”. I put my head down on the cold sliver table, it was refreshing to feel something cold as it was hot in here or was it just me? I put my head up again and look at the chair in front of me, that's where the guy or whoever is supposed to sit. The silence was thick, as I have not said a word in like an hour.
Someone walks in, a girl and a guy. The guy was wearing a baseball cap with a Plano T-shirt, and a badge on his cargo pants, the girl was wearing a yellow blouse with regular old black skinny jeans. She had a clipboard in one hand, and a water bottle in the other.
They sit down, “listen you're not in trouble, we just wanna ask you some questions.” the lady in yellow said, she sat down the water bottle “This is you, I'm Detective Drew and this is Detective Mike we are going to just be asking you questions.” Drew reassured, “What's your name and date of birth?”
It took me a sec to take this in, this is really happening. “My name is Y/n y/m/n Y/l/n, and my Date of birth is January 1, 1997.” now after a couple of questions about me they started to ask the real questions, why I was here and what got me here.
“What happened on February 14?” Mike asked.
“In order for me to tell you, you have to understand what lead up to it.” I say.
January 1st, 2020:
It was my birthday, and a new year too I guess...Anyway, I am known for having big parties but only on my birthday any otheroccasion I will be at someone else's party. For my 23rd birthday, I wanted to make it big so I told my friends to invite their friends even people I didn't know. Me and my friend Misty went shopping, we went to an alcohol store to a Walmart back to an alcohol store.
Now when the party started there were like 100 people than 200, I couldn't let more people in cause my house is not that big. 40 minutes into the party my friend Jake walks up to my with two of his friends following behind him, “yo, y/n what's up!” he yelled over the music “hey what's up, do you wanna shot?”
He takes the shot of alcohol out of my hand and downs it with no shame, I take quick notice of the two boys behind Jake, o ne had black hair and was wearing a loose tank top with black sweatpants and Converse. The other r one had a loose big purple T-shirt with white pants.
I look back at the one with dark hair is and lock eyes with him, I could tell his eyes are really blue. My eyes snapped back to Jake, “Oh, you said I could invite anyone so I invited Sam and Colby.” Jake said pointing to them.
I went in and hugged them both, Sam first then Colby last but Colby's hug lasted longer than expected it was like he was smelling me, Sam pulled him off me and pulled have im away into the crowd of people. I look at Jake “That was...weird.” Jake giggles.
A few days later I got a package. the package  came at midnight, a knock on the door happened and I didn't answer at first cause I thought it was a ding dong ditch so I didn't answer. Then it happened again so I answer, expecting it to be my boyfriend I empty the door swiftly with a smile but all I see is nothing.
I look down at my welcome home mat and see a box placed on top of it, I pick it up thinking maybe it's my ring light that's presumed to come in but the box is light. I bring it in and put it on the tabletop “What the fuck is this.” Misty said I shrug my shoulders and open it, it was a notebook with my name on it. The notebook was wrapped in plastic wrap, I rip it open to read and maybe my boyfriend did something sweet for me.
The first page was a link, a link to a video of course. So I move away from Misty and the kitchen to go to my office by myself, I open my computer and type in the link to the mystery video. Oh my, it was a 5-minute video of me and my boyfriend having sex.
This was confusing, it looked like someone was recording us from a window, the video went in and out of focus. You can even hear moans from the background, but our window was closed so who was that deep voice whimpering?  all of the sudden the video cam goes down to show a man jerking off to us having us. My heart dropped when I seen the tiny hand tattoo, it looked like that boy that I met from the party. colby.
I close the tap quickly and I take a deep breath I open the book to read the rest, but the rest was all pictures of me. Every single page, I got out of my seat in a rush to see Misty to show her this hell show of a book.
But the  lights turned off, or as some of you would say the power went out. I turn my phone flashlight on, and I yell out Misty's name. “Misty! Turn back on the power and look at this book!” but no answer, I went to the kitchen because that's where she last was but no sign of her. I looked up in her room even in the living room she was nowhere so I decided to turn the power on myself. I went down to the basement and as soon as I was close to the last step, I see Misty's head hangin g in front of my face, her chopped-off hat that had exes on each of her eyes, her blonde hair was messy, and God knows where the rest of her body went.
I screamed and ran upstairs, rushing to call 911 on my phone  but every time I would call it would send me an automatic voice message " Sorry the Kansas police station cannot reach you right now we are currently busy. Try another time." and I kept calling and kept calling and kept calling but no answer so I decided to ask my neighbor for help.
trying to leave my house was a big mistake because as soon as I open the front door I see Sam holding a knife I automatically – and head for the back door until I see Colby at the back door, holding a vase. "why are you doing this?” I asked.
“ Because I love you.”  he throws a vase at me, but I managed to dodge and try to dash upstairs to hide, but Sam catches up to me and cuts the knife into my back.  I scream and screech in pain.  As I fall to the floor, both men standing in front of me, watching me, bleed out, probably to my death, and they ask me one thing .”
“ did I make you scream?”
and now, next thing, I know, I'm walking up in the hospital and now I'm in a police investigation room. That night still haunts me to this day will haunt me, even more, is that they're currently out there and the police are looking for them but they're not trying their best. 
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maisonaime · 8 months
Ilithyia's Blessings - Part 3
I am posting this in the middle of the night hot off the dome because I am exhausted but want to get this out there. Please forgive any errors grammatical or canonical and go with the flow for me please :) I actually love where this went and I'm excited to flesh out the consequences of this chapter as the story continues to develop. It will likely be anywhere from 8-12 parts in total with epilogues and whatnot. 1.6k words
Warnings: Dark Feyre, blood, unhinged behavior, pregnancy trauma, familial trauma, mentions of illness and death
Part 1;  Part 2
Part 3:
Centuries of the Illyrian winds echoing off his wings allowed Azriel to sense the unique shift in the air at the House of Wind as he remained for a few final moments, in blissful ignorance of the circumstances unfolding. For the first time in centuries, the spymaster would be one of the last to know. 
Sweat beaded at the nape of his neck and curved a path down his spine as he performed his training routines in the ring. Lost in the movements he had led his body through for centuries, he hardly noticed that his shadows had abandoned him, their relentless whisperings silenced. He would have thought nothing of it; they often slipped away to their own devices when he entered the meditative state his training permitted him. It seemed even they understood that the training ring was one of the few places Azriel could find complete solace from his roiling mind.  
Until his shadows were suddenly back and swarming him and howling, their chorus an indiscernible fever pitch. On his next inhale the air tightened, punctuated by sharp bursts of the metallic redolence he knew to be his brother's magic. 
On the exhale he tilted his head to the sky, and murmured a prayer to the Mother, siphons flaring as he steeled himself for whatever bloodshed was imminent. Instinctively his mind was both latching onto and pushing away the bolt of dread he felt for the most obvious potential source of this frenzy of wrath from his brother. 
As he turned to push himself into the sky and take stock of the tenebrous horizon, Nuala materialized from a haze of smoky shadows with wide eyes and shaking hands.He had never seen such dismay surfaced in his trusted apprentice; dread carved another chunk from his stomach. He nodded towards her, encouraging her to speak.
“Feyre is gone, she – she disappeared from the townhouse.” Azriel’s heart dropped in the pits of his stomach. “Nesta told her about the boy having wings and she unleashed herself on Amren and Morrigan and then she left. Not a trace of her. Rhys has gone absolutely feral, he’s barreling towards Nesta as we speak – along with everyone else. Cerridwen followed them.”
Azriel stood stock still, unblinking as his heart and his fists clenched. This gods damned family would be the death of him, he felt so incredibly tired. At the same time, he just barely noted the relief he felt knowing the next time he spoke to Feyre he wouldn’t be lying to her. 
They’ll level half the city and throw the entire Court into question if this unfolds publicly.” she added, earning a knowing glare from Azriel as he reckoned with his next steps. 
“Thank you Nuala” he managed to bite out. “Pack a bag for Nesta, Cassian will want to get her as far away from Rhys as possible. Leave it on the balcony, then check every residence they share. The cabin, the palace in the Hewn City, everywhere.” 
Nuala was already evaporating back into the ether to do just that, having anticipated the request from Azriel and already running through the mental list of possible dwellings she had compiled. 
Azriel took flight and looked towards the city, where churning black clouds thundered towards the center. He drew his shadows around him, prepared to let them carry him on the wind to where his circle of friends was just beginning to converge.
He was winnowing as he had a thousand times before – the thousand time prior was how he knew something was so wrong about this journey through space. He was being pulled towards something, absorbed into a pit of angry, despairing power. He assumed it was from Rhys creating some sort of dismal vacuum of fury, as he yielded to primal and unholy powers alike. Azriel squeezed his eyes shut, silently praying to the Mother that his brother didn’t inadvertently rip him to shreds in his fit of rage. 
But when he opened his eyes, breathless and on solid ground. He was not in Velaris. He was not in the Night Court. He was not anywhere near the specter of power he had known and dealt with for centuries, knew like the back of his hand.
No. He was faced with a new beast entirely. And as he met the eyes of his High Lady, he knew he was considerably fucked. 
“Hello Azriel.” Feyre’s wolfish grin was empty, her eyes red and puffed. “I think it’s high time I find out how valuable you really are as our resident Shadowsinger.” Any relief he previously felt winked out as the weight of their errors settled on him with her pointed gaze.
Her distress was obvious, her outrage palpable. She clutched the swell of her stomach like she might hold the child in her, lest it rip itself out by the talons on its bastarding wings. Azriel gulped as he was faced with malevolence he had not even seen from Feyre in the Court of Nightmares. 
Azriel saw instantly that there would be no straightforward path out of this mess, that he along with the rest of them had grossly miscalculated the consequences of shielding Feyre from the truth of her pregnancy. Her pregnancy Azriel repeated to himself, dumbfounded by his own stupidity. Her child they had all lied to her about, intentions set aside. 
Though far from possessing the necessary biology to truly understand Feyre’s feelings, he imagined how he might feel if his family kept a secret of that magnitude from him. If he perhaps contracted the rare wasting sickness that caused Illyrian wings to rot and disintegrate from the inside out. Easily detectable, but highly fatal and only symptomatic in its final stages. He imagined he wouldn’t take too kindly to the lack of dignity in having his own fate concealed from him until there was no chance of a say in the matter. 
He sank to his knees and lowered his eyes, laying himself prone to her judgement. He said nothing, conveying his submission to her through his posture, yielding to the might of her power without protest. 
“Let’s make a bargain.” Feyre sneered, eyes shining with spite. “You will tell me everything that is said about me and this child; every detail of how our family plans to proceed; everything you see, do, hear will be memorized and relayed to me. You will find a way to get the information to me as close to instantly as possible. You will do so without telling or alerting anyone to our correspondence.” Azriel said nothing. “And you will not look for or even consider pondering a way to get out of or around this bargain.”
“In exchange I will consider allowing Rhysand to be a part of mine and this childs life.” dread finally claimed the last of his abdomen as the severity of her words struck him.
He opened his mouth to try to agree, to do anything that might help the situation and preserve a thread of connection with Feyre to her family, her support system. The words caught on his tongue as his fealty to Rhys overpowered his independent will, the betrayal of his vows a physical manifestation of pain ripping through his chest. 
He spoke through gritted teeth “Feyre I can’t swear myself to anything that disavows my loyalty to Rhys. I am bound to him, by magic as much as love.”
“And what of a blood oath? Would that usurp your vows to your High Lord?” she spoke without missing a beat and Azriel’s eyes snapped back to hers, gaze narrowing. It was in this moment he realized they stood at the center of a vortex of darkness, the eye of a formidable hurricane that concealed any hint of their whereabouts for Azriel to report if he somehow found a way out of swearing a gods damned blood oath to Feyre. Magic so old it called to the marrow of his bones. Magic that would render him little more than a slave to her will; he would be hers entirely to use and dispose of as she pleased. And yet, and yet, and yet… if it was the only way…
“Yes.” he breathed. 
“Yes what.” she insisted.
“Yes I will swear a blood oath to you. Feyre.” he affirmed, only a touch of the lament he felt seeping into his tone. 
“Good” she purred, unrecognizable to his eyes. And in a flash she was before him, a slash across her wrist pressed to his mouth for him to drink from. She tasted like life and mountain air and power and fury and something deep in his chest tugged as his life force latched to hers. Then it was his turn to offer blood for her consumption directly from the junction of his shoulder and neck. The bargain was sealed and thrumming in his chest, so much like what he imagined a mating bond to be but so exquisitely wrong in its essence. Even his shadows recoiled from the shift, as if recognizing the parasitic force that had latched itself to their master while simultaneously adjusting to submit to it. 
Azriel let out a hysterical little chuckle as he realized Rhysand was going to tear him limb from limb, and Cassian might even help. He had not only swore an oath that usurped the vows he swore to his brothers, but an oath that rivaled even a mating bond in its powers and manifestations. Tricky magic that would not be easily untangled. Magic that compromised every promise he had made to his Court and family. Magic that sealed itself into and across his chest with a tattoo of a gleaming golden band that wrapped around his torso, directly across his pounding heart. 
“Wander back home now Azriel, I’ll call on you when you’re needed.” there was nothing in her voice, her eyes; it was the most chilled he had been during the whole encounter.
He blinked and he was freefalling through the sky, careening from the exact spot he had dissolved from minutes earlier. He let himself fall for a moment, pondering how well and truly fucked he was. In the next moment, he twisted, shot out his wings, and dove towards his original destination, praying that he wouldn’t be greeted with the carrion he knew the gathering forces were capable of. 
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arda-ancalima · 8 months
A Study in Shuffling
Characters: Genshin Asogi, Yujin Mikotoba, Herlock Sholmes Words: 1,743
For TGAA Gen Week Day 1 - Dancing @tgaa-gen-week
(Update - edited version now on ao3!)
Genshin stepped back outside and took a moment to glance up at the stars. He wasn’t exactly pleased to get called to a crime scene tonight, but such was detective work. He wandered to the gate of 3 Lauriston Gardens, waiting for Inspector Gregson to return from an errand. A man with a similar silhouette approached in the dark, but to Genshin’s surprise, the man who stepped into the street light was Yujin Mikotoba.
“Ah! Good evening, Genshin,” he said politely.
Genshin raised an eyebrow. They were on the other side of London from the hospital where Mikotoba worked, and farther still from the flat he just moved into on Baker Street. “Good evening. I should inform you that this is a crime scene, so whatever business you have here will have to wait.”
“Oh, it—it’s nothing like that,” Mikotoba said, oddly nervous. “Actually, I was wondering if perhaps…”
Genshin cut him off. “One moment.” He stalked along the fence to the shadow attempting to creep in between the rails. “Mr. Sholmes.”
Sholmes snapped up his head and hit it on a rail, wincing. “Why, Mr. Asogi! Fancy meeting you here of all places!”
“I could say the same,” Genshin said dryly. “All right, on your way.”
“Of course.” Sholmes’ grin shone in the lamp light. “Just as soon as I’ve had a look at the crime scene.”
“No,” Genshin said firmly. He saw Mikotoba hovering nearby and put up a hand. “One moment, Yujin.”
“Oh, er, you see…” Mikotoba began.
“He’s with me,” Sholmes said.
“Ha!” Genshin barked. “I’m sure.”
“Tell him, Doctor.”
 “Lying will get you nowhere. Now quit bothering this man and—“
“Er, Genshin,” Mikotoba interrupted. “I am here with Mr. Sholmes.”
Genshin whipped around to stare at him. “What?” he said dumbly.
“This is my flatmate, Herlock Sholmes. Mr. Sholmes, this is my friend, Genshin Asogi.”
Sholmes extended his hand and Genshin automatically went to shake it. “Pleased to—no, I know who you are!” He snatched his hand away. “What do you mean, your flatmate?”
“I told you about that flatshare on Baker Street, right?” Mikotoba said.
Horror filled him. “You didn’t tell me he lived there!”
“I didn’t know you were acquainted.”
“This is all fascinating stuff,” Sholmes said, making it clear that he thought it was anything but. “However, we are on a rather tight schedule, so if we could just…”
“I thought I made it clear on several occasions that civilians, even amateur detectives such as yourself, are not allowed at any crime scene,” Genshin said.
Sholmes drew himself up to his full height, which was still a good few inches shorter than Genshin. “And just how is Scotland Yard coming along on this case?”
Narrowing his eyes, Genshin glared at him. They were going nowhere, but he wasn’t about to admit that to Sholmes.
“That’s what I thought,” Sholmes said, his smug look doubling Genshin’s irritation. “Anyway, I was invited by Inspector Gregson.”
“Somehow I doubt that.”
“Just ask the good doctor.”
Genshin raised an eyebrow at Mikotoba, who rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well…he was doing a lot of grumbling…and he did mention the address, so…could we take a quick look?”
Genshin couldn’t believe he was actually considering this. He gave an exasperated sigh. “Five minutes.”
“Splendid!” Sholmes said, climbing up over the fence and pumping Genshin’s hand. “You won’t be disappointed, my dear fellow!”
He went ahead into the house and up the stairs, while Mikotoba followed behind with Genshin.
“I’m used to Mr. Sholmes wheedling his way onto my crime scenes,” Genshin said, “But I still don’t understand why you are here.”
Mikotoba shrugged. “I’m not sure myself. But he invited me along, and I had nothing else to do.”
“I really must warn you against him,” Genshin said, lowering his voice. “Especially as a flatmate. The man is a nuisance, and possibly insane.”
“He seems a decent enough fellow,” Mikotoba said. “Eccentric perhaps, but from what I’ve seen, a brilliant man.”
“Listen, Yujin.” Genshin stopped on a landing. “You see the best in people, which is admirable, but can get you into trouble. I don’t want to see you get in over your head. You tend to get swept along in whatever someone asks of you.”
“Yes,” Mikotoba said with a faint smile. “Like how you and Seishiro bullied me into coming to Britain in the first place.” He took the last few steps ahead of Genshin.
Genshin sighed through his nose and stepped up to the door, nodding to the bobby guarding it, and went inside.
Sholmes took a quick look at the body in the middle of the room, before turning his attention to the walls. After he had scoured them, he gestured to the body. “Doctor, if you would.”
“What—me?” Mikotoba said.
“What is your professional opinion, as a medical examiner? It would be very useful to me,” Sholmes said.
“W-Well, I…I’ve only just begun studying post-mortem examinations, but…I’ll do what I can.” He crouched beside the body, carefully turning the head to get a better look at it. “He’s dead, that’s for certain…no signs of head trauma…” He picked up a hand. “No blood, no defensive wounds…erm…heart attack, perhaps?”
“Would it be a crime scene if it was a heart attack?”
“Oh, right, then…poison?”
“Excellent!” Sholmes snapped his fingers. “Now take a look at this marking on the wall and tell me what you make of it.”
Mikotoba jumped when Sholmes pointed it out. “Oh! There is blood! It looks like writing.”
“Rachel,” Genshin said dryly. It had been the most glaringly obvious clue in the room.
“Is that indeed what it says?” Sholmes turned his grin on him, and Genshin got a sinking feeling. “Scotland Yard is falling down on the job these days. This crime is completely transparent to me!”
Mikotoba gaped, and it needled Genshin to see him so impressed. “You—you’ve worked it all out?”
“All the clues are here, we need only put them together.” Sholmes pointed aloft. “It is time for Herlock Sholmes’s Logic and Reasoning Spectacular!”
Genshin groaned as the spotlight fell on Sholmes, who twirled around the room as if it were a stage and pointed to the red writing.
“Here we have a word written on the wall. What does it say?”
“That’s obvious,” Genshin said, his arms folded as he watched from the doorway. “Rachel, though he was interrupted before he could write the ‘L.’ I believe it to be the victim writing the name of his killer.”
“Rachel, is it?” Sholmes said. “Mikotoba, is there any other meaning it might have?”
“Well, this is a bit far-fetched,” Mikotoba said. “But I know a little German. It struck me that it might be ‘rache,’ the word for revenge.”
“Precisely!” Sholmes spun around again. “Don’t lose your time looking for Miss Rachel. The word is revenge, the motive for the murder, written…in tomato paste.”
“Er, Mr. Sholmes…” Mikotoba ventured. “Don’t you think that might be blood?”
“Indeed, it is blood!” Sholmes disappeared from the wall and reappeared near the body. “And just what is this revenge all about? Strange that it was written by the victim, don’t you think?”
Mikotoba said nothing, looking intently at the victim, thinking hard. Then something seemed to light up his face. “Hold it, Mr. Sholmes. That’s not it at all.”
He tapped out a few dance steps before tipping his hat stylishly. “The victim’s fingernails are perfectly clean and smooth. Since the word was scratched onto the wall with blood, it couldn’t possibly be the victim who wrote it.”
“And thus it concludes…” Sholmes spun so that he and Mikotoba could point out the solution together.
“Rache was written by the killer!”
They began work on another clue in the same manner while Genshin watched in astonishment. From time to time, Sholmes turned over the spotlight to Mikotoba, who danced as he explained his own deductions. He was light on his feet, suggesting a certain lightness of heart that had been absent in him for a long time.
Softening at the sight, Genshin almost missed Sholmes appearing behind him.
“Brilliant, isn’t he?”
Genshin chafed at the detective so close over his shoulder. “He is. You on the other hand…”
Sholmes laughed loudly and went off to twirl around the stage again.
Once their deductions were complete, Genshin, to his chagrin, had a much better understanding of the case.
“All right, your five minutes are more than up,” he growled.
“Not a problem at all, my dear fellow,” Sholmes said. “Our work here is finished. Do excuse me, I must fetch the victim’s missing suitcase in the back alley.”
He dashed down the stairs. Genshin and Mikotoba went back outside at a slower pace, waiting by the house while Sholmes conducted his search. Genshin sighed.
“Why don’t you like him?” Mikotoba asked.
“Why don’t I—why do you like him?”
“Well, it’s hard to explain, really.” Mikotoba looked out at the dark street where Sholmes had disappeared. “He fascinates me. Yes, he has some bothersome habits, but he’s the cleverest man I’ve ever met. It’s never a dull moment with him around.”
“Yes but, not being rude Yujin, you’re more of a dull man yourself.”
Mikotoba laughed, filling Genshin with warmth to hear the sound again. “Yes, well, good to keep the mind occupied, you know? I think I’ve had rather enough dreary days all to myself. You were the one telling me to get out more—”
“Not like this!”
“—And to make new friends—”
“Not like him!”
“Genshin…” Mikotoba faced him directly. “I know you’re trying to protect me. And I know you’re older and wiser and know better. But if I am making a mistake, I’m confident I can handle myself.”
If he was honest, Genshin would agree. It was possible Sholmes did have a good side to him, and if he could make Mikotoba laugh again… Well. It’s not like Genshin had much choice in what the detective made up his mind to do, and maybe if Sholmes had Mikotoba to civilize him, he would be less of a pest at his crime scenes.
“Tell me that when I bail the pair of you out of prison,” Genshin muttered.
Sholmes appeared out of the darkness holding a packing case. “Come, Doctor, the game is afoot!” he called.
Mikotoba chuckled. “I’m sure I will.” He wished him goodnight and followed along after Sholmes.
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kabrumithrun · 2 months
Fic: The Sun and The Moon locked away in the Dungeon
https://ift.tt/gRjS69I by ilovefandoms It was finally the end, everyone had gotten their happy ending. Laios with being the Dungeon Lord, Marcille and Falin, Thistle getting adopted by The Tanzu's, Chilchuck getting back together with his wife and Senshi joining them, Izutzumi being adopted by them, Kabru and Mithrun being together, and Holm and Namari finding a wife together somehow ! It was great ! But a new dungeon had appeared on the map, it seemed to have good promise but something lingered there. . . something that drew people in, not treasure, not new monsters, but something else, something bright, something dark, something joyous, something sorrowful, something of the Sun, and something of the Moon. . . Will they get to the bottom of the dungeon or will they burn like the Sun did ? Words: 668, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ダンジョン飯 | Dungeon Meshi | Delicious in Dungeon Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Multi Characters: Senshi (Dungeon Meshi), Chilchuck Tims, Chilchuck Tims' Wife, Chilchuck Tims' Daughters, Holm Kranom, Laios Touden, Falin Touden, Marcille Donato, Kabru (Dungeon Meshi), Namari (Dungeon Meshi), Mr.Tanzu (Dungeon Meshi), Mrs.Tanzu (Dungeon Meshi), Mickbell Tomas, Kuro (Dungeon Meshi), Daya (Dungeon Meshi), Rin (Dungeon Meshi), Thistle (Dungeon Meshi), Kaka and KiKi (Dungeon Meshi), Mithrun of the House of Kerensil, The Canaries | Dungeon Investigation Unit (Dungeon Meshi), Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi), Original Child Character(s), Original Characters Relationships: Senshi/Chilchuck Tims, Chilchuck Tims/Chilchuck Tims' Wife, Holm Kranom/Original Character(s), Senshi/Chilchuck Tims/Chilchuck Tims' Wife, Marcille Donato/Falin Touden, Kabru/Mithrun of the House of Kerensil, Shuro | Nakamoto Toshiro/Laios Touden, Dungeon Meshi & Original Child Character(s), Namari/Original Character(s) Additional Tags: Lore for my oc Saisun !!!, Saisun is so silli to me !!, Also warning their will be child death, Child Abuse, Fantasy Racism, Sacrificing a child, and shit ton more !!, Wanted to give a warning !!!, Btw my Persona is in here and their name is Keys, and yes they are married to Holm AND Namari, I am stingy, Falin and Marcille are married !!, So are Chilchuck, senshi, And Chilchucks wife who shall be named Julipmei in this !, Credits to my friend for that name !!!, This going to be a long ass fic, but I am happy to do it !!!!, now lets rock and or roll ! https://ift.tt/gRjS69I
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#002 - The Sun Bleaches the Bones
So in the last month, it has been a mixed bag as I look back over it. It started exceedingly hot here in the UK. Far, far too hot. Though thank the gods it is now slightly cooler, so I feel less like I am going to burst into flames. Secondly, I only did some things I said I would do in the last one of these. Hopefully, the predictions I make this month will be more accurate. I really hope my prediction to turn into an even cooler dude comes true. 
What have I been creating?
Well, since the last newsletter, I have published 2 (that's right, 2!!!) projects. 
"Dinner at Blair Castle" is now live for you to enjoy, and I hope this little project is to your liking. Making the artwork for this was great fun, though the best piece of art is definitely an image one of my friends drew that makes me feel wrong in just the right way. 
The other project I published this month is “Tales from the Tracks, which is a collection of six one-page adventures for The Trains of the Glorious Republics of the People. I enjoyed working on the project a lot, and something about setting a limitation on myself—in this case, 1 single page for each adventure—really gets the creative juices flowing. As part of this project, I got to run the adventures for my friends, and the highlight of that was one group deciding their train engine ran on “communism” and fed the engine the body of an ACC agent who had died while aboard. 
Also, I was published for the first time in this zine. It was my first time doing something like this, and I think I will sign up for more things like it in the future. 
What have I been consuming?
My dual-wielding of books has come to an end as I finally finished Down and Out in Paris and London, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Though I am no closer to finishing my collection of short stories by that fucker Poe. Hopefully this month I can finish a few more of his stories. I think I will start a new book so I can offset Poe’s goth kid vibes.
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I also finished Fallout 4, a game I can best describe that I played. Finishing it was like cleaning that section of the house that you have been ignoring. Now some friends and I have been sucked into Minecraft and I have been constructing many great works. No real thoughts have been occurring about this other than I have this animalistic desire to keep building monuments that offend the gods. 
On the TTRPG front, I attended a local convention and made 3 glorious purchases which I hope to one day run. 
Wild Duelists: The Ballad of the Bastard and the Tinkerer. Which involves a pair of animal folk traveling to a cinematic location to have a good old-fashioned dual. 
TROIKA!  A fun game where you play as a group of weirdos exploring a science-fantasy world. Very 80’s sci-fi and looks like a great laugh 
Spire: The City Must Fall which is a wonderful large book a friend got for me. Where the party is a bunch of dark elves trying to overthrow the government.
And finally, I also was a player in a TTRPG called Eat the Reich which was great. Nothing says having a good time than driving an Italian sports car like you stole it (which you have)  into a concert hall and slamming it into a Demon Nazi with the solo from free bird playing on loop. 
What is to come? 
So for the next month, I have no set plans on what I am going to make/work on. I am currently working on a high-energy ttrpg about adventures after the end of the world. It's going to have big Mad Max Fury Road/Borderlands-style vibes. 
My plans I had to run a Monster of the week campaign fell through due to the biggest threat to running TTRPGS time management.
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I have started to plan a spire campaign as I have some plans to make it so it isn't just the same group of players for every session. I may share more details when the time is right.
What to conclude?
Another newsletter has reached its end and as always I hope you enjoyed reading my word vomit. If you want to support me so I can buy cool new items to inspire me please take a look at Tales from the Tracks and share it with your friends. 
The next one will be in a month and I look forward to writing to you then.
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otunnicliffe · 7 months
Queens Of Hogwarts.
Chapter 1: New Year, New (Same?) Problem:
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Let me tell you about the strange things Are happenin' to me Strange things Strange things are happenin' to me Ain't no doubt about it
Kimberly Fox lay on her bed, awake but unwilling to get out. Today was the day she has been dreading all summer long- the day she returns to Hogwarts. Not just for any year, the year of the dreaded OWL exams. Kimberly had felt the sense of dread on returning to school twice before this, but it had never been so prevalent for her up until this year.
Kimberly Fox was a werewolf. And during this summer, she had undergone the 'werewolf transformation', and had almost changed so much she couldn't recognise herself in the mirror at first. But that wasn't the worst part, even though the fact that she had grew rather significantly was an issues as she had to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes, it was what it meant now that she was a fully formed werewolf. This now meant that she had to find a mate. For life. At 15 years old. It made Kimberly sick to her stomach just thinking about it. 
Her locks, a deep chestnut brown, cascaded in gentle waves down to her shoulders, catching glimmers of gold and auburn as the sunlight played through them. She often tucked a stray strand behind her ear, a gesture that revealed the delicate curve of her jawline and the soft, rosy hue of her cheeks. Her eyes, a warm hazel, were her most striking feature, framed by long, dark lashes that accentuated their depth. They sparkled with curiosity and intelligence, reflecting an inner warmth and a hint of mischief. Her eyebrows, naturally arched and expressive, added to the animated nature of her expressions, conveying everything from surprise to amusement with subtle shifts.he had a natural grace about her, moving with an easy confidence that drew others in. Her features were balanced and harmonious, with a small, straight nose and full, naturally pink lips that curved into a ready smile. She had a keen mind and a sharp wit, often surprising those around her with insightful observations and clever humour. Her laughter was infectious, a light, melodic sound that seemed to brighten any room she entered.
Eventually, the ringing in her ears as they picked up every little sound in her little house forced her out of bed as she started to get ready. Huffing as she went, she put on a pretty basic outfit and sat back on her bed after, staring at the wall as if that would answer the questions imposing in her mind. 
‘How am I going to survive this?’ She asks herself, muttering. 
Finally deciding to get up, she was greeted by a knock on the door. Turning around, she greeted her friend with a kind smile. 
‘You excited to go back?’ Arabella Nott asked. 
Arabella Nott was someone who defied all expectations. Slowly becoming banished from her family, she was sorted into Gryffindor instead of the wanted Slytherin and was shamed publicly for it. Arabella had spent every summer except the first that they knew each other at Kimberly’s house, a place of escape, away from the abuse and neglect she received. Kimberly always thought of her as one of the most resilient people she had ever met, with Arabella calling her stupid for that (‘mate you’re a werewolf that is so much worse!) but Kimberly always stayed true to her belief. 
Arabella's jet-black hair, sleek and straight, fell like a silken curtain to her waist, catching the light with a glossy sheen that highlighted its luxurious depth. Occasionally, a gentle breeze would lift a few strands, revealing the subtle blue undertones that shimmered in the sunlight. Her eyes, a striking emerald, were framed by long, thick lashes that added a touch of drama to her gaze. They were expressive and captivating, capable of conveying a thousand emotions with a single look—from intense curiosity to a quiet, thoughtful intensity. Her eyebrows, dark and well-defined, arched gracefully above her eyes, enhancing her naturally striking features. Arabella's complexion was smooth and radiant, a warm, olive tone that seemed to glow from within. Her lips, full and naturally rosy, curved into a confident, enigmatic smile that hinted at a playful and adventurous spirit. Arabella moved with a fluid grace, every step measured and deliberate, exuding confidence and poise. Her voice was soft yet firm, with a melodic quality that made people want to listen. When she spoke, her words were thoughtful and articulate, often revealing a sharp intellect and a keen sense of humour.
‘Kinda,’ She replied honestly ‘But it’s going to be strange.’
’You’re telling me! What with your sudden transformation into a sexy goddess and Gwen alone I’m gonna look like a rat in comparison!’ 
‘Oh Bella!’ Kimberly scolded her friend, lightly whacking her arm. ‘You are stunning!’
’Not in comparison to you and Gwen!’
’What about me?’ A third voice announced themselves. 
Gwendolyn Evans was the voices owner. A half Veela (and incredibly gorgeous) everyone who sees her can’t but stare. But Gwendolyn was always proving that she was so much more than her looks. Incredibly caring towards everyone, even the ones who berated her for being a muggle born, she was one of the most beloved people at Hogwarts.
Gwendolyn was stood by the door, her golden blonde hair catching the soft glow of the rising sun, transforming her into a figure right out of a serene painting. Her locks, light and flowing, cascaded around her shoulders and caught the breeze, framing her face with delicate wisps and creating a halo of light. The natural waves in her hair suggested an effortless grace, something that she seemed to hold. Her eyes, a vivid blue, sparkled with life and laughter, reflecting the colours of the sky and sea before her. Framed by long, feathery lashes, her gaze was open and inviting, drawing people in with its warmth and depth. Her eyebrows, lighter than her hair, were finely shaped and gave her face a gentle expressiveness. Gwendolyn’s skin glowed with health, kissed by the sun to a soft, golden tan that highlighted her high cheekbones and the smooth contour of her jawline. Her lips, full and naturally pink, often broke into a bright, engaging smile that lit up her entire face and seemed to spread happiness wherever she went. She carried herself with a confident ease, yet there was a softness in her manners that made her approachable and cherished by her peers. Her voice had a musical quality, clear and pleasant, which made her laughter a frequent and delightful sound. Beyond her striking appearance, Gwendolyn possessed a magnetic personality. She was genuinely interested in those around her, listening intently and engaging fully in conversations. Her kindness and genuine concern for others were as evident as her beauty, making her not just a joy to behold but a joy to be around. She embodied a blend of beauty, grace, and kindness that made her truly stunning, both inside and out.
‘Bella was berating herself again,‘ Kimberly says.
’Of course she was, she can’t understand that she’s drop dead gorgeous!’ Gwendolyn remarked, smiling brightly at her two best friends.
Another pair of footsteps appeared, a knock sounded at the door before anyone could say anything else. 
‘Come in!’ All three girls said in almost perfect unison. 
Kimberly’s mother entered. Jemima Fox was a tall woman with short brown hair and brown eyes, the almost exact same eyes as her daughter Kimberly. 
‘We’re going to leave in about half an hour girls just to let you know.’ Jemima remarked, her tone firm but fair. She moved to sit on the chair besides the bed in Kimberly’s bedroom, and the three girls sat on the bed, expecting a conversation. 
‘So, we need to talk’ Jemima says ‘about finding you a werewolf mate. 
Kimberly groaned and buried her face into her pillow to hide her red hot cheeks of embarrassment. Arabella wolf whistled and lightly jabbed her, Gwendolyn laughing. 
‘Mum this is so embarrassing!’ Kimberly said, finally releasing herself from underneath the pillow. 
‘I know but it’s important!’ Her mother said, sounding serious. ‘You need to find someone when you go back to Hogwarts!’
’But mum there’s no one else there who’s a werewolf!’ Kimberly exclaimed. 
‘Wrong.’ All three girls shot their heads up at this and looked at Jemima questioningly.
’Another werewolf?’ Gwendolyn asks.
’Hoe come we’ve never seen them at a full moon?’ Arabella asks, looking hard in thought. 
‘Who is it?’ Kimberly asks, excitement coursing through her veins. 
‘I don’t know,’ Kimberly slumped her shoulders at this. ‘But I do know that they are around the same age as you.’
’How did you find out?’ Gwendolyn asks. 
‘Can’t tell you, but what I can tell you is that you need to find him. He may be your mate!’ At the latter on this conversation, Jemima turned excited, and grabbed her daughter’s hand. 
‘But if we haven’t seen him in the last four years, how do we know that this time it will be any different?’ Kimberly asked her mother. 
‘Because this time you know that you are not alone.’ Was the only answer she received before her mother took herself off. 
‘Who do you think it is?’ Arabella asked, perplexed. 
‘No clue,’ Kimberly said, downtrodden. ‘That’s the problem.’ 
‘Don’t worry Kim, we’ll find them,’ Gwendolyn said encouragingly. ‘Together.’
’Yeah,’ Arabella agreed. ‘Together’. With that the three girls formed a hug. 
‘I’ve just realised that James is going to not be able to keep his eyes off you!’ Kimberly said to Gwendolyn as they peeled themselves away from one another. 
Gwendolyn only groaned at this. James Potter had made it quite obvious that he had feelings for Gwendolyn from pretty much day one of the first year. But over the summer, much like Kimberly, the already perfect Gwendolyn had gone through a Veela transformation, turning her even more perfect if it were possible. 
‘Girls are you ready to leave?’ The voice of Kimberly’s dad, Edward Fox, boomed, bringing them out of their thoughts. 
‘Yes!’ They all announced and headed downstairs to meet Edward and Jemima. 
‘C’mon mate I want a good seat!’ James heard as he stopped himself after running into the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. 
James Potter was a tall boy, with a head of curly black hair and bright blue eyes, shielded by his signature glasses. He always had an air of mischief about him, and why shouldn’t he? He was a marauder after all. Even when relaxed, there was an undeniable energy about him, a sense of readiness for whatever adventure or challenge would be sent his way. He exuded a natural charisma that seemed to draw others in (apart from the Slytherins). His tall, lean frame hinted at his agility and strength, helped by countless hours of flying and Quidditch practise. His smile also drew people in, one that promised fun and camaraderie, with a hint of the roguish charm that often got him into and out of trouble. His laughter, always genuine and hearty, echoed frequently in the corridors of Hogwarts, a testament to his zest for life and his close-knit circle of friends. But beneath the playful exterior, James possessed a fierce loyalty and courage that defined his character. He was a natural leader, his bravery and determination inspiring those around him. Whether standing up to injustice or protecting his friends, James’s moral compass was unwavering, guided by a deep sense of right and wrong.
‘Padfoot I’m coming!’ He finally responded to Sirius Black, his best friend. 
Sirius Black was also tall, but not as tall as James, and was quite the charmer. Known as a bit of a heartbreaker around Hogwarts, he always kept his appearance up to top. His long, dark hair fell in elegant waves around his face, framing his piercing grey eyes that always seemed to be brimming with a mixture of amusement and rebellion. There was a magnetic quality to Sirius, a kind of unspoken charisma that made people sit up and take notice. His tall, lean frame always moved with a certain grace, every step taken with confidence and a hint of swagger, as if the world was his playground. His smile, often a crooked grin, could light up a room, revealing a set of perfectly straight teeth. It was a smile that promised mischief and adventure, a challenge to the ordinary, and an invitation to join in on the fun. Sirius’s laugh was deep and infectious, a sound that resonated through the halls of Hogwarts and was unmistakably his.
Arabella and Sirius were always friends, coming from the families that they did, it was natural. However, what brought them closer was the fact that they both were thrown out of their families for not being put in Slytherin and being placed in Gryffindor. Sirius and Arabella can both remember their first night at Hogwarts, worriedly not eating any of the banquets and not sleeping that night, staying in the common room with one another, sobbing and waiting for the inevitable. 
‘For someone called Prongs, you sure are slow!’ Sirius jeered at his friend. 
‘Shut up you git!’ James said, as the pair made their way onto the train. Making sure that the other two members of the marauders were not already on the train, they found a compartment to sit in for the long journey back to Hogwarts. 
It wasn’t long until they were greeted with the other two members of the Marauders- Wormtail and Moony. 
Wormtail’s real name was Peter Pettigrew, and he was small and slightly large boy, who was quite socially awkward in his approach. Many around Hogwarts wondered as to how and why he was friends with the other three, who (especially James and Sirius) seemed to easy to talk to and easy going. Peter Pettigrew stood slightly apart from his friends, his small stature and nervous demeanour often making him seem like the least noticeable member of the group. His mousy brown hair, always slightly dishevelled, fell into his round face, where his watery blue eyes darted about, never quite able to hold anyone's gaze for long. He had a habit of wringing his hands or shifting from foot to foot, his anxiety palpable in his every movement. Peter looked like a boy who was trying to fit into a world that often seemed too big for him. He was constantly overshadowed by his more charismatic and confident friends, yet there was an undeniable earnestness about him, a yearning to belong and be accepted.
The final Marauder was Remus Lupin. Known as Moony, but only the three other boys knowing the meaning as to why. Remus was a werewolf, and every full moon would painfully transform. His face as such was always adorned with scars and marks from the painful transformation. He was the tallest of the fours with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. He was also the smartest of the four, with the other three often to be found asking the teen for his homework so that they can copy. . His light brown hair fell across his forehead in a casual, almost unkempt manner, adding to his air of quiet contemplation. His eyes, a soft amber, held a depth of wisdom and kindness that belied his young age, often reflecting a world-weariness that seemed out of place in someone so young. He carried himself with a gentle grace, his movements careful and deliberate, as though he was always mindful of the space he occupied. There was a calm, soothing presence about him, a stark contrast to the more boisterous personalities of his friends. Remus’s smile was warm and genuine, often appearing when he listened to his friends’ antics or when he shared a quiet moment of humour with them. His voice, gentle and measured, had a way of commanding attention not through volume, but through the sheer sincerity and thoughtfulness of his words. He rarely spoke without purpose, and when he did, his insights were always valued.
‘Holly shit!’ Sirius remarked as he and James gawked at Remus. ‘Who are you and what happened to skinny Remus?’
Remus, just like our other werewolf, had also undergone a werewolf transformation, making him even taller than he was before and more refined. He also possessed more muscle, something that he couldn’t admit to being mad about receiving. 
‘Is this the transformation?’ James asked him.
Remus nodded. ‘Every werewolf goes through it around the same time, the summer of their 14th year.’ 
‘Lucky!’ Sirius whined. ‘I wish that could happen to me and I could get muscles!’
’Sirius I am sure that you will survive.’ Remus stated sarcastically. 
Before Sirius could respond, a murmur from outside of their carriage caught their attention. Deciding to investigate the cause to the murmur, the boys stood outside of their carriage. 
At the end of the corridor, at the entrance to the train, stood Arabella, Kimberly and Gwendolyn. Except they weren’t the three girls they remembered saying goodbye to in the summer. Arabella looked pretty much the same, still beautiful. However, it was the two other girls that caught their attention the most. The most drastic change was Kimberly, but the boys had to focus on Gwendolyn, they almost felt compelled to. Gwendolyn was even more stunning than they remember, which was hard (especially for James) to see how that would have occurred. Kimberly was the most different. Pretty before, she had shot up to about the same height as Sirius, possibly taller, and was stunning. Her beauty, unknown apparently to her, had drawn a lot of attention from fellow students on the train. 
‘Whoah hey guys!’ Sirius said as they walked towards them. 
‘Hey Sirius,’ Kimberly said, looking around uncomfortably under the attention she was receiving. 
‘Come sit with us,’ Sirius asked them and they obliged. 
They boys all moved to sit on a row together, and the girls sat opposite them, thankful to be away from the prying eyes. 
‘So… good summer?’ Sirius asked, obviously asking about the transformations. 
‘Yeah I grew a lot,’ Kimberly replied, remembering the speech she had told herself to say, as to not attract attention. ‘Had to buy new clothes and everything!’
‘Bet that sucked,’ Peter said. 
‘You look great,’ Remus complimented. 
Kimberly looked up and almost gasped. Her mind raced. He was taller? Could he be the werewolf? However she quickly shook those thought away, there’s no way any of these knumskulls would be! 
‘So do you!’ She said, trying to sound as unsurprised as possible, the ideal not really working. Thankfully, it’s only seemed to amuse Remus. 
Suddenly, both of the teams gasped. Kimberly stared into his eyes, and felt the werewolf inside of her jump alive. Remus’s eyes flashed yellow and animalistic. 
Kimberly shot up. She made up an excuse that excused her and the two other girls for the rest of the journey and quickly escaped, Arabella and Gwendolyn giving the boys very questioning looks before saying goodbye and following her out. 
‘What was that about?’ Peter asks.
’Her eyes glowed yellow,’ Remus muttered, loud enough that the three boys heard. 
‘Yellow?’ James asked. ‘We didn’t see anything!’
’Strange,’ Remus said. ‘I felt the werewolf inside of me coming out.’ He realised he was shaking so he took a deep breath to calm himself down. 
James and Sirius moved to sit opposite him and Peter. ‘Mate,’ Sirius asked, ‘What if Kimberly is the werewolf we were told about?’ 
‘No way!’ Remus exclaimed. ‘Must have been my imagination.’ 
And the boys left it at that.
’What was that about?’ Arabella asks as soon as the door slammed shut. 
‘His eyes glowed yellow.’ 
‘What do you mean glowed yellow?’ Arabella said. 
‘Is he a werewolf?’ Gwendolyn asks. 
‘No he can’t be!’ Arabella says. ‘We must have known by now!’ 
‘I agree Bella,’ Kimberly says, deep in thought. ‘We’ll talk more tonight, now let’s find the girls.‘
Thankfully, it didn’t take long until they found the group of girls they were looking for. Arabella opened the door, exclaiming ‘Room for three more?’ And the carriage erupted into conversation, with the other girls rushing to be reunited with Arabella, Gwendolyn and Kimberly. 
Mary MacDonald was the first. With her soft, hazel hair that fell in gentle waves around her shoulders, Mary often wore it half-tied back to keep it away from her face, revealing bright, attentive eyes that were a warm shade of brown, full of empathy and curiosity. Her complexion was clear and fair, frequently lit up by a soft, welcoming smile that made her approachable to everyone around her, her dark skin perfectly catching the rays of the sunny day. Mary moved through Hogwarts with a quiet confidence, a stark contrast to the boisterous dynamics of her more flamboyant peers. She was not one to seek the spotlight, but she possessed a steady, calming presence that made her a valued friend and confidant. Her voice was soft and melodious, often infused with laughter, and she spoke with a thoughtfulness that reflected her considerate nature.
Alice Forstue was next. Slightly taller than Mary, was also had black hair, but hers was longer and straight, and was currently tied into two braids either side of her pale face. Alice always had a look of kindness about her, and it was a wonder to the other girls at how she had not been placed in Hufflepuff, as she seemed incapable of hurting someone else. Her eyes, dark and expressive, held a depth that was both intriguing and enigmatic. Set beneath finely arched eyebrows, they seemed to capture and reflect the subtle nuances of light, giving her an almost ethereal appearance. Her gaze was penetrating, hinting at a mind that was both analytical and imaginative, always observing and piecing together the world around her. Lara's complexion was flawless, the pallor of her skin providing a striking contrast to the dark hues of her hair.
Mary Prewett was next. Her fiery red hair a brilliant cascade of curls that tumbled energetically over her shoulders. The sunlight played through the vibrant strands, lighting them up with sparks of copper and gold, and giving her an almost ethereal glow. Her hair, bold and unapologetic, perfectly mirrored her vivacious personality. Her face, framed by the lively curls, was marked by a constellation of light freckles that danced across her nose and cheeks, lending her a youthful, playful look. Molly's figure was curvy and strong, her stature commanding yet approachable, radiating confidence and warmth. She was the female version of her twin brothers, Fabian and Gideon and was equally as sardonic and fun-loving. 
Marlene McKinnon was also there. Marlene was the tallest of the girls in the carriage was slender and had blonde hair that reached just before her chest. Marlene's honey-blonde hair cut into a chic bob with a neat fringe that brushed just above her expressive eyebrows, framing her bright, observant eyes. The fringe gave her a modern, almost artistic look, complementing her playful yet thoughtful expression. The soft blonde tones of her hair were highlighted with subtle streaks of lighter hues that caught the light beautifully, adding dimension and a lively character to her style. Her eyes, a clear, soft blue, conveyed an open and sincere personality. They sparkled with a kind of quiet enthusiasm for her surroundings, always taking in the little details that others might overlook. 
Dorcas Meadows was the final girl in the carriage. Consistently carrying her pride on her shoulders whether it be for the colour of her skin or for her sexuality, she was always out and proud as one may say. Her hair, a splendid cascade of tight curls, framed her face beautifully, each curl bouncing with life as she moved. The deep, natural black of her hair contrasted strikingly with her glowing, caramel-toned skin, which seemed to capture and reflect the golden sunlight. Her eyes, large and almond-shaped, were a mesmerizing dark brown, almost black, and sparkled with intelligence and warmth. Framed by long, thick lashes and underlined by neatly groomed eyebrows, her gaze was both inviting and assertive, reflecting a spirit full of fire and gentleness.  Her lips, full and often smiling, were tinted with a subtle shade of rose, enhancing her natural beauty without overshadowing it. Dorcas moved with a confident, rhythmic grace that was almost musical, her every gesture a testament to her lively and engaging nature.
These girls were good friends with our main three, as with years of sharing the same dormitory came the closeness one would expect. They knew about Arabella and her family tensions and they were always there to be a comfort, alongside the commotion that Gwendolyn faces through the fact of her being part-Veela, and even though they did not know about Kimberly’s little secret, they were always there when she ill, even if they did question how she always got ill or injured every month.
‘You three look amazing!’ Alice remarked as the girls sat next to Dorcas and Marlene. 
‘Thank you!’ Kimberly says, ‘You all look amazing too!’
’Are you ready for another year of Hogwarts?’ Dorcas asks them, raising on a of her eyebrows.
’Are we ever?’ Arabella complains. ‘I already feel ill just thinking of homework.’ 
All of the girls groaned at the mention of the word. 
For the rest of the journey, the incident with Remus was pushed to the back of the three girls minds, as they were easily distracted by hearing the tales of what their fronds had gotten up to during the summer break, passing the usually long journey quickly. Before any of the girls knew it, they were back into their Gryffindor uniforms and ready to head back to Hogwarts. 
‘Another year here we come,’ Gwendolyn remarked as the trio stepped off the train together. 
‘Another year of mayhem no doubt,’ Kimberly remarked. 
‘Would you have it any other way?’ Arabella inquires, causing all the girls to laugh with one another.
They were back home. 
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typingtess · 4 months
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Blood Bank”
The basics:  A shootout on a yacht owned by Arkady Kolcheck gets NCIS’s attention.
Written by:  Samantha Chasse co-wrote "Kill Beale Vol. 1" and wrote "Impostor Syndrome" and “Murmuration”.
Directed by:  Benny Boom directed "Ghost Gun", "767", "Fool Me Twice", "Pro Se", "Hail Mary", “Groundwork” and “Perception”.   
Guest stars of note:  Duncan Campbell returns as NCIS Special Agent Castor from “Let It Burn”, Vyto Ruginis joins season 14 as Arkady Kolcheck.  Matty Cardarople returns as Danny, who sold pastries in season 10’s “Into the Breach” and computer supplies in “Imposter Syndrome” in season 12,.  Kathleen Garrett as Miraslava Borisova, Dalia Rooni as Riffat Murad, Nikolay Moss as Kostas Orlov, Jonathan Kells Phillips as Rupert Richardson and Emily Morales-Cabrera as Assistant
Our heroes:   Deal with more Russian nonsense.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Giving a deposition. Sam:   Running a taskforce. Kensi:  Nancy Drew on the boat. Deeks:  Swedish nobility. Fatima:   Late. Rountree:   Bodyguard. Kilbride:  Appalled by Arkady’s safe house.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Now working on Sam’s taskforce. Sam:   Absent. Kensi:   Wields a mean serving tray. Deeks:   Wields a mean sword. Fatima:  Coffee fan. Rountree:   Lost the excuse book. Kilbride:  Found the excuse book.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Not a mention, though I bet she knew Mira Borisova.
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi dropped her “Mom Tone” when she had to separate Arkady and Mira Borisova.  Kensi and Deeks were fine.
Who's down with BrOTP:   Fatima and Rountree have plans for covering for each other.  Fatima made a friend waiting for coffee.
Fashion review:    Callen wears a dark blue, long-sleeve tee.  Kensi has on an oatmeal pullover sweater that probably looked better in person than on the TV.  Deeks started the episode in a pale pink tee before wearing his Swedish Nobleman blue suit.  A red quarter-zip for Fatima.  Rountree started the episode with a black tee and what looked like a blue lightweight rain jacket before wearing his all black bodyguard gear.  Tell me if you’ve heard this before – blue suit, pale blue dress shirt, medium blue tie for the Admiral.  He also wears a trench coat and looks fantastic. 
Music:   "Makaha” by the Tikiyaki Orchestra is playing in the bar when the Admiral arrives to rescue Arkady.  Deeks and Arkady walk into the auction house with “Rasputin” by Boney M. playing.  A bit of the “Titanic” soundtrack pops up at the end.
Any notable cut scene:  Not today.
Quote: Arkady:  “Grisha?”
Kilbride:  “Guess again.  What sort of a moron decides to make a safe house from...whatever this place is?”
Arkady:  “Am I alive?”
Kilbride:  “Judging by the looks of this table, barely.”
Arkady:  “Listen, a Russian would not look for another Russian in a bar that serves rum-based drinks.  It is a brilliant and delicious plan.”
An Arkady-Kilbride spinoff would have worked.
Anything else:  On a yacht, a Russian woman is showing off the 43rd of the Czar’s Fabergé Eggs to buyers.  There are only 42 known eggs, she has the 43rd which “no longer exists, yet, there it is.”  She is looking for $7 million for the egg.
She wants to share champagne with her buyers but when she calls for one of her yacht staffers to bring a bottle, there is no answer.  The buyer and his bodyguard pull out guns and shoot the woman and her security staff.  They race off with the egg. 
The woman, however, is not dead.  The large necklace she wore acted as a bulletproof vest.
Walking into the office, Kensi and Deeks are debating Rosa watching a dating reality show.  Kensi assures Deeks that Rosa knows the show isn’t real.  This is news to Deeks, who thinks the program is real.  The two debate the contestants, including a “meatball specialist”.  A very amped up Rountree joins them, asking about going into the burn room.  Since it is 9AM on a Monday, neither Kensi or Deeks have a reason to do any early week burning.  Rountree tries to exit but is forced to explain the notebook he shares with Fatima.  It is a track of their excuses for when they are late.  “It’s the only way we can keep our stories straight!” 
Kensi mentions texting each other but Rountree thinks Kilbride would find a digital trail.  Fatima is late and he’s not sure what the excuse of the day will be.  And he needs that right now since Kilbride is looking for Fatima.  Rountree starts with a car appointment but that would mean Fatima scheduled it during work hours, angering Kilbride.  He changes to medical appointment but that worries Kilbride.  Suddenly Fatima has a dog – for an undercover operative, Rountree is bad at this.  And the dog was hit by a car.  Kensi and Deeks offer thoughts and prayers.
Fatima, however, is getting coffee.  Fatima chats with a woman waiting for coffee.  Riffat works for an agency finding housing for refugees from Afghanistan.  After trouble with the barista, Fatima is on her way.
Kilbride walks into an empty Ops, except for Rountree.  Based on the case that just arrived, Rountree wanted to do the debrief alone.  Two Russians were found dead on a yacht in Marina del Ray.  Demetri Fedrov and Simeon Babanin, former Russian military and now with the Wagner Group, are persons of interest in moving cultural and historical pieces of art.  The boat, the Diamond of the Ocean, belongs to Arkady Kolcheck.  “Why am I not surprised?”
Kensi and Deeks enter Ops with news that Arkady was attacked.  They know nothing about what happened on the boat the way Rountree and the Admiral know nothing about the attack on Arkady.  There is a “Who’s on First” vibe going on.  Arkady was attacked at his house that morning but was able to move to a safe house.  He contacted Callen, who wants Kensi and Deeks to ping Arkady’s burner phone.  Callen is giving a deposition so he’s unavailable. 
Deeks thought Arkady was out of the spy business but Kensi thinks it could be his past causing Arkady trouble.  The Admiral isn’t so sure that Arkady is out of the spy business.  Rountree offers to call Callen but the Admiral is going to find Arkady himself.
In a Tiki bar, a rather overserved Arkady is looking for “Grisha” but gets Kilbride instead.  Kilbride is wondering what kind of “moron” makes a Tiki bar a safehouse.  Arkady is wondering if he is alive.  Explaining himself, Arkady tells Kilbride that a Russian would not look for a Russian in a place that serves rum-based drinks.  “It is a brilliant and delicious plan.” 
Ignoring what has led the two of them to “this idiotic moment”, Kilbride wants to know what happened.  Leaving his house that morning, two men with guns came up to Arkady’s car.  He high-tailed it out of there, running over one of the gunmen’s feet.  Kilbride asks if that’s what caused the shooting on Arkady’s boat.  Arkady is confused, he hasn’t owned a boat for 40-years.  “Must be another Arkady Kolcheck.”   Saying he is just a typical ex-KGB Agent who defected to America, “who could want me dead?”
On the maybe not Arkady’s yacht, the original thought is murder-suicide.  Looking at the lack of blood spatter behind one body and the way the blood pooled, Kensi thinks this is a set-up.  The investigation says there was no video but that doesn’t make sense.  A boat this big and fancy would have security cameras, according to Kensi/Nancy Drew.  Deeks tries a mirror but it is one way, not two.  Kensi found a camera in the smoke detector – “Nancy Drew you did it again.”
In the boat shed, Arkady is finishing a call with Anna as Callen pours some coffee.  Arkady isn’t a fan of the boat shed because it smells like a crab shack.  His safe house has blended drinks.  On the plasma screen, Rountree and an arriving Fatima have the footage from the camera Kensi found.  Most of the footage is useless, it was over there table where the Russian woman was showing the egg.  The woman, however, drags herself into the camera’s range.  Fatima has facial rec but Arkady already knows – “Mira.”  And he claims to know her biblically. 
Mira is Miraslava Borisova, a Moscow museum curator turned black market antiquities dealer.  With Borisova’s access, Arkady was able to put her in contact with people interested in buying what she could provide.  But that was 40-years ago.  Callen wants Arkady to set up a meeting.
Outside of a fancy hotel in Beverly Hills, Callen is surprised Borisova would hide in such a public place.  Being a well dress, wealthy woman, Arkady thinks she’d fit right in.  He’s a bit nervous about reuniting with Borisova.  Callen offers some advice and help but Arkady remind him that he was doing this before Callen was born.  The roach coach is now a plumbing company van with Kensi and Deeks inside with a lot of surveillance equipment.  Callen tells them that Arkady dated Borisova before he met Anna’s mother. 
Rapping on the door, Arkady finds it opened.  He calls for Borisova as he walks inside.  She has a rather heavy coffee table book and starts beating him with it.  Callen asks Kensi and Deeks what’s going on and they’re not sure.  Back in the room, Borisova is furious that Arkady finally calls and it the day she was almost killed.  To get her attention, Arkady pops her with a couch decorative pillow.  She returns the favor. 
Kensi yells that “they’re fighting” – Borisova thinks Arkady set her up in Malta and set her up today – while Deeks is enjoying the “geriatric WWE”.  Kensi wonders if they should go in.  Callen isn’t sure.  Deeks brings up the time Arkady made them de-booby-trap his car because Arkady couldn’t remember how he booby-trapped it.  Kensi brings up a failed mission in Chechnya.  Callen talks about Arkady cursing his engagement to Anna.  They’re going to let Arkady and Borisova work things out for a while.
After Borisova picks up the luggage rack, getting NCIS’s attention, Arkady threatens to remove the tag from a rare Beanie Baby.  When he does, Borisova really starts knocking him around.  Callen, Kensi and Deeks walk into the hotel room just as Arkady goes flying.
Near Ops, Fatima runs into the Admiral while she tried to evade him.  She apologizes for her tardiness.  Fatima tells him her dog is doing well.  The Admiral, a dog lover, wants her to bring in the dog as he recovers.  In fact, he insists. 
In Ops, Rountree apologizes for freaking out and going with the dog.  Fatima is more concerned about finding a dog.  On the big screen, Kensi and Deeks are in the boat shed.  Rountree identified the missing object from the yacht – it is one of eight missing decorative eggs, made for the Russian royal family.  While killing Borisova to steal the egg makes sense, why go after Arkady?  Fatima sends a picture of the egg to Callen, who is interrogating Mira.  Arkady is on the back deck in a time out.
Callen shows Borisova the egg.  She plays dumb but knows she’s been caught.  Callen asks why was the boat registered to Arkady.  Again, Borisova plays dumb until Callen says he’s going to turn the yacht over to the DOJ.  They have a special taskforce that confiscates Russian belongings.  After explaining it is her boat, Borisova tells Callen that she has put Arkady’s name on everything she’s bought – from condos in Cape Town to safe deposit boxes.  For all the world knows, they’ve been partners in crime for 40-years.  It is the perfect revenge – “petty but effective.” 
Bringing up the attack on Arkady, Callen believes someone going after Borisova tried to kill Arkady as part of her fake partnership.  Since the men who robbed her thinks she dead, she’s not interested in talking.  Callen is – the men are still after Arkady and it is Borisova’s fault.  
The men on the yacht were new clients and vetted by an auction house.  Callen is surprised – why would an auction house be involved.  Antiquities have to be stored carefully not in a storage locker rented by the month.  The only people who knew about the sale were the auction house, buyers and the seller, Alexey Pasternik.  Pasternik was motivated – he wanted the sale.  Moving the item quicky meant selling at a discount.  And that means he’s the problem.
Alexey Pasternik died three-days earlier.  He “threw himself” from a 12-floor condo by going through the window.  A suspicious death.  Fatima has a map of billionaires like Pasternik who left Russia days before the Ukraine invasion.  More than half are dead. 
Callen tells Borisova about Pasternik’s untimely fall.  She tries to joke about the Russian national bird being a flightless bird because of all the falling Russians.  Callen wants to know what Pasternik was trying to get away from.  Borisova explains that the billionaires had their loyalty bought by the Russian government.  Lots of money was given to these people and now with the sanctions causing financial pain in Russia, the government wants the money back. 
The government was hiding their wealth with the billionaires – they are blood banks.  Since the government was not happy with the way Borisova was selling off the assets, they went after her and her partner, Arkady.
Doing a ton of exposition, Deeks explains that the money given to the billionaires to invest and spend was reclaimable.  Once the billionaire dies, the money goes back to Russia.  All the murders of the billionaires all over the world was to get back the money.  “This is so much bigger than we thought.”
In his office, Kilbride tells Kensi and Deeks on his smaller plasma screen that the DOJ will not be cooperating with NCIS.  With tactical nukes on the table, NCIS has to be involved in a discreet investigation.  An investigation without Callen, since he is joining Sam’s joint task force.  It is Kensi, Deeks, Fatima and Rountree on this one.
Since they don’t know the gunmen or how to smoke them out, Deeks thinks they should approach the auction house since the auction house still thinks Borisova and Arkady are in business together.  Arkady could approach the auction house to get an item and the insider in the auction house could tip off the gunmen.
Borisova is willing to help but only if she’s running things.  The auction house will have rules for wealthy clients and a well-dressed Deeks – fancy suit, tie, and a medal of some sort around his neck – is just that client as Swedish nobility.  She reminds everyone that the auction house protects objects, not people.  The fire suppression system removes all the oxygen in a room to stop a fire.  If there is a person there, well, that’s a problem for the person.  For her cooperation, Borisova wants a second chance.
Dressing in the boat shed restroom, Borisova brings Arkady a special suit.  He apologizes for leaving her in Malta.  She sort of does the same with today’s assassination attempt.  “Let’s just call us even.” 
Walking into the auction house wearing a tan three-piece suit, a light blue dress shirt and a red paisley tie, Arkady introduces himself to the woman in the reception area.  He is followed by Deeks and Rountree, who is all in black, dressed as a bodyguard.  Asking for Rupert and giving his account number, provided by Borisova in the plumbing van with Castor, Arkady and Deeks welcomed in.  Rountree must wait in the reception area – company policy.
In a waiting area, Rupert is excited to greet Arkady after working with Borisova on his behalf for years.  Rupert starts speaking to Deeks in Swedish – that goes poorly.  Rupert is going to speak to Deeks while Arkady opens his locker.  Arkady is freaking out – he doesn’t have the key.  The earwigs are failing – the building is secure.  When Kensi asks about Borisova, Castor is shown out cold and Borisova is gone.
In the vault area, Arkady is met by an armed Borisova. 
With no response from Arkady or Castor, Kensi and Rountree are going to move into the auction house. 
Entering the locker behind Borisova is Arkasha, the man who shot her on the boat.  Arkasha thought he was going to have to kill Borisova twice that day but she cut a deal with Arkasha today.  She would kill Arkady, turn over her client list and she gets back the egg and her freedom.  Arkasha suggest she shoot Arkady in the head.  She doesn’t.  Instead, she knees Arkasha where it hurts, turns on the CO-2 suppression system and sets off all sorts of alarms.
Making his way through the building, Rountree gets to the vault but can’t open the door.  Rountree shoots open the vault door to find Arkady.
When the alarm goes off, so does Rupert.  He pulls a sword from the wall before Deeks can get his gun out. 
Rountree finds Arkasha and subdues him before they both suffocate.
Arkasaha’s men have Arkady and Borisova.  Kensi causes a distraction and takes one henchman out. 
Deeks finds his own wall sword and he and Rupert duel.  Deeks wins in a way too short scene.
Kensi is stuck between Arkasha’s two men.  Arkady tosses her a silver platter and a vase.  She takes them both out before Deeks arrives.  Promising to make a scene to distract Kensi and Deeks, Arkady wants Borisova to flee.  She’s not going anywhere.  Kensi puts her in cuffs.
Back in the office, Rountree asks Fatima for friends dinner - tacos or udon.  She has to pass -  she’s having a friends dinner with Riffat.  Rountree thinks that’s great.  He also found a shelter that lets people borrow pets – she could use that for the Admiral.  Fatima is just going to tell the truth.  That’s when the Admiral arrives with the excuses notebook.  He also noticed all the same frappuccino cups in Ops so Fatima needs to come on time.
On the back deck of the boat shed, Kensi asks Arkady if he is alright.  He has Anna, Grisha – his family.  He wouldn’t rewrite one minute of his life if it meant he wouldn’t have them.  Kensi asks about Borisova.  She will always be on his credit score with all the accounts she took out.  Besides, that means she is thinking of him.  He shows her the beanie baby.  Kensi tells him she knows it is worthless and so does he.  She says goodnight.
Arkady watches Kensi leave and pulls the beanie baby apart.  Inside is a very expensive necklace.  With the soundtrack from “Titanic” playing, he holds it over the water.  Then decides it was too expensive to drop into the water.  Instead, Arkady takes it with him as he leaves.  Anna calls.  Suddenly, he wants to talk about the open bar at the wedding.
What head canon can be formed from here:    There is a continuity issue because in “Answers”, Deeks joked about writing for a reality series.  Now he’s shocked to find out they are scripted.
My goodness this was a chatty episode.  TV should be show, don’t tell.  This was all tell, tell, tell.  And a generic tell, tell, tell.  This episode works completely in season three.  In season six.  In season nine – you get the point.  A mention of Callen’s wedding here and there but otherwise, Hetty could have picked Arkady at the bar, Sam or Callen could have been on bodyguard duty instead of Rountree. 
And I know the lack of Sam (all) and Callen (a lot) in this episode has to do with the upcoming crossover episodes but just have Sam up on the big screen in Ops telling Callen to drop everything, he’s needed. 
It wasn’t a bad episode – and anytime Arkady shows up, the fun level goes up, up, up – but it just wasn’t much of an episode.
Episode number:   This was episode nine of season 14 (though it was filmed after “A Long Time Coming”), episode 311 overall.
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hepaidattention · 1 year
thoughts on 4x06 (instead of studying)
1. Ace getting bit by that ferret felt like something very important and I don't know how. I think this ferret might have more about the plot of this season then we realize. it feels very cryptic and honestly wondering if he's like a zombie ferret or something, and the ferret bite might lead to something else. obviously this is a shot in the dark but I don't know, seemed sus
2. obviously I'm not worried about Tristan. Nancy was dancing with him and she shot up to the mere sound of Ace's car, because she knows even the sound his car makes when starting up. I am a little mad at Nancy for moving on so fast though. it's annoying.
3. Ace didn't release the ferret out of spite. for one I think it might’ve had some other plot for future episodes tied to it, if I'm right and the ferret is more significant then we might think. but also, Ace would never do something like that. Ace releasing the ferret was him coming to terms with the fact that they could never just be friends - the friendship he was grasping for wasn't ever going to happen, and since he only caught the ferret to rekindle that friendship, he let the ferret go. I think it was also a little bit of Ace admitting that he doesn't want to rekindle what they once were, I think it was him realizing that being that close to Nancy again and having to watch her love someone else again is too hard for him to handle. He did it for years and never had a problem, but it's different now, and now it hurts too much.
4. I'm confused why there were leaves blowing into Nancy's house at the end of the episode. Like call me crazy but it was majorly sus. Idk the whole end of that episode felt like they were foreshadowing something big about to happen. It felt like it was all Ace gloominess but I think there was much more being hinted under the surface.
5. I honestly hated most of that episode because it felt so pointless, but I enjoyed Ace and Nick's storyline. They were entertaining and funny, and I appreciated the heart to hearts and honestly just their bromance. Ace saving Nancy was a plus, but I just wish this season would just be giving us Ace and Nancy being friends and wishing they could be together, rather than giving us love triangles. I would give anything for them pining for each other for the rest of the season.
6. the fact that we didn't get the drew crew in the 70s breaks my heart. MISSED OPPORTUNITIES.
7. this whole episode just felt like it could have been something so so good and instead it was just a little disappointing, but that's mainly because my Nace loving heart can't stand much more pain. I did enjoy a lot of parts of the episode though, and I hope this episode could lead to an angry love confession. I'd love to see Ace yell "I love you."
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sora-sunshne · 2 months
Shatterfam Au: Jordana Info
(CW: child abuse, emotional manipulation, blood and injury, self-harm)
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(Real Name: Jordyn Wren Scarlett)
Main Info: She was having a hard time with the aftermath. But has been training hard, as her relationship with Cinder actually becomes better when Arin comes. She treats Arin like a brother, as there will be an act with more of her backstory, that will further her relationship with Arin and Cinder.  More on her in a later Act, only appears in the beginning mainly, Cinder’s POV. 
Gender: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexually
Age: 17 (she is same ages as Arin, so yes they both 8 year apart from Cinder. She is third shortest of three)
Work: The Witch of Lycus Tribes
Dream: All she never wanted to be greater then Sora, and show that she is not perfect child. Soon to be trying to find own herself
Element: Unknown for now
Jordana, a complex character, holds the position of the middle child within the esteemed Scarlett House. Following the final battle, she makes the pivotal decision to align herself with the Lycus Tribes, yet grapples with an undeniable sense of envy towards Sora. Delving deeper into her intricate story and background, one will discover her personal journal, which she penned during her formative years. What's unique about her journal is that there exist two versions - a more recent iteration and an older one - both of which intertwine to offer a multifaceted perspective. Jordana's life is set to undergo a significant reimagining, subsequently imparting subtle alterations to the primary timeline of the canon series. It's worth noting that Jordana is also recognized by her long-forgotten birth name, Jordyn Wren Scarlett, and her journey will culminate in her unapologetically embracing her true self.
1. Her relationship with Cinder was bad in the beginning. But it wasn’t until he saw Arin again. He began to become more caring and more gentle with her. He even stands up to Ras, when he is being too rude or aggressive with her.
2. Her family is also a mystery, as it will be revealed in her backstory. That is where most of CW come from.
3. Jordana does have Eating disorder, Sleeping problems, fear of failure, and fear of being alone - Eating Disorders || Mainly on her wanting to be perfect and be better. Because of that, she doesn't eat most of the time, sometimes for weeks. - She has extreme insomnia, as she would work day and night on her projects after Sora’s first science fair. -Her fears are on base, on that she hates failure, and will be explain in her backstory. -Her fear of Being alone will be explained much later, but it does involve Sora again.
4. There is a reason why she dislikes Sora more reasonably, which Sora did not know about. But that is why Jordana hated her the most, (maybe)
5. Jordana did have other talent when, that not science. Jordana can draw, which was her favorite thing to do, but after the incident, she never drew again.
6. Jordana’s dislike Sora, reason for her past and just because, also she did hate Arin in beginning too.
7. Jordana does have nicknames for Arin and Cinder - Arin ||  Ninjas, boy, Sora’s friends, the star, or what she call him now, her twin, Sol - Cinder || Jerk, Brat, Idiot, Smoky, also Big Bro
She wears normally, clothing that include pants and shirts. I do think she would wear dark cottage core clothing. She wear most plain and dark tone clothing. Fun fact, Jordana hair is because, her family is red-head. But more later during her arc, she dose dye it. Since she hated that she look similar to Sora.
Jordana is done finally, well, you can see I like her. I love the fact it is a joke that no one can remember her or known her name. Which why, I wanted do more work on her, because I really like her character. Well that it, if am not back with Jordana story, maybe I will Arin's info maybe. Well have wonderful day.
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 months
Full Episode Commentary
1x3: Friday Night Bites
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Most of what you see with Elena in 4x16 can be found in this episode. It opens up on Damon's side of the story because Stefan is keeping half their truth from Elena. He's lying to her by omission. "But then the sun came up and reality set in."
Damon and Caroline are written similar to Katherine and Stefan in their opening scene. While some fans believe he bit her, then they had sex… I believe they had sex, then he bit her. I don't know any woman that would sleep in their bra, and it would likely have blood on it after he bit her, so they put her in a nightie. Fans should expect Caroline to pass out or even fall asleep after Damon fed on her as they show with most of their biting victims. Like Vicki, who was fed on first. She slept the entire time he fed on her friends to the point of their death, then took her to his house. She's still sleeping on his couch before he heals her in 1x6. When Klaus is draining Elena in 3x21, Tyler would've had to carry her because she would've been too weak to stand. That's why I believe Caroline changed into her nightie, but Damon would've needed to help her. While the bite was clearly uncomfortable for her, she looks quite comfortable in her bed at the open. The star tattoo on her foot is adorable af. I have a tattoo of a sun on the top of my foot that my son drew when he was 5. I call it my "Walking on sunshine" tattoo because he's the reason I'm still standing.
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Damon has to bury his face into Caroline's pillow to make himself vamp out. Obvious that he has more control over his bloodlust than Stefan. "You were the one who said to go for it." Bonnie's in a bit of a pickle. She was urging Elena to go for Stefan because she wanted to see her friend happy. But then she felt his death when she gave him Elena's phone number. She doesn't know what that means, but she knows something happened to him as she describes it as death. Now she's scared for her friend. She's so much as suggesting Elena play the field while Elena isn't the type. Best to keep this in mind as the writers throw in their football/game theme. Elena pushes the issue because she's desperate. That's what I consider a sad girl needing to be happy... Desperate. While she does listen to Bonnie, she doesn't take her advice. She's basically gonna force Bonnie to accept her new relationship.
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Again, Stefan hates being a vampire, but has no problem using his vampirism to impress Elena. He catches the football when Tyler throws it at his head. I consider this a lie by omission.
Matt: Hey, what am I supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice. Tyler: Let her know she made the wrong one.
This bit of conversation plays well in the 4th season. Damon doesn't need to do anything to make Elena know she made the wrong choice. She already knows. You can find several "right" and "wrong" dialogues in seasons 3 and 4 because of it. Like Damon's, "It's right. Just not right now." Or Matt's, "So, you're just gonna let her call the shots? Even if they're wrong?" That's why The Right Kind of Wrong by LeAnn Rimes is a song I'd choose for Delena. Season 4 Stefan parallels season 1 Matt. And as I say this, I've already stated that lying is nothing short of compulsion because the end result is the same. Stefan is taking away Elena's fear by lying. So Damon gets the sire bond in season 4 while Stefan essentially compels his way into her heart in season 1. Damon's dialogue in season 6 supports this fact. "You've compelled enough people to know it's just a way of covering the truth. And no matter how badly you want it done, it doesn't make it any less of a lie, you know." It's up to the fans to decide which is worse, Damon compelling Caroline or Stefan gaslighting Elena. "Gloomy graveyard girl" is quite a reference, considering the very definition of gloomy. As I tell my followers, Elena was always dark. She has been since her parents died because death brings a certain darkness. If not for her parents dying, Stefan wouldn't stand a chance with her. He'd be an Augustine vampire, which I feel was the reason they introduced Damon's Augustine storyline early.
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As I said before, most of Bonnie's visions are Damon-related. She had to get closer to Stefan to feel him. I believe this is due to Stefan's direct connection. He's the one that stalked Elena and forced himself into her life, so it makes sense for Bonnie to have visions of the other brother. Again, Stefan hates being a vampire, but uses it to impress Elena. He has a date war with Mr. Tanner. Note the years because Stefan was alive for all of them. Their debate over 1952 or 1953 is their first note to Damon's Augustine storyline. He was abducted in 1953. "Years and years of crossword puzzles. It's a loner thing." This is another lie, and jumps off his opening journal voiceover. Like I said in my pilot post, Stefan's journal fit more to Damon than to him. That's why Elena herself refers to Damon as the lone wolf. He's the loner because he's the one truly alone. He lives as a vampire, doesn't trust anyone, and his family wants nothing to do with him.
It's insane to me how they show Stefan struggle signing up for football because he's a vampire when this is the brother they wrote living one human life after another. Who, if not for Elena, would already be signed up for football. Much like the contradiction that he can't be a doctor because he can't be around the blood, but he can somehow be a paramedic. As I said of Elena, she outwardly admits she's not the type to play the field. Combine this with Damon's comment in 1x4, then throw the football/game theme between them. "It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon." Matt is a football player, Elena is a cheerleader. Stefan signs up for football as Elena quits cheerleading. Damon was the one who taught Stefan how to play football to begin with. This is all shown in Katherine flashbacks, so it's doubled for Elena in current timeline.
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"I got the other brother. Hope you don't mind." This comment is reversed for Elena in 4x16 and specific to this scene right here. "By all means, Care, just take him out for a spin. He could use it." The two brothers have their "mystery/mysterious" parallels. The perfect color choice for mystery is purple. It's also a good color for Bonnie because she's a witch.
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Damon and Elena don't have to say anything to each other. Their body language is insane. It doesn't surprise me that fans shipped them from the very beginning. I didn't start shipping them until 1x20, and I'll note the scene when I get to it. I have no problem with Caroline asking Elena to observe because she's behind in their routines. It's their scene later in the episode that makes me dislike her. Elena shows that she has no interest in cheerleading. She'd rather watch Stefan play football. Stefan tells two lies on the field. His initial lie as he intrudes on Tyler's conversation with Matt, which is the reason he allows them to tackle him. This is done for the sake of fitting in with Elena's friends. The second being his broken pinky finger, which he fixes before they see it. "Maybe I can do it, too. That I can learn to be a non-living living person. Maybe there's hope for both of us." Damon continues to joke about living a human life because he has yet to feel it for himself. He hasn't felt human in a very long time. You can see how his references change once he falls in love with Elena. That's when he actually refers to himself as a non-living living person, and they do this before they have Isobel out him for his feelings. "You know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon." Damon is being honest in his reply to Stefan as it jumps off his comment to Caroline. "This could have gone a completely different way." Damon is choosing to use Caroline because he's in love with Katherine while Stefan still believes Katherine is dead. That's why Stefan doesn't understand it. "I saw Elena today, BTW. That means "by the way." She was at cheerleading practice. She looked so perky in her little short shorts." Damon goats Stefan a lot. He'll do anything to piss him off or make him fear what he's gonna do next.
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This scene of Elena and Bonnie is insane because I consider it a double. "Today I'm obsessed with numbers. 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. How weird is that?" From Damon killing Coach Tanner to Elena falling in love with Damon. "Birthday candles." Just as Stefan does with Tyler and Matt, he uses his vampirism to fit in with Bonnie. If he weren't a vampire, he'd know nothing of witches. He speaks to her heritage without telling her how he knows. "Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and nonconformity." So he's basically using his vampirism to impress her and lying by omission. That's when Damon and Caroline show up. "We're just finishing up." Again, lying by omission in his desire to stop Damon from getting an invite into Elena's house. At the same time, this whole belief he has that he's better than Damon. The same belief he has in the pilot episode. It's okay for him to be back home, but not Damon. It's okay for him to get invited into Elena's house, but not Damon. He belongs, but Damon doesn't. As much as fans talk about how Stefan treats Elena like a broken toy in season 4, fans should know that Stefan has been treating Damon this way since they became vampires. In his eyes, Damon is a broken toy solider. While Damon has no problem accepting the fact that Stefan is the "good" brother, he doesn't like being treated as less than just because he's the "bad" brother. They're both vampires, and because they're both vampires, they both pose an equal threat to Elena. It is their basic nature to feed on humans. For fans choosing to ignore the truth of this matter, Cade blames Stefan because he IS the one to blame. Stefan invited Damon into Elena's life the moment he forced himself into her life. Living as a human doesn't negate his relationship with Damon. They're still brothers, so Damon would've ended up in Elena's life at some point because of Stefan. So while Damon pushed Elena to own the darkest parts of herself, Cade blames Stefan for Damon being in her life to begin with. Because they're both vampires.
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More of Damon's alternate meanings. "You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it." While watching Damon, even in the first season, it's important to understand that he's carrying on two separate relationships. "I'm sorry, Elena. I know what it's like to lose both your parents." His relationship with Elena should be viewed separately from his relationship with Stefan. "In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die." He's being honest with Elena as he apologizes for her loss. "She used to be way more fun." This is Elena's partying scene in 4x16, that's why it comes from Caroline's mouth. She's the one who references Elena having fun without Stefan. Damon knows that Elena isn't a cheerleader anymore. He knows that girl died with her parents four months ago. He can see just by the way it makes her feel. "You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena." This doesn't just hit in 4x16, it hits in 3x22 when Dr. Fell heals her with Damon's blood. While Stefan helps Elena move on from the death of her parents, Damon helps Elena move on from the death of herself. That's why she drowns and becomes a vampire with Damon. "God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines. I guess we can put her in the back." This is why I dislike Caroline. It's one thing to put her in the back to have her observe, and another to treat her like she can't learn the routines. Caroline likes being the center of attention. She's treating Elena like crap, and using Elena's need to learn the routines as an excuse to treat her like crap. While Damon's relationship with Elena should be viewed separately from his relationship with Stefan, he makes comments to both when he's speaking to both. That's why he references Katherine. "The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up." While Damon could've easily referenced the death of their mother, it's better that he reference Katherine. Their mother died when Stefan was still human, when he was just 10 years old. Katherine... it would be hard for Stefan to explain his girlfriend dying when he was 17 while he's stuck inside his 17 year old body lol... that's why Damon name-drops Katherine every chance he gets.
And it's not just the fact that Katherine is the vampire that turned them into vampires. It's the fact that they're literal doppelgangers. How insane it would be for Damon to simply rescue Katherine from the tomb just to spring this truth on Elena at the last second. "I find it pretty easy." Jeremy refers to Vicki as a slut. His comment coincides with Caroline's in 1x2. "Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!" He's going through the same pain as Damon in season 2, watching Vicki be happy with Tyler. This love triangle exists with Tyler and Jeremy because of Katherine. Tyler and Jeremy parallel both brothers just as Klaus and Elijah do, it's up to the fans to see their parallels. Matt's response is every bit Jeremy in 3x19 and 3x21, only it's his sister. "What are you doing, Vick?" Damon continues with his alternate meanings while being real with Elena. "I like you. You know how to laugh." He talks to her about Katherine, and at the same time, he's describing himself. "She was also very complicated and selfish and at times not very kind, but very sexy and seductive." It's not until she sees the picture of Katherine in 1x10 that she understands his alternate meanings. "She was beautiful. A lot like you in that department." Elena picks up on some things, but remains blind to other things. Here, she picks up on the fact that both brothers dated Katherine, but is blind to the fact that both brothers are vampires. Damon needs to be there, not only for Elena to learn the whole truth, but for the sake of continuing to get the whole truth because Stefan doesn't stop lying to her. "Ask Stefan. I'm sure his answer differs from mine." This level of honesty is so damn refreshing. Damon opens up to Elena about her cheerleading. Even though he's a vampire, he's speaking to her as a human... as Oscar spoke to him when he considered deserting. "Quit, move on. Problem solved. Ta-da." Yet another theme that continues into seasons 3 and 4 as Damon is quite literally the problem. That's why Elena dies with Damon's blood in her system. It's her way of quitting and moving on. Living true to herself is the only way to truly live. Otherwise she's just existing. Like Damon, merely existing for 145 years while waiting to rescue Katherine from the tomb, Elena is merely existing while denying she fell in love with Damon. She has to drown to solve that problem. 4x1 has their largest number of "problem" dialogues because Elena fell in love with Damon.
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This is Damon's parallel to Anna in 1x14. He knows she's being honest, and he responds as he does because she's being honest. She actually cares about his feelings, his loss. This is something he's not used to. In this moment, she makes him feel human. Even though he views Elena as friendship material, he's not ready for a friendship with her. Not yet anyway. He's still busy playing with Stefan. While Damon speaks with Elena, Stefan speaks with Caroline. This is all based on how 1x2 ended. "That's a really nice scarf." Stefan knows exactly why she can't take it off, but he's acting dumb about it, so I consider this a lie by omission. I view compulsions a certain way due to wording and loopholes. Klaus' compulsion on Stefan in 3x5 is all-inclusive. No matter what Klaus tells him to do, Stefan has to do it. Katherine's compulsion on Stefan is strictly relationship-based. They're to continue as they have been, but that doesn't mean they won't break up eventually. Katherine would have to compel Stefan again to get him to feed on her for the sake of making him a vampire. It's made clear that Damon compelled Caroline to keep wearing the scarf, to not take it off. That's why she has no idea why she can't take it off. However, he needs to continue compelling her to do other things, like helping Elena in the kitchen. His compulsion isn't all-inclusive like Klaus'. If fans don't see the lie-compulsion parallel yet, I'll just make it clear right here and now. Caroline's scarf is a parallel to Stefan's vervain necklace. "I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me, for good luck." This scene pushes into 4x16 as Elena feeds on a cheerleader just like Damon, then hands the cheerleader a scarf just like Damon. "Because that is what is normal to me." Damon speaks true to his existence. He's a vampire. He's simply acting as if his switch is off, as if he doesn't feel. It's because Stefan lives as a human that people aren't there for his amusement, but this exchange is yet another that works as a double for both brothers. Humans are there for Stefan's amusement, for him to feed on when he acts ripper... and Damon will try to stop him when he acts human.
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This is the first time Damon speaks true of himself. "Come on. Your brother isn't as bad as you make him out to be..." A truth he wants her to know despite his attempt to kiss her and put himself in her bed. It's also his ability to compel a dream that he knows Elena is wearing vervain rather than consuming it. The reason they show her grabbing the empty water glass when she wakes. Elena lets go of her cheerleader uniform, but understand there's a difference in letting go of the uniform and letting go of the girl. That's why she dies in season 3. Stefan writes in his journal. "There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother. Somewhere. I keep hoping. But how do I make him see it? And how do I protect her?" This is where Stelena fans have it wrong when it comes to the necklace. The necklace itself is for Damon, the vervain in the necklace is for Elena. Stefan is killing two birds with one stone. The "vervain necklace" is a Delena thing, period. The contents of the necklace is for Elena. "And how do I protect her?" The necklace itself is for Damon. "But how do I make him see it?" If Stefan cared about anyone other than Elena, he would've fed the vervain to Caroline and threw Damon in the cellar in this episode. The necklace itself is a long-game concept. That's why Caroline questions Elena after Stefan gives it to her. He's opting to protect one girl with the vervain, and protecting all girls with the necklace as it's meant to show Damon his humanity.
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"No, it's, uh… it's an herb. It's nice, huh?" This is a lie by omission. Stefan has been living on and off as a human since he became a vampire. He's had the necklace since the 20s. "It's something that I've had forever, and uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now." Another lie by omission, but not the point I'm driving here. He's been on the market so to speak since 1935, that's according to his own journals. He's had every chance for relationships with other women, both human and vampire, yet this is the first time he felt the desire to be with someone and she happens to be a human Petrova doppelganger. Apparently, no other human will do for him. She has to look like Katherine. Certainly not a coincidence that Katherine was there when he found the necklace, now he's giving it to Elena while stating he's had it forever. I view this as I view the photo of Katherine in his journal.
Elena: We're a pair. I quit, you start. Stefan: Right. We're a work in progress. 
I not only take offense to this while respecting the hell out of Damon's parallel dialogue in 2x4. "I'm a work in progress." I love it at the same time. I take offense because Stelena is as much a "work in progress" as any other human life Stefan has lived. This is something he's actually quite used to because he's lived one human life after another. I love it because true to the reality of life, they make it clear that they're a work in progress, but they're on separate paths. One is quitting while the other is starting. A sure fire sign that she'll end up with Damon as he talked her into quitting. Not the only thing Stefan isn't clued in on. He still has no idea that Damon and Elena met first, nor does he know that Katherine is still alive. To be honest, I consider Stefan draping Elena's neck with vervain a way of marking his territory. He might as well be a dog marking a tree. "Is that pee that I smell?" Caroline has no idea, she's just as blind as Stefan. "And you're not in uniform because..." That's why it's Stefan and Caroline in 4x16. Why Elena tells Caroline to take Stefan for a spin. Damon sees Elena as he sees himself. She's not that girl anymore. Just as he died when he died, she died when her parents did. Again, Stefan hating his vampirism, but reaping the benefits. "We've got some great new talent tonight starting on the offense, and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these. Let's give it up for Stefan Salvatore!" imo, Elena wouldn't have looked at Stefan twice if not for his vampirism because he'd have nothing to impress her with but his looks. He'd be an average high school human like Matt. I'm certain that's why Tyler is so bothered by it. "This blows. He can't start, the guy just got here." He's so bothered by it that he starts a fight with Jeremy, which in turn, reveals more of the very reason Stefan is starting. He's a vampire.
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"Yeah, you smell fine." Elena with Jeremy is hilarious because she can smell booze and she can smell vervain, but she has no idea what vervain is. "Is that rose that I smell?" Another lie by omission for Stefan. "No, no, no, it's fine. He missed. It's not my blood. See? I'm fine." Again, fan's choice. Is it worse to compel someone or to make them question their own sanity? To make them not believe what they're actually seeing? Every reason why Damon closed the door behind Elena in 1x2. "The door was... open." Elena turns to Bonnie and questions her, and this scene between them is written opposite their shared scene at the open. "When I touched Stefan, it was a feeling. And it vibrated through me, and it was cold, and it… It was death. It's what I imagine death to be like." Elena doesn't know how to take this. Damon catches up to Elena and talks to her about Caroline. "I'm hiding from Caroline. I needed a break. She talks more than I can listen. Well, she's awfully young. I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture. I think she'd drive me crazy." I view these four comments as one because it's my opinion that he's not referring to her age, but her maturity. She acts too young for him.
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"I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. That's not my intention." Damon is being honest, actually. It's his intention to make Stefan uncomfortable while trying to give Elena their truth. Still, I think he enjoys her intelligence as much as I do. She's not completely incapable of picking up on certain things, like his alternate meanings. I've analyzed this scene for someone before. Damon truly believes he's compelling Elena. Not only because he was able to compel her a dream the night before, but because her shock is selling it. Her shock that he's actually trying to kiss her is coming off like she's being compelled. That's the only way I can explain it. The closer his lips get to hers, the more it's gonna hurt when she slaps him. Trust me, he feels the sting lol. I know some of my followers may not know this, but I love it when Bonnie and Elena use violence to ground Damon. While "good" Stefan marks Elena like a dog pissing on a tree with his vervain, Elena smacks Damon because he's being a "bad" dog when they're supposed to be man's best friend lol. I view it the same way I view Rebekah smacking Caroline when she's cutting herself because of Silas. Damon has to be reminded that he still has his humanity even though he's a vampire. What I'd expect for the brother that's been living as a vampire for 145 years. Violence isn't good, but it works for someone like Damon, and it's not like he can't take it. I consider the sting he feels punishment enough for trying to compel her. Yet another instance where Elena doesn't tell Stefan. It's Damon who tells him. "I bet you even dreamed about me." Every bit what I meant about Damon's compulsion coming in two parts. He was using her compelled dream as a prelude to his kiss. "And I don't know what happened in the past, but let's get one thing straight... I am not Katherine." Poor girl has no idea that she very much should know what happened in the past. The point of Damon name-dropping Katherine. They became vampires.
Damon: Where'd you get it? Stefan: Does it matter?
Stefan knows damn well that it matters and why because he knows Damon is the reason vervain hasn't grown in Mystic Falls since 1864. He's simply referring to things in the opposite. Meaning, Zach is gonna pay rather than Elena because it was used to catch Katherine, not protect her. This is why I fault Stefan for Zach's death. He clearly didn't care even though he knew. "Guess I could just seduce her the old-fashioned way." Any fan knowing the truth about vervain would know the truth Damon spits while making this comment. He doesn't need to seduce her the old- fashioned way. He could've kissed her if he wanted to simply by ripping the vervain off her neck. It only burns them when they touch it directly, and the vervain is inside the necklace. That's why Elijah rips it off her neck, tosses it on the floor, then compels her for information in season 2. Coach Tanner is what an impulsive "crime of passion" looks like because it's fueled by emotion. You can see the emotional shift in Damon as Stefan talks to him.
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This is the reason Damon kills Coach Tanner. "Katherine is dead. And you hate me because you loved her, and you torture me because you still do." Stefan has no idea that Damon tortures him because Katherine is still alive. If she were dead, Damon would've moved past it by now. He wouldn't still be torturing Stefan. "You're still haunting me. After 145 years." It's an eye for an eye as he believes Katherine has been desiccating in a tomb for 145 years. He can't let Stefan be happy when he's not happy, when at the same time, he blames Stefan for Katherine being caught in the first place. Stefan has no idea that he doomed Damon to more than two lifetimes of misery when he forced him to become a vampire because not only did his love for Katherine become magnified as a vampire, but he was forced to live in a world where he believed she was to desiccate in a tomb until the next comet. Just in believing that she's actually dead, Stefan should've known better than to pull her into their convo. "If that's my humanity... then what's this?" Damon's reply is intentional. It's his vampirism, and Stefan is the reason he's a vampire. "No! I want you to remember who you are!" He shifted from Stefan's vampirism in 1x2 to his own vampirism in this episode. Matt is still so blinded by Stefan that he's defending him against Tyler. "What's beating up the new guy going to prove?" It's gonna prove he's a vampire since vampires heal quickly lol. Matt then finds Coach Tanner's body. Damon left him there to be found because he's not the one pretending to be human, Stefan is. Stefan left him there to be found, and likely because he didn't wanna get caught moving his body.
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"It wasn't just for the drugs." I love this scene between Jeremy and Vicki based on their love triangle parallels. I'm referring to their track, Chemical by Kerli. Damon and Elena are themed in the unbreakable. They're what "Til death do us part" truly means. That's why the necklace becomes Damon's before they prove it unbreakable. Why they have multiple tracks speaking to how they're unbreakable. Because Elena doesn't know how to take Bonnie's comment and Damon just killed Coach Tanner, she starts to combine clues while Stefan continues to lie to her.
Elena: What kind of animal could be doing all this? Why would it come out of the woods and attack someone in the middle of town? Stefan: I don't know. I don't know. Elena: I was so sure that you cut your hand. I saw it.
I laugh at Elena's question because I live in a town smaller than Mystic Falls, so I get it. Our wild animals don't leave the woods and head for the school lol. "I thought there was hope that somewhere deep inside, something in Damon was still human, normal. But I was wrong. There's nothing human left in Damon. No good. No kindness. No love. Only a monster Who must be stopped." It's because Stefan has his journal entries backwards... because he has a relationship with Damon separate from Elena's relationship with him that he makes a huge mistake by locking up Damon in an attempt to desiccate him. He has no idea that he already affected his brother.
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This was the moment I saw their direction for Damon's character. He's connecting to his humanity, and Stefan has no idea. Fans must understand that this is a necklace scene for Damon, and he very well knows the purpose for the necklace. "No. You're not gonna hurt her, Damon. Because deep down inside, there is a part of you that feels for her." It's about his humanity, period. That's why he's gone when Elena wakes up to turn her light off. "You found it during your darkest time." And the voice of Damon's humanity is created.
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lgwifey · 2 years
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noel gallagher x platonic!fem!reader
Summary : A bit of y/n being dragged out by Liam.
A/n : it's so short, but i've got no ideas, i'm ill and it's 1:08 am <33
"I'm going to get murdered if my mum finds out. I'll be plain, cold dead Noel !"
The older boy just rolled his eyes and threw a dress at her. Y/n gave him a confused look, wondering where the twenty year old man got the teenage girl's clothing from.
"It's off one of Liam's friend's sisters. You'll probably meet her tonight, she's the only one with a braincell in that entire group."
Y/n just gave a nod before waving Noel to leave the room so she could get changed. Once he had left, she unzipped her bag which had been thrown onto Liam's bed. The duffle which was usually stocked with hockey or netball outfits and supplies had been refilled with a pair of new, navy gazelles, a can of dedrant, a makeup bag and a hairbrush. She quickly fixed her face, deciding lash minute to drag some messy eyeliner and silver chunky glitter around her eyes. The hairbrush was dragged through her damp hair, the locks being even more tangled from the gorgeous Manchester weather.
After about half an hour, y/n ran out of the bedroom and the the bathroom across the hall to de-sweat herself and spray a ton of deodrant. She swore she was going through a can a week with her mother's sports layout.
Checking outside the door, y/n found the hallway to be cleared of any Gallagher boys and therefore quickly rushed back into Noel and Liam's bedroom to carry on getting ready for what had been refered to as "her only chance to get an actual life" by Liam. She bedroom door was accidentally slammed such, causing her to cringe as she swapped the sports bra for a black push up bra. Simple but cute in her mind. The short black dress borrowed from one of Liam's friends was then pulled ontop and her adidas where slipped on, white ruffled socks poking out ontop.
She'd been left for just over fourty minutes before she returned to the livingroom where she found Liam slouched on a couch watching some old football game, y/n assumed that the light blue little men running around where Man City.
"Bonjour William."
"Alright Chips."
Her cheeks flamed up pink at the greeting. Noel wasn't supposed to tell anyone that story, especially not his half decent looking younger brother !
"Urm, so when do we need to leave ?"
"Oh not for ages, not got a clue why r' kid got you to get ready so early. Then again, i suppose most birds take ages."
He drew out the 'a' in ages, making the slightly younger girl giggle.
"You've got like, another three hours Chips, oh and pre drinks are in the kitchen. "
Y/n just gave a nod before pushing herself off from leaning against the doorframe and exiting to the kitchen, where she assumed Noel was becoming friendly with a bottle of somekind.
After leaving the Gallagher's house, y/n found herself being dragged around by Liam. Most if the time he had his hand wrapped round her's, and when it wasn't, he had a grip on the back of her dark grey denim jacket.
Before meeting his friends on the corner, she'd had a speech of 'i have to make sure your safe or r' kid'll kill me, so if anyone tried to give you any trouble just tell 'em that your with me, yeah. Oh and try not to talk to proper like.'
She just gave a haste nod and followed everything he did. Not only had she never really been to a house party, she hadn't really talked with people who she wasn't related to or who weren't in her class.
As they walked up to a small group of teenagers who looked the same age as her, maybe a bit older, Liam moved his position from holding her hand to throwing his arm over her shoulders.
"Aight fellas, this is y/n. Chips these are the biggest bunch of wankers you'll ever meet."
Liam had a grin plastered on his lips, causing her to smile and as the group introduced themselfs individually, she found herself becoming alot more calm than she was before.
They all simutainiously started heading down the street, not a word spoken, they just started walking. She followed Liam still, arm now around her waist, slightly under her jacket.
"Bet this is much better than that hockey team right."
She just gave a nod.
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skyler10fic · 1 year
Wonder: Ch. 2 - By Night
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Summary: This magic AU ends with Daisy and Carol making their relationship official at a bonfire party under the full moons, followed by an intimate moon festival tradition. ;)
Ch. 1 rated G, this chapter rated M for sexy times
Read on Ao3
In the forest clearing known as The Feast, young adults gathered to celebrate the full moons. Legend had it that when both moons shone in whole, any number of new possibilities were born. Bonfires crackled, providing light and warmth against the chill of the night. Mead and ciders flowed from barrels on the tavern cart, and music enchanted all to put aside their worries and inhibitions. Beautiful witches danced in colorful but sheer dresses, revealing a tantalizing amount of skin and flowers in their hair. Daisy’s was braided with her namesake woven in, and as she approached the party, she shed her black silk cloak to reveal a deep purple flowing skirt and midriff-baring top she’d designed herself, of crossing fabric holding her breasts in place while she moved. She scanned the crowd for Carol but didn’t see her, which wasn’t entirely surprising given Carol’s last flight would have only landed just before sunset. 
Daisy refused several offers to dance from all genders and orders, but she anxiously kept watch for Carol as the small talk persisted anyway. One, a friend of Fitz’s named “Deke,” even went so far as to put his arm around her in a drunken sign of affection. 
“It’s mind-blowing. Boom! We’re all just part of this big world, you know?” he slurred. “You and me and the stars up there.” He sloshed his drink as he gestured to the sky. 
With him blocking her view, and their friends gathered around them laughing at Deke’s drunkeness, Daisy couldn’t see Carol arrive. After a bit of this, she growled under her breath in frustration but tried to stay polite in front of everyone to avoid trouble. “Actually, my girlfriend is coming soon, so I better get her a drink.” 
Daisy shrugged off Deke’s arm just as Carol broke into their circle. Daisy was so happy to see her, she practically launched herself into a hug. Carol, in turn, glowed with happiness at the sudden full-body contact and Daisy’s enthusiasm. Just as quickly, Daisy led Carol off by the hand to the tavern cart. 
“Girlfriend, hm?” Carol asked as soon as they were out of earshot. 
“Sorry, I know we aren’t actually courting, but he was just so frustrating and I am really, really happy you’re here,” Daisy rushed out, panting and smiling at her own obvious lovesickness. 
“No, no, girlfriend is good.” Carol pulled Daisy out of the drink line and off to the side where the dark edge of the forest met the light of the party, then wrapped her arms around Daisy’s waist and stroked the bare skin on her back. “Lady Daisy of the House of Shield, may I initiate this courtship with a dance?” 
“I’d be honored, Captain of Mar-Vell,” Daisy teased back in equal formality.  
Their first dance was a bawdy jig, but the musicians eventually slowed into a romantic ballad that put Carol’s lips close to Daisy’s ear. 
“You know,” Carol said softly, “I was afraid for a second when I saw you with that warlock’s arm around you that I’d gotten it wrong about us. But then you saw me…” 
“Yeah?” Daisy pulled back and hummed in happiness. “Figured it out by the attack hug?” 
“No, just before that. Your whole face changed. It was like you were glowing too. But not literally like I do, you know what I mean.” 
Daisy laughed gently. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
“Good to know I’m not the only obvious one of us,” Carol laughed in return. 
Daisy leaned in, hypnotized by the combination of Carol’s touch, the music, the firelight, the crowd, the moons… “I think this should be obvious enough for everyone to see.” 
She laid a hand on Carol’s cheek and drew her in for a searing first kiss. Carol melted into her and they stopped swaying to the music altogether, lost in their own personal fairytale. When they parted, they were brought back to earth by the clapping of their friend group, including a sheepish Deke who had been put in his place and magically sobered up by Jemma.     
The dances returned to full party mode and all exhausted themselves trying to keep up with the tunes of the fiddles and flutes. The Feast’s main event, its namesake meal, was served at midnight, and soon after, couples and small groups began wandering off down a moons-lit trail to the ruins of an abandoned castle and stonehouse village nearby. 
During the next slow romantic dance, Carol asked Daisy to go “on a walk,” and Daisy’s heart raced, knowing what she meant and where they were going. It was hard to calm down, hearing muffled noises of pleasure as they walked along, shadows of motion from behind trees or around corners hinting at the source.  
They found a small house off the main path that still had a door for privacy. Daisy cast a locking spell and a soundproofing spell while Carol started a fire in the fireplace. When they were done, they turned back to each other, nervous and unsure of how to get started. 
“Um, so,” Carol began, “your mom came to see me at work today?” 
Not exactly the erotic opening line Daisy had been expecting. 
“Oh no,” Daisy sighed. She took Carol’s hands. “I am so sorry, whatever she said to you.” 
Carol shrugged. “I’m not worried.” 
Daisy’s expression told her perhaps this was an error of judgment. 
“Okay,” Carol clarified. “I mean, she is intimidating, yes, but she said she wasn’t going to try to keep us apart and she knew you would just court me anyway, so instead she threatened me if I harmed you. But I could never do that, so I’m not worried.” 
“Yeah?” Daisy searched Carol’s eyes for any regret or hesitation at getting mixed up in her intense family. “And just so I’m prepared, am I going to be getting a similar visit from Mother Mar-Vell?” 
Carol laughed. “No, no, she’s all on board. She thinks after a while, when we’re a boring old couple, we’ll stop being so obsessed with each other and everything will be back to normal, go to work, come home, report to the order, just ordinary life.”
Daisy worried her lip. “You know I don’t have an ordinary life, right? My House is always moving. We come back here, yeah, but I won’t always be home at the end of every day. That’s not what I do.” 
Carol shrugged. “I’m a pilot. Maybe we travel together, with you selling your wares and me flying it to places your parents wouldn’t have reached with the eagles flying slower and closer to the ground. Maybe we coordinate our travel schedules so we’re in town on the same days and apart for a few days. We’ll figure it out. This is only the first night of the rest of our lives.” 
“But the last night we’ll have together for two weeks,” Daisy reminded her. The eagles flew her House caravan away at midday tomorrow. 
“Then let’s make the most of it,” Carol teased, running her hand under the fabric of Daisy’s top. Their hands fumbled as they kissed, loosening their garments but too unpracticed to get them off while so distracted. 
Carol backed Daisy against the smooth, worn stone wall of the house and her hand found its way under the loosened fabric to palm Daisy’s bare breast. Daisy bucked her hips in return and moved her thigh between Carol’s. Their lips gave way to tongues and moans and desperate mewls as they grinded against each other, hands under tops and in hair and pulling hips closer. Carol tugged Daisy’s skirt up for better access while continuing to grind against Daisy’s thigh, and Daisy cried out at Carol’s hot but gentle touch. Daisy began trembling, starting to lose control. 
Carol kissed her and whispered, “Doing okay?” 
“Yes, yes, please don’t stop,” Daisy begged. 
“Okay, just making sure.” Carol increased the speed and pressure of her strokes, watching Daisy carefully. 
“I’m good. Notice how it’s just me shaking, not the walls?” Daisy panted and glanced down to Carol’s trousers. “Take those off. You’ll like it, I promise.” 
Carol did as instructed but immediately returned to their rhythm of grinding and fingering. Without the extra layer of fabric, she understood what Daisy meant about her vibrations. The wonder and pleasure on Carol’s face told Daisy all she needed to know. 
Carol moved her fingers faster with one hand while gripping Daisy’s hip with the other. Daisy felt like she was going to explode, building up to an ecstasy like she’d never experienced with a partner. 
“Fuck, yes, UnHhhh!” Daisy’s orgasm crested and washed over her, making her whole body shake more intensely, overwhelmed by pleasure. Carol only needed a second longer and grinded herself against Daisy’s thigh with a cry of release in kind. They touched and stroked and devoured each other with kisses until they were nearly too tired to stand. 
“Mmm,” Daisy giggled, love drunk, “I know what can help.” 
“New legs?” Carol joked and moved to lean against the wall next to Daisy in exhaustion. 
“This.” Daisy pulled a wand out of the magically enhanced pocket of her skirt. “Wanda made a Washer Wand that’s for skin. She called it ‘cleanup on the go.’ I’m pretty sure she meant to use it for babies, but it works just as well for adult activities.” 
Carol laughed, and Daisy freshened them up so they could redress, look innocent enough to rejoin the party, and eventually make it home without raising suspicion of what they had actually been up to at the Feast. 
Daisy looked up at the moons and squeezed Carol’s hand as they wandered back down the path to the party. “The first night of the rest of our lives, huh? Seems like this life is going to be a pretty amazing one.” 
“A life with you? Of course it’s going to be wonderful.” Carol stopped to kiss her sweetly before they rejoined their friends and the Feast, just in time for dessert.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 33
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Sixth House icon) In which Harrow finds some unexpected friends.
In the fourth hour, Harrow feels like she's being followed. She sets an ambush for her predator, but it's no predator. It's Camilla Hect.(1) Harrow isn't sure how, as she saw Camilla's body.(2) Harrow feels a trickle from her ear, and she touches it to find "blood so dark that it was almost purple".
Still, Harrow remembers one of her more impossible seeming letters read "If met, give to Camilla Hect." So she extracts it, gives it to her construct, and has the skeleton walk over to hand it to Camilla. Harrow asks if she can know the contents, and Camilla reads off that Harrow promises to help her, if she can, for services previously rendered by the Sixth House. Harrow can hardly believe it, and tries to grab Cam with the construct.
It had been a long time since you had been around those who were not Lyctors. You grasped for her, thoughtlessly, with your construct; you were astonished by the speed with which Hect drew those big, balanced knives from each shoulder, and hurled herself at your skeleton like a stone from a sling. [...] You said, "Cease," but she levered one knife into the base of the spine, severed it, pulled the spine back toward her with a twang--and you heard your voice rise to say: "I need to know you are real!" [...] Camilla Hect sheathed her knives with as much speed and fury as she had unsheathed them, and she said: "No sudden moves." "I am Harrowhark Nonagesimus," you said. "I am the ninth saint to serve the King Undying. I am his fingerbone; I am his fists and festures ... I am a Lyctor, Hect. What hope would you have against me?" "None," said Camilla. And then she added calmly: "Yet."(3)
Harrow asks why Cam is here, when Harrow examined her body personally. Cam ignores the question and examines Harrow's ears and nose, and congratulates her on the impressive "intercranial haemorrhage",(4) which would kill most non-Lyctors.
Camilla came to find Harrow. She gives Harrow a bit of human skull, belonging to Palamedes, and says that he's still in it, but she wants Harrow's confirmation anyway. Harrow can feel thanergy, for sure. Camilla says Pal is a revenant, he fixed his spirit to a particular spot on his skull, and she needs to be sure she's got the right fragment out of all the pieces he was blown into, because the Cohort took the rest away.(5)
Harrow tries, out of curiosity about the kind of man who would do such a thing. She takes the skull piece, and she sits down and enters the River, just partially, to locate him.
You prepared for the ice, and the initial panic of ghosts exploding outward from your body, that safe predatory entry of your brain--the cloudy water, foggy with old blood-- --and you were standing in a room. Your wet robes were dripping onto a scrubbed wooden floor.
Harrow's eyes wander around the room, taking in its small but cozy and lived-in vibe. She even sees a book, The Necromancer's Marriage Season. A voice explains that it's about a Third house adept, Abella Trine,(6) who's "considered a poor prospect on the marriage market". Harrow turns around and sees a man, taller than herself, very thin, playing with his glasses. He keeps talking about the plot of the book, until he puts the glasses back on and says, "Long time no see, Reverend Daughter."
Then he did a very terrible thing. He stepped forward, and he pulled you into a wild embrace--the hold of a man drowning in deep water who cannot help but drag his rescuer down to the bottom with him. He dug his fingers into you in a way you were a little familiar with: tight against the chance that the person in front of you might be a cloud, or a mirage. He lifted you off the ground in his impatient, overfamiliar eagerness, and then he set you down again and saw your face. "Excuse me," you said, with sodden asperity. "Oh. Apologies," said Palamedes Sextus. "Misread the moment. Let's call it cabin fever. Nonagesimus, is Camilla--"(7) "She sent me," you said, wringing out your wet hem.
He thanks God for Cam, and says Harrow's a sight for sore eyes. Harrow first looks for the letters, though they're back on her physical body and besides which there was never one for Pal.
Then she asks incredulously about this projection inside the River. He says it's only really on the bank of the River, if anything, and explains how he anchored a bubble in the River to himself to his body, as he died. Harrow points out that he's defied every law of the River's physics, loose as they are. Pal is more concerned with how many papers he can write about the work he's done.(8)
They discuss the room, the place of Pal's death, and Harrow sticks her head out the door to see how much of the surroundings he was able to retain. He admits he's drafting a sequel to the novel on a piece of wallpaper.
The discussion turns to how impossible it is for a human soul, even a revenant, to live this way for long. Pal asks how long, and Harrow says eight months. Pal asks why it took so long, she should've been here in a week, and Harrow says Camilla only brought her the skull now. Pal says Cam should never have left Harrow's side, and Harrow gives her full name and rank and asks what the hell right he or Camilla has to pretend to know her.(9)
It is in this moment that Pal realizes Harrow became a Lyctor. She confirms it. He asks her to confirm that she did it "correctly", that she figured out what he was on the edge of. Harrow says that her cavalier fuels it.
Before he can do more than come close to cussing about how much God takes and takes, something shifts in the space. They look out the window, and see a figure in an orange hazard suit, with a huge gun.
Sextus was saying, "The hell is--" You said, and your voice sounded strange to yourself, as though you had heard the word only in dreams and never articulated by waking tongues:(10) "The Sleeper."
Pal says Harrow's brought something with her, and it's changing the theorem that's keeping him alive and sane. He needs her to go in hopes that what she brought will follow her out. He confirms with her that Cam has the right piece of skull, that he can focus on it, especially if Harrow can change it into something that articulates. Then he tells Harrow to get out the door.
As they struggle to hold it open, he suddenly looks awestruck, and Harrow doesn't understand the sharp smile that takes over his face. He kisses Harrow's brow and tells her to GO!
Harrow obeys, finally. She gets a little lost in the corridor, which then isn't a corridor at all.
But you were always too quick to mourn your own ignorance. You never could have guessed that he had seen me.(11)
(1) RETURN OF THE QUEEN! (2) Probably in reference to the revised version in the slashed icon chapters. (3) Ohoho, what has our Cam planned now? (4) Intercranial - inside the skull. Hemorrhage - bleeding. And now we have words for what happens to Harrow whenever she's reminded that something is missing in her life and her memories. (5) So, we know what Cam was off doing when she disappeared from Gideon and Harrow's story. (6) Recall from the bonus content of the Gideon paperback, Abella was an alternate name for Ianthe. Love that she managed to squeeze it in here anyway. (7) So sweet that his first act is unthinking gratitude to Harrow for finding him, and his first thought is of Camilla. (8) Ever an academic, wouldn't have it any other way. (9) Harrow doesn't remember any of the real details, it seems she only remembers what has happened inside the slashed icon chapters we've seen. Which does seem like a plausible explanation of the events at Canaan House… ish. Except for the part where she's not pursuing the Lyctorhood at all over there. (10) Admittedly, all the slashed icon chapters HAVE occurred during periods where Harrow was sleeping. Every single one started when she passed out or was laying in bed. (11) And just who would be hanging on to Harrow so tightly, and wanting to narrate this series of events? Who would know that much about sword care and how Harrow was doing it so carelessly, and care so much about why and how Harrow was doing it wrong? Who, fitting those criteria, would Pal be even happier to see, to know that Harrow wasn't telling the full truth even if she thought she was? Who's been telling Harrow's story for and to her, all along? The Eurydice to our Orpheus who physically cannot turn around, for better or worse.
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skiplo-wave · 2 years
I laugh every time I hear people wanting and stressing over getting into a sorority because "they have the best parties and housing".... People have this unrealistic idea due to movies and shows of what sorority life really is like. Although there are a few sorority places that are like that stereotypical but that's because of poor leadership.
I lived in a sorority house. Right before my senior year I sent out a early college application and I got accepted. So I was flying high the start of my senior year and I got to visit the college campus where I met sorority sisters that I am still friends with today. They all was two years older then me. You really don't have to be invited to sorority houses but it's best if they already like you before trying to apply a membership. After senior year was over and college was about to start, I sent in my membership for joining the sorority. It was definitely not my cup of tea but I thought, hey, let's just see where this adventure takes me. I would compare living in a sorority to almost like being a boot camp. They almost always accept you but those who don't official join usually are the ones that cannot follow the house rules. You do go through a hazing but it's not like it is in the shows and movies. It's basically a trial run of what you are expected if you are officially a member. And once your officially a member which takes about 3 months, at least at the sorority that I was at, you lived there for free.
The rules at my sorority was: #1: You had house chores like you do at home like dishes, sweeping and mopping floors etc etc. #2: No drinking what so ever even if you was 21. Alcohol was not allowed in the house. Even at special events, legal drinking 21+ adults could not drink. Cigarettes and weed was not allowed. You had 24 hr babysitters. No parties. #3: No boyfriends. No girlfriends. No partners at all. No friends outside the sorority was allowed in the house. #4: You had to learn etiquette skills. #5: Social media etiquette was very important. You had to give them your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now I am sure apps like TikTok so they can keep a sharp eye on you. #6: No inappropriate online photos and arrest records was an absolute big no. #7: You was expected to be at every Wednesday, Friday & Sunday sorority meeting. Every Friday you was greeted home by claps and cheers which was kinda encouraging. And at these sorority meetings, you was never allowed to wear sweat pants, pajama bottoms. #8: There really was not a huge dress code. You could wear shorts and skirts cut at a short length, but you had to make sure you booty wasn't hanging out to much. It was okay to wear mid drift shirts but just be sure your belly button did not show, they had a weird thing about that. And try not to show to much cleavage. #9: If you leave the house, you have to tell them where you are going. #10: NEVER go out after dark by yourself.
Now the benefits of sorority and what drew me to it was because I went a college where, while it was good, there was and still is a lot of reports of campus robberies, fights and rape. But the sorority houses are a lot safer because they have better cameras and alarm systems. Of course, they have outside security that walks around the buildings and trails. For the first 3 months, you live in a huge room of cots and other girls until later you get assigned to a room either by yourself or a roommate once you are officially joined and pledge your allegiance to the sorority. And being watched 24 hours a day basically, seems like crazy and obsessive but they are holding you accountable to the house rules and what is expected of you as a sister. But at the same time, it gave me that sense of safety and comfort like at home. You watch out for each other. Hell, they made sure you studied like mom & dad making sure you are doing your homework lol. When you was sick, a house mother was called that took care of you and we had this thing called code red when you was on your period. A house mother was called to make sure you was okay for the first three days, especially if you had heavy periods. And one of the weird things about it is that you had to tell the sorority when you started your period. I think partially it was because that's when they knew to call the house mother and you was relieved of certain household chores you didn't have to do, so that was a plus.
And also at our sorority, we had cats! There was eight cats when I was there that literally ruled the house lol. They was therapy animals that was adopted from some shelter. And that was part of the rules too, like if you are allergic to cats or did not like cats you could not join.
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( just me reacting how long it is)
My parents wanted me join a sorority but nah. I’m not people person like that and also hazing no thanks
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