#i feel so HAPPY
sitizelter · 8 months
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Red Bull's Lion ☆
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crazypatrolstudent · 1 month
Feeling melancholic today...
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Happy 3rd anniversary, Psychonauts 2!!! ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ
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something wicked at the beach
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Day 14 - at da beach
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painted-bees · 6 months
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@kimchi-juseyo commissioned a drawing of Raf!! [from ResiTheKoshka on FA]
What a treat, what an absolute delight ; 0; I am so happy!!! Thank you, Kimchi aaa♡♡♡
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tenjikyu · 5 months
Don’t come for me sskk shippers 🥲
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I am the biggest loser for healthy dynamics
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electromignion · 1 month
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I’ve been lucky enough to c0mmission @parallaks-art who is a very skillful and amazing artist, so I went for their experimental sketch and asked for a Jeremy Bradshaw portrait (and I had been waiting to be able to commission them FOR YEARS because I’ve always LOVED their art style and also because I’ve been always wanting to be able to support them 🥹🥹) and I caved in and also asked for a duo portrait of Vipin Khurana and Olivia Hoskins 🥹💜
And I feel so grateful because they’ve been bearing with me and all the headcanons I had for them all, especially as they weren’t familiar with Bridgewater at all I over shared way too much information (as you know after all Bridgewater has been on my mind 24/24 for a year and half now) AND AAAA THEY WERE SO MINDFUL WITH THE DETAILS AND ALL AND THEIR VIBES ARE SO THEM IT’S SO IMMACULATE AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY I HAD TO SHARE THEM WITH YOU ALL /pos
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enfinizatics · 1 year
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me when i download new severitus fics on my e-reader
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townofcadence · 2 months
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I'm really grateful for the people who've made this space feel so amazing and fun to be a part of. Who've interacted and reach out and talk to me and make me feel like they want me around.
For a while when I first got back on tumblr, it was really hard; I had a few people who interacted with me before follow me to this OC blog, but I was pretty much starting fresh. I struggle a lot with my depression and anxiety and even just the usual insecurities, on top of a handful of other chronic health illnesses that make things really hard and painful in general. And for a long while, I was fighting the constant impulse to stop bothering and just leave tumblr again. It wasn't anyone's fault, mind you! I was just painfully lonely and struggling to feel connected or interesting enough or a good enough writer. When I started out, I had many interactions die very quickly without a word after a reply or two, both ooc and ic. All of that is fine to a degree, because tumblr isn't life, it's a hobby, and i totally get things like neurodivergence, exhaustion, forgetfulness, health, work, or anything else that really can impact being available and interaction! But the volume of times it happened was enough I started wondering if it was me, because there was a pattern that was widespread. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. That maybe there was a reason, and maybe I wasn't worth talking to or playing with? I know I can come on strong, and be very overaffectionate, which doesn't always resonate with people, or might be too much and offputting. Which isn't indicative of anyone. But it's another way I sometimes can be a problem. So my brain started using my bullshit mental health against me. I did really start getting in my own head and letting the worries kinda eat at me to the point of feeling like vanishing wouldn't change anything at all. The worries are still there of course, but I feel like I have made some changes for my health, and quite a few friends and connections, and that make it easier not to listen to them. I feel a lot more connected! There's more back and forth. I have so many two way streets, which I really do think is where friendships get made, because I feel like people want to talk to me as much as I do them. I can reply to things and have a short talk, or we can chatter in rp tags, or even in IMs and stuff! And I separated from the spaces that made me feel I didn't belong, or stopped putting my energy where it wasn't valued, since I already have such a limited supply. I've also made some changes in real life that haven't fixed things for me, but have helped me improve in incremental ways and I think that's helping too. But honestly, I love seeing others on my dash and sending them things, and learning about their muses, and I love that people seem interested in mine too. I can have extensive conversations with a a lot of you at our own leisure. I feel like people at least want to write with me, even if I still don't always like the quality of my responses or think they're the best they could be. But we're still writing and making stories and even if not every reply is perfect, the important thing is we get to build those connections and have those moments that become a part of our muses history together! I love seeing them become friends or fight or bond in all the ways they do! I love getting to see everyone's creativity and the amazing things they make! I'm kinda just rambling to ramble, but the people here mean a lot to me and I just-- I'm here because of you guys, and I'm happy I am, and I care you very very much. I love you! And you have made me being here a very joyful thing that I look forward to each and every day! Each and every reply!! Thank you so much <3
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ivy-creates · 5 months
I think D1 (pony AU) for the drawing prompt would be so silly and awesome :-D
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Drawing prompts are here!
OMG This was so fun!! I debated whether I should make versions of us as regular ponies, or as other creatures in mlp that may be more suiting. As you can see i ended up doing both hehe Thank you for the ask!! 💕
I would be a pegasus/changeling (as like a nod to my alien sona!) and i think Wilford would be a unicorn/draconequus! if u r curious about what animals i put as the hybrid, ill write it below the cut:
Ram (horn)
Bull (horn)
Yellow Leopard Gecko (arm and body) (with spikes cuz its fun!)
Bear (arm)
Jaguar (leg)
Duck (leg)
Rose-Breasted Cockatoo (wing)
Rosy Maple Moth (wing)
Tiger (tail)
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ijustlovefiction · 1 year
I did my first cosplay ever.
And I cried.
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omint · 11 months
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your wonderful JJK art and comics with us!! You have broken my heart with your artwork about ten times this morning but I'm extremely grateful for it 🖤
Hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe!
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Ohhhh, thank you ♥♥♥ I’m really happy hear that ♥
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devildevotee · 5 months
i'm only going to use the demon of swords and blood's name in public praise, because it feels strange not to address him personally when i am thanking him.
Marquis Andras, thank you for your protection. thank you for listening to me, for supporting me, for being clear with me on where you stand with me. thank you for communicating with me (over and over again to ensure i had no wiggle room on guessing whether you wanted to contact me), thank you for helping reduce my suffering, and going after those who intend to hurt me, obsess over me, stalk me. thank you for coming to me once more after everything that had previously occurred, thank you for allowing us both to start anew. thank you for giving me grand company, for appearing in my dreams, for helping me cope with physical and emotional pain. thank you for watching over my family and my loved ones, you are a guardian that i never thought i would ever have.
i hope you enjoy the bloodstone once it arrives in the mail. the carved shape of a wolf made me think of you. for now, i only have jasmine incense and a black candle for you - but the smoke and tall flame make me happy to know i can at least pay you back somewhat.
may you have a wonderful day and night, and may my offerings always make you satisfied and content.
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lastofautumn · 6 months
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I can't believe @marinerainbow, one of my fav writers ever, tagged me in this. Made my day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Can I send it back to you? I do think you are super wonderful
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francixoxoxo · 1 month
I’m almost done with the works that have been stressing me out the most and I feel so happy 😭😭 I finally feel free to write little on shots of anything I feel like
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extemporary-username · 3 months
I was so anxious cause I had to go to a new endocrinologist, and last time I had to change doctors the guy refused to be a doctor and I had to pause my transition for a year and it was awful, but today went nice :D
I got approved to start the whole plastic surgery course to get my mastectomy and I'm so happy, it feels so good
I know it's gonna be a long process but I'll finally get rid of them ☺️
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OMG!!! I get Eddie and most likely Buck on the episode after my birthday (4/16). I feel so happy.
6x14 Synopsis
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