#i feel like i always show skip as like. a loser.....which he is
socialbunny · 1 year
👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽some of my skipy lore in the tags i was supposed to bridge it with something else but i forgot what i wanted to say 😭
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chatsukimi · 2 months
STREETRACER!TOJI x WEALTHY!READER ('my mother's blind in one eye and she can drift better than that') ⤷ genre: sfw, fluff ⤷ tropes: reader's bf is a btch, passengerprincess!reader, trustfund!toji, caring!toji, highschool!toji, jealous!toji ⤷ series (jjk men as athletes)
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STREETRACER!TOJI who skips school to street-race. you've had an eye on him ever since testing reaction times in Physical Education class, introducing him to drift back in sophomore year. he was a natural.
STREETRACER!TOJI whose life revolves around the illegal sport, catching on so swiftly soon you buy him his first car. you tell him he gets to keep it if he can win in the races.
you're half convinced he'll call you one day to tell you your baby's on fire... literal fire. but he never does- it seems he respects the trust you put in him. and he wins on your bets, so you don't question it.
STREETRACER!TOJI who's always pawing for your colourful gambling tickets (his name purchased first) and you're always removing them from his sight: beggars can't be choosers.
whatever. he never wanted to befriend the rich kid anyways.
STREETRACER!TOJI who tells you to go away right before the competition when you come to check up on him. 'you're distracting me. where's your prissy prince?' when you look at your boyfriend in the stands, he scoffs.
STREETRACER!TOJI who narrows his eyes as your boyfriend slides into the driver's seat of the car you gave him, the car with which he won the race, and begins to drive around like a little kid. no technique whatsoever. he is suddenly reminded of a scene from the movie Tokyo Drift you once forced him to watch at the beginning of showing him cars: 'my mother's blind in one eye and she can drift better than that.'
well isn’t that the perfect descriptor for your boyfriend.
STREETRACER!TOJI who doesn't speak to you for a week after he notices a scratch on the car. he's in cold disbelief. one, that you would ever let an idiot close to a fine car like that. two, that you would trust that idiot to lead you around in a relationship.
i mean, seriously, how can a guy who parks for fifteen minutes and still crosses the line pick out what you want as a gift? how can a loser ever make you happy? he'll drive you carsick. toji's not sure how you haven't gotten so already.
STREETRACER!TOJI whose heart definitely does not flutter when he sees the dinner you’ve eft beside the vehicle after a race. you've left a note too: i know you're mad about the scratch, but congrats on the win. you drove really well. i've left a share of the cash in the centre console.
when he shows up in class the next day, he doesn't return your smile. instead, he stalks all the way up to your desk, silencing the rest of the class as he drags a chair to sit down next to you.
'i thought you didn't wanna associate with me at school?'
he shrugs. 'changed my mind.'
STREETRACER!TOJI who, when your boyfriend ditches last minute from taking you back to your countryside townhouse, shows up within ten minutes of you calling him up. he arrives. running.
you start to wonder if you should've introduced him to track and field and made a new Olympic gold medallist instead.
STREETRACER!TOJI who observes the v12 aston martin, cocking his head to the side.
you admit quietly, 'i... don't know how to drive' and he sighs, pushes you to the side, enters the driver's seat, then looks at you with an impatient stare.
'what are you waiting for? get in.'
you hastily enter the passenger seat, trying to unglue your gaze from the thickness of his arm around your steering wheel, the ease of his large stature adjusting the seat to fit, exhaling slightly when it works.
'trust fund baby,' you hear him mutter.
'hey!' you speak before you realise it. 'you're also my trust fund baby.'
his eyebrows shoot up, dark stare piercing the side of your face. what did you say? you bite your lip and prays for the seat to swallow you up. why did you say that? you feel him shift in his seat, inching closer until both his hands cage your smaller frame.
'say that again..'
STREETRACER!TOJI who drives you home all night, no breaks. you listen to music and watch the stars above the dark countryside trundling past. as the scene becomes monotonous, your eyelids slowly droops close.
toji notices, immediately speeding down by the side of the highway. he walks around the side of the car, opens the door, removes his leather jacket and gently places it over your sleeping figure. his breath almost hitches when you stir.
a tiny voice in his head yelps, whipped.
it's not even his own jacket. you bought him it as celebration for his first victory and he hasn't gone a week without it since.
STREETRACER!TOJI who carefully withdraws your phone from your pocket at the end of the trip, pressing a couple digits, raising it to his ear to leave a voicemail.
'hey,' he says, 'you're the guy who can't drive, right?' any sane person knows to never insult a guy's driving skills. toji pats the hood of the car as he speaks. guess he’s not so sane then. 'now i gotta say, i'm just looking out for you, yeah? stay away from my girl. she too expensive for you.'
STREETRACER!TOJI who dreams of a day he spoils you. a day when your bets on him come to fruition, when he can say with full certainty, 'bet on me, baby. put all your trust on me'
(extra: 'did you compare me to a car??' you listen to the voicemail toji sent to your ex. toji winces. 'had to get the point across. he can't be crashing and burning shit he didn't pay insurance for.' you cross your arms. 'and how are you sure you won't drive this thing off a cliff?' 'oh baby, cause i tokyo drift')
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rachetmath · 4 months
Emerald: Ruby? Weiss? May I talk to both of you for one minute?
Ruby: Emerald? You want to talk?
Emerald: Yes.
Weiss: With us?
Emerald: Yes. Do you both have the time or not?
Weiss: Um… sure.
Ruby: This is rare so I am curious about how this conversation will go.
Emerald: Okay, good. Now, if you don’t feel comfortable, we can drop this. Alright?
Ruby: Okay.
Weiss: Absolutely.
Emerald: Good. So… which one of you is going to give it up to Jaune?
Weiss: WHAT THE-
Emerald: I’m just saying. When are any of you going to give the man something for his efforts?
Weiss: There is no way this is happening. Especially not from you.
Ruby: *looks around*
Emerald: Ruby what are you doing?
Ruby: Checking for cameras and microphones at the very least. But mainly to see if Nora or Blake are hiding anywhere. This is something straight out of their book. 
Emerald: Look, I’m just asking a simple question. Now Ruby I understand considering-
Ruby: No. Stop.
Emerald: I mean-
Ruby: Shut up.
Emerald: Fine. But you Weiss, I don’t understand.
Weiss: Alright look. I somewhat am impressed with Jaune, but I don’t like him like that. We’re just friends.
Ruby: Yeah and so are we!
Emerald: So after everything he’s done for both of you, you don’t think of him as anything other than a friend?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Even though he helps both of you. Saves both of you. And kept both your sisters alive.
Ruby: Um…
Weiss: I mean… yeah.
Emerald: Mhmm. Disappointing.
Ruby: Excuse me?
Emerald: I’m just saying I met no one besides Hazel and Mercury who would go that far for me. If I were you girls I try to keep that around.
Weiss: What are you trying to say?
Me: Cinder and Neo may have had a point. You two don’t deserve shit. Ungrateful bitches.
Weiss: Look, Emerald, Ruby and I care about Jaune. Plus, you make it sound like we don’t stand a chance now to get with him.
Emerald: Because you don’t. Especially when you had Jessica ahead of you both.  And she’s not from this universe.
Ruby: How do you know about Jessica?
Emerald: Jaune told me and he didn’t skip the details. 
Ruby: … … um…
Emerald: And he’s older now.
Weiss: But not as mature.
Emerald: How so? I mean, he cares about others. And he’s responsible. How does that not count as being mature?
Weiss: Well he yelled at Ruby.
Emerald: Did he have a reason?
Ruby: He was always angry and frustrated.
Emerald: Again did he have a reason?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Okay, look, if you girls don’t want him fine. Just don’t be mad when another woman decides to claim him. 
Ruby: Pfft like who?
Emerald: I don’t know. Maybe just any girl willing to put up with him. Help him. And unlike Pyrrha would take any opportunity to seal the deal. Maybe Winter. Elm. Me. Harriet. Possibly any one better.
Ruby: Hold on what you say.
Emerald: I said what I said.
Weiss: Emerald, you are no older than us. 
Emerald: I mean I can wait and if it doesn’t work out I’ll find someone new. But again… what about you Schnee cause I believe your chances are slim.
Weiss: What? 
Emerald: Because you are basic.
Weiss: Basic? Oh, I will show you ‘basic’.
Ruby: No, Weiss. Calm down. No.
Weiss: Let me go, Ruby. 
Emerald: Well I am going to take my leave. Later losers.
Weiss: I KILL YOU!!
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bluestarjay · 24 days
Oooh I am so tired of the twinkification of haikyuu characterssss Istg if I see one more fanart of Ushijima where he looks like the love interest of a shoujou anime, and is lean/skinny I'm gonna actually scream wth guys he's beefy he's MUSCULAR he is a professional athlete and is like 6"4 I keep seeing fanarts where he has more of Tendou's physique and it bothers me sm like I always see fanart of him and I don't recognize its him cause he's so skinny and I'm like "Who is that? He's wearing the Shiratori- Oh my God, that's not Ushijima, is it????" And then I check the tags, and it is, and I'm like ???? Like, I'm all for drawing characters according to your headcanons, but Ushijima??? Lean??? And I'll go on Pinterest to get ship stuff bc it's less organized and lowkey easier to find stuff since it's just pictures, yk? But I'll look at it, and it's all that weird ass 2000s-2010s artstyle. Take Tsukihina, for example, and Hinata looks like a child. Like Tsukishima is HUGE, and Hinata is TINY!! Their height difference is not that big. And I feel like a lot of it is from comics or doujinshi, and the style just looks like it's from something R rated ykwim???? Like all of it is just helpless baby Hinata 🥺🥺 and his huge tall 'alpha' bf Tsukishima who hates everybody but him. Like they just take random characters and twinkify them; they make them overtly feminine for no reason and it makes me sooo madddd I am sick of fuckin Thumbelina Hinata and Levi Ackerman Ushijima make it stop!!!! OR THE OPPOSITE WHERE THEY MAKE RANDOM CHARACTERS SUPER DOMINANT AND SEXY AND WEIRD BC 1 THEY ALWAYS USE THE HIGH SCHOOL VERSIONS OF THEM AND 2 THEY ARE FUCKING LOSERS AND NERDS THEYRE NOT CALLING A GODDAMN SOUL "BABYGIRL 🫦😩" THEY ARE CALLING EACH OTHER MORONS AND INSULTINF THEIR HAIRCUTS **edit, I just wanted to add that all the fanarts I see of the popular characters, e.g ushijima, atsumu/osamu, oikawa, etc, all have the same exact face toooo, And I actually HATE the kind of art where people make them *so* buff they look like a Jojo or DBZ character,, someone who reblogged brought that up a bit and REALLL I hate it. And this is kinda irrelevant, but I think people also forget that people's body types change over time. Changing a characters body type (at least according to the character/source) should be fine, as that's what happens as you age. A character from an apocalypse show probably isn't gonna be super buff, but rather lean bc yes they are technically working out in the fact that they are traveling a lot and idk like killing zombies or whatever the basis for the show is, but there's also gonna be a loss of food yk, so they'd still be rather skinny. And that'd be the case for any body type. A high schooler isn't gonna have the same body as an adult, and people don't usually account for that, which is fine, I'm not saying anybody has to because it's such a small thing usually, but it's just a small pet peeve of mine. (I want a muscular post time skip Osamu with some chubbiness so bad he loves to eat, but he does still like working out. I just know that man has some chub on his stomach and I want it 😩😩)
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
𝐓𝐗𝐓 𝐀𝐒 . . . (cliche) highschool romance tropes !!
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🎧 𓈒 ◯ 𓏸 ﹒ ⭐ ﹒ ⌣⌣ ﹒ ☆
p : txt × fem!reader | g : fluffy fluff, slightly suggestive, cliche tropes 🫡 | w : suggestive sometimes? none really unless you consider fights a warning, not proofread
a/n : needed to get this out of my system lolll in love w hyuka rn.
🎧 — shy (eh o), loser lover, lotus, hula hoops, too many nights, mon amour, love is banned, BTBT
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came in my mind in the shower. yes. I just feel that yeonjun would def be the popular guy, carries around a leather jacket and has dyed hair and everything, and hangs out with his cool friends who skip class all the time etc etc. and then he sees you, so pretty and in the moment, and you're always so composed and kept to yourself that it's almost like an immediate form of intrigue for him. it's weird that he's so into you when you've never spoken. and he's like....wtf. it's like, exchanging prolonged glances during class and accidentally brushing against each other's shoulders while walking in the halls. you know that you, the well known rule follower, could never talk to someone like yeonjun, the well known rule breaker. and yet, you broke that self made rule for the first time when he came by your locker to give you a note and ask you to a date—which seemed so out of character for yeonjun. maybe you're the first one he'd follow traditional ideas for.
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I said it before I'll say it again. SOOBIN ACADEMIC RIVALS AGENDA !! even wrote a whole fic 😭 I just think he's so neat as the school's pride and joy; has no trouble completing assignments and meets deadlines, and totally leaves the class speechless with how fast he finishes tests and exams. but then, his cool and calm persona breaks when he sees the class cheering for you during the timed group math assignment you have to do on dust boards. and he glances to his side of the board. how the fuck did you finish that before him? and so the unspoken rivalry continues as you tend to beat him more in assignments, draws being exclaimed for the both of you in awards supposed to be for one winner, and so on. and unspoken feelings tend to blossom when soobin finds himself growing weak at the scowl you make when you don't understand a question, or the proud smile you wear facing him yet again.
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BEOMGYU | ROCKSTAR + finding each other in a raw moment
cuz I'm just a teenage dirtbag babyyy. giving rodrick heffley vibes. probably would put all his allowance in buying a guitar n amp. didn't take lessons so now he's on the road to self learning 💪💪 feminist !!!!! ok but all jokes aside, he'd be late to a practice, cycling on the empty road when he sees you, walking with an armful of books because unlike mr teenage dirtbag you actually take school seriously (do you see where I'm going with this?), and he'd miss a rock on the road, causing his bike to stumble and fall, crashing right into you. so now the two of you lay on the floor, joints scratched and head aching as you scowl at each other. "what the fuck, choi beomgyu?" and he'd see you, pretty as ever, in the evening light, cheeks pink in the most perfect way and hair perfectly set up; as if you were going somewhere. when he notices your tears. "are you crying?" and you look away, angry that you let it show.
"why do you care?" you would ask, irritated, collecting all the books you dropped and trying to rub your eyes clear of all tears, probably smudging some make up along the way. and beomgyu would help you, helping you dust your outfit and overly apologizing. he didn't understand who would hurt you, but it struck a nerve in him. enough to ask you what happened, and offered to cycle you home. he's already late to practice, so does it really matter if he misses it or not? and when he finally drops you home, you give him a hug, thanking him for being so sweet (after almost running you over 😒😒).
and maybe that pulls choi beomgyu's heartstrings to play an unfamiliar melody that echoed in the empty, sunlit streets as a small smiled plastered over his face, exchanging a glance before you shut the door behind you.
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it just. makes sense. he's so not into you and you're so not into him. but holy shit, the rest of the school is. and you're like, let's give them what they want, right? esp when you want to get back at your ex for being such an ass to you during your breakup. y/n redemption arc but make it hotter. and taehyun was perfect, since he needed his friends to stop teasing him for being the only one who hasn't dated anyone yet. match made in hell, right? well, romantic feelings can be lucifer themselves, because when you and taehyun shared a secret (or not so secret) kiss right on the kitchen counter at yeonjun's party, shit turned weird. because last you recall, taehyun's scent wasn't lurking in your mind like it did that night, and he couldn't get the feeling of your lips smiling against him while the background blurred around him. and he distinctly remembers pushing a hand against the dozen cameras flashing around the two of you as all the people you tried to spite watched—as if you two were actually a thing. and god, explain the feeling of his heartbeat in his throat that he couldn't get rid of—as your eyes met, causing his mouth to go dry—if you guys were just acting?
a match made in hell, right?
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he's the sweetest boy you've ever met, and he watches from afar, a sad glint in his eyes as you try to warm up to your crush, testing the waters with hyuka before you could attempt it on your crush. like, fuck, did you have to grab his tie like that, pull him close and ask "does this do anything or are you just choking?" do you even know what kind of effect you had on him? and hyuka would just sit in a corner, munch on a snack he bought as you would try to impress your crush yet again, only to receive a stupid “huh?” as a response.
hyuka had his moments, moments where he wanted to slap the shit out of the boy, and scream at him “SHE'S INTO YOU, GODDAMMIT!” and spell it out for the clueless asshole, as the more you'd advance at him the more apparently confused he'd get. you were convinced your crush was just dumb, because he couldn't straight up tell you that he's not into you, and seeing you sulk after every obvious hint you dropped riled hyuka up. and he was especially pissed the fuck off when he overheard your crush in the boys' bathroom laugh with his friends at how stupid you were for still trying, even though he was obviously playing dumb to keep you going, making you look stupider.
hueningkai was pissed; at you for not realizing how you deserve better, at your crush for being the biggest douchebag you've ever liked, at himself for not being able to control his heart whenever you were near him, at the fucking WORLD for making his life this complicated.
but maybe patience is the best virtue, because when your crush just laughed at you in front of all his friends when you confessed to him, hyuka has never felt better satisfaction than punching the asshole straight in the face, over and over and OVER again. maybe he ended up in the principal's office with a bloody hand and aching fingers, but it didn't matter next to your (ex)crush's busted lip and bleeding nose.
and it especially didn't matter when you hugged him after he got suspended, because, in his mind, if you'd never love him the same way he loved you, he was still the sweetest boy you've ever met.
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txt : masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) : @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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viscerax · 2 years
(hey love your work) i was wondering could you write something for poly vance x robin x girly!reader (heels, makeup etc) and their being harassed by an ex because the ex is jealous of their new relationship?
She's ours
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I feel I need to preface this with a Tw for assault, not SA specifically, although if you squint it could be that. If SA/implied SA makes you uncomfortable, be careful reading this
"Leave me alone, dickwad. I told you. It's fucking over! Its been over for 3 months. Stop calling, stop coming over, and definitely stop harassing my friends!" You shouted and slammed the phone down, ending the conversation with your ex.
It was sad, really. He cheated on you, and he still wanted you back? It made you laugh, really. What didn't make you laugh, however, was the constant phone calls, which sprouted into him going around and getting into fights with your "friends" over it.
Robin and Vance had both been targeted by your ex, Robin first, and then Vance the next day. You figured this out, because you had been the one to patch them up. Robin refused to tell you who had gotten him hurt, Vance however, struggled to keep his mouth shut about it.
"I swear to fucking christ on the cross, Y/n. If I see that motherfucker one more time, I'm going to pound his brains into the pavement outside of school. That shit will leave a red fucking stain." Vance seethed as you wrapped a bandage over his knuckles.
"Vance, if he bothers you again, just come tell me. I'll take care of it." You gave him a smile, kissing his cheek as you scooted off the edge of Vance's bathroom sink, patting down your skirt a bit.. You turned to face the mirror, smiling as you adjusted your hair before quickly whipping around to Vance again, placing a kiss on his nose, your lip gloss leaving a small bit of glitter on his nose.
The next day, you begrudgingly had made your way through school. Vance offered to take you out that day to skip, ride around in his brand new car, but you declined. Why? Because if you didn't show up, that would make it look like you were avoiding that punk son of a bitch you once called your boyfriend. And everyone needed to know that Y/n L/n, despite the frilly dresses and hair bows and makeup, was not the bitch to mess with.
You were reapplying lip gloss in the bathroom that always almost seemed unoccupied. It seemed like Vance and Robin had claimed that bathroom, and no one ever really went in out of fear of what might happen to them if they do.
You heard the door swing open, but didn't bother looking. From the heavy footsteps, you figured it was Vance. "Oh, hey V-"
You were cut off by a slap to the face, your lip gloss flying out of your hand and landing on the floor. A rough hand grabbed your shoulder and you were whipped around, face to face with your ex.
"You bitch! Your little gaurd dog boyfriends busted up my fucking face!" He growled, grabbing your ponytail and yanking it harshly. "You think you're hot fucking shit. But you're nothing without those pathetic asshole losers by your side. Not so confident now that they're not here, are you?" He smirked, a hand grabbing your cheek. You glared at him, hatred burning in your eyes. "I know you want me back, Y/n. Its written all over fucking little face."
You spit directly in his face, using the momentary distraction to lift your knee up harshly, hitting him in the stomach. He winced and backed up, to which you quickly kicked him in the stomach, the heel of your shoe adding more impact. "You wish. Im happier then ever because of Vance and Robin. They've given me so much more then you ever could." You walked up to him, punching him square in the face. He backed up and hit his back against the bathroom stall door, wincing.
The bathroom door swung open, and Vance and Robin both rushed in, ready to kick some ass.
You looked up, a warm smile spreading across your face when you looked at them. "Hey loves, I was just uhm-" you glanced over to your ex, who was just frozen as he looked between you and the two boys. "-finishing up here. I think we're done here. Right?" You turned to face your ex, a smirk plastered across your face as blood ran down his face. He simply nodded and practically skimpered out of the bathroom.
"And if you ever try touching her again, we'll all beat the shit out of you. She's fucking ours." Vance shouted as your ex pushed the door open.
You smiled and happily walked over to Vance and Robin, wrapping them in a tight hug and placing a kiss on the boys lips.
"I didn't know you could fight like that, sweetheart. We thought we were going to have to beat the shit out of him again." Robin smirked and tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.
"He's a bitch. The man can't fight for shit. He gave up as soon as I landed the first blow." You chuckled and walked over to your lipstick on the floor, which was now broken and spilled. "What a shame. This was my favorite color." You huffed and picked it up, throwing the broken tube in the trash and wiping the excess off of the floor.
"Don't worry princess, I'll have my mom get you some from the makeup store. Its right across the street from her work." Vance huffed as he helped you wipe off the mess from the floor, using a fresh paper towel to wipe the smeared lipstick from your cheek.
"You don't have to do that hun. I really hate to bother your mom." You sighed, tilting your head so that Vance could rub the lipstick off better.
"Its no bother. She doesn't mind. You know my mom loves you." Vance chuckled and threw the paper towel in the trash bin.
"Thank you, love." You smiled and grabbed his hand, placing a kiss on the top of his hand, leaving a red lipstick stain. You did the same with Robins and the three of you walked back out into the school halls together.
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azzo0 · 5 months
The following is a snippet from Always.
Summary: Bakugo wants to kiss the gloss off her lips.
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Bakugo woke up extra early that morning since he had to get his gauntlets repaired and wanted them back by evening. He held one of his gauntlets under his arm, making his way to the support department to ask Power Loader to fix his gauntlets. Another reason why he came to school early was to study in peace. Tutoring his friends made him want to rip out his hair with how stupid they could be sometimes.
Unknown to him, a certain silver-eyed girl had the same plans. Sort of. Yoshiko sat on her usual seat in the empty classroom, math textbook and notebook opened in front of her. She arrived at class early to avoid running into Shinsou. She wasn't sure she wanted to bother looking at him just yet. And then there was Bakugo.
She couldn't get the way he gently held her out of her mind. Just thinking about it made her insides a mush again. She rarely cried in front of anyone. She refused to let her tears out. But when Bakugo suddenly pulled her into him, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. He was so comforting.
She started daydreaming about his handsome face again, his maroon eyes, fluffy and spiky hair, and his delicate touch that wiped her eyes. Yoshiko grumbled to herself when she realised she'd begun daydreaming instead of focusing on the books in front of her, willing her heart to calm down.
He's so stupid. She aggressively jotted down formulas. Who does he think he is, making my heart race like that. Not that I'll let it happen again. He can't keep making me feel like that.
Yoshiko had moved on from thoughts of Bakugo and finally focused on her work, going along with the flow of the study session. That's until the boy she was daydreaming about a few seconds ago decided to show up. She felt the desk behind her shift and glanced back to see Bakugo. She gave him a blank look, expressions neutral.
"We havin' a staring challenge now?" Bakugo grimaced, annoyed when she simply stared and said nothing.
"Why are you here so early?"
"Had to get my gauntlet repaired." Bakugo huffed, taking out his math textbook from the bag.
"You're going to study math? I'm doing that too. Maybe we can study together." She said, getting up and turning her chair so it faced his desk.
"Nice try, I 'aint tutoring ya."
"I don't need tutoring." She scoffed, putting her notebook on his desk. Bakugo looked up from the pages he was flipping, taking a quick glance at her face. She looks pretty. She had her hair in two dutch braids, lazily sitting on her chest. He couldn't help but admire how the braid shifted from black to white. Then his eyes lingered on her clear-gloss-coated lips. Oh, God, that shine made him want to devour her lips.
"So, what chapter are you doing?" Yoshiko asked.
"What chapter are you going to do? Or should I say it in English?" Bakugo rolled his eyes at her sassy attitude.
"Watch your mouth. I'm gonna do the third chapter." Bakugo skipped over to the topic exercise when an idea popped up in his head. "Oi. Let's do this exercise and see who gets the most answers right."
"And what does the winner get." She asked, clicking her pen.
"Free lunch from the loser, which, by the way, is you."
"Uno reverse, bitch. Bring it on."
They two fell into silence, solving the math exercise, doubling-checking every answer twice to make sure they got it right. Yoshiko liked the idea of studying with a challenge. It riled ber up. She also knew Bakugo was the only one with whom she could study like this. Because he, too, like her, had a love for challenges.
Bakugo looked up from his notebook when he heard Yoshiko crack her knuckles, biting her lip, eyes focused on her notebook. He held his pen in his fist, almost crushing it. Why did she have to wear gloss? It was distracting him.
"Why the fuck do you wear that?"
"Wear what?" Yoshiko frowned.
"Gloss." He stated.
"Because I don't want crusty lips like you?" She mocked with a mischievous grin.
"My lips aren't crusty, fuck you."
"Dudeski, the gloss is on my lips, not yours. Why does it bother you?"
"That's exactly why it fucking bothers me. Because it's on your lips." Bakugo said, locking his eyes with hers.
"Uhuh? If you want lipgloss like mine, just say so. I'll buy you one." Yoshiko said, unsure where the conversation was going. Bakugo smirked, leaning forward. Yoshiko was taken aback by this sudden movement.
"Oh, no." He said his voice husky, his nose inches apart from hers. "That's not how I want your lipgloss on my lips."
Yoshiko stared into his eyes in confusion. If he did not want her to buy him the same gloss as she wore, how else was he expecting to get the gloss she used on his lips? Realisation dawned on Yoshiko, and her lips parted in surprise. Did he mean he wanted her gloss on his lips by kissing her?! Was she looking too deep into things, and he actually meant that Yoshiko did not have to buy him a new one and just lend him the one she had in her bag right now?!
Yoshiko's cheeks flushed seven colours of red, her heart soaring up in the skies, but she did not break eye contact. Just when she said she wouldn't let herself feel this way again, he had to go and pull something flirty. Since when did he get so flirtatious? He wasn't like that when we first met, it's so unfair! He wants to tease me? Fine.
Bakugo was going to ask her if the cat got her tongue when, to his surprise, she tilted her head and leaned towards him, their noses now touching. "If you want my gloss by kissing it off me, be my guest, Bakugo Katsuki."
WHAT?! Bakugo internally screamed.
With how close they were now, Yoshiko almost wanted him to kiss her. She felt like her senses were clouded just from being this close to Bakugo as if he were some sort of drug she hadn't tried yet. Flinging her desire to kiss him aside, she continued to fluster him.
"Awh, what's wrong, Katsuki. Scared?" She leaned further into him, their lips dangerously close now. One wrong move, and they'd practically be kissing.
Bakugo didn't bother responding. Not when she was this close. His eyes were half-lidded, ready to push his lips onto hers when he heard the door sliding open.
Yoshiko and Bakugo pulled back at the speed of light and grabbed a book, each covering their faces with it, pretending to study while both flared bright red.
"Oh, hey! Didn't think you two would arrive to class on time." Sero chirped, walking up to the two.
"Mm, yeah." Yoshiko gave out a small response.
"Yes." Bakugo responded.
"You two are acting weird..." Sero said, shocked by how calm the two were. He caught how Bakugo was staring at a blank page, and Yoshiko was holding her math book upside down. "So... are you guys studying?"
Sero noticed how both of them had red cheeks. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked back and forth between the two, letting out a gasp. "Did I interrupt something?"
"No. Fuck off!" The two yelled in unison.
"So I did walk in on something!" Sero exclaimed, slinging an arm around Bakugo. "Is our Bakugo finally growing up?"
"I will choke you with your own tape." Bakugo threatened.
"Since Bakugo refuses to let me in, mind telling me, Akimitsu?"
"I will help Katsuki choke you with your own tape."
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
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Hiiiii I came Across Your Blog and I rlly rlly Love it,The Way you Write for the Creepypasta Characters is Amazing and I'm obsessed With it.
anyway If you are willing to take requests Can I Request The School Au Creepypasta Boys Like Ben Jeff,and the Proxies w Female Reader who is on The Proxies level (Is really strong And Smart as hell) But isn't Exactly a Proxy and + She's the Most popular and Smartest girl in School.
It's okay if not,You decide Just curious ❣️
Thank you so much!
Ben is using you to the max bro. He'll have you do homework for him and beg you to give him the answers to the up and coming exam. But, he's not going to be as open about his abuse if you're popular. You're popular for your personality, looks, and smarts, while he's popular for his looks and black market dealings. He'll show you off because like, two of the most popular kids in school are dating, you're the IT couple, but boy would the entire school freak out if they find out what Ben did to you at LJ's Halloween party.
Jeff isn't really popular but more so infamous, so being with him is definitely going to kill some of your popularity. Jeff doesn't really care about your popularity, and will constantly call you a dumb bimbo despite him copying your answers more time than he can count.
EJ is pretty much the school's JD when it comes ro reputation, so they'd be mixed opinions. I can see some of the popular girls getting jealous of you because helloooo, you just pulled the school's hot mysterious guy. You absolutely love his smarts and the two of you often talk about biology and help each other study for test. He's such the perfect boyfriend, always buying you gifts, walking you home, throwing you complement after complement. Awww. He'd would never hurt you, right?
Toby loves you bro, you're fucking saving his grade. The two of you were paired up in ELA because the teacher thought you'd be a good influence on him, and also hoped you could help him with his stutter, which wasn't even that bad. You found him a little strange, but you fell for his awkwardness and attitude. He doesn't care about your popularity either, hell, he rarely cares about his own, but your smarts? Broo, he's on his fucking knees for you bro. He didn't really care much about his grades until half way through senior year when he was told he might not be able to graduate if he didn't get them up, and then the moment you came along and got him to actually understand what the hell was going on, he fell hard. He still has his issues and is still an abusive asshole, but I feel like in this situation it's a lot harder to acknowledge it because of his desperation and almost simp like behavior.
Liu wants to ruin you. He wants to absolutely destroy your reputation for his own amusement. Does he love you? Ehhhh, maybe, hopefully, probably... It honestly depends on the day. Liu is capable of love don't get me wrong, but when the two of you first got together, he didn't really love you and saw you more as a game, but he fell for you as your relationship went on. You're popularity really bothers him because not only is he known as Jeff's little brother, but now he's known as the Smart Boy/Girl's boyfriend. But aye, because of you, he gets to skip more classes.
Tim doesn't really care about your popularity. Tim likes to go for losers because they tend to be more desperate and easier to manipulate, but Tim's always been one to enjoy a challenge. Even talking to you was hard because since you have a solid foundation, you often ignore him and reject any and all advances, but through some blackmail after one of LJ'S parties, you agreed to date him. The entire school gets an off vibe about your relationship, but they ain't gonna say anything.
Brian, dear lord. With Tim, getting you was hard, with Brian, easiest thing in the world. If you read my one shot The Proxies Little Pet part 2, I showed Brian as a charming lover boy, and I still stand by that. Brian is a manipulative, deceiving, blackmailing bitch. He's similar to EJ and Liu, all three of them present themselves as pretty nice, chill, caring guys, but the moment you date them, yours trapped. EJ takes a painfully long time to shoe his true colors, Liu is average time, but Brian. The moment you agree, he's done hiding. I can see the two of you hooking up, and afterwards while you were asleep he took a shit ton of picture of you. One day, when you're sick and tired of his abuse, he'll send you all the pictures he took and ask if yall were still over. Safe to say, you didn't stop dating.
LJ is an interesting case where he doesn't use you for your grades, but instead uses you for amusement. He'll actively embarrse you because come on, hes the class clown! Everyone loves him. He's extremely apathetic towards you whenever you cry about it, and he's just a fucking dick.
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wrenreid · 1 year
Just Acting
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nsfw | all chapters in master list
Chapter Twenty-Five
used to express good wishes when parting or at the end of a conversation.
But where is the "good" in "goodbye"? What can possibly be good about leaving the man you love for months, unable to see, feel, smell, and bug Matthew for approximately 130 days.
Meet me at the park at 2.
You smile at Matthew's text, wondering what type of surprise he has for you. Your flight leaves at 6 today, and it's currently 1:42.
You're already dressed, sort of, in a white crop top and black jeans, so you throw on a light purple cardigan and slip into your white high top converse and head out of your door. Everything is packed except a few essentials you left out in case you need them for the rest of the day.
I'm at the park. Where are you?
You text.
"Turn around loser," Matthew's voice says and you laugh, turning to face him.
"Why hello to you too."
"Hi, beautiful." He pulls you in for a kiss.
"So why are we here?"
"We're going to take a walk and imprint this place on your brain so you don't forget the three dates we've had here."
"Matthew, I'm going for a few months, not ten years."
"I know. I needed an excuse to take you to the park. It's so much prettier at sunset, but we don't have that luxury."
You sigh softly and grab his hand, walking along the trail. "You're cute."
"I am aren't I?" Matthew smiles.
"Humble too!" You laugh.
"I'm the whole package," he jokes.
"You really are," you smile up at him.
He squeezes your hand. "So I think I deserve a hot picture of you in your hotel shower when you get to London."
"And you've ruined it."
"I'm kidding," he smiles, kissing your temple.
Kids playing and trees standing tall, providing shade pass by your line of vision as you two continue to walk. "So you know how Spencer took Delilah to the lake to get a break from work?"
You nod, a grin forming on your lips. "Are you taking me to the lake?"
"Yeahh. There's this nice, not entirely gross lake outside of the city."
He leads you to your car since he took a cab here. He gives you the directions and you drive there. By the time you're there, it's 3pm.
When you get out of the car, you're greeted with his hand in yours again.
"It's nice and quiet out here," you smile up at Matthew.
"Yeah, I used to come out here with some friends whenever I was in LA." Matthew doesn't live in California, but he's practically here all the time. He still lives in Nevada, but stays in LA when filming here. Which is why he's always at your place instead of you going to his.
You pick up a rock and throw it into the water, watching it skip a few times.
"Show off."
"What, you can't skip rocks?"
He picks up one for himself and throws it. It plops in immediately. You laugh.
"We're done, you're mean."
"Oh yeah? Here I'll show you." You grab a rock and place it in his hand, standing behind him ready to guide his wrist.
"It's not about throwing it, babe. You've got to flick your wrist and gently release."
He does as he's directed and it skips once.
"Hey, there ya go!"
"I'd rather throw something else in the water."
"Like what?"
He starts toward you and you run. "No sir! You cannot."
"But I can." He grabs you by wrapping his arms around your torso and runs into the water with you.
"Now i'll have to shower before the flight!"
"Y/n, live a little."
You hit his arm and he pouts. "You're fine."
He swims around a bit, clothes slowly him down. He stands up and offers his arms out to you, doing grabby hands.
"I can't reach over there."
"What, they don't have pools in Pennsylvania? You seem too prissy for the lakes."
You roll your eyes. "You're an ass." You swim over to him, having to keep your legs kicking.
He uses his hands to move some hair out of your face. "You love my ass."
He smiles and pulls you closer. You swim around for a bit.
"We can get out, it's sort of cold. I have a jacket in the back seat."
You nod, following him out of the lake. He grabs the jacket and wraps it around you. You sit down, him sitting slightly behind you and throwing an arm over your shoulders. "Okay it wasn't horrible."
"I know," he smiles.
As you start to dry off, you know you need to leave soon. You have about two hours and twenty minutes until your flight leaves.
Matthew plays with your hair. "I like the little curlies." He twirls your waves in his hand.
A grin forms on your face. "You're cute."
"You're cute," he kisses your temple. "C'mon, darling, let's get you cleaned up." He stands up, helping you up afterwards.
He drives you back to your apartment and waits on the couch as you get into the shower. The smell of your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and soaps fill your senses as you clean the lake water off of your body.
"Hey I have a question?" Matthew comes into the bathroom. "Can I join you really quick, I'm leaving for Vegas today and I don't want to be all lakey in the car for 4 hours."
You giggle. "Yes of course." You hear him move around a bit before he steps in under the water. You're almost done, but don't mind staying in longer.
He washes his wavy brown locks, not caring that he'll smell like girly shampoo. He's done with his hair quickly.
"Here let me," you say and grab your body wash. "You're going to smell so good with pink blossom!"
He chuckles as you start to wash his shoulders, moving the luffa in circles. The bubbles form on his body. You go to his chest, then his back, then his tummy, the back of his legs. You're practically on your knees as you wash the front of his legs. You look up at him with an evil smile and lick the tip of his length.
"Y/n," he breathes. You stand back up to rinse him off. "You're evil."
"I know," you shrug and give him a kiss. "Just think it'll be so much worse teasing from over 5,000 miles away."
"I don't doubt it," he pulls you in and kisses you.
You turn the water off, stepping out and grabbing two towels. You hand one to him and as he tries off, you change clothes in your room. You change into black joggers, a red crop top, and a light jacket over it. You slip on your black converse and leave your white ones to dry in the bathroom. While Matthew changes into a pair of clothes he'd left over, you back up every essential you needed after adding product to your hair.
Now that you're entirely packed, it feels more real. You meet Matthew on the couch, knowing you have to leave for the airport in twenty minutes.
You've already said your goodbyes to all of your friends, and also your family on the phone. You obviously saved Matthew for last.
You call an uber to take you to the airport, she's going to drop Matthew off at the hotel afterwards. He helps you carry your things to the uber.
You sit in the back, holding hands, as she drives to the airport. You're arriving about thirty minutes earlier than the flight.
"Here we are," she says, parking the car.
You try to hand her money, and Matthew says he's got it. He gets out to help you with your bags. You wrap your arms around him immediately after setting your bags down. You feel tears pricking at your eyes. A few cameras are filming and taking pictures, but you don't care.
He hugs you tightly, kissing the top of your head. "So this is it," he pulls away.
"Yep," you sigh.
"Call me when you land, okay? I don't care what time it is."
You nod, wiping away a tear.
"I love you."
"I love you, Matthew."
He presses his lips to yours, and the kiss seems like it was only a second, but it was definitely more. You trail your hand down his arm then to his hand snd squeeze it as you pick up your bags.
"Don't say goodbye. Say see you later."
"See you later, Y/n."
"See you later."
And with that, you wheel your suitcase and carry your carry on into the doors of the airport. You look back for a second before going to check in.
You're seated in a window seat, looking out at the clouds around you. The flight will be over 11 hours which you're sure as hell not excited for. You listen to an audio book as you lean your head against the seat.
Your family decided they would pay your apartment's rent while you're gone, and you could pay them back. When you return to California, your lease will be almost up anyway.
About six hours into the flight the little girl next to you taps your leg. "Hi."
You laugh softly. "Hello."
"Do you gotta boyfriend? I got a boyfriend. His name is Benjamin. I call him Benji."
You smile, chuckling. "Well, I'm happy for you. I do have a boyfriend, yes."
"Do you lovvveeeee him?"
"I do," you smile.
"I love Benji even though he's a whole five months younger."
"Five months isn't so bad. But remember, boys mature slowly than girls, so he may be a pain."
She looks a bit confused but giggles.
"Sorry, she's talkative," her mom says.
"It's okay," you smile and lean your head back down.
Images of Matthew swirl in your head as you get closer to landing. And by the time you actually do, it's 1pm in London, but your body still thinks it's 7am.
You wake up slowly as the little girl nudges you with her elbow. You yawn big and and rub your eyes, taking out your earbuds.
It's 1pm, what the fuck.
You text Matthew. He's definitely still asleep right now.
You get off the plane and by the time you're settled into your hotel, which the producers paid for, it's 3pm.
Haha. Jet lag bites. Good morning- afternoon. I love you.
I love you too. I'm going to take a nap.
The cool England air hits you as you stand, holding your arm out to hail a taxi. One finally pulls over and picks you up. You give him the address of the hotel, and he starts the drive.
You look out of the window, watching buildings and people fly past you. It's weird to be on the left side of the back seat and not be behind the driver.
"You new to the city?" The guy asks, looking in the mirror to see you watching the city pass your vision. His accent is pretty strong.
"Yes," you chuckle slightly. "Is it that obvious?"
"Well with the thick American accent and the wandering eyes of a tourist, yes."
You smile, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I've never been outside of the States before, so this is a whole new planet for me."
"I hope it finds you well," he said, pulling into the parking lot of the hotel.
"Thank you," you smile, "I haven't had the chance to convert my cash yet."
"That's okay, I can do it."
You pay the taxi driver and get you and your things out of the car. You walk into the doors of the hotel.
"Hi, I have a room reserved already."
"Y/n Y/L/N. It should be paid for under the name of Jason Kane."
"Ah yes, you are reserved for four months in room 7b." The desk lady hands you your key.
"Thank you."
"Have a nice stay, I'll be here every day 8am to 10pm if you need anything, and James is our overnight clerk."
You nod your head and wheel your suitcase to the elevator.
"Hi," a woman in the elevator says as you step in.
"Hi," you smile.
"First time here?" she asks with a pretty British accent. Her blonde hair flows down to the middle of her back, soft curls intertwining with one another.
"Damn, I really make it obvious don't I?"
She laughs softly. "We Brits know how to sniff out newbies."
The elevator stops on the second floor of rooms (really the third floor), and it opens for you. "Well, this is me."
"See you around, American."
You smile, shaking your head and go to the seventh room. You swipe the keycard under the door handle and it unlocks.
The executive producer, Jason really knows how to pick hotels. The room is pretty spacious. The queen size bed with beige bedding sits in the middle of the room, night stands on either side. There's a white, two cushioned couch up against the wall furthest from the door and a wood dresser across from the bed stained dark brown with a tv on top of it. A small closet is next to the dresser, and on the other side a counter with a coffee pot and sugar packets. The restroom door is adjacent from the entrance and exit door. The counter is roomy, the sink resting in the middle. There's a few skin care items next to the soap. The shower is a walk in, the sliding glass door blurry and barely see through.
You begin to unpack, folding your clothes neatly into the dresser and hanging up the fancier ones in the closet. You put away all of your toiletries into the bathroom then plop on the bed after spraying a good coat of Lysol.
Tomorrow morning, you're to meet the cast and crew and have a table read for about an hour. Excitement and hits of nerves flutter in your stomach as you stare up at the ceiling. This will be your life until the beginning of July.
The sun begins to fade outside, the light inside your room dimming. A rumble sounds from the clouds above, rain beginning to drizzle, hitting against the window creating soft pounding sounds.
As your eyes begin to grow heavy, you're hit with a sudden realization that you'll have to sleep alone for some time. A semi harsh wave of loneliness hits you as the world around you fades into dreams.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid d @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @danis-stuff-is-here @kylakins88 @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @inlovewithcharmers @f-me-reid @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @lovejules888 @marimorena06 @v-i-o-l-e-t <3
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perlukafarinn · 2 months
This has been done a million times before and no one asked but I decided to rank the songs from Nerdy Prudes Must Die.
Let's go Nighthawks!
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15. Cool As I Think I Am
I actually do love this song but when I listen to the full album, it’s one of only two songs I sometimes skip. The sound of it is very sweet, just like Pete, and it’s a great song to establish his character and his conflict in stepping outside his set social role (also props for originating the “I’m not a loser” refrain that repeats several times throughout the show to great effect). It’s just maybe not as exciting as the rest of the songs on the list.
14. Bully the Bully
Very catchy and fun, and the “cool beans” verse holds a special place in my heart (as do Grace’s little spins). Half the fun of it are the (very cute) dance moves which makes this song a little less effective when just listening to it. I love the guitar riffs and hearing all the nerds teaming up and happy for the only scene in the entire show.
13. Bury the Bully
I don’t usually prefer the shorter reprise but this song is too unhinged for me not to love it. Some highlights: Grace’s immediate acceptance of the situation and detailed knowledge in disposing of a body (and the casual “how else he gonna fit?” like she’s not suggesting something absolutely psychotic), “oh god, she’s snapping again”, Ruth coming around faster than the rest of the nerds because she’s apparently only slightly less unhinged than Grace, the discordant slamming on the piano keys after every “hack all his limbs off”.
12. Dirty Dudes Must Die
Would be much higher if only it were longer. This was the heel-face turn I was waiting for and Angela absolutely kills it, the deranged energy is off the charts. Grace singing “who will pray for you” and pointing at the audience gives me chills as does that final “run”. It feels like another story is just beginning.
11. Go Go Nighthawks!
I love all the sounds in this song - the beats that sound like lockers closing, the school band drums and trumpets, the jocks grunting and the “caw caws” from the cheerleaders. They add so much and convey such a strong sense of the setting, a must for a show that doesn’t really have any sets lmao. Also, fuck Clivesdale!
10. The Best of You
This song is just super cute and it makes me happy to listen to - Lautski own my entire heart, I can’t help it. Many have pointed out the Disney channel sound of it but it also reminds me a lot like those mid 2000s pop punk British boybands (think McFly and Busted) and I think that was deliberate with the British accent Joey and Mariah put on a couple of the lines. Anyway, I love how overwhelmingly bright and happy this song sounds, because it almost rounds back to sinister as you just know this can’t be the end of the show - we don’t get endings this happy in Hatchetfield!
9. Just For Once
This is the other song I sometimes skip but only because it’s five minutes long and such a character piece that I’m not always in the mood for it. Lauren blows me away with her ability to perform in character. That switch from Ruth’s amateur acting in the verses to the more sincere chorus is so beautiful. And that ending, oof. “I used to dance”, gets me every time.
8. Hatchet Town
I love a good mob song and this is an all time favorite for me. The Hatchetverse has been successful in establishing a multitude of interesting side characters that make the world feel lived in and that really pays off here; the song works if you don’t know most of the characters but it’s so much better if you do. 
This is the first scene in the show that expands the story outside the school and the characters there, and it makes the danger feel all the more pressing, especially with how frantic and sinister it sounds. It’s also endlessly quotable; in a way, aren’t we all Dan Reynolds (with Action News, weekdays at 10 PM)?
7. Dirty Girl
Seems like I’m a much bigger fan of this song than many but I could never resist a musical theater song about sex. I love how weird and gross this song is while also containing some masterful lyrics. I love this bizarre look at sex through Grace’s warped, sheltered worldview. Most of all, I love that this is the first time we hear the line “will you pray for me” in the show and every time it appears after it’s in a wildly different context.
6. Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise) 
This song makes me cry and I’m not afraid to admit it. It's the way Pete starts the song being so brave and so gentle as he convinces Steph to make an impossible choice, how they come together in the middle of it, finally completely honest with each other about their feelings, and how at the end the song slows as they’re both overwhelmed by the tragedy of the situation. “I’d have to let you go” let me go curl up and cry for a week, maybe.
5. High School Is Killing Me
A killer intro (heh). This is how you set the mood for a show! The slow start with Richie and Ruth is perfect and then the beat kicks in and I ascend to a higher level. A really strong aspect of the songs in this show are the harmonies and we get some incredible ones here - they sound so good together. This may also be the catchiest song on the soundtrack.
4. The Summoning
Oh my god this song!! First the intro with the chant, the trio’s bright voices underscored by the creepy whispers in the background, and then the descent into immediate chaos as soon as the Lords enter. I guess this is more of a “theatrical” song in that it’s not really something you listen to out of context of the musical but it works so incredibly well in context. Hearing all five of the lords together and taunting our protagonists is so insanely good. And I love how this song works musically, too, with the guitars and drums in the louder parts almost battling it out with the piano in the slower parts. Jeff Blim really popped off with this one.
3. Literal Monster
God, the foreboding atmosphere in this song is unmatched. The incredible build-up to our antagonist, managing to make a believable threat out of a cliched high school bully. Kim Whalen belting “He roars, and we cry” lives rent free in my mind. And then Will Branner shows up and lives up to every single expectation instantly. 
2. Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Extremely basic opinion to think this song is great (the real unpopular take might be that it’s only number two) but what do you want me to say? That the similarities to the Halloween theme don’t make me wanna clap my hands with glee? That the music and lyrics don’t both absolutely slap? (“Will you pray for me” I will give you my entire life actually) That Jon Matteson belting “I’m not a loser” might not be the single greatest moment in the entire show? This is why they invented musical theater. I will take no further questions.
1. If I Loved You
Look I am Lautski trash, I will fully admit that, but this song is also just a bop. It’s the most fun song in the show to sing along to, by a mile. It is young, stubborn love boiled down to its most entertaining bits. It is two people almost coming together but missing each other by a hair and that hair is having too much pride to be the first to admit you’ve got a crush. This song has drama, it has fun, it has two characters vehemently denying their feelings for each other while insisting the other only deserves the best. “Don’t need a lover boy, need a lover man” marry me, Mariah Rose. How about that? Also, Joey Richter’s improvement as a singer has been severely underappreciated and this song shows his voice off perfectly. 
I am ranting but that’s because I cannot coherently express how much I love this song. In a soundtrack filled with nothing but hits, this one hits me right in the heart. 
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weirdocvnt08 · 4 months
Title: Don’t be a loser!
Relationship: Rise!Leonardo/Yuichi Usagi (one-sided)
TW: Mentions of underage smoking of nicotine/marijuana [Pls skip this post if this stuff doesn’t interest you]
Author is listening to: California Here We Go by The Garden
AN: This was written for shits & giggles & even though the boys didn’t actually smoke in this, I have to put it out there for the minors reading this to pls avoid vaping. Don’t matter if it’s nic or THC, both aren’t good (yes even THC & as someone with first hand experience lemme tell you if you have family history with addictions & have autism then bby you’re most likely gonna end up reliant on it which is no bueno) and it can very much damage your still developing brain as corny as that sounds. With that being said, enjoy this sorta/sorta not crackfic and Usagi’s poorly hidden one-sided feelings bc Leo just sees him as his bro (for now, maybe ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ)
Usagi and Leo had been in the middle of playing an online game on their phones until Usagi’s abruptly shut itself off. Heart rate quickening and hoping their game was still connected, Usagi tried to quickly turn the device back on but was instead met with the zero-battery icon that had displayed itself on the screen.
“Dude did your phone just die?!” Leo exclaimed as he watched Usagi’s character lag and glitch before the game ultimately kicked him off, taking him back to the main menu.
A regretful whine was all Leo could get in response. He sighed as he closed off the game and set his phone aside. “Wanna watch something then? While we wait for your phone to actually charge?” Leo asked as he leaned over to his bedside drawer to pick up the remote control for his TV.
“Yes! Can I choose?” If the platinum haired teen were animated, he’d have sparks shimmering around him and stars gleaming in his eyes, but sadly this was the real world and as Leo kept his focus on his flatscreen he cocked a restive brow as he replied nonchalantly, “After you made us lose our mission and we’ll have to now start from our last checkpoint that was, like, forever ago? Sorry, but it’s a hard ‘no’ my guy.”
“Mmh!” The Japanese boy grunted out in a miff manner as he got up from Leo’s bed to retrieve his charger from his bag and plug it to the nearest available outlet. Choosing the small lone spot beside Leo’s bookshelf, he bent down on one knee to connect the plug but stopped himself at the odd sight before him.
“Leo why do you have this usb type thing charging, and why does it look so weird?”
Knitting his thin eyebrows together in confusion, Leo mouthed to himself ‘USB?’ but the realization quickly clicked in his head and couldn’t help the brief chortle that escaped his mouth as he thought of an exciting idea.
“Oh that? Bring it over here and I’ll show you what exactly it is.”
Having not noticed the impish look on his American friend’s face due to his allowance of getting the strange object, he took a closer look at it as he walked back to Leo. The surface was a matte electric blue and on one side there was what he assumed was the brand name. ‘STIIIZY?’ he confoundedly thought.
The more that he stared at it, memories of his past encounters in their school’s restrooms that involved this same type of gadget would suddenly rush into his mind. In his option-less runs to use the poorly maintained restrooms around campus, he’d always have to brace the groups of people who’d ditch class to hang out and smoke both outside and inside the stalls carrying those similar rectangular objects in their hands.
Sometimes (if he wasn’t immediately kicked out from it) he’d opt to just walk to the closest restroom and avoid the horrid mixed stench of sweet artificial cookies and sewage water, but nine times out of ten he’ll ignore the sharp glares and sneers that’ll get sent his way as he makes his way to do his business that the restrooms were purposed to do.
Besides all that, Usagi just hopes that it’s not what he thinks it is as he plopped himself down onto the bed and extended his left hand towards Leo, who was leaned over again and digging a hand inside his drawer. After he found what he was looking for he swiftly took his sleek object back and attached a familiar looking compact filled with a yellow substance into the open slot. His fear was now just confirmed.
“Yui y’know what a—?”
“You smoke?! And nicotine at that? Why?! Leo you’re too pre—!” Coughing fugaciously at his near slip up of calling his best friend pretty, Usagi covered with, “I thought you were too cool for that kind of stuff?”
Playing with the thin vape in his hand, Leo laughed at the claim. “Mmmm, I don’t ever remember saying about my stance on vaping, but chill out it’s not nic, it’s weed.”
“How is that any better?”
“Look I’m not gonna explain the politics of the two, but just know this is way better and funner than nicotine!” Leo exasperated. What the shaved headed teen had left out though was that he himself hadn’t smoked nicotine ever in his life and just jumped straight to marijuana, so his answer holds no weight. He continued, “I don’t even do it a lot and just use it when I want to have a good time during movie nights or want to make my favorite meal ten times better because I have the munchies. It also helps when I feel myself becoming too absorbed into my thoughts, but that’s beside the point.”
Usagi felt icky for feeling this way, but he couldn’t help but feel sort of disappointed that Leo, his most favorite person since moving here, is a part of the hordes of teens that find the weird appeal of owning that useless junk just so they could make grossly sweet scented smoke clouds in front of their friends and not caring about the harm it can do to their young and healthy lungs. Despite his own opposing views though, he tried to swallow his judgment.
“How can anyone underage even get their hands on this, isn’t it illegal? Who even gave you this and does anyone else know you do this stuff?”
“I mean, it's pretty easy if you know someone who has connections, and to answer that other question, only Donnie—who also smokes—and my sister Frida knows. Ida’s also the one who hooked us up with the battery and cart but she’s so stingy though ‘cause she didn’t want to get us the full gram that this brand offers!”
Blank faced, Usagi answered, “I don’t know what that last part meant at all, but I really don’t wanna know anyway.”
The two sat in silence as Leo continued to fiddle with the concentrated THC pen with only a YouTube video playing on the TV to act as background noise. Usagi hoped that meant Leo lost interest in the topic now that he showed off his vape pen, that was until Leo opened his mouth again.
“So wanna take a hit?”
“Huh!? No! Weren’t you catching on with my obvious oppositions to that kind of stuff?!” He vicariously shook his head in disapproval. “I have important people in my life that expect me to be better than to do these types of things. Also don’t wanna die of lung cancer anytime soon.”
Sucking his teeth, Leo pressed “C’moooon! We can shotgun if you want!”
“Basically I’ll take a hit and I’ll pass it to you by blowing it to your mouth for you to inhale.”
A strained expression appeared on Usagi’s face as he painted the image in his head and from what he’d seen it wasn’t very appealing if not super awkward. “That sounds dumb and weird.”
Leo cackled as he instantly knew the other teen didn’t get it, so he explained through small fits of laughter, “I don’t think you’re picturing it right dude. Our mouths have to be like really close so it’s sorta gonna look like we’re gonna go in for a kiss.”
‘Kiss?’ Usagi thought to himself as he re-imagined Leo’s new description. What he saw was Leo’s attractive face up close to his and his plush mixed tone lips slightly parted and nearly touching his slightly cracked ones, that maybe he might actually find out what Leo’s glossed lips finally taste like if he leans his head forward just a bit more. His heart picked up at the thought and with red tinting his tan skin he quickly adversed “We’re not doing that!”
“Oh? Sorry, was that a lil’ too gay for your straight-male self?” With an amused smile, Leo playfully rolled his eyes and coolly replied “Chill out man, it’s just a suggestion. But since you’re such a chad, I guess you’ll just do it on your own then?” He tried to hand him the rectangular device, but Usagi merely pushed the cold and slender brown hand back to its owner’s vicinity.
“Iranai. Don’t need it, so have fun doing that stuff by yourself.” He firmly stated but just like him, Leo wasn’t going to lose his ground and continue his pursuit of convincing Usagi to smoke with him.
“Don’t be lame and have a sesh with meee!”
“Smoking isn’t as fun if you’re not doing it with someone! Yui!”
“Sucks to be you I guess.”
Leo let out an elongated sigh before voicing, “I get that you have this weird honor code thing where you take promises to heart n’ stuff, but aren’t I just as important to you too?”
Perplexed brown eyes met his hazel ones and with a casual shrug Leo resumed, “I just asked you to do this with me because you’re cool, and I feel comfortable around you, but if you really don’t wanna, then I won’t force you since it’s not fun if you’re not into it too.”
Usagi was gradually starting to feel his ‘tough as nails’ facade slip at the compliments Leo threw his way because of course he’d give more of shit of what this guy says than anyone else who’s known him for years or even since his birth.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said I don’t do this a lot y’know. Sorta why I really wanted you to try it with me, since it could be like a really fun memory that only you and me can share.” Leo suddenly said, and although Usagi knows better than to blindly trust Leo’s word he could tell that his friend was not fully lying at this time.
“So, what? Trying to tell me that you don’t smoke with everyone?”
“No sir.”
“I don’t buy it.”
“I’m serious. I’ve literally only smoked with my siblings. I don’t trust the crap people at school have, and I don’t trust the people at school like that even less so yeah, I don’t smoke with everyone and only a few select people are worthy to see me at my stupidest.”
Silence fell upon them again and Leo didn’t really know if his bait had worked or not, but sure enough it did as Usagi abruptly huffed out “Give it” and extended his hand to reveal his open palm that waited expectantly to receive something.
“But I thought—.“
“Just pass me the stupid thing you manipulative asshole!”
Ecstatic over Usagi’s change of mind, Leo quickly handed him his vape pen and watched as Usagi mauled over his new decision.
“If you’re worried about how you’re gonna act, don’t worry. Since I’m not as new to this like you, I can keep my bearings and take care of you if you end up doing something stupid.”
Cupping Usagi’s hand that held his little item of relaxation and enjoyment, he looked into the other boy’s eyes and earnestly promised “Swear on my dad’s life that I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Trust me, all that you’re gonna feel is as if your whole body is floating and even find yourself kinda hungry.” Letting good of his hand, Leo encouraged him to go for it with a nod of his head.
‘Am I really going to do this?’
With one last glance at Leo’s smug yet gorgeous hazel-green eyes he felt as if his heart had been squeezed from the huge amount of affection he was currently feeling for the other teen across of him.
‘Yeah, I really am.’
Hesitantly, he brought the pen to his lips and the more he dared to take a hit he could hear the loud anxious pounding coming from the center of his chest. It beat so loud that once he finally took a brave inhale from the pen he didn’t even register Leo’s rushed warning, and before he knew it, he felt as if a ball of fire had invaded his airways.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
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Content notes: Stancy, homophobic slur, high school theater production
Steve wouldn’t normally go to this kind of thing—he didn’t, his whole freshman year, even though a junior had invited him. He and Tommy H. knew that being an upperclassman didn’t automatically make you cool, even then. 
But love has him doing some crazy stuff, he guesses. Tommy H. and Carol are going to find out about this eventually, but he’s willing to put up with their teasing because Nancy likes Shakespeare.
She’s so smart. He never thought he’d be into a girl like Nancy Wheeler, but something about her just has him all mixed up, and he loves it. She’s a little uptight and particular in a way he never would’ve bothered with, last year, but now he’s way more mature and he can see the spark she has.
It’s like a movie, the way he looked at her and saw how beautiful she was underneath the nerdy getup, and now they’re together and this is his happy ending and everything is going to be perfect forever. They’re going to go to the same college and get married when they graduate, and have a bunch of kids; Steve’s going to work for his dad, and Nancy’s probably going to get some fancy secretary job or something when the kids are old enough to go to school. He bets she’d be really great at that kind of thing. 
It feels really good to have that kind of security in his future. He’s a simple guy, he doesn’t want to change the world or anything, he just wants a real home and a real family with Nancy. And that means doing stuff she likes, which is why he’s crammed into an auditorium seat, watching some chubby freshman with plastic leaves stuck in his afro squeak, “A merry hour was never wasted there! But, uh, look, fairy, here comes Oberon.”
Someone shakes a sheet of aluminum from offstage, and a blonde girl in a tiara and shiny princess gown with bright colors painted around her eyes steps onto the stage. 
She just stands there for a second, and Steve’s starting to wonder if she’s forgotten her lines when Nancy nudges him and tilts her head meaningfully to the back of the auditorium, where Eddie Munson is strolling down the aisle like he’s got all the time in the world. 
It takes Steve a second to recognize Eddie. While the blonde girl’s costume is all neon and pastel, Eddie’s got coal-black makeup smeared over his eyes almost like a mask. He’s wearing some ridiculous outfit with a lot of black lace and a silky, billowing black shirt cinched at the waist with a belt so thick it looks almost like a corset. 
When he saunters past Steve’s row, it becomes clear that he’s also wearing knee-high leather boots. 
Someone a few rows away coughs, “Faggot,” and a cloud of giggles rises in the auditorium.
“That’s enough, Paul,” says Mr. Williams, in a way that doesn’t sound like he’s going to do anything about it if Paul ignores him. 
Eddie must not have heard, because he doesn’t even glance over. “Ill met by moonlight,” he sings out. His voice drops to a smoky purr. “Proud Titania.”
He jumps right up onto the stage, only stumbling a little bit, and drops to one knee to kiss the blonde girl’s hand. 
She yanks it away, sneering. “Jealous Oberon—fairies, skip hence. I have foresworn his bed and company.”
The old-timey language is pretty hard for Steve to follow, but even if the words don’t make any sense, it’s not hard at all to understand Eddie’s tone when he looks up at the girl and says in that low, clear voice, with just a hint of steel: “Tarry, rash wanton. Am I not thy lord?”
Jesus. Steve always thought of Eddie Munson as kind of a burnout loser—the kind of guy who’d be a virgin living in his mom’s basement until he was really old, like twenty-five or something. 
But with his ragged metalhead rat’s nest pulled back from his face with small braids, leather cords wrapped around his wrists and throat, Eddie doesn’t look like a loser at all. Steve bets the drama girls are practically throwing themselves at him all the time. 
After the show, Nancy smiles up at him. “What did you think?” she asks. 
Steve tucks her more securely under his arm and smiles back. “I liked it,” he says. “Didn’t think I would. But I guess you’ve got pretty good taste, Nancy Wheeler.”
He leans over to kiss her, slow and sweet, and he thinks that there’s nothing else in the world he could possibly want.
purify our misfit ways on AO3
Fic-specific asks
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dragonfly0808 · 3 months
❤️- Favorite line in a fic… ufff I like- honestly can’t chose a single line, I feel like my fics are more about whole moments not singular lines if that makes sense but I will say the Crystal Labyrinth/You’re On Your Own Kid, You Always Have Been are some of the best chapters I’ve every written and hold a very special place in my heart
💥- One canon thing I wish I could change… honestly I’d end it at s4. Or maybe not de-age the girls and allow them to keep growing up
👻- Wildest headcanon… I headcanon that the boys have memorized and rehearsed full fight-scenes from Star Wars
🎁- Piece of a WIP, here’s a tiny bit of the EAH rewrite.
Raven had been ignoring Apple, she knew they’d eventually have to talk but she wanted to avoid it and put it off for as long as she could.
She skipped breakfast and headed for her first class, which was of course, General Villany.
It seemed that Lizzie hadn’t been successful in getting them actual classrooms, she thought as she headed down damp, dimly lit stairs to get to the dungeons.
There were already two people in the dungeon, Faybelle and Ginger, daughters of Maleficent and the Candy Witch respectively.
And of course, Faybelle was harassing Ginger, seemingly having just pulled one of her pink pigtails, “So? What do you think? You rather me spill about your little crush on Blondie’s show or should I just spell it out at cheerleading practice?”
“Leave her alone Faybelle. Literally no one cares.” Raven said, letting her book fall harshly on one of the desks, making both the girls jump.
Faybelle rolled her eyes, “Stay out of this Raven. This has nothing to do with you.”
Raven let her eyes flash violet with power, which made Faybelle hesitate to keep going, but not for long, but right as she was going to say something else-
“Stop your blabbing Fay, if I have to bear with it every class I’d rather chop off my own ears. No one cares.” Sparrow said as he dumped his books on a desk to Raven’s right, turning to Ginger, “Hey pinkie, brought any treats?”
“I made cookies.” Ginger said hesitantly.
“Sugar or chocolate chip?”
“Chocolate chip.”
Ginger brought out a plastic container filled with treats, which Sparrow gladly took.
Raven frowned, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m a thief remember?”
They heard cussing coming from the dim staircase and Lizzie appeared, clearly barely having avoided falling down, “That’s it! If they won’t give us a proper classroom we should at least have some fucking decent lighting! I mean seriously, how are we supposed to take notes if we can’t even see our own hands?! Uuurrgh!”
Lizzie stomped her foot before going to sit down at Raven’s other side.
Raven kicked Sparrow’s shin to get him to relinquish Ginger’s treats and offered Lizzie some of the cookies, “These are really good.” Raven said after trying one herself.
“Thanks!” Ginger hadn’t meet her eyes yet, but Raven was starting to suspect it was more because of the girl’s shyness than it was Raven’s status as daughter-of-the-Evil-Queen, “It’s actually a new tweaked recipe that I-”
“Silence!” They all sat a little straighter as Professor Badwolf emerged from the shadows in his wolf form, long fangs showing and a snarl on his face as he slowly inspected them, “Bringing treats for classmates? Sharing said treats? Making small talk?! Compliments?! Is not one of you enthusiastic about being villains?!”
Faybelle jumped to her feet, pompoms in hand, “I am! Come on! Give me a V! Give me an I! Give me an L! Give me another L! Give me an A! Give me an I! Give me an N! What does that spell?”
“Villain?” Ginger offered half-heartedly after an awkward minute of silence.
“I think it’s loser.” Sparrow said with a smirk.
“To me it sounded like annoying and ass kisser.” Lizzie finished with a smirk of her own.
Raven couldn’t help but snort as Professor Badwolf went to pinch the bridge of his nose and mumble something about at least having a few good comebacks.
At least no one in this class seemed to fear her all that much.
🎨- Honestly any fanfic at all would be insane but specifically maybe smth from a fight, smth Daphne/Valtor related or for smth very specific, s3 when Bloom is trying to get Timmy to open the door while Tecna is lost in Omega
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rebuke-me · 10 months
broadway bmc critiques
this is a list of all my critiques of broadway bmc, in no particular order. this is not a post meant to hate those who are fans of Broadway bmc, because preference is subjective. I did my best to keep personal bias out of it, but some aspects are inextricable. please keep discussions civil. if you think critique will make you upset, I encourage you to skip this post.
- the writing is significantly watered down for the audience. while the original show was not a masterpiece of writing by any means, it only occasionally talks down to the audience. part of my interest in the original show was the open-ended characters. however, in the Broadway version, subtext is made into text, and that really hurts the show. most of the characters in tr had presumed depth, whereas bw wrote sync up: a song telling everyone exactly what was wrong with every character, rather than having the viewers observe it for themselves through dialogue and actions. tr already laid that foundation, it already had the character development. fans had already been analyzing the characters for years, and everyone pretty much got what they meant. bw felt, to me, like it was holding my hand through it and explaining to me every aspect of the characters.
- the writing of the new songs especially is. incredibly contrived. I've listened to the songs as I can bear (I do not like some of the voices in the songs, so I will admit to not listening to all of the songs, but I did make an attempt.) and the writing is significantly worse. while the tr songs weren't masterpieces, by any means, they were at least catchy and fun. the appeal of the bmc music is the earworm of it all, the way that it's fun and memorable. the bw versions new songs have not stuck in my head whatsoever, unlike the previous songs. loser geek whatever is another case of telling the audience rather than showing it: fans of tr already knew Jeremy was upset about being an outcast. we understood that. his decision at the end of upgrade was understandable to audiences, although usually not agreed with. an entire song with the writers literally physically telling the audience how he is feeling, in simple rhyme and a melody that doesn't stick out, wasn't necessary. a new song was intriguing, and could have fleshed out plot holes of the original show, but instead just tried shoving another square peg into a hole we had already been made aware of.
- fan pandering. this is an aspect of every media that has a large internet fan base, especially in the past ten years. while some aspects of the show may have been in the plans all along, the Broadway version feels like they were too engrossed in the fan culture. im a big proponent for creators being divorced from their fans, and the Broadway version is why. the addition of more moments implying a romantic connection between rich and michael at the end, with no discussion of character development, felt shoehorned in for the fans. Michael as a whole shifted closer to the fanon interpretation of him, rather than remaining the character from the original show, becoming more soft spoken and awkward.
- failure to add in diversity in a respectful way. (to preface this, I am a white person. if I say anything out of line in this section, I am more than willing to admit that, and would love to hear from the perspective of poc bmc fans, especially black fans.) a main critique of tr bmc in my opinion is the way it handled a lot of heavy topics, including diversity and the like. bw bmc made strides towards giving roles to non-white actors, which is always a good thing. however, the characters chosen for the diversity were made more stereotypical for being made into poc. jenna rolan became more of a stereotype of a talkative, phone obsessed black woman. Jenna is the less egregious example of this, as she has more depth. however, jake being black makes his character traits of being the child of money launderers, being violent towards others, being unhoused and physically harmed in the fire, not knowing how to "speak properly" at times and being a "player" seem more racially motivated. of course, none of these aspects of a character are bad, per se, but all combined into a character that is now black feels stereotypical.
- failure to fix some issues with tr. I am always willing to critique my own interests. while I have a preference towards tr, and a fixation on it, I will admit it has issues. notably, these include telling rather than showing (an issue that only got worse in bw), the treatment of female characters, and a variety of other issues. female characters in bw still have the same issues, as a whole. brooke is still the stereotypical blonde ditz. she does get a bit of development, but an opportunity for her to stand up for herself could have been needed in bw. christine is still little more than the love interest, and still ends up with the main character at the end, despite being meant to be a feminist, complete with patch on her jacket. the female characters rarely talk to each other about anything other than a man, or gossip, usually about men. none of them form solid friendships with no romantic ties with almost any of the male characters, either. the show costumes the characters in apparel that preaches feminism and writes a message about equality and being yourself, yet bars most character development from the female characters. this could have been rectified in bw, considering an entire song was added and scenes were rewritten, but was not.
I have other issues with the show, but those are more personal critiques with preferences, rather than in depth analysis of why I think the show is not as beloved by the fan base as a whole. those aren't going to be added here, because a lot of them don't lend any credence to my arguments, they're just personal opinions on character choices and actors.
if anything I've said in this post is incorrect, please let me know. I admit I'm not very well versed in the Broadway show, since I very much dislike it, so if any details are incorrect, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
also like. don't be a dick in the replies and tags please, that'd be nice. civil conversation and debate is okay, but attacking people for their interests is not.
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Whatever happens I’ll leave it all to chance
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 Steve Harrinngton x Fem!Reader
Plot: You are hit by Vecna’s curse and it makes you rethink everything including your relationship with Steve.
7.1k - possibly my longest fic to date. been writing this for daaays so any feedback is highly appreciated. Suvivers guilt. Heavy mentions of death. Mentions of blood and self blame - If this triggers you please be cautious as you are reading this or if you want to skip this all together I completely understand. Also let’s pretend ‘the show must go on‘ by Queen is from 1986 even though it’s from 1991.
You had always had to be the strong one. Growing up you had been the youngest, but  you had always had to look after everyone. When you got involved with Dustin and his friends and the upside down it had been no different. You had taken on a parental role. You would offer the kids rides to their DND games, you would offer to drive Steve to work but he always refused and drove you around. You really were co parenting the kids though at fifteen years old they were not exactly kids anymore.
You had been having recurring nightmares for the last while that you had lost track of when they had actually started. They were so grim that at times they left you completely winded. Other times you were screaming so badly that your aunt had to wake you up. She had to reassure you that you were okay. That you had made it out alive.
‘Why are you nervous?’ Steve asked and looked  over at you and gave you a worried look, he could sense something was off.  Damn that boy could read you like an open book at this point.
‘It’s stupid I know! But I want to do well. I  mean it’s just book club. It’s not like I’m trying to join the cheer squad or  like chase popularity or something ’ you muttered as you fixed your perm in  your contact mirror.
‘What Would be wrong with you joining the cheer  squad?’ Steve asked his eyebrows raised at you.
‘Really Harrington? I don’t exactly look the  part’ you added and pointed to your overall appearance, you weren’t exactly the cheerleading type.
‘I think you would make a great cheer leader with the whole ‘go Hawkins go!’ Steve said and waved his imaginary  pom-pom  around in the car causing you to crack a smile.
You went to fix your makeup next, you noticed the  bags under your eyes and shuddered. Today would be a looong day.
‘My point is that you got this!’ Steve said
‘I haven’t slept much and my presentation is up.  I’ve never felt so nervous’ you admit and start examining your face to make sure your makeup is perfect. The bags under your eyes was at least somewhat  hidden.
Steve looks at you through for a moment. It’s was just you and him in the car today as  Robin had gone in early to spend time at band practice and with Vickie.
‘Are you having nightmares again ?’ Steve asked  you out of the blue which catches you off guard. You had briefly mentioned the nightmares to Steve and Steve knew about why you moved to Hawkins years ago. To be honest everyone knew.
In the begining there had been a lot of words  thrown your way including freak, outcast, loser. All the names made you roll your eyes more than anything else, it just showed you that people had no  creative skills. 
You nod. Words feel heavy in your chest. The  guilt you feel is sometimes  unreal. The amount of times the accident plays through your head like a never ending loop is unbearable sometimes.
Steve reaches over and squeeze your hand which  causes you to look at him. There’s a tenderness to his gaze that lingers and  touches your heart, even after everything  you had been through together, the amount of  times you bicker or argue he still cares deeply for you and you care as deeply for him.
He’s one of the few people who can break through  your tough exterior and make your heart soften. You suppose it’s because you  almost spend every day with him and because you trust him with your entire being. It’s also because Steve is so pure of heart. The feelings you have for  him now is a complete one eighty from what you felt when you first saw him. Oh how wrong you had been about him.
You  remember when you had first moved to Hawkins at fifteen how you had moved for a new change and how on your first day of school how people had already  labeled you a freak. You had shrugged it and not given it any thought, you  had just kept to yourself. You remember seeing Steve for the first time in his golden boy persona and you remember how you had disliked his guts, hated was too strong a word but you had strongly disliked him. His stupid hair, him  being conveniently attractive, his wealth, his character and you had  done a one eighty after you had gotten to know his over last year in the summer as you had both worked at Scoops Ahoy. After he had gotten his ass kicked by Russians your perception of him had  changed, especially with the way he had tried to protect all of you, even you even though you and Steve were not close in the slightest. Hell you were sure Steve saw you as a nuisance more than  anything else and he had still stuck his neck out for you, Steve wasn’t the same Steve as the Steve you had met at Hawkins. The more you got to know him the more you adored him and that was beginning to be a fucking problem. You would always vent to Eddie after a DnD session.
You took the beer from Eds and took a big  sip.
‘ I swear to god Eds. It’s getting harder and  harder to pretend to be happy for him when he goes on yet another date with  yet another girl’ you sighed hopelessly looking somberly into the beer bottle  as you moved the liquid inside the bottle around with your hand.
‘you know there’s like a super simple  solution to your problem’ Eddie added and raised his eyebrows at you.
‘don’t  start Eds. Don’t you dare’ you warned him  and looked up to glare at him.
‘you could just I don’t know! tell him that  you dig him’ Eddie shrugged as if it was that simple.
‘it’s not that simple. He’s out there serial  dating women who are nothing like me. They don’t look like me. Or act like  me’ you sighed in frustration.
‘ how exactly is that a bad thing? ’Eddie  asked not understanding what the problem was.
‘because he obviously have a type. That type  being girls like Nancy wheeler. Or even popular girls. Not once have I seen  him with anyone more alternative. To be honest I think he is serial dating  because he still carries a tourch for Nancy.’
‘ y/n you are a total babe and if Steve  Harrington cannot see that he is visually impaired. I don’t get why you have  the hots for him anyway. It’s Steve fucking Harrington! he’s a total douche!’  Eddie protested in annoyance
‘he is not a douche. At least not anymore  Eds. I noticed a remarkable change in him last summer when we worked at  Scoops Ahoy’ you reassured Eddie but he did not believe you.
You shook  your head at yourself. You needed to tell him or move on.
‘I’m okay’ you added earnestly as Steve is still  holding your hand. Steve didn’t quite believe you but you could  live with that.
As he parks the car and you unbuckle your seat  belt the two of you share a look between you. The tension is a little thick  between you and Steve as he radiates with worry. He squeezes your hand one  last time for good measure before letting go.
‘Knock ‘em dead Kid’ Steve adds and once again  reminds you that your presentation is today.
You laugh a little and  offer him an aye aye captain salute before getting out of the car and walking  into the school.
After school you are doing your shift at the family video store and at one point during your shift you feel something run down your nose and land on the counter. Blood. Your nose was bleeding. You touch your nose gently with your hand and look at the blood on your finger tips puzzled. You hadn’t had a nose bleed since you were twelve.  Steve rushes over to you.
‘y/n are you okay?’ Steve asked you. It was obvious that he was worried about you. He examined your face as if he was looking for any sign of a threat.
You nodded
‘yeah it’s just a nose bleed I’m okay’ you confirm not wanting to worry him.
You don’t tell him that the lack of sleep worries you or that you haven’t had a nosebleed in years, as you don’t want to worry him. It is your job to look out for him, Robin and the kids and not the other way around, you have to be strong for them.
You go over to wipe your nose before you continued to work your shift.
Something was happening in Hawkins again. You weren’t sure what it was. But it was dangerous. It was bad enough for Nancy to go follow her instinct. Steve was trying to stop her from going alone.  You notice how quick Steve is to  throw his keys to you, you barely caught them and swayed a little. Something was off with you. This didn’t feel normal. You didn’t mention anything though as you didn’t want to worry your friends. You also notice how badly Steve wants to protect Nancy and it hurts. It burns knowing that even after all this time he probably still has a thing for her. You wish it was you. Robin bless her heart notices and takes the keys from you and she hands them back to Steve before going with Nancy and they go  to follow Nancy’s clue while Steve, Dustin, you and Max went to Ms. Kelly’s house so that Max could get some answers out of Ms. Kelly. As Max went inside Steve made some sort of comment and Dustin gave him a snarky remark. Usually this would have made you laugh or offer a sarcastic comment back but you were too wrapped up in your thoughts to pay them any attention. After you stayed uncharacteristically silent Steve turned around and looked at you.
‘y/n!’ Steve exclaimed in a worried tone of voice as he looks at you up and down.
‘huh?’ you asked confused and saw Dustin and Steve shoot each other worried looks.
‘are you still thinking about the nightmares?’ Steve asks you concerned, you consider lying for a brief second but know he wouldn’t by it even for a second.
‘yeah, I’m feeling very worn out lately because of them. I probably just need an early night tonight’ you say and it’s partially true but you are worried it’s more significant than that but you just can’t put your finger on it.
Steve shoot you another worried look. You feel bad. You don’t want him to fuss over you. Steve doesn’t push the issue. You can tell that this will be a conversation for a later time. Max rushes out to the car and urges  Steve to drive off and he drives off towards the school.
Steve, Max, Dustin and yourself break into the school to go through Chrissy’s files. Past trauma, terrible nightmares, difficulty breathing, Headaches.
Your breath catches in your throat.
‘can I – can I see Fred’s file please?’ you ask Steve softly and looks at him. He nods and hands it to you before squeezing your shoulder in reassurance as he can sense that you aren’t your usual self.
As you look through his file you see that  his symptoms are the seáme as Chrissy’s a, the same as yours. nose bleeds. Constant nightmares. Past trauma.
You think about your nosebleed the other day. About the nightmares that keeps you from sleeping and how  you have been thinking about your family members tragic passing more than usual lately and the amount of blame you felt because of the accident.
‘y/nnnnn’ a voice called you and you start to hear a loud ticking noise that you follow into the hallway.  You notice that there is a big grandfather clock ticking at the end of the hallway  and your blood runs cold. This is not good.
Steve starts to shake you and call out your name.
‘She’s in a trance like Chrissy was!’ Dustin exclaims
‘Y/N!’ Steve repeats and shake you a bit more roughly this time which cause You  to look at him and  and you urge Steve, Max and Dustin to follow you outside in the hallway. Everyone follows  you but looks at you distressed.
‘there was a grandfather clock right there !’ you exclaim in frustration. It had been there just a minute ago.
After a good while both Nancy and Robin met Steve, Dustin, Max and you at the school.
‘Fred and Chrissy both went to see Ms. Kelly, they both had the same symptoms, horrible headaches, followed by nightmares, nosebleeds, sleeping problems that caused them to  wake up covered in cold sweat and then the hallucinations based on their past traumas and the visions worsened until they. Until they -’ you said out of breath your face blank
Steve looks at you concerned and you shared a look between the two of you. His face fell, iit made your heart ache and you found it hard to look at him.
‘Vecna’s curse ’ Robin confirms fearfully and you nod. You are unable to do much as you know your time is coming.
‘Chrissy’s nightmares started a week ago, Fred’s started six days ago and I’ve been having nightmares for the last few days, so I don’t know how long I have but  my time is nearing. Fred and Chrissy both died less than a day after their first hallucination and I’ve just seen that goddamn clock so which means my last day is tomorrow’ you add shakily and Steve goes over to hold you in his arms, you burry your head in his chest and he strokes your back in soothing circles. Your embrace is short lived as there’s a noise in the hall.
Steve goes to check out the noise with a lamp held in his hand for protection a part of you swoons at the sight as even in uncertain danger Steve still has everyone’s backs. You are right there beside him. Nancy, Robin, Dustin and Max follow him outside the hallway before everyone jumps before you all noticed that it is just Lucas in the hallway.  It scares you all shitless none the less.
As soon as everyone got to the Wheeler house everyone divided up into groups, Nancy and Robin went upstairs, Steve, Lucas, Dustin and Max were talking and you were pacing around the room. You always thought you would have had more time which was ironic given the fact that you survived that freak accident.
You had been twelve years old, your parents had taken you and your twin sister to see your aunt for Christmas. You were in the backseat of the car next to your twin sister. It was very icy and windy outside and your parents were arguing in the car and they were not paying attention to where they were going.
There had been a car on the other side of the road, the car you and your family was in had been sliding on the road, your dad had noticed the other car and turned the steering wheel the other way only for the car to slide straight into a massive tree. You remember that you looked over at your sister who was having trouble breathing, her face was bloody and full of cuts. You remember that you reached out for her hand and she squeezed it. You passed out after that.
You had woken up in the hospital to the sound of your aunt talking to a doctor.
Your parents had both died on impact but your sister had struggled to breathe as she had been stuck because of the seatbelt. You had been the only survivor, you had a severe concussion and deep cuts into your skin and bruises but you were the only one who made it out alive.
You hadn’t noticed that Steve had approached you.
‘y/n’ he said your name so softly that it made you look up at him and you had stopped pacing for a minute. You  looked at him and he sensed the fear coming of off you in waves.
‘we have got your back. We will figure it out okay? together’ Steve said and you nodded but your face was blank. Emotionless.
Steve pulled you into a bone crushing hug, he buried his head in your hair. You hugged him back just as fiercely. You never wanted to let him go. Eventually he let you go and sat down on the couch with Dustin, Lucas and Max.
It wasn’t that you didn’t believe him but you thought your time was pretty much up if anything you should have died in that freak car accident like your parents and sister. You had no idea why you had survived in the first place like what made you so goddamn special.
You sat down next to the desk and wrote some letters. If your time really was up you wanted to make sure that you said goodbye to your Aunty, Eddie, Robin, Steve and the kids who weren’t kids anymore. If anything you were relieved that you were the one going through this and not the kids, Eddie, Robin or Steve. You had spent the last year protecting them all minus Eddie and you would do that till your dying breath. They were your chosen family and you would do anything for them.
You could feel everyone’s gazes on you as you were writing which you ignored. Once you finished the letters you put them in your bag before getting up.
You walked over and grabbed the walkie. ‘will this reach Pennhurst if we are further away than Wheeler’s basement?’ you asked Dustin
‘of course’ Dustin reassured you and gave you a sympathetic look.
‘wait hold on! what are you talking about?’ Steve asked you visibly confused.
You gave him a look as if to get him to understand that you needed to do stuff before your world ended. Words were too much right now. Everything felt too heavy.
‘nuh uh. No. no. no!’ Steve added and shook his head before he crossed his arms over his torso.
You sighed before you took the Walkie in your bag and headed up the stairs and out of Nancy Wheelers house. Steve was hot on your heals with Dustin, Lucas and Max following a bit further behind him.
‘y/n! y/n! I’m not taking you anywhere!’
You ignored him and kept walking.
‘I’m not spending my last twenty four hours stuck in Nancy Wheelers joke of a basement! I’m claustrophobic! You can either drive me to the places I need to go or I will drive there myself’ you said stubbornly and kept on walking.
Steve caught up with you and stood in front of you blocking your way with his hands on his hips like he was scolding a child and his face was inches away from yours.
‘ God y/n! why are you always so goddamn stubborn?’ he added his voice laced with frustration
‘are you really going to deny a dying women her last wishes? ’ you shot back at him mimicking your arms crossed over your chest.
Steve looked taken back like he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. You felt guilty and was about to apologize but Steve started talking.
‘you cannot be serious! You have to be out of your goddamn mind!’  
‘Steve please’ You added defeated and reached over and squeezed his shoulder gently. You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, the ones he could never deny. They were your ultimate secret weapon.
‘ugh fine! Henderson that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst’ Steve added thowing his hands in the air in frustration before he unlocked the car and you all got into it and buckled up your seatbeat.
The sound of the grandfather clock was ringing in your ears causing you to look out of the window with a knot in your stomach. You wondered how much time you really had left.
The first stop on your list was your house. Steve parked the car outside your house and you unbuckled your seatbelt and you opened the door.
‘be quick y/n’ Steve added with a level of worry to his tone of voice. His hand grabbed yours gently and he held it for a minute tracing circles in your palm before he let go. You looked at him and nodded.
‘I’ll be back in two minutes’ you added as you left Steve’s car and walked up to the house.
‘y/n?’ Steve called out through the car window you turned around and looked at him.
‘be careful?’
You gave him a small salute in understanding before going into the house.  You knew your aunt wasn’t home, she was at work so you went into her bedroom and put the letter you had for her on the dresser next to her bed.
You spotted a picture of you and your sister on the dresser and picked it up with shaky hands. You looked at it with great remorse. You had been the younger one of the two of you by a few minutes which had been a fact your sister never made you forget. You had been undeniably close and life without her was weird, it didn’t feel right.
You caressed her face and your eyes teared up slightly.  The picture had been taken at one of your family gatherings. The room started to darken and it became cold and breezy, You started to hear that goddamn grandfather clock again and you looked around.
‘y/n. you  think a letter is going to fix what you did?’
‘you caused it. And now you must pay the ultimate price’
You saw a hallucination of your sister in the car, she was bloody and having trouble breathing
‘NO!’ you screamed as you dropped the picture with a loud crash on the floor which caused you to snap out of it and you ran outside of the house and wiped your face in the sleeve of your shirt.
‘y/n! are you okay!’ Steve exclaimed
You walked over to the car, got in the passenger seat and put your seat beat on.
‘I’m fine. Just drive please’ you said it was clear that you were absolutely drained and exhausted.
‘please Steve’
Steve sighed and started to drive off. You were avoiding everyone’s gazes as Steve drove you to the next spot on your list.
‘to the left here’
‘are you sure? Really y/n here?’ Steve asked you with a dreadful tone to his voice.
‘yeah here’
Steve had driven you to the very same tree where your family had been killed all those years ago. You left the car and walked off before Steve ran up to catch to you.
‘please go back in the car Steve. I have to do this. Alone ‘ you added and avoided his gaze and you scratched your arm.
‘I need you to talk to me. To us. We are all here for you. Let us be here for you!’ Steve added in desperation hoping to get through to you.
You rummaged through your bag and pulled out all the letters and handed them over to Steve.
‘ why are you giving me a bunch of letters? What’s the’ Steve stopped cold in his own tracks. His features blank before Steve’s face softened and he started to shake his head in denial.
‘there’s something I always wanted to ask. In case I don’t make it’ you commented weakly.
‘then tell me! I don’t want to read about it in a goddamn letter!’ Steve said stubbornly not backing down
‘okay. Okay. I’ll tell you but you won’t like it’ you admitted afraid of the initial rejection you know was coming.
‘that’s not true y/n. you can tell me anything. You know that’ Steve added in disbelief. It was like he was looking at you but seeing a stranger in your place.
‘I like you. And not just in a ‘oh wow look I’m best friends with Steve Harrington’ kind of way. I like spending time with you, I like watching movies with you, working shifts with you. Steve i-  I have feelings for you’ you said slowly to give Steve time to process what you were saying.
‘huh? ’ Steve asked confused and not catching on.
you looked up at him and tried to give him a look in order for him to better understand your feelings. He still didn’t catch on and you sighed in despair.
‘all those times you went out on a date with someone?  I always wanted it to be me. Look I know you probably don’t feel the same but I just wanted you to know that I think you’re amazing. Look in case I don’t make it tell the kids and Robin that I love them and Steve I -’
‘No. no. no! you are just saying all of this because you are scared of dying okay? You don’t mean it. also you are going to make it. We will find a way out of it’ Steve interrupted stubbornly.
You sighed. It felt  hopeless. You knew it wasn’t an outright rejection but it felt like it. You  leaned in and kissed his cheek as a way of saying goodbye, both to him and  the idea of something more ever happening between you. Before walking off and  going over to the tree.
You felt stupid. Steve  probably did like Nance. He had probably never stopped loving her and here  you were basically throwing yourself at him. To make matters worse he didn’t even see that you had just confessed your feeling to him. If he couldn’t see  it when you were being that direct then he would never get it. You backed  away from him and went over to the tree and sat down.
Steve stood there and looked after you perplexed  before he went back into the driver’s seat looked. He still looked after you. 
‘what just happened ’ Lucas added in confusion  looking at Steve before he looked at Dustin and Max.
‘Wow you’re a bigger idiot than we give you  credit for‘ Max commented from the backseat.
‘What’s that supposed to mean!’ Steve added in  pure frustration.
‘Dude seriously! if you can’t see that that was  y/no’s way of telling you she likes you then you are more hopeless than I  thought’ Dustin added with a certain level of snark.
‘No! It wasn’t. She was just saying all of that  because she’s scared of… of’
‘Not making till tomorrow ‘ Max added not so  helpfully with a certain level of worry displayed on her facial features.
‘Yeah exactly . It’s not like she meant it’ Steve  deflected clearly still in denial.
‘She looks at you like you hung the fucking moon  Steve!’ Dustin shot back not impressed with his older male friend.
‘Language Henderson! She does not! I would have  noticed!’ Steve scoffed in disbelief.
‘Who always helps you out every time there’s a  crisis?’ Lucas asked and looked at Steve.
‘Y/n’ Steve confirmed as a matter of fact.
‘ who is always covering your shifts for you  every time you go on a date?’ Dustin asked as he gave Steve a look
‘Who always takes care you every time you get  beaten up? Fixes your hair before a date? Or gives you a pep talk before you  chat some girl up? Why on earth would she do that if she didn’t like you!’  Dustin asked and gave Steve another
‘Because we are -‘
Oh shit. The more Steve thought about it the more  he was convinced that you liked Him.
The letter in his hand felt like it was burning.  He wanted to know what you had said but he knew he couldn’t read it as it  would have been like he was betraying your trust.
His heart was pounding fast in his chest. Did he  think you were an absolute babe? Of course! He had eyes. He thought you had  been gorgeous from the very first time he ever Saw you walk down the corridor  at Hawkins. The amount of confidence you had as you held your head high not  giving two shits what anyone thought of you despite people calling you a  freak.
He remembered he had seen the way you had fought  off the monsters from the upside down in the past with a certain level of  determination and how hot he had thought that was. he had of course never  acted on any of the thoughts as he had been too far up Nancy’s ass and the  fact that you didn’t seem to care for him all that much. Once you really  started being in his life you had surprisingly hit it off as friends and  Steve didn’t want to lose that so whatever attraction he had felt towards you  he had buried away deep down to the point where you had just confessed that  you had feelings for him and he had shrugged those off because he didn’t  think there was any way that cool and normally collected y/n had feelings for  him.  Robin was going to give him hell  for that later.
Steve kept going over conversations you had had  with him lately
‘so  do tell me pretty boy how do you pick these women up?’ you had asked him in a  teasing manner.
Robin  who was watching your exchange was laughing at how dumstruck Steve was acting. 
You  walked over to him confidently and leaned over the counter and stole his  Raybans that were on his head, you fingers touched his hair which was softer  than you could ever have imagined and you put the sunglasses on your face.
You  slid the sunglasses down slightly so that you could look at Steve in a  seductive manner. 
‘so.  I know the best spot in town for burgers. How about we go there tonight just  you and me ? what do you say lover boy?’ you said in an over the top way and  winked at him.
Steve  had swallowed a lump in his throat before he had laughed it off and your face  had fallen slightly.
Steve remembered the last time he had gone to ask  a girl out and he had come to you for advice.
‘Y/n!  there’s this girl I want to ask out and I think she could be the one’ Steve  had expressed as he entered the family video store
‘I thought you had already asked Linda out? ’
Steve rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
‘actually this is a different girl. It didn’t work out with Linda’
‘ahh I see. Wow Steve you sure do take your time getting to know these girls’ you  added with a certain level of sarcasm behind your words
‘y/nnnn  pleaseee help me. You are the most cool and collected girl I know. How can I  make a good impression’ Steve asked and leaned over the counter and he was  close to you. You reached out and ruffled his ‘perfect hair’ which caused him  to groan at you.
‘not  the hair! I  spent ages getting it to  look just right’  Steve pouted. He  looked at you and your heart ached as you took in his beauty. His milky skin  looked soft. You wanted to lean in and kiss the beauty marks on his face. His  eyes held a certain warmth to them.
‘okay. Okay. So you want to leave a good impression?’
‘yes! How do I do that exactly’
‘tell her you love her eyes, her face scratch that! Tell her that you like  everything about her’ you smiled at him. His warm brown eyes were soft and they  reminded you of an autumn day where the leaves were falling of the trees. You  leaned in close enough to run your fingers gently through his hair in order  to fix it for him.
‘does  that usually work?’ Steve questioned as he looked into your eyes and it felt  like he was gazing into your soul. you looked back at him longingly. You had  spent forever just looking into the deep brown pools of Steve’s eyes. His  perfect eyelashes fluttered against his skin delicately.
‘if  you are suave then yes it will work’ you added your voice was hoarse and you  felt your face heat up. what you wouldn’t have given in order to lean in and  kiss him.
Robin  had come through the door at that very moment causing the two of you to jump  away from each other. You had gone back to rewinding ‘Labyrinth’ while Steve  had gone to put his stuff into his locker in the staff room.
Steve was having a full blown breakdown about it.  How had he not seen that you liked him? How had he been so blind? How had he not seen you had been  right next to him all this time? Was he really that goddamn stupid?
Steve noticed how still you were sitting. It made  his blood ran cold. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Steve got out of the car  and ran over to you and sat down next to you.
‘No.No.No.No.NO! Y/N!’ Steve as he shook you. Your  eyes where white and you where far away.
He couldn’t lose you. He wouldn’t lose you. Not when  he- not when he loved you. He cursed at himself for being such an idiot. You had  just told him that you liked him and he had brushed it off. When you made it  back to him he would make it up to you.
You had  been reading your letter to your family. You sniffled. Everything turned dark  around you. The sky was dark.
You saw a dark figure walking close to you. It was your sister. She was coming over  to you. You shook slightly frozen in place. It was your twelve year old  sister though, she was your age, covered in blood. She was identical to you.
‘you  were happy you got to survive while I died right?’
‘that’s  – that’s not true’
‘you  always wanted to be me. You always envied me. That’s why you were relieved  when I took me last breath wasn’t it?’
‘No! NO’
Your sister stood in front of you smiling menacingly.
‘just admit that’s what you wanted all along’
You shook your head and tears fell down your cheek
‘you know we all died because of you right? That the reason mom and dad were  fighting was because of you’
You look frightened. You knew it wasn’t true but you always felt guilty. For your  parents arguing . for being the only surviver. You had changed your  appearance after the accident to look the least like your old self. Like how  you had looked when your twin sister had been alive. You and her had been  identical twins with only minimal facial difference.
‘but  I’m here to make you pay the ultimate prize for your mistake’ your sister was  gone and Vecna was in her place.
You started backing away from Vecna before you started running as far away from him as  possible. He walked after you.
‘STEVE! STEVE! HELP ME! PLEASE!!!’ you screamed
Everything turned dark red around you and there was thunder and lightening. There was  blood everywhere and the clock was ticking again. There was shattered pieces  or the creel house everywhere with the grandfather clock floating in the air. 
You looked  around and saw Chrissy’s dead body and looked the other way and saw Fred’s  dead body all strung up.
Vecna  wrapped his vines around you and tied you up against a tree. His vines  wrapping around your neck tightly causing you to gasp for breath.
‘you aren’t re- real’ you gasped exhausted
A small opening appeared at the other side. You had to get to it somehow.
‘Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance  Another heartache, another failed romance, on and on  Does anybody know what we are living for?’
‘your friends can’t help you. After all if you go to them you will get them all  killed. They will all go down with you’ Vecna sneered
‘oh  but I am very real’ Vecna said as he put his hand over your face. You saw the portal and caught a glimpse of Dustin, Max, Lucas and Steve. You had to get  back to them. To him.
You closed  your eyes  and memories flashed of you and Steve together, you ruffling his hair before his date, you cleaning his  wounds after the Russians had attacked you all.
‘ouch  it stings!’ Steve complained which caused you to laugh a little as he was  acting as a child.
‘look  it will be over soon. Just sit still for me okay’
‘you  sit still for me’ Steve mocked an you gave him a stern look and he mumbled sorry.
‘you know, what you out there? That was mind blowing. We all owe you our lives. I owe you my life’ you added and shot him an appreciative look.
‘it was nothing really’ Steve mumbled shyly his cheeks reddened at the compliment.
‘it was amazing. You were amazing. Thank you for saving my life. I didn’t derseve it but I am eternally greatful’ you added as you finished cleaning his face.
Steve reached over and grabbed your hand and held it in his. You looked at him in the eye.
‘what do you mean by that? Why would you not deserve to be saved?’ Steve asked you perplexed
‘I’ve been so horrible to you all summer all because I was so caught up in  the past. When I started working at Scoop’s I thought oh great I have to work with Steve Harrington the douche. But you weren’t a douche? you’ve been so sweet to me all summer. I was so wrong about you ’ you admitted distressed
‘that just means you made a mistake. Not that you don’t deserve to be saved’ Steve added softly and smiled at you.
‘can you ever forgive me? I woul- I would like us to be friends if that’s not too… corny?’
Steve pulled you into a hug and you held onto him tightly causing him to hiss out  in pain
‘sorry. Sorry’ you mumbled against his chest.
‘ it’s okay my friend’ Steve held onto you for the longest time and you smiled into his chest and wrapped your hands around his back.
You remembered lending your kids movies. Giving them icecream. You remembred you dancing around  playfully with Eddie to rock songs, helping with his DnD campaigns. Driving Dustin and Mike home after a DnD session so that they made it home safe. You remembered helping Max do her braids before school. You remembered the way Steve always  protected you and held you close.
You opened your eyes  and reached over and pulled at one of Vecna’s veins. It with enough force for you to leave him winded, enough of a hit for him to drop you onto the ground.  You caught breath for a second before you ran as fast as you could towards the opening.
‘The show must go on  The show must go on  Inside my heart is breaking  My makeup may be flaking  But my smile, still, stays on’
I’m coming home to Steve you thought.
You looked back and noticed that Vecna wasn’t following you.
You sped up. Pieces of  the creel house was falling down next to you which almost caused you to fall. You collected yourself before dodging several pieces of the house. You ran as fast as you could. You needed to get back to your kids. To Steve.
‘I'll face it with a grin  I'm never giving in  On with the show’
Your eyes opened and you fell down to the ground. You clung to Steve for a good while as Max, Lucas and Dustin all touched your  shoulders and they all looked relieved that you were okay. You looked up at Steve, his face was inches away from yours.
‘I told you we would find a way’ Steve added as  he breathed heavily next to you. You nodded and looked at him greatfully.
‘is it okay if I- I really want to kiss you. Is that  okay?’ Steve asked as he looked into your eyes searching for clarity. Your heart  melted at his question but you wanted to pinch yourself to make sure it was  real.
‘am I dreaming? Is this real?’ you asked visibly  confused.
Steve beamed down at you and shook his head.
‘it’s real. Look if this isn’t okay tell me and I  won’t-’ Steve added carefully almost as if he was planning every next step he  did with caution. You figured that he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
‘yes. Kiss me. Please’ you uttered not very helpfully. You were still flabbergasted. This seemed too good to be true.
Steve didn’t have to be told twice. He leaned in  and kissed you. His warm lips sliding against yours and his hand caressing  your cheek. You leaned into his touch. You kissed like you were both touch  starved like you had both wanted it for a long time when Steve finally pulled  away you leaned your forehead against his.
He stared at you lovingly with a wide smile on  his face.
‘ I thought you like N-‘ you stated slightly  confused but you were smiling.
‘ It’s you. It’s always been you. I’ve just been  too stupid to see it. Can you ever forgive me?’
You grinned  up at him. Your smile lit up your entire face. You couldn’t actually believe  this. Steve Harrington really liked you. You caressed his face with your  hands and he melted into your touch.
‘it’s okay. You made it home to me. That’s all  that matters’
‘you are so beautiful’ Steve admitted as he  leaned in and kissed you again.
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lunaremy · 8 months
Always had this idea that blacks a really good combatant when he wants to be. I mean, if I remember correctly bro used to be whites arch nemesis (unless timeliness are different)
That would require SOME kind of battle prowess, right?
It's debatable, but thanks to R2 I think they still have a sibling rivalry.
"Really? You have nothing to show?"
"I told you already, White. I don't DO training. Im already perfect."
"No! You! Aren't!"
White stood over Black, his face red with anger.
"You always say junk like 'im so perfect'," He imitated Black's suave voice. "but it's NOT TRUE!!"
Black stared back, no remorse present on his face.
"Really?! It isn't true?" Black raised his voice accordingly. "I'll show you perfection!! You've lied!!"
"Then show it to me in a battle!" White pointed his finger at Black, his voice brimming with great amounts of rage.
"Oh, I'll show YOU a battle."
"Then it's on!!"
One might ask what this duel is about, and the answer is simple.
Black skipped out on doing the chores again.
It was his week to do the chores, as denoted by White's handy dandy chore board (in which his name was listed for most of the tasks most of the time). White was really too tired to do everything this week, so the tasks automatically went to the second oldest; that being Black.
Except Black really doesn't care for doing chores.
"Why would I do the dishes? It'll soil my beautiful complexion if i'm exposed to such dirt."
"Sorry, but I only do my own laundry. You can ask Pink to deal with it."
On, and on, and on, and on....
White had had it.
Before long, the two had made their way to a sort of training arena; a vast plane of grass filled with various blocks to break apart.
White felt the data required for such a battle load itself as a countdown began.
It's on.
The beginning of such a fight was slow, as to be expected. White could hear Black's explosions from across the map.
BOOM. More bombs.
BOOM. More firepower.
BOOM. More speed.
Before long, most of the blocks had been destroyed by now, and White quickly had to devise a plan once the blocks separating him from his opponent were destroyed.
A bomb appeared in his hand, and he quickly adjusted to the weight of it, before chucking it over the Block.
He heard a muffled shout of pain from behind the blocks.
That's the plan!
White produced another bomb and threw it over the blocks again, before placing another bomb at the block to break it.
But it broke before his bomb went off.
"Huh?" He mumbled it under his breath. There was no indication of Pain from Black, who was not present when White's bomb exploded and he looked out from the smoke and ashes.
Through the thick smog of smoke, White saw a bomb heading towards him, and quickly shot back to his hiding position as it slid past him before exploding in a spectacular fashion.
Black was silent. White couldn't even hear his feet hitting the ground.
"Yo, White!" It sounded far away. White moved out of his hiding spot and began searching for him to engage battle.
"Show yourself, Black!"
"Why? So you can have the advantage?"
This time, Black's voice was towards the left of his position. White moved accordingly. There were some blocks that had yet to be destroyed; perhaps they contained some power ups. So far, White could only throw, and Black seemed to only be able to kick.
White hesitated for a moment.
"That kind of thinking's only for losers, yknow."
White hears Black's voice move, and he's seemingly halfway across the map by now.
He hears the sound of a powerup data-chip being picked up.
No....Black's voice is getting closer.
White bolts from his position, but before he can flee from the brick his back is up against, his vision goes blank as he feels a bomb land atop his head.
It rolls forward, and White collapses in pain, struggling to regain awareness.
"And boy, you seem like a loser right now."
It's...behind the brick.
When White comes to, he quickly realizes that there is a ticking bomb in front of him.
And he can't escape. No matter how much he pushes and prods at the bomb blocking his path, he can't escape.
In one final shout of desperation, White yells;
The bomb explodes, sending White flying, but he continues in despair.
Once White's out of sight, Black scoffs, pretending to flip his nonexistent hair with great sass.
"I told him. Chores simply ruin my beauty."
-- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --- - --- - --
The door slides open in front of him, and Black enters his home. Yellow's already doodling something in the living room. On the couch rests White, lying
Wow. just how hard did I throw that bomb? Perhaps I don't realize my strength.
"Well? Are you feeling any better?" White complains.
It seemingly flies over Black's head, as he responds like White doesn't have an issue with him.
"I feel INCREDIBLE, White."
"Glad to hear, because I'm stuck here with a blinding headache thanks to you."
White sighs in pain.
Of course, using your antennae to return to a safer position doesn't alleviate the pain that blasted you away entirely. Right now, the pain seemed almost blinding as White's internals struggled to reorient themself following such an intense battle.
At least Black's good at one thing.
He'd used the smoke from the bombs to mask his movements, uttering annoyances to throw White off.
White had realized that during his time spent on the couch. His emotions got the best of him, causing him to suffer a lapse in focus. That lapse ultimately led to him losing the battle, resulting in the throbbing headache that he's suffering from as they spoke.
"LISTEN to me, Black." distress was apparent in White's eyes as he looked up at him. "You gotta do the chores...you beat me pretty badly back there. I'm too sore to finish them. So you gotta use that skill you displayed to do the chores."
"But I said..." Black started, but White interrupted him again.
"Cmon, dude. If you're so perfect, use that perfection to help me out."
"I'm perfect, you say?" There he goes, fishing for compliments.
"Yes, you're perfect." White plays along, if only for the sake of getting him to do the damn chores.
"Then I'll bestow just a bit of my perfection unto you, White. To the chores I go!!"
Finally, he leaves.
White sighs with relief instead of stress this time.
At the very least, I know Black used to be quite motivated to become better than me...
I wonder if he'll pick up that behavior with the chores, as well.
It's silent.
Jesus christ, the headache is real, though...
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