#i feel like my handwriting gets worse and worse these days
hellcifrogs · 10 months
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Oh yeah I had these team kenshi parents ideas I've been working on~
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Her Words
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Summary: You are introduced with the prince as his second option for a marriage in your family. But how will the Prince react to you own affliction and the backlash from your family |  Mini-Series Masterlist
Links to my Taglists: General Taglist | Aemond Targaryen Taglist
A/N: You all asked for a part 2 so ask and you shall receive! Again thank you for the request on this one it was really fun to write :)
Warnings: hitting, some sexual suggestions
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You could feel your handwriting getting progressively worse as the weeks went by.
That was one thing you had not considered as a side-effect from spending so much time with Aemond.
Every hallway, every corner, every walk in the garden. There was always some off-chance that your paths would cross. And every time this coincidence seemed to happen, there was a stupid smile on your face and your hands grip on your notebook seemed less and less. One a few of occasions he had dared to close the space between you, whether it was to brush a hair from your face or to run a warm hand over yours. All of this serving to send warmth to your cheeks that a smile that reached your eyes.
Nobody was more surprised of this behaviour, than Aemond himself. Though he would never admit it to himself.
He had already gifted you one book, written entirely in cursive Valyrian, promising to read you through it, to teach you how to pronounce the words like a native. The book had been kept well and separate from the rest of them in the library. The cover was a wine colour and there was not a rip on it.
And when he extended the book out to you, your hands delicately traced the patterns on the front, inspecting all the details as if it were the most precious thing in the world. Your eyes had found his, wide and bright with gratitude and a slight film of tears coated them, mouth pulling into a line to stop yourself from crying at the kind gesture.
 "Ziry iksos issa jaelagon naejot rȳbagon ao pikībagon bisa, issa riñnykeā"
 When he spoke Valyrian, it almost seemed too perfect. His voice was suited to it, and it was a shame that he could not speak it all the time. The way he formed the words, his intonation, all serving to set off a spark inside you. And at the notion that he spoke only to you. For you.
It is my wish to hear you read this, my lady.
The words were sweet. But you relished in the way he said them more so.
The book nestled in your arms, you looked down, trying to hide the blush that very quickly was heating your face from the Prince before you. Your hand smoothed over your clothed arm, picking at the wrinkles in it with anxiety. Your hand went to your side and the mind raced at the notion that your notebook was not there.
And he was stood before you, regarding you and the way your anxious face formed being separated from your notebook. Of course, it had not been an accident. You had dared for this day to leave it behind, but now the space where it would have been seemed endless. Like those soldiers who return from battle with a limb missing, but still feeling it, still being able to control it.
Your eyes briefly met Aemond's and he could see the panic in your eyes. And you need not be panicked or anxious, you knew he was patient and kind, despite appearances.
"gūrogon aōha jēda…" He said quietly, he had his hands laced behind his back and his good eye looked down on you softly.
Take your time.
He looked so peaceful it bought a pain on your heart. Nobody was as patient as him. Nor had anyone in the past been.
You send him a ghost of a smile in thanks, looking away to pull in a long breath of air, so much so that your lungs ached. You let yourself exhale first before bringing another burst of air in, mouth open to form the words,
"i-iska…no, iksā to-l-lī sȳz…" you manage, the nerves being the cause of it more than anything, "…d-dārilaros Aemond…"
You are too kind, Prince Aemond.
You dared look back up at him once you'd finished the sentence. There was that look again, the darkened look he always gives you whenever you say his name. Your grip on the book tightened once again seeing him take a step towards you and he could hear a breath get caught in your throat. He was so close you could see all the details of his dragon-shaped clasps on his tunic. So close you could smell his scent around you. So close that you thought he might touch you.
"nyke hae ziry skori vestrā ñuha brōzi…"  
I like it when you say my name.
His hand came to a lock of your hair at the side of your face, running the strands through his dextrous fingers. His other fingers ran across your jaw, sending a chill through you, only to come to rest his palm on your cheek. His motions were so slow and calculated that it sent a heat through your body that settled in your stomach. You swallowed back, suddenly nervous in his presence, even more so when you felt his thumb trace the outside of your lip.
Your eye never moved from his.
"ivestragon ziry aril"
Say it again.
To anyone else it would have been a command. But he seemed desperate to hear it again and a shuddered breath came from you again.
And before you could even prepare yourself, do all your breathing and calming, the words seemed to pass your lips as naturally as the sun rises over the horizon.
He was so close still, a smirk on his face and a smile on your own. All anxiety seemed pressed down below the surface, replaced with something new. Something you thought you would never experience.
A desire for his company. For his understanding and patience. But also a desire for him. For him to be pressed to you as if in need and desperation. You could feel your throat constrict at the mere thought.
"kostan ūndegon skoros iksā otāpagon…" He started.
I can see what you are thinking.
"…ñuha riña"
Against his better judgement, he withdrew his hand from you to place behind his back once more, standing back to revel in the effect he had on you. You knew what he was doing and it was not original in the slightest, but it still made you smile bashfully, fingers desperately gripping the book he had given you.
He cleared his throat as if he himself was also nervous, " kessa nyke ūndegon ao tolī…tolī ñuha gūrēñare?" he asked. Shall I see you later, after my training.
You nodded in earnest and watched as he turned to leave, his gaze on yours the entire time until his back faced you. Marvelling at his form as he walked away, he took one more glance back before rounding the corner and you wondered how someone could be so expressive with only one eye. And yet even the smallest glance could send a spark through you like no other. That, combined with his words, was the greatest pleasure you had known.
Even the way he walked away served to stir you so. The way his long legs carried his strides and the way he commanded his space with his form, such confidence at face value and yet so often, in your shared language, he had said that it was not always this way. He had learned the cold stare of feigned confidence through the many years he spent hiding himself away, learning to use his words as his weapon and training his body to be his deadliest.
Who would think that a man like this could be so gracious in the presence of a woman.
Of you.
Hurriedly, you half-ran back to your chambers, letting out a deep breath at being alone and able to let out your thoughts on the man. The book he had gifted you was placed lovingly on your bed as a maid softly knocked at your door. All you could do was face the mirror and uncontrollably smile as she loosened the ties of your dress, pulling the gown off your shoulders to pool at your feet.
"You seem in good spirits, my lady" she remarked, preparing the other dress to be worn at the feast. You could tell that when she said it, she was smiling, "Would the Prince have anything to do with that?"
In the mirror you met her gaze very briefly and shrugged, her hm in response seemed to satisfy her question. Without pressing any further, she draped the dress at your feet and once stepped inside pulled the heavy garment up your body to fasten at your front. This maid was quick about her work and laced it effortlessly at the front and at the back, using metal ones at the front that were coated with gold to compliment the deep forest colour of the gown.
Once the skirts were smoothed down, you observed your figure in the mirror. It was quite possibly the only thing you wore which truly fit you and it was here you felt you looked truly beautiful, for the first time maybe ever. All the small gold fastening attached at the front reminded you of the endless times you had seen Queen Alicent with her seven-pointed star accessories, and you thought she had looked beautiful then.
One your hair was styled the way you preferred, not overly braided, the maid stepped back to admire her own work.
"Beautiful, my lady"
You nod your head in thanks as she takes her leave.
You yourself look on your silhouette and shake slightly. To be his betrothed is one thing, but to be his wife. To tame the blood of the dragon. You felt underequipped for the task at hand.
But you had already conquered him. You just did not know it yet.
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You had been seated at the table for some time with one of your older brothers before people started to file into the hall. Of course, this wasn't the first time you had been in this room but it had been so altered for the feast that it was unrecognisable. There was a long table in the middle of the room with a red tablecloth and many candles decorating the middle, their flames barely flickering the room was so quiet.
Glancing over to your brother, he had his head in his hand, probably severely hungover. His eyes were closed so tightly that you thought that he might be in pain, and you half thought to ask him if he was alright but decided against it. For he had not spoken a single word to you in the weeks your family had been guests to King Viserys and Lady Alicent.
With a sigh you smooth your hands over your gown and clasp your hands together, sending a glare over to your brother who whispered shut up at your sigh.
You could not even make sound in front of your family. The kindness served to you by Aemond had made you realise how badly they treated you. Especially your father.
The echoes of fast footsteps broke you from your trance and you looked over at the entrance to see you older sister, arms hurriedly beside her in her half-run and a fierce stare tracking the room.
Her daggered eyes landed upon you, finger pointed in your direction.
"You!" the words came from her like a stab.
Her fierce look had you on your feet, a questioning look on your face as your sister made for you across the room, your eldest brother not far behind in his own half-run. The other drunken brother furrowed his brows in curiosity and all time seemed to slow as your sister threw all her weight into her palm to strike you across the face.
You could barely register the pain in your face until you looked back into your sister's hateful eyes which is when the pain started to bloom across your cheek and jaw. More shocked than anything right now, you raised your hand to your now burning face to touch, it was not sore yet but it certainly would be. Your sister looked unnaturally angry, so much so that the lines around her mouth were now visible and she was shaking. Her eyes were scrunched up with her expression, mouth hanging open slightly to say something.
"You fucking whore" she spat at you, her hand came to your bare arm to twist the skin there and you let out a cry at the pain. But she would not let go and seemed to dig her fingernails into you even further, even at the sudden presence of your eldest brother and entrance of your father.
"What is the meaning of this!" your father's voice boomed but your sister never took her eyes off you. Afraid that if she would, you would escape her tight grip.
"How did you do it, hm?" she asked, eye boring into you, "The Prince could not have fallen for an idiot like you…"
Your mouth formed into a flat line in an attempt to deflect her unkind words, pushing the brewing tears back, but an ever-present feeling was there also. Anger.
"Let her go, sister" Your eldest brother was at her side, hand hooked under her arm to pull her away. Not one look from him was given to you.
Your father was not far behind, his booming voice aching for his daughter to release her hold on you, noting the arrival of Queen Alicent into the hall, who looked shocked at the whole situation.
"What did you do then, fuck him?" she snapped and you could feel your anger bubble inside of you. Mouth open ready to say something, the familiar block stopped you, but your sister was so close, so you thought to opt for a whisper if nothing else. You could no just stand idly by while she disrespected you. That is something you had learnt from him. In only the few weeks you had known him, he seemed to have taught you more than your family ever had.
"N-n.." you start, and a moment of surprise passes on your sister's face, but the anger remains, "…not all of us…h-have to…"
She seemed to mull over the words for a long time, fingernails pushing so hard into your skin you were sure there would be bruising and welts. And it was as if it was a language she had not know, you could see her bounce the words in her head. Or perhaps she had never bothered to hear for the sound of her sister's voice before.
It all came down on your sister so quickly and she let a sinister smile pass on her face at the understanding of your words.
"You dare take the Prince from me…" she cursed, her grip tightening like a vice once more around you and you closed your eyes once more to brace yourself for another strike.
"Care to tell me why your hands are on my betrothed?" a voice rang out loud and deep and your eyes popped open again to find Aemond at the doorway, hands ever clasped behind his back, his cold, hard stare at your sister.
Her head spun around with such speed, you thought it might pop off and her confused gaze met the Prince's, but it was not long before a sinister smile returned, her hands still on you.
"I am your betrothed" she returned.
Aemond turned his head so that he could face the sister straight on, nothing needed to be said, saying enough with his gaze entire. The room seemed deathly quiet as he took his few steps towards your sister, his eye never met yours, not even once. There was danger in the room and he felt he had to address it.
"Aemond…" Alicent muttered, trying to distract him. But it was no use. He was trained directly on your sister and you could feel her façade slip away by the second as she shrunk under his look.
"Release her" he ordered. When your sister did not move, he sent a hooded glare down at her, "Now"
It was clear your sister was too out of it to move, so your eldest brother pulled her towards him, with no resistance. Your groaned in pain as your sister's fingernails came from your skin, leaving red half-moon shaped marks on you. Aemond's hand was on your arm instantly, inspecting the damage your sister inflicted on you, his touch soft against the violence that had ensued before. His fingers traced the marks before allowing his eye to meet yours and then your cheek, seeing the way the skin was inflamed, red and no doubt sore.
It was difficult to gauge his emotion at this time. But all you knew it that he was angry.
Turning to your siblings and father, he took your arm softly to push you behind him, whispering to you softly.
"Gaomas ziry ōdrikagon?" Does it hurt? He asked.
You could not dignify him with a lie and simply replied quietly, "M-mirrī…" A little.
Aemond could not tolerate anyone laying a hand on you, and you seemed to understand this as he faced your family.
"What was that?" you father asked, wide-eyed and staring at you. Silence filled the room once more and your father shuffled embarrassed, "Answer me"
"She spoke" your sister said, "So it does speak"
Her laugh filled the room, that cackle that Aemond hated so much. The one that inspired him to cast her aside, now even more annoying.
"You mean to me that you can speak all this time?" your father says, a hint of annoyance in his voice, "And then once in the company of the Prince, suddenly your idiocy is gone?"
"She is a whore" your sister seethes, but your father orders her to be quiet.
"I would suggest you use different words " Aemond warned, his voice low and protective in the face of your family.
The otherwise quiet Queen Alicent seemed to step forward, using her body to separate the two parties. For a long time, she had been the dividing force between families and had no issues stepping back into that responsibility now.
"That is enough" she said softly, her eyes forever on your father, "My Lord, no promises have been made regarding joining our houses"
All at once, the reality of the situation seemed to hit your father. His face changed from one scorned, angry and exhausted to something more hopeful.
"He is meant to be my husband!" your sister called out, eldest brother still holding onto her arm. She looked positively furious and with the opportunity would most certainly have broken free to wreak havoc once more.
"Be quiet" your father warned. Looking towards you, he jutted his jaw upwards, feeling as if suddenly he had the upper hand, "This marriage will still benefit us no doubt and you have done this family an unexpected favour, your Grace"
Alicent wasn't enjoying a moment of this and simply looked onwards, almost dissociated. Your father's tone seemed predatory, his gaze creeping back over to you and Aemond. Your fingers rested on his hand, delicately gripping him and thanking him for his support in this awkward situation.
Aemond cocked his head, knowing your father had more to say.
Stepping forward, your father dared to glower at the Prince.
"You have taken this halfwit from me, at last"
It was clear it was aimed to set Aemond off. And it had almost worked as the man before you went to take a step forward, only to be met with your hand on his chest. Confused, he looked down at you but you simply shook your head. His look was difficult to decipher as many had often said before you, but you refused to allow him to act how others perceived him, so with a soft hand on his chest you gently pushed him back to take your place before him. One hand slipped into his, you faced your father, who had a sick, satisfied smile on his face.
You could see his gaze waver slightly when you went to open your mouth.
He was the one you feared the backlash from the most. Mother, at least, had been somewhat patient and accepting until her death. But after that, it only served to turn your father bitter. If he would not be patient for his other children, there was little hope for yourself growing up with any form of endearment. What could be expected of such a man.
You felt the familiar slam of a block in your throat, and you swallowed heavily, squeezing Aemond's hand beside you. Grounding you. With a deep breath, you looked back up to your father. He would not interrupt you this time. He would not best you.
He could not have the last laugh this time.
"You…" the words came out forcefully, almost clumsy. But no block in sight, "…are no father…t-to me"
The room was deathly quiet and more than anything, everyone was just shocked. You watched your father's face carefully and saw the raw shock that was so clearly there and you hadn't realised just how tightly you had been holding onto Aemond's hand until he squeezed back, a very obvious proud look on his features.
You took a glance about the room once the silence had become uncomfortable, your siblings sharing their own form of shock in equal measure. A sudden feeling of self-consciousness overtook you and you looked over at Alicent and finally Aemond.
Alicent looked entirely neutral if not a little amused, but Aemond did not have to hide his amusement, his lips turned up into a very clear smirk as his eye looked down at you. You dared to send him a smile back, secretly proud of what you had done in the spur of the moment.
"I think it is time for you to leave, my Lord" Alicent said, cutting through the stony silence, "The King and I will send the terms for the marriage in the coming days"
The father looked wordlessly over at the Queen, now haggard and expressionless.
"I trust the matter is closed"
"Hm" was your father's only response. He gave you somewhat of a glare before turning his back, his own hand clamping around your sisters to drag her out of the room. Your brother's seemed to give Aemond a look before following also, the eldest dragging the middle by the cuff of his shirt.
You let out a breath and your shoulders dropped, now relieved of the pressure. Aemond squeezed your hand again,
"T-tolī o-o…olvie?" you ask. Too much?
He shakes his head with a chuckle, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, "Daor, īles vok"
No, it was perfect.
 The weight of the burden your family was apparently very hefty, for as they arranged their hasty departure the next day it did not seem to bother you to see them off.
You would happily spend the afternoon sat beneath the Weirwood Tree, book softly placed in your lap. Aemond leaned against the tree behind you, reading over your shoulder as your eyes darted across the words scribbled on the page, fingers at the corner ready to turn with excitement.
Aemond smirked knowingly as his eye caught your family passing the gardens, the servants carrying their luggage. Your father leered over, a gaze that could kill settling upon the Prince, but the only thing that could occupy the space between you both was the sound of you reciting the book before you. The one he had given you as a present.
He sat by, watching every now and then as the line formed between your eyebrows at a particularly difficult word, taking staggered breaths to get the long ones through in a single utterance. And for a moment, watching you reciting the text, Aemond swore he saw the passing of regret pass over your father's features.
Your words seemed to be suited to Valyrian, Aemond so often thought, and even now as he listened to your words from the history book, he took a lock of hair between his fingers to play with the strands. A chill ran up your spine at his hand on your neck, pushing the hair away, the smooth skin hiding beneath now exposed to the cold air.
His hand remained at your nape as you finished the sentence.
"Rȳ z-zȳha…sȳrje…sk-skorkydoso gaomas…b-bisa pikībagon?..." How does this read? you pause to ask, a finger pointed at the page at an unknown symbol. Aemond sat up and leered over your shoulder at the spot,
"Oh" you answer, now feeling stupid, but chuckling in response. You carried on, Aemond's chin now resting softly atop your shoulder.
"Valyria iksin se….ro-rovaja oktion isse se vys. Iemny ziry..."
"Lemnȳ" Aemond corrected, smiling.
You sigh and push the book closed to place beside you, looking up at Aemond's smug face, he was so close now that you could see the stitching of his eye-patch and a shuddered breath came from you at the hand that was still placed on your skin. His eye was once against hooded to look down at you, perhaps you would never get used to the feeling that gave you.
"Ao pikībagon sȳrī" You read well.
"e-emi mērī..sssepār rhēdan" We have only just started. You shake your head at his words.
"Nyke hae aōha elēni…" I like the sound of your voice, he trailed off and you could feel your cheeks heat up at his compliments. Truthfully, you loved the sound of his more. Especially when he spoke Valyrian. It being your shared language, there was a certain intimacy to it. And you found yourself wondering if he would speak it during…
Your sinful thoughts were cut off by his hand on your jaw, turning your face towards him. If he was close before, now he was even closer, and you held your breath and searched his eye for his intent. He was smiling down at you, finger softly dragging across your skin and it seemed like there was nothing more romantic than saying nothing at all in this moment. Eyes zoned in on him, you opened your mouth to say something, his name.
His lips interrupted you and you could feel how his softness pressed against you, body heated instantly just purely with his touch. All that fire that burned in his blood, pumped around his body, to be pressed against you now; it burned so nicely that you smiled in his kiss. Allowing him to slip into your mouth as you smiled, the warmth enveloped the two of you and you hand was softly pressed to his chest, grasping the collar of his coat, perhaps in an effort to pull him closer. Aemond groaned with need, sending a vibration of desire that descended through you.
You had never felt so wanted in your life. And Gods, it felt so nice to be wanted, to be needed.
Time seemed to pass so slowly when he had you like this and the desire deepened more so when his hand cupped the back of your head, pressing further into you. A ghost of a moan left you which only seemed to spur him on more so, running swiftly out of breath.
"Aōha udra…" he broke away to whisper, forehead resting on yours, "…nyke jorrāelagon tolī"
You smiled, eyes closed and enveloped in his scent, his love. It was other-wordly.
Your words. I need more.
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 Taglist:  @candypurplebutterfly @vainillasmil157 @ysa-psa @angelaevangelion @bellaisasleep @random-human02 @guardian-of-the-imagination​
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thatfandomslut · 4 months
Fighting For You
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: reader was in the Burn Book, arguing, make outs
Valentine's / Followers Celebration; Regina George w/ quote 4 and piece of chocolate 7. Or: “So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” w/ falling in love
Valentine's / Follower's Celebration requests are closed.
Regina lay in the hospital bed wanting desperately to get up. She couldn't believe that she forgot to take out the page of the Burn Book about (Y/n). While she knew she was in the wrong, it was only made worse when she realized how distinct (Y/n)'s handwriting was when she held the page up to Regina with her eyes filled with tears. '(Y/n) (L/n), even more weird and gay than Janis Imi'ike.' While she felt the insult was tamer than the others, she still knew the gravity it held (Y/n). Hurting (Y/n) felt worse than getting hit by a bus, and Regina now knew both from experience.
With a groan, she reached over to find her phone on the side table, wincing when she stretched too far. When her fingers finally caught the sides of the phone, she drew it closer and held her phone up to where she could see it. Still nothing. (Y/n) hasn't responded to any of her calls or Regina's numerous messages. She was beginning to feel desperate for (Y/n)'s attention. This was something she wasn't used to feeling as she typically didn't have to beg for others to notice her. However, (Y/n) was proving harder and harder to get in touch with. So, it resulted in her finally giving in and calling the last person she thought she'd ever call, Janis Imi'ike.
It rang a few times, and Regina was about to just end the call when she heard a confused 'hello' on the other end. "Janis, perfect," she said, smirking to herself feeling like she finally found an in. "Is there any way you can get me in touch with (Y/n)? She's been ignoring all of my phone calls, and I just want to talk to her." The sooner the better. Regina was due for another dosage of her medicine, and her medication made her incredibly loopy.
There was an annoyed sigh from the other end. Regina gave a side-eye to her phone, despite Janis not even being able to see her. "Regina, first, why do you still have my number? We haven't talked since eighth grade." She stated over the phone, hoping Regina understood how strange it was to receive this call. At the same time, there was a bit of sympathy in her voice. "As for, (Y/n), whatever you wrote about her in the book, and yes, we know you had a part in it, really hurt (Y/n). I'll talk to her, but there that's all I can do. And, I can't make any promises that she'll want to talk to you." Janis said before hanging up, leaving Regina a bit more deflated.
She knew that Janis still might not be able to get (Y/n) to call. Regina also completely understood why (Y/n) was so upset. If it was the other way around, Regina would be plotting her revenge. She knew that (Y/n) deserved her space and that she couldn't force her way in, but she couldn't lose her. The only person that seemed to be inflicting any positive change in Regina was (Y/n). Now, there was a chance she might've ruined it forever, and that absolutely killed her. When the doctors came in to give her the medication, she sighed and decided to try and sleep.
When Regina woke up, she wasn't expecting (Y/n) to be seated beside her chair. She almost thought that she imagined the girl as she flipped through her chapter book. Her vision was still too bleary to see what the book was exactly. But a smile crept on her face as she looked over (Y/n) in a sleepy haze. "You came," she said, her words slurring slightly. It was a tell-tell sign that she was drugged up on medicine. (Y/n) looked up in surprise before a small smile appeared on her lips. Regina could barely see it but she recognized the small upturn of (Y/n)'s lips anywhere. "I thought you weren't gonna come," Regina spoke, peering up at the girl.
In an attempt to sit up, she smiled wide. "I wasn't planning on coming." (Y/n)'s words almost sobered Regina up instantly. There was a look of thought on (Y/n)'s face. Regina always knew when she was thinking because her brows would furrow and she would look down to whatever was at her feet. "Look, what you did was mean, but I want to forgive you. It’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” (Y/n) told her with a sheepish smile playing on her lips.
Regina swore that it was misty in the room all of a sudden. Her normally icy blue eyes were mellow and kind. "Okay, yeah, we'll work on it together." She said, holding out her hand. (Y/n) took it carefully, wondering if Regina would even remember this later. She wanted to say it when Regina was sober, but her thoughts were finally in one place, and the words spilled out naturally. Regina played with (Y/n)'s fingers as she danced in and out of sleep with (Y/n) in the room. While the air between them was still tense, there was a new calm that settled over the room. Regina felt more safe and comfortable with (Y/n) by her side. It almost made her forget about the corrective neck collar around her throat.
The two were fully aware forgiveness wasn't going to come overnight, nor would it be awarded just because Regina was in an accident. The two would need to work together, and when Regina felt better, there was bound to be a long discussion on the events. But, for now, (Y/n) decided it was okay to provide some temporary forgiveness as she allowed Regina to clutch her hand. The steady sound of the heart monitor beeping let (Y/n) know Regina was still there, and she fell into the same state of peace Regina was in.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 6 months
Pieces Part 2
Pairing: Azriel x Reader.
Summary: You finally confront Azriel about your feelings which ends in huge argument.
A/N: thank you to everyone who read and loved Pieces. I tried my best to make Azriel up to your expectations. I hope you all like this!
Pieces Masterlist
I stopped making efforts with Azriel.
I stopped talking to him. Stopped waking up with him to wish him goodbye at the door. Stopped asking him about his day at dinner. Even stopped waiting for him to eat. I make our lunch, eat and get out of the house. Walking until I'm sure he's gone again. Come home make dinner, eat and sleep without waiting for him.
I accepted the fact that he doesn't want me anymore.
He still kisses me goodbye though.
So I guess there is still hope but I don't want it.
I open my eyes and glance to Azriel's empty bedside. I rub my eyes, already feeling tired even though I just started my day. I havn't been getting good enough sleep lately, staying up almost every night, rethinking everything over and over again. And when I do get sleep, it's always dreamless. I always feel like I fell alseep just a minute ago. I sit up on my bed to find a note on the bedside.
Dinner at Rhys tonight.
Four plain words in Azriel's handwriting. He didn't even sign it with his name. I sigh and get up from bed. I don't want to face anyone right now. I'm too tired to put on an act of being happy. Well at least I won't have to make food.
My throat feels scratchy. I warm up a little water to relieve the soreness but it doesnt make any difference. I suddenly sneeze, covering my face and freeze after realization finally hits me. I'm sick. I groan.
Can this day get any worse?
When we arrived at the river house, I conversed with everyone for a while, catching up on everything after not seeing any of them for so long.
Feyre complemented my dress and commented on how my face looks different. I laughed a little saying that's because she hadn't seen me in so long, hoping my smile and lie seemed real enough for her to not get suspicious.
When I sneezed and coughed again, she figured I was sick and scolded me a little for coming, saying I should've stayed home and rested. I shrugged at that.
When we sat down on the table, Azriel whispered to me,"Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" To which I had kept looking away and answered,"You didn't ask." He didn't say anything else to me and neither did I to him. In fact I didn't talk to anyone much and only spoke when asked to do so the whole time.
"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Azriel questioned when we walk into our house. I hang my coat on the coat stand and remove my shoes, taking my time answering him and finally say,"As I said before, you didn't ask."
"How was I supposed to know? And you didn't even spend much time with me. You went straight to Feyre, the second we entered and didn't talk to me at all the whole night." I could hear irritation in his voice which made me clench my jaw.
I took a deep breath,"I didn't realise you missed me so much considering you were glued to Elain all night." I spit out without looking at him and walk to our bedroom.
"What do you mean by that?" He follows me.
"Nothing." I sigh not wanting to have this argument right now but, of course, he doesn't care about that.
"No, tell me." He frowned.
"You talked to Elian all night so I thought, maybe I shouldn't disturb whatever conversation you must have going on." My lips thin as I look up at him.
"I had no choice but to talk to her because you didn't talk to me and and we were the only two people left alone." He said.
"Alright. But that was tonight. What about that other days and nights you spend with her? You like her. I get it. You don't need to explain yourself." My eyes fill with unwanted tears and I look away from him. I try to get away from him but he grabs my arm to keep me there.
"Yes, I like talking to her, but I would prefer to talk to you more." He says softly. I scoff.
"Don't lie az. Do us both a favor and accept it that you like her company better. I have." I snatch my arm back and try to walk away. He still follows me.
"No. I admit I like her company but no more than yours. You are more important." He stops in front of me.
"I don't believe that." A tear falls down my face. His eyes look into mine with confusion. "I watch you with her. How happy and content you look in her presence. Everyday you come home, speak barely two words to me and go back to her again." I fold my arms on my chest and look down. "You spend the time with her that youre suppose to spend with me. You tell her the things you should tell me. Your like her. More than me."
"That's not true. My love, I like you a lot more than her. You are the most important to me." His hand wips my tears and rests on my cheek. I rip it off me. "I don't believe you." I look at him with anger.
"You tell me Azriel, when was the last time you commented on my cooking? The last time you told how I looked? When was the last time you asked me how I was doing? When was the last time you held me? The last time you truly listened to me?" His expression falls in realisation, as my questions grow. "When was the last time you told you loved me and fucking meant it?!" I breath heavy, looking at his face tilted down, eyes cast down.
"I-," He clears his throat. "I did always meant when I said I loved you."
I turn to the other side. I can't look at him. I cover my eyes and try to focus on settling down my breathing. "I think you should leave." I whisper and turn to him again.
His head snaps to mine. "No! No. No. No. Don't push me away. Please." His voice cracks and a tear falls down his eyes. "Please give me a chance to fix this. Please don't push me away." His hands on either side of me and puts his forehead against mine, eyes looking into mine filled with tears and anguish.
"You pushed me away first." I whisper, gently taking his hands off of me and his face crumbles as more tears fall down. I cry with him.
"I just need time." I watch him nod silently, wiping his face clear with his hands while stepping away from me.
"Okay. I'll be in the house of wind. Please come to me when you're ready. I want to fix this. I don't want to let you go." I nod silently, not trusting my words.
I watch him nod again and go out of the door, leaving me alone in the house we bought together. Leaving me alone for my thoughts and memories to haunt me in the dead of the night. I'll be alright though. I'll take my time to think everything through. I'll heal myself then think about giving azriel a chance to heal us.
I just need time.
Tags: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget
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azrakaban · 26 days
Theodore nott fluffy dating head canons please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Theodore Nott Headcanons <3
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Let's get right into it with some basic Theo headcanons, and then some dating ones too!
- Deffo has a Bernese Mountain dog back at home tbh, his mum loved them and got one before she died, and he loves that dog because it's all he really has left of her presence in his home
- Besties with Mattheo since they were both really little
- His mum died when he was eight, in childbirth, when giving birth to his little sister.
- his family is the Slytherin equivalent of the Weasleys, but reversed. He has four older sisters, and two younger sisters.
- Forces Mattheo to help him babysit his sisters
- Lapses into Italian when he gets tired
- Deffo sleeptalks in Italian, and when you first started dating you probably got so confused 😭
- He's really irritating when teaching you Italian, he'll throw in a word into his sentence and then make you look it up in a dictionary
- For sure loves dancing, whether or not you're good, if you're alone and there's music, call yourself Ginger Rogers
- Big fan of hand holding, he likes the feeling of having you that close.
- Hilarious when drunk, drunk words sober thoughts fr. He'll insult Draco's bleach, but then look at you and be like "Amore mio! guarda Matteo, guarda com'è bella! Aspetta, cosa stai facendo? Smettila di guardare la mia ragazza!" (My love! Look Mattheo, look how beautiful she is! Wait, stop looking at my girl!)
- Definitely a cat person besides his Bernese, and would adopt a black cat ASAP
- Would totally be an animagus, probably a black cat or a wolf
- If wolf, he'd maybe let you ride on his back. Only if he was in a good mood though.
- His music taste: Classical, specifically Beethoven, chase Atlantic, Coldplay. Guilty pleasure is Ariana Grande.
- Love language? Teaching you Italian for sure. Although does give presents randomly if he feels like it, but not too often.
- Definitely ambidextrous, and will help you write your homework. He learns how to mimic your handwriting so that if you don't feel good, he can do your homework for you
- convinced he sleeps with so many blankets that trying to find him in that MESS of a bed is impossible 😭
- actually apologises to your teddies if they fall of your bed
- reads poetry to calm down and will write it about you (you'll never see it though)
- definitely the designated driver most of the time 😭
- he's got snacks stashed all over the castle incase you two get hungry but you'll never know where he's hiding them 😭
- he has a resting bitch face until you're in the room
- queen of accidental photo bombs and there is not a single cute picture of you two no matter how
- pookie CANNOT swim. Don't even get him to try 🤡
- he's an ambivert, so mainly introverted with people he doesn't know, but is actually the clown of the group (him and Mattheo)
- He can play cello and double bass, but only plays for you if you ask
- actually the biggest hopeless romantic, Mr Darcy type shit
- Insanely good singer, and will sing to you in Italian
- good at herbology, took it for OWLS and NEWTs and became friends with Neville through it, they partner every day
- his favourite colour is navy
- Will speak Italian to Mattheo, who can speak it too, just to be funny. Like he'll be glaring at Draco and saying to Mattheo:
"So you think firewhiskey is worse than Muggle tequila?"
"Uh yeah, why are we glaring at Draco?"
"I want him to think we're shit talking him. So do you eat crackers when you drink or not?"
"No, gross. Nutella pancakes."
"Sounds... surprisingly good."
- He cannot wink, so he'll pass you a note in class and try but it looks like he's got something in his eye because both his eyes start twitching 😭
- He thinks pick up lines are shit, and won't use them. He will however ask you out politely and take you on a date or a few before he asks you to be his partner.
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Hope this is what you were looking for! Love and thanks for the request <3
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sea-of-dust · 7 months
Hello c:
can I request Akira and Ryuji with a f!s/o who is going through her period
(I'm suffering the wrath of cramps 😭)
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This is the worst....
Ryuji and Joker/Akira x Fem!Reader
Summary: you're on your period with them trying to help you
Notes: HI Hi annon!, dw I feel ya 💀 ALSO I GOT THE OTHER MESSAGE IM SORRY I MADE YOU WAIT SO LONG 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
Warnings: mentions of blood, the hell of period craps
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He has futaba he already knows what it must be like for you maybe even worse, so he brings you stuff you like in hopes you don't turn into a fire breathing dragon and spit fire (futaba)
Offers to do your homework for you or help you with it. He wants you to rest, don't stress about it too much not like he memmorised your handwriting for this exact purpose. So what if they aren't causing you that much pain you rest watch him speed run homework.
He lays his head on your stomach sometimes, this could lead to teasing unless you were actually about to make futabas story real. "Hey leave my girlfriend alone stomach" "stop qouting that!" Getting you to laugh made it worth it
He will lay with you even if you don't ask you could take a nap and wake up with him on his phone next to you. "You're awake?" Scooing over with a chipper grin on his face he shows you his phone "take a peak at this" as he shows you the video you don't notice him sneaking his arm under your torso to pull you into his chest. "Felt that" "awe" you feel him lean over you to kiss your cheek "I woulda got you this time sure of it" smiling weakly you kiss him back "not a chance"
He does cook for you during these times. The godsend of his cooking always make you forget about the pain and misfortune of these unfortunate times. "I can spoon feed you if you want" "YES"
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He looks like his brains about to explode when he learns your on your period. "Ohhh that time of the month. No biggie!" Until you didn't show up to school one day because of your cramps
He did come running to your house with pads and the plush you kept hugging when you stayed in his. "Miss l/n it's an emergency please let me stay with your daughter!" "Oh you must be Ryuji! She talks so much about you!" Her eyes water as she fondly tells him about the times you spoke about him. It was nice but what was great was sneaking away mid rant. "Y/n!" "Ryuji?!"
He takes oddly great care of you, offering you food and bringing a game with him. "You brought alot-" "well yea I didn't know what you were in the mood for so I brought everything I knew ya liked" "They're gonna last me years..." "perfect!"
Only lays next to you if you ask him to. Feels like if he moves the wrong way it'll make you uncomfortable. So when you eventually get him to lay next to you he's just a board, his mind comming up with all sorts of theories for what would happen if he even breathed wrong.
So the next day you came to school the guy was with you every step. "Ryuji your classrooms next door" "what if you pass out" "they aren't that bad worse case I end up vomiting" "what if there's no bag!" You sigh patting his shoulder "listen I'll be fine" it's gonna take the bell to ring for him to finally give in. Doesn't mean he isn't walking you home keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
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renonm · 3 months
hiii! first time sending request to anybody ever so kinda nervous haha 🫣 can I request for relationship hcs for wirth madl? my boy needs some love fr >:"( have a good day!!
A/N: thank yuw for requesting, hope you guys enjoy this:3
NOTE: gn!reader
• As a child, Wirth was met with high standards from his, therefore ignoring all these “romantic” things back then, but when he met you, it’s safe to say that you were his first.
• Obviously at first, he was in denial, why does he have such a ridiculous(romantic) interest in you??? He has tried trying to get rid of these feelings, but it keep coming back!!
• Once Shuen found out about this, he’d tease the living daylight of Wirth whenever you walked by the hallway.
• Wirth will DEFINITELY show signs of interest though, such as staring at you in class(will look away if you catch him staring.), handing out notes(even if you didn’t ask.)
• “I’m only doing this because I wanna look good and nice to get credit.”
• After being convinced by Shuen and your ‘cute-ass’ personality, he makes the move.
• “I like you.”
• Thought he was like hesitating and kept going off track, but he eventually just said it quickly, like “You better accept or else I will burn in flames. If you want. Maybe…”
• During the relationship with Wirth, he’d tease you in private. But he knows his limits to your boundaries.
• Would scold you if you ever fail an exam or forgot to submit an assignment.
• (he’s a silly lad he’ll still teach you)
• Say ‘thank you’ to him while smiling and holding his hand and he will explode, socks knocked off…
• First date? Probably a study date. Too boring? Fine, he’ll do a walk to the market with you(tries to initiate holding hands)
• Literally bats an eye at Shuen who was coincidentally(he followed them) there at the market.
• Tries to brush it off and holds your hand!!
• Would die if COINCIDENTALLY Magia Lupus is there, worse if it was Orter… Yowch….
• Still would enjoy your company, just gets embarrassed because, he can’t mess this up!!!
• In the more deeper stages of a relationship, he’ll be more comfortable on opening up to you about his problems and vice versa.
• Wirth is also the type of person to hug from behind to startle you, he’s a sucker when you smile in bewilderment.
• Would even write letters to you with his neat ass handwriting(tsk)
• VERY flirty yet loving in private.
• “I hope you can be with me for eternity.”
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justfonnsblog · 8 months
Things that you two do from the moment you started dating.
Headcannons, Izuku ft. Y/n
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There's no doubt that at first Izuku was pretty shy, but you could still feel how happy he was to now be in a relationship with you. How? By the little gestures he'd do for you.
Like buying you your favorite drink or little snack, it might not look like alot, but when he shyly walked over and gave it to you with that soft smile, it was worth way more to you.
Now that you guys have been going out for a moment, Izu got comfortable around you...Like now he's way more clingy and you think it's a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.
Not that you aren't either.
If it's not you holding onto his arm or his hand.
It's him always needing to either hold hands with you, touch your back gently or hug you everytime he sees you. It gets worse as you guys get older and his confidence grew (but anyways).
You sometimes will spoil him, just like he does with you, buying a snack or drink that you know he likes. Most likely something with All Might on it. If not some of his merchandises.
Like he has a book about heroes, he has one dedicated only to you, what you like, dislike and everything. And at first he didn't know—but now you've showed him—, you made a notebook just like his but about HIM. From his normal side to his hero. You only showed him because one day he was feeling down and bringing himself down and you wanting him to realize how great and sweet he is, showed him—with embarrassed flush— but a proud expression.
People seeing that might think you two are creepos, but you are just deep in love and so obsessed—in a cute, sweet way—that you want to remember everything about the other.
For you two, the best date is either going to study together, especially about heroes, do some spare training or simply cuddle in one of your dorms while watching a movie....Even though we both know you both are mainly focused on each other.
After a few months of dating, February arrived, you nervously holding onto the matching rings you got for both of you. You didn't know if he'd be comfortable with it. You waited till the end of Valentine's Day to talk about it to him, showing the two jade colored rings with a shaky hold.
You just don't know how important that is to him, he was extasic. Like. He always wears it, mostly forgetring to take it off every night. Always falling asleep as he looks at it with a smile, a small kiss on it as he thinks of you and have the best dreams. Especially after a long hard day.
If he's training or working, he puts it on a necklace so he always has it with him, holding you close to his heart in a way. And so do you, since the day you saw him do so. What can I say, the people you love always inspire you.
When people think that only men should give flowers to their love, you are the one who sometimes go to his dorm when he's not there and puts some flowers in his flower vase. And when he comes back, he sees it and it never fails to make him feel all bubbly and send you a small “Thank you sweetie. I love them ❤”, And the next day you find a bouquet of flower laying on your bed with a small message with his handwriting "DATE♡´・ᴗ・`♡" on it with a date and time.
It's all about the little things they say. People also say that a couple would be "awestruck" only for like a month or two, but you guys even after that are still acting like a new couple. Writing some little love notes and little doodles, and sneaking throwing it at each other during class—unless it's All Might's of course— smiling like idiots as you glance at each others before focusing back on the teacher speaking or whatever you guys where doing.
You nicknamed him in your phone “My little Broccoli🥦❤” while he has you nicknamed as “My little Sunflower❤🌻”. And that ain't gonna change, maybe to “Hubby Broccoli” and “Wifey Sunflower” as you two grow older.
Sharing is lovez right? You always share your food with him and Izuku will happily give you some of his. Even though most of the time he ends up finishing your food since he has more appetite than you. But he's a strong hero and he needs all those calories to fight and have lots of energy, so you will always gladly help him with that.
It had become a routine for Izuku to try and find a shirt to wear only to end up seeing you wearing it later that day. He doesn't mind it, on the opposite he loves seeing you in his clothes...Makes him feel like people will know that you are his. Only his.
When Deku merchandise started being sold, you were always quick to be one od the first ones to have them. And so now your rooms are full of his things, just like Midoriya with his All Might collection. Don't forget that he has your merchandises too. Not gonna lie, he might like that as much as All Might's—if not more—ahem.
When it would get cold, you two always have one long arse scarf so you both can share it and be closer to each other. And Izuku always make sure your hands are never cold by either having your hand in his pocket, holding it with his own, or by giving you his gloves if you didn't yours with you.
You might not want to admit it, but you both are a bit of clums when it comes to each other...Especially when you try to impress(at the beginning of your relationship it was the WORST). Sometimes you both get nervous and simply become a little mess and embarrass yourself instead. Either it is by saying bye and walking into a wall or door frame since you or him weren't looking at where you were going, sending a love text to his/your mother, tripping on your own feet or even messing up his or your name from being too excited or hyped about something you/he wanted to tell him/you.
He would try to go talk to Aizawa at one point so he could change place and sit by you, even if he knew the class was placed in a alphabetical order.
You are not one to spend aimlessly, until... it comes to your boyfriend. If you are out with some friends or on your own and see something you think would fit Izuku or that he'd like, without hesitation you go in and buy it.
While he will always go out of his way to buy a snack or a little something you like and give it to you directly or place it on your bed, wrapped up with a small note. Especially if you had a bad day or you are on your period. ♡
Playing with each other's hair is just so calming and comforting for both of you. You might gently play with his hair as he study or he might be found playing with yours when you're talking with your friends.
There's no stopping you two cuties.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Missing 2
Here is a silly part 2 to the silly first fic here 
Fluff, Mob Bucky is an adorable goof, this is worse than the first fic okay. I’m openly acknowledging this is ridiculous and stupid but I’m posting it anyway. 
“Why the fuck is he still here” 
Bucky narrowed his eyes, watching him carefully, hating the way he moved with such suave. Who the fuck does he think he is?! It had been days of him coming around, pretending his intentions were innocent but Bucky knew better. He had been in the game long enough to be able to read someone's character. 
There was nothing innocent about this. 
He was after his pretty baby and that wasn’t okay. 
“If you have such a problem with him, go do something about it” Sam snorted, watching the mob boss huff, shaking his head.
“I can’t just tell him to fuck off” Bucky grumbled, ready to give him the finger. “Even though he should, I don’t want him 10 feet near my princess” 
“I’m sure if you stare at him long enough, he’ll take the hint”
Bucky glared at him once more for good measure before smiling down at the purring ball of fur that pawed at his leg, demanding to be picked up. She had dragged your sweater into the room, dropping it by his feet, giving him a pointed look. 
“Hi baby” He picked up his sassy little fur baby, giving her a few kisses and scratching her head, cocking an eyebrow at her seeing the sweater she brought with her. “You miss her huh, maybe I should ask her out soon?”
“Merp” Alpine nudged her head against his chest while Sam shook his head, running a hand over his face. 
“For fucks sake, at least listen to the cat and ask her out” 
“He’s right” Steve smirked at his friend, snorting at the ridiculous sight of Bucky cooing at his cat, “Stop worrying about him and actually go ask her out”
Bucky thought for a moment, he had to do it right. You were sweet. Kind. Summer and flowers. His mind was all over the place, he couldn't stop thinking about you but would you even want to go out with someone like him? 
You sipped your tea, cozy in an oversized t-shirt and some fuzzy socks, snuggled under a blanket with your favorite tv show pulled up. You smiled sadly at the empty corner Alpine liked to snuggle in; even if she was with you for a few days, you missed her purrs and silky fur nuzzled against you. Then there was her owner. It shouldn’t have been legal for someone that attractive to have a cute white fluffy kitten, the combination of the two overloaded all your senses. Your mind continuously bounced between the both of them, not sure who you wanted to snuggle with more. Both with the same mischievous blue eyes and sassy attitude to match. You blinked hearing the doorbell ring; no one ever visited you at this hour. Then it rang again. 
You ran to your door, abandoning your tea and Netflix, squealing when you saw your sweet little fur baby sitting in a basket of red roses, a small note tucked onto the side. She hopped out of the basket and into your arms, nudging her nose onto yours. 
“Now how did you get here baby” you giggled, looking up to see a flustered Bucky on your drive way, waiting hopefully for you to read the note. You pulled the note out, smiling at the beautiful handwriting, biting back a smile as you read. 
Thank you for taking such good care of me, I missed you. I sleep in your sweater every single night. I wanted to see you again. 
PS: Will you go out on a date with my daddy?
You grinned, feeling your face heat up, looking up at the blushing mob boss. He made his way over while you kept Alpine tucked in your arms; the ball of fur making a show of snuggling in your hold. Bucky shook his head at his cat’s antics; if only he was as adorable as she was. 
“Sorry” Bucky blushed sheepishly, his heart racing when you took the basket of flowers and invited him inside. “I-I didn’t get to properly thank you for taking care of Alpine” 
“I was happy just to look after her” You smiled, feeling giddy over the fact that he was in your house again. “But I’d love to go out with you” 
That was all he needed to hear, kissing your cheek before leaving, his mind already thinking about where to take you. 
“I’ll see you soon doll” 
Bucky made sure he gave you the sweetest date possible, taking you out to a quiet diner where he spent the evening looking at you with heart eyes. His heart fluttered over your sweetness and he had to mentally restrain himself from cupping your cheeks and kissing you every time you looked at him. What the hell was wrong with him. 
The first date turned into a second date. Then a third. Most recently, he invited you over so he could make you brunch and eat in the large patio in his garden. Bucky’s heart started tp leap again, looking at his pretty doll set out strawberries on a plate and carrying a jug of lemonade.  He didn’t know what to do with himself when you brought him flowers from your flower shop to brighten his home, he already knew he was going to keep that bouquet preserved forever. 
You both finished eating, curled up on Bucky’s couch for some cuddles, his hand softly stroking your hair, stopping abruptly when he saw movement by the window. You sat up when you felt his body stiffen, looking up to see him staring at someone through the window. 
“Fuck, he’s back again” His chest rumbled against you, moving you over as he stalked to the window, frowning. 
“Who” You couldn’t see anyone from where you were sitting, nearly collapsing on the floor when you joined Bucky’s side. Now you knew exactly where Alpine learned her dramatics. 
“Him” Bucky growled at a stray black cat that slinked around his garden, purring as soon as his green eyes landed on Alpine who was basking near the windowsill. 
“It’s a cat Bucky”
“That’s not a cat, that’s a punk” He narrowed his eyes at the cat while he sauntered over, his tail swishing about, gracefully hopping on the ledge, his nose nudging against the glass, right where Alpine sat. “She’s too good for you”
“Oh my god” You wheezed, shaking your head while Steve walked by, stopping when he saw Bucky by the window. It had become a weekly occurrence, he was used to the scene before him, not that it was ever any less ridiculous. 
“Is he beefing with the cat again” Steve snorted while you burst out laughing, looking at Bucky staring off with the cat, his precious baby tucked in his arms. 
“Does this happen often?”
“Mhm, has he given him the finger yet?” 
“Shut up Steve” 
“He just wants a home, I think it’s sort of sweet” You nudged Bucky while he shook his head. Your heart melted, looking at Alpine trying to wiggle out of Bucky’s hold, inching towards the black cat that sat outside who was peering into the warm house. 
“I don’t trust him” 
“C’mon, he’s a little like you” Bucky frowned at you while you giggled, cupping his  face, pulling him down to kiss his lips, smiling when you felt him melt into your hold, his hands coming down to hold your waist. “He’s just a little misunderstood. Handsome on the outside and sweet on the inside”
Bucky’s ears perked up, a smirk dancing on his lips, pulling you closer. 
“You think I’m handsome and sweet?” 
“Bucky!” You rolled your eyes, “That’s what you got from what I just said?” You squeaked when he lifted you in his arms, carrying you off to his room, deciding he’d deal with the punk outside later. There were more important things that required his attention. 
“We have all night, tell me more my pretty doll” 
A few years later *
“I told you Alp would be with the groomsmen” Sam grinned, holding the white ball of fluff while Steve stood by Bucky. Alpine purred, a large silky bow replacing her collar. 
“That’s only because y/n has Bucky jr. on her side” The black cat purred in your best friends arms, his green eyes blinking at Alpine and then at Bucky, a little bowtie around his neck. 
“She named him Toothless, not Bucky Jr” Bucky groaned, shaking his head at the green eyes that blinked at him, he may have given into you adopting him but he still didn’t fully trust his intentions. 
“You love him” You giggled at your soon to be husband, waiting for his lips to press onto yours, ready to start a new chapter together along with your fur babies. 
“Hm, not as much as I love you” He whispered, pulling you into his arms as soon as he’s told he can kiss the bride, pouring every ounce of his love into the kiss. 
Who would have thought his little fur baby going on an adventure would bring him the greatest love of his life. 
*Of course when he does propose to you, there’s basically two proposals. One is perfect, romantic, intimate. Just the two of you, his sweet words, soft kisses. It was beautiful and you loved it but he already had your heart when you first feel 4 little paws on the bed earlier that day, a wet nose nudging you awake. There’s a new note attached to her collar, not a whole lot written on it but the few words bring tears to your eyes. 
Will you be my mama? 
To which you immediately say yes and gasp when you see a little ring on Alpine’s collar. Bucky smiles by the door, striding over to pull you into his lap, his heart filling with warmth when you attack him with 100′s of kisses. 
Alpine purrs proudly; she always knew you’d be the perfect mommy for her daddy. 
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toournextadventure · 2 years
Could I request a story thats Wednesday with a reader who drinks a lot of coffee and barely ever sleeps, and so she tries to convince them to sleep but they dont so reader ends up fainting in front of her and enid and Wednesday is really worried and at the end reader finally sleeps and theres fluff
Hell yeah, bestie, I feel this on a spiritual level. Coffee is the devil's drink, yet I indulge shamelessly ✌🏻😙
too much coffee
Midterms were going to kill you. There was no possible way you were going to survive. You had done the one thing you had sworn you wouldn’t do (pretend you didn’t need to study) and Wednesday had offered to help (you said no) and now you were on day three of no sleep. Times were tough enough, but Wednesday couldn’t introduce her parents to her highschool failure girlfriend! The Addams family was beyond accepting, but this? It would be unacceptable.
On the other side of the library, Wednesday watched you sit back down with another cup of coffee. It had to have been your fifth one of the night, if her counting was correct. Which it was. If you had just accepted her rare offer of help, you wouldn’t be stuck with more coffee than your body could handle.
She watched you as you finished your cup. Watched the way your hands were unusually shaky, causing your handwriting to come out looking worse than Pugsly’s. The way you should shake your head after staring at a page for too long; were you trying to clear the haze of caffeine from your mind?
She waited until you had emptied your cup before walking over to you.
“You need sleep,” Wednesday said. You jumped; it was a good thing your mug was empty.
“Jesus christ, Wednesday,” you huffed. “A warning would’ve been nice.”
“Go home,” she said, leaving absolutely no room for argument.
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” you said with a shake of your head.
You looked up at her with furrowed brows, and Wednesday had to bite her tongue to stop herself from taking it back. She knew how you worked; you were a snarky asshole until she asked nicely. If she took it back now, you would go back to being snarky. It was humiliating to have to resort to such niceties, but when you looked like you were on death’s doorstep, she would swallow her pride.
“I’ll sleep after my exam tomorrow morning,” you said with a soft smile. “I promise.”
“Not a moment later.” Wednesday didn’t tell you goodbye as she left the library. She didn’t want you to know that she was concerned for you.
Now she just needed to make sure Enid wasn’t losing her mind about her own midterms.
The exam had been a cakewalk. Not only had you known nearly all of the answers, but you knew the bonus questions too. You were so going to ace it. Okay, maybe you would get a B, but it was still passing! There was a new swagger in your step as you walked out of class and started heading to the cafeteria.
You were going to treat yourself to a nice hot cup of coffee.
“Your dorm is in the other direction.”
Aw man.
You turned around slowly, praying to whatever gods existed that you were just hearing things. But then you saw Wednesday standing behind you, arms crossed over her chest and a look that you had definitely seen far too many times.
“Hello, dearest,” you said with a small smile.
She did not smile back, even though her face was a little twisty. Was she moving around?
“Go get some sleep,” Wednesday demanded. How can someone so short be so bossy?
“I’m just getting myself a little treat,” you said as you gestured your thumb behind you. At least you thought you did. Were things spinning?
“Hey guys!” Enid called, running up to where you were both standing. “How did your exam go?”
“Don’t encourage her.” Wednesday turned her body to face Enid.
They started talking, saying things that you really couldn’t understand. Surely they were still speaking English, right? That was your common language, was it not? So why did they sound so funny? And why was everything spinning? And why was everything going dark? And why-
-you were out cold before you hit the ground.
Whatever you were laying on was extremely comfortable. It was soft and fluffy and warm. Was it heaven? Were you in heaven? Oh god, your mother was right, too much coffee would kill you. You had wasted your last few days on earth studying for a stupid exam that didn’t even matter!
“Don’t even think of moving.”
Oh no. No, you weren’t in heaven, you were in hell and Wednesday Addams was your grim reaper.
The struggle to open your eyes was more intense than Prometheus stealing the fire from Zeus. It was like your eyes were sealed shut and would rather kill you than open. But when they opened and the migraine hit you like a ton of bricks, you understood; they weren’t trying to fight you, they were trying to protect you.
“What happened?” You asked; god, you sounded like you smoked two packs of cigarettes a day.
“You fainted,” Wednesday said. Everything was hazy, but her voice came from your right. “Enid helped me carry you to your room.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but the look you could finally see on Wednesday’s face was enough to shut you up. In the privacy of your room, with no one to see, she looked concerned. It was in the furrow of her brows, the tightly pressed lips, the slightest twitch of her fingers.
Wednesday Addams was concerned.
Without hesitation, you moved over on the bed to make room. She stared at you for a moment until you patted the now-empty spot. There was a hesitancy in her movements, but she finally came and laid down beside you. Her back was to you, but that was okay; you pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her waist.
“Please sleep,” Wednesday said softly. She would only ever talk this softly to you when she wasn’t looking at your face.
“Only if you sleep with me,” you answered even though you could already feel yourself falling back asleep. “My roommate won’t be back for a few more hours.”
“If she sees us, I’ll kill her,” Wednesday threatened even as she backed up closer to you.
“I would expect nothing less,” you said. You leaned forward and left a small kiss on the back of her neck, and you felt her interlock your fingers before you both fell asleep. You should faint more often if it meant Wednesday would cuddle and sleep with you.
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Porcelain Steve - Part 6
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
Even though he's expecting company, Eddie still jumps and yelps when his front door flies open without so much as a knock, revealing Dustin and Will.
"I know I said to let yourselves in, but a warning knock would have been nice," Eddie shoots them a glare, not bothering to stand from the couch where he'd been pretending to watch whatever terrible daytime movie was playing.
"Sorry," Will apologizes sheepishly while Dustin just laughs.
"Which of your moms dropped you off? If it's Claudia, I'm filing a complaint about how you were raised."
"Har har," Dustin says, swinging his backpack off and knelling down to unzip and dig into it. "We biked here."
"Lucky you, then. The complaint will wait."
Dustin wrestles a blanket from his backpack. Unwrapping it reveals Steve, hair rumpled but otherwise unharmed. "Alright. Delivered safely. We gotta go meet El and Mike now but we'll see you on Saturday, right?"
Eddie sets Steve on the couch, angled towards the TV. "Yeah. I get the feeling if I don't show for the barbeque that Joyce will show up here and drag me there by my ear."
"She would," Will confirms with an easy shrug. The boys turn to leave before Will exclaims, "Oh! Almost forgot!" before digging into his pocket for something, turning around to give it to Eddie.
"El and Steve spoke again. He had a lot of things to say. I spent a good portion of the last three days writing down everything as El repeated it to me. This is your letter," he says, having successfully pulled out what looked to be a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.
"Oh," Eddie takes it, and realizes it's not just one folded piece of paper, but three. "Wow."
"Seems you are Steve's second favorite," Dustin grins at him from the doorway.
"You are first, I assume?"
"No. Robin is. She got five pages."
That tracks, actually. Eddie's not surprised Robin got the most pages.
Soon enough, the boys are off and Eddie returns to the couch, pulling his legs up to sit crisscross. "Alright, Stevie, let's see what you have to say."
He unfolds the pages completely and is met with Will's now familiar penmanship scrawled across the sheets of wide rule paper that has clearly been ripped from a composition notebook. He's seen Will's handwriting plenty over this last year, quickly scribbling notes during DnD sessions and on the little item cards Will makes himself to hand out when he DMs.
Will's handwriting isn't always the neatest, but this looks like Will took time, wanted his writing to be legible. Flipping through the papers he sees it is two pages, front and back, of a letter, and the third page is a list of questions in a different, neater handwriting. He gets the feeling that Will probably didn't paraphrase anything. How many people got letters? How much of Will and El's time was devoted to doing just this?
Eddie feels emotional over this, misty-eyed and a lump in his throat, and he hasn't even read the damn letter yet.
"Shit, Stevie, do you even realize how loved you are?" Eddie asks out loud, turning to look at Porcelain Steve like he might answer him this time. Blank hazel eyes stare forward. Eddie shakes his head, to clear away his thoughts, and gets to reading. Not out loud, because he doesn't want Steve to hear how wet his voice will sound.
I guess the first thing I want to say is thank you. I was kind of freaking out when I first woke up like this. It was calming, that day on the lawn, after Robin and Nancy found me. You were so chill and just chatted my ear off like you would have if I were, like, there. I mean, there there and not like, doll-there, if you get what I mean.
Shit, man, being stuck like this would have been a hell of a lot worse without you, I'm certain. Everyone's been great, of course, and, like, no offense meant, Will and El, but you act most normal. Helps me feel, well, I don't know how, exactly. Describing emotions is not something I'm like, good at. Robin's great, too, but she catastrophizes, you know? And since I can't speak back, she can get herself pretty worked up about this and I hate that. Hate that I can't do anything to help her.
Shit. This isn't your issue. Don't include that. No, wait, do. Sorry, El. (It is here, off in the margin, that Will has added 'I wrote everything word for word. Enjoy the asides to El and me.) Hanging out with you helps her, I think. She seems less anxious on days we spend with you. So, I guess, I also want to thank you for that. For being there for Robin when I can't.
Eddie has to pause there because he had no idea. Robin has been a grounding force for him this whole time. He had no idea he was doing the same for her. She never said, or let on... well, that was probably her goal and now Steve's spilled the beans.
This is getting easier to say, even if I still don't know how to feel about the other two people who are going to be privy to everything said, or I guess from your end, written here. (Here, Will has transcribed a conversation they seemed to have had in the middle of writing this up.) Oh. He means us. - El Yes. Don't worry Steve, we'll do our best to forget everything you've said once it's written down. - Will Steve laughed and says thanks. - El I appreciate that but- well, being honest there's some things I want to say but I don't want anyone else to hear. Those conversations are better left face to face, anyway. So, uhh, what else did I want to say?
Oh! Yeah, I told Robin she could drive around the Bimmer, so she can have a car while I'm- so she doesn't have to bike everywhere but knowing her she probably won't take me up on that offer. Maybe you can talk her into it? Or, maybe she'll be willing to drive your van around and you can take the bimmer.
"Jesus, Stevie, can't you just be okay with existing?" Eddie says it under his breath and tenses instantly. For a moment, he forgot that Steve was right there on the couch with him, could hear him. Now he has to explain himself because Steve's already heard, and without the context of how Eddie really means those words, they can sound judgmental. "Shit. Sorry. I just read the part about your car and, dude, you just don't know how to not try and be helpful, huh? I bet it's destroying you on the inside that you can't do anything. But Steve, you gotta know, we don't care about you because you're useful."
Steve, of course, can't reply, so Eddie goes back to the letter.
Uh, what else was there? Oh! Yeah! I don't get migraines here. Or, in this body? Or, whatever it is. I haven't had one since this happened. Also, no hearing issues. Though I find myself wishing to be completely deaf sometimes. I get that Max can listen to Kate Bush for a week straight, but I'd like a little variety. God, what I wouldn't give to listen to the Top 40 again. Don't say anything, Munson. I can already see your judgmental face at my music taste. Unlike you, I have the ability to like multiple types of music. The Top 40 AND that one song from, uhh, shit. Might not have migraines or hearing issues at the moment, but the memory is still as it was. Which means it is shit. That one song by that metal band where their name sounds like it's metal? You know who I mean. (In the margin, Will has just written five little question marks in a row ?????)
"The band you were thinking of, it's Metallica," Eddie says.
Not important. But, uh, the reason for telling you this. I was hoping you might smuggle me to a show the next time your band plays at the Hideout? Last time I tried to go it was too loud and gave me a migraine, you remember, but I think that I could listen to your whole show like this. We might as well take advantage of the perks of this shit situation, right? So, uh, I wouldn't mind if you did that. Or, like, had Robin or someone else bring me. Whichever.
Actually, wait, I lied, I do care which way. I've already had them pen down Robin's letter, so you'll have to pass this on, but I want Robin to take me. So, I can also watch the show, not just listen. That was the part I liked most, when I went last time, before I had to leave. Wait. Scratch that. Ask Argyle. Other than you, he seems like the only person willing to be caught holding me in public, mostly because I don't think he even knows how to be embarrassed. Jesus that was such a weird sentence to say. Holding me in public. Such a weird thing to experience, too.
Uh, anyway, I think that's it for now. Thanks for everything, Eddie.
"I think you're handling this loss of bodily autonomy rather well, Steve. This letter is a lot more positive than the one I would have written if our roles were reversed," Eddie says with a sigh. He can't help but wonder what Steve would have said in this letter if it hadn't had to be filtered through two teenagers first.
He looks to the last page, the list of questions, and is surprised to see that, mixed in with questions about which sports team is winning (he is not going to watch Sportsball for Steve. There has to be a line drawn somewhere and this is it. He will ask Wayne about it later and hate the glee he sees in his uncle's eyes because now he's going to have to pretend to like sports for the unforeseeable future) and for honest updates about their friends are questions about Eddie's campaign that he's rambled on about since Steve can't escape. Steve wants spoilers, wants to know what Eddie has planned.
Steve has actually been listening. He'd been operating on the assumption Steve just tunes him out when he gets going, unable to stop his brain to mouth filter when it comes to talking about Dungeons and Dragons and his current campaign.
"I'm at your list of questions now. I can't answer anything about sports, and don't think I'm unaware of how you asked me and not Lucas. I see what you are doing and I'm not going to fall for it. So, your first non-sportsball question here; How is Dustin doing, really? Well, that's a whole thing but overall, okay."
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nonotnolan · 1 year
Rookie Mistake
“Yeah, I realized the other day that, like... I’ve spent the last five Sunday afternoons, like, completely blacked out,” he said, rubbing his hands as he spoke.  Dave, our next door neighbor, was telling my mother why he didn’t host his normal Saturday night party yesterday.  I had to admit I was not expecting that answer.  “I didn’t even think I had been drinking that much, but like... why else would that happen, y’know?"
Well, I knew exactly why he had been blacked out the past five Sundays-- I’d been using the spellbook I found in the attic to slip into his smoking hot body.  Look at his chest, can you blame me?  Dude has shoulders for days.  I’d hop into his body when my mom and her husband went out on their date night, and then I would download Grindr to score a few casual hookups with some eager twinks.  Being home from college over the summer sucked, and Dave’s body helped make it suck less.  It was a victimless crime-- or so I had thought.  
Honestly, I hadn’t even thought about what Dave would remember whenever I hopped into his body.  Total rookie mistake, but it could have been a lot worse.  As long as I stayed out of his body, his blackouts would stop, and no one would be any the wiser.  Dave excused himself and went back inside his house, while Mom and I finished up bringing the groceries inside.  Hopefully I didn’t look too guilty.
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I took the spellbook down off my shelf, and pulled up Google translate again-- the damn thing was written in Latin.  The good news is that all of the spells were illustrated, so it was usually pretty clear what each spell would do.  The bad news is that a lot of the rules were written in small, cursive handwriting that the computer couldn’t read when photographed.  I was making decent headway translating word by word, but it was... tedious, to say the least.  Can you blame me for getting impatient?
The astral form spell I’d been using to possess Dave hadn’t said anything about memory loss, but I had also stopped translating after three paragraphs.  I’d already learned the important pieces, or so I had thought.  You can’t travel more than a quarter mile away from your body without risking permanent separation, your astral form could be blocked by wards or captured by soul snares, whatever the hell those were... and then the spell started talking about how it was really good for spying on your enemies.  Wouldn’t something like target memory loss be important enough to mention earlier?  I was livid, but it was ultimately my mistake for using a spell that I hadn’t fully translated.
I’d only made it through another half-paragraph before I got interrupted by a knock on my door.  “Sweetie, I just wanted to let you know that it’s just me going out tonight,” Mom said.  “Henry isn’t feeling well, so he’s going to stay behind and rest up, okay?  I know I don’t have to worry about you staying quiet for him while he sleeps.  See you tonight!”
I could scarcely maintain my excitement as I waited for the sound of my mother locking the front door.  Henry, my step-father, was a delicious otter of a man.  I hadn’t even considered the thought of taking over his body, but how could I resist an opportunity handed to me on such a silver platter?  And if he was planning on sleeping anyway, the memory loss issue didn’t matter!  Translating the rest of the spell could wait, I needed to seize this opportunity before it slipped away.  I made sure to clear off my bed, and position myself in a neutral posture before casting the spell-- the first time I used the spell and returned to my body, the crick in my neck took three days to fully heal.  Once my astral form had separated itself from my body, I flew as fast as I could to Henry’s sleeping form.
After all... just look at this man.  Henry is... he’s like gay candy.  Any time the three of us go out together, I don’t think he realizes how many skinny dudes can’t look away from him.  And for the next few hours, that would be me.  God, it was such a rush to think about that.  Can you blame me for getting excited?  Aside from the occasional dress pant, Henry never really wore anything that would display his bulge, so I wasn’t sure what sort of equipment I would be working with, but... now that it was in my hands, I was not disappointed.  So that was a ten minute detour.  I’m only human, after all.
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My next order of business was to take some raunchy selfies and send them to my phone for some, uhh... future me time.  The problem was that the only rooms in the house with good lighting were also the rooms where Mom had already redecorated Henry’s house with floral wallpaper.  Seeing that in the background was just a total boner kill.  I’d have to use my room for photos.  I try to avoid seeing my lifeless body whenever I can-- it’s kind of unsettling-- but in this case, it was worth the discomfort.
I figured Henry’s strength would be more than enough to carry my body down to the living room couch, only... when I opened my door, the bed was empty.  The pit of my stomach sank to the floor as I stared at the impression in my bed sheets, the only remaining sign that my body had previously been resting there.  I started taking deep breaths, running my hands across my new chest fur as I tried to calm down.  If the astral form spell was going to cause my body to disappear, it would have happened before today.  The first step was probably to search the rest of the house, just in case anything else had been displaced.
I found my body outside, shirtless, smoking a cigarette on the patio.  He had to have heard me-- I certainly wasn’t quiet as I flung upon the back door-- but he didn’t even bother to look up at me.
“Who are you, and what are you doing in my body?” I said, trying to puff out Henry’s chest for maximum intimidation.
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My body responded by blowing a cloud of smoke into my face.  “Get over yourself,” he said, taking another long drag.  “You grabbed my spellbook out of my attic, turned the next door neighbor into a meat suit, and now you have the gall to pretend that you’re the victim here?”
I tried to think of some sort of witty comeback, but my brain had completely frozen up.  “I... Henry?  Is that you in there?  What are you doing?”
“Watching you fall for the world’s most obvious trap,” he said, lording over me with a smug grin on his face.  He had me dead to rights, and we both knew it.  “Your mother hadn’t even finished pulling out of the driveway, and your horny ass was already trying to take over my body.  Good thing I had already started my own astral form before she left.  Mind you, I have ways of keeping unwanted spirits out of my body... but then we wouldn’t be having this delightful conversation, would we?
“Consider yourself busted,” he said, snuffing out the cigarette on the patio table.  “You’re going to spend the night here, pretending to be me while keeping to yourself under the guise of feeling sick.  I’m going to take your body out for a joyride tonight, same as you did to Dave.  We’ll switch back in the morning.  No funny business, or you’ll learn first hand why I no longer need to use a spellbook to cast magic.”
“Y-yes, sir,” I said, nodding my head.  Seeing Henry inside of my lanky body with his arms crossed, it looked catty rather than intimidating.  All the same, I was not about to try and mess with him any further.  Better to take the L here.  “Hey, uhh... after tonight’s punishment... do you... do you think you could teach me how to use that spellbook?”
Henry paused, sizing me up and down with his eyes before speaking.  “Me, teaching you?  After a rookie mistake like this?  Not on your life.”
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muffinsin · 4 months
I'm so happy you responded :D (and that you write platonic fics , I like romance but platonic is something I'll love forever❤️)
If possible can you do maybe how the sisters would react to their mother adopting a human kid??
Like they come injured and orphaned to work at their castle and alcina is like "this is my child now" and whips her away.
I feel like Cassandra would be the most protective out of the 3 and just carry her with her wherever and bela would make sure she's eating and drinking, maybe teach her to read and write . And Daniela would just play with her all day long while reading her favourite stories .
I love all of your fics and Im sorry if this is too long or just not your cup of tea . Absolutely feel free to ignore this . I hope you have a good day 😊💞
Ofc! :) I try to respond to every inbox noti! (Even if stuff occasionally gets lost in the inbox🙇‍♀️), I can’t blame you at all XD I love writing pretty much all types of things, but platonic is such a sweet and pure type of writing🙌 So happy to hear you like my works! :) Have a good day too hon! This was so cute, I had to pull it to the front of my WIP list🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Absolutely, this is adorable! Let’s get into it :)
You catch Bela’s eye immediately, from the moment you enter the castle halls
Your heartbeat is far too quick, far too weak for it to be suitable for work
However, she originally assumes you’re an ill maid. Not a child
Her surprise, therefore, is large when she swarms to you to separate you from the group and label you as a reject
Yet, she finds no one on eye level
Not even on cleavage level
She looks down to see you, a child of small size, look up at her with wide, terrified eyes
What? How did you get here?
She crouches down, for once uncaring as she gives up her usually so intimidating posture
Bela finds herself surprised when she sees tears welling in your little eyes, then feels small arms wrap around her
For a moment, she looks like a deer in the headlights
Still, she knows what she must do. And as such she picks you up effortlessly, a not so subtle grimace on her face as you cough nearly into her ear
She brings you to Alcina, who promises to take care of you and the matter of your sudden appearance
Now, when Bela peeled you off her while you were clinging like a koala, she did not expect to find herself as your sister
However, this was exactly what Alcina announced a couple of days later after some careful consideration
Truly, she thought she would take the news worse. Whenever she thought of another sibling, she mentally rolled her eyes
Another one to share Mother’s attention with…
Another to Shepard…
However, Bela feels an instant bond with you. What’s one more younger sibling?
She’s incredibly maternal with you, as she was and still is with her sisters
Bela takes care of you the majority of the day, and you overall spend the most amount of time with her, out of your new sisters
She ensures you eat and is curious to find out what can all sate your appetite
Are you picky? Are you willing to try all out once? Do you like vegetables? Do you prefer meat? Bela is the one to find all of this out first
She has absolutely had to prevent her sisters from feeding you blood in the past, however
She knows enough of humans to know they are not supposed to eat blood, at least
Your eldest sister teaches you to read and write early on, and proves to be surprisingly patient with it
She reads to you and encourages you to try as well, so that in no time you’re capable of reading easy, short stories the two of you have come up with
She has pristine handwriting, and as she teaches you, she ensures at least one of her siblings picks up on this
With Bela, you often pick up fancy words and phrases, which you in time like to repeat to your mama later on, who always praises you for your ever growing vocabulary
Really, Bela is mainly the reason your vocabulary is so vast
However, one thing your sister makes sure of, evidently more than your other sisters, is not to swear in front of you
Aside from your mama, Bela is the one teaching you manners the most
She teaches you early on to use your words to get what you want
With her, you learn the art of subtle things
Such as subtly intimidating people, or, in time, insulting people without having them notice it, even
She teaches you to influence others in order to gain what you want
This, ironically, usually doesn’t work on her
But your mama and Daniela? It works perfectly as an alternative to your puppy eyes
Asides from all these aspects, Bela loves to keep you with her while she works
She often enough pulls you to her lap to cuddle while she fills out paperwork, a warm smile on her face when you show her the drawing you’ve been working on
Your sister and mother share this, it seems
Upon learning she gets a new sibling, she isn’t exactly thrilled
She loves her sisters incredibly much, this is undeniable
But another sibling? She fights for her Mother’s attention so as it is already!
However, upon meeting you properly, you’ve immediately got her wrapped around your little finger the second you walk up to her and give her sickle a curious yank
Immediately, she smirks
Oh, yes, she likes you
Cassandra loves to spend her time with you
Mainly because she knows you’re completely in awe of her, and she loves it
She wants to prove that she can be a role model, too
She’s incredibly protective of you. No one is allowed to get close to you without her there
And even if someone is there, Cassandra makes it perfectly clear that you’re a Dimitrescu and are to be respected as such
So what if your tiny frame and soft cheeks are so damn adorable?
If she catches even a single maid fussing over you, an example is made out of her
Cassandra picks you up whenever she sees you
You’re so tiny to her, and she makes sure to be careful with you. She knows best how fragile humans are
However, not once has she hurt you, even accidentally
Your older sister takes perfect care of you, and you love to spend time with her
Out of all the things Cassandra teaches you, one of them is to stand up for yourself
While Bela teaches you to ask for what you want, your other sister takes a different approach;
She teaches you to take what you want. As her sibling, you’re a Dimitrescu. As such, you are entitled to things
What you aren’t given, you can take
She demonstrates this plenty, and even as you often see her consume blood or even cut the maids and scare them openly, you never find yourself being afraid of her
At first, this catches Cassandra off guard
She was so worried she’d scare you because you’re so young
But being scared of your sister? What a silly thought. Even as she is covered in blood from head to toe, you grin as you urge your little legs to bring you to her and jump up into her arms
Cassandra is the one to teach you how to protect yourself incredibly early on
Because she knows how fragile and weak most humans are, she refuses to let you become such
She play fights with you a lot, and allows you to watch her train
She notices early on that you seem to have taken a liking to watching her train especially
You could giggle and sit in awe for hours as she moves effortlessly
Her hits on the dummy are powerful, and you awe whenever she accidentally slices into it with her sickle
Often, she trains with you, though. Small, easy things. Nothing that could get you injured
You’re taught how to keep your footing and stand your ground even with unsteady, little legs
This in particular comes in handy when your mama attempts to lift you off the floor to put you in the bath, yet you don’t feel like it
Often you pull a concentrated frown as you stick in place as though glued to the floor
Whenever you tell your sister of this, she smirks proudly, which in turn has you feel proud
However, even as Cassandra helps and encourages you with every little thing you want, even she has her limits
You are not to go hunting with her outside of the tiny, secluded area that she knows is safe
Unlike your sisters, you aren’t allowed to venture further into the forest yet
And while you sometimes whine about this, your complains are often shut down when Cassandra agrees to tell you stories of her triumphs
Often you ask her to sit by your side in bed and tell you a bedtime story of how she took down all sorts of prey
Alcina only smiles fondly whenever her middle child adds factors that didn’t quite happen
She never corrects Cassandra, though, and only praises her when you fall asleep midway through her stories
When she does take you hunting, you are to stick close to her side. And you always do. And Cassandra always keeps you safe
There has never been a close call with your older sister right by your side, and so you are often allowed to go with her, a toy bow and a stick for a knife in your hand as you watch her hunt and try to copy her movements
Funnily enough, such moments lead to your success at hunting much, much later in your life
She is in a mix of emotions and thoughts when Alcina tells everyone a new sibling is joining the family
On one hand, she doesn’t want to give up her title as the youngest sister. The baby of the family. The one to get away with everything
She’s grown so very comfortable in her role
Even before she meets you, Daniela is jealous. Why must you take this all from her?
Will she still be mama’s favourite? After all, now you will be the baby of the family
She doesn’t feel ready to become a middle child. She’s not ready to be more mature than she wants to be
Instead, Daniela just wants to keep living her fantasy life with no worries whatsoever
Alcina, of course, notices her youngest- no, second youngest’s- distress even before introducing you
She reassures, nothing will change for Daniela, other than having another sibling. She will still be loved just as much, there is no need being jealous and trying to fight for attention
As such, her feelings of jealousy and annoyance are replaced with adoration when she meets you
You’re so tiny! And so- human
She can’t help but hug you immediately. She’s very careful with you, and grins when you smile up at her
Daniela spoils you endlessly
You know to find her when you want candy (even after or just before dinner!) or a special treat
She can’t ever say no to you. You’re just so cute!
She’s your older sister, but she’s also your partner in crime
It starts by teaching you the ways of one of her most powerful weapon; her trusted puppy eyes
She assures you, those will make all of Mama’s resolves fade away
Whether it’s about getting a new toy or attention, extra time before bed or favours, the puppy eyes come in clutch
While yours are excellent already, Daniela helps you perfect them
Additionally, she is always up for playing games
No matter the time, your sister always jumps at the idea of playing
She especially likes to play chase with you, though, and even makes sure to slow down to ensure you’re able to run a little longer, or at least stand a chance at catching her
She also loves to play hide and seek together
The only problem? Both of you are by far too good at hiding, and not quite as good at seeking
Often, you must convince one of your older sisters to join in and seek
Bela has offered to do this multiple times as a way to ensure you and Daniela stay out of trouble while she gets some work done
Daniela loves playing pretend with you, too
She has so many toys, and she’s willing to share them all with you!
Often, you have sword fights with sticks or race the castle to find the hidden treasure hidden by one of your other sisters
Daniela is incredibly close to you, as are you to her
She loves to cuddle with you, and uses any excuse to be able to do so. You’re so tiny and warm, just like a teddy bear
Often, the two of you curl up in a corner in the library
With snacks, drinks and blankets surrounding you, you love to lean against her as she reads fairytales to you
While Bela also enjoys to read, you fine Daniela’s reading by far more entertaining, though. Mainly for the fact that she brings the characters in the stories to life
She loves to giggle along with you as you read, and often encourages you to try reading a small passage yourself
When you do, she always praises you and makes it a point to tell Alcina how your reading’s improving
You know, as with Bela and Cassandra, you can always count on Daniela
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badchoicesworld · 11 months
hello there! i just found your blog and i love your writing for hobie, so i’d like to request another thing for him.
would you mind doing something about a transmasc vigilante reader who tags along with hobie on patrols and late night hangouts? hobie and the reader could diy their own costumes together :) maybe reader is black cat, another spiderperson, or whatever you want to come up with. thanks in advance, and i’ll probably request again soon!
hobie brown with a transgender, vigilante reader (ftm)
RAAHH thank you so much :]
i chose for the reader to be another spidersona, probably anarchist and super cool, hope this is okay! let me know if not
warnings: unsafe binding (there’s a warning ahead)
pairing: hobie brown x transmasc!reader
requests: open ! PLEASE
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for you and hobie to get along so well and hang out outside of missions n such, i imagine you’re a spider-man who rejected miguel’s “invitation” to spider society. this is what might have led to you becoming a vigilante who’s occasionally recruited by spider society after some begging- or you’ve just been a vigilante from day one in your dimension.
but ! who’s likely to notice such a person? hobie, obviously. you two become menaces and no one looks forward to being in a room with you. hobie destroys their faith in the constitution while you’re reinforcing everything
during missions, you make a hell of a team ! there’s somehow this real nonchalant feeling to the atmosphere even if you’re punching down baddies
banter, plenty of it back and forth while swinging about and fighting for ur life
probably makes fun of your form or something playfully, makes a comment or two about a punch you’ve thrown “you call tha’ a punch?” “Naaah, nahnahnahnahnah. watch this,” probably does worse let’s be honest, throws the dirties punch known to man but it does the trick
you’re more stealth while hobie’s way more out there, style n all that
hobie dropping in on some operation to take down the big baddies while shredding away at his electric guitar, meanwhile he’s able to see you picking off people from vantage points
whenever you’ve gotta wait about for some patrols or just observe for a night, you two will find some sorta rooftop to perch on top of and patrol from there. but the view kills
you two probably have a sort of routine: completing missions together for the spider society, hobie then tags along for some vigilante work, then you both kick back at his place once the days come to an end
chill night consists of hobie subconsciously strumming at a note occasionally on his guitar while you talk about whatever together
a lot of complaining about the institution, probably how much miguel fucking sucks
depending on ur current situation with transitioning, given that hobie knows, mans is probably the most supportive person you’ll meet
hobie lives in a society that he actively chooses to protect despite being apart of the margin of people that are still severely oppressed to terrible degrees, be it for his race or how he chooses to express himself (in my head, hobie’s also a boy kisser). so i think that he has a certain passion for protecting those minority groups. you, as a trans man, sometimes get the hobie brown special treatment.
let’s you crash at his place whenever you need it, let’s you borrow his clothes n shit if they help you feel more masculine, will give you tips n tricks that either he uses or has heard work great for presenting masculine
does your makeup if you want it, like making your face look more chisel, fake facial hair or brows more blocky- that kinda shit.
if you’re yet to go through the execution process (top surgery), hobie’s ur guy (a terrible terrible influence)
if you have a binder, good for you- hobie is going to find it and customise it for you because he’s hilarious
probably does some like web stitching into it, lil embroidered parts that match his pins or something like “hobie was here” in his clapped handwriting
this isn’t anything new, you two have this little game going on where you just steal and tag each others things for shits and giggles. his best work? punk-ifying your binders with those like spikes he has on his jackets shoulder pads
firm believer in trans men being shirtless in a binder is normalising something that should’ve been from the beginning- probably also marched a free the titties campaign for all body types and identities cause they aren’t inherently sexual and shouldn’t be (if cis men can, why can’t cis women, y’know?)
if he accidentally damages your shit he’ll either fix or replace it, maybe even make something to compensate
or it becomes part of the fit
these lil things have helped personalise your things greatly- there’s nice little details all over that make you both crack smiles
makes sure that throughout missions you’re good if you’re binding, which he honestly just doesn’t dictate. won’t be the type to tell you off for wearing it too long or during missions, it’s not your fault that you’re just doing what makes you feel more like yourself
instead just makes sure that you’re well rested after the missions over and does things for you so you don’t strain
if by some unfortunate twist of fate you don’t have a binder, hobie will probably diy you one. argues that they can be mass produced by corporations, why can’t he make one by hand? just one more win for the anarchists
diy binders are dangerous, especially if they’re not made right. i’d like to think hobie would try his best, but i imagine he doesn’t have access to the right materials
in this case, he probably rips apart his shit trying to find the right elastic cloths for your safety
that, or he makes a makeshift binders just a bit looser than it should be to reduce the risk of hurting you.
absolute worst case scenario ? could honestly fashion something out of webs (i have a spidersona that does this) mans a genius, he’ll figure something out
positive ? binder looks sick since he makes it
(ok ur safe, continue)
if you’ve got top surgery, good for u, hobie will have ur head if you don’t take the appropriate recovery time
if you are involved with spider society, he either takes your missions for you or absolutely terrorises miguel into not giving you any
you think it’s just a subconscious, casual thing that hobie does but he always manages to slip a “lad” “boy” “man” into his sentences whenever speaking to or about you. gender affirmations innit
that being said, hobie views you as a man wholeheartedly
hobie’s into physical touch so probably got an arm slung around your shoulder, tons of playfully nudges whenever he sees fit (often)
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i also wanna stress rq that the way i portray hobie; he’s so incredibly supportive, hype man, but he’s not this sunshine and rainbows thing i’ve seen some people portray him as
he’s laid back, nonchalant but can get excited (like w the whole “miles my guy” scene where he’s so hype)
thinks/knows he’s hot shit but it doesn’t make him arrogant. man just knows what he’s capable of and gets to be laid back thanks to it
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idkelly · 1 year
𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤 | 𝐉.𝐑 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
jackson rippner x reader, no use of (Y/n), suggestive, sexual tension.
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She blamed her husband for this.
all of this
“should’ve signed those papers on sight” she huffed and brushed her hair away from her face in a swift motion, going back to writing in her journal, her handwriting wasn’t the greatest in the moment, but she didn’t care. she needed to get her anger out on something before she did on someone.
She heard a few girls chuckling and stealing glimpses of her, ignoring it would’ve been easy if they were even trying to hide it, but it was the least of her concern now. she blamed him for making her lash out on the phone in the middle of the airport cafe and making her look like a fool.
It's been about forty-five minutes and only 10 minutes till she has to get on the plane. forty-five minutes of scrambling her thoughts out on paper, pissed at her situation and the fact that the waitress couldn’t take her order right.
This couldn’t get any worse.
Her attention was taken by the sound of glass on the table, A cranberry vodka? that’s what she told the waitress earlier but instead got a cocktail, a very bad one too. the person who set the drink on the table didn’t say a word, just smiled a bit.
He had ocean eyes, and clear snow-like skin that had a little flush to it, high cheekbones, pump lips that complimented his sharp jawline. She caught a glimpse of him earlier when she first sat down, he wasn’t that far away from her.
“i couldn’t help but overhear you earlier, you should complain to the manager”
“Maybe when i change my name to karen i will” she chuckled “but i guess people heard enough about my complaining here”
He rolled his head back a bit stretching his neck smiling at the remark “What do you mean i didn’t hear anything? you’ve been enjoying your drink- that the waitress has gotten right the first time and writing in your little book” Sarcasm was dripping down his lips at this point.
Finally she fully laughed “Oh shut up” she nudged his shoulder.
he stayed quiet for a beat then added “For the record, i think he was the unreasonable one”
he looked up at her, he noticed that she was keen on eye-contact from the get go, she didn’t say anything nor give him a nod or any facial expression till she coughed out “i appreciate it but i don’t think a stranger has the right to judge in my personal life”
As soon as her heels clicked the ground, the Man stood up as well and cleared his throat, he watched her pick up her belongings and jacket from her chair, avoiding his gaze.
She felt him, almost burning holes into her skull, she could feel her hair sticking to the nape of her neck.
“First, my apologies, second, how about I change that? my name is jackson, jack for short” he held out his hand.
She looked up at him, even in heels his eyes looked down upon her figure. “ Nice to meet you jack” she smiled at him and introduced herself in return. still not shaking his hand. 
They fell into silence, his hand still hanging, he looked down at his hand then at her waiting for her to do something, but slowly her small smile turned bigger, behind him were those girls from earlier now giggling at him.
he looked back at them giving them a glare but before he could fathom when he turned around she was nowhere to be found. dissappeared.
She kicked off her heels as soon as she sat down, her legs have been killing her all day, but heels have always been her thing, she can’t let them go. her husband always picks her outfits to meet his family, a classic red heels that accentuated her already long legs, usually paired with some black translucent tights with a line that goes up to her thighs and disappears into her her skirt that goes down to her upper thigh sitting down, and usually a dress-shirt with her emerald necklace. it matches her ring— Where the fuck is it.
“I think you might have dropped something earlier” Same voice, Same situation. The strang— jack brings her something that makes her drop her shoulders in relief, she could get used to that feeling.
“You’ve got to be kidding me”
“I'm gonna forget what happened earlier, this is my seat next to you. What are the chances?” he tilted his head at the end then sat down. His jawline looked even better from this angle, his whole side profile.
“staring is rude you know”
“I know” her gaze didn’t bulge, jack turned his head towards her, his eyes went from her hair to her legs and the heels scattered next to it.
“I never understood why you women wear those”
“to make men like you have a desire that they can’t accomplish” bold, she was bold.”Also i some women like the torture, might be a masochist thing”
Her eyes traveled to the window next to her, his face almost felt cold without her gaze, but he needed the job to be done.
“What do you do”
She turned to him “I'm a retired criminal lawyer, but I'm thinking of coming back from the dead” her voice was quiet.
“You could represent me when you do, i'm a killer”
She didn’t laugh or smile, but there wasn’t any use of making it seem like a joke, He needed the upperhand to get this done. She kept looking at him not blinking once “What do you want”
“I want you to listen closely” he pulled out a suitcase on the table, it was clear what was inside it, as he was beginning to speak a receptionist passed them, he brought her face close to him from the back of her neck, his fingers tangled her hair.
She was standing in the hallway looking at all the passengers, stealing glances at the two.
Exchanged between the two were hot breaths due to the close proximity, she could tell her was sweating and got caught off guard by that woman.
mmph! without a second thought she pulled him by his hair into her, the short distance has disappeared. it was a small kiss, neither of them moved that much, but it was enough to make a sound and make the danger go back to her station, she pulled away pulling his bottom lip as well.
What she didn’t expect was the shocked look on his face, it was obvious he wasn’t faking it either, her eyes fell down to his lips, they looked even better with her saliva on it, jack thought the same.
“Finish what you want”
“Oh right— you’re gonna make a phone call, your husband is staying at your beach house, i need you to call his brother and tell him that he has to get there as fast as possible, i’ll leave the details to you”
“So you just need them both at the house?” her calm demeanor wasn’t usual, it was almost like she was on autopilot. He kept note of that.”Why?”
“Just a hangout, some friends of mind will drop by have fun with them and everyone goes home happy, maybe they’ll pop champagne—”
“or my husband’s head, along with his brother, you’re sick” there wasn’t any venom in her tone, only amusement. Is she on something?
“I think you might be sicker” his hand creeped on her knee as he leaned over to her side slightly “you haven’t shed a single tear or seemed the tiniest bit frightened by the thought of your husband’s head blown off, what kind of wife are you?”
“The one that dreamed of being a widow” she placed her hand on top of his gliding his fingers up ever so slowly.
“Your hand is shaking, are you sure you have the power to kill with these shaky hands” she said to him laughing innocently.
a few heads turned at the sound of the squeak she made, his hand dangerously resting on her inner thigh he gave her a hard squeeze, his fingernails left a pattern on her tights.
“You might want to repeat that sweetheart”
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moondustpugh · 5 months
Is It Over Now?
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Fake dating your flatmate, Joe, should be a simple thing. It meant you get to help get his ex back, and it meant you get to stop your parents' nagging about bringing someone home for once. But what happens when fake dating turns into something unexpected? Now, what?
Author's Note: Part 2! :) Enjoy ! I actually am editing these chapters as I re-upload them so it's better but not much will change.
Disclaimer: Mention of violence, 18+
Wordcount: 4.4K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
Joe’s head pounded the second he woke up the next morning. He slowly fluttered his eyes open, adjusting his vision from the bright light that was coming through the window. He couldn’t tell where he was at the moment until his eyes caught the sight of the coffee table and the television in front of him. He was still in the living room just like the blur memory he remembered from last night. He groaned softly, rubbing his temples and pinching the bridge of his nose to try and get rid of the throbbing headache, but it was no use. He drank too much last night, and he still remembered every detail of it. Every pain and every word that Ivy had told him. 
Shifting his eyes back on the coffee table, he found a glass of water, a paracetamol, and a yellow sticky note. Slowly, he pushed himself up from the sofa and let out another groan. God, he was starting to feel old. His body felt sore from sleeping on the sofa all night. He picked up the yellow sticky note and read:
Thought you might need it.
He knew that handwriting from anywhere and that was from you. He looked around the flat and found that it was quiet and empty. You were nowhere to be found. Taking the medicine and immediately washing it down with the water, he let out a sigh and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He could still hear Ivy’s voice echoing in his mind from last night. He couldn’t help but wonder where he went wrong in showing her how much he wanted to be with her. Pulling out his phone from his back pocket, he stared at the screen for a moment before pulling up his messages from Ivy. He hasn't seen her for two months, and he was really excited to spend some time with her last night. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked. 
His mind flashed back to the memory from last night. He had taken her to a nice restaurant for once and not a pub, and he wanted the night to be a special night, but Ivy hasn’t said much ever since he picked her up from her flat. To make matters worse, she also has just been sitting there across from him barely eating her dinner. He had been telling her about what happened on set for his new film, and she barely listened. She was zoning out the whole time just staring into the empty space in front of her. 
“I don’t know if I can take anymore of this, Joe.” Ivy blurted the words out, cutting off the story that he was telling her.
Joe knitted his brows, confused as to what she was referring to. He reached for her hand on the table, but she was quick to slide it away. 
“What are you talking about, babe?” His voice was full of concern.
“I mean I can’t take anymore of barely seeing you. Whenever you come back, you’re only in town for a few days, and you leave again.”
Joe knew that his job was complicated, and it even got more complicated when his career had started going up. Flying to the States, other countries and different cities for conventions and events was what was taking up his life lately. Booking a role after another and attending fashion events and shooting commercials for them was the definition of his life for the last however many months. 
“Ivy, I know it can get so hard and complicated, but I’m trying my best to balance it all. It’s hard for me too, not seeing you everyday.”
Ivy didn’t buy what he said though. Instead, she scoffed and shook her head as she took a sip of her drink. 
“Don’t even get me started with that flatmate of yours.” She added. 
Joe furrowed his brows, confused. How did the subject of you suddenly enter this conversation? What was Ivy talking about? He hasn’t even shown any interest towards you nor had he seen you in months because he was barely home. Whenever he was in town, he would stay at Ivy’s most of the time. So, what was the problem when it came to you?
“She’s just my flatmate.” Joe reassured her. “There’s nothing going on between me and her. I barely see her.”
“And how do I know that? How can I be so sure?” Ivy’s eyes were full of jealousy. “She’s pretty, and I’m sure she’s better than me right? Because she’s smart and works at a lab. A fucking chemist, and I’m just a model.”
Joe shook his head in disbelief. He couldn’t put together how Ivy was comparing herself to you. Hasn’t he shown her all this time that he only wanted her and no one else? What more could he say or do?
“Babe, we’re just flatmates. You’re the one I want to be with.” Joe said sternly.
Watching Ivy throw her napkin on the table, she got up from her chair as Joe followed her. He wanted to stop her from leaving, but he couldn’t. 
“No, Joe.” Ivy stated. “This isn’t working out anymore.”
She had made up her mind, and Joe knew when Ivy made up her mind, there was no going back. But how could she just leave like that? How could she choose to believe the insecurities that were screaming in her mind than the actions he had shown to her several times? Not once had Joe broken his promises to her nor tried to disappoint her. Even when he was away, he always tried his best to make sure they talked every single day, so she didn’t feel like she was far from him. Now, he watched her walk out that door as if what they had the last several months was nothing. 
It was over. 
She was gone. 
Joe sighed at the memory as he made his way towards the bathroom. He smelled like alcohol and cigarettes, and his head was pounding even harder the more he thought about her. What else could he do? What could he do to get her back?
The sound of the coffee mug hitting the glass table echoed softly through the room. The place was crowded with people having a Sunday brunch with their friends or families. The gloomy January weather didn’t help with the mood of the conversation you were having with your friends.
Sara’s eyes widened in disbelief as she said, “Really?”
You nodded your head, looking at her through your lashes as you took a sip of your hot coffee. The hot liquid warmed up your throat and made your body relax. It was cold and gloomy, but you never wanted to miss your weekly Sunday brunch with Sara and Abby. It was a little tradition the three of you started ever since Sara had moved out. It was something you found comfort in every week. The day of the week that you would feel more at ease because Sara tends to balance you, and Abby was the most calm person you ever met. 
When Sara had met Abby at the art gallery three years ago, you immediately knew that she was the right person for Sara. Her wavy brown hair, green eyes and soft smile definitely caught Sara’s eyes at the beginning, but it was Abby’s calmness, patience and warm persona that made Sara fall in love with her. You weren’t going to lie that you also felt comfortable and at ease when you first met Abby too. You could understand why Sara had fallen for her. Now, every Sunday, the three of you would catch up and hang out, especially because life would get busy and chaotic from time to time. 
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I feel sorry for him.”
You just finished telling Sara and Abby about what you dealt with last night when Joe came home. Both women had met Joe before, and they knew he was a decent guy, but he was never the main subject of most of your conversations until now. You didn’t really know what to do or to think, so you wanted to seek out some advice or opinion from your best friends. 
“Honestly, Ivy sounds sort of insecure.” Abby commented. 
Abby was right. Even if you have dealt with your own insecurities, you could tell that Ivy also had a fair share of hers because really? Jealous of you? You were literally nothing but just a normal person trying to get through life, while her modeling career was quickly rising. She had nothing to worry about when it came to you. 
“Maybe Joe isn’t showing her enough reassurance?” Abby added, shrugging her shoulders.
You watched as Sara turned to you and tilted her head, brows all furrowed. “Are you sure that having Joe as your flatmate is a good idea?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes with how many times you have heard that line. 
“You sound like my mother.” You retorted back.
Sara chuckled softly at your comment and said, “No, but seriously… because do you really want to get caught up in their drama?”
Drama? That was the last thing you wanted in your life, especially in a drama that involved someone else’s relationship. You knew what Joe was going through, but you weren’t about to cross boundaries. What was going on between him and Ivy was their business, not yours. 
“I’m not really caught up in their drama. That’s their own problem, you know? My name just happened to get dragged into it.” You casually said as you shrugged your shoulders.
It was the truth. You weren’t. 
“Yeah, but what if she drags you even more in her little insecurity?” Abby addressed.
You knew what was going on between them. Even if your name was dragged to their conversation last night, you weren’t the big issue here. Joe had told you that, and you knew there were other issues they were dealing with. Ivy just happened to include you into it. Maybe to cause more excuses not to be with Joe. You really didn’t know.
“I don’t care what she feels about me because I’m not doing anything to her.” You took a bite off your waffle and decided to change the subject. You were sort of over this conversation about Joe. 
Whatever was going on with him, that was his business. All you did was comfort him and listen to him, hoping you’d make someone feel better. That was all. 
“Anyway, enough about me. How are you? How is married life treating you both?” You asked, a small smile creeping up on your face. 
You watched as the two women exchanged looks before both of their lips tugged into a smile. 
“Great!” Sara replied. “We’re settling in the new place, and Abby is back to work. Though, we sort of started talking about something the other night.”
Your eyes watched as Sara and Abby held hands, giving each other a warm smile. It made you more curious as to what Sara was talking about. 
“Tell her.” Abby murmured, squeezing Sara’s hand softly. 
Your eyes widened in curiosity as you waited for one of them to tell you whatever they were planning, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit impatient as Sara tried to find the right words to say to you. 
“What is it?” You asked. 
“I don’t know.” Sara suddenly felt shy as she gave Abby a hesitant look, which in return, Abby kept giving her an approval look. “We were sort of talking a lot of things about our future last night, and we know it sounds a bit crazy…” 
You raised your brows, wanting Sara to just spat out the words. 
“We sort of want to adopt.” Sara finally said. 
You couldn’t help but almost jump out of your seat from excitement as soon as Sara said those words. 
“Ohmygod.” You covered your mouth with your hand. “Are you serious?”
Abby and Sara glanced at each other with excitement. They really were serious, and you could tell how thrilled they were by just how they were talking about it. They both turned back to you and nodded their heads. 
“I’m so happy for you both.” You took both of their hands in yours. “Please let me know if I could help with anything.”
“Thank you.” Abby smiled. “We both knew we wanted this even before getting married and the fact that it’s happening, we are very excited about it.”
“Then, you both should go for it!” You encouraged them even more as you all laughed softly in unison. 
“And you should go look for a new flat!” Sara teased you, squeezing your hand softly.
“Stop it! I’m fine.” You rolled your eyes, sliding your hands away from theirs. “I’m perfectly happy with my situation, and it’s not like Joe is bothering me. They’re broken up. I have nothing to worry about.”
Abby took a sip of her coffee and a playful smile tugged on her lips. “Who knows… Maybe you’ll end up with Joe.”
Oh, here we go again. 
Why did everyone keep pushing this idea of you and Joe? He literally was nothing but just your flatmate. Just because he was a man didn’t mean that you two would end up together. A woman and a man could be flatmates together. Just like a man and a woman could be friends. 
“We’re just flatmates. That’s all.” You argued.
You just wished everyone was going to drop this subject already because you and Joe weren’t going to happen. Ever.
Coming home later that day, you found the flat quiet and empty. The sofa was back to the way it looked. Pillows fluffed, throw blanket folded and hung at the back of it. The kitchen was clean, and the dishes that Joe promised he would wash were all clean and put away. Joe was nowhere to be found, and you figured maybe he had gone out. Maybe he went to go talk to Ivy or pick up his things from her place. Who knows.
As you walked down the hall towards your bedroom, floorboards creaked, and you heard a quiet rustling that came from Joe’s room. 
Oh, he was home. 
You passed by his bedroom and paused in your tracks as soon as you saw him organizing his room. He looked better. Not his usual normal face, but he looked better than last night. 
“Hey.” You gave him a soft smile, leaning against the doorframe.
Joe never set boundaries like you did with him, but you tend to respect his own private space. He didn’t have to set rules with you because he didn’t really care that much about his own boundaries, but you respected him as your flat mate. It was his bedroom. You never tried to step into it. 
“How are you?” You asked.
Joe shut his closet doors closed and took a deep breath, turning his attention to you with a smile. 
“Good. I have been thinking a lot all morning.” 
He looked… enthusiastic?
“Oh, yeah?” You raised your brows. “How’d that go?”
Joe started walking towards you as he said, “I really like Ivy.”
You nodded your head in understanding, trying to figure out where this conversation was going.
“And you know that, right?” Joe asked as if you were out of the loop about this whole thing.
Of course, you knew. He was probably mad over her.
“Right, but Joe if she doesn’t want this anymore–”
Joe cut you off as he stopped in front of you. It looked like a light bulb switched above his head as his lips tugged into a devious smile. 
“So, I was thinking that Ivy was just being Ivy, and she just wants attention. I know she wants me to chase her.”
What the fuck was he on? 
You furrowed your brows, wondering what that mind of his started thinking all morning that all of a sudden he was saying all of these things. If he wanted her back, then so be it. It was his life, and you couldn’t stop whatever he wanted to do with his life. You weren’t his mother. Though, from the look of his expression, you didn’t think his own mother could also stop him from doing whatever he wanted anyway. 
“So, I’m going to try and get her back.” Joe continued.
Well, good for you, mate but good luck. 
“Can I ask a favor though? No, not favor… But I need your help.”
Now, you were scared–no–terrified.
You stood there without saying a word as you blinked your eyes and stared at Joe for a moment. You didn’t want to say anything or ask what he wanted because you had a feeling in your stomach that it was going to be something you weren’t going to agree on. You could just feel it. 
“What is it?” You steady your voice, trying not to stumble on your words. 
“I need you to be my fake girlfriend.” Joe said sternly, his chocolate button eyes staring right into your eyes.
Oh, fuck no.
Absolutely fucking not. 
Your eyes widened in disbelief, trying to repeat Joe’s words in your head. Did he really just said that? Did he really just asked you that? When he said he had been thinking all day, you didn’t realize that he hadn’t been thinking at all! Where the fuck did he even got this idea from? Did he put that paracetamol somewhere other than his mouth, or did that medicine went up to his brain? 
You understood that he was going through a difficult and rough time due to the fact that he liked Ivy that much, but did he completely lose his mind? Was this the situation that Abby and Sara were afraid of when they said that you really needed to look for a new flat? Because it was starting to look like your flatmate had gone mad. 
“E…Excuse me, what?!” You finally found your words as you looked at Joe in disbelief. 
“I know that I probably sound mad but–”
“Uh… yeah, you got that right!” You scoffed, shaking your head as you took a step back from him. 
Maybe your mother was right. What else was he going to do next? Stab you just like what that boyfriend of your mother’s friend’s daughter did?! 
Joe saw the horrific look in your eyes as he tried to calm you down and showed you that he wasn’t actually going mad but all you wanted to do was run away from where you were. 
Joe sighed and looked down at his feet and said, “If she saw you and me are dating, then she’d get jealous and she’d ask me to get her back.”
You really need to go find another flat. 
You shook your head and started making your way towards your bedroom. “Absolutely not! You’ve gone mad!”
Joe followed behind you, and you gave him a “don’t you dare” look as soon as he was about to step inside your room. Joe, however, caught himself and stood by your doorway with pleading eyes. 
“Please? I know that this is crazy, and you probably think I’m crazy, but I really like her. I just…” Joe’s voice was soft as he let out a sigh and said, “I really thought she was the one.”
You weren’t going to lie. You have known Joe for a year, so you knew this was just him going through a breakup. Maybe losing his mind a little but everyone loses their minds when it comes to someone they love, right? Did Joe even love Ivy? You understood why he was doing this, but you were already on Ivy's hit list, and Joe thought this was going to be a good idea?
There was no way you were going to bring yourself in this drama. You already told yourself that. You even told your friends that earlier. 
God, Sara and Abby were right. 
“If she’s the one, then she’ll come back to you without you doing all this crazy shit.” 
Joe pursed his lips and nodded his head in understanding. He wasn’t going to press you with this subject because he knew it was mental in the first place. He was just hoping that maybe you would say yes, but he also understood that you weren’t going to put yourself in a situation like this. How could he drag you into his own problem?
“I understand.” Joe murmured. “I’m sorry for making up this idea in the first place, and I’m sorry for trying to drag you into it.”
You watched as Joe gave you an apologetic look and walked away. You sighed and flopped yourself on your bed face down, letting out a small groan. Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your back pocket. You flipped yourself over, so you were laying on your back, sliding your phone out and saw that your mum was trying to facetime you.
Oh, fucking great. 
Whatever she wanted to say wasn’t really something you wanted to hear tonight. You didn’t need her to add into the craziness. You stared at your phone for a moment, hesitating on what to do, but you knew she wasn’t going to leave you alone, so you decided to answer the call. 
“Hey mum.” Your voice sounded tired. 
The second your mum appeared on your screen, you saw how she looked excited and there was a big smile plastered on her face. 
“It’s not really a good time, mum–”
Your eyes widened when a man about your age appeared next to your mum. He waved hello to you as your mum started introducing you to him. 
What the hell was she doing? Was she really trying to set you up with a stranger right now? Joe wasn’t the only one going mad tonight. Though, you retracted that thought because your mum was already mad. 
“This is Alex. He’s our new neighbor’s son. I thought maybe you two could get to know each other.”
God, this was so embarrassing. 
How could she fucking do this to you? You were 28 years old, and she was setting you up with some man you never met. Not only was it embarrassing, but you didn’t need your own mother to set you up with someone. If you wanted to date or be in a relationship, you could find a man for yourself. 
“Mum, this isn’t such a good time.” You looked at Alex through the screen and said, “It’s nice to meet you, but I have to go. I’m sorry.”
Just like that, you immediately hit the end call button and grabbed your pillow to muffle a scream. Everything was just making you so frustrated, and you were even more frustrated with your mum. Her actions were starting to get into your last nerve. You didn’t know if you could take anymore of this from her. Even if you were far away, she still managed to piss you off. 
Staring at the ceiling, your dad’s voice echoed in your mind about when you were going to bring a man home. Were you really that much of a disappointment to your family? Did you really need to marry or be with someone for them to feel proud of you? Because that was just wrong. You were a chemist for fuck’s sake. You were literally out there dealing and mixing chemicals and synthesizing DNA just so this world could find cures for illnesses and diseases and all your parents could care about was you getting in a relationship? 
You were so sick of it! 
Then, your eyes darted towards the empty hall just right outside your door. Joe’s offer echoed in your mind, and you were starting to ask yourself if you also had gone mental too. Maybe you have. 
Letting your feet lead you, you got up from your bed and slowly walked down the hall towards Joe’s bedroom. His door was open, and you quietly peeked and saw that he was just sitting there at the edge of his bed, thinking deeply with a melancholy look on his face. His hands were playing with the empty beer bottle, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes because all of this was so stupid. 
“So…” You stood by his doorway, getting his attention. “How long is this fake dating thing?”
Joe froze where he was and stared at you in disbelief. Were you really offering an approval to his crazy idea? Honestly, you were asking yourself the same thing. 
“Just until I finally catch her attention and would want me back.” Joe answered.
You bit your lower lip, playing with your fingers nervously for a moment before taking a deep breath and said, “So, here are the rules...”
Joe’s full attention was now to you as he waited for you to continue. 
“If you get to use me as your fake girlfriend then I get to use you as my fake boyfriend at any upcoming family gathering.”
Joe set the empty bottle on his bedside table before getting up from his bed and walked over to where you were. He was trying to comprehend the offer that you just made. 
“You mean… introducing me to your parents as your boyfriend?” Joe asked, brows all knitted together. 
“Yes, that’s right.” 
“Then, you have to go to party events with me, especially if Ivy is there.”
You tilted your head, giving Joe a look. “Joe, I have a job. I can’t just ditch that for stupid party events.”
“Then, how are people going to believe we’re dating if we’re not seen together?” Joe argued. 
The man had a point but there was no way you were going to agree with this without getting anything in return. 
“Fine, but you get to pay for the dresses and shoes that I have to wear to these stupid events, and I get to keep them all.”
“Okay, deal.” Joe gave you a smile. 
You weren’t done yet. 
“And one more thing, you could only kiss me and hold me but there’s no sex.”
The small chuckle that escaped from Joe sort of insulted you, but you ignored it because this was all fake anyway. Besides, you both were using each other for both of your benefits, so you didn’t have time to feel insulted that Joe was quick to agree that he didn’t want to have sex with you. 
“No problem.” Joe agreed, reaching his hand towards you. 
You stared into his eyes as you shook his hand firmly in agreement. 
You were so going to regret this, weren’t you? 
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