#i feel like a real adult rn tbh
bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
were you a septiplier shipper because you give that energy
That's honestly the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me
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astrolavas · 2 years
Who do you think Hunter will stay with at the end of the show? Or who do you want him to stay with
tbh out of all the possible future caretakers of hunter, my primary hope for who will adopt him rn rly is camila. y'know, loved all the different possibilities too but…. camila ❤️❤️❤️ like, just. like. that's his MOMMMM
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the vision of him living with camila (and luz and vee), going to hexside (cuz obv there's gonna a portal), and having a woodcarving mentorship under the clawthornes' and some mentorship under darius. and then once in a while occassionally staying over at the owl house.... Y'KNOW? so real.
camila's just too perfect of an option, LIKE. he spent months under her care already, he doesn't have even one bad experience with her that could possibly make him doubt and feel bad abt their relationship (no feeling like he needs to prove himself to gain her respect, no complicated past that'd have to be dealt with, no wondering if the care he's shown is genuine, no previous authority issues, no previous hostility etc etc) like camila's been extremely sweet and caring towards him and nothing else since the very start. it makes me sOO... 🤲😔❤️
the very first MOMENT they interact and hunter kneels in front of her out of respect she warmly tells him to never do it again; makes it clear that he doesn't have to be overly formal with her. just offers her kindness, expecting nothing in return. right away.
camila is probably the first adult ever that hunter associates with only warmth and goodness and whom he feels comfortable with from the start, with whom he doesn't have any past grudges or things they'd need to work out, just.. unconditional love. and justttt just just oughhhghh she called him baby. she's been basically treating him like her son already, and she's SUCH a good and supportive mom, to luz, to vee, to hexsquad. she taught him how to sew. she DIVED into FREEZING WATER at an OLD ABANDONED CEMETERY without a second thought in order to save him. JUST!!!!
him wanting to impress her with the spanish. her touching his shoulder and him showing not even an OUNCE of fear, just smiling and knowing she's not going to hurt him. him taking up interest in camila's and manny's old hobby. camila having experience with dealing with grief.. oof. him being happy living in the human realm (wanting to do things in the demon realm as well but having ties to BOTH worlds). even the fact that the entire noceda family is clearly neurodivergent, just like him. even him being an animal enjoyer and camila having a vet clinic, which- he WOULD LOVE to volunteer there in his free time, like?? COME ON.
AND THIS???? okay......
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and we KNOW he WANTS to have a permanent family. it's established at the beginning of the episode when he looks sad as others hang up their family drawings. he wants ppl to care abt him, he wants to have a place to call home, wants to feel safe. he cries (from happiness) when luz calls him family.
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and camila cares abt all of these kids so much. she was willing to take vee and hexsquad in JUST LIKE THAT. we can even assume her and manny wanted more kids, like just OUGHHGH she wouldn't even have to think twice before taking hunter in permanently. and she most likely knows hunter doesn't have anyone. she's not going to let him just….. go away on his own after everything is over, or make him move out or sth 💀 she'll want to help him, she'll want him to be safe and cared for.
like the only other possibilities for who else hunter could stay with after the show were: darius, eda/the clawthornes, or joint custody. but imo after... he lived under camila's roof for MONTHS, found a place that he feels safe in.. nocedas are just the best and healthiest option for him. after he'd spent MONTHS feeling happy with camila, i don't think it'd be good for him to be thrust into a completely new environment, and.. there's simply no time for his connection with other adults to be properly fleshed out, or to establish that he'd prefer anyone over nocedas.
like, i feel like sth has to happen with darius as well cuz their arc is unfinished, esp since it's been hinted they've grown closer since ASiAS, and there's a lot they could talk abt now re: grief + darius' mentor... so they HAVE to reunite at least. however, in my opinion at this point of the show there'd be just no time to conclude it as a parent-child bond in a satisfactory way. especially because there would be a LOT they'd have to work through first, considering their very complicated past.
like, all these years in the coven, their relationship pre-ASiaS, how darius treated hunter all these years... we know their relationship has progressed positively since ASiAS (even though mostly in the background/subtext) but still, i feel like it'd definitely take a while until hunter felt truly comfortable while living at darius'. he'd probably worry that it's conditional, could even easily fall back into his old coven mentality/habits, would try to make darius proud no matter what, etc. etc. it wouldn't be the healthiest for him. although eventually he would get comfortable, and that concept also had sm potential, but like the journey to that wouldn't be quick, and it'd have to be an arc on its own too. and, again, there is no time for that. rly cheering for a reunion and a talk, maybe even a mentorship of sorts, but considering hunter already has a place he feels fully comfortable in and ppl who consider him family right now, i feel like him ending in a completely new place after all that wouldn't be his #1 preferred option.
same with eda/the clawthornes tbh; it had sooo much potential and he is technically related to them AND is going to find that out soon, so some kinda interaction/development HAS to happen, and he did say he wants to learn how to carve palismen, so a mentorship may also happen... but as for actual adoption mm i don't think anything can come close to how safe and happy and Good he's felt for those months while under camila's care. again, in the future things COULD develop in such way, but considering we have two episodes until we get a conclusion... mmyeah
so................ yeah.
i just have so so so many thoughts abt hunter finding a family and getting to be a teenager and feeling loved and feeling like he has his own place in the world and being safe and allowed to explore his interests and to be himself........ hunter nocedaaaaa oughhghhh 🤲❤️
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kairiscorner · 9 months
Omgg I saw a request for like ballerina reader and miggy and invites everyone to her show. Can’t really remember what they requested srry but that sounds cute. Like everyone gushing over her 🤭
it's okay !!! i did like that req too tbh, i was planning on making a separate one for the ballerina one, thanks for giving me motivation to make it rn >:DD
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⋆⭒✮⭒⋆ like a graceful swan. — miguel o'hara x ballerina!reader
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though you invited the whole spider society to watch your ballet recital, only one of them couldn't rip their eyes away from you, was glued to their seats, and constantly hitching their breath every time your pretty face looked so focused in dancing—your flexible arms curving with every movement of your fragile, yet fortified body. you tiptoed and moved your arms and legs in sync with the beat, with the harmonious melody of the gentle piano notes and dulcet rhythm coming from the violins, cellos, and basses playing the tranquil song numbers that prompted you to dance and entertain the audience with the story your body language and facial expressions were delivering in an angelic, pure, innocent manner.
some of the audience were already yawning, though many remained awake and in awe at your performance—enjoying how lovely and graceful your movements and how reactive you were to the right times, practically seeing the cues of the time signature change by listening intently to the orchestra playing. gwen was enthralled by the tenderness of your dancing, with her considering practicing her ballet once she'd have the time. pavitr was astounded by how flexible your arms and legs seemed, and how long you could hold yourself in the air; he'd ought to ask you for some tips and tricks on how to do that, maybe he will take up ballet himself for a change. jess and peter b enjoyed your performance, though the brunette father had to leave early due to his redheaded daughter fussing in the audience. he didn't want to ruin your evening, so he left; leaving the only two adults that were still watching being jess and... miguel, miguel o'hara.
he was the only one in the audience who gave his full, undivided attention to you and your dancing all throughout the performance. his hazel brown eyes were fixed on your dainty figure, moving so gently across the stage like the wind was carrying you by your invisible wings and practically making you seem like you were soaring while your pirouetted and twirled. with every pirouette and with every twirl, miguel felt himself get more and more hypnotized with your beautiful figure and effortlessly captivating aura as you spun and danced. he had never understood the meanings behind dance or any form of art such as ballet, but tonight, he thinks he's discovered what dancing evokes in him, what art such as this evokes in him: devotion, adoration, and need. he can't explain them all in ways anyone but him would understand in even the slightest, but the bottom line is... your dance moved him, made him feel things he's never felt before, and jess was the firsthand witness to this as she watched miguel's lips part and his eyes soften as they were directe dtowards you and you alone.
the other dancers disappeared into his fuzzy peripheral vision as he focused his gaze solely on you and the way you danced so perfectly; though you made some mistakes and nearly stumbled once or twice, miguel was so taken in by your performance that he forgot for a moment that he wasn't in a fairy tale, that you weren't an otherworldly beauty he could never have—you were real. you were here and before him, dancing your heart out passionately and the best you could; and that made him stand and clap, giving you a standing ovation that began with him, and ended with him as he looked at your gorgeous grin from up above in the audience's seats, with a heat forming in his face and a throbbing in his chest that made him palm his chest to try quelling it himself. "they were beautiful back there, weren't they?" jess asked miguel as he sighed, still watching you and your figure as you exited the stage all dainty and gracefully, not wanting you to leave his sight. "like you wouldn't believe..." he sighed as he felt his heart's beat returning to normal, but his thoughts still conjuring up the many images to form one thought: the thought of you, still and always fresh in his mind.
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tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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cheergoodtimes · 1 month
and im just having so many theories for Alteration Arc, bc during the red house, kou was with tsukasa the most, tsukasa had the ability to make kou's deepest desires come true within the house, which they did as a taste of what tsukasa could potentially give him, and when kou opened up to him as to why he has these desires, tsukasa told him that they CAN be real and couldnt just be inside that house, hes done it multiple times even
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LIKE WHAT IF THIS IS THE PART THAT THE CLOCKERS CHANGED?!??? did he GO through that door??? it mightve been a different scenario bc him and nene arent close but???
KOU was the one who told him that amane killed himself after killing tsukasa, after giving him a talk about how hard it is to losing a family member, which convinced tsukasa with the idea of leaving the house
but it became the catalyst of the old timeline
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but in the new timeline, everyone seems to be living their best lives objectively, yet, MOST of the things that seem to be wrong doesnt seem to be found in kou's perspective
nene, she got the lead role as dorothy and she seems to be popular, but seeing a visage of hanako snapped her out of it because without him, things ARENT right
amane is alive, hes an ADULT like tsukasa said that he wished for if he didnt leave the house (this is good for him tbh idk what to say but it contributes to doomed het so its a downside ig idk man its supposed to be a bad thing that him and nene cant be together or smthng)
akane, the love of his life that he JUST got together with, is engaged to the person he cant fucking stand
aoi, she doesnt remember anything from the old timeline, yet her feelings for akane stayed the same and is unhappy with her arrangement with teru
teru, hes keeping up his composure and spiting akane rn but hes on the same boat as aoi about the engagement, and the thought of losing a world where his mom will be away again seems to waver him a little
but kou??? what downsides does he have??? his best friend is alive, his mom is alive, and mitsuba called him bc hes a dependable exorcist
tsukasa is still doing wishes it looks like, did he do that ritual???
idk man my thoughts are crazy rn i cant wait for the next chapter i LOVE Alteration Arc so far
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unorcadox · 7 months
howdy, i'm mabel! it's the 3 year anniversary of unorcadox today, so i've prepared a decent bit of surprises. (and yes that means i started this blog in 2020, which is terrifying to think about.) i'll go into those new things under the cut, but first... check out the carrd linked in the header text of this post :3c
sooo soo so so so where on earth do i begin. uhh honestly let me just break down the new stuff first since i can talk about that more easily.
THE NEW LOOK! ok so like truth be told, i've been a faceless blog on purpose up until now. it wasn't until this summer where i actually liked how i looked or had any solid sense of my own aesthetic or what i wanted to look like. it also made it easier to protect against dysphoria and transphobes in the same breath, as no one could ever comment on any aspect of my appearance, or even the mere suggestion i even had one to begin with! but that all changes now, i'm going to actually have a presence on this blog, as it is MY blog and tbh i'm tired of being so faceless on here. that's why i've been doing more asks and non-edit posts recently, and those will increase in frequency. check out the carrd for more info, my sona's ref, and art credits for assets on here <3
mondays -> MUSIC MONDAYS! so it might come as a shock i'm actually a musician in addition to making stuff on here! i've promoted my music a couple of times by now, but nothing all that substantial. sooo, considering that, i'm going to be replacing monday oc posts with a music post! just a link to a song on my bandcamp and a little description about it. i don't really care if these perform particularly well, but i want to give people a chance to actually hear it without having to deep dive through my entire internet history to get it. i also will be releasing more soon-- whether via compilations of older work or new stuff altogether :3
MORE IN THE FUTURE! i have a couple other ideas up my sleeve, we'll see how they pan out but i wanna keep trying new possibilities on here. i think at this point i've proven my consistency, and it's about time i let myself have a little fun and explore my options. these will be announced individually but probably added here over time as this is the new pinned post lol.
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ok so anyways, i do wanna have the mandatory sappy segment because of course i do. i want to say a couple of things but i'll split them into bullet points again bc yeah i do that.
this year has been really good for me and the blog, in most ways it's been the straight up best year of my life uncontested. not everything has gone perfectly, i had other plans that fell through, but hey that's just how life goes huh. at one point, i was easily projected to hit 20k by the end of the year, and now i'll be happy if i hit 17k lol. tumblr has not been that kind to my blog's growth this year and it's making me consider other options in the future, but everything's so scary rn i don't wanna commit to anything.
as for the blog itself, i've kinda been in a weird spot with it for a while. i've been scraping by on here intermittently for the entire year on and off, and i might have some ways to help keep me on top of the ball during the next year, but i also do wonder how long i can really keep doing this, and how long people will still like weirdcore and my work in particular. i've been considering branching out in terms of my presentation, or format, or style, but i feel incredibly weird about doing so.
in my personal life, this is the year i finally started transitioning and seeking treatment for my most pressing issues. i've finally started dating the love of my life, my best friend of 10 years, and despite some interpersonal turmoil all around me, i think i'm finally finding safe ground and knowing what i wanna do next. i don't really talk about it on here because i'm very private about it, but i've been kinda slowly becoming like a Real Adult Person this year. i didn't really have much of a chance to prior and i still am struggling a lot, but hey i know what i want now!
it's really silly to say but this blog still means a lot to me! it's seen me through the craziest times in my entire life, it's brought me so much perspective and knowledge and opportunities i wouldn't've had otherwise. i wake up every day and go on here and never stop feeling starstruck that people chose to follow me. i know tumblr success means nothing but to me it's the only community i've ever actually belonged to, so thank you all.
ok so like i really just don't have much else to say anymore, so i think i'll end it there! thank you all again, i can't wait for year 4 as it's going to definitely be a crazy one lol. let's hope it's a good one too!
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sporksaber · 5 months
This idea has not fully formed in my brain yet, but dpxdc time reversal isekai. This'll be a bit disjointed so bear with me.
Danny phantom and DC are the same universe to start with. Danny goes darkest timeline (not in the dan way. Dan is boring. He does not exist for this purpose) after years of being legally not human and trying to run from the giw while the organizations that should of helped didn't.
In the original timeline he is found out in some horrible way and has to run. He is kidnapped by the giw. He frees himself and finds himself entangled with the batfam. Everything goes wrong, his tenuous relationship with them gets super messed up as none of them are in a good place, and danny is slowly dying. Eventually it all gets broken off.
Danny, completing his journey into insanity, kind of destroyes the universe. And on a little related tangent, when writing these kind of stories all powerful characters are hard to deal with. Characters like clockwork give me the ick because their pulling at the strings robs the characters of their agency and they often fall apart when you look at them critically. So I'm nerfing clockwork. He can see all the timelines, he can watch over them and prevent major fuckery, but he isn't just able to meddle as he pleases.
Like I said, Dan doesn't exist and the whole bit never happened (originally I said that because it's a lame plotline but now it has real reasons) so Danny's never met clockwork. Clockwork takes the burst of power from danny going nuclear and reverses the time stream.
Danny wakes up on the day the event that leads his parents to find out happens. He's unable to avoid it as he's confused and dissriented with a bunch of strange thoughts and images making his head feel fit to burst, but does avoid the giw while running away.
Onto discussions of a main plot point: the romance bc it's always there with time reversal isekais (and with my fics in general tbh). As I'm thinking about it it's hard to decide bc I recently read a bunch that annoyed me into disliking them all and made me step away from the cross over for awhile. But as I was thinking of what to write I came to a decision. I already have one of these for Tim, having it be damian would make all the other characters older than him and it doesn't fit the vibe I'm going for to have danny surrounded by a bunch of adults when he isn't quite one, Jason just isn't fitting in my head rn, so I'm making it Dick. (I did also consider bruce, but I didn't...
The ages I'm going off of: bruce 37 (27), dick 21 (11), Jason 18 (8), Tim 15 (5), Damien 10 (fetus.)
I'm torn. I like the concept of Bruce being the love interest better but i dont know if i like it more than Dick. Like I said, this idea came to me and I immidiently opened a a draft. The idea is not solidified. And as I think more about it, maybe bruce would be better. Because with crossover ships you can slap the timelines together however you want you can change the ages and ship characters as you see fit. My initial reason for not considering bruce was the ages and wanting all the kids to be around for the plot. So I'm going to do the math.
Danny gets his powers at 14. Gets away with only monsters of the week to deal with for the first year. Giw gets new funding and becomes a consistent problem into when he's 16. It's manageable for awhile. I'm going to say he deals with it well enough for them to pull back and regroup around when he turns 17. Six months later and The Incident happens and he's outed. He runs and in his panicked gets captured by the giw.
My initial plan (initial meaning first thought that occurred less than an hour ago) was for him to be kidnapped long enough to be thoroughly traumatized but not super long. Like a few months. And I'd thought his freeing himself might have somthing to do with them kidnapping Jason or somthing. And if I stick to that Dick works really well and I feel like there's some really good content in dick and danny ending up together.
With Bruce I'd have to adjust the timeline more. Both for my batfam agenda and to make it not icky. If bruce is going to be in his mid thirties danny needs to be a minimum of his mid 20s. So I think if I were to go with Bruce I'd extend the kidnapped time to like 2 years (so Danny's like 20) and have him spend some time in the ghost zone before coming back to mess up the giw? I don't know. I'm going to have to write some stuff physically.
This has gotten out of hand and now I'm confused and my head hurts. I think the difference in the decision in unstable young adult danny vs unhinged adult danny in the original time line.
And the other thing I have to consider is not just main timeline but post rewind attempt 2 timeline and how those ages fall.
Dick is easier because it'd be easier to not have to handle that mess. I could have what I want without worrying about an age gap. And I think they could be really compelling. Especially with the idea of Dick seeking out Danny to help Jason, the brother he thinks he failed. Their relationship is originally a will they won't they as Dick has to deal with his family being a mess and desperately not wanting to lose anyone again while danny is in a limbo between who he is and if he's human. And it doesn't work out. It blows up in their faces as circumstances tear them apart and force them to let go of eachother. And you get the forbidden romance trope as batman doesn't trust danny. And then danny loses his shit and everyone dies before the rewind.
I think after the rewind they'd restart quieter. Danny searches out a familiar person after running away. Dick had just become nightwing and set up in bludhaven. Jason is 14 and hasn't died yet. Maybe they'd meet organically. Danny is drawn to Gotham and ends up in bludhaven while skirting around it. He meets the new vigilante who he knows but he also knows he doesn't (his core remembers. The core always remembers). Dick finds himself drawn to this haunted guy he keeps running into, maybe it's his savior complex, maybe it's somthing else entirely. He figures he's some kind of meta, jumpy from escaping someone's experiments.
Eventually Danny will remember Jason. Dick brings him up and Danny's filled with dread. Dick thinks his reaction is wierd. But Jason is eventually saved.
If I were to write it this way I think I'd have a couple of different mystery plot likes that connect thematically but aren't actually connected. (A nightwing vigilante based one of mob bosses or whatever, Danny's whole deal, what the giw is up to, where their money comes from and how that's gotten on the jl radar). But that's all on that for now.
To summarize: they have a very turbulent relationship initially. Dick will eventually be forced to chose the bats over danny. Danny has not properly healed from the giw and slowly spins out of control. After the rewind it's a lot of Dick solving mysteries as Danny tries to heal. The plot would be majorly driven by Dick, Danny's is mostly internal.
Back to the bruce concept (reminder that these two concepts are not connected at all).
The thing with time reversals is that you have to decide in the beginning whether or not the reversal is seperate from the main characters original timeline or if it's continuous. Are they the age they were pre reversal or the age they were reversed to? How much of it do they retain?
With the Bruce option I matched it to bruce being like 6 years older than danny. So pre reversal danny shows up to investigate bruce when his connection to the al ghuls (10yo damien) is established. Danny is 30, jaded, and less human than the other version. He's been warped in a way. The torture was longer and he recovered in the zone. A lot of his friends and family died.
Some relationship stuff happens, some al ghul caused demon stuff happens, the world is destroyed, time is reversed.
I'm fudging the previous timeline a bit. Danny's reveal happens at 19 while he's still in amity taking a gap year to weigh his dreams against his responsibilities. The Incident happens. He's kidnapped for a few years. Escapes durring an expierenment that allows him to slip into the zone. Dedicates himself to destroying the giw.
Danny post reversal retains skills and knowledge but is still his 19 year old self. He returns to the day of the incident, is confused, gets outed, dips but escapes the giw. Goes to Vlad and demands money, resources, and a contract that makes him heir without the downsides of his shady practices. It's important to not at this point, danny is basically bluffing. The kid has no idea what's going on or if it'll work, but he spooks vlad enough for him to agree now, plan how to spin it in his favor later.
So Danny takes a bit to decompress from that shitshow.
Flash forward, bruce wayne notices he has a bit of a (new) stalker problem. Some guy he doesn't know (and Brucie Wayne knows everyone) starts showing up at all his galas and the charity events he goes to. 20 year old Danny Fenton, heir to Masters Enterprises.
Cue Romcom.
This would have a drastically different tone from the other version. Very fun and much lower stakes.
Anyway I'm done for now. I hope you enjoyed this 2 hour unedited rant. Might expand on both separately, I like them both.
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emojellyace08 · 10 months
.....princess reader uhuh nice one but what about H manhwa/manga author reader who kept it as a secret job as she look innocent lol. What kind of reaction does her boyfriend would do.
(Goo would probably volunteer to do the reference pose lol.)
Lookism Men x Female! Reader (Adult Manhwa/Manga edition)
OMGGG XD THIS IS ACTUALLY A FUNNY IDEA LMAOOOO (and sorry I viewed this request late bc I fell asleep too early) Genre: smut/lemon🍋, slight crack🧨(comedy) Slight warning: cursing, mentions of sex, NSFW, penetration, h*nta*/mentions of adult manga/manhwa, dirty talking, sploshing (mentions of food), BDSM, mentions of n*dity, Goo and Ryuhei being a diva queen CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP! (reader is female)
Goo Kim/Kuroda Ryuhei/Sinu Han/Vin Ho Bin (Vin Jin)/Young Tom Lee/Gongseob Ji/Olly Wang
He'll tease you a lot tbh. Idk why but I feel like they'll be always reading h*nta* than watching real life p*rn (because he knows that in it's just acting so it really turns him off). So it's no surprise if they ever stumbled on your work xD.
Pretty sure that they already know that you're doing some kinky shit because you showed one of your innocent drawings to him so he just knows your artstyle. The difference is that it's just n*ked girls and boys. But he'll also get turned off if you draw something too weird (ehem Pico). But yeah if it's just normal and adult humans fucking, it will be a great win for him.
He'll probably show off your works to his friends with them name dropping you😭. "Hey guys better read this manga/manhwa it's so fucking good Y/N made it!". Then the others being the dumbasses that they are they will of course search about it and yes, you're pretty much screwed. "Y/N Did you do this?" his friend asked as you turned your attention to his phone and your face turned into a deep shade of red-
"WHA- NO NO NO I DIDN'T WHAT MADE YOU THINK SO?" you denied in panic as you can see the disappointment plastered on his/her face. "Well, it's because your boyfriend suggested to read it". he/she replied as you laughed at his/her statement. "Well, you know he's a joker sometimes. So why did you believe him?" you asked him/her, surprisingly he/she believed in your lies. "Oh, good point. Sorry." she/he apologized as you brushed it off. You'll definitely going to beat his ass when you got home.
"YOU MOTHER FUCKER WHAT DID YOU DO?!" you screeched at him while throwing your arms at him while he panics at your reaction. Despite your flies of punches at him it still doesn't hurt his body and he's in fact going to burst in laughter if it weren't for you acting like a baby (these mfs). "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" "YOU FUCKING EMBARRASSED ME INFRONT OF YOUR DUMBASS FRIENDS! GOOD THING I WAS ABLE TO LIE ABOUT IT!" "ABOUT WHAT?!". And yes the moment you asked him what are you ranting about, your mouth zipped shocked as he chuckled at your reaction. "Y/N, there's no need to be shy about it..." he teased you as his hands held your chin as you snatched it away. "About what?" "You drawing h*nta*" the moment he said that specific word your cheeks flushed again with that deep red color, confirming his "theories".
He will 100% insist and request you to be his ✨personal model✨. Now at first you don't know if he's just being an ass to you and want to share your income (which is half true lol), but he just finds the idea of it to be sexy. "Y/-" "No." you cut him off as he whines like a toddler when his mom doesn't buy his favorite toy. "Please, can I be your model?" "Jesus. First, you keep bugging me off. And second, you just want me to share my money!" you screamed at his face as you can see him pulling the puppy eye card. "C'mon baby, I think it's a great opportunity for us to have our own moment in the bedroom. And I'm pretty busy too and we rarely see each other. So it's a great time to share our moments in a great way~" he purred as he tickles your sides you being obviously being pissed off. But no matter how many times you tried to push them off, they'll never leave you alone. "Fine, let's go." "Wait wha- Really? YAY!!!" "Shut the fuck up before I change my mind."
They will 100% flex his big and long dick to you. Seriously you can't help but to stare at his pee pee poking his thin boxers and he'll tease you about it. "Babe, where are you looking at?" he smirked as you blushed and scolded him again. "SHUT UP JUST LAY DOWN SO I CAN TAKE A PICTURE OF YOU". And they enjoy wearing BDSM gear (like blindfolds, gags, ropes on their hand while his hard rock dick is out) with cat ears or sploshing especially with whipped cream or strawberries since it's easier to clean off since they're really lazy. But their poses are just so goofy sometimes that you don't know if you should be horny or laughing your ass out. "Why the fuck are you posing like that?" you chuckled as he poses his hands on his nape flexing his abs. "What do you mean? You don't find it hot?" he teased as you stated that he looks like a Walmart Ken but the 18+ version which he will get offended at lmao (especially Goo and Ryuhei since they're blondes xD) "SHUT UP I'M NOT WALMART KEN!" he screamed as you chuckled at his reaction, just obviously you teasing him back for your payback. "BUT YOU ARE!" "NO I'M NOT! BESIDES I'M HOTTER THAN HIM!".
You and him will fuck on the bed and use the sex toys and he'll definitely film it (with your permission of course) and post it on P*rnHub lmao (but your face will be blurred so don't worry about it, bastard). You and him will be a perfect match in hell jk heaven. He's your personal p*rn star while his girlfriend is a h*nta* artist. Now that's a lot of good money (don't worry he'll share it with you).
Samuel Seo/Jake Kim/Gun Park/James Lee or DG/Taesoo Ma/Jichang Kwak/Cheong Taejin/Yoojin/Young Gapryong Kim
Honestly, the half of them just don't care. The other is like a wild animal screeching and their "little pet" getting excited down there. Though he's not the type to read that kind of stuff and prefers real p*rn since he thought that it's just for horny weebs who can't get a partner😭(I'm roasting myself sorry).
Like he knows that there's a kinky little shit hiding in that sweet, innocent face. He just doesn't act on it because he's often controlling himself to not ruin that little pussy lmao. Besides he doesn't really care about your hobbies as long as it's not too weird.
But because of his friend being an asshole, he showed him your works and once again you got caught in 24K. "BRO READ THIS MANGA IT'S FUCKING GOOD!" "Isn't that hentai?" he raised his eyebrows as his friend's eyes sparkled even more. "But *insert account here* made it!" they're friend exclaimed as he's shocked to hear that YOU MADE the erotic comic. "Wait wha-" "Yeah they made it! You should give it a try." Their reaction and face looks like: 🤨📸 but inside they be like: 😩💦. Honestly he's also very horny he's just have that self control and besides he works a lot so he doesn't really have the time to fuck spend time with you. (especially Gun and DG since they're too busy with their gangster/idol life).
He'll also lowkey tease you about it just to get a reaction out of you. And he'll be laughing his ass off inside when you tried to deny it because, first: He often observes you when you're minding your own business. You think that he's just watching TikTok on his phone? Bitch no. He's secretly spying on you and he often sees you sketching/drawing and when he tries to take a look you often pull away so he knows you're drawing kinky stuff. "I didn't know you're that kind of person Y/N. I thought you're actually an innocent woman." He commented as he pulls out his phone with your drawings as you blushed feeling embarrassed. "I-I didn't draw that!' "But this artstyle looks familiar." he stated as it made you confused. How the hell does he knows about your artstyle? Oh right you have an Instagram account dedicated for your drawings that don't scream sus. "I-It's not of you're business anyways if I draw naked women with big boobas!" "So you actually drew this?" he asked again with a straight face but his voice has that hint of playfulness on it making you even humiliated. "BABE!"
He also doesn't mind if you asked him for a picture with him naked as long as you're just drawing the pose for the reference and not actually drawing him posing like that xD. Like the others, they would like dressing in BDSM gear with his hands tied on his back while making that sexy face A:LKJDSKL:JFLA:KH:LKDHF:KLDH:LKAHL: . Honestly they just make you horny without them even trying. He would also flex his dick to you tbh. And at first he's not really a big fan of sploshing since it can be a mess and he's often tired. But he'll get used to it and he's probably the type to pour chocolate syrup on his abs and asking you to lick it off for them (sheesh wtf is this kinky). "Are you looking at my dick?" he stated as he lies down on the bed, the veins of his member popping as you can already see the pre-cum building on his tip making your core wetter than before. "Shut up steroids' man." "It's all natural babe."
He wouldn't hesitate to pound his long and thick cock inside you in the middle of business (he's never been so worked up before). He also doesn't mind if you film it so you can have your reference pose as long as you don't pose it online (especially DG since he's an idol). But he still enjoy this kind of bonding time nonetheless.
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chaeul · 22 days
I was tagged by my lovely friends @lilmaemae, @jez-bez and @ella-norah to share a few things about myself
It was fun getting to know more abut you ♥ My turn now :shy:
Do you tidy your bed? Yes. I didn't always but as I've gotten older and life became more hectic, I've started to appreciate the sense of peace and calm a tidy, neat looking room can give. Also if I didn't make my bed I'd be sleeping in cat hair :D No amount of trying to get rid of it will get rid of it all. With my bed made, at least the hair stays on my blanket as opposed to underneath it
What's your favorite number? Even numbers are must. There are many that I like but the most important ones are 4 (can't explain this one and 22 (back in elementary school each kid had a number associated with them; mine was 22 and it stuck. I also enjoy that it's the same backwards and forwards
What is your job? I wfh doing administrative tasks for a physiotherapist's office and I'm one of two official caretakers for my grandparents (not technically a job but it does count towards my state pension)
If you could go back to school, would you? I mostly enjoyed school. So much so that my plan was to become a teacher, actually. Uni on the other hand wasn't for me. I wonder if it would've been different if my mental and physical health hadn't plummeted back then. Considering I'm not doing much better rn, I would not go back to uni, no.
Can you parallel park? Technically yes, but I do have performance anxiety about it and I'd rather not (and I won't on busy streets). I much prefer parking in a parking lot with cars to my left and right instead of in front and behind me.
A job you had that would surprise people? I don't think there is one
Do you think aliens are real? I'm sure there's life out there somewhere. Or that there was or will be at some point in the future. Do I believe that life to be similar to us humans? No, not really.
Can you drive a manual car? I learned and got my license on a manual car but we've ever only owned automatic ones so I that's what I've been driving ever since I got my license. A few months of manual vs 16+years of automatic... I don't trust myself to be able to still drive manual
What's your guilty pleasure? I think I've reached a point in my life where I don't really feel guilty or ashamed about anything I find pleasure in tbh. At least not that I can think of rn.
Tattoos? None
Favorite color? aqua, lavender, a deep rich red and a warm orange
Favorite type of music? there are barely any genres I actively dislike and maaaaaaaaany that I enjoy but there can be too much of a good thing, so variety is important (in the grand scheme of things! because I enjoy listening to the same song on loop for hours, sometimes even days too) and it's hard to pick a favorite. But I certainly do love musical soundtracks as well as quite a bit of everything kpop has to offer
Do you like puzzles? depends on the difficulty. if it's too hard or I can't even come up with a possible way to solve them I lose interest
Any phobias? wasps and dentists
Favorite childhood sport? I'm not sure if there's a difference in definition of the word 'sport' between German and English or if it's a diifference between the world and me but to me, a sport is any sort of activity that requires a certain amount of physical effort. I know many don't consider dancing a sport but it is to me. Many different types of dance were my favorite sport in childhood and they're still important to me now
Do you talk to yourself? I talk to my cat when I'm at home and sometimes I narrate things to her. That's pretty much the same thing isn't it? Other than that I don't talk to myself out loud but I do it in my head sometiimes
What movie(s) do you adore? there are simply too many to choose from and I'm not that into movies. I much prefer tv shows. But I've seen you all mentioning Tangled and that certainly is my favorite Disney movie among the ones that came out since I became an adult. Plus I did enjoy the mcu movies before everything went downhhill
Coffee or tea? neither iced tea
First thing you wanted to be growing up? I don't remember the very first thing exactly but I had dreams of being a teacher, a vet, a musical theatre performer... the list goes on
I you're seeing this, consider yourself tagged! ♥
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Tlh characters/relationships and speak now (Taylor’s version) part two
Anna. Anna being in love with Ari for years and using other women as a coping mechanism. Anna thinking her and Ari were together and then finding out about the engagement and feelings betrayed ‘i thought I had you figured out’
Also on a more literal note, Grace to kit (I’m sorry)
Last kiss
Ari and Anna. Like I hear your Grace and kit but no because they weren’t *technically* together when he y’know… HOWEVER anna and ari did literally kiss and then break up with next day and then spend like a year estranged. ‘So I’ll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep’ it’s giving Anna not letting herself get close to Ari until she’s dying.
Long live
Like all of them? But specifically the merry thieves. ‘And for a moment a band of thieves in ripped up jeans got to rule the world’ with them four being the perfect close knit group (OF LITERAL THEIVES) for YEARS. ‘If you have children someday please tell them my name’ with none of their children being able to meet kit but you know damn well they will know their uncle kit like they know the rest of their uncles. ALSO Emma and Julian literally pointing to their pictures and Tessa telling them their names?? ‘And the cynics were outraged’ with like half the adult population hating their guts
Lucie to Jesse. The song gives such innocent first love vibes as well as like a serious amount of ‘what the hell is going on’ from outsiders which in the context of the book, it just because Jesse’s like legit come back from the dead. But neither of them care because this love is theirs
Let’s be so for real rn it’s Thomas about Alastair. ‘Tall dark and beautiful’ like a Persian prince maybe? ‘He’s not at all bad like his reputation’ I mean COME ON Thomas defending him despite his rep because he knows him!
Electric touch
Purely for accuracy it’s lucie and Jesse. ‘This could either break my heart or bring it back to life’ AND SHE LITERALLY BRINGS HIM BACK TO LIFE?!?!! ‘Fill this ghost town up with life’ him being happy for the first time in years and dancing with her and everything while literally BEING A GHOST?!
Also metaphorically Thomastair both ways, for Alastair ‘bringing Thomas back to life’ by seeing through him after Barbara’s death or Thomas ‘bringing Alastair back to life’ by just loving him
When Emma falls in love
Lucie about Cordelia. So like Cordelia but from lucies pov. Cause Cordelia spent most of her childhood falling for James and being incredibly obvious and she’s a queen. And lucie just idolising her, I mean the gal wrote the whole beautiful Cordelia.
I can see you
It’s giving Thomas and Alastair like hanging out in paris and Charles never catching on, and them making out in the sanctuary and will walking in literally 30 seconds later and never knowing and Thomas being in love for years and his closest friends never working it out-but like mainly the sanctuary scene tbh
Castles crumbling
Either James or Matthew. Like James for the clave turning against him (and his entire family) after learning about Belial and Matthew for his whole world upending and him and James fighting and Cordelia realising he’s still drinking and hanging to tell his parents the truth.
Also everyone turning against Grace but no one really like her at first BUT ari being like ‘I can’t believe she lived in my house’
Also maybe Charles?? Like he had the support of the inquisitor, a fiancé, his family’s love, the claves respect and then he lost the family’s respect when he went against the herondales and lost the claves when he came out
Foolish one
Matthew, Thomas, Alastair, Cordelia-I could go on I mean it just fits
Matthew: First Lucie then Cordelia he has a thing for unrequited love and he knows it but he still hoped Cordelia would chose him and she didn’t
Thomas: the man was in love with Alastair for YEARS and had to watch him and Charles be in love for years without knowing the problems within their relationship (but he got his man so there’s that)
Alastair: hoped and hoped that Charles would chose him over his career just once but he never would and ‘I’ll get your longing glances but she’ll get you rings’ and Charles constantly getting engaged HOWEVER ‘the day is gonna come for your confessions of love’ and Thomas’ ‘Keli asheghetam. I love you let me love you’
Cordelia: I could literally copy and paste thomas bit and change the names man
Thomas and alastair. They fell in love at the academy (fight me on this) and then again in paris and then again in London and they were vastly different people in all of these places and yet they still found each other. Also history repeats itself (a lightwood falling in love with someone everyone kinda warns them against without realising it and then professing their love in the others first language)
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angelosearch · 4 months
My initial screaming thoughts on the Avatar the Last Air Bender live action remake on Netflix. Spoilers for eps 1-4 below, will watch 5-8 later today probably.
I want to hug this casting director and also ask them how they pulled the chacters straight out of the cartoon and made them real.
Lol wow the dialogue is really leaving nothing up to the imagination. Exposition exposition exposition. Get why they are doing it this way but it gets reeeeeally clunky sometimes.
We must say the exact number of years that everything has happened and everyone's age
hope line in ep 1 is straight out of Ember Island Players
The ostrich horses are chocobos and I am not taking any questions
😭 The airbender genocide is horrifying (as it should be)
Animals are a tad uncanny valley but I am okay with it
I appreciate that they kept so much of the original music even though it feels a little out of place for something live action
The tone is much more mature. The themes are different in a good way - they haven't changed much of what exists in the canon, just shifted focus. Adult side characters are getting more story. Stakes feel higher. Violence! Grittiness!
Firebenders are really fucking evil so they need to balance it with more morally gray/evil earthbenders and more upfront sympathy/development for Iroh and Zuko
This show could be enjoyable to someone who has never seen the cartoon before but it is definitely written for us, those who had our hearts broken by the movie
Sokka is not overtly sexist and honestly I'm okay with it. I like that arc for him in the animated tv show but with the tone of the live action, he couldn't just be funny sexist, he would have to be dark sexist and that just wouldn't be Sokka. Plus I like how they focus more on Sokka's sense of duty because it creates a good foil for Aang.
I was never really a big Sokka/Suki shipper but DAMN.
I am getting more Zutara vibes rn than Katara/Aang idk
Okay they are condensing the plot but in really smart ways. We aren't losing much.
The set design. The costuming. SO PERFECT. Ohmashu looked great.
they mention secret tunnels. Are they gonna do it? Are they gonna keep it in?? YEEEESSSS FUCK YES OKAY THIS REMAKE IS AMAZING
I really like how they made the tunnels about sibling love tbh
Utkarsh Ambudkar disappears into the role of Bumi and it is SO GOOD
Me: *cries as Zuko comforts Iroh at Lu Ten's funeral* My husband: "Wait, listen to the music" Me: *listens* *lays down* *CRIES A LOT*
This show is very focused on showing what a 100 year war does to people and I think that was a good direction to take
Overall I am VERY happy with it. They understood the assignment, there is a ton of love for the show weaved into it, and I am excited to see more.
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ratio-simp · 7 months
Incoming vent: cuz I'm a ball of stress rn
I'm trying for a job at the movies and the apps so confusing by the time I figure this shit out i do believe they will stop hiring RIP COME ONNN...
I need a job . But also something better than retail fuck retail I been working retail for years it sucksss and also, I been awake cuz idk? Adhd maybe? And just cleaning my room like a crazy person lol maybe I'm a nervous wreck I definitely am. I haven't been replying to stuff as quickly as usual cuz I been so stressed... I haven't had a job in a while cuz I been feeling... idk like I suck at everything so why try? I keep quitting or getting fired when will the cycle end.. ugh.. it's just very discouraging yah.. so I'm nervous I'll screw up this job too like the others..yah. part of the reason I haven't been even looking for a job in a while is that. Im glad my mom is being patient w me. Cuz my anxiety and depression gets the best of me at times. Those close to me know that too well... yahhh.. I get depressed and yah. Anxious too. It's bad sometimes. Real bad. I'm glad you guys are patient w my stupid ass too. Thank you. <3 I'm trying so hard to adult lol and to keep it together for you guys...I don't even drive yet I'm too scared.. im.. yah in trying to push myself more. I used to go to college too. Need to go back and get a REAL career one day. I do hope. That's a whole nother story..college.. I can't go til I get a grant.. cuz I lost my scholarship for quitting too many classes and 1 bitchy professor failing me cuz I'm too shy in class. Fuck them. Yah. Anyway. Yah. That's discouraging too so much to get nervous about. That asshole professor even threw away my paperwork stating I'm autistic and need help and I'm shy esc. All about my autism. I got the paper from my school counselor who told me to give the papers to my professors. But that 1 bitch prof. one threw it away right in front of me. Fuck em. Hate em so much. Theatre class was a waste of my time.yet I passed mythology class the professor for that LOVED me . So yah. Theatre guy was biased af. I also passed art. And that was HARD AF i had to take extra trips to get extra credit but i did it and prof loved me. Theatre guy was the only bitch who hated me. Like i even did extra credit trips for Theatre for them yet. Yah. Im unfavored apparently idk. should have reported them to the dean like everyone told me to. But i didn't like a dumbass lol. Now it's too late so rip. I'm going back eventually for zookeeping or voice acting cuz tbh choosing is hard. But ya I'll get a grant. I'm trying next year. I'm gonna try driving next year too. I'm pushing myself to adult.
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satoruluvies · 12 days
🫁 hello friend! i only have one (1) thing due tonight so i fully caught up on your works as a means of procrastinating <3 this ask is only about your two most recent posts for the sake of brevity + not spending too much time since i promised myself to get back on the grind after sending this lmao
‘fuzzy menace’ … my favourite thing is asking you to guess my fav parts even though 1) you’re never given an opportunity to guess and 2) it’s always the same characters. anyways it’s nanami and toji. 
“what’s this gentleman doing on my side of the bed i wonder?” fdkshfds ,,, great start tbh and it’s SO NANAMI. nanami tends to be (understandably!) portrayed very seriously, so seeing a more playful (albeit still stoic) side of him here was a pleasure <3 he sounds a little teasing too ?? my lord. the first line is obvi my fav but “absolutely. how outrageous.” is a close second !! short but sweet, and his voice is so strong through out it <3 look at my man watch him go!
toji is the complete opposite in energy and i fw it so much. reader and toji are always giving each other soo much shit (even if on this occasion it’s predominantly him). the switch from toji to bald toji is so … it’s so him but it was truly awful to witness. i have 1 (many) fear(s) and it’s my fav character getting hit with the jason todd special (ugly haircuts. usually a buzzcut.) toji is realising my worst nightmare rn.”fuck does he think he is smirking like that on your bed” he’s so dumb LMAO. look at that little hypocrite go.
‘look at you go’. guess my fav parts. one day i’m going to make you guess and not tell you and comment on every individual piece. it’s suguru and toji.
now is it any surprise i’m in love with suguru … “can you dance again for me princess?” i’m not even big on pet names but lordy lord hello saviour. fun fact but i LOVE dancing even though i haven’t taken lessons since i was 13 (i’ve been considering picking it back up ?? i’m not sure though, i feel like since i’m an adult it’s too late to get back into old hobbies i’ve fallen out of and take lessons, yk? plus it's so expensive ...) having that shit recorded would be mortifying i don’t blame reader in these pieces at all. “you’ll keep asking if i give in just once” to “then you can give in again and again yeah?” kill me RIGHT NOW. oh my lord. i would give in too.
sorry i would write on toji but !! ugh my brain is fried. you can probably tell since there’s a lot of personal interjections this time ,,, also suguru has been haunting my brain the past week. i want to write something for him so bad but i’ve had no ideas ?? it’s so annoying. also i’ve been too busy with schoolwork to sit down and write anything
looking back. god this ask is so long.
you're ... reading,, my shit.. during a break... THATS A HUGE HONOUR GR breaks are for only the most enjoyable stuff bc it's limited and the impeding doom of working awaits but you chose to read the stuff here omfg i will scream at your face (lovingly).
if you made me guess your faves id always go with the big three (suguru, nanami and toji) bc i know you like wdym anon we've known each other since our uterus debutation obviously.
ALSO YOU DANCE let's gooo!!! i do too and just like you, i haven't danced in a while but im broke as fuck so im self taught filming covers back in those days ah. hobbies as an adult are so hard for real, adulting is hard where is the return ticket i would like to be a tween again i know what to do this time. i think.
maybe when your workload becomes a little lighter you could type out the suguru thoughts plaguing your mind ;)
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
I’ll get a lot of hate for this but..colby seems like a player (fuck boy) to me..i don’t know..the things he do to shea (makes her feel some type of way) then he push her away..the same happened with stas, he was so touchy with her and then pushed her away..i know she was in love with him 100% but that’s not a reason to push every girl from him away when this happens and he wonders why he is always alone? and there’s alot of girls he did that to. Yeah i know, not everyone wants a relationship but that guy cry that he doesn’t have a gf or something like that but fucks around with others. I like sam better in this perspective..tbh.. sometimes i don’t really understand colby..also their content and everyone is only for money rn..that’s how i see it. I remember in like 2016-2019 they were responding to alot of fans on ig etc etc..i feel like everyone is about money right now..
Btw thanks for reading that. Also it doesn’t mean hate on anyone but yk..
you are not the only person to have sent in an ask like this to me over the years. so, you're not the only one that feels this way.
that being said, i do not agree with you.
now, did colby in the past maybe fuck around with some girls? sure. he definitely had a bit of a player history. but, you also then have to believe that every girl he was around was someone he was hooking up with/had a relationship with in some way. and that's just not true. reality is, we don't know reality. what we are going off of is our assumptions. not every girl he was around at one point or another was a girl he was hooking up with. it's honestly kinda strange to assume that this man can't have a friendship with a woman without there being some weird connotation of "oh he actually wants her" or "she wants to get with him" or "he clearly wants to fuck her". not saying you're implying that, i'm just stating generally.
shea and him have a complicated thing that i don't think we will ever know the real, full story to. but at the end of the day, regardless of what you believe, they are both grown adults. if they wanted to have a relationship, they would have had one by now. shea is almost 30. she's is too grown to blame colby (if she really does that at all) for stringing her along. if he's promising you the world, but going out with other girls, he's a liar. you should have left a long time ago. but clearly either a) that's not happening or b) you are forcing yourself to believe something that isn't real. and that's your own fault, not his. that doesn't excuse his possible stringing along-ness, but he can't do that to you if you already left 🤷🏻‍♀️
and as for stas… he never treated her more than in a friendly way. sorry if you disagree, but i saw not one single thing that pointed to them having anything more than maybe a slightly flirty/touchy friendship. the reason why she got so hurt over it was bc she had feelings for him, he didn't reciprocate, and bc she thought she could make him like her, she stuck around in her fantasy too long. that man literally brought along a date to hang out with her and other friends. what about that screams "oh he's into me, he just doesn't know how to express it"????? that man made it clear as day what his feelings were, she just didn't listen.
none of this even takes into account that both girls have used colby for YEARS to gain followers, clout, and to make money off of his fans that become theirs. like…. that's it's own can of worms.
and he has EVERY. RIGHT. to reject girls that love him too much bc if he's not into them, why should he pretend to be??? you literally are saying he's a fuckboy for stringing them along, but then complain that he shouldn't say he's lonely bc "he pushes them away". so… is he supposed to pretend to like them and string them along, or cut them loose but still get blamed for being lonely?? which one is it?
he's allowed to have standards or not just settle with the first girl that shows emotional attachment to him. that's not how love works. and on top of that, he's allowed to complain about wanting someone to love but not having someone even tho he has plenty of suitors. reality is, colby has outwardly said for a very long time that he hasn't met someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. he has made that clear as day for YEARS now. and also for years he has said he hasn't been in a serious relationship since 2016. if this is what he says publicly to fans, i can only imagine he lays it out thicker privately. that would also mean that any girl he has been with was never serious in the first place. aka, there were no feelings attached. so when things ended, it's not a breakup. it's just two ppl who were casually seeing each other leaving and finding someone else. that doesn't negate that he probably had used a girl from time to time for emotional support or whatever. i'm not saying that's not true. but the fact of the matter is, there has been ONE GIRL that i can name that has outright had an issue with colby after "breaking up" with him. and collectively, out of the many everyone assumes he's been with, that kinda shows that maybe he is telling the truth to these girls about what he wants. bc if he was burning bridges left and right, he would have been up in flames by now.
and sam literally just got out of a relationship where he strung kat along for years, mentioning talks of getting married, how his last name sounds good with her first, only to turn around and get cold feet when the ultimatum came. not to mention the vampire situation (him purposefully keeping her out of the editing room while he was working and all she wanted to do was hang out), him not even giving her a key to his house in la even tho she was over every single day, him now currently mentioning how he didn't really hang out with her all that much the last year of their relationship and how he could have been better, him not sharing his calendar with her so she would never know when he was leaving or going, him literally telling fans in emails how so much better he's doing now that he's not in a relationship with her anymore, her literally getting death threats by HIS FANS and he says literally nothing about it…. need i go on? he's not exactly star bf of the year either.
and as for the whole thing of "they only do things for money now"…. that's kinda always been the case. this is their job. they need to do things for money to survive. not to mention, they have grown exponentially since that time period of 2016-19. just based on subs alone, and nothing else, they have the combined population of nyc and philly. that's how many eyes are on them at any given point. obviously there is some overlap between different social media sites, but they have 10 mil+ eyes on them, which means 10 mil+ ppl trying to get their attention at any given point. they can't talk to everyone like they used to. when they were at one mil or two, sure. talking to ppl wasn't too hard, but now it's basically impossible. and on top of that they are busy so they don't have time to interact like they once did. it sucks, but that's just the truth.
i get why you felt the need to say all of this, and even tho i don't agree with you, i'm not trying to be hateful or mean. i'm just stating how i feel to your ask. please don't take any of this personally. i don't think you're dumb for the opinion you have, even if it's different from mine. we are allowed to have differing opinions, and we can just agree to disagree.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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GUYS I FINALLY GOT DOJIMA TO MOMENTARILY PULL HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS. I ain't pickin' no namby-pamby soft options with you, Dojima, if you need to be bullied into doing the right thing, so be it.
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After he reads a whole book to Nanako, he reveals the phone call at dinner was about his wife's murder and its more dead ends. Like. God, it's fucking rough. But at least I feel like Dojima is moving to a more truthful place, where he can admit he is looking into this for his own sake and not really Nanako's.
That said, he is still not remotely the Hierophant and its annoying me tbh. Whateverrrrr not all of the Arcana assignments can be perfect.
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Oh hey its student council girl that you only really get to know in Boy Route. Sup. Wow, she was a first year in P3P and now she's a senior, so it REALLY hasn't been that long since P3P. That's wild.
Lmao she reveals that she got her speech written by Mitsuru. Of course she did.
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kanji no
also EDOGAWA!!!!!!! EDOGAWA!!!! Out of all the teachers, he was my favorite by far. Weird fucking occultist nurse dude.
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I kind of already know the broad strokes of this story, but it's interesting that my starting persona is Izanagi and the game is giving me an unskippable primer on the topic. Izanagi and Izanami were the parental gods of Japan. Izanami died during the creation of fire and wound up in the underworld Yomi. Izanagi went to get her but set his comb alight (a bamboo comb, huh) to get a look at Izanami and saw she was all gross and dead, he fled and put a boulder over the entrance of Yomi. Izanami (imo rightfully pissed) told him she would kill 1000 people a day. Izanagi said he would create 1500 a day.
gee i WONDER if this will be RELEVANT LATER.
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The hotel they got booked at is.... moderately sketchy.
i'm making faces rn. See, this kind of shit wouldn't have flown at Gekkoukan.
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My heart beats for this dumbass. I think in a previous scene, Yosuke accused Teddie of speaking in commercial lines and YOU KNOW. YOU KNOW. He really does. He goes through life like he's just living in a charmed sideways version of life. lmao what if Teddie's whole thing was that he was the personification of that commercial glintz. Like, he literally can do the sparkle-shine thing on command and can charisma-check anyone into doing what he wants. It's a fun theory and frankly more than I have right now.
If Teddie is just "what happens when the commercial becomes aware of real people and loved them" I will be tickled. I mean, "I did a lot of sit ups so now I have a human body" really is some TV magic logic.
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lmao is the "eh we don't give a shit if underaged kids come here" club!
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lmao kanji has a bad crush on naoto. aw, buddy. we can wingman you if you want, bruh.
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i wouldn't know shit about that lmao
rise you have no idea how close you came to getting absolutely fucking got that night, trust me. that boss fucking sucks XD
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oh my god they are completely toasted
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oh yeah this seems totally safe for teenagers to play without adult supervision and, in fact, many miles away from the guardians. yep.
i love just the idea of someone suggesting this to the SEES dorm and how it would be shut down fucking immediately, first by Mitsuru, then Yukari, then Akihiko. Hell, if Shinjiro or Akihiko just walked by right now they would rat out these kids immediately and shoo them home. It truly is a completely different group here lmao.
Shout out to Naoto fucking silently observing all this shit. Hilarious.
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Dearest Covey.
HI COVEY SO MUCY HAPPENED TODAY! First my friend group got into a really big fight that lasted like 4 hours and some people aren’t friends anymore.. gulps.. so that happened.. BUT I GOT TO DRINK HOT CHOCOLATE!! And then tomorrow (Sunday) I’m going out shopping, and I’m so excited honestly, I have a whole list on things I’m gonna buy which are mostly things I need to repurchase (Loofah, shaving cream, hair products, mouthwash, AND SKINCARE MY FAV ALONGSIDE HAIRCSRE AA), but I’m still so excited because I love shopping sm like it’s insane, I think im addicted tbh.
So excited to yap to you tomorrow, I have a feeling it’ll be a really good day!! Especially after this really weird week.. oh and I’m staying up all night, need to fix my sleeping schedule do the all nighter, and dayer is gonna happen.. a sacrifice for my future.. i have to do a tea leaf reading for my friend which I’ll do at like 2am? I’m excited to do that, and then I’ll probably binge watch some movies, read some pjo, like yeah do a lil extra selfcare!! I can’t wait for my everything shower tomorrow it’s actually gonna be AMAZECHEESEBALLS!! Also how was your day? And are you doing anything on Sunday? But anyways as always, stay safe, healthy, and hydrated, LOVE YOU!!
Love always
darling lotus anon!!
you've had quite the day!!! sorry about your friend group but who doesn't love shopping?!?!?! i love love love getting domestic house stuff, like skincare and all that stuff. makes me feel like a real adult lol.
ALSO BEING ABLE TO DO A LEAF READING IS SO SO COOL!!! I WANT ONEEEEEEEE jk predestination scares me do not tell me shit id actually just rot away in fear. i completely understand fixing sleep schedules, mines not too bad rn but im still not happy with it lmao.
i had a pretty good day today, cooking up some good shit guys, super excited. also, found out my college class that im taking as a highschooler was on spring break this week so i didnt have any homework for that class, which was amazing!!! and i did all my other homework at school last week, so ive got nothing going on this weekend, which is super super nice!! anyways, i love YOU and can't wait to hear about your shopping trip!!
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osamusbigtits · 1 year
i obviously didn't mean were you serious about wanting to euthanize a group of people, (or at least i hope not, i don't actually know you or anything...) i obviously meant were you serious in your unapproving and maliciously harsh criticism about people who ship with bakugo, especially of a certain age range that you deem to be disgusting, which you were actually serious about, so thanks for clearing that up. and listen, you're allowed to disagree with it but uh, (which to me is weird tho, bc first off, he's fictional and in that realm there is room for well, um, fiction and imagination, so that being the case, you can um, you know: fictionally age someone up who doesn't even exist, so as long as someone is NOT shipping with him as a minor in their imagination then i don't get what the big deal is next to any other aged up fictional character from any other series from a canon perspective... let me give you an example: source material creators/authors/mangakas age up their super young characters all the time, just like your beloved Furudate did with his haikyuu characters and you seem perfectly fine writing about them fucking each other all the time, so why should that be any different? just because it came from the creator's brain that those characters are visibly shown to age up at some point and just happen to get a visible timeskip (which is super short, btw), therefore it makes you feel more comfortable shipping them? ok so, imagination is only acceptable in the mind of the creator's brain then? so one person's brain and imagination is more valuable than another's now? so, a fan can't have their own spin on it otherwise (just the way you spin things with your fave hq characters)? or because fans don't have critical thinking skills of their own to see that what a character really is, at the end of the day, just a set of traits and characteristics that we see reflected in other people? a character isn't some living breathing person with a set age, or even stagnant at all, they're meant to evolve and grow even if we don't see it canonically yet. so, we aren't allowed to assume the bnha character's will someday grow older and age too at some point ?? like ?? i'm just really confused as to what doesn't compute for you about all this, but whatever you're obviously allowed your own opinion if you don't agree, whatever) but also are we all any less cringe in any fandom than the next dude for lewding over a 2D person than the next, tbh? like really? are you serious rn? ok, climb up on that high horse all you want, you're so much better and less cringe than the rest of us, it must feel good to be so superior. also, way to be a malicious ageist, it comes off super ignorant and bigoted, tbh. like weird flex: you're in your early 20s or whatever, good for you? anyway, maybe try to be open to the possibility that you don't understand why someone who ships with an aged-up adult bakugo resonates with his set of traits or why it brings them comfort, since like i said, that's all a character really is: NOT REAL and a SET OF CHARACTERISTICS in the figment of someone's mind. maybe try practicing a little more kindness and empathy and critical thinking skills, hm? maybe don't be such a malicious ageist? or don't. just had to put in my two cents in since you put in yours.
uhhhhh I'm not reading all that. maybe just unfollow me next time
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