#i feel sooooo normal rn about that episode
babygirlbdubs · 2 years
it was a place of love…… a place of love and respect…. and he rebuilds it and offers it to tango and tango…. tango cant pass up rancher love……….. they are…. in love…… im going insane….
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widowshill · 9 months
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gm woke up thinking about this scene
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plushiebomb · 11 months
Watching htf (specifically the episode, "Ski ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!") And it gave me flaky with eyebags. Now I am feeling sooooo normal about it rn ❤❤❤❤
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
i absolutely love bad romance, it's my favorite qsmp fanfic and i mean it!!! i love reading roier's povs and i feel like there's so little of it so i really feel spoiled with this one, his madness is ON POINT!!!!!
love the way you describe and write dialogues, even if it's not their mother language i STILL CAN SEE THEM SAYING THAT. i'm brazilian and idk, reading the dialogues feels pretty natural so i think you should be proud of it!
also. i'm so normal about the fact that cell thinks he has everything under control like, he has the capacity to just leave this poor maniac man behind if he needs to. but. he really doesn't know he can't and roier is just sooooo normal about him that every little interaction messes with his head like alejaoakKLSJAKEJALEDB MAN I DON'T KNOW, I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC AND IN MY OPINION bad romance is the best fic in exploring both f!cell and c!roier
one thing that got me confused is when cell pointa at roier's shoulder and asks “it wasn't you, was it?”, when they're having dinner. indon't know if we're supposed to be confused or if i'm just dumb and i wanted to know kajeoajpsakle
ANYWAY SORRY FOR RAMBLING MAN IDK THIS IS EMBARRASSING but i get very excited about the things i really enjoy and i like your writing and works a lot so!!! thank's for the update 😳👍
So about the “It wasn’t you, was it?” it wasn’t supposed to be super clear because Roier was kinda going through sepsis atm and wasn’t able to like. Think. But it’s actually Cell thinking back to when Roier sliced his own neck open to try and get his attention in chapter two. Cell was gonna be pissed if this dude slowed their road trip down for that, but, luckily, it was just a gunshot wound. Yay?
Meanwhile with the dynamics, I kinda just looked at the twitter art that inspired me and I was like. Cute, but there’s no way it’d be that cute. Because I’ve seen three whole episodes of Fuga Impossível and I figured that Cell would 100% try and be on top of every single situation he’s put in, even this one, but, like he did with Pac and Mike, he’s severely underestimating Roier rn. Because Roier is literally so unstable that he’s completely unpredictable, and Cell is a very logical man. He can tell there’s something up with Roier, but, again, like with Pac and Mike, Cell’s ego is getting a bit ahead of him. He’s going through this huge emotional turmoil rn and Roier is completely oblivious because he’s decided they’re already engaged. He’s just waiting for the proposal. And if he doesn’t get one, then he’ll just make Cell give him one. He has nothing to lose except for Cell, and he’s never going to give him up. Ever.
…If that makes sense. Tbh this fic is a struggle to write sometimes because I haven’t really seen either Chafaland or Fuga Impossível and I don’t speak either Spanish or Portuguese, so I’m working entirely off of vibes. So I’m glad to see the dialogue is coming off okay? Lol
TLDR; there’s no shot fcell and croier would both be disgustingly horribly in love with each other at first sight, give it a couple of weeks
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doubledyke · 11 months
One thing I dislike in season 5 is how the characters are often dumbed down just to fit, for the plot sake. The kids, in particular, seem to reach a point where Eddy can literally come up with any lie or scam (the forever-summer scam, the mole mutants, the booster shot day, the egghead Ed, a new kid Carl) and the kids will immediately buy completely without a question (even Kevin of all people). In earlier seasons, as gullible as the kids could be, they still kept a skepticism degree and were quicker to recognize something as a poorly manufactured scam (at least some of them).
So, of course, all the characters sound so out-of-character in season 5 (except maybe the Kankers)...
yeah i agree to some extent. i'm always hesitant to criticize s5 cuz like, who tf am i? i don't know much about the behind the scenes, etc., etc.. but i agree that it is very different in a lot of ways that stand out. if you view the differences in characterization as intentional, it's kind of interesting.
eddy is absolutely off the rails and is at his most volatile in s5. even his laugh is more villainous lmao. i liked kevin lordi's comment that he seems depressed as hell later on in the series. makes sense to me, i mean we see how he struggles in school, and how he gets treated there. you can't just leave when things get bad, either. i gotta say, i feel like they ramped up the eddy torture p*rn in s5. i might be biased though.
edd is also utterly unhinged. viewing the gradual changes in him as intentional (aka me over analyzing), i see that he's reached PEAK neuroticism. the guy is about to snap and eventually does in bps. frankly, i find him unbearable but it's all character growth in my mind. school is a source of stress for him as well, but for different reasons. also, he and eddy are a lot nastier to each other in this season.
with ed, i'm not really sure what angle to come at it from. if i stick by what i said before, then his over the top oafishness is likely a result of hardcore dissociating. maybe he ALSO really hates school and so his brain just shuts down. literally. you could also theorize that he took one too many bumps on the head (just kidding).
realistically though i think he's the easiest source of comedic relief for what is, after all, a kids' show. perhaps it became a bit of a crutch while they created some really great character driven episodes.
like fistful of ed, too smart for his own ed, cleanliness is next to edness, and, pick an ed. lots of edd focused episodes in s5.
to your specific point, i guess i see what you mean. but i've always wondered why the kids would fall for anything eddy does after like s2 lmao. s5 isn't the first time we learn that the cul-de-sac kids aren't very bright. they do all have moments of skepticism, and yes, especially kevin. in see no ed, he's shown to be borderline paranoid about the eds which is goddamn hilarious to me. but most of the time they'll all be skeptical at first, yet still end up taking the bait and acting shocked.
(by the way: kevin deserved sooooo much worse than what happened in this won't hurt an ed - which was ultimately nothing. eddy ended up being the one getting hurt at the end of the episode.
kevin is ruthless and flat out cruel to eddy. he's the definition of a bully. he's shown to be pretty normal toward everyone else in the neighborhood, including ed and edd when they interact one on one. with eddy, he has this abnormal and unhealthy hatred for the kid. it's really funny.)
in pick an ed, edd says its obvious that 'carl' is just eddy in disguise. eddy looks worried until ed falls for it. to me that implies that eddy thinks the kids are dumb as a bag of hammers. and he was right!
my thing with eddy is, don't hate the player, hate the game. it's hard for me to feel bad for someone who gets "scammed" or pranked over and over. if kevin wanted to, he could be the hero of the cul-de-sac and put an end to the scams by simply sharing his over-abundance of jawbreakers with the eds. but he's a dick, so he doesn't. the kids are also to blame not just for being such easy marks, but for never leaving jawbreakers for the eds when kevin shares with them. eddy's biggest mistake was waiting around long enough after getting paid for them to catch on.
summary: i used to also view s5 as a "dip in quality" until i saw a post where someone argued that the changes could and should be viewed as character growth/development over flanderization. both things can be true! and there are plenty of REALLY good, fun episodes and moments in the season.
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eshtaresht · 2 years
oh damn oh jees I'm so normal sooo sooooo normal rn ahaha! emotionally, I'm feeling sorta ZGBZFDHZV HV ZDH DZVVZDS ZD ZZV LZV. like, it's trigun, I expected it to hit hard BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO HIT SO HARD spoilers for ep 10 under the cut as usual
tbh I'm mostly shaking about the next ep and impending season finale, but this one was still pretty brutal
firstly, the goofs. vash fucking SNEESING and getting ruthlessly bullied by wolfwood is pretty much in spirit of their relationship in 98' anime and I'd love to see more of it (pls I hope there'll be a season 2)
scar reveal! I was afraid they're gonna give him a glow up and yeah, some scars are barely visible, but the other ones look awful. so, everything I hoped for, good to see he's in pain /j. also nico tried so hard not to stare at shirtless vash... he's looking away respectfully
vash is such a wet cat pathetic paperbag of a guy... just let that guy take a shot, barely flinched, took the bullet 'cause he thinks he deserved it. didn't even think of attending the wound until wolfwood said so. and, mind you, vash doesn't have any superhuman abilities so that must've hurt like hell
nico's job is so funny because to keep vash safe he has to get into mega epic fights, but also remind that idiot to eat and take care of wounds. again, vashwood duo feels more like the original now, after the sandsteamer. I think nico actualy started caring about vash since he saved the orphanage, it's great to see him conflicted with his mission
also policemen from ep 1 and the guy who shot vash are like... second best side characters in stampede and this is not a compliment. the best ones are nomads who ate worms btw
oh meryl, she's gonna girlboss so hard now... woe to all the haters and naysayers, she's getting character development and faces the same conflict as vash and nico thus gaining more narrative significance!! don't get me wrong, manga and 98' anime meryl was a crucial character, but she's getting much more freedom in stampede to develop and get into action
the moment where she gets up during wolfwood voiceover is when we start to see the "iron lady" and I'm so here for it! now we just have to wait for her designated therapy dog girlfriend to appear and when I can be at peace
tbh I don't really care about roberto. no hate, just neutral, rip drunckle grumps
everybody just dumped zazie... so rude, meryl didn't even answer their question >:(
elendira is..... not bad, but disappointing in comparison to the manga's gorgeously evil and hilariour girlboss who was also explicitly trans! oh look, she's a child experiment plant hybrid now, yay... meh
TESLA CONFIRMED omg I'm SOO exited for the next episode we're gonna be in SO MUCH PAIN
knives yeeting vash into the pit got a giggle out of me, but also... damn he actually was preparing all these years, crafting a perfect trap. and all the plants... he couldn't fix them and boy oh boy, I'm pretty sure he gathered them not for safekeeping... HE'S GONNA DO A LAST RUN ON THEM TO "FIX" VASH!! that was probably what elendira was refering to when she started crying
I am the normallest about this. these twins are such hyppocrites I wanna study and dissect them. knives doing the most cruel thing to his sisters so he can get rid of everything that makes vash human in hopes that if they were on the same footage they would finally stay together.......
and the words that he says to vash hurt so much more because it's true. he does love humans, but the main thing driving him is guilt. in stampede, more than ever, vash blames himself for pretty much all human suffering, because he helped the great fall happen. no wonder he's so depressed and not nearly as goofy! homeboy doesn't just protect the lives rem saved, his pacifistic quest is penance for all the people he (thinks he) killed
july is going to destroy him.
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ladybender · 1 year
i need ur thoughts and opinions after the new futurama episode because we got freela content and my mind is literally imploding
ur also like the ceo of freela sooooo
lmaoooo i have a sore throat rn and i can't rule out i got it from screaming about this episode
my thought about this one are so many, but in no particular order and other than I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ✨💖
Fry and Leela's domestic bliss will end meeeeee fr
a plot with Bender being jelouse of Fry and Leela's relationship because he feels left out is something i've wanted since CC and cna't believe i'm finally seeing it and it's played so well throuout too!
I wish morbotron would make screenshots of the new episode too, because i would have a separate hard drive just for this one
so many freela kisses!!! they were holding each other the whole time i feel so blessed!!!
feeling normal about that
the momazon parody and resolution was so funny and scifi (the best execution of the topical episode so far imo)
"slap recognized" mom/professor crumbs lmao (i was dreaming of this episode being something like 'mom wanted PE so she marries the professor to get it' but that was a long shot 😂)
did i mention fry and leela are adorable!!! they fought but talked about it immidietly and were so cute together 😍🥺 fry was even tidying the place for her can you believe that!!
to me nibbler is on a business trip, that's why he's not in this episode. but more realistically he doesn't want to hear fry and leela bang through the walls anymore. thats bender's problem now 😂
this is it for now, but i'll probably think about more bc this episode is living rent free in my head lol
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prentissluvr · 2 months
hiii hiiii !! ^_^ i'm here to ask about spn women >3> rotating them in my mind sooo hard and i wanna hear your thoughts on legit any of them if that's okaayy!!
any thoughts on bela? :> i love her dearrllyyy and i wish she'd been brought back at least once even as a demon!! thinking of writing au fics for her and anna bc my godddd they had sm potential T_T jo and cassie and ava too
and also also do you have any sapphicnatural ships? i get if shipping's not your thing but thought i'd ask ^3^ llyyyy!! ♡♡
- @deadgirlsam ^_^
hello sweetest lauren !! hehe i'd love love love to give my thoughts on themmm they probably won't make a ton of sense since i'm tired rn and have trouble remembering lots of details but that's okay LOL i'll just blab heheh
ALL THE THOUGHTS ON BELA !!! i love her so so sooooo so much !!! she was suchhhh an amazing character and GOD THAT WOULDVE BEEN THE BEST TO SEE HER AGAIN i think it would be SO interesting to see bela as a demon that's such a good idea!!! i loveddd seeing her in every episode, i loved her attitude and her wit and the times she was vulnerable and i loved that she was unapologetic!! i genuinely just enjoyed watching her so much. and of course she's just gorgeous <3
and jo!!!! jo is one of my favorite characters of all time tbh. first of all i just have such a huge crush on her and always think about lesbian-winchester-sibling!reader x jo ughhhh. i mean she's just such a readable and relatable and real character to me. her want to prove herself, her desire to be seen as adult and able to protect herself, but the fact that she's just just young. they all were, and i appreciate the way that she portrayed that. i love her wit too and i want to kiss her so so so so bad!!! she's just sweet and badass and realistic and imperfect and selfless and flawed in such normal(?) or maybe relatable ways that makes her character very appealing to me i guess. and obviously she likes girls hehehe!!
honestly cassie feels like so long ago because of my horrible memory but i really really enjoyed watching her as well!! i would really want to rewatch the episode she's in and give my thoughts then tbh <33 wanna show the love to the fullest!! i loved how realistic she was too; she didn't just go along with what dean said about the supernatural and i liked to see her search for the truth about everything and find it on her own terms. of course that totally fit with her being a reporter!
ava!! suuuuch a good character and i think her actress pulled her off so so well! manipulation on point i loveee manipulative women hehehehe once again, season one is difficult for me to remember LOL but i just love the trope of the "sweet scared innocent" girl using that to manipulate and be ruthless. she was super interesting to watch, again, great acting! and once again, i'd want to watch her character more lol
and gosh!! i'd love love love to see anything you write for anna or bela omgggg <33
i'm honestly not a huge shipper, i don't mind it or anything, but it's not something i focus on or thing about a lot. obviously samruby is literally sapphic to me but i also love the idea of annaruby!! too too good i just love anna so much actually.
ilytoooo hehe <3333
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 11 live reaction under the cut (long post)
We're gonna get a kiss in this episode aaaaaaaa
Hahaha the way he gently rejected her
Namtan is so underrated lol she's an icon
"I'll tell you what I wanna eat if you can fly to Beijing to buy it today" listen Sky I appreciate you going full sugar baby princess mode but it's not good for the environment
Prapai is so whipped we love to see it
Hahaha what an entrance Rain
The good old paper roll bonk, Sky you mean to tell us you don't have siblings but do the most sibling thing ever?
Pai being questionable again... telling Joy that he and Sky are a couple and asking her for a key card to Sky's room...
Sleepy baby Sky too sleepy to be tsundere
"It's fading. What do I do?" PLEASE WHY IS HE SO CUTE that's like sooooo close to a confessio
THE WAY I GASPED WHEN THEY FINALLY KISSED yeah if I was Prapai I wouldn't have been able to hold back in that moment either omg the softness of it all
Also that kiss was exquisite lemme rewind
But yeah Sky is way too sleepy rn
The hand kiss aaaaaaa
The cheek kiss AAAAAA
...huh? Sky calling Prapai and telling him to come over?
HAHAHAHA HE CALLED HIM TO ASK HIM FOR HELP WITH HIS HOMEWORK boyyyy we both know you just wanted an excuse to see him
THE WAY HE JUST KISSED HIM AND PAI MANAGED TO STAY MAD??? bruh u should have melted like a normal person
Whaaaaat why is Sky being so cute he's not even trying to be a tsundere anymore
He has literally given in this was him basically going "actually I do want to kiss you" this is everything Pai wanted... yet Pai can't accept it bc he's gotta sulk a little more xD
Now that Prapai is being cold Sky is absolutely falling over himself
Very smooth of Pai to just go to sleep in Sky's bed and fall asleep before Sky can kick him out... but he still looks mad even while sleeping
Homoerotic bike sharing ftw
I absolutely LOVE Pai's surprised face when Sky kisses him it's too good
Awwwwww Rain's gushing about Phayu and Sky is thinking about Prapai... <3
HAHAHAHA "P'Phayu is not the only one who's cool and handsome and the best" OH YEAH SKY WHO ELSE? CARE TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS?
"This is bad." Oh no babyyy he's still scared to get hurt (because obviously falling in love doesn't miraculously undo trauma)
Pai in that gray tanktop? Yes please.
Lmao he's deleting numbers of old hookups
Omg it's a wind pin that's so cute
Wait is he doing this so he has an excuse to kiss him again as "payment" because while it does sound kinda cute I think he needs to stop viewing intimacy as a currency
Ok maybe he's doing it as a test or to drive him away
The way I GASPED bc Sky has gone back to his old "he's only doing all this because he wants to fuck me" way of thinking nooo babyyy
"I sound like a dick" congrats Pai you finally realized hahahaha
HUH???? Welcome to another round of "does Sky actually want this or is he doing what he thinks is expected of him?"
Idk all of this strikes me as so utterly unromantic and I'm so confused that I can't even enjoy it... "please get bored of me soon" HUH???
The kiss that Prapai imagined gave me 100x more butterflies than this...
And now he's thinking "please don't get bored of me" ? I'm so confused
"I slept with you so you'd stop pestering me" uh... for real or is he just being a tsundere again? Bc I feel like he hasn't fully admitted to himself that he actually likes Prapai (even though he secretly knows he does) which makes all of this rather uncomfortable to watch
Ok he's teasing but still idk what to make of all of this
Oh no not Pai asking about the piercing
Oh no his ex actually did the piercing wtf
I still feel like Sky is trying to keep his distance emotionally
But he's also smelling and cuddling Pai's shirt awwwwww
Hahaha Rain's braincell is working so hard it's got smoke coming out of it
Bonus scene: bro don't tear out the whole page that's wasteful af
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dizzybevvie · 2 years
apollo. beverly. buddy. omg... please feel free to explain what the easily solvable issue is cuz omg...... Big Deal it seems
OK THIS IS KIND OF EMBARRASSING BUT BEVERLY (15, boy scout, uhhh my blorbo my little meow meow) HAS THIS BOYFRIEND IN THE CAMPAIGN. HIS NAME IS ERLIN, HE IS ALSO A BOYSCOUT (the in universe alt is Green Teen lmao), HES GINGER, I CARE ABOUT HIM VERY MUCH. I care about this relationship so deeply. I love them I literally cannot NOT gush about Bev and Erlin theyre adorable theyre amazing i adore them.
Im not gonna cover everything, but for context when Bev & Erlin got together (~ep 20?) there was a big war going on in their home city. technically the war is still happening but it has since moved. Beverly's house gets bombed etc etc, they have to flee to escape the city. They split up, with Erlin and his family fleeing, Bev's dad and the other Green Teens are sent to a different dimension (THROUGH A KISS FROM BEV AND ERLIN MIGHT I ADD), and Beverly and the rest of the party go somewhere else that isnt important rn.
Since that episode, Beverly has been collecting things for him. A book about his interests, a poster, some drugs?? i think??? Just little trinkets he thinks Erlin would like for when he next sees him. The DM and player of Beverly have said that the relationship was never planned, it just sort of happened, but after that theyve discussed a long standing mutual crush and other stuff that makes me weep.
Bit of a time skip to around episode 50? By this point, theyve had a few more adventures, and have ventured into this other dimension to try to find Beverly's dad and their friends. They do, and after a lot of hardship and other stuff, they have a big celebration. Beverly, in his defense, is a LITTLE drunk, and meets this autumn looking boy. To be perfectly honest they hit it off. At the end of the bit, the boy tries to kiss him, and Beverly very maturely says something to the effect of, "Im sorry. theres someone else." and leaves. at this point im sweating fucking bullets. I am way too invested in Beverly and Erlin to be normal. But im thinking, oh, sweet, a breath of fresh air. And then he doubles back and kisses him.
And there are so many factors to this. I am fully aware that Beverly is 15. I am fully aware it is both his and Erlin's FIRST relationship. I am fully aware that they will probably be fine after a couple of conversations. but the BETRAYAL 😭 I was heartbroken im not even gonna lie LMAO. I paused the episode and I called Raya to rant about this stulid bullshit 💀. Am i angry at Beverly the character? No. Do i think Erlin's gonna be fucking DISTRAUGHT? Yes.
For me, if it was in the moment and then a, 'fuck, sorry, i shouldnt have-" Thatd be more acceptable. but its the fact that he clearly chose not too and then changed his mind. 😭😭😭
And yes. Beverly has gone through a lot in the past couple of days. His dad and friends aged 25 years in a month. His Dad keeps telling him, after being away from him for several months, that if they are to let anyone die, to let it be him. Another one of his father figures is going through a MASSIVE identity crisis. A war is happening. Beings that are as close to gods without being gods are putting expectations and pressure on his shoulders. I fully understand that this is a situation that is not as bad as i have presented it and that it is fairly easily fixed. but I was so fucking sad? We havent seen Erlin in like, 30 episodes. Hes literally a refugee rn. hes going to be so sad. He is going to be sooooo sad. 😭😭😭
TLDR: I have an unhealthily strong obsession with DND boyscout bfs, and one of them cheated, and I am so unreasonably sad.
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bit-of-a-fuqboi · 3 years
💕 Thank you @lovebillyhargrove for the tag! I love tag games :)
Your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius, on the cusp of Capricorn.
Favourite season/time of year?
Summer. Straight up, anything under 28° I consider to be freezing and right now I'm sitting under a blank cursing the weather (I hate winter sooooo much)
Your fav time of day/night?
Night. I'm a complete night owl and don't come alive until like the most inappropriate times and probably should be trying get to sleep lol
Your most MOST fav Billy scene?
There are soooo many. I love the moments when we get to see a bit more behind the mask that he wears but if I had to pick, episode 3.04 where he pleads with Max. I'm clearly a sucker for angst and this scene broke me.
Food you're craving atm
Bacon, specifically my partner's bacon. I've been waking up to the smell of bacon for two weeks now, but today they are sleeping in, which they deserve, so I'm leaving them be and staring longing at the kitchen while drinking my tea lol
Your favourite kind of alcohol?
This is a hard one, cos I'm not the kind of person who has a preferred drink. I'll drink anything, from wine and beer to spirits, but keep vodka very, very far away from me lol that stuff is basically battery acid and I've drunk home made stuff lol
Neon lights/hustle and bustle OR the quiet of a small town/countryside?
Preferably, the neon lights/hustle and bustle of a city. I'm a city gal at heart, born and bred, however I do enjoy a visit/stay on country (where my community is from is way out in the country)
Sugar!daddy Steve OR sugar!daddy Billy?
Sugar!daddy Steve! Billy deserve to be spoiled lol
The place you wanna be rn?
Anywhere but my house, seriously. I hate lockdown and I have lost track of days.
Country you would like to visit (fingers crossed, they open the borders some time in the future)
I would love to get a permit to visit Arnhem Land, particularly I would want to volunteer for the Garma Festival. While not another country, I feel it's in the vein since our State borders are closed and events of this nature are cancelled due to covid.
Yes, regrets 😔.. OR No regrets!!!!!!!!!😝 (About life, i guess??)
Many regrets, but let's not go down that sinkhole lol
ONLY IF YOU WANNA!!! A selfie??? I love your hearts already, let me love your beautiful faces))❤️💖❤️
I don't normally, but what the hell lol
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laufire · 4 years
Legacies, Braven, Eve (Lucifer) and Reign/LOT
Favorite character: I’m going to shock everyone by saying Lizzie anything-but-Jenna Saltzman xD
Least Favorite character: Alaric needs to be replaced.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Lizzie/Sebastian (really didn’t appreciate enough when I had it), Ablah/Lizzie, Lizzie/Rafael Hope/Landon/Lizzie, Chad/Necromancer (I just liked it okay xDD. I hope it’s not over for those two!!).
Character I find most attractive: MG’s mother whose name I can’t remember rn.
Character I would marry: Dorian would be a GREAT life partner.
Character I would be best friends with: probably Josie, based on RL experience. Kaleb too.
a random thought: I really wanted that musical episode...
An unpopular opinion: Lizzie/Rafael and Josie/Rafael rocked and that’s the love triangle he should’ve been kept in.
my canon OTP: I don’t have OTPs but I guess Lizzie/Rafael atm? I’d say Hope/Landon but I’m still ruminating how the ship affected Josie.
Non-canon OTP: Hope/Lizzie gives me all the feels so.
most badass character: Dorian is the perfect example of Badass Normal.
pairing I am not a fan of: Lizzie/MG or Josie/Landon or Hope/Josie (I have mixed feelings about that one because they’ve had scenes I’ve liked and I rather not dislike it, but a few of their “touching” moments came across to me as making Josie miserable and... I can’t).
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Rafael. In every damn aspect.
favourite friendship: Josie & Lizzie, ofc. My co-dependent girls.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I couldn’t do a worse job than Alaric as Headmaster so I say I take his position and “adopt” them all?
when of if I started shipping it: I liked it from their first interaction (threatening each other, Raven putting a knife to his neck, Bellamy trying to choke her... good times xD. Now that I think about it, it’s possible I have too many otps that start out with/involve a knife threat? Food for thought), I loved how their relationship contributed to Raven’s storyline after the smut scene etc., but I didn’t fully ship them until 2x12, where Raven ~casually let it slip that his sister was in danger despite being told it might compromise him LOL. It was a small moment but nonetheless.
my thoughts: late seasons development have made me reevaluate and I know see it as having been romantically unrequited. AKA Bellamy was into it, Raven wasn't.
What makes me happy about them: their narrative pull.
What makes me sad about them: the loss of potential.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I’d be pissed at any post-s4 fic that dismissed Echo. And ofc I hate that they’re often written as a stepping stone before Bellamy/Clarke ¬¬
things I look for in fanfic: I haven’t read Braven fanfic in sooooo long. Tbh I think I’d look for complete AUs (fusions, historical AUs, early show canon-divergence) because in canon I’m very distanced from the ship.
My kinks: personally I’m very into the idea of Bellamy ~gently taking off Raven’s brace lol.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I want Raven to have a successful and non-shippy ending, however that materializes (I’ve grown to think it’s the best option for her and a lot of characters like her). And err... I’m going to reserve my opinion about what I want Bellamy’s ending to be right now xDD
My happily ever after for them: utterly impossible after s5 because I love Echo too much.
Eve (Lucifer)
How I feel about this character: this show is so damn frustrating because they have an amazingly interesting mythos to pull from AND a source material that looks pretty damn good too BUT THEY KEEP MAKING THE DULLEST CHOICES. Eve wasn’t amazing or anything but I found her actress charming and gorgeous and she felt a little like a breath of fresh air sometimes xD
All the people I ship romantically with this character: no one really. I liked some of her moments with Lucifer but he’s the target of those dull choices so zzzzz.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: she and Ella were cute.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I can’t ship her with Maze. Maze was my fave character in the show and Eve’s inclusion was pretty terrible for her all in all, IMO. It pushed her further away from the show’s centre and made her even proppier. If Eve wasn’t so proppy herself I might even resent her for it LOL.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that she was in a different canon xD
my het ship: Eve/Lucifer, I guess.
my fem/slash ship: Ella/Eve, if forced to choose.
my OTP: n/a.
my OT3: n/a.
my cross over ship: since now all DC earths are the same one, I’m just going to say Eve/Alice from Batwoman because it sounds random af and potentially hilarious yet interesting.
my kink: she seemed to indulge in plenty but all in the pursuit of pleasing Lucifer, so she needs to reevaluate, start with simple stuff, and then see if she wants to build up from there, okay xD
a head cannon fact: she hates processed food (I just can’t imagine someone from so long ago liking that weird taste. She’d probably have trouble with a lot of food these days at first).
my gender bend: hmm. After some research, I’m going with Yoav Reuveni because I haven’t found anything better. I predict I’ll be bad with this question xD
Crossover ship: Reign x Legends of Tomorrow
Obviously from Reign I have to pick Lola to save her. I’d... kind of want to see what Charlie/Lola could look like LOL.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunter x hunter thotz so far
soooo ruth and i started watching hunter x hunter woohoo finally! we’re like 10 or so eps in so i decided to collect some thots below on what i think so far (i havent rlly been spoiled so im interested to look back on this once ive watched more)
first off i love gon sm, hes immediately so endearing...hes just a baby!!!! just a little baby boy!!!! hes just so cute and good, im so not ready for him to get put thru the wringer later on as ive vaguely heard happens
the first few episodes were really fast paced which i enjoyed and thought was for the best. the characters came thru really strongly and i feel like we heard juuuust enough about the setting, premise, and what a hunter is 
i wasnt expecting leorio and kurapika to show up in the FIRST EP lmao that surprised me. i love so much how the three of them like IMMEDIATELY became a family unit in like 3 eps lmaoooo it was like ok here are 2 parents and their son bam. also leorio and kurapika having a showdown on the boat (which didnt end up happening) was a wild ride 
i have like zero fucking idea what a hunter is and the more they attempt to explain the more confused i get. its honestly kind of hilarious how little sense it makes. to be clear this doesnt detract from my enjoyment of the show at all (if anything it adds to it)
oh my god fuckgin hisoka is the worst he hasnt done much but i hate him so much already. good villain writing/design so far, hes so hateable
ruth every time hisoka shows up: WE HATE UR PUSSY BIIIITCH 
the character design in this show is....a lot lmao. ruth and i decided its a cross between soul eater, jojo, and one piece in terms of aesthetic. the designs are certainly unique and so many of them are just so ugly hvbjafdbdskgs it reminds me of that post thats like ‘masterpost of jojo characters who look busted as shit’ lmao
i already love this show a lot tbh like the way its structured so far has been kinda atypical for a shounen, at least in terms of fights - we really havent seen a lot of fighting yet. also nen hasnt shown up yet and its reminding me of stands not becoming a thing in jojo until p3 lmao 
anyways in litrally ep1 i already loved the 3 main characters we saw...leorio is a wild dude, i love him sm, especially as a fellow medical binch who wants MONEY. like, thats literally me. and kurapika is also wild, like damn they rlly just dropped their backstory in ep 1 huh. like we rlly are jumping right into this 
also when leorio said he was a teenager i was like WHAT???? just like evryone else which YEA omfg. i cant believe hes that young lmao. kurapika too
so leorio is one of those 19 yr olds who looks 40 and kurapika is the type of teen who looks like a 12 yr old
and KILLUA i love him sm also....hes an adorable assassin catboy and hes perfect. i love how quickly he and gon hit it off (tiny bfs.....) and how hes just like, this extra as hell 12 yr old with a SKATEBOARD and ASSASSIN SKILLS and then he sees gon and is like guess im gonna fall in love 
i gotta talk abt gon again i just love him. hes so polite and cute and kind and good, i just love him...wht a good protag. his motivation is just wild too, hes like well my dad abandoned me to go off and be a hunter (which he isnt even mad abt, what a nice lad) so im gonna do that to see what the deal is
i love how gon (just like the audience) doesnt really know what a hunter does/is and just goes into the exam totally blind lmao. also the fact that his skills seem to include jumping good, being speedy, having the energy typical of a 12 yr old, being a weather sniffer, being nice, and having good instincts/constitution as a result of having eaten random grass and forest shit growing up...amazing. 
is this gonna turn out to be one of those things where its like, wow theyve been using nen this whole time without realizing! tht would honestly explain a lot lmao 
i really enjoy how like....semi-normal the power levels are rn? while also being all over the place and wack as fucks obvs (like hisoka dissolving that guys arms in his first appearance was A Lot, as well as all the card stuff hes done..). like the part wher that blue guys (evil franky one piece) punches the ground and it leaves a crater and everyones like !!!! wow wtf thats unnatural! that literally threw me off bc that kinda thing is so normal in anime lmaoooo. but i like that thats the starting point bc it leaves a lot of room for power escalation w/out it getting too out of hand 
specifially our protags are starting out pretty low on the Shounen Badass scale - especially gon (and leorio, tho i kinda predict he wont be as fight-y? what with him being premed)
i find it kinda hilarious how killua hasnt done too much (aside from murdering those 2 randos in like half a second) despite being so clearly skilled...like when they have to do the 5v5 fight thing in the tower, i wouldve thought hed be the first up cause hes so badass but nope
actually thats what i find interesting - i was expecting all 5 (or maybe 4, we’re in the middle of leorio’s ‘fight’) of the fights to be physical smackdowns but so far nope, theyve been very cerebral. that bodes well, w/how smart the fights have been, bc i doubt the fights will get stale tht way 
tho they might be kinda frustrating sometimes - there are times when u DO just wanna see a good ole fashioned shounen beatdown yknow. but we do get enough of that now (and im sure we’ll get plenty more) to satisfy (like kurapika decking fake-franky) 
oh also the opening. its so charming and cute and i love the song...its also so hilariously basic and classic - like one of those typical 2000s anime openings where theres stock run cycles of all the main characters and theres a little animation of all the characters fighting together (and that fight doesnt actually happen, its just for the op) 
also love that leorios the only one who doesnt fight in the OP, instead getting saved from death by gon lmao. im curious if he’ll end up fighting at all (i assume a little?) and if he’ll use nen (probably healing type nen?) 
also i already wanna fistfight ging for abandoning his perfect angel son. also leorio is literally gons dad already, they even look alike wow 
that guy hanzo has done basically 0 things so far but i rlly like him already, im curious if thatll change. also sorry for calling u ‘hanzo overwatch!?!?!?!’ upon first viewing my guy 
tonpa is str8 up so annoying pls leave u pathetic loser 
tho it cracked me up when he and Evil Mr Clean were facing off and starting getting all detailed/shaded and i was like o shit is he actually badass. are we abt to see like a nen battle or st. but no....lmaooo
i found it interesting that leorio didnt really admit to wanting to be a dr at first...hes such a good dude, he kinda just let kurapika think that his motives were superficial and greedy when in actuality theyre selfless
also wanting to be rich can be a rlly interesting character motivation and i love when its done right
oh my god i cant believe it took me this long to mention the hilariously edge ED....like holy shit, its so 2000s, the song sounds like its been re-recorded like 40000 times bc of how bad the audio quality is, or something, idk how to describe music but its hilariously specific in tone and its rlly funny to see shots of the main characters smiling while this screamo whatever plays in the bg....wow. 
also s/o to killua for being king of edgy with that ‘tear of blood’ shot
i rlly like how much of the plot, especially the early hunter exam stuff, is moved along simply by gon being a good kind polite boy. 
love the fact that he and leorio and kurapika (and later killua) all team up without even saying anything...i love that, most shounen would have them be like ‘che, i cant team up with anyone, i have to prove myself ALONE or my victory wont be EARNED’ or w/e idk. who knows that might happen later but rn i love how they all effortlessly work together (and how they all contribute - without each other they would have all failed at different points) 
oh man also killuas first appearence was so funny when he drank a bunch of tonpas poisoned drinks and was like [smirks] tch, loser, im immune to poison. get dunked on. [skateboard away] i love him so fuckgin much 
omfg that part where killua looks all shoujo/kawaii and is talking abt how hes gonna kill his family or w/e and gon is just like ^_^? i love they
HOOOOLY FUCK I ALMOST FORGOT, BUT 65% OF THE REASON I MADE THIS POST WAS TO MENTION HISOKAS THEME LMAOOOOO his music being like fuckgin, spanish guitar/traditional mexican type music is sooooo goddamn funny to me for some reason, like the first time it played i was like ok whats going ON with this spanish guitar lmao but then i figured out that its his theme and god thats so funny 
hisoka is also so fuckign jojo like he could so easily be in jojo. he and dio would be the fakest best friends ever and would constantly try to kill each other on the lowdown and shittalk each other constantly in private but be super sweet to each others faces. also they would hatefuck. no im not taking criticism bye 
i rlly love everyones backstories also, and i find it interesting that weve gotten to hear/see at least some of all 4 of the MCs backstories. theyre all compelling and interesting and i cant wait to dive in further 
also calling it now but kurapika is totally gonna get way too absorbed in revenge and get fucked up/disregard their own life (maybe in the style of robin in one piece?) we’ll see but i feel like it aint gonna end well. i could be wrong, i really havent been spoiled at all, thats just my guess 
hbahjfbshjf the ep that was called ‘hisoka x is x sneaky’ was SO funny that reads like a dora the explorer ep title 
also i had no idea the ep titles were formatted like that w/the x’s and thats rlly funny 
ok but the part where leorio - who seems to be pretty bad at fighting - tries to fight hisoka - whose literal first appearence involved him effortlessly dissolving a dudes arms - is so fucking funny. leorio rlly b a premed w/no brain cells....same bro. 
also i loved the Cutthroat Kitchen portion of the hunter exam and how not a single contestant was any good at it lmaoooo. do they not have the cooking channel in hxh-verse earth 
ok i love how the main characters are all intuitive in different ways depending on their own skills, like how killua can immediately guess that kurapika has never killed anyone before after they didnt kill evil-franky
kurapika joined killua in the Edgy Corner during that part also. like, they both have legit reasons to be edgy, but the shots of kurapika sitting in the darker tunnel part was kinda funny
also killua, a literal 12 yr old, calling out kurapika for being a murder virgin was pretty hilarious 
ok also i didnt know that madhouse animated hxh which is rlly funny but w/e i love the animation especially the occasional chibi parts and the facial expressions (like killuas ‘i love murder’ catboy expressions) 
oh also when killua murdered those 2 guys and his hand was all vein-y and his nails were pointy, his hands looked like hisokas do...i wonder if thats a legit connection or it hisoka just b getting his nails did 
kurapika talking abt how even seeing a regular spider makes them rlly angry was both very sad and kinda funny. kura u have so many issues god bless 
kurapikas smackdown on evil blue franky was fuckin dope tho. and the red eyes reveal was SPOICY 
rlly love how the individual fights highlights the characters strengths/morals/motivations/whatever....the writing is already really strong tbh 
ugh ok ive ranted enough this is a Lot lmao its so disorganized but w/e 
basically i love this series so far and im rlly curious whatll happen next. also everything seems pretty chill and upbeat so far (relatively) and i know this shit gets dark and im NOT FUCKING READY. 
til next timeeee
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watching episode 4 rn, thoughts at 2am:
i’m so fucking angry at dean for how he’s treating jack
i know you’re in pain sweetie but you’re so out of line, i don’t wanna have to see him become john
jack is actually really nice and just a normal kid
misha’s acting as the entity of the empty is PHENOMENAL, i mean i knew he was really really good, he’s proved it many times (e.g. with lucifer) but this is just so great, the voice he’s doing is sooooo good
just MISHA
talking about feelings!!!!!
i was afraid this episode was gonna be shitty but i really loved it, it’s so different from what they’ve been doing until now, at least to me
i was really afraid that they weren’t gonna be able to deescalate the story arc and it was gonna end in a huge disaster but so far i’m enjoying it very much, more than season 12
all in all, very excited about this season!
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misterbitches · 4 years
first thing fuck the anon who was rude to you 😤😤 but DON'T BE SORRY FOR YOUR ANSWER that kind of thing was exactly what i was expecting from you when i told you about this drama lmao i really like reading your thoughts about this kind of stuff , not to mention i also learn a lot \o/ could i ask you why you don't like lee min ho? i thought he was cool in the series but i'm not gonna lie : i was not here for the romance i could not care at all about them (1)
(pt 2!): JUNG EUN CHAE DESERVED BETTER ON THIS SERIES and oH OH I SEE YOU LIKE WOO DO HWAN SUPERIOR TASTE AS EXPECTED i heard he's gonna be in another drama soon! and hell yeah i watched my country and i'm still not over the ending my mans hwi and seon ho deserve a better ending not to mention that the good old homophobia had to give them female li ( and that's all those women were 🤢 how hard is it to write better stories for women?) 
i think the previous one may be from my (now defunct) film blog from grad school. it was about blackness in film so it literally says (this is a nicer way of me putting it: [get abused and die  n word] lmao which i wouldnt mention but im very not happy rn so i will complain
i honestly hate LMH’s acting. and als (and this is very very me) he was dating suji and their age gap just eternally pissed me off. i heard he was terrible with park min young and didn’t defend her at all when she was attacked (they dated after his drama city hunter) and idk. i’m tired of hearing about these actors with alal these young it girls. just a combo of things.
i haven’t gotten back to it and i dobt i would like it now but city hunter? idk if you have seen it. it is from 2012 but at the time it SLAPPPPPEEEDDDD. like i LOVED that show so i had to be able to put up with him somehow i watched it like 5 fucking times LMAO. i was also a big kim woo bin fan and i was probably rly snooty about him not being lead in heirs. it’s so silly, all my problems with these people seem so far away but yea.
what was the romance like? idk if you have seen goblin either but fuck. it’s not even kim go eun’s fault and tbh i feel kind of bad for her (also there was this like rumor she was going out with this actor and his text messages to her are SOOOOO WEIRD and i just felt really bad for her? and creeped out? lol) she’s a good actress too! then i saw lek 5 eps of govlni and swore ms eun sook was my MORTAL ENEMY. 
and 1000000% part of the issue is that seolhyun cannot act and she desperately needs voice training (her tone ....like bitch how do u cry with the SAME DAMN VOICE i was crying 10m ago and i cant even speak normal!) and then all the women. fuck i think the owner of the gisaeng palace (forgot what that’s called) was probably the best and that was like...towards the end. and that ugly jawn getting with one of the gisaengs? also her face was so distracting bc her jaw. omfg i just. :( 
i wish they could have like been together without that girl there (hwi and SH obvi!) 
and they had SH (right?) like the girl char too? also what the FUCKKKK WITH HIS LITTLE SISTER? SHE WAS LIT THE ONLY FEMME CHAR I LIKED. i remember being shocked and my friend was like “bitch it was a fuckin red-ass herring” and i kNOW i just lIKED HER???? SO I WAS LIKE??????? 
if you haven’t seen nokdu flower i super recommend. it has all the things you brought up of course but the peasant revolution is an enormous feat of class solidarity. and i am like almost positive the men back then were trash to women but there’s some things i have never seen done in a drama and am very happy about. the female characters are real cool. like even if one doesn’t know how to fight (which isnt the case) the mind is actually sharp. 
and because it’s hard to put characters or people that were so...hm...commonly exploited? the ex slave owner that raped his slave before she was freed (jo jeong suk’s character, half bro of the other MC) was seen as a fucking rapist. like actually. and i havent seen that happen really at all. dramas are so rare to have leading women be abused in any like..very sexual? way. i hate to say “penetrative” bc that is never close to the breadth of the pain that abuse brings but it’s like you’re only truly ruined if you are forced to have a penis inserted into you. and when male characters were disgusting, the audience knew how we were supposed to feel about them.
gisaengs are also “technically” slaves. at one point they were fucking owned and the hold barely stopped there. so i fucking hate speaking of these really prolific women as if there was a choice in the matter. does it even count if you literally cannot afford anything else? i cant remember, but i’m pretty sure NF was not too bad abt this.
it sucks cos like....automatically you want to like female characters but when they are flawed and just written so poorly it is so glaringly obvious. and i’m not a fan of being handed scraps and liking a woman just bc she’s there. in fact it’s even more insulting. how fucking hard is it to write people we can even extract a little bit of like...hm humanity from? it really isnt hard lmao. patriarchy :) 
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starryeyedhoe · 7 years
answer all of them >:3c (if you want)
minus 1, 6, and 11 bc I did those already 2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?They sent me a picture of their cat last night. Otherwise, nothing 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?Unless it's like bad drugs like they gonna die, then eh?4. Is your last name longer than six letters?Nope. Exactly 6.5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober7. What does your last received text say?"RIP me"8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?Like twice?9. Where was your last kiss at?.... a car...10. When is the last time you saw your sister?Right before I left for school on Easter12. Where did you sleep last night?My dorm room. Excuse me, res hall room.13. Do you think relationships are hard?Yes. Mainly bc I'm shit at communicating and feelings sharing and I think they hate me 24/7 or that I'm annoying and I'm just not good at it14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Nah.15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?I would hope not.16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?¿Por qué no los dos?17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?HA. A lot of people. 18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?None of the above. Running shorts.19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?Who knows, I'm a mess.20. Does anyone like you?I think so? Unless I cocked that up 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?No22. Is the last person you kissed gay?Yes.23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?UGGHH YESSS24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?I almost did but I didn't have enough money bc I had to spend a bunch for things so I didn't go get it. :( 25. In the past week have you cried?HA. I cried TODAY. THRICE.26. What breed was the last dog you saw? I think a pitty :) my fav.27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Well, I guess in, now, purely due to the design of our hall bath showers.28. Have you ever kissed a football player?Eww gross no.29. Do you think you’re old?No.30. Do you like text messaging?Eh. Sometimes I prefer calls and most prefer Snapchat.31. What type of day are you having?A real shitty one, thanks for asking :) 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?Yeah. More often, recently.33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Warm34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?Yes, mah best dude friend.35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Relationship even tho I'm shit at them 36. Are you a simple or complicated person?Just like Avril says, I make everything complicated 37. What song are you listening to?Nothing rn, but I was just listening to "Come to the Fun Home"38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Yes bc I'm constantly sorry for my existence 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Yes and I wish she didn't :/ And another Im glad she does. 40. What made you start liking the person you like now?They're funny and witty and sassy and really cute and adorable and yeah :) 41. When did you last receive a text message?This morning like, 11:30?42. What is wrong with you right now?Oh boyyy so many things. Had an episode caused by my autism yesterday, that was fun, and I'm still emotionally drained from it and like wanting to die but more casually.43. How well do you know the last female you texted?Very well. 44. Does anyone disgust you?Yes :/45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?If a specific person still tolerates me even tho I fuck up a lot, and they managed to hop an ocean, yeah, I'd go on a date/date them.46. Are you in a good mood right now?No.47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?My Spanish partner48. What color shirt are you wearing?Mint green/light green49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Yes, "you have a final next week."50. Anyone you’re giving up on?Myself 🙃51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Never52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Yeah. 53. Do you like rain?Unless there's really loud thunder and super bright lightening I like it54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?Pfft no. 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?I'm a lesbian. Of course I have.56. Do you like to cuddle?I luuuhhhhh to cuddle57. Are you shy?"Extroverted Introvert"58. Do you get along with girls?Kinda?59. Have you dated the person you texted last?Again, eww gross no, he's a boy60. What do you carry with you at all times?My phone and ID card61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? Sure.62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?I have never done it except for the abusive one I was forced to soooooo who knows? I'd like to63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?Noppeee64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?Yesh.65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?Yep 😊😊😊66. How old are the last three people you kissed?19 and I dunno the other two I was drunk67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? Do them myself 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? Ugh gross neither 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? Yes he has a school sticker and a swim team sticker 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? ...Luke Bryan...71. BlackBerry, Anroid, or iPhone? iPhone I guess72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? Like seven months 73. Do you like diet soda? The actual devil74. What color are the walls in your room? White/cream75. Are you 16 or older? Yup!76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? No.77. Do you have a job? Yusss :)78. What are your initials? MEC79. Did you ever have braces? Yes 80. Are you from the south? Yes??? Depends on what you consider the south but I'm in the south rn and my family are all southern. 81. What does your last status on facebook say? Probably something fucking dumb from 201382. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? No...83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? My mama84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? Nope85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?Beauty and the beast 86. Do you smoke? Not currently 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? I mean it always depends on the occasion 88. Is your phone touch screen? Yes89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? Wavy 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? Yes91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? It depends on the specifics 92. Have you ever made out in a car? Yes93. …Had sex in a car? ...yes.94. Are you single or in a relationship? I don't know?95. What were you doing last night at midnight? Drinking coffee to calm myself down from panicking in the library and jumping up and down in my seat bc I was having a bb episode96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? Fourth of July?97. Do you like the camera on your phone? Eh.98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Yes.99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? Yes100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Yup.101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Yes.102. Name your favorite Kesha song:TIK TOK. 103. Do you have any tan lines right now? Chaco tan lines ✌🏼✌🏼104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? I mean, I have soooooUgh girl that was a bitch to finish
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