#i feel like this is going to be the year of muke for me i have a lot of ideas and wips for them
allsassnoclass · 2 years
2022 Writing Evaluation
I was tagged by the wonderful Bella @clumsyclifford (thank you for digging this up and tagging me first because i 100% was going to do it anyway lol)
also my pseudonyms are combined on ao3 so although this is my 5sos blog you will be hearing about my other fandom writing as well
1. number of stories posted on ao3: 17!
2. word count posted for this year: 124,269 on ao3, 23,433 for ask box prompts, so a grand total of 147,702!
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, 1d, It (2017 and 2019 movies), Stranger Things, HSMTMTS, Cobra Kai
4. pairings: on ao3 we have some nice crisp muke, lashton, mashton, mashton (friendship version), cashton, cake, malum, narry, lilo (and then also kiaz and caswen (friendship(?) version) and reddie and hellcheer).  adding in the ask box prompts and we also have 5sos ot4, roylum, and lashton (friendship version)
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: for all of those it’s technically my hellcheer fic, but for the 5sos ones hits and kudos are The Catch, comment threads is pas de deux! 
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): pas de deux hands down no question.  it’s my longest fic by over 20k!  i wrote it almost constantly from november to december and had a goal to post each chapter on christmas and the four sundays leading up to it and i actually accomplished that goal!!!! i’ve never successfully focused on one particular fic for that long, and it actually worked!!! plus, for such a long fic, i think i did a relatively good job of keeping characterizations consistent and sensical throughout, as well as finding little themes to carry through the entire fic (which i got lucky with tbh, some things that became running pieces of the fic were not planned out before, i just caught them as they were happening).  i haven’t read the fic back since completing it so it’s possible it’s not as cohesive or as good as i think it is, but i’m extremely proud of myself for it nonetheless.
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): right now, it’s probably when i watch the world burn.  i struggled with that one and in the end i don’t think it quite got to where i wanted it to, but i was on a time crunch.  it’s a lot different from what i usually write, but i don’t know if i made that transition to a different story style and topic as smoothly as i would have liked.
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: someone left a very long and gratifying comment on both Puzzle Pieces and its sequel Bedroom Activities back in February.  grey114 if you see this i love you.  it was really gratifying to get a comment on a piece that i love so much that was over a year old at that point, especially since they said it was a reread and they just touched on a lot of things in a really sweet way and that made me feel very happy to have written those fics.
also i know this doesn’t technically count because it got it today but amanda read when i watch the world burn (again, not my proudest work) and said that although this “isn’t her kind of fic” she said that that particular fic is the “biggest proof that it’s the writer more than the content or pairing” because she enjoyed it, which was really nice to hear especially when i’m not feeling the best about it.  it’s also just an insane compliment because i absolutely love amanda’s writing, and every time a writer i love also confirms that they really like my stuff it makes me feel good lol
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: the entire first 3/4 of the year, tbh!  i was in a big writing slump earlier in the year and it seemed to keep going forever, then I was super busy in the summer and simply didn’t have time.  i don’t think i hit my writing stride again until i let myself impulse-write for other fandoms.  i think that’s what i really started to realize exactly what it means to write what you love uninhibited, rather than writing what you think you should.  like. i have 10k of an angsty caswen at college fic in my drive that may never see the light of day because it’d be super long, but letting myself go to town on that with no expectations of necessarily posting it or even completing it was really healthy for me and extremely enjoyable, and it loosened all the writing mechanisms in my brain to get me back in a writing groove.
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: hmmmmm let’s see.  honestly i was most surprised to write anything for hsmtmts or cobra kai, let alone something from johnny’s pov, but for 5sos stuff i was surprised to write so much feldy.  he became a pretty big player in pas de deux and when initially planning that fic i don’t think i realized how much screen time he would have.  ashton’s characterization in when i watch the world burn was also surprising.  i didn’t know when i started writing that he would be like that.
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:  here’s a little bit of the ending of undeniable you
When Ashton fully wakes up, he can hear spring rain pattering against the roof.  The room is still blanketed in gray, but Michael is still glowing, even if Ashton only has a view of his bedhead from the way they’re cuddled together.  He shifts right before Ashton musters up the willpower to leave the comforting warmth of their bedroom and begin breakfast, as if he can sense that Ashton would rather spend the morning talking with him in appropriately hushed tones than leaving the cozy atmosphere that surrounds them.  His eyes are fuzzy and sleepy when he blinks up at him, but he smiles like he’s never been more sure of his place here.
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? i finally truly understood what it means to write for myself!!!! to write for the enjoyment of writing!!!! to stop holding myself to arbitrary standards of what fics i should be working on and how often!!!!!! this year i really let myself work on what i want when i want, and it really did wonders for me.  also, i discovered that for the most part outlining does genuinely help me
13. how do you hope to grow next year? mostly i want to continue to write what i want to write.  i want to maintain this peace and enjoyment of writing that i’ve found and continue to treat myself with kindness when it comes to this hobby and not let it become unpleasant.  that being said, i do also want to focus on individual projects more.  i think the key to ensuring these two things aren’t mutually exclusive is to find projects that i genuinely love and to add little bits in there for me to enjoy, like all of the minnesota references (and the csi miami reference) in pas de deux.
EDIT: I also want to start replying to comments this year! i might not reply to new comments on old fics just because i’d feel weird not replying to the comments before (and i have fics form 2016, so i feel like it’d be weird if i went back and replied to those) but i’ll at least reply to comments put on pas de deux onwards.
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? okay i’m going to list four (4!!!) different people.  bella @clumsyclifford and annie @carouselstars have both been extremely supportive, especially while i’ve been complaining in the club nearly every day for the past two months.  they’re always encouraging me.  i also need to give a big shout out to megs @igarbagecannoteven and gregory @doomeddiabetic for being great sounding boards! pas de deux would not have been completed without megs helping me sort things out in the very beginning, and gregory is willing to talk shop about fandoms they’re not even part of.
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? little things here and there!  it’s most prevalent in pas de deux, where i highkey projected onto both characters and forced them to exist in minneapolis.  i have been to mia and love all of the art pieces i mentioned in chapter 3. my favorite ballet is dances at a gathering.  i, like calum, must always remind people of famous minnesotans.  shayla is my favorite newscaster.  i watch csi miami and ncis when i need something mindless on in the background.  i namedropped my old tech director and ballet teacher in that one.  pas de deux is full of little hazel pieces lol
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? find what pleases you!  find what you enjoy, and don’t turn writing into a chore that you have to do, but rather a special treat to enjoy!  this doesn’t mean that it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows all the time, of course.  maybe you’re the type of writer who gets immense satisfaction from finishing a difficult piece, and that far outweighs the frustration and struggles to write it!  everyone is going to be different with figuring out what constitutes enjoyment, but that’s what helped me, at least.
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? i’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself but i really hope to finish three particular 5sos fics.  i think they could become my new favorites.  i also have a cobra kai fic that i’d love to write!  also, i really want to post at least one chapter of unmute, given that i didn’t do that this year
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:  @igarbagecannoteven, @carouselstars, @lifewasradical, @jbhmalumm, @lukemichaelcalumashton, @babush-cat if you’d like!
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
2022 Writing Evaluation
thanks so much @clumsyclifford , @allsassnoclass , & @jbhmalumm for tagging me in this! i'm gonna talk about my fics in all fandoms even tho this is my music blog bc i don't have anything separated into pseuds (i strive for chaos on my ao3 account) putting it under the cut bc i'm sure it's gonna be long lol
number of stories posted on ao3: 25! 18 in 5sos, 4 in hp, and 3 miscellaneous fandoms
word count posted for this year: 40,705
fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, hp, discworld, doctor who, & dungeons and daddies
pairings: lashton (4), cashton (3), muke (2.5) (bc they're background in one), malum (2), cake (2), mashton (1), penelope/percy (1)
story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: burnt eggs & broken promises has the most kudos, do you wanna touch (yeah) and permanent jet lag are tied for most bookmarks, and fear the fever has the most comments
work i’m most proud of and why: i'm proud of almost all of the work i put out this year, and there are a couple ones that immediately spring to mind, but i'm going to really come out of left field here and say Being Hannah Abbott! "but megs," you might say, "why on earth would you pick the only fic that has zero kudos? it's definitely not your best written work of the year." to which i say, true! however, i have been trying to get this fic right since 10th grade! i'm now a senior in college! "but megs it's significantly less than 1k how did it take you that long" listen! listen. sometimes. you have to wait until you're good enough to finish a fic. this has more than 5 docs of different drafts saved to my laptop. also you're forgetting the fact that i'm insane
work i’m least proud of and why: okay listen. i know it's my most kudos'd work. i know that. however i am not happy with burnt eggs and broken promises. bella left me a lovely long comment on it recently that made me rethink my feelings towards it but i still think it isn't as good as it could have been so sorry folks
share or describe a favorite review you’ve received: i love it when people tell me i made them cry it's my favorite thing in the whole world best compliment to receive imo
a time when writing was really, really hard: you're assuming i remember what i was experiencing earlier in 2022 which is where you've made your mistake slkdjflskdjf ummmm i remember have a really hard time this fall semester, especially in september/october, i just couldn't get any motivation whatsoever (which tends to be my biggest problem tbh)
a scene or character you wrote who surprised you: goood question,,, you know, i really wasn't expecting to ever write a mcu au and yet pining is a strange sort of mcu au. i originally was going to write it so one half of the pairing got lost at sea and their bf was waiting on shore not sure if they were dead or alive, but the characters did not want to be like that at all which is how i ended up with poor post-snap calum (who may be getting a happy sequel someday shhh)
a favorite excerpt of your writing: i love the transformation scene in fear the fever. i just love writing body horror for some reason and i've always had strong opinions about what i think vampires & their transformations are like physically and it was a blast to get to explore that in this fic :))
how did you grow as a writer this year? i think a lot of my growth happens slowly over time and therefore is hard to pinpoint, but i took a creative writing class in the spring on opening a novel and that helped me rethink the way i start fics now. also i learned to think more about what i want out of my fic! thinking about why i write and why i post fic really helped me realize what fic writing advice to take and what to ignore (if you're like me and the goal of a fic is to write the concept the best you can, than posts talking about how it's okay to post random, unedited snippets are not actually helpful and can actually be counter-intuitive)
how do you hope to grow next year? i really want to write more often and be more disciplined about writing. as always i want to learn how to be better in the craft aspect in general (which is a goal i expect to always have, since i'll never be perfect at it) and i'd also like to be better with subtext & symbolism & ~themes~ bc i always forget to those last two and my subtext is, in my opinion, rather lacking at the moment
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? bella is the best live-in cheerleader/rubber duck a writer could ask for, and i would be royally screwed without her 💙 hazel is always an incredible virtual cheerleader/ideas bouncer and i am dearly in her debt, and meghna is wonderful for fueling my wacky ideas-mobile; i am incredibly lucky that they're just a discord dm away 🥰 also she's 100% not going to see this but my mom finished her mfa program this year and has been working on finishing her novel, and writing with her and talking shop together has been very helpful in keeping me at the keyboard and with more thematically technical details (little does she know it's for my rfp fanfic lol)
anything from real life show up in your writing this year? yep! lots! keep you safe (safe as i can), an hp fic, reflects some of my worries about my little bro growing up; Questions Involving Vampires & Skirts, while not reflective of my own gender, does reflect some of my weird gender-y fuckery; just dance (gonna be okay)'s michael shares my feelings regarding dancing in empty elevators; do you wanna touch (yeah) is inspired by me visiting a craft store with my fam and touching basically everything in the store; permanent jet lag is based off of flying international with my baby bro who is Very Tall; & glasses is based off of my truly awful eyesight and how i still feel like if i have my glasses off people can't perceive me lol (yes you heard it here first folks, megs has the object permanence of a toddler)
any new wisdom you can share with other writers? write! have fun with it! go to irl critique groups if possible! don't expect things to be perfect on the first draft, because most people's first drafts are shit and that's okay! challenge yourself! don't be afraid to embrace the cringe! it's okay to settle unless it's gonna make you miserable! eat your writing frogs! don't be afraid to ask for help! get a rubber duck!
any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? i really want to finish tis the damn fic. i'd love for it to be ready to post by december. i'm kneeling at my prefrontal cortex begging it to get its shit together enough to finish it. i'd also love to finally finish my another place songfic bc that will mean my writing's reached the level where i can actually figure out how to write the dang thing which is the dream
tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: idk who all's done it/been tagged so if you've already done it just ignore me! and if you don't want to do it you can also ignore me lol but i'll tag @werewolfashton , @reveriesofawriter , @userbadomens , @calumthoodshands , @pixiegrl , @valiantnerdtm , & anyone else who wants to! (if you've been mainly writing for another fandom you can talk about that one as well/instead, all up to you!)
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
2, 6, 11, 13, & 33 pls bella!! ♥️
thank you annie !!! answering these is probably gonna make me late to the acappella concert but i don't care <3
2. What’s a medium you’ve always wanted to try? aghhh i tried my hand at making gifs a while ago (like two years maybe lmao) but they were shitty because (1) i don't use or know how to use photoshop and (2) i don't know anything about gifmaking, so i haven't revisited it. but i would like to learn more about it and try to make actually good ones because when i hear gifmakers talking about shit like "coloring" the gifs im like ?? you do what to them ?? so yeah it would be nice to pull back the curtain on that at least a little
6. What’s a theme you find in your work? i answered this for hazel and i cannot think of another answer at the moment sorry lmao so i'm gonna copy/paste what i wrote for her
friendship! and also, the importance of kitchens! friendship is hugely important to me as a person with a shit ton of friends and also as a person who has never been in a relationship - considering i’m always writing fic that is about a romantic relationship i also always want to emphasize the importance of having people in your life who are not your Love Interest. and how much they can add meaning to your life in ways that are equal to but different than the way a Love Interest can.
11. What part of the process of creating brings you the most joy? answered this for hazel as well but let me think of something else!! OH when i write something that elicits the emotional reaction in myself that i want it to elicit in others. like if i write a line that's supposed to be funny and then every time i read it i laugh, that's a winner. or when i finish writing an emotional scene and then go back to reread it and am like holding my breath........THAT'S how you know.
13. Is there something you’d like to see created but you know you can’t/won’t do yourself? damn you and hazel really overlapped on these questions! i'll just copy/paste my answer for this one bc i don't think i have another:
probably! although to be honest usually it’s the reverse, where i don’t know that i want to see something created until it is, and then i see it and i’m like damn i wish i had done this but also i couldve never done this. it’s a great experience though because then once ive read it i can be like wow that was amazing because i got the same feeling i get when rereading my own work (the feeling of “this is exactly the thing i wanted to read”) but without having to put in all the effort of writing it !! it’s awesome. that is how i feel about @burstingsunrise’s muke fic interlude. i also feel this way about most of @reveriesofawriter’s writing.
33. Sneak peak at a wip 👀 oh gladly i love sharing stuff from my wips okay here's a little taste of what i'm writing for the songfic event hazel is running
“C’mon, tell me,” Michael wheedles. “Is it about Ashton again?” “Isn’t everything?” Luke sighs. “All your recent mental breakdowns have been about Ashton,” says Michael. “It was an educated guess.” “This isn’t a mental breakdown.” “You spontaneously dyed your hair,” Michael says with a shrug. “It’s at least kind of a mental breakdown.”
is it a mental breakdown yes or no vote now on your phones
creatives ask list
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i started answering these questions because hazel @allsassnoclass tagged me, but i took forever so now i’ve also been tagged by amanda @lifewasradical and taylor @jbhmalumm too lmaoo thank you guys <3
i’m gonna do as you suggested, hazel, and include my non 5sos fics here too instead of doing this again in my 911 blog @buckleyseddie it’s easier this way!
1. number of stories posted on ao3: 13 (9 5sos fics, 1 stranger things fic, 3 911 fics)
2. word count posted for this year: 73,269 for 5sos, 36,154 for 911 and 9,223 for stranger things, so a total of 118,646!
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, stranger things, 911
4. pairings: i have malum (2), mashton (1) lashton (1), cashton (2), muke (1), ot4 (1) and my favorite luke/suffering (1) lmao, steve/eddie from stranger things (1) and buddie (3)
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: overall it's the first buddie fic I posted, but for the 5sos fics bookmarks and kudos is Off-stage, comment threads is fueling the fire until we combust
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): i think it’s if i could say the things i want to say (i’d find a way to make you stay), my muke fic for the 5sos fic exchange at the beginning of the year, it was my first long fic and i was very happy about how it came out, there were many times when i didn’t think i would be able to finish it, also it was my first muke fic and i was nervous about getting the dynamic right and there was a deadline so. lots of pressure!! being able to finish it (and getting very nice comments and feedback on it) was very important for me
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): i think i’m actually proud of all of them because this year writing was a Struggle so being able to post every single one of these fics feels like something to be proud of! 
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: i can’t think of one in particular right now but anyone who has ever complimented my characterization or said that i got a ship/friendship dynamic right please know that i love you! this year i wrote quite a few fics for ships i’ve never done before and it made me very nervous whether or not i did it right so any comments like those made my day for sure
also i think the comments on mating call might be some of my favorite comments ever because, let’s face it, that fic is ridiculous svdfdf and people still read it and they left the nicest comments calling it funny and calling me funny and it was very nice to see people enjoying it, especially considering it was the most fun i had while writing a fic i think EVER 
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: can i say the entire year??? there were maybe 2 or 3 fics that i posted this year that didn’t give me a hard time, but the rest of the year i was Struggling either because i had no time or no motivation or writing simply wasn't happening. i’m actually impressed that i posted 13 fics because at times it felt like i wasn’t getting any writing done this year 
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: well i definitely didn’t expect to end up writing for 911 or stranger things, so that was a surprise! i also didn’t expect to write lashton again! and i didn’t expect to write a luke/suffering fic! all of them were fun surprises though 
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing: i thought about this for a while and then i had to skim through my fics because i couldn’t remember what i wrote oops but i really like this excerpt from i wanna hold your hand while we’re growing up so let’s go with this one
Michael focuses on their hands.
The contrast between their skin, Calum’s chipped black nail polish, Michael’s finger tattoos, the difference in their size.
It wasn’t always like this. Calum’s hand used to be smaller, Michael’s fingers used to be less calloused, but it’s still familiar, after years of doing this.
And maybe it’s the fact that Calum looks tiny like this, hurt and scared, but his hand feels smaller in Michael’s hold, like it did the first time he held it. Back then, Calum also needed reassurance and a friend, and Michael was there for him, the same way he is now. Just like he didn’t let go of Calum’s hand then, during the entire field trip, he doesn’t let go of it now; holding tight to it while he talks to his mother, while they wait for the doctor, while she explains to Calum that it’s going to be a long road towards recovery and he’s going to need his friends.
Michael squeezes his hand to make sure Calum knows he’s here. Michael will always be here.
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? well apparently i wrote 45k more than i did in 2021? which feels so fake because like i said i felt like i didn't post as much and i felt like i struggled a lot. also i wrote 4 fics over 9k which was my highest word count for a fic in 2021
more importantly i also learned (or at least i’m still trying to learn) that sometimes you just can’t force writing. i have to admit i’ve missed writing 5sos lately but i’ve stopped trying to force myself to do it because it takes away all the fun and i don’t want that. i’m hoping that the motivation to write for this fandom will come back, but i’m trying to write what i want to write and right now that’s not 5sos and that’s okay
13. how do you hope to grow next year? i just really want to enjoy writing again and like, let go of the pressure because it doesn’t make the process enjoyable at all. even if i’m proud of what i accomplished this year i spent so much time stressing!! and life is already stressful, i want writing to be fun!!
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? oh there’s quite a few! i think i owe most of the fics i posted this year to my friends??? like, maya @calumsash was so supportive while writing my muke fic, she gave me great ideas, listened to me complain and hyped me up so much when i would send her snippets (which she always does <3), her and jess @daydadahlias never fail to hype up my cashton fics or ideas!! talking with amanda was what made me write a lashton fic again!! and she gave me ideas/feedback on one of my malum fics too!! then there’s taylor of course who’s always down to talk about ideas that may or may not turn into fics and i’m not only lucky to be able to talk about 5sos fics with them but they also encouraged me to write my stranger things fic and had very nice things to say about it and then i managed to get them into 911 (maya too!) and now i get to talk to them about fic ideas for buddie too
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? hm i don’t think so? all i can think about is the fact that calum loves chocolate milkshakes in one of my fics and michael doesn’t get why (which is based on me and taylor having that same argument once lmao) 
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? write what you want but also accept that sometimes a fic idea doesn’t have to become a fic, sometimes it’s just fun to talk about it or daydream about it or make a moodboard for it! it’s not exactly writing wisdom but it makes having fun a little easier!! less pressure!!
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? i have two long cashton fics that i really want to finish but like i said the motivation to write for the boys hasn’t been there, but hopefully at some point. i have quite a lot written for both so maybe i can make it happen. one is a fake relationship au and i’ve always wanted to write that trope so i really really want to finish that one!! and the other one is the one that me and maya affectionately refer to as the storm au, i’ve sent her so many snippets and there’s so much that i love about what i have written and that i really want to share!! also i have a few ideas for buddie that i think have a higher chance of happening in the near future because i’m so obsessed with them right now lol there’s one that i want to post before they come back from hiatus so i’m hoping to focus on that one for now!! we’ll see!!
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: pretty sure everyone has been tagged already, but if you haven’t and you want to do it, then i’m tagging you <3
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
Anna's 2k followers celebration 🥳🎉
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I never did one of these, but this is a big number, so I'm doing it this time!! I'm going to say what's in it for you before I get sappy on main in case you don't want to read me get sappy.
Send me an emoji and get a 5sos set. Yay!
You can prompt me if you want, sending me something like "♥️ + Red Hair Michael" or "💍2018 Cashton" or "🎸+ stage Muke" or "🍎+ the 5sos show". Any emoji, any boy, any pairing, any era, whatever your heart desires. If you just want to be surprised, send me your favorite emoji and I'll give you a random set.
Now for me getting sappy, when I first created this blog because I was getting into making gifs and I had too many feelings about these 4 Australian dudes, I never thought that would still somehow still be here years later. I don't know how I tricked so many of you into following me. Every time anyone interacts with anything I made my heart does this silly little dance, even if you're threatening to sue me for emotional damages osakosoaks. I will never be able to put into words how much I appreciate all of you. Every kind word, every rambling tag. And I will never be able to express how much running this blog changed my life. And I always thought this was a really dramatic statement to make, but it's true. So thank you. For reblogging my silly little gifs, laughing at my silly little jokes, joining me as a scream over a song, letting me write completely insane analyses about the stuff they do, for not unfollowing me when I go down someone's archive and bring back all sorts of damaging content. Thank you!!
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
There’s a Muke fic that I really like on AO3, and it was a WIP for a long time and it like, hadn’t been updated in over a year so I commented on it back in October complaining that it wasn’t finished because it’s so fucking good and the author basically told me that my comment pushed them to return to the story. I think I’m like, the only person that’s commented on their two newest chapters and at this point, I kinda feel like they’re writing this story just for me, but honestly? I’m totally okay with it because it’s such a good story and if I have to single-handedly keep this ship from sinking, I will do so because I need to know how this ends.
So basically what I’m saying is everyone please go read this and tell the author how good it is and urge them to keep writing because it’s one of my favorite fics and if it gets abandoned for good, I will cry actual tears from my actual eyeballs.
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userbadomens · 3 years
Any chance you could do a muke fic rec? I feel like I’ve read most of them on ao3 but I can’t get enough!
oh baby have you come to the right place!!!!!!! muke my beloved! i had to ask around the club a little bit because i couldn't think of any and then i had read most of the fics they recc'd so clearly i just haven't had enough caffeine today!
i take the chances that i'm given ('cause i'm desperately all yours) by peyton my beloved (aka the jbh/midnight/wayf fic)
i will wait for you (to love me again) by peyton as well (aka it!sos my beloved)
i know that we won't need much (you and me, the house, and the dog) by @lifewasradical
it's an emotional kaleidoscope when i face you by @lifewasradical and @pixiegrl (also known as my birthday muke fic so she has a special place in my lil heart)
it's an out of date tradition for lonely people to fake love by @pixiegrl (fic exchange muke from last year! fake dating! ahhhh)
i'll keep on fighting (just to make you believe) by @squishmichael (aka the angstiest muke ever but also so fucking good. i read this while sitting at work. it was the best decision ever.)
arcadia verse by paperstorm on ao3 (this was the first muke i ever read actually way back in the day.)
i hope the next boy that you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips by @burstingsunrise (molly my beloved. i somehow haven't actually read this one but @redrattlers suggested it and it's by molly so i know it's good. everything molly does is good.)
and then a little shameless self promo:
i ain't changed, but i know i ain't the same by yours truly (90s au. my child. my beloved. nothing else i've written has stood up to this fic. i love it with all my heart.)
and if you're going to san fransisco by myself and @blackbutterfliescal (or anything in the 70s au. i write niche aus. can't you tell? but disco luke will always have my heart.)
i hope this helps, nonnie!
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werewolfashton · 2 years
random collection of things that i need to remember about this concert and the people there. this will be random but there's no better place to put it tbh soz (there're no spoilers for the setlist tho in case anyone decides to take a look at the following insanity)
gotta be sappy first. so i had A Day right. by the time i got to the venue i was ready to fucking bawl my eyes out and not in a fun way. so i was pretty preoccupied before the show. however, 5 minutes before showtime i had the realisation that 5sos have in fact been essentially my life for two years and led me to have an amazing group of friends. like. god idk where i'd be. so that was fun. i cried. these fuckers weren't even on stage yet. but yeah i just spoke to aria about it too, seeing these guys was so much different to seeing other bands bc they just mean so much more not only bc they are themselves an incredible band but also bc of all the people that are attached to them now for me personally.
fun stuff from the day:
alex (a restaurant next to the venue) playing only 5sos the entire day (i got to listen to never be when i went to use their restroom lol)
they also had this standing around:
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best. fucking. time. i've ever had in a line. it was so fun. when we got to go move into a separate waiting area,, aka shortly before getting into the venue,, the entire first part of the line sang history by 1d. i've. yeah no that was a lot. some people also had a box with them so we listened to not only 5sos but also bmth. i had the time of my fucking life. my apologies to 5sos if they had the misfortune to hear us all butcher teeth and also yell along to don't stop.
oh my god on that note the music they played in the actual venue? impeccable. wonderful waiting time listening to starting line and also some superbloom stuff.
hinds was cute. they had their 8th anniversary <3
now onto some thoughts i can remember having from the actual show:
i can't describe the feeling of seeing 5sos for the first time. i literally just stared in shock tbh.
curls. bounce.
michael pretty
💫 best dressed band 💫
"you're wearing my favourite shirt of yours"
"lean green ... bass machine ... ?" [looks like he regrets his entire life] the man who wrote the entirety of wfttwtaf and take my hand everybody
more bounce
head empty only bounce
there was this moment, and don't get me wrong now i'm aware he wasn't actually looking at me, but luke was looking at sth close by me? or sth? anyway from my perspective it was like having eye contact with him and frankly i will never recover
berlin: YELL
like no literally during michael's talking break he made fun of it (there are vids on twitter i believe lmao) which led to:
michael: starts to talk about certain songs they played berlin: WOOOOOOOOOOO michael: why do you cheer like the songs are people that are here michael: can i just do this michael: lists random songs they played also completely forgot what they played after naming like 2 songs berlin: WOOOOOOOOOOO
also,, cheering for a hamster <3 best time of my life i can't lie
michael was actively questioning our sanity i think
oh also breaking news i'm actually in love with michael clifford thank you for your time
(basically luke's goal seemed to be to make calum laugh and i just. it happened MULTIPLE TIMES and i am not okay)
.. guitar ..
apparently these dudes are real? shocked and upset
OH idk which song it was. but one song calum sung alone for a bit and i by chance looked at luke and this fucker had the audacity to have the cutest fucking smile on his face i just
arm [yeah just fucking guess who this is about]
oh and on that note: ashton fucking irwin
LMAO actually:
[pause] [longer pause] fucking
"have a good cry <3" thank you king i will
so much bounce
luke: jump jump jump everybody: jumps me: please for the love of everything do not jump on the toe i broke literally last night
.. i did feel very bad for not being able to jump. but also? standing there while everyone who's surrounding you jumps? kinda cool experience i can't lie
adorable guy who i met literally that day holding my hand and bawling his eyes out during the second to last song i'm still not okay
my voice is gone <3 i have no tears left to give <3 one of my top 5 concerts
some pics that are very low quality i didn't really care to take any others tbh
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burstingsunrise · 3 years
2021 Writing Self-Evaluation
thank you megs @igarbagecannoteven and amanda @lifewasradical for tagging me! 💜 this seems like it will be equal parts interesting and terrifying (but in a nice way maybe hopefully).
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: exactly 50!
2. Word count posted for the year: 383,939
3. Fandoms I wrote for: just 5sos
4. Pairings: cake, muke, lashton, malum, cashton, mashton - i did it all at least once! and even one maluke!
5. Story with the most Kudos/Bookmarks/Comments: i’m honestly like. incredibly baffled by this, but somehow my story with the most kudos is i hope the next boy that you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips. the hits to kudos/bookmarks ratio on that fic is insane. it has one more kudo than la.
most bookmarks is the sun is burning down los angeles, which makes a lot of sense to me. it’s a fic i’m very proud of and it came out earlyish in 2021.(honorable mention to working fine, no glitches in the #2 spot; every day i am amazed with the reception to that fic)
most comments is tell me where you’re hiding your voodoo dougnut, one of my cowrites with @cringeycal which has me SCREAMING, i’m obsessed with that. it does inspire commentary i think. to say the least. #2 is if you ever feel alone, don’t, which is another example of the outsized response to muke fics!! the people want muke!!
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): this is hard! i would say it’s probably between the sun is burning down los angeles, stained hearts, and in the in between. la and itib were both difficult to write. la especially was quite a journey, but in the end i felt really good about both of them and i think they contain a lot of me as well as something i pride myself on, which is trying to accurately capture dynamics.
stained hearts is just one of the very few fics i can remember finishing and thinking “i feel good about this” immediately. usually it takes time and reflection to get there, but something about sh just felt like it really fell into place.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): i refuse on principle to answer this question. there are always things to be proud of about every fic, and there are always opportunities to grow on every fic.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: oh this is hard, and probably filled with recency bias. a few that standout to me - every comment @4thbrighteststar leaves on anything. 
peyton left a lovely comment on ikeaverse about it making them want to embrace their weirdness that really stuck with me. 
adri left an epic string of comments on favourite colour, i think it’s as much of an emotional rollercoaster as the fic. 
and meg recently commented “i’m going to think about this forever” on stained hearts which is think is really one of the best kinds of feedback you can receive. being memorable is hard.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: i had several crises over smut this year. i hesitate to even link to the fic that about sent me off the deep end but making it to the end of closer was just such a journey. 
i also struggled a lot with certain pairings. i did literally try them all this year, which led me to cake, but also ultimately reinforced my strong preference for writing cake (with some occasional muke) bc i struggle with everything else and i wish i didn’t! but i do!
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: in general it was surprising to me how much i enjoyed writing calum, because when i first started writing i was terrified of him. i just didn’t know if i’d be able to get him right in a romantic dynamic? so i guess in general inches away was a really lovely surprise to me because it was my first cake fic and the most fun i’d ever had writing a particular dynamic, and it was like it all just...clicked right then. cake was it for me after that.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: omg like i can remember!! there are definitely lines that, when i write them, i stop and think oh, that’s nice! but can i think of them on the spot? absolutely not. i solicited assistance from jess on this one. here, have jess’s favorite line from my writing:
It was just temporary for so long that Calum forgot there might be an end to it. - from favourite colour
OH BUT i did think of a line i like from LA:
His eyes catch on the scar under Luke’s lip. He reaches up and covers it with his finger. “Not who you are anymore.”
and for some levity, a bit from ikeaverse i like a lot:
“Has anybody ever told you that you are a walking HR violation?” Calum questions, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Yes,” Luke says proudly. “HR has, in fact. Many times. And yet...I’m still here!”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: this is such a hard question. i think i’ve learned how to tap into emotion more effectively. at the beginning i was trying very hard to stay really pretty fluffy and fun, and last year i even felt like all the possibility and promise was kind of a betrayal to the “brand” i wanted to create at the time? but this year i’ve really settled into a level of comfort with my writing where i can embrace that one fic will be crack and the next will be emo and the next will be porn. (which is another way i’ve “grown,” i guess, in that i actually wrote smut, something i never in a million years thought i would do, and lived to tell the tale!)
13. How do you hope to grow next year: i’d like to keep exploring new and different tropes that are maybe interesting but scary to me. 
i also want to try to think less about what other people want to read and more about what i want to write. it can be hard when we have such a small community of slash readers & writers in this fandom and everyone knows each other at least a little bit - i’m always hyperaware of people’s preferences when they read, and sometimes (a lot of times) i let that influence my perspective on things. and that’s not always a bad thing, but it can make it hard to pinpoint what i want to write versus what i think others want to read. (unless it’s meg because what meg wants to read is what i want to write. <3)
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): on that note...meg @kaleidoscopeminds has been...god. like. i don’t even know how to express the ways meg has been supportive and understanding and helpful and encouraging (and enabling!!! and inspiring too, i hate to think how much fic wouldn’t have happened if not for our spiraling.)
adri @cringeycal is truly the most amazing beta reader/cheerleader, i know i’ve said it before but you couldn’t ask for a better one-fishperson hype squad than adri. (remember when i posted LA without reading the entire thing start to finish because adri and amanda were in the doc and i trusted them fully?)
jess @daydadahlias was an amazing resource and support particularly when it came to taking on smut for the first time. really the perfect mix of helpful guidance and talking me through things along with a dash of bullying every time i made a big deal out of something that was NOT a big deal. i actually cried from stress when i posted i don’t mind you under my skin and jess was there to be like calm the fuck down it’s not a big deal and i really needed that.
aria @calumthoodshands is so amazing at workshopping ideas? she’s literally an idea machine, and she’s so good at talking things through in a helpful way when it comes to plotting or figuring out how to execute an idea. so many scenes i’ve written (and entire fics, in the case of stained hearts) were generated from convos with aria.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: most of my real life experiences got dumped into 2020 fics but there are a few things here and there.
i don’t mind you under my skin has some elements form my real life in the setup and a few specific scenes. you told me you can’t wait to see me also has some irl inspo, as does he looks so perfect dancing there, from my own experiences with dance moreso than the actual relationship portrayal.
there are some very specific details i pulled into different things, like the rubber duck bathroom decor in terribly contagious was inspired by my own college suitemate.
OH need you like a bad habit is ripped from real life though.
fuck. don’t perceive me.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: if you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to break out of your normal routine. as long as you’re writing, that’s GOOD, even if you’re not writing the thing you’re “supposed” to be writing or writing in the order you’re “supposed” to be writing in. this year i really played around with writing out of order and having multiple WIPs at once in a way i never thought i would, and i think ultimately it was really helpful for me.
also...i don’t really write “first drafts,” but i do often write the bare bones of a scene (sometimes just dialogue) and then go back and fill it in later with more inner monologue and detailing. this helps me get through scenes i’m struggling with, because just having something to build on that i can come back to later is progress, and it makes it less daunting and easier to deal with on both the first and second pass.
what else? i guess i think it’s really important to understand the distinction between friendship and consuming fic. there are lots of reasons people do or don’t read/interact with different fics and it doesn’t mean anything about how they feel about you personally, or their opinion of your writing! they can be a really amazing friend who just doesn’t vibe with the ships or tropes that you write, or who just doesn’t have the mental capacity to read/comment on things! it can be really tricky when you’re friends with writers to not blur that line, but i really think it’s unhealthy to connect friendship to the way that a person engages with your writing.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: i’m hoping to finish the wait for me in the sky “sequel” early in the year. 
i have a few ideas i’m excited to play around with, including a sort-of-exes to lovers idea, an attempt at a more casual/fun fwb fic, and a fun coffee shop au project!!
i also have a few fics that i started months ago that are, theoretically, almost done, if i could just focus on them, but i hesitate to say anything about them in case i never do actually finish them after all this time.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read. i’m not entirely sure who’s already been tagged but let’s see here...
@calumthoodshands @cakes-curls @cakelftv @cringeycal @ashtcnirwin
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Bottom!Michael Masterlist
part two
Backstage (ao3) - SecondsOfMuke michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: When possessive Luke wants to show Michael how much better he is than the backstage crew member who winked at him.
Muke Smut before a concert.
Better Than FIFA? (ao3) - emiliathegreat (puckdummy) michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: Hotel nights on tour are usually a blessing, but with all the shit Luke's been facing lately, it's exactly the opposite. Michael isn't one to help, either.
black is the colour (of my true love's hair) (ao3) - hemmingscliffords michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: His eyes graze over Luke's ash blonde hair, the multitude of colours from various batches of highlights that their stylists have given him over the past year, the butterscotch coloured roots that are growing in from not upkeeping it, and out of nowhere Michael thinks that holy shit, Luke would look awesome with black hair. Maybe an ebony colour that had a midnight blue washed through it.
Blue Satin and Black Lace (ao3) - sammyswagstar michael/ashton E, 6k
Summary: Michael Clifford never ever backs down from a dare, even if he's dared to wear women's underwear for a whole day. Besides, he kind of enjoys it. He find out he isn't the only one sexually frustrated by the dare.
The one with panty kink, masturbating Michael Clifford, and rough Mashton bro-sex.
do it better (ao3) - lourrygum ot4 N/R, 8k
Summary: takes place during the time michael lost his passport and was stuck in the US while his band performed in the UK. He feels upset about it and stops answering their calls and may or may not unfollow them on twitter, leading to questions and anxiety.
or, 3/4 of 5sos go to the US to see michael and end up fucking him senseless.
English Love Affair (ao3) - takeitoffhemmo michael/luke E, 21k
Summary: Where Luke can't write an essay and maybe falls in love with his sort of tutor
i do things wrong, you thought i might (ao3) - emiliathegreat (puckdummy) michael/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Ashton is the only openly gay member of 5 Seconds of Summer. Michael is a little bit bi-curious and wants to know what it's like to get fucked.
'I'm not gay.' (ao3) - antisocialhood michael/ashton M, 5k
Summary: Michael just isn't gay.
I Only Wanna Talk (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum E, 16k
Summary: He thinks it should feel wrong, kissing Calum here in the dark, when the thousand dollars he paid to have this is sitting neatly in its envelope just feet away. But it doesn’t feel wrong, not at all. In fact, it feels unnatural not to be kissing Calum.
Or, more simply, Michael falls in love with a prostitute.
kitten (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 1k
Summary: michael has been flirting with his new friend calum, and luke has to show him whose kitten he really is
No Chance (ao3) - iCheeseYou (EHkook) michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 72k
Summary: So Ashton's going on a road trip with his friend, Calum, and he invited me to tag along. Being the adventurous shit I am, I said yes, but I wouldn't have if I knew that Luke Hemmings was going as well. God, I hate that guy, and the feeling's mutual. Why does that annoying brat have to come along? And Ashton and Calum expect us to be friends? Yeah, right. There's no chance that Luke Hemmings and I, Michael Clifford, are ever going to get along.
The best kind of trouble (ao3) - CliffordAffliction michael/luke E, 71k
Summary: “You know” Luke instantly looked back at him and for a second Michael lost his train of thought “When I got here Monticello warned me to stay away from a few kids and I have a feeling he was talking about you” Michael said with a smile and Luke returned it before going back to stare up at the sky “Well you’d be right my friend” Luke began walking backwards again “But the question is: Are you going to listen?” Michael already knew the answer. From the second he seen Luke on his first day he knew he would always have the want to be around him. Luke’s eyes were almost twinkling under the moon and Michael began to get goosebumps. He put on the biggest smile he could and looked straight back at Luke “Not a chance”
Or After Michael is sent to a strict Preparatory school he meets the school troublemaker, Luke Hemmings, and his world begins to change
To Love or To Be Loved (ao3) - antisocialhood michael/luke N/R, 30k
Summary: Luke was crying again because that's all he was, another fuck. He'd been trying since Michael said it was nice to come home to him, to figure out what that meant and why Michael kept him around instead of finding someone else.
It bothered him a lot, that was all Michael saw him as. He threw his heart out on his sleeve and Michael didn't even glance at it.
"One last time, Lukey."
And Luke was so weak.
wrapped around your finger (ao3) - kittenclemmings michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: Michael wants to please Luke.
you drive me wild (ao3) - ObsessedWithBands michael/luke M, 2k
Summary: During a concert, Luke notices how sweaty and tired Michael is as they play their guitars.
Backstage, Luke proves to Michael how much dominance he has.
You Need Some Get Right, Mama (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum E, 2k
Summary: Calum Hood didn’t mean to walk in on Michael Clifford, his best friend, his band mate, his crush, while he was sleeping. He didn’t know he was going to sleeping on his stomach, wearing something that was definitely not boxers. But, he’s glad he did, because it is the hottest sight he has ever had the privilege to have.
OR the fic where Calum walks in on Michael sleeping in panties. Sex ensues.
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 5,602 times in 2022
537 posts created (10%)
5,065 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,506 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#luke - 1,322 posts
#michael - 1,245 posts
#ashton - 1,184 posts
#calum - 1,122 posts
#5sos - 877 posts
#video - 308 posts
#ask - 307 posts
#muke - 259 posts
#:) - 244 posts
#malum - 218 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#why would they not be intentional with their title choice??? why do people assume that because it’s called 5sos5 it’s not fitting/creative?
My Top Posts in 2022:
unpopular opinion apparently but i like 5sos5 as a title! luke said that this feels like a self-titled album so i like that it has their name in it (the name that they refer to themselves as), i think that the fact that it’s a palindrome would appeal to them because the symmetry/being the same forwards and backwards could reflect how they’re just as dedicated to the band as they were at the beginning and how this album is going to have a lot of self-reflection in it, and honestly i feel like “this is the 5th album from 5 seconds of summer” is as accurate of a description as you could get and sums up the album in a way no other title would be able to
96 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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126 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
bad omens mv 🤝 lie to me mv
commenting on knowingly/willingly staying in an emotionally one-sided relationship via car crash metaphor
128 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
apparently today is fanfiction writer appreciation day! shout out to fic writers for sharing creative, heartfelt, emotional, fun stories with us.  this fandom is so lucky to have so many amazing writers and to have built a fantastic writing community, and i’m so thankful to get to read and experience such wonderful work!
134 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fanfiction Writing Asks
Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Where do you get your fic ideas?
Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
How do you choose which fics to write?
How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
What’s the last line you wrote?
Post a snippet from a wip.
Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Does this word [chosen by asker] appear in your current wip?
Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
What is your favorite location and position to write in?
What’s your favorite time to write?
Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
Do you have a writing routine?
Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
How do you choose whose POV to write in?
What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
What area of writing do you want to improve in?
What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
See the full post
6,567 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
good luck on writing your novel opening! i am sending you lots of positive writing and plot vibes!!! but also i would like to know the answers to 5, 11, 12, 24, 35, 43, 54, 72, and 77! That's a lot of questions so feel free to pick and choose but i am genuinely curious about all of them -hazel
thank you for the positive vibes and good luck wishes!! they have been received and i edited and reworked the first 4.5k of the assignment! (most of it had already been edited previously, so don't be too impressed lol)
5. how many wips do you have? how many fandoms/pairings are they for? depending on what you count as a "wip", i'd say somewhere btwn 30-40ish? all 5sos pairings have more than one wip, and i've got a couple hp wips (and one doctor who drabble, but that's finished so it doesn't count)
11. do you write scenes in order or do you jump around? i usually start from what i think is the beginning at the time and then start jumping around when i either run into a wall or am inspired by something that will happen later!
12. do you outline your fics? if yes, how detailed are your outlines? how far do you stray from them? it depends! most fics i start have a general idea of how they'll go, but they rarely get an outline (unless you count one sentence in a notes app as an outline, but i don't) as for proper outlines, i have three aus (my big superhero au, we gotta make a decision's parent au, and my crazy scifi au) that have "proper" outlines, which range from extremely vague to very specific. i have yet to stray too far from any of them, but i'm also not super far along so we'll see! (my 4th of july au and my baby blue au also have docs that are vaguely outline shaped, but i'm not counting them for multiple reasons, chief among them being that they may never be written)
24. how do you choose which pov to write from? answered here!
35. what's your favorite fic you've posted? ohhh gosh. i really do love what if i'm weak (and i need you tonight?) i think it's one of my strongest writing-wise, i love the characters, it's my 2nd most popular fic,,, yeah idk i just think it's nice :))
43. is there a trope or idea you'd really like to write but haven't yet? lots! there are so many that are in wip-land, but one that hasn't even gotten a doc yet is a longer fic that's both a quarantine au and a slowburn and a fic that centers around the character's ace-ness. i've been thinking about it for a while now and i think it's something i need to sit on for a few months/years before i start it, but hopefully someday it'll be written :))
54. what's the fandom/pairing distribution of your posted fics? it's very sad :(( i've got 3 malum, 2 lashton, 1 mashton, 1 cake, 1 malum friendship fic, and no muke or cashton :(((( i can't wait to release more stuff with other pairings i don't like how unbalanced it is :((
72. what's your favorite writing compliment you've gotten? today in my creative writing class i got a very nice compliment from a classmate that made me very soft(tm). he said something like "we've talked about how great your ideas and concepts are in your story and that's true, but the real strength is the characters, who are so real and strong that they help me believe everything about this world you're building". and i just. :') i mean any compliment on my writing makes me melt but i think characters are the most important part of a story and for him to say that??? i did not propose but it was a close thing ksdjflkdsjfljsd
77. why do you enjoy writing fanfic? i like the freedom it gives me! i like that i can write characters and not have to worry about telling people what they look like or their general vibe bc they already know! (i hate describing how characters look lol it's the bane of my existence) i like the community feeling! i love how people can just comment on what they liked best and know that i'll read it! i like that so many different kinds of writing can fit under this one umbrella! i just love it!!
writer’s ask time!
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
Bella, I’m curious… which movie/book would you associate with each 5sos ship?
what an intriguing question!! okay well . of all forms of media i actually consume tv shows more than books OR movies but i am gonna try to leave those out of this. maybe we can assign them tv shows in a separate discussion. also considering the fact that ive barely read a book for fun in like three years i think ill stick to movies for now
lashton: hear me out. princess bride. can't explain it really except i love it as a movie and it's whimsical and fun and funny but all of that is sort of covering up a deeper more intense layer, some very sincere emotions
mashton: okay ive thought about it and i think mashton get the high honor of good will hunting. good will hunting is my favorite movie and it has such profound emotional depth which i think mashton also have. but it is a matt damon & robin williams movie so it has a lot of great moments of levity and humor but like it's also such a thoughtful movie. yeah i mean i just think gwh is a goddamn masterpiece and. yeah
malum: high school musical. theyre an old favorite, yknow? well worn and timeless and full of history. very sweet, highly entertaining, but also upon closer inspection Pretty Fuckin Dumb (affectionate) sometimes
muke: SET IT UP OOOOOH THEY ARE SET IT UP they are the enemies to formal acquaintances with a common goal to tentative friends to scheming besties to lovers SPEEDRUN!!!! this is THEM!!!!! fun fact set it up is another of my favorite movies
cake: okay so i was originally gonna say this for lashton because of that fic emily wrote me that one time and i really think it could go both ways but just in terms of VIBES, legally blonde goes to cake. idk it's fun and flirty and it's an excellent movie with all good messages but it doesn't get too heavy and i feel that embodies cake
cashton: ocean's 11!! or at least some kind of heist movie but i mean who are we kidding this is The heist movie. who better to be the heist movie than kings of shenanigans cashton hoodwin. also if you dig a little deeper there are some emotional layers there. another one with a good amount of history but it feels more deliberate, like the relationships have been Cultivated more than Grown Organically - not less legitimate just different
ot4: ghostbusters. i have never seen the original but the 2016 reboot is one of my favorite movies ever and i just think Those Vibes. weirdos having fun but also being shockingly good at what they do and all bringing something new to the table you get my drift
the floor is now open for discussion. fin
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pixiegrl · 3 years
9 and 30-32
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@escapesos, bc just a girl with trans woman Leah is one of my all time favorite fic and more people should read it. Peyton explores boundaries in this fandom, with gender and themes, and I love them and this fic. They are a breath of fresh air.
@valiantnerdtm. They remind me that fic is fun. Fic writing is fun! And oh my god do I Love their dreamy, poetic version of Luke.
@ladybugnoah wrote Between Us for me during fic exchange last summer and it is truly one of my fav fics. comforting and warm to read. More people should read their fics too, for his different themes and ships and also just. getting this fic so right
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
“I can also finally share some exciting news! I’ve been hinting at it for a few months, but I can officially tell everyone that I have a new line of makeup coming out in collaboration with Covergirl! And to celebrate, Michael and I are going to do a “Boyfriend Does My Makeup” video using the new makeup,” Luke says, gesturing to Michael to come on screen. Michael rolls himself over, smiling at the screen when he comes into frame.
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Luke. I love writing Luke. I write him my way and that's that.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
I'm gonna go off some recent ones:
“He’s not my boy. He’s an overly perky pain in my ass.”
“But he’s a cute pain in your ass,” Calum points out. Michael blushes. He regrets telling Calum once that he found Luke and his fluffy blond curls and his lip ring hole cute. Calum has yet to let it go.: from All I want for Christmas. It was a christmas retail worker muke I wrote and I enjoyed this line alot.
“I’m not sure how I can possibly top what you’ve already said, but I’m going to try. Ash, darling, it’s silly and cliche, but I had a crush on you since the day at the movie theater. I thought I would never see you again, but then you walked into band practice as our new drummer and I knew it was fate pushing us together. It took us a while to get here, but I’ve loved you for so long and I love you so much it comes as easily as breathing to me. You’ve always made me feel cherished and special. No matter how bad I get, the mood I’m in, you’ve always been there for you. You know what to say to make me feel better and even when it’s hard, you never back down from trying. I’ve never felt anything but loved when I’m with you. You’ve helped me to explore myself, to become more comfortable in the person I am. You’re my rock, my support system, my love. I can’t put it all into words how much I love and cherish you, how happy I am to have you in my life, to have you as my person. I promise to love you forever and ever with every part of my being. I want to share every moment with you. I love you,” Luke says, choking out the last words, vision blurred from the tears they know are falling. Ashton’s no better, tears fully running down his cheeks, smiling around it as he wipes his eyes. He leans over, wiping at Luke’s cheeks, pressing a soft kiss to each. Luke grabs his wrists, squeezing lightly before letting go.: From I'll Give you the Best Years from the lingerie luke series. This was from their wedding. I spent ages worrying about their vows. I was very proud of this.
“Stay here. With Michael and me and the whole crew. We like you. We’d be happy to have you around. It’d be nice to have someone else who’s stuck here for all eternity,” Calum says, smiling gently, hand still in Luke’s curls. Luke turns to look at him. It’s a thought he’s had before, just staying on the ship. Luke’s not ready to go back to the sky, to leave the life he’s built here and the home he thinks he’s found. It seems sadder and sadder everyday as he thinks about going back to the sky, being alone again after learning what it’s like to be among a family, to have people to love. Luke likes the life he’s built here. He likes the crew, Michael, and Calum, who treat him like they’ve known him forever. Luke realizes, looking at Calum’s earnest face, hand on Luke’s shoulder, that they want him to stay as much as he wants to.: from I'm a Falling Star. I just really liked this bit in the fic. Idk why
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jacksallys · 2 years
opening lines game !!
rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories. (if you have less than 20, just list them all!) see if there are any patterns. choose your favorite opening line. tag some people to play the next round!
thank you so much to @highscal for tagging me !! this was so much fun <3
i’m not sure who’s done this yet actually so i’m going to tag @escapesos @pixiegrl @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists and anyone else who sees this!! sorry if you’ve already done it hfkdks
1. the twilight hyperfixation harry potter, gen
It was suggested as a joke at first, for the Marauders to watch Twilight at their weekly film night.
2, 3, + 4. according to your heart, my place is not deliberate (falling for you) 5sos, muke
Luke didn’t like getting the bus at all. chapter one
Maybe Michael didn't have to use Open Sesame on the doors to the dining hall, but he felt like it. chapter two
Michael was pretty much already dressed when Luke woke up. chapter three
5. i don’t want to be your friend (i want to kiss your neck) 5sos, muke
Every time he asked, Michael managed to change the subject.
6. everything is never as it seems (when i fall asleep) 5sos, muke
Luke’s flat was filled with smoke as his potion bubbled over the pan, spitting out at him as if it wanted to attack him ― which honestly, was probably a suitable punishment since he hadn't been paying much attention to the love potion at all
7. you are the sun (and i’m just the planets spinning around you) 5sos, muke
Michael wasn't too sure what to do about his current situation, honestly.
8. make me your radio (turn me up when you feel low) 5sos, muke
Luke was starting to get the shakes from how much coffee he’d been consuming on a day to day basis.
9. my heart’s a stereo (it beats for you so listen close) 5sos, muke
When Luke woke up, he could already tell that it was going to be a god awful day.
also going to include some wips under the cut because i’ve ran out of fics! guess that means i need to actually finish some and post more :’)
10. untitled soulmate fic harry potter, wolfstar — currently 1.3k, i impulse started this tonight after i told gigi about an angsty wolfstar soulmate au idea i had and they encouraged me to add yet another wolfstar fic to my docs :’)
Remus Lupin had grown up knowing that he was skinbound.
11. untitled baby fic the raven cycle, pynch — currently 3.7k. have i finished the raven king yet? no. however that’s not important, ronan lynch accidentally dreaming up him and adam’s baby, despite them not even dating, is important !! i wrote almost 4k in one sitting and then planned to write it the next day however. someone (me) got sick and then someone (also me) went to a 5sos concert and now someone (me) is sick and lacking the braincells for writing so! it’ll probably be finished soon, pynch is on my brain a lot right now actually
Ronan Lynch was a dreamer.
12. i know this whole damn city thinks it needs you (but not as much as i do) harry potter, wolfstar — currently 1.6k, this is my spiderman wolfstar au that’ll probably take about two years to fucking finish at this point :’)
“Now, I would like to remind the returning students and new sixth form students that this academy has rules. No fighting, no pranking—” McGonagall gave the Marauders a pointed look at that comment. “—And absolutely no bullying. This is a place for education and you’ll all do well to remember that.”
13. untitled starstruck fic 5sos, malum — currently 7k ish, this one has taken a… very long time, it’s never really been my top priority fic wise however. i think i might make it my top priority? it deserves it, hopefully it’ll be great when it’s finished!
It was 3am and Luke was watching an old, shitty recording of a Calum Hood concert.
14. look up here, i’m in heaven carry on, snowbaz — 1.1k! i actually finished this AND posted it ages ago however i convinced myself it was dogshite so i deleted it like a lot of my shorter fics
Baz had always liked smoking.
15. you’re my lover boy (i could be your baby) pjo/hoo, valdangelo — currently 4.6k despite me not even being finished with the second scene of this 5 + 1! it’s 5 times leo kissed nico and one time nico kissed leo :) including but not limited to: the first kiss, the dared kiss and the accidental kiss!
It wasn’t often that the Seven & Co. hung out when there wasn’t a battle to fight.
16. you’re not my homeland anymore (so what am i defending now?) harry potter, regulus black & sirius black — currently 1.6k :) another 5 + 1 fic, also it’s NOT incest i promise i just wanted to write an angsty fic exploring the decline of their relationship as brothers as a gift to gigi <3
Regulus Black sobbed into his brothers arms, begging him not to leave him.
17. untitled marauders fic (but it’ll probably be called how evergreen, our group of friends!) harry potter, multiship, wolfstar centric — currently 3.7k, it’s a BIG sirius centric fic, i have abt a 15k doc just planning it but it’s proving to be difficult to write bc sirius is a difficult character for me to get in the head of, especially in the beginning when he’s like, fresh from eleven years straight of only knowing a life of abuse and not really realising it’s abnormal? hits a wee bit close to home however! i’m gonna write it, i’m determined. not sure i’ll ever post it tho hfkdks
Sirius Black was fairly certain that today was going to be the day he died.
18. untitled black widow annabeth x avenger percy pjo/hoo, percabeth — currently 4.8k. i don’t actually have a whole lot of this fic to write… literally like fucking. maybe another couple of thousand words. i could finish this in about an house… hm. inch resting
Annabeth Chase was ruthless.
19. i’m losing myself in you (and you, and you, and you) 5sos, ot4 — currently 2.4k! this is a fun hogwarts au, i don’t actually remember writing ANYTHING of what’s already been written, pretty sure i was high the last time i opened this doc so that’s fun! idk if i’ll ever finish this, it was completely based on the idea of luke going to a quidditch match and being layered with four house scarves (his own and all three of his boyfriends) so that he could cheer them all on. however! this one has been on the back burner for fucking ages so. not sure if it’ll ever be finished rip
Luke Hemmings was pretty sure that he was going to die… or combust, or something else that was fairly fucking dramatic.
okay that’s it! so sorry if you read all of this, i don’t even remember half of what i wrote but! yeah. i think all i can learn from the majority all of my first lines is that :) for some reason using the character who’s pov i’m exploring’s first name has a huge chokehold on me. i think it might be the fact that around the time i started writing properly i was reading heroes of olympus for the first time and rick tends to do that with all of his chapters. maybe. idk! i don’t do it all the time but i kinda like doing it, it makes my work feel a little more meish. anyway yes thank u for ur time xx
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anakinspraisekink · 2 years
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
thank you for tagging me @binaryeclipse !! 💖
currently reading: book five of The Wheel of Time, I have a long way to go lolll, but I think the last time I did one of these I was on the second, so! Progress!
last song: Surface Pressure from Encanto, all day everyday baby
last movie: it's been a few weeks actually, but uhh maybe it was The Gladiator?? I had just gone to a Pompeii exhibit so the ancient Rome vibes
last series: currently watching Moon Knight!! I was an ancient Egypt kid and also I love Oscar Isaac <3
sweet, spicy, or savory: I have a sweet tooth all the way and a horrible spice tolerance
coffee or tea: hypothetically tea because I like the idea of drinking it and I sure buy a lot of boxes because they look so cute and intriguing at the store but I just....don't like drinking things lol
three ships: here are three I've currently been liking and have been reading fics for! 1) Kallus and Zeb from Rebels because I just finished the show for the first time a few weeks ago and this was a pairing that totally surprised me but in a very good way. 2) Batman and Catwoman!! My bisexual dream, especially 2022 version 😌 3) BLACKBEARD AND STEDE BONNET, they have completely enraptured me and my heart hurts just thinking about them
first ever ship: oh MAN idk, maybe hinny?? Or dramione haha, but the first fic I wrote was for ships in the 5sos fandom 😳 (I believe I was a muke and cashton gal?? But I can't quite remember now)
currently working on: I just finished the newest chapter of A Touch of One-shots!!
favorite piece of clothing: I got this 70s inspired dress from Hottopic that was from the Solo line when the movie came out, and it's just so cute and comfy and still really flattering, while giving off a star wars feel in a subtle way. But more realistically, my grogu pj pants. And also this long pink tulle skirt I found at the thrift store that a literal princess would wear.
comfort food: 10000% mac and cheese, except gluten and dairy free because I can't eat much of that anymore rip (but it's still good!!)
favorite time of year: early fall and late spring ✨
fav fanfiction: okay I have so so so many favorites and a ton that have been embedded into my brain over the years, but the one that comes to mind is one called Text Talk, which is a wolfstar texting au, but something about it just is really special to me?? When I first read it I was Going Through Stuff, and it honestly really made me actually happy when nothing else did, so it means a lot <3
no pressure tagging: no idea who's been already tagged, but! @maragny @tomicaleto @maeve-on-mustafar @lorireadsstuff @lowkeyanakin @stanakin96 @nixie-deangel
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