#i feel very strongly about potatoes apparently lol!!
polaroidcats · 1 year
If you had to only eat one food/type of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
definitely POTATOES!!! I mean, if I had to ONLY eat potatoes for the rest of my life, that wouldn't be a very nutritionally balanced diet but it would be a very very tasty diet so I'm okay with that. Potatoes are so versatile, there are 100000 different ways you can prepare them and they're all delicious!!!
send me asks if you want!
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neckromantics · 3 years
Trips in the Regalia:
Chocobro Headcanons—
could be seen as platonic or not! whatever you want. :) SFW and gender neutral.
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Went on a road trip recently so these just kinda popped into my head. Also I missed you guys. :)
Okay, so Noct or Ignis are in charge of driving, obviously. Poor Prompto is pretty much banned from ever touching the wheel unsupervised bc the one time they let him behind the wheel it ended in disaster.
You’re totally allowed to drive but you outright refuse to do so now-a-days because someone distracted you by standing up in his seat and you almost drove off into a ravine out of fright.
Ignis has been known to let one of you sit on his lap and steer just for fun. Sure it looks ridiculous, but he can not handle the puppy dog eyes that are sent his way whenever he's asked.
There’s a cooler in the back by your feet that’s stocked full of Ebony and tiny little seltzer waters just in case Ignis gets cranky or someone starts to feel a little car sick.
The glove box might as well be considered a medicine cabinet with the amount of curatives that's stuffed inside.
Long road trips ALWAYS become even longer road trips because no one in the car knows how to synchronize their pee breaks. You keep telling them to just go all at once but they never listen. Someone always insists they don’t have to go and then changes their mind five minutes after you’ve left the rest area.
Parking at the side of the road where said someone has to do the walk of shame to nearby shrubbery while everyone else stays in the car and talks shit about them.
The Regalia always smells strongly of whatever essential oil that’s been dripped into the USB powered diffuser Iris gifted to you guys. It's a godsend, especially after those particularly long hunts where you all could use a shower. If it weren't for her it'd always reek of sweat and desperation in there.
It doesn’t happen very often, but there have been a couple of times that you’ve miscalculated the distance to the next fuel station and had to push the car the rest of the way after running out of fuel a few miles away.
Now Ignis has to reassure you constantly that there's enough gas in the tank, but you still peer over his shoulder to check the fuel gage and start to nervous sweat whenever it drops below half full.
Prom’s always trying to initiate a game of I Spy and you’re the only one that will entertain it lol.
No one in the car is allowed to have the aux due to past music-based arguments. You all have a joint playlist on a music app that you take turns adding songs to, and it gets played on shuffle. The genre is almost never the same back to back, which makes things interesting and also ridiculous.
Naturally Prompto takes so many photos he has to bring what is essentially a briefcase of backup storage. Will crawl into the back seat when he’s bored to sit half on your and Noct’s lap to show you some of them instead of just handing the camera over like a normal person.
Whoever gets to be in the passenger seat has the privilege of feeding Ignis while he’s driving. Apparently, Iggy burns a crazy amount of energy at the wheel because he’s ALWAYS hungry up there. He could feed himself just fine, but where’s the fun in that?
Honestly everyone’s just always feeding each other for some reason.
At some point when Noct’s driving you sneak a carrot stick into his mouth instead of a potato chip and he tries to kill you. Like, I’m not kidding he slams on the breaks and throws himself across the car at you like a rabid animal. It’s not threatening at all because he’s mostly flailing around, but it does take all three of the remaining guys to pry him away from you. You are cackling the entire time.
Gladio spends most trips reading (and then re-reading) the book he brought with him. Will let you lean in close to read it if you ask nicely. Always waits for you to give him the go ahead to turn the page.
You, Noct, and Prompto play rock paper scissors to see who gets shotgun and somehow Prompto wins nine times out of ten.
Ignis is an excellent driver but for some strange reason he loves to do U-turns in the WORST places possible. Will miss an exit and say whatever posh equivalent there is to “My Bad.” and just do a complete one eighty like your lives mean nothing to him. Also? He will slam the breaks on if any of you start misbehaving and it’s hilarious.
Gladio likes to mess with people in passing cars.
He’ll do this blank, dead-eyed stare at them at red lights until they make eye contact with him.
If the top of the Regalia is up for some reason, he’ll roll his window down and motion for them to do the same only to immediately roll his window back up as soon as they roll theirs down.
There's a compartment in between the two front seats that has five sets of matching novelty sunglasses that Noct bought at the shop in Hammerhead. It also has some lip balm, sunscreen, and bandages for when someone inevitably scrapes their knee or something.
There's not a lot of room in the car with all of you inside, so naturally you're forced to sleep in the weirdest of positions. Half on one boy, half on another. An arm or leg hanging out the side of the car. Nearly upside down in the seat.
It’s safe to say the Regalia is like your tiny home away from home by now. Sometimes it’s easier for you to just to pull a blanket into the car and sleep rather than attempt to sleep in some strange, fancy hotel room. The bros will wake up wondering where you are, only to find you curled up like a baby in the back seat.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #022
(from yesterday)
Christmas is coming. Who are you buying gifts for? Sigh, whoever I have money for. Priorities would be my mom, boyfriend, sisters, dad, and my two immediate nieces and nephew. When somebody intimidates you, how do you usually act around them? I avoid them the best I can or entirely leave the situation if at all possible. Is your favorite singer in a band or does he or she ride solo? My favorite vocalist of all time was Freddie Mercury, and he was the head of Queen. I also really enjoy the sound of Patrick Stump's voice in Fall Out Boy, and Brendon Urie from P!atD. Did your parents ever hang your old artwork up on the walls? Mom still does that, lol. She's kept some of my work in the living room. Should guys always kiss the girl on a first date? Ew, I hate this question. Which band has the corniest music videos? Corniest lyrics? Well, Ninja Sex Party literally HAS to have corny and dumb music videos or it ain't them, lmao. Corniest lyrics, uhhhh... I dunno, honestly. Have any songs ever inspired you to play an instrument? I wouldn't say that, no, but I definitely wanted to learn to play electric guitar so I could play some favorites. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever seen as a pet? I... don't know? Nothing very strange, honestly. Well I mean I've met a person with a pot-bellied pig, but I still don't think that's super out there. What was your favorite computer game as a kid? Oh, yeesh. One that very strongly stands out is The Amazon Trail 3 or something like that; I was very interested in the fishing and getting photographs and all that. I was also really into Putt-Putt and Freddi Fish games, Oregon Trail, and I Spy: Spooky Mansion was cocaine. I do remember I had a couple of hunting games, and then there's one fucking more BIG series of kids games that I can't remember for anything, apparently; you were preparing a birthday party for your friend that was a... lion? I think?? Idk point is I loved it as well as just computer games in general. Have you ever tried on your mom’s wedding ring? No. What is your opinion on fruitcake? Disgusting. Do you know anyone who has a pet bunny? I don't believe so, at least not currently. My sister Misty went through a rabbit-obsessed phase and she even had a BEAUTIFUL velvet black one she named Cinderella. I think a lot how I'll never be as pretty as this fuckin rabbit lmfao. How do you feel about wolves? Fucking breathtaking. Gorgeous, intelligent, loyal. They are honestly one of those animals where when I look at them, I 120% feel awareness and knowing behind their eyes. They're not just a machine driven by instincts and instincts alone, there's more to those creatures. I would LOOOOOVE to pet a rescued wolf or something, get up close and see just how huge they are. Does the song you’re listening to/last heard evoke any emotion for you? KJAKLSDJAL;EJJWE it's literally about a BDSM-esque relationship with God and divine punishment, all I do is worry about Till when I hear it lmfao. Do you use Pinterest? Ye. Do you have a favorite poem? No. I really should get back into reading poetry... What is your OTP? Your NoTP? We ship Paulchard to the ends of the motherfucking earth in this household alskdjfljLKJ;LKK;;lOW. I can't really say I have a "NoTP" I feel strongly about. Do you like beef jerky? I don't, or at least the ones I've had. They're too dry. Do you prefer ruffly or regular potato chips? Ruffly. My opinion on this is abnormally strong, haha. Favorite fictional world? I am quite, quite positive this heart o' mine will always belong in Azeroth. :') Even though I don't play anymore, WoW and its extreme variety of zones felt like home and a warm hug to me. If applicable, who was the first person you “came out” to? Sara. What’s one thing you’d like to do more? Draw. Do you own a camera tripod? Yes. Have you ever picked out a song to listen to on a juke box? No. Has a Jehovah’s Witness ever showed up on your doorstep? Yes, and I'd like religious folk to explain how it's cool that a Christian can shove their beliefs onto non-religious individuals and that be okay. But GOD FUCKING FORBID it's the other way around. No no no, god forbid if someone simply MENTIONS being irreligious and gives a reason why. WOOOOOOOO I got opinions on this shit. Can you make yourself cry on purpose? Nah. Do you have a retainer glued to the back of your teeth? I do, actually, behind my bottom row, front and center. Please, tell me, you’ve played any kind of Mario game. I've played some, but I gotta be real, they're not my kind of games. I enjoyed Mario Kart quite a bit when we first got one, but it was never a big obsession. NOW, if we're talking like games to play at a party, hell yeah, they're a great option. Do you like Nickelback? Absolutely zero shame, I enjoy Nickelback. I don't get why it's such a "cool thing" to shit on them. What would you do if your first love asked you back out? Say no. Fucking immediately. Probably have an emotional breakdown. Get out of the situation as fast as I can. Which parent do you respect the most? My mom, easily. I love my dad, but still. He's fucked up a hell of a lot. Who do you want with you when you’re scared? MY MOM. I am a fucking baby about this, like when I want my mom, I want my mom. Have you ever seen someone struggle with an addiction? Growing up, my dad was a bad alcoholic. Seeing him with a bottle of beer was a very normal thing, and so was seeing him passed out in the recliner. As a kid, honestly, I didn't realize he was dealing with addiction. I didn't know what was having a normal drink, but I learned. I can't say I clearly saw him fight his alcoholism because he only sobered up after my parents split. Do you play any zombie-killing video games? We stan Resident Evil 'til DEATH. Do you have a pet fish? No, they're not my style of pet. Have you tried the Beyond or Impossible Burger? Thoughts? I did, at least one of them... and I also cannot remember exactly how I felt. Must not've left a strong impression. Have you ever had an aquarium in your house? No, just individual little fish bowls that are literal torture for the poor fish. Are you missing any teeth? No. What was/will be your first tattoo? It's a semicolon butterfly. Do you have any tattoos dedicated to someone special? Yes, and I regret them both. One was for Colleen, the other for Sara. My personal advice for AAAAANYone wanting to get a tattoo for someone important: you have to ask yourself if you think they always will be. Ask yourself how likely they are to change for the negative, all this different stuff. I'm personally planning no "dedicated to..." tattoos ever again, unless of course someone I seriously treasure dies. Hell, this is something I feel so deeply about that I *almost* regret my Mark tattoo, because I mean yeah, wild shit could happen and then it's an awkward conversation piece. But for right now, it brings me comfort and motivation, so oh well. Live and ya learn. What is the next piercing you want to get? My nostril is realistically *probably* going to be next, but there are some others I want more that I'm just not at a weight yet where I'd feel comfortable having them. Do you like ghost stories? OHHHHHH yis Do you like to give people jump-scares? No, I don't think that's a nice thing to do unless they literally signed up for it, like at scary movies. Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? Yes, it eventually was one. I've even more confidently had a very toxic friendship. What website could you not live without? You guys cannot possibly understand how DRASTICALLY my life would change if YouTube was just stripped away tomorrow moring. Have you ever slept nude? Accidentally. Do you have any distinctive birthmarks? I do have one on the side of my right forearm. Who is a famous person you could see yourself reading an autobiography about? Oh, y'know, Mark. Pretty much the entire vocal fanbase has been pushing him about this for YEARS, lol. I would finish that book in a goddamn day. He's just always said he doesn't see his life as interesting or worth writing a book over and I cannot fathom the mind of this lad. What is the best horror movie, in your opinion? Maaaaan idk. I'm a horrible movie critic; I have like NO knowledge on what makes a movie truly "good" or "bad" or anything. I just watch a movie and decide by my gut whether or not I enjoyed the experience, so I'm leavin' this one up to the experts. Describe yourself with 3 fictional characters. Oh, Jesus. Well the first that came to mind was Dory from Finding Nemo because I don't remember SHIT and also do poorly if totally left alone and up to my own devices. Ummm then I guess like... Kiara of TLK? She's always trying to bring people together and sees good in more people than deserve it. Then #3... let's go with Henry Townshend from Silent Hill 4 ig primarily just because I too never know what the FUCK is going on and make it known quick, lmao. But I also would absolutely do what I could to help others. When was the last time you saw a photo of your ex? Not since our mutual friend Jacob shared pictures from what I think was a sort of get-together for he and his friends he planned. Jason now (well, I'm assuming he still does, he never really changed up his appearance in the past) has a full beard and mustache and I still recognized his picture in a millisecond. One of the weirdest feelings I've ever experienced was seeing that picture of him. I still don't know what the fuck I felt, but. It was something. What colour is your front door? White. Have you ever had a white hot chocolate? What did you think? Hm, no, but I'd give it a whirl. Do you enjoy corn on the cob? I do. Give it a little roll in butter and *chef's kiss* Have you ever bought alcohol or cigarettes for someone underage? No, and I wouldn't. Guilt would eat me alive, esp if something happened. If you use Snapchat, have you ever had a screenshot taken of you? I don't use it. Do you own an Xbox? No; my parents always got us PlayStation stuff. Has anyone done anything nice for you today? Yeah; Mom knew I wanted pizza so grabbed some for dinner. The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? We don't really... "hang out" one-on-one or anything. I'm just the sister that exists but never knows how to interact with them. Have you ever been so lonely, you cried? Oh yes. If you were to have sex right now, would you use a condom? You will NEEEEEVER see sex without a condom happen in my life unless one partner is sterile. I ain't risking SHIT. What would you do if you found out your last ex is engaged? That would be VERY shocking with how slowly she moves romantically and with her being such a deep, deep thinker and contemplating any mistake that could be made, but I wouldn't *do* anything. We don't associate and I want nothing but the best for her, let her be happy and in love. Do you get along with your significant other’s family? I do! Granted I only know his mom, sister, nephew, and two other people that are *basically* family, but I think they're all wonderful with such giant, giant hearts. I know where Girt got his now. How would you feel if a girl asked your boyfriend out for a drink? Yeah, no. I trust Girt fully, I absolutely do, but this still isn't okay. It's a matter of respecting someone's relationship. I suppose there could be situations where I could go with him, but idk, even then the idea is weird. Who’s the last person you talked to about sex? Girt. How long did it take you to get over your last ex? I don't... know, really? I mean I was upset when the breakup happened, yeah, but simultaneously, I don't feel like there was anything to get over on my end. Idk, I still can't quite figure out what Sara and I had. Who is the best female rocker? Why? So honestly I don't really have an opinion on "best," but I CAN tell you Alissa White-Gluz from Arch Enemy is my eternal reminder of The Gay in me; she is fucking gorgeous (do not get me STARTED on the video of her cover to "Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend," MOMMY), and she sings like a fucking lioness. Her growls and roars are fucking diabolical and I LIVE FOR IT. Can you even taste a difference between Cheez-Its and Cheez Nips? I can; I don't enjoy the latter. What color of roses do you find the prettiest? Ah man, that's hard. Maybe like dark red ones that fade to black, if that even exists? I also just think plain red roses are stunning. Have you ever seen an unwrapped mummy in person? No, and don't fucking do that because it is immensely disrespectful to Egyptian culture.
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dimplesandcurlsss · 7 years
Writer tag
Welp, @german-potato-of-doom tagged me so i guess here I go answering these questions! Thanks for tagging, lovely :) 
1) How many works do you currently have in progress?
Two works currently-- one on ao3 and another that is a bit more personal. okay fine. its my diary. Im talking about my diary okay? sue me. But one on ao3 lol :p
2) Do you/ would you write fanfiction?
yeahhhh....yeah I write fanfiction. like... a lot of it. oops. 
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
curse ebooks. if i cant smell the fucking tree that the pages came from then it doesn’t count, okay? I feel very strongly about this haha. not for fan fiction. but for actual novels? you bet your ass im buying the book. 
4) When did you start writing?
When I was eleven I wrote a story about a girl names Lisa who had powers. she had to keep them a secret. pretty sure she fell in love too. I dont really remember but it was something about a pool party? I illustrated it too. Apparently I was disgustingly ambitious. But yeah ive been writing stories ever since! just never had the guts to put them online till now
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
uhhhh....no haha. not really? I had a teacher in high school who I always showed my stuff to but..haven’t talked to him in years o_o
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
curled up in bed, tbh.
7) Favorite childhood book
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
Probably just for fun. I have no idea what the rest of my life holds but ive learned the hard way that doing something you adore can get stressful when money and impressing others gets involved :/
9) Pen and paper or computer?
I will always, always, always, prefer pen and paper. I thoroughly enjoy writing with a black, ballpoint pen.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
I took...one creative writing class. In high school! six years ago 
11) What inspires you to write?
i dont know. Love? pain? my anxiety? the universe as we know it? Other amazing fic authors? pretty much everything. the opportunities are so limitless. Stories are just so beautiful. they capture so much. its crazy how something that doesn’t actually exit can feel so real. 
uhhh i guess ill just tag the first authors that come to mind? @wittyy-name @trasshess @whatthebodygraspsnot @salineshots
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ec-sanderssides · 7 years
Soooo,,, (I'm very sorry if my random prompts/ideas are annoying lol) But could you do a jealous/pining!logic or anxiety where the other three are dating already and logic/anxiety is severely jealous. It slowly builds up until one day, maybe when filming a video(?), the others start flirting/kissing each other and logic/anxiety *has/had to leave the room*. The others come investigate why logic/anxiety left so suddenly and you can decide where to go from there(?) I hope you have fun with (1)
This prompt if you decide to do it! Have a great day!!! 💗 (2) ~ Rose Anon
Well this sure got long. Sorry this took a while. Also! You never annoy me! I love your prompts, it makes my day to see them in my inbox. Anyway, hope you like this. It was a hard choice but I eventually chose Anxiety, since I already did a fic where Logic is the one insecure about their relationship.
He was fine. Really.
He had just wanted to be alone that was all. Nothing else. He was completely fine, everything fucking perfect. He was lying on his bed blasting music because he wanted to. There was no other reason. At all.
He was so fucked.
Three weeks earlier.
When Morality called him into the common area, Anxiety didn’t think much of it. The eldest side frequently tried to coax him out for “bonding time,” so Anxiety figured this was just another attempt to make him socialize.
But when he got to the room, the other three were sitting on the couches looking unexpectedly nervous. Anxiety slowed at that, his eyes flicking between the three of them.
“What’s going on?” he asked, part of him wanting to back out and run.
“Ah, well, we, that is the three of us, just wanted to tell you something, um, that we, uh, thought you should know.” Morality bumbled out, unusually flustered.
“Okaaay,” Anxiety drawled out, his tone not portraying his rising heart rate. “Is this something I should be worried about?”
“Oh, no!” Morality replied hastily. “Nothing bad! It’s just, ah-“
“New,” Logic cut in, “and very different. It will likely bring some changes to the mindscape, so we thought you should be informed. Also you are our friend, and culturally it is important for friends to be told of such things.”
Anxiety’s brow furrowed. What the heck was going on?
“Can I get a translation of that?” he said.
“We’re dating!” Prince blurted out, his entire body bouncing with excitement as he turned to beam at his apparent boyfriends.
Anxiety blinked. Well that was definitely different.
“Um, congrats?” he said slowly. “So when did this happen?”
“We got together a week ago,” Morality beamed. “Sorry we didn’t tell you earlier, it was just so new! We just wanted to take some time to settle into it first.”
“Don’t, don’t worry about it” Anxiety mumbled, one hand going to rub the back of his head. “So is that all? Can I go now?”
“You can, but you’re also welcome to stay and watch a film with us” Logic replied. “We were about to watch A Dog’s Purpose. Patton requested it.” He then turned towards Morality, his normally neutral expressions softening into a smile. Anxiety had never seen Logic look like that before.
“That’s okay,“ he replied, “I don’t want to interrupt your date night or anything like that. You guys have fun.”
With that he ducked out of the room. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt a little sick to his stomach. He really was happy for them. Sure, hearing that the three of them and gotten together had surprised him, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. And they definitely seemed to make each other happy which was good. So why did he feel so weird?
Deciding it didn’t really matter, Anxiety decided to mess around on his laptop for a bit. Whatever he was feeling, it would probably be cured by a few hours of scrolling through Tumblr.
Two weeks ago.
Anxiety had decided to leave his room voluntarily for once. He’d been feeling restless lately, and he was hoping that a quick snack trip would calm his jitters. What he didn’t expect was to walk into the kitchen and see Morality pressed up against the counter with Prince kissing the life out of him, as Logic stood just a mere foot away, his eyes dark as he watched them.
He must have made some kind of sound in his surprise, as the two abruptly broke the kiss and turned to stare at him. Feeling flushed, and sure that his face was redder than firetruck, he cleared his throat and made a few awkward gestures, as he began to back out of the room.
“I-I’m just gonna, you know, g-go. Now. Sorry.” he stuttered out, sure that he was only making the situation more awkward.
Much to his horror though, before he could flee the room in shame. Morality moved away from Prince and towards him.
“No, no, it’s okay,” he giggled. “Not your fault. We should have known better. Did you come in here to get something?”
“I’m okay,’ Anxiety replied quickly, his voice sounding a bit higher pitched that it normally was. “Really, I’m just going to leave. You can just get back to wh-what you were, yeah, I’m just gonna go.”
With that he all but raced from the room, hands going up to try and cool down his flushed cheeks. He was never leaving his room again, ever. God, he couldn’t believe he had walked in on them.
It was kind of hot though, a voice inside his head murmured.
Yeah, it was, he thought. Then, wait….
Oh no.
Nope, nope nope! He thought furiously. We are not going there! We are erasing that thought forever and ever. Nope. Done.
As soon as he reached his room, Anxiety locked the door behind him. He needed to distract himself. Anything to move on from what had just happened. He just needed to stop thinking about it, that was all. It had been a weird day and clearly stress was starting to get to him. He’d be back to normal by tomorrow.
Refusing to dwell any further on the event or his thoughts on it, Anxiety turned to Netflix. He still needed to catch up on Voltron.
One week ago.
Anxiety hunched in on himself, as he pushed his food around on his plate. Ever since the incident of the week before, he’d been trying to avoid leaving his room as much as possible. But eventually Prince had come to drag him out, insisting that even Disney villains needed to eat, and that Logic and Morality had not only made beef stew, but also some homemade bread.
So here he was, sitting at dinner table trying to force himself to eat. It wasn’t that the food wasn’t good. It smelled delicious, but he just didn’t feel hungry.
At the sound of laughter, he flicked his eyes up to see Morality giving Logic butterfly kisses, making him squirm in his seat slightly, as Prince looked on and laughed.
Anxiety felt a pang in his stomach. He’d never seen a bunch of idiots so in love. He knew he should be happy for them, but he just couldn’t seem to muster up the emotions.
He moodily turned his gaze back to his stew. Stabbing a potato with his fork, he stared at it heavily, trying to make himself actually eat it. He needed to get over himself. Whatever this weird mood he’d gotten into, it needed to end.
But as more laughter rang out, Anxiety knew that staying here wouldn’t help. Dropping his napkin over his plate to carefully conceal just how little he had actually eaten, he stood up.
“Going to go back to my room and nap” he muttered, keeping his head down so he wouldn’t have to watch the reactions of the others. Still keeping his gaze downward, he stumbled out of the kitchen.
He could hear some murmuring behind him. They were probably wondering what was wrong with him. Well joke’s on them, he only wished he knew.
Earlier that day.
Thomas had summoned them for another video. Anxiety hadn’t wanted to come out, but Thomas summoned him directly, leaving him no choice. He actually wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be about though, as Prince had managed to derail the whole thing when he told Thomas about the new relationship.
Now the video seemed entirely focused on those three, as they happily recounted how it happened.
“I had been feeling strongly about them for some time now” Prince boomed out. “but I was unsure of how to confess my feelings. I was still contemplating what to do when the three of us had a movie night. Logan had gotten up to get more popcorn, when he tripped and landed in my lap. And, well, with him so close, I couldn’t help but to reach out and kiss him.”
“It was very sweet to watch,” Morality continued the story. “But I remember feeling a bit disappointed, and I’d planned to leave the room, when they grabbed my hands.”
“The kiss was a surprise” Logic said, “A good one though. And when Patton went to leave, I received another surprise when I realized I didn’t want to let him go. I startled myself actually. But thankfully, Roman had also reached out to him, so I knew this wasn’t a feeling I was alone in.”
“Yes,” Prince agreed. “So the two of us pulled Patton closer, and we, well, we talked and we kissed, and it all just turned out wonderfully!”
Anxiety’s fists clenched. It wasn’t fair. They were so perfect, and happy together, the three of them fitting like puzzle pieces. And here he was alone, and out of place. Why was he even here? He didn’t need to stay here, awkward and unnecessary, feeling sick and stupid as he looked at perfection, wishing that he could be part of it too- oh.
Oh shit!
He had to leave. Now.
Not even bothering to make and excuse, he sank down immediately, popping into his room. His heart pounding and his head spinning, as he turned up his music as loud as it would go.
But lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling in desperation, not even the loudest music he had could drown out his realization. He was in love with the others.
He was so very, very fucked.
After about an hour of listening to music. Anxiety had calmed down slightly. Okay, so he was in love with them. Yes, that sucked. Yes, he was going to be miserably jealous. But, the others didn’t know, and he spent most of his time in his room anyway, so he could just hide. Hide until the feeling went away.
Deep down, Anxiety knew this wouldn’t work, but he had to try. It wasn’t like there was really another option. He was never going to get what he wanted, and if he threw a fit about it, he’d just cost himself their friendship. No, it was better to keep quiet and hidden till he had himself under control
But just after resigning himself to weeks of misery, there was a knock on the door.
Anxiety froze. Oh no. Oh, no, no, no, no. He wasn’t ready to see them!
Maybe if I don’t respond they’ll go away, he thought desperately.
But even that hope was crushed by Prince calling out “Anxiety, we know you’re in there.”
Okay, you can do this, he thought as he shuffled towards the door. I’ll just tell them I wasn’t feeling well and that I’m going to try and sleep it off. That will hopefully get them to back off and get out of the room.
Palms sweating, he reluctantly opened the door to see the three of the standing there, looking at him with varying degrees of concern.
“Hey,” he muttered, “what’s up?”
“Shouldn’t we be asking you that?” Prince said, raising an eyebrow. “You’re the one who vanished for no reason, Mr. Panic! at the Video.”
Ignoring the nickname, Anxiety mumbled in reply, “Just wasn’t feeling well”
A hand was then pressed to his forehead. “Oh, are you alright” Morality asked, concern bubbling out. “You do look a little flushed.”
Anxiety shied away from the hand. “It’s nothing,” he insisted, still refusing to meet their eyes. “I’m just going to sleep it off. I’ll be better in the morning.”
With that, he went to close the door, hoping to end this whole encounter before he could put himself through any more pain or humiliation. But Logic’s hand stopped him.
“Are you sure that’s the full truth?” he asked, his eyes intense in a way that made Anxiety suppress a shiver. “This isn’t the first incident of odd behavior. You’ve been acting strangely for weeks now. Even since we announced our relationship in fact.”
Anxiety froze. Well, shit.
Prince’s eyes narrowed. “Is that what this is?” he demanded, his voice now more angry than concerned. “Do you have a problem with the three of us being together?”
“No!” Anxiety blurted out horrified. He couldn’t have them think that! Desperate to keep them from hating him, he started babbling.
“No, I don’t have a problem with it! You guys are fantastic together. You make each other so fucking happy, and it’s great. I’m happy for you, really. And I hope that you stay happy, I swear. Please believe me, I don’t have a problem with it. And I’m so sorry I’ve been acting weird. You guys are just so fucking perfect, and I just wish-“
Anxiety cut himself off before he could blurt out anything else. His face now burning, he ducked his head, praying that the others weren’t mad.
When he dared to peek up at them trying to judge their reaction, Morality was looking thoughtful.
“Anxiety,” he said slowly, moving closer. “Stop me if you aren’t okay with this.”
Okay with what? Anxiety wondered bewildered, but before he could ask, his face was cupped, and Morality was getting closer, and closer, and then.
He was kissing him. Morality was kissing him.
Anxiety flailed a bit, his hands rising into the air uncertainly. He didn’t know what to do. Part of him desperately wanted to lean into it, but the other part of him was terrified of what might happen afterwards.
When Morality broke the kiss, his thumbs still stroking Anxiety’s cheeks, Anxiety could only gasp up at him, all his words just out of reach.
Eventually he managed to speak.
“W-w-what was that” he stuttered, eyes darting nervously to the other two, who were still watching. (Were they mad?)
“I-I don’t understand,” he continued, trying to make sense of it all.
“Really, you can’t figure it out,” Prince purred, moving closer. Oh god, he was right next to him now. His hand came up to rest on the back of Anxiety’s neck. “You can’t even guess.”
Much to his mortification, Anxiety could only squeak in response. At the sound of it, a smirk crossed Prince’s face, and the hand on Anxiety’s neck tightened, pulling him closer, and Prince was right there! And-
Anxiety abruptly pulled out of Prince’s grasp, his heart feeling like it was going to burst from his chest.
“What the hell is going on?” he demanded, caught halfway between fury and fear. “Is this some kind of joke?”
Prince straightened up from where he had been leaning over Anxiety, looking indignant, but it was Logic who spoke.
“Why would this be a joke?” he asked frowning.
Anxiety let a bitter laugh escape his lips. “Really?” he spat out. “You think I’m that stupid? Look I know I’ve been acting like an idiot recently, but that doesn’t mean I’m that stupid. Why the hell would any of you ever be interested in me? Why would anyone?”
Not wanting to see the moment when they came clean and let pretense fall, he turned away. “You can just go,” he called out over his shoulder. “I don’t fucking need this.”
But then hands were grabbing him, pulling him back towards the door. He struggled, trying to escape, but they were too strong, and soon he was wrapped in Prince’s embrace with Logic and Morality standing in front of him.
Giving up on breaking Prince’s hold, Anxiety dropped his eyes instead, wishing that they’d just let him go. But soon even that reprieve was taken from him, as Logic lifted his chin.
“Anxiety,” he said firmly. “We need to establish something. If you do not wish to enter a relationship with us because you are uninterested, that is fine. Simply tell us so and we will leave.”
“However,” here his gaze turned steely, and Anxiety’s breath caught in his chest. “If you are refusing us because you are laboring under the impression that it is us who is uninterested, or that you do not deserve to be part of such a relationship, that is entirely untrue, and such assumptions would need to be corrected immediately. Do you understand?”
Anxiety respond. He just couldn’t. It was too much to process, Logan’s words, Roman’s arms, the way Patton had begun to lean up against him. He didn’t know what to do!
His distress must have shown on his face because Logan’s eyes softened in intensity, as he stepped closer.
“Anxiety,” he said gently. “We like you. We’ve wanted you to join our relationship for some time now. The only question is, do you like us back.”
Still struggling to breath, Anxiety licked his lips and tried to muster a response, but no sound emerged. Logan’s hand came up to cradle his head. “Just nod yes or no,” he told him.
Head still reeling with everything that had happened, Anxiety did the only thing he could. He nodded.
Logan lips slid into smile, and then suddenly those lips were on his, moving gently against them.
Anxiety let his eyes slip shut, as he melted into the kiss. This- this was really happening.
Then the moment was broken, as he was spun around in Roman’s arms to gaze up at the other side. “I didn’t get to kiss your pretty lips earlier,” Roman murmured, looking at Anxiety in a way that made him squirm.
And then Roman’s arms tightened, and they were kissing, Roman’s lips pressing hot and intently against his. As the kiss went on, Roman pulled Anxiety’s lower lip into his mouth, biting on it slightly, making Anxiety gasp, with Roman taking the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
When he was finally released, his head swimming, Anxiety barely had time to breath before he was turned yet again to face Patton, who began to press kisses to every inch of his face. Not just his lips, but his cheeks, his nose, his forehead. It was overwhelming.
A hand slid into his hair and tipped his head back as Patton moved to his neck, making Anxiety meet Logan’s eyes.
“Think you understand now?” the other teased, his eyes glittering.
Head still spinning, Anxiety could only pant in response. But Logan’s smirk said he understood. And judging by his chuckle, so did Roman.
Logan leaned in again, making Anxiety’s eyes flutter shut.
“We are never going to let you go,” he murmured against Anxiety’s lips. “You’re stuck with us.”
Anxiety was okay with that.
174 notes · View notes
Shield Hero 11 - 13 | Price of Smiles 12 (FINAL) | Morose Mononokean II 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Spec Ops Asuka 11 - 12 (FINAL) | My Roommate is a Cat 12 (FINAL) | Mob Psycho 100 II 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Yu-No 1 | Fruits Basket (2019) 1 | We Never Learn 1 | Kimetsu no Yaiba 1 | Kono Oto Tomare! 1 | Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin 1 | Fairy Gone 1 | Rendai Utena 1
Notably, Sarazanmai’s first ep isn’t here, but it’s a huge contender for making my spring watchlist.
Shield Hero 11
Okay, someone’s trying to remind me of Goblin Slayer, aren’t they…? *grumble grumble grumble*
I wonder if Naofumi has a Thunder move like those guys…?
Why isn’t Raphtalia, who was cursed by Rage Shield, affected, but Filo, who was eaten by the zombie dragon, is???
Price of Smiles 12 (FINAL)
Is Huey…not an a$$? Is he just really tsundere…?
Fingers don’t move that way, Layla…
Post-credits segment. Keep watching…
I feel like making Stella and Yuki meet off the back of Layla’s death was a bit much and pushing the button together was a bit…much-er, if that’s a concept. Anyways, see you next time!
Morose Mononokean II 12
The Cobweb = Above the Spider (by literally translating that ep title, that is).
I’m finally listening to Koura’s voice. Koura sounds like she’s always teasing Itsuki…
Jinja = Shinto shrine. That nuance is missing from the translation.
Why did that one track (when Itsuki was escaping) sound like Mission Impossible…?
What’s an analeptic? I can’t seem to pause the video…Update: Apparently my ad blocker was stuffing with the pause button. Also, an analeptic appars to be a restorative drug, or describing a drug as restorative.
Rippou sounds so enthusiastic (sarcastic) when Shizuku offers to make him tea.
Spec Ops Asuka 11
Wat. A girl in Thailand going “nya”? Update: Uhh…apparently the girl in Thailand…was Peipei??? Wuh???
Hmm…I never actually put 2 and 2 together regarding karate and the whip. It makes sense in retrospect, though.
“…sever the…” – Sever the…what, exactly?
I thought human!Giess didn’t exist anymore under that armour…so seeing him surprised me.
Sometimes I feel like I sympathise with Chisato more than Asuka or Kurumi…that’s how developed Chisato is.
Mob Psycho 100 II 12
Serizawa is playing Bomberman.
I like the symbolism of the umbrella as a “light”.
My Roommate is a Cat 12 (FINAL)
The ep title is “Kimi to Boku to” (You and I and…). Presumably it should end with “everyone else”…or something.
Wait, wasn’t Subaru’s umbrella handle round before??? It’s straight now!
What a waste of a perfectly good umbrella!
Somehow I knew Subaru would go to Nana once he needed cat knowledge.
*Subaru rescues Haru* - *cue Lion King song* Ahhhhhhh ze ban yaaaaaaaaaaa…or something like that.
Why is it that I want a dub for this so…darn…badly???!!! Wait…*record scratch* it already has one. Scratch that.
Shield Hero 12
“I can’t stop trembling,” Raphtalia says as she stands there, still as a statue…geesh.
I’d assume there’s a Meteor Shield in there for Naofumi as well…?
Come to think of it, we never learnt that weapon merchant guy’s name until now, huh? Elhart. I’ll try my best to remember it.
Spec-Ops Asuka 12 (FINAL)
Twin-headed Dragon Peipei, huh?
Morose Mononokean II 13 (FINAL)
*Fuzzy gets punched away* - Fuzzy, noooooooo!
In the same way Mob became a so-called “bishonen” for s2 ep 5 of his show, Hanae became kind of hot – but also kind of weird – for the finale.
Notably, the “Ashiya” Abeno is referring to is only Hanae…not Sakae at all. Hmm.
Mob Psycho 100 II 13 (FINAL)
“Bishonen” Mob returns!
I keep getting the feeling that Mob will sacrifice himself this episode. It’s a very Mob thing to do, but…I worry about him, because without him we have no show.
*explosion* - I wanna yell “KANEDAAAAAAAAAA!” Is that appropriate for this scene?
I LOLled at Dimple wearing Serizawa’s chunk of hair, haha.
Anyways, that was way too fun (and way too worrying at the end). See you next time!
Yu-No 1
Okay, first episode of this particularly meager season…coming right up!
I’ve never had to watch an ep on phone for subs before…I much prefer a bigger screen.
Okay…as soon as I heard Potato-kun say “Panties?” I knew I was in for a bad time. I’m watching based on the title and the series image, not the fact it’s based on an adult VN.
I can’t believe we have to be told about these ladies from the guys first…I feel sorry for Yuki.
I-Is Arima-mama the kind of person one would call a “MILF”…? I dunno since I don’t swing that way.
Seriously, how long ago did Potato-kun’s father die??? (I know his name is Arima Takuya, but…he’s “Potato-kun” to me, even as a joke.)
Potato-kun is so obviously following his…pen island, so to speak.
Ah, Potato-kun. The only time you make me laugh is when you humiliate yourself on public news. Thank goodness this show isn’t particularly lewd…yet.
It’s like Grand Blue…only with less drinking.
Seriously, why does Yuki call Potato-kun “boss”???
The one time I hear the name “Neumann”, it’s this time travel show, of all things…*remembers von Neumann architecture* Yup, that’s where I remember his name from. By the by, Googling “Neumann space” yields this site on travelling to the…stars? Wrong frontier, folks.
Okay, that was probably the least exciting way to pull off a big reveal like that. Drop.
Shield Hero 13
To be honest…I like Rise better…
“You’re are surrounded.” – I know you’re in a hurry to sub your content, CR subbers, but seriously?????
It’s always funny to see Motoyasu get a good socking from Filo, LOL.
Fruits Basket 1
I have zero experience with OG Fruits Basket outside 1 episode I didn’t really finish (but finishd the entire manga and may have caught a tiny bit of it - not enough to mark on anyone’s anime list as “complete” - while it was on TV), so…this’ll be interesting.
This is exactly as I remember it! Beautifulllllllllllll…so beautiful I wanna cry…(Keep in mind I binged most of the manga years ago, so it’s getting harder and harder to remember the exact story every day.)
Holeeeeeeeeeeee…sugar. I just realised how old Fruits Basket is! Also, rumour has it Motoko has differently coloured hair in the OG version, but I didn’t watch (or didn’t remember) that part, so…I don’t have a standard to hold her up to, really. Plussssss…I love how Motoko and her Prince Yuki fanclub are like Mean Girls. The reason I had to check up how old Fruits Basket is is because of that comparison. Mean Girls is from 2004, thereby being 5 or 6 years younger than Fruits Basket.
The angelic “ahhhhh” in the background really sold how good Tohru’s food was (for Hanajima).
This CGI fan is going to haunt me until the end of my days, isn’t it…?
Ouch…I think I just realised why Fruits Basket is so powerful (at the part where Tohru is working hard at her job). It resonates strongly with those who are lost in life. I found I couldn’t really relate when I first read it though, which may have been attributed to the fact I was…what, 13?...at the time.
Shigure, you a$$!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna kick you for laughing at poor Tohru!!!!!!!!!!!
Photorealistic clouds…no. I think that Indian festival with the dye (I don’t remember which one it is off the top of my head) happened to my eyes…(i.e. my eyes…my poor eyes…)
I didn’t think Vickeblanka was capable of doing slower songs. This song’s kinda nice…but only because I heard the last few seconds of the ending (the rest was obscured by background noise and I don’t have time to play it again).
Between the comment about Shigure and the comment about the clouds, I was internally bawling about how stupid and spoilt I’d become. This is the power of Fruits Basket!
We Never Learn 1
Hmm…I thought the manga of this (or what I saw of it, at least) was kinda vanilla, so…this’ll be an experience, one way or another.
Yuiga’s face game is spot-on, LOL.
Aw, this show encourages the growth mindset…how cute. *does Kaguya-sama face*
The eyecatch is about what classes the main trio are in, but Furuhashi is taking it as related to boob size…*sigh*
The sign just says “library”. There’s no need to contextualise it more than that…
Yup, this is vanilla like ice cream…
Come to think of it, why did I pick this series up? I’ve read the manga parts that correspond to this episode…Well, I remember when this series was still new. I think it was that it was refreshing to see these guys so gung-ho about uni, because recently I’ve been in doubt about my own future (and to tell the truth, I’ve been thinking different things about what I want to do at different stages of my life anyway). I’ve literally only settled on the things I’m doing because I suck at everything else, but I can do whatever I put my mind to…for most things I try. Much like Fruits Basket is for those who are lost in life, We Never Learn is an affirmation that you can change your future…or something like that, anyway.
…The disembodied mouths creep me out…anyways, this show isn’t bad, it isn’t 100% a keeper either (unless I get co-opted into a collab for it). It’s just squarely in the middle.
Boob grope…eesh. That brought down the keeping factor down a little.
Kimetsu no Yaiba 1
[big chunk of information redacted because it’s me stressing over what has to be done before I go overseas...and also it reveals I had a collab for this lined up, which I’m trying to keep a surprise at the time this post went out]
To be honest, I don’t like 1st person cam.
Hmm…there’s more CGI than I’d like to admit is in here…
I remember reading a while ago that the “Tan” in Tanjiro is the word for “charcoal”.
Take = bamboo, and he’s a woodcutter kid. LOL.
This is exactly as I remember it! It’s kinda cool, since the smelling thing is obviously foreshadowing.
I remember I didn’t quite get the idea that Nezuko was growing in size in the manga…well, now I just did.
Oh-hoh-hoh-hohhhhhhh! Giyu Tomioka, me boy! There he is!
I didn’t know Giyu Tomioka was basically a ninja, LOL.
This is definitely one of the better series out there this season. It might not be the best due to its sheer amount of shonen trappings, but it’s still dang good! (I like Giyu Tomioka already, but now that I think of it, I’d like to see Lightning Boy in action within the show and not just the OP…hmm.)
[Sarazanmai 1 is not here because I saw it at the anime club first. I do intend to cover subsequent episodes here though…]
Kono Oto Tomare! 1
I find Funi’s video player unwieldy, to be honest. Maybe it’s because I’m too used to CR’s…
Oh! It seems like the Defence Club has a legacy now!
Surprisingly, this is very funny…!
Hmm…this seems like a show where you should ship people, but there doesn’t seem to be enough of a connection between anyone that I can see anyone shipping. I guess that’s why this thing is basically a shoujo in appearance, huh…?
By the way, who’s “Nadeshiko”? Takezo…?
Do you guys even know what a koto is? If you do, that’s great, but if you don’t, you’re going to have to infer…that’s a bit nasty for an ancient instrument the West doesn’t know about. Then again, this clearly isn’t something made for the West.
I’m wondering why the culprits confessed so easily…
Well, that was…alright. I went “aw” more than I expected and laughed more than expected. It’s not going to top the other shows I’ve got though.
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin 1
For some reason, I’m just not used to calling this show “Midnight Occult Civil Servants”…that sounds clunky. That’s why I’m calling it “Mayonaka” for short…oh yeah, right now Funi is undergoing maintenance which is why I had to shuffle Mayonaka forward. I was meant to be doing Fairy Gone in this slot, to be honest with you.
Hmm…*thinks about time talking with Plyasm* *thinks about how Seo trid to kick this Reiji Kyoichi person* I see a resemblance here…with the kicking and all…Update: There is a guy called “Reiji” in this show, I just read “Kyoichi” wrong because I was trying to type up comments here.
Somehow it never actually occurred to me that Seo was a gender-neutral name. I’m normally quite good with these things…or maybe it was Ply keeping me up late that’s making me not notice…or even the fact I’m not listening to Seo’s voice, since that’s sometimes a hint to a person’s gender in particularly ambiguous cases (I’m currently not listening to the audio). Update: Okay, that’s definitely a man’s voice coming from the effeminate-looking Seo.
Oh yes…I forgot to mention, this show does an awful lot of telling and not showing.
I keep noting this episode is set on April Fool’s Day…what a day for pranking, huh?
I’ve seen a Cait Sith in anime before…so there’s a dog version too (Cu Sith), huh?
Tape? That’s so mundane…then again, I guess this is what happens when you have boring jobs in interesting places, huh? Reminds me a lot of my own stabs at this kind of story.
This is…angel-tengu Romeo and Juliet…
Now this is the real Reiji…I think?
Ohhhhhhh crab balls…these CGI angels look terrible.
I never thought cherry blossoms could look so terrible…urgh.
I’m of two minds when it comes to this show – on the one hand, I like its plot (it’s better than Charlotte in this field, at least). It’s a bit cliched, but it might lose against competition like Sarazanmai or even Kono Oto Tomare. On the other hand, its visuals are kinda…ugly.
Fairy Gone 1
Fa-Fanatica…? What sort of name is that??? (That’s not a good sign if I question the first name on the screen now, is it?)
Lay Dawn, would you please…lay down? (Okay, that joke only works with a particular pronunciation of “down”, but you get the bad pun…right? Right?)
So this is Spec-Ops Asuka without the huge boobs, I expect? That would make Fairy Gone at least 10 points (on my anime list) better than the thing I’m comparing it with.
I think the tiny symbols under most of the credits are stylised English, although I was looking at a credit for a guy with the surname Yamamoto and it wasn’t quite working.
The CGI is one of the better efforts I’ve seen, but still slightly obvious.
Veronica’s run reminds me of Akira from Devilman Crybaby. You know the one GIF of him running while leaning forward at an impossible angle? That one.
Post-credits scene…keep watching.
This is another anime Jesus…(the first one was Kagura’s dad in Ga Rei Zero.)
Rendai Utena 1
(Update: This was an anime I had to watch via VPN. Notably, the last time I resorted to one was B Project...however, no one remembers that but me, so the last big time I had to use a VPN was for Sakamoto Desu Ga?.)
Uh…yeah. This is the one Buddha anime this season. But before you run off, screaming about how blasphemous I must be to Buddhists, I’ll have you know I was originally not intending to watch this…if you know me well enough, you’ll know I like bishies. Only after I compiled my to-watch list for this season did one of the star bishies show up and convince me to watch…yeah, now you can run away screaming. (Oh and if you’re interested as to what image caught my attention enough to make me watch a show…it’s the top image on this CR page – not the thumbnail, the other top image.)
Okayyyyyyy…for a show about bishies, you sure aren’t capturing me right now with this plight of a salaryman.
Aw, dangit. I actually liked the few moments this was a zombie anime! Give me High School of the Dead, but with bishies instead of jiggly-boob girls! *shakes fist at cloud*
Oh, great…I can’t even tell who’s who around here. They even had little name cards and everything! So much for my great memory…*grumble grumble* But hey, at least I recognise some names…not from being Buddhist, but from other anime. I mean, Miroku is the guy from Inuyasha and Fudo Myouou is the guy who inspired Okurikara in Touken Ranbu, yeah?
Uh, hey. Isn’t sloth meant to be a vice? Isn’t “lounging around” a vice???
Another thing. I get the feeling that putting these guys in tracksuits is just trying to coast on the success of Touken Ranbu. Touken Ranbu is nice, but only because I was familiar with the source game and a bit about the fandom. This? I have no such basis.
Lotus Head – Bonten – his nagging is starting to get on my nerves already. I came for Taishakuten, not you!
Yeah…even in Touken Ranbu, they have washing machines. Convenience, but also…vice in terms of that old-timey Buddha stuff, I guess…? Update: Actually, I thought about it and I don’t think they’ve ever shown a washing machine in Hanamaru, but I think they might’ve had a fridge.
Wait, wait, wait…the bird was a bishie tooooooooo?????????????? I think that’s the biggest bending my brain’s going to get all premiere season (for this season)! Even more so than the entire debut of Sarazanmai!
Wait, wait, wait…Bonten likes porridge?! D’ya mean “congee” or “oatmeal” kinda porridge? I can’t tell because I’ve got the volume off, but if it’s the latter then Bonten wouldn’t have known about it. Update: It appears to be the latter. How Bonten would’ve ever known about porridge…I don’t know.
New aesthetic – Taishakuten’s hair. I like me a man with a ponytail (which is why I fell hook, line and sinker for him in the first place), but his hair done up like it is in the bath…*swoons, then goes back to normal* That is all.
What’s up with Paomi anyway…? And…this is kinda petty if the central conflict is just getting Shaka to get off cooking duties. That’s too low a conflict for even Hanamaru, methinks.
So…you introduce all these Buddha guys and then expect me to care about some human who doesn’t even have a name? Wuh…?
Okayyyyyyy…I’ve never seen an earthquake that was that fast before.
Wait, wait, huh???????? The guy who voices Taishakuten is…Choreo (Brave Beats)??????????? Oh no, I should’ve listened to it! Anyways, I’ve decided I’m dropping it, simply because if I want Taishakuten only for his looks, I can just find a wallpaper of him.
0 notes
Survey #49
“instead of being 16 and burning up a bible, feeling super, super, super suicidal.”
what is your least favorite sour patch kids color? hmmm, red or orange. my fave's green. (: do you like mashed potatoes?  NO do you ever roleplay? only online on designated forums. otherwise, no. are you your best friend's best friend?  yeah (: have you ever seen the movie matilda? LOVE IT doughy or saucy pizza? omg doughy do you think it is bad to have sex at your age? not if you're married. do you have a poster of your favorite band/artist on your wall? metallica and manson, yes. are you shorter, taller, or around the same height as most of your family? same height, generally. do you like red bull? never tried it after hearing there's supposedly bull semen or something likewise in it. do you know how to read music? for the flute do you have a back-up career choice? what is it? i guess meerkat biologist, but that would require me to move to africa permanently, so. photographer better work, lol. who is your favorite male singer? patrick stump of fall out boy. his deep notes do stuff and things to me. do you take off from school, or work for your birthday? i always took off for school, but i wouldn't for work. what is missing from your wardrobe that you need to buy? fuckin' corsets. i LOVE them, but i've never worn one. i just happen to think they're drop-dead gorgeous and i need some. they're just pricey. my mom's iffy about buying them since y'know you normally just wear them for, say, your honeymoon. are you really pale? if so, do you mind? i'm super!! pale!! and nah i don't really mind tbh. does your best friend smoke cigarettes? nope did your last received text message have a smiley face in it? nah have your parents ever tried to talk to you about things like sex and contraception? mom has, as she's a good parent. my dad is too of course, we've just never talked about it. i think it'd be awkward for him. find your last text message from the opposite sex. can you tell us what it says, or is the content too personal? "here" how about your last facebook message from the opposite sex, what does that say? "well i'm here if u need to talk" you find out that your last ex is in a relationship with someone else, and it’s very serious. in fact, they’re planning to get married. your reaction? jason supposedly is in a relationship, and i know he wants marriage in his future, and i'm already pissed off enough about it. what’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done, and you got away with it? i guess getting sexual with jason at either of our hous- WAIT that time at my house where we did a few things on the couch naked because we were home alone. when you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard? we had a playhouse/swingset, yeah. is your mall nice? fuck no. crime happens there all the time. do you like to post song lyrics for your facebook status? no, because i'm not an angsty teen anymore. i'm an angsty adult, lol. are you scared of dying?  yes. even though i think i'll go to heaven and all, i don't know that. the thought of living for so much and then just being... gone, is terrifying to me. are you hard to handle?  apparently. are you a good singer?  idk. sometimes i think so, sometimes i don't. i'm better with deeper notes, though. i have a hard time keeping my voice steady, too. are you a very stressed out person? i'mma be dead by 30 at this rate. if someone doesn't like you its probably because? i'm too quiet. do you use perfume? if so, what kind? yeah. my old friend got me "crazy lady" by lady gaga. smells great. do you text during school? i used to sometimes go to the bathroom to text mom if it was an emergency. what was the last picture you took? post it below: ya'll can see it fine. i changed my profile picture to it. have you ever had your eyebrows waxed? yeah. need to go more often. :/ do you own any game consoles? if so, which ones?  playstation 2 (broken), playstation 3 (broken), wii, gameboy have you ever straightened your hair more than once a day? no. have you ever been to a rap concert? no, and i never would go unless my child wanted to go to one and felt very strongly about it. what color was the last bathing suit you wore? black. have you ever been to cracker barrel?  yum!! as soon as you find out you are pregnant, who will you first tell?  my husband, probably. where was the first place you kissed the last person you kissed? his bed. fuck dammit, i miss that. do you like your steak rare?  NO how much younger or older would you date someone? i wouldn't date below my own age honestly unless i REALLY liked you, and i wouldn't date over, hm, like 28. have you ever been to a spa? if so, what did you get done there?  yes, i got a manicure and a pedicure. have you ever been ‘banned’ from a website? i don't think so. do you expect to move out in the next year? no. i don't plan on moving out until me and a significant other find like an apartment or something. i've come to realize that i REALLY don't think i could ever, truly, live on my own. depression would destroy me. would you rather go without shaving your legs (if you're a girl) for 2 weeks or go without shaving your armpits for 2 weeks? i could easily go two weeks without shaving my legs, but never my armpits. would you do something you didn't really want to just to please your significant other?  i suppose so. do you like the saw movies? no, really. do you think you have to be skinny in order to be beautiful?  it's so weird, because the answer is no, of course, but simultaneously... i feel like i personally have to be in order to be beautiful. would you ever meet someone you met online?  sure. who's your favorite band? oh god, this question again. no order: ozzy osbourne, metallica, marilyn manson, otep, rammstein, cradle of filth, a day to remember. how many best friends do you have? one. do you own anything from victoria's secret?  nope. boobs are too big. what type of guy are you attracted to?  i mean, a lot. but i have a soft spot for metalheads, geeks, and men who know how to show their emotions. i like the weird ones that really stand out. what would you do if you found out one of your friends likes your crush? oh she'd hear a few words from me. will the last person you kissed be the next person you kiss?  realistically, probably not. when meeting someone new, are you afraid they won't like you?  YEAH have you ever lived with a girlfriend/ boyfriend? yes have you ever seen that bon qui qui skit?​ OMLLLL WHEN WAS THIS SURVEY MADE BUT YES
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sumergosuigeneris · 6 years
February 28, 2019 Part II
After all the years I’ve been in the work force, I still don’t know how to properly signal to someone that I don’t have time (or the inclination) for chitchat. I feel like I always come up brusque or rude or whatever. In this case, it’s someone who is a very chatty person, so if I see her I know she’s going to try to have a whole convo with me, work-related or not, regardless of my busyness-looking or not. I shouldn’t have made eye contact to begin with.
Payday. I really want to go out for lunch, even though I bought a ramen noodle cup last night. I did it. Got a med-type salad. Not as healthy as you’d think, but also extra expensive. Still, it was yummy.
It’s been so cold for so long that my face has these dry patches that dry up again immediately after putting on lotion. Not gonna lie, I could always drink more water.
Doctor Who and the two species that make up Jadzia Dax, et al have a lot in common.
At this going-away party. DeputyDog brings in one of his kids. She’s shy. I invite her to play foosball. And somehow end up the only person not playing. This is me to a tee.
The meeting with DD was fine. So fucking weird. He tells me this whole story about he’s frustrated b/c he wants to move - better (free) schools, more fun things to do - but his wife doesn’t want to commute. I totally get where they are both coming from. Then he talks about trying to get both his kids in a fancy private school (one is, one wasn’t), and how now that the second one got accepted, they can’t move. So fucking confusing. I thought they were literally, right now, debating moving, but apparently this all happened a while ago?? I don’t know. Then, we did some other work stuff. I don’t know. He’s confusing as fuck.
Anyway, it’s nice. A bunch of people kept asking me if I was going to this party thing. If they had been that welcoming when I first started.....I managed to converse a bit, even with people I strongly dislike. Chatty coworker might be ticked with me.
I’m exhausted. Even though I wasn’t the productive I needed to be, I was still productive. Picked up my prescriptions. I remembered to double-check them, which I would have done even without idiot working, but idiot was working. They still refilled them wrong! Their system doesn’t even flag that they double-filled the prescription they filled the other day - I would have had THREE bottles of the same pill (different strengths).Have to give idiot some credit. I still get confused over the different names for the same med, plus this med vs. the anxiety one, so he caught that they were the same pill. Got gas. Put air in my tires. I returned my late library book. Went to the grocery store. Remembered cat food. Bought a new wallet. Bought a new saute pan. Bought the potato chips my cancercoworker friend likes.
At work, I finished a stupid course for pm. Mostly didn’t pay attention bc it’s about a software package, and I think I need to practice that later. It was an almost 6 hr course, so it took a while. I also read a couple articles. What gets me is people thinking that people with anxiety or depression or whatever just need to get up and confront things, or they have these tricks, and I’m always amazed - you don’t think we try those fucking tricks ourselves? Before we even get bad? Like telling yourself you can get through something if you only can just get started. Or that you’ve done it before, you can do it again. Like no shit. That’s the problem - we’ve done it before, we’ve overcome before, and we’re still frightened and immobilized!
Feeling pretty lonely. Been thinking for a week or so about contacting a few people. But I have no desire to converse at all.
Tried to log in to my apartment account so I could see if I got my insurance refunds. I never signed up? But it won’t let me sign up - says incorrect email address??? So I thought, maybe I did already sign up. Checked- incorrect email address. Will have to talk to rental manager tomorrow.
Also, I ‘bought’ my bar crawl ticket.
And while cooking a fake-ass chicken soup, I did a little cleaning/looking for that damn birth control.
I’ve never understood why I wasn’t in the gifted group (a small group that would be pulled out for extra stuff) until I was in middle school. I was just as smart, capable, and accomplished as them in middle school and high school (putting my great life failures aside). Was it because I’m latina? There were a couple (at least one, my memory is foggy) black kids, so that doesn’t seem likely. Was it because there was a number limit, and they ranked me just after the cutoff? Was it because neither my mother nor anyone else advocated for me? Was it because of my social awkwardness? Was it because I really didn’t reach ‘gifted’ potential until middle school? I know my test scores improved from elementary to middle school. We didn’t really get tested in hs. I did end up being a national hispanic scholar runner up, so I did well on the psat. I think I might have done better if I had known the PSAT was more significant than just being practice for the SAT. I know they only counted the first time for those things. I can’t remember if it was the same for the SAT. I couldn’t afford to take it a second time, but maybe I could have done better and been a national merit scholar if the second time counted.
Anyway, I was embarrassingly attached to my teachers all through elementary and middle school. I am still filled with shame/embarrassment on my behalf. And I was embarrassed at the time but couldn’t stop myself. Or keep my secrets lol. I’m not the best at keeping my secrets now, but I’m better than childhood. I remember wondering even as a kid why they were soooo important to me. At the time, I didn’t really think things were that bad with my mother (it started in 8th grade as I recall), and certainly as a tiny tot she was my best friend.
The other thing, among a bazillion others, that I still wonder about. My fav in middle school, we were pretty tight, at the graduation dance called me a femme fatale. She assumed I knew what it meant. I looked it up after, and it’s (to the extent I investigated which was eh) sexual. So maybe she was misusing it?
Ugh childhood.
Looking forward to Got. Wondering how it will end. Hoping the characters who don’t deserve to be screwed over get satisfying endings.
Brown rice man. I don’t get it, and am not the biggest fan. I like it best when someone else is preparing it. Not sure what I do wrong. I added a bunch to the ‘soup’ I was making, and let it sit to cool down. When I went back to it, the rice had sucked up most of the liquid. So...the remainder tomorrow will be interesting.
I love how in 30rock, all the characters are kind of terrible. Liz’ family is very sketch, if the intimations of nazism are true. And Jack, the thing I was thinking is, Jack is actually a romantic. Always willing to give up everything for his love du jour. And it cracks me up that he spends all his tv time with their show, and not the dozens of other shows. Jane K is so talented and should have a bigger career than she does.
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zhaoly · 7 years
omg i just found a ‘journal’ entry thing from when i was in 8th grade... i actually wrote this with my future self in mind?? like I wanted to record all of my favorite series and interests and things like that so i could look back on it, like i legit wrote “I’ll compile a list of faves, so when i read back on this in one-ten-twenty-years, I’ll know a bit more about what I am like right now”
i literally wrote down the most random favorite things like my favorite summer and winter olympic sports hahahha
but this literally reads like your classic 14-y-o girl’s journal haha apparently at some point my favorite english song was white horse by tswift (yes specifically english bc i had.. a list of non english songs lool.. that were all jpop/jrock/kpop/cpop)
apparently my favorite class in 8th grade was social studies LOL this is so weird
oh my god I found this little part where I wrote about one of my friends “I love her like a sister. I love her so, so much. :) I’d do practically anything for her.” i’m like DAMN ME WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME I FELT SO STRONGLY ABOUT SOMEONE?
man there’s a line in here i wrote “I love writing stories. It keeps me from getting bored and lonely” okay um that sounds so sad... i feel bad for younger me but like has anything actually changed about that lol
“I love to draw. Right now I’m trying to become good at Photoshop. (So I can do good digital art).” LOL AWWWW
“Fave fruit - mango Fave veggie - potato” nice
“I cry really easily at sad movies, sad books, etc” 100% still accurate today
“I adore my dog, a 4-year-old German Shepherd/pug mix. He’s ADORABLE.” omg 4 years old 😭😭 my sweet precious baby.. (to this day we don’t know if he was ACTUALLY a gsd/pug mix cause i feel like the only way that would be possible is like artificial insemination but that’s what the shelter people told us. it looks believable just because of his size and coloring and his short cute snout but i dunno man. i think he def has gsd in him tho)
yikes there’s this whole portion dedicated to my fave jrock band at the time and it’s so... lol.. :| 
and I had this weird... random and very brief obsession with the movie blood diamond?? i still remember watching and thinking it was soooo romantically tragic (even tho the romance was def not the focal point of the movie).. i was so sad about the ending and so i decided that leo’s character actually lived in the end and yadda yadda yadda
jesus i found another old notebook with a bunch of random bleach doodles and other random stuff.. including a HATE LETTER to ichigo LOOOL omg... this is so fuckin funny I was like REALLY mad about him and I signed the letter “From your #1 hater”
a couple pages down i have another hate letter... this one addressed to orihime... omg both of these letter are so violent lol.... jesus this is kinda fucked up
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