#i drew this with the intention to color it in but i think I'll leave it like this
balaclava-marks · 2 years
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seb in 0.3 micron pen
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soothsayerditty · 5 days
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wasn't supossed to be a post but i really like those! therefore huzzah! lambs based on fleeces be upon ye
i was gonna ramble about their desings but i ended up wrtiting short descriptions instead. read below if you dare!
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it is said that lord of fates' words are fate itself, unable to be changed.
they always have hounds of fate floating around them, even though they are skilled with a dagger. you never truly know what the future has in store for you,,,
their wool seems to always have red stains. their followers theorized that twas' their own blood.
but ichor isn't red.
(they were supossed to be more based on the jacob sheep but i only ended up using their horns for inspiration :P)
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leader of blue hearts is a lover! not a fighter. at least with their followers. they seem to favour the rite of lust.
ever since the bishops' death, they mostly spend their time throwing rituals at every available moment,,,what a kind leader!
but whenever they think they're alone,,, they seem to mutter strange words to themselves,,, purgatory , god tears , some strange sellers?
i guess i'll have to ask them later about it, i'm about to go on a mission!
(blue used to be the color associated with lust! it works. also they're based on the lincoln sheep. they;re cute.)
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diseased beast is a simple creature. openly displaying their intentions with their looks alone.
they're known as the local hunter. dropping acid on their enemies when they're not looking,,,
some consider it a cheap and an off-putting method. but they're not around long enough to spread their word.
sometimes the sound of silence is payment enough,,,
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seems like golden greed's fleece merged with their body. i don't think that's supossed to happen,,,
they tend to have their gauntlets on most of the time. always ready to strike anyone down!
afterall, everyone is just waiting to get the drop on them,,,right?
you can't trust anyone! these followers,,,those vendors,,,
even that damned seller! anyone,,,
(the gauntlets were supossed to be the godly kind, but there was too much yellow. so much yellow.)
(they were also supossed to have more jewelry on them buuuut i drew these in 1000x1000 squares and it would look like a mess from afar.)
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ah? it seems like a critter of curses is near.
they wield their cleansing fire and flaming shots with careful grace.
but the moment you let your guard down, is the moment you burn!
their fleece is made of any leaves they find on their crusades.
they're not much interested in running their cult. but they do come around to share their spoils and talk about anything that might've crossed their path.
even if that happens to be things that shan't be discussed with mortal minds,,,
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xxoxobree · 1 year
Me or Her ?
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Lo’ak x Fem!Metkayina!reader ft Tsireya
Warnings- Angst I think ? Jealousy, Beytayal, Fluff ,Suggestive but no smut (and for that reason characters are aged up.)
Word Count- 2.3k
Summary- Lo’ak catches your eyes but his eyes are on someone else.
Tsireya and I sat on the sandy beach, enjoying the sound of waves hitting the shore. We were discussing our upcoming healer lessons with her mother when suddenly, a shell blew, and shadows cast over us.
I looked at Tsireya, confused. "Who do you think it could be?" I asked.
She shrugged, grabbing my hand pulling me along behind her as we ran towards the source of the noise.
We were met with a huge crowd. The only thing I could see through the crowd were Ikrans. I looked at Tsireya shocked that the creatures were on our shores.
"Visitors?" I said.
She grabbed my hand tighter and weaved us through the crowd stopping behind her father.
Ikrans are tamed forest people right?,I thought to myself still looking at the Ikrans.
As we drew closer, I could see that the visitors were definitely not from around our village. They were darker in color , a beautiful deep blue I wasn't used to. It was said that people from far-off lands used to come to our shores, but not in recent memory. I felt a shiver of excitement run through me as we drew near.
Tsireya's father, who was the village Olo'eytan, stepped forward to greet the visitors. They spoke in hushed tones for a few minutes before her father beckoned us over. Tsireya and I approached shyly, not sure what to expect.
As we came closer, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on one of the visitors. His hair was braided on one side and shaved on the other, a style that seemed to suit him perfectly. But what really caught my attention were his golden irises, glistening in the sunlight like precious gems.
As I stared at him, entranced by his unusual beauty, I noticed that he was staring at someone else.
It was Tsireya, my best friend since childhood. She had always been a natural beauty, with her long curly hair and captivating smile, but today she looked especially radiant, her hair flowing in the wind. I felt a twinge of jealousy , but shook it off she's my best friend.
"Toruk Makto, and his family will stay with us," Tonowari said. "My son, Ao'nung, and my daughter, Tsireya, will teach your children."
While Ao'nung protested, Tsireya eagerly ran up dragging me along ,to the family and grabbed their hands. "Come on, I'll show you your new home!" she exclaimed. Toruk Makto and his wife exchanged a grateful glance before following Tsireya.
I followed along behind the family keeping my eyes on the boy, watching every moment his tail flicked and the way his braids bounced with every step. It was a feeling I had never felt before, an irresistible urge to observe him.
As we approached the empty Mauri, a sudden gust of wind picked up the leaves around us, swirling them in a frenzy. I set down the items I carried and felt a gentle brush against my hand. When I looked up, it was him.
My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met. "Thank you," he said, giving me a small smile.
A rush of heat flushed my cheeks as I replied, "Oh...you're welcome."
As the day went on, we were tasked with teaching Toruk's kids the essential skills they would need in Awa'atlu. I watched as they awkwardly attempted to ride Ilu's and failed miserably. With a small smile, I approached them and began to explains the importance of the Ilu's, showing them how to carefully make the bond .
As I worked with them I learned that the boy I was so enthralled with was named Lo'ak, a beautiful name for a beautiful boy I thought. We made small talk as I taught him how to properly position on the Ilu and he listened intently, nodding along with each instruction.
I was excited to teach them, and I had hope that maybe Lo'ak and I could become friends. But it was very clear that he had an interest in Tsireya.
Despite my jealousy, I continued to teach them with enthusiasm, showing them how to navigate through the water and how to hold their breath. As the days went by, I grew closer to Lo'ak, and he to Tsireya
I stood on the sidelines and watched as they would sneak off together, how they would hold hands, the look of love he would give her. Tsireya had him wrapped around her finger. I couldn't help but think, what was it about her that he liked so much.
I'm just as pretty, just as smart, just as capable as her. Why her and not me?
As they spent more time together, I couldn't help but resent my best friend.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. Their love seemed to grow stronger as I became more envious. I tried to push it aside, to be happy for them, but it was difficult. Especially when they announced that they were a couple now.
I tried to distance myself from them. I didn't want to ruin their newfound love. But one day, as I was walking by the shore, Lo'ak approached me.
"Hey," he said softly.
"Hi," I replied, unsure of what to say.
"I just wanted to talk to you. I know we haven't really spoken much, but I wanted to get to know you better."
I looked up at him, surprised. "Really?"
"Yeah. I mean, I think you're really cool. And I know Tsireya and I have been spending a lot of time together, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be friends with you too."
I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. A part of me felt a flicker of hope. Was this my chance? Could I finally have him for myself?
We spent the rest of the day talking, and I learned that we had a lot in common. As the sun began to set, Lo'ak took my hand as we stood up.
"It was nice spending time with you," he said, his smile making my heart race.
I nodded, unable to speak as I gazed into his warm eyes. As he turned to leave, I reached out and grabbed his wrist.
"Can we hang out tomorrow?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Lo'ak's smile widened, and he pulled me into a warm hug. "Yeah, we can."
As he walked away, I felt a sense of euphoria wash over me. I had waited so long for a chance , for an encounter like this with him.
That night, I lay in bed, unable to sleep, my mind filled with thoughts of Lo'ak. I imagined what a life with him would be like, and my heart swelled with hope and excitement.
Lo'ak and I spent the next day together and the next day and the next. We would sneak off together, getting up to all types of fun.We would spend hours talking to each other, We would die with laughter at his silly jokes. As the nights grew longer, we would snuggle together, watching the stars twinkling above. Lo'ak would tell me stories of the days he spent in the forest, and I would listen, spellbound. He knew every inch of that forest, and each of his stories seemed to come alive in my mind.
With time, I knew that I had fallen deeply in love with Lo'ak. The way he smiled at me, the softness in his voice, the gentle touch of his hand, all made my heart sing. His rugged good looks, his courage, and his humor began to stir a passion in me that I couldn't ignore. And it seemed that Lo'ak felt the same way, as we exchanged glances and shared tender moments whenever we could.
The passion and chemistry between us were becoming increasingly hard to ignore. We would steal glances at each other during gatherings , exchange whispered words of affection during campfire conversations, and hold hands whenever Tsireya was not looking. I often caught myself daydreaming about a life with Lo'ak, one day being his mate, it's what I wanted more than anything at this point.
At first, I tried to rationalize his behavior. Maybe he was just trying to keep up appearances with his girlfriend. But as the days turned into weeks, my seething anger began to grow with every touch they shared, every laugh they enjoyed together. I felt like I was in a competition with Tsireya for Lo'ak's affection. And I was losing.
As my heart broke a little further with each passing day, and my resentment toward perfect little Tsireya grew. I couldn't help but think she was everything I wasn't: beautiful, graceful, and seemingly effortlessly charming. I couldn't help but compare myself to her and found myself wanting in every way.
Lo'ak and I decided to meet up in secret. A huge smile on my face as he walked towards me.He returned my smile, and we sat beside each other, surrounded by the lush flora of Pandora. I leaned my head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart, happy to be in his arms as his head lay against mine.
'I love you' I whispered softly . My heart was pounding against my chest, and I knew I had to tell him how I felt. When he looked at me lovingly and asked what I had said, I took a deep breath and whispered, "I love you."
His golden eyes stared at me, searching for any hint of insincerity. After a long pause that seemed an eternity, he finally spoke the words that I had so desperately longed to hear- "I love you too."
My heart exploded with elation as my eyes filled with tears of joy. It became impossible to deny the passion that flowed between us, and we were both consumed by a longing for each other that was too strong to resist.
We knew that we had to unleash our passion. We gave in to our desires, allowing ourselves to be consumed by each other in a fiery kiss that left us breathless and wanting more.
So we gave in, this kiss was different from the first; it was full of desire, hunger, and passion. It was the kind of kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more. We kept kissing, getting lost in the moment.
We allowed ourselves to explore uncharted territories, exploring each other's bodies. We explored each other's bodies with a kind of
hunger that left us both breathless. There was an intensity to our lovemaking that I had never experienced before, and I never wanted it to end. Our bodies intertwined like two puzzle pieces, perfectly complementing each other. We were entranced with each other. Lost in ecstasy and pleasure. It felt like we had been waiting for this moment all our lives.
We laid there, catching our breath. He was staring at me, with eyes that seemed to dive into the very depths of my soul. I could feel the heat
radiating off his skin, and I knew that I was just as flushed.
We were in a bubble that was just for the two of us, and for that moment, nothing else existed. It
was as if the world stopped turning, and all that was left was him and me.
I looked at him and whispered, "You were sent here to me."
He smiled and pulled me closer, his arms wrapping around me in a protective embrace. "I don't believe in fate," he said softly, "but I do
believe in us."
I went home that night with a familiar buzz in my chest. For the next two weeks, Lo'ak and I would meet to explore our desires, and this night wasn't any different. We lay in each other's arms, happy and breathless, coming down from our highs when someone appeared in the corner of our eyes.
I jumped up quickly,
"What is going on?" She asked. There was a thick silence before she spoke again, her voice cracking. "What is going on? Lo'ak?".
I rolled my eyes, letting out a sigh before answering her. "You should go home, Tsireya," I said, annoyed that she ruined our moment.
"I should go home? Why are you cuddling with my boyfriend?" She screamed.
I stood up, folding my arms. I didn't care that she was hurt. I didn't care that she was supposed to be my best friend. Lo'ak and I have a connection that she would never understand.
"Tsireya, calm down, please," Lo'ak said, trying to diffuse the situation.
"She should know the truth, Lo'ak," I said as I watched Tsireya's face crumple in anguish.
Lo'ak tried to come to her, but she brushed him away.
"You two have been sneaking around behind my back?" Tsireya asks, tears streaming down her face.
"Please, Tsireya, don't make this harder than it already is," Lo'ak begged, but it was too late.
"Harder? How can it be any harder?" she yelled. "You both have betrayed me, and I never saw it coming."
I felt anger arise in my body as Lo’ak tried to comfort her. Perfect little Tsireya, my best friend since childhood, had the only person I had ever loved tending to her needs.
“Tell her, Lo’ak, tell her that you love me.” I felt tears tickle my cheeks as I pleaded with him, hoping that he would choose me over Tsireya.
He hesitated before finally speaking, “I can't do that, I'm sorry.”
I felt my heart break inside as I heard those words. The one person I had trusted with my whole heart my whole being, could he really in love with her.
“Yeah, Lo’ak, tell me, who do you love? Me or her?” Tsireya demanded, her voice quivering with emotion.
Silence filled the air, and it felt like an eternity had passed when he finally said,
A/n - Pt.2 ? 👀
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morpheus-girl · 1 year
With You At The End...
Universe: Hogwarts Legacy
Pairing: Aged Up Surprise x f!reader.
Word Count: Unsure.
Synopsis: Y/n finds herself standing at the end.
Warnings: Slight panic attack, fluff, aged up characters.
Notes: This... is my very first time sharing my writing with others outside of my immediate group. I hope you all enjoy..! I would love to know what you guys think.
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.. this was it...
.. the end.
Y/n's dark earthy hues were locked. Focused solely on the reflection stood in the mirror before her. The gentle seam of her supple, though naturally pouted lips parting slightly at what she saw; and for the briefest of moments... it was like she couldn't even recognize herself.
How exactly had things come to this..? Y/n knew that if she were to be honest with herself, she had no definitive answer. No. There had been no plan; hell, there had been no intention-... It just happened. The pieces falling into place. Fitting perfectly like a jigsaw, but with no regard for what the outcome might be. And what was worse, it seemed to have all happened in such a blur.
The memories of her final years at Hogwarts steam-rolled through her mind, leaving it in a haze, and as a result, she lost the battle. Eyes forced to close as she drew in a deep, though shaky breath. A weak attempt to calm herself, she knew, but right now, it was all she could manage. Her hand lifting, she pressed it against her sternum. Holding it there for a short spell before it fell, and joined by the other, Y/n let her palms hit the polished rich oak that made up the more practical part of the vanity she was stood in front of.
So much had come to pass.
It seemed like a lifetime ago that she'd walked through the large and rather intimidating doors that led into the Great Hall. There was just no denying that she'd been a wreck; but being sorted into her house had been one of the proudest days of her life. One that had turned into one of the happiest when she'd finally taken a seat at her house table only to be welcomed by the smiling face of the one person she knew she would always want in her life.
".. it's time. You ready..?"
Torn, and not a moment too soon, from the tsunami of thoughts she was sure could consume her; Y/n lifted her head. Her eyes, filled with flecks of rich brown, and married with lighter tones of caramel, met first with their own gaze before she allowed her attention to drift. Her head turning, just slightly, she gave the mirror a profile of her sharp, though still delicate features as she instead peered over her shoulder at the one who successfully managed to pull her back to the present. His voice cutting through the mist as easily as if it were a knife gliding through butter.
".. as ready as I'll ever be..."
Y/n's voice was soft, barely hitting above a whisper. And much like her breathing, there was a slight shake to it. Though whether the words had reached his ears or not, the gentle nodding of her head gave him all the answer he needed. And it was that acknowledgement that had him stepping to the side, clearing up the doorway so that she could pass over the threshold.
.. this was it...
With each step she took, Y/n could feel her heart hammering in her chest- pounding mercilessly against her rib cage. The sound was deafening in her ears, and desperate to find an anchor, she let her hand reach out. Her nails digging slightly as she grasped tightly onto the arm of the man walking beside her. Taking his arm; hugging it flush against her side as though her very life depended on it.
.. this was the end...
".. you look beautiful, Y/n."
Once again, his voice was the lifeline that she needed. And lifting her head, Y/n was able to meet her gaze to Sebastian's. The vulnerability of the situation clear as day in her eyes. But as though he was reading her mind, he silenced all doubts with the soft touch of his lips brushing over her forehead. A comforting warmth spreading through her, causing her already lightly colored cheeks to burn brighter as the natural blush crept over them, ".. everything's going to be okay now, love."
.. It was the end of an era.
And holding her best friend's gaze a few beats longer, she knew he was right. It was all going to be okay. The corners of her lips twitching, Y/n couldn't seem to help the way they turned upward. A small smile dancing over her features, going so far as to reach her eyes, as she gave his arm a gentle squeeze of gratitude, ".. walk with me, Sebastian..?"
".. Always."
It was as though their next step had hit a trigger. The soul of her heel met with the beautiful underbrush of the forest surrounding the outer fields of Feldcroft, and as it did, that's when she began to hear it. The sweet melodious sound of violins filled the air, drifting over the gentle breeze, causing all eyes to turn toward the pair. Though she herself was looking in the opposite direction. Gazing adoringly towards the tall blond that awaited her at the end of the aisle. His eyes, while clouded, still managed to stare directly into her own, and Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat.
Constellations graced his features, and it was hard for her to fight the urge that had her wanting to rush the gap between them. She wanted nothing more than to pepper each of those beauty marks with gentle kisses. But she couldn't. Not yet. She had to be patient. She had to wait, just a little bit longer, and then she could have him. Her Ominis.
It was the end of an era... yes.
.. but it was the beginning of the rest of her life.
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Note from author: A special thanks to @rosabellatonks for inspiring me to share my own writing with you guys. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to give me feedback - the only way I'm ever going to get better..! ^.^
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Como dientes en el alma
Song that inspired the title, idea is from this and the one post I made about wanting to write a prompt based off "you drew stars/around my scars/and now i'm bleeding"
This is so sweet and emotional, it made me miss writing angst and killing blorbos.
Have fun and don't get used to it <3
Lan Wangji passes by that place every morning when he takes A-Yuan to school. It's still the same as always, the same as back then, a little shop facing the main street, high windows with tattoo displays on them and a light up sign that hasn't flashed in over a decade.
"You don't look like the tattoo type." He laughs, and it lights up his whole face, his handsome features softening. His lip piercing glistens under the white neon lights, and for a moment, Lan Wangji forgets he's nervous at all. "Is there any occasion you're doing this for?"
"For... my mother, she's... gone."
There have been many rumors. Some said he ran away, others said he killed himself, or was disposed of. Most people shook their head and moved on with their lives.
Sometimes, Lan Wangji wishes he did too. Wishes he could.
It's been so long.
"Have you thought where you'd like it done?"
"It must be somewhere hidden. My workplace is...strict. As is my family."
He laughs again, and Lan Wangji finds himself yearning for the sound, wanting to remember it forever, melodious, sincere. Light shines on his face, his stormy eyes glistening with mirth, and Lan Wangji irrationally wonders what it would be like to hear that laughter forever.
"How about your arm? There's plenty of space there, I see." a wink, and Lan Wangji's ears flare red.
"I'll do my best so it doesn't hurt too much, but you'll hate me when I'll start to color it in, so heads up for that."
"It is fine, I am used to pain."
He smiles, but this time it's in sympathetic understanding, hiding something dark and painful beneath, "I am too. Doesn't mean you have to like it."
The tattoo is still there, beautiful etched into his skin. It hurt, but not nearly as much as everything else in his life - before that, and after - did. He still catches himself admiring it in the shower, or as he's getting ready in the mirror.
"Do you want to talk about your mother? It'll help distract you, you seem tense."
Lan Wangji was tense, but not because of the procedure, the other's touch electrifying, the closeness, intoxicating. But, indeed, this was about Lan Wangji's mother. And he never really got to talk to anyone about her.
It's comforting, to know there are still pieces of him into the world, scattered in the crowd, carrying his mastery, his touch, his soul, his creativity.
His love.
"My mom died too. Both my parents did. And I... I don't really remember them anymore. I was 3 or 4 years old when it happened, and then I lived on the streets for a while before uncle Jiang found me and took me in. I always wanted to find a way to make sure I wouldn't ever forget important things again and... well, you can never forget to look at your skin, right?"
It was impossible for Lan Wangji not to fall in love with him. Anyone would have. Such a kind, considerate, playful person, so beautiful, so artistic with everything he did - it was as if, with every move of his tools, Wei Wuxian didn't just leave his mark on Lan Wangji's body, but on his soul too.
"I...this is really unprofessional of me and I really shouldn't be doing this, but... frankly, I like you." The blush decorates Wei Wuxian's face so beautifully and Lan Wangji feels his own cheeks burn, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He smiles, shy, but with a glint in his eyes "And I think you like me too, because you've been here almost every day, and the 'I'm worried about healing' excuse is getting old."
Busted - but Lan Wangji knew it wasn't that good of an excuse anyway. However, he's done with excuses - and he pulls Wei Wuxian into a kiss instead, fully accountable and open about his intention.
And so incredibly happy.
Lan Wangji has three tattoos. The gentian flower, in memory of his mother, on his right arm, a pair of bunnies, a tribute to the love he and Wei Wuxian shared and...
Lan Wangji traces his fingers over the crudely drawn brand on Wei Wuxian's chest.
"This isn't yours." He says, and kisses over it, softly, as if the skin had yet to heal.
"No, it isn't... It was a... punishment. I pissed off the wrong people and I paid for it."
"Why didn't you remove it?"
"There are some things you can't erase, Lan Zhan, regardless of whether they show on your skin or not."
Lan Wangji remembered the symbol precisely - the lines, the contours of it, the sun it supposedly represents - and had it done too. Wanted to do it himself at first, drunk and mad with grief, but ultimately decided against it. Wei Wuxian wouldn't want him to die the same way he almost did.
"How about we get matching tattoos?" He asked one morning as he hopped onto the kitchen counter, coffee in hand, all but inviting Lan Zhan to kiss him.
He did, hungry and wanting as always, but Wei Ying seemed insistent on having a conversation right then, pushing Lan Zhan away enough so he could catch his breath. "I'm being serious, Lan Zhan, come on."
"So am I." And he kissed down the column of Wei Ying's neck as if to prove a point, hands sliding over the painted skin of his thighs.
"Lan Zhan, you're - ahh...- you're not listening to me!"
"I am. You sound pretty."
"That's not - mmh! - you know what, we should just get bunnies, since we're fucking like rabbits anyway!"
Sometimes, Lan Zhan can almost feel it, the gentle touch of Wei Ying's hand, the pinching of the needle, the warmth of being so close to the love of his life and distracting him with kisses when he shouldn't.
"Lan Zhan. Stay still, I mean it. I could really hurt you, and that would break my heart and my license!"
"You should not look so beautiful then."
Wei Ying lifted the tattoo gun off his skin and sighed, loudly. "Mister Lan, I may have to ask someone else to finish your tattoo, because you'll kill me with those words of yours."
Lan Zhan took advantage of the break to get into kissing his lover properly, smiling to himself as they parted and Wei Ying appeared entirely lovestruck, lips kiss-bruised.
"Okay, I'll behave. I don't want anyone but you."
It's been a long time since Lan Wangji has felt anything but hollow. He's been unable - and unwilling - to love anybody else other than his Wei Ying, and he's long resigned to a life of loneliness because of this conviction.
But he does dream, still, of a day when he passes by the old tattoo shop and the neon sign is lit up, the door opened wide, and Wei Wuxian rushing out to greet him, latch his arms around him and give him a sweet, smiling kiss.
Every morning as he passes by the place, his heart stutters with the tiniest surge of excitement.
Maybe there will be someone there today. Maybe, somehow, Wei Wuxian has returned, and he's still pursuing his dream and he still love Lan Wangji.
But the building stays stubbornly empty no matter how hard Lan Wangji hopes it not be so.
But one day, 13 years later, the neon sign is lit up and the door is opened. Lan Wangji nearly stumbles out of skin at the sight of the decrepit shop suddenly teeming with life and the distant sound of buzzing needles.
He rushes in, shaking with so much emotion he feels his knees might just give out.
Wei Ying!
The young man at the register glances at him curiously. The name badge on his shirt reads "Mo Xuanyu", and, as if awoken from a dream, Lan Wangji blinks once, twice, and realizes he doesn't recognize anything or anyone in the old establishment.
"Can I help you?" Mo Xuanyu asks, though Lan Wangji feels too shattered to do anything but shake his head.
How could he be so stupid? Of course he won't find Wei Wuxian here. There are other tattoo artists and the building couldn't have stayed abandoned forever.
The world has long moved on.
And Wei Wuxian is...
A voice calls from somewhere deep in the store, and the closer it gets, the more tears gather in Lan Wangji's eyes.
"Xuanyu, did the 10 am appointment arrive yet? I want to go get some co..."
Wei Wuxian stands frozen in the middle of the shop's reception, eyes wide as if unable to comprehend what he's seeing.
The stranger - no, not a stranger, not at all - smiles at him, honeyed and tearful, and Wei Wuxian's body moves before he realizes.
When he's finally in Lan Wangji's arms, and Lan Wangji is in his...
"Is this real, Lan Zhan? Tell me it is, tell me you're really here."
"I am here, Wei Ying. I've always been."
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inklessletter · 1 year
Hi there! It's Vane (or Bane) speaking, thank you for coming by. I'm in my thirties, I'm from Spain (English is not my native language, so if you see something odd, you know the reason now), I've got the laziest dog in the world and I'm currently hyperfixating on Stranger Things, especifically on steddie, so most of my posts will be about that, even though the original intention was it to be more generic. Joke's on me. I should just cut the crap and just use an ST icon, I'm not fooling anyone, I'm in love now.
I've been drawing since I was a little girl, but I've had some sort of traumatic experiences showing my stuff online lately, and I'm trying to make peace with that, so I made this blog with the intention to actually be bolder and share the few things I do. I expected it to be more drawings than fics, but I guess I keep surprising myself, so, yeah, I'll embrace the change. I've realized that writing fics is healing my soul in ways I've not expecting, so, you know, I'm kind of my own target audience, but if you like what I do, feel free to comment or share my posts, or to engage in a converstion about common interests, my asks are always open. I'm always happy to meet new people and I'm glad to interact with anyone.
Above all, this blog is a hate free space. We are all here to have fun and respect each other, so, if by any chance there's someone who doesn't like what is posted here, I politely invite them to just leave. Keep the hate away, please and thank you.
Also, I must say that I'm not aiming to post +18 stuff, but I am also not aiming to stop reblogging things for adult if I feel like it, so, you must be warned about this. This means, that at some point I could post NSFW, always specifically writing down a warning, even in the masterlist. By the way, I must ask minors to not interact if in such posts or else you will be immediately blocked. This goes for blank accounts and accounts that might be suspiscious to me, too.
I feel the need to please ask people to NOT post my pictures as their own (reblogging the post is always welcome, but reposting is NOT), and if you want to use any of my drawings, please ask for permission first to know how to use it correctly. Respect the artist, please.
That being said, I'm going to proceed to make a MASTERLIST of my posts (I'm fascinated with all the talent in this site, I keep reblogging amazing things and then I'm having trouble finding my own stuff). Most of my works are on AO3 so, please, read the tags there if you want!
Faith, should I take a leap? [oneshot - steddie]
Back when I was living (for the hope of it all) [oneshot - steddie]
I think I've seen this film before (and I didn't like the ending) [oneshot - light ronance]
Is it chill that you're in my head ('cause I know that is delicate) [oneshot - steddie]
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself (hey, isn't this easy?) [oneshot - steddie]
It's a love story (baby, just say yes) [chapter 4/6 - steddie] ONGOING
You drew stars (around my scars) [oneshot - mike w. & steve h.] Bonus scene!
All I can say is it was enchanting (to meet you) [oneshot - steddie]
Steve Harrington B&W [digital art - FINAL]
Steve Harrington B&W [digital art - WIP]
Eddie Munson B&W [digital art - WIP]
Robin Buckley [digital art - WIP]
Steve Harrington Scoops Ahoy! [digital art - FINAL]
Steve Harrington Scoops Ahoy! [digital art - WIP + LINEART]
You're dangerous, Harrington [lineart color final]
It was very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying [digital art]
Are you real? [sneak peak lineart grayscale final]
I'm not sure if you're mine, or if I'm yours [sneak peak lineart grayscale final]
Harder, Munson [sneak peak lineart final]
Is this shit recording yet? [digital art - FINAL]
I will keep updating this list. Thank you very much, and I hope you have a great day!
(By the way, if you haven't guessed yet, yes, I'm a swiftie, too).
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ai-kan1 · 10 months
What do I do if your magical boys first years making me want to write whole fic about them? I'll be waiting to see them again, but make sure to not burn out and take rest!!! 💖💖💖
Tell us three of your favourite things about Junoace/Juno!
Thank you!!!
HELLO?;!+( It might take sometime to drawing the designs (mostly cuz my attention span is very random and i start new stuff alot hafshd) BUT!! IF U EVER WRITE ANYTHING TWST MAGICAL GIRL(even if its not related to me i just love magical girl stuff) DO TAG ME!! I WANNA READ THATTT
Andd yahh!! I will take care of myself!! Drawing usually my go to relaxation along with games they are nice past time between work and school 💪✨✨
(I give 3 for each...)
-well for juni its his looks!! Im really happy of his design as of right now and its funny to look at the first time i drew him vs now
-thinking about him in general? Juno is only oc i have put alot of work on usually i just design a character and leave it at that but with Juno i love thinking up his lore like his home, his relationships likes and dislikes so on!
-Dressing him up!!! Events in twst give great opportunity to give him many outfits to look cute/cool on
-their dynamic!! Its (banter x banter) so alot of friendly teasing and playful kisses (homies being homies haha)
-How i can connect them to simple things like i can assign them animals( Fox and Tanuki!! ) Or fruits (🍒 🍌) and alot more etc. (Does this make sense?)
-Just in general how they look tgt!! Their colors go so well tgt (it wasn't intentional but here we are hahagsh) yellow and red makes that pretty dusk color... 🌇
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stellartales · 3 years
zhongli ▪︎ glazed moon
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pairing: zhongli x traveler!reader
genre(s): comfort + mild angst + fluff
summary: liyue harbor is once again preparing for another festival — the mid-autumn festival. but somehow she simply couldn't bring herself to join the others in the celebration. definitely not when her heart is aching in melancholy for her missing twin. — | m.list
background: this scenario takes place during the mid-autumn festival - as quoted from wikipedia - it is the second-most important holiday after Chinese New Year with a history dating back 3,000 years, when China's emperors worshipped the moon for bountiful harvests.[2] The celebration is called Chuseok (autumn eve) in Korea, Tsukimi (moon-viewing) in Japan and Tết Trung Thu (Mid-Autumn Festival) in Vietnam
this event celebrated by the chinese is usually spent eating mooncakes and drinking teas. lanterns are also an important aspect of this festival. unlike the yuanxiao fesitval or mingxiao festival (which is the fictional festival featuring best boy Xiao in GI) where lanterns are released into the sky, lanterns are hand-held. this is a festival i celebrate every year hence i'm familiar with it — feel free to read up about this on wiki!
a/n: don't mind me, this is just a random idea that popped in my head. i'm in the mood for some angsty stuff these days so just had to get it out. Flute version of 无羁 (Wu Ji) from the drama 'Untamed' was the song which inspired my angsty mood while typing this. pardon my errors (I may have missed them and i kinda wrote this on a spur sooooo yea)
Please do me a favor and reblog this. Thank youuuu ❤
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the vitality of liyue harbor has always been astounding; an envy of the seven nations.
bright, bustling streets even in the darkness of nights was enough to show the nature of the city.
though, today it was a different kind of bustle. stores were already closed; even the nocturnal businesses that one would only see at night.
the moon had been bright and round the past few nights while the people busied themselves for another festival to come.
— the mid-autumn festival, an annual festival celebrated by the people of liyue or at least that was what zhongli explained yesterday when he extended an invitation to her to join him and others in moon-gazing today.
tonight, the moon shone bright and full in the clear dark sky, seemingly more so than the previous nights.
strategically rooted to the ground of a spacious balcony overlooking the gentle waves below, the stone tables were in a perfect spot beneath the brilliant moon.
colorful mooncakes of various flavors and teacups filled with steaming tea laid before her.
she sat at one of the round stone tables with some funeral parlor staff and of course, zhongli himself who has been rather busy ever since she arrived—
the cheerful chatters and laughter drew her eyes away from the empty seat beside her and to the tables across theirs.
his archon days were over, he said.
he was simply trying to experience a mundane life as 'zhongli' now, as the geo archon had put it when she expressed her surprise at his involvement with a festival fabricated by the mortals' minds.
and indeed—
her gaze idled on him.
— he was doing it too well.
illuminated by the golden glow the table lanterns emanated, the cordial and relaxed atmosphere was warmed by attentive eyes and smiling lips.
all on him.
apparently, some things never changed. whether he was rex lapis or zhongli, he carried an alluring elegance and charisma. clinging to every word and his occasional hand gestures, they were like moths drawn to a flame.
she could understand why; she liked hearing him talk. she would have gone over too, if not...if not for this weight on her heart.
it has been nearly a year since she was in teyvat looking for her twin. these few days in the harbor, the full moon was a constant reminder of how time has passed, and yet...
a heavy sigh escaped her. a longing gleam waned in her eyes as she lifted her gaze to the sky.
they used to talk and eat under a full moon just like this, a bitter ache clenched her heart.
her teeth sank into her lower lip as it trembled.
please...not now. her hands curled into shaking fists as she tried to hold back the tears threatening to leave her eyes.
not now. not at this party. she silently pleaded with herself, her squared shoulders shaking. it took all her willpower to not let the dam break.
but one managed to escape her anyway.
she was up on her feet fast and slipped away from the party as subtly as she could.
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stumbling out of the party half-blind with tears wasn't exactly the best situation to remember about the cloak meant to keep her warm on an autumn night.
luckily, she didn't end up falling off the stairs she currently sat on.
autumn in liyue was typically not cold, but tonight seemed especially so.
she shivered to the chilly breeze brushing against her back. goosebumps crawled across her skin, particularly on the areas her dress failed to protect against the cold.
she couldn't quite bring herself to go back for the cloak. not with the mess she was now.
the sight of the round moon above wavered in her vision as tears quietly trailed down her cheeks.
under the vast, seemingly endless night sky, she felt small...
— her knees were drawn closer to her chest, curled fingers digging into her dress.
...and extremely powerless.
where is he? why can't she find him? is he even in teyvat? Is he even...still alive? does he even exist anymore?
—a dreading sense of hopelessness echoed in her heart and summoned another wave of tears wavering her vision.
under this wide, endless sky and its luminous moon, she felt alone, truly alone in the presence of the joyous cacophony of laughter and playful yells coming from the festival she left behind.
a nasty voice prompted by the noise taunted her — of how no one would notice, even if she were to walk right out of liyue harbor right now.
drowning in harsh, relentless thoughts, she failed to notice the gaze of a pair of wise, golden eyes on her back, soft with concern.
long legs covered the distance between them in a quiet, graceful stride; the gentle clacks of his loafers whenever their heels hit the ground slipped past her notice too.
not even when he climbed down the steps to settle himself next to her, a step above hers.
not even the inevitable proximity between their bodies caused by the short stairs spacious for one but narrow for two.
only until his coat was off his shoulders and wrapped around hers—
"why the tears on the mid-autumn festival?"
—she jolted with a sharp gasp, her widening eyes snapping over to him.
the calm and prodding gaze that met hers was accompanied by the tender brush of his thumb across her left cheek, right under her tearing eye before switching over to her other.
she stayed stunned, unsure she was feeling so because someone noticed she had left or was it because of this simple gesture.
zhongli has always been a mentor-like figure to her. his words, his wise gazes, the comforting pets he occasionally gave on her head and back had always reminded her of how she was a mere child in his eyes.
but tonight...this, nothing about the gentleness his hand or his eyes emanate felt normal. or was she just delirious?
the strange stutter of her heart caused by the hand on her face, the blush heating up her cheeks made her tear her gaze away from his, flustered.
zhongli let his hand drop back onto his knee, but his eyes stayed.
crossing her arms to hold onto his coat sitting on her shoulders, she thought hard to recall his question.
"i can't help thinking about my brother, that's all." she looked back at him, smiling.
a smile he thought reminded him of the moon when it was not yet full — a quiet light melancholic with vague sadness.
"don't worry about me, i'll be fine." she slipped a glance over her shoulder in the direction of the festival. "you should go back there, zhongli, they need you. what's mid-autumn festival for liyue without you?"
she moved to remove the coat from her shoulders, but a hand wrapped around her wrist stopped her.
"but what's mid-autumn festival without you, my dear friend?"
zhongli regarded her intently, his eyes boring into hers for a second before shifting to focus on his coat.
there was something else in his eyes when they return to hers; it came and went in a flicker. "...keep this on, it's chilly today."
"thanks..." she murmured, her shoulders sinking as she yet again returned her thoughts to her brother.
"aether..." the pain she guarded showed on her face. "will i ever be able to see him again?"
tears started to well up in her eyes once again.
"i'm sorry, zhongli, i'm so sorry..." a quiet sob broke through, "today is supposed to be about the mid-autumn festival, and yet...here you are, listening to me."
zhongli's mouth opened then snapped close.
he always knew what to say whenever she was in a pinch. however, it was tears this time, and he wasn't exactly sure about what he should do about his body's urge to extend his arms out to her.
he was already more than a thousand years old.
as the former geo archon, he was the immovable rock. emotions and impulses he used to hold within himself in his younger days were buried deep under the sands of time...or at least they should be.
so where did this come from? was this strange stir an inevitable part of being a mortal?
"you know what?"
her movement to rise from the spot beside him turned his head back to her.
resolute hardened the glint in her tearing eyes, "i don't want to hold you back any longer,"
her fingers curled into a shaky fist, nails digging into her palm.
"....the people need you. i-i think i should just go bac—"
his hand flew out before he could think any further; his body was faster than his thoughts this time.
her next breath puffed out of her, in surprise and bewilderment as her body was tugged and cocooned by a breathing warmth before she could understand what happened.
and when she did, her eyes flew wide.
cheek pressed against his neck, she found herself held to his chest. she could feel his chin atop her head and his arms around her.
he was beside her a moment ago, and now he was behind sharing the same step as her, broad enough to accommodate them. was she the one who moved? or did he?
she didn't know how but she couldn't find the energy to care —the scent of musk and lingering tea engulfing her was an alluring comfort that made her want to stop trying.
so warm. really, really warm.
and so was his voice. "...but you need me." a hand caressed the back of her head.
there was a pause before a feigned cough ensued. "i meant, this."
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silentmajesticfox · 3 years
Falling In Love With Chrollo Lucilfer
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(Rose is someone from Chrollo's past, specifically Meteor City. In this story, Rose and Chrollo, along with the troupe, rekindle their relationship. Well, try to. Rose is in an arranged marriage to protect and support her little sister. This story is set a little bit before the York New Ark, and during the beginning of it. and will go throughout the ark as well.
the picture on here I found is from PINTEREST AND IS NOT MINE. whoever drew it is spectacular and amazing. I'm obsessed..
**TW !**(Trigger Warning!) please do not read if you do not agree or are triggered by - domestic abuse (this will be from the arranged marriage) - depression/suicidal thoughts -substance abuse. Now I will not go into full detail especially for the domestic abuse, it's just to go into the story for beginning chapters. possibly flashbacks . So please, again, don't read if this will trigger you. Also, this will probably be pretty violent through some chapters. thank you for reading and your time.)
Moral Of The Story
Rose never thought she'd be in this situation, unhappy and rather disappointed with her life decisions. She was sure at first, that she had calculated this and this plan was fool proof, however, she was very wrong. She might have been in love, or what she thought was love - however it had escalated to a burning hatred and a bitter after taste. A blind love turned cold due to her own inability to see this would be the result.
Sitting there applying too much make-up to cover up her black eye and a few other bruises, she would not let her get that down. She had to stay strong for her sister, Daisy. Daisy is the reason Rose is still thriving and okay through all of this. Everything she does is for her little sister. She would die for her. Literally and emotionally/mentally. She finished applying the foundation, to move on and do her eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a very thick coat of mascara, her eyes shining a ice blue.  She was wearing a simple, tight fit dress, in the color of burgundy. Her long, curly, dark burgundy hair matched the attire. With black heels. Looking at all of the jewelry her 'husband' had gotten her, maybe to buy her love back or his way of saying "sorry, not sorry." Rose huffed staring at them, not wanting this anymore, on the verge of a mental breakdown, memories for each gift being a constant reminder of why it was gifted.
Daisy soon walked in, her blonde hair and matching blue eyes light up, running to Rose, hugging her tightly from behind. Rose being able to handle pain well, just smiled and whipped her head around.
"You look beautiful Daisy." She stated, lookking at her little sisters beautiful pink ball gown dress. Only at the age of 13, it is an intense nostalgic reminder for Rose to see how big her baby sister was getting, saying she was the one whole raised her.
"Thank you!! You look beautiful too, sissy!" Daisy said, she was always so happy, and maybe some of that happiness is what Rose needed in the moment. "Are you ready to go to the ball, tomorrow's your birthday you know!"
"Yes, and let's head down there now. Only you and me will celebrate." Rose said, getting up from her vanity. "I will meet you downstairs, okay?"
"Okay, you better not take forever or I'll be mad at you." Her sister said, glaring at her sister, a laugh fallowing after before running out like a full speed train. Rose wished she could be young, hoping her sister would forget her birthday, yet she felt her mood lighten up knowing someone remembered.
Rose opened her drawer, opening a certain empty face powder jar. Grabbing The hidden key, she opened her one drawer with her bourbon. She had a bad habit formed, to think- or to forget all the bad things. She pulled out the bottle, opening it, and drinking it as if it were water. After a few more chugs, she put away and always made sure to lock it and hide her key. Walking out of the room, and closing the door. She then went downstairs into the lobby, then outside to a cold York New night.
Walking up to the limousine- she opened the door to sit by her sister, her husband sitting across from them.
"Why aren't you dressed up more? And no Jewelry?" Fred asked. (Guessing a name) Rose looked up at him, trying to think of a nice way to keep conversation. It was always those type of questions or degrading comments, not a compliment or 'how was your day?'.
"Mm... Not really feeling like wearing jewelry.. and as a matter of fact I can wear what I want." She stated back seriously. If there was a way to press his buttons, this was one of them. However, as she stared coldly back at his glare, she wasn't scared. She already knew whatever she said would bite her back in the ass.
It was late last night, Daisy had went to sleep and Rose was putting on her blue night gown. Fred walked in, boozed up and he had a violent glint in his eyes. One that unsettles her the second he walked in the room. "Rose, why wouldn't you spend any time with me and my friends tonight?.." he asked. She might have been a little drunk herself, but she knew she would have to stand her ground. Rose snorted almost, shaking her head before replying. "Because I have no need to hang out with people like you, I already told you I was done with everything that has to do with you, when your friends try so hard to be my friends.. I know they are fraud of their true intentions.." she started, so calmly that it got under Fred's skin. He walked up to her, grabbing her wrist and trying to pull her closer to him.  "No that's not it, Tell me the truth." Fred said raising his voice. She could smell the alcohol coming from his break. She wouldn't flinch, but retaliate by attempting to shove him. "This.. This right here is why! Fred! I told you I was done, give me back my Nen! I don't love you anymore, why don't you ask yourself and the other girls you were hooking up with nights before! That's why I hat-" and before she could exclaim her feelings, she got struck in the face. An echo through the halls, and it to be honest it had gone from slaps to a full fisted punch. "Maybe it's because you're terrible, you only want me for my money, and those women are more than you'll ever be, Rose! Beautiful, unlike you." He screamed, at this point she was trying to hit him back as he was man handling her. This continued for about 30 minutes, and in the end, he had won. She was exhausted and bruised, he soon left the room, to do whatever. Rose knew he had other women, but being told by someone who once loved her and she loved a great deal, she started to fall down the wall, sobbing and releasing all of the pent up pain and feelings from the past months. Hoping one day, she would retrieve her Nen from him.. in the morning he had came to apologise and give her a diamond necklace.
Rose was spacing off, thinking of what had occurred. He can't say she didn't try, and her feelings and anger was running wild. If she had her Nen, this would be a different story. However, when they got married, she let him take her crystal ball. In which all her Nen was in. It was placed in a vault in his penthouse suite. She had tried many times to retrieve it, but only would get knocked out and brought to her room. One of the reasons she sleeps in her sisters room now. Daisy tugged on Roses dress, to bring her out of her thought. She looked over at her sister, a fake smile creeping on her lips and she hugged her. Fred had also been in thought, but let the conversation drop. He had plans for her later, however.
When they arrived, it was a big, fancy building. Alike many others in York New. Daisy was the first to get out, grabbing Roses hand and almost running to the doors, leaving Fred in the dust. "Slow down, Daisy, I can't run ask fast as you." Rose told her sister, however it was a lie. She could run faster. But with her bruises and aching body, Daisy has the advantage. Rose had always hidden these things from her. However, Daisy was smarter than what she led on at times. Almost witty enough to match her big sister sometimes. She already knew what had been happening. She slowed down for a sister, before giving her and her big sisters ticket to the security man at the front door.
"Okay your clear, come in." He stated in monotone before Fred had walked up behind them to do the same. Also being granted entry, all three of them walked in. It was quite a sight, beautiful one would say. Even though her sister was dragging her to the dance floor, Rose again had thought about what Fred said. "Beautiful, unlike you." Rang in her mind. Clouding it. Seems like she did not drink enough. By the time she returned to present time, she started dancing with her sister, in which laughs and giggles were heard from them. Fred walked up to his friends and the girls in which he had replaced Rose for. She looked over a little bit, quickly looking away as he had kissed them.
"Daisy, I'm going to get a drink, would you like to keep dancing, or come with me?" Rose asked. Daisy shook her head no and flowed away twirling. Rose smiled, at how pure and genuine her little sister can be at times, even when things were rough in Meteor City. A thought that hadn't crossed her mind in a long time. Meteor City. She missed it at times, however, there were people she missed more, wondering how they were doing..
Rose walked up to the bar, sat down, and waiting for the bartender to get done talking to a man and giving him a glass of red wine. She looked over, a realization hit when she looked at the man sitting over a few stools from her. He looked all to familiar, his black hair had grown since she last saw him, a nicely fitted tuxedo and a bandage around his forehead. Those green earrings matched his demeanor. He felt someone staring at him, he looked over to stare at her. She was sure, now, with those beautiful grey eyes starting into her soul.
"Chrollo, it's been quite a while, you aged well.." She said, getting up and sitting next to him. Chrollo was observing her for a minute before saying anything, taking in her image, also being able to see through the make up. He took a sip of his wine, and shifted over giving her a smile.
"Ah, Rose. Time has been very kind to you as well." Chrollo said in a low yet polite voice, she felt chills go up and down her spine. The bartender looked at her waiting for her to say what she wanted.
"I'll take a bourbon, please." Rose slightly acknowledged the bartender as he shook his head and went to get her drink.
Chrollo was thinking to himself, how beautiful she already was when he last saw her, but now she was even more, a treasure. "So, you're a bourbon girl now?" He asked, eyeing her, taking another sip. Chrollo had already assumed what she was going through, remembering how she use to cope with things in Meteor City. He glanced at her hand seeing a wedding ring on her ring finger. He glanced back up to her face, those ocean eyes he remembered so well.
"Oh... Uh.. yeah I suppose I am. So how long has it been, a whole eight years? What have you been up to since the last time we spoke." Rose replied, giving him a smile before drinking all of her drink in one go, pushing it at the bartender nodding her head to signal she wanted more. "Sir, could you please give me the bottle, I'll pay in full, you know who's tab to put it on." She told him, as she was a regular here. She glanced over at Fred, her heart shattering a little bit more, as he danced with the one women of his she disliked the most in the most provocative way, as though there was really nothing left to shatter in her heart. Returning her look at Chrollo, his eyes were fixated on Fred now, and she saw the eyes in which she loved, truly turn dark and mischievous. As if Fred could feel the darkness staring at him, his eyes went to Chrollo's, then his wife. A rise of jealousy and anger rose, but he looked away and would address this later on, also since he was entertained very much so with the woman before him.
"So... I'm guessing that's your husband, Rose?" Chrollo asked, looking back at her. "He's a fool." Chrollo stated right after, almost done with his wine and the bartender pouring more. Rose looked at Chrollo, knowing he is one of the smartest people on earth In her eyes, realizing he had everything figured out within a few minutes. She never knew why, but she was always rather emotional when it came to talking about problems with Chrollo. Maybe it was a deep connection, or just the way he made her feel. A tear rolled down as she looked away for a moment, wiping it away. Checking in on her sister when she did so, she was having a blast dancing with a boy her age.
"Yeah, uh... I guess you could say things weren't supposed to end like this... Enough about me. I've missed you, you know I did ask you a question Chrollo." Rose replied, her voice quivering a bit but was worse as she tried to cover it up. But Chrollo was just watching her, he could tell she was quite nervous and broken, drinking her third heavily filled cup. He hadn't seen her quite like this. If Chrollo could feel anything close to caring, it would be for her. And of course his troupe. And to him, it only felt like maybe a year or two since he saw her. So much had happened since then.
"Mm... You are changing the subject. However, I won't mind answering if you tell me the answers to my questions." Chrollo slithering his words, just staring at her. She knew that was his thing. She simply nodded staring back at him, before downing another drink. "Perfect. Well, I've been with you know who, we've been quite busy. And as for the time apart, I never actually realized it had been that long.." he stated truthfully. But soon stated something that would shock her. "I do, however, know your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it? Did you ever get the letters I sent you?" Maybe this is why Chrollo always had a place in her heart. She did receive them all, but was only ever able to send him one for his birthday. Except, she was unable to this year due to her and Fred's issues, she couldn't leave the mansion for a week almost, she was beaten every time, however Fred caught notice of her and Chrollo's letters, becoming more and more furious each year. She cried for quite a while that she could not write her friend a happy birthday letter.
"You are correct, as always. I'm surprised you remember. You always did have a sharp mind." Rose said in a tipsy voice, a smile tugging on her plump lips. "Don't think I've forgotten yours either.. I'm sorry I couldn't write back a couple weeks ago, but.. happy belated birthday Chrollo." She said, opening up the slightest, giving him a hug with one arm and setting down her dead on his shoulder. Chrollo knew he could get information he didn't need, but wanted to know... And as for Rose, tipsy and all, usually she knew Chrollo came with a motive, and If he didn't, he would soon find one. She could tell something peaked his interest. But was unclear on what.
"Well, I'm assuming he wouldn't let you write me back, it's not your fault. I knew you would have, you do every year.. thank you." Chrollo smiled, as she recoiled back to her original position In her seat. "So, Rose, be a dear, and please tell me what's been going on?.."
A/N thank you so much for reading. Hopefully it's not to terrible, but I am going to keep writing since Chrollo is daddy and I love him. Lol. Hope you liked it and like I said in the description, please be advised there is substance abuse and domestic abuse. Don't worry, I have something planned and Fred will get was he deserves. Thank you so much for reading! Also I took this from my wattpad, so honestly the typos will be fixed. Eventually!
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Zai's Notes: Just a sweet little writing for a character that deserves more attention from me. I realize I do get caught up in certain characters but thanks to @fyowyn-writes and her sweet playlist I came up with this!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 811.
My Morningstar
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6:30 A.M. bright and early, she was up and jumping on her father's bed. The light bounces and shakes from the mattress making Odasaku wrinkle his nose in his slumber. By the time she climbed on top of his chest to boop his nose gently, he had already been fully aware she was there. 
“Daddy rise and shine!!!”
She chirped with a cheerful ring in his ears. His blue eyes popped open to see a sweet girl only looking the age of seven. Her brown hair the color of warm autumn amber paired with sweet honeyed gold eyes. Even if she was adopted, he was told many times on occasion that she looked just like him.
He smiled and brushed the soft locks of her hair behind her ears. She grinned back at him and took his hand in her small grasp, giving him an urging pull. Without argument, he complied and she giggled when he let out a faint growl to wrap his arms around her. 
These days, Odasaku finally had that small and quiet life he had been searching for. Looking at her, that once lonely and sobbing little girl was now a cheerful and smiling bundle of sunshine. She wiggled out of his grasp and bopped his head playfully. 
“Bad!! You can't eat me! I'll feed you some pancakes instead!”
The red head chuckled and watched her dash off to the kitchen as he took his time to stretch. Warm sunlight hitting the dining table when he walked in seeing his sweet little cinnamon roll mixing contents in a bowl. 
“You look like a professional chef. Do you need an assistant?”
Her eyes sparkled and pointed her small finger towards the stove top. She was beaming with excitement as she stepped up on a soft pink colored stepping stool to wait as her father heated the pan. When it was hot enough, he nodded to her and she poured the contents carefully onto the surface. 
A light sizzling sound came from the pan as the batter began to solidify. She would watch the pancake intently before taking the cooking tool in her hands to flip the pancake over. The sweet aroma of a fluffy breakfast being made filling the kitchen. 
“I will leave the bacon and eggs to you, assistant!”
She hopped down from the stool and began organizing the table for them to share a meal together. Carefully, she lined up different flavored syrups side by side then grabbed the butter and whipped cream. By the time he had finished with cooking the rest of the breakfast, she already decorated her pancakes just the way she liked them.
Whipped cream drizzled with chocolate syrup and decorated with strawberries. She was working on her father's giving him butter then drew a happy face in chocolate chips. The whipped cream was around the edges of the pancakes and lastly, throwing a light drizzle of butter pecan syrup. 
Odasaku set down the plates of bacon and eggs for each of them. He glanced at the plate of pancakes she made for him and reached over to pat her head softly. 
“This is flawless. Thank you, sweetheart.”
She leaned into his hand, feeling the warmth of his touch. Ever since she was pulled out of the orphanage by Odasaku, she felt increasingly happier with him. She finally found her forever home. A loving father that would never abandon her. 
“I love you, daddy. We'll always have meals together like this right?”
Odasaku gave her a short nod as he cut into his pancakes to eat. They both ate in silence until she suddenly placed her utensils down to run off to the bedroom. He watched her bound off and shortly come back with a book in hand. It was the last book he'd ever read before he decided to become a writer himself. 
His brows raised a bit in surprise that she brought this to him. She plucked out a sticky note that he wrote on saying, ‘Reminder to write the new ending that's missing’. 
“Are you gonna write the ending soon? I want you to read it to me!”
Odasaku reached over and picked her up to sit on his lap. He never could remember the name of the man that had inspired him to stop killing. It was a frustrating thing to forget. But he thought if he could finish the book that was missing the last few pages, it could jog his memory somehow. 
“Hm.. you think I can?”
Her eyes sparkled and they were bursting with energy. If he could use the best words to describe his daughter's energy, it would be like recieving a powerful shock through his body. 
“I believe daddy can do anything!”
He leaned in to press his forehead against hers then placed a soft kiss. 
“Then it shall be done.”
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 20 - Therapy
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Varian sat on the leather couch inside the doctor’s office nervously bouncing his knee up and down. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to run, but he knew that would upset Aunt Cass who was seated on the chair next to the door.
This was meant to be his first therapy session and he didn’t know what to expect, or to say, or what to do. Both Hiro and Wasabi had told him that all he had to do was talk to the doctor about his problems, but Varian didn’t really feel like talking. He didn’t feel like delving into his past and reliving those painful memories. Moreover, he didn’t want anyone in this world to know of his mistakes, even if they were just a stranger.
Just then the door opened and a tall woman with short bobbed hair and glasses walked in. She wore a white lab coat and held in her hand a clipboard and pen.
“Hello, Miss Templeton. Are we here to see Hiro today?” The woman asked Aunt Cass.
“Oh hi, Dr. Mcguire.” Aunt Cass stood up to shake her hand. “No, I called earlier and told the secretary this, but I’d like you to meet Varian. Varian this is Dr. Mcguire. She’s our family therapist.”The woman smiled and shook his hand as well, as Aunt Cass contunited. “Varian is from Europe and I’m fostering him while he’s here in the states.”  
“Oh exciting!” The woman enthused. “Is this your first therapy session, Varian?”
Varian nodded his head numbly, still too unsure of himself to speak.
“Well there’s many different types of therapy. I’m a grief counselor. I use different techniques to help people deal with loss or trauma, such as, listening to people talk about their feelings and problems, helping people develop healthy coping mechanisms for anxiety or depression, helping people pinpoint or understand where their underlying issues are and what might cause them to react the way they do to certain situations, and basically anything else that helps the patient cope with their grief.”
Varian listened to the woman intently but none of what she said made any sense to him. He knew what all those words individually meant on their own but all together it just sounded like a word salad to him. He had no idea what any of that actually entailed in practice.
"Well, now Varian, tell me a little about yourself?" The doctor asked as she sat at her desk.
Varian only stared blankly at her, unsure what she wanted to hear.
Dr. Mcguire expounded "Do you have any interests or hobbies?"
Varian looked back to Aunt Cass questionly and she gave him an encouraging smile and a go on motion with her hands.
"Ummm...I like alchemy."
"Alchemy? Like the history of it, or is that some new video game I haven't heard of yet?" Dr. Mcguire gently laughed at herself. "My kids are always trying to get me into the lastest gaming craze and I can never seem to get the hang of it."
Varian once again could only stare. He'd played a few video games with Hiro and Fred, but he had no idea what was deemed popular or not. Nor did he know how to explain to this woman that he was a practitioner of a long dead science.
When this didn't elect a response from him the doctor tried a new line of questioning.
"Do you have a favorite video game?"
Varian shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't played many of them. We didn't have video games back in Old Corona."
"That's the city he came from." Aunt Cass explained. "Varian is from a Russia territory."
"Oh. Well, what did you play in Old Corona?" Dr. Mcguire asked.
"Not much." Varian racked his brain for a childhood game, but there had been no other kids to play with and his dad was not much for chess.
"My cellmate and I would play 'Noughts and Crosses' to pass the time. It's a little like Gomoku, but you try to get three in a row instead of five, and you just draw an X or O on to a grid you drew in the sand instead of having a board and colored pieces.'
"Oh we call that tic-tac-toe here." Aunt Cass cheerfully said, not immediately picking up on his mention of being in jail.
The doctor however did notice. "Cellmate?" She asked with concern.
Varian clamped his mouth shut at that. He didn't want to go into why he had been in prison, certainly not with Aunt Cass there.
Sensing the Varian's discomfort and seeing Dr. Mcguire's confusion, Aunt Cass spoke up. "I'm guessing the secretary didn't give you the forms we filled out?"
"No, I'm afraid not. I saw your name on the appointment and just assumed it was time again for Hiro's session. I'm sorry, that was unprofessional of me to assume and not come prepared. Would you like to reschedule?"
Aunt Cass looked to Varian. "It's up to you, sweetie."
Varian really didn't want to go through all this again. "No. I'm good."
"Well do you feel like talking about what's wrong then?" Asked Mcguire.
Varian tightened his jaw, unsure how to say no to the woman. But Dr. Mcguire knew her business and understood what Varian meant even without words.
"It's ok." She soothed. "You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. We're not here to make you feel uncomfortable. Therapy is supposed to help, not hurt."
This relaxed Varian a little, but only a little. He didn't know what either adult wanted from him then.
"Varian, would it help if I left?" Aunt Cass offered. "Or would you prefer that I stay? Either one is fine. It's your choice."
Varian looked back and forth between both women trying to decide. He honestly didn't know which would be more stressful; dealing with the doctor alone or risking slipping up again and having Aunt Cass find out about his past crimes.
"I...maybe?" He eventually answered.
"Alright then. I'll be just right outside the door if you need me." She stood up, walked over to Varian, gave him a peck on the forehead and an encouraging smile before closing the door and leaving.
Varian had to admit, he could breath more easily now that she'd left the room.
"Well," Dr. Mcguire spoke back up, "if you rather not talk about your issues right now, would you like to write about them instead?"
Varian gave her a confused look and in response she dug into a drawer in her desk and pulled out a notebook.
"Sometimes people find it easier to write about things than to talk about them. I often give my patiences journals, so that they can get out their feelings about stuff, make goals and plans, or to help keep track of their triggers and their responses."
She handed the notebook to Varian. It was thin and curiously printed on the front were images of lizards with hats and sunglasses riding upon skateboards. Varian might have thought it absurd looking but he was distracted by something that the doctor had said.
"Triggers?" He asked.
"A 'trigger' is anything that might make someone remember their trauma. It can be anything from a familiar sound or object, to an action or situation that is similar to an event that the person went through. When someone who's been through trauma comes across one of their triggers they might experience a panic attack, flashbacks, get angry or upset, or even completely shut down so to speak."
Varian studied the woman thoughtfully. Wasabi had described what a panic attack felt like and it sounded eerily similar to what he had felt when he ran away that day. The way he felt after having a nightmare. The way he'd felt when he had come home to find his dad unmoving in the amber.
“Do..do nightmares count?” He asked hesitantly.
“Well, yes, in a way. Nightmares are often associated with PTSD. They are a way for your mind to process what has happened to you. But they can also be caused by other things, like stress, anxiety, or just a lack of sleep. You’d have to dream about something multiple times and analyze those dreams in order to figure out their cause.”
She paused and studied Varian intently before continuing. "Some people write dream diaries to track the patterns of what they dream and when. You write what you've dreamed, good or bad, when you wake up. You also may write things like what time you went to bed, how long did you sleep, or what you may have eaten that day as those can affect how well you sleep."
"You could use your journal for that." She gently suggested.
"Then...then I show it to you?" He asked in kind.
"If you want to. Though, once again, you don't have to do anything that you don't want to."
"But, if I did, would it help?" Varian pressed, "Would it get rid of them?"
"It might help." The woman said measuredly. "Though it might not. Or you may need to do that along with a combination of things. The only way to find out is to try it."
Dr. Mcguire gave him a soft smile and Varian turned her words over in his mind. He would love for the nightmares to stop. They had only become more frequent since he moved in with the Hamada's. As if deep down he feared this new change in his life would become permanent and his subconscious was warning him to return home before it was too late. But, even still, while the doctor was right about not knowing till you tried, he worried over his past and what she or others might think of him once known. Then again, no reason to take a dream literally, right?
"I've..I...I've been having nightmares lately." He finally admitted. Dr. Mcguire only nodded along. She most likely had already guessed as much, but she didn't interrupt.
"They're always different. Like they're about different things. Sometimes they're about my home or my dad, sometimes about my friends, both old and new, and sometimes about, ummm, being in jail." He muttered this last part but then quickly contunited on, "They all end the same way though. With me being alone."
He met the doctor's eyes questioningly, wondering how she might respond. She looked to be contemplating over what he'd just confessed.
"Hmmm…Well dreams are rarely the same each time. It's usually just the repeated elements that we look for when analyzing. That's how the journal would help. But it looks like you figured out one of those elements on your own. Does being alone scare you?"
Varian looked at her wide eyed. He didn't know how to feel about having one of his greatest fears pointed out to him. It was true of course, but he didn't like to admit it.
"A, little." He admitted sheepishly.
"A lot of people fear being alone. We're social creatures. Humans need other humans and so we seek out relationships. It's nothing to be embarrassed about." Mcguire tried to ease his fear.
"Were you on your own in jail? Did you feel alone there?" She pressed.
"No, well sometimes, but like I said I at least had a cellmate. That's better than when I was completely on my own before then."
Dr. Mcguire face grew more concerned but she didn't pursue anything else about his time alone. Instead she asked, "Were you friends with your cellmate?"
"No." Varian scoffed, complaining about Andrew was easier than talking about his time spent on the run. "Dude was a creep."
"Oh, did you fight with him often?"
"Not usually. In fact we got along fine, but that's only because he'd pretend to be nice to get what he wanted. I always knew that's what he was doing, but I, guess I just went along with it because….because it was better than not talking to anybody at all."
Dr. Mcguire furrowed her brow, "What did he want from you then?"
Varian wiggled in his seat at that. He didn't want to go into the prison break and what followed thereafter. "Just….stuff."
This did not ease the doctor's fear. "How old were you when you went to jail?"
"I had just turned fifteen." He didn't know where this was going.
"And your cellmate was what, also fifteen, sixteen?" She guessed.
"Oh no. Corona doesn't have, what did the policeman call it, 'juvenile detention center.' Anyways, uh, I'm not sure what age Andrew was. He never said, but I would guess, like, late twenties?" Varian shrugged but he only became even more confused when he noted the look of horror on Dr Mcguire's face.
"And where were the guards when he was making you do… stuff?" She tried to hide it but Varian could still hear the way her voice shook.
"Ummm...well the guards make their rounds of the cells every ten minutes and stand guard at the door between then. Or they're supposed to, anyways. Sometimes they're late or they're switching shifts, or even sometimes asleep." He broke from his matter of fact statement with a little laugh. "I once saw Pete the guard fall asleep while standing up and Stan, the other guard, had to prop him up with his spear to keep the Captain from noticing." He whispered conspiratorially as if imparting some juicy bit of gossip.
But the doctor wasn't amused.
"It would appear that your home country has a very different legal system than ours." She stated as if trying to find a way to navigate Varian's revelations.
"I'll say." He snorted. Complaining about the conditions of the dungeon itself didn't bother him as much as admitting how he'd got there. He supposed it was because everyone suffered the same indignity as he did while there. So he didn't feel singled out.
"I saw what those cells down at the police station here looked like last week. Let me tell you. They were pristine." He began to number the differences on his fingers." Clean, not drafty, there were toilets, electric lights. I was on the bottom floor of the dungeon and all we had was a grate on the ceiling that let the tiniest bit of light and air in from the cell above us. Of course that wasn't much cause that cell only had a small window to begin with."
The doctor interrupted his ramble. "But what about when you were aloud outside?"
"Outside?" He echoed in confusion. "We never went outside. Who'd let criminals out of their cells willingly?"
Dr. Mcguire darted her eyes back and forth as if equally flabbergasted. "But, but what about for exercise!? Showers!? Mealtimes!?"
Varian looked at her unsure how to answer, now only realising just how vastly different the two realities really were.
"We ate in the cells." He said flatly in lieu of anything else. "Is the food better here too?"
"I don't know? What did they serve you?"
"Usually gruel, or bread and water. Sometimes we'd get scraps from the castle's kitchen. Like leftover bone broth before it went bad. I guess not to starve us completely."
"Castle?" She echoed hollowly.
"The jail is underneath the government's palace." He explained.
"And is that the only prison? Wouldn't that get over full?"
"Yeah, it does. That's why they only keep people there until they ship them off on the prison barge or…. til they hang them." He quietly admitted.
This seemed to be the last straw for the doctor.
She took a deep, shuddering breath and tried to compose herself.
"Well, that..uh..we seem to be reaching near the end of our session. How about we bring Miss. Templeton back in?" She flashed him a strained grin, but Varian knew she was rattled and he feared he'd said too much or had done the wrong thing.
"You mean Aunt Cass?" He asked.
"Yes. So you call her 'aunt' too?" He nodded. " Well let's get your aunt in here and we'll talk about how best to continue your therapy."
Dr. Mcguire walked out and Varian could hear her and Aunt Cass having a hushed and hurried conversion. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he knew it was about him. Soon after, they both reentered the room and Aunt Cass took a seat next to him on the couch.
Dr. Mcguire sat at her desk again and proceeded to make an announcement.
"So Varian and I have talked a little and he's decided that he's going to keep a dream diary, which he can share with me during our next few sessions if he would like. However, I feel that Varian might benefit from seeing a specialist."
Varian heart dropped. He was being turned away? He'd somehow managed to screw up his first therapy session so bad the doctor was pawning him off to someone else.
"But, aren't you a specialist?" Aunt Cass asked, equally confused.
"Yes, but I deal with post trauma, sudden events, like a car accident or the recent death of a family member. After talking to Varian, it appears he's been through prolonged trauma. It'll take a few more sessions to confirm this but, he may have Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's related to regular PTSD, there is some overlap in symptoms, but ultimately it requires different treatment."
Varian's stomach began to churn and he felt his heartbeat quicken. All he heard, behind the doctor's unfamiliar terminology, was that he was somehow, wrong or broken, more so than even the troubled patients she normally worked with. He wanted to cry, but instead he blinked back tears as Dr. Mcguire contunited.
"I have the name of a psychiatrist that I can recommend. I've worked with him before alongside other patients."
She handed a business card to Aunt Cass who leaned forward to take from her. As she read it the doctor went on.
"Dr. Brown deals with former soldiers, war refugees, abuse victims, and others who've had to endure extremely harsh conditions. He's better experienced in such cases and as a psychiatrist he can also prescribe any medicine that Varian might need."
"Medicine!?" Varian exploded and both women looked at him with concern. "But, but I'm not sick." He whined in protest.
Dr. Mcguire stood up and walked over to him. She knelt down to his level and looked him in the eye.
"I don't know if you are or aren't, diagnoses of mental illnesses take time, but you might still need prescribed medication even if you don't have an illness. You mentioned not sleeping well, something as simple as a herbal tea with added melatonin could help with that. However as a psychologist, and not a psychiatrist, I can legally write you a prescription for that, nor should I."
Varian darted his eyes about the room in confusion. Logically what the woman said made sense, he supposed, but that didn't stop his anxiety from raising. He felt cornered. He wanted to run again, but the gentle hand of Aunt Cass upon his shoulder rooted him to the couch.
"Look, you're still welcome to come see me." Dr. Mcguire reassured him. "I'll gladly help you in any way that I can. I just think Dr. Brown could do even more to help you."
"We just want what's best for you." Aunt Cass interjected. "Thank you, Dr. Mcguire. I'll give this Dr. Brown a call today when we get home."
And that was the end of it. They said their goodbyes and left.
On the whole way home, Varian sulked in the passenger seat as he stared dispondingly out the window. He could feel Aunt Cass nervously stealing glances of him, probably afraid he may jump out of the car again and try to run away.
She attempted to say something a few times, but thought better of it and kept quiet. The uncomfortable silence weighing upon them both until they arrived back at the Luck Cat.
Varian tore out of the car, pounded up the stairs, and was just about to run towards his new room, when he heard Aunt Cass say. "We need to talk."
Varian found himself sitting on a couch for the second time that day. This one in Hamada living room. He eyed Aunt Cass pensively and waited for yet another lecture.
"Sooo, I know that didn't go as well as we hoped today, but hey, we made some progress!" She gave him a plastered grin as she tried to find the silver lining. Varian only gave her a look as if she was crazy and rolled his eyes.
She heaved a heavy sigh.
"Varian, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Lots of people see special psychiatrists. That's what they're for. They wouldn't exist if people didn't need them."
Varian still refused to meet her gaze.
"Also, not everyone finds the right therapist on their first try. It took me a whole year and three different doctors before I found Dr. Mcguire."
Varian did look at her upon that revelation, this time with surprise on his face.
Aunt Cass gave him a small smile.
"Did you think you were the only one who needed therapy?" She gently teased, before admitting, "I was only 24 when I took in Tadashi and Hiro. I didn't know how to be a parent. I didn't know how to handle two grieving little boys nor the emotional roller coaster I was on as well. I had to get help. I had to try out different doctors, different types of therapy, even took medication for a little while, and it took time but in the end it did make things better for all of us. I just want you to get better as well."
Varian processed this confession as he wrestled with his growing sense of shame and despair.
"But...but…you never did anything to deserve that. It was just a bad thing that happened to you.. I… I on the other hand…I wasn't in that jail for no reason." He confessed before bursting into tears.
"I don't care." Aunt Cass quietly said.
Varian looked back in surprise again. She stood before him with worry etched onto her face.
"I don't care what you did." She reiterated. "It doesn't matter."
She bent down and cupped Varian's face into her hand, just as she did when he returned after running away.
"Varian, no one deserves to be treated the way you were. Especially a child. That..that was just cruel." Her voice broke. "Cruel, and inhumane, and oh god, what ever did they do to you to make you think you deserved it?" It was her turn to cry as she scooped Varian into a hug.
Varian blinked rapidly, both because of the tears and because he hadn't been expecting this reaction. He knew he was at fault. Everyone in the kingdom knew it. They all blamed him for what happened and threw nothing but scorn his way. The only reason that Aunt Cass and everyone else didn't hate him too was because they didn't know, surely. But the sincerity in her voice, the tender loving embrace, the way she put up with him and his stupid mistakes around the house, all made him desperate to believe her. So he hugged her tightly back.
"But.. But.. I'm not 'no one'" The tears flowed freely now. "I'm...I'm…I'm not like anyone. The doctor said so herself, today."
"No!" She pulled away from the embrace to look him dead in the eye. "No. She said you needed help that she couldn't give. Dr. Brown, though, can. He deals with people who've been through what you've been through. You're not alone. You're not broken. You're not weird. And you are most certainly not deserving of being thrown in a dungeon."
She wiped her fingers through his bangs, a sign of affection he'd come to recognize from her, and blinking back tears said, "Oh how I wish I could have been there for you sooner. But I'm here now. And so is Hiro, all your friends, Chief Cruz, Professor Granville, and Dr. Mcguire. Ok? We are all here for you now, and we love you, and nothing is going to change that. And now Dr. Brown will be there for you too. So please, let us help you."
Varian searched her eyes. These were words he had longed to hear for who knew how long, but when faced with them for real he had trouble giving into them; to believing them. The nagging voice in his head was screaming at him, warning him that it wasn't true, that they would all abandon his as soon as he screwed up or they found out the truth of his past, the same as how everyone else had given up on him, told him how he didn't deserve such kindness, ect.,but he didn't care. He wanted it to be true.
He nodded yes and flung his arms around Aunt Cass again. They remained that way, just holding each other for several minutes. While Aunt Cass stroked his hair and cooed reassuring words. How she loved him, how she wasn't going anywhere, how he was her child now and nothing would change that. He wasn't sure if he was ready to accept her as a parent yet, to him his dad was the only parent he needed, but he deeply appreciated all that she had done, all that she promised to do, and it felt good to finally be accepted somewhere, to be wanted .
When they finally stopped hugging Aunt Cass said she was going to call Dr. Brown and set up an appointment. She then stroked the top of his head again and asked if he wanted to help her bake something special for dinner. He nodded yes and they both put the unfortunate incident at the therapist behind them.
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sitontheground · 4 years
So, I know I don't exactly post much, if at all, but in light of recent events in the US the majority of witches on both tumblr and tik tok have decided that on Friday June 5th, we were all going to be casting spells of protection for the protesters as well as hexing and cursing the cops and the white supremacists who oppose them.
While I am not American (I'm from Canada) nor am I a person of color but I have always been one for activism and fighting for the rights of those whose voices aren't heard or are purposefully silenced. I don't post about it because I don't post much of anything at all. This platform, for me, isn't about making my voice heard but appreciating others' work and words. I also don't particularly care for speaking about my craft much because it is something I find very personal and don't much wish to have others peering in on my personal affairs.
And yet, despite my private nature and lack of desire to post about my activism, I have made the decision to share what I did during the full moon to work this cause into my craft.
For any who have questions or complaints about how I did what I did or why, my craft is my own and I just follow what feels right. If you try and do or say anything to me that I feel is in anyway attacking me and my practice I'm just going to block you. You have no place sticking your nose in my work and I'll not thank you for it.
My Full Moon BLM Support Ritual
As a preface, a lot of the ingredients and items I used were already prepared. Most by happenstance as they are things that I typically keep on hand. The only thing I didn't have in my back pocket before I began was one of the sigils I used.
I also meditated facing the south. Facing the direction of the people I wanted to protect.
Charged water (I used storm water*)
Charged crystal (I used my fluorite point for the reason that it often amplifies my emotions*)
Black thread
Orange paper**
Purple paper**
Stick of charcoal (for drawing)
Sigil of protection
Sigil to hex the oppressors
Sachet of protection powder***
Music to increase emotion**** (optional, to be played during both halves of the ritual)
Note: both of the sigils that I used will be shown below
I started when I heard whispers from the witchblr community members that I follow about the full moon being used to help the protesters. That day there was a storm where I live so I was already collecting storm water, but I made sure to separate some for the specific intent of using it on the full moon.
Friday night, I gathered my ingredients and created a sigil for protecting the protesters. I am aware that the eclipse would likely have a negative effect on most protection spells, but the spell I used was one that I created and use without the power of the full moon more often than not. The power of the spell comes entirely from a sacrifice I make for it, which I will explain in more detail later.
Take the storm water, the sigil of protection and the protection powder.
Meditate on the sigil to charge it.
Take a pinch of the powder (A Pinch. You don't need more than that!!!) and sprinkle it in the water.
Swirl the water clockwise 3 times to increase the power of the powder while mixing it in (I had the water in a small Mason jar with a lid so I could swirl it in large movements to incorporate the powder properly without spilling)
Take your right index finger and dip it in the water
Drip 3 drops onto the paper with the sigil
Meditate on the sigil again, focusing on the power of the water sinking into the lines of the sigil
Drink the water with the protection powder to cast the spell
Fold the paper with the sigil on it 3 times, being careful not to rip the wet paper, and leave it in a window or outside until daylight.
Note: the protection powder tastes Bad. Really really really bad. This is why a pinch is more than enough. I usually keep something around to wash the taste out of my mouth when everything is all said and done. This time I used hibiscus water, but usually I use tea.
And that's all there is to the first part of the ritual. Really that can be done at anytime for anyone as long as you have a sigil that corresponds with them.
The next part of this was the part where I actually drew upon the power of the moon.
Take the other sigil, the needle and black thread, and the charged crystal.
Meditate with the crystal in your dominant hand and the hexing sigil in your other focusing on the power that the crystal is feeding into you and pushing it out with your intent through the sigil in order to truly focus the energy you're sending out.
Tear the paper with the sigil on it in until it is in small pieces. As you rend it apart, feel the fire of your anger and the anger of all those fighting for this cause and send it out into the world with every tear in the paper.
Using the needle and the black thread, pierce the center of every piece of the paper until they are all strung up.
Bring all of the pieces together on the string and wrap the thread around the 3 times
Tie a knot in the thread.
Wrap the thread and tie the knot 2 more times.
Cut the thread and cast away the bundle of thread and paper however you see fit (burning, burying, tossing in the trash. whatever works for you)
And that’s that on that. I began my work at midnight on the full moon and when I was finished I was exhausted. I had a headache and my hands were shaking and I just wanted to crawl into my bed so much that I almost forgot to ground myself at the end which would have made everything so much worse the next time I woke. If I were to do it again, and I probably will, I’d make sure to give myself some time in between spells, which I did not in this case. In fact, I’d suggest that if you were to attempt something similar to this you should do them completely separately. However, due to that fact that the moon was in Gemini it felt right for me to complete two spells during it.
And now onto the notes.
*In regards to my choices of charged water and crystal, I have to note that I base my practice by what feels right at the moment. I’ve gone into spells with something in my hand that, by the time I get around to using it during the casting process, it no longer feels like the right tool/ingredient to use and I have gone to find what does feel right, or at least what feels best. The use of storm water has to due with how the chaos and anger that comes from the people on the front lines of this movement feels to me like a storm overhead. They were patient and they brewed this storm for centuries, waiting for us to notice it and do something to lessen the blow that it would cause. But eventually, as all storm must, the thunder rang out and the sweeping gales of wind told everyone just what was going on. Storm water, for this particular variation of my protection spell, seemed very appropriate. I used my fluorite point because whenever I’m working a particularly emotional spell, whether it is my emotion or someone else’s, I use this crystal because it amplifies what I’m feeling and it gives that emotion power.
Also this is my fluorite point.
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**As most will suspect, the colors of the paper do signify different things, but if you don’t just happen to have colored paper hanging around white paper would work too. Again this was something that I just figured felt right at the time. I used the purple paper for the protection sigil. Purple, to me, is a regal color that signifies wisdom, power and good fortune. I used the orange paper for the hexing sigil because orange is the most infuriating and aggressive color I could think of (psychologically speaking the color orange is the most likely to send a person into a fit of rage). 
***Alright, so for most of the above I have been rather vague when it comes to the protection powder, but that’s because it is a recipe of my own creation that I have reliably used for a couple of years now and I’m proud of it. It was one of the first things I ever did when I started my craft and I haven’t ever felt like something that I should spread to the masses. Now, however, I don’t feel that same hesitation when it comes to giving the recipe so here it is. 
1 part garlic powder
1 part  cumin
2 parts cinnamon
1 park Himalayan pink salt
1 sprig of cedar, dried and crushed as small as you can make it
When I first made this recipe, I didn’t do anything with it besides mix it all together and put it in a small velvet bag that I got with an old pair of headphones. I soon learned that just mixing together a couple of spices doesn’t exactly create a protection spell and thought it a failure. right as I was about to tear the page with the recipe from my spell book, I decided to meditate on it for a while. That night, I took the little bag with the powder into both of my hands and began to meditate. When I came out of it, I realized that 4 hours had passed by and I could feel the energy from the powder in the bag. So, to make long stories short, you have to key this powder to yourself first. Since then, I have used it as a protection for others by using the same powder that I mixed a couple of years ago that has protected me for that long. I take some of that powder and, using the charged water, I key it to the other that I want to protect, and then by drinking the water I am sacrificing the strength of my protection spell in order to cast one on someone else. This is why I didn’t see an issue doing this spell during the eclipse, which I have read can be a force of undoing. I had no issue casting a hex during the eclipse because I wanted to see the undoing of those that I was trying to hex, but the protection spell will not fail because I didn’t pull on the power of the moon.
****Yes, I listen to music while I work. On the night of the full moon, I was listening to Freedom by Beyoncé ft. Kendrick Lamar on repeat during the whole shebang. When I work, I am incredibly focused, so much that even the slightest disturbance to my balance will send the whole spell crashing down at my feet. If I were to work in silence, a single pin drop could cause me to lose focus and the spell could go awry. So, usually I will put on a single song that reflects the work that I am doing. Either that or I go to ambient-mixer.com and find some background sounds that I can customize and put on for myself. I chose the particular song that I did because both artists are POC angd it sends a message that aligns with the intent of both of these spells.
Sigil of Protection
This one I created myself.
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Hexing Sigil
This one I did not create myself. The wonderful ceramyn here on tumblr created it, so this is me crediting her work.
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spookyheather · 5 years
first spell journal entry - sachet for sleep - mixed results
The first spell I wanted to try was for better sleep throughout the night for myself, as well as my pets. Usually I wake up a lot at night, and if my cats sense me stirring they often come over to demand i play with or pet them or step on me until they find a comfortable spot.
This aint a tutorial, it’s just what i did lol, CCW from more experienced witches!!
The Supplies:
- brown paper (the color brown is for pet magick)
- white paper with sigil for CALM RESTFUL SLEEP written in
-brown pencil
-masking tape
-white candle (fire element)
-moon water made under the friday the 13th full moon (night, good dreams, calm) (water element)
-sage/rosemary/lavender cleansing stick (air element)
-crystals: amethyst (for calm, good dreams), clear quartz (for the spell to have more power and focus) (earth element)
-pet hair
-sea salt (protection from nightmares/anxiety
-herbs: lavender (calming), rosemary essential oil (for sleep and protection from nightmares/anxiety)
The Process:
I started by smoke cleansing all supplies and designing the sigil using the letters C,L,M,R,S,T,F,P . I didn’t cleanse the pet hair because i wanted it to contain their energy :) I then drew the sigil onto a scrap of white paper and lit a white candle. I lit the scrap with the candle’s flame and let it burn safely in an ashtray.
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I placed the salt, lavender, clear quartz, sigil ashes, and pet hair onto a strip of brown paper, then added a few drops each of moon water and rosemary oil. As i added each ingredient i focused on why they were being added, even if it was mostly to boost the spell (salt, quartz). I tried to keep my intention clear: more restful sleep at night for me and my pets. I sealed it with masking tape and drew a small pentagram (for protection).
I placed the sachet on my bedside table with the amethyst on top, visualizing it as a beacon for the spell.
The Results:
The spell seemed successful for my pets, there was almost no yelling from my cats, and the cat who steps on me multiple times a night seemed to have an easier time finding a comfortable spot.
As for me, I still woke up on my own a couple times, but was able to get back to sleep a little easier I think? I was definitely less irritable and tired throughout the day. I'd like to fine tune this to include uninterrupted sleep as a more specific intention.
Possible Improvements:
- more non spell work manifestation. For my pets I found myself doing things to help them sleep better like letting them outside to play during the day and piling up their favorite toys so that they didn't have to go looking for them in the night (a very vocal activity for them). I didn't do as much to manifest the intention of my own sleep. I think I needed to try some things like less liquids and screentime before bed. Can't depend on the universe for all of it
-better focus during the spell work. Rather than bothering to cast a circle I had decided to simply designate my altar as a sacred space where spell work happens. During the spell I found myself leaving a lot to get supplies I had forgotten and getting distracted. I think that casting a circle or doing something else to activate the space (lighting an altar candle?) for the entire duration of creating the spell would have helped with my focus and kept me from just wandering off.
-clearer intention. I think I could narrow down my intention a little more. Instead of "sleep better" I think I'll try to be a tad more specific, like focusing on specifically uninterrupted sleep, comfort in my body and mind, and a peaceful night for my pets.
I've broken the spell and cleansed the components that I'm gonna reuse and I hope to try again with these improvements tonight!
Thanks for reading ❤️
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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*Sigh* Okay, let's do this!
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe where,... 🤭🤫
~ This is for you, @simmy-ships ! Thanks for reblogging chapter seven! 🖤
~ And to my two best girls, @acieoj and @heaven-on-a-landslide . 🖤
~ Should I put a warning? Nah. Enjoy! 🖤
May 17, 07:45 PM
The room was dark. As expected, the building was deserted. You've already heard from the local news that the Demon King that threatened Red Grave with the Underworld Tree was already defeated.
So, as instructed by your boss Dante, you went back a day later to finally meet the others, including the supposed client who offered the job. Yes, particularly him. He said that you two might get along.
But, the room was dark.
Maybe Dante forgot to pay the electric bills again.
You placed your pale pink fur coat on the sofa, seeing a familiar silhouette sitting behind the desk.
You smiled, thinking that maybe he was going to surprise you. How typical of him, considering he just defeated another Demon Lord.
"Dante, I thought you're already paid in advance by your client?" You said, walking towards your boss, unaware of everything that took place during the fight. "Where are the others?"
The moment you laid a hand on his shoulder, you instantly felt something that sent shivers down your spine.
He's not like this. Something is wrong,...
Despite the darkness of the room, you noticed how Dante looked up at you. The usual charm on his facial features was absent, and you saw huge bags under his eyes, like he's been crying nonstop.
But, that was impossible, right? Dante can't cry,...
"What are you doing here?" He said to you in a raspy voice. "You're not supposed to be here."
You laughed nervously, unable to believe what you just heard from him.
"You said to go back after the mission." You answered. "You promised to introduce me to - "
"You don't belong here."
You drew back in confusion as he stood up from his chair, towering above your diminutive form.
As he knocked his chair, you gulped. Hoping it was another one of his tasteless pranks, you laughed, your voice ringing all throughout the hot and dark room.
"Okay, Dante, I'm not falling for that anymore!" you said, already feeling your confidence leave your body as he closed in on you. "And if you think I will allow you to carry me to the showers with you now, then sorry! Joke's on you - "
"LEAVE!" Dante shouted at you, his voice unmistakably sounding like his Demon form's growl. He grabbed your shoulder, hurting you with his powerful grip, and pushed you forcefully away from him, making you stumble and fall to the cold floor.
As you tried to stand and retaliate, you saw how he completely transformed into his full demonic form. He really meant what he just said.
"Dante,..." you pleaded, your voice cracking as tears slowly fell. "Why?"
His eyes glowed unearthly red, his wings spread wide. He took a few steps forward, his every move creating tremors on the ground beneath you. You made an effort to back away even further until your back touched the door.
Thoughts of that night three weeks ago went back to haunt you as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your face flushed due to five glasses of champagne, your eyes both looking and feeling heavier, you sighed, for once letting yourself slouch. You convinced yourself that everything would be alright once more between you and Dante.
Well, he looked alright a while ago, right?
You shook your head as you touched your forehead and leaned on the counter. Obviously, he was drowning himself in liquor to get over something. That last mission really took a toll on him, and you knew it was the reason for his misery.
For the last three weeks, you took on small Demon hunting jobs separately from Dante. Of course, some clients were aware that you're working as a Devil May Cry agent, they just didn't have any idea what went on between the two of you. Heck, even Morrison was smart enough to not ask, saying that you two were acting like quarelling lovers, which you definitely weren't. There was only the quarelling bit but, there were no lovers involved there, and you both knew it. Dante even stressed it out to you a year ago as one of the conditions for being a Devil May Cry agent and his assistant. That you would only have a professional relationship, and nothing else.
Yes, you were aware of all of these but, why was your heart aching after what just happened? You knew you weren't falling for him. So, why?
"Okay, I'm coming in!" a female voice said on the other side of the door.
You stood up straight and composed yourself, and as the door opened, you were met with an absolutely gorgeous woman in white who was slightly taller than you.
But, her unique looks weren't the only thing that captivated you. It was the color of her eyes: the right one green and the left one rust red.
The lady smiled and pointed at you with her silver pouch. "Hey, I know you! You must be Dante's girlfriend!"
Uhh, no,... "I'm sorry, I'm not - "
"Haha, of course, not! I know." The lady went closer towards you and gave you a quick hug. "My name's Lady, Dante's girl friend. But, not his girlfriend. There's a difference between that."
"I know."
"Anyway," the lady named Lady opened her pouch and brought out her nude matte lipstick. "I'm not kidding. I do know you. You're the girl who had been working on the Devil May Cry for a year now, am I right?"
"Yes, but, I'm kind of in a suspension right now." You admitted, watching Lady as she put on her lipstick.
"Aww, why is that?"
"Long story."
"Hmm, but you don't look like you're in a suspension right now. I mean, the way he groped you earlier!" Lady gave you a mischievous look. "Are you sure you're not his girlfriend?"
She saw what happened earlier!
To this, you just smiled and gave her a simple answer. "I'll never be his lover."
Lady nodded. "Okay." she said as she went closer to you. Her lips close to your ear, she whispered, "I agree. After all, your boyfriend looks like the possessive type. I was knocking at the door for a few seconds when I noticed him waiting for you outside. And he looks a bit worried and upset. You're not gonna make him wait longer, are you?"
Of course! Due to your own troubles, you almost forgot about V, who promised to wait for you outside!
"Oh, no, V!"
Lady laughed, her voice sounding like chimes in your ears. "Who knew that guy V had a really gorgeous lover?"
"I'm sorry, Lady, I have to go!" you said as you rushed towards the door.
"Good luck, cherry pie!" Lady sang cheerfully, gesturing something with her fingers that you couldn't understand and didn't want to know.
When you came out of the powder room, sure enough, there was V, leaning on a wall across the room and reading that hard - bound book he showed Dante earlier. Lying beside his feet was a great black feline who was peacefully taking a nap.
The moment V heard the door open, he was greeted by your sight, captivating than ever before with the help of the wine. Your face was a bit red, emphasizing your cheeks. Your gentle eyes looked heavier, and he realized that you might have drank too much.
He held out his right hand to you, which you took without hesitation. Without taking his deep eyes off you, he brought your hand to his lips, giving it a chaste peck, its softness and fullness giving you a strange kind of satisfaction. You wondered how it would feel on your -
V was a bit startled when you quickly took your hand away from his grasp, your cheeks getting even redder. Was it the way he kissed your hand?
"Forgive me." V quietly said, his low and seductive voice slowly becoming your undoing. He put his book away, waking the feline and making her stand after having a nice stretch.
"No, no, there's nothing to forgive." you said, almost admitting that it was your fault for letting your thoughts drift. "It must be the heat of this place."
"Would you like to catch some air?"
Taking up V's offer ( while perfectly knowing that Lady was spying on you two from the powder room ), you went outside with him, your hand on the crook of his right arm. He led you outside to the balcony.
You let go of V's arm and looked up in awe at the starlit sky above you, perfect for this summer evening. And while you looked at the sky, V looked only at you. You may have tried to murder him that afternoon but, if it's you, he wouldn't mind. After all, who would refuse to be put to eternal rest by a very beautiful angel such as yourself?
Griffon materialized once more, looking at the same direction as V.
"Go on, Shakespeare." the bird whispered. "Ask her for a dance."
He was still looking at you, drinking in the sight of you and feeling like he was an inexperienced teenager once more.
"I'm not sure." V honestly answered just as quietly so as not to disturb you as you leaned on the railing. "I haven't done this for a very long time."
"That was twenty - five freaking years ago! Ya got this!" Griffon urged. Seeing that V would not budge without motivation, the bird stealthily took his cane and flew as far away as he could. "Haha! Not gonna return this until you ask her!"
You turned, hearing Griffon's harsh voice, and found V intently staring at you. For a brief moment, you felt at a loss for words. Even the opinionated and well spoken man could not think of anything wise to say for the first time since that day twenty five years ago.
He may have felt affection before in the form of another human woman but, V knew this was different.
And he knew it was more.
But, what was it?
All of a sudden, the music stopped. There was a brief silence, and when the violin hit its first note, you both knew what was coming.
V summoned what little courage he had and went towards you, the absence of his cane on his right hand not unnerving him in the least for once. You waited for him until he was mere inches away from you. And when he was finally looking down at you, his eyes suspiciously getting a bit darker, he spoke.
"You were asking how to thank me for earlier." It was not a question, and you knew it.
You nodded, not taking your eyes off him. "Yes, I was."
V held out his left hand, praying that his dancing knowledge was enough for this. "May I have the honor of this dance, my lady?"
You giggled. He sounded exactly like the Prince in Patty's dime novels. And, as the Princess would answer, you said, "It would be such an honor, my lord." You took his hand and smiled, the wine in your system actually making you feel giddy.
V chuckled, knowing your reference. Slowly and with great care, V raised your hands and placed his right one around your waist, pulling you closer towards him. As gently as he could, he led you to the first ever waltz you've danced.
Your eyes never parting for even a second, you moved, slowly, at first. Your alluring scent made it almost impossible for him to concentrate but, he wanted it to be as perfect as he could.
You had no idea if it was the wine, but you were moving more quickly and with more ease now to the tune of the sweet music. You may have felt a crushing disgrace from Dante's move earlier but, that, and the sadness you felt, instantly dissipated as you spent this precious moment with V. You knew you barely knew each other but, you could always make up for it afterwards, right?
V was aware of this, as well. In fact, as your bodies moved, he actually considered inviting you somewhere private where you two could overcome that bit of a problem. Maybe forget everything and spend the rest of the night with you in ways he could almost imagine right now as you looked at him.
If this was the Yamato's will, to be with you for this moment, then, so be it. If this was to be his last day on earth, he wanted to spend it with you, and you alone.
V stopped moving all of a sudden. He was still looking at you, but there was something in them you couldn't tell. His hands were around you, locking you into his embrace.
Oh, my God! You knew what was going to happen! Patty described this exact moment! And you were right, he was leaning in closer to you!
You closed your eyes, waiting for his lips to cover yours in sweet delight -
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zell-bell · 3 years
“Who is that?”
“She’s the Fox. Have you been living under a rock?”
“Oh, I’ve heard of her... The woman with violet eyes.”
Lights flashed in every direction as the stage began to come to life in every color, waves of spectrums rolling across its surface. Wood panels shifted around the edges until they clicked into place with a plethora of eyes peering up around them. The audience was hungry and many of them cheered in unison as a figure formed towards the back of the set as a silhouette behind large, silk curtains.
G’iselle stood in her place, waiting patiently for her cue. She exhaled slowly, calming her heart as it threatened to burst through her chest. Nearby, a Roegadyn she’d met a few days prior, stood stoically without so much as glancing her direction. He would be the one to set the pace of her performance tonight... he and his small band of musicians.
Zell bit her bottom lip and almost drew blood as a small Hyuran woman slid behind the curtain with her. Her blue eyes fixed on the Miqo’te with a smile reaching them, “You’re up, Miss Bellerose!”. She felt as if someone had slid the stage out from under her and she was plummeting somewhere far below.
“Very well, thank you, Alexis...”.
The Seeker stepped forward behind the group of men bearing their instruments, small and insignificant. This suited her for the time being as she caught her breath.
Around them, the lights had gone off and an announcer could be heard clearing his throat. Somewhere off to the side, Zell caught a glance of the man. A Lalafell. He stood atop a stool in a well-tailored suit covered in glittering sequins, bluish mess of hair on his head, waving his arm like a showman, twinkling eyes fixing on the massive crowd in the dark streets of Ul’dah. Some of them waved glowing sticks back at him as he began to speak, “And now, our last act for the evening! You’re in for a treat folks!”. He paused for dramatic effect and someone in the back yelled for him to get on with the show.
“As you wish, my impatient friend! Take it away, Miss G’iselle Bellerose! Your Fox of Ul’dah!”
As he turned to face the stage, it lit up like a million stars. The men in front of her stepped to the side and she was revealed to the crowd, which gasped in unison before falling silent as the Roegadyn readied his violin. The others around him had already set up.
Zell stood before everyone in her own stunning brilliance. A long evening gown flowed around her shoulders and down past her feet in a display of iridescent feathers that shifted from blues to pinks to purples. Her hair had been braided and hung loosely around her shoulder with crystals that made it look like her own personal galaxy. Her makeup only added to the theme. Every eye in the audience was on her, waiting for her every move.
As the violin began to play, she swayed in time with her eyes closed. One hand stayed against her breast as the other clung to the dress at her hip. Heels clicked on the stage just before the instruments around her drowned out the slight noise.
Violet eyes flew open as her black-inked lips parted and sultry, yet seductive tone filled the quiet crowd ahead.
“Everybody's always looking at me from afar.
Yeah, they are, I...
I can't help it, I was always meant to be a star.
I'm a star.”
One hand extended as if her words were meant for the audience and she quickly pulled it back towards her as she smiled while singing.
“They wanna be with me or just wanna be me
I could have them all.
But the one I desire is the one that just doesn't care.
It's not fair.”
Her eyes were focused on the crowd and her movements had picked up, swaying to the tune of the lead violin. It wasn’t lost on her that the man watched her intently as she danced with his song.
“All I want is you now.
But you're the only one that passes by.
All I want is you now.
Oh, I wish that I could read your mind.”
G’iselle offered the man a wink as she turned back to the others, her gaze meeting with many of those that had begun to sway along with her. Seeing their passion for her song, her dancing picked up pace and began to sweep along the stage, her flowing dress trailing her much like her tail. She spun in circles, throwing the train of the garment in the motion and revealing thigh-high leggings that glittered under the lighting.
“Why won't you kiss me? It's really so easy.
It's like you don't see me at all.
Why won't you love me? I know that I'm worthy
But right now you make me feel small.”
As the chorus finished, she paused her singing and allowed the violinist to continue as she consumed the attention of everyone below, dancing along the stage like a moth to the flame. The feathers swirled and dipped with her figure until she stopped and looked straight ahead again.
Every second that I'm thinking 'bout you is a dream.
Such a dream.
And I remember that you couldn't care less.
And it makes me wanna scream.
I'll keep my composure and act like I'm over it.
Like everything's okay.
But on the inside, I just wanna cry and cry.
It's not right.”
She grabbed at her throat in a mock action of screaming before falling to the stage on her knees, resting atop her dress. As the turmoil in the lyrics overwhelmed her, the crowd gasped again and she waved her finger at them. With a smile, she was back on her feet again, leaving with the music and allowing her voice to float on the air again.
“All I want is you now.
But you're the only one that passes by.
All I want is you now.
Oh, I wish that I could read your mind.
Why won't you kiss me? It's really so easy.
It's like you don't see me at all.
Why won't you love me? I know that I'm worthy.
But right now you make me feel small.”
The upbeat, poppy sound of her song started to fade when she stopped altogether, one hand outstretched to the heavens and the other between her breasts, heaving with her breath. As if the song had touched them in ways unknown, cheers filled the streets and flowers flooded the Miqo’te’s vision. Her eyes went wide with the adoration in front her... even seeing tears in some of the faces that looked back.
The Lalafell that had swept her onto the stage wiped at his eyes with the sleeve of his suit either in earnest or otherwise, raising his tiny hand into the air to calm the cheering. His smiling face turned to G’iselle as she struggled to catch her breath.
“My dear! That was fabulous! Stupendous! No doubt the reason the hosts saved you as our last act! Thank you for sharing your voice with us tonight!”, he dipped low in a bow and motioned to the crowd. Cheers began again as the Roegadyn reached forward and placed a hand at her back, beckoning her to return behind the curtain. Zell nodded and bowed briefly to the audience and walked off with as much grace as she could muster while her lungs heaved.
When she disappeared from view, she exhaled and closed her eyes. Who knew she’d ever feel compelled to enter a talent contest in Ul’dah? It had been so long and she’d not seen so many people in a long time.
Just as she reached down to pluck the heels from her feet, she noted a shadow forming behind her. Based on its size, she knew exactly who it was. Her theory was correct and she knew as soon as the deep, serious voice followed its halt, “Thank you for allowing me to play, Miss Bellerose. I will remember this moment for as long as I live”.
Without allowing her to respond, he bent his head down for the slightest second before he walked away from her. The other men followed behind, each bowing before disappearing into another corridor to play at the after party.
She stood there, hands holding at her chest as reality finally caught up with her. Her heart had retreated back behind her sternum and she leaned against the wall to steady herself. Slowly, she slid down to the floor and clutched her dress to herself. A huge smile formed on her lips and she made a small noise from her throat of excitement, a tiny little yelp of happiness. She hid her face against her knees and spoke softly into the fabric there.
“I did it, Adam.”
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