#witches for black lives matter
deathofthyego · 1 year
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Taste, feels and smells like the beginning of a very abundant summer
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theevenusianwitch · 1 year
i’m a black queer witch bitch and there is NO place for TERFS or radfems or anyone who literally wants to murder me and anybody like me for existing on this blog. you can get the fuck off here immediately
this blog is safe for everyone except you!
trust you will be dealt with
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The Ancestors
I really want to tell y'all something really validating, especially as a Black witch though it's a little sad too. 
You know how we just choose our ancestors? We decide that on these people of the past, the Black people we remember and such, they're our ancestors now?
They do the same to us. 
I was 13. Walking the same footsteps that many slaves had on Washington's plantation. Seeing these little shacks that could barely hold up. Those were where our people slept, spoke of freedoms, whispered fears. That is where they stayed and we're forced to reside. I looked at the fields that our people used to be in.
Spirituals rang in my head that day, songs I've never heard before while I was lingering behind the group. Sounds of whispers and the feeling of eyes laid on me.
Eyes of wonder, amazement, curiosity. They didn't know me, I didn't know them. But in that moment, they understood we had prospered, we were thriving. In that moment, I was their child, I was beyond their wildest dreams. 
Small black girl, cuddled up in warm clothes, not confined to labor, free of chains. Staring back into how far we have come.
As far as I know, I have no connection to that plantation. I don't know where we came from, and I doubt I ever truly will. 
Understand that they had to deal with their friends and families being split apart, sold to another who would brutalize and torture our people, creating hell on earth for us. 
They know we can't find our specific ancestry! They know and just as we reach out to them without a care of how they are connected to us, whether we are truly related or not, they don't care either. They see us, and call us kin and cheer on our prosperity because we are their legacy regardless. 
 We do not claim them. They do not claim us, we just reached and grasped the other side. So if you're willing, reach.
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#Representatividade: Garotas Negras e Empoderadas!!
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Eu posso ser uma Garota Branca,Hetero e padrão mas como escritora e fã de franquias para garotas eu percebi que existem pouquíssimas Personagens Principais que são Negras! E quando tem elas tem pouco tempo de tela e isso é revoltante sabe? Então vendo essas situação Eu pensei por que não criar uma personagem Negra que não seja estereotipada e sim uma personagem com uma personalidade real e bem escrita e que represente diversas garotas Negras e que elas se sintam alegres e representadas vendo personagens fortes e independentes!Eu quero criar uma história sobre fadas que todas as garotas se sintam representadas sabe? Quero que independente da Cor,Etnia,Sexualidade e etc... as garotas vejam e digam meu Deus essa personagem me representa eu sou como ela! Isso é mágico e é uma conexão incrível!
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ink-asunder · 9 months
God I get so offended at people calling me witchy. Like, I get it, we're in the deep dark south and anybody with double pierced ears is like a satanist here, but I'm NOT a witch, I NEVER identified as a witch, and I do NOT appreciate you calling/saying I'm "witchy" to another friend just because it's the best shorthand you have for "psychotic divine apostate with aesthetic taste."
I'm not a fucking witch. I'm self-deified, I'm delusional, and I have shitty tiktok aesthetics. That doesn't make me a fucking witch.
Furthermore, I'm just RURAL. I have fucking antlers and skulls everywhere cause I'm a country bumpkin. Just because I have porcelain and creepycute stuff everywhere doesn't mean I'm different than the cowboys around here with rusted tools and driftwood everywhere. Quit being fucking classist. Quit trying to separate me from my home and roots just so I can be more palatable for you!!!
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creepymagickshop · 2 years
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BLM, Black Lives Matter, the spiderweb with no spider is about to make a move on behalf of people like me against you, movement with no forward momentum, you’re a joke. Whether they mean to help us or not, we are gonna come out on top like you always knew we have been. When you bark at a white womans ass all the time, you show extreme jealousy. White lives matter to GOD, you made a mistake.
“Stop asking  creamy skin tone people to validate you if you like your own skin tone so overly much.” so saith the Lord, the only GOD there is. “You need to learn to stand on your own two feet and stop asking light colored people for help every time your mental handicap keeps you from adding 2 plus 2 to equal 4. You are jealous of your nigger men so much because they are not loyal to you, and you know it also. They lie, cheat and steal from you and worse of all they rape and beat you and sing about it on the internet so everyone knows that you are mentally unwell and are a very evil women. The whole group of you BLM. Your men are not something to puff yourself up about. They are a shame to you. But even worse than that, they are embarrassed of you as well for being stupid and ugly, so ugly they said that white men won’t touch you. They lust after something that is only available in the kingdom of heaven, however because that is untouchable to them they keep your fat white friends around so they can roll over and have sex with them also every time you are somewhere else. You cannot lie, everyone sees them do it out in public and knows what they say and do in private. You are an ignorant bitch ass to think that women like Witch Penelope would ever lust or want a nigger boy or bow or be afraid of a black whore. Your BLM movement was a shame to your kind, burning down your own cities and marketplaces, as if you made a statement somehow to creamy beauty Witch Penelope? She laughed at you, so did the rest of the country. And out of love for my Queen Witch Penelope I painted the nation white on Christmas and put the luke warm vomit, the fat light skinned toned people who fucked your men so openly, left in the flier marketplace devoid of family, friends, money and clothes. What can a dark faced whore like BLM do to MY people? You only attack the fat ones who have had your man behind your back over and over again. You make a public statement of mental retardation every time one of your kind speaks. Stay in the ghetto where you came from trash. You are not up to mincing words with GOD, you whore with a tar face. You are a bigoted inbred bitch, that’s why your, your man’s and your children’s faces and bodies are so ugly. You will have to pay MY Queen taxes as well now bitch. So saith the LORD of all, JEHOVAH, God the Father and Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen, let the death and pain mix.”
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elhoimleafar · 2 years
As is tradition every year… Your Favorites White-Witchcraft is All Political-modern influencers, getting ready to go in a fascinating and very political radio silence throughout all Black History Month in 3… 2… 1…
A reminder:
During this Black History Month, please remember the fact that people of color exist year-round and the consequences of colonization and slavery, while still living, are neither resolved by purchasing a Black History Month item nor are these consequences ignored. "for being something of the past".
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ehtirambyrmv · 1 year
Sevgi azaddı ona görə sevmirəm
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adxctive · 1 year
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msclaritea · 1 year
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I love it when butthurt Progressives and rightwingers remind everyone about Thirsty Lizzie and her underhanded behavior. Spamming at over 17,000 changes nothing.
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I WOULD like to know why p.r. blogs that promote Taylor Swift and Adriana Grande are engaging in also harassing Marvel fans with this bitch...
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...Or should I even guess?
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ellecdc · 7 months
Hi! I’ve never requested to anyone before, but I really love how you write Regulus. Could I request an arranged marriage with Regulus, where Regulus was head over heels for Reader at Hogwarts but kept her at arm’s length knowing he was bound to an arranged marriage? And him not knowing what to do now that they are finally married. With a calm and observant Reader. I hope it’s not too much trouble 😬😊Thank you!
such a sweet idea! thanks for your request!! I hope you do again 🫶
The Arranged Marriage of Regulus' Dreams
Regulus Black x fem!reader - arranged marriage (no Voldemort AU)
“You’re fucking with me.” Regulus hissed to Narcissa as he watched you and your parents walk through the door of 12 Grimmauld Place.
Narcissa smirked and nudged her younger cousin out into the hall. “Nope, now go on cousin, say hello to your fiancée.”
Regulus thought he was dreaming. No. Certainly he was dead. Would he have gotten into heaven though? Surely not. But if he wasn’t in heaven, then what were you doing here?!
“Mr. L/N, Mrs. L/N. Miss. L/N.” Walburga Black greeted the family as the Black family house Elf, Kreacher, took their outer robes.
“Ah, not Miss. L/N for much longer though.” Your father laughed as he jostled your shoulder a little too roughly, causing you to teeter slightly in your heels.
Regulus wanted to kill him.
“Of course! Tomorrow’s the big day, hm? The most important moment in a young woman’s life.” Orion Black proclaimed as he ushered everyone into the dining room. Regulus noticed your slight grimace at his father’s words, but your face softened as you made eye contact with him.
He smiled softly and bowed his head, taking your hand in his to place a chaste kiss to your knuckles – just like a proper pureblood heir ought to when meeting their betrothed.
Regulus had no idea it was you he was bound to marry. 
Most noble and high-ranking pureblood families partook in arranged marriages. The heir of the family was the most important – most coveted. Regulus wasn’t always the heir – so his engagement wasn’t announced to him until his 5th year – the year that Sirius ran away from home.
The Black’s were readying their new heir; getting their affairs in order.
Regulus could admit that he didn’t really agree with everything his parents stood for. Sirius may have been able to escape his parent’s clutches, but Regulus wasn’t as lucky. 
He found the idea of arranged marriage to be a little archaic, but he was nothing if not a loyal, devoted son. No matter how much it hurt. 
No matter. Regulus understood his duty.
He had been crushing hard on this pretty witch in the year below him at Hogwarts for years, but he never felt confident enough to act on it. By the time he was confident enough to act on it – he’d been promised to someone else, so he never ended up pursuing it. What was the point of falling in love when you were bound to be married for business?
And here that witch was…with her parents…in his home…the evening before his wedding…as his bride. 
No…certainly this was a prank. A joke. A stroke? He was dead. In heaven? Maybe this was his hell.
He must have been running on autopilot, because suddenly he was seated beside you at the formal dining room after he had tucked your chair in under you, listening to the adults the parents discuss business.
He didn’t feel much like an adult right now.
He felt like a prepubescent schoolboy with a crush. 
How humiliating. 
“So, Orion and I will be leaving tomorrow immediately after the wedding.” Walburga announced. “Regulus will be the official head of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black along with his wife Y/N, and we will leave the affairs to them.”
“What are your plans for after the wedding?” You father asked Walburga.
Regulus wanted to roll his eyes. Isn’t that the kind of question people are meant to ask the bride and groom?
“Where’s the honeymoon? What are your plans afterwards? Where will you be living? Do you plan on having kids?” 
Regulus had to stop his train of thought – getting a little too excited thinking about his marriage…to you.
Surely he was dead. Surely.
“We have a few properties in France.” Orion interjected before Walburga continued.
“We’ll be residing in a vineyard in the South of France. Retirement will be good for Orion.”
“How lovely. You’re resigning from your position in the Wizengamot?” Your mother inquired.
You and Regulus shared a look and a shy smile before returning to your plates.
“Regulus will be overtaking my position in the courts, as well as the Black’s affairs in the Ministry. We donate a lot of money to keep that government running.” Orion stated proudly. Regulus fought the urge to grimace. 
“It’s a good thing too – Salazar knows that place would be run by mudbloods and halfbreeds if we weren’t careful.” Walburga added.
Regulus had to hand it to you – the only sign you even heard his mother was the slight raising of your eyebrows before the returned to their rightful place above your eyes.
He was smitten.
“Well, our darling Y/N will be a wonderful addition to the Black legacy. She was top of her class, she’s a powerful witch, and loyal to her kind.” You father proclaimed, jostling your shoulder once again.
Regulus couldn’t help himself; he gently placed his hand on the same shoulder your father’s hand was and brushed it – effectively shooing your father’s hand away. He rubbed your shoulder consolingly before returning his gaze to the table.
But not before he caught Narcissa’s knowing smirk as she eyed the two of you.  
“Marvellous. I think this will be a very wonderful match.” Walburga proclaimed.
Regulus didn’t often like agreeing with his mother – but he couldn’t help but feel the same.
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The house was disturbingly quiet after the affairs that took place today. 
The trip to the ministry to get your marriage license. Your ceremony on the grounds of Malfoy Manor, and the reception that here at 12 Grimmauld Place, where your image and name were added to the Black Family tapestry. 
This is where Regulus found himself now, in the formal living room – hiding from you.
Not hiding from you.
Sort of hiding from you.
Regulus never grew up expecting much; at least not much of what he wanted. He lucked out getting to play quidditch, but everything else had been decided for him.
His house at Hogwarts was decided for him. His friends were decided for him. His marriage was decided for him.
But now that he had this? A marriage with you – the one witch he would have actually chosen for himself?
Well, he just didn’t know what to do with himself.
So, he was hiding in the formal living room, staring at the Black Family tapestry where your name and portrait was woven in beside his. 
He had never felt this lucky before.
His eyes, as they often did, wandered over to the place where Sirius’ name and portrait had been blasted off some years ago.
Regulus got what he wanted in you… he only wished his brother had been there too.
This is how you found him, standing against the back of a settee with the sleeves of his button-down rolled up, shirt untucked and tie loosened. 
“Oh, hi L/N…erm…” he trailed off awkwardly as you smiled kindly at him.
“I supposed you’ll have to call me by my name, now that we’re married.” You stated plainly as you moved to stand beside him to look at the tapestry.
“Did you know?” Regulus asked quietly after a few moments of silence.
“Know what?”
“Know that it was going to be me? That you were to be married to?” He clarified.
You shook your head in the negative. “I never bothered asking. Didn’t think there was much sense, seeing as there was nothing to be done about it.”
Regulus nodded in understanding. “Are you disappointed?”
“That it was you?” You asked. Regulus nodded. “Not at all.”
Regulus hoped his relief wasn’t as evident on his face as it felt. 
You turned your head back to the tapestry before pulling your wand out and stepping towards it. You pointed it gently at the place Sirius’ name was and murmured something quietly. 
Regulus watched in awe as the strands of the portrait stitched themselves back together, proudly displaying his big brother again.
“Is this alright?” you asked as you turned to observe him. He nodded dumbly as he swallowed against a painful lump in his throat. His eyes flitted to Andromeda’s burn mark. 
“Do you mind doing that one too?” He asked quietly.
You smiled softly and turned back, repeating the spell until Andromeda’s name was once again displayed on the wall.
“The Black’s can be whoever you want them to be now, you know?” You murmured quietly, eyes intent on Regulus’ form.
“I’m happy with the newest addition, so far.” He admitted shyly, wishing he was bold enough to proclaim exactly what he thought of you.
You smiled bashfully, and Regulus delighted in the slight flush that coloured your cheeks. “What else should we do?”
Regulus thought for a moment before a devious grin grew across his face.
“I say we start by pulling the funding from the Ministry. What do you think, my dear wife?”
Your smile looked like it was trying to be as wicked as Regulus’, but you fell painfully short. Regulus doubted you could ever manage looking anything but sweet.
“Sound’s perfect, darling.”
Regulus was in heaven – surely. 
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goddessofvalyria · 29 days
WITCH QUEEN | Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader.
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Summary: Aemond Targaryen met a witch at Harrenhal, the two fell in love and thanks to her help, the Greens won the war. But in the end with Aegon dead it was Aemond who succeeded his brother and was crowned king at the Dragonpit with the crown of the Conqueror. He married his witch with the Valyrian marriage, making her his witch queen.
TW: 18+, MINORS DNI, She/Her pronouns, she is a witch from Essos, described as very beautiful, intelligent and charming, with long black hair and eyes. Since they met in Harrenhal, the witch takes Alys's place. Sexual themes: Oral (f receiving), masturbation (f receiving) SMUT, sexual tension, sex, sex, sex, they conceive their sixth child.
English is not my first language, be kind <3
This is my Masterlist
Words: 3333
Aemond Targaryen, during his time at Harrenhal, encountered a witch who was strikingly beautiful, intelligent, and charming, with long black hair and charming black eyes. The two fell deeply in love, with her Aemond and the Greens were able to win the war.
After the death of his brother Aegon, Aemond ascended the iron throne and was crowned king at the Dragonpit, wearing the crown of Aegon the Conqueror. He married the witch through a traditional Valyrian ceremony, making her his queen.
Now, Aemond reigns as the King of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, living a happy and peaceful life with his witch queen and their children at the Red Keep.
On a quiet day in the Red Keep, Aemond Targaryen lay on the bed beside his queen witch, their laughter echoing softly through the room. The afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the chamber. Their four children Aegon, Visenya, Daemon and Daenys, surrounded them with a sense of playful excitement. Little Maegor, the youngest, was still nestled in his cradle, cooing softly.
Aemond, his long silver hair unbound, chuckled as his children clamored around him, eager to braid his hair. "All right, all right" he said with a grin, surrendering to their demands. "Who will go first?"
"Me!" Aegon declared, his violet eyes sparkling with determination. He clambered onto the bed and began to carefully braid a small section of his father's hair.
Visenya watched her brother with an amused smile. "You're doing it all wrong, Aegon" she teased. "Let me show you how it's done."
Aemond exchanged a glance with his witch, his eyes filled with warmth and love. "What do you think, my queen? Shall we let them continue their assault on my hair?"
She laughed softly, her fingers tracing patterns on his arm. "I think you're in good hands, my king" she replied, her voice full of affection. "Besides, you're a wonderful dad. Let them have their fun."
Daemon, not wanting to be left out, climbed up and grabbed another section of Aemond's hair. "I'm going to make a warrior braid" he announced proudly.
Daenys, the youngest of the group, giggled as she climbed into her mother's lap and took a small handful of her long hair. The witch queen hair was long and wavy, reaching to her knees, the child trying to imitate her brothers. The witch stroked her hair, letting her play. "Be gentle, little one" she whispered, stroking her cheek. "Yes mummy"
Aemond smiled down at his children, his heart full of love.
The witch queen watched the scene with a contented smile, her heart swelling with love for her family. "You know" she said softly, "These are the moments that matter most."
Aemond nodded, his gaze lingering on his children. "Yes, my queen, my love" he agreed, "These quiet, simple moments are what make everything worthwhile."
As the children continued to braid and play, Maegor stirred in his cradle, letting out a small cry. The queen rose to tend to him, gently scooping him into her arms and soothing him with a soft lullaby.
Aemond watched her, his heart full. "We are blessed, my love" he murmured, his eye never leaving her. "Blessed beyond measure."
She looked up at him, her violet eyes shining. "Yes" she whispered, "We are, my love"
Together, they sat surrounded by their children, basking in the simple joy of a peaceful day—a king and his witch queen, bound by love, and the promise of a bright future for their family.
That night, as the Red Keep settled into a quiet stillness, Aemond and his witch queen lay together in their bed, the soft glow of candlelight flickering around them. She rested her head on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her cheek. Aemond’s arm wrapped around her, holding her close, his fingers idly tracing patterns along her back. For a moment, they simply lay in silence, content in each other’s presence. But the stillness of the night brought with it memories of a time when peace seemed an impossible dream.
"Do you ever think about it?" she asked softly, her voice barely more than a whisper in the dark. "The war?"
Aemond’s gaze drifted to the ceiling, his mind wandering back to those days of fire and blood, of betrayal and loss. "I do" he admitted, his voice a low murmur. "More often than I care to."
She lifted her head slightly to look up at him, her violet eyes searching his face. "Do you regret any of it?" she asked, her voice gentle but laced with curiosity.
Aemond was silent for a moment, his jaw tensing as he considered her question. "I regret nothing" he said finally. His gaze darkening with the weight of the past. "And I do not regret the choices that led me to you."
Her lips curved into a small, sad smile. "Though the path was filled with shadows, it brought us here, to this moment, to this life we've built together."
Aemond’s hand moved to gently stroke her hair, the silver strands mingling with her dark locks. "We were forged in fire" he said softly. "In the crucible of war. And yet, we emerged stronger… together."
She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of his words wash over her. "I still remember the first time I saw you" she murmured. "At Harrenhal. I knew then that our fates were entwined."
Aemond smiled faintly, his eyes softening at the memory. "And I knew that you were more than you seemed" he replied. "A witch from Essos, yes, but so much more… my guiding star in the darkness."
She chuckled softly. "A queen witch" she corrected, her tone light, though her heart swelled with love. "Your queen witch"
Aemond’s smile widened, a rare softness in his expression. "My queen" he agreed. "The light that led me through the darkest nights."
They fell into a comfortable silence again, their thoughts lingering on the past but finding solace in the present. The horrors of the war seemed a lifetime ago, a distant memory overshadowed by the love and peace they now shared.
She smiled against his chest, her heart steady and calm. The witch queen was so in love with his husband.
Aemond lay in the quiet of their bedchamber, the flickering candlelight casting soft shadows on the walls. He could feel the warmth of his witch queen beside him, her head resting on his chest, her breath slow and steady as she listened to the rhythmic beat of his heart. The comfort of their closeness should have put him at ease, but his thoughts drifted to a lingering insecurity.
He stared at the ceiling, his hand absentmindedly brushing against the leather eyepatch he wore. Aemond had grown accustomed to the feel of it, to the weight of the past it carried. Yet, he had never grown used to the thought of his children seeing him without it. He feared what they might think—the fear they might feel at the sight of his scarred, empty socket, a reminder of the violence and pain he had endured.
Sensing his unease, she lifted her head, her violet eyes filled with concern. "What troubles you, my love?" she asked softly, her fingers gently tracing his jawline.
Aemond hesitated for a moment, then sighed, turning his gaze away from her. "I worry" he admitted quietly. "About our children… seeing me like this. Without the patch."
She reached up and touched his cheek, guiding his face back toward her. "They are your children, Aemond" she whispered, her voice filled with love. "They see you as their father, their protector. Not as a man with a scar."
He shook his head slightly. "But what if they fear me?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. "What if they see the monster I see when I look in the mirror?"
Her heart ached at his words. She leaned up and kissed him gently, her lips soft against his. "You are no monster" she whispered against his lips. "You are a warrior, a king… a father who loves his children more than anything. They see your strength, your courage. They see the man I see—the man I love."
Aemond closed his eye, letting her words wash over him, feeling the warmth of her love seep into his soul. "You have always seen the best in me" he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "Even when I could not."
She smiled softly, her fingers brushing through his silver hair. "Because there is so much to love in you" she replied. "And our children will see that too, in time."
He looked at her then, his gaze filled with a deep longing, a desire that had been growing within him. "Another child" he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I want another child with you."
Her breath caught at his words, a smile spreading across her lips. "You want to expand our family?" she asked, her voice filled with love.
He nodded, his eye searching hers. "Yes, he said softly. "I want to see our children grow, to see them thrive in the peace we have fought so hard to secure. I want to build a future with you, a future filled with love and laughter… and more children if you want."
She felt a swell of emotion in her chest, her heart overflowing with love for the man beside her.
Aemond’s expression softened, his lips curving into a tender smile. He pulled her closer, his lips finding hers in a deep, passionate kiss. They lost themselves in the warmth of each other’s embrace, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony, their love consuming them.
Aemond kissed her in a passionate, dirty, hot kiss, his hands tightened around his witch queen's face, their lips devouring each other with each kiss, biting and their tongues, intertwined. "Tell me you want it, my love" Aemond whispered with his forehead resting on hers. "I want to make another baby with you, Aemond" she replied placing her hands on her husband's bare chest. "My husband" his witch queen whispered brushing his lips. "Let's do it, let's make another baby" she whispered in his ear.
She kissed his neck, her full lips wet and warm making Aemond wince. The witch traced a trail with her long nails up Aemond's spine. He shivered, she continued to kiss his skin, moving down to his chest and licking his warm skin. "My wife wants her husband mh?" he took her face with one hand. "And my husband wants his wife?" she teased him.
"He wants her so much," she continued, playing along. "He wants to fuck her until he fills her up with his seed, make sure he gets her pregnant and that in nine months a new life can come into the world." She looked at him with eyes full of love and perversion, Aemond kissed her again and in an unkind gesture he tore off her nightgown. Her sweet wife naked in front of him was so beautiful and he was sure that she between her thighs was soaked.
His witch queen looked at him so dominant over her, she felt excited, wet between her thighs. "Mmh my husband…" she whispered, rising on her knees, Aemond lost her in his arms, caressing her body with his hands, his long fingers making her wriggle. Her back resting against his chest, his hand caressed her neck, went down to her breasts, along her side and then two fingers slid between her legs, caressing her intimacy. "Ao sagon sīr gevie" (You are so beautiful) he whispered in High Valyrian. Aemond kissed her neck again, his violet eye burning on my skin and soon after she, lying in bed in her husband's arms, felt his two fingers slide inside her hot wet pussy.
She pushed her hips against his hand, feeling her legs go soft and his other hand squeezed her breast. "Aemond… Gods" she begged between moans. Aemond kissed her neck again before increasing the speed of his fingers inside her.
"Let me take care of you first, my love" Aemond whispered. "Lie on your back" he whispered releasing her hands and moving between her legs. He kissed her skin, moving with hot and wet kisses from her ankle to the inside of her thigh. His eye looked at her hungrily, his touch was hot, the sapphire shining in the dark. he spread her legs and then buried his face between them, eliciting a moan of pure pleasure from her. He starved for her sweet taste on his tongue. "Oh…. Aemond, Aemond!" He alternated between licking and sucking her clit as his fingers inside her touched and pushed deep into her wet folds. Her hips moved to meet his tongue as her moans grew louder and more frequent. She felt her legs tremble, arched her back and tightened a hand in her long silver hair. "Aemond, Aemond, Aemond!" she whispered excitedly, his nose pressing against her clit.
Aemond devoured her, licking her pussy and fucking her with his tongue. He wanted to impregnate her, but first he wanted to see her come for him. Gods, how he loved her.
Aemond continued to lick her between her thighs until they began to shake and her pussy began to contract, with one last lick he reluctantly released her and hoisted himself on top of her.
Aemond looked down, she was reduced to a mess: soaked between her thighs, wet, her juices dripping from her pussy that wanted nothing more than to be fucked. "Take me… please" she whispered arching her back, feeling his long, hard and veiny erection.
Aemond smiled excitedly, took his cock in his hand and rubbed against her. His witch queen panted, her pussy still contracting with the need to be filled. "My love" Aemond whispered sliding the pink and hard tip of his cock on her clit. "My love… I can't wait to fill you up" she whispered marrying his cock between her wet folds. "I love making love to you" Aemond whispered. "I love seeing you cry with pleasure, I love seeing you so submissive to me.. so eager for my cock" she bit her lip.
"I love it when you talk to me like that, it turns me on, husband" she whispered, opening her legs a little, feeling his cock rub against her. She gasped, unable to contain herself. It felt so good to feel that way, it felt so good… to be his. He began to fuck her, thrusts that made her move on the bed, thrusts that made her wet again and again, his cock sliding in and out rhythmically, she arched her back and aemond fucked her hungrily.
"My good girl, my witch, my sweet wifey." His tongue licked her nipple before taking it in his mouth and earning another moan from his beloved wife. Those moans made him even more excited and she between my legs felt slippery, wet, dirty from him. Her fingers still there, getting wet from her and teasing her giving her pleasure, while his cock fucked her. "Enjoy my love, take it all my love" he said between one kiss and the other. He gently took her leg bringing it to his side, she wrapped herself around his narrow waist and let herself be fucked brutally.
Aemond pushed himself into her again and again, their breathing in sync, their moans, his looks, their caresses. She lost him, he lost himself in her, they both lost themselves in those sensations that only one could give to the other. His thrusts became fast and irregular while her moans became louder. She hugged him unable to let go, inhaled his scent, I caressed his hair, kissed him with my tongue again and again unable to let go. “My love” he whispered against her lips giving her another thrust, feeling both of them close to the climax.
Aemond moaned, his hands tightened on her hips and his witch queen arched her back, feeling his hard cock touch her in a sweet spot that made her moan. his purple eye scanned every single part of his wife's pleasure-contorted face, her sweaty skin, her hair free and wild, their bodies joined "My love" he whispered continuing to push into her while moving his thumb on her clit. "Ameond… Aemond… I…" she felt herself at the peak, her pussy starting to contract, Aemond pushed into her again, took her in his arms, kissing her on the lips as she came around his cock and he, proud, emptied himself inside her filling her with his seed, making sure she took it all in every single drop.
"I love you" they whispered at the same time. "I love you, I love you, I love you" they whispered together, kissing each other as Aemond slowly pulled out from inside her, he brought a hand between his beloved's legs, caressing her and with his finger pushing inside her pussy, his seed coming out.
"You're full" he whispered, kissing her lips. "You're full of me" he whispered again, leaning down so he could rest his face on her belly. "I can't wait for her belly to swell" he whispered, kissing her. "I can't wait to fuck you and know you're pregnant with our sixth child." Aemond hugged her, bringing his arms around her body.
"Boy or girl, I'll love it" he kissed her belly. "I know you're pregnant, I never fail" he looked up and looked at her with a proud smile. "Gods my love, you're more beautiful than ever."
His witch queen brought her hand to his face, caressing his scar. "I love you Aemond, I love you with all my life." Aemond slowly rose from her body, held her in his arms and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'll give you a child whenever you want," Aemond smiled, moving his hands to her breasts. "Gods, they'll be full soon" he whispered, teasing her nipple.
"Aemond," she whispered, feeling the pleasure rise again. "Do you want to?" he asked, lifting her onto his hips. "Mmmh…" she moaned. "And if now…" she moved a hand between their bodies, finding his cock hard again. "And if now I rode my husband as he deserves?" she whispered excitedly, her dark eyes full of desire. "For being so sure that he made me pregnant, he deserves a reward," his witch whispered, slowly moving on his hips and rising a little.
"Yes, please" he begged, letting himself be submissive. "Ride me" she let herself go down on his cock, feeling it again in her wet and dirty pussy.
“Move slowly” he whispered, bringing his hands to her hips. “Like this, like this, my love” he helped her to pick up the pace, she placed her hands on his toned chest and began to move.
Aemond groaned, his hands tightened on her body, one hand on her breasts and she chased the pleasure, moving on top of him, letting that hot dragon fire consume them. “My love, my love” Aemond whispered submissively, enjoying the body of his beloved wife on top of his. Without any fear or shyness, she rode, Aemond teased her nipple, making her shiver, he sat up and took her in his arms, kissing her lips as she came around his cock again and he filled her with his seed again.
She went against his chest, holding each other they collapsed against the bed. Still inside her, now softer, he wouldn’t let her go. As both of their breathing slowly returned to normal, they felt a small shiver run through their bodies.
"I love you," she whispered. "I love you," he replied. "And I will love our sixth little one with all my heart."
Aemond held her in his arms, his hands on her belly, caressing it. They would be parents again and for him there was no greater love than that.
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l0nelyish · 2 months
It‘s about that sandwich!
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natasha romanoff x fem!reader
prompt: where you just can’t help but stun Natasha… and maybe get on her nerves? she doesn’t know which one it is.
nothin but pure fluff and nat being pouty af
lil bit of grumpy nat x sunshine reader if you squint.
3rd pov
„That‘s it.“, Wanda turned around, confused. Witnessing Natasha angry, sure thing. Witnessing her confused? never.
“What’s the matter with you, everything alright?”
Natasha huffed, pouting almost childlike. It’s so not like her to seem this openly frustrated, but she couldn’t care less. “Do I seem alright to you? No. This is the fifth time this month she’s been emptying one of the pbj ingredients before i could make one for myself.”, she dragged her eyes across the room, almost analyzing as in ‘hide and seek’. Where could you have been? And why do you have to steal ‘her’ ingredients? Natasha was bothered by you, yes. Extremely.
Wanda took another look at Natasha and chuckled: “Damn, does a peanut butter and jelly sandwich really have that much value to THE black widow? Oh my Lord.”
Natasha almost wanted to hit Wanda in the head with her slices of bread. It was really tempting, she had to admit. The witch shot her a knowing look, most likely hearing her thoughts. Again, the Russian woman huffed. Her temper was really not her strongest suit. Especially not after provoking it.
“It has a decent amount of value, thank you. What do you want me to say? ‘Oh my God! I can’t live without a pbj sandwich! Help me!’ ?”, Natasha shot her a glare, sarcasm being her best suited form of selfdefense. She truly is a witty woman.
On the other side of the kitchen aisle, Wanda tried her best not to fall into a laughing fit. Never has she ever seen Natasha this distressed, this fuzzy. And then, after really considering who they were discussing, she sent her friend a knowing smirk:
“Are you really this cranky about two bread slices or is it because of your ‘definitely not crush’ ?”
Natasha stared at her, eyes blown in shock: she got caught. Again. She usually wouldn’t let someone else read her this easily, but since this is you they’re talking about, and it’s Wanda she’s talking to, there really is no reason to facade it. Still, she tries to deny: “I told you a hundred times, I don’t like her! I can’t even stand her. I mean, she empties the food. What am I supposed to eat now?” So wrong. Even Natasha knows her whole act of trying to hate and blame you for everything is not working and it’s just her best shot at ignoring the rising feelings she’s got for you. But could anybody blame her, really? When you were this excited, extremely beautiful, empathetic and shiny human being?
You entered the kitchen, unaware of the ongoing dispute. Hot on your heels, you scanned the room and reacted to Natashas last sentence: “Did Steve forget the groceries? Are you hungry?”
And just like that, after merely 5 seconds, Natasha dreaded holding a grudge. Her whole demeanor snapped (no pun intended) and her eyes gazed almost neutrally into your warm gaze: “Someone emptied the whole peanut butter jar. And now I can’t make my dinner.”
Surprisingly, you sent her a goofy smile: “Oh! That must have been me, I’m extremely sorry, Tasha. I do have another half of my pbj sandwich left though, I was about to refrigerate it.”, you held up your plate. She gave it a look and panicked internally: were you really about to share your meal? As if gathering her freight, you again sent her a toothy smile and handed her the leftover half. “Enjoy!”, was all you stated, leaving both women standing around the kitchen isle. Plus the pbj sandwich, which Natasha stared at for longer than necessary. The corners of her mouth started to form a smile, which after some contemplation she insisted on not following through.
Wanda, who encountered the whole interaction, had a huge smirk on her face.
Natasha on the other hand, without having to look at her friends face, mentally face palmed herself for always getting so stuck up around you.
“I didn’t say anything… but enjoy your meal.”, with that, Wanda left a flushed Natasha stood in the compound’s kitchen.
The widow took another look at your, no her, plate. And after a year, she still can’t wrap her head around it:
What was she going to do about you?
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itsthenikeshow · 2 years
My homemade spiritual bath was lovely… I feel so good and relax.. read a chapter in a book that I haven’t finish readying .. I definitely need to start adding more reading time in my day.. maybe when I’m outside waiting on the bus..new moon is in 2 day ..,ready to soak in the energy and recharge myself and my crystals .. why weekend was very interesting.. hang out with a different type of soul, one that Had a very interesting personality.. a soul that I know for sure that’s it’s not for me .. my soul will continue healing and dancing under the sun & moonlight
…. Countine in my bedside book 📚
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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There are no wildlife conservations, those lands are all owned by KKK personal families who defrauded a nation and other nations. Out of their own black supremacy and personal issues, the black supremacists lost everything including their own land because they became extortionists.
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elhoimleafar · 2 years
Imagine yourself spending your money on a book about bipoc/queer characters of Latin folklore... Wrote for a white cis straight American man and a pro-nazi white cis straight woman who just make a career of stealing content from other authors of color for her own books.
Imagine sitting down to read a book about La Santa Muerte under the name of a woman of color, actually wrote for a couple of white cis straight American people who feels entitled to do it and don't find anything wrong on it.
Imagine building a career of being a respectable blogger or youtuber reviewing books, and put your years of credibility over a shaking glass promoting this book just because the publisher gives you a free copy.
This is literally blackface supported for the same people and editor who was ready to publish a book on Thelema wrote for a Nazi girl without any qualifications beyond being a Tiktok influencer.
That's how fucked up you're people 🙄
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