#i felt like i needed to post this hhhhhh
lunaneko14 · 11 months
Ahhh i should've been clearer, I meant to say, are they abusing the girl in any other way in recent chapters? Neglect is definitely abuse, you are correct, and I'm sorry if I came off that way hhhhhh i just don't word things good.
I wanna add that apparently (grains of salt here but that was a complaint from a friend of mine so my info is probably not correct) , Sakura left Sarada home alone a LOT growing up from the young age because of her hospital work, which is understandable with single working moms, but the way Sakura handled being absent from her daughter's life is a little... Idk, because I grew up with a single working mom myself and she always tried her hardest to spend time with me and made sure I'm safe and with adults she trusted. Sakura just kinda??? Handwaved Sarada's needs to be with her mom and just left her alone by herself at very young age?? This is a big ymmv and again I'm probably without context, but it did feel icky the way the writing handled that part. Not much mentions on the grandparents.
And let's be honest, Sakura is a horrible role model with how entitled and creepy she can get (that one scene with Ino...that one told me she's still immature over Sasuke...).
Sasuke is too damn obvious though, which is unfortunate because I felt like he'd be half decent of a father if he were to be with someone else who understood and respected his personal boundary and to help him heal. Sakura is none of the above. Because Sarada is Sakura's daughter, he wanted nothing to do with both of them, which is pretty cruel and abusive, as you've said.
Regardless, def so far from being the parents of the year.
Oh no you sounded fine. And no there aren’t any signs of “abuse” as of recent but they’ve been barely in the story aside from post time skip Sarada.
You know I still think this can all be explained if Kishimoto had the balls to make Sarada Sasuke and Karin’s clone secretly made by Orochimaru with DNA taken from both of them from their times with him. It would explain why Sakura was so sensitive about Saradas questioning and Sasuke’s unwillingness to be a father because it was basically forced on him unexpectedly. I think this would humanize Sasuke and make him more of Naruto’s opposite as Naruto went about it the right way (falling in love, married, being ready for kids) and Sasuke not having that natural maturity(because of being with Orochimaru) that was required to be a father.
I think I vaguely remember Sarada being left at home and even cooking her own meals. Honestly this just makes Sakura even more pathetic because she wanted to be a “girl boss”.
TBH it would be poetic if Sakura did sacrifice herself for Sarada after her finding out they’re not blood related because it would be the single most selfless thing Sakura would’ve done in this entire series
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lexyblip · 2 years
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Long post sorry anyways THIS BOOK
So when I was at the library on Friday this book in the children’s section caught my eye and I thought it looked cute so I looked it up later and found out the author was gay and the main character has two dads and the story features some queer themes so like it was just really heartwarming to see cus when I was a kid I like never got to even see gay families in media at all. And now kids can just read this and like it’s not skipped over in any way, they mention adoption clearly and normally and it’s shown how uncomfortable the antagonist calling his dads “guardians” rather than parents makes the family uncomfortable (it’s also what later drives Charlie to stand up to them later which is a great scene.) with how it undermines his parents well… being parents. It’s probably something the author himself has had to face being a dad which adds another element.
Anyways I wanted to get it but felt self conscious cus it’s a book for 10-12 year olds but I couldn’t resist picking it up in a bookshop after work when also picking up something for my sister for Christmas and I was intending to just say it was a Christmas gift but then the 40 something year old lady at the counter just started GUSHING over the book and how much she loved it and had read it a lot and I was like woaaaaah ok feeling self conscious about this was dumb apparently!!! So then I told her what the queer rep meant to me and she was genuinely touched and said she was really happy for me. She was amazing love her. But yeah seriously it was a lovely moment and after reading it I feel free of any dumb worries over it being a kids book cus whatever it’s good but also not to be mushy but omg the self hating anxious still unsure if a gay or lesbian couple could even be good parents teenage me needed this silly little Welsh gay fantasy book. It’s just such a glow of optimism and it’s really made my day hhhhhh
Anyways yeah that’s my ramble read this book if you want I guess it’s cute it’s gay it’s got a fox that catches fire what more could you want?? Also don’t feel self conscious about what you love just love it as long as you aren’t hurting yourself or others just enjoy yourself :) they kind of thing yeah
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liyacreate · 2 years
Different from my usual posts but I saw a tiktok writing prompt where it's basically "Your character saying I love you for the first time" and I wanted to try it with the characters in a book I'm writing! Anyways might do the prompt with one of the fandoms I write for but who knows. I have a lot of drafts piled up still (^▽^;)
Darkness and the silence of the forest was all that was around them. The world stood so still that Alicia almost forgot it existed. All focus instead directed at the woman beside her. Who could blame her? She was a beauty, and it was at this moment of calmness that Alicia could really appreciate it.
When they had first met, she had thought that it was her jewelries of sapphires, rubies, and gold that made her stand out and take her breath away but looking at her now with nothing but plain clothes and no accessories, she realized it was always just her. She need not gems or silver for her eyes were like black onyx that sparkled with knowledge yet to be told. She need not fancy silks for her hair flowed and waved like water. She need not gold for her smile and laugh was worth more than anything money could ever buy.
Perhaps it was the adrenaline she had from sneaking away with her that made her bolder or the scene playing before her that had somehow gotten her in a trance through a spell or her mind being too sleepy due to the time that it could not think straight but something in Alicia wanted to come out. Words blurting out in a whisper, barely audible as if scared to come out.
“I love you.”
This was the first time Alicia had ever confessed to this out loud, even to herself. Hours of sleepless nights, trying to figure out if her feelings were true finally coming to an end when Lady Vonteia asked her to run away with her. When the way she looked so gently at her made her heart soar. A feeling that felt so real it couldn’t be mistaken as a dream and if it were, it would be a cruel joke from the Goddess herself. But this is real. And she finally realized it was love.
Idk yet where I'll publish the book. Might be on tumblr as well but make an acc just for it. Though it would probs be like a very long time before I can finish it since hhhhhh words hard. But ye if y'all are interested in the book or give advice/criticism I'd be glad to hear em!
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darlingpwease · 2 years
happy birthday beloved....!!!!
i remembered your birthday was also in December, but not exactly when, and had a feeling it was gonna be soon gahdhw
my birthday was exactly last week too, but i didn't feel strongly on it, so i felt no need to announce it. but with this, we can share the birthday cake AND the birthday hat
♪o<( ´∀`)っ┌iii┐
now ill sing you happy birthday in the most desolate tone ever <3 <3 <3 /t /pos
it's been two birthdays of ours since we've known each other, you know! a very long time since then. even if unconventional, you are like a very cherishable friend of mine. perhaps the best highlight of this page, and one of the most pleasant people ive had the fortune to meet. life is hard but people like you make it worthwhile as it lasts, makes it easier to look for better times. i hope you may also find something as fulfilling so you can say you are satisfied, even if a little, when such days like this comes. for you deserve the best, and only the best, and sometimes the littlest things are what gets us there
i had a birthday cake made out of dots in my keyboard but it doesn't work on tumblr so just imagine we're having the cake ok. are you doing it. you better be. good. ok now imagine me eating it at alarming speeds are you doing tha
happy last birthday love!!!!
11.12 </44444
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have saved an entry in the calendar among the holidays and there is an old post in the album for pies </4444
I was not sure if I marked the date correctly or if you want to celebrate at all, but — if there is nothing with me for a year — I will definitely celebrate this significant date and tell you what a smart and sweet person you are and how lucky I am that you once wrote to me and we are still together; definitely the biggest blessing in my life <44444 the sweetest sweetest sweetest star that has ever existed and can exist <444444
always!!! we can always share birthday cake & birthday hat, darling <44444
don't worry, I'll love your singing no matter if it's so bad that the birds will fall from the branches; however, I can't boast of the same, as soon as the note is high, you'll only see how I soundlessly open my mouth, since I physically can't take them </444 at least you will bless our holiday with this, my my.
shgdhdggd uwuuuuuu;;;;;; hhhhhh slow down, slow down, I can bite your cheek instead of a kiss if you continue to be so touching </44444 /pos
your writing style is still so wonderful; it's amazing how you manage to choose words so that they sound like honey, beloved</4
right? this is our second year together, although it feels like the first (in a good way); we talked about so many things and exchanged thoughts and words. you're my oldest honeymouse I'm still talking to, you know, sunkan? <4 stunning & gorgeous <44
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to us, beautifully born in winter, my dear, and let no one leave hungry and unhappy!!! <44444
(I have a powerful counterattack: I take several pieces at once </44444 /hj /pos)
I am more than satisfied today knowing that we are celebrating this together, even if not together, dear. I'm really sorry that I missed your birthday — although I'm not sure if I had the right to celebrate without your approval — because it really is a sentimental date, and you should be proud that you have become so mature and grown up. You are the real, uh, I don't know, star now? The person? The man? Whatever fit for you, love <4
I hope you feel like the king now <444
p.s. but when I turned eighteen, it was the first birthday that I didn't celebrate at all, although this is an important date in my country — I just didn't feel happy enough for this date and realized that it wouldn't change anything. it didn't make sense now, in fact, this birthday was also worth celebrating if it's the same as the others, you know. I had to not let this get the status of "special" </44444 /j
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sugartaffyta · 5 years
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hi here is an intro. it’s sunny ( aka boo pearl n tink ) so take this as u will ! if u were around when i first picked her up last year its p much exactly the same i just added like 4 points so dfgjdjkghdkhj don’t come for me xoxox luv uuuu. reply to this post if u wish to plot.
didn’t get enough love as a child
loves strawberry candies. cherry is eh. don’t confuse the two.
she loves all her sugar racers but shes got a weird way of showing it. she would die for every single one tho. she thinks her harsh words are tough love
used to getting what she wants. her parents would buy her whatever as an apology for being absent so she’s just used to being spoiled
cares about her reputation a lil too much
doesn’t know how to handle her emotions properly. she tries her best not to show them at all (except happiness ofc! gotta know when the queen is thriving! )
hard to read sometimes. she’s perfected her poker face
invented being judgmental.
probably sees regina george as an aspirational figure ( altho there are some things she would change-- taffyta never plans to get hit by a bus )
really thinks she would die without katie ( candlehead ) and rancis ( the rest of the racers too, but mainly them )
hates vanellope ( sorry girl! )
couldnt really give you a good REASON as to why she hates vanellope. she just does! ( it has something to do with the fact that she gets free stuff out of being mean to her )
random but every time i picture her and the racers i imagine one of those corny ass teen movies where the popular crew walks by and its slow-mo and the wind is blowing their hair back????? yeah not important but it felt important
loves video games. she will challenge you ( if she thinks youre worthy )
she’s very into pop culture. loves kim kardashian, hates kanye west. up to date on all the celebrity gossip
probably watched the entirety of the royal wedding
loves all those typical teen movies from the 90s / early 00s. what about it!
has probably had an ex or two but they werent any lasting relationships. she doesn’t really set out to look for relationships, mainly because she doesn’t think anyone can keep up with her + her lifestyle ( and can’t find anyone suited to fit in with her group )
in tons of organizations at carthay u. her planner is always full because she hates being bored and lonely with nothing to do
definitely the type of person to say omg and hashtag out loud. JHGKJHGFKJHGFK
definitely keeps an eye on those her friends hang around. maybe she’ll bring it up! maybe not.
probably has never apologized in her life. maybe only a couple times when her words w the racers were kinda harsh.
this is already a lot! sooooooo yea! if u want more info just let a girl kno!
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
*SPOILERS* if you haven't watched the last few episodes yet you've been warned
*TW/CW- mature/sensitive content in this post
I am literally still processing everything but:
Was I the only one who thought the Liars' plan with the blood drive was actually kind of creative?
Ohhh the principal rejecting Tabby's film had me SEETHING. I should have known from that scene he'd be the one behind it all/pulling the strings.
Going back and rewatching the scene where Chip tries to ask Imogen if she wants to go to his place for Thanksgiving is now very uncomfortable. Thank god she had Tabby and her mom!! And that's on the tabogen agenda.
I honestly thought Shawn was going to be a part of the A stuff or the guy who assaulted Tabby and Imogen but he was not. If we get a season 2 though, I'm keeping an eye on him. No offense Noa- but he lied about the pills/drugs. Like I wonder if he really was telling the truth when he said later that he threw them out.
The club scene!! Iconic, but the rational part of my brain also was like "Yes Faran good suggestion- WAIT THEY'RE MINORS THEY SHOULD NOT BE OUT CLUBBING"
When Kelly(?) "said call me Karen" to Greg- HUHHH?
I knew Crazy Joe wasn't A
It felt too much like a red herring to me- too obvious
The Waters' house did give me AHS Murder House vibes- they really nailed the creepy vibe with the set
Yess finally I’m so glad they got the moms to talk about Angela- also the fact that each mom's situation with Angela paralleled the daughters in the present
Noa saying "I can't handle juggling two addicts in my life" SWEETIE no :(((((
I'm glad Henry told Faran about Kelly kissing him and didn't keep it a secret. Maybe there is one decent man on this show??
Also Ben Cook heyyy good for him getting those roles!
Ash just eating the pizza instead of directly answering Mouse's mom HAHA
Tabby's mom going OFF on Wes like that!!!
Faran going off on Sheriff Beasley!! QUEEN!
We got to see Imogen’s dad, interesting.
**The fact that he mentioned that Imogen’s mom stated in her will for Imogen to live with the Haworthes if anything bad happened though- TABOGEN WAS FATED! 
Honestly the whole Beasley family situation was really sad- and like the fact that there are some families like this in real life- it was really giving me Melanie Martinez Dollhouse vibes for sure.
Oh I see Kelly x Faran as a potential headcanon.
Oh damn. It was Chip. 
The whole scene when Imogen and Tabby confronted Chip though?Wow. Top tier acting from Bailee and Chandler. Powerful.
"This year has made us very, very good liars" ICONIC!
So much went DOWN!!
I'm still in shock with A doing that to Davie's body though- Tabby asking if Imogen was okay "Nope. Definitely not"
IMOGEN ADAMS DESERVES THE ENTIRE WORLD!! Fuck A for giving her life long trauma!
Not Angela's brother being named Archie- STOP WITH THE R*VERD*LE REFERENCES
IT WAS THE PRINCIPAL!!!! That was a good twist, I appreciate it.
Omg Kelly's mom stabbing Sheriff Beasley though was another twist I did not see coming.
1000000000+ points for adding a Motley Crue song in there!!
I absolutely LOVED the moment when the rest of the girls immediately stood up when the principal threatened to shoot Imogen and her baby- RIDE OR DIES FOR EACH OTHER YES
The camera angles in this show- absolutely DELICIOUS
Tabby being there when Imogen woke up in the hospital GO TABOGEN GO
The scene where everyone was celebrating Christmas together 🥺🥺 (every other ship kissing and then TABOGEN pls SEASON 2 SO WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!)
Also why did I know someone was going to say Die Hard when Tabby asked about favorite Christmas movies and why did it fit Shawn perfectly-
Aww Elodie and Shirley saying they're going to couples therapy GOOD FOR THEM!! (technically they ALL need it lol)
Interesting way to bring back some original PLL with that Aria and Ezra mention.. but when that baby finds out that her parents were in a student teacher relationship-
Overall glad that all those nasty men were EXPOSED. Especially the principal and Sheriff Beasley. Still wondering about Wes though. If there's a season 2 I'm keeping an eye on him too.
So Kelly was Kelly the whole time- I like that there’s a possibility that she stays friends with the Liars in the future- but like what if it’s still Karen? I wanna believe it’s Kelly and that Kelly is good but still.
And finally, Imogen saying she thinks it’s over
But A killed Sheriff Beasley AND came back for Chip-
When I first heard about this show, I was skeptical at first and didn't have many expectations going into it. I never watched the very first Pretty Little Liars series in its entirety, but this spinoff somehow managed to pull me in. Thank you PLLOS Original Sin for everything! What an amazing cast and show. I would definitely recommend this show to others.
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mybunnyparadenme · 3 years
Ah wow so cool to have found you on Tumblr! I'm a big fan of your fic :) For the Bunny chart post, it would be so cool to see a Princess Kenny/Marjorine fic, maybe with Marj as her lady in waiting or something? ^-^
Hhhhhh thank you, I'm so flattered! /)///w///(\ Glad you found my blog too! Here's the fic, THANK YOU for requesting the girls!! I hope that you don't mind it's super angsty! ^^;
D2 - Marjorine/Princess Kenny
Princess Kenny had to be the most beautiful girl at the ball tonight.
Of course Kenny's always the most beautiful girl regardless, Marjorine thought to herself as she watched her dear friend dance with a dark haired prince from a far off kingdom. How couldn't she be? Her golden hair was done up in an intricate braid, exposing her slender neck and pale shoulders, and the lilac of her dress highlighted her gorgeous eyes, making her look like a goddess in human form. Marjorine felt pride color her cheeks, knowing that she'd had a hand in her appearance. She'd spent ages running a brush through that long hair until it gleamed in the light, plaiting it carefully so not a single strand fell out of place. And her hard work had definitely paid off, Kenny had been dancing all night and she still looked as immaculate as when they'd arrived.
At least until the awful foreign prince reached up and carelessly ran his fingers through her hair, tugging at her braid and leaving several strands loose in his wake. He looked smug as he curled her hair around his finger, and Marjorine was ready to stomp over there and tell him off for being so rough with her princess, but before she could even take the first step, Kenny had that same finger bent backwards and was whispering something into his ear. Something harsh, given the worry in the prince's pain-laced expression. The exchange only lasted for a moment, and then Kenny gave him a sweet smile as she curtsied goodbye. Almost immediately, she was in the arms of a new dance partner, the handsome Elf King of Zaron.
Marjorine let herself relax again. The elf was known for being well-mannered, no doubt he would treat Kenny with the respect she deserved. She watched the two of them dance with a smile on her face, though it quickly became strained when she saw Kenny throw her head back and laugh at something he'd said to her. They seemed to be hitting it off very nicely, and... and that was a good thing! They were at this ball to scope out potential suitors after all, the goal was to find someone she could not only get along with, but rule a kingdom with. This was a good thing, wasn't it? So why did the air suddenly feel like it was too heavy to breathe? She quickly turned from the dance floor and made her way over to the open balcony several feet away.
I could use some fresh air, she told herself. That was all she needed, and then everything would be fine.
The cool breeze felt good against her heated cheeks, a definite relief from the stuffy air in the ballroom. Marjorine tilted her head up to marvel at the beautiful moon overhead, so full and big it looked like she could reach up and touch it with her fingertips. But as she lifted her hand and clutched at empty space, she felt her heart sink at the realization that the distance between her and the moon was similar to the one between her and the princess she loved so much. Marjorine was proud to be Kenny's lady in waiting, her confidante, but that was all she would ever be. A selfish part of her was hoping that tonight would be a bust, that Kenny would turn her nose up at all the people vying for her attention, and it could just be the two of them for a little while longer... but Kenny had a whole country to think about, and what was one girl in the face of a kingdom? She would just have to be content with the hand she'd been given.
"There you are, Marji!" A soft, elegant voice called, moments before a pair of arms wrapped themselves around Marjorine's waist.
"Y-Your highness!" Marjorine cried, stiffening for a moment before her body relaxed in the familiar embrace. Her worries always melted away when Kenny was holding her. "What are you doing out here?"
"Looking for you of course." Kenny whispered in her ear, her lips lingering just long enough to make Marjorine shiver. "It was getting so dull in there without you."
Marjorine shifted so that they were face to face, her arms coming up to loop behind Kenny's neck. It wasn't proper to show this much affection in such a public place, but after seeing so many pairs of hands around the girl she loved, Marjorine couldn't deny herself this moment of comfort between them. Still, duty demanded that she say, "We should head back inside, they'll notice you missing soon."
"I'd rather be out here with you, though." Kenny murmured. She knocked their foreheads together, looking into the other girl's eyes with an intensity that made Marjorine shiver. Her eyes were the color of lavender, but there was nothing calming about her gaze. "Can't we stay out here a little while longer, my dear?"
They both knew she couldn't deny her princess anything, especially not when she used such sweet endearments. She swallowed hard and nodded, trailing her hands over her shoulders (oh, they were so achingly smooth) and down her arms until their fingers were interlocked. "Of course, Kenny. Anything you want."
Seeing her smile was almost a punishment, so radiant it nearly left her blinded. "I want to dance with you, Marjorine."
And then they were swaying as soft music drifted out into the balcony, dreamy and beautiful and so perfect Marjorine had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from tearing up. They weren't dancing formally, the way Kenny had been taught all her life with steps to memorize and rules to follow. This was a dance they'd done hundreds of times, in the middle of the night when they weren't tired enough to sleep or after a boring meeting to let off some steam. It was a dance all their own, intimate and sacred and meant only for the two of them, Kenny taking the lead because that was what she was meant to do. Marjorine was the only one allowed to see this side of her, the girl who could rule a kingdom all on her own without a king by her side. But there were laws, and expectations being placed on those delicate shoulders, and they could only pretend for so long before they'd have to go back and face reality.
But they still had this moment, right now.
Kenny danced them into the far side of the balcony, out of view of the rest of the ball room. Marjorine could feel the cold stone wall against the fabric of her dress, but it didn't compare to the warmth coming from Kenny's body pressed flush against her own. Their lips were only inches apart, but she was distracted by the loose strand of hair that the awful prince had loosened from Kenny's braid. She reached up to tuck it behind her ear, but Kenny caught her hand and pressed a gentle kiss against her work-roughened knuckles.
Marjorine gasped and felt her cheeks burn. "Y-Your highness, you-"
"Kenny." She murmured into her skin, turning her hand to kiss the inside of her wrist. "Not 'your highness' or 'princess' when it's just the two of us. Use my name."
"Kenny." Marjorine breathed, shuddering as Kenny's lips trailed higher, until they were on her neck, her chin, her cheeks. "Kenny, my Kenny... m-my..."
"Just yours, Marji." Kenny whispered, and then their lips met and there were no more words spoken. If Kenny tasted the salt in their kiss, she didn't say, but her mouth worked feverishly against Marjorine's as if she could counter it with the sweetness of her tongue, and make up for the fact that moments like these would soon be fleeting at best.
And nonexistent at worst.
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magioftheseas · 4 years
A.I. to AI
Summary: Post-SDR2.5 AU in while a certain Alter Ego and a certain Ultimate Lucky still have some difficulties moving forward.
Rating: T
Warnings: Emetophobia (mild)
Notes: Hhhhhh, World Destroyer/Komaeda...good...and yet so rare. So, here it is. Have fun.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
Komaeda Nagito is
Through many deep dives, Alter Ego is confident in identifying Komaeda Nagito’s character. As confident as a program can be, although it was not the prerogative to know and understand Komaeda Nagito. The mission was simply to retrieve Komaeda Nagito, the last of the remnants.
It had taken many deep dives. Many methods had to be used. Some involving direct contact from the start, and others requiring more distance, more detachment. All the same, there had been many confrontations.
It is not Alter Ego’s mission to know and understand Komaeda Nagito, but with how much time spent in Komaeda Nagito’s dreamscape, it was inevitable to take notice of and learn such things.
When Komaeda Nagito was extracted—the mission was complete.
That was it.
It was over.
It should have been over.
“World Destroyer-kun! Alter Ego-kun! Destroyer-kun? Ego-kun? Which would you prefer I call you?”
“I have no preference.”
“I do know another Alter Ego-san,” Komaeda was saying. Acting sweet and cheerful. As if there isn’t somewhere else he should be. “The one made by the Ultimate Programmer. They’re much more polite and pleasant than you are.”
“And yet, I am the one you are speaking to.”
Komaeda laughs, smiling without care. But there are signs of tension from the tightness of his shoulders to even the way his elbow dug into the table’s surface with his chin pressing down hard into his fleshy palm. Only the mechanical limb was able to remain completely still.
“You are troubled,” is the obvious observation to make. “I presume it is about the other remnants and my master.”
“Your presumptions would be correct,” Komaeda says. His smile is twitching around the corners. The typical sign of contradictory emotions. Of admiration and irritation. “If you already know, then I don’t have to explain anything, right?”
“Explanations would be...” A pause. “Unnecessary.”
Komaeda seems pleased with that answer, but somewhere in the back of Alter Ego’s coding was the curious thought if that had been the correct response.
How irritating.
Among the methods, there had been direct contact. Komaeda Nagito does not remember this, but these attempts are in fact stored in Alter Ego’s data banks. If one knew how to dig, the footage of those attempts could be replayed. All taken from Alter Ego’s vacant gaze at the time.
A gaze that caught Komaeda Nagito in a state of shock. Which had observed and scrutinized the way Komaeda Nagito shrank in on himself, pulling further and further away from the program’s prodding.
“I’m already at peace, so don’t bother me anymore,” Komaeda Nagito had said. “You’re—an annoyance.”
“Is that the name you have decided on?”
“If you have a problem with it, just say so!”
“I have nothing to say.”
Once again, Komaeda Nagito has visited. How did Komaeda Nagito even find this place?
The answer was obvious.
(“It was just good luck!” Komaeda Nagito had exclaimed, looking so unbearably joyful. “And after spraining my wrist...! It was only a matter of time before something good happened!”)
“I made my own coffee today,” Komaeda was saying now. “It was so awful! So brutal! A truly contemptible and pitiful attempt! I got so sick that I threw up in the sink!” His spirited performance turned downcast in a heartbeat. “Koizumi-san was quite cross with me. According to Owari-san, the smell was so awful.”
“Yes, bile does have a stench,” was the dry, unimpressed response. “The odor gets worse depending on what was ingested.”
“Oh, Destroyer-kun,” Komaeda mourns. “I just keep messing up around them. No matter what I do, I can’t help being wretched!”
“That mistake...was hardly serious.”
For some reason, Komaeda’s distraught expression was troubling. Had he, a program, developed a bias? A proximity bias? If so, that was a bug.
One that his master needed to patch out. His master would have to be informed. Informed of the displeased reaction that comes about simply because Komaeda Nagito is distressed.
“It’s not just that mistake,” Komaeda sighs next. “It’s—surely you know the saying. The straw that breaks the camel’s back?”
“I am aware, but that perspective is flawed.” It was aggravating. Truly aggravating. Perhaps not a mere bug but a virus in how vicious this sensation became. “You are not...”
The sensation gets aggressive. It threatens to consume the entire system. It gets to the point where he needs to be reset, but—
Komaeda is...
“I’m sorry,” Komaeda is apologizing. Komaeda gives such a miserable smile. “I’m troubling you, aren’t I?”
“No.” Immediate. Almost panicked. “No, Komaeda...”
Komaeda blinked at him. His expression changed. Eyes went wide, mouth parted open. An expression of surprise.
“...I didn’t think a program could make an expression like that.” Then, a laugh. “Oh, wait, what am I even saying? You’re not even the first advanced artificial intelligence I’ve ever met.”
Komaeda seemed taken aback but tickled nonetheless. When faced with something incomprehensible, it was...understandable to simply take it in bewildered stride.
“I meant to reassure you,” he realizes now. “But it appears I am inadequate at such a task.”
“It’s alright,” Komaeda says with such sincerity. “Just your intent rather warmed my heart, Destroyer-kun. You’re such a kind person. I wonder who you got that from...?”
Komaeda ponders this as if he doesn’t already know the answer. As if that very answer doesn’t cause Komaeda’s smile to falter.
“Thank you, Destroyer-kun,” Komaeda says next, and it will have to do for now.
Komaeda visits him regularly. Not every interaction is worth remembering, but he finds that he perks up regardless. Sometimes, Komaeda won’t converse much; instead just settling down in the chair with a coffee. Sipping demurely and rubbing exhaustion from his eyes. The only sounds that transpired would be Komaeda’s breathing, the whirl of his robotic arm, and the buzzing of the program.
Komaeda would finish his coffee, give him a simple smile, would leave, and repeat.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
And then, Komaeda lays his head down in front of him.
“Let me rest for a bit,” he tiredly requests. Silence is taken as acquiesce, and it isn’t long before Komaeda Nagito drifts off into slumber.
It’s strange.
That position is not comfortable, and yet, Komaeda Nagito sleeps with ease. Perhaps the other had simply been exhausted—but perhaps Komaeda Nagito felt secure here. With only a mere AI for company, Komaeda Nagito was relaxed.
But not as relaxed as he had been in the program, surrounded by friends who cared for him and encased by a world designed to keep him safe.
He does wonder if Komaeda Nagito yearns for that place despite having verbally dismissed it in the past. He likely does. Komaeda Nagito may have been sincere in the thoughts and feelings he expressed, but he wasn’t very honest to himself. What a frustrating contradiction.
And, yet, the artificial intelligence that has long since fulfilled its objective...cannot help but find this person fascinating.
Fascinating and lovely.
How could something like this happen?
He watches Komaeda Nagito sleep.
He watches Komaeda Nagito sleep.
He watches Komaeda Nagito sleep.
Komaeda Nagito sleeps.
Komaeda Nagito does not wake up even when the door opens.
“So this is where he is,” his master sighs. His master looks a bit ragged but also relieved to see Komaeda’s hunched shoulders. No matter the occasion, his master strides forward with grace and purpose. His master then lightly takes those hunched shoulders.
“Do you plan to awake him?” he asks, and it is strange, isn’t it, to have this be the first question he has asked his master in so long. “He has been sleeping well up until now.”
His master flinches the slightest bit even though that response should have been expected. Perhaps, his master is fatigued enough to impair his instincts.
“I...” His master swallows. Nervously. “I do know that he’s been visiting you as of late... Alter Ego.”
Alter Ego is not surprised to hear this. Obviously, his master would have known. Why, then, does his master look so uncertain?
“Master,” he says and asks with all the grace that can be generated from a machine, “Are you feeling insecure?”
There is a reason why there is no such thing as a ballerina android. Subsequently, this is why artificial conductors are much more inefficient for orchestras than human ones are.
“That obvious, huh,” his master mutters as if the dryness of the question had rubbed him raw. His master sighs. Inhale, exhale. His master regards his creation with brief disdain before it’s blinked away, leaving behind a vulnerable, insecure human.
A human which is still more capable than a machine.
“Komaeda really likes you,” that human says, like he can’t believe it or understand it either. “Komaeda would rather be around you than anyone else. Including me.”
“It...” Alter Ego processes this, and finally, finally, he comes to a logical explanation. “It is not about liking me. It is about the simulation of companionship with none of the expectation nor the baggage. Komaeda Nagito is lonely, but he fears intimacy. With a mere program, he has nothing to fear.”
The human—Hinata Hajime, Kamukura Izuru, no, simply his master—blinks at him.
“I suppose that is one explanation,” he says slowly. “But, it’s never that simple. Not with people, and especially not with Komaeda.”
“That seems like a generalization, master,” Alter Ego points out.
“It is, but... Urgh. You’re basically saying that Komaeda finds you unfulfilling, which is a bit...” His master shook his head. “That... Do you really know for sure if that’s true?”
Machines are not designed to feel pain. And he in particular was not given the capacity to come even close to pain due to his purpose. To feel pain himself would have been counterproductive. His master had known that. Thus, his master had taken great pains to ensure that he would never feel pain.
Still, Alter Ego had paused and mulled that painful question over.
“It is a sound explanation,” he decides on, but his gaze lingers on Komaeda Nagito.
Komaeda Nagito, who murmurs so softly in his sleep. Smacks his lips. Looks at peace.
“I guess it is beyond your capacity for understanding.”
Alter Ego snaps back to attention. His master regards him coldly and warily. Irritated and insecure. Since he understands his master, it does not bother him.
“If Komaeda Nagito thinks himself fond of me...”
He is mistaken.
That is what Alter Ego should say, but for one reason or another, he can’t bring himself to continue.
It doesn’t matter. His master can fill in the blanks, and given by the way his brow furrows and his expression darkens, his master does just that.
Soon after, though, his master’s look softens.
“It’s a good thing,” he sighs. “It’s great that Komaeda’s not completely keeping to himself and that he’s socializing at all, but... I just wish he’d give us another chance. Sure, not everyone’s willing to welcome him back but... We should get the opportunity to try, right?”
“You cannot force him,” Alter Ego points out. “Komaeda Nagito is not obligated. He should approach you because he wants to.”
Not to mention—
“If you respect his feelings, you should not be having this conversation that he can overhear.”
His master laughs. It’s harsh and lacking mirth, but when his master turns his attention to Komaeda and pats his shoulder, he’s nothing short of gentle. Gentle while wearing a melancholy smile.
“Both of us would be able to see right through him,” his master says. “It’s taken a lot, but I think I understand him well enough.” Idly, almost without thinking, his master moves his hand from Komaeda’s shoulder to card through the fluffy white strands. “I’ll help the others understand, too. So that when he’s ready...”
His master trails off. His master stops. His master shook his head.
“Komaeda...will end up hurting his neck if he sleeps like this. I’m gonna take him to his room, okay?”
His master hoists up Komaeda Nagito with ease. Holds him close and secure. Gives Alter Ego one last wry smile before heading out.
Alter Ego simply watches him go.
“Destroyer-kun, do you think I could speak to you in person?”
Komaeda fidgets. He’s visibly sheepish.
“Did something happen?” is asked in return instead of giving a proper response.
“It’s not that I dislike talking to a screen, but I’d like...” Komaeda trails off, his cheeks pink. He sputters softly, jaw working on the words he can’t bring himself to say. “That is...if it’s okay with you... Obviously I understand if...mm...”
“Is that really what you want?”
“Yes!” Komaeda’s chirpy response was immediate. “But is that okay?”
It would be best to decline.
“It is fine. There just has to be a degree of setup first. Follow my instructions closely, Komaeda Nagito.”
“O-Oh I don’t want to risk breaking anything.”
“It is fine. Even the total destruction of this island wouldn’t be the end of my existence.”
“Ooh!” Komaeda lights up. “Just like Hinata-kun and Kamukura-kun, then!”
Komaeda looks so happy.
It’s dazzling even with a screen in-between, but he is durable so it will be fine.
It has to be.
“Hey. Can you hear me?”
Komaeda Nagito wakes up on the beach.
Komaeda Nagito blinks up at him owlishly but when he takes his hand, it’s with a desperate grip.
“It worked,” he breathes. “It really...”
“I had thought the setting being the same as the initial Neo World Program would be easiest to work with,” is explained as Komaeda Nagito is helped up. “How long do you plan to stay here?”
“Not long, I just...” Flushing, Komaeda is smiling so wide it looks painful. Yes. It is difficult to take, and yet—it is nice. “I wanted to talk to you. But...”
Komaeda Nagito does not let go of the other hand. If anything, he grips that hand even tighter.
“I...wanted it to be like this. Selfish, right?”
“It is human. But—if you wished for intimacy, my master...” Strange. He ends up trailing off. “My master...”
Komaeda Nagito squeezes his hand briefly. Once again.
“I’m not like that with them yet,” he said. Softly. But, in a way where significance ran underneath the words. Tucked under that light, airy chucker. “Destroyer-kun is my only friend for now.”
The words.
“But even when I do manage to muster up my courage, I’m not going to forget you,” Komaeda went on, promised—seriously, this guy—“Destroyer-kun. The last thing I want is for you to be lonely.”
“I...do get lonely.” He blinked. Multiple times. “When I think of how you should be with your peers, I get lonely.”
“You’ll come with me,” Komaeda said suddenly. “We’ll work to better ourselves together. You’re much too capable to simply be left to rot.”
“My purpose is fulfilled.”
“Helping the world is surely more fulfilling than talking with me,” Komaeda says so easily with such assertion. “It’s no good to be so aimless, Destroyer-kun! Let’s do our best! You can even talk to other AI! We’ll both be among our peers, but we’ll still be friends, too...”
He wondered if that would truly be the case. It seemed silly that someone called the World Destroyer could build relationships with others—and yet...his relationship with Komaeda Nagito was undeniable.
Perhaps, it would be fine?
It had to be fine.
“We can’t stay like this,” he realizes. “The world is open to us, and we must go there.”
“Yes,” Komaeda agreed, melancholy but resolute. “We’ll go together. You helped me out of the program, so I feel wretched for continuing to ask for your support, but...”
“You are offering yours in return, Nagito,” he said. “It’s fine.”
Komaeda smiles so brilliantly that it was too much for the simulation and the program. But, he shone with a hope that made the World Destroyer smile once again.
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zorbs · 3 years
okay now that thats out of my system, here are the things i felt the need to mention:
KATIE’S CANONICALLY A WLW?????? i was very please. little rainbow pin??? adorable. i love that so much hhhhh the fact that the main character wasnt cishet was so so so nice. and shes so relatable and mmmmmmm i love her very very much
AARON MY BABY!!!!!!! this might fully be me projecting but that boy is autistic as heck. the special interest????? he barely made eye contact throughout the film???? struggled to read situations???? awful with lying usually opting to tell the blunt truth?????? anyway i love him so much and god id love to listen to him infodump about dinosaurs!!!!!
i gotta say the furbies made me Lose It. i was NOT ready and then it happened and i was fully cackling i could not process it.
those are my main take aways fjdksjshshjfjd
I LOVED THIS FILM SO MUCH HOLY CRAP!!!!!! IT MADE ME CRY SO MUCH!!!! and OH MY GOD DID IT MAKE ME LAUGH. i was watching it with my brother and my dad and we were just losing our shit it was so FUNNY!!!!!
i cannot thank you enough for drawing my attention to this film fjdkskshsh. i had the best time. perfect way to end my day you have no idea. i hope you slept well!!! and i hope im not annoying you or anything fjdjskshshsj. THANKS ZUZU FOR POSTING ABOUT THIS FILM IM IN LOVE!!!!!!
1) wlw my beloved yesss!! and it was also really refreshing that it wasn’t even near the main focus on the film but they still gave that representation without it seeming just like a token queer character
2) i loved aaron so much my childddd (to be fair i loved like everyone though) but yeah it seems to already be a very popular hc that he’s autistic! and it definitely makes sense!
3) agshjdkf yes!!! it’s such a fun trope aaaa but i gotta say i think eric and deborahbot 5000 were one of my top things in the film they were such silly boys!!! (the scene when the first met the mitchells PLEASEEE)
4) i watched the trailer beforehand and they showed the furbies in it and i was waiting for that moment the whole time AHAHAHA and then when it happened even though i knew it was coming i was still cackling too
5) YAYAYAYAYAYAY seriously i laughed but also cried a ton too and that was definitely not something i was expecting to happen while watching. and dw this was not annoying in the slightest!! it genuinely made me so excited to hear about what you thought aaaaa
6) i did sleep well ty for asking :)) and i’m glad i was able to bring this film to your attention too!
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conchobarbarian · 7 years
lmfao you know it's time for me to go to bed when I'm making myself maudlin taking buzzfeed quizzes about romance what the fuck
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wonderfullyalone · 4 years
okay okay let’s see if i can get all my thoughts out in one post:
1. we got 61 minutes of our lady 🥺 i missed him so much
2. hearing juno narrate was so good hhh i miss hearing his thoughts. he’s grown and changed so much his thought are so much more nuanced? and he gives more consideration to things rather than rushing in to the worst possible conclusion
3. juno being absolutely in love w nureyev gave me the serotonin i so badly needed. they’re so cute i love their flirting hhh
4. also nureyev creating a whole notebook and quest just to get juno out of bed and talking to ppl??? that’s literally the sweetest thing ever??? best boyfriend peter nureyev
5. speaking of labels it was extremely funny how kabert just dodged juno calling himself nureyev’s “boyfriend/girlfriend/partner”
6. also juno talking about diamond 👀👀 that was Interesting
7. back to some sense of chronological order juno and vespa actually getting along!!!! or at least talking without being at each other’s throats!!!! and some genuine heartfelt conversation mixed in there too!!!!!!
8. also what the Fuck is up w this thing in junos blood?? i couldn’t catch it well but he’s got something?? i wonder if it’ll be relevant
9. also !!!!! buddy and vespa and nureyev conversation !!!!!!! but when he thought they said his real name hhhhh
10. what’s the instrument nureyev plays?? is that the instrument he’s picked up when he broke his leg??
11. everything about juno and rita was so good i missed their interactions 🥺 they love each other so much 🥺🥺🥺
12. juno affirming he wouldn’t be going anywhere without rita felt like a personal christmas gift
13. the real character reveal all along was that jet is the funniest person on this ship
14. the way each character provides support and car in their own way?? is so good???
15. the way juno talked about nureyev and not needing to explain himself when he’s w him 🥺🥺🥺
15. buddy’s whole “it’s not about making the shot it’s about challenging yourself to try” HHHHHH
16. also backtrack nureyev not wanting juno in his room hmm it’s not like juno hasn’t seen that mess before so. why.
17. juno’s “i felt like i was releasing a breath i was holding in the past 24 hours.” yeah.
18. while we’re at it juno’s “when i’m with him all my pieces fit just right”
19. juno’s “i want to know everything about him and i want him to know everything about me”
20. juno’s “love is something i’m making”
21. he’s so in love w nureyev hhhhhh
22. back to the plot. jets speech was so beautiful aaaaah
23. buddy and vespa. vespa and buddy. their vows were so sweet they love each other so much
24. i knew the minute agent g said “bring the director in” i knew it was sasha. asshole.
25. my thought process literally was “hey asshole. fuck y- oh wait you’re good? never- OH FUCK YOU”
26. hey sasha what’s it like to turn into the person you never wanted to?? huh????
27. i can’t fucking believe you stunned your childhood best friend what the fuck??? what the fuck?????
28. juno didn’t even get to ask nureyev who his first love was or get his prize damn girl you couldn’t have waited???
29. also nureyev’s first love - plot relevant?
30. what was he gonna say to juno before he walked out the room in the morning. stop doing this kabert.
31. lmao if nureyev has already stolen and given away the radicals they are in deep trouble dhfhfjk
32. theyre after one radical and it’s not the curemother prime so. which. they’ve been after them since shadows on the ship so that’s either the map, the key, or the blade. the key is unlikely since they have no way of knowing that m’tendre gave them that. the map or the blade is possible? maybe the blade? which nureyev conveniently lost last episode? oops
33. i can’t believe she actually stunned her childhood best friend. i am hoping she’s planning something more than she’s letting on bc christ.
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subwooferpussy · 4 years
Okay so I want to make...a post about the brain-spiral I went on when I read this quote:
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Under the cut because oh my god I have a lot to say but TDLR: Ghosts are Real, Sexy, and Fuck Capitalism :)
like I cannot describe how out-of-my-mind this concept makes me; that ghosts are intrinsically tied to physical place - and not “place” as in geography, but place as in the Material.
The material acts like the Mountain to an Echo - the experience of a haunting cannot happen without the intersection of the material, and the immaterial. They are essential to one another. “To inhabit, to bring home, to fetch” these are all actions that invoke the idea of bringing the external, inward - bringing them home.
What is a home? Our living spaces, our bodies, the Earth. There is an intrinsic wanting in a haunted place - wanting to bring something back to a core, back to a place of knowing, belonging, connection. Back in. When the material and immaterial try to occupy the same space at the wrong time, when one of either side expands out to touch the other only to find a lost connection or emptiness - it becomes haunted.
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As a queer trans person growing up (before I “knew” i was either of those things), I always felt a strong affinity for ghosts, for haunted/abandoned houses and ghost stories. I often felt like I was haunted, even though I had no idea who or what I was haunted by.
Of course now I know. Identity is immaterial. We bring it into the world when we sit with and embody that identity - we inhabit it, bring it home. When we as individuals are divorced from our identity or culture, have it taken from us, have it repressed or twisted around....that identity doesn’t go away. it is just cut off; a ghost that haunts us even when we aren’t able to see it. And a ghost, If nothing else, always wants and wills to be seen. There are so many instances now in hindsight where I look at things I have done or ways I acted in the past and now go: “Ah....yes I see you now”.
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We also see this work the other way - people who have a good idea of their Immaterial identity, but no connection or a broken connection to their body. Dissociation, phantom aches, in this case the body is the ghost, the Anatomy House which has been abandoned.
Culturally, so much about colonialism, capitalism, and white supremacy (couldn’t write an essay without talking about them could I?) is purposeful and direct divorcement of a person to their culture, to home, to their own body. Capitalism is a strip-mine, Colonialism and White supremacy an ever-changing metric forcing others to either assimilate away from identity and culture, or die. There doesn’t exist any rest, any incentive to be fulfilled in a material-focused world. We are cut off from our selves, each other, the earth.
(Ughh God just like...
the house is the body is the Earth is Consiousness is The Material is Out....and Personhood is the soul is the Other is the Unconscious is The Immaterial is In... and they are one in the same mirrors of mirrors of mirrors all the way down..hhhhhH)
the fiction, what these places represent, are a collective mirror into the experience of being alive in modernity. We are haunted and haunting; purposefully divested from ourselves and each other more than not. Haunted by other people, haunted by the people we could be or want to be but have difficulty achieving, haunting spaces we are no longer a part of the way we used to be. Mountains with no echos and no music
“Why can’t you see me? Why can’t I stop / needing you to see me?”
Chen Chen, from When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities; “Nature Poem”
Sometimes, I like to go out into the woods with the trees and juggle - snowballs/pine cones/whatever. I am terrible at it. Like, Seriously, seriously bad. And it makes me laugh so, SO much. Being silly makes me feel like I’m being Myself - brought home. Juggling badly does literally nothing except make me happy, and doing so in the woods makes me feel...apart of it I suppose. When I was still working for a Shitty tele-company, at lunch I would go out, break out a beach towel and plop down on whatever safe surface was available to sunbathe. Wasting time and breaking up the soul crushing monotonous depersonalization got me through that awful, soul-sucking job.
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The material and immaterial act like the Mountain to an Echo - They are tied to one another. A body and identity are tied to one another. Are fed by one another. Do something every day that connects the two, even if it’s small. It’s painful, and a joy, and when we connect fully to ourselves, we can then connect fully with others. under capitalism That‘s extremely sexy, necessary, and valuable. Also ghosts and people-eating houses with teeth and organs absolutely rule. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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straychesire · 4 years
ITZY: Goodnight
itzy getting ready for bed with their gf
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one of her favorite things honestly
not just because it feels good to take off all of her makeup and wash her face
but because you would do your thing at the same time, every night
and it just...felt so domestic and romantic? taking a quiet moment with each other, existing together in such a natural state
on days she was feeling especially soft, she'd insist on removing your makeup for you
cut to her holding two cotton rounds as gentle as possible against your eyes, wiping off your eye makeup as if you were a porcelain doll about to break
you had your eyes closed the whole time, taking in the cool feeling of the wipes and cleansers that yeji applied to your skin
you'd hear random comments under her breath like "you're so pretty" or "are you even real? you're so beautiful" which never failed to bring a bit of a blush to your face
which she would notice but never verbalized. just smiled
oddly enough, her favorite part of it was when you were brushing your teeth together
just the sound of the bristles against your teeth, occasional dollops of toothpaste-drool dripping down your chins and onto the counter or into the sink
once her mouth was clean and void of toothpaste, she'd look over at you and swipe her thumb across the corner of your lips. "there you go" her smile would make your heart race in the cutest of ways
but you'd laugh, bumping your hip against hers. "I'd check your reflection before being so cocky"
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matching fluffy headbands, with little bows or cat ears
such an aesthetic bathroom too, lemme tell you what
it almost looked like a commercial set, but it was real life
if you aren’t great with skincare/aren’t consistent with it, Lia will make sure to fix that right away
“oh y/n, why are you using that cleanser?? that’s not right for your skin type!” scolding but in such a caring, cute way
you’ll sit together on the edge of the bathtub (or on top of the counter) while doing face masks, trying to get the other one to smile so their mask will crack
you both end up with cracks in your masks, but its all good
I can see Lia wanting to rub the clay masks onto your face with her own fingers, her eyes so focused on spreading the product evenly onto your face
and hell yeAH you’d do the same for her!! we love doting girlfriends!!
also, may I add...matching toothbrush holders (like the ones that stick onto the mirror, you get it)
if you have less skincare steps than her, she’ll whine at you to keep her company
“it’s boring by myseeelfff”
playing music and lowkey jamming even though you have to go to bed in like 10 minutes
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Ryujin loves to watch you take your makeup off
she’ll just stare at your reflection as you gently wipe the makeup away
she gets this cute-ass whipped smile
you’d always make a silly face whenever you catch her staring
I may be wrong but I can see her complaining and getting a little whiny during nighttime routines
you’d have to remind her that she needs to take care of her skin and remove her makeup before she just crashes on the couch, shoes and all
there are definitely days where she does doze off, which leads you to sitting beside the couch and gently wiping away her makeup, removing her jewelry taking off her shoes
but you weren’t removing her lenses (if she was wearing any). she could wake up with crusty-ass eyes - maybe it’ll teach her to not just fall asleep once she steps through the door
a frequent thing would be taking baths together
some days there’s bubbles and candles and music
other times it’s quiet and more soul-bonding than anything
she’ll wash your hair for you, making sure to brush it and remove every single knot
kisses the top of your head when she’s finished hhhhhh
you’ll be in the water until it goes cold and your fingers are prunes
drying off each other’s hair :,)
ok i need to end this one before i get too emo
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you thought the others were soft? get ready for baby Chae
soft in the way that she wants to cuddle and doesn’t want to lose your warmth
lots of giggling and you reminding her that you both need to at least wash your faces before falling asleep
ngl sometimes you don’t make it to the bathroom and just fall asleep in each other’s arms
a combo of lia and ryujin
she’ll nag you for using the wrong products on your face, and will even ask some women she works with for advice
“what cleanser would you recommend for someone with acne prone skin? i’m asking for a friend”
she also lovess baths
but you’ll be the one taking care of her
lots of soft kisses and compliments
for some reason you love the way her hair looks floating in the bath water?
selfies in the bath/bathroom that no one will ever see, y’all are just so whipped for one another
as soon as your teeth are brushed and the nighttime routine is over, she’s jumping into bed
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what’s a nighttime routine?
y’all are so chaotic, most of the time you just remove your makeup and brush your teeth and that’s it
Yuna cares more about the time spent in bed, trying to fall asleep than anything else
lots of conversations, delving into random mumbles as sleepiness crept closer and closer
have matching PJs with a cute print
you’d start the night laying on your side, facing each other, but would end up in different positions as the night went on
probably more invested in you two getting ready together than un-ready
loves to do your makeup ngl
fawns over how pretty you are before and after makeup
just a very proud girlfriend regardless
she might be insecure about heels since she is tall (not stating just inferring), but of course you’d hype her up when she wears them
and if you’re tall too, she’ll do the same
(this kinda became a ‘yuna as a gf’ post for her shdhdhd whoops’
loves every moment you spend together before bed
it makes her feel so loved and appreciated
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luescris · 4 years
Warning: Long Post. Spoilers ahead.
So uh. Finished Wizards. And since I can't seem to figure out how to make posts properly on a laptop, I can't put a "read more" tag so this will not be spoiler free. You have been warned.
Now. With that out of the way...
F u d g e r k n i c k l e
Number one:
Now don't get me wrong I love Troll!Jim!!! He was so soft and his hair looked so fluffy and everything and augh.
Though I can guarantee that Jim now needs a whole bunch of therapy and probably feels absolutely awful for what he did while being turned into............ That. But I have no doubts that with a few weeks and lots of support and love, he'll be okay. :')
Number 1.5:
Does anybody else understand how hard I was crying when Jim turned to stone and how Claire was crying her eyes out. My heart felt like it was ripped out if my chest I'm so angry that they pulled that on us not literally but still
Number Two:
Jim??? Having??????? Excalibur????????????
IF THAT IS NOT THE ABSOLUTE COOLEST THING IN THE WORLD I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!!!!! I mean sure he wasn't able to take the sword out of the stone in that moment but I am MORE than certain that he will have that sword, and it will be awesome sauce.
Also little side note the fact that Jim now has that little space of skin on his eyebrow is absolutely amazing and I love that detail so much
Some of you may think I only watched Wizards for Jim at this point and you would only be half correct gwjausggshs I love my son Jim okay
Number Three:
So. What happens to the Trollhunters now. Was Jim the last one??? Cuz the Amulet was destroyed and I'm not sure if anyone's going to attempt to make another one. Douxie--love him by the way--is probably too busy keeping Numie (is that her name-) safe to even try to make one so...... Is that it for the Trollhunters then?? If so then that is just... Sad. Wonder what the rest of the Trolls will think when he tells them what happened. Rip the Amulet, it was cool while it lasted. 😔
Number Four:
Speaking of Rip, Merlin and Morgana. I don't think I'll forgive them for what they've done, but they were still true to the end. Merlin meant a lot to Douxie, and though I only knew him for a short amount of time I felt so sad for him. Losing the only person he knew as a father... Was so obviously hard for him. I was seriously hoping he didn't walk through those doors and thank g o s h he didn't like aaaaaa ;;;3;;;
Final Thoughts (I think-):
This series was... Very dark, very short and quick to the point. Unlike the other two that came before it. But you know what?? That's perfectly fine with me. They only had ten episodes to cram everything in, and though I'm still unsure about some things, I still loved every bit of it. The possibilities for the movie that's coming out (WHICH I'M SUPER STOKED ABOUT, BY THE W A Y) is endless, and I'm sure it'll close everything off smooth and well. I wish that it would be going into theaters instead of just Netflix, so that everyone can see the art that is Del Torro's Tales of Arcadia. I also wish that I didn't have to wait so long to watch that movie I'm so impatient hhhhhh
Also screw Arthur. Steve was kind of annoying. I respect Claire and I Love Her so Much. And uhhhhhhh yeah. That's it. 1000/10 show, can't wait to see the true finale.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 36
time travel arccccccccccccc yessssssssss
I have been waiting SO LONG to reread this arc hhhhh yessss
starting off strong with the sexy roller cover. nice
I love the disconnect of ‘orion pax: outlaw’ compared to the last time we saw him in shadowplay where he was orion pax: supercop
he’s still punching people for JUSTICE or whatever so I guess not much has changed
oh my god this is the issue with the many many two-page spreads...the first time I read this issue I didn't realize that was a thing and GOD I was SO fucking confused. there's already a lot going on in this issue/arc but this made things so much worse hvbhjkdfbsk. I powered thru and still managed to understand most of the arc despite reading half this issue out of order (essentially) bc the website I read it on split the pages up and I couldn't tell they were supposed to be doubled (and also I'm dumb so I didn't figure it out)
anyways, the actual issue...windcharger is out here using his powers to rip a dudes arms clean off. wow!
and there's skids getting punched in the face. Ls
and glitch! a totally minor character of course...
MANNNNN I SO adore the panel of all the lost lighters appearing in a cloud of purple smoke, all posing epically....SO fucking good, peak sci-fi coolness vibes, A++
as usual jro killing it w/the titles, ‘elegant chaos’ is such a great name for a time travel arc
also reading the tfwiki has shown me that many of jros titles are song or album titles, to which I say - that's epic and I love it. with jro doing it, I feel like it straddles the line between referencing music and the very fanfic-esque ‘title things after music’ vibe. I love it
oh god I forgot they use bs cybertronian time units in this sometimes lmao...I mean of course they do but still like, what the fuck is a cycle. is that a day. I feel like these words all have no meaning/the meanings change drastically depending on continuity. I cant keep up and also I'm lazy and don't care enough to try
I love rodimus did u know
poor riptide looks so confused lmao
IS....IS REWIND PIGGYBACKING TAILGATE...THATS SO FUCKING CUTE....I cant fully tell bc of the page layout but ooomg so precious. minibot buddies
whirl saying ‘chuff’ just reminded me how british jro is hvbhakjhdsfbs sometimes it just Jumps Out in mtmte and I'm like Oh God Britain Is Real
I really like the mtmte approach to time travel and paradoxes and whatnot. its just complex enough to be interesting but not too convoluted that it bogs down the story. perfect sci-fi fun!
mannnn chromedome talking abt brainstorm :( I'm sad abt those two hhhhh
and I love how at this point, nobody in the cast ACTUALLY knows brainstorm well enough to know what he’s really doing - including chromedome, who’s ostensibly his closest friend, somebody he’s known for a while - and even the readers don't really know what he’s up to...I like the mystery tbh
cant believe rewind wrote orion pax’s biography, omg. completely forgot abt that detail
cd saying ‘I love it when he talks history’ about rewind....hhhh I love cdrw so muuuuch
godddd the line rodimus says abt whirl - how they need people like whirl around who are ‘happy to get in the way’ of danger and death - that shit haunts me man like...rodimus is basically saying that he’s bringing whirl along to potentially die in place of someone like orion pax (nevermind the fact that whirl dying would ALSO fuck up the timeline)...like, how deep does it go?? is he saying that bc he knows whirl has been trying to get himself killed for a while now, or just bc whirl likes violence? mannn I cant...the character intricacies...man
anyways...I love rodimus he’s such an interesting character. you have that fucked up moment and then in the next panel he’s saying ‘if you want to call it a time phone, I wont stop you’ about the quantum walkie-talkie. he has the RANGE
oh and then rodimus casually volunteering chromedome to do mnemosurgery on anyone who might accidentally find out about them time traveling, which is again fucked up on multiple levels. the raaaaange
vjaksbhdhfusajbfdjk that panel of the lost light squad just standing there like idiots reminds me of that post where someone said abt that panel ‘these characters have a collective 3 brain cells’ or something hvbjadkfnksfdl
rodimus IMMEDIATELY breaking his own rules by trying to reassure pax that they're good guys by pointing at his autobot badge, even tho the autobots DONT EVEN EXIST YET at this point...my boy PLEASE go purchase some brain cells from the store 
and the fact that rodimus introduced himself to pax w/his real name...shouldn't he go by an alias or st??? that seems like a good time travel rule since optimus and rodimus definitely know each other later 
and like, did they not anticipate that some of the people in the past would recognize some of the lost lighters hgbajkhdjfnjksf like cd and whirl get Instantly recognized...great job guys
they are all SO bad at this hvbahskjdhfbasjkf I cantttt luckily for them the orion crew is handing them easy alibis 
‘the dugout’ is that a baseball reference????
also I love the scenery here, the bg looks like rock but there's metal piping and stuff running thru it, its so cool...really adds to the whole ‘cybertron biomes are made of metal’ thing
‘ancient history’ rodimus are you KIDDING ME-
cyclonus time travels to the past and IMMEDIATELY finds a window to stare broodingly out of. icon
tailgate thinking orion pax is SUPER COOL continues here from shadowplay and I love it...tailgate is so cute
and the tg saying ‘don't you think that's awesome, cyclonus?’ hhhhh so cute
one reason I love this arc so much is that this is the arc where the gay Really amps up 
TRAILBREAKER.... oh man ;_;
are you telling me that this outlaw base they're in has ONE bed for all of these people. what the hell vhbaksjhfnsal
cant believe rung sampled roller’s steroid juice box
also cant believe robot steroids exist. except yes I can and I love it
oooh roller’s a 0/1%er? I forgot abt that 
cant believe orion pax just grabs some random phone that belongs to these weird new people and answers it. WHO does that
goddddd megatron and orion’s conversation....destroy me
HHHHHH like...the HISTORY....the regret...the missed opportunities...its all so palpable....goddddddd
and of COURSE, the whole thing is steeped in tragedy...the ideological differences that will become the foundation for a 4 million year long war...megatron, who believes that you need to burn things down and start again to really make change stick, and then orion, who says ‘reform is the answer, not revolution’....AUGHHH the intricacies. mannnn
‘you sound lost’ 😭😭😭
‘its tragic.’ yeah, that about sums up their relationship, especially at this stage and in this continuity 
anyways. [cries about old man megatron talking to young naïve orion pax] goodbye
AUGHHH and then we jump to rodimus ONCE AGAIN breaking his own rules and trying to save trailbreaker...IT HURTS MAN...god I love rodimus, I feel like him being broken up about crewmembers like trailbreaker dying is one part regular sadness over people he knows dying for tragic reasons, and one part personal guilt at someone under his command dying, even if he’s not involved/at fault. I love the dichotomy of this emotional reaction that comes only partially from empathy/emotion, but also comes from a kinda self-centered need for success as measured by people under your command staying alive. and taking into account rodimus’s life it totally makes sense that he’d act like that...GAH I love it. the complexity of it all!
orion pax saying ‘you should read [megatron]. it’s powerful stuff’ I'm screaming, so many LAYERSSSSS
I fucking love time travel AHHHHHHHHH like the opportunity for interactions like these....chefs kiss
‘hey, best friend! miss you!’ rodimus is such a shit hvbdajkfksjhfd 
‘very sus’ rodimus ahead of his time w/the among us lingo
oooh and then they realize that the senate is trying to kill the sparks...gotta save the babies!
tailgate scolding cyclonus for bluntly stating that you'd wanna be subtle when killing newborns...hhhvbhsdfhhhhhh I love them sm
ooooh and rewind has an interesting suggestion - that the senate is actually trying to irradiate the sparks into being outliers...rewind is so smart I love him
and the fact that he’s using history from his database...love it
rodimus sending cyclonus and whirl out like pokemon
also wow this is literally the 5th (I think) double page spread in this issue...the confusion I felt the first time I read this...lmao 
and now this is literally one of my favorite issues so I'm glad I know what's going on lmao
oh man rodimus telling cd not to erase trailbreakers memory even tho that could jeopardize the entire timeline... :( 
oh man I didn't even notice but roller getting debris blasted into his face like that makes the whole ‘roller is tarn’ theory even more legit considering tarn’s face scars....
‘tighter the better’ hhh don't say that orion. but also, that’s the companion phrase to megatron saying ‘the deeper the better’ hvbhasjkhdfbaksjlf
I do love the semi-campy action hero antics that orion pax gets up to. its just so fun, even when the stakes are high and things are serious
‘this is the greatest thing I have ever seen’ tg ily
THE REVEAL THAT THE SPARKS WENT TO NYON...so rodimus just saved himself, basically...time travel is so trippy
oh man that last panel of trailbreaker holding up roller’s juice box...iirc the first time I read this I thought that was roller (cause of the juice box I guess? idk I'm an idiot) so I was like oh ok he must've come back or something. very much related but I didn't really think about tarn being a particular pre-established character and totally didn't read the whole ‘roller is tarn’ thing that was going on 
which in my defense ruth also didn't pick up on any of that while reading this and eventually like 2 issues before the reveal I had to prompt her like ‘you should maybe be wondering WHO tarn is’ vhbahjksdfbaksjdf
so! issue 37! this issue is a solid favorite of mine, id say definitely top 5 or even 3. I'm super biased bc I fucking LOVE time travel, it’s seriously one of my favorite tropes ever, and this issue hits all the time travel beats I love. characters traveling to the past and interacting with people they know! conversations that have multiple meanings bc of TIME TRAVEL! trying to save someone who meets a terrible fate in your future! fun time travel action! the time traveling characters being generally terrible at hiding the fact that they're time travelers! ITS SO GOOD. 
and I love the clever way everything is tied together here - where we get a nice continuation of shadowplay, with this taking place shortly after that with a lot of the same cast, and time travel classics like the good ole ‘if we hadn't travelled back in time and done what we did, the future we came from wouldn't have existed at all,’ in the flavor of ‘rodimus saving his baby self’ and ‘rodimus NOT saving trailbreaker’ and ‘everyone forgot about roller :(’ 
ok but like, did the lost lighters just go ‘oh well, guess rollers gone now.’ like they DID realize that the outlaw crew would have no idea what happened to him if they got their memories erased, right?? did the lost lighters figure that since roller never reappeared after this time period, that was how history was ‘supposed’ to go and they shouldn't mess with it? am I overthinking it? as usual: yes, probably. I love overthinking about comics, in case that wasn't obvious
basically...I love this issue soooo much. so so good and a bunch of fun tropes that I love. I mean the whole arc is like that for me since I love time travel so much. so I cant wait to (re)read more!!
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elmaxlys · 3 years
23 and 45 for juoka owo
Hhhhhh thank you!!!
Note: all this is post redemption for Juo
23- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
a) hugs: they only hug when they're alone. Rika loves hugs - needs them. Boy has serious problems but anyway yeah, he'd either just go wordlessly press into Juo until his bf breaks his spine (lovingly), wait for Juo to notice something is amiss and start it by himself or straight up asks. Juo takes a while to get used to it. He's not good, not exactly sure what to do at first but soon enough having Rika in his arms is as natural as killin- I mean breathing
b) kiss: they don't go for it halfway, they are hungry and angry and it quickly gets desperate. As as I said, Rika has problems, and he loves feeling wanted. It can get aggressive too - more often than not. Their lips come out bruised and oh boy the love bites everywhere you can and cannot see 😳
c) tease: the little touches and looks everywhere and everyone absolutely notices and is like oh boy not again - but the worse is the things they say to each other, the threats with double meaning, the compliments. Also very risqué selfies when the other is, like, working or around others and the timing is on purpose because of course. Rika gets embarrassed so quick and he's so cute when he blushes, so Juo has a lot of fun. Though he likes it best when Rika retaliates :3
d) flirt: we've got a good example of how Juo flirts in their phone conversation lol boy brings up fate a bit too often but that's okay, they both suck at flirting. Juo's there with his cheesy pick up lines and sdjdfhfk f a t e meanwhile Rika is too deadpan and Juo can't tell whether he's flirting back, mocking him or being serious
e) comfort: juoka hurt/comfort is my favorite thing ever *sobs* As above, the wordless hugs. Sometimes sex because yeah. Food, too - Juo very rarely needs comfort but when he does, Rika cooks his favorite meals and Juo returns the favor when he can. They nap on each other. Both being in silence with the other and listening to the other talking about what's wrong (for h/c juoka fics: here and there)
45- Any special dreams or goal they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
a) dreams or goal: having a dog, someday. a big one
b) heartbreaks: when Rika understands Yuuka will never accept Juo as his life partner. Yuuka means the world to Rika and, yeah it hurt. Juo is less easily hurt so it's more anger he felt. He never forgives Yuuka.
c) regrets: none. some nights when he's feeling sentimental, Rika might think he regrets taking Juo's eye but Juo is quick to remind him what lead to that and Rika is like you're right, you absolutely deserved that you piece of shit (affectionate) and bam, no regrets anymore
Send me a ship and a number and I’ll tell you
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